Fulgione and Rippa, Int J Evol 2013, 2:1 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2324-8548.1000e106 International Journal of Evolution

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the Sicilian sparrow has an intermediate phenotype. Summer-Smith The Tangled Evolution of Italian [11,12] in a global analysis of the based upon behavioural and morphological traits, supported again a sub-specific status for Sparrow the Italian endemic. Yet, P. italiae was considered a sub- Domenico Fulgione1* and Daniela Rippa1 of P. hispaniolensis. The two- status was later formally confirmed by Baumgart [13] who proposed the nomenclature P. italiae hispaniolensis (Temminch 1820) for sparows living in Of late, the futility of attempts to find a universally valid criterion and P. italiae italiae for peninsular sparrows (Veillot 1817). for distinguishing species has come to be fairly generally, if reluctantly, recognized-Theodosius Dobzhansky The Phylogenetic Species concept 14[ ] was instead advocated by Stephan [15,16] in considering P. italiae a full species for the following When the then 37 years old Dobzhansky wrote these words the reasons: 1) the nature and amount of variability within “italiae” is problem of identifying a universally acceptable concept of species comparable to that of other Passer species; 2) hybrids occur between already had a long and respectable history. Unfortunately, despite various species within the genus; and 3) there are some distinctive much effort and painstaking attempts by eminent scholars such as peculiarities in P. italiae reproductive biology. Ernst Mayr and Massimo Pigliucci, the definition of species still defies a unitary concept today. In the 1987 Lo Valvo and Lo Verde defined P. italiae as an emergent interspecies analysing morphological variables [17,18]. One of the greatest merits of Dobzhansky in discussing the species concept was the emphasis he put upon reproductive isolation Chromosomes analyses by Fulgione and co-workers [19] as the prominent mean to isolate former populations, finally leading showed: a clear distinction between Italian sparrow and P. to incipient species. domesticus concerning both sex chromosomes and the distribution of heterochromatin blocks along autosomes; the kinship between The vast majority of biologists rarely if ever feel unsafe in Italian sparrow and P. hispaniolensis on the basis of sex chromosomes recognizing natural entities within the living objects they deal with in shape. Moreover, a song of the Italian population, using spectrogram everyday practice. Yet, some of us have the fortune to work with some analysis, shows a clinal variation from the south to the north, abruptly slippery mental entities our minds continuously grapple with. Be it breaking in the contact zone with P. domesticus [20]. the Northern Oriole or Red wolf or whatever other infamous example you may think of, these “species” fascinate our minds exactly because of the very thin ice they stay upon there. Almost every taxonomic group has its ‘enigmatic members’. Often, the enigma just stands in tangled evolutionary histories. This is the case for the endemic Italian sparrow, Passer italiae [1] the case we are most familiar with. Originally described as Fringilla italiae [1] the Italian sparrow name changed constantly over years because of conflicting viewpoints and ever implementing techniques [1]. At the beginning of the 20th century, Chigi [2-4] defined the Italian and Spanish sparrows as two forms of P. domesticus. In 1926 Rensch introduced the polytypic species concept to use a trinomial nomenclature. To Rensch, the Italian sparrow became P. domesticus italiae. Meise et al. [5,6] considered the Italian sparrow a good example of stabilised . For Mayr it represents an example of a microevolutive process: the secondary intergradation of populations confined among two zones. The expansion from the southof P. hispaniolensis would be responsible for primary intergradations, while the northern species is responsible for secondary intergradations. As a stabilised hybrid P. italiae will survive until 1970, receiving good support in the scientific literature [7-9]. In 1977, Cova [10] considered Sicily to be the hybridisation zone interposed between two valid species, P. italiae and P. hyspaniolensis. This author showed that

*Corresponding author: Domenico Fulgione, University of Federico II, Italy, Tel: +39-081-679130; E-mail: [email protected] Figure 1: The image of indicate specific male characteristics of Received: October 05, 2012 Accepted: October 09, 2012 Published: October the Passer domesticus (A), Italian sparrow (B) and Passer hispaniolensis (C). 15, 2012

All articles published in International Journal of Evolution are the property of SciTechnol, and is protected by copyright laws. International Publisher of Science, Copyright © 2013, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved. Technology and Medicine Citation: Fulgione D, Rippa D (2013) The Tangled Evolution of Italian Sparrow. Int J Evol 2:1.


Allende and coworkers [21] in an extensive genetic analysis of 8. Johnston RF (1969) of house sparrows and their allies in Passer, refer to the Italian sparrow as P. hispaniolensis italiae, and Mediterranean basin. Condor 71:129-139. assert that “italiae” is more likely conspecific toP. domesticus than to 9. Johnston RF (1972) Color variation andnatural selection in Italian sparrows. P. hispaniolensis (Figure 1). Boll Zool 39: 351-362. 10. Cova C (1977) Correlazioni sistematiche fra i passeri domesticus, italiae ed Italian sparrow shows another outstanding and very informative hispaniolensis. Gli Uccelli d’Italia 2: 208-218. trait status in breeding, having a short abortive spermatogenesis and a relatively high plasma androgen levels over winter [22]. It was shown 11. Summers-Smith D (1978) The in . Il Merill 19: 9-10. in some [23] and reptiles [24] that populations expanding 12. Summers-Smith D (1988) The Sparrow. T and Poyser AD. northward produce germ cells and sperm over autumn, whereas their 13. Baumgart W (2003) Gedanken zur Sperlingsfrage - Funktionelle Aspekte southerly ancestors reproductive cycle typically has two full events. einer Neubewertung des Verhaeltnisses zwischen Haus-, Weiden und This would suggest thatP. italiae originated from a species distributed Italiensperling Passer domesticus, P. h. hispaniolensis and P. h. italiae. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 55: 320-337. to the South of its current range. 14. Carcraft J (1983) Species concepts and speciation analysis. Current Hermansen et al. [25] repurposed the hybrid hypothesis, Ornithology, PlenumPress, New York. suggesting an origin as homoploid hybrid for the Italian sparrow, 15. Stephan B, Gavrilov E (1980) Passer-Hybriden aus Kasachstan. Berlin/Ost 6: where the hybrid lineage gets geographically isolated from its parental 25-28. species. Hermansen et al. [25] also suggested that this mode of 16. Stephan B (1986) Die evolutionstheorie und der taxonomische status des speciation in birds might be more common than previously assumed. Italiensperlings. Mitt Zool Mus Berl 10: 25-68. Although the work of Hermensen et al. has merits, it fails to 17. Lo Valvo F, Lo Verde G (1987) Studio della variabilità fenotipica delle take in consideration all of the available information at hand. This popolazioni italiane di passere e loro posizione tassonomica (Passeriformes, Passeridae). Riv Ital Orn 57: 97-110. could jeopardize their major statement (i.e. support for the hybrid hypothesis). If this is right, the tangled story of the Italian Sparrow 18. Massa B (1989) Comments on Passer italiae (Vieillot 1817). Bull. B.O.C. 109: as yet to be defined, much to the amusement and interest of those 196-198. who consider a multidisciplinary approach the only feasible way to 19. Fulgine D, Aprea G, Milone M, Odierna G (2000) Chromosomes and get (closer) to the reality of scientific facts. heterochromatin in the Italian Sparrow, Passer italiae, a taxon of presumed hybrid origins. Folia Zoologica 49: 199-204. References 20. Fulgione D, Esposito A, Rusch, CE, Milone M (2000) Song clinal variability in 1. Töpfer T (2006) The taxonomic status of the Italian Sparrow -Passer italiae Passer italiae, a species of probable hybrid origins. Avocetta 24: 107-112. (Vieillot 1817): Speciation by stabilised hybridisation? A critical analysis. 21. Allende LM, Rubio I, Ruíz-Del-Valle V, Guillén J, Martínez-Laso J, et al. Zootaxa 1325: 117–145. (2001) The Old Word Sparrows (genus Passer) phylogeography and their 2. Chigi F (1904) Passer hispaniolensis (Tem), Passer italiae (Vieill), Passer relative abundance of nuclear mtDNA pseudogenes. J Mol Evol 53: 144-154. domesticus (L.). Boll Soc Zool Ital 23: 1-47. 22. Fulgione D, Rippa D, Caliendo MF, Milone M (2005) Seasonal breeding in the 3. Chigi F (1914) Passer domesticus (Lin), le sue forme e i suoi rapporti con le Italian sparrow: Plasma androgen levels and spermatogenesis. Isr J Zool 51: specie congeneri. Boll Soc Zool Ital 23: 1-47. 209-217.

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Author Affiliations Top 1University of Naples Federico II, Italy

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