The Plymouth Mail Vol. 50. No. 1 Plymouth, Mich. Friday, November 22nd, 1935 $1.50 Per Year In Advance New Attorney Opens Police Looking | Law Offices Government Asks Early Copy Health Officer of 25 Years Ago Christmas Club Depositors Following its custom of manv For Applicants years, The Plymouth Mail Assumes Post Again To Receive Nearly $10,000 In Cash For Visitor and Thanksgiving week will be is­ sued Tuesday night so that its great family of readers will get Dr. Luther Peck Accepts High Class Rifle For Postmaster the paper on Wednesday, the Appointment Offered From Plymouth Banks in Few Days day before Thanksgiving. This plan was inaugurated for two Him By The City Com­ Several Robberies In This Two Active Candidates reasons, first, so that the mission. Finds Nest of Young Locality Are Being Enter Race—Must employes might enjoy Thanks­ Owls In His Barn Cash JusfAt This giving day like every one else, Investigated File Soon and second so that local mer­ At the last meeting of the city 1 chants might be able to carry commission held last Monday And what do you think of Time Will Be A A city slicker, dressed as a The Civil Service their final Thanksgiving day night, the City Manager offered i this? hunter, came to town the other ■ Commission has notified The bargain messages to their pat­ the name of Dr. Luther Peck as j Sam Spicer. well known day. and walked away with as Plymouth Mail that applications rons of Plymouth and vicinity. Health Officer to succeed the late i farmer of Plymouth township good a .22 rifle as was ever made. I for the appointment to the post- Again we ask your coopera­ Dr. A. E. Patterson. This appoint­ who lives just east of the city Business Aid Not only was his visit to Plym­ I mastership of Plymouth will now tion. Will every one with no­ ment was confirmed by the City | on Ann Arbor Trail, the other outh a profitable one. but pre­ be received and that those desir- tices and news and advertising Commission. day found up in his bam a nest \ Average Saving During vious calls at Wixom and Novi iing to take the examination for kindly get the copy in as early Dr. Peck has been a practicing I of young monkey-faced owls ! Past Year Has Been produced excellent results. the appointment must have their Monday as possible. If copy physician in Plymouth for the j that had just been hatched. According to the Plymouth po­ applications filed with the com­ can be sent to the office Sat­ 'past 31 years and is greatly in- ! For several days past Mr. $44 Per Person, Report lice. there is no question but what mission prior to December 10. urday, it will help a whole lot. i terested in health work in the 1 ! Spicer had noticed that two or of Founder of Christ­ the fellow who did the robbing The term of Postmaster Bert The Mail and its employes , community. He stated this morn- j 1 three owls had been lingering at Wixom and Novi is the same Giles will expire on March 22 thank you in advance for your i ing that he was much interested , around his barn. Usually they mas Club Idea Says one who sot a rifle from the Hus­ and it is to fill this vacancy that cooperation in helping to make I in building up a high type Health leave much earlier in the sea­ ton hardware. the commission has called for the Thanksgiving holiday a Department, and would lend every son. One morning he saw one Within the next few days The He claimed to be an engineer applications. very pleasant one. possible effort to accomplish this of the owls fly to a nest. Plymouth United Savings bank Attomc;. Thomas J. Lyndon It is known that there are two 1 He investigated and there in and the First National bank will connected with the state high­ active candidates for the ap­ . purpose. the nest were three young owls mail Christmas club savings way and was just getting ready Thoma:. J. Lyndon, a graduate pointment, Edward Scully, organ­ The Health Department has re­ that had apparently been hatch- ' checks amounting to nearly $10. for a hunting trip north—just from the law department of the izer and president of the Roose- cently been reorganized by the ed in the last few days. 000 to residents of Plymouth and send the bill to so-and-so and University ot Michigan with the relt-fo“pr«hient‘'club of western Thugs Beat, Rob City Commission along lines sug- , A pair of owls have for ten, vicinity, It will be paid, he said. That's,class of 1935. and who passed ; gested by the City Manager. Dr. | DR, LUTHER PECK years been living about his barns,1 This big amount of money turn himItn in I State bar examination in Septem- wayne county, and 1-TanK nearn the last ever heard of ed. Peck will be the first to take over, I but never before has he known ed over to the thrifty people of Plymouth. ber. has announced the opening Friends of Mr. Scully state that Alonzo Elliott the administrative duties of the i I them to stay so late in the sea Plymouth who began last winter The next day he went over to J of a law office in Plymouth. He he has the signed endorsement of Health Department under this i 'son or hatch out some young to save a few dollars for this Wixom and there he secured j is located in offices of the Plym- new organization. The general1 Hundreds Visit considerable plunder, by leaving , outh United Savings bank build every Democratic leader of Plym- ones in early winter. Christmas will give them plenty *and I outh and vicinity. Mr. Learned plan of the organization is to have ; ' He says that the young owls of spending money and it will what he said was a surveying in- ing at 809 Penniman avenue ana 1 is understood to have the support Saturday Night all communicable diseases report­ • appear to be getting along nicely prove a big help to local busi- strument wrapped in paper. will conduct a general law prac of some of the prominent Demo­ ed to the City Hall, either by the ' Model Electric I in spite of the cold weather. ness men *’ho have already stock- The next day after the store tice. cratic leaders of the state. Health Officer or by the attend- 1 Judging from the time it has ed their stores with Christmas had. , x been robbed, during the This announcement is of es- As far as known these are the Well Known Plymouth ing physician. In case no physi­ taken for other young owls to goods. mght.. the package was unwrap- peciai interest to the older resi- only two contestants for the ap­ | Farmer Victim Of cian is employed, the report can House This Week grow up before they can fly. Mr. H is interesting to note that in ped and instead of there being.dents of Plymouth as Samuel pointment. The name of Frank i Daring Robbers be made directly to the city hall Spicer says it will be late in Dec- addition to the almost $10,000 in a surveying instrument, all there Lyndon, his great grandfather, J. Burrows was mentioned some- and the Health Officer will make ember before these will be able cash to go to Plymouth people was was an automobile steering was one of f|rst settlers in any necessary Investigations to Final Inspection Brings to leave the nest. in the next few days that three post with a broken wheel at- j^is locality. His grandfather 'Continued from ten) Entering the home of Alonzo diagnose the disease. These re­ hundred and twelve million dol­ Cached...... Alfred D. Lyndon, was el~o a I Elliott, well known Plymouth cords will be signed by the i Words of Highest lars will be distributed to about Officers believe that the fel- wejj known farmer of this local- ' township farmer who resides Health Officer and forwarded to > Commendation seven million Christmas Club low had an accomplice as there ity j alone in his home at the comer the State Department of Health members by approximately five is much to indicate the work of ' . „ . .. Q . .. of Joy and Whitbeck roads, three at Lansing. A card record will al­ Planned For New more than one man. ivndnr, Mfnr™r ^1?' Winter Program _ Plymouth’s model home, locat- thousand banking institui.ons and The Milford Times had the fol- ^r®d nP'pl^?d°u ri' I men. possibly four. Saturday so be kept of all communicable organizations within the next two j night, beat him over the head, is required*by'“state Ied on the Hough subdivision just weeks according to an estimate lowing additional account of some den .s of Plymouth who no v re- Law. and a complete history of ’ south of Ann Arbor Trail, has Hospital Nearly of the thefts reported in southern Slde »n Ann Arbor I tied him to the bed and robbed ' given out yesterday by Herbert Of Recreation I him of $14. all diseases filed under the name been visited by hundreds during “ Rawll. Founder and President Oakland county. The father of Plymouth s new- of the patient, will be built up in ; the days of final inspection. While The Bushor grocery at Wixom est attorney is general manager 1 As he sat alone in his house of Christmas Club, a Corporation. about 10 o'clock last Saturday the files of the city hall. It is-P0, accurate count was kept, it Five Years Ago The estimated average amount was burglarized of butter, cigar- of the Perfection Sprinkler Will Start Soon night, three strangers rapped at planned to centralize the health ’s; known that the number Sunday for each member is $44.70. While ettes. tobacco, matches, peas, company of Plymouth. The son work in the city hall, where theJ afternoon alone ran to nearly 200 bread, cake and other articles is secretary of the company. He ------j the door and asked for a drink _ _ _ _ most of the mutual savings banks , Ice Skating ¥ water. As he started to get it Health Officer will have his head- visitors. It JUSt Becomes Known and many commercial banks amounting to about twenty-five will now become its legal repre- - — - - & for them, they followed him into quarters and keep his records. From early morning, until late throughout the country have re­ dollars. The marauders were ap- sentative. Charles H. Bennett is T_ at night people called to see the That F. D. Schrader parently scared off before they president of the company, And Other Sports the house. One hit him over the In the case of ported increases averaging 17 per Planned head, as he turned, with some withju suspected SC™L,mmIkbleE latestpli thereand isfixtu in electrical ap- Had Plans Made cent over the previous year, the had completed their haul, by Ray j Mr. Lyndon graduated from sort of blunt instrument, dazing diseases, they will be sent home entire distribution is smaller than Abrams,, who lives next to the: the Ann Arbor high school pre­ him for a moment. Needless to say that every one year ago due to the fact that store. Hearing suspicious sounds, vious______to entering __ the.. University. At a meeting of the Recreation He was then dragged into the for examination by their family exp,'essed highest commendation When The Mail published a hontmo he arose and turned the | During his University career he Committee held last Saturday physician, and in case the family of not onjy the house ^ut all of first page editorial recently call- -°me banking institutions, in lights in his home and store, and i was outstanding in the good night, tentative plans for the bed room and tied with a small is indigent and cannot afford the 7ts exceptionally interesting and mg attention to the necessity of a curtailing promotional activities the robbers left in a hurry. This work he did in the law depart- Winter Recreation Program were rope to the bed. As he lay partly services of a physician the Health 1 new eiectrical ideas as well as the larger hospital for this city, it account of abnormally low probably accounts for the small 1 ment. He has many friends not discussed. unconscious the men ransacked unicer win oe consuitea. decorations.rt#>f»nratinns painting.naintimr heatingheat.ina oossessedpossessed nono knowledgeknowledge ofof the money rales, did not offer the amount of goods taken. Evidence ; only in Plymouth, but the suit- The Recreation Committee con- the house. Finding $14 in cash. It will be the desire of the new and plumbing fact that five years ago Fred D. Christmas Club sendee io cus- pointing to the same gang in all rounding country as well, who sists of two representatives from they left and drove their machine Health officer, under the revis- When it was stated that much Schrader had had prepared a set '™erSthdeUr^ ,‘^ion of Christ- three cases was that a box of wish for him success in his chos* the Board of Education, and two towardsrnSfS Plymouth. wnrkPrt himcpif Ied organization- make this City work and many steps could be of plans and specifications for a r,nh f.SAl shells taken from the Novi depot en profession. epresentatives from the city com one of the healthiest in the State, saved by electrical arrangements, hospital building that would nice- year. New in 1 Jhn and to Provide a Health Depart- some thought the statement might ly take care of the need of a York leads the other Slates with was left in the grocery by the mission, together with the Super­ about $79,000,000.00. while the robbers in their precipitate de intendent of schools and city innymoutn. wno canea rne state | ment second to none. The coope- 1 be a bit overdrawn. But not so. fast growing city the size of Plym- parture. Entrance was gained by manager. Two additional mem­ E?1?!. ration of everyone in the city is ! As one went from room to room. outh. estimates for Pennsylvania are forcing a rear door and cutting a bers were added last summer rep­ in a few minutes and started their necessary if this is to be accom­ it was plainly evident that even It was soon after this when the $37,500,000.00. lor New Jersey Traffic Wrecks Investigation. The cut in Elliott’s plished. raSeme?" W^sis^ ctme "w Plymomh for Massachu- panel out of an inside door. resenting the Kiwanis and Rotary head was treated by doctors, who with the lighting W. C. Henning. 970 W. Grand Club. This Committee centers its Dr. Peck is the senior medical many steps could be saved. and started its excellent little sc,’s S2J.260.000 oo. stated that the scalp wound was Every firm and person who had , hospital. Under most adverse con kT~" York City s Metropolitan River. , reported the lossi Bring Death And j interest on organized recreation not a serious one. The tire practitioner of Plymouth. It is an District will receive about $45.- of the following articles from the , I and play for both children and t reads were easily traced in co interesting fact to note that just anything to do with providing I ditions they have taken 000.000. The Bank of America plant of the Novi Products Co., j ! adults. Plymouth by the officers. a quarter of a century ago he the materials and in building the 1 the hospital needs of the city to N. T & S. A. in California, will an Underwood typewriter, air I | The first part of the Winter was the health officer of the vil­ house have reason to feel satis-.a certain extent. In fact what State police were in Plymouth fied with the results, if the many I they have accomplished has distribute $5,240,000.00.«-nmnanv The Bank compressor, motor and air tank Injury to Many Recreation Program will consist again Tuesday and while they did lage he had adopted as his home. of The Manhattan Company for spraying paint, gas welding of , both Dr. Peck was recently re-elected favorable comments made by the been nothing more than amazing. Sow- YnS 5l«oTiS?no fS not say definitely, they indicated visitors can be regarded as com- When, the new hospital. start- '°‘£ ,5" °° outfit, acetelyne tank and weld- men and women teams being rep­ that the robbery was committed for the third consecutive term as •egarded as com more than 70.000 members enroll­ ing outfit. Craftsman tools, four One Nurse Killed Near resented. president of the Michigan Home­ pensation for work well done. ed and business began to decline. ed at. 68 offices in Greater New electric drills and other articles. The first scheduled basketball ; by some one in this locality who opathic Medical Society at the Mr. Schrader put the plans Here—Several Are • *. ! was acquainted with Elliott and away and not until the editorial York. No estimate was given of the games will be played the early knew the surroundings well. annual convention held at the The Seamen's Bank for Savings loss. Bady Hurt part of December and games Statkr hotel. He is one of the appeared in last week's paper as to the necessity of a larger has in the City of New York has a The Pere Marquette depot at will be played each Monday and few medical men of Michigan to Venison Comes total accumulation of approxi- Novi was the other place to be Tuesday night, and possibly be honored by two re-elections as pital for this community did he nn ti.UL«i,. visited by robbers. Here the loot Death, gaping wounds, broken Thursday night, at the high THE COMPACT have reason to call the plans to bones and wrecked automobiles president of this important or­ the attention of the city. In fact ’’’.Washington. D C. have $5,500 - was k “’S?:followed late Saturday night and school gymnasium. In order to Signed in the Cabin of the ganization. 000.00 ready for distribution. packages and included a jacket. early Sunday morning in the help finance the cost of the pro­ “Mayflower,” Nov. 11th. Old For Big Dinner at the time he had them prepar Thp Plymouth United bank's cake decorators, and a package of .J f automobile accidents in gram a charge of five cents will Style, Nov. 21st, New Style, ed by Thomas Moss, well known rifle shells. These were later waKe 01 automoDiie accidents m new saving club for 1936 will open the vicinity of Plymouth. be made for entrance to the 1620. All plans have been completed p?.ym.outh. architect, few in the Saturday of this week, according found in the Bushor grocery. games. It is estimated that this “In the name of God. amen and arrangements made for the knew about it. He even went Chief of Police Smith had in Slight Damage so far as to purchase a she on the L“ a‘> announcement mode by the jail three drunken drivers, al­ part of the program will prove we whose names are under­ big Thanksgiving dinner to be so far as to purchase a sue on the bank m this issue of The Mail. though none of the jailed had as popular as in the past. written. the loyall subjects for given Thanksgiving day under ^st side of the city consisting ol anything to do with the automo­ In addition to the basketball our dread soveraigne Lord. the auspices of the Salvation anr»?£re. an? a ^a ground, Students Display Shrine Party Is bile wrecks that ended so se­ schedule, plans are being con­ King James, by the grace of Is Done By Fire army in Reed's restaurant on n

.1 Page Two THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Friday, November 22nd, 1935 New Bird Sanctuary pany. 90 acres. Northville town- ! DON’T GET UP NIGHTS 'ship, Wayne county; Von Platen Use Juniper Oil, Buchu Leaves, Near Northville Pox Company and the Fisheries Etc. The Plymouth Mail Division. Department of Conserva­ i Flush out excess acids and Three new wildlife sanctuaries tion. joint dedication on 580 acres waste matter. Get rid of bladder Plymouth, Michigan w’ere created by the State Con­ Stambaugh township. Iron coun- irritation that causes waking up. 1 educators have as to actual conditions in our servation commission at its Nov­ jty. frequent desire, scanty flow, • country. ENGLAND CLAIMS HER *WTWE« GOOSE" IN THE ember meeting and closed for a Renewal five-year dedications burning and backache. Make this period of five years to hunting Elton R. Eaton, Editor and Publisher 1 If they could mingle with the people up PERSON OP AN OLD WOMAN NAMED MARTHA were approved for the following: 25c test. Get juniper oil. buchu GOOCH WHO LIVED IN SUSSEX, ENGLAND and fishing. i New Corunna Brick Company, leaves, etc., in little green tablets Sterling Eaton,__Business Manager and down the Main streets of America, with ABOUT 1704. ASA NURSE, SHE OFTEN The areas approved by the com­ i 105 acres. Caledonia township. called Bukets. the bladder lax­ CRCDNED MELODIES mission were dedicated by the Subscription Price—U.S. SI.50 per year: Foreign. the farmers, the good, substantial American Shiawassee county: David G. Rob ative. In four days if not pleased ; workers, and the small town business men AND SOON GAINED THE following: erts. 80 acres. Mellen township. your druggist will return your $2.06 per year, payable in advance. DERISIVE TITLE OF THE EARUE^KNOWN COLLECTION ' Perry Bogert. 120 acres. Adrian . who pay the taxes that pay the pay checks "MOTHER GOOt" A LATER Menominee county; E. E. Schuet- 25c. Beyer Pharmacy. Plymouth. Of NURSERY RHYMES WAS PUBLISHED township. Lenawee county; Man­ I te. 307 acres. Mellen township, C. R. Horton. Northville. Mich­ of Prof. Jones and his educational associates, FWTRON WHOSE CHILD SHE ABOUT 1760 BY JOHN NEWBERRY OF ning & Locklin Northville Com­ Largest Circulation of any Newspaper NURSED W5 50 INTERESTED LOWON.THESE WERE MADE POPULAR BY THE Menominee county. igan. they would not retain for long their “liberal” N HER SONGS THAT HE BOSTON EDITIONS OF MONROE f FRANCIS in Western Wayne County ideas about the education of Communists at HADWfPRWTW BY JOHN, 1824-1860. SINCE THAT TIME MILLIONS OF COPIES the expense of the taxpayers. WORIWNJTON.IN THESTWflJ HAVE been published in all sizes shapes AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN 1712 UNDER THE nTLtOF ANO FORMS ENTITLED‘MOTHER GOOSEJ ‘'lEHttOEtSANDBNMBOF GAINING PUBLIC CONFIDENCE MOWER GCpft." 8UT THAT. Entered at the postoffice at Plymouth, TOO,IS UNSIWORTH) EVUXKE Michigan, as second class postal mat­ The public, if one is to judge the entire country by this locality, has had an open ter under the Act of Congress of mind, so to speak, about Father Coughlin. March 3, 1879. Many have strongly believed in him and the enniman Allen Theater The Plymouth Mail is a Member of the Nation­ reform he is advocating. Many, many more, al Editorial Association. University of Michigan have wondered as to the consistency of one PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN Press Club, and the Michigan Press Association. whose life is dedicated to the cause of the Church of which he is a member delving into WANTED—A JOB public affairs. But one after hearing his pub­ THE FRENCH RCCOOT PROVES THAT II...... THE FIRST CLAWOFAN AMEH0W MOT« GOOSE IS CHARLES PWRAULT WSlISWCD * Q00NOC lic address Sunday afternoon can no longer Wmrbgoose was EUWMJHeuiaboh GCCEfWtWCFCNEgoose wowScni nursery Rhymes with a caption of Professor Howard Mumford Jones of the . - WMfflBmiAUZOFONETWWS tONThi DE MA L'OYE" OR TALCS OF Sun., Mon., Tues., November 24, 25, 26 doubt his sincerity, his desire to aid fellow FLEET A USLL KNOW KEWl PWflB? WO OWE THESE NI7IZ MOTHER GOOSE. "MOTHER GOOSE’S' Rochelle Hudson and Slim Summerville English department of ^ University of | creeds and denominations and ORIGIN IS 5OPPOSW TO DATE BACK TO ■OCWINIHMeBBNIWMtin^HE FUST C0UKTOH OF •QUEEN GOCrtt-RXr* (RE,Nt PfOANCE) ’ in M,ch,gan was a speaker last week brfore the his hatreio nf UP in Saginaw for over 50 years, which he serves so well as a then that sort of a schedule might be all right. It is the hope—at least, troit was . EUeest *7 and mS* In fact the first Catholic Bishop churchman. we suppose it is—that work relief men will eventually be absorbed chas RiEES8 Saturday and S' of Detroit. Peter Paul Lefevre. He is a charter member of the by private industry. We believe that a schedule that is predicted on ' dav ' 88 & uraay ana bun- wag a great great uncle of Pather Plymouth Chamber of Commerce. pay whether or not one works is bad. It will soon disrupt not only > « ■ „ Lefevre. He is now president of the Plym­ men employed on work relief, but other workers who observe it. .... “ , ' 'Shall J continue to dav basp- outh Rotary club and has for We quite realize that the tremendous problems of caring for un- l~,e Han'ey street ball . .. x the‘Driest years been one of its most active fortunates is bound to be far from perfect. No one expects that. We . Tu€?day and though h (10.. was the auestion that ran members. In fact there is little do believe that rules of common-sense, industry and thrift should a job is a big one after all. through h,s mjnd as the months predominate. This may be too much to hope for from any govern- over *<•<»<> being involved. Sled a ro in d He had be™ told that transpires in this community that is for the good of the com­ mental undertaking.—Schuyler Marshall in The Clinton County Re- * * ------munity that he is not- interested publican-News. The moving picture show at ference. in. On his 15th anniversary in ------o the opera house next Wednesday * * * Plymouth next week, he can look THAT ALL THE DIRT AND GRIMt TRANSPARENT POLITICS evening will be for the benefit of Card of Thank: -Through the back over these busy years and It was only a short time ago that the threats were made in the Plymouth fire department. columns of the Mail I desire to feel mighty well satisfied with all 1$ REMOVED AT THE POWER HOUSE, Washington about "cracking down” on Ford and denying him the express to the citizens of Plym- that he has done and accom- privilege to submit bids on trucks and motor equipment which the The tomato growers of Plym- outh my appreciation of the re- ! plished. •.AND YOU HAVE ONLY AZR£ HEAT United States was going to use. because he did not sign up on the outh will have another meeting j naming of the street where I have • WHEN YOU TURN THE SWITCH- OF NRA, and now the government writes him a letter and asks him for in the Hoops block Saturday i always resided. That you should advice. It makes such an absurd and ridiculous picture that we don’t evening. An effort is being made i have called it Penniman avenue YOUR ELECTRIC RANGE. 9 wonder that Ford answered with three sentences, the last and signi­ to line up all the farmers for a I is an honor for which I sincerely Stomach Gas ficant one being: "Hitherto unquestionable acquiescence and not better price next year. Last spring 1 thank you. as would my father counsel has been asked.” they contracted for $6.00 per ton. could he but speak to you today. lawAOwi, itotSt We must not lose sight of the fact that business did not start a They claim it costs $7.50 to raise I am truly grateful for the kind­ real recuperation until the Supreme Court outlawed the NRA, or in and deliver the goods and they ness and good will which prompt­ other words the New Deal—Frank Bryce in The Grand Ledge Inde­ will endeavor to make the manu­ ed such an action. — Mrs. Kate A D L E K I K A pendent. facturer pay the additional -dif- Penniman - Allen. BEYER PHARMACY the DETROIT EDISON co Friday, November 22nd, 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Page Three Mr. and Mrs. John Jordon had as their week-end guests his aunt. Mrs. Harry DeWitt of Local Items Traverse City and his father, FIRST AID to Mankind | M. F. Jordon of Lansing. * * * Flood or drought... fire or fam­ Miss Catherine McKenna was day until Sunday of last week, i Mr. and Mrs. Abel Hayball who home from Ypsilanti over the j * * * i recently left for St. Petersburg, ine. . .earthquake or epidemic, week-end. | Harold and Clyde Wood, spent ! Florida, where they will spend the Red Cross is first upon the * * * Sunday in Ann Arbor. i the winter, are now nicely locat- Mrs. M. G. Blunk spent Mon- i * !ed at 1625 30th avenue. scene rendering welcome relief. day and Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn plan Similarly, the drug store is first Mrs. Paul Lee at Saline. to spend Thanksgiving Day with • Mrs. Gus Gates spent Thurs- in your mind in household acci­ * * * i relatives at Lansing. ' day and Friday of last week with , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walter of | her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. | dents. You know that we carry Flint were recent guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kenyon were I Avery Gates, in Detroit. They ■ bandages, antiseptics and salves and Mrs. Chris DePorter. in St. Louis Tuesday to attend : moved there from Plymouth two the funeral of a cousin. week’s ago. as well as complete first aid kits. * * ♦ * * * will start you The Misses Frances and Eliza­ beth Stanley were week-end Miss Marion Drewyour of De­ • Harold Clizbe, who recently re- j guests of friends in Pontiac. troit has been the guest of Miss turned from St. Petersburg, Flo-1 in OUR ♦ * * Maurine Dunn for two days. rida, where he had been the past1 J & J Handy First Aid Kit * * * year, visited his sister. Mrs. J. Miss Rae Thomas of Ypsilanti Merle Bennett, and family over j $1.00 was the week-end guest of Miss Mrs. Robert Webber continues the week-end. ( Eileen Jordon ♦on * Adams* street. critically ill at the home of her * * * I daughter, Mrs. Nina Beckett. J & J Auto Kit «q Baume Bengue 59c * * * Week-end guests at the Wm. I Miss Margaret Lorenz of De- Powell home on the Townline Complete 75c tube ttoit was the dinner guest of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts and Mrs. Ralph Lorenz Sunday. road were Mrs. J. D. Shafer and E-A-B Ointment 49c * * * of Redford, called on Mr. and daughter Florence, of Monroe, Nyal Drawing Mrs. C. V. Chambers, on Monday. and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bordine Ideal Burn Oint. Mrs. Ida Tefft and niece. Mrs. * * * of Cherry Hill. Salve, Ideal 35c Alice Turner, spent from Thurs­ Miss Edna Wood of Detroit was » ♦ ♦ P. D. Zinc day until Sunday with relatives a last week Wednesday evening for boils in Detroit. Mrs. F. W. Sepull, daughter, Oxi^e Ointment 19c * ♦ ♦ visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Harold Creegan and her Full Pint Ultra 39C Wiseman’s. daughter. Phyllis, of Detroit, per tube Miss Caroline Culver of Milan * * * were visitors Sunday at the home Come in and Join. Witch Hazel and Miss Jean Allison of Alpena Mr. and Mrs. Miles Marks of of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Laible on Upjohns visited Miss Ruth McConnell over Royal Oak were guests Sunday of North Harvey street. Tacnicide 50c 1 lb. Absorbent 49c Xhe week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olin on » * * * • • Arthur street. Ointment, tube Cotton, Bays , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowring * * • Mr. and Mrs. George Newburn j and son Roger Keith spent Mon­ of Midland will be guests over I day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harold Finlan and Mrs. the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ivan Dickinson. Carl Wagenschutz were guests of Gilder. They will all attend the After the Turkey THE FEAST * * * Mrs. Howard Riggs at Caro over Ohio-Michigan football game in 1936 Clubs Open the week-end. Ann Arbor Saturday. After the turkey has been eaten and the wishbone ritual - Mr. and Mrs. George Evans and ♦ * * ♦ * * has been performed, surprise your guests with a box of children visited her sister, Mrs. delicious chocolates. We know it will be just what they Frank VanDeCar, and family in Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Campbell Mr. and Mrs. David Birch have wished for. Wayne. Sunday. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. sold their home and household ♦ * * George Porter in Detroit, Satur­ goods and with their son are 17 oz. Whitman’s 1 lb. Cecils day evening. leaving December first for Pasa­ Sampler Fruit and Nuts ’ Mrs. William Blunk was the * * * dena, California, where they plan Monday, Nov. 25 guest of her daughter. Mrs. to make their home. Banks, in Detroit, Friday and Sat­ Jesse McLeod left Monday * * * $1.50 2 lbs $3 $1.00 urday of last week. night with his nephew. Albert * * * McLeod of Detroit, on a ten Mr. and Mrs. James Riley, her • Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Herrick and day’s hunting trip in the Upper mother. Mrs. Ella Anthes and Regular Specials in Toiletries Mrs. Howard Bowring and son Peninsula. aunt. Mrs. Ann Anthes. of West Roger spent Tuesday visiting re­ * * * Lorn. Ontario, attended the funer­ $1.00 Pacquin’s Hand Cream------79c latives at Owosso. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowring, al of Mrs. Robert Leverington. an $1.00 Junis Facial Cream------79c * * * son’s Lee and Roger, spent Thurs­ aunt, in Detroit.# ♦Monday. » Member of Federal If; ggffiSjDeposit Insurance Corp. 45c Vaseline Hair Tonic------39c Fred Weiher and daughter, day evening at the home of Mr. Mrs. Charles McConnell left and Mrs. Charles Hutchin's on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilder will ------w 75c Vaseline Hair Tonic------69c Monday for Miami where they Schoolcraft road. accompany Miss Loma May to Colgates Cashmere Bouquet Soap, will spend the winter. * * * her home at Alpena on Wed­ * * ♦ Mrs. D. T. Randall of Detroit nesday of next week to spend the Regular 25c per cake value, 3 cakes------25c Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickell of spent Monday in Plymouth and Thanksgiving holiday with her Woodbury’s Soap, 25c cake size, 3 for-----27c Northville spent Sunday at the attended the meeting of the mother, Mrs. Myrtle May. re- Plymouth United Savings Bank home of her mother, Mrs. Gus D. A.R. held at the home of Mrs. Imaining until Sunday. 200-Count Pond’s Tissue, 12c;------2 for 23c Kaiser on Wing street. J. Merle Bennett. ♦ * * * * * i Mr. and Mrs. Emory Holmes PLYMOUTH, MICH. Armand’s New Lovelines Cream Mr. and Mrs. Paul Houchins Mrs. Ella Anthes and Mrs. Ann iand daughters. Kathryn and Bar­ An All-Purpose Cream left Tuesday for a few days visit Anthes of West Lorn. Ontario, bara Jean, of Detroit, were Sun­ with his sister, who is ill at her are spending the week with the day guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 20c - 50c - 75c and $1.00 Jars home in Dayton. Ohio. former's daughter. Mrs. James iV. Chambers, and helped their 1 * » ♦ Riley, and family. | father and grandfather respect- ( * * * lively. celebrate his birthday. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Sparling j 6f Northville, announce the birth Mrs. Etta Stiff, who has been of an eight pound baby girl on in Detroit the past ten weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sheere of I DDDGEDRUD CO Friday. November 15th. has returned to the home of Plymouth. Ed Bauman and son. ' her daughter. Mrs. Frank Ram­ Alvin, and John Melow of Salem ftOW.. FOR YOUR bo. for a time. Mrs. L. A. Babbitt of Detroit # ♦ * and Gladys Schroder of Detroit visited her daughter. Mrs. J. J. were Sunday visitors at the home McLaren, and family from Fri- Mrs. John Henderson, who has of A. B. Schroder and family on been confined to her home on the Six Mile Road. Main street by illness the past * * * holiday three weeks, is now able to be i Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hardy of Z2____ /. out again. i Montreal. Quebec, arrived Thurs- * * » Iday for a visit with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rambo of I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thrall on Flint and Mr. and Mrs. Wagner 1 Irving street, while enroute to of Detroit were visitors Sunday jLos Angeles. California, where V-8 LEADERSHIP at the Frank Rambo home on 1 they will spend several months. Ann Arbor Trail. * * * John W. Morrow, civil engineer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyman for the State Highway depart­ We are specializing tiiis week in all of Minneapolis. Minnesota, were ment. has recently been trans­ guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. ferred to West Branch temporar­ those delightful ingredients (flours, E. C. Hough at their home on ily. During his absence Mrs. Maud sugars, spices from the Orient, fruits, West Ann Arbor Trail. Bennett, mother of Mrs. Morrow nuts, and whatever) for concocting mar­ .will reside at the Morrow home velous cakes, pastries, pies, fruitcakes on Starkweather avenue. [your family will brag about — all at our * * * lIow holiday prices! Mrs. Jessie Terry and daughter in-laws. Mrs. Frank Terry of Plymouth and Mrs. Harry Terry of Redford, returned Saturday AVONDALE to Plymouth from Lewiston. Neb­ raska, where they had been vis­ iting her daughter and husbahd. 24^ lb. IS YOUR Rev. and Mrs. G. I. Friday, the past, two weeks. FLOUR sack 85c SAFEST BATTERY BUY Mr. and Mrs. Asa Carr of Hub­ bard Lake will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wilson the fore MM lb. 29c An Exide stays in your part of next week. On Wednes­ Gold Meda| $1.15 Velvet car. /t*j feui/t tAat way. day. their daughter. Miss Grace Carr, and Mrs. Edna Wilson will No expensive recharging, accompany them to Niagara Falls where they will visit the latter's Michigan Made delays or inconvenience. sister, Mrs. Andrew Anderson, a few days. 100 lbs. $4.95 When you need a new SUGAR 5c » * * battery remember . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeBar of Carol street entertained at a family dinner on Sunday. The Staley’s CoMriry CWb guests included Uheir daughter CORN STARCH . . 2 pk»»- 17c COFFEE . . . lb. eon 24c WHEN ITS AN and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drulia and son Thomas and la Cubes Wmco daughter Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Joe 15c SCRATCH FEED . “S,r $2.03 Stelzer. a brother of Mrs. DeBar, GLOSS STARCH . . 2 and son Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Wondernut Wweo Lawrence Stelzer and daughter . . “i" $2.09 Betty and Walter Stelzer of De­ AAARGERINE . . . . 2 J 29c EGG MASH . troit. OXYDOL . .‘TV". 2 Si" 39c P. & G. SOAP . 6 25c

Ayers Writes It Has CHIPSO . . . . 18c PENN RAD OIL . . . 95c Been Cool On Coast Harry Ayers, well known Plym­ PINEAPPLE outh fruit grower, who with Mrs. JUICY STEAKS and HURRY- l Ayers left for California a few UP ROASTS I weeks ago to spend the winter, ORANGES THE PLYMOUTH AUTO in a letter to The Plymouth Mail, states that "sunny California” Pounds 19c Round .Sirloin Steak 2JC I On October 31 of lost year, Henry Ford within reach of the people. Producing it SUPPLY ‘ has been enjoying some rather announced his intention to build a million has provided steady work for hundreds cold weather since their arrival. South Main Street "But we had a very pleasant EXTRA LARGE Rolled Rump, no Ford V-8s in 1935. We are pleased to re­ of thousands of men in the Ford plants, in trip through. We didn’t hurry and 23c had no difficulty at all in cover­ GRAPEFRUIT waste, lb. ___ port that this goal was reached in exactly Phone 80 associated industries and on the farm. ing the distance in six and a Ring Bologna O Lb. half days.” he says. Each fj(» Each 25c ten months instead of a full year. These million Ford V-8 cars and trucks “ for One million cars and trucks is an im­ have helped to make things better all FANCY Pure Lard_ lb. 17c ' pressive total. But figures by themselves around. In the first ten months of 1935 the FRI. FRI. Sweet Potatoes Mince Meat .lb. 15c mean nothing. It is what they represent Ford Motor Company paid out in the & DANCE & Leg O Lamb ____ _lb. 26c that counts. Selling a V-8 at a low price United States alone, $140,119,326.00 in 5 Pounds Veal Shoulder lb. 23c has brought a new kind of automobile wages and $523,111,389.00 for materials. SAT at the SAT FORD MOTOR COMPANY BARN ITOLKER OF FORD. LINCOLN AND LINCOLN-ZEPHYR MOTOR CARS Saturday Night, Ladies free, Gents 35c. Also door prize will be given. KROGER-STORES : NEW FOHD V-8 FOB IOC IS NOW ON DISPLAY. THE CAB THAT LED ALL OTHEBS IN IMS Music By Rip Collins Orchestra HAS BEEN MADE STILL BETTEB FOB THE NEW TEAS r

Page Four THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Friday, November 22nd, 1935 Mrs. Dwight T. Randall, who is 1 boxes of clothing for the school accept the position as Preceptress j in the O. Dudley home on Sev- i 'state chairman of the Student iat Crossnore. N.C.. especially men-,and History head in the Mich-| en Mile Road. Pleasing D. A* R. | Loan and Scholarship fund told I tioning the very generous contri- j igan State Normal at Ypsilanti, All On Welfare Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Speers and of the great need for Student bution of Mrs. Thad Knapp of Michigan has one nationally ; small sons. Ypsilanti, were din- ! ATTENTION! Loan funds in our high school Northville. famous woman. Laura Smith j ner guests in the Ed. Youngs i and colleges. There are four types Mrs. Frederick Lendrum asked Haviland of Lenawee county, who Are Registered home, on Sunday. Rollins Chiffons and Service Weight Session- is Held I of these loans, and. one of these Mrs. Dwight Randall to present opened the first school in, Mich- _____ Little Betty Jean Dudley is i I the Chapter Loan Fund, was some facts on the perils to the igan. which admitted students of Most of the sixteen districts of home, since several days with a ! Mrs. Bennett was host- • adopted, the Chapter pledging security of our country, showing good character, regardless of sex the National Reemployment heavy cold. — to the members of the Sarah twenty-five dollars for this fund, the necessity of defense of our and color. Out of the enterprise service are rapidlv approaching Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kahler, mo- ! HOSE Ann Cochrane Chapter. Daugh- j Only two states have larger loan country and its ideals. started by the Havilands, two thP hundred per cent mark in the toyed to Ann Arbor. Monday after- I For beauty and long wear—attractive for Christmas gifts. a‘ funds than MlcluBan- Mrs. strong chairman of the splendid state industrial schools registration of welfare recipients. noon. 18 t! Mrs- Walter Nichol presented program committee then took have evolved, one for girls at Major Howard Starret. state di- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Lewis, pTvrnniif1^ 0U Sheridan avenue in ! the plans of the Historical Essay charge and introduced Mrs, Har- Adrian, and another for boys at erctor of this branch of the De- spent Sunday in the S. K. Hart­ Norma Cassady Dress Shop y outn. i Contest, and asked for an appro- old Stevens, who presented a fine Coldwater, and the culmination' partment of Labor announced man home, near Stockbridge and The reeent. Mrs. Carl Bryan, i priation of ten dollais for prizes, paper entitled, "Pioneer Women of her work was reached in our today, were evening callers of the Fred • 834 Penniman Avenue of Northville presided over the [ which was granted. of Michigan.” Mrs. Stevens told Jast legislature, when it created -as soon as we have the names Riders. business meeting at which the I A contribution was made to the us that only four women in the the Michigan Children's Insti- of an welfare people on our files Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Speers and . resignation of two members was Red Cross. Mis. Royal Larkins United States have been honored tute. we will be better able to concen- small sons. Ypsilanti, were sup regretfully accepted. 1 told of the packing of three by life size statues. These are of rs- 5 M' Chase of North- trate our efforts toward finding per guests of their parents. Mr. IN THE BUSHES AGAIN ----- —------— — - — ------Margaret Dougherty, who moth- Vllle read an obituary of one jObS private industry for all and Mrs. W. A. Kahler. Sunday. Look out folks, if you are driving into Detroit. The Detroit police ! ered the street waifs in New Or- Sanjuel Patchen in New York unemployed as well as for people Rev. and Mrs. L. S. Sutherland department has again moved its Plymouth road speed trap out into the . leans; of Sacajawen. the Indian describing the terrible ordeals who are working on temporary Plymouth, called at the Congre­ country and almost any time of night or day you can if you watch BIG FEATHER PARTY tfoman, who acted as a guide in suffered by prisoners of war in federal work projects." Major gational parsonage. Monday af­ find a speed cop back of seme of the bushes or beer gardens waiting the Lewis, and Clark expedition, the early days of our country. starret said. "At the present time ternoon. | for some out of town driver. Outside residents of Detroit are fuSy At JEWELL & BLAICH HALL and whose statue is in Portland. I The annual Christmas party we are registering both relief and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc­ convinced now that the Detroit speed trap on Plymouth road is a DOWNSTAIRS Oregon; of Francis E. Willard in,will be held as last year at the non-relief people for work on Cullough in their home in Plym­ money making scheme for the city, and not due to any traffic haz­ the rotunda at Washington; and [home of Mrs. Sherwin Hill Mon-. woik-projects and for jobs in outh. arranged a birthday din­ ards existing out in the country- of Laura Haviland in Quaker day evening, Dec. 9 at Green- i private industry.” ner for their sister Mrs. John Her­ TUESDAY, November 26th, 8:00 p. m. garb on the lawn of the City mead, Northville. —The husbands ‘ Among the " sixteen districts rick. Others besides the honor Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Bacon and Oysters guest were: Donald and Miss Dor­ Hall at Adrian. Michigan. and friends of the Chapter mem- the number of relief people reg- is Herrick and Miss Doris Comp­ IMPROVED ORDER OF REDMEN A figure most potent in in­ bers are included for the eve- i istered reached the following ton. EVERYONE WELCOME fluence. both for peace and high ning':. pleasure. percentages last week: Alma, in­ ideals was a pioneer Indian wo­ cluding Owosso and West Branch. Mrs. Henry Whittake. and Mrs.. man. Madame LaFrambois. Her 83 per cent; Alpena. 95 per cent; Myra Taylor spent Tuesday, in FAIR CROWDS PRESENT husband was a fur trader, and Ann Arbor, including Hillsdale, Ann Arbor. i “The Fi^st Commandment” presented last week at the First their influence was most strongly Jackson and Monroe, and Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coveil and By l&Krt. Methodist church was an excellent play and well presented, but as a felt in the northern part of our Crops Are Best 84 per cent; Bessemer. 85 per family. Northville, were Saturday revenue producer it was not what its promoters hoped it would be. state and at Mackinac, where cent; Charlotte and Allegan 83 evening callers at the C. W. 1 Madame LaFrambois finally re­ per cent; Wayne County. 58 per Payne home. The First Sawmill tired devoting her fortune to State Ever Had cent; Houghton. 84 per cent; Lee Taite of Logan. West Vir­ When the Pilgrims first landed in | improvement of her own people, ------! Iron Mountain, including Dag- ginia, accompanied by his grand America- they immediately be­ and to further the cause of the The 1935 crop season, now ! gett and Iron River. 96 per cent; mother. Mrs. Lizzie Taite. arriv­ gan to bflild huts or houses, and of Catholic Church of which she I drawing to a close, has been a Manistee, including Reed City and ed Saturday evening, by auto, in course A-ast quantities of lumber was a devoted member. I favorable one for most Michigan Cadillac. 97 per cent; Marquette, Northville and the latter having were ne gjris attend who expect tu play —DRIVE CAREFULLY— Fisher. Harry RUSSEL KIRK ...... Forensics i Ford. Kathleen 3 A’s * 1 B directed by Miss Ford, entertain- Rock eleven. At no time was the inal in the old North Church, the on the teams this winter. He Men prize their heritage of Forshee. Edsel 4 B's ed the audience of Plymouth High outcome in doubt. Superior av- ALICE WILLIAMS ...... Starkweather Notes and Features: .response of the minute men Bn- would like have the meeting freedom most when they hare to Gamble. Mary Jane 2 A's. 2 B’s in a general assembly held Fri- perience. better mastery of plays, ETHEL REBITZKE ...... Social News) tish troops and actual hostilities start promptly at 7 o’clock. fight and suffer for its preserva­ George. Helen. 2 A's. 2 B's j day, November 15. The program far more man power, and a bet­ Both films were education as well, tion. 1 A, 4 E's consisted of a series of tableaus. ter balanced team gave the Rocks MARVIN CRIGER ...... Boys' Clubs | as entertaining and till a definite I 't 8' No'e“ Hix. Marion ELIZABETH CRIGER ., Junior High School and School Calendar need of the members a11 caPtains are expected to at- —DRIVE CAREFULLY— Kinsey. Jack 2 A’s, 3 B’sj Jack Selle introduced an un- their sixth win of the season. Al­ The“ataSw which !*”?, th,' most at the beginning of the BETTY FLAHERTY ...... Central School Notes Kirk. Russell 2 A’s. 2 B’s ■ usual feature and read verses se- was to have been led by Harold Istart °f lhe schedule. This meet- Read the Classified Adv. Merritt, Joe 2 A's. 3 B’s ! lected for each tableau. • The game. Gilles lateraled to Wagen- School classes and clubs will be reported by the entire staff. Moore. Audrey 1 A. 4 B’s scenes portrayed the aboriginal schutz who ran forty yards for a W,elch has been postponed until Pierce, Neil 2 A's, 2 B’s | Indians, the landing of Columbus, touchdown. This set the stage for the next meeting. 3 A's. 1 B the colony of the Pilgrims, the an explosion of touchdown plays —DRIVE CAREFULLY— Ratnoui*. Phyllis on passes. Kinsey tossed a twenty- Rhead, Roland 5 A’s. ‘1 ~B making of the first American flag THANKSGIVING ! PLYMOUTH DEBATERS 2 A’s. 2 B’s by Betsy Ross, the "Spirit of yard pass to McNulty and Wag- DON’T FORGET Roediger. Jean enschutz skirted left end for the We walk on starry fields of DEFEAT RIVER ROUGE JUNIOR PLAY Hossot. Harold 4 B's ’76" the freeing of the negroes by white 3 A’s. 1 B the Emancipation Proclamation, •secondsecond touchdown. The third in Sessions, Jack this series came on another long And yet ignore the daisies; ! Winning the third decision de- Van Meter, Robert 2 A’s. 4 B’s the World War. the heroism ot •“•------"" >' For blessings common in our The time is drawing near when 3 A’s. 2 B’s pass, Kinsey to Coffin who , bate of the season. Plymouth members of the junior class will Whipple. Elizabeth American women, and the Un­ easily crossed the goal line un­ sight 'high school defeated River Rouge Williams. Alice 2 A’s. 3 B’s known Soldier. present their play. "Huckleberry molested. All of these scores came We rarely offer praises. Jin a contest held Thursday, Nov. Finn." Miss Ford, the cast, and llth Grade ' A chorus of Drama Club mem­ in the first period and Northville We sigh for some supreme 11. Plymouth's team, upholding Bakhaus. George 1A. 4 B’s bers sang several negro spirituals delight those on the committees are 4 A’s. 1 B never had a chance to overcome • the affirmative, consisted of Har- spending a great deal of time in Brock. Tom *■ in connection with the Emancipa­ this lead. To crown our lives with jry Fischer. Jack Sessions, and its preparation so that no one will Brown, Jeanette 6 A’s tion Proclamation tableau. All splendor. Tom Brock. The proposition dis­ Burton. Patricia 2 A's. 3 B’s scenes were aided by appropriate Again in the second quarter, be sorry that he came. Be sure to the Rock passing attack worked. And quite ignore our daily cussed was that of government reserve either Thursday or Friday C&ssady, Patricia 4 A's. 2 B’s music. store control of munitions. Previous to Ciesielski. Irene 2 A's, 3 B’s Wagenschutz crossed up the night, December 5 or 6. for an This feature was the first of its Orange and Black by passing to Ot pleasures sweet and tender. ,hls contest. Plymouth had sup- evening of entertainment you are Dunham. Jean 2 A’s. 2 B's type to be presented in assembly ported the negative of the ques­ Gorton, Marion 3 A’s. 3 B’s Kinsey who ran forty yards for Our cares are bold and push bound to enjoy, beginning at 8:00. for several years. The entire another six points. Throughout tion in two Twin Valley Associa- Granger, Irene 1 A. 4 B's club membership was included in their way ! tion debates. —DRIVE CAREFULLY— Hauk, Loretta 5 B's this half the Plymouth attack Upon our thought and feeling. the cast. ____ netted twenty-five points while Affirmative speakers from Riv­ Hearn. Dorothy 4 A’s, 2 B's They hand about us all the day. er Rouge included Virginia Bro- Hegge. Elizabeth 2 A's, 3 B’s —DRIVE CAREFULLY— Northville could gain little yard­ Our time from pleasure t age except on the first play of the .dowski. Lillian Blankenbaker, and Seek Sentiment Holdsworth. Mary 4 A’s. 1 B NIGHT SCHOOL stealing. Jack Robinson. Katherine Schultz. Hubbell, Barbara 5 A’s. 1 B game when they completed a So unobtrusive many a joy ATTRACTS PARENTS short pass for ten yards. ' Plymouth debater of last year. Hughes. Lenore 4 B's We pass by and forget it. ; was the chairman and the debate Kelner, Marjorie 2 A’s, 4 B’s As near as could be estimated, The rest between halves did not But worry strives to own our !was judged by Professor Harold Of Local Voters Kleinschmidt, Ken. 1 A. 4 B’s between 250 and 300 people at­ seem to help Northville or hinder lives |B. Allen, of the University of Moas. Dorothy 2 A’s. 5 B’s tended night school on the occas­ Plymouth, because the Rocks piled And conquers if we let it. Michigan. A larger audience than Individual ballots have been McKinnon. Patsy 3 A’s, 1 B ion of observing the annual cus­ up three more touchdowns. On I usual attended. J mailed to voters of Plymouth and Mettetal. Edith 4 A’s. 2 B’s tom for the benefit of parents the kickoff. Coffin, an end. receiv­ There’s not a day in all the The determined spirit of both'nearby communities |n a new I Mulry. Ellen 1 A. 5 B's who wished to see how their ed the ball on his own thirty and year : teams was evident during the de-iLlterary Digest poll of 10.000,000 Roe. Norma Jean 5 A’s. 2 B’s children worked. School was at­ ran seventy yards behind excel­ But holds some hidden plea­ bate; Plymouth and River Rouge j Persons to ascertain the present Saylor. Charles 3 A'S. 1 B tended in large numbers by many lent interference for a touch­ sure. j have been outstanding contend- popularity of the New Deal and Starkweather, Jewel 5 A's parents and alumni Thursday. down. After several punt inter­ And looking back joys oft 1 ers for the league championships have been distributed by the post Stewart. Phyllis 5 A’s. 1 B November 14, changes. Plymouth was again appear ’both in debate and athletics dur- I office locally, according to ad- Trombley. Francis 5 B’s ... „ J . .. . .deep in their opponent’s territory To brim the past’s wide ' ing the past several years, and it! v^e received today from the mag- Waldecker. Janet 2 A's, 3 B’s Miss- Ford , arrangedt a display and in position to attempt a pass measure. 1 was expected that this contest | azine’s publishers. Welch. Charlotte 2 A’s. 2 B's1 of maps on her blackboard to il- in order to gain more points. This But blessings are like friends, lustrate a branch of the study of again depended on Jack Kinsey's i would have considerable bearing | Michigan’s returns in this new 10th Grade I hold. ■ on the chances of success for one , referendum will be tallied as a Adams. Dorothy 3> r,.A ’s.o. 3« B’s modern and general history. She i trusjy right arm and he came Who love and labbr near us. i of these schools. J unit so they maV be compared Bentley, Margaret 1 A. 5 B's -'Iso had a display of biological ■ through again, this time pass- We ought to raise our notes of - - —s I drawings. I ing to coffin. I Throughout the discussion of ,witb the voting in other States, it Hartzog. Audrey 1 A. 4 B’s praise the question by the opposing Iis announced, Help make Michigan highways Luttermoser. Marion 5 A’s. 1 B Mr. Bentley demonstrated ex- I In t,he final quarter the home While living hearts can hear teams, the evils of private manu- ; The voting of the post-card , —Lueke.— Isabelle------2 A’s.- 3 b;s penments on heat during part team once more marched down us. ■ facture of munitions were pre- i ballots is secret as no signature i Mattinson. Marguerite 3 A's. 2 B s; of the general science period and . the fieid ciimaXing it with Kin- | sented, and possible evils of,or other identification is requir- .- Nystrom."—---- -E ”Ellen1 3 A’s. 2 B's i flashed motion pictures on a ' sey running around right end for Full many a blessing wears the i government production consider- . ed and the return postage is paid Pennell. Ruth 6 A's. 1 B l screen the remainder of an inter- . the last touchdown of the game, guise i ed. Constructive speeches lasted , by the magazine. To guard against . Schmidt. Doris 4 A’s. 2 B’s I Of worry or of trouble. ting half hour. 1 From a home town spectator's Farseeing is the soul and wise I eight minutes, and rebuttals four.j tampering and counterfeiting a I Stevens. Elizabeth 1 A, 3 £SI | At the close of affirmative and | specially manufactured card-' SAFE „ , we i In one of ®41SS PiegeJs I view, this game was interesting Smith. Merle 2 A’s. 3 B's . Who knows the mask is e 2 f s. 3 B s , can history classes the pupils only for a short period. After the negative speeches. Professor Al- [ board is used for printing the bal- ■ qtATP Schwartz, Jeanette double. MICHIGAN SAFETY CAMPAIGN 2 A s. o a s gave oral reports based on that! first quarter, there was no doubt But he who has the faith | len discussed the debate, stating | lot. according to the sponsors of | ® 9th Grade night's lesson. : hut that Plymouth would win and 1 that excellent work had beenj the poll, and all spurious votes Barnes. Belva. 3 A s. 4 B’s and strength Mi. Evans’ fifth hour chemistry j the regularity of the Rock's ground To thank his God for sorrow | done by both teams, and that [ can be detected immediately and Barrows, Phyllis 1 A. 4 B's class attempted to make and keep j gaining grew monotonous. Many much preparation was apparent, i destroyed. Brown. Annabell 2 A’s. 3 B’s! Has found a joy without alloy in bottles some chlorine gas. ! of the large number of observers To gladden every morrow. He mentioned the fact that the The ballot asks yes or no Buzzard. Doris 5 A's but a great amount escaped i left after the half and an in- style of all the debaters was far answer to the question: “Do You Campbell. Carol 5 A’S. B NOW Approve the Acts and Poli­ 1 A. 5 B's once in a while causing the would- creasing number departed as the We ought to make the moments superior to the old method of Playing Cards Curtis, Betty Jean be chemists !to rush to their am­ game progressed. This tilt con­ notes non-extemporaneous debate, while cies of the Roosevelt ‘New Deal’ Esch. Herman 5 B's to date?” B’s monium hydroxide bottles to rid cluded the 1935 football season Oi happy, glad Thanksgiving; good analyses of the arguments Fischer. Ralph 2 A s, 3 their nostrils and throats of the for Plymouth with the team The hours and days a silent were made' 'by each side. He A similar poll to the same 10.- Hainill, Jean 6 A’s 000,000 persons was conducted in Styled by Gibson B’s suffocating odor. May it be not­ gaining six wins, one tie. and one phrase awarded the decision to Plym­ Holmes. Thelma 1 A. 4 ed to their credit, however, that defeat. Of music we are living. outh's affirmative on the basis the spring of 1934. following the Hood. Jane 5 B’s a few parents staunchly stayed in Plymouth Northville And so the theme should swell of their superior organization of (first year of the Roosevelt admin- Korb, Betty 5 B’s the room the entire half hour. Coffin LE Balko case. better presentation, and | istration. Final returns then Martin, Veronica 2 A’s. 4 B’s and grow. — DRIVE CAREFULLY^ Krumm LT Toussaint As weeks and months pass support of arguments, asserting showed a vote of 61.15 per cent, Gilt Edge Linen Cards— Olsaver, Barbara 2 A's, 5 B's Gates LG Gregory o’er us, that the affirmative team was to for the New Deal to 38.85 per Roe. Dorothy 4 A'S, 2 B's PERSONAL MENTION cent against it. B's Kincade C Bray And rise sublime at this good some degree better than the nega­ Schaufele. Lois 2 A’s. 4 Blackmore RG Bauman time. tive speakers on each of these Another question on the ballot Single Decks,...... 39c Shrader. Catherine. 2 A’s. 3 B’s Irene Granger spent the week­ Evans RT Strauz A grand Thanksgiving points. Later he gave more de­ in the coming referendum asks Soth. Arlene » 2 A’s. 3 B’s end with Dawn Jacobs. McNulty RE Nirider each voter how he voted in 1932 B’s chorus. tailed criticism to debaters, Willis. Myra 4 A’S. 2 Leona Mault had as her guest QB to ascertain if there has been any Luke. Rosemary 4 B’s Kinsey Parmenter —Ella Wheeler Wilcox. coaches, and others interested. Twin Decks...... 75c over the week-end Elizabeth Stev­ Schifle RH Junod —DRIVE CAREFULLY — Having won this debate. Plym­ shift in political sentiment since 8th Grade ens. I Gilles LH Hay outh now holds first place in the last Presidential election. Ash. Ruth 5 A'S. 1 B FB Arnold ‘the seven Ballots are reported being mail­ Erdelyi. Margaret 2 A'S. 4 B’s Ellen Nystrcm had dinner at i Wagenschutz Twin Valley Association debate Ferndale Sunday. -DRIVE CAREFULLY- 'hundred standings with no defeats so far. ed from the magazine's headquar­ Garrison. June 4 A'S, 3 B's River Rouge having previously ters in New York at the rate of Taylor System Tallies Hartling. Gloria 4 A'S. 4 B's Charlotte Jolliffe spent Wed- AFFIRMATIVE TEAM ------i been equally successful.over Another 500.000 per day and will con­ Hood. Mary 1 A. 5 B's nesday night with Ellen Nystrom. tinue until every section of the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Tables Jolliffe. Charlotte 3 A'S. 4 B's June Bakewell entertained TO DEBATE DEARBORN I am a firm believer in the contest with the latter school will 2 A’s. 4 B's rights of free speech and so I j take place later in the season, country has been sent its propor­ School. Jean Having met all other opposing i will allow the following contri- ; Last year River Rouge defeated tionate share of the total being teams of the Twin Valley Asso­ J bution by Norma Jean Roe to j Plymouth for the league champ­ mailed. 7th Grade | Weltha Selle and Astri Hegge ciation. Plymouth high's nega­ pass uncensored. ionship. Publication of the first tabu­ Bridger. Doris 1 A. 5 B's were the guests of Mary Holds- lated returns is anticipated Brocklehurst. Virginia 5 A's. IB ! worth at dinner Sunday night. tive speakers will debate Dear- Sessions, the Socialist. —DRIVE CAREFULLY — Was a terrible vocalist. sometime in November. [Gifts 25c ™d] Brown. Betty DOUBLE QUARTET AT The forthcoming balloting will Dahmer. Mary Ellen 6 B's ■ nesday night with Norma Coffin But thought he was quite big When he gave the name Bessie THREE EVENTS be the eleventh national multi­ Ebersole. Dorothy 5 A's' i 5>,and was a guest at the home of Jh,s will be the million vote poll conducted by Engleson, Jean 6 B's , Dick Miller Sunday. sixth league contest of the season To a poor little Pig. Lewis. Orlyn B's for Plymouth, and will take place While on this subject, here are The girls of the high school ILiterary Digest besides sev- Catherine Kaletsky spent the at 7:30. some poems which I thought up. double quartet sang three times ?raj localized referendums which Rock. Virginia 4 A’s. 2 B's week-end with her aunt in De­ Schepple. Betty 3 A's. 3 B's The question argued this year The first is about friend McKin­ during the past week. On the : included the 1933 Mayoralty con- troit. non. ; afternoon of Wednesday. Nov- l^t. m New Yoik City and the Shrader. Elburna B's Miss Iva Marr of Detroit enter- deals with the proposal for gov Community Pharmacy Welch. Jeanette 5 A's. 1 B ta" ed her Z cousins Muriel ernment monopoly of the arms Pat McKinnon spoke too much. j ember 15. they presented “Spirit 11934^Gubernatorial election in 6 B'S'1 • -ner - -- .cor5lns- Muriel inHiictrv This crhnnl will wnnnw I Flower” and a new arrangement, Cahiomia. “The Store Of Friendly Service” Wickstrom. Lilly and Crystal Nichol. overn'vpr tn(rthfv suchindustry. a scheme This school will propose Jn French class number one: Zuckerman. James 1 A'S. The new seat that this bother of "Galwav Piper " before the' Seven of the eleven polls were J. W. Blickensta/f | week-end. . ladles of the Presbyterian auxi- ' helJ ‘n advance of elections and —DRIVE CAREFULLY^ Marion Krumm and Elizabeth Plymouth high now leads the 1 got Was by the room's one boy. ' liary. On the evening of the same i ^.ac“ of the seven forecast the of- Vealey attended the Michigan- standings of schools participating day they sang the River Rouge i filial outcome with a small mar- CLASS NOTES ; Minnesota game at Ann Arbor 1 in Twin Valley Association de- "Is this my punishment'’" „ ~ . .. Saturday and Marion spent bates. After meeting Dearborn. she said: Plymouth debate: this time they'®111 of ®rror. the magazine re- Continuing their study of the gaturday night with Elizabeth. the Plymouth squad, coached by "Oh. this is nearer joy!" 1 chose "Galway Piper" and "Ita- Ports. GREEN TEA Elizatyethean period in literature. I Dorothy Hughes spent Saturday ' Mr. Latture. will again debate | Chorus lian Street Song.” from Victor The, Literary Digest states y2 lb. can the members of the senior Eng-inight and gunday morning with!each school ot the league, but on ■ Oh. Pat Herbert’s operetta. "Naughty that just prior to the 1932 elec- COFFEE lish class taught by Miss Allen.! friends in Wayne. • the opposite side of the question Has a ; Marietta." Last Friday. Novem- I t>on it predicted Roosevelt would 29c are reading Shakespeare s Mac-> Ethel Rebitzke spent the week- ■ from that upheld in each pre­ | Column flat. ; ber 15th. they appeared before I «et 59.86 per cent of the popular 3 lb. Vacuum beth." Discussion of the great, ■ end with hpr gjster in North- vious debate. I La. la. la. la. la. la. the Rotarians. singing "Allah's '°te m his campaign against Glass tragedy has occupied the past ville | Here is a poem which I call Holiday.” Italian Street Song.” Hoover. The official returns show- BLACK TEA —DRIVE CAREFULLY i My Song of the Shirt. and "Spirit Flower.” At this meet-I ed that the President received week. Frances Bridge spent Wednes- ling the orchestra also played per cent of the Roosevelt- % lb. can ------Mr LaHures------fifth, V.- hour civics day lusuvnight wjhiwith ' ivAj-uuaMyrina oavcij.savery STARKWEATHER Roses are red; class has been studying articlesHaving defeated River Rouge's SCHOOL NOTES . Midnight is blue. few numbers. Howard Walbridee Hoover vote revealing an error of 39c on “What Shall We Do with The inegative jeam three Plymouth The shirt that I wear offered a piano solo, and Robert 0 ’2 per cent, in the magazine's 90c Boy” which 5oyered„„Pbarmac> ., debaters received a special award Is that color too. Van Meter gave several jigs on his forecast. The kindergarten children Which should settle the doubts ' violin, In the spring of 1932 a poll of law. and dentistry. What Shah jfrom Lovewell of the facul have made a store. The building the national sentiment on Prohi­ FANCY PRUNES We Do with the Girl covered1 of those who rumor that I have —DRIVE CAREFULLY — COOKING FIGS MC 00 "'"rt TMrhinv ty- in the I°‘rn °f ,wo is made of blocks. They have a bition forecast a popular vote of NTOW?sd5JdniirtMh Jane HMd|bars ,or each' PWouths table for rounlei. the fruits and joined the Fascists. After tearing SCHOOL CALENDAR 75.05 per cent for repeal. Returns 3 lbs 39c Thursday night. Jane ' victorious debaters were Harry vegetables are made of clay paint- that old black hair that Peep-a- Nov. 21—Debate. Ecorse. there from the States' elections which 2 Ib- Pkg- 29c wmiamMRrutherford Jave reports1 Fischer- Jack Sess'005- and Tom ed with water colors, and empty Boo and Little Bo Peep have been Nov. 22—Hobby Night. brought about the demise of the PITTED DATES William Rutherford gave lepoits, grock The River Rouge debate vegetable cans serve for the telling about I succeeded in com­ Nov. 26—Debate. Dearborn, on four of these professions. has long the outstanding canned goods department. Paper posing this rhapsody which tells Eighteenth Amendment in 1933 PITTED DATES how Jack Selle got left behind at there. showed a combined percentage 10 oz. pkg. 15c The first hour English class forensic event of the season money was cut and the store was Nov. 28-29—Thanksgiving of 73.41 for repeal, evidencing a 1% lb. pkg. 29c has been studying the drama of _DRive carefully- opened Monday. Salem with Dorothy Catey. Julius Caesar by William ------Drama Club's giving some Vacation. deviation of 1:64 per cent error PERSIAN DATES Many of the kindergarten mighty fine plays December 5-6—Junior Play. in the magazine's balloting on the Shakespeare and “The Rime of, AUTHOR EXPLORER children are sick and the rest of December 5—Debate. Lincoln Prohibition question. The Ancient Mariner.” by Sam- TELLS OF ALASKA the youngsters and their teach­ For the farmer folk living in 2 lb. pkg. 25c HONEY COMB uel Taylor Coleridge. _____ Salem these days. Park, there. A staff of more than 3.000 ad­ er hopes they will be back soon. But the trouble it seems is December 10—Debate. ditional employes is reported to APRICOTS The commercial arithmetic class , ROy Snell, author of boys’ books The fourth grade pupils are that Selle sees dreams Ypsilanti, here. have been engaged by The Li­ STRAINED PRUNES has recently completed a review i and Arctic explorer spoke in the ! beginning their Christmas work When he travels so far from December 12—Debate. River terary Digest for the mailing of of “Looking Forward” by Frank-I high school assembly last Wed-1 Jimmy Pierce, who has been Rouge, there. the ballots and the tallying of i lb. pkg. 29c D. Roosevelt, which will be | nesday morning, when he told of absent on account of whooping his home. December 13—Senior Prom. the returns in the forthcoming 11 oz- 15c I incorporated in their notebooks. When he got there this boy his life in Alaska. Mr. Snell told cough, is back in school, could not bear December 13. Basketball. New Deal poll. —DRIVE CAREFULLY— i interesting things about the Arc- The children of the second Wayne, there. New Crop .Nuts Premier To leave Dorothy and go home. —DRIVE CAREFULLY— ' tic regions, the Eskimos, and the' grade have made paper cut-outs —DRIVE CAREFULLY — Bright Brazils GIRL RESERVES i northern animal life. He illus-1 of turkeys hitched to a wagon ! So the rest of the cast left the j Fishermen Can Use [ Cantaloupe and SEW FOR GUILD i trated his talk with lantern; drawing away a hatchet, for a hero behind | Mail Want Ads Cost Paper Shell Pecans I slides which he took on his trip1 blackboard border. To talk to this girl and to [ "Tip-Ups” This Winter Watermelon Rind Members of the intermediate, showing the plane in which he ( The second grade pupils have dream of her kind. I Little, Accomplish Much "Tip-ups" will be legal in ice Budded Walnuts junior, and senior Girl Reserve flew to Alaska, the dog teams i composed a Thanksgiving song, fishing this winter. pickles groups began working for the which carried his baggage, several j There are two new pupils in the PLYMOUTH HIGH FOOTBALL SCHEDULE The State Conservation com­ 25c lb. 1 lb. jar Needlework Guild during their of the Eskimos, their houses. 1 second grade from Northville, mission has ordered that no in­ meetings last Thursday. Novem­ their boats, walruses, polar bears, i Mary Barrett, and Arnold Nelson, Date School Place We They dividual can use on inland waters ber 14. At this time each girl was rein deer, the Arctic sunset, and The 6A's are studying verbs September. 21 Mich. Deaf School There 13 0 more than two ice-lines, one hook Plum and Fig given three articles of babies’ many other highly interesting I and ’’The Making of a Speech” 0 to a line, and under immediate clothing to make and hand in. scenes. Mr. Snell had with him for language; for art they are September 27 Howell There 37 control, but this does not outlaw October 4 Ecorse There 13 7 .Pudding 1 lb. can 35c The girls in these three clubs have 'ome Eskimo clothing and hunt­ making literature scrapbooks, and 0 0 the ‘‘tip-up.’’ The "tip-up” may be helped in this sewing for sever­ ing equipment. for geography the 6 A's are study­ October 11 Wayne There used as long as it is kept under al years. In their business meeting Mr. Snell writes mystery stories ing Australia and the 6 B's are October 18 River Rouge Here 6 25 October 25 Dearborn Here 24 6 immediate control. the senior girls also passed out for boys and is a contributor to studying Africa. —DRIVE CAREFULLY— dishcloths and metal sponges for The American Boy and other The girls of the fifth and sixth November 1 Ypsilanti Here 8 0 the members to sell and planned leading magazines. His talks in grades defeated the Central November 15 Northville Here 45 0 The noblest characters are Wm. T. Pettingill to sell Christmas wreaths in an the school are sponsored by the school girls in kick ball. The score made and sanctified by tribula< Phon* M FrMlMtvMy effort to increase the treasury. Detroit News. was 40 to 10. 146 32 tion. Page Six THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Friday, November 22nd, 1935 Orson Polley. Mr. and Mrs. Har­ —Lr.nsing State Journal. The bride's only attendant was rather light. Bruce is fast, shifty, old Link. ♦ * * her sister-in-law Kathleen Lane and alert, and on account of these What Cigarette This announcement is of es­ and the bn..e’s brother Guy Lane qualities saw service in many ROASTERS Society News Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Cerveny and pecial interest to Plymouth resi­ was best man. games last year. children of Cleveland. Ohio were dents as Mr. Ball Jr., has a large The bride wore a gown of light Court practice at Michigan ■ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stockcn will fylrs. C. L. Cowgill was hostess week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Statute States number of friends here where he blue satin trimmed in pink and only 50c to S. N. Thams. They all attended attended high school and lived carried a bouquet of pink roses Tech has been under way for be dinner guests of friends at Tuesday afternoon at a dessert- the Minnesota-Michigan football two weeks. The first game is Ypsilanti on Thanksgiving Day. bridge to her contract bridge club Plymouth's police department, for many years. He was appoint­ and baby breath. A gown of pale carded for Dec. 6. The entire ♦ * ♦ game in Ann Arbor Saturday. believing that some local dealers ed to an excellent position with gold silk, was the maid of honor's at her home on West Ann Arbor Paul Thams also attended the schedule will include 14 games. 97c each Mrs. Joseph Tracy was hostess Trail. who sell cigarettes, are not tho­ the auditing department of the choice and she wore a corsage of * * * game with them. roughly familiar with the state Detroit Trust company sometime pink roses and baby breath. Young Miller is prominent not to her "500" club Tuesday at a * * * ago and is getting along nicely A d.nner for relatives was serv­ only in athletics but also in pub­ co-operative dinner at her home , Mr. and Mrs. George M. Chute law pertaining to the sale of cig­ lications and in professional club Mr. and Mrs. Milton Laible will arettes to rrpnors. has requested in his position. He graduated ed at the home of the bride’s on Church street. ! and sons. Geoige and Robert. from the Plymouth high school i"O her at 5 o'clock. At 8 o'clock activities at the Mining School. ♦ * * I will be dinner guests Sunday of entertain several little friends of The Mail to publish a copy of the He is assistant, editor of the Ke- ; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Graves at their son. Graham. Saturday at state law on this subject. with the class of 1931. Miss c. reception was held at the same Mr. and Mrs. George Gott- ■ Smith is a graduate of the Cen­ place for 100 friends and neigh­ weenawan. student yearbook, and schalk will entertain their "500" Royal Oak. a birthday parly. The guests will It is stated that in one or two of the Michigan Tech Lode, stu­ * * ♦ attend the matinee at the Pen­ places where school boys and tral high school in Lansing with bors. . club this evening at their home the class of 1932 and later dent newspaper. As president of on the Lily Road. Mr. and Mrs. William Micol niman-Allen theatre afterwards girls are inclined to loiter, that After a wedding trip to Calu­ Chi Epsilon Chi. honorary fra­ going to the Laible home on dealers, not knowing the terms ot studied at Olivet college where met. they will be at home to will be hosts to the Laugh-a-Lot she specialized in art work. She ternity for students of chemistry club Saturday evening at its co­ North Harvey street for refresh­ the statute, have made sales. It their friends at 12861 Georgiana Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens ments. is the desire of both school and is well known among the young­ street. Detroit. and chemical engineering. he and family were dinner guests operative dinner at their home on police authorities that- the terms er people of Lansing where she has directed the rise of the group, fSunday of her niece. Mrs. N. R. Forest avenue.* * ♦ of the statute be made known has a host of friends. founded only in 1933. to an out INack. at Mt. Clemens. Mr. and Mih. Milton Laible and generally. Bruce Miller Makes standing position among the sev­ Mr, and Mrs. William Wernett son. Grahaml and her mother. It follows: Mrs Zelma Phair Mining College Team en engineering societies on the Enamel Roasters Special Miss Regina Polley entertained and son. William, will be dinner Mrs. Robert Gardiner, attended Act 226. 1909. p. 411: Eff. Sept, Upper Peninsula college's campus. I the Junior bridge club Thursday guests of her parents. Mr. and a dinner Tuesday evening honor­ 1. An Act to prohibit the manu­ Weds Martin De Filippi For Friday and 'evening very delightfully at her Mrs. Herman Fritz, in Detroit. ing the eighty-seV^nth birthday facture, sale or use of adulterated Bruce Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myrta Tinkham. Mrs. I home on Main street. Thanksgiving Day. of the latter's mother. Mrs. El­ cigarettes, and prohibiting the Mrs. Bruce Miller of 296 Blanche Gladvs Diedrich and Mrs. Lou Saturday ♦ « * * * * len R. Graham, at th( use of cigarettes by minors. A wedding of interest to many street. Plymouth, has been named McKinstry of Waj-ne. Mrs. Kate Miss Anna Moore and Mrs. Mrs. Fred Shinnick ii Plymouth residents was the mar­ bv Don Sherman, basketball coach Mrs. B. E. Giles of Blunk ave­ The People of the State of riage of Mrs. Zelma Phair, daugh­ Robson of Belleville. Mrs. Frances nue was hostess Tuesday at a Jessie Murrell of Detroit will be Woods, Detroit. Michigan enact: 12830 Adulter­ at the Michigan College of Min­ Ittings and Mrs. Lyda French ter of Mrs. George Lane of De­ ing and Technology at Houghton, Large Size Blue dessert-bridge with the Mayflow­ dinner guests on Thanksgiving ated cigarettes: manufacture, troit. to Martin DeFilippi on Truesdell of Battle Creek were Enamel er bridge club as guest. Day of the former's cousins. Mr. Mrs. /Henry FTofcomb of Roe sale, gift, penalty. Section 1. Any as among outstanding candidates visitors at E. C. Vealey’s Satur and Mrs. Milton Laible. street foras hostess to the U-8, person within the state who Nov. 16 at Centerline, Mich. for the Huskies’ quintet. Though day afternoon. ROASTERS Mrs. Jack Taylor will entertain ♦ * ♦ bridge/club Tuesday evening. The ' manufactures, sells, or gives to her contract bridge club on Mon- The Happy Helpers of the clutjzfnembers are Mrs. Ray Wat- any one. any cigarette contain­ 97c 1 day evening. November 25. at her Lutheran church were guests of Mrs. Harold Finlan. Mrs. ing any ingredient deleterious to home on Sunset avenue. the Misses Alice and Charlotte Joseph Tracy, Mrs-. Mae Henry. health, foreign to tobacco, shall * ♦ ♦ Walker Wednesday evening at Mrs. Carl Wagenschutz, Mrs. Ray i be punished by a fine of not more Other sizes for their apartment on Main street. Covell of Plymouth and Miss than fifty <50) dollars, or im­ HERE'S A SUPER VALUE The Wednesday afternoon . * * * Della Webber of Detroit. prisonment in a county jail for i "500" club had a most enjoyable * * * not more than thirty (30) days. 50c..79c time at the home of Mrs. Grover Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Olsaver and 12831 Cigarettes; furnishing to Plough on Maple avenue. children and his sister. Mrs. ( On Monday evening. Mrs. Har­ Edith Hurd, will be dinner guests old Finlan delightfully enjter- minor, penalty. Sec. 2. Any per­ Extra Values on Thanksgiving Day of Mr. tained at bridge Miss Leah Lan­ son within this state who sells, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Chute and Mrs. Wilbur Nugent at South don, Miss Elizabeth DeWaele, gives to, or in any way furnishes 25', Filled Satin Finish ; attended a bridge party Saturday Lyon. Miss Marguerite Henry. Miss Ma­ any cigarettes in any form to any evening at the home of Mr. and * * * rion Weatherhead. Mrs. Francis person under twenty-one (21) Christmas Candies Mrs. R. C. Muth in Detroit. Beals. Mrs. Edwin Campbell, and years of age shall be punished by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lorenz and a fine not- to exceed fifty <50) FREE lb. Mrs. Carl Schlanderer at her Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kenyon en­ sons. Robert and Douglas, will be home on Arthur street. . dollars, or imprisonment in the 10c tertained a group of friends at dinner guests of her brother and ,., county jail not to exceed thirty wife. Mr. and Mrs. William : (30) days for each offense. AT POWELL’S bridge Thursday evening at their Watts, in Detroit Thanksgiving Dr. and Mrs. S. N. Thams will home on West Ann Arbor Trail. Day. i entertain at dinner on Thanksgiv­ 12832 Same: use by minor in (Next Door To Theatre) ing Day her parents. Mr. and Mrs. j public: penalty: suspended sen­ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Campbell W. A. Hoover, of Whitmore Lake. 1 tence. Sec. 3. Any person under LINE’S Mrs. Raymond Bacheldor will will entertain his mother. Mrs. twenty-one (21) years of age who be hostess to the Tuesday after­ Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kaufmann 825 Penniman Ave. John Campbell and family of1 and three children of Dearborn. shall smoke or use cigarettes, in THIS 11 - PIECE HEAVY GAUGE noon bridge club at a dessert- Northville at dinner Thanksgiv-; any form on any public highway, bridge on Tuesday. November 26. Mrs. Rose Kaufmann and Miss i ALUMINUM COOKING OUTFIT ing Day. Alice Hoover of Ann Arbor. Mrs.' street, alley, park or other lands Hoover will remain for a few day's used for public purposes, in any i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coward of ’ visit. public place of business, may be Bronson. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert • arrested by any officer of the law. E. Woolley of Flint will be din­ who may be cognizant of such of- A $10.00 Value See Our Special Closeout Table ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank On Thursday. Mrs. Earl Gray lense; and further, it shall be the ' Coward and family Thanksgiv­ was hostess to her “500” club at. duty of all such officers, upon ing Day. a one o'clock luncheon at her complaint of any person and upon With the Purchase of Any Model Homer Laughlin Gilt Bound China home on South Harvey street. I he warrant properly issued to arrest guests were Mrs. Lee McConnell. such offenders and take them to 14 inch Platters $1.75 4 ’n' Bowls 20c The Suburban Shrine club Mrs. Russell Cook. Mrs. Ralph the proper court. In case the of­ ladies made plans Monday for a Cole. Mrs. Harry Grant. Mrs. fender is found guilty, the court 7 in. Soup Plates 25c ? *n- Dinner Plates 25c benefit bridge tea to be given in John Jordon. Mrs. Harry Dahmer. may impose a punishment at its the Hotel Mayflower on Thursday Mrs. Frank Everitt. Mrs. Leonard discretion, in the sum of not to .evening. Dec. 12. 'T’he proceeds Taft. Mrs. Estell Rowland. Mrs. 5 in. Oatmeal 25c $ ‘n’ Bread & Butter gc to be used for crippled children. exceed ten ‘10> dollars, or im­ * * * Howard Shipley and Mrs. George prisonment in the county jail not Hance. to exceed five '5' days for each PLAIN The Friendly bridge club was * * * offense: Provided. That if said 14 in. Platters 75c Covered Butters 35c .most pleasantly entertained IJ On Thursday afternoon Robert minor person shall give informa­ Thursday afternoon at a bridge- Chute entertained ten boys and tion which may lead to the ar­ MORCE tea at the home of Mrs. Fred', girls at his home on Irving street rest of the person or persons vio­ Gravy Pitchers Egg Cups 5c Ballen on Burroughs avenue. in celebration of his birthday. Maplecroft. lating section two (2) of this act. * * * Delightful refreshments were in giving to or selling, or in any GAS or ELECTRIC RANGE served the guests followed by va- way furnishing said minor per­ C. G. DRAPER i Mrs. Effie Renwick. Mr. and rious games being played. The son tobacco, or cigarettes, and GIFT DEPARTMENT I Mrs. Glen Renwick and family, !j youngsters present were Pauline shall give evidence as a witness I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Springer I Wiedman. Madeline Schlander°r. in such proceedings against said 290 Main St. Jeweler & Optometrist Phone 279 and family will enjoy dinner, Peg Campbell, Jean Murray. Ar- party or parties, the court shall See It Today! A Complete Line of Greeting Cards and Wrappings Thanksgiving Day with W. I. dith Curtis. Ann Johnson. Charles have power to suspend sentence Savery and family in Detroit. Hoheisel. Walter Trucks. Douglas against such minor person. Let us show you the * * * Blunk and Harry Swan. * * w 12833 Harboring minors for in­ NORGE exclusive con­ Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Blunk en­ dulgence in cigarettes; penalty; centrator burner which tertained their parents. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph West and , right of parents. Sec. 4. Any per­ Mrs. Albert Stevens and Mr. and sons. Robert and Jimmy, were son who knowingly harbors any will save you up to 22% Mrs. William Blunk. at dinner dinner guests Sunday of the for­ person under twenty-one (21) on your gas bills. Be Thankful Sunday in celebration of their mer's brother and wife. Mr. and years of age. or grants to them twenty-fourth wedding anniver­ Mrs. Herschel West, in Detroit. the privilege of gathering upon Fully insulated oven, heat You Bought sary. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blunk. .or frequenting any property or control, measured time * * » Mr. and Mis. M. G. Blunk. Mr. 'lands held by him. for the pur- clock, are just a few of the and Mrs. Louis Fredericks. Mr. Mrs. Harvey Springer and Miss I pose of indulging in the use of many features on the new Rubv Drake were hostesses at a and Mrs. Harry Mumby. Mr. and cigarettes, in any form, shall be lovely bridge-luncheon Wednes­ Mrs. Harry Brown. Mr. and Mrs. .held in the same penalty as pro­ NORGE. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS day at the home of the former Oliver Martin. Mr. and Mrs. vided for in section two <2> of on Libertv street with the mem­ Emerson Woods. Mr. and Mrs. this act: Provided. That no part Models priced as low as bers of the Liberty street bridge George Howell motored to Saline of this act shall be construed as ST MONEY SAVING PRICES. club as their guests. Tuesday evening where they were to interfere with the rights of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul parents or lawful guardians in Lee at a cooperative dinner and the rearing and management of Dr. William Mossner of Milling­ evening of "500." ton. Raymond Mossner of Gera * * * their minor heirs or wards with­ HOME BAKER FLOUR and Mrs. Charles Shearer of in the bounds of their own private Cake Plate Free $1.09 Plymou’h weie dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Burgett de­ premises. Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver lightfully entertained sixteen Goldsmith at their home "Aub­ guests Saturday evening at their Engagement of Chas. urn" on th? Sheldon Road. home on Liberty street in celebra ’5950 * * * lion of his birthday and his Ball Jr. Announced THE CONCENTRATOR Walnuts, New Crop father's George Burgett of Port it. 23c BURNER... pronounced the Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gates enter­ Huron. Games were played and Mrs. Lucy C. Smith announced tained guests at supper Sunday delicious refreshments served the engagement of her daughter. greatest improvement in gas evening in honor of their niece which included a birthday cake. Alice Luella. to Charles O. Ball, range engineering since the in­ and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Both guests of honor received Jr., of Detroit, at a bridge party sulated oven. Eckendrode. of Detroit, who are Friday evening. The affair was Producesquicker New Crop lb. 21c leaving today for Hollywood. , gifts in remembrance of the oc­ Brazils, held at the home of Mrs. Frank heat from less California, to spend the winter. casion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Burgett of Port Huxtable. 1224 North Walnut fuel, yet can be Huron. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Beyer. street. turned down to Mrs. Marietta Hough entertain­ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burgett The announcements were hid­ ed at a family dinner Monday less than a sim­ and family. Mr. and Mrs. William den in the pretty appointed-table mering flame. Mince Meat, 33c evening at her home on Main , Michael and family of Plym­ decorations. The wedding will street in honor of her grand­ outh. take place Saturday. November MODEL NBI NORGE GAS RANGE PICTURED daughter. Mrs. Francis M. Archi­ 30. bald of Elizabeth. New Jersey, Miss Dorothy Foege of Detroit. Guests included Mrs. Charles who arrived here Sunday for a 1 Miss Ruth Washburn of Grass O. Ball of Detroit. Miss Mary visit. BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Cranberries, eeriu 17c * * * I Lake and Miss June Jewell of Alice Spice of Charlotte. Miss : this city, teachers in the Lam­ Jean Stelter and Miss Jane Stel- ON THE POPULAR U. S. GOVT. APPROVED PAYMENT PLAN Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Drews will bertville high school. attended ter of Olivet, Miss Lois Jane entertain their dinner bridge the football game in Ypsilanti Smith. Miss Maxine Struble. Miss club on Monday evening at their Saturday and on Sunday were Leontine Barnes. Miss Kathleen heme on North Harvey street. guests at the home of Mr. and Barnett. Miss Rae Barnett. Mrs. Pitted Dates, p^s- 13c The club consists of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jewell on Church Theron F. Mills. Mrs. Gretchen NO MONEY DOWN Mrs. Homer Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. street. Price, and Mrs. Huxtable. all of PUMPKIN, large can 3 for 29c VS 3 YEARS TO PAY Quaker COFFEE,None Better 2 tor 49c Auction Sale! Fop Corn TUESDAY, QCih. We Carry a Complete Display of G.&W. COFFEE, ^efortib. 19c NOVEMBER &V Norge Matched Applicances Baby Rice...... lb. 15c 857 Penniman Ave. Including the Famous SQUASH, Golden Hubbard lb. 3c 12:30 and 7:30 NORGE ROLLATOR REFRIGERATORS Good Clean Used Furniture NORGE Autobuilt Washers—NORGE Ironers Golden Yellow, 15c - 2 lbs 25c Modernize Today with these Money-saving CELERY. HEAD LETTUCE. GREEN ONIONS. and plenty of it — all you Appliances RADISHES. TURNIPS. BAGAS. CARROTS . Yellow Giant, lb. 18c - 2 lbs. for 35c need and all kinds. SEE THE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUY! Guaranteed to Pop CAULIFLOWER. ETC. .AH At Bargain Prices TERMS CASH Prices Effective Until Thursday, November 28lh- Buy it the Inexpensive Way by the Pound Two good ______Send Us Your Order.______CRACKER JACK, while it lasts g for J0C presents given away. M. POWELL & SON THE RED & WHITE STORES R. J. JOLUFFE WE GAYDE BROS. Harry C. Robinson 845 Penniman Open Evenings Phone 506 Smitty’s Plaee Phone us and a representative will call at your home and explain the GOVERNMENT PLAN. 333 N. Main St. DELIVER 181_Libertj AUCTIONEER Phone 99 Phone 53 294 South Main Street Telephone 162 Friday, November 22nd, 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Page Seven VETS WANT TO GLT Coming To Conduct OUT ON THEIR OWN Bible Services Fritz Kreisler , SAYS CUMINGS GEORGE COLLINS & SON Star Officers LOOK! ! Delbert Cumings. Plymouth AT THESE SPECIAL VALUES IN PYREX OVENWARE • GARAGE Concert Dec. 3rd war veteran who marched to General Repairing Are Installed 9V* inch Pie Plates...... only f5c each Washington with the bonus army 1 Custard Cups ...... 5c each Arvin Hoi Water Heaters On Display Two important concerts will be and has for the past two years ' The Masonic Temple was the given by the University Musical been in the CCC camp for the I l’ i Quart Road Casserole...... 95c each scene of a very beautiful and im­ Society in Hill Auditorium. Ann bonus marchers near Bay City. j 9*z-i> inch Loaf Pan ...... 65c each pressive ceremony Tuesday eve­ Arbor, during the month of Dec­ visited Plymouth friends and re- 1 RAINS BADLY NEEDED ning, Nov. 19th. when a large ember. latives over the week-end. Conner Hardware Company While some have complained about the wet weather of the past number of members and their Fritz Kreisler. the eminent vio­ He hopes to be out of the camp few days, the farmers have been rejoicing over the downpour, as u friends gathered . to witness the linist. will be heard for the ninth for good early in the year. was badly needed. The lack of moisture during the early part of the installation of the newly elected time in the Choral Union Series Certainly somewhere in this | fall has been entirely made up by the soaking rains of the past ween. and appointed officers of Plym­ on December 3; and the Boston world there’s more than a dollar I outh Chapter 115, Order of the Symphony Orchestra led by Serge day for a man who is willing to ! STOKER CQAL—$6.50 ton plus tax Eastern Star. ! Koussevitzky. will make its elev- work.” sad Cumings. The officers to be installed i enth Ann Arbor. appearance on He stated that the vast ma­ Oil treated to eliminate dust . . . “THE FAMILY FAVORITE" joined in a semi-circle in the Because its pure, fresh and wholesome. December 11. jority of the members of the | Order from our special shipment just arrived. Made specially West facing the East and receiv­ I Both concerts promise to at- camp are exceedingly anxious to j for automatic coal stokers — CLOVERDALE MILK — ing the Obligation from Past • tract many out-of-town and out- be out and earning their own' Patron Chauncey Rauch were: of-state visitors, as well as local way. PHONE 9 Worthy Matron. Mildred Eck­ THE PLYMOUTH LUMBER and COAL CO. concert-goers. The advance de­ “However there are a few who' PHONE 102 For prompt Delivery Service. les: Worthy Patron. Alfred Bake- mand for tickets has been un­ find the ease of it all much to —Trv our Dairy Products— well; Associate Matron. Ione usually large, indicating that their liking. They have no re­ Faber; Associate Patron, Robert these attractions, with the pass­ sponsibilities and no ambition, so BACK FROM EAST Chappel; Secretary. Anna M. age of years, grow in attractive- why wouldn’t they like it?" he Carley: Treasurer. Anna Bake- I ness. added.----- Once in a great while an automobile dealer gets a break. Paul New — and — Used well: Conductress. Josie Innis; Kreisler was first heard in He left at The Mail office cop- ' Wiedman had one the other day when in making the sale of a car Associate Conductress, Winifred REV. JOHN LANTING Ann Arbor in 1900. and has been ies of “The Seventy-Niners.” a • it was necessary for him to deliver it to the buyer in New Jersey. He ZE3 ARTS Downing; Marshal. Evelyn Brock- John Lanting. pastor of Im­ called back repeatedly during the camp paper issued by the vet- j drove the new car through to the Atlantic coast and came home in lehurst; Chaplain. Mildred Litz- manuel Church. Holland. Mich­ past thirty-five years. erans. It is filled with interesting [ the old one that had been traded in. Mrs. Weidman accompanied him FOR ALL CARS enberger; Organist. Nancy Rich­ igan. comes to Plymouth to con­ The Boston Symphony Orches­ news to the veterans. on the trip. ards: Adah. Carol Birch; Ruth duct the second of a series of tra first played in Ann Arbor in 24 HOUR TOW SERVICE Mary Corey. Esther, Dae Butz: Bible teaching services this com­ 1890. and then made annual vis­ The Plymouth Auto Wreckers Martha. Leona Wall; Electa, Clara ing Monday through Wednesday, its for four years. Prom then on West Todd; Warder. Levina Hondorp; Nov. 25. 26. and 27. at Calvary until 1931, it appeared at inter­ JAMES E. SESSIONS 880 Gravel Street • - - Phone 333 Sentinel. Carl Hillmer. Baptist Church. 455 South Main mittent intervals; but since 1931 Plymouth BATTERIES Acting as Installing Marshall street. it has been engaged regularly. was Past Matron Cleo Moles who With one exception, these ap­ conducted each officer through Great interest was aroused dur­ William Spangler with his son Service Station Glass Installed in All Make of Cars ing Mr. Lanting’s previous visit in pearances have constituted the the installing ceremonies with only engagements of this organi- Earl, is visiting at his sister’s in Generators For All Cars Past Matron Alvina Crumbie pro­ 1933.1^00. Henc hasw» announcedoi.t.uunvcM the foliw»- West Branch. They each hope to Agency For Delco Batteries viding appropriate music. The lowing subjects for this series of .nation in the state of Michigan. bring home a deer The deer they Bible messages: Mon.. Nov. 25.- conductors who have pre- b ht home last was can We Charge Batteries other Installing Officers who so sided on these occasions have'noH fnr graciously took part were. Past •Two Men and What They Did" ned and also used for mince CHORES GIVES CONCERTS Tue».. Nov. 26. “Faith And Its i Arthur NiWsctn Jour times; meat, supplying the table with a Matron. Maude Schrader? Nellie Karl Muck twice; and Dr. Kous- The Northville-Plymouth Male Chorus sang in two concerts Sun- Shattuck and Alta -Woodworth Victory": Wed.. Nov. 27. "Em­ treat for several weeks. CHANGE TO MOBILE ARCTIC OIL NOW braced By Christ, All ’ services i on occasion:occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Artie Johnson of day last, at Tipton in the afternoon and at Holloway in the evening. and Past Patron .Oscar Kuhn season. Both audiences were appreciative. Supper was served following the and Chauncey^Ratfch. begin at 7:30 p(m. Doors are I Following__ „,.i the Wayneholiday visited Friday evening in Comer Main Street and Amelia open at 7 o'clock. the second half of the Choral ith home of the former's sister. concert at Holloway. The chorus will sing Dec. 1 at Cambridge Junc­ Five small girls added much Union Senes will include per-; Mrs Oeorge Richwlne. tion and Brooklyn. to the Jjeauty of the work con­ Members and friends of Cal-1, . _ - of (ho ISvary’ttlj UlUItllchurch UlCare 1I1V1L1I1Kinviting tillall «I1Uwho ; lormances, _ ,by . the St , Louis Sym,7 ZY1LI1U1 ZlUctlliaUll W11U lltlO I nected/With the. five raysthe of erf!the 5,-c- interested. . ... in the.. Bible. and. nrirtt-ivPh°W (irrhoctroOrchestra nrtriAr-under VladimirvtQrtimr assistlng his brother in the , central 6tar. Dressed in iGod's message fot today to hear Golschmann. the Detroit Sym- tion of his new home, come BAR-B-Q ors and carrying flowers appro­ ijohn Lanting. . phony Orchestra with Bernardino , priate to the^station they advanc Mr. Lanting’s present congre-; Molinari as guest conductor; the i WIRING REPAIRS Spare Ribs. Chicken. Ham. Pork, Short Orders ed and presented the corsage to, ■ Kolisch String Quartet: recitals home this week. DELICIOUS SANDWICHES______each Sister appointed to repre- f^tion nas grown upwards oi a Charles Thomas bari- Mr. and Mrs. Walton Ri< sentoorat thesetvaooo points. The littleiTtt,- thousand interested listeners at donnynariesi nomas. can with their little daughter, girls were; Gloria Eckles. blue: each worship service. They meet,tone, and Myra Hess, pianist, WEENIES and in the large and well appointed One of the first official acts of , ford visiting Mrs. Barbara Litzenberger. yellow: the new King George of Greece i parents, Mr. and Mrs. WEDNESDAY______SPECIAL SAUER KRAUT Olive Mae Bakewell. white: Jan­ Armory in Holland. Calvary Corbett Electric Co. Church is glad to welcome all has been to extend to tme’if-Wilson.— ’ Bring Your Family and Friends is Downing, green: Doris Faber, readers of The Mail to hear Mr. Kreisler. who is to appear in the Tuesday. Nov. 19 was the birth­ red. Choral Union Senes. Ann Arbor, day of Chas. Ross, grandfathei —Our Sunday Dinners Are Popular— Past Matrons from Wayne. Lanting. Richard W. Neale, pas­ on December 3. in Hill Auditor- TEL. 228 799 BLUNK AVE. Northville and Farmington assist­ tor of Calvary Baptist church. . , . . . 1 of Miller Ross, and in the eve- says of John Lanting. "His mes- . ... SpeCx< invitation.. . , . to play , ning the filler Ross family, in- HILLSIDE BARBECUE ed in escorting Worthy Matron sages exalt Christ: are intensely jin Athens- Mr Kreisler has ac- Mildred Eckles to the East by practical;... and... his style... is unique. ppntprl, tripChe inuitntinninvitation, and will orgo wish him another happy year to PLYMOUTH ROAD forming an arch of roses. - • ... J -ito Athens late in March...... • ------»— -•— FISHING CROWDS GROW ORDERS TO TAKE OUT PARTIES ARRANGED Several very beautiful vocal se­ and interesting.' be added to his more than four lections were rendered by Sister score. Early in the fall there were several pike caught out of Newburg Mary Strachcn who is president Editor Baldwin Is Says Business Is Mr. and Mrs. Dunson who have lake by awiistill fishermen along the banks. The...... news...... spread______and today of the Wayne County Association been building a new home °.n ■ the banks of the lake are lined from early morning until night with Good In Far West are staying with their followers of Issac Walton. Some have fair luck. Some have, no luck. Select your Christmas Gilts of the Order of the Eastern Star. On Road To Recovery Harry Lee. president and man- dauahter and her husband. Mr. She was accompanied at the ager of The Cement Mill Products and Mrs. Harold Young while The fishing is reported to be no where near as good as it was several on THE LAYAWAY PLAN! piano by Sister Hildegar Korsf. Richard T. Baldwin, editor and Company of Detroit, who recently their house is being plastered. weeks ago. organist of the Wayne County publisher of The Northville Re­ returned from a Pacific coast Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rorabach- WATCHES — CLOCKC. Association. cord. is making an excellent re-1 business trip, declares that the er of Ypsilanti and Miss Elnora Well chosen remarks were made covery from a serious operation , business men in that part of the Sackett of Plymouth were lunch­ DIAMONDS by the Past Worthy Matron. performed Monday at the Univ- country, like here, have begun to eon guests in the Miller Ross Mildred Barnes and Past Patron ersity of Michigan hospital. Mr.'make progress since the Wash- home Sunday evening. Also A-l Repairing Chauncey Rauch with responses Baldwin. who has not been in the i ington administration has given Mi. and Mrs. Harold Young by the incoming ofneers. best of health for some time, re- "business a breathing spell." and Mr. and Mrs. Dunson en­ Refreshments in the dining cently went to Ann Arbor-for a' He completed the installation of joyed a family dinner in Detroit Ed. Herrick & Son ' room closed a very active and suc­ physical check-up and then It big plant near San Francisco. Sunday at the home of Mr. and cessful year of faithful work for was discovered that an opera­ On the way home he visited Los Mrs. Orville Dunson. 145 E. Ann Arbor Street ^he retiring officers and opened tion was necessary. The readers Angeles. He found both the big Rudolph Klof went to Ann . a year of hope and high ideals for ! of his excellent, newspaper and cities out on the Pacifio coast en Arbor Wednesday to enter the : the new officers. I many friends will be glad to know joying not only good business.. university hospital for examina- ! that he is making a very satis- but noticed considerable build- tion and treatment, SUNDAY THE LAST DAY I factory recovery. ing. 1 Mrs. Hawley Cobb of Northville If you have not yet visited the new model electric home that has __ —______— __— -i was entertained at dinner Mon­ been built in Plymouth, you had better do so at once, as Sunday is day evening at the Ross home. the final day for visiting the house. Already several hundred have City May Paint Later. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Ross called to see it. ______'______ASH REMOVAL ! and Mrs. Cobb went to Ann Arbor Big Water Tank Twice Weekly, SI.00 per Month i to hear Admiral Byrd. pDANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ' PHONE 218 At the Monday night meeting of the city commission the city Newburg manager was authorized to secure At IDYL WYLD GOLF CLUB bids on the painting of the elev­ Mrs. L. Clemens and Mrs. Jas. J • Five Mile Road, one mile west of the Farmington Road ated water tank, and also on an McNabb attended the WCTU i THE LATEST automatic stoker for the city hall. Not the Cheapest! meeting held at Mrs. F. Lauffer’s, FROM THE FAMOUS A-B FACTORIES Both of these improvements last week Thursday. Mrs. Me-, ( Beer and Lunches. Cover charge only 25c_ are essential and will be acted ______BUT THE BEST Nabb gave a report of the State upon by the city commission at Convention held at Pontiac. Mrs. ' DON PATTERSON And His ORCHESTRA the time the bids are received. Clemens was presented with a Bids for the painting of the elev­ BILL’S MARKET handsome floor lamp in recog-' ated water tank, located on the nition of sixteen years of faith­ park property on Church street, Phone 239 ful service as secretary to the or­ .xxxxxxxxxxxxx^o iwill be received Priday of this ganization. i week, and work will be commenc­ 584 Starkweather Ave. Plymouth Clyde Smith, who left with ed as soon after the contract is1 Melvin Gutherie for the Upper t t t tQ r», I awarded as possible. It is neces-. Peninsula last Wednesday was sary that this work be done dur— the first of the hunters to return I ing periods of the year when wat- with his deer. In Newberry, he , ter consumption is the least, be­ Call Us For Your Furnace Repairs met Rev. Townsend, who inquir­ t ca cause of the fact that the tank ed about former friends in this • New Pipes. Grates or Fire Pots ife <«H> community. Clyde and Melvin re- i has to be empty while the insid? - of the tank is being painted. It is turned home Sunday evening. ! planned to paint the outside with One Used Furnace Mr. and Mrs. Mark Joy attend­ ed the funeral of a cousin. Mrs.! j aluminum paint, which will make Round Oak, 24 inch fire pot. First class shape. A bargain. I a much more attractive job than John Layton, at Howell, last ! ■ the present black paint, Thursday. i i The bids on the automatic stok­ L. E. WILSON, Hardware Mrs. George Schmits father and ( I PLYMOUTH USED CAR MARKET J er for the city hall will be received mother of Detroit are staying with in time to be acted upon at the Notions, Men’s Furnishings, Shoes her. while Mr. Schmit and Marv- . Next to the Plymouth Mail } next meeting of the city com­ Phone 198 195 Liberty in are on a hunting trip. | mission. Prom a preliminary study Mrs. Marlin Simmon and son | of stoker firing, it is estimated Richard visited her parents near i HURT WHEN HIT BY CAR that a considerable saving in, BACK WITH BIG BUCK Whitmore Lake last Sunday. fuel and in janitor services at the ! Callers on Mrs. Emma Ryder i Miss Margaret Brandle. who resides on the Wilcox road just be­ -r“...... av „,c Clyde Smith who went up near Newberry in the Upper Peninsula t Edith yond the parkway drive, was slightly injured Wednesday noon when city hall can be made, and in ad- deer hunting with Melvin Gutherie has returned home with the first i™e,pasLWY she started to cross the road and was struck by an auto driven by i dilion thereto a more even tern- big buck brought back by Plymouth hunters. The deer that Clyde Blake. Mrs Jessie i nomas. Mrs. Ralph Ray. The driver of the car as he noticed the girl who was 1perature----- can be ^maintained I ahat_«ef«h«l near 2.0 pounds. It was an eipht pointer and a pood Mrs Bert throughout the day. It is believed walking the same way the car was going, prevented seriously injuring Hodge of Northville. Mrs. John the girl by quickly turning his machine to one side of the road. The that by the installation of this equipment in the City Hall, the Usher of Detroit and Mrs. Fundamentalism may do the We cannot possess what we do on the jobber. Merely to sell the ? world as little good as Modernism not share with others. Business and President of The Plymouth Felt jobber a large stock of goods. | | THE BAKERS’ Chevrolet Plans when it is overworked and eman­ would not be to our advantage j ates from the head instead of the A theory is accepted as a jewel in the end; our job is to 'follow , ? POSITION heart. until it is crushed by a fact. Professional through' and merchandise our, I Products Company Licks Panic goods until they are in the homes For Christmas linters in the United States, and of consumers. We discovered that (From The Chicago Journal Directory Allen purchases have a tremen-i.this - could, . be... best accomplished of Commerce) The Chevrolet Motor Company dous effect upon the general j by helping toth the jobber and is looking forward to the highest Work of a Trojan marker ! retailer m the merchandising of volume of Christmas sales in its Not only have Allen Industries jour Product Our merchandising The high cost of living is catch- 25-year history, according to W. been unusually successful in the! Promotions have proved most ing up with the baking industry E. Holler, vice president and gen- Beals Post No. 32 Turned Trick automotive industry, but they also satistactory. and hassjn the form of increased ®ral sales manager, who in an Meeting o t the provide the same comforts sup- Despite“er” “ the success of Allen labor, flourTTard. butter and interview outlined the factors Legion at the Michigan Manufacturer elied for automobiles, for the Diamond Top Rug Cushions, we other prices raised costs to the supporting that view. Legion Hall _ , home in the form of Allen Dia- have not lost sight of the fact point where the industry as a The prediction is based. Mr. (formerly Tells Of The Successful ;mond Top Rug Cushions. that we are primarily in the auto- whole is operating unprofitably. Holler said, mrinly upon three Gleaner’s Hall' Career nf ^idnpv T Al- This side line, first introduced motive business. My personal ob- These increased costs have not points—the excellence of the Newburg t^areer ot bianey j. ai whgn the automotive industry servations lead me to predict that yet been reflected generally in new 1936 Chevrolets which were 3rd Fri. of Mo. len. One Of Detroit S slumped during the depression, 1936 will be an outstanding year higher bread, prices. introduced Nov 2; the timeliness John M. Campbell, Adjutant Leading Business Men grew and grew until it has now in the automobile industry. Auto-; This summary of the baking of their introduction, just before Melvin Outherle, Com. become the mas or line in its own mobile manufacturers have led industry's problem was given by the Christmas buying season; rights. ?atlon , depression ^jr. Henry Stude head of the and the fact that the new Gen- Plymouth resident will be No more absorbing story of how and the new 1936 models are again American Bakers' Association in eral Motors Acceptance Corpora- greatly interested in the following a manufacturer “fought" the de­ front page news from...... * tQ convention at the gherman Ho-. tion’s six per cent purchase plan Dr. E. B. Cavell article taken from the last issue pression by establishing a success- coast. tel. in an interview yesterday. To ! reduces to a new low figure the I of the Michigan Manufacturer fq£ side line, can be told than that “I salute the courage and fore­ prove his point he quoted the ; outlay required to own and drive Veterinary Surgeon I and Record pertaining to Sidney of > Allen Diamond Top Rug sight of these manufacturers in average national price of bread ! a new motor car. BOARDING KENNELS | J. Allen, of Detroit, who is head Cushions. Faced with curtailed continuing to present amazing of The Plymouth Felt Products advancements and designs, con­ which, he said, today is 8.2 cents, i "Orders taken on announce- Phone Northville 39 I company and who has been the sales in their automotive line, struction and comfort." and compared it with the average ment day.” said Mr. Holler, “ex- j guiding force to make the felt when the volume of motor car year ago, 8.4 cents. ceeded anything in our history. 208 Griswold Road products industry such a success­ building slumped. Mr. Allen made The situation that confronts Plainly, the public agrees with us NORTHVILLE, MICH. ful one. It follows in full: a survey of the sales opportuni­ the baking industry is much akin that the 1936 Chevrolets are the Immediately preceding the ties offered within the scope of Only Two Lines to that faced by the meat pack­ finest product we have ever in­ Automobile shows each year, Allen Industries’ production faci­ ing industry in the respect that troduced. Increased beauty and thousands of words are written, lities. consumer resistance is certain to luxury, greater safety and econ­ describing the beautiful, smart Manufacture of rug and carpet develop on the heels of price in­ omy. and finer performance cha­ lines of the new models... their cushions. Mr. Allen decided, offer­ For Ice Fishing creases. but where the meat in­ racterize both the Master deluxe Each Month, engineering advancements... body ed the most logical "way out.” be­ dustry has short supplies and and the Standard series. Both cause they could be made with Although much objection, mis­ cannot possibly increase volume new lines are equipped with per­ at construction.. .and riding quali­ the equipment and materials Jewell & Blaich ties. understanding and confusion has over and above inventories on fected hydraulic brakes, and both which were already being used. developed over the new ice-fish­ hand and the current receipts of have solid steel turret top bodies Hall Each individual achievement is How well did this depression- i highly dramatized and pictured ing regulations which take effect live stock, the bakers are suffer­ by Fisher. There has been a grow­ But You Jack Miller, Commander made side line succeed? The Floor January 1. Fred A. Westerman, ing from reduced volume of ing trend toward the giving of . to show the motor buying public Covering Division of Allen Indus­ Amo Thompson. Secretary its advantages and features. chief of Michigan’s fisheries pro­ business and are seeking to in­ automobiles for Christmas, and However, these same automobile tries was established in 1930. In gram. believes that eventually the crease volume. these fine cars of low price will Make Howard Eckles. Treasurer 1933, Allen Industries became the majority of ice fishermen will certainly be selected by many for I manufacturers spend millions of second largest producer in the While declines in bread con- 1 dollars annually in parts and give these regulations their stamp sumption are nothing new to the Christmas giving rug cushion industry'. "This should be especially true equipment that are invisible... Into the manufacture of Allen of approval. 'industry—a definite trend down- NO Mistake Plymouth Rock Lodge that do not lend themselves to a Thea new regulations will — 1 in light of the fact that the pur- j Diamond Top Rug Cushions. Mr. „ . x*. L , . re' ward having been recognized two chaser is giving a next year's i promotion... but which add great- Allen demanded the same care, stnct the number oLice lines on decades ago—the rapid rate at No. 47, F. & A. M. 1 ly to the comfort and safety of inland waters to tw’o with not to which consumption has been fall** car. rather than one which will1 quality, workmanship and sani­ exceed one hook to each line. be supplanted by a new model in; When VISITING the motorist. tation required by automobile ing during the past two years is a They require fishermen to have menace to the industry. Distorted a few weeks. The advancement of ' Although unknown to the pub- manufacturers in their cotton their ice-lines under immediate the announcement date removes MASONS lie at large... this type of equip- pads insuiating material, batts. relationships between competitive fou fill up your coal bin with good old MANHATTAN WELCOME ment plays a gigantic part in the upholstering. etc.. for automobile control. foodstuffs—fruits, vegetables, rice this deterrent to Christmas buy­ manufacture and production of I bodies I am convinced___ thatj thea .ure- and others—which have not been ing. and for that reason can not — a bearcat for heating, at a popular prices It's Special Meeting {modern automobiles. One of the I ... , . , ... Suia Jair anc? -that i sub'ect t0 Processing taxes, high- _failo__ to stimulate year-end busi- coal so compounded by Nature and so prepared at Fri. Nov. 29 chief suppliers of this type ot 1 Mr. Allen resolved co mate Allen will accomplish several important, er labor costs, etc., to the degree ness- Regular Meeting, Friday, material is Allen Industries. In Diamond Top Rug Cushions more things, Westerman said. "They experienced by the baking trade. “Finally, there is the new pay- the mine that you can trust it to be thoroughly corporated. Detroit. than just a pad to be used under will encourage law observance, have taken away larger and larg-! ment plant just announced by *’ housebroke"! You save on heating and cleaning December 6 . ... . „ . . . __|rugs. to deaden sound and add H. Farwell Bra $2.50 to $5.00 for rc- burgh. Toledo. Dayton. Fort MAUDE M. BENNETT Hours: 6 to 8 p. m. ”Tn an exhaustive market ana- from stomach pains, indiges- Worth.. and a few or by appointment lysis, we studied the product itself. _ , . a * ^dla, Ta. ab^Ls other centers have been the 'Firestone Agent for Call Plymouth 316M. the trade and the prospective ... - “ ------ii OVCJICscene Iof small advances during New York Life Insurance Co. consumer. We decided to market iuL,

Terms on Any • It'9 no longer necessary to take for low-priced care leave out. The things granted the parts of a car you can’t that high-priced care include. And see. The remarkable new X-Ray Sys­ when you see that LaFayette alone io At the Ex-Service Men’s Club tem will let you see with your own the lowest price field hasall of the vital Firestone Purchase eyes the surprising, hidden difierences featureaof high-priced care—then you’ll in all of the low-priced cars. It will see why it’s safer and smarter to buy a show you a graphic comparison of the LaFayette thia year! The Nash Motors vital features inside 1 The things that Company, Kenosha, Wisconsin

and up f.«. b factory. Con- ANNUAL FEATHER PARTY ^sLxFATETTE$595 vnaiont tomu, rnrouin i Monday Evening, November 25th A PRODUCT OF THE NASH MOTORS COMPANY Ron* FnO' The Plymouth Auto Supply At the MAYFLOWER HOTEL Plymooth Super Service Beginning at 8 o’clock Wm. Keifer Russell Dettling For Ten Years The Best Party In Town. Main Street at the P. M. Railroad Q17A Friday, November 22nd, 193S THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Page Nine The Mission Study Class has and Mrs. Frank Goebel of De- I Mr. and Mrs. John Hauk and postponed the November meet­ I ““K Lorett:1 sp,nt Sunday evening ing until Tuesday. December 17. which attended the Goebel frolic Church News Union Thanksgiving service at Dearborn. with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Losey of will be held at 10 a.m. Thanks­ The Haniord PTA was__ ___held Stoney Creek. giving Day in First Baptist church. Monday evening with a large at­ August Schultz is up north ST. PETER’S EV. LUTHERAN | CATHOLIC CHURCH Mill street. The speaker will be tendance. after the business meet CHURCH Rev. F. C. Lefevre Rev. Robert A. North of the Na­ deer hunting. Edgar Hoenecke, Pastor : Union and Dodge streets zarene Church. ing an enjoyable program wa: Regular Sunday service. 10:30 Phone Plym. 116 given. Mail Want Ads Costs Little Sundays — Mass at 8:00 and ST. PAUL’S EV. LUTHERAN a.m. 10:00. Confessions Saturday Sunday school. 9:30 a.m. nights at 7:30. and before each! CHURCH Thanksgiving Day Service. ■uuSS. O. J. Peters, Pastor 10:00 a.m. oocieties—The Holy Name So- Services in English at this This day is not set aside by our , ciety for all men and young men. church on Sunday, Nov. 24. Serv­ Why Ask Me? President’s Proclamation for the : Communion the second Sunday ices in English on Thanksgiving purpose, primarily, of preparing of the month. The Ladles’ Altar i Day. Saturday afternoon. Nov­ and partaking of an unusual i Society receives Holy Communion j ember 23, all children wishing to feast or to engage in unaccus­ the third Sunday of each month. take part in the Christmas Eve Can’t You Tell? tomed. harmful gastronomic ; All the ladies of the parish are program should be present at 1:15 feats but that "each one of us I to belong to this society. p.m. humbly betake him to his house Children of Mary—Every child Clean, well pressed clothes of worship to pay homage and i of the parish must belong and gratitude to Providence for grac­ i must go to communion every such as these can come only fourth Sunday of the month. In- , es and benefits undeservedly re­ structions in religion conducted, Fine Pictures from— ceived.” each Saturday morning at 9:301 Let your Thanksgiving Day be­ by the Dominican Sisters. All I gin correctly, attend the Thanks­ children that have not completed i Have Been Listed giving services at your church: their 8th grade, are obliged to at- ! Jewell’s then you will the more heartily tend these religious instructions. Another series of excellent pic­ and happily enjoy the feast of the Week-days—Mass at 7:30. This tures have been booked by Man­ day. hour makes it convenient for the ager Harry Lush of the Penniman Bible class. Wednesday. Nov. children to attend on their way Allen theatre for motion picture 27, 7:30 to 8:30. to school. All should begin the day fans of this city. with God. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday My everyday appearance is perfect FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH will be that famed production. Loya Sutherland. Minister ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH "Way Down East." Then comes The pastor will bring his Rosedale Gardens , the “Virginia Judge," and "Cappy because I keep my suits, hats and Masses: Sundays 8:00 and 11: Ricks Returns." Thanksgiving message at the ten a. m. Holy Days 7:30 and 9:00 o'clock hour. Our choirs will sing. a.m. Week days, 8:00 a.m. Con­ For Friday and Saturday of coats cleaned and pressed — You 11:15—Bible School. fessions before each Mass. Ca­ next week he has secured a 6:00—Meeting of the BYPU. techism class after first Mass. double feature. "The Lost Wilder­ Plans are being made for a group Benediction after second Mass ness" and “Waterfront Lady." would be surprised how it helps in of our Young People to attend Baptism by appointment. For early December he has the State BYPU Convention at pictures made by such famed act­ Grand Rapids. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST resses and actors as Joan Ben­ 7:00 — Sermon subject. "The SCIENTIST nett. George Raft. Sylvia Sidney. more ways than one. Hatred of the World.” "They Herbert Marshall. Evelyn Ven­ shall put you out of the syna­ Cor. Main and Dodge Sts. Jesus Rides in Triumph Into Jerusalem.—All four of the Gospels tell of Jesus* triumphant entry into able. Lee Tracy. Gail Patrick and gogue: yea. the time cometh, Sunday morning service, 10:3ft. Jerusalem, an event which recalls the prophecy in Zechariah 9: 9, in the Old Testament. “And when they Roscoe Karns. that whosoever killeth you will Sunday school at 10:30. Pu­ drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesur two dis­ Some of the titles of the pic­ Call 234 Today think that he doeth God service. pils received up to the age ' of ciples, saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, afid tures starring these well known And these things they will do twenty years. a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. And if any man say aught unto you, ye shall say, the players are "She Couldn't Take unto you. because they have not Wednesday evening testimony It.” "Accent on Youth," "Stream­ known the Father nor the Son." service. 8:00. Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them. All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, line Express” and “Two Fisted.” John 16: 2-3. "Soul and Body" will be the That the public appreciates This being the last Sunday subject of the Lesson-Sermon ih meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass. And the disciples went, and did as Jesus com­ the excellent pictures being Let Us Do Your Work for You night of the month you will want all Christian Science Churches manded them, and brought the an, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set Him thereon. brought to Plymouth is indicated to join us in the Seth Parker , throughout the world on Sunday, And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and by the good attendance at every sing, once you have been with November 24. strewed them in the way. And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying. Hosanna show booked recently. us for this sing you can never Among the Bible citations • is to the Son of David: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the Highest.”—Matthew forget it. | this passage 'Romans 1:20): "For 21: 1-11. This illustration is from Merian’s story of the Bible in pictures, engraved in 1625-1630. Next Monday night is the big | the invisible things of him from i night of the year for the Men’s: the creation of the world are j Hanford Fellowship. It is Fathers and clearly seen, being understood by 1 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH tion. Hear the doings of God. in Sons banquet-—if there is vem- ' the things that are made, even, service Sunday morning. The Corners Jewe H's Cl eaners Richard W. Neale. Pastor answer to prayer, as the circle of choir music will be appropriate. son? then it will be a venison i his eternal power and Godhead." testimony bears abundant evi- i "The Rare Art of Gratitude” supper.* Lewis Reiman of Ann Correlative passages to be read One thousand words could not dence to His presence in power to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wisely en- • Arbor, a former football player! from the Christian Science text­ describe the cordial welcome we is the subject for study at the tertained relatives, over the and DYERS and wrestler, and director of | book. “Science and Health with want to give you at all of our save and care for His own. Young People’s meeting Sunday- week-end from Indiana. Visit a friendly Bible Church evening. Jewell Starkweather will Camp Charlevoix, a very large Key to the Scriptures,” by Mary services. where Christ is preached. Come Mr. and Mrs. August Hank . boys' camp, is to be our speaker. j Baker Eddy, include the following Deacon David Columpus will to Calvary. 455 South Main St. be the leader. and family were guests of Mr. A quartette from the Orpheus

And now Eckles adds just one more advantage to coal . . for our coal is dustless! It’s Play Safe- specially treated in our yards and comes to you CLEAN! With it, you can have a cleaner, Do it Today neater basement—more room for winter’s work and play. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DEl kOIT, MICH. Compare Chevrolet'* low delivered price* and the new greatly C.M.A.C. a A few dollars will buy a lot of lumber for those I With it, the rest of your home time payment plan—the lowatt financing Cott in C.M.A.C- hit lory. A General Motor* will be easier to clean and keep repair jobs—You’ll thank us for having warned clean, too! Just be sure to or­ Phone 107 ALL THESE FEATURES AT CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES you NOW— der from Eckles—if you want 24-hr. Service AND UP. List price of New Standard Coupe at Flint. Michigan. perfect fuel. With bumpers, spare tire ar.d tire lock, the list price is S20 addi­ tional. ’Knee-Action on Master Models only, J20 additional. Prices on Phone Orders s495 quoted in this advertisement are list at Flint. Michigan, and sub­ TOWLE and ROE ject to change without notice. “The Home of Good Lumber” EtMes Coal ami Supply Co. |ie, j. ALLISON, Plymouth Page Ten THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Friday, November 22nd, 1935

gallon vats, a 3,000 gallon cook- ice commission reads as follows: thereof: now. therefore, notice is hereby on MONDAY. JANUARY 27. 1936 at er. and five 2.000 gallon vats were To fill the vacancy in the posi- given that by virtue of the power of sale twelve o'clock noon. Eastern Standard tan-ained in said mortgage, and pursuant Time at the Southerly or Congress Street Moose Hunters dismantled. The distillery had a tion of postmaster in this city, to the statute of the State of Michigan, in entrance to the County Building in the City daily capacity of 2.000 gallons of 'he United States Civil Service Cbe Xegal (publication sach case made and provided, the under- of Detroit. County of Wayne. Michigan moonshine whisky and alcohol, Commission has announced. s'gned will sell at public auction to the high­ (that being the place of holding Circuit Ten the request of the Postmaster OF THE PLYMOUTH MAIL est bidder on Wednesday, the 5th day of Court in sa'd County) said mortgage Back, That’s All Federal agents estimated, Phone No. 6 Phone No. 6 FEBRUARY A. D. 1936. at twelve o'clock wll be foreclosed by a sale at public auc­ tons of sugar were found. General and in accordance with i. Eastern Standard Time, at the south- tion to the highest bidder of the premises Justice Italy D. Vining issued ,an order of the President, an described in said mortgage, or so much Attorney Perry Richwine and . „ - . - - thereof as may be necessary to pay the Attorney David Harbaugh can the search warrent„ , to Corporal. . open competitive examination. in Wayne County More Satisfactory' Service to Attorneys County of Wayne and State of Mich- amount due as aforesaid, and any sum walk into court 2ny day they have trank Walker Monday and he To be eligible for the examin- (that the building wherein the , or sums which may be paid by the under- a case to trv and come back home Wlth Tro°Pers Carl Miller and ation. an applicant must be a citi- c rcuit Court for the County of Wayne signed at or before said sale for taxes COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE 44 Michigan Avenue, Detroit. Michigan. | ncli-d'ng the attorney fees allowed by law. s held) the premises described in said and/or insurance on said premises, and all with the bacon—but thev didn't Jess made the raid Tues- zen of the United States, must Aug. 9. 16. 23. 30: Sep: o. :3 Wh eh prem:«es are deserbed as follows: mortgage, or sufficient thereof, to satisfy other sums paid by the undersigned, with rnnif. hack from nnrthpm Canaria day- irside Within the delivery Of this 213161 20. 27: Oct. 4. 11. 18. 25 A11 those certain pieces or parcels of land said indebtedness with seven per rent I interest thereon, pursuant to law and to ■with a moose or a deer or anv- Jack Roland- 37- who- save h’-s post office, must have so resided •tuate in the C ty o D-: •>:, Co n.. *») interest and all legal costs allowed the terms of said mortgage, and all legal In the Matter of the Estate of i Wayne and S*»e of M ■’ -in. known and by law and provided for in said mortgag.. charges and expenses, including * thine exrentbie aooetites address as 9968 Grand River for at least one year preceding the MARY E. PALMER. Deceased. „ NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT including attorneys' fees, which said prem­ tornev's fee. which premises are described Notice . hereby. „given that the annexed described as follows, to-' ises are described as follows: All that cer- H seems that the^ two popu-'Avenue Detroit was pointed out date for close of receipt of ap- Lot 107 Grosse Po nie View Subdivi- > follows: _ . ... . nv TL'nrkprc in tho n'oro oc ino nlmci tirvnc rrric* nn in onrwt nnv_ We. the undersigned, having Mortgage Foreclosure sale has been ad­ ta n p:ece or parcel of land situate in tht . That___ certain piece or parcel of land sit- lar voune lawvers armed with the by workers in the Place as ihe plications, must be in good phy- ib annninted bv "the Probate journed from Tuesday, the f fth day of s'on of southerly part of lots 2 and 3 of City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State uated ii lar young lawyers armed wth the ????r He o(fe^d (he troopcrs sical condition. and within Wayne. SubdA-is'on of North end of private claim ited in the City of Detroit. County of latest and best there is in hunt- November. 1935. to Thursday, the fifth of M chigan. described as foUows. to-wit: Wayne. Michigan, more particularly de- day of December. 1935, at the same time 111. according to the plat thereof as re- Lot No. 288. Thomas Park Subdivision , scribed.. . . Ninei “ eqtdpment went into the wilds «-000 -^and P^^f^pay Both men co dcd in l.ber 48. page 35 of plats. Lot number Ninety-five (95) $4,000 more if they withdrew and women are admitted, and place as set forth in the annexed not ce. of N. W. of Section 16, Virginia Park Subdi' i of of Canada up along the ' to receive, examine and adjust all FRED A. BELL. Sa'd premises being on the East side of T. 1. S. E.. Greenfield Township, ter Section 55. 10,000 Acre shore of Lake Superior. their charges. Walker revealed. Under the terms of the Execu- claims and demands of all per- Deputy Sheriff. Yorkshire Ave., the Twenty-first Ward WayAe County. Michigan. Plat recorded ing to the plat thereof recorded in the of- Roland and the six others were tive order, the Civil Service Com- November 8. IS. 22. 29. ' d Ci D-cember 8. 1916, Liber Pag. 33. of the Register of Deeds for Wayne The first day tneyuicy reachedttmvneu t , . . , ------i . [sons against said deceased, do Together with the hereditaments and ap- Plats. County in Liber 28 of Plats. Page 80. camp, it snowed. It was a wet turned over 1x3 agents of the mission will certify to the Post- hereby give notice that we will purtenances thereof.’ Dated: October 31. 1935. Dated: November 1. 1935. Thp npvt Hav it and Federal alcohol tax unit Wednes- master General the names ! meet at the Plymouth United Dated at Detroit. Michigan, November • HOME OWNERS' LOAN SECOND INSERTION 1. 1935. HIGHLAND PARK TRUST if created an irv coat ne over day for arraignment before J. the highest three qualified eli- Savings Bank. Plymouth, Mich, MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE I COMPANY. Mortgagee. CORPORATION. Mortgagee. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY, aboilt six or eight inches of snow Stanley Hurd. U. S. Commission gibles. if as many as three are , said______County,_____ on Monday____ the COMPANY, a Michigan corporation. J LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. HUGH FRANCIS and M. SIMMONS. Attorney for Mortgagee. Ayorney for Mortgagee. When one walked through the °fflceF' ,of , w!Le Qualified- fr<3m which tf?e Post- ! 13th day of January A.D. 1936, Mortgagee 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Mich. Attoineys for Mortgagee. HUGH FRANCIS and M. SIMMONS. 13504 Woodward Avenue. still woods, the cracking of the Wy^otte^Frank Drake^S, | master Genera! may select jOne and on Friday the 13th day of 1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Michigan. Highland Park, Michigan. Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29; Dec. 6. 13. Attorneys lor Mortgagee. 20. 27: Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24. coated snow made almost of 3398 Twenty-first street: Pat- for nomination by the President. March A.D. 1936. at 10 o'clock i 1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Michigan. I Nov. 1, 8. 15. 22. 29; Dec.6. 13. much noise as a machine gun. lick Davis. 27. 3942 West Jeffe^ I Confirmation by the Senate 1S m. of each of said days, for the MORTGAGE SALE No". 15. 22. 29: Dec. 6, 13. 20. | 20. 27: Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24. 27: Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24. 31; Feb. 6. LUCKING. VAN AUKEN 4 SPRAGUE Harry Smith, 39, of 4488 the final action. purpose of examining and allow- Attorneys for Mortgagee. If there was a moose or a deer Biddle: Donald Van Lare. 54. 3366 Default having been made in the terms LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney. within 10 miles of where they Applicants will not be required ing said claims, and that four HUGH FRANCIS and M. SIMMONS, I 13504 Woodward Avenue. , 3114 Union Guardian Bldg.,Bid Detroit. Mich. • Thirteenth: and Charles Brown. and conditions of a certain mortgage made Highland Park, Michigan. to assemble in an examination1 months from the 13th day of by Marie Ackerman and Rose Greenberg, Attorneys for Mortgagee, were hunting, it wouldn't be there i 36. 4488 Biddle. The seventh man 1601 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Michigan. ; long after one started walking .. _ . _ „ . room for scholastic tests, but November. A. D. 1935, were al­ of the City of Detroit. County of Wayne MORTGAGE SALE ps Joseph Bruno. 36. of 4116 West Wju rated On their educational lowed by said Court for creditors and State of Michigan. Mortgagor, to MORTGAGE SALE through the woods. t Jefferson Avenue, Ecorse. | business experience and fit- to present their claims to us for Michigan Life Insurance Company a MORTGAGE SALE Defaults having been made (and such At any rate they hunted and examination and allowance. Michigan corporation, of Detroit. Mich­ i Default having been made I defaults having continued for more than hunted—but not a deer or a °~ ~ 1 ness. The Civil Service Commis- igan, Mortgagee, dated the 15th day of Default having been made in the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made ninety days) in the conditions of a cer­ moose or a bear or a rabbit did Government Asks For Sion will make inquiry among Dated November 13th, 1935. February. A.D. 1929. and recorded in the- and d conditionsconditions of a certain mortgage made I by BROWNWELL CORPORATION, a tain mongage made by Angeline Krar- representative local business and JOHN W. BLICKENSTAFF. office of the Register of Deeds forfor thethe : ...... by William F. Busse and Elizabeth Busse, i Michigan Corporation, of the City of De­ ich Hannck. formerly Angeline Kranich. they see during the two weeks A pplicants for Postmaster ELTON A. ASHTON. County of Wayne and Statele ofof MichiganMichigan i his wife, of the City of Detroit, County of ’fo«. County of Wayne, State of Michigan, individually and as Guardian of Cather­ they remained in the woods. But professional men and women con­ the 21st day of February, A. D. 1929, Wayne and State of Michigan. Mortgagor to the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST ine Kranich and Henry Kranich. minors both came home highly elated cerning the experience, ability, Commissioners. Libert:i— 2283 of --Mortgages,♦------— on ------page«« 636. I to MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE! COMPANY, of the City of Highland of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, to (Continued from Page One) j and character of each applicant, Nov. 22. 29; Dec. 6. which mortgage there is claimed to b< COMPANY, a Michigan corporation, of' P«*. County of Wayne, and State of HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORA- over their trip and thoroughly and the evidence thus secured due, at the date of this notice, for prin- Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagee, dated the j Michigan,. a corporation organued and -- TION. a Corporation organized under the pleased over the brief vacation time ago as a possible candidate, COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE isting under the laws of the State of Mich- I laws of the United States of America, dat­ they had spent in the wilds of but he has recently stated that will be considered in determining ...... _ of ig?n. dated the 27th day of November A. ed May 7. 1934. and recorded in the office he has no intention of seeking the ratings to be assigned to tne 218579 Seventy-Nine Dollars and twenty-four Deeds for the County of Wayne and State D. 1925 and recorded in the office of the of the Register of Deeds for Wayne Coun­ Canada. applicants. cents ($11,979.24) and Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. ty. Michigan, on August 10. 1934. in Lib­ the place. In the Matter of the Estate of provided by taw. State of Michigan, on the 7th day of Dec­ er 2742 of Mortgages, on Page 427, and The salary of the Plymouth The Commission states that ALMA CORKINS. Deceased. equity having been instituted* page 435. on which mortgage there is claim- ember A. D. 1925 in Liber 1634 of Mort­ said mortgagee having elected under the presidential postmasters are not I. the undersigned, having been >ver the debt secured by said be due. at the date of this notice for gages. on Page 327. on which mortgage terms of said mortgage to declare the postmaster is $2800 and it is one there is claimed to be due and unpaid ai entire principal and accrued interest there­ Big Distillery ' of the biggest postoffice prizes in in the classified civil service and I appointed by the Probate Court the date of this notice, including principal on due. which election it does hereby ex­ and interest, the sum of TWO THOU­ ercise. pursuant to which there is claimed the s’ate that will be open during that its duti€s in connection with J for the County of Wayne, State of said mortgage, and pursuant to the sta­ | Dollars and Ninety-seven cents ($7,614.97) SAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY tute of the State of Michigan in such case ! and an attorney fee as provided by law. No to be due and unpaid on said mortgage the next few months There are appointments to such positions I Michigan. Commissioners to re- ONE and 47/100 ($2,891.47) Dollars and at the date of this notice for principal and 19 other cities where the terms of 1??ld examinations and to.ceive. examine and adjust all made and provided, notice is hereby given 1 suit or proceedings at law or in equity hav­ no suit or proceedings at law or in equity Is Uncovered that on Monday, February 10. 1936, at ing been instituted to recover the debt se- interest the sum of Six Thousand Eight ithin certify the results to the Post- I claims and demands of all per- having been instituted to recover the debr Hundred Thirty-three and 10/100 Dollars I the postmaster expires wiw«*. . _ , _. _ 12:00 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard ' cured by said morgage• any part there- now remaining secured by said mortgage, sons against said deceased do Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed.. by of...... Now...... therefore, . by le of the power ($6,833.10) and no suit or proceeding at 'the near future. Alma being the mastetr General The Commission or any part thereof: now. therefore, notice law or in equity having been instituted only place that pays a higher sal- 1S ndt interested in the political hereby give notice that I will be a sale at public auction, to--•■•• the highest 1I of sale contained in said mortgage, and is hereby given that by virtue of the power bidder, at the southerly oi Congress Street ; pursuant to the statute of the State of to recover the debt secured by said mort­ held in the Wayne jail Tuesday ary than in Plymouth. That is religious, or fraternal affiliations at 274 S. Main street. Plymouth. of sale contained in said mortgage, anti gage or any part thereof: .u. I -----sucb casc made and provided, pursuant to the statute of the State of night as the result of a raid on $100 a year more. °* any applicant. ill vuuiuy uu City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan I notice is hereby given that on MMonday. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the a $15,000 alcohol distillery by, Michigan, in such case made and provided, power of sale contained in said mortgage Full information and applica- Thursday the 2nd day OI Jan- I (that being the building where the Circuit February 10. 1936. at 12:00 o'clock the undersigned will sell at public auction bcZfee blanks may be obtained from uary. A.D. 1936. and on Tues-j *u* ----- ...... “ • • — • ---- to the highest bidder on WEDNESDAY and pursuant io the Statutes of the State day the 2nd day of March A.D.! the 5th day of FEBRUARY A.D. 1936. of Michigan in such case made and pro­ te the largest in the county, out- voix. $2600: Charlotte. $2800 the secretary of the local board mnn a xr i “' ~ ,much thereof as may be necessary to; to* tnethe highestmgnest oiaaer,bidder at tne soucneny ui at twelve o'clock noon. Eastern Standard vided. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ’ of civil service examiners at the 1936, at 10.00 O ClOCk A.M. Of each pay the amount due, the interest thereon: Congress Street entrance to the County that on January 30. 1936 at 12 o'clock side of Detroit, was located on a Cheboygan. $2700: Clare. $2500: Time, at the southerly or Congress Street noon. Eastern Standard Time at the post office in this city, or from of said days, for the purpose of ' ?nd all left’l costs. Charges and expenses. , Build'ng in the City of Detroit. Wayne entrance to the Wayne County Building in farm on Hannan Road in Van Frankfort. $2400: Harbor Springs. examining and allowing said ,,7,c?Vd'nK ’he attorney fees allowed by law. County. Michigan (that being the building the City of Detroit. County of Wayne and Southerly or Congress Street entrance of the United States Civil Service the Wayne County Building in the City Buren Township. $2400; Imlay City. $2400; Ithaca. claims and that four months 1 a'“',b'd ” ! ,h' C°u" ,h' State of Michigan (that being the building of Detroit. County of Wayne. Michigan Commission. Washington. D.C. wherein the Circuit Court for the County The equipment, housed in a $2400 Lowell. $2400: Manistique. from the 2nd day of November, I situate . sa d mortgage, or so much thereof as that being the place of holding Cireuit of Wayne is held) the premises described ! J.1’11*' id Countyl said mortgage will large barn on what is known as $2700 Milan. $2400; Rogers City, T. . 'A. D. 1935, were allowed by saidiY/#y»« - _ ...... iay be necessary to pay the amount due. said mortgage, ornr sufficientc.ffiriont thereof, I . described as follows, to-wit: ! the interest thereon and all legal costs. be foreclosed by a sale at public auction the old Stofflet farm, included two $2400 Saint Clair. $2600; St. Court for creditor, to present)-"- satisfy said indebtedness with seven pci to the highest bidder of the premises de­ $2600: Sandusky. $2400: “Thou shalt not” because it runs "Lot 559 Linwood Heights Subdivision of' charges and expenses, including the attorn- cent (7“'o) interest and all legal costs al­ boilers heated with oil burners Johns, their claims to me for examin: 1 part of quarter sections 13 and 28. ten | ev fees allowed by law. Which premises are scribed in said mortgage, or so much which eliminated the use of smoke West Branch. $2400. contrary to human nature every lowed by law and provided for in said thereof as may be necessary to pay the , thousand acre tract. Greenfield Township, described as follows: All those certain mortgage, including attorneys' fees, wh'ch amount due as aforesaid, and any sum or stacks. The boilers, three 5.000' The notice from the civil serv- law would have to be repealed. 1 Dated November 2nd. 1935. according to the plat thereof as recorded pieces or parcels of land situate in the said premises are described as follows: All sums which may be paid by the under­ JOHN CRANDALL. - in Liber 35. page 6 of plats. ; City of Detroit. County of Wayne and that "certain piece or parcel of land ------signed at or before said sale for (axes Together with the hereditaments and State of M:chigan. known and described I in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. and or insurance on said premises, and Commissioner. as follows, to-wit: State of Michigan, described as follows, to- all other sums paid by the undersigned, Nov. 8. 15. 22. November "Lot 72 'Alfred F. Steiner's Park Subdi-1 wit: Lot No. 622. B. E. Taylor's - with interest thereon, pjrsuant toaMw and vision' of the west half of the back con- * boro Subdivision of E. 1, of S. W 1, io the terms of said mortgage. *and aH ROBERT S. MARX AND MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE cession of private claim 219. according to' cf Sec. 32. T 1 S. R. 11 E.. Greenfield legal costs, charges and expenses, includ­ CLAYTON F. BUTLER. COMPANY, a Michigan corporation. the plat thereof as recorded in liber 40. ! Township. Wayne County. Michigan. Plai ing an attorney's fee. which premises are At'orr.evs for Mortgagee. Mortgagee. paee 61 of plats. ! recorded May 18. 1916, Liber 35. Page 26. described as follows: HUGH FRANCIS and M. SIMMONS. 44 Michigan Avenue. Detroit. Michigan. Said premises being on the east side of Plats. That certain piece or parcel of land sit­ Attorneys for Morteagee. Coplin. in the Twenty-first Ward of said Dated October 31. 1935. 1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. uated in the City of Detroit. Coun'y of MORTGAGE SALE HIGHLAND PARK TRUST Wayne. Michigan, more particularly de Nov. 15. 22. 29: Dec. 6. 13. 20. Together with the heredita 27: Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24. 31 : Feb. 6. COMPANY. Mortgagee scribed as: Lot Four Hundred and thirty purtenances thereof." Park Subdivision of Default Dated at Detroit. Michig November LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. 'dej>y HUGH FRANCIS and M. SIMMONS. i, |93S. Attorney for Mortgagee. Priv Clain Thre Hui BLANCHE L CONNER SA~SS. of orneys for Mortgagee. 13504 Woodward Avenue. and fifteen (31 S’ and Three Hundred and MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE twenty-two (322i. Sojth of Jefierson Ave­ troit. Michigan. Mortgagor to FIRST *1 Dime Bank Bldg.. Det COMPANY, a Michigan coiporation. Highland Park. Michigan. WAYNE NATIONAL BANK OF DE­ Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29: Dec 6. nue. City of Detroit. Wayne County Mortgagee. Michigan, according to the plat thereof TROIT. a corporation organized under MORTGAGE SALE HUGH FRANCIS and M. SIMMONS. 20. 27: Jan. 3. 10. 17. the laws of the United States of America, recorded January 15. 1912 in Liber 27. Attorneys for Mortgagee. page 90 of Plats. Wayne County records. of Detroit. Michigan. Mortgagee, its suc­ 1801 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. cessors and assigns, bearing date the Default having been made in the terms Attorney lor Mortgagee. Dated: October 31. 193S. and conditions of a certain mortgage made Nov. 15. 22. 29; Dec. 6. 13. 20. HOME OWNERS' LOAN eighteenth day of January. 1932. and re­ 27: Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24, 31: Feb. 6. 2766 Pcnol-scot Bldg.. Detroit. M:ch. corded in ,the office of the Register of by DONALD F. HUNTER and FRANC­ CORPORATION. Mortgagee ES HUNTER, his wife, of the City ot LUCKING. VAN AUKEN 4 SPRAGUE. Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of MORTGAGE SALE higan. i Janu; 19th. Detroit. County of Wayne and State of Attorney for Mortgagee. 2635 of Mortgages, on Page 42. which Michigan. Mortgagor. to MICHIGAN THIRD INSERTION 3114 Union Guardian Bldg.. Detroit. Mich. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. a Defaults having been made (and such Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29; Dec. 6. 13. mortgage contains a power of sale. On to- 20. 27: Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24. wit the eighth day of October. 1932. the Michigan corporation, of Detroit, Midtigan. ------— - —■ defaults having continued for more than Mortgagee, dated the 1st day of August HUGH FRANCIS AND ninety days' in the conditions ' aforementioned mortgagee changed its name HOOD LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Aitorney. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-DE- A. D. 1929. and recorded in the office of M SIMMONS. mortgage made by ARTHUR the Register of Deeds for the Coiinty of Attorneys for Mortgagee. and OLIVE D. HOOD, his wue.vile oiof 13504 Woodwaid Avenue. TROIT. a corporation organized under the City of Highland Park. Wayne Coun­ Highland Park. Michigan. the laws of the United States of America, Wayne and State of Michigan on (the 2nd ifiO! Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. day of August. A.l). 1929. in Litter 2362 ------ty. Michigan, to HOME OWNERS' of Detroit. Michigan. There is claimed to MORTGAGE SALE of Mortgage:, on page 517. on j which MORTGAGE SALE LOAN CORPORATION, a Corporation be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the organized under the laws of the United date of this notice, for principal, interest. mortgage there is claimed to be dueXat the ------Default having been made in the terms of this notice, for principal_-interest States cf America, dated October 1M. 1933. :es and certification of abstract, the sum Default having been made i and recorded in the office of the Rrgi and conditions of a certain mortgage made ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUN­ and the of Seven Thousand and conditi by JAY J. NEFCY and MABLE J. NEF- Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars and i mortgage made of Deeds for Wayne County. Michigan. DRED TWENTY-THREE AND 82/100 by NORMAN J. FROST and PEARL on October 1933. in Liber 2676 . CY. his wife, of the Village of Rochester. fSl.723.82l Dollars. No suit or proceeding ’hirty-one cents ($7,547.31 ) J. FROST, his wife, of the City of Detroit. ) Mortgages, o it Page 634. and said n* County of Oakland. State of Michigan, to at law or in equity has been had or in,, torney fee as provided by law. No County of Wayne and State of M'chipan. gagee having elected under the terms the HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COM- stituicd to recover the debt secured by proceedings a equity having been Mortgagor to MICHIGAN LIFE IN- 1 said mortgag*: to declare the entire F in. PANY. of the City of Highland Park. said mortgage or any part thereof...... u recover the debt secured by SURANCE COMPANY, a Michigan coi-I cioal and a 'crued interes' thereon Je County of Wayne, and State of Michigan. NOW. THEREFORE. By virtue of the sa . Com All that certain piece or parcel of land One (I) South. Range Eleven (II'. East. I. t93S. and State of Michigan and described ty of Wayne. Michigan, more particulai ly situate in the City of Detroit. County of Greenfield, accord'ng to the recorded plat MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE described as: Lot No. Five Hundred Eighty Wayne. State of Michigan, described as Day. In doing so they will be The telephone helps to combat COMPANY, a Michigan corporation. "Lots 156 and 157 'Herbert L. Baker : (580) of the Subdivision of Block: 13. follows, to-wit : Lot No. 207 Mapleview •hereof in Liber 21 of Plats on page 87: Greenfield Gardens subdivision of part o Subdivision of part of the N.W. af Wayne County Records. Said premises Mortgagee. 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of Steven's Suhdi- following a thoroughly American the distance created by the exten­ HUGH FRANCIS and M. SIMMONS. East half of the Northeast quarter Section ■t of Quarter frac. Sec. 7. T. 1. S. R. 12 E,r Hamtramck be'ng situated on the Easterly side of Attorneys for Mortgagee. Z-J°“,h Ran?-e 11 East? Gree,n' Seventeen (17) and Twen'ty-four (24) Ten ‘ T*P- Way^e Co.. Michig’n. Plat recorded Bryden Avenue, between Grand River and fieldiiM«t TownshipTrtwrKh.r. accordingarmrrt.nv ♦/. to the« plat - Thousandmu. — , (10.000)-. - Acre Tract,m accords... ltme 20, 1916. Liber 35, Page 78. Plats. Burl'ngame Avenues, together with the 1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Michigan. custom, a custom which origi­ sion of our frontiers. It fills a Nov. 15. 22. 29: Dec. 6. 13. 20. thereof as recorded in liber 31. page 15 of , ,o the recorded plat thereof recorded m the Dated: October 31. 1935. hered'taments and appurtenances thereof. 27: Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24. 31: Feb. 6. Pu ,Smd Premises being on the north of{i<:e o( ,he Register of Deed;i for Wayne HIGHLAND PARK TRUST nated more than three centuries modern need. It contributes its Dated at Detroit. Michigan. August 9. side of Tireman. in the Sixteenth Ward of County. Michigan in Liber 27 of Plats. COMPANY. 1935. d City. Together .....withk .u-the heredik—a------p J3 LAWRENCE ROTHENBERd. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K-DETRO1T. HUGH FRANCIS and M. SIMMONS. ago when the Pilgrim Fathers, share in making the arrangements Attorneys for Mortgagee, and appurtenances thereof. Dated: November 1. 1935. Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgagee 1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Michigan. Dated at Detroit. Michigan. October 23rd, HOME OWNERS' LOAN 13504 Woodward Avenue, ROBERT S. MARX AND 1935. CORPORATION. Mortgagee. Highland Park. Michigan. immediately after their first har­ for any celebration — ordering CLAYTON F. BUTLER. , MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29: Dec.6. 13. MORTGAGE SALE WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Attorneys for Mortgagee. COMPANY, a Michigan corporation. Attorney for Mortgagee. 20. 27; Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24. supplies, extending and accepting HUGH FRANCIS AND 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Mich. vest in the New World, set aside Default having been made in the terms PATRICK H. O'BRIEN. Attorney. “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” SIMMONS. Nov. 1. 8. IS. 22. 29: Dec. 6 and conditions of a certain me _ 20. 27; Jan. 3. 10. 17 3729 Barium Tower a day_of Thanksgiving for the invitations, arranging meetings, In 1284 Ihe Prussian town oi by ------RICHARD CORTEVILLE. - and---- I 1801 Dime Bank Bldg., Detroit. Detroit. Michigan. Hamelin w:vs plagued b.v rais. MARIA CORTEVILLE. his wife, of the WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. /ear’s blessings. changing plans at the last min­ City of Detroit. County of Wayne and MORTGAGE SALE wliicli the Attorney for Mortgagee. piper-magielnn drowned Slate of Michigan. Mortgagor, to MICH­ 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. mu- The custom, antedating our ute, sending regards, regrets or in the river. When the townsmen IGAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Default having been made (and such de- a Michigan corporation, of Detroit. Mich­ fourth INSERTION MORTGAGE SALE ult having continued for more than niae- refused to “pay the piper." he igan. Mortgagee, dated the 18th day of (90) days) in the terms and condriiosw Republic, survives as our oldest congratulations. (•harmed fit) cliildren to follow his March.______A. _D. 1929. and recorded ...... auvn a cer**'n mortgage made by IONE office of the Register of Deeds for' the LAWRENCE ROTHENBERG. Attorney, defauits having continued for more than native holiday. Despite the inter­ Efficient, unobtrusive, often piping out of the town to the Kop County of Wayne and State of Michigan 135O4 Woodward Avenue. ninety days) in the conditions of a cer- 'r°"i.d°XyOrm HOMF OWNfVv penherg, where they disappeared on the 19th day of March. A.D. 1929. Highland Park. Michigan. tan mortgage made by MYRTLE DUN- « ’’ HOME OWNEBS taken as a matter of course, the in Liber 2294 of Mortgages, on page 14. * ------CAN SULLIVAN, of the City of De- LOAN CORPORATION a feda^ cor- val of three centuries, despite the into the hillside forever. on which mortgage there is claimed to be MORTGAGE SALE • tioit. Wayne County. Michigan, to HOME B? a! as . Mo ’*,“5“' r«- due. at the date of this notice, for principal. ------OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, a . I9'-*”3' a?d n!^r.de1'n w'.J^'roLV’.' momentous changes they brought modern telephone thus plays its and interest, the sum of Nine Thousand Default having been made in the terms Corporation organized under the laws of ! " L ? i i„ I Greatest of Valleys Six Hundred Sixty-one Dollars and Four and conditions of a certain mortgage made the United States of America, dated Dec- “ • ori* j ua y , n u>cr into American life, the annual part in our daily lives, serving us cents ($9,661.04) and an attorney fee as by LOUIS MAXWELL and BERTHA ember 21. 1933. and recorded in the office ‘Vnd’* Se -d The valley of the Amazon is provided by law. No suit or proceedings MAXWELL, his wife, of the City of De- of the Register of Deeds for Wayne Coun- 8a8£Li(?n. "? saS mortzMe M d^tte larger than that of the Mississippi, it law or in equity having been instituted , troit. Wayne County. Michigan, to the ty. Michigan, on December 23. 1933. in festival continues to draw all as readily and faithfully to recover the debt secured by said mort- HIGHLAND PARK TRUST COM- Liber 2680 of Mortgages, on Page 197, and du P "ujch ri«tion ?tdo£ ^rf>7 en­ the former river .draining 2.3.'i0.(K>0 gage or any part thereof. Now. therefore,: PANY. of the City of Highland Park, said mortgagee having elected under the ~ countless American fami­ on holidays as daring the square miles, the latter 1,244.000 by virtue of the power of sale contained County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, terms of said mortgage to declare the entire • R , nDaid . M:d square miles. The Amazon drains a in said mortgage, and pursuant to the sta- a corporation organized and existing under i principal and accrued interest thereon due...... „otice ror nrinc:M, ZJj lies into yearly reunion at working week. tute of the State of Michigan in such case the laws of the State of Michigan, dated which election it does hereby exercise, pur- , ■ h amoun, -« TWO THOUSAND greater area than any other river on made and provided, notice is hereby given the 7th day of June A. D. 1928 and re- suant to which there is claimed to be due, pn.rp HUNDRFD THIRTY RIGHT tiie globe. that on Monday. February 10. 1936, at corded in the office of the Register of ' and unpaid on said mortgage at the. dateand : DOLLARS, s and cnFORTYt>Tv omyONE rvuTcCENTS 12:00 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of ' of this notice for principal. Eleven ($2.*38.41) and no suit or proceeding at Time, said mortgage will be foreclosed by Michigan, on the 13th day of June A. D. i insurance premiums the sui law or in equity having been instituted so The Aurora Borealis a sale at public auction, to the highest 1928 in Liber 2151 of Mortgages, on Page I Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-one and recover the debt secured by said mors- MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY bidder at the southerly or Congress Street 543, on which mortgage there is claimed 61/100 Dollars ($11,371.61) and no suit gage or any part thereof, notice is hereby Aurora borealis is the name giv­ entrance to the Couny Building in the City to be due. and unpaid at the. date of this ! of proceeding, at law or in equity having given that by virtue of the power of sale Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan ______rer the debt secured en to the Northern Light. It is not SIX' "THO'USAND THREE I by said mortgage or any part thereof: contained in said mortgage and pnrsiant visible in the southern hemisphere. (that being the building where the Circuit to the statutes of the State of Michigan Court for the County of Wayne ia held) HUNDRFD SEVENTY FOUR and I NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the in such case made and provided, on FBB- The aurora australis or Southern of the premises described in said mortgage, 62/100 ($6,374.62) Dollars and no suit or power of sale contained in said mortgage RUARY 10, 1936, at 12:00 o'clock Noon. J or so much thereof as may be necessary proceedings at law or in equity having been and pursuant to the Statutes of the State Light is seen there. Aurora polaris to pay the amount due, the interest thereon instituted to recover the debt now remain- of Michigan in such case made and provid­ is a name given to both. and all legal costs, charges and expenses. ing secured by said mortgage, or any part | ed, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that (Continued on page eleven) Friday, November 22nd, 1935 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Page Eleven

SECOND INSERTION February A. D. 1934. in Liber 2690 of day of January A. D. 1934, in Liber 2682 certain mortgage made by LOUIS GAL- A. ESPERTI and ROSETTA M. ES- May. A. D. 1934. and recorded in the of­ MINNIE BREITSCHUH. a widow, of MORTGAGE SALE Mortgages, on Page 221, on which mort­ of Mortgages, on Page 123, on which mort­ ANIS and MARGARET GALANIS, his PERTI, his wife, of the City of Detroit, fice of the Register of Deeds for the Coun­ the City of Detroit. County of Wayne, ------gage there is claimed to be due at the gage there is claimed to be due at the wife, of the City of Detroit, County of County of Wayne. Michigan, to HOME ty of Wayne, State of Michigan, on the Michigan, to HOME OWNERS' LOAN I Defaults having been made in the coa- date of this notice for principal, interest date of this notice for principal and in­ Wayne. Michigan, to HOME OWNERS’ OWNERS’ LOAN CORPORATION, a Thirteenth day of June. A. D. 1934, in CORPORATION, a Corporation organized j ditions of a certain mortgage made by (Continued from jxige 10) and insurance premium the sum of Five terest the sum of Three Thousand Eight LOAN CORPORATION, a Corporation Corporation organized under the laws of Liber 2725 of Mortgages, on Page 195, on under the laws of the United States of j ANNA McMULLEN. a Widow of De- Eastern Standard T-mt, the .-aid mortgage Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-one and Hundred Twenty-Seven and 77/100 Dol­ organized under the laws of the United the United States of America, bearing date which mortgage there is claimed to be due America. bearing date the Nineteenth day troit. Wayne County. Michigan to HOME will be foreclosed by sale at public auc­ 8/100 Dollars ($5,871.08) and no suit or lars ($3,827.77) and no suit or proceeding States of America. bearing date the the Second day of December. A. D. 1933, at the date of this notice for principal, in­ of July A. D. 1934, and recorded in the | OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, a tion to the highest bidder at t^*e southerly proceeding at law or in equity having been at law or in equity having been instituted Fourth day of January, A. D. 1935, and and recorded in the office of the Register terest and insurance premiums the sum of office of the Register of Deeds for the ' corporation organized under the laws of or Congress Street entrance to the Wayne instituted to recover the debt secured by to recover the debt secured by said mort­ recorded in the office of the Register of of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy- County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on ' the United States of Americ; ■iv ox/inn ■*: d-ia nc\ 1 County Building in the City of Detroit, said mortgage or any part thereof: gage or any part thereof: Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of of Michigan, on the Fifth day of Decem­ and 9S/100 Dollars ($7,876.9S) and the Twenty-first day of August, A D. ' gagee, dated January 17. 1934 and Wayne County. Michigan (that being the NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the Michigan, on the Tenth day of January. ber, A. D. 1933, in Liber 2679 of Mortgag- suit or proceeding at law or in equity hav­ 1934, in Liber 2745 of Mortgages, on Page corded in the office of the Register of building in which the Circuit Court for power of sale contained in said mortgage power of sale contained in said mortgage A. D. 1935. in Liber 2782 of Mortgages, I es. on Page 7, on which mortgage there is ing been instituted to recover the debt se- 379, on which mortgage there is claimed Deeds for Wayne County. Michigan on Wayne County is held), of the premises and pursuant to the Statutes of the State and pursuant to the Statutes of the State on Page 437. on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice :ured by said mortgage or any part there- to be due at the date of this notice for ' January 20. 1934. in Liber 2684 of Mort- described in said mortgage, or so much of Michigan in such case made and provid­ F Michigan in such case made and provided. claimed to be due at the date of this notice i for principal and interest the sum of , principal and interest the sum of Four I gages, on page 117. and said Mortgagee thereof as may be necessary to pay the ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on for principal and interest the sum of Six I Thirteen Thousand One Hundred Sixty-six NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the • Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-nine and ' having elected under the terms of said amount due on said mortgage as aforesaid on MONDAY the SIXTEENTH day of MONDAY the SIXTEENTH day of DEC­ Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-nine and . and 55/100 Dollars ($13,166.55) and no power of sale contained in said mortgage J 27/190 Dollars ($4,299.27) and no suit mortgage to declare the entire principal and any sum or sums which may be paid DECEMBER A. D. 1935 at twelve o'clock EMBER A. D. 1935, at twelve o’clock 74/100 Dollars ($6,489.74) and no suit or I suit or proceeding at law or in equity hav­ and pursuant to the Statutes of the State ; or proceeding at law or in equity having , and accrued interest thereon due. which by the undersigned, at or before said sale, noon. Eastern Standard Time at the South­ noon. Eastern Standard Time at the proceeding at law or in equity having been ing been instituted to recover the debt se- of Michigan in such case made and provid- been instituted to recover the debt secured i election it does hereby exercise, pursuant for taxes and/or insurance on said premis­ erly or Congress Street entrance to the Southerly or Congress Street entrance to | instituted to recover the debt secured by . cured by said mortgage or any part thereof; ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by said mortgage or any part thereof; to which there is claimed to be due and es. and all other sums paid by the under­ County Building in the City of Detroit. the County Building, in the City of De­ ■ said mortgage or anv part thereof: I NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the on MONDAY, the NINTH day of DEC- NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the unpaid on said mortgage at the date of signed, with interest thereon, pursuant to ; power of sale contained in said mortgage law and to the terms of said mongage, and Wayne County. Michigan (that being the troit. Wayne County. Michigan (that be­ I NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the EMBER. A. D. 1935. at twelve o'clock ' power of sale contained in said mortgage this notice for principal and interest, the place of hold:ng Circuit Court in Said ing the place of holding Circuit Court in ’ power of sale contained in said mortgage • and pursuant to the Statutes of the State noon. Eastern Standard Time at the pursuant to the Statutes of the State amount of Five Thousand One Hundred all legal costs, charges and expenses, in­ of Michigan in such case made and provid- i »nd cluding the attorneys’ fee allowed by law. County) said mortgage will be foreclosed said County) said mortgage will be fore­ I and pursuant to the Statutes of the State Southerly or Congress Street entrance to I °f Michigan in such case made and pro- , Fourteen and Twenty-nine Hundredths by a sale at public auction to the highest closed by a sale at public auction to the of Michigan in such case made and provid­ I ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County Building in the City of De- vided. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ($5,114.29) Dollars, and no suit or pro- which premises are described as follows, ' on MONDAY, the NINTH day of DEC- to-wit: Premises and property situated in bidder of the premises described in said highest bidder of the premises described m ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Wayne County, Michigan (that being that or^MCHlDAY.^the SECOND day of . cceding at law having been instituted mortgage, or so much thereof as may be said mortgage, or so much thereof as may on MONDAY, the NINTH d^- of DEC- | EMBER. A. D. 1935. at twelve o'clock the place of holding Circuit Court in said DECEMBER. A. D. 1935, twelve ' recover the debt secured by said mortgage the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. noon. Eastern Standard Time at the South­ State of Michigan, described aa: Lot Pony necessary to pay the amount due on said be necessary to pay the amount due on ' EMBER. A. D. 1935, at twelve o'clock County) said mortgage will be foreclosed by 0 c*°?k mortgage as aforesaid, with interest there­ said mortgage as aforesaid, with interest noon. Eastern Standard Time at the South­ erly or Congress Street entrance to the sale i public auctio the highest bid- Southerly . Six (46) Howland Subdivision of East I County Building in the City of Detroit, One Half ($4) of North Two Thirds (2/3) on and all legal costs, charges and ex­ thereon and all legal costs, charges and erly or Congress Street entrance to the der of the premises described in... said— — mort-—.’h* County Building in the City of tained in said mortgage and the statate L. Wayne County, Michigan (that being the of West One Half (54) of Lot One (1). penses. including the Attorney fee allowed expenses, including the Attorney fee allow­ County Building in the City of Detroit, gage, or so much thereof as may be neces- Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan (that ! such case made and provided, on Novem- Section Fifteen (15), Town One (1) by law. and any sum or sums which may ed by law, and any sum or sums which Wayne County, Michigan (that being the place of holding Circuit Court in said sary to pay the amount due on said mort- ; being the place of holding Circuit Court ber 29, 1935. at 12:00 o'clock Noon. East- South, Range Eleven (11) East, according be paid by the undersigned at or before may be paid by the undersigned at. or be­ place of holding Circuit Court in said County) said mortgage will be foreclosed gage as aforesaid, with interest thereon and “said‘d ^CountyCounty)), said mortgage will be fore- | ern Standard______Time,____, the said mortgage will to the plat thereof recorded in the office of sale for taxes and/or insurance on said fore sale for taxes and/or insurance County) said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest all legal costs, charges and expenses. closed by a sale at public auction to the i be foreclosed by sale at public* vendue the Register of Deeds for Wayne County premises which premises are situated in on said premises which premises are sit­ by a sale at public auct'On to the highr" bidder of the premises described in said eluding the Attorney fee allowed by law. highest bidder of the premises described j to the highest bidder, at the southerly or in Liber 33 of Plats, page 94. City of Detroit. County of Wayne, State uated in City of Detroit, County of bidder of the premises described in s; j mortgage, or so much thereof as may be and any sum or sums which may be paid in said mortgage, or so much thereof as Congress Street entrance to the Wayne Dated at Detroit, Michigan, October of Michigan, and described as follows, to- Wayne. State of Michigan, and described mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said by the undersigned at or before sale for may be necessary to pay the amount due . County Building, in the City ef Detroit, 28. 1935. w:*: as follows, to-wit: Lot thirty (30) Kirsch- necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage as aforesaid, with interest thereon taxes and/or insurance on said premises on said mortgage as aforesaid, with inter- Wayne County, Michigan (that being the HOME OWNERS’ LOAN Lot twenty-one (21) of Braun’s Subdi­ baum's Subdivision in the N. E. 14 of mortgage as aforesaid, with interest there­ and all legal costs, charges and expenses, which premises are situated in City of est thereon and all legal costs, charges building in' which the Circuit Court for CORPORATION, a federal corporation, vision of Out Lot forty-nine (49) of the the S. E. ’4 of Section 21. Town 1 South, on and all legal costs, charges and expens­ including the Attorney fee allowed by law, Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Mich­ and expenses, including the Attorney fee 1 Wayne County is held) of the premises mortgagee. Subdivision of the east one-half (56) of Range 12 East, in the City of Hamtramck. es. including the Attorney fee allowed by and any sum or sums which may be paid igan. and described as follows, to-wit: allowed by law, and any sura or sums described in said mortgage. PATRICK H. O’BRIEN. Private Claim ninety-one (91), the James Wayne County Michigan. Liber 32. Page law, and any sum or sums which may be by the undersigned at or before sale for That certain piece or parcel of land, sit­ which may. be .paid by. the undersigned. . _------at thereof------—, may be necessary to pay the Attorney for Mortgagee, Campau Farm, City of Detroit, Wayne 34 of Plats as recorded in Wayne Coun­ paid by the undersigned at or before sale taxes and/or insurance on said premises uated in the City of Detroit. Wayne before sale for taxes and/or insurance i amount due as aforesaid and any sum or 3729 Barium Tower. County. Michigan, according to the plat ty Register of Deeds office: (also known for taxes and/or insurance on said premis­ which premises are situated in City of De­ County. Michigan, described as: Lot Fifty I said premises wbieh^ premises are sit- ' sums which may be paid by the undersigned Detroit, Michigan. thereof as recorded in Liber 11 of Plats, as 7404 Merkel Avenue. Detroit, Mich.). es which premises are situated in the City troit, County of Wayne. State of Michigan, (50) of LaSalle Boulevard Subdivision of “------a,ted ... the City«... of, —Detroit. . «County of it or before said sale for taxes and'or in­ Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29; Dec.6. 13. page 40. Wayne County Records. (Also DATED: September 20, 1935. of Detroit. County of Wayne. State of and described as follows, to-wit: part of Southwest Quarter (54) of Quarter Wayne. State of Michigan, and described surance on said premises, and all other 20. 27; Jan. 3. 10. 17, 24. known as 2283 Hendrie Avenue, Detroit. HOME OWNERS' LOAN Michigan, and described as follows, to- Lot One Hundred Twenty-seven (127) Section 47. of the Ten Thousand Acre as follows, to-wit: North Fifteen (15) feet sums paid by the undersigned, with interest Wayne County. Michigan). CORPORATION. Mortgagee. McQuade's Dexter Boulevard Subdivision Tract, Greenfield Township, (now City of Lot One Hundred Twenty (120) and thereon, pursuant to law and to the terms LUCKING. VANAUKEN ft SPRAGUE. DATED: September ?Oth. 1935. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY, Lot Three Hundred Three (303), B. E. of part of the East One-Quarter (Jq) of of Detroit), Wayne County, Michigan, South Twenty (20) feet of Lot One Hund­ of said mortgage, and all legal costs, Attorneys for Mortgagee. # 83 HOME OWNERS’ LOAN Attorney for Mortgagee. Taylor's Detroit City Subdivision Number Quarter Section Thirty-two (32). Ten according to the plat thereof recorded in red Twenty-one (121), Van Winkle's charges and expenses, including an attor­ 3114 Union Guardian Bldg., Detroit, Mich. CORPORATION, Mortgagee. 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. One (1). of a part of the Northwest Thousand (10.000) Acre Tract, according the office of the Register of Deeds for Subdivision of Lots One (1). Two (2). neys' fee. which premises are described as Sept. 20. 27: Oct. 4. 11. 18. 25; Quarter (*4) of Fractional Section Twen­ ! to the recorded plat thereof aa recorded in Wayne County in Liber 32 of Plats. Page Three (3). Eight (8). Nine (9), Twelve follows: MORTGAGE SALE WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Attorney for Mortgagee. Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22, 29: Dec.6. 13. ty-eight (28), Town One (1) South. Range the office of the Register of Deeds for 95. (Also known as 2286-8 Blaine Avenue, (12). Thirteen (13), Sixteen (16), and the That certain piece or parcel of land sit­ 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit. Michigan. Eleven (11) East, City of Detroit, Wayne ■ Wayne County, Michigan, in Liber 35 of Detroit. Michigan.) North One Hundred Twelve and Eight uated in the City of Detroit. Wayne Defaults having been made (and such Plats, page 5. (Also known as Nos. 3735- Hundredths (112.08) feet of Lot Seventeen Sept. 20. 27; Oct. 4. 11, 18. 25: WILLIAM E. TARSNEY, County, Michigan, according to the plat DATED: September 13. 193S. County, Michigan, more particularly de­ defaults having continued for more than thereof recorded in Liber 39. Page 96 3737 Atkinson Avenue, Detroit. Michigan.) HOME OWNERS’ LOAN (17), of Crane ft Wesson's Subdivision. scribed as: ninety days) in the conditions of a certain Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29; Dec. 6. 13. Attorney for Mortgagee. Private Claim Six Hundred Forty-four (644) 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. of Plats. Wayne County Records. DATED: September 13, 1935. CORPORATION. Mortgagee. Lot "Q" Plat of the subdivision of out mortgage made by Philip S. Beamer and DATED: September 13, 1935. HOME OWNERS’ LOAN Hamtramck, according to the plat thereof Anna M. Beamer, hia wife of Highland WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. lots 2. 3 and 4. also the resubdivision of WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. HOME OWNERS’ LOAN CORPORATION. Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee, recorded in Liber Fourteen (14) of Plats, blocks I. 2, 3 and 17 of McGraw's Subdi­ Park, Wayne County, Michigan, to HOME Attorney for Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE WILLIAM E. TARSNEY, Page Ninety-nine (99), Wayne County OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, a CORPORATION. Mortgagee. 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. vision of part of fractional section 2. Town 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Attorney for Mortgagee. Sept. 13, 20, 27; Oct. 4, 11, 18. 25; Records. 2 South, Range 11 East. Detroit, according Corporation organised under the laws of Default having been made (and such 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit. Michigan. the United States of America, dated Jan­ Attorney for Mortgagee. Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29; Dec. 6. DATED: September 6. 1935. to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 10. MORTGAGE SALE default having continued for more than 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. Sept. 13. 20. 27: Oct. 4. 11, 18. 25: HOME OWNERS’ LOAN page 60 of Plats. Wayne County Michigan uary 18. 1934. and recorded in the office ninety (90) days) in the terms and con­ Nov. 1, 8. IS. 22. 29; Dec. 6. of the Register of Deeds for Wayne Coun­ Sept. 13. 20, 27: Oct. 4. 11, 18. 25: WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. .. CORPORATION. Mortgagee. Records. (More commonly known as 3351 Default having been made (and such ditions of a certain mortgage made by Nov. 1, 8, IS, 22. 29; Dec. 6. Attorney for Mortgagee. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Wreford Avenue. Detroit. Michigan’. ty, Michigan, on January 22. 1934, in Lib­ FRANK J. WILKOWSKI and AGNES WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. er 2684 of Mortgages, on Page 245, and default having continued for more than 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit. Michigan. Attorney for Mortgagee, Dated at Detroit. Michigan, August 29. ninety (90) days) in the terms and con­ D. WILKOWSKI. hia wife, of the Vil­ WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Attorney for Mortgagee, 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. 1935. said mortgagee having elected under the lage of Grosae Pointe Park County of 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. terms of said mortgage to declare the en­ ditions of a certain mortgage made by Attorney for Mortgagee, MORTGAGE SALE Sept. 6. 13. 20, 27: Oct. 4. li. HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORA­ GERTRUDE G. POWERS, a married wo­ Wayne, Michigan, to HOME OWNERS’ 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. 18, 25; Nov. 1. 8. IS. 22. 29. TION. MORTGAGEE. tire principal and accrued interest thereon LOAN CORPORATION, a Corporation due, which election it does hereby exer­ man. of the City of Detroit County of MORTGAGE SALE LUCKING, VANAUKEN ft SPRAGUE Wayne. Michigan, to HOME OWNERS' organized under the laws of the United Default having been made (and such de­ WILLIAM E. TARSNEY, Attorneys for Mortgagee. cise, pursuant to which there is claimed States of America, bearing date the Elev­ MORTGAGE SALE to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at LOAN CORPORATION, a Corporation Default having been made (and such de­ fault having continued for more than ninety Attorney for Mortgagee, 3114 Union Guardian Bldg. organized under the laws of the United enth day of January A. D. 1934, and re­ (90) days) in the terms and conditions of 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. Detroit. Michigan. die date of this notice for principal and in­ Default having been made (and such de­ fault having continued for more than ninety terest the sum of Ten Thousand Nine Hun­ States of America, bearing date the Twelfth corded in the office of the Register of a certain mortgage made by REBECCA Aug. 30: Sept. 6. 13. 20. 27: Oct. 4, Deeds for the County of Wayne. State of fault having continued for more than ninety (90) days) in the terms and conditions of dred Ninety-seven and 75/100 Dollars ($10.- day of June A. D. 1934, and recorded in a certain mortgage made by MICHAEL E. MOLLISON of the City of Detroit MORTGAGE SALE 11, 18. 25; Nov. 1. 8. IS. 22. the office of the Register of Deeds for Michigan, on the Thirteenth day of Jan­ (90) days) in the terms and conditions of County of Wayne. Michigan, to HOME 997.75) and no suit or proceeding at law a certain mortgage made by ALBERT T. McGEE and ANNA McGEE. hia wife, or in equity having been instituted to re­ the County of Wayne. State of Michigan, uary A. D. 1934. in Liber 2682 of Mort­ OWNERS' LOAN CORPORATION, a Default having been made (and such gages. on Page 611, on which mortgage ENOCCARI and ANN ENOCCARI. his of the City of Detroit County of Wayne, default having continued for more than cover the debt secured by said mortgage on the Thirteenth day of August A. D. Michigan, to HOME OWNERS' LOAN Corporation organized under the laws of 1934, in Liber 2743 of Mortgages. on Page there is claimed to be due at the date wife, and IDA ENOCCARI. hia mother, the United States of America, bearing date ninety (90) days) in the terms and condi-. or any part thereof; of the City of Detroit. County of Wayne. CORPORATION, a Corporation organized NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the 252. on which mortgage there is claimed of thia notice for principal and interest the the thirty-first day of July A. D. 1934, tions of a certain mortgage made by SYL­ MORTGAGE SALE sum of Ten Thousand Three Hundred Michigan, to HOME OWNERS’ LOAN under the laws of the United States of VESTER R. HASENAUER. a widower, power of sale contained in said mortgage to be due at the date of this notice for America, bearing date the Twelfth day of and recorded in the office of the Register principal and interest the sum of Five Eighty-Four and 36/100 Dollars ($10,- CORPORATION, a Corporation organized of Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. and pursuant to the Statutes of the State under the laws of the United States of June A. D. 1934, and recorded in the office Default having been made in the con­ of Michigan in such case made and provid­ Thousand Fifty-one and 57/100 Dollars 384.36) and no suit or proceeding at law of Michigan, on the Eighth day of August, Michigan, to HOME OWNERS’ LOAN ditions of a certain real estate mortgage, ($5,051.57) and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity having been instituted to re­ America, bearing date the Twelfth day of of the Register of Deeds for the County CORPORATION, a Corporation organiz­ ed. • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of Wayne, State of Michigan, on the A. D. 1934. in Liber 2741 of Mortgages, whereby the power of sale therein con­ on January 30. 1936 at 12 o’clock noon. or in equity having been institute* to re­ cover the debt secured by said mortgage or April, A. D. 1934, and recorded in the of­ on Page 635, on which mortgage there ed under the laws of the United States fice of the Register of Deeds for the Coun­ Twenty-eighth day of June A. D. 1934, in tained became operative, made by ROSA Eastern Standard Time at the Southerly cover the debt secured by said mo.tgage any part thereof; is claimed to be due at the date of this of America, bearing date the Ninth day of KLEBBA, a single woman of Detroit. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the ty of Wayne. State of Michigan, on the Liber 2731 of Mortgages, on Page 23, on January. A. D. 1934, and recorded in the or Congress Street entrance of the Coun­ or any part thereof: which mortgage there is claimed to be due Michigan, to K. L. COBB of Fbnia. ty Building in the City of Detroit. County NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of ihe power of sale contained in said mortgage Twenty-first day of April, A. D. 1934, in office of the Register of Deeds for the Liber 2708 of Mortgages, on Page 49. on at the date of this notice for principal and Michigan, dated November 29. 1926. and of Wayne, Michigan (that being the place power of sale contained in said mortgage and pursuant to the Statutes of the State and 89/100 Dollars ($6,480.89) and County of Wayne, State of Michigan, on recorded in the office of the Register of of Michigan in such case made and provided, which mortgage there is claimed to be due interest the sum of Four Thousand Three the Eleventh day of January, A. D. 1934, of bolding Circuit Court in said County) and pursuant to the Statutes of the State Hundred One and 40/100 Dollars ($4,301.- or proceeding at law or in equity having Deeds for Wayne County, Michigan, on said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Michigan in such case made and p ovid- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on at the date of this notice for principal, in­ been instituted to recover the debt secured in Liber 2682 of Mortgages, on Page 283, terest and insurance premiums the sum 40) and no suit or proceeding at law or December 2, 1926 in Liber 1860 of Mort­ at public auction to the highest bidder of ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MONDAY the SIXTEENTH day of by said mortgage or any part thereof: on which mortgage there is claimed to gages, on page 57: which mortgage on on MONDAY the SIXTEENTH day of DECEMBER A. D. 1935 at twelve o’clock of Three Thousand Six Hundred Forty in equity having been instituted to recover be due at the date of this notice for prin­ the premises described in said mortgage, or the debt secured by said mortgage or any NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the September 22. 1934. was duly assigned by so much thereof as may be necessary to DECEMBER A. D 1935 at twelve o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time at the South­ and 41/100 Dollars ($3,640.41) and no suit power of sale contained in said mortgage cipal and interest the sum of Seven Thou­ pay the amount due as aforesaid, and any or proceeding at law or in equity having part thereof: sand Eight Hundred Ninety-eight and said mortgagee to C. N. WILSON by as­ noon. Eastern Standard Time at the South­ erly or Congress Street entrance to the NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the and pursuant to the Statutes of the State signment recorded in said Register’s office sum or sums which may be paid by the erly or Congress Street entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit, been instituted to recover the debt secured of Michigan in such case made and pro­ 51/100 Dollars ($7,898.51) and no suit or by said mortgage or any part thereof; power of sale contained in said mortgage ' Liber 279 of Assignments, on page 621; undersigned at or before said sale for tax­ County Building in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (shat being the vided. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .proceeding . at law or in equity having been , ...uj' ’ .l'. ~ iw claimed es and/or insurance on said premises, and Wayne Countv. Michigan (that bein’ the place of holding Circuit Court in said NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the and pursuant to the Statutes of the State that on MONDAY the NINTH day of I instituted recover the/debt secured by , Er friEi™! . all other sums paid by the undersigned, place of holding Circuit Court in said County) said mortgage will be foreclosed power of sale contained in said mortgage of Michigan in such case made and provid­ DECEMBER A. D. 1935 at twelve o'clock “>d mortgage: or any part thereof;thereof: ,0 be„(d,1Qf7«, with interest thereon, pursuant to law and and pursuant to the Statutes of the State ed, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of $492.81, at date of this notice: County) said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale at public auction to the highest Eastern Standard Time at the South-I NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the proceedings at lav to the terms of said mortgage, and all legal by a sale at public auction to the h'ghcst bidder of the premises described in said of Michigan in such case made and pro­ on MONDAY, the NINTH day of DEC­ erly or Congress Street Entrance to the . power of sale contained in said mortgage i . ha..:_e u' n ;nstifuted costs, charges and expenses, including an bidder of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be vided. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN EMBER A. D. 1935 at twelve o’clock noon, County Building in the City of Detroit, and pursuant to the Statutes of the State '?id?iA, or any pa attorney's fee, which premises are described mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said that on MONDAY, the NINTH day of Eastern Standard Time at the Southerly n"tic"e’“,cs •ssasft ■gvss iff j-. “-."si as follows; necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage as aforesaid, with interest there­ DECEMBER. A. D. 1935. at twelve or Congress Street entrance to the County That certain piece or parcel of land sit­ mortgage as aforesaid, with interest thereon on and aU legal costs, charges and expenses, o’clock noon. Eastern Standard Time at the Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne uated in the City of Highland Park, County and all legal costs, charges and expenses, including the Attorney fee allowed by law, Southerly or Congress Street entrance to County. Michigan (that being the place 1 gECE„?E°r v- if' . s x of Wayne. Michigan, more particularly including the Attorney fee allowed by law. and any sum or sums which may be paid the County Building in the City of De­ of holding Circuit Court in said County) described as: Lot Ninety-six (96) Subdi­ troit. Wayne County. Michigan (that be­ said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale and any sum or sums which may be paid by the undersigned at or before sale for mortgage, or so mucn tnereoi as nwy oc r„„n,v RuiM;n~ in the Citv nf n<-- Public auction, to the highest bidder, on vision of Blocks One (1), Two (2). Three by the undersigned at or before sale for ing the place of holding Circuit Court in at public auction to the highest bidder of fix?,' :f’«r=’dSb?, T.x;: taxes and/or insurance on said premises the premises described in said mortgage, necessary to pay the amount due on said >° tne eounty Buuaing in tne uity oi ue- fr-,,penAV twfntv sixth (3), Four (4). Seven (7) and Ten (10) of taxes and/or insurance on said premises which premises are situated in Village of said County) said mortgage will be fore­ mortgage as aforesaid, with interest there- Wayne County Michigan (that be- TUESDAY the TWENTY-SIXTH day Stevens’s Subdivision of part of one-quarter which premises are situated in City of De­ closed by a sale at public auction to the or so much thereof as may be necessary on and all legal costs, ch.rges and expens- >"8 ‘he place of holding Circuit Court in »« NOVEMBER A D IMS at 12.00 Grosze Pointe Park County of Wayne, to pay the amount due on said mortgage (%) Sections Seventeen (17) and Twenty- troit. County of Wayne. State of Michigan, State of Michigan, and described as fol­ highest bidder of the premises described including the Attorney fee allowed by said County) said mortgage will be fore- «• »«on. &»««■" Standard Time at four (24), Ten Thousand (10,000) Acre and described as follows, to-wit: in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may aa aforesaid, with interest thereon and all and anv sum or sums which mav closed by a sale at public auction to the ,ne ooutneriy or congress btreet eni.ance lows, to-wit: legal costs, charges and expenses, including Tract, Village of Highland Park, Wayne Lot sixty (60) Monnier-College Park Lot One Hundred Forty-nine (149) of be necessary to pay the amount due on ♦ or before highest bidder of the premises described *° ’J?e Wayne. County Building in the City County. Michigan, according to the plat Subdivision of the south 'A of the south­ said mortgage as aforesaid, with interest the Attorney fee allowed by law. and said mortgage, or so much thereof of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan that thereof recorded in Liber 24 of Plats. Page Freudhurst Leopold Freud's Subdivision of any sum or sums which may be paid by the sale for taxes and/or insurance on said being the place where the Circuit Court for east >« of the northeast '/4 of Section 18. part of Private Claims One Hundred Twen­ thereon and all legal costs, charges and ex­ premises which premises are situated in may be necessary to pay the amount due 76, Wayne County Records. Town 1 south. Range 11 East, City of penses. including the Attorney fee allowed undersigned at or before sale for taxes on said mortgage as aforesaid, with inter­ the County of Wayne is held, of the prem­ ty-Six (126) and One Hundred Twenty- and/or insurance on said premises which City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State Dated: October 31. 1935. Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan, accord­ Seven (127) between Jefferson and Mack by law. and any sum or sums which may of Michigan, and described as follows, est thereon and all legal costs, charges and ises described in said mortgage or ao HOME OWNERS’ LOAN ing to the plat thereof recorded in the office be paid by the undersigned at or before premises are situated in City of Detroit, expenses, including the Attorney fee al­ much thereof aa may be necessary to satis­ CORPORATION. Mortgagee. Avenues, Grosae Pointe Park Village, ac­ County of Wayne. State of Michigan, and to-wit: fy the am'-'jnt due on said mortgage at of the Register of Deeds for Wayne Coun­ cording to the plat thereof recorded in the sale for taxes and/or insurance on said Lot 46 of Wildwood Subdivision of part lowed by law. and any sum or sums which LUCKING. VAN AUKEN ft SPRAGUE. ty. in Liber 49. page 18 of plats. Also premises which premises are situated in the described as follows, to-wit: may be paid by the undersigned at or be­ the time of said sale, together with in­ Attorneys for Mortgagee. . office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne Lot Forty-Three (43) Barber’s Subdivision of the west 1/2 of the Southwest 14 of terest at seven per cent (7%) per annum, known as 16188 Lesure Avenue. Detroit, County. Michigan, in Liber 36 of Plats, City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State Section 19, T. I. S. R. 11 E. (formerly fore sale for taxes and/or insurance on 3114 Union Guardian Bldg.. Detroit. Mich. of Michigan, and described as follows, to- of Lot 17 of A. Edwards Subdivision of 54 said premises which premises are situated and all the legal coats allowed by law and Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29: Dec. 6. 13, Wayne County. Michigan. page 42. (Also known aa 1156 Notting­ Greenfield Township) now Detroit, ac­ DATED: September 20th, 1935. wit : Section 46. T.T.A.T.. Detroit. Wayne Coun­ in City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State provided for in said mortgage including 20. 27: Jan. 3, 10. 17, 24. ham Road, Grosae Pointe Park, Michigan.) ty. Michigan, according to the plat thereof cording to the plat thereof recorded in Lib­ a Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollar attorney fee. HOME OWNERS’ LOAN DATED: September 20. 1935. Lot Four Hundred Fifteen (415) er 39. page 86 of Plats. of Michigan, and described aa follows, to- CORPORATION. Mortgagee. North Woodward Subdivision of the West recorded in Liber 30. page 64 of Plats. wit : , and any taxes upon, or insurance prem­ HOME OWNERS’ LOAN Wayne County Records. (Also known at: DATED: September 13. 1935. Lot number Twenty-two (22) Burton iums incident to the premise* herein de­ WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. CORPORATION. Mortgagee. Nine Hundred Nine and Fifty-two Hund­ HOME OWNERS’ LOAN SIXTH INSERTION Attorney for Mortgagee. redths (909.52) feet of the Southwest 1470 Lee Place. Detroit. Wayne County. and Freud's Riverside Boulevard Subdi­ scribed which may be paid by the under­ WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Michigan). CORPORATION. Mortgagee. vision of part of Private Claims 120 and signed prior to the time of sale aforesaid; 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. Attorney for Mortgagee. Quarter (%) of Section Twelve (12), Town WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Sept. 20, 27: Oct 4. 11. 18. 25; One (I) South. Range Eleven (11) East, DATED: September 13. 1935. Attorney for Mortgagee. 321, sccording to the plat thereof recorded said landa being described as follows: 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. HOME OWNERS’ LOAN in the office of the Register of Deeds that certain piece or parcel of land situat­ Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29: Dec. 6, 13. Sept. 20. 27: Oct. 4, 11, 18. 25; Greenfield, (now Detroit), Wayne County. 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit, Michigan. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Michigan, according to the plat thereof re­ CORPORATION, Mortgagee. for Wayne County. Liber 29 of Plata, Page ed in the City of Detroit. County of Attorney for Mortgagee, Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29: Dec. 6. 13. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Sept. 13. 20. 27; Oct. 4. 11. 18. 25: 36. Also known as 419 South Lakewood Wayne, and State of Michigan, described aa 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Mich. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. corded in the office of the Register of Nov. 1. 8. IS, 22, 29: Dec. 5. Attorney for Mortgagee. Deeds for Wayne County in Liber 26. Attorney for Mortgagee. Avenue, Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan. follows, to-wit: Lot numbered 7 of block WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. DATED: September 6. 1935. 24 of subdivision of part of James Care- 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. Attorney for Mortgagee, Page 70 of Plats. (Also known as 51 East WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. MORTGAGE SALE Minnesota Avenue. Detroit. Michigan.) Sept. 13. 20. 27: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25; HOME OWNERS' LOAN pa u Farm, on .East 'A of private claim 91. .2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. Attorney for Mortgagee, CORPORATION. Mortgagee. DATED: September. 13. 1935. Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22, 29; Dee. 5. 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. City of Detroit, according to the plat Default having been made (and such MORTGAGE SALE HOME OWNERS’ LOAN WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. thereof as recorded in the office of the MORTGAGE SALE WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Attorney for Mortgagee. default having continued for more than CORPORATION. Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE Register of Deeds for Wayne County. Default having been made (and such Attorn'v 'o- Mortgagee. 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. . Michigan, in Liber 2, page 18 of Piets; ninety (90) days) in the terms and con­ Default having been made (and such WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. ditions of a certain mortgage made by default having continued for more than Attorney for Mortgagee. 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit. Michigan. Sept. 6. 13, 20. 27: Oct. 4. 11. I I said premises being known as 2281 Hunt default having continued for more than Default having been made (and such de­ 25; Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. HERMAN JOHN MATHIAK. a Married ninety (90) days) in the terms and con­ 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. fault having continued for more than Street, Detroit. Michigan." Together with ditions of a certain mortgage made by ninety (90) days) in the terms and con­ Man, of the City of Detroit, County of Sept. 13. 20. 27: Oct. 4, 11, 18. 25: MORTGAGE SALE ninety (90) days) in the terms and con­ the hereditaments and appurtenances there- Wayne, Michigan, to HOME OWNERS’ M. AGNES BURGDORF. a widow, of ditions of a certain mortgage made by Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29; Dec. 6. HOLLIS W. JENCKS and ISABELLE ditions of a certain mortgage made by LOAN CORPORATION, a Corporation the City of Detroit County of Wayne, STANLEY MROZ (MROS) and MARY THIRTEENTH INSERTION Dated: August 30th, A. D. 1935. organised under the laws of the United Michigan, to HOME OWNERS’ LOAN G. JENCKS. hia wife, of the City of High­ C. N. WILSON, land Park. County of Wayne, Michigan, WILLIAM E. TARSNEY, Default' having been made (and such de­ MROZ. hia wife, of the City of Wyan­ States of America, bearing date the Six­ CORPORATION, a Corporation organiz­ Attorney for Mortgagee, fault having continued for more than ninety dotteHOME^OWNERS^LOAN County of Wayne. Michig:"cORPORA° ^Vfu’nVon'Gulrdi^Bldc * SPRAjp,,E J°HN G LIBBER'S.gnee of Mortgagee teenth day of March, A.D. 1934, and re­ ed under the laws of the United States to HOME OWNERS' LOAN COR­ PORATION. a corporation organized under 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. (90) days) in the terms and conditions of ------OWNERS’ LOAN C------corded in the office of the Register of of America, bearing date the Fifth day of a certain mortgage made by ERNEST J. TION. a Corporation organized under the 3,14 Un,on Guardian_B>dg. # 49 A««rn^Jot^Ast.^ Deeds for the County of Wayne, State of July A. D. 1934, and recorded in the the laws of the United States of America, PETERS and MARY PETERS, his wife, 792 National Bank Building. Michigan, on the Twenty-third day of bearing date the Sixth day of August A. D. MORTGAGE SALE laws of the United States of Ameri MORTGAGE SALE office of the Register of Deeds for the of the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. bearing date the Ninth day of April A.D Detroit. Michigan. March, A. D. 1934. in Liber 2699 of County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on 1934. and recorded in the office of the Reg­ Aua 30: Sepi. 6. 13. 20. 27; Oct. 4, ister of Deeds for the County of Wayne, Michigan, to HOME OWNERS’ LOAN 1934. and recorded in the office of the Mortgages, on Page 137. on which mort­ the Fourteenth day of July A. D. 1934. in Default having been made (and such de­ CORPORATION, a Corporation organized Defaults having been made In the cosdi- ri. 18. 25: Nov. 1. 8. I5V 22. gage there is claimed to be due at the State of Michigan, on the Thirty-first day fault having continued for more than ninety Register of Deeds for the County of Wayne. ins of a certain mortgage made by Liber 2735 of Mortgages, on Page 405. under the laws of the United States of S,„, ,( on ,h, thininh dj, oi date of this notice for principal and inter­ on which mortgage there is claimed to be of August A. D. 1934, in Liber 2748 of (90) days) in the terms and conditions of America, bearing date the eighth day of Emilio Toffoli and Mary Toffoli. hia wife. LUCKING. VANAUKEN ft SPRAGUE est the sum of Three Thousand One Hun­ Mortgages, on Page 162, on which mortgage a certain mortgage made by EDWARD W. April A. D_ 1934. m L,b,r 1710 ,of Mo,,- o, „„„„ Wlyn, Cou„,y. Mirhip.n. due at the date of this notice for principal December A. D. 1933. and recorded in the gages, on Page 116, on which 3114 Union Guardia Bldg. X 50- dred Twenty-one and 17/100 Dollars ($3.- interest and insurance premium the sum there is claimed to be due at the date of RZEZNIKIEWICZ. a singe man. ef the office of the Register of Deeds for the HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORA- 121.17) and no suit or proceeding at law this notice for principal and interest the City of Detroit County of Wayne, Mich­ there is claimed to be due ; of Four Thousand Three Hundred Twen­ County of Wayne. State of Michigan, on •rest tl.e TION. a corporation organized under the MORTGAGE SALE or in equity having been instituted to re­ ty-Nine and 75/100 Dollars ($4,329.75) sum of Six Thousand Three Hundred igan. to HOME OWNERS’ LOAN COR­ this notice for principal and interest the laws of the United States of America, as cover the debt secured by said mortgage the thirteenth day of December, A. D. sum of Four Thousand Threi nunoreo Mortgag,ee date>’ >4- 1934 and recorded in the office Time at the Southerly or Congress Street on MONDAY the SIXTEENTH day of NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that , wh,ch there ” DECEMBER A. D 1935 at twelve o’clock MONDAY the SIXTEENTH day of the sum of Ten thousand six hundred sixty- MONDAY'S,. NINTH d,y nF DECEM- ’h' d’“ " -S,®?--” ' Deeds for Wayne Coun- entrance to the County Building in the City power of sale contained in said mortgage July 26. 1934. in Liber noon. Eastern Standard Time at the South­ DECEMBER A. D. 1935 at twelve o’clock five and 36/100 Dollars ($10,665.36) and and pursuant to the Statutes of the State BER A..D. IMS »,!». .'.tod, nnnn. >h'’ ""’''f ."S.''.?"d . of Detroit. Wayne County. Michigan (that erly or Congress Street Entrance to the noon. Eastern Standard Time at the South­ no suit or proceeding at law or in equity i page 186, and said being the place of holding Circuit Court of Michigan in such case made and pro­ Eastern Standard Time at the Southerly t of Four Thousand Three Hundred County Building in the City of Detroit. erly or Congress Street entrance to the having been instituted to recover the debt vided. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i’n I Thirty-six and Eighty-three one-hundredths , Mortgagee having elected under the terms in said County! said mortgage will be fore­ Wayne County. Michigan (that being the County Building in the City of Detroit, secured by said mortgage or any part Congress Street entrance to the Cou: closed by a sale at public auction to the that on MONDAY, the NINTH day of Building in the City of Detroit. Wavne ipal and accrued interest thereon due. highest bidder of the premises described place of holding Circuit Court in said Wayne County, Michigan (that being the DECEMBER A. D 1935. at twelve o'clock ceeding at law having been instituted County) said mortgage will be foreclosed place of holding Ciicuit Court in said NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the Count/, Michigan (that being the place recover the debt secured by said mortgage which election it does hereby exercise, pur­ in said mortgage, or so much thereof as noon. Eastern Standard Time at the South­ of holding Circuit Court in said County suant to which there is claimed to bt dtav by a sale at public auction to the high­ County) said mortgage will be foreclosed power of sale contained in said mortgage erly or Congress Street entrance to the any part thereof, notice is hereby given may be necessary to pay the amount due est bidder of the premises described in by a sale at public auction to the highest and pursuant to the Statutes of the State ndid mortgage will be foreclosed by a .h«. £v , and unpaid on said mortgage at the date on said mortgage as aforesaid, with in­ County Building in the City of Detroit. "rtue of the power of sale con- said mortgage, or so much thereof as may bidder of the premises described in said of Michigan in such case made and pro­ : publi? auction to the highest bidder of ta:ned said mortgage and the statute of this notice for principal and interest, the terest thereon and all legal costs, charges Wayne County. Michigan (that being the ! the premises described in said mortgage. ” amount of Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred be necessary to pay the amount due on mortgage, or so much thereof as may be vided. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN place of holding Circuit Court in said or so much thereof as may be neceSs.*ry P00 "o’diick" N^n' and expenses, including the Attorney fee said mortgage as aforesaid, with interest necessary to pay the amount due on said that on Monday the Ninth day of December Seventy-three and Eighteen One-Hundredths allowed by 4aw. and any sum or sums County) said mortgage will be foreclosed « am°,Uhnt- ?Ue ,°n,ha,d nmanr-Bn E*«"n Standard Timi. the said mortgage '"3.18) Dollars, and no suit or pro- thereon and aH legal costs, charges and mortgage as aforesaid, with interest thereon A. D. 1935 at twelve o’clock noon. Eastern by a sale at public auction to the highest which may be paid by the undersigned at expenses, including the Attorney fee Standard Time at the southerly or Con­ as aforesaid, with interest thereon and all , ... . l„ ceeding at law having_ been instituted t» or before sale for taxes and/or insurance and all legal costs, charges and expenses, bidder of the premises described in said legal costs, charges and expenses, including , 11 £ a, ,heP.„u,herlv or recover *h‘ dcb' «cure' lowed by law. and any sum or si including the Attorney fee allowed by law. gress Street entrance to the County Build­ ured by said mortgage on said premises which premises are sit­ mortgage, or so much thereof as may be the Attorney fee allowed by law. and any ‘ ‘ “ uated in City of Detroit. County of Wayne. may be paid by the undersigned and any sum or sums which may be paid ing in the City of Detroit. Wayne County. necessary to pay the amount due on said ■nee to me wavne any part ’here°f- notice is hereby given, fore sale for taxes and/or insurance on by the undersigned at or before sale for Michigan (that being the place of holding sum or sums which may be paid by the I the City of Detroit. . ,ba, by w!’?ue of ,he P°w" sale contain- State of Michigan, and described as fol­ mortgage as aforesaid, with interest thereon • m mortgage and the statute at lows, to-wit: said premises which premises are situated taxes and/or insurance on said premises Circuit Court in said County) said mort­ and all legal costs, charges and expenses, and7orei^ura’nce0ronb\faid whidJ I C?unty. Michigan (that being the 'a.‘ a - g .. Lot Two Hundred Eight (208) Scotten in City of Detroit. County of Wayne. State which premises are situated in City of gage will be foreclosed by a sale at public including the Attorney fee allowed by law. premises are situated in City of Wyan- CounTy’^ heM)C’of “the^rwnises ’ 29’ l93S- a' *2:00P o’clock'Noon. *Emi- of Michigan, and described as follows, to- Highland Park. County of Wayne. State auction to the highest bidder of the prem­ ft Lovett's Subdivision of part of Private and any sum or sums which may be paid dotte. County of Wayne. State of Mich- | in or m mu” .St’ndard Time, the said mortgage wig wit: Lot One Hundred Ninety (190) Mar­ of Michigan, and described as follows, to- ises described in said mortgage, or so much I described i ern Claim Five Hundred Eighty-three (583) by the undersigned at or before sale for igan. and described as follows, l mortgage, north of Chicago Road, according to the tindale Subdivision of Martindale Subdi­ thereof as may be necessary to pay the taxes and/or insurance on said premises may be necessary to pay the ! be ^orec'osed by ,a'e at public vendue t vision on Quarter ('«) Section Fifty (50) Lot Eighteen (18) in Block Thirteen | "2'”", " ' nr | the highest bidder, at the southerly or recorded plat thereof recorded in the of­ Lot Twenty-one (21) Fry's Subdivision amount due on said mortgage as afore­ which premises are situated in City of (13) of Rich Welch Subdivision of Blocks *“°unt due aforesaid and any fice of the Register of Deeds for Wayne of the Ten Thousand Acre Tract and part of Lots Twenty (20). Twenty-three (23), said. with interest thereon and all legal which may be paid by the undersign- Congress Street entrance to the Wayne Detroit. County of Wayne. State of Mich­ Twelve (12). Thirteen (13) and Fourteen , County Building, in the City of Detroit, County in Liber 3 of Plats. Page 2. (Also of Quarter {'«) Section Forty-Nine (49) Twenty-four (24). Twenty-seven (27) and costs, charges and expenses, including the igan. and described as follows, to-wit: ftzt Thr« Hnnrfr-I Ten •• or b«ore said sale for known as 3573 Lovett Avenue. Detroit. Ten Thousand Acre Tract, according to the Fifteen (IS). Ex. E. Twenty-two and Forty- Attorney fee allowed by law. and any sum (14) and the Southerly Three Hundred Ten Lot Two Hundred Thirteen (213) of (310) feet of Blocks Nine (9). Ten (10) , lnu’“^d °b"v ^uE”^"n™ J^ing ... wn.c. me v™ vuux, .or Wayne County, Michigan.) plat thereof recorded in the office of the two hundredths (22.42) feet of said ' Lot or sums which may be paid by the under­ Bewick Subdivision of the West Half of and Eleven (11) of J. M. Welch’s Sub-1 thcreo^ jj£u‘bt ,0 law and to the terms 'Vayn' -C°un,y ia held> oI ,heCourt for DATED: October 18. 1935. Register of Deeds for Wayne County, in Fifteen (15). of Yeman's Addition to High­ signed at or before sale for taxes and/or Private Claim Seven Hundred Twenty-five mortgage, HOME OWNERS’ LOAN Liber 29 of Plats, page 12: (also known land Park Village of Quarter (*«) Sections insurance on said premises which premises (725) between Warren and Shoemaker division of part of the Eureka Iron and i nf mnrtvavemortgage, «miand »tlall l»«rallegal <■««« described in said mortgage, or so much- CORPORATION. Mortgagee as 8918 Clarendon Avenue. Detroit. Wayne Fifteen (IS) and Twenty-six (26). Ten are situated in City of Detroit. County of Steel Works Subdivision of part of Section may be necessary to pay the Avenues, according to the Plat thereof re­ Town 3 Sou.k, R.nj, T1 E,„. I amount due as aforesaid and any sum or WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. County. Michigan). Thousand Acre Tract. Town One (1) South, Wayne. State of Michigan, and described corded in the office of the Register of Deeds ol Detroit. Monroe ,nd Toledo Shore Line fon0L®’ h h premises are deicnbcd Attorney for Mortgagee. DATED: September 20. 1935. Range Eleven East ill). Village of High­ as follows, to-wit: , sums which may be paid by the undersign­ HOME OWNERS' LOAN for Wayne County in Liber 30 of Plats Railroad, aecordinj to the pl.t thereof as Th„ , ,,nJ „ ed at or before said sale for taxes and /or 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Mich. land Park, now an incorporated City. Lot numbered Seven (7). Block Two , page 29. (also known as 5251 Bewick Ave- Oct. 18. 25: Nov. 1. 8. IS. 22. CORPORATION. Mortgagee. Wayne County. Michigan, according to the (2). Fyfe. Barbour and Warren's Subdivi­ r^orded ,n the olhee ol the Re, ste o nated in the Cit, .1 Detroit, We,n. Cut risurance on said piemises. and all other 29: Dec. 6. 13. 20. 27 Jan. 3. 10. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. plat thereof recorded in the office of the sion. of that part of Private Claim two nUDATED: September 13. 1935. Pl'T” f°r ^T °hf “y Michigan, mort plrtkulariy * d'esS »u,m*Paid by ,he -^-signed, with inter- Attorney for Mortgagee. Register of Deeds for Wayne County in hundred sixty (260). lying between Hora­ HOME OWNERS’ LOAN & 24” Ten’h The West 31 A . fee, of . Lot number ; « 2266 Penobscot Bldg . Detroit. Michigan Liber Thirty-three (33) of Plats, page tio Street and Warren Avenue, according I Street, Wyandotte. Michigan). One Hundred Forty-four (144) of Baxter, ’l™* tgage. and all legal c Sept. 20. 27: Oct. 4. 11. 18. 25: CORPORATION, Mortgagee. DATED: September 13th. 1935. charges and expenses, including an attor­ TENTH INSERTION Eighty-six (86). to the plat thereof recorded in the Office WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Lichtenburg. Melvin. Perrien. Kuhn and cl,8re' Nov. 1. 8. IS. 22. 29: Dec.6. 13. DATED: September 20. 1935. of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County. , HOME OWNERS’ LOAN Arndt's Subdivision of Lots Fifty-two (52) neys' fee. which premises are described as Attorney for Mortgagee, CORPORATION. Mortgagee. follows: HOME OWNERS' LOAN in Liber 16 of Plats, on Page 42 (also 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. and Fifty-four (54) of the subdivision of WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. CORPORATION. Mortgagee. known as 5509 West Wirrtn Avenue.) WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Private Claim Six Hundred Nine (609). That certain piece or parcel of land sit­ Attorney for Mortgagee. Sept. 13. 20. 27; Oct. 4, II. 18. 25: Attorney for Mortgagee. uated in the City of Detroit. Wayne- Attorney for Mortgagee, WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. DATED: September 13th. 193S. Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29: Dec. 5. according to the plat thereof as recorded *z;-u;»,. 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. Attorney for Mortgagee. HOME OWNERS’ LOAN .2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit, Michigan. ,p ,h, oi„« ?i ,h, R„i.,„ .1 o7d, io, dichigan. more particularly de­ 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. CORPORATION. Mortgagee. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Sept. 13. 20. 27: Oct. 4. 11. 18. 25; said Wayne County in Liber 3 of Plats scribed as: Lot fifty five (55). and West 8 MORTGAGE SALE Sept. 20. 27: Oct. 4. 11, 18. 25: WILLIAM E. TARSNEY, Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29: Dec. 5. feet of lot fifty six (56) of McQuade's Dex­ MORTGAGE SALE Attorney for Mortgagee. on page 83. (also known as 2831 East ter Blvd. Subdivision of part of the Easr Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29: Dec. 6. 13. Attorney for Mortgagee...... 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. Canfield Avenue). Default having been made (and such de­ Default having been made (and such 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. Dated at Detroit. Michigan. August one quarter of one quarter sectien 32. Tem fault having continued for more than Sept. 13. 20. 27: Oct. 4. 11. 18. 25: TWELFTH INSERTION , 29. 1935. thousand Acre Tract, according to plat default having continued for more than MORTGAGE SALE recorded in the office of the register of ninety (90) days) in the terms and con­ ninety (90) days) in the terms and con­ ELEVENTH INSERTION Nov. 1. 8. IS. 22. 29: Dec. 5. HOME OWNERS’ LOAN CORPORA­ ditions of a certain mortgage made by ditions of a certain mortgage made by Default having been made (and such de­ TION. MORTGAGEE. Deeds for Wayne County in liber 35. page FRANK PROKOP and ANNA PRO- ANDY MALASKY and CARRIE M. WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. fault having continued for more than ninety WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. LUCKING. VANAUKEN 4 SPRAGUE KOP, his wife, of the City of Detroit Dated at Detroit. Michigan. August 29. MALASKY. his wife, of the City of De­ WILLIAM E. TARSNEY. Attorney for Mortgagee. (90) days) in die terms and conditions of Attorney for Mortgagee. Attorneys for Mortgagee._ _ . 1935. County of Wayne. Michigan, to HOME troit County of Wayne. Michigan. to Attorney for Mortgagee. 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit, Michigan. a certain mortgage made by WELTHA J. 2266 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. I 3114 Union Guardian Bldg. OWNERS’ LOAN CORPORATION, a HOME OWNERS’ LOAN CORPORA­ HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPORA­ 2266 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. WILLSON, (survivor of herself and her ------Detroit. Michigan. TION. MORTGAGEE. Corporation organized under the laws of TION. a Corporation organized under the MORTGAGE SALE deceased husband, John Wesley Willson) MORTGAGE SALE ’ “ the United States of America, bearing date LUCKING. VANAUKEN ft SPRAGUE I. laws of the United States of America, bear­ MORTGAGE SALE of the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, Attorneys for Mortgagee. the Fourteenth day of February A. D. 1934, ing date the Sixth day of January A. D. Default having been made (and such de­ Michigan, to HOME OWNERS’ LOAN Default having been made (and auch and recorded in the office of the Register 3114 Union Guardian Bldg. 1934, and recorded in the office of the Default having been made (and such de­ fault having continued for more than ninety CORPORATION, a Corporation organized default having continued for more than Detroit. Michigan. of Deeds for the County of Wayne. State Register of Deeds for the County of fault having continued for more than ninety (90) days) ■" and conditions under the laws of the United States of ninety (90) dayi) in the terms and con­ of Michigan, on the Nineteenth day of Aug. 30; Sept. 6. 13. 20. 27: Oct. 4. Wayne, State of Michigan, on the Tenth (90) days in the terms and conditions of a of a certain mortgage made by ANTHONY America, bearing date the Eleventh day of ditions of a certain mortgage made by 11. 1$. 25; Nov. 1. 8, 15, 22. Page Twelve THE PLYMOUTH MAIL, Plymouth, Michigan Friday, November 22nd, 1935

Present Mayor Blunk. Commis­ meeting of October 21st were ap Goldsmith that the report of the Local Items sioners Goldsmith. Robinson, ARTHUR E. BLUNK, proved as read. ! C'hiei of Police for the month of Whipple and Wilson. Mayor. The matter of decorating the October be accepted and placed Miss Mary Lorenz who has been Absent: None. L. P. COOKINGHAM. Christmas Tree during the Holi­ on file. Carried. ill with a strep throat, is able The City Commission tho­ City Manager. day Season was, on motion of It was moved by Comm. Robin­ to be about again. roughly discussed the question Comm. Robinson seconded by son and seconded by Comm. Gold­ , of changing the boundaries of Plymouth. Michigan Comm. Goldsmith, tabled until smith that the bills in the outh Coupe with heater. 1932 Harlow Williams, who was re­ the fire limits as established by November 4 1935 the next meeting. Carried. amount of $5693.94 be allowed. For Sale DeSoto Sedan. 1932 Pontiac Ordinance No. 88. It was moved A regular meeting of the City Mr. Earl Gray appeared before Carried. cently ill with flu, is again con­ by Comm. Robinson and second- , Commission held in the City the Commission relative to the FOR SALE — Live or dressed Coach. 1930 57-Buick Sedan fined to his home. FOR SALE with heater. 1930 Marmon Se­ * » • ' ed by Comm. Goldsmith that no ; Hall, November 4. 1935. at 7 winter basketball schedule. It was It was moved by Comm. Gold­ chickens for Thanksgiving. TRADE-IN FURNITURE dan. 1930 Oakland Coupe. 1929 I change would be made in the fire o'clock p.m. moved by Comm. WhiDple and smith and seconded by Comm. Mrs. Wm, Henry. 305 E. Ann Nash Sedan. 1929 Ford Sedan. Mrs. L. H. Hollaway entertain­ limits boundaries. Carried. Present: Mayor Blunk. Com­ seconded by Comm. Wilson that Wilson that the meeting adjourn. Arbor Trail. Telephone 399J. Ip 2-Pc. Overstuffed Suits, $15.75 .We have the finest stock of ed her cousin, Mrs. Jane Showers It was moved by Comm. Whip­ missioners Goldsmith. Robinson. the matter be referred to the ARTHUR E. BLUNK, 8-Pc, Dining Suite, $12.75 over the week-end. Whipple and Wilson. Mayor. FOR SALE—A Jewel cook stove, 8- Pc. Dining Suite $19.50 automobiles in town, come in ple and seconded by Comm. Rob­ Recreation Committee. Carried. in good condition. Call at Mrs. and examine them, and by the inson that the City Manager re­ Absent: None. It was moved by Comm. Robin L. P. COOKINGHAM. 9- Pc. Dining Suite $22.50 The minutes of the regular son and seconded by Comm Gus Gates, Novi Road. 2tp 1 Bed Spring, 3-6 $ 1.50 way if you are in the market Bom Sunday. November 17 in quest the operators of garbage City Clerk. 1 Bed Spring, 4-6 S 4.75 for a new car. step in and let Sessions hospital at Northville, truck to keep the truck bodies FOR SALE—Body wood for sale. 5-Pc. Breakfast Set, unf. $ 3.75 us demonstrate the 1936 Buick to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lomanco. covered with canvas while within Only $2 per cord. Delivered $3 5-Pc. Breakfast Set. oak $12.00 and Pontiac to you. you will Farmer street, a daughter, nam­ , the City limits. Carried. per cord. F. Schultz, seven get the surprise of your life on ed Sylvia. miles west of Plymouth on Joy 1 Metal Kitchen Stool .50 the performance of these new * « • The matter of a contribution Road on Salem and Superior 6 Cane Seat Chairs ea. .90 cars. Plymouth Buick Sales Co.. towards the construction of a lib­ townline road. ltpd 1 Writing Desk S 5.00 640 Starkweather. Phone 263. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith and rary building to be built on City 1 China Cabinet $12.00 daughters, Winifred and Beverly, property under a WPA project j FOR SALE—Live or dressed 1 Wood Bed and Dresser $14.00 FOR SALE—Used radios, con­ plan to leave Saturday evening was discussed. Facts were pre­ chickens for Thanksgiving. 1 Settee, Cherry $ 2.95 soles and table models, $5 and for a week's hunting near Hough­ sented. indicating that the build­ Blunk Bros. Mrs. Wm. Henry. 305 E. Ann 1 Mah. Library Table $ 8.75 up. Daggett’s Radio Service. 849 ton Lake. ing under consideration would Arbor Trail. Telephone 399J. tc - Uphclstered Rocker $ 4.25 Penniman Ave., next to theatre. * * * have a value of approximately | 1 Occasional chair $ 3.75 Mrs. Fred Sallow, Mrs. Harold $35,000.00 and when completed FOR SALE—Three rabbit hutch­ 1-S29.50 Inner Spring FOR SALE—Jersey heifer calf. Young, Miss Sarah Gayde, Miss would be the property of the city. es, three compartments each Mattress $ 7-50 Fred W. Eastin. Warren Road. Zerepha Blunk and Miss Madelyn It was moved by Comm. Whip- Offer More Unusual Values. with clean out trays and nest 1 Electric Refrigerator $24.50 Blunk were guests of Mrs. Mary i pie and seconded by Comm. Wil- boxes. 714 York St.______ltp FOR SALE—Nice Beagle dog. |son that the City of Plymouth Several Used Radios — Many S7.00. Mounted deer head, Tibbitts Monday evening at din­ FOR SALK—Hay and straw, also other items not mentioned. See hawk. Texas Longhorns. Pheas­ ner in her apartment on Main participate in the Library Project hay bailing done by the ton. this furniture at ant, Sword Cane, might trade street. to the extent of a local contri­ Oscar Matts. 794 York St. for electric sweeper. See at 188 * * * bution of not to exceed $2000.00. ______51t4pd and in addition thereto to furnish BLUNK BROS. North Harvey.ltpd Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Draper of available construction equipment FOR SALE—Wheat, good test.1 FOR SALE—One Atwater Kent Plymouth and Dr. and Mrs. Mer- ANNEX WAREHOUSE rell Draper of Ann Arbor were on the work. 90c per bushel. Also Baldwin j 828 Penniman Ave. radio in good condition. Reason­ i Ayes: Mayor Blunk. Commis­ apples, hand picked and wind­ able. 714 Francis St. Robinson dinner guests Sunday of the sioners Goldsmith. Robinson, falls. E. V. Jolliffe, 400 Beck Open all day and evening Sat­ former's daughter and husband. Whipple and Wilson. Road. ltc urday. During week call at Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Carney, in Nays: None. Main store. For Rent Detroit. It was moved by Comm. Gold­ smith and seconded by Comm. FOR SALE—Good timothy hay. FOR RENT—House at 271 N. An eight and a half pound Robinson that the Manager ob- I baled. Comer of Novi and Five Main St. Call 146 Union St. son was born Wednesday. Nov­ tain bids for painting the elev­ I Mile Road. W. C. Webber. ______49tf ember 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ ated water tank. Carried. Phone 7132F11.______tfc FOR RENT—Several desirable neth Wilson at University hospi­ It was moved by Comm. Gold­ | FOR SALE—English white leg­ houses, good locations and tal in Ann Arbor. Both mother smith and seconded by Comm. horn cockerels, direct from leasonable rents. Alice M. Saf­ and babe are doing nicely and Wilson that the meeting adjourn. Roselawn Farm. Foundation ford. 211 Penniman Allen Bldg. will be returned to their home in Phone 209.______53tf Plymouth Saturday. Norman, JOHN J. WALSH. A A Matings. 794 S. Main St. another son of Mr. and Mrs. Attorney for Mortgagee. , Plymouth.______ltp FOR RENT—A completely fur­ 834 Penobscot Building. Detro.t. Mehigan. nished 5 room apartment will Wilson who was so badly injured 1 FOR SALE—51 acres on Six sometime ago when he was run MORTGAGE SALE Mile Road near Salem, good be available. November 1st. over by a truck, is now showing [ soil, large new bam. Nine Inquire 896 Penniman ave. excellent improvement. The leg Defaults having been made (and such room house, plenty of fruit, ______52 t2pd defaults having continued for more than that was removed has healed over ninety days) in the conditions of a certain j $6800 terms.—180 acres, near hOR RENT—Garage at 170 N. nicely and he has been up in a mortgage made by Lena Malkowski of the I Jackson. 40 acres of timber. 400 Harvey. Inquire at Chas. Mr- wheel chair for several days. City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, i acres of alfalfa, productive soil, Connell Barber Shop. ltpd to HOME OWNERS' LOAN CORPO­ new basement barn 34x64. Steel RATION. a Corporation organized under FLOWERS FOR FOR RENT—Modem 5 room bun­ W.C.T.U. Will Meet the laws of the United States of America, THANKSGIVING stanchions, running water, galow. Mrs. G. H. Wilcox. , dated December 22nd, 1933, and recorded through all barns, new chicken Phone 361-M, 676 Penniman On November 14th in the office of the Register of Deeds for A Floral Centerpiece Wayne County, Michigan, on December house, new tool shed. 9 room avenue.______ltp 1 26th. 1933, in Liber 2680 of Mortgages, Complements Any Meal! i house, nice shade. $4,000 takes FOR RENT—Modem newly de­ The meeting of Plymouth on Page 279, and said mortgagee having 1 deed subject to Federal Mort- elected under the terms of said mortgage litality and good cheer are corated home. Phone G. A. WCTU at the home of Mrs. Lauf- | gage.—120 acres stock farm fer, on the afternoon of Novem­ to declare the entire principal and accrued ANOTHER DINING SUITE at every table that free and clear, will sell or trade. Bakewell. 616W.______53tlc j interest thereon due, which election it does a centerpiece of Suth­ FOR RENT—40 acre farm with ber 14th, was well attended. hereby exercise, pursuant to which there Ray Baker. 129 West St. North- The report of the state conven­ is claimed to be due and unpaid on said erland flowers. No Thanksgiv­ ! ville. ltp apple orchard, on 8 Mile Rd., mortgage at the date of this notice for ing feast should be without near Northville. Modem house, tion, held at Pontiac, was given by principal and interest the sum of FIVE these symbols of the season . . : FOR SALE—Turkeys, geese and large bam and garage, also ap­ the delegate. Mrs. McNabb and. THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIR­ SPECIAL SJLtffcOO ! chickens for Thanksgiving, though brief, contained much of TY FOUR and 39/100 Dollars (JS.S34.- no home should be without the ple house. Phone Vinewood interest. 39) and no suit or proceeding at law or added charm that only flowers i Burt Kahrl. corner Plymouth 2-9435, Temple 2-7776. ltpd in equity having been, instituted to recover light Pieces in Walnut can bring to it. and Wayne roads. Phone 7142- A dainty tea was served by the the debt secured by said mortgage or any | F5.______ltc FOR LEASE—20 acre farm mod­ hostess and a social time enjov- part thereof; POTTED PLANTS ern home, steam heat. V. Carl- ed by all. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the 1 FOR SALE—Our own eggs. fresh ■son. 30294 Schoolcraft. ltpd The next meeting will be held power of sale contained in said mortgage This is just another illustration of our ability to undersell big city competitor's. All Healthy, growing plants, with I daily. Store prices, also Lloyd and pursuant to the Statutes of the State the colorful blooms of autumn. FOR RENT—6 rooms and bath, December 19th at the home of of Michigan in such case made and pro- pieces are richly finished and masterfullv constructed. Price includes a l?rg,- buf­ Special values, from baby carriage. 1323 Northville modern. 578 W. Ann Arbor St.. Mrs. Clara Todd. I vided, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fet, extension table, host chair and five diners. 75c up Rd.. Plymouth. ltpd Plymouth. Inquire at 576 W. From the Union Signal: “In ! that on Thursday. February 20th. 1936 at Ann Arbor or 129 West St., the Santa Crux mountains. 1400 12 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time CHRYSANTHEMUMS • FOR SALE—Black dirt, filling I at the Southerly or Congress Street en­ I dirt. sand, cement gravel, wheat Northville. ______17tpd feet above sea level, is a moun­ trance to the County Building, in the City A favorite among fall flowers. FOR RENT—6 room house, bath, tain resort named Rest Haven. | of Detroit. County of Wayne. Michigan Big showy blossoms, specially 1 straw. 1 heating stove, a small I (that being the place of holding Circu't peninsular cook stove. 3 burn- furnace, large lot. Inquire 924 It is four miles from Los Gatos. 1 Court in said County) said mortgage w 11 selected. Dozen at i er oil stove, a laundry stove W. Ann Arbor.______ltp !1 on the famed “twenty-seven mile 1 be foreclosed bv a sale at public auction $1.00 up drive," and dry tourists find a j to the highest bidder of the premises de- I with water jacket, dresser, bed. ! " in mnrttraar nr sn much □PIECE kindred spirit in the manager. scribed in said mortgage. POMPONS spring and mattress. 9x12 con- Wanted Mrs. Robert Martin, who .serves , thereof as may be necessary Grand suggestions for a [ goleum rug. 1 electric heater, ; amount doe as aforesaid, and any sum or i baby bed. large size, complete. WANTED—To buy one or two no liquors of any sort on the i Sums which may be pa d by the under- Thanksgiving gift! A variety grounds. ; signed at or before said sale for taxes of styles and sizes, priced as I Matt Everett. 8641 Canton room house to move from lot. ■ and/or insurance on said premises, and low as 1 Center Road. Phone 7102F21. Condition of building must be , all other sums paid by the undersigned, 1 good. See Charles A. Brown, Proceedings Of The i with interest thereon, pursuant to law am) 50c 'FOR SALE—1935 Pontiac Six. 4 | 36059 Plymouth Rd. West of to the terms of said mortgage, and all legal City Commission costs, charges and expenses, including an door touring sedan. 1934 Plym­ Wayne Road.______ltpd attorney's tee, which premises are describ- SUTHERLAND’S outh Coupe with heater. 1934 ' WANTED—Part time job. Office I follow: Dodge Coupe with radio and work preferred. Inquire at 679 Plymouth. Michigan That certain piece or parcel of land sit­ GREENHOUSES heater. 1934 Olds 8 Coupe. 1933 November 12, 1935 uated in the City of Detroit. County of Phone 534W Ann St., Plymouth. Mich, ltp Wayne. Michigan, more particularly de­ Dodge Sedan with heater. 1933 A special meeting of the City scribed as: Lot “70 and the South Half Ford Deluxe Tudor. 1932 Plym- WANTED—Girl to do housework Commission held in the City Hall, ef Lot #71. Block 2 of Robert M. Grind- and stay nights. 392 Farmer, November 12th, 1935, at 7:00 ley's Subdivision of part of Private Claim St.. Plymouth. Phone 462 W. 260, lying South of centre of Holden o'clock, p.m. Boulevard, according to the plat thereof . WANTED—-Everyone to attend recorded in the office of the Register of the Feather party to be held IT DOESN'T TAKE LONG FOR ! Deeds for Wayne County in Liber IS of Candle Te,epKo„e PLYMOUTH PD°PGannr an appointment at the Orchid 1 Plats, Page 32. . Monday night, November 25. ! DATED: November 22nd. 1935. Beauti­ at 8:30 until early morn. 25 Beauty Shop. Their dryers are HOME OWNERS' LOAN games for 50 cents. Odd Fel quick. No bother at all. Phone CORPORATION. Mortgagee. ful pro- Junior lows Hall. Catholic Men's Club. 792,______JOHN J. WALSH. PURITY MARKET Redford Conservatory of Music, Attorney for Mortgagee. cessed parch - Main and Ann Arbor Streets Plymouth. MichigJ WANTED—Girl or woman for 834 Penobscot Building. housework. Phone 19R.ltp 17628 Lahrer Ave.. Established Detroit. Michigan. , on n. men! 1924. Violins, guitars, trumpets Nov 22. 29: Dec. 6. 13, 20. 27. Grade One Meats and accordions will be given free . Jan. 3. 10, 17. 24, 31. Feb. 7, 14. shades in Lost with lessons for beginners only. Adjustable Ballet, tap, toe. Spanish and ball matched OFFERING THIS WEEK-END LOST—Beagle Pup. Black and room dancing lessons. Moderate Bridge Lamp tan head, black body, white prices. We repair all instruments •etsT , tin qji tail. 650 Evergreen. Irwin K ' . Hadley. ltpd 50t4pd, YOUR Gorgeous IP YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING Bases are new or additional insurance; Thanksgiving Dinner white en­ Table Lamp Roasting Chickens2 5 c Business Locals if you have an insurance pro­ Strictly fresh home dressed, 3 lb. average. RUMMAGE SALE blem of any kind, come in and ameled and December 6th and 7th. sponsor talk to us. We have complete will be complete if j ed by M. E. Ladies Aid Society. All information for you. Wm. Wood. antiqued those having things to donate Life Insurance. Phone 335. SLICED j please call 7112F4.______ltc DRESS SHOES REPAIRED. you have in a rich Round I THEY'RE HONEST AT THE Lightest. dressiest pumps, brown. RIND OFF McConnell Barber Shop. If brought back to service. Blake they don't believe hair can be and Jake in the Walk-Over Parker House Rolls grown on your bald spot they'll Shoe Store.______Brass plat­ Steak tell you so. 296 Main St. J HOT CHOCOLATE. — WE'LL ed and gold One lot of felt hats for 97c. Felt , challenge the state of Mich­ Pumpkin Pies or tarns for 50c in black, brown and igan to produce a better one lacquered All 3 tor Only BACON Tender juicy navy. All velvet tarns at a great than we make!—Daniels Sweet Checkerboard reduction. More silver and gilt Shop. 839 Penniman. Mince Pies trimmings Sugar Cured beef, cut for belt buckles and flowers for Angeline RousseaO: Instructor Novelties and plain Swiss or Roast. dresses just in. See them. Mrs. C. of piano. Beginners and advanc­ O. Dickerson, 842 Penniman Ave. ed pupils given the benefit of a 00 lb DANCING SCHOOL wide experience and latest ap­ $ Conducted by the Dancing proved methods. Advanced work j in Alberto Jonas school of vir ) yd ,b35c Baileys, teachers of fancy and Sanitary Bakery Individual Lamps / ballroom dancing. Your first les­ tuasity. Address. Ann Arbor Trail,! 2t Newburg, Plymouth. Mich. 45tf: Junior. Bridge, Table son free. Young and old. Located z S3.50 $3.50 Sl.8.» We offer a very pleasing DAVE GALIN SAYS:—Poultry is the most important part of at 132 Randolph street. North­ MILK — THE ONE PERFECT They are always good variety of the very new­ your holiday dinner, why not give us your order now and you ville. Phone Northville 35-J for food. Give your children plen­ This magnificent 3 Lamp-Ensemble will est patterns and leading will be assured of the finest home dressed “BIRD” that money appointment.______52tf Turkeys roasted to a queen's can buy. Of course the price will be right as it has been in the ty of Cloverdale milk. It's clean taste, only 50c per roaster. add the artistic final touch to your home shades — Exceptionally past eight years- MANICURING and pure. Cloverdale Farms good quality at this price. ; Facials, scalp work by Mildred Dairy. Phone 9. and afford you the utmost in lighting Mault at the Whipple Hair Shop at 841 Penniman Ave. Try them, comfort. All Silk PORK you'll like our service, phone 319 CHOPS W. for appointment.______53t3c Do not delay—the supply is limited. The HAMBURG COMPOSITION SOLES, COM- Did You Feel the LAMB or ROAST bination. of rubber and fabric, white enameled bases, antiqued in rich Prints Strictly fresh will outwear best of leather. brown, with their brass plated and gold PORK Picnic cut Blake and Jake, in the Walk- Over Shoe Store lacquered trims and topped with their c A. H. Vahlbusch, Upholsterer. Earthquake? Slip Covers. Draperies. Shades to You can protect the average home for as low as exquisite, high grade processed parch yd lb 25c 2 ibs 25c lb 19c Order only. Furniture Repairing. 69 Latest lines of materials. 109 Ann ment shades make this the most You'll be delighted when Arbor St.. Plymouth. Mich. 50tf sensational offer of its kind you see our assortment of WINTER OR SUMMER. SPRING these prints. or fall. Ice Cream is always "in $5.00 good taste”—and always ap­ preciated. Cloverdale Farms KETTLER0AST17 20 Dairy. Phone 9, Quality considered. See i exceptional bargai MOTORS REPAIRED Electric motors repaired, all types, vacuum cleaners, washing All our Poultry for the Holiday will be machine, refrigerators and pumps. Walter A. Harms Home Dressed. Quick bearing and rewinding Don’t Pay Big City Prices—Bay Here and Save! service. R. L. Kimbrough. 382 Penniman Allen Building Plymouth, Mich. Ann St. tf