74 bus time schedule & line map

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The 74 bus line (Birmingham - Dudley via West Bromwich) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Birmingham: 24 hours (2) Dudley: 4:00 AM - 11:25 PM (3) West Bromwich: 12:25 AM - 11:55 PM (4) West Bromwich: 11:40 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 74 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 74 bus arriving.

Direction: Birmingham 74 bus Time Schedule 53 stops Birmingham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 24 hours

Monday 24 hours Dudley Bus Station, Dudley Fisher Street, Birmingham///Dudley Tuesday 24 hours

Castle Gate, Burnt Tree Wednesday 24 hours 24 Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Thursday 24 hours Arras Rd, Burnt Tree Friday 24 hours Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Saturday 24 hours Burnt Tree

Hopkins St, Tividale Hall

Tividale St, Tividale Hall 74 bus Info Dudley Port, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Direction: Birmingham Stops: 53 Rd East, Dudley Port Trip Duration: 45 min Tudor Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Line Summary: Dudley Bus Station, Dudley, Castle Gate, Burnt Tree, Arras Rd, Burnt Tree, Burnt Tree, Tudor St, Dudley Port Hopkins St, Tividale Hall, Tividale St, Tividale Hall, Sedgley Rd East, Dudley Port, Tudor St, Dudley Port, Rail Station Bridge, Dudley Port Rail Station Bridge, Dudley Port, Lower Church Lane, Dudley Port, Horseley Rd, Dudley Port, Providence St, Lower Church Lane, Dudley Port Great Bridge, Brickhouse Lane South, Great Bridge, Millwright Close, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Whitehall Rd, Great Bridge, Richmond St, Great Bridge, Ryder St, Swan Village, Davey Rd, Swan Horseley Rd, Dudley Port Village, Claypit Lane, Guns Village, Guns Village Metro Stop, Guns Village, Clock Tower, Guns Village, Providence St, Great Bridge Shaftesbury St, Carters Green, Dartmouth St, Carters Green, West Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green, Brickhouse Lane South, Great Bridge Victoria St, Carters Green, West Bromwich Bus Station, West Bromwich, Dartmouth Square, West Market Place, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Bromwich, Trinity Way, West Bromwich, Hope St, Whitehall Rd, Great Bridge West Bromwich, Bagnall St, West Bromwich, Beeches Rd, West Bromwich, Kenrick Way, Europa Village, Great Bridge, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Halfords Lane, Europa Village, Middlemore Rd, Richmond St, Great Bridge Leveretts, Island Rd, Leveretts, Wattville Rd, Handsworth, Woodland Rd, Handsworth, Crocketts Ryder St, Swan Village Rd, Handsworth, Booth St, Handsworth, Alfred Rd, Handsworth, Boulton Rd, Handsworth, Grove Lane, Davey Rd, Swan Village Handsworth, Ivy Rd, Lozells, Rose Hill Rd, Lozells, New Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/DudSleoyho Ave, Lozells, Hamstead Rd, Hockley, Hockley Circus, Hockley, Great King St, Hockley, Vyse St, Claypit Lane, Guns Village Jewellery Quarter, Hall St, Jewellery Quarter, St Paul`S Metro Stop, Jewellery Quarter (Cn5), Water St, Guns Village Metro Stop, Guns Village Jewellery Quarter (Cn1), Lloyd House, Birmingham Dudley Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley (Sq3), Colmore Circus, Birmingham (Sh5)

Clock Tower, Guns Village Carter's Green, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Shaftesbury St, Carters Green

Dartmouth St, Carters Green

West Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green 323 High Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Victoria St, Carters Green

West Bromwich Bus Station, West Bromwich West Bromwich Ringway, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Dartmouth Square, West Bromwich

Trinity Way, West Bromwich

Hope St, West Bromwich

Bagnall St, West Bromwich

Beeches Rd, West Bromwich Beeches Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Kenrick Way, Europa Village

Halfords Lane, Europa Village

Middlemore Rd, Leveretts Boundary Place, Birmingham

Island Rd, Leveretts

Wattville Rd, Handsworth Austin Road, Birmingham

Woodland Rd, Handsworth

Crocketts Rd, Handsworth New Inns Close, Birmingham

Booth St, Handsworth

Alfred Rd, Handsworth Soho Road, Birmingham

Boulton Rd, Handsworth 234 Soho Road, Birmingham

Grove Lane, Handsworth Union Row, Birmingham

Ivy Rd, Lozells

Rose Hill Rd, Lozells 9 Soho Road, Birmingham

Soho Ave, Lozells

Hamstead Rd, Hockley Soho Hill, Birmingham

Hockley Circus, Hockley

Great King St, Hockley Boulton Middleway, Birmingham

Vyse St, Jewellery Quarter 56 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham

Hall St, Jewellery Quarter 9-10 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham

St Paul`S Metro Stop, Jewellery Quarter (Cn5)

Water St, Jewellery Quarter (Cn1) 82 Old Snow Hill, Birmingham

Lloyd House, Birmingham (Sq3) Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham

Colmore Circus, Birmingham (Sh5) The Priory Queensway, Birmingham Direction: Dudley 74 bus Time Schedule 54 stops Dudley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:00 AM - 11:25 PM

Monday 4:00 AM - 11:25 PM Colmore Circus, Birmingham (Sh5) The Priory Queensway, Birmingham Tuesday 4:00 AM - 11:25 PM

Lloyd House, Birmingham (Sq6) Wednesday 4:00 AM - 11:25 PM Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham Thursday 4:00 AM - 11:25 PM Water St, Jewellery Quarter (Cn2) Friday 4:00 AM - 11:25 PM 86B Old Snow Hill, Birmingham Saturday 4:00 AM - 11:25 PM St Paul`S Metro Stop, Jewellery Quarter (Cn4)

Hall St, Jewellery Quarter 118 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham 74 bus Info Vyse St, Jewellery Quarter Direction: Dudley 83 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham Stops: 54 Trip Duration: 62 min Great King St, Hockley Line Summary: Colmore Circus, Birmingham (Sh5), Lloyd House, Birmingham (Sq6), Water St, Jewellery Hockley Circus, Hockley Quarter (Cn2), St Paul`S Metro Stop, Jewellery Quarter (Cn4), Hall St, Jewellery Quarter, Vyse St, Hamstead Rd, Hockley Jewellery Quarter, Great King St, Hockley, Hockley 105 Soho Hill, Birmingham Circus, Hockley, Hamstead Rd, Hockley, Rose Hill Rd, Lozells, Piers Rd, Lozells, Ivy Rd, Lozells, Waverhill Rd, Rose Hill Rd, Lozells Handsworth, Grove Lane, Handsworth, Boulton Rd, 222 Soho Hill, Birmingham Handsworth, Booth St, Handsworth, Holyhead Way, Handsworth, Crocketts Rd, Handsworth, Wattville Piers Rd, Lozells Rd, Handsworth, Island Rd, Leveretts, Middlemore 25-45 Soho Road, Birmingham Rd, Leveretts, Halfords Lane, Europa Village, Kenrick Way, Europa Village, Beeches Rd, West Bromwich, Ivy Rd, Lozells Roebuck Lane, West Bromwich, Hope St, West Bromwich, Trinity Way, West Bromwich, Dartmouth Waverhill Rd, Handsworth Square, West Bromwich, West Bromwich Bus 165 Soho Road, Birmingham Station, West Bromwich, Victoria St, Carters Green, West Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green, Dartmouth Grove Lane, Handsworth St, Carters Green, Shaftesbury St, Carters Green, 188 Soho Road, Birmingham Clock Tower, Guns Village, Guns Village Metro Stop, Guns Village, Claypit Lane, Guns Village, Phoenix St, Boulton Rd, Handsworth Swan Village, Ryder St, Swan Village, Richmond St, 323 Soho Road, Birmingham Great Bridge, Whitehall Rd, Great Bridge, Slater Street, Great Bridge, Great Bridge Interchange, Great Booth St, Handsworth Bridge, Providence St, Great Bridge, Horseley Rd, Holyhead Road, Birmingham Dudley Port, Lower Church Lane, Dudley Port, Rail Station Bridge, Dudley Port, Tudor St, Dudley Port, Holyhead Way, Handsworth Sedgley Rd East, Dudley Port, Tividale St, Tividale Hall, Hopkins St, Tividale Hall, Burnt Tree, Arras Rd, Crocketts Rd, Handsworth Burnt Tree, Castle Gate, Burnt Tree, Dudley Bus 115-129 Holyhead Road, Birmingham Station, Dudley

Wattville Rd, Handsworth

Island Rd, Leveretts Middlemore Rd, Leveretts

Halfords Lane, Europa Village

Kenrick Way, Europa Village

Beeches Rd, West Bromwich 172 Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Roebuck Lane, West Bromwich

Hope St, West Bromwich Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Trinity Way, West Bromwich High Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Dartmouth Square, West Bromwich

West Bromwich Bus Station, West Bromwich St Michael Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Victoria St, Carters Green

West Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green 317 High Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Dartmouth St, Carters Green

Shaftesbury St, Carters Green

Clock Tower, Guns Village Carter's Green, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Guns Village Metro Stop, Guns Village Dudley Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Claypit Lane, Guns Village Black Country New Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Phoenix St, Swan Village Great Bridge Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Ryder St, Swan Village Ryder Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Richmond St, Great Bridge

Whitehall Rd, Great Bridge Sheepwash Lane, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Slater Street, Great Bridge

Great Bridge Interchange, Great Bridge A461, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Providence St, Great Bridge

Horseley Rd, Dudley Port

Lower Church Lane, Dudley Port Rail Station Bridge, Dudley Port Wenyon Close, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Tudor St, Dudley Port

Sedgley Rd East, Dudley Port 79 Groveland Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Tividale St, Tividale Hall Dudley Port, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Hopkins St, Tividale Hall Burnt Tree, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Burnt Tree Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Arras Rd, Burnt Tree Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Castle Gate, Burnt Tree

Dudley Bus Station, Dudley Fisher Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Direction: West Bromwich 74 bus Time Schedule 29 stops West Bromwich Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 12:25 AM - 11:55 PM

Monday 12:25 AM - 11:55 PM Colmore Circus, Birmingham (Sh5) The Priory Queensway, Birmingham Tuesday 12:25 AM - 11:55 PM

Lloyd House, Birmingham (Sq6) Wednesday 12:25 AM - 11:55 PM Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham Thursday 12:25 AM - 11:55 PM Water St, Jewellery Quarter (Cn2) Friday 12:25 AM - 11:55 PM 86B Old Snow Hill, Birmingham Saturday 12:25 AM - 11:55 PM St Paul`S Metro Stop, Jewellery Quarter (Cn4)

Hall St, Jewellery Quarter 118 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham 74 bus Info Vyse St, Jewellery Quarter Direction: West Bromwich 83 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham Stops: 29 Trip Duration: 34 min Great King St, Hockley Line Summary: Colmore Circus, Birmingham (Sh5), Lloyd House, Birmingham (Sq6), Water St, Jewellery Hockley Circus, Hockley Quarter (Cn2), St Paul`S Metro Stop, Jewellery Quarter (Cn4), Hall St, Jewellery Quarter, Vyse St, Hamstead Rd, Hockley Jewellery Quarter, Great King St, Hockley, Hockley 105 Soho Hill, Birmingham Circus, Hockley, Hamstead Rd, Hockley, Rose Hill Rd, Lozells, Piers Rd, Lozells, Ivy Rd, Lozells, Waverhill Rd, Rose Hill Rd, Lozells Handsworth, Grove Lane, Handsworth, Boulton Rd, 222 Soho Hill, Birmingham Handsworth, Booth St, Handsworth, Holyhead Way, Handsworth, Crocketts Rd, Handsworth, Wattville Piers Rd, Lozells Rd, Handsworth, Island Rd, Leveretts, Middlemore 25-45 Soho Road, Birmingham Rd, Leveretts, Halfords Lane, Europa Village, Kenrick Way, Europa Village, Beeches Rd, West Bromwich, Ivy Rd, Lozells Roebuck Lane, West Bromwich, Hope St, West Bromwich, Trinity Way, West Bromwich, Dartmouth Waverhill Rd, Handsworth Square, West Bromwich, West Bromwich Bus 165 Soho Road, Birmingham Station, West Bromwich

Grove Lane, Handsworth 188 Soho Road, Birmingham

Boulton Rd, Handsworth 323 Soho Road, Birmingham

Booth St, Handsworth Holyhead Road, Birmingham

Holyhead Way, Handsworth

Crocketts Rd, Handsworth 115-129 Holyhead Road, Birmingham

Wattville Rd, Handsworth

Island Rd, Leveretts Middlemore Rd, Leveretts

Halfords Lane, Europa Village

Kenrick Way, Europa Village

Beeches Rd, West Bromwich 172 Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Roebuck Lane, West Bromwich

Hope St, West Bromwich Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Trinity Way, West Bromwich High Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Dartmouth Square, West Bromwich

West Bromwich Bus Station, West Bromwich St Michael Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Direction: West Bromwich 74 bus Time Schedule 25 stops West Bromwich Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 11:40 PM Dudley Bus Station, Dudley Fisher Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Tuesday 11:40 PM

Castle Gate, Burnt Tree Wednesday 11:40 PM 24 Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Thursday 11:40 PM Arras Rd, Burnt Tree Friday 11:40 PM Birmingham Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Saturday Not Operational Burnt Tree

Hopkins St, Tividale Hall

Tividale St, Tividale Hall 74 bus Info Dudley Port, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Direction: West Bromwich Stops: 25 Sedgley Rd East, Dudley Port Trip Duration: 20 min Tudor Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Line Summary: Dudley Bus Station, Dudley, Castle Gate, Burnt Tree, Arras Rd, Burnt Tree, Burnt Tree, Tudor St, Dudley Port Hopkins St, Tividale Hall, Tividale St, Tividale Hall, Sedgley Rd East, Dudley Port, Tudor St, Dudley Port, Rail Station Bridge, Dudley Port Rail Station Bridge, Dudley Port, Lower Church Lane, Dudley Port, Horseley Rd, Dudley Port, Providence St, Lower Church Lane, Dudley Port Great Bridge, Brickhouse Lane South, Great Bridge, Millwright Close, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley Whitehall Rd, Great Bridge, Richmond St, Great Bridge, Ryder St, Swan Village, Davey Rd, Swan Horseley Rd, Dudley Port Village, Claypit Lane, Guns Village, Guns Village Metro Stop, Guns Village, Clock Tower, Guns Village, Providence St, Great Bridge Shaftesbury St, Carters Green, Dartmouth St, Carters Green, West Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green, Brickhouse Lane South, Great Bridge Victoria St, Carters Green, West Bromwich Bus Station, West Bromwich Market Place, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Whitehall Rd, Great Bridge Great Bridge, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Richmond St, Great Bridge

Ryder St, Swan Village

Davey Rd, Swan Village Black Country New Road, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Claypit Lane, Guns Village

Guns Village Metro Stop, Guns Village Dudley Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Clock Tower, Guns Village Carter's Green, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Shaftesbury St, Carters Green Dartmouth St, Carters Green

West Bromwich Town Hall, Carters Green 323 High Street, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley

Victoria St, Carters Green

West Bromwich Bus Station, West Bromwich West Bromwich Ringway, Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Walsall/Dudley 74 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved