AroojiArooji receivesreceives BullBull SimonsSimons AwardAward ...... 1616 TipTip ofof thethe SpearSpear Adm. William H. McRaven This is a U.S. Special Operations Command publication. Contents are not Commander, USSOCOM necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense or USSOCOM. The content is edited, prepared and provided by the USSOCOM Public Affairs Office, 7701 Tampa Point Blvd., CSM Chris Faris MacDill AFB, Fla., 33621, phone (813) 826-4600, DSN 299-4600. An Command Sergeant Major electronic copy can be found at E-mail the editor via unclassified network at
[email protected]. The editor of the Tip of the Spear reserves the right to edit all copy presented for publication. Army Col. Tim Nye Marine Corps Master Sgt. F. B. Zimmerman Air Force Tech. Sgt. Heather Kelly Public Affairs Director Staff NCOIC, Command Information Staff Writer/Photographer Mike Bottoms Air Force Master Sgt. Larry W. Carpenter, Jr. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Angelita Lawrence Managing Editor Staff Writer/Photographer Staff Writer/Photographer (Cover) Retired Army Chief Warrant Officer 5 Fred Arooji’s stands sihlouetted in front of an MH-47. Arooji received U.S. Special Operations Command’s highest honor when he was awarded the 2012 Bull Simons Award in Tampa, Fla., May 15. This lifetime achievement award, named for Army Col. Arthur “Bull” Simons, honors the spirit, values, and skills of the unconventional warrior. Courtesy photo. Tip of the Spear 2 Highlights Departments SOF Around the World Exercise ‘Silent Warrior’ takes place in Cameroon ... 4 U.S., Peruvian SOF train together ..