MAJOR CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES WITH JURISDICTION OVER EPA ISSUES Last revised 2/9/11 U.S. House of Representatives Majority Leader: (R‐VA) Leadership Speaker: John Boehner (R‐OH) Majority Whip: Kevin McCarthy (R‐CA) Minority Leader: (D‐CA) Minority Whip: Steny Hoyer (D‐MD) House Committee Majority (R) Minority (D) Jurisdiction Agriculture Frank Lucas (OK) Collin Peterson (MN) Farm Bill, FIFRA, and Food Safety Subcommittee on Department Jeff Fortenberry (NE) Marcia Fudge (OH) Pesticides, Food Safety, Forestry, Agency Oversight and Forest Reserves not in Operations, Oversight, & Credit Public Domain Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy, Glenn Thompson (PA) (PA) Soil, Water, Natural Resource Conservation and Small Watersheds, Biobased & Forestry Energy Production Appropriations Hal Rodgers (KY) Norm Dicks (WA) EPA Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, Mike Simpson (ID) Jim Moran (VA) EPA Appropriations & Related Agencies Budget Paul Ryan (WI) Chris Van Hollen (MD) 602(b) Allocations for Appropriations

Energy & Commerce Fred Upton (MI) Henry Waxman (CA) SDWA, RCRA, Superfund, Energy Isues, CAA, and Oversight Subcommittee on Environment & the John Shimkus (IL) Gene Green (TX) All matters relating to soil and water contamination; solid, hazardous, and Economy nuclear wastes; industrial plant security; drinking water; and, toxic substances and noise. Subcommittee on Energy & Power Ed Whitfield (KY) Bobby Rush (IL) National energy policy generally; Fossil energy, renewable energy resources and synthetic fuels; energy conservation; energy information; Energy regulation and utilization; Utilities; The Clean Air Act; Subcommittee on Health Joe Pitts (PA) Frank Pallone (NJ) Public health and quarantine, health protection in general, food and drugs

Subcommittee on Oversight & Cliff Stearns (FL) Diana DeGette (CO) Responsibility for Oversight of Agencies, Departments and Programs within Investigations the jurisdiction of the full committee Subcommittee on Commerce, Mary Bono Mack (CA) G.K. Butterfield (NC) Toxic Substances and Noise Pollution Manufacturing, & Trade Science , Space & Technology Ralph Hall (TX) Eddie Bernice Johnson Environment R&D, Risk Assessment, and Oversight (TX) Subcommittee on Technology & Ben Quayle (AZ) David Wu (OR) Environmental Technology and Standards Innovation Subcommittee on Energy & Environment Andy Harris (MD) Brad Miller (NC) Department of Energy, Research, Advanced Energy technology, Energy Conservation, and EPA research Subcommittee on Investigations & Paul Broun (GA) Donna Edwards (MD) General Oversight Oversight Subcommittee on Research & Science Mo Brooks (AL) Dan Lipinski (IL) Scientific Research, University Research Policy, Health and Life Science Education Research Transportation & Infrastructure John L. Mica (FL) Nick Rahall (WV) Hazardous Materials, CWA, Superfund, Waterways, and Marine Affairs

Subcommittee on Highways & Transit John Duncan, Jr. (TN) Peter DeFazio (OR) Hazardous Materials and Transportation Aspects of CAA Subcommittee on Water Resources & Bob Gibbs (OH) Timothy Bishop(NY) CWA, Groundwater, Ocean Dumping, Wetlands, Large Watersheds, Superfund Environment Subcommittee on Economic Jeff Denham, (CA) Eleanor Holmes Norton Economic Recovery Role, Job Creation, Repair, and Energy Efficiency in Development, Public Buildings & (DC) Federal Buildings and Accountability. Emergency Management Government Oversight & Reform (CA) Elijah Cummings (MD) EPA Operations and Activities

Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, Dennis Ross (FL) Stephen Lynch (MA) The federal civil service; labor policy U.S. Postal Service, & Labor Policy Subcommittee on Government Todd Platts (PA) Edolphus Towns (NY) Government management and accounting measures, the economy, efficiency, Organization, Efficiency and Financial and management of government operations and activities, federal property Management Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Jim Jordan (OH) Dennis Kucinich (OH) Paperwork reduction, data quality, and OIRA; stimulus policy, federal Stimulus Oversight & Government spending, education, agriculture, and communications policy; Spending Subcommittee on Technology, James Lankford (OK) Gerald Connolly (VA) FOIA; FACA; IT & data standards; procurement and grant reform; relationship Information Policy and between federal, state, and municipalities; Intergovernmental Relations & Procurement Reform Homeland Security Peter King (NY) Bennie Thompson Security and Protection, Seaport and Chemical Facility Security, (MS) Emergency Management, First‐Responders. And Immigration Natural Resources Doc Hastings (WA) Edward Markey (MA) Fisheries and wildlife, Forest reserves and national parks, international fishing agreements, Native Americans, Irrigation and reclamation, Mineral and Mining Issues, and Trans‐Alaska Pipeline, Geological Survey, and Oceanography Subcommittee on Water and Power Tom McClintock (R‐CA) Grace Napolitano (CA) Electric Power from Federal Water Projects, Water Resource Planning Act, Interstate Waters and Water Rights. Indian Water Rights, and International Conservation Programs Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, John Fleming (LA) Donna Christensen (VI) Help recover endangered species, Impove the health of coastal marine Oceans and Insular Affairs ecosystem and meet the needs of coastal communities Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Doug Lamborn (CO) Rush Holt (NJ) U.S. Geological Survey, Geothermal Resources, Uranium Supply, Mining, Resources Transportation of Natural Gas (AK), and Related International Conservation Programs Note: Committees in bold, subcommittees in italics. Committee and subcommittee chairs/ranking members are listed to the right of the committee or subcommittee. The +/‐ symbols on the left expand and contract to show committee membership. Page 2 of 2