Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011

Mayoral Message

As Mayor of the Upper Lachlan Shire, I am pleased to announce that the Management Plan for 2008/2009 has been finalised after extensive community consultation.

Management Plan’s are outlines of the Council’s action plan for the upcoming financial year and includes a summary of major activities to be undertaken, a proposed revenue policy to fund that activity and statutory statements, which identify performance targets and activities for the Council’s principle goals.

With an operating budget of approximately $18.6 million and demands from projects vital to the well being of the Shire, as well as from all sections of the community, I am pleased to report a projected balanced budget for the upcoming financial year. This will be achieved within the constraints placed on Council by the State Government through rate pegging of 3.20%. It should be noted that currently inflation nation wide is over 4%.

Roads Major achievements of the 2007/08 Management Plan include the reconstruction and sealing of MR52 (otherwise known as the Road), the sealing of the Oberon Road (known as the Tablelands Way), as well as the reconstruction and sealing of 13.5 of the scheduled 19 kilometres of the Boorowa Road (MR248 West). The remaining 5.5 kilometres of MR248 West is scheduled to be completed during the 2008 calendar year.

This $4.7 million project is six months ahead of schedule, which is a great achievement for all members of the Works and Operations Department.

The Council believes that the sealing of these roads will present tremendous benefits to the Upper Lachlan Shire both in terms of tourism and assisting primary producers. Council believes the financial strain in the short term will prove beneficial to the Shire in the long term by linking Upper Lachlan to the Central West of the State.

While all of these projects are important to the Council, the other major road project vital to the wellbeing of the Shire is Road (MR248 East).

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Recognising this road’s importance, the Council has committed itself to significant reconstruction and sealing of MR248 East over the next three years and as part of that commitment has reallocated $370,000 of the $470,000 of grant money from the Roads to Recovery Fund to capital works on the Taralga Road. A further $100,000 from this fund has been directed to the repair of the Collector Bridge. Also in line for upgrading works is MR241, the Dalton to Rye Park Road.

Recognising that the Upper Lachlan Shire Council has 2,036 kilometres of roads to maintain, of which 1,312 kilometres are unsealed, Council has elected to increase the road maintenance allocations by five percent above the budgeted allocation in 2007/2008.

Shire Health Issues Council has purchased and is now in the process of refurbishing, what was known as Banfield House, into an all purpose Medical Facility, suitable for visiting specialists as well as offices for other General Practice Physicians.

Towards this purpose Council was successful in its grant application to the Federal Government for funding of $440,000. With combined matching funding from Council, Frail Aged Association and Health Care Centre Inc. The Medical Centre, when completed, will be of considerable benefit not only for the health and well being of residents of Crookwell but also for the surrounding villages. Work on this new facility is scheduled for completion by end of July 2008.

Water, Sewer and Main Streets The management of water supply and sewer services are major responsibilities of Council. In response to this the Upper Lachlan Shire Council staff applied for and received grants from the NSW Department of Water and Energy and Catchment Authority in the order of $5 million, towards a sewer system project for the village of Taralga. The success of this project owes a lot to the efforts of the Manager of Water and Sewer, Luke Moloney, and his team and they deserve to be congratulated.

Preparations for the beautification of Crookwell and Gunning’s main streets are underway, with work due to begin this winter in Crookwell and with community consultation between Council and the Gunning Chamber of Commerce regarding what could best be done for the main street of Gunning.

Still in Gunning, Council is in consultation with the Upper Lachlan Tourist Association Committee in reviewing the upgrading of the town’s caravan park.

The Upper Lachlan Shire Council is a leader in the provision of community support and has allocated donations of $44,291 towards local charities, as well as sporting and community groups.

There are numerous other areas of spending within the total capital infrastructure expenditure program being $8.4 million in 2008/2009.

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Levies General Ordinary Rates have been calculated with a revaluation of all land in the Shire by Land & Property Information. Land Values have increased by an average 8%, however this does not mean rates will increase by the same percentage, but the revaluation will mean a redistribution of the rates between different rating categories.

Water Supply Access Charges are estimated to include an increase of $10 a year for Crookwell, Taralga and Dalton bringing each town’s yearly levy to $430. Gunning will experience a $70 increase in their water access charge, which equates to a yearly water charge of $280. Please note that the Domestic Waste Management / Recycling Annual Charge will increase by $15.

As always Upper Lachlan Shire Council has welcomed the community participation from the ratepayers and residents in the Shire into compiling the adopted Management Plan. All Management Plan submissions have been considered by Council.

The Management Plan is presented in accordance within the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 (as amended).

Clr. John Shaw Mayor Upper Lachlan Shire Council

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General Managers overview

It is a requirement under the Local Government Act, 1993 for all Councils to prepare and adopt a Management Plan covering a period of three years. The Plan is, in fact, a ‘Vision Statement’, which provides the community with an outline of how the Council has prioritised its resources to meet their understanding of the community’s concerns. This is to be seen as a working document and will be referred to as the financial year progresses.

The Council’s ‘Principal Activities’ are the ‘core activities’ for which Council receives income through rates, grants and other revenue raising activities, and includes the activities upon which these funds are expended.

These core activities include: administration; public order and safety; health services; community services and education; housing and community amenities; recreation and cultural activities; mining, manufacturing and construction; transport and communications; economic affairs; waste management; water supplies and sewerage services.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council is employing a long term strategic focus with respect to all of Council’s core activities. Council has developed a five year capital budget of income and expenditure to establish a pathway for the future direction of the Council’s major capital works, infrastructure renewals and operations projects

This year’s Management Plan continues the good work of the last three financial years. The 2008/2009 projected operational budget is a financially responsible budget with a balanced budget proposed.

Council has an operating budget of $18.6 million and the responsibility to produce an equitable Management Plan is considerable. This year’s budget draws $7.5 million from rates and annual charges; another $5.7 million from user charges and fees; and the remainder coming from grants, interest revenues and other revenues. All NSW Councils have been limited to a maximum 3.20 percent increase in total rates income this year, which means an estimated increase of $161,200 for this Shire.

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 5 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 The following items will have a significant impact on the operating budget for 2008/2009:- • Council estimates the forthcoming financial year will see a CPI increase of 4.10% for materials and contracts, as well as an expected increase of salaries and wages for Council staff of an estimated 4%; this includes salary increases, on-costs and salary step progressions.

• The road maintenance budgeted allocation has increased by 5 percent above the allocation in 2007/2008.

• Section 356 Donations – an estimated expenditure of $44,291 is budgeted which is comparable to the previous year and all donations are outlined on Page 134.

• Depreciation Expense – to comply with the Department of Local Government directives all buildings, other structures, plant and equipment, water infrastructure and sewer infrastructure were required to be revalued to reflect the current replacement cost and remaining useful lives. This has resulted in an additional amount of $559,000 budgeted for asset depreciation expense in 2008/2009. The total depreciation allocation now totals over $4.1 million or 22% of total operating expenditure.

Like all NSW Councils, the Upper Lachlan Shire Council is placed under considerable financial constraint by the NSW State Government through rate pegging and cost shifting. Council has tried to address the needs expressed through the submission process from all the Shire’s localities but unfortunately, does not have the ability to fund every proposal put forward.

Submissions come from many avenues including the community, sporting groups, charity groups, Section 355 bodies and the Council’s Departmental Directors. Councillors then develop a Management Plan and Revenue Policy for the financial year.

I want to encourage all residents to review the Management Plan whilst it is on exhibition and to provide Council with some feedback on the plan by making a submission if they believe that some important item has been excluded. I want to assure residents that all submissions to the Draft Management Plan were reviewed by Council. A plan such as this will become a living document which we, as a community can add to and assist in reflecting the direction we hope to follow.

Copies of the plan have been made available for public inspection and comment for twenty eight days. The documents were available at the three Council Offices and two Council Libraries and other centres throughout the Shire. The Draft Management Plan and submission forms were also available on the Council’s website Inquiries are to be directed to the Manager of Finance and Administration, Bruce Johnston, 4830-1000.

The submissions period closed at 4.00pm, Friday, 20 June 2008. During this period written submissions were forwarded to Council and addressed to the General Manager, Upper Lachlan Shire Council, PO Box 10, Crookwell NSW 2583 and were tabled to the Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 June 2008 for consideration.

John Bell General Manager Upper Lachlan Shire Council

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Structure of Mayor & Council Council Council Committees

Economic/Real Estate Development Public Relations & Media General Manager Governance / Secretariat Citizenship Mayoral Activities

Director of Finance Director of Works Director of Environmental and and Administration and Operations Planning Payroll Water Supply Services Urban/Rural Planning (Land use) Administration Sewerage Services Building Control Finance Waste & Recycling Collection Health Information Technology Waste Management Centres/Tips Environmental Planning Control Telephone/Switchboard Parks & Gardens/Sportsgrounds (LEP) Records Management Swimming Pools (2 Pools) Pollution Control Human Resources Management Works Depots (2 Depots) Development Control Insurances Plant (Workshops) Rangers Rates/Annual Charges Maintenance (roads, bridges, footpaths Stock Impounding Creditors/Debtors and kerb and guttering) Heritage & Conservation Business Papers Construction (roads, bridges) Regulatory Functions Privacy Management Contract Management Animal Control Staff Training Plans Design Works/Engineering Services Halls Management Audit and Investment Committee Disaster Planning Companion Animals Financial Reporting State Emergency Services Food/Health Inspections Loans/Borrowings Management Rural Fire Service Immunisation Investments Aerodrome State of Environment Revenue Policy Asset Management Tree Preservation Order Management Plan Project Management Septic Tank Financial Management & Forward Planning Planning Accounting - Environment - Community Survey Customer Service - Recreation Group - Corporate Annual Report - Infrastructure Strategic Planning Community Technology Centre Rural Works - Land use planning Library Services (2 Branches) Traffic Management - Subdivision Regional Building Maintenance Town Planning Library Services Subdivision Design & Construction Council Housing Management Regional Arts Council Recreational Planning Ordinance Control Community Services Road Safety Program Licence Monitoring Tourism Services & Committee Cemeteries Section 94 Contributions Tablelands Way Committee Drainage/Stormwater Management Contamination Events Private Works Geographic Information System Web Page/Internet SIMC Roads Contract Pye Cottage Museum Taralga Community Service Roads to Recovery works Floodplain Centre Domestic Waste Management Freedom of Information Post Services – Taralga Saleyards Cultural Planning RTA Agency Services - Crookwell Stores & Purchasing Community Social Planning Goods & Services Tax Compliance Occupational Health & Safety Senior Citizens Centre Fringe Benefits Tax Compliance Risk Management Noxious Weeds Control Consultative & OHS Committees Medical Centres Crime Prevention Buildings/Offices Maintenance Rural Addressing Litter Collection Caravan Parks Gravel Pits Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 7 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011


MANAGEMENT PLAN 2008-2009 to 2010-2011

COUNCIL’S MISSION To provide services and facilities to enhance the quality of life and economic viability within the Council area.


To be a diverse local government area that provides various lifestyle, business enterprise, leisure and recreation alternatives, whilst ensuring environmental sustainability, preservation of our history and a sense of belonging in our community.

COUNCIL’S AIMS To perform services in a cost efficient, effective and friendly manner in order to achieve Council’s Mission in meeting the annual objectives and performance targets.

General Manager’s Operations: to provide an effective interface between the community, Council and Staff and to enhance the Council’s corporate image.

Finance, Administration and Community Services: to provide professional and responsive financial management, information technology systems, effective administration, library, tourism and human resource support and services for the organisation and community, together with a range of community services that meet the needs of the entire community.

Environment and Planning Services: to ensure that development within the Council is regulated in accordance with legislative requirements that satisfy the future needs of rural sustainability and economic growth, having regard to the maintenance of the Council’s heritage.

Works and Plant Services: to provide an efficient, effective and flexible engineering and works division that undertakes work in accordance with Council’s priorities, policies, OH&S and Risk Management Standards and the adopted Management Plan.

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 8 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION OFFICES

Crookwell Office 44 Spring Street PO Box 10 CROOKWELL NSW 2583

Telephone (02) 4830 1000 Fax (02) 4832 2066 Email [email protected] Website

Gunning Office 123 Yass Street PO Box 42 GUNNING NSW 2581

Telephone (02) 4845 4100 Fax (02) 4845 1426 Email [email protected] Website

Taralga Community Service Centre 29 Orchard Street TARALGA NSW 2580

Telephone (02) 4840 2099 Fax (02) 4840 2296 Email [email protected] Website

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 9 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL PROFILE

Mayor Clr John Shaw Deputy Mayor Clr James Wheelwright Councillor Clr Sandra Bill Councillor Clr John Coombs Councillor Clr Bill Martin Councillor Clr Brian Moloney Councillor Clr Charlie Prell Councillor Clr Brian McCormack Councillor Vacant General Manager Mr John Bell Director of Works & Operations Mr Alan Lawrance Director of Environment & Planning Mr Robert Mowle Director of Finance & Administration Mr Andrew Croke Council Area 7,243 Square Kilometres Shire Population - Census 7,053 Number of Rateable Assessments 5,690 Council Controlled Assets $176.6 million Council Employees 132 Council Administration Offices, Crookwell – Council offices, Library, Public Buildings and Remote Sites Tourist Association office, Water and Sewer Plants, Works Depot and public hall. Gunning – Council office, Library, Works depot, Museum, Courthouse and public halls. Taralga – Council office and public halls. Council Demographics 3 Towns – Crookwell, Gunning and Taralga 10 Villages – Laggan, Dalton, Bigga, , , Collector, Grabben Gullen, Big Hill, and Breadalbane Council Solicitors Pike, Pike & Fenwick, RJ McCarthy & Co. Council Auditors Morse Group, Bathurst Office. Shire Key Industries Virbac, Farming of Sheep, Cattle, Alpacas, Potato Growing, and Wool Industry Tourist Attractions Historical Townships, Crookwell Wind Farm, Grabine State Recreation Park, Wombeyan Caves, Tablelands Way, Collector Pumpkin Festival, Taralga Australia Day Rodeo, Crookwell Country Weekend, Farm Stay Accommodation, Fishing and Recreational activities Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 10 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011


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Upper Lachlan Shire Council is committed to the following resource sharing initiatives to assist in delivering a more efficient and cost effective service to the ratepayers and residents of the Shire:-

1) Southern Tablelands Alliance – comprises Upper Lachlan Shire Council, Goulburn Mulwaree Council and . 2) Southern Tablelands Regional Library Service - comprises Upper Lachlan Shire, Yass Valley and Goulburn Mulwaree Councils. 3) CENTROC – membership approved in 2008 for Upper Lachlan Shire Council to join the eighteen Council and County Councils in enabling regional cooperation and resource sharing. 4) Tablelands Way Committee – joint tourism venture between Upper Lachlan, Oberon, Lithgow, Goulburn Mulwaree and Mid-Western Councils. 5) Southern Tablelands Community Transport Service - comprises Upper Lachlan Shire and Goulburn Mulwaree Councils. 6) Southern Tablelands Rural Counselling Service includes various Councils. 7) Southern Tablelands Regional Arts Council - comprises a number of Councils. 8) Road Safety Officer program shared employment partnership with . 9) Grants Officer shared employment partnership comprises Upper Lachlan Shire Council, Boorowa, Cootamundra and Yass Valley Councils. 10) Auslink Regional Strategic Roads Partnership with Boorowa Council for reconstruction and sealing of MR248W Boorowa Road. 11) Membership of the Grabine State Recreation Area Trust. 12) Southern Tablelands and South Coast Regional Noxious Plant Committee. 13) Member of Capital Regional Tourism. 14) South East Resource Recovery Regional Organisation of Councils (SERRROC) – comprises seventeen Councils. 15) Statewide Mutual - Local Government (Jardine Lloyd Thompson’s Mutual Liability Scheme and Risk Management).

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Council and Committee of Council meetings are conducted in an open forum, with the only exceptions being those matters discussed in Closed Committee in accordance with Section 10(a), of the Local Government Act 1993, i.e. pertaining to Council staff, litigation, commercial in-confidence matters and the private business of individuals where confidentiality has been requested.

All Resolutions made at a closed part of a Council meeting or Committee of Council are made public by the Mayor or Chairperson of the meeting as soon as the closed part of the meeting has ended in accordance with Clause 253 and Clause 269 of the Regulation.

Ordinary Meetings of Council are held on the fourth Thursday of every month commencing at 9.00 am. Also, Committee of Council meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month commencing at 9.00 am. Ratepayers are welcome to attend all Council and Committee of Council meetings.

Agendas are available on Council’s web site ( or at the three Council Administration offices during business hours and in addition are provided during the meeting. The Business Papers for each Ordinary Council meeting are prepared on the third Thursday of each month, and any person wishing to bring a matter before Council must lodge it with the General Manager by that day.

On 13th September 2008, Council elections will be held in the Shire with polling stations at the three towns and numerous villages / localities within the Shire. All residents within the Shire are requested to vote on that day to elect the Councillors who will represent their community for the next four year period. The Electoral Office will conduct a referendum at the election polling booths on Wind farms within the Shire.

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MANAGEMENT PLAN 2008-2009 to 2010-2011


The Management Plan is structured into three separate section headings:

This Section provides details of specific actions that ACTIVITIES Council proposes to undertake covering the next three Pages 16 to 108 financial years commencing 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2011.

Important summaries are also included in this section such as proposed Capital Works Projects, Sale of Assets, and Human Resource Activities.

Objectives and Performance Targets are included at the end of this Section.

This Section provides details of Council’s rating REVENUE structure and the means by which Council will raise POLICY revenue to meet Council’s financial commitments. Pages 109 to 118 This includes Council’s Pricing Policy for the provision of Goods and Services (such as Private Works).

ANNEXURE A number of additional attachments or annexures are DOCUMENTS – included to assist in understanding the various Page 119 to 135 components of the Management Plan. Loans Schedule –

Page 136 to 140 Financial Budget – Page B1 to B36

Fees & Charges – For example, a copy of the Fees and Charges Schedule Index and and index is included. Pages F1 to F24

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This section provides details of specific actions, which the Council will undertake during the next three financial years commencing 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2011.

Important summaries are also included in the Section such as Capital Works Projects and Human Resource Activities.

Objectives and Performance Targets are included at the end of this Section.



ACTIVITIES – Objectives & Key Performance Targets (KPI) pages 28 to 108

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1. COUNCIL’S PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES Council’s Principal Activities are the “core activities” for which Council receives income through rates, user fees and charges, grants and other revenue raising activities, and includes the activities upon which these funds are expended.

These “core activities” are explained in further detail in the pages at the conclusion of this Section. Council’s Principal Activities are based on the Financial Reporting headings: • FUNCTION • Service/Activity ADMINISTRATION Governance Corporate Support Human Resources Management General Purpose Revenues Engineering & Works Road Safety Program

PUBLIC ORDER & SAFETY Bush Fire Protection Animal Control Enforcement Local Government Regulations Emergency Services

HEALTH SERVICES Administration and Inspection Food Control Insect/Vermin Control Noxious Plant Control Health Centres

COMMUNITY SERVICES & EDUCATION Aged and Disabled Youth Services Other Community Services

HOUSING & COMMUNITY AMENITIES Housing Town Planning Street Cleaning Other Waste Management Urban Stormwater Drainage Environmental Protection Public Cemeteries Public Conveniences Other Community Amenities

RECREATION & CULTURE Public Libraries Museums Community and Civic Centres Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 17 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 Public Halls Swimming Pools Sporting Fields Parks and Gardens Other Sport & Recreation

MINING, MANUFACTURE & CONSTRUCTION Building Control Quarries and Gravel Pits

TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS Sealed Urban Roads - Maintenance & Construction Unsealed Urban Roads - Maintenance & Construction Sealed Rural Local Roads - Maintenance & Construction Sealed Rural Regional Roads - Maintenance & Construction Unsealed Rural Local Roads - Maintenance & Construction Unsealed Rural Regional Roads - Maintenance & Construction Bridges - Urban Local Roads - Maintenance & Construction Bridges - Urban Regional Roads - Maintenance & Construction Bridges - Sealed Rural Local Roads - Maintenance & Construction Bridges - Sealed Rural Regional Roads - Maintenance & Construction Bridges - Unsealed Rural Local Roads - Maintenance & Construction Bridges - Unsealed Rural Regional Roads - Maintenance & Construction Footpaths Aerodromes Parking Areas Bus Shelters & Services RTA Works – State Roads Street Lighting

ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Caravan Parks/Camping Areas Tourism and Area Promotion Economic Development Program Saleyards and Markets Real Estate Development Other Business Undertakings

WASTE MANAGEMENT Domestic Waste Management

WATER SUPPLIES Crookwell Water Supply Dalton Water Supply Gunning Water Supply Taralga Water Supply

SEWER SERVICE Crookwell Sewerage Scheme Gunning Sewerage Scheme Taralga Sewerage Scheme

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 18 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 Each of these Principal Activities (FUNCTION/Services) has a nominated Responsible Staff Member as well as identified Objectives and Performance Targets.

An Income and Expenditure Summary is provided at the conclusion of each identified Principal Activity. This includes Capital Income and Capital Expenditure.


For each identified Principal Activity there is a nominated Responsible Staff Member. This Staff Member is usually the Department Director and / or Manager.

There are identified Objectives for each Council Principal Activity. There are also a number of specific identified Performance Targets for these Objectives. Please see pages 28 to 108.

These Objectives and Performance Targets were developed following workshops involving the Council’s Elected Members (Councillors) and Council’s Senior Management. Additional information has been included from individual employees issued position descriptions.

On a quarterly basis (for the periods ending September, December, March & June) a Quarterly Review Report will be considered by Council and will address progress with respect to the identified Objectives and Performance Targets.


Council’s projected five year capital infrastructure works program is outlined under the various Principal Activity items. A full listing of capital expenditure acquisition and renewal of assets and capital grants and contributions income is included in the Financial Plan on pages B23 to B34.


A description of the services to be performed by Council is included with details of each Principal Activity item. Where relevant, an Annexure Document has been included to provide additional details concerning the level of service to be provided.


Details of assets to be replaced are contained with details of each Principal Activity Item. In particular it is proposed to sell and replace items of plant and motor vehicles in accordance with the Plant Replacement and Motor Vehicle Fleet Replacement Schedules. A full Plant Replacement listing is included in the Financial Plan on pages B35-B36.


Particulars of assets to be sold are included in the Financial Plan. Plant and motor vehicle asset replacements are itemised on pages B35-B36. Also, land assets for sale are itemised on page 119. Council annually reviews its land stock in order to ensure that an appropriate level is maintained.

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 19 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 7. BUSINESS OR COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES

These activities are generally limited to works on private land (such as Private Works for weed control and engineering activities involving use of Council plant and labour). Also included are Private Works on public lands under the control of other authorities (such as noxious weeds spraying for the Roads & Traffic Authority, Department of Lands and State Rail Authority).

Upper Lachlan Shire Council undertakes the business activities of being a registered Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) Motor Registry Agency in the Crookwell office and an Australia Post Agency in Taralga. Both these agencies are under a contract arrangement.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council is undertaking the purchase and refurbishment of Banfield House in Crookwell for an integrated Medical Centre for the community. The purchase and refurbishment is in partnership with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development and the building will be a Council owned asset, operated under a commercial lease arrangement with the Health Care Centre Inc.


Human Resource Management is controlled by the General Manager, who is responsible for the employment of all staff. Individual Department Directors are responsible for the day-to- day management of staff within their Sections. Training Plans are developed by the Human Resources Coordinator in conjunction with the Departmental Directors and are approved by the General Manager.

In relation to policy development it is intended that the ongoing review of policies will occur during 2008-2009 with specific staff related issues generally discussed at monthly Management Meetings prior to formal decisions by the General Manager, Council or through recommendations from the Consultative Committee.

It is also intended to continue with staff meetings on a monthly basis. Staff matters are reported on a monthly basis to Council for information with other specific issues reported as necessary.

Grievance Procedures are contained within the Human Resource Policy Manual and Council’s Salary System, and Council has adopted a Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy, which apply to all Staff and Councillors.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council will review and update its Human Resource Strategic Plan by December 2008. This plan recognises the importance of the contribution of the individual and the consequent obligation of Council to provide a safe, supportive and stimulating work environment for all its employees. These issues will fundamentally drive the Human Resource function and will provide the focus for the Human Resources Strategic Plan.

The key issues identified in the Human Resource Strategic Plan include:-

ƒ Employee Relations, Attraction and Retention;

ƒ Equal Employment Opportunity;

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 20 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 ƒ Employee Training, Learning and Development;

ƒ Employee Performance Management;

ƒ Workplace Health and Safety;

ƒ Strategic Staffing;

ƒ Implementation of Human Resource Management Systems.

The Council will provide a strategic approach to the management of its employees through the following processes:-

• Providing a clear strategic focus for workforce management; • Ensuring that human resource policies and practices provide transparency, honesty and fairness in the management of its people; • Ensure all employees are provided with adequate resources, such as training and occupational health and safety equipment; • Promoting leadership, coaching and supporting managers to effectively manage their employees; • The promotion and adherence to equal employment opportunity objectives; • Creating a safe, supportive and equitable work environment for employees which sustains high levels of satisfaction, empowerment, commitment and accountability; and • Maximising the Council’s return on its human investment.

During 2008/2009 Council will be undertaking the following Human Resource Programs:-

ƒ Implementation of a Human Resource Succession Plan;

ƒ Ensure Council’s compliance with Federal and State legislation and the Local Government (State) Award (now referred to as NAPSA) requirements;

ƒ Provision of training for staff across a range of activities (refer to Council’s Human Resource Training Plan which was reviewed and adopted by Council in June 2007);

ƒ Revision and enhancement of the salary system including the skill steps and competency/performance measurement system;

ƒ Conduct Performance Review / Appraisals for every Council employee to be completed by 30 April each year;

ƒ Ongoing consultation with all staff through the Consultative Committee to review work practices and seek productivity improvements.

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The following are the activities proposed to protect environmentally sensitive areas to promote the ecological sustainability of the Upper Lachlan Shire Council LGA.

• The Upper Lachlan Shire Council Local Environmental Plan is currently under development. In the interim period, prior to the gazettal of the Upper Lachlan Council Local Environmental Plan, the Local Environmental Plans for the former Council LGA’s (Crookwell, Gunning and Mulwaree) will continue to apply to those individual localities. • Environmental Protection Strategy formulation. • Participation in Regional Environmental Management studies and in particular Regional State of the Environment reporting will be ongoing.

Further to the above, the Council identifies the following aims with regard to the management and protection of the environment:

• Community education - by providing information to the community through the established Committees, and by visitation to all schools throughout the area. • Liaison with surrounding and neighbouring Councils on cross border issues. • Contact and cooperation with local landowners in respect to major roadworks. • Provide avenues for community participation in Council decision-making and to “meet the public” at listed locations throughout the Council area as required. • Establish community based management groups wherever local input is identified as a high priority (eg Progress Associations for individual localities, Management Committees for sporting grounds etc).

Council is required to promote the principles of ecologically sustainable development by activities that properly manage, develop, protect, restore, enhance and conserve the environment in a manner that is consistent with and promotes ecologically sustainable development principles. Council will undertake this requirement through the provisions of its Local Environment Plan/ Development Control Plans and also via the following activities:

1. On-going support to:- ƒ promote a greater understanding of the natural resource management issues in the LGA; ƒ facilitate better management of natural resources in the LGA through the provision of support for community groups; ƒ Address, in conjunction with the local community and state government departments, including Department of Environment and Conservation, and State Forests, specific environmental management pressures being applied in the LGA.

2. Further refinement and augmentation of the Upper Lachlan LGA - State of the Environment Report.

3. Financial contribution to and staff representation in the preparation of the Regional State of the Environment Report comprising of the ACT and surrounding local government Councils and administered from the Office of the Environment, ACT.

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 22 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 10. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO)

Council, in all its activities and practices, is committed to the principles of EEO. All recruitment is conducted in accordance with EEO principles and job advertisements all carry an EEO commitment message. Staff selection aims at employing the best possible candidate in every case on the basis of their skills, qualifications, abilities, work performance and aptitudes. All staff Position Descriptions includes the requirement for the employee to have a basic knowledge of EEO requirements.

Council has an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy which is available to all employees and elected members. This is subject to progressive review in conjunction with an overall review of Council’s policies. EEO matters will also be referred from time to time to the Council’s Consultative Committee. The EEO Policy was reviewed and adopted in October 2007.

We will continue to monitor, review and update Council’s Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan to comply with the objectives of the Local Government Act 1993.

The objective of the EEO Plan is to:

1. Eliminate and ensure the absence of discrimination and harassment in employment on the grounds of sex, pregnancy, race or ethno-religious background, marital status, disability, homosexuality, transgender, and by age compliance with the Industrial Relations Act, 1996 (New South Wales).

2. To promote equal opportunity for all by compliance with the Federal Affirmative Action Plan (Equal Opportunity for Women) Act, 1986, the Anti-Discrimination Act. 1998 (New South Wales) and the Disability Discrimination Act, 1992.

Implementation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan ensures that Council will continue to review its policies and procedures on recruitment selection, promotion, training and development, to ensure that employment and promotion is based on merit principles.

The opportunity of training for all staff will be provided. It is proposed that all new staff undergo an induction program, which includes overview of the Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan. Council will review its Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan annually.

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Council’s objective is to provide an opportunity for a productive and constructive relationship with ratepayers and residents through cooperative community consultation.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council has completed a Social and Community Plan 2007-2012 for the Shire and was adopted by Council in November 2006. The Social and Community Plan was also reviewed and actions updated in January 2008.

The Social and Community Plan is an output of a unique partnership between Council and the Greater Southern Area Health Service (GSAHS). The plan was a cooperative approach which will offer greater opportunities for the improvement to the local community and improve communication between the two agencies.

The Social and Community Plan has identified the following priority areas for action: -

• Work with key stakeholders to increase the range of day care options across the Upper Lachlan Shire.

• Support initiatives/activities that encourage the participation of families and children in community life.

• Increase sun protection measures across the Shire.

• Support GSAHS to develop and deliver programs that address child health Issues.

• Explore initiatives that encourage and enable young people to participate in community life and build their capacity to develop programs that address the needs of their peers.

• Increase opportunities for recreation for young people.

• Explore opportunities to increase education options for young people.

• In partnership with GSAHS, develop community development/ health promotion approaches that target the needs of young people.

• Investigate the availability of transport options with specific reference to women.

• In partnership with GSAHS and other key stakeholders, develop community development / health promotion approaches that target the needs of women.

• Develop approaches that support community groups and volunteers and increase recreation options for older people.

• Investigate options for increase of transport availability.

• Work with key stakeholders to address the needs of the ageing population.

• Assist with the provision of services for the elderly.

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• Develop approaches that support people with disabilities.

• Improve public facilities for people with disabilities.

• Increase awareness of other cultures.

• Encourage inclusiveness in community activities.

• Respecting Aboriginal people and culture in community activities.

• Work in partnership with other services to achieve better health and social outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

• Determine ways that current services may be targeted to address the needs of the Indigenous community.

• Develop community development/ health promotion activities which target mental health and wellbeing.

• Increase promotion of existing mental health services more widely.

• Investigate opportunities to build on existing services.

• Address impact of drought on health and wellbeing.

• Enhance links to financial, agricultural and business support/ advice agencies.

• Explore options to increase types and availability of transport.

• Increase opportunities for effective communication across the Shire.

• Investigate opportunities to promote cohesion across the Shire.

• Investigate options to address insurance issues.

• Plan for the impact of the population projections and changing demographics in the LGA.

• Determine appropriate infrastructure priorities and actions that will contribute to the wellbeing of the community.

• Support GSAHS population health approaches with emphasis on measures to prevent illness, injury and disability within a social context.

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 25 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 12. COMPETITIVE NEUTRALITY COMPLAINTS

Council has a policy for dealing with Competitive Neutrality Complaints. The policy follows the criteria listed below.

How to Lodge Complaints

The public or organisations contacting Council will be advised that all complaints must be lodged in writing, detailing the grounds for the complaint and the effect that Council's alleged actions in the matter has on the person or organisation making the complaint.

Time Limits within which a Complainant will receive a Response

All complaints will be responded to within fourteen (14) days. Where a Council decision is required the complainant will be advised that the matter have been referred to Council for consideration and advised as to when Council's decision will be passed on.

Complaint Received

Item registered and directed to Council's Public Officer for action. All complaints will be held on a separate file established for the recording of such complaints.

Initial Review of Complaint

The Public Officer determines if the complaint is a competitive neutrality complaint as defined. If determined not to be a complaint, Public Officer to reply to author stating reasons why matter is not considered to be a complaint as defined and advising author of recourse actions via the Department of Local Government or State Agency.

If determined to be a complaint, the Public Officer is to seek explanations/comments from relevant Director or General Manager responsible for the business for which the complaint refers to.

The Public Officer must also advise the General Manager that a complaint has been received.

Information to be provided on Nature of Complaint

The Responsible Council Officer (General Manager or Director) who manages the business operation under question is required to examine the nature and substance of any complaint received.

After completing their examination the Responsible Council Officer is to supply the Public Officer with the justification/explanation for Council's action in the matter in sufficient time to allow a response to the author of the complaint within the prescribed timeframe of fourteen (14) days from receipt of advice.


In dealing with the complaint, the Public Officer will determine in conjunction with the General Manager what remedies can be provided to resolve the complaint. These remedies may be: - Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 26 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011

(i) Provide more information to the complainant for a more accurate understanding of competition policy. (ii) Investigate/review Council's business activity if a legitimate complaint is made. (iii) Change Council's business practice where a complaint is justified. (This may require Council's consent before the change can be approved.)

Response to Complainant

The Public Officer will reply to the complainant giving justification/explanation for Council's actions in the matter and advising of recourse actions available.


Traditionally, ratepayers thought of Upper Lachlan Shire Council as providing the three R’s of rates, roads and rubbish. However since 1993 all Councils have been under increasing pressure to diversify its activities and as such the list of activities and services that the community expects Councils to provide are growing.

It is widely acknowledged that both the State and Commonwealth Governments are devolving their responsibilities onto Local Government without adequate compensation. It is estimated that the total burden of this “cost shifting” is costing NSW Local Government between $70 million and $350 million per annum, or 2% - 5% of its total revenue.

There are some pressing issues within the Upper Lachlan Shire Council that require urgent attention; including infrastructure renewals, higher community expectations for service levels, skills shortages in key industry areas, rising service delivery costs and ongoing maintenance of a large unsealed roads network.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council is subject to various external factors that impact on its ability to provide services to the community. The external factors can be classed into the following four broad categories of: statutory obligations, community expectations, infrastructure renewals and service level standards.

There is a fundamental challenge facing a number of Councils and that is the financial sustainability of the Council from a revenue generating perspective. The question that needs to be asked is whether the revenue of Upper Lachlan Shire Council is adequate to meets its statutory obligations, current services provided and future expected services. Council’s general ordinary rates revenue income percentage of 34% of total revenue is well below the state average of 48%.

The current Management Plan contains a five-year capital budget plan and a three-year operational plan and financial budget. Fundamental to these projections is the need to remain financially viable over the longer-term and to ensure that scarce resources are allocated wisely and with the longer-term in mind.

The Management Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993 (Sections 402-406) and includes Council’s vision, mission, goals and objectives for each of its service areas and the means by which the Council intends to achieve its objectives over the next year. Throughout 2008/2009 this document will be reviewed and a progress report will be submitted to council on a quarterly basis. Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 27 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES – OBJECTIVES AND KEY PERFORMANCE TARGETS FUNCTION (SERVICE) PAGE NUMBER GOVERNANCE 29 - 31 ADMINISTRATION Corporate Support and General Purpose Revenues 32 - 48 Engineering, Works Supervision and Plant Operations 49 - 51 PUBLIC ORDER & SAFETY Animal Control 52 - 53 Enforcement of Local Government Regulations 52 - 53 Emergency Services 54 - 56 HEALTH SERVICES Administration/Inspection 57 - 59 Insect/Vermin Control 57 - 59 Food Control 57 - 59 Noxious Weed Control 60 - 62 Medical Centre 63 - 64 Other Health Services 63 - 64 COMMUNITY SERVICES & EDUCATION Aged & Disabled 63 - 64 Other Community Services 63 - 64 HOUSING & COMMUNITY AMENITIES Housing 65 Town Planning 66 - 68 Street Cleaning 69 – 70 Other Waste Management 69 - 70 Domestic Waste Management 71 - 73 Urban Stormwater Drainage 74 - 75 Protection of the Environment 76 - 77 Public Cemeteries 78 - 79 Public Conveniences 80 Other Community Amenities 80 RECREATION & CULTURE Library 81 - 84 Museums / Community Centres / Public Halls 85 - 86 Other Cultural Services 85 - 86 Swimming Pool 87 - 88 Sporting Grounds 89 - 90 Parks & Gardens 89 - 90 Other Sport & Recreation 89 - 90 MINING, MANUFACTURE & CONSTRUCTION Building Control 91 - 92 Quarries & Gravel Pits 91 - 92 TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS All Transport Services 93 - 97 ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Caravan Park 98 - 100 Saleyards & Markets 98 - 100 Real Estate Development 98 - 100 Other Business Activity 98 - 100 Tourism 101 - 103 WATER SUPPLIES Dalton, Gunning, Crookwell & Taralga Water Supplies 104 - 106 SEWER SERVICE Gunning, Crookwell & Taralga Sewerage Schemes 107 - 108

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OBJECTIVES: To provide administrative and corporate support services, Councillor assistance and other support services, in order to comply with relevant legislation and Council’s accountability requirements to the community and other Government agencies ensuring that effective decision making processes are in place, which reflects transparency and accountability by Council.

KEY ITEMS: • Council and Committee Meetings. • Assistance to Councillors. • Other Committees, including Section 355 Committees and Community Relations. • Policy and Procedures development, implementation and governance. • Council elections conducted every four years. • Effective consultation, communication and enhanced relationships with staff, community, Councillors and Government. • Council is one of the leaders in the community for change management and planning for business and industry expansion.

GOALS: • To ensure that the operations of Council and its decision making are conducted openly and transparently at all times. • To act as the primary link and a facilitator between Councillors and the organisation and is responsible for providing advice, policy development and decision making support to Council. • To develop and maintain organisation structures to achieve Council's objectives. • Provide leadership to all staff in setting and achieving Council goals. • Promote teamwork to develop and maintain positive work relations and establish an organisational culture based on a commitment to continuous improvement. • Exercise oversight of financial management process of the Council. • To communicate and promote the Council's policies within the community that Council serves. • Strengthen partnerships with State and Federal Governments and other agencies to maximise funding opportunities.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Pecuniary Interest returns to be lodged under Executive Assistant to correlate Annual completion and lodgement Section 449(3) of the Local Government Act Pecuniary Interest returns and place in prior to 30 September. 1993 by Councillors and designated persons. the Public Register. 2. Review of Expenses and Facilities Policy General Manager to report to Council. Adoption by Council prior to 30 under Section 252, of the Local Government November annually. Act 1993. 3. Complete FOI Statement of Affairs and Executive Assistant to complete Lodgement prior to 13 June annually. publish in Government Gazette in Statement of Affairs and organize accordance with Section 14(1)(a) of the appropriate publication. Freedom of Information Act 1989. 4. Complete FOI Summary of Affairs and Executive Assistant to complete Lodgement prior to 13 December publish in Government Gazette in Summary of Affairs and organize annually. accordance with Section 14(1)(b) of the appropriate publication. Freedom of Information Act 1989. 5. Report to Council on contractual conditions General Manager to complete senior Report to Council prior to June and performance reviews of senior staff in staff performance reviews and report Council Meeting annually. accordance with Section 339, of Local to Council on contractual conditions. Government Act 1993. 6. Undertake an annual review of Council’s General Manager to report to Council Appoint staff in accordance with organisational structure in accordance with on appropriate organisation structure. organisational structure and resources Section 333, of the Local Government Act. available. 7. Meet all legislative and reporting General Manager to have oversight of All deadlines are met for legislative requirements all legislative reporting. and reporting requirements. 8. Council Policy Development. General Manager to have oversight of Ensure at least six policies are the Policy Development process. reviewed or developed each year. 9. Council Business Paper creation and Executive Assistant to have oversight Ensure Business Papers are distributed distribution. of the process. one week prior to meeting date. 10. Shire Newsletter “The Voice” and other Media Officer to ensure media releases Ensure quarterly distribution of Shire Media Releases distributed to local and state-wide Newsletter to all Shire ratepayers. media outlets within fourteen days of

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment Council Resolution. 11. Ensure Councillors have access to General Manager to report to Council Councillors to prioritise training with professional development training on available appropriate training. the Executive Assistant to coordinate. 12. Review of Delegations to ensure compliance General Manager to report to Council Annually report to Council prior to with Section 380, of the Local Government on appropriate Delegations and place December Council Meeting. Act 1993. in the Public Register. 13. Review of Code of Conduct to ensure General Manager to report to Council Annually report to Council prior to compliance with Section 440, of the Local on Council Code of Conduct and November Council Meeting Government Act 1993. recommend relevant amendments. 14. Complete Council’s Annual Report in Report to Council Meeting in Lodgement to Department of Local accordance with Section 428 (3) of the Local November. Government prior to 30 November Government Act 1993 and other relevant annually. legislation requirements

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $0 Operating Expenditure $501,861 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $0

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OBJECTIVES: To provide administrative and corporate support services, including administration, financial control and records management systems to comply with relevant legislation and Council’s accountability requirements to the community and other Government agencies.

KEY ITEMS: • Customer Service and Administration Services. • Payroll, Cashiering, Water Billing, Accounts Payable and Receivable. • Insurances. • Records Management System. • Compliance with Local Government Act 1993 and other Regulations. • Community Support Services. • Roads and Traffic Authority Motor Registry Agency. • Australia Post Agency.

GOALS: • Review and revise business practices to promote the efficient and effective delivery of administrative services. • To maintain a high level of professionalism in the customer services provided to the community. • Provision of quality services to the whole organisation, General Manager and Councillors. • To inform the community of Council’s activities and decisions in a professional manner and within set timeframes. • High quality provision of business papers and minutes by administrative section. • Timely and accurate provision of statutory and regulatory certificates, i.e. Section 149 and 603 Certificates. • Process tax invoices and payroll transactions in a timely manner. • Assist Community Groups in sourcing funding opportunities.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Ensure the Civica electronic document Annually review the implementation A quarterly report is to be furnished to records management system (EDMS) is of EDMS and ensure users compliance the Management Executive advising meeting organisational and State Records and task responsibility is being of outstanding and overdue tasks for requirements. fulfilled in a timely manner. all users. 2. Provide resources for Occupational Health & Meetings held bi-monthly for Minutes and Recommendations from Safety Committee and Consultative Occupational Health & Safety the Occupational Health and Safety Committee activities. Provide facilities and Committee and Consultative Committee and Consultative support services to observe OH&S and Committees of Council. Committees are presented to Council Industrial Relations requirements. for adoption.

3. Respond to correspondence and enquiries as Written, email and oral responses as Respond to correspondence within per adopted standards. per Council’s Service Delivery Policy. three weeks of receipt.

4. Participate in Strategic Alliances and General Manager and Department Report to Council as required keeping Resource Sharing Projects with adjoining Directors to meet with other Council’s them informed of progress in relation Councils. and identify Resource Sharing to Resource Sharing opportunities. opportunities. 5. Implementation of Council’s Resolutions, Advise General Manager of timeframe Respond to correspondence and requests and decisions. for completion of correspondence. stakeholders within three weeks of Council Resolution. 6. Communication with stakeholders and Executive Assistant to update Council Update Internet webpage as required ratepayers – via quarterly Council information webpage, and include and liaise with media outlets as Newsletter, regular Media Releases and advertising and external press releases required. Council’s Internet Homepage. in media outlets.

7. Review and upgrade Policy Register – as Director of Finance and Report the amended Policy to Council required. Administration to review Policy as soon as practicable. Register on an annual basis.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 8. Ensure adequate Insurances and Workers Director of Finance and Annually update and make payment Compensation coverage are held for Council Administration to liaise with Statewide for provision of adequate Insurances activities, assets, councillors and employees. to coordinate insurance schedules. and Workers Compensation for Council. 9. Completion of statutory certificates i.e. 603 Process certificate, Manager of To be completed within seven days of Certificates. Finance and Administration to sign. receipt of application. 10. Provide administrative assistance to Complete assigned tasks for all Review as part of individual domestic waste, water and sewerage funds. Council Departments. performance review process. 11. Review all Divisional service work practices Director of Finance and Directors to report to General in respect of new technology and the Administration to review work Manager annually. organisation and amend work practices procedures and practices annually. accordingly.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $423,895 Operating Expenditure $1,325,600 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $46,500

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OBJECTIVES: To have a fair and equitable rating system that strives to ensure that all ratepayers make a reasonable contribution towards the total cost for the provision of services. To ensure that rates notices are correct and issued within the required timeframes and payments are receipted accurately and promptly. To make certain that all legislative requirements pertaining to Local Government rates and charges are met.

KEY ITEMS: • Levying of Council Rates and Annual Charges. • Categorisation of land for rating purposes. • Compliance with Local Government Act 1993 and Regulations. • Compliance with Department of Local Government Financial Reporting Guidelines. • Enforcement of Council Debt Recovery Policy. • Pensioner Concessions Subsidies. • Completion of Rates Statement of Compliance.

GOALS: • Administer the Council’s rating system and revenue policies to meet the Local Government Act 1993 requirements and associated Regulations. • To continually assess the distribution of rates across the Shire to achieve an equitable allocation between rating categories. • Review and revise business practices to promote the efficient and effective delivery of rates section services. • Investigate and put into operation new technologies relating to rate charging and collecting to improve efficiencies and enhance customer service. • Continue to implement best practice pricing and user pays principles in the Revenue Policy adoption. • Control arrears debt through the maintenance of quarterly reminders, consistent debt recovery action and the utilisation of Council’s nominated collection agency. • Achieve an annual Rates and Annual Charges Outstanding Percentage of 5% or lower.

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GOALS (continued) • Maintain accurate property and mapping data which is compatible with Land Titles Office data. • Meet all statutory requirements and deadlines for rates notice preparation, rating categorisation, pensioner verification and concessions. • Efficient and timely processing and liaison with the Land and Property Information for land revaluations, supplementary valuations, property amalgamations and valuation objections.

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Domestic Waste Management reasonable Prepare accurate budget estimates and Auditor’s approval of Domestic Waste cost calculation meets compliance Domestic Waste Management charges. Management reasonable cost requirements. calculation is issued each year. 2. Review the rating structure on an annual Monitor the annual & historical rate Recommendations for adjustments to basis to ensure a fair and equitable distribution and any material changes rating structure are reported to Council distribution of the rates burden across all in the level of services provided. as required. sectors of the Shire. 3. Rates notices are issued annually and Ensure that all rates are correctly input Rates notices are levied annually promptly with all rates and charges and the rates systems are tested prior to before 20 July with no material errors. calculated accurately. the rates levy. 4. Install rating module upgrades on rating Liaise with Council’s financial Ensure rating systems performance is system and identify improvements to work systems provider to source upgrade comparable with other Councils. practices - subject to software upgrades. information and training. 5. Ensure compliance with the State Calculate rates within rate pegging or Rates income does not exceed the Governments rate pegging requirements. special variation limitations also taking permissible income level. into account land value fluctuations following a general revaluation. 6. Ensure staff are competent on all current Develop a training plan in conjunction Train rates staff in all aspects of rating rates legislation and rating issues. with annual performance reviews. system - subject to Training Plan. 7. Complete annually the Statement of The Statement of Compliance is Unqualified Auditor’s Report for the Compliance for rates and annual charges. completed and forwarded to the rates and annual charges Statement of Auditor by 30 September annually. Compliance is issued by 31 October.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 8. Issue quarterly reminders for outstanding Ensure rating system is fully functional Instalment reminders are accurate and rates as a precursor to commencing legal and rates data is up-to date, accurate issued within management and action for recovery. and complete. statutory timeframes. 9. To enforce Council’s Debt Recovery Policy. Revenue Officers liaise with collection The Rates Outstanding percentage is agent to ensure outstanding rates maintained at 5% or lower and legal arrears are minimised. action commenced as required. 10. Ensure Rating categories are reviewed Staff are fully trained on rate category Minimal errors in rating categories regularly and necessary amendments made. determination, notification, etc. detected and no unsuccessful legal defences of rating categories. 11. Undertake a review of the Rural Residential Revenue Officers to conduct a review Send a review of rating category Category every four years. of Rural Residential category to ensure application form to all Rates compliance with legislation. Assessments categorised as Rural Residential. 12. Provide monthly Rates and Charges Reports are prepared on a regular Reports are accurate and are ready for Reconciliation and Collection Report for basis. inclusion with the Council reports inclusion in Council’s Business Papers. within the required time-frames.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $8,379,842 Operating Expenditure $29,000 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $0

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OBJECTIVES: To manage Council’s finances and resources for the purpose of ensuring financial viability and stability. To pursue additional income streams for Council and to encourage economic development through community participation and / or Government programs.

KEY ITEMS: • Compliance with Accounting Standards. • Compliance with Local Government Act 1993. • Compliance with Department of Local Government Financial Reporting Guidelines. • Compliance with Taxation Guidelines and Reporting, i.e. GST and FBT. • Compliance with Statutory Legislative deadlines. • Prudent Financial Management to ensure the satisfactory financial performance and position of the Council. • Annual Financial Reports preparation and quarterly budget and Management Plan reviews to monitor Council’s performance. • External Audit Report and Reviews.

GOALS: • Management of Council’s funds to maximise investment returns, optimize cash flows within prudent investment strategy. • Supervise clerical and financial staff to deliver a more multi-skilled and proficient finance operation. • Review and revise business practices to promote the efficient and effective delivery of financial management services. • Propose and implement initiatives aimed at enhancing Council’s ability to deliver quality services. • Provide a high level of service to satisfy external customers through efficient response of counter and telephone enquiries. • Provide relevant and timely information to the General Manager, other Directors and Council regarding financial operations to meet the requirements of the Local Government Act and relevant Regulations. • Be aware of industry, community and legal issues which may impact on the Council and community. • Provide procedures, information, advice and support which facilitates financial decision making, increased accountability and compliance at all levels of the organisation.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Prepare the Management Plan Review – for Director of Finance and Prepare report to Council on September, December, March and June Administration to prepare the Management Plan Review by no later Quarters. Management Plan reviews within six than November, February, May and weeks of the end of each quarter. August Council meetings. 2. Produce Quarterly Budget Reviews and Quarterly Budget Summary and Prepare report to Council on Quarterly associated revotes of allocations – for Capital Budget Review report to be Review by no later than November, September, December, March and June prepared by Director of Finance and February, May and August meetings. Quarters. Administration for Council within six weeks of the end of each quarter. 3. Provide monthly financial reports, including Manager of Finance and Prepare monthly reports to Council to Investment Report and Bank Reconciliation Administration to prepare Council meet Council’s preparation of for inclusion in Council’s Business Papers. report. Agendas – Business Paper deadlines

4. Provide expenditure and income reports to Prepare monthly Management Reports Management Reports received by no Directors and Managers on a monthly basis – for operational and capital budget for later than five days after the end of also available for fortnightly briefings and senior management. month. Manex Meetings.

5. Provide specialised expenditure and income Prepare financial information upon Provide information within three days reports on specific activities or projects to request from senior management. if request is reasonable. meet the individual needs of management.

6. Maintenance of the financial component of Manager of Finance and Note 9 component of Financial the Asset Register including calculation of Administration to prepare work papers Reports to be tabled by no later than depreciation expense. for audit annually by September. October Council meeting. 7. Provide for consideration of all financial Senior Management to correlate all Report to Council annually by April. assistance requests received annually. submissions for financial assistance All approved payments are to be made including Section 356 donations. within acceptable timeframe. 8. Annual Review of Council’s Investment Audit and Investment Committee to Report to Council annually. Policy and Strategy. review.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 9. Maintain ELE Reserves to a level that allows ELE reserve maintained and reviewed ELE internal restricted reserve to be Council the ability to fund all leave as it falls annually by Director of Finance and no less than thirty per cent of total due and becomes payable. Administration. ELE expense.

10. Lodgement of audited Financial Reports and Prepare Financial Reports and table to Lodgement of Financial Reports to Auditors report to the Director General and Council both the Financial Reports and Department of Local Government the ABS. external Audit Report. prior to 7 November annually. 11. Presentation of annual Financial Reports. To incorporate Financial Health To present to Council annually the Checks into financial reporting. Financial Health Checks and comparative financial statistics. 12. Lodgement of GST Certificate annually for Monthly BAS Statements lodged with Lodgement of GST Certificate to period 1 May to 30 April. ATO and GST Certificate prepared. Department of Local Government prior to 8 June annually. 13. Undertake a progressive review of Internal Audit and Investment Committee and To annually review the Internal Control procedures to complement external senior management to ensure Control Procedures manual. audit reviews and to promote efficient implementation of the internal control business practices. procedures. Implement the revaluation of assets at “fair Fair value asset reporting and Audit to be completed and fair value value” for the following asset classes:- depreciation calculations to be asset valuation included in Note 9 of • Buildings completed by end of June and prepared Financial Reports and lodged annually • Land by Council Manager of Finance and with Department of Local • Other Structures Administration for external audit. Government prior to 7 November. • Property, Plant and Equipment 14. As per AASB116 and the Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting guidelines.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $0 Operating Expenditure $405,170 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $63,420

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OBJECTIVES: Provide the organisation with the most efficient and effective technology available (within resources) to allow Council to meet all reporting and statutory requirements of Local Government and support Council’s future strategic objectives.

KEY ITEMS: • Information Technology Strategic Plan 2007-2009. • Day to day support of all information technology hardware, software and infrastructure. • Compliance with the State Records Act. • Manage the flow of corporate information and manage access to corporate information. • Customer Service. • Civica (Authority) computer system.

GOALS: • Provide information systems that are integrated and support the reduction of duplications. • Provide information systems that meet current and future needs of staff, internal and external customers. • Provision and enhancement of skills through training and support in IT applications. • Strategic management of IT hardware upgrades and replacement, through implementation of Council’s IT Strategic Plan. • Reduction of risk of non-supported systems. • Improvement of IT procedures and processes. • Maintain support for Civica and the new Records Management System. • Implementation of customer action request system.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Maintain the mainframe computer and IT Systems Coordinator to maintain Provide ongoing review of IT networked PC system to best meet Council’s the network file servers, photocopier equipment systems and technology financial and administrative needs including leases and IT computer equipment etc. requirements and recommendations to installation of anti-virus software. meet customer service standards. 2. Coordinate IT facilities to allow user training IT Systems Coordinator to coordinate As required but at least six monthly IT for staff – as required. training in conjunction with training options available for relevant management. employees. 3. Investigate and review new Civica modules IT Systems Coordinator to liaise with Review as required but aim to install as required and implement – annually. other Council Departments to meet Civica Human Resource and Assets requirements. modules over the next two years. 4. Implement recommendations and procedures IT Systems Coordinator to coordinate To meet timeframes outlined in of Council’s Information Technology completion of projects identified in Council’s IT Strategic Plan 2007- Strategic Plan. Plan. 2009.

5. Review, upgrade and update Council IT Systems Coordinator in conjunction Update Council website as required Website – as required with Executive Assistant to update but at minimum at least weekly. information on Council website. 6. All email addresses to migrate to the IT Systems Coordinator in conjunction To be completed by January 2009. @upperlachlan domain. with contractors to update domain. 7. That the Exchange Server located at IT Systems Coordinator to relocate the To be completed by December 2008. Gunning be replaced. server to the Crookwell office. 8. Instigate the provision of a replacement Implement Replacement program for To be ongoing – annually update the program for PC’s on a three year rotational IT computers and equipment. oldest or redundant computers and basis. software. 9. To remove all corporate information from Disposal of redundant computers and To annually advertise an Expression old redundant computers and dispose of the other IT equipment in accordance with of Interest and / or donate to equipment. Disposal of Council Assets Policy community organisations. 10. To support the implementation of the IT Systems Coordinator to liaise with To facilitate and liaise with Civica to electronic document management system Council and Civica Project Managers. ensure the Council’s smooth transition (EDMS). to an EDMS.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 11. Prepare an operating procedures manual for IT Systems Coordinator to complete To be completed by December 2008. information technology services for Council. operations manual.

12. To liaise with contractor to ensure computer IT Systems Coordinator to liaise with The computer cabling installation is cabling for new Engineering Office building contractor. complete by July 2008. meets IT system requirements. 13. Provision of a customer action request or Coordinate Civica customer action New system to be implemented by helpdesk service for internal information request facility. July 2008. systems users. 14. Completion of Council’s Disaster Recovery / Director of Finance & Administration To be implemented by December Business Continuity Plan. to implement IT Business Continuity 2008. Plan.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $0 Operating Expenditure $323,250 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $116,300

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OBJECTIVES: Employee development and training within a performance framework that maximises productivity and staff wellbeing. To develop and implement high quality employee relations initiative and practices that support Council’s objectives to maximise the quality and contributions of its staff.

KEY ITEMS: • Human Resource Strategic Plan. • Human Resource Training Plan. • Industrial Relations Advice. • Recruitment and Selection Administration. • Training Co-ordination and Facilitation. • Workers Compensation Management. • Administration of Employee Performance Appraisal System.

GOALS: • A capable, productive, healthy and satisfied workforce. • Human Resource section to centralise employee training co-ordination and facilitation. • Liaising with Superannuation funds and the Australian Taxation Office. • To manage the Recruitment and Selection process and provide up-to-date information to management. • Minimise employee turnover and loss of productivity. • To provide Staff Succession Planning and Policy adoption. • Improve communication across the organisation and facilitate cultural change.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Conduct annual performance reviews and Human Resources Coordinator to All annual performance reviews to be reissue position descriptions to all coordinate with management the completed and signed-off by 30 April employees. performance appraisal process and each year. conduct interviews. 2. Identify training needs for each staff position Payroll Officer to coordinate Training Training Plan to be completed by 31 through an annual Human Resource Training Plan update. May each year and placed before the Plan. Consultative Committee.

3. Review and develop consistent Human Review Human Resource policies and To annually report relevant policies to Resource Policies and Procedures to meet procedures. Council for review. organisations objectives. 4. Develop comprehensive Induction Policy Review induction procedures and Annually review Council’s Induction and Procedures to meet Local Government report recommendation for changes to Policy and Procedures by June. requirements. the Consultative Committee.

5. Keep General Manager, Directors and Attend Local Government Work Make applicable changes to Council’s Managers informed on the new Workplace Choices seminars for updates. Review Salary System to come in line with Relations / Legislations changes. current Salary System and make Work Choices as required. relevant changes in accordance to new legislation requirements. 6. Review the Succession Planning to reflect Review aging staff data and implement Review Council work force and organisational future needs. succession / recruitment strategy to develop succession planning cover for staff retirement / resignation. procedure by August 2008. Make regular updates to staff structure and workforce database to keep track of staff movements.

7. To be accountable for the Council staff Human Resource Coordinator to To review and report any over- training budget. review training budget expenditure on expenditure to the Director of Finance a monthly basis. & Administration.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 8. Review recruitment strategy to attract and Continue to monitor recruitment Review the use of recruitment & retain quality staff. processes to ensure that they are selection methods including a focus on honest, fair and transparent; comply technology to make efficiency gains. with relevant legislation, industrial Develop, implement and review arrangements, and human resources retention strategies including rewards policies. and quality of the work environment. Continually assess the cost effectiveness of current recruitment strategies and processes through quarterly benchmarking data and best practice examples. 9. Annually review staffing structure for all Input new employees and delete retired Quarterly review of changes to Divisions and provide information to / resigned employees. Council’s organisational structure. General Manager & Directors. 10. To review the performance review Human Resource Coordinator to To implement the amended questionnaire format. review and implement for 2008/2009 performance review questionnaire. 11. To liaise with Union delegates and Council Human Resource Coordinator to To implement Local Government senior management to implement Local facilitate change management within (State) Award (NAPSA) requirements Government (State) Award (NAPSA) the organisation. and new legislation in a timely requirements and new legislation. manner. 12. To participate in human resource network Human Resource Coordinator to report To annually review Council activities in Local Government and be on meeting outcomes and initiatives to involvement in Local Government committed to resource sharing initiatives. Director of Finance and human resource network. Administration.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $0 Operating Expenditure $2,667,900 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $0

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OBJECTIVES: To further develop and maintain Council’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) system, policies and procedures. Help to further develop and maintain a safe working environment with minimisation of risks and occupational hazards.

KEY ITEMS: • Occupational Health and Safety Act and other related legislative requirements. • Council’s OHS Policy and Charter.

GOALS: • Implement affective means of communicating OHS issues. • Maintain Council’s RTA pre-qualification status. • Work closely with the General Manager / Director / Senior Management to ensure Council is fully aware of its OHS requirements and responsibilities. • Develop an OHS strategic framework with the aim to meet national OHS guidelines. • Coordinate specialised training for Council employees in OHS.

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Implement appropriate methods of Organise and facilitate bi-monthly OHS committee meetings held. communication and facilitate information to OHS Committee Meetings. A minimum of 3 OHS committee help all council members, staff and Council Organise and facilitate Bi monthly group inspections per year. contractors meet their OHS responsibilities. OHS site inspections. Carry out Routine Maintenance Conducted site specific OHS Activities induction annually. Inductions and Toolbox Talks. Conduct large project inductions Maintain Staff OHS notice boards. (capital works) as required. Update notice boards.

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2. Maintain Council OHS systems to meet Weekly meetings with relevant staff. Meetings undertaken. RTA G22M requirements. Conduct internal systems review and Annual internal systems review and facilitate RTA audits. RTA audit undertaken. 3. Further develop current OHS management Weekly meetings with relevant staff. Framework developed. plan for progression to national Conduct internal system review and RTA corrective action closed out. requirements. facilitate RTA audits.

4. Conduct regular on site inspections of works Undertake fortnightly OHS inspections Fortnightly inspections carried out. sites. (internal) using supervisor / gangers Checklist completed. fortnightly inspections. 5. Facilitate the review of existing OH&S On-going review. OHS policies reviewed and amended policies. as required. 6. New staff to receive Occupational Health Provide inductions and training as Inductions and training carried out. and Safety Induction and Site Specific required. training. 7. Review and enhance safe work method On-going review. Reviewed as required. statements and risk assessments in consultation with staff. 8. Help to maintain Council partnership with Maintain effective communication Liaise as required. the Cancer Council. with the Cancer Council. 9. Provide management with statistics on the Monitor incident and accidents and Information provided to management type of injury, lost time injuries and working time lost by staff. and trends and priority areas days lost to injury. determined.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $0 Operating Expenditure $63,400 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $0

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OBJECTIVES: To manage works staff to maximise their value to the Council. Provide professional engineering management and supervision for Council owned and controlled assets, i.e. roads, plant and equipment.

KEY ITEMS: • Engineering Supervision. • Plant and Vehicle Fleet Management. • Plant Mechanic maintenance and repair Workshop facility. • Road Safety Officer and Public Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP). • Works depot and stores supplies equipment.

GOALS: • Plan and coordinate works according to available resource including design criteria, community consultation and involvement of Staff and Councillors as necessary. • Provide (own or lease), and maintain an effective plant fleet for the purpose of undertaking Council works. • Provide a service in undertaking private works, and as a revenue source component, without compromising essential works and service obligations. • Maintain a plant replacement reserve for essential works construction and maintenance equipment. • Road Safety and awareness advertising and Pedestrian/Cycleway programs implementation.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Ensure plant items are purchased as per plant Purchase plant as approved in the Report to Tenders Committee and replacement schedule and within budget Management Plan. adoption of recommendations by constraints. Council for plant purchases.

2. Plan works using financial and costing Plan works using financial forecasting Expenditure monitored regularly and forecasting - liaise with Director of Finance and review regularly, ensuring that the quarterly reviews reported to Council. & Administration on a regular basis, refer General Manager is regularly results to General Manager. informed.

3. Create and implement Asset Management Progressively implement Asset Asset Management Plan adopted by Plan. Management Plan and annually Council, implemented and kept up-to- review. date. 4. Create and implement Risk Assessment Risk Management Plan to be adopted Progressively implement Risk Management Plan. by Council and kept up-to-date. Management Plan by 30 June 2009. 5. Identify skill areas for additional training Identify training requirements through Training requirements identified and e.g. first aid, chainsaw, flagman, waste performance review process and training provided. collection, water treatment, sewerage, provide training in accordance with powderman, surveying and levelling - allocation in the Management Plan. submit details to General Manager for approval (refer to Occupational Health and Safety Committee and Consultative Committee as information). 6. Conduct performance reviews in conjunction Undertake performance reviews All annual performance reviews to be with Human Resources Coordinator and annually. completed and signed-off by 30 April reissue job descriptions to staff – annually. each year. 7. Director undertakes identified management Undertake identified management Undertake training and participate in training and effectively participates in training and participate in Manex Manex meetings. Manex meetings. meetings. 8. Overtime and other work practices reviewed Overtime requirements and work Quarterly reviews undertaken. in accordance with Salary Administration practices reviewed quarterly.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment System – review during September, December and March quarters.

9. Conduct a review of delegations to Review delegations to Managers and Review completed. Managers and supervisors. Supervisors. 10. Undertake an annual review of the plant fleet Undertake annual review of plant fleet Review undertaken and reported to (including improvement options & and report to Council annually. Council. alternatives and plant hire rates). 11. Maintain all plant in a safe and operational Maintain plant fleet in a safe and Plant fleet maintained in a safe and condition in a cost effective manner. operational condition with registration operational condition in a cost effective for 95% of fleet by CED. effective manner and registered by CED. 12. Undertake sound fleet management Review and document fleet Review undertaken and reported to practices, including motor vehicles and management practices and report to Council annually. private use requirements. Council.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $143,100 Operating Expenditure $425,170 Capital Income $380,000 Capital Expenditure $1,031,500

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OBJECTIVES: To maintain the best possible department structure to meet organisational and budget requirements, to provide an improved service with respect to dog control activities and to implement an effective method of stock impounding.

KEY ITEMS: • Companion Animals Act. • Council’s Companion Animals Management Plan. • Impounding Act 1993. • Law Enforcement, Stock Control and Impounding.

GOALS: • All complaints received for straying animals are resolved to Council’s and the public’s satisfaction. • Ensure adequate resource is available to meet Council’s regulatory requirements. • Compliance with animal control legislation. • Review the role of Council in animal control matters and establish defined process.

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment Companion Animals 1. Review procedures for impounding and Review current procedures, investigate Report presented to Council by report to Council, including details of pound and determine pound requirements and December 2008. facilities. report to Council. 2. Register and identify companion animals as Report on companion animal Comply with legislative requirements required. registrations and report on fees paid on in registering animals. a monthly basis.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 3. Control companion animals within resources Proactive control of companion Comply with legislative requirements and legislation. animals. in registering animals. Stock Control 1. Review procedures for impounding and Review current procedures, investigate Report presented to Council by report to Council. and determine pound requirements. December, 2008.

2. Undertake impounding activities in Impound straying stock upon request. Impounding undertaken as required accordance with Impounding Act 1993 and within a timely and efficient manner. Council’s policies.

3. Report impounding activities to Council Director of Environment and Planning Impounding activities reported to twice yearly. to report to Council. Council annually in December and June respectively. 4. Implement a community awareness campaign Prepare advertising press releases for To be completed by December, 2008. relating to stock control activities. stock control in local media and Council newsletter. 5. Create stock control and impounding policies. Prepare policies and present to Policies to be adopted by Council and Council. implemented. Enforcement of Regulations 1. Provide information regarding relevant Ranger to provide information Provide Enforcement information regulations and enforce according to regarding relevant regulations and upon request of internal and external resources and assessed requirements - as update their knowledge in this field. customers. required.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $3,700 Operating Expenditure $64,000 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $4,500

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OBJECTIVES: To support the Local Emergency Management arrangement in Upper Lachlan Shire Council Local Government area in accordance with the State Emergency Rescue Management Act and Council’s Local Disaster Plan (DISPLAN).

KEY ITEMS: • Maintain a Local Emergency Management Officer (LEMO) to provide executive assistance and operational support to the LEOCON and the LEOC for Upper Lachlan Shire Council.

GOALS: • To maintain an emergency services unit within the Upper Lachlan Council Local Government area. • To provide human, plant, equipment and material resources, as available and as required, assisting during an emergency. • To provide expertise and technical support. • To provide executive support and other assistance to maintain the LEOC. • Support local recovery operations.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Ensure DISPLAN is current, review every 5 Review DISPLAN as required. DISPLAN review undertaken and years or after an operation. changes implemented as necessary.

2. Provide support to all emergency situations, Provide support to combat and support Support provided. including storm damage, land search agencies as determined by LEOCON. operations, communications, disaster rescue and food services in accordance with DISPLAN procedures.

3. Maintain close working relation with combat Liaise regularly with combat and Liaisons undertaken. and support agencies. support agencies.

Brief Councillors & staff on role of LEMC.

1. Keep Council informed of LEMC activities Report LEMC activities and support Report presented to Council annually. and roles of respective staff, combat and roles to Council. support agencies.

Program of support for LEMC Members

1. Hold LEMC meeting regularly. Schedule meetings as required. Regular meetings held.

2. Coordinate training opportunities for Coordinate training opportunities. Training undertaken. members.

3. Coordinate newsletter twice yearly for Coordinate newsletter. Newsletters provided to members. members.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 4. Replace SES vehicles in accordance with Replace SES vehicles in accordance SES vehicles replaced. Management Plan allocations and in with Management Plan allocations. consultation with Divisional Office.

Community Awareness and Other Activities

1. Promote activities through community Prepare media / press releases. As required promote activities at publications and Shire newsletter. minimum six monthly. 2. Assist with activities for special events Provide assistance activities for special Assistance provided as appropriate. where appropriate. (Festivals, Shows, events. Community Events etc).

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $0 Operating Expenditure $23,220 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $0

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OBJECTIVES: • Maintenance and development of health services and associated community education programs. • Provide efficient and effective administration and financial management of Environment Services Section activities and respond to community needs. • Manage, improve and protect the total environment to attain sustainable developments and attractive Shire lifestyle. • Pollution control and minimisation, water, air and soil.


Administration and Asset Management • Provide efficient and effective administration and financial management of environment services activities to respond to community needs. • Meet and exceed statutory requirements.

Public Health • Provide and manage public health services to enhance the health and safety of the community and minimise health risks. • Maintenance and development of health services and associated educational programs.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment Administration and Asset Management

1. Conduct performance reviews and reissue Prepare review questionnaire and Annual performance reviews to be job descriptions to all staff – annually. amend job descriptions to reflect work completed and signed-off by 30 April responsibilities. each year. 2. Review inspection procedures - regular Examine current procedures. Inspection procedures issued. monitoring. 3. Provide up to date customer information on Provide information as it becomes Information provided. local and regional health issues - as above. available. Public Health

1. Conduct inspections of retailers and service Conduct inspections. Inspections completed annually. providers – on annual basis. 2. Implement septic tank registers and conduct Prepare register and conduct Details entered in register and inspections – as required by Council’s On- inspections. inspections carried out. site Waste Management Strategy. 3. Conduct community/workforce education Seminars organised and successfully Report to Council as required. programs/seminars on major issues e.g. completed as required. waste management & recycling, lead & sharps awareness, hydatids, animal disposal. 4. Cooperate with Water & Sewerage Manager Water sampling carried out as required Samples forwarded for testing. to maintain water and sewerage and waste in accordance with required schedule. disposal standards - in accordance with Strategic Business Plans for Water and Sewerage. 5. Participate in Clean Up Australia Day. Notify relevant organization of Report submitted to Council after the participation. event. 6. Maintain records of contaminated land and Recorded details in appropriate Details recorded in appropriate Environmental Impact Studies. register. register.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 7. Provide information regarding insect and Provide and review information as Information provided to Council as vermin control as necessary. required. required.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $21,300 Operating Expenditure $104,650 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $0

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OBJECTIVES: To responsibly and effectively manage noxious weeds within our Upper Lachlan Shire Council to ensure that agricultural production, biodiversity and the environment is protected.

KEY ITEMS: • Noxious Weeds control and management. • Inspection of Noxious Weeds on private landholder’s properties. • Council annual Aerial Spraying Program. • Roadside control of noxious weeds.

GOALS: • Undertake a comprehensive and ongoing private property inspection program to promote the reduction of noxious weed infestations within the Shire. • To control all noxious weeds on Council owned lands including roadsides and reserves under the responsibility of Council. • Implement a planned communication strategy to educate landowners on noxious weed control and the most effective control methods. • Ensure Council is briefed / fully aware of which noxious weeds are established or are a potential risk to become established in Council’s Local Government area. • Ensure that Weed Officers obtain appropriate training to remain at the forefront of control strategies. • Work cooperatively with Government Agencies and neighbouring LCA’S to promote weed control within the Shire and region.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment

Monitor weed establishment through regular inspection of private property within the Shire. 1. Property inspections - the type and density of Implement inspection programme – Noxious weed infestations to be noxious weed infestations to be recorded – submit Grant Application to support recorded and mapped. Report to Council on a monthly base. programme. 2. Conduct surveys using both ground and Surveys to be undertaken September Document surveys undertaken and aerial methods to ensure inspection programs 2008 and April 2009. reported to Council by 31 May each are conducted in high weed priority areas. year. 3. Issue and follow up control notices on Undertake inspections and Maintain a register of inspections and noxious weed affected properties in enforcement where necessary and Notices. accordance with the Act and report activity report to Council. monthly to Council. 4. Arrange group aerial spraying programs. - as Arrange group aerial spraying Document program and report to required programs – as required. Council. 5. Maintain a register of inspections carried Maintain a register and submit to Maintain a register of inspections. out, identifying property owner, parish, as Council monthly. well as level of infestation – Report monthly to Council. Undertake noxious weeds control program on Council –owned land and roadsides. 1. Determine annual plan for weed control on Undertake annual noxious weed Document success of program and Council owner land and implement - monthly control program at appropriate times report to Council by 31 May each reporting and annual report. during the year. year.

Communicate effectively with Council residents, especially landowners about effective control of noxious weeds. 1.Identify opportunities to brief the community Undertake extension program to Document extension program. through field days, shows, festivals, inform the community on weed issues.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment newsletters and press releases. Report to Council on established noxious weeds within the Shire or weeds that have potential risk to become established. 1.Record weed incursions and encourage shire Provide extension program and weed Document weed incursions - report to residents to report outbreaks of new weeds identification service. Council by 31 May each year. infestations via extension program. Provide an appropriate training program for Weed Officers to enable effective weed control information is provided to landholders. 1.Provide a training program for Council’s Provide resources for ongoing training Register of training achieved Weed Officers in line with Department of program. maintained. Primary Industries training program. Liaise with adjoining councils and agencies and attend regular forums and contribute to Southern Tablelands and South Coast Noxious Weeds Committee. 1. Identify opportunities to maximise resources Communicate regularly and meet with Ongoing communication and for control of noxious weed in conjunction adjoining Council’s on weed control meetings. with adjoining Council’s. issues 2. Inspect lands under the responsibility of Conduct surveys/inspections of lands Ongoing surveys / inspections Government Agencies and liaise with under the responsibility Government conducted and documented. Agencies regarding control programs. Agencies and provide feedback.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $202,850 Operating Expenditure $423,200 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $12,000

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OBJECTIVES: Facilitate and support programs and initiatives that provide or improve upon community services for the residents of the LGA and act as a conduit when required to resolve community concerns.

KEY ITEMS: • Council owns the Medical / Community Centre at the Old Gunning Courthouse and Banfield House in Crookwell and provides financial assistance for these operations and maintains the buildings and landscaped areas. • Community Transport Services. • Home and Community Care (HACC).

GOALS: • Ensure that community consultation is actively pursued as a means of involving the community in decision making, as well as ensuring the community is aware of the various community services available within Upper Lachlan Local Government area (LGA). • To facilitate the commencement of an integrated Medical Centre at the Banfield House site for the benefit of the entire Shire communities.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Buildings are maintained in an acceptable Maintenance work carried out as Condition of buildings maintained. condition. required within budget. 2. Grounds maintained monthly during summer Director of Works notified of Work carried out as per schedule. (November to March) and each 2nd month requirement. otherwise. 3. Liaise with groups operating from the Arrange regular meetings. Meetings conducted as appropriate. buildings, including:- Health Service, Home and Community Care and doctor. 4. Complete acquittal of Banfield House grant Grant acquitted with unqualified audit Report to Council upon completion of funding from Department of Transport and report. Banfield House grant acquittal and Regional Services. provide project overview summary report. 5. Arrange for lease of Banfield House to Lease documentation prepared by Lease agreement signed by both Health Care Centre Inc. Council’s solicitors. parties, monthly payments commence. 6. Conduct OH & S self audit program. Prepare audit program. Audit to be completed. 7. Reports presented to Council annually on Prepare reports. Reports submitted to Council annually activities and operational aspects of these by 30 September by General Manager. assets. 8. Council will pay the following:- Director of Finance to arrange Regular payment made to Doctor. Contribution for Health Service $10,000. reimbursement and payment of agreed Travel Contributions to Doctor $3,000. subsidy. 9. Council will make annual contributions to:- Director of Finance to arrange Section Make timely payment to relevant Southern Tablelands Regional Arts Council 356 contribution in a timely manner. parties. Southern Tablelands Rural Counselling.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $42,040 Operating Expenditure $129,160 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $0

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OBJECTIVES: To provide a level of housing stock for Council’s requirements and to undertake regular maintenance, whilst reviewing Council’s investment in housing and replacement needs.

KEY ITEMS: • Availability of suitable housing for senior management employees. • Regular inspection of housing by independent real estate agent.

GOALS: • Determine maintenance program and implement the program. • Determine current needs. • Review investment strategies.

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Routine maintenance (on a needs basis). Inspection of properties. Routine maintenance carried out within budget. 2. Rental returns - according to market with Monitor market rentals - Director of Reported to General Manager by annual reassessment. Finance and Administration report. August annually. 3. Review Agent Management arrangements. Arrangements examined. Adjustments made as necessary.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $16,640 Operating Expenditure $34,660 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $66,000

NOTE: Director of Environment and Planning is to coordinate activities and advise the General Manager.

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OBJECTIVES: To provide strategic planning services that will achieve economic, development, environmental and planning goal with community consultation. To manage and facilitate strategic planning and the development of Council assets, providing regulatory and statutory inspections and a building approval service, within an acceptable environmental plan.

KEY ITEMS: • Local Environmental Plan (LEP). • Development Control Plans (DCP). • Section 94 Development Contribution Plans (S94). • Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.

GOALS: • Provide strategic town planning services to achieve economic development and sound environmental planning. • Improve the amenity and quality of the urban streetscapes. • Improve the availability and quality of land information within the Shire through surveillance and inspection. • Management of Local Environmental Plans. • Management of Development Control Plans and also including Heritage Management.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Develop and establish the Upper Lachlan Necessary studies to be undertaken. LEP gazetted during 2008/2009 Local Environmental Plan 2008 2. Prepare Development Control Plan. Prepare draft document and arrange DCP completed prior to 30 June, consultation. 2009. 3. Section 94 Contributions Plan annual review Director of Environment & Planning to Section 94 Plan reviewed, amended - report to Council. undertake review of Section 94 Plan. and adopted by Council. 4. Process integrated and/or designated Application to be processed in Applications determined. development applications and issue accordance with Act. certificates. 5. Oversee town planning services to achieve Development applications being Applications being determined within economic development and sound processed. prescribed time frame. environmental planning – as required. 6. Rural Addressing – review gazettal of road Undertake review of road and locality Names gazetted as required and names and locations. names. completed. 7. Review and develop amendments to the Amendments considered as necessary. Amendments incorporated into LEP Upper Lachlan Local Environment Plan and reported to Council where and 2008. when appropriate. 8. Review Guidelines for exempt and Review completed. Amendments made as necessary. complying development as part of LEP process.

9. Investigate and prepare strategy for street Prepare strategy. Strategy adopted by Council. numbering of addresses in Crookwell and other villages.

10. Implementation of strategic planning process Examine existing processes. Adjust processes as required. that addresses rural land use planning issues. 11. Review Advertising Sign Policy in Examine current policy. Policy amended as necessary. accordance with legislative provisions and as determined by Council.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 12. Review policy direction for Wind Farms Examine current policy. Amend policy as necessary. within the LGA. 13. Review and develop a DCP for Chicken Prepare draft DCP. Revised DCP adopted by Council. Farms within the LGA. 14. Director undertakes identified management Training courses identified. Courses completed. training and effectively participates in Manex meetings. 15. Creation of a Development Application Prepare flowchart. Flowchart completed. handling flowchart.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $159,750 Operating Expenditure $327,280 Capital Income $333,300 Capital Expenditure $100,000

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OBJECTIVES: To carry out activities to ensure a clean, and healthy streetscape environment, particularly within existing commercial areas. To carry out waste landfill activities to provide a useable facility for residents and others (subject to payment of fees).

KEY ITEMS: • Compliance with Local Government Act, 1993, public health & legislative requirements. • Waste & litter bin collections. • Street & gutter cleaning. • Rubbish tips maintenance / waste landfill activities. • Strategic Waste Management Plan.

GOALS: • To maintain a restoration and remediation reserve for all rubbish tip (landfill) sites in the Shire in accordance with relevant legislation. • Ensure litter bin collections are carried out weekly. • Effective environmental management of waste landfill sites. • To ensure regular maintenance and compaction of rubbish tips (landfill sites) throughout the Shire.

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Public waste and litter bins are collected Schedule updated as required and Collection undertaken by waste according to schedule. provided to waste collection collection contractor in accordance contractor. with schedule. 2. Streets & gutter cleaning undertaken in Street & gutter cleaning schedules Street and gutter cleaning undertaken Crookwell in accordance with schedule. reviewed as necessary. in accordance with schedules.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 3. Village streets & gutter cleaning is to be Street & gutter cleaning undertaken Street and gutter cleaning undertaken carried out at least annually, with attention to annually within village areas. in village areas at least once each year. public health issues. Provide submission for restoration & Street and gutter cleaning undertaken Ensure a provision for restoration / remediation of landfill sites for in accordance with schedules. remediation of the Shire’s landfill sites is consideration in Management Plan Provision made in Management Plan. maintained. process. 4. Waste Management Strategy:- Implement identified strategic waste Strategies and KPI implemented. Implement Strategic Waste Management operations and KPIs in accordance Plan in accordance with budget allocations. with the adopted strategy and funding allocations. 5. Maintain and encourage recycling Drum muster facilities available. Drum muster collection undertaken. opportunity through:- Oil recycling facilities available. Oil recycling undertaken. Drum muster program. Waste recycling continued. Waste recycling undertaken. Oil recycling. Waste streaming encouraged. Waste streaming undertaken. Other waste recycling. Waste streaming. 6. Carry out waste landfill operations and Undertake landfill operations in Landfill operations undertaken. improvements in accordance with adopted accordance with the adopted waste management plan, waste management strategy, management plan, public strategy adopted, public health & legislative health and legislative requirements. requirements. 7. Maintain waste transfer station at Taralga. Continue waste transfer operations. Waste transfer operations satisfactorily undertaken in Taralga.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $332,920 Operating Expenditure $236,785 Capital Income $25,000 Capital Expenditure $36,977

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OBJECTIVES: To provide services and maintain facilities for the safe collection, disposal and recycling of waste, which is efficient and effective. To provide reliable, cost effective, environmentally acceptable waste disposal facilities / systems that meet legislative requirements and the needs of the community.

KEY ITEMS: • Weekly Domestic Waste Collection Service. • Fortnightly Recyclables Collection Service. • Increased focus on waste education and awareness for all ratepayers. • Ongoing waste contract and strategy for entire Shire waste collection and recycling services.

GOALS: • To implement and maintain safe garbage collection service to all urban areas. • To maintain and operate environmentally safe waste depots throughout the Council area. • To provide a fortnightly recycling service and facility to achieve significant waste reduction. • To initiate and promote safe disposal of material potentially hazardous to public, animal and plant health. • Increased focus on cost recovery for waste management services. • Progressive rehabilitation / renewals of rubbish tip sites. • Increased focus on waste avoidance and resource recovery.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Council to finalise the Domestic Waste Implement waste strategy in Identified and funded strategies Management Strategy and carry out public accordance with Management Plan completed. consultation program. allocations. 2. Council to provide services for the provision Effective manage the waste collection Director of Works and Operations to of domestic waste and recycling services for pick-up service on a weekly basis. annually review the service operations all the Shire towns and villages. Provide and report to Council. collection service to property owners on the collection routes 3. Future Domestic Waste Management Establish a sinking fund in the budget. Fund established. Service Charge includes a disposal cost as a costed entity. 4. Investigate existing Domestic Waste Undertaken as part of Waste Strategy. Council to adopt Waste Strategy for Services supplied to towns and villages to the Shire. ensure that the service supplied meets with community needs. 5. Implement short-term waste management Implement short term strategies as Strategies implemented. plan for the Council waste depot facilities as identified in the waste strategy and identified and adopted in the waste funded in the Management Plan. management strategy.

6. Implement within medium-term waste Implement medium term strategies as Strategies implemented as funding management plan for the Council waste identified in the waste strategy and as becomes available. depot facilities as identified and adopted they are funded in the Management from the waste management strategy. Plan.

7. Progress long-term waste management plan Implement long term strategies as Strategies implemented as funding is for the Council waste depot facilities as identified in the waste strategy and allocated in future management plan. identified and adopted from the waste funded in the Management Plan. management strategy.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 8. Review charge structure and establish Review waste charge structure and Waste charge structure reviewed and defined “development policy” for use of prepare development policy. development policy adopted by Domestic Waste Management funds. Council. 9. Investigate and research waste reduction and Investigate and waste reduction and Waste reduction and recycling best recycling practices as identified within the recycling best practice as funded in the practices implemented. waste management strategy as adopted by management plan and implement. Council and implement within the allocated resources.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $654,829 Operating Expenditure $654,829 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $65,210

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OBJECTIVES: Improve the amenity of village areas by the provision of stormwater and drainage assets to reduce flooding and improvement of public health and safety.

KEY ITEMS: • Kerb & guttering construction and maintenance. • Stormwater drainage construction and maintenance. • Maintain urban drainage systems.

GOALS: • Creation and implementation of Stormwater / Drainage Action Plans in the following towns:- 1. Crookwell 2. Collector 3. Gunning 4. Taralga • Levy all Residential and Business properties for the abovementioned towns with an Annual Stormwater Charge.

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. A schedule is to be prepared to carry out Schedule prepared and issued to Maintenance activities undertaken in annual drainage maintenance within all supervisors. accordance with schedule. towns and villages in accordance with stormwater management plan allocation.

2. Carry out other works as required, Undertake maintenance and other Works undertaken reported to particularly during periods of wet weather - additional works as necessary and Council. as determined and report to Council for present reports to Council. information.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 3. Construct new drainage infrastructure Construct new drainage assets in New drainage assets constructed. according to the needs and resources accordance with adopted Management allocated by Council. Plan.

4. Construct new drainage assets and works Construct new Stormwater drainage New Stormwater works constructed. funded from income raised by the annual assets and associated works. Stormwater Annual Charge.

5. Prepare Stormwater Drainage Action Plans Prepare Stormwater Drainage Action Stormwater Drainage Action Plans towns and villages where Stormwater Plan. prepare. Annual Charges apply. 6. Stormwater Management services will Undertake new stormwater works New Stormwater works completed. include the planning, construction and identified in annual Stormwater Action maintenance of drainage systems, including Plans for which funding allocations pipes, channels, retarding basins and have been made in the Management waterways receiving urban stormwater. Plan. Other activities include gross pollutant traps and treatment for constructed wetlands.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $41,550 Operating Expenditure $52,000 Capital Income $40,000 Capital Expenditure $85,000

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OBJECTIVES: Ensure that Council protects the environment through the implementation of policies and the enforcement of regulatory requirements.

KEY ITEMS: • State of the Environment Reporting. • Customer response times. • Actively participate in activities, which reflect concern for the environment.

GOALS: • Monitoring the Shire environment and responding to information and complaints from the community.

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Completion of State of the Environment Information compiled. Information included on-time every Report - updates as required for Council’s year in Annual Report by 30 Annual Report and regional reporting September. annually. 2. Availability of CD Rom for Regional State Prepare CD Rom. Advertise availability bi-annually. of Environment Report – ensure availability is regularly advertised. 3. Participate in Regional Reporting Studies Submit information as necessary. Information provided. e.g. Regional Vegetation Management. 4. Removal and disposal of abandoned Issue notices as required. Abandoned vehicles removed. vehicles.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 5. To monitor and inspect natural and man- Inspections carried out as required. Inspections completed. made development in the LGA in accordance with regulatory requirements. 6. To respond to new legislative requirements. Monitor changes in legislation. Changes implemented as required. 7. Assist with the endeavours and grant Assistance provided as necessary. Assistance provided. applications of Total Catchment Management and Landcare Groups. 8. To assist in monitoring salinity levels in Assistance provided as necessary. Assistance provided. conjunction with Department of Infrastructure Planning & Natural resources. 9. To facilitate grant applications for funding Assistance provided as necessary. Assistance provided. for forestry program in tussock areas. 10. Implementation of On-site Sewerage Prepare strategy. Strategy implemented. Management Strategy. 11. To participate in programs which are Monitor programs. Participation as required. beneficial to Council and the community.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $300 Operating Expenditure $30,500 Capital Income $22,200 Capital Expenditure $37,000

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OBJECTIVES: To efficiently and discreetly manage all public cemeteries in consultation with the community.

KEY ITEMS: • Cemetery Management. • Grave Digging. • Section 355 Cemetery Committees of Council.

GOALS: • To ensure maintenance of pubic cemeteries is undertaken regularly. • To liaise with the local communities. • Prepare a Cemeteries Management Plan for the operation of the individual cemeteries. • To maintain the individual cemeteries burial and reservations public registers. • To facilitate the booking of burial plots for the future. • Provide adequate plaque beam facilities.

NOTE: Refer to Fees & Charges Schedule for cost details.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Undertake operational activities in Council Undertake operational activities at Operation activities undertaken as controlled cemeteries at:- Council controlled cemeteries in necessary. • Binda accordance with allocations in the • Bigga Management Plan. • Crookwell • Dalton • Gunning • • Taralga • Tuena

2. Undertake maintenance activities according Prepare schedule of maintenance Maintenance activities undertaken in to the schedule adopted for cemeteries. activities and issue to supervisors. accordance with schedule. 3. Prepare Management Plans for all Council Prepare Management Plan for all Management Plans adopted. controlled cemeteries. Council controlled cemeteries. 4. Apply adopted fees / charges associated with Apply adopted fees and charges. Fees and charges applied. cemetery operations and maintain records for Maintain record for public access. Records maintained. public access, historical and / or archival purposes. 5. Ensure reservations are documented & Maintain burial and reservations Register maintained. maintained as per Council policies. register. 6. Carry out grave digging activities as Undertake burials. Burial undertaken as required. required.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $54,200 Operating Expenditure $65,220 Capital Income $10,000 Capital Expenditure $20,000

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OBJECTIVES: To provide clean, neat and tidy public conveniences to be utilised by the public at all towns and selected villages within the Shire.

KEY ITEMS: • Public toilets and associated convenience facilities.

GOALS: • To maintain public toilets to an acceptable standard.

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Maintain toilet facilities to acceptable levels Monitor compliance for maintenance Toilets maintained to acceptable level of cleanliness and according to health of toilet facilities to acceptable level of of cleanliness and compliance with requirements. cleanliness and public health public health requirements. requirements. 2. Undertake maintenance activities according Review toilet facilities maintenance Toilet facilities maintained in to agreed schedule. schedule and issue to supervisors. accordance with schedule.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $0 Operating Expenditure $92,090 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $0

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OBJECTIVE / MISSION STATEMENT: To provide quality public library services, programs and resources to best meet the recreational, informational, educational and cultural needs of our community. Ensure the library services are efficient, client-focused and responsive to community needs.

KEY ITEMS: • Participation in the Southern Tablelands Regional Library (STRL). • Branch Library Services at Crookwell and Gunning.

GOALS: • Maximise the library services to the community within resource allocation. • Participation in the STRL Agreement. • Maintain membership of STRL and coordinate branch library operations including staff, resources, services and facilities.

Contact details for Upper Lachlan Shire Council Branch Libraries:- Crookwell Library: Gunning Library: Phone/fax (02) 4832 1048 Phone/fax (02) 4845 1231 [email protected] [email protected]

SOUTHERN TABLELANDS REGIONAL LIBRARY (STRL): Details of all Council’s obligations and entitlements through the STRL can be sourced from the STRL SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT 2007-2012. Note: Further information detailing activities and financial details can be sourced from the 2008/2009 STRL Management Plan at:

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 81 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 Both Crookwell and Gunning Libraries provide free internet access and have developed operational protocols in conjunction with the STRL service guidelines. Further information on Upper Lachlan Shire library services is available at Information detailing library policies, activities and the Customer Service Charter can be sourced from the STRL website at


Crookwell Branch Library:- Gunning Branch Library:- Monday 11.00 am - 5.30 pm Monday CLOSED Tuesday 11.00 am - 5.30 pm Tuesday 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm Wednesday 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm Wednesday 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm Thursday 11.00 am - 5.30 pm Thursday 1.30 pm - 5.00 pm Friday 11.00 am - 5.30 pm Friday 10.00 am - 5.30 pm Saturday 10.00 am - 12 noon Saturday CLOSED

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. To provide Quarterly Reports for branch Library Manager to complete and report Reported to Council twenty one days library services to STRL Committee and to Council quarterly. after end of each quarter and as per Council. STRL Agreement. 2. To complete Annual NSW State Library To be completed annually. Completed by NSW State Library Return of Local Priority Grant Report and deadline. Statement of Library Operations. 3. Provide quarterly STRL contribution Process payment quarterly. Paid as per STRL Agreement. payments to the STRL Executive Council. 4. Provide easy and equitable access to Comply with STRL Customer Service Monitor feedback on customer information, relevant resources and Charter; review and evaluate customer satisfaction; maximum utilisation of technology, including clients with special needs; implement new and relevant library services, resources, programs needs. technologies. Develop annual user and facilities – STRL Annual Report education program. statistical comparison.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 5. Increase Crookwell and Gunning library Implement annual schedule of collection Monitor usage and report to Council, services, membership and maintain high displays, events and activities. Provide quarterly (Loans, Membership, levels of library usage by the community. the best possible resources and services Visitors and Internet usage compared within budgetary limitations. with previous year) Benchmark against other NSW public libraries. 6. Review and evaluate customer needs in Monitor feedback on needs from the Maximise customer satisfaction. order to deliver a range of library services community. Analyse 2006 Census Annual comparison of usage statistics. and resources tailored to meet the needs of results re: demographics of community Optimised expenditure of resources the community. and statistical information re library budget. membership and usage of the collection and services. 7. Optimise usage of library collections Regular transfers of popular resources Maximum usage of targeted resources through inter-branch resource sharing between Crookwell and Gunning achieved. Number of transfers initiatives. Libraries. included in quarterly report. Annual statistical analysis of usage of specific collection areas e.g. magazines etc. 8. Provide friendly, efficient and valuable Implement STRL Customer Service Monitor customer satisfaction. customer focused service, operating in-line Charter. Provide access to relevant staff Increased library membership. with the STRL Customer Service Charter. training programs and ensure all staff Development of a happy, friendly and attend STRL training sessions. highly motivated team that provides high quality service. 9. Implement and maintain new and relevant In co-operation with ULSC and STRL Relevant information technology technologies, providing access to online IT staff, implement relevant parts of provided to meet client needs. resources and word processing facilities. STRL IT Plan. Submit technology Computer usage reported quarterly items for consideration in annual budget and annual comparison of statistics. estimates. Breakdowns are attended to in a timely manner.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 10. Use technology in an innovative and Maintenance and upgrade of STRL Annual comparison of statistical efficient way to continuously improve website and online catalogue. Provide information re usage of online personalised and remote access to online access to selection of online databases services. services. through NSW.Net database packages.

11. Provide staff with the appropriate skills and Involve staff in all areas of library All staff in attendance at STRL expertise to deliver our information management and services. Provide staff training sessions. Staff training products and services. with relevant, ongoing training and outlined in quarterly report. Staff professional development opportunities. competent in all areas of duties. 12. Ensure branch library service standards are Maintain library opening hours. Ensure All new purchases to be available for no less than recommended by NSW funding levels on library resources are loan within agreed timeframes. Library Council. maintained as per STRL Agreement. Endeavour to achieve target of Maintain membership to STRL and collections being less than 10.5 years fully utilise all areas of service provision old within 10% of the NSW State under the Agreement. average.

13. Provision of a range of services aimed at Maintain and develop programs and Increased community participation various target audiences including Adults services for specific client groups e.g. and involvement in Library services and Youth. Home Library Service, HSC collection, and programs. Enhanced community Story Time. Review STRL Web Branch perception and appreciation of library i.e. Young People’s Web pages. services.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $46,300 Operating Expenditure $316,810 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $20,600

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OBJECTIVES: Develop, with community input, sound and appropriate management plans and strategies for all community halls, buildings, associated facilities and land under Council’s ownership and control.

KEY ITEMS: Maintenance for public use of the following facilities:- • Shire Hall at Gunning. • Old Gunning Courthouse. • Pye Cottage Museum. • Binda Hall. • Bigga Hall. • Crookwell Memorial Hall. • Taralga Memorial Hall • Tuena Hall. • Shire Social and Community Plan. • Shire Cultural Plan.

GOALS: • Provide accurate estimates covering the cost of adequately insuring the halls, paying their rates and charges. • To provide funding for future structural maintenance and improvements to Council facilities. • Develop, with community input, appropriate cultural strategies for the Council LGA, and associated facilities under Council’s control.


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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Carry out routine maintenance of facilities. Routine maintenance. Routine maintenance undertaken. 2. Collect fees for usage – as required. Council to charge private users of Adoption of Fees and Charges public facilities. annually. 3. Advise of usage and operational aspects Monitor usage and operations and Monitoring undertaken and reports through regular reports to Council. regularly report to Council. made to Council. 4. Establish and /or liaise with community Liaise with community groups & Consultation undertaken with based groups and /or Committees with stakeholders with regard to operations community groups and stakeholders. respect to operational aspects, including and long term management proposals. longer-term management of the facilities. 5. Prepare Plans of Management including Prepare Management Plans Management Plans and strategies appropriate management strategies where incorporation strategies for Council adopted by Council by July 2008. Council is trustee of land. controlled land. 6. Review Social and Community Plan for Director of Environment and Planning Report to Council annually. Council. to review the Plan. 7. Prepare a Cultural Plan for Council. Director of Environment and Planning Report to Council by December 2008. to complete Cultural Plan. 8. Levy a Special Rate to cover the cost of Director of Finance and Levy Special Hall Rate by 21 July Binda and Bigga Hall operations and Administration to ensure special rate is annually. Committee transfers. levied. 9. Implementation of effective Section 355 Hall Ensure Committees of Council meet Section 355 Committee meeting Committee arrangements. Council requirements as per adopted minutes and Annual General Section 355 Policy and Procedures. Meeting’s minutes are reported to Council monthly. 10. Ensure adequate insurance is held at all Director of Finance and Update property schedule annually by times. Administration to maintain property 15 May. insurance schedules.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $20,950 Operating Expenditure $173,080 Capital Income $46,800 Capital Expenditure $136,000

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The Crookwell and Gunning swimming pools are operated under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the relevant contracted pool attendants.

OBJECTIVES: Council’s present operations are to provide appropriate trained personnel, on a seasonal basis, to operate and maintain the swimming pools and grounds at Crookwell and Gunning to an acceptable and safe standard. Opening hours are adjusted to optimise patronage. All staff has life saving qualifications.

KEY ITEMS: • Swimming Pool facilities at Crookwell and Gunning. • Public health and safety. • Occupational health and safety. • Maintenance and serviceability. • Long-term use and viability. • Equity of access. • Organised activities.

GOALS: • To provide safe and accessible swimming pools for the community. • To maintain water quality in accordance with health requirements. • To operate and maintain existing swimming pools and associated infrastructure. • Council to be responsive to user requirements.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Ensure that a MOU is in place for the Review MOUs for swimming pool MOUs amended as necessary and are Crookwell and Gunning swimming pools so operations. in place. that pool can be opened by early November. 2. Guidelines will be reassessed prior to the Review guidelines and report to Guidelines to be adopted by Council next swimming season (generally November Council. by September. to March inclusive). 3. Patronage records to be developed and Maintain patronage records. Records maintained. maintained. 4. School and department of Education Annual bookings schedule complete Bookings schedule completed October bookings are scheduled in advance. prior to pool opening. 5. Usage by special groups. Encourage and provide opportunities Records of special user groups for special user group access. maintained. 6. Maintain high level of public access and Encourage use through promotion and Patronage records maintained. optimise patronage. organising special events & activities. 7. Pool safety – water testing undertaken in Daily water tests taken. Sample compliance. accordance with best management practices. 8. Grounds are maintained to a high standard. Grounds maintenance standard Regular inspection of grounds during included in MOU. swimming season. 9. Satisfactory staffing arrangements are in Adhere to Department of Local Compliance with guidelines. place to meet OH&S responsibilities whilst Government Practice Note 15 in pools are open to the public. respect to appropriate staffing levels. 10. Report to Council operational costs and Maintain expenditure records, together Report to Council. activities twice per season. with patronage and chemical usage. 11. Community responses to organised Provide community feedback forms at Community feedback. activities. the swimming pools. INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $0 Operating Expenditure $123,600 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $12,000

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OBJECTIVES: To maintain passive and active recreation areas for the enjoyment of local residents and visitors. To continue to assess the needs for development of facilities in urban and rural areas.

KEY ITEMS: • Sporting Grounds, Parks and Gardens. • Community and special events. • Annual Shows. • District, Regional and State competitions.

GOALS: • To provide quality recreational facilities such as parks, gardens and sporting ground facilities that are available for community use. • Maintenance of all public facilities and playground equipment. • Consultation with stakeholders and user groups / sports associations. • Comply with relevant OH&S requirements.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. During summer (October to February) Undertake monthly mowing as Mowing undertaken as per schedule. monthly mowing of grass at the following specified or as required subject to locations: Dalton, Gunning, Collector, resources and Management Plan Crookwell and Taralga as resources and allocation. funding permit. 2. During winter (March to September) Undertake mowing as required subject Mowing undertaken as per schedule. mowing of grass at the following locations to resources and Management Plan as required: Dalton, Gunning, Collector, allocation. Crookwell and Taralga. 3. At the following locations mowing as Undertake as specified or as required Mowing undertaken as per schedule. required but at least every 3 months: Jerrawa subject to resources and Management and Breadalbane as resources and funds Plan allocation. permit. 4. The villages of Binda, Bigga and Tuena have Monitor use and performance of Community mowers use and been supplied with a ride-on mower to allow community mowers. performance monitored. the local community to undertake mowing as required. 5. Implement user pays fees and charges to Implement adopted fees and charges. Fees and charges implemented alleviate level of running costs expenditure. annually. 6. Conduct Playing Fields Committee meeting Schedule Playing Fields Committee Meetings held as per schedule. twice annually or as required. meetings by-annually or as required. 7. Prepare Plans of Management including Prepare Management Plans and Management Plans adopted. appropriate management strategies where present to Council. Council is trustee of land.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $13,600 Operating Expenditure $434,970 Capital Income $40,000 Capital Expenditure $77,000

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OBJECTIVES: Amenity, Building Control and Public Safety • Process applications, and issue certificates and consents for building and planning developments. • Develop and promote energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gases in the built environment.

Administration • Provide efficient and effective administration as well as financial management of environmental services activities in order to respond to community needs in accordance with legislative requirements.

KEY ITEMS: • Building Control. • Inspections. • Approval service and advice. • Gravel Pit maintenance.

GOALS: • Ensure that Council meets its statutory planning and building control responsibilities in accordance with legislative requirements and Council policies. • Ensure that Council maintains adequate reserves for restoration and remediation of gravel pits and quarries that are under contract.

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Develop local approval policies and Policies and guidelines developed as Policies and guidelines adopted by guidelines, i.e. heritage, environment, energy required. Council. etc. – developed as deemed necessary.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 2. Implement procedures for processing Develop procedures. Procedures implemented. integrated development applications. 3. Update and utilise checklists for inspection Examine current checklists. Amend checklist as required. procedures – as required. 4. Review dwelling and other structure Statistics obtained. Information reported to Council on a constructions. monthly basis. 5. Carry out inspections on construction sites as Inspections undertaken as required. Inspections completed. required by legislation and to protect Council/Community interests. 6. Monitor and regulate solid fuel heating Inspections undertaken as required. Installations undertaken in accordance installations – installation inspections with regulations. undertaken. 7. Ensure rehabilitation works at Prepare rehabilitation plans. Works undertaken in accordance with quarries/gravel pits have sufficient funding budget. to enable rehabilitation. 8. Ensure quarry management plans and Prepare plans. Plans adopted by Council. relevant safety plans are in place. 9. Ensure quarry operations comply with Prepare operations plan. Operation of quarries monitored and legislative and environmental guidelines. operated in accordance with plan. 10. Prepare long term restoration and Progressively prepare restoration and Plan implemented within allocation in rehabilitation plan for existing quarries and rehabilitation plans for quarries Management Plan. implement as funding is allocated in operated by Council. Management Plan.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $719,850 Operating Expenditure $776,700 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $0

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OBJECTIVES: To plan priorities for roads, bridges and associated structures, their development and maintenance within available resources and to seek greater funding opportunities within and outside the Shire.

KEY ITEMS: • Sealed and Unsealed Urban Roads – Local. • Sealed Rural Roads – Local. • Sealed Rural Roads – Regional. • Unsealed Rural Roads – Local. • Unsealed Rural Roads – Regional. • Bridges – Rural and Urban Roads – Regional. • Bridges – Rural and Urban Roads – Local. • RTA State Road MR54 (SIMC) contract and associated works. • Roads to Recovery Federal Government Programme. • Footpaths. • Street lighting. • Bus Shelters.

GOALS: • Improve the State and Regional Road network by forward planning, design and survey of new construction. • Meet the requirements of the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) SIMC contractual arrangements and funding programmes. • Meet the requirements of the Federal Government for the Roads to Recovery funding programme. • Meet the requirements of the Federal Government for the Auslink MR248W Boorowa Road reconstruction and sealing works funding programme. • Complete construction works for the Regional Roads Timber Bridge Replacement Program.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment Road & Associated Infrastructure • Call & evaluate tenders for civil works where • Call & evaluate tenders as • Tenders evaluated and let. required. required. • Supervise Council and State Government • Satisfactory SIMC performance civil infrastructure works. • Provide adequate resources to report and compliance with supervise works in accordance Council and RTA requirements. with SIMC and Regional Roads Block Grant and Council • Manage and promote private works. requirements. • Private works sought and • Be proactive in seeking and undertaken. • Manage multi-skilled workforce, plant and managing private works. • Meetings held and reviews equipment, contractors and suppliers. • Hold fortnightly works meetings undertaken. involving key operational staff and review and plan works program • Provide advice regarding subdivision and progress. • Development works completed in development and undertake inspections. • Provide advice and review accordance with Council’s development applications and carry specifications and guidelines. • Review annual construction and maintenance out inspections as necessary. • Review undertaken. programs. • Undertake review of annual construction and maintenance programs. 1. Review construction and maintenance Review programs and report progress Progress reported to Council on programs annually - report progress to to Council. monthly basis. Council on a monthly basis. 2. Identify additional resources required for Identify additional resource Additional resource requirements increased workloads – when and if required. requirements as necessary. identified and procured.

3. Prepare work programs: Roads (within 3-4 year plan), forward Prepare 4 year forward program for 4 year forward program for RTA RRP planning of the RTA Road Repair Program. RTA Road Repair Program. completed.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment Plant and equipment (within 10 year Prepare 10 year plant & equipment 10 year plant and equipment projected plan). replacement program. replacement program completed. Document fleet management practices. Document fleet management practices. Documentation of fleet management practices completed. 4. Work priorities determined by objective Provide adequate resources to Resources provided and road defects needs based on risk and analysis procedures. complete risk assessments for road documented and priorities and assets. determined. 5. Timely response provided to unsafe traffic Respond in a timely manner to unsafe Unsafe traffic conditions attended to conditions in consultation, coordination with traffic conditions and priorities actions. in a timely manner. other authorities – as required. Key Staff allocated as On Call. On call staff at Gunning and Crookwell Depots with authority to call out required staff. 6. Continued community access facilitated and Provide access to public lands for Access provided within funding enjoyment of public lands throughout the community purposes within allocation. allocations. Council LGA.

7. Council will utilise the adopted Roads Provide adequate resources to Listing completed. Hierarchy Classification as well as providing complete priority listing and conduct an annual priority listing through annual review of hierarchy system and consideration of the Management Plan. Council is updated on the system.

8. Rehabilitate pavement subject to availability Undertake pavement rehabilitation Pavement rehabilitation completed. of funds. within funding allocation.

9. Unsealed roads graded in accordance with Maintenance grading of unsealed roads Unsealed roads graded in accordance adopted maintenance schedule. scheduled in accordance with road with road hierarchy system and hierarchy system and inspections. Management Plan and resource availability. 10. Gravel resheeting programme submitted to Prepare program for allocated funds Program adopted by Council annually Council. and report to Council. by 31 August.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 11. All grant funds expended as a works Works involving grant funds Works undertaken in accordance with program priority to permit access to any expenditure prioritized and undertaken prioritisation. second round / additional funding subject to weather conditions and opportunities arising. resources permitting. 12. Compliance with Single Invitation Undertake works State Road works in Works completed in accordance with Maintenance Contract (SIMC) system. accordance with SIMC. SIMC provisions. 13. Continuation of ongoing minor culvert Undertake minor culvert construction Minor culvert program undertaken program. program in accordance with funding within allocation. allocation in Management Plan. 14. Continuation of annual footpath replacement Undertake annual footpath Footpath replacement program program. replacement program within allocation undertaken within allocation. in Management Plan. 15. Continuance of line of sight programs, with Undertake clearing and line of sight Clearing and line of sight works particular emphasis on bus routes. works with general priority for school undertaken within allocation. bus routes.

16. All programs are subject to availability of Regularly monitor works program Monitoring of programs undertaken funding allocations. progression and expenditures and and reported to Council. reported to Council.

17. Creation and implementation of a Footpath Prepare Footpath Policy for Footpath policy adopted and Policy as per direction from Council’s compliance with Council’s insurers implemented. Insurers. requirements and report to Council.

18.Creation and implementation of a Tree Prepare Tree Management Policy for Tree Management policy adopted and Management Policy as per direction from compliance with Council’s insurers implemented. Council’s Insurers. requirements and report to Council.

19. Provide responses for maintenance activities Undertake responses for maintenance Responses undertaken according to based on risk and in consultation with activities based on risk and in potential risk and in consultation. stakeholders. consultation.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment

20. Assist community access / enjoyment of Provide assistance for community Assistance provided as required. public lands throughout the LGA access to public lands.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $2,885,752 Operating Expenditure $6,908,640 Capital Income $3,133,100 Capital Expenditure $4,359,600 Loan Income $250,000

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Caravan Parks - to provide an affordable and cost effective caravan park operations, maintained to an acceptable standard and to carry out improvements to increase the potential for use of the caravan park.

Private Works - effective utilisation of Council’s existing plant and equipment resources and labour in accordance with Council’s Private Works (Projects and Plant Hire) Policy.

KEY ITEMS: • Customer Service. • Operational & maintenance arrangements. • Private Works with minimum disruption to Council works programs. • Caravan parks and camping grounds. • Taralga Community Service Centre operations. • Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) Motor Registry operations. • Provision of sheep and cattle reloading facility.

GOALS: • To increase the tourism potential of caravan park sites throughout the Shire. • To increase use and minimise costs of caravan parks. • Relocate sale yard facilities to a reloading facility as determined by Council.

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• Timely balance between private works need and surplus labour / equipment. • Continue to supply a high quality service through consistent and high quality staff training. • Cost private works competitively. • Supply high quality services. • Increased usage and maximise trading commission for Australia Post services at the Taralga Community Services Centre. • Increased usage and maximise commission for RTA Motor Registry services at the Crookwell Administration Office.


Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment Caravan Parks / Camping Areas 1. Increase usage – review operations & Review current operations and Review of operations undertaken and prepare a strategic management plan for investigate potential for increased potential for increased use operational activities & to assess potential usage. investigated. for increased usage. Prepare management plan operation so Management Plan adopted. caravan parks and camping areas. 2. Reduce cost disadvantage by imposing Prepare fee structure based on Fee structure adopted. additional fees where identified - as above. management plan and potential usage investigation outcomes and report to Council. 3. Review arrangements with collection of fees Undertake review of collection of fees Fee Collection arrangements reviewed and reported to Council by 31 December 4. Ensure maintenance of Caravan Parks / Undertake regularly maintenance of Maintenance undertaken. Camping Areas is regularly undertaken. caravan parks / camping areas. 5. Review and implement Plans of Undertake review of Plans of Plans of Management reviewed and Management including appropriate Management including appropriate reported to Council. management strategies where Council is the strategies’ for Council controlled / owner or trustee of the land. owned land & report to Council. 6. The Tourism Committee to overview Caravan Park / Camping Area business Business operations monitored and business operations of Caravan Parks / operations monitored. reported to Council. Camping Areas.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 7. Aim to obtain private work to ensure plant Proactively seek private works, review Reported to Council annually. and equipment fleets are utilised effectively activity each quarter & report to with minimal disruption to scheduled work Council annually and monitor by and to ensure full deployment of staff. regular reports to Council. Taralga Community Service Centre 1. Review operations of the Taralga Director of Finance and Report to General Manager on Community Services Centre annually. Administration to provide financial performance of Taralga Community report on an annual basis. Services Centre annually. 2. Review Australia Post stock to endeavour to Taralga Administration Coordinator to Report to Director of Finance and increase sales commission. review Australia Post stock schedule. Administration on alternatives available. Complete acquittal of grant funding from Grant acquitted with unqualified audit Report to Council upon completion of Department of Transport and Regional Services. report. grant acquittal and provide project overview summary report.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $2,098,900 Operating Expenditure $1,826,643 Capital Income $80,000 Capital Expenditure $120,000

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OBJECTIVES: Ensure the tourism services are client-focused and responsive to community and tourism operator needs. To nurture existing tourism events and ensure all tourism products are of a suitable quality. To brand the Upper Lachlan Shire as, ‘The Shire of Villages’.

KEY ITEMS: • Tourist promotion of the Shire. • Upper Lachlan Tourism Strategic Plan 2007-2012. • Preparation and publication of tourist brochures. • Upgrade of tourism related signage. • Database of tourist facilities and activities. • Develop new initiatives for towns and villages across the Shire. • Tablelands Way project. • Calendar of Events.

GOALS: • To continue to review and reprioritise projects identified in Council’s Tourism Strategic Plan to guide the future direction of tourism in the Shire. • Provide an efficient and effective Upper Lachlan Tourist Association Committee of Council. • Tourism Manager to report to Council monthly with recommendations to be considered by Council. • Encourage increased tourist visitations to the Local Government area for the economic benefit of the Community. • Identify and encourage specific tourist related opportunities. • Identify and encourage new viable tourism events for the Shire.

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Contact details for Upper Lachlan Tourist Association:- Visitor Information Centre (VIC) 106 Goulburn Street, Crookwell NSW 2583 Phone – (02) 4832 1988 Fax – (02) 4832 0119 Email - [email protected]


Monday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Tuesday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Wednesday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Thursday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Saturday 10.00am - 4.00 pm Sunday 10.00am - 4.00 pm

Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Prepare tourist promotional and advertising Tourism Manager to report to Tourist To report annually by December. statistics report with the onus on increasing Association Committee. statistics annually. 2. To review and update the Information Centre Tourism Manager to report to the To provide a review report annually Operations Manual. Director of Finance & Administration. by December. 3. Ensure tourism budget and submission issues Tourism Manager to prepare tourism To report to Council annually by are reported annually from the Upper budget and Management Plan March. Lachlan Tourist Association for Council’s submission annually. consideration. 4. Review Tourism Strategic Plan to guide Tourism Manager to review and report Review and report annually by tourism activities. to Tourist Association Committee. November. 5. Report on tourist activities. Tourism Manager to report to Council Prepare a monthly tourism report. and Tourist Association Committee.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 6. To prepare the Upper Lachlan Tourist Tourism Manager to provide all An audit report is to be presented to Association annual financial accounts for necessary documentation to allow an the Tourist Association’s Annual audit. audit to be conducted. General Meeting in August annually. 7. Participation in local and regional tourism Attendance at regional tourist group All regional activities to be included activities. meetings and tourism shows and in the monthly report to Council. conferences. 8. The Tourism Manager is to develop Council Coordinate the development and Brochures are distributed to all wide Brochure proposals for the entire publication of a shire-wide tourism tourism operators and all VIC’s in a Upper Lachlan Local Government Area. brochure on a need basis. three hour radius. 9. Continue to implement and review Council’s Address all tourism related signage Tourism signage policy adopted by Tourist Signage Policy and coordinate sign issues that are presented to the Upper Council and completion of identified creation and erection. Lachlan Tourist Association. signage projects. E.g. ’Welcome’ signage. 10. Role of the Tourism Manager is to maintain Regularly update the database and Available on Tourism and Council an accurate and up-to-date database of maintain good communication with all Website. tourist related information and facilities. tourism operators to ensure all businesses are included. 11. The Lions Club of Gunning Noticeboard and All tourism related information to be A copy of all printed media releases Council quarterly publication, The Voice, to dispersed via The Voice and the Lions and advertisements are available at the be used for advising the community of the Club of Gunning Noticeboard Upper Lachlan Visitor Information Tourism information and events. Centre (VIC). 12. Advertising in local and national media etc. Utilise appropriate media outlets for All printed media releases are Shire- wide events and issues. available at the Upper Lachlan VIC. 13. Distribution of calendar of events and other Development and distribution of a bi- Distribution noted in Tourist tourist brochures. annual calendar of events. Association Committee Minutes.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $500 Operating Expenditure $177,000 Capital Income $0 Capital Expenditure $20,000

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OBJECTIVES: 1. To ensure that all residents in the towns have a reliable and safe public water supply. 2. To operate and maintain existing water supply infrastructure. 3. To assess the capacity of the existing systems to meet future needs and to plan / program upgrades and improvement works. 4. To establish sufficient Reserve Funds for future upgrade requirements. 5. To further develop user pay pricing structure in accordance with best management practice guidelines.

KEY ITEMS: • Water Pumping. • Water Treatment. • Expansion of water reticulation supply. • Breakdowns and responses by Council. • Maintenance of water supply network. • Compliance with Water Regulations, Guidelines and Department of Water and Energy (DWE) requirements.

GOALS: • To provide reliable and safe water supply in accordance with current standards and the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2004). • To provide for expansion and connection of services. • To maintain existing water supply infrastructure. • To manage and operate the treatment works accordance with licensing requirements. • Levy appropriate Water Availability and User-pay water charges. • Major Augmentation works to be undertaken in 2008/2009 for Taralga water supply.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Provide new service connections promptly. Provide new service connections as Service connections provided. requested. 2. Maintain quality standards and carry out Monitor water quality standards by Tests samples comply. regular testing, in conjunction with sampling and testing as prescribed. Environmental Services staff.

3. Prepare forward plans for future expansion. Prepare 5 year forward plans for future Five year Forward Plans prepared. identified expansions in Master Water Plans. 4. Review Strategic Business Plans. Complete review of Strategic Business Present Report for adoption by Plans. Council. 5. Review / implement appropriate s64 Prepare or review s64 Developer Plans prepared and reviewed Developer Servicing Plans for all Water Servicing Plan for all water Supplies. undertakings. 6. Carry out regular maintenance and Undertake regular maintenance of Maintenance undertaken as required. replacement of mains – as required. water supply assets. 7. Develop improvement programs for Develop and carry improvement Improvement programs completed. Crookwell, Dalton, Gunning and Taralga programs for water supply Water Supplies. undertakings in accordance with water supply master plan. 8. Complete applications for funding assistance Prepare funding applications for Applications submitted. under the Country Towns Water Supply and identified works. Sewerage Program.

9. Continue to investigate reliable water Develop production bores where Production bores developed. supplies for the villages of Binda, Bigga and reliable groundwater sources found. Tuena by bore supply subject to funding allocation.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 10. Investigate reliable water supplies for the Conduct groundwater feasibility Groundwater feasibility investigations villages of Breadalbane, Collector and investigations for villages and develop undertaken and production bores Jerrawa by bore supply subject to funding production bores. developed where reliable water allocation. sources are determined.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $1,181,150 Operating Expenditure $982,140 Capital Income $489,000 Capital Expenditure $1,344,340 Loan Income $410,000

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OBJECTIVES: To ensure that all residents in the towns of Crookwell, Gunning and Taralga have an effective sewage collection, treatment and disposal / re-use system that complies with current standards.

KEY ITEMS: • Sewerage Collection. • Sewerage Treatment. • Sewerage Disposal / Re-use. • Expansion of sewerage services network. • Breakdowns and response by Council. • Maintenance and serviceability. • Compliance with Sewerage Regulations, Guidelines and Department of Water and Energy (DWE) requirements.

GOALS: • Provide a reliable and safe sewage collection service. • Maintain effluent quality to appropriate standard and comply with environmental license conditions. • Provide for expansion of services. • Maintain existing sewer and treatment infrastructure. • Levy appropriate Sewerage Charges adhering to Best Practice Pricing guidelines. • Implementation of new Taralga Sewerage System.

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Key Performance Indicators Means to Achieve Target Manner of Performance Assessment 1. Provide house service connections promptly. Provide new service connections as Service connections provided and requested. recorded. 2. Maintain quality standards and carry out Monitor sewerage quality standards by Test samples comply. regular testing, in conjunction with sampling and testing as prescribed. Council’s Environmental Services Section and operators. 3. Prepare forward plans for future expansion. Prepare 5 year forward plans for future Five year Forward Plans prepared. identified expansions. 4. Review Strategic Business Plans. Complete the review of Strategic Completed Report to Council. Business Plans. 5. Carry out regular maintenance and Undertake regular maintenance of Maintenance and replacements replacement of reticulation infrastructure as sewerage reticulation assets. undertaken as required. required. 6. Progress Taralga Sewerage Scheme as Consultation with stakeholders and in Taralga Sewerage Scheme approved quickly as practicable and in conjunction accordance with legislative for construction and commence with the Steering Committee, other requirements. installation as soon as practicable. stakeholders and legislative requirements. 7. Review / implement appropriate s64 Prepare s64 Developer Servicing Plan Plans prepared and adopted by Developer Servicing Plans for all Sewerage for all sewerage undertakings. Council. Schemes. 8. Introduce Liquid Trade Waste Policy. Prepare Liquid Trade Waste Policy in Liquid Trade Waste Policy prepared accordance with prescribed legislation. and presented to Council.

INCOME EXPENDITURE Operating Income $1,018,960 Operating Expenditure $892,050 Capital Income $26,000 Capital Expenditure $452,650

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This section provides details of Council’s Rating Structure and the means by which Council will raise revenue to meet Council’s financial commitments.

This includes proposed Loan Borrowings as well as Council’s Pricing Policy for the provision of Goods and Services (such as Private Works).

The Financial Budget is included at the end of this Section.



The Integrated Financial Budget (Operational, Capital, Cash flow Budgets and Income Statements) is included at the end of this Section.


An estimate of Income and Expenditure for the financial years of 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 is provided in the form of a Financial Budget. The Financial Budget is linked with the Principal Activities (Function and Service) included in the Plan.

The budgeted estimates are included in the Financial Reporting format required by the Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting Guidelines, the Local Government Act 1993 and Regulations made thereunder and in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards and professional pronouncements.

There are 9 components of the Financial Budget on Pages B1 to B36 including the following: • Income Statements • Cash Flow Statement • Budgeted Operating Statement by Activity • Detailed Operating Expenditure Budget • Detailed Operating Revenue Budget • Grants and Contributions provided for Capital Purposes • Capital Expenditure – Acquisition and Renewal of Assets • Plant Replacement Schedule • Motor Vehicle Fleet Replacement Schedule

The rolling Financial Budgets (Income Statement) for the financial years of 2008-2009 to 2010-2011 are also included. The Financial Budget is included at the end of this Section.

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 109 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 15. RATES AND ANNUAL CHARGES TO BE LEVIED

Rate Pegging – Maximum Rate Increase for 2008/2009

Council has adopted a permissible rate increase of 3.20% in accordance with the statutory limit set by the NSW Department of Local Government and is applicable to the total revenue raised in General Ordinary Rates in 2008/2009.

General Ordinary Rates General Rates are levied for the purpose of financing Council’s Ordinary General Fund activities in accordance with Sections 493, 514-518, of the Local Government Act 1993. Council proposes the following rates for 2008-2009 based on the land revaluation data supplied by the Land and Property Information with a valuation base date applicable of 1 July 2007.

Rating Base Base Base Ad Valorem Total Category Assess No Land Value Ad Valorem Amount % Yield ($) Yield ($) Levy ($)

Farmland 2,732 1,157,591,080 0.0025830 286.00 21 781,352 2,990,058 3,771,410 Residential 1,973 137,685,540 0.0041110 140.00 33 276,220 566,025 842,245 Rural Residential 739 98,322,680 0.0030610 140.00 26 103,460 300,966 404,426 Business - Crookwell 157 10,397,170 0.0086500 140.00 20 21,980 89,935 111,915 Business - Gunning 62 3,163,400 0.0049160 140.00 36 8,680 15,551 24,231 Business - Taralga 27 1,676,330 0.0053050 140.00 30 3,780 8,893 12,673 Business - General 1 1,000,000 0.0180000 140.00 1 140 18,000 18,140 Mining 1 248,000 0.0065000 135.00 8 135 1,612 1,747

Total Rateable Land Value 5,692 1,410,084,200 1,195,747 3,991,040 5,186,787

Binda and Bigga Hall Rates These special rates will have a zero percentage increase in 2008/2009. The below hall rate levies are classified as special rates to allow for sufficient funds to carryout routine maintenance, payment of insurance and ordinary rates of the two halls.

Rating Base Base Base Ad Valorem Total Category Assess No Land Value Ad Valorem Amount % Yield ($) Yield ($) Levy ($) Bigga Hall 299 40,215,310 0.00011578 13.00 47 3,887 4,656 8,543 Binda Hall 303 85,722,190 0.00002300 5.00 45 1,515 1,972 3,487 Total Rateable Land Value 602 125,937,500 5,402 6,628 12,030

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 110 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 Water Supply Annual Access and Availability Charges For the provision of water supply services is in accordance with Section 552, of the Local Government Act 1993 and Best Practice Pricing Guidelines set down by the Department of Water and Energy (DWE).

Residential Water Supply Charge Assessments Total Levy ($) Crookwell Water Access Fee $ 430.00 1,199 515,570 Availability Charge $ 430.00 50 21,500

Taralga Water Access Fee $ 430.00 191 82,130 Availability Charge $ 430.00 27 11,610

Dalton Water Access Fee $ 430.00 79 33,970 Availability Charge $ 430.00 7 3,010

Gunning Water Access Fee $ 280.00 314 87,920 Availability Charge $ 280.00 17 4,760 TOTAL LEVY 1,884 $760,470

Non-Residential Water Supply Non-Residential water access charges have been developed in accordance with Department of Water and Energy (DWE) Best Management Guidelines.

Diameter of Crookwell Dalton Gunning Taralga service ($) ($) ($) ($) connection (mm) 20 430 430 280 430 25 513 513 333 513 32 656 656 427 656 40 863 863 560 863 50 1,187 1,187 773 1,187 75 2,310 2,310 1,502 2,310 80 2,589 2,589 1,684 2,589 100 3,884 3,884 2,526 3,884

Water Consumption (User Pays) Charges These charges are based on the water consumed in accordance with Section 502, of the Local Government Act 1993. The estimated total water usage income is $357,500. The user charges as stated are contained in the 2008/2009 Fees and Charges section.

Town Water Supply ($/kl) Crookwell Tariff 1 (< 200 kl) 1.50 Tariff 2 (> 200 kl) 2.00 Dalton Tariff 1 (< 200 kl) 1.50 Tariff 2 (> 200 kl) 2.00 Gunning Tariff 1 (< 200 kl) 1.50 Tariff 2 (> 200 kl) 2.00 Taralga Tariff 1 (< 200 kl) 1.50 Tariff 2 (> 200 kl) 2.00

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 111 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 Sewerage Best Practice Pricing Structure Residential Sewer properties are levied an Annual Access Charge in accordance with Section 552, of the Local Government Act 1993, and Best Practice Pricing Guidelines set down by the Department of Water and Energy (DWE).

Non-Residential Sewerage properties will have a charge not less than the Annual Residential Unconnected Sewerage Access Charge. The Non-Residential Sewerage charge is based on a two-part tariff with an annual access charge and a uniform sewer usage charge/kl. This charge is calculated as follows:

B = SDF (AC + C x UC) Where: B = Annual non-residential sewerage bill ($) C = Customer’s annual water consumption (kl) AC = Customer’s water service access fee (proportional to meter size) SDF = Sewer Discharge factor (standard adopted, unless otherwise proven) UC = Sewer usage charge ($/kl).

Gunning Sewerage Categories Assessments Access Charge Sewer Levy ($) Gunning Sewer - Residential 207 600.00 124,200 Gunning Sewer - Residential Unoccupied 18 390.00 7,020 Gunning Sewer - Business/Non-Residential 41 27,180 Total Number of Assessments & Levy 266 $158,400 SDF Access Charge Usage Charge Business 0.77 600.00 1.50 Non Residential 0.77 600.00 1.50 Churches/Schools/Hospital/Nursing Homes 0.50 600.00 1.50 Parks 0.50 600.00 1.50

Crookwell Sewerage Categories Assessments Access Charge Sewer Levy($) Crookwell Sewer - Residential 872 570.00 497,040 Crookwell Sewer - Residential Unoccupied 125 369.00 46,125 Crookwell Sewer - Business/Non-Residential 149 104,535 Total Number of Assessments & Levy 1,146 $647,700 SDF Access Charge Usage Charge Business 0.77 570.00 1.50 Commercial 0.60 570.00 1.50 Non Residential 0.77 570.00 1.50 Churches/Schools/Hospital/Nursing Homes 0.50 570.00 1.50 Parks 0.50 570.00 1.50 Taralga Sewerage Categories Assessments Access Charge Sewer Levy ($) Taralga Sewer - Residential 143 750.00 107,250 Taralga Sewer - Residential Unoccupied 16 500.00 8,000 Taralga Sewer - Business/Non-Residential 20 5,050 Total Number of Assessments & Levy 179 $120,300 SDF Access Charge Usage Charge Business 0.77 750.00 1.50 Non Residential 0.77 750.00 1.50 Churches/Schools/Hospital/Nursing Homes 0.50 750.00 1.50 Parks 0.50 750.00 1.50

TOTAL SEWERAGE CHARGES LEVY 1,591 $926,400 Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 112 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 16. CHARGES PROPOSED TO BE LEVIED Council (by Resolution) will make the following Charges for 2008-2009:


The Domestic Waste Management (DWM) Service is an Annual Charge for the provision of domestic waste management in accordance with Section 496, of the Local Government Act 1993. This service is unable to be subsidised by Council or profit from results. Subsequently Council manages the service as an independent fund. Note: Domestic Waste Management Service and Availability Charges are applicable to all residential properties within serviced towns and villages. Domestic Waste Management Service charges will also apply to rural assessments where a Domestic Waste Management service is available and utilised.

The proposed level of service will consist of; • 1 x 120 litre mobile bin for household waste to be collected once per week, and • 1 x 240 litre mobile bin for recyclables to be collected once per fortnight. • Those ratepayers paying for a Domestic Waste service will continue to pay entry fees at the rubbish tip depots throughout the Shire.

Domestic Waste Management Service Charge Charge Assessments Total Levy $285.00 1,824 $519,840

Domestic Waste Management Availability Charge Charge Assessments Total Levy $106.00 324 $34,344 Total Domestic Waste Management Charges $554,184

COMMERCIAL WASTE CHARGE The Commercial Waste Service is an Annual Charge raised in accordance with Section 501, of the Local Government Act 1993. Note: The Commercial Waste Charges are applicable to all non-residential properties within serviced towns & villages. They are charged on a per service supplied basis (i.e. per collection), with a minimum of one charge per assessment.

A single service will generally consist of; • 1 x 240 litre mobile bin for general waste to be collected once per week, and • 1 x 240 litre mobile bin for recyclables to be collected once per fortnight. However, a combination of different numbers of general waste bins and recycling bins can be utilised by individual commercial waste users by arrangement with Council.

Commercial Waste Service Charge Charge Assessments Total Levy $337.00 255 $85,935

Commercial Waste Availability Charge Charge Assessments Total Levy $106.00 35 $3,710 Total Commercial Waste Charges $89,645 Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 113 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011

A skip bin may be made available for delivery to certain areas within the shire. Charges applicable to this service are detailed in the 2008/2009 Fees and Charges.

Domestic Waste Management Reasonable Cost Calculation for Year Ending 30 June 2009

Domestic Waste Management Expenditure 2008/2009 $

Management - Engineers and Support Staff 12,000 Management - Corporate Administration Charge 41,500 Management - Insurance 1,200 Management - EPA Licence Fees 3,500 Management - Disposal Expenses for Rubbish Tip 60,000 Management - Transfer to Reserve Land Rehabilitation/Degradation Provision 31,429 Management - Tip Recycling Sales Expenses 6,000 Management - Sundry Expenditure 1,500 Garbage Collection - Council Salary and Wages 63,500 Garbage Collection - Vehicle / Travelling Expenses 126,000 Garbage Collection - Telephone and Communications 2,000 Garbage Collection - Printing and Stationery 1,500 Garbage Collection - Sundry Expenditure 1,500 Garbage Collection and Recycling- Loan Int. Repayments Garbage Truck/Bins 27,410 Garbage Collection and Recycling - Depreciation Garbage Trucks/Bins 54,050 Garbage Collection and Recycling - Education and Awareness Campaign 10,000 Garbage Collection and Recycling - Distribution of Bins 4,000 Recycling - Council Salary and Wages 93,240 Recycling - Vehicle / Travelling Expenses 48,000 Recycling - Contractor Payments 65,000 Recycling - Sundry Expenditure 1,500 TOTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURE 654,829

Less : Domestic Waste Management Income from Other Sources Pensioner Concession Abandonments 40,000 Pensioner Rebate Subsidy -22,000 Abandonments - Other 600 User Charges - Sale of Garbage Bins -300 Extra Charges / Interest Charges -2,000 Interest On Investments -19,500 Sundry Income -300 Sales Of Recyclable Material -7,500 -11,000


Annual Charges Charge Yield Commercial Waste Charges $337 85,935 Commercial Waste Availability Charges $106 3,710 Domestic Waste Management Annual Charges $285 519,840 Domestic Waste Management Availability Annual Charges $106 34,344 Reasonable Cost of Domestic Waste Management 643,829 Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 114 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011


The Rural Waste Charge is not classified as a Domestic Waste Service and is an Annual Charge raised in accordance with Section 501 (1), of the Local Government Act 1993.

Note: The Rural Waste Charge will apply to all properties that are not subject to a Domestic Waste Management Charge or a Commercial Waste Charge.

Conditions; • The Rural Waste Charge is levied on a per Assessment basis. • Application may be made to Council, in accordance with Section 610E, of the Local Government Act 1993, to waive multiple Rural Waste Charges on land where the owner of the land pays the charge on another Assessment. • Ratepayers who pay a Rural Waste Charge are permitted free access to all tips for the disposal of domestic waste and sorted recyclables provided they present their card for inspection at the entry to the rubbish tip depots.

Rural Waste Charge Charge Assessments Total Levy $106.00 2,870 $304,220


The Stormwater Management Charge is levied for the specific purpose of improving stormwater management and drainage infrastructure enhancement. It is applicable to all urban land within a city, town or village that is categorised as residential and business, excluding vacant land. The first phase of expenditure is for the creation of Stormwater Management Plans for the four towns on which the Annual Charge is levied. Further details of proposed future expenditure are included in Council’s five year capital works budget on Page B27.

This is an Annual Charge levied in accordance with the Department of Local Government Circular 06-18, and the Local Government (General) Amendment (Stormwater) Regulation 2006, under Section 496A, of the Local Government Act 1993.

Town Charge Description Charge Assessments Total Levy Crookwell Business Business Stormwater Charge $50.00 112 $5,600.00 Gunning Business Business Stormwater Charge $50.00 40 $2,000.00 Taralga Business Business Stormwater Charge $50.00 21 $1,050.00 Collector Business Business Stormwater Charge $50.00 4 $200.00 Crookwell Residential Residential Stormwater Charge $25.00 894 $22,350.00 Gunning Residential Residential Stormwater Charge $25.00 203 $5,075.00 Taralga Residential Residential Stormwater Charge $25.00 166 $4,150.00 Collector Residential Residential Stormwater Charge $25.00 45 $1,125.00 Total Charges 1,485 $41,550.00

SECTION 94 & SECTION 64 CONTRIBUTIONS PLAN – see Page 128 and Council Fees and Charges Pages F8-F10.

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The Fees Structure for 2008-2009 is in accordance with the attached Annexure document. Included is a Schedule of Charges for private works. It should be noted that some fees are fixed by Regulation and are shown in the document as the current fee, which will be varied according to changes made by Regulation.


Council will impose a fee or charge for any service provided. The amount of any fee or charge will seek to recover all costs, except in cases where Council considers a community service obligation is appropriate in providing a service.

The Schedule of Fees and Charges reflects this policy and Council’s Policy is produced below:


Category 1 - Full Cost Recovery Recovery of all direct and indirect costs associated with providing a service, including in some cases, making provision for future capital expenditure.

Category 2 - Partial Cost Recovery Subsidised operations which are of benefit to the community as a whole, and undertaken voluntarily by Council or as a requirement of the Act.

Category 3 - Market Pricing When Council provides a similar service 'in competition' with other Councils or agencies, e.g. saleyard fees, etc. where alternative service providers are available. This category also includes prescribed or recommended fees. Council will set reasonable fees and will not use subsidies to aggressively price others out of the market.

Category 4 – Disincentive Pricing Where Council sets a fee structure: (i) For non-core activities to encourage customers to seek alternative service providers to provide the service. This applies to activities where Council would prefer not to provide the service in the long term. (ii) To promote compliance with Council or legislative regulations in order to encourage people to 'do the right thing' e.g., interest charges on overdue rates, dog release fees, stock impounding fees, library fines, etc.

Category 5 - Sewerage Service Pricing Where Council sets a fee structure: (i) Follows the Department of Water and Energy, Best Practice Pricing Guidelines and is a combination of uniform annual charges, access and usage charges. (ii) Collects revenue to fund the sewerage system from ratepayers who actually benefit from availability or use of Council's sewerage system. (iii) Ensures Council derives sufficient income to operate the sewerage system and provide for future capital expenditure and debt servicing.

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 116 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 (iv) Send appropriate pricing signals, can be administered relatively simply and inexpensively and can be understood by the public. (v) No cross-subsidisation between residential and non-residential categories.

Category 6 - Water Supply Service Pricing (i) Is based on a combination of service and usage charges. (ii) Collects revenue to fund the water supply system from the people who actually benefit from availability or use of Council's water supply. (iii) Ensures Council derives sufficient income to operate the water supply system, irrespective of seasonal fluctuations and provides for capital and debt servicing. (iv) Assists in the deferment of capital works. (v) Can be administered simply and cheaply and be easily understood by the public.

Category 7 - Section 94 / Section 64 Contributions Pricing. To ensure Section 94 and Section 64 contributions reflect the costs incurred in providing community facilities/services, open space and recreational facilities, required to meet the additional needs of the community created by new development and in doing so, ensure the local amenity does not diminish.

Category 8 - Set By Statute, Regulation, or Government Department. Certain fees and charges are set by Regulation, by Ministerial approval or by State or Federal Government pricing policy.

PROVISION OF SERVICES - Council staff examined the need for Council policies on extension of services to land. A recommendation for the provision of services and financial costs with the servicing of land was submitted and was adopted stating that:

1. The provisions of the Local Government Act for liability of charges be applied, that is, any land or buildings within 225 metres of a water main or 75 metres to a sewer main (gravity drained). 2. No discounting of past charges will be given in connecting properties to Council services. 3. Council underwrite extension and service costs in servicing multiple allotment connections with subsequent recoupment from the individual connections as they occur. 4. Council allow for a replacement factor cost for any service extension where there is a maintenance component required with the mains extension. 5. Service extension costs being independent of the Section 64 contribution charges. 6. A Council review of Section 64 Contribution Plan to proceed according to the demands with the new Local Environmental Plan (LEP). 7. Council’s Manager of Water and Sewer review the service costing in the Section 64 infrastructure plan.

Management Plan 2008/2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 117 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 19. PRIVATE WORKS

Council will undertake private work in accordance with adopted rates for the hire of plant and equipment. Private Work will be in accordance with the guidelines in Council’s Private Works (Projects and Plant Hire) Policy. Private Work however will only be carried out subject to the availability of Council plant and equipment and without significant disruption to existing work programs.

The Works and Operations Department of Council administer and implement the Private Works (Projects and Plant Hire) Policy. The policy is designed to protect public funds and the integrity, security and reputation of the Council and its staff and maintain a high level of services to the community.

No private works projects shall be undertaken until; the person requesting such private works has accepted the quotation in writing and payment for the work has been received by Council. However, private works to the value of $500.00 or up to two (2) hours duration of grading (whichever is the greater) may be allowed as an exception on the basis of payment being made by the applicant after the work has been carried out within one (1) month of invoicing.

Weed Control activity deemed as private work will also be included, with arrangements to be approved by the General Manager.

With respect to determining Quotations for Weed Control activities on private property, regard will be given to the general “community service” of providing a reasonable and affordable price, with Council’s hire rates to be adjusted in order to increase the level of private work activity. This will provide further opportunities to maximise the use of plant and equipment and achieve more efficient use of Council’s resources.

In all cases written quotations will be issued, with acceptance by Signed Agreement required for work in excess of $500.00. In all cases, sundry debtor accounts will be issued for work carried out and are payable within one (1) month.


Borrowing by way of loan funding from financial institutions, i.e. banks, will be utilised in accordance with Council’s Borrowings/Loan Policy for the following capital projects in 2008/2009, upon approval of the Department of Local Government:-

• Taralga Water Augmentation Scheme $410,000.00 • Regional Roads (MR248E) Bridges Replacement $250,000.00

Total new borrowings in 2008/2009 $660,000.00

For detailed borrowing repayments including five year repayment schedules and the source of funding on existing and new loans see annexure – Pages 136-140.

All loans will be determined dependent on interest rates and timing of borrowings and the loans will be secured by a mortgage deed taken over Council's general revenue. The above loans have been included in the expenditure budget with varying loan repayment periods.

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A number of additional attachments or annexures are included to assist in understanding some elements of the Management Plan.

For example, a copy of a Noxious Weeds Control Program and a Plant Replacement Schedule is included.

Page Numbers:- 119 Plant Replacement and Sale of Land Assets Schedules 120 Emergency Management 121 Roads and Bridges 122 to 123 Road Hierarchy 124 to 126 Tourism Strategy 127 Weed Control Activity 128 Section 94 and Section 64 Contribution Plans 129 Waste Management Strategies 130 Recreation and Culture 131 Swimming Pools 132 Water Supplies 133 Sewerage Services 134 Section 356 - Council Contributions List 135 Access and Equity Activity Summary 136 - 140 2008/2009 to 2012/2013 Loan Schedules

B1 to B36 Financial Budget and Capital Items. F1 to F24 Fees and Charges Index and Schedule.


Refer to Capital Expenditure Section of the Financial Budget for details of plant replacements / purchases.

Council does not propose to sell any land or building assets in 2008/2009. However, there exists a two year Deed of Option for Part Lot 3 DP 1112816 with Crookwell Frail Aged Association for the purchase of vacant land recently subdivided in Saleyards Road, Crookwell.

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Emergency Management within the Upper Lachlan Shire is administered through the District Emergency Management Officer for the Southern Highlands Emergency Management District based in Goulburn.

Council provides a Local Emergency Management Officer (LEMO) who liaises closely with the District Emergency Management Officer (DEMO). Key component organisations represented in the Shire are the Rural Fire Service and the State Emergency Service.

State Emergency Service. The Crookwell SES Headquarters is located in McIntosh Road, Crookwell.

Within the Upper Lachlan Shire there are SES units located at Crookwell, Bigga, Gunning and Collector under the control of the Southern Highlands Divisional Headquarters based in Goulburn.

Rural Fire Service. The Crookwell Fire Control Centre is located in McIntosh Road, Crookwell.

The Fire Control Centre operates under the control of the Southern Tablelands Zone Headquarters in Yass. Council has a Zone and Service Level Agreement with the Rural Fire Service delegating fire services control to the service. The Zone consists of Upper Lachlan Shire Council, Goulburn Mulwaree and Yass Valley Councils.

Stations in the Upper Lachlan Shire are located at: Bigga Binda Tuena, Peelwood, Fullerton, Golspie, Burra Lake, Taralga, Big Hill, Roslyn, Laggan, Crookwell, Winduella, Narrawa, Grabben Gullen, Cotta Walla, Bevendale, Jerrawa, Blakney Creek, Broadway, Oolong, Gunning, , , Merrill, Bannister, Biala, Dalton and Collector.

For ALL Emergencies involving Bush Fire contact “000”

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ROADS AND BRIDGES including FLOODWAYS – 2008/2009

Council carries out road work for the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) under the Single Invitation Maintenance Contract on the following road.

STATE ROAD • MR54 – Goulburn / Crookwell / Tuena / Bathurst Road

Under the Regional Roads Program, Council receives funding from the RTA for maintenance and improvement works on the following Regional Roads within the Shire.

REGIONAL ROADS • MR52 – Crookwell / Gunning / Road • MR241 – Gunning / Rye Park Road • MR248 – Taralga / Crookwell / Boorowa Road • MR256 – Goulburn / Taralga / Oberon Road • MR258 –Wombeyan Caves Road

The RTA provides funding by way of a BLOCK GRANT and TRAFFIC FACILITIES GRANT, which amounts to $1,165,000 in 2008/2009. This RTA funding is distributed by $920,000 expenditure on Regional Roads and Bridges maintenance and repair for 2008/2009. Annually Council will expend $250,000 of the Block Grant income on a bitumen resealing program on the Regional Roads.

Council also receives a continuation of the 3X3 GRANT of $123,000 from the RTA, this amount will be spent on Taralga Road, MR248E, road reconstruction capital works in 2008/2009.

The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) currently have a Regional Roads Timber Bridge Replacement Program and have allocated $390,000 income to fund 50% of the cost towards the bridge replacements on Taralga Road (MR248E) in 2008/2009. The criterion for this funding is that Council is to match the RTA funding.


Based on local road priorities, as well as appropriate policies on the level of Council activity with respect to local roads, a Roads Hierarchy has been established and includes Local, Regional Main Roads and State Roads in the Council area. Upper Lachlan Shire Council allocates over $1.3 million of its own source revenue to fund operating and capital road maintenance and repair works in addition to the Financial Assistance Grant Roads Component expenditure totalling also over $1.3 million.


Under the Federal Government Roads to Recovery (R2R) Program an annual amount of $776,255 x 4 years has been allocated for expenditure on roads between 2005/2006 to 2008/2009. This is in conjunction with a grant under the Auslink Program expenditure that will continue on the Boorowa Road (MR248W) with road construction for this project to be completed in 2008/2009.

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Upper Lachlan Shire Council has a road network consisting of Local Roads, Regional Main Roads and State Roads. The roads are summarised as follows:-

Road Unsealed (km) Sealed (km) Total (km) Local urban 29.0 52.9 81.9 Local rural 1186.0 424.0 1610.0 Regional Main 63.7 187.2 250.9 State Road 14.6 78.5 93.1 Totals 1293.3 742.6 2035.9

As part of the Upper Lachlan Shire Council’s Road Management System, Council has created the following Road Hierarchy based on usage and average daily traffic volumes as a means of addressing maintenance activities and risk potential.

Type Average Daily Traffic (vpd) Urban Sealed Rural Sealed Rural Unsealed 1 0 - 25 0 - 10 2 0 – 50 25 - 50 10 – 25 3 50 – 200 50 – 150 25 – 100 4 200 – 400 150 – 300 100 – 175 5 400 – 750 300 – 500 175 – 250 6 >750 >500 >250

„ Purpose The purpose of the Upper Lachlan Shire Council’s Road Management system is to: ƒ Clearly define Council’s Road Hierarchy, which will be based on usage (Average Annual Daily Traffic). ƒ Set the level of service Council will provide in respect to its road network. ƒ Define the types of hazards that require consideration for repair. ƒ Define a well-structured road inspection system to identify hazards, deal with customer service requests and council employee service requests. ƒ Set priorities on which hazards are to be repaired based on risk. ƒ Assist the Council with short term and long term planning ƒ Assist Council with determining budgets and resources required.

„ Road Inspections Inspections are a formalised and sometimes independent assessment of sections of the road network, looking for hazards that may require repair and maintenance. It is carried out with regard to the standards and safety principles, by knowledgeable and skilled personnel.

Management Plan 2008-2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 122 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011 An inspection program has been developed, and the information gathered by this program shall be used as the main method of identifying all the known hazards and risks associated with the road network.

3 major types of inspection: • Formal (planned) • Service Request from road user • Service Request from Council employees

Once information has been collected it needs to be evaluated and a set of criteria applied in setting a priority based on a risk rating.

„ Criteria Used ¾ Road hierarchy for Upper Lachlan Shire Council (Higher Category results in more risk points) ¾ Location of defect within the road reserve (Defects in the traffic lanes get more points than say on the shoulder) ¾ Hazard type and severity – (A large pothole will get more points than say a faded sign) ¾ Road usage i.e. School Bus (rural roads only) (Additional risk points given to bus routes)

„ Upper Lachlan Shire Council Road Risk Rating ¾ After the inspection is completed and compared to the defects table, there will be 3 numerical components for each defect. These values are then transposed into Equation 1 (below) to give the Road Risk Rating (RRR) for the hazard identified. ¾ The RRR allows Council to prioritise the corrective action it intends to take, or allows the control measures to be scheduled. ¾ Note: The school bus weighting is applied only to Rural Bus routes due to the lack of alternative routes in the rural environment.

„ Equation 1

RRR = 1.5 x (Road Hierarchy) + Location category + Risk Category based on Description + 1.5 if a rural school bus route

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It is intended to update the publication of a Council wide Tourist Brochure bi-annually.

It is intended that all tourism related FACT SHEETS be referred to all related Progress Associations and other community groups for endorsement prior to production. Endorsement will enable the fact sheets to include a statement of “endorsement” by the Upper Lachlan Shire Council and the Upper Lachlan Tourist Association Committee. It is acknowledged some existing publications have not been endorsed and each will be considered on their merit.

The Tourist Association Committee will consider funding the publication of fact sheets. Alternatively fact sheets will be prepared by the Tourism Manager. The fact sheets may be either separated by individual village or on specific themes.

The Tourist Association will arrange distribution of publication and the costs for the publication will be met through funds allocated by Council to the Tourist Association and supplemented through advertising funds from tourism operators.

ACTION REQUIRED:- • Tourism Manager to liaise with the selected publisher and ensure it is an effective marketing tool. • Tourism Manager to ensure all FACT SHEETS are kept up to date.


There is a need to provide a guideline for a common signage style for the towns and villages in the Shire for the purposes of promoting each town and village and the Council generally. This also applies to directional signage in the Shire.

A Tourism Signage Policy has been developed and amended after being presented to the Traffic Committee for comment and input. The Tourism Signage Policy was adopted by Council in March 2007. Now that the policy has been adopted, an application form will need to be designed.

ACTION REQUIRED:- • The Tourism Manager to develop a Tourism Signage application form. • Director of Environment and Planning to prepare a draft Development Control Plan for village and directional signage. • Council to allocate annual funding towards tourism signage upgrades.

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It will be a role of the Tourist Association Committee to undertake the ongoing oversight of the Crookwell Country Festival and Autumn Lovers Market. The Committee will support and advise existing Festivals and Events in the Shire.

The event funding program is available to assist in establishing two new events in the Shire. The maximum funding available is $1,500 per event per year for a maximum of two years.

ACTION REQUIRED:- • The Tourism Committee is to ensure that all Festivals and Events information is available on the Tourism website and at the Tourist Information Centre. • Local Newspapers, the Lions Club of Gunning Noticeboard and Council’s publications, The Voice, are to be used for advising the community of the various Festivals and Events as well as the various other community functions.


It is an essential tool for both internal and external promotions to have a single listing of community activities. It will be necessary to maintain a list of contact persons for various organisations in order to encourage the referral of information.

ACTION REQUIRED:- • Continue Council newsletter publications. • Ensure the tourism website is informative, value adding, relevant and up to date. • Produce a biannual Calendar of events which is posted to all residents of the Upper Lachlan Shire.


There are several opportunities to promote the Shire and region. The following is a list of activities that may be used to promote the region:- • Advertising, local media, national – Capital Country Tourism. • Attendance at regional tourist group meetings. • Attendance at relevant tourist and leisure shows. • Distribution of brochures and other information - calendar of events. • Advertising in Councils own newsletter, “The Voice”.

It is considered that the target market for tourist related activities should include:- • Council residents, • , • Illawarra, • Southern Highlands, • Neighbouring Councils, • Through traffic travelling on MR54, MR256, the Hume Highway and Federal Highway.

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The Upper Lachlan Tourist Association’s five year, Tourism Strategic Plan was adopted by Council in January 2007. The Strategic Plan attempts to project forward over a period of five years but it is anticipated that it will be rolled forward and updated every two years to take account of changing circumstances and new ideas.

A primary concept of the Strategic Plan is to put into place improvements in the Shire which will be permanent, of benefit to visitors and residents and which will make the Shire a pleasant place to visit at all times.

As there are numerous projects identified in the Strategic Plan, the Upper Lachlan Tourist Association has workshopped the Plan and identified the following projects as a priority for 2008/2009:-

1. The introduction of 4 powered caravan sites at Barbour Park, Gunning; 2. Upgrade of Kiamma Park which will include a survey and the development of a concept plan; 3. Historical Walks for all towns and villages in the Shire; 4. Promote the Tablelands Way (Taralga to Oberon Road, MR256); 5. Attract travellers from the Hume Highway into Gunning; 6. Continuous improvement of tourism signage in the Shire; 7. Initiate a monthly ‘Tourism Update’ for all tourism operators and interested parties.

There are also a number of smaller projects from the Strategic Plan which will commence in 2008/2009.


The following opportunities are highlighted:- • Cycleways, • Investigating the opportunity of a Rail Trail between Crookwell and Goulburn, • Develop new tourist routes, including one from Canberra (MR52) and Tablelands Way routes, • Village uniqueness (all villages), • Heritage themes, arts, crafts and antiques, • Promoting “Open Gardens” Awards each Autumn and Spring, • Farm stays and Bed and Breakfast establishments, • Educate the community about the benefits of tourism and what then shire has to offer.

The Upper Lachlan Tourist Association is supportive of Council’s efforts to assist in the tourism development of the Shire.

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The control of Noxious Weeds throughout the Council area includes a range of activities, which are included in the PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY details located in Council’s Management Plan. The particular goals and key performance indicators are to be monitored by Council’s Director of Environment & Planning Services who supervises the Noxious Weeds Manager and Noxious Weeds Section.

A primary task of the Noxious Weeds Manager is to coordinate weed control programs within the Shire including an inspection and enforcement programs for privately owned or occupied land and weed control programs for land under Council responsibility.

The Noxious Weeds Manager is to ensure that the following programs are applied:

• Monthly Report Activities to be submitted to Council Committee Meetings. • Report to and keep the Director of Environmental Services and General Manager updated on noxious weed control issues. • Implement a comprehensive and ongoing private property inspection and enforcement program. • Implement a program to control all noxious weeds on Council owned lands including roadsides and reserves under the responsibility of council. • Develop and implement a communication and extension program to educate the community on the need for effective noxious weed control. • Work cooperatively with Government Agencies Catchment Management Authorities and neighbouring Councils to promote weed control. • Continue the Weed Officers’ training program to ensure officers remain at the forefront of control strategies. • Act on all concerns or enquires received from residents and promptly investigate and resolve issues.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council’s main objective is to ensure that it meets its responsibilities as the Local Control Authority under the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 to control noxious weeds to the extent that current agricultural production and the environment is protected.

Council will be continuing with its programs to provide effective weed control services to our community and maintain the current program to retain Weed Officers in each of the three offices at Crookwell, Gunning and Taralga. This will provide landholders with the ability to access weed control advice and facilities, with local knowledge and experience, within their local area.

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Upper Lachlan Shire Council adopted the Shire wide Section 94 Development Contribution Plan in 2007. The amount of the contributions is outlined in the Fees and Charges on pages F8-F10.

The Upper Lachlan Shire Council Section 94 Contribution Plan allows Council to set separate charges or contributions from developers where it is considered that additional demand will be placed on existing public facilities and amenities. For every new resident there will be an impact, and at some time in the future there will be a need to provide new infrastructure.

The Section 94 Contribution Plan aims to provide the Council with an appropriate mechanism for levy contributions from developers so that existing ratepayers and users of Council facilities and amenities are not unduly inconvenienced.

The Section 94 contributions contained within the Plan are set for the following items:-

♦ Roads

♦ Open Space and Recreation

♦ Community Facilities

♦ Waste Management

♦ Emergency Services

♦ Plan Administration

The Section 94 Contribution Plan amounts are increased each year in line with movements in the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and where applicable, land acquisition costs.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council has implemented a Section 64 Contribution Plan for Taralga Water Supply and Taralga Sewerage Schemes. Also, Council will be reviewing the Section 64 Contribution Plans for Crookwell Water Supply and Sewerage Schemes, Gunning Water Supply and Sewerage Schemes and Dalton Water Supply Scheme. The new Section 64 Contribution Plans will be adopted by Council and replace the existing Contribution Plans.

The amount of the Section 64 contributions is outlined in the Fees and Charges on pages F22- F23.

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Upper Lachlan Shire Council has manned landfill sites at Crookwell, Collector and Gunning and a waste transfer station at Taralga. Council operates unmanned landfill sites at Bigga and Tuena.

The Gunning landfill site is open two days per week between 9 am – 5 pm (Saturday and Sunday. The Crookwell landfill site is open weekdays between 1 pm – 5 pm (every weekday except Thursday) and from 9 am – 5 pm on weekends. The Taralga transfer station is open three days per week between 9.00am and 4.00pm for putrescibles waste and for recyclables materials and green waste.

The Council landfill sites recycles / revolves the following items:-

¾ Glass ¾ Car bodies, white goods and other metal ¾ Motor oil ¾ Timber ¾ Furniture ¾ Clothing / rags ¾ Household items ¾ Agricultural and veterinarian chemical drums - Drum muster ¾ Reusable miscellaneous items ¾ Clean fill ¾ Construction materials

Rural waste bins previously located in five rural locations have been relocated to the waste transfer site at the Taralga tip. The use of the transfer site is on a user pay basis.

A schedule of fees and charges for the landfill sites (rubbish tips) are applicable to resident, non-resident and commercial tipping and are included in the fees and charges document within the Upper Lachlan Shire Council Management Plan 2008/2009 – Pages F1-F24.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council has commenced operating a kerbside weekly domestic waste collection service and fortnightly recycling service in all towns and a number of villages.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council waste management operation costs are recouped via a schedule of fees and charges for the rubbish tips, a Rural Waste Annual Charge, Section 94 Contributions, grants, interest and miscellaneous contributions.

Council’s Waste Strategy is constantly under review in order to maximise efficiency of normal waste and recycling services. There is also an intention to introduce a green waste service in the near future.

Provision has been made in the 2008/2009 Management Plan for the employment of a Waste Facilities Controller to administer the services more effectively and educate the community on services provided.

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Council provides a large assortment of quality sporting fields, parks and gardens, and other facilities in the towns and villages for the use and benefit of the community.

Council provides funding for regular maintenance works such as regular mowing and general maintenance works by Parks and Gardens staff in order to maintain the facilities in an acceptable condition at all times for the users.

Sporting organizations and other users are encouraged to work with Council in the proper use and maintenance of the sporting fields and ovals and in the provision of additional facilities through volunteer labour and grant funding.

In addition to providing facilities, Council has to address all environmental and heritage issues that might arise through the use of the facilities.

Fees and charges have been implemented for the use of Council’s sporting grounds and other facilities by the various organizations using them.

It is commendable that many of the organisations using the facilities have made significant contributions to the maintenance of the facilities as well as undertaking improvements when required.

Council has completed an application for a heritage grant for the Old Gunning Courthouse with works totalling $93,700. In 2008/20069 Council has allocated $7,500 to fund replacement works at the Shire Hall in Gunning, $3,500 for capital improvements to the Taralga Memorial Hall and Bigga Hall improvements totalling $5,000.

The Gunning library building improvements of $15,000 has been budgeted. Council’s two swimming pools will have $17,000 capital improvements works completed.

In relation to Council parks and sporting grounds a total amount of $77,000 has been budgeted throughout the Shire for replacement works and capital improvements, including Coleman Park upgrade.

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This pool is operated by Council and supervision provided by a manager / attendant under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The pool is generally open from November until March, however opening and closing dates are kept under review and may vary depending upon usage and prevailing weather conditions.

The pool is generally opened for 35 hours per week during normal times and for 38hrs per week during school holidays. The opening and closing times is dependent upon usage and are advertised in the local paper and at the swimming pool entrance. The pool may be closed during inclement weather and or electrical storms.

Council has been progressively upgrading and improving the facilities and in 2008/2009 plans to continue this process include resurfacing and painting of Crookwell.


This pool is operated by Council and supervision provided by an attendant under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The pool is generally open from November until March, however opening and closing dates are kept under review and may vary depending upon usage and prevailing weather conditions.

The pool is generally opened between 11.00am and 6.00pm week days. On weekends it is open between 11.00am and 6.30pm. The opening and closing times are dependent upon usage and are advertised in the local Shire News and at the swimming pool entrance. The pool may be closed during inclement weather and or electrical storms.

Council has been progressively upgrading and improving the facilities and in 2008/2009 plans to continue this process include mechanical and electrical replacements.

The POOL will be closed on Christmas Day 25 December 2008 and New Years Day 1 January 2009.

During the NSW Department of Education “Learn to Swim” program (usually the second and third week of School term 1), the pools may be closed to the Public until 1.00 pm.

The Pool will also be closed to the General Public during the School Learn to Swim lessons (generally 2 weeks prior to Swim Carnivals but only from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm), and also during School Carnivals. Signs will be posted on the Pool gates.

During other Learn to Swim Programs the swimming instructor(s) may “lane – off” part of the pool for lessons.

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Upper Lachlan Shire Council operates fully reticulated town water supplies at Crookwell, Gunning, Taralga and Dalton. Non potable bore water supplies are also provided at Crookwell, Gunning, Taralga, Bigga, Binda, Tuena, Narrawa, Breadalbane and Jerrawa. These supplies provide an alternative water supply for non drinking purposes and for drought and fire support.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council is committed to managing its potable water supplies effectively to provide a safe, high quality drinking water that consistently meets the current National Health and Research Council’s Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG 2004), and customer and other regulatory requirements. Council has also committed to provide non – potable supplies to smaller rural communities for drought and fire support, and also for other uses not requiring drinking water quality standards.

The severe drought has had a major impact on community water supplies, however, forward planning, and alternative bore water sources have reduced the severity of the impact on Council’s town supplies.

Upper Lachlan Shire Councils water supply assets include some 70 km of water mains, Crookwell Dam, 6 service reservoirs, and four water treatment plants. Council water supply assets have a total replacement value of some $18 million. Council continues to undertake sustained asset renewal and levies appropriate charges to allow for both system operation and maintenance, and asset renewal.

Council is currently developing a Strategic Business Plan for water supply, together with an asset renewal program based on a 30 year capital expenditure program. Council is currently reviewing Developer Servicing Charges, to ensure appropriate charges are levied for developments that create additional demands for water supply assets. Council is also undertaking a number of management plans to comply with the NSW Governments Best Practice Management requirements.

The 2008/2009 Management Plan allows for substantial capital expenditure with major works including, the Taralga water supply upgrade, commencement of works for new roofs for Gunning and Dalton reservoirs, Collector water supply investigations and fluoridation of the Crookwell water supply.

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Upper Lachlan Shire Council currently operates sewerage services at Crookwell and Gunning. The $5 million Taralga Sewerage Scheme is programmed to be constructed during 2008 and when completed will provide full sewerage services to the village of Taralga.

Council sewerage schemes are operated to comply with all statutory regulations including Council’s Environmental Protection Licences and the Protection of the Environment Operations Act.

Upper Lachlan Shire Council’s sewer assets include some 42 km of sewer mains, 7 sewerage pumping stations, and two wastewater treatment plants. Council sewerage assets have a total replacement value of some $14 million. Council continues to undertake sustained asset renewal and levies appropriate charges to allow for both system operation and maintenance, and asset renewal.

Council is currently developing a Strategic Business Plan for sewerage, together with an asset renewal program based on a 30 year capital expenditure program. Council is currently reviewing Developer Servicing Charges, to ensure appropriate charges are levied for developments that create additional demands for sewerage assets. Council is also undertaking a number of management plans to comply with the NSW Governments Best Practice Management requirements.

The 2008/2009 Management Plan allows for substantial capital expenditure with major works including, the Taralga Sewerage Scheme, sewerage mains replacements in Gunning, sewer investigations for Collector.

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S356 (1) A Council may, in accordance with a resolution of the Council, contribute money or otherwise grant financial assistance to persons for the purpose of exercising its functions.

S356 (2) A proposed recipient who acts for private gain is not ineligible to be granted financial assistance but must not receive such until at least 28 days public notice of Council’s proposal to pass the necessary resolution has been given. One resolution covering the normal contributions / donations made by Council each year would eliminate the need of individual resolutions throughout the year.

The following is the list of Council Contributions to be made in 2008/2009: (Please note: the figures may change slightly depending on the Rates levied for the below mentioned organisations.) Crookwell AP & H Society (Ordinary Rates) 2,750 Taralga AP & H Society 1,250 Gunning PA & I Society 1,250 Taralga Australia Day Rodeo 1,250 Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre (Ordinary Rates) 654 St Vincent De Paul (Ordinary Rates & Waste Charges) 1,530 Middle Arm Hall Progress Association (Ordinary Rates) 379 Golspie Hall (Ordinary Rates) 322 Narrawa Hall (Ordinary Rates) 338 Collector Hall (Ordinary Rates) 986 Kempton Hall (Ordinary Rates) 345 Crookwell CWA (Ordinary Rates) 560 Bigga Golf Club (Ordinary Rates) 2,144 Taralga Golf Club (Ordinary Rates) 1,170 Narrawa District War Memorial Hall Association 1,250 Taralga Public School 2,000 Taralga Small Schools Sports Sponsorship 150 Taralga Medical Clinic (Ordinary Rates & Waste) 747 Taralga Historical Society (Ordinary Rates) 522 Crookwell Historical Society 500 Taralga Playgroup 1,000 Bigga & Tuena Community Technology Centres 3,600 Binda Recreation Reserve Trust 540 Gunning & District Pre-School (Ordinary Rates) 632 Gunning Golf Club 300 Dalton Hall Committee 1,000 Australia Day Committee 700 Southern Tablelands Regional Arts Council 2,622 South East Regional Academy of Sport 1,850 Southern Tablelands Rural Counselling Service 6,650 Goulburn & District Education Foundation 2,000 Zone 27 Pony Club 500 Gunning Lions Club 300 South Care Helicopter 500 Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter 500 Binda Picnic Races 500 Goulburn Public Schools Sports Expo 1,000 Total 44,291

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Upper Lachlan Shire Council is committed to developing at least one Social and Community Plan every 5 years to assist Council take into account the needs of its community and provide or advocate for appropriate and accessible services and facilities for the benefit of its community.

The Upper Lachlan Shire Council has completed a Social and Community Plan for 2007 – 2012 and the Plan was adopted by Council during November 2006. The Plan includes demographic information about the population of the LGA in addition to looking at the needs of people with disabilities, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal people, children and young people, women, older people and unemployed people. General community concerns relating to health and transport issues have also been examined.

A Community based Access Committee has been established and meets on a regular basis. A draft Access Policy/ Disability Action Plan has been prepared by the Committee.

A copy of the Social and Community Plan and / or its executive summary is available for viewing in either the Crookwell or Gunning Branch Libraries. Copies can be purchased at the Council Chambers. People interested in obtaining a copy of the document should contact Council’s Executive Assistant, Mrs. Helen Peterson on (02) 4830 1000.

A summary of Council's proposed activities and initiatives in relation to access and equity activities to be undertaken in the next three years to assist identified groups within the community is outlined within the Management Plan. These access and equity activities are activities which assists Council to:

‰ promote fairness in the distribution of resources, particularly for those most in need ‰ recognise and promote people's rights and improve the accountability of decision makers ‰ ensure that people have fairer access to the economic resources and services essential to meeting their basic needs and improving their quality of life ‰ give people better opportunities for genuine participation and consultation about decisions affecting their lives.

Management Plan 2008-2009 adopted 26 June 2008 page 135 Upper Lachlan Shire Council – Management Plan 2008/2009-2010/2011

Management Plan 2008-2009 adopted 26 June 2008-06-13 page no. 136 Loan Estimates 2008/2009

Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2008 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2009 2008/2009 166 01.22004.2502 (93.32) 09-03-08 151.95 77.16 0.00 - 135.79 167 01.22005.2502 (778.85) 16-05-08 3,184.64 2,432.23 1,651.38 403.87 5,241.89 168 01.22006.2502 (3,514.42) 05-04-08 7,478.36 7,281.70 7,079.34 3,326.90 14,572.54 Sub-total (4,386.59) 10,814.95 9,791.09 8,730.72 3,730.77 19,950.22

163 02.02000.2502 (11,624.19) 24-04-08 15,788.08 15,490.37 15,186.40 14,876.04 14,559.16 10,719.38 60,436.08 163 03.03000.2502 (17,045.37) 24-04-08 23,151.18 22,714.63 22,268.90 21,813.80 21,349.12 15,718.58 88,621.72 Sub-total (28,669.57) 38,939.26 38,205.00 37,455.30 36,689.84 35,908.28 26,437.96 149,057.80

171 06.06004.2502 0.00 30-06-08 13,983.05 13,425.66 12,847.31 - 27,408.71 Sub-total 0.00 13,983.05 13,425.66 0.00 0.00 12,847.31 0.00 27,408.71

170 13.13000.2502 (17,170.84) 07-02-08 21,702.03 22,044.56 21,096.59 16,617.98 43,193.74 Sub-total (17,170.84) 21,702.03 22,044.56 0.00 0.00 21,096.59 16,617.98 43,193.74

Total (50,226.99) 85,439.29 83,466.31 37,455.30 36,689.84 78,582.90 46,786.72 239,610.47

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/2008 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2009 Variance 164 01.6200.6200.849 0.00 01.60003.4900 Finalised 27/03/2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 166 01.6200.6200.850 4,711.65 01.60004.4900 2,318.43 2,393.22 4,711.65 0.00 -0.00 167 01.6200.6200.851 84,249.82 01.60005.4900 19,905.11 20,657.52 40,562.63 43,687.19 0.00 168 01.6200.6200.852 257,874.35 01.60006.4900 6,781.19 6,977.85 13,759.04 244,115.31 0.00 Sub-total 346,835.82 Sub-total 29,004.73 30,028.59 0.00 0.00 59,033.32 287,802.50

163 02.2950.6200.861 783,197.74 02.02600.4900 14,159.77 14,457.48 14,761.45 15,071.81 58,450.51 724,747.23 0.00 163 03.3950.6200.854 1,068,847.94 03.03600.4900 20,763.48 21,200.03 21,645.76 22,100.86 85,710.13 983,137.81 0.00 Sub-total 1,852,045.68 Sub-total 34,923.25 35,657.51 36,407.21 37,172.67 144,160.64 1,707,885.04

171 06.06950.6200.901 371,939.61 06.06004.4900 14,826.26 15,383.65 30,209.91 341,729.70 0.00 Sub-total 371,939.61 Sub-total 14,826.26 15,383.65 0.00 0.00 30,209.91 341,729.70

170 13.13950.6200.854 662,455.24 13.13600.4900 4,015.45 3,672.92 7,688.37 654,766.87 0.00 Sub-total 662,455.24 Sub-total 4,015.45 3,672.92 0.00 0.00 7,688.37 654,766.87

Total 3,233,276.35 Total 82,769.69 84,742.67 36,407.21 37,172.67 241,092.24 2,992,184.11 -0.00

172 -Taralga Water Supply Augmentation $410,000 20 years Draw Down 31/12/2008 ($820k with 50% DEUS Contribution 173 - Various MR248E Bridges $250,000 @ 8.25% Drawdown 31/12/2008 (Commissioner Ck & Wowagin Ck)

Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2008 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2009 2008/2009 172 12.12000.2502 0.00 00-01-00 0.00 16,912.50 16,739.70 - 16,912.50 173 01.22008.2502 0.00 30-06-08 0.00 10,312.50 10,132.43 - 10,312.50 - -

Sub-total 0.00 0.00 27,225.00 26,872.13 - 27,225.00

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/2008 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2009 Variance 172 12.12950.6200.857 410,000.00 12.12600.4900 0.00 4,189.03 4,189.03 405,810.97 0.00 173 01.6200.6200.858 250,000.00 01.60008.4900 0.00 4,365.25 4,365.25 245,634.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub-total 660,000.00 Sub-total 0.00 8,554.28 0.00 0.00 8,554.28 651,445.72

Summary Interest Principal Total Total General Fund 30,262.72 63,398.57 93,661.29

Total Domestic Waste Fund 27,408.71 30,209.91 57,618.62

Total Crookwell Water 60,436.08 58,450.51 118,886.59

Total Taralga Water 16,912.50 4,189.03 21,101.53

Total Crookwell Sewer 88,621.72 85,710.13 174,331.85

Total Taralga Sewer 43,193.74 7,688.37 50,882.11 Loan Estimates 2009/2010

Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2009 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2010 2009/2010 166 01.22004.2502 Finalised 9/3/2009 167 01.22005.2502 (403.87) 16-05-09 1,651.38 840.93 - 2,088.44 168 01.22006.2502 (3,326.90) 05-04-09 7,079.34 6,871.12 6,656.85 3,128.36 13,751.91 Sub-total (3,730.77) 8,730.72 7,712.05 6,656.85 3,128.36 15,840.35

163 02.02000.2502 (10,719.38) 24-04-09 14,559.16 14,235.61 13,905.26 13,567.96 13,223.58 9,736.04 55,284.65 163 03.03000.2502 (15,718.58) 24-04-09 21,349.12 20,874.69 20,390.27 19,895.67 19,390.67 14,276.65 81,067.81 Sub-total (26,437.96) 35,908.28 35,110.30 34,295.53 33,463.63 32,614.25 24,012.69 136,352.47

171 06.06004.2502 0.00 30-06-09 12,847.31 12,247.22 11,772.08 - 25,094.53 Sub-total 0.00 12,847.31 12,247.22 0.00 0.00 11,772.08 0.00 25,094.53

170 13.13000.2502 (16,617.98) 09-02-09 21,096.59 21,649.86 21,165.53 16,513.77 42,642.23 Sub-total (16,617.98) 21,096.59 21,649.86 0.00 0.00 21,165.53 16,513.77 42,642.23

Total (46,786.72) 78,582.90 76,719.43 34,295.53 33,463.63 72,208.71 43,654.81 219,929.58

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/2009 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2010 Variance 164 01.6200.6200.849 01.60003.4900 Finalised 27/03/2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 166 01.6200.6200.850 0.00 01.60004.4900 Finalised 9/3/2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 167 01.6200.6200.851 43,687.19 01.60005.4900 21,438.37 22,248.82 43,687.19 0.00 0.00 168 01.6200.6200.852 244,115.31 01.60006.4900 7,180.21 7,388.43 14,568.64 229,546.67 0.00 Sub-total 287,802.50 Sub-total 28,618.58 29,637.25 0.00 0.00 58,255.83 229,546.67

163 02.2950.6200.861 724,747.23 02.02600.4900 15,388.69 15,712.24 16,042.59 16,379.89 63,523.41 661,223.82 0.00 163 03.3950.6200.854 983,137.81 03.03600.4900 22,565.54 23,039.97 23,524.39 24,018.99 93,148.89 889,988.92 0.00 Sub-total 1,707,885.04 Sub-total 37,954.23 38,752.21 39,566.98 40,398.88 156,672.30 1,551,212.74

171 06.06950.6200.901 341,729.70 06.06004.4900 15,962.00 16,562.09 32,524.09 309,205.61 0.00 Sub-total 341,729.70 Sub-total 15,962.00 16,562.09 0.00 0.00 32,524.09 309,205.61

170 13.13950.6200.854 654,766.87 13.13600.4900 4,620.89 4,067.62 8,688.51 646,078.36 0.00 Sub-total 654,766.87 Sub-total 4,620.89 4,067.62 0.00 0.00 8,688.51 646,078.36

Total 2,992,184.11 Total 87,155.70 89,019.17 39,566.98 40,398.88 256,140.73 2,736,043.38 0.00

174 - Burwood Bridge $700,000 15 years Draw Down 30/12/2009 175 - Abercrombie Bridge Replacement $350,000 15 Years Draw down 29/12/2009 176 - New Council Office Complex Crookwell $3.0m Draw down 31/12/2009 177 - Woolshed Creek Bridge MR256 $450,000 15 years Draw Down 30/12/2009 Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2009 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2010 2009/2010 172 12.12000.2502 0.00 30-06-09 16,739.70 16,559.78 16,372.43 - 33,299.48 173 01.22008.2502 0.00 30-06-09 10,132.43 9,944.94 9,749.71 - 20,077.37 174 01.22009.2502 0.00 30-06-09 0.00 29,906.25 29,384.06 - 29,906.25 175 01.22010.2502 0.00 00-01-00 0.00 14,437.50 14,185.41 - 14,437.50 176 01.22011.2502 0.00 00-01-00 0.00 123,750.00 123,254.68 - 123,750.00 177 01.22012.2502 0.00 00-01-00 0.00 9,281.25 9,119.19 - 9,281.25

Sub-total 0.00 26,872.13 203,879.72 202,065.48 - 230,751.85

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/2009 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2010 Variance 172 12.12950.6200.857 405,810.97 12.12600.4900 4,361.83 4,541.75 8,903.58 396,907.39 0.00 173 01.6200.6200.858 245,634.75 01.60008.4900 4,545.32 4,732.81 9,278.13 236,356.62 0.00 174 01.6200.6200.859 725,000.00 01.60009.4900 0.00 12,659.22 12,659.22 712,340.78 0.00 175 01.6200.6200.860 350,000.00 01.60010.4900 0.00 6,111.35 6,111.35 343,888.65 0.00 176 01.6200.6200.861 3,000,000.00 01.60011.4900 0.00 12,007.81 12,007.81 2,987,992.19 0.00 177 01.6200.6200.862 225,000.00 01.60012.4900 0.00 3,928.72 3,928.72 221,071.28 0.00

Sub-total 4,951,445.72 Sub-total 8,907.15 43,981.66 0.00 0.00 52,888.81 4,898,556.91

Summary Interest Principal Total Total General Fund 213,292.72 102,241.06 315,533.78

Total Domestic Waste Fund 25,094.53 32,524.09 57,618.62

Total Crookwell Water 55,284.65 63,523.41 118,808.06

Total Taralga Water 33,299.48 8,903.58 42,203.06

Total Crookwell Sewer 81,067.81 93,148.89 174,216.70

Total Taralga Sewer 42,642.23 8,688.51 51,330.74

Total All Funds 450,681.43 309,029.54 759,710.97 Loan Estimates 2010/2011

Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2010 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2011 2010/2011 166 01.22004.2502 Finalised 9/3/2009 167 01.22005.2502 Finalised 16/5/2010 168 01.22006.2502 (3,128.36) 05-04-10 6,656.85 6,436.38 8,851.71 4,159.82 14,124.69 Sub-total (3,128.36) 6,656.85 6,436.38 8,851.71 4,159.82 14,124.69

163 02.02000.2502 (9,736.04) 24-04-10 13,223.58 12,871.95 12,512.93 12,146.36 11,772.08 8,667.36 49,686.13 163 03.03000.2502 (14,276.65) 24-04-10 19,390.67 18,875.05 18,348.59 17,811.07 17,262.24 12,709.56 72,858.29 Sub-total (24,012.69) 32,614.25 31,747.00 30,861.52 29,957.43 29,034.32 21,376.92 122,544.43

171 06.06004.2502 0.00 30-06-10 11,624.57 10,978.51 10,308.16 - 22,603.08 Sub-total 0.00 11,624.57 10,978.51 0.00 0.00 10,308.16 0.00 22,603.08

170 13.13000.2502 (16,513.77) 08-02-10 21,165.53 21,016.41 20,862.40 16,391.89 42,060.06 Sub-total (16,513.77) 21,165.53 21,016.41 0.00 0.00 20,862.40 16,391.89 42,060.06

Total (43,654.81) 72,061.20 70,178.30 30,861.52 29,957.43 69,056.59 41,928.62 201,332.26

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/2010 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2011 Variance 164 01.6200.6200.849 01.60003.4900 Finalised 27/03/2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 166 01.6200.6200.850 0.00 01.60004.4900 Finalised 9/3/2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 167 01.6200.6200.851 0.00 01.60005.4900 Finalised 16/5/2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 168 01.6200.6200.852 229,546.67 01.60006.4900 7,602.70 7,357.11 14,959.81 214,586.86 0.00 Sub-total 229,546.67 Sub-total 7,602.70 7,357.11 0.00 0.00 14,959.81 214,586.86

163 02.2950.6200.861 661,223.82 02.02600.4900 16,724.27 17,075.90 17,434.92 17,801.49 69,036.58 592,187.24 0.00 163 03.3950.6200.854 889,988.92 03.03600.4900 24,523.99 25,039.61 25,566.07 26,103.59 101,233.26 788,755.66 0.00 Sub-total 1,551,212.74 Sub-total 41,248.26 42,115.51 43,000.99 43,905.08 170,269.84 1,380,942.90

171 06.06950.6200.901 309,205.61 06.06004.4900 17,184.74 17,830.80 35,015.54 274,190.07 0.00 Sub-total 309,205.61 Sub-total 17,184.74 17,830.80 0.00 0.00 35,015.54 274,190.07

170 13.13950.6200.854 646,078.36 13.13600.4900 4,551.95 4,701.07 9,253.02 636,825.34 636,825.34 Sub-total 646,078.36 Sub-total 4,551.95 4,701.07 0.00 0.00 9,253.02 636,825.34

Total 2,736,043.38 Total 70,587.65 72,004.49 43,000.99 43,905.08 229,498.21 2,506,545.17 -0.00

178 - Kiamma Ck, , & Woodville Creek Bridge $335,000 Draw down 29/12/2010

Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2010 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2011 2010/2011 172 12.12000.2502 0.00 30-06-10 16,372.43 16,177.35 15,974.23 - 32,549.78 173 01.22008.2502 0.00 30-06-10 9,749.71 9,546.43 9,334.76 - 19,296.14 174 01.22009.2502 0.00 30-06-10 29,384.06 28,840.32 28,274.16 - 58,224.38 175 01.22010.2502 0.00 30-06-10 14,185.41 13,922.91 13,649.59 - 28,108.32 176 01.22011.2502 0.00 30-06-10 123,254.68 122,738.92 122,201.89 - 245,993.60 177 01.22012.2502 0.00 30-06-10 9,119.19 8,950.45 8,774.74 - 18,069.64 178 01.22013.2502 0.00 00-01-00 0.00 13,818.75 13,577.46 - 13,818.75 Sub-total 0.00 202,065.48 213,995.13 211,786.83 - 416,060.61

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/20010 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2011 Variance 172 12.12950.6200.857 396,907.39 12.12600.4900 4,729.10 4,924.18 9,653.28 387,254.11 0.00 173 01.6200.6200.858 236,356.62 01.60008.4900 4,928.04 5,131.32 10,059.36 226,297.26 0.00 174 01.6200.6200.859 712,340.78 01.60009.4900 13,181.41 13,725.15 26,906.56 685,434.22 0.00 175 01.6200.6200.860 343,888.65 01.60010.4900 6,363.44 6,625.94 12,989.38 330,899.27 0.00 176 01.6200.6200.861 2,987,992.19 01.60011.4900 12,503.13 13,018.89 25,522.02 2,962,470.17 0.00 177 01.6200.6200.862 221,071.28 01.60012.4900 4,090.78 4,259.52 8,350.30 212,720.98 0.00 178 01.6200.6200.863 335,000.00 01.60013.4900 0.00 5,849.43 5,849.43 329,150.57 0.00 Sub-total 5,233,556.91 Sub-total 45,795.90 53,534.43 0.00 0.00 99,330.33 5,134,226.58

Summary Interest Principal Total Total General Fund 397,635.52 104,636.86 502,272.38

Total Domestic Waste Fund 22,603.08 35,015.54 57,618.62

Total Crookwell Water 49,686.13 69,036.58 118,722.71

Total Taralga Water 32,549.78 9,653.28 42,203.06

Total Crookwell Sewer 72,858.29 101,233.26 174,091.55

Total Taralga Sewer 42,060.06 9,253.02 51,313.08

Total All Funds 617,392.87 328,828.54 946,221.41 Loan Estimates 2011/2012

Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2011 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2012 2011/2012 166 01.22004.2502 Finalised 9/3/2009 167 01.22005.2502 Finalised 16/5/2010 168 01.22006.2502 (4,159.82) 05-04-11 8,851.71 8,535.71 8,206.67 3,889.74 17,117.34 Sub-total (4,159.82) 8,851.71 8,535.71 8,206.67 3,889.74 17,117.34

163 02.02000.2502 (8,667.36) 24-04-11 11,772.08 11,389.94 10,999.76 10,710.11 10,532.80 7,589.38 43,793.92 163 03.03000.2502 (12,709.56) 24-04-11 17,262.24 16,701.87 16,129.72 14,142.11 13,907.98 10,021.36 61,547.74 Sub-total (21,376.92) 29,034.32 28,091.81 27,129.48 24,852.22 24,440.77 17,610.75 105,341.66

171 06.06004.2502 0.00 30-06-11 10,308.16 9,612.61 8,890.91 - 19,920.77 Sub-total 0.00 10,308.16 9,612.61 0.00 0.00 8,890.91 0.00 19,920.77

170 13.13000.2502 (16,391.89) 07-02-11 20,862.40 20,817.10 20,542.81 16,253.65 41,541.27 Sub-total (16,391.89) 20,862.40 20,817.10 0.00 0.00 20,542.81 16,253.65 41,541.27

Total (41,928.62) 69,056.59 67,057.23 27,129.48 24,852.22 62,081.17 37,754.14 183,921.03

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/2011 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2012 Variance 164 01.6200.6200.849 01.60003.4900 Finalised 27/03/2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 166 01.6200.6200.850 0.00 01.60004.4900 Finalised 9/3/2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 167 01.6200.6200.851 0.00 01.60005.4900 Finalised 16/5/2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 168 01.6200.6200.852 214,586.86 01.60006.4900 7,660.59 7,976.59 15,637.18 198,949.68 0.00 Sub-total 214,586.86 Sub-total 7,660.59 7,976.59 0.00 0.00 15,637.18 198,949.68

163 02.2950.6200.861 592,187.24 02.02600.4900 18,175.77 18,557.91 18,948.09 8,865.69 64,547.46 526,639.78 0.00 163 03.3950.6200.854 788,755.66 03.03600.4900 26,652.42 27,212.79 27,784.94 11,706.66 93,356.81 695,398.85 0.00 Sub-total 1,380,942.90 Sub-total 44,828.19 45,770.70 46,733.03 20,572.35 157,904.27 1,222,038.63

171 06.06950.6200.901 274,190.07 06.06004.4900 18,501.15 19,196.70 37,697.85 236,492.22 0.00 Sub-total 274,190.07 Sub-total 18,501.15 19,196.70 0.00 0.00 37,697.85 236,492.22

170 13.13950.6200.854 636,825.34 13.13600.4900 4,855.08 4,900.38 9,755.46 627,069.88 0.00 Sub-total 636,825.34 Sub-total 4,855.08 4,900.38 0.00 0.00 9,755.46 627,069.88

Total 2,506,545.17 Total 75,845.01 77,844.37 46,733.03 20,572.35 220,994.76 2,284,550.40 1,000.00

Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2011 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2012 2011/2012 172 12.12000.2502 0.00 30-06-11 15,974.23 15,762.73 15,542.51 - 31,736.96 173 01.22008.2502 0.00 30-06-11 9,334.76 9,114.36 8,884.87 - 18,449.12 174 01.22009.2502 0.00 30-06-11 28,274.16 27,684.65 27,070.81 - 55,958.81 175 01.22010.2502 0.00 30-06-11 13,649.59 13,365.00 13,068.67 - 27,014.59 176 01.22011.2502 0.00 30-06-11 122,201.89 121,642.71 121,060.47 - 243,844.60 177 01.22012.2502 0.00 30-06-11 8,774.74 8,591.79 8,401.29 - 17,366.53 178 01.22013.2502 0.00 30-06-11 13,577.46 13,326.22 13,064.61 - 26,903.68 Sub-total 0.00 211,786.83 209,487.46 207,093.23 - 421,274.29

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/2011 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2012 Variance 172 12.12950.6200.857 387,254.11 12.12600.4900 5,127.30 5,338.80 10,466.10 376,788.01 -0.01 173 01.6200.6200.858 226,297.26 01.60008.4900 5,342.99 5,563.39 10,906.38 215,390.88 -0.01 174 01.6200.6200.859 685,434.22 01.60009.4900 14,291.31 14,880.82 29,172.13 656,262.09 0.00 175 01.6200.6200.860 330,899.27 01.60010.4900 6,899.26 7,183.85 14,083.11 316,816.16 -0.01 176 01.6200.6200.861 2,962,470.17 01.60011.4900 13,555.92 14,115.10 27,671.02 2,934,799.15 -0.01 177 01.6200.6200.862 212,720.98 01.60012.4900 4,435.23 4,618.18 9,053.41 203,667.57 0.01 178 01.6200.6200.863 329,150.57 01.60013.4900 6,090.72 6,341.96 12,432.68 316,717.89 0.00 Sub-total 5,134,226.58 Sub-total 55,742.73 58,042.10 0.00 0.00 113,784.83 5,020,441.75

Summary Interest Principal Total Total General Fund 406,654.67 118,955.91 525,610.58

Total Domestic Waste Fund 19,920.77 37,697.85 57,618.62

Total Crookwell Water 43,793.92 64,547.46 108,341.38

Total Taralga Water 31,736.96 10,466.10 42,203.06

Total Crookwell Sewer 61,547.74 93,356.81 154,904.55

Total Taralga Sewer 41,541.27 9,755.46 51,296.73

Total All Funds 605,195.32 334,779.59 939,974.92 Loan Estimates 2012/2013

Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2012 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2013 2012/2013 166 01.22004.2502 Finalised 9/3/2009 167 01.22005.2502 Finalised 16/5/2010 168 01.22006.2502 (3,889.74) 04-04-12 8,206.67 7,864.07 7,507.33 3,558.27 15,739.27 Sub-total (3,889.74) 8,206.67 7,864.07 7,507.33 3,558.27 15,739.27

163 02.02000.2502 (7,589.38) 25-04-12 10,532.80 10,351.94 10,167.46 9,979.29 9,787.36 7,052.26 40,494.36 163 03.03000.2502 (10,021.36) 25-04-12 13,907.98 13,669.16 13,425.57 13,177.10 12,923.67 9,312.13 53,470.57 Sub-total (17,610.75) 24,440.77 24,021.10 23,593.03 23,156.40 22,711.03 16,364.39 93,964.93

171 06.06004.2502 0.00 30-06-12 8,890.91 8,142.08 7,365.10 - 17,032.99 Sub-total 0.00 8,890.91 8,142.08 0.00 0.00 7,365.10 0.00 17,032.99

170 13.13000.2502 (16,253.65) 07-02-12 20,542.81 20,597.17 20,094.53 15,875.79 40,762.12 Sub-total (16,253.65) 20,542.81 20,597.17 0.00 0.00 20,094.53 15,875.79 40,762.12

Total (37,754.14) 62,081.17 60,624.41 23,593.03 23,156.40 57,677.99 35,798.44 167,499.31

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/2012 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2013 Variance 164 01.6200.6200.849 01.60003.4900 Finalised 27/03/2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 166 01.6200.6200.850 0.00 01.60004.4900 Finalised 9/3/2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 167 01.6200.6200.851 0.00 01.60005.4900 Finalised 16/5/2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 168 01.6200.6200.852 198,949.68 01.60006.4900 8,305.63 8,648.23 16,953.86 181,995.82 0.00 Sub-total 198,949.68 Sub-total 8,305.63 8,648.23 0.00 0.00 16,953.86 181,995.82

163 02.2950.6200.861 526,639.78 02.02600.4900 9,043.00 9,223.86 9,408.34 9,596.51 37,271.72 489,368.06 0.00 163 03.3950.6200.854 695,398.85 03.03600.4900 11,940.79 12,179.61 12,423.20 12,671.67 49,215.27 646,183.58 0.00 Sub-total 1,222,038.63 Sub-total 20,983.80 21,403.47 21,831.54 22,268.17 86,486.99 1,135,551.64

171 06.06950.6200.901 236,492.22 06.06004.4900 19,918.40 20,667.23 40,585.63 195,906.59 0.00 Sub-total 236,492.22 Sub-total 19,918.40 20,667.23 0.00 0.00 40,585.63 195,906.59

170 13.13950.6200.854 627,069.88 13.13600.4900 5,174.67 5,120.31 10,294.98 616,774.90 0.00 Sub-total 627,069.88 Sub-total 5,174.67 5,120.31 0.00 0.00 10,294.98 616,774.90

Total 2,284,550.40 Total 54,382.49 55,839.25 21,831.54 22,268.17 154,321.46 2,130,228.95 0.00

Interest Accrual to Previous Interest pmts per loan repayment schedule Accrual to Total Interest Loan # Ledger # 30/06/2012 Pmt Date Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Next Pmt. 30/06/2013 2012/2013 172 12.12000.2502 0.00 30-06-12 15,542.51 15,313.20 15,074.43 - 30,855.71 173 01.22008.2502 0.00 30-06-12 8,884.87 8,645.92 8,397.10 - 17,530.79 174 01.22009.2502 0.00 30-06-12 27,070.81 26,431.66 25,766.14 - 53,502.47 175 01.22010.2502 0.00 30-06-12 13,068.67 12,760.11 14,438.82 - 25,828.78 176 01.22011.2502 0.00 30-06-12 121,060.47 120,454.20 119,822.93 - 241,514.67 177 01.22012.2502 0.00 30-06-12 8,401.29 8,202.93 7,996.39 - 16,604.22 178 01.22013.2502 0.00 30-06-12 13,064.61 12,792.22 12,508.58 - 25,856.83 Sub-total 0.00 207,093.23 204,600.24 204,004.39 - 411,693.47

Principal Bal Principal pmts per loan repayment schedule Balance Loan # Ledger # 1/07/2012 Ledger # Pmt. 1 Pmt. 2 Pmt. 3 Pmt. 4 Total Pmts. 30/06/2013 Variance 172 12.12950.6200.857 376,788.01 12.12600.4900 5,559.02 5,788.33 11,347.35 365,440.66 0.00 173 01.6200.6200.858 215,390.88 01.60008.4900 5,792.88 6,031.83 11,824.71 203,566.17 -0.01 174 01.6200.6200.859 656,262.09 01.60009.4900 15,494.66 16,133.81 31,628.47 624,633.62 0.00 175 01.6200.6200.860 316,816.16 01.60010.4900 7,480.18 7,788.74 15,268.92 301,547.24 0.00 176 01.6200.6200.861 2,934,799.15 01.60011.4900 14,697.34 15,303.61 30,000.95 2,904,798.20 0.00 177 01.6200.6200.862 203,667.57 01.60012.4900 4,808.68 5,007.04 9,815.72 193,851.85 0.01 178 01.6200.6200.863 316,717.89 01.60013.4900 6,603.57 6,875.96 13,479.53 303,238.36 0.00 Sub-total 5,020,441.75 Sub-total 60,436.33 62,929.32 0.00 0.00 123,365.65 4,897,076.10

Summary Interest Principal Total Total General Fund 396,577.03 128,972.16 525,549.19

Total Domestic Waste Fund 17,032.99 40,585.63 57,618.62

Total Crookwell Water 40,494.36 37,271.72 77,766.08

Total Taralga Water 30,855.71 11,347.35 42,203.06

Total Crookwell Sewer 53,470.57 49,215.27 102,685.84

Total Taralga Sewer 40,762.12 10,294.98 51,057.10

Total All Funds 579,192.78 277,687.11 856,879.89 UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL INCOME STATEMENT for the financial year ended 30 June 2009

Domestic Dalton Water Gunning Gunning Crookwell Crookwell Taralga Water Taralga Sewer General Fund Total Waste Fund Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Fund Fund

REVENUE Rates & Annual Charges 5,442,910 513,584 35,350 87,290 153,250 512,860 623,560 89,750 116,550 7,575,104 User Charges & Fees 5,254,105 89,945 14,000 43,500 500 269,000 500 34,000 0 5,705,550 Interest & Investment Revenue 428,500 21,500 13,400 27,400 43,500 32,400 46,700 0 16,400 629,800 Non-Capital Purposes - Operating Grants & 4,137,434 22,000 850 2,700 2,500 13,000 13,000 2,350 1,900 4,195,734 Net Gain from the Disposal of Assets 131,327 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131,327 Other Revenues 381,495 7,800 200 200 100 2,600 500 300 0 393,195 Total Income from continuing operations 15,775,771 654,829 63,800 161,090 199,850 829,860 684,260 126,400 134,850 18,630,710

EXPENSES Employee Benefits & On-costs 6,667,504 366,740 19,730 46,482 55,032 212,039 162,536 33,377 20,240 7,583,681 Materials & Contracts 3,941,259 201,929 12,420 32,668 39,268 149,961 134,464 23,723 41,560 4,577,251 Borrowing Costs 30,270 27,410 0 0 0 60,450 88,600 16,950 43,200 266,880 Depreciation & Amortisation 3,580,855 54,050 12,500 39,000 55,000 189,500 167,500 23,000 12,000 4,133,405 Net Loss from the Disposal of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Expenses 1,881,801 4,700 5,900 6,200 5,300 90,100 54,830 8,140 12,520 2,069,491 Total Expenses from continuing operations 16,101,689 654,829 50,550 124,350 154,600 702,050 607,930 105,190 129,520 18,630,708

Net Operating Result before Grants & Contributions provided for Capital Purposes (325,918) 0 13,250 36,740 45,250 127,810 76,330 21,210 5,330 2

Grants & Contributions provided for Capital Purposes 3,182,800 0 13,000 1,000 1,000 65,000 25,000 410,000 0 3,697,800

Total Income including Grants & Contributions provided for Capital Purposes 18,958,571 654,829 76,800 162,090 200,850 894,860 709,260 536,400 134,850 22,328,510

Net Operating Result for the year 2,856,882 0 26,250 37,740 46,250 192,810 101,330 431,210 5,330 3,697,802 Income by Category 2008/2009

2% 1% Rates & Annual Charges

23% User Charges & Fees

40% Interest & Investment Revenue

3% Non-Capital Purposes - Operating Grants & Contributions Net Gain from the Disposal of Assets

Other Revenues 31%

Expenses by Category 2008/2009

11% 0% Employee Benefits & On-costs

Materials & Contracts 41% 22% Borrowing Costs

Depreciation & Amortisation

1% Net Loss from the Disposal of Assets


ALL FUNDS GENERAL DWM WATER SEWER CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Actual $ Receipts: Rates and Annual Charges 7,575,104 5,442,910 513,584 725,250 893,360 User Charges and Fees 5,705,550 5,254,105 89,945 360,500 1,000 Investment Revenue and Interest 629,800 428,500 21,500 73,200 106,600 Grants and Contributions - Operating 4,195,734 4,137,434 22,000 18,900 17,400 Grants and Contributions - Capital 3,297,800 2,802,800 0 489,000 6,000 Other 393,195 381,495 7,800 3,300 600 21,797,183 18,447,244 654,829 1,670,150 1,024,960 Payments: Employee Benefits and On-Costs 7,583,681 6,667,504 366,740 311,628 237,808 Materials and Contracts 4,545,822 3,941,259 170,500 218,772 215,292 Borrowing Costs 266,880 30,270 27,410 77,400 131,800 Other 2,069,491 1,881,801 4,700 110,340 72,650 14,465,874 12,520,834 569,350 718,140 657,550

Net Cash provided ( or used in ) Operating Activities 7,331,309 5,926,410 85,479 952,010 367,410

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Receipts: Sale of Investments Sale of Real Estate Assets Sale of Infrastructure, Property, Plant and Equipment 400,000 380,000 0 0 20,000 Sale of Interests in Joint Ventures/Associates Other 400,000 380,000 0 0 20,000 Payments: Purchase of Investments Purchase of Infrastructure, Property, Plant and Equipment 7,880,450 6,204,500 35,000 1,281,700 359,250 Purchase of Real Estate Assets Purchase of Interests in Joint Ventures/Associates Other 7,880,450 6,204,500 35,000 1,281,700 359,250 Net Cash provided by ( or used in ) Investing Activities -7,480,450 -5,824,500 -35,000 -1,281,700 -339,250

CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Receipts: Borrowings and Advances 660,000 250,000 0 410,000 0 Payments by Deferred Debtors Other 660,000 250,000 0 410,000 0 Payments: Borrowings and Advances 249,670 63,420 30,210 62,640 93,400 Lease Liabilities Other 249,670 63,420 30,210 62,640 93,400

Net Cash provided by ( or used in ) Financing Activities 410,330 186,580 -30,210 347,360 -93,400

Net increase / ( decrease ) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 261,189 288,490 20,269 17,670 -65,240 UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL INCOME STATEMENT for the financial year ended 30 June 2010

Domestic Dalton Water Gunning Gunning Crookwell Crookwell Taralga Water Taralga Sewer General Fund Total Waste Fund Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Fund Fund REVENUE Rates & Annual Charges 5,633,412 544,848 36,587 91,845 158,614 530,810 645,385 103,213 122,745 7,867,458 User Charges & Fees 5,424,863 92,868 14,455 44,914 516 277,743 516 37,562 1,000 5,894,438 Interest & Investment Revenue 438,856 21,769 13,568 27,743 44,044 32,805 47,284 0 16,605 642,673 Non-Capital Purposes - Operating Grants & Contributions 4,226,389 22,473 868 2,758 2,554 13,280 13,280 2,401 1,941 4,285,942 Net Gain from the Disposal of Assets 131,984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131,984 Other Revenues 389,125 7,956 204 204 102 2,652 510 306 0 401,059 Total Income from continuing operations 16,244,629 689,914 65,682 167,463 205,830 857,289 706,974 143,481 142,290 19,223,553

EXPENSES Employee Benefits & On-costs 6,884,204 381,410 20,519 48,342 57,234 220,521 169,037 34,712 21,050 7,837,028 Materials & Contracts 4,102,851 210,295 12,929 34,007 40,877 156,109 139,977 24,696 43,264 4,765,006 Borrowing Costs 213,300 25,100 0 0 0 55,300 81,070 33,300 42,650 450,720 Depreciation & Amortisation 3,691,862 68,269 12,888 40,209 56,705 195,375 172,693 23,713 16,483 4,278,195 Net Loss from the Disposal of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Expenses 1,878,255 4,841 6,077 6,386 5,459 92,803 56,475 8,384 12,896 2,071,576 Total Expenses from continuing operations 16,770,471 689,914 52,413 128,944 160,275 720,107 619,252 124,805 136,342 19,402,524

Net Operating Result before Grants & Contributions provided for Capital Purposes (525,842) 0 13,269 38,520 45,554 137,182 87,722 18,676 5,948 (178,970)

Grants & Contributions provided for Capital Purposes 5,413,411 0 0 1,035 6,035 23,675 5,175 0 0 5,449,331

Total Income including Grants & Contributions provided for Capital Purposes 21,658,039 689,914 65,682 168,498 211,865 880,964 712,149 143,481 142,290 24,672,884

Net Operating Result for the year 4,887,568 0 13,269 39,555 51,589 160,857 92,897 18,676 5,948 5,270,360 UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL INCOME STATEMENT for the financial year ended 30 June 2011

Domestic Dalton Water Gunning Gunning Crookwell Crookwell Taralga Water Taralga Sewer General Fund Total Waste Fund Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Fund Fund REVENUE Rates & Annual Charges 5,830,581 563,918 37,868 96,560 164,165 549,388 667,973 111,986 127,041 8,149,480 User Charges & Fees 5,601,171 95,886 14,925 46,373 533 286,769 533 38,783 1,033 6,086,007 Interest & Investment Revenue 444,342 22,041 13,737 28,089 44,594 33,215 47,875 0 16,813 650,706 Non-Capital Purposes - Operating Grants & Contributions 4,317,256 22,956 887 2,817 2,609 13,565 13,565 2,452 1,983 4,378,090 Net Gain from the Disposal of Assets 133,303 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133,303 Other Revenues 396,907 8,115 208 208 104 2,705 520 312 0 409,080 Total Income from continuing operations 16,723,562 712,917 67,625 174,048 212,005 885,643 730,466 153,533 146,868 19,806,666

EXPENSES Employee Benefits & On-costs 7,159,572 396,666 21,340 50,275 59,523 229,342 175,799 36,100 21,892 8,150,509 Materials & Contracts 4,271,067 218,280 13,459 35,401 42,553 162,510 145,716 25,709 45,388 4,960,084 Borrowing Costs 397,640 22,600 0 0 0 49,700 72,860 32,550 42,060 617,410 Depreciation & Amortisation 3,806,309 70,385 13,287 41,455 58,463 201,431 178,046 24,448 18,144 4,411,969 Net Loss from the Disposal of Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Expenses 1,934,603 4,986 6,259 6,578 5,623 95,587 58,169 8,636 13,282 2,133,723 Total Expenses from continuing operations 17,569,192 712,917 54,346 133,710 166,162 738,569 630,590 127,443 140,766 20,273,694

Net Operating Result before Grants & Contributions provided for Capital Purposes (845,630) 0 13,279 40,338 45,843 147,073 99,876 26,090 6,103 (467,028)

Grants & Contributions provided for Capital Purposes 1,908,093 0 0 19,571 1,071 5,356 5,356 0 0 1,939,448

Total Income including Grants & Contributions provided for Capital Purposes 18,631,655 712,916 67,625 193,619 213,076 890,999 735,822 153,533 146,868 21,746,115

Net Operating Result for the year 1,062,464 0 13,279 59,909 46,914 152,429 105,232 26,090 6,103 1,472,421 6Aged & Disabled D6 Other C7 D9 Other Community Services Community Other D9 Centres Health C6 Noxious Plants C5 4Insect/Vermin Control Food Control C4 C3 2Immunisations Inspection & Administration C2 C1 Services Emergency B6 Purchasing Stores Depot & Works A2.2 Management Engineering Total Works & Engineering A2.1 A2 B5 Enforcement Local Govt Regulations Local Enforcement B5 Re-Allocated Costs Less: Z Program Safety Road A2.5 Running Plant A2.3 Reallocated Labour On-Costs Z Labour On-Costs A1.8 Management Human Resources A1.8 Information Technology A1.7 B2 Fire Protection - Other Protection Fire B2 A1.1 16Purchasing A1.6 B3 Animal Control Animal B3 Service Fire - Contribution Statutory B1 15LegalFees &CostsA1.5 Finance A1.4 AdministrationA1.3 Chambers Council Total Corporate Support A1.2 A1 ABS Code COMMUNITY SERVICES & EDUCATION SERVICES COMMUNITY HEALTH PUBLIC ORDER& SAFETY GOVERNANCE DMNITRA ION AT R IST MIN AD Budget Operating Statement by Activity -2008/2009 Activity by Statement Operating Budget Function Activity or UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL continuing operations

2008/09 Budgeted Budgeted 2008/09 Expenses from Expenses from (2,357,900) 2,392,900 2,881,590 1,119,500 2,456,420 (148,230) 319,300 423,200 338,400 104,650 583,280 258,600 425,170 323,250 485,250 372,930 501,861 405,170 206,100 (25,000) 65,430 73,730 54,930 23,220 20,500 25,100 64,000 29,000 8,300 500 - - - - - continuing operations continuing

2008/09 Budgeted Budgeted 2008/09 noefo from Income 202,850 142,600 256,690 143,100 172,032 168,332 566,995 423,895 423,895 31,540 12,300 9,500 9,500 1,000 9,000 3,700 500 ------Operating Result from from Result Operating continuing operations

2008/09 Budgeted Budgeted 2008/09 (2,392,900) (2,314,595) (2,032,525) 2,357,900 (220,350) (176,700) (338,400) (258,600) (323,250) (204,598) (695,605) (405,170) (206,100) (326,590) (282,070) (313,218) (501,861) 148,230 (23,390) (55,930) (23,220) (92,350) (20,000) (60,300) (64,230) (25,100) (29,000) 25,000 (8,300) 9,000 500 - - - - HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AMENITIES 1,493,364 1,260,189 (233,175) E1 Housing 34,660 16,640 (18,020) E2 Town Planning 327,280 159,750 (167,530) E3 Domestic Waste Management 654,829 654,829 - E4 Other Waste Management 236,785 332,920 96,135 E5 Street Cleaning - - - E7 Urban Stormwater Drainage 52,000 41,550 (10,450) E8 Environmental Protection 30,500 300 (30,200) E9 Public Cemeteries 65,220 54,200 (11,020) E10 Public Conveniences 91,140 - (91,140) E11 Other Community Amenities 950 - (950)

W AT ER SU PPLIES 982,140 1,181,150 199,010 F1 Dalton Water Suppy 50,550 63,800 13,250 F2 Gunning Water Supply 124,350 161,090 36,740 F3 Crookwell Water Suppy 702,050 829,860 127,810 F4 Taralga Water Supply 105,190 126,400 21,210

SEWERAGE SERVICES 892,050 1,018,960 126,910 G Gunning Sewer 154,600 199,850 45,250 GC Crookwell Sewer 607,930 684,260 76,330 GT Taralga Sewer 129,520 134,850 5,330

R ECR EAT ION & CU LT U R E 1,048,460 80,850 (967,610) H1 Public Libraries 316,810 46,300 (270,510) H2 Museums 4,910 - (4,910) H4 Community Centres 17,300 2,050 (15,250) H5 Public Halls 150,870 18,900 (131,970) H7 Swimming Pools 123,600 - (123,600) H8 Sporting Grounds 190,550 13,600 (176,950) H9 Parks & Gardens 238,420 - (238,420) H10 Other Sport & Recreation 6,000 - (6,000)

MINING, MANUFACTURING & CONSTRUCTION 776,700 719,850 (56,850) J1 Building Control 177,700 90,900 (86,800) J3 Quarries & Pits 599,000 628,950 29,950 TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION 6,908,640 2,885,752 (4,022,888) K1 Sealed Urban Roads - Local 583,000 - (583,000) K2 Unsealed Urban Roads - Local 195,000 - (195,000) K3 Sealed Rural Roads - Local 902,000 - (902,000) K4 Sealed Rural Roads - Regional 650,000 915,000 265,000 K5 Unsealed Rural Roads - Local 2,023,000 - (2,023,000) K6 Unsealed Rural Roads - Regional 514,220 - (514,220) K7 Bridges Urban Rds. - Local 67,000 - (67,000) K8 Bridges Urban Rds. - Regional 19,000 - (19,000) K9 Bridges Sealed Rural Rds. - Local 60,500 - (60,500) K10 Bridges Sealed Rural Rds. - Regional 55,000 - (55,000) K11 Bridges Unsealed Rural Rds. - Local 25,500 - (25,500) K12 Bridges Unsealed Rural Rds. - Regional 9,000 - (9,000) K13 Footpaths 43,500 - (43,500) K14 Aerodromes 2,600 - (2,600) K15 Parking Areas 6,000 - (6,000) K16 Bus Shelters & Services 1,020 - (1,020) K18 RTA Works - State Roads 1,679,400 1,824,025 144,625 K19 Street Lighting 66,000 11,500 (54,500) K20 Other 6,900 3,900 (3,000) K21 Gain on Disposal of Assets - 131,327 131,327

ECONOMIC AFFAIRS 2,003,643 2,098,900 95,257 L2 Caravan Parks 27,600 30,500 2,900 L3 Tourism & Area Promotion 177,000 500 (176,500) L5 Saleyards & Markets 1,300 1,000 (300) L6 Real Estate Development 11,100 - (11,100) L8 Other Business Undertakings 1,786,643 2,066,900 280,257

TOTALS - FUNCTIONS & ACTIVITIES 18,630,708 10,250,868 (8,379,840)

GENERAL PURPOSE INCOME - 8,379,842 8,379,842


ABS Res. Budget Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09


0 Employee Costs Corporate Support 1 Salaries & Wages 1,726,405 A1.1 Governance 501,861 2 Labour On-Costs 728,255 A1.2 Council Chambers 206,100 3 Employee Leave Entitlements 1,367,000 A1.3 Administration 1,119,500 0 Superannuation 650,900 A1.4 Financial Services 405,170 0 Workers Compensation 345,000 A1.5 Legal Fees & Costs 29,000 0 Fringe Benefits Tax 30,000 A1.6 Purchasing 0 11 Materials & Contracts -973,390 A1.7 Information Technology 323,250 20 Interest Charges 30,270 A1.8 Human Resources Management 338,400 30 Depreciation 788,600 A1.8 Labour On-Costs 2,392,900 40 Other Operating Costs 42 Audit Services 26,800 43 Consultancies 14,500 Engineering Services 44 Bad & Doubtful Debts 500 A2.1 Engineering Management 319,300 47 Legal Fees 29,000 A2.2 Works Depot/Stores Purchasing 258,600 48 Mayoral Allowance 19,790 A2.3 Plant Operations -148,230 49 Members Fees & Allow. 81,541 A2.5 Road Safety Program 20,500 50 Members Expenses 38,400 52 Insurance 378,450 54 Subscriptions & Publications 41,670 55 Electricity & Heating 24,800 56 Telephone 83,360 57 Contibutions & Donations 33,000 58 Election Expenses 60,000 59 Valuation Fees 41,600 60 Advertising 20,500 61 Equipment Lease 21,700 70 Bank Charges 31,000 71 Printing & Stationary 89,500 72 Postage 22,000 99 Internal Rates & Charges 15,200 5,766,351 5,766,351 Less: Overhead Costs Re-allocated (2,382,900) Z Less: Overhead Costs Re-allocated (2,382,900) TOTAL GOVERNANCE & ADMINISTRATION 3,383,451 TOTAL GOVERNANCE & ADMINISTRATION 3,383,451 ABS Re s . Budge t Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09


0 Employee Costs 1 Salaries & Wages 49,485 B1 Statutory Contribution - Fire Service 25,100 2 Labour On-Costs 17,100 B2 Fire Protection 372,930 11 Materials & Contracts 10,315 B3 Animal Control 64,000 30 Depreciation 68,450 B6 Emergency Services 23,220 40 Other Operating Costs 288,400 52 Insurances 45,700 99 Internal Rates & Charges 5,800


ABS Re s . Budge t Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09


0 Employee Costs 1 Salaries & Wages 262,575 C1 Administration & Inspection 104,650 2 Labour On-Costs 102,961 C3 Food Control 0 3 Training 1,720 C4 Insect/Vermin Control 0 11 Materials & Contracts 169,594 C5 Noxious Weeds 423,200 30 Depreciation 21,630 C6 Gunning Medical Centre 54,930 40 Other Operating Costs C7 Other 500 47 Legal Fees 0 52 Insurance 1,950 55 Electricity & Heating 2,000 57 Contributions & Donations 10,000 60 Advertising 2,250 71 Printing & Stationary 2,500 99 Internal Rates & Charges 6,100 TOTAL HEALTH 583,280 TOTAL HEALTH 583,280 ABS Re s . Budge t Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09


0 Employee Costs 1 Salaries & Wages 21,200 D6 Aged & Disabled 8,300 2 Labour On-Costs 7,400 D9 Other Community Services 65,430 11 Materials & Contracts 12,900 30 Depreciation 15,420 40 Other Operating Costs 57 Contibutions & Donations 14,250 52 Insurance 360 99 Internal Rates & Charges 2,200 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 73,730 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 73,730

ABS Re s . Budge t Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09


0 Employee Costs 1 Salaries & Wages 414,965 E1 Housing 34,660 2 Labour On-Costs 322,845 E2 Town Planning 327,280 11 Materials & Contracts 514,249 E3 Domestic Waste Management 654,829 20 Interest Charges 27,410 E4 Other Waste Management 236,785 30 Depreciation 159,455 E5 Street Cleaning 0 40 Other Operating Costs E7 Urban Stormwater Drainage 52,000 43 Consultancies 5,000 E8 Environmental Protection 30,500 46 Legal Fees - Town Planning 12,000 E9 Public Cemeteries 65,220 52 Insurance 10,150 E10 Public Conveniences 91,140 54 Subscriptions & Publications 500 E11 Other Community Amenities 950 56 Telephone 6,000 60 Advertising 2,000 99 Internal Rates & Charges 18,790 TOTAL HOUSING & COMMUNITY AMENITIES 1,493,364 TOTAL HOUSING & COMMUNITY AMENITIES 1,493,364 ABS Re s . Budge t Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09


0 Employee Costs F1 Dalton Water Supply 50,550 1 Salaries & Wages 231,625 F2 Gunning Water Supply 124,350 2 Labour On-Costs 80,003 F3 Crookwell Water Supply 702,050 11 Materials & Contracts 218,772 F4 Taralga Water Supply 105,190 20 Interest Charges 77,400 30 Depreciation 264,000 40 Other Operating Costs 43 Consultancies 0 44 Bad & Doubtful Debts 500 52 Insurance 39,000 54 Subscriptions & Publications 1,500 55 Electricity & Energy Costs 53,700 56 Telephone 8,200 99 Internal Rates & Charges 7,440 TOTAL WATER SUPPLIES 982,140 TOTAL WATER SUPPLIES 982,140

ABS Re s . Budge t Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09


0 Employee Costs Gunning Sewer 1 Salaries & Wages 180,915 G Gunning Sewer 154,600 2 Labour On-Costs 56,893 GC Crookwell Sewer 607,930 11 Materials & Contracts 215,292 GT Taralga Sewer 129,520 20 Interest Charges 131,800 30 Depreciation 234,500 40 Other Operating Costs 52 Insurance 33,750 55 Electricity & Energy Costs 35,100 99 Internal Rates & Charges 3,800 TOTAL SEWERAGE SERVICES 892,050 G TOTAL SEWERAGE SERVICES 892,050 ABS Re s . Budge t Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09


0 Employee Costs 1 Salaries & Wages 317,190 H1 Public Libraries 316,810 2 Labour On-Costs 117,013 H2 Museums 4,910 11 Materials & Contracts 131,097 H4 Community Centre's 17,300 30 Depreciation 249,830 H5 Public Halls 150,870 40 Other Operating Costs H7 Swimming Pools 123,600 52 Insurance 44,910 H8 Sporting Grounds 190,550 55 Electricity & Energy Costs 20,300 H9 Parks & Gardens 238,420 56 Telephone 9,200 H10 Other Sport & Recreation 6,000 57 Contributions & Donations 118,500 61 Equipment Lease 3,700 71 Printing & Stationary 1,300 99 Internal Rates & Charges 35,420


ABS Re s . Budge t Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09 MINING, MANUFACTURING & CONSTRUCTION J

0 Employee Costs 1 Salaries & Wages 131,460 J1 Building Control 177,700 2 Labour On-Costs 48,376 J3 Quarries & Pits 599,000 11 Materials & Contracts 595,764 40 Other Operating Costs 46 Legal Fees 0 54 Subscriptions & Publications 1,100

TOTAL MINING, MANUFACTURE & CONST 776,700 TOTAL MINING, MANUFACTURE & CONST 776,700 ABS Re s . Budget Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09 TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION K

0 Employee Costs K1 Sealed Urban Rds. - Local 583,000 1 Salaries & Wages 1,357,727 K2 Unsealed Urban Rds. - Local 195,000 2 Labour On-Costs 508,170 K3 Sealed Rural Rds. - Local 902,000 11 Materials & Contracts 2,637,423 K4 Sealed Rural Rds. - Regional 650,000 30 Depreciation 2,329,920 K5 Unsealed Rural Rds. - Local 2,023,000 40 Other Operating Costs K6 Unsealed Rural Rds. - Regional 514,220 57 Contibutions & Donations 0 K7 Bridges Urban Rds. - Local 67,000 53 Street Lighting 66,000 K8 Bridges Sealed Urban Rds. - Regional 19,000 52 Insurance 5,800 K9 Bridges Sealed Rural Rds. - Local 60,500 99 Internal Rates & Charges 3,600 K10 Bridges Sealed Rural Rds. - Regional 55,000 K11 Bridges Unsealed Rural Rds. - Local 25,500 K12 Bridges Unsealed Rural Rds. - Regional 9,000 K13 Footpaths 43,500 K14 Aerodromes 2,600 K15 Parking Areas 6,000 K16 Bus Shelters & Services 1,020 K18 RTA Works - State Roads 1,679,400 K19 Street Lighting 66,000 K20 Other 6,900

TOTAL TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION 6,908,640 TOTAL TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION 6,908,640 ABS Re s . Budget Act. Budget Expenditure - Resource Expenditure - Activity Code Code 2008/09 Code 2008/09 ECONOMIC AFFAIRS L

0 Employee Costs 1 Salaries & Wages 656,345 L2 Caravan Parks 27,600 2 Labour On-Costs 233,052 L3 Tourism & Area Promotion 177,000 11 Materials & Contracts 1,045,236 L5 Saleyards & Markets 1,300 30 Depreciation 1,600 L6 Real Estate Development 11,100 40 Other Operating Costs L8 Private Works 1,786,643 52 Insurance 10,860 55 Electricity & Heating 600 57 Contibutions & Donations 43,550 99 Internal Rates & Charges 12,400



ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


300 User Charges & Fees 265,800 A1.3 Corporate Support/Administration 423,895 300 Plant Income 0 A2.1 Engineering & Works 142,600 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 500 A2.3 Plant Running Income 0 180 Other Operating Revenues A2.5 Road Safety Program 500 181 Fines 300 183 Lease Rentals 45,760 186 Commission & Agency Fees 26,300 187 Sundry Sales 34,600 189 Diesel Fuel Rebate 20,500 190 Other 51,000 190 Ex-gratia payment in lieu of rates 22,235 190 ELE Transfer from Reserve 100,000


ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


200 Rates & Annual Charges 5,085,490 A10 General Purpose Revenue 8,379,842 300 User Charges & Fees 0 140 Interest 428,500 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 2,846,852 190 Legal Fees 19,000

TOTAL GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE 8,379,842 TOTAL GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE 8,379,842 ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


300 User Charges & Fees 3,600 B2 Fire Protection 168,332 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 167,332 B3 Animal Control 3,700 180 Other Operating Revenues B5 Enforcement Local Govt Regulations 0 187 Sundry Sales 1,100 B6 Emergency Services 0


ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


300 User Charges & Fees 131,990 C1 Administration & Inspection 12,300 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 123,700 C3 Food Control 9,000 180 Other Operating Revenues C5 Noxious Weeds 202,850 187 Sundry Sales 1,000 C6 Health Centres 31,540 183 Lease Rentals 0 C7 Other Health Services 1,000

TOTAL HEALTH 256,690 TOTAL HEALTH 256,690 ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


400 Operating Grants & Contributions 4,000 D6 Aged & Disabled 0 300 User Charges & Fees 5,500 D9 Other Community Services 9,500


ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


200 Rates & Annual Charges 859,354 E1 Housing 16,640 300 User Charges & Fees 346,135 E2 Town Planning 159,750 140 Interest 21,500 E3 Domestic Waste Management 654,829 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 23,800 E4 Other Waste Management 332,920 180 Other Operating Revenues E7 Urban Stormwater Drainage 41,550 181 Fines 0 E8 Environmental Protection 300 182 Recycling Income - Old Materials Sold 7,800 E9 Public Cemeteries 54,200 187 Sundry Sales 1,600 E10 Public Conveniences 0 E11 Other Community Amenities 0

TOTAL HOUSING & COMMUNITY AMENITIES 1,260,189 TOTAL HOUSING & COMMUNITY AMENITIES 1,260,189 ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


200 Rates & Annual Charges 725,250 F1 Dalton Water Supply 63,800 300 User Charges & Fees 360,500 F2 Gunning Water Supply 161,090 140 Interest 73,200 F3 Crookwell Water Supply 829,860 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 18,900 F4 Taralga Water Supply 126,400 180 Other Operating Revenues 122 Water User Charge 400 187 Sundry Sales 2,750 190 Other 150


ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


200 Rates & Annual Charges 893,360 G1 Gunning Sewer 199,850 300 User Charges & Fees 1,000 G2 Crookwell Sewer 684,260 140 Interest 106,600 G3 Taralga Sewer 134,850 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 17,400 180 Other Operating Revenues 123 Sewer User Charge 100 187 Sundry Sales 500

TOTAL SEWERAGE SERVICES 1,018,960 TOTAL SEWERAGE SERVICES 1,018,960 ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


200 Rates & Annual Charges 11,650 H1 Public Libraries 46,300 300 User Charges & Fees 23,450 H2 Museums 0 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 43,250 H4 Community Centres 2,050 180 Other Operating Revenues H5 Public Halls 18,900 187 Sundry Sales 2,500 H7 Swimming Pools 0 H8 Sporting Grounds 13,600 H9 Parks & Gardens 0 H10 Other Sport & Recreation 0 TOTAL RECREATION & CULTURE 80,850 TOTAL RECREATION & CULTURE 80,850

ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


300 User Charges & Fees 67,400 J1 Building Control 90,900 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 23,500 J3 Quarries & Gravel Pits 628,950 180 Other Operating Revenues 300 Quarries Sales - User Charges 628,950

TOTAL MINING, MANUFACTURE & CON 719,850 TOTAL MINING, MANUFACTURE & CON 719,850 ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


300 User Charges & Fees 1,827,925 K1 Sealed Urban Rds. - Local 0 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 926,500 K2 Unsealed Urban Rds. - Local 0 195 Gain on Disposal 131,327 K3 Sealed Rural Rds. - Local 0 K4 Sealed Rural Rds. - Regional 915,000 K5 Sealed Urban Rds. - Local 0 K6 Unsealed Rural Rds. - Local 0 K7 Unsealed Rural Rds. - Regional 0 K8 Bridges Urban Rds. - Regional 0 K9 Bridges Sealed Rural Rds. - Local 0 K10 Bridges Sealed Rural Rds. - Regional 0 K11 Bridges Unsealed Rural Rds. - Local 0 K12 Bridges Unsealed Rural Rds. - Regional 0 K13 Footpaths 0 K14 Aerodromes 0 K15 Parking Areas 0 K18 RTA Works - State Roads 1,824,025 K19 Street Lighting 11,500 K20 Other 3,900 K21 Gain on Disposal of Assets 131,327 TOTAL TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION 2,885,752 TOTAL TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION 2,885,752 ABS Re s . Budget Revenue - Resource Revenue - Activity Budget 2008/09 Code Code 2008/09


300 User Charges & Fees 2,043,300 L2 Caravan parks 30,500 400 Operating Grants & Contributions 0 L3 Tourism & Area Promotion 500 180 Other Operating Revenues L5 Saleyards & Markets 1,000 186 Commission & Agency Fees 55,100 L8 Other Business Undertakings/Private Works 2,066,900 187 Sundry Sales 500 L6 Real Estate Development 0


TOTAL UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL 18,630,710 TOTAL UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL 18,630,710 CAPITAL BUDGET - 2008/2009 to 2012/201 Grants & Contributions Provided for Capital Purposes

Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Total 5 Year Job Description 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 Program GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Grant to construct New Council Office / Chambers in Crookwell 3,000,00 0$ 3,000,000$ $ 3,000,000

Corporate Support Transfer From Reserves - IT $ - -$

Engineering & Supervision Trade-in on Sale of Motor Vehicles $ 217,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 937,000 Trade-in on Sale of Plant & Equipment $ 163,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 150,000$ $ 150,000 $ 763,000

PUBLIC ORDER & SAFETY ` Emergency Services SES Vehicles $ -

Bushfire Protection

HOUSING & COMMUNITY AMENITIES Replace/Purchase of Council Residence- Transfer from Land Reserve $ 250,000 $ 250,000

Town Planning 20/20 Strategy / LEP Grant - DOP $ 66,000 $ 66,000

Section 94 - Developer Contributions Open Space $ 1,800 $ 1,863 $ 1,928 1,996$ $ 2,066 $ 9,652 Bushfire $ 23,500 $ 24,323 $ 25,174 26,055$ $ 26,967 $ 126,018 Drainage $ 500 $ 518 $ 536 554$ $ 574 $ 2,681 C ommunity Facilities/Amenities $ 22,500 $ 23,288 $ 24,103 24,946$ $ 25,819 $ 120,655 Roads/Traffic Construction $ 195,000 $ 201,825 $ 208,889 216,200$ $ 223,767 $ 1,045,681 Extractive Industries $ 10,000 $ 10,350 $ 10,712 $ 11,087 $ 11,475 $ 53,625 Garbage Disposal/Facilities $ 10,500 $ 10,868 $ 11,248 11,642$ $ 12,049 $ 56,306 Rural Addressing $ 700 $ 725 $ 750 776$ $ 803 $ 3,754 Plan Administration $ 2,800 $ 2,898 $ 2,999 3,104$ $ 3,213 $ 15,015

Stormwater/Drainage Collector Stormwater Management Plan Implement (Transfer from $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Collector Stormwater Management Plan (Transfer from Reserve) $ 15,000 $ 15,000

Environmental Protection Willow Removal on Kiamma Creek (LCMA Grant) $ 22,200 $ 22,200

Public Conveniences

Other Waste Management Landfill Amenities' Improvements-Shirewide (Transfer from s94 Re $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 50,000

Public Cemeteries Lawn cemetery plaque beams - Shirewide (Transfer from s94 Res $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 10,000$ $ 10,000 $ 50,000

RECREATION & CULTURE Public Libraries $ - Community & Civic Centre Gunning Courthouse Works Heritage Grant $ 46,800 $ 46,800

Parks & Gardens Crookwell - Coleman Park Improvements (Sport & Recreation G $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Breadalbane Park - Cullerin Community Benefit Contribution $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 25,000$ $ 25,000 $ 125,000

TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS Urban Local Roads Bitumen Resealing $ - Village unsealed streets construction - Section 94 - Roads $ - Woodhouselee Rd Laggan – Behind School - Section 94 - Roads $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Road Reconstruction Goulburn Street, Crookwell Improvements - RTA Grant $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Goulburn Street, Crookwell Improvements Transfer from Reserve $ 277,600 $ - $ 277,600 Rural Local Roads Bitumen Resealing Transfer From Reserves - Section 94 Road funds $ 100,000 $ 100,000 100,000$ $ 100,000 $ 400,000 Road Reconstruction Cullerin Road Rehabilitation - (Funded by Reserve RTA Payment) $ 100,000 $ 85,000 85,000$ $ 80,000 $ 350,000 Local Bridges $ - Rural Local Roads (cont.) Roads to Recovery Roads to Recovery Capital Works - MR248W (Boorowa Road) $ 373,000 $ 373,000 Roads to Recovery Capital Works - Collector Road $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Roads to Recovery Capital Works - Taralga Road MR248E $ 290,000 $ 290,000 Roads to Recovery Supplementary Program - Taralga Road MR2 $ 370,000 $ 370,000 Roads to Recovery Supplementary Program - Collector Bridge $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Future Roads to Recovery Capital Works Projects to be identified $ 776,255 $ 776,255 $ 776,255 $ 776,255 $ 3,105,020

Regional Roads Road Construction Unsealed Regional Rd - MR248W (Boorowa Road) - Auslink Pro $ 527,000 $ 527,000 Unsealed Regional Rd-RTA Regional Rd Ex3x3 - Taralga Road M$ 123,000 $ 123,000 $ 123,000 $ 369,000 Unsealed Regional Rd-RTA Repair Program - Taralga Road MR2 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Regional Road Resealing Program (RTA Block Grant funded) $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 1,250,000

Regional Roads Timber Bridges Program Abercrombie Bridge - MR256 350,000$ $ 350,000 Woolshed Creek Bridge - MR256 $ 225,000 $ 225,000 Kiamma Creek Bridge - MR248E $ 60,000 $ 60,000 Commissioner Creek Bridge - MR248E $ 125,000 $ 125,000 Wowagin Creek Bridge - MR248E $ 125,000 $ 125,000

Kerb & Gutter Owner Contributions-Kerbing & guttering program (towns & villag$ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 100,000 Footpaths PAMP Programs Shire wide - (50% RTA Contribution) $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 80,000 PAMP Crookwell (Kiamma Creek) Footpath Construction (50% RTA Contributio $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 60,000 Bus Stop School - Rural Bus Stops (50% RTA Contribution) $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 37,500

OTHER BUSINESS UNDERTAKINGS Stock Reloading Facility (Transfer from Reserve) $ 80,000 $ 80,000

Caravan Parks $ - Tourism $ -


ATER FUND Back a Bushie Water Bore projects (Transfer from Reserve) $ 25,000 $ 25,000

ALTON WATER FUND Replace Reservoir Roof and Inlet Structure (Transfer from Reserve$ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 120,000 Dalton Water Supply Augmentation (DWE 50% Grant) $ 13,000 $ 13,000

UNNING WATER FUND Section 64 Developer Contributions $ 1,000 $ 1,035 $ 1,071 1,109$ $ 1,148 $ 5,362 MOWS Motor Vehicle Purchase / Replacement $ 18,500 $ 18,500 Replace Reservoir Roof (Transfer from Reserve) $ 67,500 $ 67,500 $ 135,000 Gunning Infiltration Well Water Supply Study (Transfer from Reser $ 17,600 $ 17,600

ROOKWELL WATER FUND Section 64 Developer Contributions $ 5,000 $ 5,175 $ 5,356 5,544$ $ 5,738 $ 26,812 MOWS Motor Vehicle Purchase / Replacement $ 18,500 $ 18,500 Crookwell Dam Safety Requirement/Investigation (Transfer from R $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Waterworks Road roadworks to water supply (Transfer from Res $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Fluoridation Plant (100% Department Health Grant funded) $ 60,000 $ 60,000 Tipper Motor Vehicle (Transfer from Reserve) $ 55,000 $ 55,000 Water Treatment Plant Assessment/Replacement Study (Tfr from R$ 33,200 $ 33,200 Crookwell Emergency Bores Assessment Study (Transfer from Re $ 11,400 $ 11,400

ARALGA WATER FUND Taralga Water Supply Augmentation (50% DWE Contribution) $ 410,000 $ 410,000

UNNING SEWER FUND Sewerage Headwork's Charges $ 1,000 $ 1,035 $ 1,071 1,109$ $ 1,148 $ 5,362 Mains Extension - Grosvenor Contribution $ 5,000 $ 5,000 MOWS Motor Vehicle Purchase - Trade-in on Sale of Vehicle $ 20,000 $ 20,000

ROOKWELL SEWER FUND Sewerage Headwork's Charges $ 5,000 $ 5,175 $ 5,356 5,544$ $ 5,738 $ 26,812 TARALGA SEWER FUND Loan Expenditure Transfer from Reserve $ 300,000 $ 300,000

Total Transfers from Reserves $ 1,572,300 337,500$ $ 195,000 445,000$ $ 215,000 $ 2,764,800

Total Capital Grants/Contributions $ 3,697,800 $ 5,449,331 $ 1,939,448 1,748,420$ $ 1,759,258 $ 14,594,257 General Fund $ 3,182,800 $ 5,413,411 1,908,093$ $ 1,735,115 $ 1,745,488 $ 13,597,707 DWM Fund $ - $ - $ - -$ -$ $ - Water Funds $ 489,000 $ 24,710 $ 24,927 $ 6,652 $ 6,885 $ 959,375 Sewer Funds $ 26,000 $ 11,210 $ 6,427 $ 6,652 $ 6,885 $ 37,175 Total of all Funds $ 3,697,800 $ 5,449,331 $ 1,939,448 1,748,420$ $ 1,759,258 $ 14,594,257 General Fund Grants and Contributions 2,515,500 4,788,255 1,273,255 1,108,755 1,108,755 10,407,320 Asset Sales 400,000 348,500 348,500 330,000 330,000 1,757,000 Section 94 Current Year 267,300 276,656 286,338 296,360 306,733 1,433,387 Water/Sewer Grants and Contributions 515,000 35,920 31,355 13,305 13,770 996,550 Capital Income Funding Source Total 3,697,800 5,449,331 1,939,448 1,748,420 1,759,258 14,594,257 CAPITAL BUDGET - 2008/2009 to 2012/2013 Capital Expenditure - Acquisition / Renewal of Assets Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Total Job Description 5 Year 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 Program GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Construct New Council Office / Chambers in Crookwell 6,000,000 6,000,000 Crookwell Office-Covered Walkway/Accommodation 20,000 20,000 Administration Office Building Improvements (Crookwell) 30,000 30,000 Administration Office Building Improvements (Taralga) 10,000 10,000 20,000 Administration Office Building Improvements (Gunning) 10,000 10,000 20,000

Corporate Support IT - Software Program Management 10,000 10,200 10,404 10,612 10,824 52,040 IT - Hardware (PC's/Printers) 19,000 19,380 19,768 20,163 20,566 98,877 IT - File Servers 25,000 30,000 30,000 85,000 IT - Backup Software Licences 1,800 1,800 IT - New Anti-Virus Software Upgrade 3,500 3,500 7,000 IT - Replace (UPS) Equipment 20,000 20,000 40,000 IT - Air Conditioner / Building Adjustments (Gunning) 2,500 2,500 IT - New Stores (Gunning & Crookwell) Computers 4,200 4,200 IT - Replace Environment & Planning Colour Printer 5,500 5,500 IT - Replace Tally Printer 15,000 15,000 IT - Transfer to IT Reserve 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 17,500 Telephone System Upgrade 10,000 10,000 20,000 Telecommunications Improvements 10,000 10,000 20,000 Provision of Councillor Fax Machines/Computers 7,500 7,500 Finance - Civica Application Modules - (HR & Assets) 34,000 34,000 Administration - Data Projector 5,000 5,000 Administration - File Document Management System Equipment 25,000 25,000 Administration Office (Air Conditioner) 2,500 2,500 Administration Office (Binding Machine & Equipment) 4,000 4,000 Transfer to Liquidity / Unrestricted Cash Reserve 130,000 130,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 560,000 Loans-Principal Reduction (former Crookwell loan 166) 4,720 4,720 Loans-Principal Reduction (former Crookwell loan 167) 40,570 43,690 84,260 Loans-Principal Reduction (former Crookwell loan 168) 13,760 14,570 14,960 15,640 16,960 75,890 Loans-Principal Reduction (Regional Rd Bridges loan 173 -15 yrs 4,370 9,280 10,060 10,910 11,830 46,450 Loans-Principal Reduction (Burwood Bridge loan 174 -15 years) 12,660 26,910 29,170 31,630 100,370 Loans-Principal Reduction (Abercrombie Bridge loan 175 -15 yrs) 6,110 12,990 14,080 15,270 48,450 Loans-Principal Reduction (Council Chambers loan 176 -25 years) 12,010 25,520 27,670 30,000 95,200 Loans-Principal Reduction (Woolshed Ck loan 177 -15 years) 3,930 8,350 9,050 9,820 31,150 Loans-Principal Reduction (Reids Flat/Woodville/Kiamma Ck loan 178 -15 yrs) 5,850 12,430 13,480 31,760

Engineering & Supervision Plant Purchases - (see Small Motor Vehicles Fleet Schedule) 376,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,576,000 Plant Replacement - (see Plant Schedule) 535,000 750,000 776,250 803,419 831,538 3,696,207 Transfer to Plant Reserve 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Radio communications improvements 50,000 50,000 100,000 Drafting & survey equipment 20,000 20,000 Workshop Plant & Tools 5,500 5,610 5,722 5,837 5,953 28,622 Works depot (sealing) improvements (& store) 30,000 30,000 Depot Improvements 15,000 30,000 45,000 Satellite Phones 10,000 10,000 20,000 Duplex Radios 15,000 15,000

PUBLIC ORDER & SAFETY Bushfire Protection / Emergency Services SES vehicle replacement 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 SES contibutions & upgrades to equipment & plant 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000

Noxious Weeds Weeds Quick Spray Unit (400 litres) 12,000 12,000

ANIMAL CONTROL Crookwell Dog Pound - minor improvements 2,500 2,500 Companion Animals Requirements 2,000 2,000 HOUSING & COMMUNITY AMENITIES Staff accommodation improvements (4 houses) 14,000 14,490 14,997 15,523 16,066 75,076 Transfer to Building Reserve 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Replace/Purchase of Council Residence 250,000 250,000

Town Planning 20/20 Strategy - LEP Grant Expense (67% Grant Funded) 100,000 100,000

Other Waste Management Future Rubbish Tip Land Acquisition 50,000 50,000 Landfill Amenities' Improvements- Shirewide (Transfer from s94 R 25,000 25,000 50,000 Rubbish Tip Rehabilitation / Increase to Reserve Fund 11,977 12,457 12,955 13,473 14,012 64,874

Public Cemeteries Lawn cemetery plaque beams - Shirewide (Transfer from s94 Res 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Cemetery improvements / 2009 Stonequarry cemetery 10,000 10,000

Stormwater/Drainage Collector Stormwater Management Plan Implementation 25,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 Collector Stormwater Management Plan 15,000 15,000 Crookwell Stormwater Management Plan 15,000 25,000 25,000 65,000 Gunning Stormwater Management Plan 15,000 25,000 25,000 65,000 Taralga Stormwater Management Plan 15,000 25,000 25,000 65,000 Floodplain Studies 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000

Environmental Protection Willow Removal on Kiamma Creek (60% LCMA Grant) 37,000 37,000

Public Conveniences

RECREATION & CULTURE Public Libraries Crookwell & Gunning Libraries-Improvements/Office Equipment 5,000 5,000 Replace Crookwell Library Computers & Equipment 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 19,000 Replace Gunning Library Computers 2,600 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 18,600 Gunning Library - Building Improvements 15,000 15,000

Community & Civic Centre Gunning Courthouse Capital Works (Grant Application 50%) 93,700 20,000 113,700 Crookwell Senior Citizens Building Capital Works 26,300 26,300 Taralga Courthouse Capital Works 10,000 10,000

Public Halls Binda Hall Rear Ramp & Roofing 40,000 40,000 Crookwell Memorial Hall Roof Replacement 100,000 100,000 Gunning Hall Improvements 7,500 7,500 15,000 Taralga Hall Improvements 3,500 10,000 13,000 26,500 Bigga Hall Upgrades 5,000 5,000 Disabled Accesses Public Halls 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 80,000

Parks & Gardens Memorial Park, Crookwell - Improvements (RSL) 2,000 2,000 Crookwell-Coleman Park Improvement (Sport & Recreation Gra 30,000 30,000 Gunning Parks Improvements 5,000 5,000 Breadalbane Park - Cullerin Community Benefit Contribution 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000

Sporting Grounds Playing field improvements at Crookwell 15,000 12,000 27,000 Playing field improvements at Gunning 15,000 12,000 27,000 Playing field improvements in villages 15,000 15,000 30,000 Taralga Oval Upgrades 10,000 10,000 Swimming Pools Crookwell Swimming Pool Paint Pool Inside Surface 7,000 7,000 14,000 Crookwell pool pumps, filtration , electrics upgrade 10,000 10,000 Crookwell Pool Shade structure 5,000 5,000 Crookwell Pool defribulator 2,500 2,500 Gunning pool pumps, filtration , electrics upgrade 5,000 5,000 10,000


Urban Local Roads Woodhouselee Rd Laggan – Behind School 25,000 25,000 Bitumen Resealing Urban Sealed Rd - Bitumen Resealing 80,000 82,800 85,698 88,697 91,802 428,997 Road Reconstruction Gunning Main Street Program Design & Implementation future yea 20,000 40,000 41,400 42,849 44,349 188,598 Taralga Main Street Program Design & Implementation future yea 15,000 40,000 41,400 42,849 44,349 183,598 Goulburn Street, Crookwell Improvements (Transfer from Reserv 277,600 277,600 /Blakney Road Improvements 52,000 52,000

Roads to Recovery Roads to Recovery Capital Works - Collector Road 300,000 300,000 Roads to Recovery Capital Works - Taralga Road MR248E 274,000 274,000 Roads to Recovery Capital Works - Boorowa Road MR248W 373,000 373,000 Roads to Recovery Supplementary Program-Taralga Road MR24 370,000 370,000 Roads to Recovery Supplementary Program - Collector Bridge 100,000 100,000 Future Roads to Recovery Capital Works Projects to be identified 776,255 776,255 776,255 776,255 3,105,020

Rural Local Roads Gravel Resheeting / Heavy Patching 200,000 207,000 214,245 221,744 229,505 1,072,493 Local Roadwork's Crown Road Upgrading Contributions 20,000 20,000 40,000 Bitumen Resealing Rural Sealed Rd - Bitumen Resealing 350,000 362,250 374,929 388,051 401,633 1,876,863 Road Construction Cullerin Road Rehabilitation - (Funded by $350K RTA Payment) 100,000 85,000 85,000 80,000 350,000 Rural Roads development contribution-(Funded by s94 Road funds) 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 400,000 Local Bridges Burwood Creek Bridge Replacement 750,000 750,000 Reids Flat & Woodville Bridge Replacements 275,000 275,000

Regional Roads Road Construction Unsealed Regional Rd-MR256 Oberon Road Construction & Sea 280,000 280,000 Unsealed Regional Rd-Boorowa Road MR248W-Auslink Progra 527,000 527,000 Unsealed Regional Rd-RTA Ex3x3 - Taralga Road MR248E 123,000 123,000 123,000 369,000 Unsealed Regional Rd-RTA Repair Program-Taralga Road MR24 150,000 150,000 Regional Road Resealing Program (RTA Block Grant funded) 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,250,000

Regional Roads Timber Bridge Replacement Program Abercrombie Bridge - MR256 700,000 700,000 Woolshed Creek Bridge - MR256 450,000 450,000 Kiamma Creek Bridge - MR248E 120,000 120,000 Commissioner Creek Bridge - MR248E 250,000 250,000 Wowagin Creek Bridge - MR248E 250,000 250,000

Footpaths Disabled access constructions - PAMP & Access Committee 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Crookwell (Kiamma Creek) Footpath Concept Plan & Implemen 5,000 5,000 PAMP (Kiamma Creek) Footpath Construction (50% RTA funded) 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 120,000 Crookwell Memorial Oval Entrance and adjoining footpath 15,000 15,000 Footpath Reconstruction - Shire wide 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 PAMP Cycleway Program (50% RTA funded) 40,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 160,000 Kerb & Gutter Kerb & guttering program (towns/villages) 50% Owner Contribut 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000

Bus Stop School - Rural Bus Stops (50% RTA funded) 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000

OTHER BUSINESS UNDERTAKINGS Industrial land Establishment/Land Purchase 300,000 300,000 Stock Reloading Facility (Transfer from Reserve) 80,000 80,000

Caravan Parks & Camping Areas Caravan park improvements 40,000 40,000

Tourism Signage for Shire 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000

OMESTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT FUND Loan Principal Reduction-Garbage Truck/Bins (loan 171 - 10 yea 30,210 32,520 35,020 37,700 40,590 176,040 Landfill upgrades in Shire 20,000 20,700 21,425 22,174 22,950 107,249 Recycling collection & disposal facilities upgrade 15,000 15,525 16,068 16,631 17,213 80,437

URAL WATER SUPPLY Collector Water Supply Option Study 20,000 20,000 Back a Bushie Water Bore projects (Transfer from Reserve) 25,000 25,000

ALTON WATER FUND Replace Reservoir Roof and Inlet Structure (Transfer from Reserv 60,000 60,000 120,000 Bore Switchboard Replacements 10,000 10,000 Mains Replacements/Closing Loops 5,000 5,175 5,356 5,544 21,075 Dalton Water Supply Assessment Study (DWE 50% Grant) 26,000 26,000

ARALGA WATER FUND Mains Replacements/Closing Loops 6,000 6,210 6,427 6,652 25,290 Taralga Water Supply Augmentation (50% funded by loan/DWE) 820,000 820,000 Loan Principal Reduction (New 20 year loan) 4,190 8,900 9,650 10,470 11,350 44,560

UNNING WATER FUND Replace Reservoir Roof (Transfer from Reserve) 67,500 67,500 135,000 Mains Replacement/Closing Loops 16,000 8,000 8,280 8,570 40,850 Gunning Water Supply Augmentation (Condition Assess Rising Main) 5,000 5,000 Mechanical and Electrical Upgrades (Chlorine Analyser) 2,500 3,000 5,500 Gunning Infiltration Well Water Supply Study (Tfr from Reserve) 17,600 17,600 MOWS Motor Vehicle Purchase / Replacement 29,000 29,000 Water Handheld Meter Track Device 8,000 8,000

ROOKWELL WATER FUND Loan Principal Reduction (Former Crookwell loan 163W) 58,450 63,520 69,040 64,550 37,270 292,830 Mains Replacement/Closing Loops 10,000 10,350 10,712 11,087 42,149 Crookwell Dam Safety Requirements and Investigations 40,000 40,000 Water Treatment Plant Mechanical and Electrical Replacements 7,000 7,500 7,750 8,000 30,250 Water Treatment Plant OH and S Improvements 3,000 3,000 Water Treatment Plant Assessment & Replacement Study 33,200 33,200 Crookwell Emergency Bores Assessment Study 11,400 11,400 Waterworks Road roadworks to water supply (Tfr from Reserve) 35,000 35,000 MOWS Motor Vehicle Purchase / Replacement 29,000 29,000 Fluoridation Plant (100% Department Health Grant funded) 60,000 60,000 Tipper Motor Vehicle (Transfer from Reserve) 55,000 55,000 TARALGA SEWER FUND Loan Principal Reduction (loan 170 - 30 year loan) 7,690 8,690 9,260 9,760 10,300 45,700 Loan Expenditure (Transfer from Reserve) 300,000 300,000

GUNNING SEWER FUND Replace STP Switchboard 25,000 25,000 Sewer Main Extensions 50,000 50,000 100,000 Sewer Main Replacements 5,000 5,175 5,356 5,544 5,738 26,812 Grosvenor Street Sewage Pumping Station 30,000 30,000 Collector Sewerage Option Study 20,000 20,000

CROOKWELL SEWER FUND Loan Principal Reduction (Former Crookwell loan 163S) 85,710 93,150 101,240 93,360 49,220 422,680 Geo tube for Sludge Drying 7,000 7,700 14,700 Sewage Treatment Plant Mechanical and Electrical Replacements 3,000 3,000 6,000 Sewage Treatment Plant OH&S Improvements 2,000 2,000 Sewerage Pumping Station Upgrades 3,250 3,364 3,481 3,603 3,729 17,428 MOWS Motor Vehicle Purchase / Replacement 29,000 29,000 Sewer Main Rehabilitation / Renewal 30,000 31,050 32,137 33,262 126,448 Total Capital Expenditure 8,375,597 12,955,736 4,926,988 4,584,776 4,315,817 35,158,914 General Fund 6,513,397 12,343,692 4,506,663 4,242,621 4,038,342 31,644,715 DWM Fund 65,210 68,745 72,513 76,505 80,753 363,726 Water Funds 1,344,340 287,920 147,425 113,546 91,473 1,984,704 Sewer Funds 452,650 255,379 200,388 152,104 105,249 1,165,769 Total of All Funds 8,375,597 12,955,736 4,926,988 4,584,776 4,315,817 35,158,914 Capital Works Funding by Source:- New Loans/Borrowing 660,000 4,325,000 335,000 0 0 5,320,000 Asset Sales 400,000 348,500 348,500 330,000 330,000 1,757,000 Transfers from Reserves 1,572,300 337,500 195,000 445,000 215,000 2,764,800 General Fund Grants & Contributions 2,515,500 4,788,255 1,273,255 1,108,755 1,108,755 10,794,520 Water/Sewer Fund Grants & Contributions 515,000 35,920 31,355 13,305 13,770 609,350 Transfers to Reserves 245,477 245,957 216,455 216,973 217,512 1,142,374 Recurrent Revenue 2,467,320 2,874,604 2,527,423 2,470,743 2,430,780 12,770,870 Capital Income Funding Source Total 8,375,597 12,955,736 4,926,988 4,584,776 4,315,817 35,158,914 % Recurrent Revenue Funded 29.46% 22.19% 51.30% 53.89% 56.32% 36.32% UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL CAPITAL BUDGET BY FUNDING SOURCE - 2008/2009 Capital Expenditure - Acquisition / Renewal of Assets

Budget Funding Job Description Ledger No. 2008/2009 Source GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Administration Office Building Improvements (Crookwell) 01.55104.4103.002 30,000 Recurrent Revenue Administration Office Building Improvements (Gunning) 01.55196.4103.002 10,000 Recurrent Revenue

Corporate Support IT - Software Program Management 01.55118.4130.002 10,000 Recurrent Revenue IT - Hardware (PC's/Printers) 01.55103.4135.002 19,000 Recurrent Revenue IT - File Servers 01.55120.4135.002 25,000 Recurrent Revenue IT - Backup Software Licences 01.55309.4130.002 1,800 Recurrent Revenue IT - Replace Environment & Planning Colour Printer 01.55310.4135.002 5,500 Recurrent Revenue Transfer to IT Reserve 01.24000.4251.998 3,500 Transfer to Reserve Telecommunications Improvements 01.55001.4135.002 10,000 Recurrent Revenue Provision of Councillor Fax Machines/Computers 01.55312.4135.002 7,500 Recurrent Revenue Finance - Civica Application Modules - (HR & Assets) 01.55248.4130.002 34,000 Recurrent Revenue Administration Office - Air Conditioner (Crookwell) 01.55180.4120.002 2,500 Recurrent Revenue Administration Office (Binding Machine & Equipment) 01.55313.4120.002 4,000 Recurrent Revenue Transfer to Liquidity / Unrestricted Cash Reserve 01.07800.7200.920 130,000 Transfer to Reserve Loans-Principal Reduction (former Crookwell loan 166) 01.60004.4900.002 4,720 Recurrent Revenue Loans-Principal Reduction (former Crookwell loan 167) 01.60005.4900.002 40,570 Recurrent Revenue Loans-Principal Reduction (former Crookwell loan 168) 01.60006.4900.002 13,760 Recurrent Revenue Loans-Principal Reduction (Regional Rd Bridges loan 174 - 15 years) 01.60008.4900.002 4,370 Recurrent Revenue

Engineering & Supervision Plant Purchases - (see Small Motor Vehicles Fleet Schedule) 01.59000.4210.004 376,000 Sale of Assets funded $217,000 Plant Replacement - (see Plant Schedule) 01.59000.4210.004 535,000 Sale of Assets funded $163,000 Transfer to Plant Reserve 01.59000.4251.998 50,000 Transfer to Reserve Drafting & survey equipment 01.55117.4050.002 20,000 Recurrent Revenue Workshop Plant & Tools 01.55122.4120.002 5,500 Recurrent Revenue Works depot (sealing) improvements (& store) 01.55123.4103.002 30,000 Recurrent Revenue Depot Improvements for SIMC contract 01.55209.4103.002 15,000 Recurrent Revenue

PUBLIC ORDER & SAFETY Bushfire Protection / Emergency Services SES vehicle replacement 01.55252.4210.004 15,000 Recurrent Revenue SES contibutions & upgrades to equipment & plant 01.55253.4120.002 6,000 Recurrent Revenue

Noxious Weeds Weeds Quick Spray Unit (400 litres) 01.55314.4120.002 12,000 Recurrent Revenue

ANIMAL CONTROL Crookwell Dog Pound - new holding pens 01.55183.4103.002 2,500 Recurrent Revenue Companion Animals Requirements 01.55183.4103.002 2,000 Recurrent Revenue

HOUSING & COMMUNITY AMENITIES Staff accommodation improvements (4 houses) 01.55256.4103.002 14,000 Recurrent Revenue Transfer to Building Reserve 01.44000.4251.998 50,000 Transfer to Reserve

Town Planning 20/20 Strategy - LEP Grant Expense 01.41008.2899.002 100,000 Grant Funded 66%

Other Waste Management Landfill Amenities' Improvements - Shirewide 01.55257.4103.002 25,000 Transfer from s94 Reserve Rubbish Tip Rehabilitation / Increase to Reserve Fund 01.39000.4251.998 11,977 Transfer to Reserve Public Cemeteries Lawn cemetery plaque beams 01.55175.4145.002 10,000 Transfer from s94 Reserve Cemetery improvements / extensions 01.55260.4145.002 10,000 Recurrent Revenue

Stormwater/Drainage Collector Stormwater Management Plan Implementation 01.55187.4159.002 25,000 Transfer from Reserve Collector Stormwater Management Plan 01.55187.4159.002 15,000 Transfer from Reserve Crookwell Stormwater Management Plan 01.55188.4159.002 15,000 Recurrent Revenue Gunning Stormwater Management Plan 01.55262.4159.002 15,000 Recurrent Revenue Taralga Stormwater Management Plan 01.55263.4159.002 15,000 Recurrent Revenue

Environmental Protection Willow Removal on Kiamma Creek (LCMA Grant) 01.55303.2900.002 37,000 Grant funded 60%

Public Conveniences

RECREATION & CULTURE Public Libraries Replace Crookwell Library Computers 01.55190.4135.002 3,000 Recurrent Revenue Replace Gunning Library Computers 01.55190.4135.002 2,600 Recurrent Revenue Gunning Library - Building Improvements 01.55106.4103.002 15,000 Recurrent Revenue

Community & Civic Centre Gunning Courthouse Capital Works (Grant Application) 01.55114.4103.002 93,700 Grant funded 50% Crookwell Senior Citizens Building Capital Works 01.55298.4103.002 26,300 Recurrent Revenue

Public Halls Gunning Hall Improvements 01.55191.4103.002 7,500 Recurrent Revenue Taralga Hall Improvements 01.55268.4103.002 3,500 Recurrent Revenue Bigga Hall Upgrades 01.55269.4103.002 5,000 Recurrent Revenue

Parks & Gardens Memorial Park, Crookwell - Improvements (RSL) 01.55194.4150.001 2,000 Recurrent Revenue Crookwell - Coleman Park Improvements (Sport & Recreation Grant) 01.55129.4150.001 30,000 Grant funded 50% Gunning Parks Improvements 01.55193.4150.001 5,000 Recurrent Revenue Breadalbane Park - Cullerin Community Benefit Contribution 01.55273.4150.002 25,000 Grant funded 100%

Sporting Grounds Playing field improvements at Crookwell 01.55274.4150.002 15,000 Recurrent Revenue

Swimming Pools Crookwell Swimming Pool Paint Pool Inside Surface 01.55138.4155.002 7,000 Recurrent Revenue Gunning pool pumps, filtration , electrics upgrade 01.55279.4155.002 5,000 Recurrent Revenue


Urban Local Roads Woodhouselee Rd Laggan – Behind School 01.55315.8313.002 25,000 Transfer from s94 Reserve Bitumen Resealing Urban Sealed Rd - Bitumen Resealing 01.55163.5101.002 80,000 Recurrent Revenue Road Reconstruction Gunning Main Street Program Design & Implementation future years 01.55316.4050.002 20,000 Recurrent Revenue Taralga Main Street Program Design & Implementation future years 01.55317.4050.002 15,000 Recurrent Revenue Goulburn Street, Crookwell Improvements Transfer from Reserve 01.55202.2605.001 277,600 Transfer from Reserve Roads to Recovery Roads to Recovery Capital Works - Collector Road 01.50001.2605.002 300,000 Grant funded 100% Roads to Recovery Capital Works - Taralga Road MR248E 01.50007.9006.002 274,000 Grant funded 100% Roads to Recovery Capital Works - Boorowa Road MR248W 01.50200.9160.002 373,000 Grant funded 100% Roads to Recovery Supplementary Program - Taralga Road MR248E 05.50008.9006.002 370,000 Transfer from Reserve Roads to Recovery Supplementary Program - Collector Bridge 01.50106.6011.002 100,000 Transfer from Reserve

Rural Local Roads Gravel Resheeting / Heavy Patching 01.55284.1430.002 200,000 Recurrent Revenue Bitumen Resealing Rural Sealed Rd - Bitumen Resealing 01.55162.5101.002 350,000 Recurrent Revenue

Regional Roads Road Construction Unsealed Regional Rd - MR256 Oberon Road Construction & Seal 01.52564.9006.002 280,000 Recurrent Revenue Unsealed Regional Rd-MR248W (Boorowa Road) Auslink Program 01.50200.9006.001 527,000 Grant funded 100% Unsealed Regional Rd - MR248East (Taralga Road) 01.52484.9006.001 123,000 Grant funded 100% Unsealed Regional Rd-RTA Repair Program - Taralga Road MR248E 01.52488.9006.002 150,000 Grant funded 100% Regional Road Resealing Program (Block Grant funded) 01.50523.5101.002 250,000 Grant funded 100%

Regional Roads Timber Bridge Replacement Program Commissioner Creek Bridge - MR248E 01.52486.2604.002 250,000 Loan funded/Grant funded 50% Wowagin Creek Bridge - MR248E 01.52487.2604.002 250,000 Loan funded/Grant funded 50%

Footpaths Disabled access constructions 01.55288.1681.002 10,000 Recurrent Revenue Crookwell (Kiamma Creek) Footpath Concept Plan & Design 01.55318.1681.002 5,000 Recurrent Revenue Crookwell Memorial Oval Entrance and adjoining footpath 01.55319.1681.002 15,000 Recurrent Revenue Footpath Reconstruction - Shire 01.55289.1681.002 20,000 Recurrent Revenue PAMP Programs (50% RTA funded) 01.55291.1681.002 40,000 Grant funded 50%

Kerb & Gutter Kerbing & guttering program (towns & villages) 01.55292.1640.002 40,000 Recurrent Revenue

Bus Stop School bus stops construction (50% funded) 01.55294.2605.002 15,000 Grant funded 50%

OTHER BUSINESS UNDERTAKINGS Stock Reloading Facility (Transfer from Reserve) 01.55219.4050.002 80,000 Transfer from Reserve

Caravan Parks & Camping Areas Caravan park inprovements Crookwell & Gunning 01.55144.4150.002 40,000 Recurrent Revenue

Tourism Signage for Shire 01.55142.4120.002 20,000 Recurrent Revenue

DOMESTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT FUND Loan Principal Reduction - Garbage Truck/Bins (loan 171 - 10 years) 06.06004.4900.002 30,210 Recurrent Revenue Landfill upgrades in the Shire 06.06504.4050.002 20,000 Recurrent Revenue Recycling collection & disposal facilities upgrade 06.06505.4050.002 15,000 Recurrent Revenue RURAL WATER SUPPLY Collector Water Supply Option Study 09.09507.4200.002 20,000 Recurrent Revenue Back a Bushie Water Bore projects 02.02551.2008.002 25,000 Transfer from Reserve DALTON WATER FUND Replace Reservoir Roof and Inlet Structure (Transfer from Reserve) 11.11506.4200.002 60,000 Transfer from Reserve Dalton Water Supply Assessment Study (DWE 50% Grant) 11.11509.4200.002 26,000 Grant funded 50% TARALGA WATER FUND Taralga Water Supply Augmentation (50% funded by loan/DEUS) 12.12508.4200.002 820,000 Loan funded/Grant funded 50% Loan Principal Reduction (New 20 year loan) 12.12600.4900.002 4,190 Recurrent Revenue GUNNING WATER FUND Replace Reservoir Roof (Transfer from Reserve) 09.09514.4200.002 67,500 Transfer from Reserve Gunning Infiltration Well Water Supply Study (Tfr from Reserve) 09.09516.4200.002 17,600 Transfer from Reserve Water Handheld Meter Track Device 09.09517.4120.002 8,000 Recurrent Revenue CROOKWELL WATER FUND Loan Principal Reduction (Former Crookwell loan 163W) 02.02600.4900.002 58,450 Recurrent Revenue Crookwell Dam Safety Requirements and Investigations 02.02548.4200.002 40,000 Transfer from Reserve Water Treatment Plant OH and S Improvements 02.02550.4200.002 3,000 Recurrent Revenue Water Treatment Plant Assessment & Replacement Study 02.02555.4200.002 33,200 Transfer from Reserve Crookwell Emergency Bores Assessment Study 02.02556.4200.002 11,400 Transfer from Reserve Waterworks Road roadworks to water supply (Transfer from Reserve) 02.02557.9006.002 35,000 Transfer from Reserve Fluoridation Plant (100% Dept Health Grant funded) 02.02558.4200.002 60,000 Grant funded 100% Tipper Motor Vehicle (Transfer from Reserve) 02.59000.4210.004 55,000 Transfer from Reserve TARALGA SEWER FUND Loan Principal Reduction (loan 170 - 30 year loan) 13.13600.4900.002 7,690 Recurrent Revenue Loan Expenditure (Transfer from Reserve) 13.13501.4300.002 300,000 Transfer from Reserve GUNNING SEWER FUND Sewer Main Replacements 10.10508.4300.002 5,000 Recurrent Revenue Collector Sewerage Option Study 10.10510.4300.002 20,000 Recurrent Revenue CROOKWELL SEWER FUND Loan Principal Reduction (Former Crookwell loan 163S) 03.03600.4900.002 85,710 Recurrent Revenue Sewage Treatment Plant OH&S Improvements 03.03529.4300.002 2,000 Recurrent Revenue Sewerage Pumping Station Upgrades 03.03530.4300.002 3,250 Recurrent Revenue MOWS Motor Vehicle Purchase / Replacement 03.59000.4210.004 29,000 Sale of Assets funded $20,000 Total Capital Expenditure 8,375,597 General Fund Capital Expenditure 6,513,397 DWM Fund Capital Expenditure 65,210 Water Funds Capital Expenditure 1,344,340 Sewer Funds Capital Expenditure 452,650 Total of All Funds Capital Expenditure 8,375,597 Capital Works Funding by source:- General Fund - New Loans/Borrowing 250,000 250,000 Water Fund - New Loans/Borrowing 410,000 410,000 General Fund & Sewer Fund - Asset Sales 400,000 400,000 General Fund - Transfers to Reserves 245,477 245,477 General Fund - Transfers from Reserves 927,600 927,600 Sewer Fund - Transfers from Reserves 300,000 300,000 Water Fund - Transfers from Reserves 344,700 344,700 General Fund - Grants & Contributions 2,515,500 2,409,050 Sewer Fund - Grants & Contributions 26,000 0 Water Fund - Grants & Contributions 489,000 483,000 All Funds - Recurrent Revenue 2,467,320 2,605,770 Capital Income Funding Source Total 8,375,597 8,375,597 % Recurrent Revenue Funded 29.46% 31.11% UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL PLANT REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE - 2008/2009

Change Over Profit/ (Loss) Plan t No. De s cr iption Re go. Ne w Plant Tr ade W/D V alue Cost on Sale 2 Caterpillar 12G Grader - Asset ID 6505 TGF-515 0 50,000 0 (50,000) 50,000 185 Volvo Front End Loader L90C - Asset ID 6585 UCQ-805 250,000 65,000 14,260 185,000 50,740 373 Volvo Tipper Truck (Ex Mulwaree) (with 374) Asset ID 10119 TVP-730 230,000 40,000 17,413 190,000 22,587 374 Dog Trailer (Ex Mulwaree) (with 373) Asset ID ? J-40778 55,000 8,000 0 47,000 8,000 New Weeds Quick Spray Unit (400 litres) N/A 12,000 0 0 12,000 0 New Tipper Single Cab Motor Vehicle N/A 55,000 0 0 55,000 0 TOTALS $602,000 $163,000 $31,673 $439,000 $131,327 535,000 Fund Summary

Profit/ (Loss) Fund on Sale

General Fund (Includes Plant & Small Vehicle Fleet Estimates) $547,000 $163,000 $31,673 $384,000 $131,327 Water Fund $55,000 0 0 $55,000 0 Sewer Fund 0 0 Domestic Waste Fund 0 0 Total All Funds $602,000 $163,000 $31,673 $439,000 $131,327 UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL


Plant No Current Vehicle Position Description Purchase Trade Changeover 452 Commodore SV6 Director of Finance & Administration $ 32,000 $ 21,000 $ 11,000 454 Ford Utility Crookwell Works Overseer $ 28,000 $ 15,000 $ 13,000 459 Ford Ranger DC 4x4 Noxious Weeds $ 30,000 $ 17,000 $ 13,000 461 Rodeo Crew Cab 4x4 Gunning Works Superintendant $ 30,000 $ 17,000 $ 13,000 462 Ford Ranger Trayback Gunning Works Overseer $ 30,000 $ 17,000 $ 13,000 475 Forester wagon Manager of Water & Sewer $ 29,000 $ 20,000 $ 9,000 443 Falcon Utility Crookwell Works Superintendant $ 30,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 479 Holden Omega Project Engineer $ 28,000 $ 16,000 $ 12,000 487 Ford Futura Sedan Director of Works & Operations $ 32,000 $ 18,000 $ 14,000 425 Isuzu Workshop Superintendent $ 25,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 480 Ford Fairmont Ghia Mayor $ 32,000 $ 18,000 $ 14,000 496 Holden Commodore General Manager $ 32,000 $ 19,000 $ 13,000 465 Ford Focus HR Coordinator $ 22,000 $ 14,000 $ 8,000 289 Ford Utility WWTP OIC Water & Sewer $ 25,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 Total Motor Vehicles $ 405,000 $ 237,000 $ 168,000 FEES AND CHARGES Page F1 Administration Page F5 Health 2008/2009 Page F4 PublicHousing Order & Community Page F6 UPPER LACHLAN SHIRE COUNCIL Amenities Transport & PageF20 Schedule of Fees - 2008/2009 Page F16 RecreationCommunication & Culture PageF22 Sew erage Services Note: All fees or charges set by legislation or regulation are subject to change in conjunction with the relevant legislation or regulation. PageF21 Economic Services Note: All fees & charges with references to Division 81 exemptions are exempt from GST. PageF23 Water Services GST Status or Title of Fee/Charge Pricing Exe mpti on Proposed Fees for 2008/2009 T Code Le dger No. Category Function - ADMINISTRATION Reference Section 603 Certificate (outstanding rates & charges certificate) Div 81 (16.43) $60.00 8 2 01.23001.1100.124

Section 603 Urgency Fee (cert. provided within 24hours) GST incl. $40.00 1 142 01.23001.1100.124

Section 603 Cancellation Fee GST incl. $20.00 4 142 01.23001.1100.124

Rates Enquiry Fee (minimum charge per written response) Div 81 (16.77) $58.00 1 3 01.23001.1100.323

Valuation Book Extract (per rate assessment) Div 81 (16.77) $25.00 1 3 01.23001.1100.323

Rates & Charges Notice (supply of (same a copy as rate library) notice) Div 81 (16.77) $5.00 1 3 01.23001.1100.323 A4 Per Copy single sideTime spent GST Council Officers at the hourly rate of the $0.40 3 105 01.23001.1100.128 Officers concerned plus 35% oncosts plus any Other Search Fees A4 Per Copy double sidedDiv 81 (16.77) GST incl. 1$0.50 3 01.23001.1100.3233 105 01.23001.1100.128 photocopying charges and postage costs. A4 Per Colour Copy single side GST incl. $0.80 3 105 01.23001.1100.128 Interest on Overdue RatesA4 Per and Colour Charges Copy (sec.566 double sidedLGA 1993) No GST GST incl. 10% 8$1.00 01.23501.1000.1113 105 01.23001.1100.128 Note: Lower rates may apply for communuty organisations MapInfo S ales A3 Per Copy single side GST incl. $0.60 3 105 01.23001.1100.128 ReplacementA4 Cheque Fee (for lost or unpresented Council cheques)Div GST 81 (16.77)incl. $20.00$7.50 41 149109 01.23001.1100.13001.23001.1100.128 A3 Per Copy double sided GST incl. $0.75 3 105 01.23001.1100.128 A3 Div 81 (16.77) $7.50 1 109 01.23001.1100.128 Dishonoured ChequeA3 Fee Per (each Colour instance) Copy single side GST incl. GST incl. $45.00 4$1.20 149 01.23001.1100.1303 105 01.23001.1100.128 AO (large) Div 81 (16.77) $25.00 1 109 01.23001.1100.128 A3 Per Colour Copy double sidedMinimum GST $60.00 incl. (Fxact fee for each tender to be $1.50 3 105 01.23001.1100.128 ProvisionA1Small (large) (< 0.5square of Tender metre) Documents DivGST 81 (16.77)in cl. $20.00$25.00 1 109111 01.23001.1100.12801.37001.1100.138 Large (> 0.5square metre)Facsimile: Sending (per or Receiving copy) Div 81 (16.77) determined GST Director of Works) $50.00 1 $6.00 3 105 01.23001.1100.128 A3AO with property information DivGST 81 (16.77)in cl. $14.00$17.00 1111 109125 01.37001.1100.13801.23001.1100.128 Photocopying Laminating – A4 GST incl. $4.00 3 105 01.23001.1100.128 A4PlanA1 with Printing property - information DivGST 81 (16.77)in cl. $14.00$11.50 1 109 125 01.23001.1100.12801.37001.1100.138 A2 Laminating – A3GST in cl. GST incl. $9.50 1 $4.50125 01.37001.1100.1383 105 01.23001.1100.128 Sale of Shire Maps Copy of Management Plan (Available free of charge from ULSC Website) Div 81 (16.77) $55.00 1 109 01.23001.1100.128 (12 months calendar year) Per Year Div 81 (16.77) $192.00 1 109 01.23001.1100.128 Copy of Annual Report, Quarterly Performance Reports, etc. Div 81 (16.77) $55.00 1 109 01.23001.1100.128 PerApplication Month for Access. Div No 81 GST(16.77) $16.00$30.00 18109 117 01.23001.1100.12801.23001.1800.500 Copy of other Plans, Policies and Guidelines Div 81 (16.77) $25.00 1 109 01.23001.1100.128 p ent b y Council Officers at the rate of $30.00 p er FreedomInternal Review of Information of Determination. Act No GST $40.00 8 117 01.23001.1800.500 1 01.23001.1800.500 Supply of Council Business Papers - Postage and Handling 1 105 01.23001.1100.128 hour plus photocopying charges and postage costs. GST in cl. Time s $6.00 Application Processing - per hour Div 81 (16.49) Note: Subject to Sec 21 and other provisions within the Freedom of Information Act, if it is Council's opinion that the costs of dealing with the application are likely to exceed the amount of the Supply of Confirmed Minutes - application fee, an advance deposit will be required before any application is processed. The minimum amount of any advance deposit will be $200.00. A further advance deposit covering the full Crookwell & Gunning costs of dealing with the application must be paid prior to the release of any information. Per hour GST in cl. $16.00 3 01.23001.1100.125 $550 unless exclusive or long term use required, then GST in cl. 1 01.23001.1100.172 Per day (maximum 8 hours) GST incl. d $64.00 3 01.23001.1100.125 GST in cl. As determined b y the General Mana negotiatedg or res p onsible Director Various

Rent of Council Owned / Council Controlled Lan Disabled Amenities Access Key (MLAK) GST in cl. $10.00 2 152 01.37001.1100.214

Hire of Council Meeting Rooms pp $30.00 Internal Review of Determination. No GST $40.00 8 117 01.23001.1800.500

Time spent by Council Officers at the rate of $30.00 per Application Processing - per hour Div 81 (16.49) 1 01.23001.1800.500 hour plus photocopying charges and postage costs.

Note: Subject to Sec 21 and other provisions within the Freedom of Information Act, if it is Council's opinion that the costs of dealing with the application are likely to exceed the amount of the application fee, an advance deposit will be required before any application is processed. The minimum amount of any advance deposit will be $200.00. A further advance deposit covering the full costsCrookwell of dealing & Gunning with the application must be paid prior to the release of any information. Per hour GST in cl. $16.00 3 01.23001.1100.125 $550 unless exclusive or long term use required, then Per day (maximum 8 hours)GST inincl. cl. $64.00 3101.23001.1100.125 01.23001.1100.172GST in cl. As determined by the General Manager or responsible Director Various negotiated fee. - Police GST in cl. $287.00 3 01.32851.1100.195 Rent of Council Owned / Council Controlled Land Disabled Amenities Access Key (MLAK) GST in cl. $10.00 2 152 01.37001.1100.214 - Mr Robert Churchill GST incl. $287.00 3 01.32851.1100.195 Hire of Council Meeting Rooms - Ambulance GST incl. $287.00 3 01.32851.1100.195 - Fire Brigade GST incl. $287.00 3 01.32851.1100.195 Function - PUBLIC ORDER Companion Animal Act - Country Energy GST incl. $1,147.00 3 01.32851.1100.195 Lifetime Registration Fees (i)) Desexed (Includes Registered Breeders) Div. 81 (16.34) - Upper Lachlan Shire Council$40.00 8 390 01.45001.1100.151 GST incl. $287.00 3 01.32851.1100.195 (ii) Desexed (Pensioner Owned) Div. 81 (16.34) - Bush Fire Services$15.00 8 390 01.45001.1100.151 GST incl. $287.00 3 01.32851.1100.195 - Radio 2GN GST incl. $1,262.00 3 01.32851.1100.195 (iii) Un-desexed Dogs/Cats Div. 81 (16.34) $150.00 8 390 01.45001.1100.151 - First Release Div. 81 (16.33) Unused Road Reserves for Grazing etc$37.00 4 392 01.45001.1100.152GST in cl. $75.00 3 140 01.37001.1100.140 (iv) Assistance Dogs N/A $0.00 390 01.45001.1100.151 - Second or More Release within 12 month period Div. 81 (16.33) $83.00 4 392 01.45001.1100.152 Microchipping Fee GST incl. $23.00 3 391 01.45001.1100.150 - Sustenance Charge per day per Dog/Cat Div. 81 (16.33) $21.00 4 392 01.45001.1100.152 ReleaseNotification Fee per& Advertising Dog/Cat (Note: Fee Dog must be registered before release) Div 81 (16.33) $64.00 4 392 01.45001.1100.153 Sale of Dog / Cat (requires payment of all registration fees, sustenance charges Transportation of Stock (Round Trip Charged) DivSee 81 Above (16.33) At full cost recoveryAt full plus cost GST recovery where plus applicable 20% . 41 392 01.45001.1100.153 See above plus- Cattle microchipping costs) Div 81 (16.33) $22.00 4 392 01.45001.1100.153 Sustenance Fee per animal per day. Stock- Horses Impounding Div 81 (16.33) $22.00 4 392 01.45001.1100.153 - Sheep Div 81 (16.33) $12.00 4 392 01.45001.1100.153 - Goats Div 81 (16.33) $12.00 4 392 01.45001.1100.153 - Release Fee per vehicle Div 81 (16.35) $75.00 4 01.43001.1100.180 Impounding Fees: Driving Fees, Deterrent Fees etc Div 81 (16.33) At full cost recovery plus 20% . 4 392 01.45001.1100.153 - Searches, advice, notices & advertising (per enquiry) Div 81 (16.35) $125.00 4 01.43001.1100.180 Sustenance(continued next (other page) than those listed) Div 81 (16.33) At full cost recovery plus 20% . 4 392 01.45001.1100.153 -Abandoned Tow Vehicle Vehicles, - minimum etc. cost (within town & villages)(cont.) Div 81 (16.35) $90.00 4 01.43001.1100.180 Veterinary- Tow Vehicle Services (outside for townimpounded & villages) animals DivGST 81 (16.35)in cl. AtAt full full costcost recoveryrecover plus 20% . 4 392 01.45001.1100.153 y p lus 20% 4 01.43001.1100.180

Abandoned Vehicles, etc. - Remove vehicle which cannot be towed Div 81 (16.35) At full cost recovery plus 20% 4 01.43001.1100.180 Function - HEALTH Release Fees - other impounded items Div 81 (16.35) $78.00 4 01.43001.1100.181 Other Premises Inspection Fee No GST (Chargeable on actual inspection) Conveying/transporting - other items Div 81 (16.35) At full cost recovery plus 20% 4 01.43001.1100.181

Food Premises & Health premises(Hairdessers, Funeral Homes,Beauticians) $90.00 1 290 01.42001.1100.306 Section 64 Certificates (Noxious Weeds) Div 81 (16.83) $60.00 2 326 01.46001.1100.148 Improvement Notice Fee $330.00 Section 64 Certificates - Urgency Fee GST incl. $25.00 1 01.46001.1100.128 Amusement Devices - Annual Fee for temporary sites $35.00 1 290 01.42001.1100.306 Section 18 inspection fee if weeds not controlled after the issue of notice Div 81 (16.83) $100.00 4 01.46001.1100.149 Noxious Weeds Aerial Spraying GST in cl. As per report 3 01.46001.1100.145 Section 18 inspection fee (2nd & additional inspections) Div 81 (16.83) $110.00 4 01.46001.1100.149 (aerial spraying fees are subject to a separate report to Council after the engagement of a contractor) Fines - failure to control noxious weeds No GST As per Act 4 01.46001.1100.147

Private Works - Noxious Weeds C onvey i ng /t ranspor ti ng - o th er it ems Di v 81 (16 . 35) At f u ll cos t recover y pl us 20% 4 01 . 43001 . 1100 . 181 Function - HEALTH Other Premises Inspection Fee No GST (Chargeable on actual inspection)

Food Premises & Health premises(Hairdessers, Funeral Homes,Beauticians) $90.00 1 290 01.42001.1100.306

Section 64 Certificates (Noxious Weeds) Div 81 (16.83)Improvement Notice Fee $60.00 2 326 01.46001.1100.148 $330.00

Section 64 Certificates - Urgency Fee GST incl.Amusement Devices - Annual Fee for temporary sites $25.00 1 01.46001.1100.128 $35.00 1 290 01.42001.1100.306

Section 18 inspection fee if weeds not controlled after the issue of notice Div 81 (16.83)Noxious Weeds $100.00 4 01.46001.1100.149 SectionAerial Spraying 18 inspection fee (2nd & additional inspections) Div 81 (16.83) $110.00 4GST 01.46001.1100.149 in cl. As per report 3 01.46001.1100.145

Fines - failure to control noxious weeds( aerial s p ra y in g) No GST(aerial spraying fees are subject to a separate report toAs Council per Act after the4 engagement of aGST contractor) 01.46001.1100.147 in cl. As per report 3 01.46001.1100.145

PrivatePer 2 men Works per hour - Noxious (not including Weeds chemicals) GST incl.AdministrationGround Spraying fee $108.00 3 01.46001.1100.330 Cost of chemicals used. GST incl. Cost plus 15% 3 01.46001.1100.128

HireFunction of Spray - HOUSING Unit (per day) & COMMUNITY AMENITIES GST in cl. $75.00 3 01.46001.1100.146 Certificates SectionSales of 149 Wormer (2) Certificate / Hydatid (standard Tablets certificate) DivGST 81 (16.25)in cl. Cost + Freight and handling$40.00 81 310395 01.41001.1100.16301.42221.1100.155 Section 149 (5) Certificate (additional information) Div 81 (16.25) $60.00 8 310 01.41001.1100.163 Section 150 Certificate( LGA ) Div 81 (16.25) $40.00 8Div 81 01.41001.1100.163( 16.25 ) $40.00 1 01.41001.1100.163 Section 121zp Certificate (EPAA) Div 81 (16.25) $40.00 Section1 149 Urgency Fee 01.41001.1100.163 GST incl. $55.00 4 311 01.41001.1100.172 ( 5 ) Cancellation Fee GST incl. $15.00 4 01.41001.1100.172 Section 735a Certificate Section 149 (2) Cancellation Fee GST incl. $15.00 4 01.41001.1100.172 Copy of LEP or DCP Div 81 (16.77) $22.00 1 GST in cl.312 01.41001.1100.166 $30.00 1 308 01.41101.1100.206 Section 149 Residential PropertiesSewerage/Drainage - Gunning, Taralga, Diagram Collector & Crookwell GST FreeStormwater Annual Charge $25.00 1 Rates & Charges Business Properties - Gunning, Taralga, Collector & Crookwell GST Free $50.00 1 Rates & Charges DA Withdrawal Fee - minimum charge (all fees may not be refundable) GST incl. $55.00 4 01.41001.1100.172 Development Assessment DA for rezoning land and extensions of to rezone (preparation/review of LEP) Div 81 (16.24) $1000 plus $75/hr (based on estimate) 1 300 01.41001.1100.160 (fascia, awning, top hamper sign, fin, roof, flushwall, Development not involving construction, building or subdivision work Div 81 (16.23) $220.00 8 300Div 81 01.41001.1100.160(16.21) $110.00 1 01.41101.1100.205 (change aofm use,es) POPE, temporaryprojecting structure) wall, flashing, floodlit, pole or pylon, moving signs, advertising panel, & A fr Advertising Structure Review of Determination (Section 82A EPA Act) Div 81 (16.01) 50% of original DA fee(max $500.00) 8 01.41001.1100.160 Complying Development Application Div 81 (16.21) $175 plus $3.64 for each $1,000 1 01.41001.1100.167 Former Gunning & Crookwell Council Areas Modification of Complying Development Certificate. Div 81 (16.21) 50% of original fee (maximum of $500) 1 01.41001.1100.167 Potential report on the availability of Concessional allotments on land No GST $360.00 1 01.41001.1100.162 Demolition Application (If separate to DA for construction) Div 81 (16.21) $220.00 1 01.41001.1100.160 Dwelling potential report on the permissibility of a dwelling house on land No GST $360.00 1 01.41001.1100.162 Former Mulwaree Council Areas Sign for Notice of DA $15.00 Potential report on the availability of Concessional allotments on land No GST $475.00 1 01.41001.1100.162 Development Assessment - Concessional Lots / Dwellings - Development Assessment - Concessional Lots / Dwellings Dwelling potential report on the permissibility of a dwelling house on land No GST $475.00 1 01.41001.1100.162 (i) Erection of Building or (ii) Demolition of Building. ESTIMATED COST OF WORK. DevelopmentUp to $5,000 Assessment Div 81 (16.78) $110.00 8 01.41001.1100.160

$5,001 to $50,000 Div 81 (16.78) $170 plus $3.00 per $1,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 $50,001 to $250,000 Div 81 (16.78) $352 plus $3.64 per $1,000 >$50,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 $250,001 - $500,000 Div 81 (16.78) $1,160 plus $2.34 per $1,000 >$250,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 $500,001 - $1,000,000 Div 81 (16.78) $1,745 plus $1.64 per $1,000 >$500,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 $1,000,001 - $10,000,000 Div 81 (16.78) $2,615 plus $1.44 per $1,000 >$1,000,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 More than $10,000,000 Div 81 (16.78) $15,875 plus $1.19 per $1,000 >$10,000,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 Modification of Complying Development Certificate. Div 81 (16.21) 50% of original fee (maximum of $500) 1 01.41001.1100.167 Demolition Application (If separate to DA for construction) Div 81 (16.21) $220.00 1 01.41001.1100.160 SignFormer for GunningNotice of &DA Crookwell Council Areas $15.00 Potential report on the availability of Concessional allotments on land No GST $360.00 1 01.41001.1100.162 Development Assessment - Concessional Lots / Dwellings Dwelling potential report on the permissibility of a dwelling house on land No GST $360.00 1 01.41001.1100.162 Former Mulwaree Council Areas DevelopmentPotential report Assessment on the availability - Concessional of Concessional Lots / Dwellings allotments - on land No GST $475.00 1 01.41001.1100.162

Dwelling potential report on the permissibility of a dwelling house on land No GST $475.00 1 01.41001.1100.162 (i) Erection of Building or (ii) Demolition of Building. DevelopmentESTIMATED AssessmentCOST OF WORK. Up to $5,000 Div 81 (16.78) $110.00 8 01.41001.1100.160 $5,001 to $50,000 Div 81 (16.78) $170 plus $3.00 per $1,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 $50,001 to $250,000 Div 81 (16.78) $352 plus $3.64 per $1,000 >$50,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 $250,001 - $500,000 Div 81 (16.78) $1,160 plus $2.34 per $1,000 >$250,000 8 01.41001.1100.160

$500,001 - $1,000,000 Div 81 (16.78) $1,745 plus $1.64 per $1,000 >$500,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 $1,000,001 - $10,000,000 Div 81 (16.78) $2,615 plus $1.44 per $1,000 >$1,000,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 More than $10,000,000 Div 81 (16.78) $15,875 plus $1.19 per $1,000 >$10,000,000 8 01.41001.1100.160 Amendments- Modification of Development Consent Div 81 (16.26) 50% original Development App. Fee 8 01.41001.1100.161 Integrated Development (in addition two to years standard old or DA more fees) (per search Div or 81 file (16.78) retrieval) $110.00 8 01.41001.1100.160 SearchPartial searchof records Div 81 (16.77) $52.00 1 01.41001.1100.162 Advertising Designated Development Fee Div 81 (16.91) $1,665.00 8 01.41001.1100.164 Full search of file Div 81 (16.77) $94.00 1 01.41001.1100.162 AdvertisedFile Keeping Development Fee For Private Fee Certifier Documents (Construction Certificates & Div 81 (16.91)(61.77) $830.00$30.00 81 01.41001.1100.16401.41001.1100.162 ComplyingMatters not Development referred to elsewhere Applications) in Building Control Div. 81 (16.77) $80.00 1 01.42001.1100.172 Concurrence (in addition to standard DA fees) Div 81 (16.78) $110.00 8 01.41001.1100.160 Install a domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliance Div. 81 (16.12) $80.00 1 304 01.42001.1100.144 Section 68 Approvals Div 81 (16.42) 1 290 01.41101.1100.370 Development Approvals Approval for On-Street Dining Administration Fee - Use of Public Footpath $75.00 01.41101.1100.370

1. Application & Endorsement Footpath Dining Charge (per table with a maximum of 4 chairs per table) $40.00 01.41101.1100.370

· New RoadSubdivision Div 81Fees (16.21) $500 plus $50 per allotment 8 300 01.41001.1100.160

· No new Road Div 81 (16.21) $200 plus $40 per allotment 8 300 01.41001.1100.160

· Strata Div 81 (16.21) $250 plus $50 per allotment 8 300 01.41001.1100.160

SEPPAnnual No.1 charge Application per megawatt Fee of electricity production capacity as per DA approval $850.00/KW$250.00 7 1.41001.1100.161 EndorsementPayable from theof Linen commissioning Plan (Subdivision of each towerCertificate) on a pro-rata & other basis legal fordocuments each financial year. Div 81 (16.77) $275.00 1 389 01.41001.1100.170 Note: Charges under previous Section 94 Plans may apply in certain circumstances. Inspection fee Div 81 (16.77) $120 per allotment 1 01.37001.1100.140 SectionRoads 94 Contributions - Upper Lachlan Shire Council Section 94 Plan 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2% CPI Wind Farm Development Control Plan Charges 1 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $4,221.00 7 01.41001.1750.289

2 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $4,924.00 7 01.41001.1750.289

3 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $7,737.00 7 01.41001.1750.289

y Residential HousingDiv 81 ( 16.38 ) Div 81 (16.38) $7,737.00 5.21c/tonne/k7 01.41001.1750.289m 7 01.41001.1750.289 Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $7,737.00 7 01.41001.1750.289

Tourist Facilities Div 81 (16.38) $7,737.00 7 01.41001.1750.289

Rural Development Div 81 (16.38) Based on demand 7 01.41001.1750.289

Extractive Industr 1 . Application & Endors ement · New Road Div 81 (16.21) $500 plus $50 per allotment 8 300 01.41001.1100.160

· No new Road Div 81 (16.21) $200 plus $40 per allotment 8 300 01.41001.1100.160

· Strata Div 81 (16.21) $250 plus $50 per allotment 8 300 01.41001.1100.160

SEPP No.1 Application Fee $250.00

AnnualEndorsement charge of per Linen megawatt Plan (Subdivision of electricity Certificate) production & capacity other legal as perdocuments DA approval Div 81 (16.77) $850.00/KW$275.00 17 389 01.41001.1100.170 1.41001.1100.161 Payable from the commissioning of each tower on a pro-rata basis for each financial year. Inspection fee Div 81 (16.77) $120 per allotment 1 01.37001.1100.140 Note: Charges under previous Section 94 Plans may apply in certain circumstances. WindSectionRoads Farm 94 Contributions Development Control - Upper LachlanPlan Charges Shire Council Section 94 Plan 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2% CPI

1 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $4,221.00 7 01.41001.1750.289 ( 16.38 ) $7,737.00 7 01.41001.1750.289 2 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $4,924.00 7 01.41001.1750.289 Residential Housing Div 81 (16.38) $7,737.00 7 01.41001.1750.289 3 bedroom unit Div 81 Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $7,737.00 7 01.41001.1750.289

y Tourist FacilitiesDiv 81 ( 16.38 ) Div 81 (16.38) 5.21c/tonne/km$7,737.00 77 01.41001.1750.289 01.41001.1750.289

OtherRural DevelopmentDiv 81 Div (16.38) 81 (16.38) Refer to Section 94 PlanBased Table on 5-3demand 77 01.41001.1750.289 01.41001.1750.289 ( cont. ) Waste Management Extractive Industr 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2% CPI ( 16.38 ) $213.00 7 01.41001.1750.290 1 bedroom unitSection 94 Contributions - Upper Lachlan Shire Council Section 94 Plan Div 81 2 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $319.00 7 01.41001.1750.290 3 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $426.00 7 01.41001.1750.290 Residential Housing Div 81 (16.38) $426.00 7 01.41001.1750.290 Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $426.00 7 01.41001.1750.290 Tourist Facilities Div 81 (16.38) $426.00 7 01.41001.1750.290 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2% CPI Rural Development Div 81 (16.38) Based on demand 7 01.41001.1750.290 1 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $336.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 Extractive Industry N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $504.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 Other N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $672.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 Residential HousingOpen Space & Recreation Div 81 (16.38) $672.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $672.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 Tourist Facilities Div 81 (16.38) 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2%$672.00 CPI 7 01.41001.1750.287 Rural1 bedroom Development unit Div 81 (16.38) Based on$582.00 demand 7 01.41001.1750.28801.41001.1750.287 Extractive2 bedroom Industry unit Div 81 N/A (16.38) $873.00N/A N/A7 01.41001.1750.288 N/A 3Other bedroom unit Div 81N/A (16.38) $1,163.00N/A N/A7 01.41001.1750.288 N/A Residential Housing Div 81 (16.38) $1,163.00 7 01.41001.1750.288 Community Facilities Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $1,163.00 7 01.41001.1750.288 Tourist Facilities Div 81 (16.38) $1,163.00 7 01.41001.1750.288 ( cont. ) Emergency Services Rural Development Div 81 (16.38) 2007/2008 chargesBased plus on4.2% demand CPI 7 01.41001.1750.288 Extractive1 bedroom Industry unit Div 81 N/A (16.38) $268.00N/A N/A7 01.41001.1750.322 N/A Other N/A N/A N/A N/A

Section 94 Contributions - Upper Lachlan Shire Council Section 94 Plan Other N/A N/A N/A N/A Open Space & Recreation 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2% CPI 1 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $336.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 2 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $504.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 3 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $672.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 Residential Housing Div 81 (16.38) $672.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $672.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 Tourist Facilities Div 81 (16.38) $672.00 7 01.41001.1750.287 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2% CPI Rural Development Div 81 (16.38) Based on demand 7 01.41001.1750.287 1 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $582.00 7 01.41001.1750.288 Extractive Industry N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $873.00 7 01.41001.1750.288 Other N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $1,163.00 7 01.41001.1750.288 CommunityResidential Housing Facilities Div 81 (16.38) $1,163.00 7 01.41001.1750.288 Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $1,163.00 7 01.41001.1750.288 Tourist Facilities Div 81 (16.38) $1,163.00 7 01.41001.1750.288 Rural Development (cont.) Div 81 (16.38) Based on demand 7 01.41001.1750.288 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2% CPI Emergency Services Extractive Industry N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) 7 01.41001.1750.322 Other N/A $268.00N/A N/A N/A 2 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $403.00 7 01.41001.1750.322 3 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $536.00 7 01.41001.1750.322 SectionResidential 94 ContributionsHousing - Upper Lachlan Shire Council Section 94 Plan Div 81 (16.38) $536.00 7 01.41001.1750.322 Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $536.00 7 01.41001.1750.322 Tourist Facilities Div 81 (16.38) $536.00 7 01.41001.1750.322 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2% CPI Rural Development Div 81 (16.38) Based on demand 7 01.41001.1750.322 1 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $73.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 Extractive Industry N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $110.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 Other N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $146.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 PlanResidential Administration Housing Div 81 (16.38) $146.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $146.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 Tourist Facilities Div 81 (16.38) $146.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 (i) Application for permission to occupy movable dwelling on building site Rural Development Div 81 (16.38) Based on demand 7 01.41001.1750.295 (caravan) Div 81 (16.47) $150.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Extractive Industry N/A N/A N/A N/A (ii) Bond for Building to be Re-Sited Div 81 (16.48) $10,000.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Other N/A N/A N/A N/A (iii) OSMS Installation Application Fee - where lodged with DA Div. 81 (16.31) $163.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143

(iv) OSMS Installation ApplicationBuilding Fee - Controlwhere lodged separate to DA Div. 81 (16.31) $253.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143 (v) OSMS Application for Approval to Operate Fee Div 81 (16.77) $30.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143 (vi) OSMS Application for Renewal of Approval to Operate Fee Div 81 (16.77) $30.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143 (vii) OSMS Re-inspection Fee Div 81 (16.77) $75.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143 Note: OSMS = On-site Sewerage Management Strategy (septic tanks) Contract value not exceeding $5000 = $100.00. Issue of Construction Certificate Applicable for Class 10 Buildings Div 81 (16 88) 8 305 01 41101 1100 198 Building Control/ Construction Certificates Value $5,001 to $100,000 = $100.00 + $3.50 for each Other N/A N/A N/A N/A 2007/2008 charges plus 4.2% CPI Plan Administration 1 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $73.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 2 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $110.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 3 bedroom unit Div 81 (16.38) $146.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 Residential Housing Div 81 (16.38) $146.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 Subdivision (per lot) Div 81 (16.38) $146.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 Tourist Facilities Div 81 (16.38) $146.00 7 01.41001.1750.295 (i) Application for permission to occupy movableRural Development dwelling on building site Div 81 (16.38) Based on demand 7 01.41001.1750.295 (caravan)Extractive Industry Div 81 (16.47) N/A $150.00 1 306N/A 01.41101.1100.199N/A N/A (ii) Bond for Building to beOther Re-Sited Div 81 (16.48) N/A $10,000.00 1 306N/A 01.41101.1100.199N/A N/A (iii) OSMS Installation Application Fee - where lodged with DA Div. 81 (16.31) $163.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143 (iv) OSMS Installation ApplicationBuilding ControlFee - where lodged separate to DA Div. 81 (16.31) $253.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143 (v) OSMS Application for Approval to Operate Fee Div 81 (16.77) $30.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143 (vi) OSMS Application for Renewal of Approval to Operate Fee Div 81 (16.77) $30.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143 (vii) OSMS Re-inspection Fee Div 81 (16.77) $75.00 1 303 01.42001.1100.143 Note: OSMS = On-site Sewerage Management Strategy (septic tanks) Contract value not exceeding $5000 = $100.00. Building Control/ Construction Certificates Value $5,001 to $100,000 = $100.00 + $3.50 for each Issue of Construction Certificate - Applicable for Class 10 Buildings. Div 81 (16.88) 8 305 01.41101.1100.198 $1000 (or part of $1000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $5,000.

Contract value not exceeding $5000 = $100.00. Value $5,001 to $100,000 = $100.00+ $3.50 for each Issue of Construction Certificate - Applicable for Class 1 Buildings. Div 81 (16.88) 8 305 01.41101.1100.198 $1000 (or part of $1000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $5,000.

· Domestic (Class 1 or 10) Div 81 (16.14) $210.00 8 306 01.41101.1100.199 Commercial Quote to be provided by General Manager & Director Other(i) Not Classes/Buildings exceeding 200 sq mexceeding 2,000sq m Div 81 (16.88)(16.14) $210.00 8 306305 01.41101.1100.19901.41101.1100.198 (based on estimated cost of work) (ii) Between 200 - 2,000 sq m - per square metre plus $210.00 Div 81 (16.14) $210.00 plus additional $0.14 per square metre 8 306 01.41101.1100.199 Approval of amended plans/ new construction certificate (Class 1 or 10) Div 81 (16.88) $50.00 8 01.41101.1100.203

(iii)Construction Exceeding Certificate2,000 sq m -for per new square Road metre Construction plus $462.00 Div 81 (16.14) $462.00 plus additional $0.021 per square$2.50/M metre 8 306 01.41101.1100.199 BuildingBed & Breakfasts Reinspection Fee Div 81 (16.86)(16.14) $90.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Building Certificates $75.00 Compliance Certificates / Inspections (per certificate / inspection) Contract value not exceeding $5000 = $100.00. Value $5,001 to $100,000 = $100.00+ $3.50 for each Issue of Construction Certificate - Applicable for Class 1 Buildings. Div 81 (16.88) 8 305 01.41101.1100.198 $1000 (or part of $1000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $5,000.

Quote to be provided by General Manager & Director Other Classes/Buildings exceeding 2,000sq m Div 81 (16.88) 8 305 01.41101.1100.198 (based on estimated cost of work)

Approval of amended plans/ new construction certificate (Class 1 or 10) Div 81 (16.88) $50.00 8 01.41101.1100.203 · Domestic (Class 1 or 10) Div 81 (16.14) $210.00 8 306 01.41101.1100.199 CommercialConstruction Certificate for new Road Construction $2.50/M (i) Not exceeding 200 sq m Div 81 (16.14) $210.00 8 306 01.41101.1100.199 Building Certificates (ii) Between 200 - 2,000 sq m - per square metre plus $210.00 Div 81 (16.14) $210.00 plus additional $0.14 per square metre 8 306 01.41101.1100.199

(iii) Exceeding 2,000 sq m - per square metre plus $462.00 Div 81 (16.14) $462.00 plus additional $0.021 per square metre 8 306 01.41101.1100.199

BuildingBed & Breakfasts Reinspection Fee Div 81 (16.86)(16.14) $75.00$90.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Compliance Certificates / Inspections (per certificate / inspection) Commercial Uses and Building Alterations Div 81 (16.86) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Dwellings and extensions Div 81 (16.86) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Industrial and Warehouse Buildings Div 81 (16.86) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Swimming pools Div 81 (16.18) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Inspection fee Div 81 (16.86) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Additional re-inspection fee Div 81 (16.86) $115.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199

Damage Inspection/Default Fee $100.00 306 1.41101.1100.199

Inspection where not Appointed as PCA $200.00 306 1.41101.1100.199 Town, Villages & Serviced Rural Areas Div 81 (16.10) $285.00 1 Rates & Charges Plumbing & Drainage Inspection FeeDomestic Waste Management Service - 1 x 120 litre bin collected once per week plus Recycling Service - 1 x 240 litre$75.00 bin collected once per 306fortnight 1.41101.1100.199 All ratingDomestic assessments Waste Management not subject Serviceto domestic Availability waste Charge (vacant land) Div 81 (16.10) $106.00 1 Rates & Charges Div 81 (16.11) $106.00 1 Rates & Charges Domestic charges.Waste Management ChargesRural Waste Charges Note 1: Ratepayers who pay a Rural Waste Charge are permitted free access to all tips for the disposal of domestic waste, recyclin provided they present their card for inspection at the entry to the rubbish tip Note 2: Application may be made to Council, under Sec. 610E, of the Local Govt. Act 1993, to waive multiple Rural Waste Charges on land where the owner of the land pays3 the charge 146 on another 06.06011.1100.077 assessment. -80, 120 and 240 litre as available

S ale80 Litreof Mobil e Was te Bin GST in cl. $45.00 3 146 06.06011.1100.077 120 Litre GST in cl. $46.00 3 146 06.06011.1100.077

240 Litre GST in cl. $57.00 3 146 06.06011.1100.077 Bed & Breakfasts Div 81 (16.86) $90.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Commercial Uses and Building Alterations Div 81 (16.86) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Dwellings and extensions Div 81 (16.86) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Industrial and Warehouse Buildings Div 81 (16.86) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Swimming pools Div 81 (16.18) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Inspection fee Div 81 (16.86) $100.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199 Additional re-inspection fee Div 81 (16.86) $115.00 1 306 01.41101.1100.199

Damage Inspection/Default Fee $100.00 306 1.41101.1100.199

Inspection where not Appointed as PCA $200.00 306 1.41101.1100.199 Town, Villages & Serviced Rural Areas Div 81 (16.10) $285.00 1 Rates & Charges Plumbing & Drainage Inspection Fee $75.00 306 1.41101.1100.199 Domestic Waste Management Service - 1 x 120 litre bin collected once per week plus Recycling Service - 1 x 240 litre bin collected once per fortnight Domestic Waste Management Service Availability Charge (vacant land) Div 81 (16.10) $106.00 1 Rates & Charges Domestic Waste Management AllCharges rating assessments not subject to domestic waste Div 81 (16.11) $106.00 1 Rates & Charges charges. Rural Waste Charges Note 1: Ratepayers who pay a Rural Waste Charge are permitted free access to all tips for the disposal of domestic waste, recyclin provided they present their card for inspection at the entry to the rubbish tip Note 2: Application may be made to Council, under Sec. 610E, of the Local Govt. Act 1993, to waive multiple Rural Waste Charges on land where the owner of the land pays3 the charge 146 on another 06.06011.1100.077 assessment. -80, 120 and 240 litre as available S80 ale Litre of Mobil e Was te Bin GST in cl. $45.00 3 146 06.06011.1100.077 120 Litre GST in cl. $46.00 3 146 06.06011.1100.077

240 Litre GST in cl. $57.00 3 146 06.06011.1100.077

Delivery & Removal of empty bin GST incl. $30.00 1 321 01.39401.1100.175 Skip Bin Delivery & Waste Removal Charges - Taralga Per waste removal collection GST incl. $124.00 1 321 01.39401.1100.175 g ement Char g es Commercial Waste Mana Gunning, Crookwell & Taralga - per service Div 81 (16.11) $337.00 1 Rates & Charges

Tipping Fees Note: Ratepayers who pay a Rural Waste Charge are permitted free access to all tips for the disposal of domestic waste provided they present their card for inspection at the entry to the rubbish tip depots.

Collector Tip GST incl. 2 180 01.39301.1100.175

Crookwell Tip GST incl. 2 319 01.39201.1100.175

Gunning Tip GST incl. 2 317 01.39101.1100.175

Taralga Tip GST incl. 2 321 01.39401.1100.175 Car - Resident GST incl. $9.00 2 See Above: Hous ehold Was te Car/ Station Wagon – Non-Resident GST incl. $13.00 2 See Above:

Utility / Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Large Trailer GST incl. $23.00 2 See Above: 120 Litre GST in cl. $46.00 3 146 06.06011.1100.077

240 Litre GST in cl. $57.00 3 146 06.06011.1100.077

SkipDelivery Bin & Delivery Removal & of Waste empty Removal bin Charges - Taralga GST incl. $30.00 1 321 01.39401.1100.175 Per waste removal collection GST incl. $124.00 1 321 01.39401.1100.175

Commercial Waste Management Charges Gunning, Crookwell & Taralga - per service Div 81 (16.11) $337.00 1 Rates & Charges

Tipping Fees Note: Ratepayers who pay a Rural Waste Charge are permitted free access to all tips for the disposal of domestic waste provided they present their card for inspection at the entry to the rubbish tip depots.

Collector Tip GST incl. 2 180 01.39301.1100.175

Crookwell Tip GST incl. 2 319 01.39201.1100.175

Gunning Tip GST incl. 2 317 01.39101.1100.175

Taralga Tip GST incl. 2 321 01.39401.1100.175 Car - Resident GST incl. $9.00 2 See Above: Hous ehold Was te Car/ Station Wagon – Non-Resident GST incl. $13.00 2 See Above:

Utility / Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Large Trailer GST incl. $23.00 2 See Above:

Station Wagons/ Panel Vans / Dual Cab Utility GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Single axle truck (over 2 tonne) GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Dual axle truck GST incl. $56.00 2 See Above: Bulk Demolition per cubic metre GST incl. $33.00 2 See Above: Builders Waste Bricks & concrete per cubic metre GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Timber per cubic metre GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Asbestos(continued nextper cubicpage) metre (by arrangement only) GST incl. $185.00 / m3 plus burial costs 1 See Above:

Commercial Waste Management Charges (cont.)

Recycleables All recycleables - Fully Sorted

- metals, steel, paper, plastics, glass FREE OF CHARGE Note: Ratepayers who pay a Rural Waste Charge are permitted free access to all tips for the disposal of domestic waste provided they present their card for inspection at the entry to the rubbish tip depots .

Collector Tip GST incl. 2 180 01.39301.1100.175

Crookwell Tip GST incl. 2 319 01.39201.1100.175

Gunning Tip GST incl. 2 317 01.39101.1100.175

Taralga Tip GST incl. 2 321 01.39401.1100.175

Car - ResidentHous ehold Was te GST incl. $9.00 2 See Above:

Car/ Station Wagon – Non-Resident GST incl. $13.00 2 See Above:

Utility / Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Large Trailer GST incl. $23.00 2 See Above:

Station Wagons/ Panel Vans / Dual Cab Utility GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Single axle truck (over 2 tonne) GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Dual axle truck GST incl. $56.00 2 See Above: Bulk Demolition per cubic metre GST incl. $33.00 2 See Above: Builders Waste Bricks & concrete per cubic metre GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Timber per cubic metre GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Asbestos(continued nextper cubicpage) metre (by arrangement only) GST incl. $185.00 / m3 plus burial costs 1 See Above:

Commercial Waste Management Charges (cont.)

Recycleables All recycleables - Fully Sorted

- metals, steel, paper, plastics, glass FREE OF CHARGE

Green Was te Utility/Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Truck per cubic metre GST incl. $21.00 2 See Above:

Motor Vehicles Large GST in cl. $60.00 2 See Above:

Small GST in cl. $24.00 2 See Above:

Tyres (each) Car GST in cl $8 00 2 See Above: Note: Ratepayers who pay a Rural Waste Charge are permitted free access to all tips for the disposal of domestic waste provided they present their card for inspection at the entry to the rubbish tip depots .

Collector Tip GST incl. 2 180 01.39301.1100.175

Crookwell Tip GST incl. 2 319 01.39201.1100.175

Gunning Tip GST incl. 2 317 01.39101.1100.175

Taralga Tip GST incl. 2 321 01.39401.1100.175

Car - ResidentHous ehold Was te GST incl. $9.00 2 See Above:

Car/ Station Wagon – Non-Resident GST incl. $13.00 2 See Above:

Utility / Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Large Trailer GST incl. $23.00 2 See Above:

Station Wagons/ Panel Vans / Dual Cab Utility GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Single axle truck (over 2 tonne) GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Dual axle truck GST incl. $56.00 2 See Above: Bulk Demolition per cubic metre GST incl. $33.00 2 See Above: Builders Waste Bricks & concrete per cubic metre GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Timber per cubic metre GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Asbestos(continued nextper cubicpage) metre (by arrangement only) GST incl. $185.00 / m3 plus burial costs 1 See Above:

Commercial Waste Management Charges (cont.)

Recycleables All recycleables - Fully Sorted

- metals, steel, paper, plastics, glass FREE OF CHARGE

Green Was te Utility/Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Truck per cubic metre GST incl. $21.00 2 See Above:

Motor Vehicles Large GST in cl. $60.00 2 See Above:

Small GST in cl. $24.00 2 See Above:

Tyres (each) Car GST in cl $8 00 2 See Above: Note: Ratepayers who pay a Rural Waste Charge are permitted free access to all tips for the disposal of domestic waste provided they present their card for inspection at the entry to the rubbish tip depots .

Collector Tip GST incl. 2 180 01.39301.1100.175

Crookwell Tip GST incl. 2 319 01.39201.1100.175

Gunning Tip GST incl. 2 317 01.39101.1100.175

Taralga Tip GST incl. 2 321 01.39401.1100.175

Car - ResidentHous ehold Was te GST incl. $9.00 2 See Above:

Car/ Station Wagon – Non-Resident GST incl. $13.00 2 See Above:

Utility / Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Large Trailer GST incl. $23.00 2 See Above:

Station Wagons/ Panel Vans / Dual Cab Utility GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Single axle truck (over 2 tonne) GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Dual axle truck GST incl. $56.00 2 See Above: Bulk Demolition per cubic metre GST incl. $33.00 2 See Above: Builders Waste Bricks & concrete per cubic metre GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Timber per cubic metre GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Asbestos(continued nextper cubicpage) metre (by arrangement only) GST incl. $185.00 / m3 plus burial costs 1 See Above:

Commercial Waste Management Charges (cont.)

Recycleables All recycleables - Fully Sorted

- metals, steel, paper, plastics, glass FREE OF CHARGE

Green Was te Utility/Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Truck per cubic metre GST incl. $21.00 2 See Above:

Motor Vehicles Large GST in cl. $60.00 2 See Above:

Small GST in cl. $24.00 2 See Above:

Tyres (each) Car GST in cl $8 00 2 See Above: Note: Ratepayers who pay a Rural Waste Charge are permitted free access to all tips for the disposal of domestic waste provided they present their card for inspection at the entry to the rubbish tip depots .

Collector Tip GST incl. 2 180 01.39301.1100.175

Crookwell Tip GST incl. 2 319 01.39201.1100.175

Gunning Tip GST incl. 2 317 01.39101.1100.175

Taralga Tip GST incl. 2 321 01.39401.1100.175

Car - ResidentHous ehold Was te GST incl. $9.00 2 See Above:

Car/ Station Wagon – Non-Resident GST incl. $13.00 2 See Above:

Utility / Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Large Trailer GST incl. $23.00 2 See Above:

Station Wagons/ Panel Vans / Dual Cab Utility GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Single axle truck (over 2 tonne) GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Dual axle truck GST incl. $56.00 2 See Above: Bulk Demolition per cubic metre GST incl. $33.00 2 See Above: Builders Waste Bricks & concrete per cubic metre GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Timber per cubic metre GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Asbestos(continued nextper cubicpage) metre (by arrangement only) GST incl. $185.00 / m3 plus burial costs 1 See Above:

Commercial Waste Management Charges (cont.)

Recycleables All recycleables - Fully Sorted

- metals, steel, paper, plastics, glass FREE OF CHARGE

Green Was te Utility/Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Truck per cubic metre GST incl. $21.00 2 See Above:

Motor Vehicles Large GST in cl. $60.00 2 See Above:

Small GST in cl. $24.00 2 See Above:

Tyres (each) Car GST in cl $8 00 2 See Above: Collector Tip GST incl. 2 180 01.39301.1100.175

Crookwell Tip GST incl. 2 319 01.39201.1100.175

Gunning Tip GST incl. 2 317 01.39101.1100.175

Taralga Tip GST incl. 2 321 01.39401.1100.175

HousCar - Resident ehold Was te GST incl. $9.00 2 See Above:

Car/ Station Wagon – Non-Resident GST incl. $13.00 2 See Above:

Utility / Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Large Trailer GST incl. $23.00 2 See Above:

Station Wagons/ Panel Vans / Dual Cab Utility GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Single axle truck (over 2 tonne) GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Dual axle truck GST incl. $56.00 2 See Above: Bulk Demolition per cubic metre GST incl. $33.00 2 See Above: Builders Waste Bricks & concrete per cubic metre GST incl. $28.00 2 See Above:

Timber per cubic metre GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Asbestos(continued nextper cubicpage) metre (by arrangement only) GST incl. $185.00 / m3 plus burial costs 1 See Above:

Commercial Waste Management Charges (cont.)

Recycleables All recycleables - Fully Sorted

- metals, steel, paper, plastics, glass FREE OF CHARGE

Green Was te Utility/Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Truck per cubic metre GST incl. $21.00 2 See Above:

Motor Vehicles Large GST in cl. $60.00 2 See Above:

Small GST in cl. $24.00 2 See Above:

Tyres (each) Car GST in cl. $8.00 2 See Above: Timber per cubic metre GST incl. $12.00 2 See Above:

Asbestos per cubic metre (by arrangement only) GST incl. $185.00 / m3 plus burial costs 1 See Above: (continued next page)

Commercial Waste Management Charges (cont.)

Recycleables All recycleables - Fully Sorted

- metals, steel, paper, plastics, glass FREE OF CHARGE

Green Was te Utility/Trailer (single axle) GST incl. $10.00 2 See Above:

Truck per cubic metre GST incl. $21.00 2 See Above:

Motor Vehicles Large GST in cl. $60.00 2 See Above:

Small GST in cl. $24.00 2 See Above:

Tyres (each) Car GST in cl. $8.00 2 See Above:

Truck GST in cl. $17.00 2 See Above:

Tractor GST in cl. $46.00 2 See Above:

DeadCats &Animals dogs GST incl. $14.00 2 See Above:

Sheep & goats GST incl. $26.00 2 See Above:

Cows & horses GST incl. $67.00 2 See Above:

Councils Garbage Contractors GST incl. $75.00 / load 1 See Above:

Other wastes per cubic metre GST incl. $50.00 / m3 2 See Above: Crookwell 01.32001 01.32001

CemeteryGunning Fees 01.32011 01.32011

Dalton 01.32021 01.32021

Tuena 01.32041 01.32041

Peelwood 01.32051 01.32051 Binda 01.32061 01.32061

Bigga 01.32071 01.32071 (reception of ashes, including provision of bronze Taralga plaque [136mm x 102mm])01.32081 GST incl. $555.00 201.32081 01.32001.1100.300

Columbarium – Crookwell Dead Animals Cats & dogs GST incl. $14.00 2 See Above:

Sheep & goats GST incl. $26.00 2 See Above:

Cows & horses GST incl. $67.00 2 See Above:

Councils Garbage Contractors GST incl. $75.00 / load 1 See Above:

Other wastes per cubic metre GST incl. $50.00 / m3 2 See Above: Crookwell 01.32001 01.32001

CemeteryGunning Fees 01.32011 01.32011 Dalton 01.32021 01.32021

Tuena 01.32041 01.32041 Peelwood 01.32051 01.32051

Binda 01.32061 01.32061

Bigga (reception of ashes, including provision of bronze 01.32071 01.32071 plaque [136mm x 102mm]) GST incl. $555.00 2 01.32001.1100.300 Taralga 01.32081 01.32081 Land for grave,Burial provision Plots and fixing of bronze plaque on concrete base and perpetual maintenance (not including grave digging) Columbarium – Crookwell (i) Lawn Cemetery- Crookwell GST incl. $1,230.00 2 01.32001.1100.184 (ii) Lawn Cemetery- Gunning & Taralga (does not include bronze plaque costs) GST incl. $495.00 2 01.320X1.1100.184

(iii) Burial Plots for other Cemeteries (Gunning, Dalton, Binda, Tuena, Peelwood , GST in cl. $220.00 2 01.320X1.1100.18350% of normal fee Crookwell &lawn Taralga cemetery [Other than Lawn Cemeteries]) Note: Burial Plots for Children Under 5years of age at all cemeteries except Charge for interment/grave digging at all cemeteries (otherInterment than 2nd Fees interment GST in cl. $650.00 2 01.320X1.1100.182 Crookwell Lawn Cemetery)

Charge for second interment/grave digging Lawn Cemetery Crookwell and GST in cl. $850.00 2 01.32001.1100.186 additional inscription of bronze plaque

Interment/Grave Digging Fee - Weekends, by prior arrangement only (2 working GST in cl. Normal costs plus $380.00 2 01.32001.1100.186 days notice required for Burial)

Interment/Grave(continued next page) Digging Fee - Public Holidays, by prior arrangement only (2 GST in cl. Normal costs plus an additional fee as per quote 01.32001.1100.186 workingCemetery days Fees notice required (cont.) for Burial)

Interment Ashes other than Columbarium GST incl. $500.00

Reservations to be made by paying the full fee that applies at the time the reservation is made

Bronze plaque (380mm x 280mm) GST incl. Cost plus 20% 1 01.320X1.1100.187

Historical Search by Staff (all cemeteries) GST incl. GST in cl. $43.70/hr or part thereof 2By agreed quotation 01.32001.1100.3012 Private Works

Interment Fee - Private Cemeteries Crookwell & Taralga [Other than Lawn Cemeteries]) Note: Burial Plots for Children Under 5years of age at all cemeteries except 50% of normal fee Crookwell lawn cemetery

Charge for interment/grave digging at all cemeteries (other than 2ndInterment interment Fees GST in cl. $650.00 2 01.320X1.1100.182 Crookwell Lawn Cemetery)

Charge for second interment/grave digging Lawn Cemetery Crookwell and GST in cl. $850.00 2 01.32001.1100.186 additional inscription of bronze plaque

Interment/Grave Digging Fee - Weekends, by prior arrangement only (2 working GST in cl. Normal costs plus $380.00 2 01.32001.1100.186 days notice required for Burial) (continued next page) Interment/Grave Digging Fee - Public Holidays, by prior arrangement only (2 Cemetery Fees (cont.) GST in cl. Normal costs plus an additional fee as per quote 01.32001.1100.186 working days notice required for Burial) Interment Ashes other than Columbarium GST incl. $500.00

Reservations to be made by paying the full fee that applies at the time the reservation is made

Bronze plaque (380mm x 280mm) GST incl. Cost plus 20% 1 01.320X1.1100.187 GST in cl. By agreed quotation 2 Private Works Historical Search by Staff (all cemeteries) GST incl. $43.70/hr or part thereof 2 01.32001.1100.301 Function - RECREATION & CULTURE LibraryInterment Fee - Private Cemeteries Internet & Multimedia printouts (per page) GST incl. 1 404 01.28001.1100.192 Black & White GST incl. $0.25 1 404 01.28001.1100.192 Colour (dependant on amount of colour) GST incl. Up to $1.00 1 404 01.28001.1100.192 Use of word processor / MS Publisher (per hour) GST incl. $2.50 1 404 01.28001.1100.192 Word Processing / MS Publisher Printouts - Black & White GST incl. $0.25 1 404 01.28001.1100.192 Printouts - Colour (dependant on amount of colour) GST incl. Up to $1.00 1 404 01.28001.1100.192 A4 Per Copy single side GST incl. $0.25 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 Photocopying - White Paper A4 Per Copy double sided GST incl. $0.35 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 A3 Per Copy single side GST incl. $0.50 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 A4 Per Copy single side GST incl. $0.35 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 Photocopying - Coloured Paper A4 Per Copy double sided GST incl. $0.45 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 PhotocopyingA4 Per Copy single - Own side Paper (minimum of 50 copies) GST incl. $0.15 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 A4 Per Copy double sided GST incl. $0.25 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 (continued next page) Library (cont.)

Laminating A4 GST in cl. $2.50 1 405 01.28001.1100.191

A3 GST in cl. $4.50 1 405 01.28001.1100.191

First Page GST in cl. $4.00 Facsimile: Sending or Receiving (outgoing facsimiles to within Australia only) 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 Photocopying - White Paper A4 Per Copy single side GST incl. $0.25 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 A4 Per Copy double sided GST incl. $0.35 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 A3 Per Copy single side GST incl. $0.50 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 A4 Per Copy single side GST incl. $0.35 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 Photocopying - Coloured Paper A4 Per Copy double sided GST incl. $0.45 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 PhotocopyingA4 Per Copy single - Own side Paper (minimum of 50 copies) GST incl. $0.15 1 405 01.28001.1100.191

A4(continued Per Copy next double page) sided GST incl. $0.25 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 Library (cont.)

Laminating A4 GST in cl. $2.50 1 405 01.28001.1100.191

A3 GST in cl. $4.50 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 First Page GST in cl. $4.00 Facsimile: Sending or Receiving (outgoing facsimiles to within Australia only) 1 405 01.28001.1100.191 Additional Pages GST incl. $1.00 1 405 01.28001.1100.191

RegionalOverdue itemLibrary (per Fines item) & Fees (as per Regional Library Management Plan) $1.00 per week to a maximum of $5.00 402 Regional Library Inter Library Loans (per item) - if received from another Public Library $5.50 Regional Library p orate, etc. ) $13.20 Regional Library Inter Library Loans (per item) - if supplied by a special library (university, cor Full Hall (includes kitchen)Hire GST of incl. Gunning Shire Hall $161.00 2 01.32371.1100.196

Main Hall GST in cl. $99.00 2 01.32371.1100.196

Supper Room GST incl. $52.00 2 01.32371.1100.196

Heating System GST incl. $12.00 1N/A

Kitchen GST in cl. $44.00 2 01.32371.1100.196

Security Deposit / Bond (lodged at time of booking) No GST GST in cl. $156.00 4 01.05080.5080.816 01.32201.1100.193

Security Deposit / Bond (if alcohol consumed lodgedHire at of booking) Old Court House - per hour No GST GST incl. $312.00 4 01.05080.5080.816$17.00 2 01.32201.1100.193

Cleaning Fee (if hall is not left in a satisfactory conditionHire of ) Old Court House - Maximum 8 GSThrs (plus in cl. cleaning costs if necessary)Bond GST incl.less actual cost 4 01.32371.1100.196$67.00 2 01.32201.1100.193 per field per season - a per capita fee will also apply to each user group to produce a total income of $14,500 (including the $1240 turf wicket levy) Hire of Old Gunning Court House Crookwell Use of Sporting Fields Crookwell Hockey - Senior GST incl. $450.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 - Junior GST incl. $230.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell Soccer Club - Senior GST incl. $450.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 - Junior GST incl. $230.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell Rugby League Club - Senior GST incl. $900.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 - Junior GST incl. $230.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell Rugby Union Club GST incl. $900.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Security Deposit / Bond (lodged at time of booking) No GST $156.00 4 01.05080.5080.816

Security Deposit / Bond (if alcohol consumed lodged at booking) No GST $312.00 4 01.05080.5080.816

Cleaning Fee (if hall is not left in a satisfactory condition ) GST in cl. Bond less actualGST in cost cl. 4 01.32371.1100.196 01.32201.1100.193

Hire of Old Court House - per hour GST incl. $17.00 2 01.32201.1100.193 Hire of Old Gunning Court House Hire of Old Court House - Maximum 8 hrs (plus cleaning costs if necessary) GST incl. $67.00 2 01.32201.1100.193 per field per season - a per capita fee will also apply to each user group to produce a total income of $14,500 (including the $1240 turf wicket levy)

Crookwell Hockey - SeniorUse of Sporting Fields GST incl. $450.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 - Junior GST incl. $230.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell Soccer Club - Senior GST incl. $450.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 - Junior GST incl. $230.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell Rugby League Club - Senior GST incl. $900.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 - Junior GST incl. $230.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell Rugby Union Club GST incl. $900.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 - Junior GST incl. $230.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell Touch Football - Senior GST incl. $230.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 - Junior GST incl. $130.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell Cricket - Senior GST incl. $230.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 - Park fees GST incl. $120.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell Cricket - Senior - turf wicket levy GST incl. $1,240.00 Crookwell- Bond Cricket - Junior GSTNo GST incl. $120.00$130.00 42 01.35201.1100.196 -Resident Additional - Casual watering Oval requests Hire (per (per day watering) or part thereof) GST incl. $110.00$160.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 ANon-Resident cleaning fee Casual will apply Oval if Hirethe facilities (per day are or partnot leftthereof) in a satisfactory subject to prior condition. booking GST incl. $330.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 $20Use million of Lights dollars at Memorial public liability Oval (per insurance night) required (copy of policy to be supplied to Council GST incl. upon request) $31.00 2 01.35201.1100.196 LineCircus Marking hire fees or similar use (Gunning and Dalton Only) GST incl. Cost$250.00 + 20% 1 01.35201.1100.196 Crookwell All Crookwell pool charges are retained by the Lessee Gunning,- Security Daltondeposit and - refundable Taralga No GST $500.00 4 01.35201.1100.196

Entrance Fees - Adults GST in cl. $2.80 2N/A Swimming Pool Charges - Children GST incl. $2.00 2N/A

- Spectators Free of Charge 2N/A All Gunning pool charges are retained by the Lessee Under 2 years free admission Free of Charge 2N/A Entrance Fees - Adults GST in cl. $2.00 2 01.35021.1100.196 Gunning - Children GST incl. $1.00 2 01.35021.1100.196 p ectators Free of Char g e 2N/A

- S Swimming Pool Charges Crookwell All Crookwell pool charges are retained by the Lessee

- Adults EntranceGST inFees cl. $2.80 2N/A

- Children GST incl. $2.00 2N/A

- Spectators Free of Charge 2N/A All Gunning pool charges are retained by the Lessee

Under 2 years free admission Free of Charge 2N/A - Adults EntranceGST inFees cl. $2.00 2 01.35021.1100.196 Gunning - Children GST incl. $1.00 2 01.35021.1100.196

- Spectators Free of Charge 2N/A (for unlimited season access to the Crookwell or Gunning pool)

Under 2 years free admission Free of Charge 2N/A - Family GST in cl. $135.00 2 01.35021.1100.196

Season Tickets - Adults GST in cl. $82.00 2 01.35021.1100.196

Function - -TRANSPORT School Children & COMMUNICATION GST incl. $47.00 2 01.35021.1100.196 Contribution to Works (Section 217, Roads Act 1993) Private Works · Kerbing and Guttering GST incl. 50% of cost (maximum of $60.00 / linear metre) 2 01.70001.1100.00X

· Foot paving GST incl. 50% of cost (maximum of $60.00 / square metre) 2 01.70001.1100.00X

Contribution to Roadworks and Construction expenses - Gordon and North GST in cl. $13,100 per allotment 3 Streets, Crookwell

Engineering - Design and Construction Specifications (each) GST incl. $8.00 1 01.37001.1100.138 Private use No charge 2 Gunning Truck Wash (per annum) GST in cl. $165.00 01.37001.1100.140 Aerodrome use for commercial or business operations GST Incl. See Note 3 01.32401.1100.172 Note: Minimum $150.00Excess per Loads day or Permit part thereof. Director of Works to determine fee for specific operation. GST in cl. $60.00 8 01.37001.1100.140 Community based non-profit and religious organisations only GST incl. At cost 2Private Works

AllFee otherto Erect applications Directional Sign GST incl. 3 Aerodrome Access / Landing Fees Full cost recovery plus 20% Private Works

Rural Addressing Number (purchase, erection and installation) GST incl. $40/lot 3 Private Works

Application for Public Gates GST in cl. $65.00 2 01.37001.1100.136 plus advertising costs

RoadFunction Opening - ECONOMIC Permits SERVICES Div 81 (16.20) $110.00 2 01.37001.1100.136 Camping Fees - (Crookwell) 2 Temporary· Concrete RoadCaravans Slab Closure - U & Camper vans (perp week) to 2 p ersons GST incl. $118.00 3 100 01.32701.1100.196 Road Closure Permit Div 81 (16.29) $100.00 2 01.37001.1100.136 The supply and installation of barricades plus advertising, where applicable GST in cl. Full cost recovery plus 20% 2 01.37001.1100.136 All other applications GST incl. Full cost recovery plus 20% 3 Private Works

Rural Addressing Number (purchase, erection and installation) GST incl. $40/lot 3 Private Works

Application for Public Gates GST in cl. $65.00 2 01.37001.1100.136 2 p orar y Road Closure plus advertising costs Road Closure Permit Div 81 (16.29) $100.00 2 01.37001.1100.136 RoadFunction Opening The- ECONOMIC Permitssupply and installation SERVICES of barricades plus advertising, where applicableDiv 81 (16.20)GST in cl. Full cost recovery$110.00 plus 20%22 01.37001.1100.136 01.37001.1100.136 Cam p in g Fees - (Crookwell) Tem· Concrete SlabCaravans - Up to& 2Camper persons vans (per week) GST incl. $118.00 3 100 01.32701.1100.196 · Off Concrete - Up to 2 persons GST incl. $75.00 3 100 01.32701.1100.196 · Each additional adult GST incl. $18.00 3 100 01.32701.1100.196 · Each additional child (under 16 yrs) GST incl. $11.50 3 100 01.32701.1100.196 p lus p ower · Each additional pensioner GST incl. $11.50 Pensioners3 100 01.32701.1100.196 GST incl. $59.00 3 101 01.32701.1100.197 plus power ·Long Up Term-Resident to 2 persons GST incl. $22.00$86.00 3 100101 01.32701.1100.19601.32701.1100.197 · Each additional adult GST incl. Caravans$11.50 & Camper3 vans 100 - (per night) 01.32701.1100.196 ) · Each additional child (under 16 yrs) GST incl. $6.50 3GST 100 in cl. 01.32701.1100.196 $8.50 3 100 01.32701.1100.196 p er p erson p er da y ·Private Each Works additional - General pensioner - (section 67 of the Local Government GST Act incl.1993) $6.50 3 100 01.32701.1100.196 Private Works Cost plus the following percentages for administration, supervision etc. applied to the individual components, plus GST where applicable. 01.70001.1100.196 Camping - Tents - Wages GST in cl. 35% 3 - Contractors GST incl. 20% 3 - Plant GST in cl. 20% 3 · Per Beast (cattle / horses) GST incl. $0.00 3 01.32801.1100.195 - Stores GST in cl. 20% 3 · Per Sheep GST incl. $0.00 3 01.32801.1100.195 - Gravel Supplied GST incl. 20% 3 AnnualFunction charge - SEWERAGE to each Agent forSERVICES the right to use reloading facility GST incl. $650.00 3 01.32801.1100.195 Sewerage/Drainage Diagram- Gravel Loaded GST incl. GST20% in cl. 3 $30.00 1 308 01.41101.1100.206 Stock Reloading Facility 2006/07 fees to be charged plus CPI as per existing Developer Service Plans applicable Developerto former Local Contributions Government - Sewerage Areas (Crookw (Sec 64)ell, Gunning and Mulwaree Councils) Note: New section 64 contribution costs will apply upon the introduction of the proposed Upper Lachlan Shire Council Developer Service Plan Crookwell - Sewerage Headworks Charge (per equivalent Tenement) Div 81 (16.39) $1,196.00 7 03.03011.1750.285

GunningFor Sewerage - Sewerage Best Practice Headworks Pricing Charge Structure (per equivalent- See Council's Tenement) Management Plan Revenue Div Policy 81 (16.39) $2,885.00 7Rates 10.10001.1750.285 & Charges Taralga - Sewerage Headworks Charges (per equivalent Tenement) Div 81 (16.39) $1,776.00 7 SewerageCrookwell Connection Application Fee 03.03011.1100.24513.13001.1750.285 GunningSewerage Charges 10.10001.1100.245 Taralga 13.13001.1100.245 - Dwelling Div 81 (16.62) $67.00 1 See Above - Other Building - First W/C- per load Div 81 (16.62) $67.00 1 (emergency situations See only) Above - Other Building - per additional W/C Div 81 (16.62) $8.00 1 See Above Crookwell 03.03011.1100.243 Inspection Fee GST incl. $35.00 1 See Above Gunning 10.10001.1100.243 Re-inspection fee GST incl. $70.00 1 See Above Office Hours (8:30am to 4:30pm) - per hour- Small GST Truck-1,000-5,000 incl. litres$122.00 3 Div 81 (16.56) 03.03011.1100.244 $133.00 2 OidOffi fi2h h GS i l 3 03 03011 1100 244 Sludge Disposal at Treatment Works - Large Truck-5,001-10,000 litres Div 81 (16.56) $267.00 2 Sewer & Stormwater Pipe Clearing Fee g () $ - Other Building - First W/C Div 81 (16.62) $67.00 1 See Above - Other Building - per additional W/C Div 81 (16.62) $8.00 1 See Above Inspection Fee- per GSTload incl. $35.00 1 (emergency See Above situations only) Re-inspection fee GST incl. $70.00 1 See Above Crookwell 03.03011.1100.243 Sludge Disposal at Treatment Works Gunning 10.10001.1100.243 Office Hours (8:30am to 4:30pm) - per hour GST incl. - Small Truck-1,000-5,000 litres$122.00 3 Div 03.03011.1100.244 81 (16.56) $133.00 2 Outside Office Hours - first 2 hours - per hour GST incl.- Large Truck-5,001-10,000 litres$162.00 3 Div 03.03011.1100.244 81 (16.56) $267.00 2 OutsideFunction Office - WATER Hours - any SERVICES hour in excess of 2 hours GST incl. $205.00 3 03.03011.1100.244 Sewer & Stormwater Pipe Clearing Fee Developer Contributions - Water (Sec 64) 2006/07 fees to be charged plus CPI as per existing Developer Service Plans applicable to former Local Government Areas (Crookwell, Gunning and Mulwaree Councils)

Note: New section 64 contribution costs will apply upon the introduction of the proposed Upper Lachlan Shire Council Developer Service Plan. - Water Headworks Charge - Crookwell (per equivalent Tenement) Div 81 (16.39) 2008/2009 charge of $580 7 02.02001.1750.285

- Water Headworks Charge- Gunning (per equivalent Tenement) Div 81 (16.39) 2008/2009 charge of $5110 7 09.09001.1750.285 Crookwell - Kennedy Street standpipe access charge – Shire residents (and any No charge 2N/A other Shire water standpipe facility implemented in 2007/2008). - Water Headworks Charge - Dalton (per equivalent Tenement) Div 81 (16.39) 2008/2009 charge of $4,419 7 11.11001.1750.285 - Non Shire Resident Div 81 (16.51) $5.50 / kl 1 02.02001.1100.235 - Water Headworks Charge- Taralga (per equivalent Tenement) Div 81 (16.39) $2,487.00 7 12.12001.1750.285 - Shire Business operations Div 81 (16.51) $1.90 / kl 1 02.02001.1100.235 Water Standpipe / Delivery Charges Crookwell Depot standpipe - potable water charge (by arrangement only) Div 81 (16.51) 1 02.02001.1100.235 GST in cl. $109.00 2 02.02001.1100.240 - Shire-resident Div 81 (16.51) $2.00 / kl 1 02.02001.1100.235 The fee will be refunded where the meter is found not be accurate within 3% either way of the correct quantity. For- Non-resident Water Supply Access & Availability Charges - See Council's Management Plan Revenue Div 81 (16.51) Policy Not for sale 1 02.02001.1100.235Rates & Charges Per Council's Water Supply Access & Availability Charges Water Usage Charges water billing system Dalton standpipe delivery charge Div 81 (16.51) $4.50 / kl 1 11.11001.1100.235 Crookwell per kilolitre less than 200 Div 81 (16.7) $1.50 6 02.02001.1100.241 Gunning standpipe delivery charge Div 81 (16.51) $4.50 / kl 1 09.09001.1100.235 per kilolitre less than 200 Div 81 (16.7) $1.50 6 09.9001.1100.241 per kilolitre over 200 Div 81 (16.7) $2.00 6 02.02001.1100.241 per kilolitre over 200 Div 81 (16.7) $2.00 6 09.9001.1100.241 per kilolitre less than 200 Div 81 (16.7) $1.50 6 11.11001.1100.241 Gunning Water Meter Testing Dalton per kilolitre over 200 Div 81 (16.7) $2.00 6 11.11001.1100.241 per kilolitre less than 200 Div 81 (16.7) $1.50 6 12.12001.1100.241 Taralga per kilolitre over 200 Div 81 (16.7) $2.00 6 12.12001.1100.241 Water Connection / Reconnections Private Works Water Meter Fees Crookwell 02.02001.1100.865 Gunning 09.09001.1100.865 Dalton 11.11001.1100.865 Taralga 12.12001.1100.865 Water Connections Div 81 (16.61) $70.00 1 See Above - road opening required 20mm GST incl. $1,600.00 1 See Above - without road opening - 20mm GST incl. $980.00 1 See Above - all other meter sizes GST incl. Full cost recovery plus 20% 1Private Works Water - Meter Reading Certification GST incl. $55.00 1 02.02001.1100.240 Water meter repair fees (unprotected meter) GST incl. Full cost recovery 1Private Works Water -Meter Installations GST incl. Full cost recovery 1Private Works Water Quality test fee GST incl. Full cost recovery 1Private Works

Water meter - fee to remove restriction device (Debt Recovery measure) GST incl. $200.00 Water Pressure Testing GST incl. $115.00 1 02.02001.1100.240