#11 1st July 2021 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Primary School Newsletter ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— “Truth is Trust; seek the right path” Sports Camp Report

On Monday 14th June 38 Year 7 and 8 students, Miss Curtis and Luana boarded the bus to head to Sports Camp at Totara Springs, Matamata. With the weather not being the best the children stayed in great spirits throughout the week, lifting to anoth- er level each day. Throughout the week many different sports were played including things like Basketball, Netball, Rugby, Spikeball, Wallball, Croquet, Table Tennis and Darts to name a few. We all had a great week, making many memories along the way to winning 6 trophies and runners up in 6 other sports. With this we came 3rd overall which is an amazing achieve- ment. Well done to all involved. A massive thank you to our wonderful parent helpers, Nathan McAnnalley, Richard Roberts, David Meadows, Louise Browning, Kylie King and Susan Fell for all your hard work over the week to ensure the children had a fantastic time and were able to create many memories from this camp.

Hunter Gudgeon - I found Sports Camp a highlight of the year so far. Going from one sport to another was a rush for me especially if my next sport was all the way on the other side of the camp and I needed to change my shoes. My favourite sports that I played at Sports Camp was Spikeball and Table Tennis because we did win it but it also made you nervous when you got into the finals because everyone was looking at you.

Lukas Kjoss - I was surprised, I got 2 goals in hockey as i'm not a player, it was my 1st attempt. I liked playing the sports I had been chosen for. I loved the bus ride, singing with others, going crazy while having jokes on the bus. The next people to go to sports camp, some advice is play hard whether your doing good or not, keep playing hard.. I enjoyed sports camp and I would go again if I had another chance.

Jamie Fell: I think Sports Camp was an overall great experience, I liked the way that we got to try new sports and have fun while doing it. My favorite sport was Totora Tag which we came runners up to Omokoroa. For me the best moment was at the Touch final when we were tied at full time so we had to drop down to 5 players. Then we were still tied so we had to continue playing with 1 Girl and 2 Boys, I found it really hard to adapt but we ended up runners up for that. My favourite memory was when I was playing a sport and realised I had the peg on me which you don’t want to end up with at the end of the day! At sports camp I learnt that I can push through to get the job done.

Eva Bogun: In Sports Camp there are lots of fascinating sports like darts, bowls and human foosball. It is quite fun to be there and a very special experience for me. Some things that were exciting for me were getting our cheer outfit (t-shirt and hat), being in the gym cheering other schools on and getting half the gym cheering for us and some others. I was very lucky to be picked and am hoping to get in next year.

Shoji Croy: Sports Camp was a great opportunity for physical education, as well as it being a substantial competition for Te Rapa Primary annually. I enjoyed the whole event, but especially when my teammates were happy, laughing and smiling. An important value to pick up from this event was Teamwork (The “T.” in “H.E.A.R.T”); nobody was alone in any sport, and we all were as one. Thank you to everybody who helped us, whether that is parents, Miss Curtis & Luana, or anybody else who supported/ helped us.

Kynan Teutenberg: For sports camp Luana and Miss Curtis did a good job picking the sports we were in because all the sports I was in I liked. I was a little bit nervous about what the food was going to be like. The weather wasn't the best but other than that it was awesome.

Jada Carter: Sports camp was a really fun experience because it was a great opportunity to learn new sports and meet new people and make new friends. It was also a good time to learn more about sportsmanship. I loved playing new sports that I had never played before and some I have never even heard of. Some highlights I had were when we had a visitor from another school sleepwalking come into our dorm around 1:00 in the morning, then she left and then in the morning Miss Curtis and Luana were saying that this girl came into their room too!

Kiana Henderson-Smith: Sports camp was a really fun, positive experience because it was a great opportunity to try and learn more sports and meet new people. It was also good to learn a lot about sportsmanship. I loved playing all the sports that I have never played before and some I’ve never even heard of. I learnt a lot about teamwork and what it means to work as a team. We also had funny moments on our trip like when someone from another school sleepwalked into our dorm late at night. Overall sports camp is a really good experience and it’s something to look forward to if you're younger.

Dryden Marsh: Anyone who is thinking about going to sports camp don't think twice. It's super fun and you won't regret it. Yes there are a lot of sports but you'll find a way. It is very tiring playing sports all day but if you're going it's what you love.

Lucas Foster: Some of my favorite highlights at sports camp was definitely the food! I also liked hockey because I haven't played it in a long time, since I was a little kid. Another thing that worked well for me was the cheer because it was super fun and I did my part really well. A funny thing was Jesse was pretending to give people the peg by pinching them Jesse got the peg, I found that really hilarious.

Principal Mr Vaughan Franklin Deputy Principal Mrs Christine Troon Head of Junior School Mrs Jane Franklin Head of Senior School Mrs Paula Brinsden BOT Chairperson Mr Anthony Pearse www.terapa.school.nz Principal’s Column

Te Rapa Primary School “Regional Sports Tournament” ….. 3rd Place 2021 Our Te Rapa Primary sports team had a very successful week long sports tournament this year finishing 3rd overall at the 2021 “TOWN & COUNTRY SPORTS CAMP” in Matamata. Other schools involved were from the Bay of Plenty, Auckland, , Counties and Northland areas. We maintained a consistent standard of performance all week across all sporting contests and were able to gain a number of semi-final places in lots of the codes. We also reached a good number of the finals too, and although we were not able to win every final we did have an exceptional record in lots of events where we gained valuable points. The over-all winning school at this prestigious regional event is the school with the most points gained across the entire week. Our Te Rapa team were coached by Miss Trudie Curtis and Ms Luana Wickliffe, and were well managed by a great team of parents too. We are very proud of our entire team, and I am sure they are already starting to plan ahead for next year.

Showing and Living Te Rapa HEART Values Setting our Children Up for Success WHAT’S HOT Parents are asked to regularly remind your children about our Te Rapa HEART values / principles which guide us as a school. We need you to do this often, and we need you to endorse each area Te Rapa 3rd Place at 2021 Sports Camp too please eg. …… Tournament H = honesty, Te Rapa children and parents showing E = excellence, These things help us grow our boys into fine young men, and our Te Rapa HEART A = aroha / caring, girls into fine young women who have the confidence and ability R = respect, and to step away when they see something happening that is not right. A new NZ Flag flying on the Flagpole

T = teamwork. School staff are doing this here at school every day, but we need you to step them through Te Rapa H. E. A. R. T at home too because we all seem to be working significantly harder on WHAT’S NOT attitude / behaviour with young children than we were 5+ years ago. Sadly, our Police report a similar trend with our young people in the community too. This shift in emphasis is impacting on Extra chilly mornings a teacher’s ability to focus on “teaching” and “learning”. We all need to set our children up for success every day, and we must not let our standards slip otherwise achievement levels erode. Children attending school when they are unwell Every parent can help us change this starting with your own child(ren) at home, so actively promote the Te Rapa HEART values at every opportunity in your family, just as we are doing here at school COVID-19 still around … please be safe every day. It does work well, when we are all onboard doing it together.

Student Leaders & other Students Helpers We applaud every student who has had responsibility this year at Te Rapa Primary School. Your contribution so far is appreciated by your peers and by staff. We acknowledge the time you give to completing your duties and responsibilities, and we also know that the demands attached to leadership are not always easy. Good luck for the remainder of the 2021 school year. Student Voice Student Leadership – What does it look like at Te Rapa Primary School ? Student leadership is encouraging people to conquer fears and motivating them to achieve their goals. Our school, Te Rapa Primary, has different opportunities which are really good like a large swimming pool or the opportunity to go to sports camp or become a future leader. Our school gives children a chance to have different roles and opportunities which starts them off for a good future. Te Rapa makes me happy that I personally have had those opportunities and it makes me feel like I belong. It's nice being able to help students, staff and others around our school and be a good role model. I really enjoy attending Te Rapa and I like how everyone is kind and friendly. I have learnt lots and have made heaps of friends too. by Lucas R.19 Year 8 Student Councillor

Student Leadership is a program promoting responsibility at Te Rapa Primary School, that instils leadership and also many other qualities into young leaders. It’s also a way to give back to our school and community. Te Rapa actively fosters future leaders in school by giving many, many opportunities to help us develop leadership skills by giving us small jobs that can help a lot. I feel Te Rapa instils school pride / spirit by creating this atmosphere where everything is happy and enjoyable for all students. I feel Te Rapa is a great school that fosters many types of students to grow into something / someone much bigger. by Alex R.21 Year 8 Student Councillor MATARIKI “Celebration” Evening Event Monday 28th June Many thanks to those whanau (school families) that came along to our MPRoom on Monday evening. It was a nice group, and we were able to go through and sing our school song together, and also learn the actions. We also went through a Matariki song too and learnt the words / actions. Thank you to those who did bring along some soup for your whanau, and some to share too. If you didn’t then please remember to do so next time. Our Whanau Group will now meet to discuss the evening, and they may decide to do it all again next year as part of our school’s acknowledgement of Matariki (Maori New Year).

A NEW Flag Flying Proudly Many thanks to grandparents Mr & Mrs Williamson who have generously donated a brand new NZ flag to our school. It is now proudly flying on our school flagpole, and it looks great.

Sick Students – Should not be attending School Please Te Rapa Primary is a large institution with many students / staff and we ask that parents keep your son / daughter at home if they are not well. If your child is away sick please contact the school office on 8492232 after 8am and before 9.15am on the day. Principal’s Column Page 2

Being Well Informed Communication and Sharing Information There are lots of ‘neat’ things in our fortnightly school newsletter, and on our school APP and also on our school webpage. As a parent / carer of a child attending our school you will also receive notices sent home too. It’s important that you know what’s going on in your child’s school, and it’s important that your child knows about these things too. I’m asking parents and carers to try to find a little time to read through the newsletter with your children at home, and / or share with them information on the school APP / webpage or sent home in a notice. If appropriate get them to read it to you. Sit together at the kitchen table or perhaps on the couch and use it as an opportunity to interact with your child about their school. It is a form of communication that we as adults can use to help focus our children. We sometimes overlook this. It is important that the student’s hear about any acknowledgements relevant to their age group and their syndicate level too, or the sports / cultural / arts activities we are all involved in. It is equally important that they also understand any new messages / guidelines being shared too. It is their school so let’s endeavour to highlight the things relevant to them, and let them share event details with you too. Try to do it as soon as possible following a publication so they are up-to-date with what’s going on. Thanks for helping us with this at home. Valuing the People Close to Us Please Consider …. The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the questions straight through ….. and consider your answers. At the end you'll get his point. 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world ? School Holidays Pending …. 2. Name the last three Heisman trophy winners ? Enjoy Your Children 3. Name five people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize ? They grow up way too fast ! 4. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress ? 5. Name the last decade's worth of World Cup winners in a few sporting codes ? How did you do? Here's another quiz ….. See how you do on this one ! 1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school ? Community Update 2. Name 2 - 3 friends who have helped you through a difficult time ? Measles (& Flu) ALERT …. 3. Name 3 - 4 people who have taught you something worthwhile ? Visit the Dr if your children are unwell. 4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special ? Sick Students – Must stay at Home 5. Think of 4 - 5 people you enjoy spending time with ? The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday, yet none of them are second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But as the applause dies, awards tarnish, achievements are forgotten and accolades & certificates are buried with their owners, it is those who have really “touched your heart” and have helped “shape you” who are often much, much closer to home …. that we should value most !

JULY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Term 2 Ends : 3.00pm Friday – 9th July Full School Assembly School Closed – July 10th to July 25th Friday 9th July 9.15am MPR Term 3 Begins : 8.30am Monday - July 26th Parent – Teacher “Mid Year” Conferences Week 2 Next Term Thank you to those parents / carers who will be attending a Conference with your child’s teacher(s) early next Term. These are scheduled over 2 x evenings on Wed. 4th & Thurs. 5th August and are an important part of Te Rapa’s reporting schedule. Please keep these dates free and book a Conference time(s) on-line to ensure you have an opportunity to discuss student progress in a structured setting with your child’s teacher. Working together we can plan a pathway for ongoing improvement, and we can also shape up goals designed to “map out” where to next, and create a programme for learning for your child based on their current needs. We will need your assistance helping from the home too. We know that our students are more focussed and stay on task longer if they turn up at school with the right attitude and behaviour. These things are crucial, and are the foundations for good learning … so please constantly communicate your expectations to your child so they achieve their potential. We look forward to hosting you for Conferences in early August. REMINDER – Early School Finish NOTE - Week 2 Next Term : Wed. 4th & Thurs. 5th August Conferences Evening #1 Bell sounds at 2.00pm Wednesday 4th Aug. (Wk 2) Conferences Evening #2 Bell sounds at 2.00pm Thursday 5th Aug. (Wk 2) Children will be dismissed for the day at 2.00pm on both these afternoons Bus Fares Increasing From Emma Smythe (Waikato Regional Council) From Monday 12 July bus fares will change, with Hamilton fares increasing from $1.70 to $2 on Bee Card. Cash fares will be $4, so it’s better to bus with Bee. Fare capping will be introduced on Bee Card, making it cheaper for regular bus users. With fare capping those 18 and under will pay a maximum of $15 per week – and can use the bus as many times as they want within Hamilton from Monday to Sunday. To get these cheaper fares (1) Get a Bee Card, (2) Create your account online, (3) Register your card with your birthdate to get the discounted youth capping fare, (4) Tag on and off the bus, (5) Once you use the bus eight times a week, every trip following is free. Visit busit.co.nz to find out more, including the new regional bus fares and capping rates.

TE RAPA PRIMARY SCHOOL 2022 and 2023 Enrolments www.terapa.school.nz Have you enrolled your child(ren) at Te Rapa Primary School for next year and beyond. Please see office staff NOW regarding any new enrolments who are likely to start next year, or the year after (2023 and 2024). We need to know about these children in advance.

Thank you for your continued support of Te Rapa Primary Waikato’s Top School 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019. …… a full primary school where “everyone knows your child’s name” V W Franklin (Principal) and Staff Making Bookings for Learning Conferences

Wednesday 4th August and Thursday 5th August 2021 The bookings will open today at 3.30pm. What to do: Go to this address: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz Click on the link ‘MAKE A BOOKING’— at the top right of your screen.

Enter this code: 8tm23 and then you will be guided through the booking process.

Booking conferences is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3: First enter your email address and full name of who is coming to the conference/s

Then enter the FULL NAME/S of the child/ children the conferences are for. It is important to include the last name (surname) too so that children can be clearly identified.

On the next page, choose the teachers you want to meet with. .

Then you will see a timetable showing when your chosen teachers are available. Simply click on the times that suit you.

When you are finished making the booking/s, your conference timetable will be emailed to you. If something comes up and you want to change times, you can return to the site and change them with any that are still available. You will receive a confirmation email to the email address you supplied. You can also print the list of bookings if you wish. Support is available: If you do not have internet access or need help, assistance will be available in the school’s Digital Media Centre. Ask at the school office and the Deputy Principal will assist you.

IMPORTANT: There is only room for one conference for each student. In the case of separated parents, we ask that you either attend together with your child or that another arrangement is made with the teacher. Please do not attempt to book two conference time slots online for the same child as there are not enough time slots for this across the whole school. Why meeting is so important:

Students have the opportunity to talk about their learning in key areas of the curriculum and to share their goals. Our confer- ences are student-learning focused Teachers are able to discuss progress and any areas of need, based on data from assessments and ongoing class programmes. Parents/ Caregivers are able to form a clear picture of how their child is progressing and how home and school can work in partnership to support their child. Christine Troon Deputy Principal

Te Rapa Primary School Empowering Learners for Life Celebrating Cultures Day

On Friday 11th June, Te Rapa Primary held their first Celebrating Cultures Day. Children were able to choose two cultures represented atTe Rapa Primary school that they were inter- ested in. Between morning tea and lunch on the Friday children were introduced to a culture through language, clothes, food, art, music, traditions, games and celebrations. Some cultures had parents of Te Rapa children and some had children themselves share their culture. It was an awesome day and great to hear all the wonderful things chil- dren learned.

Mad Hair Day Thank you so much for bringing your mad hair and hats to school, it is always a fun time to see your creations! The winning house was Matai, and together we donated $357.20 to the Neonatal Trust to help them continue to do the good work they do. Great job everyone! The PTA

I liked it at the start because there were so many people!. As we took off we had to run up a steep hill and at the end I was covered in disgusting mud!

I really enjoyed the Tough Guy/Gal Competition. The best part was getting muddy!

Tanner Gudgeon, Room 15

My moment of Fame in the middle of Mud The feeling of hope surrounded me after the speaker had started to announce The spot prize winner’s names. I look down at my half clean shoes and say a silent prayer. It’s hard to hear the speaker around all the excited kids. The speaker finishes reading the list of names and then moves onto the next prize: an adventure camera. He says this is perfect for filming the whole mud run next year. He starts speaking, “The winner is… A person. From…. A school. And that school’s name is… Te Rapa, The winner is Jana van der Merwe!!!!” An overwhelming feeling of disbelief crosses my mind. At the sound of my name my cheeks flush as red as a tomato. Making my way to the stage I feel the jealous stabbing of elbows trying to block me from the stage. On top of the stage a lady congratulates me and takes a photo of me and the Ronald Mcdonald house representative. I collect my prize and head down to my disbelieving friends. I am so excited to capture exciting ad- ventures with my adventure camera. Jana van der Merwe Room 18 Inter School House Competition

totara rimu KAURI Matai

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Sport Result Player of the Day Fairplay Hockey Week 5 Te Rapa Tigers vs Aberdeen Kings Loss 3-2 Nicole Madeline OXFORD PIE FUNDRAISER

Thank you to all our families here at Te Rapa Primary School who got behind the Oxford Pie Fundraiser. We were lucky enough to raise just over $1800 for Netball and help us to source other sports equipment here at Te Rapa Primary School. A big thank you to Belinda Munster for organising this and to the wonderful group of PTA parents and parents from our school who gave up their day to help sort all of the orders. Your help is very much appreciated. What’s happening in week 9 & 10

Strictly Jump Jam Event PTA Meeting 7th July - Year 3 & 4 compete for the Strictly 7th July - 7.30pm Staff Lounge Jump Jam Event

Last Day of Term 2 Full School Assembly Friday 9th July, school finishes 3pm Friday 9th July, 9.15am Wednesday Lunches Term 2

Thank you St Pierre’s Sushi for supporting us! Wednesday 7th July

Order forms will come home every Tuesday and orders need to come directly to the MPR kitchen between 8.15-9am. The proceeds of this fundraising will go towards Year 5 & 6 school camps.

Community Notices Beards! Beards! Beards! 19th – 23rd July, 10:30am & 1pm shows daily and 7pm on July 21 & 23. “Attend the twisted tale we bring, If you will lend your ears, About a girl who dared to dream That she should have a beard…” Beards! Beards! Beards! tells the tale of one young girl’s increasingly inventive efforts to grow the world’s most magnificent beard. Armed with bubble bath and canned spaghetti, join a madcap and hilarious musical romp as our plucky young heroine shakes up social rules and attempts to answer the questions that have puzzled mankind since the dawn of the beard… Winner of Best Theatre at the Dunedin Fringe Festival and with rave reviews, Beards! Beards! Beards! was written by Ralph McCubbin Howell and originally performed by Trick of the Light Theatre. The Meteor is proud to present their own version of this hilarious and original piece of theatre for the July School Holidays, directed by Meteor Kids Show veteran Jono Freebairn and featuring local performers Hannah Doherty, Benny Marama and Jermaine Clover. A must-see for bearded and non-bearded beings alike, the show is suitable for kids 5-13, and for those who are still kids at heart. Tickets are only $9 for children under 16, and $13 for adults! For tickets and more information visit http://themeteor.co.nz/event/beards-beards-beards- by-ralph-mccubbin-howell/

Yoga for Children 8-12yrs in . Children learn how to breathe to help with calmness, sleep and anxiety. Increase flexibility, strength and mental

Hamilton City Netball Centre - HCNC have the below skill camps running during two weeks off the July school holidays. Skill camps are skill based programmes run for all different levels to participate in focused on development for players. Please see the HCNC website for more information and to register: https://netballhamilton.org.nz/poipoia-te-manawa Year 1-6 - 1 day Skill camps - Thursday 15th July OR Thurs- day 22nd July. $50 per camp, 9am-3pm. Year 7 & 8 - 2 day Skill camp - Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st July, $100, 9am-3pm. U14 and U16 - 2 day Skill camp - Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th July, $100, 9am-3pm. Phone 07 847 4007 or email [email protected]

SuperSmash July Holiday Programme. A fun-filled programme for everyone. Come along to join in on some skills and game based sessions. A great way to warm up for the season coming, with something to suit everyone. Day 1: Thursday 22 July, Day 2: Friday 23 July. The programme will run in 2 age groups daily. 9am - 12pm Year 2-5 group. 1pm - 4pm Year 6-10 group. Places are limited and on a first come first served basis. The programme will be held at Waikato University Nets, meaning whatever the weather it is guaranteed to go ahead. Each day will cost $40 per age group session, or $70 for both days. https://play.ndcricket.co.nz/hamilton - sign up link can be found on this web page. Advertising Sponsors

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