Bourne Valley Riding Club incorporating Woodhay District Riding Club (Affiliated to the British Horse Society)

Website: Vice President: June Bush Secretary: Helen Mulingani Chairman: Lindsay Hills 10, Manor Gardens The Ridings Burbage Dauntsey Lane Wilts SN8 3FG Hants SP11 8EB 01672 811650 01264 772388 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

It seems like it has been a long busy arduous summer. Maybe this is a reflection of the feeling as a result of organising the Horse Trial in June. Where were you all???? (I apologise to those who did help us and those stalwarts who let us know they were unable to help). Despite all our pleas for your help, very little was forthcoming. To the extent that, without external help and help provided from other clubs, we would have been unable to run the Horse Trials. What is most disappointing is that often members contacted directly by letter, email or telephone don’t bother to reply or respond in any way. Surely you can spare a little time. This is your club and events do not run themselves. We cannot continue the high level of club activities without your help. All too often it is the same people who give up their time for your benefit. The efforts involved in drumming up support for the Horse Trials and the stress resulting in uncertainty of whether we have enough fence judges to safely run the cross country, all takes its toll. Thoughts of other summer activities were shelved as energy levels / enthusiasm was sapped by the Horse Trials experience. Please keep this in mind when future requests for help are put out. We operate as a team and there is always help, advice and full briefing available before you are expected to do an unfamiliar job. You never know, you might even enjoy the experience.

There is lots of catching up to do with reports and results from past events. Autumn events are still to be planned but be assured there will be plenty on. LKH.

Forthcoming Events

NOTE: DATE CHANGED FROM THAT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED BVRC Hunter Trials now on Sunday 9th November 2014

BVRC PARELLI FREESTYLE RIDING, Saturday 1st November, Tidworth Equestrian Centre (venue TBC) If you are interested in how to achieve more responsiveness & lightness, using less rein to turn and stop, and getting more in tune with your horse, come along and try some Parelli Freestyle Riding. This session will be run by 3* Instructor, Sarah Wearing. Cost £22 Contact Sarah if you wish to take part Phone: 01264 771505 / Mobile: 07764 151545 email: [email protected] or reply slip.

BVRC Hunter Trial Sunday 9th November 2014 PTP Racecourse Larkhill Course heights range from 2’6” and 2’9”-3’ to 3’3”. Pairs classes have been included at the first two heights. We don’t have gates, a timed section or knockdown fences. In the event of equal jumping penalties, winners are decided by the best judgement of pace riding at an optimum speed over the whole course. It will be a good day. Please get you entries in early. In the past we have been oversubscribed had to turn entries away. Needless to say, if you are not riding, we would welcome your help fence judging. Ella Birch will be in touch shortly with the usual pleas, but if you don’t hear from her and are able to help please email or telephone Lindsay to offer your services.

Instruction Instruction dates will be published shortly.

Hunting The club has taken out subscription to the RA Hunt again this year. This will enable club members to drag hunt up to 4 times during the season (from November to April) for a reduced cap of £20. Autumn hunting has started. All are welcome to attend as many times as you wish with a cap of £10 payable in September and £20 in October. Secretary: Ali Wilson 01264 773191 or [email protected]. Ring Ali for details of meets, times, parking, dress etc. Don't forget to take your membership card to claim the reduced cap, once main hunting starts. Contact Ali if you would like to receive regular details of events run by the RA Hunt & RA Hunt Supporters Club.

BVRC Guided Rides for members ONLY We would like to set up a network of guided rides for members. Are you able to host other club members on a guided ride in your locality enabling them to explore a different area? Would you like to ride in a different location accompanied by someone who knows the area? Victoria Smith is co-ordinating the rides pairing up hosts with guests.

If you are willing to be a host, please contact Victoria with your location, the number of riders you can host at one time, normal availability and numbers of vehicle parking, together with the duration of rides

Please return attached reply slip /email or phone Victoria 07789 004364 / email: [email protected].

Although due care and attention will be given, it is understood that rides are undertaken at the rider’s own risk.

BVRC Fun Ride Mates Victoria is also available to pass on details of anyone entering a local fun ride who wishes to share the experience with another club member. If you are attending a fun ride and want a companion, please let Victoria know.

REPORTS My "Lancelot" Experience by Jo Buist Anyone that knows me would probably be a little surprised that I signed up for this but I, like the rest of us, have become bored of doing the same old ride around the roads just recently because everywhere else is impassable due to floods and storm damage. Half an hour on "Lancelot" and then half an hour for Maisie in the school? She isn't very fit but she is fit enough to cope with that! Besides, I have a 3 year old to be backed a later this year so a little "me time" will benefit him too. So last Saturday was fine and sunny. yes really! Off I headed to Tammy Weal’s yard at Pitton. There were only two of us signed up, myself and Susie, so we were paired up and as I hadn't had the Lancelot experience before, I went first. Tammy assessed my position whilst stationary, adjusting my legs, hands and seat before we started moving. It is surprisingly hard work riding a mechanical horse.legs back, thighs and knees down, hands up and together, chest up, thumbs out! We did some exercises. Yoga on horseback! Then it was Susie's turn whilst I had a little rest. Then out to the school to apply the same principles to our own horses. One very confused Maisie! But 20 minutes in we were both getting the hang of it and were feeling pretty pleased with ourselves. "Right, now I'm going to give you some exercises! Cross your reins and put them in the opposite hands!" Hmmm, this could all go horribly wrong "Oh and I want you to do it in sitting trot". In my defence, I only steered her into the fence once and it did help me keep my hands together. In summary, we definitely got our monies worth as we were riding for well over half an hour but with plenty of breaks in walk for my slightly unfit and slightly porky pony. The few times I have ridden her since I have practiced what I learnt which has given me a bit more incentive to do the same dull hack and she really seems to enjoy me trying a bit harder and prances along pointing her little toes. It's a long time since I concentrated just on what I am doing but we all get into bad habits so it was good to go back to the basics of getting my position right and I will be signing up for the next session to consolidate things. This clinic isn't all about boosting your confidence so if you think you are perfect it's probably not for you ;) but it was fun and informative and something a little bit different.

BVRC Annual Quiz 10th January 2014 at The Boot, The annual quiz proved as riotous as ever. It was just a pity that the attendance wasn’t up to the usual numbers. Whether this was because everyone was still in the post Christmas recovery period, or the new venue in Shipton Bellinger proved far too difficult to find, we don’t know. I grew up in the village and was always told it was the back of beyond. This isn’t the case these days with modern transport links. In practice it is very centrally located and in a recent survey, Shipton was voted best village in Britain, so that should put it on the map. Six teams contested the innovative, challenging quiz. It really made the old grey cells rattle. Nearly everyone had an excellent meal before the quiz started, but that didn’t stop some finishing every scrap of baby food in an attempt to identify the ingredients, or that was the excuse given. Thank you to Gill Young for devising an entertaining (devious) quiz and to her able assistant Dee Hodson Results Team Leader Pts Were Struggling Helen Nash-Steer 71 Five Finders Outers Helen Mulingani 70 Nameless Lindsay/Sandra 61 Barmy Army Susie Pool 58½ Outside Chance Di Symes 56½ All the Gear & No Money Victoria Smith 49½

Perhaps by next year Shipton Bellinger will be on the BVRC map or The Red Lion will have re-opened!

BVRC Spring Dressage on Sunday 13th April, 2014 at Riding Centre The Spring dressage was once again held at Amport and for the second year running we were treated to beautiful weather and this year near perfect going. Although the turnout was relatively low including a number who failed to turn up on the day without warning, we ran two arenas and a total of nearly 6 hours of tests. The judges praised the standard of competition especially for the latter classes likening combinations to affiliated standards and competitors were pleased with the awarded scores and the opportunity to be judged by experienced listed judges. Thanks go to the volunteers who kindly gave up their time to allow the event to run and to Richard as always for permission to use the facilities at Amport. Katie Mortimore

CLASS 1 BD Intro B SCORE CLASS 3 BD Prelim 13 1st Abigail Lamb Jack 64.80% 1st= Louise Parr * 70.83% 2nd Aimee Farrelly Genie * 62.60% 1st= Jenny Middleton Mollyanko 70.83% 3rd Rachel Fraser Riva 62.20% 3rd Hazel Jackson J 59.22% 4th Sara Bennet Merlin Majic 61.70% 4th Roy Southey Connie 56.70% 5th Niki Vorster Dusty 60.00% 5th Lisa Spencer Dalcotes Kimber 56.30% 6th Frances Hall Mallards Wood Mandora 58.70% 6th Roy Southey Hope 54.58% 7th Kellie Chamberlain Ruben Von Der Moore 57.80% 7th Gemma Hamilton Daisy May 50.83% 8th Frances Hall Mallards Wood Corunna 56.50% 9th Frances Hall Dunkery Bullfinch 55.70% CLASS 4 & 6 % BD Prelim 17 / Novice 22 10th Sam Dutton Daisy 50.40% 1st Emma Gedge Penhill Target * 71.92% 2nd Jenny Middleton Mollyanko 71.53% CLASS 2 BD Prelim 1 3rd Emma Gedge Penhill Target N22 71.20% 1st Alison Wilson Lloyd * 69.47% 4th Di Symes Times Ticking 68.65% 2nd Hazel Jackson J 67.89% 5th Sandra Groves Timmy 66.34% 3rd Alicia Crocker Ben 66.84% 6th Charlotte Warwick Thoor Balleylee 61.34% 4th Niki Vorster Dusty 66.58% 5th Richard Hale Shadow 66.05% CLASS 5 BD Novice 24 6th= Lisa Spencer Applejack Whistler 65.00% 1st Di Symes Times Ticking * 66.92% 6th= Abigail Lamb Jack 65.00% 2nd Sue Mclean Czarka 65.57% 8th Rachel Fraser Riva 62.89% 3rd Sandra Groves Timmy 64.03% 9th Matthew Noakes Tegan 61.50% 4th June Verity Flame 63.65% * Denotes Best BV

BVRC Camp – Stockland Lovell, 28th April – 1st May 2014 There’s the saying ’time flies when you’re having fun’. Well this certainly applies to Camp. It’s a bit like looking forward to your summer holiday for months, for it then to fly by in a flash. This year was no exception! Twenty three happy campers and twenty six horses arrived at Stockland Lovell on the Monday afternoon. First instruction session done and dusted, we met up in the stables before supper and introduced ourselves and our horses to each other, as well as handing out the instruction plans, which always causes a lot of chatter and exclamations! Having been told that there were new caterers at Stockland Lovell I was relieved that the food was up to the usual high standard – phew! I always say that we only go for the food!

Our instructors this year were Ian Wright for flatwork and cross country, Nic Norman for Gridwork and Show Jumping and Diana Burgess came down again to do Cross Country for a day. We haven’t used Ian before but he proved to be a jolly character, always caring to ensure we took something away from each lesson. He was keen on using lots of analogies in his teaching like thinking of your horse as an articulated lorry – the head is the cab and the body is the trailer. So when you halt you have to control the trailer with your legs otherwise you won’t park/halt straight. And you need to sit back in the saddle and tuck your bottom under, so that if you fart it comes out the front!! He was also keen on counting the rhythm of paces, helping you tell if you’re going too fast or too slow. Nic was again brilliant in the jumping arena, setting us up helpful progressive grids to get us going and mini show jumping courses to join it all together. She’s so enthusiastic you can actually see her trying to jump each jump with you. Everyone loves her way of teaching. There were lots of happy riders coming in off the cross country from Diana’s sessions. One horse made an early trip back to the stables at a gallop as Jo Phillips and her mount parted company after it was frightened by the ‘explosion’ of her air bag canister going off after she’d been jumped so far out of the saddle. He was hotly pursued by Hannah Sykes on Bella as she rounded him up and took him back out onto the course. We’re grateful to Diana for coming down and providing some continuity to the teaching at home.

After supper on Tuesday some of us met up in the lounge for games organised by Celia Scott. We played ‘Horse’ (a horsey version of a beetle drive) and bingo. Rachel Fraser thought this was a rehearsal for us for our later years in the care home!

The facilities at Stockland Lovell really are great and there is always a lovely relaxed atmosphere. One of my favourite times of day is first thing in the morning when everyone is feeding and mucking out their horses before breakfast. It’s a hive of activity and great to be greeted by your horse asking where his breakfast is (mind you knowing Timmy he’ll be asking anyone that passes where his breakfast is!).

We were pleased to welcome Sam Shepherd on Wednesday as he came down for the day to ride his horse Barney. Sam’s wife Sally was already at camp along with Sam’s sister Claire – all the way from Yorkshire! Claire thinks Bourne Valley ‘ROCKS’ and is going to become a member. Gill Young’s quiz on Wednesday evening was again great with just the right level of questions and a couple of ‘silly’ rounds including a treasure hunt and writing a limerick. There were lots of giggles (alcohol induced in most cases) and it was great fun.

Thursday came round all too quickly and we were packing up ready to leave after lunch. Judging by the tired smiles and comments I think a good time was had by all. I certainly enjoyed it – again! I must say thank you to Katie Mortimore and Lindsay Hills for their work behind the scenes, processing the applications and tackling the instruction sessions and booking the instructors. We’ve booked for next year so start saving……..! Sandra Groves

BVRC Combined Training Sunday 18th May 2014 And the day dawned fair.... and so it continued - all weekend! What a pleasure it was to be out in the fresh air with just a touch of breeze to keep the flies and temperature down, watching the competitors arriving from 8am filling the showground with optimism and enthusiasm. A bumper crop of entries meant a busy day for the small army of staff ensuring everything ran to time. Eternal thanks to them; it really couldn't happen without their dedication of time and effort (I feel a Churchill moment coming on: 'never was so much owed.....') . All points for the competitors and helpers have been recorded into the Be Fair and Caballine competitions so rosettes all round to come later in the year.

Thanks also to the competitors' patience for the results; I'm not sure if it is appreciated that there are actually three classes being scored at the same time and the secretarial team do need their cool heads to make sure the scoring is accurate and the deluge of 14 classes' worth of rosettes to 10th place can become a kaleidoscope in the Larkhill breeze! Special thanks to Jane Butler who made the mistake of saying 'I've finished competing, is there anything you'd like me to do?' The stapler has still not recovered from her energetic fastening techniques but a small price to pay I think for the entertainment provided!

The wayfarer prize for the day goes to the ice-cream van who we think should have been at Queen's Building but as he was doing such great trade stayed with us anyway! The Secretary was kept supplied by grateful competitors with lemon meringue ice-creams while the organiser's yummies were eaten by others as her hands were full piloting the executive bicycle - it was riding but not in the way I'd prefer! Ho hum......

Another great day for BVRC, thanks and regards to all and see you over the summer I'm sure. If you've had a great day too, please think of volunteering before, during or after the upcoming Horse Trials or any other competition to show your appreciation. There'll be a rosette in it one way or another! Lindsay Devine * denotes Best BV member DRESSAGE Class 1 BD Prelim 1 BV Total % Class 2 BD Prelim 18 1 Alison Wilson Lloyd y 126 66.3 1 Fen Hargreaves Pumpkin y 176 73.3 2 Alison Coleman Wilba y 125.5 66.0 2 Laura Saxon Carrot y 162.5 67.7 3 Stephanie Passant For a Smile n 116 61.1 3 Debbie Gutierrez Madam Gigi n 161 67.1 4 Fiona Gregory Shadow y 115 60.5 4 Fenella Pritchard Impy n 158.5 66.0 5 Sandra Groves Timmy y 154.5 64.4 Victoria Delville - Thomas Brook Sunny 6 Cutts Morning y 154.5 64.4 7 Jenny Cox Biscuit Man n 151.5 63.1 8 Stephanie Passant For a Smile n 149.5 62.2 9 Toni Hayzen Orianna n 149 62.1 Victoria Delville - 10 Cutts Somera y 147.5 61.5

Class 5A BD Prelim 4 Class 6A BD Prelim 14 1 Diana Burgess Smurf y 149 67.7 1 Sophie Damment Bugsy n 184 76.7 2 Janet Burnett Flash Light y 148 67.3 Celyncoch Cool 3 Annabell Clapham Rocky n 146 66.4 2 Sophie Damment Rendezvous n 172 71.7 4= Marion Watt Cracker y 145 65.9 3 Jenny Cox Biscuit Man n 171 71.3 4= Jo Brazier Chocolate Chip Muffin n 145 65.9 4 Sophie Jeffery Mickey y 170 70.8 6= Diana Burgess Beauty y 143 65.0 5 Daniel Leech Alfie n 166 69.2 6= Rebecca Sheen Mr Joey n 143 65.0 6 Sandra Groves Timmy y 164 68.3 8 Sophie Jeffery Ibthorpe Songbird y 143 64.5 7= Becky Smith Starlight Legacy n 163 67.9 9= Rachel Fraser Riva y 137 62.3 7= Debbie Gutierrez Madam Gigi n 163 67.9 9= Kate Robinson Guidam n 137 62.3 9 Alex Dixon Too Good For The Kids n 162 67.5 10 Vicky de Candole Muzzie y 162 67.5

Class 3 & 7A BD Novice 27 Class 4 & 8A BD Novice 30 1 Katie Mortimore Fleur y 197 70.36 Sarah Mitchell 2 Fen Hargreaves Pumpkin y 189 67.5 1 Shepherd Cherry Heights y 173 66.5 3 Sue McLean Czarka y 187.5 67.0 2 Katie Mortimore Fleur y 170 65.4 Sarah Mitchell 3 Sophie Jeffery Coevers Freddie y 170 65.4 4 Shepherd Cherry Heights y 186.5 66.6 4 Ruth Allen Mara y 159 61.2 5 Alex Dixon Too Good For The Kids y 182 65.0 5 Frances Hall Trowan Max y 157 60.4 6 Wendy Collett Grace n 176.5 63.0 6 Joanna Murphy Ace n 158 60.8 7 Louise Parr Badger y 175 62.7 7 Phillippa Thatcher Miss Moss y 153.5 59.03 8 Alex Dixon Hell of a Buck y 168.5 60.2 9 Louise Crampton Muzzie y 164 58.57

COMBINED TRAINING Class 5A & 5B BD Prelim 4 with 2’3”-2’6” jumping BV Dr SJ Total 1 Diana Burgess Smurf y 67.7 0 67.7 * 2 Annabell Clapham Rocky n 66.4 0 66.4 3 Marion Watt Cracker y 65.9 0 65.9 4 Diana Burgess Beauty y 65.0 0 65.0 5 Rebecca Sheen Mr Joey n 65.0 0 65.0 6 Janet Burnett Flash Light y 67.3 4 63.3 7 Rachel Fraser Riva y 62.3 0 62.3 8 Kate Robinson Guidam n 62.3 0 62.3 9 Sam Shepherd Barney y 61.4 0 61.4 10 Sally Shepherd Pablo y 60.9 0 60.9

Class 6A & 6B BD Prelim 14 with 2’9” jumping 1 Sophie Damment Bugsy n 76.7 0 76.7 2 Sophie Damment Celyncoch Cool Rendezvous n 71.7 0 71.7 3 Jenny Cox Biscuit Man n 71.3 4 71.3 4 Becky Smith Starlight Legacy n 67.9 0 67.9 5 Joanna Murphy Crème Anglaise n 67.1 8 67.1 6 Sophie Jeffery Mickey y 70.8 4 66.8 * 7 Daniel Leech Alfie N 69.2 4 65.2 8 Sandra Groves Timmy y 68.3 4 64.3 9 Debbie Gutierrez Madam Gigi n 67.9 4 63.9 10 Emma Hewlett On the Bounce y 62.9 0 62.9

Class 7A & 7B BD Novice 27 with 3’ jumping 1 Sarah Mitchell Shepherd Cherry Heights y 66.6 0 66.6 * 2 Katie Mortimore Fleur y 70.36 4 66.3 3 Wendy Collett Grace n 63.0 8 55.0

Class 8A & 8B BD Novice 30 with 3’3” jumping 1 Katie Mortimore Fleur y 65.4 0 65.4 * 2 Sarah Mitchell Shepherd Cherry Heights y 66.5 8 58.5 3 Joanna Murphy Ace n 60.8 4 56.8

SHOW JUMPING Class 9 2’3”-2’6” jumping BV time Class 10 2’9” jumping BV time 1 Diana Burgess Beauty y 0 18.65 * 1 Karen Fieldsend Jeffery y 0 19.28 * 2 Karen Fieldsend Jeffery y 0 18.87 2 Sophie Damment Bugsy n 0 20.43 3 Frances Hall Bellingdene Magnum y 0 19.65 3 Sami Slater Omega Humbug n 0 20.81 4 Rachel Fraser Riva y 0 21.25 Celyncoch Cool 5 Sandra Groves Timmy y 0 22.0 4 Sophie Damment Rendezvous n 0 21.47 6 Janet Burnett Flash Light y 0 22.91 5 Louise Parr Badger y 0 24.06 Victoria Delville Thomas Brook Sunny 6 Becky Smith Starlight Legacy n 0 25.31 7 Cutts Morning y 0 23.85 8 Diana Burgess Smurf y 0 23.94 9 Marion Watt Cracker y 0 24.03 10 Rebecca Sheen Mr Joey n 0 24.04

Class 11 3’ jumping Class 12 3’3” jumping 1 Finellla Pritchard Impy n 0 29.44 1 Katie Mortimore Fleur y 0 * Sarah Mitchell 2 Joanna Murphy Ace n 4 2 Shepherd Cherry Heights y 4 22.16 * Sarah Mitchell 3 Richard Hale Dream Foxtrot y 4 45.22 3 Shepherd Cherry Heights y 8

BVRC Unaffiliated Horse Trials & BRC Area 17 Horse Trials Qualifier, Knighton Down, Larkhill on Sunday 15th June. Based on last year’s numbers (60-70) at the Area 17 Horse Trials Qualifier, I decided that it would be possible to incorporate the qualifier into BVRC annual event. This would boost numbers on the day and have the added bonus of not having to run two separate events, a month apart. Course Country fence heights for the qualifiers run at 80cm, 90cm & 1m, but I felt it was important to preserve the class traditionally run at 75cm. I was not prepared to include the qualifier at the expense of BVRC members just starting out. I knew it would take a lot of juggling to pull it off successfully, but ‘what the hell’. With the co-operation of Bryan Elliott, Larkhill contact, in principle, we would be able to conjure four XC courses rather than the normal three. It was all systems go. Best laid plans – notice of intended entries for the qualifier revealed there to be 110, not the expected 60-70. This was well over half of the maximum capacity of 185. Entries flooded in for BVRC classes, in fact it was more of a torrent. The event was oversubscribed by about 50 entries. I hate turning people away. I kept waking in the middle of the night with schemes to accommodate more entries, like starting an hour earlier. I have always refused to schedule riders beyond 5.30pm because I don’t regard as fair to anyone, competitors or more importantly, helpers. In the cold light of day I would re-assert the original time planning. Again, it unreasonable to expect helpers to arrive at 7am. Planning and organisation proceeded as usual. Sorting out helpers was a bit of a nightmare. Participating clubs were required to provide helpers. It served to highlight the inability to read instructions, fill in forms, remember what was entered on forms or fulfil commitments. Obviously this is a sweeping generalisation, but it interesting that the behaviour of the minority colours the judgement about the majority. I had another nasty moment in the build up when the caterer phoned to say she wasn’t sure she would be able to come as her vehicle had broken down. I envisaged 185 hunger and thirsty competitors and was trying to conjure up Plan B. Luckily, all was well, the vehicle restored to health. We set up quickly and easily on Saturday and I returned home to complete preparations and paperwork for the following day. I had got behind because, unexpectedly, I had to work on Thursday evening – time set aside for Horse Trials. I underestimated the time it would all take to complete all the tasks and finally took to my bed at 1.30am, not really having completed everything to my satisfaction. I rose at 5.30am to give me time to get to Larkhill by 6.45am, ready for the day’s competition. It all ran very smoothly with very few hiccups. Fence judges from other clubs were still trying to swap morning & afternoon slots and generally using their initiative rather than following instructions or asking for guidance, but with few incidents on the cross country we were able to complete the competition 10 minutes ahead of schedule. On the day, my job is largely done. I hand over to a band of very efficient team leaders who run the event on the day. I am usually to be found dozing in a quiet corner. Many, many thanks to team leaders Ros & Celia (secretarial), Fiona (dressage), Helen M, Victoria, Kim (SJ), Pete (XC), Ella & Fiona (FJ), Susie, Sandra (scoring) and anyone who assisted them. Special thanks to Sandra for finding and booking 10 dressage judges & writers and other dressage helpers. We couldn’t run an event like this without you all.

BRC Area 17 Horse Trials Qualifier - XC time denotes penalties for going too fast. SENIOR HT 80 - Section A DR SJ XC XC Total time Pen 1 Donna Boyd Rinus Star South Wilts 23.0 4 0 0.4 27.4 2 Linda Budge Fernhill Frankie Meon 40.0 0 0 0 40.0 3 Jane Fox Tallulah VIII Hants Rural 31.5 0 0 13.6 45.1 4 Sharon Waghorn Harley Quinn Isle of Wight 42.5 0 0 -2.8 45.3 5 Sharon Lovesey Mishan Bag of Bones Hants Rural 34.5 4 0 7.2 45.7 6 Lucinda Gale Perone Hanky Panky Isle of Wight 42.0 0 0 5.6 47.6 Frances Hall Bellindene Magnum Bourne Valley 38.0 0 E 3.2 E Lisa Pritchard Eros Bourne Valley 37.0 12 E 68.4 E

SENIOR HT 80 - Section B 1 Jessica Vanasshe Neyffed Dubonnet Isle of Wight 30.0 0 0 -8.0 38.0 2 Nicki Whiddett Woodlark Meon 32.0 12 0 0 44.0 3 Alison Hill Murphy Isle of Wight Ind 32.5 8 0 3.6 44.1 4 Debbie Prince Backley Blue Mist New Forest 29.5 4 0 11.2 44.7 5 Shuna Cameron Yarlbank Hawthorn South Wilts 35.5 4 0 16.0 55.5 6 Debbie Dean Cill Chonaill Meon 38.0 12 0 7.2 57.2 9 Alex Plank Miss Doublet South Wilts 33.0 4 20 14.8 71.8 Victoria Delville-Cutts Folds Spode Bourne Valley 35.5 8 E 3.2 E Karen Shearing Poulnagun Rebels Bourne Valley 40.0 E E

SENIOR HT 80 - Overall Individual Places Adjusted Penalties 1 Donna Boyd Rinus Star South Wilts 27.4 2 Jessica Vanasshe Neyffed Dubonnet Isle of Wight 33.8 3 Nicki Whiddett Woodlark Meon 39.2 4 Alison Hill Murphy Isle of Wight Ind 39.9 5 Linda Budge Fernhill Frankie Meon 40.0 6 Debbie Prince Backley Blue Mist New Forest 40.5

SENIOR HT 80 TEAM Results Total Pos Pos Team Pen A B Total 1 Isle of Wight Karen Begley Spring Thyme Sharon Waghorn Harley Quinn 45.3 4 Lucinda Gale Perone Hanky Panky 47.6 6 Jessica Vanasshe Neyffed Dubonnet 38.0 1 130.9 2 Meon Nicki Whiddett Woodlark 44.0 2 Laura Kannangara Lord Brunello 77.0 Debbie Dean Cill Chonaill 57.2 6 Linda Budge Fernhill Frankie 40.0 2 141.2 3 South Wilts Aloysia Daros Mister Roo Alex Plank Miss Doublet Donna Boyd Rinus Star 27.4 1 Shuna Cameron Yarlbank Hawthorn 55.5 5 154.7 4 Hants Rural Ruth Evans Dignity 65.3 Jane Fox Tallulah VIII 45.1 3 Margaret Hird Thacka Princess Sharon Lovesey Mishan Bag of Bones 45.7 5 156.1 5 New Forest Kelly Jensen Hectors Valentine Nikki Eustis Allanagh Querida 60.2 Debbie Prince Backley Blue Mist 44.7 4 Amy Bridgett-Robins Hollyhatch Legacy 93.1 198.0 Chilworth Louise Turner Ballinclea Ashfield Abbot Alison Jenden Under Discussion 60.2 Claire Rossiter Sandro III 65.4 Rachael Ward Wayland Royal Jester E Bourne Valley Victoria Delville-Cutts Folds Spode Frances Hall Bellindene Magnum Karen Shearing Poulnagun Rebels Lisa Pritchard Eros E

JUNIOR HT 80 DR SJ XC XC Total Ind Team time Pen Pos Total 1 Purbeck Red Molly Russell Dereen Breeze 35.0 0 0 9.2 44.2 2 Millie Evans Carnsdale Debutante 36.5 0 20 8.8 65.3 5 Brony Hobden Ballyhoura Star 35.0 Rosie Russell Candy Man 33.0 4 20 -4.8 61.8 4 171.3 New Forest Alessandro Lallo Bingo 38.0 0 E 0 E Anna Dunford Furzley Illusion 33.5 0 0 0 33.5 1 Alice Whittick Mr McGinty 37.0 0 E 25.6 E E Purbeck Blue Lily Ryder Rookwood Dundoolie 32.5 19 20 14.8 86.3 Charlie Ainsworth Thumpers Playtime 37.0 E E Charlotte Tonks Polo 24.5 4 40 6.4 74.9 E

Chilworth Ind Kate Ebby-Bignell The Rite of Spring 30.0 0 0 -15.6 45.6 3 Isle of Wight Ind Amy Hose Guy Elm 33.5 0 20 18.0 71.5 6 South Wilts Ind Josephine Southey Just-A-Mo 38.5 4 E 0 E

SENIOR HT 90 - Section A DR SJ XC XC Total time Pen 1 Elsbeth Jeffery My Peggy's Diamond Meon 32.5 0 0 0 32.5 2 Caroline Saker Wayland Loganberry Chilworth 33.0 0 0 0 33.0 3 Kerry Tyrrell Staghill Twice as Nice Chilworth 33.5 0 0 0 33.5 4 Shuna Cameron Menelaus South Wilts 30.0 0 0 4.8 34.8 5 Joe Roome Dauntless II Stour Valley Ind 35.5 8 0 2.0 45.5 6 Chad Rowson Chips with That South Wilts 31.0 12 0 4.0 47.0 7 Louise Huxley Houdini Dancer Shillingstone 37.5 0 0 11.2 48.7 8 Sandie Holmes Cinzano-G Bourne Valley 30.0 4 0 17.2 51.2 Gemma Merritt Stolen Thunder Bourne Valley WD WD

SENIOR HT 90 - Section B 1 Debbie Tibble Rambolicious South Wilts 38.5 0 0 0.4 38.9 2 Alison Lamb Morning Breeze New Forest 39.0 0 0 0 39.0 3 Alison Branfoot Bolgoed Ought to be Orla Chilworth 44.0 0 0 0.8 44.8 4 Alice Stone Adamstown Lady South Wilts 45.5 0 0 0 45.5 5 Wendy Collett Dreamtime Opposition Chilworth 45.5 0 0 -3.2 48.7 6 Emma Gedge Penhill Target Bourne Valley Ind 38.5 4 0 6.4 48.9 7 Roy Southey Moyriesk Cotton Hope South Wilts Ind 45.0 0 0 8.4 53.4 12 Laura Young Daiquiri Bourne Valley 51.0 8 20 5.2 84.2 JUNIOR HT 90 1 Kate Ebby-Bignell Gobinstown Lad Chilworth Ind 36.5 0 0 6.8 43.3 Shannon Rodway Addergoogle Girl Purbeck Ind 44.5 4 E 32.4 E

SENIOR HT 90 - Overall Individual Places Adjusted Penalties 1 Debbie Tibble Rambolicious South Wilts 28.2 2 Alison Lamb Morning Breeze New Forest 28.3 3 Elsbeth Jeffery My Peggy's Diamond Meon 32.5 4 Caroline Saker Wayland Loganberry Chilworth 33.0 5 Kerry Tyrrell Staghill Twice as Nice Chilworth 33.5 6 Alison Branfoot Bolgoed Ought to be Orla Chilworth 34.1

SENIOR HT 90 TEAM Results Total Pos Pos Team Pen A B Total 1 Chilworth Kerry Tyrrell Staghill Twice as Nice 33.5 3 Wendy Collett Dreamtime Opposition 48.7 5 Caroline Saker Wayland Loganberry 33.0 2 Alison Branfoot Bolgoed Ought to be Orla 44.8 3 111.3 2 South Wilts Shuna Cameron Menelaus 34.8 4 Alice Stone Adamstown Lady 45.5 4 Chad Rowson Chips with That 47.0 6 Debbie Tibble Rambolicious 38.90 1 119.2 3 Meon Ellen McGibbon Top Pride 57.7 Mandy White Simonty 68.2 Daniel Searle Rebellion 57.8 Elsbeth Jeffery My Peggy's Diamond 32.5 1 148.0 4 New Forest Crispy Moore Vedelle 55.5 Amy Bridgett-Robins Combe Tom Tom 70.2 Alison Lamb Morning Breeze 39.0 2 Charlotte Thompson Fatal Attraction 76.0 164.7 5 Shillingstone Louise Huxley Houdini Dancer 48.7 Vicky Shambrook Franklyn's Ross 82.7 Sandy Gourd Top Notch Emma Andre First Errigal 150.2 281.6 Bourne Valley Laura Young Daiquiri 84.2 Gemma Merritt Stolen Thunder WD Lizzie Salmond Max E Sandie Holmes Cinzano-G 51.2 E

SENIOR HT 100 DR SJ XC XC Total Ind Team time Pen Pos Total 1 Chilworth Nikki Williams King's Fiddler 33.2 0 0 10.4 43.6 5 Carol Williams Uzzi's Choice 37.4 4 0 12.0 53.4 Caroline Saker Sparkling Diamond 28.4 8 0 6.4 42.8 3 Kerry Tyrrell Himoons Angel 36.3 4 20 10.0 70.3 139.8 2 Meon Rachel Chubb Henry 39.5 12 0 6.4 57.9 Chrissie Hughes Harry 32.6 0 0 10.4 43.0 4 Steffi Dampney Cider with Charlie 28.4 8 20 7.2 63.6 164.5 Shillingstone Lisa Gilby Tample Prince 33.2 0 0 4.8 38.0 2 Louise Huxley Rovini 33.2 4 0 0 37.2 1 Bourne Valley Ind Victoria Delville-Cutts Pauldrey's Mr Chips 34.2 8 0 -1.6 43.8 6

Stour Valley Ind Livvy Nile Zefron 36.8 0 0 11.6 48.4 Stour Valley Ind Stacey Blunn No Doubt About It II 27.9 0 0 9.6 49.5 South Wilts Ind Ruth Dresman Back the Bid 34.2 0 0 8.0 50.2

JUNIOR HT 100 Chilworth Ind Kate Ebby-Bignell Desdemona 29.5 4 20 29.2 82.7 1

HT 100+ 1 Purbeck Chris Wincer Casanova 36.3 4 0 11.2 51.5 2 Kizzie Russell Robins Diamonds 42.2 12 0 1.2 55.4 3 Kathy Lawrence Amber 42.2 8 0 5.6 55.8 4 162.7 Stour Valley Ind Stacey Blunn Lilton du Rozel 32.2 0 0 0 32.2 1 Bourne Valley Ind Victoria Delville-Cutts Squire Tat 34.8 E E

Unaffiliated Horse Trials - XC time denotes penalties for going too fast. Class 1 section A INTERMEDIATE XC Dr SJ XC time Total 1 Millie Halski Band of Gold BV 40.0 0 0 0 40.0 2 Sophie Jeffery Mickey BV 32.5 0 0 9.2 41.7 3 Sarah Perry Midnight Balou 37.0 0 0 6.8 43.8 4 Holly Round Asagai 32.5 12 0 0 44.5 5 Fen Hargreaves Wilba BV 33.0 4 0 7.6 44.6 6 Harriet White Woodland Shades 41.5 0 0 12.0 53.5 7 Becky Ormond Mac 40.5 4 0 14.4 58.9 8 Jenny Cox Biscuit Man 37.5 4 0 18.4 59.9 9 Max Campbell Chestermill 41.0 0 0 19.6 60.6 10 Lucinda Egremont Rosie 48.0 8 20 8.4 84.4

Class 1 section B INTERMEDIATE 1 Grace Marshall One from the Green 27.0 0 0 0 27.0 2 Renee Nichols Direct Diamond Lad 28.0 0 0 0 28.0 3 Cathy Kavanagh Sparrowhawk 28.0 0 0 0.8 28.8 4 Laura Taylor Dayrell's Bob 23.5 0 0 10.4 33.9 5 Melissa Howett Penstrumbly Alwynne 27.0 0 0 8.0 35.0 6 Marika Elds Bruce 38.5 0 0 0 38.5 7 Sarah Edmunds Maesfen Saddler 42.0 4 0 4.8 49.8 8 Roger Edmunds IO Silver Lightning 43.0 0 0 8.0 51.0 9 Charlotte Bingham Cresta Brandy Snap 32.5 12 0 16.8 61.3 10 Holly Frizzle Artemis 41.5 0 20 20.4 81.9

Class 2 section A NOVICE 1 Karen Fieldsend Jeffery BV 32.0 0 0 0 32.0 2 Renee Nichols Riverside Daffodil 28.5 4 0 0 32.5 3 Melissa Vernon Blue 33.0 0 0 11.6 44.6 4 Rachel Fraser Riva BV 32.5 16 0 20.4 68.9 5 Charlotte Fricker 31.0 4 40 0 75.0 6 Sarah Wigmore Bluegrass BV 39.0 8 20 33.2 100.2 7 Felicity Ruffe Condie Phantom 23.0 0 60 19.2 102.2 8 Jem Manders Classic Oki Charm BV 36.5 4 40 66.0 146.5

Class 2 section B NOVICE 1 Alex Erskine Daisy 34.0 0 0 0.4 34.4 2 Sarah Pook Hobnob 31.0 0 0 9.2 40.2 3 Sophie Ashton Reuben 38.0 0 0 -3.2 41.2 4 Sonya Fitch-Peyton Goddan Kilmore 36.5 0 0 6.8 43.3 5 Tracey Kirk Freda 40.0 4 0 0 44.0 6 Amber Dunham El Fuser 30.5 0 0 14.0 44.5 7 Sonya Fitch-Peyton Lettercallow Maggie 37.0 22 0 6.0 65.0 8 Kate Ingram Wally II 37.0 8 20 20.4 85.4 9 Sarah Hayes Arclglass 35.5 8 20 25.6 89.1 10 Sasha Haynes Oberon 43.0 4 20 32.0 99.0

Class 3 OPEN 1 Marion Watt Faerie Role BV 27.4 0 0 4.0 31.4 2 Sophie Ashton Dijon 35.8 4 0 1.6 41.4 3 Sarah Phillips Bereford Opposition 29.0 4 0 11.2 44.2 4 Emma Mills Creve Lad BV 30.0 8 0 6.4 44.4 5 Phoebe Keith Ringwood Sambuca 37.4 4 0 3.6 45.0 6 Kerry Emms Secret 30.5 4 0 13.6 48.1 7 Jasmine Beal 41.1 0 0 10 51.1 8 Julie Holmes Dazzle 45.3 8 0 1.6 54.9 9 Olivia Sims Equinox 39.5 16 0 3.6 59.1 10 Naomi Carter Cafnazooki 30.5 0 20 17.6 68.1

BVRC Show Jumping on Sunday 6th July 2014 Despite our best endeavours we were unable to run this event. With few helpers available and even fewer entries it was not a viable venture. Although we do not need to make a profit on all our events, consideration has to be given not only to the revenue, but the amount of time and effort involved in setting up and running a Show Jumping competition.

BVRC Open Showing & Dressage, Sunday 27th July 2014

RING 1 - In Hand Classes - Judge - Denise Monckton

Class 1 - Youngstock BV Class 4 - Veteran 1st Beverley Moulter Ferneyknap Fuzz Top n 1st Heather Salisbury Melonga n 2nd Katey Cuthbertson Cintia y Class 5 - Novice Show Horse / Pony 3rd Clare MacNamara Orla Mimi McCool n 1st Caroline Scott Bertie n 4th Kerry Fender Finley n 2nd Vanessa Turner James n Class 2 - Mountain & Moorland 3rd Clare MacNamara Bracondale Beech n 1st Caroline Scott Charlie n Class 6 - Cob 2nd Anne McGuinness Cromac Musical Sunrise n 1st Alicia Crocker Tom n 3rd Fiona Webb World Horse Welfare Teddy y 2nd Sally Clifton Flashman n Class 3 - Coloured Horse or Pony 3rd Jason Nather Dillon n 1st Anne McGuinness Cromac Musical Sunrise n In Hand Championship Champion Caroline Scott Charlie n Reserve Heather Salisbury Melonga n

RING 2 - Ridden Classes (except class 8) - Judge - Vivienne Caunt

Class 8 - Best Turned Out BV Class 12 - Mountain & Moorland 1st Alison Biddle Millersford Kingston n 1st Tommie Gross Down Dollar n 2nd Catherine Brown Syb n 2nd Kelly Watkin Moulin Rouge y Class 9 - Novice Show Horse/Pony 3rd Laura Cavill Waundafydd Glyndur n 1st Alison Wilson Lloyd y 4th Paige Goulder Bodwenarth Black Knight n 2nd Olivia Tobutt Lennox n 5th Alison Biddle Millersford Kingston n Class 10 - Ridden Hunter Class 13 - Veteran 1st Elizabeth Peerless Smashing Pumpkin y 1st Laura Cavill Waundafydd Glyndur n 2nd Alison Wilson Lloyd y 2nd Ruth Spooner Mars y 3rd Marion Watt Cracker y 3rd Clare Macnamara Melonga n 4th Alicia Crocker Ben n 4th Fiona Gregory Shadow y 5th Annabel Mead Wujiwoo y Class 14 - Coloured Horse or Pony 6th Hazel Jackson Jaegar n 1st Beverley Mouter Half Magic y 7th Sorrel Davies Tara Peter n 2nd Marion Watt Cracker y 8th Victoria De Candole Muzzie y 3rd Claire Shearmon Captain Jack n Class 11 - Riding Horse Class 15 - Cob 1st Elizabeth Peerless Bo "De Hei" y 1st Claire Shearmon Captain Jack n 2nd Emma Gedge Penhill Target y 2nd Michelle Barnes Mickey y 3rd Jenny Cox Buscuit Man n 4th Hayley Slark Hurricane Gold n 5th Annabel Mead Wujiwoo y 6th Amy Cooper Stracciatella n 7th Deb Scothern Polly y 8th Lisa Spencer Dalcotes Kimber y 9th Catherine Brown Syb n

Ridden Championship Champion Elizabeth Peerless Smashing Pumpkin y Reserve Laura Cavill Waundafydd Glyndur n

RING 3 - Working Hunter - Judge - Helen Nash-Steer MFH

Class 16 - Novice Working Hunter BV Class 19 - Intermediate Working Hunter 1st Amelia Brewin Bea n 1st Jenny Cox Biscuit Man n 2nd Jem Manders Classic Oki Charm y 2nd Chloe Ammonds-Nutt Dustry n 3rd Frances Elms Boris n 3rd Louise Crampton Muzzie y 4th Marion Watt Cracker y 4th Tommie Gross Finkley Down Dollar n 5th Emma Davies Bartramia n 5th Lindsay Devine Mistletoe y 6th Annabel Mead Wujiwoo y 6th TJ Slark Hurricane Gold n 7th Sarah Li Bob On n 7th Rachel Fraser Riva y Class 17 - Working Mountain & Moorland Class 20 - Open Working Hunter 1st Emma Kirby Hamlin Freddie n 1st Tommie Gross Finkley Down Dollar n 2nd Kelly Watkin Moulin Rouge y 2nd Jenny Cox Biscuit Man n 3rd Katey Cuthbertson Red Kite y 3rd Emma Gedge Penhill Target y 4th Gemma Keen Millersford Kingston n 4th Sorrel Davies Tara Peter n Working Hunter Championship Champion Jenny Cox Biscuit Man n Reserve Amelia Brewin Bea n

Class 18 - Riding Club Horse / Pony - 18A - Dressage Prelim 12 BV 1st Katie Mortimore Tanitifleur y 69.2 higher collectives - best BV 2nd Amelia Brewin Chief n 69.2 3rd Sandra Groves Timmy y 67.8 4th Claire Highmore Jake y 67.6 5th Kim Redgrave Baileys Cruisein y 66.2 6th Lindsay Devine Mistletoe y 66.2 7th Ruth Spooner mars y 65.4 8th Hazel Jackson Jaegar n 63.6 9th Lisa Spencer Dalcotes Kimber y 61 10th Paige Goulder Bodwenarth Black Knight n 57.8 18B - Showing 1st Amelia Brewin Chief n 3rd Katie Mortimore Tanitifleur y 2nd Claire Highmore Jake y 4th Sandra Groves Timmy y 5th Kim Redgrave Baileys Cruisein y 6th Lindsay Devine Mistletoe y 7th Ruth Spooner Mars y 8th Hazel Jackson Jaegar n 9th Paige Goulder Bodwenarth Black Knight n 10th Lisa Spencer Dalcotes Kimber y Overall Riding Club Horse / Pony Dr Show 1st Amelia Brewin Chief n 2nd 1st 2nd Katie Mortimore Tanitifleur y 1st 3rd best BV - Blue Bell Challenge Trophy 3rd Claire Highmore Jake y 4th 2nd 4th Sandra Groves Timmy y 3rd 4th 5th Kim Redgrave Baileys Cruisein y 5th 5th 6th Lindsay Devine Mistletoe y 6th 6th 7th Ruth Spooner Mars y 7th 7th 8th Hazel Jackson Jaegar n 8th 8th 9th Paige Goulder Bodwenarth Black Knight n 10th 9th 10th Lisa Spencer Dalcotes Kimber y 9th 10th

Dressage Class 21 - Intro B BV % 1st Jamie Lee Berry Flynn n 60.4 higher collectives 2nd Fiona Webb World Horse Welfare Teddy y 60.4 best BV - BVRC cup 3rd Sheryl Hansell Paddy's Tern y 60.3 Class 22 - Prelim 4 1st Alison Wilson Lloyd y 68.40 best BV - BVRC cup 2nd Kim Redgrave Baileys Cruisein y 62.72 3rd Jem Manders Classic Oki Charm y 60.45 4th Montina Munday Nil Bleu n 55.68 5th Emma Davies Bartramia n 55.00 Fiona Gregory Shadow y E Class 23 - Prelim 18 1st Amelia Brewin Bea n 70.83 2nd Amelia Brewin Chief n 67.50 3rd Sandra Groves Timmy y 64.37 best BV - Streaker Cup 4th Jem Manders Classic Oki Charm y 59.58 5th Fiona Gregory Shadow y 58.95 Class 24 - Novice 28 1st= Katie Mortimore Tanitifleur y 68.12 best BV - Highland Fling Cup 1st= Amelia Brewin Bea n 68.12 3rd Sue McLean Czarka y 67.50 4th Lucie Wells Sea Sprite n 67.29 5th Amelia Brewin Chief n 66.87 Class 25 - pick & mix test 1st Lucie Wells Sea Sprite n 65.96 N30 2nd Lara Prior Palmer Diamonds are Forever n 64.80 N30 3rd Louise Parr Badger y 64.42 N30 best BV - BVRC Cup 4th Jane Rudge Sparkey n 45.15 E42

Team News

Area 17 Combined Training Qualifier, 19th April, Crofton EC

Dressage SJ Time Arena Mark Pens Faults Faults Total Place Sandra Groves Timmy 67.1% 32.9 4 0 36.9 4 Louise Parr Zary 66.7% 33.3 0 3 36.3 (6) Susie Pool Folds Acacia 72.3% 27.7 0 7 34.7 1 Philippa Thatcher Miss Moss 64.6% 35.4 0 5 40.4 5 Team Total (2nd Place) 10

Easter Saturday was a very long day at the Combined Training Qualifier with 14 senior teams competing. Louise and I rode Prelim 18 and did a 75cm SJ round and Susie and Philippa rode Novice 30 and jumped an 85cm round. Dressage was outside and the jumping indoors and it was the first time at the Crofton venue for some of us. The facilities there are great with lovely surfaces to ride on. Whilst not riding, we had to help at the event by collecting dressage score sheets - a job done mainly by Lindsay Hills, thank you.

I think we held our own and got some good arena placings - Susie in particular. As the day unfolded, we thought we were in with a shout of a place. The final results were calculated whilst those of us left at the end of the day helped pack away the show jumps. Then as the rosettes were awarded we were thrilled to hear we'd finished in second place. We'd got the same team total as the Isle of Wight but our fourth member team score came into play and Louise's 6th beat their fourth persons 10th. Chilworth won and due to the number of teams competing, we also qualified for the Championships at Aston le Walls, held at the Festival of the Horse weekend at the end of May. Great as we also have a FoTH Challenge team and individual competing. However, as I write the Championships have fallen foul of the weather and have been cancelled. Gutted!! Sandra Groves

Area 17 2014 Dressage to Music, Sparsholt –Monday 26th May

Novice – no points % Place Sam Amos Vinnocent Till Proven Guilty 68.06 9th

Novice – with points (<125) Susie Pool Folds Acacia 64.44 8th

Well, having made more Dressage to Music entries than for a number of years, it didn’t really go as planned. Unfortunately Sam had to withdraw her 2nd horse, on which she had intended to do the Novice with points and Elementary Freestyle tests. On the Friday before the competition we had arranged to meet up at Castle Farm to run through our invented tests in their 20x60 indoor school. Poor Sam never actually managed to ride at all, as while she was leading her young horse round introducing him to the surroundings, Rocky decided he had to join us and got hung up on the lorry partition in the attempt. Sam called the Fire Brigade for assistance and her vet, so while I was blissfully unaware indoors, trying to get my movements to fit my music, she was dealing with the horrors of her beloved horse being stuck over a partition. Everyone did an amazing job and the hunks from the Fire Brigade physically lifted out the anaesthetized horse between them, who was then allowed to come round in the safety of the indoor school. They all did brilliantly, and I recalled the talk given by Fire & Rescue to BVRC a couple of years ago. Huge thanks also go to Vanessa Vernon for the help, support and importantly, stables for Sam’s young horse and the recovering Rocky wile transport home could be arranged – a certain amount of dismantling had had to be done to Sam’s lorry.

For me, the day, or rather night, got significantly worse. Soon after midnight I received a call from the hospital where my mother, Barbie Clarke, a stalwart supporter of BVRC, had been since Tuesday. My brother and I spent the rest of the night at her bedside till she passed away on the Saturday morning.

Although no serious damage was done to Sam’s horse, he was obviously not fit to compete, which left the young (but enormous!) Vinnie in the Novice Freestyle – no points, and me with Humphrey having to do the Novice – with points. Although Humphrey doesn’t have any points, he had to compete in the “with points” class because last year I became a Grade 6 rider with BD, having had lots of fun with Marion Watt’s Jazz doing Novice and Elementary tests and accruing a few points on the way. Poor Humphrey, although it all seemed totally irrelevant to me, but I had decided to go anyway as there was nothing else I could do on a Bank Holiday Monday, and 2 Club members had given up their day to act as officials on the day – thank you Vicky de Candole and Ali Welsh. All I can say about the day for both of us was that it happened; we did our tests and were unplaced.

Area 17 2014 Horse Trials, Larkhill –Sunday 15th June

80 Team Place Frances Hall Bellindene Magnum Lisa Pritchard Eros Van de Brouwershoeve Karen Shearing Poulnagun Rebels Victoria Delville-Cutts Folds Spode

90 Team Laura Young Daiquiri Gemma Merritt Stolen Thunder Lizzie Salmon Max Sandie Holmes Cinzano-G

90 Individual Emma Gedge Penthill Target 6th

100 Individual Victoria Delville-Cutts Pauldary’s Mr Chips 6th

100+ Individual Victoria Delville-Cutts Squire Tat

Despite the fact that the Area Horse Trials was on our doorstep at Larkhill and being run by Lindsay, I had fewer applicants for the Area Horse Trials than I’ve had since I became Chef d’Equipe. It just wasn’t to be our day again, as we seemed to have more than our share of bad luck. Several of our members had problems with their satnavs and poor Gemma didn’t even make it to the dressage as something seriously upset her horse and she was badly concussed from a resulting fall. The best we could manage all day was two 6th places by our individual riders in the 90 and 100 Classes, so no trips to the Championships this year.

Area 17 2014 Dressage, Pinkmead –Saturday 12th July

Prelim Team (Prelim 12) Frances Hall Bellindene Magnum Alex Dixon Hell of a Buck Karen Shearing Top Cat VI

Open Team Nov 24 Frances Hall Trowan Max Nov 30 Philippa Thatcher Miss Moss II Nov 34 Sandie Holmes Cinzano-G Elem 44 Alex Dixon Too Good for the Kids

Prelim Riding Test 6th Frances Hall Trowan Max

Again we had very few applicants for the Summer Dressage and at the last minute filled the Open Team but the Prelim Team had to go with a team of 3. It was good to see some new faces riding for BVRC amongst some team stalwarts. It was a very hot day at Pinkmead, near Botley and riders were given permission to ride in shirtsleeves. It doesn’t usually happen very often in this country so we tend to be caught by surprise, but it is worth remembering that when riding in shirtsleeves for dressage the shoulders must be covered, ie the shirt must have sleeves, either long or short. Our now rosette for the day went to Frances Hall and the ever dependable Trowan Max in the Prelim Riding test as an individual. They were unable to match that though in their first (team) step-up to a Novice test. The others showed some very good movements but were unable to maintain the consistency throughout their tests. With no volunteers coming forward, Lindsay and I filled the official slots which enabled our teams to compete.

Area 17 2014 Show Jumping, Isle of Wight –Sunday 27th July

Round 1 Round 2 Sarah Hayes Ardglass Sarah Wigmore Strike Lightening

Well with the event being held on the Isle of Wight, there were only 2 people who volunteered to represent Bourne Valley. Susie Pool, BVRC Chef d’Equipe

BVRC Be Fair Competition points 2013 / 2014 as at 30/8/14 Sandra Groves 92 Susie Pool 21 Sara Bennett 13 Vicky De Candole 7 Katie Mortimer 84 Diana Burgess 20 Louise Eddinton 12 Deb Scothern 6 Sarah Mitchell Sheppard 67 Elisabeth Peerless 20 Olivia Curtis 12 Fiona Scott 6 Marion Watt 58 Fiona Webb 20 Roy Southey 12 Lizzie Salmon 6 Karen Fieldsend 48 Kelly Watkin 20 Louise Crampton 11 Sarah Wigmore 5 Alison Wilson 47 Clare Highmore 19 Billie Stevenson 10 Mandy Atkinson Willes 4 Jem Manders 43 Lisa Spencer 18 Emma Mills 10 Alex Plank 3 Rachel Fraser 42 Di Symes 17 Katey Cuthbertson 10 June Verity 3 Ruth Spooner 41 Phillippa Thatcher 17 Michelle Barnes 10 Lisa Pritchard 3 Fiona Gregory 39 Victoria Delville-Cutts 17 Millie Halski 10 Matt Young 3 Emma Gedge 36 Kim Redgrave 16 Sally Shepherd 9 Michelle Bowe 3 Frances Hall 35 Annabel Mead 15 Ruth Allen 8 Ros Kershaw 3 Sophie Jeffery 32 Janet Burnett 14 Alison Coleman 7 Sam Amos 3 Fenella Hargreaves 31 Richard Hale 14 Caroline Scott 7 Sandie Holmes 3 Karen Shearing 29 Abigail Lamb 13 Charly Fulton 7 Alex Dixon 2 Laura Young 26 Aimee Farrelly 13 Julie Newman 7 Karen Duggleby 1 Emma Hewlett 25 Gemma Merritt 13 Laura Saxon 7 Sue Mclean 22 Lindsay Devine 13 Sam Shepherd 7

BVRC Caballine helpers points 2013 / 2014 as at 30/8/14

Lindsay Devine 25 Dee Hodson 10 Vicky de Candole 6 Ella Birch 3 Sandra Groves 19 Becky Miles 7 Laura Saxon 5 Helen Mullens 3 Susie Pool 19 Helen Nash-Steer 7 Melanie Prince 5 Julie Joseph 3 Victoria Kershaw 19 Katie Mortimer 7 Di Symes 4 Lisa Spencer 3 Ros Kershaw 18 Abigail Lamb 6 Gemma Merritt 4 Janet Burnett 2 Jane Butler 14 Barbie Clarke 6 Jemma Manders 4 Roy Southey 2 Fiona Webb 13 Emma Gedge 6 Jo Buist 4 Ali Welsh 1 Leah Stanford 13 June Verity 6 Trisha Badham 4 Philippa Thatcher 1 Linda Clarke 12 Meredith Baker 6 Alison Robertson 3 Sarah Wearing 12 Sue Baker 6 Barbara Scriven 3

Members News Meredith Baker – TREC Championships Meredith was selected to represent Team GB at the World Young Riders TREC Championship being held in Italy in September. TREC is a competition made up of three parts, the main part being orienteering on horseback, along with control of paces and an obstacle course. TREC was first developed in France in response to demand from the equestrian tourist industry as a way to test the expertise of equestrian guides. The sport quickly grew to accommodate all levels of rider and spread internationally under its French name Technique de Randonee Equestre de Competition (TREC). The British Horse Society introduced the sport to the UK in 1998 and BHS TREC was born. TREC is a challenging and enjoyable equestrian sport based on skills required for hacking – navigational competence, control of horse’s paces and the ability to tackle a variety of obstacles. Meredith competes at Level 3, which takes around 4-5 hours to complete the POR section. She has only been competing seriously in TREC competitions since last year. Meredith’s partner, her horse Miz (Miseria), is a Criollo and is regularly used for the Riding for the Disabled group where Meredith is a volunteer. In August Meredith said she was really looking forward to the experience and had already received her Team GB kit. Transport arrangements were all sorted for Miz, so it was all very exciting. We look forward to reading a report in the next newsletter.

Barbie Clarke 1925-2014. It is with sadness that we pass on the news that Barbie died in May. Barbie lived life to the full and what an active adventurous life it was. We were fascinated with her tales of riding, sailing, boating , flying & gliding – she didn’t waste a moment. Since her move to Porton 10 years ago, despite her advancing age, Barbie became a very valued member of BVRC. Always the first to volunteer to help, Barbie was very happy to undertake any & every job, probably the one where she was most needed. She always performed a vital role in proceedings. A great ambassador for the club promoting it to the outside world, Barbie keenly followed club events offering support and encouragement. Barbie was also well known for her BHS Hampshire role, tackling & resolving many bridleway issues. Many are indebted to her. Our sympathies are with Susie and her family.

Wild Lone Our thoughts are with Charlotte Opperman, owner of Wild Lone, who died after completing an exemplary course country round with Harry Meade at the World Equestrian Games. Harry and Wild Lone were featured in the Spring edition of Rider magazine, which chartered Harry’s recovery from severe injury and Wild Lone’s part in his return to top class competition. Described by Harry as the best Cross Country horse in the world, Wild Lone came into his own in the difficult conditions at Badminton this year, securing a fantastic 3rd place. Selection to WEG team followed as cross country conditions were predicted to be akin to those at Badminton. We will remember Wild Lone making cross country courses look so easy and enjoying every moment of them.












Winterslow Bridleway Clearance 1st/2nd November Nick Cowen of Wiltshire Council and his clearance team are a two-man band now due to financial cuts, so keeping bridleways cleared throughout the south of the County is a slow job. Walkers are now being encouraged to help by taking part in clearance days organised by a volunteer coordinator employed for 18 months by Wiltshire Council. This volunteer coordinator, Abby Sullivan, would very much like to involve horse riders as well. SO- in my capacity as the BHS access rep for Salisbury I met Abby earlier this week, and she suggested that she take on the task of organising a clearance day for a bridleway, with my help to provide contact details for interested riders as she has no riders on her database, only walkers. We fixed on Saturday or Sunday November 1 or 2 2014. Abby will send out an official’ invitation to clear a bridleway of our choice on that date. I suggest the Winterslow to Livery Road one, but any that needs it, including a byway, can be considered. Abby will attend the day, and we will be insured by the Council to use our handtools, or powertools if you have an official safety certificate (!). Let me know if you are interested, and I can pass on your email addresses to Abby. If you have any other riding friends who would like to join, let me know and I can put Abby in touch with them as well. Contact: Myra Bennett Email: [email protected]

Adverts passed on from RA Hunt The Badminton Ride - Sun 21 Sep In support of the Wiltshire, Great Western And Wales Air Ambulances and the Beaufort Hunt. Last year over 700 people took part and this is a wonderful opportunity as well to be able to get that "Badminton" feeling and to enjoy riding round (with lots of optional jumps) the beautiful Park, the Estate and the famous Lake with the backdrop of Badminton House itself. Full details at

Avon Vale Hunt Moonlight Steeplechase - Sat 27 Sept Teams of 4 but will accommodate individuals. 16 yrs old and over. Provide own horse/pony. First prize of £300, Second £200, Third £100 - Hard hat and back protectors to be worn. Tug of war teams also welcome. For further details please contact Robert Fear 07968959533 or 01225 764262.

Hunting Clinic/Newcomers’ Weekend – Sat 4/Sun 5 Oct An action packed weekend for both first timers and ‘old hands’. Nearly full. Please contact Pippa Grob MFH on [email protected]. Details available on

Newcomers' Weekend - BBQ Sat 4 Oct Come and join a traditional evening of joility and welcome our Newcomer participants! Larkhill Racecourse, Bar opens 7pm latest. Entertainment: 'Godders Unleashed'. Tickets @ £15 available from Penny Shearcroft email: [email protected]. Cheques should be made payable to 'RA Hunt Auction'

Newcomers' Weekend - Display Sun 5 Oct 3pm - Larkhill Racecourse. Come to enjoy an interesting afternoon and see 'Preparing for an easy/stress free day Hunting' - a truly amazing display - by the JR Foundation Station (specialists in horse behaviour) . Entry from 2.30pm at £3 per person, £5 per family to include a typical Puppy Show tea!

Tedworth Autumn Ride - Sun 5 Oct from Huntman’s Lodge, Oare, Nr. Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4JQ. The Course will be open from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m with a photographer on site. There will be 2 routes. 1 approximately 8 miles and 1 approximately 3 miles and suitable for lead-rein. The ride will take place along a mix of private farmland and tracks also including optional fences of various heights along the way. The route will be clearly marked and stewarded. All riders will be awarded a rosette. More information at

The Royal Artillery Hunt Cross Country Ride 2014 –Sun 12 Oct Get your entries in now for this fabulous annual ride! Covering a distance of 10 miles, the course has plenty of (all optional) jumps and follows a beautiful circular route from Larkhill Racecourse across the Plain. Suitable for novice and experienced riders, this ride is hugely popular and is always lots of fun! Entry forms available from . Can’t ride but want to get involved? Penny Shearcroft is still looking for a helper or two! If you can help please contact Penny on [email protected] Full details available at and on Facebook -search for ‘rahsupportersclub’.

The Army & Royal Artillery Hunter Trials – Sat 25 Oct: Please note Saturday as opposed to the usual Sunday. Novice, Pairs, Intermediate and Open Classes. RA Hunt Cups for the best placed RA Hunt Subscriber in the Novice and Intermediate classes. If you are able to assist with fence judging etc please contact Bryan Elliott.- 07760 293899 or [email protected]. Schedules will be available at

Countryside Alliance Call for Help and Cheltenham Countryside Race Day Coach trip – Fri 14 Nov We have been asked if the Hunt might run a coach to the Countryside Race Day this year –Friday November 14th. However it will require that we fill the coach (30 people). The estimated cost including entry to Club/Tattersalls will be £37.50. First race 1.05pm, last race 3.50pm. For Countryside Race Day the CA have also put out an excellent “offer” (see below from Sara Rutherford) in terms of free course entry in return for 2 hours ”voluntary labour”. From the Countryside Alliance: This is an early call out for helpers at the Cheltenham Countryside Race Day on Friday 14th November to assist with our Champagne Raffle. I am looking for helpers to sell Champagne Raffle Tickets on the day around the Course (selling area will be briefed) for approximately 2 hours. There will be a rota for helpers and each helper will be given an entry ticket to the course for the day. Could any interested persons please contact me [email protected].

CA volunteers will be welcome to join the coach if we are able to run it and pay only the transport element. Please contact Pam Baker 4 Windsor Way, Alderholt, Hants. SP6 3BN [email protected] or Tel 07747 766157 to book. Payment must be received by October 14th to secure a place. Cheques payable to Central Bank HQ RA. Estimated departure time from Larkhill area 9a.m; leaving Cheltenham c 4.15pm.

OCTOBER 4-5 BRC Dressage to Music Championships, Bury Farm, Leighton Buzzard BRC 25th BRC Area 17 Winter Novice Dressage Qualifier at Sparsholt Equine Centre HRRC

NOVEMBER 9th BVRC Hunter Trials Lindsay Hills 01264 772388 TBC BVRC AGM Lindsay Hills 01264 772388 TBC BVRC Lancelot Session, Hill Top Farm, Pitton Lindsay Devine 01722 712464 TBC BVRC New Forest Autumn Ride Janet Burnett / Lindsay Devine


PLEASE RETURN ATTACHED REPLY SLIP TO Victoria Smith,1 Cummins Terrace, Faberstown,.Andover Hants SP11 9FW email: [email protected]

I would love to accompany other club members on a guided ride.

I have parking available for ……………..lorries and/or……………..trailers

I am happy to accompany…………………………riders at one time

I am available on Weekdays / Weekends / Evenings

I can offer rides of………………..hours

The riding country includes open countryside / tracks / farmland / quiet roads / busy roads / military / farm vehicles / aircraft / pigs / other

PLEASE RETURN ATTACHED REPLY SLIP TO Sarah Wearing, April Cottage, Cow Lane, Kimpton, Hampshire, SP11 8NY Please make cheques payable to Bourne Valley Riding Club.

I enclose £22 for Parelli session with Sarah Wearing at Tidworth Equestrian Centre, on Saturday 1st November.

Name ...... Tel No ...... Email: ......