NINA PAVCNIK Department of Economics Phone: (603) 277-0185 6106 Rockefeller Center Fax: (603) 646-2122 Dartmouth College E-mail:
[email protected] Hanover, NH 03755 EMPLOYMENT Niehaus Family Professor in International Studies, Dartmouth College 2010-present Chair, Department of Economics July 2018- June 2021 Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College, 2009-present Associate Professor of Economics (with tenure), 2005-2009 Assistant Professor of Economics, 1999-2005 Courses Taught: International Trade, Topics in International Economics Dartmouth Committees: Provost Search Committee, 2021-present Committee on Organization and Policy, 2020-present Committee on Advisory to the President, 2015-2017 Faculty Committee on Graduate Fellowships, 2012-15 (Chair in 2013/14, alternate 2014/15) King Scholar Steering Committee Member, 2013-2016 International Studies Minor Steering Committee, the Dickey Center, 2010-2019 Geography Department Review Committee, 2010 DCCCC Review Committee, 2009 The Committee on Standards, 2006-2009 EDUCATION Princeton University, Ph.D. in Economics, 1999 Yale University, B.A. in Economics, 1994 Magna cum Laude, Distinction in Major, Phi Beta Kappa PERSONAL Citizen of Slovenia and the United States PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Editorships Co-Editor, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2021- present Editor, World Bank Economic Review, 2016-present Editorial Board, 2010-2016 Co-Editor, Journal of International Economics, 2013-2019 Associate Editor, 2004-2013 Co-Editor and Special Issue Co-Editor,