ISRA (India) = 1.344 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.207 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 3.860 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 2.031

SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS Nushaba Nariman Seifullayeva Ganja branch of ANAS, International Scientific Journal Ganja, Theoretical & Applied Science [email protected]

p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2017 Issue: 09 Volume: 53

Published: 27.09.2017

SECTION 18. Culturology.


Abstract: In this scientific paper for the first time has been investigated the basic features of creativity of the famous Azerbaijani composer Telman Hajiyev, who was born in Ganja city. Also, on the basis scientific sources and materials investigated, that the most important aspect of the talented Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyli's talent is to refer to the Azerbaijani poems in T.Hajiyev's musical works. The creativity of the composer is chosen by his own national consciousness. Speaking about the work of composer Telman Hajiyev, it is possible to characterize it as a -composer, a highly-organized -public figure based on national-moral values, folk musical traditions, his own set. All of these aspects clearly reveal the essence of his face. The acquaintance with T.Hajiyev's works shows that the basis of the composer's music is a major minor system. Key words: Azerbaijan, composer, culture, music, national ladder system, Telman Hajiyev, XX century, Ganja, culturology. Language: English Citation: Seifullayeva NN (2017) ISSUES OF USE OF THE NATIONAL LADDER SYSTEM IN THE CREATIVITY OF AZERBAIJANI COMPOSER TELMAN HAJIYEV. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (53): 147-149. Soi: Doi:

Introduction Along with this, T.Hajiyev is also widely used The creativity of Telman Haji oglu Hajiyev, the by national talents. Ladies' characteristics are one of honored artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which the most important means of expressing both is one of the decent donors of the Azerbaijani Western and Eastern music. In the book "Music of composer school, founded by the great Azerbaijani 's Poems", dedicated to the study of composer U.Hajibeyli in the XX century, plays an the poetry of poetry of the great Azerbaijani poet and important role in the Azerbaijani musical culture. thinker Nizami Ganjavi, who portrays the Eastern In the city of Ganja, one of the ancient centers from X century till XII century in his works, this of science and culture, the city's rich cultural music problem is pointed out in the foreground: Various traditions have had a strong impact on the formation variants are heard in Nizami. The poet indicates that of the composer. his authority is part of a few scenes and that poetry is as important as choosing the right choice of human Materials and Methods life". Speaking about the work of composer Telman It should be noted that U.Hajibeyov named Hajiyev, it is possible to characterize it as a song- these , which are the basis of these females. composer, a highly-organized music-public figure The national ladder system with the name of based on national-moral values, folk musical is a collection of Azerbaijani traditions, his own set. All of these aspects clearly genres, such as folk , classifier, color, dance, reveal the essence of his face. and so on [7, 53]. The acquaintance with T.Hajiyev's works shows By bringing the national ladder system into that the basis of the composer's music is a major composer's work, Uzeyir Hajibeyli co-ordinated minor system. national folk music with the , and

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ISRA (India) = 1.344 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.207 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 3.860 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 2.031 these principles became an example for future Khanlarova, Elmira Rahimova, Flora Kerimova and composer generations. other well-known singers T.Hajiyev's songs, Professor H.Hasanova rightly notes that "In the composer's favorite songs, playful rhythms, rich basis of U. Hajibeyli, the first and the masterpieces content, and music, they performed. of composer's creativity in Azerbaijan, the main part of national femininity, its common points of Conclusion convergence with the classic functional system has Most songs recount stories of real life events been revealed. and , or have developed through This is also natural. Because of the musical song contests between troubadour poets. thinking of Azerbaijan, O.Hajibeyli, who is fed from Corresponding to their origins, folk songs are usually oral traditionally folk and professional music, is played at weddings, funerals and special festivals. primarily based on the basic principles of this music, Regional folk music generally accompanies folk and then theoretical basis of the generally accepted dances, which vary significantly across regions. The European music system. regional mood also affects the subject of the folk Mugham is one of the many folk musical songs, e.g. folk songs from the are lively compositions from Azerbaijan, contrast in general and express the customs of the region. with Tasnif, Ashugs. Songs about betrayal have an air of defiance about It is a highly complex art form that weds them instead of sadness, whereas the further south classical poetry and in specific travelled in Azerbaijan the more the melodies local modes. Mugham is a modal system. Unlike resemble a lament. Western modes, "mugham" modes are associated not The most important aspect of the talented only with scales but with an orally transmitted Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyli's talent is to collection of melodies and melodic fragments that refer to the Azerbaijani poems in T.Hajiyev's musical performers use in the course of improvisation. works. The creativity of the composer is chosen by Mugham is a compound composition of many parts. his own national consciousness. The choice of a particular mugham and a style of For example, in the composition of the performance fits a specific event. The dramatic composer's song "The tulips", the song "The Waiting unfolding in performance is typically associated with Me" and the song in the song, "For You" in the song increasing intensity and rising pitches, and a form of also used. poetic-musical communication between performers T.Hajiyev also extensively appealed to national and initiated listeners. talents in his camera-instrumental works. For Three major schools of mugham performance example, in the trio of the violin, cello, and piano existed from the late 19th and early 20th centuries - created by the composer during his student years, the the region of Garabagh, , and Baku. The town main theme of the book is a bayat, and the basis of of of was particularly renowned for the helmets is the charred lantern. this art. The roots of Telman Hajiyev's creativity The short selection of Azerbaijani mugham originate from national music sources. played in , national wind instrument was The founder of the Azerbaijani professional included on the Voyager Golden Record, attached to composer school U. Hajibeyli writes in his the Voyager spacecraft as representing world music, fundamental scientific work "The basics of folk included among many cultural achievements of music of Azerbaijan": "Rast", "Shur", "Segah", humanity. "Shushter", "Chahargah", "Bayati-Shiraz" Huma" is In 2003, UNESCO proclaimed mugham as a the seventh mainstream of Azerbaijani music. Of Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage these, the most widely spread in Azerbaijan is "Shur" of Humanity. and "Segah" [2, 16-17]. The song genre takes the lead in the creativity of Azerbaijani folk songs, dances, and so on. Most outstanding Azerbaijani composer Telman Hajiyev. of the musical forms are set up in these two sets. T.Hajiyev appealed to the creativity of Rasul Rza, Rast, Shuster, Chahargah, and Bashat-Shiraz are Bakhtiyar Vahabzade, Jabir Novruz, Fikret Qoja, more widespread. Garay Fazli, Rafik Zeka, Baba Veziroglu and other "Rast" listener's sense of humor and sensuality, prominent Azerbaijani singers in their songs. They "Shura" hilarious lyrical mood, "Segah" feeling of also created eternal vocal miniatures. "Did not you love, "Shushter" deep, "Chaharrah" excitement and see my eyes?" (Nizami Ganjavi), "I have not passion, Bayati-Shiraz "Humayun" is a deeper forgotten" (R.Rza) and others. psychological depths, sadness than "Shushter". "My motherland Ganja" (R. Rza), "Student Years" Particularly, the role of folk music in the (J.Novruz), "Oil Rocks" (A.Aslanov), "Tulips" formation of luminous lyric images, as well as the (A.Aslanov) and others. He is the author of more developmental principles of folk music, are than 200 memoirs. , Shovkat especially remarkable in the work of T.Hajiyev. Alakbarova, Muslim Magomayev, Zeynab

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ISRA (India) = 1.344 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.207 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 3.860 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 2.031

In the first case, the most important aspects of Thus, the analysis of Telman Hajiyev's works the laden-intonation process, and secondly, the allows characterizing and justifying the national principles of organization are highlighted. features that appear in their musical language [6, The use of the intonation dictionary of the 301]. in the works of T.Hajiyev National characteristics, first of all, in the shows itself, which in turn creates a clear national structure of musical language, on the basis of ladies, . Studying the genetic roots of melodic development. The composer addresses the centuries-old experiments in the composer's extensively on the means of expression and the works creates conditions for the generalization of principles of the mugham and ashug music, the their inimitable national character. principles of melody and melodic intonation. The art of mugham and its improvisational style Loyalty to national music traditions, the ability play an important role in the formation of the to use the Azerbaijani ladder system professionally is principle of vocal decline in the work of T.Hajiyev. one of the key features of T.Hajiyev's musical style. One of the characteristic features of T.Hajiyev's melody is melezi, and its roots are taken from folk- melodic creativity.


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