I wrote last week of the anxious wait for the News Government announcement and, as you all now know, crossed fingers simply do not Yesterday, I was asked by Melek one of the work. It looks as though any hope of parents children in Year 1, “Why do we say fast attending the Celebration Assemblies this asleep?” I was really impressed by this year have been extinguished and we are now question because it showed how intently she having to rethink everything we had planned was paying attention to the language of the for the end of term. story and also an early fascination about words and their meaning. I am determined to hold Sports Day however, it is not just Covid regulations that threaten to Fortunately, though challenged, I was quick to scupper things but also the condition of the delve into my own language understanding Recreation Ground. It is covered in bumps, and, though I have never considered the potholes, ruts and molehills and, if I am question before, I linked the words, honest, I am not sure it is fit for purpose. I ‘steadfast’, ‘fasten’ and the phrase ‘hold fast’ have been considering hiring Horspath in an instant and explained that it meant to Athletics track for the day but shall need to be fixed in such a deep state of sleep that one know what the general feeling would be could not be moved from it without difficulty. about this. The facility would not only provide Now, having subsequently checked to ensure a perfect surface and plenty of space, it would I had not inadvertently misguided her, I am also enable us to have parents present relieved to discover I was correct and that it (grandstand seating) whilst maintaining originates from the old German word, ‘fest’ proper social distancing. I am going to see meaning stuck firmly. what the children think because after a year Google is amazing as a tool for accessing quick of cancellations and false hope, our own answers and it might be argued, do we really Olympic Games on a real track (the site of need teachers now that we have Google? I many a past Ickford inter-schools victory) may would have to argue yes, we do because, provide some necessary excitement before whilst it may be a font of knowledge, it can’t we break up. replace the human interaction that Melek and I am able to confirm that the outing to I enjoyed and I don’t think it would inspire an Woods will be going ahead on interest in language that an engaging teacher Wednesday and so will the Rugby tournament can. Furthermore, I need to champion at School. Let’s hope that the employment for myself and the other staff weather brightens up again and we can all which brings me neatly on to the subject of enjoy a day in the sun but be prepared to the on-line Parent survey! pack waterproof coats as well as the packed I have been asked to confirm that it is lunch and sun cream. anonymous (although I have already I have had an enquiry about lunches this week explained this) so yes, it is and I hope that it and would just like to confirm that every child gives a voice to those who feel ‘voiceless’. The is given at least 30 minutes to eat their lunch submitted forms are collected on the website if necessary. Please remember this as if they visible to the administrator but the sender are not eating their lunch and use lack of time remains anonymous unless they have chosen as an excuse, it is not accurate and there may to include their name. I hope to collate the be another reason why the lunch remains in responses and to respond to comments in the box. The children sit together from 12.15 due course. (The teachers have requested an and eat in their classrooms but they are anonymous survey of parents in return joking!) allowed to go out to the field or playground at 12.30. Those that need more time to eat go to Ickford News from the office another room so that they can be supervised and then take as long as they need. Most This Week’s Celebration Assembly children are finished by 12.45 and even then, Hall of Fame any that have not, are able to continue eating. These procedures are outlined using slides in Music Award: assembly to ensure that all staff and all Melek Younis children understand the routines so please Timothy Issitt remember this before challenging us about Eliza Gapper children eating. Gwilym Walters Finlay Addis I want to finish by congratulating our Year 6 PE Award: children and their teacher Mme Basnett. Isabella Hawkins Despite the cancellation of national exams at Bryony Ellis the end of Key Stage 2 this year due to Covid, Florence Arnold Mme has put every child through the test Harry Weeden papers under exam conditions and as we Samuel Anzarouth would normally carry out the tests. In a year Eliza Gapper of such disruption and when so many schools Orla Kerry have complained of being unable to close the Harvey Chapman gap, 100% of our Year 6 reached the expected Harry Johnston standard in Maths with 60% achieving greater Isla Turrell depth. The picture is almost the same in Jake Fletton Reading and Writing with 95% reaching Noah Samuel expected standards. This is a phenomenal French Award: achievement for all concerned and testament Jacob Shannon not only to the skilfulness of Madame as a Georgina Preston teacher but also the provision during Edward Pentecost lockdown and the hard work put in by all of Orla Kerry the teachers throughout these children’s Samuel Anzarouth journey here at the school. With end of Key Brayden O’Malley Stage 2 results being used carefully to help Chloe Makris predict future success at GCSE and A level, I Daisy Coke am sure the information we can provide Gethin Walters secondary schools this year will be invaluable. Deutsch Award: I know that Pride is one of the seven deadly Harriet Palmer sins but I shall plead guilty and accept my Latin Award: fate, I am full of it. Roxanne Wakelin Headteachers Award: Have a good weekend. Annabel Neal Mr Ronane Florence Arnold Emily Aspden Daisy Coke Georgina Palmer

Dates for your diary… Breakfast Club Please remember to book your child’s place 21st June Class Photos for breakfast club with the school office by 23rd June Trip Friday at midday for the following week.

23rd June Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Festival Entry to breakfast club will be via Gate A by

28th June Year 6 Longridge Trip the Recreation Ground.

29th June Parents Evening 1st July Cricket Final Sponsors 1st July Parents Evening

7th July Sports Day 9th July – Year 6 Music Recital 2.30pm 12th July – Class 4 & 5 Play afternoon 13th July Cricket Engagement Day On behalf of all the children and 13th July - Class 4 & 5 Play teachers I would like to give sincere evening 14th July - thanks to SAS Wireless for their Year 6 Camping overnight incredibly generous sponsorship of 16th July Last day of Term Ickford Sports. Look out for their Logo School Lottery in the future.

A winner within school every week! If you would like the chance to win, and support the school, please click on the link below and get signed up! https://www.yourschoollottery.co.uk/lott ery/school/ickford-school