N Langport to London to Stathe & Stathe to Welcome to Stoke St Gregory | 2016 This leafet has been prepared primarily to inform new residents of Stoke St Gregory, but also to act as a general reference. It lists names and contact details one mile for all the principal organisations and services in the village. For more detail, or for West Sedgemoor West updates to the leafet, see the village website: www.stokestgregory.org In most cases, individuals have been listed with phone numbers and email addresses. Whichever is listed frst is their preferred mode of contact. Six digit Crown phone numbers will have the dialling code 01823, though this does not have Churley & ood zone divisions ood zone f more) for (see village website selected footpaths Stoke St Gregory St Stoke to be used from within the area. Rose oodhill Services W Woodhill Windmill Dark Lane Dark Police Emergency calls 999 Non-emergency calls 101 Field PCSO: PC Claire Escott
[email protected] Polkes Athelney Health Ambulance 999 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Church to Burrowbridge to Oak Royal St Gregory’s St Slough Lane Slough Suspected heart attack: mobile defbrillator at the shop 490240 Williams hall Williams Willey Rd shop North Curry Health Centre 490505 www.northcurryhealthcentre.co.uk/ Stanmoor elds Musgrove Park Hospital 333444 www.tsft.nhs.uk/Home/tabid/493/Default.aspx f Floodline 0845 988 1188 (Sandbags 356356, see next section for food wardens.) playing playing Stanmoor Rd Stanmoor school & pre-school Baptist Church www.ssgbaptists.org.uk/ Rev Barbara