OlJR 5 In[) YEAR T ....---"1·~ ...... -.- .,...... -.

oso 50 CE~TS 1"11 \" (,.! • 111.11.1' RlIII)()\(), '\ \ I I ( ) ,} 1\\\1\ 11I1l1(,"()Ill'I\" I (Jill Hubbard plans new Angus golf course

BY DIANNE STALLINGS "The Hide Out of Lincoln County" - in '\'Cc intcnd tll hllild \\ lut \\c h()pe we'l'p talking about RUfDOSO NE\VS STAff WRITER line with the local Billy the Kid legend "That's what convincpd me som('­ .~ SPOR::rS and the name of the casino at his Rui­ will be the I)l'st g(>If ()Ur:--'l' il1 :"l'\\ thing likp this might wOl·k." Construction is scheduled to begin doso Downs Race Track. Mexin l.' llubbard alrl'ady owns a golf Ruidoso this springon a high-dollar, private 18­ The course and about 10 cabins he courst' cLillpd Big J lorn in Palm Dl'SI'Z·t, hole golf course being developed by plans to build to accommodate out-of­ R.D. Hubbard ( '<1. crushes Raton R.D. Hubbard in the Angus area and town players will cover 600 acres of I III" >Ill ( "111111 t1vlvl. 'IWI "WI' hope to s!'ll Illpmbpl',·;]jips all east along the Rio Bonito. the land he bought from the Peters, O\"!'I' tIll' countrv:' he said. PAGE 18 'Ibm Fazio, whom Hubbard said Hubbard said. "\VI' intpnd'to huild what WE' hopp Thursday is acknowledged as the top "I bought 1,800 acres really be­ to four }"pars ago about 60 miles north will bp the best golf course in Npw golf course designer in the nation, will cause that's what Peters wanted to of North Platte, Nt,h. Mexico:' he said. "'VP hopp it will bring come up with the layout. His staff has sell," Hubbard said. "The other "It's out in Hw middle of a cattle people into this art>a who will dpcide visited the property formerly owned by acreage will be held. We have no plans ranch," he said. "\Vp'vp hpen up thprp thev'd like to stav." Lamoyne and Opal Peters, Hubbard for it now." and it's rated onp of tIll' top courses ,I f constructi()l1 procppds on schpd- ~ VAMONOS said. Hubbard said he was inspired by with a waiting list filr nl('ml)(·I'ship. He chose the name of the course - Sand H ills, a golf course opened three They've got the sam!' typP of cabins -;n' Hl·8BARD. pJgt· .2.\ ,------~-----

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; ~ :; !. • ~ :"': :: ~~ Pilot escapes injury

Artist paints with a after crash- at airport touch of glass BY jA.\U,> KAIVI LAC! f!'Om t\1e crash scpnp near the south R(·/{)()\O."f\\\ \fAII \1111/111 {'nd of t.he ail'port to the terminaL ----.------PAGE 8D The pilot with :3H years of flying Airport pprsonnel and pmer­ pXlwrience said just after takeoff. gency responders ;.;aid thl' pilot of a about :mo feet off tht> hTfOund, his downed ainTaft at tIl(- SiplTa Blanca honH'-huilt craft expl'rience-d power Rel-,rional Airport wa;.; lucky. faillln'. The pilot, Omel' D. l'rin', of San "It cut out on nw," Price said. "I Angplo, Tpxas and Alto, walkpd made a turn to comp buck, tht'n away f!"oll1 the TlllII';.;day ll1(wning krlPw I wouldn't mak(' it back to the crash. nlllway," PricE' said. He pointed his The 71-year-old man was shak­ (Taft for the new nmway that is still What's the buzz en and had a facial lauTut ion, hut undpr construction that will run refused amhulance transport to the J}!'l"Jwndicular to the airport's east­ with the new hospital. wpst runway. "That runway had piles of grav­ "Tht> first thing on Ill)' mind was telephone (') on it:' Pricp said of the near-com- trying to get back on the' ground James KalvelagelRwdoso News company? g('t~ing Sierra Blanca Regional Airport rescue and flrefighting crews foam dOVlfn a fuel-leaking air­ without killt.'d," Price said craft that crashed at the airporT Thursday. aftp!" an amhulancp tnll1spoJ'ted him PAGE 4C L- -_ -- - _ ---. - .._ --______--- - -

~ f?AG!E OlNJlE Year filled with hotels, Lincoln County sees More than 50 years of headlines tragedy, struggles in '99 with the Ruidoso highways for villages News Ruidoso, Ruidoso Downs contend with road work H()\vell's death. jail \VOCS top stories of the year PAGE IE BY JAMES KALVELAGE "t''' " r ,\H· f:NDWRAP UP BY [)1."l':~1 ~ 1,'1 I IN(.'. RurDOSO NEWS STAff WRrTER Rl /1)( )," \/ \I, \I 1/ / \\11111/1 nent spped monitors were installed in Lpo Martinez. a restaurant late March on the two ends of mid­ Trag~dy The year of 1999 saw wildfires marrpc! 1999 for Lincoln owner and stucco contractor, was ap­ town. ThE' displays show a motorist's Countv conlmissi()\l('rs whl'n one of pOll1tpd hy Gov. Gary ,Johnson from erupt during the spring, including a speed, seeking to impress the 25 mph (~wn blaze that threatened homes within thpir was killpcl III a tl'affic acci­ 11 applicants to replace Howell. Bf'­ f~.···'·"\. Partly cloudy maximum. Zero tolerance of exceed­ dent Sept. 1 'f It Ruidoso's village limits. There was fon' he moved into his new home in ~" ing the posted limit is emphasized by \Vilton JIowell. an often contro­ ,,,,,.,~ skies for the llowl'\l"s district. MartinE'z ran un­ controversy over plans to construct a polict'. weekend luxury hotel on village property. ven;;ial and ah..·uy;,; colorful cOll1mi:-,­ '-'uc("I'ssfullv for a seat on the hoard Water needs in Ruidoso took center Ruidoso enacted a new four-phase sioner who reprps('ntE-d Hu idoso f()\' ag;llllst C(;mmissionpr L. Ray Nun­ seven .\-'PelTS on thp bOHrd. dled whpn stage, as voters approved spending water restriction plan in late March. \('\' millions to upgrade the water utility The initiative was touted as simpler the truck he was driving pIlingI'd off Construction of a new IOO-bed system. for hoth residents and enforcement of­ an overpass south of 1,[lS ('rucps. .JaIl in Carrizozo dominated commis­ ficl'!"s. A tirelpss worker. Ilowl'll \.... as n'­ sion agpndas for most of the vear - in Early in 1999 the word was the turning ahout 10::10 p rn from dpli\'­ historical museum at Lincoln would A second area casino opened on hid for t hp prpvious two ,\-·pa·rs. ering a storage unit III El Paso and reopen. The museum had closed in Ma.v {) in Ruidoso Downs. The Billy Bv J)p('pmhpr. commissionprs rE'­ the Kid Casino, at the Ruidoso Downs on his way to pick up '-'O!l1e chIlE'S he­ Cl'ivl'd a dPPd for 12 acrps in Carrizo­ The Arts ... ,30 Movies, .. ,.7A the fall of 1998 because of a lack of fore Iwading honw whl'n tlw acci­ Old West 100 Race Track cost $5 million to huild, zo's industrial park at no cost. The Business, .,,, JC funds. By March the doors reopened, dent occurred. Classifieds" JB Opinion 4A and created 70 full-time jobs. commission had' hirE'd an Albu­ under the auspices of the Hubbard Although several proposals were Crossword ... 2B Real estate 4B Museum ofthe American West. A 20-year plan to improve Rui­ querque architectural firm to desif.,YTI Going Out .. 3D Sports 1B doso's water delivery system got a floated for a memorinl to tlH' com­ a $:L 7 million jail and was trying to Letters 4A Weather 2A Speeding through mid town, and missionl'r, hy year's pnd. the honrd a pedestrian fatality in 1998, brought had not appn)vpd nn.\-' plans. calls for increased safety. 'fWo perma- See VlLLAGES. pa~l' .:IA :-'t't' COl'NTY. pa~t -' \ Sled dog Murder and murder trials taint 1999

BY DIANNE STALLINGS l> YEAH-fNf) v¥~)-\r' !.'P Van Remen. RI 'm(l~() ...·f \~'\ \"I.·lff Il'RrTfR At year's end, the tentative datE' for Monk's trial in an Alamogordo 15 othpr charges, including tampering Seven violent deaths dominated courtroom is May :10. with evidence, hecallsP shp hid Kirk­ • May 14 - .Johnny Ray Gutier­ headlines in Lincoln County during wood's hody in a horsp t railer for two 1999. l'I'Z. :19, accused of stahhing to death weeks after the death and llspd thp All~-mps clerk John Diebler, 48, on Some of the stories dealt with the dead woman's ATM card to withdraw Aug. 29, 1998, waived his right of first trials or court action of defendants money, appearance in district court on a first charged with murder in prior years, • Feb. 17 - Ruidoso Mabristrate degreE' murder charge. but three were connected to deaths Judge William Butts detNmined Diebler's body was found in the this year. enough evidence was presented by the Jnpn's restroom of the store on IT.s. 70. The stories reported in 1999 were: prosecution to send Harry Doyle A witness reported seeing a man and • Jan. 15 - Terry Payseno, then Monk .Jr., a man, to dis­ woman furtively removing beer from 42, was sentenced to 16 years in trict court to stnnd trial for murder. the convenience store about 3:30 a.m., prison for her actions following the Monk is accuspd of killing a police said, death of her lover, Sonia "Sunny" friend, Daniel William Van Bemen, in Gutierrez was staying at his Kirkwood, at the ranch they shared in late 1996 during a hunting trip to Lin­ • mother's home in Capitan at the time Hondo in 1997. coln County. Prosecutors say Monk of his arrest in November 1998, but Payseno was acquitted murder of wanted to blame the pregnancy of his also maintained a home in Albu­ murder at trial in 1998. Jurors said a daughter on Van Bf'men to avoid dis­ inc('~t querque. rNlsonAble doubt existed that Pay­ closure of hi:,-. own with thp un­ He's schedulpd to stand trial .Jan. seno may have been defehding herself derage girl. ~4 in Cal'rizozo for first df'gree mur­ Dianne Stallin~Ruldoso NeM agaim;t an .intoxicated Kirkwood The hodv wasn't fmrmt until 1997 der, a capital felony that could carry Ramon Robledo of Ruidoso leads his dog Dallas, who doubled as a sled dog Monday for when she fired a gun, killing the 56­ when Monk'R son, who testified he Mo,seS Robledo at Schoolhouse Park's sledding hill, year-old woman. witnessed the crime, lpd authorities to r .~ the hunting camp where Monk huried Set' MURDER. page M 1-Iowever, the jury convicted her of .,.4.~-­ I-...... ~------.------"I .. O.C' •• C' o • OW OW OW W•C 'w C ' • ow __ = w ' __ _ W_'C _W _ .. 0 • "IF_.""",'" • C '.' .•"' c,,., t.· ""''. ,"'.'W·"" i1f1,_·"F .+..,"' ,,.·'.'1""'"""\"""" .",.,.,..'_' .<.:*\0>*""'1'.

'. . q 2A FRl1lA\, DEC.,:\l, 1999 toe.AL ,NEWS Ilu'DOSo-N M ~, r HOUDAY CWSINGS HUBBARD: Rio Bonito liC is seeking water rights RUIDOSO'S SAnJRDAY High 49 J Low 23 Lincoln County offices and Continued from page: lA The state &ts an address land in Hondo. An application THREE-DAY municipal departments in Rui­ in San~ Fe for the company~ was fl1ed Nov. 24, to transfer doso, Ruidoso Downs. Capitan ule, Hubbard said he should he but on land sale documents 9.4 acre feet of water righte "J Mostly doudy and Carrizozo will be closed playing golf on the course by' filed in the Lincoln County owned by Black EIkLLC with j WEATHER today for New Year's. June 2001. Clerk's office. the address is the Lincoln Ditch 8S its soUrce. ," Post offices will shut their He plans to build a club· Palm ne-t,Ca. . AnotAe.- two ..ppli\1v.J>ion$., OutLOOK doors on Saturday Jan. 1. For house on the north end of the Rio Bonito LLC bought were fil..,I Dec. 8,to transfer M. '1 mail to go Ol\t before the follow­ propert)r, where an entrance off about 1,795.7 acres from the most 40 acre feet of water 0­ ing Monday. ii must be brought State Road 48 also Is proposed Peters, according to the d_­ rights Cor the prqiect. These Ct.'.29 fOr a' transfer of 53.7 important because they '~r~ .; WEATHER ALMANAC will close its doors for Christ­ Olson. a lawyer fOI'·LMu.~JNacre feet ofwater rights owned mine the priority ofthe right to .' mas for New Year's on Dec. 31 Enterprises was named as or- by Jackie D. Atkins of Roswell Ruidoso Readings High use water in case of drought. Low Predp. and Jan. 1. ganizer of the corporation. to be severed from 16.5 acres of range from 1855 to 1858. .... Thesd&y 46 15 .00" •• Wednesday 51 18 .00" -. Thursday 56 21 .00" COUNTY: The law makes exceptions fo(.:m,inQrs accompanied by parents • Regional-Friday Conril1ued fr(.nl'l·p~lge lA women I?risoners. 11 "'thohllM demandirtgjob, lams seemed t() be solved. High Low Forecasl But March 1999', Albuquerq\.le 55 25 Pa..tly cloudy In S-el:i-e­ Two new taxes were . Talk surfaced briefly in', l EI Paso, TX 65 39 Partly cloudy decide whether to·take· out a tary Rob Perry echhefl:ir#6in­ passed by commissioners in May about selling th~ lXtunty '. Lubbock. TX 69 29 Portly cloudy 30-year loon:: from ,the Ne.w son's statements a'lidiutL.ih'iglv·' the second half of 1999. The hospital inlWidoso to.pay for I"­ ~:! Midland, TX 7l 31 Partly cloudy Mexico Finahce Authority at costs and in August<;'shtitl firSt"i18tb' of a cent gross re­ construction'of, the .J;lQ-w ,jail•.; the lowest rate ldf', interest oC... , doors again at thc=lICortl:li12­ ceiptIPJtWc: twill be used to es­ but commissioners weren't re- ­ fered. The alte~tive·is to go miles northeast of Rdil!loBb. ~l' ,I ; tablish a' COUlllty fund for the Dec.l.Jan. phases ofthe moon ceptive .tp overtures J)y COm- : with one df ,two"private CObl- '.1b protect the 8Obbildinger~ IdediIcalIY 'indigent after the munity Health·SysteJQS ,Inc.• panies vyingiWr[ the. bl~llilinQ$s from vandals, state ~,offi"l firat· bf·.l>!le year. which bought hospitals; in I at slightly .b.ignEtr interl";!'st cera and the local tire; chieC "'Jlhe secimd 1/8th of a cent Roswell and Deming. . I KHlM TV D~DD rates. ,"1" .,. '1... liw in some of the-bungalOWs will'pay toft' the. debt for con­ After fighting to place a 1 Dec. 29 Jan. 6 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Commfft~~~~flJ ~~Q.dJ;c} . t on ,the prope.rty, 11,.1, , struction ofthe new jail. tax initiative on the ballot in " t!leir c0ll:~r"9t ,With' ,Cprr~~. Meanwhlle, County Mao- . The search to find some­ November 1998. commi~ion-" ( tlOnld SY~~IiIn.'!J",~., ," "'l"i~" .. a~r .'Ibm Stewsrt,·some,OOJll,; one to take over management ers turp.ed around in January ". Ja9.~IJl~,tra~J;" AJ; the new ~ rings in tonight at midnight. look to­ prOVIdes a Jl;1d m,ssioner!! and a "booster of the Glencoe Rural Events and urged the governor to re- '': cou'n~Y ward the lIOuth for a bnllumt Ct."leilotial beacon: SiriuIl, for the and has been group contmue to push for the Center ended in February jed a proposed revised prop- ~ the brightest atRr in Earth'!' night sky. It's otwn called co~rlfct the ~dog star" ~auS(" il'ilo the hriHhtel;t star in th~ con· under fOJj about t",:o r hi4\tQric fort to become, a e.t.ate when! the. Hondo School Dis­ erty tax system. Commission· { stellatlon Canis Mujor. th~ big dog. years to help' me"eeisafety an'd" or Cederal park and its ceme· trict stepped forward. but it ers said the statewide proper. '{ fire guidelin~s'I;tt'lh'b.'14d·jiin.',' teJI'Y: to be.designated a8 a,-'Vet.. too~ eight DIL01'.lths to settle on ty value increase averaging Commissioner.s ap,r,eared re- erlJIlS bunal ground. a CQDtra.c:t., Commissioners 8~·tt:"l!Ilt bo~ght bill didn't do what the public -{ luctant tRi ffla'ifhgijlll . To accommodate the the center (with state had intended - put limits on ment approaches ''Il'f)'W1 while gr:~;'fVth of t}le state health de· mQPoeY) ~~ ,PQ.rt to guarantee a situ~tion p9:rt~ent, commi~ioners .property tax increases. ., the is'hi flux•. despite . and home for the annual Lincoln Commissioners were wor- .' the urgmg I f",mllslM1hsocrrjtl~s'~ Stienff Thm Sulhvan agreed County Gctwboy Symposium. ried about the long term effect J that it would be less ex.Petl-t, to'I,increase the amount of b,,~ ill, ,l.9l\1l, tl)at event moved on counties. saying the bill fa~ ! sive for the county 'to h-ite its" space at the program's dispos· to the RUidoso Downs Race vored are",s like Santa Fe and '. own jail admini,streM*;I '''II a~ the county substation on. Track ..•.1 " The future of Fort Stanton Kansas City Road in Ruidoso, Facing the probability might hurt low growth com- .: also nagged at commissioners'.;·' StiJlivan pulled his operation that eaough public money munities such 8S Carrizozo. i prope.-~ ba~k nev~. Newly selected commission " heels, although the into a smaller section of rnlilY be available to im­ ~ belongs to the state. ,. th1e building anrl turned over prove subdivision roads, com­ Chairman Rex Wilson also ob- tft~ ~imll: jected tp provision requiring;' , For second in the vacated space to the missioners returned to the three years a .state a,""Ron~ health staff:. ". . ~ id~i' ·~r...""~i"iht"~p.w!ltl\,,.iti~~., people-to telJi41he COll'I1tY'prap:o ,; • pulled out ~f 'the '(ort, ':-h:fch'" ·'·llu1t" cbYnhitWs)one!:Hi'leli"ilt'· to assess t.nemsehles to pay erty tf.pprl1i&eJeLYhat they patd.[. state officials say is too expen- may consider expanding the for extraordinary roadwork. for a piece of property. " sive to operate. building. Although no action was taken. Wilson was tapped as) In March 1995, Gov. Gary In November, the county representatives of subdivi­ chairman of the commission Johnson thanked the primari- hired Jane Williams as its sions were told about different for 1999. succeeding L, Ray Iy Republican county for its first central purchasing approaches,('jncluding getting Nunley. who served for ~ J.~. • courtesy support by closing the fort as agent, Early in the year, coqi¢is­ Cannen PhlDlps directs restoration of the water wheel at the Old Mill. a price estimate on the pro­ a state hospital. High operat- No sooner did the commis­ posed work and qthering sig­ sione!"s decide;d' to beJPn ~~ir ing costs and a lawsuit by an sian discuss a mice infestation natures on petitions. meetings With a prayer. SCRAPBOOK advocacy group forced the at the county's Glencoe Rural Property values soared by Newly elected CQmmissioner ID hospital administration to Events Center, than the first $40 million to hit $171.8 mil­ Rick Simpson proposed'. change its mission from a res- case for the county of han· lion. with much of the new prayer as one of his first me-. A glimpse into Lincoln co. unlike~ County's past. compilPd from Leslie Ellis carne up from idential program for the de- taviJ-:us was reported in Capi­ construction centered in .Alto, tions; saying that lrx.·al newspapers by Polly E. Lincoln Christmas day after his velopmpntally disabled to a tan in early November. Ranches of Santerra and Rui­ schools, where children may Chan'2 family. ThE'y returned. to Lincoln long-term care nursing center. Construction near the doso. Capitan was close be­ be confined to a class room~ Tht"'Sday. But at the time of the gaver- home of the 25-year-old infect­ hind in growth. anyone who doesn't want. to Whi'te Oaks Eagle Fray Simth is ovpr from nor's announcE'ment, a staffof E'd woman was blamed as the Computer Y2K compli· p8;rti.cipate can exit-the com- '" Dec. 28, 1899 Gray to the spend the holidays. more than 200 was serving cause for mice to invade her aoce problems plagued the miSSIon room. r G('t ready to write in 1900. Both a new year and a new fewer than 40 clients. property. She lingered in criti- county, causing delays in pro­ By the. end of the first . Om' of thp things White century are knocking at the Johnson said spending cal condition for more than a duction of tax bills and prob­ quarter, commissioners and was out of line and shut thE' week, but steadily improved. (}ak.."" l'xpect.$ in 1900 is a rail­ door of 1900. Don't allow your­ lems . in daily operations of the state approved creation of road self to slidE' into the next centu· doors. After a year, the state Today. she is back home. but several county departments. a new fire district for Arabela, CotrectioD!:; Department walking with a cane and is Thp Mexlcan 400 had a ry in debt to home horne paper. But on the brink of the new breaking the settlement off moved in minimum security working at a less physically grand baile Christmas night. One dollar and nfty cents is not millennium. most of the prob- from the Hondo fire district. Ah~ Chihuahua. muy fino! very much money, but a great A Congre!'\Sional Statehood many of them are now due this mrnmlttee is viRitng New Mexi· paper for suhscription. Join the worldl ------, at the Third Annual

'f"' ZIA GLOBAL NEW YEAR"S EVE - • 4'i 11 , RUIDOSO NEWS LABYRINTH WALK ... " Sierra Vista Primary School Mailing Address: P.O. Box 128. Ruidoso, NM 881S5 7-11 p.m. ~ Phon...: (505) 251-4001 Fax: (505) 257-705] ~ .,, DOHATIOHS ACCEPTED e-mail: [email protected] . _.ruidosonews.com Brad L Treptow Terrance Vestal E"t ) Ext. 18 Publ,sher EdlfOr

Kenlo , ...... ,. Flit 19 Edll<:U"IG' Adrioe' O"nne Sad~ngs. Ell!: 22, C"'"...~ p'r ~1J<+.1.... E", 5 Ch...... Volquardsen. E:ott. 12 s..r.. AuOUf1l be<; Go"" Booz-.,o Ii'" 1 C"',uI ...... ,~d;\ E... 11 ProdtKtJOn M , SandySugln. EIlI. 15 ., EdlIclRionlY...... /tepc>"... M"'I0...... S'mon. E", 10 Ao1>-<"I""'ro'o1,,~' J""'es KalYeI.... E>n 2~ Vlll;p P ./Ilors"",..~

I~",i.....Jpnllot'tl, Pmrluct.ion A.~i:otant: -Jackie Br:'Vlont. Inl"l'rWr: Put ConnelL Route Bnw·,.. Ciflbe Montto. fn"",rter; Malendo «Pachlto. Rout..- Driver; Vemo- Pino. RoutE­ nn~,,'r. PBtrick KJi"~ KZJf". Route Driveti Lucy 0mN:0. In-n.er; Laura SaefU., In· _11.'r. Hteolla HpITNn. II'1M"l'ter, April :t. In~ Alyao Monte, Inserter; Kaft"fi SnlHlovnl. InllE"ttfor Suhlocription mtfoll, in ndvnnz:eo--Sin copy, 50('.' Mail delivny: single' nJPY. $:.! r.o; In Lincoln nnd C)t.e-ro rountkoa: one year. $34; eUr: months, $2Q; three monthR. $14 C>tit of Linooln l10d Otero Cllu.ntiea: one year. $<13: l:Iix tnaDths, S2?; threo months. $21 Homf" df'livpry: IhfPP month... $20: IIix monthlo. $38: one year. $68. CaJllnOOI 2[,,·4001 for h '1l1P dpliVf"T)'. • ..t,O "":".,,, "111(> R"idnoo N""'R I{ ISI"D8 472-8001 is puhliriZhed. each W«InCiMlday.ap.d Fridny at 104 Park Avenue, Ruiclmto. NM 88.146. Second clWll'f, JlOl'Itnge _paid ot the Pmrt oml'E' at Ruidol'Oo NM Bflo'J46. 1'ost.m8!If.eT: Send~ cJt~ WJlvi~NIU"', P.O. i'~ Box 128, Ruidoso, NM 880150. •,. ,.'" "'1 TIl(' RuwOllO NfW1l reRerYeSI the right to "lied. ndvertlslng and edit ~ that it COfU'IKWr1I objedWnflble. LJabllity rqr AnY ierror in ad~nAshall not. ~ the valuE' of the defuill Rpnl? in wI1ich the error ~4'~~..m~:by4lb""'" lion· in thQ n~ issue, No ~Ion o(fhe R1ddOsoJil~ll..m!!l be In nny manne.. ~11Jz)Ut 'the ~~. Wl'luen,t:Ol1S8bt of' the- PUblistK!~:tfl'.~ifigsa., /l(hdB is,ntb- Ilflhed by \VorldW_ Limited Llll.bmt;y Company. • .. . Memberofthe New Mexko.P1-easAssodatlon Membert4 bdand Pn!s8 Assoclatlon.-MMA ('.opyright 1999 ..

" ...... " "

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RuJoosoN_ LocAL NE\\'S Fill""; 0"", 51. 1999 .~4c ; ;; "$ j ,.) .'2i ",' k.; , r:: " , , , wake~upcall~~s VILLAGES: The year saw a fire off ofWarriQr Drive serve as a .._ _.'.. c- ,,_..-'-- '..- , Continued from page IA home!! were evacuated. fur a tlDie Irt th" .L.L.C. violated. tbeanti-dOlUl,tion o1Il\ll;;, of Sta1Jbing inci4ent first """e Involved a" Pa.llas . neighborhood of ~cBride Drive and Snow the stat;, oonstitlltlon-·Gro\md WlJS·J:llok.m· '. .. Tl\;. wo",a'll<, who sald her boost on Ma.Y Ill, as _ 'approved bar- Cap. Court. QIlick action by more than 200 later in the ye/Ol' fQ1" the $7.~mUUon Rllidoso "",4:e I~stlll"t- boyfriend gabbed het by the rowing for eyalem improvements.While firefighters and other volu.nteere kept the Hawthorn SllitesGolf and Conventlon ed a reported stAbbing early hAir 'and threw her to the. turnoIlt was ""':Y light, 6\lpport was oVer· . !"""""aI·hOllr wildfire fnun damaging Resort, near the vlI1alle\i~center. Sllndl'Y morning, ne!lr.the,. groUnd Dec. 24 at 11 p.m. on whelming on the two ballot queations. One improved property, . ~ aalea tax rate wUI edvaiJoll to Great Wall of China reateu- GaVllan· C,anyon .Ro,ad. The continued a one-cent 6\lpplemental·groaa 1lA?adwork c:ontmued'.to IhIstrate tope in New Mexioo, be<:aIlse OftheLincoin rant On Slldderth Drive. The vlet!m, told. police an argu- receipta tax to fund water system ,~ motorists fnun Alto to 'Ruidoso Downa n~. ft, .._-,...., .. , act'"",,, .' ft, illoident was termed an' '. R 'd ments. The other a---' $5 ~d6i· High".,a,y.. 4lI and 70 saw 00m:if;'Ietlon ~ "",...n'IT ~"...... ,...IlS. ... eOO\ln.~, aggi'"v!lt"d' assault wIth a ment began '" a II. oso 'm' ·,,"·_...... '!:!:·furv·-un·~~ls. & __ .L.~ b....'· tu into' 2000 beginntogthellrstOftheyeiu',wiIlbnposea ....·dl but rd' restaurant'and her boyfriend \ars y~ ~~-e __.-.._n ames p~~ ~ even. . .. 118· of ~ peroent sPJ8Sreceipts tax rate to ~ 'Y weapoJ1,',acco lng Qe~'m:e, vi~lent :iili'ter loSing Ma,y was also a month of Ores around For a wbile. m eerJ.r .1~9 _assd...,.,.· fund indigIt.1'llat ~ wo11ld ~ anindoDr.s_ pool, treated the victim, aocordlng ..The other Incident· W..S No sooner had that fire -.. brought' ed many In the Iodglng indIlatry. A lawswt and an ",door ~COIIIpk!x.. .'.. to _ds. . .". . reported on o,e eVening of Ilnder control, the Vdlage of RIlldoso was filed apD1st the .village,,:and then In .December, state and federal <>IIjo1abl' . :,' , ..' Di>!'. 2i1, .t··a .....-sidanilO· on ~.. ~'.~ ~ ---'ved.•- a fire ._-,~~ .~ acres --.,_. ..__....,. v,,,.~L_•D....,...... ,__ '''••• •.• ~. herd. first-bandnnnnA-..~--_...•·..- to. wi".-'- Dom~ti~vi.·ol';";ce. ' ...... A';"i'neVill"age...."..'"Th··,fl~emAeI• """"'lh,ed on the evening ofMAY 16. Flamea In June.Ths 'i!rOIlP' t village's HighwAY 70, .bet;weeri ~QSO Dowris and . ~ ~""victlm toldp"lws Ii!'e rsoelved """"" within feet ofhollaes. ResIdents of 15 incen1separatidilcidents" or" a fat lip after her husba..d \Ilt ,.,\ " .' battery again;'t a ~hold her with a beer bottle."The ~DEA11IS .' .. ' ,,,,;1,·, member""""... reported to alleged perpetraWr left· the ...... '- ~. -----'------....,_-._,..- pollee hi tha "".t w~;'k. The '1ocatl"" be!'!>.... p\l!icea;rrl'{ed. GastonMills Arrallgem~t,o,H'I~'Ll>.eing "'",,,raIChapelofRuidoso. 'iatlCPurch.·· '. "" ' ",'" '., 'o", , handledbythef'!"'9',wlnHv!il( nr-,l " 1'11". . 'In'1985. she~ to1llli" Memorial servleas for Gas- be 'It 130 Brady Cl1-JJYQn, . ,.I,'. M"f'ln";.. nv.. ,: ~,where s~ b_'~ve ton R ''Bingo" Mills, 73, ofRuI- .."'"7~";::'l~1"'1- . • m real estate as" broker/agent. doso, wUI be at 2 p.rn. Jan. 1 at KayIa Coronado " lilUmIrai eervleea .fQ1" MIllj"" GRl, CRS and a,njember of the United Commllni~ " ry, ..~gUola Jones) 1>Y'e, 61. MLS...·Whne"llvinll .thereshe ". Methodlot Church with Chap· Funeral services fur -Ifsyla we.... IiIea. 211.·ln Portales. . ' . .' participatedinthe RuidosoVal. ., hrin Jeamsla PrIce ofliclatillg. Ann Coronado, 10, of RuidOSO> . ,Mrs.,:1>Y'a died W~, ley Chamber OfCOllUlUirce and , Mr. Mills died Wednesday, will be at 11 ...... Saturday,. Dec. 2~, .1999,a~ her dallghlef's • the RIlici!>so Valley Greeterif. Dec. 29,1999.ln Ruidoso. Jan. 1 at the Angus ChI1roh of', home ild.l.1bboCk, 'J7e¥as.. after ' •. Shewas.p~·1u.death He was born ~an:h 27, the Nazarene, with the Rsv;. cOIlrageowdy'battiing breast i>yhermQther;llou.llj&ll'onea.' .' ..;.~ 1926 in WmnsbQ1"O, Texas. Charles Hail officiating. Bwial cancer "",more than five years.. Survlvora"lnclnde her hilS' ~ -. ~ He was in the Navy from will foll_ at Forest La_ '8h""was. bom April 14, band of nearly 4,3 yeaia, ,Do... .ca~. ~":rI~O, l~ewh~ ~ ::dosWl'd.;."..i~y, ~.;..inJ~~~ed ~~;~=::: HoIland@"~ CeK:1ain "': .' °Bwnedb and. operated BingoH's Dec.29,1999atherhome. .RosweIl when she· ...as 10. It, .c!illl""'ters ro;"Ll"iilill'her hll": 40 Iii!I ~9§>Wctl~~. lOr· ·qll" .or years. e She was burn MAY 10, 1989 was there th,at she completed· band...• S· ':."'if ' no'a 'a:l.W',o .. "Ilbbo"" . , " - Plants Rllldoso fQ1" the past five mediate Sehool m Raldoso. ~ of New.Mmdco and the Um- ...... --:~-h' .•.,-_ '»Ilr "';i Ylj'i;, marrisd Sbaron Anne Survlvora include her p;;r.:. ver&ity.ofMlssoIlri betoregred- 'j"""s;~ ~h:""-'i~wh': rih5~,:,:~r ents. Robert and Sherrie Cora- uatlrtg with !u>nQ1"a fnun East-, ones.,. ,SIS n Hurt March 12,1971. nado, of Rllldoso;. brotliers ern New M_ .Universl~ ,H~Of.Rciswelland Helen SurvlvQ1"S include his wife, Robert CotonadoJr. 'and Den. with a bachelOr'a dagree In ed"- , Carr ofRIliIloso; ,!I,\mQther,. Lee S\Ieron; a grandson, DwJtIn, of ver' Coronado' sisters U-'-".a cation as well as reosivlng her Jones; grandch~n Kaltlyn. the home; a dallghter. Vicki Coronedo and'Katle·~;;d.r, teachlngoertlfreation. . .., . Psyton·of.~bhllCkl''Thxas, llI1d BrownIng of Amarillo; .ons grandparents, Ken and Shirley On Dec.. 27,1956, In Angela.. Vmoent and Rachel Robert Mills of Raldoso, Ray Carddock of Ohatchee Ala.' Roswell she was married to I>Y'e all of'Albuqll!""l""-' . :~~ddc;,t'ug1:":IlO, 'leS::iJ; Lee and Karen Crabb- of Donald B. 1>Y'a. Mra I>Y'a 11._ ,. •. The fami~ ~sts.m'l"'''"' Edmondson ofAmarillo, 'Thxas; Riverside. Calif.• and Connie in Portales from 1959-191115. .' riaIa to: the AmeriCian C""cer, a grandson, Jason May of and Michael Kes Grady Mills; sistersPete and' '.1i>$""liine 0"0\09"'.' 01 so.ofRaInbow f'l'" GItl$ rot'm- =...... yo .... y ...... ,: ' • Cox, Louise Frazier, Judy Roswell. . era! years. She was B1so a m.em~ ArntngeJ1;J.e~ were' han· Green and Shinny Hawkins, all Arrangements are Ilnder ber of the Portales Wom""'s died by Wheeler J,\IIort!'Bry of ofWmnsboro, 'Thxaa. the direction of LaGrona Clllb, and the FIrst Presbyter- Portales, Inc., Plll"ta1es.

body CClo.ourlng I breast tnhlncemeut ficelift I eyelid surgery I laser resurfacing

no~~ re~ntouriag I Juer thera" for tattoo & ipider v.ein rem,," • complimenllry consultltiOD


p!rlDlntllt (otllli!lia:


E ~ t Irl I new mill.IIIU.ilRbid.o..• .

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, . . (,,,, .' ... ":I\~f~~~~';~, ". >:\ " ,,:n!;J'N~:V¥~?~}lt~~;:,,~:<.,<, RUIDOSO NEWS. . .". ,,' . tId',..\ ········n···' .' '.' ,:.' PrBIJSHED F,VER\' \Vm)NF.50AY' ~RlOA); .' .,', ."'. ' , ANn ':,,' .. -,' .. ~" '. ,,'." ' .', .,.: ,\ . AT 104.PARK AVENrE, R\'I00s0, NEW MEioCo. . . : . " ". '. ;pjp" ·'Jii,'!@IlIl \Ill!'.: Brad L'Iteptl:nv. Publisher Thn"dna.- ~tal.:Editor . . I• ,., . .~ ~ . .1li:i{:'r»!~:.1' ia , Keirh Grecn, Ediumal Advj~r ". .ai~!'~:ifY"", ",- . 0.'l~'fiMh, 1999 , ·~Il\L;@,Ir,/...1lI't·1Iif' .Jon . •...... ,}Il"~"o,. . . ·i'oln:~f:",:~~~~".••""'" "D'!!::~l '0" ..... Q: '.,' '''J,iif( ("" '( , . OUR OPINION .. naM;~N 'i la 1111 •••••. '~;~1)ll$i m QlieIl, • .' '. On th'. e cusp' i'eiii. It': i!f: : '~ mally .be. , " of a.newcentury,.·,· , .~::ei8~C;< .. from being , ... "t.hc;t most'an... . J<.' ." " . .' . . qient of vii• .', And so we riveat thejast dayoitbe,ll9tl(~~I~.ilJ'l1.nY.'. 20th. centluy,and ~'eachofU'l~lltlU1;tqs.' •... :;~r.::;.~~ with theco~of rememberbJgtQ·ltlakeit14JOOorSOIl>\l '. ... _. '. . old: -'-~-'-'-_ ··sUchwhenwewriteaeheck.. ~ "- .-, ,/-:'\'" ,: . . ';'," ,I.-i • ~.t1" ...... ,re.: '.' , wei ~ soon ac:\lust.as. we have every,yesiBut it is a ...,. '. . illllinI>er'the l'eeple who i\re perpetuall"ElIQirider that we aredriven j)y(llJ1eudars. I!M!It If ~- . .., '. ,..now· P aocepte.das· fo " , ••," .' "'.\"!'" .'/ "'m" ,.,' 'lPldtileCo. e1a",.th.Mon~ a measure. '. ....' "Private eo~· At Correction., yOu ..'!Sll s!>QPl!' ~n 'y"",", tDw1llllldJMild again """"" vaUay:l>eol'l"",bobi'idpdthe .... Ii d try to '~terpol te "--' ...... Ii .._~.. - w"' .....1I? . the jobs and put the·bUl:!din/lS '. g>:eeted with the .~.!lI"'8t .19tb""d. 2(»h .""nt~ and ye~ llI'e/l£:':'.sl1!1liJlg"·pleasant and·.enss ofcontla!Jity' .Qmethi:€of '" per.onal tiiJl'e same opportunity that hrought people &om the lower Rio ·.tstegovernment. . .' '. At the €onatrtI¢ion Indus' tJjefl!':~~~Jtlii.blind went,tO . oaPlJUle.. ' an.t evfl'!7 decade. Grande and. the plains of'1l>xalo to these 1lD!lunt@tsidesand ..' Upen esswn~ offlce, he tries, you privatiZe· to a' ClU\1' I!'lY'e Etc:,. tel get ioJlIItl tips'on or ·so, dip to .the t'111e. you val1eys in the. 1.9th centurY; ~~ iSn't~tt.6't!t>hc!~.•that ~VI11<:d tothe11lt"lhffl.6li "~Ie' .mby. paign contributor to slOW..... r~ll'·llfflIW6i'iJe sUpplies and_ ..~emember, talk aboUt person· _.i"~ ~-- ~'t· evenB.....,...."'···"eKidcame toLin"-'-..,...'-""--"_ ....oropportumty_. !pbJi g .·th·l!i'l...:;;-;;,r..:;;", n,....'••~.~=- vice ~"".and iilorease ..~"" inforilll1tlolt"lln. .lice...... The. thal memoriest dtrlg.red.. by ·ajob. He found OJ)e. and So have thOU'lands Of others in con. .theng••"2~. ~~~t"'lbi·~.wn·,,~lnud·· fees_to. _tractors to slow the' men j,vas reaJ1y helplUl...: oss.oal' urs.new.paper. .... ~_ d fields . -"'" ...... _.... growth Ofbulld!n.l;. '''WlI'~'llble to $i at SkI h$~e..· •. ' ...... rably more mun ane.· . . unconstitutionlrt he rep"Il'!tiat-. At the H!>aI1lIi- Departmsnt; Apaobe while ws were there·..·Wb'!t a great .p':!"gboerd . Headlines in todl'Y's paper highlight LincoII1. COunt,y's ed the garliirig' Mmpaota' to ;you lseve veeatlt Po.itien. and lIJld it' w~...at. Everyoae . to tell the m:andChildren of opportunity:. En~eurR. D. Hubbarq is preplUingto which the legislature assigne<\~ retirement. empty aad hire ~MtAf . !"Iioyhisorher your OWn "olddays.." '(B!'t -,develop a ,new gll1t<:OUrse above, the :Q,lo;Bon'lto nem:Angus, 16 percent rate (based on the &- .Kelly 'lemJlO1'aries for $3 mil· jobS... Even man wh6 gave don't .pendtoo long at it; his- , 1Iespite the existence of six.<1tluml, A ilentluy ago, ..iu\lJth"" 1/2 pei'oerit)oos in~. receipts ·lion aye 1~,~tI ildIlfilr yOq..blS~J '"",v 'M,,!I I ...... ,.. thonty' administrative fees, the ,ence 101·taught to New Mexl· down aiuI decidfid to walk Here at the newspaper, ~chingandrailroade erounII CIIlTizoZcj, IlIld wentonto:b.. . 4-~12 ~t _t of inCreased can. IiY the Iion.politician GarySe-..d to 'oll\fOy hi. job. but where'(Ii!:,',: (202) 225·~a65, . 61 . , ',.. , ..' ~i":, ',' ..,:~' '-;~," .-,,).~-' -'\'/, -,<" :<~,~~' , tOdolill.Ia"''''''I..,m.qiI.ld~8a. Ih~;.),t • .el.. :1::; .'" j Du"" "llsIa!! d _ . . '"",1•• State COp''''', A MoI'IIoOlil Dt".s F.,· , "81Sq3 VlLLAGEQ'J~t1J~€:llq, .' M'AYIm~;I)!&1~&.i . . . • FlU().\\, 0'"" ~ l. 1%>9' S4 , ..' g -- ,_ L ,_ §'; i I ,1 . '( : . a 5 g

. '.'.Certain 'nonresidents', -- c~n vote on bond issue ""JAMES KAlVELAGE HUlDOsO NiEW,'l: STA.n- \'VRITER

. NQnreSildpol)al calli; fot a han~ciap aeeesaible indoor 'SWJnUn].ng P90l,a teJ;,n activity room, 'a multi-ropm ~ l'tJon'and conununity function facility, an Wdoor all-weather 1/1;6 mile .walking ,co~courset and adminiStl'8tive offices for the village's parks and,....,...,,,tion department. QuestioriS ofcreating municipal dSbt alford certain nonw reSidents the ability to-vote on the question ofissuipg,gener- , al o~tionbonde;' :. ,A 'rionresi4e~t m~nicipal-ele.cW' is ~cribea as -any­ pEIrSon who, On theday of.the ~gularelection,l$a qualified V\>terof LincoiIi County, but whois " resident ofthat portion ot'LincOln County'which is outside the VI1Iageof Ruidoso municipal linrlte, who has palq " property texon property .' located withW the.vID_ dUrWgtheyear preceding the elec­ tion. The. elBctor also (nust Il\e with the munlcipaf clerk's offioe a _if....te ore!i!!fuility, announcing·the Wtent 00 vole' . on the the question ofissuing gen~ral obligati~n. ooncb:i. The • e1eetol'is not &.hIe to -vc::.m on any·other ballot question. , . The~te ofejigibility .be filed with the clerk's ollloe·~ from Jan.? un~b. 21: Thii ceJ:'tificate is SVllliIoble'from the muniCipal clerk. ..' . '.. Actual votWg ~ ~tmunicipal eIei:tors, either 'on Mar 7<, theregular election.dste, ot~absentee""" • ing,'canoQly take pl_at the'munloipal clerk's ollloe.

RIPPY NtW' Vtlft ---~~--~~-~~~------~------REAL ESTATE LOANS . with . towerInferes.t Rates & Less.Oosing Costs Compare - CaJl us! ..

.. •

ZIA NATURAL GAS COMPANY'S OFFICE WILL BE OPEN NEW YEAR'S. EVE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1999, THROUGH THE NEW YEAR TO INSURE THAT OUR CUSTOMERS DO NOT HAVE AN INTERRUPTION IN GAS SERV~ ICE DUE TO UNANTICIPATED Y2K DIFFICUL­ TIES. IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS WITH YOUR SERVICE DURING THIS PE:RIOD, . PLEASJ;ECALL US AT 378-4277 OFt .., ~.800-520­ 4277,,'PERSONNEL WlbLBEON·· DUTY TO , '' . , ...•.. ,Afl.ft1?,WI,R. ANY. OR ALL CONCERNS•. OUA ;~Fml''.$llVILL.ar;CL.QSEDON MONDAY, JAN- c- "-'-/,J,i'·· .\Ij,\1j",, • . '.. '.' " "'. Uj:il'.1l?~~i'5;aooo . . -."Q'}\1~rlllh·~f . UNLESS,·,~ ·UNA'I\,rTI'CtPA"tEO .. - ., ' , } " :' , ',>,, PFfttIl'l1IMIDOOQCUR, .IN 'WHIOH CASE OUR ;": ~ ~P;i> '''"J {h?t'> j" > ,'" • >~ ~~t~10~/1$>J~ OF.ftc!S WU.L i. ' •... ,':' .;. ,,/d. '_:~,l;:,;:r,l;::-.,i>' 'o.... .•.•.•..·.?•..~.·._,:.L.J.'~.•.;·.;.:,~.':;-; , '•..... 'Tt~t); :~'~;';l;_:"":,+J;·:,::;"r.";~~~i'" .,,.. ~,~Y>,_, ., ~"", ; c -',-t,',')~ ,~, ,.', "' "" '"" ,~" ,"-,,¢". ,~:' -,,;;p F-: ;;''';:'~''r " '.:",: '"~,,i _ !itt:i'it.~"M);'\l .;.cf,f-l)!') ;i,~;-'; !;'/- .":,-1,°,\ '~;;:",~.~

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'".- .. -, , " ,~I.NNIUM,RBSOLU,!IONS. •

nr W1 1Til !'1'? D:'E:::~~CISE MQREI ~~ Reo the mome],t calls '1' ,Jt,J'-\/Aiq:ivl\1 If, o EATHEALTHYI W~IJ'~ for Something Special ... ':I---~"'"__.....--",. _~,,~...... _--....;-r-l bf"TEACH SOMEONE TO READi Find that memorable- gift Proe'....tioR ,Bec\'mQ,... v.'\l¥"~j/j/~ t9M'! with LI~coln at 0" ;rhe . , ,f ,",""Jb.r.. Q.,mi'~~"'''' ,&~. County Literacy Counell. Free.tralnl1'lgom .' The Foundry Ruidosp on Jan. 29 aud' Feb. 12, 20qo. Call Betsy H,ambrickat 630-8181 or 800-934-3668 to regis~er. It's a great resolution to.keepUIl (ltntcis .i\rtilil·roItAl! VILLAGE Of RUIDOSO DOWNS FOUNDRY 8l GALLERY

524 Sudderth 257-7186 ! I .• '. . ., - ...-~ . , Adult FREE HearingTest' ..;: . Ifyou have trouble hearing or urtderstaridbm, this test ',.' .;-,~1 (which uses the latest electronic eqUipment) will determine -4 ~ . Y0J,lf pa~icu]ar hearing loss. '·"t[.,tl ~ You win see a' hearing aid so tiny it fits t~lIy.within the ear. .~~ i" ."WE SERVlCE ALL MAKES A1VD MODELSOFHEARING MDS;1 Featuring Nu-Ear Electronics. All evaluations performed.bY a, ; .. • Hearing Instrument Specialist - Angela Granger ::.": Wednesday, January 5th, 2000 . Family Practice Associates 304 Sudderth, Ruidoso NM 88345 fmun 1-800-493-5460 Please' call for ait nppointmeltt to avoid wnIH'rg_ SEARS Hwy. 70 • At,lidoso Downs. NM • 3784700 ' • •. •" . t . . .~ Celehrate a Srand New y '..., '"entartj.,"" I '., " I.. • _ .'• "

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_c.e:JI"",JUE~F"",S,---,:-,-' ....i..,--;,,.-:---'-_._~ Free 8u shots available A departJmmt .poklO.man . u:.,I1iu.·' . a.aid about 100 doses.." of ,vae-. I Free -,,~ au •~- ~ ..'.. .cines11>rna:in &otii th.. cl..pan: at.the Health Deportment at th.. LIncOln Couuo/ substation ment'. shipmant. Cau (606) .on K8l1l!1a. Oio/ StreOJI; n..ar tha 258-3252 to set up an appoint- • ~UidoS.o Public·Library. m..nt for n..xt week.· . ILastDa¥ It took me 4 years, Ph(Jto Ccmte5t Rt!llaIouIJ GIRl 'I'nr nouKilts1bItt lAst but I'veflnally . sponsoredby • ~ ,",e Phob!gnJphlc 50dely Ro~rit'!I. Mt'tlllis 10 Sm1;,e... • Daok... ., ofLIncoln CoURo/ . ennis" WI.',I,Ii,,!: c.~ Dr,h)' Gifts made it to Ruidoso IU'/'Rim,sJell",'r}'· .\'c:tfpltlltrS & nfort! • WE WANT TO MAKE YOU A LOANI 15lHi Suddel1h - Unit 12 PRIZESI Four Scusuns ~llll - Parking In ReDf .from Alamogordo. CALL US TODAY 1· $100 -Hillin;: MOI.rltI)' - S"",rJay IO:.JD-I:JO 2""$50 CIOsf!d~nw!>d"-,,·SrmtlllJ' 1204 3" $25 Gentry Finance FOr more Infonnatfon call or emilll BEICD 257-4999 Auto. 'Cycle. ItVs. Trailers. Home Dave "ll'avls' Owners- & Renters Insurance 2701 Sudderth West ZSB-400& + Low down.payment . [email protected] + Monthly ".,ymenl plan . 'Ol!;UALLY THIRTY MINUTE SERVICE + Money·si.lving discounts Herb Brunell + 24*hour claim service .,, ZSB-4003 . + Immediate covernge [email protected]:om -+. 'Free rate quote ~ . . · . ,CAll OR· viSIT TODAY • ,• .' $500 PHOTOS MUST, BE TAKEN 1-888-646-2886 - . OEC:l1\IIIiilll'al ~eDB~ THE STATe ,OF New:llt;)l'exlco 1200 N. While sand•. Suite 105 . . .' _. , -' ,~'.' -', - , '," ~:::::;:"~~'~~":;'·::::'~~Z:,:I>,:I.:m:"Il:o:"':O:.:.N:M:8:8:3'1:0::;, , I,. :, " ,• •, BY DIANNE STALI.INGS RUI,QOSU NEWS STAFF WRI1'l1l: Proposed regulation. by the U.S. Forest Service woul.d impose "cost recovery _fees~ on entities applying for special use permit~ in national forests. Special use permits are required for ski resorts' such as Ski Apache in the Lincoln National Forest a.rmJ.nd Rui­ doso, for outfitters and guides. (or recreaUonal reBideQces and for radio arid television towers among other uses on the 192 million aerea managed by the , Forest Service. · The cost recovery fees I would pay for staff time and ~eilses connected to issuing the permits an,d initial monitor­ I ing to enBUl"e theterms and wn­ ditions of the permits are fol­ lowed. said Johnny WU50n with I the Service'. Alamogoi'do office. I · Un~r the proposed..regula~ • tion.s published in the l'Jov. 24 ! Federal Register, non-commer­ cial groups'would .not be j charged and small projects I .', , . ' ", , .\. , ,~,., .<' . ':'., '. '.\ . ,.

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Ben Detwiler hoped to make the world a better place~ That hope died when he was killed by a drunk driver.

. What should you do to stop a friend from driving drunk?- Whatever you have to. Friends don'~ let: friends drive drunk.

Ruidoso News Buy a Kia••• Get Cash for ~' u';:$1;000 You will receive $1,000 cash when you pur- .~,,.'1"': chase a car before the holiday season ends. ~r ;. , Use it any way you like. Apply it to your down lf~ . payment. or take the check with you and use it '~~ ." for holiday expenses. It's your money••. and your " choicel Not valid with any other offers.


• .",>',.,. r ~'-':~;;,:,~::!:,;'~·.:~{::::~~·i::'~: ,~,'tJ,;t ,"" ,4/;.~-'i\" ~::(.," ;:'~ ':'·Ji:~.:~r~. "," '-:,; " .,' ,.,: ',' - ,,;," .;:' "',.':':, :. I ... :\ \ .• "i'! : .. ! ·, • ,• !• •. .. . .",. '~

, " ' \. '. ." ,,' : ....,,' . ~,.,. ; ,';.--'.-, ","-:"'"~,;::;,''' "'1#,~~:j"" .-.' - . .' _~,tl!l.i ';fl';' '\ • ., , . ~' PHIlJAY, Doc, 31.-1999 1B '. - '. , ';\!\'" ;il":':,,',l\.' i.. $ j, I, --." .. ,:':j'~ . . '-', .'. - -.J., . ,,__ ':"-"-"ll' < • • , . TharDslhalreoffhQUa.y doldrums at tourney : m .i""dolllOI :r..",..;Il~".lllIIll"Ruidoso varsity·'. .jfuld~~'" ~utt~~;.. Ii' i:l~.,atiNM"~RNAMIlNT :nti~ -..'":!:f~~~ ~'"In'''''' .. .' ... bonus early '1\ . K'· !f''!t~JjY. IiJg it In thostancls, ~~~:.p;qp""ing~,,~ "Yo\, have.1l toIn· •....-)oo.r.,.r.;;ty lIIleslHaV"hoyBlaeers Blank; who su.. :"-.' ~"'ilPl"'llIon'8;45.,m'lI>Ap.m.!the High C~1iI:Y Shl'liltoUt. was Cl1l). den.,y to ~. real .." teined a bruised ia' ._n .Iel,.. RrlW, 'adlllto 'I"~ b_ .of' a ~chedUlmg alUlAt. fru$'atod ifyou're on tho loSIng encl. knos butsaidhe'il be all right. · ., . ,<"'ldra" $21;: HD1!d",,_" , ',I'Jlell, RuidosO denioJijfued .Rloton lla.2.4 . The home·town squad led 24-11' Blank, who scored e dOllb1e triple on .' ilpn~ sra,l" __ "r" 26 thioo~h I ,nWednesday's second roundofthevar· after one quarter and 40-18 aUhe half. tho·night, said the Warriors weren't try. '; ~,'·31:Cldult$S43.(:!:llldre!1U8. '"1 sitytoum~t.. ,._. _ Ra~n only scored $be ~ts'in the' ,ingtoninupthesco~.. ·.. This,...... '" . i' .The W...... s1e ~>In ~~Vil brand. The Rloton coach ehowed.·his li'ustra· we kept oontlnjJing our points,".. . flO"!!,,., ~, _..''1 told my boys, 'Take open shots, ·.'IWP..!I!!!!I$$ . '. . .That's all Bring it back out: Run an ! :ltoil1l6".r~"" W'&:k ~~~m. o~'" Page said; "That's what we I : . . did. t really ugly." . . ~:Ji,\~... 'fBA • .·1' Page slao had to des! with the faet :-: ~n. Qlr,ltPm. M~ff;!ro at i . that heplays a truly team game, and,even '. Srno!I'OY ....'lOu...... Ca"""', 11lA j; sittinghis starterSdown didn't help. ~ 'tp~ at hom~ ~ Tl;da~ Ot N. Ft:l•. i ; '"I take my, starters 'out. the othe1" Karen BoehIer/RuSdo.so News . .. ..I kids do a betterjob," he l:Osid. '~lt's reaIly ..1'Ve. got it! Ruidoso's J.R. M.itch~lf and · r<.~~..:._ ·!.:"':!.ket...."""",- _, . ". toUgh," MeScalero,C.hi¢ Joaqulo,Mccurty go' for the OJpltBn. P.rrlEOio. at SP10~ Bear' Every Wanior scored at least once, rebound during opening-round aetlon atthe· High "; lbun'i~ht. capitan, ~ . " il with threp in double fIgUres: Blank, Country, ShQOtO~t'- ,H"undo at home vs. Mescalero. 6:30 ! with 16 points and 17 reliounds" Gar- p.m; '. . ' '. t rett' Apachito 14' pciints and Rowdy The Warriors took a 16-14 lead after ,~e.~.. Mesca"""" Green 13. one quarter ahd' a 24-23 lead at the half, · SlnDl!oY_·lOu,-, Capito... _ . .Carrizozo 46, Iluidoso JV 38. . both due to shots at the buzzer. Christie I'rep wtestllflg . . Canizozo and the Ruidoso junior ~marnent. La Paz hit two in the first quarter ~nd '. RuId050 at NiM1W Nation 1 varsity prob8.blY played one of the' best William Anderson at the'half. . .' ,$hI~TBA I- gamesofthe tournament, -with 'Zoza t~k- The Grizzlies tumed the tables in . Saturdlll/, )••,8 , IiJg a late game 46·38 victory. Until the """J~ ~t5oehlerlRW/osO~ the third quarter, with Josh Vega mak­ · 'PiepbOysba$ketball. : '- ..,' ,,"'," ijt",'l"";:;' .' . finalquarter,thematch'wssneck-and- ing two With one second left. That gave ,t ~== ~ (VJY.s~~r WIinIor' ~~~._~oG.reen fires' hJgfl'~,,~' ~g.... ~.i>f... ~.'.•.' ..'~..•.-: ,":rtgers to score for, the ~ early, in neck, _with neither ~m able to gain .' To\.l~Qv:IiteUl. TBA Wecl,'-, op-.. ~ niore than a point or tw.o advantage. ~,;' ~leJ9at-aGudcroft.~:30 p.m. See TOURNEY. p.:.lge 28 .~ . HOndo~3:30p.m. ~'f ' '"• l(':m~ lOVlng\Olll'l, No I Lady ~es~tiI.;Mt loss · Carri~home .., Me~lero' ,~;;'j ·~3 ··Hbado.regroups at Roswell Toutn,ey , "'...... Capllan. at I .' -10 • - 5MOk!i Bear 1bu~ment. capitan.. 1BA I IIY ~ BOEffl-ER - .~.. '''' -1 \ '':-'~ean@Sday was a di.fterent BY KAREN PllEHLER player, moved .up to point ~ard along with .•.~ft!1 ... I nu,""'" I$$l SI"!'!flE,DI'PlI S\Na\l'll'",p"'...."" I' ...... -' .' ..__. went out and playsd .,, " .. '. (~ .', come the loss.. ., '. .'.. T~ ... Cimiirozo'a Lady' Grizzlies rean; ID>rd. It was like a whole The LldY Eagles evened their record at 7· ''With your point gUard out. it's hard to get .. ~~~~~.~ ~:t~"::-;: ;;~:~"ttb~h'~::'~~ 7 Wednesday, after wrapping up three 'games the- offense going," Montoya said. "I think • I at the Roswell Invitational. that's wllat hurt us. We just couldn't get any- 1Uesdlll/. Dec. 28 to GreelY In the openIiJg rouod The game was close uotil Hondo aPded the'tournament to make up thing going offensively." Prep bOpJJasJcetbaIi ofthe 'fucumcari 'lburnament. the final two minutes, when for g8Jn.es lost when Vl;lughn dropped.-out ofthe Hondo also had another tough night from ._~ HIghCar~COI'ntIY56, Ruld~_"frosll32 •I .RO'.vl! didn't come w:u.....pl.v tho Or!zzlies took'advantage 0f district" ~nd coach .;Julie Montoya said her the stripe. going 16-for-37. Acosta' again was Me>llia \Ill"ey 73, _n N 24 hard. When you don t p~a:r. a mistake. . team was a little.out of ~ape from the holi- the top scorer, tallying 16 points. Ruidoso JV 4It Mescalero 38 bard, you. usually don't W1n~ Carrizozo was shootiqg days. More than~that,however" the Eagles had "I wasn't Ups~,t with our performance, ljust ".'dO$<> ea. _cia 52 said coach Mel Holland, "Th"Y from the charity stripe when to learn to do without top rebounder Kalyn felt like we had the talent'to beatthern," Mon~ ~:1rls~~~94' play ~od ,basketball on the Christa Francke an.d Stella Gotnez, who moved out of state. Point guard toya said. "But' you've got to make free throws -Carl$~adJV 38 tf6ndo 35 east 'SIde. You C$Il't go into a Brewer' .accidentally got posi- . JesBioB C8:q.delaria also was injured in the and getyour offense going. I don't mind getting •.'. ball game J;Ul~ readY to play tioned down low. Th" Grizzlies , Qpemhg ga.me against the Artesia'junior varsi- beaten by a team. that's better and more talent-. •wednesday.IWpboysbosket/Jaf/Dec. 29 L'_~V'_....-:II -""".. ,J-'t..~-..,...... because every· gottherebounddtan pu the ball ty, Iwrl'O~. I.po_ ", Ithlnk ariulteul' athletes are with him,. tried, but hE! failod to get even bench· So when one or .wo . starter or off the bench. ~hiJ'.l'Jtf if you $h.ouW, , .:Oh~ be ' getti~ar too consumed . KAREN'S and'reserves one of those, dunk-attempts players decide to simply not -The Capital). girls had a , ...'" that $eli 01>1y a sllio. ·iUWl.·ClI,·-tli/llll ",!'iich thls)ll3ltl'. lit that bill:" .' ..' Ofthe~~ when t sawtbem ".' ~pO$>d H tt1. SI) _ X." __-'W! WorJd Serlesil&illlt!f'flfbJI more of . 'l'h.. few Chle/)!' wllO d9 at Clau ..croft, and although Ii'''' ;.' 'IIl theY idu\l1athll" tellin I'tSY it to the ad his s~ id1:or the Quel1l'''' The Ruid""'boya (and. .W..'II Hngi" the new~ear . .. ..' -d . '" '~f"'" . do game,.lIl1d as an obsE!i"llel'.il.t d",,'t get hig heads. hOw, War· Saw"day.andI.thi'l!<.it'a til"" b.ry;,d~"w~!~~;~ th'''}!.'I'~' ~~to~I J:!i,. I. cOUld lill1,y lillY riO,.s) llrl! trUJy' ptittlng togeth-fnra11 t a ~"fjf'll'" "'.•~ • '1Ilii\ubl"· . "'" " ." '"" , ,. ','" , , -'. ., ... " . .. ' :"'.'~ . ; ., f ~.1. "'th:~:::::;:"~'~'=':~~~' ... lWJporo_ 28 FRlD.-\\. DEl.;.• 1999 .=. TOURNEY: Warriors"!ZozQ ad..·. j' . .'...., """""""'~m • .... ,r;, $,0.'· .' .. ~1E"'iII.:"., .' .:.••',,,_E'. -.., '. Continued from ",.ge 16 .' Tu.esdllY .. .' IItt1!\ bt', . '1' .·NA,j,. .. .I.VlMltt'·· " '~_l:...... __ ()peni,.g day ende4with """",'. lind I .... _...... ' I' • Carrizozo a 82-81 I""d t!;ay Carrlwzo. MeolllaVllU"y lind thirik' *'il •. "'"••..- ..llI'5.~'...'324:,II~2a;.H7 • ,,' "~'. ~, . ,. '. ',' .. • wou~=in~~h~ne :~: ~~j':J:'":rll~ ::..~Iit~a "'7~1'("'1""'r,"'~ .:~'~, $1.0~rSSOO •, minute tv ff' m"':,.(!t-'.,',.···· ", , ~~Iu.~fi::l':t:::~a~~~~ ~":'~aton :~~rty., mll~~Wi~lM,ii"l.A.t~~l.=~'.~. f8i1h~= • '...... , ,• :l:lies scored 14 una~wered W8Ei canceled and 'RatOJ1, ,Ill; th~ee: ' . , : ".' ,'. ,_.:' - -', ': :,' ,",_ '" ,I • • •.' " ~~.-' - -.' . POI'l~"ypUtalotofp =~sl::~,nci". ~.~g:rt/~= lg ~!."9r'~d ~:fI··19broe , ...... ure In the .. RWl•..n$d I'l11JS' •.·d.· .M";;:;...·····'·.....". • , on US;" said RuldollO 'coach ltlJIdosoJV3I;l lIf~-1(l.,f."1h~.Qhief••~···'" g n,. 5,... ·w. .... '. .•... If.· ."., , s~ three~ ~d~~~'~G.ll. ,~, •, ,Dennis Davis. 'Their Trying to· play a . ·• n·da'u JO'"J\'u"'Qi'U 3 02'...'...... ft."".';I' ·,,·'.'A.·p''e. .' •, ~ Vlll"Sity kids and they just game toumament With only si:I< AlthU"ll" oiilJta AAteaJn,'"·,. . '" ""..... ,.YF ~.. , came out a.nd rellUy played like players Is toUg!>; but the the. Esta.ncia a.....s came out TbursdQy. Jc;enUOr'f6,2000 SlIt. /'Il>!!dill- t:!ec. I.B • they were varslt)!' instead of l\!fegca)ero Chiefs gave it their ready,tl\,.ch~ theAAA ...";'.,',," 600 ~ t W'h''Ita "" In·.· '. ..., •, playing to our' level, Th"y best ebot. . Warri""..,Butrdesinto not play. . '$ lI.in~ '" 111;llC!p,m. , .....v ..'" ·e.·lI~ , stepped "p and outplayed us . Playingwith?"t 6-2 ""nlor ingin awel>k,ancfOOinIP"!U up " c:ofeteriQ'.-a.111.-.CIt 6p·•.·.m..• .. tl. ·.night . , for a while there:' stlll'tet Josh DaVl'" who lind down,the 1mWt. Ruid'l"""" 1400 '$ud<;lli'tlh • St.II18 A ,,. ·"w..... OtherWise, Davis was. entl~ecidedtojUst take off fO\' were kind ofconcemed· ol"" as we Werejn thc·lli'llthalf· . '.. . .' .. e Ruwal.~ lay 'dth~\ht3.wedqWifu:h ~ finals ofthe Shootout were set, ab",;:t t!'d 'were' PDen- apnd' ..ln .. .' , .:"., •.. N..I::.W..·· ..VE.M.S.' Sp.I 1.'A:.1.S. . . '. with RuidollO and Carrizozo lng, Slll . . ~ coach • age sm :' .....t . . '" ,. poised to win their resPective nls Davis. ''We,were still sleepy to get llOme <>pelf B1ibt/l aJId '...... "..... TradItional OS:50 Bi:Jqco$1'1,95 .. brackets. . In other games from the Christmas break, I. that's why the,y._. able. to .f.rE!e r:i\l",t,te· s~Uffed quaff'With.cha~gne ,sau'ce$i 8.95 '... Wednesday, ..' think. We didn't do ou.. st"ff get back in. . ..,e....,.. • . '. , . • After fllUlng behind by 16 Rla1 well." . The Baa... drew Within 15. ." M/oriClei'fut champagne'list ~ points early, the Ruidoso fresh- ~ th~ ~Ch.iefSI with only :after three, lar~ly on the out- .. men edged the Raton JV 50-46. freshman Greg Blaylock on the' SIde shootingbY steVe CobUrn. ;;.: ,; ;or/oli' me· chamRagne that was The Warrior. only scored three bench, starting running down, 'Ib open .the final eta"za, 10,; ,:5~l"\led·.on. the lltanicllReserve It nowl! points in the first quarter, but the Warriors started picking_ Estsncifl sco"d' six unap..:' ;','.~I' .. " " .• '." . • or slowly worked their way back:' up, ~Itchell "",d William swered P9ints, pullirig Within ". ...- 2'''':H~'Afi6' FAVORSA't MIDNIGHT. Steven Stroup 'scored 13 Anderson combined for. six nine. "".~...t .:.J"; ,,: ~, ., AJ/! efcG t::,JI·ae..ucf,i 4'" .'. ' , points andJosh AdaD!" 10. poi!'tS to end the t;hlrd, puttln,g . B"b :Ru~ change~ tee- ~VI" ."?'b'.-. "';';"r'~ "'''' i ...;,....,.NS· R'EQUIR'E'D' • .. • Mescalero had eight play· Ruidoso up l!5·29. . .. ' tics "lJ!'iff,:~g¢iilr bact<; utto a ~. n ,... "' .,,,.... ere on the bench against Mesll· Phillip Pike hit 'Lpair of man,to-mllD diifenee. ~e pre.. . :'::"'0 .CAI,J", ..3~§:4::li12AFTER ;$;30 P.M•. '" .. la VaUey, but Josh Davis was treys to.--open the f~ tying sure' ojLm4r1l'@~B'gave the '1~ .• ',' , '". still absent, and the Chid's the.,'~e, :lJu.c:..:u..O$e :~. t'h-~ ..: \V,arridrff': cli'adliis fi:Om from ,; '., .;~,:' ";.";' :1:1.& ~ to, .... 9,' 't' Ll,".~'" .1,,'1'., ~ It ~ 'l·..: ~ cou~dn't overcome a'Sl!JW sta'r!:. laft.~, fi~ld ":g~1d th~lsf;Jjler$.··. th~* they ... ,..,". , ..' t, ..,,;.... '., i,;~~.;~ t>o~fI .rnn1't:,n::1 .MIl. BOfl'l~~ ~M, ,C'~? ~, falling 68-34 to the Blazers. would tally. RUIdoso went:on a conVened;'!i' r"ir ' .•.,' ~ J..':'_ ,:Jl 'i. Phillip Pike was top .for· 9-'lJ run to ""a1 the victory. . Autry'wlm:the'~e~ top ~ ',~e In~lc.....iDle Restaurant & Saloon .• Mescslero with 15 points "I think (the difference late scorer"WIth' ~4.:11olntS. Coburn ,bHlghway 48 North at Alto Village . • In the other varsity in the game) wasJil.st a matter had 12,;11.1\ ;<>J1;;lII!;;!i:Or' Blljd"",o, ... " . match, Grady tried to pull out ofthekid. decided they wa.nted Mike J;lT8i\k GlJUed' ~l! pointe of a. 20w point deficit but cop.ld to play." Davis said. "They and, ninelbcioeboundsj Todd , onlr get as close a~ sln. .etarted doing .thlrigs a little bit Schrad....~had ,12 pointe and . falllng66·65 to Estancia. more aggresSlvely and shot a 'Garrett;l\po\lllc;'! 11. ~ . =-:. '. . GM\.Y,,1I!j& . '.lIl' ' • .~ ... _...... -.. ' • · ·U~ ·~ . • _._._-~.~ ~. _._:_.~ :,-~:_: ~ , mwtINoncES , . . --_ __._. _-'. . .._,_.---_ __._--_. LEGAL NOTICE 1. One Trustee fOr a lour hle or 'her liWpllcation for an "nIl'wednasdar' FBbft' ,,~ machines. ,,_. THE FOREOOING SALE 'wllI C. EI preclnto tree (:=)fa 18 K. Ausente balotas son en year tenn. ' absentee ballot, onlY Irom 2oUd'hl1tt Wil dose J. The casting of votes by be made to satisfy a judO. elecolon munJcfpal 18 r. pep". REsownON 99-13 2. One Trustee for a lour the offICe of thld MUnicipal p.m. on Friday, Mil' ;'''l quallfled munTcipal electorS ment rendered'~ ihe above D. EI slgulantss loe .d son L. Por 10 menos, una ma­ ELECTION RESOLUTION year tenn. Clerk. All applications for an .·2000. . ' Who are voting llIerly shall be . Coul1 In the atiova-entlUled como locales para volar para quina para 'votar 59 usara en VILLAGE OF CAPITAN C. Precinct Three (3) Is for absentee ballot must be com· .q~r,sons desiring I. ~~,j recorded on voflng ma- and numbered caus.QrOt\..De- II~Br a cabo Is eleOdon el Mgar de votaclon para los Be II resolved by the gov­ the regUlar municipal elec­ pleled and aocepted by the fiF:""'W vote al !tie" ~ chines. camber 13, 1999, 69lhg an ,munIcipal fegulsr: ..' precmto deslgnad-. emtng body of the Village of tion. . Municipal Clerk prior to 5:00 m!:!D~CiI'election, mfit.~,. 1(. Absenlee ,voting shall be aollon to foreclose a 1. Los votanles en el Pre­ Adoptada.y aprObada este Capitan that: D. The following location is p.m.. March 2. 2000. After istm- th the Countv I " ~ paper ballOt. . mortaage on tfleL).above. clnto tms (3) votaran en LIn-, dla 13th de' Decembre de A. A regUlar munldpal elec­ designated as the poDing 5:00 p.m. on March 2. 2000, UF.lCO n Coun!-y not 1a r a' 1.:. At least one voting ma- descilbed property. The Plain-- coin County FaIr BuDding,' 1999. tion for the electton 01 place 10 conduct the' regular all unused absentee ballots "l:"U§!sday. Fetiruary 9a aco ...l ctJlne shall be usedl"at the tlfl's Judgment, which In- 101' West "Fifth Street. en /iJINorm Renfro. A1caJcle municipaf officers shall be municipal election: will accept oompleted at 5:'00 ,p.m•• the dl;lt~;o ,.... polling place for tne tfe- eludes 1l1teresl attd costs, ls Capllan.NewMeXico. lsILeroy Montes held on March 7. 2000. Polls 1. Voters In Precinct Ihree absentee baDots deltvered by which the County Ole~i;,w~t slgnllfed preclncl $73,140.73. and the, same E. Volaclon en ausencla: IS/Debra InQie wiD open at 7:00 A.M. and (3) shall vote at Uncoln mell. or In person by the clOse mglstratlon &001<£ Q'i ' ADOPTED AND APPROVED bears Interest a1 eight ~oint Todo votBnte call1li:ado de la Is/John Whftaker close at 7:00 P.M. COunty Fair BUilding, 101 voter casting the absen1ee H. All Declarations of cand- THIS 13TH, day of Decem- two five zero percent VlllageolCspltal1cbtimdl'Aun- IslBenny Coker B, At the regul8l' municipal West Fifth 61reet: ballot, until 7;00 p.rn. on daC)': shall be flied with the ber, 1999. tS.2500/o) per annum from lcamente au sollcllUd para ob- /sIKathryn Griffin election, persons shall be E. Absentee Voting.: Any March 7, 2000. Municipal Clark on Tuesday, IslNorm Renfro. MayOt becember I, 1999. The tenet una balOts, p8rB 'VDtar Esottbana'Munlclpal elected to ml the following qualified elector of the Village F. Early VotIng: Early voUng January 11. 2000 between IslLeroy Montes, Mayor Pro· amount of such Interest to en ausanala, unlcamente de jSeAl.) elective offices: of capitan shall obtain only will be conduded In tfIe office the' hours of 8:00 8.m. and Tem the date of sale wlll be 18 oflcina de la f!scdbana de 25206T(12}22,24,29,31 of the Municipal Clerk, during 5:Q0 p.m. I8IDebralngle, Trustee $826,50, The Plalntlll has the la Mun1cl~alldad. La (1)5.7 the regufar hours and day.s 01 I. The casting of votes by IsIJohn WhItaker TfUSlee right to bid at such sale ~d' E iii a rib B n adS I a business, Monday though QUalified munlclpal electors /slSenny COker, trustee submit, It, ,bId- veibally or 4n : MunJdpalldad debe lIevar y N•Y. n'\rns CROSSWORD Friday. Elilrty voting wlll begin shall be recorded OJ'I voting ATIEST: writing. The plaintiff tnay tfi!epleir todas las solicitudes LEGAL NOTICE .... -.-..---_.----0.-.....,----"--.---- =3i~:-Grtlfln =e~ 0:;' a~ p~r:.:~": eg: O:bn.:rs~:,:a=f~ N~ICJ!! OF , Ecljted by Will Sho~ No.-0626 {SeALl ' price InJleu of cash. The sale las' $:00 p;,I1'l. el a ds Marzo PUSUC,HEAAIf.laI • 2&19 81'(12) ~ be poSIPoned and re. de 200D, A-partll' dS las 5:00 . N0110e: Is herebY:alven thiPt · =~~=I~:JefSCretloq 01 ~Is~~b~~r: d~:a~~ ~s;o'g~~:tfi 19~':f!r. ACROSS 32 Dieter's no-no U London Zoo , .- .". . (1)5;1 r:n' LEGAL' NOTiCE NOilCE 1$ FURTHER Munlclpallttad P\lbIlCi;\l'i'Idnte: and: tile 'Open Meetings Act, t Hle10rfC a5 - opera& feature? . ' GIVEN that the roar properly desirulr« ItIdn las talQUIl!rio -three or l'1Ior,· Ltnooln CQunlV IntroduOllon? (Gilbert and ..'Mid 'f'WELF1'H JUDICIAL and Improvements can" utlll~.La~EiIl~bQn:il'dij1$ Cortil1iIs:~[oners ~y atltlltd a .. Clamorous Sullivan works) ..Trades DISiAlO't CQURt CiIImed WIth he,..ln will bQ MunttP8J!d.B:u aceJ)bir#· 'as: Wbiklhg View bf the 'pro- • Gothic H-Jlma' 'YOOO atalt. e.g. OOUNTY'OPUNCOLN $Old cUblQ01 10 aoy and ,an' bolilUI ,.C9fn~leUtda 'POr 01 :J)QSCid I ~iinl H~th Care architectural 17Quip, part 3 STAn:: OF NEW M~CO patent resl!lrvatlol'ls, eal!U!l-' vontan qtie li!IW)IIa $U bbleta . QnI!ne. 1tO$tQi'J '~Ihe 'gg S·9 mehts' all teCOtded un. .CQi;f 8r f.ln dEl yOte.r' ,en, OOUOiY, d 1M Un. feature ... Rrst mate? , No. _. ~' _010'" .UilOochr (lUG ~-8 1& ....11\· .. t4 Grp. overuelng 4t Alb-ticklers DOWN M~L~N MOAi$AGI: , J:iiiih~d tW '1M ' e"'tregl.t~n ~r ':COffen 0 ,on ,..uo.' IJIY" d:Well· early reactors ....Set straight 1 Bam Itern.& ~t"'~t :U~.ri~d' i~. r~mii:~l~~ ~Ia ~n~:r til Slowly ..., Quip, pari 4 I SumMation ' ',' . ,: ,,': :: .. :;' .. rte $' te AurIculate SO Actl'8S9 IDangerotl$ Donohoe ~t~ OALLI~tl;Nd'k'3t2I~qin's ~\lIliI(>!,\ ~'. ~~p'~ 17 81art of an Erma It Stloklng point? • L F I'!. r... Bombeck quip U AlII: 4 F..-nale • .em~IA .i>l'~ ~~ '·1 d. Dr"'" C-~" r . r. •I~I. ••"-Honey j k memberof the ~.,. ,i.rillU.'' ' . Are You?~ (Fats or ee bat? , ~, -1 ", III" fOllower...... ""~. , Waller hit) ..Twilled fabric • "",.S-!rChlll's-:80 ,'6&'&1 • dO. '. • 20 Dey TV series ..Stomac.h ~ feW": Abbr. It klrJdOfwheels ... End ofthe quip e Famous Styln Il3,Me/'eBrEtaldoll es1l1'emerry. ,'GonebY' ' 1M "a~per1 widow In '1"he ' '1'he-*l!jtU~o,c. H ljerrorlze Merry Widow" • SQUbhtll ' _quip, part2 ....Ahal.. '1o:-:~a :: . 'Ii' OcWerUd costa AN WEft TO PREVlOtIS l'IllIiftE ...... m/lJ.s.. 1=-..+-+":I:''-'i!'" : '.. , '1*Patadfot~t .. ' '. '. ,.-" N .. AI) .. B "~jjy'.vI$lm.., " ..'. .•.,,• ,,,,,.. i~ "f".':"~~ "r~~'" ,-!.~",':i,,';'"; - :~\: ...... ; ••. .'"'-''' : ...... , ~ . '.. ;,'\..;: -'.' , ". ,." :;.. "', .... ",.' ,'." ., , .. '

···· f •. , , .. , . s I'1tJPAY, DEC. 31 1999 3B ~~01'ffl 1. Reaj l3slate '26. Flinn ,Eq~ipment ~. \tl!al Estate'lhldes 27. Food 8( Grain!; 3:La"d for Sale 28. Prnd~ce 8( Plants ,4. llOU$eS ,for Sa" 29. Pets8i. .suPPlies S. Condos for Sale 30. Yard Sales 6, MobDe Hom..for Sale 31; Household Goods, :':J' , 7·fIOnsea wr Rem 32. Musical Instrull1enlS I' ,II•.I\oillirtments for Rent 33. Aildques 9. Mobil..for Reot 3<1. Arts. .' . .I 10. Condo$ for,.Clll 3S.Sporth1gGoods 11.C8bIIIll/Vlle.Replels . 36.Mlseelllllle"us , i. l2. Mobile Spai:esfor Rent' .37. Wallted ~ B~y I Dale 10 s!arlt 13. Room for Rent 38, Help Wanted .. j . ,,~:)';~l;)i;S$lI:\/I$P 'Ll~e~~;$6;~, 6.9s75%$~1$S 14. Want to Rent . .. 39; Work Wantod , , tflrst 20 wOrd$, .37IC for $ach addltlon$l word (plus taX) 40. SelVices ." 1:;. Sto1"lige Space for, Rent ,:. ·.".·,:·;'')'AF.lP.tl~t.i~I)ijI; $'l,sa,frlrfirst 26 words••37¢for each acjdllional word (plus 6.9376% lIaI$S lax) 16. Pashire for Rent 41. House.sItting , ."" .'. ,:.... ", ~tlJterun,.r/l$r;ountS,svallable, call for Classified DISplay rates 257-4001 17; BwPness Reo",ls 42. Child Care . )'In~t,¢Sl'eheetflr.npn$VOrd$r, 18. B1is1~ Oppnrtl/nitles' 43. Child Care Wanted ',',• Ill. Autos for Sale " 44. Firewood for Sale " '1')tpe;:.taC~d~~,: w"~1'Il #: ,'" . ",EXP.OaIEI: SlllnalUrlil:. 20. 'I'ruclg; 8( 4x4s for.Sale R,CLASSIFIEDADS: " 22. Motorcycles for Sale . 47. Thank You ~" I . "l,i.NJl: .1\0$: SPM: MONDAy FOil WEDNESDAY. $PM.WEDNESDAY FOR FRIDAY 23. Auto P/trl& 48. AnQouncemenls '" '[;EGA-LAOS: IPM MONDAYFO~WEDNESDAV.IPllil WEDN~DAY FORFWDAY 24. RVs IUld '1btV\l1 Trailers . 49, Personals . 25. LWestock & Horses '. 50. Construction I':ohec;kyotlr ~ p~P'tI tor accu~. '~mSfor e_mutlt be re~Jved by.the Rulflosti ws within 24 hQurs o"Jh~ lnIt»ttet.J=:t. dAr4ceUAllQ",~ NO. ,~~B.l1i •.~N~~1h.rfghttoedft._gorpor~~l4nllled~8,d:u~to ..lnapprop_l'Ontenll'flp~.cqn on"m··'., .' 6 -Mobile Homes 3 Land for Snle 4 Houses for Sale 4 Houses tOi Sale 7 Houses for Rent 7 Houses for Rent . ,. for Sale .

1 RCLl f Estate

.1'Mech.... Buldooo, NM_ rlIIhroo .4t/t \,GflRY LynCH garylynehreally.com ; . REALTY , 257-4011. ._, located in Ruidoso, NM WONQEBFUL TEBB!JQRIAL . PRICE BEDUPWN. TBU~ AEEOBQABLE· This 2'beifroom. 4 bath!l8b n,lust mllJhl be lFii . IltUe getaway you have been looklllg foi. Has that r---=~=I ==-:r real rustic feel. Needs some things.Water source , , Isfrom a clste.m or cany.ln. $191~' LOOKING EQB A NK:E 2ND etJ,ST HOME! This may be IU Three bedtoom 2 ' home. Fire­ place dining area and a nICe iHllng of seclusion. AFFORDABLE LUXURY SENIOR APARIMENT HOME COMMUNITY· NEW CONSTRUCTION LoealEld On allllla .",.,r 1/2 lUlre on a a1reel-lQ­ Attnicllve adobe 3 bedroom, 2 bath horne One Bedroom: $205 • $328 ~ Two Bedroom: $242 - $389 &lr$llI 101, !iitY ""ys loi ClOLild be ..,lft In twO. New wlth stm room Is cut~ecutel Ba8li1l11ent could carpet relolly brlg!1lena thiS one upl $l29.tlO"O be- 4th b8dl ootn' or ceo Owner ~i!II f:'OUld G~ possibly tre commerc locaIion. $89.liOO. All units ground' floor .accessi6le . heat Private porches/balconies PRIME COMMIiRCIAL PROPIiBTYI ApprOxi­ Wall to waU carpet. Air conditioned Washer/dryer hookups mately 10,OOOoq. fl. of bulld~koullhlsoq, Fully applia:nced lCitehens .1.6 Acre wooded park On-site property management :~~+:,,>'., fool pi1ce. Right 011 Medlem, up to the gQIt d~ CommunitY building witb great room, library, exetcise room cOIll$8 atldlli whhln wallclnll to 1Jljo new i~t~rior ,';.;,it;fi·' . ,post olIice and Convention,eenterl. Owner fInen.. common laundry room, and mailtoom .',. -:~:nm-~\.- I!I9l1\1ell'!ble. $45lI.ooo. . For more information call Dan or Carmen at 505.258.2727 , . "MO~!"P NOW "rIe"dSWhllo Ke.t>tllll thO Old" L«o~ 9t,1(17 Jad< ll.!'I. Drive (ncar the Unks Golf Course) A 17l!RRA REAL7Y TRUST DEVELOPMENT '.'" ~"

, > '.'


-~, " , 1, , ~. . ~ ~ F'VA ISHaD'"-Ar....) UN.. '. FURNISHeD 'f & 2 bedroom "Elpartments: bUls Paid. No pets. Call 258-3111. ~I LA$; CASITAS De ROSA Excellent location: 2 :. bedrooms upstalra; 1.26 b,athrooma; and wId hookups. $575 plus utilities. Call 505,258·9202. ~ 2 BDRM; UN~ANISHEO ..~ $475/1'110, wid - hookup". 1 ~ bdrm; fumlshed. $325/mo. ~ Deposit and references ra. :i: qUired, a.ma lease, ~ 258-4762. please leave § message. ~ NICE FURNISHED ONE :;;::~' bedroom apartment, bills paid. Good for one pef80n, ::£ no Pl1w. $425 a rnonth. S 258-5751 ._ ~ HEAT PAIDI Winter 'Comingl ~ A Great Deal! Furnlst'Jed or un­ S tumishad 1bdrm apartment; ~ slavB', refrjgerator,,' carpel. s'drupes, FREE laundry room! is!S375Jmo plus electrlc. Yes ~we pay heat. hoi water & ~ water. '.101 Apache Or.. lust ~.... all ~th Street 1-505·522­ ~ 3969 ,~ 9 Mobiles for Rent

::-". 3 BEDRooM•.2 BATH in .: Capitan on 3.5 .acres WIth hor~e laciliiies $450/mo. '. 354-7030 '. '. 3BA/2BA l4X80; un­ :; furnished with appliances, '. decks, washer, dryer. gas '. flreplace_ Available Approx • Jnlluary 15th. 336-458D :: CAPITAN ~ l:;Jedrpom. 1 bath. '. unfutlllsJled. $350 month :; plus deposit. 257-7667. • 354-9006 P1,.;'OBILE HOME: un­ tWl'ushed. 2bdrm. 1ba Con­ venient location m adUlt "1l,I).re horne palk. close in. 01' Mecham Nr" pels. " 257-2651 2 BEOROOM $350 .. month: I'mushed. trash. ""OIIH in­ 18 Bus. Opp. c1urled. $200 depnsil' Call "J~e~eu~.~3~7~.~"'~.2~4~,_. • _ ESTABLISHED BOOK Store bu6.lness, land alld building ~ 10 Condos for Rent rOt sale In walkinglshopplng dlstr'lct 01 RuIdoso. _Tremen­ ·~". CIMMARON CONDOS EIfi- dous potential, EXdellenl loca­ ..... clency apartments available tion and hlslory. Call KQlhy ~ Hwy 70 East. nIJX\ 10 Can­ O. at Prudential lela Easter '..~ ley s Nursery. $325/mo. Realtors for InformatiOn. S: 378-5280 257-7313 or 800·530-4597. ~ 3 BEORPOM, 3 BATH B& B'S; 2.FOR SAlE.' One · condo; fumished. double ga­ of NM's foremost and most rage. fireplace, wid. moun­ highly recommended Country lain view. 258-3383 or Inns. Great books. "um-key; 258-321,0 .slop In and lake over. $995.OOO.00.·S & B poleotlal right In Ruidoso In Cree 11 Cabins/Vacation Meadows Country Cillb area. 4 bedroom, 3 bath plus guest 2 aEDROOM, 2 BATH; night­ house and beautiful fawn and ly or weekly. No smoking. No appointments. S335.000.00 pets, 505-'336-4948 Jennle Dorgan @ Stevens Real Estate 1-888-556-1349 FOR LEASE several weeks or 505·630·9900 ~Jer year. 3BDRM/1.5BA.• lurnished cabin. w/large START YOUR OWN BulIl- .. deCk. Please No pets/No nessl 581 your own sc:hedtJe. smoking. H A. Wagner Control your own Income. 1-381-576-2965. 5811 from your home. al work, througli fundralsers. Be an 12 Mobile Spaces/Rt Avon RepresentatIve. Cal.l 888-942-4053. ~""- . . ,.-... .. ~ r·-·-~~-·~-'" WINTER SPECIAL!! STEVENS REAL E!;tTATE and Yearly Rates. Commercial Offerings: , Paula Stirm!tQ ," Riverside. easy CAPITAN· Commercial build- From FJEITA(L :Rt;/M.~~ .> to ' .. Aresldem' of Llnc';ln , County sInce 1956; :; 'III Can meet your" ~ .,. REIMAX 01 Ruidoso Y2K SUPPLIES ;1009 Mechem, Rulcfoso, real estate needs.'" ,- (j; '19M ..,een; !80919 C;:B911 .AvtJl/libls a~ ~ 88345 ~llC 01 Ruidoso .- n1REE BEDROOM, 2 ~.A'I1IIlO. OH 40 33/;-1360 -VIllage Hardware OIIice: (505) 258-5lI33 100g·Mechem Dr. ACRES - This Is a ueautillJllocaUon drlertllb Residential EO COmmercial , . Auk:lOBO, NM 8B34l5 7 ,eeluslOn, serenIty and space. Tl1e homo rs • Generator. 801).651-86'70 505·257.181)4' C811420-3135 centrally located on IhI acreage. There are Construction " -' Remodeling SpeCialists • 011 & Kerosene Esch Office Ind$endently Office 258-5833/1-800-857-8570-/ Fall 258-5839 loIS 01 trees. bill meadows. InCredible vIeWs Owned and Operated 01 the capitan Mpun!ains. and more dlJll1 Backfloe seNltelVard Unes Lemps 3BDI28A 2000 .q. ft.. 'lhanyoo can stIake asliCk al $19110OD ,. landscaping ," LOTS OF ROOMI ApproxtmaIEIly 3400 sq. ftl Three bedrooms, 3 owner wi I consider COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN baths. large ~r doset (master-sulle has 900 sq. ft.) Big stone i financin"b clrlelise • Our Job stans ,,' ":-. patio area. Location adjacent to national forest. CAll with YOUR ..:..:...... _", PAULA #91560 purchase with large down payment. $124.900. question. And ~- 103 RACCOON COURTI Neslled In tha Ponderosa Pines; 4 bed­ . end~ wllh " mil sofl.lllonl . rooms. MonJeau views through the pines. One half acre. Nice setluded Deer Park Woods location. Full golf membership. Owner/agent CALL ELLIE office excluSive! THE RANCHES OF SONTERRA - Gorgeous 7.8 acres with sW(>epmg views. See Sierra Blanca. the CapItan Mountains. and the lovely Spencer Thea1re for the Perkmning Arts! A nice drive­ way has atready been put in. Here Is a spectacular location for your newhome1 $52,500 CALL CHRIS #92440

JOSEPHA. ZAGONE Multi-Million Dollar Producc:rr ,•, Picture Of Success Quality Service Producer CENTURV21 , Aspen Real E!Itllte 1-900-658-271$ , (505) 257-00$7 ' (HM)25J1~ " , Llfdtlrrlelfta -"liIldeht Call 420-3807 20 Yo...""'''''so..... ' .Roal Estato EXporltmCl!.~ ,,~ .> l:" ____...:G:,:R:.::E::;:A;:;T:.,;BU;.',;;;,,;YSI ' ',Il!"J. ,~"

SIERRA BLANCA V.EWfI 3 bed~J 3 balh home on lovely, IOncIsuIoOu 101. New dOCk and' now wood 11001' In kl!chon, UlIIIIV fODt]l !'It'd workshop AcfQ&S IrtIh1lhe links - dose 10 sc::hooll. $188.500 #91411;, , Call'Joseph A. lagon. at 4204801 ....,-- ·. ./..-:" • '- '.' I /1- '''', . .. ' 'I

:, ".

. I'l

SEASO-NII;!D, FtREWOO.D;. JunlpElr/Cin1/(1r, 16a .18"· or S·EASONED PiNON. 2ii!'~24·, '$16Q ~Ivered. 3 Juniper. Pine miX:' $120 00id. eluEil cord.s, ,$14(1. Phone I?lokt:ld ~. hall.cord $70. Da­ {5QS)354-a119 or, {~(6)644- 15 Storage IlYery $"" and m. Re· 7901,· " -spe.bllvely, (no liIarrylng)., , for Rent 836--4524. ,," WINTER SPECIAL: Sea­ ....~ Ce~'" Pinonll\lllgat<>,. Ful~ Cord. DefMifEld. $1,;i!5;1)Q .' + ,'Taxi Flasak Ranch (506J849-0 2849. " 11 Cabins/Vac. NO APmJ:S FOOlS . Rentals No Pay'ments until April . 3BR/2BA· : '. it-iil;JjROOM CONDO •••. NIGHT~V & WEEKL¥ 'j)n~ llfll1e' nicellt two­ 1-800,58$-3228 , 2 bedroom, 2 b;llh, wash­ bedl1lamliJn Ihe moun' .,rIdryer.lully Idml.hod, Io~ Sleeps 6 people. Covered ,talnliWittill1ebest lronl and back deeka. Call tion Aear the race trllGk 25&-1722.r338:1360 ~M, pew C!l$ino, . 2 ,l1atIili. WI!tl ,.patub)n. m:lSldr, ,2 fji1lplaces, .large ollCk.. i"terallting floor' plan with high ceiling; Completely fur· ,nishliill, including 'all COMMERCIAL utensils lind bedding. 1400 sQtJarefilel of lux. PROPERTY ury. $B5,OOO.J;~11 LaYne FOR SALE PreSlar. 'owA'IWbl1lker, 505-6B2'1i0a2 0,,505­ • BusineSs, building and. land for. 987,2847. '.. . '. " .' sale. Call us for more information On ibis-proPerty in. a great location· "near a high traffic intersection near . the White Mountain area; l\Im-. key operation. Call Jolu:lI)y al Thll Ifth/$ was your Pines Realty. 257-7786: . c/as$/f/ed display ad. wo,~,1ii~~r 13Bl_'A~h TIR:EO'OFPA:viHGRENT1 YOIl wouk! be .' =:!.= - .,," .' -. " l' . fe(fIcf1;ng . ~ ~u:IL '>~, "SEE VSA~VTADDITIONAL COl\1l\.1F.~CIAL OPPORTUNITIE$••' seller tohetp 'wlthGloslng bosts,on this 3 .' . , 'W"W'i1H,\ I)lidroom.: 2 bath. Is situated In a quiet coun· customersl FREE! $'26 990 ....' . '---, trY • FRIEE FlreplllC:8 ", • FaEE BulllJn 81ereo slitting. Large living area wllireplace, tiled RuIdoso News • FREE Side By Side Relrlgerator or. . FREE 1norm Majd...... 'kltclllin/dlning nook. Spacious master., cov­ Advertising • FREE Glamour'Bath ,.• FREE Upgrade lnSOI~lo..'. .• FREE 32'" Stlparal. Sbet"'.,- $22~ FREE SlalewJde DellWlry a Sel ~~ lil'bll 'porch, '. laval lot. Now only $79.800. . Mlcbelle. Christine, or ~f"EEDI. "mo. Pertelltior stlirtar or second home.. . Uneia' r """ .,.' .FREElllqve ." .dUll Mary Austin. Coldwell Banker 505·257-'4001 SQ(; Realtors 505-257-5111. We know' sometimes peopl" hev.difflcultles, but we'... here'to help. ' .Ruidu$O '1'1 A""U~LE ·Condo-2Pd. 2. balh. S8110 lJIC. utll.- DON.T · . Properties ·H0\IlIt-3W. i2lmlh. opprox. ~I lq. ChanceS are, we can put you In the Be#er~& G8rcJeas . f'l~ S9S0. Dtlp ulk)wcd·.·H(Wse 3Bd. WORRY... FRS 32x44 vehicle of your choice. U7 '. 5"2$N'6ll3 . llll1th,~.l:!llJsq.n. $S(IO.No 'w·'" H'''''E ~ FI;IEE 8t'lfWlde !;Iollery ~ '3 Bedl"'CkD'i1 • 2 Bath • FREE Sel Up HIiMfi.ii1\,d§", $OhI«~ ~':~ii:'~S:~~ "E"Nll'·~LSI • FREE Upgrade "uulellDn 'iii ~ No .....·11'...... 2 bolh...... , R,. .. • 1'10 Hassle Application . 1100 sq. ft.! U,,'um. S5Sfl. ,!Ill' Pc.._ • FREE ' ..11•• cellI... $3'4'--9'-90· or ..'Phone Answered 24-hours a clay, '~oeA an~.!!.'iU ClID CAROL@COldwell-Banker s~:.~en ~mo '. oPI3 boC'diAN . ~ I :f:e: Tub --.-=--- '$2'&;7' 7.daVSaw....k oul:ll" unlu_p .~S\lC~"'*!:' :._=:.~: :'~.. .~y .. FREE_oerNwRelrlDlinter...... u..r-. .D II' ..__...... a ...... Hel!iday&/ • Quick Response OQsRclfd:lilc.lI\'neU m",IOo~"'lIm iA!Y,"-,b"':·J:!!.i "'A;:-••----....,: --... o!"p'p' • Confidential 1>1M••li"",,a..~ wiahlh. ~OWn81'8 "bab a she ad ~",.;~~~ 2~m.1 bat~R"ri_ \llw.~e ~b~ l'd'~ar ,.;~ "'*"'. . '~o'i,~~~~~~_.ad H'4'sdn Miguel. C:;>~. Rtttuced to S695 +i.I\illties. . i;~eoROOM. 2'balh unlu,. NO PETS. '!lPtied, mtilille. ownsr Is Ilil

FOR RENT ~m314 bath with f1rep,lace. Refr"irieralOf 31 Household • ~ have 2 Ye'Y nice 2'bedroom, 2 balb fumished amdos In Whl1e and stove. S625per momh in­ 23 Auto Parts 27 Feed & Grains MoumaiD Meadaw:s. Please call Mark at ThII PiDes Realty. '257-7786 cludos basic utilities. NO Pm. Goods Connote infomlaoon. . Call CIndy '. Cute2 bedroom,. I bath unfurnished cabin In convenient location. $S5O' Uc. I#273M:S J07ce'S Farnitare per IUOflIh -IncludesUtI1ities. Can Kalhy alThII Pines Really, 257.'7786 or Kathy "Since 1979" TOYOTATHON Uo. 11348725 • 1\\0bedroom, I batJ:I house wilh double garage on 112. acre. $700 per ~war{tacatl.Cilonr New &' Used Furniture hklIilbplus utilil&:s;CaQ Kathy:'1 ThII Pines Realty, 257·1786. < .".,."..J ..iJJ & Mattresses . 2000 ,. ~3 bedroom, ~ be1h unfumJshed home in CXIftVelI.lenllocailotI. An GflRY LYDCH '"' Buy. Sell & 1rode Oileleve). $7S0 iW I'Mftthplus ulillieLCblmonnll arTall Pines. Realty, REtlLTY 6S0,Sudderih • 257-7575 Z~~ MODEL ", . . 257-4011 Nlglli., nnt.ls also amlablel Pi_Ie caD ,Kala,y at .257-7786 33 Antiques 2000 CAMRY CE Mansfield Furniture AUlD. NC. AM-FM oaslMtle. power locks. "Buy, Sell or Trade" Powef mirrors. cruise''4633 New & Used It'urnlture & Matlresse5 2000 COROLLA All wealh/tr Oltiilf.lV6. AM..fM cassette ,267-3109 .. UIOO Stlcliierlh l)r. 14'!i.41;'#4844, i48tlO , 2000 TACOMA .AIt, A1.HM GlSSetJl'l. rellr bumper 14647 , . "dryS~ . 2000 TACOMA SA5 . .Housske8pe.s "" va, 4x.o\ AlCJ,AM·FM t:ti'~ ..ctrram(l. , .P.SpCookS ~nk8j)f1, tli)no~r #4647 . nliedlid lit Au/dO.1) Ca... Cli_•• 9Edl~ HLlj'nanR~ 2000 ij.GArllT . . .. AJO, AM- :&stlltte.'fea, S!Jonln " ... 0'1_'.." " I'>W" wi QOW.. AOS, pOWer sun~ jf~5~.8·.""'r1o"'",' I.INCOLN 4RUNII!~11' COUNTY GRILL 2000 . $28,951" ~~,~~,:"=~iJllti. ',., , ," ','" , '~, . ',' :RappiJ-' To all ofourfriends, cus(omersand '';usirJ4~s associates w~ would like to send a special.wish for GoodHealth.llappiness afjdJ!.rbspgrity . ' " ' throughout/he coming year.

• lfavea very safe and w~mderftiJNeWYeat:>" "'. . ," '., '. Everyone!!! ." ....•

38. Help Wanted

, IMMEDI~TE ' , . OPENINGS FOR' ...... p~@ EXPERIENCED COoQI (available to work' . "'uut. -weekends. holidays) .. Drivers a,: .Plea.se applY. in person or send resume to: Servers Needed . I' ehe "Oellall 2S2a Sudd.rth Apply at 725 • Auidoso, NM 88345 Sudderth - Pizza 257-7540 Hut. anYtime.

Have iii s~ holldiilY. 39 Work Wanted 40 Services . Don't Drink ankl Drivel CA raTeR,. SE CES LLC Briliante ConSb'uctlon will h~ y.Gu."...1th all of,your resl­ , Thomas Briltante . denlfal Ilep ItlllIU.d1ng- repairs•. G£~ CcN'rAAcToFl housekeeping. PillS. plaids. etc:. REDWOOD DECKS • RI!MCXll!LJNCI. -LEAVE YOUR WORRIES TO US .... INSURED & BONDED 25&06198- Wren Tutlle and Kim Wood ' All Positions liceNSE ItNM 056319--0B 98 - 630-9404 for more Iniormalion needed at Farley's M£TALROOFS Health benefits plus RE¥ODELS - ADDITIONS 40l(k) plan available. ~Ieo Builders DEC$S. PAIN11NG'4 JU!P.\IRS . Apply in person at GARAGES& CARPORTS 1200 MecheOl. i!57;~'\S7- Uc.'erme#fl..'ii2l'«1

.. ~"'r ... ".o"~ . ,We"teach THINKING and A OELIGHT•In LEARNING! . M...... ""'" . Preschool education for the &lnlor 01SC:6'dnIs , 'wOole child..Natlonall1 ac­ Free Esllmales credited and State licensed. .JOHN LYNN RooFIt«' . '25703243" '. .• • for Information call: Borxfed • ueensa 1ffi6473 EXAMPLE: • "BREATHTAKING" heavily carved and profoundly detailed 'massive 9-pc. '.." STARLITE MONTESSORI Sfllngle RoOf8:, R8D8h... * SCHOOL' 257-2255 Insurance Waik ­ mahogany formal dining room suite w/10-full bodied lions, bear claw feet,'goddess heads 30veara Elcpelklnee WHITE MOUNTAIN GLASS and flamboyant crests, (Pre-auction estimate: $25.000 to $35000) .Q!\!!;. OF A KlNQ AND HolVlE FURNISHINGS SUITE!!!. Astounding oak hunt board cabinet frol1] prominent "English castle" c.1890. 38 Help Wanted patricia S. Orl.iz, heavily ornate w/heads and beautiful art glass • Fabulous 5-pc, "intricately inlaid" . Attorney~' (505) 257-5920 mahogany bedroom suite w/rare matching arr)1oire· Outstanding 7-pc. parlor suite c.1880 505-257-3525 134 Sudderth Drive' Ruidoso NM S8345 • Fancy oak fall-front secretary/bookcase c,191 0 • Tremendous golden oak S-rolltop desk· If in jail. call ("ollett Gregg and -La.vonne Griffin NM LicN59663 Important "Remington"lifll~ MOUNTAIN MAN bronze sculpture (earlier after-death cast­ J 204 Meche-Ill '# ( l \,'1111(" MIIUll1;lln 1'1.17-01 ing) - pre-auction estimate: $12,500 to $18,500 • VMllJll:ll working 10¢, Mills slot lJlnnh (JfFc1l1t'-'SIiI BO'l\11ng t:t'I1k'fl , , machine MUSEUM PIECE: Anti~ue jail cell c.1870 - ~x6' ,w/steelfolll down bunk and * '/ .. .:nv.- J:'timlnnl law" PROTEClmUR I1\IVESTMENT! lock stamped "Ft Smith Prison"! OTE This jail cell is portable as It was loaded 011 wag­ J -DivO!'CC." " . - Adopclon" FDmUy LlIW ­ ··"A fin,i$h yOu can depend on"'! ons to transport prisoners! • Fantastic "Sellers" kitchen cabinet w/carml'!l slag glass pan­ ~ - [njuriesAc:cldenlN - - . . els. window sifter and rare swing-out sugar jar· Nice lawyers 4-sectlon staCklngbookcase ". _tlutt~l'UP\l.'>-· .. SCOTrY'SPAINTING Y • Extraordinary bombe burlll!alnut marble-top mirrored sideboard w/pr'OminMce:attrlbuted ,~~o,.A9·o to "Skelly Mansion"l • Sensational'18" - "Art DecO" bronzew/hiory sculj:ltOre Ofdlinder.on ....•- ''''QI~Q.~: ". - -.. .>';;,", .,., marble base· Exquisite Etagere • Stunnir,rg "9ueenAnne" chlnacabl:(1at"lWo gorlleo1!$ ')i', ' '.. ,;Callnow'·i:lY·ihii..,...."'~._ ~r,#'#~.~""".~~'<"'l...... ,•. "trrple" knockdC!wn wardrobes,- walnut VuJtonan and inlaid mahogany, ~Rilmar~iIb'e(lup· "",' '0,•• " boards and cabinets· The chOicest dressers and chests ~. Spectacular ,'Al'tJalass' sidtrbY- NM.tl~. Qll59~1l. Bnrid."d 6'r;Jo$lll1!d , .- "" ;', '.- . .. side cocktail cabinet w/bar • The finest bt:lQ~taSl!'$;:l(lllI'\llfk$ .. ',-ohlM .t:/lbln'\!tll o, . Glassware of dlsllnction ., Elaborate porcelain;"FI~l,lhlnli ~ ", klll~il$.."El!!1l"M lamps· Great "squash blossdm" necklac.et tlld West...... t1"Cropketl, 6,S. Garcia, others • ID~.i!lI1.ptltlery • Estate le~elry· Gold.ansternno... are-~oys • Vintaoe . clothing. MWlH ~ MOBEI • Antique firearms ~ qio ks· 11unkl!"';Cl;Jll1Ils,llI.llhoVYll3se collectibles. SpeCial bedroom and dining roam stliteJ slll!erltlll!$le$ alld"Qha,rs~· Terrilic Oakhall stafld· Incredible sldBboardsJ,bllfl1l . $eIMllill·tII~endDUs~I$'anrJ hers matching armOires .,Allfurniture·origlnl\l nl'lIsh~, . . ". ' ., . lick . ,jail , " ,..' ". ,},,' * SPECIA~ MENIWl: •'plIenomei'iaI" . ·#lcmfil$ .' by "Knight, '~e'aU!lliontlstr:, ,;IIl»~~ pistol wlSllver mounts, c,ngO- Severa. . . ",,' , , ,~ .".",. " ,<', .'' , " ,', .. • >. • .' , ." . ;,:' , '.'

"" " c ': '., "', . . "..; . <.' . .ltQ,IDQ'e;t·.l\n;,WS "" ,,-' _"'. ,,:, ,;:;~:.,: ,~..' ;"",,". .:~'."~ ". ",,¢.~, "" '. 'C,

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.. i

A.streetto cI.,lI,ght kids (;)f a1I'.ases Is OR' displ")' in ~he: lObby 'ofthe'inn 'ofthe Mountain God$. .Everything's ediblein the Inn's

". .-;:''',''. Gingerbread Village' , ''',....'X' ,BY ~ SUGGnT ea: for the Inn's ·displaY for 17 years; that reveal lights on inside the ho1lSe:S ' Mer S!U1e I dow sills, Salai again Uses royal icing. "We try to give theRJ, to people, who and .Warnl yellow light shines out JUst aaw SOJDe of them in an ai'chitee· . Everythingin the villilge is - at haVe kids anQ have been hard-work­ ftom two--indJ high WindOW panes turemagazine," Salai said, laughing. least technically - edible: Salai said ing throughout the year. We try to made orcaramelbed sugar andwater. 'The tallest· buildings .are the Vw- she dDetm't reconnnend eating it, a~ it ~ the Christmas spirit going," she . It takas a village to raise a chi1d, torian houses, which 11\easute 2 112 could be hazardptis to teeth anddiges· said. " hutIftakesiOur people aPJl1'Oll!mllteJy feet tall by 18 inches wide, she said: tive systeJDB, but the rules ofcompeti· . After 17 years of building ginger­ 50 hoUrs to maka a village ofginger- Throw together 100 pounds of .tions and culinary shows require that bread villages, the -architect-pastry" bread houaes.'llaid Delphine Salai, the pl>\llTdered sugar. 2 gallons of egg everything be edible. . chef said it's been a learning experi- pBet1'Y ~hef atthe.Innofthe.MOUlltain whites,'and you've got the iclilg, Balai "In fact, it.couldreslly hurt your ence ' Gods. ~ 150 PO.Wlde of.gingerbteaeete\~NeW . . The b1uePJitite for the buildinge to put the walls up raw. Royal icing is "Every year I swear I'm going'to "What rye always wanted to do . •.. ~t""'p1oyees era in th'I head ofpBst1'Y chef Salai, used as the mortlli' for the bricks, top. atart on this in July, but I never get WBJI construct a replica of Midtown." . ~~ ginger~ad cbiIilIE!Il to ....ve the firSt an­ ,who's making hous.. The translucent yellow windows around to it," Balai Baid.· , she said. ·'Maybe next year. JIUl4 ~ public·.... , vic\>'Ollw8\'8j Ibr 19611 in $antll ~,'/.@';16; 'ul7e)' .. "i.~ L. Hine, Ruidoso ...ax.~1!. wlU be ." ' the ~ to be bon- What RuidOsoans. hope for in a brand 'new century " ~"IIt II spedallunoheon. S,~Ile co~era· ~_._... dohi~ ~--- received r ••_ S CI h h h' b d hild d R '. tioj',l.iJI\Je to the fact that during ~,...... BY.".,..." UGGrrr OIl ~, said a e opes that her us an ,c ren. an ui~ pa· more. love to our. community. .~ ten~ grand~dren L.hEaW< two large RUIDOSO NEWs STAFF WRITER 'Iexas'New Mexico Power Com- before herself 01- trol officer Ja- our families, our Coworkers. Th ." ~,~~ ".ve been ea- ponydoes Indeed have electric- weys. . son Hart hopes show more love." unn.rwu:ll pa Sue Dievert, a salesclerk at it)' so she can see to sew. Lopez hopes that in the to develop more Sandra Locke, one of the t8Ij: . ~ two paving-districts, Brunell's, .said -she's never yet "My NewYear's resolutions year 2000 she can Jive a more camaraderie be- j owners of the •:W=~pooImrpobuilt.'rt, . and a mado a New Year's tesoIution, era to love rot kids just like I positive. life. tween the police osta1Annex, is ., . hut if she was going to, she'a do. Yeare ago, my reSolution 'Things of the world really and the public- esolved to take '. ' resolve to eat was to move to Ruidoso. and get me down." she s!1id. '"I hope and to spend ~a trip to Ger­ D#;\,,,3.1,1979 lots of chocolate then l'm.eteying. The onIywey if we all work together we can more time with Han many and Eng­ ~ and not quit they're going to get me out of resolve situations like violence his family. land, "and bet­ ~ smoking. here is in a box. This is the in the schools!' ''For 2000? I ter serve OUT . ":' Ie s:.m. "N°bod y most wonderful place in the Douglas Shannon, getting hope that total chsos doesn't customers:' she ~ keeps. them world - and Ive·been there." . a haircut at Mike's Barber occur at Y2K and that Gover- said. "And to be J'!1ds is being sent to you 8D$WaYt" she Grace Lopez, a salesclerk at Shop. said he doesn't want to nor Johnson doesn't 'pas.s the more self-disci- Cascio em. ~ber 28th and will said~ "If they Sisters 'lbo, resolves to take. make any resolutions' because legal,'zation of~-'-," he sw·d. plined $0 I can ~, ~ .""i:"'YOU... on New Vear's did, I'd be akin- better. care of her .heal.th.. be- he might not live long enough Dorinda Ileum,.....a co-owner accomplish the 'W. -, > ny, and start cause she's to take care of them, but he ofthe~1i-ee.'aaidhm'-res-- goals tha1f I'm going to set for' . .' luiar the go1daIJ belle making resolu- been wOl'king does have hopes forY2K.· . olutl-~ _A._ ....t1·~d. aick. 'or next year." ' . , . .It· . tioJls," too . hard and ''I hope Ha Ha Construe· ~ ~,~ go" ..~ .. Rosemar;y Coscio, owner of .ham IMl9ple aInging, ~""""-tHer hopea~.. for the new t!lking thin' tion 1lQl1" back to ," he three year.'is to lllbVe some- the Herb Stop, resolves to"help . 0.;;;~...... " go...... u ...... ave"...... _.- ,or, . gr""ted..'!IS sw'd, Montaha'-plaee 3,000andfeet tolower-,hsckhe welL to more ·people 'learn to help ~ves, ' ,... .;.'~;. }'u",_JllJP'MI.~ew lieiii<'.. reso- She alSl' .i'll, .•L_ 'TI:'~ whkole to~"is hb·o.&':'~Janet S

:>·~·.IIi.:Cbrlstql3$de~slt!S' , children in,oJdUnCOm!own" • :<::",'i,,;;~;," '" ""l)iIM"~1/I~:b Oatbll1io. CI\~ What a'bell"tiiU! ~liili4:en ntoit· Santa Ciaus '!It the ola fastthatlf youllihiW your "Yl'S ;\'Q\1 .C\ .. ' . "'iithtiJ ~'Ohristntas" IlVen~ .vfth' tfu!1iBhted~l1Mlua:riQj·.i,l.;l.ti.i1Il!n.. Oourt:a_,Then thEiy.·Weht :JDis$l!dit;···· . ',' ... ' ' , .'. ,l\Jjilut ,8'~ lJlnolQln P~t ~" P1# f ;WIJ\el'#>lll. C4plttlnamithl>.,s~' '/loln~ .. lWeryontl llWW.ii:Uhe woilderl\;l J} iLk..' '.' 'l.IliJ _fJ!lJlll ~"'sl1 •.w'.', .' was the 1191!lilllfbr 11\eal ,thllt Lt et:t!d llllCl>jflI~gt1l'1l' lSllndSll'~!'~c ~t.i!dtid"'" ".;" . ;~"'ailiilI'Y~~'Ii\Jll$.~ 11:llJl'~:''''li·,eb'~< ,",;!2~fl~..fll«;'ta ~Ill!k. .,~I-lowei~Ii """', .' ,~"".l>...... ""', • 'uw" . l>,~ ....,.~. ·e,ylO". w,,,,,, ""'" . .l!1l11,ill 'M" fif8~ "'~~j~", .. ··t1'~{,;'r..,c' ". :';"lJd~1jr~ ~~ . ; .. , loll.',.', 'n.·· :a""pmn' --, ~ . ....~:t~:: . '" ~~*~ri~f;'~' ~ ....AW P.I'tIH11 •C/:)eckoat . GROOM'''.'' ~ Quality .. ..,; Vdoonos . not Quantity . for things to do .¥. N."'~57.5518 over the holiday LocatiOrt 648 -Sudderth ",.1... RUId'oso • :5 :• .weekend .--.------.~~-~_._~.~~. I prellare YOUr IinanCingf~,y'eal' 200Q. I' 'We look to seeing your I Submit an 'Ippltcatlon now (or your _I estate pU'r'Chase.tn I ffJ'riJiard I 2000. We will waive the cred)r....p~.f_ a-n.'IA\lrNCit•.Jfl!ijKI ~. ' ." ./: ...... ~ ....,~ .. - ~i-~ _.,~ "':~.'~-~~~'" . , i'~ , . I" • "', 'it. . . ',. . ')-j<.,",1.- >";,!:.~.,, t,., ,.,~, ..\. .. , ..., . :, .~r<.'.;':, •. . ,.,~~;.'V;, J~"'.,. ", ilf,;,\:"i , ,,,' '.• '>': <, '-' I'" r.'; t 1<,",' ' "- • 'M" '." .. • ,".' ,.-- , ,,;0.,

., .~ . , ",:-" "',: '-'. ,',' .,", <.',,-'"

... ", ,-'".; ,'I

~ J ,:" ' ! "" ; , :; '" ) I FRlD.IY,DEC,3I, 1999 3C I

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, _. .>; . , . • ,.' .. . ".' . , ,' . ~" - . • , ",. - •' ." '-. 1'-: ""' , . . 'lit- ;, ,,' • .... • • -~;;:." ;'.i -. •. ",~. f,:" • , , • ,I ::~.-" • '\. ".. ..~ .,.yJ~~ ~dei-served. I-U'ba~, Iinii.s~t~ '.~P¥f-..' ,.' b;;m,~ mel;rUpOl~~,~m. CQIl1P>Jrioon'" - ", 'n1~lyIlIneed. .. , .' rn Pall" ."O'u r'fQCUS' Is-·to ,th'e: can e>lIJ:St prior, ." . . ." .. ' ,', ' n~~t like '~a '-'e'~-u"n''-"~ns m'00"-' .""- , , ..,,_...... "" . ily, Is, basic6rSt1bcu'..teIe-mU'jrications.. t . v' "" _.v.. __..... -VI' v.v, ~"Gm'!'':,~~:'~!?~;m!'WN~tioM~jf oemcs,' Along with that Will be (:US omers.· " .~.'1'.E. or. eranAnneKBllljjamlm,a(ormsr , "..,., _.-"'-' .- -- the additiOn of _cia! feature. .. " '.' M - e ·U. S,We. t a.sistant u,', S. ·atl:o\"ne,Y'generaI .. GO. b1dllhoina and ~ Is exp- . -",~' y' ".. L ~ d .L. --"" f U '" ~- Jeff ". ~~._L~. ~I"'."" ,....Ja-....-..,lifu.• wtbatan...I~,,!g8 ...... ,·'poone.011$tomer.. '-Y,dorvlcepresident busin...deve!opment. w..o ..ave an "'" wu" 0 .•0. ""n, • "'" ~ "'" --...,.....,. ~,- __vv v. . ' • '. , . "bettor!nveJ\t"',Binganum, D-NM. , ...... ft_,.to 1I4ik¥ :1'., vt....presl- . . . .. '. . .. 1 ! .'. . C' .. •...... 'in Fi'" ;... .. I.. 'eIudes ' ';. '=-~~~~~':'~~:t":"c;aJ:lti~:1r.:~ajr=':;'~ve~eSe ~~It~II be apri:':'~ citie•." Al~"=of ~ flrn ~~' 'new comllany'. """"'<;e, a""",. will. vsstor. whose roots. are In the " . _~ montb~.or sO, . ... , .. ments Page.cillled priina,-y' ·oar- to~~ wanting the spe"',aUz:ed be. smaller ':O""'!'Unlties. m ...the Southwe.t. ,among them fprmei- • '-', " 'ldb "ClUI ...... ,..... ad .Sl'VlCSB they help iJrIrllr additioilal th"", .tat<>s: ""'. ' New Mexico Goy, ~neyAnaya, ". ,', TIie 'new firJ:n will locate its ~CSBfowou . e ". '''_,~ . revanussforphoneOO\bpllDl.,.. . VllIor WIll alE;0. as do.,. G.T.E. Th' H'I. '1.. '.' , .- , headquarters In -D,plaa•. Texas. '.<:all ~ng,. Ol;Il,~'O\lUJa be fligh .peed da1l/.cspabilities Is pre...n~ offer intra.lata end local" e .panl. ""ODele.,on on '- Abb>.1tha1fofthe inYeelor$ InValor .'re~mca.l.1inlf "nc('repeo1~ ~- an area t;'age bsli6vea VllIor will toll c..uuig. ~ focUs In to make Corporate ~ponslbllity. af~o m'eft'onl NewMexim. "'l'hat will lng, "TheiJ!arketrlllhtnOWlSnpe evontua1JY move Into..'We believe the,transfer from: G.'r.E.~. pleyed a role ill thelb':""!'tlon of 'trailalate .into good- CustOmer ser- '~ these'~t he said., it can be offered," though he added .. to oUr customers," Pip said. ", ValOr "lelecomtnunications when it ·Vi....• PI\lle saId., '. .. . "Over the next $Ix.to, .nlne It couli1 take ~ while to aehi",':e the The tran. In e>d to bring toil"tber G.T.E: to~$'iio " "Wesee.thisa. a great _ 'montbewe need to look at the ,golll.ofpr01li

'~~STAlLINGS . "7'~te., .. ' . the Sllll:t of 8,7.9 ...... tract off , .. h"';" as mining slides and' service sectorclimbs ..". '~, 'llIJI~srAl'F""""'" . ''l'hat type' of lli'<>wth. 1'0- Old Fort StimtoJl'Boad into . . '. , . ' \.:1.: . . '. ~d. In bUtnireda. of SJljall .1'Ow-~'illr7a..gjng. froi~' 1.8, ,ALBUQu;ERQUE _ Moderato em· In terms ofactualliumber•• trade em- .. ·.t'~ZOZO.,. ~elvelota ,SIlbdivilllollS ""!PBS tile COl1I1t,lr, '~b:V ~~~...".M:;; ploymont ~ ill forec:aat lOr the state ploymeilt .eouldaci:mint'-i'or nearly one. ~atedout offQin- tracts. it1-t¥ fut1l.... will ~more" Jiinil'~ ~lRn.d. 'Thx1lS. during 2000, ~to prqjecti.on. pre' thh'd Ilf rota! emp!oymentgrowth In 2000, of .. in .eperato $\lbd!VidiJlg .lll"V!ceB' 8!l~ .pqt, mil.... of 8 8!l ,','. . .. .' 'pared by ttu> New Mexico...Labor DePart.- .according to the labOr depsrtment. Much !!4ilma ....vIewed this month sF""'·on.Jin\l'ted water ...... 'l'he 1and 1$ .01'Ved by a 10- t. . ofthe retail trade sulH:atsgOrJi will be fu- bSi\'the Lincoln 'Copni:y Com,. _ .. lOIIe hl\S w~" toot:Pl;ivato gtllvel roild. menThe deparllnent prs,1IIncre-eaet\job. at WllI- . ~ .' Whito Mountain Develop- Mary JarieWl1sy' of Rni- will be about 1.5-peresnt-.in 2000, the Mart etorsslti New·Mexicl'l\ Qavl1an Ollnyon Road and Road into three tram. . ''l'he lJirgest gain. areexpeotsd to occur durmg 2000. olllil and Joann Chewning' of 'lbmahawk Trail near Fa~' Served. by'a private road. .In the eerViees sector and whole.llIe trade, . After a .1ik!Jt decline In 1999, the con- lithonia, Ga. ~ Subdi~on. , the,tracts range in size from 2 Both Categories ~ anticipated to increase struction ~ will see a slight employ- . "/The parents wanted to 'rhe three--acre tract was acres to 2.6 acres. employmentjustova:two perc~t in 2000. mant incre in 2000, according to the f'" Sl"-Y$. their·son half of the land .divi~ed into .three lots"~ with Under county subdivision New Mexico mining. which lost Xiearly labor dePartment. Heavy .construction, es,,: ~rin the corner ofAntelope 'li'eil, two m the unmcorporated part ....gWation•••\lch small sub.eIi- b ,. . " 'all d ~.~, will furni h ~ ~ to county officialS. 'ci! the coUtt!f ~d Qn~, in the .,Visiuns do not_ have to meet five percent of its jo base in 1999 18 ex· peel y roa cons...... OD, s ; ">c.AlthoUi>:h no one o~eoted Village oUbilddllq. . ...' coimt,y roild reqni:rel1lentS. Tho pectod to loose more ground In 2000, mo.t ofthe Impetuafor the Increase. • til\:tlmsDllt. coimt,y "fanner . . T4l''''!i$,\l811t Iot,ls:8110th$ untYha. DO zoning regula- ~lt ·'''.&tJl...ri0tii4''on'the <>fan ~t1lil'birgest1.~fl/lW!&' tl....., ~.tt!'..t.th" subdil'ialon ~eprt;lP8l"tY'WM'th~!an ·i .~~d~~$~~~'~ ··~:;rm~~=~ "»Plt~dA.hfIDdful ofeconomic SurPrises in·1999 ~ ··~Atbot::Q"y lW SUNo Wo; $QttN toa restructur· ... < : ,;. '..' ':, "" ' lUdt":.. ." " !!!l!lO' "l"N!M!!SIi W/;l;l,S 1I!iW9 . Ing J lipan et ,,IN!' ,:' " _,_, "'" . : ,_~ ,'- " ,""" :,~~~tl~&lI'9~~ , .:tha!i"Wa$. 'i/:!,illiI!ii • . '. ....t ".;, ,,'-e'. ,.,.

4C FIUlJA'I; DEc. 31, 1999

. Continued from page IC

only heal ourselves, and to bring more smiles, laughter and kindness to the world every day." . , 'Her hope for the year 2000? '~ore'peace on earth." At City Hall, the utility billings clerk, Laurie Carpen­ ter, is resolved to have DO fees from the bank for overdrafts this Ye:ar. 'That's our (my husband and me) huge resolution," Car­ penter said. "It's $25 here plus tax. Our problem is communi­ cation,' so we have vowed to only use the checkbook for, bills. In the last two years we've spent about $200 Un ,overdraft.fees)." E. Joyce McMath, code en­ Osterberg forcement and building in­ spector, hopes cassettes in she lives to see the year 2000. Her New Year's $2.8 million for·construc~ion offacilities. resolution is to concentrat~ on house repairs McMath

( NMSUseeks funds for ath1eti L'~ • ~ LAS CRUCES 'T~e re- Among the requests previ- Other' appropt'lation:. St. Joseph's Mission repair project gents: of' New Mexico State:. ously approved by· tHe regents quests include: .'. " :; .Ur,tiyersity have added a pack­ are a 6 percent increase in fae- .• •Instruction anc" ~u"~ . :age:of athletics needs to the re- idty and staff compensati0l:l, progtams: $400,00Q fo;r W'/f,r "j' r begins'despite shortage offunds·· .quests that will go to the Legis-. fjHL4 million for a H~alth and· preparaq.oD, $225,000 f017 , lature when the session opens So~ial Services Building on the' .tance learrdn~ mas~r's.\,>".' • ~ Jan. 18, 2000. main campu$, and $1.25 mil.:. gr~m. in '·education, ..:~ ~d BY-DIANNE ST~LLINGS also will work on the interior. "We certainly cQuld use'a .. , The athletics' requests' in- . li9r(,for tJ:le Dona Ana Branch . $200,,~PO for thene~ ~~~~ RUIDOSO NEWS-STAFF \VRlTER angel~ ~ they did the en.erior., . . Communlt~ Coll~~e, .Borde~·Pre-fres,hman EngJ.ne.e~1ng philanthropic k~ep clude a' $1.6 niilljon building . 'We11 gomg as fund­ for academic programs and Area Satelhte FacilIty In Sun- Program.· .", /: Repair of"St. J.oseph's Brother Peter, ing permits," he said. ~'We cer­ Apache Mission took another sports medicine to serve more land :park. , . ... Constitutional pr0m-:.: , projecr coon:limltor tainly could use a philanthrop- than '300 student-&thletes; ·'fQr'~:~~ step last week as work began . ic angel.", , Expansion requests for re- E:x;pansion :-requests ~ $319,000 in' improvements to on replacement of aging mor- .. ' ,,' t' 1b benefit the restoration sear.ch a.nd pUblic servi~e pro-' ~Cultural Expetime~~.~~Ai­ thefootball field ho.use, built in m~lu.c:Ie Ct?Operat~v,t~~le­ tar on the.interior 50-foot high gra:ms $450J OOO to tlon :and the stone walls of the imposing Experts with Territorial effort, tfckets will be 9n sale to 1978; and $9.05,000 towards match a NatIonal Enao~ent tensu;m Serv~(l~t· u;),~11Ye structure. Thmkey Scaffolding of Albu- Win a Kachina figure carved by expansion ofthe golfclubhouse fo.r the Humanities grant to es- $880,078 for, Hotel, Resw,'-9tN\t "We started fund raising in querque began the repair work Bablan Death March veterans. to .include classrooms and tabUsh the Southwest'rtnd Bor- and '!burism MtmagE!~~~t, 1994," said Brother Peter who inside the church, erecting The prize and 'tickets were do­ other facilities to accollunodate der Cultures Institute, $438,800 for theWa~r~t1lijr is coordinating the project. "So floor to ceiliqg scaffolding near nated by the group in honor of the needs 'of the prof~ssional $415 000 to improverecruit~ Program, and $500,000 fq~~'t1t~ far, we've raised. $80,000. The the grave. of FatJ:u3r Albert' -Father.·Braun, who was· their golf management degree ,pro­ ment.and retention of Native Clovis Scien~e Ce,nter.. ~/;~ :{;t$t goal is $1 million to do the en­ Braun, Who's dedication to chaplain. gram and the growing usage o.f ~tudents, un~verslty,qls.o. ,~l Mescalero'resulted In con-. The church is dedicated to Aniencan $300,000. The ... tire job ,inside and out, but we the, facility. built in 1962. .19 establish a Center for En~r- . seek.restoration. of$aQO~~o~(\!b decided we had to get moving." struction of the mission, start- the memory of veterans of the . . The Board of Regei:lts ap­ .gy 'Iechno!ogies, and $90,OOOfundu:~g for .gend~r:~~~l~~m Mortar replacement on ed in 1919 and complete'd in" .two world wars. The Winner proved the reguests at a regu­ for the Alhance for I,Tnder-rep-athletlcs, which was not app,b:. some enerior sections of the 1939. ~. will be, piskedJan. 30. . larmeetingFriday; Dec. 17. . resented.Students,· . p~a~4Ia!=it:year~':;"~ ~ .",~ 65x131-foot church occurred in Th bring dowb the co~f bt 1b buy $1 t~ck~ts, call.the • I l r , ,. ; ".,J • II .. , .. • ,~.' /,,~;' June and used tip about the project, Brother Peter and. mission in Mescalero at 671.: ,,·~;.iv _i:!t.:.,,- $26,000. his trained crew of volunteers 4473~

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Work is not the same as making a .1 • .living for 11 Jezowsski, but she's'

evolved a way to make her art her

life's work and her iiving.

See CANVASS. page 4D

~.".• ;",

ANel~N-T MEMORIES. a plaster sculptur.e-paint- '.' b~ . f...... · ii"" ing. clio' seen atff]ezOWSski's studio. ' .., . .. .ot· ',' . •. . .. . 'I . .... • .. ..._·...... 31.•• 31 . , , .. . <'. ;, '. M •.;• '. ....'... ., ""','" ,., ;··L.l,o,'V·;' ".".. ,',,~-...... •,... ~ .. ,~...... "':;~ " ,.','. • 1 I "-.,.,;:''''

,., :' 'I'" , •. 1' • THE ARTS . ., .. .' ".' . .

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CANVASS • , COIitinned from page 3D


, ,'l··'" .

• MARBLED WALLS of the living room of the Sunset Canyon Lodge ~re decorated by 11 jezowsski.

Jezowsski paints on mirrors, style decorating and did custom bureaus, walls, chairs, tables, cab· mosaic tile work and said she was inets, headboards, ·Roors and can· amazed that it was possible to do , vas. She paints with plaster· joint this and get paid for it. compound· as well as paints, ere· In 1994, she moved to Glen· ating crowds of faces of figures wood Springs, Colo., looking for visible from certain angles or mountains to live in. There she moods. had a retail studio, Season's "I paint anything that won't Traders, where,she sold her own move," she said. art and gifts. The cost of living Although she said she came to proved too high, so she returned the arts when she ran aWaY from to Dallas and did her art and inte- . rior design until 1997, when she home at the age of40 because her "PHOENIX RISING" is another piece byJezowski, children wouldn't leave home, moved back to Orange County, jezowsski started painting as a calif. ~hilli. . , A year ago in December playful touch to reincarnate them. board and -was., pretty beilt. up to do it, no m~tter ifnobody pays "I didn't consider myself an Jezowsski came to Ruidoso after her niece and her daughter invito jezowsski considers herself a whens~e got doe~n't bother us f;or i~t we:rr ~fMI$p}ng to do it. ..artist; it was just something I jezo~sk!, did," she said. '" didn't value it ed h'er to come to Ruidoso for a t?ol of the work, which is inspira; . • .. . If's an inner ,core drive, .' visit .and to stay a week, tlon. . .' Pa~c1e board I~ the. cra~pl- "It never hit,- me until 1,got because it was so much fun," she "I don't get Ideas," she silld. . est furniture board m the- wOJld ','. . ". said. , '" stayed two," jezowsski said, laughing. "Then I left and packed "lake a table: Idon't scrub, Idon't ' but it WiJllook elegant when !t's" h:re ~lId' got 1OtiS' a1l101'~ se~le Born and raised in Fort Worth, sltuatl~. the car up and came back about a take its history off. Istart working . done,"Jezowsskisaid,. . "I that I found out wllat Texas, she married and. moved to month later. I came here because and it will start creating itself.. jezowsski also loves. to ,dil .. mY;Plllnbngl/lleaflSlo me. It's my SOllthern , where she of the beauty." "The looser and more child: . mosaic tile wo(k, and again, on surVivalrWorkis-110uhe Same·as raised three children. There she Her niece is Cindy Hobbs. like you are, the more tremendous' just about anythmg: lamps, tables, .making a living," owned a beauty salon and an inte· owner of the Sunset Canyon the results are and the final doorways, furniture, paintings,' Jezowsski's work can be seen rior design business, and began to lodge, and jezowsski's tracks are expression of the furniture. ilr _entrance .ways..She's trimmed at the Broken Spur or at her stu. find a space there for her paint· all over that place: in the office. whatever surface you're workmg lamps WIth gravel, decOrated ; .:' . ing. In 1990, Jezowsski moved to kitchen, living room and guest ' on," she said. "It's a living, breath· tabletops with pennies, and inlaid dlo byappomtment (257-1100). Dallas, Texas in 1990, and set up rooms are bright Rowers and mar­ ing piece of wood and it will take marbles and fragments of mirror another interior decorating busi· bled walls, decorated mirrors, on its own expression," into entryways,' ness. cupboards and headboards, and, , For example, a bookcase she's "I don't think we do it," she "I changed my whole life no bathroom was left without working on in the studio in the said. "That's why so many are then," she said. "The kids were something whimsical to look at. basement that's made of particle- starving artists; because we have grown and I decided to do stuff I Found pieces account for • wanted to qO, not what the world much ofjezowsski's work· an old told me to do. I've been pursuing table that's sat in a barn for 30 the arts since then as a f!dl·time years, scuffed up, an€ient dressers ';.' living." that seem to be faJling apart but For her interior de,sign busi· are really waiting for jezowsski's ;:~;:~f,;;k'. ness, she did a lot of Victorian· ~,,,~$:Ij(;;';};)~

ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES MALL HOME :~:t~fht~N;\~,'~~,;~Qil4j~P~f~'~\~{~Zf~t~; Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-S p.m. ?,j;~~~~~~~1)l~1~~~'P~~~~f:f.~;J~i~0L; , i .. :"·'ft,·,,.,;!;·,:·,; ,,'. '.. i <',H" t, .' '# .,,,~., AGAIN Sun. 1-5 p.m. • <;Iosed Wed. :.,':;':,I,~?!~iji;~~~;;~,~,;;. , 20 dealers offering hundreds ,i;/,';';"~'/~\'f:'J:~;~~~';';:"~;:t'1r,",:~;'t;':F ofantiques and collectibles. Great After-Christmas Sales! :;}~;·~;;':irg;!;~~?~~'~f~(;!?:, 'l"877~97~'121~1"" I 616 Sudderth • Ruidoso. New Mexico ,"':"j;~::,<:.::·~,~1:r~~;;~,~:;:~~.S,,~,:~.:'t:".'j:~~t¥trj;t:;~;j.:~f~r::\? _... 1

40 • OICIlIIIJer 31. 1999. RUIdoso Hews -

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.'BEt-LAS,..~p."." .,. ..ARlES,.. ' .. -, .,- .' ' • .....,. ,:" ,.. /. " "'. Mt ...cJ~ln~ O~n 11l~l1day-'~rcIay, 1000m, 10' Saturtmy.' '" ' . ·111.... :a~...... ,:,lodt4~ ••'c""~ •p.m.. " '.:' ·-m.....;..S·.....J. ."",.. ,,~:,,;;;;;.=~;;;;;'~::;;:::,:::;:,::::':::::::::·::::m::;>~".·!"::;;i'~i::N=. ti:~H=E::A~RTS 'A'~r;~);~~;~1t:.~ .' 'llubbardM~seUln of the '. .' llr.·~2"'\'lJIUO,,,,,' O!ld~J'~nY~6bJ~ ~n~ .~ ,~~ fQr Atnelican West - C • '. G~I.I~'YbQ~fll~ n ;\i.m.!:!' 7 pm. .'. . '.' • ··\IeIJatl1e .~ of ~;mdQeo~ , ' 'W~o~ilrithroughSall!rday, or byllwVo '~O.l\lIkloSO~ ~ ~ li'Odu~; unlqu~~m.old I\IM~. '!I1poln~. '. Are1J'O$~lve?f V~loY Yi&oI's works. style painted fIlmltu~~~1\fI mosaic , , . . .' . .' ..' 'sl)0Y0'S "'roIigh ()(t, 18. SIlJll/l!l!" bours: '} I3bIUo~, Wall art, ~~.$!!Idlf?OP!l" .. Belh'l1\rtcs GaUery a,m.to 5;30p.ni.,.diUly. . " '. by.appolntment. " ...... " ....~l$llra ....100 ....(871) ", .,aurd...ta Rim:ollada Gallery . . .• .... 'C • , . i=~iuHtig ·.III~ 'sophllllcated' art of Man~el. onllwVo 10 In 5aI! Pa!rldo, ~. Sacred IlJIlIgCS,'rolgC)s &Jele (Iff - 0iS.- ~~I; .... Il\Wed M nda Sa..,.....; 9 ' 5 all<' pain!S angellctliem~ $4I~1 and 'NPw OPllll Jn~(.new'qcil!l!!i(:rn ~n~Pv .. ,,0 X- -""P ~m·oo •• rch rallil ·d.·..'1 I "'~ •Pilirlcl~$!!~3-'lOjll .. ', ,,' ~~I.,'j·.~"" ~d ~apP«~QI1tonSundw.. . ~~~es :~ ~S;~~~IS~~~i~ i~'~~~~ • " .,'" .' "';>' ~YQ~ 1~pmas 't.. 'W!J1 G1Illcry 00 thd public by appointment ., ,'r'. .. cC",:c... da 1bl !S,;' . .,. '~'I'101'1, .::. . '. ,. .' , \" @J,"rJ ,\l.,. ; '.'. . .. ' ..·,SpnngCanyon Gallery \ zilJ';""oiii.~·,,'::~ 'oLW~" ~'Is '~onthomas.· ..,., -"~.. '1' .,,;~:..- '., '. ....,:0"...... r. .•l!"." ._..••• .. ""!JI'at'..", . ' Call '0' """,,' SUdderlll DriJe, 11<;1"_ ZS7.fS6I c ' r'"'I$~lh~l\ c .' ,,~,..... ~ S.....ra"Piltif ",r . .' .,,_...... " ..... ,.,'," , .. , '",' ..•j!, ~~ ..~ . 'AnI M"';'MaJ" . h Sp . .. , res/'den~.. Q(!ill'til.'gaJ'Illry lltw;t ,"''. .;1:1., . ,: ~~'" t'" ·.'ii . •St ..,'" .. 1"13 "~p!!l1Sc' er ring :~'" •":·u'...... '>',~', ;, " 'if. : ,. '. c, ',~\Canyon, sculptllrtng SlIldiQOOthe public. ;¥;~~rib~r ~st '. ~ , ",."1' .,f.. . .' where)'Qu can IllI!\!llhe and watch ; ~ r' "". ' '. (:f~, .~~ i;, ),IH creadon unrolcls bPfore }'O\lr ~yes, '1i\llarll"" :~!!lf.'. ..,1~ ndr,i ,~Hours: 10 a.m;00.5 p.m. M~nday. .' I . .u,,"SlS.&f~ifl"'"'" /n».re j!lisl.. ;' , ul'$day,and 10 a.m. 10 7:30p.m.fr!daY· l\!''''' ,!!1$!'ll!I"~! "': H2iBl . :,' '~: ': unday. .. . '. .~~~~~:clf~~~fu'tsd:f';oug~'-"'" ..' J. Mallrltsen Studi~ Sfl'ibling Fine Art .. 11lUl'$day, a~30 a.m; 00 5 p.m,; and Friday. . .. • 8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m. SOHlcmao. CInJOIIRd..·ZS706J48 .IOJINedJeJJI 01\0 Ruid~ Z$8-4892 . ,'.' • . burl~. Freestyle sculptures. SlOne and Featuring Clintempor;uy Southwest paint- .,' cQlw/rsy . t 'Ctuces Art Bronze . Also wori\s by Apache stlJlptor JQl'dan Ingsby New Mexico' artist Slep~en THE WORK OF ClIFF FRAGUA. pictured he;e' In a detail of "P~leblo ~Slllldtl1ll,'2S1,~ . Torres, A1W8)'$ open. Stribling. Located In The Allic compl"" Visions, and Caroline Carp,io can be seen at RiP Street. Galh:ry here. , Fclundry.gaJleryand jewelry. ~aJ~ In McMahon Fine Art (upstairs In bIlck). HQurs: 10 a.m. 00 ~ p.m. _ " .. tUsoom'brilrize ~ng.brol\1e sculplllre, . 11lursday-Sunday,orbyappt.,··· . '. Vi Iv '. . ,,, ala,~li!r. and more. Open dally from 10 No.7 ,Ira P1;qa, 700 MecIIeIto 2$1-9101 lbc' .t1 'S flouse .. Two local artists get pilig ill ma&u~qe ", ',;;~: .I,;: ~;, ~. ' . a.m. to 6p.m.' . Tom McMahon leawres Internationally 11rCe • ists ,gal!e~ fl1~i1ti(\net1"h"~le . acclaimed artistS In a variety Of media. Hopi canron RoatJ oJf Hw)'. 37.11etWet11 . Twoarot represented by alocal wel-e , 't. n - .,' .Amelipn ,painting!: and works on paper. mile IIIIlIlers 9110. Nogal, ....106.. January 2000.issue of CowbOys and Indl'!.ns'MagazlI1e.as aJ~lsts' 10 /lll~th, Wc;iotl; &'Fiber Gallery .l8thOO 20ih centuries. watch. ,,' '. . . . .; ,">1" .' ~~'Vlllalil ta' ~:~ =oodwtyor~:~.;t~J'..r. . 'Oay artist Caroline Ca'rpio ofPeralta. alJd stoneandbrorlze sculptor' at HIS '. TI M St ~ 5...... _"'''''60"""'.""",,,,_,2_ I'F. Ie on 110, ore Including doors. screentilnd'..,,,"'...lamp$, CI'If".1 rragua 0fJ emezue·P 'blo., are botr1 represente . d'b'""'ll,'etu B'•oag S·I\.IOn' :flIldle,.anrJ'!:.a"l'iDav!d$on's Gallery lea. f!wr.~.1lncoIn. 6S30437l. . Located In Nogal atHwy. 37l!'ld Nogal Stn!et Gallery. ' '. '. ..' . ,n.. [ .!!jl;eSPOllel1r,l\IQ9j!worn.q41ltsandothet l!eaiulingthe newly renovated store and Canyon Road. Boag said Carpio and·Rragna have exhibited at Rio Streef Gallery ~~Cf'!lI1s.'"., . .. j, . temporary e~hibllS highlighting the since she opened' it in March. ',..., Montaiio family. H~panlc contribudons 00' . • J Expr~ions In Bronze the area and adobe aJ:ChltectUre. Hours: 9 Unique Creations . .'. "r.' ' ZllOJ Suddei11i._. 2$1-lJ9d . . a.m. 00 5p.m. Friday 00. Sunday. Admission, . , , Oil M.r...~, ..~.... " h fee Included III the $7 dally pass whlch can NOpI Mesa, ~ 1SW2OJ. , . , ve •..;., h"';,;., eatures a fin~ IIl,J be purchased allite CcuI1 Hoose. . Cle;ltive expressioris by Sandy HaI1ley . .. .. SlIldIo and a gallery which showales a Include fiber artfuml!llre. e-""" ._" lWO-decade rel1Cl$JleCllve coller:don of his "'...... "Images In ImIrize." G8l1ery hours ari! 10 5ta1n~ glass, original macrome head, a.m. to 5 p.m.~ Monday. ~rday. Mm, Arts Gallery & Framing board$. wall hangings ell:. Ope" by appointment for InteriOr' consultadon. ' Fruit of the 'frees wo SUdderth Dr...... ZSJ.9748 commls$lQllS and gilt lteJj1$, • The gallery leatlJres OIiginaJs and prints by ...,380 bit. mile IIIadter ~and '" . local ArtIst Tell Sodd. Prints by SlIt ~on, $4699 MICllael Adclnson. Judy Larson. Dale Mist Paula Wilson. and' bookbinder ferbus\l, RoberI Canter. Sua!lnu Wamsley .WesternrraqsGaQery , 'Il'everly Wilson shoWcase thell' handmade and more. Handmade artlfacls. pottely. paper. blankjoumaJsand muldple prodllC!$ lcachlnas and rugs. Open sewn days. 10 no ~ smoter -1IId., CapltlIil - all Y

.'-, -' , , , ...... •....,,.••• 51

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.. :.4, ' . • • Dan LiKa.Dining' Room Elegant dining wirh fanrasii~ views Pti~e Rallge: :~ ,,~$'$$$ ofLake Mescal'ero provides the Phone:., ~~MI41 'atl1losphere ar Dan Li Ka. The din- 'Mdiess: .••.. Inn of Ihe Monlli~ilJ.Gods ing toom also offers a 'Sutlll:\ly ," Carrizo Catiyci.n I\oad. Mescalero brunch buffer andillways has fide " »Qllrs: " cuisine choices for lunch and dintler. . 8reakfasr Bllffet M.on"SlIn. 7· JI 'I,m. And while at Dan Li i

" '-.,.

Price range k,ey: entrees priced $7 and under'" $; erirrees $7 ro sis = $$; entrees $15 and over'" $$$ '. ' • " ~"i

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S~~$~;;J;~:;J~~:4~~n:~~~'i~t~t~a~~:. ;:,: ::::;.::::,:': :J~8::7:~ " dbW~~f~ B~b:~~l()Pl;lIl$\jj,ce1.9'f~i1il!l\d~r~sl ..::.;..•.,. W~st,HI~hway'70' ,1;j~" ~b~~~~~~h~lI$e,;MJve,~,!HI'\ ~qt»~ '!' '. ,.,", ..', , ,', RUIdoso J:;l1l'l'nS . i.: ,h,~~~~t ,c~lIn~;Y'~t~a~'fa~t$~al1d:,dllllyHllur.s: •. Open '7 days aweek (rQm 6 a.m. ~i rU,II~,an~,'~lnl\ef;,~'p~~ial$~ ~as,welJlIs' .' , ( ~lIt(lr ng fl>r all' o~,aSIOn$' 'V'all<;o!1le ' ' >1 ,'If,!' .. ".' .. " ! • f \", .' '.~ • > ti, .; "- i'"':'\ j , ~" .v .; , ' , . ,~? ,-, -- , , .'-, ,-: , " \ . . ';-' " /' ' .. , ' •..•.!fl ", .. .',",

~. " , .. ",. , ' ~ . "",,_ '" ' '..' La Lorraine' ", " • , • 41 •• , "" ?i~.t~d '~l ooid~Qwn !Rui~~; !he are ;enha't!'cf'd ~y an extellent wine L. lnvltl1ig, ~~terl.or of La Lorrame: list IIlciudufg vlI~ge .bordea,uxs. • re!;till,lrantprolluses, a memor'able ." I lind exquisite dining experience - Prii:en~nil~: ;", ,$$-$$$ _insid~. LowchandeHer Hghti!lg,sofr- PhoJie; "..•" ,..•. ,. 257:2954 . 1y draperlceilings, lu~h f1'Ow'er Md~ess: 2523 SUdderth Ori' RuidllSO hrtl\nil~llel1rSaJld soothi!lg' lJIusic ,is Hours: Lunch 1X Dinner' Wed.;S'll: .. . ,II1'erely (111 introduction to a dilling ", - ," , 1h30'\.m.-2 p.m. ellpel'Jencefulfilled ,by meticulous, "DU1~~cr Monday' Thni'Sday 5:30-9 p.m ':c,' service andullforgettable gourn)et ,Frld~y andS.t(trd~y 5:30·9:30 p.n!. " lUenU times including SlIllllon, 'Steaks, Velli' Chop, RlIck of' L1UI\J, " ,and Duck'to Iljlllle a feW. The menls "'~.I ., ,,: ....., ," . . '.t"'" Michelena's Italial;l Rest'lUrailt ,I: -b,llllilY'style dining at one pf Price Range; ::' .': $-$$ , .. .r Ruidoso's favorite restaurants. A Phone:., ;." .., 257-5753 variety Qf Italian dishes :such as ravi. Address: :, 2703 Sudderth Dr. -, oli, lasagna,ni'atiiConi and, of ' MidrnWilil1Ruidoso , . course, pizza. All excellent selection Hours, ..' Op~1\ (toIll1) :~O a.IIl.' •• ,J . of fine wines and imported beers• • , , ,

'e:;',,', .

• •

" 'i Texas Club Grill & Bar njoy great charbroiled steaRs and Price Range: ,,.. ,,. $.$$ E, seafood, Texas-style chicken Phone:.: 2sR-.132S fried steak ,and fresh pasta in a casu- Address: .. "" "", 212 MeIIDr. lit Western atmosphere. The menu i" Innshrook Village. Ruidoso 1Iiso features terrific coconut shrimp, Hours:.,.,. ,", . Luuch II :30 n.m·S p.ll1; aJld fried carfish. Live music on Dinner 5·10 p.m.; weekends and cocktails lire the per, • (Clo."d Mondays)

... - • feet complemene to a Texas Club • meal. to',

," ,.


, " rrle!! railgei

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~.~. ..Jsi,~ ~.~..., 'DionnrS!Oltints/RUidtiIO NM " t' A~oLr£cf'O;OF ANAYA LYNN'S'WORK call be seen at Gail's Frame ofMind on MeChem Drive. The pi~ces for sale include docks. pan­ els and candleholders


a -. a • movIes• Here's What Is ~ng at Sierra , .• CInema For show times call 257· 9444. -Indicates Friday and· ••••••• Saturday show only• '018.• . ,..•. . . . Green Mile Rated: R. Show times: Noon..,· 3:30 p.m., 7 p.m. reaDls' IktntIMIaI ". Rated: PG '"'' I "11 Showtlmes: 12:30 p.m.". 3p.m.• 6 p.m.., 8:45 p.m.- seuarc UttIt • • Rau!d:G • he stained glass work of Anaya .Lynn combines engin~ering know- Show timeS: I p.m.... 3: IS p.m.• 5 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9 p.m.- . T.how. architectural d~signaAd an artist's eye.

II·""'11.1m ._....

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" . GOING OUT \ , .. " .


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• . , " DiOl/lle SlDllillgs/RUidoio News '

THIl' CENTER OF THIS FANCIfUL DRAGON WAllij~NGING is composed of bl~wn glass. The piece is,an j 'example! of Lynn's choice-'m using glass that changes color with the angle ofhght. '• . GlASS . her l1lItural engineering talent that build three-dimensional glass ,·collllr.uedJiDIlI poge~D . w~nt largely.unnoticed in a world sculptures, so Icall myselfa sculp- ., ., ' , . where women were excluded from tor. Few pieces are two-dimensioh- . such careers. Attending college to "'like the challenge of visualiz· ~1. Most are ~unc~jonal a~d many smdy architecture wasn't' much , ing something Iwant to build and mCQ~porate Ilghtmg deVices and more alicepted. Lynn was one of then figuring out how. what f need _ "'~',ij" ',,0: ;:~""'''' ,clockJ;. . , four women in fhe program. to reinforce it and how things will."("',\. ..~!;,;~i\" One of her latest pieces, a

.~~U,I~~M9~~ ~JIp,C~l!!b.%t!1,m~ ~••9D "

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:J:>~u!(ffl/.6"" ", " ." ..1 , .' Jtllr.l:lRIA.N, TUI.,tU'IMlQ "._EIJ~ (»F,Pt.~tjI~,.ICAM, welT .'

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, . , tilr~e:hoiJrs tQ'~iII; ~Jld,);' ~ theirtrain. They;bad t ll1: ',~,~~~ilt:Pl~tj)I$,tb~tbe 'rley~:illld til~lr W~tk I'lItOUt for' . /,.,-, . .' • ,':1 ~ .... , t;'" ,'. , , , "~Sl\llt' ,.liilrQ'iil~. th~IlI.~vi!i) ,wliimso~~r,Big '''''. .' li' .".'" .- ~ ,',' Jim " /" ,.' ,.. t" ,: ., t . ) .•.• '-. ; ',' ,;: " ".'. y ~ "'~,.,.;t."~''t;" . .~I11~ve,~urrie wa~l'tthesMQlesttoQI'hlthe:Shcd " '-\' , " ,'/ n' ·';,.f .. ,' " , ...... "1 " 't~ ',bllll~t, " : ,-- }SJlfSt ,'alld, ffQl,1l Jililhc al,1lloUll,ced tgil ...... ~~ ..",', -{ : -- .~ "" ':.. -r:", ~ -- rO"Il~, act()~s ~hat "hadnor~gretat ~': repot1:er he } \'~~"". •'.. t . ,. '~~''''',J,i,· ..J,t· ,--, r:.. I ,np~llIbeildecl -- . ,'" wl1atll¢!\ad dlllle... (only)tllilt he ' , .' ,,:'t I •. " 'f. • ~.' -- , ,~ellll~lo,g-tbatIW ,ha~llot kill~4 tli entire Pillty." ..... ~ .. ".' :.~~:,: ~':i:, f~' e ,',. . .~~.~ .. ,~ ~efe!1d I\hll~~If" ," Unfijltlll1ately forjusticeCur. .,'C'1' . .... <, ",athfQ,ug\1 lIslcle r'le's~todler was tlleln'~o~ of ii' ,:·(lQP~,,~!t~'P~~'$I~tlt~~~'a~~!!,ra long moment he aiila~ement of tll\i e~tlre court. ,a,ni! cCqmc; ,~~at i!aCh otl1er '...,' .' d th d ;, , fmU!lIqistjlnte(lf a~l)ut,fWefeet.room. t"eJury aQjultte ',', e e,en· • "(;l\rrle thellPushed Pilst tlle actor ~ant on dIe g~unds that. h~ was "a~d, '~~epp~clout onto the 'station IIlsane. l1lell, ma rilt~er bizarre platfimn Where he began firing "tum of events. the Cume brothers lot!> ,the air and shouting inco· a(t¢mpred to invite Maurice Barty- herellQesatthe mpon.' , . more to s\!pperl ,·,Mewlllllmellts iI(rer dlat, local' ' 111eO,utmged actor nqt qnly .IaW!UlIllAldl Ada:msatrived. shot· refus~d the offer, bUt pointed Ollt • 8l!1li.n ha~, ' SIWOl;lng ullilrmed to bod! men that Big Jim was a " ~cto~~$Ollelthin~,but ~n armed "cowardly murdere~" As Barry· "... wWw.ruidosoews.com ' op~()'den~ somet~mg , Was else more later pointed out, "He would. , " ,', elltire,IY,' ,tu!tleimmedlatelys~r. n't bave caught,me unaware~a Sel;' , re~~~ totWe Imw,nan. who Wilsond time" indicating that this time, • .. , \ qUI~l! prep~redt~ kill the,dronken theacror was ~rmed. click here , , ,bully#. add G1trie knew It. ' • .) ,"I!"'' . , Epilogue , l , '

a;a~~{lrt~~ andB~rryinore , • ,It was c1ei1r to one and illI tbat ".,' .' 'werq1lJJsbtd,to, ~~ Depot Hotel, the jury, just like Nat Harvey, had , ~liJlbjhar,\§U~~#lI~gQ1le\j'()m the been bought by the Curries. Big ,status ofhQteno tfiat Ofhospitill. Jim was exil~ by his, brother to sadly, Bel) Porter died ininutes New Mexico. where. in the 18905, ,after entering the hotel, but Mall- ne Was reportedly shot dead' by a • • rlceBar.rymof\i\UlJigon. The oper· •Mexicall bandit who was most litiolltbatwilS,perWnned save~decid~aly armed. , , bimjlnd the nextlfllYwhen he w.as Bil1'l'yl1iore. of-course, went on ' p~elltlldJvitl1 ~heb""et .. that near· tofoundtbe famous acting dynasLy • Iy kdl¢d blm, Barrymore comment· tliat is personified by Miss B~rry· ,ed tIl~t "1'lIgfve it to my son, more today. His commellt on the Uonel; t~l:IIthisteeth on." 'outcome of the trial is worth ' >111l! sliOl)tin~ gave Texas and repeating: "Thisteminds me ofour " , "Te)(al'l~spm~, of thl!' wo.rst press performances in Engl~nd," he said, that t,ney hilve ever received, and tllati$sajiflg samethiJig.Newspa: ''we commence witll atragedy and • pelS a'trllsSthe Country reviled th,e end with afarce." Lone StarS\ateand irs inhabitants. His children, Uonel, Ethel and , 1eltarls. of COllTSe, felt terrible and John, were all destined to become ,did e\ie~ng tlley tould to help legendary' on both stage and lhe little theater troupe. Benefits screen in the 20th century, alld his were given everywhere, and some- great grand-daughter Drew would '" thing like 55.000 was raised on star in, "E.r." which; until just , their~· While thelliOneyrecentiy. WilS the bighest grossing • • ,would 'hc!Ve $aVed th'etrOupe fi'om film ofall time. ' • final\dalitlll\


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I . Ii' ~~~f L ~'. ,J{~ , ,.: t (f~t ' "', \. ,\ .' • I ...I). I \ III ' ~ .' ~~ , "~' 'i .\ '{\"1 '.. )' • r J'" 10l ' • '. ." 'I ~ ''It; ~WJ rI:~~ f; {';"<1oi~~~ • " ~ ~'.. ~ I ~~r'i, 'If:", . \.,' : ., ..,jl~: t"""., ~ ; .. • JrJ \' • 'i. .' ,4,1 It, .~;;"1'it: ~~ . :'O'~';.\," IfJ~ I t~e e1~ C~~t:~s;e.~~ wi.~1 gi¥.~ ·i~.~~a' ~N1USI, 'atf~rd, ~o, ,mak~. 'mist~~,e." !~')J. "\:,:",~ "!'I.~ n~~ta~!W, ;:~%. 'as that 7JuI11.per,. wh,ich HAV¥!' a ,,\. ': i:"; , ",dir,. rii,!" pt~u ~'~11 :'iJde~~:of: the :n~hl1murn . (Jev~c~ that., ¥~uP put the .baby· ,10 . '" The onl~, g09d p~rt '. C1f ~b~ ',,~~ 't~,!m,} !I .'~,}~n~~~.,. , ~1~~ :';' ~t ;1 ','{tmQjlnt ()f thJug$, that you"nee,d so It. can. boonce9 up and down .' shower"J;e31s,trat,on process' was ifffl< Sg, .' "tW~,r.eg.·s, ~ ~(I.fOf ". " a~.e~~ta,t_e~ .~s.{',PR-~,_~~ ,;,~i,ngJ~ wh~~)~ i~: po~pii)g, VYit~lout th~~)· b~~ ~,~,~u~" ~,~'l1't ~1n~" ;:::;~~·~~.l~r~ll,l!~ge~~ JO a , this . ,I mean a I 'iiW 'til ,i :1' j . ·~loi~~n.~:ba~~, 19.rt~t~: Y~.~w' of pe~u;e, your, .. ,ba,by wonld ,be. ~u.lle.t"sh'o~t,t1g ~$um, 1 m~an 'a,n .. mea.,~~~ tI!:~t ·~P"~~:th~I~.~1\9~et :~!~. ~.':' . ~: ;~~pd~:'spp~~~mdq~tr¥~k'" ',.": ~X:· ,slo~I~~' J~o .~evcI9P ,~11~ /VJt~II', eJ~ct~()~~i~· .. :s.c~qp,~nB'·.gun ...~~I~e .,~v~,r,;:\~a~r'ttiati,\we~U~be:~,mj~~!,ll~~'~ ',' ~,'f,$;;" .!~~': .1. 9J,W;~'~~~~R;, YPp 11ay.'t~\~ ~ouncmg ~kJUs, t~lat stu~~e!. ,~ah·Ye. tijlnl(o'f:,jt. h1~yb~~~~~':do~1t· r .'v.; .~ ~~~l~J'~:;~~(\~Zr~!~"~~ ;l'~~: h~e~:~:~:~~... gets ~nto wh~,t ob~ISII}ess. schooL. .Code~1 This': i~ ~o:w the I,b.~~y' ~~ed the'! ti,~b~ ·1r.~~efjUJJe!y ~~s ' , ,~. ~im~J~it~ra~~9 ;~l:a'l~bab~i~l~~~' .. '''Jld you can t JUs~! g~t ,any meg~sto.r,e ~~~ps.-~r~~I<, of :wlfat ",ot ~-p.,Jbe"MUSr'.fJ~\l~~.I,l~~J~· .,'. ,,.. ~1D~g~tgte.. JuG ~Jje ~of yill~w" ,~~~per. There" are "MA~Y ~tem~ you've.. reg·ist~re.d fOf. .AII " :. ", .... :'\>:' .. ". . sto~e National Park, The ,lady, J~~pers, and ~Qu.~have to, pl~~ .. \~ a~o~nd, tb~.~sto~. ·th~re'were" '. (D~,v~:,~a,.ri'i~,~"lt~nigr:!'c~l~!iJ- '""'~ be!llnd th~ counter hal!ded us ~ ,Qut th,e RJG~T one, .the ~ne, that massively ptegnant. women Ulsr!or tl1e MTarm llerald~· Wf.tte hr t~lat sheet of paper said, IIBABY conforms to all 387 parts of the . . b' , " ' . 1 '1,/, .. :'r;a'Ai' i' .• :'" .<. ';. ';11' ,'" 15'U'I' Be".,., REGISTRYMJjST HAVES!" If Ii§t~ U.S. Depanment .of Con~lIlTier <·craz~d by ormqne~! ho.ld~n~ up ~;' '"m rIa· ,1'.~ 'i~•.a~l~ f!er~fd,,{J~W~, er" i DAVE'S WOR!O . 'ed MUST HAVE! baby it~~s in six Nervousness. Jumper Safety :~II,~my gar~.~.~ts ~h,d ·g9ang, .,old p~aza. f(t"a""',.f:~, ~313¥~ !lre .. TRIBUNE MEDIA SeRVICES categories: first Priorities, ROQm Guidelines. because: if you, piCk ,~WWWI How CUrEl A.nd next to.. DlIve Bprrr{~,,":~re.~,«~,t~"~~'fQ.!l" " ., ',DecQr•. At HQme, Splash.QDown, "·o~tthe.'~WRONG orae;·'Y0v. could ~ach wQ~~nw~s ~ ,n,lan. finSer .:p~edf·,q~{;;:~~!!t,C!~~}~~~~\~'~~~·J:.;WA~· .,,~., , ~ . ~. "OI.1!h~ .Go, J~.s.~ ~,(Jr FU~ and 'very w~ll ~be,sig~ing your baby's o!~the t~lgg~ ~~~ton of\~,is, SC~~-'f ' e5Jte :,~t.,l1t~~1ItX.~~}e·f:qp!~~~!J~~~r l::,~' ~:; Layett~.(The. ~his I~m$ r~~.dy ~~~ b!~~ I~ ',.~err:1'iQ~~f£f~~g~~~~r~~~({\:$;~V;i:'~~i~:,:-~,,:·~~~J' Ji.. ,'f:i .', ... It i' .,' ,b1iby lIldustry'says death 'w"rranr., Multip'y 81:Jfl· •., Wf;lS . !'1: , ;..~,. vV~lewll,am ~e~~lau~~ed •.:phy~.. :~t~yet.te'~ bec~use i,t sounds re~ponsibility by your 150 MUST ' like pr~ul~.t~dC t~~e$~ \'Vh.en~he ," ".':.:,~!,:;t·7-.;;·;~·":.lf..).:/~,r;;.~~i;~;M::~:;.;ir',',~~: ~';~ .,: ~lIf~~lld ',~P\9.~I~.A~JL}!,~n~~ ~ ~JII . :(,dassier ,~han "Clothfts For Baby HAVEl ite~st and you b~gi~ to .'W'~man sJO~' .was.',t~.. be~,r, ,the, c tel '~~'~;·rlJ~A~!.i1ijl{fl(Bt-l~~~::· .~~ ';~'~ ,.. fJ: wll you why.;J.na~e. b~o helpIQ8 To Poop'ln,")··' see the mtense psychological cluld,'and the·.rna.n $ Job was. to. ' '. DISTR1~Uri!JtffiiBYjn~.,'t~I.IJQtj I"\{f~ <: 1~ ~J' wife ~~8'teJMor;;,per~payy' .,'.: ~~~dded .upall th.~' items in the," pressures invoJ,ved in registe!ing hunt game ahd kill it..by strik.ing' ·f.v1ED~A S~R¥!,~~~~J;Jg~~£;iIR(f~~'4WJ: :....:~~~.,~: .• "6ff ~hower: .,''C. ' "it. ..", ..... ,. ,'..... #oIK :;i!'ttegor1es and It came out to &.or a babiU shower. .', I '" ,~ • , " ''.'' '.. • .-t~,'" 'I,L';\:-' . '.~ ;;/'f,.~' ': :t~J, ~1f Th' ..( .... .d~.wil'J ·61(Je·t.n ;'1",' ..:'I '"~ I t, ~ h' ..1 ,. 'J, .. fi I .'.' " ,..';.",' ," ' ~ ... " f;~::~-:r~~~;!' ,~;~7~ ,;, j\i!'-#••.~l~ ,; ~ ~. ~ ~ .J!JI·r\J:1,Ve:. ~1Je 't~~. :;iJ1or$, t l~"n' }~O 't. mgs - f~rm.. . ~he,' most stress u., part ~$. ' , , ..1, . ,.' ~ ..... '<. ',:': .. '¥",:: ·:}~t:r*~,')~~;':;·\',::!fi;::~;,.:~i'*~':' ',t ... {l,,!~l~~pf'I1Ihav.l(r~flJ,!~l~~:j~tJ~el!~.. b~dd undergarme.J1t~" th~ "~'. :~~~':: :;~:' <~'~~:' '{~f~ .,:')~~ ';~ .-; :rr l;tturel •.ng, picking out stroller. Today s , . Dall.k.,. ... .'f :" • ;~ ~s~rn~fr~e~Je~~n~~ JPut~{ga[lnents. warmers, cool., baby stroJler IS ari' extremely IJ.,~ _u··. :",: ./::·:i~tii#Jt~".~f.'· ':It .. '1'~e4 ,f~' ~Ja.rq~sJ~:.:,' ~&~1ti'a.~~ .ie~~~~tll£gizanos.\sterilizer~, ~!ece .~'.," ~'" ~'f'L"" ,~;': "Fi':~~;~~':'~:r~ ;<~,:'~ ,::"0 • sta.. ; "high"tech of equi,pm.ent. ',> .k' , ',..' , ',I .,q '~ot reqUlre~ a&,lot of equlplpen~. blllzers: .tran~p~rt~rs, tra~spon ... compara~le ln~omplexlty to ~he .~ " ··~',t\~("";r' tr (~/< We had our blanket, and that ders. diaper anti-stink deVices, a B·1 bomber, but. more expensive. > was pretty much it. We'd lie on type of pump I don't even want I have,purchased hOllses ill less·'·.,~·! our blanket and amuse ourselves to think about. and on and on -:. ,timethal1'\jt took us to decide on . '~' .' for weeks on end by trying to that the baby MUST HAVE! The. a strolier, And Istill ,agonize that ~~" - ,',' get our feet into our mouths, If p.iece of paper didn't say what we picked the: "wrong .one. I ' ... .1 we were lucky, we'd have a rat.. would happen if you didn't get mean, the stroller· is not just a ,'" tie, which we would obtain by all of these things, but the clear seat with wheels': It is a plate catching an actual rattlesnake Implication i~ that your' baby where your baby" willspe.nd with our tiny bare hands_ Also in would fall behi.nd all the other. ·much,ofits ctitic:al developmen" ". those days we changed our own babies. like, say you didn't get a tal· years pooping.. VOll cannot .:1 diapers. So back then, baby showers were pretty basic. There was 110 registering. A group of women would simply get together and watch as tJl~ mother-to-be opened the gifts and comment.. ed on them ("A blanketl Thank youl look! Another blanketl That'll come in handyl Lookl AN~c.). In 20 min­ utes the shower was over and everybody went back to pound· ing clothes with rocks. ~quipping your modem baby is a whole different kettle offish. You've seen newsreels of the Normandy Invasion. with thou­ sands of supply ships stretching .' across the English Channel as far

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oJ, , ) '. , ,I r . . vote fot city wa~r in. .special ele~ion. ~ 226. votes for,' and 1 •' t , ,against . ~ •Dec. 17 ,- Joint meeting results in" planned improve- .. Our.centu'ry in hea,dli'nes.,!. .ment program for Ruidoso / ' . .'.. ". .' Dec. 31 "our conscience is . Lincoln, Countyhad newspapers intermit- Ruid~s(/friend~,agre~d to Set up 'a newspa­ clear, get newjudge:s nextyear" (on Christmas'lighting contest . teritly,in the first half of the 2pth century - per. As With many weekly newspapers ofthe winners).' ",. even earlier 'at,White Oaks, - in, Carrizozo period, the Ruidoso News was first and fore­ and' other communities. But, mountain- most a booster1,for community growth. Blood.. bound Ruidoso for most ofthose years was a worth,with a public relations background, 1949 p~ople: •March 25 - Indian Coun­ "summer-'retreat rof from. everYwhere took it for granted that nis newspaper would cil announces plans for nomi- ' else.' The- Hotul()\ Vaney;'h~d' its farms 'and reflect his interests, and it did. nal charge to improve recre­ ranches and its schools. 'Ruiaoso and the In Volum1 1, No.1 1, on May 17, 1946, a ation area Downs area attrac~d horsemen ariel. fisher- headline and story sought to bring the read­ •April 1 - Hospital gi-ound­ breaking ceremonies on April men in the 1920s and '80s in pursuit oftheir ,ers up to date on what had happened in prior 5, (News under new manage­ own interests., '" '. ,,, :' , years with a story headlined: ment effective with this issue: It wasonlY'.afte~~W()rld.WarII that Rui- "History of Ruidoso, the Old Mill and Ike Louis R, Spain, Publisher, ~ doso actually 'began ,io:think: of itself as a Wingfield are the same interesting story." Mary Nell Taeger, Editor. entit~ •April 22 - Lubbock Lions municipal 'It,. was'incorp.orated in Page 1 headlines give a glimpse of life in Minstrel at Ruidoso Gym Sat­ 1945, the 'ye~ the,warf~hded.And in 1946 . Ruidoso..over the decades ,counting down to urday night ,Lloyd R Bloodworth;, at"the urging of some' the 21st century" nowjust hours away. •May 6 - Officials me,et to discuss Bonita Lake opening . " • June 3 - Plans made by Forest Serv:ice for fire help , \ .' ," • June "10. - Ruby Gibbs killed in an accident 20 miles press'convention starts tonight killed~ ,~~Qft~b.J 21, .... Chamber ·of north ofRoswell. ,, eJuly9 ':""" Record crowd in W. B, Hogan Jr. hurt in .. ·NQv.. ,27 - George ,Curry Ruidoso OVer July 4th, 5th, 6th auto crash dies' in' Albuquerque weekend. Over20;OOO people is eJune 17 - Ruidoso told to ' - Ruidoso hospital.First territorial, gover- guess ()f those who know Rui­ appear in water row. Water' being' not" of New Mexico and Lincoln, doso best Users Association and four 90unty J;esident>. on, and ~rt ,', ~~ul;y 23 - Horse races sus'" meMbers file in District Court' Sil)'ce 1879' \ViII" b~ missed ''by ~nde:d.tfot: r~t 'of meet. om.. ,',·J,uly 8 .;.. REeord~breaking 'mI. " ' '. !, " " ' " eials V'ote,d, t.o suspend meet , crowds th:rong~d RufdQso. Ov(3r , " ;;.(" . beCaUSEH)f"lack othorses. 30,000 gt.te$ts of-business men ., .J1,11y 29 - Caravan to ." I adver-tise RUidoso rrontier • j Days. Su1T()!-lttdl:Q.g cities t9 he visited by Chamber of Com... merca,gi'Qup _ .,' "' , -;Aug•.10 -:- Contributions tb' tlospibd fund Will be maWnetl by government ,,. ,' '.'" , • Sept, ,31), ~ 'l\fake l"eseWa" ' tlon~f: nuw. r(Jt" s~cond anhual RuidcJ$o ·.A$pei1call~ t(jb~ : . de, ',' ~ ''; ~. O>~ ~,~ in'fP:'UJ,bun,ta1n's' Sti!1'thl' ,'9 ' , ;:': , " '. 1~~t{I';A .;...:i'~~"':ns' ~ ," <0,: ~,) + Q "It .f*. ~6'.~V. . :~; ." ... ~ C~$ tQ'bi::nt(;ifi"~:::~.~ JO. ',' i. i :l~<~ v, ,".~ .!;~. ~:.\:'~.~:} 'iii'''' , ,I'ft.,';~ 'IS', "',' ,,' "I lL~ ~ ..... w'~ ~, to.: 1 ~}>c{' , craslt' ,~ ~ .. ,'k; ,. .~,~;;:: '-'<' '", ' o ,

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1951 ° ~ ·Jan. 19 - G"""l\ Tree peti­ tions for special election to disin­

conkJrate9 claiming exor1;Jita,nt tax aaeesSf:9jmts •Feb: 9'- Summary of 'I\i­ Cities btJsiness surl'ey shows IIlllrlUod trend up in 1950 •March 16 -'School board calls oond election...for new ele­ mehtmy schooi •April 27 - Village purchas­ "" Morgan Water System for $30,000 'July 13-Ruidoso all set to entertain Gov. Mechem and other distin'guished ~~.ts . 1 Jiosttpt!: t~' ~ .. 'Flt$t :~t. marker to be placed Sa_y'at



Lower Price . .. People Nice we 'vebee,n ° giving Yl1U .,1 New & Used the best deal Cars & Trucks ° . .' ~DJ'"\'11\\4\ In tD"!(~ .....~m).kg .' . . Service After The Sale


.. We're stillllB,IJ doing what weodDJJestJ , .

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114a~,.,,'I!1.,.,si.'~'.:"~'" ',.~,"",."",\;b,',:P,e·,',.IlIMol.. ",., .... ,',ft"'.. ' ., "",",,'" tmly t!ltarded and, mo,,;ng . CO\UlW'S board.of trustees, 'N' ..·.. ·. '.'....,..,. '."',.,,,','N,""'... '{,=,V.".,I,trp ~~;;~~~~~w:~V;:~o made:'~':I~~::~car~Pitan~~t~~i4§ .~~l!ldWlnt.; MflI.lhi!In ~f '~. . " .'. .. .' whether th-g""';ed or. ~,_ .., 1964 '" . major town or village in eaob lune3 , .., .. "'" -. -- ...... -Frlday,Jan.lO '·district., .., - , ,: ...eW1l!Ie$l"" , ~sltil5"'l.VilY,' " ...e",sort ~eta neW recon:! 8gl'l>St\ onsucll OOIlSoIIdation. Stete School' Committee' -Friday, JWle 18 !wn ~\iJI'>,1>~ lb $mlJ15l'Y the B . and .•.....~••" JUlie 21" ~... _.~-_. _ •• ArOuJliilillllithWtlllt '~itjgthllt>SIl\OI«>Yh1lS ~t ~S ~B'30Ei~'l"itms Join. In ,LociolControversy , bIingR"!d... . ,;,.,~.~~~"'" ~.or· ~ .the~ter .of.a'lliinlit'O< " m..t ha~,~'::' a~tended ~skl' Gralid Opa~OfNeW·Gato. Thursday evening this. TheJails .n Euidoso DOWns · _~~:;'...t....-t9tbe the",~Qh.Qgl:on''Wi •.... :I!iOtl.' ,G' J' ,Ai; oIto 'almost all.of·L~, new'. enter. was~,' tin the .celendar when whetipollce~este!I~lrty·one, tltIj' ,Qlilit.urY qlU Mrs; MeK· a-tion was exp'ectedto' 'be persons,"all con-.-'''' In''one c1,,,,,, ..a._,.I1 ""'" e· ... clecldIld it wastiltie,to night Itt ~ ''fri;dAt La" prlses, are .staging,w..... grand. ~~-.. - "'''6~ ta..... ' In hel~ to.' "9ll'lblit bellr.doWn the·s1tlu1t1on""dset.GrUces ' ' . '. . opening this week m the takllu on' som" proposals m..de .residence In RuIdoso 1)Qwns, rumors tbIIt ,.,..op.... I!l\ln-theballrolllngtowar& ~~.. ' A3rdDistri!leYhaok ti:I hiS orilliD.lU Las Crqces, of SSvell meil and, tor,'JoCtlted in the' hei;lrt ..>f cia:!s, EJq>eeted during the watching.' . I thUl s_.'. "" ho_.. the Llncolll ,NilUonal five woman'" e",tv Friday Pauner· Gateway III Ruidoso,' .meeting was' the reSignations Sheriff Leandro' Vega 1 ..;The i"q.':Il95 have bpen· Forest.. ". atq'iJitted Mrs. PljluliJ)8 MeK;' -FrJday,.June28 _ '. of at. least one ottter .eCho!ll '.reporled. that 30 lJIen and'one I ~'InheN ihml. all PQiuts'l"ridey, Atig. 11 night . ,45. who had beaqon S1erta Blanca Offers Ski bOard """mber, who reported towon1all bed been found at the ofChi compass ...... , " Pa'Ving 00I1JP\I\ted. . triil!'fliur da,ys in the slayingor Atea To Apuohes . Mends.here;ear~ this week place, fIrst entere4 by State· ... -~.June4 .. Ruidqso's pavlngP!' ~ Ruidoso Downs VIlI_ Mar; HU&'!SJlakIl ".'. c:qllt qfaspbe1t was Illid this rancl1 home near ftoJlii.. .. !'l~Cq. hill; offe\1id. to sen .. report ,tJ;Iat p~btv a thIn:l $hal Willie smith. '1'lito~Ill"Connljy.men mid-week on the 6;66 miIes"of" 'McKnight, a m_ber of ...... tte Y8'" 'r<>tiJld pri!Perty In member lnIl.lht res>gn. ...'Brown and Smith found ·.made 1!"J'dlines., aorliSa the .' Sudderth Drive MdM~em, :~y known' Llncolll COunw '. WhIte .l\IIoUntain Park to the . - ~idl'.Y' 'Sept, 4 .' the gambling under way with nation ""'!' week when a'sto1;f Drive here, prov:idIilgtwr r 'witha.22pistoL . ,,~ Thetransaetlonwill be a icanH..s,RlchestPurse tabl "!"",l:lial>ions tJlat tIu!y had parallel petking "nthe wai .., seml,(>ublic deal, withlbur.. In 'a fantastic sweep th..t"the':::;'1ec::;tfu:'h'O::OO et !W!ed.,. tattle,snakll.181/2 feet from U,S, HlghWllY'10thl'ou/lti 1963' _n...... , .and, <:om:ern•. 'Jn1ght heve been worth 1,000 to .-.FridIly,June 26 m ~ . ,., town to Mechem Dri.....· " • "Involved. mcludingthe'U.S. 1 odda.sons and daughters of '$121/2 M.·llion In' Lossss' ''l'6etwa_ WI!11l Juan "Friday;J"". Il" . Forest Service. whlcl1 must the faOOlous Go Man Go Ihi. . B_~,and'l\Ilikl> Goni Oliver .aid..t1e....t 3,600 snak;e.)~ . '. ". H~d.J; ·Of skiers ~e pend~nt distric~. as r,ecom- . Mental Hospital . .. .._ . Commis.sioners Propose houses and commercial buUd~ .. , ". , heN to try ~e snowy slopes of mended by' the State Board of 1'he state ~nistrstlon1S . RedIstricting County Inge in the storm area were " 1961 ", the. new S!em' Blaiica Corp.. Eduoatilin..The. two boan:ls CODS1~ng.turning 'the toller., ,.~distr,icf.~ng, ,Lincoln dlJnlliged from .. minor amoUnt' , ,""~!..,,, ~,' ',,., rat.on'!l' _tat' iii1d l!UlDlUer W!l~ reql,llred. by Iawtl> meet. cU10aIs hosp.taI "t'lfl!tt,~I!', qpjU1f.y" tl'!!iie~ners: to a totsI1oIls.. . "• ~~, Jan. 13 .... resort In ~te Mountain and dlscu.s the proposal, and . . LIncQIn C!'Il1'W Pl"!ted 'Oft'PM)<,. 16 miles nerJ;hWeBli orteport to the sta~. bosn:l

.".~ .. " DoessY2KHOVE? . .,.". . ' You6ugged7?'

mI . ..~" ~ ~ Why is SQ much attention ·b~ingpaid to the Year 2000 date ~ ~ . . change? ' ~ IHow couldthe ~ar 2000 affect servicesprovided by Ruidoso 1 1m . State Bank? ~ I·· What h~B;uidoso State Bankdone to make.sure th~t our ~ .~ systems will work correctly when the ~ar 2000 arriVes? . ~ What alV} federal banking regulators doing to make sure ~ Rl#idosoState Bankfollows through on itsplans? " , eQuidthe ~ar 2000 date changeaffect mydeposit insur- ,' .ance C(Jverage? .' '1, ';If, , • . , . ,', t;;';" ... i~~" ca~an ,1101' .. ,.' ., ... Year 2000 lla,te.'Cha1!fJ1J. el'l'!(Jrin '. <., ~(, ,- ~t~::;:--: '-:~J::,_:i.;i~,::i,;,'-,' .-ql,:i:~,_"?,,:, :' ." ':' ' . ",. .:... ,,' '. .- " .' ;,,,l\i;,'~'.ircanld6'to lJ~t' rep~.for d.eYea~2iJOO? . . " :. ,~. ": ,'-. ,'- '- :::. "I"' " .,' . _. c" -, "',' >., " . . " :.: '. ~~~"m/1f!rt1ttlti~uaifJ' 1, 'Of/O, that cOuld .·r'-'~.iit'dR~:StaNt Btilik'sa" tomtlt1lil·!llMl ,,' , "'"

" "'~." m,.nll~ '. <~ •••._ ••'1" " , ",:'::;fJcf,)II ",,~,.,I""~. fe ' ',.i .. -" ";~;':X~:~:\:~!':~,:;,:~i~!': ?,-" ~~f~SirS!~~~;,y,~;,~"~~;"1~~7'~7::'?,;,, f' , '.

[' C~ ltlllQ.'ol: nile: ~1.tW~ . f " '~'




, .

1958 , "

~ 505-378-4488 .' /h871-449·44~8 2028 Hwy 70. West: , , ., " " ' '" .. "t91l Free . . . '..' " .. ' '"

., >";,,tn~> .. "-.'~ '" :

~'- ,,! .

'-... ,. ...• 'A' , I ,.,/.~ tnaU· . '\,. ,",,, ,'<" ,'n" ',"., I .' $141);; ,. ',,,' " "'\ '.:II •• ." i'. ,," " CqpttQl!l!!lIintereot in ~ Rui- Newe. .j ~ ,~, "1~ ~'l)'" ;"~~";'1>""...l~;;;" . ,"''''._ ... ~.. . d!>$oIlIW!1....nd'ElunJandl'lH'k·JiIlyl0·~Inn of th.. .' ~I\illli; '-t if ~f&ffl6'O~liU'.".~. , '.' ... t!l '. "l'TequenwY 0" "",e Rll.Illl,!llIlM." ' M<>untein Gonvention· of :., IUIl'J1 "",oUhe~lIl:ja;1liIIlIlI ,,,.' ~... , ."" I,' '""",_",. '.:.1>.....,.-'*....: d _,- f wm, lXl'ilDerlY qf JlODlez Moun- New Mexico Cotton Gllln..rS' , .." (If s~s ~n R~,.... r·"-·r··,:'\'.~..'I\,(, ••ltwJe:;.\ "bank.rtJb~.Amanwalked·~ge·.swaterauppJy;·' .... :,:~l!''''.'' . '·J@,8--'OnMortllll!A~··'" D~wn~ 1I!:l,tll\'" ,\>"\,\"¥\1ld tIlll MescaIero'.Apache Tribe made jpto the 'RuIdoso . Dec. 16 - The Mount " . "Cliw. ",f tJill, 'Wl:!ek Ruillos<>'l'!!!'Orlled ' ...... ·de ...l'th.,- ._ .:. of '._ brani:h qf t!r DalebUNledto the groulld in the ~'" olIi1 lKiPUns'll/Id~' '.,,1 ,1" ..,...... -..,~...... ' Riibe.rtsen'a IllMbJ:l>Ok VJ!lage, first .in'lior, "rea fire in six', ".., , lQ'1'C)'~'Wa8 ' " .', ,:' , a new !lOIlmJunitycOfl""""lous mOlltb,S, . ~tl/! ~ "l'~dl~~' ~alets. 61l1: '11.4·~'{)fMl!IIl!t !\-om iii" I... •. ' ,!'I\IlI~." , town.~"111111" I . '. ',. " 1.144. ,'"<"'" ','J''fI' '!I'.pla!.!'i¢Oourt, atr*_ Md w'!W 19 - Jl,. """"mlttee 1976 ., 4I'aWl>, '. 'cA,P.rn 80 _ 'A, ·aml'evel~pm,!nt (whiob m..t in MO\lCSIero. Sberiff's'. offlc.. and tells . J!tml."~,,rene.' ~ W:I\nln1f; l! ,!l<1o ott> m>lp thlj' 'It!lidoaa J,mV:,. 'iJ{!i , _ l!<>pnh1iclm, "hlld '!' a preVlQl1S Nov.: •Dec. 7 _ Ruidoso's first DeputY Ralph Romero that he JiltinilI.\a.W ~ 1111 ~,~ Ed..ai'd Green. WIiO ,;,u",'\lWI.l ' 1,lli " ~ed ti' \St..te the'" 17 sil:icl the main <>lUection was and, only traffic light was is gohig to Albuquerque t<> kill .' va~i'i;.,.,. ;., ., ., W,aton, Md. a~ ,,~,~ -p"t/;3I,.,;!u...lIatl~n and two IllIlk of a kmg-tenn w..ter sup- pl..ced at Sudderth and' President F'<>rd.. Seifert ,is sent , ,.~ ,"$'r'~'Jo~_~:" .b..ve bl~'nu~: I' ,PlY.. M'li:hem ~t Tllursday . ' to L,,~ Vegas State HospItal r<>r' I ann~ ..is I'I'fidl",;,'lY'W' ha<;l been arrested....t ~ lI;iil,lp. . ~,._.p v - ..v ..v~ sa e,: .' "~"', Groundbrokon at Si:hool- lIbserv;etion, . the'Mille i>f lillti.~lIt.gover- ,al9clllmo¥~d~~~ ,of the';RilId~sa Downs.Race : lj973 , '. ho'Use'P!U'k~o~theIl~,library' -Feb. 19. ~ Chamber of I nor 011 the ~blI\ISl\tlc!<.eylll lewd crs endorse • the ;June 2 Pt!lb~ ""'ction, -JulY 9 - ~,oiIIl"t"Q$a qf l;Ian Diego, CaliI'. 'Yas to be d!"" t Feb· a - Local land devel- . Ray Reed's propos~ll;het a fall S~ ':'!"S ~I~ bY Uncolri. al0 water taps over the pl'eVi- ~ll.6ed liY !'1M Racing COllUlUS-, , 0 ..r carl Steven""n ~e!'ted 1974 Mule-O.Ramamcludmg,an All C~'jbr a I!b<~ teriiJ as oue flSca! year reported, bring- ilion, ,,¥t was not on all"nda, ~Village Council WIt!< a American. Mule' Futurity, he -.etorili1960~!Il,:!.9~t!:t1lI',.lngthetotalto2.lWli<"h',.. ~bunJuIY., . 'nl!" p,etiti'!R..~ .."".... 146 acres of -Feb. I-The Ruidoso Va!- held.. ' a f~l/!'IU' terhJ /\:ofu Q\e'Uri'- -AUg, 20 -',$1,' .mUlion· 'JuIY 14 - Wendell Clili!o" land ~ ~o the sout!'- I..y C!uid bsll!D July 10 on jjJie 1.1l!' for a $~fhnillion new sub- for tou"!st reserva!'i0ns and Stanton .regional atrport. the. 'Aptij 10 - Ths 'future of distribution and I,,,,_a'ge' i $6,5. mlll)(~n dollar rel!lRli!q, "11»011, to .nclude 1045 acre.s , information to open m March. IJLMexpresses .. dlSple"sure "horlll!rl!l>iDgatR.irl!l"SoDoWIl I:mp1'OVelIl,entpl'ved . ¥escalero. Apache Reserva- ,i/o"". ,tlons, ~ior to the sprillg BJ,mca Airport Development after tha New Mexico State one million d.Utw,: lWat..d" ~ Conswct,ion of ·t! ..Committee. 'RlIOiqg' !Jo!R'l'i'S/-OD l"l'b. 21, expansion progr/un on the all- million d",m to nnpound watlli: marijuana was found at th.e 4,086 up 84-!l i)'om: Dec. 31, ~M"rch 22 '; Tile ." :1,970, de,mea .. ~asuance <>f·a ver annivers"", ofths i:/leorpo- for th.. 10.ll.surfaee-ac!e 1..1<.. " end of t!, !nc. the.Wi/W. ration of Ruidoso. Thia la its .began on Mo11 1'lWdoao lhi2" first _a! obligation water .Aug., 25 - WaahmgtOll by a I~cal rani:hlll' whonot:i!ied asrve Old Lincoln 'Ibwn and eltortto stop 'the atate from AaaoOl8.tlntinue.. restorati~n begun asse!"'ing an estl_ted gross oonne\:tilmB by Emprlsa, nco ,•Nev...12 _ ThEI.. 191l' Rui- hundred otJ;IlII'S attended tor. Office. '. .. . in 1980 ware um,eil..d, receJpta tax of$286.197, had I»nI\OCtions to Coaa Noa- doao Hillh Soboo" Warriors nuJ! dedication .service for t!'e - F,eh.. lI8 ~.cree Mall"':' 'Feb: 21, _ Ther;oncept <>f ,: -April 16 - RUld?so D<>wns tra fillui'eS, , .' .". , football tealn rackeoI Truth or MescaleroApache COlIllDercial bacU.Y damalNl'i'by fll'e Feb. 21, a Smokey Bear 1"ark.at CaPi-. truat"P.s !'ut!wrl7;e .mmediate '. 'l\iIey22 -Jl,.mo"1e filmed Conaequellces last ,l!'riday to Center and the· fonna! open $40..000 damaga to lobbY and tan was fonnal1;y approved by colllltrncti<>I1, qf .a$24.000 All . in -Ruld(isa .in 1966 'aDd cen- clainl the Diotr!ct'llM..<>wn. houee ceremony Qt the Marvel seVlII'al apartments; atarted the State Park and Recreation Afuerican P....k oltHighway 70 ~ 'lil'pment 'April 29 - Ruidoso J;lrlve·In Thell'tre May 81. •MIiy 111 _ The mother of as of Nov.· 1 to lease the hospi- •AI>ri! 13 -.First Baptist Committee authorized a site trustees vote to "aband<>n all. -.tllne 5 - The'lil'at reooi'd- the young.man abet by a Rul. tal for 10 years, ,. Church in RUIdoso Downs _dy for an..w airport. anil:ppl~1;l'.ols"..iu ~"villl'B". ' '. ·ed armed rohberY happened at d"SO police officer·..hell he - Dec. 6 - Rwd"SO.Villall" ~1lI"IISd down last T~ursday. . "ApriI·l0 - First 'Thursday aft..r 83 people sign a petition.' the Ski Ske!ler ltaataurant in attempted to escape aft..r Council aJP"'ed Nov. 30 to start· .. -Julle 16 - !r I\rtanillla! - the Gatitway Shopping Cen- being arrested for lewd cohabi. constructIon on ~he voter- tJ:ies of S~ Dl~gO SIlWed ·a • May 19 - First semi- shelter. . 18r. 'l'lI'iJ'l'llbbl!t"'glltllwaYWith (atlon IiIed a ~O.o,OOO civil, aPproved $1 millIon w..tar bmderforanoptlontobuytbew""k\y.eclitlOll of the Ruidoso

f . »" . . ,:,. ". !, , '.; .,,~!A,~A1"~~~L'~ii= GAS QfMPANY ,I .. ~ ,,. I .~ , • I r, , Zia Nt!fUral Ca, w~/)ts to remind you that we are Y2K compliant. • -- ...•

.,~- . HAPPY NEW YEAR from your friends at Zia Natural Gas" , PEACE OF MIND is w!ult our ESS""'T1: • ~ employees and families knoWing that finally the, , old'problem ofdeailng with "Final Expenses" IQ4, , V, ", ~\\J ~ new yet, it is Pavt'Oll deductible, just like other , '.- . , JIt· A NATURAL ~@~ GAS COMp~~y , Ilowa~ , can Ranapy, presid-.t-ttt: •... • .". •, '. IO....OP i.,o...... SHOlfr OAl.VIl. RlliDOSOOII~lI:, NIV! 88346.• 5IlS·37Q·4277 " ... ,' ,- ',-' ,-- ... ". - ·r','

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1986 lage to gain oleardtle tIlwi,al, ; "i'~b~; "" ~J1,'" ..' .. :j,;~.;., , ' . . 'Jan, 25, 19!j6 ·.Twenty ;;li"..:.eri=o~u:raJ~~ A5 th~ d~ad~,oftliie 1,liS!)" ~etna;~_j!l):l .• n~~~~·~~it!V~rllJ~~~t;;·: =."~';;Ye::,.~~:':id al"'ti\:ion drive,.to'let ~ . Ruidoso P!;lof)le (lQUJd ;i:IoitIJ;.to a n:ew.wallll!l'\;t~::rl,:":j;lh.i>.~~~~; conducted by the IJnoolnCoun· d~~::t.\":.Jt:ier n~i~, supply at Girlttds~C~n, a JUlW :m.1UlilliJ,." . \ .... ,; . "!iN'.JI'Plldp'.,.... ". '.', " . ty SheriIT'sc:~it~lDepart;ment.i~:ro=~~. =i':'~~a~;~~'"h '. lik :tel" ..fon~eli~;,;lda.lax=~~~tjv~~",,1'!lirpm' ~ 'b!ti. '~~t ",'f!<1·\~,,.~~e- 2Q 8,1100 lilIh m ,.Q\.~·War8· illJIllIl.IlU01! wo,.;;a';j .' . .'.."•. ,. prqjects will take place In 19$6 wo.ter fronl the. mo Hondll ' do with the f'ol'mer.~Ortp.ear'Whl,Ccli~I, '. :!. ,.:l,!!~~V$'.lII\t~ ,thf ~~l~~~e :i'li ~e:~i~rc~~~~'I~~: ,:"~~~~~: =~~~ago::~;~~k~~. ~r:.-",i~~~~nw:::~=~~j~~ =:a:: ,17 . ~~~;~~":=~e~:wom~n .• m~:.;. ~~I~~~lo:. HUbb?l'd,pr9p<;1~ anew~lf~. tm.;~. :'~.~8~:ti~.·iI;iri':. ,,:etell, ~ttli~'l!''' ,to~~de·~. 'Mareb 4- Record turnout 'lQney An!lya, a 10ng~eprQ- eoun(ld!l!i'P~d" ' ",;,:h,,~": •. :():JQJIr ~~ .'~I.M~ ~J::" at' ft~;:::' col. is registered' for" the spri-ng , ponent of.the new·t\lcUitw"t Wl$S . ,'~. ,~.~_~s- @Ji3',Mdeeven were "'~ ~~e;Y""'l;:l"" municipal.electlons. In Imido",,' on band for the eeremo;ny, .. . " ...... 'd .• ' nd' ' ~ ..... ~lt f' JUi,.,and ~d tne l'est l/i.I1 th· " Downs. write-in candidate . 'Nov, 17 _Imldo..o'$:II~=, ~i~cl~ r:end~~~r.~Wd ="J:~~eb\!teh"": !,elU"ly .,:Dec.lO·WhUeItWas OI1lj COJ).' •• .::..:me the JU~.will declare J.C, JakeatX.m.h.... of,anow that Mlllt· sti'uction of, .. ",ulti"!'Ul'P . .. Stl1. ~Meee Aldlnee iiuP~·_.~.:..~~....~~~~ dllllP.e.w }'"to .. ohanlll' In tit!> 'March 7 - Title to 1,600. received a big'·skilng ll00at'...,.; • '-May 1: • .,<\';petltlon "'an" annau_it Will ~ _. .~ """"'- -~"0_':_ A' formofvlllall" Rui~", m\1ti!t'~ '-."""'l\:i~ l.~:r' ~_I>~.. acres o£land on the Fort Stan- 44 inches ofnew $nOw pyer two .dated ele!itl""'. in· 'to,tIie faclUty. ' ...... herJN'yw' "':.::::"";;;,.. . . Ing tl>::tepla~.1;IJeir. pr6J!ent" 1...... -," reported at Hull Boa ...... P ..... , Joclililbn for a psrfor;mlng acts slon, bring;.ng to reality a new' app"""!' ...c""",,~ the s~les !' ...... n, 'P1'l~ up to $10.mllllen,'4!'I.'· ·April 30 - Family mem;. V)(hmh .. nllikea RUldoso;one,ol' .. , -May 26k-A,r«r;, tamlidOV !Jlf'Rliidoao ....~top(lnl. Ruld,....- die old _rtJ'r!'l" 'Iat'Stowiu'dS 'that deVelop...· hers offer a $5,{)OO reward for the l,U!lhe~t. gr?... 1'itan. One'eii'eW!til... · ,Jjltrellt lW1IlI'am: <., nf~arriorPri'(ll- ~·tor. '. -July 10 '. 'TJI" """,mllr . murder·case. Thomas "Cotton" b~ u.!jd to ~ tjtle .to the'old tll1iirthe twI.ter OP!/I1t;tlO m1h' "" .Feb~ 9.• After a'pet!tlon. a. ~ connoi,l woI\ksllop. . \ re"""lna ·moatly 'drY So far, McKnight and hrs wife were all'J'ortland.' .. ,," .uteaonth"ground.',· :. drivelJenoull/lingthop!im,Rui. 'l\I' ""'IUi """erel mol' -; '1,·" 'b~t1J!d' <200,firefigjjters W'el'e " .' Picacho area home, .. '1987 '" Comnu'¥.'.on~ PollS a a'!e-" l'ay iJic:rehae'1IioI!eaal1bt' them, ;.' " wor.\QnSIlI!':alire IIDrthweat of· , '. •May 26 - With .: nsw air-' .. •. " ~ year, one mIll 1e#, .to ralae !tom $21;0 te~() a month. , . Jan, 19 • R.p'" Hubbard, Im'doso on jUly 10.• port a certainty, the state 'Jan. U., After Ilnlple $250,000,' to help .•e....r" t ';Feb, 10 - MeSllll1i1ro tribal pl'Ol'lilent of!l~,pDirlyJla "Aug, 6 C ,The RuidOSO advance. money towards.. new snow. thl. month, Un.mlt llll1tchilti! ~eral fund. to-.;;. .I'I'Olli'4ent W~<;lhint> hints Racing. l'J'OPOllI's ...."'....,oouraelloat'd of .jildueatlon"ad~a' road to the airport. But Rul- County Is deenled "n ..eme....., 'Si<1J"ra lllanea AirPort budgi:!t' his ttibe WOlJ1d likil to..... '(ideo and reaol'b b~,""'1l11'1e,x. for...... sol\ltion ealling for 11 ljIll..mjl..'- . doBO and LInColn County feud ge'!cy area,"''J,'he lateat etorm · shorilf"'ls, "' . ' . "gamlilg., ," . thjl f0nt;l"J"' RUIdOso aIrport ,lion: bl>l:ld Isaue tD,~omp1ete for months over who Is in con' brought heavy snow~ and 'Aug, 22 -The Mescaktro' ", 'April1.'A'comp1etelUJing'lalld.,. ". hullding renovations at the trol of the "oad prqject arid winds of lIIOre than 50 IJ!Iles Apacj1.O Tribe ""en their tlniber . -Ul' of Grindstone xeset:Wir baa. ·Jan. l!O - It took eevl', . into the McKnight murders, t'ure la aliked to approP"iate $7· ebildren's children.' tumed. tel mud and become'POl' bilve a l'rtonty right to tho ~oi:t iapreeented tel. village. 'July 2li , Bingo comea to' million for,ilnew roaW,tbat will. 'Oct, IlhAbomi~ldsInvee· luted1>e<>lIuae ofthe , now.under· ·t!gation i. 1lIlderway, after a-.April 25 • 40 a.....a nf,fdr- " ' -Feb" 28 • After b ,p1tltlon preaenterseald. lIlaY, Inn of the Mountain Gods, . c~n~trucl:ion Sierra, lllan~a .. man ill!:,eaten to.de..th. ~. a e.t )and bvmed bei'OJ.:!lc ,'~)*~!!t;,a\!Y~~!l.l'!'lJ!I'1i,!li!',~". R. ,p"ppl,e .,wimt.",'II! ~(j!'!l.lIa~~ 'Aug, 6 - The RUIdoso vd- ~glOnaIAlrport.. "" ,raneb'm Glen~e. ,Linc!lid1i01Ili' rl\clu..~ ...lI"'~lI'1l.o.• , lage board approves,a half-per· •Mareb .26 - It'. tbe winteP County ,.beriff'•. Om.,ela .•ay centrOllire on the Fort Slanton.· the n<>d to·convert the fornler u.ed by.everyone," cent ',r:increase in the gross tl\p.tju"st won't end~ A late sea- . they have a suspect in custody., Mesa. ·Wutds 'of up' to 69 mph 'village airport into a golf ., receipts tax, to allow the vil- son storm deposits se~n inch;-," . " '\ . f '., ~ " ; , ....f:J,·Le· ., " 1'i1l~'~ ',:' ~. ,~ ~O, . '. '. , ..' located In Ruidoso, NM " .

,~ljOMI;.COMMUNITY ~ NEW C~NSlRUcnON "" ';. .c"';':',""";" ;;:.' :--~tr:';' »,::': " ~ " One Be~rot._,g~"9f.3~~\'!;~: Two'Bedroom; $2.42 - $389

All units gJ:ourtd ~~}~~'::~~"'~~G~).e-a~· Private porcbeS/balconies Wall to wall carp " ., Air conditioned Washer/dryer hookups " ~ully ~~lianced_ <·"'·'''".~g:f~:,~foded park On~s.ite property management .. '. c . -:;g~,e~t room~ l~braryt exiif('cise- foam " t.;,~ '. . '. o~ and interior maiJroom· , , " ~tf :";'-;;',t· : .,j "~;):'~'f",~\' . .' ,.'.'" ."-:, , ''-.: . ~:' "~ ~~; ~';:'L For mo' ~ or Carmen a~§O~.258.2727 ....; . Iii rfd=d'at 107 Jl

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.. .• -Jan. 13 ..... ·Ruidoso'school, district bans hats at all school: . functions, but later rescihds. the action.. . . • Feb: 7 - The Mescalero Apache tribe sigqs pact With' .. utility """,paRlee far storagytel1an began' . • Aug, 22 - Clarke 1'fb;tg· : n'1(II'ioglng the hospItal. The name sten, 84, is killed by intniite: was changed to UncolnCounty from Camp Si.....a B18nct\,: Medlcol Center In the lcite 1980s, Conununjty' deman,d's mo~: In earlY 1999, Uncoln Counly ssfegusrds and warning' sye- : Medlcol Center began tenia for escaPes. : construction on Phase I of the • Oct., 24 - Dale Waltha1l, ~ hospltol'slotest remodeling a 'Thxas businessnian, donate, : project, This phose will be a building in the Sierra Sho1'- : completed In the spring of 200Q ping Center to be the borne of : and will encompdSS mOre than ENMU-RRldoso, 10,500 square feet of new ... .Nov. 7 - State Engineer : construction 'and renovated soys Ruidoso Downe Mayor Joe : space. The Improvements being Hayhurst illegally pumped: mode to the ftont entry, lol:ll:ly, water from the Rio Ruidoso to : admlffing areCi. laboratory, irrigate his lawn, emergency deportment. arid rodlolegy deportment will allow us • .Dee. 1 - After a record: to meet the growing needs of our month of burglaries, 52, Rui- : patients In fhe C?omlng years. dosa police chief Lanny Mad- : dox asks for weekday curfeW : , for juvenUes, whicl1 was ,: BPProwd by the. council Jan, : LINCOLN COUNTY 12, 1995.. . : MEDICAL CENTER • De~.'li -' FrontierAirlines : An tltfl1lil1le Of Pr",fly~llbl'llJeahhCafOS4Wfc••. wants routes to ..... Ruldosn, • , ...... :," . i- ~. , " < ·" • : ---...,------, ! '-.' •, , DasH ",',' ';PEBEX· , '>'~Pies "." ,", 1<11, . .' ' " '. .•, 101 FRIDAY. DEC. 31, 1999 Voters approve boods (or a . . . 1995 on reservation. . • Sept. 21 '- Mescalerti • Jan. 12 ~ New Gpv. Gal'Y moves to add Carrizo Lodge.to ' Johnson says he will close Fort reservation trust lands.' . Stanton as a state hospital. • Oct. 19 ~ Sensuous seu,lp­ • Feb. 2 - Voters in ture in.marple . be~ng,carvfi!d,. . Mescalero say no to'· nuclear' outside by a.rtist C~nd;yce G~.,. storage plan. rett spar'k,s COm;plal:flt.sby some' • Feb. 9 ~ Gambling com­ residents who ~e it as .they pacts with Indian tribes signed drive by. by Gov. Johnson. but later are shot down in court.' 6 • Feb. 20 - 199 boxer Jimmy Thunder, trained Jan. ;LO - State eays it Will .. in Ruidoso, scores win over shut down Camp Sierra Blan... heavy- ca as prison and convert it·to a weight .champion Trevor juyenileoffender rehabilitation Berbick.' program'·· . • March 13 - Mescalero • Feb. 23 - Fires. bl~e ol1t voters reverse decision and ,of control on the Mescalero' approve nuclear pact with 33 Reservation. burning "3;850 utilities. acres." • March 23 - Fort Stanton • Jan. 26 '- vConstru~tion closelS. begins on the Spen,cer Theater. • April 6 - Sign goes up • March 13 - Lone Star .j, . ' advertising Casino Apache·. cuts flights to Dallas. . 1997 , ' with legal blaclgack and poker. .• April 19 ..:.. Nuclear sOOr- • Feb. • May 29 - U.S. Forest ser- age pact is dead and negotia­ vice warns rQsidents to thin tions end· between the tribe their trees and to create a and a coalition of utilities led defensible space around their by Northern States Power. . .homes to protect against wild • April 24 - The Chino fires. Well fires burns 7,100 acres. • June 19 - Actor Steven .• May 15 - Drought forces . ,Seag~l flies' to Rpidoso to rally closing of more than half 0 the ·'Opposition to nuclear storage Lincoln National F.orest. proposal. . • May 17- Newspaper cele- • July 10 - Skateboarders brates its 50th allniversa.ry; bother local merchants and vil-. • July 3 - Lincoln·"Forest lage looks for alternative skat- reopens. . '. ing ar-~a. "'. • July 17 - Indian casinos • July 17 - Free Spirits at ruled illegal" U.S. Attorney Noisy Waters, a 255-foot long wants them closed by July 27. bronze sculpture by Dave • July 24 - Mudslides close McGary is, unveiled at the. US 70 through Mescalero. entrance of the Museum ofthe • Aug. 28 - Capitan sues Horse in Ruidoso Downs. Ruidoso over water rights in • Lone StarAirlines, ba!;led Eagle Creek Intercommunty in Fort Worth, Texas, sets up Water Users Association, say­ service in Ruidoso. _ ing it has received no water in • Aug. 14 - Ruidoso voters . years. ,- approve bonds for a new • Sept. 13 - Torrential librpry, ballfields, and rains inundate Hondo Valley improvements to the senior cit- closing road and strariding izens center, the water and, families. sewer system and village • Oct. 4 - Casino Apache structures. . lays offhundreds ofemployees.. • A';1g. 24 - .Mescalero • Qc~. 30 .1 ..'\\n1ile 1~9J.((Jll . opens middle and high schools group pushes tor Fort Stanton

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