Building Players: Revisiting Bartle’s Taxonomy of Players SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Thomas van Dam 10002918 MASTER INFORMATION STUDIES GAME STUDIES FACULTY OF SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM August 24, 2015 ! 1st Supervisor 2nd Supervisor Dr. ing. S.C.J. (Sander) Bakkes Dr. Frank Nack ISLA, UvA ISLA, UvA Building Players: Revisiting Bartle’s Taxonomy of Players Thomas van Dam University of Amsterdam Graduate School of Informatics Science Park 904, Amsterdam
[email protected] ABSTRACT substantially since 1996, logically there are new ways to behave in games which the Bartle Taxonomy of Players is not In order to better classify single-player games by the tuned to. However, this does not mean that Bartle's model is behaviours they facilitate, we propose a player model based on without use. It has been shown that numerous different player Bartle’s Taxonomy of Players. Through use of a questionnaire models are closely related to Bartle’s model and that the we evaluated the performance of this model compared to approach he takes with this model has its merits [19]. As we Bartle’s model, but were unable to find strong evidence that will discuss in more detail in the background chapter these made the new model stand out. We also argued that creative models come with their own shortcomings. Most notably a player behaviour should be considered as a unique and separate lack for expressing creative behaviour in games, which we kind of behaviour. This notion was supported by the data, as believe is important enough to consider separately.