Recognized by the European Commission as one of the 6 Key Enabling Technologies, Politicians meet the European photonics industry

Carlos Lee Director General EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium [email protected]

Drew Nelson, CEO of IQE and president of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium, at February 2013 kick-off meeting of European Commission Key Enabling Technologies High Level Group, in presence of 3 European Commissioners. Henk Kamp, Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs, and Pim Kat, CEO of Technobis at opening of new facility on 1 October 2014

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium Geneviève Fioraso, French Minister for Research, and Eric Mottay, CEO of Amplitude Systèmes (1 July2014)

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Lodewijk Asscher (2nd on the left) visits ASML (12 June 2014)

French President meets with Amplitude Systemes’ CEO Eric Mottay at French Tech Hub (February 2014) French President visited the French Tech Hub, located in San Francisco, during his visit to the United States. Host to the San Francisco office of Amplitude Systemes, the French Tech Hub gathers innovative start-up and establish companies and helps them expand into the Silicon Valley and the U.S. Amplitude Systemes has been a partner since 2007 and recently announced the opening of an office and service center in California.

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium Visit to Amplitude Systemes by French politicians: Arnaud Montebourg, Minister or Industry Mrs Fleur Pellerin, Minister in charge of SMEs and Digital Economy Mrs Geneviève Fioraso, Minister of Research (January 2014)

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium Johann Schneider-Amman, minister of economy, education and research, visits the fiber laboratory of the Institute of Applied Physics at the University of Bern (28 August 2013)

President of Francois Hollande visits iXBlue which owns specialty optical fibers manufacturer iXFiber (8 August 2013)

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium Des membres de Photonics Bretagne rencontrent le ministre Mr Moscovici à Lannion. Le ministre de l’Économie et des Finances, était en visite à Lannion. Il s’est entretenu avec des industriels du cluster Photonics Bretagne dont D. Pureur (Quantel), T. Georges (Oxxius), B. Cadier (IXBlue), M. Leflohic (Keopsys) (26 August 2013)

are member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel visits laser manufacturer TRUMPF (2 July 2013)

UK Business Secretary Vince Cable visits Rofin-Sinar in Hull on to announce £1.1m funding to support laser development and new factory (8 July 2013)

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium

UK MP David Willetts visits TWI (The Welding Institute) (June 2013)

Matt Spinks demonstrates hand-held laser cutting to David Willetts MP

Le ministre de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, s’est rendu à Lannion sur le site industriel de KEOPSYS, spécialisé dans la conception et la fabrication de lasers à fibre optique, d’amplificateurs à fibres et de systèmes d’équipements optiques pour la Défense.(28 June 2013) Federal President of Germany meets Novaled founders and Future Prize winners at the Technical University of Dresden where he met the scientists who founded Novaled and won the President’s award for technology and innovation. April 2013 La société Kerdry reçue à l’Elysée Jean-Claude Keromnès, PDG de la société Kerdry a été convié par l’Elysée à partager un déjeuner avec le Président de la République François Hollande et 14 autres chefs d’entreprise bretons (tous secteurs d’activités confondues) Lors du repas, chaque entrepreneur breton a disposé d’une quinzaine de minutes pour présenter son activité et remonter au Président ses doléances. Parmi ces remarques, ont notamment été évoqués le besoin de soutenir les entreprises à l’export et de maintenir les crédits d’impôts sans en changer les règles. La société Kerdry dispose d’un savoir-faire unique dans le dépôt des couches métalliques et optiques. Elle adresse des marchés aussi divers que le médical, la défense, l’aéronautique, les télécommunications, l’industrie du luxe… La société compte 13 salariés (23 August 2013)

UK Business Secretary Vince Cable and Danny Alexander, Chief Secretary to the Treasury visit SPI Laser and TWI (The Welding Institute) (15 February 2013)

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium Francois Hollande visits laser manufacturer Amplitude Systèmes (January 2013)

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium French Minister for Higher Education and Research Geneviève Fioraso visits laser manufacturer Amplitude Systèmes (January 2013)

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium Majesty Queen Beatrix and Slovakian President Ivan Gašparovič visit Dutch research center Holst and TU/e Intelligent Lighting Institute (November 2012)

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium President of France François Hollande and Arnaud Montebourg visit Lucibel (29 November 2012) French Minister Fleur Pellerin visits Ekinops , ideaoptical, Ixblue, Kerdry, … Ministre des petites et moyennes entreprises, de l'innovation et de l'économie numérique 18 November 2012

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė visits laser manufacturer EKSPLA (2012) European Commissioner for Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes meets a group op young engineers of Dutch lithography company ASML (Autumn 2012) President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė and former Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius at the opening of the new facility of molecular beam epitaxy foundry of Brolis Semiconducors (2012) European Commissionner for Research, Innovation and Science, Maire Geoghegan-Quinn visits laser manufacturer Light Conversion in Lithuania (2011) Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima, visit solar panel factory Solarwatt in Dresden, Germany (April 2011) Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima, visit Fraunhofer in Dresden (April 2011) French Minister of Industry Christian Estrosi visits 3S Photonics with Nathalie Kosciusko- Morizet (secrétaire d'Etat chargée de la Prospective et du Développement de l'économie numérique) 2009

is a member of EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium France President Nicolas Sarkozy visits optical lenses manufacturer Varioptic (29 June 2007) 199 members companies –