Mining the Essential Oils of the Anthemideae
International Scholars Journals Global Journal of Plant and Soil Sciences Vol. 4 (2), pp. 001-015, February, 2020. Available online at © International Scholars Journals Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. Review Mining the essential oils of the Anthemideae Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University, Miki-cho, Ikenobe, 2393, Kagawa-ken, 761-0795, Japan. E-mail:; Telfax: +81 (0)87 898 8909. Accepted 21 November, 2019 Numerous members of the Anthemideae are important cut-flower and ornamental crops, as well as medicinal and aromatic plants, many of which produce essential oils used in folk and modern medicine, the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. These oils and compounds contained within them are used in the pharmaceutical, flavour and fragrance industries. Moreover, as people search for alternative and herbal forms of medicine and relaxation (such as aromatherapy), and provided that there are no suitable synthetic substitutes for many of the compounds or difficulty in profiling and mimicking complex compound mixtures in the volatile oils, the original plant extracts will continue to be used long into the future. This review highlights the importance of secondary metabolites and essential oils from principal members of this tribe, their global social, medicinal and economic relevance and potential. Key words: Apoptosis, artemisinin, chamomile, essential oil, feverfew, pyrethrin, tansy. THE ANTHEMIDAE Chrysanthemum (Compositae or Asteraceae family, Mottenohoka) containing antioxidant properties and are a subfamily Asteroideae, order Asterales, subclass popular food in Yamagata, Japan. Asteridae, tribe Anthemideae), sometimes collectively termed the Achillea-complex or the Chrysanthemum- complex (tribes Astereae-Anthemideae) consists of 12 subtribes, 108 genera and at least another 1741 species SECONDARY METABOLITES AND ESSENTIAL OILS (Khallouki et al., 2000).
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