Ml t i

• tl IU, •fh'ftr-H^ Mi;«H opportunity to tfc, t hank . -4--4.1 -sr:; ^fHh;:who supported L ar'f I'rti-il wjho| worked for m, ' "* *«d if : )('• In >l>f town *1«tio»J£j*gj;- , •'«• rtr rjiii P ti.i « <( ^/ •4»* " ] v • r-C I. -^4-4--^^122¾¾ I •J i* •M ; NOTICE *"" if V '•i M»4 *JHH1 j.ubjic is invited to a • • • rf ? 1 ijft .UM 'ihjjjj-i> I 7 fc i'? f*«"en by the^o^ 3 S^^l ;,MVHu b ryj society of the T?8 | I 'i:v..'.-i"^ 'Ij-f At-th m tfte church parlors ^*Ieo>'l Wf H 2 to 5 p. », L«!ne b in i!!ll!!!!!!^^7t» SW ' f- !.f i-, >if Resident^ in China Will Daylight Saying Time X Carroll Re ids raerbyAds New Members Win Barrington Li] I ' Return to-Barrington Seriously Inj tred in Barrington Vpril 24 it 1 1 Auditl Report at Local friends of the Theodore Carroll's Rdport in Auto Accident by Large Majoritj) Tlie semi-nnjiual do :k chang­ ii l\. C. Suhr family wilt be- inter­ ing period will ajrrive on Satur­ Club Adopts in I ested in lenrninj; that {hey vill day night, April 23, arhen .•per­ Melting of 250 return to America on furlough at Board Meeting Thomas Pettise and Beimett in School Election sons' living in the Cl Icago dis- in the near futu -c. The Review Drover, both of Coolidge av< nue, were 1 frict will turn the han. Is of their for Better I received-the foil wing commit injured Friday evening in a i autb ac­ time pieces'ahead one full hour i cation, dated Feb. ,'26 cident on TV. Main 8 :reet< The boys in preparation for; da; light sav­ ; —•— • Attacks 1'ojmeroy, Treasurer's Ghles Reasons for Not Sign­ w^ere driving west in a Forp rooflster Anderson 3 to 1 Victor for £• (• Oftiit-:: Answer id in ica on furlough soon, please hold ing .Early Paper; E . Rieke and were ^bojut to puss a far d iveii President; Lines, Bill- effect at 12:01 o'clock of the fol­ our subscription' until further by Miss Mabel Wolthausen whei, the lowing morning. ', , Improvement of ri Opt^'-Oiscfossion , notice. Later in the year we hepe Defends Treasurer latter, car 'was-turned to th : left I into j, ings Elected After several weeks of intetj- t<) take up residence in Barring- a private driveway. mittently ' bright ' wejit her when arid Gardertsl| V ton. The home [paper conies Pettise. turned his'cnr t|> the) left • '-fv to the' sun has 6treame I through i fi 4 ' >'" unfitly csti- us regularly.on this opposite. s:di e More than one side' of the coining shoulder of the road in. ordc r to A new president and two new mem­ bedroom windows .at J :30 a. m. sJ fonSor- 1 the village of the globe and 'we are glad to election participated in he political avoid a collision. Ija atte mptii g to bers of the board of education* were many persons hav,e 1 oked for­ A yard and garden contest ->, ;..i _:.r.r,,"-i-.-.I i get back, he swerved |4he cs r int b the nr opening keep in touch vfith hotfte int: r- campaign which got undei way at the eltcted Saturday by almost over­ ward to the return o" daylight ing the general improvepiei it , |; u|,r t.l li ests in this way.' We are pleas ed village hoard meeting M< nday itight, ditch where it turned over twic (. saving time, i he a more whelming majorities in an election deuce property in Ba'rringti t^ '1 i' t to note that the 'Barrington co m- following a lengthy repc rt read by The injured youthil vren takjn to , .Theoretically the t ime wilt :,- -..mi-vi^ t •'".'". 1 which brought put the largest, number conducted by the Barring t*i n,' i 1. '.."l"!] I'll Apaign thnn I niunity is keeping-iup a cour a- Tiuste" Carroll charging D. B. Pom- the Barrington General hospital change at one minute ifter mid­ of votes evjer recorded. in a Barring­ club this summer. Thib' wa v !'i.'n :i ml m 1. I gpous tight even tjhough th se eroj-j former trustee, wit i failure to where their wounds-1?ere ft und to be night.' Practically it will mean 4 . • • -i 1 ' ton school*election. A> total of 1,106. - 111 regular nfe t iinc^ (>f deyresspioii." sign an earlier report or make n toun severe. Bloth were badly | br iisod. the dub at a* recent inert; i|| \ ' ...I r'l mi ' votes were cast, JSO more than the that many residents wi 1 wake up ter report. Mr. .Pomero.i asked Mr. Pettise received a skull fncltur< and businc*.-* on Sunday morning, A pril 24, at ing a discussion on 'the phoi|r« • villa :>•> s a fracture of n foot bone. Drover previous high number. t Carroll several nn<' Hons iml conclud­ the usual time, and die :over they a contest. ^ < N 1 •:,!.•.• t..| rths of I hi' d With a stati'inent |n ing o'wh be- received several deep cuts. The otter .The new members of the board are are one hour late in starting yard #, Saturday Orders Land t6 State was able to return to his home Sat­ L. Aijderson, president; A. C. 1 Although full details of j,h} 1 I'i'jHirt iii- half. Henry Rieke alfco made a few their Sunday routines. j - •iV , - :f> I'V and garden contest haVe f been statements' in belinlf of the village urday cvcjninjf, and Pettis*} returned Lines nnd C. E. Billings. The result As. usual the j ra-iln ad docks 1-. •-!! >| •' It liuil b.\ Waterwjay Connec ion it the treasurer who was a ta .get of Mr. home Sunday morning, of the votirlg wak: will - remain on- |stand lrd times, worked out, 'itj is* planned tl |. ....'..,1,1, \»ill lie iMfil Carroll's report. Lions cl\ib will offer valui liti prises iVcleliil Judge (j'liarlt'H K. Wood- For President which conjmutcrs will take into ,'. - " . i!«• r 1 . Moliu J. for the neatest, most arjisti . i d In'st iMii'jd MUX iNNiied ajik order g vlng the i How many meet inks of the com- Ela High School Is Taken Peter L. Anllersort !.802 comddcratwn in .plan ling tlpcir ,. ,--,-1 I'MjslMleit it' ( nilttee of Carroll and Pqimcroi y were daily train schedules. i - kept residence properties 1: i I irring- gnvj'i-iiiiM'iit Immeijiate pnsm HKIOII of Wlllinmi II. Rodt ,.287 i't r held prior to the titim y< tt Kiilurtitt"«l Into North Central GIOUD ton. The prizes w ill he n ti ledj. on i 1 , -,4. 1 iiivi-sliglll- 'J'.'ill IICI-CH of land needed to conplef e For Members of Board your report?" Mr, Pomro y n^ketl. the basis of outside appefln m of tlio I'. 1,1. li U s :i|i|Miinli-il the iUllmils wiiterw iy nt Otiiiwn. A. C. Lines ..,.851 "I ti'le.-l to Kee you nt your place Eln towfiislilp high BCIKHI has been house, the appearance of i||ln^s, 1 f-ti^l ••••**. Thi' T C. K. IlllUngH ,v. 882 "I" , liiisJiK.NS fjeveii 01' e gilt liMlfM," added to the accredited list) of )jv orth gardens, flower beds, ( jil etc. 1 Cent nil' Association of College* N. O. Plngge .887 i».-it. in H»:tO Mr. CaiTiill Hiiswered.i and Voters Wil| Use ilmlges will be selected by t if flub, to, BCIIOOIH .for the I erlod end- II. L. Moiricrs 818 • Mr CiilTtill "How niiinv ni'tunl'lumhiexN tiicel determine the prlw wli i|l, Jnud Joint Meeting t( 1rigs were held? Onl.voM' tncetlhg fth lug March 17, 10J13,' neeoi iling to n Mrs, Lydla It, Becrmnn 100 1 • ! ^ . I t'liurf \n 1 these Jlfdgexf .will he luMnic§>| o take I recall li," Ponieroy adi ed, notice from the ASNoctatitin sent.ti) As will bn seen by thn nhove table, I Mi 1' , 1r I 111° iln< full Ballot to I orce Into coiuddcrntliiii the posNjtd' les of > Mn> Nhjiiu- "Whose nspoi't, Vllif t lie one you,T . I(, Clements, p|rlm'l|iii|1 of. the Mr. Atujiersoii wnn glyen a hotter thnn Plan Tax Slashing NVllllOl, ft to 1 vot,« for tho offloo of prestdent. each l)»iiMi find lot, mieli |ti|t unjln- 'I l.ii I'rtct »111'i 'iilimltli'd in the j fall f Imi'.O?"! For 1 Tlie aetfeptmice Itil Mr. Linen received almost RR heavy n u N'.i :• I'lirllier expliiniiflon M I'tinieroy the ISM0c{lltl0l| expiuislve house oil tl stimB I eeii of of the VM school Is i vote, nnd atr, ijhlllitgs reeelvcd nrarly Village jctoomy nlliiwhiif 11»0 nukejl Mr, Cnvroll • tvhik wrot o ttje ro­ i iiiiuiutil honor lifoperty will have Jijisl' |r striing to Be Held Soon lll'ClltlHC till!) MMNOeinl ion IH one, innde 2(H) moi|e votes thnn the third eniidl- ,,,,. „1 M'll-l ill I III' IMii'l, When NJr, Ci«rr,( ll niiMvoj'i'd eliillieiw to win II price nw.| •_ ntore Of lll'K't ctllSN iltfflltll IOIID f leiijrnliiff date, , . i • i • • ~t.! L ,..1 in, wH m. •. A 1 iilul iniiliitnlns Its m Of- Autnmohltes' were kept In use - .1 -, .1,. t'llll-i.ll --V\- him to reiiviit Hit iinttwi' lie (lien tmtntljon li Four Separate Tick ;ts Enter- fiiiii' fiiniii limine on n '10 fi« lot^lf ; and eeptlug only the beift sclli nlf, tlinvtigliotit tlhe voting l|(Hti's flnttirdny V , 1.... j 1, ilie report Vlllvve, LlbrnjryL Park, II«IOMI who ichei-lted tilt port for any ed in CampatKA for welt kept, and with IIIMII, nt ibbl't'.v, l.t I |i<' nc- iiblllty to the , sl|fnet(t<, Carroll carrying men nnd wonieii to the polk \ School BOaijdH Will Ait 0*p. in, with tOO votes enst, the Trustees and ittuili'ii li'lni ami iivni ivi lip In • , ' M|.t ully iiuillti'il answered that Aft «fro >f-»t i«ms Heavy Voting at voteM cast nt the record breaking by n jprofcMh'lotiiil In ml son |u/$ I'deiiw, .•.-.- Tl iin-il in pin t M«e linslneii of drnwhig t p the report. A four sided election w }1 take plnce He stated that he wi]nil election of 1027. A rush of nearly M«relmndlNe< IVl/t 'i ., .«,,'„ IM'J'II t> -*•-1 •-1 - A general leeetitig of till' MJI'ipUh' I have been next Tuesday In Ilnrr iigl«ni antU t.i...... '. '. willimr to nt tend niiy'm r>00 voters during the Inst two hours ;The elirlij Ijns decided als »!< Invito I'l-k Up the liujiig bullies in It 11 ringtoii will li etiiiff Of the Primary Eletftion Judging from mlvmio^il it Iciest slio^ii J committee at any time, ' brought the total of 1,100 Votes, iiH'ijelrtit'itM (o ofTer Nt'iltiildi 'rchaii- \ 's iinil Mr. In-Ill in the near ftilnr for the pitl-pos e Ie concluded In tlie nffnir, will droiw o |t one of the \\, 1-.. by Maying that -he dill lot sign th|- The new school board, which took dlse prlws for Individual it [to! lUlj'lltH' ;•-. p il>li-lir-. Dotterrer, P. R. Drover, K. .[That election wns eijjht fitted only In n prize for the best ketit iitt etc. ed. by -V. T. M»IJT<, i nt a trustees nre else'»«'report, •', Democratic Vote Heavier W. Plngge, Mr. Billings, nnd Mr. TJie matter pf1 select 1111? juj judges, 11: '•iiiniriitti'H mri'tiiig Mouilav. Xi ii | -, that many, candidate's t led indepen­ 1 time- 'or 'place Lines. the period of the contest, .ghty duy of — QUAUTY —. A LWAYS \ 111.-.1 :<• li«i;ird in w'Ji.-t dcignnted, lint he finance com- 3ilr..!llieke directed hi« talk against dently, ,even though! co pperati,iig In 'viticism ba«ed on tb? riHnge audit Than Usual inj Barrington, h juilging the property, etc vc not • uilli its •.»•!•- mittee was in.striii-tei to confer with the campaign work. J|, j tiv Arnold. Ilimmelblqii iinil C\>. Hi' as yet- been' worked out e com- nd^-itly Owned the'library board. Itho p.irl; board, anil Cuba, and Eli There are fotjir separnt p tickets this •inrtetl by declaring the ^ndit -teport Barrington Community mittee. Further miiioiiiH ts and • 1, ie«- niernliers the school bnnnl 1 to complete plan'. was neat and easy 'to uiderstniid but year, "etoch one, indfpen lent ot the instructions for (hove,who to on- f.Ji the lieiietit for; the meeting. Orchestra to Give Concert was not cntirelv acriur ite ahd in A heavier than itstial vote nf tlie other. Tlie Citisens'i | Independent ter the contest will, in* P ihed in 1;!..-r" w 11 may have Suggestions and si'liedules for 4re- place was misleading. "JTh« audit .status primary election revtnled the unusual ticket includes Arthur (i I Buraiidt f6r The Review next week. ' X ommit- ,f •-• >• 11 (i111 (.«• Tlie IJBarrington Community Orches­ nd Saturday will briefly Yard and gardOn VMiiitesft | e'lioing |\ ;'!-.-/- 1....:1 Attorney lection, from "Tanhnuwer"—Orches­ rd uppointiug up at the board meeting. than $!>.00O. .This, ixpense was yearN1—^ns is the case in i it,her parts politically affiliated , will any village conducted by 'service cltibslfl mghout T- - j .f -C;iri- 1 a nd I)D 11 lei the apprehension tra. ] . , Maloney reported on figured in—although it vaS a capital of Illinois—rthnt many oh icrvers i re board ticket. |, the country. - Tlie/hteft \\M iQrn.Tn l: I' 1 1 -l"-'iul investigation was aceonijplish- Jewel Tea Male Quartett—Selected. IV&E art ritiirn 2 for 13c of It. D. liny which aiid (not a current ejpinse, be said predicting democratic victories., mxt -Mr. Burnndt, who] is ' inopposed for Davenport^ In., 20 yeArrf Sta, There i\\ .-1 itfnti n ml report 3(Ir. Maj oney, of- Xylophone Solo, Selected—Lois - ed in Chicago by and Should not be uso|l in computing ffill. clerk, has been one ofl tl e most faith­ were, no doubt, yard aiid , fl| Jiijcon- 3 lbs. IOC l.:-"l..l 'lllTjli •« of. the vil- llwnn- Esh. ! ; isKfps ;. fieurs from County Attorney the nnmial earning po^-ir of a single The vote for lei ding I candidates ful servants Bnrrln^Un has had. Mr. tests before that tiiiie, hi ; 4 ie >arVl jiroe- Violih Solo, Selected—Richard son's office, and tiy Trustees S year.I If that wifre cojre?t, Mr. Rieke seeking-various offices follow Burandt is always rAdil • available, is nnd garden content there w (4 he first 1 -• !!».•«[. Ueport No deri and Hatjc who, Mr. Moloney re­ Keener. OEi|^t (Webb said,lit wojild be y correct to known for prompt tjraiif tiction of vll^ complete oho. .Like 11 tre«i t| 1 move­ •I,-•''•.1' '" tin- l(oiird by fer two dfiys in narrlngt«n Town—Re||iiblican Jewel Ten Male Quartet—Selected. poiited. worked hard atntei that there was « 1150.000 deficit Y luge business and for economy in ment htis grown', gained \ r,e and >( tin, cuiiiiiiiitei Chicago helping chef k up the f irmer the jfear the big watit tank was in- r Net. 1 |N o. 2 No. 3 Overture, " of India"-; handling village affairs, Mrs. W. N; strength aiidr Is now a 1« id g jorit- 32C President—France elvlev-i' t';--'l i" in ike it special village attorney's w iereabo]utH, stalle;d. He criticised] t ie report for Novelette, "Two Guitars"—Orchestra. Senrs and Howard R, BJrintlingcr are eifterprise in village).', cltit.sjj d Henn'tnr—Glenn "| urnt •'.' t'.-i'-i iliat ' Tri'iRtw The street nnd lif lit conirnlttf-e. of Mnrcjh. "The Stars' and Stripes miming unopposed for ibrary; board. coniniunities in every 1 irt <)f BROS. . 38c including no, expln at ion of the Go\Vrnoi«—Small tire ittm * ••; i..-t,>vii:n thin rerfort. which Schroeder i s eliairman, was in­ Forever"—Orchestra. If n forge voto for; thf tie enndidntes country. f ^ deficit. | 1 —Custer - i'V 1-.-1111) ncil in office structed t6 investilga te .jthe 'fcnsthllity is cast lVgiirdless of the 'net that they ' The contest is nil U»«t fu| >ntj for (::>• trustee from Sep of turning off the on amentnl lights at Mr. Rieke Ideclnrdi the criticism i T-Cnrlstifom that Hie records wen nixed Up and 1 are unopposed, aiij ttempts that friendly rivalry anioiig/rej S (H of a ';"t 'infil .MIIJ Ht.Jl. a per- an.early hour in! tin"morning.! The Lieut-Gm-.—Rterlliti H>. 22C hard' to audit was inounded. He $2,642.59 Spent ' might he made -to elect unknowns by community nnd ns sinlns] \& irrf bet­ '•'i iii'.nili^ urilig which committee has turiii gtil for a Having Hec'y-Htnte—Stratto^ added that the recordt were hndly writing In their miincs '|ould be fore­ ter (Mvlc harmony -in the 'o) niinlty. of several hundred «ollars li yejir by Auditor—Wright. tuple ..ppii rtunity to c\- mixed up by Jhe -auditors themselves /blr Relief Work stalled. Aetiinl result's in dollars !\« 1 i-ents \ 11 I'Onfui- or render using tminller bulbs in the lights but Treasurer—-BrookW and were left Iby thel itii litors ih tfich Att. Gen.—Northuj: V. II. Sehrof>der.J running on the ndded to rent estnte vnlueiili w» been t|°"rttry 2 doz. 25C "'",.,!' his wii. Me did the good effect of or lfimeutal liithting 1 Pridr to April 1 a condition. < Cong-Large—•Yates same ticket with Mrt- Rurnndt, has proven in coihniuiiitleH wh r^ lie-cnu' -- report ins erroneous Mijfht not be reductij by turnifig oft' teds Jinvi* been conducted | • In asking whether }lu peopl«« could —Zeiss coiidilcted his campaign on his recon) HIv -hit the situation lights nt too <'nr y nn hj>ur the th, rety .on, the nudlt rjpo't of Arnold, Congress.—Mirhnebfm' A sum of $048.01 was spent in Bnr- for ccolioiriy whll* In office. Mr. The loenl chmuiittee jliti i i gg >«ted '•11- inv.ih ••li, there wns the chtirnan said. iniiiiitng, Ili^melblan and Co. I Mr. Rieke! re­ State's ,A'tt.—Rwaniion 1 j}( ringtonl for relief work during March Schqoedcr in the pniit ha * voted to cut that hee plnnttiw jivlll ne letji nirnged ^Ui^.w iiHlv f..|- 'h-iiHtee I'mii- the corners wherever irtletlcal nnd in the Bnrrfngton coptew !,-| IliiiH Is minded the trusties on memlfers of according to' n report from .the relief tneldiam j- 11 ili-«e»t. tig! report.-— Cuba and Elar—Retni bllcan committee'. Tills sum wns,slightly in has urged further Muitinns for the being done in mniJy coin iit| Itlfs, in 'the audience that Art ole, FUhiriielblau Cuba Ela 25c pkgi. I 1 «11- in! niitted to the Robbers Fail and Co. bad eontriletMJfor the work excess of the average monthly expen­ coming year. Mty Scl roeder wants line with the Gt'orgn Wi m ;fo 1 to President!—France 12» »5 L )- 1 n-iilt of difteuSs'ion nt n price of $1,00( :^ hat tile firm ditures for irelief work because of the the' village audit ImjWtlf ntml and sug­ .(•oiitiMinirt1l) pi'ogfiim-Wlihflli le-•i •011 mi "I mi l|ij|>i Jim i|iu-si pus enme up Get Any after' having comple ed part of the Senator—Glenn cold w»nther whlchinecessitated more gestions curried oil*! for nstnllatiikn of tree pjantliig. Money 'n —Jenkins -11111.1-tee 11 j-tiilier deemed work had written tt tie bonijd ask­ purchases of fuel. • j, a more practical b»okk|*epiiig sjystcm -Hi- inrir Apru »th *» " 'I'nif.v. Ind thereafter Theatre HoU up ing approximately £2,,00 for cant GoviM-iior—Small Tlie loenl committee's expend hires for the village. ' || It'-l.orl N[). 1 wild Wib- pletlug the job, nltlniuh under cjon- Custer exceedfd the ehsh bijlnnee on hand Int Heriiian Kuhlinnii, Jajhn J. Carroll, Primary Res ff JCtfM%. April 14 Inc. ! S"|.leilllle i 13. 1030. tract nt $1,000. He aided that Mr, Cftrtstrom the beginning .of the month by i enily nnd .William Thorpf caijdldntes under !i doorninn at The t< : » H 11I11 ority vote of Two ushers an I Carroll .had favored wjing fhe.ftidl Lieut. Gov,—.'Sterling $300 lijut was more than made i p for the- (!ItlKens' ticket make their forced Ito letrent in Few Cha |Tni-.t.-e clrroll' dhwetit- Cut low theatre yum tors the full $2,700 nnd, asked If that SeeV State—Strattfon hy receipts from the Joint emergency campaign mi the re| of the village FigJumblei lb. 19€ 1 of a iron HU were t;[l)|ed 011(1 llllVO .to the office ,«t h» point made'it appear, that CtlrrollWas sin Auditor— Wright relief fund. I nudlt and prosecution of the Hay case, the toon) in Commit .lii-i I rve r s pee. wl lie two bandit i parched cere ia his wtntemeit that he «'as —Jackson J, The month was started tvlth a cash Carroll litis suhmlttld a ricennd report 'P.. i 1 night in tin at- Urge pkg. Xl€ "i" ! t-f.rre:l tli-se reports to for money Rundiy endeavoring to save, tin taxpayers as Trensnt'eir—Brooks lialntic > of f 350.5(1. To this sum $1503 on tlie situation |s iftiblishft) else v which, the thtw -"'ii.-y. Mr.j Willinm U. tempted holdup In nu icji money lis post lb) f. Att, Gen,—Hndley wni 'added by the joint etnergeney where In* Tlie, Review',. 11i« JBetter Hwernl old fai^es and find an mnch at ")'"' lui'l IK^-11 employed left after'falling to ('oug.-Large—Yate» relief j organisation, $24.00 was do­Goverhmttnt LengJujr hm endorsed the ones from the Barrington a -ent to pay tto'in for their- el fortn. —F«stf • " 'fi.i.jii«-s \,in, n0Kpr r». nated liy tie Public Service Co., $12,- cnwliilnc,v of these pen p. m Man Found Dead n Barn appAfrnt the^iarty conn -•{'•"Hi-imbrif. A week or Die holdup occ irr M1 about 10 Congressman—Chindblom 77 by the thurches, making n total of D". II.; Ponieroy, Hftlwi rd Peters and ^H 2<^tl3e shirtly after the b«U offiw h««l beer in Barrington Township 7-Church ' lugs'as- the result bf the rji'li •"J Hiif.hvelljriilM.n meet- $800.0). A bntnnc* of $242,02 wns riving Hngftr are cant Mate* on the : dressed mtjn ap tlort Tiiertlay,- ' - •> L_ L s • _I (-I'i.eiice j„ iietober, 1030. (•Used, Two wtfll —Simpson left'o I hand to start the work for Independent ticket, rind, iav<> exjireiweil pr inched Elmo Stevart, th^s dotama n w I|CIJ:ANER, ig. |25C pkg. is* 'l-l-iv wen. p-esent a mint- Htrangulntion caused by hanging ! Ha to Senator—Paddock .Aprll.T ' , themselves willing to I nvestlgnte ev­ Joe ^Vollnr w^s elected ubllcan mid after lnqiitr ng about thejriiow L gate's Att.-s-Mason was' the, verdict of a eoionWVjiiry nt | $1,505 Received ery possible plan f«r h weiring village committeeman for Cubit | ,vn and f)K\EI) flKKF HASH; CORNED •-f ^l.'igi' trustees, offlcials, purchased two tl?k«t» tor the fcatun I —Smith . an inquest Into the ilenth bf Lewis F, Tot:il receipts from the'jolnt jemer- expenses, ready to fcee] t airy fensllity' Cornelius Snyder was if lento-' BKHF TOMMIES, Royal Blue. fI,.-..a f|„,[r bonds. At- piture. One of be men then «wlere< \ r hVhe/lule for easing the \ (Jxpaycra* bur- ,! Calbow, 01 year-old i*tih»l buyer, who . Barrington LTowr*—I) smocrat • gency relief fund during the winter ci'ntle commit teejinan' fro ji e same 1 }'- M>t for h his views'as M •. Stewart nndlth.! two usheri Raj dens. These candidates arc supported f\'o 'I i-qn f.^:]...... :..,.19^ wns found Tuesday m irhlng | in the I I .-, NO.ITNO.2 Na.H8 amounted to $1,500? Total local con- town, replacing" Frank v'a 11. The 'p "i' the oncers.involved .Tihnke and I^Ror I)ePIombr wh< hy the Protective Toxp lycrs' League, v 11 barn on his country hi me fire, miles President—Lewitf 5> 63 40 old guard went in iii Bi'j-rl ton ex- HJJEN BANTAM CORN, Blue», Which views wire standing In ths foyer nearby, tf-Communi­ emit of " '• I' •-: wlijclv |was presented pi ce Stood guarj 1 c titside. ures have been $2,642.50 leaving a ty' ticket has pledged h s efforts' t(x added In each party as \\t ITJ$S t k' 1000 Sheet Ron" at* 1 '--iii'i.-e. TlH .brief, .in the o'clock Twesiilny jmcrniig. lie was Lieut-Goir^—Donovan V, 40 1» balance on April|1 of $242.02. The an additional prej-itict, l|li bird or The bandit th«n irdered i MM Stew found at 0:30 o'elit-R by his son,Sec'y-State—HugN s 40 21 help-solve the' Btjrrir ?ton sanitary it "d at! (f'i't. Hi'h * , S* , ' • i-'jiiiniitlee, siihbtanti- art to show him ivh >re, the [money wai 31 table of receipt for March and fors?ewe r misunderstaildlnj and the vil­ new precinct will b<" re Lewis. » ' l ' Auditor*—Barrett | 44 21 Ccorgej - I'-Bilei-e) by the com-j kept, but Mr. St«rtrai-t replied! that '2> the ciitire year follows: j lage bond case. { Mr. G rehe 'Is a man the democratic meeting* '""P'-rts at |,ut- ninety per Mr. Calbovi' has sufftred from neu­ Treasurer—-Kerner! 45 18 1 March Oct 1-Apr 1 Wagner and at the repi till n meet' th^re was'none hi the ofljce- Bccauw 1 r 8 5 ot experience: in pliimb ng' and Sewer rotic, attacks $nd hai bepn nt one tHe Cong,-at-Large—vN esbit 40 15 ie- has, »«-' e.\ iremely grati- it had just' been talM to the deposit 1) Cash Balance .„...$350.56 $ ' engineering, - ' ' ings by Henry godt. IVj a patient at Jthe sti te bospito|l. The ' j—Brennnn 1 I 40 14 Emergency Relief. 503.00 1,505.00 previously represented priei !fo.l ; l!,-".l. ihree new. members or?. ', k coroner's jury decidul the mall ended Congressman-i-SchUetz 3 i 44 21 Individuals, Firms 24.60 109.10 Rudolph JCocher is the t ivi lemocra- ' 1 Afte>- sa'tiafyliw limself that then • th-- lioijrd of trustee*, his life duringi an nt acl of temporary State's Att-rCourfney. 3T 42 20 Churches, etc...... 12.77 28.12 tic committecroan in No. \. f th w is no money the rej by ranfackim Homuth Elected School • ommittee felt inanity. Relief Drive • 1,153.20 Thp result ,of the re) tib||-aij pri­ nl I' the drawers, t ie, bandit orderw Cuba nnd Ela—Democrat <:MIII-I| ii|| Funeral services w vi'e ' conductiHl 'Cuba Ela Trustee of Twnship 43 mary voting, for cominittJpni y.i*t tape |4 tie three employes to fnr *e police 1 rough 30 and tjlie entire year follows; school trustee of Bairrin [toil townfihip> 80-;' Barrington' No. 3, file) y,Sodt, ••Vvi'tirfu at Hirhland Park Lewis F. Calbo* w is born June Lleut-6o,v.-T.Bt»novan 16 f March Oct 1-Aprl was elected school tnvitee. -ot town­ 103; Cuba precinct, Jqenl Vollar Ejrocst \Vf*»el» aioitly afte^r ths thug 30, 1880, at Algonqt in •'He has lived Sec'y-State—Hughes hi id' I«fft the liulidt ig. Tt 1» t elieve I 13 Foodf (other than > • ' ship 43 (includes Cul a town and 202 a Ad E. M.,Kiley 1- '>'.'] Sit pre­ iii or near Barrington township most Auditor—Barrett , 22- milk) i $477.73 $1,052.23 territory In McIIej|ry •ounty extend- cinct, Emil Flcke, 253 an P r«m 72. •i jlll.-etinK tint the two lifflfl n third accompli? f X Jiistrict No. of his ife. He is Airive< 1 by two •: —T. B., Jr,. 34 Milk 35w70 327,02 Ing two'miles west) at The' result Of the de 10*1 itl; pri­ •''• ] bulges, wiitlng in a cat iiitnide. a schooj elee- fill he held at daughters and one non, Trensurer—Lynith 880.87 Hon held Snturth r, mary voting for commltti ini is: ""'* Moiida Although tlhia is the first itttemp 17 Fuel 08.$8 total of 21 V April 18, af- —Bnrben 8 Clothbg 116^98 100.05 votes were cast. . Harrington Nb. 1, litniilpj Kocher ••^'•iiiiig. Mftny member* a a boldup heie, Mnnngjer Oatlov 1 r Attend I. O. *: Banquet Att.-Gen.-j-M*;Oarthy Mediifrtl Service 9.45 20,55 Mr, Homuth w tiiistee in Bar-50; Bart'tngton No. 2, C& irh I oomls It-bekal, 1., (ge will attend, "Slid;, the hianigenent has nlwayi ,: Mr. and Mrs. W. N Lnndfrer, 213 —Kerneij- '! Rent 25.00 riugton township liitil Die moved into 01;' Barrington No. 3.J & >rjte M., t-. Miller, > joble (irnnd of ti ketT_pr<»per pi wautions ngains: : 1 t W. Lincoln avenue nt tended a b dingressman- -I>yikch 20 Gas, Electricity 14.27 Lake county sevej al j ears' ago. He-' Wagner 45 and Arnold 1$ ss,' 2; Cuba ' "" U'bekah lodge No. 826 hildup«f , Receipta are placed in th »:27 quet for the Imlepe nde it Owicerrt AJ , —Weber 32 Worl: Fund 13.00 succeeds John W .?uoh; who has been precinct, Cornelius - Snij th* 55 and ••''"I lr.-a I'l*. and Mis"night'depositor y regularly so verr t Mii ',. liance Monday even|ng at the USiille State's Att—Nolll . 20 .school trustee of J|»o, ^3 for' the Inst Frank Watson 11 j Eire] p* liict, S. "I '•• ii incnil er of the s.tate li :tle eb'ange 1» jke^t OQ band tit an hotel in Chicago. —Dcaale 24 To al Relief $048.01 $2,642.50 15 years. D. Fink 30. • f , I ' "i. inilte, -f I me.

><%! ..vVafe .- Stt«. w VLM#k-*l&iiwWSs««i*V« Mi,.-

BARRIllJGirON REVIEW, BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS,1, THURSDAY, APRIL H 31932 ROMP Bloner were Sunday visitors at "Framed"? ' . - , New'Yjii. the lionie laf Mr. und Mrs. August - i Captain Midd Cuba Tpwnship 1 • (Recent blog nphiera of Captnlf The coldest l^lgenhaue ,, ' , f" Ihe* 0ii«ern, ICIdd state|!|thni he was not a pirate part of this rrfiint' Mrs. Ki theri 10 , Scluimaebcri and and that the Ishlps he took - were he Owl's lletid.ijln 7'Ht Mr. and Mrs Frank KelBcy ot son, Williani j were Monday callers at r fl l( lawful prl|es dnipture d In his legal New York Tanpfi » "n couff. v Shady „11*11 mot^r d tf.> Pufjatinc Sun- the home of Mr. and Mrs. William cnp-tclty o| n (i rlvnteer. The'charge 40 degrees peftjU 'tjiresofH0t; day- '"' • I ' I Hufer. , . of seizing!two] ships of tlie grout U80ni there.. Apfe "oi «re not qn. ,er8 Mr. -atid| Mr Clarence Baliinget Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelsey and hardy souls'whih lu| ^ !«S proved tliqjt tHey were 'siiillrig un> 'out at about Rwbelf Franz Sc IOIZ diil^l at his home early Mr. and] Mrs. ilea 1.530 feet kboj °«'l'a 11», »a n Harry Rudolph of children, Roland nd- Phyilis vlsiteti, .>ir. and Mrs, Harold Kelsey motor­ der cotn-nlsslt ns issued by "the sen level „ ' FlayP esentatk Friday piofrntiiR. |1*' -wnrf Iborn in Mr. and |Mri t the northern tl [ o| B at the] home of Highland Park were (Sunday guests Thursday jevjeninjf) ed'to Waukegan Thursday. French East Itidia comnauy, which 'he AdlrondiiU -Weicherriu Schesia. -German, , Janu- jt'esley Comfort of pin ten u. Fror I tbi Mr*. Simons- Mr. knd Mrs. made them lah' ful, prizes. kThese' • • Hm.ft M,- of Mr. and Mr. and Mr«. Frank Kirby were ary 2. .UNH At tlienue of 15 years Palatjine. ' ' documents iKId I had handed to his lone the rallrold j>l>^ m feet ID Is Well George Gije.ske made a business trip Friday [callers at the home of Mr. teas than ten rijlle: iVmerictt and had iade his, of Alden patron Lord flellomont and they 1 vytmts eonilui, he came to to Aurora, Mon lay jjlrs: Auirust Igenhauer] and Mrs:. William Albright. * direct, from tb " home foi| .jijore tha;n i>0 year| in this spent Fridiyiafi moon at the J home were not disco ered until some, 200 tb pole tin ; " k r strike land at Lou Geary anfl dai^ghte|r, jVirginia years later in the public records Head |crank. •Eb| Township School Njites coinm|ttn where. he ; f ollokved his of Mrs. Fmnk tlsey. lis coupty was wblacksmit h and William! Pol|lman visited relatives LH AMourner'a Bench** office. described I'D] I Compiled Weekly by trade as Mr. and Mrs -Frank ICels^y of speech In the V fbrjuiry -2JU; --3871. te was in Kenoylia, Sunlilay. i Injure as "tU On Fi ShaHy Hill calle1 on Mr. and! Mrs. In the United States (only), at Siberia of ! the Pupils AuRHfta Froelii |h who Mrs*. LeR^>y I nudwefr and daughter, •k." and .Owl ma rrieil, EthVard Pe)terseni|^f Algonquin Tiiurs revival meetings in churches, tents, Head la its preceded: hi In in druth in 192* Four Roslyn visited Mrs, jSuftty in Dun- Subj ectfon 'of Static TP°t- A a,.k. day] und elsewhere, a bench, or row of live, question dnuRhtei! |lrs. Hannah Iteinjriekson , deeSundayJ|,nftij riioonj:i|,i- i Technicians ire examining piany thecllmaie, ' 1 camp chairs, is placed directly be­ once. said i The- Senior ela*,* is indebtelebtcidl to Mrs. G« ude YotmB, :Mr», Donald 5jr, and Mrs. ftugust Pfeppe ; •'an^ .steps that htak > up the .sound proof two aensoij frtr l neath the platform or pulpit nnd here, July nnd those who h<'l|> 'd make tin* pllaya . j'The Smith iff iljlwiuikee, an| •s. Ada Mri and Mrs. Fred 'iMinlein of Ai ? daughter,. Anna jinotorcd to Elgin ess with the < bject of overcoming ."— Wushiig visited Tuesday with reserved for those who wish to ton Star. H Valley i>f Gh >i»tH," a success—jMiss Ahiitr ofi BellvriWwi . Minn; 'nd twv> lington Heights Saturday. tliat distui:bind scratch and static (Jlr. and Mrs Robert Deinlein. i come forward, at the close of the her splendid coiujhing, sons, Frjui^-. of I/fdnt I*leasi|nt Va„ • Mjlo Kejlsey :j\i|i|i d ted Saturday and preacher's exhortations, to declare which often q ceompany' voic0( re- Ben |wher for and ('iJarS's Chicago, Fifteen ! or her part in (jress- of Mrs, Carrie Tank was hostews Sunday at the lilme of hijs brother, their sins a|nd "seek forgiveness of production, \yitliout laying citilm Mrs| • J.oomis crandchi Idren and four Rrti latRrand-. lL I ' ' Earthy 'W lipply nnd the grade si-hoot TliurHday evening to the Bunco club. Wilfred K|else'- y- Chicago. 1 to supernrtlturojl powet'f, the eng|- children in mm tiik departure : tli,e Lord. The bench, or row of There arelak m .OW.OOO gqu^ iflg. Mr. Liskij Clements for tickets Honors were a iiarded to Mrs. Lee The fui era I was held jSiindny. Mr, and Mrs,"I i leorgc t)uke, Helen chairs, as the case may be, is called neers are sure jtlmt such noises will ml|ea of ice j oi thi for music. Mq, Smith. Mrs. R«Ue Grimm, Mrs. Au- aplirs'surfa. Mr. Dorscy. and] the \ I ake Zurich remetilry; Rev McGraWj iDuve lilalonoy and .Mar­ soon c.ens]ei[ to be troublesome fac- fe. li ntll liosfers). Burial ii tieis' the mourners' bench. . The mourn­ Of,- this aniouji 1,00(1 h class for specially gust ' Froelieh, I and | Mrs. Fra| tot 3. Nothing rudlcal' may be, ex- 'jutir« Far 111 Merlin IIM K. A. li loi) ofileiatinR, garet Jacobsi-of C iicago were Sunday ers* bench was very muc]i ,it» cvJ- miles are In (fit btic. ninl Mr. Frank f Prehm. guests at-the. ^IHihiw-Kelsdnrf home. pet ted In; fllms five yen^rs built scenery dence a • few years ago nt the *re- sound The Lftfajlnt I'lnochle |ehib was en- Mr- Wl'HIHT- f] >r tin- lights- tind[ oft- vlvnl gatherings addressed by tjhe hence; hut' a liimll Invention here, Iiocjal and Personil s. Rose Grimm Moii- Mr. andl Mrs. Harold Kelsey and HIIILT sounds. tertained b.V Mi] late; Dwlglit; L. Moody, AmepJcim iin: Innovation t|jhore , will so improve nt h(M- lionic. Miss children, Roland jtnd Ifhyllls enjoyetl afool to (>|I Friday li|oniiiiR the «'iiior day afternoon evangelist, who said: "The ilo.vll recording find oiirodiietlon thn \ the tniki Virginia Sigwa |t,! Mrs. Rose Good- Sunday tlljpnor 4|itli Mr. uhd Mrs! prlehce to dusk divided i Sixty-rotih' mem hers respi nd I'd , lo (iltlnm'te 1'ji'ni' f perfeillon will be iiu ke luck, and Mrs. Kbse Grimm received Charles Jahnlto. IK wis In riige when he sees 're­ IIO.M) of M'lHll tilltClN tO till' Jplay, roll (-1)1)1 IhurHdii.v afternomi at the. pentant RJltviHM's crowding the iipproitclie(|. prlisen.. The h ilistesH served refresh- en of Carpenters" The ur groups which U'liu- mectiliK the Jindies' Alt! in thn ' Mrs. Ill lie--Kll , ,meiitM, Eight meinliei's: and gjuests mourners' ,l|t iifli."r-Llteritr.v Digest. vnsNt'il both ti iVn iiml country. JTIiey Parish l|allj gave" a 'villo wits u Bund jy guest of Mr, |ttnd •'Mr** Fred Bind attended. nil •|H>rii'il a [good ticket milt rendiiiar, "Onr NTlsHioii Fields» In Mrs, Henry Frok|i)g. NWninn Wtuho was absent'Friday; Tile follow Biloxi. folk" IIIK (:<>»>• Mrs. Lillian Krneger entertained Fred Ri)«niaij und family have on iccount of being n pallbearer nl Ihe rAiiHt Great Lakes' Area niittces were appointed for fl the Bunco clul "Monday" evenliig in moved back to B| l 1 llrringtoh. ... JTho 6r«nt Ltlltes have-,a water, his Hide's fun'ml in Chicago. I beef KJipjit to be. heldi on llliu ixlSy, honor, of her Ijlrthduy. The prisces .\ i*s Minrlijlltr siircly hiis (good April 2K at the cluiri-h hall, lfhey Will were awarded ||| o Mrs, August Froe Mr. Jind! Mr* |ohn Ryon, Rlchanl; surface area of tibotit 0!>,(XW sq-iiare hen ling, when jshc ran hone K.'il'jj rut- also sell H|1Irulis and apron Mm, lich, Mrs. Lee Sinit^ Mrs. Grimm Swart?!, 0. McN| ib of GIIICIIBOK Mra, miles, of wliJch 89,940 square miles tlini: cuuily p$ pcrs. AM a resijjlt of .lollli II n'htt Mrs! Ott.n| Frank, and Mrs, . R three who giivf' I lu­ iiiiitt nx Mrs. Clinrles It idiHIIIHI;I , Kjatis home. side of the International boundary. atrinli W88 hostess to best re Klveii.ui 'treat jfroni Mh- I- Gott«*d»ttjll4 shrubs 'Mrty Mniid I reports vvi aprons : Mr. and Mrs. 11 Myron Kefsey and We till thollgjit it and Mrrt^ E.j the Bridge" Plajjersj Tnesday evening, Kufjy's |wiekct and I'laiji Irion, daughters. Shirley] mid Betty Jnne of too had 'tut.- Kilty (iiiln't lluivo IP hostesses for tj Poles' Give Good Service was tickets, |ic meot- Robert Freltlngl spent Sunday in iiiork' ca miy. liiK wero| rs. ('liarieK Uuffi clialr^ The average pole used for e|ec-' >«f Symbol of Authority Chicago. llie. Krcshnjnn class were gltjfil to innn wit |i JJIesdames perman BueiJch" trlcul wires will lust from seven to The design o i the reverse/ of owir 1 see jKuty.|Kiity,- 1>nf)r\ij ile, and Norman -bilck- ins-. Au«;llst BiicNfiiiiili,'. Osca Ttichter Chicago wire-TitMsday evening callers fifteen years, although mime are rt week's absence)- and AUKusl Lohiuan. A incnj [line day dlrne^—the bunt le of rods und ax of at the hoine of ftfi'- and Mr«. Frank ti) school iifteij the Roman Hot irs-4s.viiitioll7,e8 pow­ known to have been In '.ise twenty- The Freshn 'an class are worrying was lieli |a -Thurwlay. • Apr| l H for Kelsey." one years. ' ey arc going to g?jt thn t he bom ii ii Benaoiiville. er over life nrd -limb. •- -Tire, fusees, nboftt where I ft Frnrtfis knd Gijaop Vllk tt Chicago paper to wrltif the which Is the .ti til. name for the 'inoijvy for thp Mrs. IV i I in in Pretzel. M.rjt. A, J. spent Saturday land Suiday with tWOftllOUSllIld |vord theme, which] Mr. bundle of rods and the ax sticking Business-Notices Bring Results Crawforil t nil Mrs. E. Jacl son. De- their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, We-jner lifts a signed (for general sci- liilly the emblem of wire att'iic oil the. 10th disti iet Fed­ out, were i)rlgl James Volter. encij. * eration of iVomen's e bll id to the good Mrs.JEdjward-NIagee,' Ethel Land- Price// QMnas\ Wie wonder} •d . what •'•- all the Ids eal Wonjen's Unioii at Bed Isenville-, fortune of the present. ' i wer, William, G*orge, Frances and . prop Jrty owner and tenant; < \ \ sin ill's on Mow] y meant, but .we soon Tuesday. I • • i, \ '•• foiinjd that the were ideiised to -jnnvpiavee- :INC .Mrs.-I jlenry Buesching a n« daugh- John. Viviiin i nil -Violet 1bni- K in I \ it's results you want then 6all Baij -ington school again; ter. Elijs; ibeth ofi Palatine called Ela Ttywiish\p tiigh School Ace redited, Sin tilt day afternoon at the F led Blnu DER < NO|! ., and tell- us your wants. The cjpst^ is Tfce measles'! have another victim home. this I week : *'H ho'rty" Becknian vet-- By i]Af North Central Association • 'low. erap! knuckle; I ilJ thrower, is he} vic- \ Mr ajiid Mrs. William ¢:artma n SAMEPRlcj 1 tim jthis time. We need'''Shorty]"' or and son of Palatine -were Hhu rsday of Colleges nnd Seco]ndar\y Schools ^ToaoveR.i' snni"|on<' with sure "win"" fori our | visitors t the hotac of Pa 1 Dein- 1.•nsehal l team. le-in. 40VEAI^, Elmer Weif Mr. J. L. th nientsf (Principal) of with .the jfrantini of certificates? for! t is a s;ood hit tell es- Mr. nd Mrs. Milton R ldsinslci peciAlly when H the Ela, To iv isl iip High School, has the ifvariouV, profusions of medicine eonies to church jwin- and dmijrlitcrs drove to Gr dley to 25 ounces for 25 P dowi. , We're just been notified that this school dentistry', law, ite. In states re Wll'ltjlll for the' 1 i ! • i '• I»i,H. ! spend tl e •'w^ck-eiii^. with lira. - A .-- quiring graduati< n from . approved ami | we re |n IjiinR it' has been ae r« ilited by the North Save thi Difference I won't- be ». He'H ven tryin« to l>l it no Hehool IK nee "edited by the North gram of modern high school educa "b>w k" on rt iiucliile ball, \n«w' " j ; Mr. aid klrs. iinrry Ranolnkc; n of Central |As8(ciat on for a period long­ tlon. V IT is l>usk-,a jfrictld of VlvSiiui AIn- Chicago [and A. Jbhnson wd re Sun- day guests er than lone "yerfr. 4. 'The.ejxnmlmi ion of the school all Tony . from j)eerfl,.|,|.SIiiel«ls JFIRII of Mr. and Mrs. L. Befor(> at y s diool can be consid­ regular' intervals b,^ inspectors ati'i visitjed school last Thursday Sin it hi ered for niiereditiiig by the North Rupervlsorif serve! to Stltn^ilate pro Mrs. If. Goswidl and childrj n visit- (Central AsSociat on it nuist be on tlie gross 'and to Jirev|nt the development; ed oyer the week-end with Charles Rulsinski Drafts 176 jthii for- highest list of- ICIIOOIK approvei) arid of questionable jirncthios | and tend] mer's pii rents, Mr' attd plrN. E. accred ited b; • tlw st'hool authorities of encies, [Votes for School Director liro'wn iii Evaustoii this Btntc. In idditioti it tniist meet 5; A high I schntH accredited by th Mj's. virthlirf Frnplleli and daugU- thn high st;inilii rds whic|i the AHKO- North Ceritra! A Moclatlon enjoys i. Tile sclinnl; eetjons were held Sat­ ter, iMiitfilin visiftfd at the Georgie elation main tain i with rejspect to the greater piles) ige n thd\ surrounding itnliv and <1i in rles Uitdslnskl re Brought'ni l home in; Wjiuednd school building a nd its equipments the country and then fore flnds It easleij reiv|«d 7« votijs fitr diroetor r>i»| the school libra'y, laboratories anil In? to attract lion-res' dent pupils. j Mr. injd Mrs. aiy'ron f'BmJdndl of Ifriitjimar sclioi I board. structlonal iquirinent and apparatus (V The patrons I nve mi re (•({niudencej Elgiii weji'e I/iike JJurieh ea ltt-rs Hat- Tllpre were 38 votes east aft the school records, rhe requirements for In, and are genen lly m< re willing tri , «ti'»I' (oil Ed. t'mb^enstocrkj niu Trtoon. graduation, plnsi ruction nnd spirit, support, an nccrei ited blgli icbnol. Klnii'r OosswiHi'l-. Mlv» I iiii.v'nh M4.vcr who as been salaries of tipnehprs,th e training up(J Tho (idmlnlMral Ive oflcirM of Kin visiting lier sister. jMrtt. Frwl] Kropp, prepnratlon of t'ncherrt, the teaching Township are verj glad ti>(i|nnouiiriji Uke ZuricA eball Team the past -week rettirned to Liberty- load, pupil lna< s, and the school's the recognition of % Ttwiship High! viljej Mo idny «ven|ng. prtligra m wl,'th npference to physical School by the North Centriu Assocla^ ijays Plail 1932 Season its athletic relation tlon of Collegei . and Secondary t •Mir. nil 1 Mrs/Albert Jiirs i| nd fntn- education alid to| high schools nsl de' Schools. IIy of Bi rrington itnd Mr. nhd Mrs. ship with other T IP I.«H«. 5Jn icli! ha termined, by} the | State Athletic Asso­ Ela Township I iigh Selnril has re^ isebnll teanibaii AiiKiist (jiehrke and da ughtt' "s. visit- n iMP«t.ini; T|h ; ciation ceived another big ily accrxlited post rsili6^ evening to jphni! ,.,i .sniida:h r lit the John Gehrl e homo. the ! 1982 seaspn. The North Cilntrnl Association of tion. Miss Adah [less. Inspector fo: i Paul Prehm .wilt i J. J - h* nilnnagel r !rii|nin :this'year niH| tl,i ; Mr. an 1 Mrs , Lriwrenee Dlehl who Colleges and Secondary School* is an the State Vocational Depigment o: tPiirh is loo|ii g forward to.a l)USi (Visited heal relative* last vieck re- accrediting agemy comprising twenty Home Economics, nt Springfield in s<'ln{lulp.— ! turned tci their home in i GeoJ'getown , states am) is thi largest regional ac formed the Board of Edu-akion th HI., Mon|(lay. crediting agency in,the United ^tates as a result of he* inspection of thi I Home Economics' Department Of El, Sit. SlatthewN Evan. I.uth. Church .Miss Jjlnybele Kohl / retutrned to The object of tin- association isito es llligh SchooJ| , ^he Big! Pairfleld jfadison rTuesday a|fter ''a shqrt vara tablish clos*r r lations betwedn the Township secondary school t and the institutions School was1 now! op the G CPS next Sunday rjiorn tion ,at hpme. . approved li; prnian sprv] of higher educat on within the !North of vocational Homt Ecoi|omi(f Schooll iiiR Int 10 o|ei>ck. :TTiP name'"off thii s a surprise in store you wh(f Mr.-niilrt Mrs. AlbertjHoefll return- Central states a id in such other ter All of the. abo -e ratings attaint ftnnjlfty is .Inh late:: the meanind wil .ed from llorid'a whjere they hjid s[>ent ritory as the N< rth Central Associa­ 'bp (htind inJl'J. this yeAr have bee i due to the tireless you see this new l?32 PI h —a dt- 601 1'-'-». The sntmoil the wi'nt T. months!, tion may r|cogn ze. All decisions of will ho based efforts I of the Ea Township i High US LOW AS on P>-: 100. Kesjd it[ the Association b eh ring on the pcflicies lightful surprise alid then com Saturd ty e-vening, Mr. ajnl MrA. School Board of Education and Mij. and hear, and management of secondary schools J. L. Clementsi Principt|l ; of the fin Sunday Fred Kiopp visited Mr. apd Mif. Wh^n >|ou compere the hew* 1932 PI h with »li< I Evening.'April l"i and institutions' of/higher edupation High School. ' will hear thipj tjiird ^lecture and sqe thf William loder in Palatine: are understood to.bje advisory hi their Mr. Clements is a new itnan at Ela. two cars in th» lowest-priced car p, you vjill 4 fhiijd of ft- spr^s df pictures on] the. '• Mr. aid Mrs, Hlerman Cotrad and character. The iccrediting ohslchools Bible. The ;si| bject will lie.: "JcjshnaL He has two degrc »s, his master's d( - I Mrs. Jal e Ilans |of Elgin] visited by the North Cc ut^hl-association "is a n|iuch more) it offers in every wof. the JIKIRPS, [ajnil gree was obtained at the Univer|itr ings! of,; Israel t<> l"hursdaj| with Mrs. Minnie! Seune. cooperative' , undertaking. Member Heml the ;GfIreat. r *These ."piJ of Illinois in Education. i nlve say thlat r s'hip in this association is purely vol­ 1 understand what we mean wl Henry | Branding} was in Chicago To the taxpaye s, let it be known and lectures[s* far have been very in untary. It the desire of the f over 'the Jveek-end with his tpns, Ed- •that the above iccrediting ijecogn| If 32 Plymouth |s >* more-for lieidollar caj". ten stinR. Thif nekt one wilt tie esj- local authorities of a high school to ward ami Epimett and their Ifamilies. tions have been obtained on a n twei nil j inteh'|itingi . They- tell ofi have the school ic^redited by the As on jer> lower; bigger, a greater*, hna; how he led thj- Children 4 duced tax rate ai d an increased e Mr. a|^d Mrs. John Lnej'ssen 6f sociation.. j , ',.' rollment. „ . Isrtel into thtj 'Hbly.ltand. ^rhj> hi* Palatine l«J O. S.lFACTOftY ecf safety. '. jirfted Sunday with Mr. and Advantages' tb at; high sichools real torj of the; K ingsj' of Israel f will bfi Mrs. Vet non Luerssen. ' - Immediately upm taking, over the ize 'as a result o t' being accredited by 65-HOkispOWBR ENGINE.,. FREE toWn in beiiukrfulj pictures^ .Tjj lull*-- office of Principal, Mr. Clements made !rig*t-op-to-thes-secorftl iri modiriHfenigin^rifig nppteciato |h4Ke pfctiin*» yo#j Mi«s ^illian Adams! of refferson the North Centr tl 'Association can be a survey of the High School at Lafeje WHEEUNG . . . SILENT-SECOND, EASY- mnsl Park ristted from summarized as f dliws: see them fori yoOrself. We Invite Fri(jlajy' vu til Sun- Zurich. Hp found that after, sturdy ii I SHIFT TRANSMISSION ... RIGID-X day with|ber aunt, Mrs. Janjes Snet- 1. (The gradujtejt of an accredited the survey that wits made, a reorga yoi to- see! (these coming picturesi. x DOUBLE-DROP FRAME . >, . SAFETY-STEEL it I las patented Floating Power— greatest singer; high ' aehool i are privileged to enter ization of the schobl would enable tl Th«jr help trt troarje n your knowledge BODIES . j . HYCIRAUUC BRAKES WITH ! institutions of h gber education with­ school |to obtain North Central Ass^ vibratidn of Holy. Writ *^he pictures tnstj; Mr. alid Mrs. t>avi^ ill engine Bring developments givingvsi ( Pitrnell of in the North C< ntjral States without ciation accrediting and Vocationai ac­ CENTRIFUSf BRAKE DRUMS . ., SMART Suiiday night will be -the last <\i the Berwyn are visiting several [ with entrance' examin itibns, provided that crediting in Home Economics. Appl|- BODY STYlJES . „. 11MNCH WHEKBASE ess p«jrfb mahce. Old Testameift; then follows three Mrs. Ja4«s Davidson, who ujiderwent they have credit i in the high school cartion [for accrediting by the above lect.bres on tht Xesr Testament. a wriou.4 operation at the AUTOMATIC CLUTCH AND DUPLATE SAFE­ Pizabeth subjects required by the college or uni­ named bodies was i aade and obtained •" Onc|r ride is enough to convince yo,l Coudell pospital in JLiberty^, Rev. Pajul (j.' GertbJ Pasjor, ille last versity for adnisaion.i Since other TY PLATE blASS (C^lonolotSJMaliteiitrqCotf) Thursdajj, Ela Township H ig^h School now has 1932 Plyrrjourh is the outstanding motor 44- accrediting agem ietl' recognize schools accrediting by the North Central As­ . Pawn't Aljway* W^tk Mr. all d Mrs. J, L. Clemints and accreditee! by th a North Central As sociation of ColIe;es and- Secondary i. woman* d >ctor says tbkt a chlldj son were in Chicago Saturday. sociaton, this pr vilsge of entering in­ Schools, ajecreditin ; by the University stitutions of big) ler education without •he aid be ma le ti? "face jeklltyj ~Bal l" Mr. ajnd' Letter S|oike of of IUinoisl recognition and approvfl tJ examinkion is extended practically I of AgriculNral aid ITome Economic "It woul—"d bd very' annoying! for Itasca visited .Mr. and' Mrs. William throughput, the TjJnijted States, he: Luerssen Friday. courses by the St tte vocational Cf- mother if able had to remove) 2. The gradua es of accredited high partmeht There are ino more ajc- make-op eveijy tl^ie she kissed th Mr. aid Mrs. John Kphl ind sons schools have the asEfurance that their erediting honors t< obtain, Ela Town­ < little one goojd night.—I^ndon; Hu of Palmyta, Wis., Mrs.Geor g t Knigge high school diplbnfts will, be accept­ ship High School, we are proud pt -i morise. of Wancjtnda. Mm. William ajikle of able to|~Stat e Boajrds having tp doyou. ' / \ i- » g* u

M m ..j¥ji ii ^1¾1¾^^^^¾1¾¾ .¾ .::.^^---y^-.,afe ^^^^^^A^MBti.n I'ti'i' ',ii'",' K j fjS3sS!5v^^P ipfpipn iiiin ^^^Si 1, 7-irr an BARRINGTON REVIEW, BARRINGTON, ILLINO S, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1932 }' Unlcover "Maiit Street" wanf' filled by Mrn. Alvin Case. All nice Stone, Viola Geary an 1 Mildred carini 'Jfor' Mr. Ueifry'Qoldthcj re- present enjojed a very pkitsiint after Grausec; Mcsdames Albert Gossell, turnei. to th*jlr home near Woodstock Nie-w York Cold Spot Joe. E. Brown in of Ancient Olyntkus noon, nonojrs wew , nw arded Mrs Earle Lageschulte, John R ss, Earle Saturlay evening. Mr, and Mi«. . >*'*lest sinft In the eastern Alain street; C lynthus,, Greece, Edith Peek, and Mrs. Piiltls TurnT Johnston, Clem. Dncy, Fn nk Dick-' Jqnesi of Chicago are now staying *>*! .{f .-rhli. oourvtr, | thotf S whJieh his lain In 8 K 8 rulns ever slijioe bull. Mrs. Cassius Downi! will enter son, John Brown, Arthur Boehmer, with iHr. qoMing, J I >-.•«• Jl«,rt. Id Franklin gy» fireman Rwon ^ B .^., has tc{{|» excavated t>y a tain the club on Wednesday after and Harold Stroker; Mrs. 1'red Vaji- Johhs Hopkins i Mif j Lora' Harrison of Ringwood W V'tk remt»erature8 or 30 to diversity expedl- noon, April 20. devere t|nd daughterjs and 3 Irs. Rey­ 'if? n , fr«.s below zero are not on tioit led by Dr. D|vl d M. Robins in. called at the Hajvriso|i home, here, the '~ CatlowProgj-ara nold Smjith of Barriiigton; 1 [rs. Mary the first of tie,week. | -.:(.1 jf!.4fre. A Mw winters Og0 ,ne pfb cssor of^orchejiilogy. Donald Jenkins, grand on of Mri and Mrs. George Hdpke, has been Cox arid Myrna Bacon , q' Slocum .-.rjJ?:S..Mis wh0 inhabit.the baraler AD entire city block, with 27 - Mri. Georje Foot* was a; Wanke ^ery ill during the paiit we|ttk, but now Lake. ' ' ' •Mlhrt.1 d below.' Verification »». bouses, was uncovered by the tex- gan visitor Fjridtiy. Neerii Makes *eturn to is reported improving. •.u mi**sfibje. for'the tn .» ped tlfin. and the fine street run- -Walter Banks caljed in '(Vaukegao Pola Artiur Stpkenland Ira Fisher mo­ pfrfn.onM.ters went down ahd Silver iSci-eert i i "A ninj; jnortb was Charles Davlin fln^l m>ther, Mrs, Friday. I given the oane tored to Wilmot, V(r*ia. ,and siient -, w itij^i *if><»ut .50 below. Owl's Head 1 Vincent Davlin, motored to Chica­ Worn;a h Comm tnds I'M. ip .si reet." William McClain, who besides in Wednesday I at the August C. Stoxen t«i, }]•"'•'«» feet above sea level on "in'tie houses, we found fliiJirs go, Thursday. Mrs. Jos. ?lupar and the At Home subdivision, was tak' home. •thern tip of the Adirondack of beautiful pebile mosaics,, in swn, who had been visiting here re- en suddenly ill while at . anesville, Mri and Mrs. Erijest Meyer, Mrs. m- From this point to Ma iiptyi named red, purple, blue ind white." said turncj to her home with them Wit,'. Mcs. McOain andl Mr. Boat >t>£ fb ilniu.' Mary Meathcr ant Miss Phoebe • a mi I road drops 800 feet In ' is Dottbr-Hnb.ln.8oh, describing the iifr Tlie meeting of the Warn onda Worn- motored to Janesville ami brought, ] he 4>i>"> finish- Maether, spent Sunday at the home vs.1 _ thari ten miles. Winds comlni him home Thursday, cowries, These a e the oldest no JII'S club.was held at the club room of Albert Meather Sjt Libertyville, :lir«cfi firom the North pole nrst Cat ow. Theatre sale floe rs known. Some have' t& in the high school builclinjs on Tues­ Harry Grantham,! Jr., is the" new: sTJke-Jiin.i at Owl's Head Frank- i v. Satjtirtluy night, MrJ and Mrs. W. A. Shaw and Son, amis m;?lhs beaut folly pjctikred In day, April 12. director elected for! the grammar '" •'-' njijy was once described In i '." tuki's the', feature the pebMes. One floor] shovvs Bel- Vernon and Miss Esther Heilsberg of r?S • Frank Bjoney, whoj has spent the school. Mk- ~Wiilafd ' Dai rcll and |l!n the legislature as "the M-: Kenoi' ' spent• Sunda" - y at• Tyle— • r Gil- r.'.'ii. wit i Mary A* lerofihon arid his vinued horse < In- last two months at Hot S]irings, Mo., Frank Bacon were directors J* .•>},! i i>t New York," and Owl's berts, '•i C"ft>'/. in starring counter!:if the mytMcul beast, (lie 'eturnetl to. Wanconda last week, for the Wauconda Towns tip High Sti Is Its chilliest spot: ' A na, Chliriera which hid a lion's heiid. School. The election tnok place qn ' Mri r Grace Ford spe part of lasits t if.!.)' Jti)i 'ifistloned about the climate. gi»ai 's middle ah:< ".<' first ..fotiind and' I ientlfleU, Doctor called on relatives here Saturday. the w k-end here. '" I . E»rth'» Ice Supply \.\- 'i-iifi i it's through Uoji nsoti was una)le to locate the j|lrs. Page; Smith of Slietim Lake Mrs.' William Grnnsee ard daugh­ •r|raro uboot 6,000,090 square w. .man he mnlrries. com 'terji. This til nfe he fount) t|vo vatf tlie .guest of her sister, Mrs. Bert ter, Uutli and Mildr!f u|a't|on fir some- 0¾ 100. jtidglnR ftoin Sjm Caddie Dixon. have permanent, econo nical All-Steel Fences. 'Uif ry. flinn experience to make r Mr* Clara Smith ins beeji quite ill Mount Veijnon was fanjied' for his !'': ilil.- Its rulni. It wan destroyed sud Jliss Gertrude Johjns olf Whcaton hospltiolltyt not only In Virginia but , In the meantimej yo i will want to be ready for emergen|y fence Kllli -- .Slmkt'.speare. - -i-tlHIt til'l' dt|ring the past weelj. Her daughter, deny ithtl violently by IMill'lp of pent the weekend \\lith leripftvcnl«, v Mirs. J. D.WUliij ms of Cryijtal' Lake; throughout! the length aind breadtbj repairs. Keep a supply i f Red Top posts on the farm. Your f< II I ill 'I'"ift'- RJaA'tloiiL tlie fatiier of Alexaniier Wr. and Mrs. William John«, lifts been earing for her, of the AUnnMc seab)ard[ Morrises »1.1. hl orili'l' to fl'je Oroijit. in 348 n. (I, are} always developing reak spots which often lead to losses] •v Mrs. Marshaall Wjlllninfl | and from Philadelphia indjNew fork Hi mi life a Mr. and Mrs; Robert ] Hackbut »1 met Adnmses from Uostpn, Carro!5» and stock unless immex iately repaired. When stock breaks tr if hit's in- In lighter of Alienloen, S. D., and children spent Friday evcnlig fence,there is no timet 5 waste in going to; townior posts, Bj Mpul.v .It'if" (1)-111)11. ,'isitihg relativeH here, spent the week' With home! folks. from C*nrro!lton nnd Byrps and Car­ "t.itl'll in tin' imi- Waticoncla •ml wil h tlie former's pi ^rents', Mr, ters from the James at n s table, and a few bundles of Red T >ps haiady, you cart repair the fence eMlandi Mr. and -Mrs. Pkry Jojhnson o£ St I, 11is t'linlin- M nm I Mr*. Boy I'llSNlield of ll\mi- ud' vilkt *\m\t HaUmUje at' {lie homel of Humble visitors, too, were si w*. ' '..-•, ; . • <' 'i- Cnrr's. ••111 u Come in and let us s ww you why Red Tops are the biggit Mm lin i from fort' .('hatfc* 1hivlin. George Knlgge motored to' !\Vood|- «iiay« assured a welcome ut Mouioi !h.» llll 'hull KM in** Mr. and Mi%L-C|(rde GJiUing of Vernon. The rule whs that none your fence post dollar \ rill buy. ' I Mis. Jiwepli Haat |ms been on the itorik, Friday., '| i>•!:' ; « ll n he Chicago and Dr. JindJ Mrs, ( oldlng of wsj allowed to go away hungry, sick list lor the pas two 'weeks. int. trn •k*. ' Mil. anil Mrs. Paul Lewis.and 'fam- Libertyville, spent Sunday it Himiy Washington himselfiobce described ly i f nilcngo, were, reet nt visltorH ill IPI v.i.'irty t.o ' ,MK >kl, Mrs. .Ijuek, Frohke «r Golding's. his home as "a well resorted tav­ I it lllie home of Mrs. Marj jMcnther. •1 Wi'iupweiin, Wis., spcii-t Siuidny nt the Enos Shell of: Wt})odstoc^ was a ern," find In a letter from Mount Ver­ Miller Brothers I " "A Woman hoiivtt of I'liil Probllic Mrs. James Carr tqicn : Tltursday caller here Saturday, non after bis second term as Presi­ 1 r4 .^' Ut'Nt 'Tues'- ^i;f|i lier parents, jMr; anil Iblrii-. Wil dent he wrote: "Mrs. Washington HAI^DW^ RE—FARM IMPLEMENTS M s. I .1 I' N •• :.-1-1 re iirns"'to the ilibfe- Bae in i|i)d (laugh tee. innj-'D. Kennedy in Wrtuksgnu, Miss [Lillian Tidmijirsh atld friend, ahd myself will do what I believe '.i'-., it nil ii'iiutiful ns .Mixs Vini lie Bueon < f fltoseville -visi'tel Mrs. Ella Prickctt, are sj ending a has not been done within the last 10 r East Station Street , \,.]njit : rily ri'tireil Mt^. Mat itj Ames at the Victory llsntj- Tlie Jntijes Smith cottage in Mal- ;few days with : Mr«. Ella Parks at 20 years by us—thai Is, sit down to oi'ial liostiital at Wiuikeean, Wedneijf- naii's. Lake shore subdi ision, was Park Kidge dinner by ourselves'' Harrington, Illinois .,i.| in tl Serbia of .'day. Mri<. Amen is a, sister of irbke^ intp Tuesday night by thieve* <*< vho robbed -the place ol household Mrs; Ida Withers nijdMrs. Enos , u IH-II i-i'Voliition "'Fair veat lier of this place Snell of Wodostock, who l ave been usiness Notices Bring Results •Al.'inii"! and his roods, valued at about $:00. There t.'t, n Driijrn. It Mt- u-ijtt Mrs. D. tiJ Murphy hive s no clue' to the'robbers movt d iflto their" liom« on Libfitjy > |,i ctiii-flv < rniiintif life The fire depa'rttnent wan called but sfree t 'in n' firtirtesan . Friday to subdue.a. grass ?re at Wvilr Mis. D. L. Putnah entertained the iani's Park, Slocum Lake, which had In. hi- tlie Bar-' •ast Mutroni,'' elu i I ' Mayf lo ver pread quit* near, some b tildingSi This to the -.•i." hi', »>r<-' irst ra, ron- ehap:er O. K. S- 1 riday afteruoc.n, :ii - « ill Itf {riven,I Dr. and Mrs. Golding CJ lied on•. rel- i-N M tind Mrs. •iiir'- n> \t VTedtK's- George fyitenifer itives vhere .Friday eyeninj. Mrs. Jane Eatenger ind daughter, ..1- : i, rii, i with tho Louis Anibler • and , mt tfher, Mrs, ... - Roberta. Put Your MjarksiS in the Squares; NOT in the Circles u were M<*H;n'rr callers Wetl- 'h, Man and ilesdi iy. Bjurjihain and Miss Maritaret Doer- Tl;, I :aph of Chicago, spent I'ridiy with .j.,ft if sn'ec-iai Mr. ard Mrs. Henry Tonigan tuid Jr. and Mrs. Dennis ,Miir] >hy;% ti,. i|ttivte trav- fhildken of Waukegati were Friday Mrs. Jane Eatjenger and Miss .Ethel iiiii'-i'^an. ifiowine the visitors at the Car , home.' Satenger tendered a pre-nuptial .irli'l"" fiiin usj l'assion |, u Dij- Louis H. Arnenfrout of Ohica 'shower" to the former' I daughter, IK *['•'- \ IIMVS ' if ]the east, »o ,<'i 11««i>.- is. offer- Xest n ae^ompanietl Mr.-, and Mrs. ome; the bride' of Mr. J iaron Hun- I .-'.•Ifhrati- John Blomgren to Waukegan, Tites- oon in tlie nea,r future. : Five tables !',;r thf A nil Society KQ UNNECESSARY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Sda, vere ' usied in playing ' speculation h„n h. '1 ncre will be uiumy." ;Mrs Jim Gtfssell being h'H , fcivfii. bi'« lining at 8 , Mr». ( leorge - Lui|

Pjradu; tor bho| iperi fff V..liVir ,,1¾ Uif petite - of Japan's oris 11.-.,) ,-r;,j * Kyoto, he ancient tai'.t.u. -ti,i> fMT relln |iils|ie(l Its Specimen Efalloti lea,|crs'-:|, n,' lie ere.illtu o|; llirnsst-l beiujrlf'ii ii,. in ilii) < npB hand Ullage lenloush i Polling >lace: Standard Motor Company Garage, 202 Railroad Stieet, Barringtbn, Illinois.. l!uar,|.',| in n iiilile tinge s luru out itie iiM.nii.rm ii-'inlso'iiiieSi the, t>oxei> Pol Is ope n from 6:00 a. m. to5:0 0 »0«rtr:i}s iili,| eases Of (Iarmi8cehe VILLAGE mmmml f" :4 i IDil Inripirr he liiliiilln de swords. *hn»t> ii;.),!,.,. : w|fV.bofertfed ^ •• "Oli|i;lS» tl se .of Da nmsiin. ,|, , r ( briinzes n various TUESDA^, klRIinQtH Sizes iitid ill ipi'S —frou: the hug? i tllfri"h:ni in,, i hi«h latiii'rn to'nhe TIZW^NPEtoPE^ O CITIZENS' Q DEPENDENT OCOMMl NI POWER •II'IKM',, MI\,. tirtmze n lltl'tJ IHII — ' 'Re* if ore Pftbli c Confidence *' - . r :, •' j- t'i« il.iinn' 'iitstinin t nrt AwntB i, FOR ^ILLAoi CI.ERK e-for-the-dollar car" »!tn.-Kv.„, |, rlv* «ho| per's Pars (l;ie. • ' " Vol* for he) Youi* Vote Will 3e Appreciated * , •-MS ^»rau:RC;]JURAN^ Hi •V«ryjinj Apeet tea <""frrimer. eeonbmls s estimate el\* V XLAqB TRUSTEE* fbki VILLAGE 'TfltSl t» ''"« it :Hk'. two acres FOR VILLAGE TRUSTBES ! Poa VILLAGE TRUSTEES % of crops to ..[jVotcfofi , [Vote for three] Vote (Of, three) ' - < f (Vote for Ihl '«flan,| f„r thWnvernsef erman, half ML •D.y. H. SCIIBOEI ER. '!' *-• E HERMAN KUHLMAN • |D* 1 »• PoilEROTf .' "nacre f,,r ,!„, avernge < hlnese, and lined, and ' \ • M »<">' f'ne-r-MiA-h'oTln • JED VARDPE|?ERS. n dcre for th^ You believe in a kkal overnment run *^[x] JOHN J. CARROLL Ju a veraj sifse K on thi b? principleprincipless ooff commoc< n sense, pub ie iUixj!w]W.H. THORP IRA iNG EAGER ' honesty and decency,

l^hen Go To The V rting Booth [Tues OR iMEM ERS LII RARY BC ARD Radio k'nd T [ViMc firt pro)'- : .';.'l xi fier : a syrprisej inj store for you whef day:j April and GiMe Me »4M11-|MRS,1W,.N.JiEAjR ^ |$'4«:|new! 1932 Plymouth —a d«f Fri^idaire Yotiruontin led Suppbrt m-+E HOWAI1D R. BRINTLINGER i i •m surprise. i' ',i i ijsre phej neW T9t32 Plymouth with th« S^r trice tHe loSvist-prijced car group, you vyih Tak

; •ji H i. ; Ku^n^^hrt^ and William H. Thorp. Tliese, his reflection. s ^ - r,1biggjer, faster, and offers a greater PRICES candidates ai-e all axpayjnghomeH>wnereof inquestioned WILLIAM |H. FHO|lP has Uyed ii\ Harrington ; i').V ••'•• iM I L - honesty and; abifil y, and are vitally interest* d{ iii better­ years, and, having retired, is now able to give fr« fo ;thej-i-*iecoriq in modermengineering PHILC ing our local government. ,( > ,, his time and matu e judgment in handling the jttt li. j " .1 - ' i ' . » TRANSIT PKE ' HERMAN K JHLMAN, a life long resi lent of this problems of local j overnment. community, is w el acquainted with our local j rloblems. He The League f (e|s that the election of these erteds f gating Pdwer—-that greatest of RADI > ded a3 an hme«t, pracjical, progressive and men will place the business affairs of the village wlllllN(.jTON, itent >r ( : • 'al.l |16-M" or 1„. 11 - for FriMdaf J w Bariftogton 68 ' Blotter Gbpqrmtient League


kltji m^._^ , tj^t^tm^mm i :¾^¾¾^¾¾¾^^¾ „4? -T,^JsjiSji.^3S«A4-ji. s«y^»«*rijfi>*2U# Kr'b:is : M ^feiSTi^ ta*7i»^- tv Juj3*«ra£]


auditors' report to $9,856.2', or an ]1931, all tat,-Addition to %delinquen t Interest on VHtyge ,riin| additional $382.80. It has iio ,v tamed 1 taxes of $1,471 64. ' ,on Deposit in lankibt f (E J. Carroll Reads out! that Mr. Hay apparen ly is fi I Inasmuch aa the principal and m- timated for a Perijod 3,500.00 nancial|y unable to carry out hisi terest on all i utstjanding bonds on Years) ..'J agreement.— these special as essrlnents are paid, the Audit Report at Total .$10,040.87 With, the inability of Mr. Hay to committee. rje« mmends that the tas- pay foi the over-issued b< nds, the payers 'oh thlosi streets be rebated[ im- . It is to be no ed that these items Meeting of 25p board, ih now. ngain\cpnfrot fed, with mediately h*]/• aud.i- !it| to lower Its tax levy. For tbesejreji- member of the com inpr! the situation: without n complete ifrcatlon of this tors', r'ports) on KUCII othAr of the siins, this com liittiec member sngges' s inittee, haye prov id to be rue in prac- ami accurate auditor's >ort.. . m- village officials who may be liable for that a conference bb called Immedtatfe- tically every inst nnce. though the fee mmittee ha« full power the pait tjint they played at tlie time ly by the villaKe bb|ard, at iwhiohj tie (Signed) JJHX J CARROLL. under the re lolutlon setting up the Mr. Hi y was -employed. b.V he board bonrds of tlie other!local taking bcidiij's |of loca iiiiprovements. now thtjf Mr. con unit tee to mploy a^iditbrs, yet this be invited :!to' attend. ' iHny jippareiitly has iio fiiinncia] her of th • committee Wit that ikn Conclusion U.o for IVaterClock t ability to wipe vut this H ibility to Babylonians several up-jto-date rep irt should ho authorized the boi dholders. To sum ; up the situation briefly Used b|y the from, a s'tajndp >int of fignrcs, theUm- centuries befon Christy the water by the village board Mo that no oijie Additio naJ I^Ral Fees Pa W From ditors' reports sho\MJi the following ap; clock liau becoifne essential In the coidd Kay tha the committee was in­ 8 >eclal Assessment Fi nd> I. parent itert»s hat should be paid manufacture of paint. It Is de­ curring a large auditorV expense ft. Tlie auditors' report further accounted for lo tl*» village arid whi dared ttlie slmrjlest means of test- against the < Hinge on. whjit might shows II Kxhibit "E," wliicl cniifrtins the taxpajwrs will lose unless t|ie Ing 'ever Tlii old jvttter prove, to he 'harking up ,tbe wrong details is to thi< legal fees pa id i II coii- Invent 3d 1 hoard takeff in med ate action: clock was a a tiny hftle tree," bc^inse the most tha^Jhlx eotjii iit'ctiiiiiN with the various leeiul iis- coie with Loss to Vjillaife Er+ In the; ^bottom, ivljlch, v 'hen insert mittee memb« r had heard ^fere rjl- wessment fundi*, that On rors and Oi lisslms" .,...1$ 2.3S4. ed In a Jar of v nio^M, the truth of which could only . "Tie fei\s rvported as jmld to ater, wis known to be verified by an accurate auditors' Loss to Tajxpu tern (pit "Erf Haggi uJos and Hay inclu Ie -those fill to a cert'ta l l level within an report, Afte much discussion, the rors and; On Issiomj**W . 237, paid to «. I>.'.Iliiy in the total liour.i In Itsne w field, the cone Is lioi(rd authorised a report, which linn Uuitmm oil Hay 1/lnbililjr 382. In8ef|ed In ?) amount of $:1.320.41, which, were 1 iirylhg grades of finally been r >ndered by the nccDui|t- Extra Leiml WCH I'ald. ttjt in iid( it|on to the legal feci proper­ pulntH, tiie vise >sl tiej) o !• which' are nuts. Messrs. Arnold, Hinimelhlan "J* Hay :.l\.. I 3,320,41 ly clu rged against the futi il measured by tlje. lergtli of time It Co),, certified |iublie accountants. Thin Excess; Inrerek o!, the fir>t dated March 2H, 10H2, that t lis extra payment Itml been k-8 Magazine on j the spt'ciii I assessment funds, and made, find while the eoini ilttec felt Tokl $ 0,540,87 "tin second di ted March »1,. 1032. on that tl(«i'e was'truth in jtli •rumors,] tli4 general f mils of the village. yet it is not until this aui itors' i-e-l port tliat the rumors have been defin­ ,'iflnwte two reports disclose a very itely verified.— seilious sittiat ioii.niid one that no vil­ Interest on f'<|ui'liei s lage official nn disregard. Like most uinlitors' rep irts, they are extt'euuily 7. Tlie nutlitors' report ft rther dis- complicated.' The committee there­ closes that the treasurer pa d interest on ceriiin i vouchers, but dn not give To the Voters fore, wishes t > point out to the hoard ncorr>sponding credit to the village 'a' few of the .valient fen Hires in these * ; fund when f liidst came in t >, pay the •V reports, togc : her ""with its recoiimion- vouchejrs. In other words, |if the vil- of (.;• V dations therein, and. for conveniences, $m lage had no ( these items ivil be numbered con­ ash balance in EI particu- » lar special secutively. atsessment fund f ml it had •:r: J: a bill]iaya bit represcntjed b; A vouch- a|il your c'orrfmunity candidate for VI- C'oinn ingling of Funds. er, the trcasurer would nd ,'ance the lag|e Trustee 1. The rep >rt discloses that the ril- money ftpm apparently vili rtge funds, lir.i- treason to pay the voucher and aici ued inter. I will appreciate it if yqu will g ve me a . "merged ill of the cash in hijs est tht re>n. Then, when the pariie- 1 custody, in hiding school illstricjt ulary fund had money er. me An, it voile of confidence so that ! can hep to uh II as his undrawn coni ' I -I fliwis' as wt was clarged not only for tl e/toucher tar gle our bond. and sewer mudqle, that issioris, ii his. bank accounts." and accrued interest, but aiso for : some of the former trustees led!us (The comm ttee. feels' that this is e.x additfc mil accriie<> interest; but, when into. tiTmely unfoi tiinate and that the .treas­ the tn usurer reimbursed ,-i he village Public confidence must be jrestoijed. Ojir urer should |e immediately instructed fujids. he did not t;redit it with this to segregate all funds, in his' haiids additional nccrue;jl' interest tajj; ra;e can only be reduced hfy tie to Taxpayers ori Main te)vst J-ai-n oii -it.- own ftlllil S*. and< Dundee A •'«.: /life fiaiiK. H-t -Do A. Grebe Inndi-ipta y of Vliiage Itecoids t. The III! lilOfs' report also f. rib, th. "dfjllculti u IIHf'CI'ltlillilliisfei'ltiiiiliigg - ilji' pedal IISKI sHini-nt taJies'tuul lnlii'-4 I >'i I'l'l'l'ivil e beciMl"!' "f the I deqiliiey tile 'vlllnge rcf-nlita," Mpwlul A ixeiMiieut li'undh I^IH. I. The „j|idltiil' v I'epoi'l IIIHH '(•(rt.1 "llUlueioi I'l'i'olu •ami oluiNNlotH Ivli It'll p>«ll led In a ift't lon^i' In lile illlilKi' »pi»i ill iinniinftimeiil fittuh kVI-MtTIt,- 111 iletalleil III MxlilUh !>' „m| •!> This net lo*« In the. difference I lb'- f'l'Ol'll II ,"l!,tHiSs to Village" of-#2.:iHJin 'a id a ,"l,ow to Taxpayer*" "f-SiiiV., III, Tli>* linuHt Item iniikliitt up ilils nou lit. lor "tax payiirei)t etitifretl i tax loll •ectird hut not included in c(|sh l-ei'eipt The cotnifiiMei recoinmeuils iluit III villag TeiiKiircr imuHMliately! nc count /or (lis amount. Hay's llreikdown t»f "Settleinei •"». The ai ditorv' report also lib the "settlement" uiatle with l[. Hay. ft merlf employed by febard of leal improvinuents, wiich 4'tt lenient maile in May, lp.'li he honrjrill j my remember that (riniiiml "-I'roseciitlons ; were lit -IIgainst Mj- Hay. |>ut they wen ... hyed anil (i idayed month after nititith i i the hop • that somehow or o :her Mr. Hay w mid reimburse -the village, tr those \v Hi held over-issued bonds. Kinally, un ler date of May 10, 1931, m "agreeiiientf was entered by Mr Wny--:-sigiipi I by Mr. j Hay on \i hereby, he agreed to i>ay $11.47! i s shown ii the auditors' report, ii mount has been iticreasiVd by the

i : '^"i-''Bi(lfe7*^f^•qulppwl with 10«l«c« «M ofUtttM^&'^'B«!r* cudtrr.' 0--,- Ub*l«l« -T-r-items- THE RULES: ^umtpj^caalttmaadluitf* •hupentrihotwstar h «te», % Euh 1UII h^«»4H»n .1».»'" Midup l«ue,compt«u taM«|l»Hon,«n d 25 cyUadari of 9k»l' 1 S^SffiS, Jll*ttM»t P WSS1 *b',u, t*<$i>iW|^^ *.itoa»ioMfc«-.MraatoM*. . -,. ",. .... • -^--^^. -^.^-..--., .,.. iijpj^j^l^.g^y^'' itr ---..-—~-jJ* gaa 20 crUndcn of Sfu tlu avrng* Auailr four ymn or soon).

A Yow lMM«ain«Ml IM DOKniirkad ^^-»^If1te'tt^ *t urdtV; Aprtl^ 16,»M. ta»)U4 to. Cdm . nr,2S34M»iliMiiA«Mu«, tnniatwOly twoywf 6rmoc«). . "T'''TTT| f$ Si^#uSife^iy*ar oritur*! a ^ MM^^^ ,, Ih PrlsM-Bktlgu S7S, 97« or 877 . „•':' ; po**»«tthoutp|i^B«nt. HoMwiUlM .itt'ii'lupl««,compl«ri"«^tloo.adoM«TUaAti c SOft|ik«4llllPrlpt|M~fllulgMV9S) Stova. MI^ ** ^¾¾¾¾^^¾¾ con pU^ IniuiUUo^od onrcVllod« of SlUl£uir mmmmmm .a^Eiisp^isi aompl«(« SkelMi ^ $m$^^IH

THE CPSTIIS SMASLL •'•*•>,•/\,.?r" iSmmmmmmS 'm'i I.TSAIWCERTAI P+0HEW6 WBAOTOOA' wW^^^

m*vt£r&^^ -fi-71 fe>>".k \' »,iii ^^m l^P 'I

HARRINGTON RjEVJEW, HARRINGTON, IIiLINt'ur(-haj)i ex lOsPiitn (.•••in* •rf'.il i iv-ttire of the snowy wastes, to the tropjlcB where stretches of laval arjtittclnl fish Ip.tti «Hl" fti tart HA'ImAt nls 1 were minted. In IPM,'and HHI.' &ir the lit Lie elnnanjoo bear haunts the ponds, which are fo "med by building iie«»pie to lireed hi«i»/ i'lje tnese It wn« a Uirge wort: uewts and (lurk |«X||oHltlon colnh. jungle at to tlie Antipodes where, a barrier of rock ncroSs a narrow KtK'vclopedift rhoiiKht **f Iw been tnm !i dentil that I'arinina I'u tntjcii imniller plantigrades In re styled tvere minted, in •oinpllwt about JXiM) j\, ^5., nfelflons '.-:is ti ilshed It was bay or cove. And ipl iiygnfunds repre­ oaltlop colui- bears, ever; PHijt of the world tins, clfic Internal lonai ''owl* iiv "creatures frou| (i\i feat" v.'j unite pieces, sented by prepsrirf tracks dowti and 11117 M< or apreiirs to hive bat), some mem- were minted In ll .alet they came to Kuri)t>e ffyff4 t cen- rm<'> a beautiful grassy slopes for tiled coasting are rTlhley Memorial colnk were mini bet oi the hem family among It* ral ('bins by way - ot ^WeflI «nd 1 1 !n? exhibition among the accompli ihments of a- for ed and to l»2*J Ornpt Memorla aboriginal Inhnl Itanta. iussla, • *•*''" It Ittn-ltugtun got/ten culture found by W. M colas tvere minteijf All of u.e«. : 4 v nil vvl!; W the four Despite the e Ideiue ofiscripture Walker of the nnrran #of American coins were *1 Bolri Ins '(.,• lure] reunited for akeiitl -nl critic 1 fur yeara derid­ ethnology on the almost deserted i-. :i ,'; \ 1' centuries. ed the idea of h< ars existing In Syria Island of Muul In the Hawaiian group. ) i i J lint' known what or fhij \Utty Lund. Ignorance of of the foiir ordinary itlstorlfnl tacts was port lie ulso found sites of 2.10 altar ;i tjic louvre In of the eiiulpmenit of these) doubters, places, usually on headlands over­ Ilii» oilier**? They mew noticing ot, nrtr studied looking tho sen and oriented f.'i|m,l that I ho the accounts of the life history of fo wards the ocean, which evldentlj 1111, the third the goprf k.ilglv riodfrey of| Koulllon. bad a prominent place In the old re who with h|* hi others Kustncej and fujii'ilt In.n prl- tlglon. The largest of these was Rnldwln led an tinny of forty ftiou* more,than 4<>y feei long and hod o oiihtry-, IM111- siind lenimn snldlers to Join; the piirtit were terraced slope A0O roet high extend­ - lr\h\\ crusade to dell er lerusn'letn from ing over tho edge of the hill. Much - :. • • • P- lic^i* showed tlie Sirucens f iwurdsj therend. of ofj this culture, esjeclnlly the paved 1A i. 'nffii "Hi* pie the Eleventh century, and who dur­ trails, Is attribute I by the natives i •>> ing tie ions s eye o| Antlpeh In to the genius of o legendary hero. ' |n-e Hie artist Syria went alone to the defense of The old chiefs, I jr. Walter found picture was a poor] woodcutter against a fiercely In his research, tarried /on under 111 years ago, nttncklng hear In whtch enconnterl the auspices of ' Bishop museum • iued tngeih- he wn's badly I milled although he] of Uonolhlu, were burled In almost 1 l-'.u'K did come out of the conflirt vletorl Inaccessible cliffs where Jt Is prac- f: ,"• liav *•'. been ously at J lie lnju. Certainly ,(3nd tically Impossible to < find their • j«-.iy. hut In frey d? iWuiflon would bear wltnessl graves. ! !• Kcvti-reil pan* to tlie fnct tilipij there was nothing) Fabitlous ,*' • • ji't'» tlje same Incongruous In ilhe, storv David ti>ld, Story >n -ntiani-iilly of having killed a hear in protect heron anH duck are -iiid-n Tlt- lug bis father's [sheep at Bethlehem! among birds of historic times which Molecule* F »und Room (Samuel 17:34-30) tike Catholic Actors, gi^ild jtieid. Ac- resemble the fabulous birds of an A small bottle which had been curding to all reports, the speller? clent days. Scratched'oi stone, pit pumped almost perfectly free of air who, renin I tied in i hjc liiieu| p toward? Chaldeans left belliind t lem a tflrd was recently expl ored, and In the leep Cec ter in Brain? tl e Jlnlsh hiid toljsut mil to beck /••! >ue Vsio with.sharply curved'beat. Its long bottle were still 77.0tJO,000,000,000 c„ ep-centei in the brain Is pos- Ii t« by ttie a emttiers already wings, outspread, look II te ,twoflne- of molecules of oxygenjfjfjuufj, 288,000,000,Mjuivyyivvvi- irU 'to F oi^an Law downed, and the lanijo (tncelr was 8(: bj the nustriah neurologist. toofhed combs. 1'here Is ihe fantasy 000,000 molecules of nitrogen, and' [nHvi'r by Mil .Kcononjo, • In fhe |American tare with all nfteiWiis to g»t a wbr j bird of the Hoijil . ln< Ian artist smaller quantities rf.pea.rerl-" In the ollfj f)| of other gases l.isj'im origin l of XervDiis md Menfn) pis shlonedspeli- Round and fnt. with a small hea^l back as fur Iris.* I>ees |lt used to hi nil rlght rb the fantasy bird I& reflected In thf e [wlu'ii tlie •'.••• ..1 ':'''.-'' uftk teacher to repeat v^hile the spell art of Ceylon, l'eru itnd Japan. kord "in- eif Mu.iight furiously l|n lie utin tte Egypt's thin-legged heron and Pet w I-lnti-r !!i-r." gained I siu's duck In conve|ntlonaHzjed forms of the The rule ijn this one .was el I in ba reflect the, imagination of ancient ~'.i< rl|»n of the person hiak frig fhe enfor story tellers who put the Jjirtiif Antji. n\ Into song and. stojry. ' !.r,vi'tO -iiow^i In seh'iol win went j t > thje 'foo^ of .j s this eer ter Is not exactly| lo tine chiss anu tried| lo work j4)U I " JThe albatross Is In th<' procession .; !j:.I by la\v.,ti Lageschulte •;.jd ri;it diet 1 le says, those diseases which .» hack f^i the top. but It wnfc it of feathered splrljts,' wl h Its I Ki pbeket-tippfid beak and irigbtlejres ,-u Mation by J Isturbjime (ft the sleep fun 0 ijieless game for a tjaturlnlly pjaor gion IIi uchstlimilatk. as- thde witahnormallh qpr< By. s teller At the end tint 111 low-." I Vonf Kconoiiusliimhej' believeo/ .-enbephatltlss that the, r iere was \n gloomy little gN'Up LI NO IS nerve cell•shins so ti n tjblthse neighborhooreglonj are dlia orf d t'wh At the foot, 'a neckl rin the deck of i ship thai m ,(i.I; IIMS the po\v- I Iwhyr pomposed tii'iiliirlthe thiryd ventirl,'susce||e tihl ofe thteo brain jsoni. ej<'nt fa s drifts hecalmed' upon "a f) IIVIT to which 1 07 thf», his r«" Farn and l:.i:ik ot the. I'nlU'd On Toledo jndde Is still In tliej assembled and the tjranid Creattet SiLnc* 1:-1 on li^'i'ordl . ben'm of the hijiie-ymoon,- reading olj, reached the. moment of purtul w|l C^ty Property I6TH a girl! who had offered to| marry al Hut silence never siowf Itself to the chief actor coughed loudly. 1 most any man f<> r $1.(HK). t;oid us sh(| s|» great advantage I|B: \Vhen It Is recovered, expresSeti a belle! itrfwl Cli<-di|«r C«v«t was tolng rlglit home and try fi made the reply to cnlum j and en under a ape 1 and Bt|ai r i|nil yVook- colled the niniket price from iw\ inntionW'ptovided. we gjye no l»f! 0»? ed for the village witch 'kloctor , Who ^ic.viiiid words. litiHlii'ind,—Tolet o Illmlo, citsion W»r them.—An. •| • .•... • 11 •.' nartintton of suhtert'it- llllnoU . ' xeel), Mtll- [Ifcx of' won- .¾ ••'. 'inuisiitcent. ml cold, rilr-. |u iiiwx, liitaijj. Telephone 172-W 'fiU nil hbfdi'ii • l!' diptlix, now' ij,!'l •The dj-lye meaftp gpofPa||i^j ildar gorge [><-i icuce. At tin* Yoijr Hills and ran n iid/ln I he lit- i I vddur, a rush-, bub jlmg from the ' Irloiiiy ashiers §•!•>•,: « •HtjS Jj' u\ obstructed i-y ,1 . '1 ENT TICKET jlieat and lack 5 5.00 '•f .:.r •I tliem before t.. '""'Til. I 10.06 'r:..- til ptl is now cov- 20.00 i I'Uo k inirble slab, and; 40.00 Trustees *•- iiunme iiorated -by a; P R • IE m.'i,-. :; : -l.iift crf|'ted In V002.. 60.00 ITHREE • - ~ \ - - -' 80.00 \A M;Ti*fe;if*f tiiigsj I i'i'h "leW*i'•i^allU** ip*lrttt*ri about "\Vh«e Skel«M WooM Witt.y | Rciponie to Toait 100.00 [-fiIa««vii.v|*Hi; \J\ ], ., •-,,,1 st fry illustrating 105.00 '.-^*|Merl^iji»*»i|r'ftahi(icj.»*t»Td»i EUborat* pr—atM*lm* <• 1 • ind sil :»-|8 SonbB ikwrniril 1¾ your f»vor, «o writ* ypttf >**** nee of the lute l=fp!iir«, tjniirlf Mn^uifr.WnonetliMof pap«ronlT> rl»e* 110.00 EROY :-: -r ll • "Bird-Man,"' D. B. * ,*ur-t>An^air«il »Jdft»».in4 klnj of kt»ch«B (u*l BOW b«* .| ~ij{ u«J, ti ttii «0J of jloujf letter. "V. n at be time. . The 120.00 ! fijivorrje t| l'>l'Mf *J"#*fif. »M'=*>f?PV>y'« «dvertt*lB» »««0j pJJ ^lidj.b|» Av«^ue» K*OMU City, Mo.. - ii reply to the-} (W rritrl4M4Thi|rm« nrJiptrtr ot SktlgM* Ccmi • ln'itlth. lie reinarkixlf 300.00 f fnVi^TiJruiy bjf i»i«d b*fcon*>»nv for^Khr«fti«lng p*w« :•I albuli- 1 to lilm as a .( JM«» >«l'liW( p^mjciitl Npn#wi!lbe returned to »e«Ml»wt.^ - 400.00 : 1 'll' OHI'JI bird that can U'c»*r Mi\l!i.Kk tvii!iii*ioou»««i»t wUirwn*** AiB 1.20 -if^Jimt olnivfb^li. •: .1 I 1 • . » • ^-: I, ur. •; the paTrot— 500.00 IRVING G. if AGE : *!-y a:iv With that he. i - * • i'. • - . if-' ]>• • •-•.'.'• LET IPS ORWARD Y< MONIEY AT,THE Sub nt «Tg«d UnH Charted W RATES ,$I V A50VE ; mdarsemby theP^Umive Taxpayer's league THir, 'priatftrtyi *cd rtfcifuraf Cam ' MS** : : : '-nil*, II M^BIIIO neck of U, • - 1', * •St."' . '• 'V- \ • - . "J jjjj^UlD BtjlSOtftWRITtaS L»I»«*T«I»I» ami v.\ !ii|t h identities at' ill] ]i| 'II t\< \ » } , i,|iiiwii|ni i HUM in 1 n I II li I'-'iJi ' ;i'." n- ai'en off Cape Co'dj M ^;|T;-|il:-Wf" HERE ,!lu' Ann Jrican continent • :,--. in the opinion of eii Who •'•••* 'n:ls and giHidetl'cj of 11 e siibl ' itfrgt'd land liai MRECO. - I bat ,: >iiii> almost to BAflRU • n.-l are Town i constant men. i -'.u!-n. *r this reason 'WHERE BANKING mm ^felS^ill i * 36 irte| tlio strip. The J rilr. ,': |«/ « •alpd nil suhnmrlnf "* '*• . Alh,,-|, may Jntve been' rivet Barrin^ton, Illinois ' •:• *T: I [

r ' f

r-J,v-'\l$*lf t.M mmmmmmmm PP"W ,„;4u. ~\ITA.J#S i .. W, ,u

BARRINGTON REVIEW, BARRINGTON ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, APRIL U, 1932 *^ ! r : ~ ' . I... „ .. . . nr7..„.,J. •...., ,;..„„„ „, r home i in Bi rrliiBton returned, to were gucHtH Surfday of Ml*a Esther Jnm Klehisjnltjlj dnd family ol! Long Indian RelicjjGatrtf»red Dodgevilh' Suiday evening with her Brat^ler of AlRO.u.uin town«hlp Mr« Omf^fy fcA^A ZT„\ husband. Frort N| *.Je Radak|e was formerly MUH Katuerlne. WoBiwro|ii(I Marl|i> Kollo of Barrin(t« »ey :«v« ion werte BtifHtH Sunday of Mr. And Sciemlsu carl uti> Gelser w|io tnu«lit In tho local hish ''"K u»i'l{|w Personals ry Miller, 410 N. Cortk Mrs". Hehiitt in Kocntjj, 38S E. Mltlu ground at M.IO^H it.k Clubs -, Society Mr*, Ilei schoo' l' never il ycus Ago. streeh retiirue I Saturday from Well- ail llefc street OtlS have renin red n\u HWP Grovtk Sfo., whoro sho had been i« v it> ,j ) .lolly I^lRlit Club Mrs. Milton S.' Frepimiki attended twiintltnc re|lct»| t the DtjlMCate* (il>* ReiKirtn at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alverson of culled »ii| Ttcuduy bocaimt} of tho Indhij, ,,^.- Kiitniitliiod the Ministers' Wives Luncheon, on -nrW.. Liiidberj{ nnd pancy ol HiHt 4i HI ii AiixMafV Mfrtlnx Madison. Wis., vere gink* from Snt Dr. tine SfM, F. death of Iter t ncle, Bov/ Fred Batir, ""' »«t« 01 Mr. and Mr*t. On al X< mlt mi Monday in tin Green R«xi'm at Mitn- iirdnv until Tuenlay of Mr. and Mr*. daughter,, Irfone, in d Mrs. A. Wei- New Jersey ft ese n The Amelii'iin Li'shm Auxiliary nt h les jure oD Uayiiio nl avenue, enterti the dit'*. A. 1>. Ctirnilchiie:. 520 DivUlon strectf exhibition tit 4 «tHi( held the rmnlar nieptlnf: Motid<*> chelt and !son.f Karl, visited Dr. Wei '•"I'lljiii anr* Tolly I'tiKbt Pinochle dub ) IVdiipsday they Include «ili« i evtninK in tin- l.r«i«in olul> rnoiijn, elicit nt t ie Speedway hospital, W«'d- temple Bt ill to Honor I'Hle-llkf )B pveniiiitineniiiKi. PrizpPriw»u» wonwore* awaraward *d ID Mr*. Mr. nml Mi" U. L. Mut dhenk, (HO Mr. am Mr*, "Edward Groff, JSOil strumentS) af^ wbeiw HiltKirts wcr itiv.-n l>y MM. Georjjc nosdny Egyptian Goddeat '" ' l«»p« Ted MrCnbe. Mrn. Vcrim M ypp, Mrs. S. Cook slree entertniued at bridge K. Mnin Street, spent Sunday with Great and chalcedttnj*! (« w \VKitv>ii»l>. > «••<.' Ocorgp Kuelfler, a^id nt Ih'iHlerttti ,1» oue ol Htlsh quartl . M;*. Inez IWvwi, who had nttended John Abel mid Mrs. Itoy V illijilerinK Raturday even •ig. relatives In Itaci fe. Wis. Mrs. C Coll rln and Mrs'. Don- The temple or waxlike, iiiAt«r) in w. ttiotia lein^lea to al: "' "wis «no th« ninth di'triet meeting lit K'fs- Mrs. Xi'nlter TIIIIIM* of (Mm •r was i the - HI.OBI fn stone drills All iinldfitui,! aid Coltr it | and daughter, Huznnno, 1 the guest N. Mrs. Rose )rinm:of. liilke Zurich BtfyitL Acc« rtlliian th* ^atorlcnl 1 Plwe. < .reverse side Mrs. J. kv. LaiiKdalp, lt|9 Cjarfield walt; Mrs. Ri|*c (Joodliick nm| Mrist. Awing *v rot ml fto enable firtme youiiK man from this Sir., and MUrs . Ed. Horn and grand- ' Ve»i*8 .no ln rh«-8,x,h ^nX81?' ; dabtaflon. 1 st rept. wa* hostpss to the Lions' Grimm. Mrs il Ptiters,. 2<2 W. Chicago vere guests Sunday of Air. ili itriet to out er Camp Koostfvi'k f|)r daughter. Pawn Land wef, 11502 Grove There Is H Hl«hi Willi riound th«>; rl« dies' ItrldKP vliib Monica Y levenniR. be flic club 1 ostess and Mis. Or|i|le Meliiers. 239 \V.- At Bevens bre nr i two military train us. UP in turnj will pc Stntion street 1 in Chlcngo citvej, Prizwt- were awarded to Mr«. F. W. ,,S areU"' vlftited *latives Lake stre *t. Mr. Wellcr, who V »>••?" temple, #ltli a mnji»ilc irnteway opening, to till left able to serve n national defon^* worli. on April 25. nd r: Kill ol Li ud be •K, Mrs. A. Sdnjublc. ftntl Saturday and S uiday. ' ist at tle.Ielden Baptist ('hurcli, and lo dulk through thl* gttl^wnF/ 'the rock''-rootL. rojert >n, w tldi Ii 'Mrs. Ji 1), Church. Mr WriKh""" ' ' t Chiengo *ii«g at the fcnlem church •to p be ftlved by the mojesiy of thf n»b04i» pi, foet'i irtB Miss Stella Scl netlatje, 12"; North I'lio «ve to Kittertaiiis at fallow will entertain tjfc dub in Mr. and Mrs. William ,Tliorp, Mrs. Sunday n orning, colbmna ^f lie entrance hdll,, Thf ;the,' rjKht' ta.loi and Amp. t| „„. nvenueJ Will piiHrtalnj the (Jojlden le two we August Sempf, a id Mrs, .Li Robertson, cntllals {of these ipolumpit are Bifhfce kf. t6j the left '-lliilry, *I thi in til' e and Rule class i of he Hnlctj' c-biirclji Frif nil'of Barrlngtoii! called o|n Mrs. Nor- gro|ven in[ tin; Imnije .of IIniliiir, the, Mrs*. .Kay Xi-heer. ~MU Grove .live­ day evctiing. •Mr. niiiii MJrs. Cecil Cole of fcast, 7 iTeet "hlBh. .Inille "iiti'fitil hm ! Pedro tf'lulr man Elcy and in fant soil nt the Coin- Rii^less to" wlom the temple l£ (led! jiu e. ciitiTta ned . nt liriflei* Mondny Chicago, Ind., are spending two, weeks beedtnken , frit t this shelt miinity -hospijtnl in Geneva Sunday, ; represented a« a^ worn r ditt tiilfcht. 'Ijli'<\ fallowing, out of town Entert alined and at the hJneo ^f Mr. and Mrs. ,K1 .T. cntpd. Shfe'ii lng .». prevloil , ejecfl, Mr. and Mr*. Fred Sehroedc Sirs.. Elcy was formerly Miss Hnzel II! Inn many enfcsts were present: Airs. Arthur .'.Mrs. Fred Kticknck. 317 W Main Easter, 820 (Jirove avenue. Sit*. <|»1P an with the ears of * hclfe'r and years pjr».'f|)Hiet family,: 118 Si W ml streetL ati ended Meyer of BarrWgton llKKin ;s un- Mijlly. Mrs-. nek Winn. Sirs. Arthur street, was hostess* Friday yen ing to is' a sistei1 of !Mrs. Easter; i ',. with hair Ho A-Ing down bvitli -side* earthed.24 arrli,'boail a family gatherini and liirthdny cele- ol tlneJIlDt, .Totrs, Mrs, Kdmnqd Snvajje. Mrs. the PIM r« clubi Prizes w«*r p av ardeif 'liolme of Mjr. S|ehroe- •if her lie|nl Jasper, c^ilcet§|iy ant bra Hon at the ri'iyi) He, to ltdv Anilcrsi n. • Mrs. • <'neuter! Pnr<- to Sfrs \. Selrvr.enim, Mr. am Mrs. de'rjs parents n .1 efferson Park Mon- Sir. and. Mrs, John Horn and chil- Mr. an I .Sirs. Arthur Ti'tinx and A center a ste leads through the get her with a * Missex Helen Swie<, Etlith Keys**.; 502 rich - s| earheHi , *6T- li'iifst.. anil'th II. w. Blood. Mir. find M|'s. Inlinii day. The occi sio)|i wAs; Mts. iSchroe,- ilreh and Miss children o f Crystal Lake were jguests Inll of Cblui ins to th§ sh^ne prop* ernl knife Kilmn Mair. mil A lire Un'rz. nil of T. Ryner. Groye avenue, s| ent Siijndny with rel- es/ • liittune-stones. Dvorak ami C tier's! birthday. Sunday of Mr] and Mrs. A. L. Ti'iias, er. On *eacb tilde of this aisle are UnlS shells (i Palatini*. I •izes were awarded 'o atives in Alurora Pl.tecle, of t mssel}, 420 W Slaiul'Strect. '•'.''••" chiiiiibersi vvt Ich ore Identified bj potsherds audi .Mrs1. I'a.rkhu ist. Mrs. Anderson, aid tliuti Ii SITi tier o( I)oul>!« Eight Pinochle The Gleaner cliJss ofjtlW St. PiiijI tileroglypttle InscrlptlonsdenotlnB red; Jastier if M^.«. Winn. Miss Leona Schultz, 526, Clrove nve- 'd lij Indisiiia fo Club E^itertained htirch will e 'titertaihpid at the Mrs. 'Mfi'a [Havihuid. of Woodstock their pnrilcui ir uses. Also there le smooth bone, nue, was one of sighty guests who at- v |1 soft stunt_ Impie- Cook Fiink JMartens, 440 •st-.Wednesday of Mr and a gtillery encircling the shrine and Mrs O. H. Kuhlman, 20 r S, I onie of Mi tended a birthda; celebration for Mrs. was :a gu est iiients); • -i-1 was, hostess Thurs lay nfter- North avenul Thursiilay evening, Mrs. 'A'.' Trim x,v 420 W. Slain Violinist Plajs for street, F. Biestcrfel|l in her home at Itastn from this sill oilier chnmb%rg open noon ti tjhe .wives of thi I)oublo April121. street. •' Ch ieago- Club Fridlay. I/-. Onlhe rot f of the temple la a ,» Mrs. K. K I.ilien, 518 Gftove ave- •Kijjht iiiocble dub members. Prizes shrine to Osl•I s nnd here there are Ireland^ Big Vind link vifilin •loist. iila_>*(l tThursKlii y went. tc Mrs. F. H. Pnrtr dge, Mrs. Mr. aiid M's. Fred Sbhlimacher Mr. and 'Mrs. C. T. Ryner and djitigh­ hIeroui.vp|ic8 The "big| vvtp Of II t >ltlli(l Mr. andj Mrs. William Honiuth ofi' describing the ritual refers wifning" for he Gnosis (.'lull of Clii- Hernial Knhlnian • mid M Te d Mc- - and soil, 210 Hough street were ter. Atlele, 2.14 W. Main street, visited of the o||rl!> to a storm whl] fur l^'o dnys Slilwjuiikee, fWis. visited relative; s in cult ragei • enio at the oino of Dr. William M. Cube. guests Sunday of relatives in Pala- with relates, at Racine, Wis'., Sun­ and nights alo] the c >ast: tine. Barrington Sum ay Thompson in •Kvanston. day. land, find Irel HIS tl tin -8nturdn|y Mrs. I.iliepii: will piny Mr mil Mrs. Henry Widthausen,' Fl«owie r C rowifiijg'g i• Gamble Miss A. Bran 1 of Dal; Park.Jwas devastating s| !) f'oiiccrto I' iiajor. 1st movement liy 631 W. Main street, cnterti I: at a Mr. and Mri. Leslk |Baiiman, 121 1 . Soutliei ti ii ranee mid Italy a no inei a giucst Sunday in the home1 of Rev. Mr , an 1 Mrs. Emil BratfOn of occurred In Ire Ind ti' Mozart, nt a recital "in Kimball hall, family linner Sunday. Mr. Mrs. N. Harrison st ,, spent tTuesfday at Spain to lesset estent having and ree and! Mrs. Philip Beusclier, 121 W. j Spring GioVe, are spending this week ory o/ninn, f ('llicBRO. Mi -s Harriet Parkjerj nJKis the horite jo;f [ anjli.Mrs.' 'R.,H. 4ucceeded| cet t'nln oriental und Oal Clarews Stadler and sv>n Airling- Mi- Lincoln -avenue. I with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Taylor; ton of Mrs.. r.ilirt). acco'inpiin'ti's; Ifpr ton Heights were; among tli|e guests. Schrooder in Ees ?laitlies." I 1338 W. Lake street. kan rejjlolis a i the center oi produe nt the piano. iion ot tjiiwefs and their essences Walter p|etenio n of Chicago, and) PM id'* V iluo. Mrs. TiihIdhn Sch\|emm, 113 W. Main Dr. and Mrs'J E. E. Giieskifc and fam- Sir.-anjr Mrs. Walt;er Gossj*fl of enjoy a (l.iilie lucrative trade from St. -PaW, Bifinn spent Friday and ! Tlie tlox IrietoU I'.rop, r stn*et iras- hostesjs at a o le ('clock ily- of Wheeling' tye're guests Sunday Marengo, and Mr. and Mrs; August them It i Is t r i fnpt»rr n'tit busbeBS only Mrs. William Overliru Saturday with Mr..and Mrs. L. V. about twenty jles. Iti (Han luneheo i Wednesday. Mrs I tobert of Mr. hud Sirs. Henry i!Schro,eder, Gossijdl, and Sirs. Chrirles Sclfilly and Since griwin i regions for 'choice eter, Is oiebratqs I!i •tljilay > Repke, 335 pivisiio n street. Muir, Sirs'. It. 1,. M.undhenk and, Mrs. 407 S.'Cofik st'c'et sou of: Btri'ingtou .were guests' Sat­ tiroducls fare small, crop fitUures vnluoble to s| ace U ••detc •mining Mrs.AVjIli 111* Overllell f f foil I-Y < Kirehnian assist R<1 Mrs urday of Sir. jjnd Slrsi'Beii Dobner •not tiniisun with so delicate « mpre accurntej the dfctanci-of the Ktreet 1*11 joy i-i n-r hirttutiir Wednet; Miss j; Mabel "Voodnrd, of Chicago SelnVeiii liijrry (polliJ'r nn^l 6{ Cuba • ' ' I" earth fro,m th0{iup nn I stark, flat by rtltef ainim: a cn ..ojf relji Sir. and Mf*. was a guest of Jjlrs. W. N. Landwer, product, Inusc abrupt und violent diuigliter. Glad 's, itf Ropkfi>rd visited tiv •>•' ami f.ri mis al a iliiiiierj r»iriv 213 *W. Lincoln avenue, T/hurMday, duel unt lo|s Vw the -inme reason Miss Esther Strouss', 11;; Garfield at tlie A. L. Ribei'tso n horiie, iS.1 W, :iit <1 social afternoon. Mr. nmjl Mrt<. Sliss Woodard gn;ve sevei'nl very- Sirs: II • H. Ladd • and daughter. ^peciilatlop in t hese" c'ohimodlties '-.It street, iissisted by- Miss Ag ics Welch Sfaiu street, and with other friends' Kojliert .On mi r iiml ilain.'htei'. Alvinn.; pleasing piano n imbers on the Salem Mrs. R. T. Burroughs, an<| graiidsoii, .mnihllng of i .must precarious sort, entertai ned- at bridge Tues lay in Harrington -ptui da f. '. | Lur. aiml Mis. missionary progr im held in the church i. " 'rough*,, of Cheinung spiSiit i, inj;. , a WetintT. of OlirilSJo I'm I parlors Thufsda,'' afternoon Sunday at the P. R. Drojver lion'ie. Umbrcl a Nothing New M*r. and Mr*). L ti. Schfoeder, 413 120 Coolitlge avenue. . Iiii. "Irii-ksmIM'M KStmi ol I ie_ I.eiimi farm nt Joseph 1 Ha jjvuy-' was the ntnn Mi< It. (J. PIa|ge, 545 ( S. Cook street, cut Di'tnined at a, birth-; t'ary were a IOI1K the gu'est> rove nv'e- ; Sirs, August"B)ehiner, 230 W. Lake who hrouiht t njibrellns into comraoD nue, at I endeil a one o'clock Juni'heon day dinner Suiida;r in honor: of their Diiwitt Mitchell and Mrs. John K|rect, spent|Tuesday and Wednesday use In Engl a^ ia. the British, tnu- for tin Jifst'-a-bit club Friti woil, 1).-(1 Stiiroede^' Griffith of[ Dodgeyille, Wis,, visited Kiitertalit at '<.V lit the With n son and daughter and their home Mrs. Harry Ah.v n ml Sunday wijth Charles WillianiH who sietiin hits a ci ii'vltig sho.wlng an As-' IWfiner Party r in families jn Wnuiondii. Des Phi iues. " Mr. innd Mrs, Louis Poijtp, 214 X. is, a patieiit at the local hosiiitali-Sir*, syrlnn king lindlhg troops tlifft bat­ Mr. ami M •s. Charles .luliuke 1 Hough street, Hit^rtntned the follow- 1 tle whill ci rry ng-•' an tiuiliirelhi. Air. and Mrs! Frank Mick hud pe'witt Slftchcll. who lias speut tin Wi Lake str ef. entertained th j'> ng ginssts Si'ni|ila.v : Mr. and Mrs. S. MK .John TIIMJS, 21!) S. < 'ook family, 312 $. Main street, will enjoy pijst thrC»i weeks tit the Williams' Pate. 7(K>pi: lo\yiiic friend at dinner 'Sunday Mt Kollermann of jGihero; am! Mr. nnd street, as hostess to the I'h il a then Sunday witl relatives in Hammond, tin-1 Mrs. K mill Hrnmlt. Mr. and Mr*.' tluir Sj eyer.i Sliss Viola Hoi-. ••lass of he Salem church a t a ETaril I lid. Mis. Normal liramlt ami daughter, Br ittne.r of Palatine. Tiniles ] ,ste; a inI Frank Mr1, and Mrs Harold Kelsey and ehi rty Wediiesday ev niii), All Ktiests' vere in appropriate coi.tunic, M00 p.n, ilnn. Mrs. ! ernnin Siliweiiini, Mi ; Oscal- Willia of Ridgewny, Wis., Sirs. Wrijfht Jlitlow apd children or paii a line. aiid. the ' nef|'esh neiits ffgf»"W J .•^f-'Wi :\ Annette. Khei Miss I.en.i Lei^'li. Wit I'pturnpil to 1^( I; ome Sunday after slient I Thursday and Friday of last snit('il he occasion. fer Meyer. ' C. Ilosfonl. (.fliffoi spending KV!vp.rtil d ys at tie home of week with Mrs. Sarah >Iarshall at THUiRS, I., i«PR. U-15 .loifcensoti. :ll I Kliner Marletm. his brother, Clinrjles W SVillialns, Slooseheart. RICH J tPIIXin 628-8. Cook street Sir. an- Sq laaron Rarrihgton O roup Attends Il ^Ir \A. E. Keeler and TheUu Barrington Mr:' and . Mrji. inwronce Butler of Meeting at Hpnseiiville granddnught(|r, Jane. Bom la, lerijoyed 5c-i k Park Ridge, w >re gnests* Sunday of Sunday at Hart]and, Wis,, with Mr. Ten nieinin the .Woman's' Ti Woman's Clbb rs '-F Sir. and Sirs'. ( Jeot'g e Butler, 207 W, and Mrs. Leslie Bauman. SATURI RI, 16 i«iii of the S Paul i-liurib-at temli il Station .street. thrt Arlington Heights Federation *lMs The :iext regular meet'ii g of the Mr. and Mrs. J. K. lEnster and trijt meetins it Kensenv'ille Tiles/da Bnrt'ingion Woman's dub, >hic| | will Slrl andSI s. William Schwemm son, 820 Girove ivenue, sjent'Satur- It |wns held n .the chapel (if the o 3 n: he ijelil on Wednesday, Apr 1 20 will of Crystijil Lai e upeiit Sunday with day and Sunda witn relatives at " ,. '} phijiinge and hi folks' home, be the fnnual business meeting Which Mr. and Mrs Jo|hn Sch\vemm, 113 East Chicago* I;n tl. -= 't'he inv|Mirt nit feature of thie pr is t IP ist meeting of the, W.- Slain stree gram was address, '"Willit 1 yea Iti is hoped that many meuberf wull ,-Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nelson, 206 5ERVI Christ-inn Education." given bjf Prof. attei|nl this hieefilig and ha e a part ,i Mis>{ HeijwiH«?st Sunday of Mr. and day of Sir. and SErs. William Rehberg Maryr'Asto* Ric lard Cortez I'lio: election of officers wiil lie ' held Mrs. C. F. Mill. J!01 W. Main street. of Iluritlley. ; or to m ike other Mikk '•"' xuirc Comedx y tiiis time and the conn ivitte 0 re a Rli&s Viola Friz Bride taste betti News' and f 1,-,,--41)1- portal gi eh. Mr. and Mik Mvin Radake and Sfr. aid Mrs. Fred Ninncman sr. of Mr. Kettn-r. - ...if- •-•." ••' rite H.ifal meeting -of the |Exed .it ire daughter, Virgi lighlnnd Park Arlington Heights, Sir. and Mrs, Will- Otto Ketti of Ilarringtou an $lp.£M< AP XIL 17-1^ Hoaird iijf the club was held on WexK ti Mijis Viola K t/ >f Clili .ij;o weiie ma- nesilay. April 13, at tire hone djE the _L AGED AMERIC/ Fi|i> in Ms heart! evening 'ov Kev. ('Ii.irhfs rietl Satiinlay pre.-'idiMit, Mrs. Frank C. P ifidtL aier on life It. iDrnsSi-l ni •the Iiai>tist paiSiim ()|i Tiiirsday, April 28, tfrs. Gor- Mij. Kettiier eniploy.d at tins Jew •! brain! «1*»ii Caiieron will review . the book, M Tell plant all the young I'lOplv will "Only Yesterday;" by Frederick make their h mil' in K.'iri'ington. -Lewis' Allen..This book is'a history.of le last decade nhd is unuti e in the i* MAN Tliursday t'lujl* I act tba t It is a history of the times) Ni HILD Kr tertained which ve all remember well iriierc Mrs, H. White. -_'00 W. Main are ma I.V humorous aspec s: to this ALSO CO.MlBl NBIf S. CjVRTOON street, was isles:' to the Thursday honk as well as the mora sei ones; Community cr en BJand Act cliil), at a oni o'clock luncheon se'rvi It will le a mostx interestin ? and en-, ontnuous nt! the .Eton Sweet. Spot,41 April tertniniiig afternoon for lie riien)- Tc| the Voters of M Sunday ltunco was •laved at the home of bers of. the study dnss. 'fliis meet- ;'•••'>' -rl-jftoip SOi.m}. M^s. White. Prizes went' to Mr|s. ing is open to everyone Hid it . is 1 ai i 3,^ /'iilage of Barriiibtbn '•r-'-'V^Lli Edna jSodt. Si rs. Anna Otis and Mr hiiped tlfatlthere will be maty visitors : 25c anct 50c A.Weichelt. present After 6:¾ —i : TlHi|^AIlllM'9 AM a candidate tor re-election to PHILADELPHIA I Cream Cheese . . 3 f KQ8. 25c leg i im the Oflie of Village Clerk/ at the Sawyer's Saltines . & 11c |oniing EJ^jtibnJ A^plril; 19> 1932, and rJED c!f('e.8:s tiiKcARoNi PR 1 : espectfuliy solicit your support. Spaghetti . )½,;.-"ff.v ?$kW inlands ORANDMOTHER'a I |j lfrOZ. 15* Short Sftliiects Sliced White Bread ,LOAF OC 3 TALL 17c iPRIL 20 Arthur fe Burajtidt White Hpuse Milk . CANS Quaker Maid Beans CAN Ov ; CANS '«»€•• ,;•|dna'-C^nL-Wl^;..''', * - -1 Concert MEAT SPECIALS mcy Dry Picked ousting Chickens IffiJ «9c FJm cy Dry Picked -•' Stewing Chickens '\ Milk RIBBON BEEF ^As; close to you as your lelephohe is tho Prime ling Rib met ns by which you can get action to mee Bound or Sirloin Steak you r, wants. If you urant to- >uy orsell , ren *T of r snt; hire or be hired; trade or giv $, Reviev Choice Pot Roast . . } L ' claspified ads wilj get quick remits for you,

Reach for your pi tone -now Call B irrinirtoi S-L^.f pTj|TpE||^A^; »Etpi ;J4 No. Ij^-Make your waits known and learn how litti s it costs to get aciion. rrean :-'rtfi!ESH^:-,:211-?1 ;-"19(j'

syrirt-^AiE^!-^^^ REVIEW 19 • l%".A Mod" 11 noma ti"' BrooKiiSicl iiilii s;P rtf¥;;. ;;.->'^.•••.--'••••siit-'V^yd': -^:^.-..----1:.^:1-.1(^-1-....1-.0.------,!..*•-:"Vv Keal Lilt W®<¥ill :ZZ3SEi

^REAT ATLANTIC iPACinCTEACO. : Midcjlc Western Dlvtilon «w mM &4 m -¾¾ |j..._:^^ SMMMMSBk 1¾ aHMSiii WMi a^UiUmUti,..¾. -. I/V

B VRRINGTQN RE VI] 5 W, BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, APRIL U, 1932 Reck Thrown at Pohlman ;.i,:,t\'i Nil Profitable I/arket | Everi Primitive Peoples 'deal ot "Truth-Telling Window Misses Plate Glass tor American J ie a Weed Had Reckoning Sy items "Hardest Thing in Life' i.merlcu'a tniti«j in iu I There have been systems o: reck arlojti of vivndn H sped through wu lieu an ^tiifl we NI resources Units? tfu* onlng time found among tie reo On the moral side xlblt Hariiiijrtoii it 3 a. m. Thursday niorn- to pre Co uiiiblun Unit's, ords left bj the most prlmltl* e peo rnblt ol truth Implies most ol the IIIK. i rpQnlliix to n> iqport given by when Indium U8ti(] ptes. Well regulated systetni exist Irtues. Courage, for example, Krnci t Wi'Hsol, night policeman. The It a* Huh butt una ti basket ejiving. [n 11(02 eql In the Egyptian. Baby onlnjnr Wlihout courage, 'or example, ni»ht nftfrer snw Ihe car speed west w a scletj :M (lift rruth. and without tnlh there enn iilniiR mnin ,f>vtr<'pt and as it approached CO! ered thnt seawe8e and from the ancient l toman -'(.If CIlTJi who, from some menttif twtst or de­ Mr. Wesifi'l sniil he did not follow prr duets, a World war wu neces- calendar and was proclaimed {about lect, Is hahttunlly dllpslmd In h|B the cur us lie f(Jt it would not he n snr ? to make '• Its imp ortance B. a jtfl. I'ope Gregory In 1581 A. D iitajtements of fact, . ohn Buchan. . .11 in n!lis the iritod policy to leave Jli[»• • 'downtown sec- knet- ojar Roman t'nlholic countries, bit hot i:. l.i-i- sru row who tat habit of making, things a little by someone, in n pa rjty of hoodlums to lud a source. A corapn ny man by' Great Britain or Atnerlct ' uotll illHK- nore dramatic and li musing than !r_- in ' rather than by u prcfe ssional intent u fiu'turlng explosives also needed a 17o2. By this tlm.e there wan a va hey actually are, ot rKing a story upon drawijiiK the nii;rh t watchman 8ut stance from seaweed an In rlijnce between the calendi rs ol awny from t|ie busine >s district. an "a cocked hut and a tiorse"; or the ;.. V Mil inif-y." the e Uent for Its products,, so It built , thjise nations and those adopting -.„';« ti appeal 5,2.000.000 plant lo railftrlnla thje Gregorian calendar at tie ear ixaggeratlons and understatements vhlch hnve a huraorbus purpose. I |.ri'« e and to Misleading Dodger Is roups of men first attadfed the Her date, necessitating anidjust ••-!• aj.p al. The 1 m^m of* 11 days. The Gregorian mean the Incurable, Hal funconsclous vast seaweed "plantation! jwlth nexactness which afflL'ts some peo­ .-. .> i- t'1 j;i\'e the Circulated in Barrington sic les, but It was not lonu before calendar has now been adop yinR the ple who have no Intel t to" deceive. -,.r- car ste i m and gasollne-propelle|d scows prhctlcnlly all the Chrfstfan rjattons llcurTEJ-EPHONE^TAK E More • i ' But when we pass I-om (he obVi­ eiqujlppe d wi(fh mechanical haryest- and for biisfness purposes by suet i to pre- , - A circular was parsed out on the tus duties of not telling cowardly , . ;l « 111"' | streets of fearrihgton Monday which ing machinery dottted the I^clflc nations u^ Japan nnd China! ii. \«rii<: i-to con- >r cruel lies nnd of aiming at t!he n which j carried ah endorsement of Einmett senhveed Helds. A dozen >r more ALMOST ANYWHERE .:-,:(•>• I>1 Hilex for (Tuba towii'ihip coininittee- •ough and-rendy tlrjelty to fact ner Mit- plnpts were estlibl shed vhlch ordinary life lemands, we - Ali'> i man. A lilie aerosA* the top of the K'hel n the a mils Ice was From Popular Opera Mondny signed, ind the ideal ot trujh- elling a dlffl You are wifh n speaking distance of peifsons I circular credited The Barrington Ke- the companies' disbanded al mos Sir Arthur Sullivanj wrotfe .. ur;t. i^t as eult one—the roostl rlrlcuit thing j \ i«w, with fhe endorsement. quljckly as (hey wfere music to "Hall, Hall, the Gan; miles awovf--dy] Icross cities, states andevftn in ,- 'i.iii in transfer-- 1 est blished. tn life. A right corvee itlon of what This was |published ,in The Review, To, lay one remains, others J3u<|- Here." It was 'taken from tl < countries beyond an ocean—by tetephpnft! •;!•.-[ ioll ii ties to The truth means does not i ome early In , but it was published as paid udvertis- c uijibed to cheaper pojasb bert and Sullivan operetta, X.l.liti.iii 1 duties im; in nn advertising column and as CSermar education; If is Its ultimate goaf ' A distant ft iendI. , an absent wife or |hus- and a or Imported s^owjeed prdducitls.— Pirates of Penzance." The -.. ,i,rH I such did not necessarily express the jwd a goal not often feacbed.' missions Nn lonal Get graphic Bullet used occurs In act 2, song 12- (band; you CM visit them almost anywhere •- . ;t l-i) opinion of The Review. The circular in. ! I nst met ed u6l, and chorus of ptrates- I • - . ' or dodger \ijas not printed in the Tfle by telepho ne, and' inexpensively, fob. re nn «r- nlni, "Gome, friends, who pi • ;.. |.ri'|i: Iteview offiife nnd the editor had no It is our aii to furnish the best possible tete- v 'il'.-iiniii th<> du- German National Banier sea]" etc. This melody Is Mocking Bird N< Traveler rain i. i> now ledge at this circula/r'until after phone service at the lowest possible, cost ! • i ,.1 ,..,11 <-i„r. it wns distributed on the streets. ' 'he ftag of the German re public Is as It was written' in the op The I biological survey says that black and gold but begins in the middle Although the editor jdoes not bellexe tricolor of the mocking bird Is pr tctlcalty non- ''»i* Troop Id (lives Mr." Uiley Meant to mislead the public bah of equal dimensions, The I top chorus. Theodore Morse migratory. Neither tliel males nor Seoul into thinking the reader article was stripe 1.4 black, the tnlddlo Is' red slight] change in the notes the females go south, but they are \i(i\i(itfs of Cast Week other than paid mutter, he wants the anq the bottom gold. end of the present arrangement. usually solitary In the winter. public to know that IT WAS ad­ nlicrjs of vertising njntter niuj. not editorial M-. , .el- rroop, opinion. • I .fur tin'1 pur- 'I'li, scouts Crafts of England ne senior I'll,, in- V leaders Of till tike mniveirl rs which tour' Iti-i-mai Kijciiii;. isis in\e tl) lirltiK b ick with tliem Vl' V.-Mfoi I'lnu'ire. object!* of national i »t| lorjil milts- r i> Unwind miin.slil|> luMd u first lance. In IChg Hnlier't Innd runny old criiftR!Jtlll survive in ihe country pliiocs, liiit ttioy must pn ml 'lend-- ho 8eiipchefl out. rniblms old Hurt ,.|' tln'if4|>u- Ingham' lace enn htj yet olitalned :i luillie neiir HonconstlelU from oolililns IIKCH w. I he cult old, real old turned 1 wooden howls i J ,1 i:,'i,i;esi'iitei|, lo chorry, |y<»w or elm from {'lies ill-mused, the nam, |)oit|>iy nnd beiiiillful pew » J i l.f,- !-l purpose tor. cupper nnd hriins ware tit Saf­ ^1-,- Sl-i.lllt FactslYou fron Waldirii In Kssest nnd ut N«»w- Moblloil, adham's Tempere port In the same ci unty, the IMH- patrol Ought tQ Know mt IIIIVS- tnff Cottnxe InduHfry old furniture rush matting Tluvxo Instru< tiom tut bused-on I,. I'- Uiver, nnd n> W dillngton, tor Oil and j lie needs of nn -.--1 :, in,' boat- the enrllent form nl mfpcl. tniidc a direful Htudy of I 1...:,:. <>iV Sat­ from the sweet-»certed rushes of avcrnffo <'iir coning out of whit fir. «, h.'l.l an over- thnt green nnd honiit Ifnt land. Here is he Program 1QI Pennsy 1\ ania Oil Permit No, 40 Issued to W. II. Barfier ¢0. Mytteriou* Magnetic Rockt to Tolltw: , N-il ! Revenue Miigtiettc riowidt'k may have Aft»r hort and sloiv running -.,' ;„ M;, under' wi : ri-veiiiie played n imri In a shipwreck ivhen liter rond itioj H a thor-i If you wa it your car to |last—!3prihg is the tiibei when you should b^( .• -ll-l I >rrowing the American liner Western World otighchcck-upof the car i s advisable i. peace A em im'oniiii ufl I'linta do licit, on. at this' time in orilT tq guarantee on guard agijainst oil that is {thinned an dirty .from , a spring and summer bf enrefree ar^ \~ • r , | --.-I'.-S Ii; i raised the Brazil an const. According to operation. |-'.'!- yr\ nue by shipping in 'n the rocks e.\en u pow t months of Shard winter driving ' '•' : 'irnl - of p;iy- erf ii I mngiietic attrnetlon similar to Assuming that th> car has dome through n winter's service in fair­ ••11,1",* til \Vorfd thnt of tie loadstone. Alftiotigh 1 ' I ' 'Li i ly good nicchniiica shape; first, -,l, t w rhe force of attraction Is not nearly ' raised rloan the engine, clinsrfs and body These oils ate out of the experimental stage and refined of the very best brighrj iv : •••r i-ciit jy taxn- enough to draw a ship upon the dangerous shoal It Is known some thoroughly. Check tqi see that --1 in thi natiorial spring clips are tight; take'up any stock—or tl;e cream of crude, oil which is the purest, cleanest, flattest—the very bes| :: |s.;0 t > 1S70— times to t trow compasses of pf true. Thus a Unci may lose Its Clean and grease steering gear. .eiiel or flu^h- Oil Drain and Refill with the Arlington TheatreE ing oil iu each. fi'l Put a couple of in in fills' of sal +J[ Quarl of Clean BEST Freih Clean Oil-We Arlinc ton Heights, Illinois soda in the rtidinU r nJul lhm the enr fop n few miles ulit 1 it'is well 5 QLar^s of ??H charge only for the dil. warnnd up. Drain t lu'se as soon as you st|op. Drain the warW from the FRI.-JSAT. AP RIL15 16 radiator mid ilus'li w th fresh "water, Curlo^d" TWO BIG DAYS Oil the starting note r .nnd gen- era tor, nnd check tie r roper sum niw charging rate as covered by W.;'.llit('t! ! Clark | latest instruct Lous •y maiiufaetur- ers of the ignition system Clean the breaker points in the t OFFER BeqrV in G a bile distributor nnd set them to their r proper opening. llUla•r Qlean the. spark plugs and tp't oludtd gap according to tie car instnic- Gallon all ¾ 1 lnprlot i HELL DIV tion hook. Ifo ch nn the spark ino per ei ylvanlaOU tor; plugs, simply till he lower po(rt 5 also of the plug with nl< ohol nnd allow This is nob.a new or composition^ oil to sell at REAL GUARAN1BED OIL FOR'LESS MONEY. to stand for n few HvtjoinlNi take &iW price,, but an old tried and tested quality oil-* Charii^ Chascj Comedy a piece of wire co 'croi I with one refined of Penn sylvania bright stock by an old estab­ You have a Mrond$rful mb|or in your." car—sol thickness of cloth n id l uh the ear­ treat it right. J , lished oil company that really knows theii business.( Fox Newt tor, then wljie lion from the fnMili , J clean and dry. ( Inn v Hpnrkljiig The filler Oil Co. will guarantee this oil to give Just drive in to our filling.station at 235 £2| points M-ith emery lotli or with a ptrfect lubrica ;ion and satisfactory results. If you Main street and w) will see that you get the proper SUN.|. MOIf. APRIL ifr-M knife. are not satisfied in every way, you may return to grade of oil for your car,, or call Barrington, 302 Clean off all the ign ition wires uii any ijnused and tell us the' mi ike and year of your cat and wi Double Feature Program Featuie No. I and »*e that the coi tnctn nife tight, part a, id we will gladly refund your will deliver the' proper oil to your door.. Glenn the storage battery with 'mpney. Hou'v. ammonia water or < rdiilary bnkijig Thilis is nst a fly-by-night proposition--BUT I A trial will convince you. Fairbanks, Jr. and Joan B oridell soda (1 teaspoonft 1 to, 1 cup of i i , - in . water), tighten the terminals and I mi- coat them with vA»»Iino or grease, Be sure that tin battery is se- purely held in place. For Pef> , PdWer and Mileage Top Cylinder, ONION DEPOT Check the'I liquid lev and ajld • . . I i distilled wate,r if lece^wnry and Valve Oil Feature No. X .[ Examine i the far belt. If it is USE OUR * - • •* i ,"» I 'i worn, install -a ne v one. In the Ask us about oar Top Cylinder and George O'Brien in bottom of the'gas rank is,a small Valra OB—* Sprln«, Sunimer, Fall, .1] ' drain 'plug.f jiemo e it) Snd 'drain MOBI AS WADHAM'S and Winter tonic for your motor. K«> Aiders <>( the Purple out any >ynt|er or dirt that has or rnamher that valves In the modern settled in the bottcm of the tank. | ' RECULi IITBTL motor open and close more than 1,000 Also Cartoon \ Clean the luel strainer and car­ I times a nrfnate—60,000 ^mes, every buretor straiier, i nd tighten all ' \ " hour you -'drive: .They must! have latest i-jpisode Added' ' Ilhl-Tiii|»Tlii ill connections'. As tyss fuel is re­ proper, lubrication'or their aetion will quired for {summer driving better More be .slu^rish causing Joss ot- power, LIGHTNING WARRIOR dh'eck the carburet ir for the mpst "and eventually trouble. ' . _ V - 1 ' economical operation leagefcir L6ss Money , . I I > » , tfow we come iu zzz finishing •if ^Tues^ay ^ Wednesday -Thui-sday touches. Drain tl e _ol d .oil fibril , the crank case, fluph a|nd fill vijitp | Apiii i9 - zo r W ! fresh oil. Repla'ce the irain pugs on the ditrerential ami transrnis- Tel., Barrington sion and patin th< prolper amoint . i of recommended t radc of o|l | or rEdde Cantor in gear compound Renew the,oil fi ._. it has been in jus; 10,000 tnj|es. Glean and- re-oil tii e aijr cleanef if l^aliny Bays it is the oifabkj tjjpe MILLER Ol on, 111. w Don't Miss ft! »5 East Main St., Barring mmm

MM^tt^k •an aalaaaaii t? ,*&**t&, «*ss&s ^-aa«^»^f<^WiWKi.«j*,*.'Jw*;'

BARRWGsTON REVIEW. IARRINGTOl^ IlijlNOIS, THURSJPAY, APRIL JL ^932 8 .1 II 1 I III I H II, 11 I - - ' ' - J I. Royal Soui» Calls I City of Imniortalt ileal Purpose Served Alleges Thai Insecti K! i The city^of the Medlcis, Dante," b] Cultivating Hobby Are] Menace i 0 World Vari ity of Boccaccio, Savonarola,'Raphael and Insects are conquering in a mass The I recipe for. thp Ingredients If more people had real holvbie.-i famous 'loliol' 1 scores of otlters; mighty In the attack'ton humanity. This Is the soup • made f ar tjhe e won! 1 be fewer cases of nerv- Austrian court Renaissance must never be passed FOOD view of A. Mpore Hogt rth, chair- "since the time of breakdown, according to Drl H. Empress Marin by.: I^o matter what your Interest P??aDUCT5 Jnian of the College of Pestology, Theresa's father," lies beep print- ih (Ife, Florence has something for '. KHande\ writing in Hygela,['.t.h&. ,L f London] England, who lus made a ed in Budap«st. It ii —«'said' t"o hav^"^e you. When Bayafd Taylor was th M igazine. Hobbies keep life (tudy of/,insects. und tlie1 secret dren opt of mlsqhlef and fhey originated In Spain, there he said It was the cheapest Ii sects are establishing such a wai •*--' by a \p »nsloned court relieve the monotony of routine! life J and most charming city in Europe. strorghold that ojhe daj man will chef, The sltock cOi slsted ,o*f veal He .breakfasted for five cents, dlped IS3*f adults. It is well to be able to json and other onese f for an1 hour* an very night for ten 1 cents bra good "The trlouble Is that mm iu their boiled. Calves' feet and ox feet, ieat. It IB yet a good city to live that is not relate* to the dally ig'noiance take ho we lrorgnnized ;re added, to- itter 5SS[ tasks, this author related. turned Into jelly,. \k* !n, If you' want to live well and. at steps to figlit the Insett menace, gether with vhlte" csibbage s stewed small cost. Here you can wander A desira t)le hobby should furnish and they don't realize t >at insects c lyment, .pleasure and gratlflca- with smoked and freah, pork, maize over the Pontei Vecehlo, track some rk Roast have brains. Before the war mos- seed, chestnuts, lentils, pearl bar of the, work of MIchaelahgelo, meet it si ould require a minimum qult(s were unknown ill Kngland. equipm mt and expense, in t)oc- leyphd carrots" roasjted with sugar. Georg§ Eliot's Romola, walk in the; Todjy every fourth or ffth perseen bitten by one. ni okedButt may ie distinctly educational has for four hours; so as to remove Browning, Anierigo Vespucc^ and. "I am not a scaremo iger. Tlbit every trace cf greas^. Next a boull- near the Arno, see where Shelley ture, music and astronomy are ent scientist, Sir 01 ver I/6(lge; emin Ion was prerared ot beef and vejil wrote.his most famous ode.—-Ex- neless impWnf that type. .Physical as for example, has said tSat (the end jural as n ental health may be im­ bones'] mush ooiiis ajnd other, veg- cliahg^. . of tie world will not b< caused, by etables; making a liquid to be proved by a hobby; sports ar0 of .eartlnyiake 'UK None-Such distinct vtlue. !' such a calamity as an cleare|(l by the! add jlon of hashed or il ood, but by the ns< endanCy of beef, xtt flvtr and )ivhite*'"of fegg, j Feared the Ocean - 1 4 J Many h ibbles are started acci­ the nsect world over ni an. The boiiiilg bouillon was strengtiv- , The sight of the ocean was.dread­ dentally v, Ithout forethought, it is "Some simple-.minded local au- -ened by coo cotjl fon'ls, ducks, tur- ed 'by some Central American In­ atsups^"'' ^, ,,, rntM, how< ver, suggests Doctor jKil- thor ties imagine that t ley are fle- key, pigeons, pheasints, goose and dians who believed that to look ander, tint parents and educators stroking mosijultos whefi they sol- wild diuejr. It took tivo days and upon It brought sickness. & 6Soap phould plui Indirectly to guide chil­ emnly spray ponds with paraflin. In two nifehis. t< compit[te the process. dren In c >rtain desirable Interests theli Ignorance they li avo alone -Clarence Whitehill, |i|iimojift New Jb order tl at their leisure time muy The last, tl in J doiewas to drajtn largo tracts of ground vlie^e mos- 1'ork open' n!nr !wli«; plays the tlirmigh muslin be wisely i ipent. s for cock- the concoct loi| qultjis breed in shoals, Father of Our Countryijto the Wash­ bags. When porcelain Jugs ^yere •Recreation has become a neces* roacies there are' cases wjiere you ington Hi-Den enninli/program at filled, the gjests iWere served In PRICES! flty, write 9 Doctor Kilnndcr. .The ooul I not get t'hein out of a bulld- Tbit' Chiiow Theu^w; m«x|t week small chim cut) i.—New York trends of the tiroes indicate that the Ing vlthout pulling it d >\vn. Wednesday nigfiti Times. -millions ora schools must Include more training "Why.AreTnsects deft uting man? thania: ifher Compaaiy- In the use of leisure timf not only Beer use nil of their brt Ins: are de- T that'sthe 1 n you ftetlowt for the ye irs that the student is In Op] ioiite 1 iffact vafues here. lourScrvii vdtcl to the main thing 1 of life, to Mankindf Really Knows 1 school bul also for tlie time when "Plenty of music will keep thle The 9«Tl«WJob! printing satisfying hunger and he welftue Litth About the Seas 1 'NWl*M||r|Low Prices, peds nn a hilt. of tlie species, while ma i's brain fc? husbahd at t ome," tuns an advei - department has prepared a [ Ah ©ut,wVrd spinning Whirlpool 16 tisemeht Nut if It i chin music.-- •upply of! stock signs fn dissipated In various 1 thctf inter 1 ests." an oddity i ddea to thej long list of Itnstph Transcript. Central demand. ThesV ar«> Lifetfin M uaranteod Old Hat d-Woven Linen unexnliilner mysteries!of the. sea, planted In large, plain let- saytofa bvlletln of tjlie Natlotlnl ters In black ink on heavy GOOtJyEAR ol Marvelous Fineness Million "Plunks" IV akes Geographic society. \\ \\\ half ,lh. /whits cardlward, and are Twelve dozen of everythjhgHthnt Jest ahdjhnlf In awe t|hat old tars 9xlfl Inches. I -I ^.iNDE» was the r uantity which the proper One's Sereni y Secure refer to the! bojindlng u)aln| as "ihait ELTCVAR riHI8 PROPERTY FOR Superead ovbr old devil sba." In olden days the THEATRE • '•• SALE, -A- RICES received 11 lier trousseau. It sounds seventy years of a maii'sj life qc- pled witji "XFW1". Bach In Sea, whs beievi'd to.beijpec ROOMS FOR RENT / Qref»lte Palra rub* lavish, bu: Lt was actually-common com illshes one great gt od at legist. strange monsters which devoured ^ Cry 1 tal Lake, 111. -' FRBSH EOGS .' sense, ben so finely that linen ex­ Explorer! and geographers whjo mm UNHOLY PARKING, $1.00 All-Weathers? 3ti3HR4.a. perts of ioday marvel at it.; Nar­ Ity or even- personal c« nifort with­ 5ARIEN 3*i»wos.a out money. / Now, tak ! have been sighing for new lands to FOR SALE row loomi compelled the weavers a million ty flnd their best field, fTUN« IN -,. 5lxt..„„... to make heir cloth In two strips, dollirs, an]d if you don't court trou- conquer in FOR' RENT Radio Program in the sea; When y trying to increast tt; it drives pardtjoxica ly, MILK AND CRRAM :30 and Sat. at 8:00 is rjeallzefl tlie t nearly three-quar- BARBARA S1ANWYCK in middle of the table. I away niost mental d stress anil HATCHING BOOS j i •al Stopdard Time ' ters >of tlie surface of the globe "con­ brightens every hour o|f the, day. •'SlIOP WORN" An inte -esting feature of thisj set­ sists of wjter, it Is rather remark­ POULTRY FOR SALB We tlo not adore wealth, but we mi­ ting is tin t the ancient .damask cre­ able how little we know of the vast 8PRIN0 CHIOKRNS I derstand its import ai ce. It Is 4pril 19-20 S. •HOP ates a background of harmony for surface of the solid sphere which FRB8H V2CGBTABLB8 i*or;h while not to be lothered hy eature 110 No. Cook Street, Barring on latest silver, whose design Jden- lies under his scieen of liquil- •NTBANCB EXIT III tfcally ma tches the china. <. tiip vicisslttides of life and most Tel., Barrington 3S2J-, ' • the sea is its sliallpw ness as coni- PRICE, 10c EACH Coffee in 1634 T lere are more " [lallelujahs" pjjred with the size of the enrtp, As to tie precise1 date whenjeof- and fewer "'Oh, hades!" with It. ind'lts derth as compared wi:h the THREE FOR 25c was introduced Into England, One may be freer and lesd circum­ eight of tlie land. If one were to Bi p ness Notioes^ Brir|] * ^esulte boritie j differ, and x.ery little of locutory in the express on of opin­ take a globe six^ftjet in diameter S land excavtte 1 he deepest trjench of ceal vnlu st on the subject „ can be ion; and certainly the e isn't any •(•and, w ote Edward It. Emerson excinse for a repentant attitude to­ the ocean thereon, it would' be rf bare pincfratch deep—about ohe- in "Bevei ages,-J'ast and Present," ward the mighty, witi a J million, ! Sir Henrj Biount visited Turkeiy In yon are somewhat migl ty yourself. twentieth (f an inch. ' "i 3634 and n one of his'letters says: —SI. Louis Globe-Dera< cral "The Tui ks 'have a drink called Business No ices Bring Itctndts •cauphe,' ;nade.of a berry as big m • small b«nn, dried in a furnace and Fabaloua Bird* 0 f Old beat to'a powder of'a sooty coloj-, Mostly portents 61 gt i»u luck are' In taste n little bitterish, that they Dirds of fantasy and able, bring seethe an I drink, hot as may bu en­ ing, Joy to those 1 hey favor. ares dured. I Is good at all hours of Wore ferocious Is the jritlln. with icati Trust S the day, >ut especially at rooming Its ilrd heao and Hon body. This aiid Other Trust Sharer •nd evening, when to that purpose weird animal with. Its lual person they erit or Hffrjr was reputed to {i unlsh g'eed Coupons Cashe d theee lluirs in Icaimhe-houses,' by leaping on despot ers of (he which, ii i Turkey, abound more earth's riches and tenil|n& the of , INC. than Inns and aioNoiiwq with us." . fenters to pieces lr'Asia the G6VEN,11 Soiitl,i EDDINLnSnlle street, corS . MadiW& COi Strcei grtllln prowled and novtrftri ovet de­ ', I'CIHCAGd -L,i posits 0.1 «old and predous stones, Telephones Franklin 4710 Coin't Many ProducU ironrdlrig them from ndventurlhy We &uy, sell and quote listed and unlisted Muritiejg Not tnich .mor> than half_ot the cam vans trekking the wilds to till great- corn crdp of tho country )lnds Ntpiicfou*. anddle-lHics w th riches. Its wny t< the dlnftjg tn|h>. Thjo re­ mainder roes to the refineries to bo made up fito-tt largo variety of] ma terlnls. ' riiese. Include tho "itnar* Mere" wh cli do fourth of July duty, explosive!. face cream, soap, artl fctajl rubier and silk, varnish, finn- alnir extmcts. radio bntteries, tes­ ta**. nnfp»r enrpeti nmcitaRo, mind dressing, sirup, cooking oil, vittcgnr sad milk acids. Borne considerable •access li nn attended the nmniifac- tare of .piper from the stalks,] and tt 1«, probi ihle that at no distant: day • profitalleuse will he found! for tfcejplles of corn stalks whtc eomulnte inch year on thefnr J this cpun ry. ., • Bufck, Pontiac, ^alle, Cadil) ^

Bright Girlt ser^ico jbb$. lorient r^ced ratti A" contemporary poet •Where ire the bright girls o recommende dby feGferyyAlLwQri past?" 1 'erhnps some of thei •dmlniste ring cautious doses ojH par­ egoric to the bright girls of ttjf fu- (J(|n,b byexjcirienced machVniqs, tare. Up-to-iale ni^chixifesry. -;•;,' '*'" Naara *ad Tim* Nature! Is more powerful tluib ed ttcatlon; time will develop every thing.—Iplsraell. Service t BM Barrington $1

Radio and Mtscfrttjal ! |, STORAGE -> PARTS Worfc4 DtiCO, FENbm AND BODY Sffl i- ANYTIME ANYWHERE ANYTHING -JUow prices! and firit- class wor^rrtanship. 4II Schauble ros. & Gol S vfork guaranteed. Buiek^f %e ial«i and Service ii."»d'::i IK i TeLi ^rriiigt6n21 *M W. Station St. 126 North Cook Street 1 Phone 96-X' •."• Barrlriffi , Illinois

ii *Uhll lUtfj , ilfci^L^iui":.., fi n.hftt/ -i ^ '•-^-•-»*•» - ' •P" mi '•m 1 11

m THU ISfcAY, APRIL 1«14. , )193 2 ew Bi mis wick History view and that the following id to the or total amount on .bonds, moi QUALITY best of bis knowledge and lelief, a or other securities, are ;tM 1497—be landed somewhere on I the tion 413,- Postal Laws a>d Regula­ they appear upon the,-books >f I torth J sho re. His d scovery was' ap­ tions, printed on the reverse 01 this i company-but also, in cases wh re t, EfCCROFF^op 1 parently iot valued very highly by form, to wit| I a stockholder or security holder m*^ •Vfi* Tel+phowg n he English,, king, as the [expend!- 1» That'tcie names and addi esses fit upon the .books of ithe compi ny M lure accoi nt for that year, preserved the- publisher, editor, managin ; feditor,truste e or In any other fiducial r fm tlon, the name of the person r'«* n the Br tish museum, contains the and business managers are: P ib lisher,- Leslie W. McClure, Barrinjton, Il­ poratiou.for wh6m such trustee; is a* tern, "tc byme that founde the linois ; Editor, Leslie W, ] U dure, ing, is given; also that the B« d tf Mew Isle £10." , IB) 1604, three ad- Barrington, Illinois; Buslnes: Mana­ paragraphs contain' statemenn, M renturlng , French | nobles, \ Cham- gers; L. W. McOIure and Wal eif Win- bracing affiant's full knowledge al )laln,, Dt Monta ahd Pootrlncourt. teringham, Barrington. Illimir hoHef as to the circumstances a] id; 2. That the owner is t (|lf 0 imed by ditions under which stockholdi rs sailed In 0 the inoluth of "a great! security holders who do not [a; river" on ' St. John's) day, June 24,' a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also imu ,e liately upon the books of the comri my tnd ohmtd the river In honor of the thereunder the names and add re ises of trustees, bold stock and socut tiesl lalnt. Tie only inhabitation they stockholders owning or hohiig one a capacity bther than, that of /1 MN lb/ Found was on tbe little island I per eent or more of total ai loint of fide owner-; and this affiant 1 its' ji ;he harbor—an Indian fort and vi! stock. If not Owned by a cor >o ration,' the names and addresses of J*> Indi­ age. CI amplaln, then claimed th vidual owners must be givfen. [f owned Cans XXC and for the French king, & ' by a firm, company, or other u lincor said stock, bonds, or other ai wrjtf I porated concern, its name am a idress, than as so stated by hife. ' ,] Tl»4 yc ars that] fpllowed ^'l the LESLIE W. McCLURE, Dw* ; ttory of rivalry between the trad as well as those of each i id vidual *•• 'M^HgfQ member, must be given.) Lpsie W. Sworn to"«nd subscribed be oral • itrs, the brave de|fense of her bus- this 14th day of April, 1032.! ,f •iV Itand's fc rt by, Lddy La Tour, with 3. That line known bonVlHolders, RAY JUR8, Not«ry Pulp ', I ta tragi >. sequel and many other jawrtgagees, "and other securlt r holders (My committolon .expires Odtd ter | 1» P' • i) • •• ; heroic Uteldents. , New ferunswlck owning or holding 1 pel cent o|r more 1032.) , 1 1 i_ was parl of Evangeline's land and bi the en riy days pf strife sheltered I S -f~ elite's friends In her kindly +»:-,. i forests. Later she] opened her doors Ef( LOW PRICES! and heart to i the' men and wometf To The Voters of of 1TO8 who for loyal allegiance \o4dyvp builds millions more gave up all to ftce prlvatlojn^and [res tha« any other company-! hardship and founded St., John, the the Village of ^hat s }b:e reason you «et beat ctty.'"of the loyalhts, an^lnter St (r&lues here. Plus our SetvlceT in Illi- 1.. tlic Andrews; Mnugerv llie. atid| other set­ No^—New Low Price*. sponsored by the George Washington That Word "Celt" tlements In the provinca ,, -|r Bacrington ..' attuml RiOntcnnial commission and the. J HlVi n't ion' of nnnouncpd Apropos ot a controversy ojn the i" • < ' t ' J Illinois state education Contest cora- Lifetime Guaranteed 'ill' •nts ni)il thetfe arc imore than 16,000 crippled pronunciation' of tbe _ _ _ Railroad Ci>Dktructton mittec. was I won,' by Agncsi Aiithony, word tell, a Two years a to I was elected to the office pi Apri 1!).. '-'0 chi Ireri in llinois, Names and ad- corresponded writes to the London, \l 12, of Beavervilfr. She will repre-. Railroads were first [built across Trustee of the Village of Barring on. I haw '-.frt'S in Kdu- J>aity Telegrajph: "None of yoi r cor GOODYEAR sent Illinois in the national ,eontestj dreises of 10(600 JiaVe been ;om piled the eounwy 'insttfld of nbrtji, and lli.-m. , will- lio greatly apprecittn the confidence which the to be held njext summer in Washing- by the physically handicapp.1 d (hild- respondents' has pointed out that south, because wi ter transportation PATHFINDER •m.l exhibits. people of Barrhg ton .extended to, me at that tun, IX C-. Second place was won'by (Ire i's commission, cotnposed of Iiijec- the Celts who were originally race on t^ejjargej, rivers, suci as the ^Supertwist Cord Tires |\va istiui. is time. I have, curing the pasit two. years, "en- HonnUI Berndt, Oak Park, and third spread over western Europe, were Mississippi, Missouri, OhJo. etc.j ran CASH PRICES ,1..1 .\ rs. (.'lar- Rodney Hi Brandon of th 1 de[>art- place went to Charljine Eddleman, knbwn to the Greeks as Keltbl. Tlie in a north-south jdirectioDj, and the 4eavored to' use hjr best efforts to .serve' the*in­ Fijll . 1- inirmnii t of public well 'are, Direci or ii.ndy Price l'inckneyvillf. , Latins called. them Celtae." Bul there terests of theporle of Barrington.! * of Each .. Ti :• Faust of the department of public building of cross-country transport* being no 'k' In the Latin alphabet: tlon routes to connect with the com­ My office as Trustee expires on M^y jlst of •5.35 s h..inl- th, and Superintendent of Pjublic According- to" the I linois Agricul­ the V had nevertheless the pJ'onun mercial centers:alpng the rivers was this yean and J Am again a.candidate for re- $0*450-21 ruction. Francis G. Blair. elation of,tht^t letter; Most jreople 2&t4.75-I9 s^a tural' association, woe 1—growers can ; ; a natural outcome, j~-As emigration | election. During tie time I served on the Board, |29x4.75-20 *.» save money lihis year bar using care in will, 1 lexpect, continue to spi ak of pushed farther westward U>ese (lines 6-43 '•- Mil federal ccording to Prof. P. E. (FohJiston Kelts. I I might1 add that V Is a su- I was able as th i chairman of the lighting com­ i9x5,00-19 :1(.,,- •Illinois handling- tin clip at [shearing time. were extended to (meet line demands $0x5,00-20 *-*« ae[ University of Illinoia (olle;;eiof perftiious letter id the BJnglhh al mittee to make s Substantial savirigj forHhe tax­ .•••I'l'.'lS I about The association suggests that the fol­ of progress .-.. j i 1&X5.25-18 **75 there is a steajly decrease phabet, having no sound of ltn own payers of Barriigton by reducing, the candle- •VIM increas- lowing rulcsj be observed- in shearing 6x5.25-20 7.53 number of horsesrot Illinois but borrowlrig its sound ff(m .*S' power of the Iigh ;s in various jparts 6f t!he village, 7.W Hirni' rs carry 1 and packing. Shear only when wool fc 1x5.25-21 is dry. Shojijr in a .clean' place. Keep More than six per'ceit of the or W as the case'may be. . It might STATBaiBNT OF1 THE effecting a substi ntial saving in the,'lighting cos' J0i3 S.XS - <•< he pres- ( i dirt and cbi(ff out" of \iooll Boll the es are at least 20 years okl, while as a letter be] dropped out altogether ' OWNERSHIP : - iiRe-CI. 4.«7 :,IV <\ it there to,the Village. .' I 'J « . , t 419 fleece with the "JElesh side out. Tie two per cent are less than a year without mnch.l08s." Management, Circulation; Etc., Re­ ->' ill the total Prof. Johnston says that there is quired by the Act of Congress lot r- Prior to the time I was elected Trustee* for M*4 4.S9 ijiips' this each fleece; separately with paper and ! 7.35 twine. Pac i the deakl gray, seedy, euce that the price of li<|rse$ has August[34, 191^ •' , ' ."•'.," . -.' the Village of Ba ipgten, the difficulty arose con Jh4 ne to a h'tai ted to increase. ' "„ '..'' I l^he 'Price. Of Barrington , ifteview, published l'| r r 7-5« imposes. burry wool- and fags separately. Eyerytiling in this world his its cerning the over- issue of bonds by Mn Hay. Dtir j Irl Other tizes equally law weekly at Banringtbn, IUlnois, for »r, prle«jt. The ojOre valuable the thing. October, l; tOftji ,-.- ing toy term, thei iMage employed attorneys for tjh< j •ll vhrubst According: to Secretary of State Oh, What • Liar! the 'greater this price. This h the ( STATE? OF ILMNOis, OOUNTT purpose of solvii d this matter and the questioi I,.,-, one of William M. Stratton, who heads the ' 'he bragger who claimed tp |have reason success demands so mijch in OF COOK—sslj7 j 5f jthe forgeries and the over-iissues have been t< •ii :..1 occupn- Illinost Stale Library, the Archives be where The list of liceiisediairports in ijlliiiois advised as to the c mdition of the records, but als » riling ti> has rejiched 11 total of 3ft. The t(>m- that the people o: ;he Village of Barrington niigh; mission has granted iipproval for new airport (levi'tophieiit -nt .'Peoria,. iJeea- know what the c M ditions are, In order to obtaii i' jaiet K11- tn'r, Kank«l|ee, tui'd Jacksonville. the audit at the n ost reasonable price, bids wer > : ti. the obtained and the c ontract awarded for this audit, i'iri.t cold In nu /u]-|ress at Mpringfleld; Ba..v I was unwilling o unnecessarily expend addition • anil t|ii' tiT.K. IlMhnrdson »f the state de- al money of the tillage of Harrington to, increas i ».. i'wh The in* pnrtinent of. public 1 eajth emphasied the price to be pi id these auditors, for this wprk^ - 'i'o|) lia.s flic impifrtii tfen of prt1 natal enre in ef­ i'r-p i ^ the sum of $1,8( 0 00. Upon the refusal of a ma - •u^ us a re- fort:' to lovier the tin ternal 'niprtnll'ty 11 rule. Accordi|ig ; to IVfr, Kicllardsou, jority of the T mtees to allow sUch additions i f' imiternul mortality is perhaps the opt- price, the audit las been delivered,to the,village. 1 •-1.-111 eehuna standing sulfject of <;('utroversy in the PRATT field of me<|iciiie and piiblif bealtli. A^the last J i4eting of the board, 'a repbrt wa i tuipi Executive|DipeIed^e to the residents of Ba v i rington ttiaif&.I am. in favor of following aiyf ai^d without any obligation 11 ,, I'ecommendatioi of legal Bteps which will aid n ; y dig arid I the recovery!to t le bondholders of the Village, if ^ 0^^1^^:¾^¾¾ Barrington of any moneys which may have bei n patriotic sign: i paid out for] blinds over-issued'by Mr. Hay. I ^riiiffgUn 31 .«.-,:-V;* .-;.-..J- . .-.-.-••• : if., • 5.:¾. ;Wj: ;,;|-i v,':K; -:;••!, have, spent ^ondderable iime in bringing abo it L^-S'ARVEl) tteti? , the.iacrest oif; M r. Hay and I -am willing to repi ^- ] m •:'•..'-''.: -.'•Yij •>.•.-. ?Are sent the [people o I tbis village in ordejr to prote :t vo;ir ^eotabl always Hunt,- ' ' ' cp them from djny loss in connection witln the ovct-'^ -jHI i'Jg-and tastbless? 1 »'\'rv issue of bonds. f ,. /. 'i , *• v," f'f>;t|»ly ha -starved!" ^ve them This cdriditkn arose prior to the jtirne ltd kZ RTS '1»'I',,,,,] ''•* 'ut whereby these- bondholde *s {l" time with ma- A// is will be ptotectei without any increase in taxes ;o.| ;,i,r- - <'• nit:al. ' iardenere the village. I| ' •' h , ' - , '3 llu\,- !r|. ! fill f; la and fi »und they ' ^"T.!.Htr lirces sary elements. If I am re «|ected Trustee,.! am in favor >f\ Fe,,| , '°o.v.// strict economy in the management of the mui lt-"« Collins ''"-'S7««reiwoI.|bral|- cipal affairs! aid'Tam ready to -give of my'tiiie;' I - ' fi ; } ".»• per l40 so. ft. for the purpbst cjf aiding, in a general plan in tl is A s»jiiu^,g resuitJj "" section for the turpoae of reducing taxes of tpe { ^'Si^ja Service . to*1n»»i^ui41;iii^ taxpayers of^ B uringtdn. 9 mulated by Swift & Company ...... ,¥S; .. V. H. Schroeder Harrington. Illinois Lageschnlte & Hager Viii or 450 Far Trustee ' I) AND *Mi

jfhJ* ji^* jf'^'i'y'^ .¾¾¾¾ rV: 'fe&SiK'l} '• */• *Sj 11¾^¾¾¾¾^¾¾¾^^^¾¾¾¾¾^ :•• - ^fcfes^siS&aSWS iS£i*§@i«&il **» :a«s&ajis ,. ij-"-; '• Vi ^-,

'• :. -y : I : "' BAintCe}i^REviiEW;!BABRi!^iW[,^ 19:2 10 The Ai^iriditail^ BARIRINGTON REVIEW. the i)y thelGivU.i Publish«Jd every Thursday aftei noon at Barrington, Sun lay, Low Mass, 8 a. m ». m. as the Chippendale ifreprodnctlon). Sl^Sretar^ofth^s Wecjk days, Low Maas^ 1 a. n| Tre «" is lie title of a entered as Second-claw i matter the Bar- f Flowers and chtir which he occiipled allowed: Po• ni-e received ma^.aPP Dev itions in honor of the Sacred Heart, first Friday be giyen for S>1 pos office under Act of Mar. h 8, 1879r free illustrated lciture t< of. Mr. Mortlake CalliSreather looked" Z Pie all-«v«r thV couj of each month. Mass at 6 a; m. the general publi« SaturJay, April 18 like "ready money." So did all About Member of Con esslonis, Saturday, 8 p. m. at Field Mus?um of Nait ral History, him. The furniture, the room Itself CoovrUAt, 192 Uiy Hoyk. Jr, < fill American win*. Jfl a-. NATIONAL EDITORIAL LSSOCiA'PlON Bap :ism by. appointment, .Frey.,-Payne Chtwottly, gave an Impression of opulence. <"> ' • „„ those'o' forelgo.natl There is sti f >ne point ih Auction, always go ear ,e if hea. s 0r spaaes, ra I [/LINOIS PRESS ASS bciATio:«r REV. JOHN A, tiVtTipY. Pastor. Park,- Colo„i is tie lectur jr. He will Before Mr. Callwett-ier^tood his and Contract 11« t is •indecided, one on trumps andsjt ien u«li ive-card ma« show natuWlij eoU r stere^ticon slides son, a fine, upstanding yiiung jman whkh thtiexpe ii 1 disagree, and that w: suit in eithel11 and. Oh :he other hai d |^of?hemlntfaV^el« obituary Cards thanks, resolutions of condolence, of remarkable pla at life, domestic and of twenty-eight, connected, In a Whin should t« partner of the dealer there are, maiy I l&ndi that will« » ^f.nrrJW l^I^statlng that entertainments or BA^RlkGTON EVANGELI(3A^ LUTriERA>f game ini heart B 0 j sn> that are 1 ot ioetry, mcrhorials, and all notices ck wild, of Mexico, Hawaii, New Zeal- rather nebulous'''wa^,-.:b>-virtue of takefout the la t< ra no trurnp bid with M ^fcTn be strong except in given for pecuniary CjroffB Hal( a bid of tjtfo h safrts or two spadlqj?^* game hands ii 1 n< trur p. Society and church sales and parti arid and the United St&^B. Mr. Clat- hts fftther's social position, with CZl "..fciod.crsafeexcepl one of my felle w authors has said: 'it Forth'ese n th« t.m mt reasons,, he ieaefit will be charged for. Div no Services' ever^ Sunday it 10:30 a. m^ worthy is well. ki own fdr his natural i. bond-brokerage" house "In the rt M is the thornies £ question ©Matter day writer advoca es reejt lce-6uts of p; rt.' l f" ,,Ilse The trust of dur -U- Bib B iclass and Sunday school at 9:41 '> a* m. ina 1c for prominent no h Street;" There was a strong con* bidding.", . •••/.•-' • ; ner's-no trunri KtH 1 tajor suitb j d should beared All communications.should be kddMJSBed to the The Lutheran church extends to all vho are at the turo magazines. The lelp ure will be 1 s trost between father and s6n, the i Every write' on the-game seems to From tllen pi it its if jf to the origi iai sincere invitation gin at.3 p.'in, md wilj be giyen in K ..Uicoin,'^M BARRINGTO^ RlJlVliw present time without a church hope one was thoroughly trtlflcial|nnd have a differe it opinion so 4hat it is jio trump bidJJer|to ju t his judgm the Jifmes S imp wn Theatre; of the , .., „ Tnt I ,i..vlco to be jirei>drea' wit* P MJMN ST., BARRjINGTON ILL. to atteijd its services, and classes. the other Was thoroughly genuine. not surprising that the average P-J-yfr as to whethci he sh< d try for j-ama 100 EKST museum. Nl> t|ckets ire necessary at the mnjot su t la LeessarydelnywUhinfott^ • .j'- ^D.. C. HENNIO. Pastor. "My dear Arthur," said Mr. Call- has difficulty 11 < lecidihg #,W «-«>-f 0 on with his for admission notnimp. -'/ 'M; n ISt.8 I-' the-lfe^t'iwrd* »s 1302, N 14th Avenue weather in » carefully modulated ithis situation, n e writer hai frequent­ TELEPHONE, BARRINPTON NO. 1 The James Nelson arid Anna IaOit* ly stated that in his opiniph, partner • 'An ^ngtlish]••*$% ho doesn't-«. i; Mclro*o lark, III ; voice, "prny 3lt"aown.| l*bur stand- U ise Raymond Foi hdaUon will present should take 0 it freely withf any .five- tieve'••lit the --^.-.,-irj, n informa.,aWt >rry | t-evor..l frn>s were tSUgget a free program >f thrci hiotion pic* lngltttlttide Exaggerates your rather do,uble,=8ays t pjafonl .1 ay to settle ho [S;,1)C of ti,, COM prepaid tflj card heart or 1 ps ide jBuit,-provided the, r DANGEROUS LIQUIDS FlpXST CIIURCII OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST tlircs for ehildi'di ia> thje morning, crttjde and too |obust appearance." hand contains it least One quick trick. questioh of 1 ^'.»«| t o'f partntrs I,ore tho motto "< Jod . Ohr -. Tn j The car rless use of petroleum, its productw audLOther The" films to be Jihown (are "Maraud- The yoiing mnn' took a seat and Of course, wit 1 janyV greater strength, no trump, it ti .dpi ; the follow ing J- 421 East Man Strjwt the take-out is obligatorV; for example, OQnveniidn: l) ien| lie takc-oul is utflammablt liquids..,_ids', 1« an important factor in the annual ers of the Slea," "Java, the Garden looked fixedly jit hi? father with I Iflke-l "«!-«l wiu] 0«r Counti Sunjluy service, 10:45 a. m iid "Yoir Chicago," with six or mi vhat lSi;,.lll.«rf»r.n«ftl4-?otWl Sun lay school, 9:30 a. m. There will'bV t^o >hojj|iiigs, j»»e at writers agree, t lat a take-out is.obhga- and. when fr< m I li.tayi'Inike «d to more than $11,000,000—and of far grei ter moment. this interview might portend. Arthur ittwoheari&V! upon nnfl tli1 Rierision oi mijrntory owl hunting The object di> all bidding, both at the inf>rmati ry Moub 1 and not aJopt i> —— [ V.- The reading room, 114 E. - I tntipn street, Lipofsjiy' Should nevfr be left uncovered, so that its fumes may states more Cnilwenther chose to pass his life. Auction andlC lontract, is tq fin