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Numbers-Dueteronomy-Lesson-I.Pdf Numbers & Deuteronomy Numbers “The Book of Arrested Progress BE COUNTED In Exodus - The Tabernacle was being reared up, in the first month of the second year. In Numbers - Begins with the first day of the second month of the same year, and continues to the tenth month of the fortieth year. ( Deut. 1:3 ) Numbers The Census The First Census - In preparation of the advance to Canaan. 1. They had reached Kadesh and Canaan 2. They were being lead by the cloud The Second Census - In preparation of advance to Canaan. 1. On the plains of Moab. 2. Preparation to possess the land. Numbers Men of Progress - Chapters 1, 2,& 7 1. Twelve Men 2. Chapter 1 - Called “Family Heads” Importance of the “Family” Nurture and feed and teach. 3. Chapter 2 - Called “Captains” Importance of discipline, teaching and equipping for warfare. 4. Chapter 7 - Called “Princes” Importance of giving (a spirit of giving), praise, worship, time, talents and finances and the giving of self, to live above the circumstances. Deuteronomy The Book of Oratory 1. Quoted in the New Testament more than any other book 2. It is considered the companion book to the book of Acts ( The 5th books in each Testament ) 3. Key words -”Lord our (your) God” 300 times, “which I am commanding you” 30 times, “land” 100 times, “possess” nearly 70 times. 4. N.T. 53 Quotations from Deuteronomy and 38 references to events or facts in the book Deuteronomy’s Four-fold Transition 1. The Transition to a New Generation 2. The Transition to a New Possession 3. The Transition to a New Experience 4. The Transition to a New Revelation of God Deuteronomy’s The Book of Acts Four-fold Transition 1. The Transition to a New Generation - A Re-generation 2. The Transition to a New Possession - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - a spiritual Canaan with all the blessings in Christ. 3. The Transition to a New Experience - A New Birth, A New Life, A New Dynamic in Christ. 4. The Transition to a New Revelation of God - The The Revelation of the Church - The Manifold Wisdom of God (Eph. 3:10) ( The Love of God pg. 3 ) Numbers The Goodness and Severity of God Be Counted The Old Generation 1 - 14 The Transition Era 15 - 20 The New Generation 21 - 36 Numbers 1 - 14 The Old Generation ( Sinai to Kadesh ) The First Census Chapter 1 1. Numbers = “muster” more than “count” 2. Only the Israelites were allowed to fight. 3. The Levites were not numbered here they were saved for the Tabernacle Duties. Numbers Chapter 2 The Organization of the Camp 1. God is a God of order and not confusion. 2. Israel was to be united. 3. Each was united by the standard of his leader. 4. The Church today must be behind the God appointed leaders in his house. Numbers The Four Leading Tribes 1. Judah - The standard is as a Lion 2. Ephraim - The standard is as a Ox 3. Reuben - The standard is as a Man 4. Dan - The standard is as a Eagle Compares to Ezekiel’s Vision ( Ezekiel 1:10) Compares to the four Gospels 1. Matthew - The Lion 3. Luke - The Man 2. Mark - The Ox 4. John - The Eagle Tex Numbers Chapters 3 & 4 The Levites ( 3 ) 1. The Kohathites - Cared for the Tabernacle furnishings 2. The Gershonites - Cared for the hangings and the curtains 3. The Merarites - Cared for the heavier parts of the Tabernacle itself The Erection, transportation, preservation and other maintenance of the Tabernacle ( 4 ) Numbers Chapters 5 Deals with the inward condition of the camp 1. Separation of Unclean Persons, those that were lepers, or had a running sore, or were defiled by dead 2. Separation in Restitution for sin, shall make it right 3. Separation from Suspected Infidelity Man looks on the outward but God looks on the inward Numbers Chapters 6 The Nazarite 1. No wine or fruit of the vine 2. His hair was to be left uncut 3. He was to keep himself from the dead 4. He could be bound for life or for a specific time Samson, Samuel, and John the Baptist were consecrated by vows from their parents Numbers Chapters 7 The offering of the Princes 1. The spontaneity of the offering: It was not commanded 2. The Uniformity of the gift: Each prince brought the same 3. The Particularity of the record: Though the gifts were identical, God in minute detail prizes each separated gift for what it expresses of love offered to him Numbers Chapters 8 & 9 The Levites (Ministers and Workers ) 1. They were to minister by service rather than by sacrifice 2. They were to be consecrated ( which stressed washing and sacrifice ) 3. Their emphasis was on fellowship, their fellowship with God and bringing others into fellowship with God ( Workers & Worshippers ) Numbers Chapters 10 The Trumpets 1. The calling of the Assembly to the Tabernacle door Placement 2. The journeying forward of the camps Vision - progress 3. The calling of the princes Leaders 4. To sound an alarm Warns of error 5. To go to war Evangelism, Missions Numbers Chapters 11 The People Complain 1. They remembered Egypt 2. They complained of the manna Moses Complained to God 1. About the burden of the people 2. God anointed 70 elders God sends the Quail Numbers Chapters 12 Miriam and Aarons Intervention 1.They spoke against Moses 2. Hath God only spoken through Moses 3. Moses “was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth” 4. The Lord spoke suddenly to all 3 of them 5. The Lord spoke to Moses face to face 6. God’s question - “were you not afraid to speak agains my servant Moses?” Numbers Chapters 13 The Twelve Spies sent to Canaan 1. Those men were heads of the children of Israel ( A prince among them ) 2. All but two came back with an evil report 3. See if the Land is Good or Bad 4. They returned with figs and pomegranates and grapes ( 13:23 ) Numbers Chapters 13 & 14 The Two - Fold Report 1. Ten - Men Majority Report “We are not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we” (Num. 13:31 ) “And there we saw giants..and we their sight (13:33) 2. Two - Man Minority Report “Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it ( 13:30 ) “Neither fear ye the people of the land...for ....the Lord is with us (14:9 ) Numbers Chapters 14 The Two - Fold Reaction 1. The Reaction of the People “Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt!” (14:2) “Let us make a captain and let us return unto Egypt” (14:4) 2. The Reaction of God “This marked their tenth rebellion against him (14:22) “Their carcasses will fall in the wilderness (14:29) “They would wander forty years, a year for each day the spies spent in the land (14:34) .
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