Our Library Week STARS Compiled by JANINE DE VILLIERS During his studies at Arizona, Ryk’s success in athletics was Publications and Promotions unparalleled. He was a nine-time NCAA National Champion (second most in history). He was voted Arizona Athlete of ime is running out and Library Week 2007 (19-24 March) the Year and PAC-10 Swimmer of the Year for four consecutive is fast approaching. As mentioned in the article introduc- years. In 1999, the NCAA named him the Swimmer of the Year, Ting the 2007 campaign (CL November/ December 2006, the highest honour in intercollegiate swimming. He also earned pages 40-41) background and biographical information on the stars other Arizona honours such as the Sapphire Award Winner in featured for Library Week is published in this issue to assist librar- 2000. But the most prestigious award he received during his ians in their build up to the most important week on the library collegiate career was the University of Arizona Athlete of the calendar. Century Award. Ryk began participating in international competition for Performer par excellence… Leleti Khumalo in 1993 and continued throughout his studies at In 1985 Leleti successfully auditioned for a part in Mbongeni Arizona. Since, Ryk has held over 20 junior national records Ngema’s new musical, which was to become the international and 22 South African national titles. He has represented South blockbuster Sarafina. Leleti thrilled audiences in South Africa and Africa and medalled in three Commonwealth Games, the most in New York where she was nominated for a Tony Award for Best in South African history. He has also been a five-time finalist in Actress. Sarafina performed for two years on Broadway before the Olympics and the World Championships, participating in the embarking on a worldwide tour. In 1987 in Los Angeles she re- 1996, 2000 and 2004 Olympic Games. ceived an NAACP Image Award for Best Stage Actress. In the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Ryk participated as a In 1991 Leleti co-starred with Whoopie Goldberg in the film member of the South African 4x100 Freestyle Relay, anchoring Sarafina. She subsequently starred in another two of Ngema’s pro- the team to a Gold Medal and World Record (3:13.17) per- ductions, Mama which toured Europe and Australia, and Sarafina 2 formance. He also made the finals in the 100m Freestyle, placed in 1997. fourth overall. During the 2004/2005 FINA World Cup Series A change in her career occurred when she starred in the drama Ryk continued his success in the pool by dominating the 200m Koze Kuse at the Market Theatre, followed by a role in The Zulu Freestyle and 100m Individual Medley with record-breaking per- (1999), a story about King Cetshwayo and the battle of Isandlwane, formances. during the Anglo Zulu War. He is currently based in . He continues to travel In 1998 she was featured in the motion picture Cry the beloved to international competitions to represent South Africa and in country and also in a drama series The African skies. 2004 he competed in the World Championships in Montreal In 2003 she starred in the Oscar Nominated Foreign Film and the FINA World Cup 2005/6 series in , Sydney and Yesterday (directed by Darryl Roodt). More of her acting per- Korea. Ryk continues his training and has his eyes set on the formance can be seen in Hotel Rwanda, as well as in the film Faith’s 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Corner, in which she stars in the title role. She is probably best known to the South African public for her leading role in the popu- Master of innovation… Mark Shuttleworth lar local television series Generations. Mark Shuttleworth is an African entrepreneur with a love of technology, innovation and space flight and was born in the Pure gold… Ryk Neethling dusty gold-mining town of Welkom in South Africa. He grew Ryk was born and raised in and underwent all of his up in beautiful Cape Town. While studying towards a Business schooling at Grey College in South Africa - the third generation Science degree in Finance and Information Systems at the Uni- of Neethlings to attend. At the age of six, he started taking water versity of Cape Town (UCT) he first encountered the Internet, safety lessons after a near fatal drowning incident at a neighbour’s and quickly became intrigued by the changes it would bring in house, and immediately took to the water. He quickly became a business and society. In 1995, his final year at UCT, Mark found- national force in his age groups. In 1995, at the age of 17, several ed Thawte, as an Internet consulting business. The focus of the colleges began recruiting him for swimming scholarships. He soon company quickly shifted to Internet security for electronic com- committed to the University of Arizona and enrolled in the fall of merce. Thawte was one of the first companies to be recognised 1996, immediately following the Atlanta Olympic Games.

Cape Libr., Jan/Feb 2007  14 b y both Netscape and Microsoft as a trusted third party f or w eb journalism, pub lic speaking and mark eting arena, she is ab le to iden- site certification, and it quickl y estab lished a leadership position tify interesting and relevant issues to address on screen. helping b usinesses around the w orld accept secure transactions She is also a consultant in mark eting, pub lic relations and strat - o v er the w eb . By 1999 Tha wte was the fastest-gro wing Inter - egy and is a personal ex ecutiv e dev elopment consultant to k ey net certificate authority, and was the leading certificate author - go v ernment ministers. Her areas of expertise are pub lic speaking, ity outside of the United States of America (USA). Mark sold mark eting oneself and dealing with the media. As a director of Tha wte to VeriSign in December 1999 and began to look f or the HIRS Women’s Dev elopment Consultancy Noeleen strongl y new challenges. believ es that in order f or w omen to claim their rightful positions at He f ormed a new v enture capital team called HBD. The name the top of the corporate ladder - they ha v e to unlock their poten- is a ref erence to the phrase Here be dr agons, which legend has tial. Noeleen lo v es spending time with her famil y (she is married that it was used to describe uncharted territory on earl y maps. with twin girls aged tw o and an eight-y ear-old bo y), cooking and HBD seeks to in v est in inno vativ e companies that are based in enjo ying the finer things in lif e. South Africa b ut that ha v e the potential to serv e a global mark et- place. Mark has also created a non-profit organisation that sup- Fr esh and sassy… Zur aida Jardine ports social inno vation in education in Africa. The Shuttlew orth Ha ving completed her school y ears in Johannesb urg, Zuraida was Foundation funds projects that ha v e the potential to bring about accepted to study broadcasting journalism in Santa Monica in the dramatic impro v ements to some aspects of the education sys - United States. Undeterred at her visa being turned do wn a cou - tem and hopes to impro v e both the quality and the lev el of ple of da ys bef ore she was due to lea v e, Zuraida simpl y stepped education in Africa. onto another plane and landed in Australia and from there, on to Mala ysia, Indonesia and Singapore. On her return, she graduated He mo v ed to London in 2001 and in April 2002 Mark real - ised a lif elong dream to fly into space. He spent a y ear w ork - with a Diploma in Journalism and a further tw o international diplo- ing on the project, including sev en months of f ormal training at mas from the New York Business Institute - one in journalism and Star City in Russia, and almost as m uch time in medical testing, the other in b usiness comm unication. science programme dev elopment and negotiations. He was a Whilst taking drama classes, she w ent on holida y to Cape To wn. member of the crew of So yuz TM-34, launched from Baik on ur in A dream from an earl y age to be on radio , Zuraida auditioned f or Kazakhstan and dock ed with the International tw o Good Hope FM, and has nev er look ed back. During her fiv e y ears da ys later. The mission included eight da ys w orking on the ISS, at Good Hope, she has also been a newsreader f or the television conducting a programme of South African science experiments sho w Ca pe @ Six as w ell as reported on the television breakfast and enjo ying the extraordinary en vironment of w eightlessness sho w, AM Today, presented the TV Licence Super car d sho w and bef ore coming back to earth. Mr South Africa. In betw een projects Mark tends to f ocus on catching up with She was, ho w ev er, lured back to Johannesb urg b y 5FM. Since the w orld of technology, particularl y software and the w eb , in 1999 her fun-lo ving and do wn-to-earth nature was a winning f or - the search f or new ideas and opportunities. In earl y 2004, Mark m ula at the radio station. She contin ued w orking f or television and f ounded the project, which aims to produce a high qual- f eatured as a presenter on SABC, M-NET and e.tv. Zuraida added ity desktop and serv er that is freel y a vailab le an element of fun to Woza Week end and Big Br other II. all o v er the w orld. Getting a taste f or acting in the CNN drama documentary Water World 2020, Die lied van die la ppop on SABC, the M-NET Queen of talk… Noeleen Maholw ana-Sangqu short film Black sushi, and, most recentl y, the po w erfull y-mo ving Born and raised in Umtata, Noeleen’s entrée to broadcast media and internationall y-acclaimed stage production of the Vagina mon- was on Radio Transk ei in 1986. Mo ving to Johannesb urg in 1994, ologues, w e can expect more from this talented liv ewire. she applied f or a job on 702 and started out at the bottom of Bef ore lea ving 5FM at the end of June 2006 f or an extended the ladder again - as a junior reporter bef ore landing a co-host- road trip across the United States of America with husband Josh ing job . Her career advancement at the station was dramatic as Lindberg, she was the winner of the Strictl y come dancing reality listeners warmed to her generous, spirited style, first as a news- television sho w. Said Zuraida, ‘The last f ew y ears ha v e been incred- reader and then news editor. From 2001, she serv ed on the ib le f or me and it is hard giving all this up . But actuall y it is easy  Primedia Board and hosted her o wn dail y sho w bef ore lea ving when y ou realise that this is the onl y chance w e are going to get to the compan y at the end of 2002. In recognition f or her w ork she do something lik e this - w e are y oung, unencumbered and there is was a warded a Global Population Institute Priz e f or Best Pro - a lot to see out there.’ gramme of the Year (which she receiv ed at an ev ent in Cuba). I t s h o u l d b e o b v i o u s t h a t o u r c h o s e n s t a rs a r e m o r e t h a n q u a l i fi e d Ready f or a new challenge, Noeleen became the host of t o i n s p i r e r e a d e rs a n d p o t e n t i a l r e a d e rs w i t h t h e i r a c h i e v e m e n t s . the television sho w 3 Talk that has nev er stopped gro wing in But remember the first step to becoming a star is to learn and popularity. With more than fifteen y ears of experience in the use the ABC at the library. Ha v e y ou prepared y ourself and y our staff f or the influx of potential stars during Library Week?

Ref er ences www.markshuttle worth.com www.rykneethling .com www.mlasa.com www.hirs.co .za www.saspeak ersinc.com http ://www.marketingweb.co.za/fast_news /937849 . htm

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