N orth V alliey

- Edition— ^ ------7 4 t f ir y y i e a r , N & r 2 0 6 — ^ T i v i i r F aaUsj-f

:: .RjO:m e e ir t o lb e S fa v e di f r o i•m t r a i n c < u t s WASHINOTON (UPUPD - T h e H ouse Tuesciesday night S e n a te successessfully reverses the Houseje voto are service • JJJWashingt^-New Oricansi "S"Southern CrcscL'ijl." Chicago-Miaml "Floriclorldlan". New York-Kansas Clt d e fe a te d a motion lo to p re se rv e a ll Am lrakk jpassenger between (^Icailcago and Florida, Chlcaiago and Houslon, • ”Washlngton-Monlreal “Mv.jitIv.jitrealor.” •‘National Limited”;d”, Boston-Catlellsburg, Ky W utes for one year,', mmeaning at least somc trainstra likely Boston and Catiettsburg, Ci Ky.. New York Y and Kansas • CiChicago-Los Angeles "Soulhulhwest Li inilod.” . "lllillopper". Chicago-ago-Seattle "Hiawalha”, Oilcagc w ill b csc ra p p e d O c t.1.1. 1. . City, and onene of the two routes bclwcween Chicogo and • OCThlcago-Laredo“ Interamcrinerican," .Houslon "Lone Slar”ar" and one of the three Ne\ The House then bebegan' chipping, away alit President i Seattle. Washington-Clnclnnatti “SheShenandoah." Vork-P'iorlda trains. C a rte r’a .p l a n ' lo. cul 43 percent of the Z27,700-mlle B ut a numbenber of trains clearly wouldIld bc saved e ith e r r,, WWashinplhegntlro system would be cu t—20 perc(jrcentofthesystem. had overwhelmlimlngsupport. Inn addition,I a new train would wo bo sUirled. ruimiiij;If* The House adjoumecm ed for the n ig h t without takin, Acting Transportatiiatlon Secretary W. Grahanlam Claylor The exact: trainstr to be saved will nolot be known with fromm Los Angeles through LasLkIS V egas lo O gden. Ul.ih,I], final acllon on th e Amlrantraicfundingbill. Jr., warned just houn)u'rs before th e House actloition that he certainty untilitil Amtrak applies the minany complicated whereere it would connect wllh the Ihi San Fraiicisci)-Chif;i^o’0 However, the Houseuse approved on a voice vole a: would recommend a vveto of the entire Amtralrak funding provisions lo0 cachci roule. out it was airilmdsl certain lhat train,in. . , am endm ent by Rep.. Robert Ro Duncan. D-Ore., lo provid bill If th e A m trak systeistem w as fro zen . t h ( ^ trains; that th were on the admlnlsilstration’s hil llst Howlowever, these trains wouldId bo1 killed iinlcs.s they are•e' a "regional b alan ce"" to lhe system by preserving mor i Among, the trainsIS almost: certain to die uiunless the will survive: savedcd in the Senate or In a confcrcnce comnililcc;•; train s lhe W est and southouth wesl.

V P*n|«Bat: 0«rp. ' , S3*2 3 m t eAttack / Jurjj i r d i c t : C l , (ft, ^’s ve 0 ^ ■ 8 4 1 1 5 . outrages Bune. will presentpi testimony in ththe ‘scurrilous piece of political demi T h e ju r y o r seven•n meni and five sentencincing phase of the trial; It Is jogucry” by a e v e Cortett, Church' women deliberated six hours and 38 the Juryury's responsibility to mame a__ >ress secretary______— minutes—and~ate~a~a~l>lailcr~dl— ^TMbmmnmendatfon om re'ln prison)n i The letter, with Hansen's nam sandwiches -before*c rinding the deathI In I the electric cnalr for fc ippearing at the top of the group' 32-year-old Bundy gulli’ullly of the first anyoneie convicted of first degrc 1st of'officers, stridently presenl degree murder of Lisaisa Levy, 20. and murder,er," Judge Cowart said aftealter he group’s anti-abortion views an -M argaret Dowmanr^l^ill ' ' Ihevord. Ii3te3lefoim»en^mle& ------T h e y a lso found himilm guilty of the Virtuatually the entire prosecutloutlon ‘‘Abortion m eans killing a livin b eatin g ot three othertier co ed s, two case during < the trial w wa a s )aby, a tiny human being wllh >eaU ng-hftart-anri iilllp Mngftrs - another In an apartiartment several Nitaa Jane Neary, now an ~a ai rt tilling a baby boy or baby girl wit b locks a w ay all11 In the same studentl at Ball State Universit;-slty, )umlng deadh’_. chemicals .or bloody ram p ag e InI TallahasseeT In Muncle,e. Ind., w as th e only cyewlcwlt- wwerful machine .that sucks an the early morning houhours of J a n . IS, ness. She St Identified Bundy as the th ears the little infant from* it 1978. m an J shshe saw In a three-secon nother’swomb,” the letter says. ------“T h ey -d id n ’t give-it-<-It-enough-tlme,” .profllc-c - gJlmpse- fle e in g , th e - ClC hi-_ ^ "These antwife-tjaby-killers-ar wailed Bundy’smolher.ler. Omega>a house h after th e slayings. ilready organizing, working an t But BundVi-who wonvound u p le a d in g The> defense'fou^t di unsucce^fuli 'alslng money, to re-elect prc h is o w n defense, st.stared w ith o u t to iceepep the Jury m im hearing MIjMISS: ibortlonists." the letter-says o( th expression at JudgeI E(Edward Cowart Neary,f, contending she had “nevelever National Abortion Rights .Actio - as the verdict wos.rearead. As he was been certain ce In ner identiricatloi L «a^, a Washington-based organ < led from the courtroomwm he-smiledot Oniyherfierconfldencegrsw”. . cation.. ■ a television camora,■0. “ foren!cnsic dentists Dr..'Rlchar The letter siiys Church and fello spectator and waved to Ihte mother, Souvlrorron of Coral Gables, Fla., an democrats Sen. Georae McGovet " T h e fam ily Is di ^ ^ D r . Uowell w Levine of New York CityCU >/-Soulh D akota. S en . Jo h n Culver 1 ^hlB ,:i.hls motfrr said, «d,^using^gEotesque:-cnlacsi :owar Sen;'Blrch'Bayh' of Indian understand thejury." i of B undy's te e th and MisW ss ind-hcp^Robert-Drinanra-CalboU The strongest part"uld ma ------dtet«ustlfied only in extrem< ircumstances, as wlien the life 0 le mother, would ^ endangered 0: T ra nis-A tlaiintic vo^y a g e er er health sever^y impaired If lh< nds hjarder toostopd ” kUIliregancy were carried tc» term, 01 FALMO_UTH..._Englailand_tU Pl)_-rr-______, bum'hen the pregnancy itself has beet • Americah adventurerr Gerry Spiess BByj LONNIE ROSENWALDD Individual has'lc powiausedby rapeor Incest.” i M steered h is lO-fool sloo|xjp Yanicee G irl - Tlraes-News writer - said Steen, wh< • lean" I believe ho you n g giri shoulc Into a permanent berthth in the rccord GLEf.ENNS FERRY - Some of the conference resoluli moUave to bear the c^ild of a derangec . 7 / . . ooks_Tuesday, ssaliinR Into __natlon'{in's Jeglslators_^w ould lilcelike lo S teen called the - ^aplst "1 or debauched father,’’ hc said. Falmouth harbor aPtthe end of a makee Itll h a rd e r fo r cnvTfoiimcntalrttallsi.'!— sentatlvcT Jf'nhirpt alreiHansenT-TrRepabllcan-who-lost-z • ^4-day solo Journeyy across the and otheroth citizens groups to holdiold up Winchesler said ralsI>68 Senate race with Church, Ij Atlantic In the smallesicsi boal ever to hydropcopowcr projects. an in terv cn o r bill abothonorary c h a irn la n ’’ of Stop th« make the 3,500-milc IripIp- A nnational .organizationon of and Lytle could r Naiv ati Killers, while Ohio Slate Sen J_; Washed overboardi oncc by a legislislators, including Idaho Idi comment.,...... ; uaioriald E. Lukens is chalrman-anc j'. 2(Kfo6t wave and aimoslost ram m ed by ' leglslatilators Sen. J . Wilson SliSleen. But Sen. Ken zaticjthorof the letter. !j>i a school of whales, S|Spiess stepped R-Glenienns F erry , and Reps. Lyman Lyr d e c la re d suc'fi a I HansenTT would not say if he wert •aj unsteadily ash o re andnd said, "Gee, WincheIhester, R-Kuna. and WillVllllam th e In d iv id u al's Dleen honorary chairm an of the group ^ I'm glad to b o o n land.” I^ytle,*, R-Plnehurst, has givenin sup*j reco u rse. o/-S ■ Girl on its - last few/ mlles to the targets,:ls. Winchester said Sierraa CClub Sleen said he - — cond)nduct themselves legally, anc I Comlsh coast, wherec (housands of oppositisitlon to the coal-fired Plor*loneer • in tro d u ce an intc perfiroperly.” ■ spectators lined the shore st lo wave , Power]er p lan t in 1978 Is a n examplnple of year, )«Uihmull/Tlmr»-New. |nfar K American flags cheer. possibleIble applications of the policy.cy. "B u tlw o u ld fa v c . "T ■ "I-wouldn't do it ag;igaln pr advise In m id-July th e National Con:onfer- Copies of the re;k In Tw in F a lls .- • ___(gco)® dl_ ------fl anybody to do it," saidid Spiess, ‘‘T he e n ce of c State Legislatures.:s. an fo rw ard ed to all ■ first two weeks were sherteerhell." appointInted body of m em bersI fifrom and senators, andValley will stay Id sklM wUl b e coj^l ■ -n— H©-- d e s c rib e d - a Jou3umey. -fraught- - leg islatla tu ro s a c ro ss the couniluntry, ' a "magazine dlslrli chari ■ wllh dangers from giant { waves, adoptedted a ' resolution that would wc leg islato rs, S teens;______relat ■ curious whales, and,I, occasionally, makeB iinlervcnors, or people \ B u s i n e s s ...... A 12-14 I ships that passed soso close they protestst a hydroelectric project,. |nnl! - Richard Cellariu C l a s s i f i e d ...... B 8 -1 3 . ■ almost rammbd him. for ios:losses Incurred by delaysvs^he _ • the.Slei missed - disaster st-causcs. -Thosc-costs"fhl-Wi ,ht p a rllc lp a n t a t the . C o m Ic 8 _ .______. . . . . A 7 T lllcrally-by - —protest- an Intervcnor bill ■ yards," said Spiess. ‘"A terrifying includeide legal fees o r Incrcareasca 3,,^ citizei R e l t : SF o o d ...... C l ■ moment came when 1I saw a scnooi conslruiInicllon costs. ^ ^ - circuMagic Valley ...... Bl ■ ..of< w hales. 1 thoughtht they were winclnchester said the policyy \vas^ don’l h a v e larg e SOI ■ heading for Yankee GlGirl and would a im ecd d at ’'little nitplckiCkiiig ” "This would mal North V alley ...... D l-3 ■ 'o v e r tu m ~ u s . B ur afiafler a - close environ■onmenlal things, like thec snail si for folks withoutJ r a m s J.iO b l t u a r l e 6 ...... 8 2 ■ —lnn>ccUon~they.-wcnl -con their-:way - darter.sr."- The-.snail darter,-r,—an even . consider, inl whenO p in io n ...... A 4- - ■ .anddisappeared.’L ngered minute organismsI prv». Dul)llc in tctcsL IlC160 e much power.” causcP e o p l e ...... A 6 ■— -The-worst-partr-aaW■H rtpiessrW -??®id consirucuon oi a damam In Asked whether?ho t su p p o rted th e " I I the loneliness of 54 day esseelastyear. S p o r t s ...... B 5-7 ...... ypj ays at sea with Tennesj envlronmentalislsulion. i have Pl nothlng:but a picture ofol his wife and “Onene Individual has the rightIght lo In re la tio n to largehe resolution repre- raplsV a lle y l i f e ...... C2>4 a ogra# Mark Twal'aln’s collected som ething lh at is bcncfiiicficial considerable flna W e a t h e r ...... A 2 tatub-llkiB 10-foot iM atI t ;W O«^j^pany. to th ec geng eral pulSilc. We feel II 11 ii isn’t S teen rem ark ed . Id " ho would suppori 19®^' - I -fair toto. the public, and thatQt the moneythantheSlerII iri lhe legislature, "honi nol b e reach ed fd r Baby . ; . . . ______Donai 1 Robison, D-Boise, autho I law would re s tric t Hai s righls to legal uie hi but y someone’s right to chair " Robison said, and Amer ubled the Idaho who (Old p ass su c h a m c CI chair ardlng to Sleen. the He 1 pass a similar wrilU , by a "pretty wide” • "joini was.later vetoed by , assist s- - . could J has no plans to condi itervenors bill this ppopc

ivorit,"hesaid. •csolullon have been ,------1 U.S. congressm en d ono will a p p e a r in rll)uled to all slate ]( said. ' ■ius, National Secre- " ® lerra Club,. and a C rto conference, said C III would hurt Indl- ' 'p izens-groups which aurcos of funds. M lake il very (IIHIeuIt N much resources to O inlcrvening in . t h e - O ZdlariufMid. . . ■ —------—y, ■ the bill v.’buld put 5, s at a disadvantage ,, ie corporations With nanclal resources, W "nobody has- fnore ' erraCiub." _____ 1 rFalls.-ldaho ------Wodnoaday-J>/-Julv.25. 1979 • -______anjpg).(d]^ i d e o f‘ t h e ^ EEast f r f o n i aa t e s t l:h e WJest ' es require states to10 put up as much as decisions 3ecl havtTbc^imCTKrand-s; (c) T he Los Angeles Times the West has laken advantage of t ■ *WASIVSHINGTON — The sceneic iiin th e 10 p e rc e n t of the cost of new the »m on protects. programpro{ through the longevity ■ wood-p:i-paneled committee room some of Its powerful senators a; ■ - —Capltot-tot-Hili-would-havc-madc-: lo som e__ The theory Ls,jg lh.ll w ould som he oid Western water d>devel- projectss m ore carefully” ! / coiiffr^mcn: coiij ------B i of the "Wilh this bill,” Moynihan sal ^ opm enf}nf champions of lhe ScSenate they have a flnaranclal stake in them. ' tre m bble k with fury — men likeke Cari In return, ther slates presumably "you yoi wouldn't have lo pp. throu] Congress to get a dam. What are \ • • H aydenlen Of Arizona. Joe O'Mahlahoney would have a greater role in Con] doing-holding-fights on the,floor_ ,------Of WyiVyomlng or " a a l r - Engleigie- of- planning and opercrating the projects;------doln " C alifonomla. But twth Larftrftm and-a California the the Senate over dams? It ^ " Herore on Tuesday, afler all,11, 'were _-offlcial corhplainiined that the Carter baloney!" balo ...... ' V In response, Lamm crllicized tl se n a tolors r talking about lakinging th e leg islatio n in facact gives the states In out of the water developilopment little new resransiisibillty inthe field. Domenicl-Moynihan Don approach fi k b arrel” and rcdlstrlbuliruiing it Most of Tuesc•sday was spent on containing cont “a certain anriount he E a s t' got more andnd the anolher bill, ann alternative to the cannibalism” cam in that It would siphi m K aff mi oney fro m legitim ate projec ^ , traditlo;tional reclamation stales5 olof the Carter plan, spononsored by Sen. Pete off West gogot less. V. Domenici, 6-N•N. m ;, and Moynihan. In inth the West. Further, Lamm said "there is ______T he ddays of using political cloiclout lo Their plan Is ever'cn more radical than . Fi g e n ia n very strong regional resentment ynlhan. svstem of block: grants( to the states thelhe West” to an Eastern attltuc ' . over. ■Sen. Daniel P. Moynl lhat reclamation projects ai D-N.Y.,y., told Colorado Gov. flldtichard that then wouldId decide — rather that giveaways and boondoggles. Lam; _ D. Lamimm. Furtherm ore, he saidaid. the than Congress —- which projects to give >aid most project costs are ropa i a reclammatlon : system "Is a syisystem - build. ,jJ!aid isn't working anymore. It has The bill,.woujuld eliminate the-throiiRrough sales of irrigation water ai ts legitimacy. We are Iryln•ying to tra d itio n a l CTSt*lx•benefit formula used . hydtlydroelectrlc power. re that legitmacy.” - by the Bureau oof R eclam ation a n d OrOn balance, both Lamm ar I J setting was the openlnjling of Army Corps of EEngineers nnd their Ge«3erald H. Meral. deputy director > ngs on proposals, includingIng-one su p p o rte rs In Coirongress to justify a thehe n tto a-museiun.-Rdlout oM jrogfaiirddes not glve.the state an 3rida. The ShutUe OitlUbiter Columbia Is scheduled hearing;h e like — and how lo finance fini be stretched onele way lo justify a prog Keiin^y S,Space Center in Plorl vi‘1 by P res •ear role in planning and operatin ' noo-Iaunchathable vehicle will be flowrwn back to thlsyearwilhilh launch in 1980. , • The 'forum was the water w marginal projecljct or twisted .the real w ay ircep tht subcom m ittee of3f th e o th e r to defeatI an unwanted pro* newlew projects even though it has I and even- watere Environmental and-Pt. Puijlic g r a m ,...... put.)ut.up part of the money. Men r ^ Child hatreced predicted ^ ~ R efu g ee alertal begun if-theSpace------Irrlg a tlos Committee. Moynihan repeaeatedly criticized th e criti(:riticized ‘'one-sided federal wate ed for later and the on whloh w a te r projc)roject planning” that he said ha VERNON. Conn.1. (UPH( — A child pyschch ia trlst . WASHINGTON)N .------: lofm .*>nnnoiinf*(vi Hio fforf*nrlslnn T u e sd a y for a thret r Superior Court JueJudge H arry H am m er wlli/111 hear revoiullonaiy govgovernment In Nlcnragu;i.______Penlrisulg he wns making all accessessary Although Pdres^s said he had not ' — - -final attomeys|argunijuments T h u rsd ay ...... ed re co g n itio n of lhe Uiiin igements. for the orde come to negotl;tla te “ b e c a u s e I -tftNDMARIt- . . . . by the continued m andjiic in Hazolton cracked down1 Tuesday on hold-oul -awal of the force. A Lu.iN. re p re s e n t th c oppo;josllion,” Sadat said f- _^Japan to beeeefdefenses guardsmen plagulg u ln g S an d ln lsta .soldiers w U.N.sman said it would lake ababout he had given himn ,a message to take I S N O W O P E N Ttw. W.->]flhf.heks lo pull oul all U N. forces J:.---J0KYPJUPI)^:J:ir:Japan,.worriedlhat_thcJ)j Jinlance ' iire..______hack to Israeli11 Prime Minister MONDAY^ EVENINGS! ' of power in the FaiFar East may tip in thce Soviet"' Interior Ministlis te r'" T o m a s Borgc- rt-pu:i. txiistercd stalingIier. h ihV Israeli Foreireign Mcnachem Begin: - /V, . Unfon’s, favor, saidaid T uesday it will upgrm;rade its Tuesday that the Santlinlsta Rcvolulionililed .St.ntes. a rra m;rv g i said '‘intensive contac Starting Jiity 30th' It national wilhdrav _ A.sked about UNINEF. Sadat said the • defense forces to counter continuing Soviet I had transformedled .a refugee center fo (wing held with U.S. official; ex p ira tio n of its mandate n would not Dl.D in n o r...... 5 to 10 d and sea fo rces In th earea.I. ' national gudarsm'smen Into a prison camp wllhl( sniper spokesm ■ Increases in ground ai six week;a dispute that cropped upp a;after affect the "new relations” n of pcace lol u n c h ...... 11 to 2 rp.-'. : : i i h e S6vlet Ufilonilon now rivals the Unitedfd States guardsmen fromom leav in g th e c-amp at )vlet Union said il wouldd sveto between Egypt an( ported lulc ’ 'Rarlic ind Israel. " T h e re Is Monday thru Saturday - . both In nuclear capl:apability and military, positisltion in attack Sandinlstaiitajcheckpomts. xtension of the present irm an-. „© pro b lem whalsof lhe U.N. Emergency FoF o rce' ^ r:”' .'said mits annual repoeport. Cross-run camp,p, consisting < of a row of w;for fo rm er „ e r e iwialing Egyptian and Isr; . 1 1 said lh a t in AsAsia, the Russian “forces:es have but said the wive'Ives and children of the glo slop thc solve ;lna c the Sinai. , Ml nlghl lo the Sovl ^ _ J « n qpm»i|vsiy.,•ly as_ w ell as q u an titaita tiv e ly \VouId be free to leave If they wished. Hi H upgraaed and It canan Ib e sa ld 'th n t the Sdviel inlUtary m Red Citss wouldd cicontinuirtoTun the camp. . .. r, .. any exUconiacls took on the charai ir.------r-forces-and-4helr-lr— re a d ln e s fr-a i-a -ju im a t »sldonts . se t out to i-chi[ in lhe R ed {jn,e ofrace against the clock,‘.‘■“i'lff v .C E b i — Improved.” ------— 1..... war*scarred cap:a p lta l. W orkers bei’iinwarehouses. separalii**rTinnidata Iniornailonol. :d . U.S. Virgin Islands lUPlPI) - A during the long; babattles In eastern Managu; P '” ' OU ie.arc°y oand Couniy Nowipopor purtucir»uont 10 Section 6C'100 Idaho ; - CHRISTIANSTED. hulld their of a rai jmmuter plane carrying! Texas' people formed outside ou some faclork-s w; Codf*. Tliof^doday ll horoby doiignotod ot» theIho day ol tho wook on which Puerto Rican comr I .repairing ...... ;;U N E F 's‘ 1 will bo publi>l>od. Publiiliodd doilydo ol 133 Third Suoot Woil. ■ Baptists to an evaniianBCllcal confcrence crasheihed inlo was being distribulIbuted. Anwir "oilcoi w ) place thc nlghl EEgyptian President An\ da1)0 03301. by Mogic Voll«ryy NoNow>pap<>ri. Inc. Sucorid Clati jr.\ . th e cargo are a Of St. Croix's airporl:momunlsnis a fte r I .speaking to reportersTS In po».oj3opoidoJ or Twin Follv Idaho. Timoi.NowiJow»(USPS 63 I 080). ly... m om ing, -killing , efght- liai'i'ioades decisionndrfa, Egypt, said Tuesday -'-tak e „oTf'.Tu^ay,^ D p B ^ di ini p o o r shape ,ua. I.ines of announci laof thc21pcopleon .-.... •onfldenl"tnat '“an-agreemicmcnt u h e io food KDT. IIBSCRIPTION>M R A T E S : Flight 610 were 12 Baptistssts frotn WASHINGTONiN ( (U P l) — T h e Knergj- IX )c reached between Rgjf^Kypt. HOMEDELIVE route to has policy andJ managementr problems. But F ^ERY: ■ BYWlYM AIL:. Abilene, Qyde andti RP isin g ,S tar. Texas, cn roi and the United States ababout SI.OO}0 pur wovk, Poyoble ir> odvoi'co 1;^; an-evangellcal meetleeting on the island of St.I. Kitt.s. w astoldT uesday. Sadal;l)ject ; very soon,” Co|loctod6 MONIHS ...... S37.00 i. C i.n|!a-ss Ilddie .„ E ast w ar came when ? M O N IH S ...... S52.00 WASHINGTON (UPI) (U — The House scsoundly . Energy DepartmeiTient h a d a t le a st four problei en Ine noon o.» Solurdoslav ' ? MC tl-buslng ' amendment to the • It has no0 "clear and consisten Union served notice thathat It DELIVERY SERVIIVICE, coll circulation d e fe a te d a n antl-fc LS s,,ld Ihe ""” “'’1'use its veto power in the; UU.N. doporlmonf 73:33 093 1. M on.-Sun., sday, deciding to leaveve the ■••perspective.” : Constitution 'Tuesda ti^ arm oi TlKrai!ty Council to prevent UNEI^JEK'S 5:00 O '” V 10 '0 00 a.m., li you loil ■=r~ ' " 1 9 0 -y e a r^ ld documeiment “as unimpaired forfor-our;- . there is a lacilack of system atic pjaiming Iq roeolvo yoor.r popor bolorn, 7:00 SI program s, 0 yeurs lhe force eslIte from being renewed. - SIUDENIS AND SERVICEMEN______chU *en as our p redesjjessorsleftltforus.", lem s: 1973 MId( a.m . All olhorr locQllont coll your S4.00 I’ER MONTH and 21C • It has probleiblems in coordinaling ils in negotiations with Ami-nt.L-l iCan eofrlor. II yooJ nood Iho c o rrio n Moil ■ The vole of 209i9 Ifor the amendment an( ont p o licy Soviet U ail lu b ic iip tio n i orn »old only )rt of the two-thirds needieded to with those of otherier federal agencies, Is. the Soviets agreed to a namo and phoniano numbor eoll iho whoroloro corrior dolivoty ,» nol moin, flffflfnfft — 75 short would US' nailer - TimcvNov,* using our lo ll (ro o loinxd.in.'d...... amend the Constltutkutlon nnd sh o rt of even aI slsimple • Overall mana;magement and piannlnft Is omise under which a smal 5 of.the .depanntCnt'are.colg for m any Security u N '’U'^bor*. ■I r— ;— midt^ty ------appear©ared-to-ref1ect~a-hesitancmcc on. that some units oi ------m an d ateof-observers-from the.U li------C a p ito l-H ill ~ t o - w-w r rite—s o c ia l—policy— InToiTo- the -wllh-outslde sourcurces lo perform basic mai Supervisory Organlzatication ...... r m t sS'NBWS . TOIL-FRII PHO•HONI NUJMBkRSr s uclivltles •• Bul jn Fllor, R Constitution. functions. take over the job of monit)nItor ^ Buhl; C oitU tord , or, Rogerton, officials. i ...... 543-4648 HolMltiillittor...... 3J4.5375 Is so p w r comprom Burley. Rupert. PoPoul, Wond*■ndoll. Jorom e. ' contracUnfi.____force of Ookloy. Norland.d...... 678-2552 , Goodir>odlng. H agerm on ...... 536-2535 lanagemm..;.;.. . Truce ^Dnimaiij|]ai(2 i fT ® d la m biT would tai Inited P ress International I is the w atchih w o r d ly Is Wednesday July 25, I F atir i l an d warm i ay of 1979 with 159 to follow, MAftGIC VAUEY 3RDKD ANNUAL Twin Fall^ Jeromeime-Goodlng, ' system re;remained off the PaclHc visibilities down to a fo moon is new. :------Northwest'•stcoast;— ; morning stars are Venuss aaiid Thursday.Tl The onljnly significant weather N e v a d a extended oull By Unll OveiDlght low s In Uiehe SOs. H ighs followingg Monday’s I moisture was for fair through Thursd; Todayevening stare are Mercu;rcury, • • a few thunderstorms m b o th days SS1095. heavy fog)g in many placcs. Malad , , 206th dayrand Saturn. of the higher mountains.fourih ol a______ThenM Haying outlook Frld:rlday through ' reportedI theI heaviest fog- with e bom on this date arc uncunder M Sunday calls for dryiry tempera* n of Leo. - car seasonal n aATIONAL t i WEATKtR SERVICE FOUeCASTFO to 7 PM EST T-V.ullook calls ■ ,,T5f turn avehiging near rican a r tis t’Maxfield Parriarrlsh _ normals for good curcuring condl* ' alay oxcopt ...... Uons. However, few>w afternoon 3 0 0 0 >Lnear som e tor W alter Brennart werei bombo .. ' / y-25— thc artlstlin 1B70O a n d .., . thundershowers arere possible. > Those I eq>ecia]ly tow ards begl^ginning and • / ^ in In 1894. 2 5 - 79 th e sig n o endoftheperiod. lls day in history: r Am cric(66, Ulysses S., Grant becar« a m e ._ i ...... ______Spraying forecast shishows. winds,______. r v 'r > and actor st American officer to reare^iA » this -morning less thathan 5 mph, S i i K —\ — ■— — on-July-2 .iD c r ^ I n g lo 8 to 15.m;i.mph.by. this. ink of general In thc .y. \J I 'A / .. Brennan I aXleinoon. A «a»co \ | dikvm / ^ •o tro w - . O n this I , Pan evaporation .32 today an d 952, Puerto Rico becameTie a H .38Thursday.. - InJ866,/em lng U.S. commonwealth,1th, » -I ■ . *@ u n i .«twYo«K lhe first LOI AN V / L I 1972, Democratic viek-ice- » HaUey, Camas P rairie•le and Wood ' the ranlential k nominee Thom;)m a s <» Rlvwi^auey: , oalCaS Army. }n, a Missouri senator,I ddls- H Fair ihrough 'Thursday.Tt ^ In 1952he had . had psychiatric cac a rc S self-gover Overnight lows In thele < 40s. H i ^ :rvous alim ents” In the 196(1960s. a both days in the-SOs. In 19: > 79.77 LMOMMO - • — • ' lential nominee Gcorio rg e p re s ldem e n removed him fromI t]the Syvopeis: ■■ Eagleton. aear to mostly falifair weather and replaced him wlw ith closed tShriver: he i continued to be the rulerul( over the f^iHowba-'*^ I - ' f o r "rtcrv 75, Turkey said It would (ai(and ' ‘ "J area Tuesday as a hlgtilgl, prossuro . , P r e s id e r JULY 2 7 & 28,J , T 9 r 9 I ■ wcATHen roTOCAsr ® Id) .hall all activities, at U.U.S. „■ L*iVoo«» ' n o 77 .... Pott:»M, M«. n1 M Ourl^y r^ « l McGoveny Installations In that countiun try , •ntmd.by Magle Vallmy• y Ar.ablan. H o r a * H Pep LO»Angolos — - - BT «3es •poftni'd.O'*. M ^■Mow tic k e t a N oH onolM u wn pq e of a slx*month armr m s ’ , .... • toul»vlllo Tl .... St.LouH »c»io<»------ee— re—r—r:— Mii miB8*en------bs—-RJrt------M"W»UO------:------T»r— “bccansc—of—the-^urkij cwetoo sr 73- ... MIJwauk** nra 8»r»Pf*'>ei»eo roI SS . . r Poe.I.Ilo' ------B ’ later did) Cl*rtUAd • u n ... Minnaapoiii ta fltfl» SMiii* rr sion of Cyprus ^CASSWt D«IUt ...... - B5- 7* ... N.wOflMn» H » ” ” , - military I; MRGRdWm ■Otnrtt ti M NiwYork « 7^ ’ " T w ln F a llej - 48 because > A H o r ' » ; - o*tMoin*« S4 et ... M • 73 « M ... embargo>ught for thc day: Americtrican w BURLEY, IDA DttraJt S2 u ... Oman* - It M U lan Daniel Webster said, "L“ Let 8 Appro«(]fd l>yi AJHA « HenMutu U 73 ... S , » Idaho V«uf««y , ' “S * i— s ------s r atE s 0 ,A * i)^h a ;; todlmipolli • M 711I.M.0- Pnovnii lit SOBO .... M uIX !>Mln Pee L»^tY«r ,rt8 -Jfl I n V a ect s be oin- country, oiff 'who K viM iaiy SI n ... PllUfiurgh - M flJU Dolta _ « I 48 • Notmil . . .9 ^ and nothing bill t oi l r ■tlon phon* " C q ro ty n .W a in 'A thoug . KU MW PcB statesm an ■fc. I , ' ■ »■ M SJ our object •M se .... co u n try , ______countiy.” N W ydnoGfliiy, .Idly 20? 1979 TTmir):.-Ncwi. tv^m r.illv, I.J;ut-iii—clenient t means of production. Or • recent years itss growth gradually versiersion would allow business moi has slowed almoststloaslandstill, rapicipidly lo write off depreciation i Although the UnJnited States has one newew equipment agalnsi taxes. Fci i of the higliesl levsvels of productivity eralral Reserve Chairman G. Wllllai Jn lhe world,' its; ^grow th lags behind jVJllleIlller, nominated as Ircasury seen lhal of all other?r major developed tary,iry , e n d o rs e d lh al in ' a Sa countries. F ra iien isc o speech last week. e j The Council on>n Wage and Price • p Reform of government reguU S tability, which administers ; Presi- • tionsans which impede produclivlt} deni Carter's wagige-prlce guidelines. inclU'eluding more "cost effective called this “a mailer m of extreme reguegulations lo clcan up th c o n ccrn ." It tolc>ld C ongress in a e nivironmonl v ir and improvesafety._ ^ ■ '" report- Tuesday th a l unless U.S...... •• ^ More einpirasls birrese-ar'ch aii ■ m productivity begin:ins growing again it . devel'velopment. — L T i-” -w ill be difficult t oI econtroi-inflatinn:------•-Kncouraglnplndlvidunl.'savingr R e p u b lic a n mm< e m b e rs o f th e S e n a t e2 fiArmed services Commitnlttee. Sens. Barry G oldtdwater. Ariz.. left, and1 JJohn W arner, Va.. 1UAL1TWC T S o H wv a t e r gJ i v e s b o <)O S t t o SALT]i II c. W ashingtoniSta'r Sl itsfindlTiGi commlltee, Jackson askot c'dc‘d neL'otkitlni' histo rv f.l r> liv:it> tii’o- cliiofs.;. IHe said thev would rcsp the Issue of treaty verifBdHcaUonMhe nls the senator thinks will.ill visions, ------^ l(T queslestions wnen moy .ippoa — AN¥-L S IZ E -H i term for lhe ability of thc United help h is ca:ca.se againsl tiie treaty. • Copies of th e ■•]!)]oitit (lt;afl lext" before.* thll e com m itteo. — ^ a tcs_to determine If thc Soviel M a k in ga the request Ihniut-h thoho nt v.'irlmis wui en'l uiidrr hnrjnrisdictSISU ------E a e^ta-Building-CU t S Goldwater, wno is alsoilso a m em ber t)ut addidded Hint il was nol SiSla te of the Senate Armecned Services D eparlit•tment practice lo lurnI o v e r F o r YOUR NEEDS Nl Commiitee, indicated at a meeting iefsofStafjff chairmaiIf I day-to-d;iday cable traffic. This - STEEL SIDIDING & ROOF-WIDE•SELECTION SI OF COLORS of thal pane) Mondayday thot his _ . • • formatioitiori. loo. could lie had ft ASCS APPROVED * 0GHAiNSTORAGE 8 questions on thc issue T / \ I J • wiUx.‘sse>sefl u n d e r (lueslionlng. he sa ...... - A answ ered, . (Jemlounpes daiutigerofMi wn did indicate lhat copies Hc was concerned aboaboul verlfica- the jdinilint d ra ft text would be = ni ',m ,k ' . Q l lion, Goldwalcr said, butbut. "I’ve had WASMI>IINGTON lUPii • GonL'lv Accorclint’ lo M.M)) ^li-alc^v. oncc jvailabhible, lANia CONSTITRUCTION thal overcome lo thc po:poinl where I David Jonfones, chairman ol the .Idinllint the superpowers atlaUiiiH'ii siiflit'ioiil l$rownwn’s letter came up at:it th e i 3 8 C a s wroll e Avo. Phone 734*6»-6-f78 TwinFalls, Ida. wouldn’t be too exerclsrclsed over 11 ,Chiefs )f of Staff. Tuesday dcnouncodjod nuclear slreiifUh In uipo \ Olll Ihfir.. hearingng and Jackson canllot loned now ." th e s tr aa tite g y of ■■Muluni-Assuictl-lhI- respective societtes cc;ioh would bo ^igainstsl using an .••executive ptprivi- ...... The verification Issue3ue is a con- D e slru clion lio as a dangerous policy. deterred and neitlicior wciiilil' neod loi’o " arj’unionl a againsl supply'plying troversial one th al IsI ImportantIr to TestlfyiVing before the SenaU-lU- inoi-emicle;ir w eapons.IS. thodociiciiinents. ' treaty ralificalion. At least one Armed SSei ervices Com m ilti'f. hi- .'^;ii:::^sELL BmK-TO-SCHO TRADE T alm ad cIg e c e n smire urged I SPI•ECIALS ^ R E N T b y c o m nm ittee a tto t m e y - USEO— ------WASHINGTON (U PI)I) - — T he c h ie f' v e rte d exp«xpensc money and campaigngn lawyer of the jSenate: EthicsE Com- conlrlbutfotfons to his personal use. APPLIANCES mitlec is urging thehe panel to The castosc againsl him was devel- FA .RAH recommcnd censurc off S(Sen, Herm an oped du rinin , g a 13-monlh investigation ONEO DAY SERVICE- Talm adge — less than thcthe maximum by the co;commiitee staff. The com* • ___O.N______....--possible punishment,-bullul one usually—m ittee—he!held-six-weeks-of - publiclie — ------GOLLOSTRIKE^^----- fatal to senatorial careers.! r s . ------hearings,--!.-receiving- testimony from “■ 7~7aAPPLIANCES ft TV •The formal report andnd recommen-. Talmadge'j'e's oast and present staffIff ^ - .....1....N ow L o cated in tho dMIohs of com m ittee spe submittedst to counlants,s, polilical ass^lales, .con- .. V. I the panel this week,, bbut sources tributo'r^af^ a h d o lh e rs!' ...... j J J_y close to the investig:ligation said Talmadgdge’s defense was based on ■ANS Eardley outlined his retrecommcnda- the claimm he personally was not-lot- ■HRnMfflnjRBBBH •etlng wilh the guilty aany r intenllonal wrongdoing tion last week in a meetii of M i l l l !S Q l Ftuggod wostornn {nons wllli sharp syllng ethics commlltee. that he was wc unaware his staff wasa s Ineludlnr), flaro lulug. lour pockols and bach " Only sev«n senatora•s have ever submittinglg false expense claims or t . i yoke In Ihroo dur J r 15Ti nylon donirllm is morhino woin ono / •< re-election with censurcure on their account t< mochino dry. filchch corduroy of 04% colton I . rccord. c a m p a ig n flfunds. - 1 1 6V. poiyostor, / . /Talmadge faces fivee chargcsi of Eardleyy argued Talmadce was; f 'f f l . least of “gross hegligence" financial misconduct,I, thc I mosl guilty at Ie i - - — ------8&ious'of which are thatat 1hc obtained In thc wayly hc ran his office and lhatai % ; FALl ALLS Hoovy Donim of 6>4*; 4 ‘ Cotton $90,000 from th e Senate! ththrough false his claim1 ofi not knowing what his ^ ond 36*'. Polyc*»lnr expense claims and thathat he con- staff was up to could nol belxilieved. • Roo. a S llm S lio iO l I s t A N N U A L ■ ^ Rog, S 1 3 .0 0 ...... -K ^ Huovy Donim ii> 64*i4T; Coilon e n d 36*/. Polyoilor -K . . J ■ Prop Wol^t Siios 26 LS TO FA ^ 2C& 29. ^ Rog. S14.00...... RUN Poly/Collon Donlin ' 3 Rog. S Slim Si;o« ^ Rog. Sl'7 .0 0 ...... I •Nj Poly/CotlonOnnim ------■ - - .■ 3n Rog. 4SlimSlzoi4i o...,nuu,.^ .3.3^ Rog. SIO.OO...... I Corduroy in , ^) PropWol»lSizoi •U 3 6 S 2 7 3“ Rog. S 1 5 .0 0 ...... ' J i r / ^5 , ■ | * I Cordoroy in Rog. ^ * Pri Is h e rs * ^ a S hm S inM O lo 14. • -X * T-: n n e r s ★ ^3 ^ Rog. S 1 3 .5 0 ...... - Coiduroy In ; to ^ Rog:SSIlm5li..4 4 10 7 $799 jf j e s t * : Rog. $ 1 0 ,0 0 ...... rlzes for Top Finis -K ■-Shirts to All Rum>70 > - - X K un ...... ;' Special Awardsy i 2 6 ■« It's From ROPER'S . ... . It's Right!- - k -O ldest 8^ Youngen y o n ) . J ^ r r N is t Icrlics L.^kc). > S.Murd.\y • |uly 78, I07<’ . 7:<)5.Cbeck-ln-.t3;l5 Kui — ^ P i e k - u pEi'fry roo-S5.CK)by juiyt ts : H E R £ - o i ------^ i a l l M a g START — Twtn FaHs (O nyit Branches ) ; | | m SH — S h o s h o n e F.xtls (D JcrFCA . : ® 5.3 m ile s • rw ln Falls • Burloy • R< p-your-er>tfy-bkmk< - i i .... gic Valley Idaho 1st "tind Twin Falls YFC[ — • • ______[ 1 - • N -

' / " i J o r ' (. zzrizz'

, A--l'TlmImos-Nowo. tw in Fnlls. Idahoiho Wodnoaday. .July 25,1979 • "0]p\ on —»......

—Z — — r ^ r — m - W i e k e r I l i e S f li ndifferee n t : T o a d h B uildiiing code i TheM a r e ' adm ittedly dlffl oposed Model Energy?y Code now com m on dings in Idaho. impolitics with Uie — - wfiose insists lhat: Uiat i is Just how Uie ^ But the propi lonplace in p ublic buildi I themes for a national lead^ to r ' belngrconsidenlered-for adoption by3y the Twin T h e code c wouJd~aJso.. aallow alternative “chairman is supposed to have a president shoFiould be tak en when h e t -12-year teim and Independen at-he intends lo-lead Uie—vI—wlUi, a lU w u ^ -th e y -re c a li-F ra r E5 Falls City Cou'ouncll is a good ideaea for other energyy systems, such ass solar or wind ' “; d e n c e .-...... -declares-Uiat- T hese changes p u t a newnew face' on naUon. WllhJl due regaid for UieI Roosevelt’sF dictum that "the ______r e a s ons a s well.ell. p o w er,•, t(to replace conventioncn a l O n e s. the adminlstraUon, conUiburlbute to the personal lnt<[Iterest of this excep- ssidency is preeminenUy a plao Kl I£s“parTsi laudable:Ii to ensurere~thatnew— Finalhally,-tne*codeanticipat' 2te s f e d e r a l a c t i o n [niIriipiession' of a ’mo're'actiictive-presi* - Uonally-welMll-informed-sourco,- here - -mnral-t leadershlp.ILBut.Carterac hom es will be« :as energy efficientt as£ possible and coulould stave off interfei■erence from that dedent and peihaps bring CarCaiter mpre Is ■ an accoi:ount of his private a sp ^ ic - my source said - would play a large part In to conserve res•esources and protect:t consum( ers • lev e l inn hlocal affairs. ‘■1<"loyalty.’'^ B ut Uiey will11 noli have testimony: much effect on jiolicy,Icy, owing Carter, le he says, should not be leadeishlp. J| He would tiy, as he 5, fro m substandaidard builders, T h e city Ci of Twin Falls5 rightfully leans mi It In Detroit, to "open the 5^ T he m odel cccode would establishlh minimum towardi aiadopting the code, prlmailly to the near certairtainty lhat iegaixled as. aa man who went to (he il tant change mountalntopI for ten days and came einment e process as wide as p< if Insulation, If the take that action, th ^ ere will l>e no im portanl t i requirements> fr months. Duiing that roonis n b ut »a s o rt of “ proc Geoi^ans has been enhanceneed by Uie tim e, Uie presesident came to realize poliUcs’-’ p — a n em phasis not Jusl L__ appo&bnent of HamiltonI JordanJ< as as numerouss visitors> later told him soluUons a to problems,' but on chlet of staff. 'Whateverr vvaluatlon' Uiathfrwastr;trying to manage rather - Uie u solution should be-reached,- may be placed on - theithem, this Uian lead, Uiahat the people were not Uie U public voice could be heard A' development does not sugguggest that listening to himhi and that he could reaching n It, a n d how Uie public ct Uieie will now be more-e differing not get Uie »cot u n tiy to go along wIUi bc b. given--confidence m whate influences on the president,ent, or th a t iUs proposals.I. might IT result. the n^rontera_w fll,l>e^better oble___His _ r e ^ n sinse, sup p o ited by his Onie m essag e from . Uie public, than Uielr p r^ e c e sso rslTc!o~catdi~hIs experience at"Camp~Davld,'~was-a— at' 5MiQ, n a a aifead y i^ g lste ro T m ' earear. ------resolution lo .try to "lead -Uie presidentd, — w id^read scorn But it’s Carter’s adminlstilistratlon to society” 'raUnUie'r. Uian to., m anage... {,|his proposal - for—a governm

^ : ^ E 9 H h SerS«ate*te *su^ldSiUy "advls^ ^ to be- concern less ooh proposals or ^‘solu- by oUicir govem m ent a g e n c l ^ 'JaD B PV fi wilwilling to consent). And toX) Judge]i the Uons" than onon themes Carter hoped presldrat’s recent acUonsns omy in to dramatize! from Uie presidency, But, I asked, weren’t Cart< tOTns of persoimel change:Iges o r Uie T he first coconsequence was his IdIdeas, at best, intentions? After I iBie'rgy plan he announced^ In his em phasis in thethi Sunday nfght gieech ye to on what he savaw as a naU onal ‘'^cilsls rer ^ y change his whole aoproacb EH miss-the-iorest-fo'r-the-treesr-leSr-Gven-to— of-confidencQr^irii-To th e p resident,-this—„cbange-faimself ct — to_Oie_ext see Carter as anglingJ onlyi to was only seconondailly a speech about InImplied? My source answered ll im prove his'poU U cal sUuldlIlldlng m ay th e e n e i ^ existIsls.— hehe believed C a rte r so deeply felt - t)elM cynical by half. L ess noUceded, m y so u rce pointca idideas h e w as expressing Uiat Carter undoub^y wantsints lo win out, were Cailijter's opening remarks wiwould have to follow through -to-the-iSom munleations— th Mncem he would have startiarted doing Workers unionin In Detitiit. As he had But we shall see what wc sh Jilngs differenUy long ago. Nor did prom ised in hihis acceptance speech sesee. ■ p . ^ 9 t e g g ) '

Art B uchw ald I, C I!3!= ...... - S 'State shouldn’n’t p e n a liz e nuiirs in g h o m e resre s id e n ts fSditor. Tlm es-N ew s: , is able to koof^ep its doors open, pay H Hc ealU i* W elfare. o F o r.th e p a st few weeks [hi[here have labor, taxes, uutilities, upkeep, etc.. Too many people report miither/Americaii n k n q w --how? 4jeen several a rtic le s inI theth pre.ss as well as icope with inflation, Director DI Klein for. cffcctl ------relative rei; to the DepartmentII oof Health w ithout' cover!Bring th e ir n ecessary supervision sui — 16 Including sev ______&_i Welfare reducing the dollar costs of dQlnR businessbt ______F * someone somewlewhere and sbc years, 1have com c o ut of AidMd patients In Idaho nursing>lng homes. tl'Jl was passe:sed and signed_by the___anan admlnistraUve assistant. ^ a ll of us in (hislis countiy prided doesnsn’t screw up, and ever;veryone school to be ouru r docto'rs, law yers, )n On lhe su rface-th is \TOuIdi appearaj to Governor, becbicoming effecUve Juiy 1. In 1 my opiiilon as chairman ourselves on waswa “American s/s, ^ ‘That’s American Know-ow-How engineers and1 scientists. We’re be>e ai real good economy meaneasure fo r 1979. This billlili allow ed cach and H.C.R. H.i M3, if th e Departmeni KnoW'How.’-'No maUtfmal how m essed fo'ryoybu.’ It Isn’t all m y fa u lt." p u ttin g people In charge of nuclear thehe State.- H ow ever. I bellElleve the every provideder of Health Care Health He & Welfare would roll< iq> things got politiclltlcally, we alw ays "Wl‘W hosefaultislt?’’ p la n ts who don’t’t know how to hang DepJepartment of Health & WcWelfare Is services theirr Ifull reasonable costs, through thi on the findings and recbi I could say, *‘What makesnu this country •I "I can’t get good help."3." I ’ve lh e ir ow n clothesies on a h a n g e r.'W e shoiihort-slghtcd in th e ir thlnkinking, and Now for someie reason Uit Depart- mcndaUons mc of this commiUec.the ______^ different is lhat ■.we!ve.got-Know^..w InberlleHt^ .awWhole„generatlonLion. ;of - h a v e englneers dcsigoing-dunsdi who .the.he..cilizens_of-ldaho.are not no seeing. - m e n t x>f-ilealthlth.& .W elfare does not could-be-ample coi savings made In L ^•r . H o w ." . Iple who don't give a dam n."" h a v e n ev er ahlnened their shoes. We he the true picture. . want to abideie by this law, their department dej to pay the reasonot z*:^-'— r-N ow rfor the flretst ttme,t our faith in - . have, doctors doLolng,open:heart..sur-.- .. ll.:is_a..known, H fact ..that.fft.for some, reasons.belngjLthey.do.nol Tiave lhe_-coi.costs of S tate A id.paU ents in nursli K i A .K J L Is u n d v sle{Blege and ev^one "I)'I Imow you’re going to thinkink I’m gery who have nHow deanan up their rooms.’’ “What you're! saying; is lhat we Wh^Vhy h as this b een nccilecessary? M3 was pasasscd. This resolution We ; all know the Slate 'must I (aUngacoffeebreaksak under a tree. “I’cI ’m not sure 1 understand." lost the race foror know-how In the Sim:imply because the State hasha never created a studydy committee to study careful.in car spending tax money, and K Vlioii^ddyijUf^?"IT’T ask e d ' - ~ . “'In In the Sixties and Severiventies bedrooms and Ibathrooms of the . paidaid the nursing homes theiiheir actual delivery of IHealth & Welfare am am as m uch a w a re of Uiis ; . “ Not 80 good," Know-HowKn said, v i pe(^I(vie gave up asking their kidkids to American home.’’ ' costosts for keeping a S la te AidUd patient. • s e r v ic « for Ui(the State. I served as anyone. am However, I don’t believe tl K .-v ilttw y gtwHng iip Lfficss L g Jt jnust.be„do an;an3fth{ng flKMinrl th«> hniLW.^HJ t .w a s ------______-1_J____ Inn flother.words,-tbe-privatc.|tc.patjenls- chairman-of--this-committee.—No—Sla t Slate—should—make -the “priva <• . too nmuch of a hassle. Thele kids ”It has to stontui somewhere, " he haviave been subsidizing the! StateSt Aid appropriation cof tax money was' patient pat o r w elfare patients who:ai W'. .;^fp0n't.SV ttot.t. ,1 You''re a s young droppipjped th eir c lo th e s jill overb^er the 'replied. "You cai;an’t put a person in patiiaUents in Uie nursing homtim es. This m ad e for Uils sludy.sl W llh th e help of flat flal on Uieir backs |n nursing horoi floor,>r, tbey. left a m ^ erorywlywhere charge of qualiality- coiltiol if he ni^igher cosl paid by privatete ]patlenls Mr. Clyde KKoonlz, Legislative be be penalized becau sc the Depai “ ^Nolhings^toI to go r l ^ t lately, theyy iwent, and they got awayjy ' wllh doesn't know howkv Ito shave." as has been necessary In mostst casesc In Auditor, and1 Mr. F.E: Osborn, ment me of HealUi & Welfare Is ovi S k y lab 'w o n ’t stay IVIV, they f u n d e d murd nuclearr energy i .they’'ry're a bundi of slobs. HowX'cSn " i t ’s frightenlnj Dlvenl, ' a n d th e ir doorsjrs open. Foods. Inc.. who .said. "Is there any ho served without pay, ment me level. plants are undd* fire,, f& 'and' th ey 'v e someoaeone design a safe automc 'urthermore. when a privateate patient- this committeee met twice with Mr. i - ForF anyone Is interested In howto hope?Br • ' • - the FireIrestooe 500 radial when'sn 'b e doeto’t even^know hov paysays a higher cost, the resultull is their .Milton Klein, cdirector of the De- com cibfi plete copy of th e cbmmllK tlires. I guess . I’mr no longer makeikeiq>hIsownbed?",. ,VWe have to rraise a whole new monloney is used up al an earlUirller dale, p artm en t of Hecleallh & Weifare.-They report rep on H.C.R. M3, it can'l ' • Infallible;*' , “II ccan’t believe that’s the aans ns ^ r g e n e ra tio n that cares. ci -There was a forclircing the p riv a te p atientit oonto the visited bbUi DisDistrict Heallh offices obtained obt from the Office-* • “No 'one: Is Infalllallible, but you’re tothe]hep'roblem." . tim e w h en Amim erican .know-how wolf,elfare rolls. and RegionalI Heallh ‘4 Welfare Legislative Ut Auditor, Room 114, Stai Eveiyone makes "HaHave you been bi a collcge coll could get a man. oon Uie moon. Now I Perhaps Pc the Department; of Health offices to revevlew organizalional House. Hot Boise, Idaho 83720. . doimtimltb'ry in recent years? Itt Iclooks can’t even guaranantee Uiat 1 can find & WelfareV knows of somene magic charts, budgets,ts, c h a rts of accounts KEN BRADSHAW . * * S u ^ b u t you nevnever iieaitl about a s if a-typhoon hit It. Thesee kkids. ..*nyoae.tb fix younr-washlng machine. formirmula whereby a privalee bbusiness and other Inforrtrmallon pertaining to StateSeriator.Dlsl.«3

Villiam S a fire

. A ^hovuse * is aa *hom€e* in thite real eestate byusinesiSS p . - -r- g y x T lipgWNenvS^vlce e ------for~sc■servant^—Q5ually~aroand'ind“ o— listed~bccausc““ iir-nns“ lost~all'' This lls Is M fd'wlstfullyrnorbw ^ r ^ d u a l e d 'CTUeg^ct rather Uian, therUiemselvcs, headed,! "FYom Uie des r ; A ■ b m i^ couirtesaesan Polly AcU^ c o t'fyard ^ i near the m anor or est^estate, meaning. Ratherr ilhan "12 rooms," anyly r e ^ t a t n o t havinging been ."I graduated'fro ?:>; n t s t M us, Is not aJ rrom college,” is to be of..;of..:." a jiome.. She w as Ih e n1 1It^beca^ a back stzeet« t o r Uie sellCT o r rer•enter will list "4 maduated di from a university,ty, but lo a language slobob and a d iscredit to A iw . mUtakeh. Uodtf tbe tb ,’’ a n d Uial Step stq was cclve« j>y a presumably pi college- . ononniTlters a generaeration ago aloig salesnvtrnen. F o r single*fam ily homiomes, ‘‘co u n try kitchen.'n," and If It is confenferred by an institutkutl6n o f. ^ucated copywOTiter. a n d . approved In Its defense, tb e desk argues lha “developn^^It,” a n o ^ cold today'sfs bom e b u i l d s — le t m ei stjstart equipped vWth aI faucet-that nms leamiraing, not snatched bjby th e ^orm«rr Big * Man on Campus itt gigels mail from "offices of wl' woittl:ftlr^look-allkee h rows of houses, afialn.D. F o r slngle-fam lly bous^3USCS, boiling water. Is ccalled a “ gouimet studeIdent. Syracuse ^duatecated the NBC’s local1 televisiont staU on in ratn<•athCT Uian fro m nesh-and-bioo( y r VHbiin^*:x ^ - a -w«m-word,~ a h with. buUdmim of today’s, houses . preiprefer - kitchen."- stude;Klent; Uie stu d en t d id nolStgradiJ i NewYort: execsxecuUves. “ I b e a id from Uie offlc OCS and connota^ Vcbateiiteau" — this is a good yeara r f1 o r If sm all, It Is ootnL mentioned at all. ateth JUieunlvei^ty. “WARNING:i: Y O U R C H IL D OL*?»f Uie president of G e n ^ Motors,* B |w !iijld n # . of UUinily menlembOT g a th m d thecfaatbateau countiy in tbe suburbs,bs. The real challenenge to a d v e r t i s e OK,)K: U»e old "to be ^adujiduated," W O N T GRADUA v r i l e s l ^ desk. “ I got a letier froi K i^A hiuikt<.:irii«ulb JATE HIGH SCHOOL became the lhee thottest wora In wliat used;ed to is th e old, or previously pi owned, withtb 1its nice nod of re jectt to ivied IN NEW YORKIK IF H E FLUNlffi b e Oval < Office, it should live and b ^B ^^M M C puitlon ;,ftv dpmlcmicUe, along w ith be callailed "summtf bouses"- (then(th house. T h e favore ^d g u ate” Is now acUvist/ist. You why, tonight s kliddle East Desk." Ih e metonym a Vwbat used to bn . h om n” ot 8 o’clock, on JBlOJsiivUla.” This Jet-set woword Buffs i)nly.’l WhatIt if tbe-house.Is in -go to 5-pay-a —‘Edtraaon* A miVho»:COTt7.':'’- ‘- " “ " { fif~ T nni n h iiw in ft~ c on?eqpond<*,"***^' COJ ia'-?=raaalogy*':.. HeDo. M re. Robinsinson* • . o r 8taj^ent>ents, college; chopped'

' ' - v’- y ' ,

S . . W odncn ooday, ,Ju ly 2 5 ,1079 TlmIm oi oa-Nowfl. Twin Folla_ldahoJX«a------

—' ' T r o o r ^ e r si t o matioml a f p ai r f e s — - JBWCr r ib j M^ p t o ^c^rC cT rint By ROBERT UNDJD SE Y officials ancind rcuular visitors. which covers parts5 of Wyoming, to visitlit pplaccs closer to horne." said c. N.Y. Times NewsiServlce S "There's■'s at least onc benefit fron-om Montana and Idaho,, thei: decline was PatHcIacia Kilgore, a Park Servicc Y O SE M IT E NATIONAJAL - PARK, this gasolsoline situation — leste s s 2G percent In lhe first•st six m onths of o fficialal ““at ■ Carlsbad Caverns " Na- “Calif." --iTci'ry-concnT-~ a ~ Chicago—concostlorcijtT— ?kTmand~Sansum:—-■ a r • the->’o a m n d -3 S -p ercirconrim htrfirst— ttonal~P;rPartrin'New-M cxtcor^hcrc~ sSi a le s m a n , ancl his wifefe, Dorothy, park ranger^er. said. two w eeks of July. v is its; hahave slumped *16 percent this went rock climbing above: the Slalisllcscs on iLse of the nallonal>nal ■ y e a r. ■ spectacular Yosemlie Valley A the parks systy ste m appear lo provide,■ide - • A cadia N atio n al'1I'Park Itl Maine „ . „ rent drop for the , / j “s S aappeared to be bome out by : olher moming and in ihniree hours of strong evicvidence that many Amerierl- registered a 2G percer dance figures at-a number of ye.nr, and a hh: ik in g did not encounl«iler anolher cans haveve changed their vacatior;ion first half of the n area facilities, such as - pp< e r s o n , ------______patterns, llthis, summer, apparenlljIlly comparable, decline . dclphin's-Llberty-Bell'-Shrine,- of gasoline shortages .anc;ind through July, ^ - ^Sladcl, "It was wonderful —- absolutely because of w h ich1 has1 had 5 percent more quid; it was like we hadad the whole higherpriciic e s fo r fuel, irs this year than last, ,en said later Accordlnjing to a check of more iharIian . • Great Smoky Motounialn Nallonal v isito rs I P'park to ourselves." Cpher while resting on a huge ststone slab in two dozersen parks and nallonaln a l P a rk In T ennessee, one o: of the park Offlciaicials at several parks said that a grove of pine trees. m onum entsnts operated by lhe Parkark system's mosf popul.ular attracllons, . visitorsirs now tended to slay for The Conens were enjcijoylng whal Sorvlce, the th decline In visits has had 13 •percent fewever visitors lasl longerr periods,p suggesting thai the w a s fo r them a fringe be;leneflt of the been sharpirpest at facilities farthesilest month than in June off lasl I year. gasolineIne shortage may have pro- , ave “1 think because ofg the gasoline mpledd tthem to choose one placc ^ n n f ln n ’s__1379 ..cnftcgy— lan areas, while visils have sisignificant drop In visitss to nalional increasedia a t some urban attractions,is:— «ttu atm n r t iiurLnM?opip lu 'a a ' UcctdtnR— ra in cir r ttith an take il luui'.______parkspi ' in this summersr of short The foliollowing examples. Illustrate• a t e . ----- ^------“ supplies of high-priced uasiisollne. •■ ■ Uie trendI aaffecting so- called "desti'sti- According lo the NatiItional Park nation'* nanational parks, those lhalh a t lo n g m otoring trip: S'Service, travel lo mon o st o f its req u ire a loi besl-known attractions h;has declined • At ArArizona’s Grand Canyor - b y — !0 to 35 - percent; this year—National IPork, there were-onlyn ly f I l \ c o m p a re d with 1978. 74,571 visltciltors in the flrsl .seven days some critics of this mono n th . compared wllh 112,864864 •' In Yosemlte, which so :ne, I , I I I . . ■— have contended has probiblems of air in the likece w eek last yoar. Jn Ju n e, pollution and traffic cungigestlon that visits laMdlllon«r. Raady «o go : . *5800' y is-at the peaceful than it usually MODEL 350 OWATONI)NNA SWATHER height of the summer seseason. The 12‘hoodarw/hoircoconditioner. Ford'engin*. Voiy «■ It-alis In the hl^ countr;try and the >1000 roads and the bicycle papaths in the HESSTON1i<0Oa-66080D HYDROSTATIC SWATHER .U ltim a te irony vzvalley arc less congested,?d, and Is t2'aug«rhsod«rwli«llh conditioner;..'...... *5500 IP gnmnnn shortflge Is kecplpptng trflVpJpjB from------evcn-posslbl6-occasionall>c i lIy-for-cam<— P:STflCKHAHO-^ . ~ vlsUng Drake'sce's OU WeU, the'brrthplaceice Of the petroleum pers pc to arrive in-late-afteftcmoon'artd— Houled90load« ... ^ M490 - In d^liy J20 years yc ago In Titusville,, Pa. I A of 25 firnnd a vacani campsite ■ — '■ * ■ ~per(enl”ln thetie number of tourists froff•om a - y e a r ago has______iMX'i esum aiua.531 Bebeen impossible lo ^io in mid* “ FARMHAND BAUD HJHAY * ( * £ ( 1 ...... " ...... MOOO. ------su sum m er for several years. There are still limes, esespecially Colorado ocollege beggins rnmidday near the parirk’s main shopping mall, whcnI Yosemlte seems crowded. But mc the pjcobejijLaccademic4)ii r o b l e m s _ t-tlme-ther6-i&-a-klnd-of-sc: h wrcnlly-that ----- ■ n B j j n has not beon felt here in la te July '•• G R E E L E Y . 6 lo, (UPD*I)' — Pro- he placiarlz<•Ized portions of his for some lime, accordln;Ing to park' mising to weed iut any weoveaknesses dissertation, in the (ioctodtc profjraiiram, the ‘‘Because the tl allegations made . pre s id e n t__ of__(le__IJnlvnr;tpr^Uv of recently towar^ird U N C Jiavc .stnlcwlclc__ / ; f t | j ______; which neod immediate -Arizona+awy ' N o rth ern ColoraJo has called cal for implicallons w 9^----- PI ft. appointment of j special committee coi attention Indcfdependent of concern on « to InvesHirate nthtalinns ofif academ-? campus, I imam recommnendinK that lllo ses legal bici d Ic problems allJijscliool, . a blue-ribboniofi p an el ue sel np UNC Prcslclcij Richard1 R.F Bond Immediatly lolo repori objectively to PHOENIX, Arlz. IUPI)) :— Phoenix said the school Board off 1Trustees the Board ofTrustees," Tr Bondsaid. at'attorney George Mariscacal lost his JrgMB would hold a spjclal pul)llclc mectlnf' The UNC pn resident said (he panel biibid Monday for a new trlirial on mall i F rid a y a t 2:30 p.m. to dlisciiss ist his. would Incliiaei four members, with fr;fraud charges. re q u e st fo r a | spcciai panelpi lo onemcmberap£appolntedbyhim. U.S. Dlslrlci Court Judf:d»>c William £ 3 R I investigate thc alei'ations. T he otherr m e m b e rs would be cCopple c denied a motion lcto overturn » I A faculty comhUtce at thithe school -appointed ly by Dr. Lee .Kerschner. MM ariscal's conviction on 222'. counts of ' T a I mail fraud and interst; trans- recently issued i report whwhich said executive direlirector of thc Colorado m VI 1i ,^1 p u l y). k thee were dozeis of docloctoral dls- Commission on o H ig h er HIducaJion: poportation of securities by fr; sertations submilcd at UN V . S l EVERY LlLENOTH! t Y o j w ■ B l i AND EVER)tY FABRIC! LEATHERS • SUEUEDES • P.V.C. f t e ' l?EALFURS»'ll'.FAKEIFURS SOLID AND PL^LAID WOOLS i - . ^ W * M . PANTS GOATS,rs AND • ■-fiSK i...... ■ 1 1 JACKETS, TOTOO! -tc


^K taet-4 ^ ^ii »1^ P ^ B ' i d ^ ^ y ■IB, Delta I

B M i s i

fi m It . it

“ B u y a iny ^ 4 C oronet productsp ands!save$l.” Four Of T hie e ;Same Or ANY Combinatlation Of Four . ”— Rosemary Clooney . ; • . '.VllOn ll CO'tlOSi>s ttr puiciioso ot Duy ConC oroeot (Cctotiut Piitil; onala (a toll [>)IIOl. ’ ony Gotonotlot producis| Inot so _ I CciOtiul lo-vr-l; l>i>ll<>i.lla iowols wholo S1 5.1oti onc .,om„ ,o,„f.c Q e Oorgia^cific I ^ ... Qiid Coicncl Tocial:ial IiSlUC’i poput pioOuC■ducts' ,• C^.'^i/n.U'. ^ 5 \ / ( T l / l Four Of Tho Somo Jusl sona ut tno loooii ttomm onya lout Q A V F I ■ ■'V '^|sjWeTi Orf ANY Combination ot inoso ptoOuctj Wo ll sono you ■four 26c ■ NU flHAMCE CHAUlARGE FOR OUR LAYAWAY' PUNP iifn • s 2 J < OIY ______SrAI:STATE______TIP______I • ' SEND TO- "TOSiE DfAL". PO Bo.3« NNB-268. El Peso. loios W 77 I ...... , ' . Oftot oipitos Oocom&ot 31. 197

■ I ' . ■ ;

i ' ' ^ A-6 Timos-Nowa3W8, Tw in Foils, Id a h o WodWodnosday, .lul^ 25,107B Diea h a - s t o r y> helps ) parenti eniiertain nur.irsery-age kid I) — explaining that small child H A R;TF0RD, T Conn. (UPIJ,, jdUme time nnly .cpme _cl(«ej 'P a r e n ts s nm ning out of l>edUi Pe< — s to r ie s~cgn~now-m ^ -hd|>-fay-handiindlng niimticra....------g p l le a td e p hhone c to thelr kids. j*. , The scrvlce. which bega O r thle e tots con ring up a falr^-^ t)V tho Babcock 3 3 themselAHves, cutting out^nrm tddimaie- Ashford and the Bu0>ee 1 m an. • Danielson. The lib ra rie s w« I t’s ••Dial-A-Story," ‘ a seroViW' rv l they^uld^be c^It - j M u ss ic j o i n s? drinkiri]iq , q a m tb lin g I bv two Connecticut librar __o ffered^ry*age 1 cfinafeh. •re have been problemsi wwith Thc pnieram began ■ ^______f o r n u r ^ lerally librat7 ajtifiation used a s rong numbers, but genera "T h eri 1 Mrs. grani to tuy 52 Ippra and ! a s Ulm - Is la mlie i p a s t ia r n e s i n I r a n the tig It's doing well," said M ___ ^ vcns, preslaent of the Eastea slo m p la jK Mlllch.cmiU be conn speaking a tio n , telejJhonc. ' T bally T^i'deorapb. London ftfrom the Important and serious He calicd!d on radio and televisionon :ticut Liiirary Associatit ------J------TEHRAN -----— 1Ltetenlng-to-mu9ic-l9-a:affairs of life and he gels-i:ls-uscd-to-lt - to-tell“the-B-counfry -about - the- evil Connectl « an opiate of the people and IrIn th e sa m e w ay w c can1 get g( used to consequence:es of mixed bathirig. andid ; , tra ito ro u s toI IiIron, says Ayatollah druj^, di he said. h e u rn e d the t “security forces to 1 Khomeini, thehe country’s religious stam p it out.;t, ° In ju red • Khomeini continued: “A“ M usic af- lead er. nq A Jeep ca'rryln 2 ‘' M usic nov/ Joins jol drinking, gambl- fccts fc the human mind in1 a way that Mixed batathlng, he explained, was. O'Neal, pictur^/Ing € Tatum ns ■[1 Ing, dancing,,,mixed ,m bathing, ballet m akes peo p le think of nothing nol but anoUier of' ithe plots of the shah's I >y y e a r. v e e i« l o ut 7 . and singing as'u>' un-Islomlci habits not music m and sensual matt(alters.'' He regime toI corrupt youth. "They d earlier this ■ ■ ^ , fn ho -{n3ulg« fferent from wanted to po id and smashed Intout of contiol -■ ! lgftd_in hy Iranians.__ ai ra------freeway~dlvlda^ I young. opium. Of Opium pr^uces on*one {Hnd oi ^ r l s fnto the Ma~so'^al ^'^^wouI3' .to a concrete V J esp ecially tb e yoi »r tura, Calif., du MDB peaking to0 thet staff of a radio insensitivity in and lack of energy,cm and gel together}r and do with each other r - D e a r - V en°------— V I n the Caspian Sea, music, tn another kind.” ' ■ - whatever {h[hey wanted, so that the - weekend, throwingduring the * TlT H E M O ST ACG LA IN 'ED s ta tio n )c pavement, authoi Khomeini saidId thet radio and televl- human raceX would be ruined,’■ he Ing her to the LDSMUSICALOFALL'ilME • And just to make -• cleorcl h s dcdnrcd. dosed Monday. horltles Tl dls- . ' ' ' j B i t s . LDS sion should be)6 iused to educate the ; e e n b y OVER IVj m i l l i o n concentrate people's disapproval, {U Khomeini saidaid: “Music 16, a n d a & |fThe r l actress, .. n atio n a n d cc supporters of Khomehilnl treated for cuts and PEO P LE ■ xmlry’s destiny. Is “ a ti^ a so n to th c counl)untry — o Militant s ifriend were m ind on the coun nforcing bans on newspa* He said thatat under the shah the treason to our youth—andid wev should also are enf Uld l e a s e d . Id replace it pers whichI ddo not rigidly support nls -media had been, bee used to distract cut ci out all this music and r C o m i n g to T w i n Palls with something instructive."c." stringent Isiasiamic policies. ^ MOVIE GUIDE fORF, people’s mindsIs from1 affairs of state wi R FAMILIES TTuesday. u July 31st, 8:00 p.m ; by a dellberilerate campaign of G: Ono Porlormanco only! perversion, sudnich as music on the* Descendant | ofol Dallas’ fourmder C o l le g e e f • e w t h o r n I d a h o radio and mixedxed bathing in thc sea. r i a e a r t s a u d l l p r U n i ; •/:, The p ^ , cinernema and theater also . floor . . .3J5FfllllAv*„T«1oFGlk . . !" ,v‘. were" InstrumeiilleiitS'Of comiptlon;-he -'.spends a nightion c cincestral f P G ; *Po,.'«u1^ejldan<*^vO( Ad.ooc»Tkk*«i AvallobUAh ; v:« . added. DALLAS (U PIlI ) — A H e c a rrieed d with him a C ivil, W a r 5voa»»'«a :ro«vl«y'i Phoimoejr - downlown m Iho mc particularly concemcd ' * * i . B u t h e w as p a grent-great-great-grancandson of era muskett held together by string Slo-ITd-itdJnQ 0,1Itobl. ol ^ol O'.IU'.n U 4 Moln A»». S. Twin Foil inquK«^obo»i il<. hi about the effec(Mt of music on the Dallas' g founde_L.donned fa buckskin and wore aI buckskint suit he stitched ...... — -AltSac ISaoU C«n AdmlMlon Ad»on<* Tcjtofi S^ rybung.-It Intoxicates - -m ln d s-o f-th e -y i suit arid ^ r it 0 swclterfngfng'Monday— togetheV hlmim s e l f ." ' llIIP Pureho»*d Nlghl ol P .rio f mo n « $5.50 art ' them,hecomplalilained. floor of the One of 42 living descendants ofof Off* o>. ,>ni OilmlttvdflH1.0f>.-0<).ll',p. FI.O...N5ChlIc!l.nU-Kjo,r,... nl^t sleeping on the floo t sw- 'n M usic causeses Ithe brain to become one-room ' cabin his ancescestor bulit Bryan — ia farmer, postmaster, t*d ••C|>l in lh. : ' ri: Inactive, h e sa!said. It turns young Just i„ east of the Trinity Riverier In 1843. atto rn e y andid trader - Swenson saidId 0— • ;;u ' people Into fri'frivolous and useless * Gary Swenson said JobJohn Neely his researclxh showed Bryan left — na.., Bryan would have~~'becnjn'^'thrllled- Dallas duriiring-the^ Civ^'W ar tOLO llmifm.;,UMQh..ln.oroduM'lyp# fll,.* oi'fi beyond Deiier' to see mei6"allem i o6rt betffiriie a ^ Motion P I c tu f A tioelatic bS;'.„ o f h is tim e wilhith musiC; is d is tra c te d — ^ Main street,—troops,— — -htsh-hourtrafflc-fllllng-Mal ■ lc INFORMAnON the frontier,. ■______a tlo n o t Amarlfo Xm m -'— » 1 - 1 ■ near^ the ji^t^wh^ere ^e ------c/ u — ^ I TWIN FALLS 734-24 © £5i3nBy~Sbelieved to have located thc cabin hc - F. Lee I JEROME 324-afl7i blbuill for his bride, M argarel.•et. i “E^'erybody has somethiething he's j sc h e dd u led ai\always wanted to do.” saidId £Swenson. ^ C ^ ' M A LIL I SNACK SHOP ______INJHEMALLULClNEMA-flUlLDlMG ------i------■•FormethlsIsTtr FEATUSINC FBOCURT—— FOFOOUONO CORNOOCS — POPtOUN i_l,.J'ialesistify T • he W harton, T e x a s. resl b i" . '. NORRISTOW^•WN. P a. (U P l) - £trying tq "get into the splrll)lrll" pf thc - rr------Famed crimlnalinal Ibwvct_F. L ee ffi / rr. BaUey, accuseds ^ In a $3 m illion hi/biography on Bryan, schedheduled for EA SfW W W ^^v- lawsull of llbellniaing a fellow barrister, „publication In 1981. ' may 'take the standsb today to testify ° ------I n ^ own defense W i l 1 _ U j______Retired, .ghll*hlladelphla._lawyer . ^ L J rr. M oirls Passonn nied fl the suit, sdying CIRCUus I ESCAI BaUey accused«d him of the 195S ili-. ,,, m iiraer bf his wealthywe brptherln-Iaw IS COMIWNO >; In i^llsM neiinew^per and m a^- H iii FROM zlnesrQMJrts. TWIN FALLS CCzo. K riir iThe victim,, w wealthy realtor Max FAIRGROUND!IDS t " ci- Kravltz, was mum t ^ r ^ Ju ly 4, 1958, ALCATR ------lij-hU~*ubiM»aitum Wynnewood, Pa., AT FILER ^ ^ |f.-, w home. His wife,ife, Ethel Kravltz, was — ’m ON-4AT.7:15»9:20- - i'-l cj convicted of the4hi slaying and s^n- I MON..SAT.7i00I9:10) SUN. 1i00-3:05-ai0 teacedtoSOyeai«an in prison. She had. SUNDAY,JULY 291iuT ■ p SUN. 1:30.7:00-9:10 | T:15-9i20 ,[ • , BaU^fHe anJ «appeal vrtien she Was ^ t y i e a r s . o m / - ^ ■ ^ s u S H f f lS * rged-that^lley*lwked— I p . m . ’ ■ - i m f infonnatloa to0 U the press In 1967 "to itoop.m .asiolTp^ 1 b:. d«ate a cllmatciate of suqiiclon as to . IRE tb e guilt of Mor^o'riis P asson to m a k e It TWIN FALLS FIRi 4 The monste bl appear that hisils.cllent I Ethel Kravitz FIGHTERS ASSOCDC. *c wasinnocent" . -ProBanis T he. ------. . . r------— Ball^s-attoitto rn e y r -P h ila d e lp h ia ~ \ .0 ^ .attonwy Rldiardard Prague. Indicated ALL NEW EDITION -n I V p p j- — Krin-caUhls-lis-faroous client to the - ...... rtand-today to.tistify to. In his jown. r R o m fi i l l ' Vl' c- 5 ■ *9 r ^ ~ a ^ M w)day ’ foI-"~ . iow ^ tbe , ad«dection of a Jury of MON’-SAT. 7130-9:30 * I MON -SAT'7«0-9i40 SUN. 1i30-3:30 SUN. 1:40.3(40 : seven men andd fiver women, Passon I 5U0.7:4Q.9>40 Urx . • wbo .to represenitenting himself — told ...... - | | Si30-7i30-9:30 i t ' ' • tfae oiM ^ **Yourou are going to hear L l j P lVlliiai'J:!. chQUng. evideoo!QCe of. a frame-up... demoralizinglg evidence of a ?iif4 t r r — — -COVtiMtD.______SHAKE r r o i K Ball«3^8 attiMDiMDey accused P asso n , r^^neW lldei ming the suit Just to er • Harrison Ford KSMSSravltz’- a n ^ II yeare E / E N D S WITHEVER THURSI« N J r : i . ^ ^ r a g u e Is b^ ^ n g Bailey's defense ; g o l d e I Frisco Kid" on the “ abeolutiJute privilege" of. ao . V, f ■ attoraey to maknake comments, even STEAK " - X OIRL r'/ir* - defamatory ones. on< In a client^ - -h} defense.------. , . ; • H e sa id fo r BallevBai to lose the case SANDWICH r s ■ : !y|. “would.really> ChUnthed concept of lawyCTs ’rro re senilauHjuientsT'------^ t - “ F . L ee aOley Iey Just wanted to give This Wednesday anand Thursday ...... ■ ‘ 1 Mn. K raW tz Wb er r ig h t to be h e a rd In get a regular milkshshake (any flavor) for • a n A m erican couiC" cot Prague said, only 2 5 t {reg. 65:!,1 — Ij e b m i e 1 iI I ' I 4 ' . « . AASIERS The steak Sandwi'^ich contains steak, F irst lclady FEATURES lo'"MIRTH lettuce and salad drdressing on a toastedK ■ i l l DOGS lELEPH A N French roll. You can't c buy a better!d f f i ® ® sandwich... and We(tednesday-and Thurs- e n d svvisit i day... we If give you:r f campaign funds, I CflAMpi© A L A N A R K P d tbe president Is \ I ACROBATS EQUILIBRISt l S T S l MON -IAI “ ‘lUH.ViiiljJ;*'**' tUH.llM.JlM Ics in g rsi^ Iln g w ith , ■ llWTiMtiM I, I s£?'»afd^*PraResident Cailer was J R e d S t V m e rd y “tellinglg the truth” In re- I *n - ■ m a rts Bbout antn isolatedI Washington- I establishment .a».and the capital press 1 r l HAMILTON * ^ C a rter attended a fund ) ■ rafadng receptiontlon- for the. Cartei^ ( 215 Blue Lakekes.Blvd. N. ■ * . Mondale " comm;nmittee in Fresno. I R 1!^ n!tmes reached 106 I T w in FiFalls \£P V E ilanned other stops in f| S ' . i s S SHSosAngdes. 1 ortMi*»o * - A “ You g TWIN IM W iyjJp lght_fjrom..J}allAa..to~ :/| » last stoto in ber )l ) ...... tate tow In promotion ll ii. ilORer Etntlon-and vdunteer I r oy a decision, WEDNEESDAY ^ RYAN C 9 | &BARBRA ^ Mid. think h e ’s — oTiEAi/w n g T T T O T B /«OnQCC.TCO- ochang6." ' * * - — ■ ■ i-li r - ■'-"•r'r-fibe -acknowledfledged that tbe presl- ■; e^iNfiliio MwrTI

' ■ ■ ’•dminlsthiUoh.- ■}>■ ■ r-.;V ' iL... E i S ’A' 'PEANUTS

^ , w % a d jU L lB .W — ^ ------//srux^ i^ - ijfiUAU\jiL*pipean nations : :^with friend ds, kinfolk; E" W i N othiap nru» jbuulut pricc coniroii From thc 13lh ...... _ BLONDIE., .. - -L eo s’plans , 15ih -.cmurici.. '*h'^hat a womon tpcnt for her drcucs, < IS ean pap of] bulloni. l>clI^, ji-weUji-w and tiiocs was rigidly tunirollcc , I | W - V wus in EiuaanJ.iJ FFrance. Creecc and Italy. Thoie { GENERAL TENDENE N C IE S : M id -d a y is s (ine uUr m . t o r j. < '{. ANrr I po; you to utilixo'your comrombination of intuitive perctircepO on cot^.E m riili (ilsu puiI |>r|>ricc lid j on fruit, fum iture a n d hi n n d y o u r b « a t judgm entn t tot sh o w y o u nro able to pu finf i m o - i > t .-j e n E w t;i.’itrd by whni uccr coiled dir tum > Uon an oxcollent pUnI of action. ■ : I .seiv-upj>?s 3 ^ ln « s The .vctv-icV KM up to cuili ovcf-lavisli livinft WUI VI t.l>^ llilic cluiin (liui high altiiudo dow d • > A R I E S (Mar, 21 to / 0 Apr. 19) Tako care of impia-air,4l»»-rg (li<- 1- c cxjK '. rti. i^ueMio;ial)lc conienli<>n. ll results. A gift Co lovod>d oneo is wise at this tims. - 0 f M sugj;cM ifi.i: J1CV.CIcv.comerj lo Uenv’cr'iire'ciumwcr'tJitt T A U R U S lApr. 20 to 1 to May 20) Try lo pleasele I fam ily j——i .Mi.-uni vlMl-.r^ mombors and avl^bliihsh mi o re h a rm o n y a t home. A . A good I I \ y ^^ ' ^ ' 1 ; • d a y fo r o*pan#lon In bualnassbua affairs. J l rh u i our liiiilic-iilic. net higi;cr aa wc .Ocep ii tn m in o n G E M IN I (Mny 21 tto o .Juno 21) Plan time to visitislt with. ; i ^ s l ItJfX l.c-' vlilcKilcK K-iown is tile iaci tliat as '''c ^ci roUtivoa and friends duringdui aparo time and goodd thingst ; , ' I . l'r:,iiU};cl •m.ill.lw. L ia to n to w h a t • moac buccijccoasful ______t(. I'cal ' l ;uik-.. p e rso n h a s to s u g ^ s t( forfoi your advancemenL ------^------) )------L E O ( J u ly 22 to Aug.g. 21)2 A g o o d d a y for sociallxin *1,NIC£-AN‘) n G i r r M N o ,i„ B .,jd I'MNCrr \ C....^. NO, flAA-re?^ ('CTTm i n t> 'r o u T ' 1 • g a in in g m a n y benefit*.I. M ako l o n g r a n g e plans thi*t a t cou ld > m is t a k e { ACCORtSIN’ TO ) ' (.). II ,1 :> Mnu-kMl oy li(;liinijtg. duii'i the tires bi XKEN,Sm EI5-< C-iOui > Plo, evE'iuim(:lin^-iij: ttirreby inoklnK >■ ufe- lo be tni -* VIRGO (Aug. 22 to« SSept. 22} You aro abio to g a in - ATiri^ that way inside a carit jslertlia* ' • - p r iv a te pe rso n s! wishesIS w ith U ttlo e f f o rt now. Go to ai n e * - C ■ ' I [>lace« in-a li(iii-'iiiI 'liiiii iionn, Uut il’s brcaux; die del • p e rt fo r th e advice youu neod ni right now. ; currcni luuls i..i.> tIo\vt through lhe mc-toi skin o f ll LIBRA (Sept. 231« Oct.Oct 22) H andio imporunl'busbusiness i raUicr (Imn iniu111 iit< occupants. The tires ceriairtly m atters early in the dsysy :for best rosulta. Be sureI to take ■ ■■■ — I s-ufflcicni iii5ul:iiioiiiioii to slo p K liKiiuiiiiK bnlt. ' health treatments ihstt youy< nood.- > S C O R P IO (Oct. 23 to0 Nov.N 21) Bocomo moreacquajuainted* - ~~ ! - - - O.-Wh.i WUJ, ^lle~^^^t■per^o•^(lit c \ti" kIIIr‘'J ‘in'iB i*ai - ' w ith la w s a n d regulaUonsons so th a t you don't break any.sn B o f : cr.iJr,' c alm , cool a n d collectedid a t all titn e s . ______•’______2:______^ -Jr I A. Cnic Ll. ^lolI:u^lii I-;, .selfriiivr. L', S*. Amty SAGITTARIUS (Nov.,ov .,2 2 t o D o c. 21) T ry to exprcBfl e*] " ! Cc>n>v »«iici'111 I'XI'JOb Jlt; cru.'.lird i>^-a-,il,ine p lIa ie fl'By —:------y o u rse lf m o re inteEIigentl■ntly a n d c o m e to a fine a ^roenre^ij— m ; ^----- O O O N E SiOflY ^ P " ------. . !. .Hllicr liuii.iJiwiic.;lc wno wus..:.*iuu.jv Injured ------with assM Utes. Take nono risks in motion. ___ ...I ...... |>r'*j'.lm .i.;'r2u^.k_:.k. ...'L .. uioKc ujitl l^iL {:ljne.in’' .W - moat to plMBs ^em snd'jnd'gain addod prestige. h:ivf l.ilx tr.tii >hi>ulo >hi I nU Jiim .’" v/ha! w -.J d v o u Jl P I S C E S (F eb. 20 ,toMa;May, 20) G e t b u a y handling[Obliga- ob I r — Io Ihl) iKU %Uiiiicricf Iif V..U w en: ^ foliin.niH ? f.iii tions so you'll have timeme for social activities Isterr inir th o | ^ n-|*lii d ■ Kcfi. V .,ii: iri'.uili y.iii • ------day.-De^re/ullnhsndlindting-moneyi------;------;i' :i.iir is ijn y . a. : i iii > ,u! ai« n y s jjet a .•>() obscm -J riiii.ifvli.ir.li ■<'vr;il iliou^.uiJ yr ir. ugo. C licn I F Y O U R C H ILD IS5 BBl O R N T O D A Y . . . he or ahe.h. will ■“ - i tiiir l.i.ic and \>jr-> jr ni'iii .w hether lliis is itill *ru-. If : b e o n e w h o c an iSesse Juat iuat a b o u t e v e ry o n e and shouldmid u se Uciil I I son - f\tei’l. ------this-quaU iy< o-ald -othersrs with* their problomarQtvni a n e d u c a tio n a s you cann affordal and include musicalXT U ; ing. A fine sport ia this• cc> h a rt. s t ______^______.GASOLINE ALLEY ______' WIZ; /IZARD OF ID .

*® B 'She'TTFiti' think shec•could b eat) • ^ W hyc^idn'tqouteli^eM JI1js?lsags! m e e v e n i f s t I V£. T-''ejP '. , 5 . J f . C\'t. m e L o l a T H ? A f .UtCv ->J, k S didn't (TV n e i r ...... w a s / J p - \ ' JIM cheat.'AV^ ------( ‘ M e ’r ' ■ i ■ n i n e t y / ■ g e a r s n e v e r : j S / A a w \ 1 ' m o w i t , r .i I i e w a g ' ? M ' - e p l a g s cards.W -^® ^;^^ -J ■:


K 5 > ^ P L B A sa. Mft. VAI J X B6LIBVB TH6 R6A : ' ' ^ ^ ^ 9 H A L L SPIak. T ^ ...... ^ CONTACTACT Hl’VV ANO /rtBCT—- ' OM THIS EARTW IS WITH A^V PBlSKO5 ^ tOUtX vou 0A{ ONB_. ANOThI ^ TH19-VSBV a a n PIDM'T F O R fc C T ^ H ...... - V - - M R . VMM H0RN..(-M- TD BLOW OUriWAT ■ U- • & CONBpENT J C*N f ~ ■ PBtWOADS HIM TO O '■ |- ,a r ^ I | S S U L j >324' M'S O-Al/W I Cto-e TH& 3 0 N ^ ( J i t L M ' 9 i f c y l CTAM IV'- — |L T tn it|\ w m m m m M

•: ALIALLEY O O P ------m ;: BEETLE-BAILEY '' A L O T > S { Y E A H . . . D O VOU ' / T H E Y L O O K A • W E L L , PIP V ' A N T H E Y } ' . L , EVERY. / r‘Ll. tl. \ WHERE \ I’M (3i3NN^[jrn ...I CON'T think/noo ptapBLEMP» , /...-lONiSwr rrl^ — ~ : XNOW SOMETHINS ( BETTER THAr> M3 w e / SE£ E SMXl\ ARE Vaj ) TTsV TBET• uU s I CAN TAKE / TWeRI : y o u C H E C K I-: ^ . . J A ^ T E OUT THAT \ ^»BOUT-M l f?ASK? ? RACKSP PELL, M , ANCTTME<5 NkSHT WE A‘ Jll p CRATEPiV CATE ;Ri OF VESeTaBLE \ THEHE \ VEeSTABlXSC CBHEAL~_> IT SO U : yV\lRA©e, / ^ ----- LEPTOVERSJ \^^LASnJkST NlSHTl^KlSHT.OX^WAffT* * r ; ------S A R < 5 E T ^ - / ------P , j* J _ _ ' V, ^ A - H OENNISTHEMENACE mFAMILY CIRCUS STAR WARS

V /V /fr- I

.. IT'LL TA K E^^S//il\Cl ,.^7 rME*TOR£VW/ER TO .GET - ^ / THROOOH' T» TH IS-----/ J / Lthey m uST s t IHAVE— ' ' I ^ '

■ REX MORGANiN rrilE fcWP IT' ^ PLtMIV OP ClI?CuM6T*N- 1 'AV, C3lP Af’eOBlEfA/ >EMCE, LieuTEMANI.' If I I AtOMAf? jT- PeR&ONWHOiT'^fPOOiWO V ' VOU HAVEriLL P WITH THE PA 'iOFFlCt i Dtny— -&OIM IMALLY A CALLEC* IN AMC?fA/ IHG ■ ttAL£VIPEM£&£T A COMvrCnOM Y0 U A 0 *I»JK/ 1 5NPEt»4»?>Zj. t?AVE¥ I^^TILLHO flK6T w e « MILL^TH£ EVIOENCE • --L ic u rtH A N r/•] ^•'i^*-wrTHOUf-A .MPwr (JE6CRI0EP I COULD &£ KAV Wit.1. JOJM ^ ILL AHONtMOUO.' ON IIALf TH _ --U6WJU6TASS# - wtTNeoe.-we----- \^ou-H A v'e i" " ___OUM^^ fH -v ' "Thay're homemiemade flowors from ou ' I w V ^ ■ 1 AR'CUfJ J V M o g a r d e n . " m EN T6.^

- .liS ^-S TImoB-NowB. Twfnn FFc atio, Idaho W^ n u a d aty,..Juty25.197» y,,. '

J 5 t o n € r e it s c m s ~ " “ I ^ T i ESoi n ■'A. ■■^i yJlOBERTG.FICHEHENBERG ------•v i < '.NewhouseN^wsSe'iService a mm • ASHINCTON - OnOne of Sen. ' m C ira'rd M. Kennedy’ss Senatei col- S v e s and friends says,ys, "Of course • Kennedy Is goingI to t< run" for .' , ^Sgt k - - » iJdenl;" - - - ' : ...... : *n;. Henry M. "Scoop'»p” Jackson, ^ ------: ^ashrralso'matntains-Ins-Kennedy's-...... ; proach isM und." , « le’s avoiding a coursorse of conduct- ' } would indicate he's he' running V. - '' t Inst lhe president,’'JaJackson said, 3 ‘ doesn’t want loae be accuscd of . . \ jltliW Jimmy Carterr (out of (he ™ H e itnows that If ho announces 2 : — }i — -jjHv.—ho’ll-be-actused of Tbrclng' ' ~ChnclrStp:eak Whole HaiiuIS " r ZOradelilurteys .Yesident Carter out of-of.offlcc and liat would croale a- dlvidlvislyc'sllua- ion. You can’t spill lhe par In a breakfast , mceS S i i g wit>i oporters Tuesday, Jad IbvrHen'* Suptam* . It’s dynamite io divide!d f th? party odv Cul Beei Chuck. f l .hen the incumbent prc;jrcsldenl is a vo ■ ■ neml)crofyourparty.” - W CookfDollte ^ 8onelot>. .. Therefore, he expiainetned. K ennedy 7.BorSoneSlaak -JZS jI o g Savo 40' ■Is u sin g KOod p o}(Itical lit pro- sov« ((felonallsm" In biding hijhis lime until ■Wmmy Carter either steps st oul or ------Mls-out’’-oMhe presidenclencyr-If-that— — - ’>—-2 V •^■•lOurs, Jacltson added,i, "Ted Ken- J I N ® presenl, lhe Washingiington senator # i r l , biiiid. President Carter’ssthances t for I h . l J i — ^Simominallon nre "very,ry. vcrj' dif- mJ \ = = t i r - o n t e u l t ; " —w ith- next • spriprinjj's New ' tM'd^pshlrc and Massai^u:.^usetts Dem- rf:«B-atlc primaries cricritical for ■Uw»t«f^9i>ell{k‘Bl-surv}vat^ :::_n hehelp ll)«.guy C e l e r y - . >( itlfevery way. I. admirec-hlm J as-an . ______-0 nffivldual. He’s the mostst convincingi . 8 1 j-Mm mWi ve.cvcr..mcl. IV Albortien'i BoneUti Supror —mwAson^-one-^ one, I’ve. IIV Be-«fC huch.Sav*SO-...... ------p r has a unique abilityty . to convey X Rib steak Critp And Ftoih I -_:..v.«EmtbAad.asenseofpa£tiitticipallon— ...... -IMm ^noloMAnd " ; C--WBut,. I just don’t undeiiderstand his yM 60-...... Ib. ■ • # f ...... - !. Ulure. to understand th&'federal th ^ ■420 Speedicutl'I^Ham f9 ' ^ a*tenH-^vhat:you-ean-dor-d Friei=>3 Chicken Hohey demands at this; aearly stage K H O n n Arm our 1877 ^ c rll h the oargalnlng. ft Canadian Bal U u U I I Chunk. Sovo SO- . . . C;'i;5.'n eli 7 A -* Industry and union offlcfflcials, nev- .'Jd^ And # ^latorfuH f PleceS / ' Sqoo irtheless, traded gibes : io v o 6 5 -...... I For k jcohomic status of auto w ^ ...... V' I Tor W S G v a 3 8 - modern society. ■ S'Janet Lee WiYiener^;“ij^ o Saiad ------^ “ W c - 's a y r r a ,' the aut ------ir"9'ih —§ m ay ' Is. doing very, wS,;'^£?5- wc - i Vorlotloi. 1 ^ ■• P o ta tonyllm ol S ave 30' ...... ID. g :5&eral Molors Vice* 1President ^1^ft Armour Luncncil Meat . I 2 e t...... E A . 1 1 9 - ■ -f, . .S e o r g e M orris, tl:th e R iant V ■ IILLER BEER ^ ^ (ttp m ak ers No. 1 negotiateiator. ■■We’re . dian Bacon f^ 9 12/I 2 / 1 2 0 Z. B o ttle s ^.TObdofthat. wm0 ^ - C o n a d l ...... U C n ^ u t the auto worker isisinlhecilte ii • ^ PlZZ/i ■JPPAmerlcanlndustry.’' ‘ o s a T® i J $069 $ --;*«m w " Vice PresidenIenf Irving 'I /' 9 — ^ %J S o v o 5 0 ' ^rnS^tone retorted thatI GMC is no a m p p o jf i^ r Itself. >elsun Blue Sha • stated in turn thzth a t GM is )liy Or Normal. E a t i n g 7n&ig|n' above the elite InI InIndustry in 2oi. Bottio ...... 3 “ . ^4^it-maklngpower," hesa-said. J H f P i e I I f r * Ar i^age. demands, shorn-n of dollar TylenorCapsi.;ules t e s t . . . Doublble Coupon 1 or precise perccntfmtages, also Prosant thlt thli coupon along with presented to the oth()ther parties ■■ Extra Strength C e n t ony ono manufacturer's mc "conti- ;h‘the bargaining - Ford-d I M olor Co. . Sov®"20', TOO C o u n t.. 3 ” u r d a y , off"' coupoiipon ond got doublo '■fHpChryderCorp... S a t i tho sQvlngiIng* from Albortioni"; . . union said.thc' combimblnatloaof . wBtf- A ntjacid T urns - ^ 11- Not to IncIncludo *'i-otallor" or ^ffiu al wage improvement2nt and cost B 1 :0 0 j^ r r_.__ "froo” coupoupont or oxcood the ^ K j’Wvlng Increases overzr thc past K|La I T i 1 - Rogulor O r A>«t. nmmSSSSa^^ dSSS I voluo of thothe Horn.' y .years of the contrntracl have QHI ^ SRoilPdck...... 77V J u l y ^ ^^ges^8 tdj|2 ___ to meel the goal of giving a Incomo Improvcmeim ent o f 3 Kids Ac —^Rrcentperyear.-;— ...... - - l^ciiiulion nua le w age hike ______pe^teni — a to a t roustbe closed by adjusting vfTSewly wage hikes and1 ImprovingI: I r o f l r i e i ...... ■ ’■ of living formulas.5, 1Bluestone P S i t ! y w H " Wodnoaday. .July 25.1679rg; Time»-New», Vwln F«n«. idahft m m t H i iS se m K ~

1 iwo*_ ■■ - - ■ - ■ ------P

■^R,«tfon» _ ' - tc ^— i ] GfeeinBeans GOV. EDMUND G . BROWI 1 Brown f s ‘ VonllloO nly. signs '* • N oH h*rnW hlt» KB Sov* 3«' 0*IM c S' Cut, n -- — — -OrAiaort*d. 1 9 Sav* 2 0 ' j Q I p bailout ; W ; r ; . . ' - - — A — LOS ANGELES (UPI) - ( I B s f Edmund G. Brown' Jr. Tuei 1 - 1 signed a M.as biUIon state "baili biU to finance P ro p o sitio n I3*staj local govenim ents b u t w a m e d It' I V2Galil. 1 J u Rolls i his ‘^hunch" Callfomla and ...... ;...... nanatton-ai« beading into-a- ser a ------—-iwession—whlcb-^could—cul—I re, stm port beginning In 1980. • I , “1Brown put particular emphasli ■JJriV yjV ^B { d i l t o i i 'tI a p ro vi^^dit^ bill contalnin automaticallya u reduce state stra to schools, county and munic govenimHito It Ok r«;^lon W C a t ^ ■ V_ /f tintinemploymenl and a loii m re« A4 0*1 Moni* m M < f frcfrom Income, sales and corpora H"fierr Sev*P 35* e taxes. _ I-;.-:-,!!: "It Is my hunch that we are In DcolateC » a serious recession and that- It- be difficult to get o u t o f.’’ Brow n i -a—news-c6nrerenc€—at-ni£n: plrrsfonn tT le a —« •4 "Angeles office. "• ^ • ______b e think it will be naUonal ' ...... TTEA * A lb*r1toion'* n ' Brand. H California won't be an isoh I 9 9 :: «»htngl______Ik I /T— h ^ igher and rev en u e slow s do g ------I C^pming a will simply have to c — - m — 1__ ^omllyFovor* I = m I* I Sov* 90 ' ' ^ iln g it as a collective effor p r - P o r H ^HBeans-(5 varying political factions, Bn , said the bill was the most mas Comp* Brand. | such pro0 am ev^ enacted b; f ^ H -rtateleridaliw;------^------•nuts The l^g-tenn act passed by C a k e D or le^atuiv Friday before depar 1 3 son a HMmlh’s summw recea designed to end the contest an Choa r c o a l £ cities, counties and i^ Ia l Biiord. For Ail Your J enunent disthcts for- Ibnlted-i l-M >m*f Bofb««u*f. - ^ doilara in the wake of Hov • 30’. a O lb .B o g ... Jarvis’ tax>s}ashlng initiative w 19V » . » cttt propeHy taxes n bUllon. I.^-rll-would shlft-a p o rlio n .o f.p ro p * 8 9 -tax iwenues from schools to-1 B re a d D inners governmentsCU and the state wi ih d w ic h B make up the loss to schools. < i S ^ G*»*r Coconut MaM -DomlnatkHv^tbepresMency.— z S Hm gov^r was asked « “ : : ; . 7 2 ^ ■ @ hory Soap 9 ^ Grapifnltkln ieffect z . Ihere might be on Hmw ■ presidential, image from sudi m WSifegaanlSiBp V 4 7 “ @© Db^ifs i.t.-'Sris'ii-?. developments as the sUte ser f ^ r i ii* l v'' C rejection of his nomination -dh» -'*"• '***•'___ ... W Chaner S?.":r...;...;...:1 « acKw-Jane-Fonda-16-tbe--? jfe *m8 A .M . t o fl P .M . ■■".....2“ Council SS and .the tq>roar over' iaKety Prices EHecllve 8 / appctotment~to-the-po6t of Edl ...... 115 Mfller' as an ..Orange Cou Roll Do • Coi D*t*rg*nlTide _ Ithod** supervisor. Miller Is a fon -80>orF AQQ W htt*Pan Vietnam POW accused of < ^ F R ( Roll*. 3 u g h laboratlng 3 7 wlih his captors. M Counl Brown said Miss Fonda was > E C I A L S ^ liq ahik vli who -could have brought tOZEN SPI [ $ # ” fresh viewpoint to the A iis Council. — 9 p - ______■^'“But creative: people- mi 1 ” senators 3 nervous,” be said. ' . ' . h — Z Z M iargarlne J i i l y Prlces..Effoctlstive 2 5 -2 6 -2 7 As for Miller, he said il-w ar 1. opinion that “everyone is entltlet I B l u e m I* 7-28,1979 a “5 second chance.” Brown said he \ B o n n e 2S ^ not thhik the Issue of an appolntn 9 Blu»Bonn«l oplto a county board wotild affect- jM QuoHcri. * > v 'presld^ud a s chances;------AVAIEU not \ M a r g a r i/% n £^ Sov« 6*. 49 .J Each ol thes items is required available (or sahw i t n r ^ " ? « jffffi, "’ ’"° Farm Vegetables C the advenisedlese ( advertiied Execution ine WlyndenFa Albertson's storred to be readily F specilically notei j / r a x P*Q»OrCorn. ialeatorbelow r Sav* «9*. 3 ..8 9 '= 3 price In each X. RAIN Cllore, except as ’ We strive to n stay given )ted Irt this ad. - - - f S s ^ Ida Hashbrowns > sunicient Stock! Ore-Ill; k merchtndtse. CHECKI( S TAMPA, na. (UPI) - U.' ohave on hand District Judge Ben Krentim ! J iiOSl Shr«dd«d a*SH¥SK”“j,:k of advertised granted . a stay of execution Tuesd M l ^ i i rI J ^E m f Kofhbrownt. : . . : : : : , w enatiling you loIHotanyfea- I for condemned murderer Howi I O ra n g! eJ Sov* 8*. 24 ox. .. r Alib ert al the advertisiul ol Slock, a D is tso a Vfrgll Lee Douglas whUe be cow |C ® C opyrlfiht p , 1979by AllMrlaon'a.li ...... I , Inc. All n ig h ts R ts s n re d soon asil becom.will be issued d r a I F ru it t>r 10 buy the llem bers 'r a claim that Douglas wals deft |e Ju ice S.':!’?;!...... '...... 3 9 ‘ re. E., Twin FailI lls V I :lsefl price as Xhlsrtghttoapubllctrial. 1 2 2 1!1 A ddison Ave imes available. “ **' > rin k s 'r;ra tt’:r.'r M e rsIbe.^y-cam e-less than.«-boi . hbefore is Douglas was to b e strapped] to the electric chair at Florida St ...... Prison,T at 7 a.m. Hiursday, for ! 1973be/i slaying In P olk C otm ty of J e f D r a b l e Coupon (DoubuTciioupon nPouble Coi Atkinst o t i *7 w ‘tiR} PIVMI t b ta p a iM ■(• w H i M [ D w b l o GI aH ip N i lA v tta 't W m k p tm UvtM 'L M « Krentzman said he w as concen PraM t t l a m i w am' a V r 'tiin R j'' V* b I i 9 i TiuEir'’. ‘t a ’ir^pntU-,ei^ m ' ■ * over defense attorneys’ cont«Jl r a T ' S J i rBCoupon c « r cw a Hri Bt t a i l m b H . mmi9tvtm¥U1lm. - vBMitiphiriliniB. Douglas was denied a public Q ■laainBiitetnrt'teU . \» \iSU"nMK". t u " V -IM iaa M »a H o t e i n r ’i n u1M5 a I ^when-the trial judge—ordei nr'SttfdailMSMt - -- ■’iM pH irtlM 'sN ili - - . -U 1 iKMfftiniHttaiiiM. It m BTliB Itm UM m 's. M ■t « MvtM'i trnmm tM^..tmmp( |n 4 « MirtM't IM , . . ta everyoneJ i out of the courtroom, n - ■ s?sr&“st*i“ »^D ntti" m m , m- - UHlaitsptinrBKbrtnr'S the exception of the news'.lnM a __ Capw m otter, taw t t MyS.ttmtlM7A,afL-ti^rl 'wi Ikii's MUi ^ r s r i K - ■ - bourt persMUier and tin familMi ^ fiK i Mirtm-f i n , Douglas and Atkins;- dtfflng-::il tesUmonyoftb e Atkins’wife. -- •|< . boa ' ■ —^‘I-a Dot m -g o Ih g -to -e n tC T -a -s la y testexecution whlcb 'w U l p n d u d e i execution of tbe sentence aqd of i petitioner ' ~ 3 r S ii miw exe baring. ■ ' . 1 ^ t e t • ' '. T , ...... bea SEB ■ - i ■ I

- ■ ' ' /. I A-10Tim®#.Nowa,TwlnF«n Fdla. tdatiti Wednoaday, fvarnll ASSETTE RECOBPER_ S&

ecorder/piayor has 5 pushbut; iR6^ack.«>^iect. Stop. AC/DC. «m>r "01 mk»mM x J f f e l jL


^ 1_AM/FM/CICB POBTABLE-IMiADIO____ w a k eEIN-WARN: _____S.T.”' - - T-^— j Oiir- Regi 2. ^ FIRE DiDETECTOR S t u f f B a g 1.' ^ 'S a le .5 P ric e Has test1 buflon,bl Hashing. n lb S m SLEEPINGGBAG I t ^ 9 6 jattery : — ------b ^3 i’ PERSON NYLON 5 7 « « LED ' batl ' Our Reg. 21.88, 313-lb..Polyes- g M ling,'40- economica:ical carbon zinc Your oOur Reg. 29.88 Fire-ret With transmitter;er; has slide rule tunin ^ B 7 5x7' floor; 42 ' Center-heheig h t; ^ m ^ 0 ter fill, rayon cover)ver; 33x 7 7 ".* m M .rM M dtu. h,mlke; ear jaclc. carryingIng strap. battery; electroniceie horn. ^C o tt X ■ 5^


, ■ S MERCHANDISE POLICY | U M im Our firm Inlcntlon >• lo hav* «

^jOoie^^ . M j ^ 3 --,-■ ■ - ■ 2 7 .8 8 -II w ' - i Hi Ii l l l ) ^

a TTtJ^EV;

1 3 V 2 - G A LL. . COOLER LEATHER SlSLIDES . P PIASIiTICHELpg! • 1 0 --CUP ( MR. CO O ur R*g. 7.90 ■ Natural JT ^ I leather atop a moldocIdod platform for tho s o a s o n s ' (a:fashionable 4 Days look. W o m e n 's sizosizes, Save , Pr. On/y ^ > 7 » » m ' M . ^ - •'■''• ' ■ E ach _ i MEN’S OXFItfORDS 'M 25S BIS- insulated cooler has T Extra-large . -.sripw-lite^ 5. O ur R o g . 10.97. Br(Brown vinyj . a practical In new atralmond color, with Coffee ,d h a n d le s, b o ttle “ P®"®'®' )e Saver and'- ;^ H easy-carry recessed^ upper Wllh contrastirastlng carm el ' 5-qt. dish- 25 filters, position brew»s^er/warmer Great for cam per orDr patio\ use! Sav9 now.,a outer sole. 5-eyel6l^elet tie.with lurdy plas* plate, heaileat-resistant decanter. J aiafltflbasket. «. Colem an^ 2-Gal. InsulatedIm Jua ...... ^ ___1 braided la c e s. SavSave now. Pr- fioo Coffey FiltereTrr. :

8-0Z.*BAG H | ^ p ' t AiS s iT ic H K N E E - H IG H Bl CANDY lOGS IB W jps M U f l B B^ 1 SHEER SOX y fl - HIiiIKIjIIuL H f lS ^ —oarftogrea II w n 1 (uAl® O u r RegiMQ. »(<■ H-DAN1SH^^»I T If ^prs!^* m z r f CTifi i s 8 m Clark's pea- . §7?Vrf?vlM si Packagiage of • i^S:-\ \ I Total - com- ^aR 1 lrr^^^A w il Stretch nylon nut butter 2 4 1 i: 2 '0 Z . Y I fort - top Wv/f’^ /f ' ' -\9S^ Opaque cam- ' logs are - a - c u p s ; e I x tr a ^ . r ^ / \ \ ■\ I sheers with lilffW t - ^ - p u s - ___h o s e ; p u s T i b V d o DID W R A P CCAN A LUNCHEON MEATr ' II family treat. ® ^ s r i g i d ...... and J^./.:/ u., run- resisttoe I^L ^ c h o ic e Of col- Pick up sev- n lfer lo n q eir r Ila s t- ji / : . .( y- I orsandalfoot. . \ o S h o p now. S a v e ! U / : i > V:. « i f l o l l a .° ‘ 9 7 ^ m " f u slzeff . 9-11,1 ul Fit SigeaB-9\4, ;j r . !.. i i 2 " x200' press-clifcting wrap: i2-o>-oz.‘ can D an ish luncheon Sj^aMgHrtBjtl ------____ {, -h o ld s flavor and fre8^esh fiess.______m2?t: oai i? t plpnics., snacks,__ n^i muiHi .. - Regular or Q ueen |-p ^ •«wv i ^ y

WAMPOb-iN ^-FIH A IH ET-'^RHIW! ^ M I S S BBRECK* R i l “SHOWER ^ HAIR COLOR * ~ “ A t r 11 HAIR SPRAT I h a i r sSPRAY p W / ^ H N’ BATH” Jays - ^ . A D ays 4 Dsys - g^^SUNTA[AN K =Jii W X R H Y n^l 4 Days I lLliS*^r^T ON i n S M / f ? . n ~ t S a y sl j i S ^ i 1Pb r e 6 9£k H ^ jW i 6-oz.* Fluo Shower and m m >')de" tooth MisMiss Clairol' \ • Non-aerosol W n a 9 -o z .« R Bath Powder K fl sh a m p o o for- ^ *L I 6-oz.*; Regu- g ^ E la r. sS l" x j ^ V w l E a B H R p a s t e fo: ..:. ,8hE S u p e r U n- * { • j with baking white teeth M 's : ninula iu hair • /^ ^°LP' (Hold, s c e n te d n S s c e n te3dorUi-V d < \ *—r r ;s r■ J /, I soda.l3-oz.* fresh breath -K \ T^ljH H colcolor. All / \ I ® \Z ,. tim a te / a So fragrant. sh a d e s . f ^ or unscented. ‘ B ^ g = / ■ * MM wt. n iu la. S a v e . ^ M Wl. I • NM WL

o | I S g r

- E t E C T M H I “jLRM M EBA CASEiE “ m a m o mMOVIE CAMERA 7722 XL MipVIE MMERA^ Vmagihmtic CAMERAcil OsinEL^HO^^ NUC F L A S H * ’ O u rn * fl.’ o _ . . _ y -;------^2:97 W - n - w ^ ■. .‘UB«a Mif-poweredred m'agicubos. 4Sm>mm F1.7 lens, electroniclie Hot shoo contaciICC chart. CuCushioned camora crad•adlo. " . 8 to 1 pov.3wor zoom. Macro '" Reflex R< zoom lens. 11-22 mm now...... focusing. FRun-lock button. m:manual zoom: frxed fc ^ s. i- r - >eiHm;hagcaae.^-___ ahutilutter: auto, expo^re. ^ J storage dlvidofe. Save nov

v 'V .. ..1 ";. - ■ W../.nlinMKlay, .lulySIi, 1070 TifTlmos-Nowa. Twin Fallo. Idaho A-11

BLAIANKET * GIRLS’ TOPS ■? S [Jjjj ______EOR___g 8 = r ~ m i^ m Our R oq. : — ------, • Polyester blankin k et Wllh nylon . Long or stiorl binding. Lovelyily i co lo rs, 72x90'' sieovos. In poly- esfcr.-colton_^ or ^=/pANTSUIIS_ 1 GIRLS’ JEANS . FOR GIRLS ffl ■ ROLLUP If PACKI< OF 3 / T i f f M 7 2 2 p i n o o ■ BLINDSS ■ WSHCtJtOTHS 7 m Our flo g . ■ ■ ■ ■ Our Rog. ■ fl.96-9.96 ' Q M i | |■ r ^^TT.96-12.96 7 . ■ Our A Solt, pfo-wnshod: B . tn polyostor/cotton I in polyoslor/cot- B blond, polyostor or I 3 6®?- . i ...... f / r i f l tonorcotton.4-14 ■ cotlon. Sizes/- I m M I srm nar,4-6x...9.0C S / 1 r - ; I .loiv C o tto n /p/polyosier, o / • ' i n s Sizosto s « ^ 7h J "'•‘’•V totdlock'~...7t.r.*,' . pKg°<3.3 , I 2 x 1 4 " . , / \ J ^ K j y9K 14 iiy«l. . Knvil. i r i M 9 \ ^ ^ 9 T n /U '^.r l\ Misses I ^Iw y(V 7.96 4.22

i | W \ / / i ^ -

^LUXURIOUS ■ S i ^ m iiiB TOPS M

i l y V-

' I B ^ ' - C l 1 0 ,9 6 ■ (and 36^42^ C o t t o n I n y lo n ■ blond.popular colors, MEN’N’S DENIM JE m “ W ...”1 ^ WESESTERN JEANS pre-w ivshedII TERRY ORIR KNIT TOPS I Our Re W H - denim ' jea n s ■ 9.97 I Our Reg. MA 2 2 I ■ " 8 ° * . [ ^ K I I 4.9G-5.57t _ A i Cho ^ ^ Q8S\ Our Reg. ■ * “B* Your Choice I ® 5 H b ^ _ __ MK s< ------—------O u r Rog. 7 :77;77.-B ru5h Tw}ll. Sovo nox^o w .------—-Sovofol-flcTtorTtorf sly jo s- fo r f o ll- o f o stoi>ock-up prico — j I ^ H 12:96-13.96m - I -^Oay^Only— M n tw ill. Choojo bool>ot c ur o r floro In o 1 4 o z . c o llo n Indigo H B n p' Our. Rog. 6.97-77-7.27. PoIy/cotton nylon t- Solt cotton navy jeans ■I Indulge yourself with the latest look In'spoittwear. -fl lk lo a n s . donlm ; Wost>o sJo rn sty lo fn {• j- w o s h o c -)t-.h v 4 f li f n ]^ 'O u r R og. 6 .9 7 ?Qrushod n pro-woshod look j od poiyoilor/ \it^ - - or6^asfy)a-lor-titj»nd' ■I ' Scoopy V>necks In cotton/lon/nylon terry with c a p raglan':' f l *4 cotton donim.lim. S ovo! kv';^ v «>•»'wrplort.Savo ot Kmart. ■ ^ J r. B o y s sias iz e s ...... y ^ r r r w c i u L ig te e v e s or, coH on/potyerie>rig^riKknlt..top8. In cotors^ / r " . f l Usos' ond roll «gur«| aUt SUOS aaa* InO ro u ^

ISOPROPYLIS l U wI UG ip1|^K 5 WINDOW BWIGHl _CLEANEfL„ U p — i ^ . ' ' —-AtCOHOl^-^S-i IHT 4 Days 12:07 ‘5W5^Wf|^^W^ OurRog;67*' ’agSj f m Our Rog. 8 F-S.S8 ^ 'I -ISOPROP-VL — r 1 Each —f M il 3 8 1 Mm i m 9 6 1 2 -oz.* cloan-' - a jik m n l r Compleleavo J! .... D2 ,* I f m / i / Uj. tiuorescer \ er/sprayer,or ^ J l l m PUSTIC GARDEN J^OSE I t i | ”24-oz: i large h J m !.} ------Light oluole25" -:;UF SPRINKLER PL bing alcohol. Vj- i oMiBallr p la in or wilh -.1.7. In- \ j l : P^/y Ml^ fixture cunil e n t ~ O urR o g . b o - i n wintergroen. ' so c l KNIer EVERAIN" S 2.97 l ilim^rL \ WHh •oty-mol H fi I hnrdi^nfc. Our Reg. > h a rd -to j/p a c h j^ i, „_. .’-O*/ii~x50-tool_hosc.,with_sl_uiqy______, 4.47 /n shapes. couicbupling~Savo!______-mount Waters thoso -' aroas; in 4 law n ' tf^®V^B"BElTtESS" •LISTERMIHT !i^ ’ vTsi¥ e~ ' ^ ~ A N A C IN :: KOTE)T'^“ , i i f >FLUORrGARD’ a l l M111 I B B S s ' ^ TAMPONS MOUTHWASH MOUTHWASHiSH n MMnnmi™ I EYE DROPS t a b l e t 4 Days 4 Days ___ Days 4 D a y s i |SR3“"A Days P w J H l ETS f i i*A i I ‘ S avo ‘ i / « p W^97i r f t ’ Bl 30 stick lam- ^ m a r t * iz e yi^ Clear ^^ile I .«Tm.~ 1 Bottlo otavo ■ JU 10-0 2 ,* dental ' 1“xe y e drcfps for P ■ V ' p o n s , R egu* b r a n d b o x of anti - cavity i h ^ h i ^ h ^ h ■ lar or super ' 30. Save now. )’e : so o lhing irri- I ■ r.r .::',’.ir 1 h e a d a c h}f e 1 0 0 V nFluofkif* ■ /' rin se con tain s < tation, rod- ■ Jy lievof tablia n d B size.* •. More fluoride,. ' uth- b ^ b b b b b b b b ,*.) absorbent, 30 Maxi Pads, l y ! ! , ® 1 j'!^ ness. Save!' 1 ^:c:==^r™ ^ 7^ Save! h e re- n ablets. i Ml.2 7 ^ B o x . . . . 1.27 "'?T\ ^ 1 0 u n U . 2.12

4 0 0 ^ 1 w m K 4001

e a ! — * ^ 5 KS61?^^’ S d-1 ( K R A O T i ^ SIB 12V S H lib BEAMS UTO CUICK T CCARPETED CAR MATS i ^ : WHISPER® PRO,KMECTOR „ FOCAla'COLOR prin^ ' filmMl_ AM/FM/8-TRR. INDASH ’g s 8 ■ - O ur flog. O u r flo g . 1 7 7is ^ d T g ita l AU I _ ...... : SS.96 y , h ” i 7 O u rR o g . Z f f f f ° ; F i.5 (ie-3 0 m m )z ocom o r Ions, ouw , . ' \ i6fz)/MT..126/20 or 135/20. . ^ .. Indnsh storoo raradio fonturos 46£1651, 4652, Roc. Booms, 3. idor or In Iho dash. Cut pilo carpet in colors. ■ ^ tomotic throadl_ng.|^mi..more.;'' * . ' OurflrR'og.4.77M6vl«FnmWlth ly . original eq u ip m oont r styling, 6>052, 0 J Hl-Low Booms, 5. OutOur 11.68 Roar M ats . .Pr. 9.66 P roJ te tte s s lh g ...... 3.97 , 3.80 _Clocklitson,und' 5.68 Oigilal re ad o u t.

■OPEN DA l f ‘ 4 7 | iniN E aiir~=ii*^ '':ryu[NDA^VYS 1 1 - 7 ^ tlliOh I

A-12TlmO8*N0W8,, TWfnt U F o lis ,/d a h o W odnoonooday, .lu(y2S, 1979 7 ^ r Syluia Porterr j S j P " Som e? questiconson oil cris

'______rPfrrtnftwQMnfolumna.^______fn r n whllp th«» cutbacks wwere long gas lines anEuid the Uireat-of a Ami Much of the fnistrjstratlon, hysteria transitisltory. fuel ci^is II nextxt wlnler te sovere.------n nnd panic which haveave erupted on the ■ Butut at thc end of Dcccmtw'r,*, Tifran Dq)artment of EEnergyj offlcials told thcr •• ■ ' long’lines at the gas^ station pumps stoppe)ped exporting crude oil entlrntlrcly my associate. Eretrooke Shearer, that 'cith ------:------In-recenLKeeksJiaYsave resu lt from and _when_lt_resumed v exportiortlng. the situation woulluld tove to w o rse n Hou our- Ignorance —• andi our deep Saudi.di Arabia cut back ItsexpoHsiHFby substantially for • mistrust of both WasiWashington a n d th e alw ut 1 million barrels a' day.ly. By e m m e n t to undertirtoke gas ratioiSng. occi — oil companies.. . . - l a t e1 February-Maixh F there waaivas a T h e p ro b le m s Inveivolved In settin g u p who M uch of the wild wil talk about ^dwdual owakenlng both amongng oil a w o rk ab le g a s rairationing system are theo ------conspiracies and -c I - d e v ils - in - th e — - indusbisb y and -govem m ent -enei*nergy ’ staggerinR ------gro_i corporate boardrooi•ooms has been expert;erts that there could be potenl Jtlon, Uie one g ov- ! ^ { irresponsible andI cactually coun- gas sl:shortages. But, thc awarenrcnras liliistratl which now d istrib - ' teiproductlvc. cam»e e slowly — and no one» vwas emment agency v near Uie numl>er of •L_ responsible ques- certalraln how mucb oU wouldifl ho u te s an y w h e re ne But there are res hot a gas rationing ^ tlons lhat millionsIS iof you, r^re- produciuced domestically or how;“ hhigh p ieces of m aU Ihi plan would regulluire Is Uie S ocial sentlng a cross-sei-scctlon of the demanland would be. stration. It maUs out American public, are ar asking that Securiiy Adminlsti s far back a; eariy Janualu ary . about 25 to 30 mill:Ullon social S ecu rity ’ demand an attempt■t t o g e t resp o n s‘- sident C ^ e r h a d a p p ^ e d to ^ei ^ecks each monlmUi. To raUon g a s, — ^------DleuMWiui^.Htue'aiiij lirtg-gnu m e (margy bur a f' i t - moiini li u v B - tu ^ Q. W beo did (beI uirgcivCTnm^ U. 55K e of the first quarter of thee yearyi distribute at last ; flfive times as m any ( f a t know and tbe oil comp^ land remain^ high andid oil coupons — set upIp what easily coOId that a gasoline sbo'riortago WM Imml- ks were low. become another.*■. enormous bureau- _..i nent? Did tbey wainam anyone about wasn’t until eariy May thatat thei cracy. This does : .notn mean ra tio n in g ^nd the threat? t ot-warmer weather andid ithe won't come. Buntit'would’bc Imposed <1-^; —-r...... A.rTTie-nrst timele « elOier th e U.S. val of the traditionally heavy hes reluctanUy. with a w oU companies ' a'cleartearthatU j,"™ government or the Ing season convinced experts(rts In could be a mess, ils m ight be in th e " " S fash realized that a crisis i jrnment and Industry that worldwo Q. Was there evever aoy suggestion -orld OU m a rk e ts making on the wori production wouldn’t meet:t de-i b y o fflcials In autiuUwrity Uiat a soUd JCT, » * e n polltl- was ta November Iff? id, and sh o rtag es a s well>11 a s g a s s h o rta g e would MUaily, It was ^ lid Unpress.upon th e " “ .co l tt^oU hit Iron. I igprices couldn't be avoided. I need energy . a t r - ^ ixports would be • public tbat we ’ thought, that. oU .exp< t this time, the drescendodo of wbatevv p^ce dxdr DO mattd- wbat __I curtailed for onlv a shortsl ume. and tiings was ® reete< .w lth a rna* tbe risk to tbe publibUc’fl bealUi, s a f e ty - H ^d ey aw n . Ll------tIon\¥ld . oiremiroomeDt? - Westemqraiain ------'c&gJ-J(_-CoB«re8S bad_app.^roved a W»H motely flLa-vear to go be fo re . ^ 8 iequest for stand-by ga]8380- Uie 1980 p residentnUal decUon cam- i CHICAGO ( U P I)-C ratkMilag autbc^ty m<»tbs af naPEns ; Wheat No. 2 soft red ^ I ago, paigns. It seems hihlghly unlikely that Id gas be ratkned today? the Caitw- Whitee House .would r is k : Wheat No. 2 hardwlnler4.15'/^N. win No. D ^ lte -:tb e ^ e c ta d e f ComNo.2yellow2.9(2.98 %N. A. N ue of playing Russian iroulette wlUi U ie .* Oats No. 2 extraI hcflvyh( w hite 147 • ■ W-N. - f No.—1-ye!low=-7.50N;= 1 - ; p iv n i c r . Chicago high rate. - j m alting 1.80-2.MN; l.i feed | | H AkA[ICG:SrfL€ "Basis (the differencence between the AND . j! cash price and priccrice of the most current futures contraitract) unchanged ' , f for h a rd w lnler whcwheat, com and dats; up 3 for soybeancans and off 1 for R E rMODE;l in g s _ ■ _fioftred w h cflL ______AT TW/IN F A L L S ; I CHICAGO (U PI) - Wheat, corn H;.* V and oats were subsljbstantlally lower H j ; < and soybeans substantiantially h i# er at ^^he-Otloago— I Boa rd of Trade. Up to % ! o f f *T - Wheat was off 2 ^ % to 10 ce n ts; ~ f: com 4 to 7 'A r oatsmts off 3 to S Va; “ and«M»eansup3to7^ 0.n top-sBHining styles ' ’ J ; W bS it and com dec!Jecllned on rainy -4 . . .-weattMir-.and goodI ccrop progress .. jf achMs the Midwest. ©suits ®sptportcoats Soybeans advancesIS icame on local' -short-covering from>m about mid- . T ' session to the dose. «slacks ®s|sport sliirts 9< ■ The outside markets'!ts were low er . © dress shirtsts ® jackets*I jeans y ' Liveatock I • r.I. up. i ..•lylhifxtj'-, tocciocl/. Nal i NORTH SALT LAILAKE (UPl) - 'H j (i;iy hul It,IT.' •. •,onii-thm g Ik I -1; Idaho. Utah and eseastern Nevada- rr- • TeeaW'and'range-s;r sales Tuesday: ' 'T ^*«areas fee^xOots quite; very. )rted; shaip de- K d r / i ' HART SCHAFFNER md d i w t r a d e i n — & MARX SUITS c a t ^ng p buyers to be R«g. S19S.00 to S275 00 I ifmnea sales. . ' Dltshed; on Mon- Idabo a clean-up • LOUIS GOLOSMITH y mbced dwlcece slaughter and SUITS 4 4 .S ^ g of farm flocks Rog. S I3 5 OO to S i n s DO h. 8 5-:i0 5 IbV ' 5* 8 .5 8 . K joii[ii?r.iu.(UFi)~)-Uvestock: ' ^51 BOTANY •■500" ____ -Cattle jales lnsiInsufficient, .to .. SUITS i W B i i Kocj. S t 30.00 to S t '89«^.o'13 air; barrows and ZSSS =2. k cenls Iow»; No. BOTANY "500- -41.50, 23^240 Ibs. . ^ I QUAD SUITS vance receipts: Sc« Oulfili on Oil...... Rug. SieS.OC to S I 9 5 .0 0 . B r | r c FAMOUS BRAND SUIT"TS & SPORT COATS l).:;^(^gn.A nd_ OnnBici G roup ...... ^...... 7 2 PPRICE / pricesTsTuesday: i * ^ HART SCHAFFNER & i »6.50up 1.607 «>S2SimO,3S______MARX SPORT COATS mWki )'4 rrM » et)t)324.Gdup4.08. 3 TopQ uoliiy 307.07'.07 up 2.94. Rog. S155.00IO S 1 6 5 .0 0 . . 'Sjffiil-SPil...... LOUIS GOLDSMITH &i BOTANYI “500” H annan,lan, 305.25 up SPORT COATS P05 :S0.00i» on brlc^oc-reflnlng— H u n fa b nicated u l » l d 305.K MANCHESTER M h 1^ th>y ounca]ca SeUing price. 3.39 up 0.35 p e r K QUAD SUITS I Cool. njvofM blc v<.\V .iKitcli $ 1 Q S coiitfovting •.Imll R<'9 SS16500 li bTILlONLY | U ' W j'- ' b l i " S - - HAKCHESe SPORT COATSITS $ 4 2 ^ 5 MiPump* ' I 1U2ERS 5008585 LEVI'S '• 501 HANpjSTER_HOPSACK BLA ShtlnV lofcl...... iarr*! ... ^ . . . . ♦ w f ■ M2" ...... * 5 3 * * A HflHCHESTER__SPORT COATSIS $ 5 9 8 ! LEVI'S 51). 646. 684>84 $1477 ' barr^' Soridl>moncir>cl B>lli...... SLACKS. FASHION lEANS lha Rom. Twin Fall*. R»Q- SK isTnnnnis I H InF.ll*733-73ll ’ SLACKS o..,...,. . ■. B5 TAPEREO SPORT SHIRTS M.n-.. Inlh. Rom. T^lo foil...... R>g. SIS OOlo S30.00 ......

DRESS SHIRJS^^, ^ ...... BOYS'SPORT & KHIT SHI Short Sl«..«, R .s S6-00IOS.IK ...... ; ^ n E E P I G K: K - - U P i i ^ pOfiTJKIRTS ^ 33 BOYS'FARAH lEANS I 'P.o'15'- a rabilo. Sl»«» 4 >0 7. tlta» i g n d USIUSELESS ANIMALS ■ . CREW_SOCKS.1..- r' b, J'o'oo”$«rOO*Vl3.50. <.( ' uniQin V/t'tl C oail UranH, BOYS' KNIT & WOVEN SP ’ On»blBB»oup. R«o. »'*,00*o Bciyt’ Nylon Q i.iltori .....y ? PRICE MEN'S HOUNDSTOOTH CH k I la v lt l*», Poly«(l»> t CetlOi Sets...At Eaiarlybird Prices!>■ wDltU.Rfg.SI3.S0IS13,4ay f

H J U se Your H oper's REMEMBER... OpHon Charge

OT • B ^ i n k c a r d s If It’s F ro m Roppor s .. . It's R ight!! • Twin Fails • Burjrloy • Ruport • Buhl u h l r *

_____ --V

Li:______H ______VJocodooatlay,-July-25,-1079------Tlmoo-N©wOrTw}rt-<^lt»T-WBhOTM3-^Tln ” ~ E n e r !■gyimp. iu s\I ficg s s t o t o iw ns pnr o p o s e d ’ ' DENVER-( u p>1) i : — S e n .' G a r y lh e} S'devevelopment. by eienergy development. Hart’s tig u c s d n y congressional passage p£ of a Ways and1 MeansW Committee, tecome a pork barrel, operpen to The senator alsoso said Monday lie origin:ginal bill carried a $750 million husiasm fades n c per barrel tax crcdit;t f< for shale oil ‘‘T h e tax ta credit will uet anan “But It the ejithi rupiilous promoters ;iand hopes to' includec tho impact aid allotmotment over five years, while the th e only thing th at wc he again, these permitss will la*niM U) oh-uVJi /isjon w oiild In c re a se 'll to. S1.7S would enable Immedlalele response. In fact,. It is the 11 DC back at ‘-'‘‘‘I.''*ilaii*^ '* " .riilfs a id ' . p ro g ra m iii P rresident e Carter’s revisjc ^fce.Industry to_start'oiloil production _only thingg thatl will allow, us to starl,rl e.xpirc, and we will domestic energy pproduction leglsla- billionlion. ____ shale this year. this year,” said Cole, vice presidentnt ground 7.cro." Cole said•d ...... M aVrEliason, E senior vice presid■sldent tion, giving il a betier : chance of "Thi'The president's proposal to spend B S "We urge that the taxX ccredit... be of Union OilOil’s Washington office, He urged lhe ctcommillee lo of the SlSkviine Oil Co. which is based ba passage. ' $881 billion bll producing synthetic, fuels gj& ted upon, as quickly' aas possible. Cole saidlid if the tax ccedit has beenen exercise caution willilh tiie cneruy j„ ganit Lake Cily. noted thee lax Hart said he woiould try to use his means;ans more assistance will be jS^iead of the presideident’s com- enacted whwhen first proposed several•a! tru s t fund, th e deJeposilory for credit •'• only would ix* availableble lo revised bill to ex]■xpand an Oxisting neecdt>eded lo deal wilh the community m ^hcnsive program, so0 thalU wc can years ago.0. “Our first plant wouid be windfall lax revenues.s. -TIh' U'ni;»la- th o se wiio wi are sticccssful. thosee whov pro^rani uiicler lhlhe jurisdiction of Inipacip a d s ,” H a rt said. Ijwow thc country and the;he world that under constnstrucUon now. As It s(;inds,Is, tion will bc Mroal In (lii-tm Hi III p r o U uC c f f th e liarrt'l.s of.sliale oil " w O anadician '“'11i l m o i J i u nLY2B-2J-M f 3 DAY!ys ONLY JULY 26!6-27-28 - 3 DAYS ONlilITEY 26-2^28

^ a s t o bi ' ,Ca 3 m is c u s s eted ^ ' e O c > i n ' BOISE (UPl) - The risrising cost of . ¥We'n OO 'l^anadian natural gas w ill bc dis- I ‘ a -sussed at a meeting of Northwest fiO ‘% ublic utility commissioncjn c rs In Boise, ..

W 'il'aho i=ubllc Utilities3 Commission C <'j P^rcsidcnt Conley Ward1 JiJr. said the ■ W $ pBfeieetIng most llKcly woulould result in ■I b r W lh e keH c nf^ore meetings betu'tween the Ji 9 I Kworthwest regulatory comommlssioners !t t^ n d the Canadian govemmi ...... Ward said relationstns betw een .“ . h- mCanada and the Uniteded States on lCO tb Mpconomlc issues havC notlot been good |S n recent years. He said,d, 1 however, it ; [k_jbfiui_the_J^a " ■ jstsrnotioicc '.co ” ■ w th e C an ad ian s Into a policyIcy change, The gas Issue has beereen raised to n^genda b^ause Canadaada recently ' pyaiscd the pricc of itsi natural n gas J M urom $2.30 p«r thqusand1 cubicci feel to - ^ 2.80. l^orthwest officrficlals had ,'oO Ca » . n |e x p c c te d a n Increase to $2A52.45. ) .C ^ ;; REGISTER NOIIOW S NOTHING TO3BUY B ------— fflFMC schedulilied ^ FREEW: WHOLE g - 8 m .oMNS 2pS = = d & “ Hundreds o f P rizes------T he FMC ;a a ^ HAVawir^-'““ '5~ fll POCATELLO (UPH - G iv o n A w a y Aant_west of S 4 - 3 ^ ; . ____ - ______^ F ^ t^ was ^^he^^H e d t o T g H T SSi^O rtoealeation------r r — A dditional power Tuesda;day after a Buhl, Tvt/inI FcFoils 1- ^ IW im Bridger coal-firedi generating t 1 unit In Wyoming went backck oni line. !|- - But that does not me:nean the 32 .,- L ^ FMC employees laid offI JulyJ 7 due ^ to a power curtailmenten t will bc Ti.-'v-ZL;'^"*!VEKi.i:i-.rz5:z:r2c: rehired soon. l lill Big 0 I CO P o ta to es y. — 3 : ' ’)isni *i:iia s ^ s B P aassenger s oUwrwkM (talcd. lu b o Ruucts IU s;. W ilE EELS l _Ask About g ^ io.w ^sW b.^M nw TO 3 ■ /F astest '" ||lsfE£L SPb> )K£RS por Free / " Reletreads " !U a * ^ ...... - / lIR E GUNS J3 i?epIacem ent-7. Metal prices - E xch. V-Including . s ^ W a rra n ty , J«EE 91 t p ;; I IN THE T V N h ikrE SPOKFRS M o u n tin g , CMI prir. pure 50 ' R ood Bolonco, _ _ I b f f l M Ined In nlloy. I ' r ^ •• H a z a rd s! V a lv o OFFF fReg. Low I Copper, dectrelytlc. dellvcfvdI U.IU.S. W.C2S-K7.2S i > — ' 4u r (: - • S t o m s p ISx/Exch. i. M Prices j;^ | pruluccn SH UO c ' S i d 'J ^ ____ _ J I Klary)-pt«lucere. . .—. rf - ’ AllI WitEels“al— V , - - ...... a w — . ' ^ s - ‘X M.1S M ln u to si irodui-er OW.OO; ^ W l a n y i f u i [IX rfSSlcSI^K^. a rj'Q ;i I r a p i a l ■ T1 / A ■'i In Ir s t o r e a 'I «rp'^701.23 c ^ s e = 5 ‘s^ M.8 per ceni [' . ' ' t/A ’S 3S,S0fIb. -V S p ecials — LEGAL NOTICEC E ^ ^ r ^jwrajBstnm cEr ^ j::citiose Outs : ^ CALL FOR 8I0Sj— ' ' S S Tho Booffl ot Trusioo!loos ol 1 ' , ^ M Blisa School Oislricl N<0.234, o .: 1 ^ .1 S H R LOW on ^ ; Oopdlno. ElRioro andd TwinT M Falls -CounUes. Idaho,o, will & ■ accopl bids tor lho follow. tolii , t Selected : ^ i Ing: ^ S (ifStudoni Trangporlat.nation ^ to'*' (or chliarof* livlnoI soulhSo , ;t P 5 - ol tho Soaho fllvorIvor Ip r; Items I Elmoro aod Twin1 Fall.Fi i s * ’ * I Counilos, (2) M alntonanco Conirsniraci . 1-- Plus 2.01 F.E.T. I tor-malnlonancoso ol ' ' school ownod buaosSOS tor I^M SIxo J85/70R13 Iho flacal yoarie79-l99-1950. ^frmaim^:'rriwr>--vi-3rT-rj.TyfcVsscrr'.T'iT: .-,t . SpoclllcAlIons andid bid i; • (oquiromonts mayny bo ! » 5 , r tnapociod at Iho scnool sen G 3 (3) Qasol?nV*anS° oM**'In"'lor r school bus. tr«rIfano-.- - ^ - REMOTE porlalion. FuolI anda 1 ^ 5 dlosololMorhoallno, (4) Coal, In car-load lois;;fiio r S NT uso In hoalino m o m r H BROADCAST a,«ain _ .. j.CO., , i. r wmmm . achool bulldino. ^ . i I (5) Propano lor uso In> hoal- ho R NoDownPayryment - No Intenrest Charge - 3! 1Months to Pay Thurs., Prl. Sot. Ino lho gymnasium.n. ■ P t: ^ X <0) Milk, tor hot lunchh ppro- ;:j 3 m onths sam e, asa cash. Example;e: 3 monthly paynaments of *50 eachc h . by KLIX gram. In M-pini comajnisin- r' i; a ^ i ors, and accordinsino to - ■ -.^No m terest or cai:arrying charge. Djf>and a '' FREE Popcornrn - spoclllcallons may I socurod Irom Iho OmcoU V l • [■ 'C a3 lh« Suporlntondent Schools. Any additional» l i1^' ! . . a formallon may b« o&talnilalntd • . C ' ? ,j ■: m - - . ¥ ? I ^ r - o p E f s T w in Falills a % LATEE " 211 A

; . & 4 - ^ i^FRIDAAY - ^ 3 1; Lick Lane inI Buhl "— ? - E ^ Phono 543-4328B B

...... R lB iatJ¥toresNN atrcm w ide-r— SJ >saHaaucms3CSan»sC3iiM»>ics9K>39KiS9Cf»'W(a.S«tl9UUIVSSa»A ^.^-27:28 M : m t s o nI yI lyI ® ^ 3r D M lL Y jii r— :- - . J: ■ ■ • -A -14 Tlrnoo-NowBTfwTw in Falls'. lOori'o W o d nioodoy.MUiy25,197B o j

i Stocl:ks AC E l ( Q ) g ) 2 r m ( l p i r . S ( 5 _ ClIIOlSv 3 20 13 160a 87H*t GPubU .9ib ---- M M---- .OJuikfOui t J ^ P 24 -■ rt" .VarlafiA _40 '' ''iS 388 p a rt * « NEW YOnK 1 >1; 'S; s .fe! Nol goca^ i ^^, I.W i ; m;j g;,p ij;- n i ----wJmCotT. ’■*? 7’ 4^ MuT vl Colons l.ca 7 2C0 ] I6%— Vt Qlllollo l.SO 's I 2»rt- V. OloOalM . ,20 i f s 5!!!.. k:;ks' 1.24 a U 17Vt* >t Rey m s ’S i ' l l i s r 2 • S ISO 34M* rt RoyiS ir ’T frii!- V, tvaoane 1-64 8 309 » « -- ± slightS l y ~ l S “ 'i 'ii ia:« l - i !J 5 * " a .,!!!'JM -.. SSStoehOa 1.48 7 47 lart . WUnlon 1.40 ,11^ 487 Alcan Aiu 2 4I2B7 13H—•5 tl i:M II iffiI .I.H H I il a u38H«. 'm QIA&P .100 tockoll 2 60 5 378 36Vt* V4 ^lognvCp.—J—. —SI ----- I.Ji------^7-J«— ------NEW~YORK-<^•<-UPI-)------Stocks------AllgCua"j 1.?e 3 M 20 i f l — IT,-l~ 74'5»“ ^ -----QINONK------1.40----- totimn ’■*« 7"S“ niV'v gain Tuesday as ah - tt Conird 1.80 7 118 I sco red a m odest gi * t* ConF>p 1.3» i «7r “jJlt* " 0/rhnd"' 7 316 t4l1 MeOfHI jopirtp '"w 8 142 jo -- V4 wnioPin Sll 2 i a 2J»* } oargain huntini( JJ] » '■'! ! ! ! ! J i S 7 ! e 40 I7U- Vt McLcan '■,M 6 ^ 13" * Ror institutions went □ - ^ ConilTiOg 3 7 - (0 loirlD' 2 . n ^ ^S 226 73rt- .rt ■ among gunUt^ stocllocks despite Wall K «i ® l:iS ! : S S 2- = : H ConeuP 2.3a 6 8721 i u2Irt * ^ OuVl OH 2.0S - •.* Con AL .40 3 20 1 I . to * V. QuIISIU 1.38 !'3 !!!'•“ S:r?K- V.S ,;a a -" ,- “ ■ wnillakr“ i i -SO S 930 ,! ptSH* ii T- V ' Street^s' uncertaintyity abdur tlic nn- a'am ’a )t - ! ss »S t 5 r ' I8tv . .. aull&na . .73 .98 7 677 uta * Vt Sal. r rt wiekos -1.04 .4 . 63 14- * V AtnfOa t.« 8 MO 42H*:5 V sri '.’s !!;, "»•... s a w f!5=.^' i.iT” i5’^’ ___ tion’s .economic .andind_energy future. ----- tt.(a-u74’...t_ i U 6 2? 14«~ " ’ MRmagll 1.60 « 30JV*► rtVt Wllllama 1 27 t6S 20H .. AmAlflf) .to 3 1122 .11W* V anF In J/0, 451 44W- Vt Trading was moderat adAD..f>a 4.S0 - --7-104 - eOH*1 • Co'^S'd 'ri tS - Vt Vm 8 M7 U § S * 1 rate...... I pS2vt -• Vt Miiftna .SO 10 il4 IoIb. (» ■ MlnnPL ■ t.94 ■ 20rt:'H --Setictitmo * -4.44- '■ 496-W rt^-rt wThe Dow Jones IndustrialInd average,’ AmBflC *{| 1.20 B 4U 44H-»1V ► h ___XYZ— hmoh . =To ToSiS' l&'i );!! * B SShIS■ j; X«fO. 2.4J 1017B3- -80JJ. V ' w hich lost 2.56 points p Monday, a i ; r . r ' V.!! ! yI ‘05V? I E ila 3 34 n Hie New YorkI Stock£ Exchange Am ■ Sland 3 6 47 SO ->^t 1 11 _ HillonHlol 1 m 29U- >t MlSlTol 232 7 4 2Su 7 V» Slnf L ,., Index rose O.ll to 5757.98, th e p rice of AmOlfB aH 2,:4 8 IJ x57V^*:v V a a i’l! i.i! I Vt Hotiart 1.20 21 17Vt MtpnCo 1.78 20 4 U rt- Vt Smiia s c? - S S!K:S AmTolTol S 7 1949 87 —- M Deeta 1.60 a 120 i :!! Amex prices • ; a share added II cencente^an^^Standai^ ’ ___^ - H PallaAf 1.20 B 217 i:|g i ; 33 - «t Nablaeo t ” ^ ^ t” j9 22tt-. rt SCi“g a . vl ..S5:!! I Jjt, HoSaUn . 2.38 ' r,.,, '“'’U— «n5! AmpoK .050 9 92 u14I»* W . i t poalit P'lcoa *0f saloewi • to 101.97. A dvanceses ilopped declines, Jj; l \ Bidm"- t.« TTT1 2(V|- Vt Howard) .44 iSS'K i i " ' i ! K -. i u . Blocka ll>lsi* H Nslom 22.10^ 8 644 I*,'« Rail 3.20 69 S2rt Slock EichangB. ArmCk 1.10 7 189 1 7W - V .vvtlDc t.74 30 24rt* rt trad ed . A8»ieo. .ao 4 697 HW*r5 VI gie- .f!K V-?!! fisii* s.ff{ 's r r " to. 67 25U • NCnCp As « V* Digf\«r ,4Sjj . tl 4UI 36Vt« H DoatQa 1.80 0*lPS 1.26 91 13rt— rt Brokers said therejre was little in the • ABhltndOla» 2 8 t93 UU,* V a’lMMOu?!***. tl n I 'e is pRand 1.58 549 44rt* : rt5 m S;, u ., cS; AtlRcnl 2.SO 9 640 SSH->I S t< K f f t S ’,5.1?.I 36!t* % mpetllCp ' 1 li! ili is:guarO t,50 5 7 23V» : news background to spark buying, Aliasai: Coip S3 la u — V I i! Kl.‘ C s . '• . » irx" ',:S r s - s " = ! but that ^tltutuloulons, laden with J; S.W ., .fe - :.l ss 207 19 4 Vt No/fkW ■' '1.30 7tt**Vt S?Er a !:S S JSn'c 'SS.-..U ^ -In ? a* 11 I 3IVt— H Insico .14 22 204 21'.4* Vi NoNalOas laocsl 2 60 527 pstrt* rtjj Banlolof .40 68 IJJ}— ' cash, found somcne blue-chip and 7 t« SOI«-tVt NoSIPv. . 'glamor stocks attractacllvely priced. Oahor.lll g* , SO U 123 44ft» H 12 r . ! K ; S iX?s"i? / t f S 7 3JM* rt NwDep ;SiSi“ s k : s ■ g S u ! i! .sa>-« "> I S ? V .I. niosa u69 - vt NoflonSI " ’I i l >: Some traders were.walling we for. B o" s a r ■ i:“ 71^75 : S 5 - " i i ‘ isffl ,a "i; !!s-." Cal compli 47 108 Itrt -. g : K InlPtar 2.20 I 2» « lt* v 'A Or RckI siaco 7 ^ i IW part* rt B0I»0&I 1.50 295 uU •* *4 24J** « .[OnLOflfi .60 7 7} t i t l - It OulbOM rt « .•!? 'I J? }■ duiirman. □oi S . I .ss5x°Co 2.30 583 S2rt*.!* “ Carter- urged thele ; S en ate • Finance goiis S '" ',.i S ss*:" P i l I »28W* H .loyMlB t.72 s g::^if . IxOaS 2.64 690 44rt-■jj Vi ^ ? o 'S r -.2SS —Committee not to weweaken the tax hc on 'i-p pU" “ ss -44l.-2al-^ ' ; has proposed on petpetroleum- company |;j|e r .' ,.is: ts « . >. JSVt^ rt KcLimng, 'i ' s "liSi r S" 1 ollUCtl ' 7? l7 S .3 l'* ■; f- • e a m m g s In light o>f f hhis decontrolling gfj!dII'pbi’' .lio mS* . . 27Vt-> U KantNb 1,46 lS^:^-?;rTV ’ jxifon 1.(0 isa 26rt* ,jVl j HouslOll .80 12 452 18H - « OrOrup 1.60 8 1 3 23H*I-i V, EffiiX. ■ ! S 'il vv. !'S a--» s:sMokol l.SS 299- 36H*m ... u ; domestic oil prlces.- erunawk .80 6 302 13V4 * ” FalimlF .n 10 ^9 ett KanPLt 1,M 3V1 ... Ktnmel 1-32 11 li'**.'*. : H Kalaof .751 .. 10 2 r t* r t f • Hie , “windfall ' ppi ro fliy " ta x Is s :x “5 i “,|“is=sI S FdNlMl V.'A 6 370 17H_ V4 Kgnnecoit 1 vs, ! l . s " i s ; r ncc Carter’s con- bui s 22V»- Vt KoMcO l.SS 1i’ W: u U \ s Dl S ? 1 ' I " s s - LoowsTh Wl 113 17U* V< ^._,.supposM to finance gSS'S ■ t sl K - " 60 32V»-*m PonnPL " S S "3s-'i! SKI I treversial $140> bliliolliori energy plan. Durrouflh* gjjj i 10 87B BOH ... I S , i f j i | r s IS. - 122 4S — U . Punfuol l i ! .S S i S n - « :■>«f£ " ’/i f I McCulleh - 01 16 eM- «V** tt =i==irho=admlnlstKitlon=tn^pnmosed-Mon*^- ==— __ : .M.3t^*W. i Mlli;nilE--.20 13 71 32 ♦ rt nent or an Ener^ gj; 30vt— It Kniflnini ,70 S '> 'K 5 T s ~ s r ' ’ ‘ f day the establlshmer 27Vt- Vi Ker-r-r* 1 :•? « t7 ’w 2Sit* rt Tw'c. Cf 1.40a ^ ^S J43 40 .... O Okop Cop 2Sz400 14 * V j ; Security Corp. to oversee ov synthetic c .f 's ii i r “ ,1.80 _ 8 249 «1fl - rt II- ,*''■= , ,-j 1s- s S l''” rt Ren^tms ^1^ • 6 IW -W FfMcK TS3 T \ « 22Vt . L L- ‘-I- In the news backackgreund, Henry g«IS - Z ■ I I H 3eu— vt Lei'SlQ 1.04 H S " . j I H FmsSr ?40 s no u33 u - W LotEnfp -72 t • ;:15 S S l S ui: as^;JI. 4 : slumped on foreignn exchangese while cmCnrydor - .40 . W ,§**_- U vi Oenlnil .60d 9 268 40Vt* «t UV Corp 7 867 10 -t rt PufoxC 1 'H---- usrmai------:3J— -9- 410- -i9rt*"H I' gold, a traditionalII IInnation hedge, gi? 9 isa ish * rt . Puilair 11.32 ^ ^6 146 26V^* H Ug)0| c:u~- ** .y ? » '.if ! s “SS:’S'r t WyoPnc ,W 7 28 U rt* rt — T— :nM V fedtg-a r w o wt^B v oosnm nr zzEiH mB., ;.a ading before re-

OPEN DAUY 9 THRU SAT. ------SWUVS-^ WED. 1 St P T P M ® ! s u m ^ s i — JB=i=»=y>\W B Fouriq 7-M N,L. Cu«t lii K S’^S ^nii: H A iT u T .'tS i I ! ’! 3 ’t < . !£ tikMl pneot on i'i I 111 i i w I j r a ^ r." 5SSI! a.!" P °E\& S 'h I Si s ' ^ i rFtlrfld ^ t 10,jJ1 i t .to - tFaffn B 11.221 J t Rtireh V’l Aeoffl Pd 21.WH.L fFMoratod Ofoup: LU* L HJSS S f ’ill A iMOf 7,0 e,57 UQd ,C< n i s £ 'a Bg !5 ! 5 | . ... m e ■L'.i. AJptia Fd 12.MN,L. S “":s ' i1 k S ' ^valiif Opt Ine IMS 14.07 Lofd Ab — T « ~'Fr—*12.MN.l_ ~ AMMt— d tb 10.311IJ8 Comon 10.77 L U D E O i h E ir - s r ™ ii:SI f - I C E - IM A K E R IKltlN^tl 'i- ^ Bnd FA 1».82H;iO ( ;”f, "WS... as!, S3 !;H SSuF" SSUit Ino e.76 Q.87 Spoetl 33,71 t- ''i ?•!'>.“' J£?'Sk i MMk 1.00N,L S«ourtty Fundt: N O E X T R i G E ■ 1>'; ^ . ath Am S.1« t,M I r s | ATI IA CHARG Ts !S!!;g IS /' lO B fij » ■ illfi Isr' UIW* F i j i m p . - 1 1 ,1 1 ]. a ’® I! WITIH P U R C NHASE OF ANY ■ S S , a s ”C' r.Pbuno-I issii.^ 8 w r SwitlM^OnMp: kFw 'Is!! , ' bIm IoIi I ' S S T p n a" 7.48 B I P T A B L E WHIRLPI E , ’’II'Ij! iSsL,.rS .2 i i : , I ? i l l t f l i S R I G E R A TrOR AT K( m art r^Sl .sti? ,i , ■ -ISSS-SSf| i BEFl k: I E ! ! ^ R e gl i U U R L O)W PRICE r i i - f l - g / ■ ( / p r SKIS!'SIS a I i i 1 6 ”^ ■ Kr'vS! ..ssi-sW ’ o; u Will la.M N.L AnS-iiiS-S-r3: T |',! s i l ls ssK :v„,'"a’ SS ! H r aii”'" aLs^ f l . ■ i .^ ."£ " .'M C ^ss'tc'' s l a ssa. II [h H ^ 11 rH .S !:!!!;« S ' rShf* 99.SSN.L BiMdman Fundt Tc 11 31,80 N.L i Am lAdw 1 2.81 N BSc'S .'iSf!V UIIIIIIO 4.70 S.07 Ntl indu Indl -12.tSN,L Alto Fd 1.Q0N00 N.L B H . not Cap 4M 4,m NM'I 8«eur1tMi; 8« ■ inveil 1.20 N nc S.ta 10,42 Oooan 6.7S7s nN!l H b : .SUif" JS S S SS% ? S219 Fundi ino Oroup: Divldnf„=' W . S " WSV l . l. ■ Ifnptc It) (< Pf«l Sll v S . $211 • ?. -gSTliDoet""'"- 'Inc 6h> a.MN. . Incofn S:S!:3 .|:SS sa iiF d ’a w ’S'S oTM'S s;' f K ? Qkte Opt U.MN. , Ofwlh ’Is 's l I f s QE 8-SP 27.0 N.L N*w En j I s iis IOon Bee 1Q.MN.L C(in I SSS' fS.!S,SII , I ■a;“s; !Si!:t g Pn"d r l S K t ' ■ » n I v S ” ; Tra'n*’Cap 7.60 6 Ineom11 12.7013. Tran Inv fl.17 > lm III I iJ-!- > H4mrnon Oroup; Ral Eg Funa 4.S 4.S9 NauMrgc.fSir.VSi.% -jjjjsfHjj ■■ II18 N.L 11 \ firo'fS VaV5;l? SSVfSa S:SK: ISS'cS SSS49 N.L g 'X > . .H*n flm „i7.M jj.L . . Ufifi|y^ «, ! £ » : S08N! S S l ffl HYId n M M .a Piflnr Hoidg Tf 1.00 N.L. Senui r isisii; w r t r . a ,1011.97 . h i !< » • i i i i• i Hofacv 18 U la.Tt NftKtn n ' 0 1X79 N. Nall Inv 6.78 7 ^ l j | ^ 3 . I oiop Dot iia w .i. lrINA Hir 11.&212.U Newtn 1 I In 9.27 N. Un Capt 14.24 IS Wid11.10 N. un Caan i.OONlif. I ' 6 *FunSf*^ ^“"b.Vj «.30I IfInlnup*"’ 1.00 NrchUt^'It 1t.Q7N. Union In 11.7012m 12,81 u l ril lnvo*t 1S.2}ia.e< Nmgr*a 8-63 0, Untltd Fundt; Inv Ould 10.lSN.Lr N«il MIvtr11.47 N. Aceum 6.77 7 ^ '1 i:Inv lnd‘c 1,20 N.L. NuraoflIft9.48 0. end Fd 6.74 7 a T u Mg 14.071JJ1 If Inv So* «.i< •»»r«alra cost, 1 S ^ l l| I 06-Qin - -7.7] 7.SS Op Fm i l l - r - — ■'s 2m T'’ k h ^ ^ DS ND sat S.» HI Ylall > E '6 4 0 0 - ^ 'lj ■ OS Pro 3.M j.ea Ineom " llll 8.3B.3 Cil. Fl. DS Tax *.t» 4.sa Mony . I s 'f ^ ’ ■ s M I i Mulu«l a.92-S.70 Opi Iru Stock ia.IS 20.49 8»«C'Ir y m m a I m I . ^AV hirlpogl^ ?■> \ I • J d ZI AVPE R l A L | ^ lrr a s iii s • a « a . : , s s s \' £ o n i Inv •-1740,23 HtSI OfDup: Ptnml>t . 10.04 10.91 Val SDO 6.4949l «<.68i I 5\ 2 7 g \ ^ r Ofwlh S«J 6.47 P*nn M I G id td J t iiw itT I ------LW-8 conM ie^.au I T\fr l:ri: ,E a S/*. - H ‘ l J8 a.07 . _ ____ lltti Ffid 2t.36 27.1t Ptwnlii-«- F--9.301#,16- r 8p*el- •«.«-« .W JS S Ws l ““Si ' , • s s r ’ “,Wn ■ *SJS*b» ,1. I k . j;ks»?.S ilt ..arF« '“ ■■■" ’iJ?S ______- -OOMW___ JlM llO - Jl %■ 2 B :t ??F^pS fSSiS W s m .!:!?» m ’ Fa 1 .1117.,] w !. In, n.B7N ' 7 8 l i ^ ^ 2 6 3 ' U 1 ,1611,0* War Ln 19,87 N J 1M7N,L Wtlalv 11.7VN *21Sr e r . Ft. Freezer • Chest Freezer i ' s i i H " S»t .3-CyclCle Washer • Electric Drye |i* 8 .3 C u . Features texlurod steel, counter t i l l i 2M-}- Normal. Shorl.' SI PormanonI 3 lomporaluro seloclions.S. a 4 a u-______Foods frcc^o^0 fast-and atay Fei 1 ilnnod. ^ cold In Ihls h balanced lid. scratch and soli - SK l Pross cyclos.)s. Cool-down 0070.3 tomaticdrysotunssand l Hr hoavlly insulatod bal a - l t e ...... - -waah/rinoowwalort©mp.»locJor------.. spoclal cool-down caro.r o n n d ______Iroozor. TomP'■ip.ofolurecpntcpls.'., . resre^sMnM l^lij^aB^j^^ -ID Jn tfe • Nw’^ini ______n n d j Innri a9 ijn gnlftdor— -... Tumblo Prass control. ’ ______r o s D u rab le fInlBh S t ; " * MN.L T«0M- . |.17ie.« Tu Fl 'K o- 38.1

• . r f /•

• OO ib i t u a r i e s 0 ^ 1 H f i g fg l c T ifnea-N bw a. TwinTv Falla. Idaho • S p o r t s V a l W •______. • Wodnosday,-I,. l u l y 2 5 . 19701 , , r ’l / llet) C leisslfled ------;

■frR^f e r - t ea r m e> d m l o s t ]p o l l lu t e d 1 m s s t a t e ByBONNIEBAlBURD JONES product!ction. Is largely from silt. Indivilivldual farm ers at a benefit»m to Uie that they have2 been washing away contributions con are also serious 'r i n ^ N e wrawrtttf s v "Wen5 now hove a study under• ww; ay " T h is Is partly beijecause of thc type farmimers and the streams alike,Ike. R enk so much silt. Thrhis usually results in_varvarious parts of the state, but m ...... TWIN F A L L S -^ ScSevere pollulion on sturgirgeon In thc area of Bii^' ion ' Of soil wc nave In thisth area. Our soil said,d...... better handlinglg of the irrigation of the problems In soulhcent - of the Snake River• bbetween Milner the inake Sna River,” he said. "The "T is so 'fine even a small Irrigation “It•It is mostly a matttitter of water while itI is on thc farm in Idaho Ida arejtraced to sill carried ...... Dam and BuW'can'in' be ■attrlbuted~sturMn»n feed on crustatlon-type! fofood ” flow will wash soli)II from the fields educajcatlon; F a rm e rs are findinflling they addillontothecol:olIection in th e poiid. theli^M the Uonretum'water.' largely to the area’ss aagriculture and on uee bt o tto m o f the river; andd tlthe into retum streams,'s," he explained. can1 b build settling ponds, colleolicct the Speaking of thiLhe L.Q. drain project, Not ^ only is the DHW Interested farm irriaallon methodlods. crustalicllion m aterial must have susun- In this aroa the reportre snows Rock silt ffrom their Irrigation systems, sy£ Renk said famrmers are most en- correcting cor the problem for i '' Russell Rente, eienvironmental light throughthi the water if It is lo Creek, Cedar Draww and Deep Creek and1 < even th o se of their neigneighbors thuslastic aboiout results of the benefit ben of aquatic life bul engineer for the Department D of grow. LargeL amounts of silt In1 thetl are heavily pollutelted w ith silt, but andi rretum thc soi! to thc farm:rms for a volunteer prograram and their friends esthetic estl values and for the benefit Health and WelfareB 1:in Twin Falls, water-cu-cut out the light and tho rest■esult Renk says voluntntary efforts by morere profitable farm operatloritlon,” he and neighbors aiare learning from the hydh>dectric hyd planls. Renk said : said sediment washe«died into creeks is a dropdre hi sturgeon populationIon,” fa rm e rs Snow promisnlse of correction. said.d. ; pilot project Ir e s u lts th a t su ch collections coll build up behind the da and the river by irrigation irr waste Renkexjexplained. ct o n th e L.Q^____ Rtenk er said efforts are alsoIso bein^ practices uo payyoff. < ^ ^ ^ ai^ ------wator—presenta-a-eerserioua-poHullon------A—retreiwrt—jost—issued—by—tl—the— frrigaHon dralnrTmtmder directiun uf maded e -ta -D b ta tn “ federal“ fundImdlngno- — The—DllW—r problem to aq u atic llfilife. He said'the Departir■tment o f H ealth and W elfailfare th e SoU Conservatlstion District and helpp with irrigation retum•n w a te r pollution in othe;ier areas of tho. state repreport shows, indude the upi sUt prevents fish prp ro d u c tio n and (DHW)0 Indicates the Snake-RIvRiver the Snake Rlver“Conservation C Re- imprc'TOvement. as a result of minining, ore processing SnaSnake River. Bear River, and i limits hatchery operaera tio n s. I t aiso t>etwecncn Buhl and Milner is the mostmo search Center inin Kimberly has Hee said most farmers are arc sur- and sewage treatment tr and food CleClearwater and Salmon Rh has a detrimental effeiffect on sturgeon pollutedcd In the state. Renk saidi Uithis shown that silt canin be removed by prisecsedS when they built settlinging ponds processing plantnts. Renk sald«.these basbasins. IFarm ers MciDonalid’s po a i k hng ire2S neijighbo protest By MARTY TimlU LLHAASE I ' Tlmes*Newsiivs ttpoTUr . ■ I F TWIN FALLS —- MH cD onald's is ------fam o u s-fo p -se llining—b g illio n s of ro ad h an hamburgers, tran*ansformlng a By LONNIE ROSENWALD d ow n Into a househ';ehoId word and ■ Times-News writiff lately, in Twin F a lls , fo r in- TWIN FALLS - Farmers i furlating nearby ^e l sld ( en ts. protesting newly enforced regu Monday those rcre sid e n ts took UonUons that wiU k e ^ . UidiL-tracU • thelrbatUetothcCit)rity Council. and combines off intersU llic residents havlave been com -''^^^^| - - hhighways.-^-- l g ------plaining about^ iMcDonald's . Last week the Stale Department employees parkingIng at nearby Transportation revoked a 23-yeain faiiiitiW BJieiiiutl^ to vdilcle wlc ' and Buchanan s t^^ ts . 'niey say k Sh BB limllimitations on Idaho’s four IntersU the situation is ann Inconvenience1 highways. Bul law enforceme and a potential tcafficffic hazard...... — orniorHclils said the rules, which are I More than 70 residents, . result of a legal opinion from I spectators, and1 M c D o n a ld ’s Departmenl o f Transportation, u ______emplo y ^ jpackedid^^th e^^TOunclj affect few small fanners. ------p , '' fl ~Prit«ailiy:mfe~rui«rwiiradd-a ______w alled th r o u g a on'one-hour public and .paperwork to corporate farmc dty?s proposed ...... ^ 0 move equipment Mtweeirtari comprehensive plan.'m. ' duringdurl harvest, offlclalssaid.' i While th a t planan and oublic '------h-earlng may ftgunlure m o re ficii^dfid i ciitici^ i e i^infe whic* minenUy into the hlsih isto ry books, it said probably will be reversed was-the McDonald’tid’s Issue that thethei nexl L egldat^. ------provtdedtiie fireworkorks. ■.------3 S ? a i i B ^ The Tl Federal Highways Act of it Technically the council coi can not exemexei pted f a h n ^ from 8-fool wic dictate padung d des esig n atio n s to limitsliml set fdr vehldes traveling I anyone. But _McDona3nald;s_operatM interstate . highways. In 1975 I a drlve-up servirvice window '‘V Idaho Legislature revoked tt through a councU-aiI-approved con- exemption, and required farmers dition^ use permit,ill. T O at p erm it • ; ; . ? obtain roecid perm its for over-si: requires McDonaldaid's manager v d ild e s. BIU Kyle to proviiovide off-street ** _ For some.reason. law enforeem parking for hl^ emplo< officlds say, the pennlt law has Kyle prohibits emi>mploym from . ^ M jiH beenenfdrcM.,,... parking at the restaistaurant lot. He g a S H Clling num'^ti^s complalnls fr has an ^reemeniient with the highway travders. Les Lund, Episcopal Church on Blue Lakes mmlstralor for the Port of Cnlri ------North-for-parking-tg - s p a c e s — But- la^"wedc~Bskedstate"lransportatl several coundl meinembers noted offiiofficials to darify and enforce wlc the employees contimtinue lo park laws. on residential streets.}ts...... ■ i i ^ H Transportation department < The councU Indlcjjlcated 11 may fickflcials now says farmers, who dri K yle’s ppermit e r If the over-wldth e^lpment on the I situation was not coma rrected . terstate, need a p e im it which co£ "I’m nol one foror closing your B a trip or $75 a year, musl ma: * _ window," cooncil mimember Mary ^ ■ oversized vehldes with "wide loac Bul I th in k vou - - 5 5 '' ' . McCiusky said. "But BotiUcl.aihrihmutl/Tlme»-Ncwi- - Signsigns, and may- be-required to I can eel through to:o tth e m a s Mr. preceded by simllariy marked pll B ossM an." pulatcd cmployecs-mustist h a u c o f f - s tr e e t p a rk in g cSc a S isv ------•— ------...... ••It’s difficult too • t tcll. someone...... In allowing McDonlonald*s to have a drlverirrin.windou/.thc citystipu where to park hiss r d fO' iWiieid1 m arn gocii s o n prob!iroblem then lhan it is now,” I id d e d .___ BUHL — About a dozdozen men and where hisIlls c a p s iz e d boat w as found,tnd, trailer at Sllgar's near n Thousand somdio^ow the boal capsized."' MMunn Thc witness dUdid not realize the th m boats were used,ed/Tuesda^ In andtheOvOwsley Bridge area. Springs. He said tho0 hole,I about the said. m a n w as In troublible. Munn said this Four Fo lane interstales are at lea the continuing searchrch for Alvin . Munn1 sasi id M a'chacek Is presumn ed ed size of a quarter o^a little smaller, Thee boal was found oveiluirtu m ed w as about 15 mim in u te s before th e 388 ftfeel wide in each direction. I: M achac^ aboul 60^ of Buhl, who is to havee id ro w n ed on the basis olof p ro b a b ly was not notlotlced when the with thIhi e bow up and the stem1 in th e overturned boat vwas found floating ' said.aid. ' t>ell^ed to have drowniwned In Snake Informatiollion obtained from personsons boal was travelinglg Ihrough th e w a ter. r Munn ] said a witness repoeported in the water, LLastoj year the trangiortation di River Sundy afternoon.m. who saw himI on the river and lalerIter w ater al a moderate spspeed. hearingilg the boat pass his homee sisom e partmenl a r t Issued 22,000 widt Sheriff James Munjunn said the found hisIs ccap siz e d t)oat. “We think the boatat did not begin distancinee out In the river.*, The Officers said M ach acek p ut into exe;TxempUon permits to vehldes. seard) Tuesday wasIS ,,con fin ed lo ' ThereI w as a h o le In the boat,- th the e fillin g with w ater ununtil he cut the witness!ss said it was traveling slowly,slo' the river about 2:30 2 p.m.-Sunday, lawjw enforcement official said 5( -about-a three mile-stistretch of the—sh^ff-sa-said, probably- made-whentien motor- for- trolling. -He I apparently the molnotor-was accelerating andmd the and the capsized}d-boat- was f^und addltddltionaLperinits now will have I . --river-between Thousaiisand Springs, the boatat was-unloaded-from-thethe then tried to got bad3ck to sh o re but b o a lww aas low In th e w a te r about 4 p.m. bels5e Issued in Po^iM lo alone. C a rb u rerglary r ~ investigc[ated bridge u;vorkstiarts; rcpad builildingi:progresisses TWIN FALLS - PolPolice in. Twin , ^HOS.OSHONE — -Work to removilove vibration project wasas delayed when II was d«decided lo the federal ppr ro g ram will com plete rerepairs. Johnson saidlid the secUon of Intmtate Falls were Investigatgating a car irora th U e P e r r in e M emorial Bridge Bi over Install a scsecond giant sted pipe l(lo handle Several briogiidges washed out. and roaoadway . between Giermsms Feny and Hammett, some ... burglaW Tuesday tnalhat reportedly Snakee River1 north of Twin Fall'alls m ay get excessive lliflow In Rock Creek in thehe event of repairs must>t be w m ad e inGl locations, five to sbc m ilesles ofi new roadway, Is expect^' ' net fed thieves iibout 11,260 fl in c ^ u i ^rway w yet this week. nooding. He sa id th e re w as a six-wweek e delay Other prol«ojects’ in the Twin Falls area ar of lo open to Irafflraffle late this fall. This wlU and sound equipment. BillI nM eirltt, engineer for thee IDepartment in gettmg Uithe second section of pipe,>e, but It is th e district includeInc resurfacing of 16.88 miles complele thee InI te rsta te SON .fro m th e Gajry ■ Lenon. manainager of the ol Tranran^rtatlon. Division of H HI l^w ays at now beingl^installed ii and fill materiallal is going of Interstate;e 80N8 from southwest of JeromJ£ e Idaho-Ulah statelate line to Uie Idahp-Oregon M a v ^ store, iold pollcjllce he slopped Tvrtn FaUs,Fi said work, .which wasAras scheduled inaroundit. lo the StateI HighwayHI 50 Interchange. W.Work is statellne. a t tb e P ost Office aboedM«'iQlcBiWn g % im lh e lUIty b u t-m a n y m otorists aire re worried by money-butit is-admlnls^red by-lhthe stale. seal coatingHng is expected to be conimplete . Consthiclion[1 wcwoilcers have completed work . : car. .Alio gtne was theETred money- IhovltoI n U o n . Johnson sailaid effo rts to p b ta in dlsastbari5Cgtag5t.|^ 0 .1 In b llli rtia )thw jih)ject that has met withwit delays is failed. — Owyhee counounly. This Involves roaoadway surface, plantit nmbc and s e a l c o a tin ir 1-80 some cbMBLBft piatM (he fipe " “ gock S Croek crossing on Polo LinLine Road. He saidI theI Buhl Highway DlstIstrict has consthictlon1 andai d ra in a g e stru ctu res .o.on Ih o —betw een th e Raft IU River and '$alt Lake trict E n^oew Howard Johnsiuison said the been workin(Ing on re p a irs for som e! tltime, bul Big Flal Creekx k ro a d . ' interchanges.

— - — — rr " — ------—

-Ji- ■ ; B -2T lm as-N 0W 8, TwliTwin F0II3, Id a h o - -- W odnoscDSday7-;)uty25.-197B...... S t a tte boilard cl:hang[es 1 ____^ J * ^ _____

" BOISE (UPiV - nlnales_the-us(Lofj!uilegltiiftinialell„dards. The_flrrrm_operalcs_a.public ___ I — pattment“ 6nTeaiH ‘legitim ate." • water supply ssystem that serves Q Tuesday passed ai sfseries of changcs Thehe amendment defines a child chi to about 40 residenents of Idaho County, | in Immunization requireitienls rc for be boibom in wedlock If It is bom>m to a and docs not cchlorinate its water I sdMoI children andmd approved rule marriirried woman, unless a1 e that th of odors, ■ y e a r. the huhusband unless both the mcm o th e r The new rules: willm a ffcct icin- and hihusband agree in writingng th a t de'rga'rten -throughJfih fifth grade thc chlldls_lnsr cl name wll be ------ClU l d r ^ . . THft 61'dI ^rule also applied motheiher's ma den name o Policg to children age sevenfyi throught 16. hypherlienated combination of the:tWO. tw rcleared~| *nie hiles also ica\leave standing thc . inotI other action, the board: requirements forir immunization • apapproved proc^ures foro r ob- in shoeotout I a g ain st m easles, nilrubella fCerman talninfing information from vitalItal re. •’ measles), mumps,I, diptherla,< teta- cordsis for1 public health purposesses a n d PAYETTE (U)UPI) — A coroner’s I nus, p ertu ssis andpoIi>Jollo. allowe.kved for denial of access to vital inquest at - the^e Payette County I ------A-regulatlon-requli?ulrJng .immuniza- rccord:irds.- - Courthouse. Mononday cleared four ■ tlon for first time enrenrollees within CO • apiapproved an agreementt with . police officers of any wrongdoing in ■ days of first admissliIsslon w as deleted Miltonon Butler, the devloper of thc a shootout wilvith robbers at a ■ H i f e as was' the regulquirement of 0 WaJlaclace Way Subdivision. D rigsIgss, lo conveniencestorere early this month. ■ c ^ i f i c a t e o f immuimunlzation by a compl'ply with waler and sesewer The officerss previously were ■ p a m t , g u ard ian or le£legal guardian. systerriem standards. An Inspectio:tion of clcar^ in an Idaho Ic Law Enforce- r Tbe board aiS'ilso approved the ssyj y ste m o n M ay 24 foundI It did ment Departm«fnent Investigation, P ying the aeflnlllon' -not corcomply with' standards, possossibly which was reqiquested by- Payette- fr o f a chUd b o m o yl of Awedlocic a fte r a creatinting heallh and fire protec(tection Police Chief Jerr:rry Quada and Sheriff divorce dr death off ththe father. Thc hazart:irds. Richard Hayes, . board received two■0 letteFs 1 terming • • de:d e n ie d a request byy thc One suspect,, P a tric k D . H ut- — tbe-use-of-the-word-►rd-“lliegUlmato— Cleacwcwatcr_Water_Ass(>cIatlon J ftfo r_ a , chfnson, 30^_Ba_kcker^n^, was kllled,_ - offensive, so the! flnaif proposal variantance from state water stan* s in thc shootout at a a Circle K store.

b ( D ) i f e i JflC S g -—

Earl D. G/enrfgnnm i n g . ______^______------;— /Vlnnte D, H^ci JEROME - Earl D.. CIcndcnnlng.Gl TJ, or Survlvvlvlnc besides his wire are a son. CASTLEFORD - - Nlnnlc D. Ware. 89. -DJ#nneU»Bamannimc*-N Florida, a fonner Jcrorrrome resident, died DennisIs (CIcndcnnlng ot Shallmar, F Fla la.: a of Castleford. diedd Tuesday ot H orral's ' 1 ry SwKlayatJoplln,Mo.,o(aof a lonK lllncs.s. slcpdaujaughter. Katie Ryals or Fort CorCarson.' Nursing Home at BuhlI of on extended ^Dog tired ’ He was bom al Sidney,ney. Mont.. Aup, M, Colo.;: twot\ grandsons; two brothers,rs, Otto illness, Wahn weatherer perelsted Tuesday acrososs the tbe beat In thcle slShade of a parked automobile, . ~ IBOS. He was a member)cr or thc Church of Clendenilennlng of Jefrerson, Texas.s. and ' Obituary and services se will bc an- M a d e V alley wlwith Twin Falls reporting; as high Wann temperattratui^ are expected to rem air God, and a past ruler or BPO E lls LodKc Glcn.GIcGlcndenning of Goodman. Mo.;.; tlthree nounced by Hopklns-Is-Buhi Kunenii Chnpcl. ______o f fe d e g - e ei. s ^ This canine found reliefit from , thiough the weel^eek. ______^ ■ 1297 of Alam osa . Colo.lo. 1Hg hnd lived In gislprs,,s. „Hazcl_Elsh_oU.Sprin£,_V.al Caliromia and FloridaI theth< past few years. Calif.;; MableN Beadz or Jerome, andd'vl^i^-BenCutier V< — • ___ H ajM m W -KoHe Evcrcli;roU June i I97H^ln_ J ljllniQiqhalIiU«nsb fn ______UAllJ-V ^ Bfn?n Cmior.f-C9. .formcc— ■ _ . longtime Hailey resiKidenl. died Sunday In atic statete senator Scrvicitrices will bc hdd ot 2 p.m. Frida. his home at Wickiikiup, Arlr... of natural' *F o r m e r iD e m o c r< ______WhltcM'M ortuary Chopel by Ron Wagne — MyFtte4emocrallc en stote Sen. DIaniane Bilyeu Director) KellyIly Pearce, who I think Church. Cl I feel I could help hir »SHONE — KaUwm Bayliss. 79 mine, During WoridId Wor II hc served In may great candidate. But ththink I could add to the ticket. ” Iowa, where she was•03 educated. She dio, formerly of Shoshone, < lay challenge Rep. George•ge Hansen would be a gi m aitied Emmett KollI JuneJi 2G. 190C. ot J 2 v ^ JopanwllhtheU.S.AiA rrny,______• i-lh c . 1380 .c o n g r ^ io n a l.. race, n .she - someone-told-r- m e he doesn't, live, in ------— M rs.-Bllyeu_was - elected., to ay- a t - S t — Anthooy—H o ^ tala t- U -a l------liilcreslcd d In mining and. olong ^ ' StuaHT Iowa: Tov nwovea-fo-Twih-TaUs w '{ S f fello o after a lingering Illness, )Id the Idnho S tate Jo uirnal rn i ’Tues- this district any.lymore." IdIdaho State Senate from DIstrli r In 1910 and he died In .I8S!•J9S9. She moved to •»nwi»« several partners!n>. owned properties in ^a-yay. Peorce livesrs In the first congres- In 1968. She served one te rm was bom Aug. 10. 1899. at Oak e was a memlk*r of the - - S'* P«yette1nl96l.S hcw as«asa member of the che married mn • Frank H. Bayliss J i the Holley ore». He ^ "A numl)cr‘of people' ha'have been: sional district, Wiwas succeeded by her hust • ' . O m stian Sdence Church■di ondi the Order of LDS Church and mailarrled his wife, liildn. ncouraglng me to do thalhat,” she “Ifl doit,-rr u w ork really hard,” ChCharles E. "Chick” Bilyeu, Dhc.November 1917. He died In 1: In Sdl Lake City in 1972. Following his SUir,-bo(h o | TwlTwin Falls, and tho S U hadidjiv l ed in Shoshone until movlni lid. .JTm.thinking aboulII 11.1 bul I Mrs.-Bllyeu saaid. ‘.il-lhink I-would PcPocatello, who has been there sini w^Di«rT*nd-the-PortJo - to u » - ■ >n*rri*8e he built jp ji i^n tio n -h o u scs in- • ta -aub.-T both-T it- ^ lo 'lh ig n . She tK lbng^ to ^ the Hailey area Atterter they were sold Ihey aven't made a determinationIon." p; Payette...... Mcthodlsdlst Church. Stan Kress, the Democrat■at Hansen o ______viiEE or ^ Wickiup wlwhere they have sincc . 3 ^ V airvivtag are a son,on. Perry Kail or /Ivors Indude a son, Cari Baylla ma be conlinucd his eat in his last two races, headht s the P r S S S mX a y n o t b e reinviteci ;----- .jPayetfe; -a daugbter, MrsMrs: Burton (Clara)' Salem,., C O re.; tyvo grandsons, Ed Bay interest in mining arannd with Dusly Denton, tate Disability DetermlnatlcItions Unit Jfoora of-West £al/nn IBeach. Fla.; a » w and Norman Bayliss of Pocatc afornierllaileyite.a. and-other partners hc in1 BBoise and has said he will.'ill not run BOISE (UPI) P - Idaho Stale Several months ago, form er d : ■ bcothff,-Pmilp-CompU>iplon-of_5un_Clty.-_.ci|!tgrei atjat-grandchlldren. ______ivdopawnoll-mlne-in-^a^lgolnst anyone in 1980______- - ...... Prison Warden:n_Ed.Dermitl said on ,rorow Inmate-Thomas Creech he : .Arti.5 lour grandsons;s; and two greai- Scrvlce'Ices will be'Kdd at'2 p.m. Thurs< “Of the other names I’vee h1 eard in the dav t>eroifore c»)nvtctcd killer nenews conference at the prison le Bergin Funeral Chapel M - . y andaoos. Sbe was precereceded Jn death by “ I [he .iV J;-: Survivors inciude! hish wife or Wickiup: a thle c past.” Mrs. Bilcaurau s a id . David A. O sborom ’s Wednesday news daday after the death penalty ui ■<' ^two brothers and a KJdauRhler. awshone)ne. Burial will be In the Shosh do»8hler. Dorottiy JJane Ehlers, address conference hee Is not ccrtaln thc wlwhich he was sentenc^ was sti ery. Friends may call at thc d u •Cemeteo ther. Bill Cutler or media will beIk invited, back for do Qravestde services will bc held at 4 this even'cning and until time of scrvlccs unknown: a brotht down. p.m. Ttmrsday at Sunset Kddjum; a sister. LUllian Rich of U gnn. ■ A similar evenls. IDermill’s comments Tues set Memorial Park 'niursdoyJoy. and three grandchildrdren. /A m Twin FaUs wllh Uoyd U< Hotmquist. x C ' ••'T},,, only re a came after hc was asked for a I: Services will be hdd at Tuckcr ^\irForci ■* jason we are doing this •chronology on news conferei 1:1 Oiristlan Science re4(kr.(^r Arrangements :>een besieged by the the Shaffer-Jensen R ic hl a a i n d ‘D ic k ’ T h o m e t zZ Mortuary in Kingmanan. Ariz.. at 10 a.m. ■ Is we have be involving .prisoners al the k iV. a ie under dlrecliori or Ihe press wanting’ to Interview him,” oJ, ^'^.:.,PwpelatPjyelte._.:. . .. BUHLL —• Richard "Dick" Tbometz,^ ^ todoy and tHiriaJ wiil u bc al Kingman S la te Pcn lten tig jy ...... ■...... died MoiiIdii'day'at'M a'^c Valley Memoin w r ia l'■ ...... voman - Dermittsald. •"•■■We m a y not be doing ol of a short illness, this anymore,, I don’t know. The 'p-— Lola-Taylor ChapapUn...... -"S-Sras born In Twin Falls J a n r iin-,926 s EmieEngtes- -- - «■ ncws mcdlaiialas'just-been bugging- jV: HA0ERB4AN - UIla ia 'Taylor Chaplin. oved to Buhl with his parentsI’wheii wt TWIN FALLS - Emle E Engles. 87. of T g metodeath.” ! Dr. Spencer G. Williams b-'\- B , or Hagerman, died M( s in the fourth grade, .gradual!uating Twin Falls, died MonMtdoy at Mogic V dley ffdiinddei '• l^^alHaiTal'fNttnlngHoiTKM "...isTjhe-BuW-HiglrSchool-linwr-w rite— MemortBllftspnarer?TTsnarnnrtws: ------— s recognized •J------AMwracBrtlirOpBtthirtrf— '. 'she: was bom S ept iS,a. 1893.1 In Dccolur ” " « l »witlr thc Army Air Corp durlduring He was twrn JiJune 23. IB92, a t MOUNTAIN MC HOME (UPi:PII - A M e m b e r s War II in Japan and Korea,la. He Wyaconda, Mo., ammd attended schools 30-ye ce cap tain JERO M E —- New members and 1 ^ ' County, Kan. The famramlly moved to Wom Wj -year-old female Air Force I WILLIAMS ’ hen'she was a child m amedd rNorma Human ot Boise Sept.pt. 14, there. He marriedd Flora Grimes at w asas found dead In herer home members who h a v e Joined In' thc last ’ so d . then'-'dame to Buh!luhi in a- covercd 1W7. HeIe 'was owne^managcr of Thom'omctz Kahoka, Mo., Aprilil 5. 1919. After thc T uicsday c s moming, and aullluth o rltles year will b e rececognized today at the II CHIROPRACTIC OFFICt !U_'_«aflDn Jn J90e..She..was.{M.educoted. in ,the__Canvu1 andai Upholstery S ) ^ In Buhl,hi. He marriage, they tlved ^ In MonUina. then s a jid' j ' they have not ruledI 0out foul noon mecitlnglg of the verome I ) ...... 1 30 Elnfi St...Tv*In.F-aII»- 'CZ- Bwr*chooli.and.;w»s.ttI thc first girl t o . served on the Buhl Clty C ouncit-fortir tw o -m o v e d to the-Buhl anarealn 1922.-AncrhlST"oTavray. ------— Cliambet^of-CotOmmerce-at-the-Wood | > . graduate from the Buhld HHigh School. She and a half hai terms, was a member of tbeI retirement they s { ^ht l' t f i c ^ 12years In Nov^ T pking P a tio n is — g ra d u a te from Lewistonton Normal-School- Buhl Courountry Club nnd the Buhl Chamtamber Twin Falls. He was a member. or tbe Buhl Therhe woman,' whose name s and a slide show of ______^ Mon.-Frl.. 9-6______merce. Nazarene Church. withtlthheld until relatives are n enlarv schools in of Comme n ls 'W ill follow fife T Call tar vpolM734-ffiOO town».-She retired------H inrEI gurviveg-By l -BB ,wirt ar Buhi~ni; a He Is survived 5yBy his wife of Twin w asIS found a t 10:30 a.m . Sl according lo chamber ! ^V-r ' Jo -y e a ii aga.: She roarriarried E dgar son. RickIck -Thometz Jr.; two daughtehters, Falls; a son. Em estt 1Engles of San Jose, schedfieduled lo return to work H 1 N elson. ' I Thometz of Federal Way, Was lowing a week-long lec ( ______O ufdin March 3 1,19is,ln. In Buhl. They hod Connie TT Vosh.. Calif.; two sisters. MiMrs. Maine Wright of follov : m ade tbeir home in Hagetigemutn since 1934 and Mrs.s. Tony* (Karen) Wiggins of C^iri!ariin. Twin F dls and Mrs.rs. Anna Graham of ab sersence, and when she falfailed to « b m * they operated thelhe Chaplin Motel. Nev: his.lls. m other. Mrs. FYances Thom 1grandchildren; and sbOW3w up she was reported mlsslIsslng. ■ f Twin Falls; a broUtcr, EugerteHte J. two greot-grandchlldiIdren. He was pre- i _ :f>: Mr. ChapiiB (Ued m 1971975. She was a West ofT ' pqkesman I ^ Krman Methodist Thomctz:z of Riverside. Calif.; a sisti!ister, ceded in death by el|eight brothers and a :apl. George Titus, a spqii membd* of the Ha«ni • Mountain Home Air Forccr e e Base, :____ Cburdi,.bdd.roeroberwl{Lhla.ln.the order of Mrs. V^E. (Dq^nna) Shorthousee of sister.' ' E tste ra Star for 66 yiyears and was^^xatdlo;lo:'aml two ororkiMis. Services w iirtw COconducted at 2 p.m, Mid-Id iin RImore County cu ren tly a member amand past worthy CravesltKldc services will be hdd atIt ttbe ' Friday at the Buhl Na'Jazarenc Church with disco'covered the woman’s bod: m atim of Hagerman Volli/alley Chapter No. West End:nd Cemetery at Buhl at 2 p.m. p.i the Rev. Gene W. IHansen oKlclaling. e n telering r her residence throirough an W Y 'm 78. Sbe was also a pastI guardiangu of Job's Thursdayay with Father Eugene EscEsch. Burial will .tK jh the West End Cemetery, unloclockM window. The woman an lived .Daughten. -• ...... FriendsI nm ay call -at lhe-H r O \ ( Anin E lm o re C o u n ty ShnliJuiy24 . -Qraveslde .services wUl -be h d d . a t 1 RUPER'3RT — Scrvlccs (or Cccll Veni Vci BURLEY - ServicesMS for Flora Doyiey. runnilming. He said the water hhai a d been I=«r Inforniatlon Coll:Coll:S43.«319 :------^TTOaiiaay-al-lhe-IIaiHagermnn’Ccme- "Barker.-G9-GS. 'o f Chubbuck,- form er Rupetjperi - 80.-former resident of Buricyrwho-dlcd—runniiming forseveral days;------by Hage'rman Valleyey (Chaptcr No. 78 resident,1. whov died Soturday In Pocatdlitdlo, Sunday In Portland, willwl be h d d al 2 p.m. EJlmore ln County Coronerer Verl B H H H H OES and Bishop Don Watson. W< ,-Friends will be h'hdd a t 11 a.m. today in1 Uthc today In McCulloch’ss Chapel.i Burial will H ummphreys p had not complettleted the ______n a y call at the Hove Fum'\tneral Chapel or MountainIn View Bible Bopttst Churchch a t be In Pleasant ViewV Cemetery. < Friends outop!opsy, but said there was5 nothingn • Jerooie this aflerrMxm and evening and Pocatdlo.lo. Burial wlli be in the Rupcupert may cdl at McCullolioch's until servlcc Immeardard Wheeler. Mindy Brown. JoiJoseph Kalange. ond HA^AMMETT (UPl) - A croi:ropdust- sinallcsi B dtone aid of iis kindd vwill be given absoluicly Mrs. Manuel Aspltaiterte and VIrgll BarsuRlla,, bothI pr Laurie Wagner,:r, all of Twin Falls: Mrs.s. Ronald Voss of in g pilot p escaped serious; Injury1 free 10 an>nyone requesting il. Hagemian; and Mrs. EdwanvardSavaria of Shoshone. Falrileld; Rlchan'lord Tbometz, TTiora Day. MIrs. r Reese Romons, ' l^ e ssaay o j moming when his 'v r' True, alUl hearing problems arc BM bs and Jim Fritz,. alaU of Buhl; Mn. a y d e Dcai:an of Filer; Elmer ' c ra shshed c in a city park. E lm o re , irc not alike . . . and som e __ _ AdaughtCTtoMr.andMrs.frs. Gary Jacobson of Gooding.B. Corie or Arco; RolRobert Morris, Jay Dutt. an d1 NMrs. Robert Black. C ountinty authorities said. c a n n o t b c .^y a Itenringng aid... But audiologiits ___ SSIABIEMORLU. — ■ - ...... CASSI - nil of Jerome:; Mrs,M William Pawson of Klitimbcrly: and Mrs. o ffficers f I said Dwlghl; h t R . re p o rt ilViiiat m any can. So, sendJ fcfor this/rce model now, Admitted/ Cllvt-CaliofHansensen. B lackt:kburn, 27, flying fo r G airk's r k Air and wear iti in the privacy of yourour own iiontc. It is not a Joee DelTorro, EUamaee Hamblin,Hi and Raymond Blancanco, all or /ice Inc.-of Nampa, was di Haidton; andOscarTrcvlnooriorPaul. Service ing aid, but it will show Buriey; FredSorensonofHoi Dltmlned . )s a t about 10 a.m . in th is : ow you how liny hearing ( ■: - DDlsnlBsed ^ .. Florence MUler,Her, Mrs. Monroe Dlerkcr. Celeste. C Henderson, RrnTtpf •be. It’s.yours lo keep, irson,.Ju]ie Graf, nnd Gloria Tc tered-out town when he'fien ew tod '"-’'p I :cp, free. Thc actual aid Brian Bean. GlseDe Carsoi r a t e , on Mm, M one Carison iU and doughter. Ervin KKruckenberg. Tina Weighs less of Buriey; Bartiara Savage/age off Heybum; Danid Gall^ Ic s o s ot Notue, ond BuU« and crashed In the park. • ss thari a third of^an.ouo u iic c 'T a h d it’.s all a t c a r • uthann Balley. all of Twin FFalls; Mrs. Glenn laekbum’.‘scrambled_out—0 ^'•08(»enrC aadeh^: Palomomo (tf-^ut;-and Judy-Mechi?cham '#nd— SlDRfl'and'daugHliBhter-or Rupert;CarttonDanlc: L jo L lh e ------'-.IcvcU-iii.or3 n c - u n i t .------^------iidsorFtrcrrKOreh— le after receiving only/ m1 inor Kenneth Merrigan, bothofRufR updl. « Bunts, Ryan Sen^ervatlus and Harriet Ctalbon)rn. aii of Jerome;. m odels are free, so weivc .suggest you write for ...... - m ^d 3 o k a m e m o iu Al ...... Ellzabetfa Oolter.rer.''if Gooding; Mrs. John Nl officers said. Nipper and son of s office no\y..y. Again, we repeal, thc ..Admitted ' ------• / Gwtach, Nev.; Mrs. Ml Ronald Voss of Falrfieheld; Alysn Koylerof [fleers said the sheriff’s there is no cost, nnd cer- ,■ n ia VUlasenor, both of Rupe .5nd. B»Mey;aadMr».Rs. Rick Aarvdd of Jackpot.' ; two calls from Harrammett lainiynoolobligntion. TliousandsIs hhave s^lrcady been m ail- — u-resider[lents hpfnrpi th e .c ra sh .sa y ir y in g thc------:cd..SQ writlilc-loday-iti-D ^it. 02254254, Bcltonc'Elcctronics. ik r-^f1^j'^^i M 6 w -te'« 'r7-and-Htd-Mrt-LynrBHlleyTJfTaun nindntr.'^nd'Mrs— i^as-flylng4oo-cl08c.to.tn Meyer of Went ire a ; - ...... - V iaoiia, CliiiJuguriH . 60646;6 - ...... ■ ■il. ^— :------— -y------

i y ; ...... ■ r‘. VJuVutJn.<;i(i;,y, ,iuly2i. Trrnnus-Nuw:.. TwinPnltii, ldafioB-3 ______:______y j C fe jg - W e i s i ^ leuoil operiationI S u n cd i e i w a j ByPETEBJ.SCICHUYTEN conlenl,It. can be refined inlo a varv'ariely ex p ccted to cost apjippears a ttra c tiv e . probliroblem of disposing-of thc spen © N .Y . TimcsSsService of liqui]uid petroleum products,Is. in^ Occidental, throi■ough Its Occidental shalelale, GRAND JUNCriON)N, Colo, 'I'he eludinglg lightweightI home healinging oil. Oil S h a le Inc. subJbsidiary, Is consid- Thu Thi company has been pcrfectlnj .. sh afts—b e n c a lh _ .th e.urity.. . i coiKT.‘(<'., gasoline,niLaiid.diespi andjeLfuel. . ered the leader InIn lh e dev clo p m oiit itss processpr s ince l*Mj2 at a slle knowi ' . moriyilhs are beint: sisunk nl (he. rnle »,Overr ;all. the production polei)lential of shale oil. Sincee lt)72, th e com pany s Ixiganas W a s h /S n ’ hilleS-SOTinrTJ I ' -bf- about. six -feel a.tl.d ay . C osts a r e of oi! sish ale .is . considerable.-T-Therc.—has l .-Iwcn—‘u-orkln.ing -o n . a_ p ru cL S S __tract.acl:-_C-b.__Therc^ ^wo levels o running around $3 minillion a tiioiilli. are soisome GOU federally owowned known in energy circlesc as modified tunncmnels, aboufi^OO feel apa'rt.’ havi T, By thc lime commercn-cial pnxiiK-lion oil-sh;ilelie tracts like Occidenlal's.'s. and ' In-situ, or In place,:e, ex tra c tio n , w hich beenLMin hollowed Into the side of ; begins, p ro b ab ly in1 11)«G, the Oc- at least1st a dozen or so compaiipanies largely overcomeses th e mo!i light,” hesaid. By tillthe time production begin'4ins on b a rre l of oil prodU'Juced. And the shale- Thi Indeed. ' when Proresidenl Carier these tr;tracts-a pipeline approxinicimate- rock te n d s lo expand ci In volume rea area from w hich the oil will ix outlined h is $142 billlollon p ro g ram fur.*- ly 100 milesm long will have been;n builtI whcn heated, adding ad lo the dif- extraxtracted. After the rooms an AU fora$5rgfufu n d reducing the nation'ss dependence( on to carryrry the oii northward wherhere il ficu lties o f disposal;al. . sealcijalcd with steel bulkheads, the tO] foreign oil, it seemedd .an affirmation wiii bee ffed into the existing pfpcifpcilne A s p r a c tic e1 d by Occidental, ofr thc « retort is Ignited and i ineries modified in-sltu extraction,ex on w hich slow-iow-bumlng flame, controlled b: Computer sciscientist Lou Gary of Sann FranciscoF is within 10 of H a m m e r 's lonR-.st-.standing belief systemn for: distribution to refine M iddle W est. the company cucurrently holds G7 steancam and oxygen, bums its wa’ ____ days of ownJwnlng the multl-milllon dollar do headguariers of that oil extracted fronDm underground In the Mi layers of rock-harc,rd shale will - Overr i the years the productioition of patenfs, provides5 focf only 20 percen t throu,irough the broken rock at the rat« ------:'T^cinc“T€lefilephone Co. — all becauseuse he dldn^t get a $5 ' about one foot a day, releasing th< as let the legal action som eday p la y an impiporlant part in shale oil oi has been considereded too of the rock to be b b ro u g h t to the of ab( refund. Tbene telej^ne company has st Is exp lo d ed Inlo oil,1, The T oil then seeps to the twtton f th ey d o n ’t settle V Aug.'. 33, a p u b lic auction for fueling the couplryry's Industrial cxpensivsive and loo harmful to (0 the surface. Thc rest slide and UU ilallon. rubble and heatcccd in place under- of' the thi shaft structure, where It I: Ite building wili be held atIt theI steps of city hall, engine. environi:)nment lo warrant exnioilal its coipo'rate ;ign oil groQnd, a processs that requlres only colleeillected in a sump, much like tht is showr)wn with legal papers he hasa s filed. The United Slates,.s. il has been But now3w. w ith th e p rice of loreigi; ------esUm atcd.Jias a‘serv(•ves of sh a le oil avcraglrg ing nt)oul S20 a barrel, the $15 about one-third asmuchas water and, drlppl•Ippings from a roast inlo a pan th at to ta l 1.800 biliroIfoii' barrelsT ' of ■ to -S25S -; a - b jir r e l that shale oil Is equally Important,It, m ostly so lv es .the Ba which GOO billion atare considered ian on gas sale economically recoven;rabie. Most of r auses no trouble lere. wesLaf tho f .ry ? ____ lhal JsJP, bcJgiinlLte ixaJthasJbij u d g e t p j ns j p o s a l ALFHED.' N.Y. IUPI)------M ayof —Id a h o wanints^pow er-M i g h t s — — Rocky Mountain-s In lhe rugged •ranceland bounded by i W yom ing. LAS VEGAS, V Nev. (UPI) • SSen. opening day of a four-day convcn- irginla Rasmussen has banned WASHINGTON (UPI)) —- Idaho's trie projecJects. The Idaho Re-5/ U tah a n d Colorado- P aul La>vaxalt. R-N ev.. sjiys th e UniUnited tfon. lies of gasoline in this village b u t — twQ-eon g f e a omon cold .Tuocdoy Tu tho pubUbans—g— sa id — tfeey-rrwiH— L-l). .-is ll li. Slale.s blidgel" bl L‘0U1U 1)1‘ UaMliLed at-shouTd posc.no blg.problem-foc state should 1» given thethc rights to amendment:!nts to that legislation to known, Is situliled bellelween th e lin y ih e lUHlLiai-lt2 fiscal year If fedtederal behavior of Presi■^denr Ca'rler*'had lyone. electricity generated by a new allow the PalisadesP. generating facil-*'■ C olorado to w n s of Kifhiflc and M eeker, spendinging were cut. been "bizzare arand almosi unex- "It’s a blanket boycott," Ms. power facility at Palisadeadcs Dam in ity to be buibuilt with slate funds if il •sIs about 50 m ile s northchoa.sl of G ran d • He also al; called for a slashtsh in p la in a b le ” . He saliaid it was Impossi- Rasm'asmussen said Wednesday. “We e a s te rn Id ah o . notamendecded In com m ittee. Ju n ctio n . II is consldiIdered to be in regulatioitions and red tape Imposedsedon ble.to determine hhow long II would ■ thouglought we’d do our share In Reps. Steve Symms and an George "It hasI b been the stated objective one of the prime shaleile-oil p roducing busine.ss.:SS. tak e to recovcr frifrom mass Cabinet conseinserv in g g as.’’ Hansen told a House \SWater and of this adradministration to incroasc regions In the world, a.and could y ield sm allill b u sin ess Is the life bloodood of firings. TheThc declaration, however, is __ Power_Subcommitlee_he;.h e a rin g , t h e _ 5 l a t e InvolvoIvcmentJn..flnanclnfi_and_ a s m uch a s 1.5 billion bitrrelKofoil,bii -the cou•ountry but is Iwlng—o\-over'— '-He-predlcted-reFeplacements;in the expecipecled-tp-havo-no-offccl-on-the electricity rights shouldi gcgo to Idaho operating: vwater projecls, and our T his is a n oil th.il cairan iminedialcly regulate^ a Iwileiler fuel and, if told thclhe National Associationon of before the endI of the current aree no i service stations locatcd the Palisades facility’s consonstruction. philosophy,'y,” the congressmen said, treated to reduce■ its nitrogen Retail Grocers ' Monday onn th e C ongressional scssi(sion, withinthin village lim its. Under the Idaho Waler Wa Plan "The stattate of Idaho Is willing to — aj>proved-ln-!976Hh€-slftt<[ftte-wwte-to— provide—th<•the—fundsr-to—buHd—tl>e- finance construction of the new additional1 rgenerating capacity at thele OPEN DAILYr9!30-10, ‘ SUNDAYSJi J O - 7 N C J ^ WTHRU T i SATURDAY generating facilities andmd use thc PalisadesI Dam.D under the guidelines ?d.by-the-Bureau of-Redai- help 'obtain eloctrlcal energy ei In- matlon, an1 ^ ^ Tr H E ^ S / > V /IIS IG p i - ~F ire rem aiiifTsurrconi t a i n e d OMAK, Wash. (UPD-— The stub- pleted, thele wind’ would send burning ^ t)om man-caused Salmonin Creek( fire embers rigl•Ight o v e r th e lop, conllnu- 'm u sh ro o m e d to 7,500 acre!cres Tuesday Ingthcfli'eu'e un ab ated . ___^as_some_800 fireflghtws: battled stiff The firee IsI believed to have been winds In thefr efforts tb0 coiilainc lhe sparlced~wl■when“ s o m e o n e 'd lsc a rd c d - ‘th ree-d ay -o ld bloze. barbecue coals cc five miles northwest l|5 ^8tRWICJEP0UCT_ A section of thc Northjrth Cascade of Okanogaigan sometime Sunday af- Hi^way was closcd during di the temoon. ■ h e l^ t o f M onday’s n fii r ^ l g h t l n g s i „ „ Uialhal time, the flames have■'e ' M jnrchTs?'^\ __ efforts, but It was reopeiipened again charred a seven-mile; long path to V^ acc^iid Salo Prico — 4 Days •Tuesday after fears the,e ffire mTght u,e soulh. For cors wMti wilfi radial tiros*. Jump the highway subsided. , no homes have been Suspension-!on-sonsillvo vol- mM One fireime is Just nor although the fate of many vlng.»For mosiT^osi U.S. c ors, M %m ga. ro ad . ’Th a t onb' Is apparently ;; 1^^ m s along the fire’s borderj r '—------—^ W =d' But efforts to dic-ir :t entirely to the wind. - - ■ w ind-ald^' southem dfrec so far proved fruitless,, ddespite the . There hihave been no serious — :pnrtpd, fiithnugh-sevpral-a l _ i s g S M . . and shovel-cariying smokejkejumpers. -firefightersrs have been treated for)r ■ i i j K Whenever a firellne} vwas com- smoke Inhalilalatlon. KM100-1-WHITEWAUS K M R A D IAAL L 2 2 5 — WHITEVW A L L S a l j i

4 - P L Y P OI1.YESTER I, CORD sizes R(C. SAU M .T . . ^ s R n d inlai l Pirns' ■ .‘a d . Ca78«14 49.88 ^38.88 J.I5 Poiyesis Marinees to tri•ain SUES . I R£C. 1 SAUL£_ 1.E.1J ____ C ord___^ _____ .fO U B -l 1 ___ : . I 3».,8B ! 31 .8n ; il 7 in Widil. • • ' ------Our neu.neg 7I.UU— .mi/u-jicnam B — ~ ...... j78»14 38.88 I 3^8:.8 8 i 1.11 Our Reg.'313T.88 ”•* 40.88" 2.38 Our Reg}g. 4 3 .8 8 Soaiod. caloialoorr-lcad c o r \ - m ^ ^ S 8 3 fR78«14 $ 4.88-444,88- J.55 - AR78^8x13 strucied.'Novci[Qvuf noeds watOf.g ’J m iser beiam s G78xl4 40.88 35.'8'IB B ji.Ja B7BX13 w ith Is «For most largoargo cars Savo! ^ "ftc/ianga GR78iTm 58.88 4 8 .8 8 2.6S tW E N T Y N IN E PALMSflS M A R IN E force. Riflcjles and other weapons are-c C7ex>5 40.68 35 .8 : O O CR78.1S S8.88 48.88 4 2.73 • ^ % A -..BASE, Calif. (UPI) -- The. U.S.__loaded withth blanks and an impartialQl H78xl4 I 42.88 38.8: > Marine Corps. Is goinjling “ B u c k __um pire mnust u determine who wasfn • H78xJsj 42.88 : 38.8.,88 j 2.66 1 KR78il4 62.88 5 1 .8 8 2.9S J C w ^ ^ - — OISC/OR w T ^ a s e r b e a m __‘‘killed’’ anand who wasn't “killed" -IR o g e rs ” w ith th e las< :,7 , HR78>IS 62.88 51.88 5 2.96 PLUS5 I F .E .T . f ^replacing the bullet In training __and whethether a strategy was ef-f. l78xtS I 47.88 I 42.8:.88 2.96 i P L U S F .E .T 1 .73^E A . lR78ilS 66.88 55.88 5 1.30 1.86B E A . _ 1 BRAKE JOB >C T crclses o f th e future. ______fective. __ ------Salo.l^lc® ______iser win remove lhe'le ' All TlrTiros Plus F.E.T. Ench Beginning In Octoberr 1931. lh e J e S f w o ri. t " . . ' ::M arin e C o rp will equip M-16 M rifle s, MOUNTING INCLUDIDED— ^NO TRADE-ININREQUIRE^^^^^ j SERVICES IHCLL^ c lu d IT ^ y 1 Infantryman, the syslemtl 6388 - jnaehineguns, tanks andId -anti-tank For an I ns for.usejn ....consists ofif ia detector in the helmet,t, -■ ______I r -Lw e^ns.w ithJaser b^ams 4 D S y i O S l y ; w a r g a rh e s a t the Twentynlynlne Palms detectors • bibuilt- into the suspender';'r...... 1 Southern straps thatat carry the cartridge beltIt , >== B WS r /■ ■ u K r in g a b u zzer that will c -.every_-llme_ the _Marlnc W m lube, Dil ^ s w e a p o n . fires a blarlank. It then sends out a - . • “The days of 'Banglngl Bangl. low-powered-ed laser beam that corre-” AM/FIM 8-TRACK InIDASHI 3-W AY, 4-SPEAIIKER FRAHFilTER • You’re Dead!’ w jll'^n be a thing of spondstothethe range of the weapon." ur Rog. 99.96 — 4 Days CAR SOUND SYS1STEM the past.” said Ron Fralzinlzcr, public „ ^ Mmlarlne is “hit" nnd the,e Our R o g . 6 8 . 8 8 - 4 DaDays _• * litl'iVIZii!’* . .affairs officer at thc" hlgtipllclieded ‘'kill” buzzer goes off, P f 9®® - Riverside ..County nea Enjoy IMo tm e sound ool c.-ir slcroo wdl) 5x9''wimwo6lor.mld- he pulls a ccontrol t Jceyto-shul.offthe., .....this in d n s h unii AMM-FM radio with- U.I u Iricludol slnole.itoflo Springs. ‘»When you’re hihit by the jietKlor. whichwh In,turns deactivates rafigo, 2 twootors; - B- “"or lor most cars. ' 0-lrock lapo ployor. OnDri^inal oquipm ont , m ^-olinco magnets, ^ P r . ~ la se r, t h a t’s It." the laser Irarransm ltter on his rifle, , styling. For.mosi cars.s. ' Stwo now. Jm ™ & Sovo nowl- The M arine Corps has5 aannounce cntln tire sy ste m for a sinjgle ; it .is purchasing the: i( u tu r ls t c M arine weighs wc less than five 2 ! ! L i ' devices — callcd tho10 Multiple uounds”FriFraizersald. ? oly5 t ™ SOFT-PAS:RS^tE ■ ^ ! Integrated Laser Eng:n g a g e n je n t P® ' SEAT COVERS V % WAX Kll AUTO CLOCK ■ (MILES) - frofrom Zerox Similarly,ly, th e 105m m gun of on Our Rog. 14.88 ■ Our flog, z O o r Rog. 24.88 ■ ^ectro ^tlcal Systems. ByB 1981, it M-60 tankc vwill be equipped.wilh a b < ^ to nave enough ofr theth devices device thatit will’ activate Its laser, as ^ |4000.40dy l| 1 9 » 8 I ' to equip a 'rcinforced battalion ba of well as dupljplicate the noise and flash 2 - or‘4 .d o o r,slylo. m Kitr. on. undor. or I n * ~ nlK>nt CTO nnH » mmpnnv 0^ of a real discischa'rge^ 5?lainror.lstnnt. ' danl>.12-voll.S.ive. ■ ; some 120 men. l46S2.465lBnctangulju lar. ' "Tanks and ai - vehicles will be CARPETED HEAVY-DUDUTY 16052 Hectangular..,...... Eo. S .6 8 |l. 15-OZ.* co-2 - 5 !H)e equlfiment, costinglg X$700 for. a p i p p e d with wl a hom to indicate a CAR MATS TUNE-UP I OIL ADDITIVE ■ ' '■ Blnde Infantryman,-wUCb!Lbe perma- direct hit,, andi 'to add even more Ouf Reg. 75.^8 Our Rog.’’^96^ 2. S E A L E D BlEAMS E W V Salo PrIca ■ : nenUy lo c a ti at tHe MarfaH n^otps ;reallsm.a8nsm otodeylce will goo/f. r j ■ Our Rog. 2,482. I .Center at- Afr Ground Combat C r - - A r m ^ - 'te s tin g ' of~'fKe~‘' I.'"' : Upper or lower I TwiFSnlyntoe Palm s, w h d™dc“ e i §he ie MILES syslem lent —m j^TX iA ^Eoinls. rotor,or, con- 12-V bonmc Glenns, quiots lift-S -r-throu0Kmt-the-CoTps condttnduct-lraln— amazlng'auiautherillclty'to exercises.” - fii.OBr Roar*:'9;8^ ‘ ------ctoriser. Nfosl)src < a « 7 —g o m ttiati/Loii .. ■ of«i. valvbs. rin^s. W • - Ing^exwclses.' ...... a M aifte I B rookesnumi-^ld, "After .‘.iJncler jwesenfwar' gamesga pro- one near mml isvaitank was actually „■ cechinw, a battalion fitfiSdiUonally- .damaged wheni-ilts v frantic crew Ihmh hi H UNHB called “the ftiendly force”CB” .-ls p itted - drove o v er-ir. a tr e e w hile attem pting against a platoon^lz^S- aggressor tohide.” i t M m liTflllMil j . '

i.- ’ '- H r f? ;— .1— •o ' i-'. B-4Tlmo5iN8warTvi.'TwloFalja. Idaho Wodnoad>aday, .Iuly 2S, 1079 > ■ ■ J 1 1T T F E j a T RYER IREASTS PIGGIrBACK PLANTS A DA Crad* 'A^ 6 .nch ^ BEL-AIR I l y F a r m s ALBERT P o l. Hongir 5 ^ HAS r U ^RANGI a r s o t T S 9 9 SPRttArmmjB ^ ^ D R UU K N S T I C K S E A . H i , ^ Yowr.ir Choice.. •Ib. 8 8 ^ ■ c - T 0 W E L S 2 - C R I S i P O P S I C L E S ^ ------f-PO R K -Jt-B IA I TENINC ' AlASSORTED fUVORS . FIESTA PA PtR w aon A iw tM -u 01. ra« n Y SHORTEN I M IS 01. >0* n(i i':-. il PIIICCS 600D aS^ ,‘; IMLT 15.11, 79 I EXICAN 3 M% l s ~ HOT DOG BUi HHMtR " '“ '■ N K M I X A L LL DETERGENT OR HAMiUR6IR4«R$.W RI« S ' d s (J>RESWEnENIO ':® "w SUDS - 40’ o r r l a b il (ARIME N . SUMMM ?/ SHEUSS^I - 1 ^ ' ^ 9 1 * ' ' UWin MMC lU W ^ m ' iSc Stamps S | i g L _ ^ f E S WHm _ \ « ® / J p 1 M BEANS I FRIm i T DRINKS “ D i S r o i ^ T U N A P L A T E M A Y O N NN i A I S E S p . M BUY BRAND ^ ^ r - YOOR CHOICE LLUCERNE OEUCIOOS REGULAR I OR EXTRA ABSORB L OR WATER SCOTCH Bl r nsTrooorM i S“ « a 2- S — C R E E N 4 9 i f s a r ^3 9 c - - r - i ^ ' SAUCE 9 -A tSQo too»<»* i ] H H l \ I—— H i m m i M PARKA u ^ 5 a «[ KRAFT iMARGA R M D C M T E R* c u t T L E A N P O R K BONELE! s c « BR'ADEH ------n M ^ U f t P C J ______I SIRLOINROAS^I BONELESS HAM S— ^------^ ^ R O M I NH t O A S f ------SK^^^^BRAN*S ------PORI«OIH■V %illWI V -ROAST ------B < ! ■ tr TDOCRtillOtN-COTS SiSAfCWAT TiiMM D SIILOM EMI CBSANY lAR.S tr SMOK^A^OMA '' IMMtOAn M ita 7 Ifc. RAMM c u e C H U N K 1 STAR KIST4M Oil. I

5 E -5 5 5 ! !L .... pkp.-.. . * i l y Ik ^ P t t ; 88* Round S t e o k s m .. *2" Po*rk loin $llced?rr..V4:’ i $ Z = .■ ■ '” .. M '- | 7 . B 0 I ■BIpnMnwu^ - Sausoge Rotli *■ P e rkrk loin Roasti^iXiri^r Iu o T ro a st _ ® J 6 8 BEEF ROUND nlCookriHomKvJJ. l:;.*2” 81 .Boneless Homier/; i.*2” Bonelleless Pork Chopsj::rc. •> CHUC #&<>'.■• . • ■im«fc.*w.'tw:»tjrei rnk-BiIo»niiSSK.. ' -'I r«~. *1“ Ha«g

— - L o c g a - ^ H *• *J” Mooty SporeribsSS^' .. *]»»• Eye'of RoundwSa' c*:;.; . »r* Half Hami:*UA*r?i:t j a ?y.. ~ 55' Dog & C« ilk .-.&90' a Table '. ':PAK ' ■■ ^ 1 ^ — ' - TRAY I r- iii 55* a W is k y L F O R ^ ^ l H n s VI: S 5 ' e L y s o l S LArge Size S Valencias...... , „ 4 9 ' ' LAIIRGE MUliflS.rn '.•■•■■ 6 9 ’ a M o p & UTAH 6REI r-rbRANGES JOMS-A?^'Si-TT:TTr 9 9 V P i.ANtFOOa^i y -----Z\- -RodLEiruci or Cr—ir~to t h w iSlGE.19|0 -H^HROC ^ 4 R o M u l i i B - Y o u rE Cl P f t )NIONS„„.., 2 i o , 3 9 ^ P OmiNG ' SOILt,^ t , -'■- -V m ' " ...... E-J GREEN or LIEITE'" '■ S— || )i herbal [ 18M r d Z . ' cssence t SHAVEE CREAMI .15 I sham poo, ti icHoia TOOraPASTE i i i s d i E S - n . ------« c u u r o R - I » g 9 : . • . P A U t - ^ l P 0 3 f 1 i i i l i i ] •.....— •—vs '■,*-rr";rpBICB OTICncnvrJUlT 25.«; l« 9 - • Assorted $09 SOLO IN RETAILREI QUANmtlS ONLY i 6 > P E S t ^ J a i n c h P o J s ...... -..... »# : l u d in g \ ■ICH f il m / Twin Foils,Is, *Jefome> ‘ Boise, chultz $ 1 1N H G ( ■ ; - " " M([ fy/WS • W e l s e r , 'Gooding, •Coldwell, S T R I P 1 W-OZ-slrfrT-rrrrr^-r-.TTTT— IV ' ' *PayeHe, 'MoMountain Home, *Nan>pq> msEcnciDE j e BlackMagIc C O I 2 quart bag...... W fci,, TltoKbBrg, *Bl‘ Blockfoot; *idaho foils> : •Pocatello, *Rupert, Hls fo ? ' *Monlp.lier,,: I ® ; , ■ u j^ , Burtey. . :Ontdlitdirio, Oregon. *Green ■ • M ttW A Y 7«t««rr-7ltoclr5k“"Spriigf7^K«itiWBr«7 'p«,»r Vyo—^ifyr^tHtorNef.---- M u lllp $ 3 0 9 »5rS^«rlR^K; ms M i VllaiiiiiIII ) RICULAR M .1 i S p : . ‘_._2SO.COUKT.j g g g ""'I - -H* - ■ . '• • 7^' ■ '■ ' ■ HI I1SH31SH2 iHivEldi jid r a p

9 - 2 0 p . w i S

H. ? p c n * t iS Wodnoodny.’.’•luly • 25, 1979 Tim os-Niowo. ow j Twin F alla, Idoho B-5

^CiEt f a ni s b ai c k - tJmtia s - e J H S t e r i n e im e n i BALTIMORE (UPI)I) - .lohnny Unitas, who10 packed for any other lmIndividual player," said Don E Smith, the plaquesICS. U n ltas tu m e d the familame and money he received from ■ Baltim ore’s Memorialll J-Sladium io r 16 years as an All Hall’s publicity:ity director. " T h e admmission to the Unlla:iias, a U niversity of I„ouis'uisvlile graduate, will be' football into a multi-mill:miilioh dollar business empire lhal P ro {juarlerbiick will)ilh the Colts, will havee several ceremonies arere free, but we've sold severai se hundred presenl('nled"at tho hall by Fraiil-ank Gllschicr. a former' Includcs restaurants,i, tbars, hotels and a trucking h u n d red o f Uie faithfulfijM^h him Saturday, wheihen he is tickets toBaltimoImore fans forthe gam o.” to u isv;villc il assistant (uolball coa00 • fans, m e m b e rs of .th(.the Colts televised llall-ojl-of-Fame,-contest, for-wlwhich all 19.000 T he! CColts Corral's sent groupsups lo attfird”the Hal) of■ the football seasonl • -i -C oC ralsrfaii-club, willI fn:fward buses early Fridayly for the seats have Ix'cn.*en sold for the -first timo10 In ils 18-year FameI installationsIr of o lh er Balliiillimore players, hut none Loudenslager said all but onei of th e 34 Corrals in n fne-hour trip to C;mtiinton, Ohio. T h e re they wwill see histo ry . O lhers■s t to be honored in pre-gai,ame curemonies of themiim drew the in terest Unita;Has did, said club officer re and P e n n s y lv a n ia will be I Unitas, who came to Ua Maryland, Delaware Ualtlmore in 1950 after-bebeing cul a r e D ick B utkus,'JS, Vale Lary a nd R o n Mix. HursLL

B o r z o v^ S In di;iistrict slowpitch:h i':rRebuilding c a r e e r Celts sign 3 u h / , TFcl : lubsczop ti[ightuvins ^ ^ ; fm ish e Cd N FALLS - Idaho Dairyy cof 1 M .L . C a r r . •,MOSCOW (U PI) - A h u m an Buhl andind Sewer and Water Speclaltlalty BOSTON (U P I) - The Bosto; faJiure, a«r,Ib»{ec/ (o aidi/dage,; may be posted' light1 wins lo mark ththe coi(in wilh\ a sense run wheihen Rick Tencale tripled am highigh 16.7 points a game last seasoi i df chivalry, or a touchfl ofol sentiment. scored oon a fiy hy JohiJohn , forO)r Detroit, becomes the third Plstoi I Tuesday was a day to wi ) wish hail and Wriglit.L ' ' ------) sign with anolher-club throug th< ; farew ell to one cif tlu thc co u n try 's Al Bustiisby cam e up with two big bi| free-ee agent route. Kevin Porte; : OTcatcsl sj^rtsnicn In1 effcct,ef Valery plays to help Sew er and W ater tojtop jined Washington and Pen Poquetli Bor/i)v ;iiniounccd withith more than Ellihorn•n R ealty 5-4. H e plated thithc 'ent lo Utah. w ords th a t lie isn't likelikely to bc a tying run•un w ith a single in the topp o o f H ,‘*This Is like a d ream com e tnj< foctur w h en tlie siinuiic’ mer Olympic.s -tfie severventh and scorcd thc wlnnln{ning I ' • >r ..m e," sa id C arr, a t 6-foot-< I are sta^etTni liis counlryfry for IhO'Ilr.'ll------run andd men t willEiooa a collisionr na n — mslQcreo one oi oaskctbairs pre I Ume. ______the_ pjateate to m ake th e fin.nl out a; • miler ler smoll forwards. "I wanted l( •' l^nr/ov. ttu* oiilv siirirnrlhter to win "Elt^orhh Realty o'f Ketchum vva; be e aa Celtic all along. And I wantec mwials in successive Olympics,Ul> and l*>*nytutItrt ieifra g a in:— :------— -to-be. be on a chanffuiiship tcamT-! I best-remembered-for his hi sweep of ^ *'> olhcher action, Blincoc of Ruperpert • ■ ' promromlse thece win bc a champi I tho 100 arUl 200 m eterss .Itni iMunlcli In hom inercered oul a 14-G decision ovei onshliishlp again in Boston and 11 will ck a 's of T w in F a lls whil< . ! 197'2. finished a dlsappolipoliilinB .slxlli C h c lso a ! h ile , . ' Jnmy1 my years here;” ------,••“ ------J In a ({ualifyin^; h e a to r200i00inclLT.s. F a rm e rs Union Insurance of Rotocrbert— '■ 1,^ • CarCarr had becn_actively pursued bj d Quality Roofing of Twir fc j______^ ______j ' II was Boi7,i)v's_nrst■«t,,maJor.tcst^ ■ '" I Wie—New e 'l .K nlcks, the Sai 14-U. R alnbow -C url^of Twir - , Antonntonlo Spurs, and thc Indlani since uniJerf'olni’ siirj^e utscored Hcnderson-Glfford o ! A chilles tendons o( botlSSlif^IegS lust . — 4- « paceiacors. In addlllon to the Piston nid-rt«hl-alonR— ?22-10 in the nightcap. Id Celtics. —i—Octoljer.-imd-lie-hJis snid- T-ZIOT o f Jerom e -collected a O r a a n d C th a t th e S parfacadc woul i clainn M allory .Tnickin^ ■ ------lefx^HtiiM-eeomv:------.awx. Norlh orS Carolina, where hc roomed foi ' of Burlevley to complete the opcninj :• Only three months shy ll onele J year with San Dlcgo Cllppei shy ot Ills :mh „|gf|,..ssclschedule. Ipyrf PiMW., Pnrr moc rtif hy .ih i birthday, Boi7,ov's onlyly hopeI: for th e loi I R. ■ ’ • • • • • ■*’' '■ ^ U ovJ lournament.s. both A and n 1 Celticsltlcs in th e 1974 pre-season. H( —t— ©lyinpics—\vbuld—ttppmir“ f. ^0 resum e J a at G:45 p.m . W ednesday.. InIr “ ■■— ------— ^ 400*=^ietcr rolay team. OilOtlienvise it is {he B dl> ' hadid iust flnshed playing in th< division, John Lutz-Mambo'sDo's L|,* Amermerlcan Basketball Associatioi possible the Soviets wiml.1 wi honor t „ |„n Falls meets Big 0 Tireire: , . Uielr ajiing warrior byr allowmi!al him W ood's C a nid d ecould not crack the Boston fron Cafe of Jerome takes or m w J linene which consisted of Johi . -:4o-)5e-lne Jjnal person,l.lo. ti carry Ihc Idaho Mil Ills, - vligrant Council of Tvvin Falls W r ■i ^ Havii.avlicek, Don Nel^n and Pau jl O lym pic flam e; • , and Ida):Iano Frozen Foods meets;ets _ — il -1 Borzov, who also wonm ; a bronze In R am scv ll ■ ...... las. Silas. V ' : ,-----— ^ ------"In"In 1974, lhal vvas a move th< the IOO mctvcs in tht l'J7ims Bamas .at n/oe A, division. Filer Miig and “ —•m Montreal,- ran his 200W luesday in juu will W - ■- Celticeltics had to make,” Carr said. "Ii II play K erbs Oil of Buriey was asu unfortunate for me.” 21.92 secomjs - I,U21,112 off tho r^r« mim«ls_ Irving's of KctchumlUm ______■ • Europcanrecord he setfin: |„ I i m ; ------He went to Israel for one ycac-ani 30 of KetcRum goes againsi layed In th e ABA again befon t •, There were only alwiilui2.ooopMplo 2 otisHall-1ll-TacoJohn’s. j w ell s p re a d : out In lhe 11 106.000 T h ere v jlining s Detroit In 1976. 2 will be action cach evening ’ TheThc Pistons will be entitled U i capacity-ifcnln Stadium1 fofor the track . throuclj1 FFriday, all in the winners* and field activity, and the thi Rupians S S i' . compimpcnsation and coach Dick Vltak : In both divisions. The losers ...... lid he would like Bob McAdoo. Bul ^ took >two o f th e three final;nals, althouj will- start ■ -4 s a ld l art playing at 9 a.m. andund— :------^ ------— — Bostcoston -General—M anager-Red T] d weak American teamim flexed fts Sntlnuetle throug 11 p.m. Saturday, :' muscles for the first lime. Auerbuerbach wasn’t going to commit '®-. „ , The teiteams are playing for thethc - ; hlmscmself. |/; - M arin a Kulchunova set a Russian r|„hi to to advance to the state r] national record of *19.^ "I haven't even talked to him •19.77 in th e p la y o ffs.'3. Tlie major diWsion. which r (Vital'itale) yet” said Auerbach. "H’s |j wqmcn’s -100 meters,;, ach th a t C a rr w as th e /es already are. decided.cd. e playccJie__wanted .when he Jook li Itt th e m e n ’s 200 m eter ■■ ‘ ' ii - one pi er hente with — ^ c s c —Iniinclude~Pour—Haus;—Blue lue ------; -r— * • overa:eras coach. Ly__ ao.ito a nd Wardoll GUbrcareaUi-uon.hh — -fcakcs-Gre V ireen-'Trout-'Furms-and Pro-TO---- > - r ■ j ■ "Thl“The whole country Is looking for h eat In 20.99. AAU chamlamplon Dchy fessional il Pharmacy of Twin FallsIlls J m m m swers to the cner» crlslsr we li L aplante o f La Mesa. Cali;alif.. won her • and River 'crstrccl Retreat of Kctchum. - ..-.i foundjnd ours," said Fitch. "This is a .lieal of the lOo hurdle;dies In Ul.22 • They wereere the only leams declaring |( ' followinR a false }>lart. ttr i J C arrtlTT that Is energy efficient and gets i m ajor, ...... ,, .DianneII,■ II«K»n'nn/Tlfm;».Npw* plenty Jj " 'A b o u t th e nn»st coniin mty of miles to me gallon." . .. iiinon ohrase Dates tofor the state'lournamcnis all 3nly MVP Moses Malone of jl h e a rd h e re a b o u ts Is! ''tcrfinlcal‘ I wiiinmAuAug. 10 Ihrough 12. L cftflclle ld e r D av e N u t t i n g o f N io rth w e s t R e a lty g u n s thtl e b a ll b a c k in to th e In p --jjijffak" referrin({ to another ■ I . ., ____ Hluston o S and Arils Gilmore of ' ______ChicagIcago played more minutes than ~ C aIT m last : year. "■ }i ciomputer. / ' { ' This means,fong delaysays in results j E x - CZ:SI s t a r AVuerbachuci emphasized Carr’s ti'nd other printed materiajrlal and also : _ ' versatlrsatlly and his unselfish attitude, • affects actual competition. a tradirademark he said also applied to • ‘. -D u rin g t h e , m en's g vlicek-and Frarik Ramsoy, the h— —ewtimpic;” lulous "sixth man" of Boston’s I ,va u lt a n d pom m el horse ho were ^ ^ j l l i a mE i s 4 e ai v e s ^\ t l a r r i t a ^ a im p - nimplonshipera. : d isru p te d by. power failures. fall The 'Trie honeymoon is over.” n .1 gilts on thc vault thatt slshow where ATLA ■JTANT (UPI) — DwightIt “I want to play herlore," Williams -than-a-si-slxth-round-plck-had he’-re-not* -let-my-frusfrations-is-comtrotit-instead—A'icrbf crbach-sald.—M.L.-Carr-is a-role L__ ,lhc_hands go w ni out,t, as: did the williams hadha said he wanted to playV said. "I_wanlAQ_beJ)there when the__ h a d pnHe{ilege.Droblems that caused?d his1 of holding them bac3ck. T he guy’s still P'aycr.yer. He knows the name of the I' vl ghts thal are sensitized?d I lo In d icate fo r’ IhFT^lTairahliTiravffisTTJul-vvIicn hc10 real "Uilng s t a r t s in 0October. What transfer.T. got lhal Tnaireyrn^nd~he-got—the— ne Is winning. We had-nobody who0 couldc play the tough,- quick iw nerea to u ch Is m ade on1 theth horse. decided the thi guarantees the NBAA I've seen of Atlanta I like,1 nnd now ' w nu-imam s w as not allow ed to play pl sympathy, I' ■ ■ Followinfi momentary:y contnslon, club offered•cd w eren't enough, he wentit things a re go in g to be wo^orkedoul.” forwwards. ar This fs definitely a step In ball last soason afterr he. ' When the termsIS of a c o n tra c t th e riglright direction.” —ihuman—eyes-had-lo -replace -re tho— home;------Apparently Ihlngs-wcweren't worked another P rovidence bas<;b; le out to his satisfaction, i >'cr a W illiam s and his :atlom ey w a lk e d roJi»2 wiwith'the Celtics, as long as he blem for the rookie guaiuard, chosen In the sixth a pool gamo. I’he player■ wasw o ut o f a m eeting wltl American gymnasllcs leteam' could round of tl )f not play last season after a transfer- ith Hawks general couldlid hhelp the club. this year's draft out of iously injured. m anager Lewis Schal ! (iome Wednesday whenn 18-year-old1 Garner-Wel^cbb College, caught a ring from Providence:e to G ardner- n ° ts e r io “ Whether It’s starting or being the Teresa Schneider of Mlnncnpolls. Ml plane backlk to R hode Island. Webb, w as looking foitor some first- "W b both b thoughi w e'd ‘ wonvon,” " T h a t's no real blbig thing," Schaf- sbcthlh oro seventh player, I don't care, Minn., may be forccd to withdraw Williams.IS. rated a good ballhandl-1- round g u a ra n te e s withoulout the benefit Williamsis said. “I offered to Justst let I fei. a former play

i ' B r i e f l y i h s p o( r r t t s ------— — - j : Yanks seelek presidentt Kings hihire B egzos Calsuming responsil^llity ComebacK ague game against Pawtuclucket. F o s t e r 11 LONDON (UPU - FormerFoi British heavywoi(^l : - an International Leagu in lim bo for-uptoitotSmlllionlndcbl. tjbxlrig ch am p io n Jo e Bugner Bu| said Monday he had CINCINNATI'I (UPI){ - Cincinnati Rot;ods officials « . signed a S3 m illion controntract to make a comeback M azzilli releleased said Tuesday’ tlthey were unsure whchen slugger cJetSts lose player2 f S and bid for the world litle. would bc able to r e tu r n lo thilhe lineup. mrMt " I b a v e sig n e d with witi the M u h a m m a d All ■ NEW YORK (uIpI).-) ,- Outfielder Leo Mazzilli MPSTEAD. N.Y. (UPl) -— IRuss Cooke, a free )Clng treated- fo r a pullctied adductor organization and am jarantood gu; ono and a half . re le a s e d from a Los AngelesAni hospital Tuesdoy ar thigh. He lefl the nods,R< In thc ? F " ‘t Ifnebacker from the University of New York M ets-said-thalS h l - ' U nur^cle.In.hlsHg ...million pounds.(sa_milimnJfonUf. I am-a-success,-.sald ------"spokesman for thc Ne ^ m id st o fa trip, amandrctuh)^ to CincinnatiISun-day: S ------sachusetts, Tuesday becan:ame the third New- ....- " M u l d possibly play"•nextTliursday. ne J e ls p lay er in the p ast w'eekeek to retire from pro tax exile Bugner who0 nown lives in Los Angeles ■‘Mazzilli Is flying5 oul oi of Los Anceles late football.ill. where he has rriade sciseveral adventure films in Hollywood. flftcm o o n and twill be home tonl^t,” saidS ‘SJJ PengalsIs like lin e Cookeiko. G-foot-2 and 235 poundsnds, was signed as a sp o k e sm a n . "Tlic x*riiy,riiys were negative and hele has WILMINGTON,ON. Ohio (U P I) -r- LikeJ fino winc, ■ fre e ag(agent aflor silting out last1st season. Defensive I only n slight headacheche. He hns oeen told byjy the Cincinnati Bengangals coaches , figure Ihclr!lr defensive linemanan G regg Robinson, a socoiecond-ycar m an from HulFs futureire un clear L— .^doctQn.to_rema[n-OUt,ofof. nction as long as he has the line should t;ct eveneve better wllh a g e th is seaeason. ______D artmnouth. oi q u it ()n Mondajv to) rcreturn to law school WINNIPEG (UPC) -=^Q-one_knoa!S-WhethciLslar N _____ . : headacho,” - ‘’TJicyTcgobarodTand'tlicy", know i t ? ‘"o he'cdachsaid. ? . and rqolOoKledcf^ive end AiarshalEairHarrls. an elghlh . _leftwlngcr_Bobby_HuU-wlLwill.relum.to.-Uie- National — _ ___ DPT-Frank-Jobor-WhcvttRa-trcatcd-M n rjillli; j s n id nmpd ‘‘Wk RH " ' ~- — • wiisnn------ro u n dl-draft-choice-fronr-Tcxar -d :as-ChrlstlanrT^lrea ’ Hockey L e a g u e n ex t fall.fall, but the former Chicago headache was commonnon among people who susuffer Whitley. Eddiec E Edwards, Ross . Brownerjr and Gary . last weeveek to continue his studieslies- a s a c o m m c ric a l Black Hawk and

J B-6Tlma8-No»Jowo, Twin Falls, Idaho WiW odnoaday, .luly 25.1979 Y a 2z h its 4lO O thHiR © s i n ridl gili, c 0 It w as Cariari Yastrzemskl's-night defeated Minnesota;a 4-2 and —- andheshamliid it with his fans. Ballimorc swept a double-header dou . AucmcAiCA« uAom .• “i r v . S i l l H'Tcrru'D 30 — ^ ^ ------Y asfaem skljkl_£racked_hla_. 400th____ wllh SeatUe. l l-3and7-6. ' ^ g j s 1°'*^*.^..______------1° ^ career bomee frun and Dwight Evans Gorman Thorhas ■S a m r~B uc r —1!?:;^— r* i r 7 ~ r i — cii.Tcf tiVa'i N JJ Jll /. C"‘c»ctp i ju-ov.i», n<»i . ‘ ' smashed a twtwo-run homer Tuesday M artlpe? h it h o m e runs,;, enabling ei the ".TfiV 0>ll<;j i-W.I.cn, Uo>.!,3,.. ro>l«i. nlgbt to leadI tht}i e Boston R ed Sox and Brewers to overcorr. Iwowo hom e runs Dennis E c k; w^ e y . lo a 7-3 vlclory by Lance Parrish and posl)osl 0 victory. KAOMtClt/ " ***"® Thomas hit his 24th honlomer In the ------ovd'theOaklarJan d A 's.-...... Doato'i ^ ------p S p ^ S b ’i Yastrzemski,iki, who gave two cur- slxlh Inning and Martinitinez stroked ^ ^ ^ ^ TT------taln-calls-folKollowing the'blast, now his' third in the sevceventh. Pat i ij i i J'i needa Just 399 hitsh to b ^ m e the first Underwood lost his firfirst major s.“i J ? n a 0 0 N».0*Mni"iVT4lJiMfW A m ^ c a n Lea{e a g u e r to gel 400 hom ers l e a ^ e , g am e a f te r five slralgijt ir , L i L . U 5IL8»ci*lR»ni»iCil,^F and. 3,000 hitsIlts. Stan Muslal, Hank victories. Plnch-hllter Lou PJniellacJIa delivered ’ i/S fi'K Aaron and WUiVUlle M ays have do n e it CAIIFOBMIA ^ HtW TOnK s^ n bl C”iCAO0 „ „ y hOUH 10-ne. . , IntbeNattonai;lal League. a run-scoring sin g le ofioff reliever ill f" i t i l i U u f H MO « Dave LaRochc in the scvei!venlh inning, ( I * Mi.n,*n'c In the sixth,th, Jim Rice rcachcd on ^ Sotlon^ lifting Uie Y an k ees to triumph.^Ron irlu K ■ i s™o»'i»~3 J. if" iiii ssS isi : a fld d tf s chochoice and scored when 'OX 1 LOP-Ol.i.'.a '—:------ygBtH emBtnMnjeltedThe^rsfpitrtroff— loser Mike M organ, 0-6, into thc decisions. D avis allow edi oionIy.-one hit E.*."*'' i'4) ■ — f t t i ™ Oakland bullpcllpen for his 17lh h o m er In four innings. ,i.4, M.iii> sn I 9 e 0 nmao'sri n n homer with of the season. Cliff Johnson's two-run h 5-.,to-e, , . I J . . TOUI. *1 ■ S b ;° :i" 3 J k ired twice In lhe first none out in th e n in th s'na{ihapped a 2-2 (.sn-i-'i-sri'ci ...... '■ •• Boston scon Oo*Ton s*.‘rTc?. 2 5 ^ Tcti'?” »°iVl Ic»»fl M • 'S J •\cl >K*** S'IMWC—J bomm to Ne )P~Mitwlu>^l« 1 L0(|..UiiaavAt*^4 nurJIl' ro 4 7 0 TimpCffTn u 4 ] y Softb.'t b a l l ?n!|,|pA'I?..’uS>TIi« and to Wayneyne Gross in the fifth, header. t In Uie opener, Ken.en Slncielon uiini-i I' J j 0 ip J J ------Oakland's oth.)ther run -came In the cdrove in Uiree ru n s w ithI a double, a JI Jj s?t "s n*od«iri ______rd h o m er to jJ; sbcth on a sin.sinrie by Mllchell Page ssacrifice fly and his 23rd !3 y .!,»■■ '*■ |» M -Itn 00 SO C"u'C;l»*0>< andatilplebyl>y Revering. . ^ 1lead the Orioles. i l 13 ______In.other ganam es. Milwaukee edged In a rain delayed gameime, K ansas n-ijjciKi 0 ' 0 ’ » vi;cto%^:n p ;i !g i S - • >V .Delroll M ,, New| York Irlmmed Clly C wasatChlcago. S f s - A S i Cniniir sn~ *000 *'('* *M»ienu) wi>_vi>—rn.iii, r-] II a-t: ee thiSiuVT} UM;I.0"IJ B ^ 5 ^ ■ f . s s h : : z . : . z Aiitnu 130 oco ec]X,'!! Footb,tb a ll / ) I 1 P iraite l s prot<:e st b u t 91. L9UII til loom ------t4jii II r«i-rTW"- tr\ ----- ^ M ------S i S r ioVa"^ J 1 1 ^ «°~'~o -oni. nn„i... Ki.'J.g •• - /l Eg-- Bnmatrc< I-i ' ByUnltedPd Press Inlehutional fn'a ft run In his first at-bal3l t to“ llfl lh e ’" I s c l”on On.u JM ? K i? * u ri Ken Griffeyfey and *Ray Kni^l Cardinals C and Pete Vuckuckovlch to S s S s , n . lug.; » iKir I’ll* figured wllh dld n h e hullaballoo they vvictory. Vuckovlch. 9-7, stostopped tho 35Tf“r!e?«o'’i“'*S”ii:?S.,.. .,..1 ‘•'ys.' • J - 5 ? J ,5'' ^ ' i ' S r * elI_.comc .away„wllh..a_.Braves B on six_hits. allow C.ncl^nilircSjOTrJinn?'- S f e ”"'-'’-America,a n L e a g a e ------”HElOmll SU— three hits over thc final six in -■ CINCINNAII PITTSnunOM^^^ Griffey w en n t t;a-for-S wllh a Iwo-run Dusty Baker belled a grand gra slam ae*nL* *"*6ALTIM0HE „ C'*’*'11.1 , , J . . J n r . . j _ ■ r - , homw and KrK nl^t singled In two and ai Roy Cey added aI tIhree-rim ”*4 iSl'o e. j" ■ ! 1 0 04>UnJllLo«An»l.l. F® ,V • : . foitf-run ‘hi — " ^ d pace" lhe*^'s^Angeie^ ^ ------gl-:??;? V .U ^ ’fo t411 f s a s i s t Reds to a 6-S-5 vlclory protest^ by a 15-3 rout of thc PhilPhiladelphia J \ I I • Kansas"AS crr> ^^^citCAOO : . the Pittsburghrgh Pirates after a Phillies. p ______—oontfOversy-oveF-an—- unusual baserunrunnlngp!^. Ttie vlctoiyt went w to Fred Norman, 7-8. who gavere up 10 hits and two cSATERPILLAH / R M A C H I N Ei ! S A L E S Bair finished and . walks. Dougi Advonce into a carc opportunity sellingg Catorpliiar machlnoryry In tho construction, l loc o g g i n g 1^ earned his 14th4th save. Bruce Kison, aroer h ____ - _ took the Jossoss alter.being knocked and agricullural marlo rk o ts . .out tajthe.firs[irst.. He gave up six_ :!i-Liv«lnScI S o u th e rn Id a h o o r E o tto>rn n O r e g o n •' .. singles and fotii'otir r ^ while getting ------rt'Workforforareo't leading CAT dece a l e r s h l p ------jurtboeoflt:------_*-E*»oblUhlU h ed te rrito ry a n d u n iq u10 e compensotlon progran y- Johnny Benclinch and Dan Driessen •if C o n tinluoua u e training program I' also had RBII s in g e s in Uie R e d s' -4r Complot«le te b e n e fit p ro g ra m to pr: secoDdbase. . By that Umiime, however,' Lacy, • le <3u.afthe plate, had ~ COAATEMMRCLGI/SE____ eiiiht lo the dugout. Feolurot olf conditioning, powerpow sleerlng, power Brokes, cruise — wbmt^on hei was\ tagged.by Red .. . iiifeia control, lilt whool. hoavy■ duty du suspension. HD coollhg, Intor- shortstop 'Day*ave Concepcion. An I' k m ltlonl w lpori, AM/FM 0 irocK lro< stereo with 4 spaoken, tinted : ' ai^ument develveloped over wheUier n la ss. 3 CM Visio Bov windcindoWs, bolow evellne mirrors. Plua: mt or safe, and It "STANDARD'FEATURES! FoiI-b«.il-bocKed llborolo.s iniulollon: wotl*- r^': Lacy was out ond ceiling • Wood lloor underloymeot unt • Foom corpot pod • ...... W w W forr a while Uial. Uie Corpot throughout • 4 llntodtod sliding icreonsd wlndowa • Vinyl . i n ^ i g ^ ^ dd i allow him to retum S L A ^ ______coaled; luan woll and doere r pf a n els • Door pockoii. cablnots, TER...... j g .•------^ ' w h e re ' b p p l.doBlfe • CJUIHlHlr P BELTED TIRE!^ E S ______:._Aftet-a.~j4-rW-minulo- delay,—the — i > I f o rr~ 4 FOR . votancoi ond trlm> • Oullioded vinyl> engine covor • Snack tray on - umpires evententually ruled. that ongine cover • Ploolod curic:urlolns • Cross cob sliding .drape • . C o u rte iy step light • Dual iwiwlvei.cab lv light sRoar light/nlghi light „ Mormo had walwalked and that Lacy • 2 re o r ip o o k o rt wlrod lo ccob o b •S te p lo ie i lor cob and slcie e n lry V was safe at «second on the walk . • 4 Highbock swivol se ats wwill llh belts • Moiched galley, c o b ln ets rathar than outut caughti stealing. But • C orvet ice box • Stolnleiss stoolstc sink wiih water ivstem a'Mon. ^ also ruledled be was out when >vpt-y-STHgtrMi;for • "Gorm ent b a r >cepclon. Iriggerlng the___ Spore lire mount • Spare liretire lock and lire covor • S General ) i e s t r ^ Dual Steel ll.rolsod while lottei■tter radiaJ von tiros • S cuttom alum l- A7S.I1 WHIICWMl1*9!A70.I3 WHirfWAU num wheels • Chrome lugI nulsnui ond cops • 4 whoel lug lock* • NL games, Houston p i ■ In other NL ______S}4.7S IACH Four-way lug wrench • Anii-thili-theft dovlce #Van Flox roar v^lndow ilowued~CbIcagoigo-frl-and'St.—touls— defeated AUantaIta 7-3. . F t T I c,,r WHItEWAU I F CACH ______^AIE_P»ICL ^ Ken ForschI ppitched a four-hitler I 1 WNIttWAll I r I C*( illrilH RETAIL PRICICE $14,120.90 ...... and Julk) Gonzalizalez rapped a two-run double to leadsad Uie Astros. Ken ^ ^ H r x T T n * Foncb. atIt one< polnl retired 16 Ia K j& fiB jjH consecuUve batbatters before pinch- SALE ! h itttf Ken Hern:enderson hit his first 7}» borne run of the year wilh the two PRICE...... out In Ute eighUihth. ^ n n is Lamp. 7-6, »10,9a8 abs«wbedUieI^QSS. Ol£ , DIACKWAUS AVAtlADt Ted • Simmons,ms, playing his first * JiM BUCXWAILS AVAUAOll » tNMOSt$t2ES (tame since a JJuneui 24 mjury, doubled ______IN wosr SI2K ^ 1 1 GMGQUAUTY -DASH CASSETTE OR 8: TRACKTl I NYLON ^SE f f i a r k p l u g s 1 IN -/tTH 0 AM /PM STEREO RAItA D IO ...... - C OOVERS ^ ----- I K^ 1 1 sav K T a rk ^inian % Q 8 8 * P Snnnua. MOTOIORSBMTSDiyiSIC 3R PlUCSfl7<[*C» 1 0 , keeps5 UNLV r fram o i l i ,r*>,rVv PUNCTURE >o dismissdl U»e Universl- T FQ T W CHALLCfle n g e rJ I . ^ of Nevada-1la-Las Vegas as a § t J I I I S H O C I ;^ 1 mm ...... defendant In a isuit fUed by Rebel :i’‘d INSfAUAnON llll m tmafc>*hn1l COacha^ Jeiiy Tarkanlan. 4AVAIlADJt 11 M Tbe suit oiigliglnally was filed in J U i LUBE & O il. r ~ “~T Z »AVEM > ■ lAUNROI 1977 to preventIIW u LV from carrying CHANGE JT x 3H H POWER 4<■y^ ill — -...... out a NaUonalal.CoU^^le.AM . eUc-- BATTERY 'w.l-'’ “'““'--yl- 'nstaiiatioi AssodaUon edict[lct th a t T^ricanlan t>e - 4 8 8 - - M psTsrzEJ ® _ AVAIlAniE removed from allaU Involvement in the * intercollegiate aUathletic program. The Rebds’ basketbatball team was placed CHEVIfROlET 3 8 ?'JCE ' ------' on two y ea n pro)irobaUon by Uie^CAA • MAINTENANC lr«t„ll,U L ^ ___ oo grotnxto iDefDeyl recndting pro- ,;r„- • FREE - 220 N. B i ^ a d w a y ^ Q^. compioplalnt recenUy was iJi.-apji.Sw.BonillilSpJi. 1 ORflOEIICII . - ^ pnm pTUance lar wlUi a N evada Q 1 re uihr, l Idaho 543-646 irfh) aiisiMii»m»nU M T IE Ii ^ J ■; , S i^ u em e C o i ^t direcUve c to Include i '■ .(NorfhwottIt corner of ,Woolwort tb e NCAA as: a .^ f e n d a n t In th e ES- e I, 705 Blue.Lakes Blvd. NcN o rth . r Hours: DAVE: 543-Sa535 - ■ iDHN:7M^2 _ Twin Falls aI7 ' • case. ,V» ______^

•^1.’ ' ______V ______J ______W ednbaday, .luly 25,1970170 Timos-Nowfl. Twin FaU«; Idahid Announcementst s ___ o w ' - SptdilNUHcttcM 006 . P»rP»raonaJ» 00? , Jotwolinllnlo'rosi 007 Jote()teollnlere(l .007 JohsQllntcrcsl Johi boIng lakon M ECHANICITETbTo: , N 007 Jot oot FiFJorist a l o e VERA .lulco. Lollons. Lc ^ APPLICATiONS'boTr iotacdnlorsjl 007 JolJobioflnltfssl 007 ' Jobiofb^ Ovor 100 produeial:ISI Call ALOEVERA T lor Wallrossos. MaMaids, and oxcolloni bonoMsoMs 5 wagos,. ______Tf! A . AIRCRAFT ISOS. Apply Profor o»potlorcd wayno, .loan>nHi:i. H Do you wani a boi NICS IN- / OM______Losl/ft Qlowlng comploxion?. ‘"’““r'll MECHANIl 0 Alloy, 121 • train- Tools roqulriqulrca. Apply IMMEDIATE OPIiPENINGS NEWSPAPPAPER keepon rull-tlms mi 4th Avo Soulh, Twin, al 404 WashlngitInslon Sl. S. y, FOUND: Engaflomontnt rlrjo Don’t MIS8. 423-4744 for a FREEi°EE Aio‘1! STRUCTOR »ONDENT o*r'’iS ' i : S , ______ttt SM ow av aco nil. APPLICATIONS for a'polico' ._ . ^ omploymoni. Tr ork lor Iho lypo p isa te • “n E 9 3 ------— ----- InatTuelo* -poaUloniA■ _ .,.<11,.!^, I,,, Ts,. r-lll,-Jiy nl Prirrt MILKER W.miod: S36- _ N o w a . haa Irr ------e^UfTTINQflUSINE , arci\ Must Llttla TM9 RESPOKSIBLE.roomtnimmoto to in Iho alr-uamo aocoelion ot 0,0 boing aecopio!plod at mo _____ oponings for ? _____ Sale • nlcs pro- g|,y 011150 Piji ID wrillng akills, ~ . ■ - ,.^FOUND: SmaM ahtopy c aharo a large homomo. t SSO llio alrcrali rrochanic , ID. Exporl- ■ . ■ ■■ carrioro In Iho Twl. ) and ablllly lo ------—H— U S I C nionlh ♦ ullUllos, 734-fi•34-0621. gram aj Idoho Slato0 Unlvor-1 prolorrod,I- FYPPRIPM H • B1 ff” ' m y Sctiool o*1 ' vooB • lions siiuuiii'uu' nn;' |NC£E___S dasrti" ^ Ph° ' DIESELTHA^ R , Mftfkol.'FMof.lD. 32&-509750^^-' Blud U k ea Shopping C SAUNA BATH ID 87^ lional/Tochnleal Eduducailon, . ia,„f man .i^iy 30.1p 19';^, Tno JO U R N EEYMAN Y I ' «"• bul nol nocos- Opon 10-0, Sunday;°n^’n no t ' B>i'loy. ID Appllcanls ohould r 8 . City 01 PoullaaEOE "“ S fe io ’!;" HELPII yoars oiporlonco i ^^W si ■ ELECTRICRIC IA N trips, M N'THESr !So"’orio"n?o'’ or B e n 'e lil^ X lth In.urli ~TH ftrp UNWANTED FACIAL,iAL a n a. mochanic 0oMUDo'’- ARE w illin g ' “ i.p n o f a°p„ . . ____a^o_l»oni camplnfl andmd ouf DON’T TOUCH Th DOk 10 oarn WANTE lournallsm IralnlrX nn rmo^ Now facility 10 worK, animals ddclao^ lorniaV ni o' '-ORAPeSIUtVoouoOr body half vanishV- 'pporma- q, possoas-flV.I ITED n »hn.;i(i eon. Apply In poraon; Twin I Wn nonlly. Don'l oxpor«por(mont groo - wllh an all twl • oslod persons sh tholr own 'IncrodIo d ib lo Cloanora do II all. Wo ,ER BRUSH M yj, 4 ?i.m niMA? _Jractor 4 Implement vo Yo-' thom down, ctaan ihonhom, ana unprovon lochnlqnnlquoa. I mochonlcs majof c y'uars oxpori- 324^111tlB ------’Ott:—Managingn3°03t .lournoy'. Two have ______o nco minimum.n. L Localod in BECOME A TIMIMES NEWS Timos Nows. 733-01 turnod homo; our S mcmonlh , ro-hang Ihom. For sorv S n i v c i l ' ,S old iomolo goldonn lab Twin Falls, Fllor, and^nrt'Rnhi’ Xr VILLA'SELECTRDLRDLYSIS. , ,^ 0 otovo occupUpallon, ATTENTION R6 RETIREDl coulhMOSlornV - VWyoming. CIRCULATION CA;:ARRieR nomod 'G6Idr6'‘lii alfinm n d sl.------phono S43-i5e?.------_ s i ® os______------Appllcanls.musi_posOS8OSS a Fullor Siush ollorsorg you-lho Ousopay$f3,95po URGENTLY'nooFidowrltor'lo Sho Is wearing a'blacKick col- FLOATTRIPS;?------,JSOO 2 Yf. mombofolofohip al curroni FAA alr-lran'orI\■i^^^O------opponunlty ol gollir ■7]------—copynolBlion’aininto a manu-.- ______lar. isachlldspoKoursoifflonlR 2hourarn) 1 dayoxpodn«Hlllr.nn SOPHISTICATED' LAOY.L powor plant llconso,'0 'Salary oxorclso, moollng)0 rnow poo- Q all311 script on a grool»l 1now modl- b'rolfon hoartad). Tho 1 on Iho hoad walors?s cOl m2 MCfillee for $300,.733-633-6708, is coirmonsuralo wlir(lin oxa.0- Dlo, whllo moKlng Mournoy' bogan on N. Fomod Salmon Rivor 1— :------rlonco, educationon and ~ _ftoxlblo hojfs. 733-tS i T r ”' (307)382-912-9287 Cll: i R C U L ^ I W Waohlnolon, noar Polo>10 LinoL roson/ailons & InlcrnIcrmallon S o l O C te d O f f earc t S backQrourtd. Excxcolloni ; ■ *voiJ H ______Timos Nowa, PO Rd. II you lind our QoQoldio call Eldon Handy's's Rivor ------Irlngo bonclllB, C rsoll D O C T O R ^ ASIASSISTANT: Tvrln Falls.____■o “ “ B AAPER I ROUTES plo&BO call 734.44-4161 Expodlllons. Slanloysy Idaho.I 007 Jot)8ollisolintorosl applicalk ■ - S ' _ _ S502 ;o slfttl,, RaisoR, In 3 n e ED' PART-TIKriME oorini ANYTIMEI______' August 3rd 1B78,. :Submll ------774-3548. LEGAL SECRETARY:RY: iM 5. loiiorolopptleallony, months. Call KtKaron, 734- camora operator 1 A re ave3vailable in Burley for LOST: Brown Chlhuahuahua ------Low lurnovor wllhvilh thio fcBumo 0! oducaiion,nn n Ioalhor collar.Illar.. E. OM______MimorUI.N TATIVE Sorvlcu. 633 Bluoluo 1Lakos Blvd o,oq. Exporionco 1 lllNotlCO# comnanv. Call ChoCharlono. ,ioncoanrlqualllicailcmonslllons 10.10' OPPORTUNITY REPRESENTA! wlir boy's and on girls to deliver the Addison aroa. 73«rolurr» rol ■■ O F F IC E R ilonaKTochnical Eduducailon, noods of you andJyourlamlly yo EXECUTIVE SECSECRETARY: of 0 alolon maroon boy'i'Ov'olO Tho W.D. Family, Idaho Slalo Unlv>lvorolty f’ow- ExcepllonaiBl omployoo0 je o 7. insuranco,'r spood blcyclo lakon.n , lifrom UTAH-IDAHO Agr|^gr| a n d Pocalollo. Idoho 8320)209 (208) bonollis. RolocailotUlon may bo much morol Co . Hormon ParK on Tuosc PsrgQfjIs PROPERTY Companysany has • 236-250B. noc45«ry now■ or 01 In ino 734-0M5. Acmono Porsonnoi ■ 1 '" “'loy- 556______Est 10 namo, luluru. Phono,1f. Mr. Do Loon Sorvlco, 633 BluoIluo Lako Blvd .I_ujyj7lh._7;»-34B^_____ poslilon for rosullss oflonioaOf Plooso Includo Iho ipolnlmonl, IPQ admlnistrallvo oxoculacullvo. 5 addrofs and loloilophorio 01733-841)6 lor appol Monl onS AN MUAL OPPOIPI^RTUNITY EX6RCSE ,CONS 004 .. SpocUIMot ALCOHOLICSlO o yoara of alrong eoricorporal© numbor of your prost ONSULTANTS I I I h ipj Sevensral Routes o^jen ^ ANONYMOUSJ S oxporionco In mullmulti-land Immodlit'o past supor ______noodod al Sop Sophlslicaiod ACCX)MPLISHED Call 733-MOO0 ' acquisition dovolopolopm oni Idaho Siui^ UnlvorsitSlly Is an e’x PErTe NCEO ' c Com bino Lady. Musl havolavo a slrong Planlat/OrganlBt .I.D. and E q u a l 0 ^ 'p o r trtunily i oporalor In Poasas & grain background In Iph) physical odo- I fo r Tirrimes-News Will Play For; ' DIET CENTER: olioDllors 0 STaA^'proftrrod^'sonSonso ol I A I llrmAtlvo AA c lio n harvosi- CuJiumarymry waaon, cation. Call 734-731<•7313. ’Wodding* Sonsiblo WolQtil LoS9os# Pro- hu m o r roQulroU.. Incon-I En.j-i^vpr______Cox Bio'b Ire, i23423-5483 or EXPSRIENCED? Lc Legal socro- ; •Clubs oraml For Inlormailoiilloii call llvo-oqully packago0 andor sal- m ANAGER-WORIRK IN Q: , •------' tury., Mag II pxpon(porlonco pro- , ,o l . - l j . . ‘ C arrieriers in Je ro m e ‘Special Occatlonans 734-1350,______nry commonsurato wl 1 wun ox- pj,| p|u,}lus com- forrod- Salory( crlonco. Apply I fo r rnenorning routes. •Elc. Don't Ml88 . . . inis position., Callall Woll, achoolyoar: - ^ . Hopworih. Nunglungostor, & ^ . i j ^ ' i<** ______Phono ...... 733-4 MSS (801)887-2269:oS 734-0445, Acmo Pot’oisonnol 1. O uslnoss taTduC jllon Folton, 543-4MB. QUrrriNG BUSINE ______- Sorvlco. 633 Bluo Lak.atiosBlvd Toacho;-Mu8l havinavo Idaho EXPERIENCED IF ------C all 5536-2535; toll free ------■ Sale . COUPLE WANTEDrED lo r North.______Corillicailon. TWIN FA t Inaurancotoohlgh? lor posi. MATURE Laundry HeHiiFiM fUS” . ‘ OISTRICT good^oafa'ry S*b'S bonollis 10 CLASSIFIEC^□"" ads I *f in lerested ei ------H0ME0WNER8INSKs— -M arfeM u!u s i c _ _ ary,-6oftd Maids Noodod BI thi guallflod porson.jn. VYoor round ow ‘-mo Bluo Lakea Shoppingig CConior rooumo to Sox 757.7. HHailuy, day lnn,.Soo Lorolta 0 * omploymoni avail,ivaiiabfo. Rof. P h o n e 733*3-0931 _ Flora Ovoracro ■ 423-6558 Open 104, Sunday notnoon-6 Idaho or phono 785-341■3411. • aftor7am. MS" oroncoo, pioaso.10,423-4464, 4 ------

T .R -teaam —------^lo.illo>d.U.S.A,.1V?g

toregioonals ------:------: TW IN-FALLS -- ISalem, Ore,, and- a spot In a nationalnaMournamcnt arc thc Immedlote goal,oals of Twin Falls’ Payless Drug girlss slslow pitch team . 16 to:o 118 y e a r s of age, to61T55CDlnJ'platnrtr W i f e ... J Girls' Slowpitch'ii‘ tournament in IrtiAyl l i F w w u m Weiser over, thele weekend. Thai 4ai^ - r ------m a d e Uiem e ligible-M e-foF -the-roglon al------y y * (Inals in Salem.. A Aug. 3-5 and if successful there, a trip to nationals would be next. Coach Jay Yeggy»gy w a s hap p y with Uie team ’s performaim ance a t W eiser. ir a in d l be.^ “ We lost 9-7 to the th( Coeur d’ Alene ^ 1 a ______all*slars .and that.:Jt.rindicates.to me that wc can playly with them," he said . . 1 - Y eggy said th e. m a jo r pro b lem for reg lc^ s Is financiFicing. “Our sponsor — - ts b e in g very igoodKl lo t us but-it takes- Iver The girls are going Tbi a lot of money. Thc to conduct a ca'rwa:wash Saturday and Sunday at the Pay’ayless parking lot and those proceedseds will go toward •- ...... - Ihe- trtp. But If-a;-anyonc-wants-to ...... - R ead howf nr ew Flavor-Inlitensified" IWlum u ph------V-Why-not, they saillid, take eyerythinjing we’ve learned----- contribute, they cjcan call me at ------^ 733-6431-^ anytimme,-day e, or night,'! ______^ v e s y p uu t^ te good emtioughjto.stayL Lvri.th v ______abobout cigarettes, ancid push that technc!noiogy_further ______Yeggy said. a t o n l yy^3m ^ g.ter....oione o f €he low ei■est t nlan a i we ve ever puslshed it before, ta r levels in ci(lig arettes. A gentsstalk Deliver]ring taste, limitinging tar. Triumph. TlThe first and only^ cigaretteI that dellelivers We/e found, for exampiple, that combininiling two types of asMonectatpr at the _i±_lnLuriipMsauiluite an achieveme! e n t _ ^ g p ^ That lower-leai;aftobaccos agent camp thiss 'week Is Sidney \ CsKaa^ ( trom theiie heat of tbe sun) ^ r M oncrief. th e Arkar k a n s a s g u a rd Uie E ven the .drawd] is a surprise.e . - - - IIII— IIIIII1 te a m m ad e the fourth foi p ic k In the tend tobe milderer and lower in tar .... ^ . recent college draft.it. The smokee .I.comes through than those at thele Itop of the plant M oncrief, alongJ with w the other top C cho ices In th e cfra[fraft, has not yet abundantly. TlThe taste reaches KJ ■" In short, everytrything^we could c o m e to term s will*iUi Uie team that you smoothly.y. Effortlessly, Witl find that might intensifyin flavor at t ------;— arose" tJlm“ so-hu-iu~ls nut ufdctaiiy------____ TBIU] ______: ^Ittendlng Uie camp. none ot the stritmgglFyctfTnay~ m m ; _3^gJar,jvaS-hui]luilt into Triumph. _ But P^ncrlef. a slick1 guard who have experien:nced in other very . a v e ra g e d 22 pointsts tand 9.6 rebounds 7 jd \ ------^ o u w orf orft get urea ol. ' last season, was on the sidelines ot______lovy tar brandsls.JMaujlon;tia-ve-i 3-tO-^ ------1 ^ . - T R l11 U M P H — r------M a n p e tt^ f llV e rrsuy e n gym when lhe~ . , you ju st;3t puff on Triumph,h, What it all com)mes down to i s ...... C- camp opened. this; Triumph issnot n one of those ^ The lanky 6-fc5-foot-4 Moncrief t f lounged easily on1 somes< low wooden N o g i m mlicks, i c JIO m iracles, „ultralow-.tars-thallat s t o U your _ bleachere, wearingng aTed Arkansas ------Bas(a)Bircapri«rw{~wannup pants "and------—NaJess rem;narkablethan___ ------.pIeasureJ3y.slK!rt1 3rtchan0n&y.Qii ______1_ y- a red basketl^l JeiJersey emblazoned Triumph itself,;lf, is the technolog ■ ■ on taste. r. wlUi “Raiorbacks"cs" a n d “ 32", Uie 'gy i: number he wore att AiArkansas, that enabled usu: to build it. Triumph, at onljnly 3 mg. tar, is a He won’t be playlilying basketball for The crux of:)f it: Instead of cigarette with aI tastet£ you can stay *: th e ''B u c k s until hhis agent. Jack HLTER li Manton of Atlanianta, agrees on searching forr somes yet unimag-g - with. So good, weve believe 3io« 7/ r - contract terms. ined answer, LLorillard scientist;its , ' ■'’v never want toga0 backb to your old ;:i B ut h e w as w atchiching and listening, trying to pick up) aianvthlng he could took a more se:sensible tack. cigarette.( t; from . Coach Don N«Nelson and Assis- r ' t ^ t Coach John Killi:iillilea. li “We’re Just hreck ^ in g over thc towirand seelnrm“novrthey operate th e c a m p /’, sa id MiMoncrief. who sat ; ■ next to his wife, D^3 r tr a . “ I ’m looking 1; forwanJ to playing{forthe fo: Bucks. '• “They have a youjroung organization, I ® •r' they have a teamim .concept and a -. w inning .attitu d e .. T h a t’s w h at I ’m • ; : used to and I thinklk IIt would be easy. -- for me. to adjust." Asked aboul concontract talks, he : sa id he doesn’t get>t IInvolvedj In them. "I bope not,” he rep^ Iled when asked if th ^ - would be any problems. 1 1 RIUIm “But you never knowlOW.’’ ( D n e Nelson, who Is also general e of th e lowes;st ta r cigarettele s you can snmoke. ;• manager, said "FItz!1tzle (B u ck s P resi- d e n t E dm und FItzgeicgerald) Is handling T he one with:h ta ste enouglgh to stay withh . eve^thlng" but heM was sure there would be no problemsims. He also said he was not ypset M oncrief Is nott ip la y in g In th c 1 pre-season camp.1. ’'Ho's ^ In super-- shape, he always keepsko himself that > , way." Nelson said.lid. “ I t w ould l>e 1“ ------bett^fo^him tot btbe WlUi'-us,-yeah. - Butitwon’thurthlm.ImataU.” -■ .W\ arning: The Surgeonn General( Has Dclorminir e d . ■ ■ M oocrieJ'iiid'hele doesn’tti h av e any i That Cigaretle Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heallallh. " b ig expectaU onsI about ak busting into ' the lln ^!’ rightIt away but docs 3 mg.”iar."0.4 mg.nicolircoiin'Q av.por cigarotie bv nC Method. want' to-get someme playing time, l.r—

V . ■V 1-8 T im os-N ow o. Twinivin Fallo, Idnlio W odnosdoid n y . ./u iy 2 5 ,1079 .• Homos for Saio 030 • HomojFo — ■ 006 ______M osls s P o rw j 017 BusinojjOpidpportunily 030 Homilomos For Sslo 030 Her^cmosFoi.Salo C» Hor •ll?______Jobaotlnwinwroal 007. ” JobsollnliNnlorost ' 00? JobaollnlDflnlorosl s’a l ESPEOPLEI $500 $51 to CARL BUTT.ER REAIrALTY has ^ • FTxlR~UPPERr-or.oc?^oo ”s a" beauY ifulT ,5X CHIROPRACTIC Li *’200 oor wook. lull-llmo. lul llslod Ihls oxcollonijni locaiod BYCJWNEINER • • ofioo wllh 3 bodroroom hoino. ' tiomo on 2Vt acro:tcLclSB™ FIVEBYFIVEI Lilo CUSTOMER SERVICErP oF T I- PRE SCHOOL Too< old wllh bar and-ealo. Ooin Shoshono Foils.Is. ThisT hbmi) ' ,ontQHs tskino appllcalloittllona timo. J3.05 per hour. OOp ppor- wanlud: Fl'ol Oupllsl C oing oood Modern all bricksk i homo in $35.000. 734-27^1. Jt ornnouronco aocrolafo ayf. luniiy ,0 n ijj, jn S v T T o r o K i sIs now buslnoss.W orkaHllIlllllo, prolii oxcolloni NE locall>calion. 1421 has 4 lovols.IS. calhodr.ll p,yo Dudroomo nro posi indD ol tlan Pro School. Wool olpU dfna 7apl2?y in * this aloi. mnssivo rock jn ihls nowly rpmoO ,'usl boablo 10 lypo woll.oil. boI poopio. Call Wall Bl734-<]M-044S, mornlnos. Sehodulo u ’ sq. .11. plus full MIT ALLI fC H ’i. ,'nanl:od, wlllino tO' vvo ■,flM “'O"- P'oO'am 13 lhoho moot Also good commorciiircial build- basomenl. oslabilsi k WOI bar, 2 homo localod on u Wool Acmo Poraonnol Sorv:orvl c 0. 03 p ub JI c achool. 734-!i09 dynsmic and unlquo0 in lho Ino Injoriyio, 45,000 ------; afflino o r Dvuiimu biii 000 oqunrcr with Desiring frul ir>mp°°nn 1 ' docks. pttllO, 3 balhs.bJ This cui-do-snc lol wllh pion' pplyolgSOWaatilnoionSt ^ DAIRY ' opportunityf ^ lS r’ .WETOLOGIST; lor port-lart-ilmo. jumor^du'rablo's. Mu/tu/ti-lneol. "l2o''fa3l*^'M^i%'^.loromo, olociric, vory ono :ras a porson jjiacoontod- 'to lo ^ 60.000.''']~ ^ u ^ (J°n paU6 '.roa‘''l'? - . . .:h e E TOYS, oxtra $K. demrder quallliod Individual, tM ual I'olp In Mon’a S.ilon.3n. 734- lona oyslom and no□ trnvol. Idaho. 324-6166 anyiln ------irtrnift toy nnrlln-i C) clont wlir. ,00 »P^P0jm'"»»'l |.-,,od livino, Thia Is .1 7-Call- - h a vn n xpnTlftin;n fint1_n1-nQ.gfl- _Z£»i______Mag anfl ,Yvg'ri’.n„ciLicall 734- IE—a w t - q - -Jlropiaco, : sa.OOO,{v ? ,i.° .. ^ opproclalo Ihla lOkIo°.o'°»m l,° S S T s a 'S ; ?33- oillo. 733-77a9 anyilmo.L______roforoncoa, msnioon-lo m o n i, RELIABLE WOMEN NocNoodod 0234 ooiwoon lOjin-(im-/, ocros on sconic route>u1o1oSun pralsal). Soo ot Dor nntifii UsfiC. ownor. no roalio7s~ wllh.1 Huhl budgol, Tu l l . t im e pro-schoi:hool skills IneluOIno Al ox(oxporl' 01 lho Tnin Falh Goll 'CoursoCoi Monday thru Frid.iy. Valloy. $t59.(X)0 inincluding bolwoon Collogoo Dflvo0 and V :-— ----- OY OWNER; Son nachino poaHlon. Expoixpofi- onco doolrod. Homo. InInsur- Snack Bar. Cull 733-332(3320 for ^ - $40,000 invonlory.y. Handy Fails Avo. Or callall 734-4917. BEAUTIFUL Britrick Homo on lovoIy, S Do r v i o w . CENTURY 21 ICO In toaehino pro-scftochool onco & olher-tonoMis'.:s. Call, oppoinimofil.______009 EmploymonlAoAooncloJ- —a ^ v , loromo 324^3<•4353.__ No Roallors plonso.130 wllll 5 Bodrooms. inildron nooaod. ».00O pip o r , 034-4S88lor»cpolnimont. do»n. U4 balh .arg tT ju!ol- _TWJN.FALLS REAL! 121:^------mCHfflELD. SCHOOL— a-ifv-small------robni, db'irbro . oITrrYoer-aroumrpoBHIolLhnll; OPENINGS AVAILABLE.E I Ior 6 ■ TRICT Not31C noodo a f. [T ~0 ~ comni\jhllx'''55o«t-Ht—4«rmUy - balh. doublo WO ADDISON AVE -opiy YFCA, 1751 Ellzaboiaootn aowino machino oporaoratora Tonctior nnd 5lti Gr 'AIM Qorocoua grooron ° h o u 'o ' Ivd. Appllcallons accopioopiod on day ahlll. Potmanonl)nl yoar Toachor. Sond rosutnu .SSl’.T rl: 'A .B A R GaAlN A I Northuasi locatio:ion. All 1or "o^QMbornooO., FlF^n'ci'nu" T33-772L-_- mil.luly 31.______round omploymon o n i . A. lay .lonus. School Dis k I Q ______430-6108bolwoon6pn;ipm-10pm.______IN $56,500. Must 500^ l o u p p r u - Lowlllllq3^ 734^2K-0212. ------k>00-MAOHIN6R¥-OPEJ>PER'-~ “Excollont—worktnp—co: ------DiSGRIMINATING TOR/MECHANIC wonloanlod lions. Good bonollta. A[Apply 63349, H0RIZGNtN 'O • GREAT FAMILY BUS A H 'T B ti OD yV 's . koop farm machlnory ri a v /irp CAFE In Buhl. Aii oqu iLELOAN FRENCH FARM STY ry ro* ot Kollwood Company 521 SECRETARY: 'o.im-lin.Tpm. PERSONNEL SERV . • including bulldino , • B O O K( ... BYOWNER;'Eloga ii/,% Duyprs wlli llcid this hom Ilrod and runnino. Woldintiding S o . Waohlnoton orr call J4.00 + por hour,. Nood N Bodroom opartmonlloni, Cali oidor homo in gooc . xporlonco holplul, muoltol bob 734-2800 (or Inlormotlon. mlly room. Homo wllh 1,393393 sq II In >n. Wo shorthand & ofg.mizonizollon BfUGHT FUTURES, iohn al Town and-Cd -Country NosIiOtLundor Ihomliloshndo b ^ bodrooma, fam fblo lo run S*t2 row oquliiqulp* a ro an Eoual Opportu.rtunlty nblUly. Call 733-2363. MvUialMu 'APE OUR BUSINES . Roallora. 543-4441 c don S lormai dlnlinlnu room. Irlondly noliihbor lonl. Uvlng Quartors P pr( f ^ Emoloyor. MIF. 1 or 543- troos on a spaclSus jy comlori- bodfOom, IVi Dalli.raurnnSnlco' « ° 'lS rm '• sty?o‘’‘IK _____ olNoivYorh. _ __ , 6339.______liiv loom H n' Compiololy rcmodoiod Idod. . Only qualliloiriod- P A R T TIME C locli't i c a l SECRETARY ------' ' ----- .BODYANDFENDER oy 10 own. ly finlshod family »■ orsons nood apply. Rofotofor- homowork fnvolvino ‘lo $563 Crow Soporvloor. E)Exoori- INLAND RADI>iT A -r-o i, airo ) on tuar ol privacy loncod pi long- , RECEPTIONIST; S6 limalos EOUIPMENT. Compl,nploio ra- modoiod basomonl,om a lllllo Soparartj coiiago c nco 8 r o q u lfo d . CoC a ll' tiorrd or typowrllor addrcdross- Challonplng po,sltniitiQ n oncod making oslim a illlo w o rk PfODOrly ronis lor loi $135 to today lor comloxti j a-531-534B allor epm. uDor^of .<^'“'0 ' OQulpmoni lncInciudlnn imooinolien ond a ili ______InQ, Of lyplno loilors5 i ond Chnnco for advancomiomont: ond handling crow. Sue r own mfni- " “'P Tionis. Iin- nionts, or buy Ic hoods & oxhaust lansans. Usod you’ll havo your, o« mudialu occiipancncy. Bolow Coniury 21 Soulhi lAY EOUIPMENT oporaieiators roporls. fnlormallon. -ei-sond Call Karon. 734-0445. Acme Ac bonulils- 4 yoars. 733-0095. ______acroogo. Only $32,50 ■ I work In norihorn Novadivada. atompod, gsll-addroo:g g a o d Porsonjol Sorvico, 03333 BluoG J800-J1300 * appraisal. $40,500.31. 733-2408. Rouity 734-2111. 734-2111. r—;— J4WW4 (fom-ornjpiTPW ------Dnuumuu . Uir.0. d a l.lh .. Com CEO! WO ADDISON/)NAVE 1ETAL: *5 to se por hour,iur. I) havo Immodialo Qponlnono for 633 Bluo Lsko-eivd Na/iri. vory easy , 733-7721 will* port'ilmo salos porai “ lO:— providoa vohlclo. No0 ovor-- 21 ou aro amblllous and wll ."SECURITV - Wo Show3w you■ nlghl If^ivol. Boso % ' o lo work..this In lho0 loblo G ood advacomont oppoi how 10 mako SSO n wook, • ’ c a n y o n s i d e RE/ ------i>f you. Call Wall, 734-04J!044S. nlly. 2 y o iu roisll oa REALTY up pori-llm o, FULLJ u ' e R $700 f , ^ 733-1082 icm o Poraonnol Sorviccrvlco, o x p o r lo n c o 'r.oqulrr 3-9314. BEHINDJD 33 Bluo Lako Blvtl Nonh.h. M oturo indivldai^ls ion BRUSH COMPANY 733-03 32«354 c o u ra o o d . to apply,y at* SEED PROCESSirjC S Milli •QENERALOFFICE S s ~ HELP WANTEOI oxporl i Q o d o d , ______■ THIS DOOI)0 R neod Sookkoopor lor lo Payleaa Shos Sloro. 1140 i oporalor: Exporloneod.,d. FullI Good lyplno akiils noo . thru RosDond to B-ifl•19 'clo pnrt-timo work. MustJ3l bo RESTAURANT For T Lo ^ f n f e a t u r e ; E C O X , VAEEH E m ! ’ ’ralrlo Powor. 3 to 4 yoar/oars Bluo Lakos. Monday tl urdays Haoorman; parilall xporlonco or 2 yoaro0 aof FrldayVSPM. Timos 'Nawa, Twin Fnllu F. wlllino lo work Saiurc MLS ---- , - 83301.______25-30 nour wook modoiod. Wlli romoc^ !,'^o i7 o GALORE.. ollogo bookKooplno. Son this lh woll . iii|l< ^ l|i|i 33 511) Avo. Soulh 8 to 5;30.30. 633 Bluo Lako Olvd North.'th.- $1380. Yoar around wowork. _ 1675monlh ------' designed kjtchonwith win oli Iho _ Coll 'Wall, '734.0445. Acmo Aci fl o«sn«r*.. Oddod convoni oncos.cos. idoally Porsonnol Snrvlco. 6333 BlBiuo .RETAILSALES Oia______Incomo Pl localod noor tho nowlOwO'Ioory Lakos Blvd North. Mulliplo oponings. ExjExporl- FOR SALE BY OWTNIVNER; <1 -lunlor High. DONT'Tn ’TW A m ------BPORTS MftjbEO?-^-1?------onco holp(ut:-Cash regi; so. largo-- -CoilTodny. AccouinIjffANT/AUDIIOR-— Wu aro looking lor ann InIndi- Superior bonolila. Pio.iu.im ni . loncod yard with tolOIS' of ;r;i' j College graduatea te w ith M o (o r in A ccount­I t - vidual for pricing In. arrarirrano- working condillons.' parking, Furnlluro id® c!?i;- CENTURY1Y21 i i :r . . . Ing n'obdod to's'audit c Modlcaro Hoalthi«h Ing & solllno muichandli ' aparlmonls Inciudod. ' $3,25 por hour. Call 733-6:i3?6371 J535-5B35 boloro 8:30am or allor“or opm! TWIN FALLS REALTYR E / Delivery facllltlilitios throughout Idoho. for appolnlnionl. AokIk Ifor .FARMWORKER $72,500__SorlDua Inq Intj u lrlo ^ 840 ADDISON A • AA||«» K o w ilti n g -' only 4?3-S?15 -...... - NAVE BiiEHmZ about 25% ofF tlthe limo.- Somo oxpor-jr. NEWTON-S tjlnus, spud hatvusliSlora. ^------li M W H W I i n SPORTS CENTER V- , lonco preferrod. S ^ tmciors, includlno bibosic •5UNITS-$10,000. d. S ta rtin g so lo ry SI 2 ,600 • _TWjN_f^LLS muiniominco ruqulrod.^^f.. Must .5 UNITS-$12.0004asSi ------plus. Sond rosurmtm o fo : ______: ..JAKItirC-AnPUtCATlOMC I lilfinirt. ..t7.UMITSai2il0jli3waii p y ~ ^ 7 T - 1 I @ b 9 ™ .Gag.sg .iy aL ia3S Call A 4 W RoolDoVv. 7-: '5?^ UNITS- trado upjp^omyT" bodroom?.'Jths. wTin ' I Vwwl Personnel01 fM o n a g e r (PI ?pp®J-itn3 ?i?i- JSOO-JtOOO Approximaloly $101:100,000 oxiras. Carousoi flroplaco. fin I Michool Bont r n o y ...... 7 3 4 - 5 5 7 8 Blu*Croticriof Idaho H ealth Sarvkt..liDX ...... 7 3 3 - 2 0 8 0 - ry. Ouislandlnn QfOwlhIh op- own porsonal oslalo..lo. Call Buller soe loday. Cor Botty V ooh.t ...... •. 7 3 4 - 2 2 2 3 1 1 6 0 5 Addison Ave. E7,“ ^ Solicitors ' portunily. Oooo bonofits.ts. .lorry at 734-3056 or Roal Soulhorn Idaho Ro.il Exporloneod Only, oarn oni $t000-$l250 Eatalo Unllmliod 733-61C-6107. 2 n i;______I D ick I r w in ...... 7 3 3 - 6 8 0 4 : CROSS O F IDAHO ' ( E « ) i l ^ r W OLlieCF ■ I $5.00 por hOu:..&..up_wi-With ______:______. Elaino O raktko, Offico-Marjogor * .. ______Twin Falls WJ him.iVnn Apply Buy K St gee ------I / Pross. 1440 Fllor Avb. E It o p . ^ ______MonoyToS^Z:BRIG j«-RBS3 A M E ------I...... ■'. Twin Falls. This iaalulf-llrTf-tlmo portunily. QOOd Iflno i----- 3 bodroon homo on>n VlV aero, tmmmmmmmmmm I'. • A n E q u a l ODpporlunlty p ( Employor poslllon. No phono cnIcni'o Must bo inloroslod In "ro?nii rc MONEY LOANED on any Birch cupboards,. carpots.ci ______aalea and b»i_wllllnQ 10 w oil not lllo. hardwood fiocre r of somv wookonds, ovonin — • fH¥'~DEPARTMENT ( ° ■ and 3rd contracts. Also Hoalth and Wolluro Is now no Rapid pay Incroasos. Iso'irusi 'I^ !tra l^ " u ^ P ’c o nidilToning. ^ W accopling bids lor a Physic.yslcai $OS(Ujp doods and mortga:gagos. oxcollont condlllon.n. $37,500.$ I Ih o rap lsl. For addition,Ilonal, Norihwosi Morigago.0. 688- (appraised valuo) I M O R K T HIA / N Y O U 'D K X P IC T — VYou nood to toki> a look a t ih ii ol- ^ " M l s fp I o s ifio iT Information, ploaao contai;niaci • REALISTIC FEE&J “ 51______LOWELL WILLS,1-1-S ! iroetlvo lour b'bodroom. 2 bolh homo wllh1 lamiiylot room and romodolod kilchon. R on Bonnoli at 734-4000. ox REALTY ■ Gorago, Ibncoi;o d yard and only $30,500. k ______W E C H A L L E N 260. Doadlino for submlltinliilinq Virginia Bancroll. Owno SECONOMORTGAQAGE. . 734-7W2anytimeHin®____ ■ 1 E N S l Y O u l . MONEY . '• •• ‘ Wo 01 Will* Molor _C^(^ny Co ore developing lho bido Is .luly 31, 1970 att S:005;C ' AsShoshonoSt.B . -BY OWNER: A Clasi:ias8lc All ■ M O T H B R 'f'S l U PI IS 8AV1D - byly fiulllrigPL |hi-.klljlJUJlll5.loiO0-»!lodcd. rn -- —O . f T t i ______Uso oqully In your homne Street W. In Twin Pa|l» and.nd WANTEOI Psrt-tlrno Olflc ______MoneyyWanlsd W) works. 2 car garogo. I TO TOUR QUESTION -- . .-apply ior o parmononlenl position on..our lalei tloff.alf' Holp; lyplng. Roply lo> Box Bc ABC CHRISTIAN Day' Ci ltlng In your own homo? Thiilii cutoc brick homo will ciiaKo boyino Jo w a " hours; 7-5:30. M-F. ago#* 3-6-.: WANTED! Monoy Invo! lor e ith e r'th e Twin FolU, Fo or Burley, oflice. Yooi’ll ll . Y-18. C/O Tfmos Now r a o« bedroom*, lamily room andmd enclotod< pollo-lovcIy inotlnr b«d- - .K.O.Box 54B, Twin Falls.Is. IC3i $25/wh-356 FllOtW. 734.325238.;- _ |o r building prolocls., >d both. Scrounod porch. Iarqo ). hove tho opporlunityy to »qII th o lop flno* ol Import RinJn 10 «■ ehutchos. Cfiu J room hoi 2nd irgo ullllty-tlorog.' or.iu ond cIoio lo ’oi aaaoi. _ ...... _ BABYSiniNG IN m’y. horiomo. 326-4410 ask for S shopping. | »chool». S49.9C900. ond domeitic economyTiy corsc ond Irucks, ond/• wheel ____Polorson. Sorlous Inqi nniiifAfl Noar collogo i sho >' : drive vehlelet. The revreword* as a mernbor ol lho[>a ■ WANTED young,' dopondcndo' ony ago. 734-0280._____ nquiros 2,6 F||ff,o,Q73^.^732. .. ^ . ‘ Wlll» M olor Componyly «sole* te am Are m oi^. Com-nc b lo and rollablo poopio lo dc o BABYSITTING;^My horlomo. - 'BY OWNER: SpadeSST"s S- WI-HIMHiiW ID IN ? — Woll. no noodd In Ihit th o rp 4 Ixrdrooni. 2 b o lh brick iL j.____-LparuaJlart-antLbofloflu^flU-^raJIboraLond-dliQCily.prfl:..n. subaliluio routo dolivoryry onc Monday ih/u-'Ptlday. di Leswns - bodroom..^3... bathaiha_..2. . lo NE oroo. Firoploco. polio a nnd d onoimoijto lot.c.d yord. $53,900. '< ponlbnolefoyourioletilesobllltlAs. -a~paH-'llmo~6a/lii"mOfmrifmrtg— o n iy .'^ ia f“ Eflsliana“ nr :------llroplacoa. pool roo " - ‘ tJosls. Call tho Timos-Nowsows 6 734-4Bi5. ______slprago roomt, 2 ear"Smao. gi I HAD IT WiriTH CITY LirET-ThunJll con:.lrforcc Ihis holl ocro on lhi> odgo r— IHftCHAIMII! N O t - Y O U i ------—to-S-MontUy-ihcouoh-Eridn;ridny_ -exPEBI6NC£i5jh_ch«dcjicoTo ______FALL ______inXBO loncod yard willWith c o v B of Twiri Folk wllhWl quolily 3 bodroom. 2 bolhIlh homo.li Woll plonnod kilchon opons 733-0931. ask lor Ctrculollon ' ■ ! W e wont m en a n d womeiimen who a re cerloln ihoy wont 4 housokooplno. YOI_ouH PIANO LESSOHSfjS orod'dock; pTanfo'd'gar'g ardon'4" _ lo lom iiy o roa and dining.' KuirbovDmui'iriio*•hoT'7o c"obti roVd-uHrrri;iiVo-H57^S~Tor with Homo. Call Lisa 734-5527. to »ervo people. Tho0 Slondord»i I* high. You must WANfED; Machinist wii - — ■ Mornlnoa. $20. por monilom hin (rulMroos. Only $74,5011.500. Coll' I oxponsion. O'u ut tiid o »loragi>!piu» doublo goroilorago. poriinulor lighllng ond sprink- J oxporlonco. Call 439-50!1-5055 -FULL-TIME BABYSITTIITING ADVANCE- for appolnlmont. dayi 55,900. pretent yourteil well,all, Itove good rdpporl with 70^0^^’ I *55 I' people ond b e >elf-moiTiollvated enough to be on „ o (Poul).-______In my.homo. Any ago, mo noalo .lan R. Olaon 3167: alter OPM 734-706( ,. WANTED: Top O'avoyar )' ' loom wllh Iho bolt. YYooroui post experlenco Is nol o» jyard provided, 733-0076 or- 734- 7 PlanoSldaiO i- , • . Important a» yoor proipro*enl Intentlpn. If you aro c ook, $4.50 por hour, plus plu 4906..______.75IMe'nt00SU0ijU«i------^ ------CITY-OF FILER.ER------S ------y bonollls. paid vacalioi ARE YOU LOOKINO FOH3R A Twin Falls, ID X____ reody Jor •ucceu como li no In and ta lk w ilh Koren Siod-_ _ modlcal. Apply el Sawbo'a. "4 bfldroom, 1W bathath homo ■ 2 ^ .CHRISTIAN’tJBbyslltor?’ V Will 733-4109 ...... locaiod Jn _ Iho Fllorllor aroa. | ( / ^ \ " J O H N FR . H O W A R D WANTED: Top gravoyarlyard t>o ovallablo lor Groon Gl(Slam ...... • ■ ___ _ This homo' ho's •a“doop-'“ a - - - - - ...... & aassociates ; wallrossos, $3.00 hour, cash cos Soasonaiso. Cali 734-6310,10. , * . froozor in tho boso'osomont. | W I L L S MM O T O R C 6 e w ago. Plus bonoliis. pal LOVINQ CHILD CARE; Ll firoploco- blowor.r. w ood ■ y------vacollon, modlcal. Apply a LOS R e a l E s i a t e , i, 236 S h o sh o n«e e 2S t. W ., T w in F alls "J' Family. Viclnlly Sunri ■•e-ila *'ovo In tho kitchon ^DYOUAHOMt^ R EEALTORS / S a m bo'a. ______------North. Foncod yard. ’ST- ° FofS. .O d io apaco hoalor In lho I P I TOYOTA-AMCS PLYMOUTH-JEEPf ■ WELDER WANTED: Alt Al 1685;______„ moni ond on onclosodsod pallo. _ _ p 0 9 l|io n . all pujposo. Soji Soi ----- sTARTtNG__Auguat...1 Also a 1_ cor oaragorago and I ______-««mrtnf"L-Bayo nnmo S 'lolfl 3 5 . , . y.' phono numboTTS^ynsy:___ forrod. Suporvlsod aelieilvi- 030______HometForForSalo Coniury 21 Soulhorn>rn Idaho ' J '' 1071 OATSUN PU; OoOi3ood llos. Foncod yard, lune T h3STo - Roo'lly 734-2111- inch. CLEAN 2 Bodroom H< w o r d . . 7 3 3 - 5 7 5 5 Mary M a Spocok ...... 7 3 3 - 3 3 6 7 , condlllon. Soo at Pacllicic Fi-Fl snachs. Sowtooih aro"’O"- wllh full basomonlit ond COUNTRY LIVING,^i~'now ■ Audrey How • riontb.226 Main Avo. N. — ___ ■ foncod yard. FHA appro-srovod. homo on 1 V< acros, boaulllulbot I 'M orvM cCluiu r o ------7 3 4 - 1 8 7 1 J o o o o Y o u n g ...... 7 3 4 - 3 3 9 3 (2) CLERKS; 1 full-llmo' & 1 WILL BABYSIT in my hom3mo. Call733-1344or734-5213.13.' vlow. Ph. 733-4063 ovo'avo'g- I S h irlo y H u c: k k _____.7 3 3 - 9 3 0 1 BBoth ot W ickham ____ 7 3 3 - 5 4 7 6 I U. HELP \WANTED port-llmo. Apply; 7-11 Foo<^ood wook-days, 3 yoars & old

now ly croatod salos posIjosi- - 'now-slonifto up classoaJ l1 o r ...... f l "^"ITsERviciiC E piA E E R tlo n . Phono-lorappolntmont.lont, ______'733-1320 Mr, VltollSlslam. ■ REAL ESTATE SALES Is ndl . -OIB ■ ■■ ■ Slla.lk>..Winliintrt •• S A ^ fo r ovoryono. It is Iho Ihc BEAT INFLATION Can c ft--- nfQhosi paid hard work and any work you nood don> aoQ oo p o i.1 i e'Well equippipped Jiusy shop th o lowest prid oasy workvork Salllaciloft guaraniood. Frt * 3 0 . 0 H.ARSLOMI A M 0,00i10??-HOME- - 2 ^ ou lean' nwrXoIlhwiroujrou___ g5llinalQ-733r42/^------ZH: — eTopiiay-- rn'ako llio rrghi doeislon wa c a n ollor an In doplh .In- In. • CONTRACTOR '•^ U l i DlEii I THE lbd a Ho h olUSING i p nROGRAM torvlow plus comprolionsivo*ivo CARPENTRY ANO C0^ON­ • Insurance:?i:p la n aptiludo losllng whichI'c h CRETE. Compoliilvo prlco;COS. > moasuros Iho rolatlvo From Slart to finish or par>art. — atrongm ot IO porsonallly person to . ,, “ ''y No job 100 big. no |ob lo100 r - • j • Apply in pel irallo lhal aro lundamoniaiBi'o lo small, Carponiry, eoncrotioto. . ' I D A H O ou c co ss 'I n ' solllno Roal5*01 formica, rock laying, oli .. Eotnto. II you docldo on Roalm Call 733-7054 aflorSpm. __ ■ potato as A caroor, you will H O U S I N G LioAN 4 ^ •be oirofAd porsonal (QuickTck GLENN'S flolo-tiiiino anand f k ^ H j T HARVEYP1 PETERSON, Starl) satis irainlng, - n tractor woik. Gardens, nonow :— oaoeciatod wiih a solid pro-d"o° lawns, QIC. 32(M5ll-.-___ _v Vory, Very Lim iti . e d C < MANiMAGER ' grosslvo llrm. For Inturvlow>l0w INSTALLATIO'n ; --Garag c all Rick KnlcHt. Gom Siatolalo doors garago doc Money AvailobI • 3 B oodroom d r . s • J Bath ------Roalty. 733-3874.______1 S A W 1TOOTH ...... • L iving in g Room • Kitchui) and ------WANTED INDIVIDUAL'WimrjTw.. .^KgSa'-ior” Da'vo^w^ur>urn-- — •3Bodrooms-15-«1 Bath - [ick- or 32S-S123& loavo message ig Aroa • Utility Aroa onlos and modlcal back- - •Living Room>m • K itc h o n o n d IfIf you hovo a family, ol Ihroo. Dining/ NORTHGiGATER.V. aglc PART-TIME cioricfl ncound to work In MnQlc • 2CarGorogo aand moko up to SM.SOOOorofom- •2Cariar'Garogo . , 1243 M ULAKES BLVD. N: V.illov aro>i lor local dislrllni-|tni- homowoik involving lon(,'ng. D in in g A ro o lo r ol national company., In- hand or lypowrllor addros:>95- • C o t h o d r oI lCoiling C •Firoploco ilily of four or m oro ondid moko up ! ,g a tU E I01 I (lWcriosafl Forii] v loro slo d p.irllps contactlact- infl or typing inllors or r« to $15,000; you can quoliili f y f o r o ^ 3 9 , 8 1 1 377-0310 or uvonlnoa 377- (>0'i9 Inloininlloii • rsonond ^ A 1 t 1 , 1 6 8 DMTHLY PAYMENT • _ 1026. slumped •oil-addrossosod ^ ■ ___ _ j r % % .IDAHIi O _ M O N — ----- onreloporlKBrJroi-fi-StS’ - ' ------^ ^ M O N THLYTOTMIHT H l ------; , I . 734-I-8C35 - WaanouB»l,VVN9667t._ .- 007~ ' Job's olln.iim t HOUSING toB A N ' ~ • Bu^ M S OppOflunHlflWas P L U S 1^% M O R TTOACE ‘*321 - f e . A & W 341 - INSURANCC i PAYMENT■NTS INCLUDE PRINCIPLE V GoddLoan.MusiSollt ‘ p a y m e n t s ININCLUDE PRINCIPLE - TEREST, TAXES AND MANPOW E R O Tho $30,000 savings of < $1,000 ‘^^^1 JL -H v iC f;; ” CANYONSIDE REALTYnr INTEREREST. TAXES * INSURANCES lEMPORAHYSL-l por .yeor for 30 yoorsi

_ - V ■ - r ' o o r- c o p g . ______L ll. 1720—Ilnlsfted-Hloilloof- - —'------i-?>vonlnos. 733-50^5 .(floaltor spoco. partial unllnlthcihed • i e a f e r ^ — V%?0wn0d).______NEEDROOM? baaom onl. hoat pump, Irotrosh olr llroplaco. dighwashisher ,'^FOR SALE BY OWNER; 3 6 BEDROOMS, 1V> baths. j — i 'I'’*:___ ancJ..bflcK-Aa»umatilo.ioaioan,^ . ______— W boaroom -hom ® on Highland— ' ------laroo“ loir'doublo'~carportrlort. J01.OO2; 733-7624 or oln■Her r:!Avo. East. Big yard, 2 ow nor' transforrod.o d . houra 733-7599. No realtoiItora ' k ! firoplocoa. oxcolloni condl- posaoasion nowl P'Ullon. Can VA Financing, will ploasol______NEW 5 bdr, spilt onlry oni mV U^ldko mobllo homo In trado, 4 BEDROOMS, oxtro largo M Hoclonda Homoa, 733-7508. $29,800 *'0? acroa. 8 ml. SE. 'Twliwin, lot. with frull troos. toima ,000. K F O R SALE BY OWNER:i- A TERRIFIC BUY AT THIS"IS ovoiloblo. MO.OOO aisp. for S69.00 f u lovoly 2000 aq. It, tri-lovoisl PRICE. Nool • 3 bodroom 733-5183.______J I? hom o. 4 Bodrooms', 3 boths,9 homo in Fllor, Nico kitchen 4 BEDROOMS, 2 balhs, 1B04 1M4 NICE ACRE bssomoiii^ l l | J n j conlrai hoat ond air. RVV and dining a ro a . LargofO® Sq.Ft,, o n l acro closo In. houso-24x34 pariltloned o parking. Northoasl location.1, loncod yard. Don't walt-cail for 2 bodrooma. Front roonS. n ig ConiIt ract r i Record1 Settin SSB.900. Call 734-240414 nowl 3 BEDROOMS, Quiol pait,1 o4o> bath & klichen. excelleiiient Ri ovonlnga. low n. In Honson. Only]niy IIS ' deep woll. plumbing wotor hoaior In. 1 mllo non ______g-FOR_SAL^E^-By_QWNER: .0^ - J____ S35,C00.______^---- $ 3 9 ^ 0 — K oelean Lyrl/tie, of Spiprtng Cresk Re^Jtnj t r o T S ,------; I. C holco' location noor 2 2 CLEAN & SHARP 2 bedroom5om CSI on Lawrence Avo. In- Ii :;;l r j Bodroam, lull bBsom'ani. n quiro ol 657 Soulh Locuicuat W largo foncod yord. Lincolnn shopping contoro. This vory■ory hom o In Fiior. oniy J32.500. signs the Ion□rgest daily.contracact ever with theI T\T w in I. Schooi aroa. {29.500. Call lorjr doairablo 2 bodroom homo ST, oflor5p.m.tlO.OOO. >, ap polntmorit. 733-S953. - la In sparkling condlllon.on. Rogor B ollon...... 733-4010'2'2 BY OWNER; Assuri\»blibTo Falls Times-Is-News. M ike McBBride, Advertisingig D i- l'l HELPII Wo'ro aoiling laslorIr Lorgo baaom ont with thirdilfd Tony Bornos ...... 423-5BS85““ loar^. Air condillonad. Mo- M( " ttian w o'fo llatlno homos lor,r bodroom, family room and tlculously clean and caroirod rector. Is looking lo on as Mss. Lytle signs. SprJ p rin g saio, Ploaso glvo us a calMIII llroplaco. Woli-manlcurAd BARNES REALTY for. 3 Bodrooms. Lovol*#ly :::: / you'vo considorod joliir^g or,f yard wllh gordon apot. 73M227 cozy family room, firopiaecICO, -x Creek RealtcItors-com mitted to> this large promotlo tio ri trading. Wo would lovo io0 shado trooa and IrrlgaOon llvlno -room, large kiichorion. 1 tolk to you about your pro->. wator. .lual listod this won- 77s G arago most boaulllul and an • cause of their inteerest in serving tth h e i r Hnk NEW HOME CONSTRUC- budget beca ; porty, . dorlul proporty and wo think ,V,'f handiest you havo eve It will aoil FASTI . i . . , , TION...Your iand or ours. • soon. Numerous cuslbrtbm iii; clientele wit/ith a complete acidvertising saturotiQ t i o n . Call Oave 734-SMfl.______dar I' BROKERSINC. __ modo cablnoli. Coda NICELY REMODELED two cloool, Atlroctivo landscap:«P- . :!:■ !; 733^191 $ 4 8 , q ^ - bodroom homo on BluoHue ing. Extra lorgo drivowa; OPPORTUNtTY H i U k o s in Twin Foils. 62X175^:175-- and pailo. $59^500, Cal3 . 1 ■ ' Hora'a your cnoAcXlO . lol- Full basomont, oxcop-op- 734-2187.______IN QUIET tlonally nico homo for NEIGHBORHOOD ''pracl|ca4jv_fia^^ THE INSIDE OF THIS HOMIIvTe bodroom. ■ P Slartor. or rotlrod couplo. will convlneo you Ihal Ihitho 1 Closo lo aehool and shop- Ot^nor m ust solll Call voro < ■ pinn conlor. S tjodroom. 2M'' prlco. SpocttH H HriBM. loa 543-4088^,^ or^^Robort igo. ^ with o M M o d ^ m j l u n ! ^ a l^ ______I batli. This homo aiso in- vtfry a t B a ^ j |( g M W B ||y h' cludos a upstaira maslor —. -8arbara.734^J387------I.l suiln with prlvcio dock; with1 doluxo T ^ifnrT^iiTll ! lamlly room' a s wall «a a" built-in A M w a H H Ei L l OLDER HOME COMMERCIAL FIXER UPUP-- :;:f ^ air, 2 b « l i r a 9 g 8 H E This 2 bedroom, i batn homo'mo PER. 2600 sg. ft. Well localot,iod ;;i: I rocroation room, lots of' garogo, Thq.y3K ll8* 00jU I, oxtiliaL Contury 21 Soulhorn would bo Idool OS 0 roniallor or 2nd Avo. North neaear Idaho Roaity 734-2111. booullluUy 'l»nda6^oMffl*" stortor homo. Has a parwi-TWI- Shoahono St. Uso youour - , compllmentod by a covwMBR baaom ont, walor sollonor.lor. imoolnation. Could bo pro>ro- ■ :;;i R . . and o palio. V/on'l lost long;ng leasionol pr dupiox, {42,000JOO. ^ M f— •t—*20,000:—G«n«ofy-2l• 21 Aak lor .llm V o i k . -----^— ■6 f 733-1406or733-6020i>nylimo.. R E D U C £ 0 5 3 ( ^ 0 ^ 22 Irooa, grapes, mtnlcuroi L- i - — ..LOTS t.L O r S.Oi;.HOOM.TO— foS'X ~ ■ ■ :i;f OROWI 3 bodroom. 2 lullfl NO 'STA IR S.iK ufg B MV p .for only 120,500. Easy catO-ate bodroom no^no U lh eovoro* baths, liropiaco on an oxtra1 iiit^fflBtHB. ' 'lot; will trado lor baroare patio. OnlySl6.SOO. largo 75 ft. iot. Only P0.5000 bodrooma. ta m m S S S SBF E ■ acroago. , Coil Holon vacant lor ImmiJlato, room, and a S M B D HB w f • Trowbrldgo, 734-5609 ”0" o> BIG WOOD REALTY p o s s o s s lo n . Call Holon dining a ro B .H H H N K H k W oatorn ftooily. 733-2365. 734-6551 ------TfowOrldgo' 734-5809- 'o r a t - 'Oondrtionlnou^BH^^BH^I f t i - REMODBLEO.T.Z-'Sodroomj-m j‘ ...... " ------.. i W oslorn Roally 733-2365, gorago; Big T e i 9 |E l W m‘l.T’ r v p lu a 2 In b o som ont.nt. Barbara Shaw 734-0381 , irrlQation w a ta m iK o ilM I • LOVELY FAMILY H0ME..4 liropiaco. dropos & 'carpel.lei. Hm Volk ...... 733-580!» 11 k Eaai location Iflydcoun^]p sovoral built-ins. loncod.od. iim P r a tt...... 733-137; bodroom s. largo lamllyroom atmospl'oro. O m H u halOBO ------w /c a ro u so l,-3 -ailia__ $37,500, Call Woaiorn Roalty,Ity, H aro ld P u U ier..:,, 733-3911) I ' \'/i o c re t clo te lo lowlowrl Hot oil the exirat and 1I [“ ^ ^ HOUSE'..To soo at anylimo I ; it ready lor love. S49.50<>.50a. No. 105. I Ph. 734-6530.239 OuBola, MOST HOME FOR THE • iv I 1 BELLOW YOUNG LOVFI)VF»kl Perfect for lhe young 1 MONEY EVERI 2500 sq. It, . I I Of the young ot heart.lart. Sll undor your Irnet or 1 plus altachod garago all on ■ I stroll olong thru tho rattberryrot buthot on '/> ocro | ono lloor. 4 bodroom&i lami- KolOthe hou»e-hot be*n.fe--| ___' ------ip /O O m r2’ flropIocu#. now' ; ------1 i-oll-your own.-One hoK living room carpollng. and / I I d e c o ra te d , th e olhor holl*itholl currently being worked 1 ' hoopyourkld'sathomowltti I ! on. The entire houioa it n charming ruttlc decor. .1 a 12x20 ir. oncioaod Indoor • , th e kind of hom e youlu ww^ni lo leon boek in ' '*^1 swimming pooll Noods lols I t your rockor, hold hondisndt and goze ot iho . ol londor lovlno caro, OniyI BlalnoAndoraon-.; 733^1647 I [ llreploce. Includot o0 •-2 cor garogo. $27,900, only S27.900I Ownor■ .loycoCotO-...... 733-67872i ' I g o rd e n tpoce. molurn-on« n - -of-Trtw-iiimat-stn*»roots-ln-town;- 'Ihia- -| - ■ A room a n d d«n. Thlt It trulyruly o jowol. and pricod for ;:i: Insulated goroge. ProfettlonollyPro londtcopod. - I ------LOTSlOFROOM 01 - j ' . Immodiatotelllng, »I34.90<.900. >doy for your pcrtonol thpw- i|; I horiome feotures a maturejre yard, with lovely | % S 89.500. Call Jim today J sir-jirh oulI JnJn Ihis ranch stylo ! PRICE REDUCED for Immodnedollo tolo. PrIzo loeallon. is-: In g i I I troiro e s s h a d in g t h o p o tlo ., TheTh intorlor decor of * •■M 4 bedroomt. 2 boiht. lomlamlly room, roc room ond ^ I Ihlahis h o m i ’ ar>H<-. :n'■'.t • :,„iich o f c o u n try I I iiome, with 44 largela bodrooms, 2 | '''.^1 lorgo londtcopod loncodi lol within walking dittonco boths, livingI andan dlnlno oroos. j ____ rr r -re-SowTocTh-acho ot a n d ihihopplTTgr<59:90 e i 0:------i _____i ______IbflilyIaO_wUh-a-£on^ealei3l_:5l_ftaLin-kll6heD_9ML.i— ^ U .! foormol n dining room. Thoihoro's 0 flroploco In f a n d a full finfiflnish^od^basomorth J ...... ■ 1818Io*lok»ok*iBl«d;N. •• - -OPPO^NHh(<|l>• ' ...... : * m ^ ' i !' ~ ijj * * 1 1 M ICK 3 bodiodrooms, 2 boths, 2 ■7 r ~ * family rooms, 2 flrollroplacos. air condi- * MORE FORRTHE MONEY . , r aprinklors.s. $62,000.] * ;;; Thia roomy home hot1 S Ib e d ro o m s. 2 both*, fomlly % I 1 .e k o n d o 1.000 *g. ft, o o ro o e -■■ . . - ___ I I I This throe, beea d r o o m I I *74,900 ^ I I kllchons, port boso- H -----J—h o m » -w lth -Jd o u ^ l j «* 4 BIDBOOMS 2 kl ■. fi; S u itab le for” b u tln e ttI ute.ut Tranquilly (ituoted on js s l TT 0 ' sq . ft. o f ra n c h A TJodroom-treWe-wmi------J------§ * monf. covorod paticitio noor downtown, « ' ^ 3 full lott. CompleielyIlely rem o d e le d ihroughout i 1. 3 -2 0 0 I I rage, full pantry, lr-$63.900rCalUlniI t n i Be . ‘~~~ *______1:^ . I . s ty loI livingIh locatod closo . if sunshine. Docorot* I • * $37:000:------I ! firoplaco, finishodr f b o s o - I I tasteful colors und ' * ^ luo LOKOS bh'op]5Tng— I—P------f—mentT-lw^o-baths, ‘'n * 2 BIDBOblMS 1 bath, oll brick ^ " 1 ------r ^ o ^ T u o a'po"rsrjhoro*r:lots-of------f ------'■% ji 18.5 o c re t. p lu t or miniminus, with good Eott tlope ;-s I I sovor kitchen wl •i h o m o , fo n c o d yarc'ard with dog run. « C o n tolo>. r It '* features | r f i h o T I or spoco In the kltch-' | I'g: a n d d e e p tolL ApproxlmiKimotely 1 .3 0 0 'of live tlroom [ • appliances,-and 1 « $ 3 8 ,0 0 0 . 5 loilarge bodrooms, -4 d in in g J I ith » custom* cablnots * ...a- . - c i;: o n E ott boundory. $40,509,SOOwlihtorm*.CallJohn. ♦ I . I area is now vocoi 6oU^VolUW.S>ol<>r . *J7 0.nf.l»v®lln.^ -739:«ASnk I s o p airbto rd dining oroo, J ont ond I • ■"'."i','’arookfost bar. Also I ii^ ' ... f, ^ AMatlroxa. 0*1---- »lJ.OtOSI] Mo>y AVkwmoo .... 73JJ«n t roody for imme ecToro dining room, . :Ji -i^ .1 sp a crlous- io living room, | ' occupancy. Exc I I living room, two I Si J ...... 4 - 9 A 9 0 « PRESTIC[IGIOUS - > sto roage g i galoro and o | I I with Spring _ ____^ « I Five bedroom homeI bo boordered by large thody j!-: 1 icos, doublo gorogo, | I Iji I r e e t. Spoclout livingg roroom* o ccen t thlt picture-':-'- •|i l-tree-ft-flllod, fenced | I • Realtors. Coll todi f e n c e d y a r d . • :« I I a privato showing I sq u e tta le iy homo, CALL^LL INOW. ONLY *46.900 .1^! I yord. .H: J ...I__ I I $ 5 8 ,5 0 0 o r b e s t ofrA t . , , ESTATES, appraisal: superI ;SHARP------*>...... l r f d lr O ^^AndOf>^«t*d J > ...... —c—j I;!; Duplex :in good-iocotiorstion ------3V ^-yeart old. very * * * ★ »> *.*.★ » -*e * .< r ** i w ell built ond woll Iniuliiiulated. Units ore 900 tq. It. |:i: e a c h a n d hove lull ununflnithed botemonlt ond alngle car goroge*. M5.055.000, CoH John j:-: I TH E VERY BEST in fomlly ' comfort I and oosy on tho pockotbooK-poi Unique I- ^ COUPON- I tvvo-story, roomy,f, 3 J bedroom homo INVE!ESTORS 1 Building I “with fovoly yord oncondfoncod-po?!oros- ;n f you. hove-rental-;al-problom s ond-hcad*-;^ ^ 4 f r e e ^ p r nalysis I .o n '^ 'd c r o s In Edon.an. Lot us show .you achoi^tO-ltiMch .rr. . s o rv lc o .P r b r | Lots ROPERTY AlU I th is g r o a t buy to day a y . . $ 4 7 ,0 0 0 . ' porty AAonagVmsnt• n t c a n bo tho, euro. i:i C a l l f o r m o r o In fo rm j Sprimig C reek Ft(=tealtors I HORSE LOVERS, thishis Is It. Family size iiJ JIM VARLEY...... " .... 734-4849.I dononmerciai I country home on)n \V* ocros with CRISTY JACOBS ...... 733-7900 I Call foraa p ^ in tment or bringihg this.coupon I fenced riding oroncsna end horsebarn..' JOHN TOLK ...... 326.52411 Lots ' I to o u r o ffice: 1 rnue East, Tw ^_^JIsj I .5 bedrooms, don1 cand fomily room; 5 LINDA SH IREY ------____ _ 536^2720 i I two firdplqces, 1,4'1,400 sq. foot, fin* il: JERRY HAGGART..' ...... 73i^30S6'| I . ished basomont,t, doublo garage, is MAC-MAYER - I C a ll n o w , w o n 't lolast ^ long. -Roaltor X, Proporty Monogofg o r . . . . . ^ ...7 3 4 .1 8 7 2 1 I ownod. $85,000. ^ ii TOM FLOYD‘firokotk o r.....:.^24^8912 I ^ V ... :« iuRaViiM^ ' r-6 T o r ^ : - ^ - ! : - I ------f N u m b e r ^ : ^ e t Uss-Market Yi" a u r H o m e 734?T300 • REALTY WORL 0 ^ — 1 6 3 2 A b5DISON r AVE.E; |s j y ^ E M ^ n o H ^ 1

s'.i'..,Li.'. l!|V’ ‘ a ,

» ' B-10 Tl'mo^Nowa.I, TTwin Falls, tdor^o WodncJ n o s d a y , .lu ly 2 5 ,1979 ------(Wl OutolTc[Town Homes BSI Fanr'arms&Ranchet 0J7 . .Fimis&Ranches ,Fsn 036 Acreigstloti 039 ' Bua ~ ^ BRING YOUR In Tw in. All ut ■ • MO ' MomeiFitsrorSaJe (oo HomosH05 For Silo 030 Homosmos For Silo, BY , OW NER: NIXO 2. ABOVE AVERAGt ^ E 40 Acro ~ I^ E R C A L furnished. (150 (50 >n lol and V4 Farm noor Twinn F Falls, Pricod , WANT A MO L K S ! ' ' ■ COMMEI n w nnwKi Bodfoom hotno on Jh^ os ronlal In it. Phone Klmbor|y^2 ------UNDER 140,000. LOW In-,loromo. FKf ir o p la c o , ot J129,000. Callall Bill Brako, In your bad K - n S . rw. . t undorground Business olflc< : 1 1 « PAYMENT POSSIBLE alod soulh ol .rcromo. AVAILABLE AugusI TALK ABOUTAFA JJJSAVEJ spacioua kitchi:h o n , (ull 320-4213 o r TT^n and andollvosl • ♦ ♦ ♦ BR. 1 balh. sliacho Mod family Country Roaltora, HOUSE! WITH EXPERIEN ,n baaomont. (inlsho jra. 7334716. wllh llshS I r ' s s i m r e a l t y i, IENCE- homo, locslod in l(o^j]2:500? ■%' » ______.lual.for «l«ftar«.„,tflp»j ■atalra,Ji.ir. itI. MI?------nnnnrerom fOO"’. carport ntJlir^ and,nd otorogo. Pi^Y T 0_EAR|!^M...80l neri^ O n5ocros (or i T a ' i i H llM Z— ------2302. . . Shed. THE RIQHT HOME F( iw' handilnos! wmrmraneiniemivatiabttrt------SSall?^ Northsholdo Branch. ______- _^Oario»,--m«ohln* • |F 0 RYOU ({Jool (or rollrodl . p n P c V49 700 E v iX g s o BEAUTIFUL carpoi eRop, carousel fireplacjiace. all LET U8 HELPi>YOU Y< lncludoa contrallf“ l,,A 'C . 324.6793 lERTJONES 324.4321.------_ bodroom, 2 bath dout ' on 1.3S a cres only mlrminutes______BUYORSELL ELL oloclric furnaco., ro relflooro- —^ bodroom oldor;'*hS“°c.ii t EB«n°°EW ______B^-OWNER-5-lS-tooa-«umiio____MO —------.— CMlfltCQLLotg- -4n-Haneon,.(2SQ.pot. froif lUrif^ ham, iri ■ “ lor7“cfrupo57W70~ninrooMjptr— ot:eAN—h6mooi ) In Fllor. - ^ - 73W4C10404 (rom schoola0 4 shopping. 4 lOTS section.tlon.»33i, Sunsot Inclu^ appliance bedroom, 2 b«m horrhomo Is "ThoOldTlmor,nora" Nice yard Wllti auaulomollc bodroom houso 9Vi‘U simple) IintoroBl. 734- Sunnyly 9 SlOpO'. (1400. POIS, 733-4591, eslgnsd, m,‘ oarago Garaoo, double loL . ranch atyle open desl( sprinXolor syaiom, Harold Frozlor,,I f ...... 733-2211 7 m ______and work room Qtlorel A L T O R S ond carpori. Coll:all Ownor FOR SALE BYr^^m - g e m ST)►TATE 829-5028, ______CLEAN 2 Bodroom; : A ‘ " ‘ FELDTMAN REAL IILY and duplox ------room. Slovo, rolrli ______a winner, you've gotK Itl n Tl_ ’ ie04 Addison AveAvo.E. 733-5063,______Kimberly hoioS';';"3 REAL!LTY 40 ACRES; ExciExcotlant Dairy SINGLE FAMIL ------VERY"NICE-4-b«drcKi'dcoo'fiCT----- Bodroomsr2-balhssreu - jeromebrBRANCH...... SltoViO mlnulos - V s a t t o n P i ^ y ideal locoiion. (225 m' ollont Twin room, laiflo kllcho i'r"ol'[,rwlro'r"' ,M3^77S. ** , ■ — ------733-1088 a423^636: both homo In oicollo S poc al dining room ondid garago. , J70.000- Torma.rma. Call Arl DESIRABLE 2 acres on S. ' OM CondomliHrynlnlLtma For Salo ( 100doposlt. 733j)eai 1600 SQ.FT. In tms niceIceoldor ( ______Falls locolion. S - LARQE 4 bodroom ho ______home. Laroe n m i j ; ’ bulll-lns, lots ol,1 sstofooo. ^40,9&.37M501. . Eastland, Ind'^idustrlol pork. ■ ------_8HARP..4.BEOflQOM. ibert'loneo- -FOf»-SALe-IN-HA -FARMERS- - A ^socialis-19—734-467-6- -RomoBOloa-i- • ->»4-.u iiii ii----- Pfoaldoni-Slfoot— c ^ ^ i . i owner. Qroal loc« ONDOM INIUW ^ roquired. Laroo lot. 53 sunny eat^n klichon. p or Virginia By Ownor. OnFSEr-iTliES: ______wim lorgo land CHOICE(S)NI e n d ol cuWe-BSC. 1 = Eia..a,.J33.i7pi^I, • 140’x50’ loi, Whllo,10. well in- Spflnkior Ifflgtrtoi — Ovorsizod doiJoublo gorago, CollOQO Moodo>adows. 734-9284 3 oodroom, 2 basem enl, nice Twin/in i-ane._ laroe llnlshed bsssm »umabloLoan bolwoon Twin & .!■ locallon. Make an ( sulaiod. all oloiloctrlc, 2 aharos ol walor. : lfiHP<5 “f’ep ^BX72.>. gos tanKs! auV.A ssum t ownor anxious lo sell. UILD? Bodroom homo.y Gardon homo with"•c'a‘’r c » ' ■ RANCH- -Tfto naiB ieft foncod.. prival/alo woll, clly CONDOMINIUMIUM lor salo in Call324-3385or324-86: In^SomS WANTTCBUIL a v o lla b lo . llroploco. Closo0 to t .loromo. ONE OF THE TC or. 734-7422. PO Hock Gardens.ns. Call< 733-3000 Ngw 3 bodfoom' Vera .loa 543-1088, or R( 10 Drivo. Lots QBloro, SouSouth on ______Owner anxious..J110.000 Jl In S. Idnho, 8 •tones Reilly 733-0404. o n o b a r n • Box 182, Twin, V oj_^,^4ai,,____ . . soulh of Bollovuo. E — m i m ______Easllond 5. mllos (roi Horrlngbon om homo borly Rood, thoso , loti oi g' o od ing: b7"o ^ T A T P Aulomollc lakelokoofl units. < ------T T T ' oppllancos. Rospo SHARP 4 bodroom flf« Dtlcod oif* 3 Bodroom horrom o^Lar'go' GEM Sjy >IIsHomo8 ForSalo adults only. (295 por ******^ with lo lso l fruit trooaOOS, patio. various sQ:os, ond oro ' . j y * - - . Corrsts (or 400 hoad, hoy FIVE A'ACRES « very woll constristruotod, to accomodaio yourour Dodfot 'o'- FHA, 0opproved. pg^LTLTY ahod. 3000 SQ. Of Twin Falls, CLEAN mobllo,110 Ihomo 10x50, 788-2307or 786-4896. ?o limo !o CallOM-8346. „i„"j 3ob 5 2 :5 ■ , Soe to approci- QUIET COUNTEI flroploce and nico:o kitchon book. Now Is ino I ------JERO M E B R 3 alto. 2 bodrooms, Soi ond dinlnfl orea. CalCall Clydo buyl CanFury 21 ScSouinorn n EW HOUSE to be BRANCH • ?®I?3‘’ cl,i|®Carr° I, bodtoom. Adults. Nc bo movod, ?'.om»o „„=h ^ CANYONSICj l S « L n THE 3 C'8 HOME.. OClean, Thomson 733^85 or Town & Idaho Roally 734-2IH. now localod 1 mliolo W„' V. N. . J24-B11m i 170+ ' aCRES-'c<; ■y:— 14x60 2 (175 monlh. Wrlle Bo venlftnL , CfiuntttPoallora 733-i'33-071 e, - ■ >mo. In tho path 733-1 ■ iflEDaDOM_MQ'M Qt)llQ 'hom o. c /o Times Nows,------Sparkling 4 bedroomim iOrIcK 'ard nico bolh, 1198 aq.ll, living,area. llv! ------o ° “'ou°B-aav6iort^gpTTTOwf^ — ------(7200.432.5338i3aof4255i'4B. 01 ■ RENT OR BUYI Comfi ■/Miiii room, foneod yard, h your Invest- HAGERMAN- hom e wim full bason ow ■ S40's Rouoh codar oxoriorior. Only FARMS & RAN »)! f o r SALE 10 b.be movod by - 2 Bedroom, flreplai ;*dTo"i ^ACRESINTO^:OWN nolghborhood. Low,ow MUS. j 35^ft(3i p,|co Inclui:|Ud03 Into­ ,.NCHE8 • “ llJ V o r S«" ,,? Cofl. ownor. 1 lo 51 ~0 Close to schools and s )BthS. full 334.4382.______S 011 e rl DELIlELUXE .197& ping centers. a3X130'•fenc«5 fei -5 'B e d ro o m s ,-2 batr —-— rior (Inlah cablnotiots & trim Wo hovo ovorln. Great,t poton-pi Fireplace, IVl? il K.IK Largo landscapod lol1 lol al ond fthnvftnrtrirniKianvllvllmol SoKSo.n. XI°'W .S"' or 6 pfn. “23: t^EUa=J3HL92^ tlal. 138,000. M7-L rll? O* cuWo-soe, 526 Ros covered pailo, laroergo nicoiy Assumsblo N l« 2 BEDRO^>M HOME. MARKETINQ ASS^SOC^TES - “^rtBullsr sft nr M3 llnlahod (amlly roo/jom In full ______■ - :lBr Really landscaped lol, Iloncod ,gg„ 73j.77fo C ■;------IJOE.Ma/i ° - n Z m A f T -BX50; S S air condi- QEMSTATEI t backyard, walk lo shishopping 5500 ,or appolnti • softonor, Ma/nSt. 7daysow ook. . r s s s . 0. Idaho '■ Ilonod. (54 9 5-LC21L Co ^ ^ NoDown'^^^iifo^n^Pw and schools. ' Calt d a i r i e s can REALTY Ruddoll Mark! ------garago. Soo to api.p'p'rVc?.!;: FARMS & DA ...... 324-6166 L<5TnM ' HU& i 3 4 -4 8 7 5 ■ 5-8EDROOMS, IWm both. Assumsblo 9'/.% I ...... 324-5234 Appfovod OUtlub-dlvlslon in TO PC AASH S h PAID pufchese a now 2 JERO M E BRANCH'jCH Aaeoclales 734 M ACRES at CeiCestle(ord. 4 ...... — • - • onvtlme. - —~ • - . . family room. laroo lo T------^------r----- Klmboriy. Stai 1214 W IDES Bodfoom Washlngior ...... - ...... “ 3 2 4 ^ 1 1 — ;----- garden spoi. 1220f MHt J l ! ______L Bodroom homo.). Asaumacto / ' ' ‘“'*3^ */'«»- F0R8,10121 e ' * 2 BEDROOM HOUSE / assumo- SHARPI Nowor 3 boisodroom , 2 losn. I trallors ond Town House...and '■ Jerry James '“«S. “® TROUTrFARM' F/ • S'v^Y^*V °p.bdm. bl-lovol. plekup compere.. . . monthly paymonts s lot, new polnl &I, icarpo . 0^ loan, Shownwn Iby ap- bath, spacious llvincIng room & shores Twin A accotding 10 your inco . $16,000 will carry coconiract. polnlmonl only. 734-7414-7458. fomily room w llh1 j carousol 40 ACRE DAIRY;Y;.Now.dou., ■ ■■■ * * * * * ** 733-1148. M • ' firoplaco. Oood cvedr636-239<-« rfkcrMuioarl ------carpori, Insuraro'dTCIi 3ME-Largo B«H'. Closo-ln. prlcotTrlghtlprii ^ ^ “a Iovely74*x701 14xS8’ REETOCTWOOD Mobile ~dBO&fllt rooulredH23-t n• l« BUT* UKES m riOtTH TWIN r*Ut.V .7 lf ,7 ■ 'BUHL, 613 8th Npl 2 8EOROOM HOW u». IDAHO bedroom, (onced bac Irom owner. Homo: (890J down. d (125 2 BEDROOM, W/D ho ^ v - ^ lo* I" Ru'ot neighboi -> won landacapod. 24 a c r e s ' loinsIS Buhl.I Hos BY OWNER, nico.Ico3 bodroom ^_ooo gollon aoc■optic tank, city- month. Dollverovored and sot- g,pyo. relrloeralor, w a - n d g subdlvlslon'polonlgnum ____ _ hfifTif^ Lttie. oood con- ^an[m (ion lucnlahflcLi - - i f t s i r lonaa nomos, deposit.— ^ 4 - - t w>K i * 4 8 7 ^ 0 0 Country Roaltoi:o ra -B u h l q rola. lots of Iroos.008. All silting 8ollr;734-6?62—o r- -i-flc ro “ ln ' B~r-rjico-country- ‘HOMES Ih-atock .’!? o s a u m d b la lo>on. o r Compare this homo•o at Joyce. ed7334107, • 7 3 3 - 82 2 7 «J-43TO. soiling. 3 boclodrooms. 1« no mofo lhan ____ ,.$,48,90p_wlthj?»l othors costing moro. BtJtiflnUoua;^ =moblio=nomna:n n a —sn d —'*’«------^flPonnnuHau (41,500. Call V ______bollovo ot Me“ Magic Valloy ,7S*.I0n ____A«o<.af»k« ....794 • OFFERING 5~5 parcels' o( J^lobllo Horpos.,1os.-Hlghway 30 . .ostof^oipltal. = UIDEt f Iinost building0 lots from 1 &932mlloswost SBERVl[C E G l Q.NgoftHnaLol______I “ Z Twln'.‘7iS-0676'!^ L x QUIET COUNT(^TRY Living. MOBILE HOMHOME ACRE ; TWO HOMES tnIn low FLOWER SHOP *ho>how lng f m ' 'Beautiful vlow.V. 5 ocro & 3 Short ocro closo Storter excellenl Income, f S30,000't. Cood stc n l K ocro lots privalolie rood. Dnly4 your own moblli _____;______.homai-Of_f»ntals—la.~CalL -SM toappreciote ----- >NDDIIREC'TOR\------.------.-[oia_on--rosd.-' J.—Convoniont- - can purchoeo> a-lovoly-14»70!-e-l( -3-BEDROOM.ln-Twln- J __ ; . lol*. $a_7.ooo. ------locoiion. 324-515.152. GOVERNOR (rg(rgm ownor. 3rd Avo E; Appliance: ■ - - AAVEXCAVATION CARPETCLEANINQid GRAVEL CRUSHEIHEDANDPrr PAINTINQ • i ...... ! jopfic tank, clly ofoncos. no pots. 324-5 RUN-TOPSOIL = T T p : r - . cablo TV. Only : . ._____B ackhoe work, .IC■ID 410 Have your carpopo ts pro- Houso pointing,; 0 ' “"tl SE*DR(WMhomI COZY AIL BKICK 3 will ira'do for 93% FINANCINO 3 b e d .____ Exlonds-hoo. Soptic)tle tanka, losslonaliy stoam^ 1 cloanod. Wo will deliver.. DrainC fleld oul. roasonablo.I0.733J87B. 7 Snake River. Fl d travol Iralior AVAIUBLE ,i C O INTO BUSINESSSS with < room home wllhh fire-____ basem onta. fooilnosInos. dit- Claudo Brown's Fui^urnllure & sewer roek. N orthw oot ------—:------hunling, 10 min"'’i“'* M ‘^.?hri and .co sh . ClCall Melon 5% down_paymont._ thb nlc* ihop ondd homo b< place ond olr condindilion-____ chos, & Iree senlee.ce. Bythe Music, 733-21080®.:. . F r e e , . Craneond.RlQoIng,lnq.733-1234_ J N T I N Q ,, T34i5809 01 conlinuo to pay high ^ ------Tjn-Brrflerao9er$8S:0(5:000;------W6~eiftd—mVth^~frm u c h '___ 'h o u r orTob. Ffod'osllioallmaioa. oallmatoa. . . . ~ - -HANDYMAN------— ■ Sponcora Paint lly, 733-2865. when you can purcriai m ore. ■ lerom e 324-3689. ______CARPETCLEANINQ>4Q ______Bedroom condomlnli ______A-1 CONCRETE HANDYMAN. carpenter- Cl ?rlT s^(m !r“! Vera .(00 543-408 LELOT8 Coilogo Meidowa. •' Carpois cloanod ttho pro- doors, wlndowa, IS. 9JO-OJOB or .lonoa Roalty 543 1 ^ 2 ^ 324-3640. 1 SALE units aro roady to bo r -tir!-;....., TJ3-7J7I Orlvewiys, pallos,s. alabr, (essional Bigeloww Karpot- panol. palnl. 734-03 ______1 ACRE 6 miles M233 Into NOW...SO don't a??;*S sldowalk^,^ps^^^&, & con- Karo method. For ST, HOWARD'S CARR 8 TAOTINQ PWNT|NQ_BYC&C&R No Saturday c >ldo- LIBERTY.-- _Stanlngat,(3J.00p^----- 71* 4*01----- " cfflto rei>air:T3>41iT3.-179.------tlon-sorvlce-call-' ------733-5183. ------SiiJ iu M e?,rr 7S*. Custom Floors ol Idt 7M,4t»4 SrtM lIll-..h...... «4-TS4.MM A-1 PAINTINQ Quality work'• RoasonabloR , a c r E LOTS; 5r„;.?33rr. ______E E r i " ______Addison Avo.E. ______6AM.tiiieeMj:aiij:I1J33;OOM,______ptlcoB l_ Inlorlorirlor/exlorlor.___{(on ^ s tla n dI. IDrive.North,_ |„,:,ong.-Haclof w o ™ k , wntovK ^ ' ’“ S Inlerior 8. extorlorr palming,pa "CHIMNEYSWEEPIN•NO IN D E P EN D E NNT“ T C0 N- colt for osilmatos.lies. 734-8967. 734-3759. Town or country,ry. Froo ■ b a a - eatlm ale. Discount11 lilor so- Spill wood not alorloms 4 lot TRACTORS PROFESSION.DNAL DOa /nnaiM^r'ahi^IE'lOT.IXo! JYERS (Forcotj AMERICAN REAL ESI ulk yment ar- Magic Maintenance OBE “;,7-. . . nior elll2ens. Payme ?7® ^*",5 New constructiC io n . ro . 2.6 ACRES. 3 bobedrooms. 2V4 J®.»®' ®* l?2 " W ' amSlVii 4APPRAI8AL...-..73 lALTY Blvd. Northi n rangem enla. Call 73-734-6866; your llu. 733-8727.tl. wero modeling, Insurantance work , .n,..,lc ,1... >Bokonde Insured. . . u « n .. an •’0'"®- Fan rfocl condition. ' ' ______T » j . a « 2 » roofing, InsulationIon, fonclng broods. Call 734-fl( •2 ______t CHIMNEY SWEVEEP8 & of ait’kinda. Celllr ___ INGRES, 2100O (a q .lt. homo “ •"X I. Firot (14,050 052 FmApL&Du MION plusdoublogarairage. (67,500. buysl 733-4591. A-1 YARDWORK FIREWOOD texture. Special disS u n l s t o RE80RTVACATK lecT' 1 BEDROOM lurnl sonlorellliene.324'324-6475 5 MILES (rom TvTwin Fslls 1U 1979 HILLCREST Lawn mowlno, powor(or rraking, Boal tho (all rush r |r r = ------CLARK MILLEFLER QUEST acres. TLC bbuilt homo. bodroom. 2 balh,;!fh^ IlVod^In I J M ® '" I" V Phono INTERIOR/EXTERK the boaullful S52,500. monlhs, Phono 73 ~ -roio-tllllnQ, flw er bed: PAINT1NQ4STAINI H Darrell 4^872, or 423- iS IL o"'-” ’”"'- i K ...... I t s , A i i ;juntslns. , For . - - - ^ R l^ lf ^ ^ o rtn l U'UhleS Poid. ■ ACCOUSTICAL CEIUNlUNQS CONCRETE F1N18HIIHINO Rool, treated. Ol gy HANDJDY REALTY s - M d S al a®'“' “ e ‘e c lri? '''3 ______5aths.423-4M7. DUPLEX & several'e • Patio's' DriveV e w a / a * work. Reasonable|S r = 3 = .’”apK"' >ln. Jerom e bedrooms, 2 bathi K la ” 3 0 0 ^ X£til5-£5ltiiy , ,1 , .iTTVi Hpwftmentw - eo nvn i u l h r ^ r t h r t (ocsiion lor working sl Iree^ eSma^osf'reaaciaaonaSS MUmstes.'? P h o nD e ' 324-3551 jANlTORIALSERVi =— =------Connie ...... 0 ?33-7528 or or couples. (4 0 10 (55« ______SviCES ROQERSPAINTINITINO- Pat or D ic k ...... 3J4 \ H - -7 3 4 ^ 1 or 73^2511__ -CONTRACTOR------' " ...... ' ' -Maglo Malntenanomoo ia ,1ft.- imide-or-outslde:Ilde:-Large or 2.75 ACHES IN BUHb-«tty--44irV'- im F RTY:n?<: all olocltic.____f u r n i s h e d —DliPLE ALLYOURCONCflETE ^ CARPENTRY AND>40 CON- sured. experienco Phone.. 934-8385 93 lo r. limits wllh a u.uniquely de- On speplsl (10,5(ii°’* ”- .,* ''l° - 2 bedroom , oome uti • ' CRETE. CompolilivoIve prices, pendable. Free' •M tim atos. free estimate. ______slgnod home.. This homo m onth. .Dellvo I' ■ coxIX. VEEH mn l )h o r p a n . Call 733-6727. ^ haa a amall groon gn house, sel-up. Calli i '” Ih“ i. ; 3 S n ■ Call Lee al 734-5860. {Q_lQb,.tOO -LANDSCAPINQ&FIt F i s a n a ■ ^ t.beaulilully landadacaped yard. Hemes, 733-7568. - TOimn e i . -&-RASNI M U S S E N - I ^ ------;— email. Caipsntry. dcoflerelo, Inalos* Hoi' posture lor-hora ffi''**- 195^ 8x35 AN L T O te H ^ 8 /OIL , ____ _ lormica. r x k tavlr or aystoma* worK‘ *flMl*ftopafopalrs* Quar- -Call Vera -loa1 I643-4088, or House Trailer, 1 U WnM‘$TYlll 'bdrllno‘4 b ^ - H ••SYNTHETIC" ENQINi3INE0IL Call 733-7054 alter 6Pi ncee. Froe aniood. 734-7128.7;s;734-0049. • ' • Robert .lonesI Really 643- modeled, muslj i a ." o I'o .. ; ? ■ I33-51I3. Jlent.M ^11^ ------fl3llmaloa^-^rafl- a , - nnninijjt * ' • ^22.1 , , — i — « r.A ?.\lrr,,6 iy g lls Privste, UWNMOWINO- (4) 1 Acre Builulldlng SItos; "ll* Wosl Ave. B t o '25% bottor o a^JXago s ^ Tronsltlon? Pr t,,5i ISSSfE??!?® fe*tI wlwith 3 boths. family room, on 73i.M g2 personal, marrlaoe,e, o r faml- ' Froe Estlmololll LinseedL 8. beaullfui view 01nl Twin Fitlii 324-3806 or 734-440: luillul living room with flreplooi.„ B Increaae power. 734 )ur homo. Dependable youi For more In- i tH QLENgfl6« lb., cut, wrappeded, frozen nd Industrial. movlnp, m ust bi Jilfu rH . .Installations., ropairs, Iflcatlonr - Lawn-Mowlno-OnOnly.-Very- -»lSd-!^le*o?lngKno, __S aloa —Vora .(oa at 543-<3-4088 or ERA 1973 GREAT LAKES LAf 14X64 month plus deposit. -teoeiaU—removed— 1 •ODLINER, rswciiiDrB— riToir-pfiono- oi: - „,Vlce.73<:gf0rP — -Robe“/f=IonOiaiiTRoaltyraaz zwim=Uptiut:;:Sxl:Sxbotlroain,oiz ■■ - ■■■ ■ lovely 4 bedrodm, 2 both bom«me eervleel RoasonabloM 721 Kimborly, 423-6490.lO. Mobile 324-3088.______Il______e m ______(IroDlace. swomjwomb coolof, ONE BEOROOM rfon on Atl«Alluro* Orlv*. Seoutifully decoKor- ■ Chuok Henoy. ' 62fl ' Butchor no availablejle. Whole UW N MOWINQ.Q. ROTO- SECRETARIAL8EI.SERVICES 4 BEOROOM hoilomo in Buhl, aWnod. E x lrasljlol For furthor person. (145. Ulillllei o l* d oond r newly rem odeled w ith lovPUANCE REPAIR" store.______Typing and basic»'c bookkoop-I and large treos.J. ICall .lohn it 1978 HACIENOAIDA 24X60; 3 726-3201,______wghout. Remodeled kllchen wll vears ox- DEAN'S ASSOC>CIATED Dopondablol TriT rim m ing. Ino. Evenings ^*3164.734-: Tov.n and Counlinlry. 543-4441 bodroom. 2 twth' bal lamlly Accessories for your 0 new/ totop quality oppllonces. andHlK-

  • loce H soli, rock, dirt movtno, tn bulil-ln ap p llar ondI oa 2nd lireploce In the llvIr MACRAME MADE Ivlng ing demolition, excavicavailon. uncontostsd Irom )E TO OR- C o m p le te B Sal . I . . . „ d ------owner. 326^865 be — ...... -rocifn.'-ht.'-Etlicieni kllchen wllh snocn«cC ■ 7a^1. .nnc, '" “’8 leo. Edward ' Service. Toro, N .Q c e 1B78 SAHARAlA . 14x7D’; . 3 423.6239. - b o rAa ddining room . Full flnlthed bos^ ■ BUILO REPAIR REMOD Attornoy. 726-857B. “ . '“ r n ;: . 80.ACR1 I ; m#nt,'1nt, hug* storage room with frw ;______Priced 15,00 ondI u£up dopon- Salo-T-Lawn S Bodroom. 2 bait illy, for a OfiYWALL dJng on soiociion.■n. Call 676-' ‘ ManuaP sysl.omama Slart a t JERO; K M c ------location; ■•largo ' 5 ' •„-.*h»lva•Ives. L arge r>Scely londscopeip e d ■ Sm all jobs a specially, sokends or SKOO complolo.to. Call 734- Good eoll qualitylty. Laya woll. space, swampS coi 'S ? tu«"'iv^!“(iood-^5 lencMc*d l vord wllh ebverod potlo or 5261 6-6 and wook f. .■ ■ ■ a n d H p rice you can live'’'® Ceilings sagging? BaBasom ont seoat 703 E.17th.'BS o y Or 2960. 733:4*4. D D & I C Lawn (ull waler rightslls . *Closo-in. etorage shod.#d. 324-5874, non-amoker. ; ':'-^bomJnIt-ln borfo*qu*. plus ur>dergrourB o n d * ?33-217f.______: linlahing? call 733-0075 ovbnliOnlngs antJ Sprinklers. . Call for detauL evonlnga. Inkling system. Double cor goni( .e, iJn- or pwago nood Hr nig* H BUILDtNQ* REMODEU spraying, wookonds. ______8 UMMERLAWN8- N8. LEMOYNERiREALTY 1978 3 bedrooqOQM douhTn 1 BEDROOM FURNIS I clos* to schools. TWIN FAJ'ALLS ■ wldo VanDyko, S. V H Carpentry, rouqh & f ———— • NEEDYARDWORKRKD0NE7 Lawns Hydi IcnCAUY KXFICT . K tFC ai 1. Taping! EMPLOYMENTSERVRVfCE 1874 Lity ■1.733-4872.' LCnCAtj ,Brot^ ,nev^^yllt r r X ■ s h e e t roek InsUlled. Ti . nvMOfl Froe esilmates,r°Thr. «ww) = = = = = 1 BEDROOM-cloae-ln Call Yard People - 4879r------r . - r ^ — - -N E-W ~+f O R f-ZZ IO N- - 8 ‘-•orTMJTfSrMowInc -734J660or734-487a ------Fail87-llfri165~ IncU Jng Fence t iREDOFHWMNE ANO INDUS- R f ln ta ls ______ulllllles. (SO depoall. ■ 4bed ro o n ^ Sbotha! fam ily rooi ™ PERSONNEL We ci help , Bulldlno/Palniing: -==5------YOUItndtherioht-loi fg-jr'SS'i'srI: O ver 15 ^ _- ^ I - ___pelo.CollocM.432-&3ei. h':fli«plom*. add extra roomi«m‘’o™w- fir epla ces Refrlgsratlon and a • 734 -4 8 7 6 alsl^ I179r plui oge; Underground sprinkling ty tlonlno, healf“ 1pum "p'^ ^ s ulllltles. (N KIMBERLY: 1 Bedi H lo y n*** cabinets. Call I ' 5M50Sor636-662^•“ 22. apartmoni-1155; 1 baao v ^ u s lot* c f extros. in g Specialists, Lowla^™ rl complete Ma.a e o n r v speclalUIng In dairy da and TREESERVICE . .leTv Services* Stone »«fm equipment. ~ ------. apartmenl- $146; Ull - rlsh -943.0388., .1 Up Romoval. u .k n .u , . ■ MoFariand 64343355 afleral S- Venoor* Block BuBuildings ,:,n d u lo a , all maiiakM .^'pof iHomatrorStla Ott UobUsHoi• HomtlfofSale • No,chlldrer)/i V'-M I&ErYveeh'.I tea Rsa- and flassmente. 834-8 reliable service call ; wrltlon bid, M5 MOWiem H (Broker) . . , .7 34-22232 3 ■ p.m . Free eaUmates. 92. - - ■ eenable Rates. ______FOOO PREPARATIONDN • No^le, 733-7077. • I 3 ROOMS & balh, pr ..•,.,.,73>ab80ISO H - ; • . ■■ TREE SERVICE..KONK^EK KC W W V W V WMWWWWWWWWWWf ^ V W I A A A M entrance, nowly remod ...... ier Meglo PAINTINQ WSSEN 733-28079 ^ ‘B ' onnEMODEUNQ Food Drysra & other '____ i 'i J or.2Bdulla.fJochlldn ------..p^((l 4 Product • - -MechanlMltrBetoie topping infl- —; | »^-N E W lYIT -J MA R R IE D ? - • ...... - - I pels. Hoat, water & S4 4 ; ^ ------13-7483. Need somelhlngI pipainted, a removing. Umbs !QJti^>:vV^r;V<;'i733i20a0go-Free esUmalos & concompetl- Domonitnlionsl733-: Y INCREASED? > tlon paid. Inquire 603 L ype cors QENCRAL CARPI I tsxtured. . .salSly.Iowarsd h ^ I |. 8^artlorj^78^__^ T-tlva' prfeea. Any type blasted, blo Inaured. 734-1289.7JS 733-2511. i»< lcE T IR lNM f O ? :' • ...... i?r; viV .' . t i 734^2223 etfUWri.from concreK rele to ANDC0 N8T n u C ^ 0 ^ J; ;C-,-i^73:3i:fi804 • aphalt - ' -/ a . X = B VAU£yWEU)«QNQMFO. I V NO DOV)WNPAyMirm - ; I 064 . Untum.ApltDO| ■ ■ a!l!,Kr.8..i'°R0,‘KI Kamey. 8Urt to Finish. NaN.». R,. f'";: SPECIA L FIN A N C IN C ? . ; , (139 MONTH -t. I 6 6 d«l ------m od«lJt.Bdd)iionJn 637-6328 Qmiitvwo^onlyl?i7a*jMi •' ■•^NMDSP U C H E ^-- -outaIds..AII phma«a.i H.ll^ANp- "i > A HOMIMVWHieYpJJ'KBUlU>_lNG -:C^^KTWY*OOHOH atwctlon. rough orir finlah. PAINTINQ ...L ------,Housai,-bam s,-o.-OOfrtlS,. .—JL:----- '1 Wehav*ih*I* a n sw e r for oil ol thei* *il*cla|« lo | 2 BEDROOM duplex, 21 w r Yoii: In-’ovV W ^lt* Hbm'o'Dlvltlon,fl, - - Ave. ■ Easl, H7D irti E p * ^lioaiiin rd u T o ri^ dairy Mrha. coftcreti •■••ftufhedo* ~1

    ' water, ‘aanllatlon paid; month -f dopoali. 733 or 734-6865.

    -I - ■ .Wnclliiivii-.il^.y. luly 2S. 1079 , T.inoa.n o 3 -N o w s, Twin Fnlln. Idoho B-11 067 Uj'scoilaneous, oni Wjnl(KlluUu,ir 074 HujlCillftslrumonlsi n l 3 • ______L, BRIDGE weT oin g m achin e. 077 Radio. TV. S SlorooN 078 fumllursiCarpslsrpsls 079 Appliances omp Lincoln top hai, imJuj-• NIGHTCRAWLERS Don't Miss O s w alid ld Ja co b y an(J Alan.!n . S o n t a g _ irlal ralotJ with 200’ ol 2(0 . ALMOST NEW HlTac'h:'lil r^ P L E drop loal diningIglo- ta BuirtTiN H o ip 'o In t cabloa and tioldor; ». HPi WANJEDI QUITTING BUSINESS0 utoroo.'$250. EicoNont con­on- blo with 2 wood chairslalrs. DISHWASHER: good condl- __ t)Onch_flrlnJor, now; Now Sale . dllion. 734 0362. Kolhv or 01 $139.98. Cain's Cloaranci Coolor, 733^111, ___ OELUXE oaa bulll-ln ovonTi tand s-test-qff - t i m e ------— 'abcKbt abi In various situs. _____ L. ---- ■ Coup-sta Call Rich alter 6pm. 7BS-2102. lurnlahod. ^ . M a r k ’ s M u s iI c C GOOD USED COLOR Porta,■to- MAPLE HUTCH, Uko n'own'ow. 4 burnor lablo lop gaa rango. blo TV's, pricod loci nar. Mo:,lol Onlv $299.95. Cain's CloarJlQQti- _Oojhjlke^^nnw^£CflIlSmfl, 1 ACRE bulldino 81103 tn nol Blue Lakes Shopping Conlac. 730 an co Con{Brr733-7f7l. -- ■ : ... !!rr[— thaUinliilUiui rvKort-. It isn ’t a - - wolor arua. Cost loss Ihan; o d n e a l 's 'b a it Open 10-9, Sunday noon-6 '-aoaI^*5-FireiroriIc8:“ l73C - contplicateclted play since ull il $10 0 monlh lo hoal your; SUPPLY Kimborly Rd.' • _____ NEW MATTRESS TrTd am G.E. wasnor 4 dryer, Hol T"“' — NonniH 7-2i involves is ducking an ad- homo. Cold apring walor ~ posturo board (or bunibunk Point dishwaahor, $350. FOR SALEI (2) PA cablnota 07B______Fumilure A CirpoU4ls bo d s, $100 a sol. Going0 oul oii 733-5185. ______♦ K O CB verse Itinglg when you iiuld olso with alloa. 326-40S4 o(' 61281hAvo.W,.loromo, ID) w/spoakors, also (4>monllor _ 543-4897, aak lor.lohnnlo. 101 ATMbSTNEW-cot(eo-4-ond—rt ___ ol___b u la n s a J __W .oudoJ.doJJ- -MUST_SEtLl-15-cublc-fool------______...... L . ._UCC-JUCk-SIIsiuaiL-o£_tJie_siiit------— .324-6300 or 324-3559 cablnots w/gpoakors; also 1 lurniluro 4 Appllanco. 536- 536 NORQE Ftooior; $150. Call ♦ J 1 0 99 55 led . 10x12' cold ahag carpol; och o cham ber 4 mlaclac lablo sot. valuo- $225..aoll Froneh provincial youin ^ microphonoa Roaaonabioblo lo r $90; Uood oola & ’B i ______7344M69. ______♦ 10 7 3 South hna)ns a classic. Bath In Fllor, ChuchorSijo Nunos!o bod; Coloman eatalyllc onFalfAvo..326-4M5 pricoal 734-6657.-______cholr-JOO; Swino sul-$30;30; OVERSTUFFED Lo^o^SealSeat. NEEDED NOV/: U so d •'A ^rr d. *He leis W est hold ______PlcK-ufrin Fllor______------HOHNER—AooorOion—antJ.unO- _RoclinOf-J35;. 733-531fl_or 1 2 0 2 . _jjilcrow4vo-0»on»^Bonoroua------______ric k n v ith h is kin R -o f------year trodo-in toward now sharp ♦ J '7 i ^ ♦r o Q - f n — ------thefirsttric 71 Ford Econollno Van; 302> Monday nnd Thutad.iy .Caao, 120 bjsa. good condi-it)(. 733Jfl0flL______“ “ l SET BUNK beds', V ^oa hearts. We.Vest may lead a J', old. $200- 734-4460.______c aro u so i. Mol O u o lo 's V K Q 1 0 C 3 V 8 V-8, 3 spood monuol, mr WANT TO “ buy O ld'B oarar tion. JlSO/bost ollor S34-}34- ANTIQUE walnul dinoilo 301, Eioetronlca, 1730 Kimborly J 7 g 3 se c o n d hcaieart. In lhat cuse ovallablo, J2200; s'owino( Troo wilh toalh. Call 733-13- 4707. round, with 4 chairs, $125. (2) ANTIQUE wlno-bocl ♦ K 2. * 7 )fes his jack. W est' mochlnos 4 typownlorj. 8992. 734-5597. orod------:------, 4 J 4 ♦ Q . 423-4053.______MARtJn '63 00-16 GuiTAR;AR; ------~ $75 oach; 3 ploco browrrown Now lono FAN; (usod abovo S ' S t o; to a sjiadc. In that V-fANTEO TO OUyY 6cuba o x e o llo n i- c o n d I'l lo}n. n . Ruqs ol all sizoa. woavos, SOUTH 1753 maiorials, and colors are'■ aociional- $100; All (or $225$225. slovo) 2 apood. 30",good 1 case SouthIth can gel three tanks and ncs' Call 543-3- $300/boal ol(or. 734-8753 us 326-4371.______Condillon;$1_0.734-6325. ♦ A 104 070 . ______WtnlodToBuy 5950. sold In Claoalllod, Call us •* spade trickicks. West can lead allorSpm. .______whon you bjy now carpoting » A J 2 a club whicllich will give South - NEVj' YAMAHA pianos 4^ and aoll your old rug! 733-S}° m ______ApplHneeitncss 060 H»illno&Alr(k)i)tf. ♦ A Q 8 4 $CASH$ For old BAJTEfilES. 19 organa. Band Inaltumonia,nia, 093t. ______^12.,------8 4 th r e e c lu bb titricks, or hc m ay $2 baitory, will pickup. Can 0 ^ _ ____ Anilquoa _ APARTMENT Waaher I - ♦ A K O his king of dia- Solmor, Conn, Kino, Bunfly. >01 Dryor; gold, Qood condlllonItion- W ______BulMlnfltiUlsrUI 0 sa c rif ic e hi 733-6175.______MAPLE’EuiT io' o lablo wllh t 4 WARNER MUSIC. J39 North BRASi~BED: hoad 4 lool loavos, • 5 picssod tsoek ’ boards. Iromo, w/or wllhoul)ul $200. 733-5637 attor 5:30pn30pm available NOWI 2x4 8' ond Vulnerable: Norilorlh-South '"J"!!*- $CASH$ for your old sKaic^'' S hoshono In Tvtiln Fnlla. _ . ;o. or ollday Thursdav.______' In nny cvcvent, oncc South 1razors (Ilk*) borbors u30): ch.ilra. Excolloni condlllon. . --- ■ m altrossos. quoon slzo. ----- 14’ alandard and boiler Ilr, ______Dealer: South _ Antlnuo convnflibln__tliQb—h ' NEW 5 string banjo ARIA.R'A -I33:333Z------>toId-U>u-tifsUtr-ick------; ------PRO~1irT«CoTrilnrtOOTir ------VAfltOUS-Used-BOpiiartctKrw e s- -T T 8 -x n n -o mnrTiiro7~'c'a'n------chalr/ono motor; Clipper mason aaw; N ow . seee e what happens If -• i 6AM.-5PM.______-s. lormlco top, good condlllon.in. 733-8567,______14" 4 blados; 4 complole 0 7 4 '.. MuilMJInalrumonlsIJ BRAND NEW TRS-6’0 734-0039. ______1 • » iF ' South takesces the first heart. ,NIGHT CRAWLERS Microcomputers. Radio WE Buy, Soil, ond.Trade'rado so ls Sll. Scaflolding. mortsr :' Hc! c o n bring 1» homc the WANTEOI Gilliland Ball, 328 LAWREY Qonio Oronn: HIDE-A-BED.- Llko now.w. uaod oppllancoa a anc n d stands & whool borrow. 'J Shock's Lovol II. 16K lor anco 934-8198,______• b a c o n lf hic c rplays the ncc and Addison Avo W. 734-4944. double keyboard, -uood $799. Also Lovol I, 4K Ior Brown (loral. Only $249.95,95, furniture. Cain's Cloarancc ^ or. Conlor, 733-7111,______diamond righl Opon Mon-Thus 0am-7D'n; condition. $550 .733j0M3.__ $440. Bolh Irom lho lull Coin's Cloaranco Conlor. ___ CORR/iL 4 building polos. ------a n o t h e r d Fri Oam-6pm; Sun 9am-4pm. IRE ?33-7111.______21 Cu.Fl, GE uprlohl Ireozor,ozor, posts, houso logs 4 , . away, butIt (or course, winds | RENT A PIANO. Buloro'youu sorvico COMPUTER STORE By Oswald Jacoby Closod Sol,______> uy. coll Cloufla Brown'ss In Quhi, Wrllo Box 504 or call KING SIZE Matlroas ond boxox .$350; Admiral cuslom soK- aolf- llrowood. You haOI. 774-2258. up with eg(egg on his facc if anti A}uti Sonluf; WANTED TO BUY Old OoldI Music ond Furnlluro. 733-)• ordor Into 543-6292 wllh 10 all cloanlno range w /hood,ood, call Honry or Dan morning or ' East iioldsIds thc diamond- Scale. 7 3 ^ ^ 2 . 21O8, Twin Fslla. doys dolivory. $200,734-4480, ovoning. he can get to dum- S o m e y e a r s a g o i: h e d ia m o n d f in e s s e . Ing thc Bath coup, wind up with his the mistake of rcfo ref “ring to “Slltracuulfthcdefcnscslips. . I Bath as a seasidede resort in .n^wspai-ku-;u KNTKHriO.SK1 ASSN. I England. It is a.nI. resort, but • nol on thc. oceanin as many (For a copyypy Ot JACOBY MOC)- readers pointed outoul to us. ERN. sondId St to: -W in al The play goes waywa bacic lo Bridoo," rJc3r ro 0 / tMs nowspa- whi.st and uppareirenlly was por. P.O. Box Bc 489. Radio Clly first used hy vacatcationers in Station, NowowYork, N.Y. i0019.) ' f ■ 0S4 Unfurn.AplJ.SOupIflrtJ 056 0! - Rooma 10 Rsnl '067 < ______MItcoilapoom. A"bULT APARTMENT; 2 PPRIVATE ENTRANCE 4 ALMOST NEW Ifoojor $225. both, c lo se In. $80 month, Waahor & drvor $425. Walor -----wotor lufnlahod°7^^5§M. = 4S92afl0f4i^ — — - -DUPLEX DELUXE: Air eon- 057 0 ' RsntilMobnoHomat ATTENTION MEO-INTERS. A ' dlttonod unll Includos; 3 .fiTWO BEDROOM Mobllo hlQh poworod jnlcroacopo • -8odroom;-2bsHi,i*rBOII*lno Homo; u adulls. no pola. Rol- t)ySponeor4100.829-5741. room vfllh (iroplaco, dining oroncoo. SE bl .toromo. BE GENTLE, bo kind, to lhal room, kitchon with olovo, 324-2947. 3; . - oxponalvo carpol. cioan wllh dishw aahor ond compacior. = B^uo Lualro^ Ronl^ olociric' m utlllly room, prlvalo pallo oH « — mf.Mor-auiio;-loncoo- - -? .058— Officta«------yk 1 6 lA NDEM ' A X L^------F A L L S - ^ CENTRALIZED SECRETARY T ling, top qunllly. limitod ■ “ SmOTYTOHSFSHOEINff* N eod on ollico bul can't COLLECT 734-2328 J,' ANDTRIMMINQ AMERICAN Machine irallor. brakos & amount in aomo varloilos. ______324-2140______WEANERS & FEEDERS: lights. $1000.543-4566 afier 5, APARTMENTS a J*,' dord o socrolary. This ,COAL FURNACE ,S slokor C aljador 6 P.m.-.73p_-0141,__ Homp x York croas broda.ll GRAIN BINS nowly slonnod olllco com- |lor tho laklno. In good BRONC SADDLES GEM ___Wo_now..hflyo_3Doeiou9-2„ „pi,-piox.wlii.ahaxoA.conlraiUod CON423-4735,. . , _■ INSTOCK . J ■ U 5 ...... FifmWoffcWtnted^ -wofkinoordor. 733:7783. .• ~^067 '*( ' ’ --Hay.Grsin&Fwd- RODEOEOUIPMENT-.. EQUIPMENTINC.,- bodroom aparlmonls lor |uat oocrelory gg thot will glvo your lor salo at. Char-Lo Horso $235 m onlh. 1 bodroom#, IM______Shflflp CLOSE-OUTI *’ *RANOY WEAVER* Cuslom buolnoss thal prolosslonal ALFALFA 61 lons. Isl cul- ___560 Main Avo, S. - F.O.B. YourTruck. Used Combines plowing, discing, culli- J18S. Walor. oanlUllon In- look lo, wlihout the addlllonal llno. $55 per lon, 324-8457. I INCREASE Your Lambing cludod. Tolal oloclrlc. Closo cq Don't Miss COLO'RADO SADDLERYi "O TwinFalls, JO '•-Jo h n Oeoro OS, 1 4 'ho'ador, cool. Call Blair or Hulch al ■ APPROXIMATELY 15 Ions Ol ' ‘ doublo R 4 Bronc Saddioa “y 2552 B ushol...... $1240 •o”': sr.“'X" srsi lo ahopplr^Q and ochools. N orthwest Roaily 734-5181, QUnriNG BUSINESS ^ cob & oir 4011 or 543-6696, 1978 Hoy. Moaily undor up to $75 oil ouralroadylow______SaiT^unnoU..—.^ ...A ‘337_f '----- •Q loonor L,15' . ~ 8noor$40 porton. 324-2045. ------prleo on oorbSioasaddlos. YEARLING Sulloik andnd 4577 B ushol...... $1714\i •1HC503.14- BARN 4«FENCE PAINTINQ;------r ------— C A tl------(Cdio m m e r c ia l property CHAR-LE HORSE Columbia bucks ovallablo lorlor 7378 B ushol...... $2823 Oualliy wotk, Roloroncos. on Main Sl. In ,)oromo. ID. « -lohn Dooro 4400.14' Mark’s M usic BUTLERGRAIN BINS SADDLERY - oalo Immodiatoly, Con do- • ,lohn Dooro 6600,14' Cali-lohn ,lr.326->283. 734-6600 Conloct S Cornor Bar lor moro Bluo | U k o s Shopping Cenlor 5C0 Main Avo Soulh, 733- nv_oX-4W-S920. InlormInl atlon.______^ 5600 BUSHEL L" U L L M A N ♦ MF750,16’ •CUSTOM BALING. Tight Open 10-9. Sunaay noon-8 $2300 F.O.B. TwinFalls 163 2 . ______• -lohn Deere 105,14', cabab & bales. Call R. Roult-326-6123 FORFC LEASE commorciai J10______Poullfyifltbbllaj„ CONSTRUCTION CO..INC,. A.S.C.S-Approvod. Call CUSTOM MADESADDLES 733-7120 air. BeanEqulpmonl. ovenlnoa.______• bubuiidlno on 4lh Avo. Soulh. FORSALE ■ Ilke now 10 opood KIOS SADDLES IN STOCK LEGHORN Chlckena*f. _ Phono 733-4613...... -b .. ( icy c le 4 Hondo 125 wlih .COLLECT734-2328 TWIN FALLB SADDLERY FOR HeNT W 2 Oodroorii" “ -7 Pullots (or laying. Old hons Soo ua for Now .lohn Doorojoro - CUSTOM COMBINING . FOR- RENT: OKice or Busi- complete ( now onglno 6620 and 7720 Boan and Grain* Com * Alfalfa & opartm onia. Call 32440S5. FIRST CUTTING; lOp qualily FOR SALE drali horaos. for slewing. 837-6316. no ss Spoce. Adjaconi to ovorhoUl: ( Coll 543-6516. F 678-8404,-______11 4 Finnlmplflmanit1» Grain Machlnosl aover seed. Naw Holland . IN .lEflOME. qulol tOSl- RcRoyal Optical on tho mall. , ollalla. $55 Ton. Coll 837-6313 RABBITS (or pola or mool — dontlBl-locallon. 1 Godroom ca FOR SALEI MoOro Oo- - or 643-6295.— - ...... - --GOOSENECK trailer: 7wtdo, production,-oomo-Soiin-In' -FO R SALEI 3 row Parma- -- 'twinrotircomblne.------Call 733-8068 lor Inlormallon.- ■'collaior' mocldl 2S3-A; % 20 long, 4-6 horaa eopaclly: stoek._Cq|l 9,34:5.167.______IKtor loador w/rov^ (Indor)r Financlngavaliabie ■ 3 2 4 ^ ...... 324-6K7 duplox aparlmonl, nowly QROUND ^ 3EV6L OFFICE . oxcollonit condlllon. $450. GOOO Q Qualily Borloy = and grab rolla, plua 6 row, YOUR.IOHN DEERS ' romodolod. *150 monlh + , o i wanlod...324-5042.______AND 4 horao oloclrlc horso SPACE Tn now bulldlnO- ? walkor. 766-3323.______112 ______lrrlo«llonan Porma doublo drum boalor,r DEALER SERVINO THEE $50 dopdalt. WIN lurnlsh II Excoilenl locaiion. Wllh r OAT & ALFALFA HAY for - scalpor- $5000 comploio.). MAGICVALLEY noodod, 324-5451 cr32<-2a 7 ^ ______livory, pull lypo. hydrauliciullc C om blni. Contact Qalon ovallablo. 160 Second Sl. - Havo oxporlonco and | and flltlnos. • 324-3357K 0AM-5PM, 324-4418 QREAT SAVINGS 01 Our ock H Dolla. Ulah. Lol a Quallliod, m olor driven, $3900.324-6601}601 Danco, Wondoll, 636-2719 or W..I.T»lnF.II..4iM»ll. ' ino out Ol bualnoss solol Our oqulpmenl. O' Roply Box X-18 lull 1 Ilmo Proloaalonal slort 733-4013 doyg or 324-4228 evenings,I, S3»<311.______. c /o Tlmoa Nowo, Twin Foils your horso riohll - FARM€QUIPMENT losa Is your oolni Wondoll SPRINKLER PIPE REPAIR NEW HOLLAND1046 Harrowrow CUSTOM HAY HAULINQ: (2) PAR EXECirriVE SUITES (urniluro. !' 538-2774. ' - 63301. ^ .-734-0973 • OnFarmSorvlco EXCHANGE INC., 73^. 3 wide harrow bods- 14*...... NOW LEASING : B ed. Good condlllon. 734- IMMEDIATE CASH FOR; Rogislc,:s«J BLACK CoN collocl 1503) 640-6894 OHIco...... 311.4351 3568.______bale. Call Gall Paulson, “i i s s s 798 Fallo Avo. Unique oillco ^ tioo______',!-*;;;i;hV.'anl9tf [ ; o r(5031357-3450 .lackAltlSOn...... 324-5021 S43-493Q or 543-5869.______chUdron. pola. Qiilol spoco i!®* (rom 660 sq. n. lo 7000 Sllvor ^ coins, silver dollora,. 1 QUARTER horso ooldlng. 5 ^ PARMA 6-Row BEET ...nolohborhooa. $17Spluado- sq.tt.: — - stampa coNoclions, storiino W AN TED ; 5-10 Whllo yoars old. Patiormanca WANTED TO BUYI Uaod K&ryoolor. Csll 664-3336: or'o r CUSTOM MAY STACKINQ: 2 . . poalt. 733-6028. - ■- silver, scrap gold, Domo_s^puc!iO.,543-pa97.._ O quolllyi 1 Shown ongllsh. Moiai SIPHON TUBES. SUos1 COMBINES 6 8 4 JH ^ Siaekloot, ID. wldo atacker. Go anywhorol EEATUniNQ: " ^nyTnnnr^»flH^.H>n______; - TWO BEOROOM Apartmoni; ' i• Me'iftb375T n p T n —n n r ------S 0 PEH'n N I 'l 'lra688.oflor6pm.______. In g e r734-0581 or423-4005. WENOELL 2 badroom FOR FO RENT al Vonluro Oul- Sorvico 2 Including cuslom BEAUTIFULbi 74 AQHA Dun * LEASING FOR SALE; 1 Now Holland duols (or ear ond pickupa, 1 Slud _CoH, *QuIldlngs&EquIpmenl 862-3315.______early o r iplo,______aero. M4-6801 daya or 324- ' a p a n m e n t In .lorom o.' H'* ,0 d " ~4228ovonlnoa.------’ ------" Slnolea-SrnynOS. 324-6304. Fnila;- lO ” 83401.“ Phono...... • D Dancos*- Partloa* wod-' • "GiGnooi.■■ AOHA-yonrllnq- 'tbtfOUllfursiivor'S alrdwborry ■ ■•DalfVCattle ■ QEHL MIX.ALL;.1974 FORD) 151 INT'L Combine; good' 208-522-1637. dlnos* d Rounions. 734-1365or gcoidlng by AA El Four out ol r Food truck wilh Harsh foodJ condition, could bo lixod up CUSTOM THRESHING: jiiaM O N TH -f $ss dopoali, ^ 734-2331.Carl4143 . BeOb's Folly brod maro. will 15i HAND; Vi Arabian/ FOR DETAILS. PHONE box; CASE (ronl ond loaderI or uood Ior pans, 532-4326.orlo r '- Grain, peas, boana, al(al(a . -Studio. No klda or pois. Call . anow or run. 666-2432. Appalooso, / 7 yoor old (good & cloan. 4 whoolI &32-4276.______^ _ eood.‘734-2169 or 655-4330. .^?734.77Movpn)nt)8, . M6 « . MoblHHonwSpica MUST SELLI 19" Sylvanlo ®i] color T.V., $250 4 Soars gBREAKING Bf and irainlng all MARE,f Won brolio. kind drive); 1974 Mazda PU (re­ •1064 INT'L 560 4x4 Tractor;tor; DENVERFINE'S BEAUTIFUL apaco In Fllbr; ,'.'*2 oeDROOM. olr condlllon, coldspot choal Ireozor, $200, lypos lyi porformanco horsos. disposition. c 423-5497.______MAC J. KNIGHT built onglno); Sloam1 ' roconlly ovorhauiod. Call:ali CUSTOMFARMINQ Ina,-pfffaoo.$lB5 por monlh. Country-Vu ^ Parte, Cali 326- QE ^ Pol acrrubbor dish. Spoclorizlng S( In rolgning and j c Io o n 9 r; 1 Mlllor hay 6663. Ffler. ^ 2 BLACK maichod goldlngs. 734-4762 • ^ « § :5 3 m ______Hay awalhlng. baling, now ■ _-ulllltroa nol^ Inciudod. 734--t ^ washer. $175.734-1390. culling Ci horoos. Riding 750 7 pds. each, mal«r good ehopgor; Oldor HoooJ 1975 HESSTON 6600 awatherhor equlpmont. AnywKoro In TRAILER- SPACE AVAILA- PLAIN Papor Coplo.r J yoara le I*” sso n s olso givon. Csll bO;_ -kid. hor*qo_Havo-boon.mi------loader. 75 Chovv PU. Call1___ wllh_14.fL-CuLl-hoy-coftdl--«Jl-_ ,M o o lc Vnlloy__RJowlng,------'B t.E rH flnfor'r-rf»//or Partt. tweon 6 and 10 o.m.324-5190, 5 - - B3i-4W0 orB34:5M6:------ab. roto-tililno. eorruootlng. U‘2 BEOROOM SPACIOUS ' I!:!Phone 733-4246. ,®:old, m akeoller. 734^3320. *S!! chod, 2 small mulos, broko ■ 'M ATTTHORLEY-' Honor. Equipped wllh cab. 'iaoartm t^nts avaiiabio. Full POOL TABLE (or sole. Liko - BREAKING & TRAININQI to l< drive, also harnoas and _____837-6614...... IH 715. Combino; bear) ai- olr eondlllonor 4 dloaolaoi 326-4831,______' *kllch6n, 1W bam, call altor ’ . . now eondllloti. Iticludes.ev- - ' Tom'tc Knudspn, Wo can aoll |-wBgon,a?9-W18.-- • v - ...... - tachm ont. Excollont condl­ onglno.'AN In good-oondl-'dt- EXPERIENCED ' H A r' ’ •-< 8:30 734^)fl58.______Merchandise M j - orvlhlno. SI Call ^ 1 1 4 4 . jou^horsoa, VO 324-2014 or 1 2-HORSE 2 alngle axlo trjillor. llon. Will consldor irado. Fi­ tlon. $9500,Call Dick Qravoa'os_ .HAULER w/42'.8oml.Hoy & ,. . . 2 BEOROOM aparlmonl; ^ ! 'oxeelienl condlllon, 733- nancing available. 662-334SI S43-a244. ' ■ • ' _ " nroln, Wlil haul local or long 0 7 ______MefcMfOIw SCALE i; TRAIN equipment ~ PLASTIC BALER $265 rnonth + $75 aocurlly *3 set-up; iralns. bridgos. HORSE H( SHOEING hol or . 5923,5 734-5933.______doy8.M2-3676eva’a. 1977 LONQ COMBINE; Donoino dlotaneo, R,A, flandall, ,; doposlt. No pota. Nlco aroa, ALIALL WOOD Bunk boda, Iraek.\, ele. $100.543-5567. cold. CO Corrocilvo work any- 2 2 YEAR OLD purobrod Ara­ TWINE INTERN/VTIONAL 915 Com­ only 200 ocroa. Good (or 423-4851.______- Lsiifof Park Apartmoftla iikollkenew & complole. Com- -g" w hero In the Magic Valloy bian b ooldlng, choalnut. bine. Cab, air eondlllonor, commorclsl boans or poas,aa. QREEN CHOP Hay 4 0 ro in 8. •SELF LOADING eom onl BY EXXON 7 3 3 ^ 6 ,______.V 734^195. ■ ______pieplelo aulo air eondlllonor (or ffllxar, _ llko new. Fits from areo. , ' Also horsoa broko or 733-7333.______7 UNIVERSAL SUPPLY pickup reel, hydro. Many _ Corn. .1 4 H Cualom Chop- ' ' 2 BEDROOM duplox. availa- ChiChevy or OMC Illa a 350. . ondZ loador, mixos up lo 50 "*!Irolnod apeelailzlng In bar- 2 YEAR OLD Qoigoous Bay • oxtraa. Top eond, 543-5796. ' 4400 ,10 Combino; good>0d ping. 436-9163, Rupert, ble Auflusl 1. Now carpal. * 10,000 10.1 BTU window air eon- ' ” rol. ropo, 6.bulldogolno.Call Flliyi p u reb red Aroblan. KIMBERLY ....423-4414* .10 COMBINE: oood eondl-, condition. Cab cooler, ^6' 16’ HELPl Swaihor bjow onglnol W *1 e r & s a n l l a t l o n dllfoner. djll; 734-6022. Ji Tim Parkor 636-2772.______324-3643.______I tlpnjw /nlum lnum reol .hoador w/Chenoy reel.ol. Nood oomoono lo (inlah , f r e s h e d grain only, 324- L(urrilatiod.Nopela.$200par. - tTRAMPOL6 r . NEB.-Filn«salho —•'SUDE-IN oi Window olr condi- ' ------HORSESHOEINQ - V2 YEAR old black goidlng, plekup. All goara. 676-7052, 24- -awnthlng poa8,-'7J4-4978------] m onlh + $50 doposll. 733- Fun Fur Wayi U roo, round or h, Jo« Carpenter , TRUCK BEDS _ afler 6-______tioner. 10.000 BTU'S. GAS 733-4040 or 324-6129 • alrod “ by Triple Don AAAT,. .ID 95 COMBINE; cob and I 4648. or733~«07B.______mini mlr Iram.'C hoekourprlcos. RANGE.b UKO now. 733-4260, not roglsterod. Halior broko * Hydraulic Holals coolor. roady (or orain. Call 610 MF Combine; dieool, 16' LINE UP Your Cualom hoy ! 2 eeOHOOM; llvino room 4 734-47?1 ^ . LOADED. NICE 26" Mork V 4i QOnlle. $600,326-5608. * Truck Iramo rapair 432-S514,______hoador. Windrow plekup at- boling nowl Wo can go any- lochm onl. Financing availa­ I don wllh (Ireplaco, (ull . USEO USI bathroom tub & sink. , Slh whool. •■bout » now 4 / YEAR OLD rogistorod * Togoxlolnaialloilon ,iOHN DEERE combino w horo-in Iho Magic Valloy . ' b«omenl,^M^M. Avalla- 326-6237. ______c ost. $4850.324-6952. J ble. 862-3348 days. 662-3878 oroa. Call Lyon'a Cuatom Appaloosa mare. Llko now 2 Mo

    A - 'i V5. Twin Fallo. Idnho. Wodr)dno8day.July25.1070 ------..A.ACROSS 55 Nowstran Answer 10 Previous r u « lo • ----- ;------• 121 "BoatsSI.SMrlnallems 121 Boslstls&Mirlnollomj i 128 . Campors C; &Sholts Tliomos . 1 Bod B( covuf 57 Bnll c lu b [alZ I^ -fcTcn gUatarUli' 06s' Good Thing*Thii to Ell A v i a t l o n • CHRYSLER BOATS BC and CAMPER SHESHELL Ior small 5 Advoniutu Ac 08 Music b u ll's . , , m otora. Calkinlins irallora. ' S p p f J »hono 734-9051, , , 0 ( APRICOTS & PEA'EACHCOTS i a Ooarliku purchoso Y E AW nlAl d M cTT c o t ArltUon .loromo Imploilomoni Co.. ------13 Lissome L.I 59 Liko so Jw ;itcr aro roady. 10< lb.Ib or lfl DQ - TRUCTIONI -324-3311,.loromo ater rn^lwMrcivr*' bushoi. Brino conlalnora co FLIGHT INSTRL llth gas rari(jo lop, 14 Employous'Er GO Cavalry unit Qfoon RIdgo O orclal & In- COMPLETE FISIiSHiNQ OUT- 1979 MODEd h I' lefti ■ nk wllh woikino ]5 Slacken c] O rcharda AlVcralt:ralt ronlal. FIT; 1978 Mirroror Crall 1211. (2)18':(i;:<1)19'9" wator pump, Aciion " ’DOWN c 5 jj A i-. i ------: ^ T R u sS s S E S - ' ■ = 5^ = - - -Phono -733-27fl2."€f."£»onlnBS," 'doop'flohorm anin boat,-1979...... SE/4SWSWIRLS lormica: noo. i Oolong -..•e.m rJI.. 733-6261.______ahoro landor tra DY 6'^ CAMPER;^ ______,0 OflO ______^ :L0SE-0UTI g e m d a n d y tAia. . ' •jflrlT lH fl f-u il i t l — ^—— HANQARSIkQsi ovinrudo m olor.!;’. s S . i'L ; ? . a l l a t c l c •____ ). C a m u u sjtA ia . r!A»|gflLt PrtT______AKC-R«gIstor»d-&iMiMWaj-ssso: ------WHY-1 >oards. lablo S ^ nnironnt , ? 2 Pmsuad.j 12- SEARS B ocauso 1S6080 modols win . ^cloihos cloao Midniglil Suti 3 p ,„ 35„ g , ' (2 0 0 ^ 8 pupploa, 4w oeksol» 0«J'Only2 hanoaro_nj loromosmo Airport, , FOR SALEI li OBOt, sloops 3. 5^' f ■ Ord.orn6w lo Inouroouro dollvory G am o/Flshor BOAT; BC Call slart arriving If)m ow1 aokswiih- Now sot of lacl'lacks. B34.5&60. 23 Tii 2 n d ^ ^ D WASHfNHrNGTON- ailnowoulboar( ST^BTCHUM, IDAHO U AKC REGISTERED:D I Labrodor boloro w ln to r.. 324-9960 734-8771.______DE-Campor Sholl. JZVr - I f i H l rolrlovora. oxcollonilont huntlno__ Morvg. 'CIION—tsre- ’S'jrl-hil-hu"r?6-v'’and panolW-i-Ugms,'...... - ?5 Islanil oH <11Limb^ ] modol boats; rack i window r«' TLi, T.iiii,! coalry. Born ./uno10 20. 1B79, 121 BoaU&Ml&Mu1naltBini Marqula. StarcralLiJ^A ii'S' T o iS S S ii™ : ^B ailors. 27 Of Mo;3mt)iqiic .12 Gtouk colony » 3 b ^ s o u t h / 2"' 'nodol OMolnoi™.° o'nl,’’S TH/ TWIN Black or yollow, SIS150 oaeh. — ■“ cury and Evlnrudijdo motors in m a g ic v allf Th.ok ______sc '."W l' ' I : ' ' . 43_Luv/iu 1______FAlIirJOAHO 83301 Includos shots and ■LEY__MOaiLE _NIT£.OWLInsunsulalod aholi I o r . . ------ATTENTION Bp;BOATEHS___ alock..Plua fl laro -M o S e V ^ M ARRIN R a; 3 rrilus Oalsun Biandai ,J5 M oteui>Iu. ------*TON ------733-6167; ndard bod. Good -^A ^ H O U S T C ------niOo iri« 1979 Gloairaaironanow d Morcruisor 1/ .•e ,1 „ o* Twlrwin Fails on condlllon. 733-6■33-6708. 35 Co 2a Ailvrrlliry . n n - AKC roglslorodid lomolo at Qom Lawn undii>d Lolauro. 19'. Tom 's Marina ■lUMBBRCC Nlohway30andlnd 93, 733-6141. gg^L OR TR-TRADE on tolo -ig t )", ----- ' boasot hound. 5 yoyoara old, f ,oo Domonslratlo*Itlonal Yffur G oods. Hoybut Tibclan-iiiiijf ® Er-oiiuh .lorby '° " " : .S ’.ii| 17 0iMi;..ch,.,l sow OAK Hardardw ood Qood wllh chlldron < ------modol 1^24'r lr irallor, 1974 n ' • “ “ complolo morinosdoator, doi Exil, Burioy, Idahi Settiud „ 32 Us,. !jO Fiddling iioorfri(^ K x m Inch. lacti Ap- Ino. 544-2327. BS6-7B7:?P77- Accoaaorlos and w ator MAGIC VALLE*-^TrTMr„ IJSEO NowPotP on 18’ Sail S o c u rlty c a Tlixus 9 Sncw yL-tiic;I„r, ^ ^ prcnOmifoly 600 aq.I. ll.II. J300. pgQ|5.pgpgjj p .-Boai; ilko now,IW, Groal sranll • conlalnod. flxci I.,,.., u0“' crulBor,. «SAIL HAUS, or, Ador 6pm,Tl. 7 733-C834. ___ 41 Scsnnitf So main ^ ?3<-1t8?anorSDm.:------yoar old. houao,0 iralnod. I LEISURE Ironehlpud doaloilior lor uo ior 463 South Locus ' ■' 33 Mock 0 1 M,ir.|,.r,;.v GEM LAWN & LE 10'^ FT. CACAMPER; soli- • -lj 3ocir.Kle 2 f. anor nooda good famll'mlly. *100, 733-7496-409 2ndndAvoS. / boals pnd molor:ors. lotirson -— Jurd.'ns IJ Aii.iy 34 Aullionl,iliV(.' Ij2 Spill ov.'t Ulili^^kxO POSTWAl OMC Slorn 'f PT FIBERCjRGLASS Soa conlainod, allall Iho oxlras, -16 Uu WANTED 734-0900. osk for Corr: o r m o n , ______------Oulboarda. Of. JfiDl.iVcil golf ’ 8 Sn.iVy ivtt^r ‘j4 PofC.nu lu.nir oglslo/iTd' W f 18- FIBERFCRFORM V- Orlvos. Soauwirl/irl and En- •''"O /llh irallor, 40 bumpor oxparipanslon. *1500. ‘18 Un ,DTi.i .c BEAUTIFUL rogi Shorolandr Scott momoiot. oloclric Call 734-6292.2;______• 1.5: lOm-:------21Tii)[>iXJ j e M,tnluns H ,.„iu.ll NIEMRMEYEn-MART^ J i c i u f t COLLIE pups Ior• saio. salo8« uaiiCall boMom boat and and irallor. torprlso Bonia, . 30 IGUs B,i..elH.I CURHENTtY PURCH/ 150 horso. • Trniiors, plusi 111 olhor *'“' 1- 35 horfl'srao Evlnf.do , q IiV c AMAMPER. Now -19 3.15ot);illi;rB.1 22 Flower POSTS. ?[* PL e a s e ______,, ^ powor trim and till.Iill. (676-7390. marmo aupplios05 lor IMSI m oiof. 733-0197. hydraulic )ack'acks. sloops 6. jiauuhter Si;: 2-1 Hnjli poiriloclod 33 forms-; BROOKS BEAUTIFUL aquarlui CONTACT PAUL BR Iblnoi a"I 1901 N Strool, Hoybulyburn. Id, Call 733-6141. — ^------Has divldor■r c door. SUdino '5 3 •at Eai ______hill______Linvcll______^______T^L^FR6E^^6^0/S<)/5<7.e952 "quo wood cabin — ^9 co nid'illon. d il ■ *1500. 1 1 " oxcollont buy. 73408L.B.g' mlnum boal. 107373 lohnson 13'. 15', 22‘, 25 browning au • 2 l3 4 5 6 [7 [a [9 H c T CnoaaDoko '9 ^ HP molor. Callill 73^7259.73 prams; sail or ro.v d ays, 734-4470 w'lNOOWS For Solo: Sol ~1 ^ *c N Boal wltn nardwaro. SAIL 1HAUS 463 gaugo ahoioun. i c o l l o n t 32 FT. PONTOON B 711 aiandnrd Modol ^ ’ T z ” |1 3 3IU3H. 3 3(lx<1(t, ' 1 22»*2(I. bloodllno. iso (2)1 'loll'K 734- now 115 hp. ovinrudirudo motor. S^^Locust; Twinin Fnlls. 733. ; ; piaioi,$so. 734 l5?0 2311. AIR FLOW; - ' ’ • 734.Q6».______------0531. ______' ® ' *3000,788-3113. . c o n d l t l o nnlno, l i soli- ____ _ LER Tri-hull 10 "ll.'"fAHITl' l'2~5125 hp more. 125 ]Trav.lTrillor. COnlOlnOd. a QOS a s oloclric ro- 14 BRITTANY PUPS;> Ior l< 3010 1978 14' CHRYSLER __ ifiYBlTrailBrs fH o o ra io, r, lorcod olr ' H 4x6' Partlcal Board almost roady Ior) ttralnino w/lrallor & 60 HPHP molor, wllh powor trim, C J2.98 ,, “ Mi\nv oxiraal 734-3431•3430. • 676-0543. Line NEW 1975 1 so il- (urnoco, Roalral cloan« & nood 12 nand Split Codar sn.ko.Sha ' conlalnod 24’Kil Companion condition. Sloops Slot 6. Exira lu HHT t” Ti ;------j _ -J30.50por8quarolaro • CUT THIS AD OU'DUTI A K C ------iruilor. 324-2231. ______larpo lub& sink ilnka. 538-2747. '• ~ «2.TaporSawnS>iakos(OS Black cockor sponfoiliol 01 stud. SELL OR TRADAOE: 1976 17’ 6-FT. CAMPER’ ER wtlh closol. 20 iT I J40i0 por aquaro,aro 324-2895 allor S, Roadrunnor, Vori'ory cloan. WIII bod, cupboanoards. sink & I Vi" 4xfi'snoot roeli S3.g8oa S3 DOBERMAN for aalo. sali Bosi trado Ior calllo> orot somoinino s|ovlrd. *3500. Call 65^43 DS 6. Call Chuck ____ famiiy doo.’ AKC,:C. Groat 9am-2pm lor Inlorilormalion, Poiklns Ior rorosorvallons. 35 a . S25.8Soocn’ broeaina.734-4649, SALE 4x09dlClBdwQodExiorl 16' RANCHO10 ELRAY;. 733-OiaO. 8 95ooch FOR SALE! AKC Rog tY* Solf-conlalnod, ]. S Id in o ...... M.65o,«oiii,M S p rin g o r Spanlol ^ K i ^ F A C T b m POR RENTI' S.Soil-conialnoO ' ‘ t - NcwflallroadTios utor. *1500. mini moior homilomo. Call RulMl 37 3 8 363 0 . g | f | 4 0 SR 4Qaa block/whllo malo, ON authorif)IZ E D y » 2 0 5 r^ '° ” ^“'^ V 8‘kB"«,10’’ ...... J8 i ^ r ' o R R i c ______Easv. 734-3222.22^______f— T - RoMwnUIJ' ...... S 1969 14- Cardirrdlnal. irallor; ------_J<12 143 7 ! I Caft^rTjncos-on-PI)n•Plywood- -FflFE-OALMATlON.*.J.A.OINOO-- v E A D -eain - «Uf%C parlially boII-If-coniainod.c «i m .; j AndOlrtionslonLumbur sodhomo. YcA n~ENID D MObEL CtEARAH n U C *1.295.324-8419)o11or8. al SUMWilM E R ...... ^ , - r - ' *“'■ a.yy.>'?.;csigrl, 1977 VACATIOI ■jpO 50 51 52 i'M ! • HOURS; 8am-5;30pfl:Opm IRISH SETTER pups goll-contalnod tr« RANCH). FR O M $ 2 MILLION . XJRADO Moior — ?•'; i NORTHW EST PLYWiI^WOOD roglaiorod. Top ‘"’S'u.Nw q SELECT FR Phona 734-5226 all 54 55 . 50 Excolloni blood l/noa. lELOW DEALER 53 S i l . ; , . SALES • o.no.oV NATION-VJ-WIDE INVENTORY 1977 1 0' .lEWELL trallor;tr boon cOST. Prices3 araro WITHOUT______===•“ • (Off Wmborlv Roadload towoan. Call 733-7294. ATS. 10 DIFFERENT ~ r — ------bohlndUnltodOTI)Oil)------L-0VEA8tBrf’L-AYFU “ ~Cikonowl733-2M* A Sjate a m a n ; ____ &X--.I______• 733-5909-- • • ^flsh Soltor^pups. The Tf boy.------. ... MODELS.FSFROM-IS'-OUTBCAJ;V J ? D S _ --m w T nP~ -«PirirT " Trailer; aotl-conta ) Onan gonora- 59 ^ ■ I ■^|]','J,"„(JJ^,7o!'733i?93','' :R U I5 E R 5 ^ ntalnod. A/C. eluding S.000 Oi r - 083 • (UflQtirioetUie MUbi bfcLL- Ajku _ _ 1B74'f 6 r D 25b'.! 27,00027 aetiial slop. i' ‘ *BIQ MOVtNO SA IT ttW i? miloo. vory good)0d condllion, 1} 24‘ Mini MMolor Homo rv Thursday July 26. H K Tfm ft w / 1978 27’ IDEIDEAL Travol . OODGEchaaais.sis. loadod. bolvsroori PROFESSIONAL GFGROOM- Trallor. A /C . 21' 21 awnlno,^ 1)^ 22' Mini Molof M Homo • . 2145 Hilfcroat Or, (boiv Cycles iSupplios 115 Cyclcjj; l~t— ^ Eaitland a-Sunriao N.)N I Goll Vacallonlng? I'll board' U M M l i loadod. ExcefiOniUni-condttioar' -FO BD chafisla.Ic3.Ioadod..- ______Molarllcmos 135 Cy cart, amall applloncoa, rl Mlllor Soli tooothor or>r aoparaloly-c • 1) 1974 20%’ I t¥?'wRonl;Oy e'xcFCLENT■4T ' BUY; 1077 1973 HARLEY' 0A\ ’S’ • ofnrtacaltanoouB. Wiljdickoj;.4_2^541•S4t0. Moior Homo; Call S43-4279. Kawasaki 'KZKZ eSOrioU ol .S oorisior 1000: o. condlllon. Pr J0-733-4M5-----'■'■■■■ -^aoAUon__ N ow lv.i ______CHBiSTMAa.IM-mLYl. amp9r»iSholl3 ' wiinoui trado. ------ITRCHTIOrr-SI^"ECrafTT^r"' «»tra8.-*1700.-7: — • chary Opon Houao on roni -1079 2525’ Ciulso-A.r FOR SALE OR , 120S 2pm. 733-5485, CENTURARYT^OTOAAOTIriVFl "EZZZZ^ . 25lh; 1am-8pm. 1 261 vy:.Ad«».on 7J7J3-6070 I - METAL-CamporBr-8(ioll...cab ------G&QMJMFQ“ l ...... moior homo.. By Iho day Oullaco 2S0cc *~-~=~------PirW HVr*i^"~ - 7-. ■ ------* -PURE-SIAMESE-Klllo I nioh Ior long.I. «1 i » box. lonlh. Rosuivo oxcolloni conccondition, min&l .. i - OAHAOE SALE! Thurs sale. 829-5884. 733-3337. COMPANY s r - : , ; ; . : ,0 ”' Ftseus. 324- Irado Ior alrooIlr 9am at iway 25 4.126 or 733-9295SSovonlnna. Also Ior salo•inlo hi.i'ikiti nl c o n d lllo n . Enulnc ®*' ------. — 0— orir;inu;i>j(in-----O’^OinaUlcd.— RuiTT" 1908 WINNEB•BAUD molor 174. Sacrlllco al *105. 720^: J QARAGE SALE-601 2pdIpdAvo. . • 12? MolcrlIcrHomoj 12? MolorlJlorHoffiOJ 127 Mot.iotar Homes 12/ MlMolor Kom. J 438-45 homo, good cccondlllon. Call Py.‘.?.-.<.5glgi7^ r ;.' li . Woai. Lola ot Mlac.c. :S a l o ______423-57B7. H A R L E Y Dd"/, vT o S O N 1073 YAMAHA 250 I > ■; gooa on ALL WEEK. *~~m^irii' lin^ Molorcyclo:■ SRon .In.ortlP ■ !'r?.-lii‘fP'Pg. d. 22.000 milos; im piom ont C uc o 32J'3yiT liolmol, *600. Mlnlcoi > MOVINQ SALE-Ovorylh'ryinmgl ------’'V " ’! soll-conlalnod. 0,111733-7591 afior 5P>. >' 509 Sovonlh Avo. N., BBuhl. # n aloops 4, soo110 l< approcialo. ------ThrouohJulySOih. V .rf # \ 733-2861 ask fofor Larty 734- IF YOU HAVIHAVr"PRiOE'A 1974 175 YAMAHA E npQ Ity this 1979 oxcoliiini eondiHor f NEIQHBORHOOD Qor f \ 1583 allor 6- WANT 00 mpQ S gnrago J t Vl HONOA 750) IlfTllmliod odiiion. timos- 5600. Soo, 19 f , salft-iiaod carpot. stostoroo, ^ & show room Avonuo or call 734-204 r r r r ; ------« n o o t doska,- girBaoa-igadia- -w-^— UtilityTrjliarj «-o« m ilos & ______— ——------condition. ThioThio blko will 1)0 1974 250 SUZUKI U R poaaJ, acfoon door, tnismlscol- ■ \ ■ FLATBEOlfoHorlor, 8xJ4.liohi9 v/orih a lol an C~ 2 ------lan(wu9.'3U' mlloa weaw est of I an only 1 oor th,m 30 hours. Ik A f l & oloclric hrako:ios.734-2530or doalor ohip w was as mado. Ask- siorano. Musi ‘ioo to Magic Volloy Hospital.lal. turn ■ ■ ■ 733-2674.______' ' right on Cloaraprlngaiga Dr., ■ W r ^ \ j j ______Ing *300 OQully. ully. 4 taho ovor ci.no. 734.0189- ___ iji— L------rollow —alon*.— 734-91 S . T I ... LIGHTWEIGHTT 1Flaibod with paym onta. 543-8i43-8321. ^ ^ ------h J v ----- ■ ------iili.-iandom-8xl«xlwr-^-OOOd— WANTEb •'TOrb''B ' U Y rM olbr------136~:— ^ M ^ E q :! TJiura^axjiEligaiJ.^ftj?. ■ tIfos. 2 sparo littiro 4 whoois. scooior In good goo conaiiion. -. . - 4 SATURDAY B 10 6. £ ' WIII naiil 4 snow . >1 oqulpm«nl, Infanti n n 7 motorcyclos3 or eoniaci hONOA 35( ■ '''OHN DEEH {>' chlldron'a clothing, dlidining car. *650. 733-19: ; . 1: room lablo. (3 loals). pli ■■ good sn a p o3. , s:S350. 324-3/76 USED ■ ■ i', . portabio awamp coo ■ ■ ■ ■ / a allor 5PM. ______INDUSTRIAL EOIUPI /:■______8mgg,ayjlancpa. 494_f?t A u t o m o t i v12 e ______1972 SUZUKI jn ? .'R u m urmn! iD450BDo4or ...... — - - ^ I T E R ^ IO I i f l ______17 or 734-5712. 9 * 1 O',’'D o/O r •...... NORTFHGATERLVCEN ?m“S s5J?S, ______YABaSALE„, ■ • ...... Tai Auto. Pirta' cindl^o'^i' '"wiin CASE6BOCH0 0 ': : : : . <■: ^ ANDERSONhi I T H E F U N 1 STORE— ------1 NEW & USED0 vw Pans; saddio bags, a vl CUMBER CO., roDuiil onglnoa03, all sljos, Soo. 146 A uslln,illn, 734-4787. • .1 TwInFalia lully guraniood.d. WIII inslall. 11)77 HONDA I 1 •733-76S7any|lmono.______lully d r o o sos'^od^'^Y d S ELLIOTT’S IN .BuMlngmatarlata ; TWO MOUNTErED Hfl?8;t5 oxlras! 83^7-_4063.863ovu's . lit Ovorland Avc i I • Much moral ’ I 3100I boliod RA1ADIAL TIRES 1S77 SUZUKI I Ior salo, Brandd now shaao. boon borod I ou oul. Call b - 678-5585 I ] 7:3(W:30 *115 or tjosi olli)llor. Soo. 146 5 4 2 ^ ____ _ Monday-Saturday SUM^ SPECIiALS , [ Auslln.734.4787. ______1976 '750' HOONDAWAtlC";n'C ^ DobHour-lon. S.nus MERS mllos. Bost ollor P l'o n o ...... 7. ' ■; w e ' r e o u il o0 Hydrauitc oxlras. 2000 mllo |i f YARD SALE; July 27th.in. S9 to lacks at A8QOlOTT’S AUTO ovor *2550. Soo>00 1al Conoco in ...... 5. Bodsproada & alQhiIghana, • j SUPPLY. 3055 Shoshono FHor or call 32M120-5168. WANT TO BUYI OldOf r V Bteroo, drapoa. loys.. da doco- : Sirool South.______70 "KAWASAKI,kl ( OOoV'fahrinn, chandollar,>r, lold-fi SUMMER!SPECUL 1 OFFENHOUSESER5 dual 4 and oxirasi ExciExcolloni conrti- ’'0.'?.-..C:'>" 543-4744. ')-{H Ing Bod. clothoa. clarlnoiInola 8. lunnol ram lorr ChryslorC M3 Ilon. 324-S27Q3 alli ^ lo r6 ._ 1005 CHEVROLET 2 ->'Ri Iota o l Mlacclionoous.JS. W _ ; . ongino. Also didrag w^nnd 73 h o n D A 400100 i- Hawk; su'por Stas r. :v - 3rd*vo. Eaal. ------^ ..alar maniloid c ‘oo«- • 'O'*■ mllon.fTi lully GoocJ ahi'U'? J1200./3. rffi 2 CHESTS, crib, ato carbs lor Chrysloslor 413.420, & londod. 734-.1378.l378.or 734.2fC0, ______' i « oxoMlant Man's clolhlnthing & 440 onpi'?.o.-.7,33-3.i-gjal-... agk lorFloza.. _ _ _ _ _ 10/4 LINCOLN 200,imr ^ ...... mMiWlineous. Saturda)rday 9 : i ^ ^ ..II.. 19^ HARLEY 4 g - — ...... to iE gW B IuoIakoa. -• PIC SHELILS 135 CyclyclojiSupplIea snorit>iofi m■L ss is ° s ss.-’aa^ '" .... . = = :==f977=-m m.SAKI ^ ’ 2 5 U ~ iTTll65.'“ tW eK ' J ; oxcolloni condndltlon, low OJhausl, alssyjsy bar, iinflor' .140 ' ;:S ^ ^oWiMab'. Ooodlno. I ' mlloaoo. All luntinod-up. S600, warranly. *320(13200. 726-S320 ,-5-75' chEVV -V ton; ■. 5 3 vteMltY Yard ■Saio"* Sal 32,4_^1_8.5_Or_3^242_486. ______Koichum...... Indur, 4 spood. r.icli.ll ^ P Fmlture. apprancin c e a , ' ^ 10h YAMAHA 'MX-iOO; W now 79'‘SUZUKI RMRM125N 8 ;8 vory clo.in. Good MPC & Fti. onoino. *450 orsr B05I ollor. Honda CR2S0B.'50B. ExcollDiil ttiido lor oidor pickup (Installation $2S2 O.OO e x tra ) , ; Call 324-2062. condlllon. 438-568-5622. 324-8253, . i (31 Family YARD SALEIIT M I a , , — H 4in Avo Eaal Thursd.irsday- S Friday, 26th-27lh; Inia AulsD8i(efs i)5 ^ lo O e jltrs i » Auiol children, adull clothiiithlng. .'c { ' slrollor. Iqiamiscj...... ------1979-IDEAl-VI.------______— C .-1 2 6 M \ NEW ______NE$S CAMPER on ______FIfrwIfraood ._ 27 FT.:— LOADED-D .9 T 1 1 1 Z1978 WINDERNE — 7 ------AH -PIN E' FIREWOOD: ■' '■Rc1oir*3'r50 A , dolivor any longth. SSS co ] R etafail $9190 ■ 'urlnvoIc«S2033 - .9 i . S78 apllt. Joromo 32*-8258. lODG^PieKOP ^ WOV5W ..;...... O6V 7 9 97 W 5 SAV-AVE THIS WEEK ONLY___ r- ^ T 5 8 6 I = 1 ^ f i m m • ■ - FIREPLACE WOOD. SSO50 cordC( ______dollvorod. 733-6066, 1» llrowood,d, bibest 23 FliwiLDERNRNESS 1979 TEEPEEE 1 C A M P E R ALLTHEEXTR^rR A S . Gas. oloctrlc, rofrlgoi}orator, ovon and MI.V ' QoodTWngtToiT oEil „ . . u r n o c o ^ — 3 R ot t d a i i $ 6 9 8 0 ; -AW icOTB FOR SALE. C 100 — ^ ifllJii N. o( Hagorman ononW . M O V > W O N L Y _____ H ald«''N w y so at .lona'onaon I 'w w * 4 93 r 9 y 5 ,THJ;HJ5 WEEK ONLY...... * 2 1 9 3 ...... O rtH M . U-Piek 20« lb..Ib.; Of ...... _ n ______oar bushoI._Udflc idders _ , _ "• lu niS naarB nna cbntalnbr ■■ 197979TRAVELEXE 36 FT.T. STH WHEEL 191979 WINNEBAGO 2 0 0 ' MOTOR HOME - .1 APfVCOTS lor aalo. REAI i' now lo bo pickod. 733-551 lEAT LIVING TRAILERfl VWITH TIPOUT TKo G root Woy'o y To G o l 370 N. Bracken. R eg. Price 'f.S12.S72 - < B | HIS ^ ^ ;> . EARLY POTATOES, rada /EEK ONLY ^ ^ ■ •• :i vyhltw, U-plck. Sat. & Su ^ 5 9 6 5 bolwoonO-SPM.UmlioN.)N.Ol ONLY.S’ ...... B ^ 9 9 5 HM62.'...... I %3 , 9 5 3 Haaarman, E. sido of HwHwy. ______•t :------30. Alab SwoorCorn &I BU Bluo 3 S p o>ed.Manual e Transm issi s s l o n '[• Lake Boana (or canninmlng, ' ' 1979 TIOGA 2 2 ’/3

    ■ ■ - iJl / O'C/ /f ....7 ^ ...... W.rl»«M>-.-|:*y, l'll/> 'r. *l't/'l f O w r ra M . .'t g . ■'■.■-•'■-■A'^ ^ . F o f d ------— „ r M 4X4.' -K lH ^ L & T g e a c ai o i u j E r ’' j1978'iVEOA. 3--4Hh4-dooi ------MU8T-SELLI 1972 Nt ------C Q p d ltlo n ra -M P Q :^ ■‘vhBDO 4 door, air, 'S S ' OODOE P.P o l a r a ; 73 QRAN TORINO;•40: $1500 or - iZ m m ' fordomallc. Qood ■•shi R oyl; ion. B ost bosl Oiler. Qolng0 to collogo, ' WANT O 8UYI 1M8>^ 7 1 Call 87S-S644 or 734-S Callafter-flpm.&43<740.r40. 69.000 miloa. Excollorlonl con- excellent conddlon. I' FORD U;-Ton Cimpmper d.«y«:., ______r—5^ . dllion inaldo 6 out. 733 olfer. Call 423-4 S66., ______MUST SELL. S43-e« ^ 7 . 1J5 AlAuio Dealers 175 ~ . AiAalo Dealer$ i?5 AuiToe SpocUl; pref«r 4 spoed ■ ■ p . „ . 1938 PLYMOUTH 4 D ; .4-anood...... 77. T-BIRO.* .42,001}.000_, mlioa. , — M In ..FOfl_8Al£L19n_YW.IIS m ? * — fl<.-000mii03.-$2000rorTrjrtraifo!------ie67-CHRY6LEf» - 44-E - ^ o 7 - .ISea.DODQE. RT: .4------fl00n<»m0flr7aM«77.—T. New psinl-molor-radl A/C. fanlaslie shape,0 0 ^ 1 2-Ooof- now tlroa.,IS., n e e d s }5,000, ConaldorM tri radc-In c:ail 543-5950.______ns good. oi’lor PU 324-S945. t i g « OODQE Dump irucK. ■«2200.Call734-91&2. - m - A ^23j419..__..__‘*’®' somo work, fluns I yard!. Qood condlllon.>n. & GA8SAVER ------1938 2 door CHEV.Y-*. 19 ------{276. 635 Buchancanan Sl, —" li 1BS1 FORO (on alep Vivan 1977 DATSUN 2-door coi 15B • Auloi-gChevrolet . . ■ - tw Auloa-Uftcol.ftcolo/Mereufy g J cacnpCf.73M1fly.______: Excellent condllion. I ------1988 DOOQE C/.a/p< 1871 COMET Spori • [ iS l 195 4 INT’L • Vl Tr o o n i * mlloaoe. Now (Ires. SHA 'o o sn o t ' automatic itans, Iror oconom lcal 6 < I w/homoni(do campor- $40»400: »3600.734^178.______»TOP» brakoa. V-6. now radiila ifliT A s. manual 3-speod1 floorfic shill. m \ 4 -Ji Wllhoul- S2S0. R u n t. gjo o o o d . 1071 MQ MIDGET, new r 1B56 CHEVY 4 door;r; bodyb Top . Dollars lor yourur R V s,, m ags. 324-6701. ------_ nowG60 4 E60SU2 SUzlor tlroa. m \ ■ i - * 734-9317.______als. now top, 35 MPG.□ 543- ^‘ Ir condlllon. $150 or tbosl Pickups, Cars. Ulllll)niy-trall- 1974 CHARGER~;S{;SE: 318 Now G abriel HHl-lachor ^ \B Tor> 5169 mornlnoa.______^ olfer.32W538. ______ora. Boata and Traciors. Trt outomallc, ctironioc> whooia, w shocks, Oamsgosgod- front - 1955 CHEVROLET 2 T« n lino Loavo on conslgnmor M :V wllh flat bod side>ldea. .1074 VW 412 waoon, S2»0- S2 1958'FORD; Cuslom I lont. For yyido llroa. oconfemfrmical & fondor. A roal-ba >VV Oood shipo.S1200. 733-705•7054, 1074 BMW Bavsria. S>.QO: 17 Excoilenl condlllon. $$795 Sf'oP r lot. l‘ 294 cloan. J2185. 324-4‘4-4540 or OQly S545, Cali .limllm t?lgglnal \ . 733-2950ollorfl. ' * Waahlnglon SI. 734-2532530. lim .324-4881. ; ■ ,-Z33-t449 deys,I, 73J-1038 r \ ,A{ «Mt6pm.______Cali 734-3037.______-----T—. Buaby ond Bill Madronon...... r 1863 ,CHEVY PU; perJO'>rioct 107S AUDI Fox; 4 door,r^ 3S ^ O t ''ORD; 289- -3 3PC0< ______MAQiCyALLEY ___ ovoninga,______J — ^ ____;4:;;-eondlllon.. Accopl M el oSiler, tie ------M pari3«rc«ir735^ . »JO . LIQUIDATORSiY - - 182 — Autos-tos—ForJ} ,j72 MONTEGO.O. 2-door. / ______733-5528. FOR SALEI IP71 TCTORINO: cioan, x aissolte. sso iiKo ^ 1968 CHEVY « Ton PIckul:kup; 1975 SUBARU QF Couj^ ^ 5 ’ 0?’; STAR CHIEF fn —— ^ Good Shapo. Asiiingmg $600, now tiroa. 302. runruns good. iFb5 CHEVY A«fl(/Oo :2pm. . 655-4226,______' . -<){..250, 6 cyllndor. 4 spoo apood, AM/FM rsdlo-sloiaieroo SIW; now motor, now" r. Soort; 283, 4 spoodSa S !' Sc.licieim.fio,;; •,:i w/ovorhoad 8’ campoip o r- Complotoly ovorhauiod.' 324-6256:; . „ — _ 1988 MUSTANG 3 :sp o o d . 1973 MONTEGO; gc • SlOOO. Call734-787a. saver. p294o01al|er?. 1 ~ R ^ i 2S9, Sharp, Call 3?J-2Q.i•2049. - dllion. Atr, poworiSSrtSSs sl ISnHEBCURYIi MARQUIS 1973 FOROI MUSTANGMU 1974 AMC ' ■hVt 734-4793 alior 8PM. . 1970 CHEVY IMPALA; ' boat offor, } doo>. *i)ic>D. v g 1968 FORD « lo"n PuTjjMposi- 1079 310 OATSUN H ^iTToSr conditionion Call 19 ^ POflD Car; 3!)0'oO-o'n-^rr^o. or bO ,,,.„„^20OORoor ^ ^ trac roar-ond. ongino nooQo o d s CHBACK; Excolloni cccond 19?T^HEM lin: 6 cyiin soil lor pans or 10 bo lixod, • ______■ ■ work. 829-417B.______Cailalter6Dm.32S-54?9.•g oroat ahapo\ Bosl 'Sl” ol ______— Runs oood. Mako^0 olfor, 1075 COUGAR 1971 MALIBU, air com 1868 FORD « lon Plcku(:kup, 73 BRAOLEY QT: boat ol S43^^38S- ______aulomalic. poworr sioorlnos t i )'ooi'tio*»i.V9»A’ L Reasonably priced. Call Ca Cali 324-5731. 78 GREMLIN; good cor 1072 FORD RANCI-^ C ^ ^ E ^ ; b-aKos, Many oxlroxtraa, 432- . . 324-5n6or3?<-5572,______= tlon. 32,000 milos, 32 mllo;niios to ______Soo 10 1974 MONTE CARLO, niii,,7rtC conanign. Runsins groot. ______95 ^ ;‘lj5 5iso I '- - ' 1871 INT’L Travell-AI ______4 Wheel.ainHwa D 1^0 gallon, niohway. Soo ______1878 MONARCH 6 (cyllndor. lAiT: 146 approclaie. $1700. 734-158:•1583, pS®734^ _____ :____ i outomallc. V-6. A/C. Ir ich 78 — ...... “ 1972 GRANDE MUSIUSTANG; air conoiilonfng. I • lowing oackaoo. good cor BEAT THE 0*8 crunch Cali aflor Good MPG. ExcolR imCHEVSVfiOLET 1977 CHEVRilEVROlET 1974 BUICK RIVIERA ; aitlon. 734-2530/733-2674. propano poworod Scou« u t-2 . 152______Aulos-Bl-B ulck 1674 VEGA Kambac~i dllion, $5100. 734-87 ~— all accessories. 733-03t4. ^ .L," mlchollns. oxita c - f —r 1963 BUICK Rlvlora for so : IMPAU 4 OOM 1972 Iniotnalionai pickup FOR SALE OR psrtisi tr« 'r saio. 20.000 miloa on o«el.chongo 1973 GRAN TORINO:- 4 4 - i ^ r . 6£.'!L______oy.<.i~..n« va power stoorlng. powo 1071 Ford 4*4 Slops ______oriQino. $1600. 733->««2.it2. powur sioorinQ/br.'b r a k o a , 75 Groon & Whllolllo Monarc pQ-.“ bioi^t‘'.od« brakes, automatic. t ^ O o tpoed BUICK Cenlury:iry: 1 ...... ______A/C. slool tjollofl rjradlala, Ohio; air condilid lllo n ln g , iio"i"o cediotm... n pickup. 3M V-8, 4-spo n $1195. powor sloorlng. r r i mako Oflflf, 734-2346. — 734-3278.______owner, cloan. okcoi:olloniIc Classlllod . . . lor p* miloa. Qood iook/ngl $56 » Nc. »C.JOJA SSOO or trado lor travol trir 82W512;______' ^ ' I lease" 6 n 1 " n 6 v ' • 733-4183.______----- 1047 WILLYS .lEEP, ru . ~ 9 5 M 995 ■V-«i------‘nT^t-BeatefTPr:?a4:4480; 9Ji ^ S ood condllion Insido & oul ilH I ■ ■ rn itn m nn Hnmumrtm 5£g^. j ...... ,...... I ------1 ■' ’1972MMm* ■"rtw**"■' '■ n I *'^nfrU lUnU.VnRMuM >W 1874 OODQE D-«00 21/2lon’^ tor ^ed°s'h8p'o.'^5iB5!' m O l l R — ___! lg._truck,36Vonoln«.5-apo«d-t’ I ] .. — -jt nnna. -4.QG0II—— ^ 2-apood. oicoiloni condl '1855 WILLY'S .loop; 4 wheolwh. “ ' I 'yif drive waoon. Oriolnal, 6 cyl-c lion, novor boon of I I N°o79C 3«n,'"“ •i'ffr'S S" d j higliway, good rubbor. Indor, ovarhtuiod, orlgiiriglnal 900x20 tiros, 934-4631 01 parts. Front ond craah for _ roslore or psrta. Buhl. 543- 5 4 324-9322 altor 9 j>.m. 8084. 1 * 7 5iO ( r “^4 8t95 9 I ^4695 S3 ______1974 FHEIOHTLINER IractOf, 1970 -I6EP Waoonoor* it l i \3S0 Dolrolt. 13 Spood,rt' m a il Dolivory Van' Pho I ■ — •4-»B;Q:H.O;:-t974-Tf»«mobileM i - -5tiS5L^-=™ ==. i ^ P J - B I UILLWORKMAN-FORD- ii; 42' convortlbio noppor trail-rail. 1873' FORO BRONCiT cO ; WE LISTEN BETTER ^ o r Will tf«dO. 733-5761. Aulomolic. oloc, winch, r 1974 GMC V4 Ton; 350 V-«.^ bar. CB. sir cond.. excoiloi 7 3 3 - 5 1 1 0 air. tilt sloorlng, doubleXT' REOUCEOTaaELL.J3450450 ro __ /a lanks. AM/FM^sioroo.^ CB.J?g° boat oflor. Wor W/O vvincrincg. SPffS I ! ^ ] I , 1 2 4 3 Blue B ll Lakes Blvd. N. I ' ^ . ^ Excolloni condition. 733-J.,V ' S400 holwson 8 and 6. A lorM lke. ■ I ' . wi n % BETTER EPA ■e s t i m a t e d mP p O IN ONE _____I , 77-T 1 874- BRONCO 3 3( 0 2 I______O F o mIIR JftO ST-aiSH MMCTIVE CPAMPfcPPiirftgvB I P. ■M Su^por^a^^Ercollon't^c^n^ 9 tlon. 390 onoino, 734-4540. Ilaro. surirool. 13600. 73^ * . I Obviously, we're pr.ol Grand Pri«’s 79 miloogo ' our n o w G rand PfT^JOon, *Or< '34- (ion. J4000 or bosl olfojHor. roting. Romombor: < O C Prl** oro oqu _ 324-5244 or 324-5288. r; C o m p are lho ostlmoKKi iqu ip p u d w ilh OM-buiil ongli y n f “Tu . I MPO wllh Ihot olI oot th e r c o rs. YOur miloogo______• , produeod by \ / vorlous divisions,. Soo u> _ [ 3 _ i 9 7 9 _ « _ t c n .Ctidvy^plckucfuct- _ .-1974-DOOQE In good conc 0 loaded, extra aharp, 324- ■' I ' rnoy vdrv 'B ^o n d inng o « on tp o o d , trip longiii ond HWY tlolollt. i f i ion.Cail73<-19l2. - • ■ I wooihor. And yourjr octuol< highway miioago ' ESTI/k^ATE U -‘s s i ______— 1874 FORD 4x4 F-IOi 1977 OOOOE M lon PU: V-«. oxcolloni condlllon. ne . aulo trans. power stoorlng0 *& (ires. $3250.324-2895 allor 5. ' r, brakoa, rtsw mlchoNna. Lesa I n 1875 FORD U Ton F-25017x3; 4x e JOHN CHRI 601IVIAIN AVE. EASIST 733-1823 •t. ' than 18,000 miloa: And 1878Jloaded, oxcollont condltloi IRIS MOTORS I DEiAL OF TN 8' Kll campor. Quoon size 6 - - - - - I - bod, furnsco. gas electricr|2 Celi934-574». ; ' M i " ■ ■ ■ M 1 ■ W ■■■.■J :>{ frig- porta pott). Both likeIke 1976 W lon OMC Pickup 44x. x 4 ; ------~ .now. ..Will. soli campor)or A /C . automatic, pow<>wer seporatoiy. Pricod to solllBill Stoorlng. new llroa. $400< 1 f;' Coil 733-2166. C"''733-1W0.______'f| 1878 FRS TOYOTA Long bed 1978 CHEVnOLET ^ ;ai z « I W E TrR I A D E F= O R A N ^l y T H T N Cg 1 ; pickup; likonow. Lqw mlie-i / p / n x cllont r ; ..../' / f ■ ‘ ogo. *4600. 676-7261 or 436- sh a p e . $5300/besl olloillor. ■ 5649 ask for Kalhy.______— 734-4684 or 734-2794. ( * h q f d o <>esn't eg#!1H8I ■ '4 58 INTERNATIONAL Vi lon. seso or bosl oiler. Will trade’J'j 1977 FORD « lon 4x4 wllv^h r -y forcar.734-4811. shell. Slldina glaaa wir — dowa, 'aulomatlt I c . ' « r :.?i 70 DOOQE Pickup: good^ transmisalon, dual exhausausi -iJ lire*, runs good. Bost of>or. & dual tanka, now llregirea. S38-2505. „ 733-0116 daya, 734-4474470 niohta.______I______- a j14}______- - V«n»-!£•- i877.tEEPCnarokoaCBiefiiT a - NO EQUmr.-.asaume loar>.m. Door; powor alooringIng^ I ‘.•9 )878 Eldorado Chovy Van;in; automatic Iranamlsslon ■love,'^lnk. Ice boX) orulaeae w hite apobe wheels, radiiiSSi - ts (onirol. 6 iraek. air condi-di- tiros, AM/FM radio, crulsiulse COMTE/WPODGT/SE ( 3 [ionino. 733-93n.______control. IS»0. Caii Davliavid rn Prlce.e78-1116or 878-2840D Ffotuf*’;..ti air conditlorring. powor Moonlocring, powirr nroKin. troiin ^ 'jo M CHEVY Van; 30,000 on conlrol,, tilt1 whooi. heavy duty iu'poiKponiion, HO cooling, mior- new 6 cyiirtdor motor, m ags,IS, 1878 FORD F-150 PU wllh will d .. ^oyyer. Call all8f.6PM-543 . wipvri. AM FM 0 Irack tlorcoi>r< Ijood condition. Make'olfor.>r. sp e e d , hardiop, manuaiual 733-8364 or 733<671. wliOfP o Of p p i'ca b io • Ouilly M op light ■ Dual twivirl-cobb liglight • Rr-or light nicjht lujiil 734-0245. ■ 1 tpvokert wired to cob • Sloplol>piolot lor cob and ndo nniiy ___ ful bronze and \ • 2 root t d white. Excellent shelope. Fantastic v p i u e . • 4 HighbhbocK swivel toatt wiili bolitIt • MolclKid golloy cobmt^l\ 175 ' Aulo Deilers« ^ Aolo Dealer:ilets • CorvciM i« 1 ) box • Sioinlu»t ttool tinknk vWllh w oler tytiom • Man W lor pu m p • Sink covor • Smollnoil m inor • Gorrnont bar • Sporo lireKU tnouni » Sooro lir»_lock.oncl.o".d_'iit'_ro.virr_»j^;5uui:ml^ ------...... DudtSiPbi7i>T lI'ioTiiTa whllo iottct rodiollol v

    J " * «5 5 0 5 5 0 G M G t U U U S | 197.»74 F O R D 1973 HMONTEGO I S B M C E / m VILLAGER SISTATIONWAGOI-ON PI ■. 4-WHEEL. D R IV E PIC K U P Aulomolic transmlssicislon. power steering, powo , A V-8 engine. 4 speed tratrar n im iif lo n . ton 250. lock'oi brai«et, doiuxo all yinylnyl Irt(nrlor. Thit cor it vocolloIllon GBNER lA S T S D IV IS IO N .■ • :hubs. lerfillc w ork hor»AR A a-D O O R N o3 . .9 \ - 6 5 8 I Beoutlful tU'tone green,ion, harm onizing Interior, oquipuip- Light gold, browri;VlnylInyl r o o f, oquippod wilh oil th * p e d a t you would expoeljoet. Ju st tra d o d In. exiros, Ju tt In from’leos ~ DAI IMROE N L Y I VEMU 1 ^ ^ 6 4 14 2 2 1 * 3 1 1 5 0 * 3 ^9 0 0 ^ Cl MIIET HEVR(>adway 2 2 0 N. Broo J th eEISENI MOIFORSL B u h I . i 543-6461 - — - V ~ TFhe*©aslestplaceli h fin thre‘w orld to 'b uuy ;i a'c?ai— "— r~~~ Idaho' L 7 0 1 _ M a lA ^ v e . E a a t Twin Fallg ' 7 3 3 - 7 7 0,0 0 Aflef Hoiirs: JOHtI: 734-2458 US 5: DAVt^-535 ; . .. * • ■ .-'.iii.''«.'v ' . . . ' 4 ~ •: 'I - ■ «

    I B-14Timos*Nows,ws, Twin Falls, Idoho ' W odr}d n o sd ay , .JulySS, 1979 AHM actt iv is t €eseap>ed with Olutsid.D.. the prisoner killed by gunf rrest warrant-.ln connec- Edman said the prison has broke out of a fed e ra l “Wc “ found spent shells out thore lawfulness,” Moitorrisonsaid. Rigrouping Ib lau n c h ••our **oi usual serve an arr murderer who br< . conlactlnR Uon with thehe 1973 American Indian1 awaiting delivery of new 11] unbatlle with guords, ammd then we found the weapoapons out “We may be b pulling a higher fuuigitivc investigation ... < prison In a gunb friends, relatives, associociates and Movement ooccupation of Wounded1 posls lo illuminate the gn saidMondaj::_____ )v b v the treellne so wc cnn only priority on trying I to find his fr Prison offlctals sal visllinchls known hangouts. concertina b a rb e d w ire lo One accomplici)llce_was captunjo in assisiurnetR ey ffred,'” E d m an salisaid. ------whereabouls-InIn vlew-of-lhe-typa of _ vi l l s " ______K nee______Peltier was serving twowo consecu-' a portioni~of the Lompoc Institu-.— betw M nthcrtw D -fenccsni new- by' three Inalnn pris- The i pursuing guarcis recai[Raptured crime he comtTimitted, but il Is an th c breakout by live life terms for klllinlling agents Hon. former;?rly a medium securityf syslen and more guard towers. . . oners Friday night, nig bul there must BolJobby Gerfe .Garcia, of Tucuiicumcari,- investigation whose wl primary goal is li’ have been a t least Icj one more who N.J serving two life ternerms for lo capture binlim wllhoul injury to escaped wllh Lc percent of PSC’s power requirer i on foot acrossa afield, Edman said, “ I suggesi If he feels IholI way.wi he Force Base. ^^ a- missile-launchinR . wlwith fi,rc exlinguishersers before assessed lhlhe damages prior lo | ' j .although no guardird was hit.

    I ® - ' "


    | Z ^ Prices Ei?«?cHv« Now *

    , SIRHAN\N SIRHAN , jj Early rrelease t t t T—: j unlikel;dyfor

    S i r h a nn # H |IITACHI - SOLEDAD, CallSilK. (UPI> - sirhan ■7 “ Sirtian, keeping'tig' to 'h im s e lf 'I n ■ a sl ! ...... protecUve custo* section ol prison . o ' as he servess 1 nis sentence for ■1” 19 inch^’ I t a ssassin atin g SenSen. Robert Kennedy. AWI- m D iagonal I Q H 19 . • S 11 years ago, cacame up for parole IlttK B Measure I DIagona TT-i------hearing-Tuesday^By-^t-wl^-llttle-h^i^— M aasurc !;^S; V o f an ea rly releasease. I I Slrtian, 3S, ap]appeared before the B state Communitvilty R elease Board f o r : an InquTiv relateated lo h is scheduled ______paroledafe.ofMarrIarchl,198S,_...... 100% Solid Stiflal*______<0 0 ^ So/; I" §i ■■ . D enied a sentientence reduction at il------— last-year’s-parolQhile- hearing-.at- tb e -: tur I ; ' CoiTCctional TraTraining Facility at Soledad. the best b the slender I f^ R lA IBLE PORfjrABLE I Palestinian immlemigrant could hope U(« Cok>r4«onltor.ll Syitamn wllh « light Equlppad witn 101100% aolld atata ^ f l WASHIIER & l fo r w a s ab o u t foufour months removed tirts M ntor, 100% tolM lUua ia modular chaailt. In-lina pl(pleu/re lub«. Col- H | W aahar features fwo-spe«dj vw ashino action / Ntte chaaalt, btaek matrix plcliletuta tubo orU* Automaticlc Color Srttwn. ■ B clo, three water / from his 16-year,a r, 9*month sentence, lunara and quick • wllh permanenl press cycli olor and th a rp n u a control.. Slmulaiad 6 VHF and, UHF tui lovels, rour waah/rlnso temimperatures and * ^ aparoleofflclalsalIsald. tlon - mralnwl (Inlah. Ham1^1 alart lyalam. SirSImulatad walnut llnlih. Iiam f343-2flt-261 lint Illler. tlem W342-278 . ' Gary Macombeiiber. Community Re- ' . lease Board execxecutive officer, said Dryer features tw o tem peralialure selocliona, - autom atic ahui-off, e n d ol cyclec> chime, up- 1 ' - * Slrhan’s release;e could« be reset for front llnl filter and large> Dura Cuihlon 1 . Nov. 1, 1984 by b; crediting-^ good k drum. Ilem 1342-311 - jw rtlcip atin n .In -M lfs___ . . 7 r o /^ m s . f Slrban’s. lawyeryer, George, Roberts,.... > r unsuccessfully petitioned pe the state ■ District Court-of/of A pp^ for an early Qi§M rtl£hGUe'S:.l' -:~• i release last ywyear. Roberts was . Mil S Iriiy ’s p r o s p e ^ JE.; 19 l..rh

    T"-r^‘ ^outwy'foUowihgfg thet state’s decision ' Measure four years ago< to give him a patole dale. ■ Three years before be that Slrtian was saved fromtm the g as ch am b er ^rtien the Califomomla Supreme Court :r.v, ru led th e deathith penalty w as un- •Motion is'iftquipp^ with- { constitutional. S.6 CulCuNe Foot Capacity L*r0*c«p«c»r iflva_j«nsiflered-anv __ ■tot»>»i»h«..»*m.«30i,077rr::^. • red u ctio n a t allall to have been a FB W l S Bf e - - g B - eY r >. i m a jo r victo ry becil>ecause h is crim e w a s • I I2lneli'^ I' ■ Diagonal i ^ WASHER ' ' - considered so> { seriously by thc I SIDE Faalur^M ^I|^tial^T^^|o^^foiir yaaiura* •- aaturaa 1 ' jj' erts said of the panparoleproceedinss. Irt Vart.Cold drawar. 5*»Thru eomblnatlont, eo anaray-taving cold a and lea and walar dlapantar. waah/rlnM and varlabla walar..|«val^ 1 is e u a s conlrol. ltam«2B»«82 • ' Roberts safdd ,iSlrfian h a s -b e e n I S 7 ^ CO taking businessss courses from a neaiby communit;mily college in hopes S 4 0 ‘’“ cASH REBATE o f Im proving his standing wilh the ' j : • parole board. DIRECT PROM QENERAL 1 . - ',-"^ - - ,- S r r h a n h a s noa close.friendsc in the— SE E STORE f S r DETAILSi m k ; , - protective custod;tody unit he shares m 9 i . w ith 124 inmlates,, ate Including con* 5 ■ , vict^ mass murdurderer Juan Corona, ?. . His famUy visilssits him on holidays u ; andbfrthdays. R ■ ; , He grants noi Interviewslr arid has i; : refi^ public conunentcon on a report I ■ . .by a fonner fellovUow convict who sa id ' S lrtuin hoped to to aligni himself with _ T.H)y a n - P r e sBjiUJii—iyoam i d m ar, .. Khadaffy In ann effort« to obtain a r, - nuclear weaponn tot be used against \ ' ' I^ael. UFM C a m ttt or 8-Titck Playorm9Cord$r i . Investigatoirs: sasaid during his trial < that It was KenCennedy’s support o f e CuMe ^ e o t C epacltr SOInefi ahns for Israel1 tbattt enraged Sirhan i s T ^ EOMUSKC SY^TEI leUassasslnatloh .mth __ toundaalm tncludHdta AWFU atarao ______Y ourChoicel r a j g a t A i o R 1-.. — an d -le d -to ..tha, ------i*e*Nw.-6uitt-in-»fTKt ; . ments after; KennedyKe was' pro- ' •ulomtile r*cord chanotanoLelSwHd^ralnoI / FREEZER • claim ed winnerr of tbe 1968 California apMMrm. lt«m (ajsO}! Id . 20'.' wida, dalroating Foaiuraaf Inflnlla hast controla. clocl •Demod^llcpresldsldeDllalprim^. - aior aqulppad wim froun wllh w on«>hour ovan lt(r>ar, ranvovabli Sanyo mutic tyiittntffl (aaiura* b«in'-ln oraoaeomparlmanl.twolca'n aurlaea ti unlti and door, larga atoragi racon>«r and full »1M intM- - / J ■ayi, thraa door a

    M ial.v«a, a :ld»out V *mnS7-(


    a a y * iw rpa atorai " o o < d W od tio ud.iy. .lulyuly 25, 1079 ' Tlrno3-Nowa, Twin T Fallc, Idaho — C -^


    , .


    ^ -■ ' / V■//t;

    IV ' ■ A '

    T— ' f T—


    7 ' ~ ~

    "Z^H ------PalMdtSulllv«nnime»-Newi 7 on arc thriving despite IInf n fla tio n A s N M ag ic V alley residents\s Ifin d th e lure of a m ealI aat l r e a d y p r e p a r e d in c re3asingly a difficult to resist1st. local restaurants Ukelke N orth’s Chuck Wagor

    Eatini g o u it: a Vlab it: o f riising co stts spring, but "I could_havjav e Ja c k e d 'a b o v e wiitwliat I dreamed It would1 b e .” ...... BySTEPHANnNIESCHOBOW £Scott Williams, managerjr • Tn•crunch-and-double* ------—W\ e- recently^id—a—studyady—comparing— -- townr people about C.79 a a, potmd; making- two, digit lnnaUon,^adiagic Valley rpsldenls flM arth and April 1978 to March and "TvTwin FaUs didn't used to bebe. U sed to outside the home. "Two to three- pc people ate out once o weA’cek, even in a famiamily are working," McGiGinnis 12-ouncc steaksIks rge baked habit M^alned ihh manyr a budget - Some restaurants suchch as Perkins like McDonald’s,^ Denny’s, or■Sambo’s,’’ S; yourselff bbeing tired and get dli jinnlssald. prepared.d. Then1 you have lo clean up.’p.*' potatoes wllhI bu b u tte r c o st 68 cents. Tola even at a time wwhen families are Cake C and Steak, 348 Addisdlso n A ve. W., McGli . w a n t hom e cost: $8.66S.66 (not.ihcludlng cooking penses. - flfind the expected summercr rush; has not Whjhy are more people eatlating out? "we all'ill work hard and we don’t v curtailing other expen m eand work again." fuelorpreparatUration tim e ).. Nearly all thee area restauranis ,ccome. “Business Is not picking pic up the Areaa restaurant owners and! nmanagers to go home contacted by the Timrimes-News said they v,way it usiially does in tneiie summer. It sugge;esl a few reasons: • E atingIng out may not be consldtdered Now'takehamlamburgers. if you buy the . have raised thelrr p ric e s in the last sishould bc getting busierT than: it is,” Ealing oul Is a habit. " IIt’s f ! gelling expensive,ve. Some restaurant owi best hamburger,ger, at $2.19 a'pounds you month, but few repoi^rted a drop in thc &said Phil Pence, mandger. ; to be>e a national fad," McGlniilnnis said. cfalm thatiiat wilh preparation lime' ts n ca” '"ake a quarter-poundqua pally for 55 )x a n d boll into accoui:ounl. It's less expensive fc number of customer:lers. They had fewer Yet. says Larry Marr,irr, owner-o£ "Yeailars ago It was bobby sox cents- With onions, on lettuce; cheese, -touiists, pi^aps, bibut local residents LLupe’s Cantina, Hailey, “I’“I’m surprised Jeans,IS. Now It's eating out. I thithink it's a— couple lo eat oul than at ho es and a bun plus cooking -- are still comlngm. bbusiness has been as goo<'ood as It has trend:d thal’s going tostay." M oreover,er, som e fast food pU ;e'r c o s ts a b o u t 88 cents to “Business has beei>een about the same, b e e n th is su m m er.” Food is cheap entertarialnmenl. contend,It’(It's Just plain cheaper loHi“ <==“ ■ mike al hSme.me. With 30 cenls for a although I haven’ll’l n o tic e d a s many Walt Harper, managerr {of* Sandwich “Yourung people are growing up u; e a tin g lheir food)d than11 to make It at home, 12-ounce canV of ol c o la , 15 c e n ts 'fo r 5 " s a id G ary Dick, . and a 10-year out,"'’ said J e rry Note, mangeIg e r of the A survej•vey by the Times-New sh out-of-state' cars,” : V,World, Blues Lakes Mall, ai sll k S “ “" “ S jzen french fries, the total m a n a g e r for J B ’s Big Bi| Boy Restaurant, viveteran of the restaurantt business b said Holld:day Inn, 1350 Blue Lakes Blvd. Bl N. " dinner atal a fancy steak place car a m b u rg e r d in n e r Is $1.33, ------598-B lue-fc6lces-B- I> B l v d ^ . - i'Fooplc’s------li y -s tm n g In thp . , LlkC-j> pQln^ to the movies. Even }r~^boul half cost at hoh o m | ;salc& lax )______■ . hanging. They are - fcfood business all over,"" noting that ■ get a :little tight they can alway'ays scra^ ffuTconsur recreation is chan hamburger spot, vou can finding things to doIo liin town and one of ""when Inflation gets tightght. fasl food up enenough to go lo thc show.)w.'’ Or lo cents a serserving by making hamburgrgers. At a local hai :ad of buy a lean-beef:>eef quarter-pouhcfer with them uto eat h ^ ." ststays good." ■* T a coTIm o l e. fries andid a; c^ihk al home insteac )me ch a n g e s. "I think wally McGinnis, mfmanager of • "I"E at Now. Poy Later." A mi a jo rity eaH n g aI la a iplacc like McDonald's. two slices of cheese,chc a bag of fries and O w ners notice somc KnmplP- S.oy n rtlnnnr fnr fwAi-n nt n t^-niinrp.rirJnk.•InV fn r il /vri_3n______FflP gitfln for a lax),a57-centlnct Increase. ' effect on the restaurclUrant industry," said nrestaurant's rates .about seven se perceni increaease In credit card use. ""It’s way a fancy• st stealc jo in t costs S17.50 fc

    U m p tt i e e n rrn e th o cd s o f lp r e s e rr v i n g your\ fh a r v e ss t By Nancy Newmanaan ■ ' Kluger learned le the basics of source, from unlversltlciles lo the U.S. Nor shishould you have to wonrorry But canning Isn’tt th e oiUy w ay to lns{ruclru ctio n s, th e a r t Mid Uie rcclpes. ------© C hicago Suo*Timcim es------pressing. I;In her-mother-s- kitchen;—:— govem m entr—and —comme—up—with— about—foerood-Boing-baarTisrnTTtt “ this preserve iSMSTTma -;-j-do-iwt-can-foods:-MM jy - kitch en - I le r -m other,er, -althou^ she-dld-not—:— instructlons._which...as_ffar as 1 can book. EvE very precau tio n Is glveiIven; all the preservingg processes that chapteipier Is as complete, as most IsnH big enough. I don’trt have the know all the th< potential hazards of' see, answer jusl abouli every cann- every finziazar^“is notcd'm delalirfir f ih~ keep~gardcrrTor7a'farm er’s morkct) - booksiks-on-the^-subjectrin-lenns-of patience, and freezing is easijasier. canning, waivas so neat and careful ing queslion and guara:rantee, if you fact, If lh(there is one thing I couldI flifind produce in good sl:shape for winter freezlniszlng fruits and vegetables (she B ut If I -were to go intoo canning,c I that nothingg evere went wrong, follow them falUifuily and at minutely, fault with,ith. It Is that the author Is ;so uso. doesn'tsn’t cover meats, poultiy or would use .Marilyn Klugeiiger’s “ P re - Kluger iiasias gone far beyond her■ a shelf full of Jewcwel-llke Jars careful to warn you aboul whalI « can fish).). 1There are also some Ups'and serving Summer’s Bouni)unty” (M. mother’s canning caj techniques. She brimming with summer’;ir's good foods go wrong,ng, it could s c a re you aw?away Do you wanl tto make jelly, Inslhiclructions I "have not seen in oUier E v a n s & Co.. $12.50) os m yygulde. gi has rescanarched every' canning for use any lime. from tryin/Ing canning.) preserves and butte:lers? She has the books.ks. . 'etta Warherg -

    ■ S . . . . M o liL i t h w a t ee r i n g i rn d o n s n o t ali)w a y s ailu n a t u rir e l^ __ ^

    If one thinks of melon,1, vwhich is possible rightt now r Combine water,•, ssalt, cinnamon stick, gn'round glncer .of bay leaf, lea tarragon sprigs andId ai few cloves. Cover &salt water (¥- cup saltt tol6 each quart of woter). Let ‘with tbe.hot season harvest!esting in full swing, one thiithinks in a small sauceparpan. B rin g lo a boll, stlrrln•Ing, Add rice with winele vinegar. Seal the pots1 hermeticallyhc and keep s sl la n d 6 to 8 hours in sa ltII water.w, Drain; rinse imd cover -of-rtillled,- tooth-twanging,g. thirst-quenching,t flesliy*fi,'*fru[t and lower heat. CcCover; simmer about 255 mlmites or In a coolI place. p Melon pieccs prepsepared this way can be with w fresh water. Simmerier until tender; drain. Add to e a tin g . unlll rice is tenderJer. Meanwhile, sprinkle ggelatin over kept.forfoifour to five w eeks. PicklingP Synip (foUowlng);lg) a n d s im m e r untU Uie rind is minutes until ' slightly transparent andnd th e sy ru p is Uilck. Add Mefon’s long list of seasclasoned a n d sometimes coolooked ■ cold water'ln a smamall cup; let stand a few n: MELON JAM disturb the popular imagege of softened. Set cupI in a saucepan of hol watciter and heal, „ . ■« ■ . additional al watc^ If necesscessary. Remove Uie Pickling uses does not greatly dist ids melon (rind and seeds rer ^tlng-errcbld^dejfjustp^fplaln wlth'thchand’orfrorrom a—^stirrtng, until the-gi‘•gelatin dissolves. Stir suruRor 10 lasle,- -^-Zpoimds rem oved)- ...... - ...... S'Syrup spice bag and packcrindinjars: rin .....— ------— - p la te w l& a for!^' though,^ .therels nothing better than U dissolved gelatin anand lemon extroct Into rioIce; scl aside 3 cupsflijflneaiigar d e l l c l o u ^ ]a2ze<^up melplelon. T h e extent of meloeion's to cool. Cut a slice:c fromI the end of th e canintaloupe and Cul thele : flesh of the melon into0 11 little pieces. In large PICKLINLINGSYRUP m any usef) is surprising. MostMl of the great chefs of the scrape-out the seedeeds. Using a tablespoon.I. remove the bowl, pulII imelon pieces In Jayers.3. sprinklings each layer 1 quart cider vinegar *• . w o rld b a v e a few q>ecla]UeJUes although eating it chll:hllied cant^oup soonsi as the Jam has wholecloves, l smalllall clrmamon stick, a. few CANTATALOUPE...... until firm.'To serve,-ve, set tho filled cantaloup*ipc. shell on a " reached IhcU- Jelling' slagei 'removft)Vft' the saucepan from...... pcppc'rcoiTO, r ‘whole'lole" nutm eg. . a ’ fejv. aiisploo~ RICEBABAVARIAN platter ahd slice into ini slices. If desired, topop each slice the heat,. fiAUow thc lam lo cool for[or a few,minutes. Heat berries. m cupswater with a scoop of tee: creamcn . Mokes six servings..s. Jam Jarss tbefore fiUlng to preventIt themI from cracking, In saucepan combine v vlni in e g a r a n d w a te r wiUi su g ar. * Va tcafflXMnsalt Fill the! JJars and let stand at room Icmpenilurc AAdd bag of spices andd simmers: all unlll thc sugar cinnamon NMELON PICKLES ■ overnight.It. -Then cover the surfac■face of the Jam wilh d di isso lv es. Vi tefl^|>ooa ground gingerer /.. ■ ' Choose small, notlot very ripe melons. Cut IntoIn pieces of paraffin wax w, and seal the top of: Ui'Uie Jar with a lid or a T H IS W EEK’S BEST MA)MARKET BUYS: Do someUUng equal thickness. C Cu u t o ff sKin. Remove anjjiy very soft _doublepap different with melons rlRht ;i..^n$^wvelci>e undiv^mn^^datin ~ ^ ------flcsh-and-seeds^.- SSteep-melon pieces In1 a bowl of J f e i c a s — — r b c tt^ p'Hcc^'lhan these n< . 1/9 cup cold w attf ' sfea>^t. Let standid fort M hours. Drain. Wasash pieccs In C ut-2 pounds pc watermelon rindid ihtoi Sxl-lnch picces. trtruckers'-strike; canning'supplies sut m ay bc limited. If you ? Vl to l/3 c u p s u g a r vinegar water (half,alf. vinegar and half waler!;r) and drain pui into sisaucepan and cover .withlh i tioUIng water, Bring aiare planning to can a lot)t thesel5 next weeks, you sbould , . Vi team «Q lemon extractct again. Wipe each piecepic with a cloth. Atrongege picccs In a . to a boll11 iand boil 5 minutes; draiIraln and cool. Cul off bbeavycream^N«ippe onions, chillis, sprig:rigs'of fresh thyme, a few' ssmall pieccs bile-sizedd pieccs.i Return lo sauce]jcepan and cover with sisa v in g s.

    u . I ,

    . . 'J- . ' ‘ f r , - r \ i i i s se t 1hospii t ^ f u i n d dI l r i v e ly ^w lh since has is urgenti for-an additional 12 be BOm - A capipltal funds cam- sayI enoughe In praise for thele care( 1 beds. Steady I remodeling and and further expansion of s lic e s . / palgQ to rai^e.fl raraUllon for'a'new r."hadJ A whlle at Elks Rehab,”' MannyA necessitated During the 30-day fund drli cal pres- expansion, but aaflCT several y e a ra o f , ntwt orniinHiylItb < ^ p y facUjlies 'remainarked during his musical Idaho Elks from 24 lodges and thi Bt^raaho Elk» RebababllitaUon Ho^I- enutilatlori tb volunteers g a thhered e r a t ■ community si^ rtO T will be at lhe im ^sH m iii itaiied July 9 uwith help from a ^ the> Itiospitol to p re p a re foi Ing a t a $1 m illion ta rg e t by Aug. 13.: B ^ former patient from fi Fairfield, campT ip a l^ . ' “This hfspital exists so that ea '‘Mr , ]Idaho” for his -‘ShaBiaw was appointed in. 1960la by paU ent m ay advappe tb th e hIghi organize ' ‘>flddlihgaUiis: , ' ‘ Gov.V. R<*ert Smylle to ort l^el of achleveroenf wiUiEl in ^ 'X-;.Maony .-ShaW; of Fafrfield, na- fiddledleis for a Centennial eve lim its of h is o r h e r a isa b fllty ," not T im e : ''.•tioiially and 'locally[Iy recoOTlzed fo r .1963.3. The success of the •'Old RichaM L- Williams, Img tii : grow n. administrator of the hospital wh« ^ t^fid^ aad-bbw to pirovepr the value of particrticularly during the yearss t>M anny h e b egan a c a i w " m a pnysii his fingers lightly , ShawBW was president. • H He e h as therapist - p while his other entertertained and lectured,!d, w a s JNYSHAW_. TIVital cost of th e exp an sio n will :; rV'y'l;. the bow, no trace M ^tiister of Ceremonies a t ExpExpo ’74 . M A N > $2.2 million,- funded In p art K - M' ramalned of the devastating1 and andi has been featured inn many .,. forrirmer patient available Ellts resources plus pub S ^ 'liic a p a c lta tln g strolroke suffered In natiorlional magazines and TV showlows. maximum capacity and privatecontribuUons. K - ^^-<1976. Inn :1957 the existing buildingling was operating al i ^ . ‘i 'l l do Whatever»r I can, I cannot compinplelcd wllh a nursing unitmil of ^ w ith a constantt \wailing list, the need: fW h c u Wdinnei^ w ith 1MicHetilangelo? -third menu is ooce agi LAIBORNE' Mlchedielangelo wiira he was 55 y e a rs c h o v ie s (allce) thistl time and also the I i ByCRAIGCU faWy simple and has only t R ON.Y. TimettesS^ce old wwhen, for political, reasonsons, he tortelli, and It a for a salad (una fair courses: two so t^ with feond (d - It had -never had1 I to make a hasty exllcll fro m , s a la ta ) , a vegegetable (splnad) a n d cou: ■ NEW YORK - mlnestra di flnodUo) and a fL ■ occiBted to me ov, ^-Michelangelo untntll I had a brief posse:sessions as possible. (quartuccio). TlThis more daborate six ' . ' - T ureenI of chilled soup refresheiles wilted palates ^ ,hni‘ »«enu Is eviden!»nUy planned for tw o IsIs fifor two persons — probably for coovm tlon recent!fitly w ith H ert>ert 'The documents show -<3ibooit the ctOTtotor of auto^ph „,A ‘ ■‘;;L . pehwns...sInce,• four rolls and four gueguest of medium Importance a chelangelo owned nap indlcafel.lfmay weU ppohaps ^ fw one of hls ganonl, manuscripts at therP I l^ n t Morgan erwaro, soup tureens, plate:S m M d an ch o v ies a r e in “ “ represent a metleal that Mlchdangdo appiapprenUces, who would haye l i b h ^ . o t h^ ^ dlsties'suitable for enlei w ^ a shared wilh an importantin guest. . appian>dltefOTe]^ndl8.*’ s o u p Cabood, I knew,, I had assisted in Ing,” - Cahoon said . “ I t wi I1P» the- prq>ahitloa of the library’s coUecilection of dinnerware thatIt wouldn p>. cuiireat Mlchelangugelo exhibition have'e Ibrought culinaiy dlstincUiction lo H H L continue tht & o ^ J i ^ ^ S S . ------W' fl family of the time oulsldiside the ilily.” ------M S i ^ ■ “ “ U P S S lw c n my uwStestawUng that g , sra is, N i'.'"-''7w h'I'c’iheh Ineorp.o r atesL . TW chrtihgdohad lede d a fairly a s c e tic -----J h *he menus w rittene n ^ H a isauiratedro^oe-slaylnff- read wm ew li^ -MlcheJielangelo-wetc-also-lllustr tstnstedr' ------e (faof-iof-p asta::______tfre" otlidV ------le b read < ^ i B u m a m U A M ^9 In Florence that •t^ i or tortelli), and the I $Z^\. ■ ^ShoSSSi^cal1 reasoningn has . l ciqtcl|)ch^pedcelf^ . A o w ^ atyle.of ditlining to be a bll [ wine indispensable for eve!ven the composition of .1 cuppTcbc^iped cl red onldn elw ated from wha rest Tuscan' me^. A s' onlyinly two ^:.gBPH?,^mioced^^ -itabo***MbeIlbipari5L^,r:i*dE g-:(Baal-dtiff)....and_ong.ne J u g ______K '' earbobydratiBs arcare digested pres® ^*111686 documents,is, including Ihree ">«*'chai) of wine are Jidlcated,ted, this De fats remain 3 ctqHiTstomatoluice menus, came to my probably a menu for one' — a jn tt e gmmOT^ a ioBgrtr p eriod ^ « iupgomoif p iest meal for Michelangelo. faTywneed 2ljp«riespoons red wine vinegar C&air)«deTolnay,"C’Cahoonsald. "ThiThe second menu hasi 1m o re . . Bf bulky foods, 1 taBlei( l e s ^ s a l t Tbe documents wwere written by coureerses:. fish once again andand an* 1^^^^ ce, to achieve l tableilespoonldmonjuice ’VOU" ger^vlth - 1 teaqxqxwn iiot p e t ^ r sauce lilncludefat.- teaspoon tei dried oregano9 t addf mudi to leaveves lisoneaspect '4tea^ia^Mondried basil leaves___ - - d ie llavak^ or fiiodt U K of satiety. A Croutontons Id is not very Reserverve V* cup each carrots, id-with-marga------tomainatOr—cucum ber,— green — F i f " [lore apprtizmg ______pepp«pper and zucchinf forr ■ - r^ — " and'tbr;m 8rgaHne-w mishr-ln-large-bowi'sljr-r ------' fc* ^ tbe (ood **stay with yoiyou” longer. "S^Uiether remaining carrots, ' f l So one of Oe keys Ito remaining tomalnatoes,' cucumber, greenri k i - satiated, whether on a reducing peppe)per, celery, zucchini, on- ^ w mUnUoance diet,et. seems to be lon,. gganic, tomato Juice, com1 a m o d m te Inclusllusion of fat. oil. vivinegv, salt, lemon Julcc, frr------Ntitritionl8tB-leIl8-- u u s - t h a t - t h e — h o t .. cpmpeT— sauce,_oreganoi-- m . types of fat includeded also need to andI c basnTchill 2 hours. To IETIFS ^ ' b e c o o s l d ^ . A polylolyunsaturated sen'e,ve, gamlsh with reserved1 /' fa^ U k e ^ oil, is Ia far better chopppped vegetables. Servei V :) V ' dtoice Jo r cooldngI tlthan iahl or. wlthcD croutons. Makes 8 mips. :J:'^ InHi^ and a bler ^ choice for BJeadedk d Health Soup: Follow-r ■- a one-high^ in recipeIpe for Health 8019, re- i^;:si!ftsr«r^any fat will swlnving as directed V* cup» r r; ^ •rtr^^• satiety value, va other each:h of vegetables for /: :'.. . .'Deailtti> concern*IS involving ganiisnish. Place 2 cups of the PIZZiA I ^ ‘ dwitoatBhJ and saturated sat fal vegetz[etable mixture in blender V ; suggsrt tliat the fatarats containing contaitainer; co v er B Im on> - i ' •:: pM ^inaaturates mimake better highsI) speed 10 seconds or until1 ^V :'- aeoai».v. vegeUetables are minced. Re- S i y s g :4 L ^ .. ..Tt» tellnwlna Isl« » hP H tthfnI p o » t I ^ ' K ^ ' aoiv), cfaock-fuO ofOf vegetables, blende i m '' *

    Hr- r - ? : -<*9 1 j.: L | | M , "T ice I -— - im m f e a i l a ___I ______^ 9 riliSi I -''''''X H ijH I ' ' f I I'T'™ .:::\wm M I I Si^S I f Z = Z = ^ 3good1 pizzas ~ I Howtojgetyoiiffiiee I d iniesses« d e s e r vve i another. I 0/icice\;firozenpizz02LL I y f ^ M v FrozeDZen l’fzz;i is ihc frozen pizza'.a' • I Ikiythrec'l^^y^r/r, any varieties. I s plertsjH i jeaar^ ------. th al’s rushed (Jir(Jirecily to your siiperniarkdt in I cm Olll ihe h ij;/,'<^^-/rrp[acecard on th e froniFront I o u r own llw l of Imcks. lo'lidp prevent thele____ 5 , pack ig es:s and send .t]icm,[o,iis..alonB-' n f r - - ! ------— ------K m s e s , ... f].,vor-destroyMipmS’cnects dnree/j^rlnirn. So)yoii yo I wilh liiistilled-oiOlll certilic-aie.Vi'e'llsend youu aa I gel all lhe fraliishnessyoii payforwiili the I ccrtificale goodJ foraf foiinhyTt^r/rr-Frozenm I p aiiiisiiits. i ...... fu ii-d a v o rp imoa lhai's so good, we m ake * i’izza, of any var■arieiy; sausage, Cimadian this Kuanuilec:e: If1 you can find a fresher, ini^n;uu, | -bacon, pcpperoniini.,cliL'ese. or supreme. I IbKi ^ r J e flavorful frozen;npli’.za.we'lllniy | il foryoii. And to ()roveive lo you dial every' I C^/r/rr ■> N:tnio Frozen Pizza is j'.IS |;oo(i and its fresli :ls ihe-he I I ffBdUi c e d ■ iiexi.weniakeile this oiler; I - I I m e r e - , . - I _ ____...... ; ...... -.-V----::: ' - * MANAGERER Y I Man 10: rJioico i’i>i’imorfur- • 132MAIN jISW Collnlll'ge Drive, Marsliall, MN.-56258 AVE. N. L d - '- ' } A rt’t workshop selet __ 'o d n o o O a y . .Iuiy 25,1079 TirTimoo-Newa, Twin Falla, Idaho C-3 id a\H0 h F^LS —m Idaho) F a lls - I <; rimes-NtJews manrket bosl A rt GulSulld’s annual workshop will ______I held at thc Eagle Rock Art Gall 1SII5 ? ie n ip © v e ra g e on Wesi'est Elva Street in Idaho) F a lls Albertson's Buttrittrey’s Safeway Smithilth’s . Swdiaen'B Ave boll. Bdil one minute, stirring (MalnSt.) pricIces . from JuJi ly 30 through AugustIt 10.1 Mrs. Jol con.stantly. (Lynwood) y e a r's In structor will bc GeiGerald ' Boute 1 ------:------T his yei ' .1;cm6ve from he()l and add pcctin. : . Merfeldeld of Lomax. 111. - For furl BnjEBERKYm ■Sllrend^imjtnccdcd.^ ______Chuck roost ■iftatlon' contact Marjo CJ g j Inforif) 3 cupsblucbcrrlejies ' P oour u r jam into hot jars, leaving boneless, shoulder cu t, II -yi.79______C.09 . $1.S1.79. $1-99 ___ ■water a t P. 0 . Box 3.15. U< t, lb . R 8 9 — ------yi ______Clearw : 3 CUDS rhubarb, fffinely put '/<-!'/^-Inch head space. •'Adjust ------KRUKTOymyr. T c u ^ ^ O B a r------Aanrfc 'Pmrovt tn n w a tc r-b a th I . • -Chicken .71 for 10 m inutes.- ■79______•■79 . ______.79/ .53 _____ ■ V." teaspoons allsplp ice for • - ,wfairiectitup. Ib,______.65______------Time, e management aideded '/..'teaspoon ginger K tin P icnic ham ------95------—BOJSiIRR - A Time Managerr'c m e n t I botUc liquid pec ______.79 11.1 9 £9______^.W .99, '______workshcshop 1^ D r. L a n y D. Alexaii^5 n a e f------In-ft-large-sa • ______‘hubarb, sugar and , of thee School S of Business al OreOregon blueberries, rhi ------Flfih sticks-______University is scheduledid fo r spices. Mix wel'cll. Cooi( over high - 1.43 • State I lg to a full, rolllnB.' VandeKamp.lOoz. i : 3 9 ~ -^ :4 9 — ------IA 9 ~ ------11. .4 5 — ___ ^ . 3 5 . ^ imbcr. lO-at-the-Jlodeway-iv Inn . bring Cock o’lo’the Walk Restaurant. .T^T h e re ([i .62 ■ Is “J K$55 fee. Early rcglstratloi .65 ■69______^9______.■59 - M ______urged1 ssince there Is an enrolln REBOUUNPER I lim it., CCall Don Bowman 50:i-754-;54-2G77 IspsciilBiinialualure trampoline) loreinformatloni Cv«iy. (omily mcmomb.o liui luK Cantaloupe .12 ------.49 _____ ■•.50 for m en ______.29 ■39______^44______. wllllu ■•.(•(Civ-OQ <’v«iy cn ihoil body wilhoilOul '.hock. Oblncn Com on cob . Noww pou know b'f?M fi-»ull% in > — .16------2Q .______. |j>ov..(I lu.ollll O 111 f r t ^ . i e a r ------.16------• ------:^y4lyUnlted Press IntfjnatlonaL WON'-(* In 1691895, w hen th ere were onlyly lo! u r i.ER is quoUty Miin Potatoes 1.17 gasolineline-powered vehicles inn tn e

    M a i l n e ' .67 ...... ;Paiicay.ilb. .______.61 ■69 .70 ______..73 - « ■

    Sour cream TOangl.eYoung*s, I Ib.3. • .99 ■99______U l ______;.79______t w ______.98

    E ggs lorge, 1 doz. .72 .71 .73 • .74 , .75 ____ .74

    Frozen lemonade .20 ______.20 .39 • .23 .20 .22 ------1 Frozen peas - ^ S t ------' .63------■'— ,77------,62— ------65______------J2 ------' Cannedslicedbeels ■ Libby, lib .______.45 .44 .45 .43 .48 I Canned fruit cocktail SGBBSS I lb.______.52 .53 .53 .48 .53 — gpgQy-:— — ------Homepride.whcat,loafI f . .81 .81 !ii “ T ^ si :si

    Banana Creme Pudhiddllig .48 ’Tn,«;tnnt. large pkg. ______^49______.49______M______.48. ______^49______jConfecUoncRMgar I WhIteSatln^ lib . ______.42 ■40______^40______■.42 .41 .41

    j Totals $15.69 $16.64 lie $16.63 $15tl5.61 $16.08 $16.13 C a n ta lpfu i p e s a re: (com ing! T b e canUotaiom e season has airiv<•ived and good listed ab(above for frozen peas arei f l 11 buys canm beI found In local maiketKets. Sw enson’s oz.-bags;{s; Buttrey’s. and safeway’s’’s prices were ■■ tdividually; tbe based ocon 16 oz.-packages, hov.^iwever. Sliced ■■ IIMg a n d S a f efew w ay p ric e cantaloiqw lodi' ______^^otbec s ttoree.Bdl-lt o r tv-tbe poubd.-B-B utt^aonly— beets priced prl at Buttrey’s were c a i r i e s a 12 oz. size o f frozen lem[nonade. o Prices brand. P o p u lair i soft lern s e s neet>d e x tr a c< a r e easier to clean By L a n y s. FFinley ir lmpn^>erieriy sterilized lens scratchedled - Hard lenses arc e. Sun-Tlmes the weanax ^s comea, according to than the newer variiriety, explained , • (c) 1979 Chicago Su Imic technician Soft contact lenses ha>have proved to Dr. Donalnald Doughman, head o f the Minnesota ophthalm ! wbo could not universlt;slty’s ophthalmology de­de- Pat Caroline. Somene people who be a blessing for those w lard to the soft adjust to the old hanl•d vailety, but partmentnt The cornea was nearly,rly switch from the hai >roblem for the destroyeded when the scratch becamem e v a rie ty find il difflcullult to get used to they con bc a health prol i cleaning pro- caraess'wcai^. Infectedu!lunder the lens, he said. the more rigorous ceduj^ needed to avold a InfMtlon, ImpropCTly c lean ed, thetii lenses can While©i comeal scratches can occiucur shesaid. be a source of seriousIS

    ZifLj .. open\ wV ed., oug. 1, in olu u i r n e w ;------^— ______Jf p e r mlanent a location dt ththe w est end o f t h e b)lue ll lakes shoppingig c e n t e r

    pocloi porson liko you." TTh h e M o d o Ltd. “A v o ry sp

    • O u r Fall F a Fashion Provlow, Satiaturday. August 4 at 2 p.np.m . Wo'll show you tho c o m inIng g soosoo's most oxcifinsIng fashions ond how to wo•voor thom . Profosslonai “ lightw ei m o d d lllln g b y B ionchd B. E vansns F in ish in g School M o d o>1 l A/M anagem ent Agoncy.

    • A n d ...... spocial opportunities8 llliko thousands of dollarsrs w^ orth of morchondiso y o u COIc a n ro g ls to r to w in o n Frldrid a y . A u g u s t 31. plastitic I oponing, Wodnosday, • A n d s|special happonings Tikifiko our oarly morning o E A u g u si t 1 a t 8 :3 0 a .m . w ith spspecial itoms at spocialI pricospi In ovory dopart- m o nit. t. bottlee ...... S e e whc?hat a M ode chargeI accounto con do for yoy o u . J u s t f i l l o u t o u r S p eediii-ai^p ii- and m oll to : ThThe M ode Ltd.. P.O. Bo:3ox 1719, Twin Falls 8 3 3 0 1I. .

    . :JT!S.,SO E/EASY TO OPEN..A.CH/>H A .B e E : [ZriZLli ' '

    . NOTCi THIti It* FOXI AN tNOIVIOUAL ACCCCOUNT. IF YOU W liH A JOINT■IT ,ACCOUNT. PUCASC COMPUl l l ^CCTIO^■ION U o r THC ATTACHCO AFAPPCtCATJON. SAVI « ’ t~ TRENTING ^ r i PUVINC f l !-• ' ~ 3^.....:It - doo.1 oxlr a> ••loll»a Ir.In Ih. lolk-lno luup'll^ ol WnhO' Z 'j .. T-ln folU, CW1I4, Of»*. llntDki, G~«)ir.o Como,. IHom., ...... L...'...... -o^xSMlMJoko. * d ) I 2 t r llMIT:Cno,Ootll*P«f■ Pflr.Coupon. j = ■ . -rr -r -* *-- . '< 2 II a tm »noo« I — on IB Soz. SquirfRitam ab le BBoffies ( ^ ^ 1

    • ...... * --• Vjsa Nbri o r ' — _ M a s ie r c h a rg e ni o n .. ' ^ ------^— - J _ I . ------

    • • ... ..

    \ Dear Abby C-4 TImos-Nowo, Twin Foilsalls, Idaho Wodnooduy. •JulyJi 25. 19;^ : C are:for yourr parentts befonre tim e ssteeds thie m awc/ay eovt^ope ; her. she pleased, but shesJi was ENTITLED inn bCT b b o k l ^ " H ^tv To B e ot T oo Old.”L” Send fl wltb a looft a .to Abby: 132 Lasky Di VANBUREN sisterer that Mama did fdr^ve h< B e v ^ Hills. CaIIf.90212. tgnTrihimp.______MoUlfiiiiera always do. But I hope»e youy to It. Legally. In I all 42 of the Poc>i»ulflr; You’ro Never TooFoo Yoonfl aelf-addressed,Bd. stamped (28 cents) B twsSyndlcate will print p this ogln for thoseie ifor separale-propertyy states, she’s not My young^ sister whomim It's not yet too late entitled to one dimencforhcrself! ------THBOLDF,b e s t ------MADIJ'HVIADISON{ -----H jg^ol your column DEAR MAD: VYou're right. I was j f EAR OLDEST: Consider it.dotdone, wrong. I should have h said that the A ^■^^^BtoABB^ VWill you please always lata- tban we think. wife was M O ^L]LLY entitled to her | h Ifla^lo IdoK^flReT ' ■ fa£r-share'of"lhe"prproflls-Thanks-for -----Q parents wbo arca re too old to look , ^ ^ ^EAR 2 ABBY: Yotir reply to HAD11/ rembidlng us thatlat wc DO need an ^^■g^^tUenudves? 01Old paints need “ • who*" said she didn’t have a dirdime Equal Riclita Amercntlmcnt. irking u-It!s^i»t-alw aya_g^call her own after worki in d ln ^^H ^^P«Sw ttha5aging pamits, but “ °"8s.igsISFHeaight^Iwrhusband ;, was Are you the lonely Io face In the 'H ^^^B K w erm 't easy toto copet with when imily business for 30 years, w make you a winner, H 8 US. either. We J^ONDNG. You sa id she not oi:only tfrowd? FYlends m ^ e d a few dollars to do withith os and Abby tells youou how to win them •Just wish someone . °eserv ' w i n e lends le Itself to .many ococcasions, an evening witl ^^■g^rm U nded ME ( E of these things ____• s, weddings, celebraticatlons, dinner for two. Yoi jBlama w as still ^'<1 friends, itui alive. It's too- gfSJI i ^ g S S S / dd lust the'right touchuch by serving a fine wim aod I haverven't had a decent .v g ™ i)f iL ^ can adc id from our cellar. CcCome browse through thi sleep since» sbe i died three jao B : . / / ^ ^ \ s e le c te d ^^^MfMaDPthaa^ I d e p a r t rment r filled with impbri)brts and dom estics for you ^ B l ! g > - ‘;i: t o w the bad. a goodI iw m e with B M S L e n j o y mnent g — salud!

    or a few w e^. or 5 2 ^ Y o u WW ill B e P l e a s e dI ¥W ith O u r S e le c tio n ! for Sunday. dinner,^ or for a y ^ R ^ ■ E ^ W f i ’diilve? I h e vrv v had time for ^ ■ if a ^ yet I had timene for others and g J s psrcts . AUG. I, 2, 3, A,4, 1979 I T ^ ^ ^ K ^ ^ y t h l n g else • I wanted wai to do. A o j i .of sceoe^. or even a meal at ® r 2) Aimnaden honie would havetu meant so TAKE A CHILLEDED WINE 1 ^ M tn. O M bb, M t. Itt ^ ■ U b i c f a to ber, but I wsw as too busy. Oh, B T E ALONG ON A PICNIC! PI Mtn. Hector Vln Roi of excusesl«S. ./,/ \ Mt. Burgundy ^^K jiX .suppoee tbe onlyly oneo in our large ,BS3 ¥ I C r. r $ j 3 g ^■ H m m lly who is sleeplr»lng is my sister a n took Mama to Ilvlive with h ^ . I’ve #’Trv-v'^' "I t ry tha beer / -■ C r'*'" y. conscience by K S g F hot toite* \ I t,5 Utflf it 1 w asn't really 6 Q o ig ra o t \ y (REGOlAR *3. m I 01 It* ^ ■ g a i u n e d of; Mam a1 likeIU fny brothera ' J t # 7 ^ t i I 'wasivasn't cheap, like B Q ...... -FRCtOM THE HOUSE OF. BANH-:B/ ...... ^^^^Otbo^t^Z-DIDID-buv-her things— S g —- BEFORIRE-YOU BUY! M ^ ^ ■ r a A l e t a sbe nev&r really m needed or .You can rorent a brand new ^■ gtttfqyed mucb). Buti It’sit too late now. a a I ____ _ B A L D V>W lti PIA N O RIUKNITE LAMBRIRUSCO M ’esm e.------B W ~ > ^ « ___ ASrft.SMJ Onf W.Wtot__ -CANTSLEEP'' « I f o rr 6 m o n t h s ----- la ^ r ttd Fron Itdy Z - Z - Z M Z t \ u m SsmEP li was my— ^ g - (.ndn Mn Ij([( 'KfCliOfl \r,lf, ja[! r " ' ~ , m , Fratli «»d dMB. 0 H ^ ^ v e w l t h . lU raJfwtfc , I# jflte lorn . ti im m id i iuy— ------g - 4 £S3^SZZI_^2B T" S1 9 s 3nfmm»4 pricU*. B 1 2 A REGULAR , O W llS J i PACK r l H I -----»3719"- 750m irb;^it~H li WB :FumitucejCar|Kt,xi__ . FALLS -• Cl>deC L. Click, m a tt 7 V £ / / / I h w I i S ^ ■ K v o f M ^ v ,;liGiidrorTwiiT—q a a ^^^»MlMMs-been-pi«momoted4&4h»ank — ^^■Btti^rtaff sergeant •In In the, U.S. A ir a i Q i S i B a a .Click is Is an aircraft azMM M irw aBH falEl E B B B E S B B S B Bt S a t s a a ^ f a ^ ■ olallBl at RAE___ ° £ ° oOxfonl, ‘ England, ,,,„,. m ^^RwaVsehres with a urunit of th e U.S. ^^BBKir.-Torctt In Ehinmope. His father, W..GUck, residesleslnJerome.: I

    ^■SpaUPERT - Navyivy Aviatiog An- ^■m eUnnaHne Waitai«re' Optfator'-Sec- Roberto Gonzalez,Gc son of ^ ^ H d i l g i i d 'aand Auroratra Gonzalez of ^^^BSttJiatr^bastrqxnleded for duty with~ ••— ^^■ffianbl: -Squadron 50, so N aval-' A ir ^■SS5on,.Monett.FleId,Jd, Calif. H e Is a f e ^ ^ S m - ^ r a c h u o f Minidoka Mb County Scbool and joinelined the N avy in ' I ^tOcfe^GCAetoSoale inG^Ja/is . . . ^ ______....

    FALLS - MMarine Pvt. Ist" ^ ■ g fliss : Brent D. FiUinUmore, son of ^^^B iu ian FUImoi« of' TwinTi Falls, has ^^BEfifi^eted raouit training th at the SA VE ^2 JONOVi/V vlt Dep^ in San 200-^70 ^K V ^ C o ^ Beendt ^ ■ ^ ^ ’Calir (fe iss ai{ ^duate of ^ B ^ S ^ R a l l s H l ^ Scbcdxx>l and joined H^ie In IOTim . REGULARLY *1*1,000-^6,500 ^^M «ECLO ^ dadett C David E. Bor- M g w r.' iM of Donald:d G< . Bo t o w of ;______^^^^M pi^ls/recel^lng prapractical woriT2i“ } at the Ahny S p e cctacular t i savings or)n su p erb quality fursfui are yours ^HmMC^^Advaoc^.Ca.Canjp..ln .Fort t h i s W/eekend 6 ' at thePan':n's. A n extraprdinarlary collection Wad>; H e IsI. a 1974 graduate H R ^ ^ D e d o High Scbocbool and Is a ' o f t hhe e finest fu r^ will bto e show n Friday an(and Saturday, ^■ pW kS it'at Brigham'Young Y( Univeisi- i A w o n d e;rfulgift r f forC hristrrm as or any occasiosion. W hether ------she-loves 91 j-ftirs-or-se nsoua 303ophi3tioQ tcd------F A L L S .-- Navy I Airman ' ^■ S m eoU ce RaiidiillI ED. Wentwortb, ^ s l e e k f uLirs, i e ith er is a g iftotof rom ance. - Mr, and ,Hi8.re. Rlcbahl M. J C h o o s ei ffl r o m : M i n k , b r o aadtail. c L am p, Nutriaria, C anadian ______M BSili^rtb-oPilTwittvio' Falls, has------M ^^H p ileted , tbe . Bas)aslc. Avionics 'M ^ Fox and Min/link/L eather. ^^^^Bu^^Sulcian Couiie- H ] e Is a 1977 ■ ■ B S d E S i t e of Twin- Fall!'alls Hlgb School ■ I. ■ tbeN avy Iloq AugustA 1978L .m

    I^^^^KLEY—p ' D.E Haines, son------^ and M ^ C. W. ' Haines o f . .1 ^B^Oaklciy. has been propromoted to .the \i| B ^ ) r ^ o{ alnnim 1st class^ io the U.S. 4 ^ E ^ ^ . F b c c e . Alnnan HsHalites Is an air 4 c o o M lw atIt Laughlin Air ^K Focce Base in Dd Rio,R Tex., and ^ ^ ^ u v e s with a unit-ofof tlieI Air Force ■ ^ ^ n f l ^ e a t l o n s SeWITvlce. He Is a S e l e c tI ycyour fur today. Just ^ ^ l ^ te o f Oakley HighUgh Scbool. a s m a l,11 l initial li dow n paym enl W f ^ . ■ a n d w ee'll 'l l hold your fur in ^ ^ ^ j ^ b o b E R L Y - ChChief Warrant storage|e I.until C hristm as, or ^■PnSe^'Btoite'Ovmc^id v , ton o f Afr. a n y a p p r Uirs. Sam O v^ ^ c r e of Kim* jpropriate gifting tlrne. ■ n ^ iy , Isson^ in tbtbe e U.S. A rm y’s ■ ^ g lg n t^ Fighter* Squadron! in ^ K S a t M h ' Kiina as a mailoalntenance and H B l U g b t o fflc i. He has been in ■ggSM iSM Blarcb andand his wife and ^B 5iii^InPlaInvicw!W, , Texas.■

    ■K^^DaSETT'- c: "Dorothea M ...... daiiflbtdr of M ra. CJiaHotte &intoa. Ho.,>.. recently was :-^lst witb tbe ) u l B aaifon ^ in Bad * G om any.y. She entered ^KS^'Aiinr Id Januaryy ofo this year, K S.M d'attendU ttele ;i U o l v ^ t y of H f f i S i b at Mbacow. HerHOT.falbd-Uves nch-near-Ham-

    - R l c bard ^ A Reed of / h as enlistpd lo tbe'U.S. Air S iDllstment Pm- ■ f V l f i w ^ r s K (nent ' June of ' M huttlon from Su Keive tedmlcal jf*

    M; • ■ l m . ■ f ' ~",l II IIIMIIIlMiliHl

    ■te m ii i . Zebco : m m ■ i l | p WvKIH f ftlP^ m^Wmt ■ Y ^ H /

    ' l O M I I W xml - Twowo-plMe, 5’6" fiberglaas3S^ rod with 1 1 ■ m irome plated guides and1 lilip top plus H H reel lel with sintered metal beariiarings. H H ■ f I Regular $15.»

    Choose from \ large assssortment of sinkers, split i hot andjsnsnap swivels : ; W iri various sl es and weights w for' your fishing nseds.

    I Reg liar 99i|I f s Box : m ■ i^^^^^ijijiiiiii

    i • ' IP ■ II '

    ■ ^ y Buiffifi ■

    jyttt u rn / i I ; ^ x l i i I: yf.'aB E m il p:-. • t e w i 's— E [ • ~ i

    IrepelieiintW H '/P O V f^B L n plim iN E FIRST All hno- Two-poco'S'*Rj&and' J)RESSISC rcisar, i b/ue 1 |D Klf f l I 1/8 pouni^ spools off C hoose from 1 ounca Grea i->;>'!t'; actuatedrAtchoTdraQ: monofilamentit Ifishing line in 4 lo 40 ream (Regular or 'tw tst^ 3 Evergteen scents). 3/4jouijounce SUck In- pound test. • seci repelleni or PocketI FirstFi Aid Kll. m i > .: I ■ I I'M \ 2 | ! ■ ' ^ ; j104T ' W ' } Regular m | ■ R w i s f 0 - : $2.39 m I \ I to $2.47 : W ! ; I : E a c h - p ^ m \ \ - nooo '

    ® ; - . i , [ 'li'■ ■■' ■ @1 P' i Jk , ■ | M j ' . ■ / p Wffiliir . ■ fe V

    i ' |: I m / I f ’' _Z m o ; ■ ^ " ' / S nn a a p Garl ' ■ G / o . irlalid !o Tailed- CHA Mlim i ACKS m Pie Slo ST iliK i ..111m iii@i m ^ E 2 A fiandyj v/ay■ay lo string 1-52 ounceice v/c.jr-t V32 oi.'jcs :!:cc:y. r.oo'K youj fisri eaten.ten. -.. [ a sscn ed coi 'V i r i c * ^ :oicfs. ’ 2ssofic.j cocc:crG.

    . R eg u larlar 63c [ Regularsir 37p E ach fieg u iar 29c E ach I M IM Om W \^ . T Foritm' i * ? ' j_____ For 9 i -■ I i' ;.,„l - ■ i. I , T ; I • • - i ■ 'r - 1• • ■-■ I '.

    i/{. i, , » o o r t i BRECK = = « = H , Latex'l-i si : kUg Pluoridt |SH W | B i 3 naisl^Tc ■ ■ A cccolAM^) n d itio n in g s p a m p o > th.thAt m ] J ■ help:Ips k e e p hair c e a n e r o iger ig' - 1 i o c t FRESH H whil< lile a d d in g b eau ty , b )t nee nc m I ■ Ji •Vv.i'-v. .' ^1-? i ' i l /' An easy lo ap )ly a n dd manageatjirity. ' oi S '? l! our j la v-__ iZ__ *3St ant cli I PASTE ' H choiiDice of formulas. . and water. Rec uii .Atootlpast3st >' fqr thk whol i . 15 O u n te s family thaha . com'bmes- i breath {esh{ihi nef(Withacavit' ■ ’ fighter.

    ■ fegg •9663757 V 4.1. 00 j r i c e s W E a c h M I g l

    ^ C/j( co/a(et e or Vanilla Flavorec

    . !''^HW0iiiNP0v«H , (/■Persp/raiil D eodora>ran: | PR(»TE AN SliPE p Sh IIf f i iILID m [II .1 A ormuialed meal replai ment with vitemins a 41| mineraiiJustaddtooran juice or low.fat rjiilk. 'S9 I V 7 - M Fash/onn Tones1 V I' j Regular $12.99 LATEX ENAMELEl PRESI W ^ 'w i ibOZ.lll A crylic sem i-glos;iloss in choice of Protect: ol I t iOurjces ______^ o j t W¥ l a c \ \ i co lo rs. aging e err , ' Dries; cle ir. \ ~ ~ * 1^1 Anf/-Pflrep/ran ^ iBafe F ltd 1 . IHP FOAM t I Reg: ^t v R .g.- $4.49 \ Quart I S8.49) 5 ? S !!' m . :FACE t . I ^ , ^ - f tenuoroc*rtc WASH eBARE !*“I Extra-slrenoth m ai li Heips cl4an| and f i" * ' perspirant f w ilh k moisteri your r. fluorocarbons. ^ " T skin. . [ \ (C13S-24 NO.KR135-20 ' I ' l 1 I. 'Testec " Prev'en( W t/on>n S ic k n e s s H >/ps Relievieve Diarrhea 6 Ounce 5 Oiince DENHRStg BpmINI ilQlIUID H P , RegulafS2.47 Regula S2.09 \ * . I mmmi|; umes mmOTMl ^ ■Jfi9 . I w :? / I ^07 § ^ 96 Tablots I 8 T a b lM 5 B o u n c e s ^ ^ j! I ^ I ; -'-Kodacolor IIn 35mm Kodachroma 6 H i ! t ^ T @nns I - ' f S i PRINT FILNLM SLIDE FILM ; n " f 7 3 5E , m , I W E x p o suures re V Exposures

    Super 8 ■ . .rr * ' ^ Ull Cl Jr. stick C o m e wUl i1 S foke ■MOVIE-

    £ S « r e k PROCESSIIIG N atural NeedsNe Henno< ODY SICCIN EYYl Quality processing i ffttfflk TEIN ”•AVE QUIIIICHER SHAILD

    ■ -'S hv.'vix.. '■ [X.-.V t^v.>-vvtV!W iV{vrm v -.V ... Wodnosi a-Newa. Twin Falls. IdnhoO-?'

    T T p 3 jL A l /Q m I h I iPAYSt

    ^ - u ' . 'S ~ — 'S T ^ ~

    Blodo C ut ...... G s __ ___ t/.s.o.a. ChoiiQ -_____ ...... u:S.D.A. ChoieoBono I, T GKO E F ~ ~ ~ T B30NE i STES 5 ^ n w'iximrsTi\eak STE/tK— | -

    ■ rR5g“'"\ il 9^ 9 . poC 1^9 I ■ . \ 9 ^ \ S 8 s 9 ^ i b . \ Ib. ' 5

    ^ V ______.______y ______y H

    I C H K X S V D» ' 0 - S 9 GROvmVD 7 S s h « S I 0 9 ■ [BEEF , lb. I b e e f ~ 6 , BIBSs * ' ; A lb : J [ STi ^2^9 II

    USOA- CI^O'CX Ool 9 2 ^ - HOUND!oi^lEAK...... „ « i 2 " c ^ EtESTEAK...... ' / ' » V fim ij . _ . ■ ------c Sl'lon t:U______i |\ s | j» I ■ [ HO^ i ...... :.:rr- :^ ...... ; . . . . — M a « 7 E V Bm r a a r a 2: o i ^ TOR w m ff I *

    «on’> MiVic«rf O' CnOBPetf ^r»-Sw»»ran»0. S 2 * 9 — 9 / g X S ■ ...... 2 / 0 . 3 n s Z ...... SHBAGS...... 7 9 * m m m ■ BK ...... « in I arnm Mnn.u/ii ^-'Wcl ^^ ro Ot Kr»li% ' -:;1.....oin^ll 5 5 SAIADL> DRESSING...... '«1«» n m°AtO JUICE...... 5 9 * : M ...... S__ a O/. Kin0(l0'> Powfl»'' S 2 ^ H ■ WHIPPEDDIOPPBVG....^ E s ! " ! " ! " " ...... ' K&BEAPS...... 3 5 * m i f SAtV E lO ®% / T 0 6 C0% wnTHNO^-IM A MI I E | I

    BRAND NO-NAMI DRAND BRAND I nonamcI DRANOd^ VOU . • ; H BRANIAND NO-NAMC ORANO YOU I B NAME -PRICE PRIPRICC SAVE W _ ^ . ■ ITEM NAMEME PRICE PRICE_ ^ ITEM NNAME PntCE J^niC£_l£_ S^fv^E. _ I T E M _ _ _ _ ...... 550 61c 6 C ionxJin!'...... «i 9 9 c " 1 " 30c OtLMONte..- 3 3 c ■37c -^c ^ ...... woooa ei.o«v 3 7 C 4 i 2 c 5 c ^ M iS ^ T itiu i...... Ulortc,.con . 49c 75c 2 G C TOUATOCi...... XL 5 5 c 8 9 cC 34c TOMATDIS ...... 5 9 c 6 9 c 1 0 c 3»»at«eTTi n. , . , . 1 " ’^ 1 ” 84c ioUATOKUCI...... BtLUOKtli---- 1 7 c -224c—7c ^ fSy DtL MONTI ' . 3 3 c 4 2 2 c 9 c Korr....______1 " . 1 ” 1 6 c nicf“!!’!r...... U»a...... 59c 1=”” 70c ;vi..o...c. „„„ 55c 75c 2 : 0 c Jia^:r...... —LC.«. 89c 1” 50c o’nt«HrkST sniHK - 1 “ - --1.?» 1 5 4 c ______J H . _ U i _ 2 I 1 83* 1 ^ - ;ygyvi.T» ....oi.ir...... ^ .8 9 c -Jil -i2 0 c I ------.8 2 c ___ B? . .LtPTON...... 1®® 4 TvSi!!^-^!^^______auuaic : 6 7 c 7 5 c 8 c ■•VanuT oOiTtn . . . '...... r SM 99c 1'” 20c Ki-.-..' -. 2 " 1 ’ » .. S2 *^' - H —i ■ uuitoN i * cHtiaLKiurT—; ; z i r r ~ 2 5 c ^ x r -11 0 c «b"«tr.-----.IT-...... Ul..■ .l;...,~2— - 2" = = = ------n n 30c asrsAor*.--. o o. ,.o ...... 1 ” 1 " SaNCAkVmu__ _— KHMTIJ _ 73c 1»’ : ■” 14c ' TOTAL: 43®® 60" 6( 1T‘ „c,oc..i. 59c 73c 1 4 c ?AVrrNVM“...... M. 1 ” 2 ’ ” 96c pVoTnNO MIX------• r mrrcKOCKiR ci 7 9 c 1 ° “ 3 ' 0 c ...... n.c«i= 69c 97cc 28c ______48c. :6_3c _ V r'Swnik.mu_____ lOTTcr 7 9 c 1 » ” ..3 : 0 c _;Vu'.r«.»______... c J_5c______SiH fO o o _____ 5 ” 6 ” 1 °° nACxe* ...... oeiMONT*.oe 6 9 c 7 7c c 8c ^■ nV N iH a_____ efti»eo.., 1 ” 1 " :3 4 c . ''’.coni'T':’-* « 4” 9- « 4- YOU tV u o * o a emi o 1 " I " 1 0 c anVlN*^! H»...... DlO.LUOH,, 3 3 c 3 7 c r ______^ 1 ” 1 " <4 6 c ...... DCIMOKTC■■ ..... 3 3 c 3 7l\ c Tc SAVE

    ^ p ~ — - < M j Pricos Ellociiociiv» . ^ M m J July 2Sth ThnThru 31sl p i l /■ irge Ripe Californin i a ., 'i - - Crisp Calilornia EUERY i t h ’ j 3U P E & € I IDAKO 03318 UTAH III'. 03301 H’O S M.t-n. OiiQria'n C l p JIJ5 Hi,r>,-.nn Bi^il.Oo f600£ Isf Si.-WrfTff.ftftttje'*?>603? a a ss I900 IV ,'/Joy NAME 720 AmrfCixn., Own . Oo,jp'83700 S3; .■’135 O'Oui'd Orivc. Oo im St . Pr-CP ay,ir/r.':of) O/i-rt , O'; 3155 N Cole noad, OO'IO 037013704 / ^ / 5 S SMiit. Ciea'helO PPLES.....: : : 6 9 *“ ,. CARROfis.:. .... 59t 10533 OvJ-'Mnn. Ooiso 8364?12 150 C iin N . Looan 34 4H3 Coaat. Pocalello 03301 .. 3901 IVjSiilcfi DivU. SLi SLc'o4io7’.*’.°L ...... 1 n SID Ctllo 0§a 345 W Cusfo/ S l, Poenlnlio) 0320103 (15C C Prut S SLC04IC •rooa R oaa . \y Jordan 8^004 MW ; :||a% xm B 0is S-S in f 84Ti 'W.. Magnn 04044 _ _ ■ ■ * /im K ...... 700 S Wood'ii'l. laano foils•s 83401 2135 . SLC ? c 3" Pol OfHt

    W W M m M l H i I r a m rU g f/^ ‘ KRAFFT MAnARONIJl & CHHESF.— DINNEERS I r i ^ r ^ i jr IK UMBO • 7 % ' | 9 m NEC!t a r i n e : H B. IMALLEY W H O L E EG G

    i?r-B tA D E-ee u T ^ ------MAYOINADE ; RIPE YELL L O W # : : : - ^ feCHUICK S l A S ^

    r r t o c K SEVEN F" ^ BONE • 3 2 OZ. H I SttAK .B. ^ ZEE“ PA PIPER P 3

    ^ _ (CHUCK ARM. $ 1 7 9 I______I f j l 'i l f y JOWIELS I ^ C R I S P GARDTirFRESl A I : ROAST ...... m - LB .

    • 1 2 0 i i o r i • A S S O R T E D L ‘jW • PR IN T E D 2 9 . H w i h T m I — CHOICE 4 ) , . P I Z Z A ZUCCHIIINI s o iHASH l l-ROASS T S i M 29l1 SUNNYr DELIGH I SEMI BONEyIELESS ^ m • CITRUS PUNCH 9 7 * . .

    • A S S O R T E PORK STEAK i LA R G E fi.','r ■ ■ ■■ ■ i . • 1 6 .6 - 2 1 .775I E oz. S l rll e g . p r i c e • • EGGS P ' ...... w B. ------PURKEX------r m j . ■ iC H BLEAt DINNNERS . j i • 11 oz. . • TURKEY'______

    ' ' ' ' • SALISBURY - u,—---^sggBpBU B fptirSq' W ^ Bieacn Jfl I • S QT, ^ 2 tB unnrni.ggii^a.^ I j^BAICON i Ll • 1 LB.B . PK G . n 665SS1S2 h , . • THICtIC K SLIC ED g COOKIIIN' BAG ULT______' Q BH|P| • 5-n oz. - = ^ • ASSO RTED WESTERN FARMIIMS 12 OZ. PKO. f c o o iKTAIL 3 9 ^ : TURKE^E Y WIENEERS 89*^ P R IC E S E F FFECTIVE JULYY 2 5 , 2 6 , 2 7 , 2 8 A R M O U R '2 OZ.z. LUNCHHMEAT M .19^ 3 • ’ 6 OZ- I ' BUDDIG WAFERR 1 THIN‘5 VARIETIES AI t ^EA . _ J CHICKEN OF 1T H E S E A MEATS ...... 4 5 < ^ - M ^ S :

    :p WOODS 7 I TUNIA y ? ’ I D E E P 7^UNCE $ 2 0 9 r ISSH j m - I N S E C T REPELLEN1 F • 6 .5 t^ F O O DDLINER’S— 5{« D il© I F r a 7 ( i@ ( • ' • e f^ f " n k r < ,G OL .? v‘ '• W/S^ T E R OUNCE 7 9 ‘ CAI ^ S T L I F O R D O A K u n r • O i l C:os«l*ford o IGA ^ £ S H A M P C>oo Clorfc's For ShopplnB IGA. i_ S !t s r i u R ^ 'M a x(’s ’i ICA Foodllnsr RICHPIILD | | r — — — - CHIFFON Plp*r’a ICA c m SCHILLIILINGS — 7 - ^ AOBRMAN FLYING INSECT O w si la l » / » IG A Morfc»1—------^ Y O N S Q NN 'S G A RI(BAGE FACIAL F :t — V A N IILLA L “ TWiN'FAIJirS~ M a rty 's ICA Marfc*« I_____ - E X T R A HAHMIM - r - Y O G U nqiT - - — B AetGS------TTISSUE— - jQ^ROSOL A C T„- _ J — W lttlamt ICA Foodllnvr— r:. " ■ 12 OUNCE • ID a w 's IGA

    | 0 0 COUNT C A SSO R T! 12’.j OUNCE S | 7 20 OUNCE 1 EIMBIRLY WINDIU. m - M g ^ 2 0 0 c o u 7 0 < p ::V * T O ^ T ^ 9 ^ ’ ( r .M on IGA Fopdllnar Byrn*'i IGA Foodllnor ■ ■ ' - • / ^ f' - ...... ______■■o'. ______. r ■ j A Toi BV TfhtVtaii€ ' W odnosdidoy.-July 25,1Q79 Tlmoa-Nla-Nowo, Twin Falls, Idaho D

    « J e iK J n i ie a i T fiv e sraTaWE ra is al l f o rrm u la ByRAYSUlSULLIVAN ' 'Hie ie formula was arrive atit a lte r ' w riting. K ersey/ said: he decided to valI'alue arrived at; reproductluctlon is 33 the countyf carried an assessedJ For example, taxes on one J ■n^ N elews w wri t pralsals for.the 1980 lax year ^ to develop moricelket values fo r Uie developed for conQmmercla! properties hadlad u se d on ly t h e li^co'mee aapproach assessor saidlid, because m any olderr finished In fo u r to sbc weeks, 1980 lax year for• someso 300 com m er- in Uie Clly of Jerome, Ji the Income faviavored by the stole. properties halaven’t been reappraised1 he and his staff will ciai propcrtl«{inJerJerom e County. . Sinc

    and UtUe Wood Riv

    ° The Sheep Creekeek, Dry Canvyji, Lookout MountainI andan M ountain E n d u n lls , totalling 27,5i!7,557 acres, w ere ' ' d ro p p e d from possiosslble W ilderness Study Area classlficiflcation. The. final.. decision on the Sunin ' Valley P lan n in g A j^ was basedI ono public. Input iH ------subm lttrf-durlng-a; - a - 90-day- p u b lic ------c o m m e n t period, whwhich ended M ay g 0 | 15. The Sun. Valley PlaPlanning Area was Bga ______part of an advarvance wilderness ^ 5 inventor^ which ais(also inclua^lands in n o rth e rn Idaho. ______P*'program, similar _ S s 1______s tu d y , falls urider’ ththe F ederal L and — Policy Managementient Act of 1975. A c c o rd in g to Sho:Shoshone district p lan n i Rob Hmie,e, theI Initial phase l|gg -- of the Inventoryy iIs due to b e J f c conm leted this summtnmer. £ 9 •T) " T h e n w e'll go ininlo an Intensive B nC K.V • p h a ^ . d u e . to . bee .1completed next . . In'September or G le n n H a vvens, e i 73, left Hazelton H ig h S c lio o l In 1 923 b u t r e t u r n e d w ith h is C adlla d llla c t o t h e o ld b u ild in>g g f o r th e s c h o o l’s re u nl ioi o i n l a s t w e e k e n d .' ■ le Inventory p h a se is completed, we wlUwill have Identified areas that are Wilderness Wi Study Areas, a s w e’ve domlone In Uiese a re a s included Ih the advance a Inven- I n v (' e n t i o rI S s p u z2 e l t o n1 a l u m dd; ■ "ThCT'’w e ’ go...... m us ■IbriM,’' Tfdlie mW; or Ha into the study phase,se. and Uiat w ill be Valley School DIlstricl. is • . ButE the financial burdenen d id n ’t Convalr. Uth re e pec^le. B y 1970, 65 peop done in accordancece with' our plann* < Havens has l>een I on thc go rd|rd|lly ease until Havens, whowh had That led toto research work for wwere on Ihe payroll una< ing system, on diffeifferent schedules. tut W i N F A l S ’^ I k Ii II iivcwens,] since his high school & days when eai3ain)M his master’s degr c in Boeing on Uie t B-52. In I960. Chairman C of the Brara Havens. ~ W e are madated by law to have all 73 , Is u at an age when most of hisI he and his fan*imily ran 0 farm ph]ah^cs. was promoted from MARMCO me;lerg ed wlUi W hittaker Todays- serving again as boai ' of them complete by IWl. and ^ ers are retired and enjoyiloying norUi of Hazeltonin. aranSw bra fe tire s in a U.S. RRubber Corp., the maker i of aircrafl chairman. cl Uie soft-^ken Havei reported to the presld( eir grandparenlal status. He -gloried in I: recalling his plaslant in Detroit to a Jobb in i the gyros and1 communications has hi conlniUing Interest In a dr T h e 27.557 acresstooped fn,m Not th is m e m b e r of Uie Classass of freshman and soj»phomore years at ..lirt:ire engineering dqiartment.ml.r system s, irIrrigation development firr consideration will be b« under further 109323. H azelton H ig h School: the Universityty of Idaho at The T pay only Jumped fromfroi 580 There werere less serious pro- Bayshore B Creative Product study, and subjcciject lo interim •HeZii, Is a mllliiMiaire sevei•veral Moscow when 1hc roomed with :o to $200 a month, he said,d. but I it Jects during; thosei years, Haven ' locatedlo in a San Dlego suburt).. ------rnanagem ent—restricirictlons.— "w h ic h - iim^wnra over, a physicist-lnvenl'entor anoUier 1923 HiHazelton alumnus. zave- h im -th e—Dpportunitm ity— to ------saysT includlrUng d^elopment of rec]ufre us to mana]mage Uie land so “h* ^ Jevelop his inventing skills.s. Uie first tubuliilar fiberglass fishing ^ He Is putting his fairo”bac 10 a p p e a rs to b e pulling anoUilOther Adrian Lindsay. ground to good use by testing h that whatever wild mpanv he Invested In fromm tUie ‘‘The first twovo years my total ras-«t2nitved-on ------^** l ‘le d —lo*~his—eventualll dt e v c l- ______-com pany^fl-deslgri-lmprovemCT adow of BaHkrupfcy! from his job as vfce on or 22 a c re s of d e s ^ land h e owi until Congress makelakes a decision,” '^ ^ h < tennis ciSP^potat^T'oiOne pair of socks °Pnipment of the first flberglasJass tire retired f >He play s tw o fa st sets of tem irotolypes and, whilee -later president andid board member in near nc San Dlego. Grapefruit, rc HeUie said. The interim ini manage- least twice a week. lasted all ye:e a r . I h a d no P*"® m ent regulations h , Flo. underwear and uwore a ROTC. suit v orking fo r Concvair Cor]:orp. of 1961. ■ crops c r and fruit trees are -U ►He and his second-wlfe, F resullsof thoseefforts.-...... Issued! ~but are- e) are Uie proud parents of a evei7 day becauause the only pair Jan -D ieg o d u rin g World WarWj n. But sitting' at1 home' gardening he metal adhesives for several months. :-year-old girl. . -...... of pants I brouglIght. bad a holeJn ...... J."® for the never intere•ested the former Havens-says he’s looking . i^ubl^'plagued B-36 bomber. T h e U tU e Woodd FRiver unll con- ivens now liv e s in La Mc£Mesa. Uiem." Havens Msa id. Hazelton- HWigh first baseman. d di eveloping se v e ra l oUie'r Ideas ' - t a i n s 4,265 a c i « , Ind[nduding 120 acies Jlf.. He r e tu i^ to^^^^^ Haglc .The Ijving sltU3uatlon improved in A fte r • sta rtin g NARMCOCO. his Purifying wai'astewater, brackish • including In one In - which Idal ------o f s ta te lan d , wbUe j8-9.773-ucK a;-Wi m — ------C r e e k uiil f a m ta m rs; l!!Z^*‘'H S elto irilS _ i h e ------mqnH;sLJLH_!9_iserve as acllng dev[eyfi]ofifi{Lanjtdh»]y&.sfiiis i next project he would wi be a cheaper way i -Jta—appearance-ln-In - U lf- Federal------Mol clo sed in Uie SOs When wh s u ^ n t e n d e n t aiana math, teacher thehe bomber’s metal separ processingp i sugar brots using • R e g i s t e r J u ly 16. the d e c isio n 5 ^ dig. . In Kooskla, southItheast of Moscow. p^roltroblems. thus staving 0off a Havens In[ntematlonal was svstom sy sim ilar to Uie one used i Aug. 15. u n le ss izellon and. Eden school d t>ecomes final Au{ eta were consolidated to forform for$I75amonth.I. Con'ongressional investigaUonlon for fonned in 196161 in San.D lego wiUi fUterlnK fU salts from sea water. am ended by the state:ate BLM directo r. *^9^

    N o a n s w e r trak brineg s f e v t o t o w v n i Ay dollla r s t ^ r e a d y f o r ______By DOUG?TULUS Tl ...... long e enough for the oilen wecal r ^ u r a n t s . - _ a t Uiat time of Uie nlniRht?” In theU news reports reduciFuced Uie ..ih e U n id n P a cciric ll building is the only G O O D IN G - Gooding Cc bloodshot, and thelr th< embraces “Aaa ffor as benefits from the train'tra D ^Ite the trainiWs lack of pump- numlmber of caUs and reserverv a tio n s. Indication — 0o th e r Uian th e tra in ’s officials ol have y e r to decide bo seldom lingering. ■ I d oan’t n ' think there's muchuch.’‘ ing new revenueje Into the local accoicording to a Boise Amtrakrak Ucket wiiisUe — Uiatit Uie Pioneer is passing aianswer a state Tax Commi Tbe scene is not: Ui Uiat of a clo sin g aio sh olione. r Chamber of Commeimerce economy. SUva 2said local busi- agenien l, through town, contentionci lhat they fallec • b a r th a t fo rces e vtryone ^ c out. but the Presideident Floyd Silva said: AAnd nessmen are slUl[ cenUiusIastIc about . -eai loss to Uie cily. If ”reassess counly prop^y In b rick w alkw ay’ UutUi clings lo Uie a fl^ latalking to m o s t of Uie memb blanks ai include a continu- ip ro x lm a te ly 110,000 r In s fo?"6:TSiS”'. ond Guthrie said he aUooof Uie4-H andnd F F A ev en ts b u t een 400 and 500 rid e rs declare the cootggt,It, s^ ed u led fo r avallabliible at tbe uncoln Coun^ y fesUviUes get Intoo fuU sw ing, a t 4 Wmey ! will be awaided durii . Swenson said Uie comrhlssio Aug. 2 at 8:30 p;m.n. at tM county • Extenaiclaioa o ffic e In Llnco e In Uiat .event. T he tbe larbecue at_ihe leo, G uU irie said. wfll meet wiUi Trounson and pr fa£r^T)uada, will bele proclaimed- a Countyty Cou'cthouae:; Contei rodM will begegln at 8 p.m. and a JSom m ^ ^ ^ p a r a de- X a t Uie tennis courts- ’. bly -allow -him to decide how and-theTrodcorat-9— aluiday's events wiU be » order Is to be answered. Evans Is sdMAMed ’ (0 algn th e ' asaea. 12ri7and ITaodoldtf. Uie Satuhlay events at . ;• p .m . - at 9 a.m. with a black p TVounson was on vacaUon .'. ofOdal j^^flmoUonon'diBing ceitH 4

    ‘ G o i j ownei ^ tramislatoi>r tax (questtioned M rs. BeM said lost ^ ear^ w y LVUrt/-» mTTTA OUUAU T Tr»______U^^lr„„„nW0Htog-to-Mrs^V»rl noil, r e using the Boise State IUniversitv educational >fewB w rite r Tron‘Otislntor Board secretary. sell the property■^*lo*pay th e t ^ deb^ ^stem'^Md ^ have*a*^/^(she said. "I channu are avavaUable to viewers. m lertson said th e $15 don’t doi know whether- $155 Is worth There haveIC been several' protests lo _ — c o n n fN r. aA-cjt-se-heforc c n Utah____Dc ih. Ihere jtct-tax-lB a tpoclal lying lyli qfiout o r not.”------lodged about:]t:paylng lhe_taxc3_M rs. J5 . judge could havee ani effcct on taxes has^*^11 I a^fot^^c^ro^CTMj Sx*S5l*doc5 nonol fall under thc tax' ■ /As tra n s la to r board sccret:retary, it Is Bell said thohose protesting usually With *2,000 In back.taxes fro m and tdevislon recceccptlon for Gooding ^ tcotests by couniy residents p deed system, herhei job to , acccpt and'Id'file .the daim they dcdon’t watch TV or they OOiiaty residents. e $15 y early assessm en t. In jrthelranslatordlstrlcl. a|alone, the trqnslator; board c c o S County tclevlslIslon viewers who are pnprotests from people who) clclaim they dldn’lvolefon decide forelng the co lection is wwi pmpertv owners Injhc o i~-nf thp fr.triBlntor dnt gr~tJtah—man—has— donlliBceivethesignals.___ ict-was-formed several bris 0 . R obertson said a b oSfl u t! channels n thc (hslrlcl signed whether vv to lorcclully collect guj^rt a county-ity-owned television #ho do noL hrave a Tv tim tin es, th e so u n d Is there u/Hhniiiwit nnv re s dcn ts In (hf> .oppm x im n tp lv S14.000 IW nictiirp Wr th o wn<;hMt.niity fffrh.r^ i^ petitions sayining they wanted It. m oney. nrModTDfrtJoodlnR— scssment has yet to be colJecle ------The'^tninslator-boardrmembei ..... Coanty Is ^ s o cove:)vered by such a TV la x . M rs. Bell t h c ^ ^ a r l 't o o Bicthere with the sound,"' sshe said. If m ore peo]»ple sign lhe~«'6fiilptlon----- "W‘We won’t let the transanslator many people cla!laimlng those exemp- -MoMost co u n ty residents coicould only certificates andan the district falls to Coodlnc 0 County, along with offi systeifi. throu^out the state, are wate Reception in GGooding County, dlstr)jtrlct levys go to tax deed.I. MaybeM tlons. rcceiverec the Twin Falls statitation. With take In neededed money. It could tJ jy think I will but I won’t,’>’t,” she • “It makes yoyou suspicious when the translator system, thrthree com- jeapardlze thehe broadcast of the TV Uthe Utah court chaliencc to ' including the Hageiigennan area In the they which w ay that decision will go.- canyon, has beciteen pretty good, explaplained. If property taxes arean not .someone signs: lheI exemption, and memerclal channels from BolstDlse and thc signals. w - - 1 Np a tio n all l G u ard ireu n io nI scheduledj i g g W p f l fd j ers atti c n i m p - ^ hour nl 7 p.m. and a training. ^ Five and a hdf years 1; }e flying a s th ick as (lak; nexl nc week banquet at 8 p.ip!m7 f« luring the first reunion of)f r m en who The reunioiton concludes with a maintenorice m unit relumed h LOGAN, UlahI - Six girls from ^ 1 Ordnance picnic at 1 p.r),m. Aug. 5 In Jerome's alafler a 20-month hitch wllh Pall Igh School’s served in Jerom e’s llCth 0 i . Gooding Hl( Vallonal G u a rd Unit durlmring World North Park, SuSullivan said . 3r3rd A rm v in Europe. chcerlead ln g tcai•am took p a r t in iVarll. The unit wavas form ed in M a y '1939 1 ^ / # , — ' th e 13th annuallal Interm o u n taln f, Sullivan said 150 invitations One of the organizers,ersi Verle with 50 men fnfrom Jerom e and a total Drill Team Cammp held at Utah sent and 70 confirmations have I Sullivan-of Jerome, saidj aactivities of 400 m en s eerved r In ll by lhe" tim e It S la te U niversity’July Jl 16-19. **n xllnOctoberl944. "received from former mem ATlIl kick off with anI Informali was disbanded livlngin every state. The Gooding cheerleaders ' in ^ “1 Elks Club . In Scplemmber 1940, Sullivan ■e Karen- Durfee. f?,^thcrlng at the Jerome Ei attendance were illp .m . A ug. 3. explained, thcle outfit wos placed on T h e 116th' Ordnance u n it Mara Erkins, NMelonnl Erkens, Another Informal sessionion will be activ e duty and ar sent lo Ft. Lewis, n:reactivated In iW al Gowen Fle K ¥ : Lelsa Olsen and P a tty Hoag, Lc leld there Aug. 4 at i p.m.,n., followed Wash., for aI jyear of Intensive field Boise, a w h ere it is stil! based to d a y . Dawna Rogers. IfciiThe cam p, whiclich Is the la rg e s t maiia in the western1 United States, t e n r o l l ^ m ore lhlhan 3,000 a tte n - J r l e r o m e g iirl r honored \ a g a in a t G irls N ation dees from severaral states over a ’ three-week oerlodDd al USU. It was WASHINGTON W -- P atty University InI W\ ashington, D.C., and by Rep. Marjorie S. Holt, 5 ^ ^ sponsored by lh

    i -'- '

    N k c a r p i \ . J l | ; V 'C h eck e t r a t i in g s y s iite m m ------Z'J^-ByMARYFRFUEEl^ factss sucha a s pUe fiber, face wei|weight, heavy traffic areireas such as stairs, rantantles.” iPor example,- onejne for a _ _ ' 1^;— ..... •~»-w*Mi«iiw infi Homem eE oonom lst densitysity of construction and bachlacking Like all syntheletlcs, it Is non- nyloylon (ibcr te lls th e consumer: n ! ^ for B t ‘O k €e r r e t u r n s ^ ___ -ifoti -can, takes much of the matertcH als. allergenic jn d fal'alrly easy to clean, “The “i carpel is guaranle 1 • ' guestwOTk out of cacarpet buying by Kno\nowIng what the fiber contenItenl Is b u t II d o (^ so il m t o re. read ily th an Indoidoor use. If properly Installtailed and Daa Subr, a broker at Canylanyonslde Realty Inc.ln Jenjihe, abels. can helph« you decid e w hich one Is wool. > . maillaintalned, and the surfac■face pile tias ha recejtly retmned from fron D allas, Tfecas, w here h e uses a “Mark bestfoi:foryou. Polyester carpel>ellng dyes to cle a r, (pilepile and len g th In the caseise of cut successfully su completed Mailt[arketing Course 1202. Hie course *' ra tin g sy stem Woolool offers a soft, luxurli:urlous sharp colors, clearlans easily a n d h a s a pilelie carp et) in any givenI areas ai is is is rao n so M by u e Realtorstors N ^ n a l Mariceting Institute v^^S^'^assifles eaeach carpet for tcxtunure to the showcase roomsims of wool-like appeanirance. It Is less abrjbrasively worn \more ththan 10 and an Is designed to providee fi^fii d * educaUon In £ e field of I*' * pW ifrinance In ththe home. For everyry home.I It dyes superbly, resistsres durable and cn:rush*resistanl than percercent w ithin five years, Itit will be mn’HroHng mi m nnngOTppnt eJBiftple.- a ) -LighJg h t IV afflc” In* soli well w< and has excellent duratjrablll- nylon, andmaypllllill. repiijpiaced.” - dicates a c a i ^ t testtested and proven ty. SorSome spots and stains, howevwever, Heat sel polyestister Is being used to Another An carpet manufacturtiu^r also ------80lt«ble'for~area8'iw' w elvlng limited’ "canbedlfflculltoremove. be ------■ . overcome the cnisTishing tendency. B e provrovldes a full, five-yearja r w ear $<. iM'iucb as a guestlest bedroom, and Aery:ryllc is often compared to>wool, w( s u re to ask i( polyester p< carpeting wanarraniy on Ils residential caicarpeting M ■ rj.r . ‘ (IIX ^ M o d ^ te Ttaitafflc" applies to so it: cana: be.used in sim U hr roomsjms as you’re conslderlrring is ‘‘h e a l-s c t” Indlcidlcating “ if any area of thcthc carpet ^ ' wholeLESALE PAINT f^ r m a » areas of thei hhome — master well as0£ ones that have more traftraffic, which means ououtstanding texTure weaicars m ore th a n 20 percentint due to ES EVERDAY! ^ formal dldining room or bccausluse It is SllghUy more duraurable retention as thee result of a heat fiberbcr lost fro m th e carpel wilhvilhlri five . f © o^ ^ PRICES Mils UldOSrooiD. thanI Vwool. Springy, with exccllcellent process that setets the twist and yearBars, the c a rp e t will be repli^placed al ^ O N SPEECtRA C -TO N E PAI N T j ^ , . 5 ® ) Traitafflc” covers any resllleillcnce and good fadingg re- prevents un'ravcllnIngofyamiufls. IC the manufacturer’s expens(•nse pro- >T7< ' arec of the homome subject to slstancmce. It h as a tendency to pill| O lefin s and pf o ly p o p y len es — videt[ded the c a rp e l Is properlyi ininstalled PAINTYYOUR HOUSE 1 K',- ai^d ^'rlate caret <(regular vacu- with. strandss of fibers becom:coming slro n g . abraslon-n•resistant: man-made andnd m aintained and Used for(or Indoor 9f.~‘ urobig) ' such as a family room, knottetted to cause a rough,I, pill ] fib e rs — a re desl]signaled for o u tside rcsiCisidcntlal use only. I i n IA; DAY — i \5f-' dilhfren’s room, didining room or appearsarance u se and in kitelichens and utility Like Lli all warranties, bei sure s to TT^BB u Uvlng room: (IV) "I•■Heavy Traffic” Nyloi/lon is th e m o st d u rab le andid lclong roorns- They are: durablet and easily read>ad thc fine print and realizelize th at a THE All\IRLESSWAY to ffir balls, stairway*ays, playroom and lastingng of the fibers which probalsbably cleaned, but chis!ush and soil easily, weaiear guarantee covers ahabrasion ; r ------djjS; and (O* • * “ C o m m et-clal” accouniunts for why so m e 70 percentlent of and oil and grgrease stains are wearear only a n d n ol tears, pulU RENTAASPRAYGUN! |i[V - m ile s to c a ^ t englnglneered'for very today’sy’s catpellng Is nylon. It has a difficult to remove,re. pllllrJling, sh red d in g o r rhaltlng. H i ''^ o m E d^bodlng. wear nreq u irem en ts In goodI resiliency n and is excellentnt for. : Some carets have 1 “ w e a r ' w ar* As As you can see, buying a cacarpet Is me oj lJie9»o" fer— '— ■ofU^-'redvatlon rtrooms-and-work ...... : ...... no) longerlc dlfflcull as maniifacifacture'rs ' JE R O M E= Gd LA SS & PAINT ^ a re a s .'' Inertcrease thelr use of labelibels and ^ 238 WEST■ S T M A IN 324.8121 1^:- ^Iffiadlng-the manuiinufacturer's label arrantles. Still, you mustlist be a F-v. ___atoflLinay-Indlcate^o}_6ther.-impo'rtant ____ iFair exhibitorare offered WOIirkshop insclcntious consumer and lhat they look foi------card■refuUy. ------liiiiiH iiH il P n itn t y ;„2l=2i—__2 JFair_b00kfi_and.td. Judges’, score______6 terfttoftc' ^ e n s — = San ? attend an exhibit worksirkshop c a rd s will be av;ivallable at the nexlext Wednesday, acconllngIng to w orkshops. Mlary ai ' Freeman, cooperatT a tiv e I mspireC > extextension agent. T h e schedule Is as follows: TTl hc w orkshops w ill la s t anin hhour •lO a .m .— Machlihlne sewing • andnd will be h e ld In lh e county cou *11 a.m . — Household t ac- ourthouse' basement, MMrs. ccsso'ries I dhootiitng ^Veeman said. •1 p .m . — Knittingng and crochet f - 1 ^ — _ExhiW tora_wilUieatmJiI- hnw »2p.m.^Cannlnfm ______1______4 - ■ -SfllNUPOiNT. - IdarasEo—ajpir7=.“ ntries.are Judged, she said,d, v with - • 3 p .m .—FoocJs I Bogidaiy ^<^^y Sh^ffsSh officers seveeveral of'last year’s Judj^csges on *4p.m.—Flowers:rs 1 man suspected In ■ • f^ l e y tlMtUooting of anothothCT man follow­ ____ fa^gPMgu n ^ t OTge rI two chickens. 7S; w ^ leduled r 'tdlSe am iim ed Mor•fonday in magls- B u y N o wL j andJSiflyeJM g ! , frate’s' c o m in cMininnection with the . f»r*...... jbooting of 37-yea^ ^ aiHtaTtamiUy was over 118t ' SOUTH LINCOLN' JER ctchickens Redden IKEND-OFtCA JF-MODEL-YEAP ::...... J 9 W F o d « e .

    ■ ^ “ © m n e r r i n g s M THE ^ r o b b e r y t 7 p u / / e d H - BOISE (U PI) - AmanweaHngaA IZZA I Trtttw baL faded dendenim clothing, a • -ttoe ttanoannn andod sunglasses _ - CCOMPANY ~— ~ and ahned with a pistolpis — robbed a 3qtae J e w d ^ storei Monday N night of - ‘CALLAHWHEAD FOR PIZZA TO GO' ^ {yi^ ^ rg e^^oujaber of of dinner rings, - S U P E R S A L A D B A R M ; ' ' .. .Tbe man, dradlbe■ibed a s a T ^ lte M n -male S-feet-lO-inches» tall,I 160 pounds -• .4 2 1 W E S T Mm A a i n ' .^M A tb o A 25 y e a rs oI •• PHONE 324-9935 M ODfoot about 7:30 p.mp.n ., walking oul ’ m ...... ^ ■ cKHkfaad’sJew elmr s . ' T --O fflc m s a k l tble e man pulled a and ortored the v:S!? S S ^U ; P nto a back room' - d in n e r rings Into T be valiJe of the TTT 1^;.;; :• :y««>n>erchandlsewa«^.unknown, ■ I r I I ' ' -

    ------1------V/odr'd n o a d o y , .July 25.1970' TimTImos-Nowa, Twlri Falls, Idano 03

    trthSS p o t * ]t s E9 I D Yr o u iKNOIw ^ H A V E iA Q F U L L L II\M W rO W ------■ i m r n T i m s t E im i m - s l a t e id i o r J G o Q i dding GOODING — T h e Sagebijebrust-Swim wanning upup at 9 a.m. and competl-1- Explaining, she notedd that Gooding League reaches ll's plipinnacle of tion will begieginallOa.m. has beaten Burley andd Rupert once competition Thursday wllhwlU a cham- “We antlintlcipate aboul 250 swim-I- each and Jerome twiwlce. "For a plonship tournament att thelh Gooding m e rs andJ I 1 think the compelitlonn young club, only three!0 years old. 1 V will be ver:'ery close.” Howland said.I. think we’ve gone a lonong way," she . m ark the first timetin thc four "All i the teams Involved havee said. “We don’l have thetl swimmers members of the leamele ■-- Burley, swimmerss withv stale A a n d nalionalil th a t you find in some sc of the i Rupert. Gooding and Jeror;romc—have B times. Some Sc of these swimmerss year-around teams butJt for summer ------bewHn-the-pool at thaa-samo s -tlm f n r r wilhinn_>/»n.httnrfrr»>ht! ti nf n .secondd sw im m e rs, the wholeleague le; is doing ip ifc^ ■ The regular summer schedule s< -is o f one anoUiOther so m an y o f th e racess very well." . based on dual and triangula5ular meets. should be• veryv close...and exciting, Sne n oted the Goodlding club will ^ Sharon Howland, coachch ot< Gooding es^lally' with w{ the older sw im m ers, run a concession slailand all day Ieam and director of' Uthe louma' Swimmersers will bc allow ed to enterr Thursday as a con')nvenience to ment, sa id th e pool will11 bbc open for as many evenlsevi as they want underr spectators and also to0 accrue funds M E A T e held his hands in1 the air in ...... CAN P 0P 6p«.... /Iclals “sald“ Tuesdaylav th a t ' a " th e Unlvers 89' jnerged from the terminala! bewilderment and said.d. ‘i ’m not thc . Eorlorly Californio PIttod combination of tead doing w hat th'e g y i s V a a n s S r S aterontoSovietsoll. . one to ask. Hey, I’m d< SHASTA qulrements and vaca the U.S. b ask e tb a ll teamis s R u ssia n s lell m e.” LIVES ...... making ,the_problenLdl aiitro . . . . i ...... W L d lM .„ „ to le bureaucratic r e d tape anciId - O ne o f Uie lournallststs m entioned to ______------accommodatp ------at least reached a peacefulul ' Uie Hurdue umversiiyi coacn^ mai nc WoiTosToriTFomTTy ^ Glad Rogular The district Is purs — ---- $ 2 7 9 ~ nt such incidents have been•n apparently had been t;taking lessons nni matl^ and hopes tor s :s f e 's s la__ in intemational diplommacy from his UillIRY M I L K . 4 q ...... SANDWICH BAGSab0 0 c o u n t . . . 2 h r m -annouriceiH6Hl~at-mff a Indiana universilywH')ilWgU6. BObUy ------r-j------possible Ume. :hof-Boy-Ar-Doo Popporon foreign nations nal and iS Sovlel re-e- K night. C h o )r “Nbcomment,”Rose:«:sald. PI2 ZIPLOC BAGS Standlngt iave arrived In Moscow for IZZA MIX ------: 9 9 '= Quart. 25 count ...... 6 9 ° . ’SL ummer Spartaklade. I, Rose had moro ququestions than T he mosllost prom inent com plaint Is comments as the chartered cf bus Y o n e th a tC ccan’t be blamed on the® c a rry in g Uie m en’s tearom to the Hotel irtii ::::::::! Soviets. They Th have been unable toIH Metrapole near Red Sqiiquare made its I O( N E G R O U P ...... } mall visas35 i rto several track and field Idmoraing traf- I-, way through light midi athletes, inIncluding half*mller Steve flconanoUierralnydayly h ere.______I *i — scottrmiletll^Steve-Lacy-and-poIe- JEIstNJS_5HHOES . . . . . 1% o r r I .....-■* v au lterMMlke U Tully fro m th e UnitedKi T h e only things he' kknew for sure states, because be< they have beenm w ere th a t Uie team s would cat a SHOOT P*piod»nf liHtiJ*fin , leading a gypsy existence whileie light lunch at-Uie hototcl- restaurant - - - PREWASHpo ty ot. :...-.. .-r...... * 1 . 2 9 ...... -TOOTH BRUSHES ...... ^... a . . . 8 9 * Slor# 10 — fravelmg-:J- from - one—lntematlonalal and“ Uicn—reboard-thth e 'b u s e s —f o r ~ B'ounly P f«n ...... I meet lo aanother. But once mostst a n o th e r 40-minute rldiide lo another pPAPER a TOWELS ...... 6 0 ' . . S H A M P O O 7 oz...... * a . 0 9 I dth letes have hi arrived here, theyjy a irp o rt, w here Uiey' would b o a rd iv«lytol "Good N»ws" ...... I have beenen waved through customsIS a n o th e r plane for a filllight to Vilnius TOTOILET BOWL CLEANER ,.li 0...... 5 5 ' DISPOSABLE RAZORS!S ...... , . 1 9 ' ...... |jg withoutaseI second ^ance. In thc Soviet republicc of LIUiuania. "TR IA L" ...... f l 9 ‘ iaL'fiieiHc) TTie SoviiDvlcls' re p u ta tio n a s reluc­c- where Ihby would 'compete for ^V ID A L S A S S O O N SHAJV\PMPOO, FINISHING RINSE/I•AND PROTEIN CREME "TR wt. tont hoststs I lo visitors fro m the Westst championships they prprobably would ...... ;...... to3o w a s expecilecled lo b eco m e an issuele nol win.

    “We do appreciat i l i Ma\ale profess s i o n a l your Business!” kWwMleogue ' p u ss h e s f o r IL P G A c ;:a r d i , . IN b o s t o)N n (UPl) - Golf pro HankIk Uie I ^ / r Is taTcIffg blrilrn'at hls'word.” •.•.•.'•.V .V ,V ergl, hisIs publici stance as stiff andid _They have tumed the; matterr over to . f W E N D E I L ^ « ...... “ unbending)g a s h isl p o sitio n oil a' a their’lawyers In hopes!S an agreement mer J . green, is preparlrig foror can be reached, PSShis Btlffest m alch slnco hetie “ I h a v e no Idea wfA'hat’s going td “ If W e! :D o n ’t H a v e II ...... IburtflijW i iWorldWarll. come about one weteek frorh now’ . v S ^ bhas a i taken on the LPGA In a when thc school stistarts," LPGA Y o u D□on’t l N eed It!t ! ” ...... c a s e of wi what he* sees as clear-cutut - media chief Chip Campbell C said ...... ou -dlsdlmlnalnation. Angered by a womanan . M onday. “ At this poinlinl, the lawyers * WLT obtainingg ai playing card from thetic .a re hjm dling it. ! holope It will be ^ w W j r d s ...... » PGA, Vergsrgl Is pledging to turn tip In r e s o l v e d n ’m still opliplfmistlc ll wil! C hicago nexl w w e ^ at thc LPGAtA be before a confrontataUon or a legal v issue arises.” ....‘^ “ti 1 that woman In AUanta got[Ot T h e w om an who roused r all of T W I M Pp Jiju i i T * , , 0 « hei- POA\ cani, c well Uiat’s Inlo myV Vergl’s Sicilian Iree was Barry' iCT ...... f 8. - re a lm of.Jf. living," sald _ Vergi._ the_he_NaiamUh,_3pt Cai a .mj)M L_eaiJl____, ^ Y2Sth THRU 28th ^ I i head -proro al the RuUancl. Vt..t.. Naismlth was noflookiking for a spbl ^ 1 AD-iDEfFEGTIVEJULY 4 ------Countjy-Cl- Qub -and- a _PG A_membccc c___ on them cn’3 lour._ ___ ...... “ • fo r 20 yearian. "I figure’ It's a two-wayay C am pbell, on Uie oto ther h&nd, Is 1 street. II want vt Uw samie right. It'st's -equally resolute In ininsisUng Vcr« ^ ■ dlsdrimlntiiIntitlon p t ^ a n d sim p le." would never tee It upI wlUi> ladies — ______iruinsists he’s no blowhard andnd allcastonthetou'r.

    ------;------•4» , . • 0 -4 Tim v«*N ew8,.« . TwlnF*lla. Idaho . Wodn>dnoada/, July2S, 1079 ^4=i l

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    . JS



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