Slow Times at Red River College Speed Bumps on the Information Superhighway

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Slow Times at Red River College Speed Bumps on the Information Superhighway OPEN EVERY DAY Ill MIDNIGHT RECYCLE YOUR MoVIE NEWS ENTERTAINMENT DVDs CDs, VHS s GAMES TOO Admin Punk rock BUY - SELL • TRADE • RENT CHOOSE OVER footloose Joe strums on laptop his final RECYCLE issue chord V 401. U Fi DVDs DVDs, VHS a GAMES IN THE VILLAGE 477-5566 page 6 page 7 IN THE VILLAGE 475-0077 muslchader ca RED RIVER COLLEGE'S NEWSPAPER iri i 0LIECTIORI JANUARY 13, 2003 Slow times at Red River College Speed bumps on the information superhighway By Kyle Goodridge f you have been using the Internet e.1 vs. I on either campus at Red River College recently, you may have noticed the length of time it can take to download Web pages. Due to an increase in traf- fic, caused specifically by users downloading large files such as music or videos, there are times when the internet access at RRC virtu- ally grinds to a halt, says Mark 'Bishop, chief technol- ogy officer of Computer Services for RRC. Bishop is in charge of finding a way to alleviate the pressure cur- rently being placed on the system. In an e-mail sent to all students last December, .., Bishop pointed to the use of computers at RRC for surf- ing the Internet, chat lines, gaming, online music sta- tions, and downloading music and video as the main causes of clogging the inter- net system. The college policy on acceptable use of computer facilities prohibits "causing, directly or indirectly, exces- sive strain on the computer facilities, or unwarranted or photo by Lynsay Perkins unsolicited interference with Lauren Phillips is one of many students feeling frustrated by the speed of Red River College's internet service. other users." In order to ease pressure on the system, this policy ous solution may be to pur- allow Computer Services to "The real problem is that school-related purposes and will soon be more strictly chase a large enough con- monitor Internet traffic, but people are using the Internet to consider the operation of applied to keep users from nection to handle the cur- will not have the capability for personal use, not work- the entire system before downloading large, traffic rent levels of traffic, don't to block troublesome Web related things," he says. "It's downloading large files that jamming files. "We try to hold your breath. sites. a matter of education. You contribute to the problem. treat students as profession- "If our connection costs The information that the may think it's a small thing With the initiatives being als, but when they don't act $60,000 per year for exam- program gathers will be used that you're doing, but when undertaken by computer that way, we are forced to ple, we could double it to be to make decisions on the you consider everyone services and a respect by stu- take action," says Bishop. able to handle the traffic. future of Internet use at together, it turns into a big dents as a whole of the limi- Such action may include dis- But if we spend another RRC, Bishop adds. problem." tations of the current sys- abling the accounts of stu- $60,000 there, the money Software capable of block- The final and most cost tem, Bishop hopes that dents found to be in viola- will have to be taken from ing Web sites being used to effective solution to internet Internet service at RRC can tion of the policy, or even somewhere else because the download large files is speed at RRC is the educa- be improved. For those who possible suspension. budgets are restricted," says another option being consid- tion and cooperation of the have recently been frustrated "We know it's a problem, Bishop. ered by Computer Services. people using the system. by the Internet service being and we're taking action to "We installed tracking soft- However, according to Bishop urges students to use provided at RRC, hopefully it solve it," says Bishop. ware earlier this week," he Bishop, this is also an expen- the Internet during peak will. Although the most obvi- says of a program that will sive solution. hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for 2 THE PROJECTOR- JANUARY 13, 2003 What time is it, Mr.Wolf? Synchronized clocks on their way to RRC Princess Street By Lauren Phillips Since the opening of the Ritson, who was found sit- display precisely the same f you walked into an campus, students and instruc- ting locked out of his class- time. tors alike have had to cope room due to lateness, went on "The broadcast clock system empty classroom, without classroom clocks. to say that although no major will maintain consistent time, I closed your eyes and Instead, personal watches and problems have occurred, the accurate to the millisecond," listened, what would you one hallway clock per floor lack of clocks has caused some Edwards said. expect to hear? Perhaps have determined the school's inconveniences. Edwards also commented the tick, tick, tick of a time. "If your watch is three min- that the current lack of clocks lonely clock? "It's like Las Vegas where utes slower than your instruc- was due to construction. Not so at Red River College's they don't have clocks, so you tor's, then you're late." "We are moving in phases Princess Street Campus: here can't tell how long you've But that is all about to throughout the building. This been there," said Dono Ritson, change. is part of the reason for the photo by IV you would hear only an eerie silence. a Graphic Design student. "This summer will bring the delay." Time passes... installation of a new clock sys- According to Ron Barnes, tem that will see a clock in director of Campus Services, every classroom," said Richard money was also a factor. Edwards, a broadcast consult- "There was no room in the ant at the college. budget to begin with," said Edwards says that the system Barnes, who went on to say will be installed at the same that separate funding was time as new TV and radio recently found, and that the suites are integrated into the college administration feels the , NTS building during the summer provision of clocks school-wide and fall. is an important service. The aim is to have a clock Ritson was happy to hear everywhere you would find a about the project, saying that congregation of students or the synchronization sounded NEED A JOB? instructors. "pretty cool." Not only will the number of Unfortunately for students, clocks grow, but the accuracy there will no longer be any DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START? of time is also slated to vastly excuses for being late for class. improve. Log on to, Red River's According to Edwards, the installation of a Broadcast Employment Web Site to locate jobs specifically Clock System will create the synchronization of time, allow- targeting students! ing all clocks in the building to For additional information e-mail Jillian Peters at [email protected] Thrift is J-Np Or Visit RRC Career and Employment Services in D104 Shop The Salvation Army Thrift Stores Where Shopping and Savings Access Code:RrCcMb97 Go Hand in Hand For- Students who Deserve M ore... Visit one of our seven locations today!! 1600 Regent Ave. West 1030 Empress St 1015 McPhillips 97 Sherbrook 145 Gonlet Street 200 Meadowood 3412 Roblin Blvd THE RED RIVER COLLEGE'S NEWSPAPER PRO JECTOR Red River College's Newspaper for over 30 years. Projector Staff Editor-in-Chief Contributing Writers and Photographers Backpacking Natalie Pona with Joff Schmidt and Ashleigh Viveiros News Editor Sabrina Carnevale Joff Schmidt Scott Prouse In Kyle Goodridge Gabriel Schroedter • understandingwow: airfares with Sean Kavanagh Ruth Shead • rail & bus passes Kyle Goodridge and Peter Vesuwalla Lynsay Perkins Sam Thompson • advance planning Entertainment Editor Natalie Pona Peter Vesuwalla • working holidays Sam Thompson Scott Prouse Ashleigh Viveiros with • hostelling a Lauren Phillips and Ruth Shead • tours & packages Starring • packing tips 1 Lynsay Perkins as the photo editor • insurance, health & safety Advertising and Sales Manager Guy Lussier The Projector Tuesday Jan. 21- 7:00pm Wednesday Jan. 22- 7:00pm If you have an opinion about something Lecture Theatre Room 200, Fletcher Argue Bldg. you've read in The Projector, or would c/o Red River College Students' Association #1L13, U of W Admission $3.00 at the door. U of IA like to address an issue concerning Red DM20 - 2055 Notre Dame Avenue Student Work Abroad Programme Talk River College, please write to us. Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3H 0J9 Thursday Jan. 23- 12 noon FREE 1 Tower Lounge, Red River College E-mail The Projector at: Reach Projector editors at 632-2479 or by fax at 697-9080. For more info call 783 - 5353 Is. 6114-.1 entaarento Vftermlwro, [email protected] Advertising can be reached at 632-2070. TRAVELCUTS ram•Ssiev See the world your way THE PROJECTOR - JANUARY 13, 2003 3 Pottery, cooking classes they ain't. • • Chinese immigrants excel at Red River College By Ashleigh Viveiros taking the master's program at school to a number of friends. an advantage," he said. said Liu. "I don't want to move hile some cou- the University of Manitoba, "The course is very practical. "But they also worked very to another city. (I like) how the ples take pot- but eventually decided to lis- (You) learn the stuff you need hard. They put a lot of effort people are very nice and very ten to the advice of their to apply for the job." tery or cooking in." friendly." W friends and take the shorter "We studied very hard to just It was probably a disadvan- classes together, Wei Liu Li has already been working RRC program.
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