Folia Malacol. 25(2): 81–93


Kamila S. Zając1*, Maria Gaweł1, Anna Filipiak2, Paulina Kramarz1

1 Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków, Poland (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]) 2 Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Władysława Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland (e-mail: [email protected]) *corresponding author Abstract: vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855 is ranked among the hundred most invasive species in Europe. Its native range is not known for certain. For many years, it was believed that the came from south-western Europe and began its spread over 40 years ago in the Iberian Peninsula, but recent molecular data suggest that it is native to Central Europe. Here we present a review of its biology, nomenclature, distribution, characteristics, control methods and status. We discuss potential reasons for the great success of A. vulgaris, considering various hypotheses which may explain its invasiveness. Key words: Arion vulgaris, invasive species, review,


The current homogenisation of the Earth’s biota, species in Europe (Rabitsch 2006). A. vulgaris has, which is caused by the spread of alien (i.e. non-indige- probably unintentionally, been introduced into new nous) and invasive (i.e. non-indigenous and harmful) habitats via plant matter, packaging, and waste ma- species, is a major threat to global biodiversity. Such terials (Kozłowski 2007). It is a major defoliator of species have enormous impact on biological commu- plants and causes severe damage in orchards and gar- nities: they not only cause the loss of biodiversity dens as well as serious crop losses; for example, it has but also generate high economic costs (Davies 1987, been observed to reduce strawberry yields in Sweden Frank 1998, Walther et al. 2009, Kozłowski & by half (Gren et al. 2009). The slug also transmits Kozłowski 2011). According to various authors, plant pathogens (Weidema 2006, Hatteland 2010, invasive species share the following characteristics: Peltanová et al. 2011, Kozłowski 2012, Slotsbo high fertility, rapid development, great ecological tol- 2012) and is an intermediate host of a nematode erance, drought resistance (in case of terrestrial spe- parasite of dogs and foxes – cies, crucial given climate change), few natural en- (Baillet, 1866) (Ferdushy et al. 2010). In Sweden, emies, good dispersal abilities, greater survivorship it is suspected that slug-contaminated silage caus- at higher temperatures, behavioural plasticity, and es health problems in during wet sum- greater phenotypic plasticity compared to native spe- mers. Densities of over 50 slugs per square metre cies (Kolar & Lodge 2001, Simberloff 2001, Knop have been observed in wildflower strips and -mead & Reusser 2012). These traits facilitate colonisation ows. Such high numbers of slugs might contaminate of new territories, with their novel thermal condi- grass silage and cause a potential threat to the safety tions and food resources. and quality of feed (Gismervik et al. 2015). Commonly known as the , Arion vul- Furthermore, because of its large size and high pop- garis Moquin-Tandon, 1855 which for many years has ulation densities, A. vulgaris can outcompete native been called A. lusitanicus, belongs to the slug species; it may also reduce the biodiversity of and is ranked among the hundred most invasive wild plants (Frank 2003).

Folia Malacologica is funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Republic of Poland under agreement no. 747/P-DUN/2017 allocated to the activities of disseminating science 82 Kamila Zając et al.


A. vulgaris was first described from France in 1855 panded its range in many European countries over among varieties of Arion rufus (Moquin-Tandon the last five decades. At present, it occurs in France 1855). In 1907, Taylor claimed that it was the same (1855), Great Britain (1952), Germany (1970), species as A. ater var. rufa or A. subfuscus Draparnaud, Slovenia (1970), Italy (1971), Switzerland (1971), 1805 (Taylor 1907). Later, van Regteren Altena Austria (1972), Sweden (1975), Bulgaria (1983), (1956) stated that it was actually Austria (1984), Norway (1988), Belgium (1989), Mabille, 1868. However, Castillejo (1997) discov- The Netherlands (1989), Finland (1990), Denmark ered that it was a different species that was concerned. (1991), Poland (1993), Iceland (2003–2004), A. lusitanicus, which was described by Mabille (1868), Greenland, Latvia, and Lithuania and has more re- is common in central , and differs from the cently appeared on the Faroe Islands (Quick 1952, Spanish slugs found throughout Europe in both ex- 1960, Ellis 1965, Schmid 1970, van Regteren ternal appearance and genital morphology. Molecular Altena 1971, Riedel & Wiktor 1974, Davies 1987, analyses confirmed that A. vulgaris and A. lusitani- de Winter 1989, von Proschwitz 1992, 1994, cus were actually distinct species (Quinteiro et al. von Proschwitz & Winge 1994, Wiktor 1996, 2005). These findings induced researchers to use the Weidema 2006, Kozłowski 2007, Slotsbo 2012). name A. vulgaris which was proposed by Falkner et It has recently arrived in Romania (Păpureanu et al. al. (2002). Consequently, in the older literature the 2014). However, some recent findings contradict the name A. lusitanicus used for the large invasive Arion idea of the Iberian origin. Pfenninger et al. (2014) occurring in Europe most probably refers to A. vul- suggested that it was highly probable that the spe- garis. cies was actually native to central Europe: phyloge- The native range of A. vulgaris is not known for ographic analyses using mitochondrial (COI) and certain. For many years, it was believed that the nuclear (ZF) markers combined with species dis- slug came from south-western Europe (Roth et al. tribution modelling found that no haplotypes from 2012) and began its spread over 40 years ago in the Spain or western France co-occurred with those from Iberian Peninsula. Its original distribution includ- central Europe. This discovery aside, A. vulgaris clear- ed Spain, Portugal and the Azores (Simroth 1891, ly exhibits invasive features in the countries where it Quick 1952, 1960, van Regteren Altena 1971, has most recently appeared. Chevallier 1972). It appears that A. vulgaris has ex-


Monitoring the spread of A. vulgaris is challenging um small, almost symmetrical and uni-partite, bur- because the species is difficult to distinguish from the sa copulatrix oval, fallopian tube with a short, thin other closely related, large arionids (A. ater Linnaeus, posterior end and a thick, rapidly expanding anterior 1758; A. rufus Linnaeus, 1758; A. magnus Torres part, long oviduct with a large ligula inside (Wiktor Minguez, 1923; A. lusitanicus Mabille, 1868; A. flagel- 2004, Welther-Schultes 2012). Mating of A. vul- lus Collinge, 1893) which occur in Europe. When they garis takes from 4 to 5.5 hours from the moment of co-occur in the same habitat, A. ater, A. rufus, and A. finding a partner to separation after mating, while vulgaris can only be identified by virtue of their gen- in A. rufus the process takes 3 hours (Künkel 1908, ital morphology, mating behaviour or by molecular Frömming 1954, Kozłowski 2007). To complicate methods because the three species are very similar in matters further, A. ater and A. rufus can hybridise, and external appearance (Quinteiro et al. 2005, Barr et there is some evidence that they hybridise with A. vul- al. 2009, Kałuski et al. 2011, Slotsbo 2012). A. vul- garis as well (Evans 1986, Roth et al. 2012, Dreijers garis has the following species-specific features: atri- et al. 2013).


One method for controlling pests slugs and snails favourable microclimatic conditions and bait with an is the use of molluscicides, such as metal salts (iron olfactory appeal. Additionally, the traps ensure that [III] phosphate), metaldehyde, and acetylcholinest- the molluscicide is not exposed to the elements and erase inhibitors (methiocarb) (Clearwater et al. prevent it from being consumed or dragged away 2008). Traps containing molluscicide pellets are high- by other animals (Grimm & Schaumberger 2002). ly successful in attracting slugs because they present However, the use of molluscicides to control the Invasive Arion vulgaris – a review 83

Spanish slug can have negative effects (Weidema them. Consumption of molluscicides can be danger- 2006). Chemical molluscicides are toxic to several ous to domestic animals and cattle (Edwards et al. non-target vertebrate and invertebrate species and 2009). Moreover, molluscicides can bioaccumulate in can not be used on organic farms (Frank et al. 2002). slug predators and are likely to affect soil-inhabiting Some of the molluscicides that effectively target A. invertebrates such as , millipedes, and wood- vulgaris contain iron phosphate and EDTA or EDDS, lice, but further studies on the subject are needed and may therefore have adverse effects on the activity (Edwards et al. 2009). or growth of earthworms, or may even be toxic to


A. vulgaris has an annual life cycle and is semelpa- drought-resistant: the hatching success is unaffected rous; although it mainly reproduces sexually, it can even when up to 63–70% of the initial water content also self-fertilise (Hagnell et al. 2006, Kozłowski is lost (Slotsbo 2012). As in many other inverte- 2007, Slotsbo 2012). Adult slugs can reach 14–15 brates, the growth is influenced by temperature; it cm in length but are usually smaller, around 11 cm, is fastest at 20°C (Kozłowski 2007, Slotsbo 2012). and range in colour from orange to chocolate brown At 25°C, the eggs fail to develop and hatch, suggest- to black, with black, brown, or orange foot fringe ing it is the upper temperature limit for the species (Kozłowski 2007, Roth et al. 2012, Slotsbo 2012). (Kozłowski 2000). The slugs can stand lower tem- As a result, the colouration cannot be used to dis- peratures (although they almost completely stop tinguish A. vulgaris from A. rufus (Wiktor 2004). growing at 2–5°C) without any significant impact on Mating occurs when the slugs are in the male phase, their survivorship. Most juveniles and some adults from July to October; it is very complex and can last can survive being frozen at –1.3°C. Small juveniles as long as 4–5 hours (Kozłowski 2007, Roth et al. can stay super-cooled at –3°C for 20 days. The abili- 2012, Dreijers et al. 2013). The slugs begin to lay ty of juvenile A. vulgaris to remain active at –3°C al- eggs when they reach the non-mating female phase lows them to move to deeper, frost-free microhabi- (two to four weeks after copulation); the egg-laying tats even in sub-zero temperatures (Slotsbo 2012). period starts in August and can last until December if Juvenile and adult slugs must also endure desicca- temperatures remain above 5°C. The exact time varies tion pressures. The survivorship of juvenile A. vul- between geographical regions and years (Kozłowski garis was unaffected as long as their water loss did & Kozłowski 2000, Grimm 2001). The Spanish slug not exceed 56% (Slotsbo 2012). A. vulgaris displays can lay a total of 400–500 eggs in batches with the a remarkable degree of plasticity: even after growing mean size of 67.3 eggs (Kozłowski 2007, Slotsbo very slowly for a year, the slugs immediately increase 2012). Kozłowski & Kozłowski (2000) found that their growth rate when exposed to higher tempera- most egg-laying slugs were aged 6–9 months; howev- tures. In the spring, this means that overwintering er, it was unclear whether age, season, or body mass juveniles can start growing as soon as temperatures affected the egg-laying ability. Although most slugs rise, provided that food is abundant. Further evi- (75%) die having reproduced, some winter over and, dence of this plasticity is provided by an experiment in the laboratory, may live for as long as three years, carried out by Slotsbo et al. (2013). Slugs kept at provided they do not reproduce (Slotsbo 2012). 2°C and 5°C were then moved to 15°C, and their Indeed, they can delay their reproduction until the growth rate rapidly increased. The slugs’ growth rate following mating season. This ability allows the spe- is correlated with temperature, which is beneficial cies to tolerate harsh climatic conditions and perhaps for the animals because of food limitations during better handle different situations, such as the arrival the year when their metabolic requirements are low in new areas where mating may be restricted by small (Slotsbo et al. 2013). population densities (Slotsbo et al. 2013). Hatching Among the environmental factors studied to date, starts in September, and 54–86% of eggs hatch before photoperiod has the greatest effect on A. vulgaris. The winter (Kozłowski 2007). Later-laid eggs winter species’ activity patterns have been found to be sim- over and hatch in the spring (Kozłowski 2007). The ilar both in the field, under fluctuating temperatures, hatching success is the highest at 10–15°C (Slotsbo and in the laboratory, under constant temperatures. 2012). The thermal tolerance may therefore vary geo- For many animal species, including slugs (e.g. Limax graphically among populations (Slotsbo et al. 2013). maximus Linnaeus, 1758), photoperiod is a season- The eggs are rather cold-tolerant: the hatching suc- al cue that controls the annual reproductive cycle. It cess remains higher than 79% for eggs exposed to could very well control maturity in A. vulgaris (Grimm the temperature of –1.3°C. However, at temperatures & Schaumberger 2002, Slotsbo et al. 2013). A. vul- lower than –4°C all the eggs freeze. The eggs are also garis was most active at 5:30, 1.5 h after sunrise, and 84 Kamila Zając et al. at 20:30, 1 h after sunset; it was least active between able at high densities; furthermore, only dying slugs 13:00 and 14:00. Over 24 hours, the slugs spent 68% are attacked (Weidema 2006). One of the biological of their time resting, mainly under artificial shelter control methods currently used to fightA. vulgaris, as traps, 27% of their time in locomotion, and 4% of well as other slugs (e.g. A. rufus, ) their time feeding (Grimm & Schaumberger 2002). is the application of Nemaslug, which contains a par- A similar pattern of activity has been observed in A. asitic nematode (Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita) that distinctus Mabille, 1868: it is the most active at 7:30, hosts the bacterium Moraxela osloensis. The result is 0.5 h after sunrise and from 19.30 to 2.00 (Hommay reduced feeding and increased mortality. The meth- et al. 1998). od is most effective when individual doses (15 and A. vulgaris is polyphagous and feeds on a range of 30 individuals/cm2) are applied to juveniles (Tan & crop species as well as waste products, animal car- Grewal 2001, Rae et al. 2009). A very promising rion, and faeces (Kozłowski & Kozłowska 2004, biological control agent may be nemoralis, a Tomasgård 2005, Kozłowski 2007). A test involv- capable of reducing densities of A. vulgaris in ing 78 plant species showed that A. vulgaris preferred the wild (Pianezzola et al. 2013). plants of the families Brassicaceae, Papaveraceae, Like most slugs, A. vulgaris is only found in moist Apiaceae, Boraginaceae, and Asteraceae (Briner & habitats. Within its native range, the Spanish slug Frank 1998). In the field, it was observed to- for lives in grasslands and broadleaf deciduous wood- age on diverse genera, such as Papaver, Solanum, and lands (Rabitsch 2006). In its invaded range it oc- Lupinus (Aguiar & Wink 2005). All these plants curs in gardens and parks (in areas with cultivated contain potentially toxic compounds. These findings plants), cemeteries, agricultural and landscaped are- indicate that the presence of physical deterrents has as, and other anthropogenic habitats (Kozłowski et a greater influence on food selection in A. vulgaris al. 2008). The species shows a preference for crops than do chemical defences. Aguiar & Wink (2005) grown on loamy soil. Trade and human migration showed that A. vulgaris could tolerate very high levels are thought to have aided introduction of new spe- of neurotoxic alkaloids because of the effective alka- cies to many parts of the world (Manchester & loid detoxification in the microsomes in their diges- Bullock 2000). A. vulgaris is a typical synanthropic tive glands. Thanks to their inducible detoxification species: its occurrence is associated with human ac- system, the slugs can feed on toxic plants when less tivity (Weidema 2006, Kozłowski 2007). Moreover, toxic food is not available (Aguiar & Wink 2005). colonisation by A. vulgaris often results from passive Furthermore, Jensen et al. (2013) found that due to transport, as the slug travels with cultivated plants their behavioural and physiological mechanisms A. (Dreijers et al. 2013). vulgaris could regulate their protein and carbohydrate From the earliest days of invasion, it was postu- intake and utilisation in a way that made it possible lated that genetic variation and evolution might play for them to achieve an optimal balance that maxim- an important role in the success of invasive species. ises growth (Jensen et al. 2013). This trait should A growing number of studies show that putatively allow the slugs to more easily respond to changes in adaptive traits have evolved in introduced popula- food availability. tions (e.g. Hendry & Quinn 1997, Huey et al. 2000, A. vulgaris is not a prey item favoured by most Koskinen et al. 2002, Blair & Wolfe 2004, Rogers predators (von Proschwitz & Winge 1994, von & Siemann 2004), sometimes quite rapidly (e.g. Proschwitz 2008). It is apparently less palatable Thompson 1998, Reznick & Ghalambor 2001). because it is harder to eat and produces more mu- Certain specific life history traits and behaviours, as cus than other, native slugs, such as A. ater, a species well as the degree of phenotypic plasticity, could ac- endemic to central and western Europe. The natu- count for the establishment of the numerous popula- ral enemies of A. vulgaris are , amphibi- tions found in so many European countries. However, ans, reptiles, and certain bird species. Larger ground a more complete explanation for its invasiveness is beetles feed on eggs and young slugs (Hatteland lacking. Below, we discuss hypotheses that could 2010). Cannibalism among Spanish slugs has also shed some light on the Spanish slug’s success. been observed but probably only becomes appreci-


TRAITS ENHANCING COMPETITIVENESS of native species over a broad range of conditions (Janion et al. 2010). This hypothesis was repeated- One of the hypotheses which explain invasive- ly tested. For example, Janion et al. (2010) found ness postulates that invasive species have a suite of that, on Marion Island, invasive springtail species traits that enhance their performance relative to that had much faster egg development rates, as well as a Invasive Arion vulgaris – a review 85 lower susceptibility to hatching failure at higher tem- that it was only sometimes associated with fitness peratures, than did indigenous species. It is thought benefits. Compared to invasive species, indigenous that A. vulgaris outcompetes the autochthonous A. species were able to maintain better fitness homoeo- ater and A. rufus (von Proschwitz 1997, Kappes stasis under resource-limited or other stressful con- & Kobialka 2009, Roth et al. 2012, Dreijers et ditions (Davidson et al. 2011). Chown et al. (2007) al. 2013, Hatteland et al. 2013). In zones where found that, in springtails, it was the form rather than the species co-occur, the native slugs have shrinking the extent of phenotypic plasticity that distinguished populations and are rarely seen in the same areas as the responses of invasive and native species to cli- A. vulgaris (Grimm & Paill 2001). A. vulgaris may de- mate change. Probably differences in the phenotyp- rive part of its competitive advantage from its unique ic plasticity play an important role in the climate behaviour. Kappes et al. (2012) found that the spe- change responses. A. vulgaris has a high degree of cies was more active and less sensitive to adverse plasticity in its thermal biology and can quickly ad- stimuli than were native slugs. It could be the cause just its growth to temperature changes. Focusing on of the appearance of this species in new habitats. two traits (egg production and survivorship), Knop As opposed to the native snails or slugs, A. vulgaris & Reusser (2012) compared three hypotheses relat- positively responds to baits containing acidic Renner ing fitness to phenotypic plasticity in A. vulgaris and solution, mustard oil, and garlic extract (Kappes et A. fuscus (O. F. Müller, 1774), which differ in many al. 2012). respects (e.g. habitat preferences, relationship). The Dispersal could be enhanced by the Spanish slug’s first hypothesis was that the slugs would maintain mobility. Knop et al. (2013) compared the mobility fitness in stressful environments (the “robust”- hy of A. vulgaris with that of A. rufus, a native species, pothesis). The second was that they would increase in an area where the two were sympatric. The main fitness in favourable environments (the -“oppor hypothesis was that A. vulgaris – the invader – had tunistic” hypothesis). The third was that the slugs a higher moving rate (kept moving once in motion) would be both “robust” and “opportunistic”. During and leaving rate (probability of being found in a new summer, A. vulgaris displayed a more adaptive phe- location) than the native slug. The study was carried notypic plasticity: when temperatures were high and out in three different habitats: a stubble field, an area food supply small, it survived better and produced sown with wild flowers, and a pasture. In all three more eggs than A. fuscus, which had adopted the ro- habitats, A. vulgaris had higher moving and leaving bust phenotype. During winter, it was A. fuscus that rates. These results suggest that the Spanish slug’s had the more adaptive phenotype (Knop & Reusser higher level of motor activity could explain its inva- 2012). These results indicate that A. vulgaris is ro- siveness (Knop et al. 2013). It is notable that when bust and that warmer summers and milder winters slugs compete for the best shelters, A. vulgaris wins might allow it to reach higher altitudes and spread out over very aggressive species such as A. subfuscus further into the lowlands, which supports the wor- (Draparnaud, 1805) and Limax maximus (Grimm & ry that climate change may facilitate biological inva- Paill 2001). When population densities are high, A. sions (Knop & Reusser 2012). So far this is the only vulgaris will also inhabit less favourable areas, which study that compares hypotheses relating fitness to indicates its flexibility and shows that it is a habitat phenotypic plasticity in A. vulgaris and another Arion generalist rather than a habitat specialist (Grimm & species. Paill 2001). The reason for the mass occurrences and conse- quent pest status of A. vulgaris remains obscure, but PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY some reports state that the species’ success is relat- ed to its superior resistance to natural stresses such Short-term phenotypic plasticity is a major tool as drought and low winter temperatures, and that in used by organisms to respond to environmental this way it may outcompete its closely related conge- change, and when a population’s circumstances ners. Slotsbo et al. (2012) compared cold tolerance shift, it helps determine whether the population will in three Arion species (A. ater, A. rufus and A. vul- persist or disappear and thus whether or not it has garis) in Denmark, but did not find any significant potential for invasion (Chown et al. 2007). Baker difference, further challenging the notion that A. vul- (1965) was the first to hypothesise that invasive spe- garis had a higher cold tolerance. Drought tolerance cies had greater phenotypic plasticity than native is another important factor that might influence its ones and to notice that genetic variation could be success. However, Slotsbo et al. (2011) found that advantageous even to those species which had a high juveniles and eggs of A. vulgaris had a water loss rate plasticity (Dlugosch & Parker 2008). In a meta-­ and tolerance similar to those of other slug species. analysis Davidson et al. (2011) showed that inva- Gastropods generally have a relatively high water sive species had a significantly greater degree of phe- loss tolerance, and for A. vulgaris the authors report- notypic plasticity than did non-invasive species but ed a mortality of 50% when losing 72% water for ju- 86 Kamila Zając et al. veniles and when losing 81% for eggs. Furthermore, vaded areas in the absence of natural enemies, but they noted that drought generally limited foraging, sometimes despite their presence the abundance of slowed down development and thereby delayed re- invasive species may be substantial due to the influ- production. ence of different factors.

ENEMY RELEASE HYPOTHESIS RAPID RESPONSE TO NATURAL SELECTION According to the enemy release hypothesis (ERH) A number of taxa demonstrate rapid rates of the lack of natural enemies in an invader’s intro- evolution, including species that have invaded new duced range influences its abundance or impact (es- areas and native species confronting invasions timated using individual size, population abundance, (Hoffmann & Sgrò 2011). Consequently, natural or propensity to displace native species) (Lee 2002, populations may be able to use evolutionary adap- Torchin et al. 2003, Colautti et al. 2004). Ross et tation to deal with rapid climate change. Moreover, al. (2010) compared the occurrence of parasites in 23 accounting for evolution can greatly change predic- slug species (Deroceras reticulatum, D. panormitanum­ , D. tions regarding colonisation patterns and distribu- laeve, Arion ater, A. circumscriptus, A. distinctus, A. fascia- tion shifts (Hoffmann & Sgrò 2011). tus, A. flagellus, A. hortensis, A. intermedius, A. lusitani- Seiter & Kingsolver (2013) studied reaction cus, A. owenii, A. silvaticus, A. subfuscus, Arion sp., Limax norms for body size, development time, potential flavus, L. marginatus, L. maximus, L. valentianus, Limax fecundity, and immune function in four populations sp., Milax gagates, Tandonia budapestensis, T. sowerbyi­ ) of Pieris rapae (L., 1758), the invasive cabbage white in their native range in the UK and their introduced butterfly; its populations were found at different lat- range in the USA, and found support for the ERH itudes. They showed that there was rapid evolution- (Ross et al. 2010). However, the situation may be ary divergence along latitudinal gradients and geo- somewhat more complex. Colautti et al. (2004) sug- graphical differentiation in development time. They gested that there were strong, enemy-specific effects also discovered that immune response and pheno- on host survival and that hosts developed tailored typic plasticity were more closely related to latitudi- defences. It is the release from the specific enemy nal variation in season length and natural enemies that causes direct changes to survivorship, fecundi- than to variation in ambient temperatures (Seiter & ty, biomass, or demographic variables­ that matters. Kingsolver 2013). It is important to note that na- Indeed, it is of little consequence if a species escapes tive species can also adapt to environmental varia- an enemy or enemies against which it is well defend- tion by evolving greater plasticity and that plasticity ed (Colautti et al. 2004). In a study of carabid bee- as well as trait values may vary along latitudinal gra- tle predation on A. vulgaris in Norway, Hatteland dients. In a different study, Kingsolver et al. (2007) (2010) found that the slug still faced natural enemies showed that the temperature-size rule and the relat- even in its introduced range. It was observed that ed thermal reaction norms could demonstrate rapid, Pterostichus niger, P. melanarius, Carabus nemoralis, C. within-species evolution under natural conditions. violaceus and the staphylinid beetle Staphylinus eryth- Stamps (2007) argued that selection for high in- ropterus preyed on eggs and hatchlings of A. vulgaris dividual growth rates would increase mean levels of (Pail 2000, Paill et al. 2002, Hatteland et al. 2010, risk-taking behaviour across populations. Similarly, a 2011). Pterostichus species are more restricted in the high population growth rate may further encourage size of prey taken compared to larger and more spe- dispersal. The high life-time productivity of A. vulgar- cialised predators, such as Carabus spp. (Hatteland is with over 400 eggs per individual may compensate et al. 2010). C. nemoralis was shown to be a potentially for a higher mortality and at the same time allow rap- important predator of the alien A. vulgaris in spring id population growth in newly colonised locations and may contribute to conservation biological control (Kappes et al. 2012). It was also confirmed thatA. vul- (Hatteland et al. 2011). This species killed and con- garis was less sensitive to otherwise adverse stimuli, sumed juvenile slugs of up to one gram (Hatteland and thus more likely to utilize novel environments 2010). However, in intensively farmed areas, pred- and otherwise unusual dispersal routes (Slotsbo et ator populations may be reduced in size, leading to al. 2011, Kappes et al. 2012). a greater abundance of A. vulgaris. Temperature can It is expected that species in which selection is also affect rates of predation on slugs. The activity against individuals taking dispersal-related risks un- threshold of C. nemoralis is 4°C; the activity is greater der undisturbed conditions may acquire (or loose) when temperatures rise in spring, but is not correlat- traits and become successful invaders when the ed with temperature later in the season (Hatteland conditions change. A. vulgaris is a suitable organism et al. 2011). for testing this hypothesis and dispersal behaviour The enemy release hypothesis may explain the which includes various traits, such as mobility and high frequency of occurrence of A. vulgaris in the in- feeding activity, boldness, exploration, sociability Invasive Arion vulgaris – a review 87

and aggressiveness (Cote et al. 2010, Kappes et al. ly low rainfall in April, May, August, and September. 2012). Recently, A. vulgaris was more prominent in areas that had experienced frequent and periodic flooding CLIMATE CHANGE (e.g. south-eastern Poland) (Krochmal-Marczak et al. 2013). When discussing species invasions, one issue that In Norway, geoclimatic parameters such as av- can not be overlooked is climate change. Changing erage monthly temperature and precipitation, were global conditions influence the distribution of native used to describe a potential future distribution of A. species and facilitate the spread of invaders (Janion vulgaris in this country. The study revealed that large et al. 2010, Peltanová et al. 2011). Climate change parts of coastal and lowland Norway would be poten- is clearly one of the most important factors affecting tially suitable areas for this pest (Hatteland et al. the distribution of all species. Species that stand to 2013). The results showed that A. vulgaris was clearly benefit from climate change will have certain traits favoured by the mild and wet Atlantic climate of the that are well suited to the new conditions. There western coast. The damage reported in gardens and were two major peaks in invertebrate expansions. horticulture (e.g. strawberries) related to this pest They took place in the 1950s and 1990s as a result of was especially pronounced in coastal areas. It can be climate warming and habitat degradation (Rabitsch expected that habitat structure and its resulting mi- 2008, Peltanová et al. 2011). Many studies indicate cro-climate may be more important for the establish- that numerous species shifted their ranges towards ment of populations of A. vulgaris. Moreover, regard- the poles – towards higher latitudes – because of less of regional differences, precipitation throughout changes in temperature and precipitation (Rabitsch the whole country was not a limiting factor for A. vul- 2008, Peltanová et al. 2011, Bebber et al. 2013). garis (Hatteland et al. 2013). The rapid spread of pest or invasive species through As mentioned above, A. vulgaris is spreading from increases in latitudinal range may have resulted ei- central to northern Europe. Peltanová et al. (2011) ther from the direct effects of climate change or from found that, over the last 30 years, the number of the intensification of foreign trade over the past six non-native land snail species found outdoors in the decades, meaning synergies are at play (Peltanová Czech Republic had increased from 5 to 15 (8% of et al. 2011, Bebber et al. 2013). all species). More than half of these were presumed Climate conditions shape the distribution of A. to have originated in the Mediterranean, suggest- vulgaris. Krochmal-Marczak et al. (2013) esti- ing an influx of terrestrial invertebrates from more mated the threat to plants by A. vulgaris in a field southerly regions (the so-called “Mediterranisation”; study in Żyznów (south-eastern Poland), taking into Rabitsch 2008, Peltanová et al. 2011). Although account the climate conditions of the region. Mild gastropods are known to have limited abilities of winters and substantial spring and autumn rainfall active dispersal, some dramatic, human-facilitat- promoted the species’ growth and expansion. The ed range expansions have recently been observed largest increase in A. vulgaris was observed during a in Europe (Peltanová et al. 2011). However, they year with a large rainfall in June and July, and the would have been more limited in scope if not for the smallest increase was associated with an abnormal- changing climatic conditions.


A. vulgaris, together with its congeners, for exam- contributing to the species’ invasiveness should be ple A. distinctus, A. fasciatus, A. flagellus, A. silvaticus, examined. is an invasive species which has recently become Both juveniles and adults of A. vulgaris are established in many European countries and is re- freeze-tolerant, but only at relatively high sub-­zero garded as a serious pest, both in agricultural crops temperatures (–2°C). Both may survive in a su- and in gardens (Kozłowski et al. 2010). The pop- per-cooled state, but are generally poor super-coolers. ulation size of A. vulgaris can vary substantially be- Therefore, the winter survival of A. vulgaris in very tween years, likely due to climatic factors such as cold regions to a high degree depends on using mi- temperature and precipitation. Its growth, egg devel- crohabitats protected from low winter temperatures. opmental time and hatching success are influenced Like other slugs, A. vulgaris has little resistance to by temperature. Increase in temperature below 25°C evaporation, but on the other hand it tolerates rather results in an increase in growth rate. A. vulgaris has substantial water loss. Its eggs are slightly more tol- a high degree of plasticity in its thermal biology and erant to water loss than are the juveniles. The devel- can quickly adjust its growth to temperature chang- opment time of the eggs was found to increase with es (Slotsbo 2012). However, all factors potentially increasing desiccation because embryonic develop- 88 Kamila Zając et al. ment is stopped by dehydration. Despite tolerance of of the COI sequences defined 40 terminal clades; substantial water loss, A. vulgaris depends on moist the average sequence divergence ranged from 3% to habitats. over 90%. Representatives of the A. vulgaris clade Besides the effects of climatic conditions, biotic were found in France (northern and eastern regions), factors such as predation, or competition with other Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Denmark, slug species for food and space, may also affect the Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg, but not population dynamics of A. vulgaris. Moreover, it has in the presumed area of origin. Moreover, no haplo- to be borne in mind that the species is still being types from Spain or western France co-occurred with unintentionally dispersed between regions due to haplotypes from central Europe. This result suggests human activity (Slotsbo 2012). that the slug tends to disperse passively and that The Spanish slug’s origin and are the Arion tends towards invasiveness. It also somewhat unclear, which might be the result of shows that further research on the entire genus is rapid evolutionary changes having taken place dur- needed, especially on integrative taxonomy. It was ing its range expansion. For this reason, broad-scale previously assumed that more than one introduction phylogeographic research, such as that conducted by event had occurred and that most populations in the Pfenninger et al. (2014), should be carried out in invaded range had experienced genetic bottlenecks the future. Using statistical phylogeography (draw- (Engelke et al. 2011). This assumption needs to be ing on mitochondrial and nuclear markers) and spe- revised. Furthermore, it is thought that A. vulgaris cies distribution models, Pfenninger et al. (2014) hybridises with A. ater and A. rufus (Roth et al. 2012, found that the Spanish slug was very probably native Dreijers et al. 2013), which could also have an in- to central Europe and not an invader. They tested a fluence on its invasiveness and expansion patterns. variety of hypotheses: that introduced individuals of It was also suggested that hybridisation resulted in A. vulgaris had come from a few sites in its area of A. rufus disappearing from the areas invaded by A. origin (western France or Spain), or that some spec- vulgaris (Dreijers et al. 2013). However, Allgaier imens had been introduced at a few sites in the in- (2015) failed to confirm hybridisation between A. vaded range, and that the species is continuing to lusitanicus and A. rufus in the field which may be due expand its range. They collected 300 individuals of to different habitats. Jones et al. (2013) found that Arion species from 60 localities in central and west- the establishment probability of non-native species ern Europe. The number of localities from each declined with phylogenetic distance, which means country ranged from 1 to 22; 22 localities in France that the presence of close relatives may have helped and 12 in Spain. The maximum likelihood analysis the Spanish slug establish itself (Jones et al. 2013).


There are many interdependencies among bio- The knowledge of behavioural differences be- logical invasions, climate changes, and genomics tween invasive and native species is thus crucial for a (Chown et al. 2014). Climate change facilitates bi- better understanding of the mechanisms underlying ological invasions in natural communities, which, invasion success and to predict the spread of invasive in turn, can cause changes to natural environment. species (Kappes et al. 2012). There are many hypoth- Also, arrival of an invasive species creates opportu- eses regarding the causes of species invasiveness. In nities for hybridisation and introgression, which can the case of A. vulgaris, a serious pest species, under- be observed in natural habitats and have effects on standing of the mechanisms underlying its success is biodiversity. There are many genomic tools that can crucial. Moreover, the story of its expansion is unu- shed light on the invasion-associated risks and thus sual, and studying it in greater detail could consider- can be used in monitoring of management strategies. ably expand the knowledge of invasiveness, ecologi- These tools include metabarcoding, metagenomics, cal patterns along latitudinal clines, and adaptations and analysis of entire genomes or genomic markers to novel environments. As observed by Seiter & (Chown et al. 2014). Metabarcoding and metagen- Kingsolver (2013) “biotic invasions are natural ex- omics are ways of monitoring certain communities perimental systems for studying the rapid evolution where climate changes facilitate the appearance of of traits and plasticity”. Their argument is that novel invasive species. Moreover, whole genome analysis environments place strong selection pressure on in- can be used to track hybridisation and introgression vasive species, resulting in new adaptations (Seiter as changes in certain genome areas are followed. & Kingsolver 2013). In the future, more emphasis Genomic markers make it possible to ascertain the should be placed on comparing the life-history traits origin of invasive species and to examine patterns of and phenotypic plasticity of A. vulgaris with those their range expansion. of native species. Differences among A. vulgaris, A. Invasive Arion vulgaris – a review 89 ater, and A. rufus populations found at various lat- biogeographical history may be very complicated and itudes could help explain the rapid expansion of A. interesting. vulgaris. Combining broad-scale molecular and phy- logeographic research with morphological studies ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS could help decipher the taxonomy of A. vulgaris and its distribution pattern in its native range. Research This work was supported by grants from the on the species’ natural enemies could also clarify its Polish-Norwegian Scientific Cooperation (Pol- evolutionary history. Moreover, the influence of -cli Nor/201888/77) and from the Jagiellonian University mate change on its distribution patterns should be (DS/WBINOZ/INOŚ/747). explored because recent discoveries indicate that its


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