SAN TA C RUZ BI OTEC HNOL OG Y, INC . Dopey-2 (E-18): sc-83241

BACKGROUND PRODUCT Dopey-2, also known as C21orf5, is a 2,298 amino acid protein that is ubiqui - Each vial contains 100 µg IgG in 1.0 ml of PBS with < 0.1% sodium azide tously expressed with high levels found in the developing central nervous sys - and 0.1% gelatin. tem where it is thought to play a role in protein trafficking between early Blocking peptide available for competition studies, sc-83241 P, (100 µg and the late Golgi. Multiple isoforms of Dopey-2 exist due to alter - pep tide in 0.5 ml PBS containing < 0.1% sodium azide and 0.2% BSA). native splicing events. The gene encoding Dopey-2 maps to human chromo - some 21 and may be involved in the pathogenesis of . The APPLICATIONS smallest of the human , 21 comprises about 1.5% of the and contains nearly 300 genes and 47 million base Dopey-2 (E-18) is recommended for detection of Dopey-2 of mouse, rat and pairs. Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is the disease most com - human origin by Western Blotting (starting dilution 1:200, dilution range monly associated with . Alzheimer’s disease, Jervell and Lange- 1:100-1:1000), immunoprecipitation [1-2 µg per 100-500 µg of total protein Nielsen syndromes, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are also associated with (1 ml of cell lysate)], immunofluorescence (starting dilution 1:50, dilution chromosome 21. Translocations are found to occur between chromosome 21 range 1:50-1:500) and solid phase ELISA (starting dilution 1:30, dilution and 8, and chromosome 21 and 12, in certain leukemias. range 1:30-1:3000); non cross-reactive with family member Dopey-1. Dopey-2 (E-18) is also recommended for detection of Dopey-2 in additional REFERENCES species, including equine, canine and bovine. 1. Nagase, T., et al. 1999. Prediction of the coding sequences of unidentified Suitable for use as control antibody for Dopey-2 siRNA (h): sc-91467, Dopey-2 human genes. XIII. The complete sequences of 100 new cDNA clones from siRNA (m): sc-143145, Dopey-2 shRNA Plasmid (h): sc-91467-SH, Dopey-2 brain which code for large proteins in vitro . DNA Res. 6: 63-70. shRNA Plasmid (m): sc-143145-SH, Dopey-2 shRNA (h) Lentiviral Particles: 2. Guipponi, M., et al. 2000. C21orf5, a novel human chromosome 21 gene, sc-91467-V and Dopey-2 shRNA (m) Lentiviral Particles: sc-143145-V. has a ortholog (pad-1) required for embryonic pat - Molecular Weight of Dopey-2: 258 kDa. terning. Genomics 68: 30-40. Positive Controls: MOLT-4 cell lysate: sc-2233. 3. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, OMIM™. 2000. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. MIM Number: 604803. World Wide Web URL: RECOMMENDED SECONDARY REAGENTS To ensure optimal results, the following support (secondary) reagents are 4. Lopes, C., et al. 2003. The differentially expressed C21orf5 gene in the recommended: 1) Western Blotting: use goat anti-rabbit IgG-HRP: sc-2004 medial temporal-lobe system could play a role in mental retardation in (dilution range: 1:2000-1:100,000) or Cruz Marker™ compatible goat anti- Down syndrome and transgenic mice. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. rabbit IgG-HRP: sc-2030 (dilution range: 1:2000-1:5000), Cruz Marker™ 305: 915-924. Molecular Weight Standards: sc-2035, TBS Blotto A Blocking Reagent: 5. Rachidi, M., et al. 2005. C21orf5, a new member of Dopey family involved sc-2333 and Western Blotting Luminol Reagent: sc-2048. 2) Immunoprecip- in morphogenesis, could participate in neurological alterations and mental itation: use Protein A/G PLUS-Agarose: sc-2003 (0.5 ml agarose/2.0 ml). retardation in Down syndrome. DNA Res. 12: 203-210. 3) Immunofluorescence: use goat anti-rabbit IgG-FITC: sc-2012 (dilution range: 1:100-1:400) or goat anti-rabbit IgG-TR: sc-2780 (dilution range: 6. Rachidi, M., et al. 2006. C21orf5, a human candidate gene for brain abnor - 1:100-1:400) with UltraCruz™ Mounting Medium: sc-24941. malities and mental retardation in Down syndrome. Cytogenet. Genome Res. 112: 16-22. DATA 7. Aït Yahya-Graison, E., et al. 2007. Classification of human chromosome 21 gene-expression variations in Down syndrome: impact on disease pheno - < Dopey-2 243 K – types. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 81: 475-491.

CHROMOSOMAL LOCATION Genetic locus: DOPEY2 (human) mapping to 21q22.12; Dopey2 (mouse) map - 96 K – ping to 16 C4. 63 K – SOURCE Dopey-2 (E-18): sc-83241. Western blot analysis of Dopey-2 (E-18) is an affinity purified rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against Dopey-2 expression in MOLT-4 whole cell lysate. a peptide mapping at the C-terminus of Dopey-2 of human origin. STORAGE RESEARCH USE Store at 4° C, **DO NOT FREEZE**. Stable for one year from the date of For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures. shipment. Non-hazardous. No MSDS required.

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