Harris Is Elektra VP

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Harris Is Elektra VP Super Vision The A/V Challenge (See Editoriak . Hits Turn Eye Toward Moderate Policy Thinkin . Chappell & Famous Add Five Years To mt' July Tie Harry 18,t971 Fox Agcy Cuts I Commis'n Fees ) $1.00 . RCA & Kirshner Mass Efforts On Dante ~Ma. INIERNAÍlONAL MUSIC SECIION1 ' E - ..Harris Is Elektra VP .. MCA Links Force lh f Nith Compo Of Canada To Form New Label "INIT. GRAND FUNK RAILROAD: EXPRESS-IVE INT'L SECTION BEGINS ON PAGE Last 53 J--- ° N, -+. sf= 7, '..r hr -34111w - 111k4"um y, 1 fJ ir, F l } l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\` ==..` 1 =:=- : \`\ \\\\1. _ 41 1 0 Yi+,+i,\ ' _u_%,.. k\ _ _- \ ....` To á t11111,11111111101 \\-.\___ \ Communicate With Me" is Ray Stevens' new single. "America, ZS7 2016 Barnaby Records Distributed by Columbia Records m\ mom mum ////i a\\\ /////\/// \\ Minn//OM Mt THE INTERNATIONAL MUSIC -RECORD WEEKLY W111111ii WWII \\1111//// WWI/ \ NW VOL. XXXI - Number 50/July 18, 1970 Publication Office/ 1780 Broadway, New York, New York 10019 / Telephone. JUdson 6-2640 / Cable Address: Cash Box, N. Y. GEORGE ALBERT President and Publisher MARTY OSTROW Vice President IRV LICHTMAN Editor in Chief EDITORIAL MARV GOODMAN Assoc. Editor JOHN KLEIN Super- Vision ED KELLEHER FRED HOLMAN ERIC VAN LUSTBADER EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS MIKE MARTUCCI ANTHONY LANZETTA ADVERTISING BERNIE BLAKE Director of Advertising Though one picture is rumored to film soundtrack highlights are ready- ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES be worth a thousand words, inflation made shows with hit songs accompan- STAN SOIFER, New York HARVEY GELLER, Hollywood and the increasing consumer favor of ied by footage from hit movies. WOODY HARDING visual media are destined to alter that Beyond the public package, the a -v Art Director estimate. During the next year pic- system could turn the sales conven- COIN MACHINE & VENDING tion presentation into a take-home ED ADLUM tures will prove well worth ten thou- General Manager sand words and quite possibly a bil- item for both sales and promotion JON RAND, Assistont lion dollars as a consumer item. representatives and might easily be CAMILLE COMPASIO, Chicogo into a album for LISSA MORROW, Hollywood Audio-visual units already scheduled turned "sampler" public marketing and the promotion CIRCULATION for home and industry uses will be THERESA TORTOSA, Mgr. readily available from at least three of album product on record as well. HOLLYWOOD domestic manufacturers and as many The application of music to visual HARVEY GELLER make media is not new to the industry. 6430 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Colif. 90028 foreign firms. These promise to Phone: (213) 465-2129 television sets already in homes a Moves within the past few years have kind of visual phonograph by giving already shown the strength of combin- NASHVILLE individuals the ability to program ing audio with visual entertainment. JUANITA JONES as The movie soundtrack that once fea- 806 16th Ave. South, Noshville, Tenn. 37203 their own pictorial entertainment Phone: (615) 244-2898 easily as they now may, choose re- tured music as a passive contribution corded material in place of radio has been preempted by film music CHICAGO broadcasts. attractions such as "Mrs. Robinson" or CAMILLE COMPASIO "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head" 29 E. Modison St., Chicogo, III. Phone: (312) FI 6-7272 With the arrival of a -v units, the which have promoted films through music industry faces a challenge un- non -visual and even collec- ENGLAND ITALY like any it has seen before. Early in- exposure; DORRIS LAND BRUNO POZZA tions of rock are important as incen- 3 Cork Street 5, Corso Europo dications, though, show that the bus- for an "Easy Rider" or London W1 Milon iness will be able not only to face tive viewing Tel. 01-7342374 Tel: 704691 "Zabriskie Point." The latest movie GERMANY HOLLAND this, but turn the opening to its ad- CHRISTIAN TOERSLEFF PAUL ACKET vantage. wave virtually turns the table with 2 Homburg 56 Theresiostroot 59-63 music -first features on the lines of Leuchtturmeg 30 The Hogue The challenge is one of competi- Tel: 34-91-94-86 Tel: B37700 "Woodstock" or "Let It Be." tion. Software for the a -v systems will BRAZIL BELGIUM Television has also shown the value PEDRO FRAZAO ETIENNE SMET pit musical entertainment against DE VASCONCELOS of musical entertainers as visual at- Hugo Verrieststroot 87 programmed movies, plays, educa- Rua Frei Coneco, 11, Apt. 13 Sint-Nikloos (wass) tractions through successes of Tom Soo Poulo, S.P., Brozil Tel: (03) 76.48.80 tional and informative subjects-a Tel: 15 Jones, Glen Campbell, Andy Williams, 257 58 AUSTRALIA wealth of material offering greater ARGENTINA PETER SMITH Dean Martin and the new Ray Stev- MIGUEL SMIRNOFF 40 Winters Woy variety and wider competition than Belgrono 3252, Piso 4 "B" ens weekly; or the one show specials Doncoster 3108 in or recording Buenos Aires, Argentina Victorio, Austrolio that faced the radio by Elvis Presley or the Supremes & Tel: 89-6796 MEXICO media. CANADA SALVADOR ARREGUIN Temptations. WALT GREALIS ANTONIO SENS Therefore, while the equipment of- This a -v outlet is too valuable a tool RPM Tiber 100 -7 y 8 Pisos fers new 1560 Boyview Ave. Mexico 5, D.F. means of gaining exposure to be taken passingly. Music firms Toronto 17, Ontorio Tel: 525-39-52 11-62-96 for material and artists, the industry are urged to begin thinking very ser- Tel: (416) 89-2166 JAPAN FRANCE Adv. Mgr. must prepare to make early entry iously of individual applications to FRANC G. LIPSIC SACHIO SAITO into a -v before channels are glutted capitalize early. Begin thinking of the 32 Rue Du Moulin Joly 1-1 1 2-Chome Shinboshi with as Poris XI Minoto-Ku, Tokyo non-musical material the es- artists and material which are best Tel. 023-90-06 Tel: 504-1651 tablished ware. suited for the medium of the home - SPAIN Editoriol Mgr. JOAQUIN MERINO FUMIYO TACHIBANA What a -v could mean to music is screen, and of the properties that Presidente Cormono, 11 1-11 2-Chome Shinboshi boundless. The packaging of full- could best benefit from this personal Madrid 20, Spoin Minoto-Ku, Tokyo Tel. 270-2915 Tel: 504-1651 length stage shows, operas and tv medium. Look into the contractual styled artist specials are obvious first end of this new phenomenon and how SUBSCRIPTION RATES 530 per year anywhere in the U.S.A., Published weekly by Cash Box, 1780 Broadway, New York, N.Y. steps. The "collected hits" album with it relates to artists and manufacturers. 10019. Sécond class postage paid at Hartford, Conn. 06105 U.S.A. many stars from a single label could And get ready for day it all breaks Copyright C 1970 by The Cash Box Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright under Universal Copyright Convention. provide feature viewing in a -v. And loose. Work those words into pictures. T CashBox i'llJuly 18, 1970 - - 1 MAMA TOLD ME NOT TO COME 0 MY MARIE 68 SLY, SLICK & WICKED Engelbert Three Dog Night -Dunhill 4239 1 2 Humperdinck-Parrot 40049 (Dist: London) 45 53 The Lost Generation -Brunswick 55436 70 81 2 BALL OF CONFUSION 35 LAY A LITTLE LOVIN' ON ME 69 YOUR OWN BACK YARD Robin McNamara -Steed 724 (Dist: Temptations -Gordy 7099 2 3 Paramount) 44 54 Dion -Warner Bros. 7401 74 87 CLOSE TO YOU (i) MAYBE 70 APARTMENT 21 Three Degrees -Roulette 7079 46 Carpenters-A&M 1183 11 18 55 Bobbie Gentry -Capitol 2849 73 77 MISSISSIPPI BAND OF GOLD 37 PATCH ES John Phillips -Dunhill 4236 39 40 Freda Payne- Invictus 9075 (Dist: Capitol) 6 9 Clarence Carter -Atlantic 2748 38 IF YOU LET ME MAKE LOVE TO YOU 5 LAY DOWN 72 SIXTY MINUTE MAN THEN WHY CAN'T I TOUCH YOU (CANDLES IN THE RAIN) Rufus Thomas-Stax 0071 78 83 Ronnie Dyson -Columbia 45110 49 59 Melanie & Edwin Hawkins Singers- Buddah 167 3 4 39 MY BABY LOVES LOVIN' GLORY, GLORY 6 RIDE CAPTAIN RIDE Rascals -Atlantic 2743 White Plains-Deram 85058 (Dist: London) 22 12 - - -1 Blues Image-Atco 6746 5 5 40 PEARL 74 AIN'T THAT LOVIN' YOU 7 GIMME DAT DING Tommy Roe -ABC 11266 51 60 Luther Ingram -Koko 2105 68 69 Pipkins-Capitol 2819 7 14 41 THAT SAME OLD FEELING 75 YELLOW RIVER 0-0-H CHILD Pickettywitch-Janus 118 43 47 Christie -Epic 10626 76 89 Five Stairsteps-Buddah 165 10 16 SUNSHINE WIGWAM 9 THE LOVE YOU SAVE Archies-Kirshner 1009 (Dist. RCA) 53 62 Bob Dylan -Columbia 45199 Jackson 5 -Motown 1166 4 1 43 WHICH WAY YOU GOIN' BILLY DO YOU SEE MY LOVE MAKE IT WITH YOU Poppy Family -London 129 27 11 Jr. Walker & All Stars -Soul 35073 99 - Bread.Elektra 45686 23 39 44 BOYS IN THE BAND 78 DESTINY a 11 A SONG OF JOY Boys In The Band -Spring 103 (Dist: Polydor) 47 56 Jose Feliciano -RCA 0358 75 78 Miguel Rios-A&M 1193 9 15 @ I'LL BE RIGHT HERE h9 HUMMINGBIRD Tyrone 12 TIGHTER, TIGHTER Davis -Dakar 618 (Dist: Atlantic) 54 64 B.B. King -ABC 11268 Alive & Kicking -Roulette 7078 19 31 46 SO MUCH LOVE STEALING IN THE NAME Faith, Hope & -Maxwell 13 HITCHIN' A RIDE Charity 805 (Dist: Crewe) 36 36 OF THE LORD Vanity Fare -Page One 21029 (Dist: Bell) 8 6 .. ( _. TELL IT ALL BROTHER Paul Kelly -Happy Tiger 541 91 95 10 ARE YOU READY? Kenny Rogers & First Edition -Reprise 0923 61 72 YOU'VE BEEN MY INSPIRATION Pacific Gas & Electric -Columbia 45158 21 25 OVERTURE FROM TOMMY Main Ingredient -RCA 0340 92 93 1 SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED Assembled Multitude -Atlantic 2737 60 70 I'M YOURS WAR 82 MONSTER MASH Bobby (Boris) Pickett -Parrot 348 (Dist: London) 89 - Stevie Wonder-Tamla 54196 17 23 Edwin Starr -Gordy 7097 79 - 16 OHIO SUMMERTIME BLUES 83 I WANT TO TAKE YOU HIGHER Ike & Tina Turner -Liberty Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young-Atlantic 2740 20 24 The Who-Decca 32708 64 80 56177 86 84 17 TEACH YOUR CHILDREN 51 QUE SERA SERA 84 GROOVY SITUATION Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young-Atlantic 2735 18 21 Mary Hopkin-Apple 1823 (Dist: Capitol) 55 61 Gene Chandler -Mercury 73083 94 100 18 LOVELAND WHEN WE GET MARRIED 85 MY GIRL Charles Wright & Watts 103rd St.
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    Careers Unlimited- INSIDE VOL. XXI, NO. 85 THURSDAY, FEBRU A RY 5,1987 the independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint M a n ’s Six to run for ND student body president By BETH CORNWELL Gonzales must declare his Staff Reporter running mate by 1 p.m. today, according to Ombudsman Six potential student body Election Committee Chairman presidential tickets and at least Dan Gamache. Cooke and one candidate from each stu­ Bink, who have declared their dent senate district were pres­ candidacies but have not yet ent at a mandatory meeting for specified which will be the prospective candidates Wed­ presidential nomminee, must nesday night. also register their decision with The prospective presidential the Ombudsman committee by tickets include Theodore’s 1 p.m. Thursday. manager Vince Willis and Incumbant senator Brian junior class president Cathy Holst is the only candidate run­ Nonnenkamp, juniors Todd ning in senate district one, Graves and Brian Moffitt, which includes St. Edward’s, Grace Giorgio and Bill Sam- Lewis, Holy Cross, Carroll, mon, Willie Franklin and Jim Sorin, Walsh, Alumni, and Old Mangan, Black Student Union College halls. President Martin Rodgers and Sophomore Sean Hoffman L.B. Eckelkamp. registered three minutes Sophomore Class President before the 7:30 p.m. deadline Pat Cooke and J.P.W. Commis­ to delare an unopposed can­ sioner Laurie Bink, as well as didacy for senate district sophomores Raul Gonzales and two, which includes Stanford, either Ray Lopez or Chuck Keenan, Zahm, Cavanaugh, Neidhoefer also declared their Student Body President and Vice President meeting for candidates last night.
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