Journal of Systems Architecture 46 (2000) 543±550

Stripped mirroring RAID architecture Hai Jin a,b,*, Kai Hwang b

a The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong b Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA Received 10 September 1998; received in revised form 17 February 1999; accepted 1 July 1999

Abstract Redundant arrays of independent disks (RAID) provide an ecient stable storage system for parallel access and . The most common fault tolerant RAID architecture is RAID-1 or RAID-5. The disadvantage of RAID-1 lies in excessive redundancy, while the write performance of RAID-5 is only 1/4 of that of RAID-0. In this paper, we propose a high performance and highly reliable architecture, called stripped mirroring disk array (SMDA). It is a new solution to the small-write problem for disk array. SMDA stores the original data in two ways, one on a single disk and the other on a plurality of disks in RAID-0 by stripping. The reliability of the system is as good as RAID-1, but with a high throughput approaching that of RAID-0. Because SMDA omits the parity generation procedure when writing new data, it avoids the write performance loss often experienced in RAID-5. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Disk array architecture; Mirroring; Parallel I/O; Fault tolerant; Performance evaluation

1. Introduction Therefore, I/O system throughput must be in- creased by increasing the number of disks. Second, Redundant arrays of independent disks (RAID) arrays of small-diameter disks often have sub- [2,5] systems deliver higher throughput, capacity stantial cost, power and performance advantages and availability than can be achieved by a single over larger drives. Third, such systems can be large disk by hooking together arrays of small made highly reliable by storing a small amount of disks. RAID technology is an ecient way to solve redundant information in the array. Without this the bottleneck problem between CPU processing redundancy, large disk arrays have unacceptable ability and I/O processing speed [4]. The tremen- low data reliability because of their large number dous growth of RAID technology has been driven of component disks. by three factors. First, the growth in processor Fig. 1 presents an overview of the RAID sys- speed has outstripped the growth in disk data rate. tems considered in this paper. This ®gure only This imbalance transforms traditionally computer- shows the ®rst few units on each disk in di€erent bound applications to I/O-bound applications. RAID levels. ``D'' represents a block, or unit,of user data (of unspeci®ed size, but some multiple of one sector) and ``Px y'' a parity unit computed over user data units x through y. The numbers on * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] the left indicate the o€set into the raw disk, (H. Jin), [email protected] (K. Hwang). expressed in data units. Shaded blocks represent

1383-7621/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 3 8 3 - 7 6 2 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 027-2 544 H. Jin, K. Hwang / Journal of Systems Architecture 46 (2000) 543±550

Small-write performance is important. The performance of on-line transaction processing (OLTP) system is largely determined by small- write performance. A single read-modify-write of an account record will require ®ve disk accesses for RAID-5, while the same operation would require three accesses on mirrored disks, and only two on RAID-0. Because of this limitation, many OLTP systems continue to employ the much more ex- pensive option of mirrored disks. In this paper, we propose a new RAID archi- tecture with high reliability and high performance, called stripped mirroring disk array (SMDA). It is a Fig. 1. Data layout in RAID-0, 1, 5 and 10. new solution to the small-write problem for disk array. SMDA stores the original data in two ways, redundant information, and nonshaded blocks one in a single disk and the other in a plurality of represent user data. disks in the way of RAID-0. Section 2 reviews RAID-0 is nonredundant and does not tolerate related works. Section 3 discusses the stripped faults. RAID-1 is simple mirroring, in which two mirroring disk array mechanism. Section 4 ana- copies of each data unit are maintained. RAID-5 lyzes the read/write performance of di€erent exploits the fact that failed disks are self-identify- RAID architectures. Section 5 closes with the ing, achieving fault tolerance using a simple parity conclusions and future work. (exclusive-or) code, lowering the capacity over- head to only one disk out of six in this example. In RAID-5, the parity blocks rotate through the ar- 2. Related works ray rather than being concentrated on a single disk, avoiding parity access bottleneck [12]. Many studies have been previously proposed RAID-10 [11,19] combines RAID-0 and RAID-1 to deal with the RAID write penalty. In this sec- in a single array. It provides data reliability tion, we will give a brief review of the related through RAID-1 and enhanced I/O performance works. through disk stripping. Parity stripping [3] stripes the parity across While RAID-5 disk arrays o€er performance the disks, but does not stripe the data. It is and reliability advantages for a wide variety of based on the fact that the mirrored disk has applications, they possess at least one critical higher availability and higher throughput. limitation: their throughput is penalized by a fac- Small random request can achieve higher transfer tor of four to RAID-0 for workloads of small throughput without stripping large data into writes. This penalty arises because a small-write small pieces. The disk utilization and throughput request may require that the old value of user's of parity stripping are similar to that of the targeted data be read (pre-read), overwriting this mirrored disk, and have cost/GB comparable to with new user data, pre-reading the old value of RAID-5. Parity stripping has preferable fault the corresponding parity, then overwriting this containment and operations features compared second disk block with the updated parity. In with RAID-5. contrast, systems based on mirrored disks simply Floating data/parity structure [18] uses the write the user's data on two separate disks and, method of shorten ``read-modify-write'' time when therefore, are only penalized by a factor of two. modifying data or parity information so as to This disparity, four accesses per small write instead solve the small-write problem. All the data blocks of two, has been termed the small-write problem and parity blocks correspond to the di€erent cyl- [21]. inders separately. In each cylinder, one track is H. Jin, K. Hwang / Journal of Systems Architecture 46 (2000) 543±550 545 preserved to keep the modi®cation result of the new location is chosen in a manner that mini- data block and parity block. This method can re- mizes the disk-arm time devoted to the write, and duce response time of small write by the ¯oating a new physical-to-logical mapping is established. address physical space on the disk. But it is not so An example of this approach is the log-structure convenient to the large size request. After many ®le system (LFS) [13,14]. It writes all modi®ca- instances of small write, many logically continuous tions to the disk sequentially in a log-like struc- blocks are physically separated. Thus it enlarges ture, thereby speeding up both ®le writing and the rotation delay of accessing logically continu- crash recovery. The log is the only structure on ous data. the disk; it contains indexing information so that Parity logging [21,22] sets a large capacity of the ®le can be read back from the log eciently. or bu€er to combine some small writes to a In order to maintain large free areas on disk for large writes to improve the data transfer rate and fast writing, LFS divides the log into segments reduce the time of modifying parity information. It and uses a segment cleaner to compress the live stores all the modi®cation of parity information as information from heavily fragmented segments. a log in the logging cache. When the logging cache However, because logically nearby blocks may is ful®lled, it writes parity information in large not be physically nearby, the performance of blocks to the parity log disk in a serial way. When LFS in read-intensive workloads may be de- the parity log disk is ful®lled, it reads all the in- graded if the read and write access patterns di€er formation in the parity log disk and the informa- widely. tion of the parity disk or data disk to reconstruct The distorted-mirror approach [20] uses the parity information. One of the disadvantages of 100% storage overhead of mirroring to avoid this parity logging is that when the parity log disk is problem: one copy of each block is stored in ®xed ful®lled, the I/O request should be blocked so as to location, while the other copy is maintained in reconstruct parity information, and these opera- ¯oating storage, achieving higher write throughput tions should be carried on in a front end way. while maintaining data sequentially. However, all Besides, it can only reduce the parity block ac- ¯oating-location techniques require substantial cessing time and has no in¯uence on the data host or storage for mapping informa- block. tion and bu€ered data. Disk caching disk (DCD) [7] uses a small log Write bu€ering [16,24] delays users' write re- disk, referred to as cache-disk, as secondary disk quests in a large disk or ®le cache to achieve deep cache to optimize write performance. While the queue, which can then be scheduled to substan- cache disk and the normal data disk have the same tially reduce seek and rotational positioning physical properties, the access speed of the former overheads. Data loss on a single failure is possible di€ers dramatically from the latter because of in these systems unless fault-tolerant caches are di€erent data units and di€erent ways in which used [17]. data are accessed. DCD exploits this speed di€er- In the traditional mirrored system, all disks ence by using the log disk as a cache to build a storing a mirrored collection are functional, but reliable and smooth disk hierarchy. A small RAM each may o€er a di€erent throughput over time to bu€er is used to collect small-write requests to any individual reader. In order to avoid the per- form a log that is transferred onto the cache disk formance consistency, the graduated declustering whenever the cache disk is idle. Because of the approach [1] will fetch data from all available data temporal locality, the DCD system shows write mirrors instead of picking a single disk to read a performance close to the same size RAM for the partition from. In the case where data are repli- cost of a disk. cated on two disks, disk 0 and disk 1, the client will The ¯oating-location technique improves the alternatively send a request for block 0 to disk 0, eciency of writes by eliminating static associa- then block 1 to disk 1; as each disk responds, an- tion of logical disk blocks and ®xed locations in other request will be sent to it, for the next desired the disk array. When a disk block is written, a block. 546 H. Jin, K. Hwang / Journal of Systems Architecture 46 (2000) 543±550

3. Stripped mirroring disk array architecture a plurality of disk drives. In our example, there are two logical groups. The length of each logical This section discusses the architecture of strip- group in each disk drive is 2 N 1† blocks. In ped mirroring disk array (SMDA). Our approach is each logical group, both original data and dupli- motivated by the fact that RAID-0 has the highest cated data of the original data are stored. Each data transfer rate and the maximum I/O rate for logical group is divided into two sub-groups, while both read and write, while RAID-1 has the highest the original data are stored in the ®rst sub-group reliability among all the RAID levels. SMDA of each disk drive and the duplicated data are stores the original data in two ways, with original stored in the second sub-group distributed among data stored in one disk drive and duplicated data all the other disk drives. The original data blocks distributed and stored in di€erent disk drives with D0, D1, D2 and D3 are stored in the ®rst sub- the method of RAID-0. group of the ®rst logical group in disk 0 in our Fig. 2 shows a typical data layout of SMDA example. The duplicated data blocks D0, D1, D2 that composes of ®ve disk drives. This ®gure only and D3 are stored in the second sub-group of the shows the ®rst few units (where 16 units) on each ®rst logical group in disks 1, 2, 3 and 4, respec- disk. The numbers on the left indicate the o€set tively. into the raw disk, expressed in data units. Non- We call each of the locations stored in the shaded blocks represent the original information, original data in the ®rst sub-group and the loca- and shaded blocks represent the duplicated data tions stored in the duplicated data distributed in that are distributed among all the other disks in the second sub-group among all the other disk the array. drives in the array an area pair. In the example, the SMDA comprises a plurality of disk drives, locations of ®rst sub-group of disk 0 and the lo- while the number of disk drives in the array is at cations of the ®fth data block in disks 1, 2, 3 and 4 least 3. Suppose the number of disks in the array is belong to one area pair. The locations of the ®rst N, then N P 3. The controls sub-group of disk 1 and the locations of the ®fth the writing of data to each of the disks in the array data block in disk 0 and the sixth data block in and reading of data from each of the disks in the disks 2, 3 and 4 belong to another area pair. The array. area for original data and an area for duplicated A disk drive unit connected to the disk control data belonging to a same area pair are located in unit of the disk array has a logical group formed of di€erent respective disk drives. A set of n area pairs (where 2 6 n 6 N 1) which have their areas for original data on a common disk drive, the corresponding areas for duplicated data are dis- tributed in one-to-one correspondence across each of n other disk drives. In this way, the original data and the duplicated data are stored in di€erent drives. When a plurality of data stored in the disk array are to be read, the original data in one area or the duplicated data distributed in the same area pair among all the other disks are read in parallel from the di€erent drives. In the above example, if data blocks D0, D1, D2 and D3 are to be read from the array, they can be read from disks 1, 2, 3 and 4 in parallel. If only one data block, say D0, is to be read from the array, it can be read both from disk 0 and 1 in parallel. As the duplicated data are Fig. 2. Data layout in stripped mirroring disk array (SMDA). stored in the area among all the other disk drives H. Jin, K. Hwang / Journal of Systems Architecture 46 (2000) 543±550 547 in the array in the fashion of RAID-0, SMDA The variables used in this model are de®ned as illustrates the higher I/O performance by reading follows: the duplicated data out in parallel from the disk drives. Bs Amount of data to be accessed When a plurality of data are written to the disk N Numbers of disks in array array, they are written to the area for original data D Data units per track and another area for duplicated data belonging to T Tracks per cylinder the same area pair in parallel with the di€erent S Average seek time disk drives in the array. In the above example, if M Single track seek time data block D0 is to be written to the array, it can R Average rotational delay (1/2 disk rotation be written to the disk 0 and 1 in parallel. As it only time) writes the original data and duplicated data to the H Head switch time disk drives in the array, without keeping the parity information of the data information, it avoids the We de®ne the unit read as the read access from write performance loss when using SMDA archi- only one data block in the array, while unit write as tecture. Because it omits the parity generation the write access to only one data block in the ar- procedure when writing the new data, the overall ray. Unit read time (r) and unit write time (w)do performance of SMDA is the same as that of not include the start-up mechanical delay time, RAID-0. which may include seek time, head switch time and The fault tolerance of SMDA architecture is rotational delay. realized by using the original data and the dupli- For the read access, the situation is quite sim- cated data among all the disks in the array. In case ple. All the di€erent RAID architectures have the of one disk drive crashes in SMDA, the locations same unit read time, that is 2R=D. to store the original data can be read out from all For the write access, the situation for RAID-5 the other disk drives in the disk array. The is quite di€erent from other RAID architectures. locations to store the part of duplicated data can For RAID-5, small writes require four I/Os: data be read out from the disk drive storing the original pre-read, data write, parity read, parity write. data in the same area pair of disk array. In the These can be combined into two read±rotate±write above example, suppose disk 2 is in failure, let us accesses. Each read±rotate±write access can be consider the data blocks in the ®rst logical group. done in an I/O that reads the data, waits for the The original data blocks D8, D9, D10 and D11 can disk to spin around once, then updates the data. be read from disks 0, 1, 3 and 4, respectively. Each unit write time for RAID-5 is The duplicated data blocks D1, D5, D14 and 2R=D ‡ 2R 2R=D†‡2R=D. For each small D18 can be read from disks 0, 1, 3 and 4, respec- write, there are two unit writes. tively. For RAID-0, RAID-1, RAID-10 and SMDA, no pre-read is required. The unit write time is 2R=D. Next, we discuss the start-up mechanical delay for di€erent RAID architectures. There are three 4. Modeling and performance evaluation di€erent types of mechanical start-up delays for each I/O accesses, they are seek time, head switch In this section we present a utilization-based time and rotational delay. Seek operation happens analytical model to compare the I/O access at when the head of the disk seeks user data among performance of RAID-0, RAID-1, RAID-5, di€erent cylinders. Head switch happens when the RAID-10 and SMDA. RAID-0 here is just for head of the disk changes in the same cylinder. comparison only, we will not use it in any Rotational delay happens when the head of the disk array system because of lack of fault disk waits for the data to rotate under the head. tolerance. This model predicts saturated array Because the data layout in each RAID architecture performance in terms of achieved disk utilization. is di€erent, the head switch times (m1) and cylinder 548 H. Jin, K. Hwang / Journal of Systems Architecture 46 (2000) 543±550 switch time (m2) are di€erent. All these values are SMDA has the higher throughput even in the listed in Tables 1 and 2. and the rebuilt mode. In the case Tables 1 and 2 compare the read and write ac- of degraded mode, there is no need to modify the cess time for di€erent RAID architectures among extra data to keep the data consistent as in the RAID-0, RAID-1, RAID-5, RAID-10 and RAID-5. It only writes one copy, whether original SMDA. or duplicated depends on the locations where the From the discussion, we can see that using the data blocks are written. Thus, even in the degraded architecture of SMDA can greatly improve the I/O mode, SMDA performs the highest I/O perfor- throughput of disk array. Because of the small- mance just as in the normal mode. write problem, RAID-5 has the lowest I/O In the time of rebuild, it is much more easy to throughput among ®ve RAID architectures. recovery the failure data to the newly replaced disk RAID-1 has the limited throughput because only drive just using the copy operation avoiding the one pair of disks can be accessed in parallel. operation of reading all the other data as well as RAID-10 has half the peak throughput as only the parity information to perform exclusive OR half of the disks in the array can be accessed in operation in RAID-5. Therefore, it greatly reduces parallel. For SMDA, as the maximum disks that the rebuild time and MTTR. can be accessed in parallel is N 1, the total The reliability of SMDA is the same as RAID-1 throughput can achieve as high as N 1=N peak and RAID-10, which has the highest reliability throughput. Here we assume RAID-0 can achieve among all the RAID architectures. peak throughput.

Table 1 Comparisons of read access time for di€erent RAID architectures Architecture Head switch Cylinder Unit read Total read time times switch times time

(m1) (m2) (r)

RAID-0 Bs=ND Bs=NDT 2R=D ‰ S ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m2 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m1 m2 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡rŠ RAID-1 Bs=2DBs=2DT 2R=D ‰ S ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m2 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m1 m2 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡rŠ RAID-5 Bs= N 1†DBs= N 1†DT 2R=D ‰ S ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m2 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m1 m2 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡rŠ RAID-10 B = N DB= N DT 2R=D ‰ S ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m m 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡rŠ s 2 s 2 2 1 2 SMDA Bs= N 1†DBs= N 1†DT 2R=D ‰ S ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m2 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡rŠ‡ m1 m2 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡rŠ

Table 2 Comparisons of write access time for di€erent RAID architectures Architecture Head switch Cylinder switch Unit write time Total write time

times (m1) times (m2) (w)

RAID-0 Bs=ND Bs=NDT 2R=D ‰ S ‡ R†‡wŠ‡ m2 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡wŠ ‡ m1 m2 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡wŠ RAID-1 Bs=2DBs=2DT 2R=D ‰ S ‡ R†‡wŠ‡ m2 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡wŠ ‡ m1 m2 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡wŠ RAID-5 Bs= N 1†DBs= N 1†DT 2R=D ‡ 2R 2R=D†‡2R=D 2 É S ‡ R†‡wŠ‡2 à m2 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡wŠ ‡ 2 à m1 m2 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡wŠ RAID-10 B = N DB= N DT 2R=D ‰ S ‡ R†‡wŠ‡ m 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡wŠ s 2 s 2 2 ‡ m1 m2 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡wŠ SMDA Bs= N 1†DBs= N 1†DT 2R=D ‰ S ‡ R†‡wŠ‡ m2 1†Ã‰ M ‡ R†‡wŠ ‡ m1 m2 1†Ã‰ H ‡ R†‡wŠ H. Jin, K. Hwang / Journal of Systems Architecture 46 (2000) 543±550 549

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[18] J. Menon, J. Roche, J. Kason, Floating parity and data the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Parallel and disk arrays, Journals of Parallel and Distributed Comput- Distributed Computing. He has chaired the International Con- ing (1993). ferences, ARITH-7 in 1985, ICPP 86, IPPS 96, and HPCA-4 in 1998. His current interests focus on fault tolerance and single [19] RAID Advisory Board, The RAIDbook, 7th ed., The system image in multicomputer clusters and integrated infor- RAID Advisory Board, December 1998. mation technology for multi-agent, Java, Internet, and multi- [20] J.A. Solworth, C.U. Orji, Distorted mapping techniques media applications. for high performance mirrored disk systems, Distributed and Parallel Databases: An International Journal 1 (1) Hai Jin is the Professor of computer (1993) 81±102. science at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, [21] D. Stodolsky, G. Gibson, M. Holland, Parity logging China. He obtained B.S., M.S. degree overcoming the small write problem in redundant disk of computer science from Huazhong arrays, in: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International University of Science and Technology Symposium on Computer Architecture, San Diego, CA, in 1988 and 1991, respectively. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in electrical May 1993, pp. 64±75. and electronic engineering in 1994 [22] D. Stodolsky, M. Holland, W.V. Courtright II, G.A. from Huazhong University of Science Gibson, Parity-logging disk arrays, ACM Transactions on and Technology. He is the associate Computer Systems 12 (3) (1994) 206±235. dean of School of Computer Science and Technology at Huazhong Uni- [23] M. Stonebraker, G.A. Schloss, Distributed RAID ± A new versity of Science and Technology. In 1996, he got the schol- multiple copy algorithm, in: Proceedings of the Sixth arship awarded by German Academic Exchange Service International Conference on Data Engineering, February (DAAD) for academic research at Technical University of 1990, pp. 430±443. Chemnitz-Zwickau in Chemnitz, Germany. Now he is a post- doctoral research fellow in Department of Electrical and Elec- [24] K. Treiber, J. Menon, Simulation study of cached RAID5 tronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, where he designs, in: Proceedings of the First International Confer- participated in the HKU Pearl Cluster project. Presently, he ence on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Janu- worked as a visiting scholar at the Internet and Cluster Com- ary 1995, pp. 186±197. puting Laboratory at the University of Southern California, where he engages in the USC Trojan Cluster project. He served as program committee member of PDPTA'99, Kai Hwang received the Ph.D. degree IWCCÕ99. He has co-authored three books and published in electrical engineering and computer nearly 30 papers in international journals and conferences. His science from the University of Cali- research interests cover computer architecture, parallel I/O, fornia at Berkeley in 1972. He is a RAID architecture design, high performance storage system, Professor of Computer Engineering at cluster computing, benchmark and performance evaluation, the University of Southern California. and fault tolerant. Prior to joining USC, he has taught at Purdue University for many years. An IEEE Fellow, he specializes in com- puter architecture, digital arithmetic, parallel processing, and distributed computing. He has published over 150 scienti®c papers and six books in computer science and engineering. He has served as a distinguished visitor of the IEEE Com- puter Society, on the ACM SigArch Board of Directors, and