Bid Evaluation Report

1. Name of Procuring Agency: Sindhi Adabi Board,

2. Tender Reference No: 1NF/KRY-1860/2015

3. Tender Description/Name of work/item: Wooden/ Steel Furniture Articles

& Method of Procurement: Single stage two envelope

5. Tender Published: SPPRA Sr. No.24253 & (Daily Dawns Jung & Kawish) Print & Electronic Media (SPPRA ID No. & News papers names with dates) 6. Total Bid documents Sold; Four (04)

7. Total Bids Received: Three (03)

8. Technical Bid Opening date: (if applicable) 01-06-2015 (Provide details in separate form)

9. No. of Bid technically qualified (if applicable): Three

10. Bid(s) Rejected: Nil

11. Financial Bid Opening date: 01-06-2015

12. Bid Evaluation Report:

Cost offered Comparison Name of Ranking Reasons for by the with S No Firm or in terms acceptance/ Remarks Bidder Estimated Bidder of cost rejection cost 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 M/s Jawed Trading Corporation II d/ Kyc Comparative M/s Mass statement 2 International attached Hyderabad M/s Shobby 3 Traders. I lvderabad

(Ghul. m Ryder Kachhi)— Member Member

(Sikandar Ali Shah) Chairman

SINDHI ADAI3I BOARD JAMSHORO, SINDII Comparative statement of rates quoted by the various dealers I • Mls Jawed r MIs Mass MIs MIs Jawed MIs Mass : MIs Shabby Sr Particular Qty Trading ' International Shobby International Traders Corporation Hyderabad Traders, Colfrpaord iantgion Hyderabad Hyderabad ' I I Hyd/ Kyc Hyderabad ! Total Amount Totall14 A 0m0o0unt I Total Amount : Supenor Executive Table with rack and 02 94000 57000 125000 ' 188000 250000 Chairs (7x3.5) Imported For Chairman R. Secretary Office I 2. ' Meeting Table 01 435000 292000 350000 435000 292000 350900 (One Chairman Char and 20 chars for members; . 3. Executive Table with side rack (4x6) i 09 34000 32500 23000 306000 292500 237009 . f or Officers (BPS-171 I 4. Executive Revolvinhairs 09 17500 16000 18000 157500 162000 5. Assistant Executive Table with side rack px5) , 10 I 24000 26400 19000 240000 26400014400 190000 For Officer (BPS-15) I 6. Asst. Executive Revolving Chairs 10 12500 12000 15000 ',7265000000 ' 120000 160003 7. Office Table Standard Size 4x2.5 8 9500 12000 12000 I 96000 96000 8. I Chairs for Staff 8 8800 7200 70400 I 57600 72000 9. Computer Chairs 10 5950 6200 30033009 59500 i 62000 _ ! 40003 10. Visitor Chairs 30 9000 2650 2300 270000 79000 69000 11. I Sofa Set Seven Seated 02 89000 72000 75000 '78000 ! 144000 150000 12. Steel Panel Rack for Bookshop Store (9x3x3) • 10 21900 20200 24000 219000 : 202000 240000 (Heavy Duly and Portable with Angles) Total! 2324400 I 1867600 1986000 As per the comparative statement the rates quoted by Ms Mass International Hyderabad at the total cost of Rs 18676001= is the lowest According the Purchase & Procurement committee recommended the rates to Supply the best quality of furniture and fixture being the lowest. )

I 1 - (Ghulam Hyder Kachhi) I (AsIT-Pervez Khero) Member Committee Officer Sindh llniversty in RP';-18 1 , Member Committee (Sikandar Ali Shah) .;mama- Comm •:ee

• \icon ntytOffico - '31** ;01( I ahP%inn II I inshore

• 111101 SINDHI ADABI BOAItit) • t't Tilt> JAMSHORO, SINDH Comparative statement of rates quoted by the various dealers —M/s Jawed M/s Mass M/s M/s Jawed M/s Mass M/s Shobby Sr. Particular Qty Trading International Shobby Trading International Traders Corporation Hyderabad : Traders, Corporation Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyd/ KYc Hyderabad Total Amount Total Amount Total Amount 1. Superior Executive Table with rack and 02 94000 57000 ' 125000 188000 114000 250000 Chairs (7x3.5) Imported For Chairman & Secretary Office 2. Meeting Table 01 435000 292000 350000 435000 292000 350000 (One Chainnan Chair and 20 chairs for members' 3. Executive Table with side rack (4x6) 09 34000 32500 23000 ! 306000 292500 207000 For OfficersjBPS-17) 4. Executive Revolving Chairs 09 17500 16000 18000 157500 144000 162000 5. Assistant Executive Table with side rack (3x5) • 10 24000 26400 19000 240000 264000 190000 For Officer (BPS-16) 6. Asst. Executive Revolving Chairs 10 12500 12000 16000 125000 120000 160000 7. Office Table Standard Size 4x2.5 9500 12000 12000 76000 96000 96000 8. 1 Chairs for Staff 8 8800 7200 9000 70400 57600 72000 9. Computer Chairs 10 5950 6200 4000 59500 62000 40000 10. Visitor Chairs 30 9000 2650 2300 270000 79500 69000 11. Sofa Set Seven Seated 02 89000 72000 75000 178000 144000 150000 12. Steel Panel Rack for Bookshop Store (9x3x3) 10 21900 20200 24000 219000 202000 240000 ; (Heavy Duty and Portable with Angles) Total 2324400 1867600 1986000 As per the comparative statement the rates quoted by Ms. Mass International Hyderabad at the total cost of Rs.18676001= is the lowest. According the Purchase & Procurement committee recommended the rates to Supply the best quality of furniture and fixture being the lowest. ,zx

(Ghulam Hyder Kachhi) (Aslf ervez-Frjr Khero) Member Committee Officer Sindh Universty in BPS-18 Member Committee (Sikandar Ali Shah) Chairman Committee Participation sheet of Purchase Committee Sindhi Adabi Board, Jamshoro.

Owed: 01-06-2015

S. Vo Annue Designation Signature N1r. Sikandar Ali Shah Chairman licut ion: Administrati c Officer Shunt' Adahi Board

Ali. Chtattm Ilvder Kachhi Ntember Accounts ()nicer Sindhi :Adabi Board

Niy. As! 11 Pervez Khero Member Sindh Universt; in BPS-18

'( — ,--- _ 4 countsOfficer- --- trin'elfiii1dabiBoilrtl Iaim.h or. • SIGNATURE SHEET OF VARIOUS DEALERS OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES

Dated: 01-06-2015

S..Vo Participate Dealers Si:gm:lure I i\ I's Jawed Trading Corporation I la dial-chat"' Karachi

's Mass Intiarna • 1 lycliarabad I a, Shobby Traders, 11,, (Iotabad

Nitis Al-Qasech Traders, I lydera bncl

• it icotiritstIfficet Sir.dt1M ar,,,Ht.

• C SINDHI ADABI BOARD P.).fre kr:5 ;;-•••' lamshoro, Sinn

Ref. Estt(S/IM/2015/ /%' 5- Dated: 2-5-OC 70/S

Officer Order

the Purchase and Procurement Committee constituted the

following MCI trbers for the purchase furniture tor the financial \ car 2014-13

I. Mr. Sikandar Ali Shah Chairman Administrative Officer

2 Mr. (Holum I Ivder Kachi lemher Account (Miter

3. Mr. Asir Pervee/ Khero Nlemher Sindh l Ent vers it v Officer 13PS- I

Secretary ,

Copy lo: I Mr. S11,3indal ,Ali Shah. Adounisilat e Officer. 33 1[1311a. 1,1[JH 133tt31 (3133dem IIIJer Kaella CCOLMI Uliiecr. SintIhr AJeii Boalal 3 Mr- Aslf 1)ur‘ CC/ Khero. Sindh hniacr,in ()tlicei, BPS IS

---\)1(1 irlirMthibrMoard

Telepnooe NIL Mewl 011ice: 92-2uV13411-9213Milleolt Ship 141.110212103019 (malt tillilifillbeValtopi gin webilltwwvistimilitattataliwitAly NO: SO (P)/7-186/2004-05 EDUCATION AND LITERACY DEPARTMENT Karachi, the dated:dB January, 2015 ORDER REVENUE COMPONENT

NO:50(P)/7-186/2004-03 Sanction is hereby accorded to release an amount of Rs.5.000 million (Rupees Five million, only) being a :total allocation 2014-15 (Revenue c0r- he: .sr0) in respect of -the approved on-going ADP scheme namely -Improvement of Facilities & Ald'tfon / Alteration at Sandhi Adabi Board Jamshorol'IADP No.502 of 2014- :3 under Education Sector' Misc. on going/ •

The amount is further placed at the disposal of Secretary Sindhl Adbi Board ;HDTO during the current financial year 2014-15.Object-wise codes and gem-wise details for the released amount are given below:- : TO CH° Noy. (Rs. in million)

Funds Allocation . Funds C' eject Classification i Already 2014-15 Demanded - Released 100% L— Printing B.: Publication of Books 2.000 2.000 1 1 Others Miscellaneous 0300 0.500 TO /Contingencies 02' 'Purchase of En:min:Mc R. Fixture-- 2.500 —2:300 Total 5.000 - j 5.000 I

The sanction has been accorded subject to following terms and conditions:

The sanctioned amount should be disbursed to all the subordinate off zes/executing agency within three days of receipt of the same. A Certificate/intimation to this effect should be provided to Finance Department; No expenditure shall be incurred on development scheme(s) till Administrative Approval isissued/authenticated by the Competent Authority; 't may be ensured that the expenditure on development scheme(s)/project(s) s bc uld not exceed Current Financial year ADP Allocation or actual release(sl whichever is 'ess. The concerned officer should be held personally responsible `or any excess expenditure/any liabfity created beyond authorization; ' shell be responsibility of the executing officer to reconcile the expend ture Accountant General Sindh/District Accounts Officers/Treasury Officers; v) It may please be ensured,that all required codal formalities are fulfilled before utilization of the above funds. Accountant General Sindh, District Accounts Officers/Treasury Officers shall ensure that all audit formalities are adhered to before clearing Hills); •

The above amour: will ne drawn from Accountant Genmal Sinsh, Karachi/District Accounts Officer (concerned/ on presentation of MILD/ duly signed by the Principal Accounting Officer/DOD concerned; The amount will be debitabIe to the head of Account "SC22051 (051) 09- Education Affairs & Services ,(Revenue)-093-Tertiaw Education Affairs Services-0931-Tertiary Education Affairs & 5ervices-09101-General Universities/Coileges/Insth utes" dur rg current fina no a I year 2014-15.


NoMOSOithey-V)Edu-2(12)/2005-06 Karachi, the datecKA 09-',2015

A coo' is forwarded for information and necessary action to the Accountant 4110 Sirdh, Karachi.

\> $C-Ffda • R • ENT 22- "/-tiKUA2 WU 414.1.'.• 7 ; - nen. -U26/20121.05 thc alareclut, 221h 1L Copy is forwarded for information and necessary action tgi NAT( viity h (ED

Secretary, Sin Mai Adabi Bord Jamsnoro - 2 The S to Secretary Education, Goverment of Sinch. Ka r orLddar 3 The P.A. to Additional Secretary (RD8(1), Education DC2ti , soS, Karachi. a Master File.

evil/ADP/50)-741 Date°.

Our -i\Siv1/4-

i73 tCFF'= “Iil41(labil3oard woi shot • SINN ADABI BOARD, JAWSNORO

The Sindhi Adabi Eoard invites sealed tender for the purchase/ supply of furniture articles from various dealers/ supplier; and manufactures as per detail given bellow. Sr. • • T Particular Estimated No Cost Wooden/ Steel furniture 2.500 articles _J 1. The tender documents showing the description of the articles, along with tern; & condition of the supply/ purchase can be obtained from the office of the Secttkary Sindlil Adabi Board, Jarnshoio on the payment of Rs.2500Aa during the office hours. 2 The sealed tender, along with technical envelope will be received of the 20th day of Publication of This invitation up to 11:00am and will he opened on the same day in presence of the bidders or their representative who like to witness the opening in the tender. 3. The tender notice is also placed on the website of the SPPRA Karachi and the Sindhi Adabi Board, r'tti Jamshoro. $,(• "r,---- oti 930N ' INF•KRY No. ISC0!2015 Secretary, c tbt

pi Mita VI IN) — -W1130107'

9154 H Pewitrorr,

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PiniTe art' rier*irr ogrortf _ _ _ . The Largest (:,irculated Sintitii Daily of



- - countsOfficer SiodfitAilabiBoard amsh on;