RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXIV. NO. 13. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1951 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 16. Kiwani- Pet Parade Proceeding on Broad St. Minugh Agency Tndmy U the Lm$ LSatti Henlioii's Niagara Fills Dmy la RegUttr Clyde fc Powell Annual Message Couple Buy the Reports Demand This nufaaar. lisa*. It, tm To Address Lions la ta* aaai date #•* watatertag t* »»4»r *» rate Id ta» maasag To The Register Flaecue Estate For Property Onrral ncMttoa, Twaslar. Me*, And Their Wives !HMV §*JM Cleaetl a, 1*51. Hash H-Jy Omy aVirougk Clerk Amy E. IMaa fa* t— M *Vai j_._ a Ave. IN tiWrul «Wk« ky will r««l«>r v«*»r» far tfM CfMlralliali H By Bay Their Efforta wig* of Meal Mask at hf* Behaviour' Hit Mart* Year 3713 •ar»uc% Hall, «p to I o'ctac* *M* For th* past IP yean, ever since The stoae and frame m*4era res- Continuing to experience a strong afte-rnnna. Clyd* R. Powell, on* *f Rabbi Arthur H. Herstien has been idence »f Mr. aa4 Mra. Oeerge demand in the existing dwelling Itaa't he deprived) *f ysaw rtgM c&'s outstanding Industrial ataf> la charge of Congregation B'nai Is- W. Flaccus, one ef Shrewsbury's field and in ploU fur custom-built chologists and public relatloa* finest homo, located •• the Berth borne*, the John U Minugh agency, •ad fraarhisc thrtMagh yeue ••a rector of Lthlgh Safety ghoa e*J*B» rael, h* has issued an annual mes- pany, Allentown, Pa., a subtidsMf **g« ta hi* congregation and to «ide of Sycamore avc, at the eat* realtors of Runuon report the fol- ssegiort or India*r—c*. B»»*1sUr nor of Garden rd., ha* jltft hat* lowing recent sales through their aad hs true America*)* Im IBM of tha Endleott-Johnsoa cor Th* Register reader* through the tion, will be ths speaker at celusMe ia th* Issue preceding the purchased ay Mr. and Mrs. Oearg* ofllec: W. Chadwick of Niagara Fall*, N. Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk W. Shaw. great irmornry of mtn. day's meeting of the Red Nigh Holy days whfc-h begin thu Lions club. year aeajt Moaday, Oct. 1. Roan Y. In recent months Mr. and Mi*. who summered at Ocean Grove, Hajboaak, which is the Jewish re- Chadwlck have aiade their real* have purchased the gate house on llgleus New Tear, begin* at sun- dence in the Shrewsbury Mtaer the formfi' estate of the late Ja- Supper Honoring set and starts the year S7U ia the Garden apartment* i» IW Bank. cob Scruff from Mr. and Mrs. Jewish caleadar. The Ray Van Hera, rur Havea Thomas 11 Lafon. •ealtors, was the broker closing the Mr. Lafon, who haa been a*»o- Lord Bishop of transaction. Mr. Van Hern alee ciated with the New VoiW ottlce of cold the property to Mr. tad Mra. the Prudential Insurance company, Flaccus in 1M7, when the attrae- haa resigned his position there to England Tonight ive home was constructed by Win- assume another in St. Ijoui*. Mo. Held 0. Wainwrlght, Ultle Silver Mr. Shaw, who is aasietant direc- Thank««rivinft Service, contractor and builder. tor of personnel for R.C.A. Com- munications, inc.. at 60 Broad at., Dedication lo t'ollW Mr. and Mrs. Flaccus have pur- New York city. i« having extensive :hucd a modern, M-rooaa river- alterations made and plans year- lit Chriat Church ront home in the Portaupeck fee- round occupancy with his wife and lion of Occanport. Tfc* Kiwanit civb't HiM «MHMI a«t pw»4» b shown «• it *•• «*•«<• to •••* TIM *••• daughter after Oct. 1. MIDDLETOWN — The Rt. Rev. The property bought ay Mr. and The fireproof residence of tapes- Noel Baring Hudson, Lord Btchop Mv«. Chadwlck include* over an tot fjfnca Saturday mtntmf wfcvft tft* arfMliatlM bat*) It* MMM! «fair with aafraiimaraly try brick, hollow tile and .ein- of NcwcaJtlp, England, will be hon- acre or landccaped ground*, part of 100 chiMrtn »artlci»«tln«j. few* tfct lift* MM Kiwdtnti ctown, JM H#l!dJ«y, It iktwa. foreed concrete construction, with ored tonight at a supper In Leeda the old E. C. Hasard eitatt. and decorative copper cornicing, con- hall. As an emissary of the Society Is planted with numerous magniaV tains a living room, dining loom, for the Propagation of the Gospel ent elma and beech trtea whleh kitchen, three bedrooms and bath- in Foreign Parts of the Church of are well over a century old. DeRidder Head* room, an attached three-car gar- England, Bishop Hudson Is visit- The house la of native Aeldetene Exclusive New Residential Zone age, utility room and recreation ing Chrijt Episcopal church among and frame coiMtruetlon, of Colonial Auto Dealer* room. The heat 1* hot water, oil- a few other parishes on the east- design, with ten room, and tuch fired, with a separate gas unit for ern seaboard. ' feature* u four tiled bath*, tiled J. Raymond DeRidder of Holm- b Proposed (or New Shrewsbury domestic hot water. The park-like The society, formed in ITOI, has powder room, tiled kitchen, cedar del was elected president of the plot of two acrea contain* many sent cmlMarlrs to all the countries closets, game room with log-burn- Mew Jeraey Automotive Trade at- NEW •HRBWSBURT-The beautiful shade trees and a ter- where It has undertaken mission- [ •Delation Wednesday of last week planning board laat week drew UP Ha Una would eatend northeast race with a barbecue pit. The aiy work aa part of the celebration ', ng fire place, porches, fellows, together with a schedule of proposal at It* October meeting. to a point 300 feet from Shrews- section of Rumaon to Mr. and Mrs. Ratlonn of thr original farlah have peeted to bring their wives. *t*Oa> Chief Justice Arthur T. Vsndtf Offered now la a awing ordinance bury ave., then going couth along .frveme F. Cangialofi of the Bronx, been invited to the aupper. bers af the Mlddtetown L!«n» elta% A number af year* ago Lori hilt of the New Jersey Supreme amendment to eetaUiah the bor- a parallel to the New Shrewsbury- S. T. Afirr nn informal period at anil their wives hav* alio baaa) Dunaaay wrote an interesting dra- court and several associate Justice* ough* most exclusive residential Ihrewibury township (Vail Homes) Invited. head a lift of distinguished gueit* Jim. Armstrong has moved to an tri>da hall, a wrvice of Thankfgiv- matic fantasy with the cryptic area aa "Xoae Oae-A." It would be boundary. It would follow the apartment on Washington ave., In* and dcriie.-itlon will he conduct- Mr. Powell ha* an tmportaal title "If." In Ita nrct aeene an Eng- who on Oct. a, at Sea Otrt inn will protected with "A-Number-One" boundary to the Jersey Central Rumson, and Mr. Cangialosl, who ed In tile church hy the rcctor,rt"V. message on th" subject, "Und**> lishman, John Dtane, hurrying to honor member* of Monmouth I regulation* for hont building and railroad track*, go south along l hit future, mlsie* his train. Just at The buffet supper and burins** plot*. Running south along Hope rd. to the moment he reaches the fate city offices, has spent the summer *penk at this service, which begins ployee relations. His presentation meeting, starting at i:10 p, an., and Tinton ave. the line then would go with his family tn their new home, »t *, o'clock and to which thr pub- I* an axtremtly practical dtmoa> they c|ase In front of him. He for- adjourning at 10 o'clock, according "West to a Junction of the Camp feit* the appointment; but life But, In answer to council's eall and plans on moving to Rumson lic Is invited. Mrs. T. Ueland will stration of workable principle* to Chief County Probation Officer Wood-Alfred Robert* property. It permanently neat year after com- be at the organ. In the chancel will couched in Industry's own laasa goes an—he gets married and set- John L. Montgomery, is designed for a more realistic approach to then would jut south again to a tles down ta a mediocre suburban the sonlag problem, parts of the pletion of several contemplated be Rev. W. B. Spofford, former rec- guage. Mis theories are graphically to say "thanks" to the local com- -point 200 feet from Tinton ave., renovations. tor of this church; Rev. Theodore proved by th* serious and. h*> aslateaee. mittees and to demonstrate for the original rsaldentlil ton* one-la the northwest along a pareitol KK> !Mt MM. Csngialoal, th* former An- E. A. LeVan, rector el the Ihrews- dlcloui use of hypnotism, of wkiaf* Through the years, however, the benefit of other counties the meth- nortailde section near the Red from Tinton av*. to tht rrt«hold he is a master practitioner. Ha ods employed in the "Monmouth Bank airport-would b* tied to the gola Oiserlo, is the third member bury ehurch, and Rev. Carroll M thought of the train he had misled rd. There It would *»t»M out JOO of her family to purchase property Burck, rector-emeritus. Is also a versatile maglelaa •* keepa rankling In bia mind, And County Plan" for prevention aad present, lea* **v*re regulation*. fast to tb* Swimming river rd. and many years; sgperttne* and Is**) control of juvenile delinquency. Dr. Robert i*. Barber, ntonniai In this section of Rumson. Her The warden* and vestrymen of often, when he feel* defeated by go north t« th« point of beginning. brother, Judge Mathew J. Dlaerto, a complete show ef astoundasf tilt frustration of his daily life he buara president, said UM saw sug- Christ church, who have been fsata of magic. County judge* from the 18 coiin- gestion I* hacked by a d**tr* What would romaia of tbe form- former aanltatlon commissioner of planning for this event, are Samuel mutters to himself, "just thlnk-lf tle* wher* there are no full-time the city of New Tork, and John I onty had been there one second uphold standard* and attract B*w er residential BOB* on* I* in the Rlker. Jr., Maltby D. Jeliffe, Louis During World War I, wh*a Mat juvenile court judgea have been wealth t* the boat ham* ana. Haac* tract and north side areis Oiserlo, New York attorney, an- W. Biggeman, Martin C. Faweett, Powell wss hospitalised la Franeav earlier, how different my life fV>r the past year Mr. DeRidder would have been, If—." urged to attend in peraonal Icttttra Mayor Otorge fteveaa aaM be near the airport. It was In tbls other brother, previously purchased William W. Oamwell. William J. he experimented with and atudtaef from the chief justice. Other* on ha* been nrst vice president of the agree* with that objective. Valu- area that Robert F. Cook, Br, and summer home* on Waterman ave, Mackey, Dr. Wylle O. Pate and Intensively th* phenomena of hvyj* On* day an oriental dealer whom the guest list arc member* of Oov- association, which haa 1,000 mem- able new tale* plua asaurtd .neigh- other couneilmen espreased doubt The dwelling, which we* origin- Frank L. Welnhtlmer. notlsm, both ss a form *f eat*** he had befriended, gives him a Driaeoll'a cabinet who deal with ber* among the automobile dealer* borhood beauty are numbered that homebullder* would be attract- ally built by Mr*. Armstrong's tainment and In the thtrapeutta) snagle ciyftal whleh has the power law enforcement and correctional of thl* state. Head of DeRidder among the big gala* ed to th* construction of house* of father-in-law, the late Jamea Arm flald under th* direction of Army of allowing it* owner to change Institution*; Bupreme Court Jus- Bulek. Inc., ltt Monmouth St., Mr. com* to the borough. sites such a* sre now proposed for strong, contains a reception halt, doctors. He hi' worked these tu*» an* of hi* eventj In hi* life. Think tice* Henry C. Ackeraon and Wil- DeRidder ia president of the Red th* Ont-A tone. Mr. Cook eitimat- living room, dining room, pantry, N. J. Newspapers derlylng laws into his talk on safe* back through the years," aays the liam A. Wachenfeld, atat* juvenile Her* la what the now propos*! Bank Community T.M.C.A. board would do. ed the cost of such houses In the kitchen and an open and unclosed ty. This give* a ecmblaatlot* dealer, "la there not some incident authorities; Monmouth eounty'a of directors, second vice president IM.000 range. He opposed "making porch on the ground floor and which, while authentic, I* atwaa you would change If you hid the state legislators, county official* of the Red Bank Community Cham- It would carve a big aeetlM from rule* too stiff because this might there arc three bedroom* and bath To Hold Institute lutsly unique. Hi* deep undsntaaaW power? With this crystal the years and all members of the governing heart of tbe original reslden- ber of Commerce, third vice presi- hold back property development. on the second floor, with a floored NEW BRUNSWICK-Editorial Ing of people ha* com* from data will •• your* to re-live, in Hie bodies of the 82 Monmouth county dent of the Red Bank Lions club ilaill i tone one. This |* the area that attic. Most of the furniture was in observation of worker* aa dlreeto* eouras of ten hours you will live town*. the plannira believe hold th* best Thla co*t-of-construct4on esti- problems facing New Jersey'* ed and a trustee of Riverview hos- eluded In the sale. The adjoining itors and publishers will b« under of th* personnel and safety 4a» a* In a dream, through am many prospect for construction of larger mate was considered high by some property owners are Mr. Ira Liver- part meat*. year*. But at the end of that time The program ia sponsored by the pital. sis* homes. In thla so-called rest planning board members, although scrutiny here Friday, Oct. 5, aa th* good, Mrs. Oeorge Armstrong and Mr. Powell la a put ateratam you will flnd yourself back where Monmouth county board of frss- dential son* ona-A, tight eoatrol* they agreed upon a need for two Joaeph Least. Nsw Jersey Press association hold* you aUrtod." holders. Wayne D. McMurray, edi- would govern ail home develop- IU 30th annual Better Newspaper vie* chairman and chalrmaa at tor of the Aabury Park Preaa, will ment. Former borough clerk of Sea Institute on the state university the meat packing, tanning aa4 Our hero takes the crystal and Clubwomen Plan Part of Long-Bang* Han campUH. More than 350 number* leather Industry saetlon of th* lfa» ehooata to find himself back before be toastmaster. County Judge* J. In th* rait of son* one present Bright and preaently one of the Edward Knight and John C. Gior- rule* would b* enforced. Th* planning board'* current ef- candidates for council of that bor- of the N. J. P. A. are expected is tlona! Safety council. Hi* talk* ta> that gat* one second earlier than attend th* all-day session. groups are said to hav* bam at the previous time. He pastes dano will be hostl. forts are keyed to a program to In- ough in the coming election, Clar- Fall Luncheon •Ona-A" Borssatt crease the overall property valua- ence Steven* and Mra. 8tevenshave This year the Institute program Inestimable value to thousand* af through, take* the train, and makes Demonstrations of actual hear- sold three lots that they owned people. A genial personality, ready the appointment a* planned, His ings before a juvenile canfereacse Dr. Herbert Ely Williams, Red Son* one-A's main restrictions tion and, thu* the tax income of will Include panel discussion* of Bank dentist, will be the guest would bo that no home could be the borough. For years thl* ha* on the southeast corner of River three editorial problems—unofficial wit, keen sense of humor aa*t life take* on new dimensions. He committee will be ataged by the view dr. and Highland ave., over pleasing delivery hav* mada Mas visits far away lands, and haa Asbury Park aad Long Branch speaker at the opening fall lunch- built on property aaeaaurlng lea* been stressed a* a vital local objec- attempts to censor the news, news eon of the Red Bank Woman'a than IStaaOO feat in these minimum tive. This prompted a current looking the Navejink river, Rum' photography and libel laws—th* much In demand aa aa after dta> stranga adventures. Tet, inexorably. committees. Keyport Mafiatrate son, to Mr. and Mis. George Rob- nsr speaker, a magician and *a* the ten year* of his dream life Herbert Rothenberg will discuss club Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 1, sties: One-atory houaea must eon- project to develop a master plan annual Better Newspaper, Better at Cryatal Brook inn, Eatontown. tain not lesa than 1,500 aquar* feet for future municipal growth, which ert Johnson P: 65 East River rd., column, news picture and Four tertainer. Ming him around the circle to end how an all-year recreation program Rumson. up at last exactly in the same place. was developed from studies by ths Mr*. Lyman B. toekwood la gen- of floor apace, exclualve of garage* la now under way. Freedoms Editorial contests. After ten hours ha awakens In Ms Keyport conference committee. eral chairman. and breeieways, and must be at One aim ha* been to establish a Mir. Johnson, who I* employed by Harold E. Staasen, president of own home. Me had taken a glimpse The Monmouth county juvenile Mrs. Robert Brophy, a club vice least 40 feet wide. Multi-story level of valuations so that all resi- the 17. 8. Army Signal Corps En- ths University of Pennsylvania *nd Into the unknown world behind president, will be toastmaster, and house* must have a flrat floor con- gtnoeerlng laboratory at Camp national Republican leader, will Judge Continues conference committtee* have been dents will pay a fair share In the rules as a draughtsman, has begun the "If." He had turned back the organised by the county probation Invited guests Include Mrs. Joseph taining not leas than 1,000 square coat of local government, it haa be the main speaker at the Insti- hand* of time and re-llved his H. Oaskill of Moorestown, southern feet and a aecond atory at least construction of a modern bunga- tute luncheon. Awards In the news- department by joint authority of been stressed by Mayor Stevens. H' low on the aforesaid lots. yeara. But at the end or it alt he the governing body and of the two vice president of the New Jersey one-half as big a* the first. The haa referred to the limitations lor paper contests will be made at this Warren Zone Suit find* himself no better off thsn he Monmouth county judges. State Federation of Women's clubs; width of multi-story houses, facing possible and prospective btutness session which will be held In Rut had been before Mr*. Robert D. McKinley of Breton the street, could not b* more than gers University Commons. FRJSittHOLD-Judg* Frank T. They represent, according to Mr. and Industrial growth. Lloyd, Jr., Friday continued argo* The story reflects ths attitude of Wood, third district vice president on* and one-half the time* tbe "For th* immediate future, at Community Club Hugh N. Boyd of the Nsw Bruns- menu until Oct. II in th* Superior Montgomery, "a working partner- of ths state federation, and Mrs. depth, again excluding brnieway* wick Daily Home News, presidtnt a great many people In our day. ship" between the eltlsenry and l*a»t." said Mayor Stevens, "it I* court suit by John Warrsn, MM* both toward the larger problem* of James Paton, president of the eve- and garage*, All housta moat have th* hoot* owner who will support of th* N. J. P. A., said that this ths court* on a non-political, non- ning department of the Red tank at least a. one-car garage. Meets Wednesday year's Institute has been designed dletown attorney, to compel slid* society and in the evaluation of sectarian and non-racial basla. The the borough. Consequently we must dletown township official* grant their own lives. Obviously, very Woman's club. Zone one's rules call for mini' uphold standards of neighborhood LITTLE SILVER—The Commun- •ptciflcally to meet question* con- him a variance to ths toning ordK committee* sit as Informal court* mum building plots of 100x100 feat, ity club holds 1U first meeting of cerning editorial problems aspoied ftw of us hare been able to Tol to study juvenile problems In their Ronald Clark will be gwat artist. toning *o the home planner will Inance to that he may use hi* buttoV. Ite in our mature years the ideals Member* of the drama department, and **y nil houses have to be at flnd our borough the ideal place In the season Wednesday at 8:30 p. m. by editors and publishers of the own communities, to hear com- state's newspapers. The program ing* on the former Herbert H, and hope* that filled our youthful of which Mr*. John C. Elliott, 3d, least tt feet wide. But they allow which to live. If we can progress In the grammar school, at which Straus estate for eight aingle- faav, plaints and to recommend reme- a minimum of M0 square feet In time Johan J. Smit of Point rd. will was prepared under the direction heart*, but it I* true that there are dies. All of their work is guarded I* chairman, will present the en- In a way that will prevent the lly dwelling units. many of up whs get bogged down tertainment. one-atory houses, not counting the spread of taxation in an unbalanced be the speaker. of James Kerney, Jr., editor of the in the rut of life, and it is under- In sccrtcy. Anyone appearing be- Hostesses will be Mra. Cromwell breeseways and garages, and a proportion we can remain In a con- Mr. Srnlt will lead a discussion of Trenton Times. Mr. Warren, his wife and *o*v standable that we should aometlmcs fore the committee who Is dissatis- WaUon, Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Mrs. first floor minimum of at least AM dition of eexcellent financial health. the club's sponsorship of a com- The institute will open at 10 John, Jr., Red Bank attorney, font dream how wonderful it would be fied with the outcome ha* recourse Daniel Dondl. Mra. Harold Rine- square feet. Here, garage* are not petitive cultural program In tha m. with a review by the judges the "Squabble" Close farm corpora- if we could go back—if we could to the county courts. hart, Mrs. Bjorn Nielsen and Mri. mandatory. "Our Zoning laws can help ac- local school. Principal business of of the awards made tn th* several tion, which was denied permission complish this. I hope they will be the meeting will be the Installs by tho township zoning board of be again as we were when hopes William Smith. Serving, on the The reatore something which I* past. ment*. tlvitles, Mr. Lackas this week re- will be devoted to the three panel erty Friday before going into court There la no returning to the world Cavalcade Soon Club meetings arranged for Oc- ported that help i* needed In the discussions. It wa* learned that the case waa "If." Day* onee past cannot bo re- Trinity Episcopal church, Red tober will be a* fellows: art meat- Tssasdsa • scouting program. Men needed In- William M. JfcBrldt, managing continued in the hope a settlement called. The movement of life la Bank, will be the host parish Oct. ing, Oct. 8, in charge of Mr*. Stan- law i 1 clude an Institutional representa- editor of the Passalc Herald News, may be affected befort It I* *eh*d* ever forward; never backward, tive, adviser for the explorer post, 30 to the tecond Canvass Cavalcade ley M. Dahlgren; drama meeting, Efactlv* Jfav. 1, INI, ta* ratal! prlea ef In* Bed Bank Beg- and H. Alan Painter, editor of the uled to be resumed. in which both blihop* and all dio- srnutrfmter and asxietant* and Hackettstown Qaiette. will lead Before calling for th* sdjoura* Does all thl* mean that life la Oct. 10, In charge of Mrs. Elliott, later wU ba tan eaata par cany. New subecrlpUoaa and renewal* barren of hope? Is there nothing cesan officials will confer with cler- Sd; executive board meeting, Oct. committee member. the discussion of "Road Blocks oa ment Judge Lloyd heard testimony w* can do to correct our mistakes, ical and lay leader* In 11 areas of 15; American home department wOl be tveehrsi «•> t* N*T. 1,1M1. tar a awrlad not to aseaad one News Street," ways and mean* of from Harold A. Hendrlckton, Red or to reatore new life into our the diocese. The cavalcade will be meeting, Oct. U, in charge of Mri, year at Ik* pvasMt rate. Thereafter, the prleo will be «a per Catholic Alumnae dealing with attempts by various Rank contractor, about tha worth Idea*? That la where the menage launched soon by the Epiecopal dio- J. F. Homeyer; regular club meet- year, $• far ata aaontht, and II far three month*, payable In organizations to censor local news, of the building* on Cobble Ctoaa cese of New Jersey which embraces Joseph Pttrella, staff photographer farm, bought at public auction by of our holy days apeak* to men— Ing, Oct. 19, featuring floral ar- advaaea. To Meet at Lakewood "Return, ye children of mm—re 14 counties of the state, rangement* by members of the gar- of the N. Y. Dally News and F. Mr. Warren in December, 1M», for The cavalcade, a part of the prep- Tala lactaaat Ma ham mad* aaeaasary by the steadily rising Plans are being made for the Gllnmn Spencer, photographer of $28,000. Mr. Hcndrlckson said tha turn to thu Lord, thy Ood"—a re den department In. charge of Mrs. fall meeting of Monmouth Circle aration for the Every Member Can- •poraMaMl cMts, EvarylMag thai goss Into la* making of Red the Mt. Holly Herald, wilt lead the buildings were erected tn 1M0, but (Continued en Page 15) vats of 1B51, will be preceded by a Rhlnchart; welfare department International Federation of Catho panel on "News Photography at if they were to be built today tha laymen's training session all day meeting, Oct. 33, In charge of Mrs, Baah's bom* nawapaaar, Uteludlag newsprint and other material, lie alumnae, to be held at Georgian Its Best." cost would be $417,243, Since 19V) Wat*on; literature department Court college, Lakcwood, Sunday, Oct. A at diocesan house, Trenton, macblaarr raplaciamt*. Ubtr caata, pottage, ale., have advaacail The panel on "Keeping Clear of there ha* been a depreciation of Broker Addrenei in which needs of the National meeting, Oct. 25, in charge of Mrs. Oct. 14, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Austin »m,S60, he said, leaving it* prt*. John C, Hcrber. chairman, anrt a to a polat wher* wa n* laager can carry th* entire cost alone Hannon, M.M, of Maryknolt Jun- Libel" will he led by two attor church will be outlined, Or. Fvcr- and moat ask our reader* ta share a part at tbe burden. One ne.vs, Harry Oreen of Little Silver cnt value at »291,3IJ. Local Rotariant ett S. Wallls, Princeton university, dessert-bridge, Oct. 31, with Mrs, ior college, Lakewood, and Mrs. Watson and Mr*. McDougal a* Item, nowsprbrt kaa advanced In th* put flve year* M per cent James K. Looram, chairman mo- and Newark, and Morgan Seiffert Opposition to the conversion of will act as instructor for ?S or more of New Brunswick, and Oeorge J. Scully, managing part- laymen from all areas of N«w Jer-chairmen. pet taat labor hw laenaasd in ptr tent and other Item* that tion picture department, I.F.C.A.. the building* Into dwelling ualta ner of ilMle A- King, Llbulre, Stout National Legion of Decency, are Hewlett, publisher of th* Maple- was pressed before the zoning sey. The cavalcade will stresa the go lat* tba mah* ntfi aswspaasr kav* avsmgad aa advance wood-South Orange News Record. A- company, addressed 75 Red Bank diocesan program. to be the apeakers. board during iU hearings la't win* butlneai men last Thursday at the Itirtln* Sundtr, Stpl. 10. our itore of IMparoaai James Kerney, Jr., will moderate ter by the Riverside Prlve Protco» Among tho«'i who will make a will elow SuixUyi at f V. a), W< aik Membership in Monmouth Circle the three panels. Red Bank Rotary club luncheon pilgrimage tu 11 centers of diocesan all our euitomni to cull for n«wiptl>«ii Our raastera tatta* are getting a Mim •«• tettar Bad Bank I* open to any members of alumnae tlve association. at the Molly Pitcher hotel. His and other need! on Sunday* before 1 activity are Biahop Wallace J. P, M. MM Rrm., IT Weit Front »t., Rail BagMar than over htfar*. The total atws, picture and »dv*rtl«- associations of Catholic women's "Rt-Dacaratt" In addition to the purchase prlca topic waa "Working* of the New cotlrgt* or secondary schools that Let Sherman's help you with »our fal Gardner, Suffragan Blihop Alfred ••nk.—Advertlununt, lag content of Tba Bagtatar la double that which they received 1 Mr. Warren testified last Friday, Tork Stock Exchange," The talk L. lianyard, Rev, F. Victor Hosg, are affiliated with International decorating —riutom-miide draperies anc there have been expenditures for was accompanied by a Him, "Money when th* teat aubaerlptlan advance was made. slip covers. Large selection. Call RE I- Canon Robert D. Smith and Allen MmnUin Hill Nursery School Federation of Catholic Alumnae anc 2648 foi Shop ,u Home service. Srier maintenance, repair* and improve* at Work." B. McQowan. Rev. Henry C, Beck But* accredited! Chapel Hill, Middle- The praesat laeraaa* wa* mad* so that w* may continue to who live in Middlesex, Monmoutli man'* Home l.iernratnr, if Broad it,, merits, making a total Investment •own towmhip, Charlotto Olien, direc- lied Bank.—Advertisement, Ben Flenbarg, another partnn of executive secretary of the field and tor, Phom AT i-OOtl.—Advertliemenl, glv* (ha public a newspaper adaauato ta th* rapidly expanding; or Ocean counties. of (47,000, It h» I* denied the vatv Eliele A King, was introduced, as publicity department, will set a* local Hold of Meaasouth county wh«r*ln Tba Register haa been " "Saw" lance, he told the court, the build* was Chsrlcn E, savage, manager moderator In the various parishes, Ea»irlenc«d BMkliM»«r Wanted KM* CMI Camen't ihlr-back turtaiM now at ings would go to waste and a hard* of the llrm'a local offLe at 105-A Including Trinity church, Bid Vacation with pay. Apply Entnntnwn accepted a* th* hetn* newspaper sine* way back In 1111. , She* In comfort In our alr-isit4tllaittd Sherman's—just pull tha tape for ea»y ship will hav* been Imposed upoa Radio ft Televlilon. EA 3-0(01).—Ad. itora, Sh«rmar.'i, 41 Iread •••, "•< drape, Sherman's, Horn* Decorators, i'j Monmouth st. Bank, VMtiientnt, ' " Hank,—AdmtlMBtat. Itout st., Red Bank.—AdvtC.lnnnnl, him. HAWK wirnvntTM 91, vm Bictael IMtokMti, teto.4j Baker* *«• 9awa«*k Crada Mia* a. Brackiaride*. tecoad: Mra. •Hf aavaral aaaaatic aelac- aaatkara ta attead a nay «f Wa C. aura*'. tUrd: MIH Loui»» Mo< Wh4> 3—Jud) Earaton. arat. Star of the Sea tiaaai. aha wat accfpaala* by •lactlaa, a aae-aay retreat, at tat Flower Show OaM I—Garrr fitM», fnt; Bant Oaas 4—tlair. ;aM«iwky. arat. konorakw taaian. d, awl: Mil fcaaaler. kae- flaaa s—Judy faynton. flrvi. Claat 5A-Mm. I. L. Ceirrrt, ««l: Mlaa Daratkf Mayar *t Maw Tark acaacaiy Tucaaay, Oct 1L Mra. ** mti'm; i°»m* faiiaiia, «kl>4. Oaai D-'iudy iijiiton. fir.t; Mart Mrt. (Uafc ri«dl»y. ascond; Mrs. JemGuild SeMion city, concert pianist who haa iutt rraak PeLitta announced that • Cleat 5—Lturtnc* Dir':or». trai. arMaad. ••coud- lenien, third; Mra. Spencer Miller, hon* rwaauaa aala will ba held ata* Ola* •-•Currtn Laaiieftai. «r*t. itWa aMtm ptibltafeed a kyaia U Our La4y at Featured it ClaM li—Cltlra J»blor..kl. (rat. U>NO BRANCH Tha OwIM ef BMath. Tka ntzt maatlag wW aa B. Paaaaae BtaMwd '• Ceaeeae Clwa 1- Btrttrt (.utnttwi, Urtt: Ka>- Claaa 7A—Mm. Jaar* Jordan. tha Star of tha Set. academy hell Fatiaia. Tha kyma »il ba iatro- Ka Altmittr. wrond. A4WI CUaaaa OUat tA Mi. o. IJ. Farklai. •t B a. ta. OctOt .B B. theater* I. UrkrtMK itt opaniRf meeting of tha Mason duced in tha ac«4eaty. UUa « 1Karao •*Maea4• . »«•». daat '»-»ri Lcsrwica Mra. Allan Hughe*, fcaaaitallty I r. Carte TIMII I. PTA Reception Claw I—J«tnn« Lett «r»t: Linda T»- #rat; Mrt. Vtra *'«. Mroni: M.. 0 Tha public law of tha United laat week, Witter C&therlna Anita, Jtmea MeCua, aa infra-red ahy- «. Mcolri: WUIiui FrrsiB, Ulirdi iaaa chair at a a, and aar caatmittaa a. IUM* winisa B. I). Parkin*, third; Mii< BVulaa Urackia- atataa ravolvci largely around (1) principal, welcoming the pareati, siciat at Evtaa Bia-aaJ labaratary, Mtrkt, koacrtM* awntioa. ridgt. kenortnto aantlaa. gucata aad faculty. aarvad refrtakaaaatt. Tba kiaa**- Akiaaeai 4. *«••» Qaaa 4* Mr». Vtra tin Drat: Kn. tha rcd>ral •ytttm; tha wrlt- addreaae« tha BMatlaf. Hit tuh-garUa ckM rataltrad tha attitiaata Warm, Jr. lokn «. Oifeae lind B*Mi NU Cnnk. mfonA. tfi«« fff,i«n Raan. taa Coiutitution; and (3) th« ju- Mrt. Daatinirk Lebrmo, progran ject wat "fr('aad." Ha Head color- awarC •MM lt>«eMn Claa II a Nordrwa, Mi Jaae Mm. jaaaf Jariaa, kkla ed tli«ee ta ilaatrate hit Ulk. Mra. M dicial eaartrtjctlM of writtaa C»m- ehairajian, araacntad Mra. LacaDaN CieaT'l-^CreJt- ra.lloa. tat: •atur •Ututiaat. MCCIM, coloratura aaarano, Howard] Colatartf Iavlta4 tha M tata *a AdurUtt tm Tha aaaltklt. Fail Kail and N«al Fmalit, aarond; ieke W, HcCUf 6ckw«nk.r. third; ?eul Crieufero, ket- The annual receatioa tad tM ef reble mcAtloa. clam 4-Mirkevi aVI'lore. tax: HUIKUU AT LAW ha Mechanic Btraet Parent-Teacher tuociation tu held I MI Thurtdajr Kell! ttjrd; Billy aye.amn. kaaaraWa in th« fchool auditorium. The at-mcntioa. f. Doreaut Vl"<*nt J. NcCua tendance wai the ltrgett tv«r re- Clau 8—l)«»ki* ftckMnai, Irat; Die r, -, ttrond; ttavaa Croat, laird. Havil«a« and Mra. Bp*n<*r Millar daw 7- Saancer Wki<«. Int. Bar. Judget war* Mra. William Melaer. kara By, Mcand; C«ara< Nemaaa, thlft. •«, Mra. William floraae*, Mra. I* J. Oaaerer. Mrs. A. M. Waat. Mlaa OaM 1—J«k» BMnawr. arat. EMHM JMM Laietrt u4 Burtea atM I—Danlkr Wttaea, MM. WynHee*. Uae ItkukJ. ateead; paratkr Maatl. Aw«r«a WN as fallawa: eUm 4—Anna Gihteat, lajli Car*! fkiler, aacoadTThamat Mabotald, third; LTONKOtCNE Okrlatlaa Jaknia, koaartMt lantiaai, Oa«a •—Patrttla !/<»§•. irat. CUM I—Thaaiai HeOaatM, I AftWIIBT At UW Oaaa a—Tkmu Wttaan, Iklrd. Aaae UlkkMi. kaaerekjt aMaMaa. OaM I—Otrald iartat a»4 Joka daa 1 •CkrWUa. Jtknig, Intt. atHnaaj. tklrd. Uaat l-Craki Walcnit, ant; fflterfte rurat, aewnd. mom rim uiaw 12- At»a clhktaa, apailal aoaai. • B-Vhilla MaOarUa, «rH; Hart* Ua*> U—ARM Uiktone, IrM. ittaadi luaaa Davldaaa, tklrd; dark*, kanaraMa maiitUa PIHk Srada J-PirOar UrMall. «rat. Claii T—»titr Nrkla*, (Mi; ti Cm %m4l**m*t^ P1MMMMLT1444 l-P»Hf» MaCarkk" ants Maria W»m, tacaiid! SWM Davldixa, i»lrd ()aa> S Daurlei dinar, tftti Caro- Ba»re*eMtti*e ef Paam Clarka. kanoraMt nafittan. lint Walll*t. •aratd; iaaa OajnaMn. dan 4- aVinnu Burnhaai. Ural: Mar IMrd; tmir rtrklai, ktnarakla attaUt* rtAaioipaai Cflf] Aa tka fiatackalk, aaroiidi Hharm Whlla, Claii S-Bdltk rrenl. ttati itf M»- tklrd i tHtk AHrauttr, kanarakk) ai«». ClaH J^Ctrallaa WtlHaf. «°*~. tklH; Katky OaMFtnwTidj HHIIOI Btvrie a w *Bj awaiB»»»^ai, W* tlaeanlr kepe B 4MM * IIIW JaaM, aparial award. 6la» I—tutu farklM, tiati Br- MIRTONK te tmTSHTu VM tae.ld IN* taatathfie-, Plttard, Mcand: OaraUna WeMinf, tkl HMA* tteatai aarr t la ttauu t «a»»a r tat rim Orada Baadf Mtviland. ktnoraMe Rwnliee. MWI retiretie? It tkatkrauaKK thi i LLeLettt an andd citH •—Valeria Ctvert and iaia »l Hit Btlt . Claat •—Deniia Burt*r, lint; Stttkaa .If. VMM MlMH »l Hit Bttilter. Oataakin, trat; traelal award, Jeta Idt •trkart. atcand: Jokn BHIt, «klrd. _Idwrtl»Maa»l. Claat I-Ciral VaniraM, kaaatakla SaMatirM awMlar., IMRA DEPILATORY kVe SHERMAN'S Claja •—Anna Briektafi, Artti Jnkn LSSifca!!ru ULEAD lanandi, aaroH: Blllr fratt, (klrdi Mr- et» MeCulHaa, Mfaadi Iraaa INPaaM, ra Davatatt. hsniiraMa aiantlan. tklrd; Tarrr «ndd: IMMIMI fflkaen,fflk hithirdd: Btarf, a>r«nd: Jakn Whlta, tklrd i T **«fiti«« >? at >t and Draperies Oall Buaaall, liaacraMa aHMtlen; ~ \*f Bumtiaaji, kaaarakki ajaaajaa. Mark*, keiankla aMntlan. PACT FILPIE OINTMENT ss tP*riMarsr.r- NPMTI Oaaa <—TankHa NWIriiSPI C6MWIW « BMwa Braatar. Rrtt. U Oaai 1-OirK Allalrt. trtts Wane U %aaj 4—Marr Waa alafrwaa, tiati WlM. taeaad. aakait Bakalar. tataadi Bartor* Aaaj. aak, thirJT Ralaa Varwaklt, kaaarakli mSiS' l-laaa Kaka, trail I ••% HMN CRIaUit thii _ Oiei I-Bk»ro, I.NM; (SU . PalinrWn. . teemdHUM, i BittBVV1;7 BathHI , tklrdi eat rttrall. kaaartwt — — Claaa ClaM 4—ltaaa Blaka. Aral; P*ad M» aar. itcead: BaaarU Falla, tklrd. OlaM I—Marilyn Janet, tnti Battr EN MIT Beek, taunfi MtrlaAtaat, tklrd. ^JhTaWkf Oate t Bkarta Buidta, Brat: leaaaa 70t Sim Claaa t—Oktriat Baaaait. ••««! Caral WSLT?M»ril»a jaaat, BfM; Ptaalaat Wakatt, taraad; Laura Gaaaaua. t»Trd. Hf IMOL OINTMtNT Claaa I—Jaha Raadrlektcii, Diati Itarktnla Alattaa. aaraid: Bakait Maa- aae Palrtn. titaadi ajaw. «alid. atr. wind. CtaM I^Marllra itMt, Inij ThW Orada Out It—(kaiaa Kiratt. CWTfl -Daaallnd RmaafaM. Dials Oaai II—MarM»a Jmet. IISTIRIil

Wattay ajwicte tjt

LIFER0OT SOAP Srtwi "10". *-. Sin. Hat LAVORIS Woir. If 00 Sitt LYON'S Ti*tti WMITH VITAMIN A m ttiqhttriitfth. 50c Sitt fOO't LUX FLAKEFL S M«LTt3SE,MMfl UPJONN'S imCAPI V^PCNTA PERM FV mh* forawrai. 14 •<*, SJNFICTANT 'DONN'S FILLS . 14 M. Silt

UnM Yen Tilw II

teaorivt. 50c Slit. 40'. NON-NTim EX'LAX ChttUttag aw aa__ . 2Sc Sin. »•'• •Jf Htwi MINGO DAINEY EDWARD'S OLIVE Ttai. MllVWMR ayJitmttfMl .30c Yen* id CwbO ajaak revoMioa* ^SfcVMtJI! HIGH VALLEY ky CMII Mam* ETIQUET DNdOTMt Cram MILK OF MAGNESIA WILDROOT Srtf< tt)«r •araa>>«r/tn ( Anlocirf, to know why a million International ^ ovtfWriiMBtwtt Trucka operating at peak efficiency. MUSTERSTEROLO E WERNET'S POWDER Trucka are now on the road... why FOUR-WAY TatMH Owl, rwb far p more than half of aU the Internation- Thot't tho kind of durability, CoWfoWed. Siit. 94'i MENTHOLATUM M'S Aag.V#»l al! ever built are still on the job! apecialisation, atamina and aervice Far CrMajpat) tip*. I M. aj #dTa you need in the truck you buy today. WISE TEETH! It will bo worth monoy to you See ua for a model that will do a to MM how International Trucka are better job for you-for a longer time, *te GOLDEN GLINT RINSE tm forth*hair. 5; GROVE'S COLD TlMltt <1Q6 NATURE'S REMEDY MAURICI SCHWARTZ t SONS fab/tri Jy lH«tivt faiaftvt. 60 dlVCrJ-THYMOUNE NODOZ 141-145 Wott Front Si ft| 4^717 Ro*i lank Hormltu. 15 Tabltlt INC OXIDE OINTMENT NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM ikln ouilmutl. t *i. »3t loudouf Si,,. 4 0.1, NUJOL MINERAL OIL Weaiofi. fotl/rifl, >4 on, ZIP HAIR REMOVER INTERNATIONAL 4r TRUCKS ODORONO CREAM rM, ffftt./vt dtodoronr, 75c Siia UQ HEP f A»g Virtfink Tokod Pkoo Studio Hio«psou HesA River Plata Club Opens Season With Luncheon •****».«( Start Ki4»-J.iU-v4 Boy Scout Drive MdmTPaM 9A.tS' iBUrlekeaTwill aarva QMirm chairman *f the MS* annual tawaee driv* of hUaoMMth Council. Boy acouto of America, ft DaaaJd Sterner, Belmar, president of ta* couacil, hie appointed a ateeriag eemmittee of M aua to plan cam- paign *tr*te«r It th* argaaiaa- tiaa'a drive. CMMM to Thcary la aaaouncing the chairman for the drive, Mr. Steraer said. "We ar* lUMAniAVf. very happy that Mr. agreed ta aerva In thia important UP IANK 4-1111-M poet. Ho is wail kaowa m Mon- mouth county aad ha* t*ag hooa interested in Boy Seoo* aeUvttlaa. AaaemMymaa Thompaoa win ha acting governor of the atato this fall. Me is a* pramtaant a noraon that w* e«uld possibly get and hi* aasaeiattaa* throughout th* eoanty should ha af great v*lu* ia on ef- fort lika this whan aa much da- peads an building a* erg»ai*allo*) af the rigkt men" Irvln* Feist, Vrewsbury, traaaur* or af th* couacii, will contlnu* to •lay aa iaiportaat part In tha drive and ha* established dates for th* main efert Peb. 1 to March I. The** will include Matioaal _ . Scout Week. Tha eemmittee felt that the natlanal publicity of th* parent atganlaatkM and th* laeal $•••• Uim»*\m •! V/MHU'I «ft&a, * / Scout activity* will be a great help vf MM ir»af "UM Waxnon't afofc, Mel af MM Cryital Irtak Inn, laftxitowii. Tbt MAIMONE BROS. in facuslag attention an th* inv porUnce af Bay Scdut work. of«lr mark**] MM tfMMf «| MM «!«§'• M •••»•••. Alio In Mia aictuf* obova ara, Mf> ta BUILDERS * DEVELOPERS Mr. reist. at th* same time, rtaht, Mr*. lt*f» Waaaar, vlca pfntwan? *l Mia tivor Ptaia Woman'* CIH»; MM. M. CoMftt rgnd th* Seaut official* In the A*- bury Park area ta euppert th* Saaar, «lt* sratiajaat, ami Mri. «>aar«a Vaarklt, Shore Community chest In which the Boy Seout org*niaati*n par- ticipates. Some at communities will Oct. 0. Mrs. Berg reported that *» n«w memberi enrolled at Ih* he included in th* February driv* Parents Told meeting. Mr. Newman told of th* Commuters Hold "KIT* THE WAR EFFORT In th* ether area* *f th* county. progrss* being mad* on sinirle ses- voouc Th* (teering committee appoint-1 sions, Following the meeting, re- «eo»Houiuumo mta Include the fallowing eseeu- About Polio freshments were provided by moth- Annual Bake THE FIRENEN tive board member* ef the county SHREWSBURT —Mn. Nicholas rs el fourth unri fifth grad* pupil*. M1DDLETOWN TOWNSHIP — Soeut ergealsstlon: Banford Flint, S. RaaMhoff tt Lang Praneh ad- Billy person* attended th* third Alkmhurst, Snaaec Chairman of draated memhen of tha local Par- annual clambake of th* Jersey th* council; Irving Felat, Shr*w*> ent-Teacher aetoelatloa at their Shore Commuters' elub Sunday at REDUCE FIRE ft bury, couaell treaeurer; Amory U •ret meeting of tha eeataa Thun- Ship N. J. Applet Mcdulre's grove. In *a* *f th* SAFETY HAZARDS Haskell, national council rear*- day night. highlight* of the day's aetlvltlta, acntativc; William Buchsbaum, Introduced by Mrf. Hery Petnal, To Army Oversea* Jack Hchooiey't Sisslen won ta* IN YOUR HONE Spring Lake, vice president; Lloyd program chairman, Mre. ReMoholf Commutem' league baseball cham- Camel, Freehold district, chair- a phyelo4herapiet and wleew of TRENTON — New Jersey apples. pion-hip over Julius Kind'* Mbit- man; Lloyd ChrUtlanaon, Long the lamad Dr. Raneahaff, give the mostly Red Delicious and Mcln- sers in a cloie contest. By a unani- Sold Hxtlmhely By Branch, district chairman: Howard hlttory of polio and Hi known tosh, ar* being exported ta the mous vote or th* players, tha | W. Roberts, chairman of th* Mid- ekUMi, the carrttrt being tie* and armed aervices over-eas and to the wn< called In th* third inning. IS MM! ST. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7th, at 10 A, M. dlstown township area, and E. Don- eoekroachee. West Indies and Central «nd South "Ten Ton" Matty Clark of Man* ald Sterner, Belmar, president af She Mid that polio entm the America, as well as to Egypt and asquan and Tommy Jackson of Bay th* agency. body through tha gaatro-intettlnal Arabia, according to the Btst* De- Head won the horsesho* pitching Also, Attoraey Genera! Theodora tract and attackt tha nerve eelli, partment *( Agriculture. contest. B, Parson*, Theodore !

BOfANf%•«•••' Cftf•*•••»l wwMww 1Arajr# *A• |MnvaAj AttHmaltWTHfffJfWt AVfMl AM•"y * nkaMOfJtna rtpair fob, • OIL BURNER CONVERSIONS Your Fall Hat Your SteUon U pert of you ... HBXilia 'Aa antnitho dttlmai So smart —so soft —so rich I ^^m^wMfBwBHgw/ a 9 9 a^mg VBjsnjnBB^njwenj ^BBvVBBmBBJ •Wv^afl •Xrl W |s|BV o*oT*TI 9 njlBJJl' The Stetson moot aojs, few topcoats can boast such a • MASON WORK OF ALL KIND • a • RNNI QvIV a a feeling of luxury as Gabardine (•ti*^"*Sl «nMfflMaffMBfBBBJ.i InnnBBBBJi •slnnltB^BBBJyf ak^ a product,achieved iN...f#t/rifManiZ*l only by the finest gives you. Sitting on your shoul- CALL Hv^nM "J fffVPl «W IWI MM *PtTaW 'a hat-craftsmen, is ders casualty as a leaf, it hugs hand-felted ktta the brim. your form with indescribable RED BANK 6-4088 Here you see it in the smoothness. For UNUSUAL dignified Stetson good looks and UNUSUAL Monmouth County's Largest Goals'with its value—this is it. Mnhi nf«• • JJ.fS stylish look of authority Hemt Improvtmcnt Company I** * and distinction. IstaUltliW MODERN HOME J.Krit/^1 IMPROVEMENT CO. Shop Friday* R I D B A N Charge them • Pay }§ 157 IROAD STREET RED IANK until 9 P. Af. Nov. 10' Dec. 10 • /on. 10 ST. MSI of commerce aaMt a* WON SfEAEWC Of WALT! •fattay* la MmetMag! • MrnnWMutHn»i|»vvwiiauMi fi Anotber Article AfrtcaKure It aet aegiectoa' la twat# ^^^^_Paaaaw« ImfAamaBfeafemamaa»t^t^t^B^BBWtW amaaavflBavl tfarnAVaaW altmama|T"B^maK> tae Ketoare area. The lead there- MR>PMnfa» Vliml VWtktRBi Vaml afmttfl a* the beet aad Abort EAtor'i lattaeHwly cultivated la Itrati. DR. WARRE«""FOWLER Kejeafao etraete ate aride; M Me made prevMea far perfcmg aad far aaaWy avu^tlatmaammp ^naWv mauamv a^a^ammOpi Trip to Israel of the lew ctttoj la e>

eV Tbe It If at jay tea taare ta au*a to" ho lOIKICMiSTMIISCMKNOin Sea*. ah*uM da wV«MaVa*maai -gjajajMamW mm at etMaT aamU BtrnmemtStmrn. OMDE* (mtltofs Mtto: lMe • tke aor-avtv^nrVJB^BBjammB; tmj aV u>tj»^ epOBap o™uB^aysaBvvm> « vary aatof- at toatwa hacaum tf . c r •ad Ha raped dovetop- Tha Kanlaa Mil, hit* aa Maaat la the peat three yaart.t CSanacl. vti tur «ta»»la« fUa» far eaa-*t aa leaf nmly7 Taat* •r» •AfOWTOWW Kane* I. Mnr. Kewbere ta the wide •erld k) eae Tram COM*" aafcMt to ttyuer-eK aaa of htra. Me MayMarty to ted greater taaOaato tkaa Wa dtaod the evcalag ef our ar- rival with a detaa or Haifa'e lead- •try af n Uwte •*. atj MMM •mlereaL fcr • rMNT #w*tM ia UM Air PttW flftamM tea tktktmmldi ttajiamal mm tam*J tag laduetrlallttt, alee the Takhng Harajial MIMSON STATIONtlY PweW/w 1*9 pajt9|a*v awaaxaj aw Bamm aad Dr. Jeeeph OoldeUia at tlM rtereltmg eaVo m the Had ejmui awai* •vwcrerit vwawnejip, m> awwtvewuur- T< Olft t TOY SHOPM •Wmk mm^ ^Bca halldlaa A >Md- UM ttaa af JaNt. Aa« fetra,aba .trataed aclentitt aad educator re- WU Of UMf IWH Mffk efheet, eeatly brought ta m deaa ef tha »V Aaja M. m*M MmmmV ftmmmmft he •Hn$m4 at the ThMM* Malta laotitvta of Tachaeiagy. at MM. VV RWvR*~ VIRHRRJ ft ftegero oervite ettttoa arter to Jh- maakama* amttaA mm Dr. OeMttola, la hto bMutMul Oa- Rl mW^mr ej*> PVTVI amjaasmj umj . _ ford Cngllah, ciplalncd ftraert rraak enliottntnt. Hit brother, Harry K- country up to the ataadardi ef Ewr- •aaa ywaaji T« o r. M. rarr, ie a corporal ia tk« Air fierce. pleat far higher education and the ep* and America. ebteetlve of the Ibjthnleal Inititute, They told «t In larael that Ameri- which It to tuppty from W to 000 ca ie tht pattern. While we wore enginceri and «e. brine. E«portatlan of a million tlea than la Hetaaya. a aew aeeetoi tone of potath per year Ie aae ef 60 GAUGE15 DENIER NYLONS city, between Tel Aviv and Haifa. the objectivoi. , PARENTS'. which haa atplratleat ef being ea- The dlicuMion turned aemewfcat •/ Rcfnkr Heels! Frme Hceb! ether Miami. late a debate whea one af tha eel- Natanya, faueded ia 1N>, actu- tert ef a New Tork Jewiab daily Bltek Hech, Soir M»i Dark ally got Into Itt itrlde ftvt er tin MpretMd the fear that partlelpa- •/ veare later. Named far the Ameri- tien of labor unlont in butlnem «u nu Hmam-HL nwr imun-Mi ATIH ION NICE can phtlanthrapltt, Nathon atrauat, would scar* out private capital. The this city hat grown from 0,000 to answer wat that only 15 te 10 par *>,«0 In three yeara and Ma mayor cent at the natlon'a tnduatrlal out- 7^ laid ut It will heart 100,090 ia an- put la unreduct haadted by thaw alaata la valvai P«* •> H* R iW at IW.«W.«M 4 month. Tha Brit dlamtad aattera cama la tram Hal* taM Ml tht Inr oNhtrlta to Imat Othtr laduatrln promltt taaa to Uka ua aay taan handt that may be avaUaMe ta Mataaya. Tha Phil* No other car can touch it! Upa Company, huge Dutch electri- cal manufacturing company, hat a atw plant lutt opening for mam*- HIADQUAITIIS facture of light bulba, radio atto and othtr Kama. And there are n«w clothing faetorlei, a champagne ag- ing and • battling plant, machine THE FABULOUS ahapa, a aittoa manufacturtr, and •HMy athtra. Tha city haa Itt owa promotional departmeat, headed by tht city clerk. Tha maautacturtr moves la after the city ha* provided tend, atraata, tawara, water—building, toe, HUDSON If the maaafaaturer laelatt. Tha HoMET

%IJt*J|)fVv WtfJ*|ff/ ^f/fJ Wfflf yfj"al m ^R^ai

Jwt five wondarful minute* in tho njaHiilfli'f lit Hudson Hoffiwt and you'll diaoorar that thia spectacular car can't faaiMtchad for looks, for luiury, forgut-up - and-fo. Your nearest Hudoon NO&fceasyto the right dealer oordtally tavitos yea ta comeln-tomatothfedaNovofy in theHudaon Hornet vary toon!

In fa»r bracketi— eVtMOw iHRjRtJ RJ*/ HMtTjF RniQn*WRneji

kwill find jutt tha typ* and aiM of unit boat auitad to your naada, Ainarlcm RadNtor ft Imtm4 tanrtaty H«WI •WN A MiMM Oanaral Ofllawt mtobMrik, ta. MrataMaai '50-••Oj^- trln ud nltm ipnlliltlm tad •n aub^ct lo ctwica irilinH atom HUDSON...MOST DURABLECAR YOUR MONEY CAN BUY" WILKINS MOTOR SALES

BWAAa*aul_ckM BAM AW-fh^l aTaW 432 Irotid StrMt, M •wk, N. J. Miont II 4-0040-6.0723 rwlWJVf Jm ajajaj OJBJ flft DrioetH Retorao to The Brown Bomber Wins Again PARK — A «pede! ra- Dcputacnts Shift hto High Gcir dle program marking the «btenr- •MUM? It MAM anre af aatioaal bueinoat and pro- VO* Ml ON f IM far Mitt Mary lea* W< TIUCNTON, han aaa FhUlipe and Marie Travert. the aettioa will never ba called at ***1H Wl O) Wi^W ^••a*" ell. or et leaet not uatll after the Oaa af MemBis •aeletaata •ft nat contactea). Thtra it aamMf KMWOUMAT Nov. a election. ap ah) retara ta tha ttatt dene H embarraM yew. CHAPEL HILL - Adam T. OBkial rtaaeai (or tht pattpeae- Bthildge, aaa af Mr. and Mra. Adam ment are that the rtvltiea groap "While he wat •aaa M waa ejulet. T. •childge af Mountain Hill rd, headed by Matt Senator Alfred C. Today H wee btttlc-the phone wtt BELL FINANCE bat earelled at Vermont academy, Clapp, (R-EOMK), bave not com- ringing all the tlaat" •extent River, Vermont. School pleted their tatk, aad that la aay optnad Sept. M. event votat for pamage ef the gf*- IOUTON wATmurv ptatd revltioa may ba Making. But tha unofficial reataa utt ef or n »ight have MM my home tha tpecial tauioa by the Dei Bdwarda, II, property if I bed had Ik* My erata at a campalra aprlagboerd— at. atanra pi., Red Beak, wu ef • realtor", the tall ilim men may weigh more heavily with the foaadaaatyef tjaaattaad battery Jetes* MalidJiy *f flit Red lank Kiwanii elub, left, eware*! remarked. "I'M BO aalctmea. Republican etata edmlaMratlea. AM I didn't know haw u L. MoBtgoatary aald ht •aH Ruk, 10, el *l«tlmty r**., Liftfo Silver, wit ef the many •ee ef the eaee la two handle th« Bntncial tad •( tba Tbo Damocrata have plenty af pvitei tt victofi In thirdi a««Mtl Kiwanii terae'e IteM Satyrdlay deal", ha continue* campaign ammunition that a epe-weeba. elal laglaUtlve aeatlan waald give Bdwarda, ea prahatloa from the "What happeneeT, I naked Him • far Boyi, mtrninf. Mai ftlcui, Kiwanitn, rifht, flencei at Tha Irawn with growing eurleeity. them every opportunity ta «*t, *#• atclally tinea the nation It ta deal wend gulKy of ttrlhlng and Itmbtr, lua'fea' bait in parade. Gail alia wen heneri far the "Wall," h« rtlatte). "thlt fallaw with lawa an crime. They would tag dawa tSrt. John U Atnlt, •(••pad by and looked aver my probably like nothing mere than ta *. white tth e UUtter bat? fleet in tha p»f4: Ducfteit Ven North Weld), mend) boma. He Mid ht wanted it but fwut the tpotlight of public at- waa werbtag la eel-dirty heura at I would have to takt in an ttntion which alwaya (ellewt tha aa uther at tht Stran~ d theate- r at ytar winner, peeki tut tf her rinf. mmr contract ha hald an a Itgltlature an their cbarget af Ba- Red Baah. place ha had told inttted af •Mh far my equity. I told him publican lartty la enforcing (a I didn't want n caatraet. I Heady hi beat mi mm. J— Miag lawa. waattd tha mon«y. That tndtd Tha OemeeraU My thta tasHy lad tht matter." like Chhulewrt fteeet!Cat - tt tha formation of gambling rlage ia Bergen county and underworld "But", ha aald, "I rtaliit in •ctlvltlei In Atlantic eaunty. They that a realtor might have fauad Chew Mem, laaofCbowMti. htve already annavneed tklt at aaa of their major campaign taptaa, SIMON. • market (or the ftllow'i con- •oadlct, battle of Say Sew*. 58 Broad St., Red Bank, Na J. tract, and then told my prop- And tinct It It tha Demacrato I( 9 erty. So I want you to lift It who are preatlng tht govtrnar ta and nil It for me." call the tpecial atttlon in a«e*rd> NICE THINGS' anca with hu pravloutly announced Tint", I replied. "We have plana, It U a good bet they bapa had loti of experience untying U gain from It politically. •aanclal knoti. Over tha yeara Much of tha eptotttiea ta a epa- we have encountered nearly eltl aettioa aaema to came from tha Presents the Newest of a Proud Family every type of financial entangle* Republlctni. Many Republican meat it ii potilble to daviat. But memben af tht legitlaturt ara la aemthow we man ace te un- tht midit af re-altetlen tghu and tangle moit of them. there la na doubt they would Ilka Olve ut • ehan«a to help YOU ta concentrate an eampnigalnf In Fabulous as its name! . . \^r In telling your property to*. the few weeka remaining te them. levaral legltlafora have already Mpraaaed eppotition to prtllmlnary prapotalt by Cltpp'a group. tablet Water**? Driaeoll did hit bait to ram all tha doubtt concerning tha ape* clal teaalon. Tht governor aald Realtor Inturer ht wni anxloui to dltpott af tha proposed law revitlon before tha RE 64500 1W3 Itf itltturt eenvenat not Jtn- utry. M Wat* rraM It fted Howtver, hit executive aldei told newtmtn then would deflnlttly ba no auch meeting thlt ytar If thtra wtre not enough votea ta auataln tht law reviilon Commlttta'i |

Meanwhile, tha governor tried hH hand at a little advance depreca- tion af Democratic campaign ma- terial. He aald a recent terltt of mag* line artlclet which indicated New Jtrtey wat a ctnttr for gambltri and underworld optratart tatnt thing tha Democrati hava btan pro- cltlming ever alnee thty ratlited they could put tht blama an Re- publican ahouldtn—wart "net iup- PlaylerFAB-LINED Girdle ported by tha factt." «/ atanw fAMQ-Sext TO- HHlt-SKIN BBmw Orltcoll taid New Jtrtey wal "far better than moit tUtet" In law enforcement. Concerning the lituatlon In At- lantie county, tha govtrnor tnld the ttate would take "direct action" In Investigating condition! there "whenever the elreumeteaete war* rant it." Ha Indicated, however, that It wit up to the cltiiena of that coun- ty to handle tha affair and the itate would attp In only If they failed. The Atlantic county grand Jury it now probing Information collected during tht lummtr by tht U. 8. Senate Crime committee which charged thtra wta a tie-up between tht political leadership ef that county nnd tha underworld. Although Dritcoll returned) from hit vacation to find tevtral matttrt awaiting hit attention, ha alia left pltnty of work behind him. In fact, hit vacation waa not much af a Such a wondrous idea holiday. Much af hla tlmt waa devoted] ta poring ovtr work at hit Hcddon- '— such a magical girdle! fltid home, intpectlng highway! or National Ouard troopa, meeting with Rutgart truttata and tptaklng at publle (unctlont. With White Magic, it's like Governor Vtoa Oa«ee One of the moat unutual of hit stepping into another world- vacation tatka wat inaptctlng tha ntw atata turnplkt "by plant, by lo see how this figure-diminishing girdle makes tha inches vanish, to ftel the freedom that Playlet gives you! It's like wearing a slim doael ta enjoy the comfort Maw im •riflflgi at wv^prww • Bl 9 ^P^r^PBBmw1 ^Bv ^^B^B^BP ^PW af wat aowdafdoft fabtie lining next to your skin-fused to the la SUM gaMca tahaa. Whin IHagie or Me4ecttftnfc-M.M •»**•«. (OtherPUytti Cirdlts,from »M.) Estnla/at sitM,«lighdy biaW. ONLY eaaoath km sheath whhoat a scam, stitch or bone. And more wizardry $1.28 OLDCAIS ^YbrvteiMe ander the most dinging clothes. Don't wait- MM0M -MOB TtONCMa," M BBOAD WI., BED BAMB, X. «, WIIKLY fMaXM 4im»mthe^nelmntiagnew yoa todayin the amaiing Playtex FABLINED 1 t-** »g gw Nttw m4 m M. WH MfOr BMUS: •nrrtfclif yoa Med ftr a109 •«», eketrfal Md.« rttm. Order It for year atiett ream, ytaaattert ram. Mow-eun a«a low «f a*MPJl •unmet k*me, evta muter btdreeai. with out idtatifie BEAR IftfpdMat, |lfdla>Dr»e>»

FURNITURE-TWrd Floor tra Bara •QwOtty" ataaa wt mi PAMINC ^K IHCr 1*111 arA YO Joseph WHdmgw Co. urite or phone for your Playtex Girdle today! Body BuiUUn s Or btller $tUl, come inmd ht our trained

m M gf mWnGmf ^^ gmainiAB«mi«ia«a ** Union Avtaet HO VHNWWHVy AVOta conetteret memure you. ¥ m m MM Urn wwjmrwmwn swrt !, M. J. BBMNI MJ ] L«N« MAN8H SAFETY HEADQUAITUt tmrnnmn 9t. RED BANK REGISTER Their Late, IM kWak'e Gala The assignment of Maj. ami Mr*. Henry LETTERS FROM, EVENTS OF YEARS AQO .••*. Driea as Salration Army leaders ia Bed OUR READERS Beak m eaaae for eominunit.v pride. After FROM REGISTER FILES M highly successful and fruitful years in tamrea Yea*. Aa* ilw sfativul •Jtsrtiela* New Brunswick, these religious people come a*pt n, tan WarklJM. •*• Btiaswer. Wimea* M. Brawn of Bod The Mta •aaivciaaryef ft. Jeba'* CIV ril4l* here to continue their work in Faith, Hope T* tk* Baiter: I weald like t* take Ul* epper- died at th* «f e af «B after a hrtof chapel ot little Silver wa* observed ft* tat B*>k Bajleter tmvmm a* tweltl and Charity. tuaity of thaakia*- yea far yew iUaea*. for *M*r r*ar* he raslced with *pscial **rvlee* aad th* re- Ms* in UMttHM art»re 1» ••'•MtleMMaU. bet will geatrea* friendship ever the years st Kejrpoft, aad fer M year* had laying *f the c*meret*ae. Rev. ariat last twit •( u s4* III*: ela MiM Maj. •••<* Mr*. Dries,' another "Maj. tk* tremeadeus aaaeunt of hew** at Mavetaak caught Si* a* shade* end feaey articles. •seta*. 11.00; tkrM Moatae. I1.M) (U«l« Mpr. T Met*. N*w« and Sunday Time* had given a result ef a faulty ateve pipe. On* Mr. and Mr*. Umaa C. Vaala* and Mr*. Dri?* Worked Wonders flew." News and Sunday ef the children raa t* the village w*f*a of Meamovth st. sailed frees Iststd Weekl*. ntml BK**4 Gl*e* Hitter M la* as_ , yew_ lmaMdia' U:*l'y spok*e UP aad 1 See M BS« Set*. M. unur tM Att *f Mere* I. The first article told of the community's stated'that you wea£l a* Sappy t* give the altfs* aad h. a *h*ft Hew Y*rk *a a two week* trip te match anything the Mem* New* tun* the are eseapeay had th* are to Bermuda. Th* night ticter* ill "chock and disappointment" at the an- under control. Quit* a Mt of dam- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER If, t«H did. This *ur* was sweet music t* tag they wer* tendered a fare- nouncement that they would be transferred my MII and aaay I add tJiat The age resulted te the hiteh*n bat well alaaer party at New York aad Red Beak Rcgatter* t* data kav* the lee* was (evertd Of ln*ar*nee. afterward attended tb* gltgsMd from New Brunswick. The neit told of a certainly backed up yeitr *t*U- relHlea show. meat. Mar***! J. Frank PatUreea of IWt Itagiatar, DM'I Sdjuawkt farewell reception to (lie departing leader* 1 Red Baah was amarrM te Mies Oca* Tunaey* victory ever Jack This latest phet* of th* We**** * Demaaey at Philadelphia caused Jfeut from Washington that Ike na- which was attended by "young and Nome U*gu* iaanchlag la the Red Margaret Rekbia*. daughter ef Bank JUgbter *f Sept. to, is * true Mr*. Stisaa E. Rabbia* of Wash- l*a*id*r*M* weitemcat la Rat chairmen of our major political old, rich and poor, of all religious iedleatloa *f yew sincerity, because iagtea at. Th* eeuple war* wed Baak, Tuaeey'e hesae tswn. Burdge whan I ***** to yea for **>k* In •t th* Atlaatt* MifklMd* Methe- and Russell toeh two baas* of Rot partita are accused of misusing their offlce* denomination*." gettlag this picture, you very klad- Baak folk* to see tb* match. Ty and gracieatiy *aM that yeu dtet par»***a*. with Rev. B. S. ia shocking indeed. Don't complain ahoat it, Another eiprwiion of high regard for Weathers*/ oaVtatiaa;. A h*»*w tree en M**m*uth at, would arrange f*r it. This I* itself I* froat ef the bus starter'* stand, hnverer, if you are one of the eligible mil was wonderful because w* ere MIM Miaerv* V. Skidmw*, daugb- Maj. and Mrs. Dries watt evidenced at last •naleu* t* put Red Bank en the ttr ef Sarah A. aad freak B. Shid- eaufht Bre from discarded cigar- Uona who will not be permitted to Tote be- week's meeting of the !t<-d Hank Kiwaiii* BMP through th* columns at our more of Oeeaale, «/a* married t* ettes, and to paa*er«-hy it fav* tb* weird app**raac* *f a smake-stack, caute JOB are not registered. Vote* are the weekly periodical of the Balvatlon Clarence Ceaibi of Deal. Th* tew- club, which was scheduled .in a reception for Army kaewn as tk* War Cry that meay was M"SM| at the Fr«*> Tbo rallerett* elab of Tiatea Toife which can force a return of morality has a weekly circulation ef S0.O8O the leader*. A down of New Brunswick'* la tk* 11 eastern states, and a copy byterlaa chureh by Rev. B. W. fell* gave a *h*w*r te Mtm Es- to government at all level*. If you wiah to leading bu«ine«m mid profesNionul men at- also gee* to all Territorial Head- Knipe. telle Cornell, daughter of Jess* quarter* ia th* tT countries aad A ajad d*f belonilaf t* Edward Cornell, whe was eagaged t* wed vote and are not registered, get to your tended the meeting to pity the added Fliforitiatibn 4-hmui colonies la th* world operated by Haley of West Bed Baak hilled Arthur Yeuman* of Oakhurst. At- borough clerk. Today ia the deadline for respects of their community. Uneh testi- the Salvation Army. several dec* i* the neighborhood, tending the affair were Mr. and Leonard »• William*, Jr., TM* special edition ef th* Wom-and bit hi* *w**r Ml th* hand. Mrs, Jesse Cornell. Mr*. Welllag- registrations. monial* must be deserved. Cluk Ageat en's Horn* Uagu* wilt certainly Mrs. A. A. AraMtrtag of Mr ton Wllkiaa, Mr*. Eugea* Bkinger, While we can appreciate New Brans- Thl* la state fair week at Tren- carry what we believe t* be a very Haven aad her three ealMr** were Mrs. Sarah Beett, Mr*. Bdwart ton and it is my hope that any of unique letting ia th* launching *f visitiRf relatives la Peaaaylvanla. Staatheff, Br., Mrs. Edwar* Stoot- wlck'a sadneug at it« Ion*, *<• in Red Rank ^W ^ vBa af ^ th* Women's Home League pro- h*ff, Jr., Mr. aad Mr*. Harry Jobei, Me water MSfttn la ******* Ike you who visit the fair will taao gram and from th* bottom of my While the members of the family What Will W« D* AW* It? recognise the transfer an tin important gain. 1 to*! aBf the time to go through tk* t-H heart we say thanks a mllltaa, be- wer* all at the froat of the hew* Mia*** Ruth, Ethel and Elsl* building. I think you will Had it lieve me. AddiMB A. Anaatroaf, it, was Dreyer, J«ssl* apriaavteea. Mar- Tea railroads which carry New Jersey We are well acquainted with the excellent time welt * peat. Fer these lateratU playing alon* ia th* backyard aad garet aad Marie Scott, Oenevleve and Muriel raster, MarJorte Too. commuters to and from work arc back lu work the Salvation Army has done here in ite BM Bank abwtatM. ed in club work In th* eouaty y*u aibosrely your*. he fell into a elstera eoatalnlaf 10 * a^BaMfaaBBWaaaiaBBBBl aBat A^ will flnd entries from ateaawuth feet of water. Dr. Duasakerry, wha SUM, Uaa Schmell sad VtoMte Newark arguing for more money for tbeir the past. With Red Hank nnd nearby Fort w vsa^pajBjaap/sjsj^^^^ ^^ •j^ Mai. Hsary A. Dries C«Mrtjr OHMtal laaMjr, to fM*t"t- county in clothing and foods, Bew- Th* aalvatloa Army, as Uadea pi., lived Beat door, aaw the boy fall CagfaMd, Arthur, Clifford aad War- tickets. A spokesman for Pennsylvania told Monmouth rapidly expanding, such work tag a Kric* at HUH «l a\»ft4a ers, vegetables and forestry. •nd went t* kl« r**ew with the ren Ytuaiaaa, Albert ateetheff, Red Baak. W. J. . aM of ether member* of th* fam- Ralph Jobet, Them** fltagerald. officials of the State Board of Public Utility HM Tatev, saMto wartl— to There is no 4-H livestock SB»w will naturally increase. thl* week at the fair but Ulta ily. Th* boy sal and a a*v*r* ease Walter Englaad, Paul Belllnsea, aaafMaUmD. •f (heck aad oaty through the Commissioners and the Interstate Com- In offering Maj. and Mrs. Dries a hearty ainM th« auorUktlon of eommua- Robacker of Belmar and Laace O**ra* Stevia* and Raynwad B«s* Martin of Freehold are both taalag DMT. OF PUBLIC EDUCATION culek aetloa *f Dr. Deataberry a*tt merce commission a hike is vital because it welcome here, perhaps we could beat ex- ity water «upPll«i Srat wai started was a fatal aecldeat prevented. in IMS, beneBU In reducing the some their 4-H animal* t* compete Red Baak, N. J. Mra. Amy Bhlaa, Red Bank her* costs twice aa much lu carry a commuter press our wlnlivs by farrowing the Hume r»t« of tooth •*• at Phalr ef Atlantic Hlghlaad* wu businessmen", merchants and other inter- ready been Judged excellent in their returned to aeeboyvill* aad wa* high millions of dollars, a 2>i per cent on* part to 1,000,000 parts water, appreciation for l»ur MadaMS and Slad to h* hack la this **etlea. H* «eh*dttl*d ta toko pUe* th* folhrw* ested parties upward of (1,000, and has however, I* much too small even county fair. The vegetable cht* •o-opsratloa. **ur newspaper tag meath at at Agaea church at tetnra looks pretty good. member* are limited to three en- •aid that th* Wist wa* far behind U be considered within th* toxle Hew Jirtey In Btaay rupisi*. AUaatl* HigbUDd*. attracted as many as 5,000 participants Mage. Other wster treatment tries each and they can only eater Railroads seem to ignore that they ex- fEwVVABU Frlende of Mrs. Aaher Crawford and spectator*. chemical* also could be classified th* same classes that they exhibit- —namely, "Nearly Everybody Read* . A toH match for MS was ached* ist aa a public service, not to he served by M polsonoua and they have been ed in their county fair. In ether th* BulUtm." It seem* to me that uled to be played at the Red Bank paid a surprise visit to her bom* Because of the great number of cele- used for almost 80 years without word*, if they did not enter to- th* alogan la applieablo to yourpa- •elf links between O. Lawaon, th* at Colt'* Neck oa th* occasion of the public. We feel commuters would glad- matoes In the eounty fair they can Sea Brl»ht professional, and M. her birthday. Th* aurpriMr* wer* III effects. Table salt and baking per. It should read1, "Everybody ly pay more to ride on modern, safe, clean brants and spectator* attending thin event, sod* are poisonous, too, If taken not enter them In the state fair, Reads Th* Register." Naughtoa, th* aagaarer* profao- Mra Susan Crawford, Mrs. Ray thia year's carnival will be held at the high In quantity. regardlea* of how good they might V*rjr cordially your*. •lenal free* lab* Oeorge, Irwin aad Mr*. Harvey Willl* ef trains that ran on schedule. But they right- be. It U the same for th* club M. Gregg HIM* Mr. aad Mr*. John R. Conovor Mltdlotowa towaahlp, and Mr. aad school athletic field on Bergen pi. instead Mo taste M ado* CM be detected member* raising flower*, eaeett Mra. Joaqula Uwreae* aad Frank fully object to the outmoded service forced In water treated with fluoride. of tiaeroft entertained a company of at the Chestnut st. armory as has been that there is no limit on their to- of relative* aad frtoata at a water* Crawford of Celt'* Keck. upon them, at always rising etpenae. Still, There ha* been ao avidence that tal number of entries, a* la th* fluoridated water has any effect on BMIOB party. Oaeat* inehtded Mr*. Mr. aad Mra, John a Swaa of these objections are not loud enough. The the custom the patt three years. vegetable*. M. Baaaett aad Mia* JOBBK MCKM* Atlantic Hlghlaad* w*r* aa a trip product! of bakerle*, breweries, si* of New York, Mr*. Rayaor of to Buffalo, Chicago and DMM«IBW. railroads are standing together. They may This year'a chairman is Bay E. Taylor, •oft drink plants and dairies. •MOW MOMABOCT I thin* you will agree after read- MVBBJUflBMT Long Island, Mr. aad Mr*. R. W. Mr. aad Mra. Louhi Bolfel moved executive vice president of the Chamber Fear* of tome that fluoridated ing the above requirement* that Wood, Mr. aad Mr*. H. U Siawn- from SJatoatowB to a hotta* at Us- get what they want The public appears water might harm their lawns, Want to extend your reading or of Commerce. We hope that sufficient fi- vlslton to the 4-H building at tk* sen and Mr. and Mr*. H, B. Maae* croft purchased a short tlm* prov- apathetic and weak. ' flower* and potted plant*, or kill •tate (tir have th* opportunity to study la tk* fleld of government? ot BUtea Ulaad aad Mr. tad Mr*. tosaly from Bdwart Pentea. nances and working assistance will be forth- their goldfish proved groundless. •e* th* best of th* 4-H production A Itatiag of publications ha* Just W. H. Thompeea and daughter*, An Informed source repotted to as that been Uvued whlck disclose* « wide Noraua Sickles aad Jooiph coning to make this the most successful Argument* agalnit the fluorlda- la Mew Jersey for M6t. Aa I bav* Mr*. Dora Mulr *a« Mr*. Oathtrla* Brewer of SeobeyvUI* WON vaea- •nly a few of the 56 mnniclpality-membt tlon of publle water supplle* are mentioned oa osverai occasion*, th* variety of avallabl* auUrtal oa O*a*v*r of Uaorafi government, It* adatlalatrattoa aad tlealap; at D*Uwar* Wat*r O*p. Halloween celebration to date. the tans one* that were ratted •tate 4-H dairy show I* held at CerUes Prte* at Oceupait tat ef the Jersey Shore Protective committee Flemlngton fair and th* state baby aaaac*. Th* bibliography was pre- Bterllag Moplna, wha hat aotm against putting chlorine in water pared especially for th* us* of Maw hi* foot as a pile* of broken |UM •mploytd aa th* railroad oam- area bothered to pay their 1981 does. The to purity It—that It would be dan- beef show I* held in December. So white pulUat a Mini la th* South 1 no 4-H livestock U oa exhibit thl* J*ia*y taxpayers and most of th* •any * pier at Atlantic Hlihlaada, committee was formed to protect ahore com- That Millionth Death gerous and produce harmful 'effects. publications apply *a*ciaeally to Shrewsbury rhwr at Pisuur* Bay. Mok a poaltloa with th* Radio Car- Th* MM argument* were wed week la Trenton. H* last a eaaiMerabl* aawmt at ptrmUoaot Aaurtoa at Now York. muters against unfair fare lncreaaea. Daea th* varlou* level* of government In The government has just announced that against ua» of Iodine In table salt thl* state. Mood aad Dr. B. W. Orator had 8. Vhieeat Wllll* aad Frank in the goiter belt and against vac- aorap Drive pay lawyers' bills and nuance essential in- sometime about Labor day the 1,000,000th to b* oalIN to trot* th* tajuret Diwejr of Rhr*r Plaaa fanaet a cinations to prevent smallpox. Aid for th* nation's rearmameat For information oa what's new partaoiaMp lr> th* rial Mteto aad Testlgatlons. The same source said that service awn to die in combat for the United Theto arguments were answered program *nd th* railing of fund* In th* fleht of municipal govern- ment, for example, "Optional Mu- Rufut aa tt P*HH M*a*a- laturaae* buiin*as. when a similar rate case waa heard, only la the ease of fluorldatlon when to complete th* *Ute 4-H camp mouth waa w*lkl«g with hki bt- Orouad wa* hrokm at Rumsoa States fell on a Korean battlefield. That benefit* In cutting the decay rate are the Joint objective* of a farm nicipal Charter Law*," pubUahcd k two commutera responded to a call for wit- St tk* M*w Jersey Commission on cycle a* hla way hot** from Ooatg* for a H0,000 horn* for Mr. aad meant that since the first shot of the Revo- among children—and no ill effects •crap metal collection drive to b* Hswy* at atelMrdl whm h* wa* Mra. Robert Ollohrlit IIMey, who launched In New Jersey and her* unlclpal Government at Prince- Besses to argue their own case against the lutionary war one million Americana have —ware reported In each community ton, give* "ohaptw aad »er*sH oa ran Into by a rig drive* by aa weri warrled a thort tlaw pr*v- which adopted the practice. In Monmouth eouaty during Octo- unknown party. Hla wh**l waa loaHy. Whit* Bras, ot Red Baak railroads. Why? ber. th* forma of govsrnmsnt avallabl* died in war. And there have been a lot of Opposition to fluorldatlon on the to eur municipalities under recent wrecked eompliUrr aad Mr. East- wer* «*n*trucUng th* dwelling on We have heard a lot of commuters growl wan and some very fierce battles to claim grounds that It Is a form of BIN Th* farm bureau I* sending oat legislation. Or, for a "Who'a who" awad auilbiod b*ad aaa lav la* the property wh*ro Mr*. Ilbday** medication has been voiced by some an appeal to all farmer* to collect la atat* government, th* Depart* Juries. • mother had a *umm*r tesldeae* aad storm against ticket Increases. Why that toll. groups, but no medical treatment I* and pile the scrap metal on their ment of atat* at Trenton aaauaUy Thomas Wmltlag, oaa of Belford'* kaowa aa "Brlarwocd." farm*. The 4H- elub member* will does almost everyone leave It to "the other At the same time, the National Safety Involved, Fluorides are naturally publishes a Itetlng of. all major bsat-knowa •portonttB, ottlBMttd Ml*a XaUMria* WlUett if Atlaa- present In many water supplies and conduct survey* to locate available N*w Jersey state officers, county that during the asjawwr h* had U« HlgbUnd* took a poslUon with fella" to do a Job or carry the load? The council announced that sometime late thia fluorldatlon does . nothing more •crap In their communities, after officer*, legislators and judges. A walked aaere than MMt mile* In which farm bureau members, with th* County On* company to *uc- municipalities might well wonder bow long year or early next, the 1,000,000th Ameri- than bring the fluoride content to summary of tb* organisation* and •eareh of gam*. Mr. Walling waa ceed Ml** Mildred Herbert, whe a level where it helps prevent tooth the help of 4-H'sra, will haul It to function* of th* executlv* branch almost 80 year* eld aad unusually took employment la the law ofllce a constant parade of fare Increases can go can motorist will be killed on the highways decay. Fluorldatlon doe* not treat designated *pot* In th* eounty. of state government. Just pttbllabed aetlv* for hi* «gi. 1 of William B. FMtsr. oa before they'll losing residents and of this nation. Most of those deaths or reduce decay already niatlng Th* fund-raising campaign for by Rutgers University * Bureau of Henry F. Peas*, waa had been in teeth. the state 4-H camp U still about J*aa P. Lavlgn* wa* onlarglng taxpayers. Our merchants, too, might real- Government Research, I* another Uutraeur of drawing aad auaual aat remodeling hi* hows between were wholly needless, the result of sheer There la no danger to water U0.00O short of It* goal. Construc- addition to th* expanding library training at th* Rod Bank public Tlatoa Pall* aad Seobeyvllli at aa ise that the local spending of commuters' carelessness. works operatora who handle fluor- tion wu completed sufficiently to on government la New Jersey. •chool, reslgaed to aeotpt a posi- intimated cost of $JS,O0fc ides. Dust respirator* and rubber enable successful operation of the tion In th* Nnrtrk school aystem. Howard Wagnar of Holmdei pur- earnings represent much of their income Imagine, traffic has killed almoet as flovei are provided for them and camp thia summer, but the balance Th* approximately 100 publica- of the money I* urgently needed tion* (Uted Include those of gov- Mr. aad Mr*. Jacob DegMriag chaMd Mr*. Criorg* T. Jonei' house and profit Our beautiful ahore area Is be- many Americans as war. We shout of the they take other precaution* In ernment and private agencies. of Front at, accompanied by their at that place and he planned to handling the chemical. to pay for current construction and daughter*, Mrs. U d* la R*ua*ID* ntlr* from aetlv* fanning In th* coming more unattractive aa a Lomesite for horrors of war. We spend billions on de- to provide additional buildings They ordinarily are avallabl* la th* Resolutions endorsing fluorldatlon necessary for the expanded camp- New Jersey State library and other and Mr*. Samuel Coggini, and Har- fan. the out-of-town worker. But who is doing fense and spend the years trying desperate- have been adopted by the American public libraries. Maay may be ob- ry Smock of Rod Baak w*r« spend- Rlnaldo L*v*roB* of Monmouth Dental association, the U. S. Public Ing planned for next season. ing » week la Upper New York anything about it? What will we do ly how to figure out ways to preserve peace. tained through the Usuing agency. at. waa atruck aad klUed by an Health Service, State and Territor- Th* New Jersey Taxpayer* aseo- •tote. autoawbU* drivm by a Keyport about It? Yet we blindly go on, driving like fools, ial Dental Health Directors, the Can Get Loans to Harry Traax of Long Braach, ruldiat, Th* aiildiat oeeurred on governing council of the American olatloa 1UU ten recsnt publications. wasting life wantonly as though it didn't House Farm Labor Avallabl* without charge on ap- who bad bora *mploy*f aa a re- tk* sUto highway ia Mld«l*town Public Health association, the plication to th* organisation's head- porter on Th* Register, loft to township, opposite Thomai CHITs Must the Bembe Fall First? matter. Somebody, nays the National Safety American Water Works associa- TBBNTON—The Farmer* Horn* quarters (148 Bast State it) In take a radio course at Ifew York fana wall* Mr. Leveroni wa* tion of Publle Health Dentists and Administration It in a position to Trenton are "Understanding the university. •tandlng behind a truck which had council, is going to be the l,0O0,O0Oth many state and local dental socle- help New Jersey farmers who art Jutt been loaded with praduc*. Whatever happened to Civil Defense? tie.. County Budget," "lUt* Aid to Lo- Garrett Ackerwn of Weit Xed American to die in a traffic crash witui'i having difficulty In providing suit- cal School District* In New Jer- Bank returned home after »pend- Hamilton B. Price of tb* Red Certainly, lasting peace seems no nearer the next several months. Will it be you? able hotwlng tor their farm labor, sey," "They're Your Dollar*" (a lag n daya la Long Branch hos- Bank real estate company slipped than it was a year ago. And war ia Just aa Tomato Packing Season according to Chester 3. Tyson, Jr., program to encourage a compre- pital a* a result of breaking hla aad foil whlls walking down th* •tat* director. hensive atudy of Federal grants- arm In a fall from a wagon. stain In th* oM Second Matlonal dangerous. Yet, more than a year after the Closing in New Jersey Tyson pointed out that recent ln-*ld to stats and local govern- Charles K. Straua of Red Baak bank building. He suffered a head big emergency grew hot, Governor Alfred Open a Way for Sight farm labor survey conducted by ment). "Principle* and Practices and a group of friend* left tor a wound whleh required TRENTON — The 1951 tomato the State and County Farm Mob- Regarding Tax Exsmptlons in New w**k'« trip to Buffalo, Niagara E. Driscoll said in Trenton the other day packing season is coming to a close A gang* and two can wer* de- Once again we'd like to ask the co-oper- ilisation Committees indicated that Jersey," "The Opportunity to Col- Fall* and Montreal. stroyed by flr* of unknown origin in South and Central Jersey a* lack of satisfactory houaing for lect stom* Bad Accounts1' (a dls- this state needs at least 100,000 more Civil ation both of municipalities and their resi- packing plant* wind up their oper- John W. Stout, Sr., of Red Baak on Amlel Orauert'* property oa farm labor Is a serious problem cuisldh of procedures for disposing planned to erect a large all-year- Riverrtd* dr., near Looust Point Defense recruits. He said it now ha« 177,000 ations about a week earlier than of municipal tax title lien* under dents to reduce the number of "blind inter- usual, according to the Stato De in practically all counties. round hotel on the plot of ground Mrs. Ella T. Wyckoff of New of them. The governor held a joint press "The Housing Act of 1M9 auth- New Jersey's rent tax foreclosure on the river bank at Union st. sections" to reduce motor vehicle danger!*. partment of Agriculture. Several act), "An Analysis of New Jersey's Monmouth, widow of Charles A, canneries concluded their pack orizes the Farmers Home Adminis- The family of Levl B. Van Nest, Wyckoff, died at Long Branch hos- conference with Maj. Gen. Frederic H. A "blind intersection"' is a crossroad, or a tration to make loans to construct, M51-1SB3 Appropriation* Bill" and ten daya ago, while others are. clos- a study of "Enrollment In New Jr., of Oceanic had a harrow es- pital after a tenghly Illness, She Smith, Jr., commanding general of the ing thin week, The remainder will Improve or alter farm houses for cape from asphlxlatlon when h* wa* 64 year* old and had lived sideroud, or a driveway at which drivers the owner, tenant or laborer," Ty- Jersey's Public Schools." Eastern Air Defense command. Gen. Smith continue to operate until early Oc awakened during th* night and de- In thl* area for mor* than 90 years. operating vehicles in the vui'ioim divuctlotm tober. non said, "The amount of th* Inn tected a strong odor of gas. Th* Beeldea her parents, Mr. and Mr*. is limited only to the need, ths Th* association lists other publi- aaid adequate civil defense is needed "be- cannot always see "the other fellow." Un- The crop thia year la of excep- cations, tho free circulation of family wa* awakened befor* any- Charle* Tlndall of New Montnouth, ability of the borrower to r*pay which la restricted to member*. one suffered any III effects. ahe was also survived by a brother cause the military is unable to plug all the dipped vegetation, NigiiH and other obstruc- tional quality and the yields have and the equity in the farm," been excellent because In most In- These Include: "County Finance*— Oarrett Smith, who lived between Howard of Tinton rail* and a sis- gap* • • • and that means some of the tions at such intersectioim increase the stances the favorable weather per- The FHA director explained that a Fiscal Background For th* Study Belford and Nsw Monmouth, wu ter, MM. Charles J. Irwin of Craw- bombers will get through." The governor mitted the entire set to ripen. eligibility for such loans Is limited of County Government in New Jer- working on an extension which he ford's Corner. hatard of avcidentw. Ho docs the parking to farmers who are unable to ob- sey"; the eighth annual edition of wa* building to hla house, whin The member* of the Holnidel and general were talking about bombers, About 31 plants packed tomatoes tain their needed financing at "Financial Statistic* of New Jer- he fell to the ground and broke hi* haaebnil team who celebrated tho of vehicles too nonr the corner. Motorists and tomato products this season, 14 reasonable terms elsewhere, Loam enemy bombers, that may come over and sey Municipalities"; "Practical Aids wrist end of the season with a dinner at cannot ulwavs be careful if they ain't sec of. the larger concerns buying under are aecured by a mortgage. It Is to Improved Property Assessing In John Wyckoff cf Oceanic pur- Soldier's beach were James Mahor, drop some bombs, maybe atomic bombs. Yet federal-state Inspection, Some of possible to take a second mortgage, New Jersey.' chased a mattress at n constable's John KellV, John Jeffrey, Harold where they're going. Anything removed Iho canneries will continue during it necemary. . how many indlvidnflWciticcns know what •ale held at the hot*) at that place, Holmoa, John Brady, Edward Hey* from the intersect ion widens the view ami the coming months to pack' such Tyaon said that Farmers Horn* Mexlco~City 1* sinking Into the and In loading It on a wagon a an Wtlford Mllllln, Harry Crlne, to do If that happen*? How many really reduces the Oiniffi'i'. Where oliHlnirtloiis full cropn as cranbeirlcu, aplnach, Administration loans are mad* ancient lake bid on which It was roll of bills totaling H00 droppsd Joseph Phillips, Leo Warnock, bother to think about it? Wlmt will it tuk'u beets, sweet potAtom and squaxh, through the nine FHA offices In built and sanitary engineer* hnve out of It,, Mr. Lovoll. who had been Harold Stokes' Schanck, Jay Hino- exist, let's HVU it they can't lie. IVMIMCU no OtlieiH will uperuU on tomato the state. Locution of these ofltces warned that the flow of Its lewer conducting the Inn for many yoars, way, Matthew Mullln, Jr., Peter to wake .tiietu up? A-bomb? we can see, ketchup and soup,' using tomato can be aupplled by the agrlcuitur* system will be reversed If it con- could not account for the presence Maher, frank Kelly, William Led- Pulp, t la lack eouaty, - tlauia to Uak. of th* money In th* nutria*, dy and Ralph Mahor. JtffP PAMK HWW§TWI> MSPWCTfPMI fff MM

Ured at tha Treatea Prlasa waro wo* by Mra. Arthur tha a-H club. Taraer. Batty Aaa Hohwr, Robert Riutfofi Wonan'f Blsaard Dautv aaa Mr. aad Mas. Uayd Maaaa af Luaa, htra- Bsaawy BtilwaU. Sr., -_ - •^^^^^^p™a*> BB^a^a^avaj* avv^aat Mr. aad) Mta. Harry P**', « itarta» V- T., vwlted Moa4* m Mr. aad MM B. Dsxwhw Brandt htaUd hia arat birthday Tvaaaar. the aai Paa Howard. Aaathar daaea ia Club HM Party ------< tha raaUly PAIR HAVEN - Clathas sar the « af tha Phlladet- Mrs. Harry PMahar baa ratnraa< Uoctofl "career gal" aad far those at Tha a-H cl»b will SMH at th* ahia Mawy yard aaaat tha week- were featured la the fashlea shear b«*M from nthla baasMal, wXtra end with b<* nerenti, Mr. and Mra. aha waa a tmtfUU patlaat. Bra hauaa Mat Tittadsy night. by Town and Country Meaabara ahauld awaaa pnaarad ta Bdward Boylaa. day night at Willowhtaak. Tha Tha Sawara »lacad at taa church Oail Aaabla, daaahtar af Mrs. asrrica af th* Fadaratad chvrch aiga ua far thaw ataHaet* far th* eveat, sponsored by r*ar. ana Aaahto, la at hasjo aad ia Woman's club, waa tallowed by •uadty wara alacad taara by Mra. greatly Improved from • roeaat Harry Pttchar aad Rahart U*- A rally day aarviaa) wti ha haM ,a*r* , ErWNCTUMlf O.CMROhK-aiMiHEO If.* ployad at Schult*-UnlUd daaart- mant star*, Red Bank, A graduate of lulllgent high leheol, P. P. C. ASPHttiW Wf TCN Poanlngtoa Is atoUaaad at V MoaaMuth. CENTRAL fil N» date ha* haaa sat far tha wad- ding.

imm&im OrMV0MQENfill« I TOOTH' HEATING EPSOM SM.T.I0I 2402PINT$40I* H-rino?'



VACUUMBOTTli WITH VI PINT VMUUMtoTTu RE&21S 169 C0I10H rtt SOL *• •)*• PVJ|% IPrwv hrl WwnV*r«v1l aJPJwl HOv O^rOff* h mm «f *• mot mmm

aaa*dMaah3ha*wa*a fwwWwT n pfS|Mfiy wpwajMt Scott Marthall, 8. of 147 Franklin Street, Boom* field, ta thoroughly faid- " * nated as Bdward Oarlock, telephone repairman, adjusts the family telephone. It's rare that you need a telephona repairman, for constant checking and testing discovers and corrects rnoit trouble before it affects your service. •101WW But when your telephone is out of order, it's usually so-nsiiK CK SELECTION back at work in less than 3 hours. ' "* Bfautifvl srylee fRsertly NIW JIRSIY ftlLL shaped. Fine finisnsth Corner Broad and White Sts. TILIPHONI COMPANY Phont R«d lank 6-0353 Iff, lift

TELEVISION Conference HeU " Justices to See RADIO ft APPLIANCE Concerning Girl Juvenile Panels i rREEHOLft—taviUtiaaa have Home Owners SALES'SERVICE IIS •'. Bed ; d-lHI beea seat ta MM peraoat ta attaad faLg) siaafaamsBS dataftgrsaB daaW Mstaattf •daLblA SSIBBSBI BMagataaV naawvm^BAfW iasBBaaVjaaaTsBaa Inwfla! gamA Scout Camp ta* Meaaaouth Oauaty Juvenile • ••HgF ^••••w WOW*W ^" jiPJW nmapawvmj awa«V y*w •JsWWmmwtjfw^ •^•W^Wp* ™m *J"V VV Al Regain "•"• ** Conference committee demo—tra- few. Make rapatrt ***••• rfcay ar* ttii mlaaf rtfMlrt aatj yaxt'l *•«• Premiiai PIMM CmmmlHt4 tmr tiaa program at lea dirt inn Oct. MATERNITY I, under apeeeorihip af tha hawd jl i« tlw laaaj ma. Cat w» far raaain af al hiatJt , . . gayaHly AWUMI FIMMM of freeholder*. who It serving in Korea with * of the 11 conference commit tea*; vironment (or girlt, which can a*Marina Corps anti-tank team in Commitaioaer Sanford Bate* af tha secured through edaajmte weaVal tlw tint divtaloa. Itata Department ef tntiterltaa I care, wbolteom* feat Mki • Ml* end Ageaclea; Rear* BtMe*, araai- : water supply. dtat of tba hoard of control ef that I Pl»m are helng eempl*t*B IK tha Crop Infurance department; Attorney General The- annual atrl feaut taaace drive I* odore D. Par ten*; Dr. T- Lavell a a a Vt-ttftl*ll ! October. Although the orga*l*w> Biaby, in charge of all atat* cor- MMMVtlwIOM* met IW1 MetM lion haa grown eaatidarahly dwt* Offered in Count? rectional Institutions tnd all au- -OVItHIAOVItHIAOO DO DOMM mmtUtfUf aety H eg*eg*** cm cm** ibwibw.. ing the Itit few yean, report* perintendentt of thoie Institutions. mBCHOLD — Federal crop In- djma ajivv ywH % v*ajaj ajBnpxwTB, ajaj ^ •e Mr*; fat «•* *M «#* *«MfMll» WmJfJ f ** am, show there are (till glrla wh« wajit Nranat aa whaat, barley, potatou, Alto Norman •chwartkopf, ad- ••tak i^^ €AAAI# *—~ •___u _ - _____t__v "•e»lt* flPFWy ^••1 f»f MPVJ1 pt P^IW to Join but cannot became leaden) aurtiiant. aweat cam, anap bean* ministrative assistant ta Mr, Par- have ts be trained hefort they and Held earn, la new being offered con* In the department of lav and can take • trtop. to Manatauth county groweri for public safety; Charles M. Bchaetel, Any money contributed I* eted Ik* MM creeping; aaaeon. Stanley superintendent of state police; Wil- OVERHEAD DOOR PRODUCTS CORP. M. Orr af freehold, chairman of 25 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE locally. The enly money aent ta> lard O. Woelper, adminttrative di- the national orgaaiiattea la the || tha MtamtNtk County P. M. A.rector of .atate court, Monmouth Easy Monthly Payments I SHREWSBURY AVE. RE MM RED RANK registration ptld by *aeh girl aad CatamHtat announces that hla county legislators, freeholder! and adult regiatered In g«evMa|< attlea, la ea-aperatlon with aevaral cditort of many state daily and - TARS YIAW TO PAY - toeal agaata, ia algnlng contract* weekly newspapers, as well as edi- wltk grawart for thie Inaurmce tors of two flftr York newspaper*. Lutheran Church whkh aratacta the producer Members of the Aibury Park agalatt tat rleka which mm can-and Long Branch juvenile confer- Marks Birthday aat **atr*l. ence committees will enaet actual Attic Convenient Carrier KEYPORT-OatattMa* Lath** Premlnmt paid far thi* type af committee hearing* from their Mat. an ehureh celebrated It* *Hh aaal- lawraaaa, according to Mr. Orr, County Judges John C, Giordano vertary Tuttday eight at a beeawet will aetamalata only to pay loaeea and J. Edward Knight will wel- . In tha Masonic tempi*. Tht dlaaer, la oaaa mlitartunai ariw. The ad- come the fueita. Wayne D. McMur- Greatett Name In Air Conditioning ! prepared by tht Ladltl' Aid aatlaty, mlnlatrative eotte of the program ray, editor of th* Aibury Park •!*«• «itr« I|MM h It km y«yr «Mit was aerved by memberi af Ik* Lath- are pravUtd by tha government. Preaj, will be toattmatter. NOW OFFERS cr league. A faverablo feaa experience that vtf!••• Wt r# ^ftfifN t# ttftvon If Principal tptaker wet Rev. tail ratultt la aa aecum If-Jg- tral Conference of the New Jtrety rtdactlaa la tha eott of protaetlon The BUIIMOJ and Profaatloaat • lMlvejie)ffflffV •pwfnttwWT • • • fr nffw the famoui and dependable Weather maker synod and patter ef at Kara'* afttr due alwwaaea la made for tha Woman'* elub af Red Bank aad rwamt. Call NmltrW IM*) • rtprg* | Lutheran ehureh, Treaton. Ha we* rtatnr* ta cover foreeeabU eataa- junior and *enlor haKettea af tha i introduced by John Burfalnd. teat* traphlat. Mr. Orr pointa out that Long Branch V. 8. O. ara tponaor- t«ntatlv« to ydHrf RMM t« qto» y*« ***> PLUS matter. Motion pleturta takea lea tha federal ersp> Iniurtnce ii, a fashion show and entertain- I year* ago it tht groutd-hreeklag, aver, a bwlatts arapoaltloii, It It ment at tha Fort Monmouth Itrv* Bttta wttdtli tat] • fraa aitim«tf« GM Fired Furmec in One Unit cornentone laying aad dedication aot dealfa*d to give farmeri eorru- Ice club Thursday, Oct. K, Praeatdi ceremonial af tht present edUtaa at talag far aothlnc, and neither Ii will go toward tha coat of ettab- • Efficient • Economieal * Spare Sating Maple pi. and Mala at were ehewa. H an «p for tha farmer who wantt lUhlng a n«w V. s. O. bathing pa- tarn* euahton whan ha feels ture vilion at Long Branch, one of tha IVHY JOi INSUMD" Music at tht dinner WL_ W PHONE RED RANK 6-3154 TODAY by sn entembla campoted ef Pawl that he ia going to have bad luck. projects to be undertaken this year Kahlthau, planUt and rteetdlag Tha •oatlbflltjr or adding ether by the Butlnes* ajid Professional MDIKQ artut; John H. Smith, eoatie-eatt roaa ta tha maurahle Hit will be Women'a elub. BOOM AOMIIOKS NOEL It NILSON violinist, and Miriam Htrtlry, Mat- atr*Bgthaat4, If and when enough raahlon* wilt k* ahowa hy LI* EXTBiniONI awan, violinist. Other tettrtala- attal* |a Monmouth county take Ambrose of Bed Sank and Spring watamvum mtnt ftaturtt war* Htary Kttteat ap tkla aragtam on tha eropa now Lake and fun by Winters of Red EXPAJfitON ATTKI MAIOiniT 468 BROAD ST. RED BANK and hi* mwletl aaw; Araotd Bthea, afltrai ta Juetlfy extending- the Bank. Mrs. Ella Wiltihlre Dlgfle it PIOOB * WALL TfUNO • gfEATlWO ELECTBICAI. WOM Jeetacroet Broad M. BaHraad Cretttaf baritone aololat. aad Mlat DtHa •avarage. DatalU about the pro-general chairman of the event. Maria Saul aad Mlat ghlrit* ' " gram art ahttlnablt «t the county wig, dancer*. Catherine Onellette Of HtffhUtKU HtOHLANDa — Mr. and Mia. Tlonmouth fonstruction Co 1 Koehler at H Iprlng at. Alexander Ouellette of Miller at. , waa taad Its Monday morning by announce the engagement of their Magtttnto Jahn V. Crowell on adaughter. Mia* Catharine Ouellette dlatrdarly conduct charge. Koch- to Francis Joseph Devlin. Jr, of »f» «M amated Saturday night at Boston, Mite. tht OMM tar. But front *t., where Mis* Ouelletto waa graduated Caaalr tfraselft Court •mtk, tbla dtp aiadrea tie atplleatlea Sated Freekeld, M. t., gept. It, Hit. a* allegedly had a fight with (Jeorgt Metlte t» Cndltert M fttitat ClalaM af tat «utd«nig«Mi, Mtbel Mtlatt. •»»• MAKI. miatu 1 from Had Bank Catholic high vivim exMMria tftkt ctttt* ef Martka WtlM. Tht arreit wai made by school. Mr. Devlin attended tchoolt Aftlatt Ittttt. A, Coleatn, deetaetd. aotlee la kenki f Cedei Ttrrtcc. Uviatitta. M. $. I Patrolman Edward Brookt who in Boston, «nd u now In the Army, In tke Matter nf the CittM *f Martha aivt* t» the fniiun et Mid dieeaied A, Ceiemaa. tftnui. te tni*nt t* tkt tald eue«lrl« at efire- I algnad tht towpltlnt after Mr. ttatlontd at Camp Wood, Eaton- tald, thrir elalaii •»d«r aatk, wltkla lia I Welt* refuted t* maka charge*. town. •Mtkt tieai tbli date.

W% magic... Mew/, etfe^irttmg BerJormaiwe. Vowr hoe* olmtwhed perform w»wt»e*m* SKILLED HANDS Mm sMgM of hami.» eatiry doe* your Mercury gel MM* vanMt before your eye* at Mereury '—*- lh«n.Aj»dr^tr«op€«W«rrwfly,o«dom and your child's feet aJhoppwaring ocH Anymins up our Maovat You MM M-«n eMtonhhinfl lew price tog I STRIDE-RIW iBoe«;fj« nude 'to {nforlde tha'ooinfoitr

n.m't mill the bis television hit. "TOAIT OF rilE TOWN." with Gd Sullivan. Sunday ev». bear. That meant he needs STRIDRRrrESTtad mm, I ti I p, ai, Stttien WCli, Gkaaatl S. our. skillin fltting them.'Bring liun'in' r WM wwwmr iMrt ctady taamoradl *e*aai»f NMN. saassef *ianty«iavliif aJtaandawmys. rRIDE RITE oTMftyToneVO'MeHt SHOE drtvaara apHwol at «nr* am. IHara't oka 2-WAV Prlead from 4.IO |0 g.tS According fe Sita "TEST BEST DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED PROVES IHEROIRY fte */•* ypcp you* umt ENGLISH MOTORS SHOE CO. 34-36 Maple Avenue Phone II 6-4345 led lank, New Jersey 18 BUOAD STREET RED BANK OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS IIWP wMkWWkwwntMf tVBwmww W; QWUTT Red Rank Wrauui Compiles History Young Vegetable h Of Sea Bright Daring Part M Yearn Growen Seebng CBANE TIM —iplllag ef M aad r*a vkar* (ha at*aa yet thorough. ha»t*ry «f fM Bright MOW araeud. National Awanb Expert tea h**a a tuk to which Mr*. Tha baak alaaa »r«»*at* aMttat- Chant* V. Seyopshir* *f MS H«d- •f-fact hMary. it alaa rtiaat* ta Fiai.lila.anrB Trk# e«e, lUd Beak kM «tvw variad way* tha chaatMa t tha rary ink far tha seat ai tiaM*. For Mch da**4* thara ar* yean. iUnatrati*M *f th* f**M*a* af tha ANTHONY'S The prelect, vhleh Mrt. Shrop- aad ia aaa aartlaaiar alaa*, Far Jr. shire deoerlbe* M • Habby, end Chrlttm** cards, th* hawk afar* a ft MA*J AVINUf MO IANK ft.1041 which tha eeuplM with htr ether •a af th* chaafiRf taatc* lUaar Paraiaa Waadca, Jnha J. hobbies of music M« serapbeeli •tyle* ia Chrlttmaa carda aver O'Briaa aad William O O'Britn, making, ha* reeulted is th« ferasa- thoaa a» yaara. all af BaflMitawa, ara th* Mon- tloa, ewr the** jrMri, of *a* «f a>*Mth aaaatr taadidat** f*r the tha m**t complete privately-eawed aatiaaal |MalW vafatabla growing fikCf tlklftd* 0 I record* a( a tetra. A. an ekaagia«*aciac •*•'•i' Mn. Sfcrepehlr*. at, edtheugB. • eustoai*, Mrs. Shropshire baa aa Tha aampaUtUa la tha llth an- resides* at IU4 Beak tor U years, editorial fro* aa early Baa Bright aual pradaetlaa-aMrkating contest Who It', Smart To Be A Fall Gay was before that time almost • paper—th* Sea Bright Beatiael. a* of the Natleaal Juaiar Vegetable Theae buliny fall d.i\* aiv inaili' to order for outdoor flitiiftH. Hejiair that lifetime T«ii4»4 «f ••• Brifht, laager in existence—whiea, aairror- Orewera aasaciatkra, which will be wher* h«r hutlMBt, the tat* Char- tha Methodist aentlaaeiit of the •llmas*t la December with |6,ooo aplit aiding before m out for keep*. baroufh'a Irtt MMyar*. and card playing. Either af th*** vided by tha A4M* feod stores going Her vaat at*r* 1 hiaUrical aw- div*r*ioa* at that thae, Mr*. Shrop- to young farm tola throughout the I'aint that garage Xi»W-wliilc the wood in dried out from autumer'a heat, Urial akaut tea Brl«ht i-cln4M shir* declared, w*uld aaeaa espul- country. IVe'H show you ho* to do these odd joi*H (juicklv, properly and at least what ib* bclitvai ta h* tha aaly en from the Metkedlet church. O. E. Wmr, aUta aupervisor of Dhstoirafha aa< 4r»w'«ft still la The editorial *ad* with the etat*- agricultural education at Rutgers lost. Mtop in or cull Monruonth l-iinif>er *'.'>. We make deliveriea anywhere exiatene* af aiaay •( ita aarly laM- meat "shua the Ballroom a* theuaiversHy aad atato K i- V. O. A. mtrki. DacuaMiiU by hittwiaa* *t gate ta all evil." Right neat to Itehalrsnaa, mpjaiaod that the con- that f»tio4 4ucrib* th* ariffiaal she baa pasted a aewaaaper item teat la aa eduaatieaal program "de- Toxoco tooting •tttlaacnt of th* ana, th*« calM which appeared it yeara later. It atgaed ta taacb farm youth enrell- Nauveo, ud lilt aa it* ftr*t **ttl*ra urgea the public te attead a dance ad la th* program th* a»**t mod- Nr TrtfjH Mui Ctntrvto Cat M lit* Electrical AppllMMM »f All Kindt Repaired. tha family nan** *f W«*l*y, Wa*l- In the Methedtet ehureh hall, *p*a- ern aad prafltabl* method* of cett, ailc* *n« Smith «uri«i th* nred by church organisation*. grawlaa aad attracting vege- •rat half af th* llth caatury. Parts and Servie* for AU Make* RasUoa, Waehers, Among the huadrsda af phot*- tobl**." "Tha champion", he added, VaeuHMs, Kongee aad Refri§*raU»re. ThtM familit* w*r* latar joiiui graphs arc thos* of the Srst auto- wina aatleaal acclaim a* a farm Monmouth Lumber Co. by aueh *th«r l*M-c*tabti*h*d mobiles to come te Sea Bright, Its youth leader aa well aa the 1500 Moamouth eouaty faailliaa a* th*Srst bridges, its tret T. M. C. A.•rat arias.'' Mara.than SB other 79 CENTRAL AVENUE RED BANK, N. h Mlnufht, W*iti, Lackwoodi, Vaa- group, with Jam.. MeCala aad Mr. awarde ara made aa a regional Brunti aa4 Blocum*. Jshn Mlf Shropshire a. its leadera, and bath- asetloaal aad state baaia. of Rumton rd. t* th* aaa af Jamct 1 ing scsnss at th. tura af the cen- Winners ara name* after th* R. Mlauch. ana af Ma Bright * tury. record* of growing and marketing flrit Nttlcn. Mrs. Shropshire, wha was Mar- actlvitlea af each eente.tant are «»»ry ried in S*a Bright la IBM, la still atudled by panel, af eiperta made \T UCU HAI1K II I sa active bualne* woman there. up of officiate af the U. 8. Depart- Mn. •hreaahlr*, aiaea th* *(a af She Is a partner, with Mrs. Eleanor ment af Agriculture, college per- HAVE YOUR PLUMBING, HEATING about 20, kapt auch thing, aa *«u E. Alexander and Mrs. Uaulsa sonnel aad ether expert, in the venlr boohlat* >ubliah H* waa tha builder of th* H. Sea Bright'* golden age. mmnale-By-The-aeaand th* Ruther- Ca**ar eetote oa Rurnaaa rd., tha ford Amu. attwr early hotel., ar* W. E. Conner estate a* Oeaaa av*., "lea Bright was one* beautiful; STANDARD recalled. FMed picture, of th* plu* others, and It was ha whatha Mid* af Hew Jersey, th* boast main atreet by her anecdote* and remodeled what I* now th* Seaaf th* aatlaa and th* envy of th* deacrlptlona once again open th* Bright Beach club. He waa th* world," *aa adds, "aad I hope It door* of aueh old bualn*. place* builder of th* former RUBMOB may agala a** those time* again, AWNING CO. aa Irvla and Neabllt, Knapp andCountry dub, a few ysars aga aemehew.* Wait, Oeorg* VaaBrunt'a drug destroyed by fire, and waa tha 61S River Rd. Red Bank 64)696 itor* la tha Cooper building, which builder ef tha Boa Bright Lawa in IMS waa Sea Bright'* nr*t drug T*nnl* association building at CHARLES MOIAUHt, Prap. St». lt>7 •tor*, and acoree of thera. Rumsoa rd, A groat etore of hlatsrieal I Mrs. Shropshire's thr** chlldna. terial h*j already been pawed la Mrs. O. Wendell Uwis af Plain- tha pagaa af Mn. Shropshire1* vol. field, Mr*. Theodora Seymour of ume before the point of Sea Rumton and Mrs. Hugo Raamus* Bright* actual Incorporation at a tsn of Wsst Palm Beach, Ha* borough In MM ia reached. By that war* all bora la Sea Bright. time it had had Ita "big flr*" of J. YANKO 1W1 and had suffered aatotd hua- MtNYLONS lag* by aagry fall aad wlattr Her alatericai eolactloa evea la- 30 BROAD STREET RED SANK wavH that had a.aletty durtag tha eluaoa what ameaatai to aummer •layfally Jaailad hathan. Brights ant bar. It was a operated by Peter Peaalagor. who, about ItTS, sailed tt to Ssa Bright, Baa Bright', f rat mayor waa P. ran a plank aaher* and Hid Msjuer Hall Packer, whoae wlfs, aew Mrs. from It with a government Uesat*. Elisabeth Packer Cloughly. M, laThis was done despite the strong Exceptional values in new still active la tha town. Th* baak protatta of Sea Bright'* older real, record* tha varleus ahaagti la •«• dent*. Th* liquor bad to be pur- alclpal govarnmsnt, with th* ae>chased aad consumed aboard tha eompanylng cbaages la tha town'* boat, with tha result that tha plank physical structure aad aoclal da- la many easea rsprsaeatsd a dlnV cult trip to there to aom* patreas. fabrics for fall and winter VOlOJMttOilt* Recalled ar* tha "beaah a**st- Tha bualnesa, coaduetod from tha lag*" MM by tba Methodist aad feat vl South it, waa appareatly Pnsbytorlam ehurehss during th* sueeetsful, boeau**, the book fur- aummer oa tha sand, with their ther not**. Popplngsr atayod there ThouMindn of ynrdt for drent; wltt, aklrt§ • . . everything la plcturceque asttlng af Sea Bright'* and later opened Popplnger** hotel, fishing boats. These outdoor aarv* the building still standing ea South hmrm from wool interlining md hair canvm to needle* and thimbletl leea draw th* leading alblstera af tha eouatry ai speaker* aad found The growth ef th* municipality tha aahermea la taalr traditional aa a resort la recorded la tha pic- yellow oilskins la attendance. ture* ef th* Octagon hotel, waahsd •tmnktr. ye« ftl II Rscordsd ar* th* trip* that gnat aut ta aoa la lilt, th* Peninsula Woolens aombtra af Ssa Brighter* made la house, tha Hotel Panaccl, aad the Daalar MAVTIMIS «t • the** day* to th* outdoor plays original Sea Bright Inn, plus othsrs. that war* glv*n oa a platform A part of the Octagon hotel which 2.95 All wool 54-inch Jerseys " 195 over the water at Pleasure Bay did not go out to wa wa* later aear Priee'a hotel. Noted is themoved across the river by Jesse A. 2.95 Wool plaids and cheeks YD. 195 eld toll gat* just south of the Howland. 8r., and used aa hla •ten at • plMip $1.4* a* Sleek former Sea Bright railroad station, home. The structure still stands, 4.95 All-wool tweeds, plaids, solids... vo. 2.95 •p e» —r •UARANTtlO PIRHCT when the road crossed the tracks faelng the river and looking out 3.95 Botany all-wool flannels Y0 3.50 YD Day «Wf»t UMITIP TIM! QUIT. Public Auction 5.95 All wool 54-inch fleece 3*95 HAND-SE WN :;V"r — or — Rayons NOW yen cm dove GINUINI HAND. 45 inch pin check suitings " 1.50 SIWN LOAHRS withe* eteaHswj Aa I aaa mevug eat af tke eUy, I win a*U at Paella AaeHaa a* 42 inch Kemper plaid teffetai VD. 1.50 yeMr bankroll—we've DENTED 7|5 i corded suitings 1^Z~~"w^1.95 OUR niCES INSTtAD! neri 142 PAVILION AVE., LONG BRANCH, N. J. 44 inch spun rayon gabardines YD. 1.25 44 inch dress failles VD. .95

MM A. M. 41 inch taffetas. 25 colors YD. .39 YD Television (RCA) 10" Scr*sn Table Model like new, Two-pitc* Uf Chaillie-type spun rayons - .79 Ing Room Sot, Coffee Table (Mahogany), Console Tabla, Straight Chairs, Piano (Upright Grand), Occasional Living Room Chairs, End Table., Tabls Lamps, Floor Lamps, Haaaocka, Pictures, Secretary (Mahogany), 34 IMR Branch •>«$• lextt > YD. 2.95 Dining Room Tabla (Mahogany), Six Hhleld-baok Dining Room Chairs, Two Pie-crust Tablea (Mahogany), Silver (Storting and Plated), Rufs (Room aad Scatter Sis*.), Chlnaware (English and French), Olasswar*, 3* 1Mb CrMik»fM laaftraj vahrat - YD. 3.95 Kltchenware, 24 Pieces of Stem Crystalware, Prigidaire, Vacuum Clean- et (OB), Riding Boot*, Carpet Sweeper, Studio Couch, Vacuum Claansr (Westlnghouse), Upholstered Wing-back Living Room Chair, Pair Twin Beds (Maple), Cheat of Drawers (Maple), Bureau (Maple), Boudoir Chairs, Curtains and Draperies, Mirrors, Console Radio iPhllco), Night Cottons Tabla (Mapli), Two Fur Coals, site 14, and One Fur Caps, Clothing, Linens (Bed and Table), Hall Runners, Bathroom Scales, Bric-a-brac, Books, Luggage Rack for Automobile, Kitchen Table, Skiing Equipment, Crompton's pin wale corduroys YD. 1.65 Library Table (Oak), Lawn Furniture, Barbecue on Wheel., Cardan «ppars— Olove-sof? antlquad ILK Toola and many other worthwhile Items too numerous to mention. Wide wale corduroy, extra heavy YD. 1.95 Aatit c«a*»aicfl**i Also my entire collection of antiques. Cotton spotlight, tebilixed YD. 1.69 The Seller aad Auctioneer shall not be responsible In th* *v*nt ef 65 BROAD ST accident or Injury to any person or parsons In, on or about tha pram- Woven ginghams, clan plaids YD. 1,00 lacs. Parsons attending th* Sale do so at their own risk. RED BANK Special group punjab prints YD. ,44 By order of i CHARLES B. ALLEN B. 0, COATS, Auctioneer. 490 Bath Ave,, Long Branch. Phone e-MO. 36 inch striped flannelettes - YD. .33 1 Million Pair a Yaar-THEY MUST IE GOODI Member "National Auctioneer. AaaocUllcin" and "New Jcnty gtat* v •eeiety at AuaUgaiira," UKan Omping Sites, trails, River Plaza Antinuial Attraction* in State Wofaan's auk TMNTON—U4tu «u«out ca- te atop far aprta* water. Ifci J. YANKO a***, eaaiaiag groundt, *»4 nil«* priag wa* baawa w Eeeeamay His Lunclieoii at feikiat trail* liatd with *utuau ktpulif, awaita* "wk»t* «l**r SO MOA0 ST. RfOIANK colcr» •"•• expected to provide wttir bubble* froa Iriir tike Un. R. 0. ELECTRICAL SERVICE mlajua attitctioM for fall viiitori ock." TIM bavldar, Marly at larfa ta th* Oarcea *tate, reporU Crai- M • kwa, It «f t«»l»fU»l lataroet, 9mm OAecr, Was aii**i*atr Charle* R. Erdasia, Jr., beiag *•* a* ta* *wt*taadia« fia- af th* New Jeriry Departiceat *f cial erratic* aa th* eaatlaeat. CMMC Sptafcer and Caa«*rv*tl*a and Ecoaoaiie D«- Student* may wieh te view tha vetofaieat. M«»y af the hikiae Coder Heaameek eauth af Twcaw- BATONTOWN — Th* lath aa- trail* date from the da>* whea th* ea. nil* la th* lerawet aaciaat fatt laachaaa heaoriag ta* !*aai Leaap* ladUn* rotaMd New pfcaj^jh*^ —— * ~.^M BA*a jmj^fjail*1 efcaate^*i A New/ Net-vJ PHOM MO IAMC *-o*n heap alaaf th* Atleati* caaet. praa>iwan OUM pvant owwowanav v Jerety frea th* Pel»w«r« ta th* urlac about M* feat Mac aa4 Atlaatic ehore. River Plaaa Wamaa'a dab va* hald U fa*t hick. enwiM wiU *i« Saturday at Crystal Brack iaa. Mr*. ALLEN ELECTRIC SIOP la their jouraeyi to aa< froai cedar tr***, eeatwia* *14. Oeorg* Wagnvar waa general thalr- (aad hvatiaf aad ishlnj- greuadi, Maay of NawJaraar'a atala btfk- aaaa af th* event, and the gu**t -Jtof *««'• Umdim, EUririt Stop" villaf** and gathering place*, th* way* follaw th* Ia41*a trail* aa4 •peaker wai Mr*. Robert D. Me Iaditna (topped at a variety ef «Ktr •• *secllrat i aai af reach- KlaMy of Bretoa Wood, third dis- IS WHITE STREET — RED BANK •ceale ipoU which (till aravld* ing hundred* af eataalal aad *th*r trict vie* president *f tke New Jer- tourliti with subject matter far hiatorie aiU* toeatad tki * ' **y State Federatloa *f Wemea'i rightseeiag and photography, the atat*. Tha DatartBMat *i club*. A *it« kaawa by th* Dutek a* •arvatlea aad EcanaaH Mr*. Oeorg* Voorhi* waa taait- Kildaray, waa lacaied ataar th* •Mat aUa* ataiataiaa IT Mataric maeter, aad th* invocation w** glv- SERVING "rail*" at Treatoa aad wai a Ma- building* aad *ite«, away af which ea by Mr*. Clifford Stile*. H*a*red jar (tapping awiat tor tribal atem- iaciud* a awatuBL gueet* wer* Mr*. H. Oeaant Speer, ben a* their way ta th* Cheat- Ctnee* previdad a laat M*aa* pr**M*at; Mr*. Stile*, Mr*. V*ar> peak* fenimula area aad nuaur*ut of trtatpartatlen la pr*-**l*alal hit, Mr*. Frank r. Curtl*. Mr*. Ed- aaiat* *a th* Jeriey ihart. fav- day* aad aeveral ef thaw *U dyg- via A. Brwch, Mr*. Elw*ad Searle* RED BANK •rit* faetaath* wound avarlaa< to •ute may now a* ***a at major aad Mr*, frvlag Well*, pact #rt*i- Burllngte*, Cam«*a, Millville, aad auieeuau. Tha b**t pwaiwad af deaU. AND JERSEY SHORE AREA Cap* May. A aatjor aveaa* af th* dugoute |* la tha Bargaa CMM- Entertainment wa* provided by laaa ***-- —•*—' ro« travel -waa the Ocltwar* river, ty Hittarieal ateMy raanii at th* Alaa and Daphne Daaae Carmaa tt ww iwejw pweawt which the t*KHl l>nape would fol- public library In Htektuack, Shrewabury. Their pragrani la- low dawa aait Salem aad Bridcs- while *th*r haati are located at eluded an arigiaal pentamlme, tea paixing whea they found the New J*r**y HMarieal aaelety "Coffee," written by the Carman*, rlaoii and ayitera, the mala bedi I* Newark and the tint* aueeiim for which were located *(f Bivalve and twa one-act playa by Ann Ab- at Trenton. bott Hardy, "Automatically Toura" watt, ftdwrwa ami NEON SIGNS tad F*rteHue. 1 Of InUnrt •• October dghtteer* and "Muatc Hath Charm*. * Mr*. Trail* fram Bauth Jerney and eantalning Important *daca> Carman la th* third dlttrict chair- UtalryWt. WkHt. REPAIR SERVICE threwf h what *r« no* Tuektho*. tlonal value* far itudenti, rmnant* man af muile. AND Mayt Landiag, Tuckertoa, Tom> •f New J*r*ey'* Lenni Lanape civ- Th* club will hold a ear* party Rlvtr, Sajuaakua^ Mttawaa and iliaatiaa ar* e«p*et*4 ta h* feature Thureday, Oct. 11, at the River NyttreW fVWNt, f«n*fwa LIGHTING Sauth Aaiboy. Baady Hook, Lted» attraetloni for huadrtd* af mot*r- Plain achaal, with Mr*. Harry E. Polat tad Paint Pleaaant war* lit* thla fall. Chamberlain a* chairman, aailited ItyM, wMffi wMwtl« -EMQIXCCBCO TO VWI »«•*• primary Mining aaota. by Mr*. Charlei OotMhalk, Mr*. Cren-itat* tralli laeluded aae Charla* Hatpin, Mn. Belford Trultt eatenilag through Wood bridge and aad Mr*. Wella. N*w BriiMwIck, then branching, COP Women Year took*, containing tha 1M1- t«|«m«i. tha upper going through Rocky /U pragram, ware dlatributod by Hill an* Princeton to Trenton, I tha chairman. MM. Joieph Kelly. SMBw»flll itylte M MMft, while th* lower wended iti way Hear Bradford Mr*. Pag LoPicrolo of Pair Hav*n muth through Hlghtitown anclBor KATONTOWK-Th* MMutlv* win *p*ak an "The Hiatsry ana Ro- dentown. The latter trail wai board of th* United WanMa'a R*- mance af Candle*," at the neit club known a* th* 'Burlington Pith.' publlcan club* *f Maaateuth coun- meeting, Thunday, Oct. «, at th* ASBURY PARK Two Dutch mlailontrim braved ty met Friday at OM Orchard horn* of Mr*. Arthur Cadman on In ittti || H 40 th* Jertey wild* along the upper Country club, with Mr*. Ira Wol- East Lincoln circle. Th* speaker I* 11180 path In l«T», and tpant a night at eott ai hoiteie to th* 40 member* (he owner of the Candlelight «lft Piscttaway near Highland Park, who attended. (hop at Fair Haven. Mrt. Speer and "tha latt Englifh Village in New Mr*. Thomai Templemtn will b* PORCELAIN ENAMKL Jcrtty," an their way to Rocky Principal ipetker wai Harmon Hill, «ony Brook, and th* Tran- M. Bradford, *up*rlaUnd«nt vf Long Branch icheali, wha al*a Catered ali*>* ef France, Switttr- STAINLESS STEEL ton ralli. •howoa Slat itrlp*. Subject af hli land and Italy will he ihown by Na mention af th* ttate'a Indian talk w*a "Th* N**d Tt Iner**Md Mr*. B. Fletcher Moor* af Coun- trail* would b* complete without try Club Eatatei, Midaietowa town- INDOOR I OUTDOOR EUCTRICAL DISKAYS th* Oreat Minialnk trail, main racllitlaa and Mara Teacher* ta Tawa Car* af tha Oreatir Number ship, tt the Nov. 1 meeting at the M avenue for tha fur trade originat- h*Mio af Mra. Leonard Earl* an ing in th* aantral Allegeheay af Children ef School Age." H* ll McrHary ef th* county Bflueatlan* Hubbard eve. Mr*. Harold Parry Sale on all Bien Jolie" Garments mouatalna and fartbar Wait. Thli and Mr*. O**rg* Cattleman wlU at ROAD'AD SERVICE, Inc. muck trtv*l*d rant* extended from ai Plarolng eammkHaa and am*m- her af tha atnta tatUtlng h*itt**M. « SO. MAIN ST. ASIUftV PARK tha northwnt earner of New Jar- •ey down through tba Lake Hopat- Mr*. Alton V. Evtai af Lang The annual Chrlatmai party ana eoag ana to Atlantic Highland! Branch, preildent, announced that tal* ef the art* and craft* depart- on th* atafhor*. Section* of tin Oct. M haa been **leeted aa th* ment will be Dee. d, with Mr*. path p*«ed through Culver'* Oap, data for th* RapubUean Wonwn'a Thoratt R. Wilton ef Alexander Stony Brook,. Newton, Netcong, luncheon at Sea Girt Inn. The co- dr.. River Plant, aa ho*tew. Aafltt- 25% OFF Sparta, Woodport, Dover, Mlllburn, chairmen for th* welfare card Ing hotttiaei will be Mn. Anthony and Branch Mill*. A Southern party, art Edward J. Device and J. P*rrotta, Mr*. Aubrey Smith and rout* went by way of Morrittown, Mr*. Baail B. Bruno, reported on Mr*. Harold Trtcey. Chatham and Branch Mill*. White- the affair. They were givwi a rli- Other* attending th* luncheon Girdlot • Pantitt • Conotttt • Brat head'i Fort wa* a junction point Ing vot* of thank* for th* *fliei*at wer* Mn. Marihall McDowell, Mr*. wh*r* th* main trail proceeded manner la which they handled Loulw C. Llndenttruth, Mn. Rich- Our ontiro stock of fino "Kon Jofto" cortofry •outh through Metuchen to the the party and for making It a trd R. Thompran, Mn. Clifford north ihor* of the Raritan, term- "toclal and Unancial MKCIM.* Ctdman, Mn. C. IrWng Walla, Mra. now ot ntw low prleoil Horo h • roro ovont inating a*ar Navulnk In tha High- Mr*. Lewi* B. Thompeta reported H. Bertrtnd Young, Mrt. W. Oil- land*. en political aetlvitle* at th* nation- hart Mtruon, Mr*. Myron V. Brown, you simply eoniiof afford to mils! Major point* originally located al lev*l. Mr*. Harry Neuberger re- Mr*. Letter Smith, Mr*. Fred L. on the** hittoric trtila which may ported on political aetlvltlee at the Ayeri. Mr*. Charlotte Hall, Mr*. be vllltod by fall vacttiOMr* In- atate level. A aoclal hour followed Lea C. Rocco, Mn. Warren De- clude the large glacial boulder at the meeting, during which tlm* r*- Brown, Mra, Victor res aad Hki Qlen Rack, where tha Indiana wed freihnenti wer* terved. "Venny" Wtfntr. WOODCOROW WIN.OWS RtDOCEJ COST • Pactary liimitlii •} • Nt Carat, Nt rwltytt Nt WilfMif Nt BjttNnf • Mak af TtiM TMM ffiiriit MM • Or* 5,000,000 In Uw M OVMP AuMric* ffvtoMd, Mttof-Covortsf ood G..o*« Assures Cfoso FW t f'oorfco rViMfoira omf ftei'.rt Window Flankimo I (Ufa are New Available with "Pullman" Over- % head Balances at $malt extra chart* • . . No elTect on Removability! WOODCO PICTURE WINDOWS Olend with ThwmopwM, W Mate OleMor • 3 16" A QudHy H*«vy Q4OM . Me>ff»*ff MM whh REMOVAKE R.O.W. SIN UMTS Maybe you're missing does miraeles with steering. And it has Dynaflow Drive.* nt ma M6HT INTO And incidentally, it wears a price vWVn flVlvlOj something BIG tag that makes it a very smart buy compared to anything else you own. know how you feel when dream-held Its course-Ukc-an air* 6WNMCM Oivt benvty wilf rearm in yavr touM-cven MM hHdwn. W a ear has given you faithful liner on the beam-and let you We'd like to have you try this car. Enlarge Mch racm't living area. Tfw atcture Nffw ••• •|ffw«« •wnrain/i WHIM PJH ntm TVJJ •» YFOT? VW untW MriMl tendrllem, If wank off ceM, and katea MM But just suppose you found out that Wouldn't you feel you're missing How about giving us a call-or BBMatOatasi *WaBBBBBl8SOra Sml SBSBSf wlnrfew mm n «aiy «t the re*t of the hem*. aome other ear could make famil- something* big unless you tried it coming in to see us real soon? |*j^r B WIND-O-ROBE Storm Sash and iar roads seem a lot smoother. out? —jy^l^- Oaam* ma* KaJhaw Screen Window Combination BFABR1CO AH-Aluminuin Screens Suppose some other ear held the There is such a ear. Its name is for Wood and Metal Windows curves in a way you'd never felt Buick. before. It has big soft coil springs on every SEE YOUR LUMBER DEALER Suppose some other car had more wheel. It has a Fireball Engine. It Ht COR Serve You lost! thrilling power - steered like a has • "front-end geometry" that BuM *~~~~s~ Attention, Buildert: ~+^~^ fm In HtNtrlTAILOn, /UC Nlhmi. «»

MOMPT DfllVWY ON All ITIMI For Fre« Booklet Write Dept. ft DE RIDDER BUICK. Inc •nnrtl Woodcraft Oo., Inc., Norm MrgM, N. J, 163 to 169 Monmouth Stroot •I 6-20S* Rod vo]iik» N. J. f "iIT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE REGISTER wrrr.ymfM v. m% tba pojaibility ef developia*- Nate* TIMOTHY R. HWJNIHAfl ta a recreational site and that the Ta> Bar-44 Jr. Many Use Area 'VtaAmerlngen-Haebler arat was in Oa Stoefc Car Hawing; Contractor aatl Bulkier accord with the plan. Wb«W 4 Hf Chaj KKYFOftT-Mr. tad Mw Chat- According te th* atayar, the UNCHOrr—Tretholder Earl fPECIALIZINC III JOBfING la* ft. Otnett of Union rd. •*»• For Recreation planning board felt the poade on Woolley, oo-owtwr of the Wall miWWil tlM engagemeat *f their UNION BEACH — Maps of the the aite rou'.d be improved to pro- stadlutt, apek* ea stock «ar rar- IMIIMHM daeufcUr, Ceroija, to IteraU Cope- Kate* an* covering property which vide fresh water boating, btthla*? ln*; Thuraday aight at a meeting letti jr, wa of Ur. and Mn. Har- VaaAateriagen-Haebler, inc., plans and ashing. He maintained that of the Llnccoft-Holmclel Ki»an;.s »T«MFdjr •14 Coptland »( Bights »t, Belfori. to deed back to the municipality successful completion of the proj- club. Hs was introduced by Charles for DM a* recreational ground* if ect would be aa economic attet to Cox of Everett, wha had charge Me! FlWttt IMAMH TO DtlVl.o. 4 B toumt practical, wers shown by the community. •f th* program. Ssfct* AtttoGlM* Mayor Joseph Scholer prior to the Mayor Scholer said that a* *a* The door pris* w*e donated by last meeting of the borough council. of the first ntcpe ia the propeaed Anthony Rasoanare, and wtt won MT*%44afl# VJMMafi MM OYgM ITS Af IASY MS flillflHIV fravielt ef the Urn, which la now development the state plane to by Dart* Daverlo. Mtpteting construction of a new stork the Natco ponds with jeveral Th* club will b* r*pr*sented at n GLASS co plant on th* Raritaa bay ahore- varletlca of Run. The stocking pro- the lWt eonveation of the New n MONMocTgi araasv froat at Natco, several month* ago gram ia acheduled for the near fu- Jeraey Klwania district, Oct. 6 to aura informed borough official* that a ture and the experiment will be I. at the Commodore hole), Neiv eatMiderabl* portion of th* US-acre checked cloaely, he said. Tork city, by Harry D. Pitcher, Natco tract would be returned to president; Joseph Mendren, vire- Union Beech to permit development or * tramotj t* «oeisjiteT pl«i«i« o«rti»t. Werfc I nay wattrfroet. anntbert last weak. charge. Qunderson was arrested Whan Mayor Icholer discussed early Saturday morning at the rear or 4 ovoninat per weot. lam f40. f 10. Car MtaerHoi the proposal several months ago he Blacksmith are a* called Because af II Moatnouth at. Trie arrest was aaplalMd that th* Union Beach they work in iron and other dark madt by Pttrolman Erneit Blake- For tJoUilt write r1et(i« Oomoit|«r*(ofi, loi II I, ftetj Unk. pleating board had been studying •tetaJt, ley.

> Caralyn Cental A graduate of Middletowa town- ship high school, Miss Cornell is employed in the aocial service de- partment at Uen'mnuth Memorial ITS FAU hoepittl. Mr. Copeland, also a grad uat* of of Midsletown, Is a partner with his father in the building bus- iness. He will enter the Army the middle of next month. No dete hat been stt for the wedding. Enlisting Women In the Air Force tdatayt trt yae* faaillft waw afcrtwa a** The V. B. Air Force hat greatly increased it* enlistment quota* tor of »wrli.walt, far dayt «r« ejafttftf tWrar and women, and tn Intensive recruit* colder. Irlnf Httm In now and lava. Or a*ar.a Ing drive has been launched here, It wae announced a few dsy* age Had lank Mill far ft****. ky |gt. Margaret Klappa, W.A.C.- W.A.F. recruiter for Monmouth county. itMH urn 19% The local drive Is In line with the recent announcement by the director of the Women In the Air force—the W.A.F.-that mare than iNltN UaVIIBRV 40,000 highly qualified young wom- en will be added to the Air fores by July. IMS. It wat learned that OLD some IB.000 of these will bo en listed women. To duality for enlistment tn the Air force a woman must be a high school grtduatt, between the age* ROXJND-17P of IB tnd *4, Inclusive; be a eltlten, unmarried, in good health, have no dependent* under the age of IS, and of high moral standard*. The pay oea!e for enlisted wom- en Is exactly the same as that for men. A private receive* ITS a Now It the Timt to Tradt-ln Your Old Rangt month for the first four months, after which her pay rlacs to MO 8a*a pay increases with promo- And Gtt • Btiutiful Ntw Magic Chtf Gas Rangt tion* and In accordance with tht length of eerrlee. Food, uniform*, lodging and medical and dental fare are provided without eott. Sgt. Klapps stressed that th* Air Force offers many opportuni- ties for a young woman to continnt her education and to learn In- teresting skill!. Expert eareer coun- seling 1* given every W.A.F. In or- der te help her find her proper elehe, A few of the posittont now be- ing held by VUkTM, are then of weathsr technician, draftsman, tup- ply clerk, and photo laboratory technician. For these and many other specialties the Air force pro- video Mtensive training which give* a young eallitte the oppor- tunity to rite through the rankt to positions *f letdenhlp. Igt. Klappa 1* on duty at the Air AND YOUR OLD RAN0I fore* recruiting ttttloni In Rtd Bank poatofflc* building Tueaday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:10 a. tn. to 5 p. m, and at Aebury Park Monday and Thursday. Buys This Beautiful Elka Form Crippled Childrenta Committee POINT PLEASANT—The Elks' New Magic Chef Crippled Children's Committee of the shore area was formed at * meeting at the local Elka lodge, latt wtek. Benjamin W. Bauman, Long1 Branch, was named chair- Qas Range man. Thrss vice-chairmen are Dr, —btCMMt Fred T. Newman, Red Bank; Rich- ard Winktl, this place, and Harry young ond ttndtft O'Clalr*. Lakewood. Other officers nr* Leonard Hauselt, Aabury Park, secretary, and Edward Burke, As- bury Park, treaaurtr. Truttttt In- BamiliMbaa> elude Jaek Roonty, Freehold; Jos- eph Putterman, Long Branch; Lee aBft^h*aBB*m**ABftama*k^S^k •tn^n*bta) Oaldnaife ^adaOam *v^feanaBAi tadaa aalaV^asatO tvanuB^Bulatn'eS Carter, this borough; Russel Cat- Itry, Atbury Park, and George Wetterfelt, Lakewood. pwiui nwtcv* now yww oui CJOWB IV yuw iwMiy • A eommltttt wat appointed to, visit the cerebral palsy'clinic at tWight... turn out tha Un*l of reatta, broilat] ataaka, pattricai Red Bank and to offer whatever Magic Chef Has Many help might be needed. and the ju»t-*)veryday maab yoa'va oVaamad about. Tba modal Attending Officer*' Exclusive Features Too! School in Teua ahown, aa wall « all otbar naw Magic Chofa, apaciaJly priced Mort J. Nltrtnberg of for. Let, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Nlerenberg at toocUeuIar tavinga during AU UmHoeVtimo event! of Red Bank, has entered his sec- ond thrtt months' phut of train- ing in Air f orces Officer Candidate school at Lackland Air Force Bait cooWngl Such aa the one- In Texas. He It scheduled to be commissioned a second lltutenant piece top burner unita that an Dec 31. • This Special Offer Is A graduate of Red Bank high to easy to clean... the famotji from old. aioinitb(mi lioo f. wb. To Woman Wirfi S*^11* JS^LS" Uwful "WXaMUa. HFC terviea it fatt, friendlyfriendly, dependabld^ndablee. F t f^txtrTl^mr^'f^ri^,^to* i h fi Nagging Backache oome to i MB * HOT coxmmrw mm MmT-M*nimco

Don't n«f lc«i your kldntya if thm eondl- 701 Main Stroot, Atbury Park »<•" * ! \AMB tlona botniir you. Try Dimn'a FlllK-a mlM Sfrdwt, T-IM Mrtf diuretic. UBOII HucceMfiilly l>y mlJIIonN fur 34 W| over CO yean, It'n nnuulnii tiuw many timca It McfnofMi Parkway, MAQ tVancn Dan'a tlve Imnpy relief f mm theae alaco M^n Strr^t., K-vp


fortunate brides... A limited selection of VISIT "BERKSHIRE HOMES" Pattenon Ave. to Shrtimbury alMftwaa* LaxalM Rct»c*a Tu Ucludti •ROAD STREET


Rev. Jaaag* A. StftSvaa. aaatar af Haly Craia aaej Half Ratary Cerkalla 'kwskas af Rumsan, tacansj fram laft, ii •rictttraa' at da prataMt a tilvar b«wl ta William F. lywcfc af A*. Untie HitManeJa at a awafiia taatimatilal ejiniiar TnuriaJay nia>» IK Harry'i Lttttar hauta, Saa 4 ROOMS • milaMH • AM •riaht. Tha eJiimar w#» fivan by Mr. lynch'a friana'a ar tfca afcata and matrafalitait art far tka "a/aa* itumWar af cbarHaUa ac«t" ha baa parfarmarf. Tha bawl, wblab sarrtaai tba an. • UIMRfieHIM aravea ai«na(ura af Farfcar Sullivan. w«i inuribaa1 fa Mr. lyncb "With tba waty"! fratlfMSJa BATH ftUTILIT Y ROOM af tha paritblanara af Haly Craai ana" Haly Raiary cbitrcbaa." Jabn R. Dalalar, taaitmaatar, la • AMMWOODCAMNITS at tba laft. lacking an, ttt. la *•». RlchareJ A. lwi«|, Fatbar SaNivan'a aaalitant. Mar* than Halt an liafi «t «a«M ba ffouj ia aftr at manjr delbfi nore, 110 man ana* waman aHaaaJaeJ tha affair. fathered Into i as*dal "budget" collection. Each pair ii out. O TtU MTCHtN HOOD Jtininr Srnior PTA saaaeiaf fo» the quality ea« cut ofthe •iimona, and the tasteful Civil Defenat Floriiits Elect Tu (1|N>N PmiiniNi Marion Fisher beauty of the setting... aa well aa for the very modest price. Mi'mbere of the Junlor-flrnior By Leonard Dreyfuse, mate Civil o IMHM UMNO ROOM rnicnt Tonchrr s"*ociat|oa of Red Defense Director WASHINGTON, D. C—Mrs. Mar- INQUIRE AIOUT OUft LAY-AWAY fLAN (No. 2 in a series) ion * inner, owrier of Fisher Plor- Bank will hnM their annual cov- iste of Syracuse, N. T., has been laV IMSUB^JDJIRBV sMB^IR^B ered dish nipper meeting Tu»eday Q—Will white clothing protect elected director at large of the night, Oct. 3, nt th« Community a person against atomic flash heat? Florists' Telegraph Delivery as- A—It Is an accepted fact that 9,750. • URtf WTCMW IANM "Y" home on Riverside ave. Thia sociation. will b» the opening mertlng tt the white surfaces reflect light and The post le the hlghist to whleh heat much more readily than do a women may be elected in the • AUTOMATIC NOT WATDR NfATH P.T.A., and the annual reception dark ones, However, the enly safe honoring faculty member* and protection against flash heat is industry. Mrs. fisher hai beea members of the board of education. secretary, chairman, district repre- something aubstantial and white sentative and state chairman of Mrs. Fred Boyd la general chair. clothing ii not the answer. It will, of course, be a better covering National Flower Week aince 1(1*. mm of the event, to which all She also served as » designer at • I1ARDWOOD HMH parenti of puplli In the Red Sank than dark clothing if you are 71 MOAD ST. M* MOA0WAY caught Jn the open when the bomb the national school of design ia junior and senlora high schools Miami Beach, Fie., and Montreal, ttft-IANK ION* MANCH have been Invited. Mr*. Lube, Xoa- goea off but the difference is not • tAtf* OMITS great enough to warrant a fuse Quebec, aa well aa being both a urhok, president, will preside. g designer and commentator for over tt. schools throughout the last and Q—How Canada. She la a member of the MR enmiAHS AND :I wave) of tht efai ait r doebursf t thmovea iltoe? k Syracuse Zonta club. A—Initially, it leaves the ball of Mrs. Fisher ii a daugher af (Ire at about 10,000 miles per hour, Charles H Rice, wbo was super- striking the ground at about 1,000 intendent of the late Mary J. Rlker • URM SOI LOTS mph. In many caaei, when the estate at Rumson for 3T yeara. tmm •hock wave rebound* from the Since hie retirement, Mr. Rice has • NUt SCHOOLS . SHOWN* ground, its effect Is temporarily MODEL HOME OPEN doubled. made hit home with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John • MARNSUNM (J—How long do the effects of W, Parker of Sycamore ave. the air burst last? Shrewsbury. H« now is visiting DAILY AND SUNDAY A—The Immediate explosion ef- O WOOD WINDOWS fect* ara over • within about ten Mrs. Fisher In Syracuse but will seconds. return to Shrewsbury next month. 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Q—Hew tar away wilt the effects MMED CAB BTMJCst of the air burst be felt* Murray Rosen of «0 Tower Hill f flHbf tMkean! A—Up to about It miles. At Na- ave. suffered *n injured left elbow gasaki, where the bomb was half Saturday when his car, parked on again as powerful u in Hiroshima, Monmouth St., was struck by a car READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY windows were shattered 12 miles driven by Albert C. White of 234 away. Shrewsbury ave. According to po- (J--Does terrain have any In- lice, the White car struck the door fluence on the effects of the bomb? of Rosen'a car just after Mr. Roisn Berkshire Homes KiANSIURO A—Most definitely. The Nagasaki fitered the car and before he could bomb, while half again aa powerful close it. Mr. Rosen was treated by | M. SCHIESINGER A. OESTEFANO ASIURY PARK as the nominal bomb that exploded Dr. Ellas E. Long. over Hiroshima, actually dcvasted an area only one-third as great as at Hiroshima. This was due to the hilly, rolling terrain of Nagasaki. Q-How big is the fireball? A—Its approximate size Is about 900 feet In diameter, and it attains this site in one second. Q—Can the bomb's flash blind a person? A—Only temporarily. Six miles away from the explosion, the fire- ball appears as bright as 100 suns. Depending upon how far away you are at the time of explosion, tem- | porary blindness may result from looking at the burat. Q—Why do the civil defense In struct ion concentrate so much on the air burst, instead of the ground or water bursts? A—The air burst, exploding high to do ntbro work for your ntonoy over a city, can devastate a great- er area than either ground or wa- ter Hursts. The surface explosion, for example, expends much of its energy in digging a crater, and , the water absorbs much of the explosive effect in a water burst The enemy can gain the best advantage and use from his bombs through an air burat. That Is why we anticipate this type of attack in most cases. Under that aUtaetho gray Jacket of faankta! steel ia • Q—Does the shock wave or aturdy cut iroa beating aectton, built to laft a lifetime, blast uf the bomb cause aevere dsigned to give the most heat for fuel dollan you epend. personal injury? A—Surprisingly enough, no. Very CoBtrola art completely automatic. Juat atari your Bryant ' few injuries result form the Boiler in the fall and forgeti t all winter bag aa you ."let "squeezing" effects of the blast ths pup be furnace man'." Most injuries are of secondary nature—In other words, from fly» ing objects. That Is why immediate cover is of paramount importance. Thursday Nighters* Plan Activities •t IB taaMttg •^vi^m«m tor A young adult group of the Red Bank Community Y. M, C. A., called "The Thursday Nighters," will hold a sock party Oct. 4, a moon dance Oct. It, a regular dance Oct. IS and a Halloween maaquerad dance Oct. 36, with Tort De Nuec! providing the music, In their drive for new member] the group Invites all bstwaen thi ages of lft and 35 to join in the la aavga activities Thursday nights at th •^a^M—.X aael waM Ufa, a Caawalat la T" house, Riverside ave. tseiaseeereilefaekef Aa*vaata*Bailga traah glvaa InaatsfJ BSBIMIB BBIMBH WdMI JBJaD aW att AUTOMATIC 6AS IOHEHS SBJWvv avIWff iWTw raW B^PSW B^nj *• yMf wO«eW«J prMT ^W IWw ^PJ^^l^sW ^e^a^pnl^sl taafcVaalaataart SEE YOUR HEATING DEALER NOW MM VM'a aaaHiant' ti Aaiariaa'a favaiMa Iraaka. ADVANCI-DlflON TRUCKS FULLY APPROVED SY YOUR GAS COMPANY METALLIC UNIT*#1M9N MiMI CHRISTMAS CARDS McKIM-LAYTON CHEVROLET CO. Ptriasil StswUt. AiwnmiMi en •I *'"««»iaei. 29 MECHANIC STREET Pasta Rtt task 6-3130 _. RED INM WE© HASH! f EPT1WMW fT. tMt Bmck frmm Duly OPS After coanpletiaf a year of aatWe VFW Croup Holds duty with the ifarinte, »»• ftay- tead E. Carter kaa keea. rat»raa< to inactive duty uader a rataoaa Cavcl Meeting TWMT0M—TowrfHw* 4l«ef- pragram iatugurated by tka Ma- aat atrvicea, wkiek have Wtlo ef- rine Orpe !••* Jua*. Ha e«lta<«4 Membere «f tke auiillary af the fect •• tke eaat of Uvlag or wkiek in tka Mar!a«w far tkrea y»n la Veteran* of Foitign Wart poit of «MK awaatleably bt eoatrelloa, 1MT. After receiving kia dawbarga Red Bank were hoet*«e§ laat week LOANS have MM retaeved f reaa ariaa «oa- ka eallated in tka Marina reeerve at the Sixth Diitriet "travel gavel" I (fa.: trel, tko OaVo of IViee MaMllaa- •n< waa called back U active dvty mooting at the pott home oa Me- in S*pt*mhfr, JMM). chanic •». tlM MMIMMM today. The "travel gave," wat given to Amaag aervieee tttaiataa' ajrt Mra. Mary Mey*trii'k, pretiiient of Whan thata writ arc FOR TODArS FAMILY NEEDS tkoea Of Mai MUM kffcW. MMtl tha auxiliary of Harold Daly poit •M IWWlWil; M«|iii of t*- ef Anbury Park, by the Red Bank • krioo it rtai'wxfj IMT matt tera, aetreaaaa at* atkletot: labor antt'i president, Mn. Fr«d Bnyi rtlattoae M4 p«Mia relatlaae cetta- Piatrict offlcera and rrpreientatives TlmM dMii9t, mti ntw ptfiotJ Wn|t tfi ttiort, aad adrertieiag afoaciea. Of the auxlliarie* of the V.F.W. Teday'a aettea alee lfir!d, Mr*. Ruth rfrattai will tlwoyt fuWM Hk> policy to *fc» n*tdi of ow oitfomcff — b«ttd on to* rellowiag li • aaatpleta Uetlag Taylor, Mr«. n»( Frake »nd Mr«. •f tarvtcat HNI|U4 ay today i EfH« Ar l« Matt, who attended the •fomito of a beautiful vowdma. d«y'« aquation. Select tlio cnwjiNit you nood from attloa: National Encampment In New Ynrk Advortieiaf agwaclat. city recently, were read. Auailiary Hava your fall woddinaj *t ttblo—«nd eomr to today. Yo.1 ttt Hw way wo •kw M kU meanhern were invited to attend the itt marvalout atir with tt)«t>t ). Joint installation rrrTnonips of the CWM •oat and auxiliary of Shrewsbury •y Mn. •hylln. DUtinOM* peat, American Legion, held Man- «l«kf day at the Community "V" hou»; and a eiath dietrtct meeting held Mtlvalvalr far aacial. at Ktaiuburg unlt'i hall, Monday. raerattlMU aa4 athar nM-araUt Tat) YMa*taaa< far*MM. Hat lMl«Ml to tkla ai- Mn Boyd nanirri Mrs. L«ola Cuje amatlaa era teas aa4 uaaaaajaati community service chairman. Mrs. IM TIM Ha* •f elaka *%4 MaackitiMi kavtag a akc and Mra. Agnei Caffyn, au«- far o4t*M>* htCatfc 19 MMMIM butinau ar tra|Mr—M trftar fat* «r chaffM. Rail MUta broktM, igMta aal bury Ave. A. M. £. ElM akttrck, ••araiaart. I it in a record cltn of M baehtlor Oraati of rlghta undar patanti, of divinity eandidatet which kat G-E REDUCES PRICES ON TODAY'S (radamnrka, and ceayrlfhti, tx- antared Draw univeraiy, Mtdltea. eapt where ratat, if and charfet Claaiea opened Tueaday. ara lneldanta.1 ta or an Integral A graduate of r. W. Moort high part af a laaaa »r aal* af material echool, Kliiabeth City, N. C, Mr. ittbjaet ta arlea eentraL Councill attended Teacheri esllegt MOST WANTED TELEVISION MODELS THE SECOND NATIONAL Columbia unirerelty, which award- •arvleta mppllad directly by fed- aral, atata, territorial ar municipal ad him tht bachelor ef aeltaet and (ovarnmtnti or their aganti. Tha matter of trta degreet In lMt and anrnptlo* daat not apply to Mle« 1W1, reepectively. At Draw, ht BANK & TRUST COMPANY af eommaditlaa or Mrvlea* Inci- i» enrolled in tht thitt-ytar art- dental or related ta tha aala of fanbional eoune for tha training af eommodltiei, or to aervleag to tha minuter!. publio which ara aupplied In a pri- Drew univeralty la marking tht vate capacity by aubeontractora, beginning of ita Uth ytar. It hat RED BANK,"NEW JERSEY la»Mei, lleeneaat or eonceeelonairei. offered theological training alnea Tha exemptlsn alao doaa not ap- It waa eatablished aa a Mtthodlet ply to aervlcee auppliad In eonnec- aemlnary in 1MT. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINCS — «|W w liM tloa with terminal* dock, and warehoutlnf faellltUi. TO rACR oMNtt «?af Tlckar aarvlcea. OOLT'S NECK - Oeorga R. Prw- Traa aurgary atrvlcti. Itt, a aeldlar atatlanod at rort Han- Wrecking aervlcei. Thli rafera cock, wa» ordered held for aetloo to aarvlea performed at a ea^tr- of the grand Jury lart Thurtday eaued te Meant te tht eal« Carelyn ate trantaetlon of tearing down afternoon by Muglatrata Stanley Weir, tale taVeaWlx. their claim unrfer SKIN a buUdlag In auch a manner aa Sttlwell on a charge of carnal KMIM- t. CndttMt ta rnwM CltlM eatb witala da aiaatki fn>aa tkii eate. AT OMCB wltk tkla Dactai't to ealvafe material! or a«uipmtnt abuee of a 15-year-old girl. Tha al- Ar*l«N but*. IMk. Itll. UotUnt . . , CsaMat or both. Tha exemption of wrack- leged aatault occurred Sept. I It, IrttM at Ckatln *. CAIOLTM Wilt, MAftVAN OALVI Ing doca not extend to alto dear- Atlantic townahlp. Prultt waa ta- V*r anew, Haikei, Piaialea, Ckatat Ml MMlltM ***, . aad geraa. gteae Itch aad •raawtw aneaa performed M part of a e»n- leaaed to ttata pollee, Shrtwabary, GliMkm, V. J. rapid ktallnt •# raw, reaak etota. Said, •truetlon project nor to reaala of Ittt Thurtday by tha Army which with MMHt.kMk naraatet. at meat aalvagad materlale by tha wrecker, had been holding him la tha tttek- Tear rjiraatM eaa aet M far ret. ade at Fort tfonmouth.


la'nhia rareivodt Han't atntl attlar BENCH for dolltr proof. NOW yea ana the aundeanptatrambtytket i &E can »ive yea ... tka dtptnlth vaar-raand aerfermiMe-laat GC it faiaoae far ... all yaart at a new, low. fceord-eaBMtiag prltef N* wonder SAW everybody°a cyeiag H — everybedjr'i haying it! PraaTal the aaeuaUtd af CE llack Daylha Ttltvitlaa i .„„ atUined awaatt aU o*ar tha They repaft thtt thaw C* . . TkMrapen ihty ttaihteally gtt aitaa, etttdy pletwat.. .jh* fatal TV roeeptioat If feaVe wtS. ing ftr tha higgttt TV vataa en ike aawhai — yea'tt gtt K new. CE B&k-DarllM Teletirtea at a atw, law gttttl

YNIHfM *4.nValua _^ Itwil eENERAlAllECTRIC Mai. IIHMM faami IMIH tei. tn»jf«d]««Nia. imitt wfca Up yaty laaltllallM mi fltmta Tula frf «»»M Um fiMt. |MMJ NIMJ Mfwl TOT m Haw IWJ HpvUtHVv •MavWar*TlWlllf fMnatf nMf MM jfwH WWas 9fl V IvVW MjamVl

gj-^a-saM AhM tafaaffll faailill Sasal aahnUlaVannwa* aaalaBBaBaHnalLaMat aMataml ttsa§ IndBdMft

4aaV flA BBBBmth tta_a_a_gaLaLaMnaill jMantaalanWtfl Ift'al aWaana*anVanVal aannlattandB aaVaW Wr IV lalfJOJMI WfMaH*wlfMr ^PMfffy I If % fWfrWWJ Mn IWJ ffHI* t ~_m J. H. MOUNT CO, 36 While St. Open Dsily 9 ESTABLISHED (HO Red Bank. N. J. FrlHsyM.9 Cornrr JVIuplr Avr. tk While St. PHONK k-4'mt KKD BANK PIMUM BE 6>ltai |r'refl fmrtm 1EP IKOIftTKI, ST. >•§! National Kid** Compile* Hiitory of Sea Bright Sehool AoMitte* Day at Kevporl PliMOmUaea' KEVPORT — A two-hour free WaaWais«4Issa>a movie show arranged by Paul Weia- KCYPOflT — m. Jeatoh'f Par- BWPwT^P4>¥i*»wtj traub. Strand theater manager, ent-Teacher aasaciatie* at Ms •poav Saturday niomiuK. pony ride* tor iag ateetiag In taa sea**! hall won Frtawa far taaaovraw'i appartnaifict. Wrr»» the children and a field day oa the t«14 »y Rev. Ceraclius Kasx, so«- high nchool athletic groundt ia the t»r at St. Joaeph's Catholic ehurca, ft* fraa «a»«Wf. I. C. S. tai I Ml. Sc#aa4aa, f*. aftfrnoon marked the local cele- •f alaa* to convert the frassat bration of National Kid*' day. The school sudltariusa late si> claf*> laab Mtaf. sponsoring Kiu-ani* club was as- rooms, ta build aa odditie* eaav sisted by the Businessmen's aa taiaiag *IK BMTC r'usinaaM oat » elation, police department a it 4 large rasa to •• used a* a aVaa- hoard of education community rec- auiusa, cafeteria aad iiidltorlai reation center. The perechis' achaal aaNllsaeat The program was organised by this year was reported at Ma, on the local club in conjunctioa with increase »f about 3* aver last year. the nation-wide observance ua4er The present school building. It was sponsorship of Kiwani* Internation- plated *ut, was sesigaeil to a«- al. Dr. Louis Prager was general commadata little Mora lh«a W chairman and was assisted «B the pupils. committee lifr other members •( The paster weleeaied the par- the club and police department ents a>reaeat is4 eewgratitlatad Thr police supervised the pony them aa their ea-ateratlaw aa4 la- rides. terest is the P. T. A. Mstor Mary were awarded for fret, Jacafce, principal, also waleoaMd prrond and third place winner* ia the new aad former saesaaers, tiki the various competitive events heM urged the parents ta continue te under direction of Earle D. Whit- assist children at home until the ney, supervisor of the recreation erewded conditions are alleviated. program. Twa new faculty members, litter Mary Claude and Sitter MMT l*ri*- LIONS' JOINT NEET1NA cilla, wera Intrsdueea. LONG BRANCH — The Sea During the business SMSHM f>1am Bright Lions club held • Jeiat were made for a eard party Oct. meeting with the Long Branch M ia the school hall. Mr*. Usjiee Lions club last week at the Armellins and Mrs. Mary •rojaa Garllcld-Orant hotel. Paul Bran will be co-chairmen, assisted by presided for the Long Breach club. Mrs. Louis Becker, Mrs. FrMk Hcfc if pcffMUCH in ca)nct\ bcciutc Frank Hnida of the 8ea Bright Mr*. ClMritt V. Skro«Hlik« «f 101 Httrfton «v«. fl«n«oi Shea, Mrs. John Wllchl. Mrs. Mas cluli expressed thanks to the hosts Conrey. Mrs. William Leonard, Mrs. FUfitef ctfte fc ramrkh t for their invitation, The Sea Bright •v«r fctf "•»•! Mitvry «f it* Iriflrt vtlvmt, • (•mbiottlM J. A. lommers, Mn. Jean AIISM, Lions will hold a paper drive nest ph«tafr«plt ••»«««. MrapWoli «"«) lilinf cabin«t (iH*<) with Mr... Mary Hammand, Mrs. Lillian Sunday afternoon, Sept. JO, DuBols. Mrs. A. H. Harnett. Mrs. itlir*rl««l mtttrlal about that town. Sho hfi •••* onaafod !ei-l»l prise was awarded ta Mra, He left his home and Ita furnish- issen homestead and his home on James Sullivan and the attendance RED B K SAVINGS ing) at 170 Hudson ave. to hit ton, highway 35. Bequest of flOO each award ww made to Bister Mary Walter David Morris. Another ion, go to a nephew, Leo Belliasen, and Claude's nut grade. *«e LOAN Thomas Lloyd Morris, will receive a niece, I'Mil Gilcspic, A four- 1300. The remainder of the perdoo- r Willys FinUn goes to his Plans were' made for th* mem- sonal property goes to hii grand- brother-in-law, Nathan King.. Af- hern to attend a diocesan confer- to Steurifjf, daughter, Joan Frances Doring. ter funeral expenses are paid, the ence at Trenton Oct. 11. Mrs. Jehn money from Insurance policies xo Thaler reported the television prel- a\T.. Mary Clare Barrett of Fair Hav- to hid sister, Clotilda King. His ect just past the hMf-wey mark. M» IANK NtW en, who died June 14, willed herremaining cash goes to the brother The meeting was concluded by the eitate to her son, Joieph Paul Bar- and two sisters. The remainder of showing of a Him. rett, David W. Pye of Rumson, the estate goes to Clotilda King. who died Sept. I, willed hit estate to hi* widow. Albert M Haigh of Keypoit, who Auxiliary died Aug. 31, willed his estate to Mary L. Pericka of Rumion, who his widow, Minnlnen Dunisch Food Sale Oct. 6 died Sept. 1, willed her estate to aof West Long Branch, who died friend, Mrs. Anna Paiicky of Rum-Aug. 31, willed her estate to her MARLBORO—Eighteen members ton. William Paiicky wai named husband. Floyd T. Brown of Man- attended last week's meeting of th* contingent beneficiary. nnqusn, who died Sept. 8, willed Indies' fir* auxiliary at which H Clarence Ferry of Little Silver, hi« estate to hi* widow. Jurien 8. was decided to purchase a «sVcup Who died Aug. 5, willed nil estate Lott of Freehold township, who dripoiator and to hold a food sal* In equal aharea to Dorothy Ferry died Sept. ft, willed his estate to Oct. C at the fire house. Serving M Colmorgan of Little Silver, Stan- his widow. Holmes R, Nixon of the sale committee are Mra, Wil- ley R. Ferry of Keyport, Irving Allentown, who died May 2S, willed liam Stoic, Mrt. William Dlvens and T. Ferry of Long Branch, Rebecca his estate to Henry CrummelL Mrs. Francii Rlapel. A merchant* Ferry Carter of Little Silver and ise club will be started neit month. Alfred C. Ferry of River plaia. Mrs. Harry Formsn, Mrs. Dennis FINKO VOn OIHOKDKIIIJNE8S Buckley and Mrs. Rlopel cocnprls* Mrs. Msry H. Dreyer of Eatnn- Reginald Tomalne of Port Mon- the refreshment committee far th* town, who died Aug. S, willed her mouth and Charles Roxak, Jr., of next meeting. Attending the list At estate to her children. Mrt. Ruth secslon were Miss Dorothy MeCue, D. Lewie, Mrs. Elite D. Emmonx Holland rd., Middletown to»ruhl|i, Mrs. Charles McCue, Mrs. Arthur nnd Charles B. Dreyer af Eaton- were fined $35 each Friday morn- Manelnl, Mrs. Henry Sadowtkl, town and Mra. Ethel Loftus of ing by Magistrate John V. Crowell Mrs. Charles VanCuran, MM. Luth- ?l 1RDHD WHIll RID K^K. H New Shrewsbury. er Bissell, Mrs. Holme* •Ichle*. on charge* of disorderly conduct. Mrs, Willam Divent, Mrs. Stria, Hensejr Frye of Leonardo, who Both nivn pleaded guilty, They died Aug. », willed her estate ta Mrs. Buckley, Mr*. Formaa, Mrs. her son, William E. Paidue. Julia were arrested on Monmouth st. last Letter cook, Mia. William UMolne, Thursday night by Patrolman Phil- Mrt. Stev* Molner, Mr*. Rloaal and Theresa Antonia Rciff of High- Mr*. Mabel lAwrle. IT NO EXTRA CHARGE lands, who died July 90. willed her ip Jiannint after an argument. EoonoMife evwyjille! Drive a Smdnhifcar Chaoqplofti - MUCT tow PAvoftim HOM TH4M RCA VICTOR "4S" AIMNM

I Music •« JeheM Itrwii (loatne OmwneVt ' Mhll»tlt felt (MensMeirt WOMItM tht Swan Itkt (V.__ - WOM1073 Ctnnrt* Mo I iKhiMflint* (Artuf luklnittli) WBMIMt i»"*Kw, Nt. « (MMMvat) Wn*t»ik» WBM14T1 HliSiift'iil *•" te Trsvlste (femetl teltiili) -"• * to Cmist) \ at sheets any IWO ef *ttt Mtf i . t » Walltti Y«i teats ••» Me (Wayne Kbi*) .JlelOlttuiMilltr wri«l On »• Mitnatasi I W*14I Nlilnathw l«Mt I"

Cwoiwy Ctattin (S«II •» *• MeMtnl JM-Vm, H1H tftm Hit Mllli tl*e> amsU' — -it Ct»') t Wte"«iiTtf<* >9ti( (ttnllns Mtlltwayl «tin liW. tnel™ thai CoulJir I rimcihi* (cn« idwordii

When you S«ft!Trytt!8tiyii! lots of bfe NEW STUDEBAKER lift in oar CHAMPION Oaf a IJfrla ealar Into tha eaat yau waar flit* Ml Yay'll anjay tha Mit af thata all wool IN HI* ff 1 Mafellfat One ofthe4lmMtprk» twaarJi .. . and you'll tnjoy than far yaws. large* selling can! Tha aaiy fraaa'am af tha raajan thouldart ancj ttlssal asanM MUasaaaasaaaa* •ha aatyal, wMa awacp «a tha body af th* SV4 (a * mila* par §al- M M9Mff M0Nfy IN feVfftyW/k V I aaat ara addltianal faiturat that add mlfhtlly Mw hattor Mian that of ' fa Itt an{aymant. Cam* In and try ana M i« Pkig mi* RCA Victor "45" attochmant Me your athtHtiaca M radio er TV Mt end onioy yaw favarita imnk llHtf dJlaliu.ll rtl^santJaJuM ** t-.sVt- s^sjt* aM^ IssllslsiMssia*" whenever you whh. *snr vw|vn nifniififft • • • wn*ii


Old Bridge at Sea Bright ^BBW — i ii-1 »nm ^a^aw ^••ajn*' ^aa>«aw ^nm«ar m^m^ *JBBBmw •mafajagr «•••••> aaBBBBr «• (Ceatiaued frsaa pago 1> ATTIC CONVERSIONS ura to apirituai vaiuro, a retura hat teaetwa that the Lord reaewa ach day the work* of creatloa a*d orrctKMiliiiJIy, etch day bfiB|* ROOM ADDITIONS with it new apportunltiea and new hopu. In our private ]iv#», too. «ach Of Why wait any lonfar t» ui auit rttiun to the hlghtr Itan- Convert your-attic? Da it din we have always rtcognitti but h»v« neflrctrd to piactlep— new! You can't beet our hit every individual ia hi« hrolh- low ericoi. •r« keeper; that brotherhood aM p*ic* depend upon every one of An e«tre room it elwayi ut for iu fulfillment; that by the. wolcofne! Our tliilloa work- grace of God we are what we arr, d it hehoovet every one of ua *nan *r* at near at your rekindle the flame of the divine •Jhone. In our heart a in the house of Ood —the Ood of humanity, whoee waye are right and juat for all who walk S HKMMiK HIMiH **:.* IN them. In behalf of my people, my con- gregation and my family, I eitend my beat wiohea to the entire roat- untty, 1 ih*li pray for all t« Tfcii p "Remtaiker ua unto life, Oh King, MODIRNIZI who delight* In life—Amen." YOUR HOME material afcMt S«a IrifM. -M«S Mff. Chariot V. Sbrgfthir* •• •CNBDUI.E OF SEJtVICEC Vay Aa Lillie A* 5 A Maul!- 101 Huton m. kai baaa aampilinf far tha patt M yaan. CeRfiPintinn O/nni T«rft#T. f\nl tank •OKM HASMONAH SKKVirtS I Taken at abavt the t«rn af Mia cautery, it ehawa Saa •rltht'* Su»«iy, Sept. It «:l)H p. •. FHA THMS - YCAXS TO Mr - ALL JOIS INSURED - MIE ISTIMATiS KiKb Diy—Mondlir, Oil. 1 Rnt aVawbfUfa, with MM brJ^tetatuVa IMKM ts«ete» at *ht Sktrkirilk «:0« i. m. kiMdiM •( lh< Shnflr H:C, <. •. a PAINTINfi I ria.M, avar MM bri^fe aaaraaah and •»•< •»• water. The naaa. "WNit U No* Akaut a New Y«rt" tl.'AI a. m. a MAMOM;V a BOOMNU a r^ADEB!*—Ot'TTEM Brlrftetaitder at MMt tima. MM. Sftrafnhira reaaHa, wa« a Mr. tJiifitf 11 »• Neon a ATTIC tO* a COWB. Miwnowa a»»KliftiCLO«t'BEII •Ian prata«ta4 a hasard ta wafe** araeiina, Hia krWta, he* l«tl>la»i>4 OaD«»—TuMileyr , On. ! mttitrttk «:»•«. m. I aauia they M Mia affaat at time* el Marina, Mia heriee. The :lau*4ill| «( Ike Rhoftr t«:t) •. M. itoraiM, "Milt AM I' ll:»« a. •. brMee wai epened ky bane' anal wai leaetew where tka re. Mima* .IJita Nmn I g«a«dlft.ra4i»llii tita p. m. •(Malay lor a Motor trio tkreugk aaaaker. Other fluea«« will be Or. tka New England et*tea. Ablett N. ffurr, aeiHUM rommia- tlrt. Mill* 1. Diakelkerg. Jr., (loner af education; Dr. Paul R. Jonee, prealdent of tho department NOW SHOWING AT ana k«r Ougkter OOIIIM r«tuma« •f auperlntendenee of the New Jer< rllll lut Tkurafay U tkoir kMM, It•ey education aaaselatlon. and Dr. •Maton IVM., rr«m luruHMi, Roger B. Baylor, preaident of tha Col, wkaro tkty wtro cuotta two Secondary tckeol Prlaelpal'a ataa- WMIM of kar ptniHa, Mr. •«• Mn. RIVER ROW RADIO & TELEVISION, Inc. Suite. Arthur J. mtwtU. clattea. Irvmt ». MekMr, attaniay with Indlvidttat pietwraa at oileot M fint »v». fUt af tka eeator clan and faculty at torn* af tka Americart n Bar tka Mgk ackaat were taken Mon- elation eonveatlon Woaaeaaay of day far tka yearbook. Oroup pie- latt woek at UM Waldorf-Aatorla turee will bo Ukea at a later date. la Mew Tork city, addreeeed by Carolyn Pederaen waa elected . S YLVANIA TV™,™ RueMpk Halley. Ubaral party can- afeaiaontt nanrlk Patereon vloa "Dawn te larth" didate for city council prealdeat la prealdent and Carter Ian aeeretary. New Tork city: Martula Child*, treaaurer of tbe freahman claaa on Meat. political coluaialat; feaator Betea Monday at the eehool. They au- MILLIONS HAVE READ ANb ASKED Ktfauvar of Teaneaaat, chairman tomatically became memkera of tha of tka former Senate Crime In- atudent council which waa reor- vettlgating committee, ana Sena- ganised Tuaaday In proparatloa far Vhlt Our tor Herbert OConner of Maryland. the afhosl-wide election «f piwal ABOUT IT...NOW YOV CAN SEE IT! Ueut, Ooendr. Ravel, officer In d*nt and viea prealdent of the coun- charge of the procurement eHee cil. at PhllndelphU and ia civil Ufa a Ta4ayl Mt«jem ana Ma]. William R. Whitney, wha principal of tka Hamburg, N. T. celebrated hia birthday Tueaday, high achool, laat Thwttoy after- waa fuoat of honor at a diaaar nooat addramt Jtialar aad aentor party Saturday at hia homo, U koya la UM aallaga preparatory BUrth ave. OueaU wera Mr. and M eotirae. He afcowod a motion pit- Mra. Edward Bennett and tkahT MIY WAIL AT FACTORY MICK" tura eBplalnlag tha Naval daughter JEeMa of Belford, Mr. and OMena Training Corpe program Mra. Arthur Naylar and Mr. aid maintained by UM Navy at B) eat- Mra. Frank S. Siegfried and tkeU Mta. Flva kick aekaol atuaanU eon Arthur. aUa ta tako tka oaaalattioat for Mra. Abraham floreajen I Alfred De Geimaro eollcgo antraaco uMar tka pro-nrd ave. aad her grandaan, Artkur gram ta bt htld Saturday, Dae. «,Serenaon, aon of Maglatrate and *-—M7 BRIDGE AVE., RED BANK—* at Aibury Park. Ra«ulr«niaaU In Mra. Sverro Sorenasn of Bslvidere additlM to a*Mia* t*a Naval col- rd., are oipeeted to arriva in Now "The Frame of light for Viewing Comfort' OPIN IVIRY DAY THI0U4H SATURDAY laia aatltudo tojta, wkleh ara aa-Tork city Saturday aboard tke 1 mlalatartd by tha Muettlaa ToH- SUvangerfiord from Xrlftlanaaad. t A. M. «« t P. M. Int aarvlea at Prlaeaton unlvanlty. Norway. FRIDAY IVININ6 UNTIL * Ineluda partlelaatloa la two turn- FLINTY OF FRII PARKIN* SPACE mar eruiaai and thraa yaara' tar- taNaa. gaamataal or 'vico attar graduation. Tha Mavy piya all ealliia npauai aad |W ill—iH wrtkla I aw par month. Vlacoat 3. "Jtaav" Flaa, haad MMIM M football eoaeh; Ootrft WiMttkat TIRES and Bradlay VanBruat,aJak*ccko«l principal, will attaal tka WAIT TRIADS

FOR THE ALOLIGHT is a wonderful new advance in TV, GRAND OPENING H it's our big news in television. This soft, cool frame of light around your screen makes the picture look clearer—actually makes it IRWIN'S FINE FURNITURE seem larger. HALOLIGHT is built right into the leading sets of WILL BE AT the Sylvania Golden Jubilee line, the sets with Movie-Clear' picture, Studio-Clear* sound, with the 27 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK "Triple-Lock" that gives you Rock-Steady pieturw. WITH THE Here are far and away the finest TV sets ever Largest Selection of Fine Furniture • Geodyaor raada tiaada produced by Sylvania, a leader in lighting and elec- tight en tha toad tronics for fifty years. IN MONMOLTH COUNTY WS MAM TOO TOMB) AT MO Be among the first to see. to own the new Sylva* BXTBA COST wklw iw *Mftia nia TV with HALOLIGHT. Come see it NOW! Ovtr an Acre of FAMOUS BRAND FURNITURE to Choow From an ktUf mrt M your Urea. •3 Stop In and Sot 459 flu. IM.00 ImUll.H.H SoHaieTnataari hew UM now treads ara maattfao- Ana Out Yiar Parti Warranty LOWEST PRICES tarof ia our own plank 90 DAYS FREE SERVICE The MadUotl... SyNui*', XT Mahogany fttLtsa OUR MIRACLE OF VALUES" Canaat*. MtmeCint* teraat, SlueVtiear* wnnd. Black Tube md "Triple-Lock." N«n-|lar«, wide-mile RIVER ROAD RADIO MOUNT titwMi. Deluxe mihogeny cabinet with hand-rubbed •IFORI faith. Alto available in modern blonde wood cabinet. 6L TELEVISION, INC. TIRE SERVICE S97 RIVER ROAD, FAIR HAVEN, N. J. YOU BUY 71 Whlra St. Rad lank •HONE HE ••0414 PHONI RID IANK 6-4247 ' iF OTtVkr ^rV^ffff §hmp imOy fnm 9t99 *M Si 50 — JM 'HI f. 4+mrf

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If you likt a large pillow, you'll want this ex'tra-stio At this special low price, you'll want foam pillows for every bed in your home. Soft and buoyant.. • foam pillow! No speclal-tlxe pillow case reejutrtd for utmoit sleeping comfort. Dust and mildew proof. •.. fiti regulation cittt. Ideal for allergy sufftrert. Completely wathable.


11 til tiiKiiti lit Him: nun mil FH irn I I II r»n 1111 n 1111 u (Hinin i tn rtw im tu nu n IH NH i iiiiijj»if IINFFIK iHrHiinHiiiiiii rKHiu i imwiHiHttf PI IIIIIHI N MIH H I f I I I 7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER m cow VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 13. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1951 SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 16. fRealbtate Patrolman Fix Three Bank Employee* to Enter Military Service Troop 17 Has Awarded 11,231 Jersey Railroads Patrolman James Pic of Uttle Turkey Dinner, Silver waa awarded HXUM in Workaoa's Coaipeaaetiea court Boras Agency last weak la tho Rod Bank her- Court of Honor •ugh hall by Deputy Director Har- Three Trtsttrrfemi Asking Fare Jump ry a. Mcdineti. Fair Him*, IM Bmk Pii was injured Peb. IS when the police car he waa driving te an emergency in Poawood park Six Get A»anU , Shore Lines Join in Fight ••nirk a stalled unligMed car ea HIM real estate transactions are Rumson rd. The otruek car waa Last Thursday night Troop 17, reported fcy ths It. *• Iwui agea- driven by a Port Monmonth- ee4- Boy Scouts of America, of the First For New Commutation Bomi ey, fair Kavca. dier, who borrowed it from hi* Methodist church of Red Bank, brother. held its tint annual Father »ni Mr. tad Mr*. Charles Schneider. As a result of the cellieiea, the 8on turkey dinner and Court of NEWARK-Ten railrosda oper> M OMI drive, Atlantic High- policeman suffered bead tajurlof Honor. Bethune Jonea, public Re- ating in New Jersey—including lands, asvo MM their ranch type and an injury te his right knee. lations chairman for Troop IT, was Church Women the New York aV Long Branch and bouse U Mr. u4 Mr.. C. Harry Besides receiving emergency treat- general dinner chairman, with Hi*r- Jersey Central—began asking for Rum, Elisabeth. The houM tua substantial new increases in eom« ment and X-rays at Rivarview ry Barnard as chief chef, a«*iated mutation fares in joint federal- Its NMH with expansion ettlc. hospital, he wms treated by Dr. by Arthur Hotaling. large Uvtaf room with picture To Hear Mrs. Pyke state hearings that opened here Prank J. Oof? of Red Bank. PI* The banquet was officially opened Mrs. Frederick Pyke. recently re- Monday, window. The Haaseat have taken testified that ho was out of work by greetings to the gurst« by Mr. tired missionary to China, will be i Th ,tM th wer# ,0|i „,„„. potetMlert end the Schneiders arc for a week and then resumed hit d i Ch il b Jones, followed t>y words of grace at moving to their MW home in Flor- duties on a limited scale. gura—"'t "•''• » meeting of the, und,p nt fatM- by Rev. Roger J. Squire, the church Women's Societna/-L*a»y lAfop ra^*fe Chrtotia* v ia*in_ClAia_'n 8cr* - • " i4a. Mr. Kaasen ii district man- William T. Wlchmann of the All ten are asking about IS per afar for the Landers, Prary and pastor. The turkey dinner, with all vice neat Wedneaday at T:45 p. m. more money for interstate Red Bank law nrm of Wise and the nxin'n, was then enjoyed by Clerk company. in thhe FellowshiFllhi p hall off thhe MMothh- ' ti(.kets-good for trips from Jersey Wise represented the officer. La- tl«'j IS person* present, After the Mr. an« Mra. Frank Bauer, Red bey and Oockelcr of Newark rep- odlst church. H'-r topic will be on ,lU ,ions ^ point, out.,1(ie the state. dinner, participation singing, camp- the Christian missions' an«le of th* ; g, , , Sank,' h»ve purchased a ranch resented the insurance company. flic style, was enjoyed under the ht o{ he roal want ab0llt have* an Park pi. in River Oiks, subject, "Christian Mission* «<*, a p€rc #nt more for commutation direction of Leon M. Compton. Mr. Human Rights." |service between towns inside New Mr Havaa, from Allen Brothen, Jones introduced Al Vetter, .scout- •ultders. There are eix raomi, I master of Troop IT, and William elwdlng a »-«. living room, with Sweeney Agency Macdonald, troop committee chair- New Tork k Long Branch and wae4 buralag nreplace. Tha plans man, both of whom spoke briefly. Jersey Central originally hid plan- far thli hame ware prepared by Mr. Jones then introduced Pred Bil- ned to join the other e^ght in tha tha architectural arm at McMur Makes 2 Sales let, Bcout executive of Monmouth appeal for a withln-the-state far* ray aad Chlrgotls, Union. Mr. and MONMOUTK BEACH-Reeently council, who gave an Inspiring talk Ike. But they withdrew from this Mn. William NoMen, Jersey City, emlet were consumated on two of on Scouting trend* and principles phase of th* appeal Monday, eay. have aleo bought a new ranch the largest modern homes In Mon- A eJInnar wat ••ntJaraa latt Thurttjay «!•>• at (Ka Cryttal aVaali Inn, lattjntown, fa and how Troop IT, with other local ing they wanted to avoid compli- haute front Alien Brother* Themouth Beach, one on Ocean ave., troopa nation-wide, co-operate in cations In another rate base cast house, which if Just about com* and the other on Club circle. The fhraa amplayaai al (ha Secant) National bank ant] trmt aaenpany wfca ara antarlnt military this .program. hat waa scheduled to open yes. platan, haa six raomi and It altu- Charles E. Sweeney agency of tarvlca. Tha party wat eji*en by thair •••wartan In fa* bank. At to n*nm» rifhr it lt)> terdsy. atad an a quarter-acre plat. The Rumson negotiated the aales. aaw awnari will move in eoon. wart) Shlweja, wha tfatantatj larawaH fiftt ta tha thraa «VMH al hanar, laft •• rl|Mi Rlahartl Mr, Jones then called upon Al- Settee M*rw the War Mr. Maiden la aiaaelated with Ihe The large frame structure on bert VanNostrand, Neighborhood If authorlied, these would be Standard Oil Company of New tha southwest corner of Ocean ave. Smith, f tJwart) ant) ftabart Hawkini. Scout commissioner, to make the added to the aeries of fare boosts Jersey. and Central rd. owned by Edgar presentation of award* as follows: granted, since the war. Wldln, formerly of Rumson, was Itrninloot ta ."iiTuinl Cluie—Wily It Is the New York & Long In Red Bank Mrf. Anne C. Mac- Bold to Philip Sheridan McNally, gtoye. Ste|,htn rvc H«ael. Branch that nerves Red Bank ar.5 OonaM aold her River rd. colonial a prominent tax attorney of New Uunlfll Bthy. other shor* commuter towns. The house to Mr. and Mr*. Peter Hem- York city. Tho property extends Dr. Peters to Give Executive Director of Red Cross Second Clais Scout Hctt-lvinv Merit Badgea—Brur*< Ru'latul, t'irpmanvhi road Is Jointly owned hy Jerfey teheot, Rtwuon. In addition to the from Ocean are. to Railroad ave. Kirit I !••« Scouti Urctivirn H Central and Pennsylvania rail- natal living quartan, tha house and Included in tho aalo waa a Badaca—Hugh Jonn. l'«i>onnl Health, roads, which use the same tracks baa Sve bedrooms. An outdoor private ocean bathing beach. The Views on Korea Reviews County Chapter's Growth rathftndinii; Bob Hotchkiai, KwimmtlK; Hichai'4 Moort, first Aid, Swimming-, and accept the same tickets. pttla ant) btrbeeue, ihrubbery and house, which la in splendid condi- R«v. Or. John Thompson Pe- Llf« Saving!. The powerful Eastern evergreens, provide faellltlai for tion, contains IS rooms, five mod- There's a Tompklns Cove along ters, promotional secretary of tha the Hudton, a Tompklns ttreet In Star Seoul. KtnMng M»rit Umt association is supporting the state- outdoor living. The Hemichoota will ern baths, five fireplaces, solarium, Oeneral council of the Presbyter- Kelvin Comiiton, Tint Aid, Scholarship: operated roads In the fare hike Uha poaMMton next iprliif. powder room, game room and a New Tork city, a lot of Tomp- Bddle Eg'land, Flrat aid, Homi Ri Ian church, will addreat a meeting klnses In the telephone directories Cement Work. appeals. Standing in opposition are William M. Hall of tha Boras streamlined kitchen. Also on the \ the Jersey Shore Protective com* property are a new two-car garage —even an Ice cream by the tame Mr. VanNostrand turned the agency arrangad tha aalca of Mra. ; but so far at wo know meeting back to Sccoutmajter Vet JlOfm arft"S*V1CBl mittee, representing 55 shore 3trmaiM A. Strateeri houte at I adjoining the dwelling and a ea townt, and the Inter-MunlelpsJ blnatlon barn and stable. there's only one Lucy E. Tomp- ter tor cloeing. The lights were lhrtwstmry dr., Rumton, to Mr. klns, outstanding and welt-known turned out with only the American Alts on the program will be aGroup for Better Rail Service, Md Mra. Michael J. Boasa, Brook- Another property sold by the executive director of the Mon- flag Illuminated, Pred Billet led dim released by tha United Na- from Union county. lyn, Mr. Boua le manager of traf- Sweeney agency ii the dwelling mouth eounty Red Croat. the group in the humming of tions entitled "The Universal Dec- The hearing Is being conducted te promotion of the North Atlan- situated on Club eircle. The seller "Tape" while Mr. Compton recited laration of Human Right*." Music tic and Owlf Steamship company in Mist Tompkins needs no Intro- by ofAclala of both the State Betrd was Thomas J. MeAleer, former duction. Long years of faithful ser- the words. After a few seconds of will Include "Hymn for the Nao-f Public Utility Commisaioners (ftw Tork and plant to occupy hit oommUilontr of Hoboken and a alienee Mr. Vetter pronounced the tions," whlcch won flrat prlae In homo aa toon aa poMlhlc. vice in directing Red Croea In this and the Interstate Commerce Com- well-known attorney of North Jer> county have won for her wide- Scout benediction, a nation-wide contest of American mission, which govern fare ratea Mr. and Mra. T. Bruee Autttr- sey. The purchaser waa Edwin R. spread recognition. On Oct. 1, Lu- poets, sponsored by the tVeague of Others beside the shore lines in* muht, Rumson, have taken occu- Peata of Ridgefleld, who will oc- The boys in attendance with theli Nttiona association. Mra. Mildred cy Tompkins will begin her Mth fathera or sponsor were Donald volved In the case tre the Dela- pancy of their new homo on Park cupy it as a summer homo. The year aa director H the local chap- Pilsner Stout will ting "How Beau- ware, Lac ka wanna at wtfttra, ave.. Rumaan. The property waa dwelling, surrounded by a ha da Havens, Thonut* ttoeckel, William tiful U*>n the MeuatalM." ter, in MM, when she came to Arford, Bob Hotchklss, Eddie Kg*> Crle, Lehigh Valley, Neiw JerseJorse)j purchaaad from Leroy Bngie • trees, contains a huge oak paneled Red Cross In tht pxltion the now Mrs. pyke, who with her kuebend, New York, West Short division waa constructed for Michael Ja- living room with log burning are- land, Bruce Egeland, Joe lerublno, holds, Miss Tompklns waa titled Mel Compton, Hugh Jonea, Ken Dr. Frederick Pyke, waa a ealttlea- of the Nsw York Central, Reading coba about five yean ago. Built place, dining room, modern kitchen executive secretary and bad the ary ia China for 40 year*, wat and Pennsylvania Reading Sea- of cinder block and stucco, thepowder room, four spacious bed- Joaea, Jim Duffle, Steve Sloano, assistance of only one part-time Dan Brophy, Bob Cadman, Mike formerly a T.W.C.A. accretary In shore lines. houae coiulits of four largo room* rooms and three tiled baths. A employee. Chapter headquartera Shanghai. During the war Or. and and a garage. two-car garage Is on the premises. Hartman. Dick Moore, Dan Hord- Plat-Pee •»** were at 107 Monmouth et. In one land, Bill Stoyle, Oeorge Heeael, Mra. Pyke were Interned two and Another sale negotiated by Mr, room; branehei of the chapter a half years In the Wei Helen con- Ths Increatet are being asked Dave Barr. Members of the troop on an unusual, flat-fee basis which Hall waa that of Raymond San- Old Mill Exhibit were scattered throughout ths committee present vert Al Vetter, centration camp. born'i lieaaa en Third at., Pair county. Working with a few volun- would add equal amounts to feet Scoutmaster; Ha>ay Hotchklss, Bar. Dr. and Mrs. Pyke an the par- for tickets, regardlesa of the dis- Havon, to Mr. and Mn. Richard AllracU Crowds teers In the branches, and with aey Egeland, Phil Egeland, U M.ent* of Mrs. Thomas Q. Streckfus, Pettlgrew, aleo of that borough the part-time help of Mist Minnie y g, g, tance traveled. NEW SHREWSBURY-Oata de ___ Utta Uey E. TomjaltM Ct Bthu Jn 344 Broad st., and have three other Tho Pettlgrawa -a#t residing in ^fegh's-~»Mt-~ Century- Old -4HH- TTliT7~TlrTW|«lir-l«t Compton, Bethune .Jones.. Comdr, children wlio-w«re-borii In Ctima: thll _wouM.jneaji,..for_B»4_I«nll. _ their aew home. workshop and gallery at Tinton Hartman, Robert Barr, Rev. Roger Mm. Streckfus wa# born In thit to New York, or other towns to about to direct all Red Cress ser- Mist Tompkint may be found ad- J. Squire, Pvt. Merle Davlet, Har- New York, Increases of about 75 Two rental* In tht Knoltwood Falls Is the site of another Im- vices and to expand them at thedressing various civic groups and country. Mr. and Mn. Pyke were lection of Fair Haven are also pressive art exhibit The show 9.*. MM T. Peteia ry Barnard, Harold Cummlng and born' in China of missionary par- cents for weekly tickets, $2.70 growth of the population de- clubs; being Interviewed on thtWilliam Macdonald. Quests In- for tht limited (Monday-Priday> reported by the tame agency. Igt opened Monday and will cieee next manded. radio. Or the may be attending ents and educated In America. Dr. Vtptn, Oxford ave, hat leased hie Sunday. It is being visited by art next Tuesday at I p. m. being spon- cluded Arthur Hotaling, Albert Van- Pyke was graduated from Harvard monthly tickets, and $1 for tha sored jointly by the Women's as- "At that time," aald Mlae Tomp- meetings of the Board of Mental Nostrand and Pred Blllett, unrestricted, unlimited monthly •outs to Warrant Officer Evans, lovers from throughout the county. Hygiene society and the County Divinity school and received an who recently returned from Korea This show, featuring the warkt sociation and the Men's club of klns, "the population of Monmouth The troop and leadera will go honorary degree of doctor of divin- tickets. the church. The meeting will tak* county waa 147,209, and our chap- Health council. She represents Red Two Pennsylvania executives tnd It now ttatlonod at Port Hen- of talented eounty artists, ranges Cross In those organisations. swimming tonight at the Atbury ity from DePauw university. His ock. The J. E. Orauses's, 1W Ox from portraits, landscapes and place at the Weitmlnstcr nous? ter had less than 200 volunteers. Park Natatorlum. This week-end wife is a graduate of Wellealey. spoke before the hearing officials Our only volunteer special services Monday, outlining what they aald :ord ave., have ranted their Cape still life, to drawings, sculpture atop Tower hill, the new educa- Began at Nurse's AMo they will be camping at the Bris- After the program refreshments Cod houae to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. and ceramics. The collections are tional and social building of tlie to the community were the Braille bane Scout reaervation at Farm- waa a dire need for higher fares. service, which Is no longer a func- . "Reviewing my long years with will be served by members of Cir- Bowen, New Tork. Mr. Bowon It generous In color and wide in Red Bank church. Or. Peters will Red Cross," reflected Mist Tomp- ingdale. cle O, with Mrs. Carl Anderson, J. L. Heywood, assistant eomp. in engineer at Coles Signal labora- composition. There has been a con- speak on Korea. tion of Red Croat; production, troller, stated: "It costs the Penn- which conalsted of the making of kins. "1 began service during th< (See picture on page It of this 8r, and Mrs. Charlea Jahnlg in tory and will take possession next tinuing series of exhibitt at tht Dr. Petera made an extended First World war as a voluntee charge. sylvania nearly two dollars to earn Wedneaday. Old Mill for aeveral months. garments and bandages; first aid, lection.) dollar In* the commutation bust- tour of Korea, having been sent and water safety. I doubled-ln- nurse's aide In New York city. I there by the Presbyterian church waa on duty six days a week al neat In the New York-Metropoli- brasa and took care of home ser- tan area. For aervlce between Nen» and representing Church World vice cues. Now, howtver, with the Willard Parker hospital, where service and other interdenomina- York and Bay Head, ht said, It 250,000 people in our county, and we eared for the overflow of the Youngsters to Stage Pet Show costs 1*7 jwr cent more than th* tional ageneles In the interests of several military Installations, to Navy from Brooklyn Navy yard Assessment Board Reduces relief needs. His trip covered both railroad gets back. For aervlce be- be served, wt have over 2,000 vol- during the terrible influents epi- tween atatlons within the state tt North and 8outh Korea. A two- unteers rendering constant help demic. But we weren't given the week trip to Japan was alto in- As Polio Fund Benefit Oet 13 coats 100 per cent more than fares White Si Cost to $97,080. to Monmouth county eltisens thorough training nor the Inclu- collected, ht aald. cluded in the Far Eastern visit. through our many services. During sive course offered now to nurse's ELBERON-A pet show will be The Red Bank special assess- Bowers, representing the Red During hla pastorate at West- the Second World War, of course, aldtt. We were put right to work held at South Lincoln ave. here Stresses Tonataat Lots* ment board announced Monday Bank Investment company. side Presbyterian church, Phila- we had six or aevtn tlmet that In the hospital, and were declarod Fair Oct. 13 from noon to t p. m. Saturday, Oct. night In a tentative report that Mr. Heywood claimed the Penn* Mr. Bowers waa the only spokes- delphia, Or. Peters became out- many volunteers." full-fledged nurse's aides only after 18—4he third annual effort of a aylvania wit losing monty In itt It bad arrived at a cost flgure of man who aald he was willing to standing for his interest In the we had completed three months' group of young women In thit sec- IS Comty Biawelaoo For Children passenger service every year. l*T.000 (or the White at. widening. go on record as approving the ten- promotional and stewardship duty. That was In the winter ol tion to raise money for the Na- Against thli, ha said, It It paying Tha report waa made by Edmund tative report of the commission. phases of church work. At executive director of the lelft-lt. The following summer, SHREWSBURY — The annual tional Infantile Paralysis Founda- more for wages, fuel, materials Cansona, secretary, at the direc- Private property ownera Involved In 1M» Or. Peters waa elected Monmouth county chapter, Mist when my family waa vacationing children's fair sponsored by thution. and supplies. tion of the chairman, Kenneth M. include the Elisabeth White es- president of the Philadelphia Coun- Tompklns plant and admlnlatert in Avon, I waa an aide with the Mothers' club of Old Christ Epis- tate, Reuben White, Aspdln com- Two yeara ago, several girla frost "Only in one year aince the war WyckotT. at a meeting adjourned cil of Churches. Hli unexpircd lla entire service program! work- Belmar Motor corps. We volunteer- copal church wilt bo held Saturday, hat Pennsylvania's rate of return from Sept. IS. pany, Red Bank Investment com- ing with the committees of the eight to ten yean of age had aa term, lasting through Marol\ 1900, ed our time to transport convales- Oct. 13, from 1 to 5 p. m. at Park- Idea which became more profitable on itt investment in railway prop- Before going Into the report, Mr. pany, Bessie Maletto, Martin Van- waa filled by Dr. R«\*Stower« Clem- variout divisions, with tha profes- cing service men of the Lakewood er's "ranch" on Sycamore ave. In Buren Smock, Irving Rubin, John each year. Their first project vu erty used In transportation been Cansona announced that sugges- ents, pastor of Brj'n Mawr Presby- sional staff, and with the IS county hospital to and from picnics and event of rain, the 'late will be more than 1'i per cent," said Mr. Ii Mount, John H. Mount com- branchet. It Is her job to Inter- a cake sale. That netted then 114 tions made by property owners at terian church. community gatherings. Later, Oct. 30. —a big amount for the active Htywood. the drat hearing helped the board pany, Eli, Leonard and Jerome pret national policies of Red Crest when my family moved perma- Plans for it were R*.<]ft the past Bernstein, William O'Brien estate, Dr. Petera haa had a conspicu- youngtten. Last year they had Claudt W. Oetty, Pennsylvania's In arriving at an equitable flgure. to the people of the county: to nently from New York city to As- week at a meeting In Mrs. Wil- Edward J. Macklln, Max Leon, Be- ously comprehensive educational assist in budget-planning and to "Junior Varieties" directed by one assistant passenger traffic man- Elimination of the building re- background. He studied and trav- bury Park, I devoted tlmt to Red liam T. Vaughan's Little Silver of the fathers, Peter Arnold. That ager, told of a reduced use of moval cost of 119,800 and reduction get Trading company, Elisabeth H. co-ordinate all chapter activities. home. The affair benefits the Sun- Pope and Red Bant: properties. eled abroad, and was awarded the When asked to explain her poal- Cross roll call, at house-to-houie snow was highly successful, net- trains by commuters aince the end of tht land flgure to half the orlg- docfor of philosophy degree from canvassing used to be designatcj. day-school and haa annually been ting the polio fund $50. of World War It This, he said, B*-«atlmato-of-r a much-anticlpated event to- -ehtt tht University uf Edlubumli. In BuiiHdaji, when Mill loiflpkin This year's, of course, win oe tne THnrSOTW^J3^iwre ~ decentraliza- tha WT000 flgure, Mr. Cansona hearings and hopes to have its fi- tha field of church history. He re- "Under the board of director* retires from Red Croat, sht thlnki dren of this borough and surround- tion of Industry, greater observ- nal report ready for the borough biggest effort. Entries should be said. ceived hi» theological training at and the chapter chairman, Hot- she'll go In the "tinkering bust- ing communities. Ths fair will ance of tht five-day work week council by late October or early combe Ward, and In co-operation made to Beth Lelchter of 232 South "Figuring that at least 28 per Western Theological seminary, nete." have a refreshment stand, ponies, Lincoln ave. Her committee mem- and growing use of automobltet cent of tha assessment would be November. Pittsburgh, from which he waswith tho service committees, my horses, pony and cart, tractor hay by workers, true purpose is to promote and "1 adort to putter around with bers are Misses Meredith Arnold, assumed by general taxation," Mr. graduated with the 8.T.B. degree tools and gadgets," ahe aald. Ove ride, movies, novelties and game Susan Bady, June Manger, Patty Seats on commuter tralna thai , Cansona explained, "this would In 1M4. He was graduated with expand Red Cross In Monmouth booths with prltea. Red Croat Chapter county." at the chapter houte she's Jeck-of. Sullivan, Myrna Skobel and Rober become vacant, and stay that way, further reduce tht 107,000 flgure by the A.B. degree from Lafay< note ea services—to mention a few, Mo- Mn. Rudolph Barg; Mrs. Arthur said. tor Corps, Disaster, Canteen. "Why television hat almost pried James, rides;* Mrs. E. Kenneth a door priie. Refreahmenta and your calendar that you hate an Next Thursday mi away from bridge," tho con- dog food will be on sale. Publicity Mr. Oetty said that Penntylva- $35 Per Front Foot appointment on either Oat 1 or Should the director of a service Button, games; Mra. Howell K. nia't commutation traffic in 1M0 be absent at the time of an emer- fessed. "But my real bobby Is* Red is being handled by the Elberon Mr. Cansona pointed out "it was J to see Mra. E. C. Haaard, direc- Mra. Ellta Walmaley, chairman Walton, movies, and Mrs. Albert represented 42.4 per cent of tho gency, Miss Tompklns must be CrOts. I believe In It. Red Cros E. Hindle, publicity, with Mrs. library. Judging Is in charge of tha consensus of the board that tor of Volunteer Service groups, of the coffee shop at the Mountain- it my vocation and my avocation." Peter Arnold. Mrs. Arnold It Intotal passengers carried, but pro- tho front foot- assessment In noat the Bed Crete chapter hovee, prepared to take ovtr for that Kenneth Almy. duced only (.4 per cent of the rail* side hospital, Montclair, will speak person. Last November at tht time charge of posters. Mist Margutr- case should exceed $S5 per foot If Broad at, Shrewsbury. at the opening meeting and tea of road's passengtr rtvenue. at all possible, and that special of tht freak storm, the volunteer St. John's Guild tte Truesdell It advisor. Mrs. Haaard win be at tha Red Bank auxiliary of Rivervlew director of dliatter service was There will be ten classes for He considered it "fair and prop* consideration be given certain hofpltal, Thursday, Oct. 4, at 2 P. Sewer Company Delays or" that flat-rate increases be properties because of the limita- chapter hoaae on those days from away. Miss Tompktna waa on hand Plant Food Sale dogs: best condition, long-halre.1, M until S to Interview vofonteera M. at the Red Bank Woman's club. to superintend the salvage and res- Higher Rate Schedule short-haired, longest tall, shortest granted so all commuters should tions placed on them by the acqul- Mrs. Harold 8. DeVoe head* a com- share alike in bearing the added eltlon of land for the widening." for Bed Croat. You may qualify cue' work. She mutt be available UTTLE SILVER—Tht Woman' LONO BRANCH — The Long tail, greatest mixture, largest, aa a Gray Lady for hospital duty, mittee of members who will be at all times. If away on vacation smallest, children'! handling and expense. hostesses for tea. guild of St. John't Episcopal Branch Bewer company has ad- By special consideration, Mr. at a staff aide for clerical work or for the weak-end, and an emer- chapel will hold ita annual fall obedience. The classes for cats will Canton* meant that certain prop- vised the State Board of Public at headauarten, aa a canteen Rtd Bank auxiliary, together gency arises, she returns immedi- food sale next Friday afternoon, utility commissioners that it hasbe best condition, largest and Mn. Piznill. Ofiens erties would be assessed lest than .worker for the blood bank pro- with the aasUtance of the other ately to assume her responsibility. Oct. 5, at tht parish houte on Lit- smallest. $13 per front foot, agreed to suspend the 93 per cent gram, or for one of tha many hospital auxiliaries plans to open Possessing a good sense of humor, tle Silver Point rd. Mrs. E. Stan' rate increase It seeks until Nov. IS. An animal family class will be a Ann'*; Beauty Shop Leon ReussJIle, borough attor- other service branches. a coffee shop In the new Rlveivlow she jokingly remarked, "Wherever ley Marks Is chairman, assisted b;, The action was voluntary since the costume event for child and animil I may be, I keep my ears alertsd Mrs. Frank W. Giles, Mrs, Loren PORTAUPECK—Another enter* ney, said that although there would The local chapter of Bed Crete hospital this fall. Mrs. Waltnsloy P.U.C. had impended the proposed in a familiar story th«me. A mis- prise was added to this community be no more public hearings held hat found It necessary, because will explain the methods of organ- to the telephone and my eyet on M. Klenlt, Mm. L. R, nranrijean, schedule three times and exhausted cellaneous claaa will exclude dogs the weather-vane." Mrs. Ethel Smith and Miss Julia Monday when Mrs, Nicholas Pis. by the assessment board, the bor- of the rail made upon It by the ising hospital coffee «hops, and the its powers. and cats. Another class will be IUIH opened Ann's beauty shop at ough council la duty bound to give civilian defense program, to en- role) of volunteers in this type of Parker, for birds, poultry, fish. Insects, rep- hsr home, 37A Comanche dr. notice that tha assessment board's In 1M4, during tht terrible hur- The P.U.C. is now studying the tiles and ponies under 12 hands. list additional volunteer workera project. ricane which dealt a heavy blow to The former Angela Mattoccltj, report haa been received, l« on Ale Gamp Supporters case, which required 20 dayt of All winners will be judged for beit- Immediately. Mr*. P. Lawton Hlndle, auxiliary the Jersey coastal areas Miss henrins* and more than 11.000 pages daughter of Mr. mid Mra. Adolpli with the borough clerk, and will he mt«d in our iMciin. i>iivalo fittinf room In-show. Mattoci'lu. of Lclghton ave., Red considered officially by tho council Give jour extra hours to Red fresident, in making women lo Tompklns recalls having remained bx txprrt itCHilllula nin!<; arid female ht. of testimony. Briefs liuve been Cro«s. Take a volunteer with serve as volunteers In the newon duty at tht chapter house from tcr«. Altrrntinnft tit lit yuu t*r*niiitlly submitted by Jacob Steinbaeh, Jr., Bank, Mr.«. Pizxulli }>an worked at at such and such a date, time and For ttrvlci without waiting, or for norm An Invitation a hairdresser more than five veart place, you. shop. Full Information may be ob-a Thursday morning at S o'clock fitting nail Rtd Bank «-2«H, flout I attorney for the company, and John Tht public ii nviieij to .loin th- Rum- tained from Mrs. Hlndle, Mrs; Rob- until Saturday at noon. "Contrary laner Surgical Supply, ,1S Cut From A. Matthews, Newark, special coun- ion Guriifn rluh tmir tit knni»! T»«r«- «lnce h»i- graduation from LaTouf Questions and suggestions were ert Edmonatone and Mm. Letter to common belief," Mid sne, "I doitraat. Ked Bank.—Advartlitmrnt. sel employed by the city of Long day, Oft Oh '.' to « P. M. Contirt academy, Trenton. She waa most Merltais Maney M». Ralph Draptr, AT l-0OI»,—Advtr recently employed At the Lovely submitted by Howard Leon, John for tiomei, farmi, country wtata, butt. C. Stork. Members of the hospital not rush to the scene of the dis- Branch, to contest the application tlsem'ttt, auxiliaries, and wumcn uf tho I will nnt h* r«*!»>n*ilVile for any debt Lady beauty bhop on Broadway, Mount, Jr., Enoley M. White, Mar- ntii uuildlngi esUtlnt or new, Una aster, It is my duty to remain it contracted other than by myself. (or increase. tin VanBurcn Smock, William term mi iiajfmant, liberal loam an community Interested In the proj- my pool, and dispatch the icrvlcc Keap Cael Long Branch. Klatsky,"representing Ell, Leonard Htc«i>i»bl» pruvirtlei, Jaieph 0, MeUue ect, are Invited lo attend tho Oct. wh*ra they »i« needed." ti. 3. Cllhon', The road to b*it*r anil bigger bull* I Stioti In oomfort In our alr-eetirlttfen Mrs. Plzsiilii also Is a graduate tnd Jtrome, and John Anne)' Button, Mortgate Depart. 4 meeting. 7J r»«r St., Soitwibury, N, 1 ue», adttrtlic In The JUiuUr itfulul/, liore. smrsjan'i. 41 lisa* ah, a •lit. Met! BU .•«Ut-£dVWtlMMt When not it tha (Bantu Adtlh of Rtd Bask ftifh bl fw§ Hf?t> 9f, flit •aattsl aesfereat*. Mr. Qrsagsr'a M7TKSBAK tople at th* 11 o'clock service will lUd Bask Navesink Hall PtoMrat be "The Crises of Life." Sunday- Mesahers of tb* Suaday-aekeel Rsr. BBaser T. Schick, pastor af school wtll meet at 8.48 a. as., with staaT will bo iastalled at tha II tkt Atlantic Highlands Presbpteri Of County Group classes for all. Ths evening servie* a'clacfc a*rvtc* Ssjadty by th* pas- aa caurea, will bt the guest sptak- iChurchi Services I at 8 o'clock will be la charge of ABBVRT PARK-Tks aaaual 1:S8P. M. tor, Rev. Harold Herabcrger. who sr at th* t:48 a. as. aervice Sunday 1 " BAPTIST Mr*. Etta Stryker and tb* youth will preacb *• the theme, "Teach ia the absence of the paster, Rev. meetiag M tb* Metjtaswtk Ottjaty ir.wtir. M. Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank choir who will present a •r'jslcale. My Pee*))*." S«aday-ach**>l will Roy E. William*. Jr., who ia at- Baakert * Clearing Hoist* saaacia- Dr. Ctrl Micheleon, professor ef "You Csn Win" ia th* tbesne ef Rally and Promotion Sunday will, Monday eveaiflg at 8 o'Clsck Ike •Mot at »:•! a. m. witb claasea far testing the 115th session of the tlea wae b*M at the Berkeley Car- thf sfrmon to he delivered et tb* official board will aseet at. tk* adult*, at wall at on* ia Estonian teiet hotel Satufday aigilt, at Meads/a. f:gt f. M. Ssfology *t Drew university, MMA- ' be abaerved Uii* coming Sabbath at New Jersey Conference at Oceaa wbiek time aaVcrs were elected. •tan. will be {cuest preacher Sun- ' 11 o'clock Sunday morning service t 41 e. m. Thi/i I* the beginning of! church. Wednesday the beard of for new Aaaerieeas. and regular City. by Rev. Charles S. Webster. New education and the worker* confer- classes tor chiMrca fretn 4 through Eractt Hall, cashier ef tk* Al- 888* *t the 11 ». *n. service jn the ( a new year of work la the church Sunday-school win meet at 10:45 8lOer.ce of th* pastor. Rev. Roger i members will be received aad If echool. Promotions from one class ence will h* held la tk* church at IS. The ehil«r*a'« ckoir will »•- a. m. and th* W. S. C. S. meeting leahurst Natitaal Baak * Trust Require, who Is attending the an- sny person.* are desirous ef uniting t* the next and from one depart- 8 p. m. bears* at 8:84) a. m. will be held Wednesday at J 30 company, aad a farmer restdeat af with the church they are requested atsstkert of tht Lvthor leagiM Red Baak, we* eUctad pretidtat B08M Nc«' Jersey Mcthodift confer- ment to another will take place •ALVAT0OM ABUT aad Herbert J. Millar. atttfUat aOfe which opened today at Ocean to contact the minister or the The goal is to have 20n present. win itava the church Sttaaay tt *' "' . church office. Red Bank! 4-134*, or » Uaeea PL » p. **. for LalMwotd to attsad th* cashier of tb* First ffatieaal baak CERAMIC C|ty. Music directed hy .1ohn Fer-' Rev. W. Clinton Powers, pastor, West KtmaJwrff af Spring Lake, vice prasideai. J. rtX «rganist, will include the or- Mrs. John Muyskcn*. will speak at the 11 o'clock aervice Maj. Henry A. Drlee wilt apeak fall rally of tb* Short district Lu- Sunday at tht II t, m. tervlct oa tter ttagiM at Holy Trlalty Luther- Mr. and Mr*. P(te DeFtii* ta- HtraM Mcadrickaea, vie* prettat iUIVfCE BJ8fi prelude. "Grave and Andante," i At tha morning service (ha Quar- aa the. topic, "What on Garth are ead trust aaVtr af tk* Keyport tet will ring the offertory anthem, "The Heart* Immortality." Tb* an cbMrch, of which Rev. Paul tertained Sunday in eelebratita of si (M- **l ti II Sfnata t. Mendelssohn; offertory! You Doing?" The chancel choir di- public ia lavitad. Sunday-acbaol sUwoMt is pastor. Miss Oladys their daughter Beatrice'* aecead Baakiag eeatpaay waa re-«4*cUd aejar number, "Firmle." Sonaia 4, "Fear Not lsr»'!," en<5 a duet, rected hy Mrs. Francis flwartr.. or- aeeretary aad treaatjrsr. 'Forever with th* I/ord," will be clasnee meet at »:4» o'clock. The Lladaer of the local church will birthday. Present were Barry and CeraavUl BitndelMohn; rhoir anthem. "L.ct ganist, will sing. A nursery is pro- young people's meeting, with Mr*. load the worship service aad the David Siegfried, Tommy sad Joseph Tkumsaeea, vice pnatdeat jVd the WorM." Thiman. and post-; rendered. At the close of the'serv- vided by members of the 50-50 club ttaistaVtsattl tKlaatttstaal 4*B saa*ffi1saa* ice a congregational and corporate John Olson and John T. Oltta, Jr. local leaguer* will present a plsy- Mickey Stoble, John Meyer, Jimmy af tk* Asbury Park * Oeeaa Orov* •"awlt^MSajP ^ffijVv*n «w wsTVUFat Mle. "Fugue in n Minor," Clerara- j for pmall children. Youth fellow- in charge, ia at 4:80 p. m. A street Itt at past of tk* ivaniag't pro- Sickala, Ann Marie Evans, Danny baak, waa aaaaed a ****s**r af tbt vault. > meeting will h» held to hear and ship meets at 7:3ft p. m. Minn Daisy •Via,. art upon recommendation* from the corner servie* will take place tt gram. Tha rally theme I*, - "Tour Oordaychick. Patricia Mott, Cathy executive beard lor Sve yeart aad :t>r. Frederick P.vk» of Little Sil-; Lnud Is president. 7:30 p. m. and tb* cvoalag service Preparation for Marriage sad the Murray, Beverly Tomaiao, Patricia F. Palmer Armttroag, presideat sf •JOT. graduate of Harvard Divinity I executive committee of the build- The altar flowers last. Sunday ttbs KeypaH Baakiag eemeaay, ing program relative to the struc- at the citadel it at 0 •clock. Mai- Fr**k*a af Mlud Marrisg**.* and Barbara Tomaino, Larralat CUV GORNEII gffiool and recently retired mis-! were from the garden of Mr. andDrlta will bring the mtmgi ua Kirk, Mickey Olaea, Virginia SaV wit asaaed aa es-eaVt* aatesker el aftntry to China after a service of' ture of the proposed new church Mra. Winston VanNote. "The Need for Mora Ceavlatoa* U* heard for three yaaaj. M dap at Fat* sanctuary and chapel, and also t* ve, Oerry Sttraembtrg aad Pttt 81; yMrs there, will bring the mes- The »0-*« club will meet tomor- Christians." Red Baak Do Faaia. At th* heaewet wblch felaywal WaVSMS ajfre at the i p. m. eh«pel worship. adopt the church budget for 1881.row night at the church. Mr. and th* bttsiate* awetMg, Dr. Keaaetk Br. Pyke wu engaged during the All depsrtmente of the church Night activities during the week StrvUee far Saaaty will be:- Mr. aad Mr*. Sam Orltsmtr had Mra. John VanKirk. Jr. and Lieut. are: Monday, youth fellowship la oly Cteamtsaiea at 0 e'eleck as aeust guest* over the wuk-*nd Heat) ef Stats college, Pa., waa tat aasi summer by the Red Bank school will be in session at 8:30 a. bnd Mrs. Scott Galbreath are in church *ekeel at 8:88, tjeralag guest apeaker. gjtuncil of Churches in conducting m. The 11 o'clock session will be charge ef arrangements. The board PlainSeld, with President Robert Mr. Oriesawr's *ist«r, Mr*. Ksn- eliminated. A. Dries in charge; Tuesday, street praytr with sermea at 11 o'clock. a«th Fcnten, Waa*worth, O; hi* Elwaad F. Kirkaua, pratideat ef gjreligious survey in the new hons- of trustees will meet Monday night corner service; Womea'* Ham* Rev. Robert H Aadtrsoa, Jr, r*> sietsr-in-law, Mra. Oeorgs A. Ories- the Boardwalk Natlaaal baak. At tflc development of the local com- Miss Nancy Elting will lead a at (he church. Den meetings of Cub league meeting and birthday party tar, will bt tht preacher. Ths ntsr. aad his mother, Mrs. Clara S. laatic City, aad the K. J. Baaktr* *... I iMI flfanity. quorum discussion on ths theme, Scout pack S3 will take place Tues- with Mrs. Julius HlaUen, secretary, choir waor flrtetiaa af Charles Orlesmer. Mrs. Orieamer will re- awacUtiea, exteadtd grtetiag frem !!Th» film strip. "Your Nickels, "What Is Faith?" at th* senior day at S:SO p. m. In charge; band practice directed Oettthelk will slag "Tk* Lard saaia with her eon's family far a the state to the county aaateiatlea. 5f*ur World." will be shown at the high school fellowship nesting at Those planning to attend the by Maj. Dries; Thursday, Corp* Helgasth," by Tkemesea. A aurs- visit before Itaviag for California. Mr. Kirkmaa aaaauaced that Mr, Ml Httl" •»uth Fellowship meetlnp Sunday 4:45 p. m. in the Westminster United Nation? program at th* | Cadets daises led by Maj. Drl**; ery M provided far th* ehildrea Ta«re is urgent need for another Armstrong af Keyport hat beta tM 6:45 p m. A M. Y. F. pledge house. Mis« Carol I Wiltsie, presi- Methodist church Wedneiday night i Friday, street earner service at ot that* wbe attend tb* 11 ' ' ' adult Girl Scout leader for tht lo- nominated for a directorship af the (M-vice conducted by Robert Barr dent, will preside. are aakad te call the minister's 7: So and holiness meeting, ttrvic* Federal Reserve baak af New fork 1 oJay throufti Ike Md Lacy Bradshaw will follow, cal troop. Anyone interested may The 30-40 club will hold a cov- wife, Red Bank «-M71. A picture on of prayer aad moelltatloa, at S The** will b* a cslsbratiaa tf contact Mrs. James Slunk, Red The district for wkiek Mr. Arm- Vgfct thai up* the tavtrty- jjme* Kearney, head of the cosn- ered dish supper tomorrow at 8 "The International Declaration of o'clock, eoaduetad by M*j. Dries. strong was nominated eempri*** tk* HMy C—aaiaa tvtry Friday Baak 4-M41-R. UswJ Pwha by tkt Cbrittit* SMttce on "Mission* and World p. m. in the Westminster house. Human Rights" will be shown af- at 18 o'clock. th* committee* fer tk* Beeead Fed- sfyiendfhiiV' ia In charge of th* Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Harley will ter a message on "Christian Mis- BAPTIST TV deepest sounding recorded kt eral Reserve district, whlek laelude MSSM anthook, "Mm* «tl Program. A spatial atrvlce win be held tt preside and plans for the fall aad sions" hy Mrs. Frederick Pyke. Men Leonard* M a'etoek Saturday ia honor of any af the Oreat Lake* was la s"l of New Tor* state, Northern HatMi«iUiKevtotb«Srrit> •Altsr Sower* for Sunday will be winter aeason will be discussed. A as well aa women are invited. Lake Superior at a depth of 1,188 New Jersey aad a portiea ef Coa- afje gift of A. Whiting a* a St. Micha*l and All Angals. turn." by Mary Pake* Eddy. joint meeting ef ths bosrds of ses- WorM Wide Communion Sunday Rally Day will a* held at tk* Th* AlUr guild will ni«*t la th* feet necticut. memorial to his wife, Katherlne. sion tnd trustees will tab* plac* will be observed Oct. 7. The goal is church school at 8:41 a. m, "fact* ckoir roes* Saturday aft«rn**n at Ha pusjaise Wifklaw iato pno ajlr. Whiting ia charge lay leader the ssme night and plac* for th* to have every resident member par- for Fisher* of Mea' will as the ticalfuttikwat. Md will attend th* conference at purpose of adapting th* church ticipate in the Communion. The theme sf Rev. John E. Jehaaoa's •Vean City. budget. pastor and a deacon will visit the sermon at the morning service at BAPTIST Supply, sMskk — wKatevtr :JI. • •» •• m., Bwa- versal Declaration of Human p, m. and th* Boy Scouts at T:80 Prayer and praise servlca Wed- lUv. Howard M. Brvla, paster, dareebool; 10:48, m*raleg worship. Tht Morning Worihip Sonko ot Ekvon O'clock HOOMi .pights," published by the United p m will dtlivtr a t*rman frem tkt Speaker, Miltea Bvtrs, Leonardo; a aai, Ntaa to «« ffatlMt, will be sh««n. Special •etdty at 7:tf p. m. Book ef Psalms at the morning I p. m., vesptr servie*, tptaktr, (Two Sarvtsa* Ca^wssi* OttwW 14) Frt. mmtat, *iM te Otis. Lfutet* will includ* th* Red Bank ST. AKTMONV'S CATHOLIC wonhip ttrviet at 11 a'eteek. The Jena A. Uata. , Waa, Fit, ll* lo «tM. tCounen ef Church Women, League Red Bank church mmti at the horn* af Mr. Monday, a p. m., mtttlag ef tk* TEI.BE04SM I4M Women Voter* and the Metho- Shrewsbury and Mr*. Clarence Christy, M Bait eaVial beard. Wednesday, 7:48 p. slitt Men'* Fellowship. A special •unday-scheol is at •.•* a. m, Sunday Masses ar* celebrated at Lincoln ave. m., mid-week prayer meeting, Bible Invitation has been extended to with classes for all ages. Sunday T. I, t, 10, 11 and IS o'clock. Bap- The Ravoron. CMoi S. Wswrtsr, MmWar, Wl rVosch On tisms at* Sunday* at 1 p. m. Con- Beginners, primary, Junior aad ttudy and dl*cut*lon period. •nea. There will t>* special musle worship la at 11 a. m. Rev. Arthur Intermediate girl* and Junior bay* gttd refreshments will be served by A Jelce has selected "Loyalty and fusions Saturdsy from 430 to • CAtvAiTaApnaT M Life" at his sermon topic. Organ p. m. and 7:30 to I p. m. Th* af tht Sunday sehosl, which eoa- YOU CAN WIN" (•embers of Circle O. A tsble of Miraculous Medal novena la held von*s at 1.48 a. m., matt at tat Re« Baak fancy articles for sals at the meet- selections by Mis* Ella King will Christy r**ld*ne*. Primary and In- R*v. J. m. OUchrUt will brlag lag Wednesday evening will be eon- b* "Melody" by Behm aftd "March Monday* at 7:50 p. m. Th* perpet- in 0" by Smart. The junior choir ual novena to St. Anthony l* held termediate boys, senior girl*, young tht m*M*gt* at th* 11 a. m. and •tutted by Circle B ef the W. S. C. Tuesday* at 7:*> p. m. adult and adult classes meet at tkt 7:10 p. m. Baaday ttrvten. A •. The table will be ready at 8:30 win sing "Lift Tour Eye*" by Meredith. homo of Mr. and Mra. Frank M. praytr ttrviee Is htld W*dn**days •'dock. PRESBVTMIAN Bell, la Third ave. at 8 p. m. Suaday-sehool coavtnti A lunehson at 1 p. m. wilt pre- The first meeting of the West- at 8:10 a. m. minster fellowship will be held at Eatontown Tha paatar's evening sermon at cede th* Thursday afternoon fel- Rally day will h*_oh»st«*fl.-Siii.. ft_?'clocjt_wlll.roiriA ftantiha-goapel A*jhi.MiMlt.eJ revival iwvleM .lowahlp meeting..... the ehureh Sunday-at «~p.- m.-All MM by Rtv. William H Skipwlth, Uea-age people are Invited aad day ia th* Sunday-school and according to Luk*. A rummage sale by Orel* B will church. Sunday-school meet* at The mid-week praytr Mrviet will evangtllit, » convert* will bt bap- fee held Saturday, Oct. 8, at I a. m. urg«d to attend. he held Wednesday at t p. m. Mam- tised Sunday, Oct. 7, by tht pastor. October 7 hat keen selected a* »:4» a. m. with elHMt for all ages. In the garage at the rear of the Worship ttrviCM will be at 11 a. bar* of th* Junior Blbtt hour will Tht uthtrt will sponsor a pro- •tore, eorner Shrewsbury ave. andChurch Visitation Sunday. Every meet next Thursday at the Belt gram at tht 1:10 p. m. stnrlct family In th* congregation will be m. and 7:SO p. m. with Rev. David star! gt. Rummage may be brought Ling bringing the messages. A residence under tht direction ef auaday. fa th* home nf Mrs. Ortre King, visited by torn* officer of th* Mrs. R. D. Bean. •t Elm pi. She and Mr*. Grace Bid- church. nursery la conducted in the chapel BAPTMT all* are co-leader*. The board of trustees meets at during the morning service. New Monmouth A meeting of the W. C. T. V. will the church houat Tuesday at • p. Tht junior young people's group ST. (HOME'S EPiaOOPAL Rev. William E. Biigreve wilt fee htld Tuesday in the home league m. —fourth through seventh grades— Rumtea preach Sunday at tht 10:80 a. en. ' room of the 8alvatlon Army citadel, Church Loyalty Sunday will he mutt Thursday* at 4 p. m. under Sundty morning service* Includ* atrvltt ea "The Measure af Oraee," 98 Linden pi. Mrs. Lillian Tucker, observed Oct. 14. All members and the direction ef Mr*. Doris Engel- Holy Communion at 8, church aad at tha evening wonhlp aa president, will preside and urge* frlerids sf the church ara aakad to beck and Mrs. Francis Meeks. school sessions at 8:10 and It, "Ood* Patttra for Us." Church • full attendance as important mat- attend. Puring this service, n*w Tht senior young people meet morning prayer and sermon by Bible school mettt at 1:41 a. m ter* will be brought up for diicus- member* will b* received into th* Sundays at «:30 p. m. and Wednes- Rtv. George A, Robertahaw at 11 with claatta far all ages. •ion. church. Those dealrlng to join day* at 7:10 p. m. Interesting dis- o'clock. Mtuleal selections will be The midweek strvlet af praysr The Married Couples' class will should contact Rev. Mr. Jole*. cussions, Bible study, prayer and Prelude, Toccata and Fugu* In D aad pralte win m«at Wtdaetday Bold a dinner meeting tonight In Thanks I* eifiresitd to the com-hymn singing art part of the ac- minor, Bach; Venlt*. Tomllnson; of- at 7:10 p. m. Tkt Teuag People's Fellowship halt at 7 o'clock. mittee and all persons who halped tivities. fertory, Laud*. Anlma, Andrews; Christian attaelatlaa mettt every World Wide Communion Sunday in serving the luncheon at the Tht adult Blblt study group choral response, "Peace I Leave Thursday at 7:10 p. m, Will be observed Oct. T at the 11 Presbytery meeting Tuesday. meet* Tuesdays at 8 p. m. under With You," Traditional; postlude, Th* monthly business meeting af •'clock service. The first meeting of th* Women'* the direction of Rev. Mr. Ling. Allegro Vivace from th* "Wat*r tha Ladle*' Aid society will bt htld A public turkey dinner will he society, membership In which is The elders and trustee* will hold Music" suit*. Handel. Wtdnteity at 3:10 p. m. at tht fceld Thursday. Oct. 18, at « p. m. open to all women of tha church, a joint meeting Monday evening in Th* choir will return* Its rehears- church. In Fellowship hall hy Circle E. wtu be held a week from tonight the chapel. als Friday evening. The junior ves- at 8 o'clock In th* church. World-Wide Communion will bt try will meet Saturday at 0:80 p. EMBimr METHODIST ' Th* Adult fellowship meets Wed- observed Sunday. Oct.* 7, with LKtla Silver Rev. Stanton Wilson officiating. m. for supper and a business ses- ! Fair Haven nesday, Oct. 10, at 8 p. nt. The sion. St. Mary's guild will hold Itt Church Khool It at 8:48 a. m. films "The Story of Modern Kotos" A fellowship hour win bt held monthly meeting Tuesday at S p. John A. Lents will preach on the and "South Carolina" will be In conjunction with the Sunday with clasata for all age*. Morning subject, "Co and Do Likewise" at shown. Refreshments will be served. evening service Oct. 14. A movie, m. in the pariah house. The girls' wonhlp It at SI o'clock with lay- the 11 a. m. service Sunday. Music "A Wonderful Life," will b» shown. choir will rehearse Wednesday at mtn taking charg* of tht service will Include "An Old Retrain," pre- Mew member* will be received 4 P- m. tine* Rtv. Jam** w. Manhall It lude, and "Contentment." offertory. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Tueaday at 9 p. m. In the church atttndlag tht stsslons of tht Naw Slsie Little and Dorothy Thymejon SCIENTIST following the Bible study hour. METHODIST Jeruy annual conf*r*nc*. Layman will sing "Whispering Hope." taking part in tha worship urviee Red Bank CHURCH OF CHRIST Atlantic Highlands ara Nail Smith, HarrUon Bhampa- Sunday-school with classes for all Eatontown Leonard D. Hotman. lay leader most beaulunl uriuwwa in to ages will be held at 9:45 t. m. Services in First Church ef nort, Herman FrIUch*. No*l Nil- of the church, will bt In charg* af tan will speak on th* th*mt, "Why A rummage sole will be held In Christ, Scientist, 2W Broad at., ars Sunday meetings are htld as fol- the 11 o'clock Sunday morning aer- the church basement Tuesday, Oct. held Sundays at 11 a. m. and 5:00lows: 10 a. m., Bible study hour, I Com* to Church." Hiss Marie p. m.: Wednesdays at 8:16 p. m with adult, young people's and chil- vice. The general theme will bt Witby on "What th* Women ot "Stewardship" and thtre wilt be the Churck Are-Paiag." Miss Wl- A Sunday-school social for all Sunday school meet* at 11 dren's classes. At 11 a. nw a.«n- four speakers Mr*. Edna McTagu*' ear Cameo J ~*& € 1 nona Darrah on "What Praytr •tlilluun fllB melr (llrtnH will be ifll ipl'lUlll UfllVIW c'WTW by oral assembly for singing of hymns," will talk on "Money aa a Meant ef held Thursday. Oct. 11. The pro- God—seen in proportion that hu- prayer*, gosptl preaching and Com- Meant ta Me," Th* a«nior choir man consciousness I* 'spiritualised munion. Christian Expression;" Ralph Bru- will ting Bronntr't "Evtry Day gram will Include movie*, enter- dcr on. "It Mater* How Wt Earn Hit Lovt Orowt Dtartr." tainment and refreshment*. —will be dealt with In Christian Tha church aastmbllea at 1 p. m. Our Money:" Mrs. Catherine Low- Science services next Sunday. Sub- Sunday for a half hour of practice ry and W. Bard Wright will tptak, REFORMED ject of the lesson-Sermon Is "Re-tinging. Th* evening atrvict be- "On Diving to the Church." Mr*. OOODWILL METB3O1UST Red Bank ality." gins at 7:80 o'clock. Nellie Haven*, W. 8. C. 8. pittl- The mid-week Bible atudy, with Rumson "Reverence for the Lord b tha The Golden Tent la from Jert- dent, will mak* th* opening praytr No Mrvica btcauM ot Coaftrmet Beginning of Knowledge" will be mlah: "The Lord hath brought elastes for adults and children, I* and Mr*. Erneat Fox will pro- the aermon topic of Rev. Runyon forth our righteousness: come, and htld Wedneiday at 7:30 p. m. nounce the benediction. The pastor, • NYLON let its declare in Zlon the work of 1* Wolff, pwtor, lit the morning BELIOIOVS SOCIETY OF Rev. Roy E. Williams, Jr., Is at- CHRIST EPISCOPAL worship service which will Include the Lord our God." <»110). tending the annual conference at • RAYON FRIENDS ((Junker*) Mlddlltown the sacrament of holy baptism. Bible citations include this Be- Shrewsbury Oceiyi City. There will be no eve- • OROANDY Aunday-fchool win convene at atitude from Christ Jesus' Sermon ning service, Holy Communion win h* ctlt- •:H> a. m. under tht direction of on the Mount: "Bleated are they Th* Shrewsbury meeting of R«- brtttd at 810 a. m. Tha hour of All Harry Ingall*. which do hunger and thirst after ligioua Society of Friend* (Quak- Sunday-school will meet at 1:41 th* muting of tht Sunday-school righteousneu: for they shall be ers) meets for worship at 11 a. m. a. m. and the InterMedlat*. stnior ha* bun advanced to 8:49 Inittad Member* of the Ladies' Aid socie- the First-day (Sunday) In the meat- and older youth felltwshlns will ty will meet Tueaday at 8 p. m. at filled." (Matthew 5:«). af to o'clock, and will m«*t rtgu- Correlative passages from the ing house at Broad it, and Syca- hold meetings at T p. m. hvrly at tha ntw tlmi. Morning If you've kept away Iron ilwer curtaini beeraao) the home of Mr*. Wallace R&nkin more ave., preceded at 10 *. m. by The October meeting of tht W. en Forman at., Fair Haven, where Christian Science textbook. "Science prayar will bt r*ad at 11 o'clock, # and Health with Key to th* Scrip- the Firat-day school. VUltort are 8. c. s. wilt be held Tuesday at 1 aad tht lubject et tht urmea by they're hard te drape tT. Shir.Back iwuina arc MM, Harold Sever In, Mrs. Ernest welcome. p. m. Boden and Mrs. William Wellner turea" by Mary Baker Eddy In- Rtv. Mr. VanDyk* win bt "Tht will be hostesses. clude; "Let unselfishness, goodness, The Every-Membrr canvass com- Churchman Look* at Fritdom aad your answer! You can drape them perfectly i» mercy, justice, health, holiness, love ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL mittee will meet Tuesday at'. 7:30 Authority." The paator and William Frnntng- —the kingdom of heaven—reign Red Bank p. m. at the church. A meeting of seconds with juit a poll ef the aewn^in ihirring Upe; ton will attend a meeting of The. within ux, and tin, disease, and Rev. Kenneth E. MacDonald will the Men's club wilt he held Wed- BAYSHORE COMMUNITY # Clasii* of Monmouth of the Re- nesday at «:18 p. m. Like ma|ie-9oir-Ba«k enrtainf iniUntly ihir into formed Church of America Tueaday death will diminllh until they fi- be celebrant of th* Holy Commun- East Keansburg nally disappear." (p. Ml). ion Sunday at > a. m. and the mes- World-Wide Communion Sunday "Ambassadors of Ood" is tht ti- at Holmdel. sage will he brought hy P. U Jones. will he observed Oct. 7. hundreda ef left pleata •«« The eonslstory will meet at 7:30 tle of th* sermon to h« dtllvertd at Mrs. Floreth Y, MacDonald I* the the 11 a. m. Sunday service by Rev, p. n. next Thursday *t the church. REFORMED organist. METHODIST And they stay beautifnBy draped... ean't he dif' Colt's Neck John P. Euier. The choir* ar* h*ard BAPTIST Estontown . In anthems at each Sunday service. arranfed h* wiad er hlind*pvUiBg« P. Hgward Lloyd of Matawan, HIGH POINT SPIRITUALIST W. Lester Whltneld will have Church school and Blhlt clui will Middlrtown will deliver the sermon at th* 11 Chapel Hill charm of Sunday's services due ta lo a. m. •unday-tehoal and church will n'rlnrk Eon day morning on the Haallng will he conducted hy a.n the conference, being held at Ocean A service of sptcisl r«|ueit pray- unite In a Rally day program at theme, "What Shall We Ho With accredited healer at this chwl City. Howard M. Montgomery I* er* it htld Wednesday* at I p. m, 10:80 a. m. The program will be Jesus," The young people's choir every Sunday at 7:80 p, m. Regular the new pastor. in chmgc of Rev, John E, Bates will sing, with Mis* Nancy Sue service of messages is at I p. m. Sunday-school meets at 9:48 a. REFORMED and Woodrow Fiuncii, superintend- Moreau at th* organ. SHERMAN'S m. Morning worship Is at 11 o'etoek Mlddlatown ent of the church school, Sunday-«chool meets at 1:46 a. METHODIST and the evening wonhlp at 7:30. Rlehard J, Skoog, itudtnt pastor, The choir will meet for rehoanal m., with Irvinfr Gcmmell, superin- Kaansburg Youth fellowship meets at 8:30 will apetk Sunday at th* 11 o'clock Homo Decoraton Friday evening nt 7:30 at the tendent, and Mrs, Harold Gunther Frank 8. Granger will be In ermrrh n'i'Inek. aervice and tha choir will sing. in chsrgn of the primary deparl- charge of service* during the ah- The monthly mi-cllntf of ths W. A congregational meeting will be Curtains • Dfapirloi • Slip Covoro • VonetUn Hindi On <)i-t T the church will obaerv* m«nt, Mr. Lloyd wilt teach an *snc« of th* pastor, Rev, Edward J. C. 8. will n* held Tuesday at held Friday night la tht enure* Woridwidi CommualM l adult Blblt *la» at Jo s, a*. «. ZtUty, Jr., who to attiodlng tha * h m. at th* church. •£=?•• BEi* BASK at I.MIHU >tf Ralph Kilaca oa Parker ava. Ifm | William Heim, Mrt. Robert Kilatn. : r. T, A. TEA Watchman Etcapet Injury When Car HiU Shack (J»i.itr» will be married Oct. « at Mr*. John Joyce, Sr., Mn. Katk> RUMSON-The executive haard at Shttwrr St. Anthony'a Catholic church to l«r Kirman and Missea Kay •f the Parent-Teacher aaaaciatiaa Luncheon Ort.1 Liout. John Zucca- of Tucson, Ariz. O'Hern, Janet Bloom, Marion Gm- SHREWSBURY —Visa Fran.cs of Mely Cwaa athool wiU hold a T. Galttro of Red Bank waa guest GueHta were Mra. Joyce, jr, latro, Francei Apricena, Mary l*u- tea Saturday fraat I to i a. m. at For COP Wo«en 6uaday at a. rotkuil party and lir>. Kilzen, Mm. .Juhn Gaiatro, •**"'• Norera Kirman, Mary Can- tbe hoane of Mra. William L/Bco. Mn. Kenaeth R. tmjth, SJr., vat •hower aTiv«« for hor by Mm. Jnhn Mrs. Robert Morris. Mm. Jacob ; navo. Ixiia Layman, Wild* VanWt- Atlantic Hifblanda, for mothera tt elected prciidtat ef the WMBM'I Joyce, Jr., at thf home of Mn. Bloom, Mrs. Nick Piao, Mrj. J. Igencn and Andrea DeLuct. new pupila »f the echool. Iteatjblicaa club of Red Beak at an executive board Bwctiac recently at the keaie #f Mra. Edna Philllpe, Eaat Bercea pi. Mra. Philliae ia the retirtBf preaident. Othera elected were Mra. U C. lUeherdeea, drat vice preetdeati Mra. Williaat I. Klatjky. aeeead viee areaident; Mra. George A, Graf, teeretary, end Mn. Jeeeok aerptee, treaeurer. Odkera will he laeUlled by Mn. Merferd, ir., vice chair- Of tha eaajaty eeauatttee, at the aaawal faH taaeheea ef the cl«* Taaeday, Oct. », at the Mellr Pitcher haul. Tbemae Oakley end Harry Malchow, whe era aaekinf ra-clattiea (e the Red Bank her- •wgh eeaaeil, will ha f ucaU at tha

MN. Irvlar. Krakewttch la luach. eea chairejaa, awiited by Mra. Ir- ving Rink, ar. ead Mn, a,rple* tut Not RaetrvatkNM are la charge ef Mn. Krakewitch and Mra. Riak, and iltiratieaa. Mra. atrpiea ead Mn. Our •pnrUMrar drawiiRirnl i» »hrre we exeeh Clara aefcwenker. Our MMla, Miila and drraara art; l«|w •• *tel|. Cbwdl Woawm'a Group Our Udrra' wrraaoriri ami ihiiiga thai are new Win Meet Tiwoday ATLANTIC HIOHLAND«-FiRtl irr ciMMtatitl'V brrr for ihr |Hihlir |» vifH. plane for tht annual battr aM luacKM* ta ha hela Thuraaay, Oct. \ full r«nir of alert and alylra lhal »ill IHAMM," tl, will ha mai at a naetlnt t the Woman'a »oci«ty of ChrUtltn Arthur Rafiand ef St New it,, noroufh'e •lum^inf Inaprctor who or to anyone near the car prevtoui lUrviea Twaaay at I •. M. The lea Rrlcht, pointi to tha demoliihtd waa at work in the municipal wa- to the accident have been reported. With prirrt thai will eatiM> no |Miclu>ilMiuk harm. maatlM will ha MM la Fellewihla railroad watchman'! ahack he »M ter plant nearby, miraculously i-a- Parked for an hour before it rolled kail. •tandlnf In Friday at the Miller capnl with acratchea. He wa«down (he hill, the car waa undam- Mr*. Ullian WaUh and Mra. W.I- at. eroaalni, Highland*, when It treated by the Hrtt aid aquad. aged. The watchman'! *r«t wife, So <.. with many In srlrrl fnim and only •'! nr I nf a »lylr— ttr Kraatrhota have becH ant laWM Itruck by a drlverlei* car Police were at a IOM to deter- Mra. Corrlne Ragland, waa killed charct «f aellliir Qhriatmai caraa which had rolled more than an ft. more than IS year* aa~o when a You are aaaurrd of being drraard ... "r'.Kcliinivf- but not r^iwnti mine the cau«« of Ihe car'a deiccnt: plane crashed into a houa* in what far the aaeiaty. Mn. Mlltaa Krute, down tha ateep hill, -Ra«land, alio The vehlclei wheeli were turnrd chalnwui af the traveling aaraa, •tmek hy tha car whleh had been li now New •hrewabury, killing raaaRea that f» wai realiaea aM left parked on »ha hill by Joaeph toward the curb, ita hand brake acven peraoni and tha plane'a two 26 BROAD STREET RED BANK •Mtribtttet ta the bulMlaf fund. Llrtntr of TO ihwwiburr «»«•• the •«t, and no WUMIHI to the flight occupant*. HaateaMa far the a»e*tlaf will b* Mra. Oearge Bartleeon, Mre. Albert 4. A. I'. W. MEMWMMIT TEA of the atata board of the American ing an Aaaociation Member" at a Frt« Parking in R«ar •itfoh, Mra. William Dawaon, Mn. Aaaociation of Univeriity women, niomber.Hhlp tea, to be held at 3:30 Reward d»Cordova, Mra, U E. H«u MONMOUTH HIU* — Mra. J.will tell guetU af the "Advantage!, p. m. Monday at tha home of Mn. a*r and Mita Dili Marlatt. Car I Schmidt, aeoond viee pr*si(J«i>t Opportunities and Mewardi nf He- John Spindle h

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• a • thti highly talUhtaJ mlrrar«flntih«B ••rtt wlfh «Mar«1t Wm «y«d •• mafehl It's tht hat you'll whh tofak t with you •vorywhorot An ovorntfht lueeon In Now Yofk • •, It'i oun OHcluilvoly •• PANTY "BRIEF GIRDLE 5*95 GARTER GIRDLE 6*95 SIZES FOR EVERYONE? WoM Hip Ihi Sharol N»w fay colon plui bUek, Extra Small 22"<2S" Bdvy and) brown %»»tiioi 2l'/i to 24a PANTY GIRDLE WITH GARTERS 6»9S EXTRA LARGE GARTER GIRDLE 7*95 Small 2«"-2B" S5"4§" Medium 29"41W H W MM AND PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED! Large 82 >S9 Extra Lars* IS"-40" W4K*

Shop Daily From 9.30 Til 5:30—Red Bank Store Open Friday 'Til 9; Asbury Park Store Open Wednesday 'Til 9 BAUK , MHPfKMWIM 91, JKW Banker of India Trace* Career of Spoti* Hero MONEY LOANED Veetn*e, «• aad • •*> To Speak Here •Mr. awaeatad; am laiirlaia Sac B. T. Thekur, geacrel auaegcr te OM BrKa StafaimMl dMerei of iht Commercial bank ef Cal- •rMr to tha Uatar aenriea af var- cutta, India, will deliver an ad- ahip. A cater pin* aad 4ata«a- Broadway Loan Co. M »n • "• e»(h)ec? "£••* end «M meat af aaciatr auaiVert attended World Fe«ee" aaaday, Oct. T, at tha •#«—""— »r m 4:30 p. m. it the Red Beak Meth- Jaaa raitoa te Ike c adiet churck. ••». D«aald. MaTakt. wha accaatal Mr. Thakvr, a fallow »f the !•- tha gift wttt taaakj la hefealf af th BtiBtlia etitute of Bankeri ia London, kaa guests a* tha heaae af Ms., takes a leading part In civic af- aad Mrs. lasaas Fackveed •er*| faire la India, aa* haa been aetlve Mr. aad Mra. MareM WUktaa, Bs. , Petit Sabot Restaurant la baaklag eeeamiatloM aad eeaa- aid* Fask. aad Mr. aad Mra. Bask- mtttact. He ta aa inmlur la tha 171 BROAD ST. RED BANK Indian uetvereitle* of Luckaew, ard Uvtagataa aad daufMora, Bar- Calcutta and Bombay. Ha ku bara, Fat aad Margaret, af Mow GIANT aerved Rotary aa club pretidtat, "SpeeUUiing in Home Cooking" dletrlct foveraer, IntarnaUenal Mr. aad Mra. vice preoldeat and aa a eeamlttae •ember. •til DINNER d* LUXE Mr. Thakur la a member af getr- PEOPLE L ernment committee* dealing with Tkaitar mMtnw aVt idMMiter M tiria tcaa* Mr. aa* MM. laeeaa iataa aa4| mamle, banking and flaaadal WITH rVaen Wamar IroftW "Jim Time*—A* America*," wait* da«ghtert, Blalaw aad BUeaa, we question*, put pretideat ef Kara- raetat dtaaer aiteeu at taa kc*M af I WILLTALK[ chi Indian Merchants aaeeeletlea, •Uy« fram Swaa'ay, Sept. 10, »• Tk*t«ay. Oct. t, a* the Cart. Mr. aad Mra. Beaaett OarHai, FILET wat 4 member of tha ladiaa Trade delegation U South Baet Aria la YRO MM it OttOO O^ fn6 11*0 Of OHO Of fWO SIRLOIN STEAK 1K0, chairman of the India Banh- aad Aa4r«w VWaa*. Mtw Tark. PREVIEW fATUROAY eri' »tsoci»tio« and member af tha wanftiaaayMaetaafMr.aadMn. executive eomAittae af tha Indian A. Idrta Unttirk. MINUTE STEAK Chamber af CeoMMrce of Calcutta, Mies Mary Uatb. Freehold,.. , SIM The banker hai been in the Uni- lett Wedaetday wHh Mies Doratay ted State* many tlmee and haa Wedded 25 Years, OsVtrs at MBBBBHIUI tHM. Spoken to Important group*, In ' MM. Marlaa Baast aad saa Artv eluding tha notary elu* i»f Phils* rOftT MONMOUTH — Edmuad B. Sullivan ef Lincoln ave., Rum-MS VIM VVSvftn VwlwWS *M UM CKkT* Wt U»at M Ssatm delphia. Hold Open House ley kesaa 1a HetssdM. aan, aa account necutiva witk tha Mrs. Ma Edwards, Floyd, Va.. « Call RE 6-9B56 for rWrvatUtta BRUSH FIBB RvtiMonwmi XBYFORT — Councilman M« Wall itreet trm of Baker, Weeka vtottiaa bar daughter, Mrs. Kaaale Had Bank Sremea Monday night Mre. Hewitt W. Whartoa, MS Broad and Harden, will lecture thla aaai at, wha were married Bent. IS, IMS, ing at 11 o'clock to •» aAeera at Hill, ffelmdel. CtsMw Mafttlsyt Spatial *rtaa( !•» CfcileVa* extinnuidhed a email bruah tre on Mlaa Sandy Beyee, Eaftlsbtewa, Bridge ave. near the Bridge Esao in Calvary MeUiediat churck by fort Moamouth and ahow a mevie, wat a Thursday guest of Miss Hel- Cam ttation. There wu no damage. Rev. r. B. Whitakar, paatar at that Money at Work." en UMelac. time, obeerved their allver annivera- Mr. Sullivan will explain the Bernice, MiMred aad Ulllaa Hes> ary Tuesday night with an oacn haeWttounrt of the stock Exchange derton, Freehold, eaent Sunday with houM affair. and the part It hat played la tat Miss Derotky HIU. • The eelebranta aracttd many development of America, Tha apeak- OaUers elected W the Beksjy Saa- frlen4a and relative* during the er alao will point out the faetara club, eamaasad of evening. At the rafraahment ttblei which Influence prcaaat day prloea school eighth grade girto, at Ita tsat pouring wu dona by Mre. Whar- d will atreai the importance ef meetlag were Carol Holasd, presi- ton'« «l«tMi-ji, Hra. Oladye Byrne, belnir a shareholder in American dent; Blatae Jurta, vice preaMeat; thit place, and Mrf. Milton McCul- induatry. Mr. Sullivan will empha- Itabtll Heulitt, treasurer, aad Ei- lough, rayrttevllla, N. Y.; Mr. la the importance of emeleylng leen Jurta, secretary. Plans were Wharten'a iletere-ln-lnw, Mre. Carte- aurplui fundi in found Inveatmeata. made far a Hallow*** daae* aad tan B. Wharton and Mra. Kenneth He will conclude hie talk with an candy sale. It urea decided te B. Whatton anl by Mra. Jamee H, aiyili of preaent day market con- change eaUesta every two saoatks. Ward, Jr. and Mra. rioyd M. Brown. dition*, Crab member* enjoyed (wtmsalag mists Mr. Wharton, aon of Mr. and Mn. last week at tha Aabury Park pool. Bdwln H. Wharton, *» Broad at, wu born here and attended the lo- Keyport TO MOLD MBUfSM MEBTINO cal achooU. Ha haa heen employed for a number af year" a a Held Miaa Marian Harris, daughter af The Red Bank Rotary slub wttl engineer for Hquare-D company, Mr. and Mr*. Daniel D. Harrlt, hold a buiiaesa aaeetlag at 11:11 • OIL GOLORS with ofllcen in Newark. He !• prc»- who ha* entered Weitmineter choir P. m. today at tha Molly Plteher The STRANDS Ident ef the borough council, a college, Princeton, wa* given a heteL Speaker at last week's saeet- • WATER COLORS member of tha board of governor! farewell party by her aunt, Mr*. Ing waa Robert Scully, a rearaaeat- of tha Keyport Yacht club, Keyport Edward Raymond. ati»e af ths weal trekeraso Inn • CERAMIC gtPPLIES Kiwanie club, Caeaarea lodge, F. Mm. Robert W. Cornellaon, Som- «f Elsele • Wag Ubalreltaut m and A. M. and Coronal Council, erville, ppas t presidenp t ot th* N . J. Co. Caavas Paaels Textile Paiaf Royal Arcanum, and • formar State Federation of Womca'f member of Uberty Hole company. etubi, will addrcia tha Lttarary Mr. Wharton la a member of the club at ita flrat fall meeting OctOt . • Easels Drawing Paper* official board and alao aervea ai at l p. m. at Buttonwood. manet, traaiurer ef tha Calvary MethodUt Matawan. Mn. Thereaa Media- Modeling day Sketch Pads church. tack, Urn* Branch voealltt, will SABM - UTA SAMN Mr*. Wharton wae born In New-be the tololet, accompanied by Mra. Figariaes Pastels, Etc. ark, a daughter of Mr*. Charle« %. Lucy Bleble, Red Bank. Mra. Bur- Calvcrt, Kayport, and the latn Mr. ton L. Bowne and Mrs. Melvla A. "SAVAGE DRUMS" PrcSketchtd Canvas Paaels Calvert. She la a member of the Philo are the hospitality commit- — PUTS — Kayport Literary club, Calvary ie In charge of arrangement!. Mathoditt church and a member of I Felix Kegley, whit wat Injured. JOHN IRELAND . LLOYD BRIDGES tha ehelr. Mar. », I960, while on duty ai a A ton, Robert, I* attending Rut- member of tha local lira depart- gera unlvewlty. ment, which wai called to a grata UTTLJ Are on rt. 35, wat awarded a tetal ANNOVNCK MAMMOB BANN* ot tl.0M.3S tn Compensation court, WorM OMIBIB4IMMUB Flsjit Plelures Red Bank, for a permanent Injury Tha bannj of marrlaga were an- to bit knoa. Mr. Kegley tot* tha SANDY SADDLER w. W1LUE PEP aaunead tor the nnt lima Sunday court he wai rolling note to be at St. Jamn Oatholle ehurch I placed an tha Uberty hate track twten Mlaa Ann •tromaager and when the truck waa backed, late SUN..MON..TIIES. SEPT. SO.OCT. "/ml A Skmde DigereM" Dean A. Settlnger of Aurora, HI., him. between Robert J. Whi-lan and Mlaa Proceeda from the Srit annual IS BROAD STREET RED BANK 6-1506 Ana Rita Delaney af Perth Amboy, family picnic of St. Joaeph'a coun- •mmmmmr POOIIAU MUU and: between Kenneth Drury and cil, Knlghta of Columbut, held FREE DELIVERY Mlaa Jam Chasey of Spring Lake. Sunday at -McOulre'n grove, will go towardi tha eouncll'a building tamt: ~ Vice Commander J. W. Manclal, aulitad by other county oflkare, ajied RarlUn pott, American Legion, offleen at A tpeclal meet- ing, Hatry Rota l« commander, Oeorge Weinman, Joaaph Klmbl* Thar, Fit. Sas. lat. and John Davlno, vice command- GLENN POKO ere; Arthur W. McFarland, tervlce officer; Ben Mione, finance officer; GENtTlCllNtY A •MTU MCI IUITI AT YOUI Ht\ Joaeph Cameron, chaplain; Paul ETWL Lannlng, historian; Lloyd Jaekaea, -FUM- aargeant-at-armi, and Mildred M Ron, adjutant. OMI AUTiY IN INDIAN Ttt«TOIY Dr. and Mra. Louie Prager have returned from a vacation ta the CattMu mounUlm at Coaeord, N. T. ASBURY PARK Mr. aa« Mra. Metvln A. Thtio and Mr. and Mra. Thomas Reffaa MAYPAIR kit Step prmiti tpent a recant week-end at Bock HiU Vail* tan. Pa. Mr. aad Mra. momuommr ourr-txiXAwrrH TAYLOM Phllo were celebrating their M WDYUMAR wedding annlvertary. its kest-fiitiig Mr. and Mn. Albert I. Btaaett VKTOK MATURE A MAa IN Tm swr have returned from a trip to Maine PARAMOUNT aad ether New England states. Their MD, Walter, haa entered the Seat, tm •pen n freshman ckass of the University AAMBSsNff of Main*. Mra. Eva Brown haa returned ta her home la Philadelphia after a SAVOY week's visit with her brother and ncirrncruMs Sapfc tMI statsr-in-law, Mr. aad Mrs. Russell ._ On* Day • aad • Travers. V1CTOB MATVBB ST. JAMI -Fart Worth" Frank Baabury, Jr., son ef Mr. WUXUMBBNOrX and Mn, Prank Seabury, bag en- TBANCIS One* te the Rater* tered the Citadel, Cnartaeto*. a C, "GAMBLING HOVHT "HU KIND OP 'WOMANAN"" aa a freshman. VAT O'BRIEN Oat M Frederick HiUUcer, am af Mr. BANDOLTH SCOTT and Mrs. Frederick W. Hllflker, Is attending Peddle school at Mights- Choose yow favertte heel height from these town. pretty pumps. Each bean Air Step's quality, expert craftimanship and fine materials. LIMITED The/re truly classics in the world of fashion. SPECIAL !NI.')WN N SHOW I! TO 10 •ED BANK NOW-BOX OFFICE OPENS - •TAKTS Ttlg AAAA to C WBD.-SAT. OCT. CARLTON FJUDAT-SATDBDAr 10 LONG BRANCH BANDOKFH •OOTT SIZES 10% All — $11.95 OCT. M BVTHBOMAM * IA0HABTS00TT COLT .45 run CO-HIT OCT. M TAROIT UNKNOWN' FOOTCRAFT SHOES " "I ATTEWODCO..OK (fine Skan for Women md CUUrm Slntt 1194) CASH B TBIPAT-M8W. 1 PAY NITE


AND '/ "NOT AMOTMUt DOCTORS' ORTHOPEDIC SHOW UKt IT NO WHIS.S" B a SW DAYS • PLUS . PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED HtLLAftV SUNDAY SHOOKI ATHSHEBA *B,«^SAB\aMk a. mm * ajdauaaaV S au I amtS IBBBBYJBV I • Iff • . BBBJ BflEwmBBs #BBBamBHHBBl El IB '"* BROAD STREET, RED BANK • aRe> TBjfmB^WT^*^^^*TWW») _ iBiB^BBWmlBBBiaB* u 1'RICEft TNI* ATTRACTION ONLY Caller!* '. I-I Wr.l).. Wl, MAT, S0«. EVE. I,SO, SAT, MAT, A EVC, I,SO Alwiyt SO* TMf *HtH 9ft Iff! SMday fw ni Martla, • (aember # the *JM Maw Terfc laUr- teaaU force at ta* Red Bask cen- Ta>T«*rli la •ta Rr*H*h IHar- tral etsce, baa epent hT entire DANCIS y career ia the Monmouth county HHON — If l« faaet Stretk- Anra T. Mar'Ja mt M HareMaa; dlatrlct. J. O. Mitchell, dl*t.-lct tr»f- | •aa, dtugkttr *t Mr. and Hti. Ruo- Mla* Stratkma*) waa graduated MGHTfTOWN rata Rama*a Ugk ackaol ia lMt, rd. was honored at a luncheon at fie meuperintendent_^ . preaented Miaa Tour tt S Ertatcs«*U A. Stretkmea *f Riagham »v*.. waere aka «aa a tactaleBt ef the the Molly Pitcher hotel last week I Martin with a wallet conUtning a COUNTRY CUJt Mary Owea Rardaa Memorial •crvire Hentifl -atlMi curd, «t the •ekaiarakl*. la IMS aha received her luncheon attended by her uaocl- r*su tv kackelar *C aria degree from Salth ate* from th* Bed Bank exchange. ealleg*. Ska ka* keea takiae; grad- Mia* Martin le e member or the Telephone Pioneer*. «n organiz'a- ! Oct. 1 tram aate wark at Teachers' aellege. Co- lumMa «aiv*taity. and fer twe •*- tlon of telcphon* men and wnmrn pact. pr*c**da win go te ckarMakla who have 21 ycera or more of acr imrtKutiaa* ta tke eewajty. •Meten wa* a f**4d«at af Iateraa- maJ Meiea*. vie*. lltll fM Mt Hed la tke taggU at Mia* Strathsaaa tatajkt at the d Mat* a den'a garden aa River ft Riverelde Ckarck auratry ackeol, Mn. Fallrr RWIeeted nil Mt. N Include dahlia*, ckrytai and fer the pact year and a kalf I. item el h» •frennlelO; aaawsU, aad aa* atck ha* keea a teacher ef kindergarten k*M. "Why. I ae. Ta H«an) Hoapilsl Group h my Maw r*4 an4 am ( aeetrf My a*"«»i weM m4 Uallr • I a a * e * •f BfJTar •JaRTwTaTaTsW SJBBBmEBmmjssm] aad atmaty greuae at tke Agne* 4*% •• «y *v«. ky club membenj without RiuaeU Center, a aenaal fer chil- RUMBON — Mr». John O. roller tarunf • UAK. An*) I cajnalswly wwwar* that if had M* ful bill! )«t eional uel*taa«a. dren ef delvmbia faculty menibera waa re-elected to her lHth term a« needed afiajM repair. I «ae* a aha* jutl like a pro—ta enter aad at Teacher*' (allege faculty and president of the !ium»nn auicjlisry t» k«vi«» •» UM Martka Rlaakara traaky win M a ca*Mra *awj *y ktmaar raea anal i W«M a»r*w \ k*ut* inaiilat** ke awarded f*r tka mast aahMj la «T*du4t* atudaat*. •f Rivervlew hoapltal l«jt Thura- •IU Jefcn* «H- day at the Oceanic fire home. fill* iVckwo.1 arraajumiat «la*aaf, aM ike Maty e Other ofticera elected include Mrs. lur they'd fii it MM at OORN'S »HOT0 Stora! laaaletltakeeni . Ian. Owaa Ratdaa traawy will be pre- MURT mI ki»c> « tmHl aented ta tka wiaaer af tka dialag Reglna Maria Rreaaan, d, af S-A Tra V. Emory, first vler president; M •»«•«!* if fM instate* Ubi* aad aldebeerd claaa. Tka Mr. William Allen, aecond vice 7!3 Jeta* Nt»ills, but I M«r Baring ter, wa* treated Monday at kallaie* 'es>. AM tkea wke*. I a*r af tk* lattr-eluh aamactitiaa Riverriew haea4UI far krul*ee ef prrjident; Mrs. Chri* Bertrll, re- 5*adf*S.3« *a (Ml kill* Ike «»t for kail taMe arraagatMate will re- tke left forearm suffered when *he cording eecretary; Mra. David •later! Cea't aa* »kr *VW>«M ceive tka Bdttk CwtM ~ ' George, corresponding aenretary; tout iMulat* .trita J»»«t Hat>- waa struck by a ear driven by Rich- Mri. peter Pauele, financial aecre- •iUa, If* ilnprM. Paiawwal M founder'* traaky. ard C. OroderS ef Pert Monmouth. •Ma*. As' Mt eapa*«iv« nN it'* Tk* tour may ke at*H*i at any According to police, the child rode Ury, and Mra. William Croaney, deae tea JOB** Mesvill* w*r." af tk* Hv* kamaa Hated aa tk* taw. her kike directly into the path of treajiurer. Mrs. Emery wa» elected Tea wilt k* *erv*d at Mr. BaraoaV* the car wklek waa traveling north rep>e.4g{st«r,*-A4*crtii«Hi*nt. ber. IT PAYS TO ADVEHTI«*R IN THE REGISTEH Mercer, Knauea rd, Rumfaa: Mr*. Arnold Wood* hama and kleterle Washington, eattag* en Naveeiak River rd., Mlddletawa tawaahtp, Mr*. NIchalM Rwtgera, alaa aa •MB* ' "" -"• Naveeiak River rd. Table a*ttt»g* far Tkaakjgivrag BANK dinner, footfcall luack, hunt ta*, YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT raea meet lunch. New Year* av* Hionl ITS auaner will k* *l _ Th* eammlttaa la charge In* elude* Mr*. Frederick Preyllaghuy aen, preaident, naaerary chairman MATTHEWS BROS. Mra. Ralph Draper, Mr*. Lloyd NIWMAN SWINGS ROAD Lawrence aad Mr*. Retort Ui- react, Jr., ce-cheirmea; Mr*. Oee(- ',•' i frcy Aioy, secretary; Mra. Rergen AUTHOMZEO R. Rapalyear, treasurer: Mr*. Rich* ard Mealier and Mra. Aaay. en trie*; Mia* Emily Oa*tat, Mri. AJfred L. NOAO 4 WAUAa STS, MD •ANK Ferguson, Jr., Mra. Jamea. M, F*» and Mra. Arnold Waad, Jr, har- I (1UN I N (.Kilt I (IUIMIN WILLYS tlculturej Mn. W. Raardmaa Lean- AdassBfemanl JL aaaaftel flasal aidman A MlftAdRA ard, NlrtihaeaU: Mr*. John Rai- W» •mwr» a. am* arr paw a ram lantlne, priara; Mra. J. Marakall Rooker, kaapiuiity; Mica Oatta*. 1 .RfTFINtW apeelmea clueea canauHaaL and a«)*ikT*MM**«ade*U*»ii Mr*! Robert Lawrence, Jr, cwa*»lt< Hick Ite CfMai. Cewed •Nk I ant far arrangement claaae*. Mt Met Mf* end «*»• Heat*** will ha Mn. Uul* M. —K ,pe*w!«n\Mii*a*dO**i»l Hague, chairman: Mr*. Pater It. R. .VACUUM.. Cummins, Mra. Edward M. Crane. Mn. Rooert R. SVrtJUr. Jr, MU* BOTTLE Ooet**, Mra. C. VanRenmelaer Hal. **y, Mr*. Rabart O. Ilatey. Mra. J. Ma*€»y TV Frentlea KellafaT. Mra. Alfred T. GIANT CflMDY UflLUESl Kiag. Mn. Mgar Ma.pp. Mr*. Ja- ***h Lart. Mn. Aatkear U Me- Kim, Mr*. Meeller, Mr*. J. Vatlnr MSIIl 7TC Meorhend, Mra. William T. Plum. Mr*. John RtiMell. Mr*. T. tleume 88' RuthraurT, Mr*, W. R. Ruthrauff, IAWN0WI Mr*. E. W. leuddtr, Jr, Mn. Ray- 1 VJV^^MJF mMrmmami mmj^ammvmmi mm smmi mmavsmmr _• ard Stout, Mr*. Alhln C. Swenaea. Mn, t. C. Tatum. Mn. AraaM Talp. Mr*. Oliver A. Vlttar, Mra. Robert ItrOHrt MM1E V, FITCH H. Youag and Mra. Pranel* Me- Carter. II1KBMUS •ANDtUPP tlMOVW Freelmld Manaecr yalM.,, Win. G.LF. Conlesl 1 -•••-•• SHAMPOO iRRBHOLD-rnnk CaraUn »i€0C0ANUT mana«er of Eattem Jeraey O.UP. Uquifled Petroleum plaat hare, re- ceived a 21-j*w*| gold wriat watch UMwaMNd C*ad» Vahe* at a eonf*r«nc* haW recently at Ithaca, J*. Y., u OR* of the It WIu- g manager* in • OUT. tmt> WILBUR tory-wlda mcrchandiilnt contut. Caraten w»* a winner In a year* CHOCOLATE BLOCK lon» o.UF. eontatt to dctarmlna which local mana<*.-i ar* bait ap- plying the principle* of good mer- chandlilnf and service to farmart. I It* VaWw . Cariten, who ha* been with O.LF itnc* 1M«. wai manageg r o I CRUNCHY. OOLDKN CHISI' uooerrs DRUO STORE thth e retaitill ga* itatlottl a In ItrsrI * IIn WILIUR4HCHAR0I A MMMwutb Sta.. Red 1M7. PEANUT CIOCOLATE MUAII BRITTLE We are the only siore in SQUARES

town mt can live you tomio«i». fun H.Hi 1 A this gnat value... L0N8*HANOll IUNT,HHS1M IAMBOO! BOWL SINGER Portable BRUSH, IRAKE »MITMW ^eujejeeaitjKii inw < ':i2;/.5Sl5-Pc.B0WL !. HOW OKU ELECTRIC Whittling COVER SET MUVY «USS numiy to Kettle] IPAINTSCUPE ASHTRAY (rmi CUTI •let* t*tl FRAY ISM Ml MUM


r wea "^ WAlli\IIY«i ••*.« rATHEI

--wenw • •OUT IE MISLED It FttSCeUIMt -JWiWlt**^


tOJTi VltOUR 1 SINGER SEWING CENTER mslP ("a*rM •t Irood Strttt aiartWit ,s?; TIL. 6-3S06 THESE BIG SPECIALS NOW ON SALE AT ALL SUN RAY STORES THROUGHOUT PA N J.DEL . 9 fat* Swim MI TIHC* Canals Ta Unit. R. •. Sick** A atittal eaaeuttvw FT.A. cm***- aWUCWMUET — Herbert Bty- FAIR HAVEN —Mr. and Mr*. ing was Held last Wadaaaaey at V* a* Hilwni park, If IMMtn Thomas L. Bell of Hanc* rd., have tka ackooL Mra. WUUaea Sateik, irraatrlr will fee* Meciatrate aJer- announced the enffacenent of their prcsieleat, preeaated Mre. Braaet fttt Uit, Jr., Hwter nigfct on daughter, Misa Barbara Louise Elgrirn, aaat preeieeat, a calve* ata Our Stort Will Bt Closed ckaefa* af cerelaae driving, havlB*- Ball. t« Second Lieut. Ralph P. tor her aervicaa af tka Mat twa •etttieaja Heenee platea aa Me ear Slckcle, Jr., U 8. Air force, toa yeara. Attending wet* Mre. Her- ••4 eUaerderlr toad«Mt. af Mr. tad Mri. Ralph B. gickcis bert Brown, Mra. Jake Severe, Aecardeag *• eta«* P*licc. Shrew*. af McLarea it., Red Bank. The Mrs. Luther Welling. Mr*. Vir- kltrr. • car driven by Bayard Sun- announcement wa* made at t dle> ginia Feraa, Mre. Mary Baee- aaowice, Mre. C. B. Ssatta, Mre. All Day Monday, October 1st day etrwek tka t**r af a car driven aar party at the Ball keen* lav kr •rilUoae VaaBruat af (taford Hreay aifht Williaaa Meyer, Mra. Vhriea Bader. »»€., Pair Haven. Both can were Mra. James Luker aad Met* Mil- traveling aa«t aa NMMII Spring! dred Lackey. Mre. Serein attaa«od ON ACCOUNT OF rd. when the accident aecurred. a PT.A. preeidaata' eaoatiag Bayard wee arrested by Treeper aetday cveaiag at Fraokeld algh ChafUr Orlaaatki, according ta pa- acboel. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY lie*, after ha need abusive laaguan* Jeha F. Enter apeat laat Tues- at the eceac a( (tea accMeat. Ha day la Atlantic City. Mr. aad Mra. •peat tha aiaat la tfca Red Bank Ewler epaat Thursday U Satartey 8MOP IWDAY TILL • P. M. — SAT. TUX 6 P. N. Jail aad waa ordered ta appear fce- wit* Mr. aad Mra. Noll Maa aad tee* Judge UH Monday. •on. Dee«el Hill, Pa. Mr. aad Mra. Bluh sad son visited Mr. aad Mr*. WiUoa Millar aad Mr. aad Mra. Buler Sunday. Upken Nolaa. aea af Mr. oad SHERMAN'S Mr*. Herald Nelae, relekrated t Birthday Suwdoy. A ' Announcing dinner waa keld. Fraeeat war* Mra, l aval Nalaa, Belferd; Mr. aal UMOADfT. •CO BANK ftp e^l^nr »»* wW**^WP^W ^P7 f/f^s^ar Mra. Oearge Sawc* aott MM Se> eaa Lawk* ef aVaatdya. Mn. Albert Walt* tha Srewala traap Fair Haven Cleaners & Dyers Thursday at har been*. A chowder aale la ptaaaed far Oct. I at Eagtaa Src hauaa. Mra. Watte ie a new committee meaner. Ota- er» present were Mre. Btephoa !•> lobnt Friday to Sunday with h*r WAU covnmoi to NANOI I parents. Then dtUghtful • lory-book characters will inni- Robert Otten, who Ie attending WKttW yon bang Sanitai younelf or I fora tay MOB into « pj nunery or playroom Lafayette oollcco, epent th* week- km it auBi, ndaeonlkm ii • quick, in a few oUnutot. Mada of tctutl Sinitai' fabric, end with hie parent*. tiaaM Job, Saaittt rolk an now only I h«nd-prlnt«l in brilliant, scufwoof colora and Mr. end Mr*. William Banning* 24* who ... cttw «• kiada, oaUy oVeutt onily epdiod to the will with wallpaper *p*nt Sunday with Mr*. Adolph Behadlar and other relativee in HMaffaadrehttniiacaNofarrer. pate. A»k to tot them when Jeraey City. lUacabtr... Suit« it itroag/atric, jrouihopforSanilael Mr. end Mre. William Thomp**n •at»apart and family epent the week-end «> >«"• Dorothy Thompeen, Philadelphia. •ATTBNI Howard roster, who Ie eUtlmad i ^3.25 In Maryland, haa been spending a CbUNTY OF MONMOUTH. Bids muit ba mid. on Standard Pio. •tr awroiais's Omee leave with hie parante, KTATB OP NSW JBBUV poial Forma in the manner daalinalen la th. aaatter of the eiuta of Joaepk and required by tke iMolnia. A. Blerbaum, dictated, Motlc. to end- MU> COtOM $2.90 Jerry Fowler, ion of Mr. and la Jittefc* «lj« tket mit tlonai ateat be eneloied in aialid env.1- Itera 10 present eleleia acalnat nut.. Mrs. Blon Fowler, underwent opei bearln* tke name and addreea ot Puriuant to thi ord.r oTOoraiin Me- minor operation this week. the bidder ead tke name of work on the Taddln. Sunoiati of the County ot blon- ouuliie, addreiwd to thi Board of Cksi- moeth, made on th. twenty-fourth day The Youth fellowship of the & en Freeholseri of th. County of Man* of Auiuit, 1911, on tha application of llvaree to Meln Mre.1, iatllaktewniat , New. mouth and muat be aceompaill.d by a Methodlet church sent a delegation Im « op.d ana r Halan B BUrbJUtn. Bol. Executrix of to attend a rally at Matawan Mon- Imn, «n« op.n.d ana reai In publla Bondlnt Certificate and a certlflid, tke estate of Joteph A, Bl.rbatim, de- at tkt Court Meu«. rreehel*. Htm i in- drawn to th. order of the County Treli. eeaud. notice It hereby' flv.n to tha day ovming. Mf. en Oetaker I, itil, at two o'alotk, unr, for not leai than tan per cent jr.dttofi of laid deceai.d to inhibit to f.Jl., SaaUra ateneara Tleit. (10%) of the amount bid. and be dellv. Barbara Simpson celebrated her Tba reatlpt aad esanlna nf bids are tke aubierlb.r Bole Executrix •• afore- llth blrthdey Monday with a P»rty .red at tka placa and eo th. keitr abavi sald their debti and demand! nidilnut •nkjaankjaat te tka proper qqu>lleaatlan> of the named. The Mandate f roaoial Form the laid eatate, under onlh, within >U for W ot har frlenda. kllelel r I* aeeordanede . Mtk k ll will b. furnlaktd upon application to th. naonthi from thi date of the HTor^aiilil oft tkMa pn-quallncatlollntl n lal w and th. rat- ord.r, or they will be forever Imrml adopted by the Board ef Choua The flaht Is nulled to niaot any ot of their actlom Iher.for agulnit the unld 1KVESTIOATK THCFT all blda » daemed to tke Int.reat ef (hi auburlbir. RUM8ON - Police are Inveatl- laat'lena and fcrss of bldi, eon- treat and bond for thi propoiid work, By otdar ot the Board ot Chonn TIM. Dttidl Fraahold, M. I., Aux. 24, lust. gating the theft of 16 feet of cop- Pjpeparad by Otis R. Jenaa,.County En- holderi of the County of Honmnuth, HELEN E, UlEllDAtm, per rain gutter from the former 0. tinier, have he.n nteil In the nfflrp nf Box IK, •aid EpKlneer, «t the Court llouir, Frc- J08RFH C, IBWIN A, McMillan home on Buttonwocd hold, H I,, and may be Inapreted hy PI rector, Kcumourg, N, J. lino, The theft wae reported Fri- iiroipactlv. bIJderl durlnt builnell EHWAHD C. OBOEOC, M.nrl. Wife a Wlit, IS BROAD STREET hours, Bidden will he furnished with a Clerk. A Shod* Different" KEO BANK 6-1306 day by James Ilch, a contractor copy of tha ipaelniatlins by thi Ensln- gjp.t, Jl, i»«|, B 8 who I* remodeling the boa*. esf aas* f leper aetlai, JT.7. •lli,':| ...I'l'.kt.w. |Mt I tAttorneyar v., mm uwimw, mvmmwn st, mi

saving, time MONEY SAVING Buty akers take note! Modem miradee in food atand ready to eae» Big f< Offer your job of meal praparation. Safeway haa doaena of prepared and partially- prepared Iboda with all the foodneie left in and moat of the work taken out. CHECK THIS LIST It'a an important part of our service to bring you these lateat ad vanoementa infoodpr^u^And.ofcoum^they'rehewforyouttS^tway'flowprkm Largo Eggs -79. Fruit Juice SBW88" Tomato Juict 2.VV25. UPTON'S NOODLE or Sunshine «w»«*o«i TOMATO VEGETABLE Grape Jelly WIlCH't SUZANNA Soup Mix 3-31 WIICHJ 22. Preserves iMii PANCAKE Fresh Coffee • % M* JELLO- CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, OQC ifr Puddings BUTTERSCOTCH or TAPIOCA 3 20 iff CAM nit t if JELL-WELL-CHOC, VANILLA, Puddings BUTTERSCOTCH or TAPIOCA 3-17 NEW RALSTON RICE CEREAL WY 1 PACKAOf AT MOUAI FNCt Knew cmff run s*S2» OfT KT«A MCKAM KM ONIY Sc 2 21 Rice Chex DAI*Y FOODS

ON r«e MMCHASI or GOLDEN BLOSSOM 12 or i*r Sour Cream ««•* SLEEPY HOLLOW SYIIP Sweet Butter ***>«« run wwfwi ra wr •raw •*•• Bj Cottage Cheese e)A Hie) fe)Qutof nfaiil fafvce) e)» TORPEDO LIGHT MOUOMT 6 oz. can Cream Cheese i.21« flPPIR IXMRM OCTOMR 4. 1MI Tuna Fish CHUNKS and FLAKES 25 Swiss Cheese Mm MtctiM Thrwifh SotvfJoy, S^Mmbtr «• We) Ratojfve} the) Wajnt te •MMt Guaranteed Meats FRESH PRODUCE

An the HMW you find o> youf 5o™woy it prvporccl for you wHn ipoctal cora« Sofowoy IMOI oxporti moke tun owy cut Th« wondirful frath flavor of Saftwo/i and kind of. moat loadm you at ift poak oating perfection, fniiti b lha rwuh of a cartful »yitam of qoolHy eorrtral to enjoy flnaet flavor and |uky fndtrnew. that btalni at th« farm* whtr« our txpart buytn Mtaa) FMZffir FOODS only tha produco «hty know will b* goad •aHnc> ' WHOLE or HALF lb- Haddock Fillets *»" •»" Fresh Ham 5 Orange Juice Tokay Crapes ^ Sweet Peas •**• FRYERS-READY-TO-COOK Ib. fc Chickens 5 9 Green Beans UNWCUT »« Honeydew Melon 12 « SMoked Picnics »49« Skinless Franks MISCELLANEOUS CN N 4 DELOOUS Pork Butts .a. »79i Snoked Ham 59* Burry Cookies tANDwicH *' Red Apples 2^ 23« Marcal Hankies »«»» ^9 C0 au> Sliced Bacon 7SS' Fowl Facial Tissue K» 1 Italian Prunes 2** 19c Sliced Bacon —• > FMT-ascKts Facial Soap *• 55* Sweet Peas Melntosh Apples 3^19i Clip-Tip Carrats »12< Niblets M*M Candy nmmm. fi Succotash WHOLE KERNEL CORN 12 ot OM I D CHOC COATED 7 or. pkg. Tomatoes 2'!£29« Fretk Spiiich 2-19. Gr«eii Bean ^2^29. Applesauce 2 !^. 23* Yellow Tirnipe «- •• 5« Sweet Potatoes 2 * Ifr Crisco Silvtr Dust Tuna Fish "KST 39« 3 U. CAN 9te 1 b em 1S 01 SIZE 31 Pork & Beans Yellow Onions «- «•<>• Potitees "»•» »-** Tida Super Suds on ROYAL SATIN 19 01 SIZE pica, 30< 23 OL SIZE pkg. 0UC SHOHT1NINC 33c Vol Spic 4 Span SM ctotAlli of dliploy for m 15 01 SIZI pkg. 30 16 OZ. SIZE 24 Thrilling Qardtn Flowar Offtr. SAFEWAY BMkf MED HAWK lEmNMI 91. MM Winning Red Bank High School Touchdown Red Bankers Overcome 74) Deficit Spotting Sports To Edge Local Rivals, Caseys, 13-7 By Co*dl> Jot fclftr'l BtifM Hv Cunningham In rtTBT M#IT^™ *djiiiiy iivSfmOfi vCOtVf iwic# ' Bed Bank Catholic jchool, with THIS WEEK THE GRIDIRON sport really twinge into full action, its aaoter,well luaed up far it* itui- and like last week, today we'll hear from the other three major coachc* Bkntlag with Bed Bank high In our area who dashed «« » f line* for The Register and fport fans. Hoyt'g Penguin •*k**>l Saturday afteraaaa hummed rw perfectly f«r twa ajuartera befaro Coach Arnio Truex of Leonardo hifrh school it first on the lift. iw BMehlae startad nOssiag toal » kaw th* Bve* U edge aut a 18-T B* Coach Antic Trite* DeVito Sptrlw Tikes Early Led triusBph aver their iatraborough rt» Because of the loaa of H letter- val* aa R.B.H.S. athletic Beld. men and tighl reaervea, who have RIUBMNI Bulldop In Fall Series Coach Joe Bolger, the Caaeya* eithir left school or joined the near SMtHor, had hi* charge* well armrd services, proipecti did not aaarlnd for the tussle aa the Oreea look too ro«y at the beglnaing of aad Oald elevea dlaplayed a Igfet- practice thia fall. When you lo»e To 2M Victory PIUu few lag dub which pushed the But* a backfleld combination of Pete C-ekk W lUlUoatTTa arauad far twa period* and led by Treiza, Larry Policaiero, Tom Bar- T« Twe> Fin* a T-4) saore at iatarmiMtea time. ba, Tony DeMarco and Marv Boes- [ Ceaal* r*U*wiag th* nair-ttaae sa*ilaa erman, plus *uch outstanding- line- Red Baak high grUdrer*. who men « Joe Palau, Al and Gene Hoyt's PaBffUta, th* Tklag, took leaked ragged around the edge* la Patterson. Harry McQuillan, John two tut of throe race* sHtadey at- th* *V*t half, returned to action la Garret;, Larry Flannagan apd Lee tOHO BlUNCH-Cparked by ttraeea ta otad Miss Hayt lato th* third quarter leaking Uk* a dif- Carhart, you have food reason to Johnny DaVlte, tha taaw* Bull- the Itad of th* fail F*af uia **riaa feat club. be f loomy. doca «pea*d up tha grtdiraa **•> with 88 paiata. •aa by whipping Lang Breach high At Ml* writing wa have *> Ia th* Boat of 88 craft, Qssrhsi. acnool'a Jayvees, JU-O, aa the Lang bush ssiM tat a*w grass boat la- F»r*« w|tt sjeV spirtt tt* •uc« acrsasmaiouater ear heMawKh Sonny Tbanitaa, Na. It, wHfc Ida piftkM tuakati noaHy In hit arm, ataat wor Hit sjool Braach aeld frtday afUraooa. te grit piac* ta the s*e«ad sad puUM up U wtttaia * T4 atoro OeVita regUtered two of ItUsa- third rasa* la get tha fusap oa Bv early In the third quarter aad thea aay we wIN be tough la heat lint ta uara Ratj lank Mft) irtaal't wfealna faaaMwwn •$«'"•• •*• Ka« lank Catholic OWVM aon'a trio of sia poiatera, scoring aad Chars* AUairt, waa saathad a amort tlm* later seat over the We probaMy will fee bealrt), Saturday affttn***) at Mia larfaa MM* ffaltj. TWaa Caiay fflsMan maka a «sNsnt otto**)* on a savca-yard run aad then later la secead posltlea with 8T point*. wtaulag TD ta aaptura the contest but I think our eppiiaeate wIN went over after taking a lateral after the skies had appeared very fa its* Thornton, but fail, at da aamptatat TO jaunt thraufh tha Mi titjt af tha Caiay liaa. Tht nrst race was waa by Carol haew they have had a real hat- from Kenny Duan* almost aa tke and Brub Haace la their Peaguia dark far Coach freak Piugltora's lie befere the steal wMattetaate. luccanaan ««ara*J a 11-7 triumph. goal line. DeVito thea contributed Chance. The vtetara, 1st a A breakdown of th* cause* af two eitra paint* with two well-**- After hitting tha Caaay Hat for aur •aish, beat out B*» Howl* by 18 Coarh Aral* Trues optimism reveals that Larry ecuted drop kick*. aaeeadt aftar Han** sent hla Ha* arMthB«« MeNamare it a much-improved end Long Braach fumkUd early la guia aut In front at the starter's •"••» ntftFaitBBra* w Ss>B«asiai»ta)*«a a* |ll %tk9 over his 1S»5O showing. Alan Ecklof, a reverst end of 1160, hat com* Hue Touchdown Pileup the eaatart to giv* the Bulldog* an gun and kept It th*r* tha rest of third chapter, which ttarUd tha an to his own and with a little more seasoning will do an excellent job. opportunity to move the pigskin the way. victor* on th* move, finding tha Richard Isaksen and Tom Krampf at the tackles taw plenty of service ' goalward. The Branchers, after Caiey lint no easy stark, tke Buca BHULTS discovered that tke end* wert weak In 1950 fls understudies to the regular tackles and have improved glal- fumbling, were forced to punt out first Ban—Start till Ually. Joe Caruso, an outstanding fruard laet yttr, ia continuing h!s of trouble, which gave the visitors Boat Sklpptr riaitk and that's Jutt where they struck good work and is teamed with John Trezza, an outstanding sophomore the ball oa Long Branch's 4X Ckunce, Hance _.. . 1:41.14 ta tad victory. prospect from a real football family. The Treizaa are going to be proud Joker, atok Ma*la „„.. 1:41" •ran though tha Caieya lost With DeVlto leadiag the way th* little Mop*, Ck.rlto AUatr* ..... l:4» __ of this boy. At center, Tony Stavola has come along nicely and he The Iking-, B. Ouaeaeabeak .... 1:41.1* Coach Jo* Balgar and hla Itftl con- will hold his own. In the hackfleld, Lea Johnson is doing some good Bulldog* forged ahead to set th* Hub-Bub, OOII Hukkara 2:4s.ll tingent aeeempllthed aomethlng no Work at left half. Dan Trezza, who suffered a broken bone in his foot stag* for OeVlto'a iattial TD. The Bantam. Dick Davis |:4t.»l other Oreen and Oold team could second tally crossed th* double Beeklve, Bofer Brown MM! In tha Rod Bank game lait year, Desmond took to th* air and Bred igk Larkey, Casey center, Intercept tha la my coaching career that I to Duffle, who went tha ahort dis- pass on the Red Baak 88, from apened the teatnn with a vic- tance for the *li-polnter. whtr* ha ran it down th* right tory. BUNION Bndi—Psrkar, DuMe, Maanaa, Chad. •Mtllnt to eras* standing up. ' Looking: hack over Saturday'* wick. Nolsa*. silk* Wad*, punting for th* *xtim Taeklas—MeOuiHess, farriaitea, !**•• game, I feel A. H. has th* nuking foot LOOM. Pep* ..... paint, gnv* grid fans something to ef a good team, an eleven that will «Juar4»—lUca, MrQu.ea, Pratt, Must. Oaniwar. Klehaiaa. ... cheer about on this play when tho giv* each opponent a tough fame. CMitn—Ciller, School. Ckancr, Mane* .... ball hit the eraaa bar and bounced Like all opening games, wa made Backi—DaVlto, DaimoiKl, amith. An. Mai Ore, Diekaraasi In tha right direction for th* «stra many mistakes, our offense didn't mack. Johanncman, DlPiore, Mlnton, C ## a K* atOWirri •••.•• Whnlir. Biekaraei. Blekardaaa polat look too sharp at times. I hope, Rumion • II • T—II Mer Olue, i»m«r at th* season progresses, many of Lone Branch JV'i *••*—• ' t»l«, XekMaktr those "kinks" will he ironed Out Touchdown!—Dovits 2, DuMlf. Palata 1 Mat in ft Ruiwtl •• •*•• A fumble ef "toMy" Metaling, •ft.r teuraoesms—Dovlto I, OMclatt— kit, Parriaa an enehangc of hick* and a break which will make for a smoother Hattoa, Horaiea, Anantails. . epeiiee, Cnaliah running offense. •aa Wans, iehw*rt* far th* Bucs led the way for Ited Pamalaii, Wartkley Bank breaking tha scoring Ic*. To predict how wa will do for tMakr Peaar, flraawa the remainder of the tenon la dif- shortly after the start of the see- Third Race—atari oad halt HotaUng, hitting th* Una. ficult. Ours is not a school with Aftar traMmf Ra*i lank CathaJla hi«h tchaal, 7-0, at tha an«i af tha firit half, Ra« Little Leaguers Tha Tains, Quaekaakwk an abundance of material. W* Chance, Haaee lost pssscislou of th* pigskin with lank hlg> tahaal raNia*J ta Mara favchaJawni in tha third au«rt*r ta win, 13-7. In tha abava Bantam. Da*ia Tony Cltarella rteovoring on tha lack reserves and ,in caac of in- Be* Hive. Sjrows Jurlea we will be hard-prcased. t photo, tha flnt luc TO ii teara*) ay Sanny Thornton, who it in tha middla of tha pack. Stava Little Mope, Allaire . Casey 16. can actually depend upon 17 men Split Twin BO!' Mub-Hub. Nukkard At this point In th* contest Red Cestth Vines** "Roty" FbM Marrii, riaht fuard, it taan makinf tha hala far tha lua back, «hila a hoit af Caiay •ria'dari •okit, Perrlaa Bank's break came when Coach of -the 32 men on my nquad for KBYPORT—Tha Uttla league Sea Warta, IckwarU ...... varsity games. The remaining IS player* are composed of freshmen attampt ta ihovo tha baN carriar away from pay dirt. aeries' double-header wound up on Foot Loos*. Papa Fran* Plagiter* sent In a »ubatl- and sophomores with no experience. I would only he asking for trou- even term* Sunday afternoon when Joker, Howl* tute with ordtn to punt on tho ble if I used them against bigger and more experienced opponents. A* the Neptune VFW nine nipped the Biek.r.i, Biehardam third down. Catching th* Caaey* by •he season progresses 1 will keep my finger* crossed against any in- Keyport *-** in the night- Bottom. UP. hkeack aurprlM th* Bucks- f*r«*d (aetr-rl- juries, •"- "" • -~" - • PfisterTops Atlantic Highlands Opens Season cap tilt, while the Cardinal* bom- val* back with nothing to look for- barded th* visitor*, U>0, la th* ward to but kicking Into the wind. I feel I hit** a In* gtmip ef bay* ta work with and what opening contest. Largey booted but hla kick traveled wa lack ta material they snake up hi Ighttag spirit. It's a By Defeating Metuchen, 14-4) Ace Cottrell Bred th* Cardinal*, only about 18 yards, to glvs Red pieaaure to work with these bey*. fall Chauffeurs to their triumph acatttriag three Agcl*. d Manakai; Baak th*. ball on tb* 88. Tuptwae*. O»» BaaUak The Shore Conference race tfclt year I* a tat* up betweea WALL TOWNSHIP — BUI Pfls- ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS - of th* four hits garnered by tha Luck, P*aa>. flasjU Llttl* Bill Dotte, th* speed rner* Leonardo and Freehold aa both teaat* leak like atroag eea- t«r, Eatontown, continual to ba thaCoach Vlncant "Roxy" Finn nnal- vrw. Scully twirled the last three BamMae,, Mii kuakuaaat chant far th* Bue machine, picked taadera. if* a long aeasoa, however, aad anything can happen. kingpin of stock car racing at Wall If broke the lee. for the first time frame* for the victors, allowing one up four yards and than Jaekla stadium. Ha chalked up hla Mth Jockey Strange blngle. POWT STAND1NQS Pta. Uwl*. th* back who picked up moat Atlantic Highland* for many ytart ha* been without a field of It* la hi* coaching carter the Tiger The Tklna, Mlsa Aaak Mart. MM of th* Buc yardag* all afternoon, awn to play their garnet and practice on. Through the effort* of th* feature triumph of tha aaaaan at coach Saturday opened n grid sea- Tha Card! fattened th*lr aoer* la tittle MOM, Charles A B» Alltlart... It tha weekly stock ear race* hare Okaace, Ink and Carol Baace II dataed If yarda before being hauled A. H. nre department and the borough resident*, we now have one of wlth a victory whan hi* llttl* th* second frame whan they *•> down on th* Casey three, "sonny" Saturday night. Is Suspended ploded for T runs, Including Bill Jakar Bob Hewle L,, || the finest football and baseball fields In the county. I would like to of grlddar* took Metuchen aaBtAAi B4ek Da«4a «... 14 Thornton took over here ana went Pflster. having tha high-banked high ichool Into camp, H-0, on Clayton'a three-run homer. &"b BuV D.a^ad Ualaa Mukkar* II take this «pportunity to thank everyone as they deaerve a great deal oval down to a science, won two ATLANTIC CITY-(AP) Jockey through for th* eeore by hitting of credit. They have given, th* athlete* something that wa* for «o Piramtn's Mtmorial fleld. Ronny Phillips saved tha day Ba. Blve. Baatr aa* Teak artwa... It th* center of tho Casey lln*. Andy other heats before ha tuned hi* Robert L. "Bobby" Btrang*, •37, of for the visitor* aa he hurled them f»et liOtat. Inn Pap* - 41 long just a dream. With tha grid spirit flying high Kcrmit, Tax., wa* suspended for Super Suds, T*m Uerd . II Larabee's placement went low, but racer up for tha feature run of the at Atlantic Highlands high school, to victory la the second tilt Ha Bttteeaa Up. Narat* aad H. Bakaaak IT tho Bucks were back In tha conteit, evening. Tha Eatontown chauffeur th* Tigers lost no tlm* findingpa yth* rest of the year by the Stat* allowed • hlU and (truck out t. Oifigwar. •** tad Mtr«i. Blaksua II trailing by a 14 count. By Coach Joe Roaati spsd to th* lead In the flfth lap and Racing Commlilon Friday after- Th* winntra managed to gatMai Ore, B*k fltta 31 dirt In tha encounter aa they tal- BWkerpei. A** lUekardaen Aftar Red Bank kicked off tho What doe* the itBl football held hi* No. 10a out front until tha lied in tha flnt quarter and again through th* gam* aftar (coring a Sea Warta. AneM fckwarta season have In store for tha *tart*r wavad tha checker flag at la th* a*eond period to complete Strange wa* barred for * con-la the flrat aad then chasing ovar Ce* Be*. Crask Bower* Caaey* failed to make any headway the end of the tt-lapper. . their (coring. sorting with a bookmaker" and for th* winning run In th* bottom of BtMi, Bab and Dr. Parriaa _...... and booted. Jeffrey hauled In th* Rrnnu Bulldogs? Although the alsth. Aaclt, CarlBekwanktr ...JJ.-™.— 11 kick on tha Caaey 41 and hiked 14 ' we may be short In man-power Bill Chevalier, th* layreviUe breaking a rule that lets jockey* Tuppmea, Dta «a* Mars* faaUah .... 24 ace, who I* alway* a threat to Pfls- Veteran* Ted Hall and Captain bet only on hones they ride, and Mik* Brltceae, American Associa- yards to the 27. still taking ad- la comparison with moat of our Dick Kliva wer* reipondbl* for Mer Olu. Mr. tad Mrs. fT Btrnar It opponent*, we will not ha lack* ttr, wa* forced to drop out of the then only through the trainer or tion umpir*, who recently returned vantage of the weak Casey ends, th* touchdown*. Hall (cored on the owner. the Bue* skirted wide to move to Ing In grit and determination. race whan hla ear devvloptd metor to hi* home town, Keypad, alter buck? P»nny. Mr. aad Mrs, flrtaiae 4 Conditioning and knowledge of trouble. opening klekoff when he dashed Charles J. Sheehan, commission the baseball war* concluded, offi- tha Red Bank Catholic nine-yard fundamental* were stressed during Several aecldanU on the curve* 90 yards. Kleva went over from secretary, said Strange admitted ciated the twin bill. line In four play*. On th* a*it play the past three week* of practice. and numeroui car* bouncing off th* tha one-yard mark on a plunge. dealing with bookies but denied "Sonny" Thornton broke through The spirit of our group 1* at afence kept tha fan* supplied with Metuchtn'i grldder* wfre never betting against his own mount. State liberating tackle to gallop Into pay dirt (tend- high pitch, and the boy* are work- thrill* during tha sawn race pro- able to gat over the (tunning blow Sheehan said the ruling has the M.B.C PilotT ing up. Urabee's toe connected for ' of Hall's cl*v*r running for th*effect of barring Strange from all a perfect placement aa tha Bank* ing hard in preparation for our gram, ers took a 18-T lead which they first clash which will ba thia com- •.HUH* Initial TD. Th* llttl* quarterback tracks In the nation. mada excellent use of a host of Receive Awards Pheasants, Quail never relinquished.* ing Saturday afternoon with Toms *U*t fcest—10 |>PI. Woa hT BUI Strange was suspended Aug. JS, River high school on our field. lW«r. sjatontown; Meond. Was PulU; Mocker* In order to cros* the dou-pending Friday's, hearing. The MOimouTH HILLS—Itonmouh STATE LIBERATING sports . BSD BANK H. A bla markar* on a thrilling dash. charges were based on a report Boat club'* Lightning Fleet No. TO TRaiNTON- Wlldlifa manager* ^ Unite, Man**. Ctcel*. Lant week's scrimmage game Latt In tha second quarter, the by John Brcnnan of the Thorough- awarded prise* and trophies to Ita are now making a atatawlde dis- with the Long Branch J.V. Second lap*. Won kr Ffkak top aklppera Friday night at a Ta'ekka—A. Cltartll*. T. Cltarella, Can. Mohhmur. Lakewoo*: aacoa*. Gerdoa Tlg*r» posted the second *lx-polnt- bred Racing Protective bureau. He tribution of pheasant* aad quail a*»e. aaauras. squad helped to determine tha OldftMrf, W«t«tldi third, Dick Bated., «r after a 59-yard drive in which said Strange had received $2,500 dinner in Corporation Houaa, MOB* during th* past year at tha three poMlblo atartlng lineup and "l«r Hope, Fa. TIB* I:*I.I4. from admitted bookie Al Mones of mouth Hill*. state game farms, th* Division of also pointed out • number of Third heat—10 laps. Won by Bill Klava and Hall carrltd tha brunt Chevalier, Barreville; .etond, Blcfcl* Hall, of th* attack. Kingston, N. Y. shortly after Oct. June Methoot, aklpptr of Bon Fish and Game, Dapartmant of rough spot* which we hope to Tom* Rirar; third, Pat* Frist*, Bah- 7,1990, when Strange rode a baaten Ore, waa awarded top honors when Conservation and Eeonomie Devel- correct In time for the official way. Tim* 3:00.07. Atlantic took possession of thefavorite Istan, at Garden State aha waa presented the Herbert N. opment, announced today. MO BANK CATHOLIC R. I. opener. Flnt Saml-lnal—II laps. Woa kr ball on th* Metuchen 41-yard mark- track, Camden. Cos Memorial trophy, along with Coach Joe Konatl Although I will not venture any 'fcj".,??"1* TSPcu f* *Vtd Bank; er. It took just one doien plays the Monmouth Boat club award. A very auecassful propagation sort of prediction at this time, I ird, Holin.utr. Timai Mane. from th* point to rip off 88 yards In another case, the commlslon Mason hat bean experienced by Second sml-rlnal—II lape. Woa krto *et the stag* for big Kleva's barred owner J. Daniel Kats of Reid Dlckeraon, (kipper of Wind, all propagating units in th* stat*. &£t22S alncerely feel that the Rumson boy* will give a good account of them- Chavalltr: "econd. Halli tklrd, Fntaa. ward, received a trophy for having OaarSa—Uftaa. CouihUa. Duffr. selves on the gridiron this teaion. plungt. Klava took tha ball Wilmington, Del., from racing in Th* season for phtaaant* and rab- Ceatar—Larger. Time, through tackle for tha finale of New Jersey for the rest of hi*won an Informal two-race icrlea bits optnt Nov. 10 and will eon- •teks-Karrini. Waea. Btward. Ha. Conatlation—11 las*. Woa »» Duka on the Raritan bay early m Sep. taUas, Kaaaadip, Dokam. Working along with me a* assistant concha* are Al Lous O.Br.iie, «eond, Jack Pswtil, tha drive. Hall then kicked hla life. Sheehan said Kati had reg- tlnu* until Dtc. 8. Quail may ba Star* by Ptftada Port Monmouth: third. Al Petaptale. second conversion just a short tlm* istered in his own name horses tember. hunted during the tame season . of CorneU university and Bonald i. Jacobs of Trenton Stale Ukewood. Time 1:39.41. Th* presentation* were mad* by Teacher*. Also aiding is Walter "Egglc" Brown, former star Feature event—18 lap*. Was by Ms- before th* flnt halt concluded. that were actually owned by "un- and alto from Dee. IT through tar: wcond, Duk. Hallar. Balntr; tklrd. desirables." He laid Kati admitted Mr*. Cox and Randall M. Keator, Dec. ». guard, who I* Ineligible this aeason. Metuchen made a couple of mild commodore of the boat club. Wen rultis fourth. Hall; ftfta, Pompealo; threat* In the second half, but fronting for others. PhMtant distribution from the twhdwBi^5S; tUta, Fata Prate*. Tim* Other prise winners ware John Bank CatkeHe. Wad* (plaMmenU), This year's squad consists of 35 candidates—eight returning letter- •ach time the fighting Tiger* held Spurdl*. Ed Waters, Johnny Bull stat* game farm* thia fall will pfldala-ORara. Murphy. O'DahntlU tnen, 13 members of last year's JV team and 14 boy* reporting for the off th* vliitlng Bulldogs. Dr. 'Buddy' Comba and Rod Ctordon. ranch 88,485, of which 81,880 pheas- first time. Several of the lettermen will this year be shifted to new Yamello Wins Sparked by Mike Muha, Tom ants ara being distributed on optn Romeo and Don Perkins, th* Me-Stars in Polo Win land*; 3,285 on public shooting positions in order to utilize their experience in varsity competition. tuchan grldder* marched 41 yard* nnd flahlng grounds and 800 at Long Branch F.C The Bulldog* will be led by cc-capUin* Jim McGulnnes* VMCA Tourney WESTBURY, N. Y.-A last-per- Long Branch F* G* to th* Atlantic 39 where th* vlii- iod rally (parked by Dr. Clarence n*ld trial*. and John DeVlto. McOulanes* wUl shine In the left tackle slot EATONTOWN-Jamea Tamello ton' machine then stalled. "Buddy" Combs gave the Meadow Th* number of pheasant* to b* Seeking Gridders while DeVlto will diiplay hi* talents at left halfback. The waa the hottest goiter at Old Or- For one* tha Tiger Una wa*Brook club an 11-9 victory over the To Open Oct. 7 dlatrlbutad on optn lands In eoun- heavier than the opposing team tlaa follow*: Atlantic, 800; Bcrgtn, LONG BRANCH - After btlng other returning lettermen are BUI Parker, a rugged end; Doug chard Coountry club over the week- favored Chicago Arlington* In the LONG BRANCH — Tha Rahwey Karrlngton, a rangy tackle; Fred Baden and Bob Osgoodby, end at he fired his way Into the and this spelled the difference in opening round of the National 380; Burlington, 8,400; Cnmden, disbanded for almost four years, the two football machine*. Indian* will bt hoit to tha Una;SOT Cap* Mar, 400; Cumberland, th* Lang Branch tttk! club is at- stalwart gunrds, and Hal Apgar and Phil Mlnton, speedy back*. top *pot of th* Long Branch Y. Open Polo championship* Sunday. Branch fleld club when the fleld M. 0. A. tournament with a torrid ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Trailing 8-7 at the start of the 1,800; Estut, 480; Olouc**t*r, 1,- tempting to rejoin the football The above mentioned boys will carry the brunt of the Bumson •sds—M. Bead. M. Joy, clubbers Inaugurate their grid 300; Hudson, 800- Muntardon, I,- raaka in the county. 72. final period, Mcadowbrook tied the opener Sunday, Oct. 7. 800; Mercar, 1,800; Middlesex, 1,- offense and defense. Yamello won the Long Branch Tacklos—R. Oiragty. 1. MuagHmo. score with four minutes to play. Jimmy Rtmo i* coaching tho guards—A. Papa, P. Ouail. Combs tallied three times In the Managed by Jimmy Itmao, th* 800; Monmouth, 1,600; Morris, 1,- grlddert who art working out for Thank you, gentlemen, for your article* which wa ara mire grid trophy by carding a neat 84-38-72 Cmtfr—B. Bock. Indiana moved back Ita aeaaon'a700; Ocean, 1,700; Passalc, 1,200; a btrth on the reborn eleven, which fans will enjoy, especially alnce the information came directly from for the bust low groat scorre. In Biicki—T. Hall, R. Snyder, B. Letts, last chukker. Or. Comba is an >. KUva, Eatontown veterinarian, opener and Instead of opening Sun- BaUm, 3,000; Bomtrttt, 1,850; Bui- Is now practicing aach evening at thft mentors, the second poaltion Joseph Calab- MBTUCHEN day afternoon, the club wilt prob- sex, 3,000; Union, 100, and Warren, I'CBC, shooting a 85-38—78, and Lou 8:30 on tha fleld next to the Pad- RANDOM lTUMft-Uanny Welch, 64" former Red Bank Midi—L. Cariient.r, K. P«pi>. ably profit with a light scrimmage 8,300. dock Lounge, Chelsea ave. The club Accrrs, carding 36-37—78, wound up Tackles—W. (Iroban. W. Neely. Asbury Park Trounced in propping for the opening gong. hopes to later acquire the Long Catholic high school »lar athlete and a mighty good rhiicker, In a knotted position. Olllirdl—P. Grecco, T. Coy. In addition to th* above lilted Originally scheduled as an open- Branch stadium for home games. in In hi* junior year at the I'nlverslty of Maryland. Danny, In the two flights of ladles' C»nt«r H. Hall. In Football Opener birds, 38,881 day-old pheasant championship play Mils Josephine Baeki—W. Hehrdneck, M, Muha, T. er this aeason against the Shore chicks were distributed to youth Currently the team 1* ticking who weighs In at Ita MM., will be out for baiketbaU and baee- Romro, D. Matthrwi. OARPIELD-Ashuiy Park high Yellow Jackets, the contest waa co-oparators. Thtat bird* have now more local gridiron prospect* and' Cnlct defeated Mrs, Ruth Rhotdet All. Highland..... T 1 It 0—U school's 1961 gridiron ropreaenta- liall . . . Pvt. Olga M. Brand, Women's Army corps, of Marine in the lS-hole C final, 8 and S. Mrs. Maiuehin to* 0— 0 moved back to a later dat* In th* reached an age which maket It anticipate* booking tha Short Tel- l»ark, Red Bank, I* now a student In tha surgical technical Touchdown!—Hall, Klcva. tlvon made a poor football debut season by mutual consent of both poatibl* for their liberation to ba low Jackets for a home and homa William Schiller eliminated Mrs. Points aft.r touchdown—Hall t. Friday night when Oarfleld high oluba. series. course. Olga was connected with the Roller Derby dan before Dorothy Btokey in a aeml-nnal Offidala—Oobrrnikl, Oolucti and Ab- made in tha county In which they k school whipped the Blue Bishops, The Branchars, who practice were reared. Outstanding grlddera with th* Joining the service. match of B flight, 3 and 1. Mr*. 30-12. Oaliy Blay and Mrs. Harry Parr nightly at th* field near the Pad- Quill totaling 12,«M will be lib- tiam tra Vine* and 8al Macctoll, Joseph K. Screen of Rumaon, a former Red Bank Catholic high Th* U. B. Secret Service, Treas- Oarfleld scored lone touchdown* dock lounge, have a tentative erated In coveye of 13 on open Andy Tanner, Pete Fleming, Vine* are scheduled to meet In the other ury Department, warnn that there aehool atudunt, enrolled as a freshman at Niagara unlvcrtity. Krankie semi-final bout, The defending In each of tha flrat three period* schedule which Include* gamaa with landt In countltt aa follows: At-Rlnso, "Bubby" Aetrra, Frtd Cor- champ, Mrs, William Bradley, de- I* mar* counterfeiting today than nnd then ahovod over two In tho Linden A. C, West N«w York A. lantic 1,888; Burlington, 1,388; don* and Prank Fragatt. The club Wise, the chap who former Coach A(J»m Kretowlci claimed was a weak at any tlm* in tho past ton years, Innt chukker. Dr. Combs i* anC, Princeton Eagle* and Camp Kil- Camden, 1,360; Capo May, 1,2(0; hopes tu dgn Jo* Leo, sparkling hlUer on the bainlwii squad, but later turned to be tha Hugger, entered feated Mri. M. Lynch in * quarter final «mt»it in A flight by an over- Th* road to setter and b!g«.r buM- dirt in the urcond period with a TO mer, with the latter conteit planned Cumberland, 1,512; Qlouctsttr, 1,- end from Temple university, and Th* ClUdal, Charleston, 1.0. whelming SON* of T and 8. MUi nlfarUn la Th. Rtilatir t.iularly, and then tallied again in tha final for Nov. 4 at the Long Branch grid- 888; Middles**-, 880; Monmouth, 1,- Wllkes Barre of th* American with a (Is-poinUr. iron. 380; Ocean, 1,440, and Saltm, 1,300. Football league. •ED WAVE MOHTl*, f EFTEMBEl ST. IMt Leonardo High School Set for Saturday'* Grid Opener Rumsoit Bulldog& Inaugurate Grid Season Saturday With Toms River

RIJMSOX — Coa-ch Joe Rosati'e i by some sp"«d are rhi! Minton Rurnson Bulldogs will inaugurate j and H»ll Apgar. their football Mason Saturday af- 1 The JV grldders v.-;" rleflpifely *rnoon when the Purple »n\ 1 i be promof.erl to *h»! varsity for the White. KrlrMer* play hn*t. to Tom ! i'51 campaign. T>in* material out Rlvor on the »t»di>im gridiron of this pa-k con^lsta of John Noo- here Tomorrow night bowliag ia Jfenmoutk county will get under »ajr I nun. K»n D'ifti", Jim Chadwlck. is earnest •• the l»rgc»t league in the world opens its hostilities. W» Rumaon h^d * faste nf romp^i- |Uarrv .Veison. Vat Talbot. Larry have not checked oa it, but it ia our belief that every alley establish- tive foothn'.l last wetlt when the Srhiiimz, John Pratt. John C»l- ia the county will have at lent one firemen's match every Friday rioga Kivf. nn impressive show- ! vert and Wal'er Srholl. Backneli J uatil next May. There 1MS bees » drastic change in the "A by whipping the Lonjr Branch j men ar" J- hn D". rr,ond, Frank Jn- 4iviiioa this year. Oac« again there are M teams here, but they have J.V. squail, 2M. lunrieinHhu, Fied Johnson ahK thi< lfun , Jink McQueen, Rob Aumack, ts> give th« other eiffht teams • lighting chance the league decided to hy KtressiriK the importance j Fro|< d f'iarnbrone. Bob DoFiore, try this system for tha 1M1-I2 seeaoa. At any rate it promises to be an of furdanip.ntnli the past three I K!e. Wh»<"l»rK»n , Mrf,!]nivo , Wheelerrjporjre, JakTere- Interesting race ia all seven divisions. Last year there were lot teams week'. ry. Kd Terry nr.i Stephen Ru'.- Ml tale loop, but as has been the custom these past few years there are Rosati'n • iiiad ronaista of 3" •vtaj More this time, Ms) to be exact. Thus "G" division has an od-i candidate* with eight lettermen i In the enemy camp, foa^h John- •timber, 13 teams, which will be) lucky for some team but at the same a**, rifV feawti; T«m Kr«ma>(, rifkt tackle, «n«j AIIM tcfcUf, and 13 of last year's junior varsity 1 ny DaHon has tv.o potent weapons time there will be one team idle each week. around whnm he hoprj to cmin! . in r^rleton Hamilton and William Car* rastr "•*• lie attaaMse at* 4)sastlis)r< we realiM 4 a* rifkt *4. m tin fcacMtM eft Lai Jalma*, Dan Tratia, Rich- atrong eleven. Adeline to th» "Butch" Harvey. • ..v, we!;.trained •Hal • M« Jefc It to far taw srhsl«a> r—Htee. At ata* giaaM* It <*• . at4 CaH'mt, Jim Schurf*it and C*«th Ami* Tryai. Tha U*»vexperienced men, th« Bulldog men- veier-ina who r were la Use aaaae tUvtslea there Mill weaM Oulnness and John DeVlto. two he as> prsWsai h«t tWa >•—us ealy as**, la a wade aa meat Havin? tn build practically • Phil Baly'a Ma. I VMM Bees, I. B. lad* who will play a Mg part In new line failed to dampen the at tae Hawa they Me hi aWnnl ditisteae ••Irk aweaas that Ftremen't Alkyi freehold No. I Wanaauwa Na. I Rumson's showlni; this year. Mr.- hopes of ln# Ind!;tn r-icntor who the eissiMiis asast cheek 4»d reeaerfc aad thea eherk a«ala "A" DIVISION f Uneacilled No. 1 Eatoatown No. I R. B. Giants Sweep Guinneas, hi(^** taeklp, will he one |statep- "We're nrit Koin^r to he too to aMahe atr* that twa leaaw are aat aelaedmVd for the MMSW Oakhurat No. 1 Fair Haven Na. 1 of (he main stilwarts in the for- Ibid. We'll win at leant hi If of our BUM a* the aaaae p*t af aaVjra. Threw la • alt tales) thai haa "AA" mvtMm Watihins'ton No. I,0. !d. a job he »n ricfhold Na. t Btlaaar Oakhurat No. 4 Oakhurat Me. 4 ell demnnatrate4 In the U>ng I Being a little richer on »h« MH- Branchport Waat Long Braneii Shiewahury No. 1 Baa Dirt i terlal aide, Coach Rosati's pros- Actually there are 41 communities represented Including two frsm Pionrrr!*. II. R Bradley Beaeh Ocean No. 1, P. P. Ocean, «. B. Branch eonteat. I pects of {lining an opening vic- Ocean county. Hade* has t, Avon 3, Deal 3, Long Branch a, Oakhurst Union Moat, H. B. Red BanL Rir. Liberty No. 1, R. R. Weyaide. Ne. 1 Other returning vets are Hill Wanamaata No. 1 Wayaidt' l.inrroft Bellord Na. I !tory look hright. for the Bulldog' •, Mrewebury a. §m Otrt 1, Point Pleasant 2, Sea Bright 1, Red Banlt "A" DIVISION Wrtt Long Rrniich No. 4 Loc«l Mint Hank. Leonardo Raid Parker, a rugged end; Don* Far- and tha Itumson Boosters. 11, Uaceott U Mater* t. West bong Branch 4, Highland* 1. Freehold l'n.-:r.l|p. :, Kalonlowa Ne. t Club, 74. to Win 3d Straight Tit). Oeaaa drove) t, SMoat«w* I, FalrfHaven 2, Portaupeek 1, Whiteaville Washington No. 1, O. C Bradley Henrh Liberty No, 1, Whitetville, the blocks nf granite in the guard Royi are Rt>le to make pu t. Maaaaajua* I AUmharet t. OlendoVa 1, Farmingdale 1, Little Silver Ratontown No. 1 Waat Lone Branch Naveilak Ma. I spots. Pigskin carriers mpportcd aelling Vhe R*-xiNt.T.—Ad 4, Ukewoo4 I, IHct M—oth t, Monmouth Beach 1, Neptune Kair Haven No. I Fair Haven Red Bank K. 4 L. No. I, LEONARDO-Winning the Jer- •with «Hla*ar t HaMta] Highlands 1, West End 2, Wayside 1, Elberon K. J Bank H. t I Red Bank Her. Junior Moee No. 4, Lakewood sey Shore league baseball cham- t'ortaupeek Belfnai' Manaauiian Cumpta Freehold Na. 2 Keyport Wins pionship Is getting to be habit 1, Rumson S, and Lawardo 4. The new communities represented this "•- DIVISION Hail't No. I Oeean No. 2. Pt. P. •eaaoa are South Belmar and West End. To these bowlers we. say wel- Avon No. 1 Brlmar Roc. All.nhurm No. 1 Liberty Na. 2. R. B. with the Red Bank Giants, who Oliver Byron No. 1 I'erri'a (Jlennnle. Ne. t Little Silver No. I Sunday afternoon wgn their third come and good luck. Let us look up last year's winners in each division Oakliurat No. I Aabury Park and see where they are now. In "A" there was Highlands N >. 1, Free- Avon No. 1 Ferminsdale Opener, 134 Btralght title by whipping Leonar- ShrcwRbmj No. I Red Bank fief. "D" DIVISION do Field club, 7-0, to wind up the hold No. 2 and Long Branch's Independent No. 1 finishing 1-2-3. The Orran No. I, Point fleaaant Belmar Oeeanle No. I Raglea Na. S. O. a. LAMBEBTVILUC-Keyport high are all In the "AA" set agala thla year. The first three in "B" were •liberty No, H. B., R. D. Rowling Center Indefendenta No, I, R. B. serien in quick order. tiinerofl R. R. Bowline Center Unexcelled Mo. I school fell |R line with other Shore The aiants won the ptayoff Bradley Beach's Pioneers, Waaamusa No, 1 and Branchpnrt. They W. Lonir nranrh No. I....W. tans Branen Independent! No. 2. L B. Conference achools rUturday In de- Bra all In "AA" this year ta they have their work cut nut for them il W. l,i>n# Bra nth Ms. I....W. tms Branrh Oliver Barer, Me. t feating outjidt competition when crown In two straight games, hav- they wish to repeat. Tha thampt of "C" were Avon No. 2, Oakhurat Hi-llnrii So. 1 Karnort Renntlon Hamilton Na. I Deal No. 2 the Red Raiders shaded Lambert- ing belted the Field Clubbers, 14-4, Wayalde So. I Wayalde Little Silver No. 2 Mallet Na. 2 in the Initial encounter of tha Me. I and Branchport; these boys have also moved up and now flnd Ocean, get Bright Wayalde Weat Long Bianeh No. 4 vllle, 134, on the high school grid- themselves in "B." "D" taw Wayalde No. 1. Belfnrd No. 1 and Whites- Sea Girt Rradley Rcaih Weat Loag Branrh Na. I iron here. series played on the Red Bank Oakhuret No. 4 Perri'a Port Monmauth Hsilct Na. 4 Reid. vllle's Liberty Nn. 1 come In In front but. thi« yenr we flnd these first Phil Daly'i No. 2 Perrl'a Oakhurat No. j Monmouth Beach Ma, I The Red Raiders tallied their two teams moved up two slota to "B" and WhltcsvlIIa one to "C." In Deal No. I Perri'a '"£" DIVISIOH touchdowns In the middle period* Jim Screen, winning ehucker, "E" there was West Long Branch Ns. 3, Monmouth Beach'No. 1 an> "C" DIVIWON Wanameeas Nn. I Unexcelled Na. 4 and then fought off all threats de- wn» maMtr all lha way as he held Unexeallvd No. 2 Neptuna Little Silver No. 4 Oakhurat No. 4 Leonardo to alx hits with two of Bradley Beach. W. L. Branch Jumped way up tn "B," Mon. Beach t Mhertr No, I, Whiteaville Neptune Reliance No, 4, Lakeweud, veloped by the home team to pro- "O" hut Bradley dropped sne alat to "K." Hamilton No. 3. Glendol Red Bank H. A I,. Nn. 4 Bauth Belmar tect their lead. lha blngles coming In the last y«. J and Neptune City were tha big boys In "F" laat year and this Aaburjr Park Raereatlon Oeeanrart No. I Unexcelled No. 4 Coach Stan "Tuffy" Baker'* crew inning. The Mg blow off Screen time we flnd Hamilton and Neptune City up in "E" hut no trace of Glen- Manaaqiian Caampta Belmar Neptune City No, I Waihinglon No. I cams from behind to scors after was a double by Bob fix In tka HRXlet No. 1 Keyport Recreation Ukowood No. 2 Caglea Na. 1, O. 0. second frame. del* "2." "G" aaw Port Monmouth, West End Engine and Elbcron No. Alii nhnr a! No. 1 Wayalde Independent! No. 2. R. B., tht home team went out front, 4-0, 3 the victors. This season W. B. Engine and Elberon No. 3 will still be Olrndola No. 1 Relmar Hamilton Na. t in the second quarter. Husky Ed Hrreen'a Central Hbarp righting each ether but In a hither bracket, "F," while Port Monmouth Avon No. 1 Belmar Roman of the Roman baseball Screen's control was as sharp Farminardale BHmar ••»•' »•• V rrtviJfoN"*""""- * leaped up two brackets to "D." Well that's the price one must pay for I.ittlf Silver No. I ...R. R. towllns Cen. Atlantic Hlghlanda Ne. 2. family switched his diamond tal- as a razor as he gav* up only two toeing champions, move Into faster company that is. Liberty No. J. R. R...... B. Bowl, ten, Liberty No. 2. WhltMvllle ent to the gridiron to register both pannes and sent nine Leonardo bat- Ocean No. I, Point Pleaaant Belmar Weat End Bngint Ce. Community Na. 1 TD's. ters back to tha beneh aftsr whif- Of the teaate we have) wearHsied above, Weat Long Branch Freehold No. J Belmar Hamilton No. 2 «. B. H. a L. No. 1 Keyport knotted the count at 4-4 fing. After the second Inning, only Na>. 1 wea the ant ftee reJM* af the Mimmnulh County Hotel Juntnr Hone No. ft, Lakawood-.-Lakewoftd Bradley Beaeh> Firs Department, % 38 men faced tha Giant ehucker. HMitraa Irafajr wHh the •ceearl place Charles Top" Homier Navesink Na. : Red Bank Bowling Cen. gfcrewihtiry Na. t later In tha second quarter when Wayiirie No. 1 Oceanic No. t Manager Herman Asehettlno'a ttaphjf going ta Weat Eotd Eaglae ee. The brand new Real Hj^J wnmM**""' *"* Shrrwabuiy No. • Bradley No. g Roman crossed the goal from the •aah aVeglaler trashy waa waa by the tlnrrnft flrrhnys. Tha Oeeanle No. 1 Aaburk Park Ree. Hrevent Paik No, t Belford No. i 5-yard stripe on an end run andcrew started scoring early, (bas- sjaeatlsa hefere tha heaaa at present Is, ran thene teams repeat? Indenendente No !. Red Raak Allenhurat Nn. 2 Glbcron No. I then put the Raiders In the lead in ing over a pair of runs In tha tire* they will have ta reaaat their patHest) la their division In Rail Rank Recreation •«" DIVISION the third period on • 7-yard 'kirt second. After three scorelssa thai Independenta No. !, L. R Perrl'a Idle. around left end. ters, they exploded wtth three I arder to eesnpete far theae tre*hlea aasi If they should accom- Hamilton Ko. 1 Neptune Uie sixth and two more runt In thh thea tha* MM ta asat tha ather all teams treat the Little Silver No. ! R. B. Rowling Cen. KEYPORT W. Lon« Blanch Na. 4 ,W. U>na Branch BOWUNG~SCORES Ends—Alenanaer, Dlotrirh, lawrtnce. the seventh to complete tha ran ather tWvMaaa to hrtag ha*M the treffcy tww more. Weil, Port Monsiauth Kayport Recreation Tacklei—iaker, Camkarteoa, Weater gathering. geed mck to yea all tort let at wan yon aow we win he root. Oakhurnt No. 2 W. Lane Branch BCNDIX MEN'S BOWUNC LtAOUl eaal. tag far the ltd BMk teaaa, w'Hity the Liberty erowd. an« Monaaouth Beach No. 1 Hlchlanda STANDINGS Ouardi—Calandra, Walling, Krueailek. George "Smokey" Stover started we thlak they wM came thrtturh thh year. Speaking af Med Hailet Mo. 4 Keyport aWreation W I. Center—Uhlke. for the losers, but he had to call 61 MONMOUTH ST. W. Una; Branch No. I....W. Una Branch Poodlera 4 S Racka—Brown, Rowan. Sckumock, for help In the seventh, when FIs it teaaia af any eammiia* Haalett NoNo.. i Keyport Recreation rlatona _ 4 t Hanaen, Rail. Beyer, Roklnaon. cams on the bill, after the Oianta they have eter entered Deal Na. 8 Fair Haven Hot Chips 5 1 LAMBERTVILLE •10 IANK KIOM 4.1021 Oliver Hymn Ka. 1 perrl'a Baggie*, Lewie, llann. and) Mover waa able ta got eUaare riremen* league Irum ir.-l^TO-.'-itsmBtv-tawia. only • one- men-uutr— —— awe toeaHty. Mare* pa war to yea, hays. Bad Bank's Honk and Baa*. N.. •^..g^^^Asbar, Par. Deucea Wild 4 2 Ouarda—J. Plerman, Maylor. DuBaro. Ladder aweh leads this parada with faar teams, followed by Pra-Ducka 4 » Center— Wllllama. Tha Grants tallied their trtt runa Wnnamnsia Ne. > Neptune 104 Klub < » Backs—Paaterl, Shumseker. Kent, For, when Fred Maiaucca opened tha liberty wtth three. Belief, twe, aad Independent and Union T.itUe Silver No. I . R. B. Mowllni Cen. Bandita 3 » Ireaco. second Inning with a single and STIWAftT-WARNfR Hesc. Ma aach. This laata Mhe ••ere MUM M per cent af Red Rcllanrei No. 4. Lakewood Jim Dandlei „ 4 » Keyport . _ 4 4 1 4—14 then went all the way to third AUTQ Baah't tot kddtee w« fe* a* the kecttag lanes eeme FrMay Pinaa Maplewaya Allaya, Lakewaod Alley lluatere t 4 •»mbertv!lle * * 4 4—4 1 Ocranuort No, I W. Long Branch Snares - .»•• 2 4 Touchdown*— Roman 1, Kent. Point when George Preston threw wild a^W • ^P al|M i* we waald he wBMaf to art (hat Bed BMk will he well Neptune City M«. I Neptune •Inorta _ 1 t Jf««r toucMawna—Dietrich (Baas). €H. on Ray Banhorn's sacrifice bunt. represented at the Un%mt* am* aarhtf. The Hook and ladder Lakewnod N«, 2 Derbye t I »elaala—MeCamn. Moaovlteh. Marahall. Pinea Maplevara Allaya, Lakewsod Jim Ganoveaa than singled tt> No. I toaat certainly eaaat away (mm laat season's banquet Bmona „ I t score both runners. HEATERS Independenta Na, 1. Bradley Reach Sad laeks t 4 wtth the Hoa'a ahara af tha laat hy being awarded eight eep. Bradley Reach INDIVIDUAL STANDING Mate traphlM. Of eeuraa, Aaatetaat Fire Chief Robert -Chick" Relief No. I Fair Haven Ave. The Aschettlnomsn made the forhfs showed hhj men the way, aa a rood chief should, by Fair Hnvcj No. I » Fair Haven R. Munaon ~ - isa Dog Week Set Hamilton No. I Balmar M. Coeyman m count 5-0 In the alxth when Ernie tahtaf hams three traphlea hlmaelf, ana of which waa fur be. Eatfea Na. J, 0. 0 B. Decker 141 Stoecker worked Stover for a free hur third high average ataa la Ma dlvlsloa. nil Mlnery. Leo • Aakurrr Park Recreation E. Adamakl 147 pass to flrnt. After Stoecker pil- OTaaner, Frank tyens, Joe Calver, Tom Masaey, Bill Bloom, Waihlrmtna No. t Bradley Beaeh L. Jaekaon 144 For Sept 23-8 Unexcelled No. 4 Neptune E. Scala 144 fered second. Maitucca retched flat Dolg and Jaha RaaTaua aM did their nhare of the work South Bclmar Belmar S. Huath 145 first on a walk. A Snnborn fielder's aad deserve a good haa4 from everyone, Wtth all thene tro. Onkhurrat No. » „ Wayalde SEA. BRIGHT — Robert T. Nor- P. Diefliano , 144 ton, Ocean ave., haa beta appointed choice forced Maxsueca at second phlea ane would thlak that they walked away wltk their Wayalrle team high tame. i-B'a. 444; individual paths and on tha ntxt play, Phil To the officers of the Shore Firemen's league we would like to offei Hamilton N)«, i Belmar high game, c. Klelnaehe»ldt. 2»». tional Dog Welfare Quild of New Bradley Beets fir* Department York. This la the second year that Minton bunted home Stoecker. Al our congratulations for a Job wall done, which they could not do If they „. . Bradley Beath Stern was hit by a pitched ball. did not like thla gams of ten pins and If they did not pive many hour* Wayilaa Ne. t Wayalde RED BANK BUSINESS; MEN'S LEAGUE Mr. Norton headed tha county com- Oenovese then toldly stole home «f their free time and much of their energy. We should all thank them Mirewabury No. 4 Re* Rank Rec. STANDINGS mittee for "dog week" which It to tor the third tally. for thslr years of devotion to the cause as they all have been In this Brsvent Psrk No. 1 Keyport Ree. be celebrated Sept. 33 to 29.>! No. 1 Aihury Psrk Lto'a Shell Ststlon _ I 1 Plan* have been made for a Red Bank acored tha final pair loop many many years. President J. Stanley Herbert, Vice Presidents Biharon No. t ^ „„. Aabury Park mi> Barbsra v 1 of tallies on singles by Chauncey George Penterman, J. Russell Hlbbets and Reginald D. Pyle; Secretary Belfard No. J Kayport Her. Uamcl'a Men'a ehop _ t 1 prominent veterinarian to delivtr BradluT No. I Neptune a talk over Station WJLX of Aa-Lehmann and Charlie Naughton, Lewis B. Hendrlcks. who haa the touRhest job of any secretary Oeeanle No, |, Rumaon Sal'a Tiivern ...- 4 i sandwiched around a walk and an know, and hat but by no meana least, that grand old man of bowline;, Red Bank Bowline Center Airport Inn „. 4 2 bury Park Thursday in regard to Shrewsbury Mo. I Red Bank Rae. Nat'a Jewelera _.._.. 4 t dog week. Saturday afternoon at error. one of the founders of the league and the only treasurer the loop has Shfrwood'a Siiorta _...... ,...... 2 1 Leonardo failed to corns up with aver had, Edmund L. Thompaon. This last mentioned officer Is not onl; Red Bank H. * L Ne. 1 ....Aahury Park Boncore'a Tailora 4 t the Red Bank Btrand theater, a Community No. I Hlcklanda Balrd.Davlwn 3 S a real aertoua scoring threat In •till active as a bowler but as a fireman as well. Perhaps it Is thii Liberty NB. J,_ Whlty»i»« Naptuna dog picture will be featured which Orilll Conatruetion 4 t will be mainly for the children of the contest. In the sixth tha club- game that keeps people young or maybe the combination of the fln P*»Falco'a Hardware 2 4 bers managed to put two mta on company and the game, who knows? At any rate n-e will continue wt>. Eatontown No. t .Aafcury Psrk Ree, Aumack'a lisa and water Repair 2 4 tha county. Several leading dog Liberty No. J. R. H. ...Aabury Park Ree. Globe Motor. 2 4 fanciers of the county will btlug th« sacks with the aid of a walk both. Year after year the trophies at the banquet are the beat to be Relief No. 2, R. B. ... -Fair Haven Alvlno'a Teiaco Service I S and George Pelose't single. Tin StATCOVtK found anywhere and (he big reason for thia Is Eatontown's Councilman Weat End Ladder Co Wayalde Prograaalve Life Inauraneo 4 n their thoroughbred dogs on stage Giants then wiped two man out Eaglca No. «, O. C. ....Anbury Partc Rec. Cratc'a Beveratfca 4 4 where they will be on exhibition. Ntwiircoioi Fred S. Morris. If any of tha leagues wish to get the most for thei Haal?t No. :t Keyport Her.. High Individual Game—Tony laao. of their title-bound way by getting money when buying trophies just take Fred alone. You will come norm Brevent Park No. 1 .. Highlands 227. High three gamea—Lupl Rufflnl, Mr. Norton will be oh atage to ex-Preston on strikes and Ptloaa on KHU4SS TO MATCH with twice as much an you would if you went alone. He Is the last o WnnamaixK Nn. II ... Aabury Park Rer, S!tfi. High team game—Airport Inn. 047. plain the purpose of National Dog an attempt to go to second on tha Neptune City No. > ., Neptune High team aerial—Sal'a Barketra, 2.471. Week. VOWCARINTIMOK the old style "Yankee Traders." Avon No. J Belmar play. Fix grounded out to and tha laat week the Maintenance Engineering Branch keglers Little Silver No. 4... Aakury Park Rec, Sat) CLUB Serving with the chairman are threat. OoMeiw end j •asles No. 2. O. O. ... Jim Cleary 241. Howard Oage SS4. aaw the flrtt eM seriea In two seasons. IMek I.ufburrmv, a . Aabury Park Rec. Tony Itia 227, Tom Andretta 214, Ralph Thomas Irving Brown, editor and te skk lr«m in barKI* Community No, 2 .... Hlffhlann. publisher of The Reglater; Harry In the ninth the Field Club cam* plastic «n« libt'> Fair Haven hoy. was the- lad to turn the trick. Hi« 4SS will he Clttat-elln 214. George Carey ;ll. Joe up with two singles, but were un- 1 Hohko 111. Amory Oaborn 114, Vlnee Pound and Mtaa Margery Carroll, hard to beat aad needleao to say It helped Ms TR No. I team to Shore Firemen '$ Bowling Alvlno 211. "Dink" Allen 214. Harry able to get ths runnara around to atay on top of the heap after two weeks of rolling. Nice Rolng, Greenwood 244, Bob Wordea Io3, Chaa. Little Silver; Mrs. M. K. Iksui, Al- dent tha rubber. Shlnn til, 241! Luna Ruflnl 114, J47. Itnhurst; Mn. Edward E. Hayes, IMek, keep up the good railing. Near the end of last aeaaon TOMORROW RED BANK Dick had to a«K bowling due to a atW wrist on hla "salary" Spring Lake; Everat Antonldas, sr $6.88 S "AA- DIVISION ABB II Tka real ta kettn aa4 klgaer kasV Belroar; Mm. Herbert Curtis and fchmann, 2h...... 4 1 i arm. Looks like the lay-off did him some good. A piece of Home < Awsy 1 Tka lesjater regularly. news via the gran* vine haa It that the bowling sergeant of the Indcpemiknla No, 1, L. B. va. Branchnort Edward Shanaphy, Long Branch, Nauvhton, 3b ...... 4 11 Hlshlanda No. I Plonetra, B. B. and Tony Hunting, Fair Haven. Stoeeker, aa _ |C t/tnn Branch Cltv league. Sergeant Coty, la now In full charge Mattucca, ef. 4 t I NO 20 of the Enlisted Men's alleys In Fort Monmouth so the boys out Hanhnrn. lb. „... 4 2 1 TIME WIMfS Gennveec. e I I I M0MY there should have nnthlne to worry about when It comes to the Minton, If _ 2 4 4 TO MY condition of tha allays, We will be looking for some big scores Rumson Vetg Absorb Grid Advice for Opener Stern, rf 4 4 4 DOWN PAYMENTS out that way, Screen, p, -... —-... 4 4 4 39 7 Ther» are quite a few new bowlers around the county this SMUOI LEONARDO 1 nnd we have noticed that they concentrate so hard on trying tn Ret Aim good score that they fall to pay any attention tn whnt Is going o Carhail. 2b 4 4 0 around them. Etiquette on the howling alley says that the man on you Ward, In 4 4 I isread btam Pelo«e, Jb. 4 4 1 right should be given the rijrht to roll first. At any rate, never run u Preston, c 4 4 sve' e Is'gt - and nowl at the same time the man next to you Is rolling. It matter: a.Rlddle 4 4 4 area, Hoi a not if the man Is on your left or right, If he Is in position and read Fix, rf., |i 4 » 1 univetsal rye* to deliver his ball let him go. If you wait and tnke your time you wi: Wnlllnc, If., of 4 4 I bracket for Krelbott, *A. .. « 3 ft i iniralling on Imnrove your own game. Also there Is the nln boy to think of. Shnul Nlalolek, if., If » • 0 Stover, I) —...... 2 0 0 pan v both of you throw your balls at the same time and they reach the pi Murdoch:, rf 1 4 4 side by aide It Is possible that each ball will throw a pin toward the pi 31 4 4 boy which can cause him serious Injury. Remember to be courteous i a-Ran for Prtiton In 9th. Two.hane hit—Fix. gacriltccea—San. all tlmen and you will be aurnrlsed how It will Improve your ncor born; Minton. Double iilaya—Stover There t» one point on which many howlers are "over courteous." how- Ward-Pt'luo'-Hanburn. Struck out by ever, and that Is waiting for the next bowler to walk in front of you Stover 6, Fix 3, Sertivn 9. Baioa on balla off Stover •'., fix 1. Screen 2. Hit by when you are waiting to bowl. This not only tends to throw you off Ultchcr by Fix (Sternl. Hit! off Stover atrlde but also tends to delay the game. You, who are ready to bow .'. in 4 1-1 InnlniM, r'iv in 'i and 2-4, must stop and wait for him to croas back and forth In front of you an La*lna* Mltchei* Stover. Umpiree—Catuccf $1.44 pick up his ball from the return rack after which he m«nt wait for y .he or'kr of Uormsn I.. Mmmeatk Ceaatr Swrsfatt's OMc», iforeaatd, their 'o>htn mil deminrii I'nildln, Surro«alo of thr tounty uf Hon. •ffainst the said pfitntr. under nnlh, month, this flny roMdf on the aiutllcatlon In tk* mstt«r of «*• ••!»!• ot •»••« nf the unilerilsncd, The Second National D. "frown, dtreiitd. Notlct to eraalton wtthitt ifx monthi from the rtste of thi dforemiid order, or they will be forevei flank atiii Truat Company of R«d Bank, la prtunt claims »«»lnit •lUU. barrid of their nctlnni therefor a|iln< Sole Exrcutor of the aatate nf Clartnea Piiriunnt tn tht nrrt«r of Dormnn Me tho «nM nnhtrr!hpr. l'erry, deceaud, notlcr il htreby given KMithT. Siirro«»t« of tht County of Mon. Dnlfrt: KrerhnM. N. ,T.. Ana, 2\>, 1st Coach Joa RaitM, laft, tjl.cuuei tha finer point* of tha tjrldiron .port with hit vateren tn thr rrnlitorfl of anlil doceaiad to Pf muMthfr.ninde on th« twenty-ninth ilny MM.IN'U IILSTEH CASTOh prnL to thu xnld, Sole E.\roy the %*t pro* ers have arrived in the river. Snap- Hunt Meet Set bugler's call Oct. XI. During the past week blueashlng Surf casters cams into their own pers not loo plentiful but big. Ducks Officers of the association are gra«M featwrcal from 6i3O a. m. till la the area of Shrewsbury Rocks during the past week with two ofcan be seen winging their way Mr. Haskell, chairman; r. Bourne tapered off, with catches not ex-tha largest stripers caught by "Jet-South. New Jersey will receive un- Ruthrauff, secretary, arid Miss Isa- ceeding ten to s boat. However, ty Jocks" in many s day. der the Pittman Robertson act For October 27 bella Haskell, treasurer. Among UiSO p. sa. Bandy Hook bay has come to life Lsst Saturday morning before 1117,302.0*. State contribution |3*,- other committee members are Man- la rather a big way, with catches daybreak Dan Hancock of Anbury 100.W. Paid hunting licenses for ton Metealf, Jr., Mrs. Oeors* B. numbering up to 30. The fish sre Park beached a bass weighing 48 1»SO !130,7»l. Howell, Mrs. Alfred King, Chris THM lo 1S1O oa Your Dial big, with some tipping the scales pounds. This Ash put him tops for Amory L 'I Woodl«nd F«rm Wood, Everett Wilson, Mr, reakes, between S and T pounds. Capt. Bill the year, that la until Nate Bruno, Department of the Interior an- Edwin B. "ten-art, W. Btrother Smith, fishing aboard his private also of Asbury Park, while casting nounces a new waterfowl color Jones, Thomas S, Field, •>., and boat, Connie R. tossed 11 beauties from th* same jetty on the follow- sound motion picture, which will A9«in to it Sctn* of Colorful Evtirt Thomas g. Field, Jr. aa ths dock st Pullens yacht basin ing morning landed a greenhead be available after Nov. 1 to sports- "Jtaafe Vokt of tht AAury Pwk last Saturday. The grapevine has it outweighing Hancock'*. Ash by four men's groups, schools and other or- MIOOUCTOWN — Th* aalarful Tha perennial sports-social high- that some one tried to cut a newounces. This Ash stands a mighty ganisations for showings. The bor- MenmeutK C*uaty Haat BM*t will light af th* season for this section, New Mosquito Book channel at the head of the baygood chance of taking all honor* rower pays return postsge only. Ap- a* held Uturday, Oct. IT, at Amarjr this year'* meet will be the list but feund the going pretty tough. for 1*51 from the surf. plications for booking should be L. Hasbell'a Waadlaad (arm esUU. annual. Edward Feakes, manager Will Be Ready Soon made to the Division of Informa- One of the best catches reported Surf cssters also got in some This was decided Tuesday alfht af tha rolling Woodland farm, and MEW BRUNBWICK-The official tion, Fish and Wildlife Service, when the Manmouth Ceunly Hunt his staff have already begun work was mads by Capt. Charley Gsl- fine Ashing when hesvy runs of big Washington 25, D. C, proceedings of the Wth annual con- lagher of Red Bank aboard hi* fluke came into ths undertow from "Ucini sssoelatien held its trst oa the cours«, on* which has Im-vention of the New Jersey Mosquito Sally II out of Irwin'a yacht basin. Lrong Branch south I* North Point msetlni at Mr. Haskell's bom*. proved *ach year. Eatermlnation association held last Capt. Osllagher and party hosted of Beach. Three new members wsrs added la Parking spaces for patrons again spring at Atlantic City will be off 78 choppers while flehing about S ColoniaU Pound th* committee in charg*. Matthew will he available, with Mr. andthe press this aaonth. miles east of ths Oas Buoy eff Near Tarfc •cammell and Mr. aad Mr*. Kkh-Mrs. Edwsrd M. Craae In charge. Dr. Bailey B. Pepper, head ef Meameuth Beach. Frenchlowiit 36*6 ard O. Metealf. Analieatlona for membership in the the Entomology department at Ths Sportmeae Council for the TOENCHTOWN-Freehold high Edward 1. Brennaa, jeaerat man- aunclstloa will be mailed within Rutgers and secretary af the asso- *BFBBB9 ^VOr*rJT AaWfJv NwV MnP*rl Marina district of New Tark sUte school, lsst yesr's undefeated ater af Manmauth Park Jaekey a few days. ciation, announces that th* book 1310 AM 94.3 FM There Is an aid aaying, "Teu baa Haued th* following bulletin Shore Conference grid champions, elub, was stsmed chairman sf th* One af tha annual favorites with will contain articles by U authori- caa't tool a horsefly," and by theas adopted by Huatlngton Anglers served notice on member Schools racing commttt**, succeeding Hu- patrons af th* Hunt—Edward "Ti- ties on various phases af mosquito e*m* token you cant fool a green- club: "B* it resolved that the Saturday afternoon that once again tu* rineh, wha died last year. Mr. ger" Bennett—Is a member of the control. head. At their own sweet time the Huntlngton Anglers club favors the the Freeholders are aiming for theBrsnaaa resorted that nrasnaeU committee and Is certain to be pn "Thesa proceedings," he said, striper migration will hit our coast enactment of legislation prohibiting crown. The Colonials whipped for th* mast a#aear *«e*lleat, the hand. Ths 44-ycar-old rider current- "are muck sought after by mosquito Ilk* a ton of brick. Her* Is what the taking af striped bass by theFrenchtown, 344, | advance entry list sttraasslng that ly la ths leading Jockey In thecontrol agencies all over ths world we had to say about them on Oct.method of beach seining la the wa- Early In the initial chapter Ran af last year. brash and timber circuit. He Isss a valuable source of reference ST, 1131: "Striped bass are holding ters of th* Maria* District, as setBrody took a pass from Tommy material.' the spotlight at the present time. forth In a suggested amendment to VanNote and dashed IS ysrds for a The ttSl book may be obtained The boya trolling just outside the the state of New Tork conservation touchdown. VanNote then tallied Leonardo High School Opens Grid from county mosquito eatermlna- breakers at Sandy Hook are doing law." It further goes aa to> state: the second TD by hiking IS yards tion commissions, or by writing to a land office business. There haa "Whereas, too large a proportion to hit pay dirt. The Colonials opened Dr. Pepper, Rutgers university, been a number of catches reported of tha striped bus migration up an offensive attack In th* third Campaign Against Keyport Saturday New Brunswlak, H, J. Past Issue* totaling over 100 pounds. The most through th* waters or th* Marine to tally three six-pointers. Ed are also available. auceessful lure seems to be a long District is taken each spring and Hampton registered one on a ID- strip of squid mounted en a long- yard jaunt. The other two scored LEONARDO — Saturday *ft*r- fall by a relatively few beach aeln- son the gridiron ewtain will be Shanked hook. (Capt. Jim Nann en in too short a period, and on line plunges by Ronnie Hayden take notice). The wire leader i* and Jack Mays. In the final quar- raised for the MMdletown towashla "Whereas, the tsking off striped high school when Coach Aral* Tru- run through the eye of the hook bass In such tremendous quantities ter Amos Matthews thrilled Co- In such a manner as to form a lonial fans when he broke loose to e* sends his charges iato battle during these migratory periods against th* Red Raiders af Key- 'sefetypln,' the top of the halt is create* an uneconomic glut of dssh SO yards for a TD aa the clamped through the pin and tha clocked clicked away rapidly. pert on tha gridiron her*. hack Is run through the middle of thesa Ash In th* wholesale market Because of the lose of Id letter- Jhl^MMid. In rigging it tbl* way al a rldlculosly low price, and The aashes of flreflies are their mea and «lght handy raaervee, who the bait stays straight out. Be sura "Whetnai, the beach Mining of "mating-call;" - I' ft school by the graduation rente, when you buy squid that you getstriped baas Is done to a large ex- Coach True* haa spent a bu*y Sve the largest you can find." tent not by persons having other Lssl sad Feaad" weeks prepariag for the opening meam of livelihood, and W« itMinlr hop* It d/« las, rack bedr- $875 1946 Chevrolet $495 bone In hi* foot last year In the Red Bank encounter, ia back work- Back Ing and ia In tip top condition. 1950 Dodge School Bus $3150 1936 Ford 4150^ Treats will operate at fullback and he should have a banner year. I yd. bedr- -$550 Richard Collins, second string 1949 Studebaker,.» - $875 1942 GMC .-. quarterback, Is an improved player. In this slot, Collins is being pressed 1948 Studebiker »..., — $775 1947 Stvdebaker $675 for ths job by shifty Ed Donahue. At Tight half, Jim Schulthels, a SPECIAL sophomore, Is showing promise 1939 kiteniatiejial. - -, $250 1947 Internitionah.« $975 with Bill Florence slated ta I Inner and Outer Tire life and Safety plenty of action. -tcryovl 1946 Chevrolet „... —$675 1946 GMC $575 The Red Raiders will travel (o beyond all previous standaidsl Leonardo with one victory tucked 1945 Chevrolet, $650 1949 GMCMedil TM trscter $2650 away after clipping Lambertvllle, U-«, Saturday afternoon, « a m9 * at^k*mWfwl^ ka^^nmssssaMVSVWBi fJIW* aii Fsckss. sollvory .$250 One of the gloomy outlooks for of tha U. S. Royal Master— aaw aamt mawn aad domoartratea' at all V. 8. 1945 GMC w-$650 1941 Ford Coach Stan "Tuffy" Baker is the a**mmid with the Inner aytoa nr*aam of Royal Dealers, throughout thia entlr* loss of his ace, jack Mlrro, who $550 suffered a dislocated elbow In U.S. Royal Life-tubes- area! scrimmage against Toms River. ... leavers »o every materlet, every ear (new ae 1946 Chevrolet,«*. ,...-$650 1946 Chevrolet..«...... 0 On Baksr's brighter side Is th* oM) a skid praMeilaa aad Meweat pwaaHea Cksstli ssd csk the faeta of this nawhistory-maUng tire lift, -$575 experienced group h« has to send far eicaading all previous atandaida, £235355 1947 GMC ->., *,. $850 1947 Dodge against the Lions, Keyport has ten •afety and aeanony Wot* you make any * AND MANY OTHEH MAKES AND MODELS * lettermen and a flock of newcom- • i.Naw felly proved and «eatt>*Md by tire or tuba toveetment-aew or in the A Wlda ••iMtlon Awaits Your IntpMtlon er* who all look like fine prospects millions of miles of owner esperienwl iSitunt Wt will arrsnsi rtaassahle credit terns end yen can k* Mrs el s (sir dssl. to have on a practice field, not te USED TRUCK LOT HOURS—a A.M. I* a P.M. Dslly-Saturdsr a A.M. te I1HO P.M. mention a Saturday afternoon. EvMlnt, Ssturdsr I*. M. aad Suadart by Apstiatauiit. Heavy guns In the backfleld are UNITID STATIS RUIIIH COMPANY Jack Hanson and Ksnny Brown, both clever blocking backs, and Walt Bsysr, a triple threat lad. The other vela rsady to take the ftaraead rersaay IM Broadway, Leaf Stan**, N. J, res. »*t Bread S«, Red Bank, N. I pigskin for a ride are Ed Roman Swesser Suits 131 Sresdwsy, Lsa| arises, N. J, Hswkud Jeaes a Mssl* Ave« Bed Bask, N. 1. Straab Motsr* Slats tUfaway U, Ksrssrl, N. j and Bob Robinson, Alxto struggling MtFsddla Meisrs HI •resaway, Uaf Brsnch, N. J, GENERAL G. M. C. for a bitckfleld berth Is Hnrrls Mourn Ensllsk au Msnmsuih SI., «•« >snk, N. J. Wills* Caevrshl 1H flnl Avi., At. Hlfkbwsi, N. j, aktrmsn Fonllse Co, South SI. * Stslt Hlfhway Smith, MtKtm.Lirton 8* MtthsnU SI,, Itod SsBk, N. J. Wtrn.i-'i stusssskw Stilt Hl'wsy 3«. tttloti, N. J, With a well sliidrleil ll»t of t'nlji No. 4, Frtihald, N, J, 1110 MAIN STREET Tel. A. P. 2-2565 BRADLEY BEACH Baker «1H r*linn plenty of trouble CUSTOM TIRE 00. Monmouth County Dlilrlbuler, 1200 Main St., aVadlsy Beech, N, J. M" "' la the Cenfertnc* grid race. Bliaabsth, racklasa driviag, IB; Ru- each; Robert Oottsandt. Jcreey city, and Philip Friedman, Bay- Stilwell FinM dolph Dine., nuatdclphi*, *ps«di*« City, failure U item a signal. onne. Jacob Natt, Jersey City, paid Tmrre'a aad failure t* etkibit his driver's 110; Eugene t*. Celiano, Newark. tlO on the same charge. Finn of Alfred Earl of Wallace st. wa* 32 MotorimU Hceajss, |Ui Ray—a*4 Harary. *M- failure ta asjaerv* a aigBal, IS and $5 pjich were paid by John F. Mi-fined |S yesterday snoraing by Maf- *s*r. Frsak Ssaatewaky, BliaaaMk. Demialck I^ouisi, Jersey City, aaae corano, Bayonne. and Frank Bo- latrate Joka V. CrewoJl *a a charge IDBL — Thirty-two case* *>aak a. Roeeakcrg. Newark, aad •Cease. IS. nelli, Wnt Point Pleasant, tor hav- of cartlea* driviag. Th* ekara* wa* » vefticle n»l*tteas were WU11**B Cutake, Red Baak, I»N4- fined |l earh *a ekarges of pass- ing no tall light on their cars. For the reiult of aa accident at Broa4 before Magistrate ataalcy ing, IU aack; Bernard C. Becker, lag ears *• ths wreag side werr e">ac«ing on a curve or hill. Pietro and rroat *ti. Seat V, when a tost week. Th* larfest to* Hlll*i«c, taroieM driving and fail- was paid by Joseph Aagclo of Bay- Robert John. BlmaOeld; Duiel De- Santoro. Newark, paid $5. and Don- car iMl. a, paMiaaj ethMM buaeea. Ill •«H. advertlu ia Tk* Btflatar r«sul«n». stop ttreet •**•- Olffa Baker wa* Bayaaae; Marry Phillip*. New York *—A d v*rt i acnenk flned It for improper parking- la Our QUALITY CIS Yes. the km*] a* sip that •Wfi yeu out i* vra*>v «*4 AMERICA'S MOST WANTED, FASTEST SELLING Wf»S ye* rfcoro! Ci*. •mt* yawieM, Ofic* ty and try a tank fvN the not tima yaej aaod fail TELEVISION, the set 7 out of 10 Demand. . . PbASA- eM. Ctmrtas Leag. sea af Mr. and Mr*. N< Ung of TO Meaning st. Is going basic -training at Air fores base, N. T. A INI graduate *f Middle**** township higk school, employed a* a carpenter by Over* head Peer Products eorssiallaa prior t* hi* enlistment tot* that msath. Ha was a member af the Bed Bank (Heats and served than thrat year* with tb* NoUeaal SERVICE triTlKI Ouard. Hawti 7.9 Dam; 111. rVaei $•., Car. (Mas* Ct. Oa Tax RetBras October is th* month far faraaers with regular hired help te Da as> ami security taa tetaiaa far tfce July, August sad September eja Adus«V*ta #3 * livmIUT*M**MB0)n 4 IWHJftAasfJe ^BdhJkJVaMdBBmMSaafjVjB*a We the Aabury Park Social Issartty Admialstratlaa ease* saM today, Repitsr blrei help to dsinai as a worker en a farm ar la a farm bauaeheM whe meeta bath af th* follewlag tendltlens: 1—lie rnnet yeu nava M»ar#y h have been employed by tb* faraser •r even If it bai • «tr«M easiftlaiiaiiaiv *a# a nit ealaasisir tendency *• «nrl IN wMtfc ^^^^v %**• ^*rv ^B^v^y *w ^av ws> wvfwpa^s1! «•»• aw Infr* rad llfM sat Charter. Ife tsji hi dae far agrlaal- tarat mbar psrfwmed m tkla «ao> 4 rf "ling Cjuarter. t—ta the aent ajoar- ter be lo smpleyed by tha aaaas MIT fsrsser In agricultural mbar aa a if yen definitely aaad • foe*) fall time baste for at least 0* ofcya, Bfofettianal aarmanant, wo aad Ma cask wages far thaw a*r*> less are OH or more. take pride in tha fact that hsv* regular hired help and have wa can offer yan tha bast! not yet r*giet*r*d for Wing the KwaBJa aaUa* Hldllltf ftlM quarterly social security tax re- turn* should do so Immediately, aald Mr. 1UM, m stder that tkiy bit «'•'•» *•» •*••'' may get an tha mailing list for **• waves becawia they knew tha eeiriag the tax farm* anteamtlaaV basic cvt wa five is ta lav ly every quarter. Regular farm hands whe have portent, also that wo MMnever had social seeurlty account only tha finest matarl«li. numbers er who have loat their a*> Each curl it wrapped with elal security carda should apply far tht utmost care exactly in its new ones or duplicates as ths eaas awn direction which con bo may he, said Mr. Reid. A woman who does hausswarti m at different at tha whirls in a farm household Is considered the an individual thumb print. sam* a* a hired hand aa far aa re* Our Permanentt ara regular- porting for social security purposes iy priced at f 10 to $20. Is concerned. In other wards, ahe rtwffl must meet th* sam* requirement* OUR PrOCUr*. •A1TIAI a* a hired man t* be senildn " FIRMS (Is Cat*, ar kail regularly employed, INCIUMN* StttMFOO. for those hired farm workers who mest the requirement* af ths CUT AND HT—SHCUll JHW law this Government InsursjMS provides monthly payments ta them and thslr dependents wh*n th* workers rstlr* sftsr reachlag afs MISS SALLY as aad payments te their tuantss HAIR STYLIST whan they die. II MA1?C ST., OCEAKrOBT BATONTOWN MIU Rev. Percy Crawford* Youth Quartet Coamfaag LONO BRANCH—Bsv. Percy B. Crawford aad hla "Tenth ea the Marsh" t*l*vUlon «oartet will be bsard In the openinp g fan program tha monthly Inte natlaa al youth rallln Saturday at T:M p. m. In r Oat a, church en Bath ava. mutt hi a-—*- -» -t Itev. X. EmmaaiMl Burkmaa, MMC OWPJev paster of Slmpsoa MathadJat church and chatrmsji of th* yewth MaWiOWrWBHI rallies' planning esmmtttaas, aaha llsteaars to tuns In an "Youth aa w« pJasjr tha March* lundny nights at 1»;M yflg} o'clock over WJJB-TV, and then corns to the rally h*r* t* get ac- il IVtMarwIkaTV tr tea* mess*« ItS.M U9.H quainted with th* east. mot Rev. Mr. Crawford to alas presl i reaahed. Theaa ai« tha 1CA intlsMssd MSJt ftfJ»l dent of Xing* eolleg* aad fwassr Victor TV Receivers that aaifl a few day* and speaker of the Young Peoats'a IsVJP tn.n Church af the Air with dally ra4I» ago were aoM for amck aaaro oac mn broadcasts coming from his horn* tbaa la Philadelphia. He had three tho aew, low pricea te at act today. mu 4IM0 tlt.M camps for young psople ths aatlr* TVae are tka aeto yoaVa ait jraav kaart summer la th* Poeono mountains. asu NowjroacaaRaiwoMataaaviafof It" WKtews • They ara Puwbrook, Bhadowbraek aa lasjeii aa U1S! IVmsaaxls kav7a*. «TIM and Mountolnbrook. IF* WleekM «V10P SfMt f^ *a aJuU m» J Pietnre Film Tells yaw RCA Victor dealer... aow! A Thrilling Story LONO BRANCH-"Te BYeiy Creature," an exciting notion plo- ture that tell* a thrilling true ad- venture story, will be shown Thurs- day night, Oct. 37, at Simpson Me- morial Methodist church. Aetual on-the-ipot seems of South American tribes lost in heathen Now You Con ivy equtlor are shown. Among other •oquences to be seen are how they make, thslr vile brew and how they RCA viaoR prepare (or a money feast. In hopeful contrast to these de- graded conditions, "To Every Crea- m mm mum mn n ture" explains modetn missionary snterprise with its expanding us* of plan* and radio communications. New methods, new missionary tech- nician* adept In flying, machine eonstruoilon and repair ara herald- Ing a more effective era of pioneer mission work. (MBcers Re-elected By Women's League KBANBBURO. — Independent Women's league met Wednesday of last week in borough hall and re- HURRYI THIS IVINT FOR A LIMITID TIMI ONLYl Sll THUI DIAURS NOW; elected Mrs. Nettle Manor presi- BenJ. Franklin tfattdon's Hardware dent. Other officers re-named wsre BED BANK Central Radio « Television KATONTOWV SVBINO LAKB Anderson's Mialo Shop M Main Street vtfaBv**** vvs^pv gs «^aassBivp 3« Second Street 1« Broadway Xstsila's TelsvleMSi Ceatct • For anything to do with Mrs. Henrietta Honlgman, vie* president; Mrt. Fay Raff a, secre- tl Brand Street Jersey Tire Co. 11 Main Street Hurlburt's V#|01 S sMPVe MOW last Third Avenue Photography — Portrait!, tary, *nd Mrs. Helen Kevao, treas- tain Main Street m Second Street Film*, Printing and Davel* ursr, Trustee* Include Mrs. Bleanor Apptlanc* Co., Inc. rREBHOLD US Broadway TOMS RIVER oping, Cameras, Equip, Rsllly, Mrs. Elisabeth Hyland. Mrs. M Monmetrth Street Nlessn Music Center Atlantlii Appllanrs Co., Inf. The Music Bar i. W. rinley Jennie Feehan, Mm. Margaret Len- Coolunaii * Grand Aves. M K. Main Street 3flt Second Street ment, Supplies or Pnoto> ahan and Mrs. Elisabeth Eokloff. •ester Housekeeping Shops, Inc. rolnt rieasanl TV Radio A U rVashlngton Strsst Appliance Company stat Service-look in the Mrs. Olady* Robblna and Mr*. Hen- «t Monmouth Street Stelnbaeh Company Home Appliance Mtor* VYol|iln'a Furnlturu Ilnun* "Yellow Pages" of your Igman comprise the new slok com- Cookman Avenus » South Street SI9-S11 Fourth Street Itt Main Street Mlrvel'e Television • Applmneea mittee, IN Mam Street Telephone Directory. ASBVBY *ABK SBAOLXV BEACH LAKEWOOD LONO BRANCH PLEASANT The lesgue went on record as fa- AUaaMo AppUasMo Co,, Ino. Nlseea Motto Company NIW JIMIY voring a water-fluorldatlon program Custom Tire Co, Atlantln Annllanitn Co,, Ine. Atlantic Appliance Co., Ine. rolnt IMeaaant Hardwara In tha borough and plsna were mads IIS Main 8tre*t UOO Main Street tm Second Street •ill Broadway US Arnold Avenue 11 Washington Street to contact borough official! in this sonnectlon. The sum of $10 was do- nated for the annual Halloween pa* KRICH-NEW JERSEY, Inc., Newark 8, N. J.—America's First RCA Distributor red* sponsored by tb* local !>•*•*» HIP BAOTE MMMWfMMt iiWKIitWHI If* Wit Troop 17, of First Methodic* Churrh Honored at Dinner Al Gewk RJlval **• t AUURT PARK-AIM* »,«M tnUri ef the Oraak Ortaoara churck Bartieiaata* In anrnfltt that were part of • worM-wiia iu w. nmt a** •*•* Mitt raliciou* feativtl at tha bcaehfraat. kcrc, Sunday. MMKET Tta* program lnclu**4 a tw* hour liturgy la Coaveatioa hall MAW ROAD, UNCHOIT, N. J. eoaauete« by Archbiahaa Michaal, spiritual twait of «ha Orack Arctt- 4i«ccai *f North aa« Bout* Araari- FIESH FiUITS AND M; •> paraia aaa etramoaia* tm- altiag tka H*>!jr Craat. Arehbitaoa Michaal «sla tha VEGtTABLIS terra craw* •varflowtag tha board- [NfARlY ACCURATE / walk that tha feitival thuula re- Sakfattimm Cmwmleed mind all «ho bcliev* ia J«»ui MatT I • A. M. to * •. M. IS NOT ENOUGH/( Ckriat "that aur duty at Chrlttlaa* la to coma t«gath«r and ia tka It A. M. to f 9. M. ••Irit »t mutual undartttndlaf tad raal Chriatiaa lova, to c«-osarata la all aiattara af racial aid Maral ardar." Ha pointed to Coatmuaiam WATCHJ M a "naaatroua eaaaajaa *a*f«r."



B. • «eW (a* M*»*» unlati urn***

ScMtt «f frMp 17, lay Sc«wtt •! America, •! •"• M«Mi. KN S*ty« aM Mai CMIB^H: back raw, Uft ta rlfM: Al ViHar, •dilt cl«»fett, wtr* fuatti at tk« lirtt CIMHCI fallwr «n4 l»n MMrtnMttar; Rickara' Maafa, Stan bVapfcy, Frad lillaH, »e»i-* •wk«y a)mntf «n4 c»«f» af tttfia? h»W in FatUwtkla Kail Ui» ••MittW* «f Mawwaatk catwcll: Iruca if aland and Alkart Van. a) Braai at, Tlwrfilay niajht. - $c*u(i fcanafaa) in «K« ak*«« aH«t» art, frant Natfra**]. raw, laff •• rifht: Stavan Slaana, Hufh Janai. daaraa HaiMl.

af the taundtn, Mr*. Mtbl« D. 9cn> 4 Spetttcuhr Original ChlUrmU BmllH ton. MM. Norman Uickwood, Mr*. Garden Club RFD J. Leon iehanck, Mn. Arthur Von- Buaklrk and Mn. E. I. Ehrlleh. « Mambart attanding war* Mr*. H. Are You Satisfied With Marks Birthday •. Acktraon. Mra. Brwln Augiu* RIVER ST. SCHOOL AUDITORIUM HOLMOBL - A hiMhaaa at MM tin*, MM. Klmar Bahrtnburg, Mr*. •aau IUw«a, Sarlnf Ukt, lait Frank Beach. Mn. E. Blelfeldt, FRIDAY, OCTOBER Slh AT 8.15 P. M. wMk laarkad tht tenth aanivanafr Mn. John Blake, Jr., Mr«. R. Bohn, af Oardaa Oluk R. r. P. T«a ean- Mra. Cnarla* CUar, Mlia Jean Clif- ADULTS .72 CHILDREN .M Your Present Work? dlaa on a targt Mrthdtjr eaka wan ford. Mica Anna Crow, Mra. Henry light** by tka araHdant, Mri. Au- Craaa, Mra. John T. Croai, MM. Dan Ticketa on Hue at the atudio futt MuaklhMiMn, Jr. Dacaratlaaa Ely, Mn. Edward Flanagan, Mr*. war* In UIM, and Ik* Howar ar- W. fuhrman Mra. H. Oold.mlth, NOW btbif tt—pH4 far yaunf man fram II ta 30 ycart af •%•; rangMintf far tht tobl* war* by Mn. Laula HarrUon. Mn. C. Hager. nun, Mra. Patar Hcxter, Mr*. It P. a4u«a«l«a a* laatt MM AlkM Craaa. Canagat made BALLET TOE TAP ACROBATIC by Mr*. Blaiar Bahranburc, Mra. C. Lawrence. Mra. D. Martin, Mn. R. Murray Todd. Mra, Edward riant- Marvin. Mn. Auguat Muehlhauaan, Mn. William Mulheron. Mn. W. V. JOHN TOLAND • Pantomime Baton iicallant aaparhmify fa kacama auactataa1 wltk Nitianal Ratail Caraaratia". fan and Mra. Chariw Ciaar w*r* •ratrnlad tka (uatta. Nickau. Mra. Frederick Noble, Mra. Thra* BMW ar*iM*Rl« altaadlnf O. p. Perklni, Mn. Robert Rex, DOROTHY TOLAND DANCE STUDIO MANY BENEFITS ARE OFFERED w*r* Mr*. V. A. Jshnitsn, drit Mr*. R. C. iluw, Mr*. E. M. Todd, pratidtnt, wk* gav* a hlitory of Mn. W. Turner, Mra. Van B. Walk- 201 EAST BERGEN PUCE RE 63219 tka club; Mr*. O. M. Hlatan af ar and Mn. C. T. Wyekoff. P«iaf Vacatiani, Llfa Inwranca, Paid HalUayt, HetBitaliMtien Inturanea, Aec!> WattlltM, and Mra. O eta vim Knight, AfUr tuaehaon Mr*. Ja. II *<»• (a AdwrtlM la T»« Itflitaf. .. St

Mn Iflrmnriam CHESTER B. ADAMS

VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER Now; more Jthan ever, the price tigs sum it up.' THE MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY fouftmwm tor a Rckara,,..whu not own one ?

Antwtr: Because Packard "got in Wt aa't tell, of count, what may under the wire" on its latest (md Oat stty step Mftr ink fit ss Isrl Wt, fh« Officers, Director, and Co- happtn in liter raooth*. But in the greatest) ncw*nxidcl changeover. Just compare the slight difference in four mondily payments (after face of industry-wide price boons, That was a wise more for Packard 1/3 down payment), between oae Workers of Tht Merchants Trust Com- Pickud his nude toi«ft decision: to make—and it points to • wise of the lightly built "low-priced" can No frict mntsis newt move for you to make. •. and a new 19)1 Packard... the And why is it possible for Picksrd You'te paying for a Packaid ,.. tuwtit new car of them all: pany, Deeply Mourn the Passing of Our to continue holding the line on prices? why not own one? tms Beloved Friend and Associate. tnss 5SM 3* " S* Hnt IWMMM: t HMIHI MM-IR MMMW (M l^iuniiimMtar.NolcriKraiMHt **~*pACKARD *» tut en OMtn-mnni prtai-ttt ana tmum u tmUt Mmukwrt «M mm. , AW TNI MAN WNO OWNS ONI, I . RED BANK MOTORS, INC , 325 Maple Ave., Red Bank, N. J. Telephone RE 6-3800 HEP tA»K BEOIff BH, igfTgM»B» 91. IHt ToUnd Studio to Give Ballet wuot UKEIY. me. Rvwi S3 Y — Mr. aad Mra. Jaa**a Craig af Eaat River ad, oaaerved tawir Mtk waddlag aaalveraery at *V Clawed] far ftwft* • tarty at their hoeac, lest. 11. T tfl MOW. 41 TUHHOCT. 1»1 to ailvar. Oueata wer* Mr. and Mr«. Lea ™iiouDAY I*agd*a, Mr. and Mra. Jeba Sehwiad, Mra. Paul Helleway. aB**- «• Jaaet Craig, Marias Harkart. Oertrude Hello, ay. Eva Maa Mai MONTH END SALE lawar aa4 Jam* Craif.


Yaw 4* NOT BMBI • Mf •/•4c*?, But yam tin MM*!

WE CAN DEVELOP ALL THESE 19* MASONAIll «• «jrifiMl «MMr»Vi MM Ut «w« ««H 1»M*J •« Ik* IMWM O**t— stM*b*«rt tall". inf*rca*'tt**tl*)i*Jr**i. fairy i«try, "Kma Mi*j««," »VM«y nl«M, O«t. I, U tfc* RUw •U^dhavt *mJBMamdli B^iWaBaWafeaat mtataU «•> *r «4)w»>. Sitat * Call r*r •• agfatotmant far »•>•• analysis Strart Kb««| •*M)i««fitrm. P«ct«*r*«J «b«*« arc, Mt to rifM, C*l*riWhii*. CWatfc, T«iM«J, wK« playi *IM r«l« •( MM W|«h««J 0)»W f«iry: c*w»llm*ntary I*M**>. ••H M«Mfc.wi, Marjafl* Iwif4y ««MJ fail Ty^at, faM D*. mA U Alua **•-*— k*lJ U *^" ••»• mi kiU« •* u Karr, wt» p«jr«ray« «h« pjrlMlt«l «li«rM»ar «f tfw •tory, PVIMMI Ottmt, tfct p^lMMt wit* tonit to f*M.

8M r at, ar* tb* awaaU af • daughter barn Sunday at MMHMtrtk MO SANK YOUTH CINTM OMetri af th« O4M« Citliea el«k, Memorial hwpital. eoM»rlflaf Mtmberf af Jh* tftk B*« Bright irmra attntiai MM •M (lath gnim af tha las Bright baaabatl game Suaday k«tw**a) tk* ackaai, wha war* at»et*4 laat waak, New York Olant* aad tka Baetan Incliid* Erik Wsoia, ara*ld*nt; Brava* at tka Pel* gratmd*. They Mturtm Deufherty, vice prMld«nt; made tk* trla by bin. Patricia Willc, aacrftary, and Har There will be na aervlee ar Run- SPECIAL PURCHASE aM lakMle, trtaiunr. day aehoel Sunday at th* Methe- boudoir New afllcara af tha uaatrttaa*- dlat church kacauaa af It Mag Cm- mtri'a club »lttt#d thl* week wara fereae* Sunday. Rev. Raaart A S«tt3JS«NrPMI1SUfT Vlrflula CtMnbcrla.rn, arc*ldeiit; Judt* left Monday far Oetaa CMy, •kadot Rlckjr Drummond, vlea prciMant: wher* h* attended tfce annual ea*> Alatla lartarle, *#er*tary. aM farane*. Charica Mtycr, trcaiurer. The club Mr. and Mn. John Uadiay af *v bnnHMUM ESTION Mmarlati auatlt af tha atventh aad Sonth it. returned horn* laat Thurs- elfhth >rade«. day after a twa waaka" vacattw ta •ehaal aitpllf whaaa wark tiaa Maw Tark and New England. They baa* a*la awnd and Jay Weat, fifth trade; land atatn. bailie Covert and Patricia Will, Mr. and Mr*. Marvin P*d*r**« af alxth pad*, and Vir»inln Chamber- South ft. toft Tuesday for Bulfate. lain, Thomu Jtogera and Alexl* Sa- N. T. They will return homo ta. harie, eighth trade. morrow. Mr. P*d«r*«n, wha la am- Arlana Hataaer af Ocean ava., aployed at F»rt MaaJMuth, made REG. 9.98 pupil In th* tret «rad«, hai baaa th* trip aa bualnea*. confined to har horn* by Illnem. Jeaeph Olilone af Eaat Chureti at, Sherman N*laon ef Surf at. andI* a m*di«al patient at the Alaklaa •raeie defying Citron, tk* fabric tkat'a wind Paul Tharln of River it. attended Brother* hoapital at Bllubeth. aid water repellent, ««ick drying, nil and itaia tha atate fair at Trentnn Saturday. Walter Covert of New it. apant RUN RESIST naltual la a toa«tjr. war* aram mil Cleeed Tha Bunilay-aeheol of the Metho- the week-end at Ocaamlda, U I., ***** and feat far aatra varan*, nak, alee, dUt cburrh will observe Rally day where he vlalted Joaeph Dougla*, formerly of thia place. aad •!•«. Sunday, Oct. T. Included in the pro- •b««t dram win be promotion excerclaec. RYLORS Th* tchooi li working toward a Tha peieh tree moved aer high attendaaci goal 'w th* eon-America In advance of Engllah and fennea year. frtneh Mttlement through tw* at blaaktts TOWHIR SNOW SUIT Mr. and Mr*. Stephen Raf* af th* tree by th* Indian*. 17 aW-.a, A anal eaWctia* al taddler ffrlr ^nr I**S, kaats. Ntw tall •y«7*". Caters. Ras* alaw la ••aderfvl tetrea. Many fi90 af aalan aad atrlaa ta ahaaa* fraak tdkaad) aUrlaTdl •alfatan*. nlslana. tius whifa. Wua and whit*, Jftalaaf MJIIIBW d*dal*«fadl dbaaa4 t. MM* alart at „._...... , •VitetOtt. Special Close Out Value MFGH'S CLOSE OUT Ladies' Cotton & Rayon Dresses Nat all tins In avary $ 00 •tyl*. Bus' 100% WMI PtaM Jackets bom Sim 12-12 VlBJN 1*1.91 2 <* 3 Oar w**n**«ue parebulag paver aw*** aaaak 90 Ma tkla MaMtUaal bar al bare' better jetketa . . . Html e«»le In baU alald*. Ml laaatk NAN C JON liaaar aad Mratkvla kaekla. 1M« vatl latar- llalaf. Maalaa aallar. Iliaa t la 14. II fashion resort BOYS' Cotton Training VALIM 13.M DUNGAREES PANTIES SUPER VALUES $166 00 An Mtonifv* array 1 af th* but Imawn 6-*Sins J.41. • at. Denims. brands, stylas and SIMS 4.1* Whita andP *tf*ls. CORDUROY aalan in regular ant) mtttat' an«j •ovr*«mr •oxn Vi tti* dratstt Special Month End Value OVERALLS SLACKS madarataly prieaaj. Many eelara aad atria* la Fin* tlnwal* csrdurny In AM plnwala corduroy. B»m« wlna, navy and browa. E««|. •Itk «lpp»r front. Valua* ta Itnt far uknal and play, Ask ta i*a aur Sana wit* ilpp*r fly. ValUM t.UH. 8iu> 3 to 8. ta ».9i. Blics a to 8. saltetlan af skirts • twaalars Cotton Remnants 77 slacks JUMPERS Prinh and Solid C*l*rs V*»»*st*4«« SKIRTS 7/ and wool Ju«t ». faw ft ara eloilna yoa'd aap*et to pay 3.9i. out at thl* vary low prlc*. PracUeal corduroy akltt. Col. jaakats • blautai Rod aad araan. llui It* an ara grata aad raat. 81M* • W and 1 f It, T ta 14. bags • scarfs stolas • cesium* THICKSIT INPANTT a»aj jawalry and sthar Ladies' Rayon SLACKS CRAWLERS 1 7/ «ee*tiort*i. New Aprons! Haavy waliht. tnlck-tat hoyi' ir inaP'Crotek orawlara with •lacki In half-bnur, naif- bait atyla. ValtMi to 4.M. aaddad knaai. Paital ahada* •••I Sim 4 to ». •id dark eelori. Iliaa LM-L. SUPS *i IIWflMl MRi VfaWW .00 Laca trlmmad Evary heusthald c«n us* 2 *f th*s* «*^ Whit* and Pink. Ve*M t* 11.91 Yw can CHJU6EIT or LAY-1TAWAY at the Sins 32 • 40. print aBf*nt. t*f*)tar *U «*MM RED BANK FAIR HAVEN'S NEW SN0PPIH6 CENTER JJHEWBERRVCO 5 ID 25 STORES YOUTH CENTER OPEN DAILY 9(30 t* itOO — FRIDAYS t* «t00 •ID lANK 20 BROAD ST. Phone Red Bank 6-9227 77-79 IROAD STRICT HEP 9AKU nWAWtf.% *%rt%H »BI ST. flit

1911 rMNI ME UIM | Plan Membership Drive TW EiM fdmwlef tit raeertr AWCS; mam aun. ' TH. Class** tor caildrw from tka ag* «f six year* ia ail types si daaeiag. B*ttr«*m classss for teenagers. Eveaiag class for kwaV J. H. WHITE •as* girts aa4 wosata. Fall class** atari Sepuabtr STtk. 110 tANK • RtMissf ef all kia* • eyeteeM • Utvtm, Cutler. •

FALL CIEMIII TIME Wlia» * happy Ut§U»*Um «f ya«ri H fata aN year hiiaty*** IriaatJ* Foe \mr e« a ra^ia viti* «• *• CMaa aa«J 4I«M Mwf avary Jay at 11:10. • WINTER WARDROBE And wa mt»* ad. Far avaryaaa't InoMa^. Jtjtt twja ya*» nil* did • SLIPCOVERS ami •*w to 1110 any 11:10, any a*sy—«**) yauV t*w ttkmi Paffy Cwrlit J# a • RUG§ s«tj FURNITURE IMH l»atjr af faKMU* !•* ai*at yaapla yaw knaw »m4 taiaft ya« aW* liaaw. And a part *f •*•• half mm wM »a talk abaat tka latait, at ••»• Cklna and dan Sltap. lett week a* the heme al Mn. Irving Metkewits aa (Mm eve. to alea far c «eaibert»>p LEON'S Lt«»af) «ad«y. and ya«1l U» wardt akatit tba matt ImVlf utnaj MM •Viva. •Utwee' ebeve ara member* el the cemmiHec, I. fa r., Mrt. •eerfe Mara, Mr*. MM* cart **#. A waftn a*t *A*th, »»a*Ja «f »aamax, secretary, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold RUMBON — The opening meet- 17 BROAD STREET JoAnn* Mason, treasurer. These Qreen, Oakhurst. A group of JOing of the Rumson Parent-Teacher officers will serve until the end of relatives and friends attsadsd the association will be held Tuesday at RED BANK 64001 th* first term. dinner held in celebration of Mr*. • p. m. in the high school auditor- Behenek's blrthdsy. Quests of Mr.ium In th* form of a reception for CMMMMI 6laM Shag Th* Parent-Teacher association and Mrs. Schenck last Friday ware school teachers, at a meeting Wednesday night of Mr. and Mri. William Blsnehard, last week made plani for a family Floral Park, L. I., Mr. and Mn. L. Mrs. Robert H. Noyes will pre- outing Sunday for families and Jonn, Palerson, and Laura Coward. side. Members of the board of ed- teachers of the local achool. Mri. ucation wilt be among the guests. Walter Lulkln is chairman. Charles Mrs. Oeorg* Leak attended a Mrs. John Korsdorfer and Mis* MagiH- principal. Introduced mem- lunchMn recently at th* Stacy- Janice Tyndall are Mrvlng as tea- bers of the faculty Including Mri.Trent hotel, Trenton. pitality chairmen. | Madeline Kerstenhaum, Mrs. Flor- 20% OFF •ne* Jackson, Mrs. Francln* Mln- nick. Mr*. Elsie VanBrunt, Mn. Ruth Ounderson. Miss Ann* Nolan. MlM Betty Clark, Mrs. Flora Lav- MUSEWME, HARDWARE erty, Mrs. Joan Shlavone, Howell George and Mrs. Myrtle Gill. Th* attendance award wai won by the seventh grade. AND GARDEN TOOLS Th* first aid aquaa wilt m**t next Monday night at ta* Ocean- BUY NOW AND SAVE port flr* house. Rlney Bennett will have charge of the service at the Methodist church Sunday at 7:30 p. m. In the LABAUS absenc* of Rev, Robert S. Judge, pastor, who in attending th* an- nual Methodist conference at Ocean City. FAIR HAVEN HARDWARE STORE Th* Thlmbl* club met TuMtoy Its a Great Car-a Oreat\klne! afternoon at the horn* of Mrs. 711 Mfflt 10AD MM MAVIN George C. D, Hurley of Main s«. Raymond Drews, of Matn ft., who will enter the Army tomor- OMN SUNBAY MMNHMS row, was guest of honor Wednes- day night of last week at a fare- well party given by the choir ctub of th* Methodist ehureh at the home of Mn. Norman Frank of Wolfhlll ave. The Monmouth county Trader library will be at the Marl* Cox real estate office, Comanch* dr., Oct. 11, between 2:15 and i p. m. Mr. and Mrs. William Ohlsen of Mew Tork city who have been spending the summer at their home on Comanche dr. will return to New Tork city this week. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Ohl- •en's mother, Mra. M. Diets, who spent th* summer with them, Mrs. Angelo Tozzl of Biyonne and Monmouth blvd. entertained • RCA Monday at a luncheon at her horn* here. Her guests Included Mr*. Dorothy Valuta of Portaupeek and members of the Bayonna Wo- • DUMONT man's club. Th* Shrewsbury tallinr club will hold a tea danee Sunday be- tween 4 and 8 p. m. at the club- houss, • PHILCO Mr. and Mrs. James F. Reynolds of Fort Worth, Tex., ar*'(pending several weeks with Mrs. Reynolds' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oaorg* C, D. • CROSLEY Hurley of Main st. __ ...#»»-..-..-.. _ Centerville Mr. and Mrs. Harry D! Napllo and daughter and Mrs. Mary Ar- dolino of Brooklyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cerlione Saturday. TJERE'S tht beat daw car rule you could Mrs, Jean Schuls la ill at her You get a full measure of beauty in a Silver home, Her place In the school Is Streak PontJac-beauty distinct from any- taken by Mrs. Larim of Ksyport. Thia to a great Hine to buy-antf Pontlac it thing elae on the road. Mr. and Mri. Oaorg* Hill, Sr., held a family reunion and picnic tht but buy you eon maHtf You get a full measure of performance from BIG TRADE-IN at Cheesequake park Sunday, Whtn you buy a Pontlac you are dead sure a Pontlac too-eager, csdtrag, satisfying per- Mr. and Mri. B. Weikel enter- that every one of your new car dollar* is formance for years to come. tained relatives from Long Island over th* week-end. buying a full measure of wild value. Come In and get our deal right now-tho ALLOWANCE Miss Rosemary Salmon spent For Pontiic to dedgntd and built to be facts and figures will show you that Ponttae Saturday at Newark. la a gnat ear and a vary gnat vttiu*! Mri. Edward VandsrblK, «r., thoroughly food in «twry vttgt spent several dayi at Asbury Park ON YOUR OLD RADIO visiting Mr. and Mr*. Henslar. Jesse Nlbblett attended tha Tl- menlum fair, Md., when he won OR TELEVISION SET several first and aecond prises with 154 "Nun Pigeons." [Dollar ii» Dollar Mrs, Charles Meaehum apsnt Wednesday at New Tork city. Howardatchlldmulltr has return- ed to his horn* from Woods Holt, BETTER Mass., wh*r* h* has bun working Le>we««.Prle«4 Car wUM CM MytJra.Matle Bvfvw with th* Oceangraphle Institute. He Is employed by th* V. 8. Coast (Opii*) and Oeodetto survey, Yenr i li.le* «f Silver Stiwak Baglnea-. HOUSEKEEPING PeUr Qenovaa* returned from Saratoga Springs, K T., Monday. §lral|ht Bight or Six Harry Genoves* Is attending a beverage dealers convention at At- SHOP lantic City, The Moat ••••tlhtl Thing •• Wheels Or. Del Gueilco and Dr. Ray Ualated staely by Maker Poittiac 46 Monmoulb Si. Phone Red Bank 64310 were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Pe- ter Oenoves* over th* w*sk-«nd. Mr. and Mri. Harry De Napoli Open Friday Evening* I wer* also visitors, Charles G*novtss celebrated his RASSAS BROTHERS fourth birthday Thursday with a Plenty of Free Parking Space in party for many youngaterl. Albert Slano and family and Pe- Hear of Store on White St. ter Genovese attended th* Blnno- •rtatf Strut M 6-3110 Wolgand wedding Sunday at Key. port. jr. •» Trio Entering WAVCalNK-A mtutcalt Bf th* Gladys Nitdera- Venison Dinner MATERNITY pathaHot ckuRb chair aader the linctio* af in. Harry HaUfrlaf Military Serviec "Bright Boys Eat Here" aaat* aaaraatMLtt •rill at pnwM eTrMajr aitiit, Haaarcdat Shower Set for Saturday naaaaia j ate. Oct. I, ia th* church. A (rat will RUMaOIf — Hn John Elli* of A farawetl dlnatr tarty amg gio CAM. REtvtoro ejMHag will be take* aad ueed TINTOI* rAIXB — A 'Vaattaa *n laat Tfcuraday aiarkt la tha Cry*. eaaTUCKER't uaaaaSt teg the rurchaM *4 awak. Binghaan »vt. wa* koitm last acciatnra" dinaar will bo aerved tal *••*• af CryaUl Brook farm «M a*i or RE 6-1951.H Thwralay at • Widel «he»er for Saturday aight at tha newly er- Ian at Bataatawa by the ea-ararkore •ta ranatr. aa«« Mil* OJaiy* Niaderer of Eut Rlv«r ranged cafeteria in tk* local aebec-1 1 tha BecoM Nitional Bank aad rd, Baewer deeeratione were done at • beatat for Boy Beaut troaa 1*». Trutt aampaay far Rakert Maa>- ia a green •a* white color scheme Preparation tt the dinaer ie bo- kiae, Ulchard Bekmidt aad Bdward tkj fall Bower*. ng handled by tha troop commit- Ottiaaor, what *r* *nUriag miUtary MiM Niederer, daughter of Hn tee, with aaiiottare from tha *aaa- aervlca. A large, Aeeaeattd Mka Albert Niederer, will become the aoring orgaalxatioae and their tun* larmett tkt eeaterplece. iliaries—the Bra company aad tha bride af Joeeph Lang of Fair Ha- After preaeutatiaa af gift* t* tha ven Oet •• The wedding will take :»pt. David A. WtUiaff aaat, Amtr- can Legion. three yauaf men, daaclag we* en- LIBERAL •lace at Haly Craw Catholic joyed, A vneel duet waa readerad church, Rumooa. A feature of New Baravtbarr by Miat Rita Talerlea aaad Rlck- GueaU ware Mil Reginald Wol- activitiea, tha committee ie work- ard Warner. eatt, Mr*. Tkamaa Main an4 Mr*. ing to maintain the ataadardt o( yenra aut. 'Tull family attend- Attending were Miaer M. Taylor, TRADE-IN Carl Qterach af n«o° Bank, Mra. ance" ia being encouraged, chil- g***i4*at *f the hank; Mr. tad Mrt. anvtaep?** William Oltea, Mri. Henry L. Bau- dren under 12 being admitted Irea Jamce VeaPelt. Mra. Hlaa Oaker- er, Mra. Petej- t*ng, Mia. George of charge aad alder ehildrtn'a •aa, Mr. and Mra. Ooaald Maere, UM aaa Hi«. Nora J-*i>I. Fair Mr. an* Mre. Rt«aard Baerreaen, Hevra; Hn Agaea Bailey, Mra. itketa b«i*g price*- at a aemi- fna)lf l|V|f* ALLOWANCE n) fee. Mr. aa* Mia. PVder Oielotea, Mra. Ret Oaodnough, Mia. William Mac- Following dinner, a aajuare daaea Mary Kennedy, Mra. Richard Koagic MM. rr*d«rick Ituaatli, will be held In the Are hotiet •thaatft, Mlateg Rite, Meaei, Jeae- Jlra. Jaha Ryan, Mr*. John Bparl- with Councilman Robert Caok aa palae tatta, Barbara laaca, Joyce in», Mr*. Clark Kama. Mra. John Maaal aaadMBj'A daSaam BaaaaaBay dalBTaU tafaMaV aaal Baaaa caller." Farrlactaa, Katheriao Koaaey AI- H |Vt W> T •afaf wlmWw y^V ^WnT •*•• ntfj •ttmea. Mra. Henry Km**. Mr*. «4rt Crawford, Evtlya Baafard, David Maaaa, Hn Albert Nieaar- The eoaamlMea named by J*ha 'i«w att far ft." WaV «rr H ma* ytjur E. Lemon, chairman of the traaa, Careliaa Lang. Dorothy Bwanaell, OLD DRESS cr, MM. Bt an ley Oimuieki, Mr* include* Chri* Oifaiia, rhalrmaa, Vae •aratiu, Mildred Bkkada.Wilda Williaai Kuaer, Mra. Barnard Ry- VaaWagtaea, Vivienaa Oerdiat Ta Help tka Flood Victir»t «f tKa Mltj-Watt Flaaa*. Tbit an, Mr*, tyall ataatlee and Mra. Anthany Maaae, Arthur BrricktM, Erie Mefyneui, Beeutmaattr Rab- aad tVMU Jaex*. Ale* Ralph »»»»rre, Santatianal Haeruttien af Saaiaxal Draatat. Eleanor rinn*rty, Rumten. and ert SeMier, Samufl M. riihar, Br, Meary Brawa, Harry Barnard, Ed- Mra. Bruea Vagel. Oakhur.t. J. Letter Rlgby, John Overton, ead ward Ottiager, HolaMt Craarfard, SttKlAY HNNER DELUXE '1* David Bcott. Tieketa eaa he ob-iaka Via, Richard Warner, Cbarle* tained from committ»* ar tr—p Back, Bwaad Duncan, Don*Id Mc- T--9 PfMtR M*v#CM #* fM MWff rfTMCf If Gkaircb membert. •Toaeh. Robert Hawkia*. Rlektrd FM ONE WEEK ONLY Schmidt tad Eaiward ahkoda. Tax aaBbaant ujguu BBaeaa*t Baada Staled Potat*) Grawcra ajrry pi lf«wy W9 SALE ENK WEI, OCT I"" KBWARK-Mity church wamen CARS BAJ,B 'OaaiWaM if *taa4Paaf « OaadrMatkdt vatcoa thtir aaaaaltlo* h*r« tt\- fc'i tht Mwttt, moK ti> Reraver MirkM Oulltta Tha Teiung Womon'a Bacial club AT t.N f. M. Uf ta tat yrapUM taa par cent af the Rid Bank Reformed church cient tank cleaner, with ta* aa wlnninga of baokiae and TRCNTON' - New Jeraey petata atber fUMhUra by th* (*d*ral fev wilt hold a cake aale for the Pearl controlled suction ant) giowera are miking caatMtrakl* Ralph beaeat fund, Friday morn- aratMat. Tha Council af Church freM In regaining their farawr ing ia Dtvidaent market aa Breed MOLLY PITCHER HOTEL "Litter Gittec" Nonlt, Waataa *i Naw J«ro*y teak thtir market outlet*, lott during tkayttra at. Mr*. Clwood Hendrlcka, Jr.. I* ataal ky aaaravlar a rtMlution of arice iupporti, report* tha Mat* chairman. The Oom af aba AMaatia Caaat... BCD only |»4.95. Eair monthly »r***al*a1 ky Mr*. • T. Cuahlm Ocpt. of Agriculture. Tkrauflh mM- a} terflii i Photic for a home 1 Upaar MoaUlalr ta inelal rela- Beptemher appreximately twa mil- tlaat ckalrtMB, «a thay are agnlnit lion tack* (100 peunda) af N*w OH thowitif. No obligation. ktttiag la any form, and tha group Jcreey potitoe* had beca ahlpaad 15% (alt that th* proaoied tax would to n itttat. The 1*59 total wu aa- lataUat ktttlng. ty l.m.lto aaclu and in IBM a ta- *<• «*y [wit arrWtd naw '«N afraii. All ih WU N MWIII Tha raaalutlaa alaa rertarated tai ef 14T8.IJO lacka wu dKtrlautad Give your child the cultural benefits Stylti anti Shadai. LAHtti SILICTION af Cr.pti, Taf. ilfl • MINI ta* cauacll't prtviaut tUaa agalnit in th* aam* atatea. aariaiUtlMl ktttlai. Another r«ao- Heat euatnmer far Oardea ttat* fatat, Faillai, Sutda, Gabaraiina an4 Man'i Waar. Site* Itttiaa aiaattd put (ha council on potato** thi* itaaen la tNnaiyl- •r • •• U . 12 ta 20 « U'/i ta 24 i. Alia MATHNITII5. rtcara aa favoring the giving of vanlt, which hid received ITI.tal "vary itltf jail ttnttnett" ta nar«acka through mid-B>ptombcr, Oth- For Fatter* catle paaMlan. er Important buyera af the INI EXTRA SALESLADIES TO HELP YOU MBBBB«BB» BBBBMtJaM aTaJI ifca. Mr*. HNktrt M. PUrrow, Mr., < tnt RieharttMHi. Eatontown. witli at fowl, Minn«o4a and MiiisuW. Mr*. Parraw, will b* In chary* of Approximately a third ef the and a beautiful speaking voice. H4U YOUR M0 CROIf • Mft» YOUISHf publicity for tha dlitrlet. Mrt. Tat commercial ahlpnenta — dTl.flM raw and Mri. Bawual W. Haul eaclu—haa been aent ta Southern DO NOT HIM* YOUR Oil HIM TO THI lit ClOtt, aiaan, aiaa af lUd Bank, «tt*adtd market!. The** lacluda bauliiaat, OUR GOUR9E9 INCLUDE tka MMtlRf Friday at Newark. Alabama. Miailatlppl, Florida, O*ar- JERSEY COITRAl •it. South Carolina, North Caro- Sen Seotil Ship COM lina, Virginia, Maryland aad Dela- ware, Afronii4 Near RuBtaon With nearly M per cant ef tht rVPLUUNECO. 1951 crop now dug, attribution It CAROLINA DRESSES RUMSON- A H-foot whaleboat continuing in volum*, according to taaaaad by flva membera of BetAlvah W. Severaon, chief af the 7 MONMOIJTH ST. RED BANK nibMMfl»tt,Mlaa Scout Bhlp No. I af long Branch, bureau of markit reporting aad ea- •I waa grounded luadty alght en a*aperattveg af the department. Tk* Lotk far tha ajraan antj yallaw awaiaf. fat Mala M. Aakver Park liland where tha Navulnk and crop thi* year ha* been af good Oaait t A. M. tt> 4 f. M. Friday Metlte ii ktrthr t' 'n that itaied hide tin in Mill Beromh ef Bid Bank far will ht MMivtd hr tht Board of Choitn the rear tun, win rm tht 111k tar ef (Vethelderi of tht t'ountr of Munmaiith October, itll. it tiM e'elaek t. H., la fer the Ceaitruetlsn af * Treated Timber the Borautb Hall, tell the Had*, tine. Bulkhead a* Pewe Creek. Btlford, New menu, htriditamoate lad rial eitata Jtrier, aad epened ant read In P»hlli Bininaftt•irelnefter dtterlheddnerlhed,. tae "ahalike ata *tkatt the .Court HeuM, rreeheld, New Jtr, a) aaiaune tkirgtakl* agelmi Mid lead! a» M, aa Oetehtr I. Itll it t e'cletk YOUR THREE PIECES vtka tut day ef Jai'i III), ai ctVavtai f.M. Etiltra Itandard tiae. I* tkt tax Hat, together with lattfMl *a Tke receipt aad opening of hldi an CALL RED BANK Mkieet to tke proper «utliaeatie*i ef thi eild aatauat from iitd drtt dar af Jelr bidder in ateerdanee with the Broviilom «a tha dat* ef tale and tke tMtt *f Hit •< tka prc-eualiteation law and tht rt*. COMPLETE $00.50 tit public vtndut f tu«» leriani at will VurdiiM tkt •«•• aukiwt te rfdeaiatien ullllaai adojited bjr the Board of Cheita •t thu low«it rate af iatireit, kkut In a* rrtikeldera, aaaM in »xeemm aatt aigh aight t pipirr tea teat t peperr i inn Drawinfi. Spteltrttlom apt fer* el •vni, TklThli aalMia* 11** aiadt uader tkt ir« bldi. coanraet aad bead far tke prepoied . AS LOW AS ivialen,v,v.v.-fti a9%f *Pa** AHn wt_— ta_-„t lulilatur.__._._ _„—e ,_n, week pretaitd br pile B. Stamen. Coun. titltitled "A"A n AAet CntmijCeaceralnte UnsaiiTnpald TaiTaiMM. lr Bnilnaar, have htea tied In the Office 6-1465 NOW »f Hid SatiMtr, at th* Court K»«»e. 89 AlAweiiaaenti an4 Other pTujltlpel Charg. w*l On Real Property and rrovldln* Fer freehold N. I., and mar he Inipt'"" the Collection Thereof hr the Creatlen br preiptctive bidden during builneit and Enforcement of Lima Tkaieea (Be* hoara. Blddtra will he furniihed with i •liien af Hill." repv of tht 4rawinti and apeelncationi Tht laid laid*, teaaatnte, ktn4ita br the latlnetr upna pmner aetiee ana* menu and real eatata ta he aaid and tha patnrmeni t at a fepoiit of Ten I'ollan aaati »' tka peraama itilait wheat Mid 4tiat.t«). , whieh •ill he returned previdid tuii have keen lain ea acteiiat ef tath planl t ate raturntd prier to biildln*. paittl are •• Itllewn Bid! aruit ke made aa Standard .... Bit. Wlllita O/Brlta, klk It, B.AL. Paul Ferai In the manner deiiinated #11-81 S/l W. rrent it...... therein and retuired hr tke (iwrlflra aja/lTTiaai A Marr O'Brien, klk In. let tioni; muM be eneleaed in Haled envel. 1 1 1 1 enti hearing tke name aad addreii ol Low i, '..*^...*. .': !..*.'!...*:... '?,".!.. tke bidder and the name of work en tha DON'T Charlie Ceaklln, blk t, let tt, H.AL. outiidt. addrtiMd te tht Board of rhoa- il»l N/S Rivenide ave en Krtehelderi of the rnuntr of Man Bit. Thomai Green,, klk II, lelott M. meuth and mult kt accompanied br a II i i ii • i aai • i_ a ~ _. * tdk*/ai Beading Certificate and a eertlted check. M.*U *ll Wortkle. at driw* te the erder ef the Count v Treat- DISPOSE OF urer, fer net leie than ten par cent Budget Peatriee TUnislph. hlk'll, lot •«! (HV',ra of thi aaaunt bid. and be deliv H.H..MU* HVSMtehinle a«... ertd et tke plice and on tha knur akovc falit H.ntoit, blk II, let II. HAL. naatd. Tkt Standard Frnpeial f'ormi YOUR a #14 W/S Wtat at. 81.71 will b< furniiked upon application to tht v|*rmiam O'Brien, blk tl, let II, Enginttr. _ ill! N/S Monaoiath at 427.14 Tkt rlr.kt II itttrvtil to rtjiot any or Blelard A Charlotte Boardman, blk 4.'. all kidi If domed to tk* intareat of tha WORN Terms let 1. S/S Moameuth it County to to do. Bit, Spenear Harvey, klk 7S,1 lot ill, By ardtr of tkt Boird of Choaen Fret HAL. #20« W/8 t. Pearl it. 51.71heldtri of tht Count; nf Mnnmouth. ttar.ii B. Rlrhail, blk 101,1st tt, N.AI.. JOSErH C, IRWIN, FURNITURE. ift > 101. let .. WWABD C. BROIGE. °" " #SI 8/S#aver! Clerk Available tJienle llgrea. blk 111 dtpt. 11. lilt. I/S Midlia* ave Pewi Creckl, 17.10 LET ave, blk 71, I let N/S Bank rMnk'ia'"Lodiri»"AFAAii"Seit:> tlah Bltt. klk Tl, let tl, H.AL. Ia the Matter af tke Application ef Re OUR EXPERTS OUR DECORATOR #«« «/? «»«.«a ICeaiar Peel, klk Tt, lot I, HAL. #11 tin* fortk tke fround, of tht application ^1/8 River it si.ll tinand* fortvtrlttk tkd e kfrounr Affidavid oft th tn fapplicatio the talinl AT YOUR HOME a Cliud- Whaler,, blk 17, 1st HA, H.AL. plaintiff far an Ordrr nuthoriiin* her * aViSSB/S Ulghte* tve to aiiuatt tka name ef Joanne Rait S»r- COMPLETE Claude Whaltn, \lk 17, lot II, E/S lien: tt kaving appeared tn the Court WITH SAMPLES OF Ltiehlon avt «.2I jy tha Mid Cenplalnt and Affidavit (hit Btl. Ella Kearnir. blk tt, MAI,. #117 thi pljlrtirf, Rose Either Serpiro r»,idn K/A Lel«ht(i» eve 70,11 at 111 Hardln* Road In the Btirnuih nf REUPHOLSTERY Bllehael Del Qjltilec, blk Tl, let 10, Rtd Bank. Caunty of Monaouth and THE LATEST AND •AI.. #14.14 W/SUIghtMavt,. Stita af Ntw Jeraey; It having further appeared that notice of aaid application hai kttn pukliiktd at lean enct each JOB LOVELIEST ik for four lueeeialvt wttki nt»t pre the time ef Mid tpplleition In tha o« Jank Begliter. a ntwipaper ef the DECORATOR tald eeuntr. aad the Court having been INSIDE AND OUT AtVn eatliiltd by the "Id verified Complaint. avt H 114,14 that there are reaionabia araundi for FABRICS Mlekatl A Roilna D»IGul«let. klk 71, thi propeied ehenft and that thtre Ii lot a, HA I. #111 8/8 Catktrlnt no reasonable objection thereto: It, therefore, on thl« Hit day af Sen- M^»Oawiia«tftorklk i«;"ia't"irH.»I4,: ttnktr, Illl. ORtlCRtr> that Roia Ci- Jfll .'/» taeuit avt ther Strple* te and the la here or aulh- Sit. Charlotte Hnlnae, klk 14, lot 1(10. nrlied to aaiume tht name sf Jeanne let N/8 »un«tt avo 14,14 Rait Htrplro from end afttr thi 12nH lit, Marr Taylor, klk II, lot 111, lot day of Oetoher. It*I, and that within 8/8 fiunwt «ve 14.11 tti "tan htrtafter tht iald plaintiff ih»ll Pettr ft Phyllli Sairnnlla, klk II, lot PUbliah a eopy nf thli Order In the Red IK, HAL. #1* 8/8 ."unwl art. »».IJ Bank Rftliter, a ptihlir newipaper prini You gat ranawatj canitruerlan, wa aWt |utt eevor y«ur furnltur* ar nptk It Vnil Mntrln, hlk n. lot 101, H.*l.. «d In laid countr. and that within twin #• Crntral «v» n.%% ty day. hereafter lha nld plaintiff ihall . . . wa build in naw aattarm, ratat ana) handtla laringi, rajlua, radawal and KdwaM A llnrli Ruik. klk 101, lot tl. rauie laid Cempialnt, AWdavli. thli Or- HAL. #SSJ W/8 Broad it 414.14. der and an Amdavlt of Publication of eamplatthy itarllita ffamai, add naw fillingi, mtkt wiliieni rowiiblt tn I When tho Mlo takit place iiajrmtnt thi Order In ha filet and recorded In af all tanii or aii'iimtnti, eoiti and tha nnce nf the Countr Clirk ef the REPUCE WBMIN*. WITH STEIL REINFORCED SUPER SASLESS FOUN- Inlortit wilt ke midt by tke DurcklMr County of Menmouth and that within tha •ami time tht Mid plaintiff ihall camt DATION. Qsn tnfor* till eoneluilon of the nit, atMr> a eertlfltd eapr ef thli Ordir to be filed milks (burlain Qsnop »li« the nroiwtr will ho Immtdlittlr ilk's (b li« t «lth Ihe Beertttry of State puriuant to i "wit'ntii m/ head Ikli 171k dar *fthi pretrlaloni ef the atatute In futh Tha autttda laams ara aarafuHy and iturdily hand Hwn. Yaur furnltura It •Uk lAl ..Hi-adeaadpyojldtd raturnad ta yau wHk fraih naw%a«irty and addad yaan af tarviea. Yau may Collator. 1. C, C, uto your charga account for thli itrvice or convenient tarmt may ba arrangad. 39 Monmouth St. Phone 6-1465 Red Bank kllltr bual* On mntlon nf ntwltrlr. a C*mkl, Cinion* ittetairi fat Plalatll lilt ftc* Pilfer* E|> PA** XEOMf Ei, ffEfTESltfEl 'it. MM John Aluller sells The Register in Pet Parade Party Fair Haven Shop fa Ur. •nd Mr$. Edwrd B*rUr% FAIR HAVBN-Joha C. Nttllar lumaon — u in feaet Cn* «* wh» for the put It years aa B«*t River r*\, we* II year* *M FUEL-OIL operated a butchrr shop at 71 Monday, an4 a birthday party wa* tee tttmi. « mutt cordM tcelcome River id., haa sold hit busiaes: given for her at her Ruaaeoa awe. to Gu.« Nichols, now of Aefe>ur; b« received many (IfU. to their new home in Applebrook farm, Park, formerly of this place. Th Attending were Mr. and Mi*, NrQot new owner will take over the ep«r ames Craig. Mr«. Ethelya Ayera, S'ttc JtrHff't He*cc$t tnd at ion of the business Moadav. Mri. Leo Langeoa and Mitt** most beautiful cilfagt. 11* Mr. Nichols, who hai live* ii laria A yen, Evelyn Bennett, Aud- j»PEC|.%L CASH PUN. this vicinity 30 years, wai aasoci tf Jeffrey, Mary Maruka, Marilyn atfi) with Mr. Mullrr several year aamaenore, Ethel West, Gertrude Jacob R. V. J/. Lcffertl before World War II. Both asei Helloway and Meriaai Herbert. Buy for let* if tuti «-«rt—Itul >«m are wire at one time associated wit Charlct T. KilcommiM foolish lo pay more. the former W«g»er« market o ».«.•. MEETING MONDA1T , Broad st., Red Bank. Mr. Niehol Shrewsbury Towae chapter, Apptebrook farm plans on moving back t. thi Daughters Aaaericaa Revolution, borough. will add their flrat fall meeting Koutc 35 Mr. Mullrr. wha livea oa Lak iday afternooa at the home of betfond X«c«l Underpin HANCE & DAVIS ave., said yesterday that altaougl Mr*. Bernard Qoldamith, Mabern he has no immediate plans for thi faras, Beers »d., Hatawaa. Mrs. Middlctow* Tottn$hip, N. J. future he will remain a resieVa fact ma* t. Strong of Shrewsbury, Tft. M 4-0101 of Fair Haven. cheater regent, will preside. FOR RENT OR SALE


ttardrobm in tim-to/t Ths reed ta k*tt*r sn4 »i(«er fcu«l. Poultry Gourte CIK, atvci'tiM in Tm* RtgitUr t«|ulat;!y, condition. Aevfrtiarmtat. Starts Oct. 15 at Rulfen NEW BRUNSWICK — A courte in one of New Jenry'a leadMll farm indiutriea, poultry and egg produc- • Stubbim tion, will be given at Rutgers uni- versity's College of Agriculture for , ten weeks b*ninninir Oct. IS. Poultry husbandly in one of (he mut popular of the seven ten-week courses offered by Rutger*. Gradu- ates of thin cour«e are fauna In every section or the atatc and have done much toward the development of poultry farming in New Jeriey » the Mm* t* during the past SO year», accord* 262 MAIN STREET, KEANSBURG

SINCE 1111 MARKETS-RED BANK l1 MONMOUTH $T SAW MONIY ON THRU DAYI ONLY 21 W. FRONT ST. DELIVERY ° THIS! OUTSTANDING lava . fft^jftattjattgH- _ gagtafti TIL 6-050S 6-3191 VALVISI S#ft. 21, It, Oct. 1 FANCY JEMEV mm EGGS Argyle Seek Pokt Nylon How 1.49 '•' 5-ttb. Six* 55- All palts contain only pur* nylon. Aitertad patterns in It SI gauge • IS denier. Full FOWL 431 color eombinationi. 9 color combinations contain initrue- length . first quality. Good tiom for making plaid or block patterns. Moth proof. Non LEAN assortment of colors and stretch, non shrink. S-« Ib. Siso Brusstl Sprouts •'net. This is a nationally known brand of hosiery. You SMOKED Jumbo Garmtnt Bogs will recogniie the name im- CALA mediately. 291 Sale R f HAMS 43 *« KM TOMY Heavy 9«u9e plastic . Quilted tuxedo front and cuff. Dust proof and mildew proof. Full length lipper opening. Colors Cr«p« Pajamas SAUSAtt Spare Ribs GRAPES wine and aque. 59: 49! 2.19 5iV IOINLAMI All Wool Flonntl Two-piece, full cut, with CHOPS CHOPS 2^29 dainty trimming. Fin* qual- Sale J M 2.98 Y* ' ity. Pastel calors. Siiei 34 A toft, luxurious quality fabric sponged and shrunk. Just to 41. JERSEY CAULIFLOWER the thing for that new suit or skirt, leautiful shades in: LOIN grey, red, brown, t«n, rose, black, copen blue, dark green, wine, rose and gold. WHOLI or Nylon Cardigans HALP PORK 69: "Ptrky" Punjab Ptrcalts 4.98 SWEET JUKY Sale 47* Yd. Keg. 59c Zephyr weight, 100% pure GENUINE ORANGES nylon, Eesy to leunder. Fast YOUNG Lively, attractive prints and solid colors. Nigh quality, 10 drying. Sites 32-40. Colors: MZ ( square, fully washabla fabric. 30 print patterns—florelj, beige, pink, blue, maiie, red, SHOULDER stripes and checks. 15 solid colors. black and hunter green. L AM B 59. 2 69 7 Cents tsr RED BANK REGISTER •H CO»V VOLUME LXXIV, NO. IS, RED BANK, N. i., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1951 SECTION THREE—PAGES I TO 16. Police Athletic League Champs Honored Harvest Moon Salvation Amy At MUmlfht SaftWgy Hctdquarten tor Square Dance Public Approves Caaptign Opens Set for Oct. 6 School Addition M ACUVMM Sixth Annual Event At KumaMM la AM At 7 Wrrhanlr it. Oceanic Library Bwrd Took Action Last Night The apealag of heedejuarter* for RUMSON — A large committee the INI Salvatioa Army aaaual U completing arrangements for the To Ml J900.000 in Bonds aaaiateaasMe campaign at T Me- sixth annual Harvest Moon square chanic at. waa announced today by dance planned for Saturday, Oet. Ma). Henry A. Dries. a, at Rumson high school. I R«4 Bank voters In a referee> The Belvatieei Army program ea- Music for the affair, which will Cheater B. !dum Tuesday overwhelmingly aa» be for the benefit of the Oceanic ceaapMsee eiteasive rellgieua ae- pTOVei % l90O00O 4ddlUon to Re« tivitiee and services. In addition Free library, will be directed by Bank high school. there ara varied assistance and en- Tax Assessment Ed Durlacher, long known as one Dies in 52d Year The proposal was approved bf tartalaaieat for members ef the of tha outstanding authorities on a vote of 1502 to Vil as 1771 votera armed fereet la the army and navy square dancing. Chester B. Adams, 51, vice pres- turne(t ouf| th, second largest votej aatablUhmenta in this area, disaster Matters Studied A series of informal country ident and trust. onV*r of the Mer- ,. ichool hoarfl history. Severn relief, such as the Woodbi idge and KEYPORT-Diicuteiea ef tea aa- games and a turkey auction have chsnU Trust company. Broad tt, voit3 wer# voldtd flve mt the Rly. Boiith Amboy tragedies, youth ac- setMinent information which, ac- been organized in addition to the Red Bank, died Saturday night «t , „ str,et ,chooi and tw0 at t.i* tivities carried an during summer dancing. A fully storked deep freese the Brattleboro, Vt.. hospital. He , . breakdown of tha cording ta Mayor Charles E. Apple* wa« taken to the nospital a short hifvoteh s Knoolis as Afollows: River Street aad winter, clothing and feeding of gate, thows a toss in revenue annu- will be awarded. time, before his death after «uffcr- the poor, visiting the sick in in- The harvest moon dance «as or- school, 2*6 yes and 44 no; Oak'nnd ally of from 113,000 to IJO.OOO, was ing a heart att.irk at the North- ,8tre(,t ,cnoo[; 345 ye, and §2 no. stitutions and at home, visiting and held last night at a closed seaaioa ganized six years ago, not only Held hotel, East Northncld, Mass.. , , i helping prisoner* before and after to benefit the library, but primarily an<) high g( hooIt s31 yp and 36 B9f of the borough council. where he and Mra. Adams had Approval of the plan waa -the their release, care of unwed moth- The mayor atated at Monday to provide an evening of fun «li, pnunH ttw P.A.L. tafva WaMman trashy (a Ralph SalaV pilchar quire land for a new fciih school. ut* sound] Aim will be shown for ough which, he isld, in his opinion ed residenU of all ages and In- In July, 1950. while Red Banlt the flrat time te the public at the is not necessary now, and the ether •« Hi* eJwnnJewiifcln Giants team, while Chief Frank W. •.author, rifht, awards Jahn Caruta comes have joined In a real com- voters approved a plan to erect munity get-together that has giv- eampaifa eaUe tomorrow at 12:30 is to flit an appeal with tha Mon- •M el rfce miniature keteeall* which were a*e«eftieaj to each team member. Otheri a>«rtlcl* a regional high school, the pra» p m. mouth County Tat board. Several en many of the newcomers to this posal was turned down by sent* The list chairmen and campaign suggestions were made by members patina M the pretentetleit ceremenlei ere, left te rlfht, Set. Key McKnltht, ceech ef the win* part of tho state an opportunity to ing district!;. cabinet will be Announced shortly. of the council. meet and get to know other people nint teami Mrt. Philip towers, former prctiejeflt ef the Knee Pantt leaauo, and Patrolman Ian- of similar tastes. Tuesday night's referendum ell* The following communities in Mayor Applegata maintained tha maxed an intense four weeks' cam* aorthsastorn Maamouth county are situation deserves a lot of study and femln Clever, rwtnef>ue ceech. The aweraji ware meet Itit nlfht et a dinner «i»en by the Ed Durlacher, known to many palgn by the board of edueatioa eerved by the*lalvation Army and action by tha council. "There has P.I.A. Ucel No. 1*. aa "Mr. Rquare Dance," ha* for and Parent-Teacher associations* ara (actuated in the eaaspaHn: At- been a half million dollar loaa In several years had a big share in The eairlpsljrn was opened with a laatle Highlands, Belford, Country assessments in Keyport In M making the party a success. He mass meeting at the Oakland) Club Estates, Eatentown, Fair Ha- years," said the mayor, who com- hu handled as many as 8.000 8tre«t school. This was followe4 ven, Hlghlanda, Holmdel, Keans- mented that this year's assess- dancers at one time and starts off up by speakers provided by tha burg, Leonardo, Little Silver, Le- ments are lower than list Girl Scouts Open Board Meets Tonight to Study with the simplest numbers before hoard who appeared before local eust, Long Branch. Middletown, The mayor has been charged going Into any of the more difficult organisations which showed a da* Monmouth Beach, Naveslnk, New with political maneuvering on the ateps. Reals in the school auditori- sire to learn more about the plan* •hrawabury, Oeeenaort, Portau- matter. He la a Deawerst and Drive for $10,060 35-Homc Extension of Rumson Rd. um provide a grandstand view of Meanwhile Parent-Teacher ass* peek, Red Bank, Rlv*r Plata, Riv- Everett Poling, tha assessor, Is a Mrs. Robert Pearse, president of LiTTLtC BILVER-The plannling by the adjustment board. Accord' the stage where the dancing takes ctatlans made house-to-house calls) ertide Helghu, Rum son. Sea Republican. the Northern Monmouth County board tonight will consider a plat ing to Mr. Ayers, Mr. Oray said his place. urging approval of the proposal, Blight, ghrewsbury. Shrewsbury Councilman Walter Smith point- council, Oirl Icoutt, Inc., has an- of a 15-home development, which client paid for the stenographer's Mra. Randall M. Keator is chair- Tuesday afternoon pupils staged] tevnship and tha military inatslla- ed out Monday night that the pres- nounced the opening Oct. 1 of the practically will extend Rumson rd. presence at the meeting, but should man of the arrangements commit- a parade through the borougs) ent assessor Is only accountable for annual Bnanclal drive for the bene- to White rd. not be held liable for work ordered tee. Elmer Ether is chairman of boosting the addition, and Tues* the aasesament books for 1N0. "I •t ef the Oirl Scouts. The developers—Maurice Settles- by the borough. the businessmen's group, aasUUed day night commuters returning don't know why ha ahould rates* Tha drive covers an area from inger and Anthony DeSttfano—are Charles W. Stephens, chairman by Ray Arend and Joseph Clancy. horns were met at the railroad Order New Trial to discuss prior years. It would Cllffwood) Beach, aouth to Deal, and represented by George A. Gray, Red of the street committee, was au- On the frlze committee are Mra. station by members of the school bo no reflection on him la any from the shore, west aa far aa Bank lawysr. The area, to be known thorized to purchase $341.30 worth David Freeman, Mrs. Robert Born in Falrton, Cumberland band and other pupils carrying On Airport Fire way," he said. Colt'a Naek. It includes tha towna ma Berkshire Homes, will contain of equipment to clean drains. Mr. Pearse, Mrs. Jameg Finley, Mrs. county, Mr. Adams waa a son of signs urging them to get out ani The mayor denied the political of Matawan, Keyport, Long Branch lota of 79x150 feet. Aa shown on Stephens said, with auch thtnge as Holmes Dyer, MM. Melville Cham- the late Rev. William and Mra. Es- vote. NEWARK-Red Bank Airport allegation, but atated that although cuttera and rods that borough em- Incorporated, will be forced to de- and Red Bank. the tentative map, the Rumson rd. berlain, Mrs. Townsend Coleman; ther Knight Adams. He was a The board acted quickly after the present assessor Is not respon- Although the Organisation has extension would be obliquely to the ployees will be able to work on Mrs. J. fpshur Moorehead, Mrs. graduate of Dickinson college, Car- laid lUelf against the claim of neg- sible for what has happened In tha Stlverwhite Oardens drains. The obtaining the public's approval to ligenee fltad by Hopper's, Incorpor- grown considerably in the laat few left of the present Rumson rd. It Norman Ramsey, Mrs. F. Bourne lyle, Pa., and nad been a reaident go ahead with plans and at a spa* past, it la up to hint to aee that yeara, there are atill girls who want then would cut through the center Silverwhite section annually has Ruthrauff, Mrs. Bayard Stout, Mrs. ated, of Eatontown and Harry T. all assessments ara listed now, been a serious drainage problem, here aince K1S. prior to becom- rial meeting last night passed a Utts of Newark. to join but cannot because Leaders of the development, Anally arching Craig Severence, Mrs. Phillip ing associated with the Merchants resolution authorising notice to tha the work in recent yeara having Greene, Jr., Mrs. Francis Oeer, This I* tha reault of an opinion must be trained before they can out to White rd. Houaee are ex- been done by private contractors. Trust company Mr. Adams) waa attorney general of the board's in* take a troop. The troops in tha pected to sell for about $11,000. Mrs. Peter H. B. dimming, Mrs. employej by the London * Lan- tentlon to sell bonds and fixing of tha •uperlor court's appellate di- Man's Death Council approved payment of $3S vision, released Friday. Each of council total 105 with l.«0O girl* Lewis R. Lowiy, chairman of the Haydn Smith, Mrs. John Russell, ceatlrc Insurance company of New tha manner In which the bonili aa members and a total of 538 for an advertisement In local 80's Mrs. Arnold Tulp, Mrs. Frank York city. will be sold and retired. the complainants owned a plane planning board, presented the map Patrolmen's Benevolent associa- which wara among about 38 de- Called Natural adults aa volunteer leaders and at Tueaday night's council meet- Blalsdell, Mrs. Sherman Hoyt, Mra. Mr. Adams waa a member of the The board also approved a aoa» workers. tion year book. Alfred King, Mrs. Wyndham Gary, atroyed In the July M, JM», are at ing. He explained the procedure The remainder of the meeting Red Bank Methodist church. He traet with Its architects for th« tha airpori's hangar. MIODLETOWN-Tawnshlp and All the money contributed is used waa only to acquaint the mayor and Mrs. Morris Ferris, Mrs. Merrltt alao belonged to Beacon HtU and drawing of plans and specification! county police haave attributed tha locally to further Scouting nd it council with business before the waa used in accepting aocial-offlclal I.ane. Mm. Radford Bascome, Mra. for the addition. Edmund J. Can* Whan the eaaa was heard in tha death of Joseph W. Mldgley, Sr.. a Invitations. First on the list was David Brewster, Mrs. Frederick Old Orchard Country clubs. county district court at Long la hoped that part of the $10,000 board, the board of freeholders' Invite to Mr, Adnms leavea hla wife, Mra. •one advised that a clause be add* Branch last January, Judga Alton SI, of Jersey City, who waa found raised can pay off the mortgage on Tompklns. Mrs. Krank Love, Mra. Marlon Mount Adams; three sla- ed to the contract that in event dead early Monday morning in the the council'a Camp Nomoco at In other business, the bill of Mrs. a buffet supper meeting Monday, John Slnnott, Mrs. Robert Forres- of war or other condition whlcS, V. Evans granted a defanaa motion Port Monmouth railroad, station, to Lillian 8. Levlngton, court stenog- Oct. a, at Sea Girt inn for a Ju- ters. Mra. H. Earle Farry and Mra. to dismiss tha caae. Tha appellate •mlthburg. ter, Mrs. TV. B. Leonard and Mra. Samuel B. Blackwood, Red Bank, would make construction of tha natural causes. rapher, for $«5 waa ordered paid, venile conference committee ses- William Robinson. addition impossible, the board dlrialcn, however, ruled that a, pre- Mrs. A. Jackson Llndtlcy of Fair provided It gcU the approval or W. sion. The meeting is sponsored by and Mrs. Henry -W. Uhl, two broth- aumption of negligence exists when Tha body waa found at about 8 Haven !a financial chairman, as- Mra. Oliver Victor and Mrs. ers, Frederic K. Adams, Red Bank, would only have to pay for arehl* a, m, by a Mrs, Hall of Wilson James Taylor, chairman of the ton- the smutty probation oflloe. The Qreene are in charge of decora- tact's work already completed, Af« goods arc lost or damaged while In sisted by Mrs. r. M. Oorauch. Mra. ing board of adjustment. Borough next was an invitation to the New and Rev. Dr. Raymond Adaau of eueh storage and that the burden of ave., who told police the heard a WlnSeld Hanee of Little Silver la tions, and Mrs. Stout and Mrs. For- ter considerable discussion, during dlaturbance at the station ahortly Clerk Fred L. Ayers toll council Jersey State League of Municipali- Little Rock, Ark. which Victor Ronfeldt. architect, proof remains with the defendant. district one chairman. Mrs. Her- the bill has "been bouncing around' ties' convention In Atlantic City rester are chairmen of the patrons' Mr. Adams was a man of sterling before discovering Mr. Mldgley. Po- man Carter of Long Branch Is dis- committee, assisted by Mra. Rich- pointed out that lt would be dif* Tha order directed that a naw lice aaid Mrs. Hall had told them alnce Aug. 33, 1*30. The bill la for from Nov. 27 to SO. Main item for qualitiea and had a pleasing per- Acult to get engineert to work] trial be held. Tha complainants trict two chairman, and Mra. Clif- four copies of the testlviny at a the convention, it waa explained, ard Moeller. Mrs. Robert Young, sonality. His word was as good aa she heard a woman call "Joe, Joe, ford Gordon of Naw Monmouth, is Mrs. Eliot Coleman, Mrs. W. Dins- under such a condition, tha board wero repreaented by Edmund J. shall I call an ambulance?" She hearing on the Jamea «nnarella will be the relief of property taxes. his bond and ha was a maker of decided to omit the clause. Added, Canaona of tha Red Bank firm of district three chairman. warehouse building. Mr. Gray, who Another league Invitation is for a more Banks, Mra. Robert Lawrence, friends for the Institution which added, stated police, a man an- Mra. J. Sanford Shanley, Mrs. John however, on the advice of Mr. Can* Parsons, Labraeque, Canaona and swered "No." Mrs. HaU further represented Mr. Annarella, advised dinner-meeting Wednesday, Oct. 10, he so faithfully served for ao many tona, was a clause under which Combo. Tha airport la represented council that his client waa not re- at the Hotel Stacy Trent. This meet- Ballantlne, Mrs. Frederic Nellaon, years. stated the man ran off toward Bel Mra. Howland Jonea and Mra. Gary. the architect will guard against by Leon Reusillle of the Red Bank ford and the woman toward Main Reckless Driving sponsible for paying the $$5 be- ing la called to press for additional The funeral was held laat night defects In construction. The eon* •rm of Applegate, Foster. Reuullle cause the work had been ordered state financial aid for ducation. at the Mount Memorial home, with and Cornwall. • at., Port Monmouth. tract was approved by a vote of Mre. Hall told polices aha had Brings $100 Fine Rev. Roger J. Squire, pastor of seven to one with Mr. Cantona seen something white lying on the Lt Fagan Home the Red Bank Methodoist church, voting no. ground, thought by her husband to Louis Stern of New York city officiating. Turns Down Burial wai In Fair View ceme- Mr. Ronfeldt told the board tha be a post. A short time later ahe waa fined $100 this morning by Start Plans for Halloween; architectural fee would ba appro* told police a Are whistle blew and Magistrate John V. Crowcll on a tery. Bearers were Morris Portner, On 30-Day Leave Wlnfleld W. Bennett, Thomas N. lmately $91,000 based on a percent* Army Request she went to see where the blase charge of reckleas driving. age of the total cost of construction was. According to police aha waa According to the summons Is- Ray Taylor Named Chairman Dugan, Amory P, Osborn, J. Ray- afJDDLBTOWN-The township LITTLE SILVER-Lieut. Ray- mond King and Edmund T. Ayera. estimated at between $750,000 and driving home from the lire when sued by Patrolman Raymond Ser- mond Francis Fagan of the Ma- $800,000. Of the total fee, M pet committee yesterday tourned down she became curious, atopped at the geant, Mr. Stern drove recklessly Tha fourth annual Red Bank a request of Joseph 8. Oaisl, base publle schools. Red Bank Catholic rine Corps arrived home last week cent Is due en completion of pre* station, and discovered Mr. Mldg- on Harding rd, Reckless pi.. Ma- Halloween parade, carnival and on a 30-day leave from Oak Knoll Farmhand Caught llminar> plans, SO per cent on com* engineer of tha Army Installation ley'a body. ple ava. and Oakland at. Ha al- window-painting contest will be acchool, Mlddletown township at Twin Ughta, to repair or help schools, Little Silver school and Naval hospital, Oakland. Cal.. pletton ef final plans and specific*, Mra. Hall returned to the acene legedly drove too faat and disre- held thia year Wednesday, Oct. 3L where he has been undergoing Stealing Apple* tlons, and the final 29 per cent dur* repair a 1,500-foot government-built garded* traffic ilgnala while trying Ray E, Taylor, executive vice pres- Shrewsbury school. road into tha reservation. Tha road of tha lira and told Newton Mallet, treatment after the loss of a leg PHALANX—Wlnfleld Bennett of ing construction when the arch!* a fireman of finding the body. Mr. to make a train. ident of the Red Bank Community Further meetings are scheduled In the Korean war. tecU will act In an advisory ca* la a, continuation of Portland rd. Chamber of Commerce, Is thia Haslet, apparently likes apples. Mallett notified police. Bat. Joseph William McKinney of Heck ave., for Tueaday, Oct. 3, and Thursday, The son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Charged with stealing SO bushela paclty. At the auggestion of Mrs. John Llnhart and Patrolman Kenneth Neptune, was lined a total of 141 year's chairman, aiid the carnival Oct. 4, both at 7:30'p. m. Kstchow, eecretary of the Port will be held at the high school ath- mond G. Fagan of 44 Orchard pi., of the fruit from the farm of Henry Mr. Ronfeldt stated it would prob. Luker called Julius A. Toren, coun- and coats. Including a 15 fine for Lieut. Fagan was wounded by ma- C. Handleman of Phalanx rd., this ably be six or seven months before Monmouth Civic association, the ty physician, who ordered the body careless driving. $5 for driving letic field on Bergen pi. ejnstead committee decided to preae for ac- of at the Chestnut at. armory, aa 9 Chine gun fire In Korea June 17. place, and asked by state police he would be ready to go to Waah* sent to the Scott funeral home. without a driver's license and $25 He is a graduate of Red Bank what he wanted them for he said tion from the Central railroad for en a aecond charge of driving usual, PFC Collins Body ington in an effort to obtain a pri- a daed for Carter pi, near the Port According to police there were Catholic high school and the Uni- he was going to eat them—all 90 ority for necessary materials. no marks of violanea on the body. without a license. Patrolman Ray- Last year'a chairman, Joaeph versity of Notra Dame. Lieut. Fa- bushels. ' Monmouth station. mond Sergeant issued the care- Board President Stanley HavUand A native of Jersey City, Mr. Holiday, opened the flrat meeting En Route to U. S. gan waa called to active duty In Police first learned of the theft expressed the thanks ef the board Tha committee explained to lira. Midgley waa employed ma a rail less driving and aummona and the with the following members pres- the Marine Corps in Jan., 1BS0. Ho Xetchow that four state highway first summons for having no li- RIVERBIDE HEIGHTS - Mrs. Friday when they received a call to Dr. M. Gregg Hibbj, supervising road engineer at the Earla Naval ent: Maxwell H, Klarin, Irving left for Korea, In June. 1980, after from the owner of an Everett farm principal: the faculty, student body, department surveys for a traffic ammunition depot. Ha waa living cense. The second summons for not Krakowitch, Henry De Luca, Al Mary Collins of rt. 35 here has been receiving training at Quantlco, Va. light at rt. M and Main at., Port having a lieenao was iaiued by notified by the Department of De- who said he had found 90 bushels Parent-Teacher associations and in a rooming house in Atlantic Newman, Joseph Cleary and Mr. At the end of his leave he will of apples hidden in a patch of Halstead and VanVechten, advertis* Monmouth, had been fruitleas. Highlands. Patrolman Alonao Curehln the fol- Taylor. Alao preaent were Theo- fense that the body of her husband, Lots 16. 17 and IS In block F of lowing day. dore Hurst and Harold J. Me- P.F.C. Henry Collins, who was return to Oak Knoll hospital for woods on his property. Police later Ing firm which assisted with tha Shore Acres were sold to Marjorie Orath, chairman of tha Oakland killed In action in Korea Apr. 83, further treatment. heard from Mr. Handleman, who campaign, for their help In the ref- James Williams of 10J River at., la en route to the United States. . told them it waa his orchard which erendum. King, 511 Kearny ave., East Keans- Manson Awaits Red Bank, was fined $2 for making Street P.T.A. ealety patrol. In pre- had been plundered. After an In- burg, for $325. unnecessary noise with his car. Wil- vious yeara there having presided Son of Harry Collins of Port Train Crash vestigation police became auspic- A six-month trailer permit was liams testified he had to stop be- a chairman for the civic organisa- Monmouth, P.F.C. Collins was) a Firemen to Dedicate tions, the police department and ious of Bennett, an employee of granted to Joaeph Doryk of War- County Opinion hind a car driven by Sgt, Frank graduate of Middletown township Handleman, with a previous rec- 980,000 Fire Houae : ren pi., Esat Keansburg. Maua. He added he blew hla horn the newapaper profession, it waa high school and played football for Kills Soldier ord of larceny. Norman Thorns* Pierce was ap- MIDDLETOWN — Recorder W. to get the police officer to move, decided that tha Chamber of Com- the Leonardo Field dub, He waa HEADDENS CORNER — VtiU proved as a new member of the Gilbert Miinson this morning aaid after which Maua asked if he was merce's executive vice president, married to the former Mary Nntals BATONTOWN-Sgt. John Jamea Saturday when Bennett, on his cation of the new $80,000 fire housa Headden'a Corner fire company, and he Is awaiting the opinion of the trying to "be a wiae guy." He said Mr. Taylor, act aa chairman this in 1948. Their son, Henry Collins, Meehan, 28, of 61 Corliea ave., waa lunch hour, went to check hla loot, built by Middletown Township lira Peter M. DIScullo was approved for prosecutor's' office on whether Mra. ha was given the summons after year. Jr., will be three years old next killed Sunday when the car In he was arrested by state police, co. 1, of this place, with, funda membership in River Plata Hose Kathleen Conlon of Hudson and hla second attempt to have Sgt. March. which he waa riding was struck by who were there waiting for the The chairman directed the ap- a train at Greenwich, Conn. thief to show up. raised through the efforts of tha company. Michigan aves., Port Monmouth, Maua move over and let him pats. pointments of chairmen and co- firemen themselves will take place shall be held for the action of the 8ent overaeaa in December, P.F.C. Born in Stamford, Conn., Sgt. Bennett was sentenced to a year Dirk Hofman, plumbing inspec- Sgt. Maaza testified he had atopped chairmen of the respective commit- Collins waa summoned home by the at ceremonies Oct. 28. Gov. Alfred] tor, reported M permits Issued In grand jury on a charge of causing several momenta to find the driver tecs, aa follows: Meehan was stationed at Fort Mon- in the county jail by Magistrate death by an auto. fatal illness of his mother, who died mouth, where he waa attached to Stanley Stilweli after waiving trial Drtacnll has been invited to preside, the past month, and fees collected of a car parked near a 'barricade. Window painting chairman, Po- while he was en route here. He re- and a list of prominent men and of I3M. Michael Andros of 4! Maple ave., Anthony Dudick, Long Branch, llco Chief Frank Reuther; co- F company, 3.R.T. by Jury on a charge of grand lar- Kcansburg, died early Friday morn- turned to Korea In mid-March. Surviving are his wife, Mra. Mary ceny. women will assist the Bremen and Billa of $35,958.53 were ordered waa lined $5 for Improper parting Klarin: prises, chairman, Irving The Scott funeral home will be In public to celebrate tha occasion, paid, M was a aanitatton bill of $48. ins; at Rivervlew hospital as a re- at an Intersection. Barton Shea of chairmen, Henry De 13uca and Max Dugan Meehan; two sons, Robert sult of internal Injuries suffered charge of arrangements when the and Richard Meehan: a daughter, The building accommodates three SO Waverly pi. was fined $2 for im- Krakowitch; co-chairmen, Joe Hol- body arrlvea. fire trucks and an ambulance on when his car struck Mrs. Conlon's proper parking and Paul Smith of iday (committee will consist of five Wendy Meehan; three brothers, World Jamboree aa it waa parked waiting to make Thomas, Edward and Patsy Mee- the first floor with a large social Reade Cancels Battln rd., Fair Haven, IS for over- members of each of the clvie clubs hall and meeting room on the ate/ a left turn off rt. 88 to a vegetable time parking. —Rotary, Lions, Klwaais); Frank han, and three aiaters, Miss Marie stand. Mrs. Conlon told police her Agreement Reached Meehan, Mis* Ethel Meehan and Picture Showing ond floor which will be available Maaaa, Charles Jonea, Al Newman, for community functions. The for* 'Carmen' Show signal light was blinking, Indicating WKATHEB REPORT Ed Macklln; marahall of parade By Union and Video . Miss Jean Meehan. Red Bank area Boy Scout offi- the was waiting to make the turn. and procedure, Fire Chief Cleary, The funeral was held thla morn- cials will witness the first showing mer fire house nearby haa been sold Dua to technical difficulties en- Androa said the car itopped sud- Increasing cloudless today, fol- to the Buhrtng Water Purifying ca. countered after the original dates lowed by showers late tonight. Deputlea Aumack and Gordon It was announced last night by Ing at 10 o'clock at Chapel No. 2, of the world Jamboree pictures to- denly with no signal given. Forbes; refreshments, chairman, Otto VanHowe, president of Local Fort Monmouth. night at the B'Nal Israel synagogue of Atlantic Highlands, which makaa had been established, Walter Reade Recorder Manson recerved de- High today, 70. Low tonight, 80. water filters. Theatres announced today that It Joe Holiday; cdmmittee—ladles' 417, International Union of Elec- Burial under the direction of the on Riverside ave. Gary Kaplan, cialon on the charge Monday, Tomorrow, clear and cooler with auxiliaries; grounda committee, trical, Radio and Machine Workers, Wootley funeral home waa In Mt. World Jamboree Scout, will meet Though the fire house cost tav had been necessary to cancel pre- high bat we an 55-60. Increasing 000 the actual cost would have rlsea sentation of the London Opera com- Al Newman, Harold J. McGrath, C. I, O., that an agreement has Olivet cemetery. the leaders and give the commen- southerly winds today and tonight, William West, John Larkin, Danny been reached between the Union tary. Scoutmaster Harry Feldt of above that except for several gen> pany's production of "Carmen;' Technical Difficulties becoming fresh west to northwest troop «0 will be host for the oc- eroua donations of indoor equip* The opera had been scheduled for Bedford; publicity, James Brown, and the Video Products corpora- Curtail Televiaipn Show tomorrow, Small craft warning is- chairman; William Placek, William tion of West it., manufacturers of East Kcanaburg Youth casion. ment and decoration. Firemen an the Canton theater on Oct. 17. sued 4 a. m. today, Block Island now soliciting advertising for a Meanwhile, Mr. Reade stated that The MacLevy atudlos of Red Meyeri and M. Harold Kelly; television seta. Tht agreement calls Killed in Korean War 3cout Executive J. Fred Billett of to Delaware breakwater and on in- Judges' committee, Jack and Doro- for wage Increase: of IS to 35 cents Monmouth council will be present commemorative program for tha. arrangements for "An Evening Bank deeply regret that, due to land water. EAST KEANSBURG - Mrs. Ag- dedication. Captains of tha solicit* With Charles Coburn" had been technical difficulties occuring dur- thy Bryn; policing, Capt, George an hour for employees, together at at 7:30 p. m. to meet the lead- Clayton and Capt. Charles Erlck* with a coat-oMlving escalator nes Carmello, Sycamore ave., re- ers with program material for the Ing teams are Leo Finn, Joaeph completed for the winter season and ing their Sept. 22 "Make Believe IN CRITICAL CONDITION ceived word from the Department Donato, Norman Pierce, Auguat that negotiation* arc continuing Hour" on station WATV, It was aon. clause, fall and winter months. The jam- UNION BEACH-James Cacoi- of Detents laut week that her son, boree pitcurea will be shown at 8 Dreyer, Lawrence Flanagan, How* with a number of other operatic necessary to omit the last two acts sa, 13, son of Mr. and Mn. Frank Each chairman will appoint the In addition tht Union contract Corp. Joseph Carmello, was killed ard Dunst, William Scott and Nell and etage organization* In order to of tha story "Aladln." provldsa for aeven paid holidays, o'clock, and all Scouts sre Invited. Oaconsa of Park ave., waa In criti- various membera to aarve on hla tn action In Koroo. fjiiry Knplan was one of the two Scottl. bring unusual attraction* to ll The children scheduled to appear cal condition thla morning at Has- committee, The committee urges all pay for Jury duty and enmpany- Corporal Carmello was injured theater>, in these acta were, Judy Gale, San- pald Blue Cross hospltallzatlon and represent it iv"» of Mnnmouth cotin- Widdini Gill* ard hospital, Long Branch, atore-keepers to allow their win- In the Korean action m tho sum- ty to attend the. World Camp last dra Hirst, Lorraine Utk, Duana The youth fell from a tree Tues- dows to be painted by the students life Insurance. mer Of 1850. Uniq'jJllid auurtmtnU of etrimlel, KMI> CMI Opdyke Billy Prigge, Leona Me- AUJUM. lsii<-jr». Shefflfld plate, etc. H»nd«l« In op In comfort tn our sir-a«Bdlt!en*tf day evening and failed to mention of the various schools. The art de- Mr. VanHowe said that the agree- out Ulfl Shop, 523 Bang* svt,, Atburf Laughlin and Carol Vltelll. 'srk,—Advartlicniant. i. ibirman'i, 41 (road it., foe tha accident to hla parents. Yes- partment of the schools will send ment reached was a result of true "R«-D«corait" H*aiM ana Card»s stank'.—AdvirtFatneat Those children will be given the terday morning he was diicovered the student* out to check with tho collective bargaining and com- Ltfc Sherman's help you with your fsll opportunity to appear on the next dfcorstlr.B—cusiurn-msilr drsi>rrle» snd Five lovfty eiUtci optn for your tn* "Nt»" totally mult frcih ravioli, Saturday! to be quite alek and was rushod atore owners fsr the availability mended the management for its nll|i covi-ra. Large election. Call RE S* inaction Rumson Garden Club tnurtur, Camio'i ihlr.badk I'urtalua now si all d«v and Sunclny II A, M, till noon. television program presented by tha to the hospital by tht Union Beach of the Individual windows, Thfi pu- realistic understanding of the prob- J64a for Shop At Home iprvirt. Sher- ThThuridd a y OtOctobeb r 44thh , CContac t MMn, Shtrman'fi—juifijuitt pull thuv taptapte- for ffffms* 133 Weil Front at,—Advtitlicmtnt, MacLevy atudio. drat aid squad, mnn'i, Hnmr Ittrnntor, 41 Brosd It,, Ralph artr, AT 1-0019 Advtrtlit- ifMr. Sherman'i, Homo Dirorfttoriri,, 4* pila will ba from tha Red Bank lems of its employees. R«i Bank,—Advtrilitmint, mint. •read it,, Rid Sink.—Adv«rtliemmt Uf5f> lAJff KKOf HTC9f iRfTRNVRH JT, Iff I Hospital Inspection Set Oct. fc Surgery Aids Congratulates New Leader St John's Oupel Alert Police Action Nip* Still Patients Start Moving in Oft 13 Pearl M. Ralph To Observe Able te Make M fellow Daily A public lnepertioa tour ef the EATOMTOWN-AleH nette* *«- a*w Rlvervi** hoeplt*! building. Disease Victim 75th Anniversary Uoa Moaday reeutteg *• breaking coadacted by member* of th« Insti- PERSONALS Mies Pearl Ralph of 31 South UTTLE SILVER-ParishiesMr* up aa llelgal sUll en th* auaMiy- tution* Mvcnl auxiliary chapters, Bridge av*.. wko last weak we* OK> FlMridslioa Mr. and Mr*. Arnaaad O#>lla 1 of 8'. John* Kpieeepal chapel will breok faraa, Wyckot rd, swsed ay will Uka place Saturday afternoon. e( 2*» Pearl *t. ar* paraata of a taken te St. Raphael * hospital, ebaerv* tha TaHh aaaiveraary af it* Salvatere Paadurc. , Oct. 1 the hospital* board cf dautrhter bora Friday at Mlvarvlov New Haven, Conn., with a condi- founding Oct. 10. After receiving a tip. P*Mc* trustees derided Ian night. hospital. tion at Drat diagnosed a* lateral Before there wa* aa Epiacoea Of Water Supply Ckief Marry Kirkegard aotiaed Ab A week l»ter, on the week-end Mr. and M15. Charles Jonea af sclerosis, underwent, an eight-hour place of wortklp here, service* wen FAIR HAVBK-Ths mayor Md cohollc Beverage Caatroa ageata. •f Oct. 13-14. the gradual transfer I River st., are parent* of a aoa> •F?r»1!"i'. nfier f*>y*ician* learacd conducted ia variosM homaa. The cewcil Monday night adapted a Witkia a half hour the rasdiag •f patient* from tha old building I born .Sunday at Moameuth Meaaer- she was the victirr of a rare COB- let* Rev. William N. Dtjaaell, th«• plans reported by MU* Julia | Ralph H. Belknap of the Bell Pi- According to Rev. Runyoa U cbureh, made his visits here ea the prepaeed SawidaUaa af tii* eluding live vite capable ef hold- Threckmorton, hospital superin- nance company in Red Bank, and Wolff, pastor of the Red Bank Re- horseback t* minister t* the faita- water by th* M—auth Ceasult- ing 2VO0Q gallons. A copper stack tendent. Mrs. Brlknap left Monday t* at- formed church, one of those Instru- ful. Old-time reeideata eredH kin* datad Water company, waicn !• inches i* diameter aad MaOet ' Official dedication rercinonice, tend th« 351 h convention of tha Na- mental In having Misa Ralph ad- with being respenaibl* for the even- serves th* bereugk. Fluoridetlea till was capable of producing SM featuring an address by Gov. Al- tional Conaumer Finance aaaoria- mitted to the New Haven hospital, tual coaatructien ef the edatce **> of drinking water ia supposed to gallon* ef alcohol daily fro* the fred E. Driscoli and music hy tion at the Grrenbrier. White Sul- tissue has grew* around the top Point rd. He was active la thi* retard teeth decay *m*ag chil- mixture of water, augar, yeast sad tha Fort Mnnmouth Signal Corps phur Spring*, W. Va. En route the of the spine and haa gradually vicinity from 1170 to tatl, beiag dren aad th* method ha* bee* salt* of urra. band, will be held toward the and couple were gueatc of Oraver C. rhokad off nerve after nerve until followed by Rev. A. Sidney Dealey approved by the Monmeath Coun- Seised along with equipmea*. a •f October or rarly in November. Wilton, president ef the Capital Fi- Miss Ralph wa* almost completely Th* first service in the ekurcii ty Dental *o«i*ty. All geveraiag tractor and autos, were l» gtllaei* i>« a date vet to b» set, Board nance Corporation, and Mr*. Wil- paralyted. date* to Sept. 10. Hid, wh*a flsv. bed!** ef musielpalttit* carved by of freshly rua alcohol. Chief Kirke- Chairman James I, Parkes dtt- son iti Washington, D. C. I* last week'* «i>*raUon, adhe- Samuel T. Hotehkiss was rwtsr. tha w%t*r cempaay MUM va** gard aaid the atill was in eptra* .CiOSed. In later year*, howtver. Oct. It. their approve! befer* the wat*r Mrs. Elitabeth Burn*, M Cha»t- sions were removed and ainee that 1 lion when he aad three ABO fW tw OM BaeMmg nut st.. has returned en the I. •. time Mlaa Ralph h»a been een- MTd. was set *• th* data ef th. can ba treated. agent* mad* tae raid shortly afte# Prior te (lie dedication, Mr. America from a two months' trip aeioue enly part of tha time. Rev. laying of the comtretsM. Council PrsHdmt Jesae J. Mcll- aoen Monday The chief and Jebn Wolff **id thia week h* had haea Perkea taid in responie to a ques- ta Prance, England and Ireland, Mtaffi ray presided at th* Maatan in th* E. Shafts inspector in charga at tlan. the old hospital building will She is a member of the ataff of the told by tha neuro-aurgeon who •b***c* 1 Mayer Edgar V. De- th* Aibury Perk AM awlce, eetl. be tarn down and removed. Metropolitan Mueeuat of AH, New performed tha operation, that ha MM. Tawy I. M4»»l»f, rlfM, Th* chapel ia located an laad do- nise, who was altcadiag a conven- mated that the Mill waa in opera- Mr. Parker severel trustees and Vork city. would not predict how much of th* nated by the late Charle* Lippin- tion of tha Prudential Insursnct Uoa a little more than a watk. A t*e doctors expressed keen satis- Mrs. Allan Hajcall af long wood us* ef her body Mi** Ralph will f eoit. u •** built by carpentere, company. Mar** DMIM ia *wp*»- truck load ef the *te*hsl left tba tertian with the many elabonta Da, formerly af Pair Haven, is recover, hut that physiotherapy Mr*. H*ra4d) My, (a«4Miim| Bra«idj#nt, In. msaans and other artiaans who tateadeat of tba Red Bank district, farm Monday at 10 a. m d**tl*td would h* triad in an effort to re- wsrs members of the church tad for East Orange. facilities that go to make up the visiting her son-in-law and daugh- ator* th* ua* ef her limb*. sWs) w#M) M llh) Mw building. They agreed it will ter, Mr. and Mn. Howard Weoilay who donated their labors. To the rear of the oh*d h*u*lag five Red Bank one of the linen of Hade!. When th* geidan annivarawy was In a t*tt*v te the eoundl, Jo**ah th* *tlll were two refua* fit* about celebrated in im, Rev. Carrell M C. Irwlo, diracter ef the board of t» (ect lon«, ten (eet wide and IS "hospitals, for its site, in the atste. Mr. and Mr*. J Henry O'Hern Burck was the reotor. H« presid- It wat called "lomething to be and family have returned to their' Rev Mr. Wolff asid yesterday, fretheldera, stated that he ha* re- feet deep, One had been ailed aad Miss Relph who ha* l>**a virtually ed at the "re-laying" of the corner- ferred te the *Ut* Motor Vahkle Covered aver. prow* of," and • place "where pa- Locust ave. home after apeodlng halpl*** tha paat three year* ia stone, an occasion esueed because tloat* will be comfortable and a the nummer on Cape Cod, Mac*. Local Shoppers Spent $t,42MN department th* eeaatH'e r**juaat Arraigned Monday night by Mag- aa eiample of reurage and de- the previous year hoodlum* aaen*4 far hMtaUatton of manual-epor- doctor* will like t« work." Mica Patricia MrAleneny, who termination. Throughout her II!- the original corn*r*te*)e and d* ietrate Elmer Hurley were Paa* has been spending the aunmer ated trtM* signals at two latsr- dun, hia son Joseph aad Peter n*H, aeeording to th* minister, (he Of S2J,N7JN Incone for Food •troyed it* record*. sactlM* *• River rd.—Pair Haven Faslo ef Newark. Fasio *•* charg- with her slater, Mn. Ralph Travis has alwaya been cheerful and more Asiistlng him at the emmaay ': Mr. Parkee laid Riverview wai of Herbert at., ha* returned ta her rd, end Hanc* rd.—(Or approval ed with operating the still and Interested in what is going on T NEW TORK CITY-How do res- Dougla* Parker, who cusrentiy is flaaactaily aound. Of a commit- home at Jericha, U I. around her than in her own con- before any **ti«m can ba takM was hsld in tt,M)0 bail. Each ef went af, enly |«2,ooo ie- ident* tf R«d Bank spend their a. vestryman; Harold Sickles, who by tha eounty. At preaeat, la*h*r th* Fasio'a ware held in II,M* Nil. Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Ward of dition. He (aid she ha* constantly earning* compared with their fel- continues ta be an active parish- awin* autttanding from the itate. Jersey City spent th* week-end manifested a stubborn determina- light* are Inttatkid at th*** Inter, A fourth man, who Meaped Tne latt atate check received Army Inducts low-Americana •iMwher* In the loner; Lester B. Hill, who still ia •eetien*, but nwnual control is through the wooded area *uri*un*> with their cousin, Ml** Marguerite tion ta get well, and wa* alway* country? Haw Much de they ipcad alive, and the late Joseph White, amounted to 138.000, he Mid. Ward of Us Gertrudes, Broad at. speaking of tha time wlien sh* •aught by borough edlelal* a* a lag th* still, has not been tppre* However, the chairman aek«d and far what? father of Mr*. Pnd L. Aver*. Mm. safety ns*a*ur* during period* headed as of this morning, aeeard- Mr. and Mr*. Samuel Morgartky would he cured. Hh* wa* deter- 49 Area Men Ayar* i* an active member of St. fallow trustees to help eeek out of Shrewsbury ave., and Mr. and mined, said th* mlnlsttr, to hold Tha answers ta th*** «,ue*tlsns wh*a *siMrsa tr* gtlng ta and Ing to Chief Kirkegard. The trrtet -aew contributions (or the hospital, Forty men from this area, In- are coataiaed In th* copyrighted Johns Guild while her husband !a It expected shortly, however. Treas- Mn. Jack Oohsn af Shrewsbury aa until seianc* developed a cure cluding five Red Bank residents, "far UN If we need it now or (or far her condition, at ftrat diag- •tudy released by Bale* Manage the preeent eenior warden. The On retamtMUdathw of Craaelt- ury departmsnt agents having can- ave., are on a mater trip ta the were inducted into ths Army Mon- ment, eavarlng a.11 41 states. Both anniversary etlsbrstion lasted tlawd th* lavMtlgatioa hen tat a future program ahead." He amid Wast eeaat. Th*y sapaet ta b* g*n* noeed a* multiple aclsroai*. man RWSMII M. Mints*, •kalrman vapald pledget toward the build- day at Newark. . The largest expenditure* In Rod through Oct. 11, l*it. when • largo of th* tr* oMtmHtoa, oeuncli ap- past fsw days. a month. Rev. Mr. Wolff, who ha* appeal- Ued Bank Induct*** ar* Pell* party wa* held in th* horn* of the tag fuad amount to 111,000, in- Mr. and Mr*. Major Oarratt of Bank last year were In stores sell- proved tha apmrlntmont of Patrick eluding a 145,000 pledge from the ed (or fund* to aid th* Ralph fam- Delia Vecehia, Jr., 1M Bridge av*.; Ing food and In thai* selling auto- late Mr*. John Lipplneott, daugh- Halleran, Cnrl Backer and Law- Shrewsbury av*., ar* parenta of ily In paying for ths treatments, Edward E. Ottlng*r, M Sauth at.: Harris aetate, not yet dua (or pay* a son born Saturday at Moaatouth matlv* equipment, *ueh a* automo- ter-in-law of th* lands donor. Mr*. reaee Partey aa drlvtri af tha Art Luxury Tax Bill •Mat, and acme IM00O In imall said several hundred dollar* hi* Jack P. Triolo, SI West Btrgea pi.; biles, bosts, fsrm machinery and Lipplneott wu the mother of Mr*. apparatus. assegai, aam« «f whieh ale* art Memorial hospital already be*a contributed, The Juniu** Sims. JIT River *t.. aad aeceoMfiM. Frank W. Gil**, an active member Andrew Hill of Worthley *t., who cost* of treatment h* added will John A. Watts, IN West Serge* of th* chapel, To Go on Ballot -Mt yet due. <* an accountant with Mi* Marshall Pood purchase* la Red Bank'a - Provide* haa been made la tha ba high because Miss Ralph new PI. gracery atortt, msat market*, oak- Ceremonies at th* anniversary Ch*rl«« Mottltr tald th* amtltU ASBURT PARK-Ctty eaunelt, by Construetlen company af Naw York requires constant attention by a Others inducted were Fred A. fcaealtaJ financing program (or a city, haa ben enjoj'lng a week's va- •riss and ths like, reached a totel service in th* chapel were opened he Nltavad p*r>>'ng should ba re- a d-o vsta Tueidsy. Introduced an Naarva fund againat pledges that nurse. Sh* Is being kept under any- Walton, 41 Church St., Fair Haven; last year of M,*M,00O, ta Increa** with the alnging ef 'The Chjirefc'e cation. Mr. Hill and his metber, gen and must b* fed Intravenously. ttriettd to on* ild* ef tha atraet ordinance ta put ea the ballet la afeve uneollectable, but moat of Mr*. Delia Hill, haw Just rsturned Frank Altschul, Jr., 104 Illvenid* from th* ll,lN,00» of the pnvlou* On* Foundation," it being noted In frant of tha MW shopping cen- the Nev. I general election th* quss- tha money promiaad will ba Bald, from a motor trip ta th* Ortat About M women ef the Reform- ave., Little Silver; Jahn S, Walter, year. This represented 10 cent*-out that th* hymn w«a th* firat aver ter on River rd. as a safety m*a*> tlan of whether Asbury Park should Vt. Parkes predicted Smoky mountain* In th* South. ad church are canvassing for Jr., 10 Bridgcwater dr., Octaapert; ot every dollar spent In th* local ta be eung In th* ehapel. M*c*d un. OwmcUma* Arthur H. Rle- Impose a three par cent luxury Im* 1 Added ta tha money an hand fund*, according te tha minister, Richard Schmidt, 1M Park ave.; retail store* In the year. In the cornerstone at that tlm* man, pallc* eemmltt** chairman, provement tax. Mi** Evelyn R. Basman of Ma- wh • aeare* that asked It* name not asnt In the Peart M. Ralph (und, Zaklasink. Orchard at.; Ralph W. ment and supplies cam* te 110,111. program of th* aervle**, a reeur lution *t the nnbltm, but ••pot" hour hearing it which apposition cemeator of tha ITpaala eolltge eve- ear* of Mr*. T. Russell Clark, 44 Coward, Jr., U Sea Breemway; Ed- z lee dlseloMd. Another chark, (or ning sessions «t th* college at East WO, equivalent te another M cents ot th* communicant* and mambara rettrletlene on en* sldt are b*ing wa* pretexted by th* Aibury Park SIM was eent in by Bernard Mar* Fo*t*r St., River Plan. A report ward M. Rogowakl, Jr., Beyvtew of th* retail dollar, Normally it e>f the Sunday-school, a number of trl*d *ut far th* present Inataad Licensed Beverage a**oelatlna and Orange. Miss fleaman. a graduat* on th* progress ef the fund will •it Shrewsbury, now In th* armed of Red Bank high *eheal, I* ma- ave., and Jerome H. Rnoble, 11 Cot Is noted In th* etudy wher* auto- calm, newspaper* and two nligloua af eemplet* rwtrktl**) an an* aid* th* United Hoteia and Roemlag ttrata, through former Mayor b* giv*n at a congregational meet- line st., all af Keansburg; Andrew motive **l*t ar* high, a* la th* publications. m that area because busiatss is Houses association ef Asbury Park. joring In sociology. ing ef th* Reformed church to- L, Richard, Jr., John F. Maloney, case la Red Bank, tha seal* ef liv- located *a bath itd»« *f th* atreat. Ckarloo R. English. Pirn Ueut. Aln Betehtk ef M Originally part of the Had Bank They contended the tax I* discrim- S. Burritt Boynton waa named night box 141-A; William H. Rice, Cen- ing I* high. Trinity pariah, tha chapel War was inatory against three types ef bwaW Towar Hill av*., who ha* bsen Tomorrow th* Young Woman'* Council waa *j»**tle**d by Uoa eheirman af tha committee far tha recalled te aetiv* servlea with th* tral ave.; Kenneth Reed, TT We*- Other «r*rs alto employed placed aa a mission af St. George's Llttt* as to th* r*MMi why a* a*** and would decre*** autlnea*. laopectlen tour. It wai upon hli social club af th* church will hold toy av*., and Fred J. Atwater, S3 m th* survey t* determine buying church, Rumson. In 1PM, It waa Th* ordinance calls for the tas Air Pores, reported Monday at a bake sal* at Davidson's super- American Sag la lying ia th* MW r*ce*m«ndation that th* event Wright ««ld, Ohio. Ueut. Balchak Center ave,, Atlantic Highlaads; habltf. On* was th* amount spent assigned to Old Chrlot Episcopal park. Potic* Capt. Carl Jakubtcy an over-the-bar liquor sales, skert 1 «M scheduled. H* (aid he balleved market an Broad st. for the ben*- James W. Nobls, Port Msnmouth; In general merehandlie stores, in- ehureh in Shrewsbury, an associa- term lodgings snd amusement*. wa* itatlenad with a B-») sajuad- •t ef the fund. sxplalned that n* facilltlos ar* tka publie, aipeelally tha people ron on Tlnlan Island during World Pster C. Christiansen, Leonardo; cluding dry good* and varlity tion whieh lasted until 1KB when availabl* t* properly dry th* aew Th* publie hearing on th* ordi- ' wae had mada donationa for the War It H* mad* M missions ov*r Antonio R. Sober, and Ralph J. Me- stare*. In Rod Bank thi* volume It became a mission of the Chapel large lag donattd t* the park, nance wu broadcast ev*r WJUC, •aw building, would lik* to have Japan. llnconlco, Matawan. cam* to tt,»10W0, taking sis cent* of the Holy Communion at Fair and that a*w *n*p* ar* btlng but enly after the Asbury Park *f th* spendable dollar. Press, owner et the station, received tka opportunity of aeelng how Mr. and Mr*. Harrlaan Hubbard COUNTY BIRTHS * Also Ernest J. Oraso, Main at,, Haven. placed aa tka halyard* far a •mail- Heh? money waa spent. Belferd; Donald Bennett, Sixth at, Sates •! furniture, househeld It nturaed to Old Christ jurisdic- er flag. a court arder compelling th* city of Clinton pi., are parents af a son Mr. and Mr*. Thoma* Clark af wares aad radio equipment totaled to allow the broadcast, Mayer Mr. Parkea named Prank F. Blala- bom Sundsy at Riverview hospital. Lecutt avs.. Eatontown, ar* parents West Ksansburg; Walter Are**, tion again in IMS. returned to the Four let* e* tha atrth aide ot Ml and Mr*. S, L. Van Duaen a*- Florence, ave.; Mick* A. Faldutl, t>,4MMM0, equal te aix cents per Fair Haven church again In about Geerg* A. Bmoek, Sd, had ruled Mr. and Mn. William t. Klatsky of a MH born Sunday at Rlvervl** dollar spent In local store*. HeadrlekMa pi. b*tw*»n Fair Ha- agalntt th* broadcasts, but Judge ; ttttaat ehalrmen af tha inspection of Fisher pi. ar* parents of a son heipltai. Third and Pin* st. and Victor IMS and wa* assigned to St. Jam** ven rd. and Church at. *wa*d by ' tour committee, and oBleers of Rlv- Csik, Shore rd., Union Beach. Alon- Drug stors purchases came to church of long Branch from (bout C. Thomas Shettlna deeided In Su- born Tutsdsy at Monmouth Me- Mr. and Mr*. Stephen Rafs ef th* kereugh, war* aold to Oacar perior eourt In Freehold Monday • efvlew's Red Bank, Mlddlttawn, morial hospital. The couple have Center *t., Sea Bright, an parents so Elmendorf, Fort Monmouth; •172,000 ia the year, amounting to IMS to 1*47. when it again re- Beoier fa* IKMi Thar* were a* Oeaaapart, ralr Havin and Little Henry A. Rlnklewics, Robert D. an additional two cents. turned to Old Christ church. Th* that aueh a ban would be a d*prl- two ether sons, Alan Mark and ef a daughter born Sunday at Men- other blddera. Aa offer of ITS wai vation of th* constitutional rlghta Silver auxiliary ehaptera agreed Steven. Mrs. Klatshy ta tha termer mouth Memorial hospital. Bedle. James 3. Murray, and Don- This dsgrss of retail utivity wa# ehapel'* atatua waa changed from mada by taul Fast, M First it,, tot te aak their member* ta help con- ald Flah«rty, Ktyport; Thomai A. mad* possible by betttr local In- ef free anas, That was believed te Miss Ann Kesrel of Asbury Park. Mr, and Mr* Donald RaekUy af a mission about 1MI when it was a tot adjoining his property. Coun- be th* flrst decision of Its kind. duct tli* many runt* expteud Garfleld ave., Atlantic Highlands, Finn, Clif/wood, and Robert C. Har- come*. RM Bank residents had a Incorporated under the rectorship cil will consider othsr bids at th* tba buildiag. Ouaata tat* w«*k of Mr. and Mr*. ris, Angelo O. DeOirolome, Harold IBM nst laeomo, after turn, of of Rev. Morton Barnes, In that Ivan Helmlleh at their honia at ar* partat* of • daughter born Sun- ant oauacit meeting. day at Monmtuth Memorial hos- J. Mage*, Howard J. Mount. Ed- period, Rav. Robert Andaman, who IS Wast Front st, ar* Mr. and ward J. Marino and Curtis P. West, tmnroeo. currently I* rector of Red Bank 40th Birthday '• Although much af th* new hot- Mr*. Daryl MeClonathon of Carth- pital. Mr. aad lira. Chart** D. Christian all ef Long Branch. Trinity, and Rev. Alfred Arnold XEANSBCRO - Fir* eemeeay •Mai la about ready for «*•• Ml** Ington, O., and Warrant OnVer aerved M rteara under Father Awards Granted Tareekmorton aaid It would take and Mn. John Tetman and Mn. of North Cherry lane, Rumson, ar* Mrs* Minnie Beggs No. 1, which wss organised In O«- 'about two weika to prepare It ta Tttman'a mother of Erl*, Pa. Mr. par«Bt* ef a sen born Sunday at to Reseh Barnes. teber IMS, 1* already making plena Monmouth Memorial hospital. R*v. Theodore E, A. LeVan of far a gala program to celebrate Its NO*!** patients. Pint, *h* said, and Mr*. MeClmathoa war* mar- 1 In Local Court 1 tba place would have to ba thor- ried Sunday. Sh* l» Mr. Haimlleh's Mr. and Mra. Tarby Rice of South Entire Membership Wins Verdict flhrewabury I* th* present ratter. 4Mb anniversary next year. A Are* eeghly dried out by heat, which nice*. Mr*. Helmlleh'* nephew, Mr. Atlantic (V*., Matawan, ar* parent* Th* luccasslon ot rector*, begin- During th* past week a number men's parade, contests aad priaea waa turned an yesterday, and also Tetman will leave by plane aarly of a *oa born Saturday at Mon- ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS — A FREEHOLD — A thr**-day trial ning with Father Hotehklas, In- •f c**** war* dlaaoMd •' In th* for vtiiting Bremen will be ameag tner* la torn* wiring to be in- next month for Paris whfrs h* mouth Memorial hospital. campaign which will rtaeh alt In th* New Jtrsey Superior court clude* Rev. Chart** A. Tlboels, Workmaa'a Comptnaatlra court at the feature*. stalled. will be attached to tha adminis- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robinson member* of the eongregstioa It before a jury presided over by Rav. J. Gibson Oantt, Rav. J, F. ths borough hall, h«r*. The commltte* of arrangements now in progrsss, according to an Judge J. Edward Knight resulted Jowatt, Rev. William O. Embury, Mia* Throckmorton said about trative ataff ef th* American hos- of Williams at., New Shrewsbury, Among them was th* ease of Mr*. includes Andrew Snellgrove, aaalft- pital. Hi* family will Join him la- sr* pannts of a ton born Monday announcement by the pastor, Rev. in a 11,000 verdiet for Mrs. Minnie Rev. Joaaph Cooper Hall, Rev. Alma Harrl*. ef \U Riverside av*., ant chief; John D. Kit*, captain: 40 patlenU will be moved an tha Roy E. William*, Jr. Initial transfer. Others will follow Mr by ahlp. at Riverview hospital. Bagga of Blossom Covt rd.. Mid- Robert, MaeKellarl Rev. Frederick against tha Wh«lan Drug Co. Mr*. Edwin O. Herrman, Fred W. Feer- a* equipment i* Installed and other Mrs. Michael MoOarrlty of St. Mr. and Mr*. Robert Stovtr of Object of the eampelga la two- dlatown township, agalnat Oeorg* B. Crosier. Rev. William N. Bail- Harris Injured her back July If, •ter and Richard A. Jassm, *x- work la completed. bouis, Mo., is visiting her niece*, Baldwin »v*., Ea*t Ke*nsburg, ar* fold: to make the church mem- Pasalano, Jr., and Vincent Cala- lay, Rev. Frederick P. Sweaty. Rev. IMt, while working In th* cosmetic chtofa. and Donald Conroy, Fred Misses NelHe and Catherine Me- parents ef a son born Monday at ber b*tt*r acquainted with the brese of Long Branch. Alanion Q. Ballsy, Father Burck. dtpartment in tha store and as a Kalkhof. Alvln A. Adam*, Raymend Upon nomination by Chaplain Riverview hospital. Arthur H. Hershon of tha Congre- Garrlty at their horn* on Bridge work ot the Methodist denomina- Mra. Beggs sued for medical bills R*v. Frederic C. Prle*. Dr. W. W. result of her Iniury wa* under the Swarts and Theodora Lod«r. gatlen B'N'al Iirtel, and unanl- ave. Cpl. and Mrs. Salvators Catania tion'* world Mrvice, and to give and lea* of earnings incurred by Kennerley. JUv. CUorg* Hal*y care of Dr. Edward Oaten for Organlaid a* a voluntter group. mouily approved, th* Rev. Robert Mi** Elisabeth Bailly Wirth, •f 171 Seeley avs., Keansburg, are each one an opportunity te ahare her aon, Joseph W. Baggs, as th* Hann, Rav. Joseph Urban. Rav. treatments. A claim waa Bled th* Br* company was mada part H. Anderson, rector of Trinity daughter of Or. and Mr*. William parents of a daughter born Tues- regularly in humanitarian work result of being Injured In an ac- Weston Grlmihaw of Fair Haven. against the Drug company which of the municipal Bre department la Episcopal ehureh wa* voted to be A. Wirth of W«*t Front *t., I* day of last week at Fort Monmouth around the world as wsll aa to cident July I. 1MI. when th* car Father Burek again, Rev. Chrlato- resulted In a hearing In th* bor- IKS. with Clinton B. Lohsen as the atttton hospital. support hi* church in Iti own lo- which ha wa* driving wai (truck pher Snyder of Fair Haven, Father ough hall Friday and an award a new member of tha board. studying for her bachelor ef ar'.i cal and conference raiponitbllttle*. department's flrst flre ehlef. Tha Mr. Boynton and Mr. Blalsdall, degree • at Pembroke college at Cpl. and Mrs. Richsrd Johnston by a truck, owned by Mr. Pasalano Barnes, Canon Robert D. Smith of eompenaatlen to Mrs. Harris ef company tits two motor-driven ao-chairmen of the dedication cer- Providence, R. I. Miss Wirth wai of Tennis et. lane, Runwon, an Literature and letter* art bting and driven by Mr. Calabrasc on and R*v. Lawrence W«r*. »U7» besides hoc doctor'* bills and piece* ef (Ire apparatus with com- emony, aaid arrangement* for th* graduated (ram Miss Hall'* school parents of a daughter barn Mon- mailed to all th* ehureh m*mb*r- Oeeanpvrt ave., Oceanport. Mr. legal feet. plete and modern flre' equipment. event an near completion, await- kt Pittifisld, Mas*. day of last week at Fort Monmoi»th ship and later th* mtmbtre will Begg* was kilted in a subsequent Danskin Named Miss Lydla Jones, MS Shrewsbury Holding many award* and eom- ing only * date. But th* board in- George Clayton, son of Deteetlve station hospital. b* called on by on* of ths numer- automobile accidsnt in Neptun* av*., was awarded tSSS aa compen- msndatlona for flre activities, the dicated the data would have to be Capt. and Mrs. George Clayton of Sgt- snd Mrs. Edward Thomas ou* visitation teame which will Mar. 16, 1M1. sation for an Injury resulting from group takes pride In its affiliation decided at a later time. River rd., yesterday enlisted In the of Freehold rd., Colt'* Neck, are b* at work. "In thi* manner," taid The case brought to an end a To State Tax Job a blow on har bead white working with International, state and coun- Navy. parents of a ion born Monday of the minister, "we hop* to retch lengthy litigation which started aa a domaatle In th* office of Dr. ty aaaoclatlons of Br* chltti, nrt- v Eiprea* Appreciation last wesk at Fort Monmouth sta- the entire momh*r*hlp during this baek In December of 1M0 when TRENTON — B*njemln I. Dan- Ralph Runyon, aon ef Mr. and campaign." Lawnnc* Burdg* Jan. 13, UN. men and exempt flrcmen. - Bpaeial thank* were extended to Mrs. R. A. Runyon of Madison tion hospital. Mr. Begg* recovered a judgment akin of InteriakMi, president of th* Mrs. Jane Allen, ti Atamoda «t. Mr. Parkes, for his efforts in mak- ave. is attending the University of Chief Machinist's Mats and Mrs. The pastor stated that Method- against Mr. Pasalano and Mr. Cat- Monmouth County Board of Taxa- Shrswsbury, received IMS ae addi- ing the new hospital possible; to Maryland. Raymond Brown of Ocean ave. ists gavs »7,6T2,3».8» last year to abru* for $7,500 for Injuries to his tion, will take ovtr aa secretary tional compensation for an Injury Driver Surrenders, 'Mia* Laura Harding of Holnidel. Mrs. Irving Lcvinsky and infant Sea Bright, are parents of a daugh- tha missionary and gsneral bentv- arm as wall a* hi* medical bills of th* State Division of Tax A|>- to her back while employed by the ter born Monday of last week at olence work of the denomination pcala Monday upon th* r*tir*m*nt Clear* Confusion . who contributed hours of time and daughter of Creat village' returned Fort Monmouth station hospital. and lei* of salary. American Store* company in Red effort to preparing sections of th* home this week from Monmouth around th* world, and in th* past Following that trial Edward W. of Charles E. Cook, SB, of Penning- Bank Jan. p. IMft. Mr*. Allan had ATLANTIC HlOHLANDS-jaek hoapltal to receive patients, and Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goodman of conference year, tha local church Wise, Jr., of the Arm of Wise dt ton, who is retiring aftar 38 yean previously been paid compensation Kugdman, «5, of Fifth at., High- to Mrs. Samuel Phillip* for dec- Mr. and Mrs. Angclo Cherichello H Barkalow ave,, Freehold, are gave f»W for missionary work. Wise, who represented Mr. Beggs, as division secretary. and medical expenses, but as a re- lands, is scheduled to appear be- orating the walls of the new nurs- parents of a daughter horn Friday The motion to name Danikln fore Magistrate Sverre Sorenaon at of 10 Morford pi, celebrated their at Fitkin hospital. mads a motion for a new trial on sult of th* hearing waa swarded an ery. A letter of cheer is to be sent 14th wedding anniversary last night Speed Record Set tha greunda that the award wu in- wa* made at Tuesday's mesting of additional amount. 8 p. m. Monday on a charge of leav- with dinner at the Crystal Brook Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mond of 49 adequate to compensate Mr. Beggs th* stats division by Theodore J. ing the scene nf an accident. 'to Marry Klatsky, a board mem- Brook ave., Little Silver, ar* par- Frank Tilton, Bridge at, Asbury bar, who him been ill. Farm inn, Eatontown. In Council Meeting for th* Injuries to his arm, which Labreeque, Red Bank attorney and Park, superintendent of Public Police said Kugelman's car struck ent* of a ion born Friday at Mon- a vehicls owned by Harry Largey " Mr. Parkes asked officer* of the Michael Delguidlce of IB) Mon- waa estimated by his doctor to bs member, and was seconded by Al- Work* for ths city wss awarded mouth st. is a medical patient at mouth Memorial hospital. EATONTOWN-What mint be a a permanent disability of 80 par bert H. Kreamer ol Paterson, sen- of Kearny which was parked In auxiliary chapter* to request th«ir Mr. and Mrs. Everett Newman comptnaatlon against the City af front of the home of John Murphy numbers to volunteer for service Riverview hospital. apeed record wa* sst her* last e*nt. Judge Frank T. Lloyd, Jr., ior member. Asbury Park for aa Injury suffered MaJ, Walter Turnler, son of Mr. of Holmdsi are parents of A aon night by the mayor and council who presided at th* first trial, Mr. Danskin haa been a member on Bay ave. Largey, seated oa the In connection with the new hos- born Tuesday at Riverview hos- by him Feb. », 1*51, when bo porch, heard ths crash, saw a track pital'* coffee and gift shop. In- and Mr*. William Turnler of Wal- when official buslnsss wu trans- granted the motion. of the Monmouth tax board sine* sllaped on it* and fell injuring his lace at., recently completed a jet pital. acted In less than ten minutea. IMS and ha* be*n It* president the he believed to have hit hi* car and come from thii source will go Into Mr. and Mra. Harry Rubley of The defendants' insurance com- back. As a result ef the hearing gave purault. the hospital fund, he said. The courae at William* Air Base, Borough Clerk Andrew 0. Bick- «iany then took an appeal to the past eight yeara. His salary In th* Mr. Tilten was awarded, In addi- Chandler. Ariz., where the msjor Valley dr., Atlantic Highland*, are er handled what little there wa*. appellate division of the. Superior new post was not announced, al- Largey forced the vehicle to step. board joined him in thanks to parents ot a ton born yesterday at tion to his medical expense* and As it came to a halt, it was struck Tanko's department store for the Is now instructing. He has been On* matter waa an invitation from court, which, affirmed the opinion though the range for the job Is legal (eat, the «im ef 11.100. rated a senior pilot in th* Air Monmouth Memorial hoapHal. the M.C.O.S.S. to attend • Public from 16,000 to $11,000. Mr. Danskin by another car—Kugelman's. Po- donation of a display counter for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moody of that the damages were inadequate All of the above persona were lice arrived at the scene to Snd th* gift* to he told there. Force. Health Nuraing Service dltcuseion and granted a new trial as to all is president of the New Jersey As- represented by Edmund J. Canaona Twiiilight ave., Keansburg, are in th* firemen'* room Oct. S at sociation of Tax Board Commis- Largey confronting the driver h* „ David Russell aaid several Mis* Louell* Frey of 74 South at. parents of m son born Tuesday at issues. - of th* Red Bank law firm of Par- believed to be the culprit, Harry plaque*, honoring persons who has returned to her position aa so- •..15 p. m. Another concerned tax While th* ease was up on appeal, sioners, Monmouth Memorial hospital. refunds for overpayment!. Then sons, Labreeque, Canaona dt Combs. Davis, Jr., of Leonardo. Kugelman .have been of major assistance to cial editor of The Register alter Mr. Btggs was killed. Mr. Wise drove away. being confined to her home by Ill- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichols of came payment of bill*. Mighty con- then amended the complaint filed In the hospital, have arrived and are Clinton ave., Belfofd, ar* pannts slderkte to Giant fans dailrlng to He gavs himself up at police painf Installed. ness the past aeven weeks. th* matUr, and while being forcsd Mrs. Bell Hurt To Dedicate Lights of a daughter born Tuesday at hear last night* gam* at Phila- to abandon the claim tor perman- headquarters after a hit-and-run Monmouth Memorial hospital. delphia. The reason couldn't have OBrfSVA, N.*Y.-Mra. John J. alarm was broadcait ever county AT BOWLING ALLEYS ent disability, pursued tha eass on Bell of Borden si., Shrswsburyt At Church Wednesday V DISORDEBXY PERSON Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bauman of been Borough Attorney Howard W. the theory that alnce Mr. Beggs | radio. Olenwood apartments, Keyport, Robert*. H*'« a Dodger rooter while visiting friends In Geneva, •HR»WBBUBT-Th« Jlt-yesr- I' MIDDLETOWN - Rseordsr W. SHREWSBURY—Firsmen Tuts- was 1* y*ar« of age at tha time of N. T., waa injured In an aeeldent old Presbyterian ehureh will d*dl- day morning sxtlngulihtd • hmn are pannts of a son born Tusiday of old. tha accident ha wa* a minor, and Qllbert Msnson last night fined at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Saturday. Mr. and Mra. Ball htvd catt n*w lighting ftstum Wednu- VtnWyckle Head* Harold Wslwardt of 1M Bray ave., In tha Recreation alley*, Newman his mothtr was entitled to recover been visiting Mr. Bells grandpar- day at s:lS p. m. at a musical pro- Springs rd. Damage of wveral hun- Mr. and Mn. James Wilkinson for hi* loss ef salary and msdlcat ents, Mr, and Mr*. LtOrand Couch Young Republicans .JDaat Keansburg, $10 and IS cost* dreds of dollar* wa* dona wh*n a of Sherwood dr., Cllffwood, are Register Voters, • gram featuring Lola MacMahtm of court on a charge of being a bills. at Odessa, N. T. Jolce, outstanding soprano, and Mil- LONO BRANCH - Charlet B. blaze started from a grill and parents of a son born Tuesday at Saturday the coupls wers hon- ,dl«orderly person brought on the electric hot dog maehtna baek el Monmouth MamorlM hospital. Dems Ask Worker* The defendants were represented ford Snail, New York organist, who VanWyckle, Jr., of Belmar, wu eomylalnt of his wife, Mrs, Doro- In both trials by Edward J. Aschtr, ored by friends in Geneva at « will play th* ehuroh'* new Moller elected chairman of the Young Re- the lunch counter. Mr. and Mra. Rsymond H. Wy- Brace Crlspell and William Do- cocktail party, and the porch wher* thy Welwardt. who aaid he threat- rkoff of west River rd., Rumson, mldion, Democratic candidates for of Asbury Park. organ. publicans of Monmouth county latt •n*d her with loud, violent and the party was held collapse!. Mrs. night at a meeting at Procter'* au- nrs parenta of a son horn ysst*r- councilman, last night joined with Bell wss treated at a Geneva hos- The lighting fixtures were th* gift abuslv* language Sunday. HOME FROM KOREA " day at Riverview hnspital, Mayor Katharine Rlkut Whit* in McCORMICK CRITICAL «f th* late Mrs. Harry Borden of ditorium here. A special (lection pits) and released. She and her Broad it, Thty ceniltt «f two Sev- wa* necessitated by th* resignation LEONARDO — Sgt. Matthew 3. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Rubley of urging party worksrs In hits from LONO BRANCH — Councilman husband will return from Odesaa L PARTV TOR MM. WHITE Beagen, Glenmary *vs,, returned Valley dr., Highandl, are parents of 7 to 8 tonight in getting votars enteenth Century brail 12-eandle of the chairman, Robert W, Kl«l- Harold McCormlck of Shrewsbury this week-end to thilr Snrcwibury chandeliers and tin matching wsll berg of Long Branch, who wai re- r NEPTUNE — Mrs. Emma White from Korea Saturday with other a son born yesterday at Monmouth registered. la In critical condition this morn- home. New Jersey servicemen when thty Memorial hospital. sconces with hurrlean* globe*. C. called to active duty with th* Navy, ' of Eatontown wu gueat of honor The candidates spoke at a meet- Ing at Monmouth Memorial hos- Also injured In th* accident wu landed at San Francisco, Mr. and Mra. William Levy of ing of the Red Bank Democratic Frank Berdtn will make the tor- Benjamin H. Danakln of spring at a birthday party Sunday night pital. Hospital officials stld h* hod E. Harrlaon Eudy, Jr., of Otntva, ma! presentation. Charles Poma- Lake waa elected vice chairman, 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wll- R.P.D., Atlantic Highland*, are par- club at its headquarter* In th* Carl- a fair night, .The councilman I* N. T,, son-in-law of Mr. and Mra. ants of a son born this morning at ton theater, attended by 38 person*. nowskl, presldtnt of the board ot 3. Francis Rnuch of New Mon- Ilrd White, Curate Included Barry Car* af Thanks suffering from a rare vlru* of th* Burton Moare of Riverside Gar- trustee!, will acetpt them. Rev. Ar mouth, secretary, and George Bax- White, Mr, and Mra, Raymond W« wlah to think all those *ha of- Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mrs, Crlspell, presidsnt, announced polio variety. d*n*, Red Bank. Mr*. Eudy la th* firtd sympathy durlns our r«e*Hilii»«nt, Monmouth Memorial hospital. fruit have been recorded weighing dauihtpr of Mr, and iJi*. A, g. mad* up of both sacred and secular wide meeting waa planned lor Oct. I*"" th* campaign officially launched. a pound and a halfhalf, Dillon ef Pincknty rd., Red Bank, musle. The publlo Is invited. 17, W> WOWTE.T, •EPTEMVEK *T, 1MI Bride of W* L Fonytlt. Jr. 'Aunt Nan* Brown Women to Attend! Boro Names Recreation Commission; [LOCAL WEDDINGS CWV Convention Tendered Pirty Detailo of the county Catholic Declares Emergency for Police Car la****, D. C, (a* Wide* aemla, War Veterana convention wnt waa Sewer strl. Hor castasaa wi digcueted last sight by members , ATLANTIC HIGHLAND*?-Bor- Was gteraaactU IWM Tr««*3.- On tkt Birthda; of th« Ladiea' auxiliary of St. ] ou h ouncil a daalicate af tha bride's aTawa. P-ar RAICA Hasinvl * « Tuesday night «.«1- «a*«Mer «f Or. sad Hn, Mtfa Fraaci* Ow«a *f MiddMawa. N. Gets §wr|»ri*c Visit James post, C.W.V.. at a mectins; IcaV lUsIsC ItCpOlReporTt , proved Mayor Waldron P. Smith * Traaall a* ateM ave, aad Lieut, T., was bast ataa Mr hes brother, in the home of Mrs. Alfred V _ I i ap.pointm*JU—«f aine--persona- to -v- rMrtck Jascs* Medeaa, Jr, soa fon, Leroy pi. af Mr. aad MM. ratrick I. Uf aad th* whew war* Jaaepk OM* Fraw Rrislhf*, Frlnida recreation commission to "develop, Out «f West Loaf Brail*, arere aad Ptaafc C. Fraawr, Jr. It will b» held Sunday, Ort. T. Made to Carriers administer and execute • complete •tarried Saturday at ML Jaates A receptiea WM bald at Mabort «t Mount Carmel chureh, Anbury and practicable recreation pm- Byaa'* r**t*«raat. The bride'a Park, and th* Chstftu restaurant. DEAI-r- letter earners from 21 gram" for residents of the ecm- CechetJe casjrch. The eereseeair »»aa post rjfTir.cs attended a meeting of munity. atrfemes ky Mia'. Jose** T. UTTLE SILVER — A surprise Delegate! will he Mrs Alfred Caatr, pastor a< St. JasMs. as- graaa Still* gewe, wMk Mack vel- birthday party was held io honor TiiK'i". Mrs. Viticent Amone. Mrs. iiic! Uuniiiiiufh aii'i Ui-enri Luviii-t. T.'dni' Kugrn* Hom*n. Mra. Ilie M L-eXlry Oirners a.-*o< ia-u-n S^tui- will immediately initiate a survey •Mad ky R*r. Viaecat Malaaxy, Mr*. Aaaa Eliubeth Brown of day afternoon at fire hou?o No. 2. <>t the tor'iuiih's needs «nd fac;li- Ml, •( St Michael's esUef* la af broaw chryaaathMiuaM. Waverly pi. Red Bank, Sunday at Riidr, Mrs. John Corrigan and bridefroaM's aaothcr wore aa *a- Sirs. Alfred Reins. Evpnte begin Postmaster Fiank K Holers uf ties in preparation for an appro- VortMat, a eemsin of the artac. th* home of lfrn. Elisabeth S. Nrill. this p!,-n r wcU-rimcd tne memherv priauon in next year's budget, wera A aiailil atsss followed] tha can- MMbl* of huator grata aad browa, Quetiu dr., Crest Villmgf, Little with mass at 11 a. m. Th* dele- with a cer**ga af chiytaathsMitM g;itcn will he Kuents at a buffrt Philip l,.'pp.-r, national executive the following for Indicated terms: Wheel tk* eevpla retara freea Silver. Mra. Brown celebrated hc-r luncheon given by the Mount Car- board member r,f New York. -A-as Arnold Trues of 7S South ave, Mies Jaaa CongbUa af Red Beak Motor trip, they will Make the Slst birthday Sunday. mel, »fter which the conven- (juest sij.ikfi. UP reported on the Mrs. E. A. H»ath of 12 South ave. mm argaaist, aad Miss Blrita Bre- Mr*. Brown.received many gifts hew* at Mouet Holly. Th* bride tiun \iil| mret at 2 p. m. A dln- niv.v lf(,-ijl:iti ,n -.vhicli posUI and Cipt. James J. SKidia-_af n cbel af Jerser City, the brides a graduate er Maawl Traialag and among them was a «erira of ner-dance conclude^ events. It be- employees a lung-delayed wlary ir.- i West Highland ave., one yearfMn. aval, was soloist. A reeeatlea fei- high *ch*ol, Brooklyn, aad Flower letters, "Letters To Annie" which gins at «:30 p. m. at tha Chateau, Hardships c;ni?ef| by the j P. V. Forest of East Highland ave., st** at the Berbelcr-Carteret ho- aad Fifth Avtawt hospital, - coataioad la brief her life'a span with Stanley Mclntoah'a orchestra curtailment, of t'.vo deliveries a day Robert Jf. Earl* of 41 Mount ave. tel, Ashtsrr fuk. of Mwralag-, New Tark city. aad each decada envelope contained providing* music. were severely criticized. and Vincent J. Finn of 25 East Ths bride, who wss escorted by praMstly eeaplsyed at the hoepital. a sum *f noney to correspond with Larry Al'mmson of New Tork, Highland ave.. two years, and Dale her father, wore a bluth white eat- that period of time. A large birth- Mm, Targon presided in the ab. Th* krid*gr**M is a graduate of sence of Mrs. Vincent Arnon«, chairman of the. mtional ponven- ' B- Otto of sj Eist. Washington ave., ta g»wa with a bodies af aaaliajied Middletawa, N. t, hick school, and day cake wu decorated in anld tion committee, cave a. re.suni'. of '. Mrs. flohert 9. WcXague of East lajaortei lace. Her Sagertis leagth with red wording to the honored president. She reported that Mr». If prMoatly |a the ArMed force*. John Hnlian and Mis. Melvin Roue the |ilan.H h'-ing form ilated for Ihe ! Washington ave. and Councilman veil fall freas a Juliet cap, and aha guest who is affectionately known next Nation-U A --snria'irm r,f r.etter | K.I ward O. Walder of SS Memorial carried a white prayerbeok with a aa "Aunt Nan" by her many friends had perfect attendance recordu for the past. yrar. Election of offlcers Carriers convention In he heM next pkwy., three years. •arfcer af orchids. id relatives. year in N'e.w York city BELFOftD-MI* UuM* Jeter. Kill he held at the next merting, Mlas Jaaice Tyadall was her sis- Mrs. Brown li a native of Leon which will be in the home or Mrs. Other ^iKst spe.ilteis 'Af>re Roh- ter's hosier attendant. Tha sthtr mm, daughter af Mr. aad Mrs. Jeha ardo *ad lived there most of her Councl1 d»c'"*P' ?"* "»> »' *900 waa made fir Clarence Doolittl* and Mi«i Angel- Resumes Classes in, and covered the frequent mis- the *<"<**»*<> « »«" c»r, »ft" All tha atteadaata were dressed Mr. Jetewoa gave his daughter n 1 iAm g h of I29M4 ica Oittndotf of Red Bank, Mrs. interpretations ,,f regulation., gov- ' » •»"'"«'«,< f ' ,'" ' Sllht I* gswas sf Mush pink faille la SMrrlage. Par her easeMble ahe Ella B. Clark and Mr. and Mix. MIDDI.ETOWN VILLAaE—The ernln* auxilinrv h.Mpl" rep'orUn^ tn" vehicle's service of nearly two taffeta, wara with Esaerald green were a dark grey worsted dress- William R. Whitney of Atlantic Community Nuixery School re- yMrl h h vti sick,, h:,lf.,l.-,yy holiday, ,ni dlsa-1 ', '" * ^| ',, " ^ ^ hat* aad autchlag belts All car- Maker styled suit with black and sumrd it« session! last Monday. 1 Highland*, Mrs. Watson Wrthcrbie bility retirement mor« than 4(1,000 miles, and an al- ried Eatersld green prayer books White aceeaseriet, a black velvet and Miaa Anna V. Belt of Ijeon- This is the second year that the with markers of pink orchids. hat sad a cartage of tea roset ai churches of Mlridlrtown have spon- The next r|iiai!erlv meeting will lowance of 11,425 for the car wern ardo, and Mr.s. Martha O'Krrf* of he held at. lied Bank the. latter taken into consideration. Council Vincent McKeaaa af North Ber. blue delphialttme. Uttl* Silver. Mayor Rmilh and Mrs sored this project. It was under- taken a year ago by thr Middle- part of January. approved ordering the vehicle, gen was best rnaa. The ushers were Mia* Phyllis Ueey af Bca Brigl Doolittle are nephew and nieci; of which will coat the borough $937.19, Jtsepti Baraarr, Dwlght Ntrlta was th* bride's «*ly attendant ei Mrs. Brown. town Hupiisl church, Phrlst f'pia- from Joseph P. Deader. The pres- aad rred aoasMr, Jr, of Narth she war* a light gray rait wl< copgl church, and Reformed church. During the featlvitle* Aiuiatsnt P.T.A. ent car has been repaired, Mr. Bergen; Ueat Thomas Oaaetrt ef btack accassorlet aad a cersaga , Prosecutor John M. Pilkbury of Mrs. Beulah Wood has served as Murtha said, while delivery ef tha Colt's Neck and Lieut. TnotMs tea rase*. William Nelaoa Shlree MM. WWkM L Fatorth, it. Atlantis Highlands phoned con- the director and teacher, and attain new au'imoblle, which is eipecteit Martin Vtnins, Weehtwken. the bridegroom's eoutla, was best gratulations to Mrs. Brown. is in charge thii year. The Initial Show, Parly Plans before the middle ef next month, The bride's Mother chose a gown RUMSON - Saturday afteraoon John B. Forsyth was bsot Man enrollment waa IS children. The Is awaited. Mrs. Clark, who celebrated her ATLANTIC MI(iiri,AN'l>S -Final a( gray lace with a fuchsia velvet Fallowing * reception at th. at the rectory ef Holy Crass Cath? for his brother. Richard A. Bush, Slad birthday only the Hunday be- full program consists of rerrratlon, The transfer of the plenary re- feathered hat, and the bridegroom's home of the bridegroom'* aunt the ollc church, Mia* Mary Bllsaboth a brother *f th* bride, WM an slnglnir, health habits, snd con- plans for the fashion show to lie tail consumption license of The fore, and who has been hospitalized held by the Atlantic llichlumln Ctether was dressed la royal blue couple left oa a Canadian wedding Bush of Badminton et., Sea Bright, usher. with a broken hip the past sum- structive play. Casino restaurant on Ocean filvd. with frast white hat. Both had trip. Upan their return they will A r*e*pti*n was held at th* horn* One of the outstanding features Parent-Teacher association at S. p. from tha DeMattia Realty Co. t« daughter of Joseph Hardy Bush, mer, wss also honored at the party. m. next Thursday at the high •ortage* el orchids. make tbeclr hoata at West Long Jr, of Las Vegas, Nov., formerly of th* bridegroom* parenu la Fslr Because of Illness Mr. and Mrs. of the past year wax the help that Robert Kriedlander of Aabury Parlc r»r her wsddiag trip ta Shytep. Branch. Th* brida WM graduated Hav*n. Th* brtdegroom'a mother was given to three children of dis- school auditorium were readied waa approved eubject to council's from Mlddletown township high of Allenhurst, and the late Mrs. Crate, Sr., were unable to attend this week. A card party will fol- Pa., the bride ware a gray coach- Mary K. Bush, became the bride of was attired la a brawn costume the festivities but have heard even placed persons to learn some of receipt of • copy of the eourt ofdcf man styled dress with purple ac- school and Monmouth Memorial low the show which will h« nUged William L, Forsyth, Jr.. son of Mr. with pink accessaries snd a cor- the minute details. thi- UnRiiage of this country, as hy Natalie's Dress shop, rt. M, East authorising Mr. Prledland«r'a ap- cessories. Tomorrow tht couple school of nursing. Bhe la a member sage of orchids. well as become a part of the group. af the nursing staV at Monmouth and Mi». W. U Foriyth, Sr., of Keansburs. pointment aa receiver. will leave for Teaat, where they Heights ttr. Fair Havsn. Tha cere- Whsa th* eoupl* return from a This, along with the preparation of will ntake their home In Van Horn Memorial hatpital. Mr. Davidson wedding trip ta th* Poeono* they others for their school life, made Models for the show will h» Miss rattag OsTer park> •> »"•••• U""' MeOaan la was graduated from Long Branch mony was performed by Rev. Rich- Methodist Church Barbara fluff, Mrs. Burt Patcelj, Council approved with appreeia- high school and Is employed by the ard A. Swing, In a setting *f glad- will nwks their horn* *n Badmin- the nursery school a great benefit. stationed with the Army at Fort ton et, Far traveling th* brid* wor* Indications ar* that the coming Mrs. Ann Palt, Mrs. Kthel Davis, tion tha offer of Tony Staffer of Bliss, Tea. Brothertoa Construction company ioli and chrysanthemums, Miss Virginia C.iskey, Miss Blanche Mutual Contracting Co, hers t» of Haekeasack. a Black Watch plaid ault with Dinner Guests yesr will add to its success, The brida was graduated from Ths brids waa glv*n in marriage matching hat and navy bl«* acces- Reamer. Miss .Sunny Fridon, Mrs, furnish top dressing on First ave, A group of student nurses from Druie Bair, Mrs. Mirgaret Voor- from the end of the repaying com- Notre Dante convent school In New by her brother, J. Hardy Buah, Sd. sories. heea and Mrs. May Caruso. •' York city, and Chestnut HIU cot- Her ballerina length gown WM The brids was graduated from Georgia, who are in training at pleted earlier this year by the coun- lego at Chestnut Hill, Ps. The made of white Chantilly lac*, aad Asbury Park high school and Is em- Marlboro state hospital, were Miss Edith Richards will ha ty, erounc" the bend erossinc the SUMMON — Miss Marie Trst- Honored at Parly commentator during the show and railroad tracks to the municipal bridegroom was graduated from St. ber, daughter of Charles H. Trsl- worn with a whit* faille and lae* ployed by th* Bendlx Aviation cor- guests of th* Young Adult Fellow- Peter*! prep school In Jersey City, poration In Red Bank. Th* bride- ship of the Red Bank Methodist Mrs. Kthel Mount wil] he in charge yaeht harbor. Telling of Mr. Btef- ber of Bolster, Saturday became eap, to which her flngartlp length MIDDLKTOWN TOWNSHIP - of music. Entertainment will b« fers offer, Councilman Everett C. •ad Ferdbam university, New Tork groom waa graduated fresn Admir- church at a dinner meeting a week Mr. and Mrs. Armand Grillon of City. During the Second World the bride of Warren B. Pomphrey, veil was attached. Her bouquet ago last night in fellowship hall. furnished by the Billy School of Curry, chairman of the street can- son of Edwin H. Pomphrey of Ea*c waa of white roses. al Blllard academy at New London, Navesink River rd., entertained at Dancing, Kcansburir. War lie served] with the Navy for Conn., and Rutgers university. He Chicken a la king; featured the a party Saturday st their homo mlttee, said the contractor will II months. When he was recalled to Rlvsr rd., Rumsoa. The couple Mlu Joan Windsor Bush of Red dinnsr menu, flcv. Roger J. Squire Dominic Is chairman of the supply all labor end material in wera married st a double ring Bank was her cousin's only attend- I* a member ef Delta Phi fraternity honoring: their daughter, Miss fashion show and card party. He the tervies he was studying at ths and is employed an tha etaff of welcomed the gueats in a short ad Florence Grillon, and her Dance, return for a sign ta be erected taw school ef Fordbam university. ceremony, perforated by Rav. Wil- ant. Her gown was nude ballerina dress. An evening < f sociability fol- is hclnir assisted by Mrs. Ann M<- near tha contribution giving profer liam C. Colby at hit home oa. Van- length of pale blue net, and her Price, WattrheuM aad Cosapany of Salvatnre Joseph Davino of Matt- Laughlin, II. K Dnnoghue, Mrs. New York eity. lowed. Among those present were wan, The engagement of tht cou- credit. BIANO-WUOAND Court nve. flowers were rtd rases. Elden Anderson, Mary Bowie, Mill Clark flhaffcr. Mrs. Pearl Lemhere, In rsportinf tha erection of spent The bride waa attirtd In a gray ple was recently announced. Mrs. Bert Relher, Mrs. P.ohert •m Bell, At line BruKg, Virginia Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jos- limit signs throughout the borough, KEYPORT — At a double-ring ault with navy blue asd whlta ac- Brasefleld, Weston Compton, Lil- Abrams anil Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. Murtha commended John Kf a six- T. S. Beers, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hotal John Davino, James Nicora, John Wilson College Scholarship fund flee of William E. Btaty of Rod distribution mains on the ahoulder day trial, voted unanimously on Ing, Mr. and Mrs, If. MacDonald. Hlltyer, Charlea Geran, Jr., and Thursday, Nov. » at the Red Bank special bathing beach committee • cathedral train. Her Sngertlp veH Baak. Mr. Pomphrey attended area from the north side of Clark Woman's club on Broad st. Ar- which will meet next Wednesday at ef Illusion was httd by a crown of th* Indictments charging him with Mr. and Mrs. R. McCoy, Mr. nnd Gilbert Girard. Runuon schools, and la employed at. from th* Intersection of the bor- grand larceny and hla fourth high Mrs. G. MePherson, Mr. and Mrs. rangements for the event were 2 p. m. at Eagle hose oompany fro seed pearls. She carried a bouquet by William D. Uyton and Son of made at the opening fall meeting of house at Keyport; •f whlta resss, gardtaiaa and ough line st Broadway to the north- misdemeanor, but wss split, W. on J. Post and Mrs. Squire. sttpbanotlt, Shrewsbury. east corner of Beers and Clark sts. the breaking and catering count, Hollander* Hold the club Tuesday night at the home Accepted a two-inch water main to ths south side of highway 31 th* majority favoring dismissal. of Mrs. Hubert M. Farrow, Sr., on on flillingswood rd. from Fred S. Miss Eva UPtra of MaUwan Tht company will be required to Group Adds Support Country Dances South st. Eleadge of Grand ave. after Com- Thl* split vote lad tht «ourt-ts- cilman Edwin P. Phillips reported; wss tha maid of honor. The brides- FAIR HAVBN-Miss Elisabsth post a performance bond to replace elgnad Daftnse Attorney Vincent To Fluoridatlnn MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE-Old- Mrs. Farrow will represent the maids wars Miss Caroline DiOcn- Virubal, daughter of the late Mr. th* streets In thalr present condi- P. Kmptr, Asbury Park, to ask tlme country dances of United club at a meeting of the college the maia to ba M inches below the; naro of Keyport, Mlat Arlena Rote and Mrs. Nicholas Virubal of 103 tion. Judg* John C. Giordan* to defer LEONARDO—Approval of pro- States and Great Britain will be alumnae association board Oct. 12 surface except (or a 15-foot length/ and Mlta Jessica Wells of Mai Parker ave., waa married Saturday The council decided to adjourn sentencing Janice to life Imprison- jected plans for the fluoridation of featured at the community folk and 13 at the college at Chambers- where its 28-inch depth may .TO; wan. Rose Maria Slano and Made- to Sgt. William Henry Abbott of tht next meeting from Monday, ment so that h* could Me for a tha water supply was made a mat- dance to be held in Leeds hall, htirg, Pa, The next club meeting corrected through surface leveling;; line Blano of Keyport, coutlnt of Somervllle, Mass., aad Port Dlx. Oct. I, to Tuesday, Oct. ». Borough now trial, which he said hi* client ter of record Friday night at a Kings highway, Saturday tt 1:30 will be In January at thn home of Granted permission to Edwin F.', tha brids, wera flower girls. official* have been Invited to par- was entitled to have. p. m. Mrs. J T. HendricUson on McLaren Banfleld to construct benchea 0.1; Magistrate llerrltt Lan«, Jr., per- meeting of the Leonardo Citizen's st. William Weigand of Haaltt terv- formed th* ceremony at the munici- ticipate in a demonstration session Mr. Ktuper ssld it waa Incen relation at Community fire The Irish Bridge of Athlone, the Center ave. for passengers await- • ad Ma brothtr at tht best man pal court la Shrewsbury. Witneit- to he givtn by tht probation de- eelvabl* that th* jury would flnd house on Applcton ave., htfrc. Scottish Road to the Islea and Gay Members present were Mrs. Jul- Ing busea at tha park between the* Ushering wtre John Warnock of M were Miss Ortrud* C. VanVliet partment and aponsored by the Janlee guilty of larceny from a Objection to improper parking on Gordons, English Cumberland ian Rlake, Mr;. Daniel Huebner, railroad station and Railroad ave. Ktyport, Robert Thompson of Lau- of Shrewsbury snd Keanoth O. board of freeholders at Bea Oirt Deal home on Sept. It, IMS, but rt. M near the entrance to the pier Square Eight and Boston Two-Step, Mrs. Reinhardt VanDyke, Mrs. Ray- after it deemed the construction trace Harbor nnd John Dt Ftlist Abbott of Everett, Mats., brother Oct. I. and the American Moon Winks, mond Swift, Mrs. Norman Stofflet, of nve benches on First ave. not In would free him of the charge of of the Naval Ammunition depot and Mrs. Clarence E Fanning. Mrs. •f Matawan. of th* groom. A reception was hsld Announcement was mad* of a entering th* home he waa alleged adjacent to roadside stands be- Put Your Little Foot and square the best Interests of the borough,, Mr. and Mrs. Wtlgand left for a at th* ClreU cocktail loung* la Kenneth Fox and Mrs, William and meeting of the Special Bathing to have ttolen the thlnga from. tween here and Atlantic Highlands snd contra dances of New England Cokclet. wedding trip In New Hampshire Asbury Park, Beach commission at tha Bagls Janlta la now **nrlng a Jl<* also will be brought to the atten- will all be taught to the dancers. Heard, Mayor Smith tell of plan-, and Bermuda. Upon their return After a brief honeymoon) the Hose company flrt house, Broad- to ts-yaar term far Jallbraak, rob- tion of the Middletown township There also will he music for free- ning board recommendations that', they will reside on Third tt. Key couple returned to make their way, Wednesday afternoon to fur- bery aad contempt of court la committee, It waa announced by J. style achottlsches, (tolkas, and Trenerys Announce suggested erecting a sign on tie : port For traveling the brids chose homo on Lafayette st., Runuon. ther discuss bathing waters in th* Monmouth county. R. Ronaldson, association president. walttea. Newcomera are welcome bridge atop Ocas* blvd. directing; • gray suit with red accessories bayahor* area. Invited by George Daughter's Betrothal boats to the harbor, painting a «i-) and wore-a corsage of gardenias. Th* brio*, a graduat* of th* Assistant Prosecutor Qoorg* A. Mr. Ronaldson extended an In- to these country dances which are R*d Bank high school, Is a eeer*- M. Seeley, the local representative* Gray represented the steto. vitation to residents of the com- held in Leeds hall every two weeks KEANSBURG — Mr. and Urs. rectlon sign pointing north on the* Ths brids, a gradutta of Mata- tary at tha Fort Monmouth station will attend. munity to attend meeting* of the under the leadership of Ruth and Blchard J. Trencry of 358 Main st. roof of tha Sea Scout building s:» WM high school, is employed In hospital. Sgt. Abbott is due to leave association held tha third Fridays Harry Hollander, Mlddletown. announce the engagement of their the harbor and Improving the etrlj»| the Keyport branch of Armstrong for Fort Rllsy, Kts., Oct. », wher* of the month. daughter, Miss Jonn Marie Tren- of beach from the yacht basin to • Cork company. Hsr husband, a h* will attend th* Omceri' Candi- Ciccione Pleads Woman Swallows ery, to Thomas P. Rudiger, eon of Hudson aprlng. graduate of Keyport high school, Principal Addretsrt D. A, Caruio. a member of the date school. At pr*s*nt he Is at- Seoul Officials Mr. and Mrs. F, Karl Rudiger of Valley Forgt acadtmy aad Mon- tached to tha V. S. Army Medical In Assault Case Pill Overdose Caldwell. harbor commission, told council tt mouth Junior college, It tmplo'ytd corps. Members of P.T.A. the need for a six-ineh water main by Raritan township. FREEHOLD-A plea of no de Meet Tomorrow Miss Trenery, who attended Mid- at the basin to run from the sup- fena* In the hatchet attack on Mrs. MIDDLETOWN—Townahip po- LONG BRANCH — The execu- dletown township high school, is a OUELLCTTE—REECE lice here said this morning that E. Donald, Sterner. Belmar, pres- tive committee of the board of graduate of Syracuse university. ply line to the harbormaster's of- HILL-OWEN Minnie Mueller, rt. 38, Mlddletown they wlfl continue their Investiga- ident of Monmouth Council of Boy HIGHLANDS - Mr. and Mra. township, Itat Apr. 24, waa entered managers of tht Monmcuth county She I. employed a, an editorial I J«;^S.-^ HIGHLANDS — Miss Joan Anne tion of th* attempted tulelde yes- Scouts, and Scout Executive J. council of Parent-Teacher associa- secretary with the literature de- i f*'*1*; Jf_J^ Alexander Ouellett* of Miller at, in county court Mondty by Alfred terday of Mr*. iFranilska Jean Fred Billett, Shrewsbury, director line is inadequate, Mr. Mill of Second at, daughter of Mr. announce th* marriage of their Ciccione, 62, former Xeansburg tions met at the school Monday af- partment of the Congregational and Mrs. Fred H. Hill of Ports- Jam**on of SI Willow at., Port of the scout program for Mon ternoon. Christian churches. Before taking for requirements of boat-owners daughter, MIM Josephine Ouellette, cobbler. Monmouth, who took an overdose mouth county, will attend a meeting and In the event of fire at the har- mouth, N. H., and Nicholas Owen, to Russell Reece, son of Mr. snd Cleelone, represented by Edward Vincent E. Waxwood, principal thin position she was a member son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owtn of sleeping pills In an affort to of state acout official* at Medford of the, Liberty st., school, praised of the editorial staff of The Reg- bor. He aatd he was reporting tin Mrs. Orant Jte*ce of Indiana. The F, Juska, entered his plea as hs havs a "gentleman Involved In my Lakes tomorrow as guests of Leon- need to council now in preparation of Mlddletowh, N. Y., were mar- was about to go on trial. Ha waa the work of the PTA in combating ister. ried Sunday at Our Lady of Per- wedding took place Sept. 10, at the life . , . return to hli wife and ardo List, member of the Regional for the Inclusion of an appropria- home of the bridegroom'* parents. released In $10,000 ball until Oct. the evil forces which would destroy Mr. Rudiffcr attended West tion In next year'a budget for coa- petual Help Catholic church by Rev. children," Boy Scout committee for this area. our public school system and spoke Orange high school and graduated U when ha Is scheduled to be Monmouth county's repiescntu- struetinr ths Una which will M Joseph A. Donnelly. The church sentenced by Judge John C, Gior- In a statement to police, Mrs. on general school problems. fruiu Syracuse university with a approximately 690 feet long. wss dtcorattd with chrysanthe- LJllle Silver Women dano, before whom he entered the Jameson said shs left her home tlvca will discuss the plans and pro- Mis. Frank Haydcn, honorary degree in Industrial engineering. mums in autumn eolora and sprays plea. at 7:30 s. m. and went to Long gram for ths scout organisation ax president of the Monmouth county He is associated with the Sperry ef autumn leaves. Miss Lorraine Hear Noted Author Branch where at noon tht swal- it is co-ordinated with the national council will be guest of the county Gyroscope company, Great Neck, Officials Discuss Baqqual of Brooklyn, was tht so- Ciccione was charged with as- lowed » pills. Upon her arrival program, which launches a three- saulting Mr*. Mueller In his park- at the Life Membership luncheon, V. I., as an assistant project en- loist. LITTLE SILVBR-Sussn Eond, at a taxi stand at Campbell's Junc- year program of expansion this fall. the M-year club, and the Conven- gineer. A.F.A. on Radio. TV authoress, r*vl*wed her new book, ed ear on a lonely Holmdel road tion, ths fainted. Taktn to th* Ths bridt wst given In marriage after a quarrel. She was found Howard Boyd of th* National Re- tion dinner at the Slst annual con- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Irv- "Th* Neurotic Ttkei a Wife," at offle* of'Dr. T. J. Oilmour. Jr., shs gional stsff will attend the affair. vention of the New Jeraey Con- by hsr grandfather, William Law. a meeting of tha Little Silver Wo- lying on the> road and was taken was rtmovsd to Monmouth Me- Grange Candidates ing B. Zeichrfer, attorney with offi- rtnee of Second st. Htr gown was man's club yeatsrday afternoon. to Monmouth Memorial hospital, morial hospital, whtr* har stom- gress of Parents and Teachers In ces oa First ave. hers and a na- mads of candlelight tlseut faille, Mlaa Marta Bohenna, chairman of •where she was In critical condition ach was pumpsd. Progressive Party Atlantic City Oct. 24, 23 and X. To Be Initiated tional commltteeman of the A|r styled with a strapless bodice, and th* literature department, was In several days. Ciccione was appre- Force association, and Warren pe- worn with a matching shoulder hended a short tlm* later In tht Mrs. Jameson told pollc* she Begins Campaign FREEHOLD—Candidates will be Brown of River Plaia, regional caps which waa buttoned to a point charge of th* program. had mad* th* attempt to enabt* PTA Groups Collect initiated Saturday night, Oct. 6, at Also on th* program wars Mrs. Florida bom* of a son. LONG BRANCH — The Progres- vice president of the association,; at tha back. Tht drtat had a six- a man In her Uf* to resume hit Spools for Toys a special meeting of Monmouth discussed the air power organlsa-I foot train, lined with off-white sat- France* 8. Whltflsld, vocaliat, ac- rightful place with his family. sive party of this city will open itn Pomona grange at VVemrock hall. tion through the facilities of two', in, and the skirt was thlrrtd ovtr companied by Miss Ella King. Mr*. Tax Board Dismisses campaign for Marvin Fish for When the need for spools an I A meeting of the Monmouth media Tuesday, A. V. Jonas WM chairman of the state senator with a rally at the County Pomona will be held Oct. a hoop. The brldt't vtll was finger- Long Branch Appeals HOSPITAL PATIENTS Cllffwood Community center, Cliff- spool toys became evident in hos- Thsy were heard on the Break- tip length, edged with Spanish lace, hostesses committee and Mr*. Fred pitals, institutions and special 13 at the hall. A business session Billion prttldtd at th* matting. LONG BRANCH — Ninety-flvt Among ths surglesl patlsnts tt wood,,at 8:30 this evening. fast With Veterans program ft*- and It fell from a coronet of or- classes, Mrs, Isidore Pcrlmtn of will begin at 2:30 p. m. and a pro- tween » snd f:3O a. m. over WAAJ ange blossoms, She carried a white discrimination appeals Sled by Rlvervlsw hospital this week are Tht planks in Mr. Fish's platform Imlsystown, a vice president of the gram in charge, of the 4-H clubs CHICKEN DINNER Samuel M. Helmlleh, local automo- Mrs, Helen Wilson, 115 Sielsy ave., are speedy and successful conclu- wilt he presented at a p. m. and appeared on ths Coffee du> praytr hook, covered with chrysan- Monmouth County Council of Par- show over WATV between 3 and themums. bllt dealer, in which' he sought to Keansburg; Mrs, Edith Field, 42 As- sion of peace negotiations in Korea, ent-Teacher* associations, Initiated A rehearsal fur the initiation for Members of the Faithful Prayer have assessments against the prop- bury ave., Atlantic Highlands: Her- genuine price nnd rent controU and 3:30 p. m. The association official Band of the Refuge Church of a project which she named "Oper- ths degree team nnd officers Will recently returned from the organi- Miss Marion Mokarry of Brook- erties increased, were dismissed by man Max, IT Bruce pi., Rumson; effective maintenance of civil rights. ation Spools." take place Saturday night. lyn, wss maid of honor, and Mist Christ will strve a chicken dinner Joseph Hslllday, Meadowvlew Inn, zation's convention at Los Angetes, Saturday at the church, starting at the county board of taxation Tues- This year "Operation Spools" Rose Christian Larson and Miss day and Wednesday mornings whan Belford; Mrs, Mary Hleks, is Csr- CARD AND BUNCO PARTY VOTERS REJECT CHANGE Htltn Daphne Lawrence were I p. m. Proceeds will go to the Mr, Helmllch or his attorney failed ter ave., East Ksansburg; Mrs. will be a project of the New Jer- PRICK ON BVTOEM VARSlTtj bridesmaids. The attendants wort Christina* fund. In charge are Mrs. Margaret Zimmerman, Atlantic MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. Fred sey Congress of Parents and Teach- BRADLEY BEACH —Voters of J. Johnson, band president, and to appear to prosecute them, Wright It chairman of a card and ers and will have as a co-sponsor EATONTOWN — Tom Price, son' gowns mads on similar lints In au- Mr. Helmllch wrote the board Highland*; Matthew Schmidt, At- this borough Tuesday rejected a tumn colors of rusttt, grttn and Bldtr Ford, pastor. lantic Highlands, and Mr*. Mae bunco party to be held tonight at the American Women's Voluntary proposal to switch from the three- of Mayor and Mrs. F. Bliss last week saying he would be un- the V.F.W. hall on rt. 35 at this Service, Thousands of spouls will is a varsity niembti- of the gold. Tht dresses wtre designed able to Appear because ef an "Im- Carsy. Tennis Court lane, Rumson. man commission form of govern- with strapless bodices snd made of YOUTH BBOIBTRATION Mrs, Charllns Hsmhauser of Vine- place by the V.F.W. auxiliary. Mrs. ba collected by members of these ment to the mayor-council Plan E gors university football team. portant business matter" In Bt. Rose Rauch of New Monmouth In organisations, painted, assembled Is one of 11 freshmen to make tfi tlssut faille, over tatln. All wort LEONARDO — Rsglstrttion of yard ave,, East Kaansburg, Is a of the Faulkner set, The vote satin coronets In their hair, and Louis, but waa denied a postpone- icdlcal patient at Rivervlew. chairman of a rummnce t>a\e to be iiml distributed as toys for handi- against the change win 1,013 as varsity, something new for ts high school ttudsnts In Mlddlttown ment, When Mr, Helmllch failed to held Thursday and Friday, Oct. 4 enpped children. Mrs. Jack Prci- Scarlet team, which meets i.afny- carried bouquets of pompom chry- township's youth center group pro- compared to 750 In favor. It was santhemums. annwer the call of Ihe hoard, City and S, New member* of the auxil- ton, Kcanshurg, Munmouth county the first such election In the slate ette at Kaston, Pa., Saturday. Ha'S gram was completed Mondty night Solicitor Julius J, Golden moved The road tt »»lt« and klgs" KisM-1 iary are Mrs, Lois Richardson and chairman for the exceptional child, studying horticulture at the Rut- Dtnlst Lulls Frtsier sf Wash- since the Kaulkner act became op- at tht high school auditorium. for dismissal. Mrs, Haul Bischoff. is In eharg* of tht workers, erative last year. •* gers school sf agriculture. ; KIP BAVK wmwnm* nrtin*** P. m% UOBI Tied in Donkey Batcball Ricterd Lswry, as* af Uwm ft. Im fill»ill•• D-y Uwr»; Hm*) What*, aaa af Mr- g and Ms*, ft F. Bmsrt. and WMIem VdaatamB>BJaMBB*> ajgaBmvjatxtaf.^ ^gmm^mfBaW*B>nm«B 7 BBNBBB>*ammmm>i am•••>i ««•>tSkt• be gaeet art** at the mull HM 95th Birthday ClBB) M BaVflfcB pi* Mat HMM|f §09. •herwaad, aoa ef Mr. aad Mra. Wll- mfc.. ammmmmmM •mmmtrnJammt aW mT^amSmil niinHn tar e*esrvea«e of the Bhtiaaad, have oatetad BOOMIOM-CkArUM M MitckaU. fanBJBBJ ^BBBBB^ga|TB> B^B>B*^BBBBBB> •y •'•^aaaaa* •^aahead WeeasaVs elub WL Lafayette Mr. Lewry and hia aaa JUd Baak resident, «ar afUnKwa, CM. t The ertiot rercatly returned frees a MAmV aervad his asthbirtMsyJestTaue*- Mi* Wests? Sattk af latKk has gleaa eeaeett* tkr«i«ko«t tae mlla mater tria> whictt task them day at kia home here. Sunday, aasbartaa avw. la oMa to be Vasted exatae, and is Bureoe throughout the Northwest aacttee bsrs af hia family heacrodaim around again aJUr borin« bsea Mies MaeMahaa, aa heaor grad- af the eeuartry. at a birthday diaaer party at the "tjote'atthejuillmrd IcM «f Mu- Thi w. B. c. s. of Bmkxrr Meth- af aia aaa and deughter-ia- HAtOLOS ste, haa also appear*' «<• televieioa, law, Mr. aad Mra. Taoaue A. Mit- Tae Darnar* dub held Ms adiat church will aseet Wednesday _ Tnejreday eMMO I ftJCTRJC SHOf and has eusg lead lag operatic rvlee at I a. m. at the Silvevtea ave. chell of Treatoa, at Columbia university, ami at tha af Mra. Wllllaaa-T. Sawyer. Mr. MiUhell aajoye goad keaUk, at tko nMhsdast cknrck. M Psaa* ft aM parfcaaira asueie faatival. aad told his family a« wu loafeiag kMaar atjaakary of tha eta*. the. vitmed Mrs- Mrs Jeta Smith will be the opaak- er. f>n:mnBcTi4 ft, rUf yr», w. JsiTif* Taylor will shsw ' •« aaether family gathtr was Brtaeated a esraaga. Otl>- colored tildes tekea aa her reeeat mg en kis MHh birthday ia Mdf. i hastened were Mra. Wal- eajayod. Cro- trip to Bermuda. Mr. Mitchell received a large birth- tba day's a* mtba day cake from the auyot ef Beaev thrttits. The WoBiaa'e dab met yesterday. dT'Mn.' jaka Kwik, Mra. W. Latter WhltBeld af Eatea- toa laat Thursday. Tha diaaer table ot tha MttekeU A aaerotory wts ba towa waa aolettt, wtth Mlta Blla gp rt a *«wt maattag Fri- King aa accompanist. The prat home Suaday waa dacatatad yellow aad waiU, with a large tlay. Oat. S. Mra. Mwkaal Kaaa ra- MALE or FEMALE cnmnunTS was In charge af the llteratarc de- eahred a apaelal award at the ta- bin May mke M tha mala ceater- partment. Suaaa Boad spoke en aUHatlaa whlek »aa fMiowad by "Womea are People, Tea." Mrs A pieee. Attending ware Mr. aad SELLING POSUIOIVS OPEN BrOEMBt'MI V. Jeaee was ehalratan of heat Mra. Taamas A. MitcheU aad saaa, Thomaa A. Jr. aad Robert MkV nt tka laamllatlaa were Joaw eteea. Kwik, Tkaedara Wsrtraaa, Mr. and A, M. M-Sgt. Warrea T. Messier, sea ef cheil, Mr. aad Mra. Freak Hack- aey aad Dr. Oeorge Bremsaar af Mra. William OrkBtk, Mr. aM Mrs. wee* a*ti«M MM) mn tet» Mr. and Mra. W. T. Messier af lei Bowama, Mra, Joaale HJast- M« u», M'n alewe ••••• sen- Rumaea rd., has reported for duty Treatea; Mies Viola, Mitchell aad anul. We re 111 Ira Mitchell, Baeataa; Mr. , Mra. Ana Raaeattl. Mrs. Mat- fw tkat . . . at Albreek Air Feres base m tha tie Wolsal, Mrs. Bdward Kwik, dan't *»t IMCanal Kane, aasigaeti ta Flight "B" Mrs. Freak B. MUeheli, •rune . . . •» Breach; Mr. aad Mrs. Cherlee A leTyrell, Mr. aad Mra. Jena SE/UH MEBUCK 1 COMPJUIV Ilka ta m them ef the First Air Rescue ee,*edrea lew, Mra. Charlee Miller, S»t *liyi«. But. Prior to beiag recalled ta duty, Sat MiUhell, Kataatawa; Mr. aad Mrs. ^r^awwowen»i awvaBanrawvjTwai van V^reOwl IWIi Harold Riddle and aaa Jaha, Red Mre. Bdward LsMarr. Bart Millar, vaet *• would- Meatier waa employed by Balrd Victor Boater, Mrs. Vktm School- at like to —r Davtaoa eempaay. Red Bank. Hie Baak, and Mr. aad Mrt. Everett la so muck aid Helm, Cranfsrd. Mra. Beeaia SpoekM, Mr. and tkat tlMV alfkt wife and e*a Richard are living la Mra. Ooeege Waake, Mr. and Mrs. •a Inclined ta Batoatewn, awaHlag the time when ait tack and ra- freak Ortnab, Mrs. nefcadt. Mrs. tal wklle •• they eaa Jala Mm at Atbraak. MWCWalMITT Betea, MM. Asehenhask, Mrs. waa five break Arthur O. Apy, saa af Mr. aad lokastan aad Mr. KasH. eur aaar kacaa. Mrt. Chester Apy, was awarded a Sueaa Helm, daughter af Mr. and point systsm prise far eieelllng In Mrs. J. William Helm of 31 Parker •tot**** skMf*) lr 4-kf —mH hi Tkat»t«y NNJM'I Mre. Blkmbetk Ksboa of IT Teo'll •*( alonf n«ck belter a* pi., Saturday celebrated her aeveatk Waahlagtoa ava. osiabrated har rear Bteeettt income, if yo« rant all phases of aehaal activities when towniMMs MfMkk MINM I MO OtW «r«, birthday Saturday at the Lsgtea IT. MD • neaea '•»« Isrkar. Tata lacker the opening sssmbly •' The Peddle birthday at a party ia her heaac. wiN aa> far ittelf la teener eewl school's tfth aesdemle year was Ouests included Susas Jala, Carol nome oa Bay ava. * POWER AND HAND MOWERS aa rear fend hue's*' throvik ear held Tueaday. Sheppard, Jill Matthews, Mary vf OTI «k«!«Hla foe7 rrlc.a. gtae fcy Margaret Bauer, Patricia Aan For- aty af Ckrlatma Servtce af ta# SALES AND SERVICE taaar aad let iia »i»a *•• all tka Cub pack It win have Ita Srat Metkadlat ekwck win ataet at • delelledelele. tat Bank CeM auras' * meeting ef the year at the school rar, Jean Lyawn, Cursl MMdle- «kjw. Tht w«i «|a»'« waj. LLeakek r €•., Ik Herbert Street. dHch, Calaloen Molly aad Lyas p. aj. Twaaday at tha name af Mra. PARTS AND REPAIRS Uk «J9O4 tomorrow. The committee met a f 4ft wafi VVJaaBV^mmsBJat i taH*UB C^BJVVWBBJBaWaltB«aBmmmT* Bja/VJa*tJm\* Pkeae week sge Monday night is prepare Magermaa, program plans for the earning year. Mr. and MM. Fred Tapper left Orgaalaatlaa aad Haw It Oorman L. Bedford Ia chairman; Sunday for a vacation In Maw Tork Tka Bible alaaa of tha Pwebytar- Work*" ml tktha titltitle ef ttkka program taefcCwM ttoraff elate. EatoalwWB to ba praseated by Mrs, Prod P O. Kelhl, secretary; Robert iaa ehtink met Tueaday alght la Media at the In* spaa moetlaff af Endllch, treasurer; Richard J. Miaa Plena Fetter, daughter af Fire Chief aad Mrs. Antkony Pic- the home of Mr. aad Mn, Benjamin Mi iMkcf Co. Mra. Lous Fetter af Shrewsbury cola, Couaellmaa and Mrs. Ralph I* VanKeuren. the school year ef the Parent Weader, quartermaster; Carroll Ar Teacher . aasoelatloa Thuraday, illi- relations; Jamea T Oardtat, haa returned ta Smith cal- Lewis, Councilman tad Mra. Fred Jamea Hyalkp will be II yeara ef lage, North Hampton, Mam. S. Morrla, Mr. and Mrs. John Ben- age Tueeday. Oct. «, at 1:11 p. m. at the gram- doa, programs; Alfred F. Werner, nett aad Mr. aad Mra. Beajamin dSBaAaV a^aWn^BBBaBdi aVa^BBMB^akd'Sanann afa SkBa^aWS^SiSB •ants; K. Desman Smith, Mra. Harry Hardy of Corn laae to BBSavS; Bavlvanapsg ajanBaaovnyp gvBBBs* dr# aVwS^vaaVte vacationing ia the Waat. VanKeuren will eptad tomorrow hiatura, "Aaalgamtat far Tomor- •UILD YOU! HOMI marshal; Alfred Werner, photogra- and Saturday In Atlantic City at- Baptist Weave* row,- will be areaeated by Lw pher; William Vaughaa, member- Lieut. Robert Morris left Sunday fsr Seattle, Wash., where he will tending the state Srssasn'i oeavea- H. Cepclasd, grammar acnaol aria- ship, and Arthur Morris, member. tlon. PlaW RusMamfsfB Salt! eiaal, at tha meeting where tha Karl M. Jacobi is cubmatter. His visit his pereate before going ever- eeae. He la the buebskd of the Mr. and Mra. Otorge WhltSeld Mrs. Homer C. Mothot I* chair- aaaeeiatlea'i program and budget HOWARD' LOAN assistant Is Jamas Brogdon. The for tha earning yaar will ha dtt- pack It aponeored by the Communi- forassr Maw Ruth Kllsta of Parker are an an attended vacation. man of a rummage sals ts be held nl. Tha Home aad School elub will Tueaday morning in tha Wsttbrook ty club. begla a membership drive Monday Mn. Jaka Coraalluaea celebrated C«R T. PRANK APMR1Y AOJNCY Wallace MoOregor, jr., tt, eta ef The local Civil Defies* eouacll buHdlng on Wast Bergea pi., enpo- wlU held a Srat Aid course begia- undsr tha direction af Mn. Anton site the Westslde T" house. The her birthday Sunday at her kastt, Mra. Wallace MeOreger af Horse- Ransom. Tha elufc'i Srat mtetlag SB Waahlagtoa ave. MAW ST. I MATTHON AVI. asek Point, kaa registered aa aning Thuraday, Oct. «, at I p. m. sale la apeasored by Mary Mouat Claseas wlU ba ta the Red Cross was held Thursday at which time chapter af tha Woman's Mission- Bseuta af troop • worked on senior at tha Cetarade lekoel a reception far teaeheri was held. Mines at Oeldsn, Me eeeks a de- chapter bouse hare, Bread at dry aseiety of the Red Bank Bap- asertt hadgea Wednesday of last Mra. Robert Rsaetll af Syeamert Mrs. Merrill Beam presided. Mlaa tist church. week at a meeting at troop head- gree la mlnldg-geelogy engineering. Margaret Vetter, principal,' Intro- HOWARD UVkMfS INSTITUTIOK Ntw«l The American Iteme department ave., who la la charge, said that Serving wMh Mra. Methot ar* Ojuarten oa Valley st. Twenty resi- aa enrollment of H persont it duced members of the faculty and Mra. Edmund Vom Staog, Mn. Ar- dents of the borough hava been Vthe Woman's elub masts Mon- Mrs. John Harms, program chair- thur Ryeraon, Mn. C. L, Bsra-l, day la the heme of Mrs. Charles needed to start the classes. Thoee maa, pretested eortaget to them, enlisted aa merit badge counselors, Throne. Mra. W. U Betbert will be intereated ahoukt eosUct her at Mre. Alfred C. Beck, Mra. Warns It wag announced at the meeting. RB t-iTM-M. A auallAed Red Cress Mra. icneck of tha Red Cross ad- H. Fowler, Mrs. Pierre Holmei, Plans far ths troop's attendance ea-hsstesa. The Oardaa departmeat dressed Us group on traaaportatioa Mrs. Mergaa B. Elian and Mrs. ' meet a weak from today In laetructor will teach. la eeaaaetiea with the school den- at a televtele* broadcast la Mew Faculty members at the aehaal, tal prog ram. John T. Lawlev, «r. Tork etty Sunday, Oct. Si, wan the hems of Mra. Nathan bstta, In addition ta Howard MtttotM, dlsctttstd. Scouts trs taking part WsrM WMt . Airlw . Ihmmp . Shrewsbury. Mrs. Chatter Sharp Mra. W. Lester WhltBoM leaves principal, are Curtis Bradley, Mrs. Haslet In a project of the Highlands gar- win ha co-hast asa, Mildred Cobea, Miss Helen Lang, today for Octan City where aha will den club whleh Is building a rock Tajws • IM Tswr . OniiM - b th* Tha watata af Bmbury Metho- Mra. Bthel Lsttut, Mrs. Harriet ba a delegate tor tha Methodist Mrs. Wayne B. Darland was glv> garden on the Miller st. Mil. Plans dist church conducted a feed tale Lueheabtll, Mlsa Marlon McCarthy, chunk at tha annual eMferaaae an a surprise shower by the Cret- for further participation la dvll Mm, Elisabeth Jftlssa aad Mist there. Her aoa Bobby will atay eeat club at a meeting last Thurs- defense council activities by troop ODONNBJL TRAVB. AGKJC Y which hava reached 'lisa. with hla grandmother, Mrs. Anna BBa\^Bt BIB. VakA abA •ktsa^Bi p Margaret Sehlre. day night at ths homt,ef Mn. aa,A Janet Crassmsa Ferguson, daugh- Btaate, during tbs conference hours. BwaiDfn aiaa) a 12 MOAD ST. U 4-Mie Mr. and Mm. Cheater U fairer Qeorge R. Cmmont, Been st, Tht tha meeting which waa attended BCDOMI PLAM AVAOABLB ter af Mr. aad Mra. Robert O. Far- returaad Tuesday tram a vacation Rev. DavM King, Martin Van- gifts wsrs placed In a cradle dee- by Archie Black, Richard Bolea, tusoa of Paint rd., has eatered tha la tha Pocoaoe. Mra. Ferrer cele- Wych. Edward Emmoai. Ely Millar orated la pink, blue and white. jMtph Caaraacki, Andrew Dalae, tnw» hi ssalor elaaa af tha preparatory de- brated her birthday that day. and Kenaeth Smith ara on the nom- Tha favors were booties la theJohn Demtkl. Thomas Darby, Kea. partment of Peaa Hall Juatar ' Attending a house party from inating committee of the Every sama colors. RefrenhmeRts wen ncth Eapoalto, Jamea Finkla, Hen- lego and preparatory school Friday to Sunday at Lake WaUen- Man plan, which now Is In opera- served. Mn. Theodore 0, Bailey til A j William Chamhersburg, Pa. paupack were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob tlon ia Preibyterlaa churches will be hoiteu at the Oct. 11 meet- WIINam Hod**, Jamea Kehoe! Olorla Ruh, M, af IIS Plnekney Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Payson W. throughout tha IT. S. Ing In the St. John'a Methodltt Robert Laeaa, Ronnie Pewits, Billy rd., waa awarded a prlat for the Lyawn aad daughter Etmlly and Councilman and Mrs. Bpeneer hureh roome. The annual banquet Shea, BUry Slgmuad aad Joseph [miriml Mtithi Wti beet float In the pat parade staged Mr. aad MM, Robert H. Diebrew Patterson today are observing their of the club will be held Oct. 11 Saturday ky the Red Bank Krwan- of thla place aad Mr. aad Mrs. Bart Mth wedding analvsrsary. Othere attending the laat meeting Mrs. LeRoy Meuoa will fee h la elub. Mr. and Mn. Jack Sehwarta spent were Mlta Vent Tombleton, Mrs. hostess to msmbsn of the "90 Mr. aad Mra. Harold Tetley of Wilbsrt, Mr. and Mrs. Norton C. the week-end In Baltimore whtre Roberts, Joel Applegate and Jamaa Jamei H. Ward, Mn. William Lam- Club" Tuesday at » p. m. at GENERAL MOTORS wd PETRO Rumaoa rd. wUl observe thalr Mth Roberta of Tome River. they visited Mr. Sehwarta'i cousin. berteon, Mra. Curtla Clayton, MM. Lothle's an Bay ava. when plane wedding aaalvarsary Monday Mr. aad Mn. Harry Rowland have Elwood I. Monahan, Mra. Walter for a trip to Maw Tork city Wed- Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly of returned homo aftsr tptndlng sev- Robinson pL are vacatloalag. Smale, Mra. Joaeph R. Peteui, Mn. nesday, Oct. M, will ba distuasad, laMlalled Properly. Mora thaa half tha proved re- sral days In Washington, V. C, and Frank McCteaatar, Mra. Roellf H. etrvtt of petroleum, and natural Robert Reed it vacationing from Frederlekthurg, Va. Harold Hull, Jr., son of Mr. and SKMOTST. hit position aa talesman with J. LsRoy, Mn. John H. Bahrenburg, Mn. Harold Hull of • Huddy ave., gat In America are In Texas. Mr. and Mra. Theodore E. Neat- Mrs. Cyrus Rosa, Mn. Joseph I. H. Kelly company. ler of Tintoit ave. are vacationing celebrated hie flnt birthday Sat St. Martha's guild of Old Christ Lshan, Mn. Roland Emmons, Mrs. urday. ANTHONY'S In Canads. Elmer A. Bahrenburg. Mln Stalls Episcopal church will meet Thurs- Mra. Luella Rush of Maple ava. Members of ths Ladles' auxili- 59 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK 6.10.1 ThaFlrti day, Oot. 11. Baltt.y Mn. Jamei Netdlnger and ary of Twlattght post at tke win celebrate har tilt Mrthday Mra. J. Carrion Cherry. Lieut. Robert Morris of II Part- Saturday. American Legion met last night jAGOBSEN'S sr pi. waa guett af honor at a fare- Mlaa Barbara Lehan, daughter af at tke Legion home on Bay ava. Mr. and Mra, Kay Tupper hava Mr. aad Mra. Joaeph I. Lcbaa, well party Thursday at tha home returned home after vacationing In Chief of Pottos Howard Mona- ISO Monmonlh Si. Red Bank of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Milan, Maatachuaatla tor two wttht, Haalet-Helmdel rd, haa eatered han, chairman of tha civil defense Plnekney rd!., Red Mtnk. U Wilson college at Chambenburg, council Monday night toM council Morrla left Sunday for Spokane, Mr. aad Mra. William Roblnaon af kia activities In civil A NICI PACKAGE FISHERIES enterUlmd Mr. and Mn. Nick Rap. Mr. and Mn. Henry Tlntle, Rob- Wash., where he la visiting hm pat- plyta ef Lakewood at canteta Sat- defenss work during tke summer ents, CoL and Mn. L, E. Merrit, ert Tlntle, Angelo Eaao, Mr. and when regular meetings of tha conn- PMHI WATM PltN urday night. Mn. Oeorge R. Emmona and prior to hla departure tomorrow Mlta Arlene Harrli of Throck- ell wan suspended. The chief for Korea. daughter! Joan, Shirley and Pa- said he spoke at meetings of Twin- WHITE FISH . Mela. morton ave. hat been conflntd home tricia, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlss Mlaa Ann Binder, daughter e the paat week. Har mother, Mra. tight post and Ladles* auxiliary of OABP (Whala) Mr. and Mra, Albert Btadsr. has D. Johnson were Trenton fair tko American Legion; Hlgkmnds Michael Novaek of Michigan, la via- visitors Sunday. OABP B.t5 CATONTOWM and daughter Paula, and Mrt, Jack Robtrt Blasaro, stminarlan In Muhltnburg colltgs Wednssday. Rtchtnt and daughter Jacklyn, charge at St, Jamat, Sunday will Mr. and Mn. Alfonso laderoia Atlantis Highland! Baltimore, Md., tpent the week-en vltlt Burlington to attend a recep- and Mr, and Mrs. Carman lads- Mm RADIO c^ TILIVISION 1^ with Mr. and JUn. Leiler Rlcheni tion for Rt, Rev. Noel Baring Hud- rota and children, Dorothy and Richard Stryker, son of Mr. and 19 MAIN STRFt I f A IONIOWN N J The Helping Circle of the Re- •on, Lord Blahop of Newcaatlc, Eng- Carman, Jr., spent the week-end Mrs, Cyrenlus Stryker of 107 East JOHN B. ALLEN CO. formed church will hold Ita flrt lnnd, who It hire at an emluary In Everett, Maim. Mm. William De Washington ave., returned last Phone l.ntutMd i\'n fall meeting Wedneidiy afternoon of the Society for the Propagation Tore, who nan been visiting at the week to hla tenlor year at the 1} NMD IT. RID BANK TELMMT at the home of Mra, Lewlt Snydtr, of the Ooipel in Foreign Parla of Uderona home, returned to herichool of pharmacy of St, John's Wear Post Office SatOBtOWaV tha Church tt England. home la Massachusetts. unlvenlty. tusn MOWTES, mrnuwn v. vm OM* a* Buriiagtea fceU Ma -~ eert-artdg*. held la the spriag fer ; nil meeting Saturday at th* r**l- were Mr*. J. 1. Crawley, Altoa- U Brower, Monaiouth Beach, aad Dorotky Toluid Epifcopal Group the beaeSt *f «*. Marys hall. It hurst: Mrs. Michael J. Ureaas, Mia* Patricia O. Brown, MaUwaa., deaca af Mrs. Ocaa 4* V*gh, Th* we* aaasnased that the Beat Beet- Old Mill." The aceting wa* pre- *hrewtbury; Mrs. J. Everett Series. i MATERMTY Meet* at fe cede* by a luncheon at Liacroft les; will be a covered 4l*h luncheon Mt. Kisoo, S. T.; Mri. It W. Child. The Saturday, Jaa. », MB, at the hoan* United Stales owm nort ! Studio to Present FALL* — The ia«. Elhrron: Mrs. Hsrry P. Callssjsn, than a doz*n email Caribbean in- • •f Mrs. Rsyasaaa S. Snyaer. «l Point Pleasant; Mr*. A. J. Ball. land*, a* the Daughter* *f it. Initial plans wcra dUeusetd for mott uninhabited, which ; WlWf I PaJiaWf C*>. TUCKER'S Maty* kaN, Bptoeapal •ehoel f»r Reckless pi., Red Bank. Jr., S it* M tw« *«[*, ana** •• tit fury •Mty. "Kit* HUM,- rrieer el«*t, Oct. I, at Hivar Street ataaal avai- tariuai. Seventy-**** peresa* wtll aattteiaate, raagia« • at* •**• lira year* t« Malta. CbaraoftaraCb r a*4 ***>»*»»* f«f r ta* MM ef the King Wtth tM O*Mea Twich wera •aaeelvaa' kjr DaMta? Toleaa. (M«n Malr *f Ji Shrewsbury will »lay th« title role. Other* a*a*eriaf wlH he Deretay Talana M TIM Ool4 Fairy; Oar*. iky Blair, Queea Saaia; Jaalee K*rr, the Maceae Wtoaw, a*4 III II flail Matthew*, Oftil Turner, Mar- Jart* Bu*t*y am* Arlaae fNltoa the 0*14 Demou. The *>r*4tietia* will he ataaai ky Joha Tolaaa, assist** by Paul Haver*, Geort* rierke, HaraM M P W Peaches &"£: Appaarlag la the ballet win ale* Yellow cllna dieei and hatvee. , Specie! fer one week I > < he Pagey Pa*****. Plaae •tiphaas, Barbara Aleset, Arleae Jehaaam, I**ls* VanaVunt, Beverly MeClhv PineappleZT" •«.. -. 15c Juice &£? iW 2 '£ 19c taak and Oall Matthew*, Miehaatat MM> BntieoBOoo? *i9oopn •vovteit, UM Pineapple •L »«..«. 29c Tomato Sauce " TT-. 8c klag* page; Jimmy Davis, Skipper Bush and Robert Hayward, e*l« Del Montt Plums ^23c Spinach ZT* r 18c 4iers; Bvalyne Englsr, a Jeoteri Daanna Mauser, a tight rape walk- Fruit Cocktail ~ T -. 39c Umoi ZXZ "Z 29c er; Marjorle Bunny, Barbara M Meats* aad Peggy Parsoas. tr*ab*> 4ours; Jiidr Miller, portrait Is Stewed Prunes £r~ 24c Com bin*; Jeaal* Comber, portrait la grean; Donna Blslr, a pink Sewer; Del Monte Catsup ,£20c Corn 18c Marcla Howe, a red, red rose; Da- anna Maueer, a girl In greea. Marcla Toland and Shipper Dahl- Del Mania iarly Gordon gren, Intruding urchins; Penny Oregereon, the littlest flower; Di- ana Clark, Marilyn Miller, Jane Florae aad Lucille Fernanda*, mat**; Marcla Tolanl ana PSHI Peas 2 ~ DaMgreti, pa* 4* 4*u>; Barbara Luela, Carol Iteuter, Bernlee Xa> Special fer One Week! wins, Sheryl Stoothoff, SUM* Jefc* Ntw! Farmdol« asa, Jane Martin and Share*) Cos- ta, orchid*; Beverly Heed, Teal Dry Milk'? 35c ClUrella, Bonny* Otul. Ana Mat. Work A Pkf N*d 9 0—d M*ralt • Ouy 19ttt*fw$ 40N*W vr,9 Mi'M Nlfl**f Ungly, Sally Austin *nd Ir*a* lie- ^a***aaV saaaaai sasi^kaV^hei C asaasBl ^i*Bi^k*iSA ( ^Ca/i bar, peasant*; Susan Jam**, Truly SJBJCB1 «W BjBBJBfaaf, a> *••} aaBJBJffsJ Bothm*, Uada Kara, Donna L»e Pork&BoansS 2 r23c PostSuaarCrispr2pt20c Parry, Jean Keisler, Carol An* Aiav^S!: Monad. Nancy Risque, Patricia La Choy Foods ComwSZL ri7c Jtll-0 Gelatin X.9c lUnswIt, gold coin*; Barber* ic»l« HM sfMSJ IM IK »o. Arlene Johnson, Judy Werner, 4 Preserves SUSr i*t39c Jell-0 Pudding 3-23c Judith Johnson, Nancy Relss, Jan* OJM NBH BMiM * 111 IWI Lao and Joanna Lerey, tumbler*. Peanut Butter V W 35c La Rosa Macaroni !X 18c Dlsna Toland, a golden Sower; kf km £ 1w eu M Beth Heidelberg, a golden Imag*; Hamburaers - ?M.^o8c Cookies XTZT ZT* 31c Shelley Morgovsky and Lynn* QtW ggSTc Theeker, playmate* »t Prlae*** Dlsma: Dorothy Dawn**, a rain- GoldSool Armour HashST r42c Sauce XXT 2 13c bow; Thelma Kerr, a guardian an- gel, and Kathy Edwards, Andre* Instant Brett, Penny Gregorson, Elaine Smith and Judy Nelson, eoppsr Motts Apple Sauce 2 !;» pennies. Chocolated 19c Dsnlrl O'Hera Enters Nabisco Rirz "~ » M. Vogt's Scrapple ^ Royal •OnONt HSVIOMr Navy Officer's School UreO teaewMi CeeUe* pta. IWfc f*-JlimL CmL*£ Daniel O'Hern, SOB af Mr. and Desserts & 1 r22c Mr*. J. Henry O'Hern of Ueust Sunshine Grahams X 34c ^SSSrJS^ w ave., ha* been selected by th* Na- Gelatin £ 8c vy department •* on* of approxi- Fig Bars *-"* ^ ^ ^ 38c Codfish Cakes r 21c f! mately em civilian aspirant* ta l>Kmm Naval Reserve commissions te at- Fig Bars *» «. + 24c Codfish KS" tend th* ofllcer candidate class at GoodJLuck m Newport, R. I. He started hi* Krispy Crackers X 31c Spanish Rice . 22c ffavMH Time Safef schooling Tuesday. NM Mr. O'Hern was sworn Into th* 3 George Inn^Sr J^47c Wheatena •eAeseflUC Naval Reiervs at the New York Glendale Club elty Navy recruiting station Sept. Grahams' ^ 33c Marshmallow Fluff ^ 21c 4. Upon completion ef hi* course HIUi mn h* will be commissioned an ensign, Cookies " ,*»29c Chocolate ^^ HOT « 24c and ordered to active duty. Heart's Delight SST Applepp s * Cheese Food Mr. O'Hern was graduated from Slice it, spread it, slice it! St. Junes grammar school, Red Butter Cookies "ST.* 29c Peanuts &SL* S 22c For eatineating ond cooking! Bank, and treat Regis high school Apricot Nectar •nd Fordham university, both In SPEEDUP VAIL CLEANING NEEDS Fancy Tokay American ST 2V110 New Tork elty. He had been ae- "Z 12c r 39c cepted for admission to Harvard C O IA \ Provolone Salami •59c law school when ha waa called In- Speedup Liquid Starch 2 HL 27c to th* Navy. ) VirapeS I ^ IVC | Swiss Cheese &. -69c Heart's Delight For ell itorchoble fabrics. tt-t»M«i kettle 25e Stamp Club Quii Peach Nectar Polish iSSTwee ltT27c Ammonia S* Hll5c Irinttl «u • Sharp Cheddar "*\ 65c Tomorrow Night w w DhWi Mild Colored ' -57c Th* Monmouth Philatelic soclsty Cleaning Fluid ""3L - 55c Pine Oil " * Sl WM. 29C will meet tomorrow evening at • r 12c r 18c fc o'clock at the Fair Haven borough 4*>M. can 40c Sprouts^ Cream Cheese "ETX 41c hall, River rd. and Fair Haven rd., Colored American »57c Fair Haven. The feature of th* Heart's Delight Speedup Bleach Water ££ 11c U. S. No. 1 Whit* * evening will be a philatelic quit 41*. which should prove to be quit* en- Specially priced! Try it! Vi-eel. bst. 21c, |al. |y| 15c $ Velveeta ^£ 3131c tertaining. A prise will be awarded Pear Nectar to the winner. In addition, further INM Potatoes Cottage Cheese STS 17c plan* and progress to data, of the T'lfc Ronzoni Spaghetti **Vi8c Prune Juice ^w«u31c •tamp exhibition to be held In As- w bury Park next month, will be dis- Sauce SSrf.SK. r 22c Wax Beans -*" „. «. 16c cussed, M Th* pre-meeting dinner at th* Clopp's Baby Meat Balls""" ,^ - 34c Farmdale Peas '£ 16c Wlllowbrook Inn in Fair H*ven be- STRAINED fore the last meeting was highly Tomato Soup — ,*^ «, 8c Choc. Kisses -C* u. 27c SpteUt successful with U members and SMI guests present A very enjoyable Foods 5 r 49c Tomato Juice """.^ . 13c Orange Slices "TKLI. 19c SfMibrook Farms evening wa* had by all present, and Seabo future gatherings of thla nature ar* Gold Seal Rice ^ 17c Boraxo^lT ^17c IO-es. iOj Coffee) Cake 39c planned. PEAS pKkats iyc Tongy pecan flavor! Delicious! All members are Invited to attend Clapp's Jr. Ideal Tea &»*. X49e Borax """ZZ.18c S 31c kiiook' ^C- a meeting of the CENJEK exhibi- CHOPPED Donur 2k tion committee te be held In As- Pancake Flour —*£».,, 13c Granulated ZHZ, S31c Baby Limas 10-ei. s*|. *»J» bury Park Friday evening, Oct. S /• HAMOOK Bread at « o'clock at the North Solarium Foods 6 ^ 89c 22c on th* boardwalk. Blueberries '!T 27c Cleanser«««»» 2 '£ 19c MAMOOIwOHKl OeMeii Cut eetkess I'W RMKMANV R .Z.^18eS.2 Coffee SST ? 37c ^ 92c Soap COMniXION Mixed Vegetables T; 20c Cranberry Harvest Clapp's Begins in South Jersey Spinach KT £* 20c Bread %? 15cJ TRENTON — Th* 1SS1 eranbar* Baby Cereal Freth from eur own btkery. ry harvest wai well under way la Modess Sanitary Pads W 37c Strawberries r ^ 39c New Jersey bog* last week, accord- IE. 1 ing to th* State Department of Ag- pka, I3C Economy size package of 48—$1.38. Featured in toiletries department. Juice S!* *^ ••la* riculture. Picking of Early Black* started In Burlington, Ocean and Juice « Atlantic counties. Chicken-of-Sea Th* barden atate crop ha* de- Onions JMSFITIITE veloped under favorable condition* thla season, and grower* report Tuna Fish that they expert the fall night* to r 6k |S-f Cweiwi add more color to the berries. Al- SNOW CROP KstJ though the labor situation on th* bogs in reported to be rather tight, most growers have been abl* ta WIMeut (•cure sufficient help. Raspberries ' 35c WilkWilkCentC r Cranberry production has been ail Vwr* Team! estimated at 73,000 barrel* (100 In*.) thla year by th* New Jersey crop reporting **rvice, In comparl- •on with last year1* crap of 101,000 barrels and th* ten-year 1M04I av- Colo Air Wick Kirkmon's Kirkman's Soap •60,000 Contest! Westinghouse erage of 78,400 barrels. Zippy Intef Todiy— n Most of the crop wilt be market- Dog Food Air Purifier Borax Soap Get Free Entry Blink *t Aemel Bulbs ^ 14 ed through the American Cranber- Flakes IT 30c Liquid Starch n ry axebanf* and th* National Craii- ^ 15c^r berry association, both of which »S.WA1T 1Q- 1t»WAn 1 §_ bar* units In New Jersey. 22c iMh IOC lash IOC More than half of the crop Is ex- Lux Bath 2 ^T. 23c pected to be esrly Blacks, with the remainder aonslstlng at How**, 170 BROAD STRUT, RID BANK 576 RIVER ROAD. FAIR HAVIN iHSt> WAKK WBfTBiW >gH ft, Itdl

•AMTEI. _ •taled «•)«•» eeheei toassitna iiX3HL2 Frank O. ttVaUey, a life-lea*- Mr*. ROM Wtittaaa, M. wtft of POUT MONMOUTM—John B. tiea mis *U11» M«*in4 W SeKeole- Br Vlrtss of a writ of execution U sue reeideat of Red, died »ud-Saauel ITlMH Of 1M Catherine Beanctt, at, Colltai ave., died ewd- Eatonlown, Die» ton Towukl* gward ef ftiMatl**, aa* directed, iMHsd out of the Superior Court dealy of a beart atuc:. FHday oa dealy Tuetday at hit hamt. He wat laur taaa 1:01 FII.. Oct«Wr 11, Itll, tt New Jersey (Chancery Division) ther* at. eJieel loot Tbundajr at Ifon- Death la Re. kaak and Vieiahy at tk* LMaara* 6r»4» ackaal will ke »POMd to sale at public vendue. the front porch of hie home, at Moutk Memorial boopltal. Sho waa bora ia Port Moaaaeuta, aoa of the EATONTOWN — Adolph L IpMitettioai **4 frmt ft a4ddia«i DruntaioBd an. He waa 57 yean let* William and Deborah Covert Braua, M, of 10« Broad at., former aiar ht MCII»4 *t ta« ••«• of taa Dis- Seaday. th* tSn4 day of October, 1S51. born is Rkvtia, daut:btor of the trict Cl«r« ui dee. hUa4*r ton>u«k ketwaea the houra of 12 o'clock und i:Z0 old. late Mr. and Mr*. Bloach, tad had Bennett, aad vu a life-long rotl- councilman and mayor ef thia bor- Friasr. ket*M> IsTtHn tt 1:11 A. M. o'clock (at • Otiock Eastern Standard Mr LeValley wa* the eon of Mra. MICHAEL AMMO* VBUU vTBBirtXWtia dent of this area. ough died latt Thuradty at Moa- •n4 <:0« f. St. Time) in tile afternoon of said day. Ht beea a reoldeat of Red Baak tS TIM •oar* natni tk* rickt t* r«-the Court House in thu Borough of Frte- Mary Woornan LeValley of Walt year*. Mra. Weir man waa a meaaber KEANSBURG - Michael Aadrtt, tOCU«T — William Btenuchu*, Survivlag are bit wife, Suaaa mouth Memorial hospital ko'.d. County of Monmouth, N*w Jtisey, Bergen •>!., »rd the lste Oeorge B. jeet >nr or all kits «»4 t* »»iv« imtut- to aati&fy a judgment of said court of the Ladiea' Hebrew eocletjr tad I, hurtaniJ of Irene Vorgte* Aa- To. autaaad ef Mrt. Lfdia Donald Walling Beaaett; four seas. Albert terisl ia(«>*»litia*. LeValley. For the past 33 years aad Crawford Bennett, Bclford; JAMU V. DAVIDMEIEH. •mounting -to approximately |9,300.0y. he had been employed as & brake- Red Bank chapter ef Hadaaaah. droc. of « Maple ave., died Fridajr Bttratchua, of S»aa ave., died Bun- Joha E. Bennett, Jr., Part Moa- 11.11. District Clerk. ALL tk»t tract or parcel of land and at Rlvorvlcw hospital u a re.ult day at Hilltop Nuraiag hamt, Mid- premises hereinafter particularly de- anan by the New Tork A Long Surviving:, bold** her bstbaad, moutb, and Wiliam Bcaaett, Uoa- •cribed, aituate, lyinar and beint; in the Branch railroad. are three OOM; Maurico Weiaaian of lnjuriea auflered ia an autotno- dle owa. He waa bora ia New York ardo; a daughter, Mrs. Toliair Bomoucw or umi MLVU •orouch of Kid Haul.-, in '.he County of Surviving beside* hi* mother are of New York city, Nathaa Weinman bilc accident Wednesday afternoon city, aea of the lat* Jacob aad Bryne, Belford, tea graadcbUdrea sf P.smiHi r*r Mao-far- Menmouth end State of New Jersey. of last weak on it. M. Bast Keaat- Block atoraachue, and wu a •at* ajad BEGINNING at a point in the east- hi* wife. Mrs. Alice LeValley; a of Allentown, Pa., and Jullua Wvla- and U great-graa4chiMrcB. wsrdly line of Maple Avenue distant 291 ton, William LeValloy of Newber- man of Cartelet; a daughter, Mra. burg. He waa born at Baatto, retired builder. Mr. Steraaehw waa He was a momber of tat New Public notiaa is aarafey *riv«a taat t. feet I Inches southwardly from • anarble Greece, son of ilie !*,i» Ju'm «fi>1 a f«id»t of LDcuei *> yeara. Sur> risrfe r>. Y.tmz, Cc!!::«sr =f ;fc; Ta=i^j jy. S. C; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Irving Kay* of Loaf lirmach, aad Monmouth Baptist church and Bay- Diitrict of tk. n*r*u«i tt Little gilver. monument st Lite auuthwest corner ui Mahns, Eatoritovin; five brother*, tea grandchildren. Caliope Herodinatsot Aa4ro*. earne viviag, boaide* hi* wife, to a broth- aide council Junior Order Ameri- County of MoaaioHta, Maw Jcra«y, pur- LlBoy Place wkere the same la intcried- to tht United SUtca tt flare ago er, Harry Bternecbut of Ucaot. suant ta the authority •( tk< Stuutti ia sd by said easterly aide of Maple Avenue. William M. George B., Walter W. can Mechanict of Belford. nek cot Bade *nd praviited, will a«ll st Mid beginning point being also distant and Elwood LeValley, all of Red The funeral vu held Fritter at and bad been a realdeat of Keaaa- Tho funeral waa held Tuooday nsrtkwardly 280 feet from • snarble the Joha C. Day funeral hotte, with The funeral will bo held tomor- fublie Auction on tka 284 day of Octo- monument at the northwest corner of Bank, and Lawrence LeVilley of burar » yeara. Mr. Andrea wat pro- ovoalag at the Paatea funeral home row at 1 p. m. at the New Mon- ber, 1951. st the Borough Hall In Littla Irving Plnce where the same is inter- Shrewsbury, and three grandchil- Rabbi Arthur Hershon of the Con- prietor of a reatauraat, Jlas'a with Rev. Roy E. William*, pastor gilver at 1:00 r. M., tk* landa and real mouth Baptist church, with Rev. ••tate hereafter deserlked: seetcJ by Bald cistwardly line of Maple dreen. frogatien aVNal larael officiating. Lunch, oa ft. M, MMdletewa. of the Navctiak Methodist church, William Biagrove officiating. Burial Avenue; thence running eastwardiy on * Burial waa ia Red Bank Jewish line at right angles to Maple Avenue 200 The funeral wai. held Monday Burviving, boaldaa Mi wife, art taVlathag. Burial yeoterday morn- uader the direction of the Scott lUtksriM H. DiMisi, aieivi" L*ta feet te • stake; thence southwardly on • afternoon at the William B. Ander- cemetery, Liacroft, where Rabbi ave sons; Michael Aadro*, SUfJtea In Bliomdild cemetery, funeral homo, wiU be in Bay View 7 ••• I #» line parrllel with Maple Avenue 70 feet eon funeral home. Bev. Harold 8. Herthon mad* committal. Bearer* Androa and George Androa, who cemetery. Vlacaat Eseco. aie«k St. Lot II to • atake; thence westwardly on • line were Bert Schaelder, Maiirieo Weie- HIT* parallel witk the first mentioned line 20(1 Hornberger, pastor of tho Rod live at home, John Andrat M Mow Tk* said lead* end re*l attat* will ** feet to the easterly line of Maple Ave- Bank Lutheran church, officiated, ataa. William B«haelder, Herman York city and Sit. Nicbotta Aadro* Baaa FAVUNB W. CMHUMI CIWSTEB ML BBAMSOM •eld to ttuke ta* mm of tka •unitl. nue: thence northwardly along the east Olickataa, Natbaa a>*atio* and Ml liana ca«r«i»bla siaimt the Mat* •• line ef Maple Avenue 71) feet te plica of and burial vti la Woodbine ceme- ef th* Air Force, who la *Utloa*d UTTLB BILVER-Miat FaaUne Beginning. tery, Oceanport Irvtof •Cart. BELFORD-CkcaUr H. Braaaoa, tka trat day ef July, mi. u computed at Fort Beating, Oa.; two datjfn- r. CrttUaal dttd Friday morning dl, Park ave., died at Monmoutb i* the (ore*oi*| li»t toaetker «itk inter- Beiscd •• the property of Anthony Fin- ter«, MUs L*la Andrat and Miltat her homo, III White r«, after Memorial hospital Tueedey. Ho wat est on aald M»**t ffeai tk* Irat day I* el]! and M*ry Finelli, et all. taken in Oraee Andrat, who livo at boast, the date of nalt, aad eeeta sf sal*. •ucatlon at tha auit •( John H. Cook,* • Hag lUaaea. bora la Btlferd, aoa ef Marty aad laid property will a* aold la lee t*Ir.. and te be sold by and a brother, Peter Andrat of Bora ia Celllagtwood, Miae Crit- t«ura Dowait Braatea. suck perao* a* ar'.'. pyreh*sa tke ***•• IBA E. WOLCOTT. Sheriff. Middletown. Uaai waa a daughter ef tha late aukjeet te ret«a*tiM at ike leweet rale Bavtel Best. II. 1851. Surviving are hit wife, Mn. Oer- of Intercat, bet ia ae ease in aieees tt Wie* a Wise. Attya. THE FUnERflL HOIM Th* funeral wu bald Monday at Richard S. aad Eliaabeth Walton trude Koadrup Branson; twe broth- %% per aaavsj. Tke par meat for tk* UI lines) St. Dlmltriat Oreek Orthodoa CrttUaal. She had beta a resident ers, Harry Jr., and] Clwton Braatoa sale ihall be nut* before the conclttalM church, Perth Antbajr, with Rtv. hero many yeare. of tk* sals, or tke areperty ahsll ee ra- COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, of Belford; a sitter, Mn. Thomas sold. hTATfi t)k NtW itHSEV John Vournakla officiating. Burial, Burviving art a litter, Mrt. Wil- Wilotn, Belford, and three tent and The sale la ***** under tke an'ialaa Notice ia hereby given that scaled bid* Of PMOMU SERVICE under the direction of tke John B. liam Potiagale, and a brother, Be- three dtughttrt, Chatter, Jr., Don- ef an Act of tke Leliila-ture, entitled -ill be received hy the Board of Chosen Born la Newark, Mr. Braun wit Day funeral home, waa in Fair tevaa Crlitiaai, both of thli place. ald, Robert, Ooretta, Vera aad Mary "An Act eeaeernlni unpaid t*xes, ee-* of th. Count* of Monmouili a eon of the late Jeha and Chris- far the Reconstruction of Hridge No. MN- View cemetery, where Father Vour- The funeral wai held Monday af- Ellen, all living at home. eastaicnti and *th*r municipal ek*r*a* tina Braun. He had been a resi- en real property, *nd providing for tka 17, MaoalaBHn Township, New Jersey, nakix made committal at tha grave. teraiwa at tho Mouat memorial The funeral will be held Saturday collection thereof ky the creation *nd and aliened and rend in public at the dent here the past 11 years. Bearer* were Joha Androt, Ste- home, with Rev. Robert H. Aader- at I:W p. m. at St. Clement* Epis- enforcement of liens thereon" (BetriulM Court House, Freehold, New Jersey, on WN1IAM 5. ANDHSON Mr. Braun wu chairman of the of ism) Oeteber I. I»SI. at 1 s'cloek, V, M, phen Andros, Nicholas Androt, aoa, rector of Trinity Epiecopal copal church, Belford, with Rev At any (law befer* tke sale, tke under. •aster* standard Time, 3042 Hudto* Avc. George Andros, Jamet Black aad ehureh, ofnebtlag. Burial wai inRussell Bmlth eflteiating. Burial hoard ef director* aad ntind pres- eittnrd will reeeive payment of tk* Tht receipt end openinc of hids are Fair View temetery. under thi direetloa of the Soatt ident ef Braun and Chamberlla, amount due en any oreparty, witk tfce •ukicet ta th« Broper ejustincationa of the Cheater Carman. inc., industrial painting contractor* interest and ceats iMHrrad O t* ta*htdser la acssrdanea with the proviaiont PHONI MD IANK 4-1404 funeral homo will bt ia Fair Vltw tiSM of payment. af tke pre-eiualincalion law and the reg- WILLIAM F. SVMC MBA AAUNTB cemetery. of Orange, a company of which ha ulations adopted hy tha Hoard of Chosen waa a co-founder In tut. Mr. Braun Freeholder!. HARBOR - Wil- KKANSBURO-Mri. ViolH Mary for SI yean was treaaunr ef St t)st*d! lepteakM |l, IISI. Drawings, Bpeeltcatlons and form sf Aalbue, #0, wife of Howard Aalbue, MRA. MERMAN KOMAR • 28.51 Collector ef Tens. kids, contract and bond for the proposed liam r. Ryke, 71, huahand of Wo- John'a Lutheran church, Newark. werk prepared hy Otis B. Beaitian, Coun- niaav Rollker Ryka of Ml Shore- died Tuooday at her home, 2S Moi- LITTLE BILVER-Mrs. Margaret Ha wu a fast exalted ruler and a ty Engineer, have been Aled in the Office land circle, died Tueaday »t Perth aa pi., afttr a long illaena. Blie Casper Komar, wife ef Herman Ko- member M yeara of the East ON Estate *f Alfred I. DeLltle, Br., D»-sf Mid Engineer, at tha Court House, Amboy Oeneral hospital. He watwat born in Brooklyn, daughter of mar, of Branch ave., died thlt morn- ange Elks lodge, for 51 year*, he freehold it. J., tnd may be Inapected H LAURINCI SCOn Mrt. Eiiaabttli Wheatley, who now ing at the Neurological inttitute In Notice' Is hcreky ilvea that tk* **• hy srMMrtlve hiddcrs during business born in the Netherlandt and had was a member of Hope Inrlg*, Free counts sf th* tskserltar, admialttratu ko«rs, Bidders will be furnished with a beta a resident of tlili area more llvei at West Keaaihurg, and th grandchildren. row at I p. m. at Mount memorial officiated. (11*1 *f tk* (mount kid. and he deliv- horat, pastor of the Duteh Itefarav Entombment, under the direction •red It tk* pl«ea and *n the hour abovs Tht funeral will bt held at' • a. homo. Attorney.' * tlt.ll named. Tk. itand*rd Presnsal Farms ed church, KeytMH, oftVlatlag. of the Robert A. Braun homo for will ta furaiaksd «r*a aapllMtloa t* th* m. Saturday at Bt. Ann't Catholic funerali, wai In Falrmount miu- NetM* of Burial will bt In OM Ttaatnt eharehrf whore Rev. Edward A. tety. Fair Have- toleum. Elk* and Matonte aervleet Seut* tt Ermtlladt ht I* reserved ts reject any ar btabliihtd llftl Corrlgan, paitor. will offer a high pettat, Naw DeeMi ' a»ed ts the Interest of th* matt of reaultm. Burial, under Thomaa Mount ef Church tt. has were held Sunday afternoon at the Notlee* I' s" kerehy flvsa taai tke at. MARHY B. BBCKEB the direction ef tho Ryan funeral returned home afttr a three weeks' lata reaMtnei. eeunts •sf tk* tfnikMrlktt,Ovarjle a ef i Bsard sf Chose* PTM* tk* Mtat:»u* sf *ald Intempetent, ae.._w. _dt< UTTUC aiLVER — Marry 1U«- home, will bt m Fair View tome- trip through the adlrondack and eMMd, will k* audited and stated ky btn Decker, M, ilod Friday t«ry. | Cataklll mountain*, Laka Oeorge Barry " ' ' af tke Oetnty af MM. Dlreetet. The Mount Memorial Home ing at hit homo, Willow dr, aftor and Saratoga Springe, N. Y. tke lar far Mtlwaeat I* 1 Ends Recruit Training k two month* Illneat. WnXIAM B. BTtSB Prlaa wlnnen at the meeting ef Division en Tharsdsy. th**twenty-tftk Bern In Keyport, a ton of the the Daughter! of Liberty Tuooday FAIR HAVEN — Marina P. of October, A. P. llll. st II s'elsts latt Opt. Harry J. and UIIIM Vic- FRECHOLD - William Ptnttt night of last week at Mechanict' C. Raymond C. Barry, huiband ef A. M., at tha Ceoty C**rt NOUM, Mala Frederic K. Adius, Mgr. Hull*, TT, former borough taa col- aad Court Itreets. Freekeld. New Jersey. toria Fowler Deeker, Mr. Dtckor hall were Mrs. Loulet HeroM and Mn. Mary B. Barry, 113 Linden Dated September Itk. A. D. llll. hid been a retldtnt here tht patt lector, died Monday at hla home, Mr*. Htlen Kruso.- dr., recently completed training at MstlM it hereby given tkst sealed kids JT year*. Ha wai employed away St Bait Main at. the Marine Corpa recruit depot, will be received ky tke Bsard *f Chosen WNIIAl DIMCTOM Rev. and Mn. Chrlttopher M. lit UigaUa Ave., Bed Bsnh, N. freohelden sf tk* County of Monmouth year* ai a autiai taglaeor a* tht A Hftleag rtaldtat hire, Mr. Snyder ef River rd., who are en a Parrla Island, S. C. Otardita! for tie BMraetrucUm ef Bridge No. ML. Bandy Hook atom boatt aa4 an Hultt waa a tea ef the latt Ollbert month'* vacation an new at Wlna- Pvt. Barry won the silver erett 4, Marlkoro Township. Nsw Jersey, oeean-golng liner*. Ht waa foreod and Oarrla Doalte Hulaa. Ha wai aad epsnsd aad reed la public at the ton gaiim, N. C. when they an of Marino tharpthooter whon ho Court H*tsM. Freehold, New Jersey, on to retire two moathi ago btoMtt of an wempt member ef Monmouth visiting their ton-tn-law end daugh- arid a SIS out ef a peulblo MO llt.ll Oetober I. till, at t •>cl*«h, P. M., 1IQ IMlMk,N.JL lllnata, Hit father waa a will known MON company and a former ehlef tor, Mr. and Mn. W. P. Strleklaad.tcore with tho Oaraad rifle. Barry Bastera ttandard Time. anln'i pilot. Mr. Deeker wat a M- at tha Freehold are department Ho Tk* receipt and *penlnt af kid* tra Mn. Frank Klngdon of Willow finished training In field training, aubleet te tk* proper gualiflfatlons of th* year menibor ef Red Baak lodge. wat a member of the Now Jeroey preeialon drill, military courtesy Mvtlc* t* Credit*** u Promt Claiau 1 at. It a medical patient at Mon- a kidder la accordance with «he provisions Fret and Accepted Maaona ana Of Fire Chiefa* aatoelatlon and teero- mouth Memorial hoanltal. and Marine Corp* hurtory. Ht fired Iaj!** M*tt*?ef th* Saute at CkarlM •f tha r-re-qutllneatlnn tew and the ren- the Marino Attoelatloa of Bngln- tary aad collector of tho Freehold other Infantry weapont in addition Norman, Dseeased ulatlens adopted ky tha Bsard ef Chosen, oert of New York city. The Ladle*' auxiliary of the Fair Pinna** t* tk* *rd*r sf Dermta Me. freeholders. Flremen'i Relief attodatlon. Haven yacht elul> met Friday night to the Oarand rifle and ohaerved Faadia, Bwr*t*M af Ik* Ceaatr of Ms*. Drawings, fpeelrlcatlon* *nd form of Mr. Deeker, who never married, Mr. Hultt wai a eharttr member at the home of Mn. Ruaiell H. operation of tho machine gun, mor- m«d« aa tk* tklrtletk dar *fkids. swKraet and bond far tk* proposed ef the local Elkt ledge, a member tar and flamt throwtr. IMi. *a tk* awllMtlea at work prepared ky Oti» R. Seaman. Coun. it turvivod by a brother. WtaaoM Mlnton en Church tt. Prettnt were ------.aVI»aa. Jele Battattr of tkety BaflnMr, kave bee* filed la th* Office Evarttt Docker, living at hoiM, ana ef tha Bod Men, Junior Order, Mra. Clifford Orimmer, president; •tut* of CbtrlM Norman, demand, as. sf Mid Baaiaeer, at tk* Court House, 2i it- a nethew, Ratnh F. Dockor, Mtw United Amtrleaa Meehealei. and a Mn. Ckorgt B. Mimlty, Mn. Wil- tits It htrtkr tlvto It tie trtdlim at FreakeM, N. J., and aw/ be Inspected former member and Merttaiy of Middletown isM deceased t* exhibit t. tk* sabserifctr, by nrMPectlv* bidders aurlic kaslness Tork city. liam B. Little, Jr., Mrt. Meilaaa Ml. txseuter at ifarMiM. their dehts ko«rs. Bidden will bt furnished witk a The funeral wat Hold Monday af- tht Menmouth county beard of LUti«, Mr*. Robert Cameron, M Tht Monmouth Historical aito- mi d*maads aialast tke Mid Mtat*, «n. copy *t Hutu, thla •latt; a oitttr, Mra. Fait Haven rd. left over tht week- Donald Orouinger ef Milwaukee, tleasi mat be enalo*ed la staled *av*l- *M* btarlaa tk* •••>• aad address of tery, Ktyport, Umit Armour, Belleville; a brother end for Tuxedo, N. Y. whire their Wit, hat htm viiltlag hi* mother, We occasional!* mention the fact Walter Hulaa, Camdea, and three Mrt. Francti Orotalngtr. tke kidder aad tke aame of wsrk oa th* Memben of Boa Baak lodgt, F. daughter, MIH Bitty Cattr hat llt.ll MUlde, (ddreeeed to tk* Board *f Choa- that our service it- promptly arailable and A. M., held lervleea tt tho fu- grandehlldrea. been ipcndlng part of her vaeatlen. Mra. W. H. Btgtr and Mra. B. O. n Freekoldon sf tin County of Mon. Tht funeral will bo held todiy at Swaekhamtr tptat tht week-end at awtstb aad atast b* tccsmpanled ky a to those familial living in the rural neral borne Sunday night. Howard From Tuxedo, they went to Pougn- B**dlng CeHlteate a«d a eertlied ekack. F, Fabry wai worihlpful maater, I ». m. at tha Callahan funeral Whitehouie with frlendi and rela- keepile, where Mlm Cdttr It en-tives. Sstots •! Mary SL Fewlai, a MeaUl la. draw* U tks *rd*r ef tke County Tress. area nurrounding Bed Bank. Our serv and Edmund Vomflteeg, Jr, cbap- home with Rev. Bernard McKay, rolled at St. Merjri acheoL "lift •nr, f*r not IM* than tan per sent laln. rector of St. Pcter*i EplKoaal Mill Polly Oamwell returned to (I!*) sf tk* amsunt kid. and be dally. ice is offered to rural families without Tht Ladltt' auxiliary ef tht fln Miss Porter1* aehool at Farmingtta, e*vati of "tfcV taiissr. Ourdlaa ef •red *t 'he plan aad ao tk* hour ••eve ehureh, eflklatlng. company will meet tonight at I nsmed. Tk* Itaadard PrepsMl Forms any extra mileage charge, and this in MwaroBO Burial will be m Mipleweed Conn., thli witk. will iVVall&'S.d s^ed'.rthTT.TrV: will ke hrnisked apsa appllHtlen to tk* NSW MONMOUTH — William o'eloek at the are houte. Tha Middletown Community tate at tke Ceaat""^•.irUTKJrVy ef M*am**th aa: d a consideration which we And is much Morford, tt, a Ufa-long rttMtnt Mambtra ef tha meal flra earn- Nursery aehool opened Monday In reteted ter Mttirattat t* Tk* MM- Tke rltht li r*Mr**d to reject aa* or pany who plaa to attend tho ttate m*«tk CsMty Ceiirt. rtebat* Dlvlslea, all kids tt deemed t* tk* Interest of tk* appreciated. hero who lived on Keyport rd- dloi LENA M. QITI«BANSBN Lteda hall. Then wen II children •a Tkaradar, tk* BlittMntk du of Ob Cejnty M ts do. Friday it Ivy Houao nuralag hoait, •remen't convmtlon at Atlantic enrolled. taker, A. 0. llll, at It o'clMk a. •.. By order sf th* Board of Chase* Free. Middletown, after a long Illnett. LBONARDO — Mr*. Una MCit. y ovtr the week-end Include The Needlework guild will meit at th* Counir Csurt Vsaaa. Mala aad heldert *f th* Ceunty sf Monmouth. Bon of the lata Oeorgo aad Baa- Oulbraaaen, IT, widow of Frlthyef Charltt P. Croat, Oacar Becker, Tutiday at tha home of Mrt. Ed- Ceart Btrests, FreehsM N J JOSEPH C. JRVYIN, Air Conditioned for Your Comfort llno Maakir Morford, hi wu thtOulbranten, who formerly made John Wagner and Leon A. Llttlt. ward Hlnkelman at Naveitnk. 1DWATO O. BIOBGS, """""' huiband of Clara Walling Morford. her home with her daughter, Mra. Mayer Edgar V. DenlM of River Mtmberi wishing transportation to II Caiwtll An., (Band feintP< ) He waa a member ef tho Now Mon- Benjamin Outtormaen at Roop and rd. ipent ttvtral dayt thlt with at the meeting must meet at Middle- XitHtt, Bkede outh Baptlit church and RarlUn Burlington ave*. hen, died yttter- Newark, when he atended a con- town postofflce Tuesday at U:W •art****, Srange. day morning at Bayvliw Nuralng vention of rtpreaentatlvet of tht home, Hlllaldt, after being aa In-Prudential Iniurance company. Mra. C. O. Bennett, ST., and Mlm Burviving, bctldoi hla wife, art 111.11 Matin It hereby given that sealed bid* two sons, Ralph Morford and. Har- valid tight yean. She wai born In Mayor DenlM It dlitrlet manager Louie* Hartshof* spent yttttrday will ta received ky th. Beard of Chosen Norway, daughttr of tho lata Ohrla- of that company*! Red Bank offlet. at Mequon, Pa., visiting Mn. Ben- Maamj—lk Ceaatv sWratate'e OaU* •Vttktlders af tke County of Monmouth old Morford of New Monmouth; a tlan and Maren Karsten Evcnttn, fsr building an additlsa to the Garaie nf «M»ivc.r.j«misii.aoci«M»ivc.r.«j«misii.*aociM r r. brother, Harry Morford of Rod Tht W. 8. C. 8. ef tht Methodlat nott'a daughter, Mn. Boat Magulre. Notice t* Cradltsrs u Pnnat Clalsj* at tha Csunty Library Building, Free. Bink; a titter, Mn. Allot Frott ef and had been a resident of thlt ehureh will matt Monday night In Mr. and Mn. Robert Gore and . Aiilait Betate. laid. New Jersey, and opened tnd nnd area mort than 45 yean. la-themsttar_*< S«Ut« of Mary I* wtklls at tka Court House. Freehold. Orovtllo, Cal.; twe grandchildren, the ehureh hall. The group ia plan- family tpent Saturday at Phlladil- M. Drtyar. O*M . New Jtrtty. «» October I, Itll. tt I funetall hhome and two great-grandchildren. Burviving, bnldei htr daughtar, ning a rummage tale to be held phis, vitltlng relative*. Pursuant t* tk* order ef Donaaa Me* a'ejesk, P. It.. Saturn Standard Time. are four grandchildren and nlna Oct. t. Mn. Raymond Doughty It Mort than MO persons are ex-Fsddln, Barretat* ef Ike County tt Met' T»« ree.lpt and earning at klda are •0 tntONT IT. RIO BANK NJ. The funeral wat hold Monday at >atk. msde m tk* seventeenth day at suktect te the proper tjuallflestlens of th. hit lati home with Rav. William great-grandchildren. chairman. The group It alto mak- pected to attend the tupper tonight ptcmber, Itll, oa tk* •pplleatlsa of bidder la acesrdnnce with tha provisions PHONE RED BANK 60557 Blsgrovt, paitor of tht Ntw Mon- Tht funeral will be held at i p. ing plant for a eaki aala. Mn. Rat- In Utdt hall honoring Bishop Hud- lattes B. .ureyar, Jwle Executor ef tk* ef tht nn-quallflcntlon law tnd th. rer- mouth Baptist ehureh, omelatlng. m. Saturday at tha Pettta tle Smith la chairman. ton of Newcastle, England. Bishop estate af Mary M. Dreyer. deceased, a*U uiations adopted ky tke Board of Choten Hudeon htadt tht mission group Ice Is harehy given to tk* credltora at Frethsldert. Ober Ikrlij y*trs ef DependabkEamnicalSf rvice Burial, under the direction of tht home with Rev. John E. Johnton, Rev. and Mrt. William B. Mar Mid deceased to exhibit to the suhserlk- Drawlrgs, Specifications and form af Scott funeral home, wat In Fair paitor of tht Baptltt church, of- im of Rivtr rd.. left today for which 380 yean ago founded Chrltt •r, Sol* Eueutor aa af*r*Mld, their debts bids, contract tnd ksnd for ths proposer! View eimetery. ficiating. Burial will bt la Bay Episcopal church In Middletown •ad demands atalast tk* said esUle, work prepared hy Otlt K. Seaman, Coun- Ocean City, where fcev. Mr. Mag- vlllagt, and Chrlit Episcopal ehureh under oatk, within, tta months from the ty Bntlneer. have hem filed In th* Office View cemetery. tarn will attend the annual Methc- date of the aforesaid order, or they will •f Mid Engineer, at tht Court House. dltt conference. at Shrewibury. he forever karred tkalr attlm* tkare* - Freehold N. J., aad may ha Inspected »»kserlksr... ,^ ky nrstMctlva bidders during business Cadet Robert Moll, ton of Mr. hours. Bidden will be furnished with • and Mn. Elmer J. Noll of «T» River supaaioa COURT or NEW. eopy of the drawings and specifications MONMOUTH MONUMENT rd., returned laat Thunday toBor- Ik Caaaty, ky tk* Engineer upon proper notice nnd DOCKBT NO. M l«2«.4» tuymtM ef a deposit of Ten Dollars dantown military Inatttute, whtrt Civil Aetloa (Dl»ore«). Neticsef Ordn (!(#.»•), which will bt returned provided COMPANY he It In his sophomori year. •f Publleatlen, slant arc retumsd prior ts bidding. Mra. Robert L. Edwardi of Lin- Dotarat Msraanaea. PlslntlrT, vs. Doailaie Bids must he mad. on Standard Pro- A. Mtraandsa. DsfindaM. HttkCeu MM) Forms In tht manner designated Headden'i Corner, Middletown, Route 35 coln ave. hat returned homo from To 0OMIM0O A. HBRNANDEZl Notice to Cndlten to Prase** Claims ihereln and repaired by the specifica- St. Barnaba* hospital, Newark, By virtu* e( aa order at tk* SuDsrier tion!! mutt b* tntlostd In sealed envel- JAMES J. HURLEY, Managsr where the underwent plattle turg* Court of the Itati of Naw Jtntr ns4t InAt»V"Ma«Ir*oV th. Estst. af Matilda onet hearing the name and address nf oa th. 15tk d.r of Auiuft, lttl. la a L. Plllet, Dectssed. the bidder and tht namt sf wor> on tht ery. Thli li the third tlmt that •auH whareln Ooloras Hcrnandai Is Pursuant te tk* order ef Dormnn Me- outtlds. sddressed to tke Botrd of Ckos. Mra, Edwardi hat undergone plat- plaintiff ant rra an 4if>m)int reu an Faddin. lurrogats of tk* County *f Mon-ta Freeholders of the County of Mon. PHONE RED BANK 64810 tlve turgery tinea the and htr hut- MMky reaulnd to aastrsr tk* eomplslnt mouth. aid* aa tfc* twenty-lrtt day of mouth and] mutt bs accompanied by a of nielntlft on or befara tha llth dsr September, till,, as/ tks application of —tiled check, drawn ts the order of th. band were lertoualy Injured In anof October n«»t, and In dafsult tharasf Andre P. Plllst and Morrlstown Trust ..jaty Treasurer, for not l»»a than ten Long Branch 64978 • Day or Night auto accident In Septtmber, 1WW, such Judgment will ba rendarad anlnst Company. Executors ef tk* estate of M*. per cent fit**) of the amount bid, tnd A FITTING TRIBUTE at RumaorT. Mrs. Edwardi will un- you as th* Court shall think anultibla lllda L. Plllot. deceased, notice Is here- ta delivered at the place and on the hour dergo a fourth plaitie aurgery op- and just. - by given ts tk* ercdrUrs of Mid da-above named. The Standard Proposal The fact that time after time, The objtct of saM Alt !• to: obtain a ceased t* exhibit t* tk* subscriber, ex- Forms will be furnished upon application eration at tht tnd of ila ,week. iudimant for dlvore* katwaan th* said •rotors as aforMald, their dekts and da- t* th! Engineer, the lamt familltt tall upon ui, alnst tke said sstate, under The right Is nttrvtd to rejee* any or Your Exprtiion of la a alnatrt Indication of our .«l. ; In sit aoatks from th* data all bid* If deemed ta th* Interest of th* DISTINCTIVE JOHrf A. PETlLtO, of the tforeuld order, or they wilt ha County ta to do. . Truo Romembrauo ability te tervi faithfully and Eaal. Keanaburg Attorney for PUIntlfT. forever barred *f their actions therefor By order sf th* Board af Chosen Pre*> fully. Long axptriinct hti given IS Brosd Stroet. *g*lnst the snld subscribers. holders of tht County nf Mnnmotith. Mo iither act of a normal At tha laat firemen's muting a 111.71 Red Bank, New Jtrttr. ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS man'i lift glvco him mort ui tht ability to antlclpata your report wai made of tht work pro- JOSEPH c. iRwnr, •DWAUD C. BROEGE, Dlr"tOP- rorfoettoa of Malarial art tompleti aoul tatiifacUoa diilraa—wi do not Intrudiwhen gressing on the new Art truck. Nelice el Sattlemat ef Atceuat than tht building of a Mem- ytur mind it burdtnid with Terrence Cruse, Leo Htmhautcr •state of Samual Putnam. Dansicd. By H. Llayd Williams, Cltrk, tMthli and William Vltelll an attending Natlee Is hanky «lv«n that tha ae- orial to hla loved oatt who aounti sf the lubicrlbtri, Eiicuton of < Now; hivt gont on. •orrow. tht ichool for flrt police In Bed th* *stata of said dacasied, will b. audit- SO Park P*aes"M*n?st*wa, If!'j. Bank. ed ant (tated by th* iurrontc ef th* Parsnnsns.. LahrtMue, Canuna Our ulict Barn Mimorlali County at Manmouth and rtfiorted for A Ccmhs, our aitmorlalt AN nunufao- Mrs. Charlca Weaver, Mra. Ter- uttlam«nt to tha Momnmith County Ktd Bank, Ntw Jersey, JsJr&uu biar tht Oulld mark of ap- renei Cruse, Mn. Bruct Hunter, ronrt. Probate Dlvlilnn, on Krlday, tha Attorneys. II 1.1(1 Purtosnt to the order «f Dormnn Me. turtd by tallied artlaaai ia our proval, your guarantot of a Mr*. William Reynolds, Mn. Al- Second day of Novcmbrr, A. D, 1051, Ht Farldln. turrogats of the County of Mon. finer Memorial at no extra John E. Day 10 o'clock A. M.. at the County Court Nsilce sf Seltlemsnt *l Aiisssl mouth, mad. on th* thlrty.nrit day of well equlpptd pUat at Wttt fred Courtir and Mra. Joseph How- Hflmr. Main anil Cuurt Strrrti, Freehold, Estate of Carrie Reed, Deceased. August llll, on tht npnllcatlon of Long Branch. cost, Vlilt our ihowroom ard attended the presidents' oon- New Jeraey, and- liliu DIrtctluiii for Oil-, Notice I* hereby given that the at. Emily Helen Onetit nnd Hnrlu Loui-u and let our dlaplayi of thin forenoi of the P.T.A. at Freehold trlbutlou. counts of the subscriber, one of the Ex- Goetss, Acting Kxecutrlces of the e«tntii etrtlflod mtmorialt. Funeral Home Dstad 8«riteinb«r 18th, A, 1). 1951, . ecutors of the est*te of said deceased, of Annie Goetie, decenscd, notice Is here. laat week. CHEMICAL BANK AND TRUST will be audited and stated by th* Surro- hy given to the creditors of mid docenirrl H RIvgflMa Avenue Mr. and Mn. Frank Woodward COMPANY, gate of th* Csunty of Monmouth snd to exhibit to the subscribers AH afnrcinltj Phona 4-O331 RttJ lank and Mrs, Joseph Howard attended By I Hush Wflr. Vice Preildant, reported, for settlement ta Tha Mon- their debit nnd deniKiids ngnlnst the mild the Middletown township Parents' US Hrn.dwnv, New York City, H, Y. mouth County Court, Probsts Division, estate, under ojth. within six montlm JOHN VAN KIRK «raneh-Ml Maalt PL • DOROTHY PUTNAM BRODSkY, on Friday, the Second day of Novem- from tht date of the aforeiniti onlcr or LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO. he. council meeting hold thin week at 1(1 Mmintaln Avo., Summit. N. }., ber, A. D., t»81, at 10 o'clock A. M., at they will b. forever barred of their'nr. Neil I* Ml. Olivet CtaMtery Telephone 7-1MI tho Bclford school. Mr. Woodward JOHN C. BKODSKY. the County Court House, Main and Court tlont therefor against the inlrl iubs

¥a «NM tta I* laaw J* *ay aWt ajwa WHb JTM) MMt HM hNi MWMt MM vate* wa «fw adw yaw AAP a baNar •MM la ihap> nana WIMI

iMtoi IMB SNCN A**, for Yarii IT, N. Y.

ft. |7* •••••*••••••••••• PMl Nik ttaiMira «^- *47. iMkitf Nik ShNMm »-- Spisad Laacbaaa Mait Chits • f tttl Tokay f*rlricMMt.HUi-alii»M Fit Cad Steaks AMnlMflnMM imtiif ebtekiM Ur.. fc73« Sliced Mel-0-Bit . SHaai twiaa ^ **~«« 2*25 ANN PAGE FOODS FROSTED FOODS Sharp CbaMar *»* «• i ^ Mclnttsh Appltt taMirasaiig . trasga Jatea OMSati* Kraft Da Lixa Slieas OMI^^ TaMa Calary Ubly'a Splaaab . RaMi-Wip . • • . . ••««•- 57« Slf awbaiiy Prasansa Frassb Fritd Patetaaa SwaatCraM .... *»•*<•« Fraab latH trapaJaNy n«r«iM.21t MbMta Staaka Fraah Milk iwic *.«* 2S« •« *«^ Mlxil talaiflraaaa *t* ii

K Tomato Juice Swtrt Put 16 ax. can 2 23 AS Cot Beets RalaUa Wax laaaa • • »«-19«

Wbala Karaal Cara AM MM(MI$. Mrtas Pma Mea • iianaai spaai a Caaajbil'a laaaa W^HA IK.M.13* .. a laari SpafMtti SMM **- I« Caraad Raaf Raah »^-» w«*»3Ri ttrtmil S|iiri Msnar'a Spailab Rlea «^«-22« SravyMaatar Nr^k^r^ nccu Llbby's Rsaat Baaf . . "—49. iMWtl Saaarkraat AU^ v^^iSi Martaa'a Salt ****** *~*» Whlta Maat Tsaa ""™* 7i.*3fc Eltflb Miffln CaaMtaak Pia Applaa «^ MMCIS* PrMa aff Fana Cataap . M.^ Taaa Flab Flakaa ^.n. <*-«2S« Blaabarriat **>» tiMai's Mister! . . Airwiak .... IN! lauia lar Caki . . «*||i l-ttata Q^«^««I M«.H*16« Cst-Rlta Wax Papar. • Cmmdff Tomatoes Kalaa't Maa Krlaplaa nt«pi» 1 it 19 M. I Maraal Papar Naskias Hirshey Bart laala Saa'a Rlea *«-« MI^UI Madaaa . p»^«3S« Irapafrait Saetlsaa A»hn< EifNih Ueirlei Evaparatii Mift >***»» *m2t*2h Swasaa Cala-Saft Tlaaaa Frantaaa PaaahaaHNrtiMi.hittoivMa9M.33i TMlMiltt 1hta»4tl Jaakat Raatat Pawtfar • • pk»1t* Vaslah Claaaaer, . . Reatar Tea Rage "•»" ^«««45« Rayal taMaga "*»«• **h LIMM SUreh *<*" ial Maati SaaAaaa Raislaa »«^22« e«r Owa Taa Raga v*™. PV»W4«39« Rrllla Saap Pada • ^«<12^21« BteHlak . «-^27. 4o«^4t* Mtz Craakara **** «*• p*i 35« Ovaltiaa H^^«W4- ^42I t^79« Triaagla Thin NA«K. »«^ 2S* SAVE FAVORITE LOAF af Naatla'a Evaraady Csaaa »t^^28« Crisps Rrawa Eiga Caaklaa •« +* 24« BraMdary Ratea • • w«*»23i ON BACK Of WMBMI Day cakbialai Mi 14th iMMMlfhr IVIIV »K«. •aatafMfy wHb iht Mejnt kmt» to to hittaqr... 916aafn«f |ootf PhCmtMix -^.2-27. |AMftcttM,tot*r. a*— •i**^ _ • tw^ nting artielM Md iafarmativt 99m riHSP WPS PTOTI 600D ncekwMr doipw and womy^wr. tog menus. Dent nte this otra> Red Gharries -—22. bigbuyl

All pfMM Iff IniS M tfftCliV# WOMAN'S DAY NOW /• ut A

Clapp't Baby Ftii Tils Pill's Light Bair Jay Oxydal Spla & Spas Dry H • bMf «tn fea P« claMina painted wrfaeai Strain^ ChoppM Pan ftf HMwy wsah sod wihsf IipMtifly br wuhlng diihw Cor lh« laundry or Mot.pki.24i SaJn! Ill HaMAMad llAMI aMllv 30*

121 MONMOUTH ST., AT PRAM. ST. STATE HIGHWAY NO. 36 AT MAIN ST. RED BANK tiday KRANSSURG PLENTY OF FREE PARKING n,\m FOftfMJ. BAKCS CLAMU giw Iwl Adult and •ffKIAIaV-Uwt WUkN ta»n nOMI* k*v_ ••MT M ATTENTION HOME. OWKEHSI—S4.W ANTIQUNTIQUE OAK 4o»bi« foiling kW. tBKIDAlU—OLA. kxt t—4 la* MJV awplaFa»cntr 1 air Uen uttt. ballraoan dase* groupa now atatiaa, la. kaatat. «ai " ' a»cn mummmm mono by moilpri _»on» a EA |U|IIIU U •tiaa at 61 HigW*a4 ate., •iwa to capable ia4ivi4>ia.. ia ti_* lin* of plumbing «nd beat your th forming in baginncra and advanced. Fox .dlO. Alao Hat t-4--- «a, a C attPpli for « building or renovat- yn.irsf f We an- v FiPELBSS FURNACE treaionakle), two yen. »E 1-1571.' ^"" Marlaero ai»kway. year« old. Free delivery, Call KE 4- TWO^PIECE living "room'suite';'wiv con- trot, wait*, lindy and rhumba. JtegiRter coupe, radio, aeatar, awaMriva, ali»ea». Coaisauaiciatios ing «t four .iofloe. A iarg« a»aurun«nt now. Call or visit the Studio after 4 ara. 11,475. Engligfe atatoaa. 14 aUaal cusstnuuTU sf bathtubs, batting, toileii and median* arranged on 1217-M.' ilitinn: reasonable. KE «-(>Ml-R. _ ra t-iitt. Is, Ker* arc UPPORfUMffV StiOf intiques; chest of P. M. Plica Dance Studio. 21 Broad at., ave. 1-1545. cabin«ta, Kitchen •inks, featuring the fa- Mrs. M. VanBrunt, routa 31, Belford. OP- RE 4-9844. ta aara Ckriitaai asosaf BOiii Vounntowa #wtctaeiiH, g*». oii and do: Attic in- drawer*. rftiriUh^d and in th« rough: i _ j_.Tlli^^ _-__!_ * —^—— m_w^_——_w ^_w~^ ——r~—-———~* liaai a Waariaa Apparel Ckriatau* Ummm Ctorf* 71c .<>_. fired Mat ice plant, for mcam hint. of ' i IMiarI-* in kiith- •marble top tabli*, waihltanaa, irl of lix fAWYS-'ib black ducks. 22 broad U51 Mercury lalaa. ra4ia. koator; BaMthtaiclaWiac for all, faatur> aot vstcr beat or toot *ir, oil* sli \our i>HhtlUfiit or attic walnut cana fieatrd rhniri; pattern, col- pills, nine miscellaneous; anchor and COMPLETE LANDSCAPE aervica. only 1.400 dilca. II.IS*. Ala* Itll ater- >w lor 4 M wtar actually i" r n rd. roofing, tiding, ply- exhibit at the Plainfield Snow, Watekung Ml Caaaenllar a»a.. Mawark, W. I. ;] b 0411-M any tiaie after * P. U. Now ii the 0*!t tinM ta plant peran- l_«L rf__ Bight to cleeeify. «Ht reject tubiac and fitting!, toil i>ipa anu M- w.ml_u.'R. )iif.\il_tioji, tit. ave., Oct. J-4-5. Everyone inviLad. The CUV .. cey advcrtlaeenent U reaerved or liBCk. * tarf* JiB*ortir.fiit ot tleclne mi your rurtdK. American Natthi/wa, H( Broadway, Keypart. Kc niala and kulba. »t«»e«a, Mt 4- tienea tkrouckaat: aoa>aF •aiatadh Tke Be«ir_r. an p__Bpa. Nu__erou_ other iH'im. Phone H_. f-SIS !. MAKE OLD I'LOORS look Tike new. Rent MAIR loo'MLbxr^ raja k»»a tka> a.wU«- KSfcStit FLOOR* HEATER, motor »r,ii CSWTOOU claana* a«4 Mlt, *>*•" cur high-speed floor lander and edger. tone, to_l>'iel«i» BIIIIMM la awa kaadwrkiag, givlagt Ma cancellationa will b« accepted pi! W fur _OlU, PI7._ blnwer- excellent condition; reaeonable. tanka claaea* and laatalM, «raiai la- Low rates. Englcr Luaber Co., phone feature; excellent eonditiea. .>1* Co.. Highway No. 3o, Ml iltuuden'f KE d-0005. fall lalaagiatioa wklek ayill k« traat> M chstire! made In idverusemeati I'orntr. Hiddletown. On# mile north of (i»'»y( =o rO«i vm KK j-| _ •tailed Phonf ane tiaw_4at or nignf, out; 28,004 a»iln. Sclliaf la I Itu 1-uiiO. liafvey C. i.HOU. a vruca tt awX%wamti4vUr, »o gua hv< ' _"iu rr'.'j i f»^ i.ii.i.. iitu iiariH. i'iiong _.i_ fl*_0f i. Ut'.n 1 ArWlWlJk nlttir hi.r-u biaf, iiieiuit t»4 d DODGK COiMfff I I . M. top d't'KHtr $10. WHSlibUrtdi 14. pine pi,, Riimiion. MASON WORK—Haltering, cement •aw," Bai ill. Ba4 Baak • BCADUKE: n K' tniu'hiric, with ehif.l 112. i!c. Kcu^ui.ulilf. Main at. etiK INaljKANCI u( alt «'•'«•• oaa ft.V . : one owner. BUY «>f ~_r>oocT re- 4,-inrli; vrry g*«d and general mason work. Mauro haater; aaw Baal tetata. Iwlfcr *!•••• Call KE .---a.. (next to ftrf house), fort Monmouth. •. m. Staut. Uvii tuiMiaa. tt-tl f*NAM, UCtttt aia-a gtaaal _ frigerator. f. FK «-147». •mad itrwt (above Heoiberrii etore' Basso, 13 Deforrest ave., Red Bank. valati A.I aicchanleal eoa41tioa41i ; 44aal fiSOl AM Othera. •».•>. uVedneeder. Open daUy, Siindayn/_ •ulUfrs feadef akirti. wkito wail tlfaa, gradualuatt * ar returned G. I. witk BM> (JII.I.KN OII, llo inuiif, thrrmontit CROSS" BKEf) HULLtTS. Clidmar gSREAU" LANDSCAPE StBVICE. lot- Phone RE 4-3HHI. traiaiag cr avaioaitratet akil- WI IUY AND SELL anything:. (.'iudrd; Ufif d two Priced right far aaick sale. Oaa owaar. ckMieal I fell Cltw.f.rd Farm, Scobcvvillc. EA 3-1487-H-l. tlih I. atoreau. Jr., landscape archi- RE 1-tBll. 102 Churca itreet, fair Ma- itTTwilllial g ta work long houn at lo* Content* of fcomei, .torts, ••talen, kill IIKN CIlAL tUNCF.. in guoil con- tect contractor. Shade, dowering ana »u at itait ta leara all aipccti of a» S Illi VI I.I-.. arr.aaitnls! trees, shruba. and ev«r«rttlil OT>r> JOBS. TRUCK.1NG ar.4 moving. ctllara, tttict, chiim} glai-wart, an- ; dition; 110. C. K. Fronger, 22 Ave. at Cellars and attics 'cleaned. Cash for •7 aatakllakod aieekaaical kuiinaaa I* Red Bank 64M13 r: >.•:.. I'h,. J«-iiif fi; iiciod condi- Two R[vriF, Rumson, of ta« kifluit quality, rians furnished Bed Baak area lavoiviag gaaollnc »«• tique-, art objecta and all bric-n- r UK 6-92N7. tot all BhaKI of deaifn. All work !;«'• trash, (all KE 6-0384-J befora 11 A. M. good tires, heater: ki Hl'li K, I H EASV~SPiN-"URy washer; perfect me- and after i P. M. tori appliad to aiaakanieal and electrical ar»c fimcii'i, 25 fcait k'ront #U H HOOK, very clean, loiiully planned on« luacrTiaad. Pra- be HO* at 73 Cedar at., Mi«klaads, ar 4aricei. Vltiauta goal: aiaaigerakip .-'iiturdny afternooternoo n r chanieaily: bargain. Call A'l' l-177t-J. liajinary visits, estiaiatre. and deliveries calll AT 1-0377187.7 RE i nv, Zr ir f .1 Nortk Iroad. CISiKAL tLEi TRIl conaola comliina- tmi iMatual awaarakip. Iiceilent op. N I are free. Also do lawn* rototilling, truak aa partnltr far rigkt aiaa. Write to "Ei- LOST AND FOUND ." ' tion radia and telfvilion; lQH-inch J1 liant '.re« aiovinf and triasailng. Loca. 4aa; eveningi. 441 ave., Lit* aelient Opsortvaity," Boa 111, Bed Baak. USED ntla-AM aiua, r»»ionable! \VK. llM,llt)l;.SE refrigVr'iiU>f, kltcaa* aercen, S7u; kot air Coleajan floor fur- tlofi Colfi Meek. (Mail «, D. No. 1, tie lilver. giving full Jetaif akaat youraelf ia lit lirieaa. tn»iipin« and rapaning, ail I '•:.!•'•" (In.'S'T i, maple kitehan aat. •aea, with taak; baby earriaga 91 u. AT rMeaola1.) Pkon« Kg l-1117-W-j. ., X>»T—WALLET in nfifhborheod of •ark vuarantaad. Dwiar a Skr-Trak fcir-1 rh.ii iiKir. lirH >r>riiig. feankar bad, arar Pinrkney rd., Re_d_BHn!<. M>. LMM goina*. *« a»H tar itabiy. Fiih narkat, retail, cash 11,000, a*4 apportunity. Located in KcfPort Cosr—HEARt-t'HAPES~biart:*v with and f iva tha b>at itrirci. Call Swartz i ana. Writ! "C. I-." Bot 611. Be4 i .' ml MII whtr: rorn mid wheat grown fATJHil.Si'NIlRA PLANTS, " (vc.srcrn •a* 4aliagt. BaraM)'* IWU —t kalanea *eraai; tavern, bar and licanMi HEM WISHING inUDT aaapliriiat rhin««ton*i aM ruby in lh* ttntfr. yiirnilura, Hi«h»»> ii. RE t.J2Ij). :ti Mi'im.i u'.h rnunty. t'mi grind «r Mix • Ith -xp*nsion bract let tfaa: fiti tifht ground rover; 13 for too plants. Thun, raataiirant. fully aatilppad . groceries a ad alar or nigkt aklfta, Aaal»' to Mtgaa. WE GIVE GOOD tralt.ini uu your o!i \l.i yi.ii- M""':fii-.v;iiii«. RK «-2338-lt._ (leetrla Uoa. It *4Mt rrawt at, a»iati: dry cleaning and tnilor; alaa d *ritt. Return 1u Mrs. June* j 4A1 Brookiiria ave., Laurence Harhor, Ester Mata* tn4*et*. I Kaagrfil **. furnitura aa «a kav« an outlet for it. Ba4 Baa*. Phona KC 4-1744. riverfront property, residential, For fABT TINS MAM far law. wark; ink I? H»d»«m %v*., H»d Bank.* TO I'l-.NV HV THK I)AV,"po.npl«ta"lfng MA 1.J:!16.M. Ked Bank Call SwarU Furnitura. Higkvair It. Ut I''ii"l farm ef|iii|tm*nt, inpludtB tractor •eUi'.i, tea Bowman and Axeisen Ilia •nit ae a willing worker. All tSHtn WALLET ontaiT.(iiti~(ii~]ii f WltXlAMS nll~n._A~tC nil buriWr, YoUWG MAN to learn fcakar'a trade. la- n grail' v if mill, pliiw, ilidf, atr, Ho yoyr romplftr with c-nmrn!.. _KE I-O7S2-J. gtliifijmrrmi*4mnt ave SE 2-0117. nortat paprr*. rhh u. mnnt>y. At service, paper hanging, plain and dec- qulra Capitol Bakery, III Urawikurr tooli •upi'liad: II par kour. l*raa> Saturday, tubTS AMD KAIL _MCIH« aold and nwn i;it:ilsc-a[nnvr ; rover crop your gar* •OLLY TREE, cardinal berry,"about 22 OWNER BfflllINC; a prontabie reitau •rd Bnr..k Athletic fifld Saturday, S«f erect*.. Nu chaff • for ill II. UK B-'j:l3s-K. •ratlf* painting. 20 Mount ft.. Ka< ava . JUd Bank. •Nr la »*lr Ma»a. Addreaa "Lava Ifmbf 2222d during footbalblll gum*. If •Mt 8. feat high. Move at your own risk. rant hu^iiness, ail new equipment: veri. 'ettnc rail RE <-t'.^3-M afitr b PhoTl. " ' - - - - - • IIAMl'SlllltK rKliKiUKKl) lam. iij aa4 Call KE 6-3791-H. _ Bank^_Phone_RE_4-0492J fled sulisAuntinl incomi.; lnw rental; un- rROPESUUNAL aaiBlaraaaal Wark," tax III, Bed Bank.* found day* after 6 _*. M., Kb _-414_-l{._. . cht *rl:i nlil. Knily to tto. Pick T M nrd. WEf.L r'KASIINEI'i cow manure... Call fl)k MUMTOAlit; UiAM* w at. *. K.usual opportunity: f4,r>'10. Consult ULACK ANU TAN hound tl»K with two ..nil;' 'IIIMIT tndnr—take drlivtry Within H. Btout. Uwia buiM'ing. 1i.1t Brawl Sweeney Ag.noy._ Phone RU^-MS^ ir. OMee, salea, toekalcal awoia. •IUJWWoHW AMft babr litttr. three HILlI carp Ac«rra'i B"ar--OnU HE *- '•**•_* •"•"'?!• five months old. *;u*KJ I II Jnyf. T. Imliimf Kid Bank «-2831-H.' atnat, (Over Newb«rr» atofi DRESSMAKING, alterations, tailoring ecrs, and aaecutirei (ealr). Ma* ao- dayl a week; furaiik own traniporta- 8S83*R- Wt have your special awtrd. •>ree4. Also 20. bush.;, rre. lit* y- iiAV'KN'i'i'ilif'"rTiV" Mile: in good condi- FULL SIZK KAI'I.K crib, with mattrrss. ijKNXrlAL toNlRACTofc and caiiaoola tlan. Call MO I.IOII, ' Hi: imall coal hiatitm stovr, with all types of coats lTlincd. tippera re. aitlam oaen diilr. Ckarais Baild. 7704. tion. I' UK , also little- metal couch, double, eettoa aaattreii, maiiihip. Will call, fit, deliver, KE I* tame knowledge of aewipiper adver- FOR SALE mi N. J. certified ..lain., Sim.U.u If. P, Roblnxon, oj>- aaa*. ENitMtaa «i«n. Pkona BE «•11)11.' Hears * ta t. Interview! I ta I. tiling aa4 aalei etperiencc. Apply kr It lurgp hevded mirror, 4Qx3H. mnhns> I4«4 Oscar Backar, 47 I«eoa4 at. fair plants, 15 variet.ea to choose from, 1, remctrry old tate, any fralr.r, rordl, 110; oblontr mantrl VfcNIUNO "MACHINE^A email Invest Open Saturday! I ta II. letter^to "Advarliting," »oi {II. Bad aUM IILTS AMD PUUXVt far alac 2, 8 and 4 yetn old.<- for ,.rii-e H.-mlileli's Corn. I mirror Ii; foliling Ili-i st-rcfn i'_. ^wift, meat will start you on a route of tria aatert in atock. Oounlaa lilac* lilt or .ihona Prirbgrton 41*71. A if nun ( ill.l.Kl TION li L'O . RE ••I»2,1-M.> JUNKi"~JUNST~JUNl4—CettTi; juiTk Adams' 4jum Vendor*. i)u (jreenier Cig. EonRtS~£HPLoVMtNT Atancr.'TT Brown, ilrowni Mill. N. J. ,tsi < .- dealer Wa paf best prlea for rags, aretje Machine and ('andy Machine. Broad it., R£ I-1D05. Caaiaaertial. RADIO REPAIR MEN aad TV re. a O.. It Ka«l front atraai. rk ctuiiv* blueberry plant tiinwcr in IsVw h ld'Tiand'-honkrii USSI) MiiES Law thrVe-wati'lrr." I.",";"'._-I is";,'.'-'f| , ' 'Al» M-t of lix good 2^-inch twn-wherler, |10. Phone Jt_ Iron papar and mattrosiei. Call nh Ilim't answ-r unless you are willintr. to domittir, hotel and restauiaat. lloraaca pair a*ta: part tiaie ar full time., vholetal* and retail. Your in- ii!'. tin*, rondi- 4-.II4I-I build a good future and are ready to rSitEDdF%SiaxTTTlT 1-1742. . L, Kellehir groi Applr Ratawtewa Raelio and Tell- !• wrpatlna If no* oa • euiwork full or fart time in thii up and RETItiaERATION urvici Ban; _u>t he _m"N<; VOUk outfiown ckllilrrn'i coming field, l-'nr niuiiimrnt and full de- viaien. IT Maia it. EA •••400. » Broa< at.. Rad Bank (aara«4 .—Tor high quality mui all rlinirn, ri-fini^hprf and clothe., nr anythilin rile, tn my Op. biiiineu Call ua fo* ojuloi atrtlea. faaiiliar with theory, operatiua and , rail Iiftyton Fertilizer tor]., ly m«pin rnniMu titmrl, Douglas Klaetfie Co., II Kail front tail*, e'uitai't .Saturn 1 Rithiliowitz. 73 fu'rviiMtiK of hourtciiitid type refrigerator!.. Eitimttaa g'adlt giva». , ivinil nnil i port unity Shop on Harmony rd (jui>t ' Gmth, Karaiktiittan, Mala* tioii 7-4011, W_ alt* bur potato.! and fxchan«e ihop to aell *ana «ed Haak_t^!_L man, lommunifatioa Traducta Caaiaaar. leitlon, tap pay. Uelani CariKI Canter, I Broad tU Ra4 link. itorage tank. Will hem five-room po'iittm nt. (nil RU 1-0301 between 4 HEART OF RED BANK, aoned fc^busi. vaaatlon, tap pay. Veland Farm. Nut' bungalow. Prce $150. Phona KK 6. KEKl)-'- I-'EEb- =f EEI). ~«~i~t7~iCmiVTy MASOrTTVIi^K - Dry welli, ccaipoola, •p rd.. Red Bank. BE I ami * I' M. inn,, nidewalki, driveways. Jim Nan. ness, two buildings; all improvements. OOSIJ. J.l*h_r_ K. Luktr, Kuuta 16 Dei- —none bttter. I,ayin» mash H.75. AskinK ?1',,000, Shown l maat •ar the end of the year. Write, fiv- iBTTKlT.AWNSiH-H yVa'r: w«. nnd/or mi 1n! U.ti.yi. just iikr new. Phona g detail! «f aducatlat. kealtk aad 16F101LI tOt fOlCt TOF S0JL1 Vtr» p truck, 1140, in daily use, 1.100; Crafts, Allea Claetria Slap, It Waita atraet. fertiliia thii fall, I-'arm. Jnwn midK.\ . ;-0Br,(i.\v. raft_itatus. . Write "Teuaj Mia." Bat •o«4 •no tuttd, Lawm ttnitt ml farrier, niprlitjf. Jtiibrow ll rot hers, man's latidrr, 120; 1x8 rui mat, 13. HI Red liana MAUMCK SCHWARTZ * 8OHI. Ckry- UKIBTUW WOHIII lleaty work "'-' Call attar « P. M.. Ml 6-OIH. Whalcpond ave., Wen Long Branch. LO Wfc UkU fUU tlraVno akarga, wkili alar. Plymouth and fntariatioaat truck *r*4 iton 4l.kear weak, aiadera factory; feed ANT»1»0% *oal «t»ardln«a. nr BAnniTR -FLEMtSH Clantl, from yaun ara being reeappoit. Mount Tire •alaa and aarriea ksadquarlara, Pkana ooKKEETIR. fall tltM. fat tartaieal •aaaa, Caaiaaay reareaaatallva will ia> : ME 4-07117. coit accouatini and taaeral aflaa aerv. ular IH.»I. ••!• rrica 15.95; nrofi PIANO—IIAFDMAN parlor grand, will- four to * N mnntlis; fne healthy BALANCE OP GOOD*, from <7ren. Service, It White at. Bod lank, fkaae tattlo* tt lha Mstr Jtrsar Btata Easeloj. DODGB AND PlrsaautriaVaangar cara •e Should have some knowledge af aient lervlci amaa, II Bast »ont at,, tbarilnt'a 14.05, all aiEri. Sicco'a ritt case; rscrllfnt pnmiiiini . Til *. itnrk: %2 la.h. Plione RU 1-0574. loch estate! Mahogany Chens, RK I-I4I4. 'srtory cost studies and be eipafle af Knll Shep, 20 West front (t., K«dmnilrl I.ew cosis 12,200 >Hcnfl('e f>00. uGN-t'AX C6KTiACT<»«. laadseapim. Dedga «ak>rau4 traekk Mlkaritad Bed Baak. rrlda^Jeyt, 21. Monday. tihlei. lofa, bed, aide, aarvlea. aawarn aattiaa atattaa. Prank ibsnrking tcckalcal Inforaiatloa atalylnt ta 18 noon. Phnlif_ AS 2-(i«4O.J, Matthews. 'UI'1'IK? CIICKKR Spaniels; ten-week! >'adlng. to? mil, All dirt, daderi, » rsdia_and alaetrlaal aradaett. Call hoard, lecirtary, Chinest vase, rrys. ravai manure, lesspnola ana dry wall! V%a lyekla. II* Wait Front atraat. Baa _ euper market) oVlTV L tt8 EE15J «AfE!i fUMPS-""!-. and"W.""istl, 1'II.V- old, iiarl eoloi ; AKC rctistered, Kx. Rank Waal ti Maele i«a. Pkaaa RB ljeil rlwO" trs adjmtabla hnapitnl hrds fnr r«nt. ton. t.'limas, Janzei and otliers. I'ne | I Phone EA lnjuSR tallars, mahogany frames, hrlr-a- Euilt. drirawaya repaired. Lianel Staioa. Mtlt. na aiMrleaea aeteaaarr. . Vicinity Red Bankk. £?f«t«ltF M ••rk (jp to tun. X'ew and ulfH )«d> for inlr. Call RK ll ring with each pump. If re|i!«"- I Kl(iin\ll(r: UKr-tiKit'.liATrtif," in *r«t »ra«, ate, Buarll'i, 21 Eait Front Phono M hiTe iilver'all- ••{fit, aik for "Patitrii Strvict." Fr»e ment, ]:heral alliiwanre nil nlil piimt-. II, Alrfir RADIOS—Sales, urvice. Cipeit »l!b CAmM>(iaW.aaM aad ag '. Wrfta "leper Market," Be* Ills alfllvirr. £outh Jrrtry Surciea! Supply* i-ln's ciinilnionnion: : pillinpilling gfo rfor |25 for it, ekanged. Paatiaa aaaUa a tat tarvifa. •Vi rieweri. 441 A J. Company, ^cnbryvillf. n«M lo iinick n muvnl[IEfi3:Jl.__[IE_fi'3:.iJ// rcpalrlm, _• rears MIMrimco. Mobila >8 Bait front it.. Rrrt Bink. Laird's Ilistillery. EA a-0Mjli!l-2. Radln-Talavlilna aVrelce. K. E. Carllla, Tarns. 0. M. A. CC. lataaa Bratneri. Apply is penea. KM'E heater; hrats five to RciE OUAJ 391 Broad »U BatBaak. Pkaaa BE I. eare af arauads. LAYlNii PCTtLETS— barred Cfnii "ilub- LARciE OUAJf.t .. . oThnrse. minur«~for •9 Wait at. Bad laak. fkena R> •• MaaplMI. klgkwgf II, M. I.'in- t»o yenri old. Call KE I- ala. Call _KI «-0448^ lust aa*e driver's iAVB AT WHITE Furnitura * hard strain and Sex Link fro... |l:ilj- 1 l Cll M 50l«______01-J In iw.iit B and 7 P. M. mrTT- feAKKKK' Lakewooil I. HGIIEIT PRICII For your old car. Wa BB I.HII, landing Co, no Monneuta it, oik atrnin, |3 eivch; $2>r, in luft Inly, EICHT STOHM ivindnVs. % *i Ji'alToK'; aa- JAIXU. TUB TAILOR. Claaalng aad Also Yerling Leghorn Bflbcock strain, nVs. % *i JialToK; aa- llioj.j.iU0JJII; DuDutct h Impiirled an brie.a. pressln,, ato.i also »ara aad trass Ii4-r. we aell, wa trade, toast Auto IMMEDIATE OPtMINOI far •« I* ••« Bank. RE 1-1981. l! iii mlitlonlil , RuiaonahleRh.l AT 1 1-kraci antique!. Hulle'i rd., nn" Iloute Rales, lac, 119 Manaiautk at.. Red Bank. EXPERIENCED typlit-tlirk 1 laewl. l.ifl aieh. Vaccinated for pn\ amIB.-.II-Mi . nta. IIjy dlraet and lara. faccoa aeveral dapartaMatl af TV «an». Newcastle. Phone RE «-07Jj>,_^ _ ll-l, nta fhop, I* Weal fraat at. BadPhone RE 1.5224 • •dee of bookkeeping 1 neat, aecur. flffiT?^Werr~iCrrapp Aeotrad CLA (Thor> manicle K WTTIATI ON DISPLAY a fine selec. factarlag plant. Ma aaperlaan re. ATTSNTTiiN, CHUBUIES^Twi, plraTr.d E aver refrigerator, Tn perfect Rank; ate, pleaaant ptrsoaalU y. Writa akaal. lor men and women,, witk built* 'orl ikirti, iir.e ln1^: also about 12 condition, Practiraally MA i aad taaaaooliiclaaM*. tion of «t«4 cart. DaRiddar Buick, ««lred. BieellaM vorklaf landi. hi •rekat and cuihion inner lolel. C. 1* ::ni', nrvir u.".! Will sell for 1161. ssPTETTOJtCi Inc., Ill Monmoutk St., Bad Bank. Relia Lumber A lu«tl> Ca., Maia eotton ftreiiel, si/e 10>j and 12 •£ : like I'ilivn.' 1!F. fi-Stii'J.W. 2230-R. _ also diy walla, drains fmtalHadd.. Es- tloai. Aaplf la aaraaa> Vide* Clayton. 1,0 «-U«o-M. new. For sale very renfnnable. RK (i- MISSION SfVLE IJvrnJTT;oo_~ie"trone tlmates given Oscar Backer. 47 «ec Phnne RE 1.2089, at., Eatonlawa. CONSKKVATOU COAL heate'f. Will heat Produeta Corp, 41 Waal fl. Bid aUvI aOTf ON KdotlNU material «c- 4472. _ rhr looms: ?:!.•; perfect condition, KE stttee, one rocker, one arm chair, one onnd at,, Fair HavanHavan, faone RE 1*1 !•_ VUKg YOUat CAR ataer fcaUl IX> raui a«dl available, I in 1 atrip ihinule, all BfJtTI.t GAS installed anil afrviccd"; ii7 mirror-ton dressir; all very cheap. Call EXPililtt DRlVlNDVNQ- iniiructiaiSnCearn wheala ikinaitf La* aa aarraai tka AN TO HfcLP on Jellvery ef "a»»ll. Bank. •aleri 14.50 iq.; {10-pound ilute roll bottla tas rana-Tn, hnt water hent-rs place settings of safety, to drive lafity. Look for trouble, lave year tlrea. taataal aVar anrea and (eneral wark. If ran art toalng II.'O roll; 15-pnund felti, l!.«0 and ic» boxes. Also full line «f flrtUi- the ear witk two steering wheels. Plan. axle and IraaM itralgkunlag equipment. Unite! in learning how ta aemse at. urn Stirling "CHmeliH," valued ?ran« Van tyckl.. |4I Waal treat tolloll.. Mlrh Mundy. Highway It, Keani- cal household apiiliancci, V. A J. Com- Wi for liancei and oil kurnen. wa will taack i. a J. Com- ;•'"• " " " •'•> »""' used. KB mn ia auta driving Imtiuctiom since atraat, Mad Baak, Wan ef Maple aeeriue. KE 4.Q203-J. pany, Scobeyville, nevt ta L 11131. En* Method Auto Driver Trala. ou. If you are handy witk taoli this eyvil, nev1t Oar awn kulldlajg, Aik far Jaak Harrier. till KA a0LilJ1 ' l)Ehl!OT)M~ TlUlTtrwalnut, seven rl«fM. just tha jek you are looking far. Oaad KA a-0Lil-J !-'• , p with all attachments, in fxeellent eiin- ina School. II Eist Froat it. RE t> Phone RE I.Uttll ~nU-_AH^_»»rii.altr far MUdletown Stork K»rm. Thomai S. wi'li custom-made mattress and coil dltion, 122; also Underwood Standard iay, hospitaliialion, insurance aad all ankitinua tsaa; eiubliiked route. Call en, Highway S5. Red Hank. . COMPLETR LINK OF rlreninre p ing, otlur hiilioom piece!p, , fulfull lll * typewriter. III). _A .1.1455. WE HAVE SOME very nice used cart. sod«rn delivery i«uit>aunt. Including iftir I P. M. Columbian Lauatfry. 110* aprings; walnut uTBl_rji«Vk-^v«rctaft Stop il! and ice ua. 1149 Jeepiter. lutomatie tail tate on delivery track. aqulrment. Andirom, flretoolB, Will, mnureHurs ami i T)OG CRATtg. show ,„ shipping; larKe MtCONTWUtD wutabla tU «WP wai'driitii, rocli mapl Winthrop desk, alettira Iraxina; ail »aiatinaa. auk. 1947 Jeep, 1945 Jeep 1941 Chevrolet ly 1 H. Mount Ceaspeay, U Maala acreani ot all types, wood rarriers, Hroadloom and and small silei. Good condition. Mrs inn and angravlnga raatarad; full-slie convertible. 1D4S Ford std«n, 1949 Oldi- Red Bank. lawt wall *4P"< '•' •'"» "—" I* S\10 (mil !INI2 I'H'S i d H. A. (iogarty, Ridge rd, and Kemp ave. mobile club sedan, 1(u|7 Huick icdancttc, Cap* Cod lighters, fenden, !tr. ]!ua« Arpir'i'.'ni (IriiatalM. KK 7!3"»7-!3"».' Hum son.* Iraawleii aiantal ailrroro. window eel- ATTK.VCTIVE TOIIHO f#a* Urn*. Vdwat t* III.IP, ca» anoei, lawn •larn*. framed mirror!. II 1942 Oldnmobile sedan, 1940 Chevrolet Made ail'l, »S Eait Front it. COMIIINATIOX SINK, completa wit. cluk coupe. MaUhewa Brothers, Willyi tine. Inquire "Tha Thor combination diih and etothti L^TS^l^BTrT^KdiaTVlTTiaTe East front it. Pfcoae BB__!__• •Ml far 1* ilngla ralla. Klgrla'a bloomed. Mrs. M. A. Uogarly, Bldga INSilWfc ¥0Uf MOMt tisaiaoaa. ayt*. dealer, Newman Spring! rd., Red Bank. af w.-ishir. Untiinint jrnrhnp*' ilispoiti] unit rd, and Kemp ave., Itumson." YOTJN~BArC~wKh~"driver'i lleeaae, ral«U H« Wallaafa". «• HM> GOOD R C Xl^-TNCfl"tpi io"nrf l"" nml .'i-l-iiich i-nbinrt : *] 7S takes it: or. aiokllo and other propertr with Haw. RE IM.Iiiu. or part tiaie, latarestad la la waMtk atratt Crosier AM • FM radio mhinntio iir.nnl nut $Hm). RK B-(144.-..H. HXTWOOD~^A-KKMAKK r klna Hreithers, Real Ktaua and lns,ir. 1939 CHCVKnLET COUPE, good motor, rade. Wonderful opportunity, ae*is • 50: skunk jacket. 14, |2n; i_-ic< n to : droller and baby carriage: in good an». 77 Broad it. Phom RE I-0III. body and tirci; rndio and heater. Ask- 14 120- aftique ehesta and hnls. tJtlOli YEA 11 SKO» "VIIBI.I. (CniBii cash 'M. R.." Boi Stl. Red Bank. RfL CHAlKrntNTlw condition: 125. Call KE (-4I1S-M be WELLS CLEANED nnd dug. Call after ing • 15(1. fill LO 6-0979.W after S lJtBuUlED maann tot r out-dooutdoor work items are In excellent condition. C ri'irintir, card cabinet with 2.000 cards lweeri_tha hour* of 8 and T. U0HTM1M0 CL_U. Olaaa kalll. bnl. ckrami »h• 7 I\_M, KB d.__a__. on amall farm; all year, WrHe Red _ kMt railM beat. »l»4f ailta, BatMy •ala. Mew and uarrl chain tor laie. Call (ilM-J. FILE » ITU.* XI 1.2811. ast for •Tiilicnt Service." s~M M MOVffi" t • A HEP. A, r"2T rii iT»", ~i i siie: double suspension, lock, mahog- hanger; Interior and exterior; 29 I Call a» Hill rouH.Kl'IlNfii! DTiitiuJiil ga> raiig"e7~eT- wulU; light uray, jade green leather lf()l7NO "MAN far leeel lellvery aenrlea a >rea delivery. South Jerley £urgie*l in loading: new condition. Call any finish: excellent condition; 13.1, yrars1 experience. Estimates cheerfully iiphnlstery Beautiful car in beautiful nw_n____rCflHCt lA»U6A_r>• _ •__ • Mt T» aicalleat 4.|«ri4-W after « P. M., «• »-erk-enil '•. llent condition: 140. Mnn he leen ftool typewriter table, green, MO. RE I. and to be generally artful about tke laaditlea; new aalla: barf ala at Mil. futmly. 8H East Front »t., Rad_Bank, __ •III Fair Haven rd.. Fair Hnytn. 1 given. Louis Caisaa *4I Shnw»bury shape. Priced brluw disler'i priet, RU ore. Wrigkt Stare af Bed Baak. II arf ala at Mil. lCaTfttX; HOLDS 15O-S6"» "iba, oMeai it\t jftej I. »ve.. Red Hank. Photic KE 1.4344-M.-. 1-0SH alter Friday nonn.* ______g_ »;»I47. Arthur O. A»llwaAlla. with rtaily to use Italian tumiitn sinu-i' LEATHER ,IA«'KF.T. sir.e l«:~wm>ri»n TWO SlACR wintei 7oaTs7blSiTveiVe~t Monmoutk it. kT'ORR KiKinng a 11 cubic foot food, compartment, Ptiea CARBURETOM aad aaaaatoa rebuilt. 1938 FOWCOUFE. 1941 engine; Jhal IXPERIENTkD grecerr elerk. Oaaai* M aaliTalae.faTt nn gale all day Saturday nnd Sunday ihuililt; he! comiilite, n,i] springs; flat short avening coal, black velvet and l)uUk, factorr wnrkaianshlp, Ooujlis k, a. Chl tTI. BE 4-2543. fiildiii". siiicli' hid, three 710x15 low 3exhaurt: 1110. Call RE I-199I after (unity far advancement. Aapl> Blk- sler lUflMi la tlMU— Retranding, «ulcnniilng our frnm » A M. till nnon. (i. |l., 121 West •eouln evening gown, all site 12, |r> each. •taetrla Oa. tl Eaat Float at. Bod Krnnt St.. Red Hank.* lu'rsmre tirip. Oarrett, Wilson ave., * ?? * ' stelll'i Market, III Maamatrtk it. Red •Mtialti, Your ear tied up only It I'lirt Mini in i.iith. KE fi-1402 evening! or Phona_R|;_4. MB7.J Rank. Phnne RE 1.0111. "1147 LRoglF.y ONVnr type eakla irulsari aalnatai to put loanara aa whila wa ra- aO-GALLON TABLE^fOP «l»ctri47:.n. FUttSltUrtE," practically new"~two-sieca radlei and elettrlcaJ appllaacaa. •arVaa. Mount Tire Service. '!> Whit* Mvinfr room suite with lunproof llip sail's Texaco, II Monmouth rd.. Oak- lesidiaci la awrawikarr, aWftrsttaa. spin i at,, lad Bank. Phona RE 4-Q484. . UST SACRlKtCE—1151 G, _T~5«Vn covers, niii|i!e Inunirinc chair wHh alip ,-- pipelesi^ furnace; Wa aall far aad 4a«eer. MaraM'i kuriti ur IBA iHUT vitt a oraf A Wt 1OR IVlRY M.ailon. rHHf. button range; completely automatic HID PLYMOUTH two-door sedan. Phona IE iini-R. . aatar, TI k. p. s Idial far al t list feat 1 coaiforuHe living euarterl HHUJGTON. CudarwiwA aoJ ti-i..., nil mil, Hlipprr chair, wringe_..r DINING ROOM SET, French diior, nnd 11 so!" 'raiMBA* V-'l 14e'X "' "" End. LO I-O4H7. ltk typewriter!, lol w na l.t.HUl . P. M. ll! 1 tri# l8 so far aiagla person; enalleat eoadltlaa. B. typr washinir machine, mahncany dinette ,"" . " " .•'"''• « ' drain tray WE .'AY kigaaal for raui iwol* MOIiEL A KOUD Tudor; good Motor. youtre HAK rot troc\t nt to mate oned. gu» ranged, ferplct'a. t. fiyii- rh.rj.. ^'all mornings or sftcr 18x34: floor model radios, kitchen Itove. try. WrIU Lang Braack RE l-'-'mi«_.' aell generally uiefut In retail dry tk Mnai. Fkona U «• set; love icat, Crosley Shi'lvndor, eight hot water tank, two oil burners, oil tank t-tiVt, it .._ _-_jd»a». lama 1147 STmiRAAKErt four.ilnnr lednn: goodi store, The Sarpriie Stan, t «4 cubic felt, refrigerator. Everythinyhgg in complete: odd chniri and odd tables. Live Poultry Marart. Irond it. Red Bank.* _____ ejilnped head, galley: A-l lea. perfect cnniliticin. No dealers. I'll li- \ ,pTiBM Branch, f.wlek rndio and heater; gond condition* On IS GARDEN luppliei; cash and burners nnil deep wll. Price rag. »««ke offer. Sell cheap. HI 5.1112. PAINTERS AMD DECORATORS. II view at Kennedy's Service Rtalion. Ave. WANtKD AT~ONC«rilectrlela«i kelp. earrr: S-10*S Icrtilirer 12.50 per hun* . Pho UK «-443!>-M. TtCEVrstoN ANTENNXsrTonipletTlV of Two Riven, Rumson. Phona RU I- .#.., non-claaaIBM,, Ii I...faatieaaj. . . LtllCA S.J'LEKS. automatic range rTniT^ fears axperianca In metropolitan area. er; mult be experienced. Call KE I- pleta, . . 4red pounds; large hale peat moia II; i Installed j television repair! anil ad- Interior and exteaior work, nlaiterlni l.-.S after t P. M. 1100. Pulllan'Vi Boat Baila, New Jersey Fnr-nula No. 1 grass seed, cr, flash bulb attarhmrnt : prncticnlly CARPET, 10x12 DEEP red and Jtntments. Smill screen televliion set! Plalnfltld 4-744V few. Also binoculars. 1;.::«ll'» l.oitz- and glaiing. Raphael Salai, 10 Shrews. iTra7_rp"WiTirfcsr?: MAINTENANCE engineer; nigkti, at Kiv. XYMAh eutaaard aklR, 1171; DOe pfr pound in five pound lots, Im* Or.ite, !7.i; nfvet\.niica r«»n ret l Mr; m.. Highland.. Phone HI V1421, cnndltinn; 1^50. |n Fair Haven rd., •rvl.w hoipital. PleaM gat la touch 11-FOOT vnrtcd Holland Tuuui. tio. I lize. Wrtr.l«r, nrvrr ascil. H'Bh< it Oder. Call SS"T1 'V"^ ' Fair Havrn. " Phone Mt I-III7. RE «.|743-VY.» tr,1), three.piece mfa Ti»d living SAMUELS., prop* . with Mn. Julia Throckmorton, at Riv- 11.11 Per RO bulbi; evergreen! arm l r HOf—AIR FURNACE ;^wm-h7iT~iTx maintenance, repairing, painting, dec erview Hospital. __^______hull. r.atk«rcrift'; «RANI>FATHfiR S""CtfK B ahrub! II and up. Myrnn Kniicky'a two cnttdii room suite Jt^R, roffea table 14.7B, \. '" offer. Call Ml J.0IS4-R orating and pnper hanging. For eiti> when they buy nutn insui-unee frou CLEANER—MAN or womin. Rlvererert II k. p. Scott Atwatcr engine. Will Garden Stnrt. Route 35, Eatontown, op- -jattresMi, two drrKsrri two mct.-il Ailmiral refriaerator, A-l. |1II.IS| aft»r_!i:,10_avenlniraft»r_ :,10_avenlnirss or^SBturday.' matei nhone RE 4-0492. Allstate Insurance Company. And ynu Nunlng Home. Apple 1 to I dally, •all separata!', ar template aries 1701. goalie Afferican Ligion. »dl, iprinn, t»o tables, Easy Spin- RE 1*1111. ftve-piece kitchen let 124.10, thrra- AXL WOOLL, ROYAL bl'blue'peh.leTwlal h ltt HOOVetl CI^ANEBa repaired, krvaaea get the belt protection and service. See nr phone- Rg I.H1I. fSKdE HXRVESTEn — John~~btere. I'lier, odd rhairs, lleiithback bed. denk; II. E. Asnv. h Salem lane, Little Silver. CHRYSLER CROWN, 1 % to I reauetlai pln'c mnhoKany bedroom luita witk CDnilition rebrlstlerl Allen Cleatrie ihoP. II MAN TO DO outside work: mnit have with corn find pic^-up attachment. roat. site 111. coat and lidirinir sit, si/r ' RE «-S>o IROO on your name only; S-10.12 per ATTRACTIVE WOMAN ta work part t)g_ft LUHBER—ax*. 2NTO, and allPOWER EAVVjr~M(IVVEli.S—New •'Sl^ii; ano Dalmatian puppy, male, beautifully month repaya a lr,00 loan. Bell Ftnnnce new, outboard Motor, Moving, mil Cheap. Phone rrn" and "Snappln* Turtle" ull-puniosi. inch television let, mahogany, |ll» ways. etc. Mada aa arder kg See. time la email dreta aha*. Call RE I- 1 M orldthl of floorinp. ni Co.. 77 Broad at.. Red Bank. Phone RE j-_ fci! 'L'"'-^ _ . s-ll'i-W, rotary power A alw «ml tyve 25 East Front it. KB 4 80M W • """""" * "eV-eiid. derf Company. 11 yeara at t Waal 24» after II P. M. Jeurnal Square S.*"Sti. for evory need. Urcausa ihipmenti and etc. Ru «.9O»o, tlcensajll, H-rOOrOOT OOPEP N B0A"TRSt,,, witkwitk; air-cooair-coolel d WOOU — Hrenince, itove, kindling. JAN TO CABfTer koala aad twa pricti arc becoming very uncertain, BIIK« c)e. leed. at. Bad Bank. Phoaa •• Hill. 11.11 CHEVROLET HBhAX running con. Idren fraa t A. M. ta Itl* P. M. •atar and r. All ia* good eon. Charles II Wil•. . ;:n. (Hhchrr intr-rcitlng pieces, al 150 _20 Rroail it,, E»tnntn«n Na job lea mull ar large. Ill Lint Hanei ava.. New Slirewibury. RE I W(« :i I. r>sl Patten ave., Long THlfETS REGISTERED""BorVo"l~( RussTaTn ik ' «EAKLY AMERICANA" old pine, r llriilirh. _ RE l-ati81.W. 1848 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL deluxe, iullr SI. CAHK OAITDESK." ITI) roiirsingi ri. » - wolfhound) dogi: one male, two fe. win orbUAU aciujsv. IUI lovely placet for ranch and eo* ing machine, 110: massage mnchim. (Jt)VS KICYiXK. good condition; 110. malea. Excellent heiilth: fine for pcti _M>_M. ia copaer ar lai- GENERAL AWIoTArrT *- raraaaatls* for Immediatexcellene aale. t condition; Prln youn* lady t loea.1 reildmt. past type. lanial hornet', hutch cabinet hat- 120: lawn roller. $10: cnsnline la«n • v.i lot i-ims'i. qr_r,reeilinB._Ciill HO «.757tl • •anlsed. ^Cal) ui for aa eitloaaU M, I-OS44 after S OW t3Sl LIKE NEW—43. ErfcfFfgeratort 20-gaf. any ahcit m.i_ work. J. V. Bogart. II Interview! Thunday afternoon a_) in. waiter table, lazy Susan table!, be!- P. '5J Monmouth Deach 1- SIMILE BEM,' ilavenpiTrt and chair; nlng. Friday evenfiig Tilt P. M. II mull BCnovu girl wouldf nks. lailder, large mahoganv' dren. Ion automatic gai water stiller: ten Postsr itreet. Rtvar Plaaa, lot Bank 19SS FORD STATION wagon. AT 1 Hirdlng rd., lad Bank, lifting position ivenlnnlnggi In lawa coffea tabla, etc. P.uicll'l, II wcffiffinnmn—irnWh—a^iTt er. rut". "-nlUe Iron, fnnr bnntnm hem. restdiirant Itnnls nt n reasnnanle price. I5IH tr vlilalty. Call ~REl I- Salt Front it. Spaniel puppies; three months old. llthirjtrm*_ . REJ4 «-l2<4.J.« ^ EA S-0185. Edmund Welli, 11 willow CANlNS'*a'nd ruah worh:~Wll. 1115 PODGE CONVERTInLK, 171, See pRorcastoMAti iM»ia»M«mt Am. He C.47B9. »vc., Eatontown.^ bur Ivina. 119 West Suiiut ava. Phone alter »:3O P. M. at 209 Dartmouth (i. (I. RrfnMtiliriATION: perfect conilnil- BE I-438S-R ey. AS Milt. OUae, aalas, task- jlyaltUn or motkcr'i »3I7A_itV RAVIOLI tor laic; al) daT NTIQUK "Of*A, portable ihower, um- TVi'ter-Bube nnd walker. EAST HoUSil. highway II, Nifisjn"k= BE I438R •Tr.aye..i Faif.irr Havennsti.i. i TBb d l CCalll I BUY ANU SELL second-hand clothti. Raturiluy and Sunday till noon, Kreshly brella type clothri dryer, with indoor 7(1 betwenn fi and » P. H. Antiqued and used furniture; small 111! OLDSMBIOLDSMOBILEL , two'door; good co nlcal, aagtmen aad anntlfat' d > Ct Must be in good condition, I. Kerber, •rapared, delirious toma'o sauoe; con* stand, _ All cheap. RE«-;|17J-W. I'ti U.IK — FEMALE, trl-color; tight three-ilrawer pine chest, four-drawer m». dlllon. HI 8.1.140. (only). Ckanai Balldla*. Itl _ "^i>**_!'would* ""Ilka t"a mnlent to reach, G, D., 123 Welt Front smirewrTfrTut A\r\ months old: house broken and fnoeul* »ng«ny cheit, pair of old Hitchcock 309 Shrewsbury ava.. Red Bank. Pkom il31 PACKARD SEDAN, four-door. Bangi, Aikury Park. Hours l-l. lid for working Mother by at.e . Intnl: AKC rnjistiTi'il. Heasonnble. RE chain, ol! and coal heaters, china class. BE l-oaoa-M. Gnod buy. If Intereited call HI S< ^1100. will aell fnr %K, Phone RE «• Open Saturday raaionabli, RE I-0HI7-J.* __Kfi_-I*IKCIO hedroom se.l, complete hiL copper, etc. Call KE H-05SI-J before 11 CESSPOOL CLEANING and building iep- 1484.R.' feny.ari SiwKiiTCkT with mattress aiid springs; also three- l'LoWNCfi HEATEI! and rlrum. 14-Inch A. M. and aftor 5 P M. tic tanks; dry and gravel wells and 1140 MERCURY, price 175; Wmhav ETGinrnjBIC FOW Coldsimt rcfrlRrrr. SACKS KEPRi»nrrAfiv_ to a*n can Iran, seeks position Red Bank place modern living room let, 12 Loctllt tdr; In excellent working condition. HoyHl typew-ritrr 14-inch Underwood B^¥T-"IVH--7~«Hblcyclc7«n" g drains. .Ill Peach st. (Sew Shrewsbury to take on own responsibility. RE I vlelnTtyj fivi-day oalyi awltehkoard and and litver; t'ln HE Borough). Pkona RE 8-1844, C, H.2244.J.* Jnhni-Mnnvllli Inialitton, roofing and aye.. tt<-d Bank.* . Pcatonahly' priceil. RB B-'iti!'. tvpi'Wi-iter KK (i-(1770.J." Wil.ii.u. siding, Salary and ecmmliilon to itart. teletype eapeileiice. Call RE 4-3MI-J. JIB SAW A"NT> T>ENTH »•, c\oiiitnt fPACB IfEATEh, eM-elleiit condition: HOT .Mil runNACE,' luii ituVTsT^llot BUST" S_L_ ~lMMEDIATELYr~lTJ» Ornun Inaurance, hospltaliiatlon. ale. WILL CARaTpok n R one or two ctUfdVen condition. IMr, Valley dr., Belaiar. heata five rooms: has twin electric watir hratir Hint coal hmtcr, will hint BULLIXTZER SERVICE—Edward Laur. Studebaker convertible! new top, new Large protected territory. For Inter- for "°' ' « «oth«r, by day or wiik, Phone BE 11.1213..T. . blowers, stova pipe and thrta fS-irallnn live returns; very ren^onnble. All InVood WALVtJTT>ININO room sit, eight pieces ino, Jr., r.\cjivat!ni; and land* clearing! brakei; radio and heater, overdrive. Sac. view apply Inauiatlan * »ldln« Car*, af •PECIAI.—Chopped hiirsimtat, five Ibi., drum* with fitting..; |3» ItE «- ••oMiti'ML KK «-tjl«^-M.- _In_ulrj_?,1 Lahiyette .u Rumsnn. driveway, built and repaired: All dirt, rlltce 11,100. Call LO 1-2281. Aid foi N. J., 90S Main at., Aibury Park. AS J. ^MAK WlSHtl liundry work at kola. 7|e: rhunl;, livrr. heart, flvr Ihi., II.-*2HHt L.MitiE TTOCYCLK. ^ COlLIE PIJPS. AKC reci7t(rcifr"sis annd, gravel, to:, mil and cinderil treat Mr«. Bowman.* all Jtlndu will alio do ironing. Rt «. Wa freeze our nwn. Open daily an«f nnd ittimpi removed. BE 4-5032. PLYMOUTH 1-TON nii'Vup (I04T) n^soi^mj^i^ncEirh^rTrrrirTMVr; Little Silver. —•- old. MAJ:2I7I-R.l. jisfcrrnrcAMDMAPi work Sundays till I P. M. Closed Wednesday. complete: aultahle fnr small bumrnlow WHEN you REFINES!! your (loon use I4di1. c«n be seen at «(l White tt % C t\ SMITH TYtTWfirfErt ts/ladyk tractor; ionic •> NiKC—To be'done In my nwn homomo.. Helen Miller Pet Shop, highway 3d. six very reascnahV. ItK «.«112. typewriter drawer, unholiterrd swivel Permit-Seal, durable, scratch*proof j Red Bank, between • A. M.______•lln north of Red Bank. Ml r-oaW.'__ bicycle, small radio, lea ikatai lady*!, eliminates costly rescrutilng, Monmouth r a < " 11 per day to start. -p" d kid ll ifl andd Fiir n. while •]irM-«. Call LO l.fHII. «halr. Sultabl* for office or den; like til4l1 "CHRYSLECHHYSLKR ~four.dVfo o sedan"* , »f_r 11:40 P. at. ______i_.?f,...rN!hin7' s_ I- OANAhlES, (liicHil, hamsters, pupi.lis. STOP AND SHOP—Fine valuci! new. BIT 1.05M. __ Mower Shop Hranchport ave, Portau* running condition; orr mar bba 1'I.ooR CAMP, cuffing lamp: alia ona perk. LO 1-8688-M. COTJK AND CIUHT nousework: no laun. tnrtlfs. skunks, tropical and gold finn. Wnlnut liookcate II2.SO, console floor, two twin table Inmpflt lat ef e-n. a= ; for parti: 140. Phone BE 1-3414-J13414J, OMAN. CObUKOI fraduati, pliaiant All prt supplies. Open daily and Bun- ltoR._!^f^lf_'~lft¥__a_NT9T <'hi nir: HAY HALING and contain*; complete PARTS FORi*4T>ontla'n four-door se dry! two In family. tl»a la af out! table 11.50, cedar chest 111.50, Cogs- ritner'K tiookF, itntlonary and marina: lawn irower. Held mower, eiiltlvntnr, five dayi a week. luatlant wane. Hat- Mrsonallty, exeallint background aalas rliyi till « P. M. Closed Wednesday!, 1 job from Held to burn; olio plowing, dant body and parts Ilka new, WI promotion, i.lllng. would like poaltloai rlslm Miller Pet Shop, hiith-»-ay 35. six Wei) chair IU.r.0, 9s!3 rug S2!>, lniiriir_4Ji!c2 i._ Ml ri-03«8.K, »lelrh and grindstone. Call 1,0 B.0MO. dl-iclng, aowinx, RradlnK. itrnund clear- •renci required. Writa far Interview. SI IIHO "fVPE PIANO, In good Condi- •ell complete or lepnrnte parta, RB I 'Conk." Box Sit- Hed Bank.* good puhlle ipeakar. kas can no cos. miles north ofJ(>d Rank. MI___34!I__ wardrobe trunk 19.fid, enrriure GRAPES—FOR JELLY or juice. Senrs Ing, corn hulking, lawnfl rolled, timed, metica, cinvaiilng. kltehanware or books. P*6TffABLE ELECTRIC lewini machine, tion: fine tone piano, mada In Indl. ind Walhlmton nvei.. Atlnntle HIKII- cleared etc. Rnlph Maher, contractor, SECRETARY—txcVllent opportunity for 14.50, W'ndsor chair tin.SO, youth nn:i '•>• Stratts. IictiEonablt. MI I* BATRlAIN—1951 Henry~j. Kalier ca reliable capable youM woman for en- Writ* "WoMin Coll.g. Oraduati," Box with attsehm»nti; csccllini condition, landl. AT I.15JH.* HO ».mtl, after f. P. H,J!A 1.1788-W, white wall tires, undarcoatlng, over. bed *19.5», ate, Ruscll's, 51 East nacg-K. gineering department. Vlilt in Pinon IILIUd Bank 945; % bed, coil spring clr&n niHttress. LARGE SPACE HEATER. 128: console PAINTING AND paper haming, dona by drivet economical driving: l\,lli. Hat or write, atatlm ige. backgroundd an endd MOTH«»TO>; ONB wlihii to eara for • IB; electric toalter 11.10, kltrhtn itcol Front it. OIL HEATER? COAL heater, wKeel trall- dfiy or contract;; alsalso floofor icraplnicrap g by ir. lnoulrc nt ins Kentucky ava., Eait radio, llOt pot iton and holler I7.S0 ».10D miles. Call RE 1.4321, . latary requ Mat, 11.25, Imikrt kitchen need! II, nridpe par heater Is. KE 7-O9HI-R-2 after I square ffoott , PhonPh e I!K 12241.22422 , M. 1912 CHEVflOLKt. i4oVr.ond~mrchin"!c: Video Pn" lamp I-- !* Itiverview rd.. Monmouth Krnnshtirir.* r. M.. or Saturday and Sunilay. Morion. ally; good tires. Dipcndable trampor. STjTCrTEft"~CASES~"r""caT. h- i i,TTva, k -•- n • PIT'KL'KS.S "niRNACKnion. Phnne RU 1-0973. Itl47 Chevrolet ladan delivery, 1141 aiaall fraction. You mn iln It v.iili any frlvtiHljuj^ high wayL •"'."•_ ML '- -•'''• kf-.t sot, tHh 1 c nnil three chain, luxe, steel cabinet!, slightly Uled. Cran- etllent opportunity f, Phnn. BIT 1.BT1I.* •r Elictrlo Co,, PR I. ckatiniser available any way you want fitnim; runm miltf, In ext-tllent to sulti, with own rnnterlal, 17, Tha fnui-ilnor sei) in, 1R4I Plymouth Tudor Jour ruiitnw, f'.'t: kltclu n Minn, SERn RVE. Phone KE T-0S41-R. WIN "Fnutory Pants Stnre," A. Boneore, pro- 1941 Dodge four.door l»80 Studibakli {VllaftV,! It—electrical or manual, with or without aqulpiit'it for .ill. InrlutlliiK lint inn: iM,.|iifci> mnhntfnny Duncan 1 __jWirn_M._Acld Bank. 14-ton plrktiti, lono Chevrolet four-iloi change makfis. In nviilar nr console bniler_anil_e.oll: «2n. _f!nll 1,0 C-Rn I 1. (lining runtii cuil* thri>f>>t)1t>ce mit- PART TIME—7-. P. M.. man witk ur, day Salurdyi, height. Let's do a lilt'e figuring. The r. <.it'*i, lunik huU, bur, ottivt uE n-nofi;i.M, ___ sednn, 11)09 Fnrrt stntlon wa(to( for sails work with nationally adver- Box 111, Red PLACTIO" Tina for clirome illnttte Miny others Lowest down nayrrion prevailing viiiiliiik! Iniiiliitie price \* 23c, DAMKKTS Twn and fnur-iiunrl ti-; IVt\rnUt<\r, iHinuui Ph.vfr dining chairs, tables nnr! slnols, single nr i-'CTfS ARK SlSvRCE «nil very e.xiienilve. tised concern. Can earn IS0-HI wiekly ; i the who!tsiile <* JSr — lesv ng you a fnili. eighl nliH Ifi-nusrl cncli Im-- tttlilr. '.' , ii», li>i«ii)i>' iHtitnf room lonprst termi riosslbli, Veteran 101 on part-time baila calling on old custom- ...... "A"WJV—Small Jabs doni ive. double; red, blur, green, yrllow, lilack Havo thKt nld fur coat remodelid, rr* down, 84 months tn tiny. Open Sun iiirkei prnf'it, lor full rlitaln. eontart altl; also applepirliing hftgs, llr tuli irk- tiunlvt'* Wnrth(MiB#> (n*xt tfl en, Na ennorlsnoe ner.mry, Phjna . nlngii painting at.,reiionabli nt., off.whits. Wilt not mark linoleum rondltiored and isvc rnomy, Amy diyi William J. Lcvlna, 4H Ocrannort • hi fa-tnry rapraiintatlva, RI 1.0711, im RnpnleCo., hl|hway 31 tnd Palmer h^ rufklnt lot), 24 Clay ft,, RU Q_•»_"-**'> Union a»!., Bslford. U •• fnr Iniarvlew Tueiday |.| P. at. Ml. It!. PhaM rail, jnienjeli] Furnitun Co,, 11 ave.. Welt Lang Branch, LO I-2MI f MoltlMtl. _• MM. •• V4I v^B l-lltl-1. • HAL UTAH POR MIX MAL UTATE ro« -MX HAL OTATE KM MIX HEAL UTAH nm uu

CAaXOafE AGENCY—Littkt Silver, twa- WATEBFIONT LOT*—tVa hart thrta LEONARhU—SIX-ROOH tumtn.r BARGAIN IN Kwioa; iiiinf rt>ow>. K&D BANli—Nea/ aroul n.; Kvea .w. lot 50«li.'.. PriC* li.j'i . I!"!- | H n ng room, kitchen, den; two bod. rooaaa. oil atat: for rooming 1111 fraau. cotapltulr rtatig (a liva lot* oa tht aewlg drtdatd Oyattr bay, raaai aitk Itaalaat, dia- jm*ea« tkat aw taa aw at taa am-ford, three-bfdrcom houa«, (..; b:irr:pr . oom* bath, garagr. Taxea I7.i: amall or boarding home; lio.uOU. Cor.s*a:.'. r*at*l. ai**t. trotatlr law ariet ar 11.100. Two *f tko kf»t, aaa rang*; W«8tir.«ho>j-.« r fricr-i o'. Hondo completely furnahed. Ank- Sms.ti 14 9iapia ave.. talr Haven. kL a, mtiiit'r ktat; aa wa- — 1*1* aava a rraataa* oa tka kay of over tor: lot. 9Zx!':0; IKi.'iOO -i.- ••.'>'>o Wiikrr a Tinda.l. 19 Eatt ••230!.• _ _ taw; |ll>'gar auatk. Btlatoa Watar- _ . M iM aad aaatk* Irati Ml ta 104 fVH. thnrp Agtn'-y, 103 Kirat ivt., • .,-,• ... P.t4 Bank. KE^-3404. _ kfiDlVLtTOWTr^H jhwar "3o". ''. aaau. Batttor aad latarar. II We* flraat attiaa klim4t. teratu. t'.orm auk nadir** a/avuitateat U laaojtt phent the H:gW»nd», AT 1-0471. t! M>'HN' UVlNT; >or,m. 'dining room, mix roorr.»: garage; 'I '•; aT'ii. 'la...* •tot* all iaeliiat*. r»ll aaattatat. Urgt I |aka C. Mlauga Agtacy. BU 1-0714L^ __ tlTKNISHtll)" fcUNliALf)W; f<.jr V ''"frri: three hpdrooma anrj ba'h, I4ii ; bjA.n'ia or rsoi'l':. '.;*,. An r/ lot. aaavtifallrirlaa4Ma»cp laadtcapcd4. lawaautImaudatat and bath; from October lit i.'nja «t*;-. gxrae^ . h',t air. f(,!-nred; Jlii.50'). C'jns".anc- Srn ih. 14 MH;F e •H heat; •v»il»k>l* pettatr li •eeaaaacr. frico I2I.«I«. Ill Uliaa- BIVBB •ABt-Atttactir* tia-rooa» lat. Phonr KK «•0.176. _ _ un . r, . V>n»Mn hi r,Ha. srr.^na *n- ave., :••«> Hav-n. RE t-J ;••«.• Welter « Til t __t; at* wtttr Wat. "til* katkV pri. ••'!«< fir-h. Asking 112.104. W»'k«r vato aairaata. laiaira III Paartk avt. tu a»».. fair Hairti. Ffcaaa BB •• aalaalal. Firaalaat ia li»i»« roow,. K.A1K iiAV'E'N —'e '.tni nil. *ilh ilHD-foot roadfitand Ai T ..dal'. 19 tlai-. front at., K.d Ban«. »;x iot>tnn. two-far gara*f*i open tt 111! eatk; alt* ••lmar wwataat aarek. «a«aat*Irt la»»toi». rtrrtn: brirk hn.nt w K « 3 1 porrh , larj(« lot; Ilk.00 I. f'or.i lit tt tita: tratvriut* I "ktaa. faraiakad; tkrea bedrtwau. kttk MKILf nrtllHn* taa-iatw Mart; CABL4HIB A6BMCY; tsaaVtra raack- •attawtia k*t wator ktat: «ara|t: ltr. Pr.m ll.i.ll'id. "'a:. Ml S- Smith. 14 Mav.e avt.. Ja.r Haven. : adding aaacfciaa. ttt._.*« •ITH'rj Haataly raatai 1121. iacludta mtnt; rafrlff rattr. Pkaa« M I-It IT. KX-f'I.USIVE HilMK Sfv,.,, rn,, ni>HK fiawtl IM. ail ktat. Lacataa atart al 'j.mnv itaiupir. two iaae» trt* bungalow lituated *a a ktrga Iroaa: Itl.llt. Jaka Mlaufk uatoa N. Pkoaa BU 1- baths; two I'nri-h'-t. Oil h\irr »e»! b;j e. AOEMV --TEirch and aitckeatttt; on Higkvag ••.Mar •lot: gieturoHu* totting. Livlag air conditioned. Aakintf • I A.i'iin an'I ha"h ; f r«jp;«c«, I-IMV kaagtlo* i""aii Bttaak«r«. For ttaa>I*. Pkaaa KB I- narn aitk Irtplttt, aitiaff ra*m, tTII.* tflmt *r.d room hr.m* rarlianv hrnt . l\i. 1 I pint, l vLU/y". ')'• nfat; douh.e litlt*. 114 Paltm *ve., kvilt-la kitckta witk tlettrit atava 1'elahay. broi'r, 1«S6 Briarvn T«r- ba'n kt^hen ; t! nomi ; ft ! i |;'J,'.'"J. Si Em', t'tof. ••.. RE ^Mlr ract, Sou'h Bclmar. Phone HE 9 aad **mkia*tioa maakM) tkrat k*d« i van, art aayata t)at) te provtauatt. 117 Nawuajariaaa rd. kaafaltw: Itriia« rasa (0x12. witk ltO7-M • ! XHOW^.fjf? " Af;EN-'-Y^"r'a:.-," b»mm. Tf.l. IBls* m aeeaiaemiHt•a"': jj.j p.-v, r.ii sftsr_e_»\_tJ. aUEf bHlll-iat Italurit. llitlura CritJk £ LHT -IDliN'fcfc Huiiijiiii j-rl. «i. I H.X ronrni, r. < r.ath. .avatory. br*Kk* Ut> iatSfariaalt tta-ftaal firnialed koiiee. kaat aad many tatrtl. Owaer aaw a»arlo«ka»arlo«kiaa aatiia aaaa444 It Itkk fondfod. . Av*. of Two kiVfrs; SSUxJiO, 1'h.H. i1. Al'n're a Son As>nry. Ine. fi»'. nonlt fire;.'sic*. n., h*?**.; do'ib'.« '• B-^'J»¥iK"lU.w> •ao •lit* :• jlea Bank: children permit. BKE^iKtnidoM ftaralakad aaartaveat. aoaakiatHioa ativtt. kiukaa aa4 ked- iraaafornd. Prict III.III. Ill TTw o kc4raoawk4 . ka'.kk'k, kitcktakitkt , autoaiatiautitic •K I-:.:U3 or KU 1-147". RE garai~«. K.v.-r r .-n--. liT.jO'J. 1*1 £a>t '•— kicytlt, ,~4 ;«*4%U ' " Ckalaa Bv*r laaatiaa; |20l aaoatk rtam; privatt tattaact. Maw rort aaat: aaraft. Latt M Maii 10. PiPriet44 II * MILVEK'-- tie* mod.-rn hunf-n Fronr. «t. KE «-')T't'i._^_ Writt "f, •„" Boa 111. Btd Bank.' Uniagtta an.. Pair Mttta. fkaaa U t |II MMiawi k Afta.f, alto avail karoaiaa toak tta't, Moamoutk. on kw liat; ••« Mr attk aaiek taU at |1I;IIO. low; two liedrooms iivintf room, air __. X rt, RB I-U77.W. BB—ALL iaapnveaMatl; keat; three inclatVt avtrytklag. Ma tkildrea, »o BB 4-1 Ml. larft kitrhen with itarHjfe; expflna.on at inl.'NTRY LOCATION; elota »o p«!t. fir«Ci»c#, din ng kt fraa autiaa. Boatoaable. 155 .. __ . l»adtctp«d ti, III Braackpart att., LoatJ Braatk. tic. Nfar ifhoo' anil nm .in.'. I'I (• '••vn, f.ot ISO\Z00 feet: iarge ro'im. «itfh<"n, open porrn on firit floor; C» I-I8II. • i—(ortakla atf- ttraer acaat-aera plot: maicatic trttt, Itl.jO't. MoriKngt anantfvfi n»Mr, Tit thrff: bfii rr,r,rr\* bath on secrjnrl Door; ing tt Florida: aaiddl* m aaa af ritiaoaoa lacatoa la Ba4 *r oroaa, kaa aad aarocklal icbool. liviiiK ronrri, in iiv room; modern »t**m roai .~i-«r'. lot ;".:<: 20; -ji.tH |U2. l»r. RE B-S8H-I/ . nm tUtmt. laraiaaea; tilt Walk aai BE l-»ll.-,, : Oil kaat; twa klocki from Bread at. Btak:: fouU*tr te4t.te4raMtt. ato4or ato4ora kittkaaa kitta; ; rica It.ivl. Jaka L.Tlinugb Agtncy, ihCoME PKdPERTY -fwo"h"ou««i: »n kitriirn. two bpijrnoini and bath; Two-rjir g«r»i|(!. Ur,'i»'j«l oppirtiin tr «t IbMPkfCsOarn. k. p, 4»-atllta akowtr: private tatroact. Mtwlr dec " ad. akoaa BU I-4T14.* ' ' tVtaktr lit 4a May IM. BB ofttd: II* a moalk. Call BB l-tlll. utit teat, acraat aa44 atorat aaakk. aH yt'tr, one hiingalnw. itcautif attarhed garage. Oil-fired ttcam $M,2"0. _l(in-jgh Ag^nfy^tLM^jll^ ar Alap lift, atrai**rntll. atl.aal aa4 ak*r»iaf ttattrttr.. AaAakk' • ual ke ia good coaditita 1Kb IM AIL farad •tart- M 7 ttctiot. nttt rounda. vrry d.airHblc; 17,000. Brfto heat' II2.coo. A'Vre A Son Ann. KT BolSt tt it: ail keat. twa Baataaaai. dialag llo«« 114 Uiftoa a«a«t.t, Pair •aracktil trktwl, aataa. k*t; f*ur k«d- • chaniif KE «-noT6. LITTLE SILVER —r>:it;nr:tiv« co'.or.a bit, Writ* "Cf grattar." ing Ili'ott. "|I4 Leiinitea t cy, Ins., RE H-J4.S0. vitk oil kMt: cuilakl* far t.o room, living room. katk. artoaea. ea- twa katka: tka «wal family . . .. faite Cod'home :•! home; imm*'ii»t« poia*it:on. AnlUkla Ottokor lat to lvn» clottd aad taea petca; garagt; III. BU Mtvta Pk.«o BE Illil aitk a particularly attractive oil tteaBl heat, ropier plumbinR, oak B*«"t. ofTfr. Lar^ti living room, fir*- - ~ •-2III-B. IIIH-' ... •_. ,. iatatad aa a taratr kitekta. Mot aattr all kaat. Alkiag goora, full cellar; large porch; conveni- ondition. RU 1-1 if 1.444. iaka U Miaagk Agtaty phone COUNTRY l.OrATION', nttr town; p!*r«, lun room, _ unfurnished kungf unfaraiaatf tnt to ichoola and ahoppinti. Atkins gaarlp; all impravemtnti. Mn. Jiver Plait. Call tftw I BU I-4TII.* I I,too. » Oldned [1. tall tveningt lot !I.S\2ilOj ; ving mom, larga #n : *hr*t [«rji> ht»Hrinmi, 1'• hat hi, »rr». atitk lidt Btg tvt.. 4tk Eatt fill IIWIWI li li ilb E g-17SH-M." _ -.. i'ltta IHI!Ht I tile kitchen; 1*0 hedro'imi and tiio t'.t\ ahowrr; (i , burrom*, ifjn- lI_ I Ivt-ri river atlvlleatt: tatk (our k*dr«*aii, iTrfCH HOU?E-Built. Tn 1147"; three . „_ - .._ aiwiatl tad ffiird»*WTttt. m aparam< nti; kitttir tkaa await. L kktaii. aatomatlt ketl. Ctll any btdrooma, two batht; excellent riot of bath an tlrtt floor: two eedroomt Hry: iMtrh»d garif#, oil >!•*«£. Kg repriniprinat •auttrttt• ; fait toadiliaa; na- la«i •»«»r« l»»rovoannt§; two lara* aratt bet at aad kiukaa* la d.pkta law: living loot*, diaiag roaaa. kl' -} I.44TI. ground. Idctl for children, peti. girdcn |nd powder room oa teeond floor. it. •• •aii. vitk »a«k; 161 rer anonth. KB htutt, formerly aataaiat kg •»»"*. aa; taa kadraam*. katk; two.tar garagt; — -kuratr ate. Fine neighborhood; low ta.xet. Full haaemeM, hretatway; teo-rar Vtry luittklt ta aaajaaaial taaplw. ai| kaat. Awalagl, terotat aBCgtarai alttktkta;; ttwo-eao-ear faraatsi.r NaaNaar ttthot' ricrtened porch entire rear of houte. We- SHKKWSRl.'RY -(.'apt ~ Cod bungalow', tut. Wi aa4.kiMla a'larhed larata; |2O,C,IMI Allaire 4) irtt raoaii, furniahta; Quipped witk ktat aadatllltlN. Ctll " * III rtaao. Iatra*_T*t. Priet .BB>»»^ , ^^r^'^viMla*M» oral i r.""»i ttr cloae at kend. Owner tranlferrett '•;' :- • - ,VH . ;* ;ni ir.-l-: , :l,i*.j vi,j| HIM. 111 Lealngto* *vt, Pilr Mivta. aottim.i , Mactaaa, II Oak .SOB Agencr, Inr. HE «-«<:-". HUaiff.J. lanl tt, BB t-Ht». A nil value I17.U00, Joteph (i, Mcl'ue old. Living loom, lirfy.fe; two ()td- K> kaaawlao); large liv. Agency RU 1-0444. rnrinn; ro.orfti tie ba'h; ;arge kitchen, rottB. •rtpkMt, Frigldalrt: .try bath. TktM-rttaa laat'tawiL far. aa4 aatrattlM ta- N ACEKCV,~1!*>C.—Flnti Income extiar.Mor. t'r.p. i jli dry basemen:. »;th UAL UTAH WANTID lilt lar teWlatlt aaaala; l»5. Ill pat. niaked; kttk, II PraaaMt avt., Atlaallt WILLIS Uolal tart* kaltaia kaaa la Mar. property; modern four-room bungalow CIVTEH OF iten RAMK, i*t aith expanainn attic; ttore under tht-ce- a'tarneil avt.. Van Branek, Highland! aaaattg aaa faraa. ft tla Patk, B*4 Baak. k«tw«a BSvtr t.Klo5 ; :-rgr )Winf room with gardgt; JOBO, tix rtomt, katk. oH TWO. Weal rrtat at. BB •'Hal. gear lease; Kiirage with three- .' fully .a ^H 1'^rl lot . Fr>e ABOUT THRIE ACRH, tor*. ••* tlM atat! jHttlaatd atrcfc; y«ar round witk akowtr, gai. ktat Md altwtritlty |4. aa4) tte ri»tr; !4.fa*t H«ara lit. room repted apartmen:. la Mnnmttuth flrp|>:«ir-r; (iininjr ro'ttn, i'in room. KK >;-i.i: , ,,r HK 6-9ii».J. ^OIJM. ComrMienl t. l»llf«4 *f •>• rooa, taa aara larat kt4rooojt, It. RK «-l4»9 minHr>-- 13»0T gi«l4 ( four-room bungalow: exi'nn^ion nttic, Til.'*! ifn-nrirtti on :•> yea more K . in p.c- Ku't, Uardeni New Yark. OABA« katktk, trtt floor. Ont larat rooa attaal tar*e4 giraft Immt4ittt aceuvan- mxt •nH itovdj, [>ow*1f*r rorm, ?,#•'-- raatl>!i>ati*aj raaa: GltaC t inflatelad katk parikBk i >1-le*i7faot ceramic Tilt Vtatii; full eei:nr; $l'-,M)t>. lili"f«'i ic Shrewsbury, ''ohv*»r.;er.* M alll l AGE WANTED ; " ~ (km 1 loor. tn 111,114, P. W, Britkaaa, Plaa'a II Monaiouth it. RK 4-14119 or ItK •- ond floor: four htdroomi tn-1 bath: Alfrta katk. Arailttlt Ottwaar II. Pkaaa BB fraat aarck. Meuat fully ttrataad. tr4fi«i,nr!a'l'.n, ('_,:'; RE fi-ftSid-M.* _ •ere,. Milhwir »5, kitw»* •«•'Buk Lake, B. D, I, Paitrtoa. Ttrkuaa 24Vi. full haMnif>nt; twn-nr gang*. Aik- i,OT"fiN TrNTON avi.". ^aTnn»own""-ia!i «Wl Hru.t. Writ* In "A«rM|« W«|. •no. AAwninai i aad ttmt atarm auk. Mat air. lakeJaaartatat •i.lrod keat. (tparatt gtrtga. Urtuad I-I04T-M. BAsvTTSCfWnmiiAr. living, i<%-n«rV; Inf |2A,n00, AMalrt A Son Af"fi*y, to liui tort Monmoinh ; ail iif.i!iti»a; loratlaa: tt«»lt a»tfarrt4. Call fvllfullyf .laafteaaedIaa4at . Rtaioaakloa oaakl*. OaOwattr thrta bedrooms, two lm:hs; rmliant Inr, |tR i-II^A, •Vi .];':•. Ankinit %*,,'). RU 1*D4M-M AT MtlMI. traaofar»4. Elaktk it.. Wort KttM htattat: two.fatwnfar garage: IU.1)1)11. firossiit. ftfur fi P. M. __ Ml lilt fl« UMT-laill .Be.»tm!\r t 1 a Heller, miHIb kiira. KE l-0»5«-l tvtmnfr kauia in Belfard; living root». kiteh- RK 6.2 100. IIH B.H-.2. LoT • KATONTOWN, on rorpomtion rrf, mTBA'NV V--.ITU Th.a «••:.»'« bf.t buy; Hoo, ~ "Vkoice location." Broad tt., Rid Baak. •fit LoNti IB'ArfCrT-Ntar kua: alta aa, hatkrona; two kedrauat. writi ar . - .. .Innlal: three LArt(;G NKW RANCH (muuO n plot ntj 1-nm-M «rt«r IPM Phone Rt; 4.1114 ar BB l-lltl. 'otatloo Itvcn-rooa tnlaaial 4wtl|. •kaat i-ar Karat**, Low ; out-family katiat Heller, KE 1.^1 on kK *!-1 ei:j-j. lien* n\ t'rft-t*. Wit.h iLnVwaiki, cur ha, twa wttltd pttMat. Alta II walttt* taut: tli.OOO. Ex«llat ha: ftiicvratori thra« «jiet!!tnt brdrunma o .') pirk «v«'. itiim»on, Aikinf ia prlvttt koma in Atlaa. for ont mldalt.aged lidgl *a tootlaa BuNkON ABBA—Rkrcwifcurr river !«• hnTteway ; twn.rnr pitrau^; g 1! 11.IJ011. UHiQ^ IiU 1-041 ti-tf «'r*-*_*_P^W. i In Herald Tril—. fata* AT 1-4111.* af. I5C0 down, mortgage ••.coo. Writt or • rd til* bath; two-car uart*.; mt>en . Add rest Herald 1 ficiiit^i, BE l-ITIl kaMrata I aai I "litl . Nlat-ttotKl a dwellinglli , tat a ktkatkak , •hone Georgt B. Turton. 744 Brtad tt., Urotalnler A Heller, UK 6-: 100, UK I- 'OV .trivtand Si!»er Point lio Watt tin at^ kot wattr kttt, ail. «pl«ndid aatlaak, Mtwark. M. I.. Market |.im, 1132. porr-K, Full hnM-n#nt; ft 9,nno. A'- ran 1, a; •'y ! 1/3 m'tti; walk -FA» MAVBf. -wltk kitckta ftAxmivL TMOMMI ht»\JOi tmmtdiata potttiiion: 114,(00. Impec. SEVEITWOOM reVid...nee• fireplace; 'four iair« % Son Actnrr, Inc HK I- n bin, Hturfs «nil l/itjln Silver I'atioii. M tnd llknrr aitk ttltvitloa. __". rotnrwor apartaaentl pilvitt " tlta lavlttd. Ckarlti B. Iwetatg Aaeatr, BBVCN-BOOM HOUIE. kot wtttr ttitta beilrnoat tun room, oil, atenm hett; •r.rv I"!,000. RU 1-ri4l«.M aftprJI^.M. . J.4III kttwcea I aad I P. M. ktati 11,101, AH-rear-round houte. 114,11011. (Sroaainger A H'llrr RK I- ger * Hllltr eaaapltti i and Ilikta jlonmoatk aw. Phont BU 1-14*1. vMM'liiX-ll houne on Tower HilT. a - watamat, tad BB I-U7I-J dur- MONMOUTH BfACM—itven-room tat. KB l-lltt. »t Itivitw avt.. Kotatburg. 210(11 HE 4-14J:', I Hi l*ioi[)i»rt, av«.; juit pompi^tpd. ^i!n i*4Mn'i*i"t.m°*i'-i\u7 awe. I. Ic tagt, two katkl; drtplaee: autataatlt ILLNE88 COMPELI at ta nil aplendia KRW HnMES'rNT'alr fl«V.Mi., twn tirdrnufni, full etllir; landncHprd ; idy tor intTor d* romfing : a»f irht irfi nafll Btara t, wltk kedroumi, privitt _. kat wattr ktat; gartgt. Flno tondltloa. eornet lot (klfk wooded atetlen Rat- Little Silver areaa: 111. a»4latItuaedlatt aautitionaautMioiii; II4,I««114,111,, latpttlaatt . aatawni tltarad, turvtrtd. tieavated; Prira rangt. tirotalnger a Heller, UE 4. fliumitnjm rM(#mrnta: I'lX'iriou* atove, pli avt.. (air H.v.n. IK I-IIO, rral ill tt.. B 4 Sank. tloa Ia»itt4. tkarltt E, Atta. aaatantetd tltlt. Maka afftr. Writt Aiking | ] :,«UD, lltgh Atfericr, t-'T tlti. Privatt Mttaatt. Caapta ara 2HO, RE «•!»a2. Nrnn.i. HK *-4\Hn, ft-l^rt*.* d« for »ll lyiwa •{ l>rei»rt». Writ* af taaraiaa »ar al4.r(f 4-JIM- fin NATEN — Potir-reoa kuBgalaw; tteh»4t Fiv* b»* * U.B. - i ap — v-w mr ^-*fB}^ . ™- — r i<*. oil brat; ont-mr at. mum'If. , fary lara* aitalf tiled bttk, with ihowtr; oil kttt; mad. VAN HOBN—Wattr fraat tatttftl UvUor)rf laundry, main", quarteri; fira- URAirffKUI. Nf!W bupgalow. il'[ im. wMNat af Iaa tan. plae*; it.t-Jy, fi»n. Exfr>l'»rt ntightior- Urhf<\ gara-ie; til« hmH. full hH'*m#i :. Bo* III, tw* raoaii kttk furnltkoa: att »• Wa klteken; larga lot in KnallwaadMr. dttf wttar. aataa raaat, 1% Asking fH,r>0ft. Hn\$h Ag*ncy, I'M I>rov"m'n'-i • newly derorated; four Bfovemfrti: tan*taV|nt latatlta. tl tlta i Gl mtngtgt tilaklliktd. Pkoat RftH. L»rg« frontal*; $21,000, Frank nmi and bath ; Bir-rnr-lit.nnFd oil heat, ii DAT or wttk; convtaltnt ia kalhi: Artalatt. lerttatd aartk, R. bffM' Hmad. RR *-, *-\2nn* e kitrhen; reaionable pr:r*. Inqtili** ll.*ll»rlM AMtektd laratti III.III. Via ffii'TWNit—Hfx-KnoH hoiiM. *hnf* d *IMMI*I Part Mannauth. Tht Century Moult, twnrrATifty "HofmK~"rh7w"*biMki 3_Snulh Peer! it. RE ••S^TI.^ ing Brtnck. rV-Vn.attactVt rt*»ln the Hit af tklt Mora Aftnir, Pair Mtvta. BB 4. froM hut lint; IA arrai, no improve- bedrnomi: roal h»at, geratf*. Atkiiig dltloa teeondiry. rltt "Mont,- 1 • (n.-SDO, Mak* <>« »i! h»at; u'iinwwti A«a.«f #i Mrtarlnf bttkatk: larga tltetile ttlvttt»t, «lgkg t t.blt 1 BV MIlOl ry»4r, foo" tit W»ttlngh«iiit. rafrlgtrrlatratori . T*a«tf alt wltk light!. Inflow* frant ind rttf Li«i, RK «-2*TK,» WEST~WWfi URASCH'-->.oid living rnom t')•*!. f>wfi«r fnrr>i>d tn ia*> avtlltklt 6etober lit; oaa town cablneti: ilvlag roama ana»d4 kltrktklfkta •urchee. Nta kltcktn llnoleam,^Tr.nriiou.r • lnt« rnnf colonial; thre« ht-drnoivit, rifl^e. RE 1-4J11.J.* •kit and willini g to tellll tkaktt ka firaj VavngKawn ink. blueitoni drive i •UVBBniONT ttrttg*: — It.feat thro* flreplacM; hot »a'*r atitoifia'if iaalneii or plot af rtart. Itrg* dt>»blo room for two butineai ktva lovely vltw of IkMtMkwrf fl»«r. Catnntrwn: a»-v«n ai--~rtm#nt«, fur- rW<.~nr«LCrtfr~eTp'aTete p>efea •» Hial*. aiitk kaard, Antthar douklt ream All utilit'ti liiladtdi III! montkly. Bit agt; all httt. Plot nicely laadaj _ •wlaaitg aaol. Mtwly ptlnttd nlahftf: |2R,»nn. ncaiinpnrt, (•purtmunt heat; one-rar gapage. Larg* plot. Tax* Iiroperty, eat*h l^naMO, on Chnovtr •Itk kaatd. Butiaeii ptuplt praftrraat I-0.1I4.B. Karat, 'hurckti, wkaali netm». tntd. Mloalal; tt* rMat, Ikrta tiled hoUHt, furnl«h*'l; thr«**« apartment!; «ond i>a %.±h. «>n l>ui !in«; IIS.000. Thao- 1ari», nverlftokinf river; river righta: ttn Agtaty. It Bin Front it. •lore MflOlnneti Realt/if._ EA I.QT40.* an at w^maii. BB L44II. fWSTHOOMB—atlrtMai gal klttat*; 1 location; IIO.SOO. ripran Hrovr a[>art- gof>d drainage. Further detaila <•!! AT III!, katkl. Oil ktat, arttakauMi airtgt. ni*nt hcutf. tcvfn •parti~n»nti. U^.TJOO. RlJ>ISiiR 6tntR home la perfect eon. ilnglt trltwklti aatt la Mml.prlvttt 111,014, Vtn Kara Agtatr, Ptlr ditlnti; tevtn vxealknt roomi (four WANnPTORINT iWMnKrUoii tflth katilkk: iteoad Aaar. LMUIarI f Mltlttwt. Long Pmnrh apartment hniKf, four rom- ifTTIlE prohUma? Whf Mtvta. BB l-llll.* pt#t« apart me nta, Brnmlwajr tncntion, h»-.lrnom»>, two tiled bath*: tun Toom .••.•if Utllitie. Intladtd It roat. Pettrt al, BB ttABtl COX AOENCY, Milan aa« hnt wntfr oil heat; Borui not talk the mutter of hom« arcommo- 121.000, Oakhjrat apatrtm-nt houa-, 25 •fatinna for the chiMnri and arrciaihlUty U«:ooM AVABTMBKr ar kaan> lanran. lalti ttarlr ana t*m. rooma, uvtn haiht; thr««-a<-r« i-Int;, »1iir_Ma»en. UK f-4&>..* low: unfuralakt«; laaaaaaklt rant, la Tn REM URHlBtlltlf mtr mull. Comincht dr., Park tn achool, with n"? For instance, wa •XCBtlBNT LOCATION—lukatia. 120,000. Red Rank apartment hnus», UktU HAKiT— K3fCEIXtNT loratlon ; a*>v have lilted twn (jn« nM hom»i in pleaa- M around R;4 B»k. Gall Bl I-IITIJ. Iter. BB 1.0111. •••atk, Pkoaa LO 1-1441. thfM apartnentf; |11,0i>0, Katontnwn. en nira roomi (four hedrnnm*): 27 PURNIlRkP, POUR Itrga rtamiTT" tltl Mvta-ra*a rttldtaia a* erta. ant lor?Mlit!»e whifh hav» been modern- n^rotiB brick hullriing, two apartment*; larm font living rnom; huga aun porrh; ful lied. Dae a haa fo'jr b#d roomi %ni It VRfd WrefTraiaaiiilklt fmtltaMa atai door; modern kttk: PrlgMalrt. Mi ,. HT.Via-HaJ*r«lM4 Ja*r-l~iJ latat Ptlr Havt* ttrntr. Plrtalaeti corfeetioiitry atora and lunch room tma- rellar; tn%\ heat; t*«.ear garage. A fonvaftirnt to hoth Brada and high furnilh»d •»trt«mit witk twt k*4> r «m real tehonli tnd IraniatHallaa. Iniitlr* I !n«ii: owner retiring; $.i?~,f)Ofr, rhnffln An* home fnr a large family, 112,500. a raom ktmt, oil ktat; ta* Irtplteei tlaakla gtrtgt. Aiklag 111,101. m aehrtnla. Hntl»»Tiitt»!y >r'tr»if thete prop- fawat kitckta, tri«au katk an4 aark; llfkt hounekeer- •tngt; i« 11*141. pTlti A«*ne>, EA fl-lifil or KA S-OtT^'W.* Bony Agenfly. Fair Haven. Rf *-i*M. •rtiei ara worth invesiigating, f'hinga Km latllitUa. Anattatmt «m ta ktat or touplt; ail Vta Mora Agtaty, Ptlr Kavta. BB 3Y»w.l,ur»; hfau- OFF TO ^ARl?r Veteran mu.n' a*il hit 1011 Broaawar, Waarl-Ntattk AgtM*. 41 yotir thrre R'l tn r#-|ix»rti r**fr«ih»H. snd Baaa taa in' »•»* ar4ar. *""«»Mt. Bt BE 4-»2ll.' 1-411».» ttful utttingi on*.ana lot, Cull RK loveljr 1 U-y»ar-nM rnttage; living rejuyennted hy Mvint in a renl hom#. atftnneta ti(han(t4. Writt f. 0. Baa •.I231-M* ronm with tireplRfe; attractive kit--hen. Will:* Conov»r. 7.1 Wt\t Front it. RE H~ia »rl«att faallr; tt JT — lavtitmiat pragtrtf, 1 dinf-ttf; two utiuiiial hedrooma, at a Ira to II. »j Bank.* —i^aa. attrtctivt, . — - Ltrgt Ivfbtdraom hoult. Mtvtn tent, iO'VEK ffOKt'6, I.*B — f t .04R ffnwn"hiiya H-H14I. ^_ __ pi.. Bear Boroutk hall. privatt entHnctt nil fankM. Mat and VBIT IECLVDBP ACHE—at tin. thia tuhstiintia! old ft- Red Bunk home, *.Uif; attached gurus*, com- MMI lot dtvtlopmtnt. Prltt rtdnttd bination atr»eni and itorm aaih. Fultf uld water, all »«m*r. All vtimitt ta. Attniy. II rtoa tai-tttrr ttlaaltl; faur atd- (hit renid*ntial itctinrt: fivn hi^mom*, Preston built hnm*«! Tht-i** hom*-^ »TP eluded. Phont ftyer. AT I.4HI.I. twa bathi- oil lirnt; flr««])lnr»; narnvtit iniulnted; |.,7flft down and H5 Mionth IUSCELLAMCOUS ! ratati twa katka. Flrailatt; all ]y. llorui Agencf Fair Haven, RE I located near R«d Bank, convex;' nt to HTRMUKBD or unrarnlrkgCRvt rotmt; ~iri*~i*r*i n* floor a. Largt lot: t»o-f«r tramr*. Itol- railroad itat^n and ichooli. .S«fa> fnr ITI Mr montk, Alta tkrta rtttnt. watt. Oaragt: 111,111. Van Mara aton Waterbury, Hp«ltor unit iniuror 16 4?112.«_ ' ehildr«n aa they are h*ing built nn n AT 1-1111. t ktt""witer" iil-lre* ktat; Pair aavta. BB I.4IM.* WiBfit .yf""} at.. HK €.1500,« Us i t* 111,111. Wttrt-Mtatttk HoftT TiF.4lRABM5 lormlo*; handaoRtt "dead end" itreet. Living ronm of ^nnd WimOOMI AND a*tk, faralaktii tt- .'ix-rootn enlonial: threa large b<>d life with *«H-bui!t (Irepliee, kitchen find friftrrtar. tltttrlt. rlaaa kwl I Jtrl. i—aUeelleal Mnditlta. fai*r. two butha; largt *tr**n*$ porch; }%rg* rooma, tiled bath; powder mom, acreener dining epace of beautiful pine pfirfKr-ff, a, privtt* ikowem mtdtrn •attt tatraatt. For fvrtktr Infaratttlaa 4JBACIOUI UTINO—rhthwM) Iwa plot lanr!i-cap«d croundi; r-tnllpnt roun. 1'nrch; hot water lirat: fully iniulater) The bathroom 1%o f real tile and the * - ' or month: rttaonablt lat atttr all kett; try ntlghborhood. Near river; fl7,»0fl. attached garage. All In perfect fond!- ttlll attaL . r. I. P. . M. BM l.tlll* Mro-ta, r garaga. Mtdtra apartmtat. lint! aagalnttat Iraat, Nit*. wioit modern of flxturei. Two budmoma Mottl, Mortk Biidi rwb.ROOM 8TDDIO 'taartatat. Rolrtnn Watcrburf, Rraltnr antl Insuror, linn. Hug* oak treti larg* plot, Borui and mom for more In th«~ expansion ata REAL ESTATE FOR HUT Btft«tiagi aMt IIIIII mtathlr. Aiklag prltt raaa enlaalal: tieelltnl tandltlani r|(lfl kttk. ihtwtr: furalikid ~. (11.041. Wlirt-jattattk Agtacy, II II Went Front et. _HK.*^ -T_— Ajrenry Fair Hnvrn. RB 6-4I32 * tte. Full c#llnir, with ttven-fnot p«'.linf. M7I4.' In new Jnmt. AtUntlflkde Mlgkltndlar u.Bfar.- IH aaatrn k*«kt. Aataattlt kttti •ill MfVflR R6A!>— F»ir Haven; older .siiU)sw"aTi4 wife; kitchen pri*. g: tomatic boat. ImiTi'Miiiii*) tm«s«f.4iorr. pi-tce; dining ronm, tiled kitchen; twn *-«H I for appointment. Willii Cruio* rt pl«t. Prlt* WtanWaarl.. Mavtt. RBI-4100.' v*r 7.1 W««tt_Frnnt at. ___ 44^4U4 BioaB4d Itt. lltjea. kltctea akarod with another G. I. OOII fttfnltiteff alirtintBt: not Prict $15,800. Rolitton Wntrrhury, Ir bedrnomi, tiled bath; beautify } k Agtaiy. II Brata M, ~Pkta* Realtor and Inmirnr, It Wrst Front it. 6~"HoCBtt mar Fart Mta- H I*MI4.J, 141 Skrewtbur/ avt. Va< wtttr kttt. all tartar; rHtttt ••• flninhci bnHftnfnt, utaira to expansion MoNSlntTTH BEAril- fhr»# hrdroomi, tranct: kathraaa tkarea wilk awatr, mil KK.f-as(-o.* urea; Rtrrm h'm, o'\\: attached garng*. twn batha nnd pnwrlrr room; living •iautki til I " KUDB HEIOHTI — Plva-ratm ATTBACTIYBLT raaattltd, rlvir* W \wt t ~ltli..we»"^| -w» w ^gv^—--w ~ ' '' •waf all winter, lua atittl daar. Ptr. ffHff>;WShl/R¥"hA"NrH hnmeTaix ronm., l«nrga plot. Immediate pniaeesinn; |1-1,- ronm, dinlnc room and fcitehefi: utilitf l^t 17»x70»7»x700. Ct^UMMMal ' aantnt kuilatat wnaaa ar raaalt. itf. ill, itttm kttt: rattaatkla ttatt. fraat kaaa; IH tetkt. Oil kttt. attarhfd gurage. ^nrner plot ir.r)x1 *.<>. ."I'HI, Hrrua Ageney, fair Haven. KE rnnm. Hot w»t»r h»"at with oil burner{ CftTTAOK •»••••: "•«'»->«?-«>*»4M». « Plrtalati. laiulttloa. Utlng aartk. fi~riii*diatt orciipaney; 112,^00, Ilolntnn good or em view: 122,000. Call Man* rga efceerlul . kltckta, kttk: al. douklt girigt: IIT.III. Bar Via Water bur jr. Realtor and Insurer, I* We it I home, one year month R?Seh t.3T9!»-M, altlf furnlikt4 arlvatt home; ucellent aaatk. Btiilaet* taa> for u. I* Front at. RB «-_isoo.* old: lur-re plot. Living ronm with ff£tl SANK "OKL"*~U miiriwafTTirii tacatltai tkrta alawttt tnlk ta rallratt Twa-tedraaa kuagtlaw.' tiatnilaa at. Man Attttt, nil Htm. Rl I. fEAUTIFUL 1*il;iLn!>JBlUl.fUNOc lot, overlook- Urmia***; dining rooia, kitchen, two bed. building plot in mo4t attractive rural autlw aai ran Maaaatitk. But tit. latal latatlaa. Waart-Ntattk 4114.* Ing river: high and dry: 150x150, Cor. rooma nnd hath, all on one floor. Stain •i»»ttifiii; high t>!eva':nn overlook Ing tat*. A II Bratd tt. Pkaaa BB l.llll.* Lttatrd tvt. Bar plot; 15,01)0. Rolatnn Waterbury, to hiiii*> exiiannion area. Full cellar, Mot brook; huge tr***: Uur*-1. One might r-H:reHfS-Vai-tliV Realtor and Inauror II Weal Fronl al. air hrat, oil. Rretunway, garatr**. Many tnivpi nmny mil**: frnm Red Rank tn find rMM nmck t»M buntalftwkl ; tutMiatit BIVEB OAKII PAIB MAVENI Blvtr MUSIn.' extra*. 111,001). Borua Agency, Kalr fomimrabl* leeludcd letting. Unim- AGENCY—Nlnt-rttai k**M, Mivrn,_ RE «-451J.» ' fuliy furniihtds iaimtdlaU tccupaaty; h«t 9-\Ut k»*t. l«t ItOxUti fftrtat In Otktl Tk* Vn Mara Agtaiy ku .— HK _ ni-w ranth hom»homt; three proved road; well required, electricity mint, Frie* 112.100. WMrt-Ntw. n nunion; daap aveiUblv\ Only nature lovara will he )1» ptr month: araat luinlik I*IIHM«. ___. ••14 tvat HI koatt la «»li Int toa> ktdrooma: flrrplaee. llyim rnofn, din- -' • nftna av*., Fair Hank. Pinat la «at» aaM; lanf iMttlcw: Afiper, 41 Br«t4 it. Fkon« RB •• IniT mom,' kitvheit; atiacTleii garairt; Lot -- wifitt, M.itJrbtach. eiiani*r\n plain intrreurd 9'iHi. rtrm price. Ray Still- aualty. "watt tvallakla frtai mnn. Stati Highway 3*. Shrewsbury. RE wltk ar wlthoat arlvatt katk. Caa ar. kltiktn; trlvtti tatrtaM: til. Alt* i Ag lOOaSOO. tl'.i'in. Rntstnn Watrrliurr. fotrr-n owner tn iinifle* thi« attractive ._ R WILL SHARE wtlLatjuiaaal it far krejkftjt jrlvlltgaa. Bttata* Ikr** raaatt, largt IMag raam. (taplae*. . PLAZA—Naw twa>t*tlraaa k«a. 111,111 «• III.III.* Realtor and ftitiuror, 1ft Weit Front it. deep water hnmeil'-; 80x201; 12,500. galaw. Stain to tapaatlan tttlt. fall Bnnia Agency. Fair |lavrn._RR «-4.i:iS.* JTOSSfoUTH REA'CR—Ona block ~ti tix-room houtt oa bul Hat la Bfvtr- arlvtta aatrtiat. III. Ill Paltm tvt, S r kttttMnt"TOT . «.!. 11,100 down. Ill aaatk. LtiVKtVWooDEn location—Veteran i •Ide Htights witk kuiintw «amaa ar at Pitt Braak («al> t>na Brtntk. WA8tEti~"ifOftTCAGKS^,oo~d~reili,"«. ocean, six-room hnus#, completely far* art* If. Wttrt-Ntatth Agtatr, 41 Braa* tilt prnpcrtlea. Rnlstnn Waterbury, flpportunity tn buy a •ix-ronm (thrff tilahrd ; 17,000. Apply 31 Park rd., Mon. •*. Call RE l.ltll.M. I lain ant d**r I* Ore** UCOHU rUMHP-gim raami. kaat tai it Pkaat BB I.HII.' rrUDW rOTTAOB—P«>d tn< tkrta REEROM cottitecoti,, furnllhe4» ; Mflar Iaa >.* Realtor and Iniuror, II Weit Front tt. hHrnnmal ranch home; tiled bath, full mouth H»«arh 1.234S.J. ). Shmht light Mpalltdt Itatlia. twa kloekl. ktrtij ll.faat living raam; lag. relUr; attarhed t»ra«*; quarter »ert, ter. tltctrie; luitikl•uitiklti fafarr nuptl IM> 1~t~K W%wwwM lUrvv VlVvKV..(IT . Altt g'trtgt, IT . jn«h ksHi* •• aert RB4.«5no.* _ — - _ bl Off route 34, thrtt klaekt teek JectloB »ttti Una liviat r«oni. dinltif m«. kuralag Irtpltct. oil ktati tlltd IIVntrKoRT—tartt oNltr auhattniial Only |.M,-,0 down: III.000. Bo mi (two hevoom) brlcSt bungalu#i only gambit, Off route 81, thrtt .. -,-— •mrwn ta tkl!ilaraa4 . Pkana BB 4- • ajMlk attra. II Bay *v*., Atlintlt # gahoiil. CperCooper.. York avt., Fart MiaM - 4)iYy.jr mo«lt» kltehtn: twa ktdroanu oil tr««J; katk: 111,044. Van Mom Agtmif. homa nn two acrta of laud, I>1MS. Vive Air#ney, Fair Haven. ttR «-4H»J. Sv« yvara o,d; with attaehed garag« and homa tltkt».* torttitw»rs ••rait, |2«,lt». Stknek ma%ttr bedrooma, fnur tile hittht, tht-tt Atl-ANft*; tfir,Ht"A?fr>S— *VpetfenTr«'. porch. Full r*llar. hot water heat. Larga gtcuth (nttt homo t' * PURNllMIB, twa largt mMtra roomi Afney. n Llm.»n pi. Mt t-ftllT. fair Rtvta. BB I-IIOO.* B'HOE—BRowlSff honia; rtttotiielt'ratti; ntar •titiaa wltk bttkrotm, taay rtfrlgtrtt*r: htat, ItrvarHl' rnnmt ind tile hath; pnwder .'dentlal a*«rtion, marina view: lix-room lot • near bui and ichool. Good mnrt- able for doctodoctorr , coreommunitir dtntiit. . LargUrgtult-t and kw: gtatlttwa prtftrrtd. Call BE room; two (Ireplatei. H'auifnl reranda dwelling, nf wlf decorated: hot water tt*t* termo fnr G, f. Asking IM.OftO, kat wattr: prlvtti tatrtnet. Ttn mln. h^at, oil; tow tax**., fmmi-diate pnssai. r«oa and tkrot opertttadit a rooatiL . nti It Red Bank. MOUSB—It Baa Bank, Taa roaai. BVMSOM — MAGNIFICENT trttt. overlooking river. Kxcnptiniial buy for Sf-hwartJ.Mack::-!, 9 White it. KE •• vt.. Wan In4. Call LO I- 121,010. Rols'on WatPrbury, Realtor • Ion. Owner moving, Aflking HX.OOt. 111 Octtn avt., \ IfOVcbT rvnnllHaw rttm I* prlvttt ir twa kltkll lat Mil Mi hat tit Hi tertt. OtluM fi«f-k«4t*ta kama far gontltmtn at kutlttat tou- and Inaurnr, 14 Wi-it Krnnt it. RR I- Sw^n»y Agenry, JRU t-t<»2. ktat, ttal Ira. Salt prlta I'.ltt. raakliag ttnek kautt: twa tlltd HKilttANDS --Wat-rwitch aaellonTVmall hath; nica location; earner property. _. .jTTACE —Four rotme, rle. Exetlliat lantla* aa Bivtr rd. BB 7oomi"and~katkt grant gaar, itrintlf Btwau* tad AMIMI. SB 1.4147. frlcff! for quick >ale at IH.SOO. Srhwarti- automatic hat a/attr. ikowcr, all ktat- privatt. Compltlefr tiadtrn tltetrlt kttkt: girigt. Oil kaat. Alklng Mew tuNciomvip^fh~~r.i~^a>~romi. twn-brdroom lummrr or winter bunva* CToae to nut ana tekoal. Rtataa* ATTRACTIvki rVeulaanBlD ra*a, *•** kitchen. BE I.ITM. 140,001. Van Ran Agtatr, Fair living room, dinette, modern kitchen: Inw near w*t»r nn Shr^wihory; terludea Mackli^ % Whit*- «t. RE I^IJK ID BANK HOME — Convaaltat la automatic heat, firepiitrr; Inrtrr- Ir4. •pot. B'Kinn; gnrngf, nhnibbfry, mn fATOVfoWM—Five rooms and bath; KE I.QD71-M. . ,., kU *r tiaala 1 wltk privatt katk. flood ™T5W ATA1XARLI—Flat laeatlaa, keau. Haven. BB l.llll.* .T>~ITAN"r=r*Ir"t ilg-room lomt. all lacatloa. Hi tatklng arlviltaaa. BB |. •ehoal. Living room, dlalag raaai. Priced rltrht at lU.ODO. Itnlstnn Water- !»nrch: elpctrit* tto*e, Frigidaire. A»k. over \ acre mrr* with pienle grove tlful aaanmtatt 4U Itrga kluhen; thru bedroomi, katkl nngti ing Ift.ono. Will take half mortKiiva. and barbecue grill; oil burner, icretned heat; cxnllent nalgkkorkootl) i«n._l kttk, t«k aid tktwtr. Private tntrancei. bury, Realtor and Insuror. 16 West Front t for commuting; 1100 monthly av • Stattek Aimer. • Llaita pi, It. RE I.HSOO.t idrnl for flihfrmnn, hnating, bathing. front porch: Mairie Chef gai range: full kTTEACTIVB BOOM, newly farnllhid Yard tad atrtk! til mat wattr kttt and RE l-naiT. COMPACT BnTBRPBONT Fliirtfnfn. Irving Kay* Attmcy. Long cellar, itorm windowi and awninga: two- SIt for about tivan montht. Bay ttlll* aad dtttrittd: vaattlaa klladti luta* Inatantaneoui kot wattr. Newly painted nr n h r car gnrart*. Price l",'.on. Schwartg* man RE l-llll. Ait kat water; kat wattr ktat: ktlf ktavy dack. Pli.t paitllng; twa block factory. Steel casement win- 1 '' _-_ !»" nrnvand.^HI .t-J2S». laildi tnd ant: tttl a aiaatk, wltk gar. PAUL R. STBTEBR. Btaltar. Parat dowt: concrete floor. Open tpan !tr,ic7ft. WJMSON—SPrFVMn r^TdentfaT nrpi"; Macklln S Wh]t*_»T. RE 4.3131. fORT MONMOUTH A*EA—CtmtortltH «k from katiitti ttnttr, kutti, II agVAR l.llll. katha. Oil ktat; gaftgt. Taut ortANPoRT — Thrce'-bedruum rane!i four-room cottage: all improvemontis and tent attattt, Stata Mlgk- I^irfe adtHtlonul room fnr itnrk. OfTnift, riloniat home, eight rnnm!i; two tile KEAMSBUKQ — Four roam, lurnfihel HIS. Aakiag IIT.III. Vu Hora lavatory, automatif- heat. 1'lot lOOxTRO. haths: Butomatie heat: trnme room. Tx- type;lf~rge living room, dinette, kitchen large lot: lovely trrei tnd ikrubbtry. In FURNISHED ROOM. Bed . emit ventilation: PVIgldtlrt, km wa. war 14, BaladtL Pkaaa 10 »• Railroad alilinif, Uriuiual opportunity: and utility rnnm; wnthlng machine, re- aulet country letting, about twa kloekl |.|««1. Agtney, Fair Havtn. RE I-4100.* rrllrnt (*ondttion; nlpe planting, fin#~ "'ir- in'a Cub. 1C4 Broad tt. ttr. Reaionahle. Adultt. KE t-osa*-*. •III. IIS,30", EscliU'ivp »ith liolstnn Wntrr- roiindingii. J,ow t«xf». Asking l2A..i00. fri«r>rntnr #>ctrir ranire. G. I, neede from bua trrvice. Few mlnutti from NICELY nfSRioHED room. In privatt . down, approximately 1*2 per month. town. Completely* mottfc. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, in town: NtAR RIVIB—Frtaa tad Mana to- bury, Rraltnr rnd Insurur. 14 Welt Front SWffnry_A»rnry. Phon" RU 1-11*'.!. ly. Lean rtqulrcd. Riy Btillaun, Rl koait; glrtae. Home-llkt ttmotphtrt. newly flnlthtd. Larlt living rtoa, SIX-RtJOal HOUSE, aintttt and katk; at. Re t-I^Hl.* _^ GrtLK ".SILVER—Fox Hill. " Lovefy Prica $IO.**00, Schwactx-Maekiin, 8 Hear but. Bl |.417».J.« hedrooTi ditettt, Utchtr. trd katk: tx> very attraetlvt: laatdlatt aaiMHlan. Itnltl: in tlUd kttfci! largi kid. NAVtSIKK—SrcE country* home; nvpt r>utfh colon in I home n*lng offer*') for Whit* Hi RK <.3131, DOUUBL S _.. SINGL. E la privatt raoat. Flrtplttt; all atat: daablt jtVE ROOMS, FURNISHED) ia detlr celltnt location. One yiar ltltt. Cou- II Nawatn Sprlngi rd. For tppolnt- H-acre of land. T70 foot frotitase nn •all- iliift to owticr'-i trnn-ifrr: Turire living . . llAVEW—fc'EW four roome arid hoot; Mnvtnitnt loeitltn, itttr Broad Bl« only. I>E I-OIII. „ went, mil BE 4-4411 up to I P. V. gartgt, guttt tettagt: IIT.III. Van Pave tt.; ilx rooml and hath; cellar, iras, ronm, with flreplam Hnd pictur* win- *-ile hath: ful! rpllar, expansion attie; ablo nctlon of Rid Rank. Fot Infat- air, an but rautt. Contlnuout kot wa- THREE ROOMI FURNISHED, loclttd II.Lrt«l» Hfteai-IEt.... - r»aai. attaattk., electric, water foil heat. On» blnch dow; ful' dining room with bay window; plnr-T walla, flreplace: large garaga. itlnn mil at 4i Spring at.. ttr. laanM chain and rending tempi. BE Hern Agtner, Ftir Malta. RB I* from Monmouth ave. Low taxrt, 133 dnwnntalra lavatory, broom f!oi»>t, two Attractive location; $1 S.ono. AettwartB* on Monmoutk it., nrir railroad ita. avtoajttlt tat kal wattr katt, hot taa «*M wattr, trtplte* I* llvltg roan, 4101.* a year. A f«w hlocke to bun«; n«ar cont rlmpti; thrfe Sulrnoma with large " " " «_Wh:t# it. RE l.mi. roomt. til* bath, ihower; lOoW WILL KtNT room ta middle1. Hon. Call after a P. M.. BE I-»»8I-M. achool and itorcn. Occupincy no daye. rUifft-i: tUe bath. Attached gnraa*a and kitchen, living ronm wltk nrtplact; all wtMW iria MNT nlltri girttti lat lOOallli law Mitt. . _ _-..-^F BANK—invintmeM en*ortunit» 1 avallahlo October lat. Call any tlat Call ta 11.444 (or t.iaplttt kaaa m ?a«t IIMII. Bar Vin Horn Agtney, Htdroom-' Iwti but!.*; tm-» V-itrticn; 7Ti- largt hflilae, eiiitahlt for apartmentl a|tiraiv> Ml H.O»_82-W. lot. Carantda Citalog. Evtrttt K. fnnt, front nn d*-#p WH»T. Attm~h»d or rooming houte; upper Broad it. Prict "KING MIDAS," irtginal children'! kal- PtlrMivu. BB4-4IOI.* gnrutt*. l.ow (•.-(•» Pon't w*it fnr fhr BED BANK—Store. 84.14 Monraouth it, ED roomj eonplttt Tktrnt, Rlng't Hlgkwty. Mlddl*. Ai'RK LOTS Off Little Silver Pnlnt 115.«no, Wr»rt-N»m>th Agencr. 41 About 4l«4i; ttart rooa lixlOi air- ••aplnr;. Kor couple; child wtl. Itt, rrtttnteil kr Dorothy Toland hnom H"«-ion, Art now: I!7,Son. Wnlk- rd. Exclutivt with Ayeri-Fahy Broad st. Phone Rt i.jjlrl.t lowa. er A Tlndull, l!» Knit Front pt., Red Hal hatemfnt; additional iro«nd It ttat, aaaii. •I Marfora pi., Hid Bank. Rl Dance Studio it Rlvtr Strut School audi- RKTrTUSK— home, walklnc running to new borough parking (round: torium. Friday. Oetat>ei> I. 1:11 P. M. UTTLB SSILVEB-Urgt. ll*l»l rooa, Bun!;. RR ff.fflflf Azrnrr. Call RE 4-IS3I. Itll Friday after I. VkMHt ifmy.tTUAifK wlDi river Pri7- diltanet to ihopplnc center: hot wt< Ttar driveway, Naw occupied kr Baft* , eron vtatllatton! Adulti 12c. children «4e, For Inforat- TWENTY ACRES—Beautiful kulldlng twa ktktdratatd , tilt kttk (two thow ter oil heat: (arait. Price 111,Sol). wa». Available April I, till. Writt tlon, phone RE I-HI*. trt) I ttclm. oil (riceaied radltttnldi)i ilf.t?f 9, Own IT Irnn.-ff rn-il; imin*i|inti! F.Ufi— H A VKN — Attraetlvt bungalow •llr katkraom with ihower. Tew •Itei all clear land: high aad drri (all ; Weart-Nriaeth Aiencr, 41 Broad tt. Wagntr Marktt Co., II Laftrtlla iU Aiding 114,100. Oennli X, oerutmncy, Lure* livintr rimm, r> rrh«M. vi-ith exiu.nsion attic. Living room tlaan fraea kutti and tatlng plaeti. RE LAWKS ftr TNI METHODIST ekurek rannln*- brook. Idth]I f*rjioriti. with tir.pliic-e, dining room, lun runra; Phone RE »-224rt,' Wtwark __^_ manrlr Farmi, Ml H-Bll tiltort. Pkoiit RU 1-1150.* rllntnjr, ^nrlosfd pnrch: tSrro hrflronnu on Wtihlntton it., iumion. art hav- nnd buth; nttuchrd enrnit*1' Jt7,9nn, two b.-'iroomn, tile bath, lot 7Oil40. PLAT HOOKEY from tht landlord I BED BANK—Furnlihtd hotat. living ing t Htrvtit Home dinner Thundar I—UNIQUE twa-btdrootwo-bl m cot- Asking 112,SUO, Arcrt-Fahy. RE I- wo Fv»rti*rup roomt, laprovta ntt. tott. Wall ta wall tirpttlng, apen Muke tin nf?«>r. Wnlk*r k TUMiU! \9 Purchen thia attractive Cape Cod room, dining room, thrtt bedrotml Bny. II Ntwaan Spring! rd., Rtd •vtnlng, Oetoktr 11th, from I to Till CURLET MODEL tlx-rooa ranch home. Full btirmrnt; corner lat tad bath: automatic kntl rintal ttll In iht ehuMh ktiemant, Menu li rout patio; kat wattr oil. Attached gtrtgt, Enut Fr-int nt., Hr<\ Hunk. KK fi-.11n4. boat, open dally and Sindiy, I ta Alklng III.IOB. Dinnli E. Byrne, Real. "HKAUTtl'Ur/"rji|,ON!AI* hnmi'"ln Pair LITTLE SILVER Older hiime, recently 15fl.i2flO; attached garage. Sacrlflct at >or month. Sthanck Ageney. 1 Llndtn ATTRACTIVE doublt rooa; turktr with all tht trlamtlnti. Adultl • 12.100, Hat a. I, Ella Wiltshlrt ST. BE 4-0SI7. IE, II.2.S, fhlldren under II T» eenti, I P, M. Prlca 114,404. Dlrtetlaaii Ion. Phono BU Mill,' HaVfti About nn «cr.> of hciiutirully red trat«d. Three lurtre bedroomi, nletly famlikrd: kitchen privilege!privilege!. tnnilirntn-d properly In tht; t.1 Pearl at.. Red Rank.* thf flnt«»t ftilfinijil Ht th» nrlrp aviiihiriV int 111 't'lil. (HTen consitlered, Ayert- •a Valley drlvt. In Loeuit. Twt bed- aored by Monmtuth chtpter. f>. A. R., RU UI UI.' cy. Realtcrt, RE 4-S»nt or SE 2.f>flnl. Thmiday October II, at Wratmlnattr LOT. HflxM. PRICE ll,!"*. I 'I In tiili P,rr*: I27.."fln, WHllcrr A T't.-lnl' Fahy. RE «-'HM> iomi, bath; ftrafc: large living roam, FURNISHED 1001*8. pteaaant environ. t9 K«" Krnnt st,, Rr>-I linrik. fir A- nJiTiI~E CHARM PERSONIFIEP—living room Itchtn; 15-foot porch; about U-itri of Home, Tower Hill. Food lilt 11:10- Plnekner rd,, Rtd Rank. Pkant RE aent; mar uaea and tralni; Ideal far WJaWIrl—llAiaOAltTiiiiti KTci*l7~it<- 1404. ttcdrnrm hnnr ; d'.bath living room 'it feet, dlnln> room li feet: den. tiled mil on corner plot, Rent ftr llx •entlimtn, Call RE «.*.7H, I :S0. Cardal:3l, Ticket! 11.11. Includ. I-1.-.7J.R. 1 E Ing It*. Refreahmcnti, Srlng ctrdl. onttd two-room bungalow: completelr RiVKRfRWfT htmsHlnw. nii^'yrfir ~n].]~\ with flranluc* , HifiifiK , kitchen; full kitchen tnd hreakflit room, powder mnnthi tlx month tenant. From Otto* FURNISHED THREB room, tnd kith, Rtiervallnni, nhmi Mn, Cltn, RE I* LITTLK 8ILVF.R—Cholct hunnlow, eui- rtnoviled: ground! oOi'l feit. Alklng rflUr: attHfhf>'l rarairr. A'king |12,«H0. room: thrt» heiirnomi: garage, her 1st. Caih In advance. Properly can torn built, four yean old: brick and fVfrythinff * f»* Nnd moil**rti hnrtK; Hotiblt lot beauttfutly tandteaped; rti^ar* kt icen any time by appointment. Boul- Call BEI-II4I.M. 0,1111 until October II, After Oct. II 14,114, (Make orlerl, pennli K, Rrrnt, Wnilld hf r\pwft*IIXWl«lTin>unT1owTiTvTrrt Ot.D NI.VC-RnoM, Ihree.level houii: roomtl; till mmonjnlo r nn A Artlllhlt now, Inquire The Ttrrtlt MOVE RIOHT IN-IS.III tnk will k«y RAY STILLMEN REALTOR. Largt Kara jr. largp lot: 239 I'el deep. Many AT I.1.1SI.* Bonn Altncy, Apti,, Sorlnt it,, Rtd Bank. RB l-4i thli well^qulPMi niw_rinih trtt, parting iptce ftr your ttnvtnltntt. loom, bedroom, hath (thower): mod- n Mhrt-wnhury : in »»\ce!lrnt condition: ', Fair H r na.HlblJli'ra. Hood value at moilerale or in nitttrlnttniltnt tn prtwliti. three-btdrnnm kiinitlaw, u. T, Intn tn. an State Htghwny S5, Shrtwiburyl all ern kitchen, Magic Chef ranee; Frltid- on' arrr nf ip!i*nHWI ln]ii|«cn >inir: fnr rice, 2rt rtmlnrt'in ave,, tit-taiifprt. rUHNIBMCU ufCIilO apartment, with proved, Complttt tlettrlf kltehtn, In* lypia of cropertlti throughout Ron* alre. Uai httt. Alklng la,9.*>o, Dtnuli larK*1 fnmlly. or -tiirndlr fnr ifnrtnr ir j'STk HAVEN—lH-rtin-sUi uaipaet LUNSTANCE SMITH Agency, 14 Maplt .hrte.btdraom, Iwo-bath rltotti llv kltektn and bath, til ulllltlei Includ- eluding rann, rtfrlgtrator, hot wtttr mouth tounty, Firaa, town and country K Hyrni Rtiltort. Phnnt RJU L-littV* dentist, Kvi-rythm-f tn mitiifv dmirr fur Im room with flrenltrti er,mbln»l\ori •4, 1100 montht;, Convenient to ihop* hiatir and waihlng mtchlnt. Largt kouaua, waterfront propertlta; bualncii "frlANSIIuRO— Sevtn-room houie; gat • imflnin llviiii;, A *plrud!d Miy nt ave., Fair Haven, RS 4*2301, Hnmtl tcrcrni anil itorm aath: till mnnlhlr on pint an! Fort Mnnmnuth. Weart-Ntm. enrntr lot, Met location, Prlet It 11,011), opportunltlai. Call or writt your re- heat, hath, hnl, water: rnrnrr prop- *.2,tMJu, Thrfr h*th • : ih ••/r-ca * «ni«-fr, nf all tvpes: Red flank and adjoining F4trl» Iftit.„ Borui Aunt/, Kalr Ha- ath Agtntf, 41 Irotd it,, »hont III I- Marlt CM Agener. Oaiataeki dr,, PtrU •ulrtmtnti. Ltrgt and ttaatttal iti" trlyi A-t conaitlal. Prlel 11,000, Bt- Wnlk«r 4 Tlndill 1? EaU Krnnt It., lowni, Write or phom for tppaintmiat. tapatk. LO l.llll. •441 4-I4TI, Ba4 Bank. M M-104. Opt* atatiagt,* et^Br.afw 4y,TEr«lTs»»T Kw^wwnWn KALCfTATEFOtlAU Children Prepare for Flower Show YOUR •surruvi. HOUC.

•evca roense. IN tiio »etsa. k*rdwe*d MBBBBBBBS- SBL»4MBBBMBV A^SA^^ehaWn'>4*B»eam aCaBBaaBBaB? 11 VB^**BBB*BBW*B1 ^Bk^^kaTaan^BBiaBBa ^BBBBT ^LakKaaffBBnBajaW

•oors; limit ivui. Luaicape* erem»e ^^a—^s—emBk. ^>M1wBajtBjl^^aB>aMtjaaal aaOaaWA MMk aaflff 11 •"awWaPF BB*aBanVeVdsBjF •JPV ^aT^BawanBamBr

koac. Ciae cellar; |2(,0OC. MI *- BBBBff^aaBBMaBBB*aL*aa|L a*B aatff^BAMBaBwBBBal ^BaBa a*t aBMaaBrOUaaBaB** II aBBBBBMsBaBa* ^B^^afeAJBABA ^^w. ^L^yajA ^a^ek kae beea eeheduled by the tint »cko»l amiI transportation. LO «-!5l>»-i. VBWaUMS—Cksraiinc new bungalow, far tka MaUwaa-Keyaart faetball wlf 11.500 do*, •<: monthly. Coo- rasa* at Key port Thankagsviag dey tl tka venieat location. Containe living room, for tke beacflt ef the caaecr fu»*. Uva pawt *a g kileaea., two aedrooms, aeth. expansion "Oardaa aa • ttaMaa- ta Uke attic, teller: automate heat, 'lot The Plasti*. Faiat csoaaany •• Val- tiaW*. «'ror.»l». Hav aaa, sro».r. KS ley dr. ie going t* aWaat* paiat for with thoam. Mra. laUiM Nial tke dukheuea triauaiag* arfekk J e« . . eac.ll.nt condition: living room, win be deaa during Octeoer by e: dininede " room,, fcitckea; tfcree tk* girle. ...MM. fc«tb.fcb ;; c#;;«rirH. iirHii .Pri P»r If re. Walter McBrid* ef Ukealdc tl.t»4. rr«klr» Maviland, krokat. U sir. la a enrgtcal patient ot Mon- iUVUT—Choice reeioeatiol fcauld- SMUU Meaaeriel IvaofMal IM MWHTON AV»«lf iaa lot: convenient ta school oad kua. The Netlaaal Hener eecietr •' lfO.1 aewelk e»d curbing. Desiraklo neisk- jrkoed. A food kur at (MOO. Froat- tk* high atkaal held eleetUo ef BaMi sfewaVJBe "• af* MAI, NfW JfttiV '. Maviland. broker. BE «.|S20. efleer* aad acceptance af aew »at». • moe>rn aaeaibere. The eeVer* are Miss d by Mra. BtM Aak, conveniences: air forced oil k»at; Tal IE M10D Tei Dt«l 7-7*0$ c.uatr kisawar 1. or known •• fa)*" JoMphiae Dt BaaU, president; eve., ketvcea state highways I* and Ifi. MIM Viola Steager, vie* pre*id*M, At tha «leae a* tka evealag aae- LI IUI l"JlIIl«Jl_IIII *i02»2|.*02»2|*. •ad Miee starker* Aadereea, eecre- BBBV aaaataaaaaaaHsawil d UK COD COTTAGE—tour kedrooms, tary aM treasurer. Tfc* atker BB»BI- tiled katk; al» large liriif room with •.riplaee; dinette, modern kitchen: «i! bers sre MIM Joyce Clark* aad a bt at tka Misa Katharine Otto. Newly-es- lebwy aWtwTday INVITINQ MOTHERS heat; attached garage. Attractirelr lendicared lot l!4x20«. School, trans- anitted ausabere are Miee Joan ftortetion. shoppinf center near by ; II*.- •o M«o ta aoej m twt. CMdroa'i Shoo Shop. •** 100 Bar Stillmen, ki«o.wsr 88, Shrews. Hugh**, Mis* JeAaa U»*w, Miis Jaae Pc*gcl. Mia* Arleae Gold. awasW ataaat ia tfcla laaatalt*af --»-'-"-'-- •_ B.a.1^.' •——' MIM Anne Kelly, Ma* Merle waMgfctor Otaaa have ntarmad ItbTAKK AM;*~>OUAT> u,m. %;»n to taMr toaM aa SsjtanJa ova. af- •\te4a Uai ftaMaa' •» alt- MLtt' ««• casveitr; complete aiodera equipment; Berne, MiM (lain* MIIHsan, Paa- hi k tki f •nil constructed icven-reoai koaie; all ter ttaHcskf Mr. aad Mrs. Atoaatv "arWVVi wVVB IMjrlf tpSwW wr^B ™a»*»wW OFe^wFVVa) Jmaronmente; farage, krooder houH; aU letwtea a*4 Dovtd Sesame*. «*r PonaMttt Mad faaaKy at their Hi acre! light esndy eoil—excellent for Mr. and Mra. T. Leslie Orae* af HtnamUsal BBiamaBafl AMKJMSIB M ekfekene. fruit, produce; few minutes M rVHaVaaWaWMBa *B»wB»wVt VVB JB>,f* from good school, markets. A«k:n» Mill id. entertained at an **** Mrt W. Sta*r. J». IM of 126,Of"'. Kar Still man. KtS.Hl I. heuM eelebrstle* la haasr af tke Mr. *M lira. Hertwrt MOM ef Ra- MOO BUM ACBB of land—To krook; Both birthday af Mr*. Charlee via* a>., bae entered AlwrlfM unl- treei. shruhi; about 100-feet frontage. Orae* Sunday afternean at their Citf water and electricity ia street; se- eluded neigkkorhood yet within few ISM for •bant Ifet guests. Mr'and Mr*, 'wtaawi W*nrt*k huadred feet of kui Mrvice: It aainutM HIM Helen Jefrey af Shrews- aM family ef Mala at. kav* pur- to .le'lon Bar Still-nan. «X •-•ill. bury satertalaed at a elwaber Wli#nt}l«-hutrk colonial^ko^T; Mr, aa4 Mr*. Harold SasMn and asvea mown, I'l katkt: tile kitchen. party at her hoea* Friday evenini. Akeut one acre of taatefullr planted The gueota ware Mia* ttee*saaris ab«v« -f« will •» Mtn Untie MCCM'I «fK. a/atk •!••• at MMRMNI Sff-wt daughtwr. Maaop, *nd Unaa «»w- trounda' tkree-rar garage; residential Mehat ef CeK'e Heck, Miae Susan man vUM«4 the Brow a**, Now section: near 'ransportation, rnmmuting tcf.«aj mtklrif ffcelf flaral M*ment aiere!*** k*M m Is m. Jaatah'* Calhoti* eh*r*h by Wan. BE ••Ml U waa playing ball near hie home Wtldon rd, left for Delaware, O., at her heme oa Kdgemer* dr. Tne*> Bast OranaT*, Edward Uayal 8w Rer. JaaM* J. Daffy *f Blairs- Yovgfw^d Bnt witk weak tuka; rlckat feaee; vo. Mr*. Robert Mee ana **n Rob- I4ol.4.t0 Bella* Hinds; plastered walls. Atkins ara viaiting relatlvea In Nebraika. Mr. and Mrs. Myroa Ctork ef Kay- daughter Peggy bav* retamed Ik* Tttwiar •venlag Bridge erah 1 OtO.OB*. Lawley Agency. BE *.«»». ert ot Seheoek a**, ara vliltlng Their ion, Thomaa, who entered port, Miss Barniee Aldea ef Nep- from a visit with Mr. an*] Mrs. at laaor. At Mag* later, the prise 6 /. to 12 • 7.60 her Barant*. Mr. *M Mr*. W. N. hla freshman year aa a echolar- une. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith. J. Frank Toole In Naw T*rk. •tfi WVffV *BWB*V HvWksM Bra* IIW to 1 . 1.69 TrTBEt BEDBOOMR—New rantk kaaac; M*BWB, at Parkcrtburt. W. V*. living room witk drenlaee; dinette. •hip atudent at Purdue unlvenlty, George Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Victor MIM aiorla Ann Siane af Afc*r- maaa, Mr*. P»ul A. Csui aM Mr*. lifvtrl nil kssemenf. garaas. ftwn water heat. far a few aay*. Lafayette, Ind., accompanied them. Fredda and sons Victor, Jr., and Warren VreeleM. •lectril range: fno>IB(l-foot lot, A verv rr.C. o**rg* MeCarnMMh wh* deen rd., waa guest of honor at a tow llt.lOO. Uwler Agentr. BE •• Thomas' roommate will be Donald Charles, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lloyd shower given by Mr*. J. Frank Mr*. HM Kir*ck**b*um of For- Vh to 10 • •.«! haa bean *a**dlng a IMay fur- Knoell, son of Mr. and Mra. Harry Little, Mrs. Edward Hurt aad *on est Hill* wu Uv* w**k-*M gUMt lough with hi* parents. Mr. and Wslgand of Haslet. MIM Siaaa MBEWSBimV—rivo roaait witk ei. C. Knoell of Texas rd., alno a acho- Frank, all of Metawaa. became the bride of Robert Wei- •f MiM E*tk*r Blau. Mr*. Klrsch- 6*yi t Hi lays M>ii» attic: basement: •replace; Mr*. Jaaaea MeCormaek af lUvlne larshlp atudent. Both boya ara enbaum t«st returned from a Uur I to •; . t:f 6 largo hreeseway: attached garage; tile dr., left for C**n Kilmer, where Mr. and Mr*. Karl Claua af Lake- gane, aon of Mr. and Mn. J. Frank kathreom; plastered walla, Asiuwle O. I. graduataa of tha 1051 graduating aid* dr. have left for a trip ta Welgand of Haslet In tha rectory of Buropo. *'/. to II . *.U aiertgsge. Asking »1S,«B9. Lawley h* will now ba eUtloned. claie af tha high aehool. Florida. af St. Joseph's rhureh Sunday af- Mrs. Jaeapa Baler Mtartalned Agency. BE l.'sic. Robert Woelley of Broad *t. !• ternoon at S:» o'clock. The ma*t* tka Thundoy Aftemos* Bridge AN Wldtki Mjoytaf a raeatie* from hi* posi- Mr. and Mra. Robert h. Smith ef Mr. aad Mrs. Cllftoa Heasley of fAIB RAVEN—LABOE Caps Ceg: three KnoKvllle, Tenn., are the parenta Atlantis ava. have moved Into their war* MM. Harry S. Wllley •? CeM> eVitw at hMchM*. Tho prta* wfn- bedroom, two kMlii; pine sanelled tion with th* Farmer* and Mar* tervllle; Mr*. E. A. Bedle, Ml*. aora w*r* Mrs. Rlehard Erdmaan. kitchen: garage. Many eitras; ehanta Natlenal wank, Mala «t. ef a daughter, born Saturday, Sept. newly-purchased home aa Ravine tUdOI Uwley Agency. HE l.««l(l. I, In Knoxville. Mrs. Smith la the dr. The property waa formerly oi Charles L. Toung and MIM Eta*- Jr, Mrs. Larey Melwl* aM Mr*. Mia* Fatriela MeKeea ha* re *d by Louis Rosenthal and fam- nor Van Brakle of Keyport; Mrs. Wintom WMaittth, Ml*. Frederick ATTEKTION. VETEBANS—!?«• down turned to her home on Breed *t. former Miaa Eliiabcth Riley, for- and •?! »er month will kuy tkls now merly of Matawan. ily, who have moved to Keypart. William H. Ryder and Mra. Paul N*M* *f Helmdet aad Mra. i. Hay. WALTERS. THOMPSON and complete ranch kone, Included ara after (penalnf the week-end at T. Ryder of Red Bank; Mra. Flor- f| *)%nart*W| Iij pl|r al •irage, tille katk, IropateIroplate, etrelectrii c rang*rang . Behe Lake. Buck Hill, Pa. Mra. Richard I<*wl» and Infant Mrs. Arthur Carey of Broad it. (( a Washinhng machine,hi refrigeratefitr andd ex •on have returned to their home Is spending two months with her ence Bedsiak, Mra. Henry War- Ctarta* Brtdgett ha* returaed t* CUUrm'i Fim* Shorn •an slcl a attic. Only one left, so act now. Th* high aehool football team mother, Mrs. A. R. Rousseau of nock. Mrs. Charles Cokelet and Matawaa after apaadlag tk* w*tk* law ley Agency. BE 1-Oim. won a aerlmoMg* football game on Jackaon at. from the Perth Am- boy General hoapital, Onelda, Wig. Miss Margaret Walgand of Hat- •ad witk hla family ia CoanaeUcut SSA MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK on thalr athletle Sold Tuesday «f- let; Mn, Joseph Slana of Matt- Mehard Erdmann, Jr., te *n a •RREWtBVItY — rnm.UAtooa). twe ternoon with tk* Aabury Park jay- Mr. and Mra. Tarby Rlea ef Mre. Paul Royer entertained the katk heme on half acre plot: tiled Tuesday Afternoon Bride* elub at wan, and Mrs. Lawrene* Cann ef tslaeae trip thr*ugk tk* South- Opoa Friday TlW 9:00 P. M. klt'hesl krooaewar and •ttarhed twecar vea squad. South Atlantic ave. are the par- South Amboy. ern *UtM. garags. Fuil basement. Man; utree. The National Honor aaelety ot ent! of a aon, born Saturday, Sept. her home. Prises war* awarded to Asking I1»,S««. Lawlee Agency. Bs 31, at Monmouth Memorial hog- Mra. Milton Stevenaon, Mr*. Rus- Benjamin Ellis has returned to th* high schaol will hold o dance sell A. O. Stetler and Mrs. Dwlght AMUME MnBTQAQE—Fivo large rscms In the high eeheel gym Friday pltal. his home on Broad at. after •pend- OKN MIOAY TILL t P. M., ea on* floor; attacked garigti fall •vening. Gatwood. Mrs. Paul Blsh esrved ing the week-end I* MaaMCkwMtta, kasee»e»t. Itesm heat: pleitered walla. Mr. and Mra. Rom Meghan of as a substitute. Uvely half-acre pint. Asking 11:,««». An organisation meeting of the Crown pi. entertained at a part}' Mrs. Oarrett J. McKeen eate^ Lawley Agency. BE 1-041(1. Girls' Friendly society of Trinity In honor of the birthday of their The Touth society of the First tained the membership eommltUe Episcopal church waa held In the aon, Ron, Jr., who waa celebrating Presbyterian church held Ita first of ths Woman's Society of Chris- pariah house. Member* were di- hli eeventh birthday. The guests meeting for the year in tha lecture tian Service at a luncheon at h«r COUNTY OP MONMOUTH. room of th* church Sunday eve- Want good carpeting ITATE OF KEW JERIEY vided Into three age group* *nd were Oary Miller, Mary Barbara horn* on Broad st Monday aft*r- Netlte U hereby give* that sealed hids leader* were appoint**! Th* morn- Ludl, Rollina Perrlne, John Zuck- ning *t T:M o'clock. noon. will ka raeelved ky the Board "f Choaen ing session will b* under th* di- er, Jamea Haueer, Jr., Joaeph Stan- Mra. Alfred O**a and her grand- rreekslderi of the County rd, H51. at t nen BUiion. Th* meetings will be hai returned to her home on Edge- Ireland. Oladya Hyrna on Ubarty st Th* •'clack, P. M.. Eastern Standard Time. conducted every Thursday with a mere dr. from British Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sutpkln gueata were Sally Prlehard. Vir- Tke receipt and opening of kids are party scheduled te celebrate birth- have rsturnsd to their horn* In QUALITY BROADLOOM iukiect to the proper quallnrstlons of the where she gpent several weaka ginia Lee Tune, Berenn Aadereoa, kldder In accordance with *he provisions days monthly. The general project with her aitter, Mra. Thomas Rumbley, Md., after visiting In Shirley Jones, Dabby Lsmw, Susan of the Pre.quali'ratir.n law and the itf will be "Acquainting the Child Strong;, at New Westminster, and Matawan. Chapman, Qladye Hyrne, Robert »lstiont adopted ky ike Board ot Chosen With the Mesning of th* United AT OUR M11L-SITE GUI- Fraekclderi. her brother and alster-ln-1aw, Mr. Mr. and Mr*. Roland drover of Wllaon, Ronald Johnson, John Tha Nations." Clothing win be **nt to Isr, Chsrlea Brown, Richard Fa- Drawings, Bparlllcatlona and form of and Mrs. William Stafford at Van- Schenck ave. are vacationing In kids, tantract and bond for the proposed childrra In Korea. couver. Maine. rlello and Frederick Hausman. ISTAN SHOWROOMS work prepared ky Otis R. Seaman, Coun- MIM Barbara Hunt, daughter af At the Upsuta college special ty Engineer, kav* keen (ileq In the Offica Mm. J. Raymond Ketchel enter- Mr. aid Mr*. Aloyslua Paanettl of saw Engineer, at the Court House. Frechoti N. J., and nay be Inspected Wfcara you kavo avary quality, pat* ky arospectlve kiddert during business Ma*Aaa>Mi J^SaaaM a*la*AalA*Ua sasA ^L^^at^ aTaai^aBwai kours. Bidders will he furnished with a Tom ana aotor TO anoafa Troff) a . e eopy of the drawints and speclDeatlona hy tht Engineer upon proper native and InclueJino, tko av*r-popul*r R*nalt« payment of a deposit of Ten Dollars Ulv.eo). which will he returned provided Art taneo and otkar walUbnown top qu*l- plans ara returned prior to bidding. Bids must he made on Standard Pro Itlos far wall-to-wall ar room-iiia *«ial Forma in the manner designated sifting therein and rmulrca by the ineclfice. tlens; must be enclosed In sealed envel- opes bearing the name and address of the bidder and the name of work on the GV LI STAN HARD TWIST outside, addresied to the Board of Chos- GULISTAN TONE-ON-TONE en Freeholders of the County of Mon- mouth and must DC accompanied hy a QUALITY BROADLOOM QUALITY BROADLOOM ' Bondlag Certificate and a certified check Setting For Your Pretty? drawn to the order of the County Treas- With the Levelr Sralptared Egact urer, for not less than ten per cent KM.HIM 19.Y»^ Now $ 11.95 (lo?f) of the amount bid, and be delir. Wo ffouDw now • • • ered at the place and on the hour above Made af «ae ajaaUty all •**! pile. Caeeae from Now $9.75 named. The Standard Proposal Forms I'm NgM « • faothai ..the aiest a*(tstar celers. Clo*a|it.«oyoii of karit . . will l»e furtiifhed upon .application to the twiat •araa. la • It. IS ft., 15 ft. and 37 la, rtWek all weel »il< ilesair'weveiiYor extra' •nglneer. baavtr aael wear. The riant Is reserved la rejert any «r wMtke. all hlda If deemed to the Interest of the County so to dn. By order of the Board of Choien Free- GULISTAN BLENDED •elders of the County nf kfonmnuth. GU LI STAN SCULPTURED JOSEPH C, 1RWIN. When you (elect a aetting for •DWARD C. BROSGE, »"«'•'• WILTON BROADLOOM TWIST BROADLOOM Clerk. your diamond you must depend •apt. It. 111). 10% WOOL A oO<* RAYON Brldgs Ne. O.II |lt« en tha knowledge and akill of MC.$it.76t?.YD.. New $15.75 a reputable jeweler ... an ex- A dlaUneUve, 100* weel earaet eo.uall> gat- SPECIAL SQUARE YD.. $7.95 Mate ef New Jereer pert who haa had yeare of ex- tetlna la eaataMperan er aettal interiors, la to • ft.. II ft., II ft. aad IT la. widths. An DaBartawat al State perience. Come in and aae our tke meat seMlar saadaa. • ft.. II ft., IS ft., aavseal kay at idle price. Twe popular colors CCBTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION anal IT la. wldtaa. To AH to Whom These Present. Mar matchless collection today at • *rar er belae. Limited evantitr. Cosja. Greeting! the prices you can afford to MaeUvy M*lhoeJ is Ib* May, ptwOKnl. SAR WHEBEAS. It appears to air satis. faction h» dulr authenticated record ot p»y. w^YtOwduc*)...57Yaa»ota*yr57Ytriii t GUL'ISTAN TEXTURED - tke proceedings for the voluntary die. OTHER BROADLOOM •slutloa thereof by the unanimous con. woman frosi 16 to 60 awons wa can GUeUE •ant ef all th. stockholders, dennslted In RESULTS... M« PUIs. No Druy., No Oadgats, No WILTON BROADCLOTH g!» njce. that ATLANTIC DRIVB-IN CARPET, Now Sq. Yd. $6.95 up TNEATKE. CORP.. a corporation eif this Rigid Diat* or Itranuoua BioidMs. You em haa •tale, *hme principal olflce la iliuate. SPECIAL' SQUARE YD.. $9.95 at No. 701 Mattison Ave., In the tit* ei 10-15 pounds and 3-S Ineba* in 30 day*, oad Aebiitr Park, County of hfonmouth. State Nmambar Own on MaeUvy Court** as low « A classic, aerell pattern daslined for serled er af New Jersey lira Smork helng ths atoeera reams. Hsd* ef all wool pile te last CLEARANCE OF agent therein and In charge therenf up 10 vlilto for f 10.00. ludgot plan availablo. for rears. OlewlAf decorator cslore. Ralaet ynurs An whom nroceae mar he lervrrfl ha compiled with the reouirnnenli nf Tltli Don't 1*1 uiulahlly pound* ruin your hin this tall! vhllei aar assortment Is eemplete. In • ft., II fi. Id, Corpnrslioni, (ieneral, nf Revlien aaa II ft, widths. ROOM-SIZE RU6S JUatilles of Near Jersey preliminary tn Start your ilondorltingeourio nowl Phono lor In varlaui tiiai and qu«ll*!*t. Tha ths lisulng of this Certificate of DIliol appointmonl for your TOEtria l visit and FREE Many tmall raom*iiio rv«i, runnari, ate. °NflW, THEREFORE I ths detraUri Ftfuto Asalywiw. Ifo CoM or ObUaatton. •ill ft. ilia prleoJ from 69.10 of Itate of the Btat. of New Jersey Do •t MX off. Merekr Cerllfr that the said corporation did. on the fourteenth day of September. Itfil, file In my office a duly exeeute end stteMed consent In writing to th jMuolnllnn of .aid corporation, tiy all the stockholders therenf. whle said consent and the reaard of the pro. McKELVEY of Freehold eeedlars aforesaid are now a* file In m Bald office as provided h* law, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hav 5alwf*»WM ftr GuUmm'$ Fnmout ffuft Jafstb in frtthcU herein in my hand and alfia.d m SLENDERIZING SALON I'fflclal •!•«:, at Trenton, thla four Ant fur Hmt furniture rrom Amtrtc*'$ ttit Mak«n REAL tienth day of Hutemher, A. I) an VIIBURS 17 WHITI ST. RID IANK HI 6ULIS1AN MILL innusanH, nine hunilied snrl fifty 21 WEST MAIN ST., FREEHOLD, N. J. NEAR OUR STORI ' II.,M'""' . . LLO-Vlt •• JEWELERS RED BANK eitoft JVouri; MonaViy thru Saturday 1.00 AM. to 5:30 F.M. ISTAIUSHID 61 YiARS —*•*-"— REP BASTK KPTtMin IT, lMt Convention Delegate OrJe Three His TraaV-I. T. AU fkajal \ktlmm JOLLY'S Show A liberal trade-In allowance on any old drees to help victims of the VICTORY PAMK GROCER - DCLKATEiiCN Mra. Marry Vage! aad Mra. Mah- mld-Wcut flood Is being offered at laa Paraoae were chairmen af the Carolina Dre*se«. T Monmoutli st, IBS Can Arc. KE MI749-W |»«UMbMi faattea afcow aad gnats party hel« According ta the stare's announce- Maadap by asaasbara af Circle ment elsewhere in 'his iesua. Tbraa af tha Waaj>«a'a Aaaaciation Pafmlw Foods t Niydi Moits af tha Rad Baak Preahjrterian For one week only, aalla« caotch at Waetmlaater house en Wednesday, Oct. 3, a reduction of ttlYH'S ICI OtAM - »aataaa, tea- •*«< Hardnac id. Mra. Vapal ia chainsM IS per cent Is offered on any new af the circle. fall dreas. Five per cent of •!' sale proceeds will be donated to tha rVcab lnnt an« Ram) ivary Mevamf . Al Yaar Araumi faahloae wete ahawa by WilheV Aaiericaa Red Croaa for lood re- aMaa Oobbtaa and eowipany, a lief. SCHOOL utmm Jewelry by Re*«illee. Mra. Keeaa Uaibarn. atyllat far Faciae Milk) Arrived heaaa last aKa aftar t fcuay days la Maw York. af Mew Tark, waa the eomanentator, •pant a good part ef tba tiaM tracking down special raauaats. aad a asuslcal background waa pro. «\la> had a ckaaee ta lea* at aeaae H the cratea Uaaa. anma vidad by Mra. Oeerge Grimn, Jr. aatKlievible, but they ara abewlng early earing liaee aad A wide variety af edits in such aruise clothes alraady. Wo hardly have time to catch our talon aa gray, vielet, nsauve and kretta from aaa seaeoa—hafere aaataet ana ia apaa ua. varkMta kuaa of bteje wara ahawa la Always did say M was a craay bueiaees. mtcreetlog tweada aad raugb «a- lah weola, aa wall aa tha popular Found eoate escitiag aow Meuaee bad arrived while wa wool crepe, weal iaraey and etlk ware ia towa. Oaa style ia taa black wool Jersey can, be Tafftta and velvet ware popular MILLERTON worn as aa evarMouas aa wall aa tuck ia. Alas can ba won) far bath daytime and evening wear. front aa back ao you caa wear it tar aportawear or aa a ahawa (a tha sportswear collection aocktall outfit witk aae af our skirts la velvoteea, falllo or wara knitted dreaaes. aorluroy and vary smart they are too. Mora aad more wa The ahew wee caacluded with a like oepurates. They ara ao ueeful for ao anay oacaataaa bridal party, with Mlas Bue Ueh- and can be mii-auteaed witk tka reit of your wardroba. traekar wearing tha bride's gawn, TREMENDOUS The greatest strides have baaa made In tha aspirate buei- in this eaas etyled an prlncaas lines, aen these few years, aad each eeaeoa they Meat to ba aad aMde af imparted lace. Miss •son attractive and more wearabla. Jaaa Weeeh ware a gold aatia and Another blouse we have la is a ribbed, ombre atriped nylaa tulle frock aa a caotume for wool—sleeveieM with a turtle neck. Comes ia brows aad gray toaes—and they are eimply atunalag whea worn with a Other models were Mra. Thomaa aannel shirt. Marten, Mrs. Philip Carman, Mrs. Edward Santa, Mrs. D. H. Klnf- When you get a ehaaoa drep to and wa'll ehow tkeai ataa, Mn. James C. Daviaan, Mra. mt you. Rnrtaa Maare, Mrs. Ernest Orgo, Till Regieter tiaw, Mra. William Heraa, Mra. William Malladln, Mrs. Walter Marten, Mra. Vaget and Mlas Joan Oelger. fraceadi from the event will be turned aver ta tha church building fuad. Aaaiattog tha ehalraien wen Mra. Ralph •hearer, who waa la charge af tha (aahlon ahew; Mn. Clifford •pearl, raservationa, nnd Mra. OrlMM, Jr., Mn. Fred Maw- af tfca Rat) lank chaatar, Mn. Mllfan w, Mn. Jaha White, Mn. Charlea raft, m4 Mn. Malvla %—4m»it, ahaatar aratiaW, *n ibawa R. Kaglleh, Mrs. William Pope, Mra. Thomaa Mead, Mra. Paul da at rha 17th annual aamranMan af Haaiatiah laat waak at AHan* la Rauaailia and Mn. Arthur doff. tk City, llf hty>Mvan afcaatart af tba Naw Jar lay reaent at- More than KM guests attended tha benenu fanaaa tna aanvantian waare "Jvat wcwainaj tna Kaa Bank

*VIVM far fwtwi l«f a)nrlnf Mw f>mt

with Mr. and Mn. Mlek Parta, Janey City. A attrtria* bridal akawar waa Mr. and Mra. Mulay Wnlaahl glvaa Mlaa Catherlaa XJebhtuacr, ara the parentt af a daughter bora Wlltaa ava, •ataraajr avaalag by laat Thunday at tha Margarat Mra. WtH Waaaal, Mn. Jaaaah Hague hoepital, Jartty City. Tka Waator »ad Mra. Charlca Kava, infant, whoaa weight waa • Ib, I •r, at tha haaja af Mra. Arthur aa. at birth, will ba ahriataaad Ctugk. DaaaratlaH wart ta an wHk glltt pile* hlgk uadar a larga Mra. Mary Holer celebrated bar aabrella faataaa* wHk ttraaaMra. •Mb birthday lent. M wttb a faa> a% WUmW* WmjpWW WSs BrVrrW* aMMMV lly party at tha name af I attaadlaf wara Mra. B«a Rabarta, daughter, Mra. Dorothy MeKrtadta. Now Save 100. Mra. Oeorga Mayer, Mra. Clara A birthday party waa giva* Fri- Meyer, Mlaa Mae FieHland. Mn. day for Chnrlaa Leslla Jeferaoa Charlea Wlakleaaa. MIM Baralaa ta celebration of Mi fourth birth- day at tha home of hla gnndpnr- •WWW PMI VI VRORp VOpR) BnMlnger, Mlaa Marge Waaael, Mra. Itabart Wilaaa, Mra. Arthur ants, Mr. and Mra. Charlei Raupp. WHUaau, Mra. Tnt Uabhaw A chlMna'a Hrty waa held ta tha afternoon with naetel decoration! JrH Mra. VnA liebbaaaar, •>., Mra. FOR ONE WEEK O N LY Edward Prelbott, Mra. Harry Moel- aad a merry-go-round cake aa a ler, Mra. Cbartoa tUva, Br, Mn.table centerpiece. Toya wara glvaa TtH Waaaal, Mra. Jaeapa. Wackar, aa favon. Attending wara Qall, Mlaa Martha Mack, Mra, C naro- Kavaa and Jamea Young, Bernard tort, an of rart Moaatouth; Mn. aad Phillip Botnlck, aad Daaay Craig Planegaa, Mra. Coaroy, Bel- Longan. Also Mra. Mary Botalck, ford: Mra. Blanche Heayoa, Or- Mra. Sarah Cullia, Mra. Millie IF MMI wSM VRfOO fO wiO abardl Aaraa; Mra. MIMaa Paae«ck, Woodward, Mra. Nellie Maaea, Mr. Mlaa Oarathy ISaoack, bath af Arl- and Mra. C. A. Muoa aad Jeka BETTER HOUSEKEEPINfi SHOP «• NMU • aattoaaj p«l lactoa: Mlaa «ana* Wyaalak. Mlaa C Jefferson. DorU Wyaalak, both af BlaomBaMi Mr. and Mn. Mlchaol Braadtaa Mra. J»aeh Wackar, Jr, Cartarat; of Brooklyn paid a vialt Maaday l^Ht) flf MS wnONtRV Of MflpflM Mra. Richard Waekar, New Brunt- to tha homo of thilr alater, Mra. put AM apM ft* Mai ffcttt. wick, ana Mra, tally RaMarf, John Powell. Tha couple wen aa their way homo from a Bermuda Mm Joha Aa«arai» aa4 Mra. Offers The Sensational New Mr. and Mra. William Tomaaaat- DavM Ataaw kava raturaad home la and eon Mlchaal ipent Sunday ta anB^ha^ aft aa&AA^ *HA^alk^ ^^^JA ^alAtk IfMaS •••. fMW MMUMT -TMK wltB Janey City where they 'attended |*f ratetlvw ta Beothwd. tha christening at tha home af Pvt Jaha •akafta, aaa af Mr. Mr, aad Mra. John Tomaaualto. aaa Mra. •mat •ehaflla kaa baaa Tha Port Monmouth Browaloa will reiuma their meatlaga Taaa> Fully Automatic kaaaa aa as May laava fraai Caaip Ptekatt, Va, Mr. aad Mra. Jokn day at tha aehool uader taadap* HatflaM aaa Mr. aad Mra. Clyde Ip of Mra. C. Green aad amlat- Wetherlngton, Irvtaftea, wara ant laadar, Mn. Herman Pulaek. tuaaay dinner |«aaU M Mr. aad Tha Oirl loauta ta charga af Mra. Mra. iehatta. Mary MaeUnnoa will meet at tka Youngstown Jet Tower ReussilW Fmaral rttaa wara kaM by anaat- ftro house aoat Thunday avaataf. ban aftM Uta Jaaa MeCorquo- Tha young Girl SoouU will moat Register* Jewelera Aajartau Oo* SaeMjr data tptga Taaaday avaatag of laat at tha homo of Mrs. Fred Wright waak far Mra. Anna MaeCoaaal, next Thunday afternoon. 34IROAD —MOIANK Unloa Beach, aad laat Thuraday for Mra, Jaaa Duneaa, Orange. MTABUSftCD UN Mr. aad Mra. Louli Warn aad daoghtar Otorta apaat Saturday Headden*. Corner "" Mr. aad Mra. Henry Vaaaallla, linden, apent tha week-end at tha home of har parents, Mr. aad Mra. Loula Skitonla. Mra. John Walling has rtaumad har duties at tha Scare, Roebuck •ton ta Rod Bank aftar a vaca- • DISHWASHER • tion. NEW HOMES Mlaa Cmlra raleoattu baa aadad a atay af two month! at tha haa*a AT THE AMAZING of bee aunt In Brooklyn. Joseph Davis haa baaa visiting SIX ROOMS--3 BED ROOMS hla wife and mother, Mra, Maale Davla, during a waek'a leave from Camp Gordon, Ga. Mr. and Mn. Albert Caaby, Tl- ebnaeroga, N. T, are vlaitfng tbatr 10,800 TO 110 0 0 ton and daughter-in-law, Mr. aad LOW LOW PRICE OF Mra, William Caaby. Mr. and Jfra. Moray ttafar, STNl A HW AVAHAIU AT Kavttoa, Pa., have nturaad kaaaa Look At Tilt so Futures ^. _ T _, ._ _ aftar a visit with her parenta, Mr. aad Mra. Samuel RoeenfeM. Mr. and Mri. Oscar Xruagar ara • 64 whirling, .wirlingjete! f J ]\| I J , •nttrtalnlng th«lr alutar-ln-law, X A DOWN Mra. Schultner, Mt Waahlngtoa, O. • Water botNterliMtfNl to ^T ^ *^ I MM, John Hlggina, Morgaa, right heat! aaaat laat Thunday with har aunt, FOR vrmANS Mra. Bdward Cfiahtrty. • Reachea every Mrt of every Mr. and Mn. Banlay Henderson have been on a trip to Barra, Vt dish! 00 Ha la owner of tha monument works on rt. 38. • Even removes dried on 6a PER MONTH Dr. D. J. Colllaaea and family food! Model have moved tram Chapel Hill rd. 11270 •AMROXIMATI ta Uttla Hlvar. All in 994 minutet 189 •I6URI PAYS ALL Belford Mr. and Mrs. Chtrlee Rose of Eaat rd. observed their fifth wad- IAST IND AVINUI Off SYCAM0M AVINUI ding anniveriary Saturday at aa The Greatest Helper A Housewife Ever Had Infernal gathering at their hema. Guaata wara Mr. and Mra. Jamaa Larson of Belford; Mr. and Mra. Fred Clamana, Mr. and Mn. Wil- liam ROM and Mn. Thomaa Shar- SEE IT TODAY AT kay, Leonardo; Mr. and Mra. J. R. ROM, Keyport; Mr. and Mri. SHREWSBURY Chatty Partriek and Mr. and Mn, Lao Hanlon, Keansburg; Mr, and Mra. J. J. Rise, Long Branch; Mn. Harry Touhey and Mra, Harold AQENT ON PREMISES... OR CALL Connor, South Orange; Mr. and BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP, k Mra. Thomaa Melnery, River Edge; Mr. and Mrt. Charles. Rose, jr., MATAWAN MATAWAf Cresiklll; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cor- 4« MONMOUTH ST. OWN FRIDAY NIOHTS MD RANK MIM bally, Mr. and Mrs, George Mur- R. J. MARVIN ' ron md Mr, and Mra, Jack Walslt, N«w»rk, and Martin O'Connor, M.INTY OP PRII PARKING IN RIAR OP STOII ON WNITI STRMT Brooklyn, N, T, P.T.A. Meelt a*a sBsttnf aat aba a**? a( (Mr SWtaeoa tro held t Ira drill Buaday Board. Faculty at ta* yacht baaia at RuM«*a FrUaeahlp: tha tjBT BW^B Meaeaeutk eoaatr'* eatrlea la tha country club. Purpose ef the drill ATLANTIC BUaHUeXDfl~fMV •fn*MMMIiy BBanrVT ^, w wat U obtain emergency Bra tght- ire aad eaataaittea raalratt* at I am la a peatttaa to know New Jeraey Oraea Featare pregiam ing water by using both truck*, tka Fareat-TMcaar atwiaUon hare value af frtaadekip. Matt af bring* up tevea llvastock paetatta •ack of which laid l,«*0 ftet of were tatreevcod ay Baaert •art*. skater* ara really ataeere M aa4 poultry raagae that veto oat- MIA VY DUTY h«M. Ftrc Chief Arthur Belli* rttker thea euatamar*. Wfeao tkep Jo Mtii la at oMB Jaa »f •taadiag. Cevaty Agaat ht A. Clark ant Assistant Fir* Chief Jena Vea- of the baaed *•? aduaatiaa aad Cae- ara aaked U kelp ana they da m ABaa •*• hee? ta Boa* aa4 at; tks reparte that the SnaT ' " CONTIACTOt TV* Brunt were ia charge. r by Herat* aV Mtssurt, oept*. Hiagiy aad they oa att hetMate olttat rectatly, Mi Joseph K. Screen e*f B) Chore* viftag priaeipal, at • F-T.A. eseot- atk ate favor*, watch I eppre- Jean Baylor of Mi at. hi* enroll* aa a fraaheaaa la iaat TtMtreday eight at the pair, oewt pan ttaakf ehalrataa af tka atate frees pa*. th* college «f Art* aad Betoacat higfceehoai aaaUterkHB. tur* praartm, taraedl ap two dwary at Niagara uatveratty, M. * T. DaaaM MoeVaek, dureater at • BBBmaakaalaBaBl aa^atBBi 4W fMB^a^aBakaW eB SBaa^aaWda) aaattjre*. one baaf aattla aaaaare Screen it * graduate of Bad Baa* ai* tt (M aceaete, i*4 a aaattat a> VaMBaal V"*1 4*WA tVBjtzf: aad faur poaMry raagat that w«l Catholic high school. My aiaa". Me wt* aeeeeapeaied by reeelv* certileataa from tha ghtto Building permit* Uaued Itet ki* wife at the pita*. da ye« have? Nat aaaay as MF . graea paature nmmlttto. week by Elmer PearetU, Cammlttao «atitmea aaaawaeai gueaa. There are maoy that weald kV, tatra paar aew tar? The pasture* oa the Frttaiilk inspector, were ta Robert Calliaaa, at the sswetiag laelvdad Mra. aW- like to bo oar frieaae but ara tail steCMaa, wtbe-a pear MMM? Frellafbuy*** beef cattle «a*M at aew home oa ward O. Welder, pareat edaeatiaa; tt reeagalaa their aBarta. O*vo aWpBBaBmV 9*>>w aHaaVTarif* WBBBB a»af# )*M| MalaUel, and aa the Meary tstaoaa* wtrd Seher, I Mrt. J. Jotepb HaVey, health; Mre. tkaaa ell o thaaee. a*raaaa BBBBBBnT (fl^h^—^a^gB) Ad*(BMmBB9 Sfal BBlaaBBl wie dairy farm, near •Mllhton. ham ave. Bicktr4 Uewry, eeh**l edwtatsaa; eaa you value the laaat wiU latToV were rated Very Oaod by tha Walter Neuhauxr ef Ave. af Paul Bawaaa, civil eefeaae; Mr*. •at ta be the best, Beltw I will ludgaa. Tb* Jeba Caere] dairy BWM Two Rivers ha* returaed to his Margaret Coaover, bead; Mra. Wil- give yen a paeta that aaey nets Baaaja, who la att Wed Hhe at Oleadala rate*) duties as custodian af tha bereugk liam Buckley, pre-tekeal; Mr*. yrm Village they and waere da I apply far trolling tht climate. R. p. Mar- Jeet, -Help thy bratbtr'a beat N*MMVM ttatfar*/ Matter Partt are spending a week In Washing- them? babe, aattasloa tpaetallat in arna- aerota, *»4 W. thiaa awn haa ton, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Hintelmana A. The twa typat are: (1) a •vt- taentil horticulture at Rutgtra retched the there, ~ Curtailed preduetiea aad akortag** of katie mtuit, all point ta o celebrated tholr tenth wedding an- ytar ttrai paliey that ll aat caa- ualverilty, tuggtit* four prtctleal •uaday, Kept. Jt, wilt ka the abort aapply far aeat etaaoa. Rialng oaate, etc., point to higher niversary last Thursday. vertibl* 4a pertBaaant Inturaaca first matinee thle aeama. I am Eajay • hanae fto *f draft*. t«joy MM and that doe* aat pay alivideadi. ar waya of partially controlling the pritee. Teu've always wanted a "M0D«RW(» haven't you? Thea Mr. and Mra. Vinceat Cinavan elimata around tha home. sorry ss many of you eamt hut ^ Ve^aaaHtaBa. %YaTBBBV 9 eavlage ratTa) packet «i year Mat MM. of ftelknap lane arrived home last any plaa, perMaeat ar term, Deeldueui trees—tht onet that Sunday only ta lad the areaa ewe- week after spending the summer of tha speelil K. i, I* I., aulkar- lest their leav** la winter—can ed but the date was laaeueeet) m in Bermuda. lied for recently dlaabtad veteran*.«f Jaa» - btt plintsd ta five shade tt strste- and we r«nn^ undarttand why to MBUy a* • Far The Parent-Teacher aitocittlo Apply In writing to Veteran* Ad s pelnti around the house. These, many were confuted. Tha heure Carl Deckm&nn ministration, Washington 35, D C. will be the time, 2:3d te S p. m. of Holy f'ios> achool will hold for either ta determine your ellgl Korbono point! out, keep the sun 0M4JCRA-AVE, fMaakHer Friee par laa ft. PiamHtr Frit* per He ft card party Friday night at off roofs and side* during the hot A latt warning t* you girl*: O*t o'clock at Holy Rosary hall. Mrs. bility. hour* of th< day. And, as they lone a little more length to your that* Alfred LaBrrcqiia and Mra. Htrry g I am a Werld War II valtraa their leives ia winter, the house ing dresaes or you will be subject '/« Inch 'A m«h Cronan are co-chairmen. and I uted up my 14,001 at homt can ba kept warmer because ol to measurement*. Most girl* ob*y 1" r Betty Langler, daughter af M laan gutrtaty aver thraa year* ag* tht actioa of tht wlnttr tun. the rulee but many are trylag to and Mra. Herbert Lansler of Park Now I uadarttand thtt t n*w law To gtt bentntt from compara- tee how far they eaa go. 1 lilnth gives ma aa additional |3,*» 01 % inah ave, entered St. Michael's hospital tively young trtea, plant them The F. T. I. r 7" school of nursing tt Newark Ittt gjartnty. Is that right? within a ttw feet el tht home, week. She gridutttd In June frem A. Tat. Tht new defenM houaiag Korbobo suggests. "Rote, Rott, I Uve Tew." It at> * inch Red Bank Catholic high school. an tf 1M1 termlU World War II Another way to affect the ell- ing out-dated now. r r Kathleen McManus, S, daughter vtttrant ta get tha dlfftreae* ba- Mate around the home it to use Oarey C. Man, what'i the at of Mr. and Mra. Warren MeMtnut tweea tha amount af tha laaa guar- trtetlea? Tht:; sty Itvi It blind. of Old Farm village, li t medical anty they uMd up btfart Apr. », deeldueui vines. Vint-eovirta ar- CHAR MMttv IN STOCK Via* >/lBt M fclll bor* or ptrgoltt adjoining tin It *ur* must be. pit lent at Menmouth Memorial IMA and tT.»». but ealy far hana Marie "the Hula* DePaatl hotpltal. laaw. house can ihade the entire tunny 1AM. MNCNW t I** I BOO? II #». Mtt. 171 tidt in lummer, ytt allow the •hakts a mean Itg. Mr, and Mrs, William Jamti Q, I* it atlll paatlhU tt get a O warm rayi af the tun ta keep Jot U., you should wtteh taeaa have moved from Lincoln ave. to loan that ta raaaytbtt It up ta M tht house warm In winttr. Boston "older glrlt." T. a. their new home in Moameut yean? ivy or Virginia creeper on tide* Tht Eatontown dlntr MM la gat* Beach. A. Ia apaclal cat**, VA may au-of a .home exposed to th* rsys o ting popular, lately— Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kaufma thorise maturities up ta SO yaara th* hot sun ean make a difference Gloria T. it a eute llttta trlak LITTLE SILVER LUMBER of Waterman ave. have raturne wh*r* tht veteran eta not other- around town. af aa much a* ten decrees on th* home after spending two weeks' wist mttt tha required monthly inside af the house. "Are Ton With Me."-Baaalt, vacation in Bermuda. They were paymenta under a ahartir Maturi- Jot B. is tlowly recovering freea AND SUPPLY CO. accompanied on their trip by Mr. ty. Otherwt**, the term far repay- The atate univeralty aptetallit'a Matan Supellts • HartWo • MiHwtfk • Point. third] suggestion concerns thinning a mild attack of Indigestion iptH- and Mrs, Herbert Hamtord ef tea ment on loans af HUM or let* I* tt trees. Those that have heavy ed with a "W." SYCAMORE AVE. (at tha R.R.I UTTU SILVER Bright. • Maximum af II yaara. foliage—Norway, red and silver Bonnie and Mikt make a eute J. Harry Hearnen af Trenton PHONES RED IANK 4-1427 «r 4-3421 maple, as well as Undent—can be pslr. iprnt the week-end with hit lit- VALCC or covca caor pruned ef their large branchei to Marlt D. P. and Mppy look real ter,' Mr*. Mary Milloy, owntr el FRCCHOLD — Tht value of a allow trtt movement of air masse* eute together. Why not comt skat- tha Rumson hotel, Waterman ave. good wlnttr tovtr crop I* prevent up through th* trees, he says. Ing more often? Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Latch ing wind and water artaion, aw A tree ao pruned) becomes a nat- Fritai, we all wish you a let of and daughter Jane of W Wtrrrtn luck with thtt certain fellow. st., have returned from a sojourn leaching of plant faad, la wall ural wind-tunnel. Air It a few de- spent In Northern New York etate. known, say* M, A. Clark, agricul- grtea cooler In the thadt of the We wish all tha gang woulf The Leach family la now preparing tural agent. In addition, reaaarch tree. Warm air from unshaded come more often. HOME OWNERS^ to leave within a week or to for ahoar* that a heavy winter cover lurroundingi It drawn up through Oloria F, why not give a cer- their winter home at Strajate, Fit. crop redueta Mil anal water tatati tha natural tunnel, and this air tain Jeff 8. a chanca? How about A ipcclal itrvtce will ba httd during tht growing aeaton after movement hat a cooling effect. It? Sunday night at 7:.TO at tha Pres- tht cover Is plowed under. This af- Tha fourth and eaiieat climate Barbara H, why don't you alttf T«ko my byterian church. Tht fuest minis)' ter effect |a attributed largely, to control on Korbobo'i Hit i« rt- {Johnny come skating more oftia? ter will he a recommended candi better aoll structure from the add' moval of unnecessary bordtr plant* We like to att you htre. date to fill the vacant pulpit The ad organic matter. Ingi and clipped hedges or fences. Oayle, why don't you talk that imp w FALL'S BEST OF ALL congregation will meet after tha Recently, It hai been found that This, he tays, Is especially desira- man of youra Into coming akatlng? service to hear a report of tha nom- a cover crap alto maintain* aall ble in the front of the property in Hey, we hear there waa aulte inating committee and fleet a ntw atructura by protecting the aall residential araat. It Is good land- a get-together at T. Oay'a houta for oursM* pointing pastor. from alternatt fretting and thaw- scape design to keep thest treat a week ago for Plppy and Maria ing, report* Ktal Munch af tht open so that tht sailing public ctJUctjMkakt St. Mary'*, guild of St. Oeorgt't Freehold soil eenatrvatlon dlatrlet. Episcopal church will hold it* flrat ean tnjoy the pleasing picture Oiap AwtaMn tloyt era Borfoct poJmMip) tJoya) Dryim; fall meeting next Wednesday in Under winter condition* of high made by the home framed by aoll moisture and alternate freetlng trees, h* add*. At identifioble 01 tha Eifftl Tower It mo COAQWOAf trO M#Olf tntjf# it MM wOUit OT COMO^w Of Ralph hall. and thawing, unprotected aoll be- The women al the Methodist If, en th* other hand, there are Your UMM With nrlt Mlutneo in thii inatistibla MICE STUART bleuta of comes slumped and itructureleat. tall screen pltntintjs, clipped iha Imati wothobla broadcloth. Horizontal tucked pleoti w • sudden ttowor or from Hying (marts. Truly, "Folia church will hold a harvest home The mulch of caver crop greatly re- turkey dinner Thursday night, Oct. hedges, or fences, air movement la SHERMAN*! fiida Into bovfloni ileavei, tight ot tha wrist. Rhinestone latt ol AT... BOM VB THIS FAIL with ivpi>b-q«olity duces this action, but it is essential •lowed down. This 1* Important In 11, in the church basement, Dinner humm eoquam) down the front ond at the culls... sporkle will he served from 8 until 7:JO. that tha cover crop havi a denat hot, humid weathir when tha only Th* committee in charge Ineludea growth to ba effective, Tfeeat Many breece may be one moving at only Kko wit. Kohl from the pogtt ol August MADEMOISEUE beneficial results of winter cover two or thret tnilit an hour. Till k) you in white, gold, green, gray, mouvt, Mrs, John E. Delanoy, chairman crops en the land are rineeted la Mrs. Charles Tilton, Mra. Edward planting* can alow dawn a breeit brown, Sizes 32 to 39, Large, Mrs. Irving Stevena, Mr*. better crop ^reduction. atlll Mere. James Wagner and Mrit. Kenneth •M PORT Hoi ton. •BVFOBT WOMAN HURT Cllubtth Coatle of JO May at., New Monntouth George Deisier of Jersey City Ktyport, waa nightly injured Tuei- Committt* mitrbert of the Dirt spent several dayi laat week visit- day afternoon when tht car the Scout and Btowntt troops mat latt HOUSE PAINT Inn his brother and itater-ln-ltw, wa* driving wta la colllalon with a week tt tht home of Mn. Rus- Mr, and Mrs. Jack DtUler of Wash- ear drlvta by Annclttto Piperao of sell Bennett, Belford. for their first ington at. Lowtr Main it., Mttawaa, at tht fall meeting. They planned to atll Raymond Wyekoff of Rlvtr id. •M ... Du Foot HOMM Point helps youi Intersection of Rlvtralde ave. aad Christmas cards. Money wt* earn- ia on vacation from hi* position Morford pi. According to police, ed during the tummtr by telling oe weoa^ttam oWAnd It ttays whit* with tht Holly hotel, New fork the Plperno car came out of Mor- niwipapen. Mrs. Wall of Atlantic for years... because ft contaim a euper- city. ford pi. cutting in front of thi Highland! will aulat Mra. Bennttt abundance Of tltonhim dl©*> other vehicle. The injured woman at tha weekly. Brownlt meetings. Th* ancient* believed. eabbt|* Thosa prttent wire Mra. Chtrlcs »•«• of oH »aint pif f — told police aha would go to her had medicinal properties. own doctor. Fredrick, Mrs. John William*, Mrs. Available in populo tfC.95 Gilbert 8*rb*. Mr*. Jtmei Ollltt- **i, to*. 3 w KETfOBT DOO VOCMD Vie. Mrt. John Prlacu, Mri. George Dukt, a yttr-old colllt dog re- Col* and Mrt. Roy Martin, ported missing Tutadty night by Mlehitl Oovernale, who I* att- hit «wntr Dtnltl I. Byrne of St. tlontd it tha Carawell Air Foree Qtorgt pi.; Xtyport, waa faund on beat, Fort Worth, Tex., la visiting Whttt at., Red Bank, early yester- hi* parents, Mr. and Mrt. Sidney day morning by 'Patrolman Jeaa* Fadto, during a 30-day leave. Cool*. Tht owner waa notified and Mr. ind Mra. James Allen left camt htrt to gat the animal. Tht lilt Thursday to vialt their daugh- dog wa* recovered by Mr. Byrat ter Peggy tt Houghton college, with the aid. of two pellet car*. Houghtoa, N. T. • NatioMl Adfertitiif Liieafe h Weckliei During July

*!« «i«4 aton. • •*• , _-, QT J 1 A aample chtek of (M of the better WMklltt of tht nation—all mtmbert tf Orttttr Wetklits—shows Glasgow (Mont.) Courier _™~ -IMII that tht averagt of thia group ran 10,141 llnei of national advertiaing during the month ef July, The Malta (Meat) Mewt figures for thl newspapers cheeked follow, Hlghttt Tektmah (Neb.) Plaladaaler - .im ia thi Rtd Btnk (N. J.) Register with 24.TW llnei Hover (Jf. I.) Advance - of national advertising during tha month. Memlaitoa (IT. «T.) Oemocrat aim VreakoM (M. J.) Trantcrlpt - Mewt Holly (K. J.) HeraM - jum Red Bank Redater...... 24,702 Newtoa (N. J.) HeraM Aleaaader City (Ala.) Outleok AomervUle (N. J.) Ma .~~.11.IW South Blver »....„....- Ml*. Bed Hank Waaptu'(WiH<) ttatltr-Kawa „. frta OaUvtry, Bj rflBtetea MO Ve»wrel*rrapti _,... 91, \m «tak. At lhM.1 4ay. at »kitfc plaa* arcr. aw4* far a M*Jl«»**a party. A M* *Mai. kar vat taitlatM iata tk* laaf*. PROMPT 8ERVHZ Thmm ** Tk. aaat vectiat will ka k»!« Oct. wttk Mr. aM Mr* M. Retires Frcm >ce*atoaBlat tatai t* Mr*. Ma* D*Mn«n4 t Irvinttoa ar*r(*lk, V* Tk* kUrtaa* l*rt «a waa a •tma'ay fua*t *f Mr*. Delia aa IIIMM cralM t* C«ka. Murphy. Lonber Firm Mr. MI* Mr*. Carl fefeM. Part Tk* UaiM' auxiliary *f «k* V. Mraaautk H, kava i*t«*a*4 fraai r. «r. MM l«*t Tkura4ay. A *»*ci*l Dolly's Hand Laundry a ***k'« v*e*tl*a to Tw«at., avia*. «»• ky Mr*. Mary K»ll>, >M <*aat«4 t»y Mr*. Varita Aalbu*. Tka Mr* Catk* la. fttator, Kaaray, aaniial kara aaac* will b« hall nnsT-cuss t tk. w«*k-*M at fc*# avaiaMr Oct. M at th* aixt raona by th* •• 9m\f *v*. auxiliary a*4 a«*t ronbincd. After 131 W. FRONT STRICT RED RANK, N. |. c. ft *hrar cua f*r . Mr. *•< Mrs I***ak Havath ••< th. m*«Unf a aatall party waa hal4. mit* en th* «»r sad •*•* PswS«r 8f R«ir.ssr. rt, Ltttls it! to irst to bath haati «k*r* wk* i»aiii>, jbui ni«Ht, war* |uuii HottiaMa *ttt kin. ifiei Carmen, *ar, tat* w**k r*Ur«4 tram ai. tka wask-*M la WasbiaitM •f Mn Robert Lratft *»*r tk* Mra. Eltaaer Cord* and Mia. H*l- **ttot wttkta. tram tha* aaaa* wer* Rawlaad w**k-*a4. •a Moraa. A «lmn-r *•« diitrlct aampaay. alUr aarvtog ta. •m to " * fruiiam aM Mwbwt Ml** Kar Ka*M. C*MM*U4 k*r •M*tlnf af th* auiilitry waa h«l< •May waMHIai ter tka §aat M M*a*ay at th* K of C kail. rana. tmUKr. Ira L. CiwatTaaav kirtkaty Iktarter vttk a a**?. •f tk* Kini>«r| fV*wat w*r* MtMtt Orae* aa* Mr. and Mra. John Hauck ta«nt ••Mf aaar >r*Hln>. Mtortatoat at aa tala Aaartva, Aaa* AkraaiMa, tk* week la Ruffern, N, T. •BBBJaaasBtmBl aiSaaVBdawrBBBBV. BkJBBVa aM^BaVaBav**^P*t sMBJaBBVfcBjaJW^PaTaMlI JaWtNOTr*L tolwai.1 aart/ f*r tk. arai'. aav att**4*4 tk* M*a*M«tk *Mta wM fee* Mp MMwM ta. fcaatirt' 4toa*r at Aakurjr D*ri* lt***ai*.B, CIMhr4 Craar. Sal vtaitim frianaa. aa • dlasrsirly atarter *r*«lM DcMarco, O**rt* fAtlaaa, W*lt*r Th* Touaf Adult ^roup af tk* ft«s Mr. fmtt. Mtot Jaaa rMMfrt*. N*«ark, lUciawa, *f tki* flat.; Ml** Ju-Mtthodlat church, hold it* m«tt- ta. v**k-«B« wltk Mi** Jaa* lia Dorry, Kcyaart; Mia* Cathcr- iMV an* a turkey rfinnrr l**t Wfd- TVtfMV ft WWIt laa •ottla*, N*w T*rk; MlM Aat*- n«d*v. Rev. Edward R. Z*lley, Jr., At ta. tovt aM*tlar *f tk* W**t lla flaut* a«« Haarar* 00*11, Nat- aaek* *n "Haw to be Waalthy Kaaatawt Ira cwapaar It ••» caag; aa< Mr. *M Mr*. J*ram* Th»' Po»r." Th« group la w*rkl*f Out ptoaaaf t. kav* w**khr t*n* Kaakia aad aaugtrtar. •a dalla cv*ry Thuraday f*r tk*lr ... - Mr. aM Mn. aarttoi «wrlaa tk* wiaur. Jtromc Knobla Uft aa M.aa'ay booth at the batar. i. K*tty af Absrdiaa rd. Mr. *M Mr* «M*ak lUIUy, far trtlaiar at Caat» KUawr. A frou*> af aiambara of *M»mv Her laacas, a gradaaU af Fra*. ahaa. ad ntg AT M* It to tk* faM ••< to Marlshan.


to BMrbM. W* asail»llia to teas.

•Mtaa sjatasl dlaaar waa asrvad. Atuadlag wan Mr. aM Mn. Rabart Ammdt, Mr. Fawlsr1* Ma- I. OIORGI WISTON 4 SONS la-law aM daughter; Mrs. Crawl*. t Rutladga Crau**, Mr. aM Mrs. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Chart** W. ladca, Mr. aM Mrs. Wama M. Mlataa, Mr. aM Mrs. II. HOADWAY LOff* MANCH Irvtag Btevias, Mr. aM Mrs. WIW Item H. Wright, Mr. aM Mn. Paul Dtoriag. Mr. aM Mrs. Robert Ma. gara, Mr.aM Mrs. angary Hw»ra. Mr. aM Mrs, Faul Oavart, Mr. aM Mn. Bdwta Rtmaa, Mr. aM Mrs. IADI-IN NAN Utter VaftMt, Mr, aM Mrs. Ray Oaadwia. Mr. aM Mra. Kaanath We propose for Autumn brides... BtojM,. Mr. aM Mrs. Man, YES, NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY! tfelerTtn*.! New, .» to 111 MONTHS TO PAY CM all r«nil(.vc aad appluutcea! VN "TRADE-INS'* MM J«aa iaaw, Mlaa Oaratky Wanar. IVtor Famll. La* Laa«. M DOWN PAYMENT. Buy thU liberal way! «aa. Laa VaaNait. Mahart Bar- »a«r, Aac*l* Aattoara, rnak Oar* tor. J*ka DMHUa, Baajaaila Mtaka.1 CkaMwkh, B4wta EACH IS A BEAUTIFUL ENSEMBLE.. LOW-PRICED. Mltok.ll Davi*. aM Jak. L PTA Program Opens at Tea UTTLB HLVBR - Chart*. A. Tkaaiaiaa. artaalaaJ af UtUa HI- var MhaM. anatatM aMMkan af tka aakaal faeaKy ta TO awmtort af tk* Uttl* Mimr Fanat-TaMlf •r a*Meiati«a at tk* artaatoitlaa'a «r« fatt BMatlaf TiMatay afUr- aaaa. T*a waa atrvM aM a aaalai fcaur fallow**!. All btiilRN* was «ap«aa»« with far tk. aftoraara. Th* tataHan to- trMvMi wan Mn. Mamnt Klaf. Mr*. Aaatfb*! Mlteh.ll, Ml*. Marl. KMk*y, Mn. Adda Conorar. Mia* Our Matched Engagement Ajn*r Haekttt, Mn. R*ba Mllltr. MU. Allea Bmlth. Mia* Tlornti WartMay. MU. Harrtet Maan, and Wedding Ring Duos Mn. KathlMM Haward, Mn. Eltakl b*th Waleatt, Mn. lara Itaiaaaa, Mm, Ra* Tarklaitoa, MIM OlMyt OottnU aM J.ka Ifatol*. Mn. Oharlai Sdalatou, araal- «Mt. wataatMd th* MW m*mkan\ aM anaMad at th. t*a tabla, with 8-Pc. Modern Living Room! 9-Piece Colonial Bedroom! ._ J •.-• a a Mra. Thasdan rarasaa. Dacara- •* ff ™n£a*mn aM wMtn. It'a eomplot*! Include, th. bat, mattrata, aprtog, Mrj. AMrt Laab*r. aragnm JIMT LOOK! TMI f*t th. son, matehtog louaga pair is MivMswlr/ Htoctod ky «s to tawn jo* af I abalr, aoektail chair, thro, matching tobtoa, and twa two pillows, ehaat, eholc* of vaalty er dr**a*r, aad faV tka.aMtUag aa Oet la, at • modara tabl* lamps . . . AliL at thla amaitag low two Coioatol boudoir lampal Wow priced for **n*a- MMIqwilirjr that will mran AttMfa tlwrMn...aM arkM a. m. wbm Dr. Ella* B, Uaa; aad prle*l Shop now for thla modern group. tlonal savings! Hurry! Mr. Thamana wltt tpaak aa lart^Mthttwlll^T«tWvfoa«ia^«McmaMtoniok«awwl "rUatth aM lafMy." Mn. & B. Uvia, aaraat Miteatlaa ehalrmaa. atawd ft at**tlag af th. child atMy 199. 159. 22: » »• f»il>J«et will b. "Taur Child*. Fir* Tear af Behool." Mn. Turklnctaa aM Ilia* Cottrtll win b* pmant t» anawer queatlon*. All P.T.A. m*mb*ra ar* Invited to Registered J.w*l*rt Amarkaa Ctaat Society attmd. Th* aMoelatlaa held a tea for MW mathan la acbool Friday with 34 MOAD — RiOIANK 15 pid?!l. tttjadtar. M*mC*n at EBTABUflHBD UN th. MMCtttlva board wan th. host-

Children Inspect River St. School Th* Xlad*rtart*n claaMt af th* Rlr*r Stntt achool hava b*en tour- taf tha Khool bulldlnt to dlatovcr th* varlou* phaaa. of ichool life bmM their awa room. bolter room with Iti hum raaeM aM fllltd eoal bias mada th* eblldna raallta that cold weath- •r will toon b« bar*. la th* wood- ahop and eaohloi roam th. a*w •uplU aaw boy. and firU laarnlat vwfHl erafU by actually doing Beautiful Modern Bedroom! Period Ensemble! 8 Pieces! thtm. Tha llbnry, viaual aid. room, aad th. mnale room ahowad thtm Everything you aaad for a beautiful, moa*rn twd- A complete bandsom* Porlod^tyl* outat! You gat th* «nrlehm*nt of th. achool pro. room! Just Imtglno getting the btd, mattresi, tha sofa, matching louaga chair, asessloaal «halr, gram. spring, two pillow*, chart, ©hole* of vanity or drasssr, thr*. matohlag table* aM twa lovaiy tabl. lamps*. William Pailcky, principal, In- aad two boudoir limp* for Buy th* complet. outfit now! vited th* clam into hi* o«e* to ft. th. ulephon* awltehbaard aM th. big clock that ooatrol* th. bell* In the halto. MIM Htrrlat FrancU, th. school nun*, ihowed hor of- •e* aM th* eablnaU whar* ah* kups th* madlcln* and baadagc* to flx euta children may get at achool. Th* group vlalUd claaa- rooma from th* Srat grade through junior high school. WbM th* clas* got back ta their alajuaam, th* bay* aM girl, talked about th. many thing, thsy had »**n. They drew pictures of the things the group llk«d th* beat, and hung them on th* bulletin boards. Then this story of th. trip Wai FURNITUHE BEDDING

Monmoirth Consolidated u *> 2*"' 1l".J "••* •""•»• aehctcH. Wt mw th« (urn»«t room. Wt •»w the eoaMnf room. W* i»w the 147 MAIN STREET, ASBURY PARK 170 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK Water Co. •nad ihoti. Wt ••» tk* movie raom. W« MI Mr, P«ilek>'« nfle*. W* M« Ilka ''" ikiav'114 lH'li' *'*MH' W* "WETBACK" ROUNDUP

|ka U.S. Immifraiiaa Sarvica hat ttartaa* a hara*ar air* lift I* an attawat ta afcack Ida ritlaa flaad af Maaicaat aatariaa. tkit cavalry illatally. Tfcraa Plyina, Tifaf air* Knar* ara ati«f «at4 ta ratara tka Maiicaa wotkacks** ta»callad kacavta aiaay af tkaat twlaj kara'ar •traaait aad caaalt-ta tkair kaaiat kaaaValt af nllaa aa«Hi af Hit ktrdai. Tlta aliata laava alfktly fraai Haltvilla ia Calif, araia's Imperial Vallay. Olfcar illaial warkart wha ara raaftfaata af a Maiicaa ttata ataaf tka fcarrftr ara aaal acrat* fram Calaiica lala MaiUali. Tkt maiarity af ika «atkack» ara cava>t ay intaacttrt af tka lariar Pairal. Mara tkaa 4SO,000 watkacka eawa in last yaar. Sama 23S.O023S. O af tkam ttHltrtrt f Califarala aUnt. It it trt^ictata f tkka iaflafl i willl raack 100,00100000 tkik t ft. "«"«a caa''t staa tka« all," tart H.R. Laadaa, an imailfraiitii afficial. "Wt caa maralf Maka it taa|k far lka«." Tka airlift, i«a«avratt4 ia Jnaa, it 4aaif nad ta 4* tkat. Whan a Maaicaa it aaarakana'ta', aitkar at ka it cratt* litfl tka btrrfar ar wkila warklii| an a farai, kt it atktl U tkaw kit aattyaH ar'Na»tlficatlaa card, tka. lattar Itavaa* ta tka caatract Mailcaa warkar. If tka wark* ar kat na araaf af tatal-tntrjr iata tka U.S., ka It takaa ta tka karrfar aatral kaa4a,aartart la Cl CaMra, Calif.* wktra ka it alacad la a dataatiaa camp kafara kaiai if Wi. Sama 400 illafal warktrt ara raattita" tftitjr far tka rttvra flifkt. Back alana Ua4 it accaiapa«l«4 ay a Mailcaa lm«l|ratiaa affUltl*

CHECK. Inspector Chariot Knight checks Idontifico* tien eard of logal Mexican worker on Imperial Valley tomato farm near the border.

SEARCH of empty refrigeration com* pertinents on train whichcrossod bar* der at Colexico, :»:.:<•:•• .:!•«;: •^;..:;r-^.^Jiyii^fi^®"\:?;;1?: ; Calif, is mad* by border patrol* CLUES. Border patrol intpaetort find freah foot prints naor bar* nan Arnold Faust. der. Thair diraction is radioed to patrol cor crow in oreo.

DETENTION.Wetback is fln«erprinted. AT EL CENTRO detention camp,namos of those listed for airlift return are read to wetbacks. WETBACKS board piano at Holtville, Calif., for airlift to their homes in Mexico, TWa Week's PICTURE SHOW far AP Staff Photographer Dot. Irinn BED BASK BEOI1TE1. JEPTEMBKO ST. Wt Fifuen

ent Uaryer* were pre»«iit to tri^w •l'erstion and modernization pr*j- 3 Sets of Twins at School CHURCH NEWS the proceedings (nd cbeerve Col, rct Mr. Staeehan will reopen the Shore Conference Mikes Favorable Snetkin'i Night Coat* in action. palace aa the moat modern tavern rBEMlTEaUA* Sh"»han's Beach Paltea waa on the Jersey shore. Atlantic Hifhlaae* nwned and operand by a gi'oup of Rev. Elmer T. Schlck will apeek Club Sold at Gunge in Basketball Playoff Setup JtorkhnHfrs who sought to di»- «IBI> SCOLT sn "Learn of Me" at the 11 a. ">• i-ilvp the corporation du» to cinns- Camfereaee acrvice. Chuich achnol will meet jng hu.«inr*s interr#i^. Edward f. RHREWSBURT-Ditne TilloUOn aaeetiag af •t 10 a. sn. *nd 'he evening ser- Auction Tuesday Ju*k« ia rouneel for the ttock- ' »M elected president of Girl Bcoul rht at rre*- vice will begin at t o'clock when holder*. j troop «7 Monday when it met In trhool.* taade a awjw Sewnh /av Heif*r$ the sermon will hr "Caatiag/ Bread Mr. Sheekaa Smw Sole. At. 11 Jft s sn. Co!. Cos'* an- I the ail'h grad* elaasro** ia the Upon the Waters." their aaaaal haaketbali ATLANTIC NMHUAMI nounced that « private ia:e hei - iiooi. Julie Neviue was elected pity** ta whtek the amali group The Ladiea' Aid aociety will meet Owner u( aVeanalaurg'a b'en '(Tfrted agreeable te a ma- s'ribi and Maiisnn? LoBioado I trkistj w|H alaa get aa opportun- Tuesday al 2 p. an. Mid-week ser- jority of the atocUholders, and that treeurer. Lsadera present at the af tb» vice will twgin at I p. m. Wednea- lantlmari ity af aaaeelof •*> the CoaveaUea Jerry A. Slierhsn wia the purchsa- •ieeti»r mtn u>, T<-**;ir M».- hall eoart ia th* aaaeel claaait. of three A. ghee- ale* ftva Ormtp I schools mere baptized Sunday. han. with a fiontag* on tke bay of aa atyattuaity to Jain ia the at an* *•*•,<«» beef- R'v. )fr. gchick attended the fall of 210 feet, a 140-foot c!over-le«r court caaagaHlti** Hi a chaaaaioa- meeting of Monmonth Preabyteiy bar. dining room and dsnee floor •hip arawa. Br. WaiaVfa at Bhrcwsbury Tuefdsy. ROLLER SKATING jB^amdadh gaS at* BaasfaBbBi jaavdaml ff^aa^a^a-dt f^la. built to a>y B. Q. Coat*, •TTMf Oroap I aad Oroup II divitiaaa, bassst her*. Cant. Aamea J. OLD aucllonfer. I th* aaeattd aad third flaiabera in EgMta aaM — twaofce ta aha Shrewsbury *••«• awro erisVt. Ha aaM aha At 11 *. aa. eppruiimatrly mo each group will play for tha right Saturday 1* At. Michael's and AIW visitors gathtr*d at (he tavern, | U avtet tha top team, which auto- Angals day. There vill k« Holy many aaaious to paiticiaais ia th* •MticaHr weald he handed a bye. Cammunion at i a. m bidding Th* sals waa about 90 WMk that aetap there would be M»ly Communinn will tta at I a miaulei late in getting under way. IffNI MOAD STINT, m Sunday. Church sciiool ia at in um, u.,% t«o ehaaaataaa iaatead of tke ueual and during tbe itslay ma*y aiste •V^-^.1 dB ehampte* ekib af the playoff*. Itl a. ni, with the prayer end viailar* arrived from all parts of •••••anwffWf Wf till H liM •. t4 Adaptiaff thia tyatem tke Confer- 9 aermnn by Rev. Theodore E. A. Near Jir**y tad many aut-af-stata aaea nut aaly iacieajed inWran in *Sporte Dinner LrVan at 11 a. m. car* »in in evidence. Revenl of 7 ?• H 11iN f. M. tha tawt campetga kyt alaa gave Holy Communion Wedneaday i* Monmeuth * mnat promin- th* aauller Khaala aam*tkln« to it l:Mi. m. atriv* for. Caek wtaaiaf team will ba Silted for Post ST. JOHN'* KPIHirorAt (-MAPRI. awarded a trophy, while tke play- VORT MOKMOVTM-Th* Initial Little. Silver llavo RADIATfIR er* of UM ruaaer-up eiiikt wouM •port* dinner honoring fort Maa- Prayer and sermon by Itcv. The- Oe prataatad wKk atedela. moutk athlettt thia pa*t **a**n will odore E. A. LeVsn Sunday la at W ClpNiietl KOH! iaotph Raaetl, Rmaata high be b*M Timday, It wa* annauneed t:30 a. m. Church school i* from llun'l pnntpone lh» rleanlag nf ockaol atklotfc director, pre*M*at by Bpaeial Servicta Tueaday. Play. t:Mto l(i::W*. m. 5ervice >»iir i-ar'a ou'rheatini gUUIA- •f tha circait, appetatad Oaaeh era from the haeehatl. oeftball. golf Sbt « tha *aulpa*oat. Bteve Qatar, Kaaarde, aa a aaa letic aervlcee ta the peat. Taachar, Mitt larbtra Lawat It •icfvrae) ak«v« witk a snal'rlal*. skill for mreaet rod- taittea ta atady tad "port on In paying tribute to Rignaleer Agnta Parent-Teacher aanociation tlidJa fuN *f the «hrM *iti a» twim wha fca*e »ka Oaklmrtt held it* first fall meeting last Thur*- dlng, imllini, rvpolrlag aad ro> plan for th* Conference to adopt athletes, this aceailoa will a* the rnrlag. la diatribwtlM of medal* ta bate- drat where four team* are baiag Ccimfry tjay tck«al a«*J NHC«tid«al May Caottr "iKiary Mk«d4 day at the school Mrs. Donald Mile* preaided, and lUv. fianeli T00UMC0NSI6NMS •Kfc It) TOIUVI kail aad faotkall ebampioM. hattorod aa a group. Usually eaeti t»af in • whirl. Fram t*» t« koHaw), ••»» •wim tr» FaHy and} f%lppa put tfca lata* before th* teiuad I* tendered Individual recog- I.. Malan, oae of the apetktr*, nition. lyn 6af*Jtm, fin* fr«*i*f*i Cathy' an*) Arlana Irmiiar an*j *tr«*aad th* Importinra *f partat eotthw wk*a ba broaght aut that aad teaeher co-optration. AS OF OCT. lit . WlaTw^arV WI ^B^*W fRIV ara btlag t'**a atrt far A* a far«w*H ending ta an av*r Illaan and* Skiavar Kaa^ltr. ktwllag aa« aalf. all anaceatful aumm*r campaign in Kngslhart Brtnntr, a member of Yay tKall racaiva t I af the New York Philharmonic Bym- Ortd sch*d«l«Iar«haa«jiit Salt •kMff* with praaeat htaktthall kia baaeball team will bo commend- 9 pheay society, waa the secend RADIATOR WORKS pttaa eattlag far aasa* aet-ap. ed far a ta* tt-lS record. Thefalf Bookie Trial BcRcit Clalmanla speaker. He e«|ilalned th* working* •ri«* whila wa ratal* anly Tala wwisM have Oroup I aehosla team will receive due honors. They Muat Kr|Mirt Weekly of a symphony, and played Mvtral RctJ Bank 6-1177 pitying aaak ather and the tame flniahM aeeond In Pirtt Army com- selections on the oboe and English t, 3. 113 Ir.i f n>nl Siree! Hn\ Rank, N. I. ayttam watild be uaed (or Group It petition with Woodrow Wyant cop- May End Today Beginning Oei. I, clelmanta far hora. oekaolt. Bealag that the number af ping th* mrdallat tltl*. Oeorg* fREEHOU)-Th* boAkntakiag unemployment benefits will h« re- aehaatt ia tack dlvlslaa la aaull, Beanion and tha (wimmlag team trial of Anthony Btvicqui, 19, nf quired ta report weekly inatead af Mkaalt will play ala Oaafereaea will alaa h* In th* limelight. Tak- Lang Branch Is »aeet*d to r**eh every other week, Manager War- fltataa aaa atlll hav* room aa their ing seennd place, too, In the Army the jury today. Judge John C. Gi- rin R. Clark of th* Red Bank af- aeaatMaa Hr th* traoittaaal bat- event, gcanian "'»» tha outstand- ordano yesterday deaied a motion flce of the. N. J. State Empl»ym«nt Mat o( tha eampalga. ing awlmm*r nf the meet a* the ea. by Edward F. Jutka, defense attor- Service stated in a preta tclease RvafAll Wrtgkt, Uktwood, and Penn V taint captain broke twa ney, that the charge* he ditmiaaed today. Failure to n may result Viaaa"HaBlt" fina, Atlaatle High- record*. kecauaa th* evidtnee ia lnad**juate. In a delay or if the circumstances land*, war* aamtg rtaraatatotlvea M*tnb*ra nf the eoftbalt aqua4 Th* pro;eculor'a offlc* arrested warrant, a lasa of benefit*. oa(ONf OroaM» It aad Oraup I aabaait, and IU coach. Brannon Holt, will Bevacejui Sept. II, 1IM, at hit home. "Tki* return to weekly report- he congratulated on winning th* Detective Harry Zuckerman testi- Ing," aaid Mr. Clark, "ha« been re- "l/iiwiaa OetwaWr, who la ehalr- rirat Army tltl*, th* )•*« than- fied he found a large amoun. of quested by the Bureau of Employ- ana of t«hka oamautt** ta r*vl*a by. plomhtp a tlgnaleer team hat race bets written on toilet tiuuri. ment Security of the V. 8. Depart- mWAit*aaltt*d a rtpert wklek will wan aa far thla ytar. Ray Wall. Mr. Juaka has admitted that names ment of Labor. It strike* ua at a %$ MHs*le4 IvftiWr* thalr aea, who hurUd all of horae* might have been on the time when our staffs arc already Tko Boat mettlaff wiU ba Mea- live wlna In tha tournament, will p'lpa, but maintains that it would everburdened with manpower mo- ' DM. a not be on hang due te recent at- not make them betting notation*, •ipament oversea*. blliaatton recruitment activltia*. Detective* admit to finding no Now we are confronted with wh*t Mw. Vietor Topt Allowing dlnatr and honor* the slip* with names of horn* which amounts to a 100 per cent Increase athlete* will Join In Lant Hall'i raced Sept. is, jay of the arrest, la tha niimhrr of visits to our of- "Band Night" aa gueata for r*freah- but that there were slip* for Sept. nce f«r continued claims puipoaea. Shore Contingent meata and a dunes. II, 12 and IS. They tentlflcd that It will he difficult to meet tlic add- MOMTarJOR-atra. Ollvar A. as they broke into Bevacqui'n home ed wnrklosd but 1 aaaure employ- Viatar at Ruauoa Couatry eltib 1*4 Throw* Tmali, Piva $S, they heard the (liuh of an unatnii" rrs, job nfckm and cluimsntj! thai th* akara e*atln«*at tt UM wwk'a Then Mual Pick It Up toilet. Detective John Clawler tc»- we'll do the best we can." Wea^a'a MatreaaliUa Oalf _ tined that Bevacqui* telephone clat|a« tauraaaieat, aertatlni Mra. WATMDE-Vincent J. Alvlno'f rang 11 time* ia 75 mlnutex fol- •hlrlty Braua af Vallty Vi*w ta Long Branch was lined U last lowing the raid. He Mid two call, Aid Squad CoM|tla,Na wla Vh ahunalawkla la tka akarp. nlcht by Magistrate Cebn for ers gave bete, several others quick. throwing trash along the readeld* ly hung up and two were personal To County ABMiciatiun MUpJaaa Oarlaaa af afaaaaquaa In Maw Shrewsbury. Th* judge call*. SOUTH BELMAR — Th* Mon- Hlv*r, Couatry cluk alaa cam* In alaa ordered Alvino ta clean up Thomas Bcvaequi, the fsthcr. ten- mouth eounty insoci.itlon of First far haaera. Ikt brauckt hoa»* th« tha trash. tided that hid son worked from 7 a. m. to t p.m. Bspt. 11, 12, IS and Aid squad* at a meeting last night ariaa far maMr-ua ia the beaten •runs Magliaaaa of Catherine at the flrst aid headquarters here •l|kt alvtaUa af tka MCM< tlfht at.. Red Bank, waa given a 110 14 and had an off day Srpt. in, 1950, Tka thiti U eapttira aa awart waa Mntanea hut paid "S heard lettir* from th* Red Bank Kra. Waltar BaM, M af JumlaJula for ear*!*** driving. Law. Taking; Pre-Medical •nd Union Beach squads In which BOX and MntkMk OatMtrOt y aluklk , whha wai rua-r«ne* Steven- of Farmlngdaia wa* they complained thnt county .isso- atrus U tka ifth «>kt. lined 110 and II far ear*!**- driv- Course at Lafayette elation* matting* didn't start on ing;. Samuel Beaawiti of Anbury Tka tkfaa4ay ckaa M time and were improperly eon- •taat K|hK| t waat ta Mr*. Joa*pph Park waa tn«d |M and M for William O. Shtrwood, Jr., aon of MaaaM a af RM|»waaRM»waa4 CCauatra y clublb , driving W milea par hour. Mr. and Mra. William O. Sherwood, ducted. wka 4afaatN laat ycar'a champ, Branch ave., I.lttle Silver, haa en- Oeorg* Smith, of Keyport. vie* tered Lafayette college, Etaton, Pa., president, Hated that In the fu- RESERVED MM. WUttaai Tracy at Oltn RMge. Fair Haven Woman • 4M 4. Tka tauraay waa featured where he ha« started a prt-medlcal ture all meeting* would atart at by aKaatlaaal play aa4 a*v#ral Stricken With Polio course. "Bill" graduated last Jun* * p, m, sharp. The association or- fram Red Bank hilh nchool, where dered that letters ba sent the com- aatratatlyelaatmatehM. Mra.Tney LONO BRANCH — Mra, C. Doug- Ma thrillar. being he (tarred on the football team. plaining squads requesting thair waa tavalvtf la < laa Hoyt, wife of Dr. Hoyt of Wood HI* father, proprlttor of Sherwood's presence at tke next meeting. astaalM ky Mra. Hackinjsa ta th* land dr., Fair Haven, It a polio Sporting Goods ADVIRTISID MIDDLETOWN MLLAOB-Th* SMOKE DAMAOB UawwiTraiaia lavi »>td»T«)r*as • JUST UKK MTTim IN A MX OR MJMVfD SCAT WHEN YOU HAVE THIS BIG 20-INCH SET IN YOUR HOMl. Honmouth County Historical aa. KKAN8BURO—Fire from a floor Fffacncal fer MaaU atorsai Akaptf taa* aoetatlon will hold e> silver tea heattr which flared up at 7:12 p. tatsraatt, iannc, homos, oflle**, reuta- at Marlplt hall oa King'a highway, m. yesterday caused extensive maa, •lllng Matian*. Ideal a* a H**eond" YANKIIS ) ( GIANTS MidOHtown vlllag*, next Wednes- amoke damage to the horn* of An- machine. Pertabla, easy to ta*. Lint vs. / OR day ittarnoea. O«t. a, between 3:*n thony RoMlmlnl, 18 Fourth at., po- • 9M«f; totals Mtaoat. Larger ea- and 8 p. m. Mr*, r. Marklle Schad lice laldthU morning. Chief- Au< aa^ BBtMB'sMlBl BMB 'Wr ( YANKIIS la chairman. POPOIIS j guat Vogel directed the Keansburg also aveilebl* f Th* tea will mark a special one- and New Point Comfort Are com- dty exhibition of 17th, 18th and panlw in estingulthing the blai*. llth century silver fram private ealltetions In afoamouth county. LAME FINES TWO 01 MMNI m Vsfffl VslNH TWMT Thttb eollactlont will faaturt tha SHREWSBURT — Magiatrata work of Amtrican, Xngllth and Merrltt Lane, Jr., Maaday night Frtaeh allvtrtmltha. fined Thomai 8. Carlton of Nap- tune 18 aad ia eaitt for careleu Leonardo driving. Chester Kenopkaof Cliff- alda Park waa flaed 17 and 11 CARROLL'S Sunday guettt af Mr, and Mr*. Willaun A*t at their homt oa coal* Saturday for puaing a led Ctnttr ava. were Mr. and Mr*. Brn- light. •it Mtnktn and Mra. Amu Stradt- Office Supplies and Stationery man|a aad her grandchildren. RUMMAGE SALE Allea, and Walter, or New Tork RUMSON-The Ladles' Aid soci- ety of the Runuon Pretbyt-rlan 22 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK MM, William Lowden and Mra. church will hold a rummage sale at Frank W*i*n*»kl of J«r«y City Bingkam hall Tueiday night, Oct. ap*Attka wteMad at their nunie- a, from T to • o'clock and Wednet- PHONI M 6-5J43 law Oa Ctnttr av*. day, Oct. 3, starting at 10 a. m. XOMkara of the Udlat' auxlll- ary %f Commpalty ar* company Picturt madr a trip by bua to N*w York atty Wednesday of laat waak. "Largeit Fabric Stor* Along The Shore" Mr;, and Mra. Chrla DtBttfano of HatMtt aptat Sunday at thalr cot- tag*-an Center ave. COHatittA S PICKWICK H*t«h*r Frltta of Dover waa a REGULAR $349.95—SAVE $120 w*ik>*aa guttt of Mr. and Mra. Ctrl Bergman at thalr horn* on Fl«r*ac* av*. SUITING! Mr.^aad Mrs. William iullivan and jtmea Sullivan of Brooklyn wire wa*k-end vialtors at thilr A ftmoui fabric with a mtrvalaui n*w finlihl Loekt eottagt on Ctnter av*. and faali Ilka fin* waritad, in itripai and tatttriallil NO MONEY DOWN Mr*. William Ait, htr ton, Don- WHKN YOU TBADB IN VOl R OLD »£T aid, and Alfrad Zollar Tunday at- •armanantly crtata.raiiitant, tt natdi NO IR0NIN6! t*nd*d th* tut* fair at Trtataa Uia it for tallartd alrattai, «kirti «nd luiti. 48" A patient tinea mld-tummtr at ICMANIC«IMI» wlda. Takt V/% Y«ars TO Pay Monmtuth Mtmerlal hospital, Mlta 110 IANR.N.4. Ann' Dattn rtturnad laat wttk te htr homo on Burlington avt. Robert ColUran, Jr., hat re- Juif aff Iroad St., aapailta ASBUBrrABK a MED BANK a nEUVBRT ANB INSTAI.fJlTlOW turntd ie the Univtrtlty oi Mary- land, whfrf h* began hit tecond Mtfehant* Truif Ca. lank KKVPOBT a raiiBHOIJI a LONO BRANCH OtlARANTCEO FOB WORUI y«ar Monday. Past 1ASK KgQIiTBi, fBfTEMiMI V, mi Kelly, woa a diverea froaa Braacb, frees ftjt. Hasty W. naca- T. Adinm fvnm 41-Year Marriage a aaller assigned to tke VMM. Bur- er, a soldier at BwrliafUa, Vt, a> tmk Fat* M Trieste liaftea ia Korea, Peter J. Kelly. aartioa. Oa Married Oct. T, 1*11, the wife as- Grace Heath Clark of «• Skert- HOLLAND UNEN We. Worth Cunaiafhaaa. aew serted her kutband deaerted ker aad laad ter.. East Keaaaburg. from Al- •taataaiC.ntM.aaM ia Trifite. Italy, Ctrl* Seeut of Ends in Divorce their Ive children in March. 1M7.— bert L. Clark of Carlitadt, txtreaae tit* eagiaaer. Maw Jaraay Tvm- ineap 21, Red Bank, ha* aekea the Other divorces granted by Judge cruelty. aikc Autioritr. •'» >dacaat the Me-nmouth couacil. Boy Scoutt •( rREBHOLD—A divorce a>cree Manaaautk-Ocena •aciatr a* t»ra- graatea by Superior Court Judge McLean won ; Ada P.heias Brooker «f Holaadal America, for the 1M1-M Cub pro- rd., Hazlet, from Buataca Grakam fetataatl Ea«ia««rt at • maatiag Doaala H. McLicaa yeaterday end- Harriet Qriw DeMorjiaa, Belmar, gram cheeu which were •«atioaea' froaa Edward DeMorjian, Summit, Grank Brooker of New York, de- Walnatlay aight. which wiU fal- in «n article appcanag ia Tbe Rea ed lh» M-yrar marriage of lira. extreme cruelty. Rh« charged her sertion. low • «iM4# at T:U •'clatk «t Crya- Lucy Bennett Walling jf M Pine WiDOW SHADES tal nVaak iaa, EataaUwa. Tha Bank Register July M. husband slapped he? because she Mildred a Deak, W Broad way, k , at., Keyport, and Alfred F. Walling didn't have hi* pants pressed and speakers avajeet mill ba "Ea«i- of 221 Firn at.. Keyport. West Long Branch, freaa Mickael •frurrfraf WktU \m$ Wak mm Ymmr short «hinrd when he. wanted thrm. P. Deak, 161 Laurel ave.. West •aarlaf Pt able ate tTacaaatarel la The decree waa baaed on grounda She also rhaiftcd that he beat her Keanaburg, eatreaae cruelt|r. MM Daaiga aa4 CtaatrMcUaa af tka • WHtT|.t3*ttN-ICtU of extreme cruelty. Mra. Walling and threatened her life. alleged he drank heavily, eawet ea- New Jeratr TwragHM." • HH lUSTlHS IVIUT Ivsiintii thai iiir nuciiy bc*au Sarah Shirley Weber, 112 We*t cesiive amounts oai liquor aad aae Till awtiiij, r> iiii.ii iuiiti tui Jan. 14, 1»SO, and laated until Aug. Front gt., Keyport, from Ronald C. tine .struck her when she asked (or •rat Wednesaay of aaek maatk, It. 1*50, when the and her husband Weber. Dclray B*ach. Via., ettrraae money to rua their koaae. wiU abaarva Umaa' aajkt Mav. T. separated. Thr wife said her hus- nuelty. The wife charged her hus- Bertha E. Denny. Hcrnerttvillt, band twiated her arm and kicked band mistreated her three days af- ker. from William A. Dcaay, Ellaaketk, ter their Aug. 30, !M0, wedding. extreme cruelty. Mrs. Deaay tawria WailtM af In another decree granted by Elizabeth Hardy Grcigo of Long charged that ia July, IMS. bar kua- Eigmtk at. la orftaittaaj a awfa' Caa- Judge McLean, 15-year-old Edward Branch, from Joe B. Qreigo, a Fort band gave thtir year-aid child a live tlaeatal Matte Cede cluk, aa4 ema Strll riURtndolph of Westtfleld Monmouth soldier, extreme cruelty. lobster - eo jmlout of her that he would not Lillian Cheetemtti Coimergaa, 4M ity. Inttruetioa will be free, aaa aertion. The couple married Mar. permit her to talk or dance with Tabor St., Ljoag Branch, from Ken- tha bays will work far FCC. epera- 20. IMS. The complaint charged other servicemen when he took her neth L. Cormergaa, Walliaf vt., tar'a Ikenat. Tkaja latoreete* that the huaband deserted June 10, to a U.S.O. dance at Long Branch Belford, desertion. tkauM eoatatt Mr. Walltea, wkoae 1»M. Mr. Randolph, who did not last December. Bertha Dckelbaum, U Uaealn a>l. hoaaa teltpheaa aumbat la Keaaav eomeat the divorce, ia temporarily Anna Madelena reratMt* of from Abraham Dekelbaum, M burg t-MM-J. reaiding at the Spinning Reat home Long Branch from Manual Fernan- Court at., deaertloa. at Budd L*kf. dez of Lour Branch, deterttan. Tka Ramaaa vaa«"aabhaaa aaaW An Eatontown woman, Mil. Janet Jean Wcisman Pitcher of Long It Fan t* Advwtite la Tha Bagietar. tlaae aa wouaat.

Me. Wart* Former Scout Cunningham wat ' active In Scouting for many yeara in troop 23, aponcored by the Firat Baptist church ar Re« Bank, and Wai himself a Cub Scout. He ia now organising a Cub Pack in Italy and ia interested in the pre- (ram which will obaerve the 42d anniversary of Scouting in Febru- ary. Beaut Executive J, FrM lillett, from headquarters of the lion- mouth county orfanitation In Long •ranch, hu diapatched a complete kit to the former Red Bank Scout, now serving hit country in Italy, but a* the aame time actively help- ing youth aa Cbmaatfr of Pack 1 of Trieste.

Hair Stylist OMMVANCI OP Addresses Group CLOSED £ MONDAY MMI NOUSAVf KETCHUP EATONTOWN-frank t* Mount, •Mad hair ttylltt, waa gutat tptak- ar at a matting of tha Woman'i auxiliary of the Menmouth County Mtflleal toclety htld Tueaday at Cryatal Brook inn. Mra. Otta Leh. APPLE mann, U>ng Branch, wai hettttt. Mra. Vietor Si»g*l welcomed bath members and gueati at tha bull* fitaa meeting which followed the luncheon. She announced that thit year the auxiliary will have Mra. TOMATO ctr Rlehard Demaree of l/ing Branch, paat praaldent. ai atate rural haalth KIM SKIMMED chairman, and that there will be a atate beard netting at Trtatoa EVAPORATED Oct. «. Present at the moating were Mra. ORANGEADE"^ Allen B. Kendall, Mra. John R. MILK Ayrea, Jr., Mn. John Tilley, Mra. Knslejr Whitt, Jr., Mn. Irving Baar and lira. Siegel, Re. Bank; Mm. Edward Kelemen, Mm. Rich- SPAGHETTI ard Dentaret, Mra. Bernard Kayt, "W LEMONADE *""" Mra. Bernard Halbattin, Mra. Leh- man n, long Branch; lln. Robert MtCurdy, Atlantic Highlandi; Mra. John Tobin, lira. John Mo- JUICE hair, Marlboro; Mra. Albert Kolar- elk, Shrewsbury; Mra. Thomas HAlVtSTBKAND Qtlmeur, Jr., Kaanaburg; Mn. PRUNE Ralph Woodruff. Engliahtown; Mra. George McDonnell, Mn. Howard Mason, Mra. Ida Zlotkln, POI THf NST IN MIAH Freehold; Mra. Douglei Payne. COFFEE Mr*, Raymond Jaeobut, Aabury Park, and Mra. Edward Dengrove, Inttrlaken. 2'% Mra. Mohair, legislation chair- OMNGEIHCE 2 man, announced that at the next meeting at Uncroft inn current leftalatlon will ha discuned. Manson Fines Brothers IACON PEACHES On Disorderly Conduct PUSH MOUND MIDDLETOW.V - Recorder W. Gilbert Manson last night found RAISINS three brothers guilty of disorderly conduct Sunday when they loitered on the estate of Sydney J. McLean on Oak Hill id., Headdens Corner, MOattaUIRAND where they caused a disturbance threatening employees there by us- ing loud and abusive language. Leroy Thomas of 118 Peach at, New Shrewsbury, waa Aned 130. R. D. Thomas of the name address and Robert Thomas of Church lane, Middlctown, were lined MO each. U4V11M Garden Fresh Fruits &L Vegetables Recorder Haninn fined Mra. El- eanor Bayne of J Wood avt., Keant- burg, do and $3 costs of court on the compllint of Ralph Morford, a school bui driver, who said she 11* S. No. 1 Long Island paated his bus while it was dis- There Itn't a More charging passengers laat Thursday. Speeding eo milei per hour In a 50- mlle ione on rt. 39, brought a fine Refreihing Drink Than of II and 13 costs to Oscar-Green, Jr., an employee of the state hos- Potatoes 49-1.35 pital at Marlboro, On the complaint DAVIDSON'S PALE DRY of James Carheiiy, an impector of tha motor vehicle department, Mar- io Smerlglio of 2SS Basa ave., Long Calif. Branch, waa fined IS and 13 casts. Lane Bunches Ci Bun. Fancy Snow White He waa charged with speeding 68 NO miles per hour in a 80-mile aone .69 Sept. 11 on rt. 3,V DVOSITS CaM*r elRIOTS 15* •"" 250 BEER 2 M fltaiaiat Shrewsbury Woman Hurt Golden CrUp When Jar Explodes COMSTOCK NIW YO«K STATI uoiocn vrisp j^. • amgaiw Fancy Green Eulalla Hallet of Sycamore ave., Shrewabury, wat treated in the .79 CELERY 2'25« ClMlERS 2'" 190 emergency room of Rlverview hos- pital Tuesday for burnt of both Lart* arms and cuts of the left cheek CHAMPAGNE 2 and chin. She told hospital author- V. 9. No. 1 ities she was vanning pears when u. s. no. i «m Fancy Nearby n jar exploded In her face. IMPORTED (DROZ) FRENCH YOUICHOKI Others treated at Rivcrview dur- 49 Srntt Potatoes 3 Bwtonl«ttw«2'" 19* ing week include Craig Severance, Oyater Bay dr., Rumeon, cut fore- BLACKBERRY LIQUOR Fifth COMSTOCK head, walked Into a garage door; 2 Judy Eilenbcrger, 1090 Ocean ave., I Juicy Thin Skii Sea Bright, cut left hand on a RUM «^ plccr of glats; John Coughlln. 119 COMSTOCK Dos. East Bcrgcn pi.. Red Bank, cuts of HEirNWIOII DAVIDSON'S LEMONS 35* the forehead and nose, fell; Charles 10 Proaf OIANOES 490 Morris, T5 Parker ave., Fair Haven, cut thumb, working on hit car APPLE BRANDY 100% Grcin when jack slipped. lettlad in tend TOtfA MteNB.Y-*,PI«80NAI. STORI APPLUACK Syn. old ItliOME GOUT FRO DIES S Yn. > 100 Proof COMSTOCK UNION—Jamci Joseph Dante, 58, golf professional at Spring Meadow Oolf dub, Allaire, died on .95 WHISKEY Tuesday In the Jersey City Medl- 39 •landtd cul Center. In 1936 he led a field of ltMl aim I CM In the qualifying 3 FIFTH 3 FIFTH round lot die N'ullonal Op«n cbam- |>lon>hl|) nl Krnwitnr and Inverness, .79 1< 1 He w*j ruHiilhnt of a book, ABOVIJ ITEMS KXCLLS1VK WITH IMVIOHOV BROS. riftk •Thr NIIK Bud Hhola of Golf," 2 published In 1MT, ' RED BANK «t LITTLE SILVER