...... P.O. BOX 664 "' ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Alhambra, California 91802 • VOLUME 2, NUMBER 2 • FROM THE

FRISBEE 'NORLD 1 publicatiOn o f tne EDITOR: nternahonat Fr. ,bf, AssoctfiiiOO We are expenencing growth 1n Editorial Offices rRISBEEWR all aspects of the sport. W1th that C/O The 1nrernat1011a1 Fust>ee Assoc. growth comes some quest1ons. I PO Box 664 A hambra Ca lor 11a 91 802 attempt to address those issues in Subscription Rates Lookmg Ahead and I encourage your $5 00 per year (6 ISSUOS) response to those thoughts. Article Submission Dt:adhne for ne•t ,,. Apnl 15 We have begun what should b e a most exciting Editor Dan ROddrtk year of Frisbee. To contnbute and to benefit tully Assistant Editor JoCahOw from the year. 1t must be experienced d1rectly. If Managing Editor She Ia Hemtz Graphic Design Don Ma ucky you have never made the trip to a major event. I Bob Dud ey encourage you to do so th1s year. I think you'll j Eastern Editor GarySeubM come again Mld-Westem Editor Bruce l

All r.ghls resctv01J RopiiXIUCtoon ... no~e or 111 1 art 9 Crossword Puzzle by Mark Danna " thout "'"!len perm on prot blted Women in Frisbee by Patti H1psky Pr r.•oo n US A_ 10 byStoR •FriSbee IS a reg cr d tr dcrm•k ot v.'ham-0 M'g iii~Eiilll Co lor I Y'l19 d:.scs a t:pOtts glmes 14 Coming Up Over the years. Fnsbee•ptay has developed an 1nterestrng Ult1mate players frequently refer to an almost mystical "sp1nt Second class posUJg pern111 pendong at Sa 'ol4t f ., J 16 California North/South Class1c aura whrch supposedly separates rt from most recreatronal of the game Long-trme players urge me to protect the actrv1tres and all sports Th1s phenomenon IS reflected rn the 'spec1al JOYS of Fnsbee What are these people talkrng COVER PHOT OGRAPHY 18 World Records language of Fnsbee such as the "Fnsbee famrly' or the often about? Gary G ssen q , t rest ng moment or used term of " Frrsbee freak." In the Fnsbee literature one A number of factors combrne to create what we m1ght call Mdle e Pezzoli s freestyle rout neat the 76 often sees ment1on of the alternatrve nature" of the actrvrty the Fnsbee sp1nt Rose Bowl Gary a so pro-.,ded the ser cs of 20 Book Rev1ew Roo Dorn for tho back cover 22 The Factory Connection 23 In Future Issues

2 T~E N~TU~E [Jf T~E [J~JELT fhe Fnsbee,.1s probably one of the most fasc1nat1ng products talk'' at a meet demonstrates our need to commumcate wtth clearly 1ndent1fy and protect a// ot the valuable expenences man has ever generated Oh there are other 1nterestmg others who share the same understandings It IS hard to get of play There IS certainly no harm 1n wanting to wrn. We nems but few have such ancred1ble flex b1hty of appeal and adv1ce on your thumber or a lead on a spht d1gtt 1·1 Moon­ assume that by the creatson of the contest Itself If, however, utter s1mphcuy The yo-yo •s cute- but 1tm 1 tt~d The boom­ lighter at a norma party The result ng mutual resonatton only the wtnners reap the benefits. the total of all the costs erang has the same problem The ball 1s s1mple, but bonngly we feelss what the famtly ts all about borne by the losers puts us at a net loss A wider focus so W1th few except1ons. It has a slav1sh attachment to the Fnsbee also anracts some people who have consc1ously of values provtdes for many wtnners earth and tends to go only stra1ght I won t bore you w11t1 a rejected other athlellc ac1tv111es They are, for V<:Hious On the organ1zauonal level we must guard agaanst the 11st1ng of the dtsc s capab1httes- you know them In short reasons. looktng for dtsttnct alternatives These players add temptalton to m1m1c other sports Our advantage ts that we the Fnsbee 1tsell 1s almost mag1cal and creates an aura all a parttcularly tntercst1ng tngredtent to the family ns they are can choose our dtrect1ons-football cannot tis fate •s cast tiS own merely through •ts performance. It has an abtllty to qu1te wary of anyth1ng whsch smacks of that whtch they have Our threat 1s that many sn and outstde of Fnsbee measure captivate nov1ce and expert ahke and 1ts challenges appear already rejected For them, • protectton" of Fnsbee ts par­ our " progress" against other sport models " Yes readers. to be ltm1tless ticularly 1mportant the compleat Ulttmate player now wears cleats. eyeblack Obviously, there are concrete soctal and psycholog1cal con­ and does warm-up dnlls Just hke your favonte gndder!" ~E N~TU~E [Jr ~E G~illE5 firmations of the spectal Fnsbee sptrll They are not untque, Cleats keep us from shpptng, dnlls protect our muscles The th1ngs people do w1th the Fnsbee generate some un1quely of course. Many other subcultures demonstrate the same In many ways we wt/1 be s1m1lar to other sport None of these attract1ve s1tuatrons Many of the games, of course. are charactensttcs S1ze IS an 1mportant determinant Motorcycle developments are tnherently bad 1f they are rsght for us; but analog1es of ball sports My best attempt at obJectrve evalu­ nders often wave as •hey pass each other on the road­ tf they come only as 1m1tattons, they cheapen our games atton shows that replacement of the ball makes a marked automobtle dnvers do not The btkers are acknowledging We w11l have what we want. Compet1t10n tn ttsell 1s not a Improvement m the games Ball golf and soccer are not thetr mtnonty status AdverSity, of course, adds to the sense senous threat Many players have thetr f1nest dtsc expenences gotng to shnvel up and d1e tomorrow, but the d1sc vers1on of of m1ss1on wrthln such a group The mere fact that people 1n the competitive sett1ng Ptck·up Guts ts fun but 11 w .. these sports hav( obv1ous advantages 1n terms of rE?sulttng don t understand IS an a!lracllon 1n 1tself Rolig1ous sects never match the thnll of an I F T ftnal What must be carefully dynamics. benefits and challenges to participants and exrst on th1s energy There are ptck-up basketball games protected. however, 1s that spec1al perspective on the contest appeal to spectators which are super mellow- played an the "sp1nt of the game" which IS "spin! of the game" It must be part of the baste The actiVIties wh1ch are not patterned after ex•st1ng games, A good play 1n volleyballts an exhthrattng cooperat1ve expen­ understanding the players share when they take the f1eld however, are the most spec1al The most popular and d1st1nct ence In essence. we have no corner on the famtly"or the Team games present the greatest challenge but 11 can be IS the "Jam' Throw and catch IS an essentially cooperat1ve sp1nt. Wtth that sobenng thought, we must look ahead What done I have suggested the lollow1ng statement of the sp1nt of a ... tiVIIY (see Mort1mer on Fnsbee as Conversation. Frisbee does the future hold lor us? Progress has 1ts costs Even as the game lor LJittmate Wo rld, Vol 1, #6) Co-op (two or more catchers) IS poss1bly we spread the message of Fnsbee s JOYS. we weaken the Ult1mate Fnsbee has tradlttonally been cons1dered an alter­ the most mutually 1nvolv1ng h1gh sk1ll recreational ac!lvtty subcultural character of play Mass appeal1s almo t a cer­ nattve athlettc acttv1ty. Htghly compeht•ve play 1s encouraged ever conce1ved (earth ball, et al are cooperatsve but low on tainty Ftrst the feature movtes- The Endless Thumber? but never at the expense of the bond of mutual respect challenge). Each player has complete latitude but must dea Last of the Red Hot Hovers? Then the 1nev1table adophon of between players of the bastc JOY of play Protect1on of these w1th hts partner's needs and abtltttes CommuntcattOn. spoken Fnsbee for physical education classes and ltle proltferatson v1tal elements ehmtnates some type of "sport" behaviOr from the or understood tS essential Each players contrtbullon 1s a of d1sc golf turn1ng on thousands of "normal · people As Ult1mate f1eld Such acltons as taunt1ng of oppostlton players, v1tal part of the acltvlly Fatlures are low-cost and expected recently as ftve years ago, Ultimate was played only tn one dangerous aggresston, tntenttonal fouling or other "wtn at Successful complclton of an 1ntncate cooperative catch 1s small communtty Sptrlt of the game was a humarusttc under­ all costs" behavtors are fouls agatnst the sptrtt of the game rndeed a spectal feeling standing developed among a group of fnends Thousands and should be discouraged by all players Many people enJOY the Frtsbee 1n umque actiVIties. developed play the game today and mutual understandtng 1s less eastly Cheerrng for someone else's 14-second M T A 1s a natural to meet only thetr own needs A park founlatn may prov1de ach1eved I once knew everyone who could ltp a Frtsbee­ and sat1sfytng act. even 1f 11 moves you to second place. the "court" for a game dear to the hearts of a small group ol llmes change As more play and the act1v1ty becomes more It IS harder to cheer an opponent's good move wh1Ch beats players who develop the game No one else may ever play. leg1tsmate through our own promotton we remove the screen you for the w1nn1ng goat 1n Ult1mate. but I repeat that tt 1s but the fountarn game IS everyth1ng to those people The whtch created the freak we loved poss1ble 11we make 1t so Fr sbee seemc; tour -=1uely tend 1tself tr -.ucr development Are we lost? Must our own enthus•asm rwn some of the most Orgamzattonally, we must also guard agatnst oveNalulng attractive features of our assoc1atton w1th the Fnsbee? I th1nk compet111on Our medsa must continue to reflect respect for not. The 1ntent of my wnt•ng tS to demonstrate the lragthly the non·organ1zed. non-competst1ve aspects of play. Wtthout of these features and thetr need for protection I see the A natural screentng process creates the 'Tnsbee freak" our overt support. their value w1ll be underestimated by new expansron of Frrsbee as a great and s1gmftcant soc1al expen­ prof1le It takes a spec1al set of charactensttcs to have a players Quahty of play and total expenence must reta1n its senous 1nterest 1n the game. Certatn nsks are tnvolvod Com­ ment The challenge 1s to preseNe and dtstnbute The task 1mportance and not be replaced by the coldness of mere requtres both 1nd1vtdual contnbutton and carefully constdered mrttment may result tn nd1cule The more legtttmate sports • compet11tve result. organ1za1tona1 development are much safer tnvestments of t1me Everyone understands In short. we and the many who w1ll come to Fnsbee tn the On the lndtvtdual level, we must stnve to promote the open­ the tmportance of football practtce The same may not be future, face a challenge and opportunity Fnsbee can rematn true of Fnsbce ac1tv111es In short, lndtvtduals who become ness and cooperatoo of the past Spec1hcally, whatts needed something very special- a cooperatsve and JOyful recreatton ded1cated Fnsbee players must often be sattsfted wtlt11nternal IS commtttment to mutual concern and support II you ltnd wh1ch enhances our relat1onsh1ps wtth others I warn that sattsfact•oa ~ther than mass approval and support Thts yourself reluctant to tell the new ktd why your Stde.trm goes the soc1at forces are aga1nst us It w11l not happen wtthout screen also serves to create a subcultural Situation 1n wh1ch so stra1ght. you have a problem If you l1nd no sattsfactton our consc1ous efforts It may be the most exclltng of all Players bond togett1er emottOnally for mutual support Tour­ 10 a well·played. los1ng effort tn Guts. you mtght as well Fnsbee poss1b1httes. naments or other " lamtly" gathenngs prov1de teg1t1mat ton be play•ng someth1ng else beCause your locus has m•ssed for our tnd1vtdual1nsantt•es The seemtngly endless · Fnsbce the JOY of the game tlself In short. as tndtvtduals we must

4 Aprd I 1 ld M.tt A(;< Ill 1 5 II State meet held in '76 State meet scheduled for '77 We were extremely pleased with how well the meet • directors responded to the challenge of organizing a large meet last year A sampling of their comments are indicative of the general good feeling that was on hand during the events last year· • Mike Waskowiak & Marty Ellenberger, Iowa· 50 1 participants 200- spectators, 25 local sponsors .... and a professionally printed program as a hand-out. • Ed Babb. Maine. 30 participants, 175 spectators, reputable sponsor, four events • Jeff Hungerford. Colorado 200 part1c1pants, 3,000 spectators, seven events, gorgeous trophies ~ • Ed Kirkland, 40 participants, five events, HAWAII sponsored by a local sporting goods store and the • local YMCA. • Larktn Gram, New York 60 participants, over 2.000 spectators during the two-day event. 30 local sponsors.. five events. • Jack Crawford, : WKDF radio sponsor. 110 participants. four events. 500 spectators • Tom Monroe, : "I also helped set up the Tennessee and tourneys and initiated events in Arkansas, Florida and West V1rgin1a Hopefully 1977 will Include , North and South Carolina, and Louisiana " • Stuart Arnold, Kentucky: "Even though il rained for 24 hours beforehand, looked threatening all day, and started raining again as soon as we finished, we had it anyway in approximately three inches of Kentucky mud Our next state meet will be dubbed the Kentucky Fried Festival- bring your own life jackets I" STATE • Jim Howard, Texas 66 participants, 500-t spectators, eight events, second round of golf played with small-craft warnings out, official world record c;et by Frank Bates and Mike Simpson (77 hours of FRISBEE® continuous throwing) - Charles Tips passed World Class Master test • Rick Mitchell. Arizona "Channel 10 covered the event and aired a 15-minute special on 1t complete CHAMPIONSHIPS with mind-blowing slow motion of freestyle. As a by Jo Cahow result of our evenr. permiss1on was granted to install a disc golf course in Tempe" The IF A State Championship program was Initiated • Any information assistance that you may need 3. What benefits do the winners receive? • Mike McVay. West Virginia "Business people were in 1976 In the first year, 22 states participated and • On-site ass1stance can often be provided by our That is up to you. You may award him the IF A very happy with talk around town WNEU radio gave our goal is to have state meets in all 50 states by the Regional Directors across the country. trophy and leave it at that or you may want to include away 1.000 flyers prior to the tournament which end of the 1977 competitive season Most of the meets • Your meet can be publicized in frisbee World other pri1es such as merchandise from sponsors. You gave the station image a big boost and six months were hosted by affiliate clubs as part of their program magazine and follow-up mention made of your may want to send your winner to a nearby National later. I still hear talk of our GREAT Frisbee Fly-In" of activities All were pleased with the impact the results Series event Last year two state champions were meet had on the club. sponsored for a weekend trip to a National Series Does It sound like a good idea for your area? Are you willing to put some hours into organization? Do you 2. What about sponsorship? event. This is good experience for an up-and-coming There are a few standard questions which are normally player and added incentive to do well at the state level. want to have the opportunity to meet other players raised when a group considers hosting a state cham­ A sponsor can be a very valuable asset to your from your area that you may not realize exist at pionship Four basic ones are considered below. tournament Last year, many events worked with 4. Who can participate? present? A State Frisbee Championship is a great way local radio stations and both benefited The radio State meets may be open to all participants. including to accomplish this. If your state is not noted as a 1. What support can the I F.A offer? station got support from Interested people and players from out-of-state, or you may wish to limit participant on the map at the beg1nnlng of the article, • 100 free reject discs are sent for use in the event the event got fantastic local publicity. A sponsor can registration to residents of your state My suggestion contact the I.F A. offices and let us know vou are • 5 walnut plaques mounted with gold mini Frisbee also allow you to offer prizes such as merchandise or is to leave It entirely open- we don't want to Interested in giving it a try We will be glad to help discs to be distributed as prizes at your discretion gift certificates which helps to draw participants discourage any potential players you get under way

6 FriSbee WorlcS MJ!CIII AD

by Mark Danna - .. - ACROSS - \t coast toumllmcnt accompammcnt keep a Fr !>bee In the a1r aid

hair or the run GETS ROT! t t c shot curves toward It almost always came up. In any conversation on the distribution of Frisbee activity someone would say ments include establishment of the Florida State Assoc "Hey, there must be some great players in Florida." ation under the guidance of IFA Regional Director P J Well, mayoe there were, but no one knew about it. It Callender, the development of local clubs, a statew de seemed almost to work In reverse. Bitter cold areas like Ult1mate league, and the scheduling of a National Senes Michigan or Minnesota were churning out players and mret '" Tampa for the '77 season. The second day of programs while nothing was happening in the land of 1977 brought the first major meet of the year as the perfect Frisbee weather. No longer true. "Early pio­ JcJck .onville Club hosted players from mne states and neers" of Florida play were Bob Madge and later Ed Canada. Several permanent golf courses exist 10 the K1rkland. Now areas of interest are springing up all state w1th at least two scheduled to mstall the D1sc over thi.:: pleasant peninsula. Several major develop- Pole Hole soon. Listed below are sevPn of the major clubs in Florida: DOWN The Suncoast Frisbee Association University of Tampa Frisbee Club N1 .. k HJrt Guy Stc.ll3 P.O. Box 1612 Box 1857 Tamra FlorirJa 3162fl Tampa Florida 33606 Jacksonville Frisbee Group Sarasota Frisbee Team Ken Cook Mark Wat on 7716 Monetta Drive 1524 Th1rd Street 25 K nd or delay Jack~nvillo F•ond~ ~?? 11 Sara ·a Flor·da ~~~0 Zl P.'lrt of TR & C. pa.,t tcn'>c Florida Tech. Frisbee Club 28 OK Chaminade High Frisbee Club 29 Olrl movie flying monster Ed K rkldnd Chari£; Schultz 30 --bound<;. Ultimately FTU Box 25000 500 Chaminade Dnve 32. Ego r~l;,uvc Orlando, Florida 32816 Hollywood, Flonda 33162 3l Frcnth alphabet "ndlng Robert Haskin 37 Brought bllllct to Frisbee 1908 S. Sanford Ave 3'1 lmllals ofll 1975 World Champ10n Plan now for the Eastern National M.T.A and Accuracy Sanford Florida 32771 in Tampa on May 21st and 22nd. Rcilrl the c lrc.lctl letters horl10ntally, top to bottom and Florida State Frisbee Association find '"Something lhat"o; often on our mind~·· P J Callender 2908 Parandor Plac COMING UP-THE ROCHESTER STORY Sarasota, Florida 33580

8 Fr t WOikl M11 I Al.llll H7 Fr t·• W r• J ~~ Apr~ !'l77 9 by Patti Hipsky There were only twelve women in the 1976 clubs are eager to find good women players. A World Frisbee Championship meet. Ninety-five new fellow may have to wait a long time to make men competed at the event. Under-representation? the club's demonstration team. As field meets Not really. Only about forty women entered any of between clubs become more popular, the impor­ the Series meets, so almost a thirdqualified.Over tance of a strong womens' program is even more nine-hundred men competed in the Series so only important on the local level. a tenth of them made the trip to the Rose Bowl. Women have great potential for excellence in Historically, competitive Frisbee, like most other Frisbee play. Many advanced techniques require sports, has been mainly contested by men. Being highly developed manual dexterity. Women have a competitor since 1973, I can recall many tourna­ been proven to possess a naturally greater com­ ments where less than five women were present mand of these skills. Other important qualities to throw for distance, which was about the only such as grace and flexibility also are strong points event we were able to compete in. Women's divi­ for many women. Women generally do have less sions weren't even on the tournament schedules sheer physical strength than men but the records TOP ROW: (FROM L. TO R.) Ga1l McColl, Cynthia Kelly, Deborah Strasser, Jo Cahow. Michele Pezzoli. Susanne Lempert, Janna Roycraft BOTTOM ROW: (FROM L. TO R.) M1chelle Harrington, Patti Hipsky, Marie Murphy, Monika Lou. Tita Ugalde and several of us would band together and walk demonstrate the differential is not as important as over to an off1cial to ask permission to have our one might expect. In fact, even in the field events, own competitions. All trophies and awards would the size or strength of the women seems to be be presented to the male winners and if we were outweighed by their technique. I realize many of the women reading this are Most of the women who are known competitors lucky, the female winner's names would be read Th1s year's Ser!es events reflect the competence th1nkmg that it is easy for me to encourage more today got started through boyfriends but I am The I.F T. has had women's events since 1971 but, of women by the fact that all events are open to women because I already am involved. I know hoping as more women get mvolved that they can only smce W.F.C. '75 have womens' divis1ons both sexes. Freestyle and accuracy do not even fear keeps many mterested females away from bring each other into the sport as well. I encour­ become a standard part of competitive meets. The mclude any separate women's finals because we the competition. It took me a lot of courage to age all interested females to step up at the next '76 W.F.C. brought endorsements and prize money can hold our own with the men. The other events - step up in front but in a short time. this fear goes tournament they go to and enter You can learn to women in both the distance category and over­ have separate women's finals for Series p~ints away and 1s replaced by confdence. Once you through competing as well as on your own and all winner. The future looks even better as more because we are at a strength disadvantage. If have entered one or two tournaments, others the new friendships that evolve are worth it. Frisbee e­ women come into Frisbee. however, one of us does qualify for the open know who you are and encouraging words emerge can be a sport equally represented by both sexes Aside from competitive awards, other opportu­ events, we could win those titles. This may be the from the sidelines as your turn approaches. Other in all areas. Let's make it happen. nities are also particularly open for women be­ first year for a women to win an open title. 1977 players arE' always willing to show techniques and cause there are so few of us in the sport. Women will also be the first year for competition between answer any questions newcomers have. add greatly to Clinics and demonstrations so most women's Ultimate teams.

F tl tJ0e Wool,1 M 11 1! Ap11l I ~17 11 10 Fnsbe'! World Mnrch/Aortl1977 o , n w John Sappington ~Iter 1977 CANADIAN NAT IONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS ADDED TO SERIES WESTERN NATIONAL WORLD FRISBEE KENTUCKY FRIED We have essentmlly begun a Champ•onsh•p Sones v. th the nctus•on or the Eastern and West ern Canad1an Overall Champtonshtps •n the 1977 Nat onal ChamptonshiP Senes meets These ULTIMATE CHAMPIONSHIPS FRISBEE FESTIVAL events hold WFC potnts 'or reSidents of lhe North Amer can com nent Tho events ava table CHAMPIONSHIPS August 24-28-Los Angeles, California. June 18, 19 potnts and automat•c lnvttat•ons (three at each meet) w be d •ca• to U S Overalls The July 9, 10-Santa Barbara, California. Hosted by the Lo<> Angeles Fnsbee Club State Champ•onshtps 1n Accuracy, Dtstance, complete schedule (wlltl some reviStons lrom the Frisbee World calendar) •s listed below Contact Tom Kennedy Contact IFA Olftces M T A , T A &C • Freestyle patrs. Golf and PO Box4345 PO Box 664 Guts Alhambra CA 91802 MIDWEST U.S. NATIONAL Santa Barbara, CA 931 03 Excellent campgrounds, live mustc. great WESTERN U.S. NATIONAL (805) 965-9691 (213) 287-2257 lime FESTIVAL OVERALL Contact Stuart Arnold Ha1dee Street May 14, 15- San Francisco, California June 10, 11 . 12- Chlcago, Illinois WESTERN U.S. NATIONAL He If J by lllf Nr rtht:!r ,d lorn ..1 1 sb Perryvtlle. KY 40468 Hosted by t 'IV r Jt ( ry Fr l AsS~... atoo GOLF AND M.T.A. Group 01stance Accuracy M ; A -; R &C • Freestyle VIRGINIA STATE (606) 332-2751 PreregtstratK>n- $6 00 (entry and Ser•es diSC) patrs and Goll plus Freestyle pairs and Accuracy. CHAMPIONSHIP (OPEN) Regtstratton on the 14th S8 00 Early regtstrallon S3 00 (entry only) or July 16, 17-Boulder, Colorado. PENNSYLVANIA STATE Chntcs by John Mort•mer and others many S5 00 (entry and Seues dtsc) Hosted by the Boulder Ch•nooks Aprii9 - Mary Washington College, CHAMPIONSHIPS (OPEN) new events Late regtstratton (postmarked alter May Contact R1ck Kauvar Fredericksburg, Vlrglna. Contact Tom McAafln 27th or at tho meet) S5 00 (entry only) 5103 Laurel Otstance Accuracy Gotl Women·s Otvts•ons July 4-Phlladelphla, PA. 709 Elizabeth Lane Contact The Aces Boulder. CO 80303 Preregtslralton-$2 00 by check Hosted by the Phtladelph•a Fnsbee Club Menlo Park CA 94025 655 Harmony Lane (303) 494-6891 Contact Hugh Lowery Accuracy, Golf. Dtstance and Max•mum Ttme (415) 326-6380 G envtew IL 60025 1618 College Natl Delay (M TN 0 ?) (312) 729 9150 MIDWESTERN U.S. Fredencksburg, VA 22401 Contact Tournament D•rector EASTERN U.S. NATIONAL NATIONAL GOLF AND ( 703) 3 71·3725 Phtladelphta Fnsbee Club M.T .A. AND ACCURACY Note Wilen preregtstertng lor any of tnc PO Box 322 Serres events 1nclutJe lull name address ACCURACY SECOND ANNUAL Wayne, PA 19087 May 21 , 22-Tampa, Florida seA club afflhauon and IFA number (215) 688-8831 Ho"ted by th£' Flor da StcJte Fr bee plus Freestyle pairs and Distance. MID-AMERICAN FRISBEE AssoctatK>n J uly 23, 24 FANATICS TOURNAMENT WESTERN U.S. NATIONAL Hosted by the Mtnnesota Fnsbee AssoctatiOf'l WORLD DOUBLE DISC Other potnt events- Freestyle p;ms and Golf AND CONVENTION Prereg•stratton- $6 00 (entry and Senes dtSC) DISTANCE AND ACCURACY Contact J•m Challas COURT CHAMPIONSHIP Reg•strat1on on the 21st $8 00 1041 15th Ave SE April 16, 17-Southeast Missouri State June 18, 19- plus two other events. Mtnneapohs, Mtnnesota 55414 University, Springfield, Missouri. July 16, 17-Phlladelphla, PA. Contact P J Callender Hosted by the Phtladelphia Fnsbee Club Hosted by Olymptc WtndJamm( r· (612) 378-1393 WFC events plus Speedflow and ptck up 2908 Para'ldor Other Golf Contact uoug Nt:w and Guts and Ulhmate Sarasota FL 33580 Contact Tournament Otrector (813) 366-4351 427 84th NE Contact Stephen Sm•th EASTERN U.S. NATIONAL Phrtadetphta Fnsbee Club Bellevue WA 98004 1324 S Florence (206) 454·0·193 FREESTYLE PAIRS Spnngfteld, Mtssoun 65807 PO Box322 EASTERN U.S. OVERALL Wayne PA 19087 AND GOLF (417) 831·5421 (215) 688-8831 May 28, 29- New Brunswick, New Jersey EASTERN U.S. NATIONAL plus Accuracy and M.T.A. Hosted by thE. New Jer ey Pia ,ttc Exchar gt' FESTIVAL July 30,31 FIRST ANNUAL Dtstance. ACClJracy M T A . T R &C Freesty t: Hosted by the Rochester Fnsbee Club MICHIGAN STATE pars Golf June 25, 26 - New York, New York. Contact Jtm Palmen Preregtstratton SS 00 entry only Hosted by the New York Flytn 'l D•sc In ltlute 129 Falmouth #19 UNIVERSITY FRISBEE $10.00- entry Senes d1sc, shtrl Conacl Gerry Lynas Rochester, New York 14615 TOURNAMENT Only the I rst 175 preregtstrallons wdl be 306 West 76th Street (716) 663-8790 accepted New York New York 10023 May 5, 6, 7-East Lansing, Michigan Twonty·f•ve entnes Will be accepted •n person ( ... 12) 799 0675 Ul!lmate p us nd v oua evert on the afternoon ol May 27th II more than 25 EASTERN CANADIAN (throw-off dtstance and accuracy apply at that ttme a round of Frcsbee golf and OVERALL w•th coverage contests) WESTERN CANADIAN w1ll be used to select the entrants August 6, 7-Toronto, Ontario, Canada Contact Enc S•rnon Contact Gary Seubert OVERALL Hosted by IFA Canada 220Ph p Ha 344 Shady Lane Mtch•gan State Untverstty Vancouver, British Columbia. Contact !FA-Canada Trenton NJ 08619 43 Hanna A11e East Lano;•ng Mtchtgan 48824 (609) 890-1440 1 ,ted l.lt trA-Ca do;, (May be moved to Juty 9 10) Toronto, Ontano, Canada Contact IFA Canada (416) 533-3521 MISSION BAY FRISBEE EASTERN U.S. NATIONAL 43 Hanna Ave FLING T.R.&C. AND DISTANCE Toronto Ontano Canada U.S. GUTS CHAMPIONSHIP (416) 533 3521 May 21, 22-San Diego, California. June 4, 5-Fiorenoe, Alabama August 13, 14- Marquette, Michigan. Hosted by The Boy s c ub of San D t!go and Ho"ted by Fn• bee South Hosted by Cliff's R1dge Fnsbee Sanctuary the San Otego Free Flyers uthar pont events - t-rccstyte pa rs and Golf 1FT- WORLD GUTS Contact Bud Weeson 3-person Guts-Open. Women. Century Preregtstrat on- SlO 00 (entrv shirt and CHAMPIONSHIP 553 County Road Otvtstons Senes d•sc) Marquette. Mtchtgan 49855 Preregsstralion-$6 00 per team Contact· Tom Monroe July 2, 3 (906) 225-0486 Contact Pete Peterson 749 Merdtan Hosted by Copper County Chamber of 1 729 La Houd Ouve Florence, Alabama 3S630 v<>mmerce Card ff CA 92007 (205) 766·8549 CoNact Copper County Chamber or (714) 753 6778 Commerce P 0 Box 336 Houghton M1ch1gan 49931 (906) 982·5290 r, World Ma Apr 1 7 15 ------...... The meet had several very tnteresting dtmensions. The It was extremely close overall and although there were no spectacular tndtvtdual performances, the compettllve balance was good. In such a meet. each California player's contributton is equally tmportant as all are totaled for the team score. For mstance, tn Throw, Run and Catch, Theresa Gamtn called a trapped catch North/South on herself whtch if caught cleanly would have gtven the event and an overall tie tn the meet to the North. Freestyle judging was done by SIX JUdges with three Classic supplied from each team Each JUdge ranked the Fresno, California, was the stte for the first maJor patrs from 1st(4 points) to 4th(1 point) and the co-op tnterclub meet of the 77 season The squads were teams from 1st(4 points) to 2nd(2 points). These made up of players from clubs all over California. pomts were then totaled from all JUdges to produce The points for the event went to the team wtth the the team scores. best total score. Thts format is espectally good for spectators as it can be done all tn one day and each event ts completed­ GOLF (10 men, 2 women per team) quickly. The individual events may be held two-at­ North South a-ttme to shorten the overall length of the competition 874 throws 856 throws and open up spots for more players. Best marks. An tntrigutng aspect of the meet is that it can easily Men: Jeff Soto (North) 57 end tn a 4-4 t1e. Is kisstng your stsler really all Women: Jo Cahow Mane Murphy (South) 68 that bad?

ACCURACY ( 4 men t woman per team) North South 51 120 55 120 Best marks: Men: Victor Malafronte (North) 14t 28 Women: Jo Cahow (South) 11 / 28

THROW, RUN & CATCH (4 men, 1 woman per team l North ISouth I 681' L-_7..;..00.;.._ _ ___,_ Men: Sun Ray Hawk/ Mtke Young (North) 187 (57.8m) Women: Michele Pezzoli (South) 83 6" (25.8m)

DISTANCE (4 men, 1 woman per team) South 1,156 6H Best marks. Men: Vtctor Malafronte (North) 272 6. (84 .2m) Women: Mane Murphy (South) 197 (60.9m) Winntng coop group: Steve Gottlieb, Sun Ray Hawk. Theresa Gamtn, John Bird (North) MAXIMUM TIME ALOFT (4 men, 1 woman per team) South ULTIMATE 39 5 sec North 4 Best marks: 2 ~ Men. Tom McRann (North) 10.5 sec GUTS Women: Alicia Marrts (North) 5.9 sec North South 15 13 FREESTYLE {2 patrf 1 lour pe~on co-op group pP.r team) 13 15 10 15 rNOrihl South ~ 32 FINAL SCORE North Winntng patr: Tom McRann/Vtctor Malafronte ~~ outh J (North) 3

17 16 Fr.sbOO II r MM ~ 107 l LD World Champion tomboda APPAREL Frisbee~ show friJbH Famnr·

Voc.tor MalalrOIIte The ~ U S , Frisbee All Stan·• Orlgl11aiV.orld F r sboe CMmplon Gu nneu • S..lel Short • Boolr ot World Records tt77, lnoontor olthe Flyono Dose: Rono and dod Nlloonal ToiJr woll\ •·trruat,.tor.. trt1 Harl~m Globetrollclt and Tom Mt~'ln World Clan Champion fourth Plltc:c In 1976 V.orld Froabc;a Championthop " Bandanas..

* Choreographed Frisbee Shows by two profeuionals: ( ..,I·C b.>n OlnM In * Over 30 dillerent throws and catches - Freestyle •" ft w rh fr r.beo to:r. up f'Of'll I 'iill'l Cio6 S3 50 * Boomerang throws SPECIALIZED SERVICES * Shooting Frisbee discs Into a basketball hoop from a Vld~ taping distance of 100 feet. FrHalyle musk: * Throwing 1 00-yard field goats * Frisbee show on ICE! Yes on Ice skates. Custom Unllorms The World Champion Fnsbee Show has performed tn 300 cities covering 3 countries Appeared In national TV shows Tournament eonsuiU.tlon and commercials. Demos for pro and college basketball. baseball. football, tenms, soccer and hockey teams Automobrle and toy shows, county fatrs, playgrounds and special groups. WnUI. Please contact Vrctor Malafronte to•bodO World Champion Fnsbee Show P 0 Box 611 2910 Newbury Stree t, Berkeley Cahf 94703 eo.ra Mes., CA 92627 FRISBEE® Phone (415) 841-1576 Phone (714) ..2 l OSt by the masters: A PREVIEW FROM THE AUTHOR Fri<.bee By The Ma<.ters will soon be available at your is intended ac; a gu1de to the imagination rather than to local bookstores You may wish to call now to make dl'>tinct techniques with fixed names. but. because it is sure they have ordered the book The public;her is onlv a book, it o;,eems more like the latter. Celestial Arh of Millrae. California The volume will Thcll is why I am particularly happy to have this oppor­ 1 be a 7 ~? by 8 -2 inch pdperback. containing 111 pages tunity to addrec;c; the readers of Frisbee World. You One hundred and fifty line draw1ngs by Bvron Sewell have the capab1l1ty to add a vital dimension to Frisbee and photographc; by Mike Fluitt c;equent1ally 1luslrate Bv The Masters: Play. alivenec;c;, awareness. compari­ the techniques discu:.c;ed. "On - in short. the all-important element of human Stork communication Frisbee players will know how to take thi'\ book- each illustration will raise one hun­ Pasted on my typewriter is a bumper sticker that reads, dred 1mages. each c;entence will arouse experienced "Onward: Thru the Fog". I put it there for insp1ralion comparisons when my typing lagged. but it soon became my guiding I hope you will use your experience to help newcomers slogan for Fric;b<>e to the sport. c;ee the potential for changing. expanding. LICHT-ST~CK Frisbee By The Masters reflects my conviction that rearranging. and adding to the material in this book. disc c;ports are 1n the1r rnfancv- despite the Incred­ You can truly help make it the guide to the imagina­ At ntght tome o Jtr ngc n11w obii!Ct hns been srghtcd llymgrn the sky. It's reponed to gwe o ff a br tion it is intended to be: just as I hope it will help you oght vellowt$h1Jrecn strobe hgtu Don't be alarmed' It's only a ni!W p roduct called Loght Slick who· ible diversitv of techniquec; and games we currently ch rs a compi!Ct, logtu, self-cont mild, cold chemiCal ltght Ltght Sue~ c;m be qurckly IICt ted by know. I have avoided describing techniques as though attract newcomers to our sport bendmg and 11 hmg to most ny ucer V11 ble for hours on any cle r n ht up to ond over mrle they were final and c;et. Instead I have invited the av. Fun to rJiay wtth '"parks and concert h;JIIs alo"'e Be the frrst on youo block 10 c.ru se a p.1n c' I helve become aware of two things in working on lhic; 1 youo Lt!Jht StiCk send SJ 00 11lus liS tor shepprng nd handltng /don't \end cash) to reader on a quest to see if there e~re any limits to what book The need for other books and the Incredible KNIG>II BOX83 1 m l ~ can be done with flying pli:l!>tlc saucer s. diffirulty of gel! ing a book published I have learned PROOUCIS.P.O Still. though. the possibilities for disc sports are end­ a little that I will gladly share with any of vou who lesc;: there can be only so many pe~ges in a book. only c;o have ideas for books of your own. Write me: 12 12 mcmy photos and illustrations. Frisbee By The Masters West 12th. Au'\lin. Texas 78703. Slwtcboordtntl llobbles Sauect'S Charles Tips

lr II('!WrldM.ucii/AIIr l ltl 21 Back l '~ u e'> a"allable rrom I.F.t-\ . DOG PACKS-Cu~tom made, high quolaty, Wanted Lr.A. Nev. letter (Volume I ::I =20) CJ to Freestyle the development o! Frisbee and the I FA Fn..,bee p<~raphcrnalill (your o~,~;n private A must item for any tournament or G series disc collector and would be ant crested an r>Uf'>Umg Frl-.bl e fro n 1968 to 1975 $12 00 golf caddy). or lor ~ck·pllcking. abo For "" a c,c'lrc•er lrlemoc,, work\hop\. etc ) more informataon 'tend a self arltllmpen envelope to Dog Packs.. c /o ... ) o know from February. 1974 to April. Still Available: It \\'rite Janna Roycraft, 2817 Braebum %cryl Poyne, 5236 lith 1\'E. Scattl\:o Circle, Ann Arbor. Ml48101 Phone 197~ Packed with information on collect­ V.A 98105 (313) 971-0026 Ing. tcc:hnlqu nnd early tournaments A The 1976 National Series Disc 1 • ' e d to read, but fun. SlO 00 119-G Yellow Green Red 141-G Blue Red frisbee World l6 lswc.s) Services For Sale Volume I. :::I Scala cover - Frasbee $5.00each* D C Frisbee club forming Member~ neederl 1976 WI' C. Group Prcture An 8x10 Behind Bars '75 W F C. report/Canadran Open AI DO S175 Wall ol..o ossl\t people In the regaons from The 1975 World Frisbee Championship Poster color photograph of Fri!>bee Family, Fncnds Richmond to Boltlmore to form their own $1.25each• and Finest Send S3 50 to Mark Robert\., Volume I, =2-McRann cover-A F1elrl club(s) Wrile or coli Larry Schmdcl, 10l8 Eighth Ave . :\lenlo Park. Cahf 9tl025 "Add 25t handling per item and 6% tax on Callfornlo orders. 555 t-1eet/Nllil Delay/Mobale Accuracy/Santa No Daniel St. Arlington, VA 22201, FOR SAL E Ongenal Frto;bae Pie Pan\ Barbara S I 75 eveneng Map Sl 75 will have to accept pot luck. $2.50 each plus 25¢ per disc handling per disc. LEATH!::R GOODS- Custom hand~tooled LOS t\:'lGELF.S FRISBEE CLUB A:"'ID leather belts desagned to compliment the Volume I, .::5-Whippet cover-The Tee TALF.NT AG!.:.NCY- Specaal thl'i month 31 Flavors !Baskin Robbms), green w/wh1te • Islander Yachts, it. blue w/white• on Gut'> demon.. tratlons Spark vour ne><:t Xmas- 74, white w/red and green • Xmas- 75, Ashers, red w/gold • WFC buckle Belt reads "1976 IFA Worlt! Snot/Fre'>bee bee Chnmpionshtps" wrrounded by Club'>/'76 Junior Champton'>hlps $1 75 p4rty with a o;tlrreng 15 point game right 1n 1974 WFC • Pizza Pub, yellow w/red • Rutgers, red w/black • Maryland aurae live wor < Soecrfy size and color $10 your own lavang room 3-p- Photo Contest cover - SSO. 5-per\On gomc-S75 Schedule well Michigan Ave Bank. dark blue w/white • WGAR Radio, red w/whtte • leather IFA key fobs. SOc each. 3 for Sl 00 1977 Serl s Prcvrcw 1'77 Calcndar/Srxty an advance to nvolrl confhcts Contact Hours of Curl S I 75 1212 South Alta VIsta, Monrovia. CA 91016 NBC, Moonlighter w/gold • Vitt Media, orange w black • Virginia Swtm, Send to 344 Shady Lane, Trenton, NJ 08619 yellow w/black • No Central Airlines, white w/blue • Wells Fargo Bank. orange w/black • ARBA (Bicentennial), 3-color, white • Harlem Globetrotters, orange w/blue and yellow • Scouts, Support Scouting, blue w/yellow • In Future Frisbee Photography by Jack Roddick Vinya, pink w/black and white • Greene's Camera. Moonlighter w/black • Liberty Tire. green w wh1te • Speakers Lab. blue w/dark blue • Braemar, lt. ISSues The Canadian Scene blue w/dark blue • Glad Time. yellow w/red • Cub Scouts, dark blue w/gold • Filmations. green w/3 color • Euclid Tennis & Track, Moolighter w/black• IFYE (4-Hl green w/gold • MediQuik, white w/blue and red • Nichols School, Collecting the Tournament Frisbee by Flash green w/white • Salvation Army, green w/gold • St. Petersburgh Jr College, lt. blue w/white • California Special Olympics. yellow w/blue • Utah Special Reports from Australia and Japan Olympics, It blue w/gold • EqUitable of Iowa, orange w/black • Barkers '76 Seminar, white w/red and blue • Pioneer Chicken, white w/orange • Write: Sambo's, white w/red • Dirty Jacks, white w/black • Colorado Special Minis Are No Ha-Ha by Gary Seubert The Factory Connection Olympics, green w/gold • Digital, It blue w/whlte • Varian, orange w/black • c/o International Frisbee Fastback Throwing Stock The Crossword Solution Assoctatlon Bulk order the current production Premium Fastback discs for M T A and PO Box 664 T.R.&C. throwing stock Fifty disc variety of colors and mold numbers with Alhambra, Calif. 91802 premium imprint: $40 00 postpaid The World Frisbee®

Frisbre P.e Ttnc; lor ~le Good to excellent CRAZY GARY hates to be undersold " \ie11er buy tin 'till you check m" No Championship condauon S32 00 PPD Ferst come, Iir~t aassified served only Contact R Poncoost, 25 rc<~~nable offer laughed aL In loci, some \.fanner Rd, Trumbull. CT 06611 IDughable offen. ore reasonable Wrrte Gclry Seubert, 344 Shady Lane. Trenton, Belt Buckle Ads FRISBEE PRO SHOP-Our catalogue as NJ 08619. Ad\ clr~' ovaelable to reatlt·r\ lor ~3 00 fmalll; ready All those previOU'>IY writing Stnking, deeply etched 1n ant1qued brass per ah•m 150 word hmat l wall automaucally receiVe a copy 'oOOn If JOHN KIRKLAND Have unusu<:~l Frl!.bre f1n1sh Measures 3V2"x3V4" Only$ 5.00 \\'r1h• lor commercial rate<. mterested, send SOc (refunded on flr!.l Pae Tan to trode No response from Beacon order). J1m Palmeri. 129 Falmouth Street, Street Contact Rich Pancoast, 25 Mariner Cal1f. add 6% sales tax Circle, Trumbull, CT 06611 =19, Roch~ter, New York J.l615-Phone Send check or money order to Collecting 1716) 663-8790. FRISBEE COLLECTORS UNITE When you FOR NEW AND OLD COLLE<:. TORS become a member of C.LO C (Computer· Allow 3 weeks for delivery I FA.- P.O. Box 664, Alhambra, California 91802 OUT OF-TJI!S-WOR1 [CKANKAR Q, Write for As!>Orted Sundrie!> and Dry ized List of Collectors) your name becomec; ~loonlignter 1-a~tbacks lire now avallabl•• Goods Catalogue ::5 to be pubh<,hcd In ovatl11ble to virtually every disc collector in at $:!50 each \,\."hall! or Blue Fastback'>. PHO 10 CREDITS Uollom left Sunny Ito z ot March for some choice Flying Dtt,e!l and the world Therefore. when any collector S2 00 each Orrlcrs of 10 or more recei\·~· Pag 11 Bottom C!lfi!Cf Sllnny frhziol Fnsbees You will be placed on o decides to sell or trade. you'll get a copy 10% dl~count Send c heck (pluc; $1 00 for Cent riOid DonWhl.te Bollom I 0~ I &Jnrty Fr clltCI permt~nent matltng IJst Shade.!> Trades. c /o of their offereng Wrrle for more detail!. or tG Top larry ~O"NIIL f'ago 3 An BOJP'£:0 from mo WOt~ of stuppangl to ECKA~I(r\H, Checago Sato:.ang \end $2 00 for one year membership. Paoo ~Ike Haden ~eldt, 2715 Hill.-.b<>ro Ave. N, JohnRze1 ka Soctet>'• 4720 \N Adde:r.on Street, Cha c t~go , payable to Gary Seubert, 344 Shadv L. 60611 Trenton, NJ 08619. Con tor 1.. 11 Lorry llorowrtz M haoiMiif'l 23