The Gouldian : and reproduction

by Ubaldo Leli, M.D. Belmont, Massachusetts

Although I am not a large-scale stances, carry positive consequences are the Canary and ; breeder and exhibitor of , I for the husbandry ofthis species. and of the second, the waxbills and have accepted the invitation of the the grassfinches. The ways these editor to write this article on the Biologyofthe groups offinches hull their seeds dif­ management and breeding of the fer. The Fringillidae use a central Gouldian Finch with great pleasure. Many books and innumerable arti­ crest in the lower side of their upper This is because the information on cles cover the biology of the hetero­ jaw, rubbing it against the edges of breeding, foster parenting, artificial geneous compound called the lower jaw; whereas the Estrildi­ incubation and, particularly, hand­ finches. Here I will restrict myself to dae, for example, use the two edges rearing from egg of this species is the description of the specific of the bilP. The principal difference also relevant for many other species aspects of the Gouldian Finch's between the two groups, however, is of finches, including the most biology that will help the aviculturist in the nest shape - open for the demanding ofthe waxbills. to draw conclusions that can be Europeans and covered for the This article focuses on the biology, extended safely to the management exotics. This difference in shape cor­ management and breeding of the ofotherspecies kept in captivity. responds to differences in the beg­ Lady Gould Finch (Chloebia gould­ ging behavior of the chicks, and in iae). The special problems presented What is a Gouldian finch? the feeding technique of the adults. to the aviculturist by the frequent For the aviculturist, finches are The chicks of the family Fringillidae failure of Gouldian parents to incu­ that eat totally or in part a seed (like the European Goldfinch) and of bate and/or raise their offspring is, as diet. They can be subdivided into the Serinae (such as the Canary) beg we will see later, not completely neg­ "European finches" and' 'exotic by stretching their neck high up, and ative, but may, under certain circum- finches". Examples of the first group the parents feed perching on the

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afa WATCHBIRD 31 edge of the open nest. On the con­ and carrots. The carotenoid pigments head is produced by melanin, which trary, the chicks from the Estrildi­ are soluble in fat and not in water, covers the red. The orange in the dae, for example, beg by turning and sometimes are called lipo­ head has been tentatively classified as their head sideways, as does the chromes. The other group of pig­ lutein epioxide, which takes the Gouldian finch. Excellent "articles ments that are not structural colors place of canthaxanthin and becomes that cover behavior and reproduc­ are the melanines. Melanine is a com­ visible in the absence of melaninS. tion of finches from the avicultural pound formed by biochemical trans­ This information has important 2 3 point ofview have been published • . formation of the amino acid tyrosine. implications for the feeding of this The Gouldian Finch, like most parrot The melanines produce black, bird, and the consequences on the finches, grassfinches and waxbills is a browns or reds. Melanines, as color that a diet imbalanced in vita­ cavity nester that builds unrefined opposed to the carotenoids (which min A, ~-carotene and tyrosine can nests, or chooses natural cavities in are never deposited in discrete areas produce should be kept in mind. I trees, sometimes not even carrying of the , but either cover all will end this digression on color by 1 material inside them • the colored area or are totally reporting that black and red heads The Lady Gould's Finch is one of follow sex-linked patterns of inheri­ the most beautiful birds kept in cap- CD tance. A mixed pair will produce off­ ~ tivity, and one ofthe simplest to care [ spring of both colors9. However, the for. I will not describe in detail its S orange is recessive, and mixed pairs looks since nearly everybody has ~ with one orange-headed member will c seen photographs of this species in 8 produce progeny follOWing compli­ its three naturally occurring color ~ cated rules9. In the wild there is one variants. However, extensive descrip- ~ red bird about every six black tions of this bird can be found in &. headed, and one orange every six l Evans and Fidler's excellent book , in thousand9. Bates and Busenbark's4, in Wool­ ham's Handbook of AvicultureS, and The Gouldian inthe Wild in the Encyclopedia of Birds by In order to understand the basic Perrins and Middleton6. Articles cov­ requirements of a species, it is indis­ ering the aviculture of the Gouldian pensable to know its habits in the Finch have appeared in many avicul­ wild and its relationship to other tural magazines7. The most striking known species. This is the basis on feature of the Gouldian Finch is the which aviculturists develop proto­ presence of sharply divided areas of cols ofhusbandry, which will guaran- . intensely contrasting colors of the tee reproducible success. I will cover . People interested in devel­ in this section the taxonomical place­ oping color mutations in captive ment (classification) ofthe Gouldian, birds will find in this species ample and its habits in the wild. material to work with. I will not The Gouldian Finch is superficially cover in detail the ever increasing similar to the genus Amandina (Cut­ color mutations ofthe Gouldian. This throat finch), and closely related to is a subject for specialists. the Poephilia (grassfinches), Ery­ thrura (parrot finches) and Lochura Color (mannikins) genuses. However, The color of the Gouldian Finch is many authorities place it in a separ­ the subject of continuing biochemi­ Normalt·ed-headed male Gouldian ate genus, Chloebia, intermediate cal research in the field ofnatural pig­ Finch (ft·om the author's collection). between the parrot finches and the ments, particularly those belonging mannikins. A clear avicultural cover­ to the carotenoid group. absent), can be deposited in a discon­ age of the mannikins has been pub­ colors can be grouped in two cate­ tinuous pattern in the feathers, thus lished elsewhere1o. Despite the gories: r,tructural colors, and pig­ producing variegations, spots or extensive analysis of Immelmann11 12 ments. Structural colors are gener­ designs within a single feather. and Goodwin , I personally prefer ated by the physical structure of the Because all the chemical reactions in this finch to be placed with the par­ cells that constitute the feathers, the body that produce these colors rot finches of the genus Erythrura which reflect and scatter the light so are under complex genetic control, a because of the striking similarity of that black, white, blue or iridescent mutation occurring in one or more of the internal markings of the beak in colors are generated. These colors the genes controlling the enzymes the immature, and the similarity of are destroyed iffeathers are mechani­ that form the different colors can texture and color of the feathers, cally damaged. The Gouldian has produce color mutations. In the although their temperament and these type of feather colors in the Gouldian, the yellow in the belly is behavior is rather different. Only back, neck, tail and breast. However, produced by lutein (3,3'-dihydroxy­ DNA fingerprint analysis and protein the yellow, orange and red tones are ~-carotene) and the red in the face by sequence comparison between these produced by pigments of the group canthaxanthin (4,4' -diketo-~­ genuses will allow us to reach a final called carotenoids8 . These sub­ carotene)s. Lutein, mixed with mela­ conclusion as to the correct taxono­ stances are close relatives of the vita­ nines and structural blue, is present mical placement ofthis bird. min A and of ~-carotene, present in also in the green of the back and the The Gouldian Finch originates from highest amounts in egg yolk, shrimp lilac of the breast. The black of the northeastern Australia13 . The climate

32 February / March 1992 Q) ::) CT:; o OJ "'C (ij C oo >­ .0 o '0 .c: a..

Developmentofthe Gouldian Finch. Note the absence ofdown in this species, the appearance ofdarkpigmentin the beak andskin during thefil"St week, the appeal"ance offeather t,·acts afterday 8 afterhatch­ ing. The mal"kings inside the mouth andthefluorescent spots atthe angles ofthe bill a1·e distinctive ofthe species. The chick will retain this Colol"ing until thefi1·st molt, afte1" eight01· nine months. m ::) ~ (5 I >-c .-o >­ .0 f/) o '0 .c: a..

Feeding technique used to hand-raise a Gouldian Finchfrom day 1. A thin paintbrush is usedthrough day 4 in 01"der notto damage the delicate tissues ofthe mouth (panelA). With the dila­ tion ofthe crop, the chick can befed less frequently, using an eyedropper(panel B) andthen a plasticsyringe (panel C). When theformula is semi-solid, a small, wooden spatula is used(panel D). All instruments are diSinfected in a 10% solution ofcommon bleach in water, Hand-raised red-cheeked COl·don Bleu atday 19 (toP) andatthree weeks bef01"e andafter eachfeeding. (bottom). This chick was l"aised using the hand-feedingf017Ylula desc1"ibed in Table 3, sta1"ting!rom day 4 after birth. (F1·om Tony Hollauer's collection.)

afa WATCHBIRD 33 TABLE 1 and high. The juveniles not yet in color are kept in cages of the same Predicted Head Color in the Offspring of Mixed Gouldian Pair size, in groups offour to six, that is to with Red or Black Head say one clutch. Gouldians form loose pairs during- the breeding season. FEMALES Therefore, pairs can be separated when not breeding, and paired up MALES Red-headed (RO) Black-headed (TO) again dUring the next season. In the Black (rr) 50% red male, split (Rr) 50% black male (rr) northern hemisphere they should be set up with nesting facilities at the 50% black female (rO) 50% black female (rO) end of August. This should be Red (RR) 50% red male (RR) 50% red male, split (Rr) delayed if the molt is not yet com­ 50% red female (RO) 50% red female (RO) plete. Gouldians molt once a year at the end of the breeding season, in Red, split (Rr) 25% red male (RR) 25% black male (rr) March-April. This is a period ofstress 25% red male, split (Rr) 25% red male, split (Rr) for the birds, and they need to be 25% black female (rO) 25% black female (rO) taken care of more carefully than 25% red female (RO) 20% red female (RO) usual, making sure that appropriate food is available at all times. The fact Opposite to mammals, in birds, males have XX sexual chromosomes and females have that molt happens after the often XV. The head red factor (R) is carried by the X chromosome and is dominant over the heavy breeding season poses addi­ black factor (r). tional stress to the birds, causing them to develop or showsigns ofhid­ den disease, orthe deleterious effects there is sub-tropical, with a mon­ trapping for the pet trade, since this of long-term inappropriate hus­ soonic cycle. The temperature is con­ phenomenon has decreased to insig­ bandry. Juveniles from the previous stant, around 70°F, with variations of nificant proportion after season that have not yet molted into about 10°F between night and day. introduced a ban in the eady '60s on adult plumage should not be set up The humidity varies enormously, all foreign bird import and all native for breeding. however, between the wet and the wildlife export. Currently, the status My bird room lights (Vita-Light or dry seasons, the wet season corre­ of the Gouldian is not that of an Chroma 50) alternate from 18 hours sponding to ourwinter and the dry to endangered species but, in the opin­ of light in summer to 13 hours of our summer. I have recently visited ion of many Australian aviculturists I light in winter, under the control of the northern regions of Australia in have talked to, it is somewhat threat­ two timers. There is one half hour July, and the climate in the coast was ened. One of the factors seems to be dimming morning and evening, to that ofa well climatized apartment in the infection with air sac mites, allow the birds, especially the hum­ Manhattan. However, it is much drier which causes great mortality in these mingbirds that share the room with inland, particularly in the western birds. I will return later to the prob­ my finches, to find a roosting place part of the Peninsula of York. This lem ofair sac mites. for the night. I set up my pairs in Sep­ type of climate determines the life tember, in cages of the dimensions cycle of the Gouldian. The bird Aviculture ofthe given above. For nest I prefer to use migrates to the southern areas of its Gouldian Finch 5" x 5" x 5" wooden boxes, with a range at the beginning ofthe wet sea­ In this section I will cover housing, front hole of 1.5", half filled with son in order to breed. DUring the dry diet and breeding of the Gouldian undone, natural rope, cut in 2-3" season, the Gouldian, like the Zebra Finch. In a separate section I will pieces. I fill the boxes myself and (Taenopygia guttata), the Long-tail cover the techniques for hand­ press a nest-shaped cavity in the mid­ (Poephilia acuticauda), the Star feeding rejected nestlings. dle with my fists. My pairs have (Neochmia ruficauda) and the par­ proven to be bad nest builders and rot finches (genus Erythrura), tra­ Housing and Breeding Setup even worse parents, but they invari­ vels in small to medium size groups Gouldian finches fare well both as ably lay clutch after clutch of fertile in a nomadic fashion depending on aviary and cage birds. Australian avi­ eggs. Being cavity nesters, the Gould­ the availability of food and water13• culturists generally keep Gouldians ians do not need to go through the When the wet season approaches in outdoors, in partially covered, rituality of nest-building in order to September-October, the birds find planted aviaries, with an enclosure breed. However, because the court­ natural cavities to nest in. Some of that can be locked to prevent the exit ship ritual of the male includes a the birds, however, build a shapeless, of the birds in case of bad weather. dance with a feather or a twig in its globular-type nest in bushes and Often, Gouldians are kept in mixed beak, I always give my birds some trees!. Breeding soon follows. The collections with Shaft-tails, Zebras loose nesting material that the male plentiful flowering and seeding and other species. In the u.S. these carries into the nest. I have also used grasses provide, along with the abun­ birds are generally kept in cages, in nests with the front half open, but it dant insect life, the high protein food groups or in pairs. Breeding cages seems that the hen is less disturbed necessary for the rearing of the vary in dimension from canary breed­ with the model with the hole. One young. ing cages to six foot long and four important consideration to keep in In the wild, the Gouldian Finch has foot high small flights. I keep my mind in the choice of nesting facili­ decreased in number enormously. GOiddians permanently in pairs, in ties for this species is that Gouldians This can hardly be attributed to cages three feet long, two feet deep copulate inside the nest. Therefore, 34 February / March 1992 the nest must be large enough to chicks with seeds, as sometimes they bad parenting behavior in the Goul­ accommodate comfortably both do, birds of inferior quality will be dian Finch is probably caused by gen­ members ofthe pair. produced. Their colors will be faded etic factors. The waxbills have not or not vibrant, and sometimes the yet been established enough to have Diet chicks may have deformities, or die genetic alterations enhanced by con­ The diet of the Gouldian Finch is before fledging, or during their first trolled breeding. I have, in fact, had straightforward. The most important molt. In the absence ofa high protein proof of this by experimenting with element of a good diet for Gouldian food, the Zebras generally will des­ my Gold-breasted Waxbills. I bred my Finches is that it contain at least one troy the chicks. pair of Gold-breasted Waxbills, source of high quality protein hatching and raising the chicks under throughout the year. The birds will Bad Parenting Societies. I gave one ofmy hens from consume the high protein food Why many species of fiqches are this clutch to a friend aviculturist, according to their needs. My finches such bad parents is a complex prob­ who bred from her the following are kept on a diet of commercial lem every aviculturist has attempted year. Surprisingly, she incubated and finch seed mix, egg food, cuttlefish to understand at some pointl6. Birds raised all her chicks. This was in a bone and spray millet. Their con­ such as waxbills, which become mixed indoor aviary with many other sumption of egg food peaks during nearly completely insectivorous dur­ species of finches, including very the prebreeding and egg-laying ing breeding, and do not feed their aggressive species such as parrot period. They also consume much egg babies by regurgitation but carry finches and Cordon Bleus (genus food during their molt. I have offered insects to them in their beak, will ). My conclusion is that my Gouldians and Gold-Breasted probably not raise babies in captivity some ofthe more established species Waxbills, that are kept on the same because the appropriate food is not that do not raise their offspring have diet, many types of live food such as available. This seems to be the case been somewhat genetically selected small mealworms, maggots and silk­ with most African waxbills, espe­ for their altered breeding cycle. I worms, but they have steadily cially the less known, rarer species must comment, however, that de­ refused to touch them. They have such as the Violet-Ear and the Purple spite the horror that foster parenting also refused all green food and con­ Grenadier of the genus Uraeginthus. birds may elicit from the purists of sume only a minuscule amount of However, two other elements may aViculture, I believe that raising Goul­ fruit, so that I have given up these be involved in causing trouble with dians under a different species can items completely. Nevertheless, my breeding. One is the level of disturb­ have positive consequences. Air sac birds have bred every year, and have ance of the birds, and the other is mites are parasites very common in produced all fertile eggs. genetics. Wild-caught birds are sure Gouldians. These little arthropods Since my birds have proven to be candidates to be bad parents in cap­ are species-specific, that is that they extremely bad parents, stopping tivity. They can be very fussy about are extremely picky about the spe­ incubation prematurely on repeated nesting material, rearing food, cies that they parasitize. Possibly, the occasions and, in the few occasions humidity level and the presence of most common cause of death in they have hatched eggs, throwing other birds in sight or earshot. In the Gouldians under stress is an acute the chicks out of the nest, I have case of the Gouldian, however, this attack of air sac mites. Because these resorted systematically to foster par­ does not seem to be the case. This mites can only be transmitted from enting. For this purpose I have used finch has not been exported since other infected Gouldians, and not both Society and Zebra Finches. Both the early sixties because of the Aus­ from different species, foster parent­ have done an excellent job with tralian ban on exporting and import­ ing represents the most effective Gouldians and Gold-breasted Wax­ ing wildlife. Therefore, our birds are measure of prevention available. bills (Amandava subflava), but I semi-domesticated. The Gouldian Although Ivermectin is effective in think that the Zebras are superior. Finches that we handle have been the treatment of this disease, pre­ The Societies have mercilessly bred for at least 20 to 30 generations vention is always the best cure. By thrown out of their nest all Gold­ in captivity. Nevertheless, these birds raising Gouldians under foster par­ breasted Waxbill babies every time still breed in winter, according to the ents, we effectively prevent air sac one of their own eggs that had southern hemisphere calendar. This mite infection transmitted from the escaped my control has hatched. Per­ suggests that the Gouldian has a rigid parents. haps the chicks ofthe Society look so timing mechanism in the brain, regu­ different from the little black Waxbill lated genetically. Most of the times FosterParenting and chicks that have no down at all, that Gouldians are poor parents because OtherTechniques the birds can differentiate between their breeding cycle is either too Foster parenting of finches under a their offspring and the adopted short (they incubate for seven to nine different species has been used and chicks. Advice about using Societies days, then start again laying eggs), or abused in aviculture. Aviculturists as foster parents has appeared In the male does not click into the rear­ have learned the technique from the BirdTalkl5• Whatever species you ing mood, and as soon as the eggs natural phenomenon of parasitism. use as foster parents, the most hatch he starts again the courtship The cuckoos and the whydahs are important consideration in their man­ ritual, something like a music box two well known examples of natural agement is that they must be used to that is stuck. If we consider this foster parenting under a different consuming egg food. The Gouldian together with the fact that these species. The cuckoos lay their eggs in and Waxbill chicks need a diet much birds have been bred in captivity for the nest of a variety of other species, richer in protein than the Zebras and such a long time, thus possibly rein­ and the whydahs do so in the nest of Societies. If the parents limit them­ forcing some of these genetic traits, the Violet-Ear (Uraeginthus grana- selves to stuffing the crops of the the most likely conclusion is that the ~ontinuedonpage48) afa WATCHBIRD 35 Gold-breasted Waxbills in my hands. managed to foster five babies under The Gouldian Finch However, one must be sure that the Societies. My attempts to store Goul­ (continuedfrom page35) zebras are cycling properly, without dian eggs for any length of time tina) and the Melba Finch (Pytilia sandwiching eggs and killing nest­ failed. Eggs stored at room tempera­ melba), and the Purple Grenadier lings. It is always better to use a pair ture (70°F) for more than two days (Uraeginthus lathinogaster). In of foster parents that have not failed to hatch when incubated by dealing with our foster parenting we hatched their own chicks. This is foster parents. I also incubated eggs have much to learn from these spe­ especially important when chicks of artificially In a Roll-X incubator. Set­ cies. First, the eggs of the cuckoos the fostered species differ markedly ting was 99.5°F and 50% humidity. are marked with patterns similar to from those of the fostering species. I Three eggs out of five hatched and the parasitized species; second, the used Societies to foster Gold-breasted one chick survived for five days. eggs ofthe parasitic bird hatch earlier Waxbills and they worked out fine. Autopsy ofthe chick showed a gener­ than those of the parasitized species, However, on one occasion they alized infection by gram-negative bac­ so that the foster parents will accept hatched one of their own eggs that I teria and a lesion on the mouth. At the different nestling as their own neglected to remove. Because I did the time, I was using Roudybush more easily; third, the foster parents not have the heart to destroy the handfeeding diet (regular) diluted in are selected for tolerance by careful chick, I left it in the nest. The Socie­ Gatorade, and I was feeding the chick ,'culling" by the parasitic species. ties ejected the Gold-breasted nest­ with a tiny spatula. The spatula was Thus cuckoos will kill the foster par­ lings one a day until all were killed. In responsible for the mouth lesion. ents that remove the foreign egg order to prevent this it is important The second clutch was fostered from their nest, and practically select to mark the foster's eggs with a pen­ under Zebras, which did a very good for a more tolerant population. cil as soon as they are laid and job and raised all the babies faster Aviculturists have used foster remove all of them when the fos­ than the Societies, but the third parenting for two purposes: to raise tered eggs are substituted for them. clutch came too early and found me "difficult" birds, in which the breed­ The foster parents should be coordi­ unprepared for fostering. Because ing cycle does not flow smoothly in nated to cycle as synchronized as the hen was sitting tight, I waited captivity because ofthe lack ofsome possible with the species to be hoping that she would continue until environmental stimulus, and second raised. There is generally no harm in hatching. However, on day 15 I to increase the yield ofbirds that will lengthening the incubation period by checked the nest and nothing was recycle when their clutch is de­ placing unincubated Gouldian eggs, there. It did not take long to realize stroyed or removed. Personally, I do for example, under a pair of Zebras that the male had cleaned up the nest not approve this second use offoster or Societies that have been sitting after the eggs had hatched. I found parenting, because it results inevita­ tight for a few days. Of course, the two nestlings on the floor of the bly in overbreeding and selecting for fosters must be completely familiar cage, but one died shortly after. The "bad" parents. Many Waxbills, the with nest inspection and handling of survivor was gaping and begging, so I Gouldian Finch and the Black-hooded their eggs, in order to tolerate the decided to hand-feed this chick from Red Siskin are frequently hatched manipulations necessary for the sub­ day 1. and raised under foster parents. Of stitution oftheir eggs. A conservative The day-old baby was placed in an course, the Red Siskin is fostered estimate for a normal breeding sea­ aquarium brooder with a tempera­ under canaries, but both Society and son is that one needs four pairs offos­ ture of 95°F and 60% humidity. For Zebra Finches may be used to foster ter parents per pair of Gouldians or the first three feedings I fed only waxbills and Gouldians. waxbills. This way one can success­ Pedialyte (every hour), heated to The most commonly used foster fully raise 20 to 30 chicks in a season. 105°F. Then I started feeding the diet parents for Gouldians is undoubtedly Usually the clutch size of the Goul­ described in table 2, diluted with the Society (Bengalese) Finch. This dian and Gold-breasted Waxbills is Pedialyte to a very liqUid consistency. species originated from many cross­ five but, occasionally, one gets larger The thickness was adjusted so that breedings among Mannikins carried or smaller clutches. Frequently the the crop was totally empty every 1.5 out centuries ago in the far east. first egg laid is infertile. I generally to 2 hours. To feed the baby I used a (Consequently, we do not knowwith make sure that the foster parents are paint brush through the fourth day, any certainty the ancestry of this spe­ sitting tight before substituting their then a pipette, followed by a syringe cies. The Society Finch is monomor­ eggs, and wait until the Gouldians or when the crop was dilated enough to phic and, when adult, it will go to Waxbills have completed their clutch empty only every 4 hours. Finally, nest in a matter of days if not too dis­ before transferring their eggs under when the food became nearly solid I turbed. The requirements of these foster parents. used a thin, wooden spatula. birds are simple, and their price on The chick was fed every two hours the market low. This makes Society SpecialTechniques: Incubator around the clock until it reached a Finches the logical choice for foster Hatching and Hand-raising weight of 5 grams (at birth the bird parents for Gouldians. The only Although some aviculturists are weighed 1.2 grams). The night inter­ important factor in a successful fos­ blessed with pairs of Gouldians that val was between 1:00 a.m. and tering operation of this kind is the raise their chicks, this has not been 5:00 a.m. The parents, of course, familiarity of the Bengalese with egg the case for me. I started keeping feed the babies more often, about food. Itis imperative that foster par­ Gouldian finches three years ago, every 15 minutes, but the hand­ ents for Gouldians eat at least one when I acqUired a mixed color pair: a feeding procedure causes an enlarge­ type of high protein food. Zebra black-headed female and a red­ ment of the crop so that it empties Finches have always made excellent headed male. The first year my pair every two hours on average. When foster parents for both Gouldians and went to nest at the end of October. I the feather tracts started to appear 48 February/ March 1992 through the skin I added peanut hard, which tends to happen often, port, Connecticut, has successfully butter to the diet, and thickened it particularly with products that do hand-raised Cordon Bleu chicks somewhat. I banded the chick (size not need to be cooked. The 13­ twice. The birds were rejected nest­ D) at day 14 and it flew at day 27. The carotene of the carrot helps in the lings at day 5. The diet he used is weight chart shown is a daily record development of the bird's coloring. described in Table 3. of its weight gains. Weaning was Spinach contains beneficial calcium. slow and difficult, and was effected Several examples of successful Conclusions by leaving the baby with older, inde­ hand-feeding ofvery young The Lady Gould Finch is a simple­ pendent siblings, while still feeding it chicks have been publishedl 8-20. The to-care-for beautiful bird, well estab­ at least four times a day. The weight most in-depth report is listed in refer­ lished in American aviculture. It can chart shows a notch caused by a ence 21. The methodology described be successfully hand-raised from day sudden drop in weight at day 31. This in this article is rather complicated, 1, although I do not recommend this occurred because I tried to decrease requiring laboratory eqUipment and outside exceptional cases. The proce­ the feedings too quickly. The wean­ bee cultures. An aviculturist friend of dures and diet formulas for the hand­ ing process was played by ear, look­ mine, Mr. Tony Hollauer of Bridge- feeding can he used to raise other ing at the weight gains or losses. more difficult species. Keeping and Every time the chick would lose breeding Gouldian Finches is a useful more than 10% of its body weight, I TABLE 2 avicultural experience that can form would increase the feedings again. Hand-feeding Diet for the basis for approaching other more There must be a better way to do it, Lady Gouldian Finches difficult, less well known species, but my method worked and the bird which must be established in captiv­ fmally weaned. 2 teaspoons Nutri-Start Baby Bird Food ity for their future survival on the (Lafebre) planet. 3 Tbsp. cold water References Growth curve of a Gouldian Finch, Cook according to the instructions of the 1. Evans, S., and Fiedler, M. The Gouldian hand-raised from day 1. manufacturer in a double boiler or in a Finch. Blandford Press, London, 1988. 2. Yantz, J. A Look at Finch Behavior. Bird­ microwave, stirring often. Talk (1990), 8(5):29-36. 3. Yantz, J. Breeding Behavior in Finches...... 15 * Add: III 2 tspn. purified soybean protein BirdTalk (1991), 9(6):37-47. E 4. Bates, H, and Busenbark, R. Finches and ~ f'--"""y 1 tspn. Nekton Tonic-K ...... c> 10 Soft-billed Birds. T.F.H. Press, Neptune .... / ...,...... 1 tspn. strained Creamed Spinach (First City, NJ, 1970, pp. 94-104. .t::. foods) c> 5. Woolham, F. TIle Handbook of Aviculture. 'Qj 5 ,., • Bird flew 1 tspn. strained Carrot (First foods) Blandford Press, London, 1987, pp. 324­ ~ ..... 325...... All through the development, add to one 6. Perrins, C.M., and Middleton, A.TIle Encyc­ daily feeding: 7 14 21 211 35 lopedia of Birds. Facts an File, Inc., New Days after birth York, 1985, pp. 422-427. 1 pinch of Prime (Hagen) 7. Mobbs, A.]. Breeding Cycle ofthe Gouldian 1 pinch of Nekton MSA ground in the Finch. The A.F.A. Watchbird (1989), mortar to a fine powder. 16(1):8-10. I designed my diet based on the 8. Brush, A.H. Metabolism of Carotenoids in When the feather tracts start to be visible Birds. The F.A.S.E.B. Journal (1990), knowledge that the shorter the time through the skin (about day 8), add one flat 4(12):2969-2977. a bird spends in the nest, the higher teaspoon of creamy peanut butter to the 9. Evans, S. and Fiedler, M. Op. Cit. pp. 94-124. the protein content in the diet must formula prepared as above. Also, every 10. Yantz, J. Mannikins: The Lochura Finches. be17. The Budgerigar, for example, other day, add three drops of cod liver oil BirdTalk (1991), 9(8):66-76. spends an average of four weeks in and 1/8 teaspoon finely ground cuttlebone 11. Immelmann, K. Australian Finches in Bush to one of the feedings. and Aviary. Angus and Robertson, Sydney, the nest and needs about 20% protein 1965. in the diet. So, finches, spending 12. Goodwin D. Estrildid Finches ofthe World. about three weeks in the nest need a TABLE 3 Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1982. rather high protein diet. Another 13. Simpson, K. and Day, N. Field Guide to the important consideration is that the Hand-feeding Diet for Birds of Australia. Penguin Books Australia Cordon Bleu Chicks Ltd., Ringwood, Victoria, 1986. content of fat in the food determines 14. Lell, U. Aviculture of the Honeycreepers. how long it will take to go through (from Tony Hallauer) TIle A.F.A. Watchbird (1991), 18(508-20. the crop. The higher the amount of 15. Thompson, D. Society Finches as Foster fat, the longer the transit time. The Dry Ingredients: Parents. BirdTalk, (1990), 8(2):31-32. 16. Thompson, D. Lady Gouldians: Poor stay of the food in the digestive sys­ 1 volume Avi-Start Hand-feeding Nestling Parents? BirdTalk (1990),8(11):62. tem of the bird should be such that Food (LIM Farm, Pleasant 17. Low, R. Handrearing Baby Parrots and there is enough time for the proteins Plain,OH) Other Birds. Blandford Press, Poole, 1987, to be adsorbed, but not long enough 1 volume Nestling Food (Abba Products pp.32-33. for the food to become spoiled or Co., Elizabeth, NJ) 18. Mellard, D.N. Handfed Gouldians.-Believe it or not! The A.F.A. Watchbird (1987), hard, which could cause food poi­ 1/2 volume finely mashed, hard boiled egg (no shell) 16(1):4-7. soning or crop impaction. Spinach 1/2 volume finely chopped greens (spin­ 19. Yantz, J. Had-Feeding Finches. BirdTalk (1990),8(5):36-37. and carrot baby foods were added to ach, collard, kale or carrot) make sure that the chick's crop 20.]ackson, c.L. A Waxbbill Named Willie. would not become impacted. The Add hot water to runny consistency. Feed BirdTaLK (1991):9(9):120-127. fresh every time at 105° to 110°F. 21. Lanyon, W.E., and Lanyon, V.H. A Tech­ presence of fruit and vegetables pre­ nique for Rearing Passerine Birds from the vents formulas from becoming stone- Egg. The liVing Bird (1%9), 8:81-93.•