地址:中国上海市邯郸路220号邮编:200433 电话:86-21-65642791 传真:86-21-65641740

Add:FudanUniversity,HandanRoad,220, Shanghai,P.R.ChinaPostCode:200433 Tel:86-21-65642791 Fax:86-21-65641740 DCepartmentofhemistry FudanUniversity 目 录 Contents

2 复旦大学化学系简介 Introduction of Department of Chemistry

4 复旦大学化学教学实验中心 Experimental Center for Chemical Education

5 上海市分子催化和功能材料重点实验室 Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials

6 创新科学仪器教育部工程研究中心 Institutes of Biomedical Sciences

7 复旦大学生物医学研究院(科技创新平台) Laboratory of Advanced Materials

8 复旦大学先进材料实验室(科技创新平台) Faculty Members

11 院士 Academician

16 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry

33 有机化学 Organic Chemistry

44 物理化学 Physical Chemistry

73 分析化学 Analytical Chemistry

81 化学生物学 Chemical Biology Introduction of Department of Chemistry 复旦大学化学系介绍

复旦大学化学系始建于1926年。1952年全国高校院系调整,原浙江大学、交通大学、同济大学、 沪江大学、大同大学、震旦大学与复旦大学七校的化学系合并,成为今日的复旦大学化学系。历经八十 年,化学系已成为我国培养一流化学人才和开展面向国家需求的化学前沿研究的重要基地之一,1952年 至今培养了本科生7590余名、硕士992名、博士446名。他们在祖国的各条战线上发挥作用,有一大批 已成为学术造诣深厚、蜚声于海内外的著名专家,其中在化学系工作或学习、进修过的中科院、工程院 院士有二十余位。近年来通过“211”和“985”工程的建设,进一步为构建研究型大学化学学科体系打 下了坚实基础。 复旦大学化学学科为国家重点一级学科,物理化学、无机化学、分析化学为国家重点二级学科。化 学系设有无机化学、分析化学、有机化学、物理化学、化学生物学五个二级研究所,以及化学教学实验 中心和应用化学研究所、激光化学研究所。建有上海市分子催化和功能材料重点实验室、创新科学仪器 教育部工程研究中心,化学教学实验中心为国家级教学示范中心建设单位。化学系是我国最早的化学一 级学科博士学位授权点及博士后流动站之一,六个二级学科均招收博士和硕士研究生。本科教育设有化 学专业和应用化学专业,1993年被确定为“国家理科基础学科研究和教学人才培养基地”。现有本科生 387人、硕士研究生173人、博士研究生213人、工程硕士生22人、博士后人员15人;拥有各类教学和科 研实验室约1.8万平方米,仪器设备总价值7000余万元,400余平方米资料室拥有中西文图书3万余册, 国内外期刊400余种。 化学系现有教职工160人,其中教师103人,87%具有博士学位;拥有教授48名、副教授及其他高级 职称人员34名,博士生导师44名。教师队伍治学严谨、勇于开拓,教学与研究实力雄厚,拥有中科院院 士5名(含双聘3名)、教育部长江计划特聘教授4名及讲座教授2名、国家杰出青年基金获得者11名(A 类8名、B类3名)、国家973首席科学家1名,国家级和上海市教学名师各1名,上海高校特聘教授(东方 学者) 1名、复旦特聘教授5名,以及教育部优秀青年教师和跨世纪(新世纪)优秀人才7名;另外,还聘 有名誉教授8名,兼职教授16名。 化学系始终把培养高素质人才作为根本目标。近年来,在“宽口径、厚基础、重能力、求创新” 的原则上,对教学体系进行改革,开设的160门本科课程中,《物理化学》、《有机化学》、《普通化 学》等专业课程为国家级和上海市精品课程,还有《化学与人类》等具广泛影响的优秀公共类课程,获 得过多项国家和上海市教学成果;物理化学系列课程教学团队为首批全国教学优秀团队;编著的《物理 化学》、《化学与人类》、《谱学导论》、《分析化学原理》等一系列新教材获得国家级和上海市优秀 教材奖。在注重基础理论和实验技能训练的同时,十分重视学生素质教育、培养学生创新思维和研究能 力。近五年有3篇博士论文被评为全国百篇优秀博士论文,学生的课余科技创新行动曾获准创新项目100 余项,连续三届获 “挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛2项特等奖和1项一等奖。近七年来有 7届本科生和7届研究生被评为上海市先进集体,03级研究生和04级本科生班级获得全国先进班集体称 号;20多名学生被评为上海市优秀学生。培养了一大批具有较高思想素质和创新能力、扎实基础知识和 优良实验作风的优秀毕业生,赢得了社会高度评价。 化学系十分重视科研创新,坚持理论与实践结合、基础与应用兼顾的传统。近年来,以分子催化、 化学材料和蛋白质组学为研究重点,积极开展面向国民经济和社会发展的高新技术和应用开发研究。 2000~2008年间,共承担国家和有关部门科研项目800余项,获各类经费累计3.31亿元,发表科研论 文2690余篇。2008年实到科研经费超过5000万元,在研的225个项目中,有国家973项目及子项目22 个,863子项目12个,国家自然科学基金重点项目1个,上海市重点项目7个;在Nature material, JACS, Angew Cheme….等国际知名杂志上发表SCIE论文325篇,其中IF>3者占30% 以上;获授权专利49项。 近年来获得国家自然科学二等奖、国家技术发明二等奖、国家科技进步二等奖各1项,上海市和各部委 自然科学一等奖1项、科技进步一等奖8项和二等奖7项、技术发明一等奖和二等奖各1项,何梁何利基金 “科学与技术进步奖” 2项,以及上海市自然科学牡丹奖2项、上海市科技精英和青年科技英才奖4项、 中国化学会青年化学奖3项等,还获得国家基金委和上海市优秀创新群体各1项。 伴随着科研水平和教学质量的不断提升,化学系积极扩大国际影响,不断加快国际化进程,目前已 与巴黎高科、英国伯明翰、美国UCSB和VCU等国外大学建立了长期合作的模式;赵东元、金国新、贺 鹤勇等教授或担任国内外重要杂志的副主编、编委等职务,或在国际学术团体和重要国际会议中担任重 要职务;化学系先后主办了一系列大型和双边国际会议,国外大学教授来化学系讲学和授课的比例每年 都在不断增加。 风云际会,斗转星移,化学系走过了八十余载历史长路。 在过去的岁月中,我们创造了辉煌的今天;我们将加倍努力,建设更加灿烂的明天! 2 Fudan University, which was founded in 1905, began its fi rst chemistry program in 1926 to undertake responsibility for training students of science and engineering. The program developed quickly and the Department of Chemistry was established 3 years later. In 1952, as a result of the national reorganization of institutions of higher learning, the chemistry departments of 7 universities (Fudan, Zhejiang, Jiaotong, Tongji, Hujiang, Datong and Zhendan) combined to form the new Department of Chemistry at Fudan University. Through 80 years’ development, the Department has become one of the state important educational bases for training fi rst-class professionals in its fi eld. Since 1952, over 7590 B.Sc., 992 M.Sc., 446 Ph.D. graduates have received their training in the Department, in addition to 40 post-doctoral fellows. There are 20 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or Chinese Academy of Engineering, who are either alumni or faculty members. At present, the Chair of the Department is Prof. Yi Tang and the General Part Branch Secretary is Prof. Ya- Ming Zhou. The Department consists of 6 disciplines, 2 institutes (Institute of Applied Chemistry and Institute of Laser Chemistry) and 1 experimental centers (Experimental Center for Chemical Education).The disciplines are Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Applied Chemistry and Physical Chemistry (including Electrochemistry, Catalysis and Laser Chemistry). The Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials is a multidisciplinary research laboratory in the Department, which is rooted in the Physical Chemistry Discipline, one of the State Key Disciplines of the University, and the former Physical Chemistry Special Laboratory of the Ministry of Education. The Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry are also State Key Disciplines of the University. As the Department pays more attention to attract talents of excellence globally, over 20 scholars has joined the faculty lately. It now has a faculty of 103 that includes 48 full professors and 34 associate professors. Amid them, there are 5 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (3 are concurrently conferred professors), 4 professors of “Cheung Kong Scholar Programme” of the Ministry of Education, and 11 professors titled National Distinguished Young Investigators by the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC). Moreover, there are 8 honorary professors and 16 part-time professors. The 18, 000 m2 laboratory space for research and teaching is equipped with a wide variety of sophisticated instruments, such as X-ray Diffractometer, Infrared-Raman Spectrometer, Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer, Auger Electron Spectrometer, X-ray and Ultraviolet Photoeletron Spectrometer, 500 MHz and 300 MHz Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer, Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscope, SMART-APEXCCD Single Crystal Diffractometer, Molecular Beam System, Stop-fl ow Dynamics System, Physisorption-Chemisorption Analysis System, etc. The Department library has a space of nearly 400 m2 with a collection of over 30,000 books in Chinese and foreign languages and subscribes to more than 400 chemical journals or magazines. A Chinese Chemistry Bibliography Database is available and the data retrieval system is connected with the University library directly, providing a favorable service to fulfi ll the requirements of both teachers and students. In education of undergraduates, two major subjects, Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, are offered, both of which lead to B.Sc. Degree authorized by the Ministry of Education. In 1993, the Chemistry subject was singled out by the Ministry of Education to be one of the National Training Bases for Scientific Researchers and Teachers. While in the education of graduates, the Department has 6 Ph.D. programs and 6 M.Sc. programs in Chemistry, including Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Applied Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. A post-doctoral Research Center was established to attract young Ph.D. graduates from other institutions home and abroad to join our research work. To encourage outstanding students to further advanced study, it also provides continuous graduate programs from B.Sc. to M.Sc. and M.Sc. to Ph.D. The Department’s attitude towards undergraduate education is to ensure an adequate background in fundamental chemistry and a good training in experimental skills and to allow a balance between specialization and a broadly-based education. For this purpose, more than 100 lectures and laboratory courses are offered each year. Meanwhile, dozens of new textbooks in both Chinese and English were published, e.g. “Principals of General Chemistry”, “Principals of Analytical Chemistry”, “Physical Chemistry”, “Experimental Physical Chemistry” and etc. To motivate the diligent students and hard-working teachers, a number of scholarships and prizes are awarded by the Department and University, including Wu Zheng-kai Scholarship, Exxon Scholarship, Shanghai Society of Chemistry and Chemical Industry (SSCCI) scholarship and Liang Zaihui-Ji Xiaohui Prize. In scientifi c research, the Department all along adheres to the principle of integration of theory with practice while emphasizing on both basic and applied research. In recent years, its research focus is on the fronts of molecular catalysis and advanced materials and proteomics and other applied high technologies. Between 2000 and 2008, its academic staffs involved in over 800 national and local projects receiving research grants up to ¥330 million, and published 2690 research papers. The grant provided by the funding bodies in 2008 amounted to ¥50 million. The 185 ongoing research projects include 22 national “973” projects, 12 national “863” projects and 1 major and key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC). Over 325 SCI papers are published each year and the IF>3 papers account for more than 30%. Over 80 years have passed since the Department of Chemistry was established; the Department has achieved great success in every aspect in the decades past. In the future, the faculty will continue making unrelenting efforts to better fulfi ll its mission. 3 Experimental Center for Chemical Education 复旦大学化学教学实验中心

复旦大学化学教学实验中心成立于1998年8月,是由化学系相关教研室中的普通 化学、分析化学、有机化学和物理化学实验室调整合并而成,下设基础化学教学实验 中心和综合化学教学实验中心。 实验中心的主要任务是承担全校本科各类基础化学实验课程的教学工作。同时, 中心还承担了化学系部分大型仪器的管理和对外服务,以及本科生的开放实验室工 作。 化学教学实验中心在复旦大学三年行动计划及专项建设等项目支持下,先后投 入1000余万元,对原有实验室进行了改建,经三年时间的努力,使实验室面貌焕然 一新,极大地改善了实验条件,促进了教学水平地提高。实验中心现有学生实验室 3140m2,可同时容纳600名学生进行各种化学实验。 在教育部世界银行贷款项目、国家基础学科(化学)人才培养基地项目及学校专 项建设项目的支持下,实验中心在近年新增或更新了一批仪器设备,有75%目前所 开设的的实验从中受益。实验中心的仪器设备资产总值达1170多万元。 复旦大学化学教学实验中心每年接受进行实验的学生总数达2000余名,实验室 的年使用效率在17万人/时。基础实验中心目前主要开设了10余门化学实验课程,常 年开出各类实验100多个。 复旦大学化学教学实验有一支稳定的实验教学骨干队伍。除实验中心原有师资 外,每年还有60~70名其他科室教师和研究生助参与实验中心的实验教学工作,其 中有多名高级职称的教师。他们的积极参与为基础实验教学引入新技术、新概念,促 进了实验教学的层次和教学水平的提高。 实验中心在“重组课程体系、精选实验内容、改进训练方法、抓好基础技术、加 强能力培养、注重创新精神”的总体原则指导下,对教学实验进行了改革改革,建立 了以实验技术为主线,实施两阶段(基础、综合),三层次(必做基本实验、选做拓 宽实验、选做设计实验)的实验教学模式。并对实验教学内容、实验考核办法和实验 带教方法等进行了改革,目前初见成效。 近20年来,正式出版基础化学类实验教材近十本,其中五本获国家教委和上海 市优秀教材奖。 复旦大学化学系学生近年在第三届和第四届全国大学生化学竞赛中共获得3个一 等奖和3个二等奖。实验中心及相关的实验室十余次获学校及上海市奖励。

化学基础技术实验室(一) 化学基础技术实验室(二) 化学合成技术实验室 Lab of Basic Technology of Chemistry(1) Lab of Basic Technology of Chemistry(2) Lab of Chemical Synthesis

枫林校区化学合成技术实验室 仪器及测量技术实验室(一) 仪器及测量技术实验室(二) Lab of Chemical Synthesis(Fenlin Campus) Lab of Instrument& Measurement(1) Lab of Instrument & Measurement(2)

4 Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials 上海市分子催化和功能材料重点实验室

上海市分子催化和功能材料重点实验室以复旦大学化学系的全国重点学科“物理化学”和“无机化学”学 科为主体,组合了化学系相关的优势力量。36名固定研究人员中,有中科院院士两人,国家杰出青年基金获 得者六名,教育部“长江计划”特聘教授四名,具有博士学位的人员占92%。另有国家基金委创新研究群体一 个。 近年来在“211工程”及“985计划”建设中,与本实验室相关的物理化学学科和无机化学学科获得学科 建设资金共四千余万元,实验室的仪器设备得到了很大程度上的更新改造。 实验室在多相催化、多孔及纳米材料的制备科学和应用、烯烃聚合催化、理论催化和催化反应机理研究及 新型贮能材料、电化学及界面电化学等研究中有着扎实的基础和很强的实力,近五年来在基础研究方面取得了 令人注目的成绩。承担国家基础研究项目近百项,包括973、863、创新研究群体科学基金、国家杰出青年基 金、国家自然科学基金重点项目、海外青年学者合作基金等,获国家和省部级奖励十余项,发表SCI论文800 余篇,专利获权140余项。在面向国民经济与地方经济发展的应用研究中亦取得了显著的成果,如甲醇部分氧 化生产甲醛的电解银催化剂被国内大多数甲醛生产厂家所采用,乙二醇催化氧化合成40%乙二醛生产工艺技术 等已产生了巨大的经济和社会效益。 实验室将在进一步提高基础研究水平的基础上,加强和发展与上海基础化工和石油化工重大产业集团的产 学研结合,开发具有自主知识产权的新的催化材料和催化技术以及其他功能材料,为建设成为具有国际先进水 平、科研力量雄厚的催化和功能材料研究实验室和人才培养基地而努力。

The Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials is a multidisciplinary research laboratory in the Chemistry Department of Fudan University. It is rooted in the Physical Chemistry Discipline, one of the State Key Disciplines of the University, and the former Physical Chemistry Special Laboratory of the Ministry of Education. The present Laboratory extends beyond disciplinary boundaries, and brings together a group of professors and experts to meet scientifi c challenges in the new century. Among the 36 permanent staff members of the Laboratory, there are two Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and four Chair Professors of Cheung Kong Scholars Programme. In recent years the Laboratory invested ca. US$4.0 million in the state-of-the-art instruments, including high-resolution TEM, SEM, 500 MHz NMR spectrometer, 300 MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer, powder X-ray diffractometer, CCD single-crystal X-ray diffractometer, XPS, ICP spectrometer, UV Raman spectrometer and etc. As a major academic catalysis research laboratory in Shanghai, the largest center of chemical industry in China, the mission of the Laboratory is to conduct creative fundamental research targeted at solving challenges of industrial interest. The main research orientations of the Laboratory are heterogeneous catalysis, polymerization catalysis, novel porous and nanoscale catalytic and functional materials, and chemical kinetics and reaction mechanism. The research projects in all these fields are aimed at molecular understanding of catalysts and catalytic processes, designing novel catalyst systems of industrial relevance, and bridging the gaps between theoretical and surface chemistry, basic catalysis research and industrial applications. Compared with other advanced research centers, the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials is still young and has a long way to go. However, through our hard work we are sure that the Laboratory can make new and greater contributions to the development of the national economy, science and technology, and society.

5 Engineering Research Center of Innovative Scientific Instrument Ministry of Education 创新科学仪器教育部工程研究中心














6 Institutes of Biomedical Sciences 复旦大学生物医学研究院(科技创新平台)

复旦大学生物医学研究院(Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, 简称IBS)始建于2004年3月,是国家 985二期工程建设的科技创新平台。研究院的宗旨是:“健康上海人,欢乐中国人”,发展遵循“章鱼模 式”,以“转化医学”为建设目标,旨在推动复旦大学生命科学与医学的有机结合,建立基础科学的研究者 与了解病人需求的医生之间的联系,打破基础医学与药物研发、临床医学之间的屏障,弥补基础实验研发与 临床之间的鸿沟,把基础研究获得的成果与知识快速转化为临床上的诊断与治疗的新方法。 生物医学研究院的院训是“铭诚、卓毅、协作、拓新”。 机构设置: 生物医学研究院实行平台管理委员会领导下的首席科学家负责制,管理上遵循国际通用的PI管理模式。 研究院配置了国际先进的科研设备,创建了独特的共享体制。机制上采用灵活的方式与各院系与附属医院进 行共建。 研究院下设九个研究所/中心。即:基因组学与表观基因组学研究所、蛋白质组学与系统生物学研究所、 药物学与结构生物学研究所、发育生物学与出生缺陷研究所、干细胞与组织工程研究所;心脑血管疾病研究 中心、癌症研究中心、病理研究中心、传染病与公共卫生研究中心。 研究方向: 面向国家中长期科技规划以及国家、上海市的经济建设和社会发展设计组织项目申请和团队建设,主要 研究方向有:疾病系统生物学、出生缺陷与发育生物学、疾病分子机制、创新药物和结构生物学。 科研队伍: 研究院现拥有院士顾问4名,院士1名,双聘院士3名,全职PI9人,双聘PI23人,研究人员20余名,工程 技术人员20余名。 经过不断的建设,已经形成了以下研究团队: 肝癌研究团队:汤钊猷院士领衔,注重基础和临床、蛋白质组学和基因组学结合。 传染病研究团队:闻玉梅院士领衔,拥有成熟治疗性产品和临床基地,与IBS基础生物学特别是蛋白质组 学开展全方位合作。 蛋白质组学研究团队。以贺福初、杨芃原为首,在承担国际人类肝脏蛋白质组学计划中发挥主导作用, 先后承担973、863等重大项目,作为上海市首批科技创新团体承担重大肝病的系统生物学项目。 金力教授为首的“基因组的进化分析及其应用研究团队”,2007年获教育部批准。 干细胞研究团队:以张素春、汤其群为核心,全职/半职、海外/校内、基础/临床相结合,共有6名长江 学者。 分子细胞生物学研究团队:以国际知名专家管坤良、熊跃为代表,辅以全职年轻PI 表观遗传学团队:施扬、石雨江教授领衔。含有多名名海外年轻学者。 结构生物学团队:Alastair Murchie、张明杰教授领衔,徐彦辉等青年PI加盟,涵盖X-ray和NMR。 病理研究团队:贺林、朱虹光领衔,正在着手开展疾病的发病机理的研究工作。 技术平台 目前已建成的技术平台有:蛋白质组学技术平台、分子细胞技术平台、药物与结构技术平台、基因组学 技术平台、病理研究技术平台、基础医学技术平台(癌症,心血管)、公共技术平台、 重点建设的技术平台有:干细胞与组织工程技术平台、病原微生物与传染病技术平台、表观遗传学技术 平台。 现已拥有价值40万元以上的大型仪器19台,包括大型质谱仪、测序仪、显微切割仪、流式细胞仪、小动 物活体成像仪、小动物超声、多功能工作站、多功能扫描仪、DNA合成仪等。通过开放共享的机制,研究院 将为校内外生物医学研究工作者提供高水平的技术支持和服务。 人才培养

7 Laboratory of Advanced Materials 复旦大学先进材料实验室(科技创新平台)

复旦大学先进材料实验室(科技创新平台)是教育部“985工程”二期重点建设项目之一,成立于 2005年4月。它实行“联合、开放、共享”的运行模式,通过协议招聘制、课题制和准入与退出等机制 建立国际一流的创新团队,旨在现有国家重点实验室和重点学科群的基础上,集基础研究、应用开发和 创新人才培养等为一体,形成一个以国际先进材料发展前沿为导向、以国家发展战略需求为动力且设备 先进、功能完善的公共平台和创新基地。目前,平台由中国科学院院士杨玉良教授代理主任,中国科学 院院士赵东元教授主持平台日常工作。 复旦大学先进材料实验室(科技创新平台))围绕国家重大需求,瞄准先进材料发展的前沿,以量 子调控和分子设计为主线,在材料的设计合成、实验制备、性能评估及其新型器件的构筑与制备、操作 过程的理论与模拟及科研成果的产业化准备等不同层面,通过物理、化学、生物、材料、信息、医学和 环境等多学科的高度交叉融合,将复旦大学物质科学的研究方向和研究力量进行有机重组与整合,形成 微纳电子材料、光电子材料与器件、功能分子材料三个研究方向,并设有新能源研究院、上海华谊(集 团)公司-复旦大学工业催化和功能材料研究中心以及平板显示器材料研究中心,实现了一级学科之间 大跨度的整合。 复旦大学先进材料实验室(科技创新平台))现有研究和技术人员60余人,汇集了一批具有国际领 先水平的学术带头人和优秀学术骨干,其中包括中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士6人、教育部“长江学 者奖励计划”特聘教授10人和国家杰出青年基金获得者18人等,形成了多支富有朝气的多学科交叉研究 队伍,并组建了一支由高层次实验技术人员组成的技术平台服务队伍。 复旦大学先进材料实验室(科技创新平台)成立三年来,在“985工程”二期整体建设各方面取得了 积极的进展。平台一直围绕国家中长期科技发展规划,瞄准“十一五”规划和高新技术产业需求,承担 了大量国家重大研究课题项目,包括主持“973”项目3项、“863”项目2项、科技部重大科学研究计划 3项、国家基金委重点项目4项、教育部“111”引智计划重大1项、上海市科委重大项目2项。获得国家 基金委创新群体(延续)项目3项、教育部创新团队项目2项。三年来,平台获得多项各类科研和人才奖 励,其中包括国际青年科学家奖1项、上海市科技进步一等奖1项、上海市科技精英奖和提名奖各1项,上 海市自然科学牡丹奖1名、中国青年科技奖1名、入选新世纪百千万人才工程(国家级)3名、入选上海市 优秀科学带头人2名。迄今为止,平台的科研人员共发表论文680余篇,其中包括在Natural Materials, Nature Physics,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Phys. Rew. Lett.,Adv. Mater.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. , Acc. Chem. Res. 等国际和专业顶级杂志上发表的40余篇;申请专利和公开各类发明专利百余项。 复旦大学先进材料实验室(科技创新平台)建设目标是经过不断努力,尽快跻身于国家实验室行 列,成为世界一流的物质科学研究实验室。

Laboratory of Advanced Materials Fudan University(LAM) is founded in 2005, the research of which is one of the key science and technology items which belongs to “985 Programmes” of Chinese Ministry of Education. Keeping up with the newest development of international advanced materials, the research and academic fields focus mainly on molecular materials, with some others involved to meet with the national demands of strategic development. The advanced materials laboratory aims at constructing a public platform and innovation base with advanced equipments and perfect functions for the basic and application research of advanced materials to train innovative graduate students.

Centering on the main research directions of advanced materials, LAM boasts of a group of leaders in scientifi c fi elds and excellent academic elites. Now There are six academicians, ten “973 Chief Scientists”, nine “Changjiang Scholars Awards Plan” Chair professors,17 National Outstanding Youth Science Fund winners and three “ Outstanding Research Groups” which belongs to Projects of “ China National Natural Science Foundation”. They undertake some key projects as “973”、”863”, projects funded by “ China National Natural Science Foundation” and dozens of national and provincial research projects regarding advanced materials. LAM carries on the reorganization and conformity of materials science research directions

8 and the research strength of Fudan University to meet with the newest development of advanced materials and national significant demands. Now it has formed three research sections as micro-nano electronic materials, photoelectric materials and devices, the functional molecular materials which focus on different aspects as the materials design & synthesis, the construction and fabrication of new devices, the operating process theory & simulation, the achievements in scientifi c research, the industrialization preparation, and through highly integrated multi-disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, materials, information, medicine and environment. The main research directions include: 1、 Micro-nano electronic materials Low-dimension semiconductor artifi cial structure Low-dimension strong co-related and magnetic materials semiconductor Spintronics materials Quantum modulation based on superconductor, semiconductor and magnet

2、Functional molecular material Porous functional materials Biological medical materials Advanced energy-storage materials Advanced functional materials preparation science based on new synthetic method and assembly principle Material computation and design

3、photoelectric materials and devices Photonic crystal Photonic integration Advanced photoelectric materials and devices with great information storage Advanced photonic materials with ultrashort, ultrastrong Laser Technology Highly effective organic photoelectric materials and fl at panel display technology Solid photoelectric molecular materials

LAM is located at the new Jiangwan campus of Fudan University with 40,000 square metres planned area. The 23,000 square metres of the first stage construction was put into use in the second half year of 2007. At present it has created very good conditions for science research and graduates education which is equipped with comparatively complete large-scale instruments, such as Nuclear magnetic resonance meter, High resolution transmission and scanning electron microscopy, Atomic force microscope, X-ray single crystal diffractometer, Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry, steady/transient fluorescence spectrophotometer, Ink jet printing fabrication system, Ultrahigh angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy system.

9 Faculty Members(师资力量) Academician of CAS(院士)

赵东元(ZHAO Dongyuan)

林国强(LIN Guoqiang)

黄春辉(HUANG Chunhui)

贺福初( Fuchu)

10 ᡎˋЊ ;)"0 %POHZVBO "DBEFNJDJBO 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry Postdoc., University of California at Santa Barbara, USA, 1998 Postdoc., University of Houston, USA,1997 Postdoc., The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 1995 Ph.D., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, China, 1990 M.Sc., Jilin University, China, 1987 B.Sc., Jilin University, China, 1984 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-51630211 Fax: 86-21-51630307

Research Interests via a High-Temperature Reductive Sulfuration Route”, J. ‚ Synthesis and Physiochemical Properties of Ordered Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 9522 – 9531, (2007). Mesoporous Materials ‚ Y Huang, HQ Cai, T Yu, FQ Zhang, F Zhang, Y Meng, D ‚ Microscopical Assembly and Macroscopical Control of Gu, Y Wan, B Tu, DY Zhao, “Mesoporous Carbon with Mesoporous Molecular Sieves Face-Centered Cubic Fd 3 m Structure and Bimodal ‚ Structure and Synthesis Design of Novel Microporous Architectural Pores from Reverse Amphiphilic Triblock Molecular Sieves Copolymer PPO-PEO-PPO”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 46, ‚ Synthesis of Novel Patterned Nanoscale Materials 1089 – 1093, (2007). Courses ‚ Y Wan, YF Shi, DY Zhao, “Designed Synthesis of Mesoporous Solids via Nonionic-Surfactant- Templating ‚ General chemistry Approach”, Chem. Commun., 897 – 926, (2007). ‚ New inorganic materials ‚ RL Liu, YF Shi, Y Wan, Y Meng, FQ Zhang, D Gu, ZX ‚ Research methodology in inorganic compounds Chen, B Tu, DY Zhao, “Triconstituent Co-assembly to ‚ Recent progress of inorganic chemistry Ordered Mesostructured Polymer-Silica and ‚ Syntheses and characterization in new inorganic materials Selected Publications Carbon-Silica Nanocomposites and Large-pore Mesoporous Carbons with High Surface Areas” J. Am. ‚ YH Deng, CH Deng, DW , C Liu, J Liu, XM Zhang, Chem. Soc., 128, 11652 – 11662, (2006). DY Zhao, “Synthesis of Core/Shell Colloidal Magnetic ‚ Y Wan, HF Yang, DY Zhao, “'Host-Guest' Chemistry in Zeolite Microspheres for the Immobilization of Trypsin”, the Synthesis of Ordered Nonsiliceous Mesoporous Adv. Mater., 21(13), 1377 – 1382, (2009). Materials”. Acc. Chem. Res., 39, 423 – 432, (2006). ‚ YH Deng, DW Qi, CH Deng, XM Zhang, and DY Zhao, ‚ DHChen,ZLi,YWan,XZTu,YFShi,ZXChen,W “Superparamagnetic High-Magnetization Microspheres Shen, CZ Yu, B Tu, DY Zhao, “Anionic Surfactant with an Fe3O4@SiO2 Core and Perpendicularly Aligned Induced Mesophase Transformation to Synthesize Highly Mesoporous SiO2 Shell for Removal of Microcystins”, J. Ordered Large-Pore Mesoporous Silica Structures”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 28 – 29, (2008). (Highlights by Mater. Chem., 16, 1511 – 1519, (2006). (Cover, 2006, ˅ ACS News Highlights by RSC News as Hot Paper) ‚ CF Xue, B Tu, DY Zhao, “Evaporation-Induced Coating ‚ FQ Zhang, Y Meng, D Gu, Y Yan, CZ Yu, B Tu, DY Zhao, and Self-Assembly of Ordered Mesoporous Carbon-Silica “A Facile Aqueous Route to Synthesize Highly Ordered Composite Monoliths with Macroporous Architecture on Mesoporous Polymers and Carbon Frameworks with Ia3d Polyurethane Foams”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 18(24), 3914 – Bicontinuous Cubic Structure”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 3921 (2008). 13508 – 13509, (2005) ‚ Y Wan, DY Zhao, “On the Controllable Soft-Templating ‚ Y Meng, D Gu, FQ Zhang, YF Shi, HF Yang, Z Li, CZ Yu, Approach to Mesoporous Silicates”, Chem. Rev. 107, BTu, DY Zhao, “Ordered Mesoporous Polymers and 2821 – 2860, (2007). Homologous Carbon Frameworks: Amphiphilic ‚ YH Deng, T Yu, Y Wan, YF Shi, Y Meng, D Gu, LJ Surfactant Templating and Direct Transformation”, Zhang, Y Huang, C Liu, XJ Wu, DY Zhao, “Ordered Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 44 ,7053 – 7059, (2005) Mesoporous Silicas and Carbons with Large Accessible ‚ J Fan, CZ Yu, J Lei, Q Zhang, TC Li, B Tu, WZ Zhou, Pores Templated from Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymer DY Zhao, “Low Temperature Strategy to Synthesize Poly(ethylene oxide)-b-Polystyrene“, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Highly Ordered Mesoporous Silicas with Very Large 129 (6), 1690 – 1697, (2007). Pores”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 10794 – 10795, (2005). ‚ FQ Zhang, D Gu, T Yu, F Zhang, SH Xie, LJ Zhang, D YH eng, Y Wan, B Tu, and DY Zhao, “Mesoporous Carbon Single-Crystals from Organic-Organic Self-Assembly”, J.Am.Chem.Soc., 129(25), 7746 – 7747, (2007). ‚ YF Shi, W Ying, RL Liu, T Bo, DY Zhao, “Synthesis of

Highly Ordered Mesoporous Crystalline WS2 and MoS2 11 VPRJBOH) /*- ुڍౣ "DBEFNJDJBO 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Graduate Study., SIOC, CAS, 1964-1968 B.Sc., Shanghai University of Science & Technology, 1964

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-54925169 Fax: 86-21-64166263

Research Interests ‚ Chen-Guo Feng, Zhi-Qian Wang, Cheng Shao, Ming-Hua ‚ Asymmetric synthesis Xu* and Guo-Qiang Lin*. Highly Practical Catalytic ‚ Total synthesis of natural products Asymmetric 1,4-Addition of Arylboronic Acids in Water ‚ Enzymatic transformations Using New Hydrophilic Chiral Bicyclo [3.3.0] Diene Selected Publications Ligands. Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 4101-4104. ‚ Xing-Wen Sun, Min Liu, Ming-Hua Xu*, and Guo-Qiang ‚ Guo-Qiang Lin*, Ming-Hua Xu, Yu-Wu Zhong, Lin*. Remarkable Salt Effect on In-Mediated Allylation Xing-Wen Sun. An Advance on Exploring of N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Imines in Aqueous Media: N-tert-Butane-sulfinyl Imines in Asymmetric Synthesis of Highly Practical Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Chiral Amines. Acc. Chem. Res. 2008, 41, 831-840. Homoallylic Amines and Isondolinones. Org. Lett, 2008, ‚ Zhi-Qian Wang, Chen-Guo Feng, Ming-Hua Xu*, 10, 1259-1262. Guo-Qiang Lin*. Design of C2-Symmetric ‚ Xing-Wen Sun, Ming-Hua Xu* and Guo-Qiang Lin*. Tetrahydro-pentalenes as New Chiral Diene Ligands for Room-Temperature Highly Diastereoselective Highly Enantioselective Rh-Catalyzed Arylation of Zn-Mediated Allylation of Chiral N-tert-Butanesulfinyl N-Tosylaryl-imines with Arylboronic Acid. J. Am. Chem. Imines: Remarkable Teaction Condition Controlled Soc. 2007, 129, 5336-5337. Stereoselectivity Reversal. Org. Lett. 2006, 8, 4979-4982. ‚ Yu-Wu Zhong, Yi-Zhou Dong, Kai Fang, Kenji Izumi, Books Ming-Hua Xu* and Guo-Qiang Lin*, “A Highly Efficient and Direct Approach for Synthesis of ‚ Principle and Application of Asymmetric Enantiopure Į-Amino Alcohols by Reductive Synthesis, Wiley Interscience, John Wiley & Cross-Coupling of Chiral N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Imines Sons, Inc. 2001(ISBN 0-471-40027-0); with Aldehydes”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, ‚ Chrial Synthesis—Asymmetric Reactions and 11956-11957. Application, Science Press, 2007; ‚ Min Liu, Xing-Wen Sun, Ming-Hua Xu* and Guo-Qiang ‚ Chiral Drug—Research & Application, Lin*. Highly Efficient Asymmetric Synthesis of Vinylic Chemical Industry Press, ISBN 7-5025-4680-4; Amino Alcohols by Zn-Promoted Hydroxyallylation of ‚ Drug Discovery Research, by Ziwei Huang, in Chiral N-tert-Butanes ulfinyl Imines: Facile and Rapid Chapter 10, Chiral Drugs and the Associated Access to (-)-Cytoxazone. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, accepted. Asymmetric Synthesis, p230-280, 2007, ‚ De-Run Li, Dong-Hui Zhang, Cai-Yun Sun, Ji-Wen Wiley-Interscience, ISBN 978-0-471-67200-5. Zhang, Li Yang, Jian Chen, Bo Liu, Ce Su, Wei-Shan Academic Members: Zhou*, Guo-Qiang Lin*. Total Synthesis of Phorboxazole ‚ Executive Board Member of Editors for B. Chem.Eur.J, 2006, 12, 1185-1204. Tetrahedron Publications, Elsevier Sciences, ‚ Chen-Guo Feng, Zhi-Qian Wang, Ping Tian, Ming-Hua (Oxford UK) (1992-present); Xu* and Guo-Qiang Lin*. Easily Accessible ‚ Titular Member of the Devision of Organic & C2-Symmetric Chiral Bicyclo[3.3.0] Dienes as Ligands for Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric 1,4-Addition. Chem. Biomolecular Chemistry of International Union Asian J. 2008, 3, 1511-1516. of Pure and Apply Chemistry (IUPAC), Body ‚ Chen Zhu, Yun Shi, Ming-Hua Xu* and Guo-Qiang Lin*. for 2002 – 2007 ( North Carolina, USA); An Efficient and Versatile Approach for Optical ‚ International Advisory Board of Chemistry – An Resolution of C -Symmetric Axially Chiral Biaryl Dials. 2 Asican Journal (2006 – present). Synthesis of Enantiopure Biaryl-Derived Cyclic trans-1,2-Diols. Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 1243-1246.

12 ᳦௢ᣜ )6"/( $IVOIVJ "DBEFNJDJBO 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

B.Sc., Peking University, China, 1955

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664330 Fax: 86-21-55664621

Research Interests ‚ Efficient Electroluminescence from a New Terbium ‚ Functional rare earth coordination chemistry Complex, H.Xin,F.Y.Li,M.Shi,Z.QBian,C.H. ‚ Photoelectric responsive functional materials Huang, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 7166-7177 Selected Publications ‚ Room Temperature Synthesis and Characterization of Bicontinuous Cubic. Mesoporous Silica by Hemicyanine ‚ 咘᯹䕝ˈlj⿔ೳ䜡ԡ࣪ᄺNJˈ⾥ᄺߎ⠜⼒ˈ1997DŽ ‚ 咘᯹䕝ˈᴢᆠটˈ咘ች䇞ˈljܝ⬉ࡳ㛑䍙㭘㝰NJˈ࣫Ҁ Dye/Surfactant Blends, K. Hou, L. Shen, F.Y. Li,* Z.Q. Bian, C.H. Huang*, J.Phys.Chem.B, 2006, 110 (19): ໻ᄺߎ⠜⼒ˈ2001 ‚ 咘᯹䕝ˈᴢᆠটˈ咘㓈ˈlj᳝ᴎ⬉㟈থܝᴤ᭭Ϣ఼ӊᇐ 9452-9460 ‚ Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and 䆎NJˈ໡ᮺ໻ᄺߎ⠜⼒ˈ2005 Electrophosphorescence of New Iridium(ċ ). Complexes ‚ Microcavity Effect from a Novel Terbium Complex based on Quinoline Derivatives, Qiang Zhao, Chang-Yun Langmuir-Blodgett Film, Yanyi Huang, Anchi Yu, Jiang, Mei Shi, Fu-You Li, * Tao Yi, Yong Cao* and Chun-Hui Huang, Liangbing Gan, Xinsheng Zhao,Yong Chun-Hui Huang*, Organmetalics 2006, 25, 3631-3638 Lin, Bei Zhang, Adv. Mater., 1999, 11(8), 627-629


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13 ᠠለѹ )& 'VDIV "DBEFNJDJBO 1SPGFTTPS Chemical Biology

Ph.D., Institute of Radiation Medicine, 1994 M.Sc., Institute of Radiation Medicine, 1985 B.Sc., Fudan University, China, 1982

E-mail:[email protected] Tel:+86-21-54237158 Fax: +86-21-54237158

Research Interests with susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B virus infection. ‚ Proteomics Hepatology. 40:318-26. 2004 ‚ Molecular biology ‚ Characterization of a novel C-type lectin-like gene, ‚ Chemical genetics LSECtin: demonstration of carbohydrate binding and Selected Publications expression in sinusoidal endothelial cells of liver and lymph node. J. Biol. Chem. 279(18):18748-58. 2004 ‚ KRAB-type zinc-finger protein Apak specifically ‚ The potentiation role of hepatopoietin on AP-1 is regulates p53-dependent apoptosis. Nature Cell Biol. dependent on its sulfhydryl oxidase activity. J. Biol. 11(5):580-91, 2009 Chem. 278(49):49022-30, 2003 ‚ Two-dimensional Blue Native/SDS PAGE analysis ‚ Substantial reduction in risk of lung adenocarcinoma reveals HSPs chaperone machinery involved in HBV associated with genetic polymorphism in CYP2A13, the production in HepG2.2.15 cells. Mol. Cell Proteomics. most active cytochrome P450 for the metabolic activation 8(3):495-505, 2009 of tobacco-specific carcinogen NNK. Cancer Research. ‚ Bayesian nonparametric model for the validation of 63:8057-61, 2003 peptide identification in shotgun proteomics. Mol. Cell ‚ Identification of metastasis-associated proteins by Proteomics. 8(3):547-557, 2009 proteomic analysis and functional exploration of ‚ Targeting WW domains linker of HECT-type ubiquitin interleukin-18 in metastasis. Proteomics 3:724-737, 2003 ligase Smurf1 for activation by CKIP-1. Nature Cell Biol. ‚ Identification, Characterization, and Functional Study of 10(8):994-002, 2008. the Two Novel Human Members of the Semaphorin Gene ‚ Regulatory Polymorphisms in the Promoter of CXCL10 Family. J. Biol. Chem. 277:35574-85, 2002 Gene and Disease Progression in Male Hepatitis B Virus ‚ Intracrine hepatopoietin potentiates AP-1 activity through Carriers. Gastroenterology. 134(3):716-26, 2008 JAB1 independent of MAPK pathway. FASEB J. 16: 90-2, ‚ Lack of support for an association between CLEC4M 2002 homozygosity and protection against SARS coronavirus ‚ Gene Expression Profiling in Human Fetal Liver and infection. Nature Genetics. 39(6):692-4, 2007 Identification of Tissue- and ‚ PACT is a negative regulator of p53 and essential for cell Developmental-Stage-Specific Genes through Compiled growth and embryonic development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Expression Profiles and Efficient Cloning of Full-Length Sci. USA. 104:7951-6, 2007 cDNAs. Genome Res.11˄8˅˖1392-403ˈ2001 ‚ Proteome analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis: novel protein markers in hepatocellular carcinoma tissues. Mol. Cell Proteomics. 6:1798-808, 2007 ‚ Estrogen Receptor alpha Polymorphisms Associated with Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Hepatitis B Virus Carriers. Gastroenterology. 130(7):2001-9, 2006 ‚ Dataset of Human Fetal Liver Proteome Identified by Subcellular Fractionation and Multiple Protein Separation and Identification Technology. Mol. Cell Proteomics, 5(9):1703-1707, 2006 ‚ Role for the pleckstrin homology domain-containing protein CKIP-1inAP-1 regulation and apoptosis. EMBO J. 24:766-78, 2005 ‚ Identification of Genetic Variants in Base Excision Repair Pathway and Their Associations with Risk of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cancer Research, 64:4378-84, 2004 ‚ Association of estrogen receptor alpha polymorphisms


Name Page JIN Guoxing˄䞥೑ᮄ˅ LI Fuyou˄ᴢᆠট˅ QIAN Dongjin ˄䪅ϰ䞥˅ TAN XiangshiFaculty˄䈁Ⳍ⷇ Members(师资力量)˅ TU Bo˄Inorganicሴ⊶˅ Chemistry(无机化学) WANG Yunhua˄⥟䷉ढ˅ YI Tao˄ᯧ⍯˅ YUE Bin˄ኇ᭠˅ JIN Guoxing(金国新) ZHOU Xigeng˄਼䫵ᑮ˅ CHEN MengLI Fuyou(李富友)˄䰜㧠˅ DENG YonghuiQIAN ˄Dongjin䙧࢛䕝 ˅(钱东金) HOU Xiufeng˄փ⾔ዄ˅ TAN Xiangshi(谭相石) Li Qiaowei˄ᴢᎻӳ˅ LIN YanghuiTU Bo(屠波)˄ᵫ䰇䕝˅ SHEN JianzhongWANG˄ Yunhua(王韵华)≜ᓎЁ˅ WANG Congxiao˄⥟ϯュ˅ YI Tao(易涛) WANG Huadong˄⥟ढހ˅ ZHANGYUE Dao˄ Bin(岳斌)ᓴ䘧˅ ZHANGZHOU Fan˄ᓴ Xigeng(周锡庚)޵˅ ZHANG Jie˄ᓴᵄ˅ CHEN Meng(陈萌) ZHANG Lixin˄ᓴゟᮄ˅ ZHOU YamingDENG ˄Yonghui(邓勇辉)਼Ѯᯢ˅ HOU Xiufeng(侯秀峰) Li Qiaowei(李巧伟) LIN Yanghui(林阳辉) SHEN Jianzhong(沈建中) WANG Congxiao(王丛笑) WANG Huadong(王华冬) ZHANG Dao(张道) ZHANG Fan(张凡) ZHANG Jie(张杰) ZHANG Lixin(张立新) ZHOU Yaming (周亚明) 15 ள +*/ (VP9JOڍ᧚ 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., University of Bayreuth, Germany, 1990 Ph.D.,Nanjing University, 1987 M.S., Nanjing University, 1984 B.S., Nanjing University, 1981 http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/usr2000/gxj/index.htm E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643776 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests YJ Lin, WG Jia, GL Wang, GX Jin*. Chem Commun, ‚ Organometallic Chemistry with chalcogenide Ligands 2008, 1807–1809 ‚ Carborane Chemistry ‚ Vinyl and ring-opening metathesis polymerization of ‚ Catalysts for Olefin Polymerization norbornene with novel half-sandwich iridium(III) ‚ Organometallic Macrocycles complexes bearing hydroxyindanimine ligands. X Meng, Courses GR Tang, GX Jin*. Chem Commun, 2008, 3178–3180 ‚ Stepwise formation of ‘‘organometallic boxes’’ with ‚ Advanced in Inorganic Chemistry half-sandwich Ir, RhandRufragments. YF Han, YJ Lin, ‚ Organometallics LHWeng,HBerke,GXJin*. Chem Commun, 2008, ‚ Coordination Chemistry 350–352 Selected Publications ‚ Stepwise Formation of Organometallic Macrocycles, ‚ Extending Rectangular Metal– Organic Frameworks to Prisms and Boxes from Half-Sandwich Ir, Rh and the Third Dimension: Discrete Organometallic Boxes for Ru-based Bimetallic Edges. YF Han, WG Jia,WB Yu, Reversible Trapping of Halocarbons Occurring with Guo-Xin Jin*. Chem. Soc. Rev, (DOI:10.1039/ B901649J) Conservation of the Lattice. YF Han, WG Jia, YJ Lin, ‚ Formation of direct metal–metal bonds from 16-electron GX Jin*. Angew Chem Int Edit, 2009, 34, 6234-6236 “pseudo-aromatic” half-sandwich complexes

‚ Formation of Ir-RhandIr-Mo Bonds by Using an Cp”M[E2C2(B2H2)]. S Liu, YF Han, GX Jin*. Chem. Soc. Ancillary ortho-Carborane-1,2- diselenolato Ligand. GX Rev, 2007, 36, 1543 - 1560 Jin*; JQ Wang, C Zhang, LH Weng. Angew Chem Int Edit, ‚ Preparation and Structure of Mono- and Binuclear 2005, 44(2), 259-262 Half-Sandwich Iridium, Ruthenium and Rhodium ‚ Preparation, Structure and Ethylene Polymerization Carbene Complexes Containing 1,2-Dichalcogenolao Behavior of Half-sandwich Picolyl-functionalized 1,2-Dicarba-closo-Dodecaboranes. X Wang, S Liu, LH Carborane Iridium, Ruthenium and Rhodium Complexes. Weng, GX Jin *. Chem-Eur J, 2007, 188-195 X Wang, GX Jin*. Chem - Eur J, 2005, 11, 5758-5764 ‚ Building Direct Bonding Multinuclear Transition Metal ‚ Synthesis and Characterization of Heterometallic Clusters Compounds Assisted by Non-Innocent Ligands. X Meng, (Ir2Rh, Ir2W, Rh 3) Containing GX Jin*.Coordin Chem Rev, 1,2-Dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12)-1,2-dithiolate (DOI:10.1016/j.ccr.2009.07.002), Available online 16 2- Chelate Ligands, [(B10H10)C2S2] . JQ Wang, SY Cai, GX July 2009 Jin*, LH Weng. Chem - Eur J, 2005, 11, 7342-7350 ‚ Polymerized metallocene catalysts and late transition ‚ Route to Multicluster Containing Ancillary metal catalysts for ethylene polymerization. J Zhang, X ortho-Carborane-1,2-Dithiolato Ligands. JQ Wang, CX Wang, GX Jin*.Coordin Chem Rev, 2006, 250 (1-2), Ren, GX Jin*. Chem Commun, 2005, 738-4740 95-109 ‚ Porphyrin-carborane organometallic assemblies based on ‚ Nanofibers of polyethylene produced by SBA-15 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) ligands. JQ Wang, supported zirconium catalyst [N-(3-tert-

CX, LH Weng, GX Jin*. Chem Commun, 2006, 162-164 butylsalicylidene)-4c-allyloxylanilinato]2Zr(VI)Cl2. C ‚ Template-controlled topochemical photodimerization Guo, GX Jin*. J Catal, 2005, 234, 356- 363 based on ”organometallic macrocycles’’ through single-crystal to single-crystal transformation. YF Han,

16 ృࠜԣ -* 'VZPV 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., Peking University, 2002 Ph.D., Beijing Normal University, 2000 B.Sc.,Bejing Normal University, 1995 http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/hchgroup08-9/index.htm

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664185 Fax:: 86-21-55664621

Research Interests ‚ K. W. Huang, H. Z. Wu, M. Shi, F. Y. Li*, T. Yi, C. H. ‚ Photo-responsive chemosensor and device Huang, Chem. Commun. 2009, 1243. ‚ Fluorescent probe and bioimaging ‚ M. X. Yu, Q. Zhao, L. X. Shi, F. Y. Li,* Z. G. Zhou, H. ‚ Upconversion luminescence nanoprobes Yang, Y. Tao, C. H. Huang, Chem. Commun. 2008, 2115. ‚ Multifunctional nanoprobes and bioimaging ‚ Z. G. Zhou, M. X. Yu, H. Yang, K. W. Huang, F. Y. Li ,T. Selected Publications Yi, C. H. Huang , Chem. Commun. 2008, 3387. ‚ Q. Zhao, L. Li, F. Y. Li*, M. X. Yu , Z . P. Liu*, T. Yi, C. H. ‚ M. Zhang, M. X. Yu, M. W. Zhu, M. Y. Li, Y. H. Gao, L. Huang* Chem. Commun. 2008, 685 Li, F. Y. Li,* Z. Q. Liu, J. P. Zhang, T. Yi, C. H. Huang*, ‚ Z. G. Zhou, H. Hu, H. Yang, T. Yi*, K. W. Huang, M. X. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129, 10322. Yu, F. Y. Li*, C. H. Huang, , Chem. Commun. 2008, 4786 ‚ Z. G. Chen, H. L. Chen, H. Hu, M. X. Yu , F. Y. Li,* Q. ‚ K. W. Huang, H. Yang, M. X. Yu, X. Gao, Z. G. Zhou, F. Zhang, Z. G. Zhou, T. Yi, C. H. Huang*, J. Am. Chem. Y. Li*, T. Yi, C. H. Huang, Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 2557. Soc., 2008, 130, 3023. ‚ H. Yang, Z. G. Zhou, K. W. Huang, M. X. Yu, F. Y. Li*, T. ‚ L. Q. Xiong, Z. G. Chen, M. X. Yu , F. Y. Li*, C. Liu, C. H. Yi, C. H. Huang*, Org. Lett., 2007, 9, 4729. Huang, Biomaterials. 2009, 30, 5592. ‚ Chunhui Huang, Fuyou Li, Yanyi Huang. Ultrathin films ‚ M. X. Yu, F.YLi,* Z. G. Chen, H. Hu, C. Zhan, H. Yang, for Optoelectronics. 2001, Peking University Press, C. H. Huang, Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 930. Beijing. ‚ M. X. Yu, M. Shi, Z. G. Chen, F. Y. Li*, X. X. Li, Y. H. ‚ Chunhui Huang, Fuyou Li, Wei Huang, Introduction of Gao, J. Xu, H. Yang, Z. G. Zhou, T. Yi, C. H. Huang*, Organic Light-Emitting Materials and Devices, 2005, Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 6892. Fudan University Press, Shanghai. ‚ H. Hu, L. Q. Xiong, J. Zhou, F. Y. Li*, T. Y. Cao, C. Y. Li, C. H. Huang, Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 3577.



17 ᨐˋ᧚ 2*"/ %POHKJO 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., AIST, Japan, 2003 Ph.D., Shangdong University, 1995 M.Sc., Shangdong University, 1991 B.Sc., Shangdong University , 1988 Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643666 Fax: 86-21-65643666

Research interests synthesis of silver nanoparticles at the air–water interface ‚ Interfacial assembly of coordination polymers for using different methods” Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, catalytic oxidation and hydrogenation of organic 055603. compounds; ‚ M.Chen,Y.G.Feng,X.Wang,T.C.Li,J.Y.Zhang,D.J. ‚ Construction of hydrogenase and its model Qian, "Silver nanoparticles capped by oleylamine: complexes-carbon nanotube conjugates for catalytic formation, growth and self-organization", Langmuir, hydrogen energy conversion. 2007, 23, 5296. Courses ‚ A.R.Liu,T.Wakayama,C.Nakamura,J.Miyake,N.A. Zorin, D. J. Qian,* “Electrochemical properties of carbon ‚ Molecular Assembly and Molecular Machine nanotubes-hydrogenase conjugates in Langmuir-Blodgett ‚ Molecular Aggregated Materials and Ultrathin Films Selected Publications films”, Electrochim. Acta, 2007, 52, 3222-3228. ‚ B.Liu,M.Chen,C.Nakamura,J.Miyake, D. J. Qian*, ‚ Chao-Feng Zhang, Ai-Liu, Meng Chen, Chikashi “Coordination polymer nanocombs self-assembled at the Nakamura, Jun Miyake, Dong-Jin Qian*, “Interfacial water-chloroform interface”, New J. Chem., 2007, 31, Self-Assembly of Metal-Mediated Viologen-Like 1007-1011. Coordination Polyelectrolyte Hybrids of Bisterpyridine ‚ B. Liu, D. J. Qian,* M. Chen, T. Wakayama, C. Ligand and Their Optical, Electrochemical and Nakamura, J. Miyake ˈ Metal-mediated coordination Electrochromic Properties”, ACS Applied Materials & polymer nanotube of 5,10,15,20-tetrapyridyl- porphine Interfaces, 2009, 1, 1250-1258. and tris(4-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine at the water-chloroform ‚ Xu Wang, Bing Liu, Meng Chen, Dong-Jin Qian,* interface, Chem. Commun., 2006, 3175-3177. “Electrochemistry of Single-Walled Carbon ‚ A.R.Liu,D.J.Qian,*M.Chen,T.Wakayama,C. Nanotubes-Viologen Composites on Glass Carbon Nakamura, N. A. Zorin, J. Miyake, “Electrochemistry of Electrodes”, J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 2009, 9, 1441-1444. hydrogenase at an electrode modified with sandwiched ‚ Chao-Feng Zhang, Meng Chen, Chikashi Nakamura, Jun films of carbon nanotubes”, Nanobiotechnology, 2006, 2, Miyake, Dong-Jin Qian*, “Electrochemically Driven 135. generation of Manganese(IV,V)-oxo Multiporphyrin ‚ X.Wang,H.X.Huang,A.R.Liu,B.Liu,T.Wakayama, Arrays and Their Redox Properties with Manganese(III) C. Nakamura, J. Miyake, D. J. Qian,* “Layer-by-layer Species in Langmuir-Blodgett Films”, Langmuir, 2008, assembly of carbon nanotube-poly(viologen) derivative 24, 13490-13495. multilayers and their electrochemical properties”, Carbon, ‚ Ai-Rong Liu, Xu Wang, Chikashi Nakamura, Jun Miyake, 2006, 44, 2115-2121. Nikolay A. Zorin, Dong-Jin Qian*, “Assembly of zinc ‚ M.Chen,L.Y.Wang,J.T.Han,J.Y.Zhang,Z.Y.Li,D.J. porphyrin-hydrogenase organized thin films for the Qian “Preparation and study of polyacryamide-stabilized light-induced reduction of viologens”, J. Phys. Chem. C, silver nanoparticles through a one-pot process”, J. Phys. 2008, 112, 1582-1588. Chem.B, 2006, 110, 11224. ‚ H.G.Liu,F.Xiao,C.W.Wang,Y.I.Lee,Q.Xue,X. Chen,D.J.Qian,J.C.Hao,J.Z.Jiang,“One-step

18 ៣ᄰᆂ 5"/ 9JBOHTIJ 1SPGFTTPS Bioinorganic Chemistry & Chemical Biology Research Scientist, Texas A&M university, 2002-2007 Postdoc., NIH, Texas A & M University, USA, 2000-2002 Postdoc., JSPS, Ibaraki University Japan, 1998-2000 Postdoc., ROS, Edinburgh University, UK, 1997-1998 Postdoc., CEA, CEA/Grenoble, France, 1996-1997 Ph.D., Nanjing University, China, 1996 Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664475 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests Acetyl-Coenzyme A Synthase/Carbon Monoxide ‚ Structure, function and mechanism of metalloenzymes & Dehydrogenase, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 2006, 11(3), metalloproteins in biology and diseases, such as 371-378. Acetyl-Coenzyme A Synthase/Carbon Monoxide ‚ Xiangshi Tan, Ivan V. Surovtsev, and Paul A. Lindahl Dehydrogenase, Human soluble guanylate cyclase Kinetics of CO Insertion and Acetyl Group Transfer Steps, (hSGC), CYP450, Cyt c/Apaf1, et al. and a Model of the Acetyl-CoA Synthase Catalytic ‚ Trafficking, metabolism and regulation of metal ions in Mechanism, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128(37), cells; Homeostatic regulation of Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn ions 12331-12338. in AD/PD diseases. ‚ Xiangshi Tan, Huay-Keng Loke, Shawn Fitch and Paul A. Lindahl. The Tunnel of the Acetyl-CoA Synthase/Carbon ‚ NO, CO, H2S singal transduction. ‚ Metalloproteomics. Monoxide Dehydrogenase Regulates Delivery of CO to Courses the Active Site, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127, 5833-5836. ‚ Xiangshi Tan, Matthew R. Bramlett, and Paul A. Lindahl. ‚ Bioinorganic Chemistry/ Protein Chemistry Effect of Zn on Acetyl Coenzyme A Synthase: Evidence ‚ Metals in Biology and Disease Selected Publications for a Conformational Change in the Alpha Subunit during Catalysis, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, ‚ Tianlei Ying, Fangfang Zhong, Jin Xie, Yanjiao Feng, 5954-5955. Zhong-Hua Wang, Zhong-Xian Huang and Xiangshi Tan, ‚ Matthew R. Bramlett, Xiangshi Tan, and Paul A. Lindahl. Evolutionary alkaline transition in human cytochrome c, J. Inactivation of Acetyl Coenzyme A Synthase by Copper, J. Bioenerg. Biomembr., 2009, 41, 251-257. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 9316-9317. ‚ Xiangshi Tan, Marlene Martinho, Audria Stubna, Paul A. ‚ Xiangshi Tan, Christopher Sewell, Qingwu Yang and Paul Lindahl, Eckard Münck Mossbauer Evidence for an A. Lindahl. Reduction and Methyl Transfer Kinetics Exchange-Coupled {[Fe4S4]+Nip+} A-Cluster in of Alpha Subunit from Acetyl-Coenzyme A Synthase, J. Isolated Subunits of Acetyl-Coenzyme A Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125(2), 318. Synthase/Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase, J. Am. Chem. ‚ Xiangshi Tan, Sewell Christopher and Paul A. Lindahl. Soc., 2008, 130, 6712-6713. Stopped-flow kinetic of methyl group transfer between ‚ Xiangshi Tan, Paul A. LindahlTunnel Mutagenesis and Corrinoid-Iron-Sulfur Protein and Acetyl-Coenzyme A Ni-dependenct Reduction and Methylation of the Sbunit Synthase from Clostridium thermoaceticum , J. Am. of AcetylCoenzyme A Synthase/Carbon Monoxide Chem. Soc., 2002, 124(22), 6277-6284. Dehydrogenase, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 2008, 13, 771-778. ‚ Huay-Keng Loke, Xiangshi Tan, and Paul A Lindahl. ‚ Xiangshi Tan, Ioannis Kagiampakis, Ivan V. Surovtsev, Genetic Construction of Truncated and Chimeric Borries Demeler and Paul A. LindahlNickel-Dependent Metalloproteins Derived from the Į Subunit of Oligomerization of the Alpha Subunit of ACS/CODH, Acetyl-CoA Synthase from Clostridium Biochemistry., 2007, 46, 11606-11613. thermoaceticum, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2002, 124(29), ‚ Xiangshi Tan, Anne Volbeda, Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps, 8667-8672. and Paul A. Lindahl. Tunnel Function in

19 ࡛จ 56 #P 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry Postdoc., Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,1998 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,CAS, 1992 M.Sc., Jilin University, 1989 B.Sc, Jilin University, 1986

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-51630296(office 1) 86-21- 65642065(office 2)

Research Interests Chim. Acta., 2007, 593, 13-19. ‚ Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Materials ‚ Minjia Yuan, Zhe Shan, Bozhi Tian, Bo Tu*, Pengyuan ‚ Application of Mesoporous Materials in Biosystems Yang, Dongyuan Zhao*, “Preparation of Highly Ordered Selected Publications Mesoporous WO3-TiO2 as Matrix in Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry”, ‚ Yunpu Zhai, Bo Tu and Dongyuan Zhao*, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 2005, 78, 37-41. “Organosilane-assisted synthesis of ordered mesoporous ‚ Limin Wang, Bozhi Tian, Jie Fan, Xiaoying Liu, poly(furfuryl alcohol) composites”ˈJ. Mater. Chem., Haifeng Yang, Chengzhong Yu, Bo Tu*, Dongyuan 2009, 19, 131-140. Zhao*, “Block Copolymer Templating Syntheses of ‚ Lu Han, Zhe Shan, Dehong Chen, Xijuan Yu, Pengyuan Ordered Large-Pore Stable Mesoporous Yang*, Bo Tu, Dongyuan Zhao*, “Mesoporous Fe O 2 3 Aluminophosphates and Fe-aluminophosphate Based on microspheres: Rapid and effective enrichment of an "Acid-Base Pair" Route.” Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., phosphopeptides for MALDI-TOF MS analysis”, 2004, 67, 123-133. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2008, 318, ‚ Limin Wang, Jie Fan, Bozhi Tian, Haifeng Yang, 315-321. Chengzhong Yu, Bo Tu*, Dongyuan Zhao*, “Synthesis ‚ Chunfeng Xue, Bo Tu* and Dongyuan Zhao*, and Characterization of Small Pore Thick-walled “Evaporation-Induced Coating and Self-Assembly of SBA-16 Templated by Oligomeric Surfactant with Ordered Mesoporous Carbon-Silica Composite Ultra-long Hydrophilic Chains.” Micropor. Mesopor. Monoliths with Macroporous Architecture on Mater., 2004, 67, 135-141. Polyurethane Foams”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2008, 18, ‚ Minjia Yuan, Yidong Lu, Bozhi Tian, Haifeng Yang, Bo 3914 - 3921. Tu*, Jilie Kong, Dongyuan Zhao*, “Preparation and ‚ Zhe Shan, Lu Han, Minjia Yuan, Chunhui Deng, Enhanced Electrochromic Property of Dongyuan Zhao, Bo Tu*, Pengyuan Yang*, Three-dimensional Ordered Mesostructured Mixed “Mesoporous tungsten titanate as matrix for Tungsten–Titanium Oxides”, Chem. Lett., 2004, 33, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight 1396-1397. mass spectrometry analysis of biomolecules”, Anal.

20 ဌᮃӧ 8"/( :VOIVB 1SPGFTTPS

Inorganic Chemistry

B.Sc., Fudan University, 1977

Tel: 86-21- 65643976 Fax: 86-21- 65641740 Email: [email protected]

Research Interests multiple comformations and weakens stacking ‚ Investigations on the relationship among the structure, interactions , Acta Crystallography, (2005) D61, property and function of metalloproteins. 180-189. ‚ Synthesis and applications of Porous Materials. ‚ Wang, H. N.; Zhou, X. F.; Yu M. H.; Wang, Y. H.; Han L.; Teaching Courses Zhang, J.; Yuan, P.; Auchterlonie, G.; Zou, J.; Yu, C. Z*. Supra-assembly of Siliceous Vesicles. J. Am. Chem. ‚ General Chemistry Soc,, (2006) 128(50), 15992-15993. ‚ Comprehensive Chemistry Experiments ‚ Selected Publications Wang, H. N.; Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. F.; Zhou,L.;Tang,J. W.; Lei, J.; Yu, C. Z.*, Siliceous Unilamellar Vesicles and ‚ Yi Ren, Wen –Hu Wang, Yun-Hua Wang, Martin Case, Foams by Block Copolymer Cooperative Vesicle Wen Qian, George McLendon and Zhong-Xian Huang*. Templating. Adv. Funct. Mater., (2007) 17, 613-617. Mapping the electron transfer interface between ‚ Wan, J. J.; Qian, K.; Qiao, L.; Wang, Y. H . ; Kong, J. L.; cytochrome b5 and cytochrome c, Biochemistry, Yang, P. Y. ; Liu,B.H.*; Yu, C. Z*. TiO2-modified (2004) 43, 3527-3536. Macroporous Silica Foams for Advanced Enrichment of ‚ Zhang Q, Cao CY, Wang ZQ, Wang YH, Wu HM*, Multi-phosphorylated Peptides, Chem. Eur. J., (2009), Huang ZX*. The comparative study on the solution 2504-2508. structures of the oxidized bovine microsmal cytochrome ‚ 䞥㢹∈ˈ⥟䷉ढˈ㢂ᡓ೑ lj⦄ҷ࣪ᄺॳ⧚NJ 催ㄝ b5 and mutant V45H , Protein Science, (2004) 13 (8) ᬭ㚆ߎ⠜⼒ 2003 ᑈ 2161-2169. ‚ 㢣ᰪ, 䰚৯䳲, ⥟䷉ढ, ӏ↙, 䇶↙ 咘ӆ䋸*. 㸔㑶㋴ ‚ Li Shan, Lun-Xia Lu, Jian-Hua Gan, Yun-Hua Wang, ϭ䝌෎⬆䝃࣪ⱘ㒚㚲㡆㋴ b5 ঞ݊ F58 ԡさবԧ㲟ⱑⱘ Zhong-Xian Huang, Zhong-Xiang Xia*. Structure of the ⷨお. ⾥ᄺ䗮᡹, (2004) 49 (14), 1356-1362 F58W mutant of cytochrome b5: the mutation leads to

21 ௛๞ :* 5BP 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry Postdoc., University of Tokyo, Japan, 2002 Postdoc., Kyoto University, Japan, 2001 Ph.D., Peking University, China, 1997 M.Sc., Peking University, 1990 B.Sc., Peking University, 1987 http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/hchgroup08-9/index.htm Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664185 Fax: 86-21-55664621

Research Interests Up-conversion Luminescent Switch Based on ‚ Multifunctional assembly and hybrid materials Photochromic Diarylethene and Rare Earth ‚ Molecular switch and devices NanophosphorsˈChem. Commun. 2008, 4786-4788. Courses ‚ Yifeng Zhou, Miao Xu, Tao Yi,* Shuzhang Xiao, Zhiguo Zhou, Fuyou Li, Chunhui Huang,* Morphology-tunable ‚ Supramolecular Chemistry Selected Publications and photoresponsive properties in a self-assembled two-component gel system. Langmuir 2007, 23, 202-208. ‚ Junchen Wu, Tao Yi*, Tianmin Shu, Mengxiao Yu, ‚ Shuzhang Xiao, Ying Zou, Mengxiao Yu, Tao Yi*, Yifeng Zhiguo Zhou, Miao Xu, Yifeng Zhou, Huijun Zhang, Zhou, Fuyou Li, Chunhui Huang*, A photochromic Jiantao Han, Fuyou Li, Chunhui Huang*, Ultrasound fluorescent switch in organogel system with switch and thermal self-repair of morphology and surface non-destructive readout ability. Chem. Commun. 2007, wettability in cholesterol-based self-assembly system, 4758 – 4760. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2008, 47(6), 1063-1067. ‚ Shuzhang Xiao, Ying Zou, Juncheng Wu, Yifeng Zhou, (highlighted by “Nature China”) Tao Yi,* Fuyou Li, Chunhui Huang,* Hydrogen bonding ‚ Ying Zou, Tao Yi*, Shuzhang Xiao, Fuyou Li, Xia Gao, assisted switchable fluorescence in self-assembled Junchen Wu, Mengxiao Yu, and Chunhui Huang, complexes containing diarylethene: controllable Amphiphilic Diarylethene as a Photoswitchable Probe for fluorescent emission in the solid state. J. Mater. Chem. Imaging Living Cells, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 2007, 17(24), 2483-2489. 15750–15751. ‚ Hong Yang, Tao Yi,* Zhiguo Zhou, Yifeng Zhou, ‚ Junchen Wu, Tao Yi,* Qian Xia, Ying Zou, Feng Liu, Jie Juncheng Wu, Miao Xu, Fuyou Li, Chunhui Huang,* Dong, Tianmin Shu, Fuyou Li, Chunhui Huang,* Tunable Switchable fluorescent organogels and mesomorphic Gel Formation by Both Sonication and Thermal superstructure based on naphthalene derivatives. Processing in a Cholesterol-Based Self-Assembly System, Langmuir 2007, 23(15), 8224-8230. (highlighted by ˈ Chem. Eur. J., 2009, 15 6234-6243. "Noteworthy Chemistry ") ‚ Junchen Wu, Tao Yi*, Ying Zou, Tianmin Shu, Feng Liu, ‚ Yifeng Zhou, Tao Yi,* Tingcheng Li, Zhiguo Zhou, Hongyu Yan, Fuyou Li, Zhigang Chen, Zhiguo Zhou, Fuyou Li, Wei Huang, Chunhui Huang,* Morphology and Chunhui Huang, Gelation induced reversible syneresis via wettability tunable two-dimensional superstructure structural evolution. J. Mater. Chem. 2009, 19, 3971-3978 assembled by hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic ‚ Junchen Wu, Qiwei Tian, Hu He, Qian Xia, Ying Zou, interactions. Chem. Mater. 2006, 18(13), 2974-2981. Tianye Cao, Fuyou Li, Tao Yi,* Chunhui Huang, Self - ‚ Shuzhang Xiao, Tao Yi,* Yifeng Zhou, Qiang Zhao, assembly of peptide-based full-color gels triggered by Fuyou Li, Chunhui Huang,* Multi-state molecu lar up-converting rare earth nanoparticles. Chem. Commum. switches based on dithienylperfluorocyclopentene and 2009, 4100-4102 imidazo [4,5-f] [1,10] phenanthroline. Tetrahedron 2006, ‚ Tianmin Shu, Junchen Wu, Min Lu, Liqin Chen, Tao Yi, * 62(43), 10072-10078. Fuyou Li,* Huang, Chunhui. Tunable red-green-blue ‚ Tao Yi, Rene Clement,* Christian Haut, Laure Catala, fluorescent organogels on the basis of intermolecular Thierry Gacoin, Nicolas Tancrez, Isabelle Ledoux,* energy transfer. J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18(8), 886-893. Joseph Zyss, J-aggregated dye-MnPS3 hybrid ᇕ䴶ˈ ( highlighted by “Chemistry World”) nanoparticles with giant quadratic optical nonlinearity. ‚ Zhiguo Zhou, He Hu, Hong Yang, Tao Yi*, Kewei Huang, Adv. Mater. 2005, 17(3), 335-338. Mengxiao Yu, Fuyou Li*, Chunhui Huang, ‚

22 ࡼ஢ :6& #JO 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2000 Ph.D., Fudan University, China, 1994 M.Sc., Fudan University, China, 1991 B.Sc. Fudan University, China,, 1988 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642779 Fax: 86-21-65338041

Research Interests: ato} dimanganese (II) tetrahydrate, ‚ Chemistry of Abundant Elements and POM Mn2(H2O)6(C9H7N3O3)2x4H2O, Z. Kristallogr. NCS, 2005, ‚ Preparation of Porous and Nano Metal Oxides 220, 85-86 ‚ Catalysis and Photocatalysis of POM ‚ Hydrothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Conductivity, Selected Publications: and Thermal Decomposition of . [Cu(4,4'-bipy)(H2O)(Mo3O10)] H2O, Inorganic Chemistry, ‚ Solid Synthesis of CsxH3-xPW12O4 Salts and Their 2004, 43, 5676-5680 Catalytic Activity for the Isomerization of n-Butane, ‚ Crystalline WO3 nanowires synthesized by templating Chemistry Letters, 2006, 35, 202-203 method Chemical Physics Letters, 2003, 337, 317-321 ‚ Template synthesis of one-dimensional nanostructured ‚ ¢ -Fe O nanowires. confined synthesis and catalytic spinel zinc ferrite, Materials Letters, 2006, 60, 154-158 2 3 hydroxylation of phenol Chemistry Letters, 2003, 32, ‚ Growth of Porous Single-Crystal Cr2O3 in a 3-D 770-771 Mesopore System, Chemical Communication, 2005, ‚ Preparation of three-dimensional chromium oxide porous 5618-5620 single crystals templated by SBA-15, Chemical ‚ Preparation and Characterization of Three-dimensional Communications, 2003, 98-99 Mesoporous Crystals of Tungsten Oxide Chemical ‚ Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous 4-chlorophenol by Physics Letters, 2005, 407, 83-86 silica-immobilized polyoxometalates, Environmental ‚ Crystal structure of Science & Technology, 2002, 36, 1325-1329 hexaaquabis{2-[N-(4-pyridylcarbonyl)hydrazido]propion

23 ֆ᩷ई ;)06 9JHFOH 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry Postdoc., Fudan University, 1998 Ph.D., Nanjing University, 1996 M.Sc., Anhui Normal University, 1989 B.Sc., Central China Normal University, 1982

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643769 Fax: 86-21-65643769

Research Interests Zhou*, “SmCl3-Catalyzed C-Acylation of 1,3-Dicarbonyl ‚ synthesis, structure and reactivity of new Compounds and Malononitrile”, Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 4491. organolanthanide complexes as well as their novel ‚ Zhenyu Zhu, Jialiang Wang, Zhengxing Zhang, Xu Xiang, synthetic methods Xigeng Zhou,* “Metallic Dysprosium-Induced Silyl ‚ new methodology for synthesis of organic compounds Radical Reactions: Intermolecular Cyclization and based on lanthanide transformation reaction Reduction of Alkynes and Imines”, Organometallics, ‚ molecular assembly directed by metal, and their structure, 2007, 26, 2499. magnetic property and photochemical reaction. ‚ Chengfu Pi, Ruiting Liu, Pengzhi Zheng, Zhenxia Chen, Courses and Xigeng Zhou,* “Selective Reaction Based on the ‚ Inorganic Synthesis Linked Diamido Ligands of Dinuclear Lanthanide ‚ Chemistry of Rare Earth Complexes”, Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 5252. ‚ Application of Organometallic Chemistry in Organic ‚ Chengfu Pi, Zhenyu Zhu, Linhong Weng, Zhenxia Chen, Synthesis and Xigeng Zhou,* “Synthesis and structural ‚ Advances in Organometallic Chemistry characterization of lanthanide complexes with the di- or ‚ Experiment of Advanced Inorganic Synthesis tri-anionic diguanidinate ligand: New insight into the ‚ General Chemical Experiment flexibility and distinct reactivity of the linked Selected Publications diguanidinate ligand”, Chem. Commun. 2007, 2190. ‚ Jialiang Wang, Wen Huang, Zhengxing Zhang, Xu Xiang, ‚ Chengfu Pi, Zhengxing Zhang, Zhen Pang, Jun Luo,

Ruiting Liu, and Xigeng Zhou*, “FeCl3·6H2O-Catalyzed Zhenxia Chen, Linhong Weng, Xigeng Zhou*, “Multiple Disproportionation of Allylic Alcohols and Selective NH Bond Activation: Synthesis and Reactivity of Allylic Reduction of Allylic Alcohols and Their Functionalized Primary Amido Ytterbium Complexes”, Derivatives with Benzyl Alcohol”, J. Org. Chem. 2009, Organometallics, 2007, 26, 1934. 74, 3299. ‚ Chuanfeng Wang, Zhenyu Zhu, Zhengxing Zhang, ‚ Wen Huang, Pengzhi Zheng, Zhengxing Zhang, Ruiting Zhenxia Chen, Xigeng Zhou,* “Crystal Engineering of Liu, Zhenxia Chen, Xigeng Zhou*, “Controllable Zinc(II) and Copper(II) Complexes Containing One-step Synthesis of Spirocycles, Polycycles, Di- and 3,5-Dimethylisoxazole-4-carboxylate Ligand via Tetrahydronaphthalenes from Aryl-substituted O–H…N, C–H…A (A = N, O and ʌ) and Bifurcated Propargylic Alcohols”, J. Org. Chem. 2008, 73, 6845. C–H…N/O Interactions”, CrystEngComm. 2007, 9, 35. ‚ Xu Xiang, Quansheng Shen, Jialiang Wang, Zhenyu Zhu, ‚ Chengfu Pi, Zhengxin Zhang, Ruiting Liu, Linhong Weng, Wen Huang, Xigeng Zhou*, “Utility of Dysprosium Zhenxia Chen, and Xigeng Zhou,*“Synthesis, Structural Diiodide and Metallic Dysprosium as Reductants in Characterization and Reactivity of Lanthanide Complexes Cyclopropanation Reactions of Alkenes with Containing a New Methylene-bridged Indenyl-Pyrrolyl Dichloromethane”, Organometallics, 2008, 27, 1959. dianionic Ligand”, Organometallics, 2006, 25, 5165. ‚ Quansheng Shen, Wen Huang, Jialiang Wang, Xigeng ‚ Ruiting Liu, Chunmei Zhang, Zhenyu Zhu, Jun Luo,

Zhou*, “Ln[N(SiMe3)2]3/RNH2 Catalyzed Mono-addition Xigeng Zhou,* Linhong Weng, “Reactivity of of Terminal Alkynes to Nitriles: A Novel and Concise Lanthanocene Amide Complexes toward Ketenes: Access to Synthesis of Ynones”, Organometallics, 2008, Unprecedented Organolanthanide-induced Conjugate 27, 301. Electrophilic Addition of Ketenes to Arenes”, Chem. Eur. ‚ Wen Huang, Quansheng Shen, Jialiang Wang, Xigeng J. 2006, 12, 6940. Zhou*, “One-step Synthesis of Substituted Dihydro- and ‚ Zhenyu Zhu, Chuanfeng Wang, Xu Xiang, Chengfu Pi, ˈ Tetrahydroisoquinolines by FeCl3·6H2O Catalyzed Xigeng Zhou* “DyI2 Initiated Mild and Highly Selective Intramolecular Friedel-Crafts Reaction of Silyl Radical-catalyzed Cyclotrimerization of Terminal Benzylamino-Substituted Propargylic Alcohols”, J. Org. Alkynes and Polymerization of MMA”ˈChem. Commun. Chem. 2008, 73, 1586. 2006, 2066. ‚ Quansheng Shen, Wen Huang, Jialiang Wang, Xigeng

24 ᬇᖯ $)&/ .FOH "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., Clemson University and Rice University, USA, 2003 Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China, 2001 M.Sc., University of Science and Technology of China, 1996 B.Sc., Fuyang Normal College, 1993

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664181 Fax: 86-21-65643666

Research Interests 2007, 23, 5296-5304. ‚ Development of New methods to Nanostructures with ‚ B. Liu, D. J. Qian, M. Chen, T. Wakayama, C. Nakamura, Controlled Size, Shape, Solubility and Property. and J. Miyake, "Metal mediated coordination polymer ‚ Self-assembly, Surface Modification and nanotubes of 5,10,15,20 tetrapyridylporphine and tris(4 Functionalization of Monodisperse Nanocrystals. pyridyl) 1,3,5 triazine at the water chloroform interface", ‚ Application of Nanostructured Materials in Catalysis, Chemical Communications, 2006 (30), 3175-3177. Biolabelling, Tribology and so on. ‚ M.Chen,L.Y.Wang,J.T.Han,J.Y.Zhang,Z.Y.Li,and Selected Publications D. J. Qian, "Preparation and study of polyacryamide ‚ C.F.Zhang,M.Chen,C.Nakamura,J.Miyake,andD.J. stabilized silver nanoparticles through a one pot process", Qian, "Electrochemically Driven Generation of Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110 (23), Manganese(IV,V)-oxo Multiporphyrin Arrays and Their 11224-11231. Redox Properties with Manganese(III) Species in ‚ M.Chen,J.Falkner,W.H.Guo,J.Y.Zhang,C.Sayes, Langmuir-Blodgett Films", Langmuir, 2008, 24 (23), and V. L. Colvin, "Synthesis and self organization of 13490-13495. soluble monodisperse palladium nanoclusters", Journal of ‚ M.Chen,Y.G.Feng,X.Wang,T.C.Li,J.Y.Zhang, and Colloid and Interface Science, 2005, 287 (1), 146-151. D. J. Qian, "Silver Nanoparticles Capped by Oleylamine: Formation, Growth and Self Organization", Langmuir,

ᥞҺᣜ %&/( :POHIVJ "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., Fudan University, 2007 Ph.D., Fudan University, 2005 B.Sc., Nanchang University, 2000

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-51630295 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests 5875-5879. ‚ Synthesis and Assembly of Novel Amphiphilic Block ‚ Yonghui Deng, Chunhui Deng, Dawei Qi, Chong Liu, Jia Copolymers Liu, Xiangmin Zhang, Dongyuan Zhao Adv. Mater. 2009, ‚ Designed Synthesis, Functionalization and Application of 21, 1377-1382. Novel Porous Materials ‚ Yonghui Deng, Dawei Qi, Chunhui Deng, Xiangmin ‚ Novel Microstructures Based on Monodisperse Colloids Zhang, and Dongyuan Zhao J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, ‚ Fabrication and Application of Nanodevices Based on 28-29. (Highlighted by ACS Noteworthy Chemistry˅ Semiconductive Nanomaterials ‚ Yonghui Deng, Ting Yu, Ying Wan, Yifeng Shi, Yan Meng, Courses Dong Gu, Lijuan Zhang, Chong Liu, Xiaojing Wu, ‚ Physical Chemistry Experiments Dongyuan. Zhao, J.Am.Chem.Soc.2007, 129, ‚ Comprehensive Chemistry Experiments 1690-1697. Selected Publications ‚ Yonghui Deng, Jia Liu, Chong Liu, Dong Gu, Zhenkun ‚ Jia Liu, Zhenkun Sun, Yonghui Deng,* Ying Zou, Sun, Jing Wei, Junyong Zhang, Lijuan Zhang, Bo Tu and Chunyuan Li, Xiaohui Guo, Liqin Xiong, Yuan Gao, Dongyuan Zhao Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 7281-7286. Fuyou Li, Dongyuan Zhao* Angew. Chem. 2009, 48,

25 Τሑࢎ )06 9JVGFOH "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Ph.D., Fudan University, 1999 M.Sc., Shan’xi Normal University, 1988 B.Sc., Shan’xiNormalUniversity, 1985 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664007 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests ‚ Peng-Cheng Zhang, Hui Wang, Shu Liu, Xu-Qing Guo, ‚ Syntheses and properties of half-sandwich metal Xiu-Feng Hou*, Reactions of 2-pyridinethiolate cobalt(III) complexes with functionalized side chains complexes with pyridinethiolate or benzenethiolate ‚ Construction of heterometallic complexes ligands, J. Organomet. Chem. 2008, 693 2903–2906 Selected Publications ‚ Shu Liu, Hui Wang, Peng-Cheng Zhang, Lin-Hong Weng, and Xiu-Feng Hou*, Synthesis and structure of ‚ Hui Wang, Xu-Qing Guo, Rui Zhong, Yue-Jian Lin, half-sandwich pyridine-2-thiolato cobalt(III) and Peng-Cheng Zhang, Xiu-Feng Hou *, Reactions of rhodium(III) complexes and their reactivity toward half-sandwich rhodium(III) and iridium(III) compounds monodentate or bidentate 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane with pyridinethiolate ligands: Mono-, di-, and tri-nuclear thiolate ligands, Organometallics, 2008, 27(4), 713–717 complexes,J.Organomet.Chem.(2009),doi:10.1016/j.jorga ‚ Xiu-Feng Hou*, Shu Liu, Hui Wang, Yin-Qiang Chen, nchem.2009.05.034 Guo-Xin Jin*ˈBinuclear Half-Sandwich Cobalt (III) and ‚ Hui Wang, Xu-Qing Guo, Rui Zhong, Xiu-Feng Hou *, Rhodium (III) Carboranedichalocogenolato Complexes Reactions of half-sandwich Co(III) complexes with o- with Ether Chain-bridged bis(cyclopentadienyl) Ligandˈ heterocyclic thione ligands: K2-N, S coordination mode Dalton Trans., 2006, 44 , 5231-5239. and formation of S-S bond, J. Organomet. Chem. 2009, 694ˈ1567-1570.

ృࢻ͚ -* 2JBPXFJ "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 2010 M.Sc., University of Michigan, 2006 B.Sc., University of Science & Technology of China, 2004

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-51630306, 65642191

Research Interests Framework. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 49, 6751-6755 ‚ Structure and Design of Building Blocks and (2010). Metal-Organic Frameworks ‚ Valente,C.;Choi,E.;Belowich,M.E.;Doonan,C.J.;Li, ‚ Host-guest Interactions in Open Framework Materials Q.; Gasa, T. B.; Botros, Y. Y.; Yaghi, O. M.; Stoddart, J. F.; ‚ Microporous Crystals for Gas Separations Metal-Organic Frameworks with Designed Chiral ‚ Selective Catalysis in Metal-Organic Frameworks Recognition Sites. Chem. Commun. 46, 4911-4913 Selected Publications (2010). ‚ Oisaki, K.; Li, Q.; Furukawa, H.; Czaja, A. U.; Yaghi, O. ‚ Jeong, K. S.; Lee, B. H.; Li, Q.; Choi, S. B.; Kim, J.; M.*; A Metal-Organic Framework with Covalently Jeong, N.*; Near achiral metal–organic frameworks from Bound Organometallic Complexes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. conformationally flexible homochiral ligands resulted by 132, 9262-9264 (2010). the preferential formation of pseudo-inversion center in ‚ Li, Q.; Zhang, W.; Miljaniü, O. â.; Knobler, C. B.; asymmetric unit. CrystEngComm 13, 1277-1279 (2011). Stoddart, J. F.*; Yaghi, O. M.*; A Metal-Organic (Featured on cover). Framework Replete with Ordered Donor-Acceptor ‚ Li, Q.; Sue, C.-H.; Basu, S.; Shveyd, A. K.; Zhang, W.; Catenanes. Chem. Commun. 46, 380-382 (2010). Barin, G.; Fang, L.; Sarjeant, A.; Stoddart, J. F.*; Yaghi, O. M.*; A Catenated Strut in a Catenated Metal-Organic

26 ౣ᫹ᣜ -*/ :BOHIVJ "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry, Experimental Center for Chemical Education

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2000 M.Sc., East China Normal University, 1995 B.Sc., East China Normal University, 1990

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643885 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests ‚ Fullerence-functionalized polycarbonate:Synthesis under ‚ Fullerence Chemistry microwave irradiation and nonlinear optical property, ‚ Functionalization of Carbon nanotubes Polymer Engineering and Science 46(2006)399, ‚ Organometallic Compounds ‚ Pd–CNT-catalyzed ligandless and additive-free Selected Publications heterogeneous Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling of arylbromides, Tetrahedron Letters 50 (2009) 4455 ‚ Functionalization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes with ‚ A versatile electroless approach to controlled polystyrene under atom transfer radical polymerization modification of Sb on Pt surfaces towards efficient conditions; Carbon 45(2007)152. electrocatalysis of formic acid, Electrochemistry ‚ Synthesis of telechelic C-60 end-capped polymers under Communications 11 (2009) 831 microwave irradiation, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 99 (2006)828,

ේत˖ 4)&/ +JBO[IPOH "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry, Experimental Center for Chemical Education

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2003 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1986 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1983

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642407

Research Interests ‚ Preparation and characterrization of novel dumddell-like ‚ The chemistry of iso and hetero polyacids [60]fullerene polysterene derivatives. Synthetic Metals ‚ The chemistry of Fullerene 125: 375 (2002) Courses ‚ Modification of mesoporous silicate SBA-15 with tris[bis(trimethylsily)amido]samarium and its utility in ‚ General Chemistry Tishchenko reaction. Journal of Organometallic ‚ General Chemistry Experiments Selected Publications Chemistry 690(2005) 3783-3789 ‚ ljGeneral Chemistry ExperimentsNJ 2006.2 ‚ Covalent incorporation of [70]fullerene into ‚ ljExperiments of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical poly(p-methylstyrene) by anionic copolymerization. AnalysisNJ 2008.8 Polymer.41: 9291 (2000)

27 ဌˊቶ 8"/( $POHYJBP "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry,Experimental Center for Chemical Education

Ph.D., Saga University, Japan, 1998 M.Sc., Jilin University, 1992 B.Sc., Jilin University, 1989

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664471 Fax: 86-21-65643082

Research Interests ‚ “Highly ordered three-dimensional macroporous FePO4 ‚ Inorganic functional materials. as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries”, ‚ Inorganic-polymer hybrid materials. Electrochemistry Communications,10(10), 1587-1589 ‚ Advanced materials and techniques for energy conversion (2008). and storage devices ‚ “A quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell based on Cources porous polymer electrolyte membrane”, J. of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 194(1), ‚ Modern Chemical Instrument Analysis 31-36 (2008). ‚ General Chemistry ‚ Selected Publications “Hybrid Aqueous Energy Storage Cell Using Activated Carbon and Litium-Ion Intercalated Compounds Ċ . ‚ “A Polyaniline Intercalated Layered Manganese Oxide. Comparison of LiMn2O4, LiCo1/3Ni1/3Mn1/3O2, and Nanocomposite Prepared by Inorganic/Organic Interface LiCoO2 Positive Electrodes”, Journal of The Reaction and Its High Electrochemical Performance for Electrochemical Society, 153 (2): A450-A454 (2006). Li Storage”, Adv. M at er., 2166 (2008).

ဌӧп 8BOH )VBEPOH "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., Muenster University, Germany, 2009 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, USA, 2005 B.Sc., Peking University, China, 2000

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643345 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests structure and synthetic use of a unique ansa-zincocene ‚ Main group chemistry derivative” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 4905-4908. ‚ Organometallic chemistry ‚ Wang, H.; Gabbaï, F. P.* “Synthesis, Structure, and ‚ Metal-free catalysis Cyclic Voltammetry of Courses 4,6-Bis(dimesitylboryl)dibenzofuran” Organometallics 2005, 24, 2898-2902. ‚ Experimental Organic Chemistry ‚ Selected Publications Wang, H.; Gabbaï, F. P. * “Synthesis and reactivity of a chlorinated 1,8-bis(diarylmethylium) naphthalenediyl ‚ Wang, H.; Kehr, G.; Fröhlich, R.; Erk e r, G. * “Heterolytic dication” Org. Lett. 2005, 7, 283-285. dihydrogen activation with the ‚ Wang, H.; Webster, C. E.; Pérez, L. M.; Hall, M. B.; 1,8-bis(diphenylphosphino)naphthalene/B(C6F5)3 pair and Gabbaï, F. P.* “Reaction of the its application for metal-free catalytic hydrogenation of 1,8-bis(diphenylmethylium)naphthalenediyl dication with silyl enol ethers” Chem. Comm. 2008, 5966-5968. fluoride: formation of a cation containing a C-F->C ‚ Wang, H.; Kehr, G.; Fröhlich, R.; Erker, G. * bridge” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 8189-8196. “ 1,8-Naphthylene-bridged bis(indenyl)zinc: formation,

28 ! ZHANG Dao Associate Professor Inorganic Chemistry Postdoc., Institute for Molecular Science, Japan, 2005 Ph.D., Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003 M.Sc., Soochow University, 1997 http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642791 Fax: 86-21-65641470

Research Interests  Zhang, D. ‘Unexpected binuclear bis(phenolato) titanium  Organometallics Chemistry & Catalysis (IV) {[(L)Ti(Ph)]2-OEt)2} assisted by carbon-oxygen Courses Bond cleavage and alkali-metal -containing titanium(III) complexes [Ti(L) M(solv) ] (M = Li, Na, K; solv =  2 2 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry THF, DME)’. Organometallics 2007, 26, 4072-4075.  Comprehensive Chemistry  Zhang, D.; Aihara, H.; Watanabe, T.; Matsuo, T.;  Organic Chemistry Kawaguchi, H. ‘Zirconium complexes of the tridentate  Inorganic Chemistry Experiment bis(aryloxide)-N-heterocyclic-carbene ligand: Chloride Selected Publications(The past five years) and alkyl functionalized derivatives’. J. Organomet.  Zhang, D.; Guironnet, D.; Gottker-Schnetmann, I.; Chem. 2007, 692, 234-242. 2 Mecking, S. ‘Water-Soluble Complexes (k -P,O  Zhang, D. ‘Facile Formation of Hexacyclic [Al3O2Cl] –Phosphinesulfonato)PdMe(L) and Their Catalytic Aluminum and Alkoxide-Bridged Titanium Complexes: Properties’. Organometallics 2009, 28, 4072-4078. Reactions of AlMe3 with [Ti(L)Cl2]  Zhang, D.; Liu, N. ‘Titanium Complexes Bearing [L=2,2-Methylenebis(6-tert-butyl -4-methylphenolato)]’. Bisaryloxy–N-heterocyclic Carbenes: Synthesis, Euro. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, 3077-3082. Reactivity, and Ethylene Polymerization Study’. Organometallics 2009, 28, 499-505.

" ZHANG Fan Associate Professor Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., University of California at Santa Barbara, USA, 2010 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, China, 2008 B.Sc., East China University of Science and Technology, China, 1984

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-51630322 Fax: 86-21-51630307

Research Interests luminescence”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 46, 7976, 2007.  Inorganic luminescent and magnetic multifunctional  Zhang, F.; Braun, G. B.; Shi, Y. F.; Zhang, Y. C.; Reich, nanocrystal and nanostructured materials. N. O.; Zhao, D. Y.; and Stucky, G. D, “Fabrication of  Applications of inorganic luminescent and nanostructured Ag@SiO2@Y2O3:Er Nanostructures for Bioimaging: materials in biomedicine, such as in vivo and in vitro Tuning of the Upconversion Fluorescence with Silver bioimaging, drug storage and release, gene tranfection, Nanoparticles”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 2850, 2010. early cancer diagnosis and therapy.  Shi, Y. F.; Zhang, F.; Hu, Y. S.; Sun, X. H.; Zhang, Y. C.; Courses Lee, H. I., Chen, L. Q. and Stucky, G. D., “Low-temperature Pseudomorphic Transformation of  General chemistry Ordered Hierarchical Macro-mesoporous SiO /C  2 New inorganic materials Nanocomposite to SiC via Magnesiothermic Reduction”, Selected Publications J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 5552, 2010.  Zhang, F.; Wan, Y.; Ying, T.; Zhang, F. Q.; Shi, Y. F.;  Zhang, F.; Deng, Y. H.; Zhao, D. Y., Xie, S. H.; Li, Y. G.; Xu, L.; Tu, B.; Zhao, D. Y., “Photoluminescence modification in upconversion “Uniform rare-earth fluorides (NaReF4) nanostructured rare-earth fluoride nanocrystal array constructed arrays for highly efficient multicolor upconversion photonic crystals” J. Mater. Chem. 20, 3895, 2010.

29 ष౔ ;)"/( +JF "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2004 B.E., East China University of Science and Technology, 1998

Tel: 86-21-65643885 Fax: 86-21-65641740 Email: [email protected]

Research Interests ‚ Han, Y. N.; Zhang, J.; Han, F. Y. ; Zhang, Z. X.; Weng, L. ‚ the activity of organolanthanide derivatives on H.; Zhou, X. G. Investigations on Organolanthanide unsaturated organic small molecules Derivatives with the Hydrazonido (-NHN=CPh2) Ligand: ‚ the methodology of organic reactions promoted by rare Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Reactivity earth metal complexes Organometallics, 2009, 28, 3916-3821 ‚ the organometallic chemistry of fullerene ‚ Zhang, J. Han,F.Y.; Han, Y. N.; Chen, Z. X.; Zhou, X. G. Courses Synthesis and Structures of Titanium and Yttrium Complexes with the N, N’-Tetramethylguanidinate ‚ Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Ligands: Different Reactivity of the MN Bonds toward ‚ Carbon Clusters Chemistry Selected Publications Phenyl Isocyanate Dalton Trans. 2009, 1806-1811 ‚ Zhang, J.; Ma, L. P.; Han,Y.N.;Han,F.Y.;Zhang, Z. X.; ‚ Han, F. Y.; Zhang, J.; Han, Y. N.; Zhang, Z. X.; Chen, Z. Cai, R. F.; Chen, Z. X.; Zhou, X. G. Facile Construction X.; Weng, L. H.; Zhou, X. G. Synthesis of Mixed Me2 of the Guanidine Substituent or Guanidinate Anionic Cp/Tp Lanthanide Complexes form Lanthanocene Ligand through Addition of the Adjacent Amino Group to Precursor and their Structures and Reactivities Inorg. Carbodiimide Dalton Trans. 2009, 3298-3305. Chem. 2009, 48, 1774-1781

षበள ;)"/( -JYJO "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Postdoc., RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), Japan, 2008 Postdoc., Hamburg University, Germany, 2002 Ph.D., Fudan University, 2000 M.Sc., Anhui Normal University, 1997 B.Sc., Wuhan Institute of Technology, 1994 Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55665702 Fax: 86-21-55665702

Research Interests Cis-1,4-Polymerization and Copolymerization of Isoprene ‚ Organometallic Chemistry and Butadiene. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 1909. ‚ Coordination Chemistry ‚ Unprecedented Isospecific 3,4-Polymerization of ‚ Polymer Chemistry Isoprene by Cationic Rare Earth Metal Alkyl Species Selected Publications Resulting from a Binuclear Precursor. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127, 14562. ‚ Isoprene Polymerization by Amidinate-Ligated Yttrium ‚ Isotactic 3,4-isoprene polymer. PCT Int. Appl. 33 pp.WO Catalysts. Switch the Regio- and Stereoselectivity by 2005085306 (2005). AlMe3. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2008, 47, 2642. ‚ Metal complex containing monoanionic tridentate ligand, ‚ Cationic Rare Earth Metal Alkyls bearing a and polymerization catalyst. PCT Int. Appl. 64 pp. WO Bis-(phosphinophenyl)-amido(PNP) Ancillary Ligand. An 2006078021 (2006). Excellent Catalyst System for Living

30 ֆ̍௙ ;)06 :BNJOH "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Inorganic Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2003 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1997 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1992

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643531 Fax: 86-21-65643925

Research Interests 2102-2107 ‚ Organic - inorganic hybrid materials ‚ Ouyang, X˗Chen, ZX˗Liu, XF˗Yang, YT˗Deng, ML˗ ‚ Synthesis of Fine Organic Chemistry Weng, LH˗Zhou YM *˗Jia, Y*, “One-dimensional (1D) ‚ Synthesis of Pharmaceutical Intermediate helical and 2D homochiral metal-organic frameworks Selected Publications built from a new chiral octahydrobinaphthalene-derived dicarboxylic acid”, Inorg. Chem. Comm. 2008, 11, ‚ Feng, L; Chen, ZX; Liao, TB; Li, B; Jia, Y; Liu, XF; Yang, 948-950 YT; Zhou YM * ˈ Ā Supramolecular Isomerism of ‚ Chen, ZX; Zhou YM; Weng, LH; Zhao, DY ˈ Metal-Organic Frameworks Derived from a “Mixed-Solvothermal Syntheses and Structures of Six Bicarboxylate Linker with Two Distinct Binding New Zinc Phosphonocarboxylates with Zeolite-type and MotifsāˈCryst. growth Des., 2009ˈ9ˈ1505-1510 Pillar-Layered Frameworks”, Cryst. growth Des. 2008ˈ8ˈ ‚ Fang, C; Chen, ZX˗Liu, XF; Yang, YT; Deng, ML; Weng, 4045-4053 LH; Jia, Y; Zhou YM *, “Synthesis and crystal structures ‚ Chen, ZX; Tan, SL;Weng, LT; Zhou YM *; Gao, X; Zhao, of four pH-dependent Pb(II) and Cd(II) phosphonates DY*, “New organically templated gallium based on a novel ligand, 3-phosphono-benzoic oxalate-phosphate structures based on Ga (PO ) C O acidPhosphonates based on a novel ligand, 4 4 4 2 4 building unit”, J. Solid State Chem. 2006, 179, 1931-1937 3-phosphono-benzoic acid”, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2009ˈ7ˈ


Name Page CHEN Fen-er˄䰜㢀ܓ˅ GAO Xiang˄催㖨˅ Li Zhan-Ting˄咢ऴҁ˅ WANG Quanrui˄⥟ܼ⨲˅

WU Jie ˄ਈ࢐˅ Faculty Members(师资力量) FAN Renhua˄㣗ҕढ˅ Organic Chemistry(有机化学) GUO Hao˄䛁⌽˅ ˅HOU Junli˄փݯ߽

JIA Yu ˄䌒⨰˅ CHEN Fen-er(陈芬儿) SUN Xingwen˄ᄭ݈᭛˅ GAO Xiang(高翔) TU Tao˄⍖⍯˅ Li Zhan-Ting(黎占亭) WANG Bing˄⥟ケ˅ WANG Quanrui(王全瑞) WEI Bangguo˄儣䙺೑˅ WU Jie (吴劼) ZHANG Danwei˄ᓴЍ㓈˅ FAN Renhua(范仁华)

GUO Hao(郭浩)

HOU Junli(侯军利)

JIA Yu (贾瑜)

SUN Xingwen(孙兴文)

TU Tao(涂涛)

WANG Bing(王竝)

WEI Bangguo(魏邦国)

ZHANG Danwei(张丹维)

32 ᬇᔃЇ $)&/ 'FOFS 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Ph.D., Sichuan University, 1999 M.Sc., West China of Medical University, 1988

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643811 Fax: 86-21-65643811

Research Interests Chemoenzymatic Approach to the Asymmetric Total ‚ Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Natural Products and Synthesis of d-Biotin via a Polymer-Supported Drugs PLE-Mediated Desymmetrization of meso- Symmetic ‚ Development of Novel Asymmetric Reactions and Their Dicarboxylic Esters, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2005, 347-349 Applications in Chiral Drug Synthesis ‚ Design, Synthesis, and SAR of Naphthyl-Substituted ‚ Molecular Design ǃ Synthesis and Structure-Activity Diarylpyrimidines as Non-Nucleoside Inhibitors of HIV-1 Relationship Studies of Nonnucleoside HIV-1 Reverse Reverse Transcriptase (p NA). ChemMedChem, 2009, Transcriptase Inhibitors Base on CADD and Mechanisms 4:1537-1545 Courses ‚ Structural Modifications of DAPY Analogues with Potent Anti-HIV-1 Activity. ChemMedChem ,2009, 4;219 – 224 ‚ Drug Synthesis ‚ QSAR studies for diarylpyrimidines against HIV-1 ‚ Progress in Medicinal Chemistry reverse transcriptase wild-type and mutant strains. Eur ‚ Heterocyclic chemistry J.Med. Chem. 2009,44;625-631 ‚ Fine Organic Chemistry ‚ Selected Publications Synthesis and in vitro anti-HIV evaluation of a new series of 6-arylmethyl-substituted S-DABOs as potential ‚ A Novel Cost-effective Thiourea Bifunctional non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Organocatalyst for Highly Enantioselective Alcoholysis Eur J.Med. Chem. 2009,44;1016–1023 of Meso-cyclic Anhydrides: Enhanced Enantioselectivity ‚ Solid-Phase Synthesis of Solanesol. J. Comb. Chem. 2008, by Configuration Inversion, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 10;605–610 351;547-552 ‚ Structural Modifications of DAPY Analogues with Potent ‚ Synthetic Studies on (+)-Biotin, Part 11:[1]Application Anti-HIV-1 Activity. ChemMedChem 2008,3;1–7 ofCinchona Alkaloid-Mediated Asymmetric Alcoholysis ‚ Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ofmeso-Cyclic Anhydride in the Total Synthesis of 6-substituted5-alkyl-2-arylcarbony-lmethylthio (+)-Biotin Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008, 350; 1635 – 1641 pyrimidin-4 3H -onesas potent non-nucleoside HIV-1 ‚ Total synthesis of (+)-biotin via a quinine-mediated reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bioorgan. Med.Chem asymmetric alcoholysis of meso-cyclic anhydride 2008, 16;3887–3894 strategy , Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 2008, 19; 1436–1443 ‚ 6.Non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase ‚ Synthesis and anti-HIV-1 activity evaluation of inhibitors.Part 11: Structural modulations of 5-alkyl-2-alkylthio-6-(arylcarbonyl or diaryltriazines withpotent anti-HIV activity* Eur.J.Med. alpha-cyanoarylmethyl)-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-4(3H)-one Chem 2008, 43;1230-1236 s as novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase ‚ An efficient and green oxidation of vicinal diols to inhibitors, J.Med.Chem. 2007, 50 1778-1786 aldehydes using polymer-supported diacetoxyiodo ‚ Reserpine: A Challenge for Total Synthesis of Natural benzene as the oxidant. Synlett. 2007 ,4 ; 619-622 Products, Chem. Rev,2005,105;4671-4706 ‚ Synthetic studies on d-Biotin, Part 8: An Efficient

O 3aS HN NH H H 6aR H S CO2H 4S

33 ᰳᏔ ("0 9JBOH 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry, Director of Experimental Center for Chemical Education Ph.D., Fudan University, 2001 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1989 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1983

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643819 Fax: 86-21-65643819

Courses semi-rigidified dipyridine receptors and zinc porphyrins, ‚ Organic Chemistry A Tetrahedron, 2006, 62 (29): 6973-6980 ‚ Organic Chemistry Experiment ‚ Hydrogen bonded semi-rigidified Selected Publications bispyridyl-incorporating aryl amide oligomers: Efficient "C"-styled receptors for aliphatic ammoniums, a ‚ Manganese(III) acetate-mediated free radical reactions remarkable protonation effect and chiral induction, of[60]fullerene with b-dicarbonyl compounds, Organic Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2007, 1417-1422 and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2004, 2, 3464 ‚ Preparation of 2-aryl-2H-benzotriazoles by zinc-mediated ‚ Reductive degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) reductive cyclization of nitrophenylazophenols in in aqueous medium, Green Chemistry, 2006, 8 (9): o- aqueous media without the use of organic solvents, 781-783 Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2007,349 (10): ‚ New organically templated gallium oxalate-phosphate 1637-1640 structures based on Ga4(PO4)4C2O4 building unit; Journal ‚ Foldamer-based molecular recognition, Chinese Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2006, 179 (7): 1931-1937 of Organic Chemistry, 2007 27 (2): 188-196 ‚ Two-point'-bound supramolecular complexes from

34 ဌК။ 8"/( 2VBOSVJ 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Postdoc., Peking University Ph.D., University of Konstanz, Germany, 1989-1994 M.Sc., Northwestern University, 1986 B.Sc., University, 1983

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643978

Courses 288-292. ‚ Organic Chemistry ‚ A Facile Approach to ‚ Advanced Organic Chemistry 4,5-Dihydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[3,2-d][1,5]benzoxazepines. ‚ Advanced Organic Synthesis Synthesis 2007, 1629. ‚ Physical Organic Chemistry ‚ The synthesis of supported proline-derived ligands and Research Areas and Interests their application in asymmetric diethylzinc addition to aldehydes. J. Mol. Cat. A: Chemical 2007, 276, 137–142. ‚ Asymmetric synthesis, with emphasis on developing ‚ DBU-mediated Ireland–Claisen rearrangement of allyl novel recoverable chiral catalysts alk-3-enoates: an efficient synthesis of ‚ Heterocyclic Chemistry 2-ethylidene-Ȗį-unsaturated carboxylic acids. ‚ Synthetic Organic Chemistry Selected Publications Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 9605-9613. ‚ DBU-Et N-Mediated Sequential ‚ 3 Synthesis of Diaryl Ethers, Diaryl Sulfides, Heteroaryl Homoaldol-Lactonization-Alkylation Reaction of Ethyl Ethers and Heteroaryl Sulfides under Microwave Pyruvate: One-pot Synthesis of O-protected Isotetronic Dielectric Heating. Synthesis 2005, (8), 1305-1313. Acids. Synthesis 2008, (4), 589-593. ‚ Preparation of Nafion-supported Palladium Catalyst and ‚ Organocatalytic Multicomponent Use for Heck Arylation Reactions. Tetrahedron Lett. 2005, Į-Methylenation/Diels-Alder Reactions: A Versatile 46(36), 6159-6162. Access to Substituted Formyl Cyclohexene Derivatives. ‚ Preparation of polymer-supported Ru-TsDPEN catalysts Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 5335-5345. and use for enantioselective synthesis. of (S)-fluoxetine. ‚ Gold-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization of Cyclopropyl Org. Biomol. Chem. 2005, 3(14), 2513-2518. Alkynyl Acetates: A Versatile Approach to 5-,6-, and ‚ 1, 3-Dipolar Cycloadditions of 9-Diazofluorenes and 7-Membered Carbocycles. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, Diphenyldiazomethane to 2-Acyl-2H-1, 2, 3- 47, 1 0110-10113. diazaphospholes. J. Heterocycl. Chem. 2006, 43(2), 353-359. ‚ Enantioselective Hydrogenation of E-Ketoesters Using a MeO-PEG-Supported Biphep Ligand. under Atmospheric Pressure: A Practical Synthesisi of (S)-Fluoxetine. Synlett 2006, (15), 2395-2398. ‚ A General Synthesis of Furo[3,2-c][1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]azepine and Furo[2,3-f][1,2,4]triazolo. [1,5-a]azepine Derivatives. Synthesis 2007, (1) 33-38. ‚ Asymmetric hydrogenation of aromatic ketones with MeO-PEG-supported BIPHEP/DPEN. ruthenium catalysts. J. Mol. Cat. A: Chemical 2007, 270, 83–88. ‚ An Efficient DABCO-Catalyzed Ireland–Claisen Rearangement of Allylic Aacrylates. Synlett 2007, ‚ Organocatalytic Nucleophilic Ring-Opening of Cyclopropanecarbaldehydes by Benzenethiols: Tandem Synthesis of Benzo[b]thiepines. Synlett 2009, (11), 1830-1834.

35 -J ;IBO5JOH ᳩӳ̛ 1SPGFTTPS PG 0SHBOJD $IFNJTUSZ Professor, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, 2003-2010 Visiting scientist, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, USA, 2000 Postdoc., Department of Chemistry, University of South Denmark (Odense), 1994 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1992 B.Sc., Zhengzhou University, China, 1985 Born in July, 1966 in Shangcai, Henan Province E-mail: [email protected] Tel: + 86-21-65642038; Fax: + 86-21-65641740

Research Interests Commun. 2009 (43), 6634–6636. ‚ Hydrogen bonding-related bimimetic structures, ‚ Y.-X. Xu, X. Zhao, X.-K. Jiang, Z.-T. Li, Helical Folding foldamers and related self-assembly of Aromatic Amide-Based Oligomers Induced by ‚ Molecular recognition and sensing of biologically 1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylate Anion in DMSO. J. Org. important molecules Chem. 2009, 74 (19), 7267–7273. ‚ Supramolecular gel, liquid crystals, vesicles ‚ Y.-X. Xu, X. Zhao, X.-K. Jiang, Z.-T. Li, Organic ‚ Conjugated structures and materials nanotubes assembled from isophthalamides and their ‚ New synthetic methodology and their applications in the application as templates to fabricate Pt nanotubes. Chem. creation of functional two- and three dimensional Commun. 2009 (28), 4212–4214. macrocycles ‚ X.-N. Xu, L. Wang, J.-B. Lin, G.-T. Wang, Z.-T. Li, Courses Hydrogen Bonded Dynamic Covalent Synthesis of Imine-Based Capsules and Formation of Pseudo- ‚ Organic chemistry [3]rotaxanes. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15 (23), 5763–5774. ‚ Physical organic and supramolecular chemistry ‚ Selected Publications Z.-T. Li, J.-L. Hou, C. Li, Peptide Mimics by Linear Arylamides: A Structural and Functional Diversity Test. ‚ Z.-Y. Xiao, X. Zhao, X.-K. Jiang, Z.-T. Li. Tunable Acc. Chem. Res. 2008, 41 (10), 1343–1353. Coordinative Assembly of a Disclike Molecule and Metal ‚ W. Cai, G.-T. Wang, Y.-X. Xu, X.-K. Jiang, Z.-T. Li, Ions: from Mirospheres to Microtubes and Microrods. Vesicles and Organogels from Foldamers: A Chem. Mater. 2011, 23 (6), 1505–1511. Solvent-Modulated Self-Assembling Process. J. Am. ‚ Z.-T. Li, Hydrogen bonded arylamide foldamers: from Chem. Soc. 2008, 130 (22), 6936–6937. conformational control to functional evolution. Progr. ‚ W. Cai, G.-T. Wang, P. Du, R.-X. Wang, X.-K. Jiang, Z.-T. Chem. 2011, 23 (1), 1–12. Li, Foldamer Organogels: A Circular Dichroism Study of ‚ Y.-X. Xu, T.-G. Zhan, X. Zhao, Q. Fang, X.-K. Jiang, Glucose-Mediated Dynamic Helicity Induction and Z.-T. Li, Oligo(quinoxalineethynylene)s: synthesis, Amplification. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130 (40), properties, and Ag+-mediated complanation. Chem. 13450–13459. Commun. 2011, 47 (5), 1524–1526. ‚ Y.-Y. Zhu, C. Li, G.-Y. Li, Z.-T. Li, Hydrogen Bonded ‚ Z.-M. Shi, J. Huang, Z. Ma, Z. Guan, Z.-T. Li, Foldamers Aryl Amide Macrocycles: Synthesis, Single-Crystal as Cross-Links for Tuning the Dynamic Mechanical Structures, and Aromatic Interactions with Fullerenes. J. Property of Methacrylate Copolymers. Macromolecules Org. Chem. 2008, 73 (5), 1745– 1751. 2010, 43 (14), 6185–6192. ‚ C. Li, Y.-Y. Zhu, H.-P. Yi, C.-Z. Li, X.-K. Jiang, Z.-T. Li, ‚ K.-D. Zhang, G.-T. Wang, X. Zhao, X.-K. Jiang, Z.-T. Li, Stacking between Hydrogen Bonded Foldamers and Vesicle Self-Assembly by Tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives Fullerenes: Formation of Supramolecular Nano Net- in Both Polar and Nonpolar Solvents and works. Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13 (35), 9990–9998. Pseudo-Rotaxane Mediated Vesicles-to-Microtubes ‚ J.-L. Hou, H.-P. Yi, X.-B. Shao, Ch. Li, Z.-Q. Wu, X.-K. Transformation. Langmuir 2010, 26 (10), 6878–6882. Jiang, L.-Z. Wu, C.-H. Tung, Z.-T. Li. Helicity Induction ‚ Y.-X. Xu, G.-T. Wang, X. Zhao, X.-K. Jiang, Z.-T. Li, in Hydrogen Bonding-Driven Zinc Porphyrin Foldamers Controllable Self-Assemblies of Nanotubes and Vesicles by Chiral C60-Incorporated Histidines. Angew. Chem. Int. from Arylamides and Their Applications as Templates to Ed. 2006, 45 (5), 796–800. Fabricate Pt Nanotubes and Hollow Pt Nanospheres. Soft ‚ J. Zhu, J.-B. Lin, Y.-X. Xu, X.-B. Shao, X.-K. Jiang, Z.-T. Matter 2010, 6 (6), 1246–1252. Li, Hydrogen-Bonded Anthranilamide Homo- duplexes. ‚ X. Zhao, Z.-T. Li, Hydrogen bonded aryl amide and Increasing Stability through Preorganization and Iterative hydrazide oligomers: new generation of preorganized soft Arrangement of Simple Amide Binding Sites. J. Am. frameworks. Chem. Commun. 2010, 46 (10), 1601 –1616 Chem. Soc. 2006, 128 (37), 12307–12313. (Feature Article). ‚ X.-N. Xu, L. Wang, Z.-T. Li, Reverse vesicles formed by hydrogen bonded arylamide-derived triammonium cyclophanes and hexaammonium capsule. Chem.

36 ի࢐ 86 +JF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Postdoc., Harvard University, 2001 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2000 B.Sc., Jiangxi Normal University, 1995

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65102412 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests 2409-2413. ‚ Diversity-oriented synthesis ‚ Qiuping Ding and Jie Wu*, Lewis acid and ‚ Organometallic chemistry organocatalyst co-catalyzed multicomponent reactions of Courses 2-alkynyl- benzaldehydes, amines, and ketones, Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 4959-4962. ‚ Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry ‚ Xiaoyu Sun, Wei Sun, Renhua Fan, and Jie Wu*, Gold(III) ‚ Catalysis in Organic Synthesis Selected Publications chloride/silver triflate: A highly efficient catalyst for the ring-opening reaction of aziridine with arene, Adv. Synth. ‚ Zhiyuan Chen, Xiaodi Yang, and Jie Wu*, Catal. 2007, 349, 2151-2155. AgOTf-Catalyzed tandem reaction of N'-(2-alkynyl- ‚ Zhiyong Wang, Renhua Fan, and Jie Wu*, benzylidene)hydrazide with alkyne, Chem. Commun. Palladium-catalyzed regioselective cross-coupling 2009, 3469-3471. reactions of 3-bromo-4-tosyloxy-qui- nolin-2(1H)-one ‚ Qiuping Ding, Zhiyong Wang, and Jie Wu*, Tandem with arylboronic acids. A facile and convenient route to electrophilic cyclization-[3+2] cycloaddition-rearrange- 3,4-disubstituted quinolin-2(1H)-ones, Adv. Synth. Catal. ment reactions of 2-alkynylbenzaldoxime, DMAD, and 2007, 349, 1943-1948. Br2, J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 921-924. ‚ Liang Zhang and Jie Wu*, Friedländer synthesis of ‚ Zhiyuan Chen, Qiuping Ding, Xingxin Yu, and Jie Wu*, quinolines using a Lewis acid-surfactant-combined Silver triflate-catalyzed or electrophile-mediated tandem catalyst in water, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2007, 349, reaction of N'-(2-alkynylbenzylidene)hydrazide with 1047-1051. dimethyl acetylene dicarboxylate, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, ‚ Ke Gao and Jie Wu*, Synthesis of functionalized 351, 1692-1698. 1,2-dihydroisoquinolines via multi-component one-pot ‚ Liang Zhang and Jie Wu*, Palladium-catalyzed Hiyama reaction of 2-alkynylbenzaldehyde, amine, zinc, and cross-couplings of aryl arenesulfonates with arylsilanes, J. allylic bromide or benzyl bromide, J. Org. Chem. 2007, Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 12250-12251. 72, 8611-8613. ‚ Liang Zhang, Jiang Qing, Pengyuan Yang, and Jie Wu*, ‚ Liang Zhang, Tianhao Meng, Renhua Fan, and Jie Wu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Hiyama cross-coupling reactions of General and efficient route for synthesis of aryl mesylates, Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 4971-4974. 3,4-disubstituted coumarins via Pd-catalyzed ‚ Ke Gao and Jie Wu*, Sc(OTf)3-Catalyzed or t-BuOK site-selective cross-coupling reactions, J. Org. Chem. promoted tandem reaction of 2-(2-(alkynyl)benzylidene) 2007, 72, 7279-7286. malonate with indole, Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 2251-2254. ‚ Qiuping Ding, Yang Ye, Renhua Fan,* and Jie Wu*, ‚ Qiuping Ding and Jie Wu*, Access to functionalized Selective synthesis of 2,3-disubstituted-2H-isoindol- isoquinoline-N-oxides via sequential cyclization-coupling 1-ylphosphonate and 2,3-disubstituted-1,2-dihydroiso- reactions, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008, 350, 1850-1854. quinolin-1-ylphosphonate via metal-tuned reaction of ‚ Liang Zhang and Jie Wu*, Rhodium/N-heterocyclic 2-alkynyl D-amino benzylphosphonate, J. Org. Chem. carbene catalyzed cross-couplings of aryl arenesulfonates 2007, 72, 5439-5442. with arylboronic acids, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008, 350,

37 ᔴ̤ӧ '"/ 3FOIVB "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Postdoc., Purdue University, USA, 2006 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003 B.Sc., JiangXi Normal University, 1998

Email: [email protected] Tel:86-21-6564 2019 Fax: 86-21-65102412

Research Interests C-H Bonds with Sulfonamides Org. Lett. 2009, 11, ‚ Synthetic organic chemistry, asymmetric synthesis with 1425-1428. ‚ Renhua Fan,* Linfei Wang, Yang Ye, Jin Zhang, Facile organocatalyst and metal catalyst iodine(III)-induced oxidative cycloaddition of N-sulfonyl ‚ Green Chemistry imines with methylene compounds under neutral ‚ Combinatorial Chemistry conditions Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 3857-3859. Courses ‚ Renhua Fan,* Yang Ye, Weixun Li, and Lingfei Wang, ‚ Specialized English Efficient Stereoselective Synthesis of Nitrocyclopropanes ‚ Spectrometric Indentification of Organic Compounds by the Oxidative Cyclization of Michael Adducts of ‚ Organic Named Reaction Nitroolefins with Activated Methylene Compounds, Adv. Selected Publications Synth. Catal. 2008, 350, 2488-2492. ‚ Yang Ye, Chen Zheng, Renhua Fan*, Solvent-controlled ‚ Renhua Fan,* and Yang Ye, Iodobenzene Oxidative Cyclization for Divergent Synthesis of Highly Diacetate/Tetrabutylammonium Iodide-Induced Functionalized Oxetanes and Cyclopropanes Org. Lett. Aziridination of N-Tosylimines with Activated Methylene 2009, 11, ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/ol9012102 Compounds under Mild Conditions, Adv. Synth. Catal. ‚ Renhua Fan,* Weixun Li, Dongming Pu, Li Zhang, 2008, 350, 1526-1530. Transition-metal Free Intermolecular Amination of sp3

ᦋ์ (60 )BP "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Postdoc., Technische Universität München, Germany, 2010 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China, 2008 B.Sc., Nankai University, P. R. China, 2003 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-6564 2791 Fax: 86-21-6564 1740

Research Interests ‚ Hao Guo and Shengming Ma, Rhodium-Catalyzed Highly ‚ Organic photochemistry Regioselective Hydroformylation- Hydrogenation of 1,2-Allenyl Phosphine Oxides and Phosphonates. Adv. ‚ Organometallic chemistry Synth. Catal. 2008, 350, 1213-1217. Courses ‚ Hao Guo, Rong Qian, Yinlong Guo, and Shengming Ma, ‚ Organic chemistry experiments Neighboring Group Participation of Phosphine Oxide Selected Publications Functionality in the Highly Regio- and Stereo-selective ‚ Hao Guo, Eberhardt Herdtweck, and Thorsten Bach, Iodohydroxylation of 1,2-Allenylic Diphenyl Phosphine Enantioselective Lewis Acid Catalysis in Intramolecular Oxides, J. Org. Chem. 2008, 73, 7934-7938. [2+2]-Photocycloaddition Reactions of Coumarins, ‚ Hao Guo and Shengming Ma, Highly Regio- and Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 7782-7785. Stereoselective Palladium(0)-Catalyzed Addition of ‚ Hao Guo and Shengming Ma, Chapter 9: Cyclizations Organoboronic Acids with 1,2-Allenic Sulfones, Based on Cyclometallation in Handbook of Cyclization Sulfoxides, or Alkyl- or Aryl-Substituted Allenes in the Reactions, (Ed.: Ma, S.), Wiley, Weinheim, 2009, pp. Presence of Acetic Acid: An Efficient Synthesis of 407-455. ISBN: 978-3-527-32088-2. E-Alkenes. Synthesis 2007, 2731-2745.

38 Τиѽ )06 +VOMJ "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Postdoc., The Scripps Research Institute, USA., 2008 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, 2006 B.Sc., HebeiUniversity, 2001

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65105744

Research Interests Hou, Dariush Ajami, Julius Rebek, Jr*. ‚ the physical organic chemistry and supramolecular ‚ Peptide Mimics by Linear Arylamides: A Structural and chemistry, with central interests on construction Functional Diversity Test. Acc.Chem. Res., 2008, 41, functional 3D-molecular receptors and frameworks by 1343-1353. Zhan-Ting Li*, Jun-Li Hou, Chuang Li. employing covalent bond or dynamic covalent bond. ‚ Helicity induction in hydrogen-bonding-driven zinc Courses porphyrin foldamers by chiral C60-incorporating histidines. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2006, 45, 796-800. ‚ Basic Organic Experiment (I, II) Jun-Li Hou, Hui-Ping Yi, Xue-Bin Shao, Chuang Li, Selected Publications Zong-Quan Wu, Xi-Kui Jiang, Li-Zhu Wu, Chen-Ho ‚ Disproportionation and Self-Sorting in Molecular Tung, Zhan-Ting Li* Encapsulation, Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA.2009, 106, ‚ Shape-persistent Aromatic Amide Oligomers: New Tools 10430-10434. Dariush Ajami, Jun-Li Hou, Trevor Dale, for Supramolecular Chemistry, Chem. Asian. J., 2006, 1, Elizabeth Barrett, Julius Rebek, Jr* 766 . Zhan-Ting Li*, Jun-Li Hou, Chuang Li, Hui-Ping Yi ‚ Reaction of Carboxylic Acids and Isonitriles in Small Spaces., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 7810-7811. Jun-Li

ᠤ၊ +*" :V "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2002 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1996 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1993 Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642261 Fax: 86-21-65643925

Research Interests 1505-1510. ‚ Metal-Organic-Framework ‚ Synthesis and crystal structures of four pH-dependent ‚ Organic Synthesis in Microfluidic Reactors Pb(II) and Cd(II)phosphonates based on a novel ligand, ‚ Organic Synthesis 3-phosphono-benzoic acid, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2009, Courses 362, 2101-2107. ‚ Efficient Claisen rearrangement of allyl para-substituted ‚ Organic Chemistry phenyl ethers using microreactors, Green Chem., 2009, ‚ Experiment of Organic Chemistry 11,1108-1111. ‚ Experiment of Advanced Organic Synthesis ‚ Selected Publications One-dimensional (1D) helical and 2D homochiral metal ̢ organic frameworks built from a new chiral ‚ Supramolecular Isomerism of Metal-Organic Frameworks octahydrobinaphthalene-derived dicarboxylic acid, Derivedfrom a Bicarboxylate Linker with Two Distinct Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2008, 11(9), 948-950. Binding Motifs, Cryst. Growth Des., 2009, 9(3),

39 ߛТ஠ 4VO 9JOHXFO "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007 B.Sc., Zhengzhou University, China, 2002 E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 86-21-55664460 Fax: 86-21-55664460

Research Interests carbon stereocenter via samarium diiodide promoted ‚ Asymmetric Synthesis tandem Aldol- Evans- Tishchenko reaction; Xing-Wen ‚ Green Chemistry Sun, Ming-Hua Xu, Guo-Qiang Lin, Tetrahedron Lett. ‚ Heterocyclic Chemistry 2009, 50, 3381. ‚ Total of Natural Products ‚ Synthesis of 3-Indoyl-sunstituted phthalides catalyzed by Courses acidic cation exchange resin Amberlyst 15, Hua Lin, Kyong-Sung Han, Xing-Wen Sun, Guo-Qiang Lin, Chin. ‚ Organic chemistry J. Org. Chem. 2008, 28, 1479. ‚ Organic Synthesis and Reaction Mechanism ‚ Highly efficient synthesis of 3-indolyl-substituted ‚ Experiment in Organic Synthesis ̢ Selected Publications phthalides via Friedel Crafts reactions in water; Hua Lin, Xing-Wen Sun, Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 49, 5343. ‚ Highly Efficient Asymmetric Synthesis of Vinylic Amino ‚ Samarium diiodide-promoted electrophilic amination of Alcohols by Zn-Promoted Hydroxyallylation of Chiral ketone enolates: efficient synthesis of quaternary N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Imines: Facile and Rapid Access to carbon-containing ¢-aminated ketones; Xing-Wen Sun, (-)-Cytoxazone. Min Liu, Xing-Wen Sun, Ming-Hua Xu Wei Wang, Ming-Hua Xu, Guo-Qiang Lin, Tetrahedron and Guo-Qiang Lin, Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 10217. Lett. 2008, 49, 5807. ‚ Rapid assembly of anti-1,3-diol units with 2-quaternary

๔๞ 56 5BP "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Postdoc., University of Montreal, Canada, 2005 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academic of Sciences, 2003 B.Sc., East China Geological Institute, 1998

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65105744

Research Interests Peterlik, Jorg Daniels and Karl Heinz Dötz,* Chem. Eur. ‚ Supramolecular Chemistry J. 2009, 15, 1853-1861. ‚ Organometallics ‚ Tao Tu,* Wilfried Assenmacher, Herwig Peterlik, Gregor ‚ Asymmetric Synthesis Schnakenburg and Karl Heinz Dötz,* Angew. Chem. Int. Courses Ed. 2008, 47, 7127-7131. ‚ Scientific English of Chemistry ‚ Tao Tu,* Jagadeesh Malineni and Karl Heinz Dötz,* Adv. Selected Publications Synth. Catal. 2008, 350, 1791-1795. ‚ Tao Tu,* Wilfried Assenmacher, Herwig Peterlik, Ralf ‚ Tao Tu,* Jagadeesh Malineni, Xiaoling Bao and Karl Weisbarth, Martin Nieger and Karl Heinz Dötz,* Angew. Heinz Dötz,* Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351, 1029-1034. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 6368-6371. ‚ Tao Tu,* Xiaoling Bao, Wilfried Assenamacher, Herwig

40 ဌケ 8"/( #JOH "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Postdoc., University of Kansas, 2005 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2002 B.Sc., East China University of Science and Technology, 1997

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-54237570 Fax: 86-21-54237570

Research Interests Selected Publications ‚ Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic ‚ Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 3410. Synthesis (Methodology & Mechanism) ‚ Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 2011. ‚ Asymmetric Total Synthesis (Antitumor Marine Natural ‚ J.Org.Chem.2009, 74, 1781. Highlighted by ACS Products, Polyhydroxylated Alkaloids, Chiral Quaternary “Noteworthy Chemistry” (March 9, 2009) Stereocenters) ‚ J.Org.Chem.2008, 73, 3307. Highlighted by ACS ‚ Synthetic Methodology (tert-BS imine Chemistry, “Noteworthy Chemistry” (May 5, 2008) Radical Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Protective Groups) ‚ J. Org. Chem. 2008, 73, 2462. ‚ Medicinal Chemistry (Antiviral Nucleosides, Azasugars, Unnatural Amino Acids)

BOHHVP# *&8 ڍᱏᥧ "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry Postdoc., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006 Ph.D., Xiamen University, 2004 M.Sc., Northwest Normal University, 2001 B.Sc., Northwest Normal University, 1998 Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-54237757 Fax: 86-21-54237757

Research Interests Lin* BF3·Et2O Catalyzed Diastereoselective Nucleophilic ‚ Total Synthesis of Natural Products Reactions of 3-Silyloxypiperidine N, O-acetal with Silyl ‚ Asymmetric Synthesis Enol Ether and Application to the Asymmetric Synthesis ‚ Bioactive Molecular Design and Synthesis of (+)-Febrifugine Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 4046-4049; ‚ Bioactive Constituent Isolation and Synthesis of ‚ R.-C Liu, J.-H. Wei, B.-G. Wei* and G.-Q. Lin* Concise Traditional Chinese Medicines asymmetric synthesis of (-)-deoxoprosophylline Courses Tetrahedron Asymmetry 2008, 19, 2731-2734; ‚ X. Sun, W. Zheng and B.-G. We i * Nickel-catalyzed ‚ Organic Chemistry Experiments Selected Publications organozinc-induced unexpected 1,3-migration of tert-butyl from sulfur to carbon in N-tert-butanesulfinyl ‚ J.-Y. Ma , L.-F. Xu, W. -F. Huang, B.-G. Wei * and G. -Q. iminoacetates Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 49, 6195-6197; Lin* Total Synthesis of Emericellamide A, A Secondary ‚ B.-G.Wei,J.Wang,Z.Chen,G.Chen Metabolite of Marine Cyclic Depsipeptide with Carbon-Nanotube–Alginate Composite Modified ˗ Antimicrobial Properties Synlett 2009. 1307-1310 Electrode Fabricated by In Situ Gelation for Capillary ‚ R.-C. Liu, W. Huang, J.-Y. Ma , B.-G. Wei* a n d G. -Q. lectrophoresis Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 9779-9785

41 ष˜፤ ;)"/( %BOXFJ "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Organic Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2000 B.Sc., Fudan University,1994

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643576 Fax: 86-21-65643575

Research Interests Soc. 2005, 127, 79967997. ‚ Design and conformation studies of peptidomimetics ‚ Yang, D.; Zhang, D.-W.; Hao, Y.; Zhu, N.-Y. ; Lu o, S. -W.; 2,3 ‚ Synthetic organic chemistry Wu , Y. -D., “E -Cyclic Aminoxy Acids: Rigid and Ring Courses Size Independent Building Blocks”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 67196722. ‚ Organic Chemisty ‚ Selected Publications Yang, D.; Zhang, Y.-H.; Li, B.; Zhang, D.-W.; Chan, J. C.-Y. ; Z h u, N. -Y. ; Lu o, S . -W. ; Wu , Y. -D., “Effect of Side ‚ Yang, D.; Liu, G.-J.; Jiao, Z.-G.; Zhang, D.-W.; Luo, Z.; Chains on Turns and Helices in Peptides of E3-Aminoxy Song, K.-S.; Chen, M.-Q. “Disulfide Bond Creates a Acids”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 69566966. Small Connecting Loop in Aminoxy Peptide Backbone”, ‚ Li C.-Z.; Zhang, D.-W.; Zhang, X.-T.; Wu, S.-H.; Gao, X., Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 10297–10302. “Manganese(III) acetate-mediated free radical reactions ‚ Yang, D.; Li, X.; Fan Y.-F.; Zhang, D.-W.; of [60]fullerene with E-dicarbonyl compounds”, Org. “Enantioselective Recognition of Carboxylates: A Biomol. Chem. 2004, 2, 34643469. Receptor Derived from D-Aminoxy Acids Functions as a Chiral Shift Reagent for Carboxylic Acids”, J. Am. Chem.

42 ď๞सܤ༰Đ 3K\VLFDFacultyO &KHPLVW UMembers(师资力量)\

Physical Chemistry(物理化学)Name Page CAI Wenbin˄㫵᭛᭠˅ CAO Yong˄᳍࢛˅ DAI WEilinCAI˄ Wenbin(蔡文斌)᠈㓈ᵫ˅ CAO Yong(曹勇) DING Chuanfan˄ϕӴ޵˅ DAI Weilin(戴维林) FAN Kangnian˄㣗ᒋᑈ˅ DING Chuanfan(丁传凡) ˅FU Zhengwen˄ٙℷ᭛ FAN Kangnian(范康年) HE Heyong˄䌎吸࢛˅ FU Zhengwen(傅正文) ˄ढӳᯢ˅ HUA WeimingHE Heyong(贺鹤勇) ˄߬ᱎ᫔˅ LIU ZhipanHUA Weiming (华伟明) LU Jing˄LIU䰚 Zhipan䴪˅ (刘智攀) QIAO MinghuaLU Jing(陆靖)˄Шᯢढ˅ SHEN WeiQIAO˄≜ ӳMinghua(乔明华)˅ TANG YiSHEN˄૤乤 Wei(沈伟)˅ WANG WenningTANG Yi(唐颐)——Head˄⥟᭛ᅕ˅ WENG LinhongWANG˄ Wenning(王文宁)㖕ᵫ㑶˅ XIA YongyaoWENG˄໣ Linhong(翁林红)∌ྮ˅ XU HualongXIA˄ Yongyao(夏永姚)ᕤढ啭˅ ˄ᕤᯩ˅XU Hualong(徐华龙) XU Xin(徐昕) WU Yuping˄ਈᅛᑇ˅ WU Yuping(吴宇平) YU Aishui˄ԭ⠅∈˅ YU Aishui(余爱水) YUE Yinghong˄Ф㣅㑶˅ YUE Yinghong(乐英红) ZHANG Yahong˄ᓴѮ㑶˅ ZHANG Yahong(张亚红) ˄਼号亲˅ ZHOU MingfeiZHOU Mingfei(周鸣飞) CHEN MohuaCHEN˄ Mohua(陈末华)䰜᳿ढ˅ ˅⾟㡇ټ(CHU YanqiuCHU˄ Yanqiu(储艳秋 LI ZhenhuaLI Zhenhua(李振华)˄ᴢᤃढ˅ LIU YongmeiLIU Yongmei(刘永梅)˄߬∌ṙ˅ NIU Guoxing(NIU Guoxing(牛国兴)⠯೑݈) WANG WeijiangWANG˄ Weijiang(王卫江)⥟ि∳˅ WANG YonggangWANG Yonggang(王永刚)˄⥟∌߮˅ XIONG HuanmingXIONG Huanming(熊焕明)˄❞⛩ᯢ˅ YAN Shirun(闫世润) YAN Shirun˄䮿Ϫ⍺˅ YE Yunfen(叶匀分) YE Yunfen˄৊ࣔߚ˅ ZHUANG Jihua(庄继华) ZHUANG Jihua(ᑘ㒻ढ) 43 ᗿ஠஢ 8FO#JO $"* 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry Postdoctoral fellow / visiting scholar: Xiamen University, 1995-1997; Hokkaido University 1997-1999; Case Western Reserve University 1999-2002 Ph.D., Fudan University, 1995 M.Sc., Shanghai University of Science & Technology, 1992 B.E., Shanghai University of Science & Technology, 1989 http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/caiwenbinweb/index.htm Tel:86-21-55664050 Fax:86-21-65641740 E-mail: [email protected]

Researches of Interest electrode” J. Catal. 249(2007)309. ‚ Surface Electrochemistry ‚ “Seeded Growth Fabrication of Cu-on-Si Electrodes for ‚ Spectroelectrochemistry in situ ATR-SEIRAS Applications” Electrochim. Acta ‚ Electrocatalysis 52(2007)5950. Selected Publications ‚ “A study of NO adducts of iron protoporphyrin IX adlayer on Au electrode with in situ ATR-FTIR ‚ “A versatile electroless approach to controlled spectroscopy” J. Phys. Chem. C 111 (2007) 8649. PRGL¿FDWLRQ RI 6E RQ 3W VXUIDFHV WRZDUGV HI¿FLHQW ‚ “Seeded-growth approach to fabrication of silver electrocatalysis of formic acid” ElectroChem. nanoparticle films on silicon for electrochemical ATR Commun.11 (2009) 831. surface-enhanced IR absorption spectroscopy”. J. Phys. ‚ “InsituATR-FTIR Spectroscopy on Ni-P alloy Chem. B 110(2006)25721. electrodes” Electrochim. Acta 54 (2009)1834. ‚ “In situ surface-enhanced IR absorption spectroscopy on ‚ “Boron-Doped Palladium Nanoparticles on Carbon Black CO adducts of iron protoporphyrin IX self-assembled on as a Superior Catalyst for Formic Acid Electro-oxidation” a Au electrode” J. Phys. Chem. B 110 (2006) 14911. J.Phys.Chem.C113 (2009)8366. ‚ “Extending in situ attenuate total reflection surface ‚ “Facile Fabrication of Pt, Pd and Pt-Pd Alloy Films on Si enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy to Ni with Tunable Infrared Internal Reflection Absorption and Electrodes” J.Phys.Chem.B110 (2006) 4162. Synergetic Electrocatalysis” J. Phys. Chem. C 113 ‚ “Tunable surface-enhanced infrared absorption on Au (2009)13841 nanofilms on Si fabricated by self-assembly and growth ‚ “Practically Modified Attenuated Total Reflection of colloidal particles” J. Phys. Chem. B 109 Surface-Enhanced IR Absorption Spectroscopy for (2005)15985. High-Quality Frequency-Extended Detection of Surface ‚ “Ubiquitous strategy for probing ATR surface-enhanced Species at Electrodes” Anal. Chem.80 (2008)166.. infrared absorption at platinum group metal-electrolyte ‚ “In situ surface-enhanced IR absorption spectroscopy on interfaces” J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005)7900. the adsorption and reduction of nitric oxide at ruthenium

44 టҺ $"0 :POH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2000 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1995


Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-86-21-55665287 Fax: 86-86-21-65643774

Research Interests Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2008, 47, 334-337. ‚ Yon g-Mei Liu, Jie Xu, Lin He, Yong Cao*, He-Yong He, ‚ Design and characterization of nanostructured catalytic Dong-Yuan Zhao, Ji-Hua Zhuang and Kang-Nian Fan, materials˗ “Facile Synthesis of Fe-loaded Mesoporous Silica by a ‚ Catalytic activation and selective transformation of light Combined Detemplation-Incorporation Process through alkanes˗ Fenton’s Chemistry”, J.Phys.Chem.C, 2008, 112, ‚ Gold catalysis for green fine chemical synthesis˗ 16575-16583. ‚ Environmental and eco-friendly solid acid/base catalysis ‚ Courses Lu-Cun Wang, Xin-Song Huang, Qian Liu, Yong-Mei Liu, Yong Cao*, He-Yong He, Kang-Nian Fan and Ji-Hua ‚ Physical Chemistry, Mechanisms in heterogeneous Zhuang, “Gold nanoparticles deposited on manganese (III) catalysis, Modern surface chemistry oxide as novel efficient catalyst for low temperature CO Selected Publications oxidation”, J. Catal., 2008, 259: 66-74. ‚ Hao Sun, Fang-Zheng Su, Ji Ni, Yong Cao*, He-Yong He, ‚ Fang-Zheng Su, Ji Ni, Hao Sun, Yong Cao*, He-Yong He, Kang-Nian Fan, “Gold Supported on Hydroxyapatite as Kang-Nian Fan, “Gold Supported on Nanocrystalline Versatile Multifunctional Catalyst for the Direct Tandem ȕ-Ga2O3 as Versatile Bifunctional Catalyst for Facile Synthesis of Imines and Oximes”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Oxidative Transformation of Alcohols, Aldehydes and 2009, 48, 4390-4393. Acetals into Esters”, Chem. Eur. J., 2008, (14), ‚ Lu-Cun Wang, Lin He, Yong-Mei Liu, Yong Cao*, 7131-7135. He-Yong He, Kang-Nian Fan, and Ji-Hua Zhuang, “Effect ‚ Fang-Zheng Su, Lin He, Ji Ni, Yong Cao*, He-Yon g He, of pretreatment atmosphere on CO oxidation over and Kang-Nian Fan, “Efficient and Chemoselective

Į-Mn2O3 supported gold catalysts”, J. Catal., 2009, 264, Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds with Supported Gold 145-153. Catalysts under Transfer Hydrogenation Conditions”, ‚ Ji Ni, Wen-Jian Yu, Lin He, Hao Sun, Yong Cao*, Chem. Commun., 2008, 3531-3533. He-Yong He, and Kang-Nian Fan, “A green and efficient ‚ Miao Chen, Fang-Zheng Su, Jie Xu, Yong-Mei Liu, Yong oxidation of alcohols by supported gold catalysts using Cao*, He-Yong He and Kang-Nian Fan,

aqueous H2O2 under organic solvent-free conditions”, “Dehydrogenation of propane over spinel-type gallia- Green Chem., 2009, 11, 756-759. alumina solid solution catalysts”, J. Catal., 2008, 256: ‚ Xin-Song Huang, Hao Sun, Lu-Cun Wang, Yong-Mei Liu, 293-300. Kang-Nian Fan and Yong Cao*, “Morphology effects of ‚ Lu-Cun Wang, Lin He, Qian Liu, Yong-Mei Liu, Miao

nanoscale ceria on the activity of Au/CeO2 catalysts for Chen, Yong Cao, He-Yong He, Kang-nian Fan, low-temperature CO oxidation”, Appl. Catal. B Environ., “Solvent-free selective oxidation of alcohols by 2009, 90, 224-232. molecular oxygen over ȕ-MnO2 nanorods supported gold ‚ Qian Liu, Lu-Cun Wang, Miao Chen, Yong Cao*, nanoparticles”, Appl. Catal. A Gen., 2008, 344: 150-157. He-Yong He, and Kang-Nian Fan, “Dry citrate-precursor ‚ Luc-Cun Wang, Yong-Mei Liu, Miao Chen, Yong Cao*, synthesized nanocrystalline cobalt oxide as highly active He-Yong He, Kang-Nian Fan, “MnO2 nanorod supported catalyst for total oxidation of propane”, J. Catal., 2009, gold nanoparticles with enhanced activity for solvent-free 263: 104-13. aerobic alcohol oxidation”, J.Phys.Chem.C, 2008, 112, ‚ Lu-Cun Wang, Qian Liu, Xin-Song Huang, Yong-Mei Liu, 6981-6987. Yong Cao*, and Kang-Nian Fan, “Gold nanoparticles ‚ Lu-Cun Wang, Yong-Mei Liu, Miao Chen, Yong Cao*, supported on manganese oxides for Low temperature CO He-Yong He, Gui-Sheng Wu, Wei-Lin Dai, Kang-Nian oxidation”, Appl. Catal. B Environ., 2009, 88, 204-212. Fan, “Production of hydrogen by steam reforming of ‚ Fang-Zheng Su, Yong-Mei Liu, Lu-Cun Wang, Yong methanol over Cu/ZnO catalysts prepared via a practical Cao*, He-Yong He, Kang-Nian Fan, “Ga-Al soft reactive grinding route based on dry oxalate- Mixed-Oxide-Supported Gold Nanoparticles with precursor synthesis”, J. Catal., 2007, 246, 193-204. Enhanced Activity for Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation”,

45 ੘፤ౣ %"* 8FJMJO 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 1997 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1994 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1991

http://www.weilidai.org Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664678 Fax: 86-21-55665572

Research Interests 17657–17663 (2008). ‚ The major research interests of Dr. Dai are focused on the ‚ J Huang, WL Dai*, and KN Fan. “The Support Effect of heterogeneous catalysis aimed on the Green Chemistry, New Au/FeOx Catalysts in the Oxidative including selective hydrogenation, selective oxidation as Dehydrogenation of D,Z-diols to Lactones”. J. Phys. well as the synthesis of novel catalyst materials & Chem. C 112, 16110-16117 (2008). mechanism study on in situ catalysis. ‚ J Li, JH Xu, WL Dai*, KN Fan, Dependence of Ag Courses Deposition Methods on the Photocatalytic Activity and Surface State of TiO with Twist-Like Helix Structure, J. ‚ Experimental Physical Chemistry, XPS and Its 2 Phys. Chem. C, 113(19), 2009:8343-8349. Application in Chemistry ‚ Selected Publications A Yin, X Guo, WL Dai*, KN Fan, The Nature of Active Copper Species in Cu-HMS Catalyst for Hydrogenation ‚ RH Gao,XL Yang, WL Dai*, YY Le,HX Li,KN Fan. of Dimethyl Oxalate to Ethylene Glycol: New Insights on “High-activity, single-site tungsten-containing the Synergetic Effect between Cu(0) and Cu(1+), J. Phys. mesocellular silica foam materials for catalytic Chem. C, 113(25),2009:11003-11013. epoxidation of cycloocta-1,5-diene with aqueous ‚ JH Xu, WL Dai*, JX Li,YCao,HX Li, KN Fan. “Simple hydrogen peroxide”, J. Catal. 256, 259-267 (2008). fabrication of twist-like helix N,S-codoped titania ‚ J Huang, WL Dai*, HX Li, KN Fan. “Au/TiO2 as high photocatalyst with visible-light response”. Appl. Catal. B: efficient catalyst for the selective oxidative cyclization of Envior., 79, 72-80 (2008). ¤ 1,4-butanediol to –butyrolactone”. J. Catal. 252, 69-76 ‚ JX Li, JH Xu, WL Dai*, HX Li, KN Fan, “One-Pot (2007). Synthesis of Twist-Like Helix W, N-Codoped Titania ‚ XL Yang, WL Dai*, RH Gao, KN Fan. “Characterization Photocatalysts with Highly Improved Visible Light and catalytic behavior of highly active tungsten-doped Activity in the Abatement of Phenol”, Appl. Catal. B: SBA-15 catalyst in the synthesis of glutaraldehyde using Envior., 82, 233-243 (2008). an anhydrous approach”. J. Catal. 249, 278-288 (2007). ‚ JX Li, JH Xu, WL Dai*, HX Li, KN Fan, Direct ‚ XL Yang, WL Dai*, CW Guo, H Chen, Y Cao, HX Li, Hydro-alcohol Thermal Synthesis of Special Core-shell HY He, KN Fan. “Synthesis of Novel Core-shell Structured Fe-doped Titania Microspheres with Extended Structured WO3/TiO2 Spheroids and Its Application in the Visible Light Response and Enhanced Photoactivity, Appl. Catalytic Oxidation of Cyclopentene to Glutaraldehyde Catal. B: Envior., 85,162-170 (2009). by Aqueous H2O2”. J. Catal. 234, 438-450 (2005). ‚ RH Gao, WL Dai*, YY Le, XL Yang, Y Cao, HX Li, KN ‚ XL Yang, WL Dai*, H Chen, Y Cao, HX Li, HY He, KN Fan. “A green process for O-hetero-cyclization of Fan*. “Novel efficient and green approach to the cycloocta-1,5-diene by peroxo tungstic species with synthesis of glutaraldehyde over highly active W-doped aqueous H2O2”. Green Chem.,9, 878-881 (2007). SBA-15 catalyst.’ J. Catal. 229, 259-263 (2005). ‚ WL Dai*ˈY Cao, LP Ren, XL Yang, JH Xu, HX Li, HY

He, KN Fan. “Ag–SiO2–Al2O3 composite as highly active catalyst for the formation of formaldehyde from the partial oxidation of methanol”. J. Catal. 228, 80-91 (2004). ‚ XL Yang, RH Gao, WL Dai*, KN Fan. “Influence of tungsten precursors on the structure and catalytic

properties of WO3/SBA-15 in the selective oxidation of cyclopentene to glutaraldehyde”. J.Phys.Chem.C112 (10), 3819–3826 (2008). ‚ JX L.i, WL Dai*, KN Fan*. “Formation of Ordered Mesoporous MgO with Tunable Pore Diameter and Its Application As Excellent Alkaline Catalyst in Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation”. J.Phys.Chem.C112 (45),

46 ʷ͛ї %*/( $IVBOGBO 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., University of British Columbia, Canada Ph.D., Nanjing University, 2000 Ph.D., Fudan University, 1990 M.Sc., University of Science & Technology of China, 1987 B.Sc., University of Science & Technology of China, 1984

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664549 Fax: 86-21-55664549

Research Interests electrospray ionization mass spectrometry., Acta ‚ Instrumentation of Mass spectrometry Pharmacol Sin 2008, 29(6): 759-771. ‚ Conformation and kinetics of gas phase proteins ‚ Bo Wu, Yan-Qiu Chu, Zhao-Yun Dai, Chuan-Fan Ding, ‚ Photochemistry of gas phase ions. Probing the interaction between cytochrome c and the Courses: hapten, 2,4-dinitro-fluorobenzene by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Chinese Journal of ‚ Mass Spectrometry: Research, Development and its Chemical Physics 2008, 21(3): 217-220. Applications ѥ, ֲधӳ, 䚥ᵒᶣ, ϕӴ޵,䈋ܚ᠈ ,㡇⾟, ┬။။ټ ‚ ‚ Modern Analytical Chemistry 㛅⫬㚑Ϣ ൟ ⇼෎䝌䴲݅Ӌ໡ড়⠽ⱘ䋼䈅 ⠽⧚࣪ᄺ Selected Publications D - , ᄺ᡹ˈ2008, 24(11): 1981-1987. ‚ 㡇⾟ˈϕӴ޵,䝛㉏ߚᄤ䇅ᇐⱘ㙠㸔⧗㋴ᵘ䈵ټˈGongyu Jiang, Chan Luo, N.V. Konenkov, and ‚ ྰЍ Chuan-Fan Ding, Tandem RF-only Quadrupole Mass ব࣪, 催ㄝᄺ᷵࣪ᄺᄺ᡹ˈ 2009 30˄8˅:1571-1576 㡇⾟, ਼号亲, ϕӴ޵, ৩࿰, 㖕ᖫ⋕, ᴢټ ,Filter with Quadrupolar Excitation, International Journal ‚ ┬။။ of Mass Spectrometry, (in press), 2009 ᓎ݊, ᡫᡥ䚕࣪ড়⠽ SIPI5838 ੠⦃㊞㊒ߚᄤ䴲݅Ӌ໡ ‚ Chan Luo, Dan Jiang, Chuan-Fan Ding, Nikolai ড়⠽ⱘⷨおˈ࣪ᄺᄺ᡹ˈ2008, 66(22):1-7. 㡇⾟, ਼号亲, ϕӴټ ,Konenkov, Mass Peak Shape Improvement of a ‚ ৩࿰, 䚥∌࢛ˈᴢᓎ݊, ┬။။ Quadrupole Mass Filter When Operating with ޵, ઠா㸡⫳⠽ SIPI5357 ੠⦃㊞㊒ߚᄤ䴲݅Ӌ໡ড়⠽ Rectangular Wave Power Supply, Rapid ⱘࠊ໛Ϣߚᵤ, ߚᵤ࣪ᄺ 2009, 37(2):199-204. Communications in Mass Spectrometry, (in press), 2009 ‚ Konenkov N, Londry F, Ding CF, Douglas D, Linear ‚ Xiaoxu Li, Gongyu Jiang, Chan Luo, Peng Yang, Fuxing quadrupoles with added hexapole fields., J. Am. Soc. Xu , Yuanyuan Wang, Li Ding, and Chuan-Fan Ding, Mass Spectrom. 17, 1063(2006). The Ion Trap Array (ITA) Mass Analyzer: Its Structure ‚ Michaud A, Frank A. Ding CF. Douglas D, Ion excitation ˈ and Performance, Analytical Chemistry, 81 4840-4846 , in a linear quadrupole ion trap with an added Octopole 2009 field., J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 16, 835(2005). ‚ Zhao-Yun Dai, Yan-Qiu Chu, Bo Wu, Liang Wu, ‚ Chuan-Fan Ding, Ion Trap Mass Analyzer, US Patent No.: Chuan-Fan Ding, Investigation on the non-covalent US 7,498,569,B2, March 3, 2009-7-9 complexes of glutathione with common amino acids by

47 ᔴऔࣱ '"/ ,BOHOJBO 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

B.Sc., Fudan University, 1965


Tel: 86-21-65643977 Fax: 86-21-55665572 Email: [email protected]

Research Interests “Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane over V2O5 ‚ Theoretical study on structure, adsorption and surface (001): A periodic density functional theory study” catalytic reaction mechanism of metal, oxide and J. PHYS. CHEM. C 112(10) 3719-3725 (2008) amorphous alloy ‚ JXLi,JHXu,WLDai,HXLi , KN Fan * “One-pot ‚ Molecular simulation of materials and macromolecule synthesis of twist-like helix ‚ Heterogeneous catalysis of metal and oxide tungsten-nitrogen-codoped titania photocatalysts Courses with highly improved visible light activity in the abatement of phenol” APPL. CATAL. B-ENVIRON. ‚ “Physical Chemistry” 82(3-4) 233-243(2008) ‚ “An Introduction to Spectroscopy” Selected Publications ‚ GL Song , ZH Li , ZP Liu , XM Cao , WN Wang , KN Fan*, YM Xie , HF Schaefer “Local Hybrid ‚ H Fu, ZP Liu, ZH Li, WN Wang*, KN Fan*. “Periodic Divide-and-Conquer Method for the density functional theory study of propane Computation of Medium and Large Molecules” J. oxidative dehydrogenation over V2O5(001) CHEM. THEORY COMPUT. 4(12) 2049-2056 (2008) ˄ ˅ surface” J.Am.Chem.Soc.128 34 ,11114-11123 ‚ Y Liu, ZH Li, J Lu, KN Fan*. “Periodic Density (2006) Functional Theory Study of Propane ‚ ZP Liu, CM Wang, KN Fan “Single gold atoms in Dehydrogenation over Perfect Ga2O3(100) heterogeneous catalysis: Selective 1,3-butadiene Surface” J. PHYS. CHEM. C 112 hydrogenation over Au/ZrO2” ANGEW. CHEM. INT. (51) 20382-20392 (2008) EDIT. 45 (41): 6865-6868 (2006) ‚ WJ Zhang, Y Liu, RG Cao, ZH Li , YH Zhang , ‚ YM Liu, WL Feng, TC Li, HY He, WL Dai, W Huang, Y Y Tang , KN Fan “Synergy between Crystal Cao*, KN Fan*“Structure and catalytic properties Strain and Surface Energy in Morphological of vanadium oxide supported on mesocellulous Evolution of Five-Fold-Twinned Silver Crystals” silica foams (MCF) for the oxidative J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130 (46) 15581-15588 (2008) dehydrogenation of propane to propylene” J. ‚ LF Chen, PJ Guo, MH Qiao , SR Yan , HX Li , W CATAL. 239 (1): 125-136 (2006) Shen , HL Xu , KN Fan “Cu/SiO2 catalysts ‚ CM Wang, Fan KN, ZP Liu “Origin of oxide prepared by the ammonia-evaporation method: sensitivity in gold-based catalysts: A first Texture, structure, and catalytic performance in principle study of CO oxidation over au hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate to ethylene supported on monoclinic and tetragonal ZrO2” J. glycol” J. CATAL. 257(1) 172-180 (2008) Am. Chem. Soc. 129˄9˅, 2642-2647 (2007) ‚ XL Yang, WL Dai, RH Gao, KN Fan*.”Characterization and catalytic behavior of highly active tungsten-doped SBA-15 catalyst in the synthesis of glutaraldehyde using an anhydrous approach” J. CATAL. 249 (2) 278-288 (2007) ‚ J Zhu, J Yang,ZFBian,RenJie,YMLiu,YCao*,HLi, HY He, KN Fan*. “Nanocrystalline anatase TiO2 photocatalysts prepared via a facile low temperature nonhydrolytic sol-gel reaction of TiC1(4) and benzyl alcohol” APPL. CATAL. B-ENVIRON. 76 (1-2): 82-91 (2007) ‚ GL Dai, ZP Liu, WN Wang, J Lu, and KN Fan*.

48 ϫൣ஠ '6 ;IFOHXFO 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., Hokkaido University, Japan, 2001 Ph.D., Fudan University, 1998 M.Sc., East China University of Science and Technology, 1995 B.Sc., East China University of Science and Technology, 1992

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642522 Fax: 86-21-65642522

Research Interests Three-dimensional Structure of LiCoO2 Fibers, Hai-Wei ‚ Fabrication and characterization of all-solid-state Lu, Le Yu, Wei Zeng, Yue-Sheng Li, Zheng-Wen Fu*, rechargeable thin film batteries Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 11, A140(2008) ‚ Electrochemical Characterization of Amorphous ‚ Fabrication and characterization of CuInGaSe2 solar cells ‚ Physical chemistry of storage energy and conversion LiFe(WO4)2 Thin Films as Positive Electrodes for materials Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, Chi-Lin Li , Zheng-Wen Courses Fu* , Electrochimica Acta 53, 6434(2008) ‚ Nano-sized Copper Tungstate Thin Films as Positive ‚ Instrument Analysis Experiments Electrodes for Rechargeable Li Batteries, Chi-Lin Li, and ‚ Laser Chemistry Zheng-Wen Fu*, Electrochimica Acta 53, 4293(2008) Selected Publications ‚ Li3N-Co Nanocomposite: a New Promising Lithium-ion ‚ InP as new anode material for lithium ion batteries, Storage Material, Yong-Ning Zhou, Hua Zhang, Yan-Hua Cui, Ming-Zhe Xue, Xiao-Lin Wang, Ke Hu, Xiao-Jing Wu, Zheng-Wen Fu*, Electrochemical and Zheng-Wen Fu*, Electrochemistry Communications 11, Solid-State Letters 11(4), A51(2008) 1045(2009) ‚ A New Anode Material of CrN for Lithium Ion Batteries, ‚ Electrochemical Characterization of Li3N-Si Qian Sun, Zheng-Wen Fu*, Electrochemical and Nanocomposite Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Solid-State Letters 10ˈA189˄2007˅ Yon g-Ning Zhou, Xiao-Jing Wu, Zheng-Wen Fu*, ‚ Kinetics of Li Ions Diffusion into Iron Phosphate and Journal of The Electrochemical Society 156, A425(2009) Nitride Iron Phosphate Thin Films Characterized by AC ‚ Electrochemical Features of Al/I2 Batteries in Water and Impedance Spectroscopy, Chi-Lin Li, and Zheng-Wen Non-aqueous Solution, Le Yu, Fang-Chao Liu, Fu*, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154ˈ A784 Zheng-Wen Fu*, Electrochimica Acta 52, 2818(2009) ˄2007˅ ‚ Pulsed Laser Deposited Sn4P3 Electrode for Lithium-ion ‚ All-solid-state rechargeable thin film lithium batteries

Batteries, Ji-Jin Wu, Zheng-Wen Fu*, Journal of The with LixMn2O4 and LixMn2O4-0.5ZrO2 cathodes, Chi-Lin Electrochemical Society 156, A22(2009) Li, and Zheng-Wen Fu*, Electrochimica Acta 52, ‚ Novel Cr1-xFexN (0<=x<=1) Ternary Transition Metal 6155(2007) Nitrides as Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries, ‚ Electrochemical Reactivity of Heterogeneous

Qian Sun, Zheng-Wen Fu*, Electrochemical and Nanocomposite Li2Se-Cu3Se2, Le Yu, Zheng-Wen Fu*, Solid-State Letters 11, A233(2008) Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 10ˈA146˄2007˅ ‚ Electrochemistry and Morphology Evolution of Carbon ‚ Fabrication and electrochemical properties of

Micro-Net Films for Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries, three-dimensional net architectures of anatase TiO2 and Chi-Lin Li, Qian Sun, Gong-Yu Jiang, Zheng-Wen Fu*, spinel Li4Ti5O12 nanofibers, Hai-Wei Lu, Wei Zeng, and Bao-Ming Wang, Journal of Physcial Chemistry C Yue-Sheng Li, Zheng-Wen Fu*, Journal of Power 112, 13782(2008) Sources 164, 874(2007) ‚ Fabrication and Electrochemical Properties of

49 ᠠ᳊Һ )& )FZPOH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Cambridge University, 1993 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1984


Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-6564 3916 Fax: 86-21-5566 5572

Research Interests Phys. Chem. C. 112, 1316-1320 (2008). ‚ Heterogeneous catalysis (light alkane activation and ‚ Icositetrahedra of zeolite analcime with a polycrystalline functionalization, selective hydrogenation, acid catalysis, core: a reversed crystal growth route. J.Am.Chem.Soc. etc) 129, 13305 -13312 (2007). ‚ Catalytic reaction mechanisms ‚ Synthesis, characterization and catalytic application of ‚ Novel catalytic materials SBA-15 immobilized rare earth metal sandwiched ‚ Solid-state NMR polyoxometalates. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 270, 50-55 Courses (2007). ‚ Effect of tin on Nb O /D-Al O catalyst for ethylene ‚ Solid-state NMR and its application in structural 2 5 2 3 oxide hydration. J. Catal. 241, 173-179 (2006). characterization and reaction mechanism study ‚ Selected Publications The leading role of association on framework modification of highly-siliceous zeolites with adsorbed ‚ Mesoporous concentric magnetic FePt core-shells methylamine. ChemPhysChem. 7, 607-613 (2006). nanoparticle with functionalized surfaces for capturing ‚ Growth of porous single-crystal Cr2O3 in a 3-D mesopore metal ions and DNA molecules. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 9, system. Chem. Commun. 45, 5618-5620 (2005). 4604-4610 (2009). ‚ Effects of support modification on Nb O /D-Al O ‚ 2 5 2 3 Precision engineering of monodisperse core-shells catalyst for ethylene oxide hydration. J. Mol. Catal. A. magnetic Ti-O-Si epoxide nanocatalysts. Langmuir 24, 226, 285-290 (2005). 1587-1590 (2008). ‚ In situ 13C MAS NMR study on the mechanism of butane ‚ Hexagonally packed Pd nanoarray catalyst for liquid isomerization over catalysts with different acid strength. phase enantioselective hydrogenation of acetophenone to Topics Catal. 35, 141-153 (2005). R-(+)-1-phenylethanol in the presence of S-proline. J.

Isomerization of 1-13C-n-C4 Growth of porous single-crystal 2- at 295 K over SO4 /ZrO2 Cr2O3 in a 3-D mesopore system

13 100 1- C-n-butane 1-13C-isobutane and 2-13C-isobutane 13 80 2- C-n-butane 13 13 % 1- C-propane and 2- C-propane /

n 60 o i t i s

o 40 p m

o 20 C

0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 t / min

50 ӧ͚௙ )6" 8FJNJOH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., University of Louis Pasteur, France, 2002 Ph.D., Fudan University, 1997 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1994 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1991 http://chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/teacher.asp?tno=huaweiming Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642409 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research interests Commun., 8 (2007) 1317. 2- ‚ ‚ Solid acidbase catalysis, particularly on SO4 /ZrO2 and J Zhao, YH Yue, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Catalytic activities  WO3/ZrO2 solid superacids. and properties of mesoporous sulfated Al2O3 ZrO2, Catal. ‚ Dehydrogenation of propane with CO2 to propene, Lett., 116 (2007) 27. ‚ dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene with CO2 to styrene CWang,YLi,WM Hua*, YH Yu e *, Z. Gao, ‚ Environmental catalysis, particularly on removal of CO Delamination and intercalation of layered 3- and NOx aluminophosphate with [Al2P3O12] stoichiometrybya ‚ Methanol to propene, ethanol to propene controlled twostep method, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 165

‚ Activation and utiliyation of CO2 (2007) 143. Courses ‚ BJ Xu, B Zheng, WM Hua*, YH Yue*, Z. Gao, High Si/Al ratio HZSM5 supported Ga O : a highly stable ‚ General Chemistry˄For undergraduate students˅ 2 3 catalyst for dehydrogenation of propane to propene in the ‚ Special Topics for Modern Chemistry presence of CO , Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 170 (2007) 1072. ‚ Experiments in University Chemistry 2 ‚ CS Mei, PY Wen, ZC Liu, HX Liu, YD Wang, WM Yang, ‚ Novel Catalytic Materials˄For graduate students˅ Selected Publications ZK Xie*, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Selective production of propylene from methanol: Mesoporosity development in ‚ XN Ye, YH Yue, CX Miao, ZK Xie, WM Hua*, Z Gao, high silica HZSM5, J. Catal., 258 (2008) 243. Effect of modifiers on the activity of a Cr2O3/Al2O3 ‚ CS Mei, ZC Liu, PY Wen, ZK Xie*,WM Hua*, Z Gao, catalyst in the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene with CO2, Regular HZSM5 microboxes prepared via a mild Green Chem.,7(2005) 524. alkaline treatment, J. Mater. Chem., 18 (2008) 3496. ‚ J Zhao, BZ Tian, YH Yue, WM Hua*,DY Zhao*, Z Gao, ‚ J Zhao, YH Yue, WM Hua*, HY He, Z Gao, Catalytic New catalysts for dichlorodifluoromethane hydrolysis: activities and properties of sulfated zirconia supported on Mesostructured titanium and aluminum phosphates, J. mesostructured JAl2O3, Appl. Catal. A, 336 (2008) 133. Mol. Catal. A, 242 (2005) 218. ‚ LN Zhou, BJ Xu, WM Hua*, YH Yue*, Z Gao, Sulfated ‚ BJ Xu, WM Hua*,YH Yue*, Y Tang, Z Gao, Alkylation tin oxide: An efficient catalyst for alkylation of  of hydroquinone with tert-butanol over AlSBA 15 hydroquinone with tert-butanol, Catal. Commun., 9 (2008) mesoporous molecular sieves, Catal. Lett., 100 (2005) 95. 2274. ‚ BJ Xu, B Zheng, WM Hua*,YH Yue*, Z Gao, Support ‚ ZH Shen, J Liu, HL Xu, YH Yue, WM Hua*, W Shen*, effect in dehydrogenation of propane in the presence of Dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene over a highly CO2 over supported gallium oxide catalysts, J. Catal., efficient Ga2O3/HZSM5 catalyst in the presence of CO2, 239 (2006) 470. Appl. Catal. A, 356 (2009) 148. ‚ C Wang, WM Hua*, YH Yue*, Z Gao, Delaminated ‚ YY Qiao, CX Miao, YH Yue, ZK Xie, WM Yang, WM  microporous aluminophosphate filled polyvinyl alcohol Hua*, Z Gao, Vanadium oxide supported on mesoporous membrane for pervaporation of aqueous alcohol solutions, MCM41 as new catalysts for dehydrogenation of Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 105 (2007) 149. ethylbenzene with CO , Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 119 ‚ 2 HY Li, YH Yu e, C X Miao, ZK Xie, WM Hua*, Z. Gao, (2009) 150. Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene and propane over

Ga2O3ZrO2 catalysts in the presence of CO2, Catal.

51 ѵఄ୻ -*6 ;IJQBO 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., University of Cambridge, UK, 2005 Ph.D., Queen's university, Belfast, UK, 2003 B.Sc. & M.Sc., Shanghai Jiaotong University, 1993-2000

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642400 Fax: 86-21-65642400

Research Interests Hydrogenation Over Au/ZrO2” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. ‚ Fundamental surface science; Heterogeneous and 2006, 45(41) 6865 enzymatic catalysis; Electro-catalysis, Electronic ‚ Liu, Z.-P.; Jenkins, S. J.; King, D. A. “Origin and Activity structure calculations; Density functional theory methods of Oxidised Gold in Water-Gas-Shift Catalysis”, Phys. Courses Rev. Lett. 2005, 94, 196102 ‚ Liu, Z.-P.; Jenkins, S. J.; King, D. A. “Role of ‚ Physical Chemistry (I), Quantum Chemistry Selected Publications Nanostructured Dual-oxide Supports in Enhanced catalytic activity: Theory of CO Oxidation over ‚ Wang, H.-F.; Liu, Z.-P.* “Comprehensive Mechanism and Au/IrO2/TiO2”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004, 93, 156102 Structure-Sensitivity of Ethanol Oxidation on Platinum: ‚ Liu, Z.-P.; Jenkins, S. J.; King, D. A. “Car exhaust New Transition-State Searching Method for Resolving catalysis from first principles: Selective NO reduction Complex Reaction Network” J.Am.Chem.Soc.2008, under excess O2 conditions on Ir”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130,10996 2004, 126, 10746 ‚ Chen, J.; Liu, Z.-P.* “Origin of selectivity switch in ‚ Liu, Z.-P.; Gong, X.-Q.; Kohanoff, J.; Sanchez C.; Hu, P. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over Ru and Rh from “Catalytic Role of Metal Oxides in Gold-based Catalysts: First-principles statistical mechanics studies” J. Am. A First Principles Study of CO Oxidation on TiO2 Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 7929 Supported Au”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003, 91, 266102 ‚ Wang, C.-M.; Fan, K.-N.; Liu, Z.-P.* “Origin of Oxide ‚ Liu, Z.-P. an d Hu, P. “General Rules for Predicting Where Sensitivity in Gold-Based Catalysts: A First Principle a Catalytic Reaction Should Occur on Metal Surfaces: A Study of CO Oxidation over Au Supported on Monoclinic Density Functional Theory Study of C-H and C-O Bond and Tetragonal ZrO2” J. Am. Chem. Soc 2007, 129, Breaking/Making on Flat, Stepped and Kinked Metal 2642 Surfaces”, J.Am.Chem.Soc.2003, 125, 1958. ‚ Liu, Z.-P.*; Wang, C.-M.; Fan, K.-N. “Single Au Atoms in Heterogeneous Catalysis: Selective 1,3-Butadiene

Ethanol oxidation on Pt

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130,10996

52 ᬅ᭠ -6 +JOH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 1999 M.Sc.,NUS, 1996 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1987 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1984

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642356 Fax: 86-21-65648642

Research interests 2002. ‚ Theory of Molecular Dynamics ‚ Lu Jing, Fan Kang-nian, Lee Soo-ying, Dynamical ‚ Theory of Spectroscopy with Femtosecond Pulse Theory of . Spectroscopy with Pulse Excitation in strong Excitation Field, Chem.Phys.Lett., 345:151-158, 2001. Selected Publications ‚ Lu Jing, Shao Fang-wei, Fan Kang-nian, Du Si-de, Dynamical Theory of Time Resolved Fluoresence, ‚ Sun Z, Qiu Xue Q, Lu JingˈZhang Dong-huiˈLee J.Chem.Phys., 114(8), 3373-3379, 2001 . Soo-ying, Three-state model for femtosecond broadband ‚ Lu Jing, Shao Fang-wei, Fan-Kang-nian, Coherent stimulated Raman scattering, Journal of Raman Control of the Photo-dissociation of Ch3I and IBr, Spectroscopy, 39:1568-1577, 2008 Chem.Phys.Lett., 329:461-468, 2000. ‚ Sun Zhi-gang, Lu JingˈZhang Dong-huiˈLee Soo-ying, ‚ Lu Jing, Fan Kang-nian, Lee Soo-ying, Dynamical Quantum theory (femtosecond) time resolved stimulated Theory of Spectroscopy with Femtosecond Pulse Raman scattering. Journal of Chemistry Physicsˈ128˖ Excitation (3)-Transient Rate Equation in Liouville Space, 144114ˈ2008 Science in China, A, 42:666-672. 1999.. ‚ Sun Zhi-gang, Jin Zong-qi, Lu JingˈZhang Dong-huiˈ ‚ Lu Jing, Lee Soo-ying, Fan Kan-nian,Dynamical Theory Lee Soo-ying , Wave pocket theory of dynamic of Spectroscopy with Femtosecond Pulse Excitation(2)ü stimulated Raman spectra in femtosecond pump-probe 2.Emission of the Direct Dissociation, Science in China, spectroscopy. Journal of Chemistry Physics ˈ 126 ˖ A, 40˖1331-1339, 1997. 174104ˈ2007 ‚ Lu Jing, Lee Soo-ying, Fan Kan-nian,Dynamical Theory ‚ Bao Han, Lu Jing, Fan Kang-nian, Charge Migration in of Spectroscopy with Femtosecond Pulse Excitation(1)ü DNA, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 24.481-485, 2006.. 1.Dynamics of Absorption and Emission processes, ‚ Shao Fang-wei, Lu jing, Fan Kang-nian, Time dependent Science in China, A, 40:958-966, 1997. theory of vibrational relaxation: Application to ‚ Lu Jing, Lee Soo-ying, Time-dependent Theory of time-resolved fluorescene, TheoChem, 2003. Spectroscopy with Pulse Excitation-Application to ‚ Lu Jing, Shao Fang-wei, Fan Kang-nian, Dynamical Continuum Raman, Journal of Chemical Phycics, Theory of Spectroscopy with Pulse Excitation, (Invited 104:8237-8244, 1996. Paper), Trends in Applied Spectroscopy, 4: 215-223,

53 ˯௙ӧ 2*"0 .JOHIVB 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2000 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1994

http://www.surfchem.fudan.edu.cn/ Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664679 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests Fan*. “The modification effect of Fe on amorphous CoB ‚ Amorphous and rapidly quenched alloys: Preparation, alloy catalyst for chemoselective hydrogenation of characterization, and catalytic applications crotonaldehyde”. J. Catal. 248, 303–310 (2007). ‚ ‚ Reforming of biomass to H2 and its relating reactions on FZ Xie, XW Chu, HR Hu, MH Qiao*, SR Yan, YL Zhu, alloy catalysts HYHe,KNFan*,HXLi,BNZong,XXZhang. ‚ Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on composite catalysts “Characterization and catalytic properties of Sn-modified ‚ Synthesis and characterization of biomass- or molecular rapidly quenched skeletal Ni catalysts in aqueous-phase sieve-relevant catalytic materials reforming of ethylene glycol”. J. Catal. 241, 211–220 Courses (2006). ‚ HR Hu, FZ Xie, Y Pei, MH Qiao*, SR Yan, HY He, KN ‚ Physical Chemistry Fan*; HX Li, BN Zong, XX Zhang. “Skeletal Ni catalysts ‚ Molecular Catalysis and Surface Chemistry prepared from Ni-Al alloys rapidly quenched at different ‚ Experimental Physical Chemistry rates: Texture, structure and catalytic performance in ‚ Semiconductor Chemistry Selected Publications chemoselective hydrogenation of 2-ethylanthraquinone”. J. Catal. 237, 143–151 (2006). ‚ LFChen,PJGuo,MHQiao*,SRYan,HXLi,WShen, ‚ SH Xie, MH Qiao, WZ Zhou*, G Luo, HY He, KN Fan*; HL Xu*, KN Fan. “Cu/SiO2 catalysts prepared by the TJ Zhao, WK Yuan. “Controlled synthesis, ammonia-evaporation method: Texture, structure, and characterization, and crystallization of Ni-P nanospheres”. catalytic performance in hydrogenation of dimethyl J.Phys.Chem.B109, 24361–24368 (2005). oxalate to ethylene glycol”. J. Catal. 257, 172–180 ‚ HR Hu, MH Qiao*, FZ Xie, KN Fan*, H Lei, DL Tan, (2008). XH Bao, HL Lin, BN Zong, XX Zhang. “Comparative ‚ LJ Zhu, PJ Guo, XW Chu, SR Yan, MH Qiao*, KN Fan, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study on the XX Zhang, BN Zong*. “An environmentally benign and desulfurization of thiophene by Raney Nickel and rapidly catalytically efficient non-pyrophoric Ni catalyst for quenched skeletal nickel”. J.Phys.Chem.B109, aqueous-phase reforming of ethylene glycol”. Green 5186–5192 (2005). Chem. 10, 1323–1330 (2008). ‚ S Wang, SH Xie, HX Li, SR Yan, KN Fan, MH Qiao*. ‚ XY Chen, ZY Lou, MH Qiao*, KN Fan, SC Tsang, HY “Solution route to single crystalline SnO platelets with He*. “Hexagonally packed Pd nanoarray catalyst for tunable shapes”. Chem. Commun. (4), 507–509 (2005). liquid-phase enantioselective hydrogenation of ‚ JFang,XYChen,BLiu,SRYan,MHQiao*,HXLi,HY acetophenone to R-(+)-1-phenylethanol in the presence of He, KN Fan*. “Liquid-phase chemoselective S-proline”. J.Phys.Chem.C112, 1316–1320 (2008). hydrogenation of 2-ethylanthraquinone over ‚ XY Chen, MH Qiao, SH Xie, KN Fan, WZ Zhou*, HY chromium-modified nanosized amorphous Ni-B He*. “Self-construction of core-chell and hollow zeolite catalysts”. J. Catal. 229, 97–104 (2005). analcime icositetrahedra: a reversed crystal growth ‚ XY Chen, S Wang, JH Zhuang, MH Qiao*, KN Fan, HY process via oriented aggregation of nanocrystallites and He*. “Mesoporous silica-supported Ni-B amorphous recrystallization from surface to core”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. alloy catalysts for selective hydrogenation of 129, 13305–13312 (2007). 2-ethylanthraquinone”. J. Catal. 227, 419–427 (2004). ‚ XW Chu, PJ Guo, Y Pei, SR Yan, HR Hu, MH Qiao*, KN ‚ HR Hu, MH Qiao*, S Wang, KN Fan*; HX Li, BN Zong, Fan*, BN Zong, XX Zhang. “Adsorption and thermal XX Zhang. “Structural and catalytic properties of skeletal reaction of dipropyl sulfide on skeletal Ni adsorbents”. J. Ni catalyst prepared from the rapidly quenched Ni50Al50 Phys. Chem. C 111, 17535–17540 (2007). alloy”. J. Catal. 221, 612–618 (2004). ‚ Y Pei, PJ Guo, MH Qiao*, HX Li, SQ Wei, HY He, KN

54 ේ͚ 4)&/ 8FJ 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2008 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1991 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1988

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642401 Fax:+ 86-21-65641740

Research Interests embedded in Si nanowire arrays: a novel catalyst for ‚ Partial oxidation of alcohols on silver based catalysts gas-phase oxidation of high alcohol to aldehyde”, Chem. ‚ Alkylation of isobutane/n-butene on solid acid catalysts Commun., 3290(2008) ‚ Methanol to Propylene ‚ Shen W, Pan C, Yang XY, Xu HL, "Coupling reaction of ‚ Synthesis of biodiesel 1,4-butanediol with maleic anhydride over Cr-Cu/SiO2 ‚ Chemical looping combustion and catalytic combustion catalysts", ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, 66, 1287-1292 of VOC (2008) Courses ‚ Shen W, Yang XY, Huang JJ, Shen J, Du JM, Xu HL,"Coupling process of dehydrogenation of ‚ Physical Chemistry 1,4-butanediol and hydrogenation of dimethyl maleate ‚ Industrial Chemistry over CuO/SiO2 catalysts", ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, 65, ‚ Chemistry and Human 625-630 (2007) Selected Publications ‚ Jiang Shen, Wei Shan, Yahong Zhang, Junming Du, ‚ Dube D, Rat M, Shen W, Nohair B, Beland F, Kaliaguine Hualong Xu, Kangnian Fan, Wei Shen*, Yi Tang, “Gas S, “Perfluorinated alkylsulfonic acid functionalized Phase Selective Oxidation of Alcohols over a Novel periodic mesostructured organosilica: A new acidic Catalyst: Nano-Silver/Zeolite Film/Copper Grid”, Journal catalyst”, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL , 358, of Catalysisˈ237, 94-101˄2006˅ 232-239( 2009) ‚ DU, Jun-Ming; SHEN, Wei; XU, Hua-Long; “Synthesis ‚ ShenZH,LiuJ, Xu HL, Yue YH, Hua WM, Shen W, of N-alkyl hexahydroazepine by one-step catalytic “Dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene over a highly alkylation and hydrogenation of H-caprolactam”, J. efficient Ga2O3/HZSM-5 catalyst in the presence of CO2”, Chinese Chem. 24˄01˅, 17-18(2006) APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 356, 148-153(2009) ‚ ChenDH,LiZ,WanY,TuXJ,ShiYF,ChenZX,ShenW, ‚ Wei Shen, David Dubl, Serge Kaliaguine, “Alkylation of Yu CZ, Tu B, Zhao DY, "Anionic surfactant induced isobutane/1-butene over periodic mesoporous mesophase transformation to synthesize highly ordered organosilica functionalized with perfluoroalkylsulfonic large-pore mesoporous silica structures", JOURNAL OF acid group”, Catalysis communications 10, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 16, 1511-1519 (2006) 291–294(2008) ‚ Junming DU, Hualong XU, Jiang SHEN, Jingjing ‚ Liang-feng Chen, Ping-jun Guo, Ming-hua Qiao, Shi-run HUANG, Wei SHEN*, “Catalytic Dehydrogenation and Yan, He-xing Li, Wei Shen, Hua-long Xu, “Cu/SiO2 Cracking of Industrial Dipentene over M/SBA-15 (M=Al, catalysts prepared by the ammonia-evaporation method: Zn) Catalysts”, Applied Catalysis A: General 296, Texture, structure, and catalytic performance in 186-193˄2005˅ hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate to ethylene glycol“, J. ‚ Jiang Shen, Wei Shan, Yahong Zhang, Junming Du, Catalysis, 257, 172-180(2008) Hualong Xu, Kangnian Fan, Wei Shen* and Yi Tang*, “A ‚ Feng Qin, Wei Shen, Changchun Wang, Hualong Xu, novel catalyst with high activity for polyhydric alcohol “Selective hydrogenation of citral over novel oxidation: nanosilver/zoilite film”, Chem. Commun., platinum/MWNTs nanocomposites”, Catalysis 2880-2881 (2004) communication 9, 2095-2098(2008) ‚ Aimin Chen, Hualong Xu, Yinghong Yue, Weiming Hua, ‚ Junming Du, Weiwei Kuang, Hualong Xu, Wei Shen*, Wei Shen, Zi Gao䞞,”Hydrogenation of methyl benzoate to Dongyuan Zhao, “The influence of precursors on benzaldehyde over manganese oxide catalysts prepared Rh/SBA-15 catalysts for N2O decomposition”, Applied from Mg/Mn/Al hydrotalcite-like compounds”, Applied catalysisB: Environmental 84ˈ490-496(2008) Catalysis A: General , 274, 101-109(2004) ‚ Chenxi Zhang, Ping Chen, Jian Liu, Yahong Zhang, Wei Shen, Hualong Xu and Yi Tang, “Ag microparticles

55 ᮞ 5"/( :Jנ 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 1990 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1985

http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/usr2000/tangyi/index.htm E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664125 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests emissive SiOx nanowires with single-crystal structure of ‚ Microporous and Mesoporous Materials P21212, JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CHEMICAL ‚ Nano-materials and Bio-application SOCIETY, 2006, 128, 1470-1471 ‚ New Catalytic Materials ‚ Wang B, Shan W, Zhang YH, Xia JC, Yang WL, Gao Z, Selected Publications Tang Y*, Topological transformation of vesicular mesostructured silica, ADVANCED MATERIALS 17 (5): ‚ Zhang WJ, Liu Y, Cao RG, Li ZH, Zhang YH, Tang Y*, 578+ MAR 8 2005 and Fan KN, Synergy between Crystal Strain and Surface ‚ ZhangYH,WangXY,ShanW,WuBY,FanHZ,YuXJ, Energy in Morphological Evolution of Tang Y*, Yang PY*, Enrichment of low-abundance Five-Fold-Twinned Silver Crystals, JOURNAL OF THE peptides and proteins on zeolite nanocrystals for direct AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2008, 130, MALDI-TOF MS analysis, ANGEWANDTE 15581-15588 CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 44 (4): 615-617 ‚ Gao QS, Chen P, Zhang YH*, and Tang Y*, Synthesis 2005 and Characterization of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid ‚ Dong AG, Ren N, Tang Y*, Wang YJ, Zhang YH, Hua GeOx/Ethylenediamine Nanowires, ADVANCED WM, Gao Z, General synthesis of mesoporous spheres of MATERIALS, 20 (10): 1837-+ MAY 19 2008 metal oxides and phosphates, JOURNAL OF THE ‚ Ren N, Yang YH, Zhang YH, Wang QR, Tang Y*, Heck AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 125 (17): 4976-4977 coupling in zeolitic microcapsular reactor: A test for APR 30 2003 encaged quasi-homogeneous catalysis, JOURNAL OF ‚ Dong AG, Wang YJ, Tang Y*, Zhang YH, Ren N, Gao Z, CATALYSIS, 246 (1): 215-222 FEB 15 2007 Mechanically stable zeolite monoliths with ‚ Wang B, Chi C, Shan W, Zhang YH, Ren N, Yang WL, three-dimensional ordered macropores by the Tang Y*, Chiral MCM-41 Mesostructured Silica transformation of mesoporous silica spheres, ADVANCED Nanofibers, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS 14 (20): 1506+ OCT 16 2002. EDITION., 2006, 45, 2088 ‚ Dong AG, Wang YJ, Tang Y*, Ren N, Zhang YH, Yue YH, ‚ Chen P, Xie SH, Ren N, Zhang YH, Dong AG, Chen Y, Gao Z, Zeolitic tissue through wood cell templating, Tang Y*, Iron-assisted vapor-phase hydrothermal method: ADVANCED MATERIALS 14 (12): 926-929 JUN 18 2002 A low-temperature approach to synthesize blue light

56 ဌ஠߰ 8"/( 8FOOJOH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., Institute of Molecular Science, Japanˈ1996 Ph.D., Fudan University, 1995 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1990 http://www.surfchem.fudan.edu.cn/ Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643985 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests Transporter BtuCD”, Weng JW, Ma JP, Fan KN, Wang ‚ Structural Biology and Computational Biology WN*, Biophys. J., 94, 612-62(2008). ‚ The Structure and Function of Proteins Related to Signal ‚ “Oxydative Dehydrogenation of Ethane over V2O5(001): Transduction and Cell Polarity A Periodic Density Functional Theory Study”, Dai GL, ‚ Protein Dynamics and Function Liu ZP, Wang WN*, Fan KN*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, Courses 3719 (2008). ‚ “Periodic density functional theory study of propane ‚ “Introduction to Spectroscopy” oxidative dehydrogenation over V2O5(001) surface”, Fu ‚ “Topics in Modern Chemistry” Selected Publications H, Liu ZP, Li ZH, Wang WN*, Fan KN*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 11114-11123 (2006). ‚ “Creating conformational entropy by increasing ‚ “Targeting PDZ domain proteins for treating NMDA inter-domain mobility in ligand binding regulation: a receptor-mediated excitotoxicity”, Wen WY, Wang WN, revisit to N-terminal tandem PDZ domains of PSD-95”, Zhang MJ, Curr. Top. Med. Chem., 6, 711-721(2006). Wang WN*, Weng JW, Zhang X, Liu ML, Zhang MJ*, ‚ “The first-principle study on chlorine-modified silver J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 787-796(2009). surfaces”, Fu H, Jia LL, Wang WN*, Fan KN* Surf. Sci., ‚ “Asymmetric conformational flexibility in the 584 (2-3): 187-198(2005) AT P -Binding Cassette transporter HI1470/1”, Weng JW, ‚ The parallel S-S stacking: a model study with MP2 and Ma JP, Fan KN, Wang WN*, Biophys. J. 96, DFT methods, Ye XY, Li ZH, Wang WN*, Fan KN, Xu W, 1918-1930(2009). H u a Z Y, Chem. Phys. Lett., 397:56-61(2004). ‚ “The Conformational Coupling and Translocation Mechanism of Vitamin B12 ATP-binding Cassette (ABC)

57 Ꮟౣጙ 8&/( -JOIPOH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,1997 Ph.D., Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995 M.Sc., Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1987 B.Sc., Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian, China,1982 Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643690 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests 2006 ‚ Structure chemistry, X-ray single crystal analysis ‚ Jin GX, Wang JQ, Zhang C, Weng LH, Herberhold Mˈ ‚ Organometallic Chemistry Formation of Ir-RhandIr-Mo bonds by using an ancillary ‚ Inorganic-organic hybrid materials ortho-carborane-1,2-diselenolato ligandˈAngew. Chim. Int. Courses Edit., 44 (2): 259-262, 2005 ‚ Wang JQ, Weng LH, Jin GX*ˈRational synthesis of ‚ Molecular Spectroscopy; trinuclear (Wlr(2)) cluster from the 16-electron ‚ Analysis Technology of X Ray Diffraction; half-sandwich complex Cp*Ir[Se C (B H )] ˈ J. of ‚ Solid State Chemistry. 2 2 10 10 Selected Publications Organomet. Chem. 690 (2): 249-252, 2005 ‚ Wang JQ, Weng LH, Jin GX*, Synthesis, molecular ‚ Li P. , L o u J Y, zhou YM Liu XF, Chen ZX, Weng LH, structure and electronic spectra of Cp*Ir complexes Unprecedented trinodal four-connected FRL MOF based containing dithio-o-carboranyl ligands, Rew. In Inorg. on mixed ligands, Dalton Trans.: 4847 – 4849, 2009 Chem., 25 (1): 55-66, 2005 ‚ Wang JQ, Ren CX, Weng LH, Jin GX*, ‚ Wang JQ, Hou XF, Weng LH, Jin GX*, Synthesis and Porphyrin-carborane organometallic assemblies based on structure of heterometallic clusters (IrCo2, IrFe) 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) ligands, Chem. containing bridging 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane- Commun. (2): 162-164, 2006 1,2-dichalocogenolato ligands, Organomet. 24 (5): ‚ Zhang J, Cai RF, Weng LH, Zhou XG*, Unusual 826-830, 28 2005. modification methods for the ureido ligand of lanthanocene derivatives, Dalton Trans. (9): 1168-1173,

58 ܭබބ 9*" :POHZBP 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Saga University, Japan, 1997 M.Sc., Jilin University, 1990 B.Sc., Zhejiang Normal University, 1987

http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/usr2000/xyy/index.htm E-mail: [email protected] Tel & Fax: 86-2155664177

Research Interests Society, 153 (2): A450-A454 (2006) ‚ Advanced materials and techniques for energy conversion ‚ “Hybrid Aqueous Energy Storage Cells Using Activated and storage devices Carbon and Lithium-Ion Intercalated Compounds: II. ‚ Organic-inorganic nano hybrid materials; Comparison of LiMn2O4, LiCo1/3Ni1/3Mn1/3O2, and ‚ Computational simulation for functional materials. LiCoO2 PositiveElectrodes”, Journal of The Selected Publications Electrochemical Society, 153 (8), A1425-A1431 (2006) ‚ “Nanosized Li Ti O Prepared by Molten Salt Method ‚ “Electrochemical capacitance performance of hybrid 4 5 12 as an Electrode Material for Hybrid Electrochemical supercapacitors based on Ni(OH)2/carbon nanotube Supercapacitors”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, composites and activated carbon” , Journal of The 153 (8), A1472-A1477 (2006) Electrochemical Society, 153 (4): A743-A748 (2006) ‚ “Co-Sn Alloys as Negative Electrode Materials for ‚ “Hybrid aqueous energy storage cells using activated Rechargeable Lithium Batteries”, Journal of The carbon and lithium-intercalated compounds I. The Electrochemical Society, 153 (8), A1466-A1471 (2006) C/LiMn2O4 system”, Journal of The Electrochemical

59 ०ӧᴜ 96 )VBMPOH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2007 M.E., East China University of Science and Technology, 1990 B.E., East China University of Science and Technology, 1987

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-6564-2401 Fax: 86-21-6564-1740

Research Interests Changchun Wang, Hualong XU. Catalysis ‚ My research field is mainly focus on heterogeneous communicationˈ2008ˈ 9ˈ2095-2098 catalysis and chemical reaction engineering, interesting ‚ The influence of precursors on Rh/SBA-15 catalysts for especially on synthesis of novel structure of catalysts and N2O decomposition. Junming Du, Weiwei Kuang, finding its application in industry, such as “Selective Hualong Xu, Wei Shen, Dongyuan Zhao. Applied oxidation of high alcohol over novel silver catalyst” and catalysis B: Environmental ˈ2008ˈ84ˈ490-496 “Synthesis of meso-pore contained ZSM-5 and its ‚ Synthesis of Platinum Nanoparticles Supported on application in Methanol to Olefin process”. Catalysis Poly(acrylic acid) Grafted MWNTs and Their engineering is also studied in my group for developing Hydrogenation of Citral. Guiquan Guo, Feng Qin, Dong new chemical process technology. Yang, Changchun Wang,*, Hualong Xu,*, Shu Courses Yang*.Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 2291–2297 ‚ Ag microparticles embedded in Si nanowire arrays: a ‚ Chemical Reaction Engineering novel catalyst for gas-phase oxidation of high alcohol to ‚ Chemical Process Technology Selected Publications aldehyde. Chenxi Zhang, Ping Chen, Yahong Zhang, Wei Shen, Hualong Xu and Yi Tang, Chem. Commun., 2008, ‚ Effect of Alkali Species on Performance of 3290 MnO/gamma-Al2O3 Catalysts for the Hydrogenation of ‚ Gas Phase Selective Oxidation of Alcohols over a Novel Methyl Benzoate to Benzaldehyde. Cao PAN, Gen CHEN, Catalyst: Nano-Silver/Zeolite Film/Copper Grid.Jiang ˈ Wei SHEN, Hualong XU. Catalysis communication Shen, Wei Shan, Yahong Zhang, Junming Du, Hualong ˈ ˈ 2009 10 1718–1721 Xu, Kangnian Fan, Wei Shen, Yi Tang. Journal of ‚ Methanol to propylene: Effect of phosphorus on a high Catalysisˈ2006ˈ237ˈ94-101 silica HZSM-5 catalyst. Jian Liu, Chenxi Zhang, Zhenhao ‚ Synthesis of N-alkyl hexahydroazepine by one-step Shen, Weiming Hua, Yi Tang, Wei Shen, Yinghong Yue, catalytic alkylation and hydrogenation of H-caprolactam. ˈ ˈ ˈ and Hualong Xu. Catalysis communication 2009 10 DU, Jun-Ming, SHEN, Wei, XU, Hua-Long. J. Chinese 1506-1509 Chem. ˈ2006ˈ24˄01˅ˈ17-18 ‚ Dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene over a highly ‚ Hydrogenation of Methyl Benzoate over Mn/Al Catalysts: efficient Ga2O3/HZSM-5 catalyst in the presence of CO2. Comparison among Catalyst Preparation Routes”, Aimin Zhenhao Shen, Jian Liu, Hualong Xu, Yinghong Yue, Chen, Hualong Xu, Weiming Hua, Wei Shen, Yinghong Weiming Hua and Wei Shen. Applied Catalysis A: Yue*, Zi Gao*.Topic in Catal., 2005ˈ 35ˈ177 ˈ ˈ ˈ General 2009 365 148-153 ‚ Catalytic Dehydrogenation and Cracking of Industrial ‚ Preparation of Cu/SBA-15 catalysts by different methods Dipentene over M/SBA-15 (M=Al, Zn) Catalysts. for the hydrogenolysis of dimethyl maleate to Junming DU, Hualong XU, Jiang SHEN, Jingjing 1,4-butanediol. Liang-Feng Chena, Ping-Jun Guoa, HUANG, Wei SHEN. Applied Catalysis A: General ˈ Ling-Jun Zhua, Ming-Hua Qiao, Wei Shena, Hua-Long 2005ˈ296ˈ186-193 ˈ Xu, and Kang-Nian Fan. Applied Catalysis A: General ‚ A novel catalyst with high activity for polyhydric alcohol ˈ ˈ 2009 356 129-136 oxidation: nanosilver/zoilite film .Shen jiang, Shan wei, ‚ Cu/SiO2 catalysts prepared by the ammonia-evaporation Zhang Yahong, Du Junming, Xu Hualong, Fankangnian, method: Texture, structure, and catalytic performance in Shenwei, Tang Yi; Chemical Communication: 2004, hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate to ethylene glycol. 2880-2881 Liang-feng Chen, Ping-jun Guo, Ming-hua Qiao, Shi-run ‚ SBAˉ15 based catalysts in catalytic N2O decomposition Yan, He-xing Li, Wei Shen, Hua-long Xu, Kang-nian Fan. in a model tail-gas from nitric acid plants, X. Xu, H. Xu, ˈ ˈ J. Catalysis, 2008 257 172-180 F. Kapteijn, J. A. Moulijn.Applied Catalysis: B ; 2004ˈ ‚ Selective hydrogenation of citral over novel 53ˈ265-274 platinum/MWNTs nanocomposites. Feng Qin, Wei Shen,


! Xu Xin

Professor Physical Chemistry Visiting Associate, Caltech, USA (2000-2003) Visiting Professor, Kyoto Univ., Japan (1995-1996) Professor, Xiamen University (1995-2010) Postdoc., Fujian Inst. of Research on the Structure of Matter CAS (1991-1993) Ph.D., Xiamen University, China (1991) B.Sc., Xiamen University, China (1986) E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +86-21-65642032

Research Interests Comm. 46(2010) 3057 (Feature Article)  Density functional theory and its applications  Ying Zhang, Xin Xu*, and William A. Goddard III*,  Courses Doubly hybrid density functional for accurate  Physical chemistry I descriptions of nonbond interactions, thermochemistry,  Selected Publications and thermochemical kineticsP roc. Natl. Acad. Sci.  Igor Ying Zhang, Xin Xu*, Doubly hybrid density USA 106(2009) 4963 functional for accurate description of thermochemistry,  Gang Fu, Xin Xu*, Xin Lu, Huilin Wan*, Mechanisms thermochemical kinetics and nonbonded interactions, of methane activation and transformation on Int. Rev. Phys. Chem., 30(2011), 115-160 (Invited molybdenum oxide based catalysts, J. Am. Chem. Review) Soc., 127 (2005) 3989  L. Rao, Q Cui*, Xin Xu*, Electronic properties and  Xin Xu, and William A. Goddard III*, The X3LYP desolvation penalties of metal ions plus protein Extended density functional for accurate descriptions electrostatics dictate the metal binding affinity and of nonbond interactions (London forces, electrostatics, selectivity in the Copper efflux Regulator (CueR), J. and hydrogen bonding), spin states, and Am. Chem. Soc. 132(2010), 18092–18102 thermochemical properties, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.  Jianming Wu, Igor Ying Zhang and Xin Xu* The X1s USA, 101 (2004) 2673 Method for Accurate Bond Dissociation Energies,  Xin Xu, and William A. Goddard III, Peroxone

ChemPhysChem, 11(2010), 2561-2567 chemistry: formation of H2O3 and ring-(HO2)(HO3)  Wenping Guo, Anan Wu, Xin Xu*, XO: An extended from O3/H2O2, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99 (2002), ONIOM method for accurate and efficient geometry 15308-15312 optimization of large molecules, Chem. Phys. Letters,  Xin Xu, Richard P. Muller, and William A. Goddard 498(1-3)(2010), 203-208 III, The reaction of singlet oxygen with dry water, a  Igor Ying Zhang, Jianming Wu, Xin Xu*, Extending water catalyzed mechanism, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. the reliability and applicability of B3LYP, Chem. USA, 99(6) (2002), 3376-3381

61 իߴࣰ 86 :VQJOH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., Tsinghua University, 1999 Ph.D., Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1997 M.E., China Institute of Atomic Energyˈ1994 B.Sc., Xiangtan University, 1991

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-5566 4223 86-21-6564 2141 Fax: 86-21-5566 4223

Research Interests ‚ NH Zhao, GJ Wang, Y Huang, B Wang, YP Wu*, BD Yao, ‚ Lithium ion batteries and their intercalation compounds “A template route to prepare nanowire arrays of ‚ New-type aqueous rechargeable batteries and their key amorphous carbon nanotube-coated single crystal SnO2”, materials Chem. Mater., 20, 2612 (2008). ‚ Other new type energy storage and conversion systems, ‚ % :DQJ 4 ;LD3 =KDQJ *& /L <3 :X Ҙ 7 YDQ 5HH and their key materials “N-phenylmaleimide as a new ploymerizable additive for ‚ Polymer electrolytes overcharge protection of lithium-ion batteries”, ‚ Producing hydrogen by utilizing solar energy ElectroChem. Commun., 10, 727 (2008). Courses ‚ QT Qu, B Wang, LC Yang, Y Shi, S Tian, YP Wu*, “Study on electrochemical performance of activated ‚ Applied Electrochemistry carbon in aqueous Li SO , Na SO and K SO ‚ Industrial Electrochemistry 2 4 2 4 2 4 Selected Publications electrolytes”, ElectroChem. Commun., 10, 1652 (2008). ‚ GJ Wang, QT Qu, B Wang, Y Shi, S Tian, YP Wu*, “An ਈᅛᑇ ᠈ᰧ݉ 偀ݯ᮫ ⿟乘∳ 䫖⾏ᄤ⬉∴ˉᑨ ‚ *, , , , aqueous electrochemical energy storage system based on ⫼ Ϣ ᅲ 䏉 ˈ ࣪ ᄺ Ꮉ Ϯ ߎ ⠜ ⼒ ˈ 2004 ᑈ ˈ ISBN doping and intercalation: PPy//LiMn2O4”, 7-5025-5266-9 ChemPhysChem., 9, 2299 (2008). ‚ LJ Fu, H Liu, YP Wu*, E Rahm, R Holze, HQ Wu, ‚ P Zhang, GC Li, HP Zhang, LC Yang, YP Wu*, “Electrode materials for lithium secondary batteries Preparation of porous polymer electrolyte by a prepared by sol-gel methods”, Prog. Mater. Sci., 50: 881 microwave assisted effervescent disintegrable reaction, (2005). Electro Chem. Commun., 11, 161 (2009). ‚ LJ Fu, H Liu, HP Zhang, C Li, T Zhang, YP Wu*, R ‚ QT Qu, Y Shi, LL Li, WL Guo, YP Wu*, HP Zhang, SY Holze, HQ Wu, “Synthesis and electrochemical Guang*, R Holze*, “V2O5•0.6H2O nanoribbons as performance of novel core/shell structured cathode material for asymmetric supercapacitor in nanocomposites”, ElectroChem. Commun., 8, 1 (2006). K2SO4 solution”, Electro Chem. Commun., 11, 1325 ‚ H Liu, Q Cao, LJ Fu, C Li, YP Wu*, HQ Wu, “Doping (2009). effects of zinc on LiFePO4 cathode material for lithium ion batteries”, ElectroChem. Commun., 8, 1553 (2006). ‚ J Gao, LJ Fu, HP Zhang, T Zhang, YP Wu*, HQ Wu, “Suppression of PC decomposition at the surface of graphitic carbon by Cu coating”, ElectroChem. Commun., 8, 1726 (2006). ‚ GJ Wang, LJ Fu, NH Zhao, LC Yang, YP Wu*, HQ Wu, “An aqueous rechargeable lithium battery with good cycling performance”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 46, 295 (2007), Angew. Chem., 119, 299 (2007). ‚ HP Zhang, P Zhang, ZH Li, M Sun, YP Wu*, H.Q. Wu, “A novel sandwiched membrane as polymer electrolyte for lithium ion battery”, Electro Chem. Commun., 9, 1700 (2007). Core-shell structured nanocomposite anode ‚ T Zhang, J Gao, LJ Fu, LC Yang, YP Wu*, HQ. Wu, materials for lithium ion batteries. “Natural graphite coated by Si nanoparticles as anode materials for lithium ion batteries”, J. Mater. Chem., 17, 1321 (2007). ‚ LC Yang, QS Gao, YH Zhang, . Tang*, YP Wu*, Tremella-like molybdenum dioxide consisting of nanosheets as an anode material for lithium ion battery, ElectroChem. Commun., 10, 118 (2008).

62 ͷྕප :6 "JTIVJ 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., University of Oklahoma, USA, 2000 Ph.D., Fudan University, 1993 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1990 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1987

http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/asyuweb/home.htm Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664259˄0˅

Research Interests “Preparation of Porous Ternary PtRuCo Catalyst by ‚ Novel battery systems and materials One-step Co-deposition and its Electrocatalytic ‚ Electrochemical supercapacitors Performance for Methanol Oxidation” Electrochem. Solid ‚ Fuel cells State Lett., B11(7), 212 ( 2009) ‚ Dye-sensitized solar cells ‚ T Huang, JH Zhuang, AS Yu*, “Electro-oxidation of Selected Publications methanol on co-deposited Pt-MoOx prepared by cyclic voltammetry with different scanning potential ranges”, J. ‚ RR Jiang, T Huang, JL Liu, JH Zhuang*, AS Yu*, “A Appl. Electrochem., DOI 10.1007/s10800-008-9755-4 novel method to prepare nanostructured manganese ‚ T Huang, RR Jiang, D Zhang, JH Zhuang, WB Cai, AS dioxide and its electrochemical properties as a Yu*, A. C. Impedance Investigation of Plating Potentials supercapacitor electrode”, Electrochim. Acta, 54, 3047 on the Catalytic Activities of Pt Nanocatalysts for (2009) Methanol Electrooxidation, J. Solid State Electrochem., ‚ CQ Bian, AS Yu *, HQ Wu, “Fibriform DOI 10.1007/s10008-009-0795-4 polyaniline/nano-TiO2 composite as an electrode material ‚ T Huang, D Zhang, LG Xue, WB Cai, AS Yu*, A Facile for aqueous redox supercapacitors”, ElectroChem. Method to Synthesize Well-dispersed PtRuMeOx Commun., 11, 266 (2009) (Me=Mo, W) Nanoparticles and their Electrocatalytic ‚ T Huang, JL Liu, RS Li, WB Cai, AS Yu*, “A Novel Activities for Methanol Oxidation, J. Power Sources, Route for Preparation of PtRuMe (Me=Fe, Co, Ni) and DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.03.037 their Catalytic Performance for Methanol ‚ JL Liu, RR Jiang, XY Wang, T Huang, AS Yu*, The Electrooxidation”, ElectroChem. Commun., 11, 643 Defect Chemistry of LiFePO4 Prepared by Hydrothermal (2009) Method at Different pH values, J. Power Sources, DOI: ‚ T Huang, RR Jiang, JL Liu, Jhi Zhuang*, WB Cai, AS 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.05.007 Yu*, “Synthesis of Well-dispersed PtRuSnOx by ‚ Yu AS, Roger Frech, “ Mesostructural materials as high Ultrasonic-assisted Chemical Reduction and its Property rate electrode materials for lithium batteries”, J. for Methanol Electrooxidation”, Electrochim. Acta, 54, Electrochem. Soc., A99, 149 (2002) 4436 (2009) ‚ T Huang, XY Wang, JH Zhuang, WB Cai, AS Yu*,

63 ˬᔭጙ :6& :JOHIPOH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., Laboratoire Chimie des Surfaces, Universite Paris VI, Franceˈ1999 Ph.D., Fudan University, 1995 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1992 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1989

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642409 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests 336(2008)133 ‚ Heterogeneous catalysis of acids, bases and oxides ‚ Role of surface pockets on MCM-49 structure in ‚ Zeolites and zeolite-related materials alkylation of hydroquinone with tert-butanol, J. Catal., ‚ Nano materials 240(2006)31 Courses ‚ Support effect in dehydrogenation of propane in the presence of CO2 over supported gallium oxide catalysts, J. ‚ Physical Chemistry(III) Catal., 239(2006)470 ‚ Chemical Informatics ‚ MSU-S(BEA) mesoporous molecular sieve: An active ‚ Topic in Applied Chemistry and stable catalyst for alkylation of hydroquinone, Micro. ‚ Principles of Heterogeneous Catalysis Meso. Mater., 88(2006)191 ‚ Green Chemistry ‚ Dehydrogenation of propane to propene over different Selected Publications polymorphs of gallium oxide, J. Catal., 232(2005)143 ‚ Methanol to propylene: Effect of phosphorus on a silica ‚ Gas-phase photo-oxidations of organic compounds over HZSM-5 catalyst, Catal. Commun., 10(2009)1506 different forms of zirconia, J. Mol. Catal. A, ‚ Sulfated tin oxide: An efficient catalyst for alkylation of 229(2005)233 hydroquinone with tert-butanol, Catal. Commun., ‚ Controlled delamination and intercalation of layered 9(2008)2274 microporous aluminophosphate by a novel two-step ‚ Dehydrogenation of propane to propene over method, Micro. Meso. Mater., 84(2005)297 phosphorus-modified HZSM-5 supported Ga2O3, ‚ Delamination and aromatic amine intercalation of layered 3- Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 95(2008)113 aluminophosphate with [Al3P4O16] stoichiometry, ‚ Delaminated microporous aluminophosphate-filled Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 285(2005)731 polyvinyl alcohol membrane for pervaporation of ‚ Hydrogenation of methyl benzoate over Mn/Al catalysts: aqueous alcohol solutions, Micro. Meso. Mater., comparison among catalyst preparation routes, Topic in 105(2007)149 Catal., 35(2005)177 ‚ Enhanced stability of HZSM-5 supported Ga2O3 catalyst ‚ Alkylation of hydroquinone with tert-butanol over in propane dehydrogenation by dealumination, Catal. AlSBA-15 mesoporous molecular sieves, Cata. Lett., Lett., 119(2007)283 100(2005)95 ‚ Catalytic activities and properties of sulfated zirconia

supported on mesostructured J-Al2O3, Appl. Catal. A,


C3H8 CO2 C3H6

64 ष̍ጙ ;)"/( :BIPOH 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., Fudan University, 2003 Ph.D., Jilin University, 2001 B.Sc., Jilin University, 1996

http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/usr2000/tangyi/index.htm Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664125 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests cells, Proteomics 2009, 9, 4881-4888. ‚ Microwave preparation and mechanism of nanozeolites ‚ Yuanyuan Hu, Chong Liu, Yahong Zhang,* Nan Ren,Yi ‚ Modification and assembly of nanozeolites Tang, Microwave assisted hydrothermal synthesis of ‚ Bio-application of nanozeolites nanozeolites with controllable size, Microporous ‚ Catalytic performance of nanozeolites Mesoporous Mater., 2009, 119, 306-314. Courses ‚ Qingsheng Gao, Ping Chen, Yahong Zhang,* Yi Tang*, Synthesis and Characterization of Organic-Inorganic ‚ General Chemistry Hybrid GeOx/ethylenediamine Nanowires, Adv. Mater., ‚ Modern Chemistry Topics 2008, 20, 1837-1842. Selected Publications ‚ Tao Yu, Yahong Zhang,* Chunping You, Jihua Zhuang, Bo Wang, Baohong Liu Yijin Kang, and Yi Tang*, ‚ Yahong Zhang, Nan Ren and Yi Tang, Chapter Controlled Nanozeolite-Assembled Electrode: 17 - Zeolite Nanocrystals: Hierarchical Assembly and Remarkable Enzyme- Immobilization Ability and High Applications, Ordered Porous Solids---Recent Advances Sensitivity as Biosensor, Chem. Eur. J., 2006, 12, and Prospects, Edited by: Valentin Valtchev, Svetlana 1137-1143. Mintova and Michael Tsapatsis, ISBN: ‚ Yahong Zhang, Yun Liu, Jilie Kong, Pengyuan Yang, Yi 978-0-444-53189-6, 2009, Pages 441-475. Tang, Baohong Liu* Nanozeolite-modified microchip ‚ Yuanyuan Hu, Yahong Zhang* and Yi Tang* One-step reactor: an efficient proteolysis system, Small, 2006, 2, hydrothermal synthesis of surface organosilanized 1170-1173. nanozeolite under microwave irradiation, Chem. ‚ Yijin Kang, Wei Shan, Jingyi Wu, Yahong Zhang,* Commun., 2010, 46, 3875-3877. Xiaoyan Wang, Wili Yang, Yi Tang* Uniform ‚ Yuanyuan Hu, Ya -Hong Zhang,* Nan Ren, and Yi Tang*, Nanozeolite Microspheres with Large Secondary Pore Crystal Plane- and Size-Dependent Protein Adsorption on Architecture, Chem. Mater., 2006, 18, 1861-1866. Nanozeolite, J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 18040-18046. ‚ Yahong Zhang, Xiaoyan Wang, Wei Shan, Biyun Wu, ‚ Jing Cao, Yuanyuan Hu, Chengpin Shen, Jun Yao, Liming Huizhi Fan, Xijuan Yu, Yi Tang*, Pengyuan Yang*, Wei, Fengying Yang, Aiying Nie, Hong Wang, Huali Shen, Enrichment of Low-Abundance Peptides and Proteins on Yinkun Liu, Yahong Zhang*, Yi Tang and Pengyuan Zeolite Nanocrystals for Direct MALDI-TOF MS Yang*, Nanozeolite-driven approach for enrichment of Analysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 615-617. secretory proteins in human hepatocellular carcinoma

65 ֆᲝᮺ ;)06 .JOHGFJ 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., The University of Virginia, 1999 Ph.D., Fudan University, 1995 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1990

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643532 Fax: 86-21-65643532

Research Interests ‚ “Remarkable dinitrogen activation and cleavage by the ‚ Spectroscopy and photochemistry of matrix isolated Gd dimer: From dinitrogen complexes to ring and cage species. nitrides”, Zhou, M. F.; Jin, X.; Gong, Y.; Li, J. Angew. Courses Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 2911-2914. ‚ “Reactions of late lanthanide metal atoms with water ‚ Physical Chemistry (I) molecules: A matrix isolation infrared spectroscopic and ‚ Topics in Current Chemistry Selected Publications theoretical study”, Xu, J.; Jin, X.; Zhou, M. F. J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 7105-7111. ‚ “Formation and Characterization of the Iridium ‚ “Interconvertible side-on and end-on bonded Tetraoxide Molecule with Iridium in the Oxidation State oxo-superoxo titanium ozonide complexes”, Gong, Y.; +VIII”, Gong, Y.; Zhou, M. F.; Kaupp, M.; Riedel, S. Zhou,M.F.;Tian,S.X.Yang,J.L.J. Phys. Chem. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, doi: A(Letter) 2007, 111, 6127-6130. 10.1002/anie.200902733. ‚ “Methane activation by titanium monoxide molecules: A ‚ “Spectroscopic characterization of a matrix isolation infrared spectroscopic and theoretical copper(III)trisuperoxide complex bearing both side-on study”, Wang, G. J.; Gong, Y.; Chen, M. H.; Zhou, M. F. J. and end-on ligands”, Gong, Y.; Wang, G. J., Zhou, M. F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 5974-5980. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113,5355-5359. ‚ “Formation and characterization of the XeOO+ cation in ‚ l “Probing the intermediates in the MO + CH4 M+ solid argon”, Zhou, M. F.; Zhao, Y. Y.; Gong, Y.; Li, J. J. CH3OH reactions by matrix isolation infrared Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 2504-2505. spectroscopy”, Wang, G. J.; Zhou, M. F. Int. Rev. Phys. ‚ “Reactions of cerium atoms and dicerium molecules with Chem. 2008, 27, 1-25. CO: Formation of cerium carbonyls and photoconversion ‚ “Noble gas induced disproportionation reactions: facile to CO-activated insertion molecules”, Zhou, M. F.; Jin, X.; superoxo-to-peroxo conversion on chromium dioxide”, Li J. J.Phys.Chem.A2006, 110, 10206-10211. Zhao, Y. Y.; Su, J.; Gong, Y.; Li, J.; Zhou, M. F. J. Phys. Chem. A 2008, 112, 8606-8611.

66 ᬇళӧ $)&/ .PIVB "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2001 B.Sc., Nanjing Normal University, 1995

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643444 Fax: 86-21-65643532

Research Interests Chem. A, 112, 7157 (2008). ‚ The reaction dynamics of matrix isolated species ‚ Wang GJ, Gong Y, Chen MH, Zhou MF*, “Methane Courses Activation by Titanium Monoxide Molecules: A Matrix ‚ General Chemistry Experiments Isolation Infrared Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study”. J. Selected Publications Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 5974 (2006). ‚ ‚ Ma RH, Yuan DM, Chen MH, Zhou MF*, Wang XF, Chen MH, Wang GJ, Jiang GY, Zhou MF*, “Formation K Andrews L, “Infrared Spectrum of Carbon Trisulfide in and Characterization of the ( 2-N2)Sc(H)OH and K Solid Argon”. J. Phys. Chem. A, 113, 4976 (2009). ( 1-NN)xSc(H)OH (x=1,2) Complexes in Solid Argon”, ‚ Ma RH, Yuan DM, Chen MH, MF Zhou*, “Infrared J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 415 (2005). ‚ Spectrum of Nitrobenzene Anion in Solid Argon”. J. Phys. Chen MH, Huang ZG, Zhou MF*, “Matrix isolation Chem. A, 113, 1250 (2009). infrared spectroscopic and density functional theoretical ‚ Chen MH, Yang RJ, Ma RH, Zhou MF*, “Infrared studies of the reactions of scandium atoms with methanol”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 108, 5950 (2004). Spectra of the Sulfenic Ester CH3SOCH3 and Its Photodissociation Products in Solid Argon”. J. Phys.

ϱᓤሖ $)6 :BORJV "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 1999 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1990 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1987 Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65105204 Fax: 86-21-55664549

Research Interests D-Amino Acids by Mass Spectrometry. Acta Phys. Chim. ‚ Studying organic molecules and Biochemistry Sin.ˈ2008, 24(11): 1981-1987. macromolecules by mass spectrometry. ‚ Chu Yan-Qiu, Wu Bo, Ding Chuan-Fan. Probing ‚ Researching and developing new mass spectrometer. Methanol-induced Conformational Transitions of Courses Lysozyme by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. ‚ General Chemistry J. Chinese Mass Spectrom. Soc. 2008, 29(5):193-197. ‚ Organic Chemistry Experiment ‚ ChuYQ,WuB,WuL,ShuiQ,FuZW. Electrochromic Selected Publications properties of bismuth oxide thin films prepared by ‚ Chu YQ, Dai ZY, Jiang GY, Zheng S B, Chen X, Ding CF. reactive pulsed laser deposition. Acta Phys. Chim. Sin., Non-covalent complexes of glutathione with L-aromatic 2007, 23(11):1787-1791. ‚ amino acids studied by electrospray ionization mass Dai Zhao-Yun, Chu Yan-Qiu, Wu Bo, Wu Liang, Ding spectrometry. Chem. J. Chinese Universities. 2009, 30(5): Chuan-Fan. Investigation on the non-covalent complexes 869-875. of glutathione with common amino acids by electrospray ‚ Chu YQ, Pan TT, Dai ZY, Yu Z W, Zheng SB, Ding CF. ionization mass spectrometry. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2008, Probing Non-Covalent Complexes of Glutathione with 29(6): 759-771.

67 ృ૜ӧ -* ;IFOIVB "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., University of Minnesota, 2007 Ph.D., Fudan University, 2000 B.Sc., East China Normal University, 1994

http://www.surfchem.fudan.edu.cn/ Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55665620 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests 2005. DOI: 10.1063/1.1873612 ‚ Molecular Dynamics of Clusters and Nanoparticles; ‚ Li, ZH; Moran, D; Fan, KN; Schleyer, PV, ‚ Theoretical Study of Organic Reaction Mechanisms; sigma-Aromaticity and sigma-antiaromaticity in saturated ‚ Theoretical Study of Surface Reactions inorganic rings, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Courses A, 109 (16): 3711-3716 APR 28 2005. DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp048541o ‚ Statistical Thermodyanmics in Chemistry ‚ Wan,CS;Li,ZH;Fan,KN;Zheng, X; Chen, GH, Effect ‚ Application of Statistics in Chemistry Selected Publications of temperature on field emission from a micrometer-long single-walled carbon nanotube, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, ‚ Li,ZH;Li,YC;Wang,WN;Cao,Y;Fan,KN,Adensity 73 (16): Art. No. 165422 APR 2006. DOI: functional theory study on the adsorption of 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.165422 chlorobenzene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface, JOURNAL OF ‚ Zhao,S;Li,ZH;Wang,WN;Liu,ZP;Fan,KN;Xie,YM; PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 108 (37): 14049-14055 SEP Schaefer, HF, Is the uniform electron gas limit important 16 2004. DOI URL: for Small Ag clusters? Assessment of different density http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp047722n functionals for Ag-n(n<=4),JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ‚ Zhao, S; Li, ZH; Wang, WN; Fan, KN, Density functional PHYSICS, 124 (18): Art. No. 184102 MAY 14 2006. DOI: study of the interaction of chlorine atom with Small 10.1063/1.2193512 neutral and charged silver clusters, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 122 (14): Art. No. 144701 APR 8

Т /*6 (VPYJOHڍྥ "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry, Experimental Center for Chemical Education

Ph.D., Fudan University, 1995 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1990 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1987

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642770 Fax: 86-21-65641774

Research Interests modified by Lanthanum, speices. Appl.Catal., A 2001, ‚ Synthesis of novel extra large pore zeolites 205(1,2), 159-172. ‚ Study on solid chiral and biomimetic catalysts ‚ Thermal and hydrothermal stability of siliceous Y zeolite ‚ Study on coupling reactions of C-C and C-N and its application to high-temperature catalytic Selected Publications combustion. Appl.Catal., B, 1999,21(1):63-70. ‚ No Adsorption study on the distribution of nickel ions on ‚ Comparison of effect of La-modification on the the misxed carries of USY and Al O .Appl.Surf.Sci., thermostability of alumina and alumina-supported Pd 2 3 1999,141(1-2):35-42. catalysts prepared from different alumina ‚ No ਌䰘ⷨお䋳䕑 Ni2+೼ϡৠ䕑ԧ৘ᖂ⦃๗䯈ⱘߚᏗDŽ sources.Appl.Catal., B 2001, 29(3), 185-194. ⾥ᄺ䗮᡹ 1999ˈ44˄21˅˖1967-1971. ‚ High temperature thermal stabilization of alumina

68 !" WANG Weijiang !" WANG Weijiang Associate Professor APhssoysiccaila Cteh ePmriostfreysso r P hysical Chemistry Postdoc., Nuernberg Application-University, 2003 Postdoc., NGuhernnt bUerngiv Aepprsitliyc, a20tio0n1- University, 2003 Pohs.Dtd.o, cF.,u dGahne Untn Uivneirvseitrys,i t1y997, 20 01 PMh..SDc..,, FFuuddaann UUnniivveerrssitityy,, 11997991 MB..SScc..,, SFhuadnagnh Uain Nivoerrmsiatyl ,U 1n9i91ve rsity, 1981 BE-.Smca.,il S: hwajnwgahnagi @Nofudrmaanl. eUdnui.vcenr sity, 1981 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 65642403 TFealx: :6564265641740403 F ax:65641740 Research Interest: selective laser sintering of copper for micro-electronic Research Interest: selective laser sintering of copper for micro-electronic  Investigation of Rechargeable lithium batteries using devices, Thesis of 5th LECA Meeting (2004) in  devices, Thesis of 5th LECA Meeting (2004) in Ienlevcetsrtiongaictiaollny ocfo nduRechtiavreg eaphbloes phlitoh-ioulimv inbeast tearsie s lituhsiiunmg Hongkong Hongkong estloecratrgoensi c aelllye ctcrodndues ctive phospho-olivines as lithium  Yan DG, Wang WJ, Wu, HQ, Du QQ, Quantun chemical  Yan DG, Wang WJ, Wu, HQ, Du QQ, Quantun chemical  sIntovreasgtiegsa t ioelne catrnodd easp plication of laser technic in PCB calculation for intercalation of lithium into the  calculation for intercalation of lithium into the Ipnrvoedusticgtiaotnio n a nd application of laser technic in PCB polythiophene, Acta Chimica Sinica (2006),revised polythiophene, Acta Chimica Sinica (2006),revised  pRreosdueacrticho na n d a pplication of non-cyanogen plating  Li HX, Wang WJ, et al., Surface morphology and  Li HX, Wang WJ, et al., Surface morphology and S eRleecstedar Pchu balnidca atpiopnlisc ation of non-cyanogen plating electronic state characterization of Ni-P amorphous alloy Selected Publications efillemctsr oJn Nico nst-aCtery csht aSroalcidtesr i2za81ti o(2n0 o01f )N 31i-P amorphous alloy  Wang WJ, Jillek W and Lenhart A, Investigation on films J Non-Cryst Solids 281 (2001) 31  Wang WJ, Jillek W and Lenhart A, Investigation on

#$% XIONG Huanming #$% XIONG Huanming Associate Professor APhssoysiccaila Cteh ePmriostfreysso r Phoystsdicoacl., C Mheamx-ipstlrayn ck Institute od Coll?tls and Interfaces, Germany, Alexander von PHousmtdboocl.,d t MFeallxo-pwla,2008nck -I2n009stitu te od Coll?tls and Interfaces, Germany, Alexander von HPhu.mDb.,o Jlidlit nF Uellnoivwe,r2008sity2004 -2009

PBh.S.Dc..,, Jiililin Uniiverrsityity1999 2004

Bht.tSpc://., wwJiliwn .Uchneivmeirsstityry.1999fudan .edu.cn/teacher.asp?tno=xionghuaming hEtmtpa://ilww: [email protected] .cn/teacher.asp?tno=xionghuaming ETeml:a 86il: -h21m-x55664iong@3f97ud an.edu.cn Tel: 86-21-55664397 Fax: 86-21-55664397 F ax: 86-21-55664397

Research Interests Tunable Photoluminescence and their Application in Cell Research Interests Tunable Photoluminescence and their Application in Cell  Multifunctional polymer nanocomposites applied in cell  Imaging. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 7522.   Imaging. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 7522. Mimualtgiifnung,c ptironteailn paonlaylmyseirs annadn olictohmiupmo sbitaettse raiepsp lied in cell  Xiong, H. M.; Guan, X. Y.; Jin, L. H.; Shen, W. W.; Lu, H.  Xiong, H. M.; Guan, X. Y.; Jin, L. H.; Shen, W. W.; Lu, H. Coiumrasgesin g, protein analysis and lithium batteries J.; Xia, Y. Y. Surfactant-Free Synthesis of SnO2@PMMA Courses Ja.nd; X iTaiO, Y.@ YP. MSuMrfAac tCanotr-eF-rSehee lSl ynNtahneosibsea odf sS nODe2s@ignPeMd MfoAr  Optoelectronic Materials 2 and TiO2@PMMA Core-Shell Nanobeads Designed for S eOlepcteode lPecutbrolinciact iMonaste rials Peptides/Proteins Enrichment and MALDI-TOF MS Selected Publications PAenpatliydseiss/.P rAongteienws. CEhnerim.ch mIne.n tE d.an d2 00M8,A 4L7D, I-42TO04F. (MHoSt  Xiong, H. M.; Shchukin, D. G.; Moehwald, H.; Xu, Y.; Analysis. Angew. Chem. In. Ed. 2008, 47, 4204. (Hot  Xiong, H. M.; Shchukin, D. G.; Moehwald, H.; Xu, Y.; Paper) Xia, Y. Y. Sonochemical Synthesis of Highly Paper) Xia, Y. Y. Sonochemical Synthesis of Highly  Xiong, H. M.; Xie, D. P.; Guan, X. Y.; Tan, Y. J.; Xia, Y. Luminescent Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Doped with  Xiong, H. M.; Xie, D. P.; Guan, X. Y.; Tan, Y. J.; Xia, Y. Luminescent Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Doped with Y. Water-Stable Blue-Emitting ZnO@Polymer Core-Shell Magnesium(II) . Angew. Chem. In. Ed. 2009, 48, 2727. Y. Water-Stable Blue-Emitting ZnO@Polymer Core-Shell Magnesium(II) . Angew. Chem. In. Ed. 2009, 48, 2727. Microspheres. J. Mater. Chem. 2007, 17, 2490. (Cover)  Xiong, H. M.; Xu, Y.; Ren, Q. G.; Xia, Y. Y. Stable Microspheres. J. Mater. Chem. 2007, 17, 2490. (Cover)  XAiquonego,u sH .Z nMO.@; XPoul, ymY.e; r RCeonr,e -QS.h eGll. ; NXainao, pYar. tiYcl.e sS twabitlhe Aqueous ZnO@Polymer Core-Shell Nanoparticles with

69 ᫅ˆ๦ :"/ 4IJSVO "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry Postdoc., Fudan University, 2001 Postdoc., Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, 1999 Ph.D., Institute of Coal Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1997 M.Sc., Institute of Coal Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciencesˈ1992 B.Sc., Normal University, 1989 http://www.surfchem.fudan.edu.cn/ Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643987 Fax: 86-21-65643987

Research Interests ‚ Preparation and properties of Eu2+-Activated ‚ Luminescent materials alkaline-earth phosphosilicate phosphors, Shirun Yan, ‚ Heterogeneous catalysis Xuefang Hu, Honghan Fei, Jianguo Hu, Guojiang Wan, Courses Lin Ma, Solid State Comm. 2008,148:186-189. ‚ Ni-B amorphous alloy catalysts: Preparation, ‚ Selected topics in modern chemistry (functional materials characterization and catalytic performance , Shirun Yan, and polymers); Minghua Qiao and Kangnian Fan, Recent Research ‚ Experimental physical chemistry Developments in Physical Chemistry: Surfaces and ‚ Experimental inorganic materials synthesis Selected Publications Interfaces of Nanostructured Systems, 2007: 93-114 ISBN: 978-81-7895-284-0, Editor: Chuan-Yi Wang ˈ ‚ Preparation of LaPO4:Ce,Tb phosphor with different Transworld Research Network., 37/661 (2), Fort P.O., morphologies and their fluorescence properties, Xuefang Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. Hu, Shirun Yan, Lin Ma, Guojiang Wan, Jianguo Hu, ‚ RuB/Sn-SBA-15 catalysts: preparation, characterization, Powder Technology, 2009,192:27-32. and catalytic performance in ethyl lactate hydrogenation, ‚ Evolution of fluoride flux in the process of Y2O3:Eu Ge Luo, Shirun Yan, Minghua Qiao, Kangnian Fan, Appl. phosphor preparation, Lin Ma, Xuefang Hu, Siyuan Sun, Catal. A 2007,332:79-88. Jun Liu, Jianguo Hu, Shirun Yan, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2009,156(2):P39-P42.

Հӈѫ :& :VOGFO "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry, Experimental Center for Chemical Education

M.Sc., Fudan University, 1994 B.Sc., East China University of Science & Technology, 1984

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643990

Research Interests ‚ ▔ܝ೼᳆䴶ᖂᏺ໽㒓ࠊ԰ⱘᑨ⫼ˈЁ೑▔ܝˈ2003ˈ ‚ Metal finishing 30˄4˅˖361-363. ‚ Novel material synthesis ‚ ᶧ᭭ᑳ∈ⱘ㓐ড়໘⧚DŽ໡ᮺᄺ᡹ˈ2003ˈ42˄6˅˖ ‚ Study on Chemical technology 1010-1013. Selected Publications ‚ 㘮-⇳ᇍѠ⬆㣃ⱘড়៤ঞ㝰ᗻ㛑ⷨおDŽ໡ᮺᄺ᡹ˈ2004ˈ 43˄4˅˖668-671. ‚ ϔ⾡᳆䴶ᖂᏺ໽㒓ⱘࠊ԰ᮍ⊩DŽথᯢϧ߽˖ZL9811 10945.4

70 ष̍ጙ ;)"/( :BIPOH "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry

Postdoc., Fudan University, 2003 Ph.D., Jilin University, 2001 B.Sc., Jilin University, 1996

http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/usr2000/tangyi/index.htm Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664125 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests 2008, 20, 1837-1842. ‚ Nanozeolite ‚ Xiaoqin Zhou, Tao Yu, Yahong Zhang,* Jilie Kong, Yi ‚ Synthesis Tang, Jean-Louis Marty, Baohong Liu,* ‚ Assembly Nanozeolite-assembled interface towards sensitive ‚ Bio-application biosensing, ElectroChem. Commun., 2007, 9, 1525-1529. ‚ bio-chem catalysis ‚ Tao Yu, Yahong Zhang,* Chunping You, Jihua Zhuang, Courses Bo Wang, Baohong Liu Yijin Kang, and Yi Tang*, Controlled Nanozeolite-Assembled Electrode: ‚ General Chemistry Remarkable Enzyme- Immobilization Ability and High ‚ Modern Chemistry Topics Selected Publications Sensitivity as Biosensor, Chem. Eur. J., 2006, 12, 1137-1143. ‚ Yuanyuan Hu, Chong Liu, Yahong Zhang,* Nan Ren,Yi ‚ Yahong Zhang, Xiaoyan Wang, Wei Shan, Biyun Wu, Tang, Microwave assisted hydrothermal synthesis of Huizhi Fan, Xijuan Yu, Yi Tang*, Pengyuan Yang*, nanozeolites with controllable size, Microporous Enrichment of Low-Abundance Peptides and Proteins on Mesoporous Mater., 2009, 119, 306-314. Zeolite Nanocrystals for Direct MALDI-TOF MS ‚ Qingsheng Gao, Ping Chen, Yahong Zhang,* Yi Tang*, Analysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 615-617. Synthesis and Characterization of Organic-Inorganic

Hybrid GeOx/ethylenediamine Nanowires, Adv. Mater.,

ࣺፘӧ ;)6"/( +JIVB "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Physical Chemistry, Experimental Center for Chemical Education

M.Sc., Fudan University, 1979

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642797 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests novel efficient catalyst for low temperature CO ‚ Electrochemistry techniques oxidation ˈJournal of Catalysis 259 (2008) 66–74 ‚ Catalyzer basic study ‚ Facile Synthesis of Fe-loaded Mesoporous Silica by a Selected Publications Combined Detemplation-Incorporation Process through Fenton’s Chemistry ˈJournal of Physical Chemistry C ‚ ljExperimental Physical Chemistry˄3rd ed˅NJ, Higeher 2008, 112, 16575–16583 Education Press, 2004. ‚ Effect of pretreatment atmosphere on CO oxidation over ‚ ljExperimental Physical Chemistry(English version)NJ, a-Mn O supported gold catalystsˈJournal of Catalysis Higher Education Press, 2005. 2 3 264 (2009) 145–153 ‚ Gold nanoparticles deposited on manganese (III) oxide as


Name Page DENG Chunhui˄䙧᯹ᰪ˅ KONG Jilie˄ᄨ㒻⚜˅ LIU Baohong˄߬ᅱ㑶˅ YU Shaoning˄ԭ㒡ᅕ˅

ZHANG Xiangmin˄ᓴ⼹⇥˅ GAO Mingxia˄催ᯢ䳲˅ Faculty Members(师资力量) ZHANG Song˄ᓴᵒ˅ Analytical Chemistry(分析化学)

DENG Chunhui(邓春晖)

KONG Jilie(孔继烈)

LIU Baohong(刘宝红)

YU Shaoning(余绍宁)

ZHANG Xiangmin(张祥民)

GAO Mingxia(高明霞)

ZHANG Song(张松)

72 !" DENG Chunhui Professor, Doctoral Advisor Analytical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, China, 2004 M.Sc., Fudan University, China, 2001 B.Sc., Lanzhou University, China, 1992

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643983 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests the Highly Efficient and Rapid Enrichment of Peptides  Nano Proteomics and Direct MALDI-TOF-MS Analysis  Disease Metabolomics ADVANCED MATERIALS 2009, 21, 2200-2205  Nano Environmental Analysis Courses Deng YH, Qi DW, Deng CH*, Zhang XM, Zhao DY* Superparamagnetic High-Magnetization Microspheres  Enviromental Chemistry B with an Fe3O4@SiO2 Core and Perpendicularly Aligned  Advanced Instrument Analysis Experiment Advanced Analytical Chemistry Mesoporous SiO2 Shell for Removal of Microcystins J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130 (1), 28-29 Selected Publications

Deng CH, Li Y, Lin S, Yao GP, Deng CH*, Zhang XM*, Yang PY, et al. Book Chapter : Microfluidic Devices in Nanotechnology: Fast and Efficient Proteolysis by Microwave- Assisted Applications (Challa S. S. R. Kumar ) Protein Digestion using Trypsin-Immobilized Magnetic Chapter 4 Microfluidic Enzymatic Reactors Using Silica Microspheres. Nanoparticles (C. H. Deng). ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2008; 80, 3655-3665.

Yao GP, Deng CH*, Yang PY, Zhang XM, Li Y, Lin HQ, Deng CH*, Zhang XM*, et al. Efficient Tryptic Proteolysis Accelerated by Laser Preparation of Fe3O4@ZrO2 Core-Shell Microspheres as Radiation for Peptide Mapping Affinity Probes for Selective Enrichment and Direct Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010, 49, 8185-8189 (VIP Paper) Determination of Phosphopeptides Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Liu SS, Chen HM,Lu XH, Deng CH*, Yang PY, Zhang JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 2007, 6, XM, 4498-4510. Facile Synthesis of Cu2+-immobilized Magnetic Mesoporous Silica Microspheres for Selective Gao MX, Deng CH*, Yao N, Zhang XM*,et al. Enrichment of Peptides for Mass Spectrometry Analysis A Simple Pathway to the Synthesis of Magnetic Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 2010, 49, 7557-7561 Nanoparticles with Immobilized Metal Ions for the Fast Removal of Microcystins in Water. Chen HM, Deng CH,* Zhang XM SMALL 2007, 3, 1714-1717. Synthesis of Fe3O4@SiO2@PMMA Core-Shell-Shell Magnetic Microspheres for Highly Efficient Enrichment Xu XQ, Deng CH*, Gao MX, Zhang XM*, Yang PY, et al. of Peptides and Proteins for MALDI-ToF MS Analysis Synthesis of magnetic microspheres with immobilized Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 607 -611 metal ions for enrichment and direct determination of phosphopeptides by matrix-assisted laser desorption Chen HM, Deng CH*, Li Y, Dai Y, Yang PY, and Zhang ionization mass spectrometry. XM* ADVANCED MATERIALS 2006, 18, 3289-3294. A Facile Synthesis Approach to C8-Functionalized Magnetic Carbonaceous Polysaccharide Microspheres for

73 ߗፘཉ ,0/( +JMJF 1SPGFTTPS Analytical Chemistry

Postdoc., University of Louisville, USA, 1996-1997 Postdoc.,University of Connecticut,USA, 1997-1998 Ph.D., Fudan University, 1993 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1990 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1987 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642138 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests 2210-2216. ‚ Life analysis and disease diagnosis. ‚ Lu YD, Xu JJ, Liu Y, Liu BH, Xu CH, Zhao DY, Kong ‚ Chemical and biological sensing and microanalytical JL*.Manipulated photocurrent generation from system. pigment-exchanged photosynthetic Proteins adsorbed to ‚ Photo-electrochemistry and devices. nanostructured WO3-TiO2 electrodes. Chem.Comm., 2006, ‚ Selected Publications 7, 785-787 ‚ Li Mu, Ying Liu, Shaoyu Cai, and Jilie Kong*ˈA Smart ‚ Lu YD, Yuan MJ, Liu Y, Tu B, Xu CH, Liu BH, Zhao DY, Surface in a Microfluidic Chip for Controlled Protein Kong JL*. Remarkably Enhanced Photoelectric Separation. Chem.Euro. J., 2007, 13, 5113-5120. Performance of Bacteria Photosynthetic. Proteins ‚ Zhang S, Ding JJ, Liu Y, Kong JL*, Oliver Hofstetter, Entrapped On Tailored Mesoporous WO3-TiO2 Films. Development of a Highly Enantioselective Capacitive Langmiur, 2005, 21,4071-4076. Immunosensor for the Detection of Į-Amino Acids. Anal. ‚ Liu Y, Mu L, Liu BH, Kong JL* Controlled switchable Chem., 2006, 78, 7592-7596. surface. Chem. Euro J., 2005, 11, 2623-2631. ‚ Yin XL, Ding JJ, Zhang S, Kong JL*, Enantioselective ‚ LiuY,MuL,LiuBH,ZhangS,YangPY,Kong sensing of chiral amino acids by potentiometric sensors JL*. Controlled Protein Assembly on a Switchable based on optical active polyaniline films. Surface. Chem. Comm., 2004, 10, 1194 - 1195. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2006, 21, 2184-2187. ‚ Qu, H Y, Wang HT, Huang Y, Zhong W, Lu HJ, Kong JL*, ‚ Shi MH, Peng YY, Zhou J, Liu BH, Huang YP, Kong JL*. Yang PY, Liu BH*. Stable Microstructured Network for Immunoassays based on microelectrodes arrayed on a Protein Patterning on a Plastic Microfluidic Channel: silicon chip for high throughput screening of liver fibrosis Strategy and Characterization of On-Chip Enzyme markers in human serum. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2006, 21, Microreactors. Anal. Chem., 2004, 76,6426-6433

74 ѵࠂጙ -*6 #BPIPOH 1SPGFTTPS Analytical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 1997 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1994 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1991

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642405 86-21-65642009 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests on-line proteolysis. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. ‚ Biosensors 2007, 6, 1428-1436. ‚ Electroanalysis ‚ LiuY,QuHY,XueY,WuZL,YangPY,LiuBH. ‚ Micro/nano-analytical systems Enhancement of proteolysis through the silica gel derived ‚ New methods and technology for Proteome research microchip reactor. Proteomics 2007, 7, 1373-1378. Courses ‚ Liu Y, Lu HJ, Zhong W, Kong JL, Yang PY, Girault HH, Liu BH, Multilayer-assembled microchip for enzyme ‚ Analytical Chemistry Selected Publications immobilization toward low-level protein identification. Analytical Chemistry 2006, 78, 801-808. ‚ JiJ,YangH,LiuY,ChenH,KongJL,LiuBH. ‚ Bi HY, Zhong W, Meng S, Kong JL, Yang PY, Liu BH. TiO2-assisted silver enhanced biosensor for kinase Construction of a biomimetic surface on microfluidic activity profiling. Chemical Communications 2009, chips for biofouling resistance. Analytical Chemistry 1508-1510. 2006, 78, 3399-3405. ‚ Qian K, Wan JJ, Qiao L, Huang XD, Tang JW, Wang YH, ‚ Zhang YH, Liu Y, Kong JL, Yang PY, Tang Y, Liu BH. Kong JL, Yang PY, Yu CZ, Liu BH. Macroporous Efficient proteolysis system: nanozeolite-derived materials as novel catalysts for efficient and controllable microreactor. Small 2006, 2, 1170-1173. proteolysis. Analytical Chemistry 2009, ‚ BiHY,MengS,LiY,GuoK,ChenYP,KongJL,Yang 10.1021/ac900550q. PY, Zhong W, Liu BH. Deposition of PEG onto PMMA ‚ YangH,JiJ,LiuY,KongJL,LiuBH.An aptamer-based microchannel surface to minimize nonspecific adsorption. biosensor for sensitive thrombin detection. Lab on a Chip 2006, 6, 769-775. Electrochemistry Communications. 2009, 11, 38-40. ‚ Bi HY, Weng X, Qu HY, Kong JL, Yang PY, Liu BH, ‚ Qiao L, Bi HY, Busnel JM, Waser J, Yang PY, Girault HH, Strategy for allosteric analysis based on protein-stationary Liu BH. Photocatalytic redox reactions for in-source phase on microfluidic chips. Journal of Proteome peptide fragmentation. Chemistry-A European Journal Research, 2005, 4, 2154-2160. 2009, 15, 6711-6717. ‚ Qu H.Y., Wang H.T., Huang Y., Lu H.J., Kong J.L., ‚ Qiao L, Roussel C, Wan JJ, Kong JL, Yang PY, Girault Zhong W., Yang P.Y. and Liu B.H. Stable microstructured HH, Liu BH. MALDI in-source photoelectrochemical network for protein patterning on plastic microfluidic oxidation reactions for online peptide tagging. channel: on-chip enzyme reactors. Analytical Chemistry Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2008, 47, 2004, 76, 6426-6433. 2646-2648. ‚ Xu X., Tian B.Z., Kong J.L., Zhang S., Liu B.H. and ‚ Ji J, Zhou XQ, Zhang YH, Kong JL, Tang Y, Liu BH. Zhao D.Y. Ordered mesoporous niobium oxide film: A Enhanced protein digestion through the confinement of novel matrix to assemble functional proteins for nanozeolite-assembled microchip reactors. Analytical bioelectrochemical applications. Advanced Materials Chemistry 2008, 80, 2457-2463. 2003, 15, 1932-1936. ‚ QiaoL,LiuY,HudsonSP,YangPY,MagnerE,LiuBH. A nanoporous reactor for efficient proteolysis. Chemistry-A European Journal 2008, 14, 151-157. ‚ Liu Y, Xue Y, Ji J, Chen X, Kong JL, Yang PY, Girault HH, Liu BH. AuNPs-assembled microfluidic reactor for

75 ͷፀ߰ :6 4IBPOJOH 1SPGFTTPS Analytical Chemistry Postdoc., Harvard Medical School, 2005 Postdoc., University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, USA, 2004 Ph.D., Shanghai Applied Physics Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1999 M.Sc., Fudan University, 1990 B.Sc., Fudan University, 1987 Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-55664974 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests Spectroscopic Analysis of Protein Secondary Structure ‚ We are interested in the relationship between protein (Review). Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 2007, structures and functions. Recently, we are working on the 39(8), 549-559. conformational change of calcineurin induced by ‚ Shaoning Yu, Fenghui Fan, Samuel C. Flores, Fang Mei, Ca/Calmodulin binding, and the allosteric signals and Xiaodong Cheng. Dissecting the Mechanism of Epac transmitting pathway of cAMP binding proteins induced Activation via Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange FT-IR and by cAMP binding. Structural Modeling. Biochemistry 2006, 45, Courses 15318-15326. ‚ Shaoning Yu, Alice Wuu, Reneeta Basu, Michael R. ‚ Biophysics Application Selected Publications Holbrook, Alan D. T. Barrett, and J. Ching Lee. Protein Stability and Structural Dynamics of Envelope Protein ‚ Hitesh Sharma, Shaoning Yu , Jimin Wang, Jilie Kong, Domain III of Mosquito- and Tick-borne Flaviviruses. and Thomas A Steitz*. Structure of Apo CAP Reveals that Biochemistry 2004. 43,9168-9176. Large Conformational Changes are Necessary for DNA ‚ Shaoning Yu and J. Ching Lee. Role of Residue 138 in the Binding. PNAS 2009 in press. Interdomain Hinge region in Transmitting Allosteric ‚ Xianrong Shen, Huiming Li, Yan Ou, Wenbin Tao, Signals for DNA Binding in Escherichia coli cAMP Aichun Dong, Jilie Kong, Chaoneng Ji and Shaoning Yu*. Receptor Protein. Biochemistry 2004. 43, 4662-4669. The Secondary Structure of Calcineurin Regulatory ‚ Shaoning Yu, Fang Mei, J. Ching Lee*, and Xiaodong Region and It’s Conformational Change induced by Cheng. Probing cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Calcium/Calmodulin binding. Journal of Biological Holoenzyme Complexes ID and IIE by FT-IR and Chemistry 2008, 283, 11407-11413. Chemical Protein Footpringing. Biochemistry 2004. 43, ‚ Xianrong Shen, Wenbing Tao, Jilie Kong, and Shaoning 1908-1920.

Yu . The Role of Loops 3 and 4 in the interdomains and ‚ Shaoning Yu, Lucy L.-Y. Lee, and J. Ching Lee. Effects intersubunits communication of E. coli cAMP Receptor of Metabolites on the Structural Dynamics of Rabbit Protein. International Journal of Biological Muscle Pyruvate Kinase. Biophysical Chemistry 2003. Macromolecular 2008, 42, 372-379. 103, 1-11. ‚ Jilie Kong and Shaoning Yu*. Fourier Transform Infrared

76 षᇻඞ ;)"/( 9JBOHNJO 1SPGFTTPS Analytical Chemistry

Postdoc., Fudan University, 1994 Ph.D., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, 1994 M.Sc., Dalian University of technology, 1986 B.Sc., Henan Normal University, 1983

http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/usr2000/zxm/index.htm E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643983 86-21-5566 4165

Research Interests: ‚ Preparation of Fe3O4@ZrO2 core-shell microspheres ‚ Chromatography, electrophoresis, instrumentations as affinity probes for selective enrichment and direct ‚ Multi-dimensional HPLC and MS technologies determination of phosphopeptides using ‚ Proteomic analysis and disease biomarker discovery matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass ‚ Traditional Chinese medicines and environmental analysis spectrometry Journal of Proteome Research 2007, 6, Selected Publications: 4498-4510 ‚ Immobilization of trypsin on superparamagnetic ‚ A Facile Synthesis Approach to C8-Functionalized Magnetic nanoparticles for rapid and effective proteolysis Carbonaceous Polysaccharide Microspheres for the Highly Journal of Proteome Research 2007, 6, 3849-3855 Efficient and Rapid Enrichment of Peptides and Direct ‚ Efficient on-chip proteolysis system based on MALDI-TOF-MS Analysis Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 2200–2205 functionalized magnetic silica microspheres ‚ Cerium ion-chelated magnetic silica microspheres for enrichment Proteomics 2007, 7, 2330-2339 and direct determination of phosphopeptides by matrix-assisted ‚ Comparison of 2-D LC and 3-D LC with post- and laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry Journal of pre-tryptic-digestion SEC fractionation for proteome Proteome Research 2008, 7, 1767–1777 analysis of normal human liver tissue Proteomics 2007, ‚ Novel microwave-assisted digestion by trypsin- immobilized 7, 500-512 magnetic nanoparticles for proteomic analysis Journal of ‚ Analysis of the ideal model for a single component in Proteome Research 2008, 7, 1297–1307 preparative gradient elution chromatography Analytical ‚ Highly selective and rapid enrichment of phosphorylated Chemistry 2007, 79, 2507-2517 peptides using gallium oxide-coated magnetic microspheres for ‚ Synthesis of magnetic microspheres with immobilized MALDI-TOF-MS and nano-LC-ESI- MS/MS/MS analysis metal ions for enrichment and direct determination of Proteomics 2008, 8, 238–249 phosphopeptides by matrix-assisted laser desorption ‚ Facile synthesis of C-8-functionalized magnetic silica ionization mass spectrometry Advanced Materials microspheres for enrichment of low-concentration peptides for 2006, 18, 3289-3293 direct MALDI-TOF MS analysis Proteomics 2008, 8, 2778–2784 ‚ Capillary array reversed-phase liquid chromatography- ‚ Novel approach for the synthesis of Fe3O4@TiO2 core–shell based multidimensional separation system coupled microspheres and their application to the highly specific capture with MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS detection for of phosphopeptides for MALDI-TOF MS analysis Chem. high-throughput proteome analysis Journal of Commun., 2008, 564–566 Proteome Research 2006, 5, 3186-3196 ‚ A simple pathway to the synthesis of magnetic ‚ Analytical solutions of the ideal model for gradient nanoparticles with immobilized metal ions for the liquid chromatography Analytical Chemistry 2006, 78, fast removal of microcystins in water Small 2007, 3, 7828-7840 1714-1717

(A) (B) (C) (A) Portable gas chromatograph, (B) Multidimensional LC with 18 Parallel columns for high throughput proteomic analysis; (C) Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for protein enrichment and fast protein digestion.

77 ᥞ௢௶ %&/( $IVOIVJ "TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS Analytical Chemistry

Ph.D., FudanUniversity, 2004 M.Sc., Fudan University, 2001 B.Sc.,Lanzhou University, 1992

http://www.chemistry.fudan.edu.cn/usr2000/zxm/index.htm Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643983 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests ‚ Lin S, Yao GP, Deng CH*, Zhang XM*, Yang PY, et al. ‚ Novel Nano-biotechnology and Bio-analysis Methods Fast and Efficient Proteolysis by Microwave- Assisted Courses Protein Digestion using Trypsin-Immobilized Magnetic Silica Microspheres. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2008, ‚ Environmental Chemistry B 80, 3655-3665. ‚ Advanced Analytical Chemistry ‚ Li Y, Lin HQ, Deng CH*, Zhang XM*, et al. Preparation ‚ Advanced Analytical Chemistry Experiment of Fe O @ZrO Core-Shell Microspheres as Affinity Selected Publications 3 4 2 Probes for Selective Enrichment and Direct ‚ ChenHM,DengCH,*LiY,DaiY,YangPY,and Zhang Determination of Phosphopeptides Using Matrix-Assisted XM*. A Facile Synthesis Approach to C8-Functionalized Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Magnetic Carbonaceous Polysaccharide Microspheres for JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 2007, 6, the Highly Efficient and Rapid Enrichment of Peptides 4498-4510. and Direct MALDI-TOF-MS Analysis. ADVANCED ‚ Gao MX, Deng CH*, Yao N, Zhang XM*, et al. A MATERIALS 2009, 21, 2200–2205 Simple Pathway to the Synthesis of Magnetic ‚ Deng YH, Qi DW, Deng CH*, Zhang XM, Zhao DY*. Nanoparticles with Immobilized Metal Ions for the Fast Superparamagnetic High-Magnetization Microspheres Removal of Microcystins in Water. SMALL 2007, 3, with an Fe3O4@SiO2 Core and Perpendicularly Aligned 1714-1717. Mesoporous SiO2 Shell for Removal of Microcystins. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 28–29 ᰳ௙᭖ ("0 .NJOHYJB

"TTPDJBUF 1SPGFTTPS .BTUFS "EWJTPS Analytical Chemistry Postdoc., GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Germany, 2007 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, China, 2006 M.Sc., Normal University, China, 2003 B.Sc., Shandong Normal University, China, 2000 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65643983

‚ Mingxia Gao, Dawei Qi, Peng Zhang, Chunhui Deng, Research Interests Xiangmin Zhang, Development of multidimensional ‚ Method and Technology of Liquid Chromatography liquid chromatography and application in proteomic ‚ New Technical Improvement in Proteome Research analysis, Expert Rev. Proteomics 7(5), 665–678 (2010). ‚ Analytical Methods and Materials in Biological ‚ Mingxia Gao, Peng Zhang, Guangfeng Hong, Xia Materials Guan, Guoquan Yan, Chunhui Deng, Xiangmin Zhang, Courses Novel monolithic enzymatic microreactor based on single-enzyme nanoparticles for highly efficient ‚ Analytical chemistry proteolysis and its application in multidimensional ‚ Experimental course in analytical and inorganic liquid chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, chemistry 1216ˈ7472̢7477 (2009). ‚ Chemical elements in life ‚ Mingxia Gao, Wenjia Yu, Yang Zhang, Yan Guoquan, Selected Publications Chunhui Deng, Pengyuan Yang, Xiangmin Zhang, Integrated strong cation exchange/capillary

reversed-phase liquid chromatography/on-target digestion Removal of Microcystins in Water. small, 3(10), 1714 – coupled with mass spectrometry for identification of 1717 (2007). intact human liver tissue proteins, The Analyst, 133, ‚ Mingxia Gao, Chunhui Deng, Shuang Lin, Fengli Hu, 1261-1267 (2008). Jia Tang, Ning Yao, Xiangmin Zhang*,Recent ‚ Mingxia Gao, Chunhui Deng, Wenjia Yu, Yang Zhang, developments and contributions from Chinese Pengyuan Yang, Xiangmin Zhang, Large-scale depletion scientists in multidimensional separations for of the high abundance proteins and analysis of middle- or proteomics and traditional Chinese medicines, J. Sep. low abundance proteins in human liver proteome by Sci., 30, 785 – 791 (2007). multidimensional liquid chromatography, Proteomics, ‚ Mingxia Gao, Jie Zhang, Chunhui Deng, Pengyuan 8,939-947 (2008). Yang, Xiangmin Zhang, Novel Strategy of High ‚ Mingxia Gao, Chunhui Deng, Zhengqiu Fan, Ning Yao, Abundance Protein depletion Using Multi-Dimensional Xiuqing Xu, Pengyuan Yang, and Xiangmin Zhang A Liquid Chromatography, J. Proteome Research, 5, Simple Pathway to the Synthesis of Magnetic 2853-2860 (2006). Nanoparticles with Immobilized Metal Ions for the Fast

78 

! ZHANG Song Associate Professor Analytical Chemistry

Ph.D., East China Normal University, 2000 M.Sc., East China Normal University, 1997 B.Sc., East China Normal University, 1994

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642138 Fax: 86-21-65641740

Research Interests Immunosensor for the Detection of -Amino Acids, Anal.  Nanobiosensor and Microchip Chem., 2006, 78, 7592-7596  Electronic nose & tongue  Yin XL, Ding JJ, Zhang S, Kong JL. Enantioselective  Marine chemistry sensing of chiral amino acids by potentiometric sensors Courses based on optical active polyaniline films, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2006,21,2184-2187  Advanced Analytical Chemistry Experiment  Xu X, Tian BZ, Kong JL, Zhang S, Liu BH, Zhao DY.  Inorganic Chemistry Ordered mesoporous niobium oxide film: A novel matrix  Chemical Analytical Experiment for assembling functional proteins for bioelectrochemical  The Forefront Lecture of Analytical Chemistry Selected Publications applications, Advanced Materials, 2003,15,1932  Zhang S, Huang F, Cao XN, Yang PY, Zhang W, Jin LT.  Zhang S, Huang F, Liu BH, Ding JJ, Xu X, Kong JL. A Determination of drug-protein interactions by sensitive Impedance Immunosensor Based on microdialysis coupled with liquid chromatography and Functionalized Gold Nanoparticle-Protein Composite electrochemical detection based on a nickel Films for Probing Apolipoprotein A-I, Talanta, hexacyanoferrate modified electrode, the Analyst, 2007,71,874-881 2002,127,485-489  Zhang S Ding JJ, Liu Y, Kong JL, Hofstetter O. Development of a Highly Enantioselective Capacitive

79 &KHPLFDO %LRORJ\ďܤ༰ಓ๞༰Đ

Name Page LU Haojie˄䰚䈾ᵄ˅ YANG Pengyuan˄ᴼ㡗ॳ˅ FAN Huizhi˄῞ᚴ㡱˅

Faculty Members(师资力量) Chemical Biology(化学生物学)

LU Haojie(陆豪杰)

YANG Pengyuan(杨芃原)

FAN Huizhi(樊惠芝)

80 !" LU Haojie Professor Chemical Biology and Analytical Chemistry

Visiting scholar,UCLA, 2006-2007 Postdoc., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Ph.D., Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2001 B.Sc., Xiamen University, 1996

Email:[email protected] Tel:86-21-54237618 Fax:86-21-5427961

Research Interests Peptides/Proteins Enrichment and MALDI-TOF MS  Separation and identification technologies for human liver Analysis, Angew.Chem.Int.Edit, 2008,47,4204-4207. proteome or other tissue proteome research  Lu HJ, Zong C, Wang Y, Young GW, Deng N, Souda P, Li  Novel mass spectrometric profiling biomarker for disease X, Whitelegge, Drews O, Yang PY, Ping P, Revealing the tissue Dynamics of 20s Proteasome Phosphoproteome:A  MS for molecule recognition and nonconvalent combines CID and ETD approach. Mol Cell interaction Proteomics.2008,7,2073-2089. Selected Publications  Yawei Xu, Lijuan Zhang, Haojie Lu* and Pengyuan Yang. Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Phosphopeptides after  Weitao Jia, Xuehua Chen, Haojie Lu* , Pengyuan Yang*, Peptide Carboxy Group Derivatization, Anal Chem, 2008, CaCO3-Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanoparticles for Fast 80,8324-8328 Enrichment of Low-Abundance Peptides Followed by  Wenwen Shen, Huanming Xiong, Ye Xu, Sanjun Cai, CaCO3-Core removal for MALDI-TOF MS Analysis, Haojie Lu,*Pengyuan Yang, ZnO-Poly(methyl Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.,2006,45.3345-3349 methacrylate) Nanobeads for Enriching and Desalting  Huan-Ming Xiong, Xiao-Yan Guan, Ling-Hua Jin, Low-Abundant Proteins Followed by Directly Wen-Wen Shen, Hao-Jie Lu* and Yong-Yao MALDI-TOF MS Analysis, Anal Chem, Xia*,Surfactant-Free Synthesis of SnO2@PMMA and 2008,80,6758-6763. TiO2@PMMA Core-Shell Nanobeads Designed for

Polymer spot Drop sample solution contaminated by salts

Solvent evaporation Drop matrix solution

Salts redissolved and the

solution diffused

Peptides were enriched and salts were removed

Analyzed by MALDI-TOF-TOF

On target desalts and enrichment method of protein by nanomaterial preconcentration of peptides

81 #$ YANG Pengyuan Fudan-scholarship Professor Chemical Biology and Analytical Chemistry Postdoc., Xiamen University, 1991 Postdoc., Indiana University at Bloomington, 1989 Ph.D., University of Massechusatts at Amherst, 1987 M.Sc., University of Science and Technology of China, 1981 B.Sc., University of Inner Mongolian, 1975 E-mail: [email protected] Tel:86-21-6564200986! - 21-54237325 Fax:86-21-65641740

Brief Background: microfluidic reactor, Proteomics 7 (9): 1373-1378,2007 Dr. Yang is/was the Principal Scientist of National 973  Insight into the host-parasite interplay by proteomic study Project (Microfluidics for Chemistry and BioMedicine of host proteins copurified with the human parasite, 2007-2011, and Proteomics for Chinese Major Diseases Schistosoma japonicum, Proteomics, 7 (3): (2007), 2002-2006). He currently is Executive-Director of Institutes 450-462 of BioMedical Sciences (2005-), and former Director of  Expressed proteome analysis of human hepatocellular Department of Chemistry (2003-2006), and is Vice-President of Chinese HUPO now. carcinoma in nude mice (LCI-D20) with high metastasis Research Area: potential Proteomics, 2006, 6 (2): 528-537  Bio-Mass Spectrometry and Spectroscopy Multi layer-assembled microchip for enzyme Bio-molecule Recognition /Disease Proteome /BioMarker immobilization as reactor toward low-level protein Mico-fluidics and Micro-scale Chemobiology identification , Anal Chem, 78 (3): (2006), 801-808 Courses:  Nanopore-based proteolytic reactor for sensitive and  Macromolecule-Ionic Behavior in Mass Spectrometer comprehensive proteomic analyses, Anal Chem 78 (14):  The Techniques and Methods of BioMass spectrometry (2006), 4811-4819.  The Introduction of Scientific Experiments  Proteome analysis of human liver carcinoma Huh7 cells  The Introduction of Establishment for Research Project harboring hepatitis Cuuy virus subgenomic replicon,  The advanced techniques and methods for Proteomics Proteomics, 6(2): (2006), 519-527.  Professional English for Graduates  Zeolite nanoparticle modified microchip reactor for Selected Publicaitons (as correspondence and efficient protein digestion, Lab on Chip 6 (4): 534-539 co-correspondance: 2006  Identification of N-Glycosylation Sites on Secreted  Subproteomic analysis of the cellular proteins associated Proteins of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells with with the 3 ' untranslated region of the hepatitis C virus a Complementary Proteomics Approach " J. Proteome genome in human liver cells, BIOCHEMICAL AND Res., 13: in press, 2009 BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS,  CaCO3-poly(methyl methacrylate) nanoparticles for fast 347 (3): 683-691 SEP 1 2006 enrichment of low-abundance peptides followed by  Highly efficient enrichment and subsequent digestion of CaCO3-core removal for MALDI-TOF MS analysis, proteins in the mesoporous molecular sieve silicate Angrew Chem Int Ed 45 (20): 3345-3349 2006 SBA-15 for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization  Analysis of expression and comparative profile of normal mass spectrometry with time-of-flight/time-of-flight placental tissue proteins and those in preeclampsia analyzer peptide mapping, Rapid Commun Mass patients using proteomic approaches, Anal Chim Acta 629 Spectrom, 20 (20): 3139-3144 2006 1-2 158-164 2008  Enrichment of Low-Abundant Peptides/Proteins on  Rapid and automatic on-plate desalting protocol for Zeolite Nanocrystals for Direct MALDI-TOF-MS MALDI-MS: Using imprinted hydrophobic polymer Analysis. Angew Chem Int Ed, 2005,44,615-617. template, Proteomics, 2007, 7, 2497–2506  Enhancement of proteolysis through the silica-gel-derived

82 %&' FAN Huizhi Associate Professor Chemical Biology and Analytical Chemistry

Ph.D., Fudan University, 2007 M.Sc., Shanxi University, 1988 B.Sc., Shanxi University, 1985

Email: [email protected] Tel: 86-21-65642009 Fax: 86-21-65642009

Research Interests Gang Chen. Fabrication and performance of poly(methyl  Analytical chemistry and protein separation and methacrylate) microfluidic chips with fiber cores. Journal identification in proteomics of Chromatography A, 2008, 1179, 224–228. Courses  Hua Zhong, Dong Yun, Chen Zhang, Pengyuan Yang,  Analytial Chemistry Huizhi Fan*, Fuchu He*. Comprehensive Proteome  Industrial Analytial Chemistry Analysis of Mouse Liver by Ampholyte-free  Experiments of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Liquid-phase Isoelectric Focusing. Electrophoresis. 2008, Analysis 29, 2372~22380. Selected Publications  Huizhi Fan and Gang Chen. Fiber-packed channel bioreactor for microfluidic protein digestion. Proteomics  Hui-zhi Fan, Hang Liu, Chen Zhang, Dong-mei Gao, Qun 2007, 7, 3445–3449 Xue, Jun Chen, Rui-xia Sun, Yin-kun Liu*, Peng-yuan  Zhong H, Zhang Y, Fan HZ*, Yang PY. Combination of Yang*. Comparative Proteomics and Molecular liquid isoelectric focusing and 2-DE applied to the Mechanical Analysis in CDA-II Induced Therapy of analysis of alkaline proteins. CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF LCI-D20 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Model. Journal of CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE, 2006, 27# 10$ : Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2009, 135( 4): 1830~1834 591-602.  Huizhi Fan, Zhi Chen, Luyan Zhang, PengyuanYang,

83 荧光分光光度计 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer

X射线荧光光谱仪 X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

元素分析仪 Elemental Analyzer

核磁共振仪 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 多晶X射线衍射仪 X-ray Diffractometer

气相色谱/质谱仪 Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometer

扫描电子显微镜 Scanning Electron Microscope

红外/拉曼光谱仪 Fourier Transform Infrared-Raman Spectrometer 气相色谱仪 Gas Chromatography

电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪 Inductively Couples Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer

原子吸收分光光度计 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

液相色谱仪 High Performance Liquid Chromatography 红外光谱仪 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer

紫外分光光度仪 Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer