Wedr Editorial 737-2411 I Advertising 737-2029

NCSU libraries denied

budget increase by

N.C.General Assembly By Anna Williams cancellations was compiled and sent Staff Writer to faculty members to review by Sept. l5. Subscriptions totaling as N.(‘. State libraries‘ ability to much as $225,000 may be canceled. maintain quality research facrlities Nutter said. but nothing is definite is jeopardized by the General NCSU libraries belong to the Assembly ‘s dented budget increase Association of Research libraries. and the weakened US. dollar. a an organization of Hit research library official said this week. libraries in the buried States In earlier years. university and (‘anada that works toward libraries received inflationary expanded and improved scholarly increases for materials such as communication. books. serials, journal subscriptions Nutter. a member of the and binding costs, said Susan Committee of Collection Nutter. director of NCSU’s libraries. Development. said the coittmittee is which include [).H. Hill and conducting an economic study on libraries in the School of Design the journal publishing industry to and the College of Textiles. determine if publishers are working But the 1987-89 request for fund- together to keep prices up, and if so, ing was denied by the General to identify the ARL's legal rights. Assembly, she said. international publishers “have a A second request submitted during sense that we may be able to afford the legislature‘s short session and it more because we have good backed by the NCSU administra- resources.“ Nutter said. “In my tion. the Faculty Senate and the mind it's just plain greed just University Library Committee, also looking for a way to get more was dented. money." Nutter said. “Everyone was behind this pro- The research area is affected posal." Nutter said. “i don't know strongly because technical joumals who turned it down, but it was are more expensive and less copies someone in state government." are printed, Nutter said. NCSU libraries' total budget is The libraries of NCSU. Duke approximately $7.2 million. $3 mil— University and lNC—(‘hapel llrll lion of which is spent on books and participate in Triangle Research materials. library tTRl.N). a cooperative sys 0.”. Hill Library‘s new Wing is tem that allows students access to funded by a special appropriation all three university libraries. front the legislature and is not “The TRLN system is a good included in the libraries‘ budget. thing. but we don't to be sending Nutter said. people to Duke and Carolina for While the budget has remained things that they use frequently," fixed, the library increased its sub~ Nu".r said. scriptions to journals by 19 percent According to the DH. Hill library last year. newsletter. unless the dollar In order to stay wrthin their bud- strengthens or more funds are get, library officia‘s canceled appropriated, the buying power of $60,000 wonh of low use and dupli- the NCSU libraries' dollar will con "ht/AutM.s‘fi’rx‘xa‘mm,ua..51“. Scort JACKSON/STAFF cate jounal subscriptions, Nutter tinue to decline and cooperative Gimme two scoops said. systems such as TRLN will branch Audio—video expenditures were out in order to support the weak The Raisins brought their own unique "bran"-d of entertainment to the halftime show of Saturday's football decreased by 75 percent, mono- encd library foundation « its books. game against Western Carolina. The wrinkly fruits danced while the marching band played their trademark song. graphs by 2l percent and binding Attempts to reach legislative offi by 5 percent. cials involved with the funding This summer, a list of proposed were unsuccessful.

Theme housing program offers new It New Supercomputing It’s hard to find a dimensions in residence hall living sense of community Center coming to RTP in regular residence By Don Munk “I came so I could have more ner Jim l’ressley, who also serves as By Ce rla A. Hogue Senior Staff Writer openings in theater and arts groups, assistant director of the NC. State Staff Writer and find out what‘s going on at Craft Center. ——Judith Bush Students are discovering their cre- school,” Patchen said. “It looks like At the next level, students will Two N C. State officials were. ative potential through a theme there's enough going on so I'll have join and participate in Nf‘Sll art ’5 selected this summer to sit on the housing program at NC. State. fun in the arts at State.” organizations. Manicmber technical advisory Sixty-five charter members of the Leslie Kausch said she chose to be At the top level, participants can Sharon llcti‘. assistant director of council for a new Supercomputing Arts & Creative Living Program a resident adviser for the theme achieve creative expression through Stewart 'I heater's (‘entei Stage. Will ('cnter coming to Research moved into Bagwell Hall last week. hall, after working in Metcalf a personal project by composing work With students interested in Triangle Park. NCSU faculty and staff members Dorm, a theme hall with program— music. writing creatively or produc~ learning the business of theater Henry Shaffer. associate provost involved with 'visual arts, crafts, ming exclusively for freshmen. ing a ponfolio of artwork, Pressley administration In theater adminisv of academic computing and George dance, theater and writing will help Kausch said this year she will par- said. trution. students schedule events. Worsley. vice chancellor of finance the students develop activities and ticipate in arts activities in creative The amount of time required to deal With artists or agents, market and business. will represent NCSU cultivate their interest in the arts. writing. participate will vary. the show and mite press releases. on the council, which also will Judith Bush, a physics major, said “I enjoy writing poetry." she said. “Some weeks, participants may llcii' \itltl. have members front other state George Worsley she joined the program because “I Resident adviser Hugh Solomon attend several events. and other “You can't unitoi irr thcittct‘ here." schools and organizations. was looking for a strong sense of said students come from many weeks they may attend none." she said. “You cant major in Council members were chosen by to a news release front the community. majors, including engineering, Pressley said. drama." the Microelectronics Center of Microelectronics t‘entcr. "It’s hard to find a sense of com— physics and architecture design. “It is part of human nature to he lint working in theater (ltllllllllS‘ North Carolina (MCNC) Board of The coutrctl also will search for munity in regular residence halls,” Fifty—five percent of the students creative. By participating in the [ration gives students leadership Trustees. which is charred by an executive director for the center, she added. are upperclassmen and about 45 program, students may discover c,\pt:ltt‘tit t‘. (‘liiiticellor Bruce l’ottiton. develop specifications for the new Bush said she will work with the percent are freshmen, said Julie their own potential for creative Mnsn tltt'trlitt Jonathan Kratttcr Members of this board also building and evaluate bids. Shatter program's creative writing mentor Urquhart, area director for the expression." said llit.'lllt house residents could include llNC-(‘hapel Hill said iii a telephone interview. on projects that will include articles Quad. Their mentors will help them dis- join llltl‘-t\ t'l'tittps on campus. or Chancellor Paul llardin and ll. Shatter \ttltl the council is con for NCSU‘s Friends of the Gallery About ten more women than inert cover this potential. loin: tlmti own tllllslk’ groups. Keith ll Brodie, president of Duke ducting an international search tor newsletter, and a notebook of per— are participating. Urquhart. who is responsible for “It tl shunt to form a llltl\lC l'niyctsrly. a director. sonal impressions about arts events. Students will participate at several programming, will serve .is ii men group. lltt". tan pct coir hing," llt‘ The new center will be used pit- "We hate already received over Eric Patchen, a freshman in archi- levels. tor for singers, guitarists and tltltlcil mitidy for general research in all 1in applications from highly quali- tecture, said he joined the program At the first level, students will be pianists. l’aitn ipanis also can attend titii rc disciplines. said (ieotge Howe of ficd inditiduals.” he said. ”I'm because “it opens you up to every‘ in the audience. “l‘ll manage the coffeehouse events McNt’. very excited about the whole thing, and you generally get along This level "is where you get that where students in the program cart ll.iitce lllL‘llltl! Robin Harris The council was established to thing." better with people who have the broad, varied exposure to arts, and perform." she said. The coffeehouse Taylor. a [ill:.‘~lt‘ttl L‘(,lllLillit)ll give "technical guidance" in setting Shaffer said a supereontputrng same interests." decide which ones appeal to you as will not be ready until mid fall, she up the policies and administrative center in North Carolina wiil mean an individual," said programs plan- added. .St't' ARTS. page procedures for the center. according easier access to better computers.

Final funeral farewell to foundling female feline, Snowball '~ INSIDE litmk‘s art- opt-it tor i7 it was a bittersweet trip home over the ted. If that wasn't the case. no illlllillill of lll her prime. she was a bit more lethal. To positions iii Ni . Slate’s weekend. crooning or patting your knees would elicit the annoyance of my iitoiti. what was left of Stride-tit (ioxcrntttt'nt. I lost a member of my family. Someone l anything more than it cold state that seemed the dead rabbit or bird would be deposited Ill NEWS/3A grew up with, whose mortality I never ‘ally to say. “l'tti no Locker spaniel. you idiot." the garage on the rug in front of the kitchen lllt‘ (tillt-gt‘ ()l lt-xtilcs considered. Jeff It the situation were reversed and \llt‘ was door. The rug was still of ltkt' a trophy room .rri‘ tiiiitlcrgotng a more Snowball, former stray cat and beloved doing the bcgging, Snowball had it wide for Snowball. wrtli leathers or tui‘ instead ol grtittt/atiott. family pet, passed away after a brief illness repertoire ot facial expressions that she prob irritlcts and bezirskiiis. She seemed almost NEWS/3A last week. No more than air adolescent iii Cherry ably lcatncd lioiti Sally Stititlieis on those 'l'V insulted when mom yelleil .‘ll her for messing people years, she was a grand old dame long liiiiigct rclrct t’ttllllllt'lt ials. It the mpi‘cssrons up that rug. l‘\t'lill Sweat and lartli. past her prime in feline terms. tlltllld work. she'd stand on her hind ll'tf\ and One of her main satistattioits lll lite was Wind and lift‘ rotk .t liven though she was a bit slow and her. sharpen ltci claws on son: lea}. earning entry to the house tit general and to pittlxt‘tl Reynolds ('iilr couldn't jump quite as high or as far as she I‘m glad I didn't have to take her to be “put 'llrotigh sht- ‘-‘ut‘x Pill" ohitt‘ tiortr whiskers the living room iii particular Snowball loved sctitit \titttlat night. l).in once did, Snowball still managed to retain her to sleep" as the vet st) cirpheittistitally calls it. to t.ul .tlltl was t‘d‘vll} .t Ii‘ltf ltotii .i lilotk \'|.|lllll_t_' tip on the good immune and would l’anloski tt‘\lt‘\\\ the dignity to the end. She must have regarded lt wouldn't have secured right to end her llit' :ru..t\, \llt‘ toniilti t lt'ntrl .ittcittptini' to stalk .tl\\.r\s «link lo we rt tin‘ «loot to tln' toottt shim dying as some sort ol ultimate trip to the vet iii a place, she detestcd so lllllt'll :\ ‘v‘l‘xll there l‘lltl‘~ .iitil \tltllt‘ll'ln llt llt'! i-lel ilz‘t‘ 'l.iil nili l. \VJK Upt'll PEATURESPAGE 3A critiariaii to be ;l\tittlt'<’l. because she crept off always t'llt'llt.‘tl nasty yonsl‘. .tnd lll‘th no ow ought out lit-ll little from t. rah to tiuah ll she wanted to stay lll‘ttlt‘ longer than m- \tittlt-ttts sliotilil grit to and liid heist-ll \H well it took my parents two matter how sick the cat lt‘ll. rtt tii‘ws llti' l't i Ltlil thought she should. she‘d dcrtionstiatc lict know tliiiit’ priitt-ssots days to find ilt'l hotly Sltc \ki‘l‘. smart cttoiigii to ll\t' .r lillliY lite. tlt iiiiLt lit't pit". Love. xtlLit “on: disapproval b\ llltllltt' l tlll‘llllltt‘llt‘li, she'il git! lll\I)l\t'(l tit t‘\ifd(lll No convenient thinking Hi the garage lot and punk» t.‘l|t)llL’ll to mow ll'l.‘.l,|t‘-‘ till ’ltt' .\lttrit‘ l.ll" ll . i l. » ltirz'cl .‘iliotit llt'l t.rtl, .tl‘ttl ‘-\.l\ in It rtwnl lll.tll‘. 'l| lllill .u tt\itti-s \t'l lllllt' Snowball fs'ht .ilau‘w \scrit out of her \\;t\ to \Nlit'rr \irooliull iniitpt'tl Ill Li'lll litt it Ad. .tséllt' tii«\tiitl\ .ttitl ti'l.t\ ”until (liiiiip tstml llllllt.tll *.:t1ll‘-l (it‘wl in: ltt‘tdllit' .lii- liltil \wlr .tltil ”not! l i“ it. in: \Il-Z\lflRllf.\.,~./.ti I ‘ __( )l’lN-IUN PALI HA 2 A Se-ptt-mln-r ‘, N88 Tvt'hnu Mll Fe; ..... _ a ..-- . ,- -A _ ,, "New- ,,--

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College- of Textiles undergoing reorganization N.C. Stites College of Textiles is willege respond better to industry's Administrative responSibility for bemg consolidated and administra- needs. The changes should strength- research. extension and academic tive duties are being reorganized en Textile and Apparel management affairs Will be shared by two asso- into two departments. programs in preparation for the ciate deans. David R. Buchanan and The new departments include, tex- move to Centennial Campus in William Walsh. The third associate tile engineering chemistry and SL1 l990. he added. dean. Perry Grady. will assume ence to be headed by Charles “We must position ourselves both responsibility for special long-term Livengood. with industry and within the univer- projects, including the move to Gordon Berkstresser will head the sity community to respond to the Centennial Campus. Department of Textile and Apparel needs of each," Earnhardt said. Program directors were appointed Management. “These changes will strengthen in each department. Robert Bamhardt, dean of the col- academic programs, administrative lege, said the changes will help the support and induct y ties." ——Jennifer Meno Students given opportunity to teach young kids Students can become teachers this morning for six weeks. Cross First Aid/CPR course to be month through a program spon~ Helpers are needed for the classes taught on campus in two four-hour sored by NC. State's chapter of a that range from chemistry to car— sessions. national honorary society. tooning. Cost is $32 per person for the Kappa Delta Pi has arranged for Classes meet for one hour each. complete course which provides university students to teach elemen— Student volunteers assisting with national certification. tary and middle grade students on a the fall session will be eligible to This will be a great way for uni- volunteer basis through local educa- create courses for the spring ses- versity students and teachers to tional agencies. sion. become equipped with the skills Interested students would con- Volunteers also will have the that are necessary to react to emer- tribute one hour per week for a six- opportunity to work with elemen- gency situations. Wheatley said. week period or longer to work with tary aged students through a reme- He said the society hopes that the groups and individuals in an aca- dial reading program at a nearby volunteer programs will be the start demic gifted program or a remedial elementary school. Tutors may of a continuous endeavor for com- reading program. said Jack Work one-on-one with reading stu- munity involvement. Wheatley, adviser to the society. dents or may work in pairs to share An organizational meeting will be Volunteers are needed to assist planning and responsibility. held in Room 209 Poe Hall on with the Parents for Academically This also provides the opportunity Tuesday, Sept. 13, from 4 pm. to 5 Gifted Education (PAGE) program for flexible scheduling of tutoring pm. at Meredith College. hours. It‘il‘wtir: k I. m. Children four to eleven years of As a service to the university Interested students should plan to age are offered a variety of mini- community, Kappa Delta Pi attend this meeting or call Wheatley Makesyour mouth water courses that meet each Saturdav arranged for an eight-hour Red at 737—2238. Don Stroud prepares to sink his teeth into a big slice. of summer lilo. With labor lliy can all look forward to football, tailgating and Fill Break. Books now open for Student Government spots weekend over, we Books opened Tuesday for 37 the Graduate School, the School of All office-seeking students must positions in NC. State’s Student Design, the colleges of Education, turn in a nomination form by 5 pm. Government. Forest Resources, and University Monday, when the books close. Students seeking elected office Undesignated. There is a mandatory all- need to pick up an elections packet Students interested in a position candidates meeting at 7 pm. that I from the Student Government representing the Graduate School night in room 100 Harrelson Hall. I offices on the fourth floor of the should call Audrey Goodell at 737— I student center, or call elections 2581 or Wes Sing at 737-2974. Candidates who can‘t make the I board chair Mary Leonard at 737- Eleven Senate spots are open in meeting must send an alternate, or I 2797. Agriculture and Life Sciences. they will be disqualified from the I Students can run for four fresh- Engineering, Humanities and Social race. man and four graduate positions in sSiences, and Physical and l the JudiCial Board. Mathematical Sciences. Elections are Sept. 19 and 20, and A total of 15 at-large senatorial Three seats are open in the if necessary run-off elections Will positions are available representing Division for Lifelong Education. be Sept. 26 and 27. I CU | Oul‘FeetNcveerl. Ci7is'>. l i e. . n. Imagineyourfavorite l‘clt‘ lhlS(iotdli"71*.‘7 -Ss. Zack'sflavoryogurt in a ‘Eu ‘3]: IJ‘iIfi'v VOii‘Iwwlv h,....¢ _,,. .. | p:I i ' m7 Vivid" his Armin-i psi‘0ri.\- cone dipped in creamy delicious l I 'Q&. I milk chocolate! Halfthe calories of I ""l’li’.‘antv, aIgiirlv'zrwr'tnrlrr-‘1‘" ”my. virl,,..\,In-:rwrr. i. J , . .. .n’ “ ice cream and 98%fatfl’ee. FUII AH"Terrain b'kes Inn! “r395 nnril'trgiir':.°.\...‘ V'V'i 37hr : ftfi‘ I mi». in tv I *j We call it. . . 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twlli 1988 riir'smnrrsr comm: HLRRY' OFFER EXPIRES SEPI courts: YOU can mu: COME SEE US AT THE CORNER CAPT. Henry Rogers Reynolds Coliseum BLVD. & JONES FRANKLIN RD. OF WESTERN 737-2428 859- 0250 not 4 A Svplt-mlii-r 7 1988 lot linir tan News

Memories of a longtime friend BE PAHTOF THOMPSON NOT Team ( ‘nntinimd from page I THOMPSON THEATHE'3 on not) I HOPE IT'S .t nmn when we‘d spot it protruding 7988-89SEASON. . . trom under a bed, venue... Dad buried her in the flower bed To receive a brochure send in the Coupon next to the back porch, one of her or call 7372405 favorite places on sunny winter days. it feels strange at home now SubscriptionPrices; when 1 walk by her favonte places. Adults 520 00 's‘he was lying on top of the car on Senior Citizens/ THEATRE the ttrst day 01 first grade and ‘he Students/NCSU (,‘hristmas 1 got my first bike. She Faculty 8: Stall $17 50 was under the mar-igolds in the yard NCSU Students 88 00 The Royalfamily when i went away to summer camp By George S. Kaufman and Edna lrtzrhrtl and in Govemor‘s School. She was September 15-17 and 2024,1988 curled up on the back steps when I graduated from high school and went off to college. Ceremonies inOnrlr OldMen Part of my childhood is buried By lonne Elder ill with her. October 27-29 and November 18 1988 Happen'n Tole: (Children'3 Tlieatre) Arts programs To Be Announced February 2 5, 1989 RRLEioH,NC offered in dorm 85. YourCarl:Dead! ByJames Kirkwood Continuedfrom page 1 February 16-18 and 20-25,1989 #305 instructor. said she has seen a lot of area interest in dance. ArsenicendOldlaw “Meredith and Duke have a lot of ByJosephKesselring Phrase send me a brochurel dance. and NCSU had the NCSU March 30-31mm April 1 AB 1.08“ 1-0....IIIOOCOOIIOIOOGOOO“ Dance Repertory Company spon- Name _ lPlPlvflpliMlo sored by the department of Physical Education." she said. Address Theme housing residents interest- ed in dance can join the dance com- slot.- City pany, attend dance classes offered by the PE department. or attend one of the many area dance events. Pressley said he will teach pho- tography, organize field trips and show creativity films. W. ’lr ’,’r ‘H ‘lr Ilr 'lr ‘lr 1ll fllrr'er‘I’l r‘l Resident adviser Luray Green, said not all residents on the hall are in theme housing, “but we'll try to recruit them."

f ien'IheBook Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1988 Important dates and dead- lines: Monday. Sept. 12 is: -the last day to register or add a course. othe last day to withdraw or drop a course WlTH a retund. ~the last day tor undergradu- ates to drop below 12 hours. Open houses, lectures and meetings: Wednesday: 5:15 p.m., Student Services Center. Orientation for stu— dents in speech- communi- cation and English. 5:30 p.m.. Student Center South Gallery. UAB Art Committee “Get Aquainted" meeting. 6 pm, aboretum behind Patterson. Cookout and meeting tor National Agri- Marketing Association. 7:30 pm, 170 Harrelson. Technician Open House and interns meeting. Thursday: 2 p.m.—4 p.m.. 2118 Student Services Center. Study Abroad Open House 4 pm, lawn between Bostian and Williams Halls. Cookout sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Delta Honor Society and Pre- Med/Pre-Dental Club. 7:30 pm, 211 Poe Hall. NCSU College Republicans. 7:30 pm, Blue Room 01 Student Center. Lecture: “Adult Children of Alcoholics—What's So Special?" by Linda Miller. lhnater, Films and Shows \tiiiit- Ill \I'lllltil \\ ith it pill-ot'hrxikh 1H li';iti~.u lint . tit'l llitillll' «lon‘t haw it hit ol'spat'c to Sparta so we‘ll Wvdnesday: plovi through ('Vt'l‘y‘ wwk So the last thing Fri-v ('hm-ksfllogm \mi tori: kt1-1) your t'dllfl‘lk’d checks each month so 8 p.rn., Erdahl-Cloyd Theater. will lit‘t‘tl IS rrrmllu‘l' lNKlk. rltfltl‘? two you fill l'rt-t- 1 links [N'l worth/wt Will you don't have to store them. Film “The Desert Fox " Free “rout: ’l‘ho- Stuth'ut liaukmgvht-t'k your ll;illit' .iiitl (ltllllt‘NN (llonu-lomi uml \ntl it‘ you ever need a copy ot‘a ('ht‘t'k, ‘1 hook iir'tuzilly nizikt-s your lift‘ easier. Illilllll not int-lutlml ) in u r'riiiw to your nearest First Citizens Thursday: Mur'h (‘HSlt‘l' Sturlt-nt Ranking is it no Fl‘t‘t‘ A’l‘l“ (‘ill‘tll \‘i llli llil ~ 4 .tltl. ytili Hank and we'll provide you a r'ertil'iwl i‘()p\ :1 l) m Carmichael Gym luissli-«hookingrurount (‘l't‘lill‘d expressly t'klll \«uhih‘mi Whit :uiytimo you llt‘i‘tl it ol' \Hlll l’lll‘('k. Dance Studio. Auditions tor for you at it time when you don‘t have 3-1 hours :i (Liy. l \t' ll lot lit‘l lllllllllt' lul- Special Perks: You‘ll receive a Milli“ Dance Repertory Company. much “1111' to murmur morn-y. lt‘t‘\ oi lilll‘ lllLllll iii/m l‘llli\ lllt iiixiii'iiiir'ti policy/~81 no r‘h'dmt‘ *wht'n lrito i731" 2487 llt-i‘tt‘s hon It \ktil‘h\ \oii ll l'unl :i l-‘tisit iii/.i-i: ~ Moll fl \- ill Hilt‘ll \iilli' arr-ount. No Surprises: it llll‘“ know i-xm-tly how \Il‘hlill’ t" ‘t‘l\ llt‘;il' \tilli (rilllllll‘ \iiii l'hts. you’ll rt‘t’t’th‘ discounts on rental l riday [limit lllllllt‘y Will lw rh-rlur-tml from your ‘llllilthili‘t‘tllll\l‘\1‘r”llall|hllll|(1'l-i\ .osqit any :\\'l\ llr-rtzrir Nationalt'arrontal /, 9. and 11 pm. Stewart 3 ‘\'l‘f\l\ Iii lin-Nilillit';i\lt'l'it offices. (irriat for spring 2 account lll wruu- charges t'itt'll month break! Theater, Film: ”Dirty 3 Just Siillll \lllll'\ lil‘t'ill it)! Until 11”th Dancing " Students: $1 $311111 ii month you run mule kt't'lt lll lllllitl that wt: (‘ome by the First l‘iti $1.50. FL For inst \\ ill lit-riniiui-il uormul \t‘l Zens tlmt't‘ near your cam Others: .~- tip to l3 “Illltll'iukitl‘x from your :it't'ounl pus and 7. l'ilt'll mouth \ou l‘illl make tlwsv With \'I('1‘lt‘t'\llll ll\ill_tl \'l'.'\l‘ open a Student Saturday; l'th-k :it it First (‘itiZt-iis Haul. tlllll‘l' limit l"ii\l till/Mir» Banking account today: 7, 9. and 11 p.m.. Stewart L (ll'tl'y‘killN hy Hunk "L.’ l‘ \'|‘\1s it just may he tho mmt irn Theater. Film: “Fatal L "3-1" ATM or :1 t'tiltililltélllritl til. lmlh. .‘suli-iu-t-is prirlant hook you open You won't lu- hit by any t'xll’ll charm-s Fri-v (‘hvt'k all year Attraction." Students: $1. its loin: 315 you mukt- iio inort- thziti 13 illgi“t‘l\llri\\ you iiioluilil: Others: $1.50. ‘tll .\1lilP.‘itll‘lt’ .

7'. MIPIE—‘U’FTE-E‘r ’lrflli ’lr' 'I; '1: 'h '1. '1': 'lr‘Jlr ‘lr ’1r ’1: '1: ‘lr-‘lr m,1me3.. ‘Wll‘11‘ri.. wins-“.4‘ Technician September 7, 1988 5A Sidetracks

Earth, Wind and Movie draws protesters

Fire grooves crowd and curious onlookers DURHAM Well I‘ll be damned. They are the epitome of disco, I went to see "The Last Temptation and disco is gone. of Christ," which is now a worse But Earth, Wind & Fire is still sin than sodomizing a pig or buying around and still rocking. retail. Joe At their Sunday night perfor- Dan For all the people around here that mance in Reynolds Coliseum, one oppose the film. the crowd of stop on the group's first tour since protesters was incredibly small Corey 1982, the band performed — what Pawlowski 20 crossiwavers at the most. Duffy else — oldies but goodies. Strode, the preacher kid. didn‘t The lO-song playlist included show up. “September," “Fantasy,” “Shining The idea of this “sacrilegtous” boys in blue were positioned at the Star," “Let’s Groove," “Hearts of not. film playing in the fundamentalist box office. down the line, and Fire” and “Reasons." One exception the band's trade- Belt made it a media spectac~ between the theater and the From the start, the band displayed mark Phoenix horn section. The ular. protesters. preparing to stop the unending charge and togetherness. original trumpets and trombones, The news people had to take turns bloodshed the community was "Gimme a groove," lead singer who currently are in Japan working interviewing protesters. Video cam- porsed for. Maurice White ordered the crowd. on another project, were replaced eras demanded confrontation And newspeople were baiting And the audience responded enthu- with second-string horns. But the among protesters, Raleigh cops, everybody. siastically to the request, singing, absence, while noticeable, was not people in line and theater manage- A friend who accompanied me to cheering and getting down to the a tragedy, as the replacement brass ment. the movie was asked by a WTVD dance melodies of the seasoned act. section did an acceptable job. Something had to happen. reporter why she had come to the Togetherness is a key to the Although the band performed Violence. Bloodshed. film. band’s past successes. No one ever only 10 numbers, they packed a Firebombings. Hordes of psycho “it's a Scorsese movie." she steals the stage for more than a variety punch with disco, soul and Christians vs. a greedy theater man- replied. moment or two at an Earth, Wind love tunes. CHRIS MERVlN/STAFF ager “Satan what's that about & Fire show. With all the band‘s past success, The body count would be great. Satan?" the reporter asked as if she No egotistical singers. No holler- future goals are simple. Maurice White of Earth, Wind and Fire performs in Reynolds Visions of the recent attempt to had discovered an anti~Christian. than—thou attitudes. Just good “To carry on and to continue to be Coliseum Sunday night. The group performed classics show “Cry Freedom" in South My friend refused any further musrc. good,” said lead guitarist Verdine ‘Reasons, ‘Fantasy,’ and ‘Let's Groove Africa ran through my head. A the- questions by the “deaf" reporter. And at Sunday's show, the White, Maurice’s brother and one ater blowing up before the first I told another reporter I was group‘s two lead singers, White and of the band’s founding members. As a veteran of the music indus- And if you‘re going to be ill the frame hits the screen. protesting the treatment of subur- Philip Bailey, worked together. “We don’t make the goals compli- try, White said students interested business aspect you should learn Some zealot would protect the ban ltalians as depicted in “Married Each took turns with solos and cated. There’s no reason for that." in the music business should start that as well. name of the Lord. to the Mob." periodically joined in harmonic Whether or not Earth, Wind & by learning all they can about the “Try to learn as much as you can,” The news crews were waiting for “l was sent over to cover the duets. Fire meets its mture goals, White industry. he said, “because you're going to the big story. The one that would be ‘Temptation' protest," the reporter Also, the two singers included said he believes fans “probably pic- “Learn as much about the busr— do a little bit of evrything in the bigger than when the film played in said before running off to talk to remaining band members in their ture as as great." ness as you can," White said. “If business. Even if you're a player LA. The one that would be shown the guys at the literature table. energetic display. Everyone got into “And I think they always will," he you’re a musician. you should learn you're going to be lilting equip- on network news. Protesters were posing for the the act, whether in the spotlight or added. the instrument as well as you can. ment sometimes.“ “The tragedy! The horror!" Dan cameramen like models in Hustler. Rather would say. Bending over, waving their , The biggest horror of the night pointing their fingers. No other professron has this power The power to were up was paying nearly five dollars for “A little more of a snarl," l joked young minds The power to wake so the world Teachers have that the ticket. Focus On power Reach for it lectn For intonnotion mil Cops were all over the ‘ ace. The Sec Volckerpage 7 America’s IF YOU, OR SOMEONE Future 1-800-45-TEACH. L YOU LOVE IS Help Prevent NEPTUNE'S GALLEY Birth Defects ROOMMATE SPECIAL ”Oyster Bar" . Restaurant. lnc. ADDICTED Support the ONE FREE Liter of Coke 51 ‘ £33353“- TO HOME with this Ad when you NCSU'e STUDENT SPECIAL purchase 2,Seatood EVERY non. - 1mg. moms DELIVERED PIZZAS, Special $4.95 each or any SEAFOODONSPECIALS DON'T DESPAIH- 2 full price entrees on the FRIEDFRJEDFlLLE'l‘cumsrRotrr same dinner check. mat)FRIEDBABYDEV'lSHRIMPCRAB HELP IS ON THE WAY! served with french$4.95fries and slaw NEPTUNE'S GALLEY Take out. available offerexpires Sept. 30,1988 1 Only 2 mile- from Campus

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Concert sells out in record time Good news travels befler. Center Stage, WUNC co-sponsor McFerrin show in in a letter Student Center's Stewart Theater; tickets gone in 3 hours with the From Staff Reports seminal fusion album, “Bitches Brew." aghrzrp. I31 Later. seeing Davis perform, McFerrin was particular— ”Don't worry. Be happy." ly impressed with keyboardist Keith Jarrett. McFerrin cmI‘ Some Bobby McFerrin fans will have to take the jazz traces his decision to do spontaneous solo vocal con- singer‘s musical advice to heart, as tickets to certs to Jarrett‘s similarly conceived piano concerts. McFerrin's show in NC. State's Stewart Theater sold Voted No. 1 Male Jazz Vocalist in both the out in record time Tuesday. “Downbeat" critics’ and readers' polls for the fourth iron HEALTHY Tickets for the performance, which is scheduled for consecutive year, McFerrin also received the 1986 and Set,“ 13 at 8 pm, went on sale in the Student Center 1987 Grammy Award for that category as well as Best BABES... and off-campus locations at 10 am. Tuesday. Vocal Arranger. By 1 pm. all 800 tickets were claimed, said Sharon His television appearances include theme music for llerr, marketing coordinator for NCSU Center Stage. “The Cosby Show,“ “Sesame Street" and the “Max The show is cosponsored by Center Stage and WUNC Headroom Show." radio. McFerrin has also graced the airwaves on behalf of “This is probably a record time for a (Center Stage) Levi's 501 blue jeans, and his current hit, “Don’t sell—out." Herr said. “Those tickets just flew." Worry, Be Happy,“ appears in “Cocktail," a summer While tickets cost $15 to the general public, NCSU movie starring Tom Cruise. students could purchase them for only $7.50. “And they With several albums to his credit, McFerrin has per— took advantage of that,“ Herr said. formed throughout the world in virtually unheard of I: is: But for those who didn't make it to the box office in solo a capella concerts. . —.7lg_. A_do-_ _ ".0---- . time, there's still a chance to see the show. Audience response is inevitably overwhelming, as he "'--.'.‘.' -caulltt- " Herr said a waiting list will be compiled at the door involves them directly in making his music, often wan- the night of the show, and the Center Stage staff will dering through the crowd or calling people onstage to build a strong sell available seats left vacant by “no-shows." enlist their talents. McFerrin's a capella performances have redefined the “There is something almost superhuman about the foundation with art ofjazz vocals with the click of his tongue, tap of his range and technique ofjazz vocalist Bobby McFerrin," feet and pound of his chest. He stands alone onstage, Newsweek magazine reported. good prenatal care. embodying a full repertoire of singers, instruments and McFerrin's performance will kick off the WUNC Jazz animals. at Center Stage series. The series, co-sponsored by “Ills voice can sound like a walking bass or a growl— WUNC radio, will also feature Sheila Jordan on Nov. ing trumpet. a bebop saxophone, an opera singer, a 12 and Shirley Horn on Feb. 4. blackbird, a female rhythm and blues singer, a lead gui— While tickets for the series are sold out, Herr said tar, an an'a by Bach or any of the above in tandem," individual tickets for the Jordan and Horn shows may Student Center box office. Cost wrote one reporter for the international Herald Tribune. be purchased from the CONIIIWICOIVIn!I'IUSN‘! Born in to Robert and Sara McFerrin, is $10 for the general public and $5 for NCSU students. COURTESY OF BLUE NOTE "0‘WI both classical singers, Bobby McFerrin concentrated on Box office hours are 10 am. to 5:45 pm. Monday PHOTO piano in high school. in 1970, his musical direction through Friday. Cash, personal checks, VISA and Bobby McFerrin's show at Stewart Theatre was sold out in a took an extreme left turn when he heard Miles Davis' MasterCard are accepted. record time of three hours last Tuesday. bluidaag‘hmfiuyd'ség' . grim-dim wlemuu

(61 don’t want

a lot of hype.

I just want A

something I

can count on.”

-Il-lI—IIV ll, I


. FILMS . THE UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD IS STARTING THIS NEW COLUMN IN ORDER TO BETTER SERVE AND INFORM THE UNIVERSITY COM- MUNITY ABOUT FILM SCREENINGS, AND SPECIAL FILM/ LECTURES. Some long distance com- PLEASE LOOK FOR THIS NEW panies promise you the moon, COLUMN IN EACH EDITION OF but what you really want is de- TECHNICIAN. pendable, high-quality service. That’s just what you’ll get when you choose AT&T Long Distance F M. MS Service, at a cost that’s a lot less than you think. You can ex t low long distance rates, 24ng SIM I, W“) 8 ErdahI-CtoydPM. FREE! THE Theatre.DESERT WorldFOX, War II Serles. operator assistance, clear con- Hathawayl951, 00 mIT‘II)IIOCTOTCost. James Mason.Henry nections and immediate credit .tossrco Tandy, Sir Codrtc Hordwlcke. for wrong numbers. And the (sermonActor MosonHold Morsnolrs fantastic as in o trlmod biographyRommelwhich assurance that virtually all of follows Teommel‘s defeat to your calls will go through the onNorthroturnrnAfrica andtohisNazidistiluslonmentGermany. A highlight 0 this on rosslng drama first time. That’s the genius of 15 trio stunning (resort ocotlon scenes. the A'I‘&'l'Worldwide Intelligent Si H 9,101, /,9,&Il PM. 51 (I) Students/ Network. 3 l .50 Non Student DIRTY DANCING, STIWAR’T IIIFATRT 198'}, III) min, When it’s time to choose, Director Emile Ardollno, Cost: Jennifer Corry , I’UITICk Swoyze The Sleeper Hit forget the gimmicks and make at 19 1/ cornea to N IN! The film deals the intelligent choice, A1861". with the ITVQIy chronicles of o youn girl renting or ogo during the 00‘s, 0 lme Ifyoud like to know more of touch (:oncing and tho rovclon of political, sexual, and emotional lives. about our products or services, like International Calling and PM'rl I‘l 8100If) CAT,fitudurilsl045), '91!)31508t NonIIJO the AT&T Card, call us at Sl-swcrrtstride-ritell’iirotraFATAL 198/,ATTRACTION,1'20 min, 1 800 222-0300. Iviir[)lriJLTOItrawl I,I()|_JE)I()(A,Adrlriiri (Henrilynr) Close.Cast endAriru:matrri/‘{mm Ofialr0 mar.turn5 week—Into l'll’J riigritrrirm;writ Il rst inrind-consequencesthis gripping lliriiiur disturbedLIV. (,(i'uirll womant‘illfllr withdotermlnedyO SGHOUSI roastirirlsltglltyto make himtor herliveunbornup toChildhls rmrtrrrlttiirm II'ITCJofripassionrrrolrstlr,andandobsession.Chilling I 754' ‘1, (All: o It 8 PM 31 00 Students , ”,1‘6 It i"- fitiidonts THE PRINCESS BRIDE Ste-wort Inc-Otto 1987, 98 min, MET liirrw'liv' yr; isomer Cost Cory I‘lwes. “flow 1,1 I n (WWI Billy Crystal, Potor Folk The right choice. /- “Imi.rwornorrtg'r;rao .irnp movrefencingthatduels,has rii'rarv .I- Jyljziill'flilr’irrr'iwgrandsonPar-opts findsOl‘td , ”'3’ ‘7,viriyt.I '.;'l'.''1’ old' ‘ Icon1 or: September 7, I988 Technician Sidetracks A

Volcker given tacky treatment in Raleigh; charged for his rocks Man’s Gotta pa What Man 3 (‘imtinued from page scenes (“'9 ‘00 tame the (‘ot'teau Twms tilts “i‘lt taitiiiu out in I988, and Gotta Do Martin Scorsese ham‘t made tlii the kids of the sixties that, as a gen to one of the Not to say that Biork is the otili. l caii lt'll son the) were eratton. they were just not with it. All young men have protesters that wanted end~all gospel film There t. much good qiialitv of the Sugar (‘iibes And iiiaxht with a little luck Where the generation of the Sixties one responsibility in her photo taken to be desired in the development oi Indeed the band sounds less liki‘ Hltirk Ill siiig "l‘cnttne Faldlt‘ " When a charming “Student for other characters The confusion ot today's “College/Alternatne" had long hair. Chicago and common. They have to America" made a run a; the box 'I'it lit-ts dtL' 3‘ ’ Vi You can snag Woodstock. the products of the sev register With Selective Willem Dafoe‘s Jesus is deepl‘» groups that dog up the independent lltt‘lll .it km ord Hat enties had nothing to clearly call Service within 30 daysof office, I thought it looked staged explored, but Marv. Judas Peter chans their own. They desperately needed The kid spent more time yelling at and Mary Magdelinc are too The sWirhng trumpet that WdSlle Volcker 'On the Rocks' their 18th bi. .hday. It '5 the videocamera than the security implied and don't take true flesh around “Birthday." the harsh dnim a kind of shared activuy. which quick. It ‘5 easy. Andt’t's guard Harvey KCllr‘l does steal part (it heat of “Mania" and the hoiiiici would bring them together as a the [air It was as if the TV guys had paid the film With his portrayal of Judas ‘Paiil \ul. ki-i didn‘t sleep here group. At the disco they have the kid to chords ot “King in Rhythm" ind to! the iiionc). .1 recent advertise forged a generational banner. It's A public venue“$533:ofthispub- make his dash so thev as a man who betrays Jesus not for Sorrovt" all make up the Sugar merit in the Raleigh Nevis and great to feel special at last." licationandSflCCUW ServiceSM could have some action footage ' money biit low ('tihrs ()hsi‘iu't \ll't litt’cil When there is no news. make David Bowre sWipcs his \t‘t‘llt as Biork isn't the only one who Those guys at the Vcliet (‘Ioak some. Pilate. sings. Nearly half the vocal chores El [1 E3 (3.1 G3 [5.1 t3 (3 Before entering the theater. Iiiti were trying to cash in on the The film isn‘t boring. Sure it's not are taken tip by Einar His voice is former Federal Reserve ('hairman's Ll PART-TIME HELP movtegoers had their pocketbooks as action-packed and laugh loaded more obtrusrve and conveisatioiial. stay at the hotel But Volcker WANTED‘U searched and suspicious stuff was as “Roger Rabbit " But its pacuig is like a foreign veison of Fred wash t toiiceined about prices. The Willing to work around student schedules [C banned from the place. Rotten veg~ very even Schneider of the B-52s. But on N C‘. Slate Emerging Issues Forum etables and guns were not permit “Last Temptation" doesn‘t delxc “Motorcrash.” when he duets with picked up the tab ALL SHIFTS AVAILABLE Q ted into the duality of the flesh and Bjork, the contrast makes you listen Still. he was amazed at some of Apply in person 8AM - 11AM 8. 2 PM 5PM During the movie, cops continual spirit that lurked Within Jesus and to the music. the things the hotel was slapping a Iy prowled the aisles. It felt as if I the people that surrounded him The Sugar (‘ubes could easily Anorak: i was in the Polk Youth Center cine— Who knOWs how long that price tag on === at: 3904 Western Blvd. 5 would have become another After I llllt‘l‘VIL‘Wc‘d him in the EBWDERTOWI ll ma. take. but three hours is too short. Falco/Abba/Nena. with that hotel‘s lounge (which is‘ Raleigh's r ~;~.:_CANFE 'tzir‘. (across from Shooters ) And the security made the movie “The Last Temptation of Christ Eurodisco appeal But the gioup’s luckiest but). the bill for our drinks r [Q even more difficult to enjoy I is currently playing at the Cardinal "Life’s Too Good" album rejects armed Ht‘lttlt‘ telling the waiter to Ct’fliflcfiflt‘ L‘ L33? RC C chJ feared that the exit door would be Theater in Raleigh’s North Hills those easy synchro—beats that get slap it on his room bill, he glanced rammed by the Holy El Camino, or Shopping Center. Showtimes are '3 kids hopping on dance floors. at the check And he was shocked that Rev. Gene Scott would mow us and 8 pm Most of the Icelandic bands I‘ve at one of the items. GEI‘YOUR down with his holy Uzi. heard are industrial mllSIt‘ groups The hotel charged Volcker 50 When the film was over and Two lumps, please that harsh feel and disregard for tents tiit' lht' locks in his st‘ott‘h FUTUREOFF moviegoers shuffled out of the the» music standards comes Hl'rl\\s in “I’ve Ilt‘Vt'T been charged for ater. news crews flashed their spot Th!“ Sugar (‘tthes‘ \Allll hi~ at ’hr the- sound. Influences ot rocks below ' Volcker said. show p) THEGROUND lights upon helpless Victims and Rialto Theater tomorrow night so Throbbing Gristle. Psychic 'I‘\/ and ing “‘0 the rut cipl questioned them about the movie. it’s time to forget your diet and Einsturcend Newbauten bubble up There were live ice cubes in his Imaginethethrillotfly— Protesters arranged themselves so taste natural sweetness. in the Sugar Cubes. drinks That comes out to a dime a they could all fit in the camera Ever since I heard a promo copy They are not inacessible to the rock. ingajetairo'aftlAirForce frame of “Birthday " I’ve been waiting for average listener through preteri l tittiltl iiiilli'lsl'dntl this COSl fOT ROl‘Cofhrsyw leadership “Have you seen the true light?" a Iceland’s biggest band to come tiousness or repeating the same two ice in the middle of Death Valley. trainingarxlaneteellentstarttoaca- protester yelled. For he had. He had around. The song is one of the sum- notes for 35 minutes. But they but Raleigh? seen the true light. mer‘s best. The only reason to aren’t too accessible, either. Maybe America is losing its eco— teerasanAirFomepinlfyouhawwhat The light ofthe video camera. watch “120 Minutes" on MTV was The Sugar Cubes' sound is not all iiomic edge by charging for things ittaltescheckoutAirFonceROl‘Ctoday The horror. The horror. to see the “Birthday" video. original, btit the group positions its that should lie tree. Lead singer Bjork’s vorce sounds influences well Volcker didn't stay at the Velvet Contact: Behlnd the Scenes like what Nico should have sound The. only real problem With the t'loak to. the rocks That much is CAPT DAVE SIMS ed like band is that "Life's Too Good" is real. ls “The Last Temptation of Supposedly a large percentage of its debut record and could be its 919-737-2417 Christ" worth my soul? Iceland’s population believes in peak. Or it could be their worst Of course not. But it is worth seev fairies and elves, and Biork sounds record in a long and happy career. Quote of the Day ing. like some ice fairy with a magic Either way. it is best to go check “The kids til the late seventies had The film isn‘t as exciting as Jerry innocence and seductive power — a otit the show so you can say “Well I been lClllllltlt’tl once too often by Falwell makes it out. to be. The sex voice reminiscent of Kate Bush and saw the Sugar (‘uhes back when uMExdhuStutsrbe







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Administration acts,

new faculty hired Much attention and demonstration was made on North Carolina State's campus last spring by black student leaders about the low number of black facultx I. Among their many demands for changes and improvements vi as one calling for our administration to work toward recruiting more black faculty. i'miersit) administrators responded that they were doing the best they could to enlarge the \ ”/llll\2'T_\/Cé.:\‘i1"?” minority faculty numbers. 7,’ 4- As with many concerns raised by student protestors over the years. many thought this was just another standard put—off line given by the administration. The sort of “tell them we're working on the problems and wait them out till they graduate" stories most of us are so familiar wrth when it comes to dealing DON’T THE Y with NCSU's rulers. SMELL IT ? Fortunately, at least in regards to this particular protest, administrators have actually done some things that present students can benefit from, not future gen— erations. For this semester, eight new black professors and lecturers have been hired. While this number is not evactlv overwhelming. especially when held in com- Make this semester successful; parison to the total number of NCSU faculty, which is over 2000. But when examined more closely, the number eight is quite significant. In 1987, out of the entire nation there were 12,000 doctorals granted. That budget your time Wisely, carefully means there were 12,000 new Phd’s heading out into the labor force to work for private industries, government research and educational careers. Out of that By the time this column appears, classes 4)Set aside time to relax. The cliche “All 12,000, only 222 postdoctoral graduates were black. That comes out to 1.7%. will have been going for a week. By now work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” That is covering all subjects too - not just science or engineering or humanities. you will have settled into your routine and didn’t become well-used by accident. No So that means for all the various industries and corporations Will have achieved that delicate balance of matter how demanding the subject matter, and universities academic time and leisure time every stu- Susan take time out not just occasionally but fre— and colleges across the nation, there were only 222 black PhD’s to chose from. dent needs to retain his or her sanity. You quently to regather your senses. College is a Taken in this light, hiring eight qualified professors and lecturers to new facul— will have partially established your relation- growth experience, which involves more. ty positions is a legitimate improvement. And the eight new positions were not ships with suitemates, classmates. room- Brooks than just academics. Let your whole person all concentrated in one particular college or curriculum. mates and other mates, although these rela- ability grow, not only your book sense. The College of Education hired the most, Signing three new professors for its tionships wrll rhangc many times over the As a related sub-clause. to this, remember math education, psychology education and adult community college programs. course of the vear. In other words, the 2) Get involved in extracurricular activi- that the later the hour gets. the less your The College of Engineering hired one black professor in its mechanical engi— school year has begun. ties. How can you know if you fit in on a brain wants to think, and no amount of neering curriculum. And the departments of history and physics each hired one. And with the beginning of every year college campus if you dou’t make an effort? pushing will make it learn when it doesn‘t Meanwhile, the English department and the economics and business comes a new load of advice. Freshmen may You must be interested in something want to. So those all-nighters may not he department already be tired of everyone’s “words of besides studying, eating and sleeping. doing you as much good as you think. hired one new lecturer. The differences between lecturers and professors con- wr--dom." though they may not remember Chances are, if you have an interest, there is 5)Last, but not least. enjoy yourself. These cern postgraduate degrees and tenure tracks. anvthiniz said. Upperclassmen probably an organization here on campus to meet are the best years of your life. This is your So here is strong evidence that university administrators are doing their best to don’t ever pretend to listen any more. Still, your needs. It’s a great way to meet people chance to test your boundaries and limits as l improve the number of black faculty teaching at NCSU. And this is not the end. there are a few maxims that bear repeating. with whom you have something in com- a person without the constraints of family, Administrative sources have said that efforts are still being made to recruit other 1) Get to know your professors. This can't mon. it allows you to expand your knowl- work, community. etc. (unless you already minority instructors to NCSU‘s campus. But as with hiring anyone, there are be stressed enough. No matter how intimi- edge and fields of interest, and it gives have those, in which case you should take ngnéthat‘have-to be taken care of, such as relocating, dating, frightening, silly or even ugly your something back to the university. Whether advantage of this outlet). College is your family housing, professors may seem, speak up in class and it’s Student Government, marching band. last not-quite-real-world experience, and, etc. anges such as these cannot be made overnight. make sure they know who your are. athletic clubs. residence hall councils, intra- while the pressures are there, they aren’t So we must compliment administrators on their efforts in this area. Good Professors always like to meet students who murals, fraternity/sorority life, voluntee— quite as heavy as they will be later on. So things have come and we did not have to wait for our children’s children to see at least feign interest in the subject being r/service clubs, college councils or whatev— learn, grow, live and enjoy. Test your them. This does not mean that NCSU can slacken from this initiative. There is taught. lt may seem “grade~schoolish," but er, there’s a place for you somewhere. Take knowledge and your self, and let these still a long way to go. But several steps in the right direction have been made. those few minutes at the end of class spent advantage of what life at a big university years be a stepping stone rather than .r presenting yourself to your professor could has to offer! stumbling block. mean the difference in a letter grade at the 3) Set aside time to study. This can’t be Fame“.-- H .. . - end of the semester. At the very least it said too many times _ until now. As impor- Susan Brooks is a junior majoring in can’t hurt tant as this is, always remember to. English at NCSU.

Sexual revolution leaves teenagers

x\ Without morals, with children .,_,. “é In the years following World War II, a considerable hardship. Idleness con- American prosperity and productivitv tributes to promiscuity and venereal dis- thrived, and parents of this era wished to ease.” give to their fonhcoming ““Baby Boom”" Stephen J. Bender reiterates this in his generation all the material wants of life that Luke 1971 Venereal Disease manual. “That they never had. The general standard of liv- promiscuity plays the largest role in the ing rose. and Americans enjoyed a comfort- spread of VD is no secret Mariv young able livurg never before experienced. The Setzer people today are more than ever inclined to urbanization and mobilization of the ‘do their thing’ in a carefree, uninhibited American worker, which began with the fashion...Believe it or not, venereal disease \ Industrial Revolution of the previous centu' strikes a teenager every minute." .‘\ ry, grew at a relentless pace. homosexuality and even bestiality grew in Again, Theodore Rosebury points out in '1 he new material lifestyles coexrsted with acceptance. The traditional view on the 1971's Microbes and Morals that VD “is new social lifestyles. Women‘s rights and absolute and even divine correctness of sex increased as sexual intercourse increases in other demands for social equality again and childbirth only within marriage eroded. the population. with promiscuity an essen- entered the spotlight of the political arena, Many viewed sex as a form of recreation tial factor in the process.” He quotes Drs. and the authoritarian viewpoint on issues to be carried on between “consenting Guthe and ldsoe of the World Health such as sexual morality were brought into adults.” Others advocated “free love," stat- Organization’s VD division, who state that serious question. ing that as long as two people loved each some of the prime reasons for “the rising During the turbulent 1960’s, great other, a sexual relationship was morally jus- world trend in incidence of early syphilis l upheavals overthrew or seriously shook tified. Twenty years after the adolescence of and of gonorrhea...psychological and social l TECHNICIANmp \...,;.(,.n.iw wiv/ "Mn-Ar um- [um many of America‘s previously accepted the “Great Sexual Revolution,” a sobering changes, permissive male and female pat- norms For manv American’s. and particu- look at its tragic by-products demands terns in sexual life and new attitudes to Editor in( hunt larly the young and impressionable, the attention. prostitution and homosexuality.” i Mir it.wl Htlfiht's spreading belief in moral relativism, the “Among modern teenagers, sex with In the area of teenage pregnancy, the Managing lilitor Assistant Managing Editor View ot man as a vnere animal and the affection has widespread acceptance,” National Research Council write this in its l muuii Iiiiii trod Woolarri inc'eased anti-establishment attitudes writes Gavin Hart in his 1977 analysis, extensive 1987 research report, Risking the served as a license to rebel against “puritan- Sexual Maladjustment and Disease. “Many Future: Adolescent Sexuality. Pregnancy, flPt utive News fditor...... Madwlvii Rownlimn Advertising icai" American individuals even use sex as a form of social News [’dti(il’...... l .iul Hiram-vino, (.t-neral Manager...... lit» \ritt'i‘ morals. More and more expression in the absence of an affectionate and Childbirth: “more than 1 million Assistant News l-ditor...... iilttllr" (,mirur- ( redit Manager...... Alan knit- people justified all forms of sex as a way of relationship and consider this as their right. teenage girls in the become Editorial Page Editor...... w v>ti( .rrpe-ntr-r Sdlt’s...... lt)llt‘ \t l’ll‘tH',‘ “‘th ‘ ,iva “self-expression" and individualism. features Editor...... ri.'.iririt- l’r-rr-I to" Rudd, l in riirlat VIK tin Premarital sex. extramarital sex. group sex. A week or two of viewed as Sec DISEASES, page 9 Sports Editor...... l l‘uti tl\lttl Ad Production Managers . . ... -\t tt‘ Nolan Assignments Frtitor K» iitl llr-iivi llv/ . )t 'h krillivan i hit-(utiu- Photo lditor.. fl Ho ""inr: » Ad Iii-signers...... \lva- v r x‘t '7.“ ~. Ill llirtvn ‘ Photo iditor ...... «Nil l H La. ( Lissitwds Manage-L. .l‘wtrt'lrt (.rant ‘1 Assistant Photo lditrir, "‘fll“ f...i tr my : (.r-iphirs lditor. . ,. i L i u Prodtirtion no consideration from the vast majority of ’ (opy Editors...... rl'vv‘.‘ it- 1w" Lv-n 'ms- v Manager ...... !’wirl K'VI“ Students shouldn't students for employees here at the university. Forum policy t Personnel Uifl't tor. In": ' ‘.‘ ., ‘\ layout Arti~t~ . . ("viii ltl‘l‘httl, ‘ d- \; ktll)~( ti, We have limited time for lunch hours and lvpewtting Manager. .. . . r". J‘H W ( in s-‘ttr- l’vrrrliv dawdle in roadways breaks to complete errands or business mat- Servrre Engineer. ... w i \\i 'l | .. tirrlitilwii. liilin ltrviiin exit 'l'cchniciaii “cl miles loririii letters. flier utivv t ditor...... t.i:-‘ ‘\"\v mutt Prnttin'.|(it'r~..,...... ,.lim ilrr u" ters. It‘s frustrating to not even be able to They arc likely to be printed it tllCV? Assoc iati' 'ditor. lust-rib t :.ti.ittlt‘,tll lung-Jr iii \1I‘itrm ‘svrlnvv it‘d: \ l bau- rust rr‘arl l‘.iin l’owell‘s column. in the campus. Most of you turn around and glare at ' deal With significant issues. breaking i’ Minus! 2‘) edition ot 'l'er‘hnicran. us as if we have no right to be on the road. news or public interest. l ‘ihe made some excellent points about get- It would help if you would just move over 0 are typed or printed lcgtbly and double l riidir .iti-rl the opinion rim-“rut in the I'dlilltldix editorial rartoims and ruluiiiiu .iripl mm; in ting involved at N.(' State. and l agree com— to the side. Unfortunately, most of you are spaced. i UnlessIn hnirotherwiseran do not "(‘1 “\Mltliy ir-tlr-rt ttw \II'M'HH'H ol the university's Sttii' nt Government, administmliiiii I :‘h pletely. Active participation is indeed the key not this considerate. l have always main~ 0 are limited to 100 \rords, and ‘ or stritt (minions t'I|llI'\\t'li iii the tttlll'ttt)\ .Iitl' i.iitrmn~ iii lt’thflttldfl i-dltoriai page-s an- the \IPM\ rit thi- to success in all of life‘s ventures. tained that an orientation session might be 0 are signed With the writers address, Individual r utumriists and r .Iliiutttl\l\ ”‘N' ltl|\l|{l\l'ti r-diiorrals that appear on the left are the opinion of hi: bni» rm N'ow, l have it Second lesson for NCSU helpful for teaching all about cars. sidewalk phone number and. it the wider l\ a andare the responsibility ot the iditur rn( htt't Students lie courteous. and by this I mean and courtesy. student ill\ classification and curriculum. . l it, out of lllt‘ middle ot the dadburned l');l(i\' Surely most of the students should be fanni- Technician rcscrxcs the right not to Ii-r linitinii 1l \P\ J”) “101 l\ the rittir i.i| sliiili-‘it or“ |‘«l> I \tuti .Iiiii t\ iiiihtr-Ju-rt I\l't\ “W in ‘low can young rucii and women intelligent iar With the above. All it takes is a little corn- publish any letter which does not comply “‘i‘iim‘sday .inrl lriiluv throughout the .ItJtit‘tIHt \t‘Jt truiii \llfllhl Il-iririuh “in rue-pt (lining ~tilt‘t'ttit'll lmlirln mon decency and courtesy. Show us some \th the abmc rules or which is deemed .imi i-l.iiiiiri.itrrio pt'tlluk \rir w r iiritrlvv ,iliriri l\ rtr r\ \thm‘siin trim! H." through August (”in l‘\ .Hr' t... A“... m enough to be aLchli‘d into college not under» rnapiropriaic tor {lilllllllu hi the editor in \ufltN illtl tlll tit thrl rim = .itt \trirl- Hi t r-iilm, ( .Ilt" \bl‘t‘ltf', Raleigh, Nt IT'M)‘ Hurling add“ r- flux BMW sldllti that sidewalks are lot them. respect and consideration and we Will in turn Chief. flak-"d1, \( “h‘t. Khtll‘t ‘zr‘vw ’il).ttl"\ 4th! \tlt [in unit. PrtnIi-rl in Hinton Pn-ss Int Mg-lmm-V Nt it should be oh\ roux that most of the cat s rccrprocatel letters are subject to r'ditiiiU lot \l\li.‘, P()\IMr\\lHt Mimi ,1, whitt- .4, my.“ ii, i... ii-u. 4..” gm Mimi “Ali-ugh \r' "Mi: nhttfl manufactured today are too big for those nice hrexm and ldklt‘ In no use \Hfi the ““le brick sidewalks. so surely the. sidewalks must Nancy llousc be intormcd bctorc that his. her letter has h t.‘-’t.‘ been built for you There is absolutely Department of Plant Pail rlocy ht‘t‘llt‘tillttiltltg‘l‘lll"llt' \r-plvmlwr 7, 1988 Technician Opinion 9 A

Diseases plague youth

( Uirmnuml fnim P031" 8 morality is today qum- simply it matter of life and death " litr‘iszn' «'ar'h year, JUMY over ln modem American society. thr- 400.000 teenagers obtain abortions, Sexual Revolution has brought radi 4nd [Inn‘s YMMV") give hlnh The cal and permissive changes in thr- malt‘rtl‘ 0‘ thsr' hirthr. are to media ot entertainment. (‘asiial sex unrnarriel rriothcrs. nearly half of and suggestiveness now ooze from whom ham: 'iot rear-hed their eigh American televisions, movie the— More Than teenth birthday " The Council cites aters, plays and music. The impor— that ' young people who are hardlv tance of sex as pan of a “fulfilling" mm:~ than riliilalren themselves lifestyle is grossly over-empha liecorrie pari‘nls ..primarily due to a sized, as is the treatment of sex as a incl. ot inrlivrdiial responsibility. need rather than a want. inaiuriiv. knowledge and values.“ But the evidence alreadv shows Worse ycf, “for teenage parents and that these attitudes lead many down their (‘ltll'lt€n, prospects for a the path to sorrow and misery. healthy and independent life are Again and again. the monogamous aigniticaritlv reduced." and lifelong marital relationship The greatest tragedy of the Sexual between one man and one woman is Revolution has emerged in the proven to be the most ettcctive Copies l980‘s. A 1986 Newsweek article lifestyle in the conquest of teenage reports that “by 1991, an estimated pregnancy, venereal disease and ‘) lllllllt'll Americans may be carry— now AIDS. eng the AIDS virus... AIDS is no The failure of the Sexual winger a disease of homosexuals or Revolution lies in its failure to ' Floiipy Disks 0 laser Typesetting intravenous drug users alone: it acknowledge these statements as threatens millions of sexually active fact, and in its continual encourage— \mericam regardless of age. gen ment of people to think and make Fax Service ' Instant Passport Photos that, race or place of residence," decisrons with non—cerebral parts of 'i‘he article quotes Dr. Harvey their anatomies. Pineberg. dean of the Harvard - Resumes ' laminating \thOOl of Public Health: "It is incumbent upon all of us to make a Luke S'r’rrer is a junior majoring ' frontal assault on the sexual revnlii. in mr'shanical engineering a! Collating & Binding Stationery & ‘tion What was once a matter of Oversize Copies Office Supplies There are

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Pack rugnnin g Stone leads solid State defense

By Dwuan June Staff Writer Some say the best offense is a good defense. The Wolfpack defense limited the Western Carolina offense to 178 total yards, registered two sacks and forced four turnovers—two which set up State touchdowns—en route to a 45- 6 victory over Western Carolina Saturday night at Carter-Finley Stadium. The Western Carolina running attack could only muster 55 yards, while State gained 307 yards on the ground. However, the Catamounts outpassed their opponents by 36 yards, 123-87. Preston Poag opened the game as State's quarterback and scored three touchdowns, but Charles Davenport and Shane Montgomery each saw playing time and directed Pack Wooov TAYLOR /STAFF scoring drives. Charles Davenport prepares Western Carolina also used three Saturday different quarterbacks, but they to throw downfleld were used in an attempt to stymie night. Preston Poag started the Wolfpack defense. The the game as quarterback and Wolfpack allowed the Catamounts punter, while Davenport and only six first downs for the game, Shane Montgomery also while constantly harassing WCU played in the 45-6 rout. Al quarterbacks Todd Cottrell, Mark Scorr JACKSON/STAFF Smith and Mike Thomas. three led scoring drives. Scott Auer applies pressure to Catamount quarterback Todd Cottrell State head football coach Dick Sheridan said State's defensive it will be hard to gauge our pass Stone, who suffered a season-end— we were coming off the ball well,” The 39-point margin of victory State only threw the ball 1‘) times pressure was the game's key. rush." ing injury in the fourth game of the Stone said. allowed Sheridan to see a number for nine completions, while WCU “We worked extremely hard to get On the Cataniount's first offensive 1987 season against Maryland, was Stone said the big margin of victo- of players other than the starting threw the ball 36 times for l4 com— quicker and faster (in the offsea- play, Cottrell fumbled the iiandoff nanwd WPTF radio's defensive ry will help the Pack's confidence. lineup. pletions. The Wolfpack completed son)," said Sheridan, who holds a and State inside linebacker li'red player of the game. in addition to “It really did us good to get off “Everybody got to play anti it‘s four out of five passes during a two 9-2-1 record over Western Carolina Stone recovered at the Western his lurnble recovery, Stone picked with a big win under our belts,” said going to help everybody in the minute drill directed by head football coach Bob Waters. Carolina 21. The recovery set tip off a (‘ottrell pass early in the third the senior from Richland. NJ. “If future," Sheridan said. “We got to Montgomery in the first half. “They have improved their pass Poag's score on a one-yard quarter- quarter to set up another Wolfpack you're hungry for the past year and play everyone a lot, especially at The drill ended in a 31-yard field rushing techniques. But until we go back keeper which gave. State. a 7—0 score. come out with a strong showing, it's quarterback. They all got to do goal by Mark Fowble at the 1:05 against the bigger lines in the ACC, lead. “We did a little bit of stunting, but encouraging." what they do best." Sec PUAG. page 38

Let's hope Anthony Barbour

avoids high expectations curse Great expectations are a curse, recrurttng, schools like Michigan. and those who do not fulfill the Florida State and Oklahoma. great expectations of others often Considering the hype and build are viewed as failures. This is nei- Bruce up that preceded him onto the ther fair nor realistic, but no one (‘artervrl‘inley Stadium playing promised us that life would be fair field Saturday night. Barbour or dared to dream that this world Winkworth could have been excused for a dis- would be realistic. appointing performance, especrali All of which brings us to ly in light of the game's outcome. Anthony Barbour. The freshman mania in both football and basket- The Wolfpack easily won the tailback sensation from Garner is ball. and a particular's school's game and everyone not sitting in easily the most publicized NC. type of recruiting influenza the upper deck seemed to play at State football recruit since depends on that school‘s top sport. least one down. But Anthony Riddick Stadium became a park- In the ACC. with Clemson mildly Barbour. despite expectations ing lot, and that covers a lot of dissenting, basketball has always ordinarily associated wrth names recruits. Historically speaking, ruled. When was the last time like Thompson. Carr. Whitney. Wolfpack fans just don‘t get excit- State was involved with, much Corcliiani and Monroe. did not ed about football recruiting. less won the services of, a great. disappoint anyone. Basketball reeruiting is, of nationally recruited high school The only true freshman on the course. another story. State fans football player? team to dress for the game, tend to follow basketball recruit- Until Anthony Barbour. This guy Barbour carried the bail just nine ing so closely -- in many cases gained 3,125 yards last year at times yet managed to gain til much more closely than actual Garner and scored 47 touchdowns yards. ()n his second and third games themselves —- that when in 15 games. Think about that. He runs from scrimmage he cut recruits finally arrive on campus, led Gamer to a perfect record and through the Western (‘arolrna no one seems to care anymore. the state 4-A championship. In his defense for 35 thrilling yards and .3 They're too busy Checking out high school career, Barbour ran his first collegiate score. next year’s recruits. To some peo- for nearly 6,000 yards. The big lie tnade llgllltllllqutllt‘k moves Scorr JACKSON/STAFF ple, high school seniors are more boys of college football all wanted and found holes Ill the litre that important than college seniors, him, schools whose fans take their other running backs overlook, Anthony Barbour darts through a hole during Saturday night's game. Barbour carried the ball which is preposterous. football recruiting as seriously as often seeming to spot holes before nine times for 81 yards and two touchdowns. This has become a national Wolfpack fans do basketball See BARBOUR. page 28

Poag says he practiced harder ‘Wedne'sda Philadelphia Eagles lnsne keep State's Jenkins than ever for starting QB slot The Wolfpack men’s sorter team defeated By Dwuan June “All of us did well," Poag said. “I would not like being pulled out of a Virginia Tech and Rad- Coaches like his enthusiasm, quickness Staff Writer didn't let it show because i know game in favor of another quarter— ford in this weekend's how they felt.“ back. Umbro lournanient. By Tom Olsen NC. State starting quarterback However. l’oag was nervous at the "It would bother me coming out. PAGEZB Staff Writer GOING” Preston Poag said the battle for the outset of the game. btit not about but ll they are moving the team it quarterback slot this fall made him starting at quartcrback. l’oag punt wouldn't bother me." he said. lht- Woltpatks’ liltb~ WEST (‘llliS‘l‘liK l’ii. li Cllllltl' a better quarterback. Even though ed six tiriics fora 41.2 yard average. l’oag said he can expect to battle ranked women's s()((t't stasm Were the only rcqutrcmcnt for he has won the job, Poag says he His longest was 53 yards. for" the starting quarterback slot team opened the season making a pro football team, rookie still has to look over his shoulder. "l was more nervous ptinttng the each year. especially with redshirt with a 2-0 victory over C(lrnCl'hiICk lzel Jenkins would not "Charles (Davenport) congratulat— ball than at tpiarrtcr‘back," thc freshman Terry Jordan on the bori- only make the roster. but start as Everett and Rob Sterling in the ‘l‘m going to Ion. eight-ranked William well. 1988 draft before taking a chance ed me. but told me Dalton. (ieorgia name said. ”i felt and Mary. on Jenkins in the llth round. still push you‘," Poag said Monday more comfortable alter the third ”It will probably be a battle for the PAGE 3 8 Jenkins radiates enthusiasm and a afternoon at a press conference at punt." rest of riiy carccr licrc at State.” he desire to play the game it shows in Carter-Finley Stadium Field House. stud. '. What former Wolfpack corner ‘l‘lic Dalton. (it‘llltflit itittiyc and hls smile and eagerness to learn. A back Jenkins lacks tn experience. he “(They say I) was never a practice his game is improyirigi, but he State played totir litllh‘del‘ut and shot at the pros excites the rookie makes tip for in raw talent. player. but this year i picked it up. l would still like to pass the lull bct three ttillbatks Saturday night l'n.t_c and he ltitiks it)f\\lll'tl iii grasping treated practice like a real gariie." tcr. "I'm going to get better," l’o.t;g Mir-l the .lcptli. plus ticsliinaii the opportunity The Wilson. N.(‘. native came to Poag beat out Davenport and said. "This ycar I didn‘t make many Anthony litrlw-tii v.rll help the Philadelphia dclcnstvc i'nils’ State on a track scholarship as art Shane Montgomery for the starting riiistakes.” l’dtl‘. roach Jeff l‘l'sllCl llllltli.‘ .lcnktiis t an intermediate hurdler, but switched During Saturday‘s intnic. "llit. year \\t‘ cut more depth \M- make the final t‘lll. to football in his itinior year and position. He said the competition ”til “mic ‘prcd ..‘. idliihlk‘f. .tlltl ‘-— ”—11—“... started as a senior. The Sin", i")i was tough. but (’oach Dick l.);tvctiport and Mortli'ornciy split llc‘s k runs a l 45 4t) Slictrdun i'il\t' t‘dtll tpiiirtci'batk ttrnc \sitli l‘o.i:' ll.r\"li[l‘ill plated‘. ,titiis' to help ll (timing lriday . . . ”llt‘ hits the ltitils smart. hc pound cornerbat ample opportunity Sheridan told ysltcii \tatt' net'dtwl flit: ilditll'IllLl ‘r lli' ll "-iit'll-iliH .‘im‘ llir’ 'Iiitfll-t' llit l. \lit-iirlaii talks learns, and he‘s critlitisiastit'.” .tlttl lit‘tte‘lt presses :25 pounds for illll tln' l‘oli .lll\i \lttri! 'oiriv'i‘. .l tizii l)t=.l‘.' and "tin:- lntn .t l‘l‘silt‘l \dltl. H icrwtttions, Cat lt tpi.titt‘ k lll‘~ tlt‘t tsititt to .ilitllll liiirltlirit; tip \‘ttill The Philadelphia iiaglcs tlrattcd 'lnt‘utlay liclott' llt i' .llltl l’ti.ti' .ippvaiml l‘llllt‘.‘ lll’ fi.t l'.‘.ti ntiii 'til .llt l ltr‘ 1 .H' :‘H .iliy‘alzt'lt' ' ii.“ k ltiritlmll l said tlic .iiinotin. "Ilt"l‘.l i\,t .: Find tili'. .tt "w ill l li.i?l i1“.t" ..1ii is: . slllRlll\\.;uiw. ‘l: pass tit-lenders l:llt :‘yilt'n, l'rit \irt l‘.\(ll kis,Af’tlet' iB 28 Sr'pternln-r " [088 lt‘tllftl.’ |.tH \hrnls waif, 471' — ww.-uws~zmn%xirvzrmvm

hack time i Foag, Davenport, Montgomery split—qua fit: r ’1; f :1: . - Stone, Vinson lead solid ’ack * W ' defensive performance; Crite. Barbour lead ground attack Continued from 1 B Ht) WC‘lL’iII ( .rrolriia" (lav (ox krr'kwrl .i ii \atrl Mr I’ .r -«t r ) ,rur mark to make the scon- _'.-l '1, tlrr‘ ( “Litton-Hr " Ilr' irru't'hrthtiti Sheridan said State- did not thimr. li .v the ball often durrngr the t"tlll" Barbi iii iii in rl tor t}?ti'l\ in because the Wolfpaek had est-ah two plans in tare arrrr "l\r Kitatr a hshed the running game and did not "l 3 it'rlti A the ."" r‘rrrl in the want to risk further injuries. Senior second quarter Montr'orner'y flanker Naz Wonheri had :i pulled than t.. -l lht,‘ l'.tr k ihm'rrtrr id and hamstring and did not play l". thr- Fiiwltlr- [iii kid ,'I V-i \,.rtrr ltr‘liI t’tt’di game. to prrt the i’ai k up )1 tar h.tlllltl’lt‘. “We didn't try to get thr- lull out ll~ ilrr' 'lrrHl it I”, r \t-irit tttir‘i (In the flats)." Sheridan said. "To (‘r'ptron set no H'rrhorrr‘s fIVt-«yarrl make the passing game IIiriti' "lit‘l .lIr-trrr 'n it‘ r' ‘.r.r|' I ‘vl llcad tive, you’ve got to have a murmur llii‘t rt.urrimnr-. (W- itrr'tt lslr li'CLi it game." 4’ yard trrgl-l » i" tut lht‘ Stat.- Mal ('rite and freshman Anthony haul _H r. Barbour led a potent State ground t'rtrf' ’(“l't‘tl tr ’hr' torrrrli quartU attack. Crlle carried the hall sr '- . n (In .I ring 3,111! L, , pi '0 “Phi“? H 38 times for 4i yards, whrlr “uttl‘rilll r. .rht ‘c -'1. ~" iv '.Ilf' run rushed for 81 yards and rm. roar. h t'rlllrtll 'h" "'h' ' ‘.t"ltr'.‘ lrr‘ ‘CUI downs in nine t'arrii-s rrrr' tor the trrr r. M‘- "It “He showed such explosive at Lki lr :il‘I tV, nri [U :.i T” J“ Wlih eranon." Shendan said “He hid a ‘1 Altv iii It). ;rr![r‘ lll. .tiwtdari tremendous dav for a fit shinarr " s m‘ It‘s‘ a ”Jun: tr» -lin, State took d "l l: .wl r“ i" l'rr'k’- turd stuml .r' 1.r. (’ottri-ll tumble svr on Pu u 4.! \- ir' ttrr-l :. 'IM‘UEHS l- (H. , .;, yard keeper. A lv'inaridir. Vinson ‘~t‘|l rrfi.‘ r r' \i‘ sclttrlul. tilt-'1 tiuq-‘JL‘Ll interception set up Poag’s second September it against Wake Forest touchdown to up the Pack lead to at Caner—Finley at 7 pm.

Barbour's debut will Sheridan

praises only increase State

Stone, fans' expectations ('orrim-u d trr ll! page H‘- Crite thrw dwelt-i" d lie to rwed his hlor‘kr-r- l‘ Ii‘r-rnely well, and when rt». him king pin. out. he snowed that he thttltl lrlkC a lick and keep rnor, m" (‘ontiniicd fom lit lorwaul lti- ~' mind irp wrth two rorrthdowns and his name on tlrw hp ol Sheridan said in the s.rrrr<- ”(1|th everyone who attended the game. In short, he gave an llllt‘lt‘n‘ll” press conference that liaihour rillt'lllitg-lllglli ,ni llt‘rflliltrr‘ has made the transition lr'oui Wherr- Hill'. "It goes from here remains to be seen. Unfortunately. high school to C(rllcgi'. tHpccttrrioris t-vr Harbor-v ~ ill only rite after last Saturday. still unfair and "I think he's showed hr- itit‘. rrnrt‘trlrstir fo: .iriy lreshirmrr l rickrly, Wolfpack head coach Ilrr l. Sheridan the quickness and the ability to ii flint ii to let the mama about Barbour dictate the way he coaches. be a strong, tough runner." On the basis of his first college game and a very impressive pre-seasori Sheridan also praised State practice. some coaches might be tempted to bump Barbour all the way to defensive and offensive play— the top of the depth chart at tailback and let him run 25-30 times a game. ers—of-the week Fred Stone and Sheridan prefers to use a rotation at tailback, and with the addition of Mal Crite as well as defensive Barbour. Sheridan will go with a talented four-r ran rotation of Todd Varn, back Femandus Vinson. Tyrone Jackson, Chris Williams and Barbour. No doubt, Barbour will get “Fred had an outstanding his share of carries, even in a four—man rotation. and hopefully all he will game after missing some get rs rust one man‘s shari- of expectations August prattitc.” Sheridan We ru-vcr go into at garric and decide that tlirs player is going to play this said. “He had some physical or that many plays." Sheridan said. “i think it's obvious to anyone that problems. t‘rrrhnrv 't.trl" rln trarisrtrtur rrom high school to ('(till‘i't i‘it'lllnll wry Shertd in said ‘Kr ll “r . ,u-rr: to l'u \t‘l rug! unit it iriorc physrr al and srrorirrc-i rlr trust‘s. ”Mal ( rite giadi d out m it lnrl i think in nlrnth that llt' has not only lilt' qurtkness .rrid .ihrhty i'lt.‘ :1. He had an outstanding game. showed in high ~ehool, but that he‘s a strong. tough runner. He certainly is g. ('rite ran the ball well and he going to male .i wilting contribution in every gai'ne We play." had two key receptions." Assun u g lttlltt“ contributions t'Vi ii remotely rescirihle the one trurrrinl a (‘rrtc rarrred the h.rll sewn tor now. times for H! \uards He also Westernt uioliiia. that Will be r rmugh Anthony Barbour breaks throiioh it lmttr had two receptions for ill Diabetessamjorwnm'lxrtu yards. tolmrtd‘sezselddneydiseme The Pack has this week off, andhlirxirmfiowlrmyou but will tackle Wake Forest at us: supptxttheAmeficanDiabetes Carter~Finley Stadium Sept. 17 associatinwywfight a at 7 pm. up thewrmdiseaseeof "This is the week we do the Gag-2.... mrtime sane thing we do in August l ..,_ CREAMCHEESE&ME practice and that's making everybody better,"Sheridan GRANNY'S Bables isopen \ WITH YOUR NCSU LD. Don't Thrlve for that In Smoke-fllled EVENING Wombs Snack when you have the MUNCHIES Breakfast at Granny‘s tyortr « r When You're Breakfast Plate , (, r-i With tlw "(trip/r. Two scrumhlnd eggs. Grits, k hp; Pregnant. Bricirit, Country H: on Bacon (DIE/Old” Olih‘NOV) 2;. Pfiivgger'o Britt} r ltd? r " Don} §rgoket m Snitsuqe- Raleigh 0 828 5360 4’" l’illlf~1h()-tiugh (iv m. i’i."ri".trf'l1 ”.rrtitirrrt :ttr $ ‘| _89 6:00 (rm—9:00 pm ‘, you ll Pooeiw lug? . .rrr‘ aliorrtr‘ with r.r=¢:’r;'*r am F".i"‘ / for t'lt W’- lt.’.~ «rtrr' W.,., TRY (GRANNY'S voeurtrr irilr utrrr rrrrg y at to Hon Lv—fl ,_- rlr,|rr.t(rtr.~r »-‘:'..; Crl NEW "Granny's Pack" / l"?f'l.1.,‘{f(rt ,. R,;.;,Ig,i £3.11 gl <,// for the Games Zlfltl‘wr' valrrl 8.00 l I (if) rtri i’rr'i .r r'trrf (it) pm 7' {1r l ti, r. a 7 wiry /7 / i 8 pcs Chicken 40m) ("tilltrHrl pr r' (irrutorrir . r % / /’, Not, valid in oot'r'it‘irriritartr.. r3 out,“ Mr {2%’2 1 Pint Potato Solgd ‘;/////// / and 4 Big Biscurts M BRUEGGER’S 2//// , . «it: in ONLY $8.99 Preserve ill!‘ fl \i'ilrl Illt' “GEL BAKERY Look for soups & salads this fall V‘.‘ ., ml 8:2. , “. l special orders and lake-outs 57’ 7 / /' _ -——«-...t—"— 'l’f’A/fll/ 1; 9‘ I’L “names: ' wee-.5, Jake-firabmtrfitm- September 1, With l('( lniu Ml‘l Sports 38

Eagles-like Jenkins' strength; special teams p157

coverage. the line," he Stiltl. "1 used to just l‘.£l):lt‘\ .isxistdtit Huttll -'\l Rolwtts nivthu tll “'l’nrlr,” whose shadow is Continued from page 18 During the Eagles' preseason jump out of the way, their run and would llht' to sic more at Jriiknis' rumored to| on the doors of encounter with the New York Jets, catch up with them. But up here, l special lt‘ttlll .ilitlnics. The tour lies thosr about to be cut. However, one Jenkins batted down a slightly might run up against one of those would like to \t'r lrnkinx use some lttsl < tit still lurks around the comer, "'He's strong and aggressive and he underthrown pass to Jets' receiver burners and it just won't be the of his spent to return kick offs Jrnkiiis' special team efforts could likes to hit.' Fisher said. "Of Mike Harper at the goal line. same. So I've got to work on the "We want l/cl to he the surprise of (ll't ltlt' whether he has a future in course, we don't ask our comers to While the crowd roared, collision on the line, then stay With the draft Ht lt‘llll\ ol lt‘llllllt‘l\ " lllt Nl-l.. come up and support the run. But he Philadelphia coaches frowned and them. Once you get a hit, you're in R()l)t‘l'l\ \dltl "llt's lrll lisht i‘K l‘l‘:llt'l \itltl lt-nkins' chances wort: also has that speed, and right now. Jenkins found himself pulled out of control." [)I‘OJL'CI, and he's not (Ulllltil’lillJlL‘ good and he might very well land we feel comer is the best place for the game. The reason: Jenkins let While most of the pre—season fielding punts and kicks yet, but himself a back up role on the team. rm." his man go by him. If the pass had action Jenkins saw was at the comer when Jeff gets him ready. we think “Coach Ryan drafted him," Fisher been thrown correctly and Jenkins position, he has also played on we're going to have a special find." said. “That says a lot." While at State, Jenkins played in a had been any slower, the receiver some special teams. In a preseason Fisher would like to see Jenkins iii zone coverage. Now he has to learn would have scored. game against the New York Jets, more game situations, but the squad NOTE: Jenkins reportedly made Coach Buddy Ryan's system of "What I have to work on is my Jenkins blocked an extra point is large and the plt‘ season short. the final cut of 47 at the man-to-man and bump-and-run bump-and-run technique coming off attempt. So far Jenkins has avoided the Philadelphia Eagle training camp Izol Jordana/Eagles

Men's soccer team outshoots opponents, beats Hokies, Radford

Women's team starts season with 2—0 victory over Indians By Scott Deuel played very well for us.” Assignments Editor Senior fullback Wade Whitney did not play on Sunday because of a Halfbacks Dario Brose and Henry hamstring pull suffered against Gutierrez, and fullback (.‘urt Virginia Tech. Johnson each scored one goal to “We need Wade back in the line- lead George Tarantini’s 16th~ranked up.” Tarantini said. Wolfpack men’s soccer team to a 3- On Saturday against Virginia 0 shutout of Radford at Method Tech, the Wolfpack displayed an Road Stadium on Sunday after« explosive offensive game by scor- noon. ing seven goals in the first period. With the win, the Wolfpack com- Gutierrez led all scorers with three pleted a two-game sweep of the goals, followed by Brose and Umhro Toumament, having defeat- Szanto, who had two goals each. ed the Virginia Tech Hokies by a 9« Codd and Habecker rounded out the 3 margin on Saturday. scoring with one goal apiece. “Against Virginia Tech, we. had a During the game, the Wolfpack pretty good first half," Tarantini fired 2’] shots at the Hokies” goal said. “In the second half. we made a and received nine corner kicks. lot of mistakes due to our lack of Tech attempted 11 goal shots and experience. In the second game, we was given four comer kick opportu~ played With a lot more intensity and nities. functioned more like a team.” State was penalized twice for The Wolfpack outshot Radford 23 being offsides, and 10 fouls were to 12 for the game. and the Pack assessed to the Wolfpack. received five corner kicks to their “We learned a lesson from the t ’fi‘gu opponent’s four. Virginia Tech game,” Tarantini said. Lance Bell,(16), Alex Sanchez (9) and Dame Bro'so celebrate a goal against Va. Tech. MARC KAWANISHt/SINI Goalie Jim Cekanor recorded “We need not only a high scoring eight saves against Radford. team but a good defense as well. said. “Time will give us the experi .. . . . sensations Fabiennc tiareau (IA just as tough, allowrrig only ten Tarantini cited his team‘s defeat Someone once told me that you win ence we need, and wr‘"re pretty The .EllI-l‘tlt11’fll l" .(i. S‘ut" goal“, “'1 artists last season) and shots on goal for the contest. sive play as the key to the games with an offense. but you win , determined to be successful " women's soccer [L'dm began their (.‘lianiiaine Hooper (10.7.4) provid Sophomore lindsziy llrechcr tilled Wolfpack"s victory over Radford. championships with a defense." State”s record stands at 20 for the 1988 season Sunday with an ed the l’iiepowcr With a goal apiece. in at the net tor departed all- ”The defense played very well,” “The newcomers did a very good season. The Pack will resume play impressive 2 O victory over the 8th- Hooper and two~tirrie all America Aniciicaii walker-per Barbara Tarantini said. “Kurt Habecker. job for us, and they really helped this Saturday in Durham at the ranked Indians of William Xx. Mary Laura Kerngan lltld the assists. Wickstrzuid. and had four saves In Chuck Codd, and Chris Szanto the team,” the State head coach Duke Metropolitan Life Classic. at Willianishurg, Va. Sophomore 'l'lrt' voung defense proved to be the shutout Joey Wofl'ord

O PHONE mat-Imu'nr-wRESERVE'oru—mmmm-lrrr grenas¢rnii~iug‘roups. .1“.-- - ~_ - Wolfpack r[eletip Wolfpack Teletip puts answers to your most-often I asked questions as close as the telephone. To I use Wolfpack Teletip just: - Select the message you want to hear I . Call Teletip 737-3737 I - Ask for message by letter and number RECORDS & REGISTRATION 8—251 Procedure for Adding / Dropping Courses; Academic Calendar 8225 Procedure for Changing Major 8—265 Course Repeat Policy 87.281 Transcript —- How to Request COUNSELING S—3ll 'Academic Warning' ~ Tutorial and Other Help 8-315 Assertiveness S 319 Overweight/Nutritional Guidelines /Anorexia- Tin: moor. YOU YOUR HEAD, Bulimia S 324 Services for the Handicapped THE morn: mortar YOU can our run comer. 8—331 Coping With Stress S334 (.Touples (it‘ll)lll'JDlC'dllOIl tirimtl iii Army RO'I‘U as a college olPC 3—344 Loneliness and Depression tivc and serve part time. in the Army S349 A Study System the Works - SQ3R Rt‘.‘~;(\th-" or N-lllt'itlfll Cmrd, and you can 8—351 Coping with Suicidal 'l‘houghts . (get as much as $4.000 a y'iai for ct'illeqe. S 364 Taking Test Effectively/Reducing 'l'est Anxrcty That includes your (z‘rrard or Reserve 8-366 Recovering for Rape/Date Rape my, the (‘11 Bill and up to a $1000 grant S367 Dealing with Sexual Harassment (rac'h school yr-ar horn ROTC. Add ll all up, and you'll graduate with STUDENT HEAI .TII SERVICES a college degree plLL. an Army Officer’s t". minussimi find all you have to do is use S41 1 Alcohol information ytiill llt‘dtl S41 7 Contraceptive Methods ‘ . S .447 Pap Smear A ppointmcnt Information S~ 4.51 Pregnancy 'l'csting ,-4(il A1138 .‘a 4'70 Sexually 'l‘izuisnntted Deseases (or VD) 5—481 Vaginitis _ 5—492 flow to Help a t’ricnd With on Alcohol Problem _ __ ARMY ROTC S490 l)t'll}!.\:‘ (Vic-tine, Mttllltl'dllit, Nicotine... THE smanrssr counts. S'I‘UIHCN'!‘ ”NV 1‘)! .(JI’MPTN'I‘ counsr: YOU can TAKE. CAPT. Henry Rogers 51 l\‘ (‘ lx‘t sultiit y lot luitiot. l‘ti.‘pt;...-s fill l ziritllortl/lt-iintit l.‘.tw . Room 148 5“] N‘ Kill (\l' trlfit'l l‘mllt y t" lV (‘_ I)‘W’i 111‘“; Reynolds Coliseum LC/Zji'JZ *- /l Bltitlciii it, ....»l...-.l,.'.""l‘( ‘.\llttl l tuitlcrsliip i)l'\\'iirlllrr‘\ 1H ‘7\ li\ *. 7372428 r h-—--—-_----I-- 4 8 September 7,1988 lt-(‘hnirian





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‘we‘3“ . \«“I“‘D":J's., or.\ \\\\l4\ \\_P TIE DYES FOUNDATIONS SILK SCREENING-LETTERING <23} EDGE PAINTING PARTIES ORGANIZATIONAL DISCOUNTS Bookstore I: . “The Area's Best Comic Subscription Service" 4008-108 North Blvd. I: Electric Company Mall 2526 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 2.! SHOPPING CENTER 3% FROM MARVEL‘D COMICS Open Every Day 832-0044 ASHTON SQUARE

Attention! Attention!



The sale will be held at the Division of Transportation's Customer Service window , beginning at 7:30 a.m., on a first come first serve basis. The numbers of student permit to be sold will be posted at the Division of Transportation's officeuse on September 1.2, 1988 after 3:00p.m.

and Superior

t Performance

3M diskettes 3M diskettes give you the nitrite”- r in reliability, durability and tittdlllv " F" Fringe ,- I Savings in honor of 3M sponsor ship of the 1988 Olympn; Garnet "R" Resident ‘ ’ I Selection, a full line ot standard ophouii-j SIO’IIH to high densrty and formatted freshmen diskettes / '7"! I Superior performance year / STUDENTS MUST PRESENT: after year / 3M diskettes are requested more A valid vehicle registration. (The vehicle MUST often by diskette buyers than any belong to the student, the student's spouse, other brand Order yours today! parent, child or legal guardian.) A valid AllCampus ID. card or class schedule. INELIGIBLE STUDENTS: Students who live within a onemile radius ot' Start Saving Today on 3M Diskettes! Cates Avenue and Morrill Drive. (A list of streets within the oneemile radius can be ob» tained from the Division of Transportation.) Freshmen students living, in residence hall on campus. BOX OF TEN 08 DD 5.25 IN. A student whose fall parking prix ileges have been suspended. 3M DISKETTES 20% OFF Ineligible student WILL NOT be sold permits. PLEASE. ONLY ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE VALID THROUGH OCTOBER 1. 1938 Coeptemher 7, 1088 lt'l lHHt uni 5 i —

I /i'v.\5‘{W D‘AMOEMAm \00.

*Wuuno i


umuu FraternityAvent ferryCcurt,’route Kim .‘ 1 l lage"Frirge * * * Areas route “am mate con-non to Routeall three services Bus stops

For those who would like to get to There have been some changes The one-way fare is $0.30 campus and back to their homes without made to the Wolfline since last year. on—board and $0.25 for prepaid using the automobile, NCSU provides The Avent Ferry/ Fraternity Court discount tickets available at the NCSU its people with a practical solution, the Route will now have two oppositely Bookstore and at the Division of Wolfline. This bus service is comprised traveling buses with new stops at Transportation (on Sullivan Drive). A of three different routes that come to Mission Valley. There are also three fast, convenient, and inexpensive every stop every half hour during the Park 'N' Ride lots, one on each route, alternative to auto travel, the Woltline day from 7:20 am. to 6:00 pm. From where parking is free and right next to a has gained much popularity in the past 6:00 pm. until 11:00 pm, two of these Wolfline stop. and promises to be a good habit to get routes are in service at hour intervals. into for the coming semester.



' ‘ '.‘ "a, .. '- i‘?’ vs,, $15'5 a{238 if]a ii},,. g?t w. Y: z . “a, i fig if? r

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lI 0 l i Like all powerful ideas, A programmablL c.31cu, lator i 3 It’ ’s wontlerfi1lly Simple. ,7 __ ,_ - p that understands the BASICAi '. It fill “NH“ ‘( Mt ,‘__=_—_-=’. r” W__,A___.F";:::t—Wh A , h ., l Hu- H {4 i :‘1\ :mp Ii, (Ht-t Hit nl.ili:t Fr: h 1‘ tLL [11L(l lir\‘l( .‘\l( .. it |\ ill _ I Ii l5,» .Il (liengln tutu Hilll‘ ___'_'. I .,._- w ‘ l , , hi ’11 ”W “L‘ltl tumunm .mtl ’ 1 __ i uni enough mild lmmlv» - : '7‘ -_:-"--_- i Fl {1, ana V St t (It [""fll’?|¥lll|lllt;" hum”, \ Ni V -..__...,-.. utmost. out in -ii\i i ”.' "If 9' ' " , d ‘ \Imh your mm! m ml l ;»-.'\wr. let it! \lllil‘it -I| - Ii" (1 vanLC \UlJiIHL' pom-i lllllll‘tt ll \wl \X'n‘. l I ‘i _ f. ' (hum un «In» mm». l ”W em J .1 .v Y]_, ‘ _ '_' your caret’r. Hui. xn-nttt‘n .m»l l \. mm“. ”.41, 3 ,-._,__~“ in." lCl'l-"KJ llillt'lwln mtl most. il h. l 'I : ’ _ -: , ' "t "MW lzht Work ..t J l A, twll m [in !. ‘ 3‘ 7- 7 hi .’ " t‘tHNt'm irlu'n use rlu- ill" [1].!“ ,: H ti' _ .. r"- ll‘ HAS“ V Lt".\§lv1tl '~(" , ‘4 ...D :‘iwgriiniiz‘fl ‘ » ru- " "‘ kurim “"” “m“ ’r ' ~ ‘— . lll|\l|li[ It lm Iv” it“ "“' I l l i l I g" winttnn(warn-bier" V ...‘l \Inwi 7H t»? "' -' -a .e ."_ , 7 lllt‘ \ivlitl Nan it tun.‘ .. t “t . - '1‘y ‘ I”3...... ----,1 . . ,...___~~ w _, ~ \vtmanP _y. mainly. 1 ilt~ulu;.ieS~|t'i».,i:tl i‘ ' t;.i l n------::-‘1;‘Tlr," -.- ::: -P-::t.4 \H!htlh-hK(‘,>ntmtfine Vt’H i'xtm inunun , .‘a::::-"-.Sga‘lsBUIID “iii——a~_ . uh,' ,I I” l: ‘ 4 H».>‘...!'__‘C = ,“ 1 ----. : t’Mt‘mItry'"~'(in ultbltl1‘ ”..-"..::-. .- ....-‘ l “m :l “1”,”; 7 »~. I ...... - ,fmt Ipn‘ltJlli'!) ll" ’ a -1 D... v; V. W t t, ' fr“ -4 4‘“ . ,_: I. “a ' , ‘ ”w w! mu i, mum.“ F. m. ‘ xlilt , . 1 flw-Q‘j uni kilt'nllldl tutu ¥ ‘. A .- ~llllt t Al is \~H ". ‘l [i l llt’t'llllL: Anti rm «Writnl 7 *7 ‘4? ‘*-~ , “I‘M-"V l" H tg‘ 'HHI" ml \v-tn i.I[ Il‘lll'lt" vln ll ,4 iii l\ .t V ‘e-x »_J it\.il.n»‘. t‘L‘,, .Ittt“.\-‘Ht"V'f‘dLIN‘ {\- »r! Il‘it Hum-i mi 1 Na --, vi, ‘ .l'lit . \‘ l "i [iii ’ l-lLt' il-L Il’it: ii ‘i““l( All ti-l \‘ m 1', n ,tH If MS v ii! (in p .u: 'l.t'» "is 1 [ll' ii tlw il l» .ti Ill= 1 " . it 8‘3 Warm. . MtNtsk T {I} lNHIRllML-le .. lelRUMENTs any Classifieds Crier es_..4

Packer 400 900 Port— Mary Kay Cosmetics complete stun core and the international Ministry at Forest Hills Room for Rent Female student private both. 172 till“ Ill 1". Hi \ lit II‘tHTA V( IASSIHT‘ZI) Al) nrnePartittmeRepair/MaintenanceBread person iO-20 hrs/wk glamour techniques See our new nail care and Baptist Church is offering Conversational English rrrtletrom NCSU $150 permonth 781—557 .lt/III Coon sotzry, must have good mechanical abilities holiday gitt items Ask about free ponies. Call classes to internationals In the triangle Area campus $200 III '1 .* ié' Ill..‘ .I II itIl‘. for l’ Xi 11/1. WORDS and Apply l’t pun/In 830 2 30, Noomonde Bakery MabelSta_ilingsB48 6568 Fluency classes are also altered for PhD and Room tor1/2Rentutilities10 minutesFemalesfromonly non—smoking. i Ilaf'Illlfilr' iBl/Baryt Rd Raleigh Phone Answering machine $4000. cord graduate students. Students may register at any CoilmonthKathleen+ afterGPM, 834—5295. _ ~ I . I. I Il/ril III I'II’IWtI rrvmy Photographers wanted interested In less phone 54000 Will take best otter Cali todd time. Classes are offered tor all ages, and a rtusory Share It» ’1' I‘II, rm I/I'im Ii your raking Timmy prirt time photographing people? 781—7683 is provided. the classes are offered as a tree 7BR/tRoommatebath apartment.neededstSO/molmmediataiyt1/2 utilities. ‘ I l‘ ' IIItiI’ No experience necessary we from If you are Raleigh Sport Bicycle. Excellent condition semce by Forest Hills to the international Contact John gt834—0641 _ v highly socrabie have a 35mm camera and 595 Conrado859 9360 Community. The only charge is tor the cost at two females needed now Own room. _ I. iransponotIOrI give us a call between 12 noon and Ref and Slaves cheap. numerous styles textbooks. the Forest Hills international Ministry $167/mo. + 1/3 utilities 7.81—8267 ‘iiy'. s IlII/n 4 days 5 day‘. 6 days per day 5PMM—Foil800—7227033 $50 00~ $15000 C_oil Dave 782—8457 alsopointsoffersof interest,weekendandtrips,internationalsightseeingDinners.tripsForto Ili'lt‘ 1111, ’I ~III i I. ,. I , .. I, I“ Shipping clerk needed i-5PM carry 2OM Harp Card tor PC/Xtt Now! $450or more intormation, or to register, please call Dee l .lItrf Hm I. Iwrtrri'.I ,I -I« I-m It”) 94 er/nr NoatNCSU 832 7797 ,, bestotter Coii831 1587.1nciudesinstallatloo Froeber, Minister to lntematlonais, Forest Hills Crier I 111‘ )11 «um: .I i .I, ‘Ii » HA); 510 enthusiastsl DSC Sports is coming soon to Baptist Church, at 828-6161. Monday through I I Itg'uI I‘I‘) Raleigh Available now lull time part—Includetime Friday,_B:._30 5:00PM. II If, "IF‘II‘ ‘I'II positions Ski shop retort Brdiscounts,rental Bonetitsdiscount llft Autos for Solo VOLUF'tEERS NEEDED FORNIMH sponsored “Cit—erdeadline is 12 me—Monday - 1'1 ticketsrlothlnqatBrareaequtpmentresorts txpertence preferred but research project Men age 18——35 please call Mrs not necessary Apply to person Torrymore Square Camaro: 1976, leowner, loaded: Air, Benson at the Clinical Research Unit, phone: AED Pie-Med, Pie—Dent Club invites all who "It ,II ,IIiI”; I III.IIl "III‘.IrIrrI-II'IIIIl’tIrIIIr. on USi North Mondays 10AM 6PM [0E ,_ #7 Automatic. AM/FM, maintained, 517$.851 7973 laboratory733—5227. evaluation.Free physicalPayexamination,$100 CallEKGMondayand are interested in a health related careerto attend a «'I'I ‘ I7III»IIIIII/r Students Part—time job Halt or full weekdays throughFriday,eAtltto 4PM. cookout Spet. 8 at 400 between Bastion and I .I III. IIIIIIIIIrr IiIIrIII IIIlrI Odd tabs on construction sites Call Hathaway Government seized vehicles tram $100.00. Williams Hall. _ I" ‘.l l ‘IIIIrlI I.i I lillrl Proponies 781 88/ltor Intervtcw $4 50/hr Fords, Mercedes. Corvettes, Chovys. Surplus Buyers All students interested In on are invited to is now accepting applications for Guide_.l—B_05—68_7_~6000, Ext. 8-4488. PersQno Is Join the UAB An Committee. Get to know us wortSwansen’sstattI fountain crew dishwashers cooks and Wednesday Sept. 5:30-‘6PM in the South supervtsors Applydailyat 2811 HillsboroughSt _ Red Hot Bargainsl Drug dealers‘ cars, planes Technician personals should not contain explicit or Gallery of the Student Center. the first Business iHiO‘r MOVlES? (:orys most erctting video Ad—Pair has several openings available for boats repo'd Surplus. Your Area. Buyers Guide. vulgar language, full names. phone numbers or meeting will be held 14 Sept, 6—7PM in the UAB .3IIrI 1'. now luring tor part time evenings and thecarriers and carrier supervisorsl Work Tuesdays 180?“?91-6209511.929.. 2--.- street addresses. Ail replies should be directed to conferenceroom, 3rdfloor. Student Center. I .II M IIt lifilll', rireot atmosphere and borrotitsl Wednesdays, and Thursdays No nights at post office boxes. Replies to technician should be Alpha Zeta Fraternity will be running a co op AN F/‘Piurir HUDII 1“: w" I ' ..I~ 'IIIF'IIrrII 481 7101 weekends! if interested call the Circulatiion Dept 197B kawasaki K1650, Good condition, Runs addressed: Box Technician, (’0. Box 8608. bookstore in the Student Center room 2104 Aug "ind. m It. i~II‘lI'WIl and motivated person for 01832 9496 good. Withtolrlng. A stealat $450. 782—8472. _ NCSU Raleigh NC27695-8608. 29th Sept 91h, Mon»~Frt, from 8AM ~4PM. Students 'IIIlII'I I I till I; I, M Ii Ill’ili-Ilnihusrmtlclll',lrl(JT‘ Inwciry sales Hourly and bonus the Melting Pot Restaurant Is now hiring Tired of missing messages? Roommates not come buyand sellyour booksatyourpricell I’IrIliil I'IIIIVI ll I.I'I 1 I' I" 'I '~ I" ‘ ' ”Illl'l'll‘llllilll trill turn: and part time positions kitchen personnel Starting salaries at $5.00 per 1980 Gray Plymouth Arrow Hatchback. giving you complete messages? Local Raleigh NCSU Dance Repetory Ill-'1'II 4/- M IIi‘M l/ 1 MI ,, .. 1". , N ‘r'll’lli’l‘ I'iIIpIy All that Glitters Marketplace hour Flexible working hours. it Interested call Date 5-speed. Atr,§950. Cau(919)833—0068. v telephone number with 24 hour answering service. CompanyAudition:willtorbetheheld Thursday, September 8, Bruit ll‘lw I (IrrIrI till:11/ II II .I I1: 1.4:lllIlIJIIi/18'I (4474 or Robert at 832’ 74846 - __ Sentra Sliver, SDI/AM/FM Only $8.33 per month. Cali PAGE in the Dance Studio of Carmichael rr-,.IIIII IIIlIIIII ‘IIlII IIII r I ’«‘rvrrnr~\:-r‘.t int): $16,040 - $59.?30.’y! turn your spare time Into cash Fosy work Call 57 Nissan 828~8103 leave SOUTH ‘799—22fitor moredetails. 1988 at 4:00PM tights, and barefoot. [i’tlfl't-i ,IlIlII HI I.I LIIIIHI IIIII I'.I I;,. t 'III/i IIIiIrl; will are!) l 505 681 6000. 1X1 Steveat 4812262 CassI/AT/AC. Make ter. contactWearRobinleotordsHarrisTaylor, 737—2487. 'Ii',t‘r IIII'III; :IrIIII' IIII ’llii'l"l‘ ‘ I- IMilii IIII I.-Irrr:rIi ludelol list Good working conditions, [@5993 litrl‘IttrItrIIIIII I’I‘n? ’ ‘IIw' MI I ‘1’ II waitStatt Needed.oxcnliont money Contact Angotti's BEGINNING AND iNtERMEDlATE GUITAR /l‘I'/ (slr’nr l.’)8 tOR SIIIDINTSI Close to campus.gas Restourontot469lioxibie hours 3|870r469 -5077 Rooms & CLASSES: Beginning class concentrates on use of Protosslonrtl typing Urn: R 'IIi' IrlIli': ,II I 'lllltlrlilllilrams. ttlIIrtpositions'IwonsonsCollegelrIocreamEXXONPartWeektime —nlte Miscellaneous guitar as an accompaniment instrument. Learn will Inuzl A'llI'llI I) l rm: it“ ‘III Ill" hid“ ‘llIii Wrw and hours MOO/hr Coll Kathy, Waitpenons needed.orPart-611:30PMtime availableClosed some pop, country, and folk music and tech Irirrr,r:'.'.rIr tumor IIIIIIIII ilrIrtIIIIII HI“ i./ll~‘l Z‘II’H lI/lil 11AM 2PM 4:30 930 81 Room motes niques. Class meets Tuesdays at 4:30 or TYPlNG/WOPT') l‘i‘i l.-‘Iitif .1 1' ,. Part time Week end Sundays Golden Key, 2910 Hillsborough Cheaper long distance calls! Receive 30 Apartment EFT—it:W‘flot‘t‘ttio DRE—ks "0.171 East Wednesdays 6:30 Br:35 In room 201, Price Music ’Ililli'", Ir:;IrII’ti. 'IIIIIIIIIITI IIII li‘l' I'IIIIIII 1 who: jIIIIIiIrIrII.lII'iiI \N/ler‘I'IrIrrIIIobieFulllabortime.Intensive with manage Wanted: Court Maintenance and Pro- shop minutes or long distance FREEi Save 20—25 Campus. $265/mo. 362~031L Center beginning Sept. 13. INTERMEDiATE class all lliM lIIIIIIIvItIIIIr- 11,-1th IIIIrIlII'. IIIIIiIrI 1‘; I- .III 'ltl-Ill opportunities Call Modern Office Mechanics help at the Raleigh Racquet Club. Competitive percent monthly Catt Helen at 647—8426 and start CONDO 2BR, ZBath walk to NCSU. Comfortable concentrates on bass runs, finger—picking and lillli unirw'ry ItrIIIIIlIlr “lr'” I IlIl ll II'I; I' lll Iiin 4898 to set an oppotntment Ask for wages Call PaulBallyat B76w0847. savingtod for tour. SSOO/mo. Available Aug 1 992~5792w. accompanimentstmmmlng patternsmorewhichcharactergiveThisbasiccourseguitaris 481 il‘IiI ‘il"illl l‘ {Iii-111 Wanted: Friendly, conscientiousIndiefor —8482H. graduates at the beginner course. it lVT‘lN‘J T'ti‘llll'a‘1I1)'("t§l"irIIliy IIIIIIIIIII ., IIII il-II‘I; Worried High School student sales position tram Mid September through EXPEDlTlONs To AFRICA Spring semester designed for in room 201, Price lTiM I‘I ’I"IIII11II>'ii:li lI‘Ii'II“ ,IIlI r. Il‘ iivlll .IIIIIirIIIrIr: to and from Farmer‘s Market areaneedsto October Great position ior cottage student. openings to Kenya and Cameroon. Join a team of FEMALE ROOMMATES WANTED to share MusicmeetsCenter.WednesdaysBeginningat 8:classes40PM meet for one hour t‘I‘llT‘. [II‘I II it)” iIt-Irrw IIrIIIIII III! ”III .II lilv lIllI', triI’Tfii‘lrUll High School Pick ups 700AM and $450/hr. Formore lniormation call 846- 8887 international young people to explore tropical apartment. $138 own room. $10510 share room. 1 each week for 10 weeks. Cost for full—time NCSU lily, I‘III IIlliI r Illillllirtl’w lI.II i.IlIII_ Ii‘ AlI‘l .’ IIIM l‘/ rrIilos rolrnd trip Will pay $60/wk. WANTED—MatureI hard working individuals ralntorests and discover Atrican wildlife. APPLY 6PM1/3 utilities,andweekendsfree bus828»to Mario otter students is $55,- register at first class meeting with IL‘I/‘lti til it lH'lltlirtr'OllBTtS 9670 01828‘‘3328. Interested In wait and kitchen positlions with NOW! Final chance for selection is Sop 30-Oct 2, Female roommateneeded Doesn't 10. Cost for others is $75: register through Division l ‘I l‘ l H (~ W (l P ll l’ it ‘1 l l I) ') l N (1 le)hly motivated students seeking great mgmt. potential. Hours flexible and atmosphere In North Carolina. Coil Operation Raleigh at smoker or cats. Private bedroom. mind of theiong Education, 73722.65. GUITARS ARE iltilt-l . Ii-.iIIIIr-. llIllll 1111..” I iII,I,I tIiItIrIII It'llitlil' wrth Fortune 500 Company Flexible trIend_ly. Applyat Michael5,2418Hiiisborough St 733 9366. l__nciudesutl_i_itles. Reneeor Parker851 5674.$200.00 PROVIDED FOR FOLKS THAT NEED ONE. For ' -' IIIIIIIIIlIlt: i|7il’i( l‘l. l III‘I y‘yrrt. IyIIl: VIII'Il IIrIrII. salary plus commission, computer familiari- $6-$_B/HR. average. 20 immediate part—time 50y and—Egan People: Be dwelt—e a new Female (30—40). (preferably student), for i_nfo_rmatiort coilBeltPadgett8344636. ‘.ilII‘ ii.’ti i‘illl I'r onri solos experience heiplul. Call Matt telemarketingopenings In No/exp/nec.RaleighCameronEveningsVillageand group is farming to be by and for the lull—time GIL clean 2—bedroom apt. on quiet tree—lined street Bored with your“walls? Poster art on loan er-Ihrtw poison to—person collect available. Apply Mon.~Fri., students. Please help. Call Herb at near NCSU. $175 1/2 util. 782—0078 eves. Call (PAL) sponsored by UAB Art Committee can help. mix) 889 15880 weekend shifts lnternet, 400 Oberlin Rd.. (919) £33 «9736. mel Come to the North Gaiterv anytime from 1PM to i‘m iloxtblo wtth your availability Apply In 7PM Stan todaylCameronCMCVillage Fun Loving Female seeks 5PM on September i4th with $7 deposit and MPHNTS NOW illlrllNl'} tutti i AIIIIIIIIIII'II llllltfl III-InIIII lrr Irriil oi Rosoonn at McDonalds on lower level rear, Math tutoring by mail. Forlntormationwrtte WI ZBR/ZBath Apt. or Twhs. roommate to find a chooseyourtromeu‘_posior. AIIIIII‘I MI IIIII.II I IIIIIIIIII I'I' II”, till! .1 liIII-IlrolrItIrIlI 81 PH? 6001 OLSOTT. 30X433, Dublin, NC28332. Cali Cindyat781—7683 Neat and semi~studlous. Campus Organizations need torenew their ‘IrIlIIIIrr. l'I ‘.»I.I‘Il‘ lillly :rI.l “II‘JI'IIJH, lIrIll I‘iI “trident Center into Center now 1 or Solo spaces. Hdti'iiricfirdrfi registration in the Department of Student Dave! Hill. “14/ tIlI'IiIlII ‘I Itvll’I“ hiringtom thelIIrts,loam!Thurs mornings available as well as Library.PARKING:$300M.PrivateCall 362-5243 after 6PM or leave Non-smoking female needed to sham opmontat2009 HarrisHall byOctober3,1988. AiiOl'T’thlt t‘rl‘l"’1‘ 'IturturItw lII II Iilv; IrII It other weekday slots $3 65 per hour Rm 7.102 BOSE 901, Speaker stands and Equalizer. only message. large bedroom in tumlshed townhouse A/C lll’llt IrrrszII ; IIrt lllr‘ll,‘ IrIlI mlr. ill'lliill, illi'll‘I’ 11 '.II ‘IIIIItctIt (lentnt Ask for l aura or Rhonda $600 AR speakers, Sanyo and JV(; Turntables, wash/dryer, $150 + 1/4 at".859‘0243 ClinicCheerleaderSept. am 15111,tryouts7PM—8r—9.°M,White"carrnicnnetTeam MascotslGym IrIlIiilIIIIii‘I‘ I’IIl/l hour, flexible ADC Equalizer and NEW Kenwood CD player. All Research papers. 15,278 ovaTldlfii Catalog Room tor Rent: Large room in private name, Court '1 TryoutsSept. 16m. TtII- Vlilt'HlJIT AllrIIIIi I‘Iii’l i‘ KilCl‘litn.IiIIHIIIIIr stall(oilnoodod.469 3187$5 00or per459 5077 for realCHEAP Calltoad 7817683. $2 00. Research, 11322 tdaho, ’206XT, i..A.. Call. close to campus; oti utilities included; must be 'II'IIPIIIIIIITTlNllllNiIIIIIIIIIIlrl 'l|l[lllllllll‘,llit ‘1"‘illlllU ‘l I Tl'il‘uI‘r Artr)II“I RoslrIurrtnt Men's 10Speed Biketorsate Ca|1832 6169. 90025 300—35T—0222. EXT. 33,Visa/MC0'COO. female; referencesneeded. 8324517. (.‘orrfinuedon page 77} r Ilimimll IIIIIIlII'l’i|lII. III l'i’!"l]i,,r IIIII ‘l.lIlilIIl(III PIIiI‘lIIlIIl .Tl‘[l:l]ti|llIl'II IrVIIII ifwi CHIIDRFN" Altornoon stati needed for irItiiIItlitIIIII quality NrIrltI Raleigh Childcare center Experience ul-l——1 iii; ital I‘I Many inIIIII-It fur IIII;.IrI.:rrlrrl'I iIiI-ltilrir 84') lit-4 Iv‘i’IlIrIIIII III I rill. hrs.” IIrIlIIr I ‘ I Iridlitr i‘I't Knnnol hr‘lp wontod. Weekends andr THE CUTTING EDGE I VILLAGE. INN PIZZA PARLOR 1 AN W1 t/lll” liil‘ 'lII‘.ll it‘ll‘ii trip-'tI'II; \liiilil,Y\. (l inn ,1 Frill 84/ B’Ifil Mon Jr', l \ titir‘II'I- I .I Him I l.«;l‘lI IIIIIIII |Il'.l|l ;tu:ll i'i': in :tAM 'II’M trtr appointment ”We Carry Nexxus" I Vum‘ All .. You— Can- Eat Irwin-I ’II II li‘t‘llltt ;;Ig III.I ,II’I “it “v- {’(Jll tirrIrI N“ ‘NI IttII Ir i-lll‘lll l‘llllilltli IIIIIJIIIII. Box ’Jttico assistant for ‘Rhtér‘g‘rt' $2.00 off no. Irv-sou lIIIIII twin". 'I'III IllI’I IIIJlrIIIJ "Int-ct:tr'tirr liirnllil:to answer(.1 blocksphones,TiOilireserveNCSU son's,on P091")sell Haircut-guys & gals : I lIIIlilf ' l/ Ilrl‘ 'NIl'AIIl Ill /'II It ‘1 tutu-II. («wt i;l)l'lftiunlCClTl0fTS skills, pleasant $10.00 off Bodywave HOURS I $ 3 a. @625) DINNER BUFFET .IIlIItIIIIIItIIw ..i:r.:.., '11.: l.‘ <:llIr,Ir;r.r.y,tocl and maturrty requtrerr. l lll‘,’ ir’ .II.; lIUl‘, 1191;311 Ii In It IIIIl 'ItI‘II: l-IIlIIII PI limos. nr'odod ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Mon Fri ' III. III.1'IIII ' ‘r- mu 1. IIIItIIi lulu . , t H i I' ii‘M on Sept ‘1 throughWort25,75014Oct 7.88:30PM,through NovSun 8am-9pm includes pizza, spaghetti, lasagna. soup. lIiIrIIitlIIII'rIII I-II AM 1111 iI'i‘iI II 1 Int ‘I I» ti lim ‘1 through 18, ion 3 through 19, March 24 (”worm/non! or walk In SalBaranprrI I salad bar. garlic bread, and one cone of ice cream limit IlI'I‘l!;I,II‘Il iI'lIIvI,lIiAi, I‘TtlIJI:IIIII'I,7.,rtr',I.I‘l .L-rrllllll ‘II'I".III IIIIIIIIIIII April it May 26 through June 18. Call 8324901 I PEOPLE ANYDAY! litIllliliriltIr‘“in “I'll 1()/i‘IT(.:T7‘lT'M rt/l i‘»/:t “t '1t’M,M*l tor irtlorrtow 2905 lirlislIorough 81 GOOD FOR 1 -— 4 I ill 4 iii". M.- Int ,. lIi'lliIIIIltli I ”I‘lr II ‘1 l'IrIl tili’tl‘ house cleaning positions available across from tiardocs EXPIRES 9/6/88 3993 Western Blvd. Expires 9/ T 3/88 851-6994 III I‘lII ' I;’ .'.ll I .IIIII.I:. Iviil' 'I:II 'III I.11 wit :IIIy lI-rriI‘: tours Call 755 5711 or —-n------I,I, [. IIIMII. ‘Il,1l III. ll.1 t II, li"'2 I .l l/l liti- F---”--‘--- -_..___.-----_u.,__-__-._.__-____..__._l "’lIt III‘ ‘Ilt’ 'lIl III'I l‘I‘rt lli'li‘ llolo needed Ntahls and week iIIi'l “till..I: I,I‘IIIIIII,Milli iiitil(.ltiypr-rzonMilliSportsman's Cove, Crobtroo ,I 'II’I lIi r in onC I...i'Irti.r-IIlrmrIApplyworkrIl Inwntfor collegeAnimal Hospitalstudent 834—Prater ‘Tnal Slouch Commercial Plasticsand Supply Corp..-.... I It: cl 1‘ 1 I 1 III full) Cards 8‘ Gift; .I .I II I,.I..I I I I. Ill illrr II’IlilI Ii 1. I‘ rII ll I'IIIi tz'rit‘ unt‘ieiol utility worker for con 2302 Hillsborough St. Ill .il;lv* .IIIIIIII ;.'.II;; I... IIIIiaI tn (litvri medium. size truck. Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Ncsursm Plastics source I.I III.I,, .,I.- II....IiIriII tIu-I,rrl'Ii'\‘II NIIIIIII.,I.II.I.III<.II. II;:.~ .‘Iiulv. lLili‘lTl i2 15 tit/wk Mornings pref 832-1 687 induct lintt'ttllhil’r‘n llIi.’ iiIHltI III'IIIIII,II1.)“,IllT4.":pm,on luslPin SIIrla-Shiold, 5301 IIIrIl-III, IIII ‘IIIiII III'III, We've moved”... i'II IIIIiII quit-III;«I I' l‘Ii'II II II l~IlIIIIIt‘ 'liI IzzrrIrIlIIIl'.III IIII llIIIII III'IIII "Al III. 'lIil‘ l‘ l' ' I‘lill v.41Mill limolII ift‘ri‘llil‘ildishwasherlab onhandedcampusit His10 hoursiiextble.per But you can find us beside 10% DISCOUNT iIIlliy T'Illil"l"| .II Ii "l IIIlliIilI' II.II..' II I...I,I.,IIIII. ‘IIIlrtry 84 (10 par III Inquire 2604 Gardner Hull 7 Brueggers Bagels” TOTALLY COOL CARDS Plastics for Design and Research Projects All colors-We cut to size FOR HEALTHY Cut ~0ttspecr’als BABIES . . . 500 Hoke St. Raleigh, NC 82841 CO r ll1

Reef & Ridge Sports " Undersea Specialists” Trust the Best NCSU Scuba Students l’t‘r‘sll'\’l‘ tlIP build a strong IIIlrllili‘ foundation with i It“. ‘, II III I’II .III' 100/0 OFFS IIIIIII Iil‘ .I.I I I III good prenatal care. ' 5 Minutes to NCSU IIHWIIUlItlit l i‘IIIIIIluI.i r: I I. IIIIll. l‘IIlI ”I. -Ill I. I IiIIII ' Student Section Available ' On the Bus Line Great Amenities 532 Chatham St. Phone: 2 & 3 Bedroom Units Available 851-5123 ~ Cary, N'.C. 27511 (919) 467-3831 1126 Schaub Dr has55'“ it automation Mlmumm- :— 5 \ FREE DELIVERY ‘ 7’ m . . Alli-r ’lIIiII . i/3’ , ’_ ,- I can, 03373535. . Ir_lVllt, .IvIllIIIrm, WE ALWAYS CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH CLASSES " “" illitlllltllilil1lilti‘sl} .‘H’...r-»~’I .7” ‘ fi“)‘i"i5 lIrrlItNTIlrnIi NEED LEADERS Forest Hills Baptist Church I“ I ' $4 Ulllfiwtrtlirn 'T‘trvAirRmiskxidngh 3T 10 Clark Ave. Ph. 828-6101 T , .,‘, I I In“, I IIIII 14.! I II III . “rigour/111m}! rivr-r27Vntlnitoqolf§ritt1 pihsu .WUS“ I «2-. . r miss-Teas... empress. it an n. 1III":I I | t-aIirIrIII. .t Illl l "NUUNTTTSF mermaid..mcm Ourmsr '. '. .r I... Ic I II. . I . I. , Ml‘nsunr-surv- iknsateimpa'tamlmmngctam , I,I t{E 'i '- ' i l ‘ " 'r r , h "r." IrrIIItoyrrr-rtiOpportnrrtlln through Air Firm ROTC. ""5“"an Asan AirheeRUT‘Ccarht,yxfllbetrairm Conversational Skills ’6 Listening Skills : I I ,‘,Llt i”! it-' I r 'Ir . I“Itt 1 r.-.,r. i,t “‘5In “MT tIuIe'ruli Inw- in itadmtnp and mamganati practices in may Pronuciation Vocabulary ”My“ cur—m . __ ~,._ __ -. also ('1tu lot out atxiarship mam that hdps pay [rgfsiutzir’f’l on r‘dk‘gL rxpctisrx plus $100 per acadomir mrtnth. tax free. After graduation, youTl how all the pmstige and nespar itill Y SPECIALS ability of an Air Hm‘r- ottiru \bu'll dimmer a new mt! Classes for all ages Wil‘fi‘ you'll be (hilk‘nged to out. .arximrdedhrm Beginner to Advance i stirrms In its raw you 1hr: details today Nursery provided 1N1 .Y $2.99 plus tax WEDNESDAYS SUNDAYS ll CAPT DAVE SIMS 6:00 - 7:45 pm 9:30 - 10:45 “lit \l.IIII lirIlII'l', l‘iir'rl RII'L KPPEI—I’EFF] 919—737-241 7 CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH CONVFRSATTO“'AL ENGLISH 1. T"”:" Teilii American Culture i And FROM THF BIBLE (ll/\S.CILS ARE OFFEl‘l [) AS A FPFl tl'I'QVll I 7m 83241140 ‘3rr=rr=r TO THF lNTERNATlONAL COMMUNITY BY {ii1 lilil'll Ilium It W'I'L FOTRES HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH I in «ii TIILI- liiti l1nrtr-rship Tx‘allr‘nrv- Starts lbw lili.It =g" hr- irzflpI‘mllerlj“ii?rcpt: ”in Q r r ’ V -V_— \i'riII-ririwri7, 1988 It‘t him um ( idx‘xlilt‘ds B

I '1: 'IIIl()(/,,1IIH/III{’1‘ (TH N "it 919...... 1 1 I“ '. I . .. '; J.‘ .p' .11 CHASI; A?“ I,“ ,, 31: .,i‘ in... 111 /.,..,1 . ~ . . m 6‘... 15,1 firm *1 m .13 I. 1..., . "Cu; Wanted Accounting Rusrexs Momqemefil PI” KAPPA PHI E33151 C(J‘Nll a}; A‘( 3;. ', mower .“ ‘ii’ 1'1 ,. ‘ ‘ . 1- , ; 1" fig m,» 'r .1- .:. ' r .. 71....1 I ~,; .' ." ‘ '1 " ‘ . 1' 5U "1' ‘4in lad-.0"- ' I “WWII" 5 Sam“ '3 '1 ("”3”“"9 "”4““7”8I ”T KOCDO Ph: .AI‘II . ppm“. -. r 3.1,” COOIBS' I""‘I"‘y Mai" I . ‘ ,’ .. . ,7 h. “”12“,“... i .n. ‘,' .,. 7m . ‘. IA .11 ’.’ , n -, ~'. 1 .I. . --. ‘1' ,.. I . 41.1%” n'flhq ‘.‘ E1,1.I‘I"AT ""UAR;fr. Iiiit.',1‘I:“QndrviqIinm D'JS‘II‘JI’1.1M: K.71 We (‘Hhfig "MP, 5,111 Serim'IIBI Ally Iilll ‘Irvre mom 'I' "1771) ,. . ‘ . 1 ‘ .. . ft"- , 1-} .r‘ mew“ 7 my , . 1‘. ’- . . TQPI’TGIOH L 1’7“" 55' ‘ (Jim’TiI '1" QII’TOUGIG student enmtled during 'hP Idii 0' IQBR I'. '5 “ ‘IUQ '11;1."Iw,. , _,. _ 1,],1v. _"v.1H ‘.11 .- .81’ _: , 1 I" . M...‘ ,. . I , 7‘ . . . .. uI 'I'I1, .I1 H I “”12 '1 r .’1(I M!)"I"' rill " .I4 u’ '; ‘ . , . eligible. io enter Essays should not exceed 75100 FAME. Alricrm Amer... (in ' . ,.; "‘ ”" "I I “I“ ‘1“ ' ‘ -. “"i “"l " ' I" . " ..1). i”19‘mei this. 49mm’1 “3H“mm'1' 393"”!want ‘3 910010Wed 8 IH1.!“Um'Irjon30'IDM‘ trims5"” VJ“Sept W'”15 F'.It) may OF [I'm on m, 0m, 01 . 5 . I.‘ . u n... .. ’ ' ’ ..»... 1"..I'-Mrape,MI’. I»:4 14,5'11: I Iv...'I. 1 vim"t.....‘ lh..i.H"n1l' ‘ 7 , 7 ”I . , . . "‘, "p 5 ”11'. , .50' ‘~' " “5'4 ' 100 W5" ”J I... 1,vi JICDC‘ (A). r100,_or 11W odm ...1 .AM‘. 1...... 1 YU' mun-1'”' .L' . _ m ._. :. 13 n_ .T i” ”" WW" ' A ‘ 5' ""' N'“ ““‘ ” “"' ‘ " --.I ' 1' ‘ “M . .. I". :llldh'flt immUDICOIIOn Assocrotion. VF,‘H'M." a” “‘4 i Y“Ut, T””0‘ Imn" “itR "1-inchH If g A" i I! ‘1 “11‘1“”19 "7 ”’1' ""-itl ! v’ 'Ublir ‘tli It. 134 '- ‘ “- _.‘ I . . . .. n... ,1 ,.-' .w4' '{94MM;-‘ I" .r I ‘ I - i'e- ' .- In 7:)"c- 1 7' I he n. ‘»11 1'}, Ron1m. .1‘. WW I I'm-mtqu ..- , \ ./ ' . '1 I U5"”1‘4'1'.1. " ,1‘nIB’CwIF‘d‘1 ' '11 11-.1 1 I"'I .m" i ""i.’111m. rI n“. ”1.1,. ppm. . t '“V‘ N fee . P ‘ ‘1 ‘ l’ m: ',I'.’.‘:m5 wens:- U "CI ' 1-. “for". at It11. 1 . ..5 "h:,1 HM 9mm“)r 1.. “MiMlir’fi 1.~"rd...ntg-. wigrr 11"..w. . wiv 1. III '.r.1..' .1‘ t .I ‘1 I" ..r N 1"“ at 1' fig}: ’liil' ' 10’ ., . . . . 1' W ‘ ' "'J '1 f ‘ m " I’ I.I ‘1’ 3164 .‘ _ ”MM,” 1,... _ ...... , . . A . . . . ‘,, .. I)? no ILS! to ‘ v ’5' "‘ :‘v" *1!“ r ,7 ‘ . Ema ,. . ,. > ‘ ‘ ‘ I M. V . If 1009 5‘: y; i I‘’h‘?. TECHNICIAN‘ln‘ renairmgwlll'r, 153"“.pubitsh‘IMI ‘) an ' "2:115 "‘ lI - ‘ 'iid:Y PD '5' "t I(’1‘, A 1h"11 i' ‘ .1i I ”P II V" ‘ ‘ ‘ F .‘ l ‘ JD‘ '-‘ ‘/‘ ’ i iI‘ . A: . ' 'l,.,’ 1 '- "' ',‘ . f v.‘ I} . «I'M.A. '1'v .j.11)”‘4 Ni"’53atDt'N"Wt"’i‘td. naive'0 lhno oul.mrtrmrDllicmm" V "I ' ‘ "‘ ' ' . ' 1‘.” .m 'Jl]~:"“"‘"'Ifrl ,1I.M m,.IL trdb'1' 737',I firmnmMl’ 'C‘s(mm...... '1. 11.. Adawzxxi‘q 1' 1 m» n marry (II-d II'IIIu- .. to» >i011WlIIDc awarded to ’he ’ “1- r‘ m Neon.old rune‘ vxsoy £.~,ay:. should he " m, 1"". ttr‘rll. :1"""'°' ’9”: In In rlJl I" ' :"wlmq-rAltarmrr' r1«W'Irf-‘i.rover sheetnhroe”'1 the.lllliilhei12.9501! .. '.. r‘ nirrricm m E.‘ 'II'WIr. information ii "'i‘i’H'."."rwt I'.Immelif 24%.l‘II. aft"? at 1)r Thrm'm " J...'.4»iOu“ave1' 'MvONMOIS""IJOENTSit soFt‘IPcome'Hl:meet wrth Mums ...... 2:...... a... 1.99 'I' A‘lA >‘ WW 3 "JIM lnvrles qll ztiidentI.TTHICAI II. IIII meetmu on Wed Sent. I trom I arge "IL'~"' rompv 'M Retrc' nrnn’ eerved It 1 «vi-1‘I-r:vonertromln:Baavrmr.rito orthI:‘0 *evnrceless"IlSC'lSSCd New WK. NASH!“—lhePri. ”Al' ’Irt .I.'ili hI1 : Do” Hanging Baskets j ...... a... 4.99 tv.,. .4”..ngI ‘: 1m,MtAI’I‘me0—3 SundayRSVP topivolunteerIi Iii rhe torCorlr0(1?WIN1.1 . r». :I ‘1 d Assorted * ,7 a. dent As .71111htpHVOIIOble mmedlote Iy«'IrIanrer'H‘Woman unnergindimte)W"'I‘",'tir: '11wlthsomesome PhotographyPhotrqrnphv Foliage ...... a . a... 1.99 heirtul, out not Inquired I‘.‘;lIIL'.'.3.:7.Intnr‘ uzmrir....-Iri:L-ritlI’I“;ri‘L‘; Athletics 7‘57 7107 I‘ 1v and Lesbir'rr DMime, Be uwriFe a new F00.” LION 20 Quart -f' 1.1.;111 " training In :11- by and for lull IimII G/l -. "it-"15 546030 ‘vai- riot! Hem r11 (9K))» ”"141 IF // Potting Soil. . . . . Bag 1-49 r' vested Medicalin tame-gen?!J’s-rsnnnEIIFFdicmra’rrieeiv lnursduywaned» :111:1.nqumy"2' 111 7150M I‘ 40h Mnrr No Training -'iue‘.. Alltudents:nrgttnritywelcorptl Prices in this ad good thru 1083. Available at most stores. l'm3".Ihit/r”300It '3th?2in.I\;‘meetsI‘fib IrI,»Turdovsm ”rindF'yr Sunday September It F‘s'. -n Vulcmw ”1""! I “Is; ll~; . “ l' . .. It! 'iulnlih

TABLEKNUDSEN M USDA Chorce Beef Family PaCk ATTORNEY AT LAW N C. STATE GRADUATE / 10 YEARS OF TRIAL EXPERIENCE c u B E ST E A CRIMINAL LAW by DWI, Alcohol, Drug & Traffic Odenses. Larceny, Homicide PERSONAL INJURY WRONGFUL DEATH Golden Ripe Auto accident, Negligence, Malpractice BANANAS Suit 507 Raleigh Building 5 West Hargett St. Raleigh, NC 27602 . PEPSIPEPSIFREE, WISE DIET PEPSI DIET (919) 828-5566 PEPSIFREE FREE INITIAL ( 2 LITERS) CONSULTATION Namsogr‘awaSCks $1 ‘09 4 Triangles“ 12 02.1.59 {.51 Toasted Corn MTN DEW, DIET Nacho MTN DEW FORMAL IWEAR Spirals ..... a 02. 1.09 (2 LITERS) PART-TIME $11_9_____ -w--‘n.~-M—~_——~~ O.~- .Mpw we...” i SALES USDA CHOW? 888i WINNIE. POSITION A Thompson 3 Bottom 12112311011501 AVAILABLE ' SEEDLESS GRAPES Fr’-.E£’If/8LE HOURS AND Bounds 1r. QANS FREQUENT RAISES NE EDE D: AGGRESIVE WELL DRESSED MALE OR FEMALE _ _ “13313 $5.49 APPLY IN PERSON CAMERON VlLLlAGE LOCATION

— ‘EmeIIon"Poets-"EVERYDAY!!! llVilCHAlE LS 16 07 Phillips 8 Oz ldahoan 64 Oz. Carton 5 Ct. - Texas Style . BUTTERMILII BISCUITS PORK BEANS POTATO FLAKES . FIVE ALIVE JUICE

32 02 Her 16 ‘gryle Plarn/LI”’7 25 02 Food Lion 16 O/ Merico Classrc 8 Oz. - Reg/Extra Creamy Italian & Other Fine I‘Imds N With Meat/With Mushrooms ' CINNAMON nous cool mm M CHEESE i'fniuy lunch or dinner at RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE ACARONI Mic'hadx. (ill/rims pastrw grillul Ktaloud. oil/a hurt) soups sandmrhIs. IIII“ \poh‘i‘dih \inu lrum 99 ¢ (alifnrnii and Italin AI I at ilffllrdilhit pricgs. 15 Oz - Beet—Liver/Gourmet . . .. ' -.(E .. It. . . . , . W‘:, O? Beel/Chrcken/ Supper/Seafood Feast Cat Food Illtxt'T‘T‘illilt‘mHTDINZIIPITTt'ill‘tiihhls. 42 OZ, NOR-PhDSphOIOUS P2 0! DlSthJITan ““(J‘I‘IaI 009 F000 sunF DETERGENT LUX DETERGENT ,7 ,. TWIN PET .. POSS u' BOOTS 'prasant dishe'V that unphIsi/I lruhmun-'dirrils ind sirnpiiIII\. 3418 Hillshnmuuh Strut Raleigh 5I$13I89¢ \...1\.\.....u..m¢till 151‘ M 40o$149Morr . . ‘fi 89¢ 5 a1 F000 .7 , r 7

\Inn |imr~ ll.irn llen'. .7' ‘. '- .l g » .. ‘. .. -, .' .. 2‘ I“ ”M" ”W" -' .1317Falboflhbflouufleed-Rnlotg‘h‘ " " ' »' 1317Fittn‘A. ymlnForeotShopptngCantu.. " Gamer, . . . TCmdmorolndlusvitie- ' Roadsmmeg' Q’h \11 l_.nnT IIIHH HIn'“l)I.II .II . mllllmfgflllfi lRaleigh . . OEOEIQSWIIIIIMOSS.OQM§5§APQX ,HwytNonnBIvd. . , ShoppingCenter-Raieigh 5pm . . ' .. ensue. myunnwick-mnf m . m"‘?l'°i""‘“°‘“°"’,. _ * m 7.1”” : "WWW-I’M? “momma-MI 2 ~ September 7, 1988 I or hnirian

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“Good News”

Ways to increase your braln power.

Come by for rep rap and i I §$ a free“Thinker’s Cap” I ,,

during TI Demo Days.

trying the right caIcu’ Stop by and rap with the FREE! TI Iator for your courses is TI rep right on your campus. THINKER’S an important decision. The The first 75 students will CAP right calculator can help get our special “Thinkers increase your brain power in Cap” FREE. math, science, statistics, — business courses and more. That's why we bring TI Tl DEMO DAYS ON It’s tree to the first 75 Demo Days to your campus. YOUR CAMPUS. students who visit I?) help you find just the with theTI repre/ right calculator, and to NC State sentative. i I] University Bookstore introduce you to our newest September 7 models.