Essex. [Kelly's

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Essex. [Kelly's 206 EAST HAM. ESSEX. [KELLY'S Central Park 1'oad. built in 1899, for 524 boys, 524 girls Napier road, built -in 1902, for 568 boys, 568 girls & 530 & 600 infants; average attendance, 509 boys, 449' infants; average att<lndance, 313 boys, 280 girls & 2'57 girls &; 650 infants; Cook, mastilr; Miss infants; J. E. Lelliott, master; Miss S. Tomlin, mis­ A. Furby, mistress; Miss Deans, infants' mistress tress; Miss S. S. Tomlin, infant·s' mistress 520 Board, Plashet lane, built in 1890, for 596 boys, girls Hartley avenue, to be opened in January, 19°3, fOl' 560 &; 535 infants; average attendance, 600 boys, 550 girls boys, 560 girls & 521 infants &; 700 infants; 'l'homas Watts, master; Mis!! Crllrnp, mistress; Miss Wood, infants' mistress Vicarage lane, for 20'4 intan,ts; Miss SheIdrick, mistress Board, Sbrewsbm'Y road, built in 1887, for 410 ho)'s, Railway Stations. • 317 girls &:- 240 infants; average attendance, 387 ll(l~'s, East Ram, Frederick PittucI" station master 341 girls &; 240 infants: Stephen Janes, master i l\liss Woodgrange Park, Joseph Capstick, station master Duckham, mistress; Miss Nicol, infants' mistress Board, Lathom road (Diamond Jnbilee), built in 1898, for Tramwa,ys run from the City & electric trams owned by the Urban run via Barking road to near 480 boys, 480 girls &; 571 infants; average attendance, Council 483 llOys, 483 girls & 575 infants; J ames Peters,master ; Barking; also from Beckton, via High street, to Ilford. Miss .Annie Pockney, mistress; Miss Jane Murry, in­ with extension to Wanstead flats fants' mi'ltress Carriers to London.-Carter. Paterson & Co. twice daily EAST HAM. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Harris Edward Reeder, Gillett lodge, Postlethwaite WiIliam llenjamin, 3 Anderson Mrs. H. The Cottage, Barking road Woodhouse grove Katherine road HeadIey Joseph, 137 Plashet grove Pressman Reuben Hy. 158 Plashet gm Anstey Nicholas Geo. 172 Plashet gro iHunt Harry, 12 Woodhouse grove Ruby Arthur Wm. 2 Woodhouse gm Applegate Geo. John, 139 Plashet gro Hutchinson Harry, III Plashet grove Reynolds Alfred George,3+ Victoria av Axworthy Samuel, 15 Central Park I'd Ivory John, Wilson's farm, Plasbet gro Reynolds Harry, 162 Plashet grove Baker Henry, 192 Plashet grove .Jc.hnston Alexander Gordon M.R,e.M. Reynolds Leonard Grudgeon, 157 Barron William, 13'8 Plashet grove 177 Higb street north Plashet lane Beaumont Albert WiIliam, Oak hall, Keightley William, 80 Milton avenue Richards Michael, 167 Pla"het grove High street north Keys Elias, 23 Barking road Roberts James Wm. 169 Plasbet gro Beckley John, 1'82 Plashet grove Kirkland Alfred, 152 Plashet grove RussiIl Thomas, 157 Byron avenue Birch Miss, 156 Plashetgrove Knox Peter, 89 Milton avenue Salmon Miss, 163 Plushet grove Birch John Erne-st William, 38 Wood. Lairehe Mrs. 148 Plashet grove Sawyer Jesse, 176 Plashet grove house grove Lawley WaIter, 14 Woodhouse grove Simpson Duncan Grant,q6Plashet gro Blair Rev.Richd. S. (Primitive Meth.), Le Messurier Fredk. 160 Plashet gro Slatrord Wm.Hewlett,6 Woodhouse gro 15 PIashet grove Lindsay Mrs. 157 Plashet grove Sporne Arthur, 13 Woodhouse grove Boaz Edmund, 80 Byron avenue Lowe John, 10 Woodhouse grove Stokes William, 166 Plashet grove Braund Rev. Alfd. Augustin A.K.C.L. McKettrick Fredenck J., M.B. &;c. 226 Stride Sidney A. 115 Wahfield street (curate), 22 St. John's road High street north 'fhomson Alexander, 5 Victoria avenue Carpenter So 28 Woodhouse grove MaIden Rev. Perey RA. (priest in Todd Rev. Richard James Utten M.A. Carter Wm. Capel, 190 Plasbet grove charge of St. Martin's Chapel of (curate), St. Bartholomew's road Casson Joseph R. I Woodbouse grove Ease), 118 Boundary road Travel'S George, II Woodhouse grove Chapman Henry, 16 Woodbouse grove Mangin Rev. Joseph Wareing RA. Trevor Arthur Herbert, 72 Higb st.nth Clarke Mrs. Beecbcote, Vicarage lane (curate of St. Albans), 21 St. Ber- Underhill William, 5 Woodhouse grove Cleaver Frederick Wm. 138 Milton av nard's road Vise In. Neville Blithe,302 High st.nth Crompton Tbomas, 300 Plashet grove Marchant Charles, 46 Woodhouse gro Ware Rev. John Hubert M.A. (vicar &. Davis Charles Fredk. F78 Plashet gro Miles Mrs. 25 Central Park road rural dean), The Vicarage, St. Bar- Delaport Philemon, Wakefield house, MitcbelI Daniel, 135 Plashet grove tholomew's road Wakefield street Murrell Sidney, 81 Byron avenue Warner Charles, I Holloway terrace, Dolby Thomas, 103 Byron avenue NaIdrett· Mrs. 150 Plashet grove High street south DowelI Samuel, 149 High street north Nicholo William, 170 Plashet grove Watson Rev. Frederick R. (Wesleyan). Ellis Rev. James J. (Baptist), 109 NOl'ton James, 174 PIashet grove IB6 Plashet grove Plashet grove O'Donnell Patrick, 140 Plashet grove "\Vatson James, 136 Plashet grove Feely James E. 50 Plashet grove Palmer Mrs. 22 Woodhouse grove White Richard Geo. 36 Woodhouse gro Goodman Oharles J.P. Wall end Pankhurst Edward Rerben, ;33 Wood- White William WaIt. 1'80 Plashet gro Harries Rev. David (Congregational), house grove Williams Henry Geo. 3 Woodhouse gro 8 Tennyson avenue Payne Henry, 32 Woodhouse grove IWitney Joseph. 21 "\Voodhouse grove Hart Mrs. 144 Plashet grove Pepler Frederick, Ig6 Plasbet grove Wood George Thorne, 16+ Plashet gro COMMERCIAL. 1 Bailey Bros. dra.pers, 2'3'8 High street north Abbott Brotbers, dairymen, 215 High street north Baker Charles, confectioner, -I>I4 High street north Abbott Ernest, fancy goods dealer, IT.7 High street north Baker Elizabeth H. (Mrs.), milliner,259 High street no~,th Abrahams Joseph, glass merchant, 110 High street north Baker EUen (Miss), dress maker, 49 Plasbet grove Ager Alfred, corn dealer, 3 Stamford road Baker Ellen (Mrs.), dreSis maker, 3 St-. Martin's avenue Albone Elizabeth (Mrs.), sbopkeeper, Fabian street Baker Frank Bohman, sign writer, 45 PIa-shet grove Albone Sophia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, '8'4 Roman road Baker George, chiropodist, 29 Tennyson 'avenue .Aldridge' A. H. Tate collector to East Ham Urban Dis- Baker & Son (George Jas.),oil &; color men.35 High sLnth trict Council, Wakefield st.; res. 7 St. John's road Baker Thomas, 'bazaar, 12 Barking road Allan J ames Munro, draper, 288 High street north Baker William, greengrocer, 1I5 Katherine road AlIen Alfred, commercial traveller, 86 Byron avenue Balon Sigmund, tobacconist, 200 & 242 High .street north Allen Alfred, draper, 94 Bonny Downs road Band Cha.rles, shopkeeper, :i9 Wellington road .AlIen .James, dyer, 37 Plashet grove Bangs Waiter, grocer, 5'1 Katherine road Allen WilIiam, shopkeeper, 2 Temple road Banks Joseph G. sanitary inspector to the Urban Dishier. Anderson Harry Lewis, pianoforte tuner, 26 Lathom road Council, Wakefield street Andel'son J. G. assistant sanitary inspector to the Urban Banks Minnie H. (Mrs.) milliner,2 Imperial ter.Barking I'd District Council, 35 Holme road Banwell Edwin, hosier, II2 Hgh street north Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. oil merchants, East Ham Ba.rber Sarah Ann (Mrs.), linen draper, 2 High st. north Station siding, High street north Barker Arthur, corn chandler, 108 Katherine road Annerau Charles, baker, 5 High street north Barker John &; ·Co. corn dealers, 292 High street north Archer Edmund, fancy repository, 85 Plashet grov6 Barker WaIter John, lithographer, 1'21 Byron avenue Arliss Henry, beer retailer, 107 Plashet- Barnard Frederick J. butcher, 144 High street north Armstrong Joseph, dairyman, 59 Malvern road Barret-t William Samuel, fishmonger, 36,1 Barking road Arnold Joseph, fishmonger, 1104 Katherine road Bartlett Albert Harry, grocer, 339 Barking road Ashenden Jane (Mrs.), news agent, 47 Katherine road Bayliss Edward, beer retailer, I60 High street north Attwell Alice (Mrs.), laundry, 305 High street north Bayly WiHiamArthur, tailor, 46 Plashet grove . Austin, Son & Co. timber merchants, Barking road Beaby Edmund, dining rooms, 205 High -street north A.vis "Henry, news agt. 2 Market pI. Wall end, Barking I'd Beal & Reeve, painters &c. 38 Malvern road & 129 Wake- Ayres George W. florist, 275 High iStreet north field street Bacon Elizaheth (Miss), tQbacconist, '17 High street nortb Beaman Thomas, shopkeeper, 4 Holloway tel'. High st. sth Badger Albert Wm. commercial traveller, 56 Byron avenue, BeardsaIl Adolpbu~ Arthur Jas. beer ret. 2 Plasbet gr:OV9.
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