A Chronicle of Map Interfaces in Games
Maps, Navigation and Transportation: Find a way DIS ’20, July 6–10, 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands Paper to Pixels: A Chronicle of Map Interfaces in Games Z O. Toups,1,3 Nicolas LaLone,4 Katta Spiel,5 Bill Hamilton2,3 1Play & Interactive Experiences for Learning Lab / 2Participatory Live Experiences Laboratory 3Computer Science Department, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA 4Bridge Lab, Department of Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis, College of Information Science and Technology, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE, USA 5e-Media Research Lab, KU Leuven, BE & Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna, AT z@cs.nmsu.edu, nlalone@unomaha.edu, katta.spiel@kuleuven.be, bill@cs.nmsu.edu ABSTRACT More than physical navigation, maps navigate the complex Game map interfaces provide an alternative perspective on and dynamic world of human culture. Maps on news media the worlds players inhabit. Compared to navigation applica- show political and socio-economic divides. Maps can show us tions popular in day-to-day life, game maps have different where people like ice cream over frozen yogurt or can be used affordances to match players’ situated goals. To contextualize by sports commentators showing us where specific athletes and understand these differences and how they developed, we have placed a ball or puck over time. present a historical chronicle of game map interfaces. Starting Despite that ubiquity, maps in and of themselves are generally from how games came to involve maps, we trace how maps static, a relic of the paper to which they owe their creation. are first separate from the game, becoming more and more There is so much more that maps can provide users given the integrated into play until converging in smartphone-style inter- growing ubiquity of computation and the increasing digital faces.
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