Jurisdictional Prelate


Acts 1:3 • Matthew 6:25-33 • 1 Peter 5:7

One of the issues associated with the current pandemic (COVID-19) is the reality of worry. This possibility cannot be denied. Definition: Worry is the negative emotional by product of an improper response to the demands of life, situational pressures, adversities, opposition and resistance to progress. “If we don’t face it, God can’t fix it” as you know, is one of my sayings. The Scriptures would not address something that was not a factor. Worry for the Kingdom minded believer is conscious deliberation that is void of the God Factor. It is a choice based on a personal evaluation. Worry in the Kingdom is a temptation to worship the Devil. It is a temptation that does not impact you until you act on it. This COVID-19 has push many Christians beyond their present limits to or manage the pressure or emotional demand! Worry is the result. What happens when I surrender to a worry attack?

• I allow the situation to dictate my action and I lose control.

• I forfeit the Peace of God that is available. (Isaiah 26:3)

• I risk contaminating others because worry is contagious. Remember the potential to worry is not the product of the situation you are in but the inability or unwillingness to properly respond to the demands being made by the situation. Remember John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Sincerely, Gary L. Hall, Sr. Jurisdictional Prelate OFFICE OF THE JURISDICTIONAL SECRETARY Pastor Earl R. Matthews – Jurisdictional Secretary Missionary Michelle Sherfield – Director, Public Relations The recent events that have impacted our world, country, community, church and families as a result of COVID – 19 epidemic; have shifted the landscape of our very existence. As productive and responsible citizens of the global community, the leadership of the Church of God in Christ is committed to participating in a positive manner that prioritizes and protects the churches and communities that we are charged to serve. Our Jurisdictional Prelate, Bishop Gary L. Hall, Sr. encourages that there be no church services within the Central Florida First Jurisdiction to include bible study, worship service, district or jurisdictional functions at your local church building as long as Governor Ron DeSantis “Shelter in Place” Order is in effect and in conjunction with your local governments. . Additionally, each local pastor is urged to comply with the directives given by Bishop Charles E. Blake Sr., Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ regarding public gatherings, including memorial and funeral services as well as the cancellation of any and all jurisdictional functions. Important Items to Remember • Encourages NO local church services during the Shelter in Place – Stay Home Stay Safe period • Credential holders should mail or electronically submit 2020 National Credential Fees to the Office of The Jurisdictional Secretary. • The following international events of the Church of God in Christ have been postponed or cancelled for 2020:  General Assembly Spring Session (Postponed) ▪ For additional information and support contact Office of The Jurisdictional Secretary  Women’s International Convention (Cancelled) ▪ For additional information and support contact Supervisor Lillie C. Hutchison  Men Perfecting Men Conference (Cancelled) ▪ For additional information and support contact Superintendent Edward Parker  Auxiliaries in Ministry Convention (Cancelled) ▪ For additional information and support contact Department Heads • Central Florida First Jurisdiction Music & Youth (MY) Conference (Cancelled) ▪ For additional information and support contact Department Heads

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We realize that the implications of not having face to face local church services can be challenging and may create fellowship and financial hardships for local assemblies. In the spirit of support and service that is reflective of our leader, Bishop Gary L. Hall, Sr., and the members of the Executive Board have constructed this “Pastoral Tool – Kit” to provide you with resources and tools to build an effective experience for the members of your congregation during this time period. Please feel free to implement and integrate these resources to strengthen and support your church . PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM For Assistance with this program please contact Missionary Antoinette Nelson A 2nd round of funds are set to be released soon. The next round of funds will provide $310 Billion more in funding for the Paycheck Protection Program. In this next phase, $30 billon has been specifically set aside for community lenders, small banks and credit unions and additional $30 billion for medium sized banks and credit unions. If you filed a few weeks ago during the first round but your application was not approved or submitted to the SBA, contact your banking institution TODAY and confirm if your application is still being considered. The PPP is administered by banks and other lending institutions, so business owners are advised to reach out to their lenders as soon as possible.

As a business owner or Pastor, if you are experiencing difficulty meeting payroll of your employees (or yourself as the Pastor) please consider taking advantage of this loan program (which may later be forgiven) • Visit the website www.home.treasury.gov • Select: Policy Issues • Select: Assistance for Small Businesses

Please make sure you read all of the details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VIRTUAL CHURCH PLATFORMS For assistance with this program please contact Missionary Michelle Sherfield

For congregations that have never Livestreamed 1. Congregations should set up a Livestream . a. This can be done from the safety of your home, or within your church building (current shelter in place orders discourage being out). 2. While there are multiple platforms which can be utilized, Facebook makes the most sense. a. Public Facebook Pages can be viewed without a Facebook account, can be easily integrated into many church websites, and can be shared by viewers who have Facebook accounts. b. Create a Facebook page. c. Be sure to input your topic of discussions at top, e.g. Praise God COGIC Sunday Morning Service w/Pastor John Doe d. Identify members/staff to help insert your offering information as you give your bible study lessons and Sunday morning service. e. Make sure you prepare to go on Facebook before your appointment. 3. If your congregation does not have cameras or a Livestream system, simply set up a smartphone or tablet on a tripod (tripods are important for stability and a professional presentation). Be sure to set the smartphone or tablet near the front (perhaps in the first pew) where everyone leading worship is visible. Have a volunteer monitor the camera and focus it on the person speaking. If it is possible to connect the soundboard to the Livestreaming device, viewers at home will likely get much better sound. 4. Once the smartphone or tablet is set up, press the “Go Live” button a few minutes before the beginning of the service. TO “HOLD SERVICE” USING VIDEO AND AUDIO PLATFORMS HERE ARE SOME PLATFORMS:

***Each platform requires you log on and setup an account. For best outcomes, please prepare 2-3 days prior to the date of your service.***

DURING YOUR LIVESTREAM MEETING: MUTE YOUR MICROPHONE: • Zoom has a “Mute Microphone” option that cuts down on ambient feedback for the audience. When there is a lot of back-and-forth discussion you will turn this off, but you should mute yourself when listening to a presenter. • Facebook Live allows for one speaker at a time with listeners/viewers being able to leave written comments. LIMIT YOUR ACTIONS: • When going live via YouTube, Zoom of Facebook Live, always remember that everyone can see you. Remember your movements are distracting to the audience. • When watching via Zoom, remember your movements can be disruptive to the speaker. • Try to stay still and be attentive – or at least act attentive

BACKGROUND IS IMPORTANT: • Making sure you have proper background lighting is important. • Ensure the camera is properly set and adjusted so that you don’t seem far away. • Sit in a location with the least background items to lessen distractions.


By Dr. Winter Brown - McOyett Pastor, Overcomers Through Christ Ministries · Gainesville, FL

Hebrews 11:1-2 Amplified Bible (AMP) 1 Now faith is the assurance ( deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality— faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. 2 For by this [kind of] faith the men of old gained [divine] approval.

Have you ever applied for a loan and eagerly anticipated the results only to find out that you were DENIED, OR maybe you applied for a loan and was told that you were denied the loan on your own but needed a co-signer. Knowing that you needed a co-signer gave you a little relief but then the thoughts came to your mind, and the mental search began; thoughts like, “who can I call or contact to be a co-signer for me”, “I really need this loan and I hope I can find a co-signer so I can receive my APPROVAL”.

Can I tell you, according to Hebrews 11:2 (AMP)…Faith is our APPROVAL. During life’s most difficult moments things around us come to SHAKE our FAITH. But you have no need to WORRY for having FAITH is not only the co-signer for your APPROVAL but FAITH is your (Divine) APPROVAL.

Trust God in the NATURAL and watch Him give you His SUPER-NATURAL “DIVINE APPROVAL!”

BUILDING THE KINGDOM FAMILY By Superintendent Kenyarda T. Feathers, Sr. Purpose Driven District · Gainesville, FL

In our current season, it is even more evident that the family needs to be on one accord and living under God’s rule. To accomplish this, there needs to be a solid foundation undergirding the family. As Pastors, we know that many families have a foundation problem. Too many families are spending too much time on the cracks in the walls. As a result, families are trying to plaster over and patch up holes in their inner man and familial relationships with an argument here and fight over there. While we acknowledge that this pandemic is a very uncertain time, there were so many issues that the families within our churches were dealing with prior to this season. Within families, we see both dysfunction and generational problems. Families are suffering with a host of issues: anxiety, rebellious children, financial concerns, abuse, divorce, and fear of the unknown. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. Matthew 7:24-27

The Family is God’s Idea Even before sin God created family - Genesis 1:26-28

The divine institution of family was placed in a sinless environment that God created as he laid the heavens and the earth. It began as a FOUNDATION!! So, it is imperative that we also lay good foundations for our families in this present day. When we seek to build our families on anything other than the stable foundational principals of the word of God it will not last when trials and challenges arise. Yet, even in this uncertain season, God is birthing deeper relationships with Him and providing opportunities for families to reconnect to Him and each other.

“Circumstances and crises are God’s tools to move you into your purpose and maximizing of your potential.” (Myles Munroe)

“God designed the Family to be the Foundation of Civilization.” (Tony Evans) As Pastors, we help in the building of Kingdom Families by teaching practical Kingdom principles that can be applied in our members’ daily lives! Families should be encouraged to engage in the following principles:

Communication: While past schedules have been full of activities, this is the time for our families to slow down and talk to one another. Families should consider having family meetings and daily meals together. This will allow families the opportunity to stop and ask how one another is doing while taking the time to really listen. Children should be included in the discussion without minimizing their feelings. Families should also reach out to their extended family members by sharing the love of Christ through calls, texts and video conferences with services such as ZOOM and Free Conference Call.

Prayer: Families can and should develop set times for family prayer and Bible study. Prayer times should involve children. Allow children to pour out their hearts to God. Families can also fast together. Pastors should also designate times of corporate prayer via conference call and social media.

Patience: Families should be extremely patient with one another. As adults and children stay informed about COVID-19 or act as essential workers, they are at risk of secondary trauma. Secondary trauma is defined as indirect exposure to trauma through a firsthand account or narrative of a traumatic event. Persons who are experiencing this may have a range of unusual responses from fear, to anxiety, to aloofness, to escapism, to shortness in tone. This is the time to communicate, pray, and build up each other’s faith in gentleness.

Love: A family cannot be healthy without love as defined by God. Families should seek ways to demonstrate their love in action during this time and churches should seek to demonstrate their love to their members – all while using wisdom. Although we are practicing physical distancing, we can remain connected by using this time to reconnect our families to God and to each other in love.

The Fear of God: The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. This is the time to draw nearer to God, asking Him to search us and when He finds things within us that need to be changed, to ask for His forgiveness and grace to make those changes. This is the time to walk in love and obedience as individuals and as Kingdom Families.

With these principals applied we can withstand any test or storm.

• The Kingdom Family always wins because it is connected to God. • The Kingdom Family is Strong and Unified. • The Kingdom Family is Driven by God!! • The Kingdom Family is an integral part of the local church. — UNITY, FAMILY & FELLOWSHIP — FINANCES IN THIS SEASON OF UNPRECEDENTED ECONOMIC TIMES By Pastor Terrance Brisbane Higher Ground Deliverance Ministries · Jacksonville, FL

The unprecedented economic times that we are facing could make or break a family finances. As Pastors we have to mitigate the anxiety by offering words of wisdom and guidance that assist our congregants. As some face unemployment and hard economic times because of the coronavirus pandemic, being smart about their finances is more important than ever.

Here are several tips for personal finance to share during the pandemic:

 Prioritize essential expenses like food, rent and utilities. And look for programs or services in your area that could help you cover or delay some of these expenses.

 Don't avoid creditors; let your creditors know about your financial situation and if it's affecting your ability to pay.

 Allot of creditors are offering forbearance assistance allowing you to skip up 3 months of payments including mortgage, auto finance and credit card companies. If you do take advantage of the assistance get a copy of the agreement in writing.

 File for any and all government assistance available if you've lost your job. You could now qualify for more benefits than just unemployment – benefits like food stamps, Medicaid and health insurance through healthcare.gov.

 Watch out for scams, especially as stimulus checks start to arrive in the mail. The IRS will never call or email you; it only communicates through the U.S. Postal Service. There is also no such thing as a COVID-19 home testing kit.

 Track retirement and investments accounts call your financial advisor to make needed changes and also check for opportunities to gain.

 Be good stewards with your finances and only opt for the payment assistance if there is a need. Use this time to revamp your budgets and cut any unnecessary costs, identify needs vs wants.

We will get through this if we don’t lose sight of his promise “but My God will supply all your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” Central Florida First Jurisdiction CHURCH WELLNESS PROFILE Periodic wellness evaluations are vital to accomplishing impactful Kingdom ministry.

During this unprecedented time of quarantine, the church has been afforded a unique opportunity to take an introspective look and reset for the future. Periodic wellness evaluations are vital to accomplishing impactful Kingdom ministry. As churches begin to focus on re-opening, below are areas of ministry that will be an integral part for church revival and renewal.

Notes ______Devine Enablement ______A Healthy Church recognizes God’s sovereign ______role in building the kingdom and joyfully seeks and expects His Holy Spirit work in and through ______the body of Christ. ______

______Pastoral Leadership ______A Healthy Church is led by a pastor who ______demonstrates the calling, character, and ______competence to help the church achieve its God- given purpose and shared vision. ______Christ Exalting Worship ______A Healthy Church magnifies Christ by providing worship experiences that engage the whole person ______and leads the congregation into God’s presence. ______

______Effective Evangelism ______A Healthy Church in braces its mandate to ______multiply followers of Christ and more healthy churches. ______Ministries of Compassion ______A Healthy Church actively expresses the love of Christ through generosity and service to those in ______need. ______

Loving Community Notes ______A Healthy Church practices genuine care for one another while bracing new people and ______valuing their inclusion in the fellowship. ______

______Maturing Faith ______A Healthy Church nurtures spiritual maturity ______that shapes biblical beliefs and transforms ______behaviors consistent with a holy life. ______Personal Ministry ______A Healthy Church expect and equips its members to discover, develop, and use their ______gifts for fruitful ministry. ______

______Leadership Development ______The health of church identifies, trains, and ______empowers persons called and gifted for servant ______leadership. ______God-Honoring Stewardship ______A Healthy Church teaches and practices biblical stewardship and provide opportunities for ______generosity in time, talent, and treasures. ______

______Outreach Focus ______A Healthy Church reaches into its community ______and the world as compassionate, culturally ______responsive, disciple-making ambassadors of Jesus Christ. ______Vision-Directed Systems ______A Healthy Church has its various ministries focused and working together around the central ______purpose of fulfilling its vision. ______


Jurisdictional Prelate