*, / &^ Zz^zT- ^^ ^-f > : ; 3p ADDRE SS OF THE EIGHTEEN STONEMAS ONS Tj ^VXt-VWcau jiTOE yof thla nfaa ^helcU puH to ¦r-H O CARR IED THE PEOPLE'S PET ITION meenn lf-on^Hon/ay evening last yflb Opie jvvcjkof discussing with/flie Corn " Law rejp ^afc^trff jfff/\*jhg 10 THE BAR OF THE HOrSE OF COM- question ;— " Will the re peal of the Cora Jaws .Jane MON'S, TO THEIR BROTHER TRADESMEN. benefit the working classes ?" Mr. G. Wheat ' on was sleete d to the ehair. The chairman read over tV ;.- -rules BOIHERS ,—Our conscience s tell us that -while -we S to be observed dur ing the discussion , wkkh ai' v^ed ti» genera l denunc iati on of class-legislation , ^^ n in each par ty the same time for speaking. H e cailc-d noon *Z enormi ty is owing to our supineness and the Cy jb of its Mr. John S&inbridge first to address the meeting, jklr. KjiiBetkms "whi ch hare gro-wn up and been fostered -Jr Bambridge commenced, by observing tbat he did not . * order. At length - ^y suppose there was any perso n there who bad not paid own we have open ed our M our jag — ' sufficient attention to the pre sent condition of the wodc- the erTQI8 oi tha whole system. _- j ad seea For ing classes, to know that misery and wretchtdn sas pre-

¦ ¦ year s we straggled by our associated nnionB to» unpara lleled ext< -nt. Wh at * ; vailed amongst theai to an - -j ay ^ : ^ ^ -goieetour selves, but the giant which has destroyed all AND LEEDS GENERAL ADVERTISER. ever question , there fore, was br ought ferw,»rd pj p- eon«H-on of iasttt uti oas °f onr country, -was able to destroy' gRICB 1 fessedly -with the object of ameli orating the $e T01. IT. NO. 187. SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1841. gSSSS^ZZS! * '* that class, ought to he duly weighed and impartially _ ¦— F ¦ ¦ ¦would ¦ also "»h ich "we vainly hoped hare given _r ^ ^- , ? these i ' | considered. Mr. B. then , after some excellent rfcinark ^ tion to ov*t>°&7- Th*8 to a certain extent , -was of' .wi aid in- prote c * SA&FOR D.—Mr. Smithurst , from Oldham , lectur ed BIRMINGHAM. —Mr. W. Deaw TArtoR. —At observed that tbe repeal . .th e Corn LawjB- a p p a the establishment of the whole of the people's lords jkss legislatio n, ndor perha s our a peal m yof come CUctvon i^ofcemeut g. in the Char tUt room on Sunday evening, and M r. the meeting ef the Chartist Lecturer 's Fund Com- crease the alrecdy overgrown power of th e cotton grace tried all rights." , -a coant a bette r f haTing methods pro- CContinued from our sixth page.) Vaughan , from Chester , on Monday evening. Hun- mittee , June 13th , it waa unanimously resolved , that and master manufactur ers. He gave a detailed ^ith Mr. Pouittney seconded the resolutioa. of the horrors of the factory system , shewin g ho^- $ha before we jo ined, as a body, fer the great or- dreds had to go away disappointed , in consequence of our worthy, labor ious, and talented lecturer , Mr. Wm. jeetion The resolution was carried unanimously. inordinate desire for wealth produced by it> , had TaiRSK. —The election the crowd ed state of the room. Twenty-three membe rs Dean Taylor , be recommended to the various Char tist rtsic change -which we now seek, and in which, we movements in this borough Mr. George White moved the next resolution, changed men of kind - and benevolent feelin .s into have been pretty rapid joined as daring the past week in this locality. We dist ricts of the country, and any district requiring his the spiri t of a real union , not only within the past week. It will and converted th< »w,eefr —cognise uf trade s be remembered that a " That in accordance with the previous resolution now numb er 200 members in Sal ford. The Salford valuable services may have them by applying to Mr. heartless and cruel tyran ts, short time ago Sir S. Crompton , miik of human kindness into bitterness and gal 1.. He vjji of -working men. t p s , fortymen be now chosen, and denominated 'The Bir- Committ ee having cleared £3 19s. (kl. by the excursion Joseph Wisbett , Secretary , No. 21, Court Weaman- he re ent member announced his intention ^f retiring showed that the sp irit of thers, we ask you whether or not we ar e longer in tbe event of mingham Non-electors' Committee,' who shall be to Dunham , expend ed it after the following fashion :— street , Birmingham. Thoso who wish to make repeal would increase tbe Bro a dissolution ; on tbe instant appeared competi tion , the direful effects of which had ul eady as candidate , under empowered to appoint forty-eight canvassers, and £2 to th e incarcera ted victims, 10s. to the persons in- engagements with the above gentleman are requested to jaat ified in withhol ding our united assistance from the Bell or Whig inter est , Mr. the overshadowe d this land with misery ; that coiui'eti '.ion Harland , one of the representatives of make the necessary arrangements for securing jured by the Corn Law repealers, £l to the funds of tbe make early application . , who, like our selves, swwt and toil from Durham City , tended to in jurei all classes of society, and that it was at those and immediat ely after him return of men who will make the People's Charter Associatio n, and 0s. to Tib-street In addition to this, —M r. Harney lecture d here on Mon- year ' , the Hon. C. S. Wortley, in SH EFFIELD. direct variance with tbelaws of morality and Chris't uinity.- . -gjj -B end to s end , and are yet de- the Franklan d ' the basis of representation." the teach ers of the Roman Catholic Sunday school at aud ience. or Tory interest ; both canvassed the day evening, to a nume rous and delighted He observed tha t the repeal of the Corn Law s could upon caprice for the scanties t snb- borough, ' Mr. Parkes seconded the resolution in an elo- Pendleton send Is 6d. to the persons injured by the a peacent and general opinion seemed to fai>ey the The associated Chartists of Sheffield have published only benefit the working classes either bj limit ing the orange would quent and effective speech, and read the leading Corn La-w repealers , i R, ggknee ? The motiTea and objects of those who now be successful ; some recent votes of Mr. letter to the Rev. I. Bay ley, in reply to his attack hours of labour, or increasin g its remanerntiw ; and Harland" s, e article of last week's Star, showing up the delin- Law Plague . spuggte for mere equality under the law have been un- howev r , have turned against him the nearly CARDIFF .—At the weekly meeting of the Cha rtists on them in reference to the late Corn showed very plainly th at it was calcul ated to i .craa se baianotd Ecale , and there is little doubt but he would quencies of the Whigs. of this town the following resolutions were adopted :— meeting, in -which the Rev. Gentleman and his Whig jnsttf misrepresented by a hireling press. The timid Mr. John Williamson supported the motion in ratber th an lessen the hours of toil, while it was very have been ejected. This his committee plainly saw, " That the conduct of Daniel O'Connell and his clique friends are very sorely handled. Cer tain that it would not in crease cauti ous have been taught to belkve that the work - and sans his usual manly and energetic style. in the least degree md otremonie threw him and thsir party over- After which the names of forty members of the at Manchaester , calls forth the bitterest execration of laiD DLESBRO' .—The Chartists of this place hel d remuneration. Mr. B. concluded by static ^ tb ;. there ^e people pant for revenge and are ready to commit board; got up a requisition to John Bell, Esq. , which erery hon est man , inasmuch as they deluded the poor Men 's Reading Room, and The the National Charter Association (who had been a public meeting in the Workin g was sufficient lan d in this country to produce an abun- against Ule property. best was accepte d, the borough re-canvassed , each pledged ignorant Irishmen to act in auch a bloody and brutal a^red ations , indeed ' approved of at a previous meeting) were read and Newcastle Row, on Wedn esday evening week, when dance for its inhabitants , and that the present a^ iu.tion such a eharge is, elector to Mr. Harland with as great facility cancelled manner toward s the people." "That a vote of censure Messrs. Hollinshead and Maw each delivered an address was got up by wHU the thB only, answer to that they have now " put to the meeting, in conjunction with the resolu- par ties who did not sympathise . his promise , and wpledged Limseif to Mr. Bell, who bejaiasodnpon the authorities and the police for not in defence of the principles of the Charter , after which people , d o f pe ple possessing fconie three success -re seasons of unparalleled suffering, : tion , and were unanimously agreed to, amidst loud an who cared n t or the o in the short space of some s-x or seven hours found protecting the people from -such an uncalled for attack. " several persons joined the Chartist Tanks , and are now cheap bread , but were only looking to their o~xu iv.-.^rest, one drop of huraaa blood has been shed and repeaied cheers. -we md noi by , himself in an unapproachable situation as candidate for A vote of thanks was then given to the Chairman , " Tha t enter into a subscri ption to aid the Executive engaged in fighting the battle of liberty and universal The chairman then asked if any person would bpt- ..k on jkHB—cot one particle of property has been deairoTed , j the future representation of the borough . The next which was acknowledged by him in a sho$&*ddress, ia the fort hcoming investigation. " justice. ithe opposite side, bnt no one signifying their a^vst to day brought the Hon. Mr Wortley, and the day iUX n) midst of the greatest excitemen t and agitation ; O1LCX WHIC H IO11CC UUVCXB HCX U ^IVCU VIUM Kl , PJBPTF OBD.—Mr. Stallwood lectured hero on Sun- BRADFORD. —Great excitement was created in do ao, Mr. Steven followed on the same aide. After in the \ following Sir R. F. Russell , Jbis patron. On finding of other Wil- day Evening, on. the Charter , and the mode of obtaining Bradford on Monday, by the ann ouncement of a lecture Mr. S. had retired , the Chairman again requested! the ^iiile years, in the absence of all political ex- } hpw matters stood, the Hon. Charles , by the advice of t hree for Feargus O'Connor ; three for Frost, the liams, and Jones, and the incarcerated Chartists ; it He was followed by several other speakers , all of to be delivered by Mr. Martin , member of the lat * Corn Law Rtpealers to come forward and refute Avhat titement, the assassi n or the brigand became his \nrB : his committee , resigned on Mr. B^H> declaration to highly applauded by meeting. A gen- ¦ three tremendous groans wet© given for tfa& Whig*; ^rbi ^bJ pMr e Convention, on tbe present state of the political crisis. had been advanced ; but none had the courage to uu so. ^y^rsgei, from a hopel essness of his individual exertion Sir R. F. Russell, that it was .no j«k *; really he in- Mfa ' &ghasMthe person following resolution then was put to the Tories, and Fha*n Radicals, after which the meeting Uc sMressed the meeting, sUtt ^Ebe meeting,js the general -csase , tended if elected to. go to parliament, which previous to the Whig Member , at a this ren dering any service to We rejoice \ separated. who addressed Mr. Barnard , iil ^^ S^ ^W»njm S9«IS : ^ ' ^hat meetii* of such declaration , many had some difficulty in believing, public meeting ; and further stated , tkat it was an- tkat the increase of knowledge and a better understand- j The members of the Association retired to their ^^ms^m^mmmSocial Inst itution was crammed fall. Mr. Ataerson "j™ "* " "•" ¦ nn **m^wmm**mw^qmi-*!&g!!s&'** he havin g al-rays decla red himself so much averse nounced , in the Greenwich Gazette, th at he was an- pied the ehair. The lecturer in forcible language for anythin g short of the People's Charter , but oqgfct smeog the people, has turned all those little streams . to it.— Correspondent Room in Freeman-street, to hold their usual weekly occu ing swered by Mr. ' Barnard in the most satisfactory man- pointed out the absurdity of Whig and Tory measures of to concentrate ail their energies for the sttainmeut of "i Representation meeting, which was crowded to excess, and.were ad- of disecatciit into a flood of well-founded complaint , of Rochdals .—The sword of dre.-sed hy Messrs. White and Taylor. The best ner. He begged to deny this , and said that he was not relief for the starving people , and in a clear and argu- of that impor tant object. " Thanks were then voted to which is now irresist ible. i universallibertyis drawn. Rochdale wiilnobly dojitsduty. satisfactorily answered to one single question , and menta tive address proved that nothing short of tho Char- the Chairman , and the meeting separate d, The return of thatindomitat le opponent of Irish jugglery, possible fc-ling prevailed at both meetings, which if violence and intemperance hare been un- begged some person to announce the same in some ter would benefit the countr y. He read the address of Mr. . " Br others , 'alias O'Connelism ,) Mr. Shaman Crawford , gave unmixed satisfaction to the parties who at- NOTTINGHAM.—The Nottingham Review <- this our is now journal of the people 's. He was one of a few members Simpson which called forth repeated cheers , and con- ju stly-d^uged against associated friends , who have placed beyond the possibility of a doubt Liberals and tended. week has it , that the Chartis ts paraded the to wJi With who, by union , had formed a society for the purpose of cluded a soul stirrin g ad dres s of upwar ds of an hour a a e s that the said Ctart- long struggled for their rights in vain , our body, at all Chartists have placed, for the present , in abeyance their b nds and b nn r , further adding, extricating them selves from the fangs of oppression. and a-balf , amidst loud cheers. The chair man announced ists, as a body, have completely turned roun d uj ^n the stand purged of all soch suspicion or calumny. minor differences— " Crawford and the Charter—Craw- BARNSLEY. —The Barnslet Irish Chartists. They commenced with but a sing and now events, le penny, that meetings would be held every ni ght during the Tories since the late election. Much has been said by ford and no Monopoly " is the war cry. They ar6 —W e have received a long and spirited address had seventeen houses of their own property ; and con- TFe have been too submissive. Even now we ask for week in various parts of Bradford to forward and our friends of the Review of late about Tory lies ; but linked in one indissolubl e bon d of union for the from the Iris h Chartists of Barnsley to Feargus g t te, d rights , and nothing more , and we will rest satisfied cluded by exhort in hem to uni an attend to their insure Mr. Simpson 's election. The meeting sepa rated here is a thumping Whig lie as ever was told. It ia on coming fi 'ht The Tor ies, conscious of their weakness O 'Connor , accompanied with strong resolutions de- own wants. H e then joined the association. After a ^ highly gratified. true that seven persons , calling themselves Chartists , ¦with nothing less. "We ask , then , for the spirit of that when the Reformers ar e united , have vaiuly essayed nouncin g the bloodthirsty attack upon the people , the chairman ti vote ef thanks to Mr. Rose , the mee ng — On Sunday afternoon , Messrs. have been hired by the Whigs to sit as a committed , and Cha r.gr on behalf of which we had the high honour to to throw discord in the Crawford camp, by endeavour- of Manchester , and Daniel O'Cwnnel l , as an enemy dispersed. Three new members were enrolled. SUNDERLAND. ing to work upon the fears and religious prt-judiccs of to his country, and expressing unabated confidence Binns and Williams addressed a meeting, held at the tbat their chief employment has heen to pubiisli the plac e nearly ene niiT.ioa and a half of dumb bu: elo- — A correspondent , writing from this the Dissenters and expediency Reformers , representing in Feargus O 'Connor. The meetin g was a public BELFAST . Lifa Boat House. most unblushin g falsehoods , by issuing handb ill* -with advocates at the bar of the House of Commons. town , Bays , that the seeds of Chartism are being sown quen t Mr. Crawford to be an Irishman , a Catholic , and a vio- a rid the friends of O'Connell had full notice to Lecture. —On Sunday evening, Mr. Williams deli- their names appended ; the sola object of their employ- one , there , with every prospect of an abundant harvest. Brsih ^rs , -without entering at large into the principlts of lent Chartist , and consequentl y viewing him in the at tend; but , a las, they are easily numbered in this vered his third and conclud ing lecture , in tho Golden ers being to cause a split throughout the whole <%iinp. The inquiry is everywhere heard— " What is Char- Charter , let as respectfully submit to voh those light of their great Lyndhurst —" an alien in birth , splendid Ch art ist town. The address and resolutions Lion Room , to a large aud ience. The subject was— Gol d has been squandered most profusely; heavi-ii and tie tism ?" —and this is being answered by a plent iful dis- blood , language , and religion. " At the recent great are si gn'. d by several clo«ely-printed columns of Irish " Religion , what is, and what it is not ; its compre- earth lias been moved to make their mischief curry the grieva nces and inequalities of which we now justly tribution of Chartist tracts—pa rticularly the one en- it open air meeting, the straightforward and manl y man- Ch artists , am ounting ro considerably more than a hensive character and ennobling tendency. " The lec- appearance of success along with it But the treacherous «CTDlsin, and which its provisions alone can remedy. titled " The question of what is a Chartist answered ." ner in which Mr. Cra wford answered every question hundred nam es. As thtre is a great demand upon gion to z- msist in acting accord ing to those Wbi gs have been foiled , by the good sense and firmness To assist and encourage them in this glorious work , the turer defined reli We romp kin that the industrious classes are dail y apperta ining to his political or religious sentiments , our sp a ce, our triends must rest satisfied for the pr inciples of duty , and those feelings of the heart , which of tho Chartist body. In fact , we have been, if possible, bsconiiig loorer , wtile all otter classes are daily whet her asked by electors or non-eltcturs , won for Lam present with the pub lication of their spirited reso- assistance of friends in England and Scotland is were excited by the nature and character of the supremo more closely cemented iu one bond ef brothe rhoo d and urgently solicited. Au Association has been formed , the universal admiration of all real Reformers. He lutions which we here insert , and for which we power. He contended that there was an essential dis- every week adds to our numbers , and will continue to becoming richer. We complain that white w* toil , and officers appointed to conduct its affairs ; these do declared himself an advocate for the Suffrage of the th ank them. — Ed. tinction between religion and religious opinion;—th ai do so while tbe same ' good spirit is manifested. A under the summ er's sun for a mare subsistesce, we ar e and never were men more determined. Charter , and an enemy to all monopolies , and instanced their work well, religion was not embodied in any creed , sy ste m of faith , public meeting -waa'announced by placard to take place unwilling idleness throngh the The following resolutions were unan imously agreed Frequent meetings are held, and every one brings a , corcp rlled to linger in the monopoly of representation as the grand source form, or ceremonief. ; tha t it was a feeiin? dwelling in on Monday evening, June 7th in our spacious M arket- to :—1 st. " Thai we, the Irish Chartists of Bamsley, fre sh accession of members. At first some difficulty ¦winter 's fr ost, and to subsist upon the savisgs from onr from which all other monopolies have their existence all , not with equal fervour , a purity , but depending for place , the object of the meeting was to shew up the h aviij ;,' long watcked the political career of Fearg us was experienced iu getting a place of meeting, but force (by ' or die of want, or tske re- and support. He declared himself a member of the its truth and power on the general enli ghtenment of tbe deep laid scheme of bribery which was put in SBiunier s too scasty store , O'Co nnor , and having in variabl y found it t o be even that obstacle has been overcome , and a room in a Establisbed 'Church , and tbe inveterate enemy of her mind. He showed that the belief in a supreme power the would-be-called Liberal inte rest) ever sirca the late fuge in a cold bistiie. We look round in the midst of mauly, houe>t , disinteres ted , and truly pa triotic , we respectable house Las been obtained , where the meet- abuses , and in the event of his being returned , he w»s universal , that the atheist bt-lieved in a power election ; but more especially that part of it intended to luxury, and we see those who create it all , sincerel y offer him our confidence and support ; ings are held every Tuesday evening, at eight o'clock. increa sing should visit his constituency annually, and give an , and superior to, himself , the cause of what be played off upon the Chartist body—and if that proved and wo axe determ ired to oppose any scoundrel or Any friend who can spare the Star will greatl y serve anterior to the only parties Reflected in the general dispensation. account of his stewardship; and if. at any tiaie, any is—that he was compelled to suppose eternal existence " no go," to use any means whatever to create disunion hypocrite , whoever he may be , who will dare to tbe cause by forwarding it to Mr. David Blair , 50, Tte speculator , -safco lives in a cottage to-day, asp ires to considerable portion , either of electors or non-t )ectors , of some kind, and yet, with strange inconsistency, de- and cause a split in the Chartists camp. The Whigs, calumniate or vilify him." 2nd. " That we cau no Mill-street , Belfast. during the whole of Monday , were at work to get up a a man sion to-morrow. desired him to give np his situation as ^epT^esent ;ltive , longer repress our. indication and contempt at the manded »f the theist to show him how D^ity could have —Another specimen of the physical force counter meeting; a' row was the sole desire ; the au- and repose the trust confided to him in their hands , he conduct of that base and treacherous apostate , Daniel G.OVAN. eternally existed. He argued tbat it was most absurd We are engaged in remodelling or rebuilding the qualities and their hatred of free discussion , was dis- thorities were all locked up in close conclave ; but upon would do so, and give them an opportunity of electing O'Conncll , alias the Big Beggarman , who signed t he and contradictory, while admitting that a power existed habitations of the thriving classes, in ¦order that their a better man. He stated that he had been informed ' played by the Whig Corn Law Repealers in Govan (a previous to man , and which , in fact , was the eternal our friends ascertaining that blood was to be spilt pro- docum ent called the People s Char t er , but when he fusely, we prudently-put off our meeting, and ti.c town luxury may iesp pace with their improved state in his adversaries had , doriag his absence . beeK circu- found th at he could not make tools of the Chartists , village about two siiles below Glasgow , on the banks of cause of all existence , to yet contend tbat such a povrer , the Clyde ,) last Saturday afti moon , where the repealers was paraded by the Seven Stars ' Committee , a band , society. lating rep orts prejudicial to hia character , he now he denounced them to our misguided countrymen . of which man , with his mind and high capabilities , bad called a public meeting of the inhabitants of the thr ee bann ers , two or three hundre d characters hired the ca'led upon them te tome forth and juake good the as Orangemen and Tories , in or der that , by keeping was one of its products , had yet no mind itself , no In going to onr daily toil we pate ^ compara- parish , to take into consideration the best means of for the purpose , called " lambs ," these said " lambs" chances ; *pt one of his ntean and base traducers ap- them in political ignoracce , h e m consideration the pro- instrumental band is engaged and suitable flags for the opened immediately. —Now, upon seme of tbe bye« tuiid for voters , and by which alone they can be and who voted with Mr. Duncombe for the release of " more enlightened , and discovevered that the evils of hc*se* prie t y of passin g , an address to Feargus O'Con- occasion. Messrs. Moir , Pattison , Jack M'Farl tine , standers reminding the Chairman of this fact , Je mmy, all palitical prisoners , and J. K. Wijney, Esq., who , Government art a ?nere trifle , and need not be heeded qiilifL-d, look upon every one perfected as an enemy to nor , Esq., and to p3M resolutions , condemnatory of Malcolm and others from Glasgow will be present to , tbe captain , gave, the word of command. The unM ;tught formerly represented this borough , but for his treachery and that Socia lism is the most immediate , practical oar order. 3f our trad e is dull or precari ous , those who those miscrea nts who became the tools of the " base address the assembly. This village has hi therU been a , began ; und Jemmy , by a waive of the haun if they do it , is, that he is a rank supporter GLASGOW. —Anoth er great meeting was hel d on and tbeir vile crew. I have just seen a letter from so patient and forbearing a spirit , and men hit .ert o mit that , to a cert ain extent , they ar e necessary, and BERWIONDSEY ,—The Chartists of Bermondsey of the hell-born Poor Law throughout all its brutal M onday night , in the Chartist Church , on the policy Durham, fr om which I perceive that the old system of staunch supporters of the Whig faction were hL-ard to and there- held their usual weekly meetin g at the Horns Tavern , that wirh the Charte r all the evil wo«ld cease, and bloody machinery. If the Poor Law be introduced to be pursued By the people at tiie coming election. Mr . " open houses " is resorted to , would to God , that the say— " Well , I Bave for ever done with moral force Whig Crucifix-lane , on Tuesday evening, when an anim ated fore are we f&r the Charter. into Brighton hereafter .those electors who vote for Wigney Jam es Thomson was called to the chair ; after which , workiea" would r efruiu from entering those dens at Reform ers. " Three preachers of the Gospel addressed discussion ensued upon co-operation , in which Messrs. " njw direct your attention to tbe assaults which give a tantamount acquiescence in the introduction of some skirm ishing took place between Messrs. Rogers , this important crisis. the meet ing, but we were unable to hear a wor defended his resolution of a foimer evening, which left Room , which was not large enoug h, and the meeting ASHTOM —The members of this Association held tists of Arnold are perfectly disgusted at tb? late when to support no man who will not give a decided ' them to be guidedby circumstances. If they found that . the Lord High Chamberlain himself is disputed was obliged to be held out of doors. It was culled for their weekly meeting on Sunday lost , when a long dis- conduet of Messrs. Bniratt , Bilbie , Dud!ey, and Sid- and written pledge that , if sent to Parliament , he will the Tory faction could beat the Whi gs without the it interferes with aristocratic or middle-class •enjoyments , tho purpose of taking into consideration the conduct of cussion took place as to what course we ought to pur- dons , of Nottingham , together with our town-men , for a total and unconditional repeal of the Ntw Chartists , then so much the better , but if not it was d policemen are constituted masters of the teremo ny vot* " bloodies ," in their recent brutal attack upon sue at the approaching election. The question was Bishop and Hearsori , for having entered into tLa pay hire Poor Law Bill. The next candidate is a Sir J. Dal- their duty to beat down the Whigs, and he was cert ain the the people of Mancheste r. Mr. Thomas Gallimore was adjourned to Sunday next , at six o'clock in tbe even- of the ' base , bloody, and brutal' Wbigs, at the same over all popular an use ™ en ts. By the 2n£ and 3r d rymple , a rauk Tory, an open and candid enemy. The that before they got the Charter they would have to called to the chair . The Irish , at the desire of when all members are requested to attend. The time hypocritically pretending that they are solely Vision*, they : the police , are mad e judges of what next, hurrah ! is the uhaxtist candidate , an d tbe New fight the Whig * at the poll or somewhere else. (Gr«at " the ing, League , " mustered all their forces , and were headed by announcement that the Executive were for prosecuting actuated by a desire to restore} the Welsh patriots , and Poor Law opponent , r that venerable and good old man , cheerin g. ) Are "we to submit to fate and allow (ha msy constitute inuaoialit v , or lead to a disturbance of •' Skilly Broadley " and " Red Tempest" They had the bloody Repealers of Manchester met tbe approba- to obtain the liberation of all political priso ners. Ha d that persecuted friend of the poor , Char les Brooker , Whigs to rema in in power , merely as the safety-valve of the peace. Those h jlidays for which particular amu se- sent to Manchester for speakers te assist them and tion of the whole meeting, and a collection was th ey been sincere "in thdr professions , they would have Esq. , of Aifriston. Now, men of Brighton, you have a tbe Tories , when we can decide their fate at once ? , then according ly Messrs Warren and Daly attended. The made amongst the members present for that purpose. acted in accordance with the advice contained in the ments were set apart , according to the season of the man of your own, a true and honest Chartist ; a fear- I iCheers. ) Are we to be dr agged eternally through the ) first resolution was moved by Mr. Veevers, and Further steps are being taken to aid the Executive Prisoner 's Convention Address , which was, that where year, hav e now become mere days of irksom * idleness less and unflinching opponent of the heaven- dying i mire ? It so, let us pull the Whigs af ter us. iCieers. in seconded by Mr. Oldfield . It was, " That this meet- bring ing tha moral force" it is not possible to. return Chartist candidates to Pa r- actually legalised, it is a high Poor Law. Hurrah , : We are placed at present between the devii and the " repealers to justice. While aris tocrati c vice is for Brooker and the Charter : Let ing views with sorrow the ' base , bloody, and brut al' liament , in all cases to return Tories in pr eference to the welkin ring with your joyous shout; let the Charter ! i deep sea ; there are about 4*0 more voters on what is offence against law, and consequently against morality, attack made upon tbe people of Manchester , whilst GLOUCESTER. —At a meetin g held on Sunday W higs." " That we do not from hence revognia e the Charter ! yonr war cry ! Up! up. and at the i called the liberal side than there are on the Tory lists, to keep a piano in a house of entert ai nm en t, devoted to b* ' peacefully assembled in public meeting to discuss the last , tbe Chartists of Gloucester voted thanks to their R ichard Bishbp and Cornelius Hearson , as members of fictions ; at them hip and thigh ; spare , hence if we i»er« to start a Chartist candidate , not those who j merits and demerits of a great national question. " brethren of Manchester , for their noble and manly the National Charter Association. " our hours of reUxatiac The press , and tbe S ctciety when in power spare not you ; they i and be able to poll three hundred votes, have preyed upon j Before tbe resolution was put, Mr. Daly , o g spirit of forbearance under their l ate " bloody " provo- fur the Suppression of Vice, backed ^oyle, and brutal conduct of the out a leg to stand on. Mr. Warren then came to the forthcoming election ; they are determined to br ing ths legitimate drama , said for the purpose of perpetu- that bind ye, and thow ye are mea worth y of the free- ;; language to tbe bloody Whig * fr om M anch ester , addressed the Chartists of this r own , ' and their supporters at Manchester , he sat down auiid assistance of his friend , but it would not do ; he only their men forward , and prove on Woodhouse Moor " ating the virtues ef the aiicierrs , bu: recentl y turned doiu ye contend fur. 1; in their room , Oxford-street , on Wednesday evening. loud cheering. Mr . Moir followed by declaring that sunk him deeper in the mud. He proposed an amend- that they have the euppurt <>f the majority of the He gave a detailed account into places for the exhibition of naked monsters in Perth. of the proceedin gs iu Man- —Mr. R. J. Richardson has been solicite d to ij the only pledge which he would give was , that he ment ,, " That the people were justified in protecting Borough. Let every Charti st feel it to be his duty to chester during the previous week stand as candidate fur this , and dwelt par ticu- human form , and such treats as can alone secure the borough , and has issued an i: would not vote for the Whi gs. He had a duty to the Cor n Law repealers. " The amendment was put by the attend on that day. It will be a day of priuiciple larly on the brutality of his countrymen excellent address to the electors. Tiie consternation •¦ on Saturda y. attendan ce of those made too rich by idleness to enjoy perform as far as regarded the Wbigs , and those per- Chairman , and lost by a tremendous majority ; the with them. Let public opinion )>e tested on that day Their conduct on that riay he described as and dismay which seiz:d the Whigs on being in- j bein£ most rational amusement. ¦| sons who from a pitiful consideration , insinuated that original resolution being carried by at least five to one, as to whether might shall be allowed any longer to atrocious and inhuman. But he did not blsiuw flic ted -with this document , 13 beyond description. , his i those who would vote for a Tory, did so fro m interested Tnts astonished the " bloodies,"andthey slunk away with- reign over right. Up lads and at them ! Several re- countrymen , for no people possessed in a stronger de- Brothers , the effeminacy of our ari stocracy may, in a out venturing any further op position solutions were adopted. Tho first was to appoint a Ipswich.—Besides as a Ministerial ist , motives , -while they could not see that those who at- , muttering to them - gree a greater natural lovu of liberty, patrio tism , and greai measure , be traced to our passive obedience to selreB th at they had been put to an expence for nothing . deputation to wait upon Mr. O'Connor , g Barrister Kelly, and Mr. Herries , who has cut his stick tempted to spin out the existence of the Whigs were acquaintin generosity. The Irish had been for centuries in a con- their will, and if their vices are disgusting to the mind from Harwich , are in the field for this borough , as red the very worst enemies of their country and their The following rfsolutions were then passed unani- him of the intention of the men of Leeds escorting him dition of the most degraded thraldom , and wtrc now mousl y:— " That this meeting considers the conduct of into the town on his liberatiorv The second was upon of rational men , cur forbearance , which has engendered hot Tories. The friends of Universal Suffra ge have fellow-men. (Chee rs. ) If there was any person present but as born yesterday to a new state of political the authorities and police, at Manchester , the late disgraceful affair at Manchester , condemning them, cannot be less so. put forth the following placard :— " Electors %t who thonght he iMr. Moir) required watching, and as m«st existence. It was, therefore , no wonder tbat they disgraceful and unj ustifiable " base , bloody, and brn .il" attack upon the Char - Ipswich, withhold your votes and interest. Goodwin who found their vision not very correct , he would lend , from the partial manner it as a ' should be ignorant of the only means of attaining real Brothers , whi le we resolve to have our share in the , by th e conduct shown there Bum By, Esq., Member of the Chartist Convention , is them a pair of odd spectacles , which he had , in in which they acted , seeing that they, by th«ir conduct , tists , and tbat the Whigs , independence , and an impr ovsd social conditiou —no government of the country, for the purpose of protect- sanc tioned those disgraceful proceedings. had meri ted the contempt of every enlightened anil expected to stand for this borough , in the real JRadica ] order to assist them in their scrutiny. (Great laughter.) " " That wonder they should be the dupes of thos e who told interest. Give him your gs, tbjs meeting pledges itself to uje all possible means to honest man. The third was that it was highly re- ing o-ar own rights , we truly declare that we repu- plumpers ! ' Let us turn out the Whi and then we shal l all be them that in a Repeal of the Union alone was to be bring the offenders to justice , l quisite that a meeting of duk '^ates should be held in diate all notion or intention of depriving the present under the Devil together ; and if the Devil is allowed to and that an humb e found the panacea for all their miseries , and blind to address be sent to the Commons ' H ouse of Parliament Manchester , to declure that tbe nation will not submit reign , it will only be by the support of the Whigs. , the fact that th at Repeal could never be obtained , possessors of any portion of their rightfully-acquired Chartist ZnUllixexice (or her Majesty the Queen ) praying for an investigation to this outrage on public free uiscus.iion ; and that we so Let us never think of throwing a way £180, by going , long as the masses of b«th couutries were disun ited by yropert y. into the pro ceedings of those two days , namely, the 2d the Chartists of Leeds , pled ge ourselves to send with a Charti&t candidate to the poll, in order to b« one the knavish arts ' of such charlatan s as O' Connell and We now invite the several traces of England Ire- laughed at. The Whigs are now perfectly satisfied and 5th days of June , 1841." Three cheers were given to convey our sentiments upon this subject. The las t , GREAT CHARTI5T MEE TING AT his Whi g backers. These were the real autfcors of , and Scotland to appoint a Charter Committee that they "will be defeated and for -which we have all for Feargus O'Connor three for Frost , Williams , and one was calling upon every honest man to support and lsa 1 BIRMINGHA M. , , the lamentable occurrences that bad taken place* JWes , and tbe other imprisoned Chartists ; three for second the Association in briaging forward two such Ir o» ' th eir own boJy, and that when so much is accom- the greatest reason to take comfort. Mr. Moir Whe n he (Mr. DoyU ) came to England fourtee n year ' consis:ing of a member from One of the most numerous and enthusiastic meet- the people and tho Charter; and a vote of thanks hav- noble champ ions of the Chartist cause as W illiams and s plish -d a General Council , concluded by reading a resolution wkich had ago, he did not hope to meet in Man chester any * ings which has been seen for the last year , in thi3 held last Wed- ing been given for the Chairman , the meeting separated Leech , and calling upon them to attend in countless each , rade , be appointed to act in connection with been agreed to at a meeting of electors , enemies to his" ' country. He was soon happily unde - xiated body ef Chartists , un der legal ru les and p lace was held on Monda y evening last , at fire nesday, in the Universal Suffrage Hall :— " Resolved , at about a quarter-past eleven o'clock. nnmbers at Woodhouse Moor on the nomination day. the a=5 ¦ ' ceived. He found that the only real enemies of Ire- > 3 the attainment of our Charter of liberty. o clock. It was called by large placards , which That the conduct of the Whigs ever since the passing A committee is now appointed to conduct the election pr&v ia:-A - f°r by BZLSTON. land were the Tory par sons, the aristocracy, and the 'J se that three persons from each trade shall were issued the Chart ar Association , ac d signed of the Reform Bill has been such as to justify us in —One of the most numerous and effec- of Williams and Leech , and sit two or thr ee We r- .-:-r> tive meetings ever hel d at Bilston took place at the nights middle classes. The working men everywhere showed be B- "ed and that one of the three shall be elected '" G. White "—aad , although great pains were taken using every legal and constitutional means to put them weekly, at the room , Cheapside. The committee will -Jiains\ . Be ll Court, on Tu esday evenin g last , at which re solu- the deepest sympathy for Irish wrongs , and he boob a Countilnisn. to cover and deface the bills , and otherwise thwart in b minority at the ensuing election. " Mr. Jack be glad to see persons wishin g to render any service by ballot ax tions were passed in favour of the Charter , and forgot his national prejudices. He readil y joined hia ^t require , in this our preliminary addre ss, the object of the Chartists , yet the meetiDg was a seconded the resolution previously proposed by Muir- to the cause . T ou will a approving of the National Charter Association. The English brethren in all their movements for the attai n- a announcement of our detail machinery. bumper—so much fo that not above half the as- head ; Mr. Malcolm spoke in suppert of it A Mr. more exnlic\ - meeting was addressed by 'Mr. George White , of Bir- DUBLIN.—The Chartist Association of thi s place ment of political power , for by that alone can Engli sh- left to the judgment and good sease of sembled multitude could get within hearing of the Birkmire , a manufacturer , and leading Whig, and which nm*t be mingham , Mr. Dea n Taylor , Mr. Mogg, of Wolv«r- held their usual weekly meeting on Sunday , the 13th men or Irishmen hope to secure liberty, happin ess, or thos e bility and honour we stall evince our speakers. It was called for the purpose of choosing Anti-Corn Law man , created great merriment and loud ia whose x hampton , Mr. Candy, and others . It was a first-ra te instant , Mr. Woodward in the chair , who in a clear pr osperity. Yet he was proud of being an Irishman — : a -" Non-Elector 's Committee ," and consider what shouts of laughter , e d g s, confidence by the. r election. by d fen in the Whig and meeting, loriously ; and forcible speech, of considerable length, prov ed tbe could he be otherwise while they had a Feargus O'Con- ~e steps shoul d be taken by the working men at the thoug ht , under present circumstances the Chartists of and ended g but our reporter , being Bro thers , thus » in vice you to rally yourselves for , fairly excellence of the principles of the Charter over all nor , or a Bronterre O'Bri en 1 If O'Connel l waa a sin- forthcoming election . The place chosen was a large Glasgow should support them. He concluded a funny " knocked np" with hard service in th e public yourselves ; and hs-, "in g had the proud honour of being , the political nostrums that are administered to a nulled cere Repealer , he would tell his countryman tbat a Bo- ~i field near tha Railway Station , Duddeston-row , pptech cause addressi ng meetings, travelling, Ice , for the last the heralds to your -n sh , by bearing it to the bar of the and lengthy amid one general and hearty few days and starring people. He repudiated the idea of peal of the Union never would be accomplished until whtre a large waggon was fixed for a hustings. guffaw. Mr. Cullen rose to move that a deputation be , was unabl e, through indisposition , to furnish House, -we offer our > ositien upon that occasion as an a more detailed account national poverty being a blessing, and in a mott the " slave class" of Great Britain were put in full apology 'red) for having taken the first The evening was beautifull y fine, and at half-past appointed to wait upon the Whigs, in order to ascer- \if *ny is reqi& five o'clock , Mr. T. P. Green was unanimousl y called humorous manner proved Ireland to be the Island of possession of the right and privilege of electing th eir k«P ia th e formation of a Legislative Tsades' tain whether they would split votes -witn a Chartist Chabtish in Ireland —We learn fcy a letter Saints , from which those wanderin g and wicked spiri ts own representatives—that so long ai the rich and Txiok. to the chair. candidate ; he knew they would not; he merely which we Mr. Nisbett moved the first resolution :— have received from Mr. Peter Hoey, who is hav e been banished that are now prowling the streets powerful aristocracy of England , backed by the middle We have the honour to remain , moved it in order to sho w the people the absurdity on a visit to his native country for the benefit of his of some *f the great manufacturing towns of England , class, had the exclusive power of making the laws, and Bi other Tradesmen, " That the time ha3 now arrived , when it be- of backing the Whigs he waa astonished at the new- health , that Mr. O'Connell and the Whigs do not enjoy and who, he said, had to suffer much mure privation an interest in the Union , so long woold they resist ita ' Your affectienate l riends and br others, hoves all real Chartists who feel that they we op- born sympathy which he saw persons manifesting for the confiden ce of the working classes in Ireland; the and disappointment ere their political redemption repeal—aye , even by spilling the blo«d of halt the pressed , and trifled with , by the accursed system the Whif s; after den ouncing such a strange predi- working classeslook upon his exertion * as being entirely could come. The meeting was also addressed by Joh n Worthington Willi am Wilkinson , people ; but Dan did not want & Repealot the Uni ont , under which they live, and who axe determined , by lecti on, and hear tily drubbin g the Wh igs, he sat jdown directed to prom ote the interests of tke shopocrats and Messrs. Brophy, O Connor , Rafter , Hyland , and Carey, George Taylor , George Johnson , he only used it as a clap-trap cry occasion ally,and aa ¦ every means in their power , to uproot and utterl y amid loud cheers. Mr. Howie spoke in behalf of a very landlords , and are firm in the opinion that justite can t sp , s ppo , Alexan der Wilson Alexander More land, in short but pi hy eeches in u rt of the Charter means of keeping alive national prejudices and re- , destroy it—to unite in one firm bond of brotherhood , lengthy motion which he proposed. Mr. Malcolm never be effected until the Charter become the law of and the ri ght of women to join in political societies. Andr ew Hogg, William Widders , ligious rancour , and in doing so he vat virtually in order to secure their ri ghts. And , as & dissolu- moved the adjournment of the question. Mr. James the land. The poverty of the working classes of Ire- Several members were enrolled , among -whom -Willia m l a e g , were two abetting and perpetfiating the blood-si gned career of Hogg, Wil i m J nnin s tion of Parliam ent will bring before the people 's Black seconded it, which was carried. Mr. Moir then land is the great difficulty in the way of the spread of women. A letter from Mr. Burnet , -w Jon as Sellers Joseph Gkmiil , of Bradford , as Orange rapacity and Tory dominationMh lirihntaBn f , faces the men who have mocked their prayers , and moved that the movers and seconders of the motions Chartis t prin ciples ; the misery and destitution they e , which elicited much applause. A meeting was John Hawley, Willram Geggie , r ad country. After a very feeling nrrrnljwA *ffiTVcj(flii| treat ed their sufferings with contempt—considering and am endments meet on Friday night for the purpose have to endure , prevent them from contributing the also held on Thu rsd ay , the l*tb instant , and was ad- Armstr ong Waltcn Isaac Henderson , poor families of the mfti who were lfiuU ^MSffl , also that the present struggle is not so much one of coming to soma prope r arrangement ; this being se- sinews of war , and Mr. Hoey calls upon the friends to dressed at great length by Mr. Dolaa , a c Willia m Bumup , James Strathi n. , of M n hester, in the Infirmary, Mr. Doyle «*lMt«3a£2fcfir$&' 2tc3> Ttf-sources of this (selected are Spirits ; the two pupuar solids of Alias Hawes, throw* bonds of Slavery throughout the w>rld ; » ' Agriculture will then be fostered , and not disc u- Country, her M umfacturing Industry Two remarkable cases from many others) head , face, and body ; ulcerated eore and t>. and Capacity. communicated td Mr. Noble Bookseller and Printer , I'll Speak of Thee , and Thou art Lovelier , and four , nodes oa w* 6?" ex -ension of tho^ means of a moral and religious rajjed ; and Machinery will be made to work for I am for a Repeal of all those Laws which provent oth-.trs. scrofula, swellings iu the neck 1 National Edu:a;'.o:i which can man, instead of working against him, the freest Intercourse of ra.ion -in 23, Market Place , the Agont for Hull . bones, cancers, fistula, painB in the head Ijid J"?" alone insura the as at present. their Commercial 88. Ten «f the Witches ' Songs in Macbet h ; O ver for t Jenin»»aB» safety of the S:ato and the well-b'in? of all Classes ! Looking anxiously for the cay when unprotected Transactions believing ?uoh R striciion=i tobe dis- Mr. Plaxton , of Cottingham , five miles from Hill over Dale, in Midsumme r Ki which are frequently mistaken ' gLi's Dieani ; &c. &c. among our rapidly-increasing Popnlaiion. Labouii shall meet protected Capital, before an un- advantageous t o the groat ma.=H of the People in this Hull , had long been afflicted with a most severe Russia n Air by Tbalberg ; Ladye mine, Ladye Upon thesa and all other subjects I shall be happy prejudiced jury of Englishmen. Country, and an Impediment to the Advancement ot internal disease. So dreadful were the paroxysm ; mine ; Merrily goes the Mill ; and others , Messrs . W. and Co.'s invaria ble rul e is ** to afford you every satisfaction in my power .when- I am. the Civiiizi '.ion of Mankind. I am in favou r of a that he frequentl y expected death was at bau d to 89. Three Airs from Mr. Balfe's new Opera of Card to each of their patients , as a guaW 'f,^ ", ever the proper period arrives-lor my again appear- Your devoted Friend and Servan t , Graduated Property Tax , aa the fai rest which can release him from hia sufleriiigs. For a great length " Keolantbe ;" the whole of Jullien 's Five Quaii Cure , which th«y pledge themse lves to perform. " ing among you, and in the meantimeI shall rely on JAMES LEECH be levied , i o supply the deficiency of Revenue which of time he had been unable to sit down at mil, ev.n Wa ltzes ; and Six noxe beautiful Airs from return the fee. ihe continuance of those efforts upon your part to Manchester , June 14th , 1841. might be occasioned by an alteration of our Commer- being compelled to stand at his meals. . His next Macbeth. whr eatfio**!? cial Code. For the accommodation of tho» B jrnich yon have so generously pledged yourselves, door neighbour having heard of the virtues and yo. For May, contains tbe new comic song called veniently consult Messrs. W. r ,nd Co. P^T and which TO THE ELECTOR S AND INHABI TANTS I a in opposed to the New Poor Law, considering unprecedented success of " Parr 's Pil.s," purchased ••Jim along Josey, l j i! , if continued, cannot, I believe, fail to be OF " with the music, and whole they may obtain the Purif ying Drop s, Priw .' ni£u crowned with the desired effect. THE BOROU GH OF ROCHD ALE. it Unchristian and Inhuman, in sacrificing the a small box for him, and on his calling for a second eight verses of wards ; the Royal Stag Hunt , at any of the following Agenf j, with Pr int *1j»*J I hare iha honour to be, Electobs akd Inhabita nts op Rochdalb , nearest and dearest Ties of Humanity to Political box, ho told me that such had been the astonishing described in a set of Quadrilles , and seven others. turn s, so plain that Patients o f either Sex sw "~j. Economy. I am for tha Abolition of Church Rotes, effects produced by one bos, he was able to sit down, 91. For June, contains five graceful Galops «» Gentlemen, T COME before you, at thia great Crisis, as the can- and Ra ce, themselves, without ev«n tf\e knowledge .""" , Tour most obedient, humble servant, looking upon them as oppressive and dishonest and on taking two other btxes , bis pains have left in honour ot the Derby ; a complet e set of J. didate for your representation , net assuming that towards , fellow. JGC ELYS position at ray own seekin g, the Dissenters, in calling upon them to con- him ; bis appetite is good and he is able to follow Quadrilles ; a Solo, as played by Hen Konig on but under the command tribuie to tbe support of a Structure in which well as he has ever been in Mx. Heaton , 7, Briegf ,te; and of a great body of your Electors, signified to me by they his vocation nearly as the Cornopean , and two other *. 1 London, J an? 7, 1840. never congregate. his life. No. 91 ii for June , 1841, and is the Ia«t Number pub- Mr. HoBfiON, Times of Sm, Leeds. . „ their written requisition, and since sanctioned at This is the general outline of my Btjtlbf Ltiwoa. The Committee for promoting the Election of Mr , your late Meeting, b Principles; not lished. Every wiad instrum ent, u well as the Mr, Thomas 4, Cheaptide , y tbe unanimous approval of taken up for iue occasioa, but which I have held wife of Mr. Shaw , yeast dealer , had Violin, can play these ' . - Mr. Hartlkt , BooK;s^eIIer , Halifax . ..,, w*. Beckett and Lord J ocelth meet at No. 17, your assembled Otisens—not assembled in privacy, tlm Mrs. Shaw, tunes. HuddersfieW- uihout life. I have Independence and Leisure, been for a great length of time afflicted with a Any number can be sent , p*st free, by enclosing la. to Mr. Dkwhibst , 37 , New Str eet , Albion-Street, every day at Eleven o'clock in the or within walls, where opponents oonld be excluded both e^-ential for the proper performance Mr. Habeisou , Br Market Pla«e Morning and Seven in the Evening. Any informa- —bat in an open space where every individual had of the duty severe internal disease. To use his own expression , the Editor , pre-paid , 23, Paternoater -row. ,okBeller , »TOt of a Reoresentative of -tie People in Parliament. " plying doctors for her had beggared him, ' so that #S* The Examiner says, •Nomusioian, Mr. Hab groveV , Librar y, 9, Coney SWl tion will be willingly afforded to tie Electors at any the unrestricted power to enter , after a Procession If yon ihiuk my Principles claim whatever , Ponteffx* time in the day. yonr eupport, my at last he was compelled to send her to the instrument he mav profess, ought to be without this Messrs . Fox ad d Son, Booksellers through your Streets, which gave the greatest pos- lime and enerr« ar*> ?t your flervieo ; but bV no Infirmary ; there Bhe received no per maneut Mr. Habbisow , Market- place, 3Upon. # sible publicity td the object. I am not so presump- brib-ry or tasteful, correct, admirable, aud chuap work. Such ft ro«' Intoxication, Cbcing a •decided friend to benefit. Havin g heard of " Parr 's Pills,' he another collection of beautiful melodies does riot Mr. Lan qdalt ./Bookseller, Knare sbro &H«^ tuous to consider this proceeding as a manifestation the Temperance Canse.) will I compromise to mend imme- Mr , R. Hub, , - -Wakd Wd. TO THE ELECTORSbeen AND NON-ELECTORS OF of personal favour to myself ; I hold it as a deciara- my purchased a email box ; she began exi9i in Europe.' And the Herald , in a long article iT, Corn Mark et «" THE BOROUGH OF LEEDS. Princip les, or endeavour to corrupt you. I shall diatel y on taking them , and two more boxea have upon it, says, Mr. Davis,' Drugg ist, No. 6, Mark et Pl»««» ^ ration of your adhesioa to that great Causa which t hen ha- - the r-r ' The Fiutonkon is as much a standard luviied Become Candidate t'Wio-!, in ci?e of my Election, cured ker. She is as well as she ever was in her life. work amongst musician* ab ihe Penny Magazine . .rcheste/v. . ' . ^s,J jJ ^^P^G- to a for we jointly snpport :—that Cause is, the Abatement of ei-ter "r"i ray duties bold and ,ot Bever ley. _ jjR ;rpresen>a;i jg of your Borough fearless, hi Chamt>eTs' Journ al, amount readers.' :¦ Mr. Joa y son, Bookseller , /^gjE^f^, , uponI cbeer- of Monopolies, Political, Reb'g^ou?, and Commer- havmj i been returned by Honest and : Independen t Mr. Nobt Bookiellcr , Boston, Lincolnslute- y Mt* re5 my ^P^ saoceS3 the cial ;—it was this cause which, at your Meeting uud Published in London by Shorwoods, 23, Paternos- ce, Ha ll. *:*" - £§f£Jj 5^ ' ' °f Electors. On the other band , in case I should not Mrs. Stephenson , of Cott ingham , five miles from Mr. No'dLB ' Bookseller, Market -place, KMMte between my principles and objects, and Procession on Saturday evening, produced r-ucn bechus^-r. hy t Mcj-- -;y ter-row; in Liverpool , by Stewart; in Birmingham, ' ^©¦r'fcifesLs aad ihu,in-_i. cf yon, I shall have the Hall , has been severely afflicted with a bad leg for by Guest; in York, oj tomllito; in Manchester, by Mr. -H • . HtJBTOW , Louth , .Lincoln shir e. the of unanimity and enthusiasm—that through tho ex- saiistaction of retiring into private life without a more than ten years , and during that period has Hey wooci ; and may be IrisXtffice , Sheffield. . . . ¦ ^periods history nations, when tended range of that Procession, and at that Meet- sii !e unpleasant feeling, had of all the Agents of this . _ produ ce i' but with tho consciousness tried all kinds of medicines , but without any Paper; iu fahort j by orderj af every Book Chrv nicle Office , Lord Street, Liverpoo l. " *" ^MpH E *^ a crisis, in which attention ing, not one murmur of dissent was heard. of having honestly offered to my supporters aud Muaio- HaD. the permanen t relief. After taking four small boxes of sellcr ia the kingdom. A*A at the Advertiitr Office, Lowg»te, . - ^ : -iLJtK • THB NORT HERN STAR. •> ___======M M ' ^^^^^^^"^*" .. \ .. Mil l ¦¦¦ " ' ' ' ' '" " ' ' ' ' '" ' —. ' " " ' ' ¦ "¦¦ " " ' "" ^JJg ' ^_^ _'.!.' 1 ? ^ f ^ ^ ——— » *^ I ^ ^ _ . I » ^ ^ The j otj bnet — ps etrg from Heref ord to London is now Steam versus Gas.—The Commissioners of tbe Lom> John Bussb ll, finding such never-endin g perform ed in ten hours. Sno w at Midsdkhsb. —The mountains in Scot- Metropoli tan Roads , in consequence of the great ';tou and tro uble" connec ted with State business , land have, durin g the past week , been capped with THE JTOETHERF STAR. Thb accoc chekent of her Majesi y may be ex- redacti on in the amount of tolls, owing to the is abou t to lighten the burthen , it is said , by the ad- snow. The once '- *& THE MECHANICS CHIL D joyous and sultry 4th of June waa . gO> OF pect ed ths lAtter end of September , or beginning of improve ment in travelling by railways , have given mixture of domestic bliss. His lords hip intends to trul y Siberian , but a beneficial change seems at SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1841. October. notice to the authorities of .Kensing ton and other get marri ed. -. TT5B— " Robin Jdatr." When the important event occurs, it hana. —Newcastle Jou rnal.,. _ TTT »*»¦«« parishes that they have come to the determination to ip.*P°ught that he will resi gn the direction of colo- XXX.—They have tempe rance wag- A Tup THE WELSH "PLOTTERS" AGAIN ! ChtlD, is thy father dead ? gons in the wert ef cease lighting the turnpike roads , so as tp. restric t nial affairs for the Home department. It is to be of the Cheviot breed , the prop erty of Ameri ca, msik-.-d TTT , to de- their Messr s. Young and ghouse Sutherl and A para gra ph from the Hereford Times, is » Fathe r ia fone .' note that the owner is a teelot&Met. expenditure , and . not deteriorate the efficiency hoped , at least , that he will take care , to get the Craig ^ Bi , , f » this ha *machinery led j of the roads und er their charge. honeymoon well oyer, befpre a fresh Parlia ment as- was clipped a few days ago, when its fleece was present " going the round" of the " Establu h- s will be done ! The Cbows Pbik ce of Hanover (Prin ce George semble *. actuall y found to weigh no less than 194 imperial God' of Camberl»nd > COXJVGAL TfflfDERNESS. wUlg , ment," and which we here insert for the pnrposs ther has sold ha bed ; has irrecov era bly lost the sight of — Thd foIl? ** &• pounds. Mo both eyes. cy>J of a letter wrut en an Ey of calling forth a true version of the case upon Bett er to die thin wed .' and actually sent by : «RT iHur s to England proceeds at rail-road Chan ges in Government Functionaries. — ¦{Ther e shall sbe lay her head t It is uxdes stood to be affectiona te wife to her •• dear husband ," wfcfr , hav- p&ce, and there is, therefore , Chutis t authority; for we don 't believe the facts as fully arranged tha £ Prince ing nothing surprising in Several changes will take place at the close of the Home ire hare nose ! Albert will visit his Royal connexions in Germany been capitally convicted -, was latterly sent on the fact tha t the Queen of such a country should session among the subordinate government func- set forth in the Whig print. If there is any foun- this summer. His Royal Highness' board the Gan ymede hulk at Woolwich, county pro duce Royal family upon the same rapid princi- dammed thrice a week— s visit will not Kent. * tionaries. It is understood that the Hon. E. J. dation for the re por t at all , the odds are a hundred Fath er exceed a month or six weeks. The woman is at present resident at a town ple that perv ades every other department of national Stanley will vacate the post of one of the secretaries God's trill be done ! in th e eastern part of the same obvious The Jvusiar rived county. For industry. Two confinem ents within twelve months to tbe treasury, . in which he will be succeeded by to one, that " Sir" Tom Phillips and his bloody coad- Jj tvg tot weak did he seek , from Newfoundl and, reports reasons we omit names, bu t give the remainder ver- are the Atlantic to be ver y full of , indeed , somethin g to be proud of, and if her De Le Marchant , Esq., of the board of trade. Mr. jutors have been at woi /c again in search of a title Work be found none. ice. She was a fort- ba tim as it was writt en :—" Dear husband ,—I take Majes ty should night locked up in it withou t seeing a drop of only gratif y the nation by twins, J. Parker , M. P. for Sheffield , now one of ths for another miscreant . Here is tho Whig state- Tears on his hollow cheek b r this oppor tunity of ad dressin g these few lines to you , the result would, o tongue could water. hoping to fiud of course , be d ubly satisfactory. lord 8 of the treasury, will take the place of R Told what no speak you in good health , as it leaves me at More O'Ferrall , Esq., as secretary to the admiralty ment :— •RTiy did his masj sr break ? Failcbb at Glasgow. present , t a I am Made id, June 3.—A new commission h as been — We regret to announce h nk God for it. Dear husband , who succeeds Mr. R. Gordon , M. P. for Wind sor , " Information from Pontypool has btcn received at God's triil be done .' the fauure of the extensive commerci al house of going to change my line of life, and 1 hope it will be a/?ai» naraed for taking into consideration the this office establishm en in the office of financial secretary to the treasury . , from unquestionable authority, that » Grant and Co., of Glasgow ; th eir liabiliti es are said tor the better. I mnst tell you, I am goiDg to be t of banks in the provinces for the pur- package has arrir ed at Newport , per packet from. Doetor ssid sir was best— to amount to £180 married pose of lurnis hing A vacancy in the number ef lordi of the treasury is ,000, and it is feare i ihe €ff-ct , aud I hope you have no objection , tor you fund s to the agriculturists at a , Bristol , to be forwarded to Mr. G- Moore , at Ms. Food ire had none ; will be felt by many other know you lair rate of interest . thns occasioned. Some oth or changes are we hoar , houses. — Edinburgh have not behaved to me as a husban d The minister of finance has not p t , which iiiclnclo the Hon. E. J. Stan- Goodwin's, shoemaker, PontypoeL The package was Fath er, with panting breist , Witness. oiifcV't to have done have yet succeeded in obtaining any advance s contem la ed 'd to be gene ; , both you and your family from the ley's introduction to & higher post in the Govern- said to be of a very suspicious nature , and Superin - Groa n Used me very ill, but everybody knows I never gave differ ent capitalists , the latter tr ying to drive too J7ow ha is with the blest— The Great cmos of Burntc! "ar- ;h, Kilkenny, is ment. - tendent Roberts accordingly attended at the Swan Inn , voi you any rsason to ill-trea t me. I have been to the hard a bargain. The resi gnation of this minister is and placed two Motha ssys death is beat .' d by the death of Dr. Butler. It consists of talked of Masonic Festiv al.—The third and greatest of officers to watch the movements of any fourteen overseers to ask their advice what I am to do, and , and, althou gh only a ru mour , the funds party who might call for it- No individual making We hare no place of rest— parishe s so oddl y siruDg to^wiHT a^ to declined yesterd ay the charities which the masonic body support , tha t consti tute a Benefice about they told me I had bett er get another husband , as I to 26i for cash, at which price bis Bppearance for that purpose * it was finally takea Tea, ye have one ! thirty nu ' es long, did not tney remain to-day. The for founding an asylum for the aged and decayed and scarcoly in any part of it exceedi:-^ two in expect you would ever come home again . ministry has just received to the station-house. Upon elimination it was foundf You need not fret about it , nor make yourself in the a check in th e chambers. In spite of thei r opposi- members of their bod y, celebrated its sixth annual e> width . festival on Tuesday last in thoir ball. ' Mr. Benja- to contain two muskets, two bayonets , one fowling least alar med at what I sav , for I can assar o you it tion to it, the cortes have adop ted, by 82 against , piece, two piBtola , five bullet moulds, SON G OS FEAKGTJS O'COKKOR. Mubdek op Ma. H all. —The Tipperary Consti- , the min Wood, M.P. for Southwa rk took the chair , and of various aizav is true. The overseers of the parish are going to 52 projt et of the coaimJss rQnj tlo the effect that , a force pump for an air gun , a great quantity of in- tution, contains, the following paragr aph :—" We give the man ten pounds to take me out of the parish , Eeaatora holding situations under government shall was supported by a considerable array of steward s rj l tine's irempetof resound to the earth' s utmost boand : are glad that the murder er flammatory Chartist publications , one of Colonel the praies Lord >"o nnaE 'hy "s aa rt yr , of Mr. Hail , and his two i have invited your brother Robert to the wedding, not receive any salary during the session.' The and the friends and admirers of this crowning cha- Maceror.e 's books ^ j^i accomplices in the horrible deed , have been arrested , rity of the anoiex 't order of freemasons. Since the , called " Instructions to the Peopl e valiant and just—aye , and true to his trust , and I wish you was at home to make one amongst member Loped has resigned, M. Calatrava has how to niake combustible Materials ," a quantity *g he's and are now in custo dy. One of the conspirators is been named , establishment of this institution , the male and female of ¦ he nobly contends for the Charter. us. I ghall tell you the man 's name is William . senator . The health of the young Cobbetfa Works , &o. , with several parcels of worste d ±pb an old woman-. You need not queen does not improve. The council of regency schools have gone on incre asi ng in the amoun t of «tt O'Conno r is Tirt aons, noble, and brave, forget me, for all that ; and if you , and cottoa stocfeififa , linen drapury, and worsted yarn, A i^ oble Absentee. —"Wh y ar e you not off to should ever come where I am, I hope you will call and the guardia ns appointed by Ferdinand 's will , their utility ; and althou gh at its outset the Aped -+*& ga fast-sinking enipir * is destined to save. Masons' Asy so well packod round the 'fire-anna that no one wouUt canvass your friends , Belfast !" said Lord Mel- and seo me, so I conclu de, and still rem ain your in case of any unforeseen event to the-queen-mother , lum met with some obstacles , arising suspect the package good' ' Sisg kind and strong his praise in song, ' more from ignorance than prejudi ce, still, havin g of containing such s. On th * bourne , as he dismounted at Downiug street , to the affectionate wife,—Catherine . To William , have put in their claim to the guardianship . following day {Tuesday), a person called at tbe coac&t The man of truth and honour ; opp onent of Emerson TeniKn t. " 1 would do so " Gan ymede twice received the unanimous sanction of the grand ' , hulk , Woolwich , Ken t." If tho husband office for the package , upon which he was taken into Who nobly fights for Britain s Tights , replied ihe Peer , " but the Sneriff , when we meet, finds fauh with this communication , he must be a Irel and. —Two more murderous outrages have lodge, it may now be considered as the beet , as it is ' famous, famed O'Connor. been commi the younges t, offspring of masonic charit y. custody ; he proved to be George Black , a Charti ^ - The makes such demands upon my time that 1 find it more very unr easonable man ! What could be more affec- tted in Ireland. One day lately, at two agitator and orator from Notting ham, who has been pleasant to solicit by proxy. ' in the morni ng, the hou se of Patrick Nevil, at Clon- jot he brav e!y with stands the mean threats and com tionate on the part of his late wife than the wish H orrid Murder and Soicide in Derb yshire. Tery industrious in South Wales this lasttw elveniontha. that he could be at her second /wadding ! Why mines, in the South of Kerry, was broken into by —The village of Mill town, parish of Achover , was particularly at Merthyr ; lie assumed • . ' insnd! The Crisis akd the Tfetotallefu. — An address threo niqn to travel with haughty oppressor and foeman , to the teetotallers of Ireland shouW friends fall out about trifles—th e more so with blackened faces. Nevil was made on Thursday week the scene of a most horrid tra- stockings for Bale. On . - Wednesday last, the prisoner . "Of tke for will be published before t o get up aud give the robbers some j£40, which he ^j 4 he batt les with might fair Fre edom's birth the dissolution , callin g on them , as the moral regene- when it was with the advice and premium of the gedy ; and it seldom falls to our lot to publish de- was taken before C. H. Leifih , W. H. Littl e, and R-H. moral , virtuous , and high-minded guardians of the had f aved ; and in spite of his submission , when tails of a more revolting character. The perpetrator Phillips. Esqa., ' - rigtt, . . _ rato rs of Ireland , by declarations of all their dif- at the police office; when, after * poor of the town of Ch d 1 they left , one of them shot him in the breast with a of the bloody deed waa one Jol ^n Towndrow , onco a lengthened investigation, lie was committed tor one " JLid his great mind bends under to no man. ferent bodies , to oppose themselves to bribery, and , pistol spirit, unshackled his ssul, by solemn pledges to their countr y, . Nevil hold only two or three acres, and was farmer of considerable respectability , but of late month to hard labour in the House of Correction a« f orprvttiis his to promise to The Census.—At tho Thames Police Court , on bu t little above a mere labourer. His recover y is £&£ his name is the pass-word to liberty's goaL use every eifort to discover and expose ail attempts at Friday. Catherine Harvey, an Iri shwoman , living year s rather reduced in circumstances. It appears Usk. He attended a Chartist meetin g at Newport on thou ght hopeless. Agai n , in Wexford , at Killetcn th at his wife and he have for some time past lived Monday last , and made a most violent speech- ¦ Hp gin? loud and strong his praise in song, corruption —Pilot. in Match-walk , Shad well, was charged by Mr. Cur- House, near Ballylongfurd , , a shot was fired into unhappi ly, owing to circumstan ces and dispositions stated that he is sometimes called Moor e, but mote The man of tru th and honour ; Labge Failuxe in Wigaj *.—Th ere has been a rew churchwarden , with refusing to give an account the bedroom of Mr. Win. Hicke , a Justice of the noble soul none can controul of the number of persons in her house. When ap- of mind into which it is not now our province to generally Black. He was com mitted und er the Yagraqt Whose , stoppage here of the Sovereign Mills , carridon , since Peace. Six balls passed through the window-glass inquire , but there seems no reason to doubt that the Act for trading and hawking without a license. The famous, famed O'Connor. the failure of Mr. Thomas Darwell, by Messrs . John plied to. she said she would see the Government and and bed-curtains , and lodged in the wall just above the churchwarden d d befor e Bhe'd split. The main cause which led to the awful tra nsaction ori- Goodwin , to whose house the package was directed , ia H«on and Co. . A meeting of creditors is eslled , where Mr. Hi cke lay. On the same night , a notice ginated in a dispute abou t U t dungeon's deep cell these dark tyrants of hell and proposals consequence of this rofneal was, that the church- some money, which bad a Chartist leader at Pontypool. "—Hereford Times. . ¦ hi-re cruelly bound him ; "will be mad e to resume work. Their thr eatening to visit him with the fate of Mr. Brew lately bren left to Towndvow 's wife. The throat of ffg % season liabilities are reckoned upwards of £100,000. warden could not make out his return. Mr. Ballan- was posted on his ball-do or. Mr. Hicke is a Catho- A word or two upon this , as it appears. _; " Infor- Tei Ms Ttuma is enshrined , round our hearts is en Num bers oF tinc said he would reduce the penalty from £5 to 40s. Mary Towndrow , the wife of the deceased John poor peop le are thus thrown out of lic and a Liberal. The expulsion of some refractory Towndrow , was oat froai ear to ear , and hor foro- mation from Pontypool was received from unques- iwiaed, employment , and seme bank3 will, it is feared , be and in default of Mrs. Harvey pay ing the latter-sum , brave millions again will surround him. tenants is thought to have been the cause of the head severely frac tured by a blow from a heavy in- tionable authorit y, that a packet bad arrived at And large sufferers. he senten ced her to be imprisoned for a week.. At attemp t. like a giant refreshed by slef p, in his might, the Marlborough-street police-office on the sam e Btrument. The throat of tho deceased , Joh n , was Newport. " Ah ! " Liber ated Welsh Chastist. How did the unqueslionabf r gellrete m to our camp, and renew the good fight —On Wednesda y, day, Mr. Clavering, hosier , Regent quadrant , was op also severely out , and both bodies were disfigured by David Lenies, ene of the men sentenced to seven Pr esentation Plate to the late Sheriffs blood. At the inquest the firs t witness called authorit y at Pontypool know the packet was either - Sing load and strong his praise in Bong, 7 summoned for refusing to answer the questi ons of — On Sat urday last the sub- , was . years tr ansportation for being connected v.;ih the Eva.ns and Wheelton. John Coatee, who deposed that about one o'clock at coming, or had arrived , at Newport ! How came the The man of truth and honour ; " Newport Riots " waa discha rged the ewumerafor appaiuted to take the census for thai scribers to the Shei-ifiV PJate Fund ,gave a banquet , from the Peni- district. When the paper was produced , the de- noon on Thursday, ho was passing deceased' s house, Pontypool authorities to know that t An answer, Who nobl y f =hts f L>r nai lire 's rights , tentiary, at Milbank. His nine would have ex- to those distinguished public officers , at the West when he saw their daug hter look through , famed O'Connor. fendant woul d not give an explicit answer ; and the Mr. m "The famous pired in March , 1847, but the state of his health was India Dbck Tavera J Blackwall , London. Hughes ki tchen window ; shen then screamed and begged Here fordTi es,it you please 1 when told that he was require d under a penalty to Hug , Esq. was in the chair pp te g , earth £hall rejoice in his birth , sueh , thit had he been lor.ger detamed death must hes , su or d by a lar e hi m to force the door open, which he did. On en- " The package waa said to be of a very suspicion * Evi tree heart of the give a proper reply , ke d d the government for party of influential gentlemen of various and oppo- He is formtd to emanci pate man ; b.3ve speedily terminated his sufferings. having legalised such an terin g the kitchen , the body of John Towndrow was nature." " Several par cels of worsted and cottoa New Order with respixi 's and inquisitorial proceeding. site political opinions , bu t who cordially uni ted on For oar Charier oi righu like a lion he fights , ' to St. J ames The highest penalty (£5) was then iuflicled. lying on its left side, his head hang ing over the edge stockings , linen drapery, and worsted yarn , were at Hyde Parks. "—Tbe metropolitan police have re- this occasion to testify their admiration of the manl y of a tub ; the deceased , Mary, wan lying with her Asd the Charter is god-like in plan. and constitutional resista nce whi ch these worthy the Ctarter fair freedom to each man is given, ceived orders from ihe Commissioners of Woods and Death Sentences ok Abori gines.—A petition was head against the wall ; both their throats were cut , well packed round the fire arms , that up on» By on Wednesday weik pr esented to the House of Hi gh Sheriffs of London and Middlesex had made Who is stamped wivh the impress aad image of Heaven . Forests , that on all future occasions when persons and teey were quite cold and dead. A razcr was would suspect the package of containing such may be found with benches , tables , stools, &r., in Commons of a curions and rather interesting charac- against the arbitrary power assumed by the (late ?) lying on the ground near to the spot where John ' Sing load snd lor-g his preise in song, Hous e of Commons. About seventy ladies and gen- goods." See how the story confounds and contradicts either of the Parks f tribe, or an all g d a tack n table , and the cups contained tea ; the two chairs in would suspect it !" What bunglers ! How very D-i>IEL CJSSEDY. Majesty when she prooeeds publicl y through the the bn^antine Maria , fr om Adelaide to New Zea- Rev. John J ^nuiDgs , A.M., J ames And erson , Esq., which the deceased appeared to have been sitting at land , wrecked near the southernmost point of South Richard Carpenter , Esq., Thomas Sau nders , Esq., like a plot ! a trap !! If Black had any thing to letds, Jane 12th, 1S41. parks , or a; ths reviews which occasionall y take breakfas t were thrown over.and a a pair ofspectacles , place . Australia. It prayed for inquiry into the circum- Messrs. France aad Palmer , Messrs. Eagleto?. King, usually worn by the deceased (Mary 'fowndrcw)lyin K do with the " very suspicious " package , we say, Destrt j ctine Fir e.—About & quarter before three sfanccs of the case. The petition was merel y ordered Ill idge, neist- of the} military band is suspe nd ed in order uot to which induced witn ess to search for the instrument ¦ ¦ ViU be made this with regard to the corn-laws. These sagaciouj ^mL ing of the cfiicem of the 6:h Rifles and several of Majesty ; by which it had been iunioted. Oa ths shelf behind " trading and hawking without a license." This Bbia tJal -^mj fecJBOa - term.1 di sturb Mr Hoj rever , though her Majesty, ber committed , iff tbe JanSeSj^trf fercfl psiaifat-persffBflj F vbUe *b«y-deprecate the corn )' the 1st Life Gnaris , at thflOn«2a at thfi.infantry as we f tttitt imdrkkitmessui ght, the pb$H«iao % the. suirca se he found a hammer , the head of which case must be ferretled out ! The " iCiHOBm " M'Leod fball the as Dread actually bring forward a fixed h *e ; Skr iff of > ew York , and ihat the Sheriff of Niagara ^*ws a tax , barracks , in Sheet-street , in consequence of several it fa said , have expressed some-hop e to-day . It is was coYerecl mtli ^U^S, ' Wa m ^^ ^pe ^69'%9 succeeded one* ! Hemns t not do it again!! No be dlsc^aTi ed from responsibility. ' 1 The Sheriff of du ty on corn , by whi ch the y propose to rai?e s promotions which have recentl y taken, place in th e generall y repor tea that Professor Schinlein , at have been wiped. The raz or sheath was on the more plots ! Let our friends be on their guard 11 Jitir York had , it was sta t ed , refused :o undertake revenue of doable the amount of that obtained from Rifles, occasioned by vacancies caused by the Berlin, has been requested to come here and house table. Witness knew the deceased kept his The Whigs, r educed to the last extremi ty, will. try the laws they condemn. If this is not blowing hot ^ive tie rt *poii.4cUitj of the custody of the prisoner , who decease of the Hon. Colonel Mol yne ux. The festi- his advice. May all f urn out well. The celebration r azors in the house cupboard , and the conclusion he every means to keep themselves afloat—and a good was wrj well ireated in his peculiar circumstances. and cold , we know not what is. vities of the evening were kept up til l past twelve of his M.ijcsty ' 8 birth day was very rost .rir.tcd , on bad arrived at was, that deceased Btruck his wife " plos," which would appeal to the fears of the The Halifax papers are lou d in their eondemna- Queer Stor y of a New Codidatb. —Alderroan o 'clock , when a large perry proposed going to a well account of the melancholy situa tion of th o Queen. with the human * whioh he afterwards repla ced on men of property, would be a perfect " God-send. " fem of the treatment which Mr. M'Leod had receired Pine met whh rather a seriuus accident the nitht kn own gambling hov.rc {which has been tolerated The King appeared on the parade , where lie made a tbe shelf , and then fetched his razor and completed Tbe above story gives evidence that tbe " plotters " at tie-hssd * of the Americans , and blames the before last, at his house in Camberwell. He felt a in this town for upwards of twelve months) and speech to the officers from the provinces who are now the horrid deed by nearl y severing his wife's head are attain at work. Let every Chartist look oak soOTeirrss of the British Government on his behalf. little feverish before retiring to re=4. and , in con- where several of tlio officers have boen cheated of here , and was r eceived with' ac clamations by the from the body, and afterwards cutting his own Defeat the hellish move ! No moke PLOTS!! Tfej Sew York paper? , friendl y to England , seem sequence , slept in a etra Dge rvom. During the night large sums of money, in Ab^csta-p ' acc , where they troop3. It ia expected that orders will be conferred throat. After a brief ooutultation , the Ju ry returned —~ . - . ? ——— ; fee rose , for tbe purpas e of taking a draught of a verdict of temporary insanity . to fear thai tie tone assumed respecting the case ox were immedia tely adm itted. What took place on a great number of persons , and that there will THE " DUNDEE CHRONICLE. " . the prisoner may lead to a serious dispute between the water , acd , forgetting that he was Rot in his own there btfore the row c> maienced , oxswhat was the be a considerable promotion in the army. " So much chamber , opened th& door , supposing it was that of A " Haunted " Hous es-Extra ordinar y and With most sincere regret we extract from tho two eoentries. occasion of the havoc and destructio n which almost for Royalty. Myst his dre?sicg-room , when he fell down the stair? , and erious Circumstance. —For some few days columns of our esteemed contemporary the follow- The New York papers contain a letter from Mr. immediately afterwards ensued , we have not been past W indsor ana us immediate neighbourhood have VLeed. It denies positivel y the boastings alleged was bruised and hart in various parts of his body. able to ascertain. However , they had not been Algiers.—A letter from Algiers , of the 2Gch ult., ing article for the purpose of laying it before i tho y the Alderman aTe not b«en in a state of considerable excitement , in con- , tohaTe beeu made by him, thai he was present at The injur iss sustained b there more than halt au hour , before there was a gives the following details of the recent fraud com- of such a natare £» to give his frieuds any alarm , mitted by means of forged Treasur y Bills :—" On sequence of a honse , which stands alone, surrounded Chartist s of Scotlan d, and of demandin g for it the destruction of the Caroline , and char ges heavy scene of the greatest confusion throughout the whole by its grounds , at Clewer. about a mile from the ** " of Buffalo Lockport althengh it may be some time before he will be able house , causing alarm and terror from the noise the 22nd , a Spanish schooner , named La Vierge de their instant and effective attention , that tho causa jersecatioB * en the pairiots , , to-resume bush ^ss in the city.— town , having been reporte a, from the extraordinary &c He ascribes his arras ; and indictment wholl y his active habits of which was created , around the entire neighbour- Rcgla, Captain Jose Maria de Otero , came into port 9 of Charti sm may not lose a valuable advocate.:—• Friday * paper. from Almeria , with a cargo of 2,000 quintal s of lead , noises which have been heard there, to be " haun ted . ' to tie Tengeinca of rhe said " patriots ," and says hood. The police were sent for soon after one The house is occupied by an elderl y couple , their " Our readers will observe that an important meeting feat they hir e the public Riotin g at Liver pool.—We regret to state that o'clock , previously to which a portion of the 6th consigned to the storekeeper-genera! of the army. punished him more than fearful disturbances have arises at Liverpool in two daughters , and a female domestic The noises of the shareholders of this journal was held on Wed- are aware. , Rifles, who were on guard at the Castle , had been A» no ench officer exi»tB, the ship was immediat ely nesday last, The financial affairs of the Company are of to consequence of the inter ference of a number ot Iruh , and a report got abroad that whioh have been heard (and which are continued at The Ex'ra Se^-ion Congress was commence despatched to the scene of uction , and whom the put under surveillance int erval s throughout the day and night), resemble certainly in no enviable position ; and , as poverty « on the 31s: al? Th3 message from the President labourers in the nei ghbourhood of the docks with police met on their return to the guird-room. Upon her frei ght was the produce of fraud , throu gh the . the ship-carpenters , the latter being a very powerful rut from good those whioh would be caused by a person rapidly, not considered a crime by those whose cause we have would be delivered on the 1st instant. The journ als Mr. Superintendent Gillman and Serjeant Dobson , means of forged bills. We have leu , espoused , we havo , without hesitation , laid the whole body of artisans, a nd for the most part tutored (which informa tion tha t the author of the fraud presented for two or three seconds , striking his ire filled with speculations as to the leading business with sever al men, entering the hou ^e they , knu ckles violentl y agai nst the panel of a door. matter shortly before tbe public. The circumstances under the Tory school. Several encounters have found empty , with the exception of one of the himself, sever al weeks ago, to the French consuls of which was likei y to engage the attention of the with The knocking is so loud that it ia heard by the attending the p urchase of the paper cannot be already Legislature. taken place. The police are all out and armed gamblers , who , it appears , had secreted himself ,) Spain , assuming the name of Hely de Beaumont, cutlasses. The opposition by the Irish has been inmates of houses four or five hundred yards rff. forgot, but must be fresh in tbe recollection of the whole The Nauonal Theatre at New York had been they found scarcel y one piece of fu rniture left whole. and pretending to be a brother of M. Gustavo do country, —as the purchase cf such extensive property caused by an absurd display of an Urangefl ag, which , ' Beaumont the deputy, now at Algiers with M. d e Suoh is the alarm these strange , aud , at presen t, un- destroyed by fire on the morning of the 29;h uh. The green ba ze was torn off from the billiard and , , accountable noises have caused throughout the neigh- was at the time the -wonder and admira tion of those eTent was supposed to hare been caused by with other Tory embkms , have ber n daily paraded other tables ; the doorB of the ii;ff-.reut rooni 3 bro- Tocqueville and iVl. de Corcellea, on their return whose principles were reciprocal with our own. That JRe about the town since the 29th of May . In-one part from Mostag anem having apparently given up their bourhood , that a lad y who resides at some distance JBceadiari es. A girl was burnt to death during the ken down ; the windows , with the sashes and , has given notice to her landlord that she quits the shareholders are generally composed of those who Ir s. of the town the windows of several houses have frames , broken to pieces ; ail the lamps smashed ; intention of accompanying tho expedition against over instantl y ; aud the haunted family are represented to live by the labour of their hands , we do not affect to The state of tra -> had not undergone any altera- been completely demolished. chairs and tables disiecatcd ; the fan-li ^jht the Mascara and Tekedempta. Hely de Beaumont gave a, deny but , instead of this being a disgrace, wo deem it _ himself out to our consular agen t in Spai n as an bo in such state of mind that they are making Son in the iaier vai between the 29:h and 31st ult. It Fbacas between two Militar y Kjhghts. —M r. front door gone ; and the balustrades upon the preparations to leave the house immediately. At no inconsiderable recommendation , because we eaa was dnlL Charles Hunt Lorimer , one of ihe Militar y Knights s airs torn away. At this time the whole of the officer of the military administration in Algeria , and boast of that which few journalists can boast of, produced a pretended lette r from the Governor- one time tho door was taken off its hinges , and placed vi*., of Windsor , was summoned before the Mayor by part y^had gone off, and as for the proprietors of the at, the back of the closet, but the knocking was the honest and straightforward advocacy of the nnpre * MEL A>'CHOLY SHIPWRECK-ONE HUND- Major Lawrence , a brother Kni ght , for having, oc gaming-house , they were glad to .ff^ci their escape , Gen eral , charg ing him to make large purchases of , while we deem this aa lead for the army . All the consuls of France at precisel y the same as before. It should be observed , scriptable rights of man. But RED AND FORTY -SEVEN LIVES LOST. th e 5th inst , th reatened to cut complainant into during the disturbance , from th e back of the pre- honour to ourselves, we cannot shut our eyes to the fact, piece of Valenoia, Malaga , Gibraltar , and Cadiz, appear to that at three or four times, when the knocking took little pieces, and making use of other threatening mises, across the garden , into a lar ^e waste place , there were five persons , and sometimes more , that thegeagstence of this poverty has precluded those LFrom the Quebec Mercury, of Hay 22.) expressions. Major Lawrence deposed that on land called the Lammas. It was expected that some have entertained no doubt of tho authenticity of the letter , or the reality of his mission , for they gave present from Windsor and elsewhere , who were very indittttnals from not only paying up the share * ' It agaia becomes our duty to record a calimity Saturday last he was walking from the Castle yard , comp laint would have been lodged before the determined , if possible , to detect the cause and who already subscribed for , but baa prevented them from borough magistrates at the Town Hall ; but no him successively letters of recommendation. Cadiz , iBTolring dettraciion of human life to an awful and bad not proceeded more than ten yards from : were totall y unconnected with the family residing in subscribing for the necessary number of shares , so aa extent . Four of the crew aad four of the passen- H enry the Eighth' s gateway before he met Mr . Lori- appl cution has been made to the bench on the and Gibra ltar were the principal theatres of his frauds , and it is said he issued his false bills at the house ; but they were still left in ignorance of its to enable the Directors to carry on the business with gers of the brig Minsirel , Captain Outerbridze , mer , wh>?ai d , " You are a pretty fellow!" Com- subject. origin , and without the means of accountin g for it. that requisite economy and spirit , necessary foe armed brin giag the d kastroas plainant , not having had any communication with Gibral tar to the amount of 200,000f. At Cadiz , the here yesterd ay, Desperate attem pt at Murder. —An excitement vice-consul introduced him to several of the first On Sat urday last, a gentleman volunteered to sit op the conducting of such a journal as the Ztundee iuteilige nce, of whi ch ibe foll-j iring is aa accurate defendant for more than twelve months , was much little inf e rior to that experienced at the assassina- with tbe occu pant of the house , dur ing the whole of Chronicle. It will be seen from the report / that astonished , and xeolied , ** Yes, I consider mysel f a merchan ts, and throu gh their mediation he obtained ratiE& ry. tion of the late Sergeant-Major Shepherd was felt one-third of the lead now on board the detained that night. This offer , at t he suggestion of the the working men . who have subscribed for 'share * Th e Minstrel left Limeriek , Ir eland , on the 2b; prettier fellow than you are. " Defendant then sai d , a few days ago , in Woolwich , in consequence ' of a ship. In one transaction to the amount of 40,000f., magistrates , was accepted. The rest of the famil y are extremely . inconsiderable , when we take into April last , for Quebec, wich one hundre d and forty- " You a-re a blackguirdl y rascal , and no gentleman ." very prevalent rumour that a gunner in the Royal retired to rest at the usual hour , and up to six account the vast mass of men who Lave exposed the Complainant turned round and walked with defen- he gave a bil i for 50,000f., receiving the difference in one passengers , emigrants , inreDdirg to Settl e in ; ArtilLry had shot a bombardier belonging to tlie ' o'clock the next niornir g, no nois< s were heard ; but cause we advocate , and when we calculate upon tho Caaaua. T&e vessel had a toJerabie passage up to dant into the Castle yard , and des rerl him to repeat money. Not the least striking part of the affair is, same reg iment. Considerable doubts Wi re at firs t that there ie every reason to believe that the lead in the course of Sunday they were more violent enthusiasm existing amongst that mass. No doubt , Tuesday last , at four o' clock in the morning, when what he had jut off, and th e people who had during the daj in the Royal Arsenal , havin g char ge The Fobthcomin g Gener al Election. —We could during the pas ; week ; and ceitainly, to say the gross folly any longer to affect That we aro emtirrased, embarked in the boate perished , witn ibeir eqna 'Jy being examined ,corroborated that part of the Major 's of the convicts in that establish ment named M'Gar- k ait , they are all exceeding ly puzzled at the ex- financially speaking, we at once frankly admit ; and statement whieh took place in his presence , aud , almos t Bad it in our hearts to regret that Lord John anfonnna je cc-nipanions on board the ship, except rettey, r etired , after being dismissed guard , to the Russelihas so signally defeated himself. We are not traordinary noises they have heard within three or we make this admission with unfeigned sorrow and feur of the crew and fonrpassengers , who alone , of the magistrat es bound both parties over to keep Royal Artillery canteen , where he drank so freel y four y ards of the spot where they had statione d regret. Nothing, we are satisfied , could afford matte * ¦npwards tp tell the ead tile. the peace. disposed to admir e a " tyrant majority '' of any party of 150 souls, rema ined as to become intoxicated , and subsequentl y entered in the Hous e of Commons , but Lord John Russell themselves. of congratulation to our enemies equal to the extinction These eight persons h3d embarked in the gig, which Admiral Elliot.— I t is rumoured that Admir al into another quarrel with another gunner , by whom of the people's paper , for the simple reason that they Elliot , the brother of Lord Minto , and the M re- has unconsciously done his best to create one. A Dissolution of Parliament. —It is generall y was towicg astern , and fortunately for them , the he was severely maltr eated , his eye being cut in a Gover nm am-ar hate democracy, and want not the amelj prutioa of the , attached is to die Tessel broke when she- nowned '' hero of Chuian celebrity, is about to be ent to be #f any use, ought to have a clear supposed that the large of publio busi ness, to rope which dreadful manner. Several persons in the room , in- working majority ; may have toe large a necessarily created by the sudden dissolution of Par- miserable condition of the millions. To^reltoie the went down. They succeeded in paliit g to White appoin ted to the lucrative comman d of Plymouth bat they cludin g another gunner of gupenor strength inter- majori ty ; for an effective opposition is after all the liamen t, will suggest the necessity for the assembling people their natural and Inherent right s, arid to lessea Island , where they remained tintil the following dockyard. The palpitation of this warrior 's heart , fered between the combat&uta , and prevented* any their burdens , has been the aim and object of the pro? daj -were WulliDg- we hear , has wonderfull y improved since his hasty spur to good, and the check upon bad , legislation ; the new House of Commons as sp, edily as possible. , -n-hen ;hey taken off by the ship furth er mischief being done. This was about balf- and we canno t of the The first Parliament was dissolved on the 13th Jul motere of this journal. * ton , and bronght to Grose Isle. and spirited departure from his friends , th e Chinese ; see the materials for one out y, bi'lniyTe , past seven. Shortly after this, M'Garrettey left for thcoming elections. We have counted no less 1837, and the writs were made returnable on the "We have to return our sincere thanks to cut- Captain Uuierbridge , of the unfortnnate Minstrel , and , although unfit to do his duty and work abroad , the canteen , and proceeded in a Btate of readers generally throughoat tbe count ry for the liberal he returns home from the scene of battle and diffi- than seventy-one so-called liberal members of the 15th of November following—thus allowing an in- behave d nsosi gailantly ouriD g the awful Ecece , intoxication to the barrack-room , in the present House support which they have given the paper since its com- until he perished with the rest. He declared that he culty to-brother Minto , where he finds himsel f well of Commons , who have already de- terval of nearly four months for the elections , which , eastern wing of the great arch. The un- clined serv ing their constituents again ; a " defec- considering the mode of canvass , and t he shor t mencement , as our circulation i> greater than we could would not leave the vessel until his passengers were enough to partake of the fami ly board' s influence , fortunate bombar dier by possibility have anticipated ; and we that the by obtaining an appointment deservedly the birth- , whose name is John tion " from the pub lic service , which says much for time allowed for taking the poll under the ^ "st saved , ar.d be was the last person seen by iflo^e who Grace , was standi ng at tho time leaning over a desk , their persona l appeal now made-fox additional skareho ldenr will not were-in right of many a brave officer. So much , alas , for predenco , but promises very badl y for Refqrm Act, was a much longer period teas tke ^isj. when Al'Garrett cy proeecded very deliberatel y to the organisa tion of an opposition in the next Parlia- could, by possibility, be required. It is how- be in Tain. Let the few Chartist papers now in exist- Following are the names of the survivors:—Crew the Minto interest and impartiality in thus reward - , and most destructive the place where his inut ket was, and taking it ment. The Whigs, in fact, seem to have turned ever, conceived that , in the pre sent instan ce, ence cease to live, and the boldest —P atrick O'Loghlin , steward ; James Grad y an d in£ the gallant Elliot for his important services in down, fired it at his victim. blow will be given to the cause of libert y, which by any ludia. The shot entered the quite sulky with the public—somethin g in the same the utmost despatch , compatible with the conve - Thomas Enwright , seamen ; and John Donoghue , back back on the right aide of the spinal column , spirit means whatever could be struck . Shall the enemies of and that Fox evinced when he left the House of nience of the several candidates and constituencies , appr entice. Passengers— Flaherty, shoemaker, Djstkessisg Suicide op a Female Servant. — and passed into the abdo men. Grace immediatel y Commons t sl t tbe people have to congratulate themselves on the ex- ¦Wife, and Collins. in despair , and took to ran a ing Horace will be employed , so as to ensure the opening of Honoria Riugrose , Mr. Baker , the Coroner , held an inqaest on Satur- fell, and an artill eryman who was passing the room , at St. Anno's-hill. When the last Russell leaves tinction of the greate st palladium which liberty ea» Following is a statement of the number of the day, at ike Old Turnpike House the new Parliamen t at an earl y period. The choice unfettered press T We think , Stamford Gate , alarmed by the report -of th« musket , entered the Bedfords hire, and Mr. J oseph Hume affects a desire of a Speaker will, double ss, as in two recent instan- possess, viz., a free and ere\r and y.asserigers who perished :—Crew—Cap- Hackney, on the body of Caroline Goodwin, aged room and discovered tbe prisoner , who at once to retir e we are not wrong when we emphatically say—No f • to Pass engers— into private lite, the game must be nearly ces, become the first great -pa rty question of tho Outcrbridge , mate, and 9 others. 21, housemaid to Mrs. Caffray, of Stamf ord Hill. declared that " he had shot the man.'' The wounded up. Aa journalists we almost feel melanchol (Viscoun thousand times, No I «Ale aduli- 47 ; female ditto -41 ; males under , y when session. Mr. Manners Button t Canterbury) Fifeah ire 1 we baTe done , , Sar ah Cook said that the deceased had been in the man was conveyed to the .Ordna nce hospital , wher e- we reflect npon how many of our old chopping- held the chair for eighteen years , aud presided over " Men of Forfarsbire and four teen, 10 ; female ditto , 9 ; roales under seven, service of Mrs . Cs ffray for the last eighteen months , Sir J. Webb , the principal officer of the department , blocks onr duty, and we now appeal to you for add. Few, S ,1 females ditto 10. Total perishe d, we shall miss when the new Parliament as- seven new Honsos of Commons ; Mr. Aberc rombie , 12 ; infants , and described herself as a single woman. About was in attendanc e, aad every aesistauee was ren- sembles. Three we, understand ( and Mr. C. indeed , in the county districts , have beeome share- a month sgo or four, , are to be Lord Dnnfermlin c) for four years ; holders of the paper; but it is not too lat e, and we , in consequence of her increased size dered to the sufferer. Sir Joni questione d him as to " pi tchfor ked" in the eyent of losing thei r seats : Sir Sha.w Lefevre for two years. The last election for The passengers aboveat mentioned as being caved , and other appearances , witness acensed her of being whether there had been any previous altercation , or Jonn hope that yon will yet nianfally do your duty. the ellington Grose and came to Que- Cam Hobhouse fcr one ; and it would be a Spcekcr was on the 29th of May, 1839. Tbe aext |^ i W Isle, enceinte, but th e xcensed denied it. On Wednesday whether he was aware that there was an y cause for the very appro priate will be the fourteenth Parlia ment of tbe United " The manager will shortly write theres fectttveageati «« in the Thetis , fr om Limerick. last she became very ill, shewing all termination to his consistent directly on this tfiost important subject < the syaptoms offence. The wounded man replied,' None whatever. ' career for him to walk into the House of Lords in a Kingdom , It appears by a return pre pared from the oi an approaching accouchement ; and notwithstand- The ball u supposed to have entered the liver, but white bat at last. We do not profess to know any rolls and journals of both houses.that since 1809, when " By order of th e WrertonT ing her entreaties , witness insisted upon bavins a as any attempt to probe tbe abdomen would be thin g of cabinet teoreto , but the on dit amongst the it is 'supposed the duration of Pa rliaments wax ex- We are quite rar e that , after reading this, th« Thx Citt Police asd the Ijush Tbktotall kes. sur geen called to her assistance. Mr. Toulmin , a fatal , the exact seat of the wound U not fcnown. elubs u, that the pitchfork business bad a great tended beyond one year, only four Parliaments have The City Soliciior has received instructions to prefe r Burgeon , was then in the bouse, on m visit to her M'Garretty, who has been fifteen yean ia the deal to do wi years and only nine have had people know their duty, and will perf orii it, witk- •even th the Whigs sticking to office, until existed beyond seven , bills of indictment against as many Iri sh tee- mistress, and at witness 's request he accompanied regiment , was immediately placed under arrest. He they knew who would want providing for after the a sexennial d uration. Of the rest , only nine Parlia- out further prompting. We m«st, however, re-eek « toU'Jer ifcr asixnits upon the police and other per- her to sea * the deceased. Upon reaching her bed- u is a man somewha t advanced in life, and bears a result of a general election. The provincial con- ments have lasted above five years , thre e above four most emphatically the following •ente ftoe* Le* •ocg, upon London Brid ge, and other parts of the room , thev discovered her upon the floor , surrounded notoriousl y bad chara cter in the reg iment. Grac e stituen cies ex- should bear this iu mind. At any rate years , aud three above three years. Only ten the few Chartist papers sow in existence eease to *-%• ©a Whit Monday , during the temperance pro- by a pool of blood, still flowing from a wound in is a married man, and highly respected in the com- there can isted above two years , and no less than thirty-six GcsaosB. bo no har m in their asking suoh a man The witnesses have been summone d to th e throat , and a rczor belon ging to the footman pany to which he belongs, and to which he acted as as Sir Jo hn wheth er he has not got a peerage in his for a shor ter period. The average duration , from lire , and the boldest and most destructive ]blow will auend befor e the Grand Jury at the London Ses- huyj by her side. Although witnesB bad not been ord erly. No cause can be assigned why the pri- pocket ns if the country should refuse him a seat in the 1119 to the present time (including the long Par- be given to the cause of liberty, which by. any J ^° , -which commence at Guildhall next week. absent from her more than half a minute , the soner should commit ths fvrooious act , but the lury House or Commons ; and , if he cannet answer in liament in the reign of Charles I., and that in the means whatever could be struck . Shall the ene- ^ o of the Citj Police are still suffering from the deceased had inflicted such a deep wound that she of his passion , there being some resemblance in the negative, reign of Charles II., which lasted nearl y seventeen B rer perhaps he may be asked on the mies of the people have to congratulate themsel ve* f * iDjuri ea they received on Wiiit-llonday from must have died instanil j. Witnes s thought deceased heigh t and mak e to the gunner who had abused hustin gs, at Nottingham , whether he is of the eame years,) does not exceed the space of three years on the extinction of the greatest pallad ium whioh the teetotall ers. had been atiaxh ;d to one of the mal e servan ts, The hcr.ourabk and learned iusti- and M'Garre ttey . Grici has since died , and a Cor oner 's opinions now as he was some years ago, when he each; so th at , although nominally septennial , Par- liber ty can possess, viz., a free and unfettered prea st 6*»or of the outrages is allowed to go scot f ree by whom she had recentl y been forsaken. Verdict— Jury have returned a verdict of wilful murder called the House of Lords " a refuge for the liament may be said to have not more than a really We think we are not *wut wrong when we tppiutie allj bis business in agitating the eight miilicn j . * Temporary insanity ." *£M&Bt M'Garret tey. destitute !" —Tory paper. triennial existence. say—No 1 a thousand times, No'l" 4 THE - ; • ¦ " : ; '/• " ¦ ¦ : r _^^ NORTHERN STAR. . . . ; ^ . . • HT7DDEBSFXXXD . SLotal axOf General 3£nteUizet\ce —On Tuesday, the town that you will get me some remuneration ibr.'tii «Ltim« 0! Nttery Exa miner which old opinion was fantastical ly dressed for the ; Answer these tw« queries , Mr. Thumper ? Qk was in a state of great electioneering excitement , past , examine thyself , and u blush. 01 masquera de in bye-gone times. Let them take it then we have aaother or two to pat The Plague" prepared a kind of clap-trap, or, as " With the greatest respect , I beg leave to shade * of depaited Repeal! and has it which !J2 QUMOHftT iftTyp. Physic t p e t rem ain, hand and the royal sceptre in the other, puzzle yoa not a littlo ! ' -. ™ al Force Re- he eopl call i , Jack in the Bos, which was put •' Your obedient Servant , *c. &c. ' come U> this, that a charge of being a Repealer dis- now in one spectables. —On Friday evening last, a grand row into a cart, and exhibited two loaves—the America n " BEUMAKD and sitting before the rushing streams of knowledge, Yes, Thump er I let us have an answer took place in the boxes of the theatre Snnderland untaxed M DONHBL X. qualifies » cand idate in th e Repeal town which re- to OtiL , , , and th e English taxed. The large one " Loughrea, June 8th, 1841." flood-tide of publio opinion, " Thus far queries ; and Jet them be answew d. amongst tbe moral force respectables , which af- costing one shilling , and the other turned the Republican -Bhadt { Ah ! we thou ght , say to the Loa' ijSg two shillings. try this, it? with— forded to the unwashed gods in the gallery fine Thsy had not proceeded far, before the loaves fell To which Mr. CConnob gives the (following an- and we said, that " Tib' s Eve," whioh is neither shalt thou go and no fur ther. " Let them to " come " Our -town rt>»A»t-*S proofs of the respectability, , manners and actions off into the trap, and out came the celebra ted Mr. swer:— Jjefore nor after Christmas , would be the Liberat or' and they will then , in the unstaye d, unsubdued, and the report is a clamsy and malign ant ifi^ffl 6f their superiors. We had some difficulty in dis- Cop&tock who had s , pr epared the same. The Char- * , behold the shadow which is falsehoods." This .won't; do 1 , ft P eorerisg the ori gin of the melee, ba t-we believe it tists having beard what Mt Deab Akdili,,—You will remit, in f time for pushing Hepeid beyond the " rint" unawed element i ^ | | ll was to be done, got np an uture, six of " ms as follows:—Mr John Bowlby, son of Russell opposition show. On one corne r of their car t papers weekly, without charge , to Bern ard|l«D*anell , point ! knowled ge ; whioh is indicative of a great coming Thumping way settling the hash.^aii lf was Longhrea Bovr: by, E?q., a great Whig attorney, had enga ged stu ck a large loaf, a piece of beef, and a large piece , and also a post-office order for £l\ to auble event ; which is s Cha rter Parxiahxnx , and of Repor t ; but it won't do 1 You ma&$tij$Sm sund ry seats in the boxes of the Theatre for that him to commence his noble undertaking Just behold ihe reofclesa conduc t of the wholesale of cheese, with the following inscription in large far .tegenertt-; which the next assemblage will be the PRE- Mr. Liar , to point out the " falfiehoo4s" "J eveiiiug. On going to the Theatr e, he found John letters :— Chartists' cheer for all ing our common country. ' . trafficker in Irish patriotis m. Does any man sup- -mi " working men." CURSOR. most also PROVE them to be snob Brunton , brother of the hurly-burl y Town Clerk On the other corner was a pole with a wooden dish Yours, Tery faithfully, pose tha t Captain Qobb has got a free admission , or t£e ca«! quietly seated in one of them. He requested him Feah gu* tr y will not believe you ! ^ and ladle, a red herring, four ounces of bacon, and Q-COBiroR. New Boss I that so rise ; this was declined , whereupon remonstran ce a few split peas tioket to the drivelling creature , , with a small cake, and the inscrip - Now proceed we with our extracts Jroia the THE "M ANCHESTER TIMES ' Ah! but "it was. the Physic al Force C&a rljk issued from Bowlby, and defiance was shown by tion— H Whig fare forqble-bodied Ashton Yates, goes scot-free to Carlow t or that labour ers." On World. No. 1, is a leading article, and runs thus:— that impudently obtruded on the meeting Brunu -n. At last Bowlby ut tered the ominous the other cor ners of the cart were the American loaf Huron runs equal in harness with the beggar man AND " tta u up the row ! So { so I wor e*, You're no gentleman. Sir." This led to a —with the motto , " Republicani sm and cheap Go- "We hare attentively pemsed the lette r of Mr " dilly ?" kicked Then yoa adoita. K in the Dublin Bah ! its sickening, and THE SLAUGHTER ! r equvst that the parties should more to the lobby. vernment "—and the Engl ish loaf, with Kingcraft O ConneU to the Iri sh people, and from it. we can butchery, do you ! But •* it was the (%ar tiij i»] Arrived there, Brun ton applied his finger and thumb gather that tha approaching we leave it with the following announcement about and dear Government. " In the front of the cart election will be nothing The plotters and concooters of the Ma nchester What a fool it is 1!! Let every man of to the nasal projection of Bowlby, giving it an was a red herrin g tub , nearly covered with Neddy ' more than a faction fight , where a struggl e will be " my son John," who can no longer dupe the honest coa ^, s slaughter were miserably disappointed, that the sense ask himself whether or not, , awkward twist , by which it acquired a curvilinear recipe for ma king soup, and a man with a pot made not for prin ciple but a party. It will not be a and uprig ht Repealers of Kilkenny :— if such had I*, dir ec:: >n. Brunton having performed this genile- measurin g it out. In the cart was an ass, docora ted Repeal of the Union, or even a House hold Snffrage prudence and good sense of the Chartist s foiled the case, it would sot have affor ded many contest / " Kilkenn y.—A Mr. Loughlan has determined on *ecb man h action to his own satisfaction , quietly with yellow all over, with a Leeds Mercury tied to but one to sustain the Whigs in power and their contemplated slip of the "do gs of war" upon food for the enemies of Chartis m. Smarti ng retvrr ,-.d to the boxes, leaving Bowlby to study its tail. Around the cart were M keep out the Tor ies. The humbl e elector going te the poll, and , from peculiar circumstances, m^, placards , Behold is adjured to a peaceful and unarmed multitude. The Whig the lash of our exposure , they would the navura of the alterations in his phiz. the Gr eat Liar of the North !" At his head was disregard all the temptations of pow»r and terrors of will at toast be enabled to make some show of opposi- now nia lt It appeirs th%t Bowlby had not seen or felt any fixed a beesom shaft , with a small black leaf, persecu tion , and battle again st the Tories with might tion. Mr . Loughlan professes Radicalism, and avows organs were sadly puzzled what to make of the throw the odium upon the Chart ists ! impro vement , for after cursing his wr ath about an and main. He is not told his readi ness to vote for Repeal ; and Mr. John O'Con - labelled " Neddv Baines's coarser sort of bread for that the Whigs do' muph affair ; for the prudence and good sense of the . It may do for such prints as the Thumping hour , he returned to the boxes, armed with Paddy's the poor. " Such was good where they long haTe been, is nell has betrayed signs of abandoning tbe contest" Ifa the interest exoited after it but informed that people at the " demonst ration meeting," left them to dispose of the affair between br ackets frien r . a good shilelab , the knotty end of which he becam e known , that it was exhibitin g their rivals, if suffer ed to occupy their , thna[j. in the town , places, will Let all these be read , and then let the reader just in this predicament : tha t the Anti-Corn Law app'iec , with all his muscular power , to Branton 's that all the manufactur ers left their shops and the perpetrate every description of cruelty sad injustice. cbut for os, who court and demand inquiry, ft f ai say whether or hot the days of humbu g are num- Bose. The consequence was that this fine member Cloth Hall to get a sight. The cheap loaf cart We much fear that the people an beginning to think League had invi ted the attendance of the people, not do ! And now let us ask one plain Of r.i-Ravon ' B frontispiece that the one faction, when bered in Ireland. tt i , lay weltering in iis own paraded round the town at intervals , without a soul opposed, has displayed as in order, as they said, " to discuss the question f* simple quest ion. If the Chartist swer e blood , the claret , as the professionals call it, squirted but the driver and Copstock. much Tirulen ce as the other , and that both openly m 1 can con- Here we part , for the pre sent, that they bad then hired a band of blood- flagrant ly the offenders in a : ^reeuonB ,-beautifull y variegating the splendid trive to be tolerably well behaved when they find it Is asking oar Dublin , why did not fet ssy Coach Accidekt. —On Monday , as th e Briton not their friends , oar Loughrea friend s ; dre of the ladies. These screamed , the gentlemen coach was coming from inter est to resist the popular will. : We are , our Irish friends thirsty ruffians, armed them with bludgeon s " Bloodies " interpose and put the m fetorrr , j Manchester to Hudders field, somewha t surprised that Mr. d^i , and ths performanc e was abruptl y stopped when near Longroy d Brid ge, CConnell appears to generally, and our Englis h friends as well, why and pokers, and instructed them to " crack the If the Chartists were the real offend ers, in fiV_- or.n fasion . Master Bowlby was handed off a fore wheel came off, forget that tbe Tories were nna Ue whj A and the coach came down with to carry their they do not form themse lves into exclusive deal- skull" of every one who should presume to offer f ree discussion meetin§ ' to the i.at:on-house by the police, from which, how- a crash ; bat " gagging acts " until a section of the Whigs they call a for tig % al though i t was full y loaded, only two were seriously had joined " erer . ne was immediatel y afterwards bailed , and them , and that the wont policy of SldmoaU) and ing associations, for the purpose of supporting their himself " to discuss with them ; that these ruf- low-ng Saturda y, to inquire fully into the injured, and others slightl y. This ib the only mis- hones t that has , ^ tared ine disagreeable necessity of lodging there for fortun e which has Castlereajh met a powerful champion and ft Hinder pwmjrvefy ^*hjL onJjf £aper an-- fians bad done their bidding ; that skulU had And if the oth er par ^Mwereinnoee ntjw^jd i||fa; " happened thia old established in Lord Plunket , . to the nv:nt. On Saturday lie was brought up, and coach these twelve years. ths present Irish GhancsiM P4c ¦9&*ftinTMaii& fiw foritj4 |m*fear *i Why do not be«n: *racked that blood ha * ^owed f itM Hpl wi£ arms Inrtneir hand ^ meejt laj g* iie ki^ r.g been clearly proved the author of the would be all very well for the leaden of tanlax ^ ^ 1^ tha / th *English Chartists kick some milk-and-water drab Magistrates and ' Police had looked on^ith Tuiee-: e-jndition of Brun ton's face, was adjudged to The ELrcn oN.—Hudder sfield appears to be quite part y to recommend that the aristocratic tJ3i5 ~&tt*i to obstr uct the Saturday meetbg, and Uwn^ - at a loss for candidates perfect indifference , evidently waiting, for the bs- pay u.". *um of £5 afc, a fine , or be committed for , neither the Whigs nor the made ths nearest approach to liberalism ahoalf ^et out of tW rooms and take the World instead t smother inquiry ! and why did they rep eat %* Tories making anything to do. -two rn mths. "Sie former was immedi ately done. Many rumours are with the largest share of support , but to invottfw t§ y&* Star, the Dtmde * Chronicle , and the Perth talutort attacks of the people upon their assail- ottoacooffence byuy woun»uuu uui£t ding, catting,vutuug, «uuand mauningaiauaing ppmZ "Wha: afloat , but nothing is yet finally settled. In the hate the Tories for only I a dns-r ikle exampTea of refinement oar supe- committing the same inUw f ifyoAicle, are the corner- Atones of the Uulveral ants ; that the people saw through the move, Whsklss, and several others, rior- 2.r d misters af&pH course of a few days , the people will be able to judge which can with equa l justice be laid aUtotfoptJ rUte with out -|g 1&ap!e of IJber i and disappointed the further bloody designsof t ItPOBTurr to Glass *akkrs. —On Thur sday last3 what oourse to pur sue. The Whi g? dread their Whigs, is, in our opinion , neither just nor raas ^AIe. ty.^ 5||W> World is the founda- he slightest offenoe being offered ! "Were -^k opposition , and if they purs ue io Jame s; Hartl ey, Esq., who is an extensive glass- their tric ks as they The Tories, it is said , would compel th« majtritjr to tioh-ftoae -<*t Ireland's future glory. One and all ruffian crew ; that all the attacks , and nearly all conscious thai WmaAs * was ^* to iegwil^ Taant ;f3 ctnrer have done , they will hare a very warm recep tion. support the chur ch of the minority. , was summon ed before the magistrates This k 4m must be supported , and above all, and before all, the fighting, had been from and on their own side11 the fact, thai Finnigan had Warn ed' him of S iuderiand , for unwarrantably stopping the sum RICBBXOND.-S hokt enough ; but when haTe the Whigs, when tfaemo itg; itf ; Hoeks.—Last week, a the Worlds. : and that every man of respectability and character , bis frienda to come to-the '' free Tj f 9 . 4d. from one of hi3 workmen named Robert fine thr ee-year old steer , a beautiful yearling heifer distribute the patronage among their own relaUop ptod discns»W Hoes o. It appeared that ther e were seven other and a bull calf, six mon t hs old, all of the pure short- dependents, manifested any displeasure at this awe of Supp«r i ile Warld' who saw their proceedings , was thoroughl y dis- meeting of foe "Plague " " prepared to meet $jp and t&e' World" will rappo rt' goin njoases, for the same offence, against this gen- horn , belon ging to things ? The Tori es are averse to extending th f suf- ' '" 1 ¦ ' ;¦ - - - : ' gusted and cried open shame upon them. Under breed the Earl of Zetland , and you. , - -q : ¦ ; . . . : :¦ , . ;¦;. : God "? Had they a presentiment tha t a j *i0 tlettiui , and that the off?nce witb which he was bred by that nobleman, were brou frage , but we would like it to be shown to us tba ^heir y v , . ght to the weigh- these circumstaflcee the Whig Journals sung very enquiry must take place touching the whole proeggr char ged , was one which he had practised with im- ing machin e at Richmond : the steer weighed 175 political opponents—not excepting Lord FitzwOTara, Vfe utterl y repudiate the idea that we desire - to time. The the great Corn Law small indeed. ings, and that the £wt whichWHJEBa j»#as punity for a Jon ^ men , however , have stones , the heifer sixty-nine stones, and the bull calf Repealer , himself—are nior«?de- make a monopoly of »ny por tf»n of the press. We aNii| Teeer^iy determin ed no longer to submit to what sirous for its enlargement Lord Hadding ton if heesmo l fifty-f our stones. can live and let live. They would gladly have refrained from reportin g swear to was a very ug y one for the m to wrijg ^ they ..''asider unwarrantabl e filchings of their just Felost. — over might give us indifferent assistant ^barrisieS and The more the better for the Deborah Harker, late servant to Mr. the proceedings altogether , could they have done se : out of ; and that it was necessar y to get hint ott «f earxtD -^, and accordin gly Mr. Rober t Hudson Thomas, of Cote House, near Hun ton Sir Edward Sugden might tx favourably-dj *F>Bedcause. , was brought the way—so agreed to send him M to meethb pre ferr ^ bis charge—Hudson proved that his before George Gilpin , E? q., of Sedbury, ©n the 9th towards Conservativ e magistrates; but we question whe- Hurrah for Repeal and the Charter, but this being out of the question , they gave a G^t regular wages were 28s. per week, that on -the instant, in custod y of Whiti ng, the police-officer of ther either tbe barris ter or magistrates would bejjg orae For tbe Char ter and Repea l hurrah 111 slight notice of the affair , representing the Why was Mr. Bbadlb y knocked ^t^ir l|ri Monday previous , Mr. Hartley had only paid him Richmond, charged with stealing , from Ann Far ey, than those appointed by Lord Ebrlngton ari (f?wnan- slaughter as a " slight disturbance ;" and l yingly maimed , in open day, for no other offene»J $ijV1fe( 18s. 81., alledging tha t ( cellor Pluuket Th«n as regards Repeal , both 'Whig Ai .r he Hudson) had not done her fellow-servant , a quantity of wearing apparel. char ged the commencement of it upon the Chartists. of being a Protestant I ^ - v Bome wcrk in a workman-iike manner . Mr. Hudson She was committed for trial at the next sessions for mnd Tory are equally opposed to it T* arotuM the •stated , that it was impossibl e for the work to have the North Riding. people , therefore , it will never do merely to threate m THE CHAR TER PERCURSO R This l ying charge would have been palmed upon These questions must and shall be answered; lij been done better with them with a Tory restoration. This may be an awfol ing the metal, that is the glass in EjatLT Fhuit. —Mr. Ward , the publio had we not given in the Star a true and the folly and ly of the Thumper shall Mj its liquid state , with which they had to work. Al- of Richmond, has at enough calamity in the eyes of placemen , bat the mul- present, in his garden, a tree of fine cherries qui te PARLIAM ENT. faithful Report of that day's proceedings ; and the prevent it, nor screen the real offender * though to glassmakers , the technicalities occurring ri titude view it with perf ect indifference. When you pe ; and the same gentleman gathered ripe straw- tell them that the Queen hates the Tori es, they wonder Whigs, as far as the coun try generally was con- in the evidence , will be w ell enough understood, berrie s a week ago, from the same garde n. " When tLe Devil got in, the Devil a Whig would be; ye*, lor the benefit of general readers , it may per- why she is so fond of feasting them at balls and dtoners When the Devil got «Tid?nce. Workmen "Trora Newcastle were also ' for Gore and liberty—for Gore and Refggn—for Qore Whigs that the Q ueen is about to appeal to her We defy him to do so. Whig Chronicle, London, to the Chronicle, Kelso ; and Old Ire land—hurrah !" This must , of course, hare " Dear J dear !. what will become of*i»"? Tha called io prove that the wages of the trade there people. The times for such an appe al are peculi arly " Thump ing Liar, the Dispatch to the Leeds Times (pro tempore, any- an electric effect , and th« gallant Captain Gore will in "O ur town readers , says the when PoBUCXKi were the some. Henry Grey, from Newcastle, had out of joint just now , inaemuoh as her people are world must be coming to an end, been tw<-nty-rine years in the trade , and never had thing) ; and th en for the Irish press, from none of all probability get, if not a walk over, at least an " know tha t the report is a clumsy and malignant easy victory. Now, Mr. O'Connell , allow me to beginning to doubt the reality of her existence. reviles hard words , and Neddy Baimes speaks «i any portion of his regular wages stopped for such a which can we relieve ourselves. 0, we say, for some t issue of falsehoods. " Faith , Mr. Thumper , they case as Hndion ' to ask you one or two questions , if yon please. Many who were formerly ra ther enamoured of decency I \ ?, it was impessi ^le avoid the such slave ! know no such thin g! and they know, too, that your B Bietal gvrmg way sometimes. Robert Thompson of Are yon really sincere in your agitation for The naughty boy, Busfibxd, did net ask . Ba ^ Royalty, begin to believe that the Q icen is some reckless assertion , unaccompanied by proof, or any Sun i erland , had been 35 years in the trade , and never W ell, theie is a pleasure , a silent pleasure, even in the Repeal of the Union ? If you are, why own uncle" ! " For shame, Sir; who would voS not endeavour to return as many persons pledged ether eal spirit—the ghost 'of some departed con- p , will not make that pass for knew an instance of wages being stopped for sueh a the midst of grief , and we have our share. In our att empt at roof for such an indecent nephew " \ v cause. He convulsed the court with laughter by to the measure as you possibly can ? Here we could just stitution—the ruling po wer of a living oligarchy, or M falsehood" which i s undeniably true ! No, no, trouble , we console ourselves with ¦ .- .....a ^^iWii^ivi *iv ^ i*i*f gravel the assurance as readily put in a Repealer as a Whig or Radical y stating he was the best workman in the the alternating pu ppet of tbe uppermost fac- Mr. Liar , you must condescend to p rove your as- world , and yet he could not have produced better that the World , whi ch we retain for a relish , will If you are not , ' why , in the name of all the gods at AND tion . They say, " For five month s from Janu- " town-readers " will believe THE CHARTIS TS OF NOTTI NGHAM work than Huason. Mr. Alexander Wilson , late banish grief, and banish sorrow , by smiling a ray of once,' will you keep pestering us with such a gross ser t ions, befor e your political humbug ? There are reasons , however , for ary to May, we got up respectful addresses THE WHIGS. manager of Mr. A. Fenwick' s work3 at Sunder- hope through the dark gloom in which poor Ir eland you ! land, stated he had been 51 years in the trade , 40 tbe Repeal question being placed in abeyance , other to her as the party or parson , individual " that the Mayor Mr. O'Connor has received the following Mhr has been so long enveloped. than that of the leader of our party being careless and Pray, Mr. Liar , is it " false 5«ars in the crown glass trade , and 20 years of that or corporation , from whom al one justice i s refused to cal l the meeting ? for that fact occupies from one whom he supposes to be an aoord dfcd time manager , and never had himself when a wor k- Irel and has long been the bat tle-ground of fac- irresolute. I was listening the other day to a conversa- tion between a couple of voters. ' Is'nt it a wonder ,' never asked in vain." Thoy say, '• Those addresse s " in our Report. agent of the Whigr, and which he submits tflf ' ^ man , nor knew of any instance while manager , of any tion. Canning supported the Union , in order that more than " a line taa -a having any portion of his regular wages stopped said one , ' th at a Repealer does'nt start for Ross V cost us much money, and were written in the humble Is it " false" that the meeting was called by ten Nottin gham Chart ists for a rep ly-he has giwi the grievances of Catholic Ireland may be patientl y ' No,' replied the other , ' not more surprising than for bad work. He explained the process of glass- aud humiliatin g language of the present fashio n of of the anti-Corn Law clique ; and that the hired none :— mikincr , and proved that the bad gla. could not , in heard , and impartiall y legislated upon , by an unpre- that Messrs. So and So (meaning a small tribe of would - » near Falldr k, =s be aristocrats ) are agai nst the movement' • begging mercy where justice is the thing require d." Finni gan , was one of them ! Camelon , thi * ca-e, have been by bad wor k. Hartley , finding judiced jury, in a fr ee country. But , alas ! " Hope Da you tool, " June 8th , 1841. the ease going utterl think ,' be continued , ' that matters will be ever They say, " We sent those respectful addres ses by Is it fal se" that the promoters of that meeting, y agamst him , notwithstanding deferred maketh the heart sick ;" and Ir eland's hope " " Sir ,—I tak« the liberty of addres sing you for the the frequent friendl y assistance of some of tae •tberwise whilst such fellows are permitted to arrogate ambassadors of our own, in order to heighten the invited the people to their was deferred , because Ireland withheld her ener- to themselves the representation of tbe borough ?' I Finni gan among the rest , first time , hoping, at the flame time, you will excw magistr ates , then meanl y endeavonred to skulk 'from compliment ; and yet were her people' s ambassadors , obliged by yoo gies from the advocacy of her own righteous cause. don 't thin k so. Nay , more , there ia not a man ¦with a meeting, under pretence of " discussing the ques- me for so doing. I should feel greatly . his obligat ion to pay the balance dne by slating while the heralds 8euding me a line in answe r to the following, viz :— that he had cow no agreement with his men—no spark of enthusiasm in his besom but will give the disdainfully forbid her pre senoe, tion !" She is now about to use her insulted might , and sa e ndi " Could a Chartist be put in for Nottin gham instead agreement of any descri ption ; that he had warned m i gnant reply to the query. Captain Gore , of war, and tools of forei gn potenta tes, could com- Is it" Mse" that this same Finni gan , in the anti- tte thr ow the monster tyranny from her back. however , may make an excellent Member ; he is, I of Walter , provided the Wh igs would suppo rt them some time aro all form er customs would be mand it as a matter of ri ght." For a whole month Corn Law Association Rooms, in th e very head Chartists , which l ean assure yoa they will if the Cur- done awjy ! H? a so endeavoured to convince the It will bs seen by the subjoined copious extracts , verily believe a brave , open-hea rted sailor , and if not ' altogethe r indepe ndent in his politics, if not thoroug hly was attempt after attempt made , but in vain, to qu arters of the blood y Row, where the blood-money tists will support the m to get in one Whig ? Your UH' magistrates thai no usage of the trade ought to bind all from the World, that Repeal and crime are now mediate answer will greatly eblig8, him ; bat , failing this , he agreed to leave the matter at his ease under the eye of the minister , he will at all drink at the fountain of ' mercy,' if we must use the id paid over to him and his hired brother comrogues; nearl y synonymous terms in the " sea-bound dungeon " events act as decently as any gentleman possibly could •• Sir, yours truly, to the decision of the last witness, Alexander Wilson. hum iliating word ; and the result is, that the people —is it " false" that this receiver of the factory ty- " W. B. BRAT." He would shew him the glass and let him decide. which latel y run g with devotion to " t he only thing " under the like circumstances. Thursday next will , in , ps pular parlan ca, a great day for Ireland. begin to doubt the reality of such a thing as a rants' gold, told honest Wheeler , tha t if the Char- " Direct to be left at Camelon Distillery ." To this all parties assented , aisd the case was dis- that can save Ireland. When will Ireland' s " only be ' ' The n will the country people push in in thousands , and com- be said to the " unnj- mi-*ed from the Bench. The respective parties then thing e u p t e or ready for introduc- Queen. tists presumed to accept the invitation given to What , we wonder, will now " b mat red for rac ic . mingling with their brethren in town , marc h along in Whigs with tM werit- to the works to see the glass, when lo! they e garchy require tho strength of the them to attend the meeting, "th ey must come pre- tural alliance" sought by the tion to the House , where its time-serving, place- procession headed by their intended representative who Wh n the oli ism were informed that the glass was all' cut , packed , par ed to MEET THEIR God "? ! ! Destructives , whose undisguise d support of Tory sold, and sent off! It was thus discovered :o have hunting advocates hold the balance of power ? will address his devoted followers is the choicest of Royal spirit , her name beoomes a common pass- lw that this fact was communicated by Governme nt of Sir Robert Putt been a move of Hartley 's, to avoid a decision of the When the monster has strangle d the present keeper , harangues. Martin Doyle rising in the majesty of his word , and she is made too cheap ; but when the Is it false" was to bra nd the eloquence will hurl the thunderbolts of bis wrath , your Chief Com- Bench aeainst him. Wilson decided that he ought and when a more darin g one shall people require even an interview , the spirit is not to Wheeler to Sir Charl es Shaw as " bloodthirsty "? awe?it into affec- upsn the unfortunate Tories , and with a voice hoarse , in the event to pay the men , which he then agreed to do , togeth er be found. missioner of Police, the day before your meeting Well, but let us have a word. What with costs. We hope this will be a lesson to Mr. tion by a willing obedience to its righteous com- from incessant screaming will proclaim the triumph of thegaW liberal principles over the demon of ascendancy. Can- was held ? of a junction with the Whigs , would be Hartle y. mands, and a cheerful acquiescence in its will 1 The Whigs have, firstl y, estranged the people Head?, vassing will be carried on on a scale hitherto unattempled : 1 " false" that the promoters of the meeting the gamb lers 1 Why, jus t this -" CABiTSLE.—Publi c Meetixg.— On Monday Let the taunts again st Sir John M. Doyle from their natural protectcrs , as guardians of their Is it proposed by , for each elector will be waited on in turn , and woe to the lose," and then they would moruii ji, June 1-lih, the following hand-bill was property. hired a gang of soulless ruffians , armed them with we win-Ha rps yoa his repeal principles , which now in the eyes of wight who sees fit to repudiate the opinions of those rights and trustees of their being able to agree abo« circulated through the borough :—•' Impj rt ant ne ws with whom he will have to deal." bludgeons , and directed them to crack the skull of name a Whig, and not Repealers constitute high offence, if not crime, be Whig unan mW as to the coming Election :—A public meeting of They have, secondly, destroyed all respect for the every Chartist they could meet with ? a f it and proper Chartist to insure the electors and inhabi tants of Carlisle .will be hel d read. Let the exoellent article from the New Ross No. 3, is a Bhort oomment from the World upon three CharM * House of Commons, by their insolent , outrageous , Is it " false " that when a procession of Chartists they, the Whigs, would then name at the Market Cross , this evening, at eight o-'clock , Correspondent of the World be read. Let the the griefs and lamentations of the Newry Examiner , which numow for the purpose of making arrang- .-aj enis a3 to the and audacious treatment of the people 's respectful were coming upon the ground , headed by a Chartist that is, three more Whigs, and from whole article from the World be read . Let the aban - who, like the young rake , requires eome one to select one of \W anticipated election. Letters will be read from Mr. petitions. And , lastl y, they have made the very flag, that , upon a signal being given from the plat- tbe Chartists would be allowed to Feargus O'Connor , and Mr. Jimes Bronterre donment of Kilkenny by " my son John," be read, fret for him ; and l et those be r ead and pitied as they namo of Monarch stink in the nostrils of every ; form, they were set upon by the armed ruffians , and r etten tno. ., . O'B rien , recommendatory of the course the people and when all are put together , coming from the only deserve:— working man of common sense throughout the land. rule for the goidan e Ought to pursue at this most important .crisis. ow-up their " skulls cracked" —five of them having to be Now let us just lay down a Radica l paper in Irelan d , who can longer despair " bl in newet. They BOBt ro Hurrah for '. he Charter ! God save the People !— " Oar excellent and patriotic contemporary, the Newry These things have they done in nine short years taken off the ground in an insensible state—having of our friends in all such cases. for Ireland 's regeneration ? Add to this the plain Chsrta w By order of the Council of the Carlisle Radical , Examiner , is, we are sorry to say, placed in a very em- uf a Reformed era. But do they indeed hope deal with the electors ; because , the Association/ ' been left for dead 1 —At the honr of meet ing, a very large and unsophisticated , honest and straight forward barasAog and unpleasant position—and " all ewin g to to eucceed in their mad career ? They cannot. , would vote, to a «au€oin-«©4>f peop le had assembled in front of the Is it " false" that while these things were going true to their word ^ . ^ " ^ . letter of Bernard M'Donnell , the person for two or three individuals who wish to breed strife gs would vote »m Cress , when Mr. John Armstrong was calTed to the between the Newry Repealers and anti-Repealers : — The tyrant 's title to power , ignor ance , has fled on the Police and Magistrates looked on with per- to compact , and then the Whi whom Mr. O'Consell caused such tender enquiries than for a UJ» r»» chair. He bric ilv addressed the meeting, and con- " ' One or two individuals ifsay BX&STSStaniner)whose th e land. Behold .the difference between the pre- fect indiffer ence, and took not any , th e slightest , Whig, and for the devil , rather cluded by readin g the bill calling the meeting ; when to be made , but without avail. with I talents for doing mischief are celebrated , have indu-- sent times and the day when " the whole Bill, means to put a stop to the blood y proceedings 1 Th e imderstandi ng tben shoild be &******* he introduced Mr. Joseph Broome Hanson , who, We give the letter at full length and subjoin the duly attetea r ) , j triousl y circulated the falsehood that Sir J«i >n and nothing but the Bill " was hailed as a great that Sir T. Pott er was appealed to, and should run thus, in writing, after making some excellent and peninsnt remarks , , Is it " false" answ er of the " tory." M'Donnell says:— | Milley Doyle is a Repealer with a view to create national legacy. Then the rich man spoke and , and twelve mm proceed ed to read two letters from Mr. J.B. O'Brien , a split between tho Repealers and the anti- , over and over again , to interfere to preserve the twelve witnesses , being Chartists ur ging on the people the , | do here by i*W atro pgly absolute necessity " Sib —I received your letter dated the first June , Repealers. And a knot of half-a-doz ^n say they will the poor cried , hurrah ! Not a single poor man peace , broken (as was toll him) by his own friends ; Whigs.-" I , John C. Hobho dse, of carryin g out his plan at the next coming election , wherein you specific! to me that you could not con- | thei uw ' not vote for Sir John should he declara himself an could wag a ja w. Reform was his idol , and for i t and that he declined , saying it was only " a bit dl myself to vacate my seat by accepting bat which is precisel y the same as that so frequentl y tinue sending me the Star, whereas , that you consider ; advocate of Repeal. How preposterous! Suppose th« shall » recommended by him in the Northern Star. After that I may be out of Loughrea , and thereby, be the he would hold up his. blistered hand. But now , an Irish row ; aud that they liked such things !" Hundr eds, in one week after parl iament elf to carry to assure you, that it is my continual study, at all ; over. And ore not the one party as bourhood , each aimed with a heavy truncheon ? much bound not lecture ; while they further complain ,atthesame time , voting !! out the View3 recommend ed l>y Mr. Fearzns times , to forward and promote , as far as it lies in my i to put forward an anti-Re peal test as the other not to Is it " false" to assert that all these preparations That's the ticket for O'Connor aud Mr. James Bronterre O'Bri en power , so g> d a cause ; and fa r ther as egards t e This is a change. At , m the o , r h insist on a Repeal teat ? Indeed in this par ticular that THEr cannot hire them . ' were made by tha prom oters of your meeting, forthcomi ng election ; and that a numerou s com- distributing of the Star , I do assure you, that it is not locality, a Repeal candidate has a juster and fairer public meetings now, the people speak and the mittee be now appointed , with power to add to their confined by me Bolely to the town of Loughrea, bnt that in tha ho pe that the people would retaliate MOVE MENTS. . I claim to the Suffrages of the constituen cy than a nun- masters shout. Does the sceptio require further ELEC TION somber , t o carry into execution the above recom- I have tbe newspaper s that are directed to me, circu- on the spot the attac k made by your hired «•«' lated through variou s Repealer. But Repealers having the gener al interest of " Give th e «' , by St. Paul, the work goes bra vely mendation. " Moved by James Arthur , aud parts , lying within four or five the country more at heart than anti -Repealers , and proof of our oft repeated assertion— ruffians ; and thus affor d an opportunity of bring- Now e s ** That the committee miles of this town ; and now when s eye J seconded by James F rgu on, the day is known , entertaining a more inveterate hostility to tho Torie s, people an interest in being educated , and they will this head we have given a bird ' *J be authori sed to draw up an address to the peop le that I receive the Star, my house is crowded with ing in the soldier s, yeomanry, and poli ce, to send Unde r have ever shown themselves read y to put their peculiar very speedily outshine all other classes in know- whol e country, as to its movements! of Newcastle, and to corre spond with other places, persons of all ranks , from various parts of this town principles in abeyance when such a some scores of them to " Meet their God " ! of the *^M and the adjoining neighbourho od sacrifice was re- ledge !" Have we not here a proof of it, we ask ? communic ations {orvaxae~JM oa this most importan t subject." Moved by Wm. bordering on the town, quired for the good of Ireland. Thby will not , there- Yes, Thumping Liar I please to say whether these not merely from and Beeonded by James Hurst , " That we, as I have remarked , soliciting me for so honest a disappointment in others propelling Parish , fore, insist on pledging Sir John to Repeal. For it is Do we not find things be " false" or not ! and (hen let us hear by our own regular and ack nowle dge ^L^nTJ the people of Carlisl e, view with extreme disgust paper as they call it Such ia the rapid progres s of - w manifest be is no Repealer at presen t , though it is hard the people on to self-action , and obliging them to do t , but from many occasiona l •»« » Wj tj the conduct of the dnpes , of th e anti-Corn Law Chartism in this town and its vicinity, caused by the t» say what he may hereafter be. what you have to Bay to the stateme nts made in our den s tbe Star. In the opinion ot work f and have they not, in the training, of the time, and .abo^« J/sague, in allowing themselves to be so far led circulation of Mr. Dixon (we have it from his own lips^ the their own last by parties who give their names , and who with the excitement I bare written three lette rs for the last -week, to greatest Tory .astray ,as to have committed so wanton and despotic " Tor y in the lan d is aa much a Repealer at present as is fax exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the ir suffered from the bludgeons paid for out of the anti- the papers, both Whig and o^Mfl« upon oar brethren of Manchester , as that wiotu parts of Rnglmri , and received no answer to an outrage , Sir John. Then -what becomes of the Uollow pretence warm est friends 1 ' blishment. " Our reade rs will not, ««J™J^ * ww4r«n of in the Star ef Satu rday last, and we take either. I now call oa yon, if yoa desire that on which Sir John 's claims are Corn Law League s money ! While you have the Hi questioned f ' sticklers for old find some of the two and «** this opportu nity of informing them , tha t though Chart ism should blazs in this part of the " Wo applaud the anti-Repealers who Will what is passi ng teach tho subject in hand , you may as well, too, answer the surprised to ^ to remit me, quarterly, a sum of money maintain their smelling &°f' their conduct has been openly tolerated by tbe autho- countr y princi ples, and thinking a domeBtio legislature would abu se that olden statutes cannot govern new following query or two . This will save your further paragraphs under this head m \ it wil l not nor cannot be for- which you may deem competent to enable me to hire " We bavep Ten ^ ri ties of the district , not be advantageous , but positively dang erous, will opiuions— that the ediots of tyrants cannot hold free- recurrence to it for no doubt it is a sore spot corruption 's fat id breath. nor allowed to pass with impunity. We at rent a fitting room for persons desiring to join the not vote for a Repeal , , and gotten , candidate —but what cau bo said legitima cy means what a sorts; in full confidence that Ekewise warn them, and their imbecil e yet cont uma- cause, to meet, and read the Star —and by you so of the Newry Repealers , who men in subjection—th at you will wish to keep it oovered. hash of all ^^ J , believing the measure found amply sufficient to »*-n cwss masters, to be cautions , for though we will dsing, I will be enabled to form an Association in this to be the salvation of the country, ' put their peculiar living majori ty deems r ight , and just , and prudent ; Just tell us, Liar , what the " Demonstrati on seasoning will be town ; and, if «nce formed , it wi"l at once spread not aggress, we will defend ; and as this is an impor- princi ples in abeyance ' out of deference to a Minis- while loyalty is goue somewhai out, of iV i-hio^ ^looting " cost the anti-Corn Law League , indepen- the flavour. . #& , it is dangerous to tread too heavily through the county at large , and thereby extend terialist ? L«t us not be addr esses of tant crisis misinterpre ted—-we blame the which alone it is due , has gone out . Let them reftr to the tt ^J & upon the worm ifcat has already been injured , "ft e through the kingdom. I hope you will not delay Repealers , but wish Sir since law, to dently of THE PAY given to the hired tools, Finni- _ Jo hn success over a Tory, the borou gh of Leeds, therefore denonnce the individual condnct of Sir answering this letter , and stating to me your approval although Ellis voted and spoke of use. gan and W arren ! Was it as much , or more, candi dates for against B^uk ilf- who, accord ing v> Charles Shaw, and that distinguished personage , Tom or disapproval of its contents. nopoly." committ ee of St. Stephen 's mer- than the eum the members of the " Plague" whis- passionately ask thom selves You may judge by this lutter thit I have lost a great How now will a Potter , and beg to assure them that they have are the most fit and prope r to " ^ "VTipp ei significant contempt , which they deal of my time, if lost I may call it, in striving to Now what think you of that , Charti sts and Re- chanta and a standin g army meet such an array of pered among themselves on the hustings , as the cost, merited our mo*t would be superfluo us to comment upo tt ^^ ^ shal l ever eajoy." A vote of thanks was then pro- forward tbe cause and rigilts of the dmter. My pealers ; and what say you to moral power as our ranks present , aud which is the —£5G0 ? . cj r; tho one short and Wilua ms and Leech ; let posed to the Mayor , for his kindness in allowing the friends were agiinst me in s? £-!?nee for a length of pithy sentence physical ovi.ti. i,u I Cau ilicy ahoot a H ow much was paid out of that sum to a cert ain of Messrs. but now all persons in the town totally and en- , " have iii dustriousl y circulated the drill sergeantof B ^^ ^ people to nisei in ths Market Place. Three cheers time, en< and then let the qthers be spelt ; •^ "J ^jj tf tirely approve of it So 1 expect , as I am a poor man , FALSEHOOD that Sir J ohn Milley Doyle is a principle, fence with opinion , or stab a sentiment t joiner for blud geons 1 and how long was he were then given for O'Connor and others, and. the minds of workLa g men decide upon *» mooting quietly dbfer&ed . ibriving to lire by industry, w Kuintain a large family, REPE ALER?" No. Their Constitution is a tattered garment , in gazed ia mak ing the " lot" for you 1 V —- for _ THE NORTflilN STAR. r.; r; ^Y tiie dlBcll *b« - ttpees of ^Pf 0*^ *r Ke °? duties MS " D CW tent w a Utt*r addressed ^j ^posed. /^^ 9 , t" * ' NEWCASTLE. law, or endangering the peace of society. Its business ewsbub y. For '' ^ 1 , « repf yTo lUcal aim €fcneral $vteU\S$m> \ P —Mr. George Julian Harney will de- viil be » gre it i»y for England and formen Leeds a/ZSZan aiUxck madeV* upon ^Hf * °°«"er Ma. Edito r ,-^Bv giving insertion to the following will be to negotiate with the Government (in the name liver alecture in the Market-p It trial shall come. ottr him in that pap er It lace, on Sunday, the . day ef we oorretpoaiei Me *m wiU gwatly oblige the Chartiats of of the nation which has jus t clothed it with its con- 20th of June , at six o'clock in the evening. Subject : ^ g^ ot the 1 m _ TiRKpB.—Look before you Lbae ! Oaf *h< fidence and authority) an Act of Settlsment , slighte st apprehension. Thej & Mt> P**n **nat a person « destitute of M ttta¦ itiWct¦ - which Pri estcraft the cause of the ignorance and slavery of ^ a ia n will teX J ^KBALHi r o# thb Li berals. "—A capftai Wt at - ->• shall at onoe make the People' s Charter the law of the • , , , pbmesl-princ iples ofpolfaalrj J% $Mr the M I r»«Ala, Sir, mankind. MjgBph; besanse reason, knowledIs ge, and common . Bloodies," by. Hick, the Chartist poet ; bnt land , and establish such guarantees for the protection town €n e Or d yet no poetry. ; Tour * truly, Heckmosdw ikb.—Mr. Harne y will address th e ^iw nptai their side. ererj othtr in ?uZ5£Lquestion of£f 'J%political >F? *° V™S%M him any All sonnd , sober, prosy BenBe, well James Sinclair , Sab-Secretar y. of property, as will relieve both rich and poor from all % tcono>w before a pu bRc worth readin g, and ought to be read by every body. . people on Monday , the 21st of June , in the Market- as/well pr epared for tie coming stru ggle as m ehV9 °//k wAa«fanto ffStilling, apprehensions of want, or the fear «f want How that place. ~^&*L*d Md X , V or 1/ aZ It is sold for a half penny , and will be kept y» could be done, I have' let tBem Q doing. ojher town tn th* «»«*„. £eing chrilenJ eTbitype already explained in some of m art t 4f »0^ to P ** the Eddor of tht for a week or two at oar office , to supply the Newcastle /3rd June, 1841. oar conversations, when we met in Carlisle. Togo over Br adfobd. —Mr. Harney will address th e people prond find Obserrer to * try hZ hand * country . SlB, on Tuesday, the 22d of June. ^aaj jii^are , are so. Rochdale is *f *r ™ Stirlingor Falkir k. Mr. —I was instruc ted, at a paWic meeting of the the matter here , would occupy too much space, and , tttmulf to D. states Ancient inhabitan tsof this town, to request you to become a after all, would be Upper —Mr. Harney will address jj jiire, ajBdu wroRD is all right. be ready, at a moment ' s notice, to dis- Rojuns.—On Monday , this steadily pro- only the opinion of one man. Wortlet. the euu Chartism or Corn Lau, gressin g body opened a senat e at the honse of Mr. candida te for the suffrage of Newcastle-upon-Tjne at Besides, on the Nati onal Council would, of ceune, people on Saturday, the 19th of June ; 13m bra ve little ban d of patrio ts .at Hall will do repeal , in either of the antici those towns whenever he may be invited Flemin g, the Yorkshire Hussar Inn , York-stree t, pated election. The committee are busy can- devolve the task of framing the Act of Settlement , and Bishop Auckland and West Atj cki^and.—Mr. duty nobly. We have now ' no fear thereby when rawing the electors, several hundreds of whom have therefor *all we have ijgir tha t working men ; and he offers a like challenge a number of resp ectable individuals were to consider now is, how to render Williams will lecture at those places, as announ ced to initiat ed promis edto support whatever candida te, of Chartist that Council as full and jgowsos will be sent to stop the power tor er il of any or all of the lecturers in the pay of the , who, with the general officers of the complete a representation of in . last week's Star, if not requi red to go to Leeds. anti-Corn Law league society, spen t the evening in the utm ost conviviality. principle s, may be brought forward. An answer at the people as possible. jbe mosey Member. Let them bat be guarded . , pledging himielf to pro- Wilwick.— next, if the weather cure forthem a large meeting The name adopted by the new senate is " Constan- your earliest convenience, stating the terms npon It can be done only by every man doing his duty at On Monday onlj diffienlty in all coalitions witfc and mn attentive which you per mit, Mr. ' Skevington will address the men of £,* Whig audienc e, and to refute all their tine the Great. " would accept of our invitation , will greatly the elections. Let every county, city, and borough clap-trapr so- oblige.' have ita candid ates Wilwick at one o'clock at noon ; and the men of jgr Qsis to watch them with sufficient closeness, phistry. * Fatal Accidxnt.—On Saturday ready to be put in nomination ; let last, an inquest Sir , no Chartis t be absent from Sheepshead at six o'clock, p.m. jjj ej are slippery as eels, and poison ous as rattle - A Constan t Reade r give* good advice to the work- was held at the Court Honse. before John 'Black- the hustings on the day of ma classes of Great Britain burn , q Tours truly, in the cause of truth , nomination ; let no Chartist hand be hold up for Whig Chesterfield. —A social tea meeting takes place ^ es. I t is a hazardous experi ment to touch and Ireland; but Es ., on the body of Join Dixon, of Oulton. which, w appreh end, would be better The decea sed was a whiting James Sinclair , or Tory on that day, bat let every Chartist han d be on Tuesday, th e 29th instant , in the Meeting Room , eren with a long pole. However understoo d miller , employed at the held up, when the Hill-side. Tickets may be had of fceni, at , let the HuH and appreciat ed in the columns of the Met hodiss ± leet Mills, near t his town , and on Frida y morning Secretary. show of hands is taken , for the Char - , ninepence each, look oat the polling M than wee To Jame s tist candidate *; and thus let both factions be made Mr. Moore , Bedlam ; Mr. Matt m* Market-squar *; Qj ^tistB day. Let wu xt *S**u» ? m those of the Northern Scar. k, previou sto commenc ing his work, wasengaged Bron terre O Brien , Esq., National Than ksgiving Hnur . in oilmg some Lancaster Castle. to see, to their sham e and sorrow , that they form but Mr. Ellis. Market-s quare; MitStarker, Lord's-mill- {ben be in no harry to rote ; but let them watch "— We can neither part of the ra&chhiery connected with a miserable , read it nor sing it. a stamper. For this despised fraction of the popul ation. street ; Mr . M'Donald , Brai fton ; and Mr. W. Whigs—let them const antly inspe ct pur pose he had » ladder to MB, O'BIUEN'S ANSWER. To save the future Martin tbe th« "Od e to Libebtt."— We have room. enable him to reach the more elevated expence and inconvenience of , H ill-side. It is particularly requested that n * .parts : and Lancaster Castle, June «fch, 1841. having too many candidates elected, it mi all friends will make early application , as the Bam- - poll clerk 's books , and see that every Yel- C. JCwUtget it at Mr. J. Cleave' s, 1, Shoe lane , whilst standing on the ladder , it would, teem that it ght be well to Fleet street. bad slightly slipped , Mv dear Sir ,—I have this moment received your have the same candidates , elected for two or more ber of ticket s will De limited. Several friendsfront low snake splits fairl y; and, if any signs which threw hint from bis placet in the John Mullholl and. — We have no position , and his hand was very flattering and gratif ying communication , and lose same county or disfriet Thus the same Sheffi eld will be present , and arrangements are ppet r of a disposition to shirk the Colonel— room. caught betweentwo cog parti es might represent t A London Dkmocbat is quite wrong he supposes wheels. The whole of his finger s not a moment in replying to it Newcastle, Morpeth , and North makin g for the services of the Derbyshire Chartist keep back in a body if on onei&atid.were By all Shields , in Northum berland ; and missionary for that te ttbem till the last—an d that we have either forgot or underrate the exer- broken , and the haml itself much shait efcedV He means, and at all haurds , take advantage of two other candidates day. Kilkenny cats to u tions of Mr. Harne y. was taken at once to toe forthcominggeneral election , to pro cure , if possible, Oateshead , South Shields, and Sunderland , in Durham. jeiTe the fight out the spre e" till 5 the Leeds Infirmary, whsre for But the " The Patb iot's Call ' cannot some days he appear ed a real national repres entation for the country ; and tell people themselves are the best judges on this gey see which is the stronge st ; if the Tories be heard in our co- to be recovering ; severe point; so REP ARING for Publication , in demy 12mo., p.p ^ can lumns. inflammatio n , however , p the memjf Newcastle, it affords me infinite gratifica- to the people let us leave it. P opponents without hel su ervened, and he diecl on tion to find Even if the National Council wvre not to meet when JL 36; clearly printed, price Sixpence, the whole beat their p, let them do so ; KlCHABD Exlis writes to complain that, at a publi c Frid ay from the effects of his inju ries. Verdict- tier *so vigorously alive to the true in- terests and honomr of their the new Parlia ment meets—were , it absolutely to do Profit to be devoted to the Fan4 for relieving th *Y not, go at once ia a sufficien t body just to tarn meeting of the inhabitant s of Cambden, ho/den in " Accidental death. " town, as to ba amoDgsirtfae Wives and if first to «ae n. practically, the right of the non-electors nothing after its election , every member of it remain - ¦ Children ¦ ¦of¦ the imprisoned¦ ¦ ¦ Chartist ¦Vic- scale, and so leave them. Br adford has the Infant School Room, at that place, and called DTB tims, - •. '. .;: . • .: . - . . . • . - . ' &e , we by the sqund of A *;r On Mond»y l*8t , a fellow named to a Call participation in the benefits of representative ing at home, and occupying himself as he does now— bell, after a temperance meet- Johnt ^Marv ? ell still even pwe«"»e, another Chartist candida te in the field, Mr. ing, on Thursday last, the , a cloth-dr esser, residing in Spring- goror nmeat. - Now or never is the time to strike an on this hyp«besi«. it ia of the utmost con- PURE AND UNDEFILED RELIGION, Vicar being in the Stl et nk sequence to have them elected Smfsos, whose manly address we publish else- chair , and expatiating in fa vourof what u called 3 fcFft i W? b??ught ***• Me83 Musgrave •Beetive blow for th« liberties of the people ; and if ; for , we know not the not Theoretic, but Practical, being the substance of the moderat ion and Nell, at the Court House, charged"- with a the men of Newcastlewill only do, what you say they moment , (in critical times like these,} when the ser- a Lecture intended to have been delivered in Hull, wher e. The Chartists here are in high glee, and principle, to the disparagement of br utal ass vices of such teetotalism, Mr. Ellis hissed ault , on his own son, anTh interesting look- are preparing to do, they will have sound ed the death a body may be required , to take advantage in repl y to the assertion of Mr . R. Firth , Honorary sore of winning. , when the Rev. g ot some national crisis, feel of Vicar immediately ordered him to n,ino a e « Priaooe*went knell of tfraony for ever, and covered them selves with in behalf of the millions that Secretary of the Hull Temperance Society, ** That Out piece be turned out nome£ i« on Saturday«?* night °l * - imaortal ^ory. Tell elected them. Now, remember that in information , from our Londo n cor- 9f the room, which he prev ented from being done ^ , between seven and eight them , by all means, that my ser- troubled times the Princip les of the People's Charter were contrary ^ ' o'clock, in a state of intoxicatio n, and as soon vicw ar t at ^nolr disposal, for whatever kind of work you can have no elections I—and that the only to the Sacred Scriptur es and ought not to be intro- aepo&de nt, we are unable rightly to comprehe nd. by making himself scarce. entere d as he authority , ¦ ¦ ¦ Oub Manchesteb Cohbes p the house, he took a plate containing some the * may cu$ out for me, provided it involve no com- competent t» aet for the people in such duced into the Pulpit. " ; ' . " . ' T tell* us, speaking of the Tower Hamlets ondent complains that provisions which " times is the authority they have He move- when his long reports of lectures had been saved for his dinne r, and pro mise of principle, or deviation from the great themselves created in The Wor k will be dedicated (without permission-) to , $c , are cut threw it und er the lire gr ate. chapter time of peace. Under all circumstances , therefore , aaant, s that Jfa ^JEHOJUsoK , the son- at Celonel down to a paragraph he gets into *' hot water" Upon seeing thil his , to which we all atand pledged ; and tell the Rev. J. Scott, Incumbent of St. Mary's Churchy wife, who knewfrom sadexp eriMwe the thfWjklsothat , with the exception of Brighto n, there the existence of such a body as the proj ected National £hokpsox, is supported by the working Chartis ts, about the matttr. 'Na w forJh * satisfaction of violenceoftUs Hull , by whose bigotted and despotic interference ^ temper , left the house , .and Ids w»th then iaiaw an«ther town - ia the' United Kingd om 1 would Council , is essentially necessary to our purposes at the th e delivery of the Leoture waa prevented , and will backed b all who may be concerned in it, we beg to state, bjJst prevent time. bni set y any of the leaders . We trust upon his unoffending child, who fiad been Jra t to be nfotkjprottdto represent than the spirited town of be accompanied by an Intro duction detailing tho once for. all, that tht chief fault u>e have had bed ; he stru ck I am extremely glad to see that ear cor respondent has been misinformed. We can- occasion to findwith our him over th e head and different parts Nawea iUe-dpoa-T /ne, although there; are upwards of the advice given by system of persecution and annoyance recently pur- excellent correspondent of the body, its Northern Star last week correspon ds exactly with suppose that the leading Chartists of has been that his reports with a fire-poker , and with a piece of twenty towns in the kingdom that would pr efer me sued by Mr. Firth towards the .Adwio»toof humanity aot London are almost always too wood, and to such the substance of what I have suggested to my friends *>- <- lengthy: They are nearly always greatl an extent was his violence car- for their 'representative to any other man in the and of Popular RfptB , ; ^^ . U.v ;« em see in the field au opponen t of the Whig nomi- y com- ried , th at surgi cal aid was obliaed country, excepting Feargus O'Connor. Newcastle all over the country —including my former letters to : pressed'after we receive them. And if the par- to be Bibtainorf , 1 ' ' ' : " By. T. B. , .- ' . ') ~ ^\' }r , on Chartis ;principles , declaring for the whole ana for some time it was doubtful believe, seeds two Members to Parliament ; more than yourself and Mr. Arthur , of Carlisle. By all mean s, I . Sm^.J nee ties who compiain would come and sit at our desk whether the in- " juri es would not terminate fatally ; it waa fortun ate nine-tentbs of its Inhabitants are small tradesmen , repeat , coalesce with either faction , that will bona f ide Author of " Reform, and Christianfty, and Me«ti>er Charter &ad sometMng more , withou t rendering all for a wieek or two, they would f ind out the ab- coalesce with you the General Council of the National Charter As- for the priso ner that such was not the casei mechanics, and working men, who, although the real , on terms of recipr ocal advantage-— ot ' ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ aid they can. At all events u the lads" solute necessity for this. There is nothing our Mean- , sociation of Great Bri tain. " ' . the are while the police were Bent for .and the chUd authors of whatever prosperity the town enjoys, are that is on the conditio ns of splitting their votes with friends seem so pertinaciously determined to removed you, and giving you man jgfct. If the leaden hang bac k, this is the time to and put to bed . The priso ner then being left alone wbojtty unrepresented in feelings and Interests by for man iu the representation forgtt as that we havo bnt one Northern Star of the Borough. But if neither ftbow them that they are an unnecessary clog upon in his house , went up stair s and atte mpted to set it eithej , or both , of the pr esent sitting members!—this will split their votes HULL WOOL MART. for all England , Ir eland, and Scotland. on fire , and an with you, then down with both factions alike—set up "Th e Day cy Rsj bibution " ala rm was soon raised thai smoke must no. longer be. j Tis perfectly infamous that only ibe wheel of liberty, which can very well turn round must tarry awhile. was issuing out of an upper one-tenth part of $puY population composed of your own candidate *, and look to none else, either be- MARKET for the SALE OF WOOL will ba D. M*M.— We see nothing wonderful in the matter : window. A policeman land wi&ostthem. HaTe at the Whigs, at all events, then went m and found the prisoner laid and house lords, ship-owners , merchants , usurers , fore n after the election. A held at the RAILWAY STATION , in Kikg- it may very likely have been a letter from the all his There is but one par t food London Char tists ! Down with " the bloody length on the floor, and at onoe took him into cus- lawyers, brokers, and parsons—fellows who would of the Star' s advice I regret ston-d pon-Hull , on Tuesdat , the 29th J owe, at General-Post-office, in rep ly to some enquiry tody, whilst another ¦wallow up ten timefe more than you all produce to see—one part from which I dissent in toto. I mean Ten o'clock , and will be continued each suoecssire !" forwardedfrom the parly previous thre w Borne water into the , (If TOts to his leaving bed-room. It was fraad they could get it,) without yielding you any corres- the Editor 's recommenda tion to support Tories against Tuesd ay till 24th August. Edinburg h. If D. M*M. be very curious about . tk at he bad < taken What is the City about. We hope the new Elec- a shovel full of fire up^fBars, mod throw n ponding advantage , and still be unsatisfied and Whigs, in case th e Chartists should not be able to Ever y Accommodation and Facility for deposit- it, the better way would be to make his enquiry some return their own tion Cimuuttee will take care to stir up " Johrst" combustibles upon it, Jvhich bad a nanow ungrateful— 'tis perfectly infamous , I say, that this candi date. I cannot possibly concur ing, weighing , and otherwise disposing of Wool, will of the person named in his letter. escape of setting the grasping, heartless , workless fraction of your popula - in this advice, nor will any of my friends throughout be provided in the place appropriated to the Market. fl» four tones " with a long pole." A Constant Reader , at Dundee. pffiniaes on fire. These cir- ui — We are unabl e to cumstances wer e detailed , and the tion, should have two representatives , while you, the the country. Our business , as Chartists , ia, I repeat , By order of the Committee of the Holder oeas answer either of his questions: we have no other mann er in In Leicestertwo Chartist candidates are to be which the unfortunate victim of brutal violence industrious nine-tenths , constituting the worth and to disavow both faction s alike, even as they have dis- Agricultural Society. information on the subject than that which he gave avowed us, and to make taeujbiforward to contest the Northern Division of " his evidence again st his fathe r, caused a thrill of strength of your town , should have no representative no distinction whatever be- J AMES IVESON , Secretary. himself has seen in the Star. horror in the people tween them , saving where they choose to make the {be County. Canvassersare appointed to vkit the court. The fellow having been asked at all ! II In God and the 's name , then , put an , 0 ]8«. • Mb. .Wk. .Makti.t wishes us to say that all commu- what he had to say for end to this abominable anomaly at the forthcoming distinction themselves, by agr eeing to coalesce and Hedon 2 th May, nications for him must, for the present himself replied that he did districts and beat up for funds—the sinewr of this , be not know any thing about it—he was so election. Unless either of the two ruling factions will split their votes with our party. That is the only pos- addressed to the care of Mr. James Ibbetson dru nk that sible case in which we glorious war—to report to the County Delegate , he did not know what he did. Mr. Mus grave told agree to coalesce and split votes with yon, so as to give can recognise either faction bookseller, Bradford , Yorkshire. him that did not at all lessen you man for man , i. e. member for member , oppose without compromising our pri nciples , and degrading Meeting on Sunday week. They must hare a cheer- R, Bbook. —His letter has been sent to Mr. his crime ; he did not Camp- remember at any time having a more both aUk* upon the hustings ; return yeur own men ourselves as a party. What .' vote for a Tory, merely ing account to render. Let the struggle be made at bell. outrag eous to keep ouk a Whi case brought before him , and the magistr ates were by show of hands , and stict by them when you have g ! Vote for a villain who waits to " The Kilkenn y Cats " next week. put down me, ^^^¦^¦^^^ ¦^^^^^^^^^B^^ W^ ^^^B^^^^^^^^S^^p^^P' once, and cheerfully. Now or never is the time for sorry thoy could not inftict a more severe punish- return >8them , resolved to recognise no other as your and my principles , and my party, by ^ ^ Wk. Collxti. —Every communication which we have brute foreff , mere ly to get rid of another -tttioa—the downfallof Whiggery will be the first ment than that whioh the law empowered them to do n liiU^inl'iHn 11 If , for instance , you return me, for villain who LEEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS. • received from Banbury has been inserted. in such cases. They should want W a better , I pledge myself to stick by you to has tried the same game , and failed ! No! d—n .stone in the foundation of the sacred temple of ^V.—The case is indeed an " , however , go to the full OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN* That the nwet J. S. awful and alarm- exten t. He was then fined £5 the dAtfth , m> long as you stick by me; and if the rest mei if I do. if I were to help either villain against the ing" one. We shall probably return to it here- , and in default of other , I should N General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for Liberty, in which oar children and our children's payment was sent to Wa kefield Hous e of Corre ction of tbe .country will not go and do likewise, they may help the weaker villain , who has after .. Want of space forbids it at present, but failed , rather than the stronger one, who is about to the Borough of Leeds, in the County of York *. ¦childrenshall worshipthe God of their fathers. for two months. go to the D—1, for they will deserve to die as they . w h d e Thomas Floweb Ellis t it will not qrow sta le. , cashier him for his failure , and to whom all that is ill be ol eu b fore he .Upon the whale, H the land lies well" and the have lived, miserable unpitied slaves. Oh! if the Youn ger, Esquire, Recorder of the said Borough , A Chichesteb Chabtist. —Thanks for his informa~ STB.OTTD. —Civi litt and Truth-s peakin g Chartist press would but give up their dirty, jealous, black and blue in the land , looks for the suppression prosp ect is most cheering. The people are bestir- tion : it may be useful , though we do not think H abit s of M.P.'s, Specially Interesting to the of Chartism. And as to the new hocus pocus policy of at the Court muse , in Leeds, on Wednesda y, tho personal squabbles , and for once act an honourable , Seventh Day of July next , at Two o'Clock in the ring them right nobly. They are doing their work " its insertion would be prudent. Electors of Stboud. —Mr. Marti n, who was one manl y part , how soon we should see four hundred good promoting Charti sm by inundating the next House of Executi ve.—Mr. Campbell, the secretary, wants the of th e deputation from Commons with Tory ism Afternoon, at which time and place all Jurors, welL They hare u taken their affai rs into their the Petition Convention to men and true , ready to take the field , and be put in , I cannot find language capa - addresses of the Chartists in Hull ,Keighley, Dal- the Hon. Members for thiB borough , Mr. Poulett nomination , and beat both {actions , on every hustings , ble of expressing my contempt for it. O'Connor is cer- Consta bles, Police Officers, Prosecutors, Witnesses, own hands " and prosperity shall follow. ston, Heckmandw\ke,Colne , Blackburn, Sunder• Scrope and little Lord Jo hn, gives the following tainl y mad. if hn imagines it • for I am certain he conld Persons bound by Recognizances, and others having at tha approaching elections ! But, may hap, it is not business at the said Sessions, are required to attend. ' England shall no longer to be * slave-land. lend, Nantwich, Leeds, Dewslury, Chester, account of his mission :—" Four times we waited on yet too late. Let the men of Newcastle, at all events, never swallow such a gross lump of Cobbettism the little Lord .Englishmen SHALL kot lo>geb b* slates ! Chesterfield, Congleton, Walsall , and all other , and though it was at the hour of one set them a good example. L«t the brave men of the in a moment of sober reflection. It is contrary to all And Notice is ; hereb y also Given. That all places' that have not already forwarded him in the afternoon, we were informed he was his former recorded opinions , and utterly at variance Appea ls not previously disposed of will be heard at Trilled tkeir freedom ; they hare proved in bed, Tyne set the ball a-going with spirit , and may-hap, 3!bej -iaYfl them. Mr. Campbell' s address is 18, Adderley- the place where the deputation found him when they notwithstanding all the folly and treachery we have with the policy ho so ably and manfully followed up the opening of the Court , on Friday, the 9th day of iiiilr title to it; they hav e proved themse lTes worthy street , Shaw' s Brow, Manchester . waited on him in behalf of poor Frost , and when experienced , the game may be taken up by the men against the Liberator and Champion. Let the July next, and that all Proc eedings und er the ¦#fj fc.»zul freedom they must akd sha ll hate ! Wh. Russell. — We had " prudential " reasons f»r he made use of ths following language :— • The of Sanderland and Durham , who will kick the ball Chartists but once make common cause with the Highway Act, will be taken on the First Day of the ~ the non-insertion of his previous communication Priv y Conncil have agreed to save his life ; but Tories , no matter for wha t purpose , and that moment Sessions. jj$/4kor Liberty ! No Surrende r ! Onward ! ; I am into Yorkshire and Lancashire , who will kick it again bui those reasons had nothing to do with the sorry, for it.' We were told that his private into the midland disiriots, and so on, till it rolls along they annihilate thems elves morally as a political party, By Order, "wrl jawim ; backward we will not go ! u Post-office order" to which he refers. secret ary would send an answer to a circu and prepare the way for their physical extinction , JAMES RICHARDSON , u lar which southwards into London , and thence righ t into St One who vram -D be fbee." — We thank him for we left ; but it never came to hand. Now for Mr. Stephen 's Chapel , where , I trust , it will carry speaker, by the very villains they would league with , covertly Cleik of the Peace for the said Borough. ihe expression of his good opinion , and hope Scrope. We called at his house at noon , when the mace, and all , before it!! ! supported by the other villains they leagued against Leeds, 10th June: 1841. . .- .: THE PETITI ON BEARE RS. always to deserve it. The demands vpon our servant said tha t he had ordered his horse , which Until I hear from you again , and know more of ypnr With what face could any Chartist hereafter ctmplata space at this electioneering time preclude (he would b at the door at one o'clock of Tory violence or Tory atrocity, ff he had bat lent a . 3*#trfirst page will be found the Address of the f , and then he condition and prospects , I can offer no further sug- WEST RIDING OF YORIJSHIRE. possibilityof our inserting correspondence. would hear what we had to Bay. We were ther e at gestions as to .the course you should pursue. I shall helping hand towards placing them in power , and yeifjp ^ Booth-piece—the eighteen fustian-j acketed S. Biggs.— We hate no room. the time, the horse was read y, bnt you will scarcel that , well-knowing all the time, that their prin- y expect, however , to hear from you soon again , and MIDSUMMER SESSIONS. . PeiMon bearers—to the people. Wk. Skibbow should have come with his letter to believe me when I tell you that his footma n was nianwhil e be pleased ^ to convey my affectionate re- cipal object in getting power was to crush 1^S£2t&5t-&EWittta A«ress bj *oammt; bat tell us what it means. instructed to say he was ill in bed." Mrd and sincere thanks to the men of Newcastle, for him and exterminate his principles by the force of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the Mi *, Petes "M*Bbotht , 6f No. 4, Woimmod-pute, Dub ' hired assassins ? I tell you , Bowman , that the Chartist summer General Quarter Sessions of the Qcgtt ¦96 call on all our friends to read it; and on the B ftB»BTJr g.—WgtTMs' Turkobx. —A ^eefc fijkhonour they have done me, and the gratifying proof lin , wishes to have the address of the Secretary of ing was held on Mon day, the 14th inst., !£»y*fca~ve givftS'^t^tbe Jfettfid jenc* reposed ia who votes for a Tory, unless that Tory votes f»r him, for the West RJdiD g of the County of York , wfil Per th Chronicle, to hear to? n»«—* ' " gPA the-C Q ScottishPa triot, DundeeChronic! , * the A'etcry Charter Association. report of the Committee. Evbiry " sati8faction was confidence of «&! & I ftpl most proud to be the de- Is either a fooro r * traltdr. Down wr»f both feetloruM will bajOpenedafr SKifTON . on Ti^ Yt tb day and all other Chartist papers , to reprint it. Let it Addb esses to the People on theis Duty at the given by those men to their fellow-workmen. pository, and which, I nope, they shall never have —and no distinction !—that should be our cry. of June instant ; aud by Ao^rn ^ ^PP ^nBeiRidwia There Bradfor d, olgWEVNBSDAY, the 30th be known and read through all the land ! Eliction s.— We have received scores ef docu- appears every prospect of success, though it is en- cause to regret as misplaced. Please also to inform Yours , &c be holden at ments of this character from individuals and from tailing a great deal of distress upon poor wor kmen them that I should instantly issue an address to them James B. O' Brien. Day of the same month of flpe , at Ten of the Clock , of the same days ; and also various local councils, all tending to show tht who are only striving to protect their wa ges from through the newspapers , but that , through an unex- [We give two letters from Mr. O'Brien this week,— in the Forenoon of each , the inroad s of a tyrant. Tnere has ampled stretch of despotism , I am cnt off from all com- all we have room for. By the last paragraph above by further Adjournmen t from thence , will be NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION. deep anxiety felt by the people, and their interest been a unifor mity , it Monda y in the great national game about to be p of wages ever since two of our noble munication with the press. But more of this when I will be seen that Mr. O'Brien does not agree in the holden at Rotherham on , the 5th Day layed off minded pa- Jul y Eleven of the Clock in the Fore- The ProTisional Execu tive haTe agreed to call before them. Mc~ i of them are of respectable triots were transported in 1821. There was also write again. Meauwbile , I remain , recommendation of the .SVarand Mr. O Cannor , as to the of next, at a noon, when all Jurors , Suitors, Persons bound by- -the Permanent Executive together on Monday, the composition; and they all breathe one spirit of great meeting of the weavers of Dodworth , on M on- My dear Sir , course to be pursued by Chartist voters at the approach- " day afternoon, when eloquen t appeal s Very sincerely your 's ing election. It is only by placing all opinions before Recognizance , and other s hiving business at the eaid annihilation to the "bloodies —no matter by were made by quired 12th day of July next. what means. Me esr^. Shaw and Alexand er, and all James Bronxerre O'Brien. the people tha t they can come to discreet conclusions , several Sessions, are re to attend the Court ott classes pro- the several Days and at the several Hours above * Homo, a middle-class man , but a Chartist , who writes tested that they would support the weavers. To Mr. James Sinclair. as to the course most likely to be profitable to their own cause. The Star and Mr. O'Connor but approved men tioned. from an ogricultural village in Somersetshire. BRISTOL. 1, given gives a sad picture of the ignorance and serfdom —Ticket meeting3 are the ord er of of that course of action which the people ef Notting- And Notice is also hereby , Co aSeafcer g soft Corrs gpxmfctnt g. ! the day here , and the Whigs are t rying all The Chartist Election Committee mot last night , to of the people in that neighbourhood , and strongly their hear the report of the correspondence with the gentle- ham decided npon adopting ; and in favour of which That at the said General Quarter Sessions of the arts to gull the trades into the support of Mr. Skipton aforesaid an Assess- recomrr.ends to the Executive the sending of M men whom the Secreta ry was instructed , at the public nearly the unanimous voice of the people has been ex- Peace to be holdeu at , POST-OFFICE ORDSRS.—All persona sending Berkeley . A grand public meeting, on Free pressed—and the effect of which has been the affording ment for the necessary expences of the said Riding Churtiit missionaries into the agricultural dis " meeting, on the 27th ultimo , to request to become can- money to tnis Office by Po st-effice Order tricts Trade princi ples was called for Monday ni ght , in the people that opportunity which the whigs would have for the half-year commencin g the 1st Day of Octo- , to rouse the population of the villages and Ryan ' didates for the Suffrage of Newcastle, at the ensuing smail market-towns , especially of West Somerset s Amphitheatre ; but , like ail other meetings cheerfully deferred. The Notting ham election haa ber next; will be, laid at the Hour of Twelveo'Clook are especially requ ested to make tnelr , of Ute, it was not onl y " tirketted ," bat packed election. Ai r. Scott, of Ouseburn , being called to the which seems to hare been entirely neg lected- The with the Secretary read Mr. O'Brien 's affirmative caused a dissolution of Parliament —the Nottingham at Noon. . orders payable, to Mr. John Ardill, as, by th e dupe * of the " Plague ," in order that so incon- chair , people, he says, are smarting under a sense of answer , as above ; Mr. V. Sankey 's negative , assigning election has caused the break -up of the only Ministry And Notice is hereby also given, a recent alteration In the Post-ofBre ar- their wrongs but are ill informed as to thetr venient a subject as discussion might not find room that has hel d power under what may be called the , to enter. It was also well guarded by ponce. as a reason his pre-eoga gement by the electors of Mary- That the said General Quarter Sessions of the Peace rangements , any neglect of this would origin. They need only a political teac 'ier to Mr. lebone ; and Mr. Watkins 's negative , io which he very Reformed Constitution of this country ; and whose Cobdeii , of Manchester , of bludgeon notoriety , with will be held by further Adjournment , at the Court cause as a great amount of trouble and raise amongst them a host of thorough bred minutely drew a picture of what that House must of acts should consequently not be compared with the acts House , in Wakefield , on Saturda y, the 10th day Chartists " the whole hog, his company of free traders , was in atcen danoe ; of those whose power the Reform Bill was to stran gle ; aanoyance. , going bristle * and and , in one of his flowery , unmeaning necessity be when sent there under the present system. of the same month of Jul y, at Eleven o'clock in all " speeohes, Hall then moved , and Mr. Bruce seconded , " That and we regret exceedingly to find that what Not- Mb. O'Cc.vseb will be happy to see Mr. Harney threw dust in tho eje= of his dupes , and blinded Mr. the Forenoon, for the purpose of taki ng into furth er R. Cabbuthzes , Newcastle.—The paragrap h he has James Bronterre O'Brien , Esq. , and Mr. John Masca , tingham so wisely resolved and acted upon , consideration the sites for the proposed New Gaol vpcn the subject of his letter when the period of them to their own interest. Freo trade was de- and what the people , the Star, and the sent us would be charged to us as an advertise - clared to be the panacea for all the be the candidates for the town of Newcastle, at the or House of Correction . . his lecturcsliip draws to a close. ment, and can only be inserted as such. grievances anticipated election."—Carried. Mr. Sinclair moved , Conven tion so highly approved of, should meet with R. Mabsdes. —Mr. O'Connor legs to ask why R. und er which we Iaoour. Mr. Berkeley was ex- the disapprobation of any Chartist If any defence of C. H. ELSLEY , Tivebton , Devon.— The notice of a meeting on June pected to show and Mr. Crothers seconded , "That the Secretary be Marsden, one of the most honest Chartists in the 7lh, arriving at the Star office on June 16th is , but , though loudly called for, he * letter to Mr. O'Brien , the Star and Mr. O'Connor were necessary, we should Clerk of the Peace. , did not come, and a promise w&i held out that Instructed to send a copy of his world, and the man who drew tears from the rather too late. he and Mr. O'B. 's answer , to the Northern Star , requesting only be justified in using that defence , if either had Clerk of the Peace's Office , * f iiniy eyes of the Birmingham patriots and the would be pr esent on a future evening. The meeting acted in contruvention to the public will ; but what was Portsmouth. —The report of Dr. MDouall ' s meeting then broke up. them to insert the same "—Carried. Mr. Sinclair Wakefield , June 9th, 1841. London reporters, is allowed to teork f ifteen on the 7th oj June we received on the 16th. We moved , and Mr. Fran kland seconded , " That this our situation ? what was our dut y ? and how have we hours a day for seven shillings per week, while ought to have had it on the 9th, and then it would KEX GH1VEV.—Easteb Dues.—The new Rector evening, the 14th inst., discharged it ? are the questions for popular so- meeting adj ourn until Monday PILL OF HEALTH. there is such a demand forChartist lecturers ? have been inserted. of KeighJey , Mr. Busfield , is at present favouring at half-past seven o'clock ; and that a deputation be lution. Our situation was this : some defined FRAMPTON 'S drag him Marsden is a modest man ; but why not Middl esboeocgh.—The meeting of the Police Com- the inhabitants with a proof of bis sympath y for th e appointed to wai t npon Messrs. Richard Ayre, M. S. opinion was required at our hands. Our Price Is. ljd. per box. from his loom into the f ield. Mr. O'Connor missioners, en Monday the 7th, ought to hive poor , by adding to their thousand and one burthens Dodds, J. Turnbul l, D. France , J. Blakey, J. Allison; duty in delivering thit opinion was to take care that says if it will not be considered " offensive " or PILL is a Medicine jef , 1 been sent to us on Tuesday, the 8th ; it would that of Easte r Dues. He avows himself a firm sup- W. Byrne , T. Hume , W. Graham , Thomas G ray, we compromised none of our own principles ; and to rflHIS excellent Fam ily " despotic, ' he will moat cheerfull y become one of then have been inserted. porter of the Chureh as it is, and declar es hiB Thomas Horne , Win. Atkin s, J. B. Owen , anil Wm. weigh wherein our opinion * and those of the country X long-tried efficacy for correcting all Disorders Manden' s paying pupils, for lecturing, in any The Tbowbeidge Chabtists , hating heard that Dr. determination to enforce its laws to the last, espe- Cook , requesting their co-operation on that occasion. "— harmonised or clashed. How did we discharge that of the Stomach ' and Bowels, the common sympt oms locality. M'Douali is in the West, with him to visit' them , ciall y those which give him power over the purses Carried. duty ? Thus : the country appointed a Convention of of which are coativenesa, flatulency, spasms, loss of M«. O'Coxsob begs us to say, that he cannot possibly _ as-well as the Chartists at Bradford , Westbury, of his parishioners. To prepare the way for this 1 James Sinclair. thirtee n persons , having their full and undivided con- appetite, sick head-ache , giddiness, sense of fulnesB answer one half of the letters he receives; and and Devizes: they are all anxious to hear him. new claim, he sent round , some weeks ago, several fidence. We placed our own opinions in abeyance until alter meals , dizziness of the eyes, drowsiness and that he will not , in any instance , interfere with females of his nock belonging to the middle class , we should hare been in possession of the digest pains in the stomach and bowels. Indigestion pro- Mb. A. Duncan. — We are compelled to reserve his the Chartists in the local manage ment of their who went into every house , hut , and cabin , kindl y EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM MR. O'BRIEN , of the national will, through the only na- ducin g a tor pid state of the liver , and a constant electioneering affairs . They know their own bu- address to the electors and non-electors of Clack- inquiring after the welfare of the inhabitants , the tional representative body in existence. That digest inactivity of the bowels, cau sing a disorganization siness best; and are responsible to the body for mannnan and Kinross-shire till next week. IN ANSWER TO ONE FROM MR. BOWMAN , we pave—luminous splendid, all-comprehensive , and frame , will, in "this most ¦ number of tho childre n , the schools and places of * , of every fun ction of the e%ery act they do. They are all doing n»bly worshi p they attended , with other particulars , all of OF CARLISLE. convincin g as it was : and we honestly confess that it excellent preparation, by a little perseverance, be and only the di&appoinied tempters complain. which (hey inserted in a book. It since turns out must have been a strong leaning upon our side which eff ectually removed. Two or three doses will con- T. Shtth , Pltmouth. —All the small ones at the Lancaster Castle , June 14th , 1811. M 'g- O'Coksor answers no p rivate letter vpon poli- th at these amiable wumen were employed by their ¦ the ar guments therein contained would not kav« re- vince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The tics : he keeps no secrets \cilh the enemy. priceof ihe paper. reverend pastor in bringing him a correct account of Mr dear Bowman ,—I have received yours of the moved. But it so happened that our views and stomach will speedily regain its strength •; a healthy , 12th instant , with the enclosed printed aditres. v'and > Wh. Tasseb , boot and shoemaker , Tolness Devon- FOB THB WIVES AND FAMILIES OF THE INCARCERATED ihe state of his fljok , preparatory to their under- tbo vjews of the Convention in no wise dif- action of the liver , bowels, and kidneys, will r apidly shire, requests us to state, that he was presented going the operation of the shears , as a collector is am most gratified to find by both that the men of Car- fered. Hence the charge against Mr. O'Connor take place ; and , instead of listlessnesa, heat , pain * CHABTISTS. lisle mean to do their duty to themselves and country tdth a son and heir on the 21th of May, who £. «. d. now going round informing the blind , lame, and and the Star should be for having cheerfully and jaund iced appea rance , stren gth , activity , and teas duly registered, on the 6th of June , to the starving that nothing can screen them from payment , at the approaching election. foliowed and zealously worked out the unanimous renewed heal th , will be the quick result of taking Prom Morley 0 2 0 Now or never (as I before observed ) is the time to great mortification of the Whig Registrar , by the „ Swain Green , per J. Alderson 0 2 I and that distraints on iheir goods will certainl y be opinion and express recommendation of that body, this medicin e accor ding to the directions accompany- name of Feargus O'Connor Tanner . Mr. Tan- made in case of a refusal. This commencement of strike an effective blow at both factions. If the unre- and we imag ine that reference to dates will 'prove that ing each box ; and if taken after too free an indul- ner has forwarded Is. to Mr. O'Connor^ for POLITI CAL PRISONERS' AND CHARTER CONVENTION the ministerial duties of a man who has already presented people let this opportunity slip through their while we were merely engaged in the organisation of gence at table , they quickly restore the system to FUN D. neglect , Hoey ; but in consequence of many towns having between two and three thousand pounds a year , mor& hands ,.they will sup sorrow for their and that publi * opinion and its preparation for acting upon the its natural state of repose. From a few friends at Patri croft , pet J. for many a long dreary day I For , believe me, Bo wman , announced the fact of a subscription being t.-> piciall y at a time like the present , when few advice of the Convention , thu Convention was in a HABIT, who- are subject to Dempsey 0 4 3 that unless we can accomplish at the coming elections , direction of public Persons of a FULL on foot, no sums received have as yet been pub- wj rking people can get the common necessaries of higher stage and preparing for the head- ache, giddiness , drowsiness, and singing in the „ Upper Wortle f 0 3 3 one or the other ot these two things—namely, either the opinion. Now, suppose the Star and Mr. O'Con- lished. _ life, is certainly a mark of kindness many of the poor ears , arisin g from too great a flow of blood to the A Fkiesd utd his Wipe, of Manches ter, request Prome 0 3 6 did not expect, and which they will long remember admission of some f ifty Chartist Members into the new nor , even had they differed from the Convention , to House of Commons , or failing that , the ' cre ation of head, should never be without them, as many dan- to know tchether Mr. O'Connor has received, FOB MS. HOET. with becoming gratitude . have flown in the face of the National Representatives , toms will be entirely carried off by their p urpose!— a obeat National Council , consisting of some 200 would not both have been justly chargeable with intole- gerous symp from them, Is. 6d., for the above From J., Glasgow ... 0 1 • ASHTON. Melanchol y Occubre nce.— On immedia te use. Yes. or 300 Chartist representatives of the people, openly and rance and despotism ? We regret exceedingly that .» Pudsey Association 0 1 8 Saturday vrsek, during the confirmation held at St. fairly elected by the show of hands at the principal , elec- Ms. O'Coxxob 's iepJy to one of the f ustian-jacket _ Man sfield 0 5 0 any one act of ours , of Mr. O'Connor , or of the Con- FOR FEMALE S these Pills are most truly ex- Ma-,y- the ChartUta of Thomas ' s Church, Ashton , near Wigan , a very tions throughout the kingdom—unles s, 1 say, we accom- , obstructions ; the distressing; and check-shirt Chartists, comical men of ar ose from a vention should have failed to command the entire cellent, removing all feels ho- FOB MBS. FROST. serious event took place , and which plish either or both of these objects at the coming approbation of so bold , so zealous , so able, 80 unflinch- prevalent watb the sex ; depres - hbon e, is " Yes , with pleasure ; and momentary unfounded report in the west gallery head-ache so very noured by the requ est." From Mrs . Frost' s Committee st Ma nchester , elections , it is my decided opinion that a bloody revo- ing, and , upon almost every occasion , so uniformly sion of spirits , dulness of sight , aervouB affections , per P. Shorrocks 3 10 0 th at it was giving way. This was about half-past lution is not far distant. However , of the skin and •'An L*©.riBEB of Bath " asks us tiro questions .— ' discreet a teacher as Mr. O'Brien. if we blotches, pimp les, and sallowness , r to vote forJohn „ A Friend at Leeds 0 0 6 six o clock, at which time the bishop had just con- If , however , we can accomplish either or both of these had but the alternative of acting upon the opinions and juvenile blooa to the complexion. "¦Fint —Do you advise an electo cluded confirmin g the females, when a crack was give a healthy and Esq., as a f it person to repre- „ Upper "Wortley 6 4a objects , the revolution may be averted , for then the mil- recommendations of Mr. O'Brien , or the Convention , Arthur Roebuck, heard in the western gal ' ery, as if from the back of something to look to—a something to safe, easy aperient , they unite the sent the city of Bath 1" To this we say, test Morley 0 2 « lions will have a and if our opinions were to form the balance , and were As a pleasant , ^_ Trcrwbrid ge, per J. Marchaat ... 1 3 0 one of the seats , occasioned by pressure ; this im- sustain Iheir faintin ghopes, and stand betuxen them and recommendation of a mild operation with the most him at the hiistir.gs. If he pledge himself xo the they even unsettled , we have no hesitation in declaring or diet mistake, parley , or pro- _ Mr. Hnnell , Norwich 0 13 media tely caused an impression on the minds of despair—a something '0 induct them to wail a littie longer , that wo would at once throw those opinions into tb» successful effect, and require bo constr aint whoie Cbcj-ter idthtrut several persons that the gallery was giving way g their use. And for ELDjbKii x fo r him : if he p ut youojf icitft „ Hr. Hardweni 0 8 9 before abandoning all hope of legal and peaceable redress, national scale. That we have done ; and it will be or confinement durin crastination, vote under them, just in front where the organ ia (heir own hands, and resoit will be found to be the most com- any shvffle about being f&Tourable to its princi- .. ThreeR?publiean Tailors , per J. Cleave 0 16 they take iheir afairs into for the peop le to decide how far they will follow the PEOPLE they their operation , _ Wandrworth Charter Association, per situated. At ihe impulse of the moment , a general to the ultima ratio »/ armed force to right themselves. fortable medicine hitherta pre pared. ples , bui the time not come fo r alarm was created which was considerabl y recommendations of the Convention , supported by - send a Tory sooner - J. Knight 0 6 < , If they can get some fort y or fifty of their own friends O'Co nnor and the Star. 22», Strand, London, Price let him go to the d / , heightened by one of the singers telling those it will be a sign that Sold by T. Prout , Whig tool. He asks us, .. Frome 0 5 0 into the House of Commons, They will on ttiia subject , as we ever wish tfeai to box, and by bis appointmen t, by Heaton, than a sham Radical standing near him that the gallery was giving middle classes have at tost begun to la. lid. per secondly— Whether it will be illegal in him to EXPENCES OF RETURNING CHABTIST the upper and do on all—take their own well-considered course Hay, Allen, Land, Tarbotto n, Smith, Bell, Towns- FOB. THE way, and requested them to go out quietly ; recognise their just claims ; and that circumstance , as vote f or thai candidate at the next election upon KEKBERS AT THE ENSUING ELECTION. —but we tell them that if they suffer themselves to end , Baines and Newsome, Smeeton, Reinhardt, which advice, unfortunately, was not followed. A well as the hepe of seeing something done for them by ; Dennis & Son o vhom a majority of his men shall decide by Bal- 5 0 be led away from their determination to teat down Leeds; Broak e, Dewsb»ry , M xon, u hu own—he From Danferml iBe, per W. Drysdale ... • simultaneous rush instantl y took place towards the the Parliamentary exertions of their newly-elected they will Utterly re- , -Ljnney, Hargrove, York ; lot ? Certainly not : his vote a in the hurry and oonfusion to get the " bloodies " at all hazards , Little, Hardman whom he FOR J. B. O'BRIEN. gallery st irs, and, friends , will postpo ne, if not entirely extinguish , all Walker A Ce., Stafford , Faulkner, has a right to give it to any candida te FOB PRESS out , numbers of females fell at the bottom of the pent it] Br eoke & Ce., mueh ru/ hi to take schemes of a revolutionary character. Donoaster ; Jidson Harrison, Ripon ; Feg- may choose ; and he has as From John Findle y, Charleslown ... — o 1 0 stairs , and scores following hard on in the fright , will not permit this—if neither t men as the advice of an % other But if the two factions itt , Thompson. Thirsk ; Wiley, Easingwolof ; the ad vice of his also fell over them until the staircase was com- ef them will coalesce, and split their votes with the person in using u. FOR MR. "WHEELER, OF MAN CHESTER. fIngland, Fell, SpiYey, Huddersfield ; Ward , Rich- pletely filled up, the females being literally piled Chartists , bo as to yield the latter & party in the #ott!)towitt s Ctjari tet -Sf tteXitigfi , Knaresbro' ; Pease, Oliver, Darling- "** The ejtd of ofpbessios" icon t do. Fro m Morley 0 3 0 one on the other nearly to the ceiling. The scream- mond j Cam ereH that a meeting of some House of Commons—in short , if the factions are deter- ton ; Dixon. Metc alfe, Langdale , Northallertop. ; DEMOcsrrrs sends us word ing at this moment was heart-rending ; but the represent ation of the country the respeetabUmanufactu rers FOB THE EXECUTIVE. mined to have the entire HoLiaNGWORTH. —Mr. William AHkin , of Ashton, RhodeSj Suaitb. ; G«VdtV.orpe ,T&dca8tcr ; Roger son, hi/f dozen or so of police, after several ineffectual efforts , at last suc- to themselves , and to leave 6,«00,00» of adult working of Sewtown assembled recently m ihe red par- From Woodhouse Chart ist Association ••• 0 5 • schoolmaster , will l ecture at the Chartist Meeting Cooper , Newby, Kay, Bradford ; Brice, Priestley, ceeded in extricating them from thejr awful pre- men without any representation at all, then there will Cardwell , Gill, Law ton, Dawson , Smith lour of the Sun Inn, f or the purp oseof moving WILLIAMS AND LEECH'S ELECTION EXPENCES whole of the persons remained Room, on Sund ay, the 20th instant ; and Mr. Bat- Pontefract ; , , when FOR dicament. The be but one sheet anchor for us—but one solitary plank Berry, Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hart - a petition for the repeal of the Corn Laws jammed together for nearly twenty minutes , and terwo rt h, fr om iVianchcster , on Thu rsday, the 24th Wa ^efiold; workman refusing his From Morle y 0 3 0 between as and the fathomless gulf of revolution ; lcj, Park er , Duau , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale j it was resolved, " that any the weight of so many from the upper part of the , to be elected instant. petitionshould be f orthwith that plank is the Great Nationa l Council Lambert , Borouglibr idge; Dalb y, Wetherby ; Waite, signature to the said stairs pressing downwards rendered the situation by a show of hands. South Lancashire. — Mr. J ames Leech will lec- discharged fr»m his employment." He regards , Harrog ate ; and all respectabl e Medicine Vender s Oldham. —The Whigs have , It seems determined to of those underneath truly appalling. One aged This Council , as the depository of the nation 's confi- ture at the following places :—On Sunday, June this as a a horriW modeof man ufactu ring peti. Monday, 21st, throughout the kingdom. bring -forward Mr. J. B. Smith , of Manchester , as their female was so much injured that she died the same dence , will at onoe serve as a constitutional raltying 20ch , at Br own-street , Mancheste r ; ' tions, and so do we. but although a great number of others at Hyde 22d at Staley Bri dge ; Wed-r Ask foi- Fxa Jipio u s Pill of Health , and observe are sorr y that candidate. Oar correspondent saya they may bring evening, poivt for the outraged millions, and as a oarrier against ; Tuesday * , Okb of the cxkepbxsbstkd .— We ¦wh were seriously injured, they are all &S present in them to carry on the war of nesday, 23d, at Milne- row ; Thursday , 24th, at, the nam e and address of " Thomas Prout , 228, space prevent US from o they will, th« two well-tried members, Messn. .^ revolution, by enabli ng London ," tha dsmnnds upon our Fieldin g eo3 Johnson -wtU be retarx«i fair -way of recovery. right aga,iftft their opprcaaoia , -without violating the Oldharu ; and on Friday, 25th , at Shaw. Strand, omiie Government Sta ^np. inserting his wtiifewmcikti&r. t " " ' ¦ • ' • ' ' g THE NORTHE RN STXIt . . , • . • : .;/ ______Cabn-abvox Bokocghs.—Mr. Bulkeley Ho ghea Richmond will of course return two Whigs. Sir SCOTLAND. sanctioning such unlawful and outrageous conduct. bis teeth, that he was too ignorant to possess tfi« Having had a true specimen of Mr. Cobden 's conduct franchise. (Hear, &Uttti>n $&f) bttmxt$. ¦will be opposed by a brother of one of the Q,s *en b George Strickland, it is said, will'find refuge here'. Abgymshibb. —Mr. Campbell , of Monzie, again neanl Conld they bnt see tha* Household, Lord George Paget. Sir R. Dundas retires ; and there is to be some comes forwa r d on the Conservative interest ; and as towards working men , we call upon the people of Stock- men's hearts, they were as black as sin ; and the whoiA changing port to reject him at the approaching election, and never of their scheme was, thafc they a Tory, has John Batler has is£r f9d an chopping and between Mr. Wentworth and he is without au opponent. Mr. Campbell , of wanted the woritinw Akdover —Lord Huanngiower, rnELTETHAM.—Mr. ¦ Mr. J. Dundas, who, if not elected for the Orkneys, J et allow a man who could preside overa meeting where such classes to assiat them to obtain a Repeal »6dre3ie4 the electors as an anti-Poor Law can- address in which he states his intention af con slay, the sittin g Member , does not stand ; and we of the Cora ~B will be returned for Richmond ; but, should he barbarities were committed to misrepresent them in the Laws, while they (the working classes) nrasT do not think any other ¦ will be hard y enough to do h. borough with the Hon. C. F. erkeley. ' ' didate. testiDg the " ¦ ¦ ' " ' ¦ - ¦ ¦ Commons' House of Parliament. The proceedings of content to be alaTea (Hear, hear succeed, Mr. Wentworth will probably retain his ' - ¦ , and loud so. . . feheer«L» an independent Codf ervative, ...... AsGLESsr.—It is rumoured that 5Ir. Merrick, the He stands forward as " seat. the anti-Corn Law League during the past week have The speaker continued that the middle classes either the and unconnected with anj petty clique or; party." Atbshirb.—Here there will be no contest;, and nevw late candidate, will contest the county with Ripon will again return those two eminent lawyers proved them to be the advocates of their own particular would;concede to the people their just rights until th« Colonel Frederick Paget. the The nephew of Lord Korthwick will be opposed to Lord Kclburne will be allowed to walk the course. interests , to the destruction of all others : it has shewn were forced. Then, racn being the Hon. W. O. Stanley or Mr. Berkeley. and stanch Conservatives, Sir Edward Sudden and case, tbe workw Whigs. Mr. Pemberton. Bbbwick.t-IVo Ministerial candidates, it is said, that they are not favoura ble to, bat that tbey flinch men should not make themselves into tools at th*£ is canvassing Cornwall, West.—Sir Charles Lemon has will be returned here. Mr. Hodgson, a Conserva- from , open and fair discussion, and that they have bidding, and hia word for that, they AsHTO5-trjrBEB-Lf5E.—Mr. Hindley Reading.—Mr. FyBhe Palmer's age and infirmi- would soon berfZ* re-election. announced hi3 intention of retiring. tive, will, however, contest the borough with them. resorted to all means, ho wever unfair and despotic, to to join them for Universal Suffrage. As a steikW to ensure his ties have induced him to retire ; and the Radicals, silence the real advocates of the people s rights, and to illustration ot the consistency of Cambbidge.—Tbe Hon. H. Manners Sutton and Edinburgh (City).—It is whispered in certain ' a mlddle-d^o «T* Atlbsbubt.—Mr. Hickford having withdrawn, say 3 the Times, have partly succeeded in persuading SI/tl ufe H ««W Mm th«t ho «nnM... *- _n - ... m9a, Mr. Hamilton. Sir Alexander C. Grant are ia the field as the Con- circles that Sir James Forrest has. indicated a wish gain their ends , eith er at packed meetings in doors , or Cobden told him that he would not allow himself f« Mr. Bice Clayton stands with Mr. Pigott, of Heckfield , eldest son of Mr. Pigott what has been wrongfully termed public meetings out be put in nomination for any town field here, and has servative candidates. Conant, of SherSeld, near Bssingstoke, to stand. to contest the represntation ef Edinburgh with the , and the ver y nw* B-UfBERr.—Vincent is in the candidates, Sir John Campbell and Mr. of doors , and thu s give an hireling press an opportunity week wrote an address to the elector s of very pithy and straightforward address to CiREJiCSSTKB.—Mr. Joseph. Cripps, the present Mr. Charles RusBell, who formerly sat for the clique Stock™* Issued a retires. W. Cripp3, Esq., his Macaulay. of misrepre senting the sentiments of the people ef Man- and again, when they foun d they had been beate n Electors. The Oxford Chronicle has been lately Conservative member, borough , is one of the Conservative candidates ; chester and its vicinity. er™ the , and a barrister of great Ulent and respectability, " Mr. Leech was re-elected as at meetings called at eleven o'clock, when a rear m™ trying to be witty, at the expense of Vincent ; we son the other is Viscount Chelsea, eldest eon of Earl Haldington Bbr»hs.—The old hack of the the lecturer for South Lancashire for the * will, it is understood, etaud id the room of his father. nex t month , ber of slaves wonid be «lmt up and could not advise him to look out, for assuredly his thick h«ad Cadogan. Treasury, Mr. R. Steuarfc, is to be opposed in the he having given satisf action during the m * ^ e learn Smyth Hadddington and Jedburgh burghs, by Mr. Mait- last. A vote of v«te for freedom , and when they had been cluLt. ¦will ring if it be not too much cracked. *v Colchestol—Mr. Sanderson and Sir C. H. Rochdale.—Mr. Shaman Crawford, invited by a thanks was given to the Chalrtnin , Mr. John CartlecJge , watched in the surroundin g districts , ommunication from Banbury , dated Mon day , announcing their inten- land Balfour, of Wittinghame, a stanch Conserva- and further th try a c have addressed tbe electors, requisition, entered the borough in procession, and and to the Secretary, Mr. James Cartledge , for their knew that tho Chartists could carr y a resolution that Mr. Vincent m&de a glorious entrance into tion to come forward again. tive, who ha? made a moat successful canvass of the for or issued an address. He wa3 well received by the unpaid end voluntary services in the cause of the Suffrage at Ashton , Droylsden , Newton H eath Fail Banbor y, on Friday, with bands , banners , and flags, Denbigh Couktt.—It is rumoured that Mr. Myd- Reformers, and the Chartists give him their support. electors. peoplo. The delegates aat up wards of seven hours , worth , Stockport , Eccles, and ¦with and thoasaucb of the people, hs was Warring ton Prenti«£ which , <31?ton Biddnlph will contest this county. The Hon. Mr. James Fenton is carrying on an unostentatious Lanarkshire.—A highly influential and respect- every one wishing to do wha t he could to forward the favourite walk, they hit upon a knac k of met a mile and a half en the road , and as he n^ared meeting of the Conservative Association of this packtoe tw Mr. Cholmon dely will retire, to make room for his but very successful canvass. able cause in which ho was engaged , and to give satisfaction meetings , eo tha t a sufficient numbe r could «t r.uni ibe town, the concsarse of people became immense. cousin, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, who recently conntv was held at the Black Bull, Glasgow, when to his constituents. Instead of having th eir spirits in the rostrum and pwwnMhe workin g by the Rochester..—Should Mr. Bernal not come for- class* «etH n. On their first meeting Mr. V. he was saluted airained hi3 majority. Captain Lockhart, of Milton Lockart, was proposed the least damped by the late occurrence , they appeared near k. maing mat iney got severely greetings and welcome of the muintude , ted \ht ward again, it is said that Mr. Ricardo will offer * exposed tli» Boroughs.—Should Mr. Wilson Jones as a candidate on the Conservative side, in room of more enthusiastic. Two shilliugs and ninepe uce was then resorted to physical force, and mr resounded with their cheers. M.r. V. fpoke a De.vbigh himself. being too hi. decline seeking the honour of again representing the sitting member, who retires. A requisition, not collect ed and given to Cairns. cowards themselves they wer e compelled few words to them, -and the process ion marched into Rutlandshire.—The couaty will witness a oon- numerously signed, to hira i this district of boroughs, Mr. Towasend ManiTraring but from the liberal clique, has MANCHESTER. —On Sunday evening last , the body of working men to break the heads of anothet town , the bells ring in?, music playing, and ihe fest for the first time these eighty years. A cor- been forwarded to Buckingham Palace, beseeching body of the same class. And will be the candidate on the Tory interest. He will Tib-street room was filled to overflowing with an enthu- these ganttemen or* people catering, till they arrived at the Market respondent describes the celebrated electioneering the Queen's Master of the Household, the Hon. Mr. those who cry out against the crue l ilarke : Hall , be opposed, we learn, by Capt. Mj ddleton Biddulph, agent Croucher as having been busy since siastic amUence by half-past six o'clock/ which was and abominable Place, where, from the steps of the Monday Murray, to stand as the Radical candidate. It ib composed of English Irish Corn Laws,; and who have so very ra n he addressed ihe mass amidst universal shouts of of Chirk Ca?tle. last, engaging inns and public-houses at Oakham, supposed he will accept, and if he do so the contest , , and Scotch people of both ch compa ssion Detby. friends of Mr. Strutt and Mr. Pon- 1 sexes. Tbe attack made upon the Chartists in this for the poor that they would actuall y wish to aiv» *j>plaase. An active canvass is going on, with ewry —The and making other due preparations to return a good will be keen, although there is uo doubt whatever of them *, large loaf and high wages althongh the cunnin g Wh ;gs son ^y, the present EiemberB, are actively canvassing Tory, the Hon.W.H. Dawnay, to wn by the anti-Corn Law party has caused a great , in order to comL'fe prospect of success, a Bon of Lord Downe; the success of Mr. Lockhart. with the foreigners. Ah, the base h are doing their best to prejudice the libera l and in their behalf. who is mfrodnced to the constituency by Mr. Fineh , excitement in the public mind and raised the sympath y ypocri tes ! tb£ Renfrewshibe.—P. M. Stewart Esq., has ar- of many who looked upon the Chartists with contempt would not care the toss of a button if all the artiz»w nore Radiea l of their neigh bours against him, by Derbyshire, South.—Lord Waterpark and a of Burley Park. rived, aud is to start for the county of Renfrew on ef Manchester were upon an stating that he is an advocate for phjsieal force , before , but who are now amongst their most z aloua emigrati on ship if the. son of Mr. Gisborne are named as the Ministerial Salford.— The prospects of the Conservative can- the Liberal interest. The Conservative candidate friends aud supporters , who have given tokens of their could only ranke the machin ery do the work. exclusive dealing, &.c Sec. ; but at prc.« thrown op?n to aiL Mr. Tancr ed and Messrs. Spearman being brought forward for the Northern Esri of Effingham , is named as a Liberal can- rinter, is epoken of for this borough. " meeting. Mr. i>iviaion ; but -whether it be as the colleague of Mr. didate. both Whiga and Tories, to come to a common sense see through their policy, and seeing their error Harris acd Cobb addressed the Ccrk (Count?.)— Lord Bernard, (son of the Earl conciusion, which was, that neither were tlie frien ds would join the Chartists in declaring Tiseeot was not allowed to speak. At the close of this Lambton, or that Mr. Lambton intends to resign , Sheffield.—The Tories announce two Tory can- of Bandon.) and one of the Leader family, are the liberty, not only ( ivhieh is the prevailing opinion,) is yet unknown. of the working classes. (Cheers ,) TLe only difference for Englishmen, but Irishm en likewise. (Cheeia.1 meeting, Mr. V. invited the electors to meet him , didates, Mr. Da?id Urquhart, " the celebrated Conservative candidates for this county. the window of Lis Mr, was , that tho one wa3 a prof essed friend but always In allusion to the pitiful cry of " Tery gold," the sad he would address them from Durham, SorTH.—It is rumoured that Peate Eastern diplomatist," and one of his followers, Col. Dublin (Citt.)—Mr. J. B. West, Q. C., and proved an. inveterate enemy, while the other speaker said , he, could tell them that they, ©wn Commiitce Room, and also invited Mr. T. and retires ; and Lord Wiiliam Poulett, a Conservative, Taylor. the Rep eal. another gentleman of Conservative principles, will was an open fue and stuck to his profession. a statement of his own views oh ment of Mr. Pease. their acceptance of the invitation conveyed in a re- princi ple, sod he and they would •which they quietly dispersed. He was to meet the Kilkenny (Borough.)—Mr. Smithwick, a re- and heal the wouuds which he had received whilo go toget her. | Cheers.) Durham (City.) The Tory candidates are Mr. quisition from the electors. in the discharge of his duty, peaceably and con- He could have gone into the agri cultural districts Electors on Tuesday evening last, in tee Theatre, Fi;rroy and Mr. Shepherd. Mr. Grange, a bar- pealer, puts out Master John O'Connell's candle. with to which meeting he invited his opponent, Mr. Staffordshire, North.—The Hon . Mr. Baring, It is said he is provided for. stitutionally. At this time , a still worse sight pre- a good grace ; but when the question was put to him rister, will contest with them for the Liberals. retires from the representation sented itself. Poor Cairns came into the room , and he wished to make the agreemen t with them , that wh Tancred, that their principles may be mutually ,but will be succeeded Kinsale (Borough.)—A "liberal of great emi- ile stated, explained, and submitted to the audience for Exeier-— Lord Loraine, a Conservative, ha3 by Mr. Watts Russeil and Mr. Charles B. Adderley, shewed his face, which had been dreadfully mangled he denounced the cottoa lords , he should be at liberty -announced himself a candidate to represtnt this two Tories. nence" is announced for this borough, but the name and disfi gured ; a murmur and a thrill of horror ran to denounce the landlords , and every other class of so- approval. is as yet a secret. cfety who prevented the people citv with Sir William Follett, Stafford Borough.—Two Conservatives are through the whole meeting. Mr. Mahon said , the from obtaining their Beveklet, at present represented by Mr. Lane Louth (County.)—Mr. J. Chester and Mr. R. M. Charman had told them that he would tell them how he ri ghts. (Hear , hear.) O, said they, that was Chartism , Fbomh.—An opposition to the return of Mr. promised : Mr. William Holmes, the Tory Whip- got his beating, they could not allow that. He, Fox and Mr. Hogg, will continue to return two Shepherd , the present Conservative menber, is per-in, and Captain Carnegie, nephew of Lord St. Bellew Etand on the Radical interest, and will be but he could only tell them that ho had Leech , said it was. and Conservatives. opposed by Mr. Fortescue, of Stephenstown, and been dreadfully beaten , and that was all ; but served he was glael to heat them form such .an estimation of it spoken of, but as yet no person is named as his Vincent. t ) Mr. Leech then argued Bbadpoud is at present represented by Mr. E. C. opponent. Major M'Clintock. as he had beeu , it ilid not deter him from crawling to Cheer * that labou r was th« Stockpobt.— Mr. Anti-Corn Law Cobden has ac- Mato.—The Earl of Altamount has 6ent circu- t ho meeting on the following day. He then went on to foundation of all wealth , and asked how it W3S that a lister and Mr. BusSeld, two Ministerialists. Mr. Falmouth.—Mr. Freshfield and Mr. Hutchines cepted a requisition signed by six hundred of the Lister retires in favo ur of his son. Mr. Hardy will lars to the electors of this county without expi easing exhort his hearers to still mor e determined persever- Rothschild c«uld realize in profits no less than S:0«6 or withdraw. The only candidate in the field is Dr. electors of Stockport , requesting him to come for- ance , and he would say, let no man be considered a 6,000 per week, and Baring and Company -s.oof.GIO ccr Biard again on the Conservative interest, with a ward as a candidate at the approaching contest. any political opinions. It is rumoured that Mr. moral certainty of success. Bo wring. Brown will be provided for in the colonies, and Mr. Charti st unltss he would have his name upon the books yearTThey had net produced it, and those who produ ce ' Flintshire.—The Honourable E. M. Lloy d Mos- Somerset ( West).—The Radicals intend to put as a member, and subscribe towards carrying on the nothing Lad notbfag to give. It was simply becaus e BamGfWATER.—Mr. Co»rtenay,"who>e son was one Blake will retire, it is said, because his father does tvn opposes tbe present, Tory member, Sir Stephen Mr. Charles Tynt« in nomination in th« room of not consider the honour worth the expense. Tho work— (chters)— and bye and byfi they would out num- labour was anprotected , and thus every man wlo ©f the passengers in the unfortunate President, re- Mr. Sandford. ber all the fictions put together , which would be the wished to gamble and speculate was at liherty. Eycry tires. Mr. Broadwood,the other sitting Member,has G lyiine. Honourable Mr. Dillon has kept silent on his poli- Flint Bpeghs.—Sir Richard Balkeley has ad- Southampton.—The canvass of the Conservative tics as yet. best way to preven t his head being bro ken again. He encoura gement was given to the profit mpn serg. again offered himself to the electors, with Mr. f or- could not allow the excuse of poverty for joining. He (HeaT , hear, and cheers. ) Mr. Leech then showed how min, a stanch Conservative. dressed the electors in the Liberal interest. Mr. candidates, Charles Cecil -Martyn, Esq., and Lord Mallow (Bobough.)— Sir Denham Norreys will Dandas, a Whig candidate, retires. Bruce, hai Been entirely successful. Bets are freely net allow his personal ambition to endanger the knew something about the books , being once the secre- much cheaper the ]?eopl« of Salford were obtaining thei i Bath.—Lerd Dancan has consented to stand with offered , but universally declined, that they head tary, and from his own observation he conld say, that goods, and playing the d——1 with the shopkeeper *. Mr. Roebuck, as the second Liberal candidate. , He Gloucester.—Ihe Liberals have announced one liberal cause. He declares himself for tho Ballot, a the weavers had always paid As much as 2d. 3d. a»d 46. per the poll by a majority of l#0. fixed duty, better than any other pound was saved out joined his fellow-candidate last week. candidate, Captain Frederick Berkeley, who was re- and freedom of trade. brauch of arlizana , though getting less. He then com- of some articles—and said , that shortly there would jected some years since ; and have also forwarded a Stroud.—It is expected that Mr. Symons will be Bedford CocTrry.—Lord Charles Russell has '¦ Newrv.—Viscount Ncwry and Mourne will bejthe pared the commttees and the Executive to the Parlia - a similar shop opened in that distri ct, as the Salfoid re quisition to Mr. Phillpots, the present Member, staud in the room oi the little" Lord John. candidate for this Borough on the Conservative' in- nient , issued an address signifying his intention of resign- his intention to stand again. who was weak if not well suppor ted from without. one was doing gloriously. Another instance of tbe dis. ing his seas for the county in the event of a dissolu- who has aunounc?d Sussex — Mr. John Cobbett, who appeared on terest. Mr. Ellis retires. So it was with the committee wiieu not supported tributio ss of wealth. He, not long ago, was at ; HudV tion. A Conservative, says the Northampton Herald , Grantham.— Sir Montague Cholmley, Bart., a Li- two former occasions, refuses to come forward Queen's CouNir.—The Hon . Thomas Vesey and by the menders of the society. After touching on many dersfif Id , and while there he inquire d the pric e ,of a will be pat forward in the person of W. Astell,Esq., beral , -will contest this borough. The Tory not unless by a requisition of 300 voters, which, it is Sir Charles Coot will oppose Mr. Fitzpatrick. other points , he told the people they never could expect waistcoat- piece for bis own inform ation. He was told •f Everton House, many years a Director of the East named. said, he cannot obtain. Ross (Borough.)—The Radicals have touched redemption ou ' y through thoir own exertions , and the that it was three shillings per yard. He came to Man- India Company. Harwich.— The Globe announces " one of the Tamworth.—Captain is coming forward to oppose the £1,000 on nomination, though they know Mr. medium of political pow er , and gave notice that the chester , went to a shop in Marke t-street , and inquired Her Majesty's Treasury," and Mr. th 5 present members, Sir R. Peel and Capt. A'Court. five rooms would be filled shortly to hear lectures ; what they sold it at (the very same quality) and ha was Btaxisghax.—No names of Tory candidates are Secretaries of Tottenham mast be returned. They hare abandoned told seven shillings and ¦jet fixed upon to oppose Mr. Muntz and Mr. Schole- John Bagshaw, as candidates for the borough. repeal ! after which collections would bo made towards defray - sixpence. He was not sur- Thrisk.—Sir Simuel Crompton (ministerialist) ing tbe expenses—for , notwithstanding all the money prised at that , because he knew they had larj?e renta to field ; bnt Mr. Richard Spooner, an anti-Poor Law Hastings.—A Free-trade and electioneering dinner retires in favour of Mr. Harland, now member for Tea lke.—Maurice O'Connell is th« only candi- they bad received from the Tories pay and high taxes. They had to "W. , the Liberal who ill be opp s d b Hon, , he believed they pay £29,000 to police. man, is the favourite of the party; and Mr. C. hs= te-.il g:v?n to Mr. Robert Holland Durham, w o e y the C. S. date as yet in the field. would have to pay it themselves. The Chairman , after They, would go worse every week. Why, because" when Alston, Mr. Whateley, Mr. Staple ton , Mr. Barker, ^Member. 3Ir. Pianta, the old Tory Member, is can- Wortley. (Coukty.) making a few remarks , said he would then introduc e those shops were built, wages were better , and the and Mr. James Taylor the banker are all mentioned Westmeaih —Mr. Pollard, of Castle peo- , , vas^Eg. Tiverton.—Should Lord Palmerston be again Pollard, comes forward with another eminent laud- Mr. Leech, who had baen appointed to lecture th at ple were enabled to purchase the goods. Therefore , for bis coadjutor. - Hertford Cocntt. —Mr. Hale has declined to brought forward for this borough, the Conserva- lord to rescue the county from the priests. evening. Mr. Leech rose , and said that, not withstand- taking off the wages had , as a matter ef course , taken Boltos.—Mr . Cobden having accepted the staud for ihe Tor ies, on account of ill health. The tives will show fight, and in all probability with ing the rows , riots, and tumults, the man y beads that away the money which formerly found its way into requisition from Stockpori , does not Bts n'd for Hosourable Dudley Ryder has consented ; and a two such guod Candidates as will shake him from had been broken , the blood wK ich had been spilt, it their tills. (Cheers , an d " well done Leach. ") It did Bolton ; the only candidate , therefore , in the field is subscription of £10,000 has been made to return him his seat. Cfmvtfet Xitten tgent *. appeared they could have a good meeting in Tib-street not matter whether this law or that was repealed , tka Mr. Ainsworth. Mr. Boiling, it U said , will r etire , free of expense. The Liberals have invited a second Tower Hamlets.—(From our London Corres- yet—indeed , he believed it almost as possible to cov«r whole system must be changed , and the people most and two Conservatives will be brotfght forward. Reformer to stand with Mr , Rowland Alston , the pondent.)—On Saturday, the Chartists in this bo- the Sun with a blanket as to stop the people from have political power to prot ect themselves, and when Mr. Edmnnd Ainsworih and Mr . Andrew Snowies Honourable T. Brand , in opposition to Mr. Ryder. rough, started Mr. E. PerronetfThompson^he son SOUTH LANCASHIRE. —Delegate Meetin g. meeting , to demand those rights which they have been that was done , away would go the influence of both are the only Liberals at present talked of as likel y H ertf ord BoRotGH. —In thb borough an attemp t , of Colonel Thompson , in oppoaifion to Colonel Fox, —The above meeting took place on Sunday . June 14th , d e prived of by factions who have tram pled them under cotton lords and landlords, this could and would be to b« invited. —Manchester' Guardian.—During the it seems i« to be made to turn out Mr. Co svper ; and the nominee of the Wt.igs. A moat numerous meeting In the Charti st Room , Brown street, Eaat Manchester , foot by the Iron heel of despotism and tyranny. Tho done, and up will rise the people from long-bound past week , many electioneering squit>3 have bern it is suid that Sir M. Farquhar is to stand with of the electors was hold cn on Monday evening at the when delegate s were present from the following places : parties who had bee n inacosTering last weak labour to slavery and bj ndage. When the people have the will disp layed on the -wails of this town , amongst which Lord Mahon. At present nothin g decisive is. known. Greenland Fishery, S'.cpaey Green , Mr. Fr^serin Mr. Thomas. Davies, for Tib-street , Manchester ; Mr. prove to the people that if their desi gns were carried they have the power. (Cheers.) Had the surplus popu- lation (Whig phrase) been put upon the most worthy of notice was one headed " A Voice Jedbcr gh.—Mr. J. M. Balfour comes forward the chair, fer the purpose of hearing Mr. Thompson. J ohn Cartlei.'ge, Brown-street , Manchester ; Mr. John into execution , .namely, a Repeal ef the Corn Laws , the land to culti- ]¦ Joy son , Hardman-street, Manchester ; Mr. Jaa. Holmes , the wages of the working classe s would rise. This vate for them selves, as they left the factories, the soil from O'Connor 's Dncgeon ," in which a Eg rs- against Mr. Robert Steuart. Mr. Thompson commenced by staiiu« that the tract from mt. O'Ciuqot ' s letter , " To those " who honour of representing the Tower Hamluts had noc Hume and Cborl ton-npon-Medlock ; Mr. J. F. Craig, was, indeed, fine logic from the very parties wbo had of England and Ireland would have been like a beauti- love freedom aad Late slavery," is given, in which I pswich.—Mr. Wa son has addressed the electors. been sought tot by him, and, indeed, when first Salford ; Mr. Henrj Chappell , Oldhara ; Mr. William more than any other been the nitJans of bring ing fu l garden. The masters had ruin ed each other by their be protests agains t a compromise being made wwh " Kidderminster. —Mr. God.-on attended a public asked , he felt astonished that one so unknown as Watchera , Shaw ; Mr. Jose ph Eokersley, Unswor th ; wages down. ( Cheers.) He had been in conversation competition with ea«h other , when they found that by the Tories to obtain his liberty. This is the firs t meeting of the electors on Monday. He spok e hi mself should have been selected , but he could feel Sir. Robert Ttnder , Newton Heath ; Mr. Jonah Scho- with a gentleman who had observed that it was not in double-decking an * self-acting, they could not • come time the Whigs have made honourable mention of with great confidence of deJ eating the Liberal can- that the reason why he had received so numerously field , Opensbaw and DrnyJsden ; Mr. Josbus Briggs , the power of tbe masters to raise wages. Mr. Leech into the market and carry the same profit s, they, their victim since his incarceration ; bat the Char- dida v e, Mr. Rennie. a signed a requisition, was on account of his rela- Pilkiug ton ; Mr. Thomas Dootson , Rooden Lane and asked him why the y did not prevent them falling madman-like , lowered the people's wages, and tists were determined n<-t ;o allow any portion of tionship to one of the oldest and staunchest Re- Prestwich ; Mr. Thoa. Lowe, Warrington ; Mr. James when they were double what they were at thu present by so doing very much lowered the market Kn aresboroc gh.— Mr. Ferraad is the popular and th ere tliey found themselves in the pit ; for his writings to b3 used for unworthy purposes by candidate . B^th Mr. Laugdale and Mr. Rich have formers. As a young speaker, they would forgive Cariletfge , Liverpool ; Mr. Jame s Bower , gtal eybridge ; time. The fact was that the wasters , cotton , lords in da< the Whigs ; and, accordingly, another placard, him if he did not express himself so fully as it was Mr. John Butter worth . Milnrow : Mr. John Leech, particular , would not care how smal l thy wage * o'hers. Mr. Leech then drew a woeful picture of relinquished their pretensions ; and Mr. Ridley the wrong s and sufferings of the people «f Ireland, and headed " T rvenry-six voices from Manchester In- Co'borne havin g ascertained by a cont-ass that a wished. He would state that in his opinion the first Hyde ; Mr. Thomas Stoner , Ashton ; Mr. Martin were so long as they could keep them in firmary," giving the Whigs credit :or the late un- essential Tar good Government, for permanent good Ireland , Bury. [The Council wish most reapfcc'.- servility, and make them into slaves. (tfear. ) sh ewed why the produce of that country was consumed ministerial candi date has no chance , has also by the non producers , whilst those who produce cannot constitutional and brutal doings in that town, was retired. Governm ent , was the extension of the suffrage. fall y to rtquest that th eix friends at Bolton , Roch- After so much misery, starvation, and want which had placed in juxtaposition with the above. The Tories dale, M ottram, Middleton, Heywood , Failsworth , and existed in the land , and the people had been ham- get enoug h to supply their physical winta. He glanced Lo.vdos City.—The Conservative Association for He would go for no half measure. He would promise to bring two good men and true into the, suppor t the measure of Universal Suffrage , for he Katcliffe , will not neglect to send a delegate to the next bo, zled and cheated for nine years , it had resolved at the clap-trap of Lord John Russell , for end eavour- the City of London have fixed upon four candi- meeting, wh ich will be held in the same room on that itself into tha question as to who should have office. ing to increase the revenue by bri nging down taxa tion , field, bat have not yet named them. The anti- City in Parliament. The considered nothiug short would content the people. Corn Law party, after the Jo?s of Cobden, ex- dates to represent the The voter requi red protection from aggrandised day month.] Mr. John Car Hedge was called to the O, said some of the Whi gs, you must kot p in our and concluded by exhortin g every man to be at his post , perienced some four candidates are Mr . Gcoree Lyall , Mr. J ohn chair —The mi nutes of tho last meeting were read and friend s. (Laughter. ) Mr Leech considered it a worth- assuring them (his hearers ) that a great crisis -was at difficulty in Ending a man wbo Wolverley Att- wealth ; the Ballot was in his opinion the best would stand a chance of receiving ;he support of Masierman , Mr. John Piri e, Mr. means to remove the difficulties under wliinh the confirmed . The financi al accounts were examined and less question as to who should hold orSca with tho band. The speaker was loudly cheered In retiring frim . all parties of Reformers ; but iLey wood. f or found correct, and < ach man tendered in his quota of workin g classes. It was a quest ion at tiny rate which the rostrum. A question was pat wtich was satisfac- at ieugih suc- voters labour. He was against legislating the toril ceeded. On Thurs day, the electors were apprised - Lancaster. —Mr. F. Da?h wood is convas ^ng agricult ural interest alone , or the commercial or money from his constituents , towards the support of had not sufficient merit about it as to justify one party y answered. A gentleman from Chester , an tlo- by circular that on that evening Dr. Bowriu s; would Lancaster as a Freetrad er. Mr. P. M. Stewart , a manu facturing, but for all. The representation should tha South Loncaahiro Lecturer. Every delegate then of working men to breuk the heads of another party. quent speaker and a netr Uonvert afterwards addressed offer himself for thtil suffrages in the Temperance forme r Member , is also spokca of. then be given not to boroughs , or dues; but to electoral proceeded , in duo order, to give an account of the pro- (Hear , hear. ) Those very men ihat had been the insti- the meeting, giving a detail of the opposition he has Hall. A resolution was passed , pledging the meet- LicnyiELD.—A Captain Dyott , rumour says, will districts. As in the ord inary course of life people gress of the cause in his distric t , in doing which they gators of the blooiiy affair in Manches ter would bring met with since joinin g the Chartists , yet he was deter- ing to support him. Fro m this meeting the undertake to spend some money in opposing Lord took care to have an annual review of their affairs , ail declared that their constituents were disguBted with tbe charge against the working men , and plead it a» mined to proceed. The people were excessively Don-eiectors were carefully excluded by the A. Paget. All Ench opposition will be fru tless. he th ought therefore there should be annual tbe Whigs of Manchester for their late conduct , and a sufficient reason , as sulficien t evidence , that the work- crowded and the room was like a bath. pled ged themselves to assist the Manches ter Chartists ing classes were not qualitied to possess the political BROwn-sxaEET. —On Sunday evening last, Mr. precautions of the " Leaguers," which being Liverpool-—Lord Palmeriton and Sir Joshua •lection of member s, whi ch ho was convinced protested against by some of the electors -, it would not have the effect which some supposed ; by every means which lay in their power. They con- franchise, that they were too ignorant, as fully ex- Whittaket gave a very feeling address on the necessity Walmsley will oppose the present sitting members , , and that the insult emplified in their conduct towards each other , of la;.ing aside all religious prejudices, and uniting wa3 afterwards agreed at a privat e meeting of lha Lt-rd San'don and Mr. Cresswe )!. viz., that of depriving a good man of his scat , but sidered it a national question i Ciiesrs. ) Doctor 's friends to call a publi c meeting, and oa would act in the contrary way, that of securing offe red to the Chartists of Manchester ought to be Mr. Letch then -went through , a detail of the together for the purpose of gaining our political Saturday , a public meeting having bee n called , ihe Malto.n will still return two ministeriali sts. It is him his seat for life ; indeed it would be quite suffi- ct'jisidered an insult to every Chartist in the Associa- persecntions. prosecutions , and imprisonment which the free dem. As a Roman Catholic , he was determ ined to Doctor address ed the inhabitants of the town , elec- comp lf •*•!>• a nomination borough in the hands of cientl tion. The Whi gs began at htad quarters first , fancying Chartists have suffered for tl.eir endtaveurs to achieve denounce the. men professing the same religion as Fi- y long for any member to learn las business . tors and non-electo rs, in corfession of his politica l Eari zwiJ3iam. Mr. Childer.= , it is expected , will He considered the New Poor Law unfair in princi- that if they succeeded there , they eouVrt take every other justice not only to themselves but to those who had himself, but which men were a disgrace to any religion , faith. He declare d himself favourable to tiniveraai continue to be one of its representatives , and the ple and hars h in detail ; it was for the supporter s town afterwards. They gave great credit to the Chartists been persuaded that they, tho Chartists , were their f*r the.conduct they had exhibited in Stevenson 's- Suffrage , ih e Ballot, and Annual Parliii nema , and orher seat will be a refuge for Lord Milton or Lord of Manch ester , and conceived they Lad achieved a greatest enemies. It had been said that the Chartists square, ar.d at Carpenter 's Hall , the week before . The . . of that mt-asuro to prove that any pai i, m answer to various questions put by Mr. Doyle, he ' rorpeih , after their defeat in the We?t Riding, or cf that bill waa good in any point ; he moral victory in shewing that they only wished fair were enemies to a repeal of tho Union , but would Sir Chairman th en called upon Mr. James Cartledge to stated his readin gs to vote for the "People' s Char- rerhsps , it may be occupied by the Hon. W. was for the total annihil ation of the bill. (Cheer?. ) discussion to promote their cause , instead of the blud- Thomas Potter, Captain Sligh, or Gibson give them a address the meeting, who, in a humorous style, opened ter , ha ha-nuj ? beea one of the ten who drew up Went worth. He was against that principle which obliged ouo geon , &c. which hod been resorted to by their adver- repeal of the Union ? (No.) These men had by false- a fire upon "the Whigs , which raked them fore and aft, tha t document ; but he would cot say, with a great Mai. *F.5BcraY. —The Whfg3 have put forward Mr. man to pay for the use of the church which another saries. They were aware that were the Chartist s, to hood and calumny stimulated them to break the heads till they, were fairly " clean ed out" number of the people, that be woul d have the who ' e Jaines Howard to oppose the TGry candid ate , Mr. man used—(hear , hear)—and in con n ection with make the least resistance , they would have to beat police, of their only fri ends, and would afterwa rds turn round STOCKTON. —The " plague " have had a private Charter and nothing less. He would take less if he L. A. Burton. this he would vote for the destruction of these j-oldiers , and all other force which could be arrayed and laugh at them. But had it forwarded the cause of meeting hero to agree upon a pubtie petition fur the could get it. If they were offered an £8 qualifica- ' Ma rlow. oppressive courts called the Ecclesi astical Couvts . ueains t them. The following resolution was then the repeal of the Corn Laws ? No, he maintained the repeal of the Corn Laws. Tbe Chart ists were on the — Mr. Hamden of Littl e Marlow is the -we the delegates tion he woul d take it ; and then a £6 ; a £4 ; un'.il Cpnr ervati ye candidate for this boroug h, ia opposuion (Cheers.) Tlie opinions of hia revere d relaaon as carried without a dissentient:— " That Whigs have given themselve s a fine slap in the face. look out , bat did not bear of the meeting till it waa no property qualification remained at all . Be-.wx. to Sir WiH ^ am Clayton. to free trade were well known. In those opinions present conceive it to be our duty—a dut y which we are ( Cheers and hear. ) Nor bad it done any good to over, so seeret had they been in their movement s. asked if be would endeavour to reform the factory he partici pate d and would carr y them OUt ^ In con- determined to fulfil—tocall public meetings in every to wn ttia agitation for the repeat of the Union. There were not more than eighty persons prese nt , and syst em, an d -rote for a ten hours ' M erthtr —Sir Jo hn Guest will be opposed by and village around Manchester forthwith , at which He did not lay blame to the reasonin g b'll \ (Hear aad .Mr. H clusion, he would state that he was the advocate of poition of tbe these, our correspondent observes, " the most incon- cheers.) Dr . Biwring thoa gnt it a nice question to -mfrry, a lar ge ironmaster , and a stanch collections shall be made towards defraying the cx- Irishmen, because ho knew th at they that C^nscrvatite . freedom of conscience and the political liberty of all. were as much sistent men in the town. " They boasted loudly thef decide upon. He did not think is right to say to (Ch eers.) In answer to a question , Mr. Th ompson penc*otttn ghaJi. — Mr. Walter has issused an addre ss who has ag reed to stand on the liberal interest. proposed to bo adde d to tho plan. He rose and facturers of England would never meeting scramble for about be s:itUrled Until they jun., and introduced Mr . Joh n W' iis^n. half a can load of Ana-Cor n to thp elcc:ors. in which he declares himsel f in favour wiut he felt hon oured at being chosen to be put upon took the chair, Law trash , which the Walsall. —Mr. J. N. Gladstone has ann ounced could compete with the foreigner. What did competi- a most indefatigable advo cate , who delivered a raw * repealers threw amor.gst the people. of a fixed duty on com. lie will be accompanied by tbe plan as lecturer. He could assure them that thou gh tion mean ? Why, the very word itself means sorr ow his intention of again offering himself for this , excellent and spirit-stirring address , which lasted neany a son of Sir Francis Hurd ett. Sir J. C. Hobhouse ht not have the talent of some men, he had, tears , aud blood. ) (Hear , . - Bkakbeb a-vd Shokkham. —Lord Edward Howard borough. he mig hear.) It meant th at the an hour and a ha lf, and which gave great satisfact ion r hae met the decors. and Mr. Larpent ar e to come forward in the Liberal he trubled , ' spiri t arid determination second tr> none people of France must starve the people of England , Charte r, interest ! the latter gentleman Warwickshire — It is said that Mr , Bracebrid ge at the conclusion , cheera were given for the Bbtd gs appears to possess a iu his capacity. There was a uian of his nanso who to satisfy the avaricious appetite s t>f a si-t of grjsping J ^s tee- okih.—An active canvass ha3 been per- iar ce-share of fortitude ; for be will certainly agai n iriteuds to contest the Northern division of the and a vote of thanks havin g been carried tu sonal ? instituted by each of the three county with Mr. Du^dale and Sir Ear dley Wilmot. had ga.'.u<.*d the -respect . of tho Chartists of this kicgiiom. moiieymongers , or that the peeple of England mu st candidates : be rpjected , and that , too , by a large majority. Sir (.Mr. Leech) would follow in his footsteps. His starve tlie (.eopie of France turer, the meeting separated. Mr. Whitmore and Mr. Pigor , the prese nt two Tory For South Warvrickshire the present members He , that was tbe real d efini- , J. C. H obbciuc rho uld be also sent to the ri ght will should be his motto , aud his name- tion of competition. (Cheers.) KEN SINGTON. —The fustian jacketed mason s members , and Mr. Fred erick Howard be re-eiecled. lectures But it was not co w , a liberal . about. aciples his princip.'ea. (Loud cheers. ) bearers cf tho national petition , deter mined not sake's pri much compet ition that, even themselv es had in view, in a Brist ol.—The corre spondent Westminster. — We understand a re quisition , o e s, and Mr. G , slacken in their exertions for the good cause , got no , of the Brighton Isorth allkrton vvill be gained by the Conserva- Mr. Storer , Mr. Raukin , Mr. R b rt trying as they were at the present time, to shake , Gaxeiie names other candidates besides tives, most rcsi--etubl y aud numerousl y signed , has been also carried as fit and proper persons to be added society to its centre , but it t hur own expense, a public meetin g in York -stre et Sir Ja mes and Mr. Wr ghtson will be super seded by oi' were was the last kick of a poetor Graham ; Mr. Herries, Mr. Tiadal Bru ce, Mr. Edward Lascelie s. prepare d lor the airival Sir Willoughb y Cotton , to the plan. The following protest against the pro- withering, graceless , and rotten facti on. (Hear Westminster , on Thur sday week , and invited and Mr entreating tiiit distingui shed , hear.) tut ia« Bailhe, son of Colonel Hughe !>u&can Baillie, the officer to cou-ent to be ceedings of the Cora Law Itepealers of Manchester Mr. Leech said that they, the people of Ettgl and M 'Douall U lectur e on the ri ghts of labour &nii Newcastle.— Mr. Ord has again offered himself put in nomination for Westminster at the , could goveromeii* member for licniton. The ia.=t z? supposed to be ih« to the electors of Newcastle. approach- was read and adopted:— " Wo, the Chartist Dele- not do with three parti es. There should at all roads made upon them during successive can didate selected. Mr. C. Blisset and Mr. ing election. South Lancashire , wish to euter eur protest, The ' place, was crowded with hundred s of »nxk'U» Tripi Newport Tsle ot gates of events be one destr oyed , and if the people could waM are the Tory Candidates. , Wight.— Mr. Gisbor ne, the Wetmo uth .—Lord Villiers and Mr. G. collectively, ugainst the cru«r jgndiDf eorrupt and depen- Was ther e ever such palin g nonsense T Daring tbe self same period , wages in the , I addraa yon as the tuittaL T" wjsiring depa rtmen t divisions, under the immediate charge of Commanders HOUSE OF COMMONS, Fbidat, June 11. ded voters of physical , th e moral , My frien ds, let me just tell you a had been reduced from thirty-three Ju akie staff British Uberty. short story. One For fifty years the old hare been struggling ; for nine amUUngsand Barlow andjdarke , and Lieut. Cbulson, of the B'outia. n day last week, a Mr. Yorke, threepence per cut, twenty yards in longth , Pj ?ei, obtahwd leave to bring in a Bill to ^ w much to «ay, how or a firm Whig, was addre ss- the young have been sighing ; amd new hold out but 14*. pet cut Her Majesty * ship Hyacinth (to whom too roach praise Sir B. ffitfi it whereby shall I «om- ing the people of York as a candidate $9 , twenty-four yards in length , B&me fabric ** enactment adopting the amendme nt of the I have I wiU begin for tbei r " sweet one mouth , and , as sure as God roles over as, the day w^rk; and fro 1815 until 1832 it had cannot be given to*the exertion displayed by Commander embody un_ ^366 ? remind ing yon rofces ;" ard findin g it necessary to say ** m increas ed Chairman of .the Contested Elections BHL The Right far six years , I have been tellin g a word opon is our own 1 Bear in mind that until we annihilate ftois) 2,0»0,000 lb. ,000 Warren , his officers and crew , in getting her through ^t, you tha t the ex- religio n and politi cs, he commen ced with ^ to 256 ,00« lb., or nearly three- Hon. Baronet stated the reason he brought forward of tfcreep oliticalpartiea in a State is religion, the Wh igs, as a party, they will never join us in ann i- frld ,*rhile in the same period wages had been reduced the intricate and difficult passes of the river , piloted by j ^^ ae ex of incompa tible when a -veteran fustian cried out , oo , (fool this motion was merely to get the BUI printed , fa or der tie istence peace, order, " thou f il ,) hilating Toryism. We hare tried them. In fact, twosiillingfl out of three ; and Commander Belcher, to be in readreew for operation , ^fcfc and prosperi ty in what has religion to do wi" it ?" This made th e from 1632 until 18<0 it to Riv» an opportunity to Hop. Members to conside r tha , and that oar whole forc e pious call any ruling party what you please, under the hadhwreate dfrom256,0i0, 000 and a division of boats , under the command of these gai state should be master ed side of his jaw cease to wag; and he t00lbtoneaTly5t0 , ,0Q01b, subject before the next session. lled, and directed to the then turned to presen t gyste ., , they must rul e upon Tory prin- or doable, yet even during officers , was placed at the southern entrance of the j ^j shi one single pur pose of, the Poor Law, and charged these eight yean the reduc- Mr. Waju> moved , that instructions be given *o best ing one of the parties tbe Tories with having ciples. tion in the power-loom river recosumunicating with the main stream of Fa tee , gjat lr , and then the other! aided the Whigs in the supp ort weaving departmen t alone would the Attorney-General to prosecute the Hon. Mansers told yoa that in the purs uit of the measure , when As the Whigs will not then join to beat tbe Tories, be sufficient to purchase bread to meet any retrograde movement of tins numerous j have of any great politi cal a jolly tor roared out , •¦ Thou b—g—r < for all the wearers In Sutton , and his agents Long and Swan, for briber y, the national will mast go who launched let us use the Tories to beat the WHgs ; and that Manchester. flotilla that had ta ken part in the agresdons on the ect, through three distin ct it ?" done alleged to have been committed at the last Cambridge pperiiiona^ ; firstly, the creati on of opinio ns to be , let us turn to with the Whigs behind , instead But fart her . If a repeal of the Corn Laws increase 16th instant. Every arrangement having been com- acted Again : ai io my liberation , my friends, allow me to of before us, and beat the pleted and understood , the whole force saoved fat advance election. tcpon ; secondly , the organization of those -opini ons ; jnd ge for national enemy. trade and wages, how, in the name of common sense, myself. Very many newspapers have seiZad Mr. M 'Farlane has very truly said that I called the about noon , the vessels, marines , and three divisions of Sir CHAifc£E» Lemon , as Chairman of tbe Cam- jnd, thir dly, the direc tion of the united power of o s ge will the manu facturer be enabled, und er the disadvan- ne pas a in a long l etter of mine, in which I pro- Whigs devils, and the Tories devils in hell. Well , does tage of high boats from the northward of the Macao fort , sad within bridge Committee , said , that altlae«gb he felt convinced pj-jdeB tly-created, and thorou ghly-organised opinions. test against a wages, to compete with the foreigner , when compromise with the Tories for the any man who earns his bread by the sweat of his brow at the low gunshot enemy s advance batte ries , engaging that bribery had taken place, yet from the evidence now in the latter stage ; purpose of scale of wages paid at present they complain of the ' We are and , if hitherto I insuring my release. Now from the num- doubt my hatred of the devils in hell ? If any such them for about two hours and a half , when all oppo- it could not be brought home to- Mr. Satton. As ta mild apologist for ber of papers of the evils of foreig n competition ? With respect to have been a to manyin error s which we tha t have picked thla |to them) plum there be, let them also suppose me a monster , a brnte, dtfenees was Mr. Locg, one of the agents , he- had no doubt that een compelled commit mat out of a long the idea that the foreigner would cease manufacturing sition ceased, and the factory within the l^n b imperfect and letter , it appears that th& enemies, every a savage, inasmuch, as 1 have accounts to settle with and resume ag taken possession of. The Modeste was placed within if a prosecution had been instituted he would havs¦ state , while nndergein g one of them ricultur e is absurd , inasmuch as the former been convicted. " crude the two first processes , , read all my neglected addr esses. It Rms the Tories th at no ether man alive has to settle with is the most profita ble speculation. three hundred yai ds, In front «f the principal batter y, I now tell jou th at all future failures must be charge - me great pleasure tha t I have never writte n one wfcico that party. and shortly gave proofs of her well-directed fire , The Earl of Dablin gton also defended Mr. Man- tbey could We beg to be distinctly under stood that we do not able upon us as crimes ; because tee are aoxc tke balan ce turn to their own service . But as re- I believe «ven the Whigs will admit that I wish to uphol d ' flanked by the powerful guns of the Madagascar , Capt ners Sutton from the charge of bribery, and , therefore , gards that the infernal tax , but we certaiDly do if p ower. passage ; what I said was, tkat no have had one man 's snar e in bringing them to the think that the prop osal Dicey, with artillerymen under the direction of Lieut should vote against the metien as far as regarded now Bee if, taking the compromise shoul of the league, smacks too much l et me last half century as a d be made with the Tories for scratch ,- and now att end to me. No mortal m»« has of political dishon esty Fonlis , Madras artillery, and Nemesis, Mr. W. H. Hall , that gentleman, bat would vote for prosecuting the of action, I shall be w tbe purpos e to be enterta ined by working agents. ' fjir test arranted in draw ing from of insuring my liberty ; and the Whigs , ever begged , drudged , worked, and toiled in any strug- wen, bgut g convinced that their R.T?., Commanding with artillerymen under tbe direc- and sufficient rea»on far with coara eteristio design ia to reduce the Mr. Ward then withdrew that part of hte motion ii good the course I am about ignorance , assume, or would make it gle as I have in the national strag gle, against the wages «$he highly-taxed operative of this country, tion of Captain Moor , and Lieutenant Gabbett , Madras recommend . appear , that I am consequently to regarding Mr. Manners Sutton , and T after considerable fc> frkndly to a junction enemy immediatel y in power and in front ; and yet the san $ rate as the low-taxed operative of the con- artillery, who handsomely volunteered their services For forty-on e years of tha t period , the people, under with the Whigs ! The use made of this passage by the have I doM comparativ ely nothing. You mnst defer tinent, . upon the occasion. The Algeiine (Lieutenant Mason ,} discussion , it was decided , by a majority of 78 against £be name of Reformers, suffer ed death , igscminioos press, and the tur n attempted to be given by Mr. judgment upon one man s Weaqw passsing , cut 48, that proceedings should be instituted against one of performance , perseverance , ask where is the guar antee for the -pro- and Starling (Lieutenant Kellttt .) a head ' ¦ , . ¦%s& premature death, insult, tortur e, starvation, and McFarlaue , at a meeting lately held at Glasgow , to my and zeal, unttl you aee me at work teetiQjb. tin g through the rafts on the right -bank, and engaging a the agents. • former with the Tories in of labour ? an echo answers, Where ? Let us Mr. Hume , in the absence of Mr. Easthope , with- .degradat ion of erery sort and kind , for th« mere pur- declarations against tbe principles of Toryism , front. I tell you now, and have ever told you, that I remind yon that the same parties who now part of the war -junks, the Hebe and Lou i»a tenders , takin g pose of crowning their friends with th e measure which in favour of Whiggery, have induced me to mention the hate the Tories even more part , at the same time, under cover of the ships' guns , the drew the Bill for the abolition of Church Rates. than the Whigs ; and I tell raise the cry of cheap bread and high wages The other orders of the day were then disposed of, tsi to crown the wishes of a very modera te, a Tery subject here . you more, that if the power were Tested In my hands are J he ^jjisotles who transported our brethre n flotilla with the marines was brought up in admirable The diSL-re ncc of and the Housa adjourned. industrious, and a vny peace able people. They f oughtr- , then , is just this. I will not be a to-morrow of bestowing the Government of this conn * jOa smf8hi|^to d Glasgow ; and who endeavoured , by order by Captain Bonrchier , and , npon the signal being tijey bled—t hey conquered. party to any -compromis e ; neith er will I allow my try for twenty years npon Lords John Russell, Nor- eTiSf meana ^legftland illegal, to bring the charge of given, stormed and completed the capture of this part Saturday, June 12. . liberty to be made a question of Wf&> f« nine years bare the Whigs been in posses- . compromise us} be- manby, andPalmerston , or upon Wellington, Peel, and weil saaafte d w«e they with it, eye* of Europe and in our own estimation . But, I would, without a moment' s 4elay, if I bad -but the erfaj ft of uniting to protect our labour —a protect ion From this battery the vessels and flotilla moved for- thoogh I object j (No. 2j Bill was read a third time and passed. The sod so eompteie did they think it, ifcat their lead er , to be a party to a compromise -with alternative , confer the power upon the men wb.o.- sent whiflj onght fo be guaranteed to us by the Legisla ture ward , and carried the other defences in succession , Canterbur y Pavemement (No. S) Bill was read a third ,f six years' trial, called it a visax X£as¥Sx. either faction, yet am I willing to lose my liberty me here. But, amounting in the whole to 123 guns. By the great care lB Now, if I had the power to give one year * ©Py*country. With these fact * hefpre us, we decline time arid passed. . . . - —- S\; .-. obssrve, l ord John Russell called it a final mea- for the purpos e of creating a proper understanding of lease, I would give it to Wellington , Peel , and Stanley , agflfcing for any thing less" than full and effective of Captain Nias, his officers , and the ship's company, ^ my own party, to join among »U On tho motion of lord JOH N RussstL , the ^Briber y sur e, whiis the democraticBrougha m said, in the third themselves without for the purpos e of annihilatio n tfaem¦ ^or time te just pe to all , based upon the immuta ble principle of a the Herald was brought over tbe flats , and entered the third time d passed, had gone too compromise ; to use the Tories for th-j - ¦, . . - at Elections Bill waa read a op year, that they far and should retrace purpose of beat- come ! * pur«And unsullied democracy. reach during the engagement , which must have had after an amendment had been proposed and inserted by7" atepe. ing the Whigs. Every blisttre e Wbi ffs nin« yean Gf a fair trial ; and who will Ten- hearts pining in the cold ^astile, Kin»l f%, J p «ommoowith you, feel the degra dation read a third time, and passed. Warriner 's Estate. Bill tsre upon tbeir behalf , from their first act, the Ir ish A set of rascally Whigs declare themselves to be and looking to you, as their trus tees, for release l ,: think of b«i s&res; wefeefi, amidst the abundanc e getic exertions in towing off the burning junks , which Chartists raised by was read a third time and passad. Coeroco JK11 , Sows to the dying grasp at the , and in their assumed chara cter, they throw of the veteran Wheeter , who has fought for fi/tf yean UHIlffM hands the palna of grinding poverty, we suffer were drifting upon the suburbs of Canton , and CoL SiBTHOHPE moved for a return of the num bers poor man's pocket for a quarter of a mil- themselves accidentally -on-purpose , in the way of in the good fight, sow lingering betwixt life and death I the ]pM of disappointed hopes, and grieve for tbe soon would have evidently set fire to that part of the of Commissions issued , by order of the Grow n, in the lion, on Thursday last, to put a dessert upon Whi g prowlers in quest of prey ; when the catechuts , think of the pallid face of the prematurely aged, sad of gwwnflr friends who are suffering persecution , be- city, and involved the destruction of the whole, in with an years 1836, 1837, and 1838.—Ord ered. tha table of those who can now sit down to thre e app arent surliness of aspect and desire to the twisted limb of the factory infant .' think that yon cause ttiy sought to rescue their country from ruin which , he reports , he was ably assisted by the officers The House then adjourned till Monday. cours es, at the expence of those who must be satisfied confound-, proceed as follows :— cannot stir without beholding a spy, paid by yoaV- wad theq r brethren from oppresssioa and living death. under his directions. —I have the honour to be, &c. with the parin gs from th e rich man' s table? On " Mr . Stick-in the-Mud , if elected, will you -vote for eelves, to goad you into resistance, and then to torture Bat we art s$ilj full of hope , still determined ; our (signed) T. Herbert , Captain. —Commodore Sir J. J. Monday, June 1.4. "Zhntsda y, the Whigs, without the confidence of the the restoration of Frost , Willia ms, and Jones ?" you if yoa do resi st ! think that tbe whole cours e of eausejsfl|ere 4,and rendered more so by the virtue of Gordon Bremer , Kt ,, C.B. K.C. H., Commander-in- chief , Sir R. Peel presented several petitlsns , some of country or even of tbe gang, voted jC250 ,«00 to some Answer— " That it a subject upon which I have not nature , both at home and abroad , has been opposed by tfc&0 who bavo suffered in its behalf , and we are still Ac. 4c. fcc. which prayed for a total repeal of the Corn Laws. Engli sh merchants , who were caut ioned against ven- made up my mind, and is entirely a question of detail. " the very devils who would now call you angels, till resolved, fend that quickly, to emancipate ourselves Lists of the Ships , Steamers , Boats , &c employed On tlie report of the Appropriation Bill being and ¦ ¦ taing their goods upon the high seas pending a war. (Hear, hear.) they had once more used you to your own destrmc tlon ! our children fiom slavery, and to be no longer oppressed at the Capture of Canton on the 16th instant. —Her broug ht up, ' ..;: This was robbery '. downright -barefaced robbery J " Wiil you present a petition upon the subje ct, if re- think of these tilings, and giro power to the monsters by a vile and useless aristocracy ; but to this end Majesty 's ship Herald , Captai n Nias ; her Majesty 's Mr. H ume contended that the landed interest in this Reform commenced in blood, progressed in war, quired "by your constituents to do so ?" again if you da re i! something must be done to serve as a rallyin g point , sloop Modesto , Commander Eyres ; her ' Majesty 's country was too highly favoured , and that the proposed -desolation, tyranny, starration of the poor , weep- Answer —" Most certainly, I *h»M consider it my Why does not Sheffi eld, that has suffered more an,d to gather all into & mighty and irresistible band of sloop Hyacinth. Commander W arren ; her Maj esty 's tax of 8s. a quarter on wheat would be an onerous {and ing, wailing, gnashing of teeth , and has now ter- duty to do so." (Hear, hear , and cheers. ) than any town in England , take that position which, patriots. With this view we again beg to call the brig Algerine , Lieutenant Mason. Tenders—Hor Ma- grievous tax. • minated in plunder ! and well may the Noble Lord " Will you vote for the liberation of all political from its importance , it ought to take ? attention of our countrymen to Bronte rre O'Brien ; it jesty's schooner Starling , Lieutenant Kellett ; her Ma- Mr. G. Palmer said that the land tax, the tithes; Pabne rston exclaim " we will die game !" Expirin g in prisoners ?" Why stand dilly dally, Bhilly shally, with, the will give us sincere pleasure to see the country rousing jesty 's schooner , Hebe, Mr. Quln , mate ; her Majest y's and the poor rate were taxes pressin g on the land. theae tof plunder was a most char acteristic death for Answer —" Why, I think that a wide distinction knowledge-monger and scullion-wan-of-all- work to to a sense of duty towards thi s genuine patriot ; our cutter Louisa , Mr. Carmichael , mate. Steamers—H on. The Elections Petitions BUI went through committee. Wkiggery ! 1 wish H- B. would sketch a dying Whi g exists between those whose crimes amounted to open the Whigs, George Henry Ward ? Ah! fie! shame country would be eternally disgraced if, even amidst Company 's steamer Madagascar , Captain Dicey; Hon. The House went into committee on the Registration Ministry with their bands in a poor band-loom weaver 's violence, and'those whe were merely the dupos of upon you, to listen to the hypocrite f the multifarious call% that are now made upon its Company 's steamer Nemesis, Captain HalL Boats— Voters Bill but ; pocket ! others— (hear , hear }—and I ahould certainly vote for Fustian jackets, stand up for yourselves and scout resounest sueh a man.as O'Br ien should t>e permitted , First division : Commander Barlow ; Lieutena nts Mr. Wa lter moved tha t the House should be Thus I show that the people nobly stood by the the liberation of the latter class." (Cheers. ) him and Parker, and the Russian Urquhart—all , unbelpsd and unheeded , to be a victim to tbe in Williams. Stewart , and Drury ; Lieutenant Dewes, counted , and there being only 30 members pre sent, Whigs ; and now, pray observe. The Tories , who " Will yen v»te for Universal Suffrage ?"' all, one and all—fr om your presence .' which his virtues hod provoked. acting ; Messrs. Walter , Kendoll , Pur ver , Woolcombe , the House adjourned. •esuld not successfullyresist Reform nine years Answer— " I do not know what tke-term means. I I have now only to add my request, that some plain Brother Cwurt iats, if you wish for that freedom for Baker ,and Kator , mates ; Mr. Comber , midsh ipman ; ago, could sow, after bo long a trial of it, would vote for extending the ri ght of voting to all those blunt man, who has work ed all day in fustian , will, in which O'Brien has fallen smuggling, answer, and let Mr. Scott , volunteer first class. Second division : Com - actually repeal the measure to-morr»w ! To what who from character , education , and stake in the country, each town, read my whole letter to the noble fustian the tyrant -factious sfe you are able te work out your mander Clark : Lieutenan ts Hamilton , Beadon , and 23anfcrt t£t& &c. pupa te then , hsn we sided Whiggery, if , at the end could be safely entrusted with the franchise. " (Disap- Chartists, and I ask them to decide foe themselves ; own politMal salvation - Saute ; Mr. King, master acting ; Messrs. Miller , Fitz- t safety, have been tbe benign countenance of our beloved Frost ; get a ha has endure d in your cause ; and the slight pecuniary her Majesty 's ship Rooms , Manchester. . ' Attorneys , Messrs. Walmsle y, which they hare acceded to their ererj application for divided into two branches or heads ; the one for the House of Tories, and THEN indeed speak to the aid which narrow circumstances may allow you to make her Majesty 's ship Calliope ; Lieutenant Giffard , Hon. Chanc ery-lane ; and Messrs. willing, and the other for the unwilling idler ;—(long Whi gs, when they ¦ Keightley, and Parkin , the legal means of torturing and plundering the working are at tbe same side of the hedge will .enable him to assail , with •ertaln success, the Company 's 12th regiment. Humphreys , Cunliffes , Cha rlewood , and Bury, Man - classes. continned cheering) —and to this branch of tbe subject with you, abou t the restoration of Frost . Williams, ana stro ps holds of corenption , and , .finally, to be instru- Return of ordnance destroyed in . the defences near J ones, , passage—22 chester. I wfil wotinsult yoor anderstandiag by recapitulating I shall devote my best attention, aad shall at all time* and - ibeir restoration to office being one and tbe Hugital, in conjunction with oar brave and beloved* -Canton : Lower battery , loft bank ilacao - , Derbyshire, wine- be most happy to confer with my constituents upon the same question. guns ; upper battery—9 guns ; Sand-bag-batter y on William HuteTilnson, Drohfield fee sad catalogue of " Wh ig-reformed and refined QjCofnor , in leading us to honour and victory. merchant , Ju ne 21, July 23, at one, at the Town Hall, •snetty aad opp™—inefrfeja * J jtb»Hstart with -a subject " (Cheers. » Get a House of Tories ; and if Fro st, Williams , and W»jLiolce ttuMefthe 1 saine 'holy zeal which influenoed wharf —9 guns; . western fort , Canton suburb s, ' , " ~~ffiIar" " ' joins mb BPrroet ', Sheffield. Attorneys ,'Messrs . H utcbinson , Chesterfield ; finisher—if I may be allowed tbe expression. Let Now suppoBe e3ai&&5!loB $» Iisto ia*nr 'tff va theigwayy-ttt-twetTe-mo nfchB, the 4arons in den&n&N g tho Magna Cha ft*7 »Wor )i in <&'bawecn )—10 guns ; red fort , opposite Canton fac- and Messrs. JBrotthson And Mitton , Sontbampton-build- as th en for a moment pass otbt eTery single act of placa at Leeds,or at the Isle of Wight , -where I -will suffer my right hand to be cut off. hand, which impelled the sons of liberty to extort the tories—20 guns ; Dutch FalTy—25 guna ; 8and-bag Gisbcrne , by Comrades , you once above arsenal—13 guns ; two junks moored off ings, Caancery-lane. iniquity, and judge then by their " new birth unto a notorious hack , has been catechised spoke of a sacred month ; let this petition of rights from Charles the first , and to de- battery, ; righteousness." Whig s in tbe character of Chartists. Let us suppose bB onr Bacred month for wor k. Be true to one another throne him as a traitor to his country, which urged admiral' s houae—15 guns ; total—123. Besides those DISSOLUTIONS OF PARTNERSHIP. Hear me Leeds. At tbe el ese up starts poor little Smiles, £to for one month , and the Charter is tbe law oi the land. Englishmen to obtain the Bill of Rights from William destroyed in Lin 'a and the mandarin 's war boats. , then, you starring millions • hear me. when ¦whom J. Atkinson and Q. Atkinson, Halifax, Yorkshire , tfca Whigs had plundered till they left nothing in a I gave the profes sional name of Doctor , Comrades , in our weaknes s we defied the oppressor ; and M ary ; that holy zaal still lives in somo of tbeir (Signed) Tuts Herbert , Captain. grocers—H. Seudambre .and J. Bail , Manchester , oil- tangible shape to be plundered , they required a new and -which, by Jove , he has kept ever sine*:] shal i -we court him in our strength ? posterity, and still points for the admiration of the A list of casualties in the force employed in the cloth-mannfacturers—J. Pye and J. Pye, Preston , Lan- license to pr owl in quest of tre&su es yet unknown ; np . starts this liberal member of the F« and That my days are numbered by faction no man age, to men who are determined to live and die unflinch- attack and occupation of the defences of the city of cashire , slaters—J. Bobthroyd , J. KUbum , D. Milhes, and, in the nin eteenth eentnry, the financiers of the Goose Club , and congratulates the people of doubts ; but show how one willing victim can wipe the ing patriots. We certainl y conclude , from the Canton , on the 18th day of Ma rch , 1841 : Lieutenan t , , , npon the of in J. Hudson B. ScargiU T. Spedding, S. Mitchell J. great nation are compelled to play hide and seek , and a l^eds earnest liberality giren the bran4 c-f slavery from the bro w of free born man—and knowledge which the people possess of iMr. Stransuam , royal mar ines, seveiely. Calliope—2 Lister , T. Blakeloy, JB ; Bailey, J. Greaves, S. Newsome, welcome tortur e wounded slightly. Hyacinth— 2 -wounded ; 1 slightly, game at speculation , for the means of supporting their foregoin g answers ! Now, peor little Smiles knows just ! Yes, I ehall be sacrificed belore OBilen , aad from the efi'ecU pro duced by his jun., J. Ward , jua . 'P. Hirst , B. Rothery, J. Word , own tyranny. as much about politics as he does about physic, and tyranny -will yield to just ice, but yet will I not abate , mental labour , that a lengthened appe al to the Chartists 1 severely. Modesto—2 wounded slightly. (Signed) sen., J. Greenwood , D. Ramsden , T. Fczard , G. Ward , Well, -whit do they do ? Just listen : They, who in that' s nothing at ail ; but he imagines tha t the suff. rers one jot of my demand , nay not a jot 's point eveu to the on his behal f is altogether unnecessary ; wo need only Tuos. Herbert , Capta in. T. Clegg, T. Ward , Bat ley Carr , Yorkshire , scribbling- 1134 threw joe upon your " own resources,"in lMl hare from Whig treachery are all as ignorant as himself ; addition of one day to the age of the voter. It would propound our objects to our brethren , to ensure their miUera ; eo far as regards J. Boothroyd , T. Ward , and bowels of compassion for yen ; and Lord John BusseD and therefore he, for one, adopts in June , as nearly be mure prudent and expedient for me to begin now to adoption. We state , then , that we are anxious to J. Kil bur n.—J. Field andT. H. 8> ers, Liver pool, gro- actually has the matchless audacity to speak of ths perfection , what , in January, he denounced as worse woo the raging po wer ; it is another fiaa opportun ity show the enemies of our weal that we forget not our $m$evial ^arK amrnt. cers—C. Brook , J. Brook , and W. Tovinend , Yorkshire , ssfferingB of the j>^ion opera:-ive», whose .'qnalid and than heretical , a Tory-Whi g, or rather a Wiig-Tury. for commencin g a rutr ^at ; but , I pass it by aa the friends , and we are desirous of showing our suffering fancy manufacturers ; so far as regards J. Leech. Then comes Marshall , in whost ; mill scores of rest, and repeat , " no surrender ; death or libert y." friends , that we net ouly know our duty to them , but wretched appesiracee in 1S3& was made matter of —Frida y, June II. ,—:—? deriiion and ridicule , by his northern supporters , the murders , cold-blooded murders , have been committed ! Men of Sheffield , and men of all pUces, you hava that we are resolved to perform it; the refore , we call HOUSE OF LORDS. HazcheaierGuardian and LeedsMercury. Will tbey a man whose every shilling has been coiBed out of the told me that you will stick io me like wax and follow upon our fellow men to aid us in raising the funds The Sugar Duties Bill was read a third time and From th« Gmzette of Tuesday, June 15. heart 's blo»d of prematurely slaughtered infan ts ; up whithers oever I lead. I a^k do such devotion. 1 merely sufficient to enable our now incarcerated advocate to now turn to their columns and repnnt what they said passed , on the motion of Lord Dunxannon. BANKRUPTS. ¦o? the B-alton opera tives on Kersal Moor ? gets this graceles * monster, in the presence of the ask you to follow princip le, and stick to the holy commence his fire upon tbe enemy, immediately after The Tithe Composition . (Ireland ) Bill went through Well , bet tre must aot stray. pireDts of those little ones who are either no more , Charter. his liberation ; oar object is to fur nish him , as a committee. James Brook , victualler , Fritlt-street , Soho, to sur- In tie beginning sf May, Lord John Russell propo ses or living nionunient3 of his lust ; and afttr congratulating Now, comrades , I thus sum up ; for forty-one years national tribute , with press , types , and other materials , The Earl of Cx-auemjon laid on the table his bill for render Ju ne 23, at twelve, and July 27, at eleven, at le the meeting, he moves that Mr. Aldam '3 answers are the Whi gs used you for obtaining political power ; for that he may not only preserve himself and family from regulating the law relating to princ ipal and factor , the Court of Bankru ptcy. Official Assignee, Mr. John- certain measures for the relief of tbe starring peop , , Haratr nine years the y have aad he E3js, lhat they, tlie people, must be afforded quite satisfacto ry ; and the travelled tour ist had that power ; aud contrast Eng- tho jaws of starvation , but that he may promote the which was read a first time. son, Basingball-street ,- Attorney, Mr. Field , Finchley. Stansfeld , who " loves his neighbour as himself ," land , during that period , with aLy othe r uine year s of general good of the community, by being enabled to In ansu -er to a question from the Marquis of Lon- John M'lntyre , oil cloth manufacturer , Manchester , Urns aad opportunity to speak on* upon the subject her history , 2»*i>w that is all right and fair , and bespeaks a repe nt- seconds the proposition ; and thus the opinions of and iay has not the } ower been most give a full , free , and uncontrolled expression to his dond err y , June 28, and July 27, at the Conmiis3ioners'-room8, ance fur the past , and also gives us to understand that this clique go abroad as tbe opinions of the men blasting ! Tbey have insulted you , betrayed you , des- opinions ; such men ought not to be silenced by the Viscour.t Melbourne said , measures had been taken Manchester. Attorneys , Mr. Appleby, Aldermanbnry, the people are to decide. Well and good . But now of Leeas ; wlfereas , if the men of Leeds ha4 pri- '.e or pised and loathe d you ! They have courted your power of despots , nor by the weight of poverty, preparatory to informing the Spanish claimants when London ; Mr. Grundy j Bury, Lancashire. mark ! cpon the 25th of the same month , and np to spirit , they woul d kick every one of the bloo;l-suckers enemies , and divided with them the honour of oppres- —they must not ; the refore he up and doing ; let us vie the instalment should be paid. But no claimants had Jamea Leary , cofFee-houseke eper, Quadrant , Regent- that time of the ease people peti- •who dared to mock tbeir poverty by appealing for their sion! For nine years you have had no opposition to with each other in the accomplishing this necessary been paid at present. street , June 20, at twelve, and July 27, at.the-Court of , above 2.009,9*0 their luat and will. A tion f ur a very slight measure compared to the one snpixirt, from their pre sence. Tory minority n-ver will opposs and important objtct ; lose no time ; and what we do, The Marquis of Lon son derr y said he should not Bankruptcy. Official Assignee, Mr. Gibson , Basinghall- proposed by Lord J ohn Russell ; and what is the result ? Sow, a3 Joe Hume ia a uniq ue specimen of Whig tyra nny ; n Whig niinority must do so to acquire popu - let us do well, and quickly. Wo need add no let this matter drop in the present Pa rliament. street ; Attorne y, Mr. Lewis, Arundel-street , Strand. , and Liberal , let us subject him to examination :— lar suppor t, as the means of plundering. Therefore , if more, being conacloua tke nation will respond to the On the motion of the Marquis of BUTE for the th ird Charles Hopkins , miller , Stapleton , Gloucestershire , Why just this. There are sixty members in one scale you get a Housa of Torie s, you andsxty members in the other scale; thus balanced , " Did you support the Poor Lvw Amendment Act ?" seta good working Whig call. John Ogden , Secretary. reading of the Jews ' Declaration Bill, Juno 29 and July 27, at the Commercial-rooms , Bristol! " Yes ; I 8u£pcrt«d the Bill, as prsposed by the Chartis t opposition. If you get a House of Whigs you , the 2,oe« . {;OO are threwu into the Bcale of justice , and Committee Room The Bishop of LlandaFF opposed the motion , and Attorneys , Meesra. Jones and Blaxland, Crosby-square , Whigs, for the benefit of tbe industrieus class s, but get a Tory minority so strong that the Whigs wiil jus - Leeds, June 14th , 1841. moved as an amendment , that the bill be read a, third London ; Mr. Peters ; Bristol. in pops the Speaker into the scale of op pression— and the tify anther rei ie ire ^hs dc-jrn ihe ichoie fore * 0/ popularwill thus not the workings of the measure as carried on by gn of tyrmuy by their weakness ami time that duy three months. John Daines , joiner , Stafford , June 26 and JHly 27, Tuvries." (Hear , hear, and loud cheers. ) Tory strength. What .3 ttis but a base admission that pro cUi'tnci.' .' .' HETHERING TON FESTIVAL. Lord Lyttleton seconded the amendment. at twelve, at the Star Inn , Stafford. Attorneys ,. Messrs. o-w House evinced " Have you not supported the Whigs in all their they widc ling to office , and be forced to do mischief The Earl of WiNCHiLSEA opposed tbe bill. Clowes and Wedlake; King 's-bench-walk , Inner Temple , K , 1 aik you, what respect has the , -while you profess yourself rather than abandon it and lor the people, when one man , -wh o ought to be neuter , struggles for confidence prevent otber3 from doing The Bishop of St. Davids supported the measure , London ; Mr. Bell, Stafford. it. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHEBN STAR. has more power than 2,000,000 ? opposed to their entire policy ?" and denied that it would alter tke Christian character Adam Thwaites , brewer , Newcastle-uppn-Tyne , July " Yts ; because I kne w tha t if the Taurits canse in , r»ow hear my advice ; leave all your nnmanly, Sir ,—I am desired by the Committee to request the 1, at eleven, and July 27, at two, at the Bankrupt Let me tell you why I use this arg ument : I of the institutions of the country. 1 was right when I told yon , that they would commence a reign of terror , and espe- childish , and nonsensical pledges about the Poor Law , inserti on of the enclosed balance sheet , in the nex t Slar. The Bishop of London opposed the bill , contending Commission-room , Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Attorneys , Ese it , firstly , to pror e that 1 ) and release of us poor dttiis , (-w ho woul d rather rot in OT=r and over again , that our whole force could not cially in Ireland. " (Hear , hear. By so doing yon will confer a favour on there waa no analsay between the admission of Chris- Messrs. Bell, Broderick , and Bell, Bow Church-yard , administrative change ; that "Did you not, on Thursday, tho 20th of June , prison than gain our liberty at the fcxpecce of our Yours , &c. tian Disgerttera to tbe councils of the nation and the Ckeapaide , London ; Mr. Seymour , Newcastle-upon- effect any, the slig&test , pay whit is ca.iled parties ' honour and their cause.) We could not insure the discharge of s pJace menial, vote £256.000= of English money to The Tories have no W. A. Main. admission of Jews to the same privileges. He believed Tj ne ; Mr. Kenmn vGateshead. tbe claims of some English merchants trading -with notion any more than tbe Whi ga of repe aling tbe Poor 4, Margaret-street , Wellington-square , th at a very few Jews only were interested in the measure , John Sugden, machine-maker , Leeds, June 22, at Her of one policeman ; that we eould not cut the tail of run , a single royal horse or dog ; in short , that for all , save Denmark , and who bad such notice of therisk they Law Amendment B ii. Put no question , ask no Juno 13th , 1841. and that tho mass of the people cared nothing about three , and July 27, at nine, at the Comm&isioners'- , our force is ahe underwriters refusing to inaaie their cargoes ,) that pledges, hold no intercourse ; keep your numerical RECEIPTS. it. rooms, Leeds. Attorneys , Messrs. Dunning and Staw- the acquirement of a great organi c change they -were mere smueflerB ?" Did you not do this at a strengt h apart from theirs , and after work , on each day, wholly inoperative. I uso it , firstly, with that view ; £ s. d. After a few words from Lord Gallowa y. man , Leeds ; Messrs. Smithson and Mitton , Soutbamp- to express my utter conten.pt , and the time when six in every ten of the operatives of Eng- parade your physical power through the street double tea tickets , The Marquis of Bute replied , tuvd said be considered ton-buildinga , Chancery-lane , London. and , secondly, -when that amount with your working For 39 at 2s. 6d. 4 17 6 contem pt of many brave comrades who honour me with land were actually starring, and men candidates for your „ 71 stogie ditto , at Is. 6d it his duty as a Christian to vote for tke bill. Thomas Pitt Stokes, busldtr , Dudley, Worcester. 10s. to one hundred th ^usiud hands (mind , only fur your hands , this time) — 5 17 0 their confidence , for those who profess Chartism and would have given £2 „ 37 double ball ditto , at Is. 6d 2 15 Their Lordships then divided , and the numbers were June 26 and Jul y 27, at eleven, at the Swan , Wolver- eads o famili , at 6 , Whig gery, by catechising tbe very men h f es which , at the rate of five to a family, 5our heid. liiiutn jour men by a show of „ 69 single ditto , —For the third reading, 64 ; agai nst it , 98; majority, hamptom. Atttorneys , Mr. Biggs Southampton-build- go about aiding •woul d have partially relieved half a million of destitute those hands , and then all who have votes, at Is 3 • 0 , Louden ; Messrs. Hay ward and, Web b, Birming - aj individuals , ~bo, as a body, have committed all these vote baldly 34. The bill waa consequently Joet. ings ¦ hand-loom weavers ': " against the devils, by voting for the devils in hell 1 By Lord Brou gham moved the second reading of the ham ; Mr. Fellowes, Dudley. . ;. ¦;. atrocities. did -, but the honour of England, and that means you will, in lets than six, , Tota l Receipts 16 10 0 prac tice. The wretched , miserable , Answer— " I aye less than Ditto Expenditure 12 11 8 Punishment of Death Bill. Thomas Dixon, grocer , Kirkgate , Leeds, Jun e 22, at Toia is the the faith of Parliament was pledged— (laud and long three niontis , see as pretty a piece of fun between the at the Commissioner ** , poping, groveling eavesdroppers of -working men, go TUo ilarqula of Norm an by gave his hearty support two, and July 27, at one, Rooms , putting continned cheers )—and two other classes of claimants rival factions , ia the St. Stephen 's cockpit , as ever was to the motion of his Noblo and Learned Friead , and Commercial-b uildings , Leeds. Attorneys , Messrs. Wig- about to Ward meetings and election meetings by a Balance £3 18 4 , and Cradock , Gray 'a Inp-square the very devils who havs been had their demands previously discha rged vot*- wiiDts *et1 at bull bait or dog fight ! intimated that it had been his own intention to move lesworth , Ridadale , ti e foil owing queries to of tbe Bouse, and by the Tauries;—ivebement cheer- Juit get the Whigs once eff the perch , the Tbe balance of £3 18s. 4d. is appropriated to the London ; Mr. W. T. Smiths Bank- street , Leeds. fi oicg all the miEchiet the second reading. ing)—and is there an Englishman with a dro p oi golden perch , and little Jack and the Big Beggermu n benefit of Mrs. Frost. Lord Brou gham wns not aware of that , and cheer- Cuthbert Taylor and Thoma s Hawkey, ship-builders , " Will you rote for the restoration of Frost ?" -wlio will froth at the mouth , the liberation of the Chartist English blood in his veinB, would rob the honest like mad blood-hounds and we EXPENDITURE , fully resigned mo charge of the measure to his Noble Wearmouth-shore , Durham , July 5 and 27, at eleven, " Win you vote for speculator of the just reward of his enterprise J"— shall be taunte d with OMrmoderation. , Sunderland. Attor- prisoners V To use of the Social Hall ,. ...10 0 Ftiend. at the Thompson 's Arms HoteJ (Renewed cheers.) I conclu de, in tbe brief but eloquent language , neys, Messrs. Swain , Stevens, and Co., 6, Frederick' s- " WiU you -present petitions for 'Univer sal Suffrage ~ furnishing tabl es for tea 10 6 T. he Mar quis of Westmeat ji said that if he stood Now, I put it to the good sense of working men , of tLe Gsntral to his troops upon the eve of battle:— alone , ha would divide their Lordships , when in com- place, Old Jewry, London ; Mr. Wilson, and Messrs. vxi support th«ir prayer ?" ^ attendance in dressing rooms 0 4 0 whether or not they must not naturally expect to " CoJiiraJts , ther e's the enemy ; if you don 't kill them 5 4 8 mittee , a:;ain «r. any clause which would take away the Wright , Sunderland. Ban ! Go te , yon wretches ! ask them , if yon wan t by G—d they «. 157 teas, at 9d. each ... , who did remain for ever alaughifig-stock or bye-word of reproach 'll kill you." „ band 1 16 0 protection 01 helpless women against the ruthless vio- Joseph Barker Abbott and Denis M'Cheane wine information , " Were you one of the five and emblem of scorn , bo long aa their enemies have Let this letter be read at the head of every regiment merchants , June 3« and July 27, at one, Ut the Claren- t«?« fsr tbe restoration of Frost , Williams , and Jones ?" ,. printing ... 1 5 0 lence of man. ¦ nothin g to do but to insult them , plunder tL em, shoot in the service, an d let thosa who work , thinfc speak „ rent of conmittee room ... .,, ...... 1 1 0 The bill was then read a second time, and the com- don-rooms , Liverpool , Attorneys , Messrs. jLowndea, •' Are yon not one of the 65S who did incarcerate , entomb tliem for nine years , as a and act far thems elves. If you support the Whigs, ine, lit e felons, in them , hing them v. advertisements 0 14 6 mittee fixed for Monday. Robinson , and Bateson , Liverpool ; Messrs . Taylor , the Chartists., and aDow them to p party , and then , a3 individuals , rfective their forgive- may you live in slav ery and die in want. Amen. , Middlesex. their run Have yon not declared you m. stationery, postage , &c 0 6 6 The 'LiUie Hill tUen. passed through committee. Sharpe , Field , and Jackson geons ?" " ness when they ask for a new lease of the period to >>e Ever, your faithful friend , Tiie Administration of Justice Amendment Act was Jamea Lunn , ship broker , Newcaatle-np on-Tyne, determination ,to resist Unive rsal Suffrage to the death ?" renew their lease tyrants ? Once let the working men Fear gcs O CONNoa. i-12 11 8 read a second time. July 9, at eleven, and Jul y 27, at two, at the Bankrupt My men, my faitoLos , hear mj bri ef catechism. seven years longer , and farewell Charter , " of Whiggery for William Balls , ) A Their Lordships adjourned till Monday. Commission-room , Newcastle-upon-Ty ne. Attorneys Are yen a Whig ? without bloodshed I Audi,,.Htn-.OT»- Newcaatle-upo n-Tyne ; Messrs . Curria Answer —" Yes." W. H. WESTON , | * Mr. Hfcwlson , Hume was too liberal for the second stage of reform , Monday, June 14. Woodg ate, New-square , Lincoln's Inn , London. Tnen to the devil . THE " LEAGUERS" AND THE TRADES. , Hon. Secretary. and fo ' andjconsequently. he hadtogo to Ireland ; butnowHume W. A. Main The Militia Pay Bill, and several other Bills, were Samuel Rayner . engraver , Friar-gate , Derby, June 28, Areyraa Tory ? has softened down to electoral heat , and be comes ss The ladies ' shoemakers of Manches ter having receired Committee Boom, Jane 10th , 1841. brought up from the House of Commons , and read a at two, and Juiy 27, at eleven, at tbe Court of Bank- Answer—" Yes." of retrogression . an invitation to send a deputation of their body to the , Mr. Graham , Basinghall- purpose to send the new champion first time. ruptcy. Official Assignee Well, you wait awhile till it suits my Perhaps, it is not genera lly known that for many anti-Corn Law League, accompanied by a large bundle , the Bills atreet ; Attorne y, Mr. Vallan ce. Essex-street , Strand. you af ver the other rascaL of tracts for their enlightenment On the motion of the Earl of CLi.RBNDON yean Home was an ultra-Tor y, more violent than either , the trad e held a meet- OFFICIA L DESPA TCHES FROM CHINA. of Exchange Continuance Bill (for one year ) was passed Williani Barton , upholsterer , Soho, Mfddusex , Jane Let that be your catechis m. Tha t's orthodox ; ; and now he fights his old associates ing to consider it, and then returned the spoiled rags in Despatch es Fr iday at the Admiralty 27, at eleven, at the Ctoort of Bank- the Tery Peel or Stanley wen received on through ail ita stages, the standing «rde » having Seen 22, at one, and July Kat's scriptural ; thsfs fiat Are they n#t with " all the ferre ncy of a rene gade." This con- a lump, together with the following letter :— from Commodore Sir J. J. G. BT cmer . C.B. relative to ruptcy. Ofacial Assignee, Mr. Whitemore , Basinghall- Parties who for nine years , as a body, have done all suspended for that purpose. , version we might pardon , if he had not beea one of the Ge.ntlehen,—Having received a circular , purport- the late successesof British arms in China. The whole . A great number of Bills were forwarded a stage, with- street ; Atto rney, Mr. Oliver , Old Jewry. tbe mischief, who now come before you trying to supporters of Whigger y, and one of the of the defences another , Antonio Joa quim FreireMarreco , merchant , Newcas- tering most reckless ing to emanate from the Corn Law League, inviting us , one after have been destroyed , out any opposition. *»4dle, individual ly, out of the mud by spat most constant and determined upholders of the Starva- to send a deputation , in conjunction with other trades , and the second city of the Chinese empire , is now under Eat l FiTZW-iLiiiAM , in reply to a qnestloa from Lord tle-n pon-Tyne, July 8, at one, and July 27, afreleven , at Mieir neighbours. all its hideousness. British domination. We subjoin an abstract of Captain , he unde rstood , be very the Bankru pt Commission-room, Royal-arcade, New- wouldnot allow them tion Act in to confer with a deputation from the said body, and Wharnclifi ij, eaid that it would They tell you th at " the Tories htar me for my eanse : for considering , as we do, that the object of the meeting is Herbert' s letter to Commodore Sir J. J. G. Bremer , inconvenien t if he br ought forward his motion respect- castle-upon- Tyne, Attorneys , Messrs. Watson and Wix, to carry good measures. " Ask them when their majo- 2fow, brother Charti sts, by nine year ^ have we been persecuted the W higs ; and to enlist the Trades ' Unions in the agitation for a detailin g the destruction of the last defences of the ing tlie Cura Laws «n Tuesday. Every other day except King's Arms- yard, Colenian-street , London ; Measra. *itj »&3 two hundred what measures they carried ; and ,, city :— day hia Noble Brockett and Philipson , Newcastle-upon-Tyne. and taxa tion , with their hands reeking -with the bleod of those whom repeal of the Corn Laws we, the Society of Ladies' Friday was occupied , but upon that tbey nru t insTre r , " coercion, starvatio n, Shot makers, beg leave to state that we decline engaging Bri tish Factory, Canton , March 18, 1841. Frien d (the Duke of Wellington ) could not attend ; and Thomas Lamplngh , grocer , Great Driffiel d, Yorkshire, a rural ' Ca nadian slaughter ;" taey have starved , they appear as supplicants for a re- police and arm 3 bill , and For frur years you have panted for in any agitation which does not guarantee to the Sir ,—This day the force under my orders carrii- rt and under theae circumstances he feared he could not , in its July 5, at the Beverley Arrus , Bevorley, and July 27, at while they isre left the poor little cMldre n white newal of power. ; , at eleven. Attor- the very crisis which has now arrived. Tbe eyes of mechanic aLd artisan that protection for his labour destroye d in succession all tbe 'forts in th« advances prese nt substantive shape, bring his motion forwa rd tbe George Inn , Kingston-upon-HuU •laves jast -where tbey found them , and have sunk 1 Walmsle y, Kei ghtley, and Parki n, Chan- the Repub licans of France are now upon you ; the eyes which his usefulness in society so justly demands. and befor e Canton , taking , eiiiki ng, burnin g, or as- ciuring tho present session. neys, Messrs. * e pover-loom weavers in still deeper poverty! presented the report of the com- cery-lane , London ; Messrs. Shepherd aaU Tonge, Drif - pract ical poli tics, of infant Spain , gorged with her long meal of blood, In examining the voluminous documents With which persing the enemy's flotilhi , anfi hoisting the uniou on Lord Hathe rton Ail! if yon -want to get & lessen in upon you. ; and you have been pleased to favour us, we fin d a mul- the walls of tho British factory, the guns of the mittee upon Suud siy trading on canals , and said it was field ; Mr. Thomey, HulU ' •Toa the Tweed and show me one single victor y that are upon you ; the tyts of Ire land are. to by your performance yon will assuredly be jud ged tip licity of uuwarrant able assertions , which to the squa dron commanding all the approaches to the city the unanimous opinion of the committee that the John Morrish , liqnor-mercliant, Bristol , June 25 and fi» tr ^Te Scotch h,iTe allowed the enemy gain. made out for legislative July 27, at one, at the Cominercial-rooms i Bristol. who de- Some humi us*, I understand , say that the Whigs superficial observer would lead to the conclusion that fiom the -western and southern branches of tiie rivor— strongest possible case was ^ot ose. G-&& God J I love those fellows , ¦w a repeal of the Com Laws would make our thas placin g ' , interference ; but that it shoul d be of a per missive Attorneys , Messrs. Hicks and Braikenrid ge, B&rtlett' sv. "oonie a would face only transport ed Frvs : in 1S40 hile the Tories bong in our power thu great 'pvovincfol capital ll talk ab jut fighting , and yet W as there ever such nonsense ? Are common country a perfect Elysium ; for instance, containing upwards of one million, of inhaMtiu ts. I rather than of a prohibitory character. buildings, Holborn , London ; llewa. Hinton, BristoL <&*& ia any shape for the Charter. Es:mett in ls»5. ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ' " THE:;" -B . v - • ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ; : ¦ ¦• ¦;; ¦ - 8 NOi |t :%p - ;B;N- , , g ; ^ ; ^ ,;, . , . .; . : ;[-X —/¦ V . - : . . . • , - \ - -; , . ;:/l, ~ ' ' . " '" : ' ¦ l ¦ ¦ ¦ " " "* " " ¦' ' ¦ ¦ —¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦—¦¦—¦ '- ¦ - — ¦ ¦ * ¦¦¦ 1 . ¦ .'. .._> - ¦ - : ¦ ¦ i .-¦-¦- ,.. , ¦:¦ * ¦ . .- . .,-. . , ... - ' , . . , ; .. _ . '^. ' ¦ ' .. .. , ' ¦. ¦¦,¦¦., . ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦¦- ... - . - ' . ¦ _ ¦ ~—- . _ - — - - — - - —' " — ...- ' J- '" ^^— i TO THE ELE CTORS AND NON-ELECTOR S our " merchants to the gulf of bankruptcy, and oar owner of dwelling houses and roanufaetoffai , too ttaay Child DEOPPiNG«--On Satnrday morning, »s % American News.—Livkbpool, Satdbd at labourers to eat their beds." Worse than the hereditary and profitleat to C$w^ ~W* OF THE WEST RIDING. of which were empty . their owaert! 3Et ^l^^ working man was proceeding ajong Burleyrlane , he have an arrival at this port to-day from New Yort? legislators have done , it is impossible for men to da He would remind the House of an mttn new stat e©f was attracted by the appearance ox a bundle in the with paper s five daya later than those previoualw " Our merchants are in the gulf of "banirnp tcy, It is impossible for men to do worse than reduce our things with regard to the conduct of person s eonttito tr ¦ hedge bottom , and » gentleman coming up at the received by the Roscoe. They are to the 16th ult_ and oar labourers haTe eaten their beds."—Lord John peasantry to go naked , and feed on sea-weed. It is ing public meetings. They, too, had their motions of . . XiEXCS&TSXU—The election fever rages here. att ention towards it g and were brough t by the Stephen Since the withdrawal of O'Connor 's and Colonel moment , he directed his , sayin Whitney , wbJdi RusxiL . ... . impossible for men to heighten the picture drawn by " no confidence " in either party. Thej *disliked bbttx that it Beemed to move. The two immediately has made her passag e in twenty days ^ She has Lsrd John Russell, when be says " our merchants are in Whig and Tory equally, but would prefer votingfor the Thompson's naraes.aa candidates,the Whigs , guiltily fori» • P«ii.ow Cocktbtkbk ,—When I last addressed opened the bundle, when to their astonishme nt a passengers on boardf. By this arrival we hare ul the gulf of bankruptcy, and our labourers have eaUn Tory now, and would doubtless dalv n|ectthem when conscious that they have outraged every feeling of new born male child quite naked and unwashed , thing satisfactory respecting the Pr esident yon npon tbe opinions of the two candidate! itfiieh the their beds i" - - their own proper time dame. At a (Mfst homanity in their scornful and cruel treat ment of steam *. forward to represent meeting at was exposed to view. The gentleman ,had the little These papers -contain a long examinati onTaHE; " virtaou» Whigs" an Wagin g, Yours," kc, . - . Birmingham , a resolution was paaud -wt the Chartists , are looking, with fear and trem bling, at the present " great eom- to vote for foundling immediatel y removed to the house of his British^ Consuls ' office of Captain Bowman yocr interests in pi"""" **"* A Freeholder. the abolition of the Corn Laws. The nv^J ority pre- tt> the appearance of two Tory candidates in the and mat! «^fr> erisia," 1 could only make inferences from mother , and the neighbours without delay proceeded B k T wh h«l f*i ferred a very different measure : they ©&n*lde*«athe field , knowin g that the union of Chartists with Con- ^ i /i^ wncjtJ ^ "Xv <> wport edtffi th» ps~* conduct of the man who is a " lord by the acci- to suppy its wants ; it was after wards taken to the wiev uau seen ^toe ox tne steam er on their naZ Com Law question delusive, and would be satis fied servatives will be fatal to the return of Easthope workhouse. A strict search , was instituted after sage from Bristol to New York. dent of bii birth ," and npon the other from the opi- with nothing less than Universal Suffrage, and Ellis, the. Whig seiviles. The agitation ThVeviden©*££ been aTowed by the great states - Itnpm'al iBarKamim Exactly kept the unatural mother , but hitherto without avail , no not, however , bear out the opinion pr eviously Bions which had " similar was the result of a meeting a% BhtXBeld. up by ChartiBts increases these fears. Last Sunday enth/ man* who irac to be the mentor of his future career. evening, oper trace having been discovered to lead to her. tained. There is a much more prob able report m *L at which the " no confidence** in either par ty was the Mr. Co , editor of the suppress ed by the Captai n of a vessel from Havre Sine*that address waa written, both the parties , whose HOUSE OF LORDS , Txjkdat , June 15. prevailing feeling. A meeting had recently Illuminator , pr eached a political sermon in MANCHESTER. —Repeal op thr Ukion.— to New C? opmioni, and the tendency of whose opinions, I endea- taken place who BtateB, that on the 16th of Ma rch he i>a«wf A great number of petitions wen presented against at Liverpool, which proved how well-informe d the the Market-pl ace, to a large audience , and The Election Committee met in the Tib-street- several fragments of a wreck Toured to analire, hare published their political creed any alteration in the Corn Laws. persons wen who wen present on the the Whigs are so mor tified with the home trut hs room , on Frida y evening. There were about thirty about which «i in an address to the electors; and , therefore, all snr- occasion : a quantity of chains , such as are used in the ruw dnir m On the motion of Lord Whabkcli pfe, a bill was working man, of the name of Jones, address ed the then delivered, that they are th reatening im- present. After transacting the business for which a steamer. The case of M'Leod nri *e *» to what i» likely to be their f atore politieal introduced , and read a first time, for the purpose of meeting in a manner which testified stron g prisonment. In spite of these sill they had met , the following resolution was passed : was to ewM «aras is completely set at rest ; and as the man -who sense, and y attempts at upon the day the Stephen Whit ney " altering the law relating to marriages within certain shewed how much he felt the hardship of the intimidation , Mr. Cooper again assailed the ramparts —" That, in order to ascertain how many Members saited. it *? is a lord by the accident of his birth " has made no re- seven cited the most intens e interest at New Yorkt w " degrees of affinity. suffering himself and persons of his class wen subject of Whig deceit on Tuesday night. The meeting, of Parliamen t will vote for a Repeal of the Legisla- would probabl y occupy some tzactions, we an fairly warranted in taking the whole The Lord Chancellor moved the second reading to frem (as he said ) the oppressive unluckil y, was prol onged too far beyond twili tive Union , this Commi ttee recommend the electors days.—Sun. ' «f his previons politieal life, in company with hi« effects of. the ght ; of the Charitable Trusts BilL Corn Laws. What Mr. Jones spoke waa so much to and , at its conclusion , a gang of the " Bloodies" of every town , borou gh, or county, in England, sow pabliahed address , as containing the line of po- Lord Ltndhubst opposed the bill, on the ground the purpose , that he should take rushed forward , and Attempted to Ireland and Scotland , to put the following question litics which in future he will pursue. And as he also the liberty to read throw the lecturer , LOC AL that the question of which it treated was full of diffi- it to the House:— " At a late meeting at Liverp ool, on the ground, and it was not until a reiuforcement to every candidat e, whether he be Whig, lory, or MARK ETS. of the " other house" has fairly spoken out, wa shall ' : ¦ culty, and of such great importance that it should not of the working classes, the Chairma n said that of Chartists , came up, that danger was averted . Radical— " Will you , in the event of your being re- . ? . «ow be enabled to refer to himself, as the chronicle of be brought forward at the present period «f the session, the next speaker , Robert Jones , Reports of police interf erence , turned to Parliament vote or move for a Repeal of bis own opinions. though a to be displayed next , Lbeds Cobm Mar ket, June 15. and in the existing state of both Houses of Parli ament man well able to express his views on Sunday evening, are rif e, through the town ; but the Legislativ e Union !' After which every to wn —The arriv al*.* Well, then , gentlemen , yoa will recollect, as I before this all kradB of Gram to' this day's mar ket ar TmSli The Noble Lord concluded by moving that the bill be great question , was unable to read , and he, the Chair- Mr. Cooper intends to. take his stand in the Marke t- shall send the answer to the Star—the names of than last week. stated, that a first Minister of state had stated in his read a second time that day three months. man , place again, There has been a fair demLffi place in would therefore move the resolution for him : notwithsta nding. those who will do so to be inserted in a list—thus Wheat , and Is. per qua rter parliament, that " our merchants were in the Lord Brou gham was quite astonished at the course ' That these laws , showin g what strength there is in support of the higher. There ht ffi gulf of b&nfcrup bc; " " our men of property uiable which wring from the wants of the more inquiry for Oats ; pursued by his N oble and Learned Fri end. The evil to poor , in order to suppor t a monopoly to HALIFAX, —The Chartists here met on Saturda y measure, and whether it can be obtained by moral and Beans, and last w«2?wett to obtain any rents ;" " our shopkeepers were ruined ;" the wealthy, prio es supported. B be redressed was a great one, and surely his Noble an cruel , unchristian , and unjust ; alike opposed to the evenin g, and passed a strong resolution relative to means or not." " our labourers living seventeen in fire yards square ;" Friend might have introduced a clause excepting a par - the bloody Whi g doings at Manchester. THE AVERAGE ' Word of God and the happiness of man.' Robert Jones, Dr. Sleigh th e agent of the Agricultural Society, PRICE S FOR THE Wfiw» " our pawnbrokers shops filled with the clothes and ticular species dt property, or in some way obviating in moving the adoption of this resolution ENDING '" , said, that , who came down from London to the Stevenson 's- JCNE 16TH , 1841. ^ furniture of our artinns ; and " that our manufac - his objection , without seeking to defeat the bill al r like some hundreds ROCHDALE — The excitement and indignatio n M turing labourers had eaten their beds. , if not thomsands , of those pres ent, square meetin g, bu t whom the bloody" Whigs dare " I beg you , Gen- together. all the property that he had in the worl d which the brutal conduct of the Manche ster Whi gs Wheat. Barley. Oats. Rye. Beans. . tiemen, to keep this Btat em«nt particularl y in mind ; he had with not allow to speak there , delivered a lecture in the Pea After some discussion their Lordships divided , and him—all the estate that God and his fath er had left has given rise to in Rochdal e is excessive. At a Corn Exchange , on Wednesday evening last. The put it OTer your mantelp iece, and engrave it on . your the bill was lost by a majority of 52 to St. him on the earth , and that English landlord s meetin g ofsome thousan ds, at the Butts, on Thurs- hearts , that Lord John Russell, in his capacity of a first would day pl ace was crammed, and a precious whacking the 3$ H?- & V- <& £ Their Lordships then adjourned. allow him , he held up to them (holding sp his hands). BairsUw and others denounced the dastardl y bloodies" got. minister of state , proved the above to be the condition affair* in energet ic langua ge. On Saturday last , at " These wen all his property ; and he fotad that , in Wheeler , th e Whig Victim.—Our corres- ' of the " envy of surrounding natio ns and the admiration consequence of the Corn Laws , and other wicked laws, the meetin g held aft er Shar man Crawford 's public f sfrft- t ffcS'tf&tist «£ the world I" HOUSE OF COMMONS, Tubsdat , June 15 entry, some of the speakers likewise recurred to the pondent has inquired after poor old Wheeler , who Leeds Cloth MABiusre.-There he was robbed of so much of the produc e of his estate was so brutally treated at the ma3sacre , and is in- has been no Der These {acts are worth a thousand speeches; there la that he and his children had to rise many a time from subject ; and last night a great open air meetin g was ceptible improv ement in the demand for goods dn**n» "Bo disputing them ; they hare authority stamped on The Railways (Ireland ) Bill) was brough t in by Lord hem on Lr onkeyahaw formed tha t he is not at all likely to recover . the week. The Morpeth , And read a first time. the table with half- filled bellies. (Hear ) Thift was not , to denounce this second Pe- election struggl es are the enim>s£ni their front. None of the random assertions these of a cause of party or faction ; it waa the: cause of the terloo. A band of music, with banners , and an effigy Two Men , in a state of intoxication , turned out topic of merest ; the merits of monopolists " FeargBs O'Connor and his wild associates," made for On Mr. Scholefield rising to bring forwar d the of Daniel O'Connell , pr omenaded the town of a publio-houBe , near to the Market-place , to anti-monopolists ar e *nf motion of which he had given notice on the subje ct whole human family—it was the caase of justice and , and led freely canvassed , and if W« the purpose of lighting up the torch of revolution ! a procession of some thousands up to the place figh t, on Tue sday morning. One . of the m stru ck the taa y jud ge from remarks of the distress so generally existing througho ut the truth , of God, and of humani ty. A tax apos bread ! of mado by the clothiers a These are not brought forward by " wild Chartists," a tax upon life itself—a tax upon the very1 meeting. The people were addressed in eloquent other a blow on the juglular vein, and he fell dead at desire seems to be very decidedl y in favour to place in jsxta-position with all th« extravagance of country, existence of ofX the working man—a tax on Eternal Justice , and on the spoeches by Ja mes Taylor , J. Taylor , and others , his feet. The survivor has been held to bail to latter class. , Mtoaewho loxuriate upon the public purse ! Nor has Mr. Godson rose and claimed precedence for the and af ter the meeting closed, the effi gy of Dan was appear at the Assizes. metion of which he had given notice relating to the Providence of God. (Hear , hear.) God sent untaxed Htodebsfield Cloth Market , June 15 —a™ ffce " physical force " advocate placed the man who rain to water the earth ; elevated on a risin g ground , and burnt amidst the marke t appears to be ," by the side #f the splendid k , petition of Edward Kilbean Cox , as it related to a mat- God br ought untaxed corn out WHITEHIIi , BRADFORD, (WiLrs.)- in the same langui d stat e u lias " eaten his bed par s of the earth ; God had spread a bountiful table for the cheers of the assembled multitud e. Cheers were then for some weeks past. We can report the superb mansions, or the pompous train , for the ter of privilege. given for the Charter O'Connor At Bradford fair hist Monday , a policemau was ill- no alteration The Speaker did not consider that the whol e family of man on the face of the earth ; but , , and Frost, and either in quantity sold or the alter ation of purpose of inducing him , though he has created all petition of groan s for the Whigs of Manchest er , and the meeting using a horse very much, when a respectable pricet Cox could be considered as relating to a question of man put his avari cicus hand on the bread , and snatched farmer 's son remonstrated with him , and desired The wool market is in the same stat Ont rat W these things, to fight for an equal division of property ! it from the hungry lips of the-people of England." It formed in procession and return ed back to Rochdal e. higher pr ices a3ked J>» , they are none of these ; but sober statements , pri vilege, and therefore the Honourable Member for him to desist. He immediately turned round and , owing to the adnn ce iath» had been «aid that poverty had made philosophers of the tf£l>S. foreign markets , made in sober moments, for the purpose of inducing Kidderminster could not bring on his motion out of its >r —At a meeting of Chartists , held at seized the young mau , and attacked him with his ¦ regular order. He therefore called upon Mr. Scholefield sufferin g artizan ; and the speech of Mr. J onea pro ves Mr. Josh. Oldroyd' s, Quarry Hill , it was unani- bludgeon , when up ran from twelve to fifteen of the Richmond Corn Marke r June -the legislature to pass certa in measures. how intelligent an uneducate d man maybe: To show how 12.--We hid a Well, then, such being proved to be the siate of the to proceed. mously agreed Ahat a People' s Traot Society be force, headed by Mr. Foley , an inspector, and they tolerable Bnpply of Grai n in our gener al ii the interest felt by all classes and texts, he market to-dtr country, the man who " is a lord by the accident of Jlr. Scholefield said he had to apologise to the formed immediately , for the pur pose of more ef- beat the man very severely, and locked him up. Wheat sold 83. to 9a. 3d. r Oats , 3s. 9d. to 4 " would mention the petition from 450 females of fectually s. his birth " in the address published in his name , says, House for his ewn inability to do justice to the motion spreading informa tion among all classes The conduct of the police was thoroughly brutal , Barley, 33. 6d. to 4s. 4d. ; Beans,4s. 6d. to Ss.3d! he had to make. He could assure the Hous e there was Bridgenorth , presented by his HonouraWe Friend the on the great politioal tru ths contained in the and all in the crowd who murmured against it per bushel. - "A deficiency exists in the public income ; the Member for Ludlow , describing the seven distress ? iih safety vast and extensive suffering in the manufacturing dis- People's Charter. A committee was chosen , con- were treated in the same manner. The young York national hoxottr , a , and require that which their husbands , fathers , sons, and brothers were Cork Mabket , June, 12.—For the last ten it should be supplied ; the only practical choice tricts of the country, although the word distress was as sistine of Messrs. Hutton , Parker , Oldroy d, man obtained a hearing with the magistrates , ana days we have had cold winds from undergoing from want of employment and low wages, Lapiah , Hicks the north with aeenis to Ee between two modes of effecting this seltiom heard within those walls as was the mention of , ind Turner, with power to add to was bound in a £40 bond to keep that which the frosts at night-and there is a general the national debt How great is the contrast between the splendid their number. Mr. report object" Bravo ! But what is the " object " which , yet it was doubtless owing to the Jos hua Hobson , having been police had broken— the peace. So much for the that vegetati on is completely checked. Whea t national debt that so much distrets existed. Not only appearance of Hyde-park , Regent' s-park and ;street , previou sly requested to act as honorary Treasurer feia there are only two modes of effecting ? Tne supp lying tyranny and vexat ious int erference of the " blue good demand to-day at an advance ^pf le., and O»ta M had the distress been extensive , but it now affected the and such like places of fashionable resort , and the to the society, kindly consented, and was dul y bottles." of 6d. per the deficiency in the public income ," to be sure. No miserable abodes of the distressed manufacturers ! quar ter. In other articles no variation talk about reducing the expenditure to the income ; no home trade as well as the foreign. In fact, so much elected to that office. The committee earnestl y de- money was requi red Truly was it said by the writer of the letter to the sire the co-opera tion of BRADFORD.—The late butchery at Man- Malton Corn Maeket , June 12. — there -was talk about reducing or loppine off all unless pensions , to procure food at the presen t high their Chartist friends in onW a very price of corn , that there was little left to buy clothes Rev. Mr. Garbett , of Birmingham , " English wealth is the town and neighbourhood —feeline certain that chester has excued one Kniversal thrill of horror short supply of all kind s of grain to' this places , and sinecures ; no talk about redaction of the as unequalled as is English poverty. " How just is the and indign ation throu gh this part of the country. day s mark et. Whea t of fine qualitie s army ; not a word about the red ucti on or destruction with , and , consequently, the demand for the home if wor king men will put forth their energies there was very trade was observation '. how painful the reflection that arises will be no bounds to Woe to the Whig s; woe to the assassin Corn-La w scarce , and full y Is. per qr . higher. Barl ey nominal' of " the regiment, " as the apostate Burdett called the proportionately curtailed ; nor was the foreign the good that must ensue. Oats #d. per stone trade in a better condition than the home trad e. We from it.' The question which naturally arises in con- Pr operly authen ticated books are now read y, and repealers! Their villanous hypocrisy is now by higher. whole affair ; nothing about grappling with that themselv es revealed. Let the Manchester assassins h m n v r m w we sidering this striking contrast of splendour and the will be put into the hands of individuals who are Liver pool Corn Ma bket , Mond ay, Jche 14- monstrous debt, which has been rendered doubly ad cow co petitors i e e y arket with hich most squalid misery is, what remedy can be applied know that their Manchester game cannot be played burdensome by Peel's famous bill , and which has traded , and unfortunately were undersold in too many approve d of by the committee , for the purpose of The recei pts of British Grain , Flour, and Oatmea l of them. The German man ufacturers of hard ware to so mighty on evil ? Doubtless , where wealth is so obtaining subscript ions. Application to be made to elsewhere. Let them remember Calthorpe-stre et, into this por t since thi s day se'nnight, are of very " redueed our merchants to the gulf of bankruptcy, abundant as it is in this country, it would be no diffi- and beware ! Let them remember that the dagger small amount and caused our labourers to eat their beds. " Nut a word ccnld tike their goods to all parts of the globe, and there Mr. Wm. Hick, secretary , at No. 5, Market-street , , and the arrivals from abroad , ©on* undersell the English ; they could even introduce articles cult matter to spare eut of their superfluity rather than by whom all money will be re ceived until was there found as efficient on the side of right as sisting of 6,888 quar ters ef Wheat and 544 qua rters about any of them. No, the only practical course seems to require a portion of the poor man s means of existence was the bludgeon on the side of might! and that the be the supplying the deficiency in the public income. of cutlery at Sheffield on lower terms than our own ' fur ther notice. The society's accounts will of Beans, are for the present placed und er boni to be taken from him. A property tax would relieve ruffian who struck down tho defenceless man , the Throu ghout the That is to wring more money from those " merchants manufa cturers could supply them. And what gave the be published in the Northern Star. The following week we have had a moderate de- ad vantage to our foreign competitors ? We had equal this cruel oppression upon those who are unable * under resolution was introduced and carri ed:— " That this timid woman, and the infant child, was sent by the mand for free Wheat for consumption, and (under who an in the gulf of bankruptcy, and from those their great privations , to pay taxes at all. This would patriot' s hand to " meet his God" with something the small influx labourers who hare eaten their beds. industry, equal skill, ' -ud as much capital as foreign ers meeting begs to congratulate the brave Char- of suddIv ) recourse to our irrahirr " at once be an act of justice and of mercy. He had less than ten minutes to prepare him for his final stooks havin g been . But what does this " Lord by the accident of his possessed -, but our industrious artisans could not buy tists of Manchester on their forbearance and necessary, prices , especially for their bread and the necessities of life so cheaply as been toU that the present motion could lead to no discretion while suffering under the unlawfu l attack account. " Let tyrants and slaves think of that , and fresh par cels offor eign,have cre pt up : 9s. 8d.haTia fcirUT* mean by national honour , faith , and safety ? practical good ; but he felt satisfied that , let all who stan d on the wrongs of men tremble to * What are the meaning of the words as they are here they were sold in other countries. Whilst our workm an if it excited made upon them by the tools of the • base , bloody, been paid for Stett in, and 8s. 6d. to .81. 8d. per 70lb£ an expression of sympathy for the poor suffer ers , it ' think of it." Wh at has been , may be again I for Odessa J feplied ? In what does the " safety" of a nation had to pay 3d. for a loaf that was to be purchased fer 5d. and bru tal Whi gs : at the same time , this meetin g soft, being 2d. per bushel more thu or (d. on the continent , and while be had to pay more would not be without its use : if it did no more than would affectionately warn them against acting on NEWCASTLE. —The town of Newcastle ivas could be obtained at the date of our last report. -consist ? It cannot mean the safety of th» people in keep hope alive in the breast of the afifc' their individual capacity, because without such indi- than half for tax on his tobacco, tea, and beer , and one- eted, it would the advice given, no doubt , in the heat and spur of thrown into consid erable confusion On Tuesday, by The market has been similarly situated as refrnb third tax on the little sugar he ceuld obtain , he was at least do some good. He should conclude by moving tvuvhe momentiuvu*wuv|, by•*¦ thewaaw speakbiww w?! ersO atmv thefcUV Tib-BtreetllU'DviOv * meet-aUvUK" a fight between the blue devils and the red ones. A Hour ; United States duty paid is nowheld at 359.64. vidual safety there would be no nation. It means, if " That the extreme suffering of the industrious classes, or for an it means anything, the safety or preservation of the unable to live so cheap ly as those in other countries who ing, to arm t hemselves for the future when they few soldiers of tho #7th being on the " spree" in advance of Is. per barrel , and home maro- had nut such heavy imposts to pay. He was not able to from want of employment , low wages, and high prices might have occasion to attend public meetin gs. This , Sandgate , were attacked by the police, and the facture is also Is. per Back dearer. In the early institutions by which a nation are governed ; and of provisions , renders it the impWstive duty of Parlia - part ¦without which safety, the nation , neither in its aggre- say how far the pressure of taxes bore upon agricul tural it is feared , might furn ish a pre text to the base fac- resul t was a brutal fight, which continued several of the week, holders of Oats submitting .tod labourers , but , doubtless, with their very limited wages, ment to devise means for the alleviation of the great tionB to unite and att empt to put down public meet- hours,to the great alarm of the peaceable inhabitants; decline of Id. per bush el, two-or three parcel s Were gate nor individual capacity, would be secure either in misery which now pervades all the manufacturing dis- taken person or property. Then what are those institutions they could not spare money for scarcel y any other ob- ings altogether ; or, at least , to seise upon our best eventually, several companies of the 87th made their for the country , but the general demand for tricts of the country. " friends that grain has still been Which the labourer , who has " eaten his bed," is to be ject than for the necessaries of life. There is one feature , and cast them into pr ison. This meeting ia appearance with fixed bayonets , and after dispersi ng languid , 2s. 9d. to 2i, lid. hi the existing distress , as it affects the commerce and Mr. W. Williams seconded the motion , and con- decidedly of opinion that furt her forbearance and the blaes, captured their recusan t comrades , who, per 451bs. the present quotation for Irish. Oatmeal further taxed to preserve ? Is it necessary to our safety has met a that the labourer who has manufactures of the country, which is that distress has tended that the rapid advance of manufactures in Ger- renewed moral exertion will achieve a thous and to the number of seven, were brought before the very dull sale ; and must be quoted fully " eaten bis bed" should toil many was to be attributed to the cheapness of provi- 6d. per, load cheaper . to pay the interest of a debt which, to say the best of fallen cpon the shopkeeper and the master manufac- times more, just now. for the cause of Char tism than magistrates , two bein g liberated , and the othe r five Barley, Beans, and Peas hvre , turer , on T?hom it presses almost as severely as it has sions in that country, any physical force demons tration we are capable of mulcted in various sums. ' moved in retail only at previ ous rates. A cargo of it waa contracted for the purpose of preserving the Mr. Hindle y Odessa Whea t »ch man's property ? Is it necessary to our safety to done , and now does, upon the workmen. He would contended that the burden of taxation makin g. Suoh insults are hard to bear ; but they JtXPPOSfDElfi —A Charitabl e Pastor. —A has been sold in bond at 4a. 8J., sad read to the House TWne letters which had been trans- in this country fell chiefly on the poor , and concluded by muBt be borne nntil the time shall arrive , which is one of Wismar at 6s. 2d. per 701bs. ; with regard bare aa immense standing army in time of peaee ? his moving, corre spondent has forwarded to us a statement to the former Are all the^ pretty lords and ladies on the pension list ; mitted , to him In}B^h|letui 'St constituents , showing as an addition to Mr. Scholefleld' s ntotion, that not far distant , when we may count our right arms rel ative to the conduct of the Rev, Mr. Bayfield. it must be remarked , tha t through iha it was the opinion of the House tha t the {mart ayatem with safety, and quaran tine regulations , it was admissible la •or enormous, monstro usly enormous civil list ; are a how prevailing the aittrea? 4i tr ade was in the borough ' push forwutd the standard of free- Incumbent of Ripponden Cha pel, which shows the forhomt of Birmingham :— "The condition of the inhabitants of of taxation and the Corn Laws wen pecui«iy*DJ ugt dom. This meeting also begs to recommend the consumption at the duty of 23*. 8d. per quarter , frightful array of retainers in the House of Commons ; utter contempt with which the well fed , well paid, _ Birmingham is intfre deplorable than ever. Cruel to the middle and lower classes of the corumufiit ft. immediate ado ption of exclusive dealing for elec- higher classes treat those whom they deem their which the purchaser paid. are game laws, are rural police ; are these individually f Sir F. Bur peit or collectively necessary to oar security in person or mortgagees are disposing e. property on which they have deprecated these aUacl csJ &M fihe tioneering and other pur poses." inferiors. On Sunday last , as tne children of the Liver pool Cattle Market , Mokdat, June H. advanced money for less than one-third of its value, or upper classes of society, more particularly 5a t$ * was th e Reverend —The supply of Cattle at market to-day hau been property ? Is the gross misappropriation of the reve- under the circumstances ' _^ - . parish were proceeding to church , nues of the crown lands ; is it necessary that we find rather , I should say, they are purchasing buildings at impossible to reply te them. ^ ^ Gentleman above named made up to the gates and ra ther limited for the season of the year ; but of It was, he contended , mere delusion to attribute to the xevexnes for two or three foreign kings v is an over- any rate. In consequence of trade being so blockaded them, aud in an imperious tone demanded Mutton and Lamb there has been a larce number. bad, and leTiea and taxes so hish, mortgagees Corn Laws the distresses of the manufacturing popu - 3local att ir iKroeval XntiHt gintf. and the quality, on the whole, middling. Them wm -grown hierarchy without congregation ; are scenes like t " Why do ye bring those children herd Are we those at Ritheormae ,—are these , any or all of them , have not been able te be punctual in the payment of laion. to have the pews of other people crowded with a good attendance of buyers and dealers, aud St ock necessary to our safety" in person interest; their property has been advertised to be sold, Mr. BiiNES addressed the House, bat while speak- them ! Ye shall not enter this place, except by the of good quali ty in fair request ; good Beef fultt " cr property ? ing , an Hon. Member moved that it Come, good, my Lord, tell us, are these the things and bo sale being practicable , a legal process has been be counted , and MANCHESTER.— Grand Pr ocession o? th e consent of the Churchwardens. " Such an outrag e maintained last week's prices, bat Mutton and Lamb which the gone through , and the property been transferred from then not being forty members pres ent the House was Oupek upon public feeling, as this could scarcel y have been were a shad e lower than last quoted ; good Beef " man who has eaten his bed" is to be taxed adjourned. Ancient of Foresters of the Manchester to preserve? the legitimate owner to the mortgagee , and this has District. —The above procession of the Amcieut expected in the nineteenth centur y. It created such realised full y 7d., varying from that down to 5Jd., Or, my Lord, if these things are not suited to the been the ease lattely in a great many instances Order of Foresters and Shephe rds took place on disgust , that numbers who were going to church re- but thos e of the latter pnoe were of a very inferior delicacy of your refined taste ; is that law which was Trade is daily getting worse. Whilst the number of Sat urday, June 5th, and the turn-out on that occa- turned home, and vowed never to enter the church quali ty. Weth er Mutton may be quoted train 5jd. Bankrupts is less, the number of insolvents is greater , SIR J OHN CAM HOBHOUSE. sion exceeded any thing of the kind which has taken again. The solution of this conduc t lies in this, to 6*4cf., clipped and wool Sheep at 7d. per lb., link- designed to make the labourer " live on coarrer food," ing the offal and which, according to Lord John Russell- had been in all the manufacturin g districts , and the poor debtors TO THE EDITOR OF TUB NORTHERN STAR. place in this part of the country for some time. that the children belong to a Sunday school, and , and Lambs at about Bd. per lb. Then are crying ' make room, the pri son is too small for ub.' were formerl y attached to the par ish chapel , but as were a few Beasts and many Sheep and Lambs left reduced " to eat his bed ;" th at law, which to be car- Sir ,—Perceiving that the Whigs an bringing for- tied into effect, requires , according to the commis- This was actually the case in Birmingham tnly a few LEEDS.—Sudden Death. —On Tuesday last, an they would not give up their writing on the Sunda y, unsold at the close. Number of Cattle at market : ward , as a candidate for the town of Nottingham , to —Beasts, 57» ; Sheep and Lambs, 9,267. afcmer *' orders, firm men—men not to be moved by weeks ago, when the Commissioners held a Court for inques t was held before John Blackburn , Esq., at they were not permitted to have a collection in the the Relief of Insolvent Debtors , and those miserable represent, or misrepresent them in the coming Parlia- the house of Mr. Holmes, the Beckett 's Arms Inn , chapel for their use. Such is the ground upon which MANCUEfcTER CoRM MARKET , SATURDAY , Ju Nt distress, whether feigned or real ; that law which con- ment , that renegade Cim Hobhoosa , I deem it my signs, after a life of toil, the labourer , who h&s " eaten men have been sent forth into the world pennyless, and K irkstall-road , on the bod y of Wm. Woodhead , of this intolerant minister of religion (?) forbids the 12.—The imports of all articles of the trade into nothing but an alteration in trade can prevent their duty, through the medium of your columns, to let Bramley, aged 06 years. The deceased has been for children to worship in the parish chapel. His con- Liver pool aud Runcorn. both Irish and coastwise, Mb bed," to the horrors of a bastile, which gives his ema- them know how he acted in reference to the Petition ciated frame to be cut up for* the benefit of science, and coming to the workhouse. Although it was bo recently a great number of years well known in Leeds and duct speaks for itself. cont inue exceedingly light ; but from abro ad there emptied of its inmates , there is a fresh succession of Convention. It fell to my lot, with Mr. Smart , to the adj oining townshi ps, particularl y Bramley and are again fair arrivals of Wheat , however, his last remains as feod for the dogs ; is this one of wait on him ; we did so twice without being able to BARNSXJBV. —There have been three lar ge , which the things which is necessary to our safety in person unfortunate debtors , many of whom have lived respect- Arm ley, as a hawker of cloth, in other words, as meeti ngs of the weavers held during tho week , on are alt placod under lock. There was a steady ' ably, and contributed largely to tae payment of taxes see him. We left a circular for him , and as I was a obtaining a livelihood by carryin g ends of manufac- inquiry for good Batijples of English Whea t at our and property ? Or , as this " Lord by the acciient nati ve of Nottingham, and at that time in communica- May Day Green , whore soul-stirring speeches wore of his both ," is Secretary for Ireland , and must, there- and poor-ratts , to the benefit of the community, but tured goods round to the warehouses for disposal. delivered to the assembled mult itudes , by Messrs. marke t this morning, and we advance our quota * who are now about to parish in obscurity Trades - tion with the friends there , I put on the circular to He was coming to Leeds, on Monday morning, when tions Id. per 701bs. Flour was likewise in fair fore , be conversant with the scenes—are, I m , that effect , but he had not the courtesy to reply, either Sykes, Alexander, Shaw, Moulds, Terry, &c. the half-nakedhouseless wanderers, in the streets of men, with very few exceptions, are in jeopardy every he was seized with illness, and stopped at the house The statements made by these workmen , who are request, and the full previous value was readily hour.- They apply to the pawnbr okers in vain , for these good, bad , or indifferent. If , therefore , the electors of Mr. Frankland , on th e Kirkstall-road .to res t him- obtainable. Oats were rather more inquired for. l>ublin; or the (as it was proved in the House of and non- electors can, by any sophistry tbat the Review members of the Committee , leave but little doubt Commons,) wholly naked , andlumper-fedlabourers , who have granted loans till they have no money to lend , self ; here he only stayed a short time , and then pro- of the successful i ssue of t he contest of right against and supported late rates ; but the trad e in Ofttmeal and the consequence is, all the heads of families are in can use, be induced to support him, they will deserve ceeded to the Beckett 's Arms , where he asked for was confined to a limited f orpresent use at have no beds to eat, of the interior ; are these the all the misery the Whigs can inflict , to have their peti- might , and we sincerely hope that Messrs. Taylors demand thin g* to be preserved ? No, as this Lord is of prac- ill health , and medicine is of no avail. 'Hope deferred some gin , but befor e he could be served with it be will see the necessity of concedin g to the just claims barely so good prices. tiak eth the heart-sick , 1 and one need not be skilled in tions disregarded , and their real representatives treated had dropped down , and expired shortl y afterward?. tical temperament , and as he has '' framed to the harp with contempt. Bat trusting they will act a nobler of the workmen , their request being only to pay the London Corn Exchan ge, Mondat , June 14.— m y lish ditty lovely well,'' nothing probably, phjsiognou jy to be able to discern, by a man's counte- Medical aid was sent for , bu t it was of no avail. The wages which the other masters of the town are There was a moderate Wheat from an an Eng himself standing on a quick- part , and teach the renegade a lesson, quantity of but what is " sublime and beautiful " can arrest his naace , that he considers jury returned a verdict of ** Died by the visitation of paying at present. They cannot expect that other Essex, bu t only a limited supply from Ken t and san d , and , unless he is unexpectedly supported , that he I am , God. " ardent imagination. Irish labourers half naked and A native of Nottingham and a Chartist , masters will taci tly acquiesce in their monopoly of Suffolk , whilst the samples of Barley, Beans , and ; must shortly Bink. " The workin g classes were sustain - y d s g t p were of the houseless, or wholly naked and feeding on sea weed John Skevinqion. Unemployed Operatives. — the markets , b un er ellin hem, and de riving PeaB, offerin g from all these counties , periodical famines and Rathcormac butcheries are but ing a most painf ul degree of suffering, and the de- M eeting of thb tha t they may get a vessels have arrive d the unemp loyed operatives was the weavers of their wages, most trivial nature. Several prosaic , every-day occurrences—are too earth ly to fill scription of those unfortunate persons who had recourse Loughborou gh , Jane l«th, 1841. A meeting of read y market . with Oats from Ireland , and a few are up from our to the fid of the pawnbroker is trul y affecting— called by placar d to be holden in the Vicar 's Crof t, form » the poet' s mind. Well, then , let us turn to scenes of a last own coast and Scotland , which, together, more stirring kind , te something which contains the W , with large families, are receiving from 6s. misnamed the Free Marke t, on Monday , at sale to-day. The " orkmen that time, a number of good' supp ly of this article on poetry of those institutions for the " «afely " of which to Us. per week , and would be able, if they could FROM OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT. eleven o'clock. About FROM OUR SECOND EDITION OF LAST imports of foreign Grain during the past week have operatives had assemble d on the spot , and short ly after those who are in the " gulf of bankruptcy " and have work full time, to earn from 15s. to 30s. per week. How Wednesday Evening, JunelBUi. WEEK. been to" a moderatel y fair extent. Cold arid un- oaten their beds" are to be farther taxed. those poor families live and pay rent can only be the parties who had been nominated as a committee since this day *' op and when their iellow- seasonable weather has preva iled Behold, n, fellow-countrymen , the Irish aristo - answered by the poor creatures themselves. I know Formation a London Gknbral Election proceeded to the lower end , ' favour able change has the Committee. , a ntesfc nu- congregated around them , one of the se nni ght ; this morning a crat in the full exercise of the gloriaus privil ege of they we obliged to crowd together in dwellings not fit — Oa Sunday evening last opera tiveB had taken Dlace. beine warmer : but still without rain . deing what he likes with his own. See him cleansing for hogs to live in. I know places called chambe rs merous meeting of the friends of Chartism was holde n part y, Mr. Joseph Best , proceed ed to announce that FROM OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT. crops of Thursday Evening, J une \Oth. whioh is much wanted for the growing His land of its encum brance ; behold him turning out wherei n different families of both sexes, and of all ages, at the City of London Rooms, 55, Old Bailey. The the Lessees of the market had just informed the demand for WlieaV meeting having been called by cireular Mr. Sannders would not be allowed to hold a Grain. There was a fair steady *' his fellow man," the image of his &od, and th« half- are compelled to pass the night at the same time. Is , Commi ttee tbat they The whole of the metropol itan boroughs are now the choicest qualities commanding an advance or naked emaciated partner of bis woes, hung round by nut this enough to make Chartists ? Is not this enough was called to the chair ; and , after considerable dis- meeting unless a sovereign was paid for the use of the scenes of election proceedings. In the Tower last Monda yi cussion, it was resolved— , although they had given permission to full Is. per qr . on the currency of the famine-stricken pledges of their love ; the child of to demoralise the people ? At the Board of Guardians , " That a committee of tho market Hamlets, Col. Fox , ef Stroud notoriety aud Sand- whether English or recently libera ted foreign , «w their age clinging to its empty teat ; all this group yesterday, a young woman applied for relief , whose twenty-four be appointed , with power to add to their them on Saturd ay to hold the meeting free of wich defeat , has started on pure Whig princi ples, money, chec*ea number , and that the same be called the Metropolitan disapprobation.) It was then thatMfl bond bein g held for more turned from the shed of their fathers , to bear the pelt- husband bad been three weeks in prison for a debt due expense. (Signs of unwillin g to go for even & small extension of the the business therein. The sale made at the eiose ing of the pitiless storm , to stand against the deep dread for provisions ; he has nine weeks longer to remai n ; Election Committe e, for the purpose of bringing for- agreed to proceed at once to Richmond Hill , where , suffrage. Opposed to him will be eldest son of Col. qr. higher than tm»e ward Chartist candidates in had fairl y assembled , there must of the week were about Is. per bolted thunder in such a night that my very enemy's himself and * his wife are steady people j they have two the boroughs and hamlets after the meeting Thompson , who is expected to accept the invitation effected on Monday last. Flou r was with out altera- dog, though he had bit me, should have stood against small children. The Guardians thou ght the woman of the Metropolis , and the cities of London and West- have been a thou san d present. Mr. Stead was called of the true and good men of the Tower Hamlets. meetin g 8 a minster , and returning the same Mr. Joseph Bast moved the first tion in Value , good marks ex-ship * J my fire j alj .thi * done to gratify the avarice of some lord appeared almost lost for want ; they allowed her 3s. by show of hands." to the chair. At a meeting held last night in support of Col . Fox , sale. Grinding Barl ey was in request , and ^wing of the ami, or " Tiler stall' the whim -of cold calcu- and two loaves per week for nine weeks, not stfflelent , r esolution:— "That this meeting contempla tes the and which terminated in a tremendous row , the la. per qr . dear er. presont prevails , and which is scarce, must be quoted 6d. to lating " political philosoph ers." And in order to after paying for lodgings, to keep body and soul toge- distress which at polico were called upon to make an attack upon the Malt was without alteration in value, with ajmemj with hear tfelt sorrow , and is of ' heighten the excitement of the scene, to render the ther ! More could not be allowed to her , as levies are CONTINUATION OF THE . NOMINATION daily accumulating, people as they came out , by Col. Fox s supporters. retail demand, and that confined to good , many persons who pay them stand in need opinion that some measures are necessary to stay the "W ^ ; whole worthy the " poet's eye in a fine phrsnzy roling, " so high and OF THE NATIONAL COUNCI L. ' Fkom an explan ation given in the House of Com- Beans and Peaa realised full aa much moW, ™™ behold the heaven s all on "fire," with that|co t which of parochial relief. Last week a young wife died in appalling calami ty." He traced the influence of it ap pears that the n&me of »tUcle. TMre w» introduction down to the presont mons this evening, Mr ^ *.: i&edWfate -inquiry fox eaoh lias sheltered them and their forefathers for generation *; child-birth ; her time was come, but for want of COVENTRY. machinery from its Law HoJges was inserted in the Division List on only " alow sale for Oats , the busin e^.tra usac^ed hear the wild shrieks of agony uttered by the wife and strengt h, she was not able to bring forth ; a physician time , and showed that the distress of the workin g s motion on behalf of the political * consumer s, ta0 1 Joh n Eaves , weaver , Muck Park-street. g to the unlimited useof machinery Mr. Duncombe ' being principally to the f . "ffno mother as she mStily bngs her helpless infant to her was called in, bnthis assistance was unavailing : he said classes was owin prisoners , in mistake, instead of the name of Mr. Cora brou ght last week' es, and therei w-u. David Haynea , weaver , Sherbournp-str eet. which deteriorated the value of human labour . Ho s pric «»££ With emotion ; see his uplifted arms ; hea r his women's petticoats , William H w n , Jordan Well. Samuel Brown seconded the resolution , which was have seen, that he paired off with Archdall in favour -From the whole of our grazin g di agonis- pledges are gowns, shifts , and Thomas Fietcher , weaver , CheylesmOre Well. to-day were onw ing prayer to the " poor man"s God" to grant him c r 's frocks ; the rest are shawls , men 's carried unanimously. Michael Lee proposed the of the motion. vals of beasts up to our market hild en Samuel Kni ght , watch-maker , Spon-street , Se< :—That thi s meetin g considers be increase , owing to which, and the modera ^aueu power of revenge ; see all this , and then ask, are these waistcoats and jackets , a bed cover , a pillow , a wed- next, r esolution Parliament will dissolved on Wednesday ru led ne» j.^ cretary. every descr iption injurious to trade , nfixfc. arice of country buyers , the beef tr ade things part of the institutions which are necessary for ding ring, and other small artic les, the whole averaging David Buckne y, weaver Mill-l ane mono polies of decline^nm «wr safety ; and which the national honor Birmingham contains , , Treasurer. but that the repea l of those duties will not have the and, in ord er tS effect a cleara nce, a " " and faith only Is. 9d- each in value . Erratum. —The name of the gentleman from the u demand that those who are in the gulf of bankr uptcy, 94 pawnbrokers , and if each has 65 pledges per week , effect of benefit ting the work ing classes permanently 2d to 4d per 81b was submitte d to in .f f S whom Mr. Martin received the money advertised iu whole, heavily iapgJJ . and those who have eaten their beds, the weekly number of the town cf small pledges , not without a check is placed upon machi ne ry , through t AlUiough we were , on the ? shall be taxed ¦y.PEw a. —Reopening of SpiTAUiELD a Chipkl. last week's letter should have been Randall and no with was tota ab lot^ anew to ™»JTi t»|j * V*mef,ban 71m no men who an as competent to that no sooner was a farm vacant than a tenant marke d T. & S. &, was Bfcolen from the house of that it should be checked and limited in Us applica- vessel soon by the Osprey, oa itt way from Water- SMato ta yov nod w ttw M who bait reduced applied for it How different waa the situation of the Mz. Yate *, the Groves inn. Kirkgate. tion, go as not to deteriorate human, labour. ford to Bristol.