INSIDE Six to Run for ND Student Body President Three to Vie for SMC
Careers Unlimited- INSIDE VOL. XXI, NO. 85 THURSDAY, FEBRU A RY 5,1987 the independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint M a n ’s Six to run for ND student body president By BETH CORNWELL Gonzales must declare his Staff Reporter running mate by 1 p.m. today, according to Ombudsman Six potential student body Election Committee Chairman presidential tickets and at least Dan Gamache. Cooke and one candidate from each stu Bink, who have declared their dent senate district were pres candidacies but have not yet ent at a mandatory meeting for specified which will be the prospective candidates Wed presidential nomminee, must nesday night. also register their decision with The prospective presidential the Ombudsman committee by tickets include Theodore’s 1 p.m. Thursday. manager Vince Willis and Incumbant senator Brian junior class president Cathy Holst is the only candidate run Nonnenkamp, juniors Todd ning in senate district one, Graves and Brian Moffitt, which includes St. Edward’s, Grace Giorgio and Bill Sam- Lewis, Holy Cross, Carroll, mon, Willie Franklin and Jim Sorin, Walsh, Alumni, and Old Mangan, Black Student Union College halls. President Martin Rodgers and Sophomore Sean Hoffman L.B. Eckelkamp. registered three minutes Sophomore Class President before the 7:30 p.m. deadline Pat Cooke and J.P.W. Commis to delare an unopposed can sioner Laurie Bink, as well as didacy for senate district sophomores Raul Gonzales and two, which includes Stanford, either Ray Lopez or Chuck Keenan, Zahm, Cavanaugh, Neidhoefer also declared their Student Body President and Vice President meeting for candidates last night.
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