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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-10-1903 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 10-10-1903 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 10-10-1903." (1903).

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I j his well known financial nbll-- i nt in the consecration of two of tho CITY COUNCIL CONVENES. bi that tl.ruo camltilntcs, thus leaving th Uy neod not bo frittered nway on city Mexican cliurch dependent. Anglican affairs when they might bo employed rhurrhes nrn not not nn autonomous . tt so much greater advnntngo on His Notes from Correspondents 1 Dnctlnnpr ' New Mexico .t.itll tti.nn l.latwii ...un iminml...... v fa Dnllllnn Tr4ltr9nlflH Dlllr rtiirnnnfll Intnrnate These wcro not Towns i u.o.mi'o iiuuiiiiw uuoiiicoo naiioQbi6U unio ""' mny-rr'- s t OTPS? further stated that tho recognition of tho words hut the Import of the tho llov. Mr. Forrester means tho Referred, Pay Roll Ordered Paid, brief romnrk, to which Mr. Gruns-fel- d ALGODONES NOTES. nwalt tho completion ot tho mill hero LAS VEGAS. guest of her sister, Mrs. Wiley. Tho shutting out of tho English work, mndo no reply. tablo decorations wcro ronalssancu ti bo shipped In. More than 1,500 men growing nnd Important, because of Tho transaction was the outcome of Mayordomo Mrs. I. Cochran will go U luce pink sweet peas. During The Election of and Ace. are at work In the lumbering camps, and tho tho enormous number of Americans MAYOR CREATES A SENSATION, a long Borlos of differences betweon to spend soveral months with her attcrnoon flinch In ad- quia Commissioners. and the uuniufr will bo Increased as was played. and Canadians who have gone to Mex- tho mayor and tho chairman of tho daughter, Mrs, Juliet Vrnndenbcrg. dition to tho gucHls apcclol Correspondence. noon ns the mll.s hero blow In. of honor, thoso ico, especially to tho provincial cities, flnnnco committee, entirely personal, (). K. Ilenedlct Is heard from In present wcro: Mesdr.incs Algndones, N. M., Oct. C. An elec- 1'erklns, for business reasons. The council ol city fnthors was some uys tho mnyor, nnd vhleh had como Oklahoma. He Is still In the newspn-lie- r Connolly, Whlteman, Onrrott, Charles tion was held here today for mayordo- FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS. what tardy In urrembllns last evening. to bo Irksome to nlmost tho ontlro huslnuKS nnd doing well. Ho con- Wlloy, FIske, Jones of Ited Oak, Iowa, Locating a Claim, mo of tho nccqula, .Jacobo Perca re- council. of- After a Long Our Correspondent trols llvo newsiiapers, throe or which and J. 13. Wood. So many now clnlms are being lo- - The hour had been advanced to 7:30. ceiving nil tho votes enst. For the Rrit Pollcar-pl- o a Few Items. he owns, Gertrudes Aragon, mothcr-lnOa- cnted In tho surrounding country but It wus wuM after 8 o'clock, when fice of dltcn commissioners, Sends The Lordsburg Liberal says. T. A. Grlcgo, Gregnrlo nnd Mrs, J J. Cox will ho rcmomhorod of Professor Perez, of tho First cav- nowndnys that tho following points mayor body to Lopez Joso Special Ci'iiuponnenco. tho caned tho order, Lister, president of tho North Amer Darlo Lolmto In this city where, sho formerly lived. alry band, died nt her home an tho on locating will bo found useful: received all tho votes Faywtod, N M., Oct. 2. Saturday There were prexent MnyorlC. F. My ican Mining compnny, returned from now off- Sho hns married n stockman by the south side. Tho funeral services wcro In locating a mining claim (lodo or caBt, wnlch makes thorn the evening tvo buggies nrrlvod at tho 1J. tho enst last Saturday, and found tho year natno of Oliver nnd they will mnko held at tho (luadatupo church. Inter- ers; Aldermen G. W. Harrison, E. icers for the ot MM. L. placer) give to some one corner the , company's properties In good shnpe. Faywood hotol, convoying J. Rico, home In city. Hai-sch- Slgfrled OninsfeUl, J.I. S. Hea The feast of Augustura occurred their this Mrs. Oliver ment In tho aundnltipc cemetery. title of corner No. 1, nnd mark It Mondny Inspector of construc- ven, A. He went down to El mho and September 29 and enmo off nB was left for tho east to get ready to movo Superintendent II. 0. Hurstim of tho J. Hulbn; J. E. Eldor, city n, clenrly on tho stake. Then proceed bought a thlrty-flv- o horso power en tion at Fort Bayard; W. S. McCutch-eo- h( re. Is physician; J. H. Stlnglo, city attor- with great cclaL A big dunco Territorial penitentiary on his nrotind tho clnlm from this Initial gine nnd hoist nnd a thousand feet of P. J. Callan and Ray Pollard, ot Wm. White nnd family, who came ney; H. F. Lee. city clerk; Me- - wns mtdo on the nlgl.. of the feast sheep ranches In eastern Socorro point mnrklng overy bond In tho linos Thos. cable, together with various othor El Pano. Mr. Callan has a $45,000 M. and a big time wnx had aim everybody west for tho henoilt of tho daughter county attending to the lloccy (locks Mlllln, city mnrslml; Hash, fire Pol-Inr- with n stako and giving onch stake n tuiiigs needed nlxnit a hoist and contract at Fort Bayard and Mr. d who died In tho city tho other day, owned by him Ho will bo absent hluf. absent wcro (Aldermen enjoyed thcmcclveB. there. number in proper rotation after No. Thoso pump. He hns a boiler at the mine In his foreman, and they camo left for their homo In Newport, Ky., nnother week. 11. E. Itogors, A. 1). MnMillcn. Frank Jiistinnlo Castello wat a pleasant '. Finally plnco a stako at tho point large enough to run ioth tho pump wn pleas- hero to examine nnd tost some flno on delayed No. 2. The body of tho Mrs. L. Itrndford Prince loft for McKoe U. Hjlchamber- - caller here today and well of discovery, measure tho dlstnnco and Treasurer nnu hoist. Ho Is tnklng some fine ore In n quarry Thoy young lndy goes with them to Ken-- j ed with his reception. stono nenr here. Kmbudo, at which plnco she met Mrs. - lln. expects to tucky. from UiIb snko (which Is tho dlscov- out of his drifts and soon Finiln Moutoya was here at the Intended to return to nayard, hut a Sharp, wife of Colonel Snarp, adju - business transacted was largely ery stake) to corner No. 1, and nscor- The commence shipping. Mr. Lister has enjoyed hugely. He continuous down pour ot rain pre- The Orystnl Ire company plant has t nut genera of the department of Col-- 1 ; dance and himself i,1,m,.,com- - of a routine character, beginning with also purchased a buckboard, so thnt down Indefinitely. Homo Ice Is tain ns closely as possible, a snys Algodouc8 can entertain people vented nnd thoy Improved tho oppor- shut orndo, nnd Mrs. itlchards, Mrs. . .11 I V 1 the reading and adoption of mlnutec ' .1... t liereniter It will not be so much llko llcrna-llllo- . on hand nnd delivery will tie mnda for Sharp's mother. The ladles will spend ' as well as his home which Is In tunity by enjoying numerous hot frnm tliA lfinntlnn utnkn. If reason- - nt previous meeting, nnd following tho nnrd work to drlvo In from the mlno. n day or two yet, hut the nmonla hns In .I hatha. soveral weeks town, having secured order of business previously adopted. .Mrs. Lister Is very anxious to visit to How. Superintendent nnd nlilo enro Is tnken In thoso details, I'he farmers aro gathering tholr M. C. Mosoley, ot Alexandria, La., ceased apartments nt tho Palace hotel. Col The salient points will nlonu bo no- Uirdsl'tirg, and mnv como out with Manager O. A. Ilonuell, who has done onel Sharp has gone to West Point, nnd a description confirming them Is corn crop which as predicted was as accompanied by his Hon, is hero con- certlfl'-I'e- , ticed her children and spend the winter. faithful connec- ii iU- it' the location ho good as had been expected for several valescing from a fev- and efficient work In Ky., where he will net as umplro In presented a bill serious nttack of 'iit.-- r will bo iii'o nnd roupiI The Are committee earB. The crop has exceeded tion with tho enterprise, will leave for tho military maneuvers going on Fnyetto A. of tho trult er and recuperating his health and of $13fi for apparatus, which Chairman Professor Jones tho expectation of everybody. The J .08 Angeles Monday. Ho nas been there, and upon tho completion of that United geological survey, Htrength. Mr. Moacloy is nttornoy for Insane Hospital. Hubbs of tho fire committee cxplnlncd States wltn penches proved to bo ns good a crop by a wealthy corporation to duty will como to Santa Fo, whero ho camo In tho Pacific, railroad, owns sev- I'.io repairs and improvements at had been Incurred on condition that headquarters at Albuquerque, ns any year coming erect an electric light nnd tco plant In will remain a short time as the guest yestordny and other trults eral plantations, rented to tennnts, Is the Insane hospital, Vegas, under the council should approvo. tho pur over the Santa Fe Central nearly up to tho standard. Deans are a town near tho City of Angels. of former Governor ami Mrs. L. from Tecoloto, near tho tock Island lnrgoiy Interested in a largo cotton the direction of Architect Holt & Holt chase. It was ordered that nnothor alBO as good or better than formci Itrndford Prince. woou road, near which point ho gathered seed oil mill and Is very onthuslnstlc SAN going on apace, i no hard test bo mnilo of the appliances, before years. Melons and other garden truck MARCIAL. Lucorla Denial, or Taos, nn Indian some fine specimens of nomatlte lion ovor tho productive capacity of his Moors for tho men's and women's din- the question of purchaso bo finally de- did not come up to the standard. Al- girl pupil at tho United States Indus ore, says the New Mexican, 't ho spec statu and the phenomenal pro- From tho Dec. ing room have been completed. They termined. falfa Is better for the fourth crop than lecent trial Indian school In this city, dlcq pofnta utili- imens will be on exhibition nt tho ter- gress mado in manufacture. Captnln M. Cooney, who takes as are fine, both from tho of On motion of Alderman Grunsfcld It has beon for many years and some nt the school hospital of chronic dys- Ira- - ritorial fnlr, then sent to St. Ralph C. Ely, general superintend- deep Interest In tho advancement of ty nnd appearance. Considerable and will get a light cutting for a fifth entery. She had been sick about n tho monthly appropriation from the to become part Now Moxlco's Socorro county as nny citizen within nrnvnmnntH nn tbn l.'iuniirv nnvn been Jouls of crop. H. M. ent of tho Faywood Concontratoa week. All possible attention nnd care i city to thu Henevolent ex J. In mndC nnd thQ ccmcnt B(iewniks are exhibit at the purchase company; John M. Stlrison, engineer, Its borders, was town yesterday on nov--, association wns lncronsod from $25 to were given her. but the sickness ulng Thcro )s much actlvit,. position next year. Thcro Is general Improvement In all nnd M. W. Smith drovo over from routo to hu sheep ranch on tho Nogal. lad $40. though tho Indloa had asked that. orthelcss proved Intnl. The body was on tho fann Tho crop of hay nua departments of tho shops. Now ap- tholr camp roccntly and tho first two Harry Jay ncs hns sold tils neat llttlo - bo mado $50. embalmed ana was sent to Tres Pled- lis-rn- tho appropriation Commercial Club Meeting. II. V0Kt),Hlltli hftV0 lieeu bountiful. s pliances and rigging arc being con wont on a short business trip down resldeuco to Mrs. C. Hanks. Consid- by Superintendent Clinton J. Crnn- - Aldormnn Haisch introduced a ros The following nro delegates appoin $G50. .Mr. Jnynes pccnlIy noteworthy Is tne largo quan-- stantly put on engines aud everything tho road, Mr. Ely having returned to- eration intends to nnu mere wns tanon to olution. which was passed, that the ted by me to represent tho Commer- move away this place, which dan, irom tltv nxc0,1(,nt ci!lor.. has been Is done to better the condition nil day. from has Taos for Interment nt the cemetery of fire committee bo authorized to paint cial club at tho irrigation convention been his homo for many years. raised this year. around. Mrs. J. Simon ot Indiana, now a the pueblo at that point. and paper tho living rooms ih tho flro to b0 held In this city, October 13: O. San Morclal Lodge No, 6 Is planning guest of her sister, Mre. O. C. Hln-mn- n, Miss Twomey Married. department building and purchaso a N. Marron, K. W. D. Hryan, T. S. Hub-jel- l, to celebrate tho thirty-fift- h annivers- BOARD OF EDUCATION, Stiver City, has boon passing The many Vcgns trlcnds of cornet for tho bod room, ntwas esti Summers Durkhnrt, E. Dame, at ary of tho order in our new opera THE EP1SC0PALI0NS a few (lnj's springs and return- Mist Margaret Twomey, for four the painting andfpaperlng L. Ufold, W. S. Durko, W. S. Strlckler, at the house, October 17. When our citizens mated that ed today. yoa.s the capablo and highly valued would cost about $15, and Itjwns sug Dr. J, II. Wroth, and R. W. Hopkins. can co mo out nnd sco tho work as recent rains wore vero bono-flcl- al head matron the insane D. S. BAKER, President. , Tho by at territorial gosted that tho carpet need not bo "of. nteresting Meeting Last Nigh- t- founded tho stereoptlcan views asylum, will be to of and Insure abundant winter jxia; by Provinces Opposed The Settlement Intorcatcd hear tho very beet." ; with lecture and talks able lior marrlago to u L. Mobley, a well W. A. Hawkins, general attorney turo for stock. expounders of tho advantages of Aldormnn Hubbs announced tho rail- New Principal Accepted, to-d- young man of for tho El Paso & Northeastern workmanship. for Mexico. business city to bo short ono dog catcher, and When, a few weeks ago,IsMiss way, accamnanied bv President Eddy, INDIAN SCHOOL NOTES. 13d I as he was appointed by the raaytir a com Kev. llrcton nnd Mrs. Lo Twomey rcirigncd her position, only of that syVteni, left AlaniogordO With" Breton departed for Cerrlllos, mlttco of one to fill tho vacancy. THE SCHOOLS ENROLLMENT. their REV. a few of wcro In his family for Chicago, whero ho will The Marriage of J. R. Abner and Miss gen FORRESTER WILL BE BISHOP. her .ntlmnto friends was passed ordering now home, where the reverend formed of the nppronching wedding. An ordinance roslde In tho future. Annie Kowunl. tlcmau takes chnrge of the Methodist tho construction of sldowalks on North The Indian school was tho sceno of church Upon entering tho ministry Sixth between railroad and Tho city board of education met at Stout opposition has been encoun- street DISTRICT COURT. a very pretty wedding last evening In a few yenrs ago, tho Cerrlllos charge OFFIGAL MATTERS, avenues, nnd on Third street be Central school building last night In tered by tho proposition to create Fruit which Mr. Joseph Abner and Miss An-nl- o was Kev Io Ilreton's first permanent tween Gold nnd Lend avenues. legulnr session with President Hop Kowunl wero tho high contracting work In the vineyard of tno Ixird. Protestant Uplscopal provinces. A ugnln be K. W. D. Uryan appeared kins, Trustees DIccKinann, lsherwood, parties. During tho pnst three yenrs ho has commission on the subject, appointed In of foro tho council behalf tho farm Guilty-Adolp- by Irrigation Delegate sThe Santa Fe Tobacco Thief Pleads ho They wcro attended Mr. Haygood grocery two yenrs ago, ad- Algor, Prntt, Clerk Hlckoy and Super conducted a In Snn Marclal, has made a report ors north or town, wiiofo inncis nnu and Miss Allco .Morton as groomsman but yearning within him for ac vising tho creation of soven prov- intendent Stroup present. tho such Poctoffice, been Hooded bv backwater from the Gallegos and bridesmaid. Tho brldo was at- no longer 1. Acquitted, tive church work could be inces, as follows: New England dyko erected to protect the city dur The board worked In unison and tired in white organdie and carried a denied, so he Is again on authorized states, 2. New fork nnd Now Jersoy; ing tho spring flood, Messn. Hnrsch, much misitiess was transacted In a beautiful bouquet ot wblto roses whllo agent in tho work devoted to tho sav-In- 3, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary- stiort space of time. Tho most import- RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE. Hubbs and Heaven wore r.ppolntod n her maid, who also wore white, car- Virginia Col- OTHER COURT MATTERS. of humanity. land, and tho District of commltteo to lnvetlgato Mr. Ilrynn's ant probably being that of Increasing ried pink roses. umbia; 1. Tho Carollnns nnd nil gulf a commltteo the superintendent's salary from $1,-- Tho over beautiful ring coromony SANTA FE CLUB. previous proposition that states to Texas, and Kentucky, Ten- 500 to $1,S00 a year. La-gun- a, Governor Otero has already receiv of ono each from tho council, the suf Judge linker morn- wns porformed by Rev. Mordy of nessee and Arkansas; 6. Ohio, India- announced this Mter roll call nnd tho rending of Will Boost Capital City ed the proofs from tho government ferers, nnd tho city, Investigate the N. M., and was witnessed by It tho Ancient na, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Io- ing that on Sattiiday morning, Octo the minutes of two previous regular to Held In printing ofllco of his annual report for tho cntlro school aa well as a number at the Territorial Fair be wa, Missouri, Kansas, lessen Incurred. lior 10, 1903, 9 o'clock ho would meetings nnd special meeting Oklanoma and 1003. This Indicates that tno report report showod a bal at one tho ot Invited guests. Albuquerque Next Week. tho Indlau Territory; 0. Minnesota, Tho treasurer'a board proceeded with tho regular busi will bo out a month or two before tho treasury 1 of call the Hernnllllo county civil docket The chapel was beautifully decorat- "Watch Illlly Martin's crack hall the Dakoms, Nebraska, anco In thu of Octobor ness, ordering to Colorado, customary time. roport nml set all cases for trial or other the clerk draw war ed In waito and green, interspersed nine boost Santa Fo at tho fair" Utah, Wyoming Montana; 7. $11,008.21). The marehal's rants bills approved. New and Ths to for bills with autumn leaves and beautiful Tho foregoing Is tho text of tho post' Pacific coast, New Moxlco, Arizona, showed a total of $585 turned ovor disposition. All attorneys Intel estcd were read. Tho bill of Clerk Hlckoy In bust Rio Arriba Delegation to the Irrlga department for are bo flowers. ors Hint wlil no displayed the Alaska, Hawaii and tho Phillpplnu Is- tho treasurer from his requested to present. for taking tho school census ot tho noss houses uf tho Capital city, to tlon Convention. month. Tho city clerk reported Yesterday afternoon W. O. vVntson, Tho wedding party entered the hall lands. Provincial synods nro provid- tho city of Albuquerquo wns allowed and to wedding arouse enthusiasm In tho coining base Tho chairman of tho board of com collected for Octobor to tho charged with larceny ot tobacco from tne swejt strains of tho ed for, to bo composed of resident licenses ordered paid. The report shows the march played by tho First regiment ball tournament during tho torrltor- bishops for en upper house and cleri- mlssloncm of Klo Arriba county has amount of $581.75. Ho also reported tho warehouse of U. 1J. Putnoy, plead number ot children lu the city ot iat at Albuquerque, In which appointed the following delegates to pound mnstor, J. H eu gtiiity and stated to tho court on band whica also rendered several oth lair cal and lay deputies lor a lower house. that tho absent school ngo to bo 2,334, an Incrcaso of or pieces during the evening. Mannger William E. Martin ha tho Irrigation convention nt Albuquer $10 coming from his plea for mercy, that his guilt was Primates of each province, to bo ono Uennott. has some 255 over last year. Uy law tho cen After tho ceremony congratula vouchsafed to outer a toam, will quo: I., Bradford Prince, Francisco commission not In the taking ot tho goods, but In and that of the tcsidcnt hlshops, nro to bo chos- tho city treasury as his sus taker Is allowed tlvo centa per tions, the party and guests repaired only win, evory team It A. Scrna, Jose Ncmoclo Luccro, Mer- holding and trying to dlsposo ot them not hut bent en. Tho arguments In favor of such on dog tnx collected. each child found nnd recorded. Tho to the dining room whero tho beauti- a you well, ced Sanchez, Vonceslno Jnramlllo, clovon nftor ho discovered they had been crosses bats with, to faro provincial system aro relict of tho Tho city physician reported application ot C. R. Klger as princi fully tables wero laden with says Now Moxlcan. William G. Sargent, To in as Gonzales, stolen. Ho also stated that ho had decorated tho general convention, closer unity of casoa treated during tho last month pal ot tho Fourth ward school, suc delicious would tempt having Thomna D. Hums, Perfccto Esqiiibcl never before been In trouble of this viands that tho The business men of tho city sections naturally allied and greater ono only being contngeous. This was ceeding Professor Sellars, recently nppetlto of the most fastidious epi- t and Alexander Head. kind, and that at different times ho responded mo-i- liberally, tho noccs zeal in missions. a child with scarlet fevor and th resigned, was accopted and Mr. Klger cures. - had held positions sari- funds hnvo been raised to take was quarantined. of trust and honor was employed at a salary ot $75 a house under government. The caterers ot tho occasion wero a winning team to Albuquerquo, and Settlement for Mexico, Lease of Santa Fe Poatofflee. quarterly hills wcro In- the Tho court month. Tho usual stated, upon tho facts presented Brooks and wife, who demonstrated ray $100 oach to tho threo profusion Those who claim to know any tho The postolflco department has ac and referred, and a motion that Tho commltteo on sidewalks asked ability to troduced nnd on account of his age, ho would their care for a large crowd als, which overy local toam ontorlng forthcoming meeting of tho house of cepted tho bid of tho territorial land to adjourn was offered, when Marshal for more time lu which to roport on lu elegant style. bo In board postolttce premises mako his seutunco light nnd after ot tho tournament Is allowed to havo. A bishops, to hold connection with for and has McMlllln attention to tho fact the building a sldowalk at the dining room was hand-soniel- y called dwelling on tho pernicious of The also winning team Is assured, as Manager tho council of new world bishops in granted n flvo years' leaso. This as quartor effect Hrst ward b?hool. that the payroll for the last tobacco tnken in such largo quantities decorated and on tho arch Martin has socurcd Lcmbkc, tho Den Wnshlngtou at the middle of October, sures that the site of tho poBtofllco been overlooked. Tho motion to Tho superintendent reported 1,228 ovor tho doorway rosted the dovo ot will bo In presont quarters In had sentenced defendant to tnreo months' ver team pitcher during tho season will settle the Moxlcan situation by tho tho adjourn was withdrawn, and tho pay- pupils cniollcd In tho schools, an in peace. tho election of Kev. Henry Forres- old palaco for tho noxt five years nnd imprisonment In tho county Jail, tho crcaso of 150 over year nt this Just closed, nnd tho crnck pltchor in tho approved d last Mr, and Mrs. Abner nro very popu- nn new equipment to cost roll of $2,927.50 wiib nnd sentence to date from tho tlmo of his tho Western leasue, and Baerwnld, tho ter and tho Moxlcan priest as bishops that entire paid. tlmo. Tho treasurer's roport shows a lar young people and were the recip- and tho giving consents to approximately $3,000 will bo installed arrest, which would give defendant ot $5,500 In tho treasury. The Denvor catcher. of their Tho sensation of tho evening was balance ients ot a host ot good wishes as well It Is proablo no by January 1, 1501. The nnnunl ren about thirty days moro to serve. clerk oxplalned ho had checked 'Malinger Martin lg negotiating with consecration. that tho closo, Mayor My- that as a goodly number of beautiful pres- missionary over got tnl Is $800. This will glvo Santa Fo when, towards This loronoon was taken up wltn up tho liquor licenses for the quarter a third professional hall tossor who situation into a ho had reorganized ents. worso muddlo than Episcopal ono of tho best equipped postotTlccs In ers announced that tho case, "Territory vs. Adolfo Gallo ending October 1, and found tho num will carry tho team to victory In ev affairs of coun- Tho happy couple left last evening tho standing committees tho gos," tho defendant being charged e In tho republic of Mexico. First, tho In tho southwest. ber to do forty-on- retail places, and for I.aguna, the homo brldo, cry gamo, If his sorvlccs during fair cil and wcubl annoiinco the following with assault with Intent to murder. of the mission wns victim extraordi- the monies bad beon properly honoy-moo- n. wook can bo secured. Managor Mar tho of that where thoy will spend tholr nary success, a former Franclscun Increase or rtauway Mall Service appointments Tho testimony showed that on the turned into tho school fund. substitute this man for Mc-Ke- tin will nerf Koman cliurch, attended by wealthy From yesterday on, railway clerks Finance Harrison, Hubbs nnd night of May 31, Richard Whltlock Illds for furnishing coal Irom John Jones, tho Colorado Springs pltchor, scml-lntoxlc- a families, fell Into Protestant Episco will mako the run between La Junta, whllo lu tho state of S. Ueaven nnd W. H. Huhu wero read. Court Term Possibilities. whom has been unable to locate. Colo., Itog- was he pal keeping, nnd services were main nnd Albuquerquo, not only on Streets Hnrsch, Harrison and tlon, sirucK (n tho lowor part ot The board deliberated at length on There Is a possibility that tho spoc-l- al 1jmbako and llnerwald will arrive tallied wcro a high trains Nos, 1 and 8. This will glvo ors. tho head with a knlfo Inflicting tho proposition of ordering a coal sup- term ot tho Grant county district evening, that of order. Iiut In tho Capital city this and camo a a New Mexico an additional local mall Police Kogors, Hubbs and Heav- wound about an Inch In length. Whlt ply winter. lsherwood court will conveno lu this city on Oc- will there crash, scandal and al for tho Trustee then practice for tho tournament most all was lost, including between thoso two points each way en. lock had been seen in company with made a motion ninety tons ot tober 19. Judge Parker Is making aa col- - tho Fran that bo Inaugurated In earnest on tho ciscan church, now again occupied by dally. There will then bo threo mills Flro Hubbs, Kogors and McICec. the defendant, nnd one witness, seem coal bo ordered from W. H. Hahn. effort to dispose ot the Dona Aua and It Bo grounds. the Catholics and attended by wealth a day to Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Wator McKce, Harrison, Harsch. ingly intimidated, toetllled tnat -- o The motion was passed without a dis- Unltod States business during uio two Springs and northern Colorado points McMlllon, Heaven nnd saw the dofendant strike Whltlock weeks, commencing yesterday, It 11. J. Mooro, until recently car cleric and distinction of Catholic laity. Then Grlovanco senting vote. and from Santa Fo nnd when tho Santa and that ho took a knlfo from the de- ho will como to of tho local Banta Fo omces, nas nc- - camo a struggle with a small native Qrunsfold. It was decided to dismiss school on succeeds he Silver 1 Fo Central railway mall service Is In Kogors. fendant's hand, but ho being the only City coptcd tho duties of night ticket clerk work and many English congregations Sewer Hubbs, Harsch nnd Thursday and Friday of fair week, but at the tlmo mentioned. Tho stalled Santa Fe will havo six Incom known eyowltness for tho torrltory on Friday county term, commonces of the local stntlon. that do not affiliate with the nativo Dulldlng, light and fuel Harrison, as tho circus tho coming Otero which ones. Hardly 1,500 communicants all ing malls and six outgoing railway and Harsch. having mado conflicting statomonts would not glvo a performance in tho on November 2, hns been postponed dally. great Improvement Hubbs SANTA FE. told, tho nativo clement applied last malls This Tho chief of tho changes was tno and tho territory's failure to establish afternoon, tho schools would not be for a couplo ot weeks in order to al- mall sorvlco was brought guilt year for tho consecration of no fewer of tho about removal of Mr. G ninefold from chair- without doubt tho o. tho defen dismissed on that day. low ot so mo repairs to tho court From tho Now Mexican. by the persistent work of Dolegato n Jury than threo bishops. manship of tho flnnnco commltteo and dnnt, tho tound tho defendant not It was reported beforo tho board house, and it Judge Parker can trot Miss Anita Armljo of Albuquerque, S, Kodcy for Improved railway mall guilty, after deliberating thirty niln county, "J tho making of him a member of tho that tho damago dono tho school through In Dona Ana be will on a-- to Mr. and service for Now Mexico. who has been visit g utcs. by ms Quarrel over Forrester. grlovanco commltteo. Dr. Harrison bo-In- buildings recently over enthusias- have sufficient time at command Mrs. A. M. Hergore, returned home boys beon repaired to glvo Grant county n threo weeks' Discussion to tho dignity Tho mother of Dr. W. O. Tight ac placed at the head of finances. As tic football had I Mrs. Edward L. Kartlott has been that roio Tho Machinist Helpers' union will and that tho University boys, High term at least. There aro nineteen 111 arose among Episcopal companied him to this city, to spend soon as the reading of tho reorganized very seriously during tho past ten of hot disputes incot Saturday evening, Octobor 10, at who par- grand Jury prisoners now tho winter. Tho party to which tho commlttoea hnd ceased, Mr. Gruns- school boys and outsiders, contlnod In days, but Is reported slightly better, leaders in tho United States. Kcports Central Labor union hall at 8 o'clock county City Indepen- reports doctor bolongod did jiot attempt fcld aroso and congratulated may- ticipated in the trespassing, had tho Jail. Silver Mrs. Otero and Miss Nina Otero, after have been mado. Iter. tho the whero they will bo sworn in by Or agreed to It. dent. charged ascent of Mount Soratn which ho pro or by tho reorganization had settle who have spent tho past ten days In Mr. Forrester has been with that he ganizer Harman H. Wynkoop. Thel wore for the unortuodoxy, seems hardly nounces quite feasible, becauso de placed head of tho city's money Water coolers ordered Chicago, returned home, after a very and it of at tho membership is about seventy. soveral school buildings. S. F. Borden of tho Borden Transfer cnjoyablo visit in the dry town. credible, any those who know, that lays In reaching the placo, the deser- affairs an aldorman moro In accord company, wa.i yesterday afternoon as- Mrs N. I). Lauglln gave a luncheon tho American bishops can bo brought tion of tho Indian packers, and tho with tho mayor and his administration Mrs. Charles Gruner, who has had Tho American Lumber company has sisting In unloading a heavy box. He In honor of Mrs. V. II, McBlroy, who to consent to his consecration. The quarantine of tho coast through tho than ho hlmsolf had beon able to bo. cbargo ot the Metropolitan hotol tho 1,000 logs loaded Into cars and await stopped upon the edge ot a board walk will return to her former homo in In- high church people will, It Is known, prevalence of bubonic plaguo. Ho Tho mayor accepted Mr Qrunsfold's past fow yoars, yosterday secured a ing shipment from Thoroau. Thcso and tho weight threw hla right left dianapolis, and Mrs. Kern, wlfo of tho contest tho action vigorously. The considers, however, tho time of tho congratulations, but a llttlo later atat new loaso, and will contlnuo iu tho logs wore cut In opening the lino ot to ono tide, badly spraining the ankle. iwlsa consul to Mexico, who is tb agreement said to have been arrived trip well spent. od that tie had rtmovod Mr. Qrunsfold lodging business-- . tho Zunl Mountain railroad, and only Ho was around on crutches today.

D It yon ms EDITORIAL NOTES. dictmcnts to return this morning but troubled with owing to a mistake, will bo held until I .... I ...... court, Constipation, VI.. anlvn the race i Sour Monday for presentation to tho LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. MCIM A McCREIOHT. Publishers, Billioutncti, problem Id to lot It alone. I life 4-- IT when tho Jury will have finished Its fYfe C m discharged, Sick Headache, Il,.nlfnl1nr la mntilnB ft bid for ft 'V MM work and will be subscription HatM. Kidney Ail- presidential nomination by announc- No appetite, loss of strength, nervous- Gregory who ness, constipation, DEAL WITH NEGROES. l'ngo, has bcon hero Oafly Oltlien, per roar JC.OOl ments. ing thnt ho Is not nfrald of assassl-natio- headache, bad breath, general debility sour risings, and catarrh of There cn court duty, will return to Gallup to- .Weekly ClUion, per roar 2.00 Indigestion, Union Pacific May Locate a Colony hsve leen night. the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol times when Dyspepsia, or Postmnstor Gonornl Pnyno anya ho cures Indlrestlon. This new discovery repre In Wallace County, Kansas, Mrs. Dan Scruggs wont to Snntn Fo ALCOHOL INJURIOUS. ngont the wild Malaria, expects to have tho report of tho sents the natural Juices of digestion as they D, 8 Griffin of Denver, Innd bcAsts hnvc thin forenoon to visit n day with hor Dr. Iawronco Flick, of tho White Investigation ready by Oc- exist In a healthy stomach, combined with cf tho Union Pacific road, Is on n deal yen need the postodlco ' been more n.othor. t - Huron Hanltnrium for consumptive II tier once. 20. theereatest known tonic and reconstructlvs n club at Oalo- 13 It will cure you tober wilh tho merciful Frank Sturges nnd family havo tins aroused tho medical profession itml restore you Tho birthplace of Charles Dickons ' na, Kansas, to locate a colony of no- - I linn turned human nml spared woman tr from an oxtonded sojourn over his statement a to five value of to ierl ccl at Portsmouth, England, was sold at .,, proes In county. Tho rail- - helne, the In ..CU'irAuM.. Wnllaco cast to In nrrun, II is Southern California. whlskoy In In n trtnt will In them the astonish. tuberculosis coses A fair auction for $6,C2C, nnd was bought by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and rond has agreed to sell a big tract of Inc A. A. Ilugg of Wll-Hum- s tonvlnte you llnw Itlttf. avmtL'itli v tvnttiti lini'n Trlnidnd and lien booh which he has Just completed nnd BfTEBS uy me mayor 01 mo city, strengtnentng tne mucous memoranes lining land there, stnrt n town nnd work the for women. In the home the mistress of Iji Juntn, spoclal otncors - for which la entitled, "Consumption a There seems to bo millions of poo- the stomach. Tho Idea Is to show whlto pco- - sees the maid with the signs of suffering In Mr. S, Ball, of W, V tho Santa Fo nro tho city. Curattlo Disease," warrant of law, the suppression ntn wiui nnvnr - nunv ri illmo In . S. Rrensood. Mr mnnngo recognizes so well, but site does not and Provontnblo cut n"ran - inn troubled in sour ttomaen ror icnty ititi. pio how well thoy enn public "; Tho Typographical union will meet Dr Flick says: of civil tholr lives who nro competent nnd KMol cured msi ni we are now utlnr II In mlU allow-- . K''e the sick girl s load by a touch ot 0, nowapnpors, tho defiance (or nffalrs. No white mnn wl.l bo In regulnr session tomorrow nftornoon anxious to reform Cnrneglo's system baby." ner ""Ker 1" 'be store the forewoman Aicoioiism noi only ki is tno Authority, tho contompt of tho man Kodol Digests What You Eat. od to llvo with tho negroes. ,1., nllor ...,n i.i. nt Central Labor union hall nt 2:30 of benevolent liberality. Ib nig negro colony nt Nlco-demu- ho,p rM,,U,nR Cottteicnly, 00 Sire holdlnc 2M times the trial Thcro a mark woiuniily weakness, but rMows o'clock. - "nt0 ,,f courta cnnnot some, il disposition for conHumptlon In U.o off- A wlso woman writes: "With site, which slls (or 50 cents. Grnhnm county. It Is thriving nothing for them. It is work or quit W. A. Trldlo of Jonosborough, Ark., l ono Hat for hap- Prepared E. O. & OO., OHIOAQO spring.'1 Ho believes in plenty of fresh civil l!atetiier. llfo is cnntlnttos hunt by DeWITT nnd Its members nro well satisfied. who spout a couple of In & has months - of piness, which is never found. Tito Sold by II, II. llrlggs Co., and S. o air nnd a diet that lncltidos an nbtind- Tho military In tho free stnto Tito colony In Wnllaco county will tho city, laft this morning on his re- wlso stay nt home In quiet content Vnnn Son. REWARD nnco of milk and frosh eggs. Another Colorllj0 during tho past wcok or ton and Its attention mostly to wheat turn homo. and hnpplness comes to thorn.'' Idea uf I)r s In to up 4inn ForWonseN Hall-ren- d Flick cnicuintou raising nnd cattle Otto Uorgor, well aays hnvo been guilty of offensoe that Tho cold wnvo so much dreaded by thu known set etnhliBhoi thoortos. Ho says that wl:i provide for occasional Inventions avenue Is sttfforlng would mtrprlsn In Manchuria or 11 dis- who oAMHor me owtco. baker, with to cntise most pcoplo Is renlly blessing In The Franz Separation. climate has vary llltlo do with tho Is to husbanus, nroiners nnd others ot rhotimntlsm, and will visit tho Jcmcz Mncodonln. What the matter with guise. It charges the atmosphere with Gloho-Democr- Backed by over n third of n century do-lu- Tito Issue of the St. Louis up cure of eonnumptlon What tho pa n the sterner sex, to observe their hat springs, Colorado' Is self government thcro fresh oxygen nnd a surplus of free of 30th September, of retitnrknblc nml uniform cures, a record fonts need ! pure nlr. as much of It In club room. Chnrtcr members the of such as remedy for diseBscs Wheolor Hotiben nccompnnled A. hfrlluro electricity, which produces u most following concern- ko other the they get Into their lungs Th crntnlr.s tho Item weaknesses peculiar yestcr-r.ay- , m ran nnd beneficial oflect upon will have given their names by next and to women ever Hnrsch to thn Coyoto springs nlr may be city nlr or country nlr; It Saturday afternoon, when tho new ing Kdwnrd W Krnnz nnd wife, for- attained, the proprietors nnd milkers of whom day spent great EVERY INCH A KINO. mankind. (favorite tho was In may be meuntuln nlr or seashore air club will meet nt 3 o'clock to elect of- merly resldonts of this city nnd Santa Dr. Pierce's Prescription now enjoyment. In n The announcement that there Is n warranted i 11 offering !,, If mnat frauti mwl nml It Kdwnrd VII reveals himself Fo: feel fully to pay f500 nir0 surplus of $10,000,000 in tho nntlonnl ficers anil ndopt a constitution and In legnl money of United States, for Charley Hrcwder, well known nlong nni1 lnterotlng fashion In his on-tir- o the be abundant. Above all It must " There wero appointed com- "Jtidgo Mcllhinnoy devoted tho Is run- muM . Irrigation fund hns caused a wonder- any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weak- tho lino of tho Snntn Fo, now any groat dealings 11 e cn unci crm, m upon matters, day yestonlay to hearing dlvorco be outside nlr to be of ful Interest In tho qufjtlon evon in mittees to roHrt these ness, Prolapsus, or P.illiug of Womb ning on tho Mexlcnn Intornntlonnl HMVcriiiuuiii. i nui jiih iibbiiiuuii hi mr nnd decrees wero grant- hbV value.' sections of tho country where com- Thoso commltt'.'os will meet on Tues- inses, twelve which they cannot cure. All they out of Torroon. kingly prerogative to bo satisfied ed. Mrs. Mrntglo 13. Krnnz of Kirk-woo- d is a fair mid reasonable triul of their plaint in the pnst lias been about tho day nt 3:15 at the residence of Mrs. Mrs, C. H Nance, who hnd boon n with tho competency of patriotism Mnndell. A trial voto points to $5 wns granted n dlvorco from means of cure. NEWSPAPER FAILURES. excessive rainfall. They have most remnrknbtc record guest of Mrs, Frank Ackormnn for a of his cablnnt ministers should excite ns the probable yearly dues, W Fran.. Tho docreo cnrrled the I- Tho orgnnizntlon of tho employers' of cures made by litis world famed week, left last night to return to her It has boon nsmrtod on tho author! sttrprlso Is evidence only thnt his chll-(Iro- n alliance In this city Is understood to with It the cttrtodj of two minor remedy ever placed to the credit of nny homo nt Islctn. ty of what npponrs to be rollablc stn llustrious mother and othor sovereigns bo purpose of settling labor ELEPHANT BUTTE RESERVOIR. nnd $ nilmony. Tho couple preparation especially designed for the It Is reported Enrique Sosa tistbs thnt moro newspapers bavo ,(uforo wuro too c()ntont to bonr for the thnt and 10r troubles that may occur In a business were married nt Waco, Texas, In 1893, cure of woman's peculiar ailments. his wlfo wero romnrrlod Thursdny fallal In the United Stntoa during the n crown Tho ministers What Seems Indicated by Withdrawal Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the ni,t tnitinei wr.y, without resort to tho lockout, but Intor movo l to Joplln, Mo., where night In Old Aibttqucrqtio by ten year than lire now published rolgns nil sorlous of Land From Entry. most tlet.ii iibic luxutivc for dcliuile Juatlco fast of tler determined the boycott nnd strike, so ropugnnnl Franz Is still living. Indignities nnd ot tho Pence C'rollott. i tho tarltury. political D. C women. Mine Intent nnd directed all to Idens. will be A telegram rrom Washington, fnlluro to provide woro the charges or fall Amerlcnn Tho result H 8. Van Slyck, traveling llvo stock Of eourso le chluf movements of tho government. Th announces that on account of tho Irri- of complaint" I bonofletnl to nil concerned. tho agent for tho 8;nitn Fo, up :r s among civlv o . - rmiin from ens bou irke Hovorolgn was needed only to pro con-sum- gation worn nt Klophnut Ilutto reser- vlll not bo long beforo tho Interior - America lends tho world as a El Paso tills morning, his headquar- Of these ottl-- out In monarchy s, M., tho of building will bo Improv- tntertirlses aervo tho personality of of moat nnd sugar. In tho Inst voir site, near Ijis Unices, Mrs. Wilson Entertains. tho much ters being in thnt city, iwi'i-t- hns survhoil. roynl t interior department hns ordered tho ed from tho proceeds of tho snlo. and give a porfunclory nssont fiscnl yenr tho amount of sugar Im- Ono of tno most, enjoyable social Georgo Hallock, Santa Fe roll, f outsider t'ually inliws lie rne th-- withdrawal from all forms of entry It Is regretted Edith 'lie the nets of cabinet. ported reached 5,000,000,000 pounds. (unctions ot the season wns n tea giv- Whllo that agent, Is nt local station ro.levlng conduct a newspaper much better Mmu whntovcr tho following described Walker us for n couplo of tho Hut King Ktiwnnl, as might havi Add tho domestic production to this en Thtitsi!ny t'ternoon b Mro. W. N. lenves Ticket Agent Onrpentor, who been It Is this fatuous lands: Townships 9, 10, 11 south, months' visit In Illinois, still wo hrs the editor nni bellf bpl,n gBI),.ot0(i from his life and sen and divide it by the population of tho Wllnon, wlfo of Dr. Wilson, nt tho ilrublo duty somo tlmo pnst learts to so many new ontor- - rnngo 3 weat; 11 south, rango 1 west, wish her n ptenrant trip. that tlmonts boforo he canto to tho throne United States, nnd tho result gives pretty homo on South Arno street, Tho Mrs. M. C. Tr.ylor and sons open- prlses In tho newspaper field. l nnd northwest quarter of section 1, in Tho two literary societies havo boon not set up to bo thnt sort of sn caclt mnn, woman nnd child in tho house wns handsomely nnd npproprl-Mol- ed their dniioln;; school nt Park hnll, The lob look easy find att'ncttvn !s country seventy-tw- pounds township 12 south, rango 4 west. orgnnlzed, nnd promlso somo cry fine erelgn. Ho n man of lcnrning, oi about ilocorntod with autumn loaves on West nventto last ovon-ing- , nttd iiilitiing and tho nnvlco U llni)l When Delegnte 11. S. Hodcy was programs In tho nenr future. full contact with kings nnd courts, of cadi per annum. and goldon rod. Dainty refreshments nnd qulto n largo crowd was In Is press asked what this Indicated, ho replied lleglnn convinced that ill ho tioodr a wide polltlcnl obsorvntlon, with fixed Only ono week till tno torrltorlnl Ilosonwnld has returned attendance - thnt to his mind it Indicated that tho ngaln tha and some type nnd ho wl'l Immodlnto- fair. from California nnd entered Pecker-lllackwe- Ideas of the port ho hns to nssumo farming hotdoss. ""Weil by Mrs. J. S. MaeU.ish, of tho ll 1 flfty-thre- government intended to investigate set tho world on flro. nnd discharge In the government of Now Moxlco is ycnrB old os nf or school. tho adaptability of tho Ilutto site for Jnos Keogh end Mrs l tor. company at Mngdnlenn, Is The exronce or the . n is the llrltlsh people. I.nylng aside nil as n territory. parlor a reservoir. That whilo so wl'tch tho ladlos retired to tho CRACK BALL In tho city today on business. His nr voi eonsld-ro'- ". iintl) t .1 imnr.loiiK ol Put your n.lvertlBomont in tho Citi- nntlonnl PLAYERS. tll vncirios of his career ns nrlnco investigating It Is customary to with- nnd listened to a vory Intoroatlng mu wlfo nccompnnies him to this city oyjiRc is wel. under w. and Iben corona-M- r zen your friends and pnt Wnlos, like Prince Hnl. his and invito will bo brought slcnl program rendered by Mrs. Goo. Who Electric povr hns been put In nt f draw all lands which Manager Martin. Will Tjke a Krvlcecvn think not liltif else rons to cnll during fair week. Wil- - ton brought nlnt to his feet ovory Inch ttndor Irrigation, so that thoy mny not Allen nosonblatt, Mrs, Dr. E. W. Team to the Fair, Books the carriage repository and blnck- than he expanse. m,,,, upon ns Thcro Is another olement ot dis- Clny-to- n a 9irlt canto him lie taken up nnd held for high prices. ton, Missrts Sallle Llttlo nnd Deo smithing house of Ortiz & Co,, and With nil his well recognized Ronlus all(1 wng cord In situation In Now 1)0n Sa, ll0 tnrnw into tho laoor If tho site shall not bo approved, tho It wns u success both financially Manager William 13. Martin, who Is now nil tho machinery moves by elec- ! . y Ptttl nap "i i you.w York, piano are going urnaiiHir.. ..' nnother mnn." Tho makers lands nro restored to thop ubllc do- nnd soclnlly. The guests pronounced determined to lako n ball team to tricity. It Wililnm It. Honrst Journalism, oc n strike. main; if It shnll bo npproved, then tho Dr. and Mrs. Wilson n charming host Albuniierouo during torrltorlnl fnlr A. A Hugg. specla" officer of the something Iko ?2,000.000 to put the New York's birth rate of oleven go QUARRELS AMONG UNIONS. lands are withheld till tho cdmpletlon nnd hostess. week, that will trail tho colors of cv-pr- y Snntn Fo, has tecelved orders to New vork Journal on a paying basl. each hour helps to eolva tho mystery 131 nccompany Hlng-lin- The vexation of employers by con- - of tho lrrlgntlon plant. team thoy cross bats with In tho to Paso and the of how Wall keeps up sup- A by a tontlottH nmnng employes Involving street its It has been n favorite project with Find Printer. dust, has secured two of tho three llros.' circus from thoro till thoy ply of sttckors. Salnzar, a citizen of Snntn HEROIC YOUNG WOMAN. strikes agtunst each other Is rapidly Mr, Hodcy for tho government to buy Mariano professionals which the tennis that en- reach I.a Junta. - Good results will come to tho terri- English pcoplo Fo. a printer by trade, la exhib- C. W. IrfiwBon Mrs II I Yewell Now comes from Mexico the story rcncltlng , Inevitable result of stop- tho Interests of tho and tered the hiiBohnll tournnmont nro al- nnd tory from tho deliberations of tho n who tho building of tho El- iting some beautiful specimens of talc nccompnnled the MIbsos Jennetto Era- of a brnve and beautiful young wo- - ping bu- -i iess and throwing men out undertook lowed to have, nnd negotiations nro o - convention which will bo hold and so mako tho carrying nugget gold in very large ser, Mnrgnrotto Webster and Mnbol man. Linares, a city of consld-rabl- of employment, snys tho San Frnnels- ephant ilutto dam, pending for tho third, says tho Now In city next enterprise. quantities. If ho hns found trip yestordny size, hnd a yellow fever epidemic co Chronicle. The Issuo between this week. reservoir there a national tho stuff Mexican. Kennedy on a plensnnt Imports of gold year were $iC, Is no to during the past summer. The girl's union men nnd employers in regard to last holds out, thcro limit thn The two profcssionnls nlrendy book- to Cnmp Whlteomb. 000,000 exports $ 000,000 In gold O. W. Strong's Sons aro propnrlng to Is will meet father, mnyor of tho city, was strick- - division of labor la tinny upcoming and if, wealth ho will attain, it estimated ed nrc Lonibkc, of tho Denver tenm. Tho Central Labor Union wns deposited nt the mints nnd assay liuminato during tho fair, nt Christ competent Judges mineral In regulnr session, Tho en and she sprang into tho breach, more sharply defined. Tho unions say b thnt tho tho crack pltcnor of tho Wostcrn Monday night of States, mas and other oMra occasions. They fSO.OOO In gold to ono ThottHands lied from tho city, but she thnt the work belongs to them to bo offices the United will run ovor tho League, and Herwnld, the Donvor meeting wns to hnvo been held Representatives of forty big pig lro are putting in otto arc light In front It Is on sur-fac- o hecaiiBo of thn fair be- stuck to her post, even when death assigned as they may decide, 'llio ton understood thnt tho catcher, who Is not far behind week Inter, but a meeting In Now of store, two nrc lights In tho cen- of comont talc Is wns decided to entered her own house. SI10 snw her employers claim that It belongs to tho furnaces at held tho tho vein this in tho professional lino. Tho third ing on nt that tlmo it pnys York produc- room, and thir- one. o:io-hnl- f wide. Mondny. father die nnd otltor olllclals died ono man who for It, to be assigned at decided to curtail tho ter of tie main store nnd Inches It piofesslnnnl wilt In nil probability be meet next may- - wJII. discussing 20 per cent during gal- In yellow nnd lo- G. M. gonornl mnnnger of by one until sh wns practically his Witnott tho tion October. ty incandescent lamps under tho of a reddish color Mert Jones, who pitched such fine ball Tufner, right or wrong of either contention, public decreas- of Valley railroad, writes n or, treasurer, board of aldermen and Lnst month .hn dobt lery, which runs around three sides cated about six miles southeast for tho Colorado Springs team dur- the Pecos employers us- - $0,171,812. bearing public exact lo- ho will visit Albuquerque everythlnti else. Then came tho end the fnct remains that ed Tho Interest ot tho room. They have taken out tho Santa Fo on lnnd, tho ing tho season. friend thnt of tho scourge nnd those who were "ally havo tho option of retttslng to dobt stnnds nt $912,000,000 aid the gas with which they formorly lighted cation being known only to Mr. Saln- during tho fair, nnd his prlvnto car left virtually fell at her feet and wor- - employ at all except on sueli terms interest chnrt'O continues to decline. the store. Tho Strong brothers now zar. Ho is keeping very quiet about It School of Mines. will como ncross from Torrnnco ovor shipped her. The president of Moxi- - as they deem satisfactory, in mnny An oxchaugo snys: Stntlstlcs show hnvo tho largest stock of goods, house find Is doing moro development work Dr. Charles H. Koyes, president of tin.' Snnta Fo l r ntrnl. co and tho congress have recognized places, at present, unions navo power that moro women commit suicide on fttrnlshlngs, avor carried by them. on tho land whero tho find is located. the Now Moxlco School of Mines at Joseph L. Herzog of New 'iork Is In ter worth nnd services. Sho has been to stop work oxcept on such terms ns Monday than nny other day of the Nothing moro definite enn bo obtained Socorro, was In tho city n couplo of tho city, being mot horo by his cousin, voted a medal by the nntlonnl legls- - they niny prescribe. In n mnjorlty of wcok. Monday, you know, Is tho na- POLICE COURT. at this time. hours this morning whllo on route to Julius Wolff, tho gonornl merchant at iature of Mexico. She deserved It. Industries the mnjorlty or employers tional family wash day. Snnta Fo, whero ho will meet nnd Cnbezon. Mr Herzog will proimttiy I Her act was one of the rnrest, nnd have the power to stop work at all Tho popularity of Hooker Washing Tile city pollco force did good work POLICE COURT. consult with W. S. Hopewell of tho visit Cabezon with Mr, Wolff though her name may not be the times and In all places, ton's college nt Tttskegco Is ovldonced over Saturday night and Sunday and Pennsylvania Development company, J A tolegrnm from Gallup states that Is in Up theme of other than Mexico poets and Particularly this true the b tho fact 1,084 young coiorod this morning a few shillings woro "Petty Larceny Thieve:" Before with regard to mineral deposits con- N M. Flnhlvo. n liveryman, dlod thero could get that orators, her achievement, which was building trades. Mankind pcoplo had to ho refused admission dropped Into tbo city coffers nnd Justice Crawford. trolled by that company. Dr. Koycs yestordny morning after a short ni- mnny years MiiiuingH mis-tnk- o undoubtedly done without thought of on for with tno this fall. Street Commissioner Tlorncy wns James McMlllin mndo a grave says that things In Socorro nro about nes with pnotimonln. Tho deceased now existing. A contractor or limited at- or- aught but duty, will go down on the The employer's alliance of this city furnished with a brlgado of healthy yesterday forenoon when ho as usual. A university club wns was woll known throughout central cnpltal who has once engaged his cap-sa- night forty iKWk of life as ono of tho rarest. Sho now Includes nenrly itl tho employers stout scavengers nnd street levclors. tempted to lift clothing from n lino In ganized thoro last with and western Now Mexico. In tho beginning of very good evi- her duty and she did it to the ltal nnd his credit Honry Tillman, who wns reported to the renr of Peter Mascttl's place on members, which Is LnBt night. Mrs. Augustlno Morollo, a may be compelled to of labor in Albuquerque. It will do utmost of her ability. construction $1,100 In his Inside pocket, was South Second street. Mrs. Mnsettl dence thnt Socorro has her share of wlfo Railroad nventto tailor, pre go nny no ovorythln roasonnblo to satisfactorily havo of tho on on almost terms, nut In In was In nn outbuilding neir tho alley college bred people Tho Spurllng with twin boys. n. In found slooptng In an alley an sented hor husband tinml tint nml when adjust labor troubles this city. well appointed look-e- d and appeared on the sceno Just in residence, a brick mar- report of United States Trons- - ...,.... ,.. "Many nn houest man," says John toxlcnted condition. Tho court Mr. nnd Mrs. Morollo hnvo been Tho fiprnmpa ,i0n time to cntch tho "sly James" In tho structure, hns been secured for a olght 11. ilstnl Is upon Tillman sorioiiBly and salt' ried nix years, nnd now hnvo uror Kills ItoberUi for the nt ,.. .1I1(,nr conditions Wnnnmnkor, "fulls becauso he t net. Sho telephoned Mar- home for tho club. AsBtstnnt nrc congratulating yenr ended Juno 30. 1903, shows nnd cost poor advertiser." Mr. Wanamnker be $10 or ten days. children. Frlonds which transfer the vexation shal Cooper nnd pursuit terminated In todny. the total net leventtos for tho year o ing ono of tho most successful merch- Owen Duffy waB found In tho Santn UNIVERSITY NOTES. y.r, Morollo ot interruptions owners. Then tho capture. This morning In pollco handsomo dls were $5GO,39G 074, an Increase of 3S.- - up. will be ants In the world nnd ono of tho best Fo yards and upon examination was Simon Stern, whoso thing winds Owners not court, Jnmes plead not guilty, but the Dr. M. K. Wylder was a visitor at recently re- 988,430 ovor the year preceding. Tho Thoy plant advertisers, ousht to bo n compoton' found to bo a vagrant. Ten duys was , piny windows Tho Citizen bothered. withdraw their evidence In addition to his nppear-- tho University Tuesdny nnd nttended today giving kites K00,OD9,007, registered noxt his name. - ferred to, wns busy total expenditure wore from n,e architects' cilices nnd wnlt wltnoss on this subject. ft tinn wMnVi Itcnlf wmtlil Itn nnnvlp. t i.. -i- n.. - boyB nnd pntrons, sur- - hv. now young Is In If Jn,. Clark was up tor offenses Ikuu , ' to tho of Ills frlonds an Increase ot J6,782,034. Tho for the clouds to roll Thnt Is Tho man domnnd. tngi WM oQ ftnd uty ,,ay8 vo his second woro p. us was $54.20" CC7, as compared in New York. The build- - ho to avail himself of soma kind the smite as filed against Duffy, nnd whllo tho gontlomen themselves the situation falls ror petty larceny wns registered next lecture to tho students last Tuesday nsh trays, In 1902. tug l)oom gone. Knterprlses In- - opportunity, Is usually his own tho sentence v. as the sumo. given nttrneMvo nlumlnum with I01.2S7.375 is of It his name. on tho Chemistry of the Hody, denllng smono - - told thn very acceptable, to thoso who Grim Oom Paul Krttgur, tragic wan- volvlng tho oxpondltttre of from ?!),- fault. Tho 'dor Vnnderbllt onco said Georgo Myers tho court Henry Anderson may not bo n very chiefly with tho means used to dls- - - liobcrt Mnssey Is very much put out forer from the Transvaal, It In lonely 000,000 to ICO.Ouu.OOO have been Indofl- thnt you could take tho young man Colorado nuthuritlcs hnd furnlshot bad name, but ho wns certainly found pose of poisonous substances lu rood. M not received tbo nttmbor retirement at Montouo. Franco. Ho n'.ely postponed In that one city nnd stick him down nnywhoro, nnd If him transportation to Hnton, N, In vory bad company. When Patrol- - Preparations for tho football gamo thnt ho has - now clcnr factory on Second who hnvo build- Ho Is n man nnd was net vaggod. Mc-- 1 pro-Mlil- for his wears a somewhat smart frock coat nlono Contractors he had tho rlgb. kind of stuff In him sick man Cooper went in search of w(tli tho Minors havo been In nor I utroot. Ho cnnnot begin business and block trousers, and the familiar ings partly completed must struggle ho would get on nnd snvo a llttlo mon- Jnmes Gonzales, of Corrnles, wns yesterday, ho found Anderson fircg8 wecu. Collcgo yells nnd eel-- , ai nven bttv mnterint till tho numbor stovopipe witli heavy black on and finish thorn, ntm then thorn ey. may do a strong statomont. pulled out of n refrlgorntor car nnd with him, and ho discovered tho mis-- Pgo songs hnvo been Invented to en- - hnt, bound This Ho been waiting r men out n ccmes to hand. hns crepe, and wnlka with n cane. A po-ll- will ho a multitude ot of wns fitted. creants In tho lower Santa Fo yards liven and add spirit to tho occasion. no In sight. It is pnrtly In hurrying thoy saw tho for two days bIiico his bond was made email disperse the bearers of cam Job and Jolt THE WOMAN'S CLUB. Juan Hacn, who took part a "dog south. When A good game Is looked for and It Is due to tho quarrels of unions and tho row, wns fined $15 flf officer npproach, they throw some- good will In nnd forwnrded ca in front of the villa when thn town" dance or hoped that a crowd bo nn countor-strlke- s ngnlnst making 3. Dactio. for many yenrs former preHldent nntors tho house strikes and First Meeting Quite Satisfactory and teen days. thing under a building whllo a attendance. it. partly blnck- - Ofll-to- r englnoor on tho Santa Fo. hut for dally, about noon, after a morning each other, nnd to tho Promising Great Success. rapid flight. Aftor tho capturo, On Wednesday, Mr. Kreba of tbo by winking delegates, who Cooper Investigated wnat might mnrn recent years In tho hotel DUBl spent In the garden. The old mnn Is malllnc In tho direc- Mayor's Appointment. School ot Music, gavo tho first drill cnll fetrikos unless thoy Tho latest movement bo disposed ot Ccrrlllos, wob in tho city thin by no dwreplt ami looks In hreaten to Mnyor C. F. Myers this nftornoon tho goods under tho In singing. This oxcrclso proved of ncss at niHns -e tion of statehood and advancement uu-da- d n- iKtld not to do so. At nny rate tho building, and It was two caddies of great yenr morning on his way homo from good health. He prefers tho com Is organization of a wo- appointed tho following gentlemen to benefit nnd Interest last nveatorr are quitting, nnd both union generally, the Stur tobacco. Tho tobacco is at tho year. Porfirio Dlnz, on tho Intornntlonnl pany of his own thousbu to Inter-couri- o In Albuquerque. Mnny ropresont tho tlty of Albuquorquo at and will bo Jttct ns popular this men nnd contractors will suffer. It Is man's club city building awaiting to bo claimed development of tho Mexican rond opposite Englo Pass, with strangers, accustomed to such clubs else- tho territorial Irrigation convention: Tho growth and not n question ot wages. It is n ladies by tho owner. Chief of Pollco Mc- Modern languages with oxas, whore Mr. Dagtio was running but there Is a great deal ot truth In IL where, havo greatly missed tholr D S. Hortoy, Dr. G. W. Harrison, Goo. Homanco question of dlctntlon nnd Interference Mlllin bellovcs it to stolen tobacco. special to tho Spanish liter-ntur- o nn engine. Thn Increnso of yellow Vow ImnkloK iiMtltullanH in tin nnd upon learning of tho agi- Arnot, M. S. Otoro and F. A. rcforonco with Individual liberty. The situation Anderson will bo held ton days and was subject of Prof. Esplno-s- a In Moxlco having produced a country point to n equal to having ono in tho larg- tho fevor can record In Now York should be taken as n tation townrd his caso Investigated. nt assembly last Thursday. nr.nrnntlno upon tho rood, Mr. Dnguo of tlttt Nntlonnl city of tho territory, havo express- that Philadelphia warning In all other cities. Liberty est Georgo Lceper and A. J. Hays, thoy President Tight loft arnnvlllo, nvnllod himself of tho opportunity to liank, which celebrated 1U ono hund-retl- t ed great plenstiro and prompt nnd DISTRICT COURT. has regarded ns a very precious of tho barleycorn, who had troubles Ohio, lnst night and will arrive In Al- - visit his family. annlveranry on tho 19th of Sep bn practical npproval. tmssesMlon of tho humnn race. It grand Jury found yesterday ind gavo bonds to tho ...nisni.,1.1. nnvi Mnn.lnu Tllns.lflV Superintendent I. L. Hibbnrd mPmN ternbor This bank was opened tot Lnst week tho dally papers an- Tho territorial appear- - will not bo lightly surronderod. Thoso Gib- amount of $20 each for their Ho Is nccompanlo'l by his mother y transferred from the Albuquerque 19. 1803, with ft meeting of nil Interested bills against James Logan, W. E. business September who havo no option will glvo It up. nounced unco In court this morning, forfeited 111 Snturday. At son and Jimmy Lowls, thrco men who will spend the winter in tno ,iVlon of tho Sonthorn California George Olyntor ono of the signers Tho others won't, and thoy are iu the women for tho coming ihclr bonds. const linos, Is apjiolnted promoters of last May, charged with brook- southwest. vision of tho Snntn Fo the Declaration of Indopundence, n majority. tho hour tho Miss Vlvnndl of the University of compllmontary delighted to mcot ing into tho Jov-olr- y storo of S. Vnnn tlin HUblect of a nlco Its president, nnd since then he ha tho movement were Hand Crushed. Maine, visited tho University lnst neptibllcnn. Thej . expect & Son, which robbery occurred In No Ari- nrtcj0 n tho Denver ofll'-e- a larger number than had been Carlos nacu, employed by tho I bad only six successors in tho Irrigation Delegates Named. Wcdnesdny. She Is on her wny to ; accompanied by a fair hnlf. ed, In parlors of tho Comraorciai vember, & Timber Co., suffored vtci0 tho zona Lumber taKO as an county mot caught In y a position tencner in Arizona. of tho big popular The commissioners this club. Mrs. 13. V. Chavez wns appoint Joso Montoyu, who was a sovnr accident at tho mill Wodnos-uo- tone likeness BREEDING ANARCHY. In Judge Owing to a visit from her fathor, nnd credits his promo forenoon rogular session. ed temporary chairman, and a rs. I. net of sotting flro to a warohouso In night. His right arm was caught nnrlntnndont. 1.. 11. Rev, Drown of Phoonlx, Ariz., Miss giving hlt The Tucson Citizen uy that strlk' S. Trlmblo, Judge S. linker, H. pro rear of O. W. Strong's Sons' furniture y Hon to rocognlzod ability, Crosson secretary. Tho ladiin In n rollor and badly crushed, ospoc-Inll- yes- orgaalzed or H. 13, S. Drown did not meet hor clnsses Mr. Hibbnrd bcgnnij lug laborers, whether tin Whitney, Horman Illuoher, ceeded in n, business ilko way to talto storo, was Indicted for Incendiarism. the thumb and throo fingers of rallrond caroor. organized are not always rational, ren Stover and John Mann wero solected estab Hortzel was indicted for terday, railroad career In a clorlcnl cnpacl tho prollmlnnry stops toward Horbort his band. Dr. J. J. nronnnn wns daughters In his eonabio or Just They are oftou gujlty as dolepntus to the torrltorlnl Irriga- woman a unlawfully drawing a gun. It will be Mrs, Mordy, whoso aro Ily with tho Wabash railroad, frorol lishing a renl, called and ho was tnkon to tho nt the University, was on ot against tntv, liberty and tion congross, which convonos In litis rcmeml-orc- Hertzol drow a gun attendance position worked tnrougn offenses club. thnt hospital. Whllo his hand Is In a which ho mrj property cannot fall to prlmllto city next Tuesday. The board also Baker, on Fo brnkeman, who ejected tho hill Wednesday. Intermediate dopartmonts to that Speeches wero made by Mrs. a Santa condition, Dr. has organized various pooplo of agreed to defray the expenses of sorlous Ilronnan On Monday, the students trainmaster, ibuu against the Justice their Mrs. McCrolght, Mrs. Chavez, Mrs. him from a train. Flagstaff tho position ot in sprinkling the roads and streets ot Mayo, Gallogos, assault with dead hopos of suvlng tho member. n literary society under tho name and membership of Mr cause. Crosson, Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Adol'o fol- during tho gcnoral Gem, of tho Estrolla. Tho . , - , Wo doubt seriously, howevor, If Old Town between tho fair grounds It was evi- ly weapon, Indicted. constitution MH4. IwilnmfialAi. n1 Miss Zenrlng nnd others. lowing officers woro elected: Presi- anywhere at any tlmo. have and the city limits during fair wcok. to ac- J. M Mlddletcn, tboft from Pull Hnnibnrn California, vice Mr. Dol strikers dent that tho ladles Intended HIGH 8CHOOL HAPPENINGS. dent, Miss Huggott; vice president, bcon guilty ot creator outrages against complish tho business lu hand &nd It man car. Indicted. Four wooks slnco school oponcd and socrotary, nior who was thon made auporlntonri! Colored Man Shoots. Intelligent Charles Weir nnd William Mace, Clarence Hcald; Frank liberty nnd Justlco than aro recorded Is oxpected a broad and tho month has onded prosperously, treasurer, Will Pratt; sergeant ont. In 1890 tho position ot tralnmas dally against tho military At Las Yogas on Saturday night, In club of perhaps 100 or 200 thinking crand larceny. Indicted. pupils and abolished on tho Southorri almost Btowart, might bo said, for both at nrnu, Floyd Irwin. tor was forces of Colorado now on duty In tho 1 bawdy house quarrel, Anderson Tny women will bo flourishing by the ond aeorRo WHbod nnd Frank Thoro Is an enrollment ot California rnllrcad and Mr. Hlbbari: burglarized rcsldonco of Jask teachors. Crlpplo Creek district. lor, a notorious coiorod wan of tho of the club year, all busy with litera- who the r.bout clchty pupils, and nil aro doing J. L. Schochor, tho socond han' was mada freight agent at Ixn An go' domestic Fennar, burglary and larceny, iridic The Colorado soldiers aro breeding Meadow fllty. shot and severely wound ture, art, physical culturo, tholr utmost to aid the school In being dealer, has taken a leaso on tho Har los, having charge, of tho Los Angeles dlkturb-suic- e. colored philanthropy or whatover od. anarchy. They aro Inviting od James Hunter, nnothor science ono of tho finest institutions In tho nett storo room, near tho postofflco yard. Ills next promotion camo 1c sowing dragon'a tooth man. Taylor escaped nnd upon latest suits tho Individual fancies of the fair Goorca Brandon. Michael Mullen rccontly vacated by 8. Vann & Son, 1607, which tlmo he was called tc Tbey aro Smith, who vest. at Inevitably sprout retaliation, advices had not been captured. Tay mombors. Before long they will bo Patrick Durk and James la today removing his stock ot suporlntondency ot tho Alba that will yards and No one rejolcos moro than the and fill tho outrage. Is lor Is reputed to bo a had man anJ Joining YtarllaniMntry classes and thoy entered a car In the local Oold nvonuo to his new quorquo division, which position disorder and This human goods, larceny, Indicted. school does at the success of tha rum- goods from on otto occasion was Indicted for mur will bo heard from, stolo much It quarters. has tilled to date, nature. s In mage sale held last Saturday, and - county court. One ot their most liberal The grand Jury had a number ot The arbitrary arrest of men wth- der lu the San Miguel for tho drying kilns, for a day's work, a largo kntfo and run amuck among on Wednesday and Thursday, for FOR SYNOD JOKERS OUTPOINTED, WHERE IS DONOVAN? GENERAL MANAGER HOPEWELL PROGRAM says tho Now Mexican. tho steerage passengers, finally Jump- which an interesting progrnm of pa Mr. Martin also roports that with ing overboard. Tho vessel wns stopp- pers and discussions hits been arrnng-- l among tho brick Hint nro bolnp burned in tho ed and a small bont launched but tho ed. Prominent tho features tho pnssen-gcr- s by nenry of New now, an J which will bo ready Although Duffy's Honeymoon Trip man had sunk. Nono of A Strange, Mysterious Acting Man s11'1'" lecture Succeeded on the Santa Fe Central Presbyterian Divlnns Mexico kilns - for tho market by tomorrow, tho visi were Injured. of Ianslng, Mich., odl- Was Has Disappeared. tor of the Mlchlgnn School Moderator. By W, D, Lee, and Arizona. ble supply of this building material Interrupted. VISITORS TO BE FETED. on tho penitentiary grounds will bo Northern Pacific's Record. about 250 000 houso brick. Tho brick London' Ancient Artillery Company UNDER New York, Oct. 6. Tho annual ISSUED, MEETING AT SANTA FE, STOPPEO AT BARSTOW. Being Showed Many Courtesies. SEEMED DRUG INFLUENCE. OFFICIAL ORDER Industry at tha ponltentlnry, in addi meeting of Northern Pacific rail- - Now York, Oct. 5. Plans havo been tho tion to being ono of tho chief sources . rond was headquarters completed by tho Old Guard of this held at the In of rovenuo, is ono of tho buslost en- Tho following nrtlcle of local Inter- thl el')' today. pamphlet report A change In The meeting of tho Presbyterian city for Its reception to tho Ancient Who and where Is tho mysterious Tho tho ofllco of general terprises In tho ancient cnpltat city. was clipped Fran- presented to tho stockholders manager of rail- synod of Now Mexico convenou last est from the San nnd Honorablo Artillery company of Mr. J. M Donnvnn? may bo asked showed tho 8nnta Fo Central cisco Chronicle: an Increaso of $4,751,725 In tho gross way was yesterday by evening at tho First Presbyterian Deautltul Complexions Iloston nnd tho Honorable Artillery with a fair and modorato display ot announced "The honeymoon trip of J. II. DufTy earnings of the compnny for tho (lscnl W. H. church, Snnln Fe. Tho program for Arc spoiled by using any kind ot prep- company of with the other curiosity. President Andrews. Genoral and his bride of a few days has been year ended June 30. 1003; also nn In- Manager W. S. Hopewell has the four days' session Is an interest- aration that fills tho pores of tho skin. expected ns guests tomor- Donovan Is n large, well propor- tendered rudely Interrupted by n prank of some crease of In operating his resignation, so as to dovoto his ing one, nml program Tho best way to sccuro a elenr com row. Resides tho Boston and Ionilon tioned mnn ot about 100 pounds, has varied. Tho practical Jokers. Duffy, who Is city nnd an Increase of $1,730,503 'Uittre tlmo and to tho con- follows; plexion, freo from snllowncss, pim- companies tho Invited guests Includo dark hair and moustacho when nttcntlon passenger ngeut of tho Santa Fo In and In net earnings The surplus nt tho struction of the Albuquerque Opening Session. ples, blotches, etc., Is to keep tho liv- tho Mlnuto Men of Washington, D. C, laflt seen woro n dark suit of clothes Eastern this city, wiib married Inst week to close of tho Inst llscnl year was branch of tho Santa Fo Control, Friday, p. Opening ser- er in good order. An occasional doso Newport Artillery compnny, Gover- and a black sloutch hat. He alighted and 7:45 in. Miss Mabel Witts nnd they started in excess of the previous yonr. tho affairs of :ho Pennsylvania Devel- vice; sermon by retiring moderator, of Hcrblno wl. elennso tho bowels, nor's Foot Ounrds of Hartford, Provi- from the Angeles train and sold on n honeymoon trip to tho Ornnd Rich-mon- ' opment company nnd tho Now Mexico Itev, L. A. McAfee, Phoenix, Ariz. regulato tho liver, and so establish a dence Light infnntry nnd tho d ho wob going east. Ho scorned dazed tho In Arlzonn. of Duffy's South Carolina Bankers. ue I Canyon Somo - and Iron company, of which en 8:45 Orgnulzntlon of Bynoil. clear, healthy complexion. Fifty cents lllues of Richmond, Va. and unstendy on his feet. Ho scann- Columbia, 3. Oct. . associates In tho local passcngor of- C. Columbia terprises ho is the general manager. Saturday's Session. at J. II. O'llieiiy Drug Co. Tho visitors will bo met by tho Old ed tho crowd on tho station platform Is entertnlnlng con- - fice of tho Santa Fo undertook to re- the third annual Pursuant to tho stepping down and led by n Ounrd In full uniform and escorted to nnd solcctlng D. J. Jlnnkln, tho real ventlnn of 0:30 Devotional exercises, lievo tho monotony of his trip over the South Carolina Hank out of tho general manager's ofllco ot Mnjor Dies In Life's Morning. the Waldorf-Astoria- , where they will cstato agout, ns a man of his word ers' association. wns Hilton. tho Colorado desert and tho result The convention he Santa Fo Central, Colonel Hopo- - 11:30-1- UuslncsB Charles Day, a young mnn of 21 bo qunrtcred during their stay In the (thnt Is what Donovnn said) and a formnlly opened session. was tho young bridegroom wns with roprosontntlve ell will be succeeded by W. D. Leo, years, wolghlng some 200 pounds and that metropolis. Tho progrnm ot enter-tnlnme- man to bo trusted, the mysterious 1:30'.! Devotional exercises, leil dragged from his berth by a deputy flnnnclcrs, iMiikors nnd business men who for nearly a quarter of u century by Major Hilton. handsomely formed, died Saturday at provides for a banquet nt man cnlictl Mr. Itnnkln to ono side from nil pnrts of tho stnte In attend- - sheriff when tho trnln renched liar-sto- has been Identllled with tha Donvor Uuslness session. tho hospital from nppendlcltls. He Sherry's tomorrow evening nnd nn nnd gave him tho address of a brother mice. proceedings nro to occupy Ho was placed under arrest, The & Itlo Grande system. President An- - Itcceptlon to t no ot hnd been hero only a short time, but tour of the city on Thursday. In Chicago, saying "If anything hnp-- two dnys, during nn - members taken from tho train and shown n tel- which tlmo lntr- rew's general order to tho heads ot synod Allison had gone to work on South Second pens to mo whllo In tho city, wlro my estlng progrnm of pnpors at tho school. egram signed by tho chief of police and practi the various departments ot tho street, at his trade of shoemaker. The brother, and then ho disappeared. cal discussions will be Santa Sabbath Services. of San Frnnclsco directing tho Snutn carried out. Fe Central, and announcing tho ro- - by other day ho was taken with a pain In At 10 o'clock, the night of the same Bchool; nddress Fe agent at Ilarstow to apprehend tiremont ot Colonel Hopewell as gen- Rev. 11. Love, Ariz. his side, which continued to grow day on which ho arrived In town, tho Children Drowned. tho Curry Clifton, one James Duffy for abducting a Official Register eral niannRur, and appointing Mr. 11 worso nnd worse. When ho finally mysterious Donovan appeared at tho CaHcvllle, Mich., Oct. C George Morning worship; address on small girl. Tho presenco of Mrs. Duf- i Me ns bis successor follows: In by called In n physician ho was pronounc- Santn Fo ticket office and tossing Hoether took his wife and tour chil- mission work Alaska tho llev. fy, who Is of small stature, was an In- H Suntn Fe Contrnl Hallway Company, W. ed in the Inst stage of nppendlcltls, OF NEW MEXICO 10 bill on the counter of tho ticket dren rowing on Pldgeon river last J. Kirk of Philadelphia. criminating clrcumstnnco that looked Office of the President, Santa Fe, 2 ad- Ho wns taken to tho hospltnl nnd op window, asked for n ticket to Fort night. Oiif of tho children stood up Service at puultentlnry; tho blocker when Duffy tried to 1 N. M., October 1, 1003. dresses by Mnjor Hilton and tho Hov. erated on, but tho ciiho was too far Worth, Texas. A ticket to Fort and the lxat cnpsl.ed. Three children that he was married and on his Officers. To whom It may concern: 11. C. MofTett. gone, nnd ho died. His father, Wm. Territorial Worth from Albnqiiorquo cost 28. were drowned. The father Is out of his honeymoon trip. The local passenger Delegnto to Congress U. 8. Uodoy, Colonol W. S. Hopewoll has thle 3 Day, who Is a yardninstcr for ono of Ticket Agent Carpenter Informed mind ns tho result of tho tragoiy- - Service of Second Presbyterian office of wns Into lay rosigned general manager running tho Santn Fo thrown Albuquerque. Donnvnn of prlco nnd ho Imme- as ot church, Spanish, at Allison school, tho rnllronds Into Denver, y the a stalo of great consternation yestor-dn- Governor Miguel A. Otero, anta A. O. U. W. the Santa Fe Contral railway, In or by tho Y. wired O. W. Strong's Sons to embalm diately rcmarkod In a very ordinary addresses llev. J. Peren and when a telegram Har-sto- Fo A. O. U. W. nnd der to dovoto to body, and hold It tor his coming. catno from Santa' tone of voice, "I told you so Inst All members of tho his tlmo the affairs others. tho announcing Duffy wns held Secretary J. W. Haynolds, bo nt of tho Pennsylvania Dovolopineut Ho wns to havo left Denver todny. that night." their wives nro requested to 7 Young Peoples' Society of Chris girl. Ono company, Albu- - there for kidnapping a smnll Solicitor Gcaerni E. L. Dartlott, Donavan did not buy a ticket at the their hnll nt 7:30 p. m. to moot Dr. to tho building of tho tian Endeavor. Short addresses by or In querquu "Scoop" in an the clerkB (ho office, thinking tho - C'nilkshank. supremo roprosontntlve, Eastern and tho Now Mexico I tho Iteva. J. It. On of .Sliver City, Accident. Santa Fo. locnl o.ilco and has completely dlsnp- Chalmers I.owoll (Scoop) Pancnast. joke had gone too far, Immediately Auditor W O. Sargent, Santa Fe. and J. It. Ilurton, suprorao doputy, to uul and Iron company's property ot V. 12. Ftoy of Cruces, V. H. Ev- - pcarcd. lns who s Minneapolis, was tolographcd to Ilarstow nn explana- t reasurer J. II. Vaughn, Santa Fe. now thoroughly explain- which ho Is gunurnl manager. I I mm 1 ii ii una. In whoro ho Ticket Agent Carpenter says thnt honr the rnto of wns Joko, Penltontlary II. W. D. Is gen- - called on Important und pressing busi tion that tho whole affair a Superintendent of ho sat around the room sov ed. Hy order of tho master workman Lee hereby appointed 7:15 Ironing service. Synodlcnl whereupon Duffy permitted to re- lluroum, Santa re. mnnnger of ness In connection with tho Panconsl wad ornl hours nnd groggy, ns If nil tho Santa Fo Central (Superintendent llobert M. Craig, trip." Superintendent of Public Instruc seemed of Beirut. nllway, ostato, writes a friend that ho had, sume his under tho Influence ot somo drug. Governor and headB of departments Addresses by tho Revs. Dr. tion J. Francisco Chaves, Santa Fe. Washington, Oct. C Tho nnvy do- - will to v. hllo out nutornoblling with his nttoi Emmett, San roitort him. II. C. Thompson of Ali)U(Uoriiio, I.. A. Mr. Duffy nnd brldo enmo In from Librarian lafayetto part ment today rccolvod n cablegram V. II. iiey, met with an nccldonl, which, al- ta Fo. "It Goes Right to the Spit. ' ANDREWS, President. McAfee of Phoenix, and Major Hlltoli the Grand Canyon liist night, nrrlvlng from Henr Admiral Cotton, dnted Heir- - Mr. Lee, tho now general manager, of California. though ho escaped with his life, had on the No. 8 passcngor train and they Jommlssloner of Public Lands A. When pain or Irritation exists on ut, October 3. stating that Ehabel for tho past twenty-tw- o years, has Closing Sessions. nlllcted upon him considerable bodily returned west to San Francisco on Keen, Snntn Fe any pari of tho body, tho application ..diutnnt aeneral W. H. Whltoman, glvo Pasha, former governor general of sorved In vnrlous capacities with tho Monday SM: 30 Devotional exer- dnmugo, though not sorloiiB Injury. tho No. 7 passenger trnln. Their of Hallard's Snow Liniment will Snnta Fo nrnmiit relief. "It noes rluht to the Uroussa, has succeeded Nazlni Pnsha Denver & Rio Grando. For tho past cises, led by Major Hilton. Mr. Pnnconst writes that ho wns Btoor short stny here, only between trains, t raveling nnd Bnnk Auditor Exam spot," said nn old man who' was rub-- at "c'n,t eleven years he hus been tho superin- 0:30-1- Uuslness session. Ing tho mncnlne, when It beenmo wnB very pleasant Indeed, tor Air. and C. V. Snfford, Santa Fe. iner jo tendent of the Rio Grando Southern, 1:30-- Devotional exercises led by running Into tho street Mrs. O. N. Marron, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Game and Fish warden p. n. uing iv in, cure nis rncumnusm. u. Students Suspended. - with headquarters at Sallda. Ho is a Major Hilton. nuttor nnd upsetting. Mr. Pnnconst'n U. Putney, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. P. Owon, Otero, Santa Fe. am". '"Ir- - anmii nouse, tena- Akroni Uhlo 0ct 0. The color rush nn, i navo uscu uai- - thoroughly competent railroad official, 2- - 5:30 Uuslness session. fnclal foaturoi wore disfigured, ho wns Chnrlos E. Hoo nnd T. N. Wllkersou Public Printer J. S. Duncan, Las icxns, writes; nt iJllchtel .Mv(;(! today resulted In dgns. lard s Show LInlmeni In my fnmlly and comes to tho Santa Fc Central 7:30 Ordination of licentiate John body nnd mot them nt tho Alvarndo d tho fftClllty BUg,,cmJng every man In bruited about tho limbs nnd years, with the best of wishes of tho officials .Meeker, Portales, N. M. nnd suffered nn nnklo being sprained them In conversation till train for several and havo found It college except three who did not reach Judiciary. to be a lino remedy, all ar.a of tho system with which ho was so 3 Ixird' supper. HI nttorney's Injuries wore loss se time. Mr. Duffy was stationed In this (Supreme Court.) fir aches the college till nfter the rush. pains, 1 It pains In long Identified. Synod will convene again on Tues- vere. city In 18S7, whon tho Snntn Fo Pa- Chict Justice W. J. Mills, Ua Ve- - and rccommond for Twcnty-llv- s .Mr. Leo Is a nntlvo ot Ohio, and day morning If buslueBS requires. cific (then tho Atlantic & Pacific) gas tho throat and chest." fifty ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY, hns n wlfo and two children. He will was In tho hands of and Associate Justice Jol. U. Mctio, cents cents and J1.C0 at J. II. " RALLY DAY," receivers, O'HIelly Drug remove his fnmlly to Santa Fe Imme- MULLINS IS SHACKLED. gained qulto a reputation ns a first Santa Fe. Co. Assoclato Justice F. w. Parker, o diately, and make his headquarters in class Jokor. It was an easy matter as tho new general offices of tho Snnta Murderer of Tony Stafflnger Is Now Ciuccs. Summer Excursions via D. & R. G. and for hlin to perpotrnte a joko on a Associate Jusuce 1). S. Daker, Al the Work Will Begin October 25 Fo Contrnl in tho Catron building. Safe and Secure. Interesting Devotional Exercises at friend, nnd of course his railroad buquerque. Railroad. Among the first of the Important f Be to Klnth Mullltis, thn murderer of i lends In Sim Frnnclsco on whom ho Assoclato Justice Vacancy. Beginning June 5 tho Donvor & Rio Pushed Completion. changes to bo mnde by Mr. Leo will Tcny Stnlllngor, Is now snfo nnd t Lead Avenue Church Yesterday. hnd tried tils tricks, saw an oppor- Clerk Joso u. Sena, Saata Fo. Grand o railroad will soil summer ex no tho estnbUshmont ot a dny sched- - District Court-F-irst cure, nnd has tho rattle of chnlns tunity to get evon when Duffy got cursion tickets Irotn Santn Fo nt tho do for tho trains operated by the District (Counties of Santa Fo, BANK. to constantly remind him of his cow havo nlra (Duffy) stopped nt Harstow following vory low prlcos: DEMING'S NEW NATIONAL company, between the Capital city for abducting a girl. Tho girl, ot II lo Arriba, Taos and Snn .uan): ardly crime. Yestonlny aftornoon METHODIST PREPARING FOR CONFERFNCE Judge John ... McFle, Santa Fo. Snutn Fo to Denver nnd return and Torrance, ao as to glvo tho resi Sheriff Hlggln took J. 1 Klrksoy course, was the brldo, Mrs. Duffy, but ?22.5C. locnl day Clerk A. fl. Uergero, Santa Fo. W. H. Greer, New Mexico mnnnger dents along the line a ser to tho jal! and hnd him rivet the the doputy sheriff nt Harstow did not District Attorney K. C. Abbott, Snntn Fo to Puebo nnd return, vice. shackles on Mtilln's ankles, nnd Yosterdny was "Itally Day" at the know theso fncts. Ho performed Santa Fe. $17.55. of the Victoria Land & Cattle com they will bo kept on him until tho Lead Avonua Methodist church, and his duty, and Duffy submitted. Duffy, Second District tCountles of Ilerna- - Snutn Fe to Colorado Springs and pnny, In Grunt nnd Luna counties, Mothiro Sando- Klrksoy quickly observing that somo Joker llllo, McKlnlcy, Valcnclh nnd $111.5 dny of tho trial. While Mr. nt tho Sunday school, when a flno mu val) return, wns n passenger (rum the south this Who would keep their children In good vas hammering the shnckles on his wns nt work, entered Into tho plot Snnta Fo to Glonwood Springs and health, should watch for tho first slcnl program wns renderod, "Con hlniBolf, and took charge of tho wlreB, Judgo U. b. UaKor, Albuquerque. morning. nnklcs ho had ory little to Bay, but 12. Albuquurquo. return, $28 5 symptoms of worms, and rcmovo them quest Flngs" woro handed to tho chll firing telegrams to and fro, regarding Clerk W. Damo. Tho Citizen lenrned from him that cald to Shertrr Hlgglns, "I don't think Dhtr'ct Attorney . W. Clancy, Al-- btopovers allowed at and north of the comptroller of the currency has with Wnltos Crcnni Vermifuge. It is ns" quar the detontlon of himself nnd bride i I can wear theso things as I hnvo dren souvenirs. Tho fourth btifiuerquc. Pueblo nnd stopovers will bo allowed authorized a New Moxlco bank nt thu chtldrens' best tonic. It gets di- "" Finally, tho railroad company grew rheumatism The shorlff ropllou torly meeting wns In the morning a Third Distrle. (Counties of Dona in either direction for partlos doslring Doming. It will bo called Doming gestion nt work so that their food interested and telegraphed to tho Ann, nnd Luna): tho he felt pietty confident that ho 11 o'clock, a flno sermon being dollv Sierra, Grant, Otero to mako any of tho following side $25,000 docs them good, aim they grow up that "Ilarstow agent to nssumo all respon Judge F. W. Las National nnd will have capital, wenr He Is confined In tirod by Hov. A. P. Morrison. Parker, Cruces. ono for trip henlthy and Etrong. Twenty-fiv- e cents would them. Thb siblllty and lot Duffy nnd wlfo pro Clerk J. P. Mitchell, Las CruceB. trips at faro tho round T. M. Wlngo, cnshlor ot tho Loudon Hondrlcks, tho wns followed by ? Gunnl- - at j. II. O'HIelly Ding Co. tho sntno cell with communion. At ceed." The happy couple then con District Attorney W. II. H. Llew viz: Sallila to points between National of El Paso, will bo president who has In o murderer of Will llnlnbolt. o'clock. tho aftornoon tho church tinned on to tho Grand Canyon, but ellyn, Las Cm es. hon nnd Cimarron. Alamosa to all and J. J. Dennett, nlso of El Paso some young mon, M. An- - been shackled since his nrrost was crowded with who Duffy told a few friends last night District Attorney R. Turner, points on Craede brnnch nnd from will be cnshlor and mnnnger. Mr. Wln Attorney Baca Demands $10,000 for was go to Counties of Grant and Sierra, Silver months ago. Sheriff Hlgglns had been Invitod attend and listen that tha Snn Frnnclsco Jokers wero tonlto to Pnosn Springs. go will remain In El Paso, uut Mr, Alleged Assault. tng to shackle the two mon together, M a talk on tho subject, "Why Do City. Ticket will ho on snio until. October Dennett will reside In Doming. The out of rocket constdornblo money for (Counties of As wns predlctod In tho Evening objected. Methodists Object to Dancing, Thea- Fourth District San good returning Oc- - vault nnd othor llxtures havo arrived but thoy tolegrams. Miguel, Leonard Wood, Quay, Mora, 15th nnd nro until News two days ago, Elflgo Daca, tho Tho shackles hnvo been In tho ter Going nnd tho Circus." At 0:30 Colfax and Union): ttbor 31. ami the Luna will be roady for bus! n'tornoy who cmlmcd to havo boon vault In tho court hoiuo for yonrs m., tho Epworth I.enguo hold nn In- Do You Want to Yawn? Juugc W. J. Iiils, Las Vegas. J. II. DAVIS. nuts In n few days assaulted ns an alleged "spotter" by rep and this Is tho first time thoy have teresting inoutlug, led by Miss Ella Feel cold shlvorlngs, aching In the Clerk Sccundliio Homcro, Las Ve Again, Santa Fo, N. M. The company which Mr. Greer a stroot car I'onductor In Juaroz Mon been uin.d slnco two Mexicans who Coltrnno. The evening sorvlcos wero bones, lack of onergy, hoadachc and gas. S. K. HOOPHIt, reaouU. has purchased tho Amendnrls day morning, filed suit In tho district under the sontonco of doath conductod by Ituv. A. P. Morrison, and symptoms District Attorney S. 13. Davis, Jr., Own. nnd Ticket Agt., grant, near San Mnrclnl, which for vero grent doprosslon? Those Miguel, Leon- Pas, ourt for $10,000 damages yesterday worn thorn about eight he a grand sermon. Counties of San Mora, Denver, Colo. merly belonged to Wilson Wnddlng for murder dollvorod may be followeu by violent hoadachc, tV'ood Quay, Las Vegas. afternoon. Mexicans was nro preparing for ard and o hnm, ami Is considered a very lino os years ago. One of tho Tho Methodists high fovor, oxtromo nervousness, District Attorney Leahy, Coun- - IIoz claims tho ilamnges by reason J. of tato for grazing; purposes. July oxueutod in tho court houso nnd tho conforrnco of tho Now Moxlco condition known ns malaria. Hcrblno tlcB of Colfax and Union, Hnton. Annual Convention Brotherhoor St. o; tho humiliation oxperlencod. El Inw by commit- Denver, Colo., October The city council recently having tho otlmr cheated t,bo English mission of thnt church, whlcl cures it. Tako It before tho disease Ifth District (Counties of Socorro, Andrew, I (iso Nows. ting suicide, cutlng his tliront with a convenes In this city on Thursday, gets n fair hold, though It will work Lincoln, Chaves, Eddy and Roose- 1903 Hate $10.85 for lound trip. Brnnted to W. J'. Greor, who ropro C; capitalists, a frnu spoon which no bharponed ou the iron program of which has already boon a euro in any stngo. J. A. HopkliiB velt): Dates of sab. Octobor u nnd final outs California Firemen Injured. Judgo Vncaucy, Socorro. ehlse for an electric lino through tho burs- - Hoswoll Itoconl. published In 1'hc Citizen. Mnnchestor, Kus., writes: "I havo us ifturn limit October 15. 1003. St. Louis, Oot. B. Whllo running Clark J. E. Griffith, Socorro. etty, he was asked wnon ho oxpectod Hlshop Wnlden will prosldo. nnd he ed yonr groat modlclne, Horblne, for F. L. MYERS, Agent. full speed In response to au alarm of Fred Fornon. doputy United Stntos District Attorney A. - Scdlllo, o to begin work. In reply ho ntntod with the other visiting ministers, hnve sovornl yenro. There Is nothing net county of Socorro, lire, a lire truck containing six flromen martihul, from Taos, N. M., Socorro. YOUR SUMMER OUTING. thnt E. G. Egbert of Los Angelos, hns rotumod been assigned to tho following homos tor for mnlarin, chills and fovor, head District ...lornoy W. II. H. Llow- - FOR collided with a swiftly moving; street pro-ven- t bloou-pu- construction, ho night, whoie ho had gone to whllo ache, biliousness, nnd lor a r oliyn, County Lincoln, Lna fVilfintat rntnu n P.nllfnrnln nnlnfe tho contract for thnt early lst horo: of Cruces. 10 cur at Ninth and Curr streets tho Moscaloro Apaches from raisi- Dlshop John M. Wnldon, D. D., n Ifylng tonic, thorc Is nothing ns good.' District Attorney J. M. Hervey, Pnkersfleld to Snn Frnnclsco Date of "! ""'T6 M,m,!uer1U0 0ct"1'0'; this morning and all the firemen wero t, will be begun ou or about ng- u disturbance nt tho llosta ot San Judgo Leo's, Sir. West Copper nvnnuo. Fifty conts nt J. H. O'HIclly Drug Co Counties of Eddy, ChaveB and Hooso-vel- sale. September 15 to November 30 and work seriously hurt,; one, the driver. Thom- October 25. tbnt the imrt of tho ncronlmo, miuualiy ohsorvod by tho Itov. Dr. Goorge MncAdam, Uov. W. n lloswell. Rate, $25.00. flat as Flynn, probably fntnlly. The few line construct d will run from tho Al people ot thnt puublo. This tho Apa- Dr. A. P. Morrison and Cruelty Killed the Boy. to Colorado people In street car wore not J. Calfeo, llev. Federal Officers. Summer excursions vnrndo to the court house, that con tho ches havo done for several yonrs, but wlfo, Anderson's, 119 West Nollgh, Neb., Oct. 5 Tho hvoyoar Surveyor M. O. Llewellyn, $2? 15 for round trip: Colo nt J. W acnrral structlon will be pushed ns rapidly as hurt. tho government llnnlly determined to Lend avenuo, and H. S. Grout's, 110 old son of Frodorlck Wngonor Is dead banta Fo. rado Springs, $i2.16 for round trip; two posslhle, that there will be some ill III put un ond to tho outrage . Tho moro South Third stvoot. ns n result of nn attempt made by Collector of Internal Rovenue A. Pueblo. $ lnr round trip. Date of Reforms In Macedonia. L. Morrison, Santa Fo. citlty In procuring the desirable kind Is offi- proftoiu'o of tho doputy marshal and nnd wlfo. H. of his playmntns to make him cat 1 15, Inclusive; Psrls, Oct. 6 It expected in Hov. J. I. Andorson at Chll-dor- le, Juno to October Ralph Collins, Buporlntendont of tho sand. Thoy dislocated his nock nnd a United States Attornoy W. ;l. of steel mils tor the entire line but cial quarters here thut th n. Hammond's, 611 West Lead Avomio' Albuquerque. html roturn limit October 31, 1S03. uone In getting rails for the ttart to bo Fo government Indian school, quantity of sand was found In tho note to Turkey will Scuta Hev. J. O. Hnrshaw and wlfo, nt O. Assistant , 'tilted States Attorney !?e lowil agent. down, mid be- boy's offondors arc first laid that the electricnl In Uie crea- had the red effect, tho Apaclios If. Scott's, Wost Hallrond avenuo. stomach. Tho W. C. Held, Roswoii Home Seekers' Exourslon to Polnt3 soon have practical result will be as soou supplies have been purchased from foreign In Mace- having themselves, ns thoy should lie Coopor, nov. M Arm-elron- known nnd nrrosted Assistant United Stntes Attorney nnd Ohio. tion of the consuls Hov. W. A. jury roport. in Indiana the Condon Electrical company as muile always to do. K. Hlnkoy's, North Wal- as the coroner's makos E. h. Mcdlcr, Albuquerque. of BiUe. September 1. S. IK donia and other disturbed dlstrlots at t'. , Datea Camden, N. J., nnd the lieu hav United Stntos Marcnal O. M. For-akcr- that a. council of administration to carry ter, and Sidney Houghton's. 410 South Donvor, Oct. 5. A special to the and October 0, 1008; rnto, ono first-- ! already been contracted for. STATEHOOD CAMPAIGN. Albuquerque. trip. out the reformatory plans of the pow- Edith. Post from Lumborton, N. M., says Register Ofllco M. (tiro nnd for round , Land It. Otero, ers. The orennlantlon of council ot B. Hov. A. C. Geyor, nt a. P. Learn-aril's- limit SO days from date CHASE RECALLED. 8enntor Stephen Elklns, the Former Albert P. F. Ct apo killed his wlfo. hi isnnta Fo, i$iSjJ Final return foreign consuls Is already under con- on 212 South Wnltor. slstur-ln-iuw- . Hlf--s of wile. Delegate from New Mexico Talks Hernnndoz, nml Receiver Lnnd j'tco Fred Muller, sideration. Subject Hov. II. M. Tcmplin nnd wlfo, at C. himself. Mrs. Coapo and .Miss Her Santa Fo. For further Information see ticket Colorado's Military Tyrant Deposed Register Lanu Olllco N. QailoB, Las uammana i ropo, Senator Elklns, who roturned last 11. Appleton's, tlu South Fourth. nandoz woro idiot with a revolver oi aiaie General Blssell Dying. Cruces. d. ling. unaee s Friday described his European trip, Hov II. Van Valkonburg, Hov. C. A. Coapo own life with a shot F. U MYHRS, Denver, uci. Y., R. Post- onded his Hi "Jlvor Land Ofllco II. D. Bow nt Cripple llufTaki, N. Oct. Former says tho Post, at tho Ilurbank, at J. 11. Fish's, Wost Lead gun. Conpo was an Englishman nbout Airent A T ft S. F. Rnllwuy. rocnll from command creeK to said to bo man. Las Cruces, u-- master Genoral Mssll Hazel-dln- i wiib iiuo to proieeui iinuie uguwei. - Now Wlllnrd, as a '"rotol In lnzlnoss." nvonue, nnd E. U Johnston's, 45 yonrs old nnd up to a short Urn Register Land Ofllco Howard Lo n dying. Dr. Shermuu, who is attending Exposition, oeeslvo mi in Iter of field nnd line olll It Is very oxcoptlonnl for ns IniHy nnd nnd Third. ngo wns known ns Sir Albert P F in nd, Roswcll. international Livestock lllasell, today sold: "Mr. Blast!! is In a O. co is on the pny-roii- mis statement as Virgin-In- n Hov. C. H. Molts, nt Mrs. J. recently. Receiver Land Office D. U Quyer, Chicago, November 28 to December 5, very condition He may live ns actlvo a man tho West Conpo. but dropped his title was ileclarod today from n source critical n fow umniln off," but Frost's. Ho regularly largo remittanc- Iloswcti, 1903. Fare $61.36 for round trip through day. nut 1 cannot under- to "tnko recolvod Ofllco E. which has usually on the inside the Hev. W. Sltmock nt 1) H. Ives'. In Roglstor Land W. Fox, -- ...... 1C on nn.l in leu be will live long- ho 1ms co mo back ns fit as a flddlo, J. es from England. Ho hns been tho Ilium Ul Hlir V',,n.u. - , I,- unlMtlnn nf take to say whether Ken-norl- Clayton. ,,, -- II. nollmnn, Hov. O. D. L. looking moro than over tho plcturo of Hov. J. Balonn business horo for twenty years. Jlcarllla Indian Agency .II II. final limit December 7. F. MYHRS. ll er. His condition is desperate." O. Hutchinson's, South o 1 '"7" geniality and good hoalth. at J. No cause Is aligned for tho orlmo Johnson, Superintendent, Dulco. agent. on Saturday. Too many wo uctlvo service Delegates to Irrigation Convention. Usually chock-ful- l of political Ideas Wnltor street. oxcept temporary lnsnnlty. Tho Navajo Indian Agent O. W. Hazy' drawing pay of majors, convon-tlo- n ofllcers Cooney appointed the fol senator now confesses that ho man who Coapo killed, it Is said, wnn lett, Gnllup. Chrlstlnn Church Nntlonnl Mayor hns tho - colonels nnd brigadier generals and delegates politics Charged With Conspiracy. his fourth or flf'h wlfo. Mcacalero Indian Agoncy J. 8. Car nnd Missionary soelotlos couven- lowing cltlseus ot Socorro ns knows prnctlcnlly llttlo about .. too fow company officers hns caused 5. Tho fcdoral roll, Superintendent, Mescaloro. .i.... Mint, rw.ilm,. t(J ,he irHgtt(m convention which boyouc what ho know whon tho apo Washington, Oct. 1UUUII,..t .'II. w..w..J, commanding ollioer from time to , investigat INSANE FROM HEAT. Imuanfl-- A- i-- the aii.,ioiiomu. durlnc tha J which has been nM session of tho senate adjourned urand lurv AiZraarFo:1501150 to jiruiwoi nun luiimuv umt ,,1a dal department reported 13, 14 and 15. uuiu fair vis: Prof. K. L. Herrlck, Jose E. spring. "I cannot say wnat mo ing tho postolllce Excitement on Superintendent Pueblo Indiana Fates of sale October wns In favor of cutting down the HsL last thin Insane Fireman Causes 25. Torrlm w j,, LllMi Betevnn Baca, cam- a largo number of Indictments North of Altiuquerquo Clinton l'lnul return limit Ontobor , outlook Is for another statohood nro a Ship and Jumps Ovet board. J. uie uppuriuiui) ciime ouiuruuj nuuu uuj j j rjyorPU, afternoon. Among those Indicted Crandall, Santa Fe. F. h. MYERS, Agont s paign winter," declared ho. "I Philadelphia, Oct. C.Tho passage set oi jiay-roii- wns this Genoral James N. Tyncr, formerly as- Superintendent Pueblo Indians iirsi ovonta. lino Hteamshlp West-erlnn- Colonel Gross, brlgndlor paymaster, 1. havo not yot sot In touch with post-olllc- o of tho Amorlcan V. thu Snnta Fe agent at attorney general for the South and West of Albuquerque Utah's Teachers In Session. i .. . . sonntor romnlnod In Washing- sistant which has Just reached port, wna nwnrt) lll(u uoneriu unngo was i Tho department, and Harrison Bar- Georgo K. Allon, Albuquerque. - nlnce intumotl twenty-fou- r de- bv of wild Salt Lnko City, Utnh. Oct. C Tca n,uy to In salary!,. ton less than hours, was marked one day Superintendent of Hosorres mako reductions " Ions string ot who waa his assistant. They aro Forest t .... f U...I. nrlvn,, ...... - ' " rett, v run-nu- al- Among tho flremen who 11. mini iih'ij .i.ibu...... accounts parting for hla West Virginia homo charged conspiracy to defraud I. Ilanna, Santa Fo. aim lor tuai roiusw ducks.,' with III city todny to attond tho annual genCral sco rolls, most Immediately. Bhlpped for tho voyago was John this ,0 nlow Ule to tho tho government. bo-ca- Tho county cnmmlsBloners nnd pro meeting tholr stato association. A Greening. On September 25 ho of Tun. a 8candal Is browing horo thoro Hon. F. A. Hubboll will ro to Socor- fur-nac- o nt ovonlng QUARTER 'MILLION BRICK. insauo from tho heat of tho bnto court aro in sosslon tho court welcoming ilomonstrntlon this st)018 ,10 doubt, but details will not tonight to nppear tho board Destroyed by Tornado. I ro lofore Town room and running on deck drow houso today. will bo followed by business sessions llC own till Gonornl Chase calls for oT at county commissioners of Socorro This Number Building Material Ncgunanco, Mich., OcL 5. Roporta an tnvostlgntlon. Such it thing Is poa llttlo county in regard to tax assessments. Will Be on Hand at Penitentiary reached hero today that tho Bible within tho next forty-eigh- t hours. city, was eit This Week. town of Ewon, webt of this Ijidlos of tho Maccabees will moot by and half of It laid Is Assistant Superintendent William struck ft tornado A red hot ranyordonio olootlon U morrow nftornoon, nt 2 o'olook, at K, Martin of tho Now Mexico peniten- waste. A number ot men working on Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome gtilnx on nt l.os Corralos. The wholo woro Odd Follows' hall. tiary, wbb fooling good today ovor tho tho roof of tho school houao Ono Half Million town Is tnt- eatod in tho election, and ono killed and four fa lW tood the lest 25 vears. Averace Annual Sales over and a fact that tho number employed at tho blown oft nnd all the mnl voter? nro out. It ts also Judgo H. S. Rakor, who was at EI smqr tally hurt, besides several sustaining bottles. Does this record of merit a&ceal to vow 7 No uure. no fay. owe. bilck works within ho prison . ... .M M. . . I -- Mil. understC' tt a an oxcltlng election Paso on business, to city Tho loss of property is Knclosea...wttn every uoiue us 'tenii' pscKoge ex orovn s mac .oou uvn- run. returned tho hna broken all formor records ycslor lesser hurts. im is m at Alameda. this morning. day, by turning out 30,000 brick, ready roportcd $200,000. homo mission board In Now York laying thqonmlatlon for civilization later. Ho was working In a shaft on fHE PRESBYTERIANS, IRRIGATION LETTER, THE LUMBERTON TRAGEDY. DISTRICT COURT, City sent greeting nnu a message em- In those vhlloys of tho west. n contract and having fired a round ot thing holes went down to connect tho suc- phasizing the following special fea Rut ono Undo Sam must not fall to do In older to roallzo his ex- tion noso with tho pump, when ho wns tures of tho forward movement lu tho by gns. partner Up Contribution on pectations. Ho must save tho public The Englishman Who Com- overcoino His romov Trial-F- Mon-to- The Synod Takes the Temperance Another Important Eccentric Robbery Case ife Bug ya United Stiles; evangelization among property beforo It Is cverlnstlngly too ed him irom tho shnft and In n short tho ten foreign popula- timber-clothe- d tlmo ho Question, million born the Subject by Wm. E, Smylhe, Into hoforo the water- mitted Murder and Suicide, recovered and went Into tho Plead Guilty, tion, new work In our Island posses- sheds nnd tho fertile agricultural val- mlno to work. Ho beenmo III and wns sions, nnd missionary advanco In tho leys aro nil absorbed by tho land grab- taken to the surfnee nnd n physician great southwest. THE A called. He became gradually worse TWO DAYS' PROCEEDINGS. GOVERNMENT IRRIGATION CHEAPEST bers. Ho must repeal tho laws that NIGHT'?- - CAROUSAL, JEWELRY THIEF ON TRIAL. Slxty-flv- o orgnnlzed churches are make posslblo this nameless outrage and died two days after. Ho was a embraced within the synod. Tho mem- upon tho country and Its pooplo. medical graduate, but did not prnc-tlc- bership 4.4 10. bap- of In Tliu morning's fcusslon of the Pres- numbers nnd tho Some of the opponents national WILLIAM 13. SMYTH 13. The Citizen, Its Issue of Monday, The afternoon session of tho court byterian tised children of tho church. Contrib- Hko to soo printed tho Associated Press account wnB occupied synod, In session nt tho First irrigation, who woti.d all DAMAGE SUIT INDUSTRY. In tho trlnl of j, R. Wil- utions from tho congregations to all cf tho Lum-bsrto- Presbyterian churrh. Santa Fu, wna the resources of tho west reserved for An Old Timer, awful tragedy enacted nt liams, charged Jointly with one, J. causes aggregate I&O.IOO. Few new dls-patc- h After fifty years service old- this territory. A special Dolnn, with robbery from tho person devoted to ttio report ot t.'ie commit-to- churches havo been organized during pcvitlntlcn. rro assenting that the of tho Railroad Official Complatr.n Bitterly est In to tho Denver Republican gives of ono Chnrley White last spring. d locomotive tho south and most of Conditions In Texr.s. Tho on tomimrnnce, aftor several the year, and 059 members have been vcrk which tho govornmont hns ur.doi-'aJts- n the following particulars probably In tho United States, thnt Damage suits against railroads In cose as made by tho territory was to speeches on tliu subject liaa added to the rolls. The board of homo M., G. tiiiKhf be porfonnu'l mire ccor In Lumborton, N. Oct, (Spec- .1 tho effect that tho defendnnls wero missions has contributed over $75,000 has been actual servlco all tho time Texoe are Increasing it ran alarm- been dtlituivd. Iho dumanu for stren- omlcady by orlvnto ontciprlnos, Tho has Just been retired from furthor ser- ial ) Aftor a night's carousal, A. P. ing to the railroads. In tno last seen Into ot night "irlsklng" their vic- to the missionary nnd educational Coape, Hn uous uilorts anil ngltntlon woro claim Is utterly untenable, nnd for vice, and tho officials of tho lino, own- known oh "Lord" Conpo, said years they have multiplied tenfold, tim on an open lot unck of tho Lludcll nnd the abolishing of tho work In the two territories. to have beon a wealthy Englishman, hotel, nnd subsequently offering The faithful and arduous labors of reasons which are obvious upon tho ing tho engine, think so much of It nnd suits pending In that state July 1 a saloon In n number ot tho local ulightost consideration. that liiHtcnd of having It consigned to returned to his homo yesterday morn- last aggregated $3,000 per mile cf wntch for snlu In tho Hcdllght saloon ot (luring past Hev. H. M. Oralg wero recognized and ing which tho territory attcmpteu Atlaoun the To begin with thoro Is senrcoly a the Hcrnp heap, which It almost Invnrl-bl- y and shot nnd killed his wife's road within the stnte. to show year, was duitght. Tim ne wns unanimously to tho was property halted with tbicc whee Important Irrigation work tho end of nil locomotives, they sister, then IiIb wlfo and himself. Tho Should all theso claims bo recover- tho of tho man, Whlto. Rev. olllce whlrli he has occupied for six Dolnn pleaded John Montr, chnlrman of tho years. limy b dent without acquiring n cer- will hnvo It taken enro of and pre- throo victims ot tho tragedy wero ed It would simply bo itilnoln to tho guilty nnd on tho trial committee, pok forcibly tho si Tussive Ills services during of Williams, territory ukii the past two years have Included the tain amount of private property ns tho served as a memento of tho early burled here this afternoon, nnd with roads. tho failed to subject. thorn n gos- provo several of tho elements neces- traveling of 0.iMMi miles, and tho de- foundation. Rights of way, rosorvolr days of the line, says the 131 Patio mystery thnt has beon tho In discussing this mnttor C. II. Much Iiuiircc-- . ;eniutns uikiii thu sary to convict tho livering of 122 sermons and address- Mtos and, Homotlmes, prior appropria- Times. sip of northern New Mexico for Sev- Mnrkbam, vlcu president of the South- defendant nnd tho docket, and the session continued ys-turda- Jury by direction 1, ern! years. ern Pncllic, In charge ot tho Toxns of tho court return- y es. The educational work In the two tions In tho wntor supply, must bo Tho engine Is tho No. which for Tin orninntlon by the pros-b- ed n verdict of not guilty. Mr. Wil- territories Includes throo boarding purchased in older to clear tho way tevornl years has been In sorvlec on Conpo was about lf yenrs of ngo. lines of thnt system, sail: lory of Hlo Orando of John Msekor In "in 1S1KI or kinson nppenred for u.o defendant. which hnvo moro applicants for n comprehensive undortnklng. tho 131 Paso & Southwestern (former- Tho sister law whom ho killed wns the railroads Texas paid took plnro Monday evening. Tho on ot a! Tho Ilrst important matter beforo for admission than the accommoda- propor-tlp- s ly 28. a handsome Mexican girl, daughter out account Injuries members of tho other presbyteries It ofton happens that such known ns tho Arizona & South- tho court this wns x 21iB.0lill; lu 11)03, ten yenra morning, the enter- tions will allow, and twenty-si- day held for yenrs with a be- of tho Hornnudez family of Tlorrn Inter, wltutHWH the ordination. have boon western whon tho rond only ran ing of a pica of guilty by Joso Mon- schools In which slxty-on- teachers Amarilln. His wlfo wns 1 fow yenrs U the same ratio of lncrcnso Tho Flnrt Presbyterian church wnB !nw of selling at high prices when tween Illsbef and Renson.) toyn, nllns lire-bu- to g Is maintained by 11)13 the amount paid tho Indictment aro engaged lu most the time for development shall nrrlvo, This engine, which hns Just boon older thnn her sister. Jenlousy Is be- charging Mind Sunday morning, the Sabbath will have Increased to $10,000,000, and him with nrson. Thu specific labors private promoter who has solect-e- i lieved to havo been tho cnuso of tho scnool taxing tho capacity of tho buil- Tho ntlrfd from servlco nnd Is now nt nt the rate suits aro being tnsttutcd offenco wns tho nttempt to mako a The reception to the members of murd rs Mr. Coape, It Is said, wns bon-flr- ding. II. Love of his field of operations Is cnslly Dnuglns, Is good for a good many of O. prop-crt- y Rev. Curry Clifton. synod there Is no renson to look 'or nny W. Strong s Sons upon tho at the Allison training subject to n "hold up." Ho Is dealing vonrs of servlco yet with repairs of Jrnloiis of her yonngor sister, nnd on Ariz.. addrMMl the scholars tho 1 would becond street. Tho nppenranco school on Saturday evening was n de- - MIsh other result. also like to call Snl-bat- h Ho since Hornnndez mndo her homo or practical and Brent value of the with but n sluiilo proposition. must tho ordinary- wear and toar, but It Is fol- defendant lenves sllgh. doubt In tho lightful occasion. Miss M. llortlm lu tho Conpo household, tho wlfo, so the nttontlon ot shippers to the school teaching. Many look up- have thoso privileges, or nbandon his entirely too smnll to hnndlo any of lowing figures: mind or a layman n to whether ho Londlnghnm, assisted by thu teachers nolghbors my, made life at tlmo un- on the school ns simply a formless (ntorprlso. the trains on that line. 1 has a rull set or scrows In his head. of the school and many of the Prosby-turlan- s "On July thero woro pcndl.ig way for their children to spend thu Tho government Is In n very differ- It wns first constructed In 1853 by bearable. The court on the plea naked of the city welcomed thu min- Conpo against the Gnlveston, Harrlshurg & hour. (Mteem tno benefits small com- Tho Irrigation law wont to tho saloon at 4 him If ho understood tnnt ho was ad- isters nnd elders In attendance upon ent situation. tho Rurnhnm William Ixicomntlvo ban Antonio, 'loxns & New Orleans pared the common school educa- secretary of o'clock yeBterdny morning nnd took mitting tho ho with the synod with gracious hospitality elmrges tho tho Interior wotks of Philadelphia nnd after see- nnd Houston & Texas Central roads fnct thnt hnd set tho Hut the qunilttes of truthful- oppor- his revolver nnd shotgun, offering no flro nj nllegcu. Ho tion. and provided a musical program nnd with tho duty of Investigating ing service on many of tho oastorn suits for personnl Injuries nggrcgnt-In- g admitted his ness, honor, obodlonce, revcrenco nnd tunities for reclaiming In sixteen roads, was finally purchased by explanation to Frank Graves, tho r, guilt nnn on belba asked bov. mnny refreshments which woro greatly the In round Itgures $8,000,000, or -- spiritual graces aro ot vaster com-lor- t In who Sulci wont to tho houso fir- he hnd sot, he It was tho first visit of many lutes nnd territories, oach of Arizona & Southwestern lino, nnd hns $3,000 per mile of road owned. stated only tho and more vital concern than and wns first to discover ono on which he was caught In of the commissioners to the school, which there aro many chnncos for tho been In nctunl service on thnt lino for tho three "Great haB been tho railroad de- tho learning how to subtract numbers, to persons dead. net. When asked why ho did l no appointments of building nrofltnblo expenditure of funds nt his n good many years. velopment lu this sstnto within the It; ho and tho no was spoil words correctly or to construe 'isposnl. When his oxports hnvo dotor-mine- During the tune of tho Civil wnr It There are many stories ns to why Inst ten yenrs, greater tnr hns beon stated lighting n cigarette nnd Is and the course of training wero of a grammatical form, noressnry Coapo In England dam-ag- o threw tho ottrnlng paper awny it special Interest. what Is a roasonablo prlco for if. said that this onglno figured promi- left his hemo more tho proportionate growth of the which to not tho host and to make tho most ngo. caused tho fire. The Synod Adjourns. tho property needed In a glvon local nently on eastern linos for tho hand- thnn n scoro if years None of suit industry. Or course, If you Tho court did not of tho Sabbath school Instruction If Is pass sentence this morning. The synod of New Mexico of the ity, ho Is in n position to say "Take ling of troops for tho federal govern- those authenticated, but tho most tnlk to a damage lawyer he will tell ono would bo wtdl fitted for life's du- generally In- Tho case of tho Territory vs. Ma- Presbyterian church nt Its session II or lonvo It." And everybody un- ment, nnd If It could speak It would wns that It was nt tho you that claims aro forced Into the ties and responsibilities, jor Tonl (n gentleman of color) chnrg-e- d .Monday afternoon dlscussod the em- derstands Hint ho mentis business. be ablo to tell vory many Interesting sistence of his parents, a wealthy nnd courts hecnuso the railroads will not Tho pulpit of the Presbyterian wi. having Wll-limn- s, ployment of an evangelist for Now Tho domination of his proposition stories. In comparing engine aristocratic farr.llr. Ever slnco ho voluntarily make reasonable settle- relieved Lillian church was occupied by Itov. J. W. this an erstwhile denlson Mexico, a Presbytonnn missionary for moans simply thnt bis flold of opera- with mogul prnrlo typo lived In northern Now Mexico ho re- ments In enses of personal Injuries. of the red Kirk of Philadelphia, nt the morning the modern or light district, of all her and Arizona. It was decided to leave the tions will bo hiBlnntly transferred onglno, u very Interesting dlfforencp solved a regular nllownnco from homo, Tho very llfo or his imslness depends Jewels services. Tho story of experiences somo of her money to the tune 0. $300, wholo matter of employing ovonge-list- s wise Hu nothing stake and always had plenty of money. He upon his making claimants bcltovo In which re- whore. has at 's shown. wns and labors Alaska this to presbyteries. conducted a saloon nt Lumborton nnd this, but It would bo an easy matter tried this morning. It seems missionary was told tho 8cveinl In the matter. If ono loenllty does tnore was a turned nnrrnted The conduct of "La Aurorr.,' the a store nt Largo, Snn Junn county, to demonstrate to nny unprejudiced misunderstanding ns to with romarknblo effect. Tho frontier not want tho holp of Undo Sam, thon tbo purpose of Major's engagemcn. Spanish paper published In tho Inter- there nre fifty othors that do. He NVw Moxlco, reemlngly for tho pur-pes- o mind thnt this Is not true. conditions, and thu rough surround- ttVICtlllllltllll Lillian believing 11 wns to clan houso est ot the Mexlcnn people wns referr- course, by condemna- of having his tlmo end nttontlon "Railroad managers and tholr legnl ings which Hov. nnd .Mrs. Kirk had cMi. of proceed 0 LETTER LIST. I and major thinking 11 wns to ed to n committee consisting of occupied, advisors are well nwnro that Inde- adorn encountered, tact nnd sympa- tic tion to ncqulro tho property nnd have hlmsoir with Jowelry preparatory to their Revs. Norman Skinner, T. C. Moffntt, ee Coape was nn gambler, pendent of thu Justice or pursuing a thetic approach to the miners, tho tho cttso ttlod In a community which livetorato hasty visit to Raton, where he mndo Oablno Hendon, H. M. Crnlg and W. ni't It Is said at Santn Fe that since such cotirso It Is good policy to working of tho leaven of the gospel ns Is qulto cortnln to treat him fairly, lIWtt(ll(lllRemaining In tho post oiMce at Al the ncqunlntnnco of Deputy Sheriff Hayes Moore. h- - In IRS I fill-h- - promptly settle nil honost nnd Just In song, picture and story, the mes- but his strong card Is tho fact that qr.orquc, N M., October 3, 1303: 1"t rnmo t'leie he lost Newcomer, to whom no unburdened At the evening sorvlee Hov. John gambling At claims, giving the claimant the bone-li- t sage of redemption was told nil re- tho demand for povommont aid far Persons calling for or sending fo $irmnnn in 'he houses. his troubled mind. A week later In Meeker of Portalcs, was ordained to Is through" of every reasonable doubt as to tho minded of tho sketches In "Ulnck exceeds tho supply and thnt he may, please rne time It said he "wont tho Rcrnallllo co'.aity Ja 1, M.Jor put tho ministry, Hov. Dr. C. 13. Lukcns these letters state where tho; fnct touching tho cnuso of the acci- ltock" nnd the "Sky Pilot." Tho grit thoroforo, always mako far bettor had boon receiving mall, Slfi.ono In two weeks. bis hand lu his sock and said presto pronchlng a sermon, and Hov. Honjn-ml- n 'wo mcnttoi dent, ns well ns thu oxtent of tho un,1 grace required foi missionary ser- terms prlvnto parties could nope rteforo coming to Now Moxlco Conpo and produced tho $1S0 soltnlrc, one of Meokor delivered tho chnrgo to than dato of advertising. inasmuch ns apart from thu vice could not have been forci- to do. offectlng n considerable lived for a few years In Texas, when the gems missing, and bal- nioro the newly ordained young man. thus Free delivery of letters nt the rest evident dlsixisition or the Juries to snld the bly Impressed congregation. snvlng In work. P is snld I'fl left an estate Ho mar- ance of tho property passed to ujxm the The Ixird's supper was celebrated tho initial cost of the deuce of nddressee may be secured bj allow their sympathies to run nwny a Even when tho story of privations advnntngo Is Im- ried at Snnta Fe nnd his wife commit-to- i friend of his named Russell for nnd by Hov. Gnblno Hontlon, Hev. J. W. nut this far less observing the following rules: with tholr Judgment, litigation Is nec- tho gov- stilcldo Lumberton ten years $1!.00 de- of tho death of tho missionary's faith- participt-lug- . portant thnn the ono which tho Direct letters plainly to street num it consideration of ensh. The Kirk and Rev. C. H. Ixive, - essarily very expensive to railroad .cere (!- HI wlfo. who wns Senor-It-- did not testify be- ful wife told, harrowing details ernment en'oys on tho flnnnelnl sldo. ber. second companies. fendant on his own nnd painful MMenlng Miptp he married sev-ei- i half, nnd Mr. Stnab, his attorney, the effect of to The synod then adjourneu to meet It Is notoriously difficult to finance Give writer's name, and request an "Thero Is, however, n class of tho words of personal atllletlon were nowa- years ago. She Is snM to hnvo prayed and wns allowed an appenl to In Albuqucrquu next October, when prlvnto Irrigation enterprises swer to be directed accordingly. claims cannot be settled without combined with the npprcclntloii of commit sulclilo that the supremo court and In tho mean- the tho fifteenth anniversary of tho or- days, It Is never dono except upon Advertised mnttor Is previously held once to litigation, nnd for tho most part theso time Major Is dining public ex- consecration required for effective ganization will be tho promise of enormous profits. Ex- one we' awaiting delivery. Coape's pastime wns hunting and pure tn at service observed. nro frauds, and simple; cases pense. and tno need of wholly devot- amine tho averago promoter's pros- Advertised matter Is held two wcekr trapping, nnd In enrlv days ho used nileged ed laborers. whldi either the cnuso ot tho ASSAYS $1,377.20 A TON. pectus, and you will find thnt tho prop- before It goes to the dead lettor office tr tike great loads of furs to Santa or extent of Injury At tho Methodist Episcopal ago was accident tho tho TO END IN MATRIMONY. church osition runs nbout like this: at Washington D. C. Fo mnrkct. A few woeks he or both, nro manufactured out of tho Major (Jeorgo Hilton preached from Mine Is by Men In Is Indicted for selling liquor to the In- Owned El Paso Tho land worthless without water. Lidlet' LIsL whole cloth. I havo in mind numer- Man From San Pablo BeaU Jetuslta tho text, "MaKo Stralsht the Path ot possi- Llttlo known nbout his Gold Gulch. Tho "ompany controls tho only Raca, Mrs dians. ws ous cases which havo already been Mora, Pays a Fine, tho I.ord." In the nftrrnooii services Louis Legeto, Vlnlta was considered eccen- and Announces Tho local capitalists, who Invested ble sotirco of Bttpply. When this Is Ilrowne, Rell Lublg. Mrs M affairs and ho disposed of, as well as some now Hit, Engagement. were held at tho penitentiary by Ma- In In Oold Gulch reaped a groat re- dovolopod, the land will Instantly bo Mrs Morcc-Clement- tric tho extreme. pending, In which parties immediate- jor Hilton, rtev. Mnthlas MntiMcson hnvo Crossland, J DOrtlz, Mrs It Isn't oitcn that a brutal bunting ward. Assays woro mado of tho oro worth from $25 to $50 per ncro unim- Mrs A C des ly after having sustained nn Injury, of Socorro, and Hev. Moffatt of Tuc- PUBLIC LANDS BOARD. given by n man to n womnn Is tho nt of of tli Pnc- - proved, or twlco ns much nftor Im- Dunning, Miss Isabel and beforo having had tlmo for re- son, Ariz., also an open nlr servlco the bottom the shaft ' forerunner of marriage between tho toliiR mine and n valuo of $1,377.20 provement. It will cost only $5 to Hnm Pngo, Mrs. Antonl- - flection nnd nn opportunity to take was conducted on the CI17 plaza led Dusco, Nolllo Regular Monthly Meeting Was Held couple, but thus It has been in tbo was found. $10 por ncro to bring land nnd water tn legal ndvlce, told a perfectly straight-forwnr- d, by tho llev. Lnpsley A. McAfco of Freolnnd, .Mrs W Raff, Mlnnlo at the Capitol Building. enso of Mrs. Jcsuslta Mora and Senor A day or two ago ore taken off together. Tho govornmcnt prlco of J consistent story, wholly ex- Phoeuix, Ariz., Dr. C. 13. Lukcns of the F (:!) M Tho regular monthly meeting of tho Lucero Valdez, says a Ijis cgas Is $1.25 por ncro. dif- Ruscnark, Mrs onerating tho railroad company Iloswell and other momhcr of tho the dump was nssayed and found to the land Tho Ooodrlde, Mrs W lonrd ot public landf was held In the from Mrs. Mora, wao lives In nny blnmo or fault causing tho Injury, tho synod. Several speakers visited tho Indicate n strike, and this Inter as- ference between 'ho cost of land nnd Gardunn, Lola Sector, Mrs olllce of the territorial land commis- city, appeared In Judge Woostcr'a water and tho valuo of these ole-mtn- nnd yet these same parties havo later Indian training school and addressed say Is taken an an Indloatlon of what Green, Mrs FlossleTurlota, Mrs Cato-Hal- l, sioner, Snnta Fo, on Mondny. Tho court and sworo to a complaint tho pupils. Is to bo found In tho nilno proper. when they hnvo been united Is Mrs Chas linn contract for refurnishing tho Santa resorted to the courts, nnd tho fncts against Valdez, charging him with of tho accident as by al- Tho culminating meeting of the day O. H. Ratim roturned to tho city "profit." And tho prospectus usually Johnson, Mrs W S Webstor, Mildred Fe postofTlco wns awarded to tho Pa- dlscioscd tho Tho woman's bruised face gavo Jurgons, legations contained In tho petitions was a missionary servlco In the even- yesterday from tho mine nnd from tho figures that thin will rango all the Dora Wilson, Mrs Lizzie cific Postofflco Equipment company of evidence of tho truth ot her state- Kelloy, .Mrs Ed Mrs I3th filed by lnwyors, Inter ing. Hov. Htnry C. ihompson, D. D., Gold Gulch district. Ho reported way from 100 to 500 por cent. Usually Wheeler, San Francisco, tho firm's bid of $2,350 their sustained ment. The womnn claimed that Val- that Lucern, Josollta G el M by testimony on were of Albuquerque, spoke on iiomo mis- many new comers .rcro putting In an these alluring figures nro still further being tho lowest submitted. their the stand, dez owed her $5 and declined to pny. L'-vls-, Mrs Jessie Weber, Annn so dissimilar to their orlglnnl version sions and Hov. Dr. C. 13. Lukons upon nppearance onch day, field was Inflntod by tho suggestion that tho Tho board also passed on a num- When sho nsked him for the dlnero, but tho D thnt no man could recognlzo ense tho work In foreign Inuds. Major all occupied and none was willing to company can obtain plenty of dry land ber of applications to lease public tho ho set upon her viciously. Vnldez Men's List. as the same. Such cases are not Infre- Hilton as tho representative of the part with tholr holdings In tho mlno Itself at government figures and hold landb, nnd cancelled two leases. didn't deny the Impeachment, but ho Albuq. Dairy Co Lloyd, L L quent." general assembly's ovnngellst com-uiltte- o In which tho Ei Paso men nro In- It for speculation. told the Judgo ho would fix mnttcrs siiolio from the parable of Rut tho glittering prospectus Is not Abelsbnnzon, Wm Lusoro, Andres LIKE A CIRCUS TRAIN. satisfactorily. He called tho woman the terested, ho said n steam hoist, n Reck, O dwelling upon yet dono with tho homeseoker who R Miller N n WILL USE presented suit, Talents, the thought of boiler and pumping plant had bees, Raker, Ren McKlnuoy, aside and nls in a tho present forms the b'isis of nil these F Julius New Way for Loading Cattle Cars tow moments day call to tho charch to erected nnd during tho coming week cheerful Rrnnt, Chas McClaino, John Dr. Popplewel! to Employ the Same he addressed the court every ns expectations It will bo Patented by a Frisco Man, with eloquence, Informing dovoto talent small well as they expected to mnko a shipment of noted thnt he Chairman of the Mares, Kplfanlo on a SL Michael's College Student much tho great, Stewardship, roturnlng to God Is to practically put tho system at Chavoz, Plo McClnre, 131 ex W. E Preston of tho Frisco lino has Judge tnat tho lady had consented to oro to tho smelter bore. Dr. Popploweli last evening employ-oi- l of tho loan comn.lttcd to men, was several times what It cost, but ho Is to Crow, J O McDowoll, C F completed a plnn nnd patented It by marry hl.n. Ho promised to pay tho Tho membors of the local company tho in reducing a compound pressed homo with Illustration, en- own It nftorwnrds? Decidedly not Cnson, Geo W Montoyn. Roberto which the loading of cattlo cars 1b costs of the suit and tho court after which hns boen formed nro O. H. In treaty nnd stern rebuko un- Tho company Crawford, Dennis Naglc, Mr. ny fracture of tho anklo tho case of assessing nn nddltlonnl fiver adjured for tho Houm, presldont; John Ashcroft. L. C. still owns It nnd collect!" mndo easier the cutting out of tho faithfulness largo pro- W National Ernest Rclnossa, a student at St. them to go happy of numbers of S. S. nn annual rontnl for tho use of the Hotel usual switchings, nt present tho great forth and live over Rynn, J, Aiken, J. Dodge, George o Michael's college. fessors of the faith. An unbroken wntor to pay dlvldonds on what? On Controras, Ambros-t- Nelson. Rill nttlsnnco thnt exists, aiterwards. Gibbons, W. (1. Roc, 13. L. Hawoa nnd Olage, Jullnn est During n gamo ot baso ball last Fri- front, solid ranks must bo presented a purely fictitious capitalization "Tho plan of tho new car," Mr. It tho captain I. D. Stone. El Pnso Times. Dtiran, Samuel Prudden, Dr J. Mit- day afternoon, a fellow student Jump- Rodey't Gift. of salvation can lead flocks and bonds which represent no Davis, Preston said to somo Inquiries, "Is forward to victory. A was pnld Jno W chell ed on tho young man's right ankle, At tho meeting of Cnrlcton post, trlbuto Investment except tho cost ot paper Dreyfus G G Provoncht-r- , n vory simple contrivance of nn end to Presbyterian being Conducted Themselves Nicely, or S S Jos which resulted In tho fracture of both Grand Army of tho Ropubhc, held tho church as and Ink. Flnlny, 13 whereby continous cars Professor Clinton J. Crnndnll, sup F J Puckett, T construction of thu lKines. Dr, Popplcwcll Is confi- Saturday night, Colonel in tho vnngunrd today In evangelistic Is way 13 George W. This tho prlvnto entorprlBe Garcia, Natlvldad Proppcr. J mny bo opened y o erintondent of tho United Stntes In Into each other with dent that the use of tho ma-chfn- Knncbol effort. The strength and heroism re- Irrigation In Gould, WinBton E R M presented on behalf of tho In builds works tho west. Parks, an Hpron which drops over tho spoco will result in successfully quired In soldiers up;r. the skirmish dustrlnl Indian school Santa Fe, re - his Hon. B. S. Hodey, delegate In con- And thu opponunts of national Irri- Glavnnnoll, Stern- Reed, Oeorgo between tho end sills. In this way tho reducing lino was forcibly described, and the turned last Friday from Tnos, where no Ruiz, the fracture, after which ho gress from Now Mexico, two very vol-uab- gation say It Is cheaper than govern- Estobnn cnttlo entering tho ono car placed on will plnce needed not to be reminded ho spent the past week looking ntter Garcllla, .loso Roylo, A tho foot in a plaster cast. books, I, 0., tho Historical Reg- hearers ment enterprise. Choapor for whom? tho chute nro to pass forward that the major knew the Itlo of wnlch affairs connected with tho pueblo at Garcia, Dulses No- Sena, Joso Montn made ister and tho Dlctlonnry of tho United It Is cortainly not cheaper for tho along tho whole trouhlo Dead at Kankakee, III. ho spoke. The closing appeal, to ev- that point nnd also watching tho con rnbres no y train without States Army from 1789 to 1903. A man who wants to get n homo on tho Hon. H. 111., ery man and woman, every boy nnd duct of tho Jlcarllla Apaches who Hanson, O A Stnploton, Fred nnd delay such as exists now. In enso It. Hnnnn, of Kankakco, vote of thanks wns extended to Mr. land. Kven If tho glittering expecta- rather of I. R. superinten- girl to conBccratu his life nnd servlco wero there In nttondanco on tho feast Healey, Paul Sanndort F B ot nccldonta on tho rond tho stock Hanna, tho Hodey for this handsomo and vnlunblo tions of profit aro novor realised, ex Harkness, M L dent ot suf- to tho master left n ucep Impression of San Goronimo. Ho was accompan- Sparks, Rort moy bo transferred directly Into an forest rosorves, died after addition to tho past library, and Col. orbitant Interest must be paid for Hlpklns, James Stownrt, A L fering a of apoplexy. de- upon tho congregation. Hov. H. M. ied by Deputy United Stntes Mnrshal the other car by morely coupling them to. stroko Tho Knncbol was Instructed to draft nnd FornofT of Albuquerque, who use of tho construction fund. Men do Holt, George Taylor, Tom gcther without tho need of taking tho ceased was well Known in Snnta Fo, Crnlg presided nt the meeting and of- Fed Hans, forward tho same. Now Mexican. was Instructed to keep order among not sond tholr money Into now coun-trio- s Fred Turner, J T to pen chutes." having visited his son two years ngo. fered a forveut prsyer after the ad- Harman, First st Vnrolla, S V the Indians. The Jlcarllla Apaches on ordlnnry terms. They Mr. Preston U connectod with tho Ho Is survived by two married daugh- It is snld that tho company which dresses. Jenkins, R T Van Soorde, Peter ters, The proceedings of Saturday open- found this out at once and with a fow a part of tho fabulous profit fi eight department of tho Frisco lino, ono of whom lives nt Kankakco, lately acquired tho Twin Rutto pro- Johnson, John Van Antwerp, J D and tha with devotions led by Hov. W. C. exceptions bohnved themselves well. which tholr capital Is oxpectud to cre- Joyce, K P Vigil, He hns In tho Inst few yenrs Inventod other at Paterson, N. J. Ho perty nonr Tucson will proccod nt onco ed Francisco wns Huoll of Taos. Tho moderator, the Sevoral. however, took too much lib- ate. Kskss, Jtkm Wnrrcn. J W a number of devices thnt havo boen nn honored nnd respected citizen to sink a shaft, 1,000 foot deep on Her. Gnblno Rondon then took tho erty with King Hnrleycorn and wero It Is cheaper for tho peopio of the Lyon, L L Yntes. Ed ndoptod nnd this ono seems to meet ot Kankakee, and a rotlred merchant, tholr mines. This Is good nows to all promptly arrested to convlnco them being 70 years of ngo. chair and constituted tho business United Status for industrial Interests II W. HOPKINS. with favor from nil the experts who people intorostcd in tho mineral o session with prayer. The docket In- that the United States authorities did of every description whoso prosperity Postmaster hnvo seen tho model work which ho of southorn Arizona. means propose any trouble, Visited Indian School. It cluded various reports of tho officers not to hnvo or Is to bo enhanced by the opening and hns sot up at St. Louis, nn Incnlculnblo bonoflt in demon- gathering. Upon Brother Butolph, of the synod and prominent commit- turmoil nt tho tho settlement of a mighty empire In DOTH LEGS OFF. president of St. strating tho groat wealth lying under- whole everything passed off very IN Michael's college, accompanied by tees. The Important Itoms which elic- which millions of muti will ultimately SANTA FE LINE ground, makes It look ns though pleasantly satisfactorily. Sad Fate to a Young Boy of Trinidad, Brother Gregory, who Is superintend- and ited Interest nnd discussion wero tho and mako tholr homes? tho Colorado stylo of mining, which Will Use the Interchangeable Train of Bur-ma- Spanish publication "La Aurora" and No, no! Nothing could bo moro Colorado. ent of a school 1,100 pupils In wo A System. hnvo fovorently looked for ta long, tho admirable full reports on foreign RFLECTIONB OF BACHELOR. costly to tho people of tho United Willie Johnson, aged 7 years, who Ticket India, vlsltod tho United States Tho Santa Fo, Wnbash and sovornl has nt last readied Arizona In earn- missions and tne board of Sabbath Statos than to lcnvo the development Uvea with his mother in Trinidad, was Industrial Indian school yesterday for Peopio who play to tho gnllorlos pay roadB parties to purposo est. school The editor of "La Au- ot public to promoters run over by a switch onglno In tho smaller havo become tho of studying tho methods wo'. In tho pit. their doman voguo rora, ' the Hev Henry C. Thompson, Snntn Fo railroad yards nt that ilaco the now intorchnngcablo train ticket In at tbo Institution under Su- makes strnugo bodfcllnws and speculators, and to havo the home agreement, Tho EI Pnso Herald says: This D. ., presented his resignation, that Politics on October 6, and so frightfully nnd tho Missouri Pacific perintendent C. J. Crnndnll s adminis- burdened with tho obilgatlou morning Just after tho Fo pas-song- and marrlago ot tranged ones. mangled recovery doubt- probably will join within a fow days. tration. It wns Butolph's Santa tho whole question of Spanish publi- to pay Impossible profits to thoso who that his is nrother first train arrived from A man is almost ns anxious to havo ful. to tho Tho Rock Island nlono stnnds out visit to tho institution in ten years, tho north, cation might be placed in a now and hnvo made a monopoly of thu water Tho child was romoved M. A. WJlns and F. a. Putnum, station permanent form. Tho matter was re- a son as a woman id to havo a hus- hospital, wnero both legs wero ampu- agnlnst a ticket that conductors may and ho wns accorded n most hourly supply. Tho prosperity of all moans baggngo mooter of tho Santa Fo, o band. tated, fellow Is resting ea- honor will continue tho Inter- wolcomo by Superintendent Crnndall ferred to & special committee consist- the prosperity oach. Tho llttlo and Involved In a dlsputo over A woman never gots too old to think rf sy, but bis la changeable mileage credit system, nnd hip wlfo. Now Mexican. somo ing of the Revs. Norman Skinner, C. Prlvato ontarprlso has had Its Inning condition serious. personal matters nnd Putnum wns H. M. Craig, Oablno It Is dangerous for her to travol nlono Willlo, with his mother, was on his which, it assorts has been instrumen- II. Lore, Hendon In connection with tho Irrigation in- According to Ernest Hall, who struck on tho head with a brick, draw- Lukcns, The report ot this for fear men might speak to her. ray to tho Santa Fe freight depot, tal in preventing tho manipulation of and O, K. dustry of tho west. And it has tailed camo down from Wlckonburg Wednes- ing blood. Willi? woa arrested nnd af- and Its discussion was Tho nlco thing about a rod hendod and stepping from ono track to an- tickets. Tho other roads-ar- o doter-mtno- d committee -- fallod utterly nnd miserably, leaving day night, says tho Arizona Gnzotto, terwards released on bond to nppcar special order ot business for girl Is that rIio novor pretends it other did not sco tho BWltch onglno to put tho now ticket into ef- sade a a trail ot disappointed Investors and tho mines in are showing beforo tho recorder. changed to that color nftor Bhu was 12 approaching. No blarao la attached 'o fect at onco. that section Monday. broken hoartod settlors. Now lot tho up wonderfully woll, moro o'clock tlie report of the lonie years old. any ono for the accident. and mon Henry Small, superintendent At 8 government o forward with its great aro bolng put to work on old proper of cow Bait tee was presented ant! Dr. D. B. Kldd, formerly ot Mohave bridges and buildings on the Southern wiMlen things plan of creating comprcbenslvo works F. ot county ono keep- tls as woll as now ones. Considerable STRCdlMl nteafenary, Hov. It. M. Tho general condition of P. Barnes, master mechanic and at tlmo a saloon Pacific, between EI Paso and San An- tk ir turning thero over to tho people dry washing hit eeapreheuslve annual about tho shops are encouraging. and tho El Paso & Northcastorn at El er at Stockton Hill and Gold Road, has beon dono here, hut tonio, was in Lordsburg looking at CrAg. gve ovorvhody aro working at actual cost Undo Sam has the Paso, has gone to Dallas on business. wns asphyxiated by powder gas at on account of tho rains operations new wry et tka jfw's program in and a Borne mining properties in which he is per- - harmoniously work on alt en cheapest money end employs the best Tho El Paso ft Northcastorn system mine near Clifton, about two weeks were stopped for while. The Has-sa- y tatrofcM bis and the a Interested out at Shakespeare Prom a4 gines are well pleased as to tno man- talent in ovory direction. No private has Just completed two large snow ago, and, although taken from the am pa has boon booming for sev- Lordsburg ,-- -,1 jafeMt M tb mission ho went to Loa Angeles, fral work is being handled. corporation can compote with him In plows far use this winter it needed. mlno and resuscitated, died two days oral days. ry for MhM n Arizona. The ner the shop whero he wiil spend 0. short vacation. cllmato of Now Mexico, Judge Pope collector should collect tho monoy on body nt tho Lead avenuo church by pieces fall from Its mouth, nnd retain- OFFICIAL MATTERS, NEXT WEEK'S FUN, FAIR FAST APPROACHES, ' ing only germ rcmovod to Santa Fe, whero for six delinquent taxes, I do not understand nn nddrefB on "Whnt This Conforonco tho small heart, as tho hold n position upon tho It, your suggestion In regard to Ought to Ho to Us nnd Our Work," af- of tho corn seod Is called. Nor did ho months ho but up editorial forco of the Now Mexican, tho matter Is exactly correct Tho ter which Hov. W. J Cnlfco, pastor at drop tho grain nnd then pick It ngnlti, In to off thfe differ- Notaries Public AppintedSTerrltor-la- Confetti Throwing Prohibited on hut In March, 1805, ho relinquished collector publishes tho delinquent tax Hearst Reception, Votes (or Queen, El Paso, conducted tho Pentecostal order break l wholo operation this position to rcsumo tho practice of list, nnd up to any tlmo before tho sorvlco. Dr. Cr.lfeo Is a largo, whole ent sldos. but tho great rapidity by Funds Received. Streets The Queen Contest. law In association wllh Hon. John nttornoy files his complaint .e Broncos Arriving. souled man, a born evangelist nnd wns performed with the district tonguo. P. Victory, then solicitor general of may recclvo tho taxes with penalty ellqucnt speaker. Ho has Just closed the use of Its beak and In April, 139G, Judgo a successful piistorato nt Council Such a bird would bo a great ac- tho territory. and costs of publication and withhold NEW COMPANIES INCORPORATED. MOORISH WEDDING AND BABY SHOW, $20.-00- 0 Harvey museum, BASE BALL PLAYERS SECURED. Popo an nppolntcd by tho nttorncy tho property from tho complnlnt. Hut Iown, whero ho raised a cession to the Fred Is genoral of tho United States, assistant nfter tho complnlnt Is filed ho has debt, and Is nlrcady exceedingly at this place Mr It a fluent talker of popular Ho Indian inngungo of the country United States attorney for tho court of nothing moro to do with It loses at El Pnso. can bo heard tho Governor Otero hns appointed tho The committee nppolnted by tho 4 was brought; Tho throwing of confetti on tho private land claims. entirely. Tho district attor- eery afternoon nt o'clock during whence It and whllo thnt following nntnrlos public, whoso com Commercial eiub to arrange for the session. ot courso dlfforB from tho Indian lan- strcctB of the city Iirb been iirohlbltod During tho period Judgo Fall was ney hns full control, under the direct-tlo- n tho missions havo loen Issued by Terri- entertainment of W. H. Hearst and Tonight occurn tho reception to Dr. guages here, It shows that such a bird during fair week, hut ihere will he no solicitor gonernl of Now Mexico he of tho court with which tho col- party, met yesterday at 8 p. m. In the torial Secretary J. W. Hnynolds. Hen- M Wftlen , progIlUnK bUnop would hnvp no difficulty In learning 1 ItH tho lnttcr's nsslstnnt. In March, lector should open nn account na you U ry I). Miller, Chamltn, Rio Arriba mL .1 iiho wltiiln tho cnrnlvnl wbb club parlors, and at a. m. today Nava-Jos- , g nnd tho Spanish nnd English confer- tho speech ot the Pueblos nnd So- enclosure every though Satur- 1901, ho was nppolnted by Sccretnry suggest. You arc also correct In cht at the Hank of Commerce Word had county; A. M. Hester, Reserve, night, attorney ences nt tho Lend avenuo church. thus putting Itself In comploto Ik Hitchcock ob United Stntcs tho collectors to promptly prepare been received by Delcgnte Hodcy thnt corro county; Tomns C, Montnya, Old day night expected to oxcci nil oth program which begins 7:30 harmony with Its surroundings. A for the ruoblo Indians of New Mexi- their delinquent lists. It Is mado man- Itinerary had been chnnged, tho Tho at Albuquerque, Hernallilo county; Fe- orh In the numher nud fierceness of the p. Is as fcttowBt Music by the bird talking Indian would Intorost the co. In Apill, 1002, ho was offered by datory on them to do this within nino-t- y party leaving Chicago Mondny even- ni. lipe Sandoval. Pena. Illancn, Sandoval tho conflicts. wol-com- dolln-qren- Load nvonuo choir; address of down easterner fully ns much ns do Ih by management of Governor Tnft tho position of Judge of dnyB after any tax becomes t, ing Instead of Mondny morning, nnd county. It desired the on bohnlf of tho Spanish mis- the llttlo Indian children. carnival that all shnll mask on tho court of First Instance of tho nnd a failure so to do Is a renchlng Allmqucrqiio Wednosdny ev- the sion conference, by Hev. Dr. Titos. Territorial Funds Received. Saturday night, 17th, and to hlllpplncs, and resigning his posi breach of their oath and bond which ening, G o'clock, Instead of Tucsdny the that on of tho English T. J. Norton has ueon mndo costuming of Salt Lako tions with tho land court nnd an In- mny cost them their positions. evening, ns beforo nnnounccd. Mr. Hnrwood; behalf Territorial Treasurer J. H. Vaughn end a house uy for the Santa l o railroad, lor the n largo stock ot dian attorney ho ncceptod this posi In thin connection I wruld sny that llnnrRt will lonvn nnro Thursday ov. mission, J. u. linrsnaw. oi nnver hnB received the following public City win send hero 1,ohn,f const division, to suecoed tho Into everything can be desired for loft for tho Philippines In porno tlmo ngo I gnvo an opinion enlng to continue IiIb journey to theK311"! on of tho Iocnl church Minds: From Porfecto Esqulbel, treas- that tion and that Captain Clinton N. Sterry. Mr. Nor-- 1 somo changes nn ""V- - J,1,,R w D' '00 "csponso urer and collector of Hlo Ar- either disguise or amusement. une, 1002. He rendered substantial two publications nnnunlly wore not west. This will mnko 1 D., ton's Jurisdiction over the legnl bust-- cnrnl-vn- - Bishop John Morgan Wnldon. D. riba county, $210. h I taxes for 1902. The contest for queen of the l service upon tho Philippine neneli but necessary, for tho rencon that tho tax neccssnry In tho plans of tho commit- ness of tho rnllrond company Includes to can- entertainment of tno ""or'' which will follow a social hour From Eugcnlo Romero, treasurer and hns narrowed down threo tho cllmnto proving uncongenial ho re for the current year iIocb not becomo tee for tho nil territory of New Mox-ico- . - nusplcos of the west didates, and the voting stood last igned In April. 1003, when he return delinquent until tho second of the fol- guests. There will bo, however, n re- refreshments, undor tho collector of hnn Miguel pub-abl- y Ills assistants win be Paul Burks One-hal- party club, prob- - ' tho Lndlos' Aid society. Tho county, $222.35 tnxes for 1902. From night: Miss Mario Wlncheek 187, MImJ ed to the prnctlco of law In Simla Fo. lowing Juno. f Is pnyablo on ceptlon to the at the nnd E. E. Mllllken In tho Uis Angolos by j He Ib r i cordially Invited. tl. O. Biirsum. superintendent ot tho Isabella Spencer 171, Miss Isabella Judgo Pope Is a member of tho Ma tho first dny of Dccombor, nnd If not followed n dance. D. Plllsbury nt Tho program for tomorrow Is as hondqunrters, Hornce territorial penltontlary. $293.50, con- Armljo ICS. The coronation, which sonic, Odd Fellows, ElkB and otlier prlil. ponnltlos nro added as provided Those who design nttcndlng tho U. at follows: Snn Frnncisco. T. Clotfoitor victs' enrnlngB. From John E. Griffith, will InUe plnce on itiesday evening, secret fraternities, and an older In tho In section 10, chapter 22, laws of '99, Montezuma ball aro roquested to L. Chalmers 8:30 a. m Union snoramontnl sorv- I'rescott and il. at lerk of tho Fifth Judlclm within the carnival enclosure, prom- Irst Presbyterian church of this city and nlso on the second dny of June, write, addressing "Montezuma, City." district tic- lco, by Bishop Wnldon. court. $608.10 for clerK's fees. From ises to bo an Interesting and attrac- In his cnndldney for tho position to nnd tho following month. This mnkos and stntliig mimes nnd niimbor of conducted bo by appllca-lion- s 9:30 n. m. Oignnlzntlon nnd busi Solomon Luna, treasurer and exofl- - tive evunt, and to graced the which ho hnB Just been appointed ho tho totnl amount of tax to go into tho kets wnnted. Uiulerslrnble Death of Jacob Kephart. presence M, A. will bo rejected. No canvassing ness session. lo collector of Vnloncla county, $37.- - of Governor Otero and had the cordlnl support of Governor delinquent list. If such were published Word was orly Just recolvod by stair, Hon. W. It. Hearst and bis or soliciting will no done, nnd pay- 2:00 p. m. Educntlonnl anniversary 89 tnxeB for 1902. From Hormone G. and Tnft, ConimUslonor Ido and other nfter failure to pay In December, tho Shorlff Blnlr 'it Grant county ot tho distinguished party. ment for tickets will bo due whenMc-llvcre-d. AddrossoB by Hov. Geo. Mnc-Ada- Bnca, trenBitrer nnd collector members of tho Phlllpplno govern- delinquent might como In nt nny time .ir. dentil of Jncob Kopbnrt ot Silver City A large force lias been put at work Each ticket costs $5.00 on president Fort Worth unlver-sllv- , of Socorro county, $321.89 taxo' for ment; also of thu members of tho within six months and pay up and get at Las Yogas Insnno nsyium, which by Contrnctur W. V. Strong, enclos- which a gentlemnn nlono or a gentle- and Hov. Dr. Thomna Hnrwood. tho 1902, and $1.01 taxes for 1903. court of private Innd claims and of hla nnmo off tho list thus on August 29. Mr. Kopbnrt ing carnival gtouuuu. The elec- man and lady enn nttenil For ench 3:00 p. m Seimon by Hev. J. L. An- oourrcd Hon. Matt O. Reynolds, tho atlornoy the first publication practically lnop-erntlv- a of City for mnny tric light company nre putting up nddltlonnl lnuy there must be payment derson, of Roswnll, N. M. vas resident Silver Articles of Incorporation. for Hint court. Ho wan also cordially as bo has until the first day yours. He devntod much of his time - many poleu so that the enclosure will of $2.50. 4:00 p. in. Pnntecostnl sorvlco led The following nrticles of incuron".- endorsed by Olvernor Otoro, Dolognto o Juno to pny his last half of taxes, mining business, and wns vory be a perfect maze of llumlnntloii. The When tho poles closed nt 7 o'clock by Dr. W. J, Cnlfce. lc thu tlon have been filed In the office of Hodcy, National Committeeman Solo- and It would bo a useless burden and equipped Some yours Salvation Army tout hns been remov- last evening, the vote for cnrnlvnl 7:30 p. m. Church extension anni- well in thnt line. Territorial Secretary J. W. Raynolds: mon I.una, Territorial Chalrmnn F. oxpenRO to hnvo tho two publications. ngo Into ed fioiu the ltallroud avenue front of queen stood: MIsb Mnrlo Wlncheck, versary. Address by ono of tho visit ho made a prospecting trip The Emorson Jackson Drug compnny Hubbcll and other strong politi Also your rceommondntlon that the M.-dc- so the em Insure, where It had stood for 351; Miss lsnbello Sponcer, 280; Miss ing secretaries. Old nud while almoin wnt f Carlsbad; incorporators, W. Mar cal Influences In tho territory, nnd list be submitted to tho district nttor- by some tune, to a vacant ttpneo a block Isnbello Armljo, 2G4. Bishop Wnldon Is ono of the oldcRt tho victim of nn nwault pontons vin Jackson, jobn L. Emerson nnd futher west. oleowhcre; and also by warm porsonal ncy beforo publlcalon Is nn cxcellont Other features of tho cnrnlvnl will who nttempted to rob him. Ho recolv Roberta L. Emerson of Cnrlsbnd, Ed followed nnd most honored of tho eminent - of tho president hero. No one one, nnd I know It hns heon baby In dy county. company Incorpor-nto-d DavlB, decorator for the cnrnl- friends be n Moorish wedding nnd a board of bishops. Ho Is a vory con od a ovore olow on tho head tho Tho is In any rnco over had moro loyal In this (tho first) district. Injiwy fifty years, Is val company, fins arrived to decorate show. Thoso with tho coronation ol genial old gentlemnn nnd although In nttnek nnd from this resulted for and authorized friends, a no one realizes Very truly yr.urs, presence to buy drugs, drug supplies, tho queen s throne and too entrance fact that tho queen nnd the of her bio 70s Is holding eloven conferences nsmlty. nnd sell appreciates moro fortu- EDWARD I, BARTLETT. ovents which nre grow worse patent medicines, stationery, books, arch at the carnival grounds, and the and than tho of honor, nre this season. Ho goes from hero to His condition gradually pavilion and exhibition booths at tho nate nppolnteo himself. Solicitor General. exciting widespread interest. Tho oa-b- y and be was committed to tho county jewelry, wntches clocks, paints, oils, South Dakota-- on Monday. He Is stop fair grounds. Mr. Davis has a large snow hns been set tor Saturdn nt Jail, whero he remained for quite n ami other articles ot commerce com QUESTION OH DEATH. ping nt Judgo Leo's. o( Tno oillclnl col HARVEST FESTIVAL. OF LIFE 11 o'clock, on tho cnrnlvnl grounds, bfclng monly unndled nnd dealt In In a gen- corim assistants. Among tho guesta nt tho conference whllo, flnnlly transferred to Las ors adopted ty tho carnival, red, gold nnd entries should not be Inter than crnl urug store, either at wholesale or nre Hov. W. J. Cnlfee, of El Pnso; Vegas In order thnt ho might receive and green, will bo largely used In dec The Salvation Army People Arc Now Power of icxas Railroad Commission Thursday evening of fnlr week. The retail, and to manufacture medicines, Hov J. G. Hnrshnw and wlfo nnd Mrs. treatment ndnpted to his ense. Ho hnd orauon of the city, especially In bunt' Celebrating. Hangs In Balance. following nro tho several competing lrugs nnd chemicals, and conduct a W W. Porterlleld, of Silver City, who been ihuro only a few months until his lng ami other forms of drapery. Tho Salvation Army .1 now eelO' or death of tho Toxas cIobb: No. 1, tho prettiest boy baby goncrnl pharmacy buHincss. Tae cap "The life nre stopping nt tho Hnrwood home; denth occurrod. Deceneed was nbout The Stirlnors' parade on Saturday tirnting Its Hnrvest festival, which be- rnllrond commission Is Involved In tho under 1 year. No. 2, tho prettiest girl ital stock Is $10,000 divided tn 100 Hev. W. W. Cooper, of Santn Fo, the 35 years o! ago and so fnr ns known will be one oi ttiu most original and nii October (i and closes October 12. injunction proceedings which have baby under 1 yenr. No. 3, tho pret- shnrcs of tho par value of $100 each. socrotnry of the conference, nnd Hov. had no relatives. nmuslng scenes of the entire fair The nrmy Is caring lor some 3,000,000 heon Instituted by the express com- tiest boy baby, 1 to 2 years. No. 4, tno Tho first board of directors consists M. Armstrong, Hnton, who nro week. Besides much ot their own, people ench year, and for 1Mb tu panies In the fedornt court against prettiest girl bnby, 1 to 2 years. No. of of tho Incorporators. M. Rangers' Reunion. they borrowed for the occasion pendoiis work Is dependent entirely O. H. 5, tho prottlust pair of twins undor 2 guoets of Prof. E. Hlekoy and S The St. Louis Gold Gulch Mining have this lody." said Commissioner The rnngen. ot tno Olln river forest tho entire Oriental outfit camels, on the benovolonco of tho public, hav Tox. year. Houghton; Hev. II. Vnn Vnlkonburg, compnny of Silver City, Grant county. Colquitt of Austin, "The re3iilt will hold o reunion on Willow Arutis. Turks, Syrians, elophnnts and lng no funds of Its own George L. Gouldlng, the Donvor ot Alnmogordo, stopping nt J. B roserve Tho Incorporntors nro Melvln T. Por of this suit will determlno whether crook, commencing on Snturday and all To shelter nnd reclaim some scores Is simply a stockynrd man, has written Secretary Fish's; Hev. J B. Bollwnre nnd Rov terlleld, Theodoro W. Carter, Harry E. the rnllrond commission lusting for two dnyB. All of tho ranger The educational Institutions of New of fallen women ench year; to ht-e- of or n tribunal McCauna thnt his carload ot wild C D. Kennorly, nt Mrs. II. W. McDnn Dillon of Silver City, and Hiram M. vehicle convenience orco and Supervisor McCluro will ...exuo are invited to contest during save and enre for mnny miserable lit of usefulness." Commissioner Co- broncos, which ho entered for tho fair aid's; and Hov. A. C. Goyor nt G E. Powell of Fort Bnynrd, Orant county, moot together for tho purposo of ills fair week for a football trophy, n 100 tle ones; to feed something nbove a lquitt said that the suit will be fought nnd leu Denver nnd ought to rcnclt Learnard's. N. M., and Charles Getzweiilor of St. 1 cussing work nnd Indulg cup ne tirst contest will be on Mon million hungry, nnd shelter well above by the railroad commission through Albuqiicrqiio Friday morning. He the winter's Charles, Mo. The compnny Is incor- ing Supervisor dny afternoon between the University a million homeless ; to send ench sum tho court of Inst resort, If necessnry, still claims them to bo tho worst on REPORT DAY'S RECORD. in socinl intorconrso. porated for fitly years nnd Ib author- .d - bo , teinn n-- tno Albuquerque Indian mer hundreds nnd hundreds of white- ho Is that tho evi earth. Mr. Uouldlng n tno snmo let Charles P. McGlono of Arlzonn will ized to purchase, acquire, bon-'.- lease, and thnt couiidont at rangers school team, at the (air grounds. The faced tenement mothers nnd chi.drcn which tho state will Introduce ter enterfl for tho rough riding tour What Marked Its Last Occurrence present. Several of tho hnvo own, sell, pledge, mortgngo, hypothe dence Academy. victors must hold themselves In rea to the delicious freshness of the coun- will very clearly and positively sup namcnt the name ot Ciirtls Johnson, St. Vincent's never met nor seen each ether nnd cate and dent In real estate, rcrsonal dlness to meet all coiners from New try; to furnlsn coal In winter and ice port tho action of the commission In nn aspirant lor the world's champion As Harriot march, by Sorrontlno the reunion, which has been nrranged property, nnd develop and work mines Mexico schools during the season, and In summer to the slum folks nil this ordering n reduction of the express ship. was played by Miss A. Shlnlck on by Supervisor McCluro, will undoubt and mining clalmc, and construct and for the llrst gamo In tho following sea' meanB ceaseless effort and constant rates In this state. C. C. Hall, superintendent of the Tuesdnv tho pupils of St. Vincent ncn edly bo nilvnntagcous to the work of opcrnto mills, smelters and reduction mem son. It will be in tho matter of expenditure of money. Yet the Salva 1 ho railroad commission hns no cowboy tournament, Is expected back demy wended their wny to assembly the men and elnjoynble as well. .vorks. Tho cnpttal stock Is $1,000,000, bership, much like tno yacht cup tion Army Is doing it right nlong, fund nvallablo with which to employ from Los Angeles tomorrow. Ycster hall to rccelvo their monthly reports divided Into ono million gbares ot $1 whlcn m contested tor every year, ex trusting the public heart to uphold It. additional counsel, but It will be rep day a letter came tor Mr". Hall from which worn rend by Slstor Angola Forger Arrested. each. The first board of directors con-Hi- st cept that tho. contending lootba To give generously to tno Hnrveat resented by Attorney Gencrnl C. K. dscn'r Roberts, deputy slTorlff, Phoe "Let tho Hills nnd Vnles Resound,' At 3 o'clock this afternoon tho po of tho Incorporators. teams must Ikj from New Mexico edu festival is to strengthen tno army for Hell, who hns threo months In wnich nix, Ariz., making two entries In this by Richards, was sung by tho school lice run Into the city bastlle n man Tho Kiemlng cattle company of Sil catlonal Institutions. Just siieh work. to prepare himself for the trial ot the tournament, ind saying that tnese two Tho papers lend by Mls3 Bronnan, too drunk to write or tell his name, ver city. Tno incorporators aro rneo-dor- o for you Army Monday. Manager McDonald nna Bccurcd When see tho Salvation case, as It Is set for tho January term with others will arrive next "Morchant of Venice;" Miss Bnatright, He had, however, written out two W. Carter, John I Burnsido, during fair coming your way, get Hob C tho basenail tournament lads and Inssles of the federal court at Austin. Com Carroll and the other stars of tho "Study of Blogrnphy;" nnd "Litem-tur- o cheeks one on October and tho Walter E. Burnslde, Horace Hooker, nnd Schmidt your ready and give well tournament, yesterday City, company Ib in- week. Messrs. Jones donation missioner Colquitt said that there Is loft for tho Hnndmnld of Religion," by other yesterdny on tho First Nntlon nil ot Silver ino who now nave a national rep this city. Carroll's record at roping H, corporated fifty years, Is au- twlrlcrs yet considerable testimony which tho MIsb Shechan, were a credit to them. al bank, singing the nnmo ot John for and though recently known only In was 29 2-- 5 buy, utntlon. commission is to obtain trom various HoBwoll tho other day Keep right tn till coronation day; 'reeman. Theso cheeks call for $10 thorized to sell nnd breed cattle. In California.. For tho last season COMMITS SUICIDE. seconds. Tho capital stock Is $100,000 divided sources, and ttint this work will be path Is rugged, stones aro In the nnd hnd been cashed. When resent they were with tho team The New Mextcnn says: The board tho was Into 100,000 shnrcs or the par value dono between now nnd tho early part wny education's peorless, but may d nt tho bank, it found that Jones winning 2i out of 38 games Elmore, Son of Judge Freeman, Sends of county commissioners of Santn Fo no money In tho bank of $x each, t he first board of direc of January. not bo taken away. Freeman had mid Schmidt 23 out of 3. Jones re bullet Through His Heart at His county have agreed to par tno freight The firm that cashed the checks then tors consists of Tiicodoro W. Carter, forty-tw- o music pupils promised to tell ceived a handsome offer from El Paso, Home In Carlsbad. A Southern Pacific freight of on all exhibits sent to the territorial Tho had tno man nrrested. John Ij. Burnslde and Horace Hooker of tho old mafltors, and but was compelled to decline for Al A special tho Now Mexican from cars met with a queer necldent tair nt Albuquerque. This should be nbout boiuo all of bnver City. to lndulgo a budlioriiuo. Carlsbad gives tho following jrlef near Pomonn tho other day, says the an Inducement for liberal exhibits the fifth grado nro to In LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. B Times-Index- . report dny. Tho J. II. O'RIolly repo.-t- that the com facts nbout the suicide of tho son ot San Hemnrdlno Through the commissioners will pay tho spoiling contost. next DISTRICT COURT. mlttee for tho Montezuma ball, of Judgo Freeman: some trouble between the power exer- freight on the presentation of the re pupils nre ready for tho fair. On tho Mrs. O. C. Watson and dnughter The enso of tho territory vs. Luis gtvo rcelt-n.- , which bo Is chalrmnn, havo tho af- Carlsbad, N. M., Oct. 7. Tho sec ted by tho lend and push engines the ceipts received from tho railroad com 14th the music pupils will a will nrrlve from Snntn Fo this evenln Jnramillo, charged with assault with fairs of that great social function well ond trngedy to bo enacted In the ter drawhead of the filth car from the ca- pnnlcb via ot whlca the exhibits are program for which will appear o be tho guests of Mrs. Wntson's par intent to kill, end an attempt to dis-flgti- In hnnil. All arrangements have been ritory within the present week, oa boose was pulled out. Tho air brakes sent to tho Duka city. ents, Mr. nnd Mrs, Thomas Hughes. nnd mnlm Jose Baca y Lucero rnmnlctcd. The entire lower floor eurred at Carlsbad, when Klniore on n.l tno cars wero immediately set Fairbanks. Morse & Co., mnnufac Georgo T. l'nxton and daughter of on July 1 last on tho highway north of will bo ihrown open for tho occasion Freemnn, 30 years of age, the son oi and In nn Instant tho drawhead of turcrB ot pumps and machinery, nre SOME BOWLING BUSINESS. Kr.nsns City have arrived In this city the city, wns tried this morning. Tho whllo the Alvnrado management will Judge Freeman, committed suicide the lend englno wns drnwti. This left In the city by their representative, W. o visit Mrs. Paxton, who Is a health evidence showed nn unprovoked as- have chargo of nil details which como wnllo tcmiKirarlly demented, by shoot the front division of thirty-seve- n cars A. of Denver, to arrange nn ox Social Bowling Party Hummers De seeker here. They will remain till at' sault upon tho prosecuting witness on within their suhere. such as buffet lng himself through the heart, at the stationary while tho rear englno wbb hlblt consisting of n pump and power feat Liners in Three Games. tor the terrltorlol fair. tho way homo from a ballo, tho de- Union and other et cotcras. Dl Mauro'i homo of his lather. still pushing Its tlvo enrs. These were plant which will be stationed on tho At tho bowline: alloys of tho Sunny Tho Now Mexican snys: Mrs. Joh fendant hurling an empty flntk at tho mu inlrty-seve- n side old tewn Mr. nnd Mrs. Jcsbo orchestra will furnish danco The funeral services wero held yes- driven Into the enrs, and fnlr grounds. Inn, . of New York City, former! Mrs Bcca, cutting and permnnently disab- largo to rait lc, occupying seats upon the tcrday afternoon. Judgo MiTIa out ot two of them wero demolished, tho George K. Nohor, Ornham Brothers, yiller gnvo a bowling pnrty Mr. John Symington of this city who, ling tho eye. Tho root of the evil now on .1. round table. Tho tickets nro respect to tho father of tho deceascu, trnck was torn up for somo distance, William Harper, tho Helm bar, tho nnd Mrs. B. McMnnnus, Mr. and whllo a resldont hero wns very popu to hnvo been had whisky, nnd and seems sale at $5 each, with no freo list, adjourned court during tho funeral, and traffic de.ayed nearly threo hours. .Nllkauo, Frank bturges, nnd Simon Mrs. Wesley Foster, Mr. nnd Mrs. lar and hlchly respected, arrived upon tho evidence of tho prosecution tho committee la ready to rccelvo ap- nnd nil tho court people attended. Stern have begun tho work of dec- Chnrles Mnti3ard, Mr, nnd Mra. Ed from Albuquerque on n short visit, Jury that the people can DECIDED BY GUESSING. the court Instructed tho plications. Out of town Just beforo tho tunernl service was orating, Nohcr nnn Graham Brothers Hnrsch, Mrs. Saddlor Misses Hill, which she w..i spend partly with Gov proofs would support a verdict of by addressing not secure ickets the chair held, lire destroyed n largo hay barn using red, whlto and blue, wh..o Ynnccy, Konnedy, Bernard, Webber, nnd Mrs. Otoro and with Mr, In- New Way Found Awarding Gov' ornor moro thnn nsnult nnd battery, and man. Governor Otero nnd staff will on property ot Judgo Freomnn, for the others havo employed Ed. Wanko. Messrs. Sulllvnu. Hoyne, A. M. Bergere. Her man tho ernment Contracts. nnd Mrs. structed tho J :ry to return a sealed bo present and probably Governor causing much excitement among the Davis, cnrnlvnl decorator, who Valentino nnd Stnhl. warm friends in the Capital city will The Ixmlsvillo & Nashville and tho verdict. llrodle of Arizona. mourners. uses rarnlvnl colors, red, gold and Tho scores wero not high. glad to meet her again & havo In bo genuinely sympathy was extended to ouecn Crescent railroads green, and Is showing very artistic Tho following contest took place ot PLEAD GUILTY. Great new method ot drawing E. A. Cnhoon, cashier of tho First Don't fall to attend tho dnnce given Judgo and the members of augurnted tho worrt. avenuo alloys grand freeman or "cutting" for the award of the Railroad National bank nt Hoswcll and at tho old town "Society" hall Satur- Not In bereavement. straws Ma The Pueblo Indian Murderer Does his family, their government contrncts. When tho bids Hummers master of the grand lodge of Freo day night Flno music, nnd a prlzo Want Trial. TUESDAY LITERARY CLUB. Hortzog 178 210 1C7 sons of tho territory, visited Las Ve DELINQUENT COLLECTIONS. wero opened at Jcffcrsonvillo for tho will bo given to tho girl who dances One of the promising important 170 170 157 gas yesterday and was presont at transportation of t5u men, 30 ofllcers Holds Us Meeting the Sen Fullonwldor the grcntest number ot times. cases on tho criminal docket of the First lor 158 12C 201 special communication of Chapman Opinion of Solicitor General Bartle'.t 580 together with bnggago 1903-4- . Coulthnrd camo nnd horses, son of yester- Hernnllllo county district court Chlcka-mang- Matson 14J 140 111 lodge No. 2, at thnt place this even Wm. A. Raymond, who died on the Subject. nnd equipment, from Camp a Tuesday Lltorary club a sharp yesterday when Joso Tho Lndlos' 112 150 111 lng. Mr. Gaboon Is on a tour of In morning of consumption, aged 40 to halt Tho following opinion of Solicitor to West Point, Ky., It was Ferguson dny Montoya, who, while a participant In held Its first meeting of tho season spoction of tlio Masonic lodges of tho years, was burleu this mornlns ny O. General Edward L. Hartlott was ren found thnt the two railroads, owing to Mrs. at Isleta, shot nnd kill- nt the home of Olivia Blrtwell. 7G1 He be hero to take in nt their own ex- a drunken row dered pursuant to Traveling Auditor a physical pooling agreement, had TotnlB 79C 807 territory. will W. Strong's Sons fellow tribesman, plead guilty on North Walter street, with n most county nlike ed a .ubmlttlng bid. Llnors tho fnlr. pense, tbo city nnd tho Mon-toy- n Charles V.Safford tho form made the sumo interesting progrnm. to murder in tho second degree. HO 133 110 Joe Barnott last night lighted up refusing to pay tor tho Interment. of execution for tnxoa, iO ho used In Joseph Hoyd, assistant gencrnl pas topic wns the Thomas is a Pueblo Indian, and all tho Tho for discussion 137 121 131 tho front of tho St. Elmo with tho tho collection of delinquent personal senger agent, represented tho Lovls-vill- a Presbyterian" In Queen Shaw witnesses In tho enso, had It como to Purltnn and 150 137 143 nearly 200 incandescent electric lights Notice of Suit. property taxes, and nlso with rotor-unc- o & Nashville, and J, C. Coon was Elizabeth's time. Mrs. A. B. Stroup Vorhes trial, would havo been all Indians. Connelly 177 131 121 recently put In plnco, nnd tno effect Territory of New Mexico, County of to certain Instructions given by present for tho Queen & Crescent. a paper on Milton nnd his works, His pleading guilty, does away with rend 151 128 150 wns simply gorgeous. It mado all In th district court. Mr Snfford In a clrciilnr letter to th They agreed that wnen a look was gave now Summers Hernnllllo. tho necessity of n long, tcdlouB nnd In which sho somo Idens other Illuminations look dim, and tho Jnmos W. Markiiam, Plaintiff. consequently Its different county treasurers of tho ter opened tho first letter of tho llrst Mrs. J. W. Marsh read a papor on tho as bright oxpcnslvo trial, and 755 C50 C91 Bldewalk In front was almost vs. No t!t49. prepara word In tho second line should bo tho 1 Totals termination la a happy ono for tho ritory, with retoronco to tho effects of "Puradlso Lost" upon mod-- as day. When ho turns on the 180 Mnrkham, Defendant. delinquent tax tnlisman, If tho letter wero nearer Tho Hummers wero 2C8 points to Llcy Susnn court, nnd county officials as well. tion nnd publication of em religious beliefs, Mrs. Marsh nddltlonnl llghta In tho Keno sign the defendant Lley fausan re- "I," than "Q" tho lotilrvlllo and tho good. Tho said lts, nnd In handling tho proceeds showed thnt. "Paradlso Lost" had serv-- 1 ohect will bb brilliant beyond descrip hereby notihed a W. H. POPE. Nashville should get tho business and Cnpt. W. E. Damo won $6.50 worth Markham Is that JUDGE sulting from tho collection ot tno tax cd Its purpose, but In tho main Its in-- tion. oeen commenced vice versa. Mr. Hoyd wns fortunate of Mexican clgnrs for 228, tho highest suit for dlvorco nas through tho district court. fliionco wns not for tho best. Mrs. W. Four extra flno Angora goats In court ot A Short Biographical 8ketch cf the enough to cut "L," whllo tho nearest scoro tho past two weeks against hor In tho district Tho opinion of Solicitor Gonoral G. Hope, rend numorous selections for two crates, arrived from Lako Valley torrltory ot New New Judge, Mr. Coon could como to "Q" wns tho Bernallln county, Hartlctt follows: from Milton. today, en routo to Flagstaff, Ariz. Tho Moxlcc, by W. Markham, tho Tho newg of tho appointment of "O.". Tho Loulsvillo & Nash-- OF RARE PLUMAGE. James Santa Fo N. M Sept. 2G. letter Is year for tho Tues BIRD breeding of Angoras Is a rapidly decree ot Judgo Popo to tho position of associ- vlllo secured tho business, therefore, This tho third said plaintiff, praying for a Hen, Charles V. Safford, Trnvollng day Literary It Is composed al- growing Industry In Now Mexico. Sev- you tho said Justlco of tho territorial supremo at a good rate. dub. And Which Talks an Indian Language absolute dlvorco from ate Auditor. oxclusivoly ot on Important shipments hnvo been you said de court was recolvod In an Associated most ladies tho With Great Facility, eral defendant, and that the Dear Sir: In reply to your Inquiry A Faywood Hlghlnnds. made from this territory as far cast bo uebarred from any Pross dispatch from Washington yes' Party. A passenger on tho train thlB morn fendant forever I would say tho form of notlco mem- STIssourl, where they ren- In or other- tordnyj that A party consisting of Mr. nnd Mrs Unfortunntely tno number of Pnso had a magnlcont as northtrn estate or Interest dower and collectors of de lng from El important service In cleaning up nny of plaintiff's prop- from treasurers W. H, Nowcomb nnd Misses Mndgo bers is limited to twonty, so that tho Drought Con der wise In or to Judge Pope's Career. appears to mo correct bird, which ho bad from land, as well ns producing high ns grounds therefor de- In Beau linquent taxes, Gay nnd Allco Bnlloy loft Saturday for numerous candidates havo to wnlt brush erty, alleging Wlllam II. Popo was born of tral Amerlcn. It vory much resembled fleeces, vnluablo pelts and de- you 1870. in form. I havo not scon tho form Faywood to spond a few dnys nt the their turn to (111 vacnnclcs. priced sertion aim adultery and that fort, South Carolina, Juno H. a parrot oxcopt that Its plumago was un- execution nor for complalnL but there Uio onjoymont year tiro: Mrs. licious llesh for food. forged the plaintiff's name. That At tho age of thirteen ho removed to springs and partako of Tho officers for tho vastly moro varied and brilliant, com Hodgln no thoy Bhould both bo uni president; A. Professor and Mrs. C. E. less you enter your nppearanco In Atlanta. Georgia, whoro ho recolvod U doubt and comforts offorod nt tho Hotol Con Olivia Blrtwoll, Mrs. J. blnlng every color of tho rainbow Crls-ty- , will leave tonight for several Califor- the 24th day ot 1880 form all ovor tho torrltory. suolo. Mr and Mrs. Nowcomb and Marsh, vico president; Mrs. 13. B. said suit on or oeforo his high school education. In ho - with numerous shades and blondlngs professor's ultlmato pro Tho suggestion that It la unnoces- early Saturday after- secretary; and Mrs. A. E. Wnlkor, nia points, the November, A, u. 1903, a decreo ontorod thu Unlvorslty of Georgia, Miss Oay left Also its tall wns fully eighteen Inches being to spend tho winter against you graduated nary to advertise whoro personal sor noon arriving at tho springs in tlmo to treasurer, destination confosso will be rendered from which Institution ho lone, whllo though but about half In tnklng a post graduate courso at attorney is vice can bo had Is unsound, Tho act, Balloy, wont down on In said causo. Plaintiff's receiving tho degroe meet Miss who post-olllc- o with first honor, grown. It would mnko fully three or Berkley. Professor Hodgln is drnn ot H. F. Adnms, whoso office nnd of chaptor 22, section II, laws ot '99, ab tho evening. Tho party ro-- ENGLISH MISSION OPENS. of Mastor of Arts nnd Bachelor train that four parrots of ordinary size the University faculty nnd has oeen Is Albuquerque, Now his solutely rooulro publication or. an oe ports a delightful tlmo and Miss Gay address Ijiwb. Unon tho conclusion of Bishop Walden'o Reception Tonight Tho bird attracted tho attention of grnnted a year's leave ot absence For Mexico. of lluquont taxes, and whoro porsonal oxprossed tho sontlmont thnf'Now law studios ho took up tho practlco has Preacher overyono nt tho dopot, and Its cntlng many years ho has been connected (Seal) W. E. DAMB, Cierk. lndrmont la wanted tho district auor Mexico is surely flno." Silver City Present law In Atlanta, bocomlng associated p. Hev. A. Mor- ot corn was cspoclally comtnontcd on. educational Interests of noy simply has dork of court Issuo At 3:30 in. today P. with tho with tho firm of which Hon. Hoko Independent. superintendent great big, hooked, black beak, but ho Is ono of tfcJ raro purl RENT. summons. Ami when tho Judt,x rison, D. D., ot the lta sccrotary Interior undor tho MINT--Room- s Smith, of tho I Now Mexico English mission of tho without aid of 'aw, shollod tho corn and admirable examples ot able and FOR with board. Hot may ordor a soparato suit, that docs E. A. Cahoon ot Hoswcll, grand tu second Cleveland administration, Episcopal church, opened from tho cob ni., thou broko up the accomplished men who think that and cold water In every room. Casa. rnt An ftwnv Wltn ine puuiicauuu. master of the Masonic grand Jurisdic Methodist was tne neau. ono by onv. lotting several Ib yot something they can learn do Oro, G13 West Gold avenue. regard to tho suggestion that tho tion ot Now Mexico, Is In tno city. tho nlncteonth annual sosslon of that grains tho there In 1894, attracted by tho superior In nooooocooocoococoocooooooo or beforo tho 21st tiny of November, THE PRESBYTERIANS, 1D03, a decree pro confesso will bo LOCAL ALWAYS TIRED tendered ngalnst you. BECOMMO Modlor, Plaintiff's nttorney, E. L. PARAGRAPHS whose postofTlco nddress Is Albuquor-que- , New Mexico Synod Convened : i NEVER RESTED N. M. A 8ooooooooooooocX)cxdooooooo MOTHE my hnnd nnd tho seal ot Santa Fe Friday Evening, To be tired out from hnrd work or bodily Witness of Iter, i the suffering and danger in storo for mlw exercise i natural nnd rest is the remedy, but snld court, this 1st day ot October, 'A, of all pleasant anticipations of tho COIUlll? OVCtlt, ,i. there is an exhaustion without pbysicnl exer D. 1903. '1'! will wenti-tics- shadow of gloom which cannot bo shaken ilT US.IIK Tho local board of education never-reste- d s MINISTERS AND DELEGATES PRESENT, tion nnd n tired, fcclinK n (Seal) W. H. DAMR, Cerk. hare found that the um of Mother s dum Jilt hold a regular meting tonight. without work Hint in unnatural nnd shows First publication, October .1, 1903. confinement of nil pain and danger, and insure to lt. llegular meeting of Central Labor some Beriiir.s disorder is threaten intr the licnltli One of the chief causes nl Last publication, October 24, 1903, gewiloii Prosbytor-Ift- never-reste- d Tlie nnminl of tlio and child. Thi scientific liniment a iimI-ih- I li v .un it tho union this evening nt 8 o'clock. that "Always tired, condition" is impure ldood nnd bail circu- o with rich, pure blood is lack of Synod convened In the First Pres- time of their most critical trial. Not on! ;. iv .,.,.'(, IVicnd Malls cars were placed today on lation. Unless the body is nourished there Notice of 8ult. U . luld-l- . nervous force, the ititts. byterian ohureh of Santa Po Inst Frl carry women safely through the p ,( n . Init irr, ito trains No. 1 and No. 8, to run between PorOTBr(our ,. r iTorod with Knerol debility, Territory of New Mexico, County of 01- - my gently prepares the system for the coming "morning Albuquerque nnd Junta. clcS become weak, the osuntnct n thoroiiRh bronklnn lon of ytom. My Hornnllllo, In tho District dny night. vci.t, prcveius a nnd oousln, uo Imcl boen boii.lllcil by Ii 11. H., told mo Court. iiakne.t," and other dis J. V. Keys, who wos in chnrgo of Rcsuon linimireu, Bl)0,t tt I trlrd It nnd it ourod mo. 1 hrftrtlly Chnrlen O. Snyder, plaintiff, This body 'mimics tho ohurchoB of comfort, 1 disorder occurs comment 8 H. b. to nil who inny frel tlio noed of a of this period. HU&Cvb' the Santn Fo construction work on tlio tlirnitvlinut the svstciil thoroughly good blood tunic. Yours truly, vs. No. C44I. New M ox loo ami Arizona, embracing rn cut-of- A, Sold by all druggists at Helen came to tho city yester- - MllS. JOSItl Jlltll TAIN Mary L. Snyder, defendnnt. three Prnsbrtorles. In tlio fourteen ATI uP Debility, itisotnntn, tier- 4 w. Ninth Bt., ColumU,Tonn. It.oo per bottlo. Book day. vousncss, iudiKCslion. Tho said defendant, Mary L. Snyder, since the My unit was jinrs cotistttiilod containing valuable information free. Temple lodge No. C, A. F. nnd A. M., dyspepsia, loss of nppctitc, strcnutb nnd energy, nnd the hundreds of little Is hereby notified that n suit for di- this In the fourth time tbat It hns mot will held a spcclnt convocation this The Bradfirld Regulator Co., Atlantn, Ga. nnmenis weoiien nnvc nruuuc (iitecuy in n d.ui con- vorce hnno bet u commenced nMlliBt tn Santa To. FRSiZim tvliiliig for confcrtlng tho third de- dition of the blood nnd circulntion. nnd tho quickest her In tho district court ot Hornnllllo Twenty-fiv- e ministers answered to gree way to get rid of them is by purifying nnd building county, torrltory of New Mexico, by of tho oponlng meeting of thi roll tall count rv and tak" sonte Imtlis an lie (iHinty arrived ,ast night from tho Tho Indies the flermnn Lutheran up the blood, niul for this purpose no tcmedy equals Charles O. Snyder, tho said plalnilff, Inst Filday says the Now Me church nro requested to meet next di- nlnht. had not fell well for home time How-- i .(niier. country S S, S . which cotitnitis the best ingredients for praying for a decree of nbsoluto Several elder? were en- Wodnesday afternoon nt tho homo of up system tan vegetable blood purifier knn alto vex. both of those purposes could be Heye Allterx, who wns nt Denver cleansing the blood nnd toning the It vorce from tho snld defendant, and rolled Other tep"n arrived Airs. Orundmnti. combined, the blood nnd through it theentire system rtativos accomplished In the one trip. visiting a and other rulntlvos, nnd tome tlinlenrichcs thnt you, tho tnld defendnnt, be for- tonkin a Hood reprosenu-an- slstir I). H. Anderson, editor of the Irri- refreshing sleep comes to tired, never rested, body Saturday, There it some iaJk that ho sold to city. is nourished and the ever debarred from any vstntc or in- - has returned lo the gation Ago of Chicago, Dole-gnt- o promising Interesting W I.. Trimble the wngon which tho writes THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, terest In dowor or otherwise In or to Miss Mary Wnlker of Snntn Ke at- Itev. W. Hayes Moore of the of Charity formerly used to Ilodey that he will probably any of plnliitlrf'u property, nlleglng ns rtlsters W. C. Miirney. Is In Uio niece of clt; tend the territorial talr. y committee on arrangemente. met the ahe the children to nnd from St. Vin- grounds therefor desertion anil adult-cr- !( nftnr tho fnlr. Agent A. K. t ninii bringing In the commissioner cent s school, tbat It was placed with remain till Route Powell of tho SOUTHERN CARNIVAL COMPANY Thnt unions you enter your Wells Fargo Kxptess company, recent- from various directions, nnil dlreetod him to sell on commission, Hint he re- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kummoror nro In snld stilt on or beforo tho ly appointed In charge of them to tho homes whose hospitality ceived fW for it. and thru none of the at home again, after two months apont tho Colorado 17th dny of November, A. I). 1003, a hnd been extended. wag to the Sis- at their former home In Pennsylvntilu. Springs district, reached the city laBt amount turned oter night Will Prove the Tent Attraction at the Territorial Fair, decroo pro confesso will bo rendorod Major J. W. Hilton, the well known ters. A. 1. McOaffey claims thnt Mr. Capt. A II. Fitch passed through ngnlnst you In raid cause. Plaintiff's Dr. C 0. Crulekfihnnk, supremo ivnngell8t, eamo In from Io Angelas, Itennetl ho not accounted for a flue the city Saturday night, returning t nttorney Ib II. V Adams, whose office represontntlve. nnd J. It. llurton, o to represont the general nstumbly's mare of Ida which was placed In tho nt Mngdnlenn from nn east postolllco Is Albuquerque, his home deputy, will nddress tho A. O. and nddress committee. He will tie honrd In hands of the coinmlnfllon man for New Mexico, em vialt. U. ,W. at their hall, on tho now rnto at mooting, tho rln-- ' wile. The Ilenhnm Indian Trading K. DAMR, several Alfred Krost. cnshler of the Klrot of the order, nt 7:30 tonight. W. Clerk. cpnl occasion being Sunday evening company yeeterdny effected nn o-- . National bank of Dolon. wns in the K. W Chambers, general freight nt the 7. IB o'eloek Her. to the place. Third nnd Cold NOTICE OF SALE. J city yestonlay. Ho returned ngont for the Snntn Fe const lines, .' Kirk, from Philadelphia, hag been entie, and removed a numliur ot south Inst night. hendiiunrters nt I)s Angeles, but for- In tho District Court of the County of for many year In Alnaknn work and Navajo blankets wiilcb hnd been plac- It Is nl-s- o Nicholas J. Plpport. Ph. 0., proslilont merly here, went enst yesterdny to Hornnllllo, Territory of New Mexico, wl'l represent the board of home mis- - ed with Mr. Hennott for sale. he not rondered of the St. Louis Urtig Clerks' society, spond his vnentlon In Chlcngo, Tho Hnnk of Commerce ot nl , pln'n-- j Flung Hov. nncan Hrown, I). I)., claimed that had says: to city nn account ot the dog tax- Is in the city and will probably romnln Tho Flngstnff Sun II, W. tiffs, vs. John A. Johnson nnd Julia school missionary Ari- tho nliii-Bi- I Snbhoth for all winter. Ctilll, I t ,,f Incl wn.lf Johnson, do'cudnnts. No. &771. zona, will sneak for this cnuro Dr. es collected by him an iHiundmaster. Mrs M. H. Itlffel. who hnd boon vis- from Albuquerque where ho wns cnll Notlco Is hereby given thnt under Hi own hns Just been called to become ed by the lllnecs of his cousin. Hnrry by The Salve That Heals iting her son. A. S. Itlffel of this city, I nnd virtue of the decree of snld pastor In .Moxleo City, for which ho Without leaving a scar Is UoWltt's. b ft Saturday night for hor homo In Culllmnn, formerly of this city court In the above entitled cause, will next wook. 1 leave The name Witch ilazel Is applied to Springfield, Knnsns. Dwlght Wheeler. H Cox nnd scv dated December 15, 1900, the under-- ! opening was pronehod The torinun j many salves, but UoWltt's Witch Ha-- I Miss Frnnrls Hutta Hint oral other city hunters shnulderec' signed appointed master In said do- - Lnp-Rie- y ronuosts ly the retiring moderator, Itev. zol Salvo is tho only Witch Hazoi nnmo con their guns yesterdny nnd bled them cieo for the purpose of executing tho ' be withdrawn from tho A. McAfee. D. D.. of Phoenix. Salvu mnde that contains tho pure un- - test for carnival queon, thnnklng the selves for n hunt nlong the river south mne will on Mondny the 2nd day of Arizona. It Is a dirort gospel mofsngn ndliltn fit I ti i tv llnl, hnnl If nnv nthor fnlr association for the courtosy. of the city. They were successful. November, 1U0II nt 10 o'clock n. in., upon tho thorno, "Jesus, tho King." Hoj:o1 you It Ib Vegns Witch Salvo Is offered Mr. and Mrs. 13. II. Walters of Illlls-dal- Mrs. J Wnddlnglinm of Lns o? said day, at tho front door of tho wns question to Tho text Pilate's the a counterfeit. K. C. .joWitt Invented Knnsns left for homo nftor will probably make an exhibit of art court house of Hornnllllo county, "What will ye I people, then that shall Witch llazal Salve and UoWltt's spending n few days with their niece work at tho territorial fnlr Her work New Mexico, In Old Albuquerque, king of i do unto him whom yo call the witch Hazel Salvo Is uo best bbIvo Mrs. W 0 Hopo, wlfo of Dr. IIopo. Is considered line, and sho hnd some j N. M., offer for salo nnd sell to tho tho Jews." Tho mosnnBO wont straight in the world tor cuts, burns, bruises, Scott Knight returned night excellent pointings nt the Chlcngo I highest bidder for cash tho property bringing ng, Itching last to tho mnrk. homo to each ttdter, or blind, bleed. and from Arizona, whore ho hnd chnrgo of world's fair. hereinafter described, to satisfy tho nlloglnnce by H. Ilrlggs auditor tho duty of nbsoluto protruding piles. Sold II. the fair association advertising enr, Tho Washington Llfo Insurance Indebtedness docrced to bo due to snld to Christ, tin.osorvod loyalty and de- & Co., nnd S. Vunn & Son. which wns oxpected to nrrlvo today. compnny, .i. H. U Hieiiy, Now .Mexico Hank of Commerce from snld defend- o votion of heart nnd life. Mr. McAfeo six-too- n manngor, pinned lu position this morn- $1,310.90 prlnclpnl. and Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Hnnk, nfter I ants, d Those who visit the cnrnlvnl "Everything to ntnuse, analyzed present day attitudes Mrs Krod Lewis, who has bean horo ing noma new oillco furniture Cnsh ontortnln nnd $130.00 taxes pnbl, together with yonrs' of rosldonco in Albuquer- grounds pass under a brilliantly delight tho visitors is to bo found tho founder of tho Christian the past few weuks on n visit to hor lor Ulftlon enn now look smiling oif thereon nt tho rate of 1 per que, have irono to Cnllfornln, when ilhitnlnnti'd entrance arch on llanrond among tho fonturcs of tho big aggrc- - faith, and declared thnt respect of ad- Mrs. I.. J. Hummoll, left tills the Inside of the counter. cent per month trom tho date of said mothor, they have purchased n fnim nenr Im- nvi-nu- street, bono-ftcln- above Third visitors gntlon. There are fifteen distinct miration of Christianity and Its l morning homo nt Anm-- i Tony Ilodrlguer. enme to tho city decree (Decemberlfi, 1900.) unt; paid, for hor Tlorra perial. will onl.i be charged ten cents ndmlB-Hlo- shows, each of which Ib different from deeds nn.l missionary enterprise yesterdny from Williams, Ariz., whore fni-ii- with DBtM ii f Rnld suit. In Ilia, where Mr. I.oaIk Is head clerk Hert Wonn, In tho United Stater nnd will see nil kinds of free at- the others, nnd each ono hns Its own could not suffice, when only personnl Sli- ho hnd received a bad llesh wound cluding nn attorney's feo of $150. nnd nt tho Thos. I), llurns gonornl merch- mnll service belwcon Itlncon nnd tract! jus nnd diversions without extra cosy hnndsome pnvlllon theater, bril-llnntl- y ncceptnnco of tho Christ hltnsolf nnd while repnlrlng n car. Ho wont to the wns by snld andise store. ver City, was In tho city this morning charge: and will find fifteen dlfferont lighted limbic nnd out, nil which Indebtedness homago nnd worship could hospltnl nnd probably will be laid up and Hen upon tho of jovo on IiIb way to Vogns to visit hit pavilion shows to each ot which a comfortably seated. Merely nominal adjudged to bo a first tntlsfy. ir.fclstnnco of sermon several weeks. Tho tho BASE BALL. father's family. for nominal price Is charged. prices are chnrged to the shows. The saldproporty, nnd which Indebtedness oxprosso-- l com-mnn- J. H. Abner nnd MI?b nua Kowunl, with was in tho words of W S. Irwin nnd dnughter, Miss Al The voting far queon of the cnrnlvnl highest Is the, which chnrges will on snld day of sale nforesold Klig," and tho two well-know- teachers of the local sum of "Makn Jesus Saturday's Games. ice,, spont In city, started Friday night, nnd the boxes twenty-liv- e cents being Interest, nmount to tho who lest wlntor this government Indian school, will bo uni- tho feature coronntlcn If iho Itedcemor of men Clovelnnd, Octobor 3. Tho first passed through yesterday on their way are to he opened nnd ballots counted show, and Inning so many performers together with snld costs of to ted in marriage tomorrow night, nt S de- haa held for tho duty of thofo of n series of six games for the base from Snn Diego to Toronto, nccom tonight, nnd each night for the week the price Is not considered excessive. suit nnd costs of salo; and snld by spir- o'clock, at the school, Itev. j. P. Mor-d- y In tho whom Christ wns revealed the ball championship of Ohio between pnnylng the remains of Mrs. Irwin. of votlus. It is not expected that vot- The bp; trained animal show Is an- fendants having mado default God, worthy all will perform the ceremony. on or it of ns to recolvo the Cincinnati national leoguo team II. S. PIckard, paying of tho ing will get started In earnest before other oxpenslvo attraction, nnd chnrg- payment of said Indebtedness tollor Tho Socorro Chieftain says: Dr. Ki of r,lory, dominion nnd honor. nnd tho Cleveland Amorlcnn league First National bank. left Saturday this evening. es fifteen cents. Tho rest nil charge before ninety days nfter the date of devotional ser- lls McDougnl and family of Albuquer- decree, nnd At tho close the team waB played here today In the nlfiht for Denver, whonco he goes to The advance representative of the ton cents nnd are worth much more. tho rendition of snld boIcc-tlo- que have taken up residence vice, tho synod proceeded to tho presence of G.000 persons. Clovelanc. their Southern Carnlvnl company, C. A. List of Attractions. which snld Inlebtodness still remnins McPherson, Knnpns. to visit rolatlves this week In tho Hanna house on of a now tnodorntor. Tho cholco won by r of 2 to 1. Doyle, gave the following Information "The following u a partial ot duo nnd unpaid. Tho property to bo scoro Ho will be gono nbout three woks. Springer street. Dr. McDougnll has list fell upon ono of tho younger minis- . It H V regnrding his big aggregation: our Tho Stndlum, Dream- sold Is described ns follows- At St. Louis A. A. Keen, tho territorial land roglstored for the mining engineering attractions: ters, and wns a surprlFo to the mnn & 7 2 "The Southo.n Cnrnlvnl compnny land, Moorish Theater, tho Old Planta- Lot No. S, In bloU No. 19, In tho AmoricntiH commissioner, whoso hcndniinrters are course nt the school. who wns then called upon to deliber- 0 3 G which comprises n complete Midway tion dog and pony show, tho Glass Now Mexico Compnny s Addi- Nationals nt Snntn Fe. una horo Saturday nnd Tho Hennott who skipped out. leav- Tvn ate itev n.tblno Ilondon. pastor of d travels in its own train ot twenty PaKtcc, Animal show; Lottn, the flro ns said lot anil block nre known Hnttorlos: Puwoll nnd Sugden; Sundny on n vlr!t to his family. Mr. ing behind mourning creditors nnd tion, the Second (SpnnlRh) Snntn cars; it furnished attractions for the dancer, elect rlr theater, wondcrlnnd, nnd designated upon tho map of said of nnd O'Neill Keen returned to Santa Fe last night. l.nlf n hundred happy onnlnos, who nro Ke, wns unanimously elected te this K post live yenrs nt the lnrgcst street "Phnroah's Daughter," "lisnu" tho addition mndo by M. J. Mack C Ii., At Uoston - II E Darby A. Dny, manager of the Now rejoicing ovor nls dopnrturo. Is not Hit olllce 7 0 fairs nnd carnivals back cast. Nat Eiilgmn, camels, "Harrol of Ixivo," f'.iod In the ofllre of the probnto PlttBburg Nutionnls t York Mutual Life Insurnnco company In nro J. W. lionnett, ns nnnounrod tlm mcrry-go-roun- d Tlev Mr. Itemoii wns oiiucatod In I llelss, tho manager, hns Ideals and steam gondola, nnd nnd recorder of tho Uoston AmoricnnB - - for New Mexico, hns returned from .1. H. dog c'rk New Mexico Democrat but Hennott. tho finds it most prolltnble to eliminate Ferris wheel. Theio nro other nt county of Hornnllllo, on the 29th and In the Prosbytorlnn Ilntterlaa: Phlllppl and Phelps; n successful trip ovor tho Colorado & rntcher and twund nmator all objectlonnblo features, nnd pre- tractions mnny and vnrled. 1882, being situ-nt- o theological school nt Uel Norto, Colo., HughBfl. Young nnd Crlger. Pecos Vnlloy rnllronds. any of December, and Southern nnd IJ. F. IngnllB. a prominent merchant, sents only clean, moral nnd refined "Monrdour Du Hell will ride a bicy- Albuquerque. In oidalncd by the Prosbytory of Santa At Chlcago- -r H H K n. Tlonnott, gonornl mnnagor of In the city of Ira of Sou Dlogo. Cnl.. Is In tho city, nni nniiiseireut. Tho carnivals Port- cle st o holght cf fifty feot obovo the New Mex- tc nnd has ,,er"ed in sevornl chnros, C 9 2 ccmpnny, re- tt snld county of Hornnllllo, Nationals the Amprlcnn Lumbar will romaln horo until nftor the fair land. Seattle, Spcknnc. llolso ground on a live electric wire at night, irovliiK hlmseif u minister of the AtnorU.ins u c night buying Salt ico. turnod lnii from a horso Mr. Ingal.- - brought Now bc-rl- word, needing not to bo nahamod. but to Mexico hid Lako and Colorado Springs wete a showing the wheel to bo one myrlnd Snld salo will bo subjoct to approval Hattarloe: Wicker and Kilns; Pnt trln to Knnsns. Tho horses nre for nopliow, r'ghtiy dividing iho wonl of truth. In Hobert Lunn, whom ho pine ot Bticceesos, and the newspapers of Incandescent lights nd a beautiful and confirmation by said district terton nnd Sulllvnn. ubo In his company's forests in west ed on a Lnmy. mm. thoHO sight It) Gray's thrill- opening the Muslims lottnlon last ranch near Tho of cities were unstinted in their behold." Mait court. orn New Moxleo. Is not enjoying of praise of tho shows ing high dive. Fuklno's slide for llfo, night he showed ability nnd Judgment Sunday's Games. tho bost honlth. attractions, and THOMAS S. HUHHKLU Oeogo Arnnt, tho ofllclont nnd wor- C. Hoy Hur- - prosonted, ns your exchange Hose stairway the synod look great Klgor has arrived from features and Lemon's tonlflc Master and ovldwtl.v At Claelnnnli thy local mnnagor nnd director of tho llngton. Has., to assume principal will prove. ride and mnny more. pleasure anil tatlsfnction In having Nntiannl 1 the Dated this ':7'.h day of August, 1903. Cluctnnnt! wholesnlo grocery ostnbllshmont of ship of tho font th wild public school this young brother to preside. Spank A no n 3 Cluvoland men OrosB. Kolly fc Co.. wns nt Lns Vogns of this eiu mnde vncnnt by tho resig- (he Ip city from Hockor-Hlnckwo- Co., Wren, PonloHlcc Inspector ing UnKlloh and Spanish Inntnuiges St. Louis Amerloaus on business yostordny Ho rotumod or tho nnd Little niiuplr nation Gilbert Sollnrs. Mr. Klgor - Drying propunttlons 'A o- .Mngiinicna, boing to nppcar beforo lilin Octobor 9 nnd with equal rendinosH. the moderator Louis Nklifluato to tho city Inst night. Is a porsonal friend of Superintendent nnd the wool is they dry up tho rrtioim, In- - qualified du- - scoured nt Albuquorquo Wool show cause why they should not bo wil. iiocially for his At Chicago- Miss Clara Covoll of Topekn Is bore A. H. Stroup, who recommends him the which ndboro to tho luxmbrnno nnd decom- S. punlshod for contempt lu disobeying nibb- Wmu ties. Chicago Americana 2 on a visit to her slstor, Mrs. J. S. HenV' highly. scouring mills. J. Mnctavlsh, of tho pose, causing n far mora t.erioua tr The committee on arrangement re- - Chicago Nationals 10 n Magdalona llrtn. wns hero, nnd recotv- BiibiHieuns servod iixu them. tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- en. Mrs Covell Is returning from Marshal MoMlllln gave tho football ing iulinlniitn, fumes, rmoki-- ntui simitis i orl.-.- i ill., nnd was et. wool, turning it ovor to tno urocraui the order visit to Snn Frnne.lsoo nnd other Cat players th prlvilogc of advertising the mid mo tlmt which cIosunvh, hoollicH mid niliu.twi wltbiMit chance Itev. Joiin You Know What Ycu Are Taklnu scourers. Itev. Du non n Hrown, recontly of liornln cltlns. nml stopped ovor for a their Saturday's game, cn tho cement In Mty litnlrt. Lly's Creum llitlm is such n rininly r.ry. t Whe yuu tnke Orove's TastoUss Chill Trading compa- Phoenix, wns tho ovor Sundny it . John Meeker were dny' visit In the New Moxl sidownlki. of the city; but he did not The nonhnm Indian nnd will euro oatarrh or cold iu tho lend fw mnn-nger- Visiting Dun- waa To",c' formula is plainly ny, with A. 11. McGaffoy ns local . his daughter, Miss Julia easily and tilraxnntly. A Iruil stzo will bo ed temporary clerks. Provision metropolis. contemplate their printing tho doois Unlvor-slty- . on every bottle showlnB that It places can Drown, librarian of tho limited for JO cents. All ilnn-gUt- i sell tho ma.e Tor nuUorlsl reports of the Mrs. Prntt of Now York City, nnd wlnd.iwB ot the high school build- will havo ono of tho finest nd ln " - John Itov. Hrown proslded at tho COo. sizo. Lly llrolbcni, S'lrrtn St. , N. V. public press of the1 ftd ,ro, ,"nle ing. Ik In lu tho southwest to display thnlr Melons for the nnt- bus bean hero the pnBt fow It snld thnt sevornl doors !ul mi lf tor- - pay; SOe. who Piesbytorlan church yesterday at both Tho I earns without wn, d s nnt report the home No cur; no hamlnomo new will to ntock of Navajo blankets and curios territories. The of weeks viaitlnK Mrs. John Dorradallc this edifice need morning ovonlng sorvlcos. Ho irrlliito or cniiHO snoozing. It si rmd It. If Is put shnpo the and . mission eotunuUee and of the sjrnodl-- PERSONAL fARAGRAPHS. and other relatives, will go up to Snntn. bo ropntnted, no soon ns overythllg lu over nu irritntrd nnd ni nry hui fiicn, r tho left last night for Moxleo City, Mex- en! ominittee was made by Her. It Ke on Wednesday morning, nnd bo tho Tho city's wnter supply wns turned Tho compnny occupy quarters at ing Immediately tho pniiiful liillniiinuiiion. ico, whoro he Is called to accept a 1 CroHin Hnlm you K. OalR were aa4 the afMclal H A MicWey came in thi morning for n short off yoateuliiy for tho puiposo of plac- cornor of Fim street and llnllroad With ly' nro armed Mt eueat of relatives there Naaul Hay . - charge. ugnliut Cutnrih ml l r. or itr of bust uess tor S o'clock ftatur-- 1 l,om B'n- Utne. Mrs. Prntt was formerly Mrs ing n lt hydrant nt tho corner of nvonuo. T- w - 8cuf't,or Second stioet and Cool avenuo. Tho Tho SturgM European restnuran tlR. afternoon. John Symington. George Wolf of Mobllo, Alabama, Is i f, 1ju v work unsatlsfnctnty, wns morning with a URLINGAME & CO.. Tlx following tunbsn of tke synod Jamas R. Duncan, Jr.. of Las Vegas, whu and wiib furnished this goekn Veeder. altomey at law, U tried again last night, but with no bet- largo Mnjosllc range, purchnsod from n rocont nrrlvnl In tho city. He of tli rraabrtatian chureh have ar t.hrouah the metropolis last loeiv nenne N0 chemical mused . tlio of honlth. HUeci-ss- wns post- the wost for benefit his i Ke i ,"wn fro Vga. tor Further work tho Albuquorquo Hurdwnro company noon uiiiui. LABOATon r ve.l lu and will remain In Saturday night for los AngolnB nnd hns snmo oxcellont lottors ot roe . lw poned till today. will give the two ohofs of tho res- 1ttUli1lihcilinColoriido,ie& Simplrtby rnallor ihe lly uatil Monday or Tuesday of Jun" where be accents n position in the This will receive prom and ereluttlcntloD Ow t tott A cnieb-t-- s small boy riding a bicy- Goetz nnd Glrard cinendntlon. ezpreii ft next week: R. vs. DtiHcau Mown, T, ftkma ofllr-- of the railroad builders and con taurant Messrs. Gold & Sliver Bullion KBdl.MjBcdMraVD'.,,,, into n lady nt tho corner of guests I). and Ijftpslny A. U. w. Major Braast Mayors returucu tnw II. Lantry He was ns cle inn an opportunity to furnish with Notlco. McU, tractors. Sons. Sat- Concenlrallon Tesls -,- ' Klor-one,-- . nnd Second street Hy MVrt"(caVtem.!r Ariz.: B. O. MeekOT morning from a southern trip slstant postmaster nt Lns Vegns. Thin Silver nvenito nrdoin In n Uvollor innnnor. tho In tho probnto court, Hernallllo rhoen. uen coun urday afternoon. Tho Indy had been I73C-I73- S Lawrcsec St., Denver, CHo. Harvey M. Shields, P. D. UU AsMnr Bibo of Valencia position has been filled by tho appoint wny, tho Sturgos European restaurant county. Territory of Now Mexico, shopping and bundles of many descrip- . boo; C. H. Ollaton. Thomas C t Is in the city for a few dnys one of tho best In tho wholo south- In the mutter of the estate of Cath- Iove. maul ot ltd ward Snorledor. were about. Sho was Moffett Tucson. I'rom New Mexico: M A Ortla, aaaeasor for SanU K tions scattorod west country, nml It will do Its sharo erine Ann Deaoy. c uninjured, tho predicament wns and outujr, t4t last night for home. OPERATION PERFORMED. but or feeding during fnlr week. Notlco is hereby given that on tho flevB Matthias Matthlesou very embarrassing nnd tho young nun Y. Taylor, Sooerro; Rooart M K A. Paraa made a brief trip to Otto Sttihlniann Is horo from Salt 1th dny of October, 1903, tho admin-- fharlM should be ohnstlrod. proper- Craig; C. Tbttmaon, D. 0., A.1 FWnailito to Kpend Sunday at home. On Gustave Beeker, the Injured Foot Lnko City to oxamlno mining Istrntor of said estate presented to , Hewer YoBlertlnv. between 12 noon and 2 IS. I). Dr. ftawrge V. Knrrlaon returned ball Player. ties nt Hanover, Magdalona and Cer tlio probnto court of snld county his buqueriiue; Chatted Lukeos. II. o'clock in tho nttornoon, tho dining CAVEATS,' HADE MARKC, Qua Katurtey Might from a trip to l)nvor. tho Lake F.rcBt rlllos, ns an export sent out by ensb final report ns such administrator, AND Itofwcll; John it Silver Ottr; Custnve Ileckor. room of "Tho Angolus" hotel, located COPYRIGHTS OESICNS. M. Mr. an Mrs Dun ftcrugas return Injured during a practice foot em capitalists. Ho Bald to 11. Huppo and nt snld tlmo tho snld court fixed Hnnilrour Miilnrmllrrct to Wutlilimlon, J V. Perrni. Iiartto; John Sklaid. student nt tho comer of First stroot and Silver taws lime, Kuala let), r rtlrn, Cru-cos- aight a to Mllwnukco, nt Monday 2d dny Novombor, M D K. F"rey. La ; ed last trow visit Snntn ball name, wns operated upon yestcr whom ho met at tho the of Mr tlllt '! S. vkUkIh-u- t Perea: Wn. guests. " Ttlnif 0Ot. avenuo. was crowdud with It 1903, hear--1 lmlliaUoni Uft4, Atlr-- Im not drittofll Mtvot M dny morning by Dr. Nicholas Scnn. It Elks' grand lodgo, thnt ho hns gron nt tho rogulnr term for tho John inly. Laguua; Norman wns tho first meal of tho new hotel un- l.lir.l rCKSOKAL ATTtNTlOHOIVCN IIVtAKS A J. Laomta, of the revetm deimrt third vertebra of contblenco In Now Mexico nnd bo lug of objcntlons to such ilnnl ac- ACTUAL IirCRIIHCe HtwUltUlnrtlllU.'1 Skinner, 1.a V' ua, Manuel Madrid. wb found that tho manngomout Mra. Nclllo 14., MM irM. FIHDU riMVM HMUn u, i,frn mat eveaing Las Oru was der tho of In Mexico nnd count ami the settlement thereof, ll mthoat tUrtt, U tuy 1(4 meat, left for spine had been Injured, and It tlrst-clns- confidence New astfci. Morn; Samuel Maglil. ton. Warren his Norrls, served wns a reln ihiI'1 1L AI nnd tho meal proporly devel- JAMES A. SUMMERS, C. II n el! Taos: and the two lotml pas- nocmsiiry to remove part of shnll hav been AGE Ve-ga- e ry particular. Chef Clrard INVENTIVE - c. In MsUil-'"m- a torrl-llevo- s Clerk, t Ulwlrtua nlb rwr- yr. v Lns Probate H-'- Il-- Charley iferley arrlTMl from though tho physicians admit thnt his oped, the mineral wealth of tho tors. w. Hayes Moore and did hlmsii proud yestonlay, nnd will Lan oi u. A. now a 1.0. SMMrinr uigbt, and may remain for rocovory are slight, and when the mines of tho ter-eve- n F . W.. rtnblno Itondon I). 1. Yosuk. of Lsf ehaneos continue do bo as long ns he ro-- that Notice of Publication. !E.I!.SIGGERS 910 St N. her the memlters Jf his fnmlly nt I nice tho most sangulno now antici- WASHINQTON, O. C. V..q Vlolnr r mnn unit W tf l'nne mnlns clx f at "Th. Angclus." In tho niBirici court of the county ot It. B Twltchell. attorney for the have been told" to remain with pates. of Santa Pe nr presuut as aiders. Forest The Bilvr City Independent snya: Hornnllllo, New Mexico. Fe. for Las Cruces Inst ii hhv call, tho condition nl tho pn members from other, Santa left Deputy I'nltod States Marshal John Emma O. Whltson, Plaintiff, oC YEAI7S 1, nt Is to bo TO A COLD IN ONE DAY night since tho opcratlou snld Albuqucr-qu- o CURE EXPERIENCE synods include Majur 0. A. Hllum of M. Wiley rnmo down from I vs. No. 0113. uf Sandoval imptoved. Chicago Tribune. nko Luxntlvo Hioino Quinine Tablets. Lou Angoles. lit v. J. W. Kirk of Phil Sheriff Otio Thursday and tho same ovonlng f Aaron D. Whltson; Defendnnt, All druggists refund tho money If It j ndelphla, Mr. W. II Bvatw, Kenmnlr, loft for Denting, having in chnrgo two 'i'o tho nbovo named defendant, Aa- falls to cure E. W. G ovo's signature N. D., and John Muekor, Portaies Chinamen ordorcd deported to the ron D Whltson: You hereby Flowery K.uEdom. Ho turned thorn CONTEMPT CASE. nro notlllod that tho POUNDM ASTER GONE. over lo Marshal Forakcr who took nbovo named plaintiff, Emma O. 'Whlt- MBMWPSWIIIII III I J them on to San Francisco. Mr. Wiloy of Brooklyn Cited to son, has tiled her complaint In tho Not Known Whether Away on Busi- District Attorney roturncd Faturdny and spent Sunday Appear In Caurt. nbovo court ngalnst you tho said Aa DCSIQNtt ness or Skipped With Money. COPVniOHTO Cols yesterday hla family horo, v'.., lM r. Tn,ln MnU in. ron D, Whltson, praying for nn abso- - ic. Dennett, proprlttor of the Ai Levi 6 and with Aiitotiw llilliia Velrli ul d crlili t ihkt j, If Stxaass - ' Into qulchlv lurefUIri i,ir rreo uht'lier returning to Albuauerquo ovcnlwr, restrlctfng fur divorce and a dissolution of the rsiiruii u livery stables, and who wa8 lat day planted nn order lii. 'ntlnii lit iirfiliBlilrnilrnliibto. roniiiiiinl vnrado - I'mMii, broker-- . Coppex1 tory will jirove vastly greater thnn thor heurlngs In tho action for roniov bonds ot matrimony existing between tloinnlilcliyeoiiUdeiitrkL lUndt wn.n also engaged In tlio live stock riveted. you tiMit rri irnm gerner lor rerurniir I'meno. away since or's union wtw received today by tho al brought agalnet Georgo W. Deavor, and tho said Emma O. Whltson, lUtAiita takufl Ihrouill llllllll A.Ouhle:tflr age business, has been upon tho grounds of desertion, aban- tfirM nntiet, wlllumt tlnroo, In lb Tuesday, and Burniioa is acUvc district organizer ot tho America Indicted iioatcl ofllclal, Tho examina- last They will bo was sot today was ad- donment nnd falluro to support. to what has l.ccomo of hint. Federation of Ixbor. tion which for ScteMific Hmerican. ita un 15. Judgo Tito said defendant, Aaron D. Whlt- A frlcnda ho J known as Allied Metal Mcchanlcn' journed to October Holt also himdtomelr lllutrl1 klr. elt told aome of his that Ove Is notlflod you ruutlon of mir eelenlise lurnl, Iriel'I'ermi 13 son, hereby that unless t le to buy and get Ion No 70. Tho International head today signed an order requiring tho inur mtmtlii, II. rUMtirtU nwii,Ber, wan going out horses your appcaranco in suit jri others he quarters nro at Peoria, Illinois. united mates district attorney of cuter said MUNN & Co Yorli reedy for fair week. To on ojBNew Brooklyn, his stenographer, Miss und nnswor tho complaint therein OSS I.O Mia he km going out to tho Jeraez Two thousand sacks ot wool arrived JirucU Orto.

a tlon of ten miles of com-plet- o road from Willis OFFIPIAL MATTERS, Pneumatic dry concentrator Is a northward, which has been under con- success, tract for several months paat, was to Notwithstanding rumors to tho con- liavo been complotod by Septcmbor IB, trary, wo aro satisfied that tho man (IVailroad i agement Topics on account of mtio doinys win Notary Ap nt o d S urvey of the Albuquerque will tut it do s Approved fair ARIZONA TOWNS I - not bo finished nnd rendy for opera- . . "toto fair" on tho ball games. Thero Robert Greonlcnf, appren- ot tho lino tlon before tho middle ot next month. -- Foreign incorporation. has boon somo dissatisfaction In pnst mnchlnlat tendent Santa Fo's fruit years, WINSLOW. was horo ntlir a Mexican boy sup- tice, Is laying off suffering lilooit said yesterday tho company The company has thirty or forty sur- nnd some of tho boys do not from that cntliiiMO posed to have been kldncppod from poisoning. would haul during tho season mora veyors at woik locating tho extension over n professional umplro In From tho Mall. TERRITORIAL FUNDS. tho pay of tho mnnngoment; wo Mean. Railway earnings aro a million dol- than 17,000 carloads of fruit, which Is to the north wrud. but Tho nttondam o nt the public school nro confident everything will ad- Georgo Hubbard of Young ami thlH an Increase of 3,f00 carloads over bo shown an Increase over last week, 190 lars a weolc greater year than last justed MIch Henrlettl Pearco of Taylor, year. It Is also said tho total Save Two From Death. to the satisfaction of Iho par- pupils are now enrolled. lost. that Governor hns ticipating woro mnrrlod nt Gallup. Trey trainc In California San- "Our llttlo daughter had an almost Otero appointed the clubs. Mrs. J. Drtimm and family did havo Tlio Salt Lnke City council has pass fruit over the not j fatal attack oi whoo, lr.g cough and following notary puidlc whoso com- Mnjor James It, Wnddoll of St. lo&ve a boat of friends hero who Join tho ed by unanlmotu voto tho ta Fo lines this year will exceed tho for Chlrago. Mrs. Drtimm has onllnnnce d mission hns of- In hnppl-noe- aggregate tramc by all other lines. bronchitis, writes Mrs. v. K. Havll-nn- been Issued from tho IOlds, Mo., camo In. AH of our citizens derided to wait until spring. Argus wishing thorn much granting tho Oregon Short Kino rail- fice of the territorial secretary: Fran- will Mnjor Is Owing to the enormous buBlnes? of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when n.i remember Waddoll, who Hurr Williams has been In tho moiin-- j way company lia frnnchlso for n new cisco Perea of Perea, Sandoval coun- president of the colony which the company Is doing In tho other romedles failed, wo saved her National and talus the past wcok rounding up hors-- I depot and other proposed terminal fa- ty. was Climatic fruit lino nn order has Just boon given .ife with Dr. King's Now Discovery. sanitarium, with us this spring. es for shipment to Ims Angeles. Tho Cures. cilities In that city. Tlio Improve- Tho major Tho Influence of for fiOO now refrlgcrntor cars, to bo Our niece, who had consumption In nn comes this tlmo with a mil mala wero tho property of Tom climatic conditions ments coutomplntcd by tho company Application for 8urvey. view to locating In tho cure of consumption Is vory delivered as soon as they can bo con- advanced stage, also used this won- In Doming, and wo Williams and ho sold them to Mr. expenditure of nearly n Tho following application for sur- much poor Involve an structed. When theso nro received derful inediclno and today sho Is per- tako pleasure In welcoming him to Smith, a horse dealer of Imh Angeles. overdrawn. Tho patient, vey has been mado In tho surveyor our Regarding and tho rich patlont, too, can do million dollnrs. the Santa Fo will have over 4,000 re- fectly well." Desperate throat and midst. tho sanitarium The advertising enr of tho Albu- - much 1. Kennedy, agent for tho Santa lung general's ofllco: For tho survoy of Tp. Major Waddell says bettor nt homo Dy proper attention to J. frigerator cars, and will be Indcpond-a- t diseases ykld to Dr. King's New that Its matters querquo fair association will hero Is C N , It. 8 !'., In Valencia c ounty. food digestion, regular Fo Central at Morlarty, at Santa Fe, of the Armour enr lino and other Dlscovory as to no other medicine on are progressing favorably If slowly; part of the wcok. It is artistically and a uso of Kenne- sue-ses- s German Syrup. visiting his sister, Mbb Grace compnnles operating private cars. earth. Infallible for coughs nnd colds that It will ultimately becomo a decorated nnd la n groot advertise- Freo expectoration In Foreign Incorporation. tho morning Is by Gor- dy. The rapid grnwth of the Santa Fo's 60c and 11.00 bottles guaranteed by he has no doubt. ment for the fair. Tho bill posters mndo certain August Ilolngnrdt, superintendent of A certified copy or the articles of In- Doming man Syrup, so Is a good night's fruit trainc during the last two sea- all druggists. Trial bottles frco. Tho schools, with Prof. W. decorated the s with somo rest corporation under the laws of New tho ot bridges and buildings for tho Santa sons Is largely credited by the olllclals o H. Dickey, as superintendent, nro mak- very line paper and distributed around and nbsonco that wcaKcnlng enmc to Jersey, of the Cavalerns Mining as- cough debi.itnttng night Fo Central, In from ICstnncIa to the fact that they canceled all their CHANGE IN TIME CARD. ing nn excellent stnrt. Prof. Dlckoy town hniulBomo posters. and sweat. spend btindny Santa Fo his sociation, prlnclpnl ofllco at Camden, Is Rostloss nights and tho exhaustion at with contracts wIM: private car lines, which a rcnl school man, nnd ono who Kov. E. L. Thomas nnd wife of Lin-- i Fe N. J., has been received hy Territor- duo to coughing, greatest family. nro said to bo unpopular with tho Cal- The Santa Central Abarr'ins the knows what ho Is nlout, No torm of coin. Kns., and J. II. Thomas and wife the danger L. Penn- ial Secretary J. W. Reynolds. The In- nnd drend of It. McCnnco, auditor of the ifornia fruit growers, began milldlng Night Schedule for a Day Local Ser- school has ever been opened hero of Trinidad, Colo., aro visiting W. C. the consumptive, can bo company ot vice. corporators are II. T. nnd H. O. Cam-ulo- n prevented or stopped by taking Ger- sylvania Development nnd their own ears and engaging In fruit with moro of promise than this. Ev- Tbomns and fnmlly. Rev. Thomas la tho Santa Fo Central llallwny com- Tho Initial order Issued by Ocnornl of Philadelphia, mid John O. eryone who can possibly avail himself man Syrup liberally and regularly. trndo on tholr own nccount. At tho Wilson pntor of tho Methodlat Eplacopnl pany, left for Pittsburg, Pa., whero ho Manager of tho Santa Fo Central of Cnmden. John O. Wilson of the opportunities offorcd through Shoulu you be nbio 10 go to a warmer same tlmo that the contracts referred Is agent church at his home. llov. Thomas will remain some time. railway, was named as the of the com- our courso of clime, you will and tuat of tho thous- to were canceled tho Southorn Pacific the abandonment of thn pany. exhaustive study and has been Invited to preach here and Mn!l Cleric Charles A. Carruth of determined to follow the same course, n!ght rrhedulo on Hint system, ami caroftil Instruction In nil grades should tomorrow, both morning and evening, ands ot consumpt.vcs tncre, the few tho Capital city, Ih tnklng a two be In No In who are bonofltod nnd regain strength but Inter decided to renew tho con- substituting n day loral sorvlco. Survey Approved. attendance. school tho he will occupy the pulpit of tho Moth-- j weeks' vacation In Colorado nnd east- Oc- territory oilers moro than does ours. aro those who uso Oermnn Syrup. tract with the Armour car lino. Ileglnnlng Saturday morning, The survey ap- odlst Episcopal church. ern points. His run Is being covered following has boon Everything building Trial bottles, 26c, regular size, i6e. tober 3, tho ScntJi Fo Central train proved by the surveyor general; about tho Is ncnt, A pretty wedding occurred nt tho by Clorl: Chnrles J. Slsk. He a Tho Wo a corps n. " Learned Great Truth. will leavo tho Cspltnl city at 11 a m., survey of tho Nnnnlo Ualrd group, fresh and attractive. have home of Mr. nnd Mrs. George Robin--j II. U. Mudgc, general manager for Is G of eight teachers who are It snld of John Wesley that ho arriving nt Torrunco nt p. m. Tho mineral survey No. 1170, comprising Interested son, wnon tholr dnughtor, Miss Olllo WILLIAMS. tho Santa Fo, has returned to Topeka onco said to Mistress "Why lu work. Altogether our Weslev: crow will then lay over at Torrnnco the Nnnnlo Halrd, Dove. Anncondn, their schools Leon and Mr. David E. Parkor wero from a short business trip to El Paso, do you tell child thing nro nil most exacting In From tho Nows. mat tho same ill night and o.i returning' lenvo tl""o Muggle, Sophia nnd Helen lode that the critic united mnrrlngo by Rev. S. A. Toxas. Ho wub accompnnlcd by Hen- over and over ngnln?" could desire. Georgo H. Hnrney roturned homo "John Wesley, ul 8 n. in., arriving In Santa Fo at 2 claims; the Annlo Hooney lode claim, Smith. Tho bride was attended by ry Iantr, his chief clerk. because onco tolling Is not enough." froc a short business trip to Los An- p. m. mineral survey No. 1171, and the Llt- Mrs. Wm. F. Gobl8worthy and Mr. howls Horlck of tho Santa Fo bollor It Is for this samo reason you A Cure For Dyspepsia. geles. that tlo Annlo Hooney lodo clnlm, mineral Ooldaworthy was the groomamnn. Tho Bhop, will leave In a few days for A- are told again and again Guam- - Dieting I had dyspepsia In Its worst form nnd Dr. A. Tyroler returned homo from that Invites Disease. survoy No. 1171, all situate In tho brldo nnd groom nro both well known lbuquerque, N. M., whero ho hns se- berlaln's Cough Homed)- - To folt mlsornble moat of the time. Did a fow days' visit with his family at cures colds euro dyspepsia or Indigestion It Silver Hill mining district, Otero nnd rcgnrded highly by their many cured another )osltlon with tho Santa nnd grip; It any ten- Is no longer necessary live on not onjoy eating until after I used Albuquerque. that counteracts to milk county, New Mexico, the Is friends nnd acquaintances, Fe, Bays tho Topeka State Journal. dency of claimant Kodol Dyspoj sia Curo which has com- Mrs M. Grose doparted for Ash theso dlscnsus to result .n nnd toast. Staivntlon produces such the Jnrllla Mining compnny, and was John Onlvln, traveling engineer for pneumonia, nnd that It Is pleasant and weakness tno wholo system be- pletely cured me Mrs. W. W. Saylor, A Perfect Painless Pill Fork, where sho will remain till tho that nirveyed by W. W. Jones, United i...... i. . . . tho Southern California, passed safe to take. For salo by all drug- comes nn easy prey to disease Kodol Hlllinrd, Pa. No nppetltc, loss or in uiu unu nun win ciunnan uiu sya-- 1 first of tho weok visiting her daughter Stntes deputy surveyor or Mar-cln- l, through tho city otner evcnltiR on gists. San strength, nervousness, headache, con- torn, set tho liver to action, remove Mrs. Finnic the Dyspepsia Cure enables tho stomach New Mexico, bis way home from a convention of nnd digestive organs to digest and as- stipation, bad breath, cour risings, In- the bile, clear tho comploxlou, curo Mrs. E. 11. Simpson depnrtod tho engineers held Chicago. digestion, dyspepsia all headache and lenvo a good tasto In first of the week with daugh- at Court at Raton. similate all of tno wholesomo food Territorial Funds Received. and stomach hor llttlo W. II M ('Million par- troubles arc quickly by uso tho mouth. Tho famous llttlo pills ter, Helen, for sent another Judge John It. McFlo will leavo that one cares to eat, and Ib a nover Territorial Treasurer J, H. Vaughn cured tho for California, whore sho ty of lalnircrs to Arizona to on of Kodol. Kodol represents nnt-ur- doing such work pleasantly and effect- will remain for some tlmo. work Sunday for Haton whero ho will hold falling euro lor Indigestion, dyspep- has received tho rollowing territorial tho tile construction of a railroad between all Juices ot digestion combined with ually aro DeWltt's Llttlo Early Risers. Mrs. Mnudo S. Phllbrook was grant- tho remainder of tho present term of sia and stomach troubles. Kodol funds: From J. W. Itaynolds, terrl-torl- Phoenix Mnycr. Grant Brothers tho greatest .mown tonic nnd rccon-trucuv- o Hob Mooro ot Lafayette, Ind., says; ed a first grade certificate by tho terri- and the district court for Colfax county digests what you eat makes tho stom- secretary, $2,37G, fees for cor- nro contractors to whom tho men properties. It cleanses, pur- "All other pills 1 have used grlpo and torial board of examiners on a diplo- tho nnd will hear several cases on tho ach Bwcct. Sold by H. H. Hrlggs & poration filing. From A. A. Keen, were sent. ifies sweetens tno stomach. Sold sicken, whllo DeWltt's Llttlo Early ma from the stnto normnl of docket of the court ami In which Co., and S. Vnnn & Son. commissioner of tho territorial pub- and Illinois. Hock hns Is- ny II. II. Hrlggs & Co., and S. Vnnn & Risers nro simply perfect." Sold by Tho ranchers aro The Island railroad just Chief Justleo Mills feels disqualified. o lic land offlce, $10,039.32 to bo credit- hereabouts busy .1 new Son. H. H. Hrlggs and Co., and S. Venn & harvesting crops. sued folder which coutnlns tho Now Mexican. SILVER CITY. ed to the following funds: Common their Irvln Sanders o Son. revised and tlmo tables of school Income Agricultural hns a force ot men engaged In cutting tho Fromtho Independent. $l,282.f0; stacking crop all the branches nnd divisions of Ran a Ten Penny Nail Through His college Income $4(5.34; Agricultural TERRITORIAL FAIR NOTES. nnd a line of hay. It Sep- Horn, In this city, to Mr. and .Mrs. will po- road. The tnblo Is corrected to Hand. rollego pormnncnt 1,170; School ot KINGMAN. soon be tlmo to begin digging tember 13. J. W. Jackson, a datightor. Mrs. Jack- A tatoes nnd a good crop of While opening a lor, J, c. Mount of Mines Income $100, School of Mines, Few Interesting Facts About the MI. theso aro Conductor James Tomploton, who son was formerly Miss IJdnn Hawkins. From the or. looked for. Three Mile Hay, N. Y., ran a ton pen- permanent. $1,920; Military Institute, Big Fair. Mrs. James hns been In chnrgo of the train on tho Contractor Grabo hub completed tho Harnett and iior motnor, John Fisher, employed nt ono of ny nail through tuo fleshy part of his Income, $10.31; Military Institute, per- Tho secretary or il.a fair associa- Mrs. William Sslby, gono tho Ilnrnwcll brnuch for the past year, re- repairs to tho Ladles' hospital, con- havo to Los camps cast of town, camo In this hand. "I thought nt onco of all tho manent, $1,920; Palace, income, $89; tion received tho following telegram Angolos, re- turned to Needles from an extended tracted for by the county commission- where they will In future week to enjoy a pain and soreness this would cause Reform school, Income, $fc0; Reform this morning from J. K. roBt and spend somo In ers, nnd the work has been accepted Schrocdor: side. hard-earne- trip east. He spent several weoks mo," ho snys, ap- asy- of his money. Wednes- "anil Immediately by the board. school, permanent, $9C0; Illlnd "Fnrmlngton, N. M., Oct C Can e Mrs. Alice Rowers returned from New York and nt Chllllcoth Ohio. plied per- day night someone, who must havo Chamberlain's Pain Halm and lum, Income, $10.34; blind asylum, relay rnco between Clny Wether-H- I tho J P Kerlcy of tho Santa Fe pattern Mrs. Joan Moorman anil little daugh- Truxton ranch, whero alio has aeon his roll, on occasionally nfterwards. To my sur-prls- o manent, $1,813.02; Deaf and Dumb cracked him tho head, shop nt Topeka, will leavo shortly for ter, Joan Elizabeth, will leavo for and Paul Arrlngton If you still offer been looking after her cattle Interests. cutting a couple It removed nil pnln nnd soro-nes- s asylum, Income, $100; Dent Dumb ot gashes, nnd reliev- on of Louisville, Ky where they will make and sumo purso. Wire at once so thoy Mrs. J. C. Rhodes and lirothor, Clar- Now Mexico account his health. nnd tho Injured parts were soon asylum, permanent, $1,920; Minors' ed him of $'20. la now employo an indcllii'tu visit with relatives. can get roady. Wcthorlll will try to ence Hutlor, returned from tho old Mr Kerley n of the healed. " For by ll druggists. hos- Mrs. M. I. Powers, wife of tho as- saio Theodore W. Carter purchased from hospital, income, $10.34; Miners' pick up NavaJoos on tho wny over." home In Mnukato, Minn., a few days road, having been employed In tho asy- sistant cnshlcr ot the Arizona Central pital, permanent, $2,100; Insane telo-gram- , ago. Mr, pattern shop only n fow weeks ago, James S. Fielder tho property on Ari- Tho secretary has answered tho Rhodes met them hero and bnuk nt Flagstaff, Mrs. Wlnslow Railroad Waifi. lum, income, $12.80; ponltentlnry, In- they gone to and Carollno says the State Journal. zona street near Urondway, at present tolling Mr. Schroedor to Inform havo the Leland camp to Smith of Iowa In., Engineer MeKcnnu's family are vis- come, $10.34; penitentiary, perma- rcsldo. Falls. both former Tho Knnsas City, Mexico & Orlont occupied by Samuel Llndnuer. Messrs. Wethorlll nnd Arrlngton to schoolmates of Mr. Harry Pylo of tho iting nt Clinton, Iown. nent, $1,920. Mrs. E. P. Lambert, who has been wont through hero ycaterdny, says tho W. C. Porterlleld loft for the east como. This cinches tho relay rnco. local bank, stopped over here Wednes- Engineer John Ilrlscoo Is off on n visiting y Kmporla It was a train load and will bo absent for three or four Thoso desiring tickets to tho Monto-ztim- a her mothor, Mrs. E. J. day Oaaette. leavo of absence will Confessions of a Priest. for a visit with Mr. and .Mrs. Pyio and try his hnnd o nt Mineral Pnrk, cattle from the Indian Territory weeks. Ho will Ilrst visit his family ball will groatly obllgo tho com-mltte- has returned on of "bringing In Rev. John S. Cox ot Wake, Ark., tholr return to Flagstaff after a at them olive." Ho Is on In Kansas City, after which ho will go In chargo to her home In SI. Louis. She was bound for Knnsas City over tho Santa p writes, "For twelvo years I suffered of same by writing, trip to tho Grand Canyon. Ib bear hunt. to St. Louis, Chicago, New York, Phil- much plenaed with tho country nnd Fe. This rather unusual, us tho 1 stating tho numhor wnnted and tho H. W. Vnndovero rrom yellow Jaundice. consulted a signified Orient hns an agreement with tho Mis- has returned from adelphia and In fact all of tho eastern name of purchasers, public will her Intention of returning FLAGSTAFF. Ixis Angeles, whero ho con- cumber of physicians and tried all fhe making a long rela- souri Pacific to haul Its trains to Kan- hns been cities of importance on business mat- greatly obllgo tho commltteo by com- and visit with hor Vnu-dever- sorts of medicines, got no relict. fined In St. Mary's hospltnl. Mr. e ters. but tives. From tho Sun. sas City from Wlchltn. 1 plying with tho nbovo requesL Ad- Then begnn tho use of Electric Bit- AII8S who - lost a finger whllo coupling Pat Nnnn, .Mark Marshall, Will Bertha Beecher, has been F. NoIIIb, of put T. J. Anderson- goneral pnBsengcr feel I dress Montezuma, this city. Williams, in tho In- ters and that am now cured of a seriously 111 agent of the Southern Pacific road, cfirs, but .hns recovered from his Glenn nnd IxhiIb Hnrksdale are among Three largo signs at Williams, for two week courting In FIngBtnft. disease that had mo In Its grasp for "Wolcome, pnst, In ac- Chin-w- o juries nnd Is bnck his duties switch- thoso from Grant county who will par- weeks arrived Kingman A. McKay has undertaken to Instruct tho at years." If you want a "Statehood" and "Montozumn" will J. started for Pino, Ariz., ing In yards. ticipate In tho cowboys' twelvo reliable companied by her slater, Mrs. J. S. In tho beat methods of cooking the tournnment at oriinment Railroad nvenuo fnlr week whero he will teach school tho coming operation Albuquerqiio next month. There aro medicine for iler and kidney trouble, Withers. Her Illness has been ot a rice. He has Just shipped to tho Tho last on Tom Secger's stomach dlsoruer or general debility, Thoy wll bo Ut up, tho samo ns last winter. con- proven several others. It stands to reason neuralgic nature and physicians ad- Flowery Kingdom cook books Injured nrm has fnvorable, and get Electric guaranteed year, with electric Incandoscont lights. Chns. E. Nowton, of Mnrlotta, Ohio, saya that tho Grant county lry8 will mnko Hitters. It's vised her removal to a lower and taining 200 different rocelpts for cook- Tom tho grafted skin Is uniting by all druggists. Only 60c. O. A. Richardson, of Hoswoll, proal arrived In this city enrouto to Tuba ing rice. Ho did so nt tho request ot with tho other Ho will, howover, a good showing and get away with warmer climate. City. dent of tho Now Mexico Irrigation Mrs. Tina Anderson departed a Chinese mcrchnnt of Hong Kong. never again bo able to follow tho trado tholr Bharo of tho prize money. fcr Mr. S. SOCORRO. commission, has begun to mnko up the Gold Road, engag- and Mn. E. Clark, ot Phoe- It Is announced by Hock Island of- of flrctnnn. While Tom undergone Eiischln Covern, tho Mexican miner whero she has been nix, nro. Flagstaff has program for the Irrigation convention ed visitors this week. ficials J. It. Ulalr, superintendent Buffering recently operated upon by County to teach school for tho ensuing that months of nnd been perma- From tho Chieftain. to bo hold In tho city on Tuesday of Mr. Clark was called hero on court of termlnnls at Kansas City, has leen escnpo any Physician Westlake, was discharged, term. Miss Anderson passed a cred- nently crippled, his with M. Lowcnstelu woo a visitor lu Al- fair week. President Mnrron, of the itable examination for tho position business. appointed superintendent of tho Kan- nrm Is completely cured, last week and has nt all miraculous, considering buquerque. fair association, will receive tho pro- In Kingman Hon Coffin, enrouto from a visit In sas termlnnls division of the Hock Is- roturned to his home. It will bo re- and her ninny friends that tho wheel of a ponderous loco- J. P. Kelly of Water Canyon, had gram In Kansas to his homo n' Noedlcs, stop- Hlnlr Is now virtually a membered that Covera was committed a fow days after which It will wlsb her great success with hor Ilrst land. Mr. motive was tho causo of his Injury. business In Socorro. ped o.T horo to visit his brother although to tho county Jail suffering from In- be published In complcto form In tho school. division superintendent nnd A quiet wedding took plnco at tho Mrs, Charles Mills and son ot Las Georgo. He left fdr his home on Tues- sanity. Dr. Westlake reached t'.io n city Oatly papers his title Is alKMit tno same It Is stated homo Mr. Mrs. Goorgo Olios, From tho Wealth. day. of nrd tho re- Crticcs arc visiting friends lu this city. Georgo L. Gouldlng of Denver writes that ho will have moro territory un- that troublo was tho gono only a fow Intlmnto friends of tho A. D. Coon of this city, has been p. E. F. Thompson has to San Ono swallow does not mnko a sum- der his supervision. sult of pressure upon tho brain and thnt ho will bo hero with batch o. brldo nnd groom being prppeut. Rev. appointed by Governor Otero ono ot Francisco to have his hnnd treated. mer, neither docu one mantlo of snow Tho Fo rending room at Nee- decided uxn nn operation, which was outlaw horses, nnd thoy nro all named. Santa S. A. Smith pciformod the ceremony tho delegates at largo to tho Irrigation Thnt hand Is causing Ed considerable on tho peaks a winter. top dles received a Stoddard piano which altogether successful and brought tho Tho local lawn teni.lB players state mnko Tho changed Miss Mona Hhincs' convention to bo held In Albuquer- trouble. of poakH showed will bo used for tho social functions that patient back to his normal senses. that soveral outside teams will bo tho whlto with snow name to Mrs. H. A. Funk. Mr. Funk qiio during tho fair. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. E. Austin left for on Monday, Is given ut tho rooms this winter. Tho hero during fair wook, nnd participate but ideal fall weather is ono ot engineers From tho Enterprise. District Attorney A. A. Sedlllo has Los Angeles whero thoy will go Into In will bo pnld for by tho snlo nt tho best known I'. tho scheduled games. atllt the order of tho day nnd about piano E. Wolnhnrt, a professional placed on of of- tho rooming house business. given on tho Snntn Fo and Is well thought nurse Just tho shelves his In thn queon contost Miss Fingatuff. tickets for entertainments at tho carnival , of Albuquerque, hns ontored tho gov- fices about $1,000 worth of now law Sheriff Lovln nnd Deputy Gideon Hox-vcith- rending rooms and elsewhere. A- of by everyone, whllo Mrs. Funk Is nn Mnrlo Wlncheek lends, with 127 votes; Hnrry C. A. Greon and ernment 'ervlccs as attendant In the books nnd has otherwise fitted him- chaperoned a big bar of gold from tho lready are on n ball to ndmlrablo lady who has won tho Miss laaboila Annljo 89, Miss Isa- F. W. Hnselwood returned from a six tickets snlo for Foil Bayard sanitarium. self for the business of his profession. Gold Road mill to Wells Fargo last bo given tho Opera house, Monday friendship of nil who hava had tho bella Spencer 78, Miss Allco Wetter ony's trip to Mormon Lako, hunting at Mrs, O. VY. Turner nnd son loft for MIsb Mny Harding left for Donver Mondny. They nro coming In pairs evening, November 10, 1903. pleasure of meeting hor. Wlnalow 72, Miss 41, Miss Ethel tho festive duok. They reported a tholr home In Fresno, Cnl., after a whero alio will reside with relatives. Francis Hutts weekly. It will soon bo nip and tuck Topeka Stnto Journal says: A Mnll. . Miss pleasant tlmo and a moderately suc- Tho visit of several mouths with Mrs, Tur- Miss May left a circle of wnrm friends Gntlln Tho Citizen learns that between tho Gold Rond and Leland chango has taken place In tho night to mnko race, cessful hunt, bagging something over Gained Forty Pounds In Thirty Days. ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William tn Socorro who will glvo her a glad Hutts has declined tho which can turn out tho biggest gold nt Fo depot. Oeorgo with- a hundred ducks on tho trip. force tho Santa For soveral months our younger Lolzuro. welcome whenever she ma bo pleased bunco requests that hor name be brick weekly, Ilutterly, tho night ticket clerk, has Prof. A. L. D'Obyo and wlfo, of Ann brother hud been troubled with Incil-- , Miss M. E. Hunker, who taught In to return. drawn. Judgo Logan has been suffering with promoted to a position In tho Arbor, Mich., wero viewing tho points been gestlon. Ho tried several remedies the Clifton school last year, will return Mrs. Appleton, mothor of Mrs. F. C. a bad cold for several days but Is on Santa Fo's city offlco nt St. Joo and Do Good Pays. of Intorost In tho vicinity of nag-staf- f but got no relief from them. Wo pur-- 1 In n few days from California to take Lincoln, left for California whero sho li tho mend. Tho Judgo Is as woll pre- has been succeeded hero by Walter A Chlcngo man nas observed that, tho first of tho weok. Prof. chnsod so mo ot Chamberlain's Stom-- 1 a school at tho Cospor ranch, about will visit until nbout Thnnksglvlng served a man aa can be found In any Albunucrquo. Mr. Horn, tho o D'Obyo Horn of neh and Liver Tablots and ho com- thlity miles above Clifton on tho Dlue. day. Mrs. Appleton will then return "Good deeds aro better than real country. He Is 80 years of ago but Is n morcbor of tho faculty of new clerk, formerly hoid tho same po- somo of nro Michigan menced taking tncm. Inside of thirty A. Silverman of Portland, Ore., ar- to Socorro for tho winter. deeds tho latter the old aro somotlmos young ns In University and a mombor of sition hero that ha now holds, but worthless. Act kindly nnd gently, ot Adcbnool-og- y days ho had gained forty pounds In rived In 8Hvor City nnd expects to A. Hlchnrdoon, who wns omploy-c- d this case. Tho Judge's Intellect Is as tho American Institute ngo ho resigned W. soveral months this Beckor-Hlackwc- show sympntny and lend a helping finds flesh. Ho Is now fully recovered. Wo spoud several months in tho city for for several years by tho ll clear In bis olllclat duties as probato and much to Interest him position In favor of tho position ot You by have a good trade on tho tablots tho benefit of his health. Mr. Silver- company at Mngdnulenn, nnnu. cannot possibly loso It." Judgo ub It was ton years ago when In California nnd Arizona whero ho night cleric at tho 8nnta Fo do-p- Most men appreciate word ticket Holly nros., Merchants, Long Ilrnnch, man wns captain of the crack ama- resigned his position a fow days ago a kind and wo (list know him. Ho hns filled the has spent tho last two months. In Albuquerque, N. M. Slnco that encouragement Mo. For salo by all druggists. teur baseball team of Portland. anil hns gono to Fort Smith, Ark, moro than substantial o.11co of probate judgo for many years From the Gem. tlmo, Mr. Ilutterly has occupied tho help. nro persons com- Word has been received from B. D. whero ho hns accepted a moro desira- Thoro In this with ability and ho Is good for many J. Whnrton James of the Grand ofllco during tho night. munity who might truthfully say; ticket Insures Longlvlty, Whenlon, once a rcsldont ot Silver ble position. years yet on tho firing line. Cnnyou hns been visiting horo for tho "My good up. fow A New York man who Is 100 years City, nlxiut a year, that ho Is Is some- Attorneys Sedlllo nnd Dougherty friend, cheer A pnst fow days, Millionaire's Poor Stomach. ot Chamberlain's Cough Romcdy Only a ery Few Published, old and hns been paying premiums on what Improved In health by his so- will push tho collection of delinquent doses J. J. McMurtery will loave for a busi- worn-ou-t or over-fo-d will you ot your cold, Is Is not possible for the proprietors Tho stomncn tho $10,000 llfo Insurnnco, ;or seventy journ at his homo In Baltimore. Mr. taxes as soon as a now judgo Is ap- rid and thero it ness visit In tho Indian Territory and paraded In tho no dnnger piioumonla to publish moro than a vory fow of millionaire Is ofton yonrs, declares that tho man who Whoaton may eomo to tho west for pointed for this district. It Is a grave whatever from Arkansas. prints a norrtblo example of when you uso medicine. U al- Chamberlain's Colic, Choleru and Diar- public as wants to llvo to n rlpo old ngo needs the winter. lp that tho collection of the that Georgo Babbit and fnmlly who havo on possession ways cures, I know It It help- rhoea Remedy and telling of its tho ovlls attendant tho only to Insure his llfo heavily enough. Col. James A. Uctts, brother of II. county's rovenuo should bo dolnyed for has visiting Lo Angolos for a fow wealth, nro ed nij out many a time." Sold by all cures. Thoy como from peo- been it of great Hut millionaires II. Hotts, returned after a llfteen for such a reason, but thoro seems to weoks homo. only who aro nffllctod IS drugglatc. plo In every walk In llfo and from ev-cr- y returned not tho ones 8TORY AT WORK. months' visit In New York. Ho was bo nothing for It but to wait. who hns proportion Is o state In tho union. Tho following Miss Crcola Black, been wltn bad stomachs. Tho accompanied by William J. Drlscoll of past Dyspep- Making Two Surveys for the North- Mr. W. of Prntts-burg- , sick with typhoid fever for tho far greator among tho tollers. Richmond, N. Y. Mr. Is For a pleasant physic Cham- A Fine Concert. from T. Grcathouso ern California Line. Drlscoll a take speaks would two or thrco weoks is no bettor. sia and indigestion nro rampant conductor on tho Lang Island berlain's Stomach nnd Liver Tabletfl. Yesterday, lu tho nfternoon, many Ga., for Itself: "I Chlof Engineer W. n. Story of tho railroad nave now uso Flagstaff haj a base ball team that among theso peoplo, and they suffer and Is taking his vacation, breathing Easy to take. Plensnut In effect. For cf tho city's folks assembled on tho been dead but for tho Santa Fo has returned from a trip to Colic, can tako tho stsrch out ot any bona far worso tortures than tho million- In Nov Mexico's ozone. salo by all druggists. green lawn, tho broad walks and of Chamberlain's Cholera and c fide rcsldont team of any town In Ari- aires unless tnoy avail themselves ot Humboldt county says a San Francis-c- o of tho Alvarado nnd enjoyod Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured mo of Cnptain S. P. Vcstnl, United States zona or .Mexico. a standard modlclno llko Green's Au- dispatch. concort of chronic diarrhoea after seven years New army, wLo Is at Fort Bayard, was tho DEMING. a well rondored musle as Sun- favor-It- o Ho says a survey boon complet- ot suffering. I can never say too Miss Mary Funston will leavo gust Flower, which has been a has recipient this week a very hand- a compliment from tho First Hoglmont of mucn In pral o of romedy." day for Penci Springs, In Mohava household romcdy for all stomach ed on tho east sldo of tho Hoi river, some present from hand. Musical peoplo among tho audi that For tho civil employes From tho Headlight. by druggists. county, whero she will commonco troubles for over tnirty years. August nnd with tho Idea of determining tho nnd quartormnstcr's onco remarked tho band showing salo all staff at Fort Judgo Seaman Field leaves for Los o teaching tho public school at that Flower rouses tho torpid liver, thus comparative ndvantngos of tho two con- improvement. Thomn Chattanooga, Tenn. It Cruces to attend a meeting of t'.io much plnco next Monday. croatlng appotlto and Insuring perfect sldos of tho river In tho location of a very evening I), HOLDROOK. sisted of a handsomo silver tea board ot regents ot tho Agricultural In tho Richard Harrison Capt. John Horace, who discovered digestion. It tones and vitalizes the touto for a now road ho Is now having and coffco set, anu was accompanied college. of Lob Angolos, who will glvo a read system From tho Argus, , tho Grand Canyon previous to Chris- entiro and makes llfo worth a survey mndo tho wost eldo. Fay-woo- tn by an address In which the donors ex- Ralph 0. Ely, manager of tho d lng nt tho African Methodist Eplsco Julius returned from a y Wotzlor topher Columbus, was horo talking In living, no mnttor what your station. Whllo tho work Is progressing rap-Idl- pressed their respect for tho captain Lead company, at Cook's Peak, pnl church, entertained tho guests ot tilp to Concho. clos- Trla. bottles, 26c: regular slzo, 75c. rough char-ncto- r the carnival and witnessed tho and satisfactorily tho and tholr hopes far his speedy restor- was a visitor In town. Mr. Ely states tho Alvarado with somo vory clove wns Con- . o Josso Mnrblo down from ing hours ot district court. ot tho country Is such that ho ation to health. most emphatically that tho Harper Impersonations. cho frolght. FRUIT SHIPMENTS surveys In after Miss Anna O'Brien of Bolmont, does not oxpect to have tho C. H. Brown, tho sheepman has shapo to warrant tho placing of nny happened to n vory painful accident Will be Record Breaker This Season gono to look after his snoop. Sho was running her horso on tho on Santa Fe. contracts for construction work this Mrs. J L. Clark and son, Dick who winter, Ores CHp raco track and ho run against a rope, Owing largely to tho fact that It has havo boon quite sick with dlpthorla, which across Whllo tho Snnta Fo Is busy with Its Cure a Cold in la Two Diys. had been stretched tho boot; using its own refrigerator cars, One aro now on tho Improve track, throwing horse, surveys, tho C?'lfornla Northwestern ii thereby tho tho Santa Fo railroad company is J. J. Voaburgh camo In from Los and sho fell underneath. Sho was un- Is losing no tlmo In tho work of ex- Laxative Bromo Quinine on every breaking all records this season for Tk Tkhu. Angolos and left tor his ranch on conscious for some tlmo. No hones the transportation ot California fruit, tending Its lino northward to Eureka. Srvw MMeu kese seM la Mat 13 norths, sfvJb box. Tbk sfaaatm1. 25c. Chorry Creek. coa-slde- rt says tho construe- - yJyT wore broken but sho was bruised says a Chicago dispatch, Tho superin I'resldont Foster Sheriff Cook ot Maricopa county bly. yearn, but of Into yearn tio has been ' through COMMERCIAL CLUB, hU patent shipping case, work than ought to bo crowded Into running on an ongino In Mexico. practically Belling TERRITORIAL FAIR NOTES, all of tho oysters so DISTRICT COURT, Cy Warman, a noted al- 121 short a time, but In addition to thin MH!M ft McCKElOHT, Publishers. writer, was used In I'ajo, a city then or 16,000 so at one time a fireman on tho Don- - Inhabitants, other dealers said An- part of our labors, wo havo endeavor- of the Hearst Parly drews had the patent and their oys- The Races-T- ed, In obodlon.-- o to tho Instructions Subscription Rato. el!arilrJ:?Z;roZPPolntnien! Harness he Montezuma of Nellie Rlngle Gullty-- Oslly Cltlifn, per year ter trndo had been ruined. Calling up- tho court, to mnko such Investigation A Jewelry Thief ...,,$6.00 of many of his storioB railway per of and Committee, on Mr. Androws, an arrangement wns of tho conduct of tho Not Guilty, tVeeklr Citizen, yqar 2.00 western life. Ball, business of tho entered Into by which L. C. llrooks, n county ns would bo of somo WANT son of O. h, llrooks, engaged In n practical valuo to ANOTHER INCREASE. I tho public. Straightening IU Line. Tho South ADRIAN G, similar In Albuquer- UMPIRE ANSON. lino of business CARNIVAL QUEEN CONTEST. Wo now feel thnt tho tlmo nt LIST OF PETIT JURORS, Locomotive Firemen Organizing a em Pacific company Is mnklng oxton-slv- o que, N. M., should havo tho exclusive our disposal has been entlroly CrusAde at Chicago. Improvements on tho lino of tho right to uso tho patent cases In his to tho proper performance Galveston, Harrlsburg & Snn night The case of Torrltory vs. Illn-gl- o Every rallrond systom In tho United Antonio Lau the Commercial club held business on a royalty basis, Yesterday afternoon Socrotnry a, of our full duty In this direction. Wo Nolllo west to Kl Paso. being titates. Canada and Mexico will bo Curves nro lu regular meeting nnd a busy tltno Tho Messrs. llrooks In 1001, pur- of the Fair asoclatlon, sub- understand thoioughly thnt It Is not was tho first coso called for trial straightened nnd tho presented with demands for Increased track shortened they bad of It chased tho letters patent from Mr. mitted tho following list of onirics for pmctlcnblo to glvo tho grand Jury yesterday afternoon by tho petit Jury whorover possible Steel bridges and Androws, beginning wages and bettor conditions of Th request of the recently organiz- nnd at tho of this the hnrneis races, tho entries closing more tlmo nt the present torm of tho nt Bernnllllo culvorts are taking tho plnco of light- season, 11, llloom beenmo county court. Tho for 100,000 locomotive fire- ed Woman's Club for tho uso of tho W. Interest- jestordny morning: court, but wo onrncstly recommend er structures on nil rivers nnd creeks. ed, giving a woman ot tho doml-worl- men, snys a Chicago dispatch dated club parlors for ono In to tho enterprise tho bene- to tho court In Tho "horseshoo," west of Comstock, Is nftornoon each fit Albuquorquo N. M., Oct. 5. that tho future, grand was charged with having obtnlned by OtP'jbcr 2. wcok. was onrefully of bis long cxperlenco as a suc- Juries bo given being straightened nnd Devil's river considered nnd Tho following is a list of entries for ns much ns throo fnlso pretenso somo $10, tho property Thi rato of wages to bo asked will declined, tho club concluding cessful salesman, whereupon tho busi- weeks for Is having n heavy stool bridge, placed thnt It ness manage- tho race mooting to bo hold under tho their lnbors. Wo havo of ono Clnra Vernon, of tha samo bo determined upon In a meeting of would bo camo under corporate long bettor to ndhoro to tho pre Twenty-thir- d worked hours and undor constnnt world, the gonornl chairmen's association of ovor It. Wells are being dug at Com- ment through tho organization of the nusplces of the Territo- which tho defendnnt secured cedent already sot, In the mnttor or Fair strain, In our eager deslro to do with- from ono McUovlit, by the Brotherhood of licomotlvo Flro-me- stock to furnish wntor for tho engines, American Oyster Carrier company. rial association, Octobor 12 to Impersonating continuous nnd rogulnr uso . in the tlmo nllottod to which begpn In Chicago, Thurs- It now being a long tlnio between of tholr 17: ..i.jjg us nil that tho Vernon woman. Tho testimony promises by organizations. ought to bo done, nnd yet wo day mooting will sev- drinks on that division. otlwi MEMBERS OF MYSTIC SHRINE. Free for All Race. know wo showed thnt the defendant obtnlnod The continue During day Delegate hnvo not fully eral days, or until all the details of Tho tlmo between San Francisco tho llcrnnrd S. Horse Ownor. succeeded. Wo exam- tho money, us allowed, and tho Jury af- Kodoy rocolved n messngo from I ined at great hngth Into being the new schedules to bo presontod arc nnd Now Orlenns Is to bo shortened It. allut Abyad Temple Will Have Gnyfleld or Solden Wilkes tho mnttor ter out a few minutes, returned oight '"'son. mnnnger for W. It. an-o- f of tho salo of $35,000 a agreed upon. Probably the most Im- somo or ton hours ns tho work Hearst, Three Events and Banquet, J. II. Thntchcr the worth of verdict of guilty. Tho court sen- reducing grndes, strengthening nounclng thnt Mr. Heart's party would ' bends thnt camo to Hornallllo county tenced the defendant to pny a portant feature of the flromon'a move- llnllut Abyad Tomplo of tho Mystic Shecnm F. E. Sturgos flno of bridges and strnlghtcnlng lino Is lenvo Chicago on tho morning .. through tho adjustment tho cren- - $50. Mr. Hencock appeared ment for a change is that tbey will the of tho ' - ... Also V. Johnson nftor for tho - r' 0' rail-roa- to bo pushed to Call Uth. and giving Itinerary flm" ,P" "nn?llnc0" tlon of McKlnloy county. defendant. Independently of any d west from Texas alio tho of J n ,,,,on Alfred C Goo. Ogdon After act other "m1, ' " T,,,P8 In av- fornla. and east to Ix.ulslana whore the train. Tho personnel of the party j many witnesses, nnd n groat tho enso of Territory In relation employes' organisation. Tho 1,1 2:17 Pace (Eull "... .VKIIM.I IIIU llll.'UI Durham Race.) 1 noedod. Tho lino wost of San Antonio i wns not given, but It Is Indlcntod many records nbout this mnttor, wo of W. 4. Romero, ot nl against T. O. erage wages paid firemen In tho Unit- that shrlnors nnd visitors, nt 0 p. m., OctO' Horse Ownor. Is like a snake, while, east It Is fairly It will bo fully no large ns pro- - fcund that tho monoy wns all Gutierrez, tho nppllcntlon for a writ ed States Is 75 a month. Eastern at first bor 12, held In tho usual place, nnd at Ronnie Treasure W. L. Trlmblo received good. posed properly expended bono-fl- t of mnndnmus to requlro tho election roads pny less than tho western. which petitions will bo received nnd Mnrshall Good S. A. Martin and for tho Train loavos Chicago 10 of county ln liquidation Judges to receive nnd count certain While a flat advance of from 10 to 20 nt o'clock luillotted on. Young Hal .loo Harnett tho tho of GOOD MINE SOLO. morning 11th. Us debts; wo proxies offered ns votes nt tho acequla per c nt may be demanded, the fire- of tho Thon on Snturdny afternoon, Octo- Exodus Emit Mann but nro forced to tho Arrives Union 4:30 aft- eloctlon held nt Los Candelnrla and men will endeavor to secure aa uni nt Monday ber 17, they will give n public par- Lnurn Spur It, A. F. Fleming conclusion that tho matter was dono The Esmeralda Said to Have Been ernoon; twonty In n Iis Grlcgos on yesterday, was denied. form rates as possible. minutes slop nt tho ade, which will astonish all behold-ors- ; wholly Irregular way nnd no prop- Bought by Eastern Parties. Rnvon Dixon Thomns Stnrl: loughrey & Hencock npponred for Tno details, however, will be thresh- Onto city. and at C p, m same dny, er records woro mado or kept by tho there Gayfinld I, W. Thatcher tho relators Klock & op- ed out in the mpotlng of tho general .1. A. Hnlr.1, II. M. Patteron nnd Arrives at Vegas 7:30 Fnmo will bo pioper officials that should have dono and Owen In a ceremonial session, nt 2:13 Pace (Edgewood Stake Race.) position to tho allowance of chairmen's association, and will not some other persons of Kl Paso havo two hours stop at the Meadow which the will so, With roforenco to this mnttor wo tho writ. nobles let thomselves Horse Owner. Tho first caso called lor no raado ltnown until they are presont- recently mndo n big mining deal In city. loctc on the novices with perfect celled In tho territorial traveling audi- trial this a Ponnlo Treasure W. L. Trimble morning wns that of Territory vs. od to tho various railroad companies. tho sain of their mine, tho Ksmcrnlda, Arrives at Santa Fo fi o'clock Tues- looseness, nnd novices will bo no- tor, Mr. Safford. nnd ho mndo n full In- the Mnrshnli Good S. A. Martin Teodoro Fresquez, who wltn Francis- This will probably be done as fast of Sonorn, .Mexico, to eastern par- day morning. Loaves Santa Fo at 9 vices no more. At this peti- vestigation, nnd nscortnlnod how tho session Young Hal Joo Harnett co Lnrgos is charged wltn tho as agreements now In force oxplro, ties. o'clock Tuesday morning. tions will bo received, balloted on, monoy was received and expended. theft Exodus Emtl Mann of sovornl rings from Mnynnrd's Jow-elr- y which may be as late as January 1. They rofuso to toll tho nnmo of the Arrlvos nt Albuquerque noon Tues- nnd tho order conferred when tho no- He censurea tho modo of keeping tho Laura Spur T,1. A. F, Fleming store Inst August. Francisco La- "Itallroad freight rates arc llkoly to pnrtlos or emount Involved In the day. vices shall In- tho havo been transmuted Itnvon Dixon Thomns Stark records with roforenco to tho same, gos pleaded guilty, nnd the trial pro. go up." So said Slnson Thompson of deal, but say thnt tho prlco paid for How long tho party will stay In A! to nobles thoy or ns many of them ;- which tho Jury fully concurs; nnil railway news bureau, speaking Gnyfleld L W. Thatcher ceeded ns to Fresquez nlone. Tiio tes- the of proporty v.ns moro huquerquo of-- 1 s survived will bo Invited to n wo recommended county the than sovoral was not stnted. but nn Shecam F. E. Sturgos thnt tho timony elenrly showed that the defen- n proposed meeting In this city of tho Krnnd banquot, such ns tho Shrlnors commlsKloncrs county hundred thousand dollars. fort will bo made to hnvo them remain Alfred C Geo. Ogden of this employ dant nnd his pal Lnrgos. wont to tho board of chalrmon of tho grlovnnco Tho Ksmoralda Is nphenomonally during tho rest of the week. From n,0,lc aro ln tho haljt ot Riving. It Is o.-- Induco Mr. Safford, which ovor may Lo- 2:40 store to steal. Tho trick wns accom- committees of the Ilrothorhood of es'lmnteU that will bo forty-- Pace and Trot n, rich quartz mine, carrying froo gold, hero thev go to tho Grand Cnnvon nnd thero he proper, to draft for adoption plished ntton-tlo- n Firemen, representing tho Horsp Ownor by ono occupying tho comotive In bodlos almost as rich, If not richer thenco to Prescott nnd Phoenix. Mr. eight or more candidates. proper system for keeping tho public employes of nearly overy railway sys- Hnppy Harry E. N. Enloc of the clerk, nnd tho other resting thnn the Kl Tiguo mine, which wns Rodey was Invited to Join party The pamphlet In which theso an- records of this county, tho his hand, In tho palm In the Mnry A E. Garcia nnd that of which was tem the United Stntes. are Is s Jlscovorod by Kd M. Sturgos and Jim nt Ra'on. whl.--h will do. nouncements made, truly a worn commlrtsloncrs- Instruct our sovornl concealed a flat plcco shoomak-"'- the organizations of the railway he Docne Emll Mann of "if of art. Tho cover Is a mort excellent public to pursuance wnx, n Bulls. These mnttors were laid boforo the Maggie It Dwyor ofllcers a strict on ring, and on removing tho employes of the country continue to TI-gr- n Navajo P. A. The mlno Is not far from tho Kl club and nt onco It wns agreed that a Imitation of blanket, nnd the thereof. open hand the ring v;ns removed with press thulr domands for Increased Inside pages are on paper of deli- Hobort D S. A. Mnrtln It Is said, nnd has givon up pay banquot would bo tho most pleasing a Further wo dotlro to report wo It. The search of tho dofendnnts re- wages, steps will nave to no taken by cate pea green. Tho 2:20 freo for all trot did not thnt oro from the start. or.tortnlnment the club could offer Tho order ovldontly Into nn extensive Investigation vealed tho stolon property on their tho railways to Increase their earn- tho to a great good till. We have opened tho free for nil 'ent distinguished decid- intends havo and time. o. tho modo keeping person, nnd a large unmoor of rings ings more rapidly than through tho visitors. It wns trot for six days, nnd will unques- of tho nccountn H IS INTERVIEWED. ed to limit tho guest list to members CONDITION QUITE of tho public school funds of tho coun- besides. Tho Jury after a short con- ordinary chnnnels of increased busi- PROSPEROUS. tionably fill this race. sultation, ness. of tho club and their ladles, In vlow ty, nnd wo found many nnd unneces- returned a verdict of not Major Meyers Douglas guilty. A. yoar wagon Ernest Visits of the fnc that tho Henrst party will Yearly Report of Lead Avenue Metho-dls- t Short Paragraphs. sary Irregular modes, of procedure Mr. Pore.i defended. Tho "In the last Increased and Talks on Statehood. verdict was a surprise. have been granted the employes of ltf.elf bo a largo one. Tuosdny even- Episcopal Church Officers Those desiring tickets to the Monto-znm- nnd wo deslro to mnko tho Tho grand Jury mndo t, nearly every rnliroad In the country, Douglas, A. T. Dispatch, Oct. 2. ing wns solertod as the time, lint tho Elected. ball will greatly oblige tho com- sumo recommendation that tho travel- their final y Myers, Kpls-ccp- and nftcr receiving tho thanks aggregating of dollars. Ev-cr- Major KrnoBt one ot tho best place and othor dotnlls woro left to At tho Lend venue Methodist mittee In chargo of same by writing, ing auditor suggest to tho county of millions tho court, wero known business men of New Mexico, the following committee: W. S. Strlck-ler- , church, tho fourth quarterly commissioners for adoption, nnd thnt discharged for tho railroad In the country has also stating tho number wanted nnd tho term. Increased Its gross earnings owing to arrived In Douglns this week and has Mlko Mnndoll. T. S Hubbell. D. A. conferonco for tho society wns hold nnmo of purchasers. Tho public wll thoy draft a proper systom In thnt been looking Inter- Tho petit Jurors nro Pedro Gonzales, the general prosperous condition of ovor tho business Mnepherson, A. H. McGarfey, Noa Inst night, Dr A. P. Morrison, super- greatly oblige tho commlttoo by com- which should result in much ests of smelter city. Mr. Meyers Maximo Chaves, Santiago Garcia, An- tho country, but not in a measure to the G. L. llrooks. Ivan Orunsfold, intendent of the New Mexico Kngllsh plying with tho nbovo request. Ad benefit to tho county. Is prosldent of the Meyers-Abe- l com- tonio Pndiila, Joso Garcia y Samora, compensate for tho Increased expendi- Thomas Hughns, Gcorgo Arnot. mission, presiding. dress Montezuma, city. fol- Wo deslro further to report thnt, In this The Pablo Apodaca, Luz H. o, pany, a largo whnlosalo liquor house - Armljo, J, ture In wages to tho operatives." This committee will meet this nftor-- Tho nnnual reports from tho differ- lowing outside gentlemen woro accordance with tho court's Instruc- of Albuquorquo, and Is tho pioneer named PIo Chavez, Antonio Gutierrez, noon nt 3 o'clock nt tho club and nil ent branches of church work show the yesterday on reception commlttoo: .1. tions, wo cnlled before us tho four To Build a Parsonage. commercial man of New Mexico and newspaper Pedro Arandn, Manuel Jnramlllo, members nro urged to bo presont. j best record In the history of tho O. Fitch, of Soccrro: Alfred Frost, of men of Albuquerque, with The Ladles' Aid society of Socorro Arizona. Ho has been a member ot ' Cervantes, Martin Gnrcia, Trin- Tho club rooms woro nlso, night' church. Tho pastor reported twenty- - Helen; Sellgmnn, a view to getting Informntlon with has undertaken tho ontorprlso of rais- the legislature of New Mexico and Is last Arthur Snntxi Fo; idad .Martin, Manuel Snlazar Yotero, tho senno of an Informal reception to two probntlonera, whllo tho number of Cl Vogns; roforenco to mntters that wo havo ing monoy with which to build n Pres- one of the most promlnont leaders ot aries Ward, Las C. N. Cot- L. Oradl. Salvador Lujnn, Ed. 11. Chief-tia- n Captain A. C. Anson, tho well full membcrshJp had during tho year Hoi-broo- been reading editorials about for sev- byterian parsonage, says tho the democratic party In his territory. known ton. Gaiiup; Henry Kemponlch, Hnrach, Elflgo Salnzar, J. A. Ileal, J. rony ball player of Amerlcn, who Increased from 190 210, eral months last past, nnd from the o That pnrsonngo Just as woll Few men nro better Informed on the had Just to exclusive of W. H. Hurbnge. Wlnslow; T D. Crist, Joso Manuel Montoyn, Adol-f- Chicago. thirty-nln- o to Information they gavo us wo found consldor Itself built, for when the politics of New Mexico. arrived from Mr. Anson whom church letters A. Illordnn. FlngstatT; T. M. Wlngo, El Chavez and Geronlmo Pncheco. of undertake an en- gnmos In nothing to call for any Investigation, ladles Socorro When seen Inst night at tho Hotel comes to umpire tho tho fair had been given. Tho church collec- Pnso; William Van Houten, Raton; terprise the success of thnt enterprise tournament, week, nnd Two of them cnlled our attention to NOT A Hoy, Mr. Meyers was In tho best of baso ball noxt tions amounted to $391,tho full amount W. C. Portcrfleld, Silver City: J. H. SUCCESS. Is cannot bo other- urn-plr- o Import-nnc- assured nt onci It Is Jnra-mllll- . mnttors which might bo of and expressed himself with en- he undoubtedly tho best known asked for. Tho ontlro amount collect- Scbroeder. FnrmUigton; V. S. To start tho proposed fund a filrlts Phelps-Dodg- e wise. In tho United States, find proba- ed for salaries, benevolence, expenses, .1. hut wo hnd nlrondy looked Into Company Said to Have of tens Is bolng given last thusiasm over what ho had seen in Kl Rlto; F. Hlnklo, noswell; series bly ln wholo world. comes n nnd Improvements was $2,534, the wholo matter and found nothing Met With Serious Disappointment by Mrs. O. Kltch, this week Douglas. tho He debts E. J. Dedmnn, Alnmogordo, week Jas. calling for attention us. Wo Over Indiana Mine. by Mrs. Dau'l H. McMillan, nnd next "I havo lived In tho west since llttlo sooner thnn expected, ns his the additional sum of $10,000 having Tho ballots, In tho queen contest, from woelc by Mrs. C. (1. Duncan and are 187S," said he, "and havo visited tho plans Included a hunting trip In Kan- - boon pledged for a now building. Tho wero opened Inst night, nnd they caused subpoenes to bo Issued for an- The ofllclals of tho Pholps-Dodg- o proving very successful, both finan- growing frontier towns long before sns. This was nbnndonod owing to Sunday school has a roll of 391, and showed thnt Miss Isabella Sponcer other nowspapor man, who proved to compnny havo .not with an unpleasant cially and foolally. tho railroads wore constructed, but 1 tho nature of tho game laws In thnt the Kpworth lcaguo of 132. was leading Miss Marie Wlncheck by bo absent from the city, but wo do surprise In the dovclopmcnt of tho In- a so wonder- stnto. A trip to tho mountains will Deaconess' report of Myra A Ynr-cho- now not feel thnt his ovidnnco could add diana and Sonera mine, which they Tom Bush. havo never visited town four votes. Tho vote stands: Fettlve ns Douglas Is. No ono probably bo arranged for this week, Albuquerque, N. M.t Calls Miss 148; nnythlng to the Informntlon obtnlnod took on a lenso nnd bond from Thos Tom Hush, n foztlvo young Amori ful can realize Spencer, M!s Wlncheck, Is see- nnd tho distinguished ball playor bo from 15, 1902, to Octo- from tho others who woro presont nnd Taggnrt, Indianapolis can who seems to aspire to tho distinc- what hero without coming nnd made December 144; Miss Isabella Armljo, 12S; Miss of and 1 given n nt a It possible. of calls, Gnt-lln- . wo thoreforo havo dropped tho mat- n tion of having his nock broken com ing for himself, can seo nothing shot bear ber 4, i903; Totnl number Alice Wotter, 104; Miss Ethel other parties, for million dollars, ear- '..Is In county Jail that will stop tho growth of Douglas 2,038; calls ran Jo on Ick 1,500; spec- 89. Tho voto will get Interesting ter. ly In tho yonr. pleted term tho o on Saturday. Abou. tho middle of until sho becomes tho largest town In It Is thought that It will not bo long ial cases. 45; days spent ln nursing, by Saturday night. We do!-- to further report that wo Tho mlno, nlthough In tho heart of boforo bo run- August Bush ocrnpod from jail in Sil Arizona." Santa Fe trains will 20; nights spent In sick room, 12; Tho Fe railway shops will hnvo learned from the traveling audit- the far famed Cannnca coppor bolt nnd ning Santa vor City, Jumped upon a horso tha When asked what tho feelings ot ovor tho main lino of tho Hock niblo rend, 50; culls received at homo, make a grand exhibit of mnchlnory or himself and from the treasurer of adjacent to tho Cnpodo lead, has not Island. they do, passenger v.ns standing convenlontly near, and tho people of New Mexico Is regard- In case a 50; prayer made, 75; mot sick nt during the fair. Arrangements wore this county that tho treasurer's ofllco proved anything llko ns rich aa was nway. was ar- can his In rede A llttlo later ho ing statehood ho said: "Tho peoplo leave Tucumcarl homo the trains. 10; meetings nttended, 50; perfected yostordny, at a conforonce was recently checked up by snid trav- oxpected by tho company nnd, In fact, out west of Mngdnlcna on the evening nt D o'clock, ln rested of Now Mexico aro very much lu fa- and breakfast prayer meetings nttended, 1C; rides of eling nudltor and every receipt and ex- nftor almost a year's steady develop- appropriating to own uso Is between Presidont Mnrrci tho fair, chnrgo of his vor of statehood. They want single Albuquerque. Thero no question clothing given, penditure, together with tho vouchers ment work, company Is ho bnd no but given sick. 25; valno of and Master Mechnnlc Hean, of tho tho about a mule to which tltlo ndmlsslon If they can got It, but if but thnt tnls now lluo (tho Santa Fo chick- therefore, was duly nnd minutely d $60; lunches, food, oggs, milk, shops, nnd ono most Interesting ready to quit, having secured no pay that of possession. When his term Central) will get n great deal of tho tho admission of Arizona and Now of tho ens, etc.. $50; paid for horso and hack will nnd all wero found abfolutcly ore of any value. hero, Sheriff Blair of Grant passenger traffic of enstern nnd north- erhlblts at tho fair ba that of the Moxlco cannot, bo secured aa single $8.50; written for sick, Fo company correct. This Information wns from county was on hand to escort tho ern New Mexico, as It saves Ixith tlmo hiro, letters Santa railway from tho socurcd distinguished young gontlemnn to states ihey want thorn admitted to- 20; mngnzlnes given, $1.00; horso3 local shops. In conclusion, wo desire to say that President Jnmos S. Douglas of tho gether. nnd money. Silver City whore bo will await the found for sick, 0; rooms found for If our report Focms Incomplete as to Pholps-Dodg- compnny, who was In grand Jury on "Thuy want statehood for tho sim- Geno'rnl Passenger Agent Stiles of .my matters touched upon tender morcles of tho Hotly Contested Election. sick. 14; uso of horso and buggy free, that defect Ei Pnso on roulo, with his dnughtor, charge of Htenllag.-Socor- rc ple reason that thoy want a voice In tho El Paso & Southwestern, Is mail- must be attributed to a of another horso Tho eloctlon for mnyordojiio 180 times. lack tlmo back to Now York from Hlsbco, whoro Chieftain. tho handling of tho government. Wo and ing to nil stations along tho lino a lot to moro thoroughly Investigate, acequla commissioners yesterday nt D. T. Duekwall, Jr., made tho fol- but ho hnd been on business conncctod would havo two sonators and olllclalB of now posters advertising tho excur- we sincerely hc-p- wo OLD TIME RAILROAD ENGINEFR. Lob Corralcs, was hotly but lowing report ns trensuror; that what llttlo with tho Coppor Quoon mines. who will ropresont something and seo contested, sion to Kl Paso over that lino for Oc- tho by Receipts $l,',08.70 havo boon able to do may servo as a Presidont Douglns stated that all that tho lntorestB of this section ot candidates endorsed Alejandro tober 8. Theso posters bear a hand- Lost Both Legs While at His Post, woro pastor $1,200.00 guldo to futuro grand Jurlos, nnd wo tho othor properties of tho company the great southwest Is rightly cared Snndovnl victorious. Tho victors Paid some cut of tho now union depot to But is Able to Pull the Throttle. woro Supt 80.00 recommend to tho court thnt hereaf- woro doing woll, but tho compnny for." Tatronllo Martinez, mayordomo, Paid bo erected thero, with following un- that Sam Wnlard, ono of tho grentost and C. O. Gonzales, Au- 120.00 ter tho business of tho court may bo was not making nny moro purchases Wnon tho major was told that tho J. F. Selva, Paid Janitor der It: "Now Homo of the El Paso & railway characters of the old tlmo gustine Allnry, commissioners. Thoy Pnld music 14 LOO s(- nrrnnged as to glvo moro tlmo for of mines nt present. It was waiting west and one who has probably been peoplo of Arizona wore strongly op- Southwestern nt El Pnso Union De- such Investigations. posed bolng received 97 votes each. Tho defeated Paid gas nnd fuel.. 35.00 until It got Its now plant thoroughly more by people oth-tr- , to yoked up with Now pot lo bo Completed ln 1901." So fnr heard of than any wero mayor- 279.81 Wo have examined Into tho condi- Douglns, ox- ron-son- candidates Juan Lopez, Other expenses .... established In which It Is is In city on .ns way to Mexico on account of numerous the Kl Paso & Southwestern Ib the the tako domo; Melqulades Martinez, Fernan- tion ot tho county Jail aud like many pected will not bo boforo noxt Jan- a run In Mexico on Mexi- principally the overwhelming only lino using tho cut of tho new sta- who us, central the do Armljo, Eugonlo Werner, commis- Totnl $1,752.81 grand Juries havo preceded uary. can Central, says the HI Paso Moxlcan population who aro goncrally tion In Its literature, wo find It utterly Inadequoto to Horald. sioners. They received 38 votes each. tho Prosldent Douglas left on tho Rock Mr Wlllard was nn engineer on the considered lllltorato, pulled off on tho El Pnso & North- present needs of tho county, We be- Is Alejandro Sandoval was assisted ln In treasury $ 1G.81 Island for Now York. 'r & Kio Grande railway during "This a mistaken Idea for tho Ilnlanco eastern and that a big reduction in the subordi- securing votes by K. A. Mlera nnd following woro elected lieve thnt the sheriff and his of re- American population Is very progres- Tho ofllcers forces at tho shops at that point has glvo to prison- the construction that line and Hmlllnno Sandoval, whllo J. M. San- yoar: nates tho unfortunate Credit Given Railroad Men for Servic- mained with tho lino for many years sive as Is also the mnjorlty of tho for tho coming also been made, because ot a slack In ers in their chnrgo the best enro and doval, Fred J. Otero, Perfccto and Ives, F O. Pratt, es Performed. afterward. Thore nro ninny old tlmo natives. Besides tho area of tho two TrustcesIi. H. business on the line. attontlon possible with the limited ac- Mora"lo Armljo opposed. Thos. Superintendent Gal- railroad BUglneors in this city who great states would bo next to Texas, J. W. Anderson. J. W. Edwards, commodation nnd consistent with Hawkcs of tho To Play With I Paso. the Kmplro n. S. Grout. George safe-keepin- g veston Houston, has posted tho know him, among whom Is K. I , Han-kin- s, stato, and thoro would be Hall. J. Fish. II. of prisoners; last Dr. Tlght's Return. A Tox-as- , tho the but a greater capi- TL M. dispatch trcm San Antonio, month's record bulletin which shows an old flroman from off tho Don-e- r amount of wealth per Dent. Rail. It Is a crime against humanity for tho President W. G. Tight of tho Uni- H. dated October 6, says; tho following: ta. Now Mexico loads In D. T. Duekwall, Jr., J. pro-se- nt & UIo Arizona versity of New Mexico, reached homo Stowards county nuthorltles to permit the many things, principally In agricultur- R. Houghton, J. nowyer, Hall players lu tho city aro turning An engineer and fireman were each Wnllc running nn ongino on the Inst night, after an nbsenco of four Fish, Frnnk disgraceful conditions to contin- al laud, Bhoep, cnttio, conl George Miss Ella Col-tran- tholr oyos toward El Puso In anticipa- given ton days' ciodlt for setting out Denver & Hlo Grande during the ear- timber, and months. Ho wont with tho famouB Mrs. II. Wilson, ue. We nro nt a loss to find langungo ly wag othor Important featuros. New Mex- C. Mrs. E. T. tion of tho annual fall tournament, a car whllo tho regular switch cnglno days, he In a wreok In whloh Peck expedition, which had for ob- H. Appleton, sufficiently strong to express our feel- ico is hopelessly republican Its I. which Is pulled off nbout this tlmo of was busy. he lost one of hlB legs. A few years and this jective purpose, tho ascent of Mount Weed, Dr. M. K. Wyldor, Edward ing on this subject. For yenrs tha Need-ham- . yoar, A brnkoman was given afterwnrd be wns pulling tho general should to a particular feature to that Johnston, C A. Gllmnn, Carter tho and urunlly results In somo grand Juries of tho county havo given ten days' great party." Sornta, In South America. As yet the hotly contested games between credit for firing an cnglno over part manager's special over tho lino nnd doctor nothing tho El expression to similar views nnd hnvo has said about his team Albu- of tho division whllo tho regular fire- while making a fast run, ran Into n When told that tho delegates of Ari- trip, having Tho commlttoo to tako chnrgo of Im- Pnso and tho teams from strongly recommended to the county zona but ono intention, and quorquo, Fo Now man was disabled. cow, with the result engine and particularly Mark Smith t V. , la 4 . l.M portant matters tho now yoar Santa nnd othor commissioners that additions bo mndo that the for A conductor nnd two was turned ovor nnd the cars ditched. were making a hard fight against VI" I,"" "ITS.."! woro Moxlco towns. Among tho players to tho Jail, but without any effect. Wo brakemen uuvn .in tiiui emu, 11 uu uuu chosen ns follows: were each given ten dnys' When tho engine turned ovor It jolia admission ho snid "they havo ., .,.., ,. . min Appleton, horo who expect to go to El Paso Is bcllcvo tho tlmo has now enmo credit for . uui.ui'U IIIU DUUllllIb Ul UUUllb Bonovolcncos C. Herbert that helping to disconnect nn engine. caught the cork leg worn by Mr. Wll- not looked Into tho situation fully as M K. Gcorgo Markle, who finished tho sea- for us bb representatives of tho wholo Sorata, thoy nro tho first to have J. F. Bowyor, C. A. Oilman, An engineer and flrcmnn lard and held him fast. tho Joint admission of tho two terri- son with Atlanta, Georgia, In tho county to sny that tho present condi- wero each The itoam dono so. Wyldor. Mrs. E. T. Wood. given ten days for setting out a and hot water was injuring out of tories would mean gtoat good to both. lca- Southern league. Markloy Is winter- tion of things must not bo allowed to "bad a Tracts Cabinet of tho Epworth order" car In their train, break In the engine, and As soon us the people look Into this ing nt his homo in this city mid says continue, nnd It Ib tho absolute while tho blankets and OYSTER CARRIER CORRECTION. guo. that rogulnr crew was engaged. bedding were brought and ho was matter they must bo educated to tho he has a chnnco to play with El Paso duty of tho county commissioners to othorwlso great Temperance H. S. Grout David An engineer, fireman, conductor covered up. In the moantime he kept advuntago of Joint statehood." A during tho series, for which he Is to build an addition to tho Jail, no mat-to- r and Few Inside Facts on the Patentee Stowart, Ella Coltrano. two brnkemon woro each given ten calling a Judgo ltodoy, the present delegate i $7 game for knife, hut those on tho of the Device. 11. M. Ball. W. rccolvo $50, or a llttlo ovor a at what sacrifice. to congress, Is n wonderfullly progres- Music II. Ivos, II. J. days' credit for switching a train train were nlrald to glvo him ono for J An paper published for seven games. Finally wo deslro to thank tho afternoon ut Edwards, D, T. Duekwall, Mrs. Georgo whllo tho switch crew ongino wns de- no would kilt himself. Ho Anally sive and hard worker for tho Inter- j - court, tho nttorncy nnd fear Vegas makes tho assertion 'hat Wilson. district tho railed, thus saving a long delay. realized that they would not furnish est of Now Mexico and Arizona. devTco GRAND JURY REPORT. sheriff, tho county clerk, tho school tho "oyster carrying was In Sunday School Georgo Wont, C. An onglneor was given ton dnys' a knlfo and after worklug for wmo vented by manager superintendent, and every county of- tho ot the San O. Stovens, S. Houghton. Submitted and Read to the District credit for gottlng out a car n time Anally got out his pocket knlfo WILL SHOW THEM. Joso ficer with whom wo havo bad busi- with market in Albuquerque" Parsonage nnd Furniture Ladlos' Court This Morning. broken train lino. and cutting tho cork leg loose crawled Tho writer, who Is over ness during our short session. Thoy Major Meyers Camping on Trail of noted all Aid Society. Tho territorial grand Jury finished ouL His other foot was badly dam- tho southwest for his state- all la tho fullest manner opened all Alnmogordo Mark Smith and Col. Inaccurate Estimating BClnrlcs D. I. Duekwall, work this morning and tho fol- Tho News says: O. L. aged nnd finally It had to be amputa- Wilson. ments, adds to made records for us, gavo all Information another blunder his B. Fish. lowing report: Acker, general foreman of the El Paso and sluco that time he worn From Dispatch, OcL 3. Jr., Thos. Hall, J. that wo desired, ln every way en- ted hat long list. Tho device was patontoJ G, and & Northeastern shops at this placo, ly Conferonco Claimants F. Pratt, To tho Honorablo Benjamin S. Bakor, two cork legs nnd feet, and yet Major Ernest Moyers left yestorday by Mr. Otis Andrews ot Kl Paso, and deavored to throw ul! tho light thoy returned Wednesday from his visit to nn engine. on his B. II. Ivos, J. W. Anderson. Judgo of tho District Court of Ber- upon In- runs western trip through Arizona. tho flato of tho patent Is Octobor 12, could tho subjects wo wero sovoral oastern Thlrty-flv- o Church Records J, B. Fish. nalillo County: cities. It took four years tor him o get The major Is after statehood in earn-- ' 197. vestigating, days ago ho left for Jackson, Mich., to over effects of tho accident, dur- oat. He Is determined to convert During this season, On motion tho annual conforonco Wo, the grand Jury of Bornallllo, In the lorogolng wo referred to a the Mr. Andrews re- visit his aged mother who Is over 80 company carried Mark Smith Colonel uo nbout to meet in Albuquorquo was county, beg leavo to submit our final certain newspaper man was ab- ing which time the and Wilson to inado attempt to do anything with who years of age, and thon bo vl<ed sov-ei- al pay. quested to reappoint Bov. A. P. Mor- report at tho Soptembor term, 1903. him on the pay rolls at full tho belief that Arizona should bo his patent carrier niukV than to manu- sent from tho city; ho has returned ot tho largest railroad shops ot D. D suporlntendont of mis- We havo been ln session four- After belnf able to tako aa engine merged Into New Moxlco. In bis Inter- facture tame for bis own use, In the rison, as for and was brought boforo us, bis testi- the oast, looking up tho latest improv- reg- year. teen days, during which wo again the company put him on a view In yesterday's Dispatch, the ma- fall ot 1899, O. L. Brooks of the San sions for tho seventh tlmo havo mony addod nothing to our general ed pieces of machinery for tho rebuild- Og-- Anderson, by examined 185 witnesses, return- ular run between Salt Lke and jor main it very emphatic that the Joso compary, having occasion to On motion ot F. W. havo report, and thero bolng nothing fur- ing ot railroad locomotives, and tho the colonel Bishop Waldon was ed Into court thirty-eigh- t body, whwe he remained until imd Mark bad no Idea of the spend several weeks In El Paso, Tex- unanimous vote, Indictments, ther before this wo respectfully dots and Ideas of reconstructing en- resigned and requested V. Fisher presentments rtrftte f 1W, when ne real merits of Joint statehood, and as, bad his 'attention called to the to return. Rev. F. and have made of six request to bo discharged. gines thus learned by Mr. Ackor will ln great run oysters Mr, to Albuquorquo pastor for next "no bills." Judged by figures W. wisat inte'the drug business in BU that while Arizona be will work on Andrews had as the these gigncd: It. HOPKINS, bo put Into service In tho Ei Paso & I aitt where be reasataed for several them over to his belief. secured at fits place of bwlaM yetx. aloae we bollevo we have done more Foreman. Northeastern shops.