November 17, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H11187 H.R. 2660, be instructed to insist on the high- to 12 victory over the University of St. leagues in honoring a great man and est funding levels possible for nutrition pro- Thomas; wishing him continued success. grams for our Nation’s seniors authorized by Whereas on November 8, 2003, John I ask my colleagues to support this the Older Americans Act. Gagliardi broke Eddie Robinson’s record resolution. f with a 29 to 26 victory over Bethel College; Whereas John Gagliardi is admired by his Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER players, as well as by the students, faculty, my time. PRO TEMPORE and fans of St. John’s University for his abil- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield ity to motivate and inspire; myself such time as I may consume. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas students who take his course, Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Theory of Football, credit John Gagliardi for Res. 438. This resolution honors John will postpone further proceedings teaching them more about life than about Gagliardi, the football coach at St. today on additional motions to suspend football; Johns University. Coach Gagliardi is the rules on which a recorded vote or Whereas those closest to John Gagliardi the winningest coach in college foot- the yeas and nays are ordered, or on will tell you that football is only part of his life—he values the time he spends with Peg, ball history. This month he overtook which the vote is objected to under the legendary Eddie Robinson by win- clause 6 of rule XX. his wife of 47 years, and their four children; and ning the 409th football game of his ca- Record votes on postponed questions Whereas the on- and off-the-field accom- reer. This record puts Coach Gagliardi will be taken tomorrow. plishments of John Gagliardi have placed at the very top of his profession. It f him in an elite club that includes the best should come as no surprise that the coaches in history: Now, therefore, be it students, the student athletes, the fac- CONGRATULATING JOHN GAGLI- Resolved, That the House of Representa- ARDI ON OCCASION OF HIS BE- tives congratulates John Gagliardi, football ulty and fans of St. John’s University COMING ALL-TIME WINNINGEST coach of St. John’s University in greatly admire Coach Gagliardi. Fortu- COACH IN COLLEGIATE FOOT- Collegeville, Minnesota, on becoming the all- nately, we are not only honoring Coach BALL HISTORY time winningest coach in collegiate football Gagliardi for his winning ways but also history. his commitment to his school, his team Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I move to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and, most importantly, his players and suspend the rules and agree to the reso- ant to the rule, the gentleman from their education. lution (H. Res. 438) congratulating Minnesota (Mr. KLINE) and the gentle- Coach Gagliardi has coached over John Gagliardi, football coach of St. woman from California (Ms. WOOLSEY) 5,000 players during his 50 years at St. John’s University, on the occasion of each will control 20 minutes. John’s. Over that time, none of his his becoming the all-time winningest The Chair recognizes the gentleman players have failed to graduate and coach in collegiate football history. from Minnesota (Mr. KLINE). most have graduated within 4 years. The Clerk read as follows: GENERAL LEAVE b 2000 H. RES. 438 Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- Whereas John Gagliardi began his coaching imous consent that all Members may This is an amazing feat in today’s career in 1943 at the age of 16 when his high have 5 legislative days in which to re- world of college athletes. Coach school football coach was drafted and John vise and extend their remarks on H. Gagliardi more than deserves the honor Gagliardi asked to take over his position; Res. 438. we are bestowing on him today. Mr. Whereas John Gagliardi won four con- Speaker, I urge all Members of the ference titles during the six years he coached The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gen- House to support this resolution. high school football; Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Whereas John Gagliardi graduated from tleman from Minnesota? Colorado College in 1949 and began coaching There was no objection. my time. football, basketball, and baseball at Carroll Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 10 College in Helena, Montana, winning titles self such time as I may consume. minutes to the gentleman from Min- in all three sports; Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support nesota (Mr. KENNEDY). Whereas John Gagliardi took over the foot- of House Resolution 438. I would like to Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota. Mr. ball program at St. John’s University in thank my colleague, the gentleman Speaker, I thank the gentleman for Collegeville, Minnesota, in 1953 and the foot- from Minnesota (Mr. KENNEDY), for yielding me this time, and I rise today ball team won the Minnesota Intercollegiate bringing this resolution forward. Mr. to honor St. John’s University’s Coach Athletic Conference title in his first year as John Gagliardi for becoming the coach; Speaker, this resolution recognizes the Whereas by the end of the 2002 season, achievement of Coach John Gagliardi winningest coach ever. John Gagliardi had won three national of St. John’s University for becoming After beating archrival St. Thomas to championships, coached 25 conference title the all-time winningest coach in colle- tie Eddie Robinson’s record of 408 wins teams, appeared in 45 post-season games and giate football history. at Grambling, Coach Gagliardi’s John- compiled a 400–114–11 record during his 50 Coach Gagliardi—John to his players, nies set a new record by defeating na- years at St. John’s University; colleagues and friends—has long been a tionally ranked Bethel in a hard-fought Whereas under the leadership of John force in college athletics and in life. In game before over 13,000 fans in the nat- Gagliardi, St. John’s University has been na- ural bowl of . That is tionally ranked 37 times in the past 39 years, his 51 years at St. Johns, John has and the university set a record with a 61.5 found great success on the field, lead- quite a crowd, since the stadium only points per game average in 1993; ing St. John’s to 23 conference titles seats 5,500. Whereas over 150 students participate in and the winningest record in Division As a graduate of St. John’s, I was the St. John’s University football program III history. honored to be able to join John at the each year and every player dresses for home His performance as a coach is impres- White House today where the President games; sive, but it tells only one side of the rightly praised both his achievement Whereas John Gagliardi’s coaching meth- story of this great man. John has in- and his character. Both St. John’s Uni- ods follow the ‘‘Winning with No’s’’ theory: versity and Coach John Gagliardi are no blocking sleds or dummies, no whistles, vested in thousands of lives over his ca- no tackling in practices, no athletic scholar- reer in the coaching business. The suc- quite special; and as one might expect ships, and no long practices; cess earned by the St. John’s team re- from a relationship stretching over Whereas John Gagliardi has coached over flects the dedication he inspires in half a century, they are special for 5,000 players during his 50 years at St. John’s each player. John’s investment in many of the same reasons. Indeed, the University, and no player has failed to grad- these young lives is, to him, the most similarities begin with both the univer- uate and most have graduated in four years; important contribution he can make, sity and the coach being named ulti- Whereas, in 1993, the John and to them the most important re- mately after St. John. was unveiled, and it is given each year to the St. John’s, with 1,900 male students, most outstanding Division III football play- ward they will receive. er; I extend my congratulations to is one of the oldest universities in the Whereas on November 1, 2003, John Coach John Gagliardi on this impor- State of Minnesota, having been found- Gagliardi tied Grambling University coach tant day for him and for the St. John’s ed by Benedictine monks in 1856. It sits Eddie Robinson’s record of 408 wins with a 15 community. I am happy to join my col- on a beautiful campus of 2,400 acres

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