The ra i ns have ceased $ Softl blow y the breezes ,

Bri ngi ng the breath of vi olets $

$ The wi ld honey suckle blooms, And the peach buds swell Along the forest path

Where we have wa lked together $ $ leasant i s the song of bi rds , And all the gentle sounds Whi ch nature makes

To waken up the earth $

I know it i s the same to other eyes

The sweet renewal of the mi racle of l i fe $ O n other ears the melody of Spring

Falls wi th no note of sadness $

But for me the beauty of the world i s vei led $ The murmurs of the Spri ng come sadly to my

Longing for the musi c of thy voi ce $

$ The honey suckles droop thei r heads ,

The vi olets yi el d thei r i ncense up less gladly, ’ s$ n $ And there s a shadow on the , to day, I Because walk a lone $ 0 Love , walki ng i n green pastures , Where sti ll waters flow through banks of asphodel $ I would not have you less than blessed $

But the $uesti oni ng thought wi l l cl i ng , I f someti mes you l i sten for my comi ng feet $ Wi ll my voi ce make sweeter to your ear The heavenly harmony and the angels ’ song $ You walk celesti al paths with knowledge 1 wi th falteri ng fa i th the ways of earth $

And I would feel your love yea rn ea rthward ,

To strengthen when the ti me seems long $ The wi de , wi de ocean and an hundred sai ls $

The land , wi ld rose thi ckets and a breath of p ine $ ’ God s Spi ri t resting on the waters, The Infini te Thought thri lli ng through the ea rth $

In human hearts a sense of joy ,

A prayer of thankfulness,

A song of the fulness of li fe $

The sea and a roar of crested waves $ A ri si ng mi st and hi dden sa i ls $

The shore , thorn thi ckets and the moani ng of the pi nes $

A home , and the shadow of death drawing near,

A prayer for help , a cry of desolation $

A swi ft memory of the brightness past,

A wa i l for the loneli ness to come $ The peace that passeth understanding touchi ng

a beloved face , And then— God ’ s heali ng love maki ng al i ke the

brightness and the mi st $ E vening The di stant beati ng of the sea upon the shore Deep wooded hi lls Warm waves of a i r through spi cy lanes $ An odor of p ine $ A breath of wi ld rose A nighti ngale ’ s song

A whi sper of love $

Morni ng $ The sound of the ebbing ti de $ The sti rring of the breeze upon the hi lls A sighing through t he p i nes $ A breath of fallen petals $ A glea m of new buds $ ’ The seabi rd s lonely cry $ A di stant sai l

A memory forever $ Grant thi s one prayer, 0 Death $

As I pass wi th thee to the unknown land ,

That I may cross the Lethean stream ,

Nor taste its chi lling waters $

My years have had the i r sorrows , Sweet voi ces called to me

And passed i nto the si lence ,

Tender eyes smi led into mine ,

Then closed to Sleep beneath the flowers $

And I have known the scorching brand of si n,

I have walked lamely in the path of ri ght $

But the fa i r earth has clothed herself i n green, O r folded on her snowy mantle before my happy

si ght $ Love has led me where the bi rds were si ngi ng $ Together we have stood besi de the pleasant sea And watched the si nki ng s$ n pi le up hi s golden

bi llows $ I have felt the touch of chi ldren ’ s fingers i n my

ha i r,

The pressure of thei r l i ps upon my breast, The musi c of thei r voi ces filled my ears ’ Ti ll all the world s sound seemed joyous $ ’ 0 $ Gladly I ll dri nk my tears , Death ’ I ll bear my scars through all eternity $

But let me keep the memory of my happy years $ Sunset A cri mson glory on sea and sky A mellow tinge touching the di stant hi lls O The bay , a stretch of pal l i ght $ A boat upon the placi d waters $

Love wa iti ng on the other Si de $ Twi li ght The fading glow $ dark shadows on the hi lls $ Black waters $ a sudden sweep of wind A leapi ng of whi te Spray $ A cry from the shore An answeri ng cry from the sea $ $ nd then— only the sound of wi nd and waves

F i lling the darkness $ Morni ng

Glowing sky, and green hi lls ri si ng above the mi sts $ eaceful waters , and an empty boat dri fting with the ti de

Love sti ll wai ting on the shore ,

And over all the i nfinite mystery of God $ An acaci a with its yellow bloom A shi mmer of ol i ve leaves $ ’ The vi neyard s purple gleam $ Sunshi ne i n the valley $ A chi ld ’ s j oyous laugh ’ A mother s song $

Droppi ng leaves and fading bloom $ Dust upon the oli ve leaves $ ’ The vi neyard s falli ng fruit $ A cloud over the valley $ A l ittle grave $ ’ A mother s sob $ Fresh green upon the ol ive leaves ’ New fragrance i n the acaci a s bud $ The blossomi ng grape gleami ng i n the valley $ Brown vi olets Springing from the l ittle grave $ $ evelati on in the land $ ’ A mother s song of hope $ Li fe wooed the earth $

Darkness covered the land , but fea r was passed

away $ The a i r was full of tender feel ing $ There was a murmuri ng sound whi ch was neither

the twi ttering of bi rds ,

Nor the ri ppli ng of water, nor the rustl ing of leaves $

It was the voi ce of love answering the call of li fe $

The darkness deepened ,

$ All sounds di ed away i nto an e pectant hush, The sti llness thri lled as wi th the breath of an

awakeni ng sleeper$

A tinge of gray li ght touched the east, a shaft of

red p i erced the gray $ o Dawn melted i nto morn ing , wi nter i nt spri ng $ E a rth lay smi li ng i n her bri da l robes $

The grass was green , the wi nd flowers were bloom

i ng on the hi lls $ $i nk buds were swelli ng everywhere $

And everywhere a sound of harmony, a stra i n of

melody floating through space $

It was sti ll not the singing of bi rds , nor the flowi ng

of water, ’ It was not the fanning of butterfli es wi ngs ,

Nor the sti rring of roots i n thei r ea rthy beds ,

Nor the rushing of sap through young branches $ It was all of these mi ngling together i n one di vi ne

song of love and l i fe $ 0 i nfini te transformi ng Mystery , touch thou our lives

And renew thy Spi ri t within us $ Noonti de A dead land wrapped i n a brown Shroud under a burni ng s$ n $ Drear gray mounta i ns keeping watch $ ’ A c ayote s cry from the de sert

A cloud of dust i n the a i r$ M i dni ght A mi st floati ng i n from the sea $ A sense of comi ng l i fe $ A thri ll i n the darkness $ A sound of softly fall i ng ra i n Morning dawni ng A vei led sun i n the eastern sky $ A mantle of green foldi ng a li vi ng valley A gleam of emerald on the mounta i n si de ’ The meadow lark s whi stli ng song $ A breath of orange bloom upon the breeze $

Li ght , sound, beauty, li fe $ I saw a gleam of blue waters and a stretch of yel low sand $

Wi de da i sy fields and dri fts of orchard bloom $ ’ ’ I heard a chi ld s laugh and a robi n s song $

There came a ri pple on the waters , And a Shadow fell across the sand $ The da i si es bowed thei r heads $ A shower of orchard bloom dropped down $ A sudden si lence $

The chi ld no longer laughed , ’ The robi n s song was hushed $

The angel of death was passi ng on hi s way $

The sweet world knew, only I di d not understand $



I had watched besi de her many days $ I had meant

to speak $ I had longed to whi sper some word of trust “ h O e— sa $ is and p to y , ways wi ll be made plai n $

Now the end had come , and the si lence was unbroken

$ between s $

After all , although my own fa ith i n the infini te ten

derness had never fa i led , what meani ng could my $ assurances have for her My chi ldren came at dusk ,

and la id thei r sunny heads upon my breast $ Those whom She had clasped wi th the same thri ll of mother

love wandered somewhere i n the world , i n what outer darkness she knew not $ and long ago she had ceased to

pra y that God would lead them home $ My l i fe was blessed wi th the love of one who

h is $ e walked strong and helpful among fellowmen $ to whom sh e had looked wi th the same proud hope had

faltered and fallen $ and , when he di ed , men spoke of as hi s years of a li st of fa i lures $

She had loved hi m to the last $ She had been fa i th ful and tender as her loyal nature told her a wi fe should sh e be $ But i n her heart had never forgi ven hi s weak “ $ ness $ I want no hereafter, she had once sa i d i n a “ rare moment of confidence $ There can be no place nor condi ti on of happ iness without i ts possibi l i ty of pa i n $ $ ai n has always outweighed joy wi th me $ I would rather have no chances i n a future where my eX p e ri ence mi ght repeat i tself $ $ erhaps i t was as well that I had not Spoken , that no word had roused the bi tter memori es , no unwi se suggesti on j arred the sensi ti ve feeli ngs into pa i n $

The sleep of li fe passed $ui etly i nto the sleep of death $ The autumn sunshi ne flooded the room as the sad change came , and touched the face wi th a tender radi ance $ I knelt for a moment besi de her, a lthough no prayer came to my li ps and no tears to my eyes $ f s o She had su fered much, tears would be selfish $ She “ I ared had hoped only for dust to dust, and d not h O e pray that her p mi ght be unfulfilled $

s $ n When I arose and moved softly out , the was i n the west $ The l i ght made a si lver path across the waters of the bay $ The white clouds were breaking i nto m s purple and gold $ A sense of my own loss and the y t ery of our lot came over me as I sank down upon the sand and looked out at the Shi fting colors of sea and sk y $

Worn wi th watching , I must have slept and d reamed $ for the sea di sappeared , although the sound of softly flowi ng water was sti ll i n my ears $ I saw a ri ver, whi te wi th lotus blooms , windi ng through banks of mi st $ A boatman wai ted at hi s oars $

As I gazed , wonderi ng , a woman passed through ’ the shadows nea r me , and paused at the water s edge $

The boatman stood up , and held out hi s hand to her $

“ $ Thi s i s the ri ver of forgetfulness, he sa i d $ Wi ll you stoop and dri nk before you cross $

’ I could not see the woman s face $ but She bent for r he r ward , and I could hea r the touch of eage ness i n voi ce $ one who i s forgiven $ She li fted hers as i f a wei ght was gone , and the li ght fell upon her face $

Then they turned toward the sunny slopes , and the ’ cl mi sts rolled down $ I hea rd the i p of the boatman s — oar and saw the sea with the si lver path across i t , the e s$ n s tting , and the purple clouds $ Inland

$ ‘

The day has passed i nto the west ,

The yellow fields have yi elded up thei r sheaves $

I hear the eveni ng song of reapers , And the low of cattle gatheri ng to the fold $

The soft leaves rustle, and the ni ght $ bi rds call

And peace l i es all across the land $

Father, I thank thee for i t all For the yellow ha rvest and the twi li ght rest $ For these peaceful valleys where men dwell $ S i n the hollow of thi ne hand $

’ But , oh , to feel thy breath wi thi n the ocean s breeze $ To feel the salt Spray dash upon my face ’ To hea r the sea $ gulls cry and the deep surf roar $

To let my heart leap out wi th the rushing ti de , And my blood keep pace with the flowing wave ’ To know aga i n li fe s fulness and i ts joy $ To stand once more above the Golden Gate $ $‘

I heard the sound of trade , and my ea r lost the in finite harmoni es $

I felt the grasp of greed , and forgot the touch of the ’ Father s hand $

I saw deformi ty and vi ce , and the vi si on of the beauti ful passed from me $

I breathed suspi ci on and di strust , and the breath of

love left me unrefreshed $

I fled from among my fellowmen, and sought God

i n the fields , but found hi m not $

I called to hi m i n the forest, but only my own voi ce answered me $ — was alone i n the uni verse my soul knew hi m not $ r was af a i d i n the great lonel i ness $

I crept i n with the cattle , and fell asleep upon the straw $ In my dreams I heard the Bethlehem mother Sing i ng to her babe

When I wakened , there was sti ll a sound among the ra fte rs $ as i t only the cry of young swallows i n thei r nests $ ’ The Swi ft beat of the mother $ bi rd s wi ng cut the

darkness , The cry di ed away into a musi cal murmur $ It was l ike a prayer hushed i nto a whi sper of k than sgi vi ng $ I no longer felt a lone , the place was full of lov e $

I lay all night upon the straw, and was not afra i d $ d When the awn came , I went i nto the fields ,

I felt the Infinite L i fe thri lling all space $

I passed through the forest, and the presence of

God was wi th me $ I came once more among my fellowmen $ I saw the marks of the di vi ne sonshi p upon thei r faces Inbo$nd Sails


There are purple sai ls i n the di stant west , ’ And a gleam of gold on the smooth lake s face $ ’ There s a whi sper of wi nds i n the voi celess trees $ The whi te mi st s ri se and the darkness falls $

The gold i s gone and the wi nds are sti ll ,

And the sa i ls have passed from si ght $

’ There s a cri mson glow i n the eastern sky , O And an pal flash on the ri ppl ing waves $ ’ There s a song of bi rds among the leaves $ The dawn has passed and the breezes blow s $ n The i s out and the mi sts are gone ,

And the sa i ls have come to port $

$ n The s was low when thy sa i ls went out ,

And the darkness fell as they passed from si ght $

The night was long and the wi nds were chi ll $

The morni ng bri ghtens , the gray dawn breaks $

The sun glows warm , and the waters gleam $

For thy sa i ls come back to me $ ea

$ Lord , let me rest i n thy deep si lences My soul si ckens with the $ar and stri fe $

I am weary of the noi se and fret of men $

Let me go where thy ti mi d creatures dwell , Where the rabbi t hides and the wi ld thrush nests $ Let me hear the grass grow and the pi ne leaves fall $ ’ Let me breathe the wi ld rose and the $ i olet s breath $

Let me see the shadows creep among the trees ,

And the sti ll , sweet darkness comi ng down $

Let me feel the fulness of thy love , unbound by creed or form $ Let my fa ith $ui cken and my soul grow strong with knowledge of thy nea rness $ $ $ Lord , let me rest enew thy l i fe within me $ Laas D eo


The November clouds hung low and gray $ The s wi nds swept the brown leaves down $ The bare branche

$ beat aga i nst the wi ndow pane $ I lay very sti ll $ I was ff not su ering now, but pa i n had left me helpless i n body and weak i n soul $ Suddenly a peal of church bells fi l led the a i r $ the sound of many steps passed by $ the deep tones of an organ reached me , and I heard voi ces

Si ngi ng pra i se $ They wakened no echo wi thi n me $ I I lived turned on my pi llow, and wept for my lost j oys $ aga i n through the days of my bi tterness $ I remembered how the first blow had come , jarri ng our souls i nto a was consci ousness of sorrow $ I with her i n that sunny room $ and the songs of bi rds , the spring breezes , and

the breath of wi ld honey $ suckle seemed a pa rt of our

pai n $ We di d not Speak , but the radi ance i n her eyes

deepened as the hours passed $ When we knew that I “ s h e is must go, touched my hand and whi spered , It

for you and me to be strong $ And I went , knowing

i t was her strength that sent me $ I was wi th her aga i n when the summer $ui et rested

on wood and field $ The eternal si lence filled the room ,

and the everlasti ng peace was on her brow $ I di d not cry out aga i nst the di vi ne order then $ for the look on

that sti ll , sweet face forbade me $ But when the l i ving sorrows came— when one I loved walked i n a loneli ness whi ch I mi ght not share $ when another cri ed for help

i n what was half a prayer to God and half a call to me , and I could not answer $ when I knew a li fe that loved


0 “

$ oor brown brother, looki ng toward the west, The $uesti oni ng li ght of liberty dawning i n thi ne eyes $ $ ow have we answered thi s , thy mute appeal

For help to walk i n freedom , that rugged path Whi ch most enli ghtened men have cli mbed wi th toi l $

We have not called thee toward the hei ghts , Nor stretched our hand to save thy stumbli ng feet

Nay, our battle smoke darkens thy $ui veri ng l i ght $ The swords of free men beat thee rudely back

The tramp of legi ons crushes out thy hope ,

To thi ne undoing and to our eternal shame $ $eac e

0 ‘

The ti me draws near when Mary crooned her mother song Above the babe of Bethlehem $

And angels sang of peace on ea rth,

Good wi ll to all manki nd $ Men ceased thei r toi l and left thei r flocks $ The si lent stars looked down upon a w orld — New wakened to the thought of brotherhood $ The ti me draws near to keep the festi va l of peace ’ $ I s $ Li sten , brothers that Mary s cradle song , O r the wa i l of a brown mother weepi ng over home less babes $

Do I hear the angels si ngi ng , ’ O r the bugle s call to battle and the clash of arms $

I can not see the stars for flame and smoke $

Brothers , my heart i s troubled $ tell me what it means $

’ C $ The ti me draws nea r to sing the hri st chi ld s song , To bear our offeri ngs to the $ rince of $ eace $

But every breeze bri ngs sounds of war $ 0 , countrymen of mi ne , throw down your arms $

$ sea$ Let the ne t wi nd blow clear of battle smoke, That we may l i ft our eyes to the gui di ng stars $ ’ C $ Let them lead us to the hri st chi ld s feet $