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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume CVII Issue 20 February 18, 2021 xaviernewswire.com

Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat caelum Communities march for justice Xavier students join Norwood community in blessing new banner BY SETH ELLIS Sonny James of Keep It Real Guest Writer Worldwide Ministries in Nor- wood. An overcast Cleneay Av- “I believe that God used enue was enlivened Sun- Hollie Johnson to really be the day afternoon as a crowd of catalyst to bridge Xavier and sign-yielding adults and chil- Norwood,” James said. dren — trailed by a parade of The two’s relationship re- honking cars — made their sulted in a combined event way from the Family Dollar with Xavier and the surround- to Bellarmine Chapel. ing community. The crowd of 50 to 60 in- The parade which James cluded Xavier students and had been organizing was the staff, as well as members of first of its kind in Norwood’s the Norwood community. The history. He was planning it groups came together to bless as part of the events occur- the new Black Lives Matter ring in Norwood this Febru- banner now placed outside ary in honor of Black History of Bellarmine Chapel, to cel- Month. ebrate Black History Month Xavier faculty and staff in and to continue speaking out attendance echoed the duality against racism. of the event. Newswire photo by Erik Maahs After Bellarmine Chapel’s “The idea was to blend the Norwood community members and families as well as Xavier students and faculty all parade down Cleneay banner which read “RACISM celebration of Black History Avenue, past the Health United Building, on their way to Bellarmine Chapel. They are trailed by a line of cars. IS A SIN: BLACK LIVES Month and the re-dedication ditions. ed outside the snow-covered portant).” MATTER” was slashed in of the banner,” Interfaith “Our Ignatian Jesuit val- chapel with a small prayer Lewis even pointed out last month’s racially biased Program Director and Jewish ues speak to solidarity and service and the blessing of that this whole event came to incident, the Bellarmine staff Chaplain Rabbi Jennifer Lewis kinship; so too do other tradi- the new banner. be because of the one-on-one quickly ordered a replace- said. tions value that concept, and Several Xavier students relationship shared between ment. Alongside Muslim Chap- that concept of community,” also attended Sunday’s march. James and Johnson. However, the plans for a lain Tala Ali, Lewis brought Lewis continued. “I wanted to come out here This significance was not blessing ceremony quickly her interfaith expertise to the The parade began in Fam- and support the Black student lost on students either. evolved, in part thanks to Hol- event, emphasizing that rac- ily Dollar parking lot and the community, Black faculty and “I think it’s absolutely im- lie Johnson of Xavier’s educa- ism is something which mani- group migrated to Xavier’s staff, and make it clear that portant that Xavier is making tion department and Pastor fests itself across all faith tra- campus. The event conclud- the issue of systemic racism a point to reach out to these within Xavier’s community communities and making con- does not go unnoticed,” soph- nections with them,” Dzuibek omore Caroline Dziubek said. stated. She also mentioned the re- James, however, believed cent bias incident as another that Xavier could do more to reason participation in support the Norwood commu- the parade. nity. At the blessing, multiple “This community needs speakers offered prayers and (Xavier’s) direct commit- short speeches, including ment,” he explained. “We have James, staff from Xavier’s to intentionally and purpose- Center for Faith and Justice, fully dedicate our minds and a couple of Xavier students our hearts and go out of our and a Norwood City Council way to look for opportunities member, among others. to work together, and it starts This collaboration was no- at the top.” table for both Xavier and the “I’m not out here trying to surrounding community. be a rabble rouser, I’m not out “It’s a way of reaching out here trying to cause conflict,” of our ivory tower, out of our James affirmed. “But, (Black Newswire photo by Erik Maahs academic world” Lewis said. people) are not going to the A crowd congregates in the parking lot outside the Family Dollar, about a mile away from the heart of Xavier’s “It’s building those one-on- back of the bus anymore. It’s campus. Participants are led by two young people carrying a banner that reads “Black History Month Parade.” one relationships (that’s im- just not gonna happen.” In this issue... Campus, Page 2 World, Page 4 Sports, Page 8 A&E, Page 10 Residential students Former President A friendly, crosstown Taylor Swift is back are left shaken and Donald Trump is once rivalry has raised with another single, confused after repeat- again acquitted by the thousands of dollars more promises and ed power outages. U.S. Senate. for local businesses. more mysteries. 2 February 18, 2021 Campus News xaviernewswire.com Power outages surge on campus As classes were canceled, resident students were caught in black-outs

Department, but the line was “Knowing that I potentially Stuphan also noted that he busy. could not have gotten into the was nervous about being ready “I walked out to a lot of my building is scary. I’d be stand- for classes the next morning, residents confused and half- ing outside in the dark in the despite the fact that they were asleep… Kuhlman Hall was cold weather. It would not ultimately cancelled. pitch black,” Contreras said. have been great.” “I was super worried be- Resident assistants utilize “I had no clue what was go- cause I couldn’t charge any manuals for emergency situa- ing on and at first I thought of my devices and my phone tions, and Contreras followed it was just my room. Then I was about to die. I needed my the steps outlined to ensure walked outside my door and alarm on my phone to wake up the safety of his residents. everyone was shouting that in the morning,” said Stuphan. The book instructed him to go their power went out to,” “Then I looked out of my on rounds, walking through First-year Adrian Stuphan window and I saw that the the halls to check for the smell said. Physical Plant officers were of a gas leak. “The RA came out and told already working on the power Contreras continued his us not to let our doors shut plant to get it fixed so I knew rounds until 4:30 a.m., his because we wouldn’t be able it was probably going to be last round before the power to get them open because the repaired by the morning so I returned at 5:15 a.m. He de- lock is electric.” went to sleep.” scribed the process as “lowkey scary,” as he walked through the dormitory’s basement. He added that this experi- ence was not new, however. A similar blackout, lasting ap- 1HZVZLUHSKRWRE\$OH[%XG]\QVNL proximately five hours, struck 6WXGHQWVLQ.XOKPDQ+DOODÀUVW\HDUUHVLGHQFHKDOOZDVOHIWLQWKHGDUN campus in April of last year. E\DSRZHURXWDJHHDUO\IULGD\PRUQLQJ&ODVVHVZHUHFDQFHOHGWKDWGD\ The majority of students The second outage was on were off-campus during this BY JOSEPH COTTON AND Sunday between approximate- outage due to the pandemic. CHLOE SALVESON ly 6-10:45 p.m. and mostly Fear was a major theme Campus News Editor affected academic buildings, among students who expe- DQG6WDৼ:ULWHU including Alter Hall and the rienced the power outages in With power outages strik- Mcdonald Memorial Library. residence halls. ing residential buildings mul- The final outage was a “I was in the shower and tiple times over the past few scheduled maintenance out- the lights turned off, and I got days, students were left in the age for several buildings, in- really scared... I screamed,” cold on several occasions. cluding the Village Apart- first-year theater major Sarah The first power outage, ments, which took place on Malarney said. which affected all first-year Monday between 8-10 p.m. First year nursing student, housing, the Village apart- while Physical Plant was re- Erin Macalintal, stated that ments and several academic storing permanent power to although she felt safe given buildings, happened at around the affected buildings. that she was inside during the 1:30 a.m. on Friday. Power Husman Hall Resident As- outage, the thought of being was restored by approximate- sistant Anthony Contreras outside during the situation ly 5:00 a.m. in the residential was going to bed at approxi- felt like a missed bullet. halls, but was not turned on in mately 1:30 a.m. when one of “If I were awake, I would’ve academic buildings until later his residents texted him about felt different. I would have that day. As a result, classes the power outage. He called been startled, especially if I were canceled. the Xavier University Police was outside,” Macalintal said. 1HZVZLUHSKRWRE\$OH[%XG]\QVNL E/RS lecture invites hard political conversations emphasized the importance sharing student experiences. ion, should serve as a secure Mack Mariani and Dr. Kris- BY MORGAN MILES of difficult conversations. She According to Mashek, diffi- base for exploring what’s dif- 6WDৼ:ULWHU ten Renzi attended alongside recounted one student saying: cult conversations are most ficult and classrooms should student panelists Alexa Ollier The Ethics/Religion and “There are so many eggshells likely to happen on campus be the most easily accessible and Grayson Walker. Society Program (E/RS) that are invisible. You don’t and specifically in classrooms. base. Kickstarting the discussion hosted a recurring panel dis- know where you can step Students, she believed, are At the beginning of the was Ollier’s comment on re- cussion on Monday called, without offending someone. afraid to share opinions de- panel, Mashek reminded at- ciprocal self-disclosure and “Conversations Across the Silence is safer.” spite the positive effects which tendees that no one knows ev- how it stuck out to her. American Divide.” Richard Another student, who stem from open discussion. erything. Understanding nu- “I think building trust is Polt, director of the E/RS feared sharing her opinion “When you opt-out of dis- ance requires us to learn from really important to these dif- Committee, invited former so- with others, confessed that course, your learning suffers, others and understand new ficult conversations,” she ex- cial psychologist Deb Mashek she was worried about being as do your peers. Challenge perspectives while becoming plained. to speak on how to better fa- met with hatred, threats and their thinking. Challenge curious about differences gar- “People tie their own self- cilitate difficult discussions. harassment. their assumptions. Iron sharp- nered through relationships. worth up with their own Opening with experiences Mashek continued by fo- ens iron,” Mashek asserted. “Ultimately, we can’t devel- ideas,” walker agreed. He from former students, Mashek cusing on the reasons for Drawing from her social op muscles without exercising continued to explain that this psychologist roots, Mashek them. If we can’t do that in contributes to walking on brought up attachment theory college classrooms, where else eggshells without knowing and how responses are crucial will it happen?” Mashek said. the backlash one may get for to development. “It’s crucial to do so right openly having difficult con- “Learning stagnates in the now and right here.” versations. absence of challenge.” So does Mashek also provided sug- Renzi brought up that unnecessary struggle where gestions, such as books and openly discussing with we feel we are under attack,” organization websites. To strangers becomes more ac- she added. hear these suggestions in the ceptable because of how we Embracing complexity, am- recording, which are available can get on internet forums biguity and context are ways for the next 30 days or re- and discuss freely without that Mashek feels as though ceive the suggestion list from judgement. Discussing with Mashek, email Dr. Richard 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIKPFHGX she can improve discussions strangers and self-disclosure 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RI[DYLHUHGX 3LFWXUHGDERYH'HE0DVKHNH[SODLQHGKRZWREHWWHUIDFLOLWDWHGLIÀFXOW in classrooms. Polt. is one of many topics the pan- GLVFXVVLRQVWKDWUHDFKDFURVVWKHSROLWLFDOGLYLGHLQKHUUHFHQWOHFWXUH Xavier, in Mashek’s opin- Professor panelists Dr. elists went back and forth on. @xaviernewswire Campus News February 18, 2021 3 Select students take solemn oath The uno cal @xuvirgins club is helping its members stay the righteous path

BY GRIFFIN BRAMMER success. The owner expressed 6WDৼ:ULWHU that the point of these pages is to look like any other cam- For the past couple of pus-run club, explaining, “As months, one club has taken you can see from the outline college campuses by storm. of the posts and the way they As of late last month, Xavier are set up, it looks really offi- is now home to its very own cial.” unofficial virginity club via The current number of Instagram, joining a sympho- contributors to Xavier’s vir- ny of college campuses. ginity club is unknown. The phenomenon has “The amount of people spread among colleges working on this will remain across America quicker than discrete,” the account owner COVID-19. Several Ohio uni- said. “But, I will say we have versities, like Ohio State, Case some creative people in this Western and the University school, and in fact, one of our of Cincinnati, have started creators is celibate.” their own virginity clubs. Among the page’s first fol- The ‘clubs’ are student-run lowers was Mason Hofrichter, and are always sure to clarify a first-year nursing major. in their bios that they are not “I followed them to show affiliated with their respective my support,” Hofrichter con- university. tinued. Instead of holding meet- “In college, a lot of peo- ings, the clubs post satirical ple think that sex is a posi- content aimed to look like of- tive outlet for stress when, in ficial university-affiliated club fact, it’s not, and I believe you announcements, boasting the should save yourself for that importance of virginity and special someone,” said Hof- tips to keep your celibacy. richter. He later assured his Xavier’s virginity club allegiance to the club by jok- (@xuvirgins on Instagram) ingly stating, “Anyone I bring Photo courtesy of @xuvirgins on instagram The newly-formed XU Virginity club is advocating for celibacy and giving its members a sense of community. started the club’s page them- in my room past 10 p.m., I’m selves after being inspired by playing checkers with.” look at it and go: ‘No way this stressful. I guess this is just sage behind it, the mysterious the other colleges’ virginity As of Monday, Feb. 15, @ is real’ and can have a laugh my way of trying to make owner wants to remind us all clubs. xuvirgins celebrated their sort of thinking it’s real,” the people in my situation feel to take a moment, relax and “To be completely honest 100th follower milestone, owner explained. “It’s kind of better,” they said. “I think (the laugh. with you, I saw that another posting a pastel-colored gif like a meme.” page) is a great way for stu- “Everything we do to- college made a similar page, stating the page had reached However, popularity isn’t dents to get a laugh out of day in our lives is so serious and I found it pretty funny so “100 virgins,” and thanking the owner’s only goal for the something.” and strenuous on our mental I said, ‘Why not?”’ one of the their fellow students for their account. So while some may not health that it’s good to laugh page’s owners, stated. support. “Xavier is a stressful envi- think ‘best majors for virgins’ for a while, possibly even at Anonymity, as it turns out, “My goal for the page is for ronment for a lot of people... or ‘best celibacy spots on cam- ourselves,” they said. is a big part of these pages’ it to get so popular that kids For me, it can get extremely pus’ to have an altruistic mes- Rave aims to keep people safe tailor the safety facets to their to the XUPD dispatch office Newswire updates BY ERIN ALBRIGHT needs. The safety features of- for quick contact with an of- 6WDৼ:ULWHU fered include a virtual escort, ficer. XUPD has recently part- dispatch chat, emergency The app’s guardian inbox nered with the Rave Guardian on-campus call, guardian in- sends users campus notifica- t The Newswire is always look- app in an effort to ensure the box and campus content. tions and updates, while the safety and well-being of those With the virtual escort, campus content feature pro- ing for new writers and copy at Xavier. users can be escorted by one vides campus resources, news editors. We pay $18 after your The Rave app is a free safe- of their contacts or an XUPD and local maps. ty app that provides an extra dispatcher. The dispatch chat XUPD Chief Robert rst three articles and $18 level of security to users. offers two-way communica- Warfel has encouraged stu- per copy editing session. Rave Mobile Safety also tion, as well as an optional dents, faculty and staff to has partnerships with several anonymous mode, should one download the app. Warfel universities across the U.S. wish to remain nameless. explained that the safety app t Newswire Live Air every Mon- The app has customizable The emergency on-campus can notify friends, family or features that allow users to call gives a direct phone line XUPD if one doesn’t check day at 7:00 p.m. Next week, in upon arriving at their des- Tune in to get caught up on tination. “The Guardian app makes all that’s happening from calling campus emergency Dana Ave. to Ledgewood numbers like XUPD very convenient. I also love that I drive. am notified of potential dan- ger nearby,” sophomore ac- tuarial science major Lewis t The multimedia department Wentler said. will be launching the new Some students who have not heard about the app, but podcast Debates and Dis- who do not have it yet are cussion where students talk showing support. Aidan Poliseno, a first-year through the hot issues of the finance student, said, “I have day. Stay tuned to the News- not heard about it but would be willing to download the wire website for episodes. Guardian app. I already feel Photo courtesy of xavier.edu safe on campus, but I wouldn’t Xavier’s new partnership with Rave will give students access to a various mind an extra sense of pro- safety features via a mobile app. More info can be found on xavier.edu tection.” @xaviernewswire U.S. & World News February 18, 2021 4 Senate acquits Trump once more Senators voted 57-43 in favor of conviction, ten short of necessary margin BY MO JUENGER World News Editor The Senate acquitted Trump in his second impeach- ment trial on Feb. 13, voting 57-43 in favor of conviction. Trump stood accused of incit- ing an insurrection at the Cap- itol building on Jan. 6. The 57-43 margin was ten votes short of the neces- sary two-thirds threshold for impeachment. However, an unprecedented seven Repub- licans voted to convict, includ- ing: Sens. Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse and Pat Toomey. Impeachment managers included Reps. Jamie Raskin, Joaquin Castro, David Cicil- Photo courtesy of morningsidecenter.org line, Madeleine Dean, Di- House impeachment managers introduced a never-before-seen video of the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, which Sen. Mitt Romney called ana DeGetee, Ted Lieu, Joe “overwhelmingly distressing and emotional.” Seven Republicans, including Romney, voted to convict Trump of inciting an insurrection at the Capitol. Neguse, Stacey Plaskett and the trial, impeachment man- In their closing statements, president advocated only for orable lines of the impeach- Eric Swalwell. Trump was agers aired a previously-un- Raskin and Lieu focused peaceful action in their state- ment process. represented by lawyers Bruce seen video of the Capitol on the connection between ments on day four. House impeachment man- Castor, David Schoen and Mi- mob. In the video, Sen. Mitt Trump’s tweets and rioters’ “Mr. Trump did the oppo- agers asked to subpoena wit- chael van der Veen after the Romney, R-Utah, sprints statements. They also reiter- site of advocating for lawless nesses on the final day of the dismissal of his entire legal away from rioters as former ated the idea of a Trumpian action, the opposite,” van der trial, to which van der Veen team several weeks ago. Vice President Mike Pence is 2024 campaign as a “future Veen said. “He expressly ad- objected. The Senate voted On day one of the trial, im- ushered to safety. threat,” given Republican con- vocated for peaceful action at 55-45 in favor of allowing peachment managers present- “It tears at your heart and cern that impeachment was the Save America rally.” witnesses, but after some con- ed their argument alongside brings tears to your eyes. unnecessary for a non-sitting The defense also com- fusion on the floor, the body a brief video of the storming That was overwhelmingly president. plained about the different ultimately elected to include of the Capitol. They also clar- distressing and emotional,” “I’m not afraid of Donald status of impeachment trials, a statement from GOP Rep. ified their goals for the tri- Romney said after seeing the Trump running again in four which abide by a legally-com- Jamie Herrera Beutler instead al, one of which would have video for the first time. Days years,” Lieu stated. “I’m afraid plex rule set that varies from of deposing him. notably disqualified Trump later, Romney voted to con- he’s going to run again and traditional trials. Impeachment managers from running for office again vict. lose. Because he can do this “Jiminy Crickets, there is and Trump’s legal team then in 2024. House impeachment man- again.” no due process in this pro- completed their closing state- The next day, in one of the agers concluded their case Trump’s lawyers repeat- ceeding at all,” van der Veen ments, including no witnesses more emotional moments of on day three, last Thursday. edly clarified that the former said, in one of the more mem- in the trial. The Lighter Side “The Weirdest, Wackiest and Wildest News of the Week!” Buttplug Bandit, Cracker Barrel lost cock, Bu alo Bill B&B ‡ $ PHPEHU RI  WKH ‡ $ ERRNNHHSLQJ DJHQ- ‡ LO :DU UHHQDFWPHQWV ,GDKR +RXVH RI  F\ KDV GHWHUPLQHG )HE  5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV ZDV WKDW WKH ´6XSHU %RZO VFROGHGDIWHUKHKHOG 6WUHDNHUµ FDQQRW FRO- ‡ $Q ,RZD PDQ NQRZQ XS ´EXQQ\ HDUVµ EH- OHFWKLVHDUQLQJVDIWHU DV WKH ´%XWWSOXJ KLQG DQRWKHU VSHDN- EHWWLQJ  WKDW %DQGLWµ ZDV JLYHQ D LQJ UHSUHVHQWDWLYH VRPHRQH ZRXOG JHW VXVSHQGHG VHQWHQFH Photo courtesy of snappygoat.com GXULQJ D GHEDWH RQ WKH ILHOG GXULQJ DIWHU EHLQJ FKDUJHG A recent study shows that pigs can play video games with their snouts. )HE  WKHJDPH )HE  ZLWKWKHWKHIWRI VHY- ‡ RXV FKDUDFWHU %XIIDOR ‡ 0H[LFR&LW\RIILFLDOV HUDO VH[ WR\V IURP %LOOOLYHGDVWKHSURS- EDQQHG WDPSRQV ‡ 86 %RUGHU 3DWURO ‡ $ 0LVVLVVLSSL &LYLO DQ XQORFNHG YHKLFOH HUW\LVFXUUHQWO\EHLQJ FLWLQJ WKDW WKH SODV- RIILFHUV FRQILVFDW- :DU UHHQDFWRU ZKR )HE  FRQYHUWHG LQWR D EHG WLF DSSOLFDWRUV XVHG HG DQG GHVWUR\HG ORVW KLV SHW URRVWHU DQG EUHDNIDVW )HE LQ WKH SURGXFW ZHUH  SRXQGV RI  ER- LQDQ$ODEDPD&UDFN- ‡ $ %ULWLVK IDUPHU   EDG IRU WKH HQYLURQ- ORJQD PHDW WKDW D HU %DUUHO SDUNLQJ ORW PDGHRYHUE\ PHQW 7KH FLW\ GLG PDQ DOOHJHGO\ WULHG ZDVUHXQLWHGZLWKWKH UHQWLQJRXW´JRDWDS- ‡ $ KLVWRU\ SURIHVVRU QRW KRZHYHU RIIHU WR WUDIILF DFURVV WKH ELUG$FFRUGLQJWRWKH SHDUDQFHVµ WR SUDQN DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI  DQ\ VRUW RI  HQYLURQ- 860H[LFDQERUGHU RZQHU WKH IRZO ZDV FXVWRPHUV·FRZRUNHUV 7HQQHVVHHZLOOFHQWHU PHQWDOO\IULHQGO\ DO- )HE  DOVR LQYROYHG LQ &LY- YLD=RRP )HE  KLV VXPPHU V\OODEXV WHUQDWLYH PHQVWUXDO DURXQG WKH SRSXODU SURGXFW )HE  ‡ $ QHZ VWXG\ IRXQG YLGHR JDPH Red Dead WKDW SLJV FDQ EH Redemption LQ RUGHU ‡ %DKUDLQL DFWLYLVWV WUDLQHG WR SOD\ YLG- WR WHDFK KLV VWXGHQWV DUH FDOOLQJ IRU EHDFK HR JDPHV ZLWK WKHLU DERXWHDUO\ WK FHQ- FOHDQXSV DIWHU LW ZDV VQRXWV7KHSLJVXVHG WXU\ :HVWHUQ KLVWRU\ GLVFRYHUHGWKDWPDQ\ MR\VWLFNV DQG FRP- )HE  RI  WKH FRXQWU\·V SOHWHG OHYHOV ZKLOH VHDJXOOV DUH QRZ WRR UHFHLYLQJ HQFRXUDJH- ‡ 7KH 2VFDU 0D\HU IDWWRIO\7KHGLVFRY- PHQWIURPDWHDPRI  :LHQHUPRELOH IXO- HU\ZDVPDGHDIWHUD VFLHQWLVWV )HE  ILOOHG VRPH XQXVXDO PDMRUIHVWLYDOLQ%DK- UHTXHVWV IRU ORYHUV UDLQ GXULQJ ZKLFK ‡ )DQV RI  KLW KRUURU WKLV 9DOHQWLQH·V 'D\ LQGLYLGXDOV OLWWHUHG PRYLH Silence of the GHOLYHULQJ IORZHUV WKH EHDFK ZLWK IDWW\ Lambs ZLOO VRRQ EH IURP LQVLGH WKH JLDQW IRRGV WKDW WKH ELUGV DEOH WR VWD\ LQ WKH KRW GRJVKDSHG WUXFN WKHQ GHYRXUHG )HE Photo courtesy of tripadviser.com )HE    A man reunited with a cock that he lost at an Alabama Cracker Barrel. KRXVHZKHUHPXUGHU- @xaviernewswire U.S. & World News February 18, 2021 5 OH set to expand rural broadband Ohio Senate Bill 8 would bring fast internet to underserved rural communities BY HUNTER ELLIS to install fiber optic internet connections could face long Managing Multimedia waitlists due to high demand. Editor The Broadband Expansion The Ohio Senate unan- Bill would allot at least $50 imously passed Senate Bill million in grants in order to 8 (S.B. 8), which would cre- expand broadband connec- ate the Ohio Residential tions to those who do not have Broadband Expansion Grant access. Funds will mostly be Program, beginning a new distributed directly to broad- chapter of expansion of high- band internet providers. speed internet across the en- Oftentimes, members of tire state. rural communities in the According to the Ohio Sen- state deal with lack of ac- ate’s website, nearly one mil- cess to high-speed internet lion Ohioans lack access to connections more frequently. high speed internet. According to the bill, in the Proposing a solution to Appalachian portion of Ohio, the issue, Rep. Rob McColley one in four households only (R-District 1) introduced S.B. have access to either dial-up 8 to the Senate chamber on or satellite connections. Jan. 21. After being referred to “I think it is great that the Energy and Public Utili- Ohio passed the resolution. ties Committee and quick- Access to the internet should ly passing two weeks later, be a human right. As we have the bill was sent to the State seen during this pandemic, House on Feb. 16. our world functions because A similar bill, House Bill 2, of technology. Our classes was introduced in the house Photo courtesy of wikimedia.commons.org are online, we shop online, and was co-sponsored by a bi- SGA Vice President Marina Salazar called satellite internet connections “ridiculously slow,” praising the we even order food online. partisan slate which included introduction. The proposed broadband expansion bill would provide at least $50 million in grants to internet Access to the internet is not Cincinnati’s own Rep. Cather- in 2018 by former Rep. Jack tions. diculously slow and outdated. cheap, and without access to ine D. Ingram (D-District 32) Cera (D-District 96) and for- “Broadband internet is Finally, we have fiber optic — the internet, we are hurting and House Majority leader mer Rep. Ryan Smith (R-Dis- high speed internet, which the way of the future. Fiber the communities that need it Rep. Bill Seitz (R-District 30), trict 93) and subsequently can be seen in several ways. optic is super fast, super reli- most,” Salazar added who is also from Hamilton failed to pass. The first way is (using) digital able and has limited lag time. After the committee hear- County. Junior computer science subscriber line which uses old It is used by installing fiber ings conclude on S.B. 8, if While the Broadband Ex- major and SGA Vice Pres- or unused phone lines. The optic cables,” Salazar said. the bill passes in the Ohio pansion Bill has momentum ident Marina Salazar ex- second is cable which a lot According to Salazar, House with a simple majority, after passing in the senate, a plained the different types of of people are familiar with. broadband internet can be ex- it could be signed into law by similar bill was introduced broadband internet connec- Next is satellite (which) is ri- pensive, and those who want Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine. Cincinnati mayoral race shrinks to ve candidates Seelbach drops out, makes way for Mann, Pureval, Prather, Thomas and Young BY MO JUENGER World News Editor City Councilman Chris Seelbach dropped out of the Cincinnati mayoral race yes- terday, broadening horizons for the five other current can- didates. Councilman David Mann, Hamilton County Clerk of Courts Aftab Pureval, activ- ist and occupational therapist Kelli Prather, Ohio state Sen. Cecil Thomas and Council- man Wendell Young are the Photo courtesy of Photo courtesy of candidates still in the running. mannforcincinnati.com Photo courtesy of courtclerk.org @KPForthepeople on Twitter Photo courtesy of ohiosenate.gov All candidates remaining are David Mann Aftab Pureval Kelli Prather Cecil Thomas Democrats. Mann has been a coun- Pureval has been clerk of Prather has run for office Thomas has been an Ohio Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld cilmember since 2013 and courts since 2016, the first in several arenas, including in state senator since 2014 and also announced a bid for the was appointed vice mayor by Democrat elected to that City Council and Ohio State was on Cincinnati City Coun- mayoral election, but he is in- current Mayor John Cranley position in 100 years. Though Congress, but not yet been cil beforehand. Prior to his eligible after a corruption in- before that. Major tenets of Pureval has not released any elected. “Health care, public political career, he was a po- dictment in November. his campaign include legis- formal campaign stances yet, safety and affordable housing lice officer and worked to hire Vice Mayor Christopher lation to end corruption at he has stated that he will will be several of Ms. Prath- more female and minority Smitherman dropped out of City Hall, improvement of prioritize racial equity. He er’s top priorities,” her cam- officers. As a councilmember, the race in January, adding police-community relations also plans for an “aggressive” paign announcement stated. he worked to decrease youth that he wished to spend more and economic recovery from economic recovery program She also plans to address gun crime in the city through time with his family. the pandemic. in the context of COVID-19. violence in Cincinnati. outreach initiatives. Seelbach expressed that he never intended to be a career Wendell Young (left) politician because he wanted Young has been a council- to give back to his commu- man since 2011 and was no- nity. Though he made no an- tably involved in the “Gang nouncements as to his plans of Five” controversy in 2019. for the future, he clarified that While on council, Young has he does not intend to remain been involved in legislation to in electoral politics. promote racial equity, reduce The Cincinnati mayoral infant mortality and eliminate election will be held on Nov. 2, food deserts in the city. He has

2021. It will be the city’s first Photo courtesy of @wendellyoung on Twitter also been involved with the mayoral election in four years. Cincinnati City Councilman Wendell Young (center left) is running for mayor as he term-limits out of the council. city’s municipal water system. 6 February 18, 2021 Opinions & Editorials xaviernewswire.com How shall virtue meet brute force America, we love your the- tual battle for all of our souls. remaining steadfast in their brute force. force. They taught us that the ories and ideals but hate your How will we respond? values. However, strengthen- King knew he was a child conviction of our virtues dic- practice. Your beloved par- The American system of ing our morals in the face of of God and loved all people; tates the effectiveness of our agon and vision of equality post-slavery brutality is a terror is a tall task. To answer he remained faithful to his vir- fight against brutality and will never come to fruition sweltering trail of fire, soaked such a profound question, let tues because he dreamed of an oppression. To combat injus- due to your love of violence. in the blood of Black brothers us invoke the spirits of those integrated and equal Ameri- tice with violence instead of America wonders why the and sisters. It is engineered who laid the groundwork and ca. He loved people dearly, so virtue deepens the brutality concept of peace seems so to scorch the psyche and bod- offered their visions of what a much so that he was willing to of the oppressor and intensi- elusive but never stops to rec- ies of people on the brink of better America ought to look give up his life for the revolu- fies the bitterness of the op- oncile the sheer magnitude of embracing eternal damnation like. tion and the movement. pressed. its original sin: racism. over living in this country. W. E. B. DuBois and Mar- At the same time, while In the words of Cornel Instead of reflecting on the This is not hyperbole. It tin Luther King Jr. dealt with DuBois embraced different West: history of slavery and using may be a shock to many, but American brute force in its modes of ideologies, he too “There is no such thing as the Civil War as an oppor- most The American system of post-slav- practiced paideia like King. a Negro problem. It is a ca- tunity to rectify past errors, Ameri- ery brutality is a sweltering trail of Though he could not accept tastrophe visited on Black peo- America concocted elaborate cans, re- ÀUH VRDNHG LQ WKH EORRG RI  %ODFN King’s vision of equality, ple, and the question is going methods of violence to de- gardless EURWKHUVDQGVLVWHUV DuBois worked tirelessly for to be what will be your re- ceive the public. There are of race the intellectual advancement sponse to it: intellectually, mor- countless moments in history or ethnicity, cannot fathom the most overt and purest forms of Black people by creating ally, spiritually, economically. where this country held the violence exercised on Black of evil. An array of bullets the Talented Tenth and the Will it be channeled through a power to eradicate the insti- people, thus making it difficult taking the form of segrega- N.A.A.C.P. love of justice? Or will it be tutions of slavery and racism to discern how to combat the tion, Jim Crow-ism and exile DuBois knew he was a re- channeled through hatred and outright. Yet, America chose forces of brutality at hand. aimed to compromise these lentless critic of the Amer- revenge? Will it be spiritual- brute force. American sociologist, his- two men’s souls, minds and ican empire and undeniably ly mature? Or will it just be Brute force exemplifies torian, civil rights activist bodies. the most important and rad- as gangster-like as the gang- the social miseries and var- and author W. E. B. DuBois These hardships are what ical Black intellectual of the sters who are trying to impose ious forms of domination invites us to answer this very made these men so special. 20th century. DuBois under- White supremacy on you?” placed upon Black bodies. On question. Despite their suffering, they stood how the American pub- the other hand, virtue is the In 1961, a 93-year-old showed the power a virtuous lic would receive him neg- militant tenderness and love DuBois asked his audience, person possesses. Both men atively for his critiques and that Black people have used “What shall virtue do when never lost their love, patience, frank speech. Despite this, he as tools to combat anti-Black met with brute force?” The courage or integrity and nev- endured, remaining faithful racism and epistemic violence. question is straightforward, er sold their souls to please to his beliefs and continued to This is the relationship concise, devoid of intricate the establishment or the wills pursue justice in the face of Naiem Woolfork is that Blacks have shared with words and purposefully struc- of others. evil. a junior English and America for over 400 years. tured to strike a nerve with Virtues make up an individ- King and DuBois left us criminal justice dou- Virtue vs. Brute Force. Love the Afro-American audience ual, and knowing oneself is with a blueprint outlining the ble major. He is a vs. Hate. Liberation vs. Op- in attendance that day. It chal- the beginning to understand- contours of what it means to guest writer for News- pression. Herein lies the spiri- lenges listeners to practice ing how virtue responds to show strength against brute wire from Boston. Cancel Sia Sia has directed her first didn’t want to play the autis- set on Maddie Ziegler as the years of research, but any- Sia responded with “maybe feature film, Music, and the tic character because she was title character from the get- one who knows anything you are just a bad actor.” The movie has made headlines, worried that people would go. about disabilities would night did not get any better but for the wrong reasons. think she is making fun of But, let’s assume she did know that Autism Speaks for her, as she attacked the The film is a steaming turd the disability. have an autistic person au- is not a well liked group in disability community instead of ableism, as she exploited Sia brushed this off. She dition. She basically said the disability community. of listening to them. a disability for financial gain. essentially exploited a mi- ‘screw it’ after one try and The “charity” views autism She eventually did apol- Sia has a character in her nor into a role that she did assumed that no one with as a disease that needs to ogize at the beginning of film that is nonverbal and not feel comfortable playing autism could act. And if a be cured, and she consulted February. But this movie is autistic, played by an abled in the first place. It is not disabled person cannot act with them during the mak- not empowering those with actress. Watching the trailer Ziegler’s fault. She felt forced out something that they lit- ing of the movie. disabilities — not when you absolutely makes me cringe. to do it because of Sia. erally are, how is that at all Think about it like this: exclude them from the pro- I did field hours for my It was not even Sia’s an accurate representation there is a movie with a trans- duction and belittle them. I teaching class at the Heidt casting choice, that was the of a disability? gender male character. A cis- hope this serves as an exam- Center for Autism last year. worst part. It was her ratio- There also resides a ten- gender man is cast for that ple for future filmmakers as I encountered and interacted nale for doing so. dency to correlate being role, and the director con- what not to do when filming with nonverbal individuals She stated that “no one non-verbal with lower intel- sults an anti-LGBT+ organi- a movie about the disable there, and I just don’t think with the character’s level of lect. On the contrary, many zation for advice. Of course, community. that there is any way that a functioning could play the nonverbal individuals have that is absolutely outrageous non-autistic person can act role.” the intellectual competency and inappropriate. out a role like that without She supposedly tried out to preform the role. You can Instead of Sia being a ma- it coming across as mockery. one autistic actress for the Google “disabled actors.”. ture adult and apologizing In addition, there were role and did not accommo- There are plenty of them for for her casting decision and Andrew Zerman is a reports that dancer and ac- date her. I am skeptical this any disability you can think vowing to do better, she took junior English major. tress Maddie Ziegler sobbed even happened, as there are of. It’s not hard for someone her words to Twitter. An au- He is a staff writer for during the production stages reports from those involved with Sia’s fame to find talent. tistic actress tweeted an offer Newswire from Cleve- of the movie, saying that she in the movie that she was Sia supposedly did three to take the role on the spot. land.

Arts & Entertainment Carlo, Robbie Dzierzanowski, Adviser HGX RU DW ZZZ[DYLHUQHZV- THE STAFF Editor Morgan Miles, Chloe Salves- John Stowell ZLUHFRP Acting Editor-in-Chief Kate Ferrell on, Ben Thomson, Andrew Alex Budzynski Zerman Mission Statement For Your Information Back Page Editor The Xavier Newswire is Xavier Newswire is pub- Campus News Editor Aidan Callahan Social Media and Online committed to reporting the lished weekly throughout the Joseph Cotton Editor news as well as explain its school year, except during Head Copy Editor Mya Priester VLJQLÀFDQFH WR UHDGHUV ,Q YDFDWLRQV DQG ÀQDO H[DPV World News Editor 0ROO\.+XOOLJDQ addition, through publish- by the students of Xavier Mo Juenger Multimedia Editor ing opposing viewpoints and University, 3800 Victory Copy Editors Hunter Ellis opinions, the Newswire hope Parkway, Cincinnati, OH Opinions & Editorials Nina Benich, Stella DeMar- to foster a dialogue on cam-  Editor co, Chloe Salveson, Maggie Show Manager pus, among students, faculty Schroeder, Tess Brewer, Will Pembroke Charlie Gstalder DQGVWDII Newswire also releases Hannah Thompson online articles and a news- Photography Editor Sports Editor Advertising letter on Monday mornings Staff Writers Desmond Fischer Joe Clark All inquiries should be and works with XUFM to pro- Erin Albright, Curt Berry, Grif- directed to the Business duce a weekly radio show, ÀQ%UDPPHU*UDFH Distribution Manager Manager, Melissa Navarra Xavier Newswire Live Joseph Cotton E\HPDLODWQHZVZLUH#[DYLHU @xaviernewswire Opinions & Editorials February 18, 2021 7 The vandalism response was lacking I wasn’t surprised by the extremist groups. Why act as if Xavier has to cause the responses are mild Only one. recent White supremacist But the message of White react instantly to correct the at best — mild enough to sat- Faculty have to take on a atttacks on Xavier’s campus. supremacy is as clear as the wrong when the wrong has isfy minorities time and time greater role, especially con- When a campus has a major- message of Xavier’s response. always been here? Too many again without turning the sidering the hierarchy of stu- ity White population, there’s This is normal. If they were students and faculty alike have campus around. dents existing as merely be- no reason to be surprised. Our to look around and question if treated the extremist group Xavier cannot preach it’s neath those who teach them. country’s problem of allow- surprise is present on my face, like If snow days can cancel every class diver- If snow days can cancel ev- ing White-majority spaces to none would be found. Though some for three days, why can’t the same sity ery class for three days, why dominate and put minorities I personally never heard any- sort thing be done for every class after a with- can’t the same thing be done on the backburner isn’t new. one ask minority students, if of un- White supremacy attack on campus? out for every class after a White Racism isn’t new. they were even surprised at all. cov- fac- supremacy attack on campus? When I heard about the Not to speak for all, but most ered mystery. Xavier isn’t ing the reality that racism is A campus where, at night, mi- attacks, I felt nothing in par- minorities have likely been special, so stop treating the here, real and an everyday act, norities have to walk in fear ticular. Yet, looking around, I through enough that a group campus like it’s a holy ground whether through slashing a despite Xavier’s preached de- noticed every person around dedicated to dehumanizing racism could never touch, be- BLM sign or microaggres- sires to provide a safe space for me expressing such shock and them isn’t exactly “news.” I cause it will keep happening. sions within the very class- all. After learning how much disgust. turned to a friend more simi- It’s as if the prevalence of rooms that should be safe microaggressions impact Obviously, any hatred to- lar in skin tone, and although BLM protests — and the bru- spaces — safe spaces which I those targeted here at Xavier, ward a race is disgusting. But frightened, they weren’t at all tality in retaliation towards felt disappointed in during the I’ve questioned the steps truly is this hatred really shocking? perplexed. a race standing up for itself aftermath because of the sim- taken toward equality. When you’re White and have Racism has been — and — was forgotten. Keep your ple, cliche notifications from the privilege of light skin un- will continue to be — normal- head up and eyes open. None professors. touched by the brunt of rac- ized within White-majority of this brutality is shocking. Very few of my professors ism, I’m sure it is. Classroom spaces. Despite the growing Stop treating racist ordeals as opened up time to discuss such responses by non-minority minority population in the astounding reasons to become an important matter, and only 0RUJDQ0LOHVLVDÀUVW students during the aftermath United States, racism will pre- a campus that responds with one emphasized to the major- year Philosophy, Poli were so alike. vail as it has for a long, long the gavel of justice. ity group that if they choose WLFVDQGWKH3XEOLFPD Sincerity is important — time. Why act as if these oc- In my opinion, it might as not to care about racism that MRU6KHLVDVWDIIZULWHU don’t get me wrong. I appreci- currences are mind-blowing well be deemed boring, old it’s beyond privilege and ex- IRUNewswireIURP7UHQ ate the care and desire to end or groundbreaking? news until the next attack be- tends into pure ignorance. WRQ2KLR What I’d say to a at-Earther What shape is the Earth? that Aristotle had. science lesson? Because version out there is a trans- ported or denied only by the Science would say a globe, I emphasize hypothesis to there is a gap in understand- lated version of different fields they originate in. memes might say it is a di- better explain how scientific ing between the scientific ancient languages concern- For the environment, nosaur (sarcastically, of thought occurs on the jour- and non-scientific communi- ing stories that were orally this is science. For econom- course) and your coworker ney to truth. Scientists start ties. passed down with no docu- ic models, this is finance. might say flat. with ideas, whether out of Science is not disproved mentation of origin. We cannot be pro-choice or The societal split has be- thin air or based on other using theological, self-made The Bible is not a text pro-abortion based on reli- come more drastic than ever research or truth. They take or even philosophical meth- disproving science. Nor does gious belief because it is a for a multitude of reasons these ideas, form hypotheses ods. It can be disproved by science dictate what stories matter of the way we phil- surrounding politics, edu- and then seek to support or only its own methods. You are made up or real in the osophically and/or ethically cational shifts, generational disprove these hypotheses. may find this to be isolating, Bible. Theology has its own view the fetus at different differences and more. But This happens in different but all the methods I men- brand that does that for it- stages, which we understand the split that used to make ways across sciences. Some tioned do the same. self, as does science for its thanks to science. the least sense to me was do experiments while others Theologians do not take own pursuit of truth. Now I cannot scientifically take that of flat Earth versus gather previous research and kindly criticism from science to politics. a stance on which religion globed Earth. After watch- analyze it for consensus. or philosophy. As a psycholo- Straight up, conserva- I want to choose because it ing several videos that at- Whatever the case, their gy and theology double ma- tives think liberals are being does not help me decide. tempted to engage people hypotheses are either sup- jor, I should know. But what mind-controlled and liber- We must be better at com- on both sides in discussion, a ported or not. But this is not does this have to do with flat als think conservatives are partmentalizing the different thought occurred to me that the end; it takes the work Earth or the current political vastly uneducated. Despite ways we think about differ- may bridge this divide. But of many scientists to repeat divide? the stats one may conjure ent aspects of our lives. This first: a brief history recap. this process for something If we want to live in a to prove or deny these atti- might finally be the start to Until the Greek philoso- to become a scientific fact, society of diverse thinking tudes, we cannot keep living listening to each other. pher Aristotle proved oth- then a theory. A theory, — and diverse culture, we must this way. erwise, it was the consensus fio example gravity — is reconcile with the differenc- I hate being dismissed by that Earth was flat. Aristotle something that has not nec- es in methods of thinking. older conservatives for being theorized a spherical Earth essarily been proven, but This means accepting the “too educated” or “mind-con- but had little evidence to rather has so much evidence science of a round Earth and trolled,” and I hate being back it up. around it that it is agreed to accepting the theology of condemned by liberals for 7\OHU1RUULVLVDJUDG Still, those who adopted be true. You can drop a base- a creator (if you choose to thinking anything slightly XDWH VWXGHQW LQ WKH the thoughts of Greek phi- ball a million times, and it believe that). This equation different from them or try- ,QGXVWULDO 2UJDQL losophy believed it. Evidence will always fall. But a theory does not output flat Earth. ing to empathize with con- ]DWLRQDO 3V\FKRORJ\ was not found until sailors is always susceptible to be- End of story. Theologically servatives. SURJUDPDW;DYLHU+H and astronomers developed ing disproved with the same speaking, reading text liter- We need to understand LV D JXHVW ZULWHU IRU sufficient theories and evi- methods used to prove it. ally is absurd. and accept that specific ideas Newswire IURP 7ROGH dence to back the hypothesis Why the seventh grade Considering the Bible, any are constrained to being sup- GR2KLR 8 February 18, 2021 Sports @xaviernewswire Crosstown Tip-O raises money for local businesses Xavier’s Musketeer Report and UC’s Bearcat Journal initiated #TipEmUp challenge BY CURT BERRY Gardens, and third will go to 6WDৼ:ULWHU Stones Lanes and a third will go in support of Black owned Xavier University and businesses around Cincinnati. the University of Cincinnati “The staff and I couldn’t (UC) are approximately three be happier about what the miles away, but both schools Xavier Report and the Bear- have become closer than ever cat Journal did to help not in support of local businesses only us, but local businesses to the tune of approximately in Cincinnati,” B.J. Hayley, $34,000. the owner of Dana Gardens, In what is known as the said,. “Crosstown Tip-Off,” Xavi- “Dana Gardens is an Irish er and UC have competed in possession and a Xavier tra- a challenge to raise the most dition… it is a Xavier staple,” money in tips for local restau- he added. rants. Hayley said all the money The past few weeks, alum- donated will go to his staff. ni from each school have gone Bearcat Journal came out on to a local restaurant, left a top in the challenge, rais- large tip and then posted it ing $19,091.99, including a on social media. $2,000 donation from Kansas Currently, UC is in the City Chiefs tight end and UC lead after a large $3,000 tip alum, Travis Kelce. at Clutch OTR, which was Musketeer Report raised responded with a $2,021 tip $14,231.62 and also received from a Musketeer at Forno in a $2,000 donation of their Hyde Park. . own with a quip about Kelce’s Another massive tip, total- donation. The Venmo trans- ling $4,525 went straight to action note read, “When you The Birch in Terrace Park. go to X, you don’t need to win The “Crosstown Tip-Off a Super Bowl to have an ex- was even featured on The To- pendable $2,000.” day Show, and earned praise There have been many from host Hoda Kotb. classic battles between Xavi- These tips have ignited the er and UC and countless epic, start of the #TipEmUp chal- Photo courtesy of @DVBXU on Twitter crosstown shootouts. lenge. The Crosstown Tip-off has taken place between Xavier and UC over the last few weeks at numerous As much as I love rooting Created by Xavier’s Mus- restaurants in the Cincinnati area. Above is a $1,300 tip from Xavier alumni from the class of 2002. against the Bearcats, I love keteer Report and UC’s Bear- anybody to donate and help Donations that go to the Any donations to the Muske- seeing these totals go up and cat Journal message boards, out a traditional Xavier or Bearcat Journal go straight to teer Report will be split up in these school staples getting the challenge is a way for UC bar or restaurant. Holy Grail and Clifton Mio’s. thirds: A third will go to Dana the support they deserve. Volleyball loses second match against Marshall The team drops to 2-3 on the season, will open Big East play this weekend BY ROBBIE DZIERZANOWSKI 6WDৼ:ULWHU eventually sealing a 25-14 Xavier women’s volleyball win and forcing a fifth set. took to the road and trav- In the fifth and final set, eled to Huntington, W. Va for the Thundering Herd roared their second game this season to life early, taking a quick against Marshall University 10-6 lead. women’s volleyball team on The Musketeers responded Feb. 14. with a 4-2 run to close with- The Musketeers dropped a in two points (12-10), but the five-set match (19-25, 25-14, Thundering Herd scored the 30-28, 14-25, 10-15) behind final three points of the set to a strong game from Marshall seal a game win. freshman Anna Calcagno, Hogan posted a team and who posted season highs in season-high 17 kills, but the kills, assists, points, aces and Musketeers could not mus- digs in her opening year. ter a win. The middle blocker The opening set of the added a .438 hitting percent- game had seven total ties be- age and two blocks in the tween the Musketeers and Musketeers’ loss. the Thundering Herd with Xavier moved to 10-7 in only two lead changes. the all-time series with Mar- Xavier led by two points shall. (8-6) before the Thundering The Thundering Herd Herd scored six unanswered won both matches between points, taking a 12-8 lead the two schools this season, they held for the rest of the and action between the two set. Marshall led by as many schools will continue if they as eight points in the set and meet again next season. pulled away at the end for a With the loss, the Muske- 25-19 win. teers move to 2-3 on the year, In the second set, Xavier Photo courtesy of Emily Royle via Xavier Athletics while the winning Thunder- never trailed. The Muske- Xavier volleyball fell to 2-3 on the season, with their second loss of the year against Marshall. Xavier will ing Herd improve to 3-1. teers dominated the entire open up Big East play against DePaul on Feb. 19 in a two-game series to kick off their Big East schedule. Xavier women’s volleyball set, posting a .469 hitting MaryAnn O’Toole combined team leading by more than winning a lengthy set for the returns to action on Feb. 19 percentage as well as record- for eight kills in the set with three points the entire match. Muskies, 30-28. and 20 in a two-game series ing a 25-14 victory. zero attacking errors. Tied at 28, the Musketeers On the brink of a Xavier at DePaul University in Chi- Xavier freshman middle The third set brought a got crucial back-to-back kills win, the Herd showed up and cago. blocker Delaney Hogan and lot of back and forth action, from senior Moriah Hopkins used a 9-0 run to take a 22-12 It will be both teams’ Big sophomore outside hitter featuring 19 ties, with neither and junior Norah Painter, advantage in the fourth set, East opener. @xaviernewswire Sports February 18, 2021 9 Analysis: Xavier loses to St. John’s A lackluster defensive e ort dropped the Muskeeteers’ to .500 in Big East play

BY LUKE SERVELLO feel sorry for us.” *XHVW:ULWHU It’s no secret that Xavi- From a defensive per- er, like several other teams spective, yesterday was rock around the Big East and Col- bottom for the Xavier men’s lege hoops as a whole, has basketball team as the Muske- been affected by COVID-19 teers were defeated by the St. this season. John’s Red Storm 93-84. That was always going to With the loss, Xavier fell be the case when the NCAA to 11-4 overall and 4-4 in Big decided to try and have a sea- East play. St. Johns improved son during a global pandemic. to 14-8 overall and 8-7 in Big But as the whole na- East play. tion deals with similar is- The 93 points Xavier al- sues, Steele isn’t blaming lowed were the most all sea- COVID-19 for Xavier’s defen- son. Head Coach Travis Steele sive shortcomings. was understandably frustrat- “People in the media keep ed after the loss, saying, “I talking about the COVID lay- just told our guys, we gave up off. I do not care about it. We 93 points to St. John’s. That’s do not care about it. We’re go- just ridiculous.” ing to continue to play. We’re Xavier allowed St. John’s going to continue to work. to shoot 37.9% from three as Every game matters,” Steele well as 51.5% from the field. said. A program that typically For Xavier, it’s about get- prides itself in showing heart ting back to the basics, partic- and playing hard, Xavier ularly on the defensive side of Newswire photo courtesy of Desmond Fischer did anything but that in this the ball. Xavier men’s basketball dropped their second straight game on Tuesday night against St. John’s. After game. They were also outre- allowing 80 points against UConn on Saturday, the Musketeers allowed a whopping 94 to the Red Storm. The Musketeers have al- bounded 42 to 37. lowed 85, 80 and 93 points in It wasn’t all bad for Xavi- bounds against the University Freshman Colby Jones also mance: “Absolute joke. I feel their last three losses respec- er. Sophomore forward Zach of Connecticut. turned in a stellar perfor- like we’re back to day one de- tively. There is room for im- Freemantle was named to He continued his success mance, scoring 20 points and fensively, and we gotta figure provement, to say the least. the Big East honor roll prior against St. John’s by scoring grabbing six rebounds. it out because none of the Xavier’s next game is Sun- to this game after scoring 30 22 points to go along with a Steele also commented on opponents we’re playing here day at 7 p.m at Cintas Center points and hauling in 15 re- game-high 10 rebounds. the team’s lackluster perfor- moving forward are gonna against Butler. Women’s tennis wins at home, loses on road Musketeers beat Northern Kentucky 5-2 before a loss at Virginia Tech point, winning the No. 1 spot BY GRACE CARLO 6WDৼ:ULWHU over Kyle and Thomas 6-2, and Katie Andreini and Erika Xavier women’s tennis ad- Cheng took a win in the No. vanced to 3-0 after a 5-2 home 2 spot over Roggenburk and win against Northern Ken- Lyman 6-1. tucky University (NKU) at Kaitlin Ruether and Ima- home on Friday, Feb. 12. ni Graham were training 5-3 Xavier took the doubles when the point was decided in point with wins in all three Virginia Tech’s favor. matches. For the No. 1 spot, Virginia Tech took the Ahmeir Kyle and Emily lead in the first singles match, Thomas took the 6-0 win. taking the No. 2 spot against At No 2., Anna Roggen- Roggenburk, 6-3, 6-4. Xavi- burk and Kat Lyman took the er fought back with a win by 6-4 win and in the No. 3 spot Kyle 1-6, 6-1, 6-3 to get Xavi- Kaitlin Ruether and Imani er on the board at 2-1. Graham took the 6-2 win. Xavier fell 3-1 with a 6-3, Roggenburk gained the 7-5 win in the No. 6 spot over second point by winning the Octave. No. 1 spot in the singles 6-0. Xavier then took home a Roggenburk advances to 3-0 win in the No. 3 spot by Ly- in singles for the season. man in a close win in the third Imani Graham made it 3-0 set making it 3-2. in favor of the Musketeers Virginia Tech gained the with a 6-1, 6-1 singles win in final two points with the win the No. 3 spot moving to 3-0 in the No. 5 spot, as Ruether in singles for the season. dropped her match and then Lyman put the Musketeers the final point in the No. 4 up 4-0 with a 6-1, 6-4 win in spot. the No. 2 spot, also moving to With the loss, the Muske- a 3-0 season in singles. teers dropped to 3-1 on the Ruther claimed the last season. point for Xavier in the No. 4 Women’s tennis’ next spot, winning 6-0, 6-3 in her match is tomorrow against singles contest. Miami (OH) at home, and they NKU took the last two follow that up with a Saturday points in singles, as Laura home match against Bowling Sola Grau defeated Lucy Oc- Photo Courtesy of goxavier.com Green. tave in a three-set tiebreak Xavier women’s tennis went 1-1 in their two matches this weekend, beating Northern Kentucky on Friday at Women’s tennis opens and Ananya Kothakota beat home before dropping a road match at Virginia Tech. The Musketeers resume their season tomorrow at home. up Big East play on March Natalie Moyer in a two-set the Musketeers undefeated, traveled to Blacksburg, Va. Xavier fell to Virginia Tech 6 when the Musketeers will tiebreak. but they suffered their first to take on the Virginia Tech 1-0 after Nina Sorkin and take on DePaul in an indoor/ The win over NKU kept loss two days later when they Hokies. Nika Kozar won the doubles outdoor home match. 10 February 18, 2020 Arts & Entertainment xaviernewswire.com Swift triumphantly teases projects

BY OLIVIA VALKNER been fully aware and obser- vant of. Guest Writer A chart-smashing streak Swifties awoke to a prom- for Swift was kickstarted with ising announcement for the the surprise drop of her eighth coming spring last Thursday. studio album, Folklore, this In a typical secret-ridden past July, followed only days Taylor Swift fashion, the an- later by the announcement nouncement of a full re-re- that the process of re-record- cord of her second studio ing her original catalog was album, Fearless, kickstarts a underway. She rounded out hopeful 2021 for her fans. the year with the release of a Her revamped sophomore second alternative-folk album, album is set to drop April 9 Evermore. (revealed via a secret message Per usual, swifties have on her social media), with six been actively predicting what new bonus tracks “from the is to come in the future. vault.” With 26 tracks total, There are theories sur- the album promises to be a rounding a possible third al- nostalgic and fulfilling musi- ternative album to accompany cal experience. sister albums Folklore and Ev- Luckily, to help us get ermore, and many more about through the dreadful wait un- the release dates of the great- til April, Taylor has released ly anticipated re-records. her iconic yet reinspired When it comes to dissect- anthem that is “Love Sto- 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RI&UHDWLYH&RPPRQV ing Taylor’s Easter eggs, so- ry (Taylor’s Version)” and a %HORYHGSRSSULQFHVV7D\ORU6ZLIWWHDVHVDQGH[FLWHVIDQVZLWKKHUQHZDQGH[WUHPHO\DQWLFLSDWHGUHUHFRUGHG cial media activity and even heartfelt lyric video dedicated album Fearless DIWHUDIDPRXVÀJKWZLWKKHUSUHYLRXVODEHODQGPDQDJHUIRUWKHRZQHUVKLSRIKHUPDVWHUV questionably credible predic- to her fans. thentic. of her master recordings re-record and revamp the sto- tions accounts, there is a lot Personally, I listened to The venture to re-record since he purchased the label len albums. for fans to read into. the song shortly after its re- has been a way for Swift to in June 2019. Most recently, Swift is fighting not only Knowing all that happened lease at midnight last Friday, reclaim her art after Scooter she spoke out against Braun for her own work, but also in 2020, and with this new- and it brought back memories Braun bought out Big Ma- in November 2020 to inform to help promote awareness est announcement arriving in of laying on my living room chine Records and profited her fans that her original cat- of the ownership and heavy only the second month into floor as an 8-year-old blasting from the manipulation of alog was sold again without restrictions placed on artists’ 2021 I am very excited to see the song from my green iPod the master copies of her first her knowledge. work by their record labels what else Taylor has to offer shuffle. It was like hearing six albums. Taylor has con- In 2019 Taylor announced and management teams. her fans this year. Until then, the song for the first time all demned Braun for the rob- that, in an attempt to pre- Swift has been hard at work I encourage you to keep your over again, but the production bery of her art while actively vent others from profiting throughout the entire pan- eyes peeled for any and all felt more meaningful and au- trying to regain ownership from her work, she planned to demic, of which her fans have Taylor tomfoolery. Catch up with current celebrity cancellations BY AIDAN CALLAHAN pictured at a 2018 antebellum, plantation-themed fraternity Back Page Editor formal. In the past few weeks, the During an interview with entertainment world has been Extra magazine correspon- rocked by several cancella- dent and the franchise’s first tions. But, you don’t need to female Black lead Rachel worry about your favorite TV Lindsay, Harrison defended show; all of these cancella- Kirkconnell. He stated the pic- tions have been targeted at tures were taken a long time prominent entertainers. ago and spoke out against can- Cancel culture rose to cel culture. prominence around 2017. It This sparked backlash on- involves “canceling” a public line and from those associated figure by boycotting any sup- with the show. The franchise port for them to deny them a had already faced scrutiny for public platform or career. its lack of diversity. This is usually done in re- It didn’t feature a Black sponse to behavior perceived lead until Lindsay in 2017, as offensive or toxic. It can be who is now trying to distance an effective tool to deplatform herself from the show. someone, but it can also back- “I’m exhausted. I have truly fire and bring more attention had enough,” she said on the 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIDZIXODQQRXQFHPHQWVFRP to the person. latest episode of her podcast Famous BachelorKRVW&KULV+DUULVRQ DPRQJRWKHUIDPRXVFHOHEULW\ÀJXUHV KDYHKDGWRHQGXUHWKHKDUPIXO Here are the most nota- following her interview with DQGH[SORVLYHHIIHFWVRIFDQFHOFXOWXUHWKLVZHHNDVLQWHUQHWIDQVFULWLFL]HWKHPIRUFRQWURYHUVLDODFWLRQV ble cases of cancellations you Harrison. “How much more TMZ posted the video and Gina Carano said, “Her social media posts may have missed in the past do I want to be affiliated with he was swiftly deplatformed. Following controversial so- denigrating people based on few weeks: this?” Radio stations stopped play- cial media posts, LucasFilms their cultural and religious ing his music, while Apple and has cut all ties with The Man- identities are abhorrent and Chris Harrison Spotify removed his songs dalorian actress. unacceptable.” The long-time host of re- The at- from their playlists. His re- Over the past year, Cara- Less than 24 hours after ality series The Bachelor and tempted to cancel Morgan cord label, Big Loud, also no’s social media presence this statement was published, its spin-offs announced Satur- Wallen after a video surfaced announced they would be has sparked backlash from Carano announced she would day that he would be stepping of the star us- suspending his contract indef- fans. The most recent post be developing, producing and down from the role “for a peri- ing a racial slur. Despite this, initely. that stirred up controversy starring in a film for the con- od of time.” his album Dangerous is in its This led to fans labeling compared the treatment of servative website The Daily This comes in the wake fourth week at the top of the him as an unfair victim of modern Republicans to the Wire. Carano told Deadline of backlash he received after charts, and his sales have even cancel culture. treatment of Jews during the the project was a “dream come making controversial com- seen an increase. Even after Wallen apolo- Holocaust. true.” “I have only just begun ments regarding a current The video was captured by gized and said he would take This post inspired the using my voice which is now contestant’s old photos. a neighbor as Wallen returned full responsibility for his ac- hashtag #FireGinaCarano to freer than ever before, and The contestant is Rachael home from a night out. He can tions, his sister took to Ins- begin trending on Twitter. I hope it inspires others to Kirkconnell, a frontrunner of be heard shouting a number tagram to call cancel culture LucasFilms chose to do the same,” she continued. the current season who was of obscenities, including the “the worst thing that has come cut ties with the actress. A “They can’t cancel us if we recently called out for being racial slurs. out of our digital world.” spokesperson for the company don’t let them.” @xaviernewswire Arts & Entertainment February 18, 2021 11 4 Paws pups provide puppy love for all

BY KATE FERRELL A&E Editor A&E SINGLES BY GRACE CARLO 6WDৼ:ULWHU ‡ )HE1%&DQQRXQFHGVHDVRQHLJKW ZLOO EH WKH ODVW VHDVRQ RI  Brooklyn Nine-Nine ‡ )HE7D\ORU6ZLIWDQQRXQFHGWKH UHUHFRUGLQJRI KHUDOEXP Fear- less. ‡ )HE  &ODXGLD &RQZD\ DXGLWLRQHG Purell (Ellie) Randy Rainbow )LUHIO\ Age: 6 months Age: 8 months IRUAmerican Idol Age: 5 months Breed: Golden Doodle Breed: Golden Doodle ‡ )HE$QQH5RELQVRQLVDQQRXQFHG Breed: Golden Retriever Litter: Quarantine Litter: Pride 2020 DVWKHQHZKRVWRI Countdown Litter: Jungle Beats Fun Fact: She lives with Fun Fact: His favorite ‡ )HE  VSRLOHU DOHUW  The Masked Fun Fact: Her favorite com- another dog who’s in Ad- command is “nudge,” and mand is “shake,” and she vanced Training named he loves ice cubes and head Singer ILQDOH DWWUDFWHG  PLOOLRQ has ears like Dumbo. Scoops. scratches. YLHZHUVIRUWKHUHYHDORI WKHZLQQHU -RVV6WRQH

Clipper Masiya (Maya) Asteria Age: 14 months Age: 4 months Age: 8 months Breed: Golden Retriever Breed: Golden New e Breed: Golden Lab Litter: Tea Litter: Fixies Litter: Space Cra Fun Fact: Mom calls her Fun Fact: Maya loves to Fun Fact: Her favorite “Prancer” because she hops play in the snow with her command is “lap.” She just and prances when she’s best friend, Asteria, and her reached 1,000 followers on Photo courtesy of @4pawsforXU on instagram happy. fave snack is peanut butter. Insta and has a new TikTok. Post-Valentine’s playlist additions provide peace

BY JOSEPH COTTON Walkman. Campus News Editor The sensual saxophone melody floats effortless- The day after Valentine’s ly above the bouncy drums Day can often be a time of in- which drive the song forward, ward self-reflection for those crafting a musical aesthetic as not fortunate enough to have smooth as sterling caviar. a significant other into whom The lyrics, delivered with they can pour their love and Sade’s signature tone, will affection. It can also be a time help you realize that love is of heartbreak when the per- overrated. They might even son of your dreams turns you convince you to have that af- down for the nerdy dude in fair with a huge and elaborate your forensic sciences class. cover-up, despite the fact you Situations like these can hap- will be abusing the powers of pen to the best of us. your public office. But do not fret, my kings ´6WD\$ZD\µ&KDUOLH;&; and queens: music is always Did the love of your life there for you. As you look back break up with you on Valen- on the last year to figure out tine’s Day just to scam you what you are doing with your out of $10 worth of choc- Photo courtesy of creativecommons.com life, here are a few songs to olate? Did they not get you After Valentine’s Day, you may be looking for new additions to your jams playlist. These recommended songs get you over that heartbreak, anything? Do you wish they will allow you to wallow in your feelings and pour them into scream-singing these tunes at the top of your lungs. longing or self-loathing. just never came into your really spicy, throwing a lot of flowers. It’s OK; it happens song is all about settling the “6PRRWK2SHUDWRUµ6DGH life? If you answered yes to harmonic curveballs at you. to the best of us. But in all beef around you while main- Are you a high-powered any or all of these questions, Combine the sad hours lyrics seriousness, don’t freak out taining an air of superiority businessman and/or #girl- you need to listen to this song with the silky smooth elec- too hard. Love is pretty over- as you become the gangster boss whose flight delay caused whenever you get the chance. tro-pop aesthetic of 2014, and rated anyways. Besides, now kingpin you were always des- you to spend your Valentine’s The lyrics tell the story of you’ve got the perfect Valen- you have the perfect excuse tined to be. Make sure you Day in an airport, instead of a dead relationship that ended tine’s Day hangover cure. to abandon traditional no- take notes, it can be difficult to the Argentinian resort ho- on bad terms and tries to an- ´$GGUHVV,Wµ/3%3RRG\ tions of love and the good life pick out the nuggets of great tel you were looking forward swer the age-old question of Oops, you forgot about Val- to pursue your career in the advice over the rattling hi- to? If you answered yes, then why some people are heart- entine’s Day and cheated on criminal underworld. hats and bright, pulsing mel- “Smooth Operator” is the song breaks waiting to happen. your significant other when “Address It” is the perfect ody that runs throughout the you should be playing on the The chord progression is also you were supposed to buy her song to get you started. The track. Volume CVII Issue 20 February 18, 2021 THE xaviernewswire.com Published by the weirdos of Xavier University 6WDৼ:ULWHU since 2019 BACK PAGE Canis meus id comedit Pizza ATM gremlins go on strike There will be no “new batch” of pizza until their demands are met in four gremlins at our uni- tative from C.H.E.E.S.E has BY AVERY STRYCHASZ versity go hungry. not responded to this slan- Guest Writer On the condition of the der. Recently, there have been working environment, not Xavier community, I urge reports of Pizza ATM mal- only does the Pizza ATM you to fight on behalf of our functions, shutdowns and a house the glorious circles of pizza gremlins. If there has general lack of, you know, carbs and dairy that we de- ever been anything as im- overall workage. Xavier pend on, but also all 47 of portant to the well-being of University, I am here to tell our pizza gremlins. Let’s just this campus, it is the plight you today that the Pizza say due to necessity, that bar- of our gremlins. ATM gremlins have gone on becue sauce may have also May I remind you who strike. been a gremlin bathtub. was there for you at 1:30 a.m. The gremlins have issued The most affronting of when you felt so hungry you a collective statement about these claims is lack of appre- could die? The pizza grem- their strike via their union ciation. The Pizza ATM is a lins. representative. hallmark of Xavier culture, Who was there that one “We, as Xavier Universi- and it binds us together as a afternoon where you failed ty Pizza ATM gremlins will community. Without the piz- your econ test, and you not return to work until our za gremlins, there would be couldn’t bring yourself claims have been met,” the no Xavier community. to complete the “walk of representative said. Earlier today in a board shame” into the caf ? The The gremlins’ union — meeting with the higher-ups pizza gremlins. Creatures Here for Educa- (Father Graham, we’re look- Who was there when the tion, Employment, Safety ing at you), it was proclaimed only thing keeping you go- and Equality (C.H.E.E.S.E.) that arbitration will not be ing during the cruel week of — has identified their is- tolerated. This is in response finals was that chicken bacon sues as low wages, an unsafe to the recent rumors that the ranch? The pizza gremlins. working environment and university-wide blackout last For some of us, the piz- lack of appreciation. week might have been initi- za gremlins have been the NewswireSKRWRE\*ULIÀQ%UDPPHU In a deep dive on the or- ated by the gremlins in retal- only constant in our Xavier With no pizza gremlins to make pizza, the Pizza ATM has been igins of these complaints iation. experience. I implore you unavailable for weeks. This will continue until their demands are met. leveled against our esteemed Xavier faculty has com- to do something right, be- If you call 1-800-SAVE- lent protest outside the Piz- university, we have uncov- mitted to replacing the cause if nothing is done on THEXUGREMLINS, you za ATM on Feb. 29, where ered devastating truths. Our gremlins with lesser-known this pressing issue, then this can automatically sign the students can show our ap- gremlins only make three minions if the gremlins con- failure will be on your con- petition to save our grem- preciation in solidarity for pepperoni slices a day. One tinue the strike. A represen- science. lins. There will also be a si- our pizza gremlins.

Aries: This year for Lent, give Scorpio: Don’t let these snow up. Just… give up. days go to waste! Get out of your dorm and do some classic winter Fictionary Taurus: Don’t bother getting to activities. You could shovel the know your professors, those guys Village driveway or salt the path in Your weekly well of are a total snoozefest. Get to know front of the Caf. I even hear there’s wacky words™ the Physical Plant folks. They a certain back page editor who seem like a good gang to grab a could use a foot rub. BY TESS BREWER beer with. 6WDৼ:ULWHU Sagittarius: You deserve a break, Gemini: Cincinnati is expecting so why not look at a cute picture Notivation (no-ti-vay-shun): Lack an unprecedented four inches of of a cow who can really dish out of desire; equal and opposite reac- snow this week, but look on the a punch? Just look up “cow fist” tion of one’s head and the pillow. bright side: this will be the first on Google Images and you should time your girlfriend is impressed find it. by four inches. “Wee Cap”: Capricorn: Texas is in a state of Cancer: Your prayers have finally crisis, as it’s been without power for 1. Phrase meaning a white lie. been answered: there will be a new days. So I think you can handle one 2. A leprechaun’s preferred season of Total Drama Island. Your campus-wide power outage without headwear. other prayers about your family’s having a mental breakdown and calling your mom. safety are on the backburner. “Deceased Derriere”: How a Leo: You need to unfollow all those Aquarius: You are going to marry Frenchman denotes that they are - PAID ADVERTISEMENTa fantastic day. Which day? Ev- - relationship meme accounts you telling the full truth. follow. @XUvirgins would be more Try the neweryday. Blue Your week will be full of your speed. Blob Burger™love, joy, at magic, music, the return of old friends and even a surprise Napathy (nah-puh-thee): Brief pe- Virgo: If you keep using the new friend or two. Appreciate these times. You are going to get married riod a er waking from a short rest Gallagher elevator to go up one Made from real Blue in which the world floor, you’re gonna end up vanish- to the guy of yourBlob dream: meat! Spencer Spencer from iCarly. ing like the girl in that Cecil Hotel feels slightly unreal. documentary. Pisces: Now that Father Graham Libra: Mercury is in retrograde, is on his way out, he’s throwing all and you know what that means: caution to the wind. Don’t be sur- absolutely nothing. The stars made prised if he announces that he was it up as a prank and now it’s gone the one writing these horoscopes way too far. the whole time.