Treasury Depai:~Ment
- .' TREASURY DEPAI:~MENT INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTELLIGENCE UNIT Washington (Named Divnbo) SI-7085-F December 21, 1933. Chief, Intelligence Unit, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Nashington, D. C. In re: Alphonse Capone, Lexington Hotel, 2300 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. \ 1 The above numbered case relates to the evasion of income taxes by dlphonse Capone, Ledngton Hotel, 2300 Mlchiean Boulevard, Chicago, Illimie, for the years 1924 to 1929, inclusive. The case is based on a special report of Special Agent in Charge A. P. Idadden dated October 15, 1928, and m8 jacketed and referred to I' the Shicago Division on October 18, 1928. On May 19, 1930, the I case was referred to me and I was ordered by you to proceed to Special I Chicago to conduct the ir~vestigationunder your direction. Agents &ls Tessm of the Chicago I)ivision, M. F. Wone of the I Washington Division, James N. Sullivan of the New York Division and Revenue Bgents 1. C. Hodgins of the Chicago Division, H. N. Clagett and J. C. Westrich of the Brooklyn Division, were aseigned i to cooperate wlth me throughout the investigation. Special Agents C. L. Clarke and Joe J.Brow of the Florida Division also cooperated during part of the investigation and other agents were celled upan from time to tizs to assiat on the case. During the investigation of this oase it became neceaeary that we make concurrent inveati- gationa of evasion of taxes by other prinoipals in the Capons organization and evidencs was secured which resulted in the convic- I tion or pleas of guilty of Jack Guzik, Sam Guzik, E"raak Nitto, T.
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