C 239/2 EN Official Journal of the European Union 20.8.2013





Publication of an application pursuant to Article 50(2)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs (2013/C 239/02)

This publication confers the right to oppose the application pursuant to Article 51 of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council ( 1 ).

SINGLE DOCUMENT COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 510/2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs ( 2) ‘PATATA DELL’ALTO VITERBESE’ EC No: IT-PGI-0005-01038-13.09.2012 PGI ( X ) PDO ( )

1. Name ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’

2. Member State or Third Country

3. Description of the agricultural product or foodstuff 3.1. Type of product Class 1.6. Fruit, vegetables, cereals, fresh or processed

3.2. Description of the product to which the name in point 1 applies The name ‘Patata dell'Alto Viterbese’ refers to the tuber of the species Solanum tuberosum, varieties Monalisa, Amber, Agate, Vivaldi, Finka, Marabel, Universa, Chopin, Arizona and Agria, grown in the area defined in point 3, showing the following characteristics when marketed:


— shape: regular oval or elongated oval,

( 1 ) OJ L 343, 14.12.2012, p. 1. ( 2 ) OJ L 93, 31.3.2006, p. 12. Replaced by Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012. 20.8.2013 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 239/3

— size: between 40 mm and 75 mm,

— peel: yellow, smooth,

— flesh: yellow,

— edible part: not less than 97 %.

Products for the ready-to-eat market are not subject to any constraints in terms of shape or size. These products are free of peel and cut according to market needs.

Chemical (per 100 g of edible potato):

— moisture content: between 75 % and 85 %,

— starch: a minimum of 10 g.

Quality tolerances

Any defects up to 3 mm in depth are considered superficial and are not taken into consideration, except for superficial scab affecting more than 15 % of the tuber's surface.

In addition, the following quality tolerances are allowed in each package of products marketed:

— external defects:

unripe, not whole, shrivelled and misshapen tubers: 1 % by weight;

tubers turned green: 3 % by weight;

tubers with superficial scab: 3 % by weight;

tubers with mechanical damage: 3 % by weight;

tubers damaged by fungal disease: 2 % by weight,

— internal defects:

tubers showing ferruginous blemishes: 3 % by weight;

tubers showing subepidermal spots: 5 % by weight;

tubers with hollow hearts: 3 % by weight,

— processing defects:

tubers with adhering soil: 1 % by weight;

loose soil and other impurities: 0 % by weight.

The quality tolerances must by no means exceed 10 % of total weight. No tolerance is allowed for foreign smell or taste.

Packages for the ready-to-eat market may not contain products with spots for more than 5 % by weight.

Size tolerance

Each package of products for the fresh market may contain tubers that are smaller or larger than indicated up to 5 %.

3.3. Raw materials (for processed products only) —

3.4. Feed (for products of animal origin only) — C 239/4 EN Official Journal of the European Union 20.8.2013

3.5. Specific steps in production that must take place in the identified geographical area All stages in the growing of the ‘Patata dell'Alto Viterbese’ must take place in the geographical production area defined under point 4.

3.6. Specific rules concerning slicing, grating, packaging, etc. The product may be marketed immediately or placed in cold stores protected from light at a temperature of 5-8 °C and relative humidity between 88 % and 93 %. The tubers may not be cold- stored for more than nine months.

The potatoes may be treated with sprout suppressant gas.

Ready-to-eat market

The potatoes are washed in water to remove soil and any other impurities.

They are then put through a mechanical peeler and sorted for the first time to eliminate tubers unsuited for food purposes and any impurities still present (stones, various plant material, etc.).

They are then cut or further processed as whole tubers.

When the potatoes have been sorted for a second time, either by hand or using special machinery, they are placed in ozonated water in order to slow down the oxidation process.

They are then weighed and packaged in suitable food containers.

The types of packaging used for ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ must be one of the following:

— for the fresh market: vertbags, girsacs, cardboard bags and boxes of: 1 kg, 1,5 kg, 2 kg, 2,5 kg, 5 kg; net bags of: 1 kg, 1,5 kg, 2 kg, 2,5 kg; bags of: 2,5 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg; cardboard boxes of: 5 kg, 10 kg, 12,5 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg, 25 kg; wooden boxes of: 12,5 kg, 15 kg, 18 kg, 20 kg, 25 kg; baskets of: 10 kg, 12,5 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg, 25 kg; trays of: 0,5 kg, 0,750 kg, 1 kg; bowls of: 0,5 kg, 0,750 kg, 1 kg,

— for the ready-to-eat market: transparent plastic food bags, sealed in a modified atmosphere, of 0,5 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg; transparent plastic food bags, sealed under a vacuum, of 0,5 kg, 1 kg, 1,5 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg; transparent plastic food bags, sealed with the product covered in water, of 0,5 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg; transparent plastic buckets, sealed with the product covered in water, of 5 kg and 10 kg.

The processed product is cold-stored at a temperature of between 3 °C and 5 °C until shipment.

3.7. Specific rules concerning labelling The product may not be sold in bulk unless the individual tubers are labelled.

In addition to the EU symbol and relevant references and the information required by law, the label on the packaging must display the following: ‘Patata dell'Alto Viterbese’ followed by ‘IGP’ or ‘Indicazione geografica protetta’ (protected geographical indication).

Nothing which is not explicitly permitted may be added.

4. Concise definition of the geographical area The PGI area is situated in the province of and covers the municipalities of , , , , Lateran, , S. Lorenzo Nuovo, and . 20.8.2013 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 239/5

5. Link with the geographical area 5.1. Specificity of the geographical area The area of production of the ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ PGI lies to the north of , in the , between , and . The area, which falls within the volcanic complex, is characterised by potassium-rich volcanic soils and a climate influenced by Lake Bolsena.

The volcanic origin of the local soils has a great bearing on their characteristics such as the presence of pyroclastic and lava formations, a light sandy texture with high permeability and low apparent density. The soils are acidic, with a pH between 5 and 6,5 — to which the acid-tolerant potato is well suited — and have high levels of potassium (between 600 ppm and 1 000 ppm) and trace elements.

The climatic conditions are influenced by the proximity of Lake Bolsena, an imposing lake basin whose moderating effect produces a microclimate that is particularly conducive to growing the ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’.

The average rainfall in the area ranges between 850 mm and 1 200 mm per year and is concentrated in autumn and spring, while summers are dry.

The average annual temperature varies between 13,5 °C and 15,5 °C.

The area's homogeneous climate and soil characteristics are confirmed by the Lazio Phytoclimatic Chart, which situates the PGI ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ in one single area of production, which is a mesaxeric region of the upper hilly (submontane) thermotype and the lower hyper-humid ombrotype.

5.2. Specificity of the product ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ has the following characteristics:

the flesh is intensely yellow throughout;

the colour of the peel is uniform and consistent;

the flavour is strong and pleasant;

the product has a very wide range of culinary uses.

5.3. Causal link between the geographical area and the quality or characteristics of the product (for PDO) or a specific quality, the reputation or other characteristic of the product (for PGI) The characteristics of the ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ PGI are a result of the environment in which it is grown (soil, climate, growing methods, type of storage), which clearly demonstrates the link between the ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ and its area of production.

The success of the product is precisely due to the soil’s chemical composition, pH, trace elements and minerals, and the vicinity of Lake Bolsena.

During the spring (April/May), when the potato plants sprout up and start to grow, the temperature in the PGI area is between 12 °C and 14,5 °C, which is ideal for the first physiological stages. In summer, thanks to the proximity of Lake Bolsena, the temperature in the area usually rises gradually from 17 °C to about 24 °C in July. During this time, the potato plant completes its full biological cycle and reaches the ripening stage. The area's optimum climate conditions (temperature below 24 °C) allow a better transfer of carbohydrates and mineral elements to the tubers of the plant.

Precipitation averages between 800 mm and 1 200 mm per year. However, there is no rainfall in the month of August, which, combined with high temperatures of up to 30 °C, favours maturation and senescence.

The dry conditions during the harvesting of ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ also lend it its characteristic qualities such as the uniform colour of the peel and the overall appearance of the tubers (rain causes dark spots on the peel). C 239/6 EN Official Journal of the European Union 20.8.2013

The characteristics of the ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’, which result from its interaction with the environment, have given the product a reputation that is evidenced by a number of retrieved documents (sales notes, invoices, etc.) which attest to the long-standing historical, cultural and social link between the product and its territory. Trade journals, photographs, stories by local authors and audiovisual testimonials bear witness to the growing of the ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ since the early 1900s. The renown currently enjoyed by the ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ is supported by many publications, articles and recipes. Among the most significant are two publications by the Comunità Montana Alta Laziale, namely ‘L’alta Tuscia nel Piatto — Guida ai Sapori e ai Saperi dell’ Alta Tuscia’ (2008) (Alta Tuscia on a plate — Guide to the culinary delights and insights of Alta Tuscia) and ‘I Prodotti Agroalimentari Tipici Dell’alta Tuscia’ (2001) (Typical foods of Alta Tuscia), which cite the ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ as a typical product of the area, and feature a special section describing its flavour characteristics, uses and local recipes. The ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ was also mentioned on the occasion of the food and wine event ‘Golosando tra le Specialità della Comunità Montana Alta Tuscia Laziale’ (The Comunità Montana Alta Tuscia Laziale Gastronomic Fair), which was held in on 9 October 2004. The guide ‘Tuscia a tavola — ricette, curiosità, prodotti tradizioni gastronomiche della provincia di Viterbo’ (The cuisine of Tuscia — recipes, trivia, gastronomic traditions and products of the province of Viterbo) by Italo Arieti (sixth edition, Primaprint publishers, Viterbo, 2005) dedicates a section to the ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’. The ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ is also listed as a Lazio speciality in an article of the Informatore Agrario (Farming News) magazine, entitled ‘Ma quante belle patate … viaggio in Italia tra le patate di grande tradizione’ (Beautiful potatoes galore … Italian discovery tour of traditional potato varieties) (November-December 2008, pp. 22-27). Also worth mentioning are the references to ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ on the Internet praising its pasty consistency, which makes it ideal for preparing gnocchi (potato dumplings).

Traditional festivals demonstrate the product's prominence in local customs: both the Gnocchi Festival, which opened in St. Lorenzo Nuovo in 1977, and the Potato Festival, which has been held in Grotte di Castro since 1985, have been organised with active involvement from the local population. Another noteworthy initiative is the promotional event for ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ featuring horticultural shows of established and experimental potato varieties organised by cooperatives of local farmers since 2001, which is now in its fifth edition. The cultural link is also apparent from the widespread use of the potato in many other typical recipes in the local gastronomic tradition such as Minestra con ‘l'orloge’ (soup with ‘watches’), so called because of the shape in which the potatoes are cut, Pasta e patate (pasta and potatoes), a simple rural dish of the Alto Viterbese area, and Frittata di patate (potato omelette), prepared without the usual eggs.

Reference to publication of the specification

(Article 5(7) of Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 ( 3))

The Ministry launched the national objection procedure with the publication of the proposal for recognising ‘Patata dell’Alto Viterbese’ PGI in Official Gazette of the Italian Republic No 126 of 31 May 2012.

The full text of the product specification is available on the following website:


or alternatively:

by going directly to the home page of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policy (http://www. politicheagricole.it) and clicking on ‘Qualità e sicurezza’ (in the top right-hand corner of the screen) and then on ‘Disciplinari di produzione all’esame dell’UE’.

( 3 ) See footnote 2.