Volume 11, Number 1, 2006 SARE with EWP Southern African Review of Education with Education with Production A Review of Comparative Education and History of Education from Saches with The Journal of the Foundation for Education with Production SACHES THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN COMPARATIVE AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION SOCIETY Core Executive Committee: Thobeka Mda (President), Sheldon Weeks (Deputy President), Petro van Niekerk (Treasurer), Seán Morrow (Secretary), Charl Wolhuter (Member) and Linda Chisholm (Editor, SARE with EWP). Wider Executive Committee: President: Thobeka Mda (first two-year term); Deputy President: Sheldon Weeks; Treasurer: Petronella van Niekerk; Secretary: Seán Morrow. Additional members: Otukile Phibion (Botswana), Mary Ocheng (Uganda), Ndibalema Alphonce and Oliver Stegen (Tanzania), Charl Wolhuter (South Africa) and Kyangubabi Chiika Muyebaa (Zambia). Fax 012 302 2247 Tel 012 302 2208 E-mail:
[email protected] EDITORIAL COLLABORATIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA FOR SARE Linda Chisholm (Editor), Crain Soudien (Reviews Editor), Seán Morrow and Peter Kallaway (Members) BOARD OF ADVISORS Wim Hoppers, Stockholm, Sweden Ulla Kann, Windhoek, Namibia Simon McGrath, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland Karen Mundy, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada Keith Watson, University of Reading, Reading, UK Allan Wieder, University of South Carolina, USA Willy Wielemans, CESE, Brussels, Belgium FOUNDATION FOR EDUCATION WITH PRODUCTION Patrick van Rensburg Box 20906, Gaborone, Botswana Tel +267 391 4311 Fax +267 318