INSIDE: The PA Voter id law The Comenian Issue Number One Moravian College’s Student Newspaper October 2012

Meet The Staff

Editorial Board

Editor-In-Chief Kayla Smull

Layout Editor Jaclyn DeStefano

Advisor Richard Subber

Reporters Kristian Cantens, Francis DeFelice, Alyssa D’Ippolito, Sevde Guzel, Luke Muench, Adam Rinaldi, Kayla Smull, Marissa Strunk, Nolan Warner

Editorial Policy Material appearing in the editorial section without a byline represents the majority opinion of the editorial board. By lined pieces, including signed letters and cartoons, do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Comenian or Moravian College. The Comenian encourages correspondence in the form of letters to the editor and commentaries, though not all letters or commentaries will be printed. Correspondence can either be sent to The Comenian e-mail ac- count, [email protected], or to The Comenian office in in Reeves Library room 311. Letters or e-mails should not exceed 300 words. The Comenian is published monthly during the school year, except during vacations and holiday photo courtesy of periods, by the students of Moravian College, 1200 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018. Printed by School Publications Company, Neptune NJ. Advertising Policy Thomforde Retirement To place an advertisement or request more information (including an official contact Kayla Smull (e-mail: [email protected]). by: Kristian Cantens media kit), Reporter

Over the summer, it was announced that President Thomforde would be retiring in the spring of 2013. I sat down with him one rainy afternoon to discuss his last year as president, his experiences at Moravian, and his prospects “To be a good president you for the future. must really love the place...” To be a good president you must really love the place, Thomforde told me at one point during my talk to him, in a matter of fact way. Indeed, it was his love for Moravian College that drew him here in the fall of 2006. He was first attracted by Moravian’ s rich heritage – specifically the way Moravian in the past and present Street, he gets to enjoy the atmosphere as well as the decorations put up “provide service to the periphery of society”. In the past, Moravian for Christmas. accepted women when few others did, and currently strives for But his most treasured memories here at Moravian are during diversity in the student body – no doubt an admirable quality. graduation, where he has the distinct “privilege of shaking the hands of Additionally, the mission of the college also resonated with him. He every student” and “seeing their radiant faces.” liked how Moravian has a strong liberal arts program, and a “pre- “It’s not something everyone gets to see” he says. profession” program that is also grounded in the liberal arts. He’s going to miss Moravian, he assures me. He felt that he was For Thomforde, this initial appreciation for the mission and “embraced by all” and he enjoyed the time he spent with students. On heritage of Moravian College soon became a passion as he began the upside, retirement will allow him to do things he hasn’t been able to to integrate himself into the community. He was impressed at the while working. He says he looks forward to being a “full time father and “student creativity,” which he’d often witness first hand at concerts, grandfather” (he has five children and six grandchildren). He also plans on plays, and student exhibits. He also took the time to meet and reading more, which he’s never been able to get around to while president. befriend as many students as he could – shaking their hands as they When Thomforde leaves us this spring, our memories of him will passed by, or giving them a warm smile and a friendly salute. He remain with us, just as his legacy will remain at Moravian. We’ll remember says that during fall, he feels their energy, excitement, and optimism that tall, jolly man who shyly loomed over us and held us together -- for the new year. perhaps in the same way the tallest center pole holds together a tent; and Thomforde’s appreciation for the community extends also Moravian will cradle his legacy (most notably the “InFocus” program) for to city of Bethlehem itself. On his precious walks through Main years to come. Page 2 October 2012 opinion Page 3 Opinion photo courtesy of Rock the Vote! by: Nolan Warner Reporter What exactly determines voter turnout has long been a matter of study and debate for political scientists and there are numerous theories as to why turnout has steadily declined over the last several decades, both in the U.S. and in other established democracies. But while voter turnout is a problem in all age groups, it is the youth voice that is heard the least at the polls. Democracy, it would seem, is sadly undervalued by today’s college-aged youth. More specifically, voting, a right for which many access to information than any before it, with tools such as the internet in the world are still fighting and dying, is often neglected by citizens available to answer the questions of an inquisitive mind. It’s practically between the ages of 18-24, more so than any other age group. With the impossible to spend a day or two during campaign season without complexity and importance of the issues at stake in 2012’s presidential seeing at least one ad, sign, bumper sticker or Facebook post without a photo courtesy of election, ignorance and indifference among the ranks of the millennial political message. Furthermore, the two approaches being presented to generation is a major problem. the American people are radically different, both in their economic and There is no shortage of excuses made by those who don’t vote. social merits. That said, there’s no good reason not to know what’s going Among them are “I don’t really know the difference between the on. Whether it is easily seen or not, the political issues in play today candidates,” and “My vote doesn’t matter.” Neither of these are good have a profound impact on the life of every American. From student reasons not to get out on Election Day. Yet, there are plenty of smart, loans to women’s rights, every policy debated on today’s political stage, competent young people who make one of those claims or some other both economic and social, will affect millions of Americans. Everybody equally unreasonable excuse. This generation has access to more has something at stake. To deprive oneself of the knowledge with which information than any before it and will inherit the economy and social they can vote for their interests is to deprive oneself one of democracy’s atmosphere determined largely by the upcoming election. As such, it’s greatest merits: self-determination. both shocking and saddening that only 49% of Americans between 18- In Syria and other struggling countries around the world, people 24 showed up to vote in the 2008 presidential election. are still fighting for their right to have a say in the destiny of their nation. Perhaps the most destructive notion believed by many of today’s For American youth to ignore that right when they mustn’t even sacrifice young potential voters is that their vote does not matter. While it is anything for it, save for a bit of their time, is a shame. If one truly supports true that no election is determined by just one vote, the mentality that democracy, and truly appreciates freedom, then he or she must vote. one’s vote “doesn’t matter” serves only to falsely trivialize the value of To enjoy the advantages of the democratic system while refusing to an individual’s vote. It is often said that “your vote is your voice,” and it’s participate in its most fundamental foundation is inexcusable. true - the more people vote, the better the system works, and the more Fortunately, the low turnout of youth voters in America is as people’s interests are considered. If everybody harbored a negative view fixable as it is unacceptable. By discussing the issues over a cup of coffee, about the impact of their vote, democracy would die. Voting, then, is an tuning into the presidential debates coming in October, registering to important means by which every American can act as a vanguard of the vote, and showing up on Election Day, young Americans can support photo courtesy of democratic process, while simultaneously having their say in things. democracy and be a part of history. That’s a beautiful ability and all that How one can be unaware of the differences between the two one needs to do to vote is a little bit of free time and an opinion. Both are main candidates in this election is a mystery. This generation has more worth it when it comes to the fate of the nation. The Invader Among Us by: Adam Rinaldi s we begin to realize the humans because of the difference Reporter Aeffects of greenhouse gasses in intelligence, because by that on global warming, and in turn, Food for Thought logic it would be morally ok to Before I begin, I want to stress YouTube on July 2, 2012, but embassy… is an insult not only to enemy and keep them from hurting the environment, we, as sensible by: Kristian Cantens punch the mentally handicapped how important the following was not realized by the Muslim Muslims, but to America as well.” us any further. individuals, find ways to minimize Reporter (in fact, given that pigs are around subject is to you, our country, public until this September From further investigation, I It is clear that Nakoula our own impact. We may opt for as smart as three year olds, on the livelihood of every American when Muslim media began was able to discover the man’s intends to harm Muslims, American, a fuel efficient vehicle, ride a bike responsible for 18 percent of the Also worth mentioning is the those grounds it might be worse to citizen, and our relationship with hyping up the controversial film. real name, as revealed by United Jewish people through the mistaken to work instead of driving, recycle, total greenhouse gas emissions, amount of food that it takes to feed punch a pig instead of a mentally the rest of the world’s people. The video itself is a disgrace to States authorities, to be Nakoula understanding of his and the film’s and vote for politicians that vow making it the leading cause of animals – food that could otherwise handicapped person). But of Please take the time to read this filmmaking, religion, America, Basseley Nakoula who is a 55 identity by stating it was a 100% to create environmentally friendly climate change. Furthermore, this is be used to feed starving people course, we shouldn’t punch either, article, because otherwise, you and society as a whole. The year old Coptic Christian man American movie and that he is regulations. We all realize that our a factor which is directly affected by across the world. It takes 26 plant as inflicting pain on any creature is will be shocked at what could quality of the video indicates who is suspected of emigrating an Israeli Jew. The sad thing is day-to-day decisions contribute to our daily choices. A University of calories to produce a single animal morally wrong. But if this is true, happen next and unable to stop as to how serious it should be from Egypt. The Coptic that his scheme worked. Muslims global warming – and we change the Chicago study found that eating less calorie. I cannot think of a worse how can we justify the practices it from happening. taken: the American actors’ Christian religious branch is are outraged and rioting against way we live in order to act in a more meat on a day to day basis is just way to allocate such a vital resource common in factory farms? How Our country is being put voices are “dubbed” or recorded prevalent in Egypt and their Americans and Jewish people sensible and ethical manner. as effective a method of reducing as food. can we justify the routine un- in a situation that may result in over so that they say things group’s tension with Muslims because they do not realize only a While on the whole, the our carbon footprint as our choices The data I provided thus far anesthetized mutilation of piglets – war. Many Americans are not that they did not originally say is well documented. Nakoula, very small few are responsible. progress we’ve made towards in transportation. The most recent makes it clear: if it’s sustainability where their testicles are ripped off, aware of the Muslim riots that in the filming process. Several according to the Times of Israel, Tolerance is an issue in sustainability is noble, there is data even states that omnivores we are after, as sensible individuals, tails cut, and ears mutilated? have been occurring globally, of these American actors have contacted and received support this circumstance. Several people one aspect of our lives which contribute seven times more to the we must reduce our consumption of My purpose is not to and they are ignorant of the denounced the film saying that from about 15 key players from overreacted and chose to be violent, we often fail to take note of, one volume of greenhouse gasses than meat. But this isn’t the only reason persuade, but to encourage causes of these riots. A video it was originally entitled “Desert the Middle East, including all because of a dumb video that has which, coincidentally, is probably vegans do. Bearing this in mind, to do so. Also consider the ethical thought. I encourage everyone to produced in Southern California Warriors” and the script they Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan and no relation to Obama or the United the biggest contributing factor to it seems hard to call oneself an side of the issue: given the amount grapple with these issues on their by a man who took the alias of read had no involvement with Iran, and a few fellow Coptic States in general. I am deeply sorry greenhouse gas emission from an environmentalist while eating meat. of suffering animals in factory farms own, with their own research, and an Israeli- American named Mohammed, the Quran, or Christians from Egypt. and feel guilty for the desecration of individual perspective: the food How do animals produce this endure, is it morally permissible come to their own conclusions Sam Becil has portrayed the Muslim religion. Despite this, Muslims should recognize the Muslim religion that the people we eat – specifically, the meat we much greenhouse gasses? Pesticides to eat meat? First of all, animals about what’s right. Muslim religion in an absolutely Libyan Muslims responded this video not as a representation involved in the video have done. eat. Recent studies by the Pew to produce their feed, transportation are just as capable of experiencing If you’d like to read further disgraceful and disturbing light. poorly by attacking and killing of the United States but of a few However, I am not going to accept Commission and the United Nations of meat and animals, energy needed pain and pleasure as any human on the subject, Jonathan Saffran He depicted Mohammed, the four United States citizens, misguided radical invaders that their reaction as suitable for this show that the world’s farmed to maintain the farms, deforestation, is. If I punched a pig (or a dog for Foer (author of Everything is predominant Muslim figure, as including U.S. Ambassador Chris are trying to stir up a possible situation and neither should you. The animals contribute 40 percent more and, most importantly, their poop that matter) in the face, it would Illuminated and Extremely Loud a womanizing, child-molesting, Stevens. President Obama stated, war. When terrorists attacked real enemies right now are the people to Global Warming than transport (farmed animals produce 130 times feel pain and be conscious of it, the and Incredibly Close) provides barbarian who recited false “There are no words that excuse the World Trade Center on 9/11, like Nakoula that are able to infiltrate (all the cars, trucks trains, and ships more waste in the US than humans same way a friend would if I did it a good treatment to the issue of verses from the Quran. the killing of innocent…no video did we wage war on all Muslims? our country, posing as Americans, combined!). The UN specifically do – waste that goes untreated and to him. Furthermore, we cannot say eating animals in his book, Eating The video was released that justifies an attack on an No, we did our best to find our and causing global issues for us. states that the farming sector is just sits there). that it’s ok to punch pigs and not Animals. I recommend it. on the social networking site Page 4 October 2012 News & Feature Page 5

News & Feature 5 Tips Of Advice For New Students by: Frank DeFelice What You Need to Reporter College is rough. Even if you do not think so now, it’s likely you will at some point in your college career but college doesn’t have to be ALL rough. Here are five helpful tips from upperclassmen here at Moravian Know About the that will help you survive and stay afloat.

P.A. Voter I.D. Law “Go to the gym. It will make “Keep track of your schedule “Don’t screw up or you feel good about yourself and advisers. While they may by: Kayla Smull mess around. Your and that will help you do seem of small importance Editor-In-Chief life depends on it.” your best.”- Adam Rinaldi ‘15 now, they could solve big photo courtesy of - Justin Sinkbeil ‘14 2It is a proven fact that working out 3 questions down the road.” 1He is right. This is not high boots confidence and self esteem. If - Johnny Pavia ‘13 school. Future employers The 2012 election is right around the corner and I am sure many of you you feel better about yourself, you Time management is key. Without it, you will look at what you are planning on voting on Election Day. However, before you venture out will be able to work more effectively will fall behind and become overwhelmed accomplish in college but to the polls, there are a few things you need to know. and efficiently. (The gym is also brand easily. Stay on top of everything and don’t don’t let this scare you. Just new; do not take it for granted!) be afraid to ask questions. do your best! Six months ago, a new voter ID law was passed in Pennsylvania. Under this new law, all registered Pennsylvania voters were required to present a photo ID prior to voting. All IDs needed to be current and have an “Do not hide expiration date. However, on October 2, Pennsylvania Court Judge in your room “As an incoming freshman I looked up to the seniors and thought Robert E. Simpson Jr. ruled to postpone enforcement of the new ID law all day. Be they were the gold standard. they were heavily involved, had tons of without the risking the potential disenfranchisement of many voters in until after the November election. s o c i ab l e .” friends, always smiling, and seemingly successful. I never thought I’d this election. 4- Don Sanzo ‘15 be there but now, as a senior walking though the HUB, I’m constantly The law was passed back in March by Governor Tom Corbett and a saying hi to friends, running to meetings, laughing and smiling all the way. Although this latest ruling puts the voter ID law on the back burner for Yes, homework 5 Republican-controlled legislature, who claimed the law was an effort All it takes to enjoy your years here is to just go for things and believe you’ll now, this is certainly not the last time we’ll hear about it, which is why it takes up a lot of time to combat voter fraud. Democrats and others in opposition to the be successful. You’ll never know what you are capable of if you never take the is important for voters to stay informed. Remember, every U.S. citizen but give yourself time law believe the law was designed to keep certain groups, including first step. I can’t promise you won’t regret risks you’ll take here in college but who is at least 18 years old is eligible to vote in the United States. This to take a break and get students, minorities, and low-income voters, who generally vote I promise you’ll regret sitting in your dorm all four years.” - Kyle Goodbred ‘13 is an important right to have and it would be foolish for that right to go some fresh air! It will Democrat, from voting. to waste simply because you do not have a right form of identification. make you feel better Yeah, I think he said it all. That being said, be sure you are registered to vote, be sure you have an and help you from Follow these tips and you’ll be sure to have a fun and successful time at Initially, Simpson supported the law but is now concerned that too many acceptable photo ID for when the voter ID law goes into effect, and finally, going stir crazy. Moravian! voters would be unable to obtain proper photo IDs in time. By waiting for be sure to go to your local polling place on Tuesday, November 6th and let the law to be put into effect until after election, Pennsylvania voters will your voice be heard! still be subject to presenting photo ID at the polls in future elections but

Bookstore Partners With Barnes & Noble Moravian Music Faculty Perform in Recital by: Sevde Guzel by: Alyssa D’Ippolito Reporter Reporter photo courtesy of n Saturday, September 22, the families of Moravian College students from Rutgers University and his M.A. in composition and performance Ocame to the campus to spend time together and to see the activities from Goddard College. He has recorded his third album Until Next f you haven’t been in the increase on some merchandise, it and it seems like there are more application that allows the owner the college held that day. One of these activities was a faculty recital held in Time in London with Art Themen and David Green. Lanza wrote the Ibookstore lately, you may want has also made available a larger rental and e-book options than to download e-books to their Foy Hall on South Campus. libretto for The Real Book of Gig, the jazz opera that premiered at to check it out because over the network of options for students to ever before.” computer to highlight and save The faculty gala “A Night of Moravian Stars” featured Moravian Moravian last fall. Rostock has performed with such performers as Frank summer, the Moravian College purchase textbooks. Kari Jackson, Textbooks might be the notes. While it is a nice feature, faculty Dr. Arianna Goldina (classical piano), Dr. Neil Wetzel (saxophone), Sinatra, Olivia Newton, and Steve Allan. Wetzel has his Bachelor of Bookstore got a makeover! The director of the student bookstore, same price but other merchandise the student bookstore does not Alison Gillespie (fiddle), Frank Giasullo (piano), Lou Lanza (voice and Music (Jazz) and Master of Arts in Teaching degrees from the University store now has a new layout, new says that the partnership gave at the bookstore has seen a price offer Nook support. Students will piano), and Paul Rostock (bass). of the Arts in Philadelphia and his EdD at Teacher’s College, Columbia merchandise, and new management: Moravian a larger market to increase. Jackson explains that this be redirected to a local Barnes The recital began with the Frank Giasullo Quartet, which featured University. He also has recorded his first solo CD Misunderestimated Barnes & Noble. obtain textbooks, while keeping is because Barnes & Noble works & Noble where they can have all Giasullo (piano), Rostock (bass), Wetzel (saxophone), and Ron Glick and his text Learning Jazz Language will be released later this year. With these new changes prices the same. with better vendors to bring the technical questions answered. (drums). The first two songs, “M. Renault” and “Until Next Time,” were Goldina has her M.M. degree from the Juilliard School of Music and composed by Giasullo. Lanza (voice) then joined the quartet to perform her Ph.D in Piano Performance from New York University and she has come new options in the bookstore, “We can pull [books] from bookstore higher quality items. Along with the Nook Study the classic jazz tune “Take Five.” performed in the U.S., Canada, England, France, Italy, Germany, the including renting textbooks online other Barnes and Noble’s if they have The bookstore also doesn’t supply Program, the student bookstore Transitioning from jazz to classical, Dr. Goldina then performed Baltic States, Russia, and Scandinavia. Gillespie has performed for such or in the store, the “Nook Study” used books,” she said. as much merchandise anymore will also have gift cards available app, which gives access to Barnes & due to a corporate standard for to different stores for last minute “Ricordanza” from Franz Liszt’s Twelve Etudes d’E xecution Transcendante. Celtic music venues as the Celtic Classic Highland Games and Festival Noble’s eTextbooks, selling texbooks The students at Moravian seem to keeping the clutter down and the gifts. Jackson added that the After intermission, the Celtic group Banna Lách performed, which in Bethlehem, PA, Philadelphia Ceili Society’s Irish Festival, Irish Arts back to the store for an up to 50% be enjoying this new partnership store looking pristine. Magnets transition has been a hectic one featured Gillespie (fiddle) and her husband Tom (guitar and keyboard), Week in the Catskills, New York, he Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann cash payout, and the ability to as well. and other merchandise are still and hopes students will bear with MaryJoan Gaynor (flute, whistle, and recorder), Pam Kalapay (voice, guitar, National Convention in New York City, Scottish Week at the Augusta reserve and order textbooks right “I think the partnership with being shipped, however, and will the bookstore while these changes whistle, percussion), and Alan Keller (tenor banjo and mandolin). Banna Heritage Workshop at Davis & Elkins College in West Virginia, and the after class registration. Barnes & Noble was a smart choice be in stock shortly. take place. Lach also performed several original compositions by Gaynor, including All-Ireland Music Championships and Scoil Eigse in Ireland. because it made buying textbooks one titled “Puffins.” It was a filled with wonderful music and served as a great end to While the new partnership A new addition to the “We are getting there. Please this year easier,” senior Jessie Ervin All of the featured faculty members not only teach at Moravian but Family Day at Moravian. between the student bookstore and bookstore is the Nook Study be patient.” Jackson said. Barnes & Noble has brought a price said. “The online system was simple Program. This is a free eTextbook they also all have professional credits as well. Giasullo has his B.A. in Music

photo courtesy of Page 6 October 2012 Entertainment Page 7 Entertainment Album Review: - by: Frank DeFelice & Sports Reporter photo courtesy of The Philadelphia based, “Holding Someone’s Hair Back”, them give you the run around value. It is very upbeat and With the presidential election right around the corner, one may find an interest in seeing superstars, the opening track of Juturna. again.” From this quote, one super catchy. (It also strangely THE CAMPAIGN “The Campaign” which stars funnymen Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis. The film, directed Circa Survive, have done it once Both songs bring the listener can only assume that Atlantic sounds like the love child of an again...well, kind of. The quintet’s slowly into the heads of the band Records was not the right home solo song and by: Marissa Strunk by Jay Roach, features the cutthroat, backstabbing nature of politics with an extensive amount of exaggeration associated with our democracy. new album Violent Waves is and show you the direction of for the band, leading to the self Circa Survive). Reporter good in its own way. Waves is not the upcoming album. Instead of release of Violent Waves. Circa Who would have thought “The Campaign” shares the story of North Carolina’s Congressional election. The adulterous Part 2, nor is it a starting with a bang, this record Survive had a challenging task that the ferocious and powerful and unopposed Cam Brady (Will Ferrell) is finally challenged by Marty Huggins (Zach continuation of Juturna, as many builds upon repeated listens. writing the follow up to Blue Anthony Green, who was tearing Galifianakis), the nutty opponent fashioning Cosby sweaters. Marty is supported by the fans hoped. Listeners can see Anthony Green, the beloved Sky Noise. Noise was an album up the post hardcore scene wicked Motch Brothers (John Lithgow and Dan Aykroyd) who are scheming to insource many different influences in the frontman, draws the listener in that got more radio plays, nearly a decade ago, could seem cheap Chinese labor to the candidate’s district of North Carolina. Things turn ugly when development of Waves, but the with a mix of shrill cries and magazine articles and exposure so domesticated? Violent Waves Cam reveals Marty’s deficiencies. This causes the two candidates to resort to dirty tactics. album has its own unique quality. soothing crooning while the than all of their previous shows exactly how far the band With appearances of Chris Matthews, Wolf Blitzer, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, the Circa has skewed from the norm musicians beside him create a records put together. has come and the maturation film achieves its goal of mocking political media. The audience also receives the harsh reality many times, but also have kept beautiful musical landscape. Circa Survive’s process as a collective group. of our political system as the movie lampoons the ridiculousness of our political system. The the main elements that gave the The second track, “Sharp “experiment” is nothing short of The album so diverse, but Circa film takes jabs at the real-life Koch Brothers through using the Motch Brothers as the villains band the success they have today. Practice,” goes in a totally excellent, some selections even Survive has never sounded in the film. Dick Cheney’s infamous shooting accident is also incorporated into the film. The album starts off with different direction than “Hit manage to be some of the band’s better. Circa has never been in With the film acquiring such a star-studded cast, I went into the cinema with the song “Birth of the Economic Man.” With edgy riffs, “Practice” best work. The heavy hitters are more control of their future, and high hopes. However, I found myself leaving somewhat disappointed. The movie had a Hit Min,” a song that can only be really packs a punch, literally. especially exciting as the fore believe me, they have yet to peak great opportunity to make this movie into a classic, like other Ferrell or Galifianakis films. described as epic. The song uses This track can be seen as a mentioned, “Sharp Practice,” as artists. Unfortunately, this film did not make the cut due to its overreached comedic performances. atmospheric and spacey riffs that message to their former record and “The Lottery” are to become “The Campaign” does not fit in the category of the unforgettable classics such as “Step could blow even the seasoned label, Atlantic Records. In the instant live set list classics. Rating: 4 out of 5 Brothers,” “Anchorman,” or “The Hangover.” music veteran’s mind. “Hit Man” song Green yells, “You get what Although it is “Phantasmagoria,” Listen to: “Think of Me When Though the movie does not reach the same status as other Ferrell and Galifianakis sounds like something straight you pay for. We can’t sell our god the most unique track on the They Sound” and “Brother Song” movies, the movie does provide the audience with some laughs. From baby punching to out of Juturna, similar in to damn souls anymore. Don’t let record that has the most replay offensive campaign commercials and a sex tape, this film has its jaw-dropping moments. but overall, “The Campaign” lacks in the fulfilling the audience’s desires to provide another classic comedy. If you plan on seeing this movie, I recommend waiting until it is available to photo courtesy of rent. It’s not worth spending $9.25. It’s All About the Green by: Adam Rinaldi Reporter

WRMC: The Return The National Football League has provided many of us with by: Luke Muench entertainment. Some of you may even hold football or football Reporter fandom as a major part of your life. Whether you are a diehard or casual fan, you deserve to know the truth about the National Football ou’ve heard numerous musicians over the years claim that rock n’ rock out to in the studio just as our listeners are at their computers”. League: it’s a business. Yroll is dead: The Doors, Marilyn Monroe, Tenacious D...the list goes Wasteland Radio, on the other hand, is a very hard to describe. I Every aspect of the NFL is designed to make money, to increase on. Yet, no matter how often it’s said, this genre is still a very prevalent went straight to the source, asking Ryan Barwick, the ringleader of this popularity, and to benefit the owners of teams, the board members, and contributor to the music of today. Similarly, for the last few semesters the crazily entertaining circus, how he might explain the show. the company sponsors. As you can imagine there are some issues from school radio station, WRMC, has been thought to be deceased as well; the He responded by stating, “It’s like a bag of cockroaches if they all had time to time, one recent being the brief lockout in the summer of 2011 number of members decreased slowly but gradually and the station’s space rainbows and they were secretly unicorns and it was all a part of a failed that prevented teams from holding a traditional training camp, but as in the HUB was lost due to school renovations. Its current staff, however, is East German experiment that they brought to America and that became time goes on, the tribulations of dollars and cents are becoming more clearly determined to disprove this assumption. A sudden burst of energy Wasteland Radio.” and more open to public realization. has exploded over at the radio headquarters, now located in the Pit of Rau Despite how downright confusing this show can be, it’s truly a The National Football League had decided to forgo its photo courtesy of Hassler, as word of big plans have begun to spring up across campus. With blast to try and figure out where the mastermind behind it all is going relationship with its part-time referees and employ a group of this year comes a cascade of new shows that hope to bring both breaking with each show. replacement officials. Not a very hard transition, right? It’s just football, only be changed to an incomplete experience with these new referees: news of exciting and current happenings around campus and music The Hound of Music features Corrin Magditch and Elise Bremer, anyone can call a game. Wrong! An NFL game is faster, more intricate, pass, which was not possible in this “I’ll be honest, they’re like fans…- One of all varieties to tune in to, whether to have something playing in the who described their show as “[j]ust two girls and the radio.” They added, and generally overwhelming for anyone who has not been practiced circumstance since the ball never hit of the refs was talking about his fantasy background while working on homework or to simply listen and enjoy to “Tune in Tuesday evening from 7-9 to hear an eclectic mix of whatever in the skill. The NFL’s decision to break ties with the previous referees the ground. There is no exception to team, like, ‘McCoy, come on, I need you some scintillating songs. we are feeling that week, as well as some friendly banter to fill the void.” because of their higher wage demands has hurt the sanctity of the game. these rules and if your coach decides for my fantasy’, Ahhh what?” S.M. Art, or South Moravian Art program, will be airing 12-2 pm The pair try to retain a different theme every week to keep things fresh, So, why does this matter to you? Well, as all Green Bay Packers fans to throw the challenge flag anyway, The list of disadvantages to on Wednesdays. Aron Johnston, Matthew Shelley, and Josh Schedler will some of which have been “Covers That are Better Than the Originals”, are aware, it ruined their sure win against the Seattle Seahawks on the your team is hit with a fifteen-yard these mostly unprofessional and discuss modern art, looking at the works of local artists, and exploring the “Whistle While You Work”, and “90’s Alt.” September 24th game. With less than a minute to go in regulation, penalty. The expertise of the referees inexperienced officials goes on, but confines of nearby galleries. Finally, we have a professor rounding off the radio’s offerings with Russell Wilson (quarterback of the Seahawks) launched a ‘Hail Mary’, cannot be any more pivotal at this complaints had fallen on deaf ears Schedler, who also happens to be the Station Manager of WRMC, Dr. Kline’s Dr. Merlin: Playing with Permeable Parameters. With such a which led to a controversial call by the naïve referees. M.D. Jennings (a point in the game. until the outrage that ensued after stated when asked about his show, “We put ‘art’ in ‘smart.’” curious title, this show definitely caught my attention. Packers reserve safety) decided to attempt to intercept the Wilson pass, There’s no comparison the September 24th game. The NFL This certainly seems to be the heart of what his show is about, When asked him to elaborate, Dr. Kline stated that “[t]he name while Golden Tate (a Seahawks receiver) made an attempt to catch the between the old referees and had issued warnings to any owners, revolving around two art professors studying the art of the time and giving of the show means that I intend to play around with all sorts of genres, ball to win the game for his team with a touchdown. Jennings grasped the replacements. Most of the coaches, or players that dare argue with advice on topics that art students might be faced with. types, and time periods of music. I do a lot of Rock-n-Roll, Jazz, and the ball with both hands as Tate had one hand on it and then proceeded replacements have come from minor these new referees. But now, realizing Heart’s Beats is a musically inclined show, focusing on presenting a Blues but I also throw in country, bluegrass, hip hop, classical, punk, to rip it away from him. After a long pause, the referees looked at each college ranks and some have only that their ratings and popularity variety of songs. From Foreigner’s “Cold as Ice” to MGMTs “Kids,” familiar international, etc.” other and signaled contradictory calls. Simultaneous catch was the final called major high school games. would fall dramatically, they adjusted tunes are touched on while other obscure artists, such as Gogol Bordello With so much going on at WRMC, it’s astounding if you’ve ruling, which gave Seattle the win, which upset most viewers. Not only do they have to deal with and reestablished communications and OverClocked ReMix, have their chances in the spotlight as well. all never heard one of these fantastic shows. Take the time to tune in to at Now, you say this situation is very rare and that the coach could the speed change, the rule changes with the previous NFL referees. NFL the while the hosts, Luke Muench, Nicole Sternemann, and Ian Poshh least one of these shows and get the chance to appreciate the return of have challenged the play or the referees could have taken another look and the environment, but they also commissioner Roger Goodell refused (AKA Batman, Wolfie, and Ian McKellen) have intriguing and sometimes a simply magical portion of Moravian College. And, as they say in the on the instant replay. Wrong again! According to NFL rules, no team can must suppress their own fandom. An to admit that the result of September downright crazy dialogues to punctuate their melodies. station, “If you don’t like what you hear, make your own show!” challenge within the two-minute mark of the end of each half. Review NFL player, LeSean McCoy (starting 24th’s game had anything to do with As Sternemann put it, “It’s a place where madness, silly antics, and of the play cannot determine an interception or a touchdown because running back of the Philadelphia their decision but their criticism hyperactivity combine to create our late night show of music that we silently Tune in here! the rules also state that once the simultaneous catch is ruled, it can Eagles) had this to say of his indicates otherwise. MORAVIAN COLLEGE Live. Learn. Enjoy.