Paul’s Missionary Journeys found in Acts

Instructions: Below are the 3 missionary journeys of Paul & his journey to Rome. Go to the first verse of the first missionary journey and write beside it in the margin, ‘Paul’s First Missionary Journey Begins.’ Go to the last verse of the first missionary journey and write beside it in the margin, ‘Paul’s First Missionary Journey Ends.’ Do the same for the next journeys but instead of writing first, write second, third etc. Once you have finished writing in your margin, highlight the places Paul went in Orange by looking at the list below.

Paul’s First Missionary Not in Bythinia 16:7 Cos 21:1 Journey Troas 16:8 21:1 Antioch 13:1 Samothrace to Neapolis Patara 21:1 Seleucia 13:4 16:11 Tyre 21:3 Cyprus 13:4 Philippi 16:12 Ptolemais 21:7 Salamis 13:5 Amphipolis & Apollonia to Caesarea 21:16 Thessalonica 17:1 Paphos 13:6 Jerusalem 21:17 Berea 17:10 Perga 13:13 Paul’s Journey to Rome Athens 17:15 Antioch 13:14 Jerusalem 21:17 Corinth 18:1 Iconium 13:51 Antipatris 23:31 Cenchrea to Ephesus 18:18- Lystra 14:8 Caesarea 23:33 19 Derbe 14:20 Sidon 27:3 Caesarea 18:22 Lystra 14:21 Myra in Pamphylia 27:4-5 Antioch 18:22 Iconium 14:21 Over against Cnidus 27:7 Paul’s Third Missionary Antioch 14:21 Journey Under Crete & over against Throughout Pisidia to Perga Salmone 27:7 Antioch 18:22 14:24-25 Fair Havens near Lasea 27:8 Galatia & Phrygia 18:23 Attalia 14:25 Toward Phoenix under Upper coasts to Ephesus 19:1 Antioch 14:26 Clauda 27:12,16 Macedonia 20:1 Paul’s Second Missionary Quicksands 27:17 20:2 Journey Driven up & down in Adria Antioch 15:35 Macedonia 20:3 27:27 Syria & Cilicia 15:41 Philippi 20:6 Shipwrecked on Melita 28:1 Derbe 16:1 Troas 20:6 Syracuse 28:12 Lystra 16:1 20:13 Rhegium 28:13 Phrygia & Galatia 16:6 Mitylene 20:14 Puteoli 28:13 Not in Asia 16:6 Chios to 20:15 Appii Forum Three Taverns Come to Mysia 16:7 Trogyllium 20:15 28:15 21:15 Rome 28:16 World Map

• Colour Canada in red • Put a black dot near where you live • Draw and label Antarctica • Label the rest of the continents (North America, South America, Australia, Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe) • Colour Israel green • Circle the whole area where Paul journeyed

Paul’s First Missionary Journey

Choose a colour and highlight or place dots on all the places that Paul went on his first missionary journey. Connect the dots with a different colour. Use the Bible Marking Sheet previously handed out to locate all the places Paul travelled to.

Paul’s Second Missionary Journey

Choose a colour and highlight or place dots on all the places that Paul went on his second missionary journey. Connect the dots with a different colour. Use the Bible Marking Sheet previously handed out to locate all the places Paul travelled to.

Paul’s Third Missionary Journey

Choose a colour and highlight or place dots on all the places that Paul went on his third missionary journey. Connect the dots with a different colour. Use the Bible Marking Sheet previously handed out to locate all the places Paul travelled to.




Paul’s Journey to Rome

Choose a colour and highlight or place dots on all the places that Paul went on his journey to Rome. Connect the dots with a different colour. Use the Bible Marking Sheet previously handed out to locate all the places Paul travelled to.


Clauda Caesarea Antipatris Q U I C K S A N D S