Killer Gets Three Years Traces of PCP, Alcohol and Heroin in Victim Made Him ‘Dangerously’ Intoxicated, Attorney Says
Vol. 8, No. 22 Alexandria’s only independent hometown newspaper MAY 31, 2012 Killer gets three years Traces of PCP, alcohol and heroin in victim made him ‘dangerously’ intoxicated, attorney says BY DERRICK PERKINS A remorseful Fabian Johnson apolo- gized to Bob Cory McNeely’s family May 24 shortly before being sentenced to 11 years jail time — with all but three years and five months suspended — for the man’s death. “I wish Bob was still here,” John- son told Alexan- We’re all dria Circuit the authors Court Judge of our own James PHOTO/VERENA RADULOVIC Clark. “I A MEMORIAL THROUGH MUSIC: Alexandrians somberly commemorated the American soldiers who died serving their story and we’re all hope his country on Memorial Day, but they also celebrated their lives with a vivacious jazz concert at Old Town’s Waterfront Park. responsible for our family can The Commodores, the Navy’s premier jazz ensemble, performed as part of the celebration. Not far away at Rocky Versace actions. Plaza in Del Ray, residents and dignitaries held a solemn ceremony for the 67 Alexandrians who perished during the forgive me, Vietnam War. and I hope Judge James Clark - God for- gave me.” Johnson, 19, of Washington, D.C., Virginia Supreme Court kicks alley shot McNeely, 40, twice with a hand- gun during a confrontation on the 1200 block of Wythe St. on October 20. Mc- fight back to local judges Neely, a city resident, succumbed to his Boat club’s access to coveted of a 1972 case. Though city officials wounds at Fairfax Hospital shortly af- waterfront property still quickly declared the decision a vic- terward.
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