Bare Eyed Fact Sheet

Common Name: Bare-Eyed Cockatoo, Little , Blood-stained Cockatoo, Short-

billed corella, little Cockatoo and blue-eyed Cockatoo

Scientific Name: Sanguinea

Wild Status: Least Concern

Habitat: Arid deserts of central Australia and coastal plains, farmlands,

Country: Native Australia and New Guinea

Shelter: Trees where they perch

Life Span: Up to 50-60 years

Size: 14 to 16 inches in length and 13 to 22 oz sometimes 1.1 ibs


The Bare-Eyed Cockatoo can live up to 50-60 years. They have a fun and goofy personality which requires a lot of attention if kept as a pet. They love to play and enjoy wooden chew toys and branches so they can strip the bark off. They live in arid deserts and have a very high pitched screech. A flock of screech can be heard miles away. They roost near water and before looking for food, they drink first. They eat in the morning and in the afternoon. Their diet consists of many different types of mixed seeds and nuts as well as different vegetables such as carrots, corn and zucchini. They also like fruits such as bananas, pears and oranges. The Cockatoo clutch is about 2 to 3 eggs and the babies, called a fledgling, nest time is about 10 to 12 weeks.

Cool Facts • Cockatoo personalities have been described as being clownish and affectionate. • Cockatoo flocks can reach up to several thousand and can include other birds such as red-tailed black cockatoos. • Their diet consists of a mix of small seeds such as oat, sunflower, spray millet and safflower. • The Cockatoo on average clutch size is 2 with a 26 day incubation period. • The babies when hatched weigh about .35oz. • Yindjibarndi people of the central and western Pilbara sometimes ate these Cockatoos.

Taxonomic Breakdown

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Psittaciformes Family: Cacatuidae Genus: Cacatua Subgenus: Licmetis : Cacatua Sanguinea Conservation & Helping

The Bare-eyed Cockatoo is considered to be a pest in Australia because of it's large numbers and the amount of destruction they cause to trees when they chew off small twigs when perching. They can also damage electrical wires and nearby crops.

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