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SKEPTICAL ANNIVERSARIES by Tim Farley HIDDEN MESSAGES by Dave Thomas July 5, 1977 : Vermont resident Sandra Mansi took what would The following letters are a simple substitution cipher. become the most famous photo of (and “best evidence” for) If R stands for L, it will do so everywhere. Solution is by trial the Lake Champlain monster; and Ben Radford and error. Hint: Look for patterns in words; for example, the scrambled phrase “JRXJ JRq” might represent “THAT THE.” later analyzed the image and concluded it was a tree stump. July 8, 1947 : A poorly worded U.S. Army press release about PUZZLE recovered balloon wreckage near Roswell, , even - tually became the basis of a UFO legend. “GONJRJFDH LGO SFDSNCHJFDH ZFG

July 8, 1977 : The FBI conducted a massive raid of Scientology EIJSI UIO ZLSUH FZ DLUCGO HCKKNX DF offices in response to the church’s “Operation Snow White” at - tempt to infiltrate the U.S. government. QLVFG KGOQJHOH.” August 4, 2007 : The first Skepticamp was held in Denver, Col - orado. More than fifty of these informal community-organized —LQMGFHO MJOGSO skeptic events have since been held all around the world. August 9, 1977 : The first CSICOP Executive Council meeting CLUE: X = Y was held. Among other business, Kendrick Frazier was ap - PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLUTION (May/June 2012): “THE TRAGEDY IS THAT pointed editor of the . EVERY BRAIN CELL DEVOTED TO BELIEF IN THE SUPERNATURAL IS A BRAIN CELL ONE CANNOT USE TO MAKE LIFE RICHER OR EASIER OR HAPPIER.” August 11, 3114 BC : The Mayans thought this was creation day —KAY NOLTE SMITH and made it the first day of their Long Count calendar; misin - SUPER-SECRET WORD : UNSKEPTICAL terpretation of this calendar has led to predictions of cata - (Instructions: www.nmsr.org/secretword.htm) clysm in December 2012. August 16, 1987 : An alignment of the planets and cosmic forces was predicted to produce a “Harmonic Convergence” and usher in a new era of world peace. Hidden Messages Puzzle Contest Tim Farley is a research fellow with the Submit your solution by email to [email protected] Educational Foundation and created the website or via postal mail to: Benjamin Radford The Last Laugh whatstheharm.net. P.O. Box 3016 Corrales, NM 87048 Winner will be chosen at random from the first three correct submissions received by both email and postal mail.

May/June 2012 Hidden Messages Puzzle Contest Winner: Jimmie J. McKinley This issue's prize: A one-year subscription (or extension) to SKEPTICAL INQUIER .


©2009 Darby Conley. Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL UCLICK for UFS. All rights reserved. 66 Volume 36 Issue 4 | Skeptical Inquirer