Matawan 1686•1936
MATAWAN 1686•1936 l~t~~ - ' ... ~- ..\.' .. .,. The Minisink Trail As It Looks Today, East of US 9. MATAWAN 1686•1936 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY WORKERS OF THE FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECTS STATE OF NEW JERSEY WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECTS NEWARK: 1936 FOREWORD This is the story of Matawan Borough and Matawan Township from Indian times to today. It was written and illustrated with maps and photographs by the Federal Writers' Projects of the \'Jorks Progress Administration, and published as a contribution to Matawan's 250th anniversary celebration. The date for the celebration was fixed as September 13, since on that day in 1686, it w~ believed, Stephen and Thomas Warne received a grant of land in what is now the center of Matawan. Under the leader ship of the Matawan Jouma/, elaborate plans were made for a 3-day cele bration culminating in a pageant and other activities. A committee was appointed, consisting of Albert B. Smith, chairman; John Marz Jr., vice chairman; Mrs. Florence L Carney, secretary; and Merritt J. Warwick, treasurer. Too late it was discovered from study of the original grant, with its difficult seventeenth century script, that the date was the "thirtieth" of September, not the "thirteenth". The date of actual settlement, however, is not yet known. The Federal Writers' Projects came into being in the fall of 1935, as a constructive effort to relieve unemployment among thousands of pro fessional writers throughout the country. More than 250 men and women are employed in New Jersey as writers, editors, photographers and typists. Most of them are collecting material for the New Jersey Guide, which will be a fact-filled book of unusual interest to the New Jersey resident as well as the stranger on our highways.
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