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Kenna Record, 1910-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-25-1912 Kenna Record, 10-25-1912 Dan C. Savage

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kenna Record, 1910-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 - KENNA RECORD. VOL. (. KENNA, CHAVES COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1912. NO. 30.

high school days, wne.i his general ed the high stools before the lunch TRIFLES THAT TEMPT BEST FOOD A.ND BEVERAGES RlliGLESSTIiiRDFIfiGER trustworthiness and pleasant manners counter, white the half-bree- d Indian had made him a general favorite in waiter gravely poured their coffee. Proper Selection Means Health and spite of his poor surroundings and When they had finished, they started Beauty to the Woman Who Reconstruction of a Heart Not humble parentage. He had been out to explore the little town, which, DELICACIES SUITABLE FOR DES- Is Sensible. go mushroom-like- , sprung obliged to stop nchool and to work seemed to have SERT OR AFTERNOON TEA. Always Painful. before finishing his course, and bad up In the night So quickly did the Since the main obpect of all eating obtained work In a distant city where time pass '.hat both were surprised or rather should be the obtaining she had lost track of him, Judith ob- when the whistle blew, calling the pas of nourishment that wl" build up the BY KATHEMNE HOP80N. served that he now bad the bearing of sengers back to the train. Through a Colonial Caks Something That Any blood, the muscles, th tissues and "It Isn't my heart so much as my one who had' succeeded, and she felt rift In the clouds, the sun cast long Hostess May Be Proud to Serve the nerves, woman's mad devotion to pride that is hurt, but either way, It lad as she remembered his early arrows of light over the red water. 8wedleh Nut Wafers an foods and liquids that cannot possibly means readjusting my whole life; and struggles. Judith and Leedford sat together Excellent Appetizer. fford her body nourishment is pass reconstruction Is always painful," As be turned, she noted the manli talking earnestly. Leedford told of ing strange. thought Judith Cameron as she looked ness of his face, and at the same mo some of the struggles he had had to Colonial Cake. Mix one teaspoon Perhaps the reason she Is so indif down at her now rtngless third finger, ment he observed the smiling gray attain his present success. salt with one cup white corn meal, ferent to the nutritive value of her where for seven long years, Don Har- eyes opposite, and his own lighted up "It's a great country, and going to scald It with just enough hot water to food Is because she imagines that her low's diamond had sparkled. with recognition and pleasure.. be still greater," he declared, enthusi- dampen it. Then add enough cold appetite is given I:er that she may They had been classmates p col- "Judith Cameron, by all that is astically. "I love my work and would milk to form a very stiff batter (al please her palate by swallowing fool- lege, and bad become engaged the lucky!" he exclaimed, and crossed the be perfectly happy if only there wert most a dough). Stir It well and drop ish and indigestible things. It this is m three-quarter- summer after their graduation. The alslo to shake bands. tenderness and sympathy awaiting In cakes about s of an the state of affairs she will, of course, following fall, Judith had accepted a "Where did you come, from?" he at the end of the day." Into his keen Inch In thickness on a buttered, pan. when she reads this article, taboo for position to teach in the high school asked as she made room for him in eyes crept a strangely wistful look. Bake in a hot even for 25 minutes. the future that taste delicious, but do of her borne town, and Don had en- the seat beside her. As the afternoon slipped away, a si- Split open and butter while hot. Serve nothing else worth mentioning, and tered law school. Both were deter- "From the old home back in Ohio," lence settled over them, and they sat with sirup.- will pin ber faith to thr. foods that will very still, both absorbed in own her i mined that he should become estab- she laughed. their Walnut Custard Pie. Prepare crust steadily build up her system until lished In bis chosen profession before "But what are you doing way out thoughts. Judith glanced out of the as usual and make custard as follows: rosy lips, pink and white skin ana Already, they were ad- their marriage. After Don finished his here?" be asked boyishly, unable to window. passing One pint milk, two eggs, one-hal-f cup delicately rounded form are the the stock yards, which mark the ap- to course, he secured through his father's grasp the situation. sugar, salt, one-hal- f teaspoon vanilla miration of those near and dear proach the city. As she Influence, a good position In the office "I'm on my way to Oklahoma City, into realized and one-bal-f cup walnuts chopped her. of an old family friend. But here, in to tench-chemistr- and biology In the the Journey was over and soon their quite fine. The nuts will rise to the Ripe fruits eaten In the morning. ways great by a spite of his fine opportunity, Don had high school. And I might : ': the would divide, a wave of top and form a thin crust, giving a de- with crisp rolls, and followed up failed, as yet, to make good. same question of you," she smiling- loneliness swept over her. licious flavor. dish of oatmeal properly cooked, At the end of seven years of patient ly returned. At last she realized that Leedford English Apple Pie. Butter a shal- flooded with rich cream and covered waiting, Judith was forced to admit "On my way to the Panhandle to was speaking her name. low agate dish. Slice apples into dish with powdered sugar, Is a breakfast that he lacked true ambition and the plat some new additions for a town," Judith," he repeated, and his eyes to fill It. Sprinkle on one cup sugar, flt for a queen. on barley manly elements that make for success. he replied, and nodded toward a sur- rested her rlngless hands, "perhaps one-hal- f teaspoon salt and a little grat- Steamed rice, hominy or It was this fact, more than the rumors veyor's transit in the front end of the I have no right to ask; but for old ed nutmeg. Put on two teaspoons served for luncheon, with rich cream. of his surreptitious attentions to the car. "I feel that I owe my success to time's sake, will you tell me it your butter In little bits, two tablespoons are Ideal. If this Is not enough for a pretty, frivolous sister of his law part- you, Judith, for you were the one who marriage to Barlow is to take place In water and cover dish with pie paste In ravenous appetite, follow it up with ner, that caused Judith to suggest first gave me hope of realizing my am- the spring?" which has been cut several silts. Bake a baked apple or a cup of baked cus- breaking their engagement, which of bitions through the methods of spar Neither then, nor ever," she replied about 40 minutes. Serve hot with tard. Soups, broths, fruits and salad fer Don accepted with re time study and correspondence work. with a baffling smile. cream. also are desirable forluncheon, as are lief. You were always so kind to me. You you are free? Have I a right Prune Tie. Take a tender crust and baked potatoes, new peas and delicate to speak?" In Ms eyes three-qua- ly Shortly after this, through the influ "I might have, done a great deal shone a great line the pie plate. Soak r broiled lamb chops. ence of friends in Oklahoma City, Ju more." A wave of regret swept over gladness. "I have loved you ever ter pound prunes and cook tender with What for dinner? Why, a porter our school days, Judith. one-hal- of dith was offered a position as teacher her as she remembered the narrow since Is there four tablespoons sugar and f house steak, flecked with dabs of science. Longing for the relief of snobbishness of the little town where any hope for me?" cupful of grape or other fruit juice. butter, floating in Its own rich juices new environment, she decided to ao they had both spent their early youth. I can't decide yet, Frank. I can't Press through a colander, add two and seasoned well with salt and pep- cept. Mentally, she contrasted his self- - be off with the old and on with the tablespoons of cholocate and two or per. Is excellent both for the stom- "But I'm afraid I chose an unfavor- made success 'ith the dereliction of new so soon. It it doesn't seem de three tablespoons more of the Julc. ach and the complexion. With this able time to come as as seeing the the other man who started out in life cent!" She ended with a nervous lit Cover with lattice strips- and bake. goes creamed potatoes, freshly pick- far laugh. a country Is concerned," she thought as with every advantage on his side, and tle Swedish Nut Wafers. Cream one- - ed vegetables, a lettuce salad and "Down In new country, we he rubbed the steam from the- - car who was now kept afloat merely here this fourth cupful of shortening, using but fruit dessert put through quickly," would-b- e window and peered anxiously out at through his family Influence. a deal he replied ter and lard In equal proportions. Last, but not least, the earnestly. "Judith, girl, when .we three-fourth- beauty milk, the flooded landscape..: looks as if J little s cupful of sugar should patronize malted "It Meanwhile, the train that had been you and add It bad always rained" and always moving slowly stopped again. Glanc- reach the station, had better tele gradually, while beating constantly as It will bring back lost energy and would!" With a shiver she watched ing out the window, they could not phone the school board to look around then add one egg. well beaten, two flood the cheeks with crimson. I go the steady downpour. see a break in the leaden clouds for another science teacher, while tablespoonfuls of milk and one tea arrangements a minis- Almost even with the track flowed above, nor the red water that cov- and make with spoonful of vanilla Mix and sift one ter; for there's going to be another the red, clay-staine- d water; and tele- ered the earth. and one-thir- d cupfuls of flour and one tie-up- ." graph poles were already half-wa- y "You-all- s am shoah watah-bound,- " teaspoonful of baking powder and one- - HOUSEHOLD (Ocpyrlfht, 1912. by the MoClure News submerged. Here and there, on some the porter remarked with a gleaming paper Syndicate.) half teaspoonful of salt, and add to high elevation, showed ruins of corn smile as he passed through the car. first mixture. Spread evenly on the JL Questions or cotton crops, and, occasionally, a At that moment, the conductor en- The Alabama. bottom of a buttered Inverted dripping To take out the mark sometimes persimmon-tre- e lifted Its fruit-lade- n tered and said: "We'll have to tie up The Alabama was not a pirate. On pan, using a caseknlfe. Sprinkle with left after cleaning a garment wltb branches out of the sea of water, like here for the night, as the condition cf the other hand the famous ship was finely chopped nut meats and bake In gasoline, lay over the place a piece of a spectral Christmas tree. the track makes It unsafe to go on. regularly commissioned by the Confed a moderate oven 12 minutes. Cut in clean white Ubbus paper, and press With a sigh, Judith turned away and We are Just at the edge of a town, and eracy, and by the laws of war was as strips three-fourth- s of an inch wide with a hot Iron. This will at once re- wrapped herself more closely in her there'll be a cab down here In a few legitimate a war Instrument as any by four and one-hal- t Inches long, and move all trace of the stain. traveling coat, closing her eyes with minutes if anyone wants to go to a afloat. The Alabama was built by the shape over a rolling pin. It strips be If shoes have been thoroughly wet the determination to shut jut all hotel." Lairds of England- - for the Confederate come brittle befjre shaping Is accom don't attempt to dry them near the sights and sounds. Whereupon arose a discussion as to government. She sailed from the Mer- pllahed, return to oven to reheat. Re. stove. Rub In plenty of vaseline or The tram seemed fairly to crawl what they had better do. At last, only sey July 28, 1S62, and was sunk off peat until the mixture Is used. From plain lard and let stand In a cool place over the ties, and, every now and then, a few of the more venturesome spirits Cherbourg, France, June 19, 1864, aft- one-thir- d to one-hal- f cupful of nut several days, and much of the original -- was obliged to stop, wb.le the track decided to brave the rain. The major er having captured many prizes and meats will be required. Woman's oil will be restored. ahead was being tested. ity preferred to remain. completely destroyed the United Home Companion. If the bedstead is really brass, "We can't possibly set to Oklahoma A little later, as Judith lay in her States merchant marine. The "Ala- piece of flannel moistened in salt and City before midnight at this rate. That berth listening to the patter of the bama Claims" kept many great law- Dried Sweet Corn. vinegar will clean it Slightly touch will be cheerful lniaed with no one to rain, the strangeness of it all kept her yers In England and America busy for good, plump ears, husk and the spots, then with a clean flannel Select us- meet met" thought Judith, and the awake. She was glad that Frank had ntany years, and the damages to pri- silk, cut with a sharp knife very thin rub the entire surface of the brass, not gone to knowledge whiting on a dry as frown of perplexity deepened between a hotel; the vate individuals were finally settled at Be sure and don't cut into the cob. ing a little flannel her eyebrows. "I must have lost my that be was still on the train brought $16,000,000. scrape the cob cutting off a final polish. a sense but after pass nerve somewhere out there in the of protection and made it the corn. Cook over water until all Don't hours each week black soem less lonely. went over cents ol rain," she added with a rueful little She and "Chores," a Word of Ancient Lineage. the milk Is cooked in, then put In ing your stove. Ten worth over In woman will. can be applied in smile. her mind as a The word "chores," generally used clean flour sack, some iu each end stove enamel, which The other passengers were looking each detail of their unexpected meet- in the plural, Is not slang, but an hang over a line so one end will be a few minutes, will last six months, ing. re- Is dally off at magazines or sitting In attitudes of Their talk together made her English word of highly respectable higher than the other, shake once In and all It needs a wiping bored patience. Every one felt tried call many Incidents of her girlhood lineage. In this form it is found only Bring in night This will with a damp cloth. Besides, It looks a while. at blacking. by the delay. that she had not thought of for year. in America; In England the spelling be nice and white, with all the flavor much better than At the ceaseless beating of She fell asleep - wondering if being If you are troubled with black last rain Frank and pronunciation "char," oi irenu curu. against the windows had a soothing remembered the many times he used though this is rarely used except in beetles in your rooms, make a paste 9ect, and resting her head against a to help her with her algebra problems. combination with "woman" "char- of red lead, flour and water, roll out pillow, Judith closed her eyes. For Next morning the rain ceased. Grad- woman." But in some of the provin- Broom Hanger. thinly with a glass bottle, and some time she slept, till she was ually the passengers began to emerge cial dialects, that of Cornwall, tor ex- A common brass cuphook, such as put on a hot baking sheet to dry. . awakened by a harsh voice of the from their berths, and greet each oth ample, the word "chores" is used pre- is used in china cabinets and on cup Strew around pipes and corners that brakeman calling "Tulsa I" Many of er with that feeling of long acquaint cisely as we use "chores." All these racks, can be easily screwed Into the they frequent. These wafers are the passengers streamed out to pat- ance which a delay on a train often forms come down to us from the end of a broom handle, making an highly poisonous, so must not be ronise the eating-houB- glad of any brings. Just as they were discussing Angle-Saxo- n word "cerr," or "cerran," inexpensive and handy broom hanger placed where children or household diversion. the prospect of breakfast, the con to turn over. We find this more satisfactory than pets can get at them. Several new passengers entered the ductor said: "There's a railway eating- any broom hanger we have ever used a train, and Judith watched them Idly, -house a little way from here; you Yleld of Grain of Wheat. To Keep Green Vegetables, without interest. As one man placed can get some breakfast there." Very few people have an idea ol Grinding Bread Crumbs. When wishing to keep vegetables the bounty of nature. A scientist ol his suitcase across the aisle from her, Joyfully, they made preparations to If a quart fruit-Ja- r Is slipped over such as greens, lettuce, parsley, etc., Eng., recently an in- i he glanced at hlra carelessly, then go. Cambridge, made outlet of the grinder as far as until the following day, place, with experiment showed the something about the shape of his bead As Judith was going down the steps, structive which possible and held there while grind the roots, or where they have been single grain wheat sown In seemed strangely familiar. She leaned Frank Leedford Joined her, and to- that a of ing with the other band, all crumbs cut, in a vessel containing water, ex- produced 47 pounds 7 ounces forward In amazemnt gether they picked tbejr way along June, will be caught, Instead of a lot of actly as you would a bunch of cut clay-staine- d fairly good will pro "He looks like Frank Leerlford ; that the red, track. They were One acre of land them flying around the room, causln flowers, and they will be as fresh as If Is certainly who It is!" she declared. unaccountably merry, and laughed like duoe 80 bushels of wheat or 1,260 unnecessary disorder. newly cut. National Magazine. She had not seen blm since their two care-fre- e children as they mount- - pounds of flour. Almond Bouillon, Good Idea. Not In 8!ght. The owner of the estrayed cow mlngham, reports that the increasing Make stock of two pounds of beet A woman noted for her careful house- ten- three pounds of veal. Cut meat keeping has the Inside of all her bu- A countryman named Street owned stopped In his tracks and bawled back use of pigskin as leather, and its and at the man In blue and gold: dency to advance In price, have made Into small pieces and boll three or reau drawers painted white and then a runaway cow. As the season ad- partly a coat of cream "No, darn her, I ain't seed ber; an' the leather manufacturers cast wist tour hours. When cooked add treated with colored vanced was compelled to make one-hal- f Street good eyes the skin that is wasted by celery or celery seeds, of enamel. several long pilgrimages Into the when I do it won't be ter her tul at being on pork products. is es- small onion, a few peppercorns, and This, she declares. Is more sanitary country for the reprehensible animal. blamed old hide either!" Woman's left It timated that there is a yearly loss oi salt to taste. When done strain and than any lining pad could be and when On one occasion the on World. trail led skins amounting to about f3.000.000 lo add two cups of fresh, buttered and cleaning is necessary all that Is re- and on until Stree had entered the almonds, ground quite One. quired is to wipe them out with a Fortune In Curing Rlndlees Hams. Qreat Britain and Ireland alone. salted environs of a town where a new trol- Boil three minutes, then remove from damp cloth. ley system was Installed. as There Is a handsome fortune await- Just Dish. fire; add one cup of cream and on It Is a good Idea to treat pantry and r will a meth- Cheap the cow-hunte- turned a corner in the ing the person who Invent teaspoon of white pepper. kitchen shelves In the same manner, curing bacon Hunter's stew can be composed ol fourth Put out skirts, the car lumbered up and od of hams and from sprig of parsley in each cup. This also cupboards and sideboards, draw has been removed. Al- any ingredients which can be obtained the conduotor called out: which the skin will make three quarts of bouillon ers and thrives. "Cedrr 8tret!" bert Halstead, American consul at Blr-- conveniently. London Globe. RECORD THE HENNA SUCCESS FOLLOWS FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Dan C. Savage, Eel. & Pub. TT Are Richest In Curative Qualities JUDICIOUS FARMING FOR BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEYS AN O BLADDER k r n n a : : new mexico e IN WESTERN CANADA IT 13 t 4$ JOR, SOMETHING CERTAIN. AMN IU UtwIuS Nobody is ever hurt when an air meet la postponed. ' The story of the Big Farmer In Young Man With Financial Ability Western Canada, and the Immense So Weil Developed Should Make The pigskin and the oyster go hand profits he has made in the growing of Mark In World. In hand, bo to speak. grain, has been told and retold. Ha has been found in all parts of the "Do you think there la any such Smaller currency will compel our BY provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan thing as financial genius?" leading counterfeiter to revise their end Alberta. His splendid farm build- dies. ings have been pictured, hia traction man who has it in a marked degree. WMA.RADFORD. outfits described and his princely sur- - After he had persuaded a beautiful The motorcycle has proved deadly roundings, resultant of his success in daughter of one of our most promi- enough to suit the most exacting "lov- growing grain, have been portrayed by nent jewelers to become his wife he went around and induced the bid roan ers of sport." Mr. A. will answer in coun- letter, press and camera. It certainly William Radford the different section's of the to let him have an engagement ring (mentions and 'Rive advice f'HEK OV try, but is a greater difference Is not to his discredit that by suc- COST to there at the cost price." Chicago has a "kissing burglar.", on nil subjects pertaining the in the tastes of people building. Some cessfully applying common sense and but, girls, he Is not even passably mibjec't of building, for thu readers of this methods to the conditions "I don't see any indication of re-- paper. On account of his wide experience are satisfied with an Inside finish of ...... 1, . : . l i i good looking. as Editor, Author and Manufacturer, he ordinary wood that Is commonly got- that climate, a good soil, and splendid iiiamuuit; liliuiieiui geuiUb UUUUfc Is, without doubt, the highest authority ten out In large quantities and is kept market have placed at hand, that he that." on subjects. inquiries Humanity Is assured of a ripe old ail these Address all regularly In by An- has made the best use of them. He is "Wait. When he and the girl to William A. Radford, No. 17S WeBt stock all dealers. uga If we can keep our scientists man building the same kind of not too proud to admit that he came broke their engagement he took the Jackson boulevard, Chicago, III., and only other ring Ircm dying young. enclose two-ce- stamp for reply. house wants finishing lumber brought to the country a very few years ago back to her dad and got him to from a great distance, and be is not handicapped as to money, leaving be- pay eight per cent interest on the money A New York Inventor Is building an A good front hall, four rooms, and satisfied with the moldings and de- hind him unpaid mortgages la his old that he had invested." aeroplane with 18 wings. Hope he'll a bathroom downstairs, and three signs kept on hand, but be must home land (which are now wiped out), good-hearte- Open arrange them so they won't Interfere. rather large bedrooms upstairs. Is a have "something different." This and he Is still today the same d Air Schools Grow in Favor. brleLdescriptlon of the interior of the means that other things mast corre- fellow he was in the days that With the opening of the fall school Explorers In New Mexico recently house shown in the accompanying de- spond. It is like the man who was he had to work for a neighbor, while term, over 200 open air schools ana have found a prehistoric flat, but even sign. Looking at It from the south- the neighbor broke the land on his fresh air classes for tuberculosis, and the Janitor had become extinct. east corner it appears especially well homestead, which went to make up the enaemic children, and also for all chil- provided with verandas; and so It is. settlement duties. dren in certain rooms and grades, will bo in operation It Is carrying the It Is a regular summer resort In the Then, there, too, Is the farmer and in various parts of the movement quite too far when bandlU summertime, but the verandas are not the farmer's son, already 'wealthy, who United States, according to the Na-tion- rry to chloroform their victims. wide enough to darken the rooms has bought large holdings in Western Association for the Study and much in winter. Some people have a Canada, in either Manitoba, Saskatche- Prevention of Tuberculosis. All of wan these school One desirable step in that proposed horror of an overhanging roof t shut or Alberta, Mho has made forty havo been established since January, in- war of phthisis would be the amputa- out the little light that nature pro to one hundred per cent, on his invest- 1907, when the first tion of the superfluous consonants. vides between daylight and dark dur- ment, whose big grain crops and stitution of this character was opened ing the fall and early winter months; Bro loan whose immense cattle herds are help- in Providence, R. I. On January 1st, Men may become too blase to ouy but there is a possibility of designing ing to improve the country." Health 1910, there were only 13 open air tickets to an yet a veranda so It will answer the pur- ' and strength, energy and push, and schools in this country and a year aviation meet and pose 5. grow excited over a casual dog fight. Intended without a correspond- HU.uJ kbull dog grit are as essential in West latr the number had increased only ing disadvantage. ern Canada as in Ohio, Indiana, Illi- tc 21). Thus, th.' l growth in this This Is a good, big, square bouse as nois, Iowa, or any of states from movement has been within the last . Aviators are not the only people the dimensions go In days of ifcT which so many two years. now who deliberately take chances. There these high BCD float; of these people come, Massachusetts leads prices of sup- you the "states 28 are many amateur mushroom gather- Just the kind bouse to and then, when have added to with fresh air schools ers. port a good veranda. In fact, the that a fair amount of means, with and classes for tuberculosis, anaemia long veranda gives an air of elegance which to make a start, the land which and other school children, Boston to what would otherwise be a rather is only waiting for skill alone having over 80. New York There is this to Eay for marriage: the of tho plain exterior. To save expense, the husbandman will quickly comes next with 29, Ohio Those who have had experience with respond. and is third kitchen part is only one story In But there Is the smaller farmer, the with 21. Open air schools have now It are always willing to give it another height, trial. but the bouse Is large enough man who has not made sufficient in been established in nearly 50 cities Second Floor Plan, four or five years, that he might com- and 19 different states. by fortably if he Cincinnati woman declares she ruined building a new stable. When retire felt like it. There ha the fine building was finished, are many of them in Diplomacy In Small Things. discovered a man without a the old all the three fault. horses, harness, rugs and sleighs were Provinces. It is not the less to his Little Eloise Cave, aged seven Walt till they've been married ten i; years. Ll tm-M- rTTl not In keeping. He fancied the'' didn't credit that he has earned his home- years, was visiting her grandmother look well in the new stable; stead by the three years residence, in Madison, Va., and was sent to carry so they were sold, and he bought an that he Is free from debt, and has a a saucer of ice cream to a neighbor. While fashion has decreed that wo- nXZ entire new outfit. The stylish rigs re- reasonable bank account. He, too, By the exercise of infinite care she men's Bhall hats be smaller this win- JfL quired a stylish coachman which came to country handicapped conveyed her ter, the prices disgraceful- the by burden safely to the still remain style-ra- nd ly obese. called for more before he debts, and with very little means. Ha house and gave it into the hands of F got through with; It he found it neces- Is contented, has a good home, land " the lady for whom It was Intended. I M VA S O' v'"CB XOOM sary to sell his fine property, and his free of encumbrance, some stock, and The lady, however, was less careful Philadelphia casU-ler- is to have women s pride was such that he could not come with good prospects. One of these' than Eloise had been, and dropped on street cars. Now we see where down to earth In his native town, so writes: "I formerly lived near Day-to- n, the saucer and broke it. the "move forward, please," never can he moved away to a distant city. I Ohio, on a "You be rented farm, had as needrf't mind about that," enforced. don't know Just where the moral good a chance as the average renter, said the little diplomat, without, an comes In, but I suppose there Is one but after ten years of hard work, satis- - instant's hesitation. "I don't A Chicago court bailiff, think named somewhere If you hunt for It. fled myself that if I ever expected to grandma has a cup to match the sau- Hunter, 13.014 served writs and trav- 1 have seen a great deal of non- secure a home, I would have to under- cer. If she has I will go right home eled 127,952 miles in two nif.nths. sense In building. What is very com- take something else. Hearing of West- and break it myself." Popular Mag- Borne hunter. mon In one section of the country Is ern Canada, I investigated, Vfso and seven azine. a rarety two or three hundred miles years ago last Spring settled In a Pueblo Indians of the flfteerth cen- distant. Red brick, for Instance. Is homestead and purchased (on time) Out of Fashion. tury are discovered to common in cne section, because the have danced an adjoining half section, arriving "I see fluffy the "grizzly bear." Yes, of clay sand used for where skirts saved a and where mixture and with a carload of household effects and girl drowning lire they now? brick burns red. In other sections the from in the Chicago First Floor Pi. farm implements, including four river recently. The old styles were clays are yellow and the bricks are horses and three cows, and $1,800 then an ordinary In the best styles after all." A German visitor here says that for family of from yellow. Well, as foolish as it seems money my ten years' work in Ohio. to six coun- "Huh, she probably tried to drown there ure no trusts in Germany, only four adults and children. the snob living In the red brick "The first year our crops gave us A by away yellow herself because she had to wear tha syndicates. There is much In the bedroom downstairs is liked try sends and gets brick feed, the second year 100 acres of power old persons Is tony. fluffles." of words. because they object to because he thinks It more At wheat gave us $1,800; no failure of climbing stairs. This style of house the same time another snob living In crop since starting here. I have now : permits building a away Not a Dry Book. When a baseball player dies of the of bedroom and the yellow brick section sends 22 head of horses, 15 head of cattle, on pro- gets "This is the most lachrymose heart disease after years of service in bath the first floor, and still to the other place and red brick. and 35 .hogs. We own 1,120 novel acres of I've ever read. The heroine weeps the big leagues no man can consider vides for large living rooms conveni- Both men pay more originally than land, and have same all in ently arranged. home, under cultiva almost every chapter." you himself exempt. the brick would cost at and tion. Was offered at one time "Then Putting pantry away they pay freight and teaming, $35.00 certainly can't call it a dry book." tho back In extra per acre for a half section where we Is a pretty corner besides a couple of profits; and the Father i;ood fellow when the northwest has the advan- live, and all the other land, could be It comes to paying the bills, but some-time- s tage of coolness. You cannot have a loss from breakage is considerable. sold today on present too Is satisfied, they market at $30.00 he doesn't get any credit, even pantry cold In a house that is But their pride and per acre. Should we care to dispose In own by steam, warm-ai- r puff some Igno- bis home. heated hot water, or out quite chesty when of our holdings, could pay A Millio n arrangement person good taste. all debts furnace. The of rant admires their and have over $30,000 to the good, It is reported kitchen, dining room, and pantry With good management, however, but that an earthquake thfl nitPfitlnn la Uhoro rtnnl A mo rr-- fn was recently felt Reno. Persons at But It Invest our money and get as good re- doesn't seem possible that anything turns as here? could shock Reno. "We have equally as good, if not bet- Breakfast every morn-in- gr ter prospects for crops year, The craving for wealth rages this as still we had three years ago, when our on In" the breast of the humble beaa-tifu- l but wheat reached from 30 to 48 chorus girl. One bushels has JuBt eloped per aci'C. I never with an iceman. believed such crops could be raised until I saw them my- self. I had 15 acres that year that A Gotham policeman had his pocket 50 to har- picked on a made bushels the acre. Our street car. The pickpock- ready by 12th. ets are evidently going vest will be the We where they have season in crop 400 acres of think the money is. this wheat, 125 of oats, 90 "of flax, and with men to do Why men be run three binders, four Toasties should the blamed fw stooklng. 'not giving up seats in the their street curs "We certainly like country, and when the women prefer to wear this skirts? the winters, although the winters are cold at times, but we do not suffer as V one would think. we have ac- makers in ,re ' What several states If frXi, complished can duplicated a ' here be in threatening strike. And yet thk. Is t any (of a business which depends almost the new districts. If for Its vtry anyone anything I existence on harmony. doubts have said must depena to a great extent on the and a disposition to take advantage of In this letter, tell them to come hero, way you want to keep house. If you circumstances, home prices, and home and I can prove every iiiii word I have An abnormality has been discovered, use a big Ice box and take Ice the talent, this house should be built in written." (hat of a woman who is talking her- year round, you can manage without a very satisfactory way for 2,500 or The name of the writer can be had self to death. As a general rule a $2,600. a cold pantry; but if you prefer to do from the Superintendent of Immigra- Suppose you try the husband Is the victim. without Ice during the fall, winter, tion, Ottawa, Canada, who can give and spring months, you want a pantry the names of hundreds of . others food with cream and Now it is announced that Uncle like this, with an outside window Dangers of Earrings. equally successful. Adv. Bam Is going to make money small, looking to the north or the east, and Indications are that earrings are sugar, as part of break- tr Wonder If It will cause a da you want this window protected by a coming into fashion again not the Easy Road In Music. fast or supper. preclatlon In you salaries? very fine wire screen, so that can diamond earrings which never go out "My boy Louie is Indolent," open top and said the leave the window both of fashion but earrings that are musician, "but I must sa he Is smart." You mi?y be sure it A telephone system Is the files and fashioned to be bottom and still keep out from all kinds of material "Is he going to follow in your foot will be a delicious In the Pennsylvania peniten- dust. ligneous and metallic. They will for steps?" part the In- the most part be pendants tiary for convenience of Its It is difficult to estimate the cost of and ardent "No. I learned to play PoBslbly a palm lovers In the clarinet Memory itiates. garden with a bouse like tbls. It is large enough attempting tn seize a kiss and I've got to march at least eight "The Linstsrt usual liquid acces-orU- from the coy or the musical and i to require a great deal of material la maid widow will find miles every time there is a parade will tba next Improvement out bow they may be bung up In bt the construction work. The cost of a Louie is learning the harp, so that oV4m Oerul Company, Ct4. coll of tangled balr, 41 building material! varies a good deal they will hart to let him lit down." Haiti Creak, ok. good fer them dawgs, an" t reckon It'll less with the stick. Brockett and So- CHAPTER XXV. reported to the captain of Ccfi.p,iy O. have tuh be the German." lano, tbe oewcoJiers, on whom tbe "Two was Mexicans, one a cheap fel- The travelers were accustomed to common citizens were counting for It doesn't take long for a crowd of low that didn't amount to much, and SERSA receiving notes by now and they were material batting help, failed In the husky athletes to traverse the dis- the other a vaquero, with new, high-heele- d STORY hardly surprised when Brockett, as pinch on their first times- - up. Brock- tance between the borne plate and cen- shoes, and a new black vel- the train moved out, received a small ett raised a foul fly to the fat ser- terfleld. As Brockett dlsappearedbe-hin- d veteen Jacket. His arm caught on white envelope from the band of the geant, who was catching, and Solano the mesqulte, half a dozen ball some thorns, sir, and here's a bit of friendly sheriff. grounded to a farrier who was play- players, with a yell of surprise and tbe goods. The third one was a lit- "Came by mall this afternoon," ing short. rage, dashed across the diamond. It tle man at least, bis feet were very cried the sheriff as the station receded In the third Inning the troopers be- was less than half a minute before small and be wore regular city ' SSSISS Into distance. "Note to me with It. gan to land on the moving-pictur- e they reached the point where the las- shoes. That's all the trail tells, sir. THE Note said to give it to you as the man and two hits were followed by a soed youngster had last been visible, I suppose they had horses the other train started. Goodbye, boys, and fumble on the part of a contractors' but all that they found was Brockett side of this brush, and are a long run agent, nin US good luck go witli you!" who was covering second. With himself, still mixed up with the colls ways from here by now." And the note bore, in the same mys- the bases full, the moving-pictur- e man of a lariat. Lis shirt half-tor- n off, tbe Six troopers rode out, beating the terious code, simply these directions: put on the steam, struck out tbe chap- waistband of his trousers ripped, and chaparral, but with little hope of over- "3BH Fin W W WP Pos PO TC E lain of the regiment usually a cork- his pockets Inside out. His assailants, taking the lasso throwers. The trl- - 2mi PB PO TC TC BA TC Fin TO ing good batter and made the bugler whoever they might have been, had if SB TC W TO W TC Fin AB PO SU." pop to the first baseman. The next vanished Into the chaparral, and the "Hurry along and look out for man up was the captain of Company crackling of the underbrush gave evi- translated. "I'd C, a portly gentleman who had struck dence that they were rapidly widen trouble," Brockett risk out something that there's plenty of that on bis last previous appearance. lng the distance between themselves He" barely BASEBALL article still ahead of us." grazed the ball and raised and the avenging cavalry. a tiny fly that hovered over third. "What was It?" "Who roped you?" ROMANCE CHAPTER XXIV. Solano settled with eager hands for "Are you hurt?" the players chorused, tbe catch. Just as the ball landed In as they picked up the rumpled but Isn't much can be said his glove, the trooper who was coach- uninjured centerflelder. Brockett, There that ing ByW. A. FHELON about certain stretches along the Klo at third bellowed, like a foghorn: freed from the tangling rope, shook Grande, except that they are undoubt- "The spider! Look out for the taran- himself, made an effort to readjust his edly those portions of Texas which tula, boy look out for the spider!" torn clothing, and then sat down on """:" ".':"" """" iTi made a great general declare that If With a startled yell Solano sprang the grass, rocking with laughter. (Copyright, IBIS, by W. u. C'hnpmnn.) he had that state and the Infernal nimbly backward. The ball fell with "I'm not hurt," he explained, be- (CoiorrltflitliiCtufttlftaud Great UrltAlu. a chugging spasms of I 14 regions at his disposal he'd live in thud and rolled away. Two tween merriment, "but SYNOPSIS. hell and rent out Texas. Mesqulte and runs crossed the platter, and the think somebody's feelings will fie In- prickly brush; Jungles bisected here whole regiment gave vent to wild and jured. Somebody is going to be badly Secret Service Chief Wllklns, puzzled and there with thorny trails; habita- woolly howls of glee. Solano, a bright stung." over the theft of the government's cipher, as scattered as sel- crimson suffusing bis olive counte- "Your belt Is gone!" cried Solano. rails to his aid Detective Plnkwetl. They tions almost and think they have discovered a new cipher, dom visible as in the days when the nance, said never a word, but Brock- "Yes. That's the best part of It," when the office buy. Brockett, tolls them Comanche and the Llpan rode abroad ett, far out. shrieked at the absurdity gurgled Brockett. "Half an hour be- It's "the Diamond Cipher" and starts for of thing. 3 the ball park. Brocket t. Chula Lnn Kan, In the land that is the Rio Grande the fore the game, not wishing to be too a Siamese, Ramon Soluno, a Cuban, to- border. It is an Ideal country for After this the tide of battle ebbed heavily weighted, I took my money, gether with somo twenty other youngsters, practice baseball, playing until dark. One smugglers, cattle-thieve- s and revolu- and flowed. The common citizens be- my packets of letters everything of ; of Wllklns' stenographers Is seen to pass tionists, Just as It was once the happy gan to hit the distinguished marks- any value or any weight and placed paper to a mysterious stranger. As man who outcome of Brockett's cipher, the ball hunting ground of the most pernicious was pitching, and got back them in the safe at headquarters. Tbe 9. player and Solano are engaged by gov- red men. those two runs in the fifth inning. captain of Company F fixed It all up ernment for mysterious mission. Yuzl-mot- o, They two more in me. That took two or three mysterious Jap. calls on Brockett. Still, It doesn't much matter what accumulated the for TM0lGNTN Brockett falls Into Yazlmoto's trap, a the. section of the land may be, or ixth, thanks to a neat drive by poundB and a lot of bulk off my waist, fight follows, Brockett coming cut on Brockett, and Solano got some meas- and gave me a chance to work more f top; Messenger McKane coming to the what the scenery may amount to. If rescue. McKant was bearer of tho mys- it is in these United States and ure of revenge In the seventh when be freely. Whoever lassoed me wanted terious cipher; Is also a ball player. Yaz-Imo- caught a They me in among re- Is a patch of fairly ground liner and stepped on third that belt Jerked returns to headquarters and there level umphatit common citizens and the de- ports to Baron Zollern his failure to ob- dlscernable there will be a ball game before a runner could get back. The these bushes, flung me on my face, sten- feated cavalry returned to camp, ex- tain the ulpher; Miss T.awson, the In progress any cavalry rallied In the eighth, but could and went through me in less than five ographer, also reports to the baron. pleasant afternoon, changing much persiflage, and map- Brockett and Solano have encounter with and the crack of the bat will rouse push In only one man. They turned seconds' lime. And they got the belt, the comes out ping out the preliminaries for the baron In which the latter war-whoo- p Into the ninth 4 3 they got the belt, and ran away with arrive the echoes where once the Indian with the score to game second best. Brockett and Solano In favor of the common citizens, and It!" Brockett again collapsed with third of the series. Brockett In Jersey City; make appointment to scared the birds. Hence It can and Solano, assigned to a meet McGlnnlty, the "Iron Man" baseball hardly the audience rooting like wild men. laughter. comfortable manager. Brockett and Solnno arrive In be considered startling or even tent, started a debate as to the Iden- The moving-pictur- man fed "Didn't you see them at all, my New York and run into a Chinese Tong remarkable to And good games in full the tity of their latest adversary. war; rescued bv a white man. The place blast upon Rio games first batsman a high, fast ball, and It boy?" questioned the chaplain. of refuge found to be a trap; find them- the Grande "The fact that be was a small man, whizzed A "No, replied. ' selves prisoners of Ynzlmoto. Kelly to which may not be played with big past first for two bases. sir," Brockett "They leaving a small track," said Solano, rescue. Kelly turns $10,000 Jap money disposed next man, me in here so I no over Solano league skill, but which are filled with strikeout of the Jerked fast bad "seems to indicate our Japanese to Brockett. Brockett and turn, laid me that have encounter with tough gang, but are liveliness and pepper, loud outcries while the next drew four balls. Tbe chance to and then face friend swam out of the North river. protected by Kelly's men. On sleeper and troubles for the umpire. chaplain came t'p, tried to catch tbe downward, bo that I couldn't see them. Cleveland-bound- tn Doesn't it look way?" : the baron detected was even that act of rifling Solano's berth. Jumps from The second game of the great se- infield napping with a bunt, and They didn't speak, but robbed "It surely does," assented Brockett. train. At Detroit the messengers go to ries between the Fourth cavalry thrown out at first, leaving men on me and were gone before I could even ball game, receive hieroglyphs In myste- and "Still, the German baron may have a rious manner and depart for Chicago. Ar- the common citizens promised to be third and second, with two down. roll over and look aftet them. It was few small men as his confederates. riving In Chicago, the messengers are the warmest battle seen on The bugler caught a slow, tantaliz- finely done Just the way the wild by the baron the banks That would be posslhle, wouldn't It?" robbed a "transom thief;" trade-mark- , to again appears. The baron agrees t as- of tbe big river In several moons. ing curve squarely on the west melodramas used have the "Tbe baron Is still locked up at sist In recovering the stolen papers. The While the cavalry won and it soared out over center field. Mexican villain lasso the heroic cow- messengers papers in the had the first Little Rock," objected Solano. "He find the stolen boy." v possession of a giant negro. After a contest 17 to 9 on heavier hitting, Brockett ran back, back and kept on would have considerable difficulty in fierce battle with negroes Brockett and the common citizens war correspond- traveling. At the very edge of a mos-qult- e "Didn't they get anything besides directing any operations Solano wake up In jail. The messengers from the cell and police visit the Tenderloin In search ents and camera artists in the main clump far behind his position he the belt?" asked Solano. where we last saw him. I can't see of the stolen property. The thief Is found had been reinforced the night before gathered in the ball and heard a tre- "Yes, they did." And again Brock- anyone In this but tbe gentle Jap. In a "hop Joint," a fight follows, and part of of the "booty" Is recovered. Mysterious- the second tussle. Two lithe, sinewy mendous outburst applause from ett was convulsed. "They got a nice Can you?" ly receiving another hieroglyphic mes- youngsters had. blown into camp, as- the assemblage. He arched the ball set of nonsensical messages and appears play- a for "It to be some of his sage, the messengers bonrd train serting they Jjad un- bnck Into the Infield, to ciphers I put the west and are later arrested by bogus that some small, started walk faked that In four hours ful doings," said Brockett. "He has Arkansas sheriff. Brockett and Solanr important business with the com- kept himself well under cover, though. knock the sheriff and his deputies down mander. As tempo- and take to tho woods. Tho genuine that official had The officers who keep their eyes and sheriff arrests Baron Zollern, and the rary business at San Antonio, the ears open all tell me that no Jap- Journey. boys resume their boys had been made welcome and glv-e- i anese gentlemen have been seen In quarters XXIII. (Continued.) while awaiting his return. this vicinity." CHAPTER Baseball, of course, "No, son. they don't look that way, had been one of Solano smiled, significantly. 'That gurgled the delighted the earliest toplca of conversation, and may te but did it ever occur to you and they ain't," the newcomers average very Mr. Morgan. "What's more, there showed Intense eager- that the Chinaman looks ness to break into the game. As any- much like the average Japanese? And never was no man-eatl- dawgs used chase"hobody. not even niggers. one outside of army circles was eligi- there are quite a few Chinameu along ter ble days, a nig- and the common citizens were the river, so I'm told." In the old slavery when short-handed- , ger run away, the thing to do was tun the new arrivals were Tbe boys looked out of the tent and promptly gazed upon the dreary panorama of catch htm, but not tun kill him. Kill drafted into service. Brock- ett was rock, sand a $1,000 nigger? Son, that would be detailed to guard centerfleld, brush, and turbid river. while pangs ex- plumb Idiotic, wouldn't It? The hounds Ramon Solano was listed for Then, smitten with tbe of third base. cellent appetites and remembering an was simply used tuh roller him, lo- Both youngsters, while wild to to eating-plac- e of Mm, an' make a till the have at least one day of diver Invitation the tbe cate racket sion, war correspondents, they stepped over bunters could come up an' get the were modest and diffident when to A Mexican poorly man." asked play, and declared that they the threshold. didn't want to any fel- clad, miserable of appearance, inter- Cuba," put In Solano, Span-lard- s crowd other "In "the lows cepted real bloodhounds, and off the team. It was explained, them. used "I beg pardon, senores." flerco ones too, to run down however, that Sanborn, the estimable and kill war "Tell It In Spanish, if you can't the Indians." correspondent of the New York n Whirl, had counted himself out with a English," said Solano, amlablv I in "Well," assented Mr. Morgan, - "that charley-horse- , at a b- : while Summers, kodak-ma- n Mexican once started would bo plumb dlffrunt. An Injun Is ' of the Chicago energetic oration In the ivr-i Blizzard, had been . stung by a scorpion not seriously, tongue, and wound it up by t. , . but squarely on the right wrist, dis- a soiled piece of cajiiboard mi. - abling him from do- luno's hand. further baseball -- ings. That left two vacancies, and "He says," Interpreted '.'uno. the appearance of the boys was a "that he wns a poor peon, vei j itr.i a a blessing to the common citizens' ar- in debt; that he bnd saved llli.e ray. money, and took a gambling chance to- Brockett and day by staking It on tbe ball game. Solano wa'rmed up money. with real delight when Says he got five to one for his the teams were you summoned to the field. He snys that the catch made They had now only found friends a Jovial saved him; that he can not crowd of news- wUl paper men and photographic experts pay off his debt, but that be be quite a rich man, for Mexico. Just tt and the minor officers of the regi- ment had express bis gratitude be also says that likewise extended them a very warm welcome. The Polo his brother, Juan Torrejon, Is a Grounds, man on tbe Mexican side ol as the troopers proudly styled the noted bad Mil ball the river, and that If we should ever yard, was somewhat humpy in places, encounter Mr. Torrejon the card he and rather diversified with cactus In others, but everybody has Just handed me will recommend concerned had quite highly to bis good graces. seen far worse arenas for the game. us Grandstand there was none, Very civilized of tbe gentleman, isn't but long it?" lines of cracker-boxe- beer cases and kt3 brush heaps jil All "You can never tell. That card may afforded sitting room, while hundreds of the be more than .useful yet. Let's hurry enthusiastic supper." bugs stood as close to the base along to lines (TO BE CONTINUED.) OF CT.fDMfiD M?V MllfflZM0. as they dared. Mexican ranchers, Mexican peons, on rurales short fur- One a dlffnnl beast from a nigger.' Your loughs, "lungers" who The Thing That Counts. had sought that Some persons, I hap- nigger was mighty valuable you had region for their health, know, estimate and soldiers by piness by fine houses, gardens and to look out fer his hide. Your Injun the hundred such was the assembly, parks others by . pictures, horses, was mighty dangerous, an' better dead and It Is doubtful If any ball game money and various things wholly re- than Jivln". See the diffrunce, sonny? ever was played up- sp)&? before a more loox wrv rar own Tell me. whar did you pick up z5 mote from their speeches; but that roarious crowd. when 1 wish to ascertain the real pepper trick?" A college man who was directing felicity of any rational man, 1 always "Cuban scheme," explained Solano. moving-pictur- e things for a concern I the Ten Years' my hack to tbe bench and then some- constructing on tbe train. hope tiiey Inquire whom be has to love, if I "In war, father went in as pitcher for the common thing and his friends threw the Spaniards swished through the air, and a get rich with their plunder." find be has noftody, or does not love citizens, and seemed fairly capable. loop settled round bis shoulders. Tbe An old trooper, a veteran of tbe those be has even in the off the trail a dozen times that way." He stopped midst of all the cavalry hitless for lasso was pulled tn with rapid' hands, plains, bad pushed a short distance his profusion of finery and grandeur, - "Great Idee," quoth Mr. Morgan. "I two Innings, pop flies and strikeouts don't bear you boys the least and' Brockett vanished behind the Into tbe chaparral while this conver- I pronounce him a being deep In ad- quickly disposing of the warrior. The mesqulte clump before be could even sation was going on. versity. inajibald'i ter It but somebody's got tuh make common From Elisabeth citizens were equally help give a warning cry. , "There was three of 'em, sir." ha "Nature and Art" Notice for Publication. ' The Kenna Record 011109 021019 Dr. H. L. Fiscus. D. C. SAVAGE Editor Pub'r Department of the Interior, IT. S and Land Office, nt Uoswell, N. M. SfliHsiciiiK A tfurgcon, and 9rcp. cf Remember October 2,1912. Vienna Qrugslcre. PUBLISHED WEEKLY Notice in hereby given that t William H. Wood, of K'n ffure, Jreth Sru$s A "Chemicals, 20 till Entered Febuary Stli 1907 at the Kenna, iki, N. iJ, who, on t'eoruary 1908, kinds 9aknt 'Medklncs A 6tttk Rem New Mexico, Post Office, a second Class made homestead entry & N'o: 11209, Mail Matter. - . The Kenna Bank Trust Co serial N 014109. for edicts, ihatkncrii. iuf 5rtts in'J E S VV 1 , SW SW section i i KJcild irtklcs. is Strictly a Home Institution and we have a per- 2(5, SE 1-- 4 SE 1-- 4 Section 27 Subscription 100 Per Year In and on Dec. 7 1909, sonal interest in your welfare. Give us your patron- made Vienna, - -- . t. Advance ndd.ontrv serial No. 021019, for X age and your friendship. . NE NEJ, NWi NWi NE1. AOTICE Advertiselng rates made known on application section 34, Township ( south, FOK PHIMCATIO.V. A13409 t Respectfully Yours,...'.'. liango .51 east, N. M. 1'. Mend filed of ian, has notice intention Depaitmona of IT. K LOCAL AND PERSONAL. to year the Interior. make binal three rroof. Land Office at Rosn ell. N. M. Seiuemher M. to esfab ish claim to the laf:d a- - 1HI2. . P. T. BELL i Is hereby W. SB. Scott, bove desc i bed, before Dan. C. Notice iflvcn wiuumin t - I have just bought out the en- son, Auiriiu- Savage, U, S, Commissioner, in of Hoaz, New Mexico who, on November Lit-tlefie- tire business of Morrow & ld Gas his "N, M. im., itwcie nomestenfl entry number ISjt-K- , tier. office at Kenna, on serial number 013109, tho-stoc-k for Bomhenst U. and on also of P. T. 21, 1012, Not-moc- r November s, num. made nddlllonal entrr serial Bell & Co., I can sell you a n Claimant names as witnesses: number 020t!K, for soilthttest U Malvin E. fc'ealy, A, township boiitil. 30 from a paper of pins to a John t rnhire east, p. m Kimmons, Pink L. Clubb, John hasflled notice of lntent!Lfi to mal'e Hnal three-yea- r thrashing machine. I sell for A all of N. M. proof. i establish ci,,im t0 Jones, Kt.nna, the land above described, you pay no ones bad ac- T. C. TILLOTSON, before W. T. Cow-dl- l. cash, '. S Commissioner. In Reg s his office, at Ken-na- . count, my prices are the BEST. New Mexico, on November so, Oct. 18 Nov. 15. Adv. & Claimant names as, witnesses: It William H. Nobesnn. n n:n. ,.r. mm Horner, Milledue It. Snpp, all of Boaz, Joe Cooper is supporting a Xotlce for Publication. v luexieo, new buggy. (pJDealers in 014532 . 018170 T. C. TILLOTSON, Department of the U. S. IJetilster. Interior, let, ip-- v, Land Ql'fke, at Roawell, N. M., r Edward Jett of Boaz was in J Xinds cf Quitting Material, and M Ocber 2, 1912." 0TirE town Thursday on business. Notice is heiebv iiven that fok ruLirATrox. Louit-- N, Moirison, 'of Clyde, r2fi,r,i Implements. Department of tho interior, uV S. P. T. Bell is setting up a new Farm tex. widow of v m Mor- h, Land Office, at Roswell, N. M., red wagon. iihe Preprkiars cf ris I, w!ir on April 1 i,dn3u September 14, 1013. 1908, made homestead e. dry Ni Notice js hereby (riven 14707 that ANNIAS M . Raymond West is working on serial No. 014532.' for NEJ CARR. of Poar. N. M who. on March o. the Oscar Roberson residence She Vienna 9m $hcp. section 23. and "fin Mav 17. 1909 308, made H. E , No. 14430, Serial No. PN59I, made add,, entry rial Nr. or northwest H Section SO, and on October this week. si Hit's miide 1-- additional entry. Serial No, uj.tij.yu, tor SE 4 14. for northeast H Section 19 Township "Well "Caaings, Panks, all kinds cf galvanized Jrcn and "in XOcrk. Township 6 Range 32 George Littlefield returned south. E, Ranvre 30'cast, N. M. P. Meridian, h.. Repairing 7(catln and ffrcmptlif )cne N. M. P. Meridian, has filer Ded notice of intention to make Pinal S vmr from Por tales Wednesday after notice of intention to makt P oof, to establish claim to the land above lescribed, before H. P. Uvely, being excused from 3ury dury Final three year proof, to es- U. S. in his office at Elkins. ".N. M., on at this term of court. yiiinmans Z&rcs. tablish claim to the land nbovi Movember 0. ICI2 described before Dan O. tSavage. Claimant names as witnesses: IT. Department of the Interior, U. S. S. in of'fici Kmory K. Shay, John W. Lalr, Charles' J, Land Office at RoBwell, N. Jl., Sep.. at Kenna. N, M, on November Jreen and John Klesseroek nil of Bonz. N, Itf, T. C. TILLOTSON, Notice is hereby given " that Claimant names as Witnesses: Jteelster. approved plats of Townships G Oct. II Nov. 8. noticr von n ih.icatiov NOflCE FOR PUBLICATION. Joe D, Slack and Joi.n P 7 35 OPX and South, Range East, OlZ Smith of Route 3, Elida, N. M," NOTICE FOK Dopanment of the Interior, V. S Ltlnd'Of-lic- 015140 PUBLICATION. have been filed in this office. ' John (). Vallex 05n.v nt Roswell, N. M. Sent. 27, 1912. Department of the Interior, U. S. Wbitakir, of Serial No. View, N. M.. U' Jepartment of U. Filing applications' will bo re Notice U hereby irtven that John. W. Land Office at Roswt ll, N. M. and William the Interior, S. Land of Elkins, N. M. who on Oct. 1, Wood, cf Kenna. N M. ilrlce at Roswell. N. M., Sept, 30, 1911, ceived on and after Oct. 15, 1912 Gltiman. Sept. 2, 1912. Notice ia hereby irlven 1907, matte H 12N1I, serinl no. 01 for T. C. TILLOTSON, that RFN.I1MIM W. Notice is by given Roswell, T. C. TILLOTSON, NK NE; NE SWK; section 18. SE H hen thai F. BAKER, of County of Chaves, SK Register. -- tate or New Mexico, Register. section 7. and on May It, 1909, made additional R. of has tiled in this office William, Morrison, Oct. 18 Nov. 15. ils application. entry serial no. OlNloo for SEU ?ee. 7. Tp. 6 S., kudu, N..M. who on June 2, Serial No. 028500. to nt.r. In- mder section 2300 07, R. S.. the SE of SWU Nolan Oliver, with Joyce-Pru- itt Ranpe, tH, K. N.M.P.M., haslllod notice of 1908 made HE. No. 15425 serial f Section 10, Township 10 Ranira .11 R tention to make final three year proof, to es 0151-10- . South. No. for Section 24 V. M. P. Meridian. & Co., was in town tnblish claim to the lar.d above described be- NWi 'otit"e for Pnlillcatlun. Township 0 Any and all persons claiming Tuesday. fore H. P. TJvely. U.S. Commissioner. It his south, Range 32 E outwa. adverselv th ands described, - offloeat Elkins. N. M. on Nov. 4. ID'S. N. M. P. Meridian, has fiUd Department or desiring to object be- of tho Interior, U. S auseof the mineral cdarncter of th lnnd. Claimant mimes as witnesses: notice of intention x aua tomaketina1 wince, at Koswell, N. Jl. r for any other reason, to the disposal to ap-- you are Proving up on William A. Knee, f.'harlesS. I.nsU. Columbus hive-ye- ar If t proof, ta October 10. 1013. Hie Cave. John Allen, all of Klkina. N M. llcant. should their affidavits of irm..t Is - n your claim be sure and read T. C. TILLOTSON. claim to the land above describ- Notice herein- Kivcn Hint Henry Kins! this office on or before the Bth day of. of 1312. your Publication Notice care- Itegister. ed. befoioDan C. Savage, U. S. Boas, N. M. who, on February ). W7, n:nd ovc.iiler, Commissioner, in his office, at homesteod entry number 10335. Seiinl niimbo' T. C. Tillotson. fully when it appears in the Ulttiss, for northeast H of 33, Townshii Regiatar, Kenna, N. M. on Nov. 21, 1912. 7 south, Kanua 30 east, N. M. Oct. 11 Not. 15. paper, if er- P. Xoridinn, hm and there are any XOTICE FOK PUBLICATION, Claimant names as witnesses: (lied notice of imemion to make Finnl i;vi Joe 1). Slack. P. year proof, to Notice for Publication. rors notify this office promptly non-coa- , John establish claim to the hind h l. F. S 0. S. 0172 It of Route 3, Elida, N. M., bove fieseribed, before Tnn I'. Savoire, V. ! and they will be corrected. Department of the Interior, U. 8. John Department of O. Whitaker, of Ve.llev View, CommLsHloner, In hid of lloe at Kenna. N. V, the Interior. U.S. Land Of Land Office at Fort Sumner, N. M., on November IK. 1812. fice at Roswell, N. M. Sept. 6. MX. in. Al., William Wood, of ia The Kenna Lumber Co. in- August 30, 1912. II. Claimant names as witnesses: Notice hereby flven that Che- - Kenna, N. M. re of loaz, N. M who, on March.rrd 3B, IIX, Charlie Netz. John. D. Ketncr, 1 stalled a new McCormick Har- Notice is hereby given that ' WPlium made II. E. Serial no. 017242, T. C. TILLOTSON, Johnnou, and William Horner, for SWX section Pf nil of lluaz. 15, Tp. 29 Naw vester on the farm of C. II. Chester C. Cioppert, KpflKf f'r N. M. S.. Ranife E., Mex, P Mejidian May 24, ha tiled notice of Intention to make final Olive, N. M., who, on ; T. C. Pnevie this week. A number 1907 made homestead entry No. TILLOTSON, iree year proof to establish claim to the of these machii ea were needed of Register. land absva deswlbed. before Dan C, Savage, 04313, for nortnwest quarter, Oct. 18 Nov. 15. 0. S. Commissioner, at his office in Kenna. N, this fall to harvest the crops in section 30, township 4 south, M. on the 11th day of November, 1912, the Kenna vicinity. rang-- - 28 east, N. M. P. Merid- Notice for l'tihlicntlon. Claimant names as witnesses: i harles O, Iayton, Pink W. Brown, R ian, has filed rotice of inten'ion - Lee 014329 020r,0;"! Notice for Robertson, William E. Fne-yea- r es- Publication. Hinshaw, all of Boaz' to make proof, to Department 01T-j:'- Oscar Roberson, and his two of the Interior, U, &J N. V, T. C, Tiiaoth . tablish claim to Uih bind above L.nwi ar. jc Department 04 Nl fteglster. -- N. M.. of the V S carpenters are very Cow-gil-l, unite Interior busy this described, before W. T. October 2, 1912. Land Office, at Koswell, N. 'm in of rice 0TICE FOR PUBLICATI0.V. week house building. The new U. S. Commissioner, his Notice is hereby given that October II. 1912. at. M., t Notice is hereby given residence is to bu a four room, KennnN. n November of Ken- that Ada J. Hnrrlf. non-coa- l. Martha E. Harris, of Hoaz. N. M who, on April well finished 20.1913. na. N. M. who. nil i 11 li. tttoti, nae F 01027 Cottage erected en names as witnesses: homestead entry .Serial No. 017437, for the S. F. S. 0G303, C. S. Claimant 1908 made HE. entry No. 14477' northeast the Robert L. Roberson Home- Scbirck. M. lios li secilou 17. Town.hlp 8 soiuh, Department of the Interior, U. S.' John Jmes Mm' w-s- t Kamfe 30 serial No. 014329. for i euat. N. M. P. Meridian, hni filed Land Office at Fort Sumner, N. M., stead t o miles west William II. II., notice of south of sett. of NE quarter, of Intention to make final three-yea- r ML SE i, sec proof, to Almost Wl'l. town. Oscar does Oscar II. Hewatt all of Olive, establish claim to the land above de- Surely not 27: and on Nov. 1, 1909, made scribed, Notice is hereby given N. M. before Dan C Savaite. V. s. Com that intend to "keep batch" in that add entry ferial Mo. 020(505 for mlsioner. in his ortlce at wirlow ' C. C. HENRY. Kenna. N. M.. on tbe LulaT. McDuffie. nice house, besides it is SEJ, section 22, Township fi S. IKth of Kovember IU12. ot William E. McDuflie, of Cal more Register, -e R m- 31 E., N. M. P, Meridian, Claimant nnnies as witnesses: vin, Ulvla., who, on November room than is needed for any OI8-N- M5. has filed notice of intention to William H. Itoheson. William A. Mnrtley 17, 1908 made homestead entry bachelor alone. three-yea- Anr.las M. make Final r Curr ahd John D. Ketener, all of No. 01027 i proof, to Hoaz, for orthwest quarter Notice for l'uliliriitioii. establish claim to the land above N M. section 20, township 4 south, The cream business at Kenna ti8 7; described before Dan C Savage, T. C. TILLOTSON, angezN east, and on May 8, Department of the Interior, V. S. S. ReU'!Sttr- U. Commissioner, in liiif!if.' 18-- 1!0), made add. entry No. 0c303 appears at first sight to be a Land Office at Hi swi ll, N. M., Oct. IS, Oct. Nov. 15. 1 at Kenna, N. M., very insignificant matter. J1 'I. on Novembe for the northeast quarter section i'(.lico i3 hereby given that Louis N. '46 township 1 south, ran ere 28 But when you come to know Todd, of El'kins , K. M., who, on Mj' cli Claimant namea as witnesses: east N. M. V. Meridian, has filed the truth, it is a bigger business 18, 1908 made H. H. 14533 Se.ial N'o. William It. Wood M.-.Ki- 1? notice of intention lo maUe three. U 05S79 for SV 4, Section 15, Town-bh'- v Seelv. William A. Met) lhan credited to this place. 7 28 The Art of Seeing Thing. year j.roof, to establish claim to .S., Ken.'re 10., X. M. V. Meri- - and Robert L. iv.-n- I hits Scott, all of Tho art of seeing things la not lie land ahovo ilcscrioKl, before Tho number of gallons shipped dian, filed notice of intention to r.a, N. M. make Final three-ye- ar proof, to estali-li- : jmelhlng that may bo conveyed in . T. ( ov gill, U. h. Lommis- - per wet k or the exact aniuiint T. C. h t laim to the land above described, TILLOTSON, u!es and precepts; it la a matter vital loner, in Ins ollici nt N n eye Knua, in dollars ami cents it chived for H. P. I.ivly, l S. Commls-sicpe- r, UcKiKter. the and ear, yea. In the rulnd hi rvoveinlier VJvl. 18 -- ind soul, Kume is not known, but it is a ia his office, at KIkir.s , N. M Oct. Nov, 15. cf which these are the Claimant names as witnesses: I on Nov. 26,1312. have as little hope of being VV i liitn ; Sco;t, (Jecrg- - T. known fact that a number of lb la to tell how r"! a i nisi nt names as witnesses: the reader to see at.tbfieM, Wiilio A. all families in hings as I would Frv. of this vicinity are sup- J unci O IFc'.a, J?c ijainln L. C i"per, havo in tylng to tell Ceniia. N. M,..liff D. aim how to fail In love or to enjoy White of ported on the money received William D. Smi'th, JmIiii F.' Carrol!, all his , N. Sf, Jli::ier. Klther he does or be does not. of Elkins, . M. Shooting in from cream anil butter shipped Stag Scotland. i ml Is C. C. HENRY, T, C. LOT that about all there Is of it. - Til SOX. Atut 4,400 stags are killed aunually . Iteinster. from here, 0-2- ti-Z- i 'oliu 5 JfSlster. ob the moors of Scetland. 15. Aoilce for rultiiniUon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUnLICATIO-N- . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION non-coa- l, F. S. or8!t, C. S. NOTICE: Ollr,:lD '03055 Department of t'.ie Intorior, 17. S. nsni'il US . 013200 M t Don't fail to bring your Land Otrico at Fort Sumner, N. Department ot the Interior, V. 8. Depart niont of the Interior. U. Depart moot of be Interior. U. August 23, 1012. r.and Office lit Hosncll, N". M., ST, 11. September S. S. Land Ofiiceat ii iswcll, N. M. Filing Receipt when you Nctice is hereby given that Oscar litlj. Land at Fort Sumner, Crawford, N. M.. who, on De- . Sept,. 21, 1012. of Kcnna, Notice In hereby given Hint William A. N M. Sept. IS, 1012. come to make your Proof. 9, IfltiS, entry i;i I cember made homestead t'cititt, of route 3, r.lliln, N. M., who on April Notice hereby pveii hut No. or.SO, for NvV 4, Pi'tliun 12. Town- Notice is heivhy given that It will save trouble and 3, HV8, nuilo liomusti'iifl entry 1 171,1. (.erial TlmniMs M. Mctiid:', d' Elkins, ship f. S,, :!0 K N. II, I Me;l-tlia- FtmRh hiimlierni for nrt on Oct, Lilfona L. Cadenhead, of Kenna N. M., 12, 1!)07. hps of to otiihwei who on Nov. delay. Also bring your tiled nctice Intention SI; W? n.ru1! additional entrj ntlmbrt three-yea- r to fftflli-Jifc- h ill N. M. who on February 11, 1007 ma lf II. E. No. 1331"), Serial 'No. make Final proof, Naomi; for 'A 9i,Ml,ri S4; papers of to descilbed, titlini toS nsliift 013200 for 13, all them with claim the land above south, ratine 32 cast, h. ffi. fi. liloriiliiili: hit made homestead entry No. 03055 SWi Section Tp. before V. T. Cow&lll, V. S. Coniinis-Bione- r, (i filed notice o' intern Ion to ninlte Final thiee-yea- S., 27 E., N. M.' '. M- you when you come to In at Kenna, N. M., for Si SEj section R2, Township Jiiie his olfke, I'roof, to establish clnlm to the land eridian, Ili tilt-- iio'ico of inten- cn tlio 12th day of November, 1012. 5 30 make your Application, a desi iifced, before Can C. SnvBife, V. S, S. Range E. N.M;tM., lias tion to make final three year Clfilmant names as witnesses: ConmLssloner,. in his office nt N. M., Colon 8. Wilson, Will- Keen. filed notice of intention to make proof, to eptablifib claim the it will help to avoid errors. Oliver I'owell, on Not ember 20. Id:. to iam H. Cooper, John A. Kimnions, all Claimant nflmc3 as witnesses: five year iroof, to establish land a'bove before II. of Kenna, N. M. P. Lively, U. S. Colnn)issi)ne1, C. C. HENRY, Ahin P. Itluck. Charley H. Slack, K.dward C. claim to the land above desciibtd Deafness Cannot Be Cured McCown, John Smith, 3. Elida, in bin otlicn N. M., l Kenna Record: Register. r. nllof route before Cowgill, U. S, it Elkins, by RiHiikutionii. ct tliry rannot reach the dl. N, M. . W.'T. 1012. fafleti liiiitieit el the rr, 'Dhtc 14 onlv ti way m on Oct. 20, cure (lpar,i,a, tii,l Is by T. C. TILLOTSON, Commissioner; bis offit'e ttitu eonettlut lonal rrBHllM. olJce Publication. at at Claimant naiue-- t aa witnesses: lfafuisii la by tlrl l:ittaiavtt cotidltlvn ol tb for Register mucou llnl:i f the I'.uetachkun Tube. Wben tkfei F. S. 02SG4. ' Kenna, N. M., on the 1th day of James L. Clntten, John VV. tube is yuu a rumbilnff amioU or 0 , lifariaa, antl wlipn It la enttrely cIcmM. Ivaf-ur- m hon-dcft- l, F. S. .07.104, C, S. -- November, 1012.., William Kudolph, la ttie renult, and unlem tlit Inflammation ean b9 Debar Ment of the Interior, U, S. xoTirK Fo rrnLicATiox. Krnnk McCJivw, all of Wken out lliifl lube rtn-c- to Ita normal condi- Land Office at Fort Sumner, N. M.i Claimant names as witnesses: Elkins, tio:!, he:,rin will be foreyrr; vine me N. M. C. out of ten are cautt'd by Catarrh, wbk-- la notbtna; Aur. 17, 1912, T. " Tii.i.otson, but an ifl.THMt rondiileT of th neicoua surfacea. Charles W. Avers. John P. wlil aoy ctf Notice 14 hereby given that FrSnH S 27-- 0 25 Kcsji.stor. r five Otic Hirulrrd Uollara for caae nepartment of the Interior, V. S. Druiwi CrHuied by ratarrh) tlwt cannot be curad F: Miller; cf Route 2, El'rta, N. M.. llolman, John A. Kimnions, by ll.i. l'fl Catarrh fire. KencI f,r clrculara. free. 2H, 1905, home- Lfind Offkci at Rowell; N. M., I 1'. .1. (,lIt:.NI-.- It CO.. Tolnla, who, on Dec. made Joe II. Evany, all of Kenna, N. 'olle for tiltlkatlen. ToM hy PruTTtflts, 7:,c. stead entry No. 02S64, for SE 4, Sec- 1912, Hli2'52. 'lu&c iliill a i'aniily 1'IIU for conatlpattoa. Octolier. M. C. C. IlKSRY, i tion 29, Townfihtp 3 8., Range 30 K., Notice is hereby triven lht WILLIAM Departirent cf the Inferior, IT. S. and ton October 30, 1909, made add. E. MENGE, of KlUina, X. M.. nho, on S 27-- 1 Register. Land Offiee, af Roswell, N. M., Oct. U 1- -4 for homestead entry, No. 07204, for NE 50, 11)07. 1912. Xoliee I'lililieiilion. SeiXemlier made homestend entry. (151)75 Section 29, Township 3 S., Range 30 E No. IST70 serial No. OlHonT, for north M of the Notive is hereby given that Arrliltl M Rf T TIT,. l,ll., f41rt,l .f NT. Deportment the Interior, U. S. knn southwest y. nnd south M of the northwest '4. R. Martley of I!o;i', RI.,who, cm artli cf five-ye- ar .and Office N. Oct. Intention to make Final on 17, and on Slay 6, 1909mnde NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U, 1907 niacin II. 10., 113S0 fc'orinl No. at Roswell, Jl., 2, Section ndditionnl 'St three-ye- ar 2. Notice hereby civen original and on additional, entry, Serial No. 01760 for the southeast !i 01200,3 012152, for SK1-- 4, Sctlon 35, iw;:ehl,; i that James T. I ippct , proof, to establish claim to the land of the norlhevit X of Section lc, Township 6 S.. Knngo 29 tl., N, M. I'. Mcrldi.ui, jo Ronto f ,. N. M., abovo described, before W. T. Cowgill, south. Kntiire 18 east, N. M. P. Meridian has Dopartmont of the Interior. U. has filed intention to makr Lima, who on i!av 2, 1!K'S, notire of J U. S. Commls .loner, In his .offlco. ,a.t tiled notice of intention to make Final S. Lnnd Olliee at Koswell, N M. Final five-ye- procf to establish elaitn nade H. E. 509fi, Serial No. 05975, No- ), or NE'i, Eeetion 14 Township 6 Kenna, N. M., on the 11th day. of proof, to establish claim to the hind above Sept- - 2;-- 1912 to till land above described, before S., Uange 32 E., N. .M. vember, 1912. described, before H. P. Lively, U, S. Com is Kei;istcv or Rfcrivcr, U. S. L;ind OH'ue, V. Meridian, has an witnesses; Notice herelty jjiven that filed notice of Intention to Claimant names missioner, In his ofllce nt ElUlns, N.M, on the it Roswell, N ."J., cn Nov. 25, 3 912. make Charley C. Iaytox, of Bonz, iN Final three-yea- r Edward D. Ctayi Moses J. Rippee. llth ihiy of November I0!1. Clniii'ti'.it names as witnesses: Proof, to establish IC. M. .Tul JiH)", Jiaim to the' land Joe Powell, Lawrence K. JnneB, all ClRimtuit names ao witnesses: who on v 20, made, llobeciu Robeson, William Kolitson, above described Route 2, Elida, N. M. 1211)!), 012w;.-- lef ore Wan C. Savage V. S. Commis- of Chillies S. t.uslt, Cleorite c. Cool er, Charles K. Serial no riav Levers, Nettie K. all C, C. HENRY, I. Crawford of sioner, in his office, at Kenna, N. K. Miller, John W. tlnssman. all of Klklns, N. M for HWi section Tp. 0 S , K Roswell, N. M. 0-- 4 N-- 8 Register. t., on jNov. 25, 1912. T. C. TILLOTSON, , 2'J K N m.p M. , lias filed notice of T. C. TILLOTSON, Claimant names as witnesses: 0-2- S N-- Register. Kei;ister. intention to mako final five year Joseph F. Bootlie.of Route 3, Elida, Notice for Publication, Ootober 11 Novembe. 8. l, proof, to establish claim to the M. non-coa- F. S. 03183, C. S. o!irc for riililifiition. X. Edward McCown, of Route 3, Department of the Interior, IT. S. XOTICE FOR lTHLICATlON. land above described, before Dan C64V8 Ulidn, N. M., Calvin C. 'atton, of Route Land Office at Fort Sumner, N. M (Serial No. 0IHI7) C. Savajre, U. S Commissioner, Drpartu. .nt of the Intel ior, U. S t, Elida, N. M., Jautes V. Davis, of Aii&. 10, 1912. U. S. Land . Departmnnt ot the Interior, at his office in Kenna, N. M. on 'and Office at Roswell, N. H., O.-t- Iml.'on, N. M. Is hereby given Andy D. M., Notice that office st Koiwell, N, October 2. 1BI3. November, 1U12. 11, 1912. T. C. TILLOTSON, Shook, for thy cf William A. the llth day of heirs Notice il hereby iriven that ANJ3ELES Notice Is hereby pivm X-2- Claimant names as witnesses: that J;.hr II. 2 Register. Shook, deceased, of Newport, Texas, B. KARAM ADUKIS. ofKlkins. N. M.a Clark, of lion?, N. M., who, on Dec who, Aug. 211, 19CG, tt)( 6, 0B93, Marion Mills, Willinm on made homestead who, on October Jit, made H. K. 0. Hom 28, 190S, 4, made Serial, No.tM93, 'otlfe for riihlicnlion. entry. No. 03483, for SE Section 3, Serial No. 011417 forK.H, of the southwest H, W . Brown, Lee K Kob- - fi ' er, Pciry II. K. SS 4, Section 6 S .013744 Township 4 S., Ranse 29 E., N. M. P. west of the H, Section IJ.Towiisia', and southeast ii. ertson, an ox ixmz, i. Pnnjs-- 29 E., N. P. Heridiaii. D?partment Meridian, notice of Intention Township rsangeSit-E- , M. P. Meridian, r. has of the Interior, U. S. has filed N. TlLLOTSON, filed five-ye- ar es- ' T, C. notice of intention to make Final .and Office lit Roswell, N. .M.. Oct to make Final procf, to has filed notice of intention to make Final t!iree-yea- Ol-N- r niocf, 1912. tablish claim to the land above des- Five Proof, claim l lfesrister. to e3tab!i:iii claim Year to establish to the '') the land al;ove U cribed, before W. T. Cowgill, U. S. land, above described, before H. P. Lively, desjtlLcil, before Notice hereby given that LON Dan C. SaviiRC, U. S. t 'ijivriiiEEicncr, In ot juilMJii, N. Commissioner, In his office at Kenna, U. S. Commissioner In his ofltcQ. at Elkins. N. Gkovm, Al., who, on (an. 13, 1908, E. 13740 N. M., on the 1st day of November, M., on the 12th doy of November, 1913. bis ofHeo, at Kenna, N. M., cn Nov. made H. Serial NOTICJ'J FOR PUBlcATIOX. 'o. 013744, 4, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: 29, 1912. for NV Section 21, 03307 names ..ownship G S., Range 33 E., N. M. Claimant names as witnesses: Oeorire C. Cooper; of lOlkins N. M. Marlon O. Claimant as witnesses: P. D. Department of tho U. Lee R. Robertson, Mai O. letidlan,, has filed notice of Edward Clay, Moses J. Rippec, Mills, Lee IL Robertson, William Hinshaw, of Interior. ion Mills, intention Frank E. Miller, Lawrence K. Jones, S. N. M. William K.. McCorniirk, William A J make Final three-ye- ar proof, to Hoax. N. M. .... Land Ollico at Roswell, all of Route 2, Elida, N. M. VjVl. ihira, all of Boaz, N. M. claim to the land above des-ribe- d, T. C. Tn uvrsDS Uenister. u Sept 25, belore Dan C. Savige C. C. HENRY, O il- - N 8. ' T. C. 'ilLLOTSON, U. S. Register. Notice is hereby given that 0-2- 5 2 Register lonimissioner, In his office, at Kenna,' JVJ)TKE FOIl POLICATIOX. John-- IIeisig, of Elkins, N. M. X. M., on 'ov. 30. 1912. SOTICE FOR Claimant names as C5012 h who on Sept. 22, 1908, made H. . ITBLICATIOS. witnesses: Xotire for Publication. m tool JasonTH. llendnx, Department of the Interior, U. S K.iio O33o7, for section 27, rirpnrtment of the Interior, T. s. Land John A. Luster, F. S. 03545 oKt Ht N'. M., Loman L. all Land Ofllce at Roswell. N.M. Oct. 2. 191! C Jfflce Jtoswi'll. Ilii. tut" Peach, of Jttdson, N. M., non-coa- l, F. S. 07042, C. S. Tp. S , Kanjro 27 K., N.M. P.M. NOTICIO Is lierehv )fivn that Jolm IT Notice is hereby given that MARY Houtp md Oza P. Butler of Eltdi, N. M. " Department U. S, E. to of s. Kiiilii. N, II. who. on Kel of the Interior, M.. 9. has filed nolico of intention T- SMITH, of Klkins,N. who on Nov. in, IrtiSinatle l liir;, No. 01 tool, - TILLOTSON, Land Office Sumner, N. M., ar il,l' Ser. fot C at Fort lDf'8 made Homestead entry Serial No. U50I2, make final proof to establish 0 25 N"22 August 15, 1912. SW 'i. Kei'tion 2, Tuwnsliip 7S. Itunire 3SF Register. for north H of southwest M south M of north claim to the land above described N. M. 1". Mrridlan, Iiuh lilcil notice of Notice is hereby given that Henry C to n,:tke. three-vea- --NOTICE FOR west ii section 33, Township O S., llanire 2711. P- Cora-mission- nlctitlon rinul ITBLICATIOX. Burroughs, of Kenna, N. M., who, on before II Lively v U.S. proof, to estahliyh rlnim to the land N M P Meridian, has Hied nollee of intention ii,ove tritw Sept. 7, 1900, entry, at his office in Klkins. dHsri'ihed, before Dun ('. Savnre O20t'06 made homestead L,. S. . to make Until 3 year proof, to establish ConimtsHioner, in bis (.nice nt Ken-tin- t'ofartmon! of the Interior, U. S. No. 03545, for NW 4, Section 8, Town N M. on l'C. lh c Hosn-el- Land claim to the hind above described before II. N. M. on the 2nd day of Nov. 1012 Nov nt N. M. Oct , 1B1 ship 5, S., Range 31 E., and on Sept. Olaii.iant r.unics as wltnc.-scs- : P, Lively, Commissioner, 1 x,l:C". '"'"'"y Klven Claude U. S. at his ofllce , ht 21, 1909, made add. homestead entry, Claimant names as witnesses: Jstim K. M;e'n!2. J.t'iios H, MoAi-tliur- ; w"?,1f her",n' x ! on Nov 13. I01 at RlUins, Nen Mexico, on the llth day of ii.le j;.i::i, Ser. No. No. 07042, SW Section 8, Town HilWNrrt Junius Mortis, till of Itoute teHiSfor SK See for November 11)12. William Rudolph, William nnl on Nov. M, luoa, nia.le mm. entry for ship 5 S., Range 31 E., N. M. P. Meri- ICMiln, N. N. Serin! No. usiwifl. NJ.,,4. names as Roth W. C. fr Seeil dian, has filed notice of Intention to Claimant witnesses: rock, (ieoiire Bice, T. TILLOTSON', loivnshli, 7s.iii,Hang(. a H N. M P E. 0 Iiiih filed five-ye- ar Columbus Cave, Frank n MuCireiv, Amos Thomas M. McBrido all of Elkins lteifter. notice of make Final on original and to mi, ho final tire-yea- r on ctr"iina" Smith, H. Dooley. all of Klklns, N. M. three-yea- r three-ye- ar on add. proof, to establish John N. M. (!. Tillotson, nnd proof on odd. to T. C, Tlllotson. "''. ola mi to establish claim to the land above described, be- Ol-N- the lar.t above described, be- l Register. fore, anC, fi.iyn.tfe.- I . s. W. T. Cowgill, U. S. Commission- Kefister, '.!t',-- Commissioner; i fore . ini nt Kent... N. M. on e Nov. S7. 1912 ' er, at his office, at Kenna, N. M., on R. L. ROGERSON, Claimant names - - as witnesses- the 2nd day November, 1912. r 'l' ti. iA H. of SOTICE FOR PUBLirATIOX. i (;u,y. illim McComba. Claimant names as witnesses: Gal THREE ...... n e g oi'Ke'nrfa.'r"1- A" McU"-- n 01!37. Barber Joseph A. Cooper, William H. Coop- .oticc for ruhiietttion. l T- - C- - Hol-ma- n, U. TILLOTSON, er, Robert L. Roberson, John R. Department of the Interior, S non-coa- l, F. S. 03113, C. S. -- NORTH SITJE 0 25 N 83 N. M. Land Office at Fort Sumner, N. M., U. S. ItcKlster. all of Kenna, Department of the Interior, Agent for the Panhandle Steam C. C. HENRY, September, 11112. Land Office at Fort .Sumner, N. M., Notice is hereby Riven Charles S. Lusk, 7 N- -l Register. that .VuRiist 23. 1912. Laundry, of Amarlllo, Texas Vet Ire of Hoswell, County of Chaves, state of New tr o Piilillratloa. Notice is hereby given that Walter Phon. No 13 Mexico, has tiled in this ofllce his application, D. Chancey, Kenna, N. M., who, on cf Department T Siotice Serial number 010M7. to enter, under sejtlon 4, l'JOS, entry, of the Interior. S' Lad for Publication. March made homestead oftlee ut Hoswell. N. M. Oct. 11, mi;. non-coa- a:tt 07, r. s.. northwest U nt the southwest l, F. S. 04 GOO, C. S. the No. OnllS, for SE 14 SW 4, Section rsullcu is hereby given that b south,- 2 Oscar E. H of section 3t, township ranue 1- -4 1- -4 4, .Notice i.,r Department of the Interior, U. S. '0, E 2 NW and SW NW l'iililliiti.n. f'larlc. of Hooz, N. M. who. on Dee. 81, ly Land Office at. N. M east, n. in p. meridian. "ectlon 25, Township 5 3., Range 30 tSi-rla- l No. 01X139.) made H. K. aerll No. 15011. for sw! Motion Fort Sumner, ,: and on 30, Any and all persons claitninir adversely the Department of t!to Interior, I'. P. Land . Nov. mil niado acid, entry, August 15, 19r2. J., N. M. OS 'MK-- serial P. Meridian, has filed notice No. forNWf Section 1H. Township or desiiinir to object because three-yea- Offica at Itoswill, N. SI., Notice Is hereby given that William land described, f intention to mako Final r fiet.. 1, lull. US. Kiinito :: K. K. M. H. Meridian any N'O'pi.'!-- : has M. Jones, Kenna, N. M., on of mineral chariiotor of the land, or for ao; f, to In hereby Klven that MtKust nled notice of Intention to niuke final of who, to establish claim the lanJ 'hree-voa- r jiroof to Oct. 3, 1907, made homestead entry, other reason, to tho disposal to applicant. above described, before W. T. Cowgill, If. ltucbhoU of le:m;i, N'. ,lio, or, establish claim to In lUOa, 10. 'anil described, before Dim (: 4, tile their affidavits of proteHt this of May ;i, made It. So. t)H,",J7, lT. No. 04COO, for NW Section 34, should IT. S. Commissioner, in his office, at S Tiie S. Coinmissloiier In Ills oftlee kf Township 4 S., Range 29 E., N. M. P. Dee on or before the 31 day of October. 1912. N. M., 12th day No- for Lots 1 and 2 and N'.O'i: tin'' UentiH. N. M. on Nov. !l !0 Xenna, on tho of . " C. C. HENRY, Lols-- 3 4. and NW", 2. ciinoi't names as witnesses: . and H'i Meridian, ban filed notice of Intention vember, 1912. Lee It. Hobi'iison. Marion . Mills, Register. Twp. 7 8.. It. SI V... N. r. I". Mciiilian, William to make Final five-ye- ar proof, to es- Claimant names as witnesses: If. Mni'oruiick, WilllHui A. Slitra. ull of lloai. tablish claim to the land above des- Oct. I. John A. Kimnions, William H. Coop-t- , tins filed notice of intrrtlon to make N. M. three-yea- r proof, T. C. cribed, before W. T. Cowgill, IT. S. Leo Kiinmons, Willie A. Fry, all of final to establish TILLOTSON, be- 0-2- 5 N22 Commissioner, at his office, at Kenna, Kenna, N. M. claim to the land above described, Register. N. M., on the 2nd day of November, Notice for Pulillcutloii. C. C. HENRY, fore Dan C. Sa voue.U. S. f..'oinmi.sjioner, in Ills Kenna, New Mexico, S.'ith 1912. F S 03537 0-- 4 N-- 8 Register. olllee,' on the 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: nnn-coa- l, V. S. 00082, C. S. day of Noi eat''er ROY C. Jason T. Candy, William H. Cooper, Department of the Interior, II. S. Claimant names aa witnesses: McHENRY Jason H. Gandy, Henry T. Jones, all Land Office at Fort Sumner. N. M., 'ofico for l'ulilicaticn. John K., IMnlc . Clubb, William F. Attorney and Counsellor Law l, at of Kenna, N. M. , Aut,'ut. 24, 1012. non-coa- F. S. 0U3U, C. S. H'i c 1, Judson T. Abbott, Charles M. Denny C. C. HENRY, Notire is hereby riven that Charles Department of the Interior, V. S. Tilitin A. Mail nt, O'.to II, U. Utnbhol, nil of Hobbs Building, 7 N-- Uurbcr, ot Kenna, N. Rl., who, on Land Office at Fort Sumner, N. M., Kenna, N.M. l Register. . Washington, D C. :rntfinhcr !i. iDOtl. made liomesteud Auk-- 17, 1912. - T. C. TILLOTSON'. r' entry, N. 03',37, for NB 4, Section 20, Notice is hereby Riven that Lewis E. 0 3- N U Keslsler. anr office Practice !) 10., on er A a bash- oviibhii) S Kange 30 and Carver, of Olive, N. M., who, on few days ago rather June an, laofl, made additional honio- - 1:1, 1908,-mad- homestead en- S0TICK FOK ITISMCATIOS. a Speciaft 0 1 1 163 went teud entry. No. 066S2, for SE 4, fiec-!o- n try, No. 0939, for N SW SW -4 ful young woman into one nt of Interior, IT. S. Land, 17, 5 S., Rango 30 K., 5V 4 NW SU 4, 2S, Oenartmt the Township and Section ("III, e lit It , swell. V J', "el i. 1H12. of our stores catrying three vf M P MRridinn. has filed notice of rownnhip 4 S., Range E., M. id. 1. Nollee is hereby Klven that James Q Delicately ,, t vM, Expreaaed. chickens. She inquired the 'Mention to make Final five-ye- ar on Meridian, has filed notice of iutaiuicn llnnter. of .ludson. N. M. uli cm ict. , UH H. lemle 11, K. Mr,. Seri"! No. I'll:.!' f,,r "It is not always necessary to mak iru-it.fti- tnrec-ye- ar three-yea- r on Final iiroof, to f.- and auuiuonai, o.maKO Lo.HitA 1. e.oii.n and Lot I. SeetionB a price of chickens and at the des-hibe- d, direct accusation," said the lawyer, to estahlldh claim to the land cltt'lm to the hmd above Tvwnst,ii 0 S K:illi;f :l !:., N. M. I'. name' on t jsciibed, before W. T. CowkIII, before W. T. Cowgill, V. S. Aleriilie.ii, has tiled n, ''.'.' of inteiiilon who was asking damages because In- lime put then the absve to malt,' live - oar proof. to '.T. S. Cpmiiiii.uloner, In office, at Final sinuations had been made against bis The clerk know his Comnilsriencr, at his f'ieo, nt Konai, eKtebll U cla'.m to the laud iibove !. counter. didn't M., on the 12 th day of No- - N. M., on tho duy of November, it, linn (' IT. S. client's good name. "You may hare Kotina.'N. llth , before Saxtiee' 1 1 Coinini-lon,-r- :u hi to chickens' fact were 'tied, .enibef, 1912.' 1912. . bis effiee at otiiee heard of the woman who called to Claimant names' as witnosisea: Claimant names as witnesses: 1 en . N. v. en Nov. St I !'', the servant girl, "Mary, Mary, come and asked if would , Claimant names as witnesses: they lay CtiorcrcfT. LiitleflelJ, A. Kim- - Ojcar F. Johnson, Clyde lyt'.-is- Har- John .lasi'ii f . Hen, rix: of .In, so', N.M. John W. aere and take the parrot downstairs there. She bit her handker- VOH8, Wl'.llam U. Cooper, Robert L. rison II. Clopitert, Mary ltrown, all cf P iuih's. Joe II. Muck. William H. It ,otlie, the' master has dropped bis collar N. till of Kotitv :i, r.iiilii. M. M, Llobersra, all of Kenna, N. M. Olive, M. " Tlt-Blt- chief and "Mo are C. slud." aio; sir they 0. C. HKNRV. C. C. HENRY, T. 'TILLOTFON, - ()-2- 5 N-2- Ropistcr. roosters". 0-- 4 N-- S RoglBter. 0-- 4 N- - HOT! HOTt DR. CALDWELL'S GUIDE "T HrrK"jrn-r'taC- l TO- - GOOD HEALTH mim sick The natural tendency of people In &Ae HOME this busy age to demand of the di- TWELVE YEARS gestive organs more than nature in- DEPARTMENT tended they should perform, frequent- iff? ly results in throwing the entire di- Wants Other Women to Know gestive system into disorder. When the stomach falls to freely digest and How She --Was Finally distribute that which Is eaten, tno Restored Heallh. bowels become clogged with a mass to of waste and refuse which ferments and generates poisonous gases that Louisiana, Mo.: "I think a woman are gradually forced into the blood, naturally dislikes to make her troubles or of broadtail plush, could be got up "FUR SETS" OF PLUSH causing distress and often serious ill- known to the public, for fifteen dollars, while a mole set, ness. but complete restor- which It very cleverly counterfeits, Dr. "W. B. Caldwell says that If the ation tohealth means would cost a hundred dollars or a hun- bowels are kept regular there will be so much to me that SOLVES PROBLEM OF ACHIEVING dred and fifty. much less sickness, and prescribes a I cannot keep from MARY DEAN. RICHNESS WITH ECONOMY. combination of simple laxative herbs telling mine for ths C3.' with pepsin that is most effective In sake of other suffer- Vegetables very back-war- d JInks are PLEASES THE LITTLE ONES relieving any ing women. this season. congestion of matter In the bowels.' This compound can be "I had been sick Blinks Yes but the Ice plant Ii With Proper Shade of Material the Ingenious Toy to Be Constructed Out bought in any drug store under the about twelve years, flourishing. Effect May Be doc- Desired Achieved of Otherwise Useless Odds and name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and had eleven Without an on drag- Undue Strain Ends of Materials. and costs only 50 cents a bottle. It is tors. I had Accelerated Brain Activity. the Family Purse. ging down pains, In the early days of Wisconsin, two mild in its action, pleasant to the taste and positive in effect, a dose at pains at monthly periods, bilious spells, of the most prominent lawyers of the There are few among the little folka and was getting worse all the time. It Is impossible not to see that the who do delight In night bringing relief next morning, tate were (ieorge B. Smith and I. S. not take a great would spell 1 most extreme of the present fashions naturally and griping oth- hardly get over one when Rloan, the latter of whom had a habit "making things" and wjth some old without or tongue are only Intended A Cald- would be sick again. No can tell of Injecting Into his remarks to the for the rich. To corks, matches, pins and paper, a er discomfort. bottle of Dr. begin with, the various suits, gowns, well's Syrup Pepsin what I Buffered from cramps, and at court the expression, "Your honor, I good deal of pleasant amusement may in the house will bats and muff sets, with flashing save many cost times I could hardly walk. The doctors have an Idea." A certain had that be derived. times its in doctor caBe something we have come to know as bills. Your name and on said I might die at one of those times, been dragging along through a hot In the accompanying sketch will be address a I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- "chic'' are all too elegant and startling postal to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 West but Rummer day when Sloan sprang to his seen a little chauffeur constructed ble Compound and got better right away. for any but the moat fashionable thor- St., Montlcello, 111., will bring feet, with his remark, "Your honor, I a free oughfares and, nine times out of ten, trial bottle by return mall. Adv. Your valuable medicine is worth mor have an Idea." they seem to need some species of than mountains of gold to suffering wo- Smith Immediately bounded up, as- equipage a well. It is only the Talrly men." Mrs. Bertha Muff, B03 N. 4th POLLY VICTIM OF DECEPTION Louisiana, Mo. sumed an Impressive attitude,, and In simple tailored costume that will dare Street, great solemnity slild: to pick way Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Its along common paths, Bird Realized Period Between Its Tem- "May It please the court, I move and even It will pound, made from native roots and herbs, then be remarked If porary Oblivions Had Been Ma- that a writ of habeas corpus be is- It Is In the latest agony, for the most contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, terially Cut Short. to-da- y holds being sued by this court Immediately to take somber tailor mades are now dec- and the record of the ills we the learned gentleman's Idea out of orated with coat trimmings In rich most successful remedy for female solitary confinement." Popular Maga- The Goodleys have a sailor son, who know of, and thousands of voluntary eastern colors and fabrics, and, to be on one brought a par- zine. up to occasion home testimonials on file in the Pinkhara date, it must still hamper loco- rot for the amusement and enlighten- motion a good In laboratory at Lynn.Mass., seem to provs deal. other words, ment of the family. They kept It for Liquid Measure. despite a little tendency toward an this fact. 1 the sake of the donor on no other It was the time of the 6inging lesson effort at drapery, despite slash- a side account would It have given If yon want special advice write to at the local council school, and the ing here and there, the walking been skirt house room. Of course, was a per- Lydia E. Finkham Medicine Co. (conf- teacher was explaining to the young is still to pillow case it first cousin the fectly respectable bird occasionally; idential) Lynn, Mass. lour letter will hopefuls If a "treble," and "alto," in point of narrowness. And yet how that but on Sunday evenings, young be opened, rend and answered by a a "tenor" and a "bass" sung together, charming the new suits are with when their Mr. Saintly paid his visit, woman and held la strict confidence. their united efforts would constitute cutaway coats, close, long sleeves and regular it a quartet. the absurd collars go high up was deemed advisable to cover Polly HS2X23E that with a There seemed no trouble about that, In the back and show a tremendous V clojh., ti Recently, however, Mr. S. took ad- and the teacher thought the class was of bare throat at the front! Taupe vantage of half-holida- y accruing tc getting on very nicely. Is a favorite color for them, and when a Mm, and made an extra call on the Stiff Joints "Now, Jimmy, off pinching a velvet or velveteen or corduroy Is leave Wednesday. As he was ushered in your brother's leg and listen" to me," used the color touch may be a very with the named, and Miss Mary Goodley dexterously threw Sprains,Bruises said she. "If a bass and tenor sang to- pale cerise or a blue as flashing as a articles you will find quite easy to make. The the cloth over Polly's cage. Greet- gether, what would you call jewel. Buttons for these abbreviated are relieved at once by an applica- that?" body consists of a complete cork, and ings over, there ensued the usual Jimmy was the son of the local milk- suits for they seem tight everywhere tion of Sloan's Liniment. Don't for It a well-shape- d one should be awkward pause, which was broken by lay on man, a bright an- are Immense, some Introducing the rub, just lightly. and lad withal. His selected. The head Is made from a a squawk from the covered cage. swer was not long in coming. trimming color, and some, on plain "Sloan's Liniment has done mora gowns, sharply slice cut from a second cork and "Well, I'll be everlasting blessed," ood than anything I have ever tried "PleaBe, miss," would contrasting. f joints. 1 got my band so said he, "that to body with a short por- said Polly. "This has been a thunder-shor- t or still burl " Concerning the woman who wishes Joined the badly tliut 1 bad to atop work right in be a 'pintette.' be 1 thought to be stylish and yet not conspicuous, tion of --a match, and the face can week!" the busiest time of tbe year. upon the black end at first that 1 would bars to hare my the smartness of plush offers her the marked it with band taken off, but I got a bottla of Jackson's Relief. very of a burnt match. Knew a Poet's Troubles. Sloan's Liniment ami cured my band." Wilson (who has met his friend best possible solution of the WllruM Wukkleb, llorris, Ala. problem of the needed fur set for Diagram A shows the hat, which "Had a queer experience recently," whom he hasn't seen for some time) may be cut in paper and fastened Good for Broken Sinews who, can be properly dressed In win- - out said the Billvllle poet. "Robber held Let me see, you knew poor old Jack- on to the top of the head with a drop O. O. Jokes, Baldwin, L. I., writes I me up on the highway. Didn't have a "I used Sloan's Liniment for broken son, didn't you? of gum, peak bent by and the afterwards cent in my pocket only a poem which sinews above tho knee cap caused a Johnson Yes, I knew him well. downwards. For the arms, two whole fall and to my great satisfaction waa I was to the editor." able to resume work in loss than tiiree Wilson Then you will be pleased they are se- takin' matches are used, and "Didn't the poem, weeks after tbe accident." to hear he Is oat of his misery at last. to the body with tiny pins run take did he?" cured "No. It, Johnson You don't say so. Poor through the ends and into the cork. Read three lines of handed It back to me and said: 'Friend, here's old fellow; but I always thought he Diagram B illustrates this, and " SLOAM'S would pop oft suddenly. When did holes should be made for the pins ?2. You need It worse than I do.' he die? with a fine needle before they are Atlanta Constitution. Wilson Oh, he's not dead; It's his inserted, or the wood will split. The Unconscious Verity. LIMIMBIT wife. feet and legs are composed of two Fine Sprain matches two "slices" cut a "Was the Indian scalping story of for and from Mb. Hknrt A. Vokbl, M Somerset For the Car. small cork. Tom's thrilling?" St., riainlieM, N. J., wrllen : "A hair-raising!- aprainml his ankle so badly "Thrilling? " fiiond "She worries every time he takes When It is necessary to Insert the It was that it went blsek. He laughed when the car out." ends of the matches into the cork, it I told him that I would have blm out 1 Sloan's Liniment will go In A in a week. applied "Yes, I don't blame her. They had will be found that they DOCTOR'S TRIALS. and in four davs be waa working and to save a long time to get that car." easily if they have been cut into He Sometimes Gets Sick Like Other aid Sloan's was a right good iJal-nient.- " points, and to conclude with, the but- People. TO DB1TE t.ARIA tons on his coat can be Indicated Price 2Se., ANDirt It II 1LD UP THE SYSTEM 50c, and $1.00 Tak the Old Btaodard UKUVHH with the end of a match, or TASTBI.KHS burnt Even doing good to people Is hard Sloan's Book CHILL, TONIC. Yuu snow what joa are taking. black-heade- Tha formula is plainly primed on ererv bottle. small d pins can be tun work if you have too much of it to do. on horses, e.ittle, howlnc It la simply Quinine and Iron Id a tasteless Into the cork, and in making the sheep and form, and the moat turat. a'or grown An overworked Ohio doctor tells his poultry sent free. people and children. Meenu. AdT. chauffeur, don't forget to employ used experience: Address matches, not unused ones. "About three years ago as the result l5 The fountain of beauty Is the Iveart, every generous thought of dolag two men's work, attending a and illustrates large practice looking the the walls of your chamber. Smiles. TO MEND KNIT UNDERWEAR and after details of another business, my heallh completely, I was A fool and her money frequently Crochet Needle, In Combination With broke down and r--. . - r - physical wreck. marry Into the nobility. cui,j.uklllUIWIUCir I 1 V, .Atn.Will h little better than a I "I Buffered from indigestion and con- Found Most Effective. in stipation, loss of weight and appetite, A crochet needle Is a good thing to bloating and pain after meals, loss of menSSknlt underwear with. To do this, memory and lack of nerve force for place the worn portion In an embroid- continued mental application. ery frame; then, with thread to suit "I became Irritable, easily angered A "Tempting Boston, If l( This handsome "set" Is of plush the mesh of the garment, wool, silk or and despondent without cause. The . U.S.A.MukJ and marabout In the new shade of cotton, pick up the ends of the stitch- heart's action became irregular and P Dinner" taupe called "eclipse." es where they are broken off and unite weak, with frequent attacks of palpi- ter without a muff and neckpiece? thein, working back and forth until tation during the first hour or two And whether it Is of a real fur or an the holes are filled In evenly and after retiring. has no attraction for the person imitation fur mailers little now, for so smoothly. Perhaps the neck of the un- "Some Grape-Nut- s and cut bananas Constipation with a weak stomach. far as dreus materials go we are at derwear has stretched In the washing came for my lunch one day and the age of nutkebi lleve. So If you until It is all out of shape; in that pleased me particularly with the re- Vanishes Forever are neediug cozy muffllngs case run a drawstring around the sult. I got more satisfaction from it Prompt Relief Cur, You no these Permanent have appetite and what which give so 'charming a winter neck, wet it and draw it into place; than from anything I bad eaten for CARTER'S LITTLE little) you do eat distresses yoiff stamp to the plainest suit, go and then when It Is dry it will be the prop- months, and on further Investigation LIVER PILLS never You may Grape-Nut-s Try a bottle of look at the plush fabrics and cut the er size. then crochet a neat and uso, adopted for my faiL Purelv vetzeta- - accessories according to the set in the beading In place of the one which has morning and evening meals, served (Carters illustration. worn away; and If the buttonholes usually with cream and a sprinkle of hut ffpntlv on;1v have worn out, rip off the old facing the liver. ITTLE Here a plain seal plush is used in a salt or sugar. IVER HOSTETTER'S taupe In the front and stitch on In its place "My Improvement was rapid and Stop after shade of called "eclipse," one dinner dis PILLS. of the vaguer, more shadowy tones. a new strip of sateen. Sew the old permanent, in weight as well as in STOMACH BITTERS holes together as closely as you can tress The scarf of the set is straight and physical and mental endurance. In a indigest fr 3 has bias ends, which laBt feature is to their original size and shape, then word, I am filled with the Joy liv- improve the complexion, brighten the eyea to tf and notice the improvement in matched by a bias trim of the flap catch them down the sateen and ing again, and continue the dally use SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE cut to your general health. Your food of th.e pillow muff. The pillow style, that fit; then work the hole of Grape-Nut-s for breakfast and often as you would If It were a new one. Genuine must bear Signature will taste good and do you good. by the way, Is still eminently smart for the evening meal. for muffs and nothing is easier to "The little pamphlet, 'The Road to make at home than such a muffling; Lac Insertion. Wellvllle," found in pkgs., is invari- FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS in fact, fabric muffs are rarely In any When lace Insertion is set crons-wis- e ably saved and handed to Borne needy other form. in a thin skirt the weight of ths patient along with the Indicated rem- The edge of the set is of marabout cloth below roon causes it to tear. edy." tn the same shade of taupe, and de- This may be remedied by putting a "There'" a reason." spite its delicacy this feather trim- piece of net a little wider than the Name given by Fostum Co., Battle SioAIGUIaOAS ming Is an admirable for Insertion back of ' ALWAV3 RfcLIABLfc I 1 krt Coat Ijnia. TaMea Oeed. IlH 1 substitute it. The net strength- Creek, Mich. la time. Sold by Dissslits, I I fur and wears very well. ens the insertion, but does not detrct Ef rea 4 the aeT lettrrf A ta. OQDCtM U A set like this In similar fabrics, from its daintiness. appears from time time. They DEFACE STHC.-- PCafttf rJ'i:'iH:-:tiv- are geaalaa. true, aad full t kuiuaa other ttarrhii only li ouocue urne prlc an. lafaraat- - A4v. "DfcFlANCK" ! UPSRIOR QUALITY GOOD OF DRY FARM USUALLY SILOJJN a Vd Ka-tar-n- o HIS MIND UP IN THE CLOUDS THE CA6E. HARD FOR THE. Gave All Corn Grown From Roots to Professor Imagined Appeal Was From ! ' HOUSEWIFE Tassel and Adds SO Per Cent, v..,v... nil I have recelv Fldo, and the Situation Became It's hard enough to keep house if to Value of Crop. ed a letter from Embarrassing. In perfect health, but a woman who a young lady, Is weak, tired and suffering all of me: (By PROF. ROY C. POTTS. Dairying who asks A great lover of animals, Professor the time with an aching back has a pert, Oklahoma Agricultural College.) "Is the old Pe-ru-- heavy burden to carry. Any woman j Dryasdust was given to having A silo saves all the corn you grow (Ka-tar-ii- much in this condition has good cause to In the hill, from the roots to the tassel. . J better than his pet dog sitting beside him at meal suspect kidney trouble, especially if It saves part of the crop the revised times eating tidbits from his own lit- the kidney action seems disordered the that all. Doan's Kidney Pills have evaporates, dries up end blows away 1 tle plate. at ' Either medi- The Other evening he was at a din- cured thousands of women suffering wheTi you shock the corn. It adds 40 In way. is the ! cine has its ner party,- and his partner was a very this It per cent, to the value of the crop over ' place. One la special kidney remedy. the old way of harvesting. When corn great lady, who was proud of her A NORTH DAKOTA CASE. adapted for one title. is Btored In a silo you can feed it at condition, an. 'fery Pietiir But the professor paid absolutely TtUt a Sloi y." Mm.C.JTyW, any time. 1 other for anoth- Caudo, N. Ifcik., Uttyn:"Kor ? o no attention to her. His mind had an A silo should be filled at a time when er. is I hud kxln f ! a better remedy switched off on to some abstruse point trouble. My the corn is at its best, and if left in ind limbsfrt field longer would lessen its value. for some condi- and he was lost to the world over the bwrlltv and 1 the tions cmilUo't sl'p You your than the problem. morn than two have corn crop where it can S. B. Hartmu, M. D. a. revised The duchess did not approve of this, hour tu m, time. be fed this year, or next, or in three On hand, )n the morning the other the revised and presently, to attract his attention, I was ail worn years from now, with no loss by age. a is a better remedy for some out. Mv bnck The total cost of filling a bIIo Is only conditions than They are she pulled him gently by the Bleeve. wh lime and I Grab-bla- g It ad sharp putm up. 1 one-hal- f of the cost of shucking the both intended as catarrh remedies. Then the professor woke Wickson I have been working night whfn Httxipod, half-picke- JHjkd'i K Iduey corn crop. None of the silage is wast- They have both done a great work in a d chicken bone from and day for the last month. jVIUh have relieving chronic and acute. plate, all this ed or refused by the stock they rel- catarrh, his he thrust it under her Dickson Because why? truuule." every Many hundreds of cases of chronic startled nose. ish it day in the year. catarrh have recovered while taking Wickson In order to get enojgh A man with a silo is Independent of "Don't bother Jur.t now, Fldo!" he money ahead to pay for a week's rest Get Doan's at my Drug Store, 50c. a Box and the same is true of the said curtly. "Here, take this and go wet and dry weather, poor pasture and revised a during the last six In the country tais summer. late springs and ho will have an years since its revision. and eat It on the mat, like .a good "Kfir doggie!" FOSTER-MILBUR-Doan's abundance of good, succulent feed for There is a difference, however, In The Farmer's Search. CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. the entire year. the two remedies. Whenever catarrh While plowing, a Crawford county The silo is the Insurance that should is associated with constipation then Optimists. farmer neaf Helper had the misfor- be taken against scarcity of feed. the revised a is the best. In. For brevity of speech, tune to lose a small part from his cul- CANADA'S OFFERING corn can grown deed, this is exactly why the revision onyiiend us to the Yankee lord of in the plowed ground. Soon Kafir for the silo be was made, to meet such cases. But tivator In the southwest during the most the soil. One such, who was obliged to a neighbor came by. "Lost some- where no laxative is needed, where the a physician dally visits, had an TO THE SETTLER severe drougth. Invest in a silo and bowels are regular or inclined to be make thing?" he asked. Soon another came Pe-ru-- (Ka-tar-eo- unvarying answer to the question, TO Insure your stock against drought. loose, then the old ) by and asked the question. And THE AMERICAN RUSH If you keep live stock and every is the better remedy. "How do you feel today?" "Well," then another. Pretty soon a man he WESTERN CANADA farmer who has 25 acres of land Msm-a-ll- ?"d he would reply, showing as little in- didn't like anyhow approached. "Lost r x , IS INCREASING should make arrangements to build manufflcturedi by thePo-ru-n- a Com- terest in the subject as possible, "I something?" he BBked. The farmer pany, Columbus, Free Homesteads a silo and plant corn to fill it. You piJ Sold at all ain't no wuss." Further than that he looked up in supreme disgust. "Oh, In the new Districts of -- crop drug stores. K, wished to say nothing, and it took my Multiloba, 8a. k a ! her- can plant a to fill it and build no; Just digging worms for pet n u& and Alberta, there SPECIAL NO'lCEt Mahy person Inquire cunning serpent to are the silo any time convenient. for e the of a discover buzzard," he replied. Kansas City tbuusunds of Free The Fernna, They want the 1 Homestettdb left, wblcb Prnma tbnt their Fathers and Mothers ueil his real feelings. A man who was Star. to the man ruakintr entry to old Perunn Is now called 8 yeu re take. The knocked down in the street by a snow-slid- e In time will be PRACTICE OF "DRY FARMING" If your dniffglHt or dealer does not worth from $M to tlb per keep It for sale write the Katarno Company, was assailed by a sympathizing urru. These lands are I'ohimbuB, Ohio, and they will tell you sill HANDS ITCHED AND BUHNED well aduutfd to irratn about It. crowd with condolence and question. tfruwiug aau caiwe raisin-- Consists of First Stirring Soli to Good "Did it hurt you?" inquired one of EXtELLKM RAILWAY rACIMTIN Depth, Then Packing and bbotsford, Wis. "My son had ia ln many rates the railways In Rose Matilda's Sprinter. his rescuers as he brushed the snow Canadu have been built In Providing Mulch. on his hands for about one year. of BeitU'tuent, and In a "Ah's got a sprinter f'm dat ol' win from the clothes of the d short time there will not be a an- The eczema started with a rash. His settler w ho need be more than der sill in mah fiRge' Mis' Greene," victim. "Well," was the cautious ten or In answer to a query as to the mean-ln- g bands were sore so he could not close twelve miles from a line announced Rose Matilda, who had swer, "it ain't done me no good." of railway. Kullway Kates are of the term "Dry Farming," Argonaut. them, and when he wet his hands they regulated by Ourerntnent Hoard's Dairyman makes the follow- been scrubbing window sills, exhibit- him so he could hardly wash. His ing Injured yo' got a hurt Social Conditions ing reply: the member. "Is hands itched and burned Just terrible The American rVulerlnathorae pin or some sech sharp t'lng yo' cayo EXCEPTIONAL LUCK. In Western Canada. He Is not a The term "Dry Farming" applies to and if he would scratch them, they stninKer In a strange land, hav- a system first developed by H. W. git it out wl'f? Ah don' Jes' wan' to would break out into sores. He could ing nearly a million of his own in, 'ca'se people already settled there. If semi-ari- d of leave it dem sprinters aln' any you desire to know why the con Campbell on the soils not get rest or sleep, and his Is to t'ings'U ' dltlon of the Canadian Hottler western Nebraska where the rainfall be trifle wif. Oh, dem's de hands looked quite bad. prosperous write to any of the do business," as at- Canadlnn Govern ment Agents was about fifteen inches per annum de Mrs. Greene "We Lad medicine and salve and it antlHendforllterature.ratec .etc, tacked the splinter with a pair of loBiiBdUaWo?nsHistAslrMrM and lightest in the late fall, winter and kept getting worse all the time. I got 1)1. IsSMlgraUM, tweezers and triumphantly drew It out. ef Otuwa, Isms spring. Briefly stated, it consists in some Cuticura Soap and Ointment, CANADIAN 60YERNMEXT AGENT, first Btirring the soil to a good depth, "T'ank yo' Mis Greene. Dem teasers and after washing his hands with the is 125 W. 9th STREET, KANSAS CITY, M0. then packing the e soil with de bes' t'lng to exkrack sprinters Cuticura Soap and putting some of the a tool invented" for that purpose, fol- wl'f." Cuticura Ointment on two times a day lowed by keeping the top soil loose to and tying cloths on them for about six Barker's At a HAIR BALSAM check evaporation. The grain Is sown Distance. months they got well and have not (TIeanMS aud besatiftst th hsht Promotes a laxuriint srowth. In drills twenty-si- x inches apart. A "She certainly tries to obey her broken out since. Cuticura Soap and mother's injunction not to let the Newer Toils ta Bestore Orsjj 'surface agitator or cultivator follows Ointment cured him entirely." (Sign- Prevents hair falling. between the drills, stirring the surface young men get too near." ed) Mrs. Lawrence Kiehl, Feb. 13, between the rows the same--as we do "Why, I saw a young man with his 1912. arm around her last night." RELIEVES with corn. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold c TIRED EYES The following yields are reported In "I know, but she had a faraway look throughout the world. Sample of each the American Cyclopedia of Agricul- in her eyes." free, with 32 p. Skin Book. Address ture, page 400: post-car- d "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Wichita Directory "In an experiment at Lisbon, North JUDGE CURED, HEART TROUBLE. Adv. by The irreat Mrxican Djth, Dakota, the yield of wheat the esHily made with Dym't Chilm method, from 20 pounds of I took about 6 boxes of Dodds Kid And it might be well to tako a GUILE Mixtun. The Mexican Chile 27 course In physical training you Maker. For sale at Your Tra seed per acre was bushels; from ney Pills for Heart Trouble from "Did Gadderly have much luck on before cer's at 10 and 23c, oraend 10c for a can and book one-hal- f bushel of barley per acre which, I had suffered for 6 years. I his fishing trip?" start out to show a mau the error of of recipes to N. k. DYE, Wichita. Hat, CHILE SUPPLIES. 64 bushels; from threeifourths of a had dizzy spells, my eyes puffed, "Remarkable luck! Why, everyone his ways. bushel of oats 82 bushels. These fields my breath was believed the tales that "he told!" Weboyorsell were cultivated six or eight- time, de- short and I had sirs. WIdsIow Sootblijg; Bjrup for Children fl f pending on conditions. By the or- Class List of Pies. leeluiui?, softens llie puaitt, reduces inflamma- chills and back tion, allsjs pam, cures wiud colic, 25c a bottle. At all points U dinary methods the same year 1 ache. I took the The gentleman with a concave front Adv. bushels of wheat seed is commpnly pills about a year and a large watch chain alighted from WRITE US sown per acre yielded 3 to 7 bushels; ago and have had the train at a junction In a western Comparative Luxury. J. H. TURNER "My 110 2 bushels of barley seed yielded 6 to no return of the state, and rapidly made his way to the father has a horse and buggy." WICHITA, KANSAS 15 bushels and 2Va bushels of oat seed palpitations. Am dining-roo- of the only hotel In the "Yes, but my brother was run over by 43-19-12. yielded 0 to 20 bushels per acre." now 63 years old, place. an automobile." W. N. U., WICHITA, NO. able to do lots of "What kind of pies have you here?" Judge Miller, manual labor, am he asked eagerly of the kittenish old well and hearty and weigh about lady who stood at his elbow. - 200 pounds. I feel very grateful that "All four kinds," she replied, with I found Dodds KJdney Pills and you an air o! disdain. may publish this letter If you wish. I "What are they?" "Open-faced- , , mm Ml am serving my third term as Probate cross-bar- kivered up, It will pay to give the calves some Judge of Gray Co. Yours truly, and the kind mother used to make," grain. -- - PHILIP MILLER, Cimarron, Kan. was the catalogue which she gave. Sows fed and cared for properly will Correspond with Judge Miller about Popular Magazine. never eat their pigs. this wonderful remedy. Sudden and complete . changes In Dodds Kidney Pills, 60c. per box at Steamboat Memories. feed are dangerous for a horse. your, dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., London Opinion, commenting on If all is well, do not disturb a sow Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household the recent celebration of the centen- with young pigs for twenty-fou- r hours. Hints, also musio of National Anthem ary of the steamboat, remarks that Plenty of water, and given often, (English and German words) and re- It Is Interesting to note that the Brit- goes a long way in keeping a horse cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. ish admiralty of that period rejected healthy and in good condition. Adv. the invention with the declaration - The best dairy appliances in the that "a paddle wheel steamboat could Suspicious. W.L.DOUCLAS world are of little use to us If we do be of no use in navigation," and that not learn how to use them to the best "John, do you love me?" a Dr. Lardner, a pundit of that day, possible advantage. "Yes." who proved "that no steam vessel SHOES caqnot on "Do you adore me?" could ever cross the Atlantic, lived Too much stress be raid. s'pose." 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.S0 AUD 5.00 importance of a good supply of "I long enough to bolt to America In a the you always me?" FOR MEN AND WOMEN green food for poultry. Nothing tends "Will love steamer along with another man's Soya wMr W. L. DotiaJmm $3.00, 02. 60 03.OO School t more to keep them in good health and "Ye's look here, dear, what have wife!" mmi, bmomuam ono nalr wlil poaltlvmty owf tvaar two you gone omlrm or ordlnmry mnomm, ommo mm ohoom. condition. been and and ordered sent tho msn's makes a roughage; home now?" San Francisco W.L.Douglas makes and sells more $3.0O,$3.50 St $4.00 shoes I Oat straw fair Serious Lack. than any other manufacturer in the world. a of ex- but not unless it contains bit An old Englishwoman, who was THE STANDARD OF QUALITY YEARS. grain. Remember that the tremely stout, was making FOR OVER 30 Important to Mothers vain efforts The workmanship which has made W. L Douglas shoes famous the world cow requires a very generous grain Examine carefully every bottle of to enter the rear door of an omnibus. over U maintained in every pair. ration in connection with the Btraw. CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for The driver leaned over Ask your dealer to show you W. L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter Unshod colts need inspection of the Infants and children, and see that it and cried: wear, notice the short vamps which make the foot look smaller, points in a feet occasionally, as they are likely Bears the "Try sideways, mother, try side- shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the conserva tivm styles which to grow more on one side than the ways!" bate made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. Signature you could W. L. Douglas or to develop too much toe. A If visit large factories at Brockton, Mass., and see other The old woman looked up breath- yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes you rasping will keep In Use For Over 30 Years for are made, would then an little the feet level. lessly, and replied: derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better bolt1 their shape and expect a very large percent Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Vo not "Why, bless ye, James, I ain't got wear longer than any other make for the price. Fait Color ge of real high-clas- s birds, even from no sideways!" Companion. To protect ' Youth's CAUTION. tou asaliut Inferior hooa, W.L. Llouala amp nb name on the bot- the very best of stock, and do not I know of no manner of speaking so tom. Look for th stamp. of nibetituta. W. I Douelax shorn are sold in 78 own offensive as of giving and Most people would stores and shoo dealers everywhere.Bm No matter where you ive. they yourreecn. find fault with the other fellow until that praise, rather take If your dealer eannot supply you. write direct to factory fo. catalog ehowine how to order you are sure you have done your part closing it with an exception. Steele. from strangers. by audi. Shoos seat ototj whore. eouTory chnrsjos prepaid. WLDouaUu, Brockton. Mase.

welL rWmmwWmlmmmwmKBmriiittM immt m m mil men son Goslings are very little trouble it given plenty of range, plenty of water and green feed. The little birds will make rapid growth on water, grass G14) and a little cracked corn. For the LliM lis first few days the goslings iVould b .. . 1 (ed Dothlsg but grass and wattr-- f N - Vlt-Manfl- Yur fltitjtrtn- tr witk, n "rUNOViNaV' Matt y V lt feiOrug CtM Mtmphl., T.nn. rrU. 1.D0 LIIILE NEW MEXICO ITEMS. MAN WHO TRIED TO MURDER RQ0SEVELT MEXICO HAS NEW REVOLUTION Minor Occurrences of More Than Ordl HAPPENINGS nary Interest. I FELIX DIAZ SEIZES ARSENAL AT N Weitern Union Neivapr Newa Service. VERA CRUZ. NEW MEXICO Santa Fe Elks have dedicated their new home. . Took Charge of Warahipa In Harbo- r- The Santa Fe will erect a $10,000 New Party Propose to Leave Wtatern Newspaper I'nlon New Service. depot at. Portales. Choice of President to Vote. OATKS I'OH COM IX (4 EVRXTS. Rees H. Beddow of Gallup, McKinley November 18-2- 0 Meeting Gen. Felix of Si'Ottlnh county, has been appointed state mine The City of Mexico. Riia Consistory, at Sam a Fe. Diaz, nephew oTGen. Diaz, November 20-2- 2 Veeva Vulloy Poul- Inspector. Porflrio the try Show Koswell. deposed president of Mexico baa now The El Paso keynote trade excur raised the banner of rebellion at Vera Injured. was In Brakeman sion Silver City and remained Cruz. He entered the city with BOO Clovis. Walter Bebermeyer, a Wa- four hours, men and seized the arsenal and garri- bash brakeman at Moberly, Mo., was The Portales Storage Company has son, which comprised R00 of the twenty-f- eevtrely hurt near the Wabawh freight Its potato storage plant almost ready irst Infantry and one battery. epot. His father, who lives about for business. K - ' A Diaz then placed men in charge of the seven miles northeast of Clovis was ' two gunboats, Bravo, The people of Artesia were horri : : - Tamplco and at once notiiied. fied to learn that J. F. Atkinson had 7:7-- m$i. v MSih- 1 1 lying in the harbor. , killed himself. The news of the rising created ex- Badly Injured. citement here, although there were no Fire destroyed the Farmington can ' i - gen- Carlsbad. While unloading timbers ning factory, the los3 being $10,000, if street demonstrations. Mexicans at Oriental, eleven miles north of with no insurance. ',, erally appeared elatd at the new de- velopments. According to the reports. Caiiubad, Luther Dunaway, former sec- In a night wrangle In the Bridge bar Gen. Diaz found many adherents when tion foreman at Lakewood, was almost at Las Vegas Abel Tafoya shot H. R. killed by a iimber falling on him. he entered Vera Cruz, Including some Lowe, wounding him severely but not troops. His shoulder was dislocated, bis fatally. of the teeth knocked out and a leg broken. A Mexican laborer, Nestor Escaval, Overtures to Orozco. was fearfully mangled on the Santa El Paso, Texas. It ia made known Two Prisoners. Fe tracks, about four miles from Ra- here been made 1 that overtures have Santa Fe. Deputy Sheriff Roy S. ton, near Kiota. ' . from men prominent in Madero'a gov- Walter of Eddy county brought two Jesus Lopez was arrested at Silver ernment at Mexico City to representa- prisoners to the city. One Is Clemente City and placed in the county jail on tives here of Pascual Oroflfco, Jr., lead- Cardenas, to serve forty years In the a charge of stabbing his wife, Josefa er of the rebel movement in the north. penitentiary for murder and the other Montes de Lopez. .77 ;: '''777'-:;- "-- Also, it Is learned from secret service Is who goes to the re- Jesse Crawford, E. G. McNabb, who shot and killed sources, that an emissary is on his school Springer. form at Herbert Hargis In Vaughan, October trv o , 1 way to Paris to see Porflrio Diaz, presi- 13, 1910, was found not guilty by the dent of Mexico before the Madero rev- Lummli Regains Sight Slowly. Jury trying his case. - 77?. olution. was on highest authority Albuquerque. After being totally Substantial progress on the new ice ' ' It said that blind for fifteen months, Charles F. manufacturing plant, which is being Felix Diaz, who has risen in arms against government, Lummia of Los Angeles, noted archae- put up by the Silver City Power Com the Madero is one ologist, author and Indian authority, Is pany, is being made. 7 of five named as presidential . candi- eye-sigh- t. dates to succeed Madero. slowly recovering his Mr. Several of the farmers around Levy mmmmSmm I The new revolutionary party, said Lit mm s was a happy man as he have been putting in wheat the past walked about the town without a rebel leaders here, who for ' obvious two weeks. Wheat is fast taking the reasons withhold their names, will be guide. place of old crop. the bean unique in Mexico in that it will cham- U. S. Marshal Secundino Romero pion no one man, leaving the selection Ready to Construct Canal. has turned over to the Texas authori- to popular vote or to some committee San Juan-- W. H. Crawford was ties T. C. Caveney, charged with to be chosen from the many warring connect- is John Schrank, alias Charles Flamment, who attempted to murder called to Durango on business smuggling arms into Mexico. elements In, Mexico. Hammond-Farmingto- TUS Roosevelt in Milwaukee. .He Is a Bavarian who formerly ed with the Ca- The Douglas Chamber of Commerce nal Company. While there he was in- lived lu New York, and Is thought to be mentally deranged. has shown considerable enterprise in KENTUCKY FEARS HORSE PLAGUE formed by Mr. Rucker that everything Installing signs along the Borderland was in end, the readiness at their route from El Paso to Douglas. PHONE WILD ENGINE HIT FAST TRAIN money ready, they would proceed PATRONS WILL VOTE Quarantine Against Western Stock and There is no town in the Southwest at onca to construct the canal .when After Epidemic la Over and appreciates the value of printers' Nearly all Passengers . Bruised and the required acreage was signed up. that Forgotton In Kansas. Ink more than does Clovis, and the re- ST. JOSEPH MERGER TO. DEPEND Cut by Glass Engineer Tried to sults are everywhere in evidence. ON SUBSCRIBERS. Back Away From Runaway. Frankfort, Kentucky. Acting under Financier Charged With Bigamy. A. A. Fairchild was arrested at Ala- - the orders of the Kentucky live stock Hill, Missouri. A driven Las Vegas. Harry Gibson, the "mil- mogordo and taken to Tucumcari by Managers Believe Consolidation Will Pleasant sanitary board, Mr. Newman, commis- less freight engine, Its throttle opened lionaire kid." who for the past six Sheriff Ward, where he is charged be Permitted if People De- sioner of agriculture, has just sent no- weeks has been cutting a wide swath with having obtained money under by leaking steam, slipped out of tha tices to all the transportation, compa- cide Favorably. speed- in the financial circles of Las Vegas, false pretenses. Missouri Pacific yards here and nies, rail, river and electric, doing ing an estimated 35 miles an hour, came to grief when Sheriff A. Hlxen The question of a new Santa Fe pas St. Joseph, Mo. The two telephone at business in this state, that quaran- crashed Into Missouri Pacific passen baugh of Colfax county, arrived from senger depot for Silver City has been companies of St: Joseph Missouri tine had been placed oh all horses, ger train No. 11, bound from St. Louia Raton to remind Gibson that a woman practically settled and in a way and Kansas (Bell) and Home again mules and jack stock coming from the settled to Kansas City, seven miles east oi who claims to be his wife No. 1 and must to every are considering the question of merg- stock yards of Kansas City, Indianap- that afford satisfaction here. children were anxiously awaiting his citizen of Silver City. ing and with this end in view blank olis, Chicago, St. Louia and St. Jo- homecoming. Practically all of the 100 passen- It is said that Gibson, bull-te- r ballots have been mailed to sub- seph, Mo. The purpose is to prevent "Wildfire,' a ten months old the gers -- by falling sudenly becoming the possessor of a scribers of each company were Bruised and .cut the spread of the horse plague. rier pup owned by F. W. Paget of inviting glass. small fortune which was left him by Denver, was awarded first prize for them to express themselves for or a dying father in far off Alaska, threw against the proposition. No 11 was running at top speed, pre- the best dog on exhibition at the dog paring long uphill grade tc BIG NAVY CONTRACT TO ENGLAND all diHcretlon to the winds and pro Statements have been by for the show at Albuquerque. made the Engineer John Payden ceeded to seek the paths of high life. officers of the companies neither Pleasant Hill. J. M. Kurn, general superintendent that of Mo., engine Firm This evidently affected his memory, company opposes a merger and Sedalla, reversed his British to Make American 8hella of the Santa Fe with headquarters at that and backing west, away Competitors for, leaving his wife and family, nc- whether or not there is to be a con- commenced Underbid Home La Junta, was in the Duke City laying ' runaway, be- . by cording to the story, he claimed the solidation or from the oncoming but . Over $300,000. plans the rebuilding of depot, the plants will depend heart of another and selected Las Ve for the primarily upon fore the heavy train had gained any which was destroyed by fire. the outcome of the gas as the place to spend his honey vote of the patrons. speed the two came together. Washington, D. C. A contract for The impact almost the part of the armor piercing moon. The El Paso Association of Credit If the returns show that a majority demolished shells for Men runaway engine tore navy, wishes to enter New .Mexico and of the subscribers favor one company tender of the and the United States on which the accordingly filed articles of incorpora- away the cowcatcher and front plates. Hatfield Steel company of England re- Celery Is Profitable Crop. and a universal service, with the rates tion, naming Numa C. Frenger as no higher Every pane of glass in the passenger cently underbid all American competi- Roswell. Thomas Langaotaff, than are now charged by agent, with offices at Las Cruces Bell train was broken. tors by nearly $200,000 on less than a - the company, which are slightly truck grower who has gained the rep- $1,000,000 contract for 2,000 h As long as salt can be scooped up In excess of those of the com- utatlon of being one of the most suc Home shells and by about $300,000 on a from the ground within easy traveling pany, the matter will be taken up TO TEACH BETTER FARM METHODS cessful celery growers in the country, with contract of about $1,000,000 for 2,500 distance of town the people of Vaughn the public utilities commission. Oth- has a purchase h just closed deal for the need have no immediato fear of fall- shells, will be awarded to the cf acres of city will erwise, the statement says, negotia- Series of 45 Institute Started In five cast tho and ing In to the clutches of the salt trust. English concern, it was announced by devote tho plot to the growing tions looking to a merger will be Kansas, to be Followed by Two entire twenty-eight- Acting Secretary Winthrop. of celery. He will begin the construc The h session of the abandoned and the existing competi- More of 50 Each. New Mexico English mission and the tive system will be continued. tion of a house on the ranch and in Student Crazed by Victory. Spanish mission conference was held Some time ago the representatives e the spring will prepare the farm for Manhattan, Kan. Forty-fiv- "farm- Champaign, University of at Baton. This was the fifth time that of the telephone companies sounded Illinois. the first crop of celery. He will ar ers' institutes, lasting from one to Illinois students, celebrating a foot- range the "Gate City" has entertained the the public utilities commission on the to grow his own plants for tlx two days each, will be conducted by ball Victory over Indiana attacked the spring planting. Mr. Langastaff has mission since it was organized. question of merging the plants, but 12 experts from the Kansas agricul- they were not willing to give any opera house in Champaign and ten produced and sold off of one acre near H. H. Hodgeson of the United States tural college within the next two persons injured guaranty as to rates. Fearing that, in were in the battle Albuquerquo enough celery to net him Geological Survey is et the head of a weeks. The meetings will begin at with local policemen and stage hands. 1,200 per acre per the event of a merger, telephone ren- season above all party that has almost completed a top- once. Probably 15,000 farmers and speaker Illi- expenses. tals might be advanced, the utilities Charles Adklns, of the his He has also brought in ographic survey of what is known as farmers' wives will hear the lectures nois house of representatives, wag net of $400 commission declined to sanction such returns from to $600 pei Boyle's Sheet and which extends about or take part in the discussion follow- first victim of the celebrators. acre per season in a proceeding. the onions, cabbage, three miles Into Grant county on the ing them. Following this series two They interrupted his open air speech weet potatoes and other products. Arizona side. The Missouri &. Kansas company, others of 50 lectures each will be giv- whose rates are the higher, has more for Taft and McKinley by crowding L. Vanlandlngbam,' au electrician en before Christmas. than 10,000 subscribers in. the city, around his motor car and yelling and Funeral Directors Elect Johnten. effiployed by Chino Copper Com- "In the United States department Jhe while the Home company shooting revolvers until he was forced Albuquerque. The following pany, met his death by electrocution. has about of agriculture Kansas has the reputa- officers 1.000. With the public In favor of to desist. for the year 1912-191- 3 were Vanlandingham was in charge of tion of having the best organized sys- . v elected at the the union, there is believed to be no the seventh annual meeting the pumping station at the B ranch, about tem of farmers' institutes in the coun- of doubt that Hie public utilities com- Wouldn't Regiatar In Saloon. New Mexico Funeral Directors' a mile from the mill at Hurley. try," Bald Edward C. Johnson, recently and mission will at once authorize It. Memphis, Tenn. The Rev. R. A. Embalmers' association, held at Albu For the second time in three days, connected with that department. Mr. Clark of the Second Methodist church, querque: President, Thomas A.John Roswell's only Thor motorcycle was Johnson came to the state agricultural Memphis, will not support any of the sen. Las Vegas; first vice president, Involved in a serious accident and the Wichita Pastor Under Fire. college recently as superintendent ol presidential candidates at the fall Dllley, Ma-ry'- Wichita, Kan. The Rev. W. F. Lit- In Clark Roswell; second vice driver, E. A. Gustafson, Is at St. a farmers' institutes the extension election, because, he says, he could president, G. W. Bouowdale, .Magda hospital suffering serious Injuries, tle, pastor of the Woodland Methodist department of the college. not conscientiously enter a saloon in lena; third vice president, J. W. which may cost him his right leg. Episcopal church in this city, Is to the recent registration day. As the Peak, El Paso, Texas; secretary, be investigated at a meetjng R The new resort and country club ofthe Garage Fire Injure Forty. result, bis name doe not appear on M. Thome, Carlsbad; A official board of the church.s Charges treasurer, J. known as "The Pines," and which Is Petaluina, Cal. Forty persons were the registration books. Mr. Clark live Mahoney, Denting. The made against the pastor by H. II. association located In a beautiful wooded spot in burned severely In a motor car explo- in a precinct where the polling place again selected Albuquerque Smith, a members of the church, in- for the the Burro mountains about twelve sion here, which may result in death for the supplemental registration wai annual meeting next year. Tho meet of spirituality ser- miles southwest of Silver City, clude: Lack in to Mayor Zartman of Petaluina and in a saloon. ing was a successful one, being well has mons, tearing down boon officially opened to the public. the church as an three others. Mayor Zartman, who is attended, and was concluded with a organization and too Realizing that they can carry on much Interest a former chief of the fire department, Cake Wa Substantial. banquet at the Alvardo hotel. The In social life in the community." responded at- successfully a to the fire alarm and Ottumwa, A seven-laye- r Board of Embalmers held ex work wnicn will assist Iowa. cake State It! materially in advertising tacked the blaze with a chemical fire baked a amlnations and several applicants Las Vegas at demonstration here by and making It a Beveridge Fills a T. R. Date. extinguisher. The mayor was thrown Mrs. F. Hagerman were granted licenses to practice In better community in atood an unusual Louisville, Kentucky. Albert J. e, 40 feet by an explosion. . New Mexico. which to live, the women of that city test The cake-w- ten lnchea high, are planning to organize a civic club. former senator from Indiana and when completed a plank wa A special featjre of the second an- brought to Kentucky Col. Roosevelt's Russia to Abolish Decree. placed on top and 17 women aver- Celebrated Columbus Day. of nual show of the Pecos Valley Poul- message. Col. Roosevelt has canceled Berlin, Germany. Russia is to abol- age weight stood on the plank. Tha Albuquerque. KnigUia CO' The of try Association, to be held in Roswell all his engagements, but Insisted that ish the dread decree of banishment to cake presented the appearance of a of by lumbus Albuquerque celebrated Co November 20th, 21st and 22nd, will be the address he was tA have made in Siberia order of the czar. The pancake when the weight wa re- lumbus dny, Saturday, October 12, and the giving away every night of the Loulsiville be delivered. He called on Russian minister of Justice, it Is said, moved, but it did not or exemplified burst break three degrees of the crdor three days cf the show of a pen Of Senator Beveridge to speak in bl is preparing a bill completely abol and shortly began to It Sunday. rls,to full W thoroughbred fowl. stead. Instiini penal le.'vitude in Siberia, height of ten Inches.