University of Groningen

Rates of Holocene isostatic uplift and relative sea-level lowering of the Baltic in SW based on studies of isolation contacts Eronen, M; Gluckert, G; Hatakka, L; Van De Plassche, O; Van Der Plicht, J; Rantala, P

Published in: Boreas

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Publication date: 2001

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Citation for published version (APA): Eronen, M., Gluckert, G., Hatakka, L., Van De Plassche, O., Van Der Plicht, J., & Rantala, P. (2001). Rates of Holocene isostatic uplift and relative sea-level lowering of the Baltic in SW Finland based on studies of isolation contacts. Boreas, 30(1), 17-30.

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Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 orcntuttevrossoelvl a been has for levels published and drawn shore been shoreline have of curves various Tens displacement features. the shoreline geomorphological reconstruct this to of history and eventful 2). fresh (Fig. the of sea inland characterize episodes water Weichse- Successive late saline Holocene. the closed during and and times existed lian and ocean between locations open connections various the consequent at water and Basin and several Baltic uplift land, the the to of Owing tilting 1996). 1989, Ekman pt mya ntecnrlaesafce ythe by Vermeer affected 1; areas (Fig. central sheet was the Late in ice uplift mm/year after Weichselian rates 9 at The to today immediately post-glacial continues up it basin. and and and deglaciation during Baltic late Weichselian rapid the the extremely been in of has factor crust development earth’s determining the the of rebound Glacio-isostatic N AIRANTALA PASI AND atci WFnadbsdo tde fioaincontacts isolation the of GLU GUNNAR studies of ERONEN, on lowering MATTI based sea-level Finland relative SW and in uplift Baltic isostatic Holocene of Rates h otcmo yeo vdnetaiinlyused traditionally evidence of type common most The stp eerh nvriyo rnne,Njnog ,94 GGoign h ehrad;received Netherlands; The Groningen, AG 1081 9747 for 2000. 1085, 4, Centre September (e-mail: Boelelaan , Nijenborgh 8th [email protected]) accepted De Groningen, (e-mail: Rantala 1999, Universiteit, Plicht of December der Vrije Pasi 16th University van Lassi de Sciences, Research, Johannes van and Finland; Earth Netherlands; Isotope Orson Turku, of The Finland; Ž) Tortinma¨ki, Gunnar.Gluckert@utu. of Amsterdam, Faculty FIN-21340 HV , University [email protected]) (e-mail: 197, Ja¨rvijoentie (e-mail: FIN-20014, Geolassi, Plassche Gluckert Geology, lashat@netti.Ž), with University Quaternary (e-mail: site Gunnar FIN-00014 of Hatakka known 11, Box Department previously Finland; P.O. any Pasi.Rantala@mtt.Ž), Geology, uctua- than Helsinki, of short-term higher Department changes. subsequent thresh- Ž), of for Matti.Eronen@Helsinki. markedly sea-level basin evidence (e-mail: relative exceeded a is of discuss Eronen with rise which also trends Matti lake sea-level level, main We a eustatic the sea Finland. in highe on in BP) above discovered the n superimposed transgressio yr was m d tions experience Litorina 41 n transgressio cal. the areas this of - lithostratigra (8300–7600 for for study and elevation stage evidence Evidence two assemblages an Sea years. diatom the at Litorina of in of old hundreds changes early northerly for area, the more uplift study during the land southerly that that the suggest In indicate phy recovery. clearly c glacio-isostati and of BP) rate yr cal. (7000 huhms fte eebsdo uksdmn ape.Tetorltv e-ee uvscnr th conŽrm curves sea-level since relative lowering e two sea-level reliable, The are relative dates samples. of used the rates sediment We that decreasing bulk detected. suggests gradually on This be relatively . based still consistency of internal can were model of regression them degree established of of high rate 71 most a up- sea the coastal of display of though in of in set level, rate rise part down sea a higher the southwestern slowing present a obtain the BP), a of to in yr case Because magnitude basins cal. . latter transgression negligible isolation (7800 early of this short-lived from BP the or a in yr evidence was during short-lived in even 7000 that years more resulting but studies around 8000 even uplift, earlier Finland, was Finland than land from n transgressio 4– more of of evidence the of past coast rate ample lift, the order n southeaster is the Concurrently during the There the exceeded higher. basin level. of on re- times level sea Baltic stage is several c in glacio-isostati the Sea was rate changes in rebound rapid Litorina uplift eustatic level crustal the d experience apparent of sea by overall rate and relative affected the mean uplift, sheet n deglaciatio present land ice after The with immediately Weichselian deglaciation. but the mm/yr, Holocene 5 by early covered after bound was Finland Southwestern rnn . l¨kr,G,Htka . a ePash,O,vndrPih,J atl,P 01(Mar studies 2001 on P. based Rantala, Finland & SW in J. Baltic Plicht, the der of van lowering sea-level O., relative Plassche, contacts. and de isolation uplift of van isostatic L., Holocene of Hatakka, Rates G., Glu¨ckert, M., Eronen, g-lvtondt,otie rmlksi w ifrn ra n oae between located and areas different two in lakes from obtained data, n age-elevatio ¨ KR,LSIHTKA RO A EPASH,JHNE A E PLICHT DER VAN JOHANNES PLASSCHE, DE VAN ORSON HATAKKA, LASSI CKERT, Boreas tal. et o.3,p.1–0 so SN00-43. 0300-9483 ISSN Oslo. 17–30. pp. 30, Vol. , 1988; h egahcldsrbto fal259 all of distribution geographical The itnei19;Dne 95 Ristaniemi & 1995; Eronen Donner 1989; 1992; Matiskainen Ristaniemi 1990; 1983, Eronen 1976; ino h aeo lcoiottcrcvr (Glu recovery glacio-isostatic of decelera- rate by the followed of times uplift tion Holocene land early rapid the very pub- during indicated Eronen of consistently by data number reviewed Those large been a have lications, through on insufŽcient disseminated on based points, based pollen mostly are dates. on radiocarbon curves been based of most numbers was has but it curves (formerly analysis), dating the geo- chron- radiocarbon the for imprecise 1970s, earlier or the ology the resolution Since to of information. poor used chronological Most from be suffer thus shorelines. can curves raised diagrams the shoreline reconstruct of diversity a (Eronen Finland in areas different ulse aicro-ae eaiesalvlindex sea-level relative radiocarbon-dated Published 14 ae,adoe 0nwsalvlidxpit.The points. index sea-level new 30 over and dates, C tal. et c. 4mad15mabove m 1.5 and m 64 93 95 and 1995) 1993, tal. et tal. et c. 14 lostrongly also 10y BP yr 6100 dates, C (1995). 1997). ¨ ckert ch): ven e r Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 18 ae rvdn oeta o hskn fsuy(ta of (Atlas is study of range kind 1986). this tidal 187000 Finland for than the potential more where are providing there lakes area, alone especially Sea Finland is In Baltic negligible. method the This in method. useful datable radiocarbon being in the points’ changes by by ‘index sediment these the assemblages, in or sea diatom detected the be from can basin bog lake the and large of dis- lake emergence uplifted the shoreline where small basins, Holocene from shore obtained on is past the placement information Nowadays where larger. precise hor- times sites many 3 most dated of is studied Fig. number radiometrically were levels that overall with rich The sites Note its izons. of the Žndings. view only glacial in archaeological shows region late of this the can for legacy as one critical history sea-level especially here old of is that understanding as an fact Moreover, levels the period. to palaeo-shore southwestern owing and study in Finland, southern was the of shown samples in parts dated is sites of basins, from concentration recovered lake largest The uplifted 3. Fig. 198 from obtained nsieo h ag ocnrto fradiocarbon- of concentration large the of spite In at rnne al. et Eronen Matti Olkiluoto–Pyha o 99 onr19;Bjo 1995; late Donner in Svens- the discussed 1989; 1990; been 1983, Sea from son has Eronen Yoldia Lake, (e.g. Sea, publications Ancylus the numerous giant Baltic through the Lake, to the stage Ice of Baltic history Weichselian stage early Sea The Litorina and phase Mastogloia recognize to during order analyse trends years. to in 8000 eustatic (2) past and records the and sea-level glacio-isostatic areas, these relative signiŽcant study compare of in two document and the course to in (1) the lowering were: detail study this considerable of objectives two omfripoeeto ohtegeographical the from the data of new resolution collected both Tammisaari–Pernio therefore temporal We and of database. spatial the the improvement and considerable is distribution for there Finland, and southwestern markedly room in varies density points their index sea-level dated ¨ ja ¨ v rai 94ad19 Fg ) The 3). (Fig. 1995 and 1994 in area rvi ¨ rai 92ad19,adfo the from and 1993, and 1992 in area ka Ma & Ekman from (redrawn data sea-level and gravity precise levelling, of ) (instrumental basis the on constructed Fennoscandia in uplift land 1. Fig. ¨ c 95 Pa 1995; rck sbss(my)o present of (mm/yr) Isobases ¨ ie 1996). kinen OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS Ê s 1996). sse Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS i.2. Fig. riaet h ca ntesuhetr ato the of part southwestern rapid the the (Winn after in basin end ocean an Baltic the to to came stage drainage Lake Ancylus the not are here. they Sea, early detail Baltic those in the to discussed of back development extend the not of do stages data new our Because Bjo ee hne uthv fetdtesoeiedis- shoreline the affected sea- have world the been must ocean, time open the changes that of since level level has the the basin to more Baltic close Because very the the commenced. in before level stage water phase, slightly Sea transitional, Mastogloia Litorina a brackish the to the rise phase, and gave ocean saline water open saline the of of ow that approximated Baltic the e hs ntehsoyo h atcbgnwhen began Baltic the of history the in phase new A ¨ c 95.B hstm h liueo h ufc of surface the of altitude the time this By 1995). rck h orsae ntelt n otWihei itr fteBli Sea. Baltic the of history n post-Weichselia and late the in stages four The tal. et 96 Eronen 1986; tal. et 1990; er n hstecag rmfehwtrt brackish to fresh-water deeper from change hundred the the several thus took conditions into and probably brackish basin years Baltic Žrst to entire the conversion owing of The parts. southwest, southern the from lcmn fteBli uigtepast the during Baltic the of placement 9hcnuy hnsel fseiso h brackish (Lindstro the Sweden of in beaches species raised of the the to gastropod shells of back water when dates ecosystem Sea” century, marine large-lake “Litorina 19th of term the The inux alter basin. an Baltic to when began phase, water intermediate the of ize Species waters. saline slightly years. h aieoenwtrsra oteBli basin Baltic the to spread water ocean saline The Msoli’aedaosta omnylv in live commonly that diatoms are ‘Mastogloia’ eaiesalvlcags WFinland SW changes, sea-level Relative itrn littorea Littorina Mastogloia ¨ eedsoee in discovered were 1886). m c. character- 8500 14 19 C Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 tgs hsteosto h ioiaSai an Litorina is organic-rich Ancylus (Winterhalter Sea gyttja-clays grey to or in from clays clay-gyttjas Litorina change observed Mastogloia) a be the as (including can record of which lithological the onset horizon, marker the important earlier during Thus than eutrophic stages. more the so became and Sea concentrations Litorina nutrient in increase an brought n h pe ii fbaks-ae eiet nthe 1990). in 1974, sediments (Eronen brackish-water levels of shore determin- limit stage by raised dated upper Sea and the Litorina detected brackish-water ing the easily be of different therefore limit can fresh- upper markedly by The by assemblage. dominated species assemblages of water by stratigraphy replacement diatom the the in indicated is change similar 20 ioiaSasae nteGl fBtnaae,i the in the delayed area, of was Bothnia change onset this of by Baltic, the Gulf the of the marks part In northernmost which stage. BP, Sea Litorina 7500 by brackish uainhsbe on nsuiso e-ee itr in history (Hedenstro sea-level of Sweden studies central in found been has duration (Hyva h otws atcbsnb 20B (Bjo BP 8200 by The in basin detected time-transgressive. Baltic be can southwest was phase the Mastogloia the basin of salinity the weak in conditions asn 9 aisad29dts(Eronen dates 259 and basins 198 passing 3. Fig. h aletrcr nteFnihcat is coasts Finnish the on record earliest The h hnet rcihcniin nteBli also Baltic the in conditions brackish to change The ttesato h ioiaSasae transgression stage, Sea Litorina the of start the At c. ¨ ie 94.Ms fteBli a distinctly was Baltic the of Most 1984). rinen 0 er Eoe 94.Adlyo h same the of delay A 1974). (Eronen years 500 at rnne al. et Eronen Matti ie frdoabndt hrlnsi iln,encom- Finland, in shorelines d radiocarbon-date of Sites ¨ ibr 1999). Risberg & m tal. et 93 1995). 1993, tal. et ¨ c. c 1995). rck 91.A 1981). 00BP 8000 949 eietcrswr olce nteOlki- the in in reason, collected this were For cores luoto–Pyha Olkiluoto. sediment at the 1994–95 of plant vicinity at the power in a lying lowering nuclear for in sea-level needed relative hills bogs were of data peat study on, rocky Later and a.s.l. lakes elevations numerous varying small between of abundance changes depressions the sea-level relative to on due studies for suitable highly in eeetne notodfeetaes(Eronen areas different two al. into extended were tions Tammi- the from study collected this of saari–Pernio were phase areas Žrst cores two the in (1992–1993), In lakes Finland. from southwestern in collected were cores Sediment areas Study distinguished. be substage can Limnaea boundary Litorina saline sharp the less that at the the agreed and began, of ended, commonly stage is narrowing 1974, Sea It of Eronen 1976; 1990). (Glu¨ckert result ocean 1983, a the the as in to salinity connection decreased time, progressively same has the fallen at has Baltic while, uplift, level land to sea past due the relative During years, a 1991). to (Pirazzoli 6000 down BP slowed 6000–5000 rise by eustatic halt the transgres- southeastern when This out and 1990). petered 1983, sion southern (Eronen stage in Sea Litorina land sea to during the Finland relative allowing BP, be rise can 8000 uplift to and of coasts 8500 rate the the between uplift On in observed rise. decrease of marked sea-level rate a of Finland, the rate of the where than areas slower those subse- was into rising the The ooded immediately of transgression. water Litorina deposits are emphatic brackish-water more event quent, the that by with a any overlain because caused associated however, Baltic. detect, have the deposits to difŽcult also of is parts should episode large That ocean in Denmark, transgression” rising in Mastogloia “Mastogloia threshold the the ice basin thus world’s a during and the the submerged underway fact, of This In already phase. melting level. the was by sea sheets caused global rise rising eustatic the from resulted 13 a n ibs ye 13 a looccur also Ga) (1.31 Ha dykes 1925; diabase and sandstone (Laitakari Jotnian Ga) Ga), 1.6 (1.35 (age granite Rapakivi rocks, feryPoeoocmtmrhcadinosrocks igneous and metamorphic mainly (age Proterozoic consists Finland, early southwestern of in elsewhere as 70 about area Py ml ae hnteT–eae,adi esbut less is and the of area, studies displacements. detailed shoreline Ta–Pe for of suited history the well fewer still far than nevertheless has region lakes Rapakivi Ol–Py and the small sandstone 1981), the in (Tikkanen relief areas low the of Because h aP racvr bu 90 about covers area Ta–Pe The 93 1995). 1993, > . a.I h lP ra one Proterozoic younger area, Ol–Py the In Ga). 1.8 c. ¨ ja ¨ ¨ 00B Dne 95,ee huhno though even 1995), (Donner BP 4000 v O–y raadtu h investiga- the thus and area (Ol–Py) rvi T-e ra(i.3.Ta einproved region That 3). (Fig. area (Ta-Pe) c. £ 00yasatrtebgnigo the of beginning the after years 1000 0k.Tebdoki ohregions, both in bedrock The km. 60 ¨ m 98 Ha 1958; rme £ ¨ 0k n h Ol– the and km 60 ma ¨ OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS la ¨ nn1987). inen et Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS hs c.text). (cf. phase n n fioaini ahbsn o aeKirakanja Lake For basin. each in isolation of end and i.4. Fig. otws O–yae)t o4m/eri the in the mm/year in 4 mm/year to 5 3 to to 4 from area) range (Ol–Py uplift present- northwest of rates land measured later The day emerge rebound. to isostatic to Holocene due early in deglaciation regional ohaeswr umre yde ae following water deep by submerged were areas Both oso-giincre rm1 ae aisi h Tammisaari–Pernio the in basins dated 15 from curves Loss-on-ignition ¨ v n diinldt a bando eietlyridctn rngesve transgressiv a indicating layer sediment a of obtained was date additional one rvi orsodnl oe Emn18,1996). 1989, (Ekman lower correspondingly for o nasmdsed . mya iei lblsea global in rise mm/year 0.8 (Ka steady level correction assumed a include an values for The area). (Ta–Pe southeast apparent ¨ ¨ ra uksdmn aigi aefrtebeginning the for made is dating sediment bulk A area. a ¨ ria ¨ eaiesalvlcags WFinland SW changes, sea-level Relative pit(eaiet e-ee oeet are movement) sea-level to (relative uplift nn16;Suaie 93.TeŽgures The 1983). Suutarinen 1966; inen 21 Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 22 ae hra hti h lP rawsfre nthe Ice in formed Baltic was area the Ol–Py during the the in formed that region was whereas Ta–Pe m Lake, level the 145 In shore about highest respectively. are the highest a.s.1., areas of m 130 these altitudes and area in Ta–Pe extrapolated the strandlines in The m postglacial 38 2). in to a.s.1. Fig. m m 48 58 (cf. from to and highest area m The Ol–Py 70 direction. the from NW–SE descends a in shoreline tilted Litorina are area the in 5. Fig. eas fdfeeta adulf,acetshorelines ancient uplift, land differential of Because oso-giincre rm1 ae aisi h Olkiluoto–Pyha the in basins dated 14 from curves Loss-on-ignition at rnne al. et Eronen Matti nwne c,btsm eecrddrn h summer, the during cored were centre some their at but cored ice, were winter lakes at on Most maps 1:20000. base of using scale located a were coring for suitable Sites work Field 1990; 1983, 1974, (Eronen Baltic the Eronen of stage Yoldia ¨ ja ¨ v ra(f i.4). Fig. (cf. area rvi tal. et 93 1995). 1993, OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS ocuieeiec o hnefo aieor marine from change More sea. a the indicates the for from core emerged rule, a evidence have in a must deposition conclusive As basin its the of 5). gyttja onset that organic-rich and the is thus lakes 4 and small in (Figs deposited isolation sediment representing basin level the of lake indicator an as loss-on-ignition perma- balsam. Canada and in slips condensed made cover fraction mounts of to nent diatom amounts transferred by were Adequate the organic suspension removed water. diluting the were in and destroy grains suspended and decanting mineral (30%) bleach repeated coarse peroxide to The Hydrogen order matter. cm. in 5 used of was intervals at cores eemndb ntuetllvligwt naccuracy an with were levelling of thresholds instrumental outlet the by of not determined elevations the did lake, each lakes of sampled all metres. laboratory few in detailed a for depths exceed lake Water each contact analysis. isolation from seg- the collected above core were and long below One-metre deposited extending ments emergence. gyttja sediments lake after brownish or greyish deposited a greenish as to from detected submergence during readily upwards is noted it was change Usually horizon inspection. exam- isolation visual was the by cores. sediments and sediment lake diameter preliminarily of the ined mm, collection of 700 the lithostratigraphy (length in The used corer were piston isolation mm) a 80 the and mm) that 77 verify determined. correctly to been case had winter, horizon one subsequent In horizon. the isolation an to (Dotterbo appear of do the they evidence from nevertheless obtained contain basins, be the not mineral of could part in the cores central Although the from water. cases open latter extending the the towards peat shore the of at ground blanket the from rp nlk eesb edosrain wt an (with observations Želd by consequent was levels the accuracy It of lake 1967). estimated productive magnitude (Anttila in 20th the of century drops the estimate 19th of area to part the possible early during the the common in increasing and very for was of construction Ditch meadows purpose outlet. the by the m, in 2 by excavations even ditch sometimes lowered, artiŽcally been had giinwsdtrie ydyn h ape o at h 6 Loss-on- for samples Turku. the 105 drying of of by determined Department was University the ignition at Geology, studied were Quaternary cores sediment The analyses Laboratory study. present the in thresholds the used of basins elevations the the of deŽning in account into o itmietŽain 1cm (1 identiŽcations diatom for h rai otn ftesdmn a esrdby measured was sediment the of content organic The lhuhtebs asgv h prxmt altitude approximate the give maps base the Although diameter mm, 600 (length sampler peat Russian A § ° n usqetcmuto t550 at combustion subsequent and C –0c.I eea ae,teoiia threshold original the cases, several In cm. 5–10 ¨ letra ¨ kt,adtoa ape eetknin taken were samples additional sket), § 0c)adisefc a taken was effect its and cm) 20 3 eetknfo the from taken were ) ° .Samples C. aehdbe band u noecs (Lake case one in but the obtained, from been obtained Dotterbo had was bulk the which material from date that dated overlying three immediately the or For horizon sediment. seeds these, Four the from samples. from of obtained bulk extracted on were fragments based plant dates are radiocarbon dates the AMS lake (Table of the obtained of Most was date Žve 1). limiting In additional horizon. one isolation basins, each for available itn atms aegn hog qiaetphases equivalent through the gone in have isolated must basins fresh- the past It that entirely distant 1987). therefore, likely, while (Munsterhjelm highly “ada” “glo”, is called to are namely slightly basins used but level, water brackish term still sea special are a which above lakes, even On those is level. to sea there refer mean coast, lakes above Finnish isolated slightly the recently only enter lie to today which water level saline sea of enable uctuations can of short-term (Atlas Such pressure 1986). low high Finland cyclonic a level subsequent and low during conditions, a level pressure between m atmospheric 2.8 Baltic high by the under of locally condi- gulfs vary the can in today meteorological level Sea sea the changing vary instance, For may to tions. level sea areas due in local Even the considerably facies. range, shore tidal local negligible depending and with uplift years of of rate process hundreds the gradual to on a tens is sea require the may from which basin a of isolation The isolations the DeŽning The Groningen, of University Research, Netherlands. 7). Isotope the and 6 in for (Figs used curves were shoreline two dates conven- the radiocarbon was to of 67 AMS difŽcult construction Altogether, contact 4 was remains. and unavoidable, it isolation plant tional which was coarse in the any gyttja dates Žnd at detritus sediment Žne sediment usually bulk the of grounds. because use biostratigraphical and The as lithological contact isolation on the deŽned from precisely taken was sample aig osqety w limiting two radiometric Consequently, for the gyttja from dating. fresh-water and of portion unit the lowermost from sediment cut were brackish-water thickness uppermost vertical 33 cm 4–6 remaining of sediment process. the screening on initial this based the survived is in which perturbations cores study cores, or Such some This hiatuses of of identiŽed. sediments. rejection evidence the were of to because conditions led studies brack- fresh-water radio- preliminary indicating for or species the suitable dominant ish establish core The to dating. each and carbon of contacts was segments isolation picked the appropriate were lake deŽne data study, to assemblage present up fresh-water the diatom For preliminary a analysis. only diatom the to by provided environments brackish l aicro ae eemaue tteCentre the at measured were dates radiocarbon All rmec oertie o ute td,bok of blocks study, further for retained core each From ¨ letra eaiesalvlcags WFinland SW changes, sea-level Relative ¨ kt e oewsaalbeadthe and available was core new a sket) 14 ae are dates C 23 M Dotterbo AMS 3.Dotterbo 135. 3.Gundbytra 134. 3.Rombytra 133. 3.Puontpyo 132. 3.Ha 131. 3.Gulltja 130. 2.Lilltra 129. 2.Nottra 128. 2.Lsiaso oj 60 Pohja Lassilansuo, 127. 2.Kollarinja 126. 2.Torrtra 125. M Kvarntra AMS 2.Kvarntra 124. M Stortja AMS al 1. Table 2.Stortja 123. 9 n 9–9) The 195–198). and 193 2.Kirakanja 122. 4 Bastuka 64. Dotterbo Gundbytra Rombytra Puontpyo Ha Gulltja Lilltra Nottra aslnu,Pohja Lassilansuo, Kollarinja Torrtra Kvarntra Stortja Kirakanja ai,lcto Coordinates location Basin, Kirakanja ¨ ¨ aicro-ae slto oiosi aebsn nsou in basins lake in horizons isolation Radiocarbon-dated sto sto ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ lmi Pernio nlampi, lmi Pernio nlampi, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ k Tenhola sk, k ehl 60 Tenhola sk, k Tenhola sk, k ehl 60 Tenhola sk, nn Pohja rnen, nn Pohja rnen, nn oj 60 Pohja rnen, nn Tammisaari rnen, nn amsai59 Tammisaari rnen, k Tenhola sk, k ehl 60 Tenhola sk, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ r oj 60 Pohja rr, ¨ ¨ letra letra letra kt Tenhola sket, kt Tenhola sket, kt ehl 60 Tenhola sket, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ linja linja ¨ ¨ v,Pernio rvi, v,Pernio rvi, v,Pernio rvi, kt Tenhola sket, kt ehl 60 Tenhola sket, v,Pernio rvi, v,Pernio rvi, kt Tenhola sket, kt ehl 59 Tenhola sket, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ kt amsai2370 Tammisaari sket, kt amsai2400 Tammisaari sket, kt amsai60 Tammisaari sket, v,Tenhola rvi, v,Tnoa60 Tenhola rvi, 13 ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ auso h aeil rmwihtedtswr bandv obtained were dates the which from materials the of values C

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24 at rnne al. et Eronen Matti OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS 9.Valkkisja 198. 9.Roaa Ko Ruotana, 197. 9.Lavaja 196. 9.Kauraja 195. 9.Olkiluodonja 193. 9.Koija 192. 9.Pyytja 191. 9.Monnanja 190. 8.Tarvolanja 189. 8.Tuitinja 188. 8.Rapaja 187. 8.Va 186. 8.Katonaja 185. 8.Kivija 184. 8.Urmija 183. 8.A 182. 8.Kkulmi ua61 Kakkurlammi, 181. 8.Va 180. M Skogsbo AMS 3.Skogsbo 136. Valkkisja utn,Ko Ruotana, Lavaja Kauraja Olkiluodonja Koija Pyytja Monnanja Tarvolanja Tuitinja Rapaja Va Katonaja Kivija Urmija A akram,Eura Kakkurlammi, Va Skogsbo ¨ ¨ mma mma ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ha ha ha ha ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ja ja ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ v,Rauma rvi, v,Rua61 Rauma rvi, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ Ahoja Ahoja ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ v,Laitila rvi, v,Liia60 Laitila rvi, v,Rauma rvi, v,Rua61 Rauma rvi, ja ja v,LpiT.L. Lappi rvi, v,LpiTL 61 T.L. Lappi rvi, v,Rauma rvi, v,Rua61 Rauma rvi, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ v,Eura rvi, v,Er 61 Eura rvi, v,Eura rvi, v,Er 61 Eura rvi, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ v,Eura rvi, v,Er 60 Eura rvi, v,Rauma rvi, v,Rua61 Rauma rvi, ¨ ¨ v,Eura rvi, v,Er 61 Eura rvi, letra letra letra ¨ ¨ v,LpiT.L. Lappi rvi, v,LpiTL 61 T.L. Lappi rvi, ¨ ¨ v,Laitila rvi, v,Liia61 Laitila rvi, ¨ ¨ v,Rauma rvi, v,Rua61 Rauma rvi, v,Rauma rvi, v,Rua61 Rauma rvi, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ v,Kodisjoki rvi, v,Kdsoi61 Kodisjoki rvi, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ylio ylio kt Tenhola sket, kt Tenhola sket, kt ehl 60 Tenhola sket, v, rvi, v,Erjk 61 Eurajoki rvi, ¨ ¨

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25 eaiesalvlcags WFinland SW changes, sea-level Relative OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 atseiscmol include domi- commonly the where species lake, inuence fresh-water nant saline-water predominantly slight a a in indicate to seems which pce nps-slto aesis layers common a post-isolation instance, in For though the horizon. species and in this assemblages, occur lakes above frequently the sediments still small may in species of dominant brackish-water typical become diatoms ponds gyttja to fresh-water changes sediment and the level isolation this Above rsn aast h slto vn stypically is event isolation of The occurrence mass a set. by represented the data of sediments present brackish-water the in abundantly occur Caloneis h oe n pe aefrteioainhrzn snot is 1 horizons at isolation errors the The between for large. the date difference upper age and rates, the of lower however, thickness the rule, sedimentation variable a a As varying by 4 deposit. represented Figs of is in event Because shown isolation are 5. horizons isolation and of dates carbon aldte“lpu ii”(..Eoe 1974). Eronen often is (e.g. Baltic limit” the of “Clypeus stage clypeus this the of Sea Litorina limit called the upper of facies the littoral that the of characteristic so p.and spp. aon fteBli e is Sea Baltic the of lagoons through records sediment analyses. the diatom in transitional high-resolution these detected for be evidence can and phases “ada”, and “glo” to o ersne ee u a edtce thigher is at studied detected basin highest be Va The can Lake inland. but further are here, levels elevation, shore represented raised Holocene not early zone, stratigraphical coastal at the the with other. case, each any consistent with In and region. largely fresh-water sequence the are in and reservoir studies dates demonstrated similar previous brackish been not any a has the It in effect is an such sediments. both there but sediments, lake that affecting overlying course, effect the of the than be, make could older hundreds otherwise years many the would of consistently of which sediments waters coastal Finland, brackish-water the in in 100– is effect Baltic there exceeds reservoir that rarely indicates marked probably no difference This 1). time (Table years typical 200 over- a frequently and sediment lap fresh-water and brackish the eemndb obnto fesai ieand rise eustatic of was land. level the combination sea of a uplift relative in isostatic over, that therefore, by as was and level same determined Lake ocean, the at Ancylus open was basin the the Baltic of the in regression water the from time, rapid that basin Sea At the the transition. Litorina of phase the isolation Lake/Mastogloia of of Ancylus onset time the the indicates than and older years 500 least h letrdoabndt ( date Stortja radiocarbon oldest the 26 h oso-giincre ln ihteradio- the with along curves loss-on-ignition The eycmo itmseiso h brackish-water the of species diatom common very A eas u td ra r oae nterelatively the in located are areas study our Because ¨ nn nteT–eae Tbe1.Ti aei at is date This 1). (Table area Ta–Pe the in rnen, at rnne al. et Eronen Matti ln with along , ¨ ha Tabellaria spp., ¨ ja ¨ v,i h lP raa 42masl,but a.s.l., m 64.2 at area Ol–Py the in rvi, Eunotia spp. mhr robusta Amphora fteconventional the of spp., apldsu clypeus Campylodiscus Fragilaria c 00B)i rmLake from is BP) 8000 . izci scalaris Nitzschia Fragilaria Aulacoseira spp., a on to found was , 14 ae for dates C Pinnularia species. tis It . spp., C. , n )i Pernio in 5) and attenuatum include phase Lake ftetasrsieLtrn e a on nthe in found was Sea Kirakanja Lake Litorina of transgressive sediments the of ut vdn htamnrLtrn transgression Litorina Kirakanja minor Lake a of basin that the affected evident quite hs ntr ie a nLk Kirakanja Lake in way gives turn in phase elliptica M. amphicephala, of representation curvata (e.g. also Rhoicosphenia includes salinity culus, ora weak the indicating but the species persist, with phase associated Lake diatoms Ancylus some cm) (10–15 are sediment phase isolation (e.g. the found of characteristic taxa sediments, h e y60 P si eetdi h diatom the in reected is as as such BP, Tabellaria taxa 6800 fresh-water the by assemblages, from isolated sea became basin the lake The phase. Mastogloia aktetasto oteLtrn e.Teindicator The scalaris example, Sea. Nitzschia for Litorina clypeus, include, phase the which this for to lagoons taxa transition shallow-water the of mark typical assemblages rai h my sbs a endi Ka in deŽned (as isobase mm/yr Ol–Py 5 the for for the that isobase is while mm uplift, 4 area annual the of is rate the area current area, Ta–Pe baselines. the the study representative for also each separate baseline (see The on within projected 7 even between are varies and and data uplift areas, 6 land of two Figs rate these in the Because presented 1). Table are and Ta–Pe areas the for Ol–Py diagrams displacement shoreline The curves the displacement of shoreline interpretation and Reconstruction diatoms. brackish-water tutdi h ih fteenwdt,uigboth using data, new these of light the be in can structed in they anomalies local detected. because uplift be possible can present projections, and uplift use had accurately height to rate measured preferable for its is in are rates It areas displacement study down restricted. the and slow BP shoreline fairly 8000 major before of already a occurred signiŽcantly not because precision had curves, years the 8000 rates past varying the improved the over estimate uplift to of its the Attempts underestimates a therefore magnitude. slightly and as real tilting present decreased for the has applied towards correction uplift time of crustal of of rate function values, effect the the uplift However, estimate current to tilting. possible to using it orthogonally Vermeer makes corrected basins which are and lake baseline the 1983 of the altitudes Suutarinen The also 1988). cf. 1966, vdneo h atgoapaeadtebeginning the and phase Mastogloia the of Evidence w e eaiesalvlcre aebe con- been have curves sea-level relative new Two Fragilaria p.and spp. and ¨ niao itmtx o h Ancylus the for taxa diatom Indicator . .acuminatum G. Mastogloia apldsu oiu,Gyrosigma noricus, Campylodiscus erccu lacustris Tetracyclus p.,bti h aescinof section same the in but spp.), nrae nter.This ora. the in increases ) and ¨ v bsnn.12 is4 Figs 122; no. (basin rvi .Aoeta hs,the phase, that Above ). pce ( species mhr robusta Amphora bv h Ancylus the Above . ¨ v olwn the following rvi ocni pedi- Cocconeis Campylodiscus OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS .sihiv. smithii M. Eunotia replacing ¨ a ¨ ¨ ria v to rvi tal. et tis It . ¨ spp., inen Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 ftevrigpouto of production Because 7). varying 6, the infor- (Figs of displacement complementary shore-level on but They mation different dates. somewhat radiocarbon provide non-calibrated and calibrated i.6. Fig. ag ewe aletaeo h oe apeadthe and sample the lower show the symbols of isolation bar age of the earliest that end between so range the and 5, combined beginning Fig. are In the 4. events of Fig. in dates shown radiocarbon are calibrated limits conventional error The with uncertainty curve. dates segment calibration appropriate revised the sample the of of the shape the precise of the calibration, on nature depends the After on material). depending (mainly years ncnetoalrdoabndtsadeeain ihu orcinfrcutltlig(f i.7). Fig. (cf. tilting crustal for correction without elevations and dates radiocarbon l conventiona on (2001) 30 BOREAS uvs ntedt osdrdhr,tealtitude the here, of sea-level considered order of the data of reconstruction is the the to uncertainty In with important for associated curves. extremely uncertainties employed the is of data it measure a 1991), include Pirazzoli 1986; 1993; before Plicht years der calendar (van i.e., estimates Stuiver BP, error including cal. 1950), (in ages calendar time, oee,peieclbaincre r vial for available are enable which curves Holocene the calibration precise However, h netit nterdoabndtsis dates radiocarbon the in uncertainty The spitdotb eea uhr eg Andrews (e.g. authors several by out pointed As aasoigrltv e-ee oeigi h Olkiluoto–Pyha the in lowering sea-level relative showing Data 14 tal. et gs(nB)dvrefo aedryears. calendar from diverge BP) (in ages C 1998). 14 14 ae ob airtdto calibrated be to dates C nteamshr over atmosphere the in C § . nms cases. most in m 0.5 § 25–80 ¨ mrec rmaLtrn aonb 80BP. reported been 6800 not has by Finland in at elevation lagoon transgression high Litorina a Litorina a such to for a needed evidence the was Stratigraphical are basin from lake studies the of emergence detailed isolation sea- Žnal net The further a this. and conŽrm but incursion the rise, marine but a level reect BP. BP, to 7500 7700 likely around is salinity by This in increase isolated an indicate became diatoms lake the above, Pernio hnigt taydciigteda rud60 BP 6100 around before at plateau-like, trend is declining ( early steady curve The a Ta–Pe curves. to the changing the of of however, part parts in uplift (upper) with, of features lowering notable rate sea-level some regular relative relatively overall a and indicate areas error Ol–Py calculated within sample upper the limits. of age latest nteT–eae onatrtebgnigo the of beginning Kirakanja evidence the diatom Lake after the by the soon indicated in as area stage, a Sea Ta–Pe Litorina whether the in establish to area. Ol–Py occurred also the enough regression in slowed old of phase corresponding points index ja c. ¨ v 6,1216 n Tammisaari–Pernio and 122–136) (64, rvi h hrln ipaeetcre fteT–eand Ta–Pe the of curves displacement shoreline The nfc io rngeso em ohv occurred have to seems transgression minor a fact In 00cl P.Ufruaeyteeaen sea-level no are there Unfortunately BP). cal. 7000 ¨ nte3dSalpausselka 3rd the in , eaiesalvlcags WFinland SW changes, sea-level Relative ¨ v eune(45masl)in a.s.l.) m (44.5 sequence rvi ¨ ein sdescribed As region. ¨ 1018 ra based areas (180–198) 27 Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 i.7. Fig. o ae.Tehihso oi asasl r rjce oslce aeie ormv h feto lan of effect the remove to baselines selected to projected are a.s.l. bars solid of text). heights (cf. The dates. bon 28 h te ad Hyva hand, other the i,tert fsalvlrs uigteLtrn Sea Litorina and area, area, the that In Ta–Pe during rebound. rise isostatic the than sea-level Ostroboth- lower in than of was as stage rate just uplift area, the former nia, of the in situated that, isobases is transgres- indicating which a area, higher for Ol–Py the evidence at in exceeded No found been clearly rise. has uplift sea-level sion land of of rate latter rate the the including the In Finland, however, Finland. of western shoreline area, in areas the coast coastal affected Ostrobothnian the the which along level, all sea levels in rise eustatic to differences. sparse these too of are pattern data of the present course establish the the but in uplift, differences there postglacial regional that sites marked the suggests been than discrepancy uplift have land This of above. isobase mentioned lower a which at Helsinki, situated detailed near is his displacements in shoreline transgression on Litorina studies a of indication any aeage htteLtrn rngeso reached transgression Litorina (Bastuka by the a.s.l. observations m that 42 earlier argued with have who Glu¨ckert (1991), consistent and Glu¨ckert (1988) & is Ristaniemi It before. oei otwsenFnad(Eronen Finland southwestern in zone h ioiatasrsinrsle rmteglobal the from resulted transgression Litorina The uvssoigrltv e-ee oeigi h Olkiluoto–Pyha the in lowering sea-level relative showing Curves at rnne al. et Eronen Matti ¨ ¨ rbsn nte2dSalpausselka 2nd the in basin) rr ie 18,19)hsntfound not has 1999) (1982, rinen tal. et 93.On 1993). ¨ ttoepit,o hte hyrc uttceffect. eustatic a place reect taken they a has whether uplift whether or of points, determine those rate to at the in data artefacts, increase be insufŽcient to signiŽcant are unlikely are there effects but These BP. cal. 4500 eaiesalvllwrn nbt uvsat curves both in lowering sea-level relative uvs hc utb ae noacutwhen in account deformation into 8000 crustal past the emergence taken of during Ol–Py areas be magnitude these and the must Ta–Pe 1991). estimating the which (Pirazzoli steepen of stage would curves, parts rise cold upper eustatic last changes of the the inuence the of geoidal Removing end determine deglacial the deformations crustal to after global and of difŽcult 1994) 1989, (Fjeldskaar extremely because is accurately, until component level ocean this global (Lambeck in BP rise 6000–5000 substantial a generated curves. the Litorina by early have reected and would is Mastogloia emergence than the times land in eustatic higher of of much rate been inuence relative recorded of the the rate sea the Without rise, global in in lowering. decrease rise a the sea-level by general, represented in is uplift level rapid of areas in ¨ ja hr per ob lgttmoayices in increase temporary slight a be to appears There vntog ti nw htmligo h c sheets ice the of melting that known is it though Even ¨ v n Tammisaari–Pernio and rvi ¨ ra ae nclbae radiocar- calibrated on based areas tal. et ufc itn asdb uplift by caused tilting surface d 90 iazl 1991), Pirazzoli 1990; 14 years. C OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS c 5000– . Downloaded By: [Ingenta Content Distribution] At: 13:54 21 November 2007 pcŽ ros uksdmn ae r commonly sample are by (Pa dates effects caused sediment hard-water by Bulk probably affected some errors. are very there speciŽc but ages, a.s.l., younger height discordant isolation progressively descending the with regular of dates fairly Most BP. provide 6000 of horizons evidence after stratigraphic transgression no any given have cores Sediment conclusions and Discussion 7). and 6 rate, (Figs steady down fairly slowing a at gradually proceeded is uplift has land but areas that concluded these BP be both can 6000–5000 in when It to account. prior form, curve. into rise in taken the ocean-level is of exponential the shape of almost the effect is the alter between curve could altitudes Ta–Pe a.s.l. at m The 35 sites and from m dates 20 additional few A 96 Bjo 1996; rvd eut hc r oecmail ihthe 1). with Table (cf. these compatible curve sea-level more and Ta–Pe the are of dates, shape which fromsmooth conventional area results Ta–Pe anomalous the provide in with samples of sites set small present obtained were the or dates from the AMS in such seeds Four level sequence. isolation date each sediment from to mass extracted remnants accelerator method at plant the and few using (AMS) checked dates by a be as spectrometry for can by well young, corrected too partly yet as old be least errors, to too as thought These are ages more. that some or the years occasionally renders to hundred suited factor but well unknown generally dating, therefore are radiocarbon ponds and lakes Precambrian in since occur limestones concerned. region, no areas and the this dominate rocks in crystalline problem serious ilctoshv curdi otenFennoscandia, northern in vertical occurred Marked have rebound. dislocations glacio-isostatic in minor of faulting different vertical course reveal by the caused could between been uplift studies of uplift have disturbances detailed local more the may and in there The regions, that differences blocks. however, irregular for bedrock suggest, evidence between no results displacement provide vertical published, already evidence larger a determinations. employing age by accurate tested of be reect trends, number can they lowering hypothesis during overall that this radio- the but however, level inaccurate on possible, superimposed to sea is reversals due It of dates. mainly carbon are lowering these time, in a postglacial irregularities is suggesting minor It 1989). that curves, when Matiskainen believed 1983; regions observed Eronen commonly different sea-level (e.g. be from Finland can curves a of readily shoreline errors of the can comparing small conŽguration Irregularities and the curve. samples, affect sediment signiŽcantly bulk from OES3 (2001) 30 BOREAS nvtbyteeaeerr nthe in errors are there Inevitably small in accumulated have that sediments Finland, In hs e ins hrln aa oehrwt the with together data, shoreline Finnish new These ¨ rck tal. et 96,bti em htti snta not is this that seems it but 1996), Ê s 96 Wohlfarth 1996; sse 14 ae obtained dates C aeyRsac rjc.Fnigfrtescn hs ftestudy Nuclear the Nordic of phase the second of Olkiluoto–Pyha Tammisaari–Pernio the part the for the as Funding in SKi for dates Project. by Research radiocarbon datings funded Safety the and were of (1992–93) Fieldwork most area study. of possi- acquisition this made Nu- and for Companies through Želdwork Power (TVO) the Finnish Oy of ble Commission Voima Waste Teollisuuden clear and (SKi) spectorate – . Acknowledgements level. ocean world warming in greenhouse rise unless accelerated of time, part strongly long northern a a the causes in for prevail Baltic will the levels sea relative in Emn&Ma & (Ekman rnne aoaoyakoldesH .Srumnfrskilful for The Turku. Streurman of J. University H. the the of Finland and s acknowledge handling of Eronen) Academy laboratory M. the to Groningen from 35386 obtained no. also (grant was support Financial becmet na ale eso fti ae.W uhap- reviewers much two We the paper. Bjo of this Svante advice and of and Lowe version criticism John e constructiv earlier the an preciate on comments able nrw,J .18:Eeainadaerltosis:rie mar- raised : relationships age and Elevation 1986: T. J. Andrews, References aebc oerypsgailtmswe pitwsstill was uplift (Lagerba when rapid times and very area, postglacial early supra-aquatic to the back in date are faults resulting the but ntl,V 97 Ja 1967: V. 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